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Art With Mia

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Title: ‘Procreate’ Your Own Digital Comics

First and Last Name Angela Hoang & Mia Nguyen

Lesson Overview
Unit Title Creating Digital Comics using Procreate & Elements of Literature
Students learn to communicate their ideas through creative graphic novels, while enhancing
Real world
their art and writing skills. They also learn to navigate through the iPad, which is a quintessential
skill in this advanced technological age.
Lesson Description

In this lesson, students will be learning about the literary elements in a story. The students will come up with their own ideas
regarding their story and plan it out over the course of several weeks. Then the students will digitally create their own comic
using a software application in the iPads and apple pens for the remainder of the allotted time period. This lesson will help
students with their writing skills, foster their creativity, and teach the students about using technology to construct their
original works.

Content Area Standards Alignment

Art and English

Art TEKS 6th Grade

(2) Creative expression. The student communicates ideas through original artworks using a variety of media with
appropriate skills. The student expresses thoughts and ideas creatively while challenging the imagination, fostering
reflective thinking, and developing disciplined effort and progressive problem-solving skills. The student is expected to:

(C) produce artworks, including drawings, paintings, prints, sculptures/modeled forms, ceramics, fiber art, photographic
imagery, and digital art and media, using a variety of materials.

Writing/Literacy TEKS 6th Grade

(15) Writing/Literary Texts. Students write literary texts to express their ideas and feelings about real or imagined people,
events, and ideas. Students are expected to:

(A) write imaginative stories that include:

(i) a clearly defined focus, plot, and point of view;

(ii) a specific, believable setting created through the use of sensory details; and

(iii) dialogue that develops the story

Technology Standards Alignment

Technology TEKS 6th Grade

(1) Creativity and innovation. The student uses creative thinking and innovative processes to construct knowledge,
generate new ideas, and create products. The student is expected to:
UH COE lesson plan template, 2013-2014
(B) create original works as a means of personal or group expression;

(6) Technology operations and concepts. The student demonstrates a thorough understanding of technology concepts,
systems, and operations. The student is expected to:

(D) understand and use software applications, including selecting and using software for a defined task;


SWBAT create their own original stories including the seven literary elements: character, theme, plot, point of view, setting,
conflict, and tone.
SWBAT create simplified storyboards.
SWBAT demonstrate a thorough understanding of technological concepts and use that understanding to create their
SWBAT draw and color their comics using the Procreate software application on the iPads and apple pens.

Grade Level
__K-2 _x_6-8 (6th grade) __Gifted & Talented __ESL
__3-5 __9-12 __Resource __Other
Approximate Time Needed for this Lesson
A 2 months-long project, 2-3 days per week to work on the project

They will be introduced to the 7 Elements of Literature
○ Static
○ Flat
○ Dynamic
Terms/Vocabulary ● POINT OF VIEW.
○ First Person
○ Second Person
○ Third Person
○ Omniscient

(hardware, ❖ Apple iPad Air (enough for all students)
software, websites, ❖ Procreate Application
Technology- ❖ Apple pens
Enhanced Lesson

Non-Technology: Paper, pencils, and colors for script/picture planning

UH COE lesson plan template, 2013-2014
Lesson Procedures (delete lesson stages not applicable for this lesson)
Stage of Lesson Lesson Sequence Lesson Management Resource Management
[Stage of lesson Describe how each stage Cite specifically what
A description of the scope and
could also be 5 Es of the lesson will be resources for this activity
sequence of student activities. In other
or another lesson managed, including role (non-technology and
words, describe the flow of the lesson.
plan scheme . . .this of teacher and learners technology) will be used,
is where you can Include the questions you will ask for (who is doing what at and describe in detail how
customize to fit your each phase of the lesson each point), location (e.g., they will be used. Note
purpose.] classroom, computer lab, who will be using the tool
outside), and any special and in what ways.
Engagement The role of the teacher is No resources are
“For this school year, we will be working
(motivational hook) to introduce the project to necessary for the
on a big project that will incorporate the
How will you get do the students. The engagement.
literacy concepts we will be learning.”
students interested? location will be in the
(Elicit—What do the “Has anybody read or heard of online classroom. The teacher
students already comics?” and the students will have
know?) a discussion regarding
“Has anybody tried drawing their own
1 day comics?” comics and their
experience with using
“Has anybody tried drawing their own iPads to draw. Students
comics using iPad’s” (Students will be should be able to use
excited because they get to use active listening to listen to
technology.” their peers while they are
“Well, for this project, you guys will be
creating your own personal digital
Exploration The role of the teacher is The teacher needs to
Students will discover the navigation
What can students to observe the students have an adequate
through iPad application called
discover? and assist them with any number of iPads and
Procreate. They will explore their
Provide hands-on issues or questions they Apple Pens to distribute to
imagination and come up with their own
experiences to may have about the each student. There
story ideas.
build concepts. usage of the iPads, Apple should be a cart with all
With Apple Pens, they get to explore Pens, or application. The the technological devices
2 days
drawing on a virtual screen instead of the teacher should be available with charging
traditional pen and paper. knowledgeable about facilities. The students will
Procreation app has a variety of using the iPads, Apple be using the iPads and
functions and features that allow Pens, and application so Apple Pens to explore the
students to learn and explore the they can be ready to help application called
formatting of comics. It also contains the students when they Procreate and play
various tools such as drawing and need assistance. The around with the
coloring. location of this will be in application to see what
the classroom. they can do.

