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The Philippines is a party to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), which was adopted in the 1992
Earth Summit in Brazil and has since become international law. Our ratification of this multilateral treaty
is only proper, given that the Philippines is one of the world’s 17 most biodiverse countries, as affirmed
by Conservation International (CI) in 1998.

As a party to the CBD, we have accepted certain time-bound obligations, in return for a more
sustainable future. In compliance with these obligations, we formulated the 1997 National Biodiversity
Strategic Action Plan (NBSAP), which under Article 6 of the Convention is the principal instrument for
implementing the Convention at the national level.

Now, we have updated the 1997 NBSAP, with this publication of the 2015-2028 Philippine Biodiversity
Strategy and Action Plan (PBSAP). This updated plan builds on the achievements thus far made in
fulfilling our CBD obligations, particularly the commitment to implement the CBD Strategic Plan for
Biodiversity 2011-2020, including the 20-point Aichi Biodiversity Targets.

The 2015-2028 PBSAP integrates and mainstreams CBD objectives into the national development and
sectoral planning framework that includes measurable targets for CBD commitments. The participative
stocktaking process in biodiversity planning, plus its focal on new thematic areas like agrobiodiversity
and urban biodiversity, will strengthen national government initiatives to involve local governments to
perform greater role in biodiversity conservation.

The 2015-2028 PBSAP is just the latest manifestation of our firm resolve to preserve our heritage of
biodiversity. This plan, painstakingly crafted as it was, demands and deserves corresponding
implementing actions, participated in by all stakeholders. Let us now proceed to rise up to the challenge.


Secretary of Department of Environment
and Natural Resources

1|PBSAP 2015-2028

A recent study released by Stanford scientists state that we are living in the “early stages of the earth’s sixth mass
extinction”. More than 300 large terrestrial species have disappeared from the face of the earth since the 1500s,
and “populations of the remaining species show 25 percent average decline in abundance. Invertebrate patterns
are equally dire: 67 percent of monitored populations show 45 percent mean abundance decline”. And along with
these extinctions are the loss of habitats and ecosystem services, which they are associated with.

In the Philippines, we have lost almost 93 percent of our original forest cover since the 1900’s (Philippine
Biodiversity Conservation Priorities [PBCP], 2002). In 2008, 58 out of the 206 then known mammal species native
to the Philippines were included in the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red Data List of
Threatened Species (IUCN, 2008). This is a number that is significantly large, considering that more than half of
our native mammalian species are found only in the country and nowhere else in the world.

The updating of the NBSAP comes at an opportune time when there is a need to re-examine the Philippines’
roadmap in conserving and managing its biodiversity resources that would be beneficial for the country’s
economic development. The PBSAP 2015-2028 is not only our compliance to the Convention on Biological
Diversity but also our opportunity to strongly support national interests and biodiversity conservation priorities.

In order to meet the changing needs of the biodiversity sector, the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources took structural reforms and invested threefold increase in the 2014 budget of the department's
Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB), formerly the Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau (PAWB), compared to
its budget last year. We have institutionalized marine biodiversity conservation into our mandate, with the
creation of the coastal and marine division in our Agency structure, embodied in the DENR’s approved
rationalization plan. Later on, more development partners, such as the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), have joined us in
implementing our sectoral roadmap, and eventually we hope to have all of you as partners as well, towards the
implementation of a more responsive and adaptive Philippine Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.

Through successful collaborations, new information of rediscovered species has allowed us to reevaluate our
protected area system and our conservation priorities. One significant milestone in the last five years is the
inclusion of the Upper Marikina River Basin Protected Landscape (UMRBPL) in our list of protected areas, covering
a total area of 26,125.64 hectares in the city of Antipolo and in the municipalities of Baras, Rodriquez, San Mateo
and Tanay, all in the province of Rizal, proclaimed by President Benigno S. Aquino III in November of 2011.

Although we may have had significant gains in terms of protecting and conserving Philippine biodiversity for the
past years, there are still challenges ahead. We must continue working with different partners in the conservation
of biological diversity and the sustainable use of its components for fair and equitable sharing for all.

Director of Biodiversity Management Bureau
Department of Environment
and Natural Resources

2|PBSAP 2015-2028

The BMB of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is pleased to present the PBSAP 2015-
2028 that serves as the country’s framework in conserving biodiversity to improve human well-being thus
contributing to the attainment of the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) goals and the President’s 10-point

The PBSAP 2015-2028 is the third in a series of iterations since the Philippines’ ratification of the CBD. The first
iteration of the PBSAP was done in 1997 and was followed by an updated plan in 2002. This latest iteration is a
result of extensive and participatory consultations from February 2013 to March 2015 among more than 800
individuals representing nearly 200 agencies and organizations from the government, private sector, media and
academe including non-government agencies and people’s organizations both at the local and international
levels. Annex 4 contains the full list of the participating agencies.

The PBSAP 2015-2028 was funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Global Environment
Facility (GEF) and Government of the Philippines.

BMB-DENR would like to express its deepest gratitude to the organizations and individuals who are behind the
successful formulation of the updated PBSAP 2015-2028:

ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB); BirdLife International; Haribon Foundation, Inc.; GIZ through the Protected
Area Management Enhancement in the Philippines (PAME) Project; UNDP through the Biodiversity Partnership
Programme (BPP); FishBase Information and Research Group, Inc. (FIN) and USAID through the Philippines
Biodiversity and Watersheds Improved for Stronger Economy and Ecosystem Resilience (B+WISER) Program

The core group of individuals who worked through the 34-month process of formulating the plan utilizing
accurate and up-to-date information from a vast and diverse pool of sources to ensure a quality and robust plan.
These people are:

Lead expert discussants: Enrica Aquino, Margarita Lavides, Christine Casal, Eduardo Queblatin, Elpidio Peria, and
Marivic Pajaro

Co-discussants and technical advisers: Cristi Nozawa, Sheila Vergara, Rodolfo Santos, Corazon Sinha, Felix
Gaschick, Jean Caleda, Elena Javier, and Kent Tangcalagan

BMB Working Team: Dir. Theresa Mundita Lim, Asst. Dir. Noel Antonio Gaerlan, Executive Dir. Vincent Hilomen,
Norma Molinyawe, Armida Andres, Nancy Corpuz, Josefina de Leon, Meriden Maranan, Marlynn Mendoza,
Sarah Tagtag, Angelita Meniado, and Carlo Custodio

Documenters : Nermalie Lita, Rowena Tercero, Winnievir Balilia, Jessa Marie Quintana, Rejwinlove Bungabong,
John Erick Avelino, Eduardo Genciagan, Jr., Justin Nicole Torres, Elirozz Carlie Labaria, Kahlil Panopio, Gregorio
dela Rosa, Jr., Je-el Constatino, and Raymund Pajela

GIS Support: Diosmedado Cocal, Septher Ian Salcedo, and Matea Osti

Overall Facilitator: Veronica Villavicencio

Writer: Charina Cabrido

3|PBSAP 2015-2028
UNDP Inclusive and Sustainable Development Unit: Amelia Supetran, Grace Tena, and Michael Joseph Jaldon,
and Rose Anne Bautista

Project Management Unit: Anabelle Plantilla, Angelique Ogena, and Kamille Jan Trillanes

The publication of this document was made possible by the Foundation for the Philippine Environment.

4|PBSAP 2015-2028
Table of Contents
i. List of Acronyms ................................................................................................................................ 8
ii. List of Tables.................................................................................................................................... 12
iii. List of Figures .................................................................................................................................. 13
iv. List of Annexes ................................................................................................................................ 13
v. Executive Summary......................................................................................................................... 16
vi. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 17
Chapter 1. Philippine Biodiversity: Overview of Status and Trends........................................................ 20
A. Overview of Philippine Biodiversity .............................................................................................. 22
B. Philippine Ecosystems ................................................................................................................... 35
1. Forests..................................................................................................................................... 35
2. Inland Water/Wetlands........................................................................................................... 38
3. Coastal and Marine Ecosystems.............................................................................................. 42
C. SPECIES.......................................................................................................................................... 45
1. Marine and Terrestrial Species ............................................................................................... 45
D. THEMATIC AREAS ......................................................................................................................... 48
1. Urban Biodiversity ................................................................................................................... 48
2. Agricultural Biodiversity .......................................................................................................... 48
3. Cross Cutting Concerns ........................................................................................................... 55
Chapter 2. Development Framework of the Philippines ......................................................................... 66
Chapter 3. Policy, Governance and Financing of Biodiversity Conservation .......................................... 69
in the Philippines ...................................................................................................................................... 69
A. Policies that Contribute to Biodiversity Conservation in the Philippines ................................ 69
B. International Commitments to Biodiversity Conservation ...................................................... 74
C. Governance of Biodiversity in the Philippines......................................................................... 77
D. Financing Biodiversity Conservation Programs in the Philippines .......................................... 80
Chapter 4. Principal Pressures of Biodiversity Loss ................................................................................. 82
Main Pressures of Biodiversity Loss in the Philippines ........................................................................ 83
A. Habitat Loss and Degradation ......................................................................................................... 83
1. Deforestation .......................................................................................................................... 83
2. Mining ..................................................................................................................................... 84
3. Degradation of Marine Ecosystems ........................................................................................ 89
B. Overexploitation ............................................................................................................................. 89
1. Fisheries .................................................................................................................................. 92

5|PBSAP 2015-2028
2. Illegal Wildlife Trading ............................................................................................................. 92
C. Pollution .......................................................................................................................................... 92
D. Climate Change ............................................................................................................................... 93
E. Invasive Alien Species ..................................................................................................................... 95
Chapter 5. How the current PBSAP was formulated ............................................................................... 99
A. The First National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan ...................................................................... 99
B. The Second National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan ................................................................. 99
C. The Gaps in the Previous NBSAP Iterations .................................................................................... 99
D. Summary of key lessons learned from the previous NBSAP Planning Process ............................... 99
E. The Third Philippine Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan ................................................................ 100
Chapter 6. The Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan .......................................................................... 105
Chapter 7. Implementation Plan ............................................................................................................ 113
References .............................................................................................................................................. 123
ANNEX 1 ................................................................................................................................................. 131
ANNEX 2 ................................................................................................................................................. 134
ANNEX 2.1 ........................................................................................................................................... 135
Annex 2.2 ............................................................................................................................................ 136
Annex 2.3 ............................................................................................................................................ 138
Annex 2.4 ............................................................................................................................................ 138
Annex 2.5 ............................................................................................................................................ 139
Annex 2.6 ............................................................................................................................................ 140
Annex 2.7 ............................................................................................................................................ 141
Annex 2.8 ............................................................................................................................................ 142
Annex 2.9 ............................................................................................................................................ 142
Annex 2.10 .......................................................................................................................................... 143
Annex 2.11 .......................................................................................................................................... 144
Annex 2.12 .......................................................................................................................................... 145
Annex 2.13 .......................................................................................................................................... 145
Annex 2.14 .......................................................................................................................................... 146
Annex 2.15 .......................................................................................................................................... 147
Annex 2.16 .......................................................................................................................................... 148
Annex 2.17 .......................................................................................................................................... 149
ANNEX 3 ................................................................................................................................................. 152
ANNEX 4 ................................................................................................................................................. 159

6|PBSAP 2015-2028
ANNEX 5 ................................................................................................................................................. 164
ANNEX 6 ................................................................................................................................................. 235

7|PBSAP 2015-2028
i. List of Acronyms

ABS Access and Benefit-Sharing

ACB ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity
ADSDPP Ancestral Domain Sustainable Development and Protection Plan
AMS ASEAN Member States
AO Administrative Order
ARMM Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao
ATM Alyansa Tigil Mina
B+WISER Biodiversity and Watersheds Improved for Stronger Economy and Ecosystem
BAI Bureau of Animal Industry
BCM Billion cubic meters
BFAR Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
BMB Biodiversity Management Bureau
BMS Biodiversity Monitoring System
BPI Bureau of Plant Industry
BPP Biodiversity Partnership Programme
BSWM Bureau of Soils and Water Management
CBD Convention on Biological Diversity
CCC Climate Change Commission
CCD Convention to Combat Desertification
CCMRD Committee on Conservation and Management of Resources for Development
CEPA Communication, Education and Public Awareness
CH Critical Habitat
CHED Commission on Higher Education
CHM Clearinghouse Mechanism
CI Conservation International
CITES Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna
CLUP Comprehensive Land Use Plan
CMS Convention on Migratory Species
COA Commission on Audit
CoP Conference of Parties
CSO Civil Society Organization
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility
CTI Coral Triangle Initiative
DA Department of Agriculture
DAO Department administrative order
DAR Department of Agrarian Reform
DBM Department of Budget Management
DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources
DepEd Department of Education
DFA Department of Foreign Affairs
DILG Department of the Interior and Local Government
DOE Department of Energy
DOH Department of Health
DOST Department of Science and Technology
DOT Department of Tourism
DOTC Department of Transportation and Communication

8|PBSAP 2015-2028
DPWH Department of Public Works and Highways
DSWD Department of Social Welfare and Development
DTI Department of Trade and Industry
EAAF East Asian-Australasian Flyway
ECC Environmental Compliance Certificate
EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone
EMB Environmental Management Bureau
ENRO Environment and Natural Resources Office
EO Executive Order
ERDB- Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau
EU European Union
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
FASPO Foreign-assisted and Special Projects Office
FCCC Framework Convention on Climate Change
FGD Focus Group Discussion
FIN FishBase Information and Research Group
FMB Forest Management Bureau
FPA Focal Point Agency
FPIC Free, Prior and Informed Consent
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GEF Global Environment Facility
GIAHS Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Sites
GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
GMO Genetically modified organism
Ha Hectare
HLURB Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board
IAS Invasive Alien Species
ICC Indigenous Cultural Communities
ICCA Indigenous Community Conserved Area
ICM Integrated Coastal Management
ICRMP Integrated Coastal Resources Management Project
IEC Information, Education and Communication
IP Indigenous Peoples
IPB Institute of Plant Breeding
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IPRA Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act
IRR Implementing Rules and Regulations
ITPGRFA International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
IUUF Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature
KBA Key Biodiversity Area
Km Kilometer
LCA Local Conservation Area
LCP League of Cities of the Philippines
LGA Local Government Academy
LGU Local Government Unit
LLDA Laguna Lake Development Authority
LMB Lands Management Bureau
LMP League of Municipalities of the Philippines
LPP League of Provinces of the Philippines

9|PBSAP 2015-2028
M Meter
M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
MEA Multilateral Environmental Agreements
METT Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool
MDG Millenium Development Goal
MEAT Management Effectiveness Assessment Tool
MGB Mines and Geosciences Bureau
MICC Mining Industry Coordinating Committee
MMDA Metropolitan Manila Development Authority
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
MPA Marine Protected Area
MSI Marine Science Institure
MSU-TCTO Mindanao State University-Tawi-Tawi College of Technology and Oceanography
MW Megawatt
NAMRIA National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
NAPWC Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife Nature Center
NBF National Biosafety Framework
NBSAP National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan
NCB Non-Carbon Benefit
NCC National Cave Committee
NCCA National Commission on Culture and the Arts
NCCAP National Climate Change Action Plan
NCIP National Commission on Indigenous Peoples
NDRRMP National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan
NEDA National Economic and Development Authority
NFRDI National Fisheries Research and Development Institute
NGO Non-government Organization
NGP National Greening Program
NHC National Historical Commission
NIPAS National Integrated Protected Areas System
NISSAP National Invasive Species Strategic Action Plan
NM National Museum
NNC National Nutrition Council
NSO National Statistics Office
NTCC National Technical Coordinating Committe
NWRB National Water Resources Board
ODA Official Development Assistance
PA Protected Area
PACBRMA Protected Area Community-based Resource Management Agreement
PAGASA Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration
PAMB Protected Area Management Board
PAME Protected Area Management Effectiveness
PAR Philippine Area of Responsibility
PAWB Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau
PBCP Philippine Biodiversity Conservation Priorities
PBSAP Philippine Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan
PCAARRD Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and
PCG Philippine Coast Guard
PCSD Palawan Council for Sustainable Development

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PD Presidential Decree
PDC Provincial Development Council
PDP Philippine Development Plan
PES Payment for Ecosystem Services
PGS Philippine Guarantee System
PIA Philippine Information Agency
PIDS Philippine Institute for Development Studies
PNP Philippine National Police
PNRPS Philippine National REDD+ Strategy
PO Peoples Organization
PPA Philippine Ports Authority
PPSO Planning and Policy Service Office
PRA Philippine Reclamation Authority
RA Republic Act
RBCO River Basin Coordination Office
RCC Regional Cave Committee
RDC Regional Development Council
REDD Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation
RPM-P/RPA/ Rebolusyonaryong Partido ng Manggagawa
ABB-TPG Pilipinas/Revolutionary Proletarian Army/Alex Boncayao Brigade – Tabara
Paduano Group
SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment
TIPHA Turtle Islands Heritage Protected Area
TNA Training Needs Assessment
TWG Technical Working Group
USC University of San Carlos
UN United Nations
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNDRIP United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
UP University of the Philippines
USAID United States Agency for International Development
WB World Bank
WDPA World Database on Protected Areas
WQMA Water Quality Management Area

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ii. List of Tables

Table 1 Fishing grounds in the Philippines

Table 2 List of tourism development areas in the Philippines
Table 3 Key biodiversity areas in the Philippines
Table 4 How PBSAP contributes to sector outcomes in PDP resulting to inclusive
growth and poverty reduction
Table 5 Technical agencies with key resource management functions and programs
Table 6 Climate trends and projections in the Philippines
Table 7 Other contributing factors to pressures on biodiversity loss
Table 8 Management of the PBSAP updating process
Table 9 Regional and national consultations for PBSAP updating process
Table 10 Targets with indicators to address and reduce pressures to biodiversity
Table 11 Summary of the cost of strategies per thematic area and ecosystem

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iii. List of Figures
Figure 1 Territorial distribution of the major ethnographic classifications of Philippine
indigenous peoples
Figure 2 Infographic on Philippine biodiversity
Figure 3 Land cover map: Philippines, 2003
Figure 4 Land cover map: Philippines, 2010
Figure 5 Protected areas, fishing grounds and network of protected areas for agricultural
and agro-Industrial development in the Philippines
Figure 6 Protected areas, ecotourism sites, and biomass carbon (above and below-ground)
in the Philippines
Figure 7 Location and land use map of Buguey
Figure 8 Accomplished and potential national greening program sites
Figure 9 Infographic on Philippine forests
Figure 10 Infographic on water resources
Figure 11 Patterns of species richness from range overlap raster data from 10,446 species
Figure 12 Infographic on marine resources
Figure 13 Wildlife crime hotspots in relation to protected areas and biodiversity importance
index of the Philippines, 2013
Figure 14 Discovery and re-discovery of wild rice populations, 1996-2000
Figure 15 Infographics on agriculture in the Philippines
Figure 16 Infographic on livestock and poultry in the Philippines
Figure 17 Infographic on fisheries in the Philippines
Figure 18 Key biodiversity areas in the Philippines
Figure 19 Key biodiversity areas, protected areas and critical habitats in the Philippines
Figure 20 CBFMA and PACBRMA in protected areas and key biodiversity areas in the
Figure 21 Infographic on waste management in the Philippines
Figure 22 Current structure of CCMRD
Figure 23 DENR budget in 2013
Figure 24 DENR operations budget in 2013
Figure 25 Main Pressures of Biodiversity Loss in the Philippines
Figure 26 Forest loss map: Philippines, 2000-2012
Figure 27 Above and below-ground biomass, key biodiversity areas, and illegal logging and
wildlife hotspots in the Philippines
Figure 28 Mining tenements, coal and geothermal power plants, and protected areas in the
Figure 29 Protected areas in relation to population density and susceptibility to landslides:
Philippines, 2013
Figure 30 Protected areas in relation to population density and susceptibility to flooding:
Philippines, 2013
Figure 31 Climate change vulnerability map of the Philippines
Figure 32 Adaptive capacity map of the Philippines
Figure 33 Sightings of suckermouth armoured catfishes in Luzon Island
Figure 34 PBSAP planning process and procedure
Figure 35 PBSAP framework for biodiversity conservation
Figure 36 Cost of PBSAP implementation (2015-2028) according to categories of Aichi Targets
(low estimation in billion PHP)
13 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Figure 37 Cost of PBSAP implementation (2015-2028) according to program intervention (low
estimation in billion PHP)
Figure 38 PBSAP process for planning, programming, budgeting, monitoring,
assessment and knowledge management

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iv. List of Annexes
Annex 1 Aichi Biodiversity Targets
Annex 2.1 School of living traditions among Tala andig in Lantapan, Bukidnon
Annex 2.2 National Greening Program
Annex 2.3 Quicker Flooding Subsidence
Annex 2.4 Verde Island Passage, MPAs honored among country’s best
Annex 2.5 More than 300 new species discovered in the Philippines during California
Academy of Sciences Expedition
Annex 2.6 Scientific Discoveries in 2012
Annex 2.7 Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife Nature Center
Annex 2.8 The MASIPAG Experience
Annex 2.9 The Philippines’ REDD+ 101 and Color It REDD Roadshows
Annex 2.10 Albay Province, Philippines Prohibits Plastic Bags
Annex 2.11 MGB stops black sand mining operations in Cagayan
Annex 2.12 Ayta’s Traditional Environmental Management
Annex 2.13 Philippines: Floods and Landslides - June 2012
Annex 2.14 IP Rights in Resource Conflict Areas: Zambales Experience
Annex 2.15 In Global First, Philippines Destroy Its Ivory Stock
Annex 2.16 Philippines: Filipinos exposed to slow pesticide poisoning
Annex 2.17 Climate Change Impacts on the Distribution of Decapterus maruadsi (galunggong)
in the Philippines Seas
Annex 2.18 Citizen Science: A Good Practice in Biodiversity Management
Annex 3 Examples of Commonly found Invasive Alien Species in the Philippines
Annex 4 Agencies who participated in the updating process
Annex 5 Comprehensive list of actions addressing biodiversity loss on four ecosystems
(Forest, Caves and Cave systems, Inland Wetlands, Coastal and Marine) and
thematic areas (Protected Areas, Urban Biodiversity, Agrobiodiversity, Invasive
Alien Species and Access and Benefit-Sharing)
Annex 6 Sample indicator definition and reference sheet

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v. Executive Summary

The Philippine Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (PBSAP) is the country’s roadmap to conserve its biodiversity
and achieve its vision - “By 2028, biodiversity is restored and rehabilitated, valued, effectively managed and
secured, maintaining ecosystem services to sustain healthy, resilient Filipino communities and delivering benefits
to all.”

The PBSAP covers seven major chapters with Chapter 1 providing an overview on the status and trends of
Philippine biodiversity. In this chapter, the country’s biodiversity and its corresponding ecosystem services, the
economic gains derived from conserving biodiversity and its impact on Philippine development are all discussed.
The four main ecosystems are also introduced: forest, inland wetlands, caves and cave systems and coastal and
marine, with infographics featuring quick facts for each of the ecosystems. These are supplemented with stories
on major initiatives to demonstrate best practices. The marine and terrestrial species were also discussed in this
chapter including newly discovered species. The urban and agricultural biodiversity which are two additional
themes included involves water and solid waste issues as well as food security and genetic diversity of crops,
livestock and poultry. Other crosscutting concerns on invasive alien species (IAS), Philippine experience in
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation + (REDD), key biodiversity areas (KBA), Protected
Areas (PA) and land use are also part of this chapter.

Chapter 2 describes how the PBSAP is anchored in the Philippine Development Plan (PDP). While the PDP adopts
the framework for inclusive growth, the PBSAP articulates the same direction of pursuing economic growth while
protecting the environment. This emphasizes that people are at the core of conservation, protection and
rehabilitation, and developmental initiatives.

Chapter 3 focuses on the policy, governance and financing of biodiversity in the Philippines with key
environmental laws, technical agencies with resource management functions and programs on biodiversity and
the country’s commitments to international conventions.

Chapter 4 deals with the principal pressures of biodiversity loss - habitat loss and degradation, overexploitation,
pollution, climate change and IAS – that were captured from series of regional and national consultations which
were later analyzed by experts using mind mapping that subsequently classified the direct and indirect pressures.

Chapter 5 examines how the current PBSAP was formulated, the regional and national consultations for PBSAP
updating process and the Project Steering Committee behind this. The gaps in the previous PBSAP iterations are
also discussed in this chapter.

Chapter 6 identifies the Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan with nine priority strategies developed from the
regional and national consultations. These actions are translated into national targets with respective indicators
that conform to the global Aichi Biodiversity Targets (see Annex 1). These are a set of 20, time-bound,
measureable targets agreed by the Parties to the CBD in Nagoya, Japan, in October 2010, that are now being
translated into revised national strategies and action plans by the 193 Parties to the Convention. Achievement of
the targets will contribute to reducing, and eventually halting, the loss of biodiversity at a global level by the
middle of the twenty-first century.

Chapter 7 discusses the implementation needs of the PBSAP and the learning from previous PBSAP
implementation. This chapter also provides recommendations on the coordination management, implementation
planning at the agency levels, peer support networks and individual local government units (LGU). This also covers
the program assessment and knowledge management including monitoring and reporting, capacity building
support to implementation and highlights on emerging good practices.

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vi. Introduction

The Philippines started formulating its NBSAP in 1994 with the preparation of the Philippine Strategy for the CBD.
In 1995, the Philippines undertook an assessment of the country’s biodiversity through the United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP) - assisted Philippine Biodiversity Country Study. As a result, the first NBSAP was
developed and published in 1997. This identified six strategic actions based on the comprehensive assessment of
the status of the Philippine biodiversity, principal problems, threats, issues, and gaps confronting biodiversity

Five years later, in 2002, a review of the NBSAP was undertaken that identified 206 conservation priority areas
and species conservation priorities, collectively known as the Philippine Biodiversity Conservation Priorities
(PBCP), which is considered the second NBSAP revision and incorporates six major strategies and immediate
actions. Finally, the PBCP was reinforced in 2006 with 228 KBAs identified covering an estimated 10,560,000
hectares (ha).

The Philippines has submitted five national reports to the CBD, the preparation of which was through a
consultative process across the country. This assessed the progress towards meeting the 2010 biodiversity target
of achieving a significant reduction in the current rate of biodiversity loss at the global, regional and national
levels, consistent with the strategic plan of the CBD.

Among the major achievements toward the 2020 Aichi Biodiversity Targets is the extension of the terrestrial
protected areas (PA) network from 8.5 percent in 1992 to 12.8 percent of the total land area in 2008 (2007
Millennium Development Goals [MDG] report), along with 1,169 marine protected areas1 (MPA) in the form of
reserves, sanctuaries and parks, and improvement in management effectiveness of these sites, which rose from
10-15 percent in 2000 to 20-30 percent in 2007. In addition, threatened flora and fauna were given further
protection through various species conservation programs and executive and administrative issuances (with
positive trends recorded for marine turtles and mangroves); the number of confiscations of illegally traded
wildlife species regulated under the Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora (CITES) increased from 513 heads in 2005 to 11,124 heads in 20112; measures such as fish farming and
ecotourism in PAs are being implemented to promote sustainable use and benefits for local livelihoods;
indigenous knowledge and the practices of 16 tribes were documented by the National Commission on
Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) between 2005 and 2008 and policy-making and access and benefit-sharing have been
institutionalized through the process of free and prior informed consent (FPIC) from indigenous and local

The national implementation of the first and second NBSAP relied on governance mechanisms for resource use
and management of natural resources. An example is Presidential Memo Order 289 issued in 1995, directing the
integration of the NBSAP, as was Executive Order (EO) 578 (2006) as a national policy on biodiversity and directing
all concerned government agencies and offices and LGUs to integrate and mainstream the protection,
conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity into their policies, rules and regulations, programs and
development planning processes.

Since then, several initiatives have been launched, notably in terms of integrated watershed management.
Moreover, EO 533 (2006) mandated the adoption of integrated coastal management (ICM), with a recent review
indicating that significant resources had been invested into ICM, with the participation of various stakeholders,

1 Aliño P. M., Cunanan P. M. Q., Juinio-Meñez M. A., et al. (2011) Lessons from the Philippines: achieving synergies through marine protected area networks,
Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov), 1–35.
2 Convention on Biological Diversity (Accessed on 20 July 2014) Philippines Country Profile: Actions taken to achieve the 2020 Aichi Biodiversity Targets.

Retrieved from

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and that several concerns were taken into account, ranging from poverty alleviation to food security and
sustainable development.

Finally, enhanced cooperation on biodiversity management is promoted through the formalization of

partnerships, either through EOs, as in the case of the Bicol River Basin and the Watershed Management Councils
in Lake Lanao and Bukidnon Watershed, or through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) or Understanding, such
as in the case of the Kabulnan Watershed Multi Sectoral Council. Under said councils, multi-sectoral and multi-
disciplinary task forces, committees, and technical working groups (TWG) are organized to address specific policy
decisions or implementation problems or issues, either at the local, provincial or regional level, depending on the
extent of coverage of the river basin and watershed. However, both the first NBSAP and its second iteration
lacked specific targets and a mechanism that defines tasks, sources of funds, institutional arrangements,
indicators for monitoring, and monitoring schemes.

Several biodiversity monitoring tools have been developed but sustaining the effort remains a challenge,
especially after donor exit. In 1999, the Protected Area Management Board (PAMB) introduced the Biodiversity
Monitoring System (BMS) as a tool to collect data on priority species and resource use and to guide decision-
making. This was institutionalized through policy. For a time, monitoring efforts yielded promising results and
resulted in management interventions. In some PAs, the BMS was sustained through local efforts but, in general,
monitoring ceased due to lack of funds.

To address the need for updating the NBSAP and to comply with the commitments to the CBD, the current NBSAP
updating process is implemented by a Project Steering Committee composed of a Department of Environment
and Natural Resources (DENR) Undersecretary as Chair, a National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)
Deputy Director General as the Co-Chair and representatives from the United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP), Department of Social Work and Development (DSWD), Department of Budget and Management (DBM),
Department of Agriculture –Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (DA-BFAR), Climate Change Commission
(CCC), NCIP, Haribon, DENR-Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB), DENR-Forest Management Bureau (FMB),
DENR-Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB), DENR-Policy and Planning Service Office (PPSO), DENR-Foreign-
Assisted and Special Projects Office (FASPO) as members. A key contributor of policy and technical inputs within
the PBSAP Project Steering Committee representing indigenous communities roles and traditional knowledge in
biodiversity planning is the NCIP.

The process builds on the current status and achievements of the Philippines with respect to biodiversity planning
and reporting. Through a renewed and participative ‘biodiversity planning’ and strategizing process which
involved six regional and national consultations and multiple focus group discussions (FGD), it aims to integrate
the Philippines’ obligations under the CBD into its national development and sectoral planning frameworks.

This third iteration of NBSAP recognizes measurable targets for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use.
Gender concerns have been integrated into the content of this plan. Apart from the updated PBSAP, separate
action plans will be prepared on raising awareness on biological diversity, implementing the Programme of Work
on Protected Areas, preventing extinctions of globally and nationally threatened species, strengthening
ecosystem resilience and the contribution of biodiversity to carbon stocks, mobilizing resources necessary to
accomplish each target or action and a framework agreement among key institutions on information sharing that
contribute to national reporting and monitoring of the status of Philippine biodiversity.

The PBSAP also identifies the need for ecosystem approach in biodiversity management where appropriate
implementation activities are adapted with local, national, and, as appropriate, regional conditions. It recognizes
that humans, with their cultural diversity, are an integral component of many ecosystems. This balances the
values of conservation; sustainable use; and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the
utilization of genetic resources. Acknowledging that management should be decentralized to the lowest

18 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
appropriate level, adaptive responses to uncertainties containing elements of "learning-by-doing" or research
feedback are needed. This document has also considered all forms of relevant information, including scientific
and indigenous and local knowledge, innovations and practices.

The PBSAP included five additional themes as part of the action plan scope: agrobiodiversity, urban biodiversity,
access and benefit-sharing (ABS), IAS, and PAs. The CBD defines agrobiodiversity as all of the components of
biological diversity relevant to food and agriculture, including agricultural ecosystems. It therefore encompasses
the variety and variability of animals, plants and microorganisms at the genetic, species and ecosystem levels that
are necessary to sustain agricultural production. By including urban biodiversity, this document presents the
essential role of national and local government to protect urban biodiversity through management and
restoration of public open space areas and corridors, improvement of waterways and wastewater management.
The gains from the implementation of these are useful to identify areas of protective measures. The fair and
equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources is one of the three objectives of
the CBD. It aims at sharing the benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources in a fair and equitable
way, including by appropriate access to genetic resources and by appropriate transfer of relevant technologies. As
one of the pressures of biodiversity loss, there is cognizance of the urgent need to address the impact of IAS and
as far as possible and as appropriate, prevent their introduction and control or eradicate those alien species
which threaten ecosystems, habitats or species. PAs are identified portions of land and/or water set aside by
reason of their unique physical and biological significance, managed to enhance biological diversity and protected
against destructive human exploration. The establishment and management of PAs are part of the international
commitments signed by the Philippine Government such as the CBD, Ramsar Convention, World Heritage
Convention, Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), and the ASEAN Agreement on the Conservation of Nature
and Natural Resources.

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Chapter 1. Philippine Biodiversity: Overview of Status and Trends
More than 7,100 islands fall within the borders of the Philippines hotspot, identified as one of the world’s
biologically richest countries. The country’s terrestrial and marine habitats contain some of the richest bio
diversities of flora and fauna, and its waters are considered a part of the Coral Triangle. Despite of these, the
Philippines ranks among the top ten globally with the largest number of species threatened with extinction (CI,

Over a hundred ethno-linguistic groups comprise the ancestry of the Philippines, mirroring to a great extent the
precious biological and ecological variety that the country’s 7,000-strong islands boast. Also like the diverse flora
and fauna of the archipelago, indigenous peoples (IP) and cultural communities make their home in different
ecological territories, from the coasts to the highlands.

Figure 1. Territorial distribution of the major ethnographic classifications of Philippine indigenous peoples
Source: Foundation for the Philippine Environment or FPE (2014) Indigenous Peoples and Community-Conserved Areas

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To some indigenous communities, some biological resources or sites are sacred and a source of cultural identity.
The cultures and survival of indigenous cultural communities (ICC)/ IP and local communities traditionally depend
on the natural environment. Over the years, they have applied traditional knowledge and means in using and
conserving nature’s resources. Member governments to the United Nations (UN) CBD are compelled to respect
and preserve such knowledge and practices, to promote their wider application with the approval of the
communities, and to ensure that these communities share in the benefits derived from their use.

The FPIC Guidelines of 2012 (NCIP

Administrative Order [AO] No. 03)
ensures fair and equitable sharing of
benefits between the community
and the proponent whenever a
project or program is introduced in
an ancestral domain area. As of
2007, NCIP records show that
ICCs/IPs have benefited from
royalties, infrastructure
development and social programs
generated by 199 projects such as
mining, mini-hydro/dam, forestry,
small scale sand and gravel, and
biodiversity research (NCIP, 2007).

Out of the 101 terrestrial KBAs of the Philippines, approximately 96 of these sites are part of the ancestral land
and/ or domains of IPs. In these areas, there are many ancestral domains and ancestral lands claims of IPs. Some
of these claims have been granted ancestral domain/land certificates/ titles.

The Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) provides IPs with a legal mandate to utilize and manage resources within
their ancestral lands and domains. It also provides IPs with an opportunity to forge partnerships with the
government in programs and projects on natural resources management, particularly in areas within their
ancestral domains.

Please refer to Annex 2.1 for the School of Living Traditions among Talaandig in Lantapan, Bukidnon. The School
of Living Traditions is one where a living master/culture bearer or culture specialist imparts to a group of people
from the same ethno-linguistic community the skills and techniques of doing a traditional art of craft. The mode
of teaching is usually non-formal, oral, and with practical demonstrations. The site may be the house of the living
master, a community social hall, or a center constructed for the purpose (NCCA, 2015).

21 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
A. Overview of Philippine Biodiversity

Figure 2. Infographic on Philippine biodiversity

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Figure 3. Land cover map: Philippines, 2003
Data source: Land cover - National Mapping and Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA)

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Figure 4. Land cover map: Philippines, 2010
Data source: Land cover - National Mapping and Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA)

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1. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Why Biodiversity Matters to Philippine Development?

The Philippines has a population of 100 million, with a poverty rate of nearly 25 percent. Biodiversity and
ecosystems are key to lifting people out of poverty, contributing to our economy, and strengthening our
resilience to climate change. Over the decades, Philippines has experienced rapid environmental degradation.
Between 1934 and 1990, the country lost 10.9 million ha of forest cover or an average annual loss of 194,000 ha.
Of this area, 10.37 million ha or 95 percent were converted to other uses while 0.52 million ha were damaged by
logging. Over the last 100 years, the deforestation rates have fluctuated with an average of about 150,000 ha per
year (Rebugio, Cruz, Carandang, Tolentino, de la Cruz, Lasco, Visco, Dizon, Pulhin, Dalmacio, Bantayana, Calderon
& Camacho, 2005). Figures 3 and 4 show the land use cover change between 2003 and 2010.

On the other hand, fisher overcapacity has resulted in major overexploitation of Philippine reef fisheries.
Demersal fish stocks are biologically and economically overfished in almost all areas other than Eastern Luzon,
Palawan, and the Southern Sulu Sea (BFAR, n.d.) Studies show an increasing trend in the poor conditions of the
Philippine reef. From four percent of Philippine reef in excellent condition in 1997, it went down to 2 percent in
2010 to less than one percent of Philippine reef in excellent condition (Magdaong, Yamano, and Fujii, 2012). The
Visayas have experienced the most significant decline in coral cover exhibiting an average of only 11 percent hard
coral cover (BFAR, n.d.)

The ability of policy makers to address the key challenge of reducing poverty in the country is dependent on
building the capacity to appropriately manage and conserve ecosystems and the services they provide. The
opportunities for integrating economic values of ecosystem services into the country’s national plans such as the
PDP, national accounting, comprehensive land use plans (CLUP), sustainable resource use and protection plans
impact not only on ecosystems, but above all on people. These plans are likely to affect people’s access to
ecosystem services, the governance context in which they live, the ways in which they create and sustain
livelihoods for themselves and their families, and on the options open to them and the choices they can make
about the future.

The Philippines derives services from biodiversity which include:

a. Water
There are 421 principal river basins, 19 of which are considered major with each draining
watersheds of at least 140,000 ha. This is aside from the thousands of small coastal basins with their
own outlets to the sea. There are 59 freshwater lakes, including some of Southeast Asia’s biggest.
Groundwater resources are substantial along these rivers and lakes. Proven deposits alone are in the
order of 50 billion cubic meters (BCM) and covers 5,000,000 ha. These water resources can supply
479 BCM to the country annually (6,000 m3 per person) or seventeen times what is being actually
used (Coulby, 2009).

b. Food
 Root crops, which include cassava, sweet potato, taro, yam, yam bean, arrowroot are promoted
by the Philippine Root Crop Research and Training Center, a government research, development
and training institution responsible for planning, implementing, coordinating, monitoring and
evaluating research and development/extension programs in support to the rootcrop industry.
 Fish is second most important staple food of Filipinos. Every square kilometer (km) of coral reefs
can supply up to 30 tons of edible and economically important fish every year (Alcala, 1988).
Fifteen percent of the fisheries production in the country came from inland waters (BFAR, 2011).
 Philippine mangroves can produce about US$538 worth of fish/ha/year (Primavera, 2000).

25 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
c. Pharmaceuticals
The National Integrated Research Program for Medicinal Plants found solutions to the most
common problems such as cough (lagundi [Vitex negundo]), pain (yerba buena [Clinopodium
douglasii), renal stones (sambong [Blumea balsamifera]), diarrhea (bayabas [Psidium guajava]),
intestinal worms (niyog-niyogan [Quisqualis indica]), high blood pressure (bawang [Allium sativum]),
high blood sugar (ampalaya [Momordica charantia]), fungal infections (akapulko [Cassia alata]),
tooth decay (tsaang gubat [Carmona retusa]) and arthritis and gout (ulasimang bato or pansit-
pansitan [Peperomia pellucida Linn.]). Eighty three (83) plants have already passed rapid-screening
tests and are awaiting more exhaustive chemical and clinical examination. The Philippine Institute of
Traditional and Alternative Health Care, created under the Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act
or Republic Act (RA) 8423, promotes additional lists of pharmaceuticals, cosmeceuticals and
nutraceuticals in the country.

d. Biomass Fuels
The resources available in the Philippines can generate biomass projects with a potential capacity of
around 200 megawatts (MW) (Zafar, 2015).

e. Carbon Sequestration and Climate Regulation

 A 2005 study by the World Bank (WB) and National Disaster Coordinating Councilof the
Philippines reported that the country’s vulnerability to natural hazards cost the government an
average of US$338 million annually in direct damages, or more than 0.5 percent of gross
domestic product (GDP).
 The sampling for the study to estimate the carbon storage of the Caimpugan peatland was done
in the peat forest from May 24-28, 2010. In Tall Pole Forest, Intermediate Forest, and the Pygmy
Forests in two locations in the peatland, the aboveground carbon stocks were measured in
standing trees, understorey, herbaceous vegetation, and litter. With the assumption that the
three vegetation zones sampled in this study were similar in other portions of the peatland, the
5,487-ha Caimpugan peatland was estimated to store 22.9 M tons of carbon. The Caimpugan
peatdome was found to be a substantial and space efficient carbon store compared to other
forest types in the country. Considering its role as a significant carbon sink, stringent measures
must be done to protect and conserve these areas (Alibo & Lasco, 2012)3.

f. Crop pollination - Economic value of insect pollination in the Philippines is valued at US$710 million for
2009 as assessed by the Food and Agriculture Organization or FAO (Ngo, Gemmill-Herren, & Packer,

g. Cultural, Intellectual and Spiritual Inspiration – Scientists and researchers benefit from the use of
natural sites for scientific research on the natural world, education and development of
technology. Increasing numbers of Filipinos have been finding peace and spiritual enhancement from
nature. Nature based tourism, a fast-growing industry, provides economic and social benefits
through recreation, leisure and education (Sinha & Heaney, 2005). DENR AO 2013-19 defines
ecotourism as a “form of sustainable tourism within a natural and cultural heritage area where
community participation, protection and management of natural resources culture and indigenous
knowledge and practices, environmental education and ethics as well as economic benefits are
fostered and pursued for the enrichment of host communities and satisfaction of visitors”.

3Journal of Environmental Science and Management, Carbon Storage of Caimpugan Peatland in Agusan Marsh, Philippines and its Role in Greenhouse Gas
Mitigation, Van Leeah B. Alibo and Rodel D. Lasco, December 2012

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2. Economic Benefits from Philippine Biodiversity

a. Agriculture and fisheries contributed an average of 18.4 percent to GDP and the sector grew at an
average rate of 2.6 percent annually. (PDP 2010-2016). See Table 1 and Figure 5.
b. Agriculture employed an average of 11.8 million people. These account for almost 35.1 percent of the
total work force (NEDA, 2011)
c. Between 2004 and 2010, agriculture and fisheries sector exports rose from US$2.5 billion to US$4.1
billion. The top agricultural exports, in terms of value are coconut oil, fresh banana, tuna, pineapple,
tobacco, and seaweeds (NEDA, 2011)

Table 1. Fishing Grounds in the Philippines

Commercial Municipal
West Palawan waters Visayan Sea
South Sulu Sea Bohol Sea
Visayan Sea East Sulu
Moro Gulf Moro Gulf
Lamon Bay Guimaras Strait
Bohol Sea South Sulu Sea
East Sulu Sea West Palawan waters
Samar Sea Lamon Bay
Guimaras Strait Leyte Gulf
Manila Bay Samar Sea
Tayabas Bay Davao Gulf
Sibuyan Bay Cuyo Pass
Tayabas Bay
Source: FAO, 2000

d. Ecotourism - In 2010, foreign tourists - 3 million arrivals in 2009 - spent an average of US$83.93 per
day and stayed an average of eight nights during their visit (NEDA, 2011). Domestic tourism is also
rising with an estimated 25.7 million Filipinos (15 years old and above) who had traveled to any
place within the country from April to September 2012 based on 2012 Household Survey on
Domestic Visitors by the National Statistics Office (NSO). Table 2 lists the ecotourism sites in the
Philippines, which are presented in Figure 6 along with the above and below-ground biomass carbon
discussed in section 1E of this Chapter.

27 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Figure 5. Protected areas, fishing grounds and network of protected areas for agricultural and agro-Industrial
development in the Philippines
Data sources: Fishing grounds- FAO; NPAAAD- Bureau of Soils and Water Management (BSWM) - Department of Agriculture;

28 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Table 2. Tourism Development Areas
No. Name of TDA No. Name of TDA
1 Batanes Island 40 Boracay Island-Northern Antique-Kalibo
2 Babuyan Island 41 Capiz
3 Cagayan Coast 42 Northern Cebu-Bantayan- Malapascua
4 Laoag-Pagudpud 43 Metro Cebu-Mactan-Olango Island
5 Vigan 44 Southern Cebu
6 Tuguegarao-Tabuk 45 Negros Oriental-Dumaguete- Siquijor
7 Ilagan & Isabela Coast 46 Tagbilaran-Panglao
8 Quirino 47 Northeastern Leyte-Basey-Marabut
9 Central Cordillera 48 Northeastern Leyte-Biliran
10 Benguet-Baguio-Mt. Province 49 Southern Leyte
11 Nueva Vizcaya 50 Western Samar
12 La Union Coast 51 Eastern Samar
13 Western Pangasinan Loop 52 Northern Samar
14 East Pangasinan Circuit 53 Dinagat-Siargao Islands
15 Lingayen Coast & Islands 54 Surigao City-Lake Mainit
16 Subic-Clark-Tarlac Corridor 55 Butuan City-Cabadbaran
17 Nueva Ecija 56 Agusan Marsh
18 Pampanga 57 Agusan Sur-Hinatuan
19 Bulacan 58 Agusan Sur-Bislig
20 Zambales Coast 59 Camiguin Island
21 Bataan Coast and Inland 60 Cagayan de Oro-Misamis Oriental Coast
22 Aurora 61 Iligan City/Lanao del Norte
23 Metro Manila & Environs 62 Misamis Occidental Coast (Tangub
24 Nasugbu-Looc-Ternate-Cavite Coast 63 Bukidnon
25 Laguna de Bay 64 Zamboanga Sibugay
26 Batangas Peninsula 65 Zamboanga City-Sta Cruz- Isabela
27 Quezon Coast & Islands 66 Pagadian City-Zamboanga Del Sur
28 Camarines & Catanduanes 67 Dapitan
29 Albay-Sorsogon-Masbate 68 Dipolog
30 Marinduque Island 69 Davao City-Samal Island-Davao Del Norte
31 Romblon Island 70 Davao Del Sur
32 Puerto Galera 71 Compostella Valley – Davao Oriental
33 Southwest Mindoro Coast 72 Cotabato Province – Mt. Apo
34 San Vicente-El Nido-Taytay 73 South Cotabato – Lake Sebu
35 Puerto Princesa 74 Sultan Kudarat
36 Southern Palawan 75 General Santos – Sarangani
37 Busuanga-Coron-Culion Islands 76 Cotabato City
38 Metro Iloilo-Guimaras 77 Lanao Del Sur - Maguindanao
39 Bacolod-Silay 78 Basilan - Tawi Tawi – Jolo

29 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Figure 6. Protected areas, ecotourism sites, and biomass carbon (above and below-ground) in the Philippines4
Data sources: TDAs - Department of Tourism’s National Tourism Development Plan 2011-2016;
PAs – BMB-DENR; Carbon stocks – Saatchi et al., 2011 as cited in Osti et al., 2014

4 Refer to Table 2 for the name of ecotourism areas

30 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Valuing ecosystem services provision, use and flow

Combining information on the biophysical mechanisms of ecosystem services provision together with the
economic implication of the use of ecosystem services could allow better management and governance (MA,
2005). However, the quantitative understanding of ecosystem service provision and use has not sufficiently
evolved to allow the productive use of spatial mapping, economic valuation and related tools to inform accurate
decision and policy making (Boyd & Banzhaf, 2007; Wallace, 2007; Turner & Fisher, 2008).

There are many site-specific studies of marine ecosystem services, looking at issues of subsistence fishing,
shoreline protection, tourism, and recreation. It remains difficult to combine the values of different sectors, and
there are issues around adding up the different ecosystem service values (‘stackability’) at a single site or type of
site. However, creating aggregated bodies of information from multiple sites must be conducted by a range of
researchers, across a range of ecosystem types in order to give policy makers some information so that they can
begin to include the values of ecosystem services into their decision making.

3. The Continuing Degradation of Philippine Biodiversity

The continuing habitat degradation and forestland conversion are major threats to Philippine biodiversity. These
are attributed primarily to the following:

 Indiscriminate logging changes the forest landscape. Although there has been a decline in logging
activities – due to the combined effects of a ban on logging old growth forests – illegal logging activities
persist. Based on the 2010 satellite imageries, the total forest cover of the Philippines is estimated at
6.840 million ha. Of the total forest cover, open forest was accounted with an area of 4.595 million ha
(DENR-FMB, 2012).

 Mining claims and rights overlap with defined areas for PAs, ancestral lands including those planned for
conservation areas that threaten ecological sustainability. The Philippines is a significant producer of gold,
copper, nickel and chromite and is also abundant in non-metallic and industrial minerals such as marble,
limestone, clay, feldspar and aggregates. Since the Supreme Court upheld key provisions of the Mining
Act in 2004, there has been a heavy influx of mining activity and investment; as of 2013, about 339
Mineral Production Sharing Agreements within 602,012 ha had been issued (DENR-MGB, 2013). Since
most of the country’s priority conservation areas sit on top of huge mineral reserves, many significant
biodiversity areas are in conflict with prescribed land uses and management objectives.

 The burgeoning human population against a limited land base causes forestland conversion. With the
country’s annual population growth rate of 1.9 percent from 2000 to 2012 (Philippine Statistics Authority
[PSA], 2010), poverty, landlessness and absence of secure tenure rights over secondary forest areas or
logged-over areas have become attractive for conversion into agricultural land and settlements.

 Unsustainable production and consumption of medicinal and ornamental plants and wild animals for trade
and domestic use have contributed to habitat degradation and dramatic reductions in species
populations. Among the most highly prized ornamental plants are the jade vine (Strongylodon
macrobotrys), giant staghorn fern (Platycerium grande), waling waling (Euanthe sanderiana) and many
tree fern species. A significant number of animals, such as the Palawan peacock pheasant (Polyplectron
emphanum), Philippine cockatoo (Cacatua haematuropygia), talking mynah (Gracula religiosa), blue
naped parrot (Tanygnathus lucionensis), and Asian small-clawed otter (Amblonyx cinereus), are also
overharvested. The exploitation of some by-products of wildlife species also endangers their survival,
such as the nests produced by the edible-nest swiftlets (Collocalia fuciphaga).

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 Narrowing of food base/Simplification of diets or less complex and high energy diets (Frison, Smith et al,
2010) as gleaned from the results of the Philippine National Nutrition survey. Food consumption data
from 1978-2003 shows the dietary pattern of Filipinos remains to be comprised of rice, fish and
vegetables. Alongside with this, there is a downward trend in the consumption of fruits and vegetables.
On the other hand, there is increased consumption of meat, fats and oil, milk and sugars. It is called the
nutrition transition (Popkin, 2001). Recent diet diversity studies among Filipino children also reflect
simplified diets as diet diversity score results are found below cut-off points (Kennedy et al., 2007;
Talavera, Felix and Narciso, 2011). It should be noted low scores indicate unsatisfactory nutrient
adequacy (Hoddinott and Yohannes, 2002; Ruel et al., 2004; Steyn et al., 2006). This lack of diet diversity
is multi-factorial (i.e. lack of purchasing power, unavailability in the markets, unfamiliarity with certain
food items, lack of know-how to prepare/consume them). Nutrition transition, together with intensive
agriculture and environmental pressures are also attributed to reduction in dietary diversity and the
accompanying loss in agrobiodiversity and associated traditional knowledge (Gold and McBurney, 2010).

 Introductions of invasive alien species have also taken a toll, particularly in wetlands. The following groups
have had a particularly negative impact on wetland biodiversity: fish such as the janitor fish
(Pterygoplichthys spp.), the knifefish, (Chitala sp.), giant catfish and black bass; toads and frogs, including
the marine toad (Bufo marinus), the American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) and leopard frog (Rana
tigrina); and aquatic plants like the water hyacinth and water fern. Another IAS that poses destruction to
the natural habitat is Buyo-buyo (Piper aduncum), a highly aggressive shrub that invades agricultural areas
and natural forests.

 Degradation from climate change. Several direct impacts of climate change have been identified, among
them: changes in the timing of biological events, changes in species distribution and behavior in plants
and animals, and increased frequency and intensity of pests and diseases. Potential impacts include
increased vulnerability of species to extinction and potential losses of net productivity of ecosystems.

 Weak capacities on natural resources management. The weakness of institutional and legal capacities can
be traced to a basic lack of information on the country’s biodiversity and strategic management options.
There is still a need to improve awareness and demonstrate the long-term benefits of conservation
actions and sustainable management of natural resources. A preference for short-term financial gains
over long-term economic and environmental benefits is still driving many local communities, in particular,
to engage in illegal and unsustainable harvesting of resources.

 Under-valuation of ecosystem services from natural resources. Economists measure the value of
ecosystem services to people by estimating the amount people are willing to pay to preserve or enhance
the services. However, this is not always straightforward, for a variety of reasons. While some services of
ecosystems, like fish or lumber, are bought and sold in markets, many ecosystem services, like a day of
wildlife viewing or a view of the ocean, are not traded in markets. Thus, people do not pay directly for
many ecosystem services. Additionally, because people are not familiar with purchasing such goods, their
willingness to pay may not be clearly defined.

 Weak integration of biodiversity concerns in landscape planning. The integration of biodiversity concerns
in landscape planning and development also remains inadequate resulting in land use plans which are not
environmentally sensitive, uncontrolled land development and conversion of fragile uplands and
important biodiversity-rich areas into agricultural zones and other uses. LGUs are gradually recognizing
this weakness, however, there is a need to promote more widely, the available conservation tools to
broaden the impact of such programs. The main governmental response to these threats and their
underlying causes has been the establishment of a system of PAs in habitats known to harbor unique and

32 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
important biological resources. Other types of conservation tools include critical habitats, indigenous
community-conserved areas (ICCA), local conservation areas (LCA) and private reserves5.

The municipality of Buguey found in the northern province of Cagayan hosts the Buguey wetlands, a KBA.
The LGU recently updated its CLUP which recognizes the need to balance environmental protection and
development objectives (see Figure 7). The land use maps are the basis of zoning ordinances enacted by
LGUs. These ordinances contain specific management prescriptions per land use. In 2014, the Housing
and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) has incorporated the mainstreaming of biodiversity in its
enhanced CLUP guidelines with the assistance of the BPP, a UNDP-funded project implemented by the

5 New Conservation Areas in the Philippines Project primer: Threats to Philippine Biodiversity, DENR, UNDP-GEF, undated

33 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Figure 7. Location and land use map of Buguey
Source: Biodiversity Partnerships Project,

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B. Philippine Ecosystems
1. Forests

According to 2011 FAO data, the forestry sector contributed USD 528.7 million to the economy in 2011, which is
appoximately 0.2 percent of the GDP. At least forty-nine thousand people are directly employed by the forestry

The aggregate external trade in all forest goods for 2012 of the Philippines amounted to US$114.229 billion. Of
this total, the forest-based products shared US$3.898 billion or 3.41 percent. Plywood; non-timber forest
products; pulp and waste paper; and paper and articles of paper and paperboard suffered cutbacks in exportation
while all other forest-based products exhibited increments in exportation.

The country has 663 million metric tons of carbon stocks in living forest biomass. The land use change and
forestry sequestered 1.3 percent of this country’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2011 (Global Forest Watch, n.d.).
On February 26, 2011, President Benigno S. Aquino III issued EO 26 ordering and declaring the implementation of
the National Greening Program or NGP (NGP, n.d.) as a government priority. The NGP aims to plant 1.5 billion
trees covering 1,500,000 ha of public lands by the year 2016 and is the main strategy for reforestation of the
Philippine government (see Annex 2.2). Figure 8 shows the accomplished and potential NGP sites (Osti, Thorley,
Väänänen, Goodman, Woroniecki, Coroza, De Alban, Rico, Monzon, Liss, Estomata, Uychiaoco, Diaz & Mant,

The changes of forest cover in the country from 2003 to 2010 (see Figures 3, 4 & 9) provide vital information
across all scales of governance, for improved, more holistic management. Such knowledge can help spur
international agreements (both regional and global) as well as transboundary cooperation (bilateral and others).
Information on the stock changes on forest ecosystem services could promote creation of new sources of
conservation and management funds through Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES), providing opportunities for
private sector investment to complement public sector management.

35 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Figure 8. Accomplished and potential National Greening Program sites
Data sources: Accomplished and Potential – FMB DENR as cited in Osti et al., 2014

36 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Figure 9. Infographic on Philippine forests

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2. Inland Water/Wetlands

Wetlands are areas of marsh, peat swamp or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary with
water that is static, flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including area of marine water, the depth of which at low tide
does not exceed six meters (m). They have three broad categories, namely: 1) inland wetland which includes
springs, creeks, rivers, streams, waterfalls, swamps, marshes, ponds, wet caves and lakes; 2) coastal wetland
which includes bays, straits, seagrass beds, coral reefs, sand bars, mud, sand or salt flats, mangrove swamps,
estuaries, marine shores and saline lagoons; and 3) human-made wetland which includes fish and shrimp ponds,
farm ponds, salt pans, dams, small water impounding areas, reservoirs, irrigated agricultural lands and canals.

Inland water/wetlands harbor 316 fish species, 121 (38%) of which are endemic and 76 (24%) are threatened
species. It hosts several species of aquatic plants, resident and migratory birds, amphibians and reptiles like the
endemic and threatened Philippine Freshwater Crocodile (Crocodylus mindorensis).

The PBCP identified 216 lakes, 421 principal rivers and 22 marshes, swamps and lakes all over the country. The
BMB has (2014, unpublished report on the Inventory of Inland Wetlands in Luzon, Philippines) identified 756
inland wetlands with 651 (86%) river systems, 83 (11%) lakes, 16 (2%) water storage/reservoirs, four ponds and
two marshes/pools (1%).

Inland water/wetlands, a freshwater source, become a congregating point for human settlements. They are the
most accessed but least accorded conservation attention. Major government agencies have commonly related
wetland concerns but no committee to synergize or oversee these.

Rivers, Waterfalls, Creeks, Streams and Estuaries

In 2011, DENR initiated the Adopt an Estero (Creek) Program (see Annex 2.3). Business and civil society groups
adopted creeks and committed to clean and rehabilitate them. After 15 months of implementation, visible signs
of improvement were observed in the different creeks adopted by 250 various LGUs, civil society organizations
(CSO) and business sector.

Cagayan River is the longest, largest and widest river in the country and traverses the provinces of Nueva Vizcaya,
Quirino, Isabela and Cagayan. The river’s mouth covers the Babuyan Channel and Cagayan and empties into the
Aparri estuary. It is where the most expensive and threatened lobed river mullet (Cestraeus plicatilis) or ludong
can be found. It is also the habitat of three (3) species of eels, Anguilla marmorata, Anguilla pacifica and Anguilla
celebenensis. The elvers (young eels) are banned for exportation.

Many waterfalls are found in the country. Known in terms of height are the Aliwagwag Falls in Davao Oriental
(approximately 335 m), Limunsudan Falls in Lanao del Norte (approximately 260 m) and Busay Falls in Albay
(approximately 240 m).


Some major lakes are Laguna de Bay, Lake Lanao, Taal Lake, Lake Buhi and Naujan Lake with a total area of
159,400.48 ha. Laguna Lake is the largest lake which provides various products and services to more than 13
million people which live in the lake basin. Lake Lanao in Lanao del Sur is the second largest freshwater lake in
the country which is a reservoir for the Agus hydroelectric power plants which generate 55-65 percent of
Mindanao’s power.

38 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Taal Lake National Park is the home of the endemic tawilis (Sardinella tawilis) and the freshwater snake, duhol
(Hydrophis semperi). Lake Buhi National Park is habitat for the smallest commercial fish, sinarapan (Mistichthys

Naujan Lake National Park in Oriental Mindoro is an important staging and wintering area for more than 10,000
individuals of tufted ducks (Aythya fuligula). It is both a Ramsar and an East Asia Australasian Flyway Site (EAAF).

In 2013, the Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA) implemented the Public Disclosure Program for Laguna
de Bay Region Good Environmental Performance. It compelled businesses to reduce their pollution and fulfill
their environmental and legal obligations. Compliant establishments were awarded and recognized while non-
compliant ones were named and shamed.

Swamps and Marshes

Swamps and marshes are water-logged areas with inadequate drainage. Swamps are dominated by shrub, woody
plants and trees while marshes are dominated by soft-stemmed vegetation like reeds and sedges and the water is
not as deep as swamps.

The Agusan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary in Agusan del Sur is one of the key biodiversity sites in the country and an
important peatland area. It is comprised of a vast complex of freshwater marshes and water courses that
collectively act as holding water basin for floodwaters that regularly inundate the Agusan Valley during the
northeast monsoon. It is where, in 2011, the biggest and largest saltwater corcodile (Crocodylus porosus) was
caught with a weight of 1,000 kilograms. It was designated as a Ramsar site in 1999.

Designation and Operationalization of Water Quality Management Framework

Section 5 of RA 9275 or the Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 tasked the DENR in coordination with the National
Water Resources Board to designate certain areas as Water Quality Management Areas (WQMA) using
appropriate physiographic units such as watersheds, river basins or water resource regions. The objective of the
WQMA is to protect, through stakeholder collaboration, the water body and its tributaries by keeping their water
quality within the Water Quality Guidelines or Criteria conforming to the water body’s classification or even
improve the quality to higher classification. A WQMA Action Plan will be prepared in order to address water
quality issues and problems in the area and later result to the improvement or better water quality of the said
water body. As of 4 August 2014, there are nineteen (19) officially – designated WQMAs, including the areas
within the jurisdiction of LLDA, which was designated as one management area by virtue of the Clean Water Act.
Figure 10 presents an infographic on wate resources.

Caves and Cave Ecosystems

More than 1,500 caves have been recorded nationwide with still a significant number of caves yet to be
discovered, assessed, surveyed and classified. Class 1 caves have delicate and fragile geological formations,
threatened species, archeological and paleontological values, and extremely hazardous conditions. Allowable use
may include mapping, photography, educational and scientific purposes. Class 2 caves include sections that have
hazardous conditions and contain sensitive geological, biological, archeological, cultural, historical, and biological
values or high quality ecosystem. It may be necessary to close sections of these caves seasonally or permanently
but may be open to experienced cavers or guided educational tours/visits. Class 3 caves are generally safe to
inexperienced visitors and have no known threatened species, archeological, geological, natural history, cultural
and historical values. These caves may also be utilized for economic purposes such as guano extraction and edible
birds nest collection.

After cave classification is the participatory preparation and partnership implementation of a 5-year management
39 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
plan for each cave. Partnerships may involve DENR with interested groups like the LGUs, peoples organizations
(PO) and/or land owners.

The Capisaan cave system (Class 1 and 2) in Nueva Vizcaya is the fourth longest cave, surveyed at 4.2 km. It is a
geologist’s paradise because of the abundance and beauty of its cave formation.

The Puerto Princesa Subterranean River Sagada, in Mt. Province has deep caves with rich lime formation
National Park (Class 2) in Palawan, a World and ancestral burial sites
Heritage and Ramsar Site, features a 20-
million year old Sirenia fossil in its wall and
an 8.2 km navigable underground river that
empties into Honda Bay.

Despite the country’s cave biodiversity and

significance, most of these are in danger due
to increased demand for recreational sites,
vandalism, treasure hunting, mining,
pollution, illegal collection of cave resources Source:

and rapid urbanization.

40 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Figure 10. Infographic on water resources

41 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
3. Coastal and Marine Ecosystems

Coastal systems generate a variety of seafood products such as fish, mussels, crustaceans, sea cucumbers, and
seaweeds. Many commercially important marine species, like salmon, grouper, snapper, striped bass, and
invertebrates (such as shrimp, lobster, crabs, oysters, clams, mussels), use coastal nursery habitats. To ensure
continuous production of these marine resources, effective management is essential. Establishment of MPAs is an
important component of coastal resource management (Alcala, 1998).

Marine Protected Areas

In the Philippines, MPAs can be categorized into two governance levels: nationally established MPAs under the
National Integrated Protected Area Sytsem or NIPAS Act (33) and locally established MPAs (1,620) under the Local
Government Code and the Fisheries Code. MPAs in general take four forms: 1) Marine sanctuary or no-take marine
reserve, where all forms of extractive activities are prohibited; 2) Marine reserve, where extractive and non-
extractive activities are regulated; 3) Marine parks, where uses are designated into zones; and 4) Protected
landscape and seascape, where protection may include non-marine resources (Miclat and Ingles 2004 in Arceo,
Campos, Fuentes, & Alino, 2004; White et al. 2014). The most common objectives for MPA establishment are
biodiversity conservation, fisheries sustainability, and tourism and recreation, among others. 1,620 locally managed
MPAs have been established as of 20116 (see Annex 2.4).

Coral Reefs and Seagrasses

The Philippines, being situated at the apex of the Coral Triangle, is considered to be the richest marine eco-region
in the world or the Center of Marine Shorefish Diversity (see Figure 11). The Coral Triangle region is located along
the equator at the confluence of the Western Pacific and Indian Oceans. Using coral and reef fish diversity as the
two major criteria, the boundaries of this region are defined by scientists as covering all or part of the exclusive
economic zones of six countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, the Solomon Islands and

6 National Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) Coordinating Committee 2013

42 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Figure 11. Patterns of species richness from range overlap raster data from 10,446 species7
Source: Sanciangco, Carpenter, Etnoyer, & Moretzsohn (2013) Habitat Availability and Heterogeneity and the Indo- Pacific Warm Pool as
Predictors of Marine Species Richness in the Tropical Indo-Pacific

The Philippines adopted the CTI target of having at least 20 percent of each major marine and coastal habitat type
across the region to be placed in strictly protected “no-take, replenishment zones”. However, the Philippines under
the CTI National Plan of Action (2009-2020) used an interim target of at least 10 percent for each marine and coastal
habitat type. As for coral reefs and mangroves, the 10 percent target is estimated to be around 80,000 and 156,900
ha, respectively (ACB, 2010).

Mangroves are permanent or temporary habitats for many aquatic animals, and provide hatching sites and nursery
grounds for many marine fishes. Loss of mangrove and seagrass leads to increased sediment and nutrient input to
coral reefs, leading to degradation and loss of coral and potentially negative impacts on fisheries, which may in turn
threaten the food security of vulnerable coastal populations. Loss of coral habitat also reduces the natural coastal
defense service they provide leading to increased vulnerability. The resulting loss of infrastructure or of pristine
coral habitat needed for profitable diving operations can reduce tourism revenue.

Based on State of the Coral Triangle Report from the Philippines in 2012, mangrove cover has increased from 0.247
million ha in 2003 to 0.311 million ha in 2012 due to mangrove reforestation efforts. Planted mangroves have
reached up to more than 44,000 ha (Samson & Rollon, 2008; Primavera, Rollon, & Samson, 2011). Several
interventions have been introduced to address mangrove rehabilitaton loss, the NGP in 2011, and the Integrated
Coastal Resources Management Project (ICRMP).

7 All fishes showing the top 1% of species richness (white)

43 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Figure 12. Infographic on coral reefs, sea grass and other marine resources
44 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Marine Flora and Fauna

The Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) are among the cetaceans that are at greater risk to population
extirpation and perhaps extinction. Seventy seven (77) individual dolphins were found geographically isolated in
Malampaya Sound, Palawan (Smith & Beasley, 2004).Irrawady dolphins are also reportedly frequently seen in the
waters of Guimaras Strait, near Bago-Pulupandan-San Enrique wetlands in Negros Occidental (L. Paguntalan & P.
Jakosalem, personal communication, 2014).

The greater threat to cetaceans to date is the incidental takes from fisheries (i.e. mortality due to net
entanglement). With the advent of newer technology and the expansion of fishing industry, there have been
increasing reports of cetaceans being caught during fishing operations.

Figure 12 presents an infographic on marine resources.


1. Marine and Terrestrial Species

In terms of wildlife species management, scientific expeditions carried out through partnership agreements
between the DENR and various local and international academic and research institutes have led to continuous
discovery of new species with many more awaiting discoveries. Some of these new discoveries include the
Camiguin hawk owl (Ninox leventisi), Cordillera shrew mouse (Archboldomys maximus), Zambales forest mouse
(Apomys zambalensis), Sierra Madre forest mouse (Apomys sierra), and Southern Leyte frog (Platymantis
guentheri and Platymantis hazelae).

In June 2011, a government-authorized group of scientists from the California Academy of Sciences surveyed
Luzon Island—the largest island in the Philippine archipelago—and discovered more than 300 new species (see
Annex 2.5)

There are also ongoing conservation efforts for some endangered and threatened species like the national bird,
the Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi), Philippine Cockatoo (Cacatua haematuropygia) Tamaraw (Bubalus
mindorensis), Philippine tarsier (Tarsius syrichta), Philippine Freshwater Crocodile (Crocodylus mindorensis) and
marine turtles.

An example of this is the Tamaraw Conservation Program that continues to regularly monitor its population in
Mts. Iglit-Baco National Park. The latest tamaraw count, conducted in April 2014, yielded 382 heads in the wild

In addition to species-specific conservation programs, KBAs and critical habitats have been identified for
conservation measures. KBAs represent known habitats of 855 globally important species of plants, corals,
molluscs, elasmobranchs, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals in the country. A total of 228 KBAs (see
Figure 18) have been identified - 128 terrestrial and freshwater KBAs in 2006 and 123 marine KBAs in 2009
(Ambal, Duya, Cruz, Coroza, Vergara, De Silva, Molinyawe, & Tabaranza, 2012), with 91 out of 240 PAs within
KBAs. Six critical habitats with a total area of 9,391.697 ha have also been established to protect the habitats and
populations of threatened species of wild flora (e.g., Rafflesia schadenbergiana) and wild fauna (e.g., Philippine
falconet, Philippine hanging parakeet, marine turtles, Philippine wild duck and other waterbird species), pursuant
to RA No. 9147 or the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act. In spite of the alarming rate of
biodiversity loss, new discoveries continue. From 2005 to 2012, there were 151 species of birds, mammals,
reptiles, amphibians and plants discovered (see Annex 2.6).

45 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
In caves and karst systems, several invertebrates like insects and crustaceans have been identified such as a cave
spider (Althepus noonadanae), cave crab (Boholina fosshagen), and vertebrates such as gobiine fish (Caecogobius
crytopthalmus). Figure 13 shows the 2014 wildlife crime hotspots in relation to the protected areas and
biodiversity importance index in the Philippines.

46 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Figure 13. Wildlife crime hotspots in relation to protected areas and biodiversity importance index of the
Philippines, 2013
Data source: Wildlife crime hotspots 2014 – BMB; Biodoversity importance index – IUCN 2013; IUCN Red List of Threatened
Species (Version 2013.1) in Osti et al., 2014

47 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
1. Urban Biodiversity

City biodiversity exposes urban residents to an environment or landscape which facilitates their appreciation for
nature. It provides opportunities for recreation, health, relaxation and community cohesion. Green area
accessibility has been linked to reduced mortality and improved perceived and actual general health.
Psychological benefits of green space increase with biodiversity and that a green window increases job
satisfaction and reduces stress.

Urban biodiversity is a new concept in the Philippines but some pockets of green space and landscape have been
established (see Annex 2.7). Through synergism between and among different sectors, these urban green spaces
can be improved so urban residents can benefit from their ecosytem services and enhance human well-being.

Las Piñas-Parañaque Critical Habitat and Ecotourism Area, a coastal urban wetland
and bird sanctuary situated within the metropolis of Metro Manila, comprises two
interconnected, mangrove-covered islands, shallow lagoons and coastline.

Source: Philippine Daily Inquirer, May 2011(


At least 47 migratory species such as the vulnerable Chinese Egret (Egretta eulophotes) have been recorded at the
site. Records from 2007-2011 show that the site supports at least one percent of the estimated population of Black-
Winged Stilts (Himantopus himantopus) using the EAAF. The site faces threats such as waste from nearby cities,
heavy metals and other organic contents coming from residential and industrial effluents. Other threats include
ongoing land reclamation projects and mangrove cutting.

2. Agricultural Biodiversity

Agrobiodiversity has been developed through the application of the knowledge and skills of farmers, herders and
fisherfolk in a wide range of agroecosystems. The knowledge it has produced is key to global food security
because of their wild relatives. The genetic diversity found in domestic animal breeds allows farmers to select
stocks in response to changes in the environment, threats of disease, market conditions and societal needs, all of
which are largely unpredictable. Indigenous livestock breeds often possess valuable traits such as disease
resistance, high fertility, good maternal qualities, longevity and adaptation to harsh conditions and poor-quality
feed, all desirable qualities for low-input, sustainable agriculture.
48 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
The importance of the role of agrobiodiversity in protecting and promoting the use of traditional crop varieties as
well as enhancing people’s livelihoods has been emphasized in this plan. Likewise, the number of in situ and ex
situ sites that conserve and propagate diverse indigenous species and varieties will be increased. Policies and
programs to support and recognize communities practicing heritage agriculture will be formulated and
mainstreamed into LGU plans.

From 1996 to 2000, a total of 14 populations of wild species of rice were collected by Bon & Borromeo (2003)
consisting of eight populations of Oryza officinalis and six (6) populations of O. meyeriana which were further
classified into newly discovered, re-discovered, and re-canvassed species (see Figure 14). These areas are
potential candidates for nationally important agricultural heritage sites.

Experiences have shown that full involvement of local farming practices in agricultural research and development
-- through participation and leadership of local people -- has had beneficial outcomes. In Kalinga, Davao, Palawan,
Pampanga and Oriental Mindoro, at least seven (7) ethnic groups are practicing 15 types of measures vs. rainfall
aberrations and at least 11 ethnic groups are practicing 33 types of practices vs. temperature change as an
example of indigenous knowledge on climate change adaptation. These are carried out in rice, vegetables, fruits
and sugarcane varieties.

Initial inventories are currently being implemented on ex situ conservation, as well as pilot efforts on in situ
varietal conservation/multiplication and agriculture heritage conservation are on-going.

49 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Figure 14. Discovery and re-discovery of wild rice populations, 1996-2000
Data source: Bon & Borromeo (2003) Discovery and rediscovery of wild rice populations in the Philippines

50 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Philippine Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

In the Philippines, over 3,000 plants are utilized for food, feed, shelter, fiber, fuel, medicine, ornamentals and
ornaments. Plant genetic resources are a vital element of our nation’s cultural heritage. A vast number of plants
are of significant cultural value to local communities, as a symbol in religion, folklore, rituals and the arts.
Conservation strategies include ex situ (cold storage, field genebanks, in vitro, pollen storage, DNA storage and ultra
drying) and in situ (on-farm and home garden) (Borromeo, 2014).

The Philippine germplasm collection has 173,205 accession from forty (40) agencies and institutions such as DA,
PhilRice, and research universities. The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Philippine Council for
Agricultural and Aquatic Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD) has a current program on restoring crop
diversity using National Germplasm Repository. Germplasms duplication is conducted in the National Plant Genetic
Resources Laboratory, international genebanks, regional genebanks and Svalbard. Fifty-eight countries served as
donors of germplasm used in crop improvement of nine crops in the Philippines for the past 20 years (Borromeo,

A. Agriculture

Based from 2013 data, the agriculture and fisheries sector contributed an estimate of PhP701 billion to the
country’s GDP (Philippine Statistics Authority website). In addition, 44.52 percent of the country’s total land area is
utilized as agriculture land and 85 million metric tons of agricultural crops were harvested in 2013. The country's
Gross National Income grew by 7.48 percent while GDP posted a 7.18 percent growth and Gross Value Added in
agriculture and fishing went up by 0.90 percent. This sector contributed 10 percent to the GDP (see Annex 2.8).

Production in the livestock subsector improved by 1.76 percent. Hog and cattle production rose by 1.95 percent
and 1.76 percent, respectively. Dairy had a 5.58 percent output gain. The poultry subsector came up with a 4.29
percent growth in production. All poultry components posted output increments. Chicken had the biggest
expansion at 5.11 percent.

The fisheries subsector recovered from the previous year's decline with a 1.24 percent increase in production in

Figures 15, 16, and 17 present infographics on agriculture, livestock and poultry and fisheries.

8 CountrySTAT Philippines:

51 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Figure 15. Infographic on the agriculture in the Philippines

52 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
B. Livestock and Poultry

Figure 16. Infographic on livestock and poultry

53 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
C. Fisheries

Figure 17. Infographic on fisheries in the Philippines

54 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
3. Cross Cutting Concerns

A. Key Biodiversity Areas

Conservationists fear that, without immediate intervention, the Philippines hotspot is on the brink of an
extinction crisis. One way of ensuring that the network of PAs adequately conserves biodiversity is through the
conservation of KBAs (see Figure 18).

KBAs represent the most important sites for biodiversity conservation worldwide. They are places of international
importance for the conservation of biodiversity through PAs and other governance mechanisms. They are
identified nationally using simple, standard criteria, based on their importance in maintaining species populations.
As the building blocks for designing the ecosystem approach and maintaining effective ecological networks, KBAs
are the starting point for conservation planning at landscape level. Governments, intergovernmental
organizations, NGOs, the private sector, and other stakeholders can use KBAs as a tool for identifying national
networks of internationally important sites for conservation (IUCN, n.d.)

A process for identifying KBAs for the Philippines was undertaken in two phases. The 128 terrestrial and freshwater
KBAs were identified in 2006 and the 123 marine KBAs were identified in 2009. A total of 228 KBAs resulted from
the integration of the terrestrial, freshwater and marine KBAs. These KBAs represent the known habitat of 855
globally important species of plants, corals, molluscs, elasmobranchs, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and
mammals in the country (see Table 3).

Table 3. Key Biodiversity Areas in the Philippines

KBAs by ecosystem Area # of KBAs % of KBAs # of KBAs # of KBAs # of KBAs
coverage (km ) Protected Partially Unprotected
Terrestrial only 51,249 101 44% 27 25 49
Marine only 19,601 77 34% 8 6 63
Terrestrial and 35,702 50 22% 15 10 25
Total 106,552 228 100% 50 41 137

The terrestrial KBAs cover 20 percent of the country’s land area, which includes the majority of the remaining
terrestrial natural habitats, while the marine KBAs covered only 1.93 percent of the country’s marine area or
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Some 44 percent of the sites identified are terrestrial KBAs, 34 percent are marine
and 22 percent include both marine and terrestrial areas (Ambal et al., 2012).

In addition to creating effective PAs, basic field research is desperately needed to support conservation activities.
New endemic species are frequently discovered and information related to these new discoveries feed directly
into the refinement and prioritization of KBAs.

The KBA approach presents a novel framework for identifying fine-scale conservation priorities in the Philippines,
and will benefit from the methodology updating process that is currently under development. The Philippines
needs to improve data gathering efficiency and information management in order to highlight other important
ecosystems such as inland wetlands, peatlands and caves.

55 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Figure 18. Key Biodiversity Areas in the Philippines

56 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Protected Area Management in the ASEAN Region

The results of various assessments conducted by ASEAN Member States (AMS) revealed that in spite of increased
areas of protection, the loss of biodiversity has not been effectively addressed. The Gap Analysis on Protected
Areas Report for Southeast Asia was conducted by compiling the gap analysis assessments conducted by AMS
including Cambodia, Indonesia and Viet Nam for terrestrial PAs and Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the
Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam for coastal and marine PAs.

Using the 10 percent target of PA coverage within each country, all countries in the ASEAN region were able to
meet the target in so far as protecting their terrestrial area is concerned when comparing their percentage
covered of terrestrial PAs versus the countries’ total forest area. In spite of the increase in PAs, the regional level
of forest trends in the ASEAN region from 1980-2007 showed a continuous decline in forestry resources and
forest area. Between 2000 and 2007, the rate of deforestation in the region average about 1.11 percent per
annum. This indicates that there are still major gaps in the current terrestrial PA system within the region.
Apparently, the 10 percent of PA coverage per country is not sufficient to protect all the important habitats for
varied reasons, including: a. that this may not all be adequately represented in the existing PA networks; b. that
collection of resources (e.g. harvesting of trees and related forest products) in PAs is on going at unsustainable
levels; and c. that PA policies are not enforced.

Based on aggregate current information sourced from the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) and MPA
gap analysis reports of AMS, Philippines registered 2.5 percent of marine protected area coverage in AMS (ACB,
2010). Consequently, out of the 82 marine KBAs identified in the region, 78 percent remain unprotected,
indicating a significant representation gap. Ten percent are partially protected, signifying an ecological gap in the
MPAs managed. Only 12 percent of the MKBAs are under protection but management concerns remain to be an

In 2007, data from the FAO showed a steady decline of 1.06 percent per year in mangrove forests between 1980
and 2005 even though the proportion of protected mangrove areas exceeded CBD’s target at 15 percent.

Protection of the remaining mangrove forests needs to be scaled up to address impending negative impacts such
as extinction of associate species, reduced fishing production, and other activities and functions associated with
the use of mangrove resources. This also applies to coral reefs and seagrasses which are continuously threatened
by drivers of marine biodiversity loss such as habitat change, the impact of climate change, overexploitation,
and pollution.

For seagrasses, the aggregate protection areas fell below the 10 percent target at 8.33 percent protection. Only
Thailand and Indonesia surpassed the 10 percent target at 35 percent and 17 percent, respectively. Cambodia,
the Philippines and Viet Nam fell short of the 10 percent mark. There is a need to expand the reach of information
coverage on the conservation and economic values of seagrasses in the region to increase appreciation and
conservation efforts for this ecosystem. Their nursery function for various fishes and invertebrate larvae makes
this ecosystem an important resource for inclusion in conservation plans and establishment of MPAs.

For coral reefs, about 14 percent of the coral reef areas are protected, thus meeting the CBD target. A closer look
into individual country performance in protecting their coral ecosystems indicated rigorous conservation activities
in Thailand, Indonesia and Viet Nam whose protection ratio exceeded the ten percent CBD target. In
Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Myanmar and the Philippines, protection activities remain to be a
challenge (ACB, 2010).

57 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Protected Area Management in the Philippines

A PA Master Plan that will update the Philippines’ Programme of Work for Protected Areas is currently being
formulated. The adoption of the system approach to PA planning and management was conceived to provide for
a more strategic perspective for assessing the current portfolio of PAs, rationalize the expansion of PAs into the
system, and provide for better arguments for relating PAs with broader national development objectives. While
the NIPAS has clearly articulated the policy framework for the establishment of PAs, the emergence of other
governance types has also reinforced the arguments for developing a national PA system plan, to take account of
other modes of area based conservation efforts.

The BMB, in collaboration with Philippine Congress has proposed an Expanded NIPAS Bill which will facilitate the
process of congressional enactment of at least 100 PAs with Presidential Proclamation. Other effective
conservation mechanisms were introduced in establishing PAs in the form of ICCAs directly managed by IPs and
LCAs managed by LGUs. A total of 50,006 ha of ICCAs have been documented and 9,297 ha from three sites (Mt.
Kalatungan, Cabangan and Mt. Hilong Hilong) have been formally registered at the global ICCA registry of the
UNEP-WCMC. Around 71,317 ha of LCA from six (6) sites have been established through LGU resolutions. Figure
19 shows the current distribution of PAs in relation to KBAs and critical habitats (CH) in the Philippines.

Based on the National Management Effectiveness and Capacity Assessment of Protected Areas in the Philippines
draft report (2014), the major specific challenges to effective PA management were increasing conversion of PAs
into agricultural land, prevalence of illegal extracton of timber and non-timber products within the PA, increasing
human settlements and establishment within the PA, and increasing unregulated tourism activities (Guiang &
Braganza, 2014). Other challenges identified through the consultation processes and workshop activities were a)
overlapping policies and conflicting management regimes, b) political intervention, c) limited financial and
manpower resources result to weak technical and enforcement capacities of staff, and d) lack or absence of
accurate technical data on the biological state of the PA.

In a study on “Effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas in the Philippines for Biodiversity Conservation” conducted
by Weeks, Russ, Alcala and White (2010), the group used a newly compiled database of nearly 1,000 MPAs to
measure progress toward targets (The 1998 Fisheries Code legislation, calls for 15 percent of coastal municipal
waters (within 15 km of the coastline) to be protected within no-take MPAs, and the Philippine Marine Sanctuary
Strategy (2004), which aims to protect 10 percent of coral reef area in no-take MPAs by 2020). The group
evaluated conservation effectiveness of MPAs in two ways, first, by determining the degree to which marine
bioregions and conservation priority areas are represented within existing MPAs and second, by assessing the size
and spacing patterns of reserves in terms of best-practice recommendations. Based on the results of the study,
the current extent and distribution of MPAs does not adequately represent biodiversity. At present just 0.5
percent of municipal waters and 2.7-3.4 percent of coral reef area in the Philippines are protected in no-take
MPAs. Moreover, 85 percent of no-take area is in just two sites; 90 percent of MPAs are <1 km2. Nevertheless,
distances between existing MPAs should ensure larval connectivity between them, providing opportunities to
develop regional-scale MPA networks. Despite the considerable success of community-based approaches to MPA
implementation in the Philippines, this strategy will not be sufficient to meet conservation targets, even under a
best-case scenario for future MPA establishment. The group recommends that implementation of community-
based MPAs be supplemented by designation of additional large no-take areas specifically located to address
conservation targets (Weeks et al., 2010).

58 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Figrure 19. Key biodiversity areas, protected areas, and critical habitats in the Philippines
Data source: KBA- CI, Haribon, BMB ; PAs & CH-BMB-DENR

59 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
B. Management of Invasive Alien Species

The occurrence of species invasions in the Philippines, one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, has
been reported in PAs, wetlands, and agricultural areas as well as in production and protection forests. Many of
the past and present introductions are intended for food production, reforestation, horticulture, and recreation.
Invasion by alien species in the Philippines is a result of one or any combination of the following factors:
1. Transport of organisms to a new habitat – this could be between islands or countries;
2. Establishment and propagation of the alien species in the new habitat – either in natural or human-made
habitats, such as enclosures, lakes, reforestation areas, and gardens; and
3. Uncontrolled spread from initial population over large area – either through deliberate release or
accidental escape. However, most of these reports are anecdotal and not scientifically or rigorously studied.

The Philippines has developed and aims to implement the National Invasive Species Strategic and Action Plan
(NISSAP) to prevent new introductions and spread of invasive species to control the spread of existing IAS and to
effectively manage their impacts on biodiversity. The NISSAP covers the management of various types of IAS, such
as vertebrates and invertebrates, weeds, marine and freshwater plants and animals in areas that are most
vulnerable to the impact of IAS.

C. Philippine Experience in REDD+ Actions

Pursuant to EO 881, a REDD+ Unit at the FMB was created which took the lead in integrating, coordinating,
monitoring and evaluating all REDD+ related programs, projects, investments and activities. It also linked the
REDD+ activities to the Philippine National REDD+ Strategy (PNRPS) Road Map and tracked the country’s progress
towards establishing the Measurement, Reporting and Verification system, benefit-sharing mechanism and the
social and environmental safeguards for REDD+.

As a collective effort between government and non-government sectors, the PNRPS outlines the country’s
approach and roadmap towards developing and implementing REDD+ from the readiness and demonstration
phases to the full implementation phase. The PNRPS has a vision of empowering stakeholders to sustainably and
equitably manage forestlands, PAs and ancestral domains, while contributing towards biodiversity conservation,
poverty alleviation and improved governance.

Hence, it proposes a safeguards framework which is initially drawn from international models and best practices.
The framework is elaborated within the Philippine setting through a set of principles, criteria and indicators. This
will serve as basis for developing operational safeguards and a functioning Safeguards Information System for the
Philippines. The proposed framework and guidelines provide 10 principles classified into environmental,
governance and socio-economic clusters. One of the environmental principles states that: “REDD+ conserves
biodiversity and maintains ecosystem functions and services.” Under this principle, the following criteria were

1. Ensure that REDD+ activities do not cause the conversion of natural forest to planted forest and other land
uses (e.g. agriculture, infrastructure);
2. Ensure that land use planning for REDD+ explicitly takes account of potential synergies and trade-offs
between the multiple functions of forest and the benefits they provide, respecting local and other
stakeholders’ values;
3. Ensure that conservation status of threatened species are improved and of non-threatened species are
maintained; and
4. Promote effective management of natural habitats and watersheds.

60 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
The PNRPS adopts a “Triple Bottomline” approach, where carbon, community and biodiversity are seen as equally
valued benefits to REDD+ development and implementation and therefore has implications on how planning and
monitoring are conducted. The country’s national experience with REDD+ implementation includes the
involvement of biodiversity experts and traditional knowledge where experts from academe as well as tribal
leaders/representatives are regular participants in all the planning and capacity building initiatives as well as in
the implementation of pilot sites in the local level (see Annex 2.9).

Such practical approaches are driving innovation towards establishing REDD+ as a potential sustainable revenue
model, which could leverage biodiversity, ecosystem services, and livelihoods giving more tangible benefits to
communities. This broader framework for “performance” more confidently secures carbon benefits and the
enabling environment needed for permanence.

In 2014, the Philippines submitted its position on Non-Carbon Benefits (NCB) based on the PNRPS, which is a
strategy that defines the policy direction of the country in terms of REDD+ implementation. Our position
reiterates that NCBs should be nationally defined and that methodologies, modalities and procedures should be
identified at the country level. It also emphasized the need to view REDD+ in a holistic manner which gives
impetus to valuing the forests not only for their capacity to store and sequester carbon dioxide, but also for the
myriad of other uses and services they currently provide within the context of climate change adaptation and
sustainable development. Figure 20 provides an overview of the distribution of areas under the Community-
Based Forest Management Agreement (CBFMA) and PA Community-Based Resource Management Agreement
(PACBRMA) in relation to PAs and KBAs. It shows where sustainable management of forests could be
implemented as an activity under REDD+, in a way which also contributes to biodiversity conservation.

61 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Figure 20. CBFMA and PACBRMA in protected areas and key biodiversity areas in the Philippines
Data source: Cited in Osti et al., 2014 a) KBA – compiled by BirdLife International and CI, October 2012; b) CBFMA – FMB-
DENR data obtained Dec 2013 (no data is available for regions VIII, ARMM, CAR, and Manila).

62 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
D. Solid Waste

Under RA 9003, the LGU is responsible for collecting non-recyclable materials and special wastes, while barangay
units are given the task and responsibility of collecting and segregating the biodegradable, compostable, and
reusable wastes (see Annex 2.10). Section 37 of RA 9003 states that “no open dumps shall be established and
operated, nor any practice or disposal of solid waste by any person, including LGUs, which constitutes the use of
open dumps for solid waste, be allowed after the effectivity of the Act. Provided that within three (3) years after
the effectivity of the Act, every LGU shall convert its open dump into controlled dumps and that no controlled
dump be allowed five (5) years following the effectivity of the Act.” Figure 21 presents an infographic on waste

E. Land Use

Policies on land use recognize the need to protect the environment and its natural resources in view of the
requirements of future generations. These are generally provided by (1) Presidential Decree 705 14 or the Revised
Forestry Code of the Philippines; and (2) RA 7586 or the NIPAS Act of 1992. The Revised Forestry Code generally
provides for the protection, rehabilitation and development of forestlands. Similarly, the NIPAS Law seeks the
establishment of a comprehensive system of integrated PAs (i.e., biologically important public lands including
forest areas) ranging from large natural parks, to landscapes and seascapes, to wildlife sanctuaries and small
watersheds, among others (Senga, 2001, 56).

The increasing demand for human settlement and other non-agricultural purposes has led to the indiscriminate
conversion of productive agricultural lands and this, in turn, resulted in the opening of ecologically fragile lands or
PAs (see Annex 2.11). Farmers, for example, encroach into vulnerable and marginal upland areas, including
forestlands, for subsistence farming among others in order to augment the demand for food supply and increase

The presence of properly demarcated forestland boundaries is the starting point towards the resolution of many
land use conflicts and one of the enabling factors to achieve the sustainable management of forest resources.
The FMB already completed the delineation of forest line boundaries for 75 out of 80 provinces in the country.
The remaining five (5) provinces of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) are still undergoing
final review and evaluation by the National Assessment and Delineation Committee TWG. The draft bill on the
said forestland delineation was already submitted to the Office of the Senate under the sponsorship of Senator
Loren Legarda.

63 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Figure 21. Infographic on waste management in the Philippines
64 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
F. Gender

There are important gender issues in the matter of access to and control over natural resources and climate-
change-induced disasters. According to the PDP 2011−2016, the deteriorated state of the country’s environment
and natural resources is felt mostly by the poor who depend on such resources for their livelihood and are likely
vulnerable to the unfavorable consequences of resource degradation and depletion. Climate change and risks
from natural disasters only amplify the association between poverty and environmental degradation. The most
vulnerable sectors are women, men, and children of poor and marginalized households and communities that
depend on natural or ecological resources for their human development needs and security. They are involved in
farming, fisheries, and forestry-based activities and livelihoods.

To address these concerns, gender considerations were integrated in both the National Climate Change Action
Plan (NCCAP 2011-2028) and the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (NDRRMP). Consistent
with the National Framework Strategy on Climate Change, which was adopted in 2010, the NCCAP’s ultimate goal
is to “build the adaptive capacities of women and men in their communities, increase the resilience of vulnerable
sectors and natural ecosystems to climate change and optimize mitigation opportunities towards gender-
responsive and rights-based sustainable development.” The Plan explicitly recognizes that certain activities cut
across strategic priorities and sectors, including gender and development, information, education and
communication (IEC), and capacity building. Specific gender-related activities have been identified in the NCCAP’s
seven strategic actions, namely: food security, water sufficiency, ecological and environmental stability, human
security, climate friendly industries and services, sustainable energy, and knowledge and capacity development.

On the other hand, the NDRRMP outlines the activities aimed at strengthening the capacity of the national
government and LGUs, together with partner stakeholders, to build the disaster resilience of communities and
institutionalize arrangements and measures for reducing disaster risks, including projected climate risks, and
enhancing disaster preparedness and response capabilities at all levels. Like the NCCAP, the NDRRMP recognizes
that gender mainstreaming cuts across the four Disaster Risk Reduction and Management priority areas, namely:
prevention and mitigation, disaster preparedness, disaster response, and recovery and rehabilitation (Philippine
Commission on Women [PCW], 2014).

65 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Chapter 2. Development Framework of the Philippines

In the pursuit of inclusive growth and poverty reduction, the Philippine government has outlined five major
guideposts to pursue rapid and sustainable economic growth and development, improve the quality of life of the
Filipino, empower the poor and marginalized and enhance our social cohesion as a nation.

The country’s five major guideposts are embedded in the PDP that serves as the country’s guide in formulating
policies and implementing development programs from 2011 to 2016. The country’s policies that contribute to
biodiversity conservation in the Philippines and the responsible agencies handling their implementation are
summarized in Chapter 3. This enables the Philippines to work systematically to give the Filipino people a better
chance of finally finding their way out of poverty, inequality, and the poor state of human development.

Table 4. How PBSAP contributes to sector outcomes in PDP resulting to inclusive growth and poverty reduction

Adaptive capacities of human communities

Sustainability managed natural resources

Sector resilience to climate change risks

Transparency, citizens’ participation &

Productivity in Agriculture & Fisheries

Environmental quality improved for a

Health & nutrition status improved

Chapter 7 Subsector Outcome 7b.

Chapter 9 Subsector Outcome 9b.

Chapter 6 Subsector Outcome 6a.

Chapter 7 Subsector Outcome 7a.

Chapter 9 Subsector Outcome 9a.

Chapter 9 Subsector Outcome 9c.

Chapter 4 Subsector Outcome 4c.

Chapter 4 Subsector Otcome 4a.

healthier & cleaner environment


Rule of law strengthened

accountability increased
sector increased



Five Major Guide

Transparent Governance 
Poverty Reduction
     
Rapid, Inclusive &
Sustained Economic
       
Just and Lasting Peace and
the Rule of Law   
Integrity of the
Environment and Climate
       
The PDP adopts a strategic development policy framework thus focuses on improving transparency and
accountability in governance, strengthening the macro economy, boosting the competitiveness of our industries,
facilitating infrastructure development, strengthening the financial sector and capital mobilization, improving
access to quality social services, enhancing peace and security for development, and ensuring ecological integrity
(NEDA, 2011). With good governance and anticorruption as the overarching theme of each and every

66 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
intervention, the Plan translates into specific goals, objectives, strategies, programs and projects all the things
that the Philippines wants to accomplish in the medium term.

The Government’s Five Major Guide Posts are supported by various sector outcomes in the PDP. The PBSAP is
anchored to the PDP and will help accomplish sector outcomes of Chapters 4, 6, 7 and 9 to achieve the goal of
inclusive growth and poverty reduction (see Table 4).

Nevertheless, NEDA, as lead agency in the formulation of the PDP, considers the PBSAP as a useful tool to ensure
continuity of biodiversity related short/midterm strategies of the PDP in the next planning cycle thus sustain the
benefits and gains from biodiversity conservation efforts. The succeeding medium term development plans
should consider the set targets and interventions in the PBSAP.

PBSAP contributes to the sector outcome of Chapter 4 (Competitive and sustainable agriculture and fisheries) of
the PDP by ensuring the effective management of terrestrial and marine PAs and the protection and restoration
of ecosystem functions to sustain and improve productivity of our agriculture and fisheries sector thereby
ensuring our food security and improving incomes. The PDP recognizes that the country’s environment and
natural resources are a means and an end in achieving inclusive growth. As a means, they provide the needed
inputs and ecosystem services to sustain resource dependent communities and sectors, such as the agriculture
and fisheries sector. As an end, the ENR bears both the positive and negative impacts of activities intended to
accelerate economic growth.

The PDP will continue to pursue the strengthening of the management of natural resources through conservation,
protection and rehabilitation to sustain ecosystem services in support of productive sectors. In pursuing efforts to
achieve subsector outcome 4a, the PDP upholds the adoption of effective approaches to develop, rehabilitate and
restore the natural resource base for agriculture and fisheries production to reduce the degradation and improve
the quality of natural resources.

Likewise, it also contributes to the sector outcome of Chapter 6 (Social development) of the PDP by protecting
areas that harbor high agrobiodiversity as nationally important agricultural heritage sites and promoting organic
agriculture, home gardens and community-based seed banks.

The PBSAP supports Chapter 7 (Good governance and the rule of law) of the PDP by highlighting environmental
governance through strict implementation of environmental laws and mainstreaming of biodiversity conservation
into local development plans. Capacity building and increasing awareness are the responses of the PBSAP to
achieve this sector outcome. Moreover, the PBSAP underscores multi-stakeholdership in protecting our

The PBSAP also complements the other existing national plans such as the NCCAP, Environmental Natural
Resource Framework, Women’s Empowerment, Development and Gender Equality Development Plan, National
Action Plan to combat Desertification, Drought and Poverty, National Ecotourism Strategy, PNPRS, and Master
Forestry Development Plan.

The PBSAP also serves as a safety net to protect the country’s biodiversity in the pursuit of inclusive economic
growth. The PDP adopts a neoliberal economic framework that relies on the gradual removal of barriers in the
regulation of the market to promote inclusive growth, which is high growth that is sustained, generates mass
employment, and reduces poverty.

The pursuit of economic growth is anchored on the principles of shared responsibility, good governance,
participation, social and environmental justice, intergenerational space and gender equity, with people at the
core of conservation, protection and rehabilitation, and developmental initiatives.

67 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Anchored within the goals of the PDP, the PBSAP works towards the vision that by 2028, the Philippines’
biodiversity is restored and rehabilitated, valued, effectively managed and secured, maintaining ecosystem
services to sustain healthy, resilient Filipino communities and delivering benefits to all women and men.

68 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Chapter 3. Policy, Governance and Financing of Biodiversity
Conservation in the Philippines
As people become more vigilant about the state of the environment and insistent that offenders of
environmental laws be held accountable, policy framework and governance of biodiversity in the Philippines are
in place with the intent of protecting the environment and aid people from all walks of life in their pursuit to a
balance and healthful ecology.

A. Policies that Contribute to Biodiversity Conservation in the Philippines

Policy Pertinent Provisions/ Description Responsible Agencies
Philippine Constitution Article 2, Section 16. The State shall protect and advance the
right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in
accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature.

Article 12, Section 5. The State, subject to the provisions of

this Constitution and national development policies and
programs, shall protect the rights of indigenous cultural
communities to their ancestral lands to ensure their
economic, social, and cultural well-being.
NIPAS Act of 1992 It provides the legal framework for the establishment and DENR
(RA 7586) management of protected areas in the Philippines. It
identified 202 initial components comprising of proclaimed
national parks, game refuge and wildlife sanctuaries, nature
reserves, wilderness areas, mangrove reserves, watershed
reservations, fish sanctuaries, protected landscapes and
Wildlife Resources This law aims to conserve and protect wildlife species and  DENR – covers all terrestrial plant
Conservation and their habitats for sustainability. It provides the and animal species, all turtles and
Protection Act of 2001 conditionalities for the collection, possession, transport, tortoises and wetland species,
(RA 9147) export and/or import, registration, and introduction, including but not limited to
reintroduction or restocking of wildlife species. It also lays crocodiles, waterbirds and all
down the basic requirements for the use of wildlife amphibians and dugong.
resources for bioprospecting, scientific researches and  DA – covers all declared aquatic
commercial undertakings as well as for botanical and critical habitats, all aquatic
zoological parks purposes. It establishes the Wildlife resources including but not
Management Fund; requires the establishment of National limited to all fishes, aquatic
Wildlife Research Centers and Wildlife Rescue Centers; and, plants, invertebrates and all
mandates the creation of Wildlife Traffic Monitoring Units marine mammals, except dugong.
and the deputation/designation of Wildlife Enforcement  Palawan Council for Sustainable
Officers who shall have the full authority to seize illegally Develppment (PCSD) – covers the
traded wildlife and to arrest violators of the Act in province of Palawan
conformity with existing laws, rules and regulations on arrest
and detention.

The Act is also the enabling legislation for the

implementation of the rules and regulations of the CITES in
the country.
National Caves and Cave Caves and cave resources are part of the country’s natural DENR
Resources Management wealth. It mandates the DENR to formulate, develop and
and Protection Act of implement a national program for the management,
2001 protection and conservation of caves and cave resources.
(RA 9072)

69 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Policy Pertinent Provisions/ Description Responsible Agencies
The National and Regional Cave Committees oversee the
implementation of the Act and its support policies.
An Act to Prevent, Deter The State shall ensure the attainment of the following DA
and Eliminate Illegal, objectives of the fishery sector:
Unreported and  Conservation, protection and sustained
Unregulated Fishing , management of the country’s fishery and aquatic
Amending RA 8550 or resources;
the Philippine Fisheries  Poverty alleviation and the provision of
Code of 1998 (RA 10654 supplementary livelihood among municipal
of 2015) fisherfolk;
 Improvement of productivity of aquaculture within
ecological limits;
 Optional utilization of offshore and deep-sea
resources; and
 Upgrading of post-harvest technology.
The IPRA of 1997 It recognizes and promotes all the rights of ICCs/IPs of the NCIP
(RA 8371) Philippines. This law recognizes the ancestral land rights of
the IPs (see Annex 2.12).
Philippine Mining Act of All mineral resources in public and private lands within the DENR-MGB
1995 (RA 7942) territory and EEZ of the Republic of the Philippines are
owned by the State. It shall be the responsibility of the State
to promote their rational exploration, development,
utilization and conservation through the combined efforts of
government and the private sector in order to enhance
national growth in a way that effectively safeguards the
environment and protect the rights of affected communities.
Institutionalizing and This produced the “No-go zone” map which states that DENR - MGB
Implementing Reforms in applications for mineral contracts, concessions and
the Philippine Mining agreements shall not be allowed in the following: a) areas
Sector (EO 79, s. 2012) expressly enumerated under Section 19 of RA 7942; b)
protected areas categorized and established under the
National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS) under
RA 7586; c) prime agricultural lands, in addition to lands
covered by RA 6657, or the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Law of 1988, as amended, including plantations and areas
devoted to valuable crops and strategic agriculture and
fisheries development zones and fish refuge and sanctuaries
declared as such by the Secretary of the DA; d) tourism
development areas, as identified in the National Tourism
Development Plan; and e) other critical areas, island
ecosystems, and impact areas of mining as determined by
current and existing mapping technologies that the DENR
may hereafter identify pursuant to existing laws, rules and
regulations, such as, but not limited to, the NIPAS Act.
National Policy Agenda on This recognizes that remediation and rehabilitation of DENR - MGB
Revitalizing Mining in the abandoned mines shall be accorded as top priority to
Philippines of 2004 (EO address the negative impacts of past mining in the country.
270, s. 2004)
Philippine Clean Water The law aims to protect the country’s water bodies from DENR-Environmental Management
Act of 2004 (RA 9275) land-based pollution sources (industries and commercial Bureau (EMB)
establishments, agriculture and community/household
activities). It provides for a comprehensive and integrated
strategy to prevent and minimize pollution through a multi-

70 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Policy Pertinent Provisions/ Description Responsible Agencies
sectoral and participatory approach involving all the

Anyone discharging wastewater into a water body will have

to pay a wastewater charge. This economic instrument will
encourage investments in cleaner production and pollution
control technologies to reduce the amount of pollutants
generated and discharged.
Philippine Ecological Solid It provides the legal framework for the country’s systematic, National Solid Waste Management
Waste Management Act comprehensive, and ecological solid waste management Commission - oversees the
of 2000 (RA 9003) program that shall ensure protection of public health and the implementation of solid waste
environment. management plans and prescribes
policies to achieve the objectives
of the Act.

National Ecology Center – is under

the National Solid Waste
Management Commission and
provides consulting, information,
training and networking services
for the implementation of the
provisions of RA 9003.

Pursuant to the relevant provisions

of RA 7160 otherwise knows as the
Local Government Code, the LGUs
shall be primarily responsible for
the implementation and
enforcement of the provisions of
the Act within their respective
Revised Forestry Code of This Act lays down the basic principles of forest management DENR-FMB
1975 (PD 705) and conservation, makes provision for proper classification,
management and utilization of public domain lands to
maximize their productivity and meet the demands of the
country’s increasing population. The Revised Forestry Code
of the Philippines also covers management on industrial tree
plantations, tree farms and agro-forestry farms, forest
protection of swamplands and mangrove forests.

The Act also covers special uses of forest resources, such as

grazing, wildlife, and recreation, and prescribes criminal
offences, including unlawful occupation or destruction of
forestlands and grazing lands.
Moratorium on the Apart from a number of exemptions to the moratorium on DENR - FMB
Cutting and Harvestiing of the cutting and harvesting of timber in natural forests, it
Timber in the Natural and provides for the implementation of a forest certification
Residual Forests and system in accordance with UN standards and a convergence
Creating the Anti-Illegal program with other national agencies and the private sector
Logging Task Force (EO to increase awareness, improve livelihoods and mobilize
23, s. 2011) resources.
National Greening This implements a National Greening Program as a DENR - FMB
Program (EO 26 s. 2011) government priority which aims to plant 1.5 billion trees
covering 1.5 million hectares from 2011-2016 in forestlands,

71 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Policy Pertinent Provisions/ Description Responsible Agencies
mangroves and protected areas, ancestral domains, civil and
military reservations, urban areas, inactive and abandoned
mine sites and other suitable lands. This Order also enjoins
participation of other government agencies, the private
sector and civil society.
Sustainable Forest This pursues the sustainable management of forests and DENR - FMB
Management (EO 318 s. forestlands in watersheds. It adopts Community-Based
2004) Forest Management (CBFM) as the primary strategy in all
forest conservation and development and related activities,
including joint ventures, production sharing and co-
production. It also provides for the proper valuation and
pricing of forestry resources and financing sustainable forest
Delineation and Mapping The objective of this bulletin is to provide reliable DENR - FMB
of Protection and information on the relative locations of all production and
Production Forests (FMB protection forest areas in the country to help in the planning
Technical Bulletin No. 5, and application of appropriate management systems which
April 2014) are ecologically compatible, economically feasible and
socially acceptable based on the biophysical and economic
resources of the area. The output is a Production and
Protection Forests Map based on thematic maps and
existing/related laws, rules and regulations. Moreover, it will
determine the relative locations of the protection and
production forests on the ground that can be integrated with
environment and development planning activities.
The Balance Fertilization This gives emphasis on management of crop residues, farm DA
Strategy of 1997 water recycling and an optimum combination of organic and
(Proclamation No. 1071) inorganic fertilizers.
Organic Agriculture Act of This Act provides for the following: 1) policy formulation on DA
2010 (RA 10068) regulation, registration, accreditation, certification and
labeling on organic agriculture; 2) research, development
and extension of appropriate sustainable environment and
gender-friendly organic agriculture; 3) promotion and
encouragement of the establishment of facilities, equipment
and processing plants that would accelerate the production
and commercialization of organic fertilizers, pesticides,
herbicides and other appropriate farm inputs; and 4)
implementation of organic agricultural programs, projects
and activities, including the provision and delivery of support
services with focus on the farmers and other stakeholders.
Amended Animal Welfare The purpose is to protect and promote the welfare of all DA
Act of 2013 (RA terrestrial, aquatic and marine animals in the Philippines by
8485/10631) supervising and regulating the establishment and operations
of all facilities utilized for breeding, maintaining, keeping,
treating or training of all animals either as objects of trade or
as household pets including birds.
Climate Change Act of The Act aims to systematically integrate the concept of CCC
2009 (RA 9729) as climate change in the policy formulation and development
amended by People’s plans of all government agencies and units, to the end that
Survival Fund (RA 10174 the government will be prepared for the impact of climate
of 2012) change. It provides long-term finance streams to enable the
government to effectively address the problem of climate

72 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Policy Pertinent Provisions/ Description Responsible Agencies
Philippine Disaster and The Act mainstreams disaster risk reduction and climate National Disaster Risk Reduction
Risk Reduction change in development processes such as policy formulation, and Management Council
Management Act of 2010 socio-economic development planning, budgeting and
(RA 10121) governance, particularly in the areas of environment,
agriculture, water, energy, health, education, poverty
reduction, land use and urban planning and public
infrastructure and housing
Environmental Awareness The Act promotes environmental awareness through Department of Education (DepEd),
and Education Act of environmental education and covers the integration of such Commission on Higher Education
2008 in the school curricula at all levels, be it public or private, (CHED), Technical Education and
(RA 9512) including day care, preschool, non-formal, technical, Skills Development Authority,
vocational, indigenous learning, and out-of-school youth DSWD, DENR, DOST
courses or programs. It also declares November as the
Environmental Awareness Month in the Philippines.
Local Government Code Section 17 states that provinces can enforce forestry laws Department of Interior and Local
of 1991(RA 7160) limited to community-based forestry projects, pollution Government (DILG)
control law, small-scale mining law, and other laws on the
protection of the environment; and mini-hydro electric
projects for local purposes.
Urban Development and In relation to urban biodiversity, this Act provides for the HLURB
Housing Act of 1992 (RA rational use and development of urban land to bring about
7279) reduction in urban dysfunction particularly those that
adversely affect public health, safety and ecology.
Toxic Substances and The Act provides the legal framework to regulate, restrict or DENR-EMB
Hazardous and Nuclear prohibit the importation, manufacture, processing, sale,
Waste Control Act of distribution, use and disposal of chemical substances and
1990 mixtures that present unreasonable risk and/or injury to
(RA 6969) health or the environment; to prohibit the entry, even in
transit, of hazardous and nuclear wastes and their disposal
into the Philippine territorial limits for whatever purpose;
and to provide advancement and facilitate research and
studies on toxic chemicals.
Rules of Procedure for In April 2010, a Philippine legislature promulgated the Rules Supreme Court
Environmental Cases of Procedure for Environmental Cases (9, a landmark
instrument representing a significant reform in
environmental litigation and protection. This laid down
procedures governing the civil, criminal, and special civil
actions in all trial courts regarding environmental cases, with
a view to protecting and advancing the constitutional right of
the people to health and to a balanced and healthful
ecology, and providing a simplified, speedy, and inexpensive
procedure for the enforcement of environmental rights
under Philippines law.

The Rules of Procedure for Environmental Cases empowers

the courts to issue environmental protection orders as an
immediate action to protect the environment and the
communities affected. This also enables communities to
petition for the suspension or stoppage of destructive,
environmental and development activities through the
Citizen’s Suit provision.

9Supreme Court of the Philippines (Accessed on 27 July 2014) Rules of Procedure for Environmental Cases A.M. No. 09-6-8-SC (Phil.) Retrieved from

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B. International Commitments to Biodiversity Conservation

There are several international conventions and conferences of which the Philippines is either a signatory to the
multilateral environmental agreements (MEA) of the conventions or a participating party to the international
conferences. The Philippines is a signatory to the MEAs that include the CBD, Framework Convention on Climate
Change (FCCC) and the Convention to Combat Desertification (CCD). With these international conventions, the
Philippines has legal obligations to develop its national strategies and plans for its fulfillment of the objectives of
the conventions.

Commitment Pertinent Provisions/ Description

Convention on Biological The Philippines with 154 other states and the European Union (EU) have signed the CBD in June
Diversity 1992 during the Earth Summit in Rio de Janiero. The Philippine Senate ratified the Philippine
membership to the CBD on October 8, 1993.

The key objectives of the CBD, namely, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and the
fair and equitable sharing of benefits from the utilization of genetic resources and associated
traditional knowledge is carried out by the DENR and other key agencies through the following: a)
for conservation, through the establishment of PAs in terrestrial and marine ecosystems including
those that are set up under the NIPAS Act or RA 7586; b) for sustainable use, through various AOs
that mandate this approach towards the utilization of the country’s biodiversity which are carried
out by the various bureaus of the DENR, including that of the LGUs, other key agencies and
specialized agencies; c) for the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of
genetic resources, through the provisions of the Wildlife Act on bioprospecting and the
administrative regulations (DENR-DA-PCSD-NCIP AO No. 1, Series of 2005, and the 2004 Wildlife
Act Implementing Rules and regulations) that lay down the ways in which scientific and
commercial researches on Philippine genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge are
carried out including the ways in which the FPIC of the appropriate authorities are secured. The
NCIP, under its mandate from the IPRA supervises the procedures on which the FPIC of IPs are
secured, including on researches that involve indigenous knowledge systems and practice of IPs in
the Philippines.

The Philippines is currently exerting efforts to accede to the Nagoya Protocol on Access and
Benefit-Sharing while undertaking reform measures to improve the coordination of key
implementing agencies on access and benefit-sharing from the utilization of the country’s
biological and genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge.
Convention on Wetlands, The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands is an intergovernmental treaty that provides the framework
known as the Ramsar for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands
Convention and their resources. It is the only global environmental treaty that deals with a particular

As a contracting party to the Convention, the Philippines has updated and implemented the
National Wetlands Action Plan that provides the framework to conserve Philippine wetlands;
designated two (2) additional wetlands of international importance (Las Pinas-Paranaque Critical
Habitat and Ecotourism Area and Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park); identified 7
potential Ramsar sites in Luzon (Canarem Lake, Candaba Swamp, Dunoy Lakes, Lalaguna Marsh,
Malasi Lake, Pantabangan Dam, Taal Lake); updated the information of all designated Ramsar
sites; and organized an interim National Wetland Committee.
Convention on Migratory Adopted in 1979 and entered into force in 1983, the CMS aims to build and strengthen global
Species (CMS) conservation efforts for migratory species in the air, on land, and in the seas. CMS, also known as
the Bonn Convention, is an international and intergovernmental treaty backed by the United
Nations Environmental Programme. The Philippines is a member of CMS since 1994 and has been
implementing measures such as:

74 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Commitment Pertinent Provisions/ Description
 Dialogue with fishefolk to eradicate problems related to migratory birds (e.g. tufted duck
(Aythya fuligula), migratory birds that travel seasonally between the breeding and
overwintering grounds.
 Strengthen enforcement activities in Balabac Straits and in Baguan Island (one of the islands of
the Turtle Islands) to address direct capture of sea turtles.

The Balabac Srait and Turtle Islands Heritage Protected Area (TIHPA) are the two areas where
foreign poachers were usually caught. A Philippine plan of action covering the two areas was
drafted by concerned agencies and national government organizations in 2009. Further, a
Philippine-Malaysia plan of action covering Balabac Strait and TIHPA was also drafted in 2009, and
the document was discussed in the 7th Philippine-Malaysia Joint Commission Meeting held on 14-
15 April 201110 .
United Nations Declaration on In September 2007, the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Rights of
the Rights of Indigenous Indigenous Peoples. The document emphasizes the rights of IPs to maintain and strengthen their
Peoples (UNDRIP) own institutions, cultures and traditions to pursue their development in keeping their own needs
and aspirations. This declaration addresses both individual and collective rights, cultural rights and
identity, rights to education, health, employment, language, and others. It also asserts that
indigenous peoples and individuals have the right to be free from any kind of discrimination in the
exercise of their rights.

In 2008, a national conference of IPs was held in the Philippines and consequently a national
network mandated towards the effective implementation of the UN Declaration in the country
was established. The workshop discussed how the international mechanisms work in relation to
the UN declaration and to come up with realistic strategies on how to promote its

The UNDRIP has unofficial translation in “bisaya”, a language widely spoken in the Philippines that
can be accessed from the UN site11.
Cartagena Protocol In 2006, the Philippines ratified the Cartagena Protocol, a supplementary agreement to the CBD
that seeks to protect biodiversity from the potential risks posed by genetically modified organisms
(GMO) resulting from modern biotechnology. Implementation of the Protocol entails the
cooperation of various stakeholders, including those from government such as the DENR, DA,
DOST and the Department of Health (DOH). In the same year, EO 514 establishing the National
Biosafety Framework (NBF) of the Philippines was issued providing guidelines for its
implementation, strengthening the National Biosafety Committee of the Philippines and for other
purposes. Along with other regulations, the NBF is expected to support implementation of the
International Treaty on Plant The Philippines also ratified the ITPGRFA in 2006. The objectives of the Treaty are similar to that
Genetic Resources for Food of the CBD but focus on plant genetic resources important to food and agriculture.
and Agriculture (ITPGRFA)
Ex situ collections of important germplasm have been assembled and maintained since the early
1900s. There are 45 government and CSOs that hold ex situ germplasm collections in the
Philippines totaling 173,205 accessions. A total of 40 percent of the total collection has been
characterized morphologically, 7 percent biochemical properties, 3 percent on molecular
properties, and 60 percent had been evaluated for insect pest and pathogen reaction,
physiological and abiotic stress reaction and product quality. Major ex situ needs include funding,
staff, equipment and facilities. There is adequate to strong capacity in plant breeding in the public
and private sectors12.

10 Philippines, CMS National Report (2011)

11 United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
12 DA-Bureau of Plant Industry [BPI], January 2007

75 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Commitment Pertinent Provisions/ Description
Convention on International This is an international agreement between governments that aims to ensure that international
Trade in Endangered Species trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival. CITES works by
of wild flora and fauna (CITES) subjecting international trade in specimens of selected species to certain controls. All import,
export, re-export and introduction from the sea of species covered by the Convention have to be
authorized through a licensing system.

The DENR through the BMB, DA-BFAR and the PCSD are the CITES Management Authorities in the
country, while the ERDB, UP Marine Science Institute (MSI), UP Visayas and Silliman University are
the Philippines’ CITES’ Scientific Authorities.

From 2005 to 2013, the monitoring conducted by the DENR field staff under its Philippine Raptors
Conservation Program yielded an increase in sightings of critically endangered Philippine Eagles in
the wild. However, this number is not reflective of an increase or decrease in population.
Conservation and protection efforts were boosted with the discovery of Philippine Eagles in
various locations in Apayao from 2011-2013, rediscovery of the species in Burauen, Leyte in
December 2012, and successful breeding and hatching in December 2013 of a new eaglet
“Atbalin,” the 4th offspring of a pair of Philippine Eagles in the wild in Zamboanga del Norte13.
International Plant Protection The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) is an international plant health agreement,
Convention (IPPC) established in 1952, that aims to protect cultivated and wild plants by preventing the introduction
and spread of pests. Contracting parties to the IPPC share the same goal: to protect the world's
cultivated and natural plant resources from the spread and introduction of plant pests while
minimizing interference with the international movement of goods and people. The IPPC provides
an international framework for plant protection that includes developing International Standards
for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) for safeguarding plant resources. The IPPC also provides
information exchange related to import and export requirements, pest status and regulated pest
lists provided by each member country. the Convention encourages support to developing
countries to improve the effectiveness of their National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs)
and to participate in regional plant protection organizations, to help them realize the benefits of
safe trade.
World Heritage Convention The World Heritage Convention sets out the duties of States Parties in identifying potential sites
(WHC) and their role in protecting and preserving them. By signing the Convention, each country pledges
to conserve not only the World Heritage sites situated on its territory, but also to protect its
national heritage. The States Parties are encouraged to integrate the protection of the cultural
and natural heritage into regional planning programmes, set up staff and services at their sites,
undertake scientific and technical conservation research and adopt measures which give this
heritage a function in the day-to-day life of the community. The Convention stipulates the
obligation of States Parties to report regularly to the World Heritage Committee on the state of
conservation of their World Heritage properties. These reports are crucial to the work of the
Committee as they enable it to assess the conditions of the sites, decide on specific programme
needs and resolve recurrent problems. It also encourages States Parties to strengthen the
appreciation of the public for World Heritage properties and to enhance their protection through
educational and information programmes.

13 Philippines, Fifth National Report

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C. Governance of Biodiversity in the Philippines

The National Capacity Self-Assessment Report (2005) revealed that the poor coordination among the focal point
agencies (FPAs) of the Rio Conventions have led to duplication of tasks, wastage of physical and financial
resources, including loss of synergy and complementation in implementing the common tasks related to fulfilling
country obligations to MEAs. It was realized that apart from the lack of feedback and monitoring mechanism
among MEA FPAs, there is no mechanism to ensure that the country position in one Conference of Parties (CoP)
is not in conflict with the country position in another CoP. There is also no mechanism to ensure that the
Philippines’ commitments at the international level are disseminated and applied at the local level.

As such the UNDP-GEF-assisted project entitled “Strengthening Coordination for Effective Environmental
Management” has brought together the FPAs of CBD, FCCC and CCD including relevant national government
agencies under a National Technical Coordinating Committee (NTCC). Instead of creating a new committee, the
Committee on Conservation and Management of Resources for Development (CCMRD) under the Philippine
Council for Sustainable Development was re-activated and strengthened to serve as the NTCC for MEAs. This was
by virtue of Philippine Council for Sustainable Development Resolution 2011-01 issued last March 2011. The
Philippine Council for Sustainable Development -CCMRD was identified as the most ideal institutional mechanism
for MEA mainstreaming because of its existing mandate to establish guidelines and mechanisms to expand,
concretize and operationalize sustainable development principles as embodied in the Rio Declaration, Agenda 21,
the National Conservation Strategy, and Philippine Agenda 21 instituted under EO 15. Furthermore the concerns
of the four (4) Sub-Committees under the Philippine Council for Sustainable Development -CCMRD, namely the
Sub-Committee on Biodiversity, Sub-Committee on Atmosphere, Sub-Committee on Land Resources and Sub-
Committee on Water Resources, are highly responsive to the thematic concerns of the Rio Convention. The
reactivated CCMRD as NTCC for MEAs has adopted its previous member agencies under EO 370 with additional
member agencies such as the HLURB, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), the Leagues of Municipalities,
Cities, and Provinces of the Philippines (LMP/LCP/LPP), DepEd, CHED, and the NCIP.

The current structure of CCMRD is illustrated in Figure 22.

77 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Philippine Council for
DENR, Chair Sustainable Development
NEDA, Co-Chair
DILG, Vice Chair
CCC, Co-Vice
DOST Committe Conservation
DA and Management of
DOH Resources for
DOTa Development (CCMRD)
DTIe Subcommittee on Subcommittee on Subcommittee on Subcommittee on
DNDf Atmosphere Biodiversity Water Resources Land Resources
National Museum
DENR-EMB, Chair DENR-PAWB, Chair DA-BSWM, Chair DA-BSWM, Chair
each from
business, labor CCC Co-Chair CSO Co-Chair DENR-NWRBg, Co- DENR-FMB, Co-Chair
and civil society CSO Co-Chair DILG, Vice Chair Chair CSO Co-Chair
HLURB DILG, Vice Chair NEDA, Co-Vice Chair CSO Co-Chair DILG, Vice Chair
DFA DILG, Vice Chair
NEDA, Co-Vice CHair NEDA, Co-Vice Chair
NEDA, Co-Vice Chair

Figure 22. Current Structure of CCMRD

Notes: Department of Tourism
Department of Agrarian Reform
cDepartment of Transportation and Communication
Department of Energy
eDepartment of Trade and Industry
fDepartment of National Defense
gNational Water Resources Board

Table 5 lists the technical agencies with key resource management functions, agencies using and supporting
ecosystems services, planning and accountability agencies, local governments and associated bodies and the
interface between government and non-government sector, community institutions, citizen networks and
business sector.

Table 5. Technical Agencies with Key Resource Management Functions and Programs
Agency Functions and Programs
DENR To conserve, manage, develop, and properly use the country’s environment and natural
 Forest Management resources, specifically forest and grazing lands of the public domain; as well as license and
 Lands Management regulate all natural resources to ensure equitable sharing of the benefits derived therefrom
 Mines and Geo-Sciences for the welfare of the present and future generations of Filipinos.
 Environmental Management
 Ecosystems Research and
 Biodiversity Management
To conserve and develop Philippine plant genetic resources and protection and development
of the plant industry.
DA - BFAR To improve fisheries productivity within ecological limits and empower stakeholders towards
food security, inclusive growth global competitiveness and climate change adaptation.
NCIP To recognize and promote all the rights of ICCs/IPs.

78 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Agency Functions and Programs
Agencies Using and Supporting Ecosystems Services
DOST- PCAARRD To promote science and technology as a platform for agriculture, aquatic and natural
resources products innovation and environment resiliency.
DOST To lead and coordinate scientific and technological efforts and ensure that the results are
geared and utilized in areas of maximum economic and social benefits for the people.
To uphold the right of every Filipino for better health through the provision of safe, effective
and affordable traditional and alternative health care products, services and technologies.
One of its functions is to formulate policies for the protection of indigenous and natural
health resources and technology from unwarranted exploitation.
Agencies on Planning, Monitoring and Accountability
NEDA To formulate development plans and ensure that plan implementation achieves the goals of
national development. Chapter 9 of the PDP 14 discusses sustainable and climate-resilient
environment and natural resources.
DBM To ensure the equitable, prudent, transparent and accountable allocation and use of public
funds to improve the quality of life of each and every Filipino through public expenditure
CCC To coordinate, monitor and evaluate government programs and ensure mainstreaming of
climate change in national, local, and sectoral development plans towards a climate-resilient
and climate-smart Philippines.
Commission on Audit (COA) To examine, audit, and settle all accounts pertaining to the revenue and receipts of, and
expenditures or uses of funds and property, owned or held in trust by, or pertaining to, the
Government, or any of its subdivisions, agencies, or instrumentalities, including government-
owned or controlled corporations with original charters.
Institutional Framework
LGUs  Province: (1) to acquire and transfer of real and personal properties, 2) to engage into
contracts, including those incurring obligations, which are expressly provided by law; and
3) to exercise such other rights and incur such other obligations as are expressly
authorized by law.
 Cities: (1) to levy and collect taxes in accordance with law; 2) to enact ordinances; 3) to
provide for public works constructions and for the maintenance of a local police force;
4) to establish fire zones within the city and to regulated the type of building which may
be constructed within each zone; and 5) to provide for the protection of the inhabitants
from public calamities and to provide relied in times of emergency.
 Municipalities and Barangays: May organize fire brigades, organize groups of citizens to
fight criminality and approve all payments from barangay funds.
Associated bodies:
 Local Special Bodies and Local Task Forces
 Inter – LGU coalitions (Watershed, Bays)
 Leagues of Local Governments
 Leagues of Local Government Professionals
Interface between Government and Non-Government Sector
 Regional Development Councils (RDC)
 Local Multi-Sectoral Task Forces such as Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Council, Bantay Gubat, Bantay Dagat,
watershed networks/councils, Solid Waste Task Forces
Community Institutions /Citizen and Business networks
 Tribal Councils
 POs
 Citizen Networks, CSOs
 Business Chambers

14 The Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016

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The Philippines’ DA has promulgated various policies that are aligned with the CBD objectives of conservation,
sustainable use, and fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the use of genetic resources.
In 2005, EO 481 mandating the establishment and implementation of a National Organic Agriculture Program by
the National Organic Agriculture Board was issued. This was followed two years after by EO 29 or the DA-
Sustainable Agriculture Development Program, which is implemented in partnership with the Catholic Bishops
Conference of the Philippines-National Secretariat for Social Action-Justice and Peace.

Moreover, provincial LGUs are encouraged to pass local resolutions to further strengthen these national policies.
The provinces of Bohol, Negros Oriental and Occidental, and Marinduque are some of the provinces that have
resolutions to support organic farming and sustainable agriculture and, in some cases, ban the entry of GMOs into
their areas.

The DA, through its different agencies and bureaus, also undertakes several projects and researches aimed at
conserving and promoting sustainable use of agrobiodiversity. The BPI has a project promoting indigenous crops
through techno-demo farms, while the Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Products Standards, Bureau of
Agricultural Research, and Bureau of Soils and Water Management (BSWM) are also embarking on projects and
researches on organic and/or sustainable agriculture. For the country’s animal genetic resources, the Bureau of
Animal Industry (BAI) implements several activities to improve cattle, swine, and small ruminant genetics. It also
developed strategies for genetic improvement such as the Unified National Artificial Insemination Program that
synchronizes all breeding programs and activities to carry out genetic improvement in large ruminants through
artificial insemination. Researches by BAI include the characterization of different strains of Philippine native
goats through electrophoresis and other research and development directed towards the establishment of a
policy environment that would promote development of the local carabao industry, among others (BAI, 2003).
The DA also collaborates with the DOST- PCAARRD on many of the aforementioned projects and researches.
To a certain extent, agricultural biodiversity considerations have been included in the country’s socio-economic
blueprint, the Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan 2004-2010. The Philippines’ own Ifugao Rice Terraces
was included as one of the pilot sites in the FAO project on Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems
(GIAHS). The project aims to establish the basis for global recognition, conservation and sustainable management
of such systems and their associated landscapes, biodiversity, knowledge systems and cultures. Aside from
heritage conservation, the GIAHS project will also conserve and manage biodiversity in the form of traditional
agricultural systems practiced in the site thus complementing the CBD objectives.

D. Financing Biodiversity Conservation Programs in the Philippines

The main sources of financing for biodiversity programs in the Philippines are:
 Government
 National
 Local
 Special Funds (e.g. User fees)
 Official Development Assistance (ODA) (loans, grants, small grants)
 Emerging/innovative financing schemes
 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
 Volunteer resources

The DENR’s budget for biodiversity programs and initiatives has increased from PhP13, 996,243,000 (2012),
PhP18,044,310,002 (2013) to PhP19,833,652,000 in 2014 (DENR, 2013). However, this amount only represents
one percent of the Philippines’ total government budget (see Figures 23 and 24).

80 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
The increase in budget is attributed to the development of new programs such as ecotourism which is
implemented together with the DOT and concerned agencies as part of the Program Budgeting Approach of the
DBM. Likewise, BMB was successful in obtaining funding for its Sustainable Coral Reef Ecosystem Management
Program, a priority program developed in 2013. Funding for PA protection was also increased in 2014.

Opportunities for increased biodiversity conservation funding came with the passage of RA 10629 (An Act
Providing for the Retention by the Protected Area Management Board of 75 percent of the Revenues Accruing to
the Integrated Protected Areas Fund) which provides for better and more direct access by PAs to revenues
generated by them. The development of sustainable financing mechanisms (i.e. user fees, PES) for important sites
was also prioritized. Partnerships were underscored and strengthened such as the “Adopt a Wildlife” scheme
wherein incentives are provided to private corporations that support programs on threatened species.

It is worthwhile to mention that the two previous NBSAPs were not costed, thus, it is difficult to ascertain which
programs were funded and which were not. Nevertheless, upon a quick review, some funding was provided to
several actions (CHM maintenance, research, expansion of PAs, establishment of critical habitats, biodiversity
monitoring, capacity building of PA managers, communication, education & public awareness (CEPA) and
baselining of unique ecosystems) but may have not been enough to achieve the outcomes that the previous plans
have targeted.

DENR is also a recipient of ODA funds. For CY 2013, the total project cost for all active ODA loans amounted to PhP
562.19 billion, with the local counterpart amounting to PhP147.03 billion or 26 percent. From this portfolio, a total
of 18 programs and projects (loans and grants) amounting to PhP95.972 billion were identified to have components
with climate change strategies/interventions and disaster risk reduction wherein DENR serves one of the
implementing agencies.

As an example, the ICRM Project of DENR/WB attained an overall physical accomplishment of 85.09 percent, while
financial performance is 72 percent. The physical accomplishment per component included policy and institutional
strengthening and development (100%), ICRM and biodiversity conservation (97%), enterprise development and
income diversification (94%) and social and environmental services and facilities (87%) (NEDA, 2013).

The DENR’s 2013 budget is found on the figures below:

NOTE: 1 USD = 44.43 PHP (Bloomberg Currency Exchange April 16, 2014)

General Admin and

2% 11% 9% Support Forest
7% Support to 10% management
Operations 5% Land management
Operations 14%
Protected Area &
Local Projects 71% Wildlife
71% Foreign-assisted Research & Devt

Figure 23. DENR Budget in 2013 Figure 24. DENR Operations Budget in 2013

81 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
E. Interface of Multilateral environmental agreements

In February 2016, the CBD conducted a workshop on “Synergies among the Biodiversity-related Conventions” in
response to decision XI/6 of the CoP to pursue efforts to enhance synergies among the biodiversity-related
conventions15 to promote policy coherence, improve efficiency and enhance coordination and cooperation at all
levels and with a view to strengthening Parties’ ownership of the process.

The thematic areas for enhanced synergies include the following:

a. the global Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and NBSAPs;
b. institutional arrangements and coordination mechanisms;
c. information and knowledge management;
d. national reporting, monitoring and indicators;
e. communication and awareness raising;
f. science-policy interface;
g. capacity building; and
h. resource mobilization and utilization.

At the national level, efforts have been made to include the PBSAP targets into the country’s commitments to the
SDGs. By doing so, these targets can be mainstreamed into the national, regional and local development plans
and implemented through current institutional and coordination mechanisms.

The BMB, acting as Secretariat to the PBSAP implementation, and in coordination primarily with the CBD, will
formulate guidance and courses of action to ensure implementation of the biodiversity-related conventions in an
increasingly coherent manner, involving greater collaboration and cooperation among convention parties,
convention secretariats and key partners, leading to more efficiency and effectiveness in achieving the aims of
those conventions; and, second, increased collaboration and cooperation in the implementation of the
biodiversity-related conventions at all levels, facilitated engagement with other sectors, and improved
opportunities for mainstreaming biodiversity objectives into other policies and sectors (including through the
United Nations development assistance frameworks and in furtherance of the Sustainable Development Goals).

15The biodiversity-related conventions are: Convention on Biological Diversity, Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals,
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, International Plant Protection Convention, International Treaty on Plant
Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, Ramsar Convention on Wetlands and the World Heritage Convention.

82 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Chapter 4. Principal Pressures of Biodiversity Loss

Five major pressures of biodiversity loss (see Figure 25) were identified from a problem tree analysis that was
conducted during the regional and national consultations with various sectors (see Chapter 5- How the current
PBSAP was formulated). The six regional and national consultations provided a large amount of information on
biodiversity threats, good practices and successful strategies, proposed actions, and indicators.

Main Pressures of Biodiversity Loss in the Philippines

Invasive Alien Habitat loss Climate

Species Change

Pollution Overexploitation

Figure 25. Main Pressures of Biodiversity Loss in the Philippines

Mind mapping of pressures of biodiversity loss linking the information to causes-effects; locating the information
in time, space, and social sectors and levels of governance were conducted during the regional and national
consultations. These biodiversity threats were analyzed and classified as principal pressures, or forces that
adversely affect (such as pollution emissions or land use changes) and can induce changes in the environment.

As a result, habitat loss and degradation, overexploitation, pollution, climate change and IAS were identified as
the main pressures of biodiversity loss in the Philippines.

A. Habitat Loss and Degradation

Of the various processes leading to biodiversity loss, the most notorious is habitat destruction (Pimm and Raven,
2000), an environmental process that renders habitats unsuitable to support species. Considering that tropical
forests are the key habitats, habitat loss due to deforestation is a major driver of biodiversity loss in the country.

1. Deforestation

In the Philippines, some of the direct causes of deforestation are logging, conversion to other uses, kaingin or
slash-and-burn cultivation, forest fire and other natural phenomena such as pests and diseases and natural
calamities. Apart from its impact on biodiversity, deforestation can directly affect human well-being.

83 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Deforestation has resulted in increasing frequency and intensity of floods and droughts, erosion, landslides,
siltation of coral reefs and decreased groundwater supplies (Heaney et. al., 1998)(see Annex 2.13).

Indeed, forest ecosystems provide important goods and services for human livelihoods and environmental health.
These are called provisioning services which include both consumptive and non-consumptive in nature such as
water, energy, agricultural/forest products and genetic material. Regulating services, on the other hand, pertain
to ecological or life support services provided by the forest ecosystem. These include services such as carbon
sequestration and soil erosion control. At the same time, forests are important biological reserves that can detect
and modulate regional climate change patterns as well as moderate the occurrence of infectious diseases
(Beniston, 2003; Foley et al., 2007). Forest ecosystems also store terrestrial carbon in biomass and soils
interacting in the carbon cycle between air and land. Non-market goods which are rarely valued such as cultural
benefits are categorized under cultural services.

Figure 26 highlights areas where forest cover loss has occurred between 2000 and 2012 (Hansen et al., 2013).
Figure 27 shows relation of biomass carbon (Saatchi et al., 2011), illegal logging16 and wildlife confiscation17
hotspots to areas of importance for biodiversity18, which may therefore be particularly important natural habitat.
Conserving forests can help in protecting carbon stocks and so climate change mitigation. Additionally, there is
evidence that biodiversity can play a role in maintaining the resilience of carbon and ecosystems (including three
literature reviews: Elmqvist et al., 2003; Miles, et al., 2010; and Thompson et al., 2012).

2. Mining

The Philippines is said to host one of the world’s biggest deposits of undiscovered minerals, especially of gold and
copper (Herrera, 2012). Mineral reserves are estimated at about 7.1 billion tonnes of 13 known metallic and 51
billion tonnes of 29 non-metallic minerals, many of which are located in areas of rich biodiversity and within
ancestral domains of IPs (Alyansa Tigil Mina [ATM], 2011). For 2012, the MGB-DENR expects US$ 2.27 billion of
foreign investment in mining (Herrera, 2012). Between 2004 and 2011, thirty-two mining projects were pipelined
and more than 2,000 applications for mining contracts and exploration permits were filed (ATM, 2011). Moreover
the Philippines also depends on geothermal, coal, and oil for its energy needs (see Figure 28).

EO 79 enacted in 2012 provided guidelines to ensure environmental protection and responsible mining. It
enumerates the following as no-go areas for mining: a) areas expressly enumerated under Section 19 of the
Mining Act; b) PAs categorized and established under NIPAS; c) prime agricultural lands in addition to lands
covered under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law including plantations and areas devoted to valuable
crops, and strategic agriculture and fisheries development zones and fish refuge and sanctuaries declared as such
by the Secretary of the DA; d) tourism development areas, as identified in the National Tourism Development
Plan; and, e) other critical areas, island ecosystems, and impact areas of mining as determined by current and
existing mapping technologies, that the DENR may hereafter identify pursuant to existing laws, rules, and
regulations, such as, but not limited to, the NIPAS Act.

A number of mining projects, however, have been alleged to cause forest degradation, physical displacement of
IPs, and cultural dislocations (see Annex 2.14). DINTEG-Cordillera Indigenous Peoples Legal Center (2010) has
noted that the mining operations of Lepanto Consolidated Mining Company have caused landslides in the mining
operated areas in Mankayan, Benguet Province. Reports claimed that some communities have lost entire
mountainsides, burial sites and hunting grounds to ground collapse and deep open pits. The operations have
seriously jeopardized the Abra River with widespread erosion and siltation.

16 Digitized from data provided by Forest Management Bureau-DENR as cited in Osti. Et al., 2014
17 Data from Wildife Resources Division of BMB-DENR
18 KBAs of the world including Important Bird Areas (IBAs) and Alliance for Zero Extinction sites (AZEs) compiled by BirdLife International and Conservation

International (October 2012).

84 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
The same report documented that many of the natural water sources in Itogon and Mankayan have been
privatized by mining companies. Environmental investigations such as Environmental Investigative Missions have
revealed that, inter alia, heavy metal content and other toxic substances were elevated in the soil and waters,
causing the deterioration of aquatic life and loss of flora and fauna. The loss of aquatic life is a major change in
the life support system of the communities that rely on the river for daily sustenance. Not only are livelihood
sources affected, the general biodiversity is also damaged (Asia Indigenous People’s Pact, 2012).

Furthermore, mining affects the strong cultural ties of indigenous communities and leads to the loss of their
culture and identity (Brawner Baguilat, 2011).

In 2015, the Nevada Supreme Court heard a nearly 10-year-old state lawsuit filed by the Philippine island province
of Marinduque for contamination it endured from a 1996 mining waste disaster involving Barrick Gold
Corporation. Among damages for which the province is seeking compensation include tailing dam failures in 1993
and 1996 that sent contaminated mine waste into a river, leaving two children dead, and the repercussions of
decades of copper and gold mining on the island. The lawsuit alleges the river leading up to Boac, Marinduque’s
capital city, was polluted with tons of waste laden with arsenic, nickel, sulfate and lead among other chemicals
(Constante, 2015).

The PBSAP recognizes the existing mining tenements. Thus, it will be proactive in terms of engaging mining
companies in biodiversity conservation. Some of the actions that have been identified include: a) formulation of
guidelines to incorporate biodiversity conservation in the allocation of the 1.5% of operating cost of mining
companies for their social development management program, Environmental Protection and Enhancement
Program and Final Mine Rehabilitation/Decommisioning Program Plan; b) existing mining companies will be
encouraged to allocate at least 5 percent of the same forest/habitat (all forms of habitat)type within their
concessions for strict protection (no-go areas in mining areas) and c) for new mining applications, designation of
at least 5 percent of the same forest/habitat type within their concessions for strict protection (no-go areas in
mining areas).

Policy actions such as the passage of the National Land Use Act may address the threats of mining as well as the
mainstreaming of biodiversity conservation into national and local plans. Figure 28 shows the locations of
existing mining tenements, coal plants, geothermal plants and petroleum service contracts in the Philippines with
reference to PAs.

85 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Figure 26. Forest loss map: Philippines, 2000-2012
Data source: Hansen, et al. (2013) High-resolution Global Maps of 21st Century as cited in Osti et al., 2014

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Figure 27. Above and below-ground biomass, key biodiversity areas, and illegal logging and wildlife hotspots in the
Data sources: Biomass- Saatchi et. al., 2011 as cited in Osti et. al., 2014; Illegal logging hotspots- FMB-DENR; Wildlife crime hotspots - BMB

87 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Figure 28. Mining tenements, coal and geothermal power plants, and protected areas in the Philippines
Data sources: Mining tenements- MGB-DENR; PAs- BMB-DENR; Coal and geothermal plants - DOE

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3. Degradation of Marine Ecosystems

Poor land use practices have been cited as a major cause of the degradation of coastal ecosystems in the
Philippines. The recognition of the country as the hottest of the hot spots highlights the urgent need for marine
biodiversity conservation.
Impact of Habitat Loss on Species
In spite of the ecological and economic value of
Fish catch is depleting for 52-year-old Ronnie seagrasses, between 30-50 percent of Philippine
Estrera and his son Dondon, 17. seagrass beds have been lost due to industrial
In Bago Aplaya, where they used to fish, was once development, ports, and recreation in the last 50
a haven of marine resources in Davao City. But in years.
one particularly noon recently, the elder Estrera
already docked his banca with no catch even Poor coral cover is found in 40 percent of the country’s
though he started out fishing since dawn. “It’s not reefs, while areas with excellent cover have steadily
only now, several times, we went home without declined to less than 5 percent from 2004. Despite
fish,” he lamented (Tacio, Nov. 2011). considerable improvements in coral reef management,
the country’s coral reefs remain under threat from
destructive fishing practices, unsustainable coastal
development, sedimentation, and pollution. The impacts of overfishing on coral reefs are evident in the
decreasing biomass of reef-associated fish, resulting in considerable local extirpation. Based on the 2012 Status of
the Coral Triangle Initiative Report, the threat from destructive fishing has declined, while the other threats have
increased considerably, indicating some successes in enforcement activities in MPAs and fishery management
areas in many municipalities throughout the country.

The growth in coastal populations has amplified these threats, compromising food security and socioeconomic
stability in coastal areas. There is an urgent need for a comprehensive and integrated approach to the
development of coastal areas in the Philippines, as 78 percent of the 80 provinces and 56 percent of the 1,634
cities and municipalities are located along the coast.

B. Overexploitation

Overexploitation in some cases leads to exhaustion, particularly by excessive forestry, fishing and hunting. This
overexploitation may be explained in part by human overpopulation that leads to increasing resource demands
that impacts the decline in the condition of the country’s ecosystems. Industrial scale logging of wood products
and timber destroys or fragments forests along with the habitat they provide to many uniquely adapted species.
The following figures show the distribution of areas highly susceptible to landslides (Figure 29) and flooding
(Figure 30) in relation with carbon stocks and population density in the Philippines. Areas where high biomass
carbon coincide with areas of high population density (shown in brown on the map) could be priority sites for
projects which aim to both enhance livelihoods and reduce deforestation, for example through promoting fuel
efficient stoves. On the other hand, areas where there is high biomass carbon and low population density (shown
in orange on the map) may be priorities for conservation of forest carbon stocks.

89 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Figure 29. Protected areas in relation to population density and susceptibility to landslides: Philippines, 2013
Data source: PA- BMB-DENR; Population density- CIESIN & CIAT, 2005 as ited in Osti et. al., 2014

90 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Figure 30. Protected areas in relation to population density and susceptibility to flooding: Philippines, 2013
Data source: PA- BMB-DENR; Population density- CIESIN & CIAT, 2005 as ited in Osti et. al., 2014

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Overharvesting of fisheries has driven several fish species to the brink of extinction and reduced the overall
diversity of marine life. Overhunting and illegal trade in endangered species are a prime threat to their survival.

1. Fisheries

The illegal unreported and unregulated fishing (IUUF) is a blatant aggravating factor, posing impediments to all
attempts to manage fisheries resources and fish stocks in the country. The growing demand for fisheries
resources, the increase in the numbers of fishers and vessels, and the improving efficiency of fishing gear drive
the collection of these resources way beyond their capacity to recover. Moreover, the reduced availability of
fisheries resources increases competition and, thus, prods players to resort to illegal, and often, more efficient
forms of fishing. A recent report estimated the value of IUUF at the global scale to be between US$10 to 23.5
billion annually (Agnew et al. 2009). Information in the same report attributes Philippine losses in 2008 in the
amount of US$598 million to poaching by foreign vessels and blast and cyanide-fishing (BFAR, 2008 in Torell et al.,

2. Illegal Wildlife Trading

The combined factors of hunting (game and food) and illegal wildlife trading threaten about half of bird
population in the wild. Hornbills, parrots, doves, cockatoos and Hill mynas are most favored targets for pet trade.
Likewise, elephant ivory from African countries have found their way to the Philippines through international
crime syndicates. When the Philippines destroyed its more than four-ton stockpile of seized elephant tusks in
2013, it marked the record as the first ASEAN member country and the first ivory consuming nation and non-
elephant range state to take such a public action (see Annex 2.15).

From 2009 to 2013, the government law enforcement agencies have successfully effected 136 confiscations of
illegally traded wildlife, including live mammals, reptiles and birds, insects and wildlife by-products and
derivatives. In 2014, there were 20 confiscations made by the BMB which comprised of 1,162 heads of reptiles
(42%), birds (39%), mammals (4%) and arachnids (16%) and by products and derivatives from wildlife. A total of
17 cases were filed in court.

C. Pollution

In the agriculture sector, application of agrochemicals (i.e., fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides) remains a common
practice among farmers in rural areas. Intensive use of agrochemicals has been known to create and result to
both environmental problems and diseases (see Annex 2.16). The hazards accompanying this practice, especially
those associated with persistent organic pollutants have been known for years and the knowledge of the extent
of harm they cause has increased.

Overutilization of these inputs decreases the soil’s humus content, which adversely affects its infiltration and
waterholding capacities. The loss of these two vital soil characteristics, in turn, makes the soil loose and more
susceptible to erosion. Furthermore, nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients from fertilizers are washed down by run-
off water into freshwater bodies, thus creating eutrophication problems. One of the major threats to Philippine
coastal resources includes siltation due to improper agricultural practices (Briones, 2005).

According to a study by Maramba (1996), most farmers may be aware that pesticides are hazardous but there is a
lack of awareness of exposure risks. Pesticide handlers are the ones most heavily exposed. In addition, exposure
of households in farming communities may occur due to spray drift from nearby fields. This exposure is further
enhanced by farmers’ practice of washing their sprayers near, or in, irrigation canals, which may then become

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part of agricultural runoff. They also use this water source for washing of hands and feet, clothes, and to some
extent, for taking a bath. Maramba’s report further mentions that groundwater near rice paddies may at times
contain pesticide residues. While levels detected were below the allowable limit, this may present long-term
chronic exposure problems.

D. Climate Change

The impacts of climate change are beginning to be felt more dramatically in the Philippines. Ocean acidification,
sea level rise, extreme weather conditions, elevated sea surface temperature are going to affect not only the
biodiversity of our marine resources but also coastal livelihoods, infrastructure, and the achievement of poverty
and hunger targets of the country’s MDG. While the Philippines is among the nations that are presently active in
addressing climate change challenges, ultimately, the lack of resources and preparedness would affect the ability
to adequately cope with the impacts of climate change.

The DOST – Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical Astronomical and Geophysical Services Administration (PAGASA)
in 2011 analyzed climate trends using available observed data from 1951 to 2009 with the average for the period
of 1971 – 2000 as the reference value. In order to generate projections of temperature increase and rainfall
change in the Philippines in the future, DOST-PAGASA used the PRECIS (Providing Regional Climates for Impact
Studies) model in two time frames 2020 and 2050.

The key findings are summarized in Table 6.

Table 6. Climate Trends and Projections in the Philippines

Current Trends Projected Trends
There has been an increase in annual mean temperature All areas of the Philippines will get warmer, more so in the
by 0.57 °C; relatively warmer summer months;

In terms of maximum and minimum temperatures, the Annual mean temperatures (average of maximum and
increases have been 0.35 °C and 0.94 °C; minimum temperatures) in all areas in the country are
expected to rise by 0.9 °C to 1.1 °C in 2020 and by 1.8 °C to
2.2 °C in 2050;
Results of analysis of trends of tropical cyclone In terms of seasonal rainfall change, there is a substantial
occurrence/passage within the so-called Philippine Area spatial difference in the projected changes in rainfall in
of Responsibility (PAR) show that an average of 20 2020 and 2050 in most parts of the Philippines, with
tropical cyclones form and/or cross the PAR per year with reduction in rainfall in most provinces during the summer
strong multi-decadal variability, with maximum sustained season making the usually dry season drier, while rainfall
winds of greater than 150 km per hour and above increases are likely in most areas of Luzon and Visayas
(typhoon category) being exhibited during El Nino years. during the southwest monsoon.
Source: DOST PAGASA (2011)

However, projections for extreme events in 2020 and 2050 show that hot temperatures (indicated by the number
of days with maximum temperature exceeding 35°C) will continue to become more frequent, number of dry days
(days with less than 2.5mm of rain) will increase in all parts of the country and heavy daily rainfall (exceeding
300mm) events will also continue to increase in number in Luzon and Visayas.

The observed changes in climate in most recent times have never been seen in the past 140 years. Worse, the
country’s current climate (in particular, the increasing frequency of extreme events) has already been observed to
impact adversely on water resources, forestry, agriculture, coastal resources and health and well-being of the
people (see Annex 2.17).

Yusuf and Francisco (2009) identified all regions of the Philippines as most vulnerable to climate change (Figure

93 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
31). The Philippines is not only exposed to tropical cyclones, especially in the northern and eastern parts of the
country, but also to many other climate-related hazards especially floods (such as in central Luzon and Southern
Mindanao), landslides (due to the terrain of the country), and droughts. Figure 32 shows the country’s adaptive
capacity which is defined as the degree to which adjustments in practices, processes, or structures can moderate
or offset potential damage or take advantage of opportunities (from climate change).

Figure 31. Climate change vulnerability map of the Philippines

Source: Yusuf & Francisco (2009) Climate Change Vulnerability Mapping for Southeast Asia

Figure 32. Adaptive capacity map of the Philippines

Source: Yusuf & Francisco (2009) Climate Change Vulnerability Mapping for Southeast Asia

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A number of strategies discussed in the PBSAP will help address the risks of the changing climate. One is to
undertake research to better understand its impacts. For coastal and marine ecosystems, priority areas of
concern cover the following: a) species to sediment/substrate matching for mangroves and mudflats based on
lessons learned from NGP; b) diel migration of plankton in priority sites; c) detection of persistent plankton
blooms (fishery productivity is high in these areas) and its relation to climate change and effects of ocean
acidification; d) seabirds and correlation of their population to intertidal flats health; e) adaptation to climate
change effects of sea turtles; and, f) improvement of coral reef restoration techniques. Likewise, vulnerability and
climate risk of coastal areas to storm surge, flooding, coastal erosion and sea level rise increase in surface and sea
temperature and ocean acidification due to climate change will be assessed. On the other hand, vulnerability
assessment of selected inland wetlands and wetland species to climate change will be undertaken. This includes
life history characteristics of priority species (fecundity and reproductive patterns) such as biya and sinarapan.
Also, research and development studies on specific climate change mitigation functions such as carbon
sequestration of inland wetlands prioritizing Ramsar sites will be done. This will provide PBSAP actors/key
players the fundamental knowledge on how these species will be affected by climate change as well as guide in
the identification of appropriate adaptation and management practices specific to species/ecosystems.

E. Invasive Alien Species

IAS poses one of the greatest threats to aquatic biodiversity. IAS can hasten the extinction of threatened species
and reduce the diversity of indigenous and endemic species through predation, competition, parasitism, diseases,
hybridization, and species displacement caused by environmental and habitat change. Alien species, as defined
during the CBD, include any species that are introduced into new habitats by human intervention; usually they are
invasive or aggressive. A total of 70 IAS under 40 families were classified in a profiling done in 16 PAs in the
Philippines (ERDB, 2013).

The concern on invasive species in the Philippines has only been recently realized and addressed. A series of
conference-workshops on IAS and their impacts on biodiversity were held in 2013 to identify major strategies and
specific actions to address the problem and a NISSAP and its Implementing Guidelines was completed in 2013.

The BFAR is tasked with the responsibility of granting permits for importation and for implementing quarantine
regulations for aquatic species. Importation of alien species (for recreation, food, research) from other countries
continues to be practiced, however, even without government permits and prior impact assessment. In addition,
the country lacks capacity to monitor and regulate entry of alien species, particularly backdoor entry.

Casal (2003) cites that 12 species introduced in the

Philippines are among the top 18 species reported
adversely affecting the ecosystem19. Four of the most
important alien invasive pests are the golden apple
snail, locally known as golden kuhol (Pomacea
canaliculata (Lamarck)), the rice black bug, locally
known as itim na atangya (Scotinophara coarctata
(Fabricius)), the mango pulp weevil (Sternochetus
frigidus (Fabricius)) and the mango seed weevil (S.
mangiferae (Fabricius)). Moreover, of the 157 finfish
species introduced, 36 have been reported as having
Suckermouth armoured catfish - Pterygoplichthys pardalis established themselves in the wild. Currently, there
Photo by: Ott, Gerhard H. F. (1995)
are evidences that introduced species are replacing
native species in aquaculture production in the Philippines.

19 http://www.fishbase.or/home.htm

95 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Examples of commonly found IAS in the Philippines are listed in Annex 3. In addition, Figure 33 plots the location
of sightings of suckermouth armoured catfish, which is an IAS, in the Luzon Island.

In 1985, the golden apple snail was all over the Philippines and found its way to agroecosystems and started to
alarm the rice farmers. Farmers consider it to be the most serious pest in the Philippines in 1986 (Morallo-
Rejesus, Bilog, & Javier, 1990). Further, it is said that the population of the native apple snail (Pila luzonica) has
declined drastically since the introduction of the golden apple snail.

Aside from the five major pressures discussed, other contributing factors were identified during the regional and
national consultations (see Table 7).

96 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Figure 33. Sightings of suckermouth armoured catfishes in the Luzon Island
Source: Chavez, Santos, & Carandang (2014) Invasion Stages of Pteryophlichthys spp. In the Luzon Island, Philippines

97 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Table 7. Other Contributing Factors to Pressures on Biodiversity Loss
Contributing Factors Proposed Supporting Actions*
Lack of awareness (example is  Orientation on Biodiversity Basics and Communication Skills
the need for a consolidated  Incorporation of biodiversity information series in Family Development Sessions
inventory of biodiversity of the 4Ps program
resources).  Use of spokespersons /champions/personalities
 Popularization of biodiversity concepts as understood within IP context
 Advocacy and constituents’ mobilization through IEC, multi-media campaigns and
citizen science initiative
Good governance issues due to  Incorporation of biodiversity into CLUP
lack of enforcement and political  Creation of multi-sectoral committees for monitoring
will.  Formulation of model settlement plan for informal settler
 Implementation of policy on reversion, income diversification, and marine
conservation agreements
 Replication of population-health-environment programs
Research and knowledge  Updating of information on species
management gaps due to lack or  Formulation of a National Research Agenda
expertise in the field of  Determination of carrying capacities
biodiversity.  Operationalization of the Bioweb
 Conduct of studies on hydrologic behavior of exotics
Lack of effective policies.  Enactment of the National Land Use Act
 PES policy that provides appropriate sharing for host communities
 Unification of rules and regulations on fishing
 Mandatory creation of environment and natural resourcs officers (ENRO) at the
LGU level
 Promotion of rain forestation/use of indigenous species in the NGP
Financing requirements due to  Amendment of the internal revenue allotment formula to reflect land use
low budget allotment to (ex.absorptive capacity of forest cover)
biodiversity programs.  Effective and sustainable tapping of volunteerism
 Timely release of LGU share of national wealth
 Conduct of economic valuation
 Allocation of specific amounts for biodiversity conservation
Lack of capacity  Strengthening of POs, Bantay Gubats, Bantay Dagats
 Capacity building for rescue workers, DENR, academe and other stakeholders in
handling wildlife
 Provision of scholarships particularly in the fields related to biodiversity
 Capacity building on data management
 Strengthening of PAMBs
Socio-economic factors (e.g., the  Establishment of eco-friendly social enterprises
need for scaling up sustainable  Intensive community organization
livelihood programs, increasing  Establishment of production/communal forests
population that increases  Provision of incentives to forest maintenance
pressure on biodiversity use  Identification of other sources of fuelwood
increasing the need for
* Responses from the regional and national consultations

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Chapter 5. How the current PBSAP was formulated

As a member-party to the Rio Conventions, the Philippine government has to prepare NBSAPs that reflect
measures to implement the UNCBD, UNFCCC and UNCCD. Each national action plan has to be kept updated to
reflect the pressing global and national thematic issues.

A. The First National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan

The first NBSAP identified 6 strategies and 17 major thrusts anchored on the framework of resources, humans,
the interaction between the two, and the need to balance utilization and conservation. Then President Fidel
Ramos directed the integration of these strategies into the sectoral plans and programs of various government
agencies. From its publication and implementation in 1997, significant progress has been made to meet the goals
of the strategies through several programs, plans, activities that were implemented. However, the lack of targets
and indicators, including lack of monitoring has made it difficult to quantitatively assess progress in

B. The Second National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan

Five years later, in 2002, about 206 identified conservation priority areas and species conservation priorities,
collectively known as the PBCP, were integrated into the second NBSAP revision. The PBCP is considered as the
second iteration of the NBSAP. This was subsequently reinforced in 2006 with identified 206 biodiversity
conservation priority areas, 5 strategic actions in the conservation priority areas and marine and terrestrial
biodiversity corridors.

C. The Gaps in the Previous NBSAP Iterations

The following are the recommendations to augment the gaps in the previous NBSAP iterations (Andres, 2013):
 Monitoring and information systems should be integral part of the plan.
 LGUs and communities need to be involved and their capacities also updated for monitoring and
information, including reporting and learning.
 Coordination of many efforts (agencies and projects) addressing overlaps and potential disconnect or
conflicting actions.

D. Summary of key lessons learned from the previous NBSAP Planning Process

The Philippines was cited twice in a report by Swiderska (2002) and Prip, Gross, Johnston, and Samson (2010) as
one of the CBD Parties which were not able to integrate biodiversity objectives in economic policy and planning.
Carew-Reid (2002) of the International Center for Environmental Management summarized the lessons learned
from the biodiversity planning processes it undertook in Asia, focusing in the past experiences of the Philippines in
its previous revision of the NBSAP:

1) The biodiversity assessment and NBSAP process must be conducted with adequate time and
resources; it is a huge undertaking which requires a great deal of time, resources and involvement
from a broad range of sectors and disciplines. The original nine months allotted for carrying out the
Philippine Biodiversity Country Study was too short, since the process involved not only data
gathering and writing of the assessment report and the action plan, but also review by a broad range
of sectors, a long approval process, and publication.

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2) Biodiversity country studies should take into consideration all the components of the process and
their requirements. Comprehensive information on the status and dynamics of environmental
systems is required: The NBSAP must be comprehensive, and responsive to practical field conditions.
This demands extensive data on the condition of different ecosystems and sectors affecting
biodiversity. The use of GIS is important as it helps in generating information on the spatial inter-
relationships of relevance to the maintenance of biodiversity and in pinpointing specific areas for

3) The NBSAP must be well integrated with development plans: The strength of the NBSAP in relation to
the development planning process derives from the fact that it was formulated by a broad range of
stakeholders with as much involvement as possible from various disciplines and groups. The plan was
approved by the President and supported by a directive requiring that it be integrated into
government initiatives. This allowed the NBSAP to be incorporated into broader plans such as
Philippine Agenda 21, the Medium-Term Development Plan for 1999-2004 and the proposed
National Land Use Policy, and ensured that it receives substantial support from the conservation

4) Defining institutional and financial arrangements is critical to the implementation of the plan. The
weakness of the NBSAP is that it did not articulate the institutional and financial schemes for its
implementation. These issues are addressed in the current NBSAP concerning the roles and
responsibilities of different stakeholders and information as to where to obtain funds for the specific
programs and projects.

5) The successful features of the NBSAP are its comprehensiveness, widespread support and spatial
specificity. The comprehensiveness of the plan enables it to address the needs of different
ecosystems and sectors, including the many issues relevant to biodiversity conservation. Widespread
support of the NBSAP was generated in part through the involvement of many stakeholders from
various sectors, disciplines and regions of the country, and in part because of the directive issued by
the President requiring government agencies to integrate it in their respective plans, programs and
projects. This helps ensure that the actions identified in the plan will be given priority in development
planning at the national and sub-national levels. Finally, the spatial specificity of the findings of the
Philippine Biodiversity Assessement Report, and of the recommendations of the NBSAP, make the
preparation of detailed projects easier and more responsive to the actual conditions in the field.

6) The NBSAP is an iterative, cyclical and continuous process. Planners should not expect to come up with
a “perfect” plan: as more information is gathered, as the plan itself is implemented, and as conditions
in the field change, the plan will be updated, revised and expanded. Future iterations of the plan may
be conducted after an assessment of its implementation and impacts.

E. The Third Philippine Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan

The third PBSAP comes at the heels of the Global Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan adopted in Nagoya during the
10th CoP of the CBD where the need for updating national biodiversity strategy and action plans was emphasized.
In the said CoP, it was stated that each party has developed, adopted as a policy instrument, and has commenced
implementing an effective, participatory and updated national biodiversity strategy and action plan by 2015.

The Philippines has submitted four national reports to the CBD, the preparation of which was through a
consultative process across the country. The four national reports assessed the Philippines’ progress towards

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meeting the 2010 biodiversity target of achieving a significant reduction in the current rate of biodiversity loss at
the global, regional and national levels, consistent with the strategic plan for the CBD.

Based on CBD CoP 11 Decision, the third PBSAP updating process calls upon the GEF to avoid additional and
lengthy processes and to utilize existing NBSAPs as the basis for GEF’s determination of needs-based priorities. As
a result, a PBSAP was prepared through regional and national stakeholder consultations to include indicators,
monitoring partnerships, timeline, responsible agencies and projected costs of actions. This was managed by the
PBSAP Project Steering Committee and TWG as detailed in Table 8.

Table 8. Management of the PBSAP Updating Process

PBSAP Project Steering Committee Project Technical Working Group
Chair DENR Undersecretary Assistant Director, DENR-BMB
Co-chair NEDA Deputy Director General
Members UNDP, DSWD, DBM, DA-BFAR, CCC, NCIP, Senior technical staff from NEDA, UNDP,
PPSO, DENR-FASPO, Partner Academe,
Partner non-government organizations

The schedule of the six (6) regional and national consultations initiatives is found on Table 9. A total of 807
participants from various sectors attended the national and regional consultations. Various representatives from
women’s organizations, IPs, fishery, forestry, social welfare and development, biodiversity conservation,
academe, and media were part of the stakeholders who participated in the PBSAP revision process. Beyond these,
additional meetings were held to further refine the actions, targets and indicators.

Table 9. Regional and National Consultations for PBSAP Updating Process

Area Dates
Luzon (Regions 1, 2, 3, Cordillera Autonomous Region) June 27-29, 2013
Luzon (Regions 4a, 4b, 5, National Capital Region) July 24-26, 2013
Visayas (Regions 6 and 8) August 28-30, 2013
Mindanao (Regions 9, 10, Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao) September 18-20 2013
Mindanao (Regions 11, 12, Caraga) October 23-25, 2013
National Consultation November 21-22, 2013

The regional consultations were aimed to validate and provide inputs, information and recommendations, based
on regional and local contexts, realities and observed trends, for PBSAP 2028 priorities, targets and actions.
Various FGDs and TWG meetings with experts and government agencies were also conducted to streamline
action and implementation plans for the PBSAP. The whole process builds on the current status and
achievements of the Philippines with respect to biodiversity planning and reporting. It aims to integrate the
Philippines’ obligations under the CBD into its national development and sectoral planning frameworks through a
renewed and participative ‘biodiversity planning’ and strategizing process. It produced measurable targets for
biodiversity conservation and sustainable use.

Stakeholder Engagement
During the planning process, workshop results were shared to and from the various stakeholders including
vulnerable groups, women, indigenous communities and rural communities. A list of all organizations and
agenies who participated in the updating process is provided (see Annex 4). Furthermore, a Facebook account
(i.e., Pbsap-biofin) was created to provide updates. Briefings on the background, process and content about the
NBSAP and the revision process were provided to attendees including workshop presentations and directories of

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During the consultation, participants were all encouraged to share their experiences and ideas in their workshop
groups. Questions, suggestions and clarifications were sought in the open forum that followed after each session.
The differing views of various societal actors were taken into consideration and for the views that came out
that were somehow in conflict (example are those that relate to mining), individual consultations with the
officials of concerned government agencies and related organizations to discuss the disputes were done. For the
mining sector, the MGB suggested language which was acceptable to them and did not offer to delete anything
that was included in the actions matrix. Selected participants expressed their satisfaction on the way their views
were taken into account in the consultations.

Creation/ Organization National and local Formulation of Issuance of legal

of Project consultations (6) and Action Plans to instrument to
Implementation Technical Working implement specific integrate PBSAP into
Structure Group meetings activities under the all sectoral planning
PBSAP processes

Figure 34. PBSAP planning process and procedure

After updating the PBSAP, specific stand-alone action plans were produced by the BMB that will operationalize
the achievement of the targets indicated in the PBSAP. These are:
 An Action Plan to raise awareness on biological diversity, more specifically to communicate elements of
the NBSAP that could contribute to gaining support from relevant decision makers
 A plan for fully implementing the Programme of Work on Protected Areas, including increased protection
and landscape/seascape connectivity (on-going)
 A plan for strengthening ecosystem resilience and the contribution of biodiversity to carbon stocks,
including the restoration of at least 15 per cent of degraded ecosystems and to prevent extinctions of
globally and nationally threatened species
 An Action Plan to identify different funding sources and negotiate financing mechanisms including but not
limited to budget advocacy and sustainable financing schemes for protected area management to
effectively implement the NBSAP
 A Framework Agreement among key institutions on information sharing that contribute to national
reporting and the monitoring of the status of Philippine biodiversity with a view of sustaining the
provision of up-to-date information for regular national reporting (in effect)

These action plans are expected to jump start biodiversity conservation in the country given the following current

 A growing urban population is also creating a generation of people with very little experience and
appreciation of nature conservation. In a survey commissioned by Haribon Foundation in 2005 to
measure the awareness of environmental issues, only 17 percent of the respondents were aware of
biodiversity (Plantilla, n.d.). Urban Manila is the seat of the national government’s executive, legislative

102 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
and judicial branches. With heightened public awareness and a louder voice, decision makers will likely
support biodiversity conservation efforts. The target of BMB’s current CEPA plan is limited to the Bureau,
the DENR and its current partners. It recognizes that it has yet to establish brand identity and equity and
while awareness for biodiversity may be present, it is not fully appreciated. The plan has two (2)
objectives: a) to increase by five percent annually from baseline the number of schools, POs, media,
LGUs, private corporations, policy makers, BMB personnel, and DENR offices that are aware of the
concept of biodiversity, its importance, threats and benefits of protecting it; and b) to build the support
from schools, POs, media, LGUs, private corporations, legislators and other government agencies for the
conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity through one biodiversity commitment/undertaking per
sector annually. Specific activities to achieve these goals will be formulated, tested and adapted
accordingly. Results monitoring will be done regularly to reinforce activities and their impacts needed to
achieve targets.

 PAs are important to overall well-being of Filipinos. They feed and nurture, provide water and jobs, house
important cultural heritage, and protect from disasters. A PA Master Plan will ensure effective
management of the PA system and will address the following pressing issues: representativeness and
ecologically adequacy of PAs, sufficiency and capacity of PA managers and staff; involvement of
communities and traditionally marginalized sectors; presence of sustainable financing mechanisms; and
policy gaps.

 The restoration action plan will build on the gains of the government’s NGP as well as other sectors’
efforts in ecosystem restoration. It will prioritize critical areas (i.e., forest, coral reefs, mangroves,
seagrass, inland wetlands, caves) in need of restoration and provide recommendations on the restoration
approach that may be the most appropriate to selected sites which may harbor threatened species.
Although new species continue to be discovered, the number of globally and nationally threatened
species has remained the same. The action plan also prioritizes and consolidates actions towards
research and baselining, building on ex-situ conservation, CEPA, capacity building of various stakeholders,
reconciling conservation with sustainable livelihoods, law enforcement and improving laws and
administrative issuances.

After completion of the PBSAP, a directive from the President of the Philippines through a legal instrument (e.g.
EO) is targeted to be issued to incorporate the PBSAP into all plans and programs of relevant agencies,
organizations and private sectors (see Figure 34).

103 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8

By 2028, biodiversity is restored and rehabilitated,

valued, effectively managed and secured,
maintaining ecosystem services to sustain healthy,
resilient Filipino communities and delivering
benefits to all.

104 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Chapter 6. The Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan
With improved human well-being as the overall goal of the PBSAP, direct and enabling interventions were
identified to address and reduce the five (5) major pressures of biodiversity loss (i.e.,habitat loss and
degradation, overexploitation, IAS, climate change, pollution) (See Chapter 4. Principal Pressures of Biodiversity
Loss). The PBSAP shares the same objectives as the CBD and these are: a) Conservation of biological diversity; b)
Sustainable use of its components; and c) Fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the utilization of
genetic resources.

The direct program interventions are: a) restoration of ecosystem functions; b) promotion of biodiversity-
friendly livelihoods; and c) strengthening law enforcement. These are actions when implemented will result into
concrete physical changes in the KBAs. The re-planting of forest trees will result into increased forest cover that
will arrest soil erosion, enable sustained water supply and provide livelihoods for communities dependent on its
resources. Strengthening law enforcement will help reduce, control and manage direct pressures on
biodiversity such as illegal activities (i.e., blast fishing, illegal logging, illegal harvesting and trade of natural
resources, pollution) resulting in the further degradation and destruction of ecosystems.

Enabling or supporting program interventions that were identified are: a) CEPA; b) capacity development for
biodiversity management; c) biodiversity conservation-related research; d) strengthening policy for biodiversity
conservation; e) promotion of biodiversity-friendly technology; and f) resource mobilization. These are
interventions when implemented individually or together with other actions, may amplify the impacts of the
direct interventions thus, contribute to the achievement of identified targets.

Figure 35 illustrates the framework of the PBSAP.

105 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Human wellbeing target
BD-related jobs Improved health Avoidance of natural
created (Result 9) disasters

Ecosystem services provided

Regulating services maintained Cultural services maintained Provisioning services maintained Supporting services maintained
(Result 7, 19, 20) (Result 7, 19, 20) (Result 7, 8, 19, 20) (Result 7, 19, 20)

Natural forest No net loss in live coral Conservation targets Improved genetic Expanded natural
cover increased cover, mangroves and diversity in areas in urban
(Result 2) seagrass areas (Result 3) Conservation status of globally threatened agriculture (Result 4) centers (Result 6)
species maintained or improved (Result 1, 5)

Results related to reducing threats

Illegal cutting of trees hotspots reduced (Result 10)

Fuelwood sourced from sustainable sources (Result 10)

Agri-aqua cultural expansion in protected areas controlled (Result 10)

Hotspots for illegal hunting of wildlife reduced (Result 10)

Residential and commercial development in PAs controlled (Result 10)

Energy production and mining in KBAs regulated (Result 10)

Pollution controlled (Result 10)

IAS hotspots reduced (Result 10)

Results related to addressing drivers

Biodiversity-friendly practices adopted (Result 11)

Restoration plans initiated (Result 14) Improved management of

caves (Result 16)

Policy Enforcement Strengthened

Biodiversity Conservation integrated in CLUPs (Result 13)

Capacity for Biodiversity Management Enhanced (Result 12)

Relevant conservation policies that address gaps are in place (Result 17) Agricultural heritage systems recognized (Result 15)

Awareness of importance of Biodiversity Conservation increased (Result 18)

Restoration Promotion Strengthen- Communica Capacity Biodiversity Strengthen- Promotion of Resource
of of BD ing law -tion, Development Conservation ing Policy for Biodiversity- Mobilization
ecosystem friendly enforcement Education for related Biodiversity friendly
functions livelihoods and Public Biodiversity Research Conservation livelihoods and
Awareness Management Technology


Terrestrial areas Coastal and marine Caves Inland waters Agro-biodiversity Urban areas

106 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Figure 35. PBSAP Framework for Biodiversity Conservation

Twenty (20) targets were formulated to realize this goal. Specific indicators per target were also identified which
will be regularly monitored to determine progress (see Table 10).

Table 10. Targets with indicators to address and reduce pressures to biodiversity
No. PBSAP Target Results Indicators
Conservation targets
1 By 2028, the conservation status of nationally and globally 1 Number of critically endangered (CR), endangered (EN),
threatened species in the country from 2016 levels is vulnerable (V) species whose status have not been
maintained or improved. upgraded in the Philippines List of Threatened Species (per
DAO 15-2004, Fisheries AO 233-2010, DAO 01-2007, and
RA 9147 [2001])
2 By 2028, there will be no net loss in natural forest cover 2 Area of land covered in natural forests (closed, open and
mixed forests based on National Mapping Resource and
Information Authority land cover classification)
3 By 2028, there will be no net loss in presence and area 3 Presence and area distribution of live corals, mangroves
distribution of live coral cover, mangrove and seagrasses. and seagrasses and their condition
4 By 2028, over 50% of genetic diversity of cultivated plants 4 Genetic diversity of cultivated plants and farmed and
and farmed and domesticated animals and wild relatives domesticated animals and wild relatives
will be conserved or maintained.
5 By 2028, the population of migratory bird species 5 Population of migratory bird species recorded and analyzed
identified in selected inland and coastal wetlands along during population counts in key inland and coastal wetland
the EAAF will be maintained. sites in the Philippines along the EAAF
6 By 2028, there will be a 5% increase in the proportion of 6a Proportion of green spaces in Philippine cities
green spaces in the five largest cities.
6b Proportion of cities that have adopted the City Biodiversity
Ecosystem services provided
7 By 2028, as result of improved conservation, ecosystem 7a Amount of estimated carbon stocks in forest areas in the
services provided by key biodiversity areas will be Philippines
enhanced. 7b Number of irrigation systems and water systems for
domestic use that are sourced from KBAs and volume and
quality of water from these sources
7c Number of sites in KBAs that serve as ecotourism
7d Number of IP communities with identified sacred places
and/or ICCAs within KBAs
8 By 2028, fish stocks of economically important species will 8 Abundance and biomass of fish species recorded in national
be maintained. stock assessments and other local stock assessment
Human wellbeing target
9 By 2028, there will be an annual increase of at least 5% in 9 Number of people employed in biodiversity conservation-
biodiversity conservation related jobs (ecotourism, related jobs annually
sustainable agriculture, ecosystem restoration)
Results related to reducing threats to biodiversity
10 By 2028, the key threats to biodiversity will be reduced, 10a Number of IAS hotspots
controlled or managed. 10b Number of coastal and fresh surface water systems in KBAs
that pass the minimum criteria for water quality under the
provisions of DAOs 34 and 35

10c Number of agricultural, including fisheries, expansion

hotspots in KBAs

107 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
No. PBSAP Target Results Indicators
10d Number of energy production and mining hotspots in KBAs
10e Number of fuelwood collection hotspots that source raw
materials from sustainable sources
10f Number of illegal cutting of trees hotspots
10g Number of illegal logging hotspots
10h Number of hotspots for hunting and poaching of wildlife
10i Number of hotspots of illegal fishing practices
10j Number of hotspots for residential and commercial
development in KBAs
Results related to addressing drivers of threats
11 By 2028, there will be a 10% increase in agricultural areas 11 Number and area of farms practicing biodiversity-friendly
devoted to all types of biodiversity-friendly agriculture. agriculture in the Philippines
12 By 2028, capacity for biodiversity conservation of public 12a Proportion of PA management structures with high
and private sector groups in terrestrial and marine management effectiveness assessment scores
PAs/KBAs will be strengthened. 12b Number of private companies, POs/NGOs, communities
involved in biodiversity conservation
13 By 2028, 50% of LGUs will have formulated and adopted 13 Number of LGUs with enhanced CLUPs based on revised
the enhanced CLUP using revised HLURB framework. HLURB framework
14 By 2028, 1 million ha of degraded ecosystems will be 14 Number of ha of degraded ecosystems placed under
restored and/or will be under various stages of restoration programs
15 By 2028, there will be at least 10 nationally recognized 15 Number of nationally recognized agricultural heritage sites
agricultural heritage systems.
16 By 2028, there will be improved conservation 16a Number of caves with functional
management of caves conservation/management partnerships or engagements
16b Number of caves that have been officially classified
17 By 2020, relevant biodiversity conservation policies to 17 Number of RA, EO, implementing rules and regulations
address existing gaps are in place (IRR), DAO, Memorandum Circular, local ordinances, policy
review/studies enforced or implemented
18 By 2028, there will be a 10% annual increase from the 18 Number of stakeholder groups that are aware of
2015 baseline in the number of schools, POs, media biodiversity, its importance and benefits and threats to it.
organizations, LGU, private companies, policy makers,
government offices that are aware and supportive of
biodiversity, its importance, threats and benefits of
protecting it
19 By 2028, there will be a 10% increase in total area from 19 Proportion of total area of terrestrial PAs in relation to KBAs
2015 levels of terrestrial including inland wetlands PAs
managed through NIPAS and other conservation
measures (indigenous community conserved areas, local
conservation areas, critical habitats) that overlap with
20 By 2028, there will be a 20% increase from 2015 levels in 20 Proportion of area established MPAs/sanctuaries against
the coverage of established MPAs/sanctuaries across total area of aquatic habitats.
various aquatic habitats.

108 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Progress on these targets will be
monitored regularly through a set of
Pollution indicators to enable us to measure our
gains in terms of biodiversity
conservation. Performance indicator
definition and reference sheets for each
indicator will be prepared.
20 targets
A more comprehensive list of actions
that address biodiversity loss and focus
Invasive Alien Habitat on four ecosystems (i.e., forest, caves
Species Loss and cave systems, inland wetlands,
coastal and marine) and thematic areas
(i.e., urban biodiversity, agrobiodiversity,
PAs, IAS and ABS) are found in Annex 5.

Priority Programs in the Short-term

Based on the PBSAP framework, a number of programs were developed to initially address the drivers and threats
to biodiversity loss across ecosystems and thematic areas. The following programs will implement single or
multiple interventions indicated in the framework as well as address concerns of other multilateral environmental
agreements such as the CBD, UNFCC, UNCCD, CITES, CCMSWA, IPPC, ITPGRFA, Ramsar Convention, and WHC.

1. Integrated Approach in the Management of Major Biodiversity Corridors in the Philippines

2. Maintaining Ecosystem Flows, Mainstreaming Biodiversity and Restoring Degraded Forestlands and Enhancing
Carbon Stocks through an Integrated Landscape Approach
3. Sustainable Financing of the Philippines PA System
4. Capacity Building for the Ratification and Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-
Sharing in the Philippines
5. Combatting Environmental Organized Crime in the Philippines
6. Carbon-Resilient, Low-Carbon and Sustainable Cities
7. Enabling Investments in Natural Capital: Strengthening Fisheries Value Chains, Financial Monitoring and
Evaluation Capacity in the Coral Triangle
8. Implementation of Sulu Celebes Seas Large Marine Ecosystems Regional and National Strategic Action Plans
9. Exploration of Collaborative Conservation Framework in line with MARPOL and CBD in the East Asian Seas
10. Implementation of PCB Management Programs for Electric Cooperatives and Safe E-wastes Management
11. Eliminating the Use of POPs in the Philippines through the Mainstreaming into the Relevant Planning,
Programming and Regulatory Processes and Development of Safer Substitutes

Costing the PBSAP (as of 24 April 2015)

The table below shows the estimated costs of implementing direct and enabling interventions according to
thematic area (i.e., ABS, IAS, PAs, urban biodiversity, and agrobiodiversity) and ecosystem (i.e., forest/terrestrial,
inland wetlands, caves and cave systems, and coastal and marine).

Table 11. Summary of the cost of strategies per thematic area and ecosystem
Ecosystem / PhP USD*
Thematic Area LOW HIGH Low High

109 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Forest 65,356,084,522.23 76,907,763,078.23 1,452,357,433.83 1,709,061,401.74 19.34
Coastal and Marine 48,576,116,779.29 56,051,484,392.45 1,079,469,261.76 1,245,588,542.05 14.37
Inland Wetlands 67,205,587,084.22 78,062,500,578.79 1,493,457,490.76 1,734,722,235.08 19.89
Cave and Cave
5,368,174,648.48 7,626,725,163.58 119,292,769.97 169,482,781.41 1.59
Protected Areas 131,641,188,288.46 151,038,853,291.01 2,925,359,739.74 3,356,418,962.02 38.95
Access and Benefit-
1,437,360,154.05 1,822,595,204.50 31,941,336.76 40,502,115.66 0.43
Agrobiodiversity 11,356,883,887.78 13,091,891,532.39 252,375,197.51 290,930,922.94 3.36
Invasive Alien
4,202,653,618.48 4,963,062,630.50 93,392,302.63 110,290,280.68 1.24
Urban Biodiversity 2,795,344,021.98 3,742,528,502.41 62,118,756.04 83,167,300.05 0.83
TOTAL 337,939,393,004.96 393,307,404,373.86 7,509,764,289.00 8,740,164,541.64 100.00
*1 USD = PhP 45.00

The total estimated cost of implementing the PBSAP from 2015-2028 ranges from PhP 337.9 Billion (low) to PhP
393.3 Billion (high). Thirty nine percent (39%) or PHP 131.6 Billion (low) of the total cost was computed to prevent
habitat loss and overexploitation of Protected Areas. It is followed by inland wetlands with a total of PHP 67.2 Billion
(low) to address habitat loss, overexploitation, pollution and climate change.

Summary of Cost for All Interventions According to Category

Each direct and enabling action per thematic area and ecosystem was tagged correspondingly with the Aichi Targets
as shown in Figure 36.

Restoration strategies account for 47 percent of the total estimated cost or PHP 159.4 Billion while 40 percent is
attributed to protection strategies or PHP 136.6 Billion. While this budget includes direct actions towards
attempting to restore ecosystem services and functions, it does not include the value of lost ecosystem services,
which will even inflate the cost even more. This also denotes that the goal of the country for both protection and
restoration go hand-in-hand with its attempt in reverting to pre-exploitation levels.

110 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Enhanced Biodiversity
Implementation Mainstreaming
4% 4%
(11.6B) (14.2B)
1% Sustainable Use
(1.4B) 4%

47% Protection
(159.4B) 40%

Figure 36. Cost of PBSAP implementation cost (2015-2028) according to Aichi Targets
(low estimate in billion PHP)

The computed cost for protection cuts across all thematic areas. Assuming that protection measures are well
enforced and funded, it can prevent the estimated USD 1 billion dollars annual loss from IUUF20 alone, and does
not yet include the value of losses from inland wetlands, agriculture, and forest resources. In Region 2 alone (for
example), the BFAR estimates an economic loss of USD37,000 to USD75,000 per foreign fishing vessel21.

Summary of Cost for All Interventions According to Program Interventions

Each direct and enabling action per thematic area and ecosystem was tagged as shown in Figure 37.

Restoration of ecosystem functions account for 45 percent of the total estimated cost at PHP 156.6 Billion while 30
percent is attributed to capacity development for biodiversity conservation at PHP 103 Billion.

20 Based on the study of Aliño (2002) as cited by Palma (2007)


111 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Communication, Education
Capacity Development for and Public Awareness
Strengthening Law Biodiversity Conservation Strengthening Policy for 0.4%
Enforcement 30.5% Biodiversity Conservation
0.2% 18.1% (1.4B)
(8.5B) (103.6B)
(61.3B) Biodiversity Conservation-
Promotion of 2.3% related Research
Biodiversity- 1.6%
Livelihoods Restoration of Ecosystem (5.4B)
(direct) Functions
2.5% 46.4%

(156.6B) Promotion of Biodiversity-

(0.65B) friendly


Figure 37. Cost of PBSAP implementation cost (2015-2028) according to program intervention
(low estimate in billion PHP)

The Philippines is currently implementing the Biodiversity Financing Initiative (Biofin) Project which seeks to
contribute to closing the financing gap for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity by
identifying, accessing, combining and sequencing sources of biodiversity funding to meet specific needs. Under
this project, a finance solutions plan was formulated in 2015 with at least one strategy implemented by 2016.
However, a prioritization of cross-sectoral actions to be led by the BMB will be undertaken should the resources
not be available in a timely manner.

112 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Chapter 7. Implementation Plan
This chapter discusses the implementation needs of the PBSAP derived from the lessons learned from the
implementation of earlier PBSAP plans. A discussion of the strategies to ensure effective implementation is
discussed subsequently followed by a proposed coordination and management mechanism.


7.1.1 Actions and Tasks

Based on the PBSAP, it can be said that the dominant implementation tasks include the following:
i. Policy formulation (national policy, proposed legislation, developing guidelines)
ii. Sectoral planning /area planning and reconciling the same with other competing sectors
iii. Mainstreaming plans in the bigger socioeconomic development plans
iv. Law enforcement and conflict resolution
v. Recognition of and support to management and utilization rights and intellectual property rights of
vi. Provision of support services under limited resources (extension, research and documentation)
vii. Human resources and institutional capacity building, CEPA and knowledge management
viii. Constituency building among non-state actors (NGO networks, business networks)

7.1.2 Phasing
The tasks are divided into short term (2015-2016); medium term (2017-2020) and long term (2021-2028). Short-
term tasks are important for building the operational vision, organization, operational plans and capacity of actors
to implement tasks. They would consist of immediately doable tasks that can be completed on the first 2 years
that can be supported by earmarked or maturing pipeline projects. Some tasks start on year 1 and require more
than 3 years or more than 5 years to complete. They are considered medium- and long-term tasks.

7.1.3 Actors
There are several actors involved from the point of view of tasks under PBSAP. Each set of actors has its own set
of capacity building needs.

National Agencies
 Biodiversity governance - agencies that directly govern/allocate/regulate DENR, DA, NCIP
the use of biodiversity landscapes and resources except those devolved to
 Resource use – agencies that largely use goods and services produced by DOST, DOH, DOT, Department of
biodiversity resources (landscapes, species, genes). The activities of these Public Works and Highways (DPWH)
agencies can either enhance or impinge on the integrity of the resource.
 Communication and education – agencies that can support DePEd, CHED, National Commission
mainstreaming and public understanding on Culture and Arts, Philippine
Information Agency, DILG
 Development administration – agencies that are responsible for the NEDA, DBM, COA, Civil Service
management of cross cutting resources such as funds agencies Commission, human resource
systems of line agencies
Local Governments Provinces, Municipalities, Cities
Some of the PBSAP programs will require direct implementation inputs by
selected pilot LGUs. LGUs can draw stakeholders to the table and generate
local action.

113 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Inter-agency and inter-LGU bodies PAMBs, Baywide Councils,
These include existing formal bodies or ad hoc task forces. They may also Watershed Councils
include inter-LGU bodies that cover certain ecosystems such watersheds, bays
and rivers. They are important for risk minimization, conflict management and
synergy of action.
Peer Support Networks Leagues of LGUs, Leagues of Civil
These are professional associations, NGO and academic networks and business Servants, NGO and Academic
chambers. Emphasis is placed here on the networks rather than individual Networks, Business Chambers
NGOs and business firms. These networks help set standards and promote
adoption of good practices by its members.

7.1.4 Implementation capacity

The strengths and weakness of the above actors is largely public knowledge. Some of the more well-known
strengths and weaknesses are:

Type of Actor Strengths Weaknesses

National agencies  Sectoral planning  Inter-agency coordination
 Project planning  ODA absorption capacity
 Knowledge management
Local governments  Can lead local multi-sectoral action. Many  Ad hoc/”pet“ projects
good practices are nationally recognized.  Hostage to leadership changes
Inter-agency bodies; inter-  Many are ecosystems-based  Usually project driven
LGU bodies  Managing leadership changes
 Quality of secretariat support
Peer support networks  Sharing of good practices  Organizational problems
(LGU leagues, CSO and  Knowledge management
Academic networks, business  Volunteer fatigue

A national capacity self-assessment for CBD implementation (2005) indicated overall “sufficient” capacity for
policy formulation and planning but “lacking to barely sufficient” in financing and obtaining public support.
Human capacity is “lacking” in focal government offices and “barely sufficient to sufficient” among non-
government, academe and business.

Capacity building activities have been largely project-based (depending on donor-driven opportunities). There are
noticeable anecdotal achievements at project level but due to lack of monitoring, it is difficult to make a strategic
assessment of cumulative gains.

Biodiversity is currently under the purview of the BMB whose name (until recently) connotes a slant towards PAs
and wildlife. DENR is undergoing reorganization towards supporting biodiversity more holistically (ex. PAs + non-

7.1.5 Funding
The PBSAP will be supported by a mix of sources coming from the national government, local government,
voluntary contributions from non-state actors (civil society and business sectors) and international support.

114 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8

7.2.1 Key gaps in previous work

Presidential Memorandum Order 289 of 1995 directed the integration of the first NBSAP in sectoral plans and
programs of national government agencies. This was updated by the PBCP in 2002 that provided strong spatial
reference to the NBSAP. The need to mainstream the NBSAP and the PBCP strategies was reiterated in November
2006 through EO 578 establishing a national policy for biodiversity. The mainstreaming instructions appeared
more as a “rider” to a new coastal program that was being launched. There are no known implementation actions
to this EO. The Philippine Council for Sustainable Development - CCMRD-Sub-Committee on Biological Diversity
currently serves as de facto steering committee of the PBCP.

The government encountered the following key implementation issues in the earlier NBSAPs:

a. Both plans did not have clear institutional arrangements, monitoring and evaluation system and a
systematic resource mobilization strategy. The de facto secretariat role of BMB was severely hampered
by limited staff resources.
b. Strategies were generally reflected in DENR programs but hardly in sectoral plans beyond the
environment sector. There was a general lack of mechanisms to integrate targets in agency level
c. Most of the limited interventions were highly project-based and the incorporation of their
accomplishments and learnings in the strategic planning process has been minimal.
d. Lack of a communication and knowledge management strategy to support the continuing need for
awareness and commitment building. Due to the limited attention and support to the CHM, the latter
was marginalized.
e. Human resources capacity has been largely project-based and left largely untracked.
f. Monitoring (every two years) is largely done for reportorial obligations to CBD. It has not been sufficiently
used to support proactive internal assessment and follow on planning.

7.2.2 Recommended features

Based on review of capacities and lessons from earlier NBSAP implementation, it is clear that the coordination
and management process and structures of the PBSAP need to possess the following minimum features:
a. It is supported by an EO that clearly establishes roles and functions and start-up funding.
b. A strong national PBSAP secretariat is crucial. To complement limited government resources for
secretariat work, volunteer resources must be mobilized and managed effectively.
c. Biodiversity is a complex subject matter and will be implemented by various stakeholders who have
varying levels of understanding of and commitment to biodiversity conservation. To compete for the
attention of decision makers, continuing education and communication strategies need to be proactively
embedded in PBSAP decision-making processes.
d. The traditional roles of coordination and management are no longer sufficient. It must also be concerned
with developing and enabling champions who can advocate biodiversity conservation in decision-making,
planning programming and budgeting.
e. To support the mainstreaming process, the PBSAP must be embedded in the planning and budgeting
process of participating agencies.
f. To better manage conflict and promote synergy, operational plans need to be regularly vetted with multi-
sectoral bodies at national (Philippine Council for Sustainable Development), regional (RDCs) and local
levels (Local Development Councils, ecosystems-based councils).
g. The resources of LGUs, and the social capital of civil society organizations and business need to be tapped
more effectively. Peer support networks (LGU leagues, government networks, business associations)
provide the platform to reach out to these sectors.

115 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
h. The management system must take advantage of the evolving mechanisms and tools of open
government reforms being instituted in order to institutionalize participation of non-state actors and
exact accountability from implementing agencies.

The work of the National Committee will be partly “mirrored” at the regional level by the appointment of at least
two regional focal points - one with the DENR Regional Office, the other with the NEDA regional office. The
regional focal points will facilitate the discussion of PBSAP targets in the RDC and the incorporation of the same in
the regional development plan and monitoring and reporting systems.


7.3.1 Overall Program Direction

National Committee
With the DENR as the focal agency, a National Committee will be created that will exercise oversight on the PBSAP
implementation and will have the following functions:
 ensure the commitment of all government agencies and other stakeholders and their compliance with
the implementation of the PBSAP;
 ensure the mainstreaming of biodiversity conservation into the planning and budgeting process of
national government agencies and LGUs as well as into national socio-economic development plans;
 through its members, educate the public on biodiversity conservation and communicate and build
awareness about the CBD, the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets
as well as the progress of their implementation in the Philippines;
 require the support or assistance of any department, bureau, agency or office of the government;
 create a TWG to provide support and assistance in the performance of its functions; and
 perform such other functions and activities as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of the EO that
will be enacted to implement the PBSAP.

Technical Working Group

A TWG will be created to provide support and assistance to the National Committee.

The TWG will have the following duties and responsibilities:

 provide technical assistance to the National Committee in the planning, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation of the PBSAP;
 assist in the coordination of activities that have direct relevance to their respective agencies’ or
organizations’ objectives and functions;
 provide links to different sectors taking into consideration perspectives from respective and other
relevant sectors;
 provide technical assistance to the Regional Committees;
 facilitate information dissemination and feedback within their respective agencies and organizations;
 perform relevant activities e.g. cascade within her/his Department the PBSAP implementation/action
plan; and
 perform other functions as may be assigned by the National Committee.

116 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
National PBSAP Secretariat
A national PBSAP secretariat to be based at the BMB will be in charge of program development and coordination,
monitoring and evaluation and knowledge management, resource mobilization and communication, education and
public awareness. The secretariat will be responsible for three major tasks:

Secretariat Tasks Work Activities

Program development and  Propose the agenda for National PBSAP Secretariat and sub-committee
coordination meetings.
 Facilitate multi-sectoral consultative processes.
 Co-facilitate planning and implementation processes at line agency levels
and with peer support networks of LGUs, CSOs and business as needed.
Monitoring, assessment and  Facilitate program monitoring, analysis and documentation of good
knowledge management practices and lessons learned.
 Redesign, fortify and maintain the CHM.
 Maintain and update the roster of funding windows, training resources
Resource mobilization and CEPA and link the same to various implementing agency actors who need
 Facilitate the tapping of government human resources and tap and
manage volunteer resources.
 Design and manage communication campaigns.

The Secretariat may combine various implementation modalities for the above tasks - direct implementation or
outsourcing of tasks to certain competent groups. Volunteer resources will undergo appropriate training and

Regional Focal Points: Subcommittee under the Sectoral Committee on Economic Development of the Regional
Development Council
To support the mainstreaming process, the PBSAP will be embedded in the planning and budgeting process of
participating agencies. The work of the National PBSAP Secretariat will be partly mirrored at the regional level
through focal points at the DENR and NEDA. A subcommittee under the Sectoral Committee on Economic
Development of the RDC will be created to ensure that progress of PBSAP implementation will be monitored on a
regular basis. The DENR Regional Director shall serve as the Chair and the NEDA Regional Director as co-chair.

7.3.2. Consultation with multi sectoral bodies to support mainstreaming

Sectoral plans and budget proposals will be submitted to multi-sectoral bodies for information, review and
feedback. This is to ensure relevance and synergy of action. The PBSAP national secretariat will observe the
respective planning calendars of these multi-sectoral bodies and work with their respective secretariats to
implement these measures. At the national level, this multi-sectoral body will be embodied by the National
Committee. At the sub-national levels, the target multi-sectoral body will be the subcommittee under the Sectoral
Committee on Economic Development of the RDC and as needed, by inter-agency bodies working on themes and
ecosystems (bays, watersheds). At the LGU level, this will be the Local Development Councils (particularly
Provincial Development Councils) or equivalent special bodies created by law or ordinance.

117 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program direction setting by DENR

Consultation with other sectors through:

Palawan Council for Sustainable
Monitoring, Assessment and Knowledge
Management Regional Development Council
Provincial Development Council

Planning & implementation at the level of :

National Agency
Local Government Unit
Peer Support Networks

Figure 38. PBSAP process for planning, programming, budgeting, monitoring,

assessment and knowledge management

To better manage conflict and promote synergy, operational plans need to be regularly vetted with multi-sectoral
bodies at the national, regional and local levels. The resources of LGUs and the social capital of civil society
organizations and business need to be tapped more effectively. Peer support networks like LGU leagues and
business associations provide potentially powerful platforms to reach out to these sectors (Figure 38).

Illustrative examples of activities and networks are as follows:

Example of Key PBSAP Action/Target Targeted Peer Support Network
Adoption of City Biodiversity Index LMP, LCP
Biodiversity assessment in school campuses Philippine Association of Tertiary Level
Educational Institutions in Environmental
Protection and Management
Resource mobilization for targeted wildlife species or natural League of Corporate Foundations
Facilitation of documentation of Indigenous Knowledge Systems National Network of IPs
and Practices

7.4. Sustainability of PBSAP Implementation

7.4.1 Institutionalizing the PBSAP Implementation

The PBSAP shall be institutionalized through an EO highlighting the accountabilities of partner agencies,
sustainability mechanisms and instruments, as well as technical and financial support particularly at the local

118 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
levels. Since the EO is signed by the Philippine President, this will be serve as an effective instrument to increase
compliance and participation of entities in PBSAP implementation.

7.4.2 Capacity Building to Support Implementation

Current Situation
There is overall “sufficient” capacity for policy formulation and planning but “lacking to barely sufficient” in
financing and obtaining public support. Human capacity is “lacking “in focal government offices and “barely
sufficient to sufficient” among non-government, academe and business.

Capacity building activities have been largely addressed depending on donor-driven opportunities. There are
noticeable anecdotal achievements at project level but due to lack of monitoring and documentation, it has been
difficult to make a strategic assessment of cumulative gains.

Until recently biodiversity conservation is currently under the purview of the BMB whose previous name connotes
a slant towards PAs and wildlife. DENR is undergoing reorganization towards supporting biodiversity more
holistically (e.g. PAs and non-PAs). The PAs in the country are only 10% staffed compared to ideal staffing rate in
ASEAN standards.

Training Needs Assessment (TNA)

On the first year of PBSAP implementation, a TNA will be conducted to determine current capacity to implement
the range of PBSAP tasks covering
a. Policy formulation (national policy, proposed legislation, developing guidelines).
b. Sectoral planning /area planning and reconciling the same with other competing sectors.
c. Mainstreaming plans in the bigger socioeconomic development plans.
d. Law enforcement and conflict resolution.
e. Recognition of and support to management and utilization rights and intellectual property rights of
f. Provision of support services under limited resources (extension, research and documentation, etc.)
g. Human resources and institutional capacity building, CEPA and Knowledge Management.
h. Constituency building among non-state actors (civil society, NGO networks, business networks, etc.)

The results will be used to develop a training framework that will establish priority needs and identify the relevant
training resources within and outside the country that can match those needs. The PBSAP national secretariat will
facilitate this process of matching needs with resources by providing timely information to concerned agencies.
Technical bureaus of the DENR particularly BMB and ERDB will be tapped to help manage the matching process.
The PBSAP national secretariat will take note of the wide range of training opportunities (usually subsidized)
provided by the international community. The PBSAP national secretariat will also work with training institutions
and propose a national budget to cover high priority human resources training needs.

Capacity Building Modalities

To address training needs, the PBSAP national secretariat will employ both conventional and innovative
modalities for human resources capacity building. Conventional modalities will include the conduct of discrete
training courses for targeted teams and individuals assigned to perform certain tasks. Alternatively biodiversity
topics may be integrated in existing training modules of both government and non-government institutions. An
example would be the current training module of the Local Government Academy on climate change adaptation.
Agrobiodiversity conservation measures may be included in these modules as a specific measure to adapt to
climate change in the farming sector.

119 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Non-conventional modalities will include activities that may not be considered as formal training activities but are
nonetheless opportunities for learning, if coordinated with the CEPA activities of the PBSAP.

Summary of human resource capacity building modalities for PBSAP

Conventional modalities Emerging modalities
 Formal courses for individuals  Participation in carefully facilitated program review and
 Non-formal courses for teams or individuals reflection workshops at the agency level
 Planning and review workshops  Sharing of good practices within the peer support
 Study tours networks (LGU Leagues, professional associations)
 Personalized use of online resources  Sister cities and sister towns
 Informal exchange  Customized online courses (webinars) offered by
international and national organizations
 Mediated use of social media

7.5 Summary of Recommended Actions for Coordination and Capacity Building Support
The following is a summary of recommended actions relevant to the effective implementation of the PBSAP.

NBSAP promulgation and implementation at national agency level

Promulgation, Coordination and Monitoring Indicators Lead Agency
An EO officially promulgates the updated PBSAP. It EO implementing the PBSAP and overall DENR-OSec and
will outline the coordination, monitoring and implementing mechanism is promulgated BMB
funding mechanism as well as overall
implementation roles of both government and
non-government sectors within and outside the
environment sector.
Annual review and assessment at agency and Annual review meetings conducted and Agencies
program levels results and lessons learned are reflected in concerned
subsequent work plans

Implementation plan for multi-sectoral mainstreaming

Promulgation, Coordination and Monitoring Indicators Lead Agency
PBSAP priorities are incorporated in the PDP Biodiversity is part of the PDP DENR
Review and adoption of annual PBSAP program Adoption as part of Regional Development DENR, NEDA
priorities by the RDC Plan
Review and adoption of annual PBSAP program Adoption as part of Provincial Development
priorities by Provincial Development Council (PDC) Plan
Conduct of mid-term review during the 3rd and 7th Adoption of results, recommendations and Concerned
year and adoption of results by RDC, PDCs including use of knowledge products agencies

Implementation Plan at LGU level and peer support networks

Local Level Capacity to support NBSAP Indicators Lead Agency
Guidance is provided to LGUs on how to plan Guidebook endorsed by DILG and League of DENR, DILG,
implement and assess basic biodiversity actions LGUs (this may include separate guidance Local Government
through a joint guidebook by DENR, DILG, on City Biodiversity Index) Academy (LGA),
National Committee and Leagues of LGUs Leagues of LGUs
Biodiversity-oriented practices in included
in training modules of the DILG, LGA

Number of surveyed LGUs have

incorporated biodiversity-friendly practices
in land use plans and action programs and
number of LGUs has full-fledged ENROs.

120 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
MOA is established with key peer support Increased human and financial resources NGO networks,
networks of NGO and private sector to optimize provided by the NGO and business sectors Business
their support to the PBSAP to mutually identified joint actions associations

Increased participation of civil society and

business sectors in selected participating

Implementation plan for human resources capacity building to support implementation

Overall NBSAP Human Resource Capacity Indicators Lead Agency
A human resource capacity building framework Human Resource programs and activities of DENR - HR, DENR-
and corresponding agency level programs is projects are formulated and monitored using BMB, Agricultural
established in target sectors among local the TNA and human resource capacity Training Institute,
government agencies, NGOs, academe and building program as basis. DILG, DOST,
business. The program is supported by a Development
consortium of key training organizations that is Academy of the
forged to advocate observance of the human Philippines (DAP)
resource capacity building program. and NGO consortia

The DENR reorganization (institutional capacity) is Biodiversity is actively mainstreamed among DENR HR, BMB
fully completed and supported by HR capacity all DENR sub- sectoral programs.
building to allow for the integrated coordination
of the PBSAP.

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)

The M&E is one of the components of the implementation plan containing the PBSAP targets, indicators and
responsible agencies. The review of the PBSAP will be included regularly in accordance with the UN CBD reporting
schedule. The key evaluation questions revolve around expounding on whether the strategic targets are being
achieved, how these were achieved and what were the facilitating and hindering factors that affected
implementation of the plan. The M&E plan is intended to be an adaptive management tool that provides relevant
information for status assessment on performance targets on a regular basis and evaluation of the effectiveness
of strategic interventions.

Each target will be assigned a reference sheet which contains the following information: a) indicator definition,
b) data capture and analysis, c) data quality assessment, d) data analysis, review and reporting and e) baselines,
targets and performance values. Refer to Annex 6 for a sample reference sheet.

Key indicators as identified in the PBSAP will be embedded in the respective national program plans and agency
plans. Indicators will be also amplified as needed. The National Committee will hold annual review workshops
with key agencies. The review workshops will identify accomplishments by the agency that contributes to the
PBSAP and how these simultaneously contribute to agency mandates and targets. The workshops will identify and
recommend policy reforms within the purview of the agency. The same process would likewise be done in
participating pilot LGUs. The NPC in turn would conduct annual review workshops that involve all key agencies
and partners.

A mid-term program review (in-house and external) will be facilitated by the National Committee every three (3)
years. Results will be presented to the Committee, key agencies and multi-spectral bodies earlier cited. The
review will, likewise, identify outstanding good practices and lessons and how these contribute the programs of
participating agencies and networks. Knowledge products will be identified and communicated to key policy
makers, planners and other key stakeholders guided by a communication strategy. The CHM will likewise be
tapped to support the communication campaign.

121 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Data Management
Currently, data on PAs and species are encoded in the CHM website, which houses the information on country’s
biodiversity to facilitate scientific and technical cooperation, knowledge sharing and information exchange, and to
establish a fully operational network of partners.

Building on what the CHM has started, BMB will develop an Integrated Biodiversity Management Information
System Portal, a comprehensive and up-to-date information and database on protected areas, other conservation
areas and species and genetic level conservation in the Philippines that will ensure fast and efficient data
retrieval, better information sharing and improved data security.

The IBMIS will deliver essential information on in-situ and ex-situ biodiversity conservation and will be closely
linked with the enhanced CHM and in monitoring the targets of the PBSAP.

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Save the Marikina Project

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130 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Biodiversity Aichi Targets

131 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Aichi Targets

Strategic Goal A
Address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss by mainstreaming biodiversity across government and society

Target 1: By 2020, at the latest, people are aware of the values of biodiversity and the steps they can take to
conserve and use it sustainably.
Target 2: By 2020, at the latest, biodiversity values have been integrated into national and local development
and poverty reduction strategies and planning processes and are being incorporated into national
accounting, as appropriate, and reporting systems.
Target 3: By 2020, at the latest, incentives, including subsidies, harmful to biodiversity are eliminated, phased
out or reformed in order to minimize or avoid negative impacts, and positive incentives for the conservation
and sustainable use of biodiversity are developed and applied, consistent and in harmony with the
Convention and other relevant international obligations, taking into account national socio economic
Target 4: By 2020, at the latest, Governments, business and stakeholders at all levels have taken steps to
achieve or have implemented plans for sustainable production and consumption and have kept the impacts
of use of natural resources well within safe ecological limits.

Strategic Goal B
Reduce the direct pressures on biodiversity and promote sustainable use

Target 5: By 2020, the rate of loss of all natural habitats, including forests, is at least halved and where
feasible brought close to zero, and degradation and fragmentation is significantly reduced.
Target 6: By 2020 all fish and invertebrate stocks and aquatic plants are managed and harvested sustainably,
legally and applying ecosystem based approaches, so that overfishing is avoided, recovery plans and
measures are in place for all depleted species, fisheries have no significant adverse impacts on threatened
species and vulnerable ecosystems and the impacts of fisheries on stocks, species and ecosystems are within
safe ecological limits.
Target 7: By 2020 areas under agriculture, aquaculture and forestry are managed sustainably, ensuring
conservation of biodiversity.
Target 8: By 2020, pollution, including from excess nutrients, has been brought to levels that are not
detrimental to ecosystem function and biodiversity.
Target 9: By 2020, invasive alien species and pathways are identified and prioritized, priority species are
controlled or eradicated, and measures are in place to manage pathways to prevent their introduction and
Target 10: By 2015, the multiple anthropogenic pressures on coral reefs, and other vulnerable ecosystems
impacted by climate change or ocean acidification are minimized, so as to maintain their integrity and

132 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Aichi Targets (continuation)

Strategic Goal C
Improve the status of biodiversity by safeguarding ecosystems, species and genetic biodiversity

Target 11: By 2020, at least 17 per cent of terrestrial and inland water areas and 10 per cent of coastal and
marine areas, especially areas of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem services, are
conserved through effectively and equitably managed, ecologically representative and well-connected
systems of protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures, and integrated into the
wider landscape and seascape.
Target 12: By 2020, the extinction of known threatened species has been prevented and their conservation
status, particularly of those most in decline, has been improved and sustained.
Target 13: By 2020, the genetic diversity of cultivated plants and farmed and domesticated animals and of
wild relatives, including other socio-economically as well as culturally valuable species, is maintained, and
strategies have been developed and implemented for minimizing genetic erosion and safeguarding their
genetic diversity.
Strategic Goal D
Enhance the benefits to all biodiversity and ecosystem services

Target 14: By 2020, ecosystems that provide essential services, including services related to water, and
contribute to health, livelihoods and well-being, are restored and safeguarded, taking into account the needs
of women, indigenous and local communities, and the poor and vulnerable.
Target 15: By 2020, ecosystem resilience and the contribution of biodiversity to carbon stocks have been
enhanced, through conservation and restoration, including restoration of at least 15 per cent of degraded
ecosystems, thereby contributing to climate change mitigation and adaptation and to combating
Target 16: By 2015, the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing
of Benefits Arising from their utilization is in force and operational, consistent with national legislation.

Strategic Goal E
Enhance the implementation through participatory planning, knowledge management and capacity building

Target 17: By 2015 each Party has developed, adopted as a policy instrument, and has commenced
implementing an effective, participatory and updated national biodiversity strategy and action plan.
Target 18: By 2020, the traditional knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local
communities relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and their customary use of
biological resources, are respected, subject to national legislation and relevant international obligations, and
fully integrated and reflected in the implementation of the Convention with the full and effective
participation of indigenous and local communities, at all relevant levels.
Target 19: By 2020, knowledge, the science base and technologies relating to biodiversity, its values,
functioning, status and trends, and the consequences of its loss, are improved, widely shared and
transferred, and applied.
Target 20: By 2020, at the latest, the mobilization of financial resources for effectively implementing the
Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 from all sources and in accordance with the consolidated and
agreed process in the Strategy for Resource Mobilization should increase substantially from the current
levels. This target will be subject to changes contingent to resources needs assessments to be developed and
reported by Parties.
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Stories and Best Practces in the Philippines

134 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
School of living traditions among the Tala andig in Lantapan, Bukidnon

The School for Living Traditions is Datu Vic Migketay Saway's symbol of the Talaandig peoples' vision of a
transformed society; where the youth know their roots and identity, chant epic songs, dance the Binanog rhythm
by heart with a sense of dignity, that same dignity provided for by the very Source of Life in our world.

In the midst of growing threat on the indigenous cultures brought about by the fast changes of a globalized world,
Datu Migketay Victorino Saway started a School for Living Tradition. It is a space within the cultural center of the
Talaandig community in Songko, Lantapan Bukidnon where children can play their own musical instruments
specifically the big Talaandig tambol.

Children sing their own songs, listen to the Talaandig stories and learn the Talaandig games and dances from Inay
a Talaandig cultural master. In this haven for children, anyone is free to explore and experiment with sound and
space. It is here where children build their foundation on the Talaandig story and self-identity.
(Source: Talaandig Cultural Site -

135 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Annex 2.2
The National Greening Program

On February 26, 2011, President Benigno S. Aquino III issued EO 26 ordering and declaring the implementation of the NGP 22
as a government priority. The NGP aims to plant 1.5 billion trees covering 1,500,000 ha of public lands by the year 2016 and
is the main strategy for reforestation of the Philippine government.

Department of Interior and Local Government participating in the National Greening Program.
(Photo credits: DILG news, September 19, 2011)

Aside from being a reforestation initiative, the NGP is also

seen as a climate change mitigation strategy as it seeks to
Definition of FOREST enhance the country’s forest stock to absorb carbon
dioxide, which is largely blamed for global warming. It is
Land with an area of more than 0.5 ha and also designed to reduce poverty, providing alternative
tree crown cover (or equivalent stocking level) of livelihood activities for marginalized upland and lowland
more than 10%. The trees should be able to reach a households relating to seedling production and care and
minimum height of 5 meters at maturity in situ. It maintenance of newly planted trees.
consist either of closed forest formations where trees
of various storeys and undergrowth cover a high As a convergence initiative among the DA, DAR, DILG,
proportion of the ground or open formations with a DENR and other institutions, the commodities to be
planted constitute both forest tree species and
continuous vegetation cover in which tree crown
agroforestry species, namely timber, indigenous species,
cover exceeds 10%. Young natural stands and all
mangrove species, urban spaces, fuelwood, coffee, cacao,
plantations established for forestry purposes, which rubber, other fruit trees, bamboo and rattan.
have yet to reach a crown density of more than 10%
or tree height of 5 meters are included under forest. Areas eligible for rehabilitation under the program
include all lands of the public domain. Specially, these
Source: FAO. 2000. Global Forest Resource include forestlands, mangrove and PAs, ancestral
Assessment 2000. Rome. domains, civil and military reservation, urban greening
areas; inactive and abandoned mine sites and other
suitable lands.


136 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
In 2013, the program has already planted a total of 333,160 ha or 111 percent of the target area of 300,000 ha. Of the total
area planted in the same year, 182,584,862 seedlings were planted.

Good Practice: Former rebels from Negros-Panay to work as forest guards for DENR-PAMANA National Greening Program

Former rebels from the Rebolusyonaryong Partido ng Manggagawa-Pilipinas/Revolutionary Proletarian Army/Alex Boncayao
Brigade – Tabara Paduano Group (RPM-P/RPA/ABB – TPG), now known as Kapatiran para sa Progresong Panlipunan is taking
active part in protecting forestry and natural resources as part of the peace process with the government.

Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process Undersecretary Ma. Cleofe Gettie Sandoval underscored that the
program is part of the government’s commitment to support former rebels. The RPM-P/RPA/ABB is a breakaway group of the
Communist Party of the Philippines/New People’s Army/National Democratic Front. RPM-P/RPA/ABB split in 2007, and the
TPG now pursues a Closure Agreement with the government.

Photo 3. Former rebels from RPM-P/RPA/ABB – TPG,

now known as “Kapatiran para sa Progresong
Panlipunan” in the orientation workshop for forest
guards for the DENR-PAMANA National
Greening Program

A report entitled “Assessment of the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Reforestation Program of DENR” outlines the values
and gaps within the NGP. Based from the report published by the Philippine Institute for Development Studies [PIDS] in 2013,
the NGP was effective in promoting:

1. Other values aside from reforestation: The program seeks to indirectly improve water quality in rivers and irrigation
for farm lands, reduce the potential for flooding, absorb carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, and lay down a
strong foundation for an expanded wood-products economy.
2. Social mobilization: Students, from Grade 5 to college level, are also made to contribute by planting at least 10
seedlings each, annually. Upland communities are also tapped to be responsible in taking care of the seedlings
planted by other participants.

It also mentioned the need for independent evaluations. There is no available independent evaluation of the NGP so far
which is understandable given that it is still into its third year of implementation. It has been reported that the DENR
Secretary has recently ordered the notarization of all reports submitted by the DENR field offices playing key roles in the
implementation of the NGP in an apparent move to remove doubts on the veracity of reports (Mosqueda 2012). In response,
a regional validation team that will periodically monitor and evaluate the implementation of the NGP by various field offices
in Region VII has been created by the regional office of the DENR. This move, if not yet done in some other regions, should be
practiced by all regional offices of the DENR for a more effective national and regional validation.

137 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Annex 2.3
Quicker Flooding Subsidence

In Loyola Heights for Diliman Creek, a kagawad reported that

while before, 45 minutes of continuous heavy downpour is
enough to flood their area, they were happy to have noted they
did not experience flooding during Typhoon Falcon last June
2011. He attributed this to the orchestrated monthly cleanup
they were having among the different barangays traversed by
Diliman Creek.

Most “Adopt-an-Estero” communities already observe

Source: significant reduction in the amount of time it takes for
rainfall runoff to subside.

Annex 2.4
Verde Island Passage MPAs honored among country's best

Twin Rocks Marine Sanctuary in Mabini, Batangas and Agsalin Fish Sanctuary in Gloria, Oriental Mindoro, were
honored as finalists of the Para El Mar competition in awarding rites held at the University of the Philippines on
August 31, 2011.

The Para El Mar seeks to recognize and provide incentives for best practices
in MPA management. The Marine Protected Areas Support Network, a
multi-sectoral group from government and non-government organizations
(NGO), POs and academic institutions, organizes this event.

The Para El Mar award screens nominees based on management

effectiveness, bio-physical and ecological impacts, and social and economic

“We are very proud and I think that this award gives much-needed
encouragement to the people and local government of Mabini and of other
Batangas municipalities that are involved in MPA management,” said Lorie
Sollestre of the Batangas Provincial Environment and Natural Resources
Office. “We are working very hard to protect and effectively manage our
MPAs, and I’m optimistic that when the next Para El Mar comes along, we will even have more MPAs qualifying to join,” she said.

138 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Agsalin Fish Sanctuary
Twin Rocks Marine Sanctuary
Agsalin Fish Sanctuary in Oriental Mindoro, on
the other hand, was established through a Twin Rocks, established in 1991, is among the country’s older
local ordinance in 2004. Fruits of effective MPAs. It boasts of good coral cover and supports highly diverse
protection efforts since its establishment is coral and reef fish species, as well as schools of commercially
shown by the observed recovery of corals and important fish species like fusiliers, surgeonfishes, snappers and
maintenance of live coral cover within the rabbitfishes. Twin Rocks also amply demonstrates the potential
sanctuary. Local fishers in areas adjacent to economic benefits that can be gained from conserving an area’s
the MPA or within its buffer zone have also natural resources. As a highly popular dive site, Twin Rocks
observed improvements in their fish catch, helps bring in considerable income to the local community and
demonstrating the so-called “spill-over effect” local government.
of increased protection.

“We are inspired and honored by this recognition,” said Marilyn Alcañices of the Provincial Agriculture Office of
Oriental Mindoro. “We also consider our performance in this competition as a good measure of how far we have
gone and of the gaps that we still need to address. We may not have made it to the top three, but we are still
happy with the result since we know that we are already competitive in other aspects of MPA management and
we are willing to work on our weak points,” she said.

Networking for Effective Management

Twin Rocks and Agsalin are both part of the Verde Island Passage MPA Network, which currently comprises nearly
70 MPAs in Batangas, Occidental Mindoro and Oriental Mindoro provinces. These MPAs represent more than
17,000 ha of critical habitats in the Verde Island Passage, a recognized global center of marine biodiversity.

Annex 2.5
More than 300 new species discovered in the Philippines during California Academy of Sciences Expedition

Scientists find additional evidence that the Philippines is one of the most species-rich places on the planet; Along
the way, they encountered more than 300 species that appear to be new to science, including such notable finds
as a cicada that makes a distinctive “laughing” call, a deep-sea swell shark that inflates its stomach with water to
bulk up and scare off other predators, a starfish that exclusively eats sunken driftwood, three new lobster
relatives that squeeze into crevices instead of carrying shells on their backs, a crab whose pincers are lined with
needle-like teeth, and a worm-like pipefish that hides among colonies of soft coral. Many of the new species
avoided previous detection because of their diminutive size, such as goblin spiders, sea slugs, and barnacles that
all measure just a few millimeters in length. Others simply exist in places that are rarely, if ever, visited by
humans, such as a snake eel from the bottom of the ocean and a primitive plant called a spikemoss from the
dangerously steep upper slopes of Mt. Isarog. All of the new species add weight to the idea that the Philippines is
a critically important haven for biodiversity, and that its waters likely house more species than any other marine
environment on Earth (Source: California Academy of Sciences, 24 June 2011).

139 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Annex 2.6
Scientific Discoveries in 2012
• Camiguin Hawk-owl is found only on the small island of Camiguin Sur, close to northern Mindanao.
• Cebu Hawk-owl thought to be extinct, as the forests of Cebu have almost all been lost due to deforestation.

Conservationists recognized in splitting of Philippine Hawk-owl complex

Since 1945, Philippine Hawk-owl has been treated as a single species, Ninox philippensis, with eight subspecies.
Now a paper in the Oriental Bird Club journal, Forktail23, co-authored by a BirdLife scientist, proposes that the
hawk-owls of the Philippines form a complex of seven species from different islands and island groups, including
two that have not previously been described at any taxonomic level.
These two undescribed species have been given scientific names honouring two conservationists and long-term
supporters of BirdLife International. These owls group into three distinctive plumage types: one with all-streaked
underparts and plain crowns, one with mottled or barred breasts, streaked lower underparts, and spotted
crowns, and one with barred to nearly plain underparts (the ‘unstreaked’ group).

Philippine Hawk Owl

Although specimens have been in museum
collections for many years, sound recordings were
adequate to establish that the Mindoro form
mindorensis differs profoundly in vocalisations
(thin high-pitched whistles and hoarse rasps) from
the nominate Luzon form philippensis (a series of
mid-pitched barking notes), prompting the
separation of Mindoro Hawk-owl N. mindorensis in
1999. The recordings24 reveal an extraordinary
degree of differentiation in a group of birds for
which vocal communication is of paramount
ic/hawk- importance in species recognition.

On the basis of their analysis, the authors propose the following arrangement for the N. philippensis complex:
Luzon Hawk-owl Ninox philippensis Mindanao Hawk-owl Ninox spilocephala Mindoro Hawk-owl Ninox
mindorensis Romblon Hawk-owl Ninox spilonota Cebu Hawk-owl Ninox rumseyi Camiguin Hawk-owl Ninox
leventisi Sulu Hawk-owl Ninox reyi.

“Hawk-owls that differ in plumage also differ in vocalisations, so much so that their treatment as one species in a
group with innate vocalisations such as owls is untenable”, said Dr. Nigel Collar25, co-author of the paper, and
Leventis Fellow in Conservation Biology at BirdLife International.

FORKTAIL 28 (2012): 1–20:Vocal divergence and new species in the Philippine Hawk Owl Ninox philippensis complex P. C. RASMUSSEN,
can be accessed at
Article from Martin Fowlie, Birdlife International

140 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Annex 2.7
Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife Nature Center

The 22.7-ha Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife Nature Center (NAPWC) offers city dwellers an escape from the
stressful city life and a glimpse of Philippine biodiversity. The park is under the management and administration of
the BMB by virtue of former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s Proclamation 723 on October 25, 2004.

“The trees and natural surrounding allows the city to breathe fresh air because they absorb the excess carbon
dioxide. It is an alternative for city dwellers for rest and recreation at a very low cost, because this is really for the
public for them to be able to relax,” said Theresa Mundita Lim, Director of BMB.

The park is planted with 4,500 trees, comprising of about 1,200 different tree and plant species, making it a haven
for birds and bats that freely fly around the area, Lim said. “It is actually a patch of green where wildlife converges,
because we have a wetland that serves as watering area for animals,” she said.

Lim said the presence of the NAPWC supports the government’s effort to promote biodiversity and wildlife
conservation, in particular, and the protection of the environment, in general. “It is a place where people can
really appreciate nature and learn about its importance to human existence,” she said.

The park-cum-wildlife rescue center is a refuge and repository for animals that have been confiscated and or
donated to the NAPWC. It serves as a rehabilitation clinic for animals and, at the same time, as a living laboratory
for Biology and Veterinary students from different learning institutions and wildlife enthusiasts nationwide. The
center has a clinic and a laboratory for animals, a quarantine area, a necropsy facility and about 200 enclosures
for the different animals.

The NAPWC, a proclaimed PA and a component of the NIPAS, also accommodates the “Lungsod Kalikasan”, a model
ecotourism facility in a 7-ha area designed to become a haven for wildlife and their conservation, as well as nature and
wildlife awareness, education and leisure. (Source: Business Mirror, April 2013)

Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife Nature Center


141 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Annex 2.8
The MASIPAG Experience

The goal of Magsasaka at Siyentipiko para sa Pag-unlad ng Agrikultura (MASIPAG) or Farmer-Scientist Partnership
for Development is to empower resource-poor farmers and improve their quality of life by bringing back traditional
varieties, improve these varieties and minimize cost of production inputs.

Some of its programs include26:

• Collection, Identification, Maintenance, Multiplication and Evaluation
• Breeding (Rice, Corn, Livestock)
• Soil Fertility Management
• Alternative Pest Management
• Diversified-Integrated Farming System
• Farmer-developed / adapted technology
• Network Strengthening
• Local Processing and Marketing

As of 2013, it has27:
• 1,313 traditional rice varieties collected and maintained
• 1,288 MASIPAG rice
• 506 farmer-bred rice

Annex 2.9
The Philippines’ REDD+ 101 and Color It REDD Roadshows
As part of the communication and capacity building program of the PNRPS, a set of “REDD+ 101” modules was
developed and is now being delivered to both national and field-based practitioners by accredited organizations
across the country.

The 3-day modules provide a basic overview of the REDD+

mechanism, its relationship with climate change and
biodiversity, alongside its risks and opportunities specific to
the Philippines.

Source: Climate Change Commission

Source: Farmer-Scientist Partnership for Development (MASIPAG), Philippines
Source: Farmer-Scientist Partnership for Development (MASIPAG), Philippines

142 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Advanced modules towards training more participants with
basic skills for monitoring and MRV (measurement, reporting
and verification), including forest resources and biodiversity
assessments, are currently being developed.

Source: Climate Change Commission

There are also roving “Color It REDD Roadshows” which are targeted towards broader local audiences packaged as “townhall
meetings”or “talkshow programs”. In these roadshows, local communities are given the opportunity to raise questions on
REDD+ and its related issues. These informal gatherings catalyze a deeper and more transparent understanding of the
implications of REDD+ and provide opportunities to clear the air on potentially controversial issues. A night of cultural
activities, including folk shows, singing and dancing, follows each Roadshow.

Annex 2.10
Albay Province, Philippines Prohibits Plastic Bags

As of June 1, commercial establishments across the province of Albay are regulated to use plastic bags, styrofoam and other
synthetic materials as packaging for goods sold to the public. Located in the Bicol Region on southeastern Luzon island, Albay
is the first province in Bicol to pass an ordinance banning the use of plastic bags and other synthetic materials that are
harmful to the environment. The ordinance was signed into
law by Albay Governor Joey Salceda on February 21, 2011.

Proprietors of malls, groceries, food chains,

drugstores, and mini-marts are publicizing the
program through word of mouth. They have been
advising customers to buy woven native bags called

Several cities in the Philippines, including the city

of Las Pinas, have passed plastic bag regulation and
Philippine are considering a ban covering the entire
Bicol bans the use of plastic bags country. The House of Representatives of the 15th
( Congress approved the Plastic Bag Regulation Act of
2011 last September28.

Source: Environment News Service (ENS) 2012.

143 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Annex 2.11
Good Practice: MGB stops black sand mining operations in Cagayan29
Source: The Philippine Star, February 24, 2014

Residents of Punta village in Aparri, Cagayan try to remove a pipe abandoned

by a black sand mining firm. Image from: Charlie Lagasca

APARRI, Cagayan, Philippines – Mining firms extracting black sand in this province’s coastlines have either been
stopped or suspended indefinitely pending a review of their applications and operations, according to the MGB.
Engineer Mario Ancheta, MGB director for Cagayan Valley, said the operations of most companies extracting
black sand along the northern coastlines here had been stopped since last year.

The last suspension of black sand extraction, according to the MGB, was made in January 2014, even before
National Bureau of Investigation agents conducted operations against these activities in the province.

“The mining permits of these firms were either revoked or suspended due to several violations like operating
within the 200-meter prohibited zone,” Ancheta said.

The MGB’s stoppage orders also came in the wake of last month’s recommendation by the Mining Industry
Coordinating Council for the suspension of black sand mining operations in the country, pending evaluation of
their operations. The MICC, co-chaired by Environment and Natural Resources Secretary Ramon Paje and Finance
Secretary Cesar Purisima, is under the Office of the President.

Mayor Carlito Pentecostes Jr. of Gonzaga said the MGB stopped black sand mining in his town as early as last
year. “At present, there are no more extractions of black sand in our town. We will not allow any company to
operate or resume operation unless they have permission from the MGB and other concerned authorities,” he

(The Philippine Star) February 24, 2014

144 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Black sand or magnetite is used as an additive in the manufacturing of concrete and steel products, magnets,
paint, ink, paper, jewelry and cosmetics, making it a lucrative commodity in China, Taiwan and other foreign

Annex 2.12
Ayta’s Traditional Environmental Management

In the 1970, the Magbukún Aytas moved to higher elevation of their

ancestral domain to start a new beginning. For a time, they divided into
two groups. Some families opted to live in Biga while others settled in
Kanawan. Later they joined together in Kanawan because the water
source in Biga is difficult.

In 1987, former President Corazon C. Aquino proclaimed the 227 ha of

Bataan Natural Park as Kanawan Negrito Reservation Area. Today there
are about 41 ha of land occupied by 13 non-indigenous migrant families
and 186 ha are used by the Aytas with about 156 ha for agricultural and
agroforestry use, 2 ha for residential use, 1 ha for the elementary school Periodic hunting and gathering
and 30 ha protected, reforestation and sloping areas that are not suitable practices – Hunting wild pig and
for farming. deer is allowed only during
rainy days while honey
The Aytas have their own traditional practices in conserving and gathering commences in
protecting natural resources. Their concept of conservation is integrated January until May.
with the Ayta’s indigenous knowledge, systems, and practices. There are PHOTO: Philippine Daily
many distinct ways in the Aytas’ daily lives that indicate their traditional Inquirer
practices of conserving the environment.

Dispersing forest tree seeds like birds – When the Aytas hunt, they pick up seeds found in the forest and throw
these away in other areas. This way, the natural diffusion of the diversity of plants takes place through human

The Aytas have, through generations, developed the proper way of gathering honey in such a way that the bee
colony will not die. Harvesting what is needed – the Aytas harvest only what they need for a day. They do not
harvest more than what they able to consume or sell. They do not over harvest or avoid ‘salanta’ or destroying
the balance of nature.

Annex 2.13
Philippines: Floods and Landslides - June 2012
More than 900,000 families (4.4 million people) in northern and central Luzon including Metro Manila were
affected by severe flooding since June 2012. The rains and floods left 78 people dead, 11 missing, 36 injured, and
caused extensive damage to agricultural products and infrastructure. Of the 4.4 million people affected, over 1
million were displaced; 1.2 million are living with relatives and friends while 135,308 people were transferred in
431 evacuation centers across the affected areas in Luzon as of 31 August. Local authorities are expecting
prolonged displacement of people from areas where floodwaters are historically known to slowly subside (Office
for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, 6 Sep 2012).

145 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Annex 2.14
IP Rights in Resource Conflict Areas: Zambales Experience
Aetas, a big indigenous group in the Philippines who can be found in the mountains of Luzon, has been
proven to be residents of the town of Maporac (or Sitio Maporac) in New San Juan, Cabangan, since
time immemorial. Almost 90% of the population in Sitio Maporac are IPs or have married non-IP.
Maporac Aetas depend primarily on upland farming and charcoal-making as source of livelihood. But
one of the big issues faced by Aetas in Maporac is the encroachment of mining companies, both legally
and illegally, in the land covered by Certificate of Ancestral Domain Claim 042. Zambales is found to be
rich in gold, nickel, chromite, copper, talc, and magnetite sand. Currently, it is covered under 12 large
scale and 98 small-scale mining permits. The resource related conflicts have risen and pose serious
threats to the rights of IPs. This has caused human rights violations against IPs—they have been
harassed, some areas militarized, intimidated and deceived to either give up or leave their lands. (ATM,
April 2011)

Who are the IPs in the Philippines?

146 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Annex 2.15
In Global First, Philippines Destroy Its Ivory Stock
No other ivory-consuming nation has taken such a dramatic step.

On June 21, 2013, the Philippines have destroyed five tons of seized ivory, becoming the world's first ivory-
consuming nation to destroy its national ivory stock.

A woman arranges confiscated elephant tusks in Manila,

the Philippines. Source: Romeo Ranoco, Reuters
"The destruction of the items would hopefully bring the Philippines' message across the globe that the country
is serious and will not tolerate illegal wildlife trade, and denounces the continuous killing of elephants for illicit
ivory trade," says Mundita Lim, director of the PAWB-DENR.

The ivory cache is worth roughly US$6.5 million, based on prices charged by the Chinese government for raw
ivory after its 2008 purchase (National Geographic, 2008). According to Philippine government officials, the ivory
was smuggled from various countries, including Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, and Uganda. Officials have taken
samples for DNA analysis at the Center for Conservation Biology, University of Washington, U.S.A. The Philippines
is both a consumer of ivory (predominantly for carving of Catholic religious icons) and a transit country for
smuggled ivory on its way from Africa to China. During the most recent meeting of CITES parties and of its
Standing Committee, the Philippines was identified as one of a so-called "gang of eight" countries with significant
roles in the illegal ivory trade. They range from supplier countries—Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda—to transit and
consumer countries: Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, and China. These eight nations were required
to submit Ivory Action Plans to the CITES Secretariat by May 15, 2013, outlining how they intend to deal with their
ivory-trafficking problems.30

Source: National Geographic, 2013

147 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Annex 2.16
Philippines: Filipinos exposed to slow pesticide poisoning

“All population groups are at risk of exposure to slow pesticide poisoning”, said Dr. Leonila M. Varca of the College
of Agriculture, University of the Philippines Los Banos. "Pesticides use is like a two-edge sword," Varca said, adding
it contributes to increased yields but also poses problems like toxicity that disrupts the ecology, contaminates
environment and leaves residues in feed and food that affect people and animals they are not meant for.

"Pesticides are the major components of crop production in the Philippines, especially in rice and vegetable
farming," she said. The P6 billion industry includes insecticides (39 percent), fungicides (24 percent) and
herbicides (23 percent). Most are used in rice farming (37 percent), plantation crops like banana and pineapple
(28 percent), fruits (14 percent) and vegetables (12 percent).

"The application of pesticides on crops and soil can reach the soil, surface water, groundwater and air," Varca said.
"They can leach to water bodies through run off water and eroding soil particles." For example, high pesticide
applications are known in Lucban vegetable farms and in Pagsanjan rice fields. The levels of malathion use in
Lucban during 2007-2008 until mid-2009 were above the allowable levels set by the World Health Organization.
A study of prolonged exposure of farmers in
Quezon province, Laguna and Nueva Ecija shows
that pesticide poisoning affects the eyes, skin,
pulmonary and cardiovascular systems,
gastrointestinal tract and the nerve system. The
lack of information, knowledge and awareness as
well as supervision, especially for young workers,
expose farmers to poisons without their
knowledge, she said.

"It is important to use the proper protection and

safety procedures to minimize, if not eliminate,
Pesticide use in Agriculture pesticide poisoning," she said.
Source: Perigreen Safe Foods
Source: June 2012

148 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Annex 2.17
Climate Change Impacts on the Distribution of Decapterus maruadsi (galunggong) in the
Philippines Seas
by K. Kesner-Reyes and C. V. Casal, FIN

“Climate change is projected to increase the risk of extinction for already vulnerable species with
limited climatic ranges and restricted habitats.” -IPCC

Distribution and relative probabilities of species occurrence of galunggong (Decapterus maruadsi) within Philippine waters
based on predicted habitat suitability (a) in the current period, and (b) by the year 210031

Decapterus maruadsi, commonly known locally as galunggong, is a pelagic and reef-associated species found
throughout warm, coastal waters of the eastern Indian Ocean and western central Pacific. It is a highly
commercial species, marketed mostly fresh, but also frozen and dried-salted in the Philippines and in neighboring
Asian countries.

Based on the AquaMaps species distribution model, D. maruadsi has an estimated distribution range of about
65,627,869 ha within the Philippine EEZ (see above figures). Approximately 93.5 percent of this range are areas of
very high environmental suitability for the species, having between 79-100 percent probability of species
occurrence (red cells). In fact, D. maruadsi is found in most waters around the Philippines including its internal

Under the A2 scenario for year 2100, the total distribution range of D. maruadsi is expected to decrease slightly
to about 64,794,376 ha. Habitat suitability however is predicted to decrease markedly overall due to increasing
sea temperature and, to a lesser degree, decreasing primary productivity. Approximately 31.2 percent of the

IPCC emissions scenario A1B; yellow to red cells indicate increasing probability of species occurrence); (c) predicted change in habitat
suitability based on the difference in probabilities of species occurrence between both periods (light yellow to dark brown cells indicate
predicted areas of decreasing habitat suitability; light blue indicates no change in habitat suitability).

149 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
distribution range is predicted to drop to a probability of species occurrence of around 59-79 percent (dark
orange cells), while 57.6 percent will drop to around 39-59 percent probability of species occurrence (light
orange cells). Only 6.2 percent of the current distributional area, at extreme northern Luzon, will remain very
highly suitable for this species (red cells).

The greatest change predicted in the distributional range of D. maruadsi is the decrease of around 40-65 percent
in habitat suitability (dark brown cells) by 2100. This is seen to affect the coast of Aurora and Quezon in eastern
Luzon, Leyte Gulf in the southeast, Bohol Sea in the Visayas, and the waters around Mindanao. It also includes
much of the coast along the West Philippine Sea from Manila Bay down to Palawan (extending to the Spratly
Islands), and the shallow areas in the Sulu Sea. The internal seas from southern Luzon to the Visayas, and coastal
areas of the eastern seaboard from Lamon Bay to Samar are predicted to experience a decrease of around 30-40
percent in habitat suitability. A decrease of about 1-30 percent is seen at the northernmost region which
diminishes northwards from Ilocos Norte and Cagayan towards the Batanes islands. No new suitable habitats for
D. maruadsi are seen within the Philippine EEZ while a few localities in the northeastern and south western tips of
Palawan (black cells), are predicted to be no longer suitable for D. maruadsi to occur by 2100.

Annex 2.18
Citizen Science: A Good Practice in Biodiversity Management
FishBase - global premier Biodiversity Information System on all fishes of the world (finfishes), covering at least
33,000 species.

FishBase provides a range of country, regional,

Decapterus maruadsi
and ecosystem-specific information. State of the
art analytical and graphical tools allow users to
transform raw data into information that can be
used to assess fisheries and identify management
techniques to restore depleted fish stocks. It is
used extensively by fisheries managers and
scientists to estimate important biological
parameters like mortality, annual reproductive
rate, growth, and status of fish stocks.

FishBase works closely with the Catalog of Fishes of W.N. Eschmeyer (California Academy of Sciences), the world
taxonomy and nomenclature authority database for fishes. A major issue is to sustain the quick integration of the
newly described species (still between 300 and 500 per year during the past ten years), and the changes from the
most recent taxonomic revisions.

Aside over 95,000 synonyms, over 300,000 common names are recorded by language and by country for 299
languages in 258 countries for about 27,000 species, including non-Roman scripts such as Arabic, Farsi, Cyrillic,
Greek, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Gurmukhi, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Kannada, Gujarati, Nepali,
Bangla and Hangeul.

FishBase is linked with other global initiatives in Biodiversity Informatics such as Global Biodiversity Information
Facility and Ocean Biogeographic Information System for species occurrences, IUCN Red List for threat status,
Catalogue of Life, GenBank, FishBoL (Barcode of Life), and Encyclopedia of Life, among others.

150 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
FishBase is a website for fish-related natural resource management for conservation and sustainable use. As a
Global Species Database, it records a wide range of information on all fish species currently known in the world on
their biology, ecology, taxonomy, life history, trophic features, population dynamics and uses, as well as historical
data reaching back 250 years, citing at least 51,000 references.

People can upload their photos and sightings (through the FishWatcher facility) directly via FishBase web portal
(, experts validate the entries and results are shown in the species map.
Information within the database are all referenced, giving the source of the information as well as the collaborator
who provided/encoded the data. As a Global Public Good, information are publically available. Photos provided via
FishBase are owned by the contributors. Currently, there are more than 55,000 images gathered for more than half
of the species, with the help of many contributors.

As the world’s leading biodiversity information system on fishes, FishBase has collaborators from over 150
countries, with scientists, museums and institutions, as well as other private individuals. The 9 members of the
FishBase Consortium, ensures its scientific integrity. These are the Leibniz Institure of Marine Sciences (Kiel,
Germany), University of British Columbia (Canada), Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris, France), Royal
Museum for Central Africa (Tervuren, Belgium), Swedish Museum of Natural History (Stockholm, Sweden),
Aristotle University (Thessaloniki, Greece), Chinese Academy of Fishery Science (Beijing, China), FAO (Rome,
Italy), and WorldFish (Penang, Malaysia). The FIN, a Philippine NGO employs the core encoding and development

In 2004, the FishBase Team, based at Los Sphyraena putnamae

Baños, Laguna, Philippines, won the
prestigious Consultative Group for
International Agriculture Research
(CGIAR) Science Award for Outstanding
Scientific Support Team for their
contribution in the creation and
development of this information system,
an award shared together with its wide
variety of institutional partners and from
almost 2,000 individual collaborators
from all over the world.

151 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Agencies who participated in the updating process

152 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Abra State Institute of Science & Technology
Ateneo de Manila University
Ateneo School of Government
Bataan Peninsula State University
Bohol Island State University-Bilay
Bukidnon State University
Bulacan State University
Cagayan State University
Capiz State University
Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Cebu Normal University
Biology Department
Central Philippines State Universty
De La Salle University
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
Highland Agriculture and Resources Research and Development Consortium
Isabela State University
Mariano Marcos State University
Mindanao State University - Naawan
Mindanao State University
Iligan Institute of Technology
Miriam College
Public Education and Awareness Campaign for the Environment (PEACE)
Environmental Studies Institute
Naval State University
Negros Oriental State Unversity
College of Forestry
Nueva Vizcaya State University
Pampanga Agricultural College
Pangasinan State University
Philippine Normal University
Silliman University
Silliman University Angelo King Center for Research and Environmental Management
Institute of Environmental and Marine Sciences
Tarlac State University
Technological University of the Philippines, Manila
University of Eastern Philippines
Center for Environmental Studies and Advocacy
University of San Carlos
Marine Biology Section
University of Santo Tomas
University of Southern Mindanao
University of the Philippines
UP Diliman
College of Science
153 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
UP Los Banos
Crop Science Cluster
Institute of Agroforestry
Museum of Natural History
School of Environment Science and Management
Training Center for Tropical Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability
Western Visayas State University
Xavier University
Research & Social Outreach
College of Agriculture
McKeough Marine Center

Foundation for the Philippine Environment
Philippine Tropical Forest Conservation Foundation
The Samdhana Institute
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
United States Agency for International Development

Asean Centre for Biodiversity
B+WISER Project
Baguio Water District
Commission on Higher Education
Department of Agriculture
National Fisheries and Development Institute
Philippine Coconut Authority
Department of Budget and Management
Regions 1, 2, 10
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Coastal and Marine Management Division and Protected Area and Wildlife Division of Regions 2, 3,
Regional Offices - CAR, 7, 8, 10, NCR, 4A,
Ecosystems Research and Development Service - ARMM
Mt. Kalatungan Range Natural Park
Batanes Protected Landscape/Seascape
Lidlidda Watershed Forest Reserve
Mines and Geosciences Bureau (Central office, Reg. 10)
Mt. Pulag National Park
Northwest Panay Peninsula Natural Park
Protected Area Wildlife Coastal Zone and Management Services
Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office of Bukidnon
Foreign Assisted and Special Projects’ Office
Biodiversity Management Bureau
Public Affairs Office
New Conservation Areas in the Philippines Project
Biodiversity Partnership Programme

154 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Small Grants Programme 5th Cycle - UNDP
Protected Area Management Enhancement Project - GIZ
Geographically Important Agricultural Heritage Systems Project
Forest Management Bureau
Environmental Management Bureau
Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau
Department of Agriculture
Bureau of Fisheries and Agricultural Research
Regions 2, 3, 6, 7, 9
Department of Education
Central Office
Regions 1, 3, 4B , 7, 8, 10
Department of Interior and Local Government
Regions CAR, DILG 6, 7, 10
Local Government Monitoring and Evaluation Division
Department of Public Works and Highways
Region 10
Department of Social Welfare and Development
Regions 1, 6, 7
Department of Tourism
NCR, CAR, Region 1, 6, 7, 8, 10
Department of Trade and Industry
Region 2
Department of Science and Technology
Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD)
Ecosystems Improved for Sustainable Fisheries (Ecofish) Project
League of Municipalities of the Philippines
League of Cities of the Philippines
Metro Manila Development Authority
Mt. Kitanglad and Mt Balatukan projects, Land Care Philippines Foundation
National Commission on Indigenous Peoples
Regions 2
Cordillera Administrative Region
Misamis Oriental
Region 9
National Economic and Development Authority
National Museum of Natural History
National Power Corporation (Upper Agno River Watershed Management Department)
National Youth Commission
Palawan Council for Sustainable Development
Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission
Philippine Fiber Industry Development Authority
Philippine Information Agency
National Capital Region
Cordillera Administrative Region
Region 1

155 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Region 3
Region 10
Philippine Rice Research Institute
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center- Aquaculture Department
Senate of the Philippines
Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority - Chamber for Health and Environment Conservation

Wildlife Conservation Society of the Philippines

Local Government Units

Catbalogan, SAMAR
City Environment and Natural Resources Office
Region 1
Region 7
Iligan City
Lanuza Bay Development Alliance
Local Government of Santiago City, Isabela
Local Government of Tayabas, Quezon
Northern Samar Provincial Government Environment and Natural Resources Office
Policy and Planning Development Office, Province of Guimaras
Port Management Office of Cagayan de Oro
Quezon City Environmental Protection and Waste Management Department (EPWMD)
Province of Albay
Province of Ifugao
Provincial Government of Eastern Samar
Provincial Government of Palawan
Provincial Planning & Development Office, Cebu
Provincial Planning & Development Office, Southern Leyte
Provincial Planning and Development Office (PPDO) Antique
Provincial Planning and Development Office, Iloilo
Rizal Provincial Government
Makati City Department of Environmental Services
Malaybalay City Enviroment and Natural Resources Office

Green City Advocates
Manila Bulletin

Non-Government Organizations
AKBAY Children and Youth Organization
ALKFI-Bantay Kalikasan Green Initiative
Antique Outdoors, Inc.
BioResource Conservation Trust of the Philippines, Inc.
Biodiversity Conservation Society of the Philippines

156 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Bioversity International
Birdlife International
Bohol Integrated Development Foundation, Inc.
Cagayan Valley Partners in People Development
Cebu Biodiverisity Conservation Foundation
Coastal Conservation & Education Foundation
Community Services for Education and Economic Development, Inc.
Conservation International
Consumer Rights for Safe Food
Cordillera Network of Development NGOs and POs
Earth Day Network Philippines
Federation of Environmental Advocates in Cagayan
FishBase Information and Research Group, Inc.
Friends of the Environment for Development and Sustainability
Friends of the Flying Foxes
Green Convergence
Haribon Foundation, Inc.
Indigenous Communities Conserved Areas Consortium
Indigenous Peoples and Biodiversity Programme, Tebtebba Foundation
Kalahan Educational Foundation Inc.
Kalatungan Council of Elders
Karunungan Sa Gagmay Mangingisda Sa Concepcion
Koalisyon ng Katutubong Samahan ng Pilipinas Inc.
Lanao Aquatic and Marine Fisheries Center for Community Development, Inc.
Maporac Aeta Organization
Magsasaka at Siyentipiko para sa Pag-unlad ng Agrikultura
Negros Economic Development Foundation
Negros Island Initiatives for Rural Development
Northern Samar Environmental Protectors, Inc.
Obo-ob Mangrove Garden Integrated Ecotourism and Conservation Association
Pamana ka sa Pilipinas
Participatory, Research, Organization of Communities and Education towards Struggle for Self-Reliance
Pederasyon sa Nagkahiusang mga Mag-uuma nga Nanalipud ug Nagpasig-uli sa Kinaiyahan Inc.
Portuliu Tribal Association
PATH Foundation Philippines, Inc.
Peoples Recovery, Empowerment and Development Assistance Foundation
Philippine Biochar Association
Philippine Business for Environment
Philippine Federation for Environmental Concern
Philippine Speleological Society Inc.
Philippines Biodiversity Conservation Foundation Inc.
Project Seahorse Foundation for Marine Conservation
Sagip Sierra Madre Environmental Society Inc.
Samar Island Biodiversity Foundation, Inc.

157 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Save Sierra Madre Network Alliance Inc.
Sibuyan ISLE
SIMAG Foundation Inc.
Social Action Center-Diocese of Marbel
Southeast Asia Regional Initiatives for Community Empowerment
Task Force Sierra Madre for Balanced Ecology Inc.
World Wildlife Fund
Zampen Cavers
Zoological Society of London-Philippines

Private Sector
Association of Wood Crafters
Berkman International
Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Chamber of Furniture Industries of the Philippines
Chamber of Mines of the Philippines
Benguet Corporation Nickel Mines, Inc.
Far Southeast Gold Resources, Inc.
Energy Development Corporation
Enterprise Works Worldwide Philippines
GHD Philppines
Makilala Mining Company
Ozamis City Chamber of Commerce
Philex Mining Corporation, Pacdal, Tuba, Benguet
Philexport (Region 7)
Philippine Exporters Confederation, Inc.
Sagittarius Mines, Inc.- Chamber of Mines of the Philippines
Samar Chamber of Commerce and Industry
San Roque Power Corporation
SN Aboitiz Power Group

158 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Examples of commonly found Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in the Philippines

159 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Photo Species Common Basic information and
Name Impacts
Pomacea Golden Introduced to the
canaliculata apple Philippines in 1962 for food
snail and aquaria; one of the 100
World’s worst invasive
species. In the 1980s, the
economic damage to rice
crop in the Philippines was
estimated to be US$ 1 B. It
has been implicated in the
decline of the population of
the native snail Pila conical
(formerly Pila luzonica). It is
a vector of rat lungworm
parasite, Angiostrongylus
cantonensis that causes
meningoencephalitis when
ingested by humans.
Scotinophara Rice black A major rice pest; first
coarctata bug (RBB) reported in the rice fields in
southern Palawan in 1979,
then spreading to other
parts of Palawan, Mindanao
in 1992 and the Visayas
region in 1998, and then
again to Mindanao in 2000
and in the Visayas region in
2001, and later in the Bicol
region. It inhabits both
rainfed and irrigated
wetland environments, but
not common in upland rice
ecosystem. It is attracted to
high-intensity light and
produces an offensive odor
when disturbed.
Pterygoplichthys Janitor The species under this
spp. fish genus includes
disjunctivus (Liposarcus
disjunctivus, Vermiculated
sailfin catfish) and
Pterygoplichthys pardalis
(Hypostomus pardalis,
Amazon sailfin catfish). They
have become invasive in the
Marikina River (Metro
Manila), Lake Paitan in

160 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija, and
Laguna de Bay. They were
accidentally and/or
purposely released into
natural waters. With no
natural predators, the
species can multiply fast,
out-competing the native
fish and other freshwater
organisms for food and
habitat. Its burrowing
behavior in river banks may
contribute to water
turbidity and soil erosion;
also destroys fishing gears.
Bufo marinus Bullfrog, Introduced to the
Cane toad Philippines in 1934 as a
biological control agent of
sugarcane insect pests; it
has become a pest itself. It
feeds largely on
invertebrates and competes
with native amphibians for
food and breeding habitats.
It is the most widely
distributed alien frog in the
Philippines; typically
inhabits second-growth
vegetation, forest
plantation, agricultural
plantation, natural and
artificial ponds and lakes,
and built-up areas.
Swietenia Large leaf First planted in Manila in
macrophylla Mahogany 1907 and on the campus of
the Forestry School at Mt.
Makiling in 1913; out-
competes the indigenous
dipterocarp and non-
dipterocarp tree species in
natural forest because of its
ability to produce and
spread its seeds; may also
be allopathic, hence,
retarding natural ecological
succession in forest gaps.

161 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Gmelina Yemane Introduced in 1960 as fast-
arborea growing reforestation
species; produces
allelopathic substance.

Lantana camara Ayam, Introduced as landscape

Lantana plant; can become the
Coranitas dominant understory
species in disturbed forest;
disrupts succession and
decrease biodiversity; its
allelopathic qualities can
reduce vigor of nearby plant
species and reduce
productivity in orchards.

Eichhornia Water Introduced for ornamental

crassipes hyacinth purposes; causes heavy
damage on the fish pens
and cages; undesirable in
fishing and aquaculture
activities in many major
lakes in the country; blocks
waterways, limits boat
traffic and navigation and
recreational activities;
prevents sunlight and
oxygen from reaching the
water column and
submerged plants; shades
and crowds native aquatic
plants leading to reduced
biological diversity in
aquatic ecosystems.

162 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Piper aduncum Piper Invades disturbed areas
where it is able to form
thickets; spreads
by sprouts and suckers;
disrupts ecological
succession and
decreases biodiversity.

Chital sp. Knifefish Found in Indus, Ganges-

Brahmaputra and Mahanadi
river basins in India. No valid
records from Irrawaddy,
Salween or other river
basins of Myanmar. Reports
of Chitala chitala from
Thailand and Indo-China
were based on Chitala
ornata and those from
Malaysia and Indonesia on
Chitala lopis.

163 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
PBSAP Actions, Targets and Indicators

164 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Annex 5 is a set of actions across ecosystems (forest, coastal and marine, inland wetlands, cave and cave systems)
and thematic areas (PAs, ABS, agrobiodiversity, IAS and urban biodiversity) that were formulated through a series
of consultations, FGDs and key informant interviews. These specific actions are seen by the stakeholders as viable
and realistic actions to address the pressures on biodiversity. Targets, indicators, time frames (short, medium and
long), lead and support agencies/sectors and the Aichi Target that the action relates to are identified. The time
frame covers 2015 – 2028 spans two (2) planning cycles and is consistent with the DENR ENR framework.

Based on the PBSAP framework, the