Explanation For this part, teacher- Teachers will use their

Examples: Teachers use the popular
Input guided instruction is used. iPads and connect them
Webtoon application to show various
UH COE lesson plan template, 2013-2014
(could include examples of web/digital comics The teacher provides to the projector to show
content outline, instructions and models in the students examples of
Content Outline: Throughout the school
presentation front of the whole class. digital comics. The
year, teacher will introduce Elements of
format, questioning, The teacher explains the teacher will navigate
Literature (Fiction)
modeling, topics and methods through the Webtoon
examples) When: When talking about the element before the project starts so application and read
characters, students will have 2-3 days to students will not get lost. some chapters of the
2-3 weeks come up with different types of This is purely instructional, comics available on the
characters. They will also have time to so students are expected application.
work on each element. Within a month, to pay attention. It is not a
student will be able to plan out all of their discussion, so students’
elements. In the next month, student will undivided attention
get to work on their digital drawings. towards the teacher is
needed. However,
Modeling: Teachers will show students questions about the
how to navigate the Procreate app, such project are always
as how to draw the comic squares, encouraged. Students
coloring and drawing. However, teachers should raise their hands for
will not expect students to follow their questions and can ask the
style of art. Every student has his or her teacher to re-teach.
own art style, and they are not judged on
how “good” their drawings are.

Elaboration During this process, Students demonstrate their

After learning the Elements of Literature,
How can the students individually work learning of literature
they are able to create their own through
students apply their on their own comics. elements through their
realistic fiction comics. They also
learning? Students Talking are allowed as project. Through drawing
demonstrate their ability to identify their
demonstrate help from peers are highly comics, they are able to
elements through reading their peers’
learning by encouraged. However, come up with their own
comics. This skill will help them be able to
applying it to a task. students will be disciplined examples and scenarios.
identify the elements in the books they
have to read for literature. if they are talking about The Procreate app is a
2-3 weeks topics not related to the necessity in order to
project. The teacher will document students’
be walking around asking knowledge and creativity.
questions, helping
students, and providing

Closure How will the The lesson will end with the Comics Students are required to The only resources that are
lesson end? What Gallery Work. Students will able to present write down their needed are the iPads. The
questions will you their amazing artwork and explore their observations, however, students will be using the
ask? peers’. they can also say it aloud iPads to present their
as they explore their peers’ comic. The students will
(Extend Apply to I will be asking them about their works. It does not have to also be doing a gallery
unfamiliar experiences, such as challenges and be done in complete walk where they will walk
concepts. This "E" is what they liked/disliked about the silence, but students must around the classroom to
especially useful for project. I will also ask them about their remain respectful. look at the other students’
students who finish inputs on their peers’ work. Negative comments are comics.
early-not required) NOT allowed! Teacher
does not participate, but
1 week can regulate/direct the
flow and make sure
students are on track.
Evaluation is the 5th The evaluation will be in Pencils and papers are
Students will write a one-page reflection
"E" and is same as the classroom. The needed for the students to
about their project. They will also be
"Assessment." teachers will be facilitating write their one-page
required to write 2 feedbacks to 2 of their
Complete the the classroom and reflection. The students
following section observing the students as can choose to type up

UH COE lesson plan template, 2013-2014
(see below). Using the example from their own and they write the reflection their paper on a computer
Pupil reflection/self peers’ artworks, students will be able to about their project. When if they wish and print it out.
or peer assessment. prepare for the overall written assessment they are finished with the The students will also write
How do you know at the end. In the assessment, they will be reflection, the students are two feedbacks to two of
the students have tested on their knowledge on the required to write two their peers using the peer
learned? elements and dictionary terms. They will feedbacks to two of their review evaluation sheet
also be assessed on the real-life peers. The role of the that was created by the
examples of each term. teacher will be to make teacher. The written
1 week sure that every student assessment also needs to
receives two feedbacks. be prepared by the
The students will also need teacher.
to prepare for their written

Student Assessment

There will be a rubric for students to refer to as they work on the project. They will be graded on based on the items on the

❏ Include all of the literary elements in their stories

❏ Meet the minimum requirement of comic panels (20)
❏ Effort/Creativity
❏ Personal reflection of students’ own work.
❏ 2 peer reviews/feedbacks
❏ Cumulative written assessment over the project terms.

Potential Challenges/Plan B

The students may have a hard time thinking up of their own ideas such as characters and plot. If the students are having a
hard time generating ideas for their comic, they can read Webtoons or other comics to get inspiration. The students must
keep in mind, however, that there is a difference between inspiration and copying.

The iPads could also have technological issues such as lagging or not saving their creations. If the iPads are having
technological issues, the teacher should make sure to have several extra iPads available to replace those iPads while they
are being repaired. The teacher should also be knowledgeable of any troubleshooting solutions to assist the students with
technological problems. In the worst-case scenario, the students can just create their comic by hand using paper, pencils,
and other art materials.

The students may have varying paces of working on the project. Some may be very quick with thinking up their ideas,
drawing their comic, and completing the project. Others may have a hard time thinking up of their own ideas such as
characters and plot because they are slower at working. For the students who are fast-paced learners and creators, the
teacher can give them a rubric to ask them to double-check their work to make sure they have included all the elements
necessary to receive a good grade on the project. Once they are completely done with their project, they are allowed to
work on their other assignments for the class or read comics to get into the spirit of the project. For those who do not enjoy
reading comics, they can choose to read whichever books they like. For the students who work at a slower pace, the
teacher can give them more time to work on the project and tell them that there is no need to rush because everyone
works at different paces and that’s okay. As long as the students put in their best effort to create their comic and learn
about the literary elements and art elements, that is more than enough.

Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction

Modified requirements, differentiated instruction and assessment, extended work time, guiding
templates, support structures, and personnel. The more specific you get here—for specific kids’
Resource Students needs—the better.
● Clear, specific requirements handout will be given to each student.
● A video on how to use the application will also be posted on the class’s website.

UH COE lesson plan template, 2013-2014
● After school tutoring will be offered for students who need extra help.

Internet sites and other resources in their native language, a variety of ways available to
demonstrate their learning, support personnel, help of peers.

● All students are encouraged to set up peer tutoring sessions where they can help their non-
Non-Native English native English peers for extra credit.
Speakers ● Students who do not know any English can even write their stories in their own languages!
Their peers can interpret the stories based on the artwork.
● For Non-Native English students, they can use the website: to help them translate.

More challenging tasks, extensions that require in-depth coverage, extended investigation in related
topics of the learner’s choice, open-ended tasks or projects.

● Gifted students are encouraged to include more literature elements such as symbolism in
Gifted Students
their comics.
● They are also encouraged to do extensive research on their theme/plot and include facts in
their comics.

Notes and Credits*

There are many lesson plan ideas available, from other teachers, curriculum guides, and online. You are free to use
whatever information you find to inspire your lesson planning, provided:
1. You properly cite your sources;
2. You fit the information into this required lesson format, meaning you will need to add additional information to
complete the lesson; and
3. You modify the lesson to fit your objectives and student needs (You will almost never teach any lesson as is – even
those found in your teacher’s guides. You will always know best what the individual learners in your classroom will
respond to.)
There is a useful tutorial on YouTube to help teacher with the Procreate application.

Colbow, Brad. “Drawing Comics in Procreate from Start to Finish.” Online video clip. YouTube. Retrieved from:

UH COE lesson plan template, 2013-2014

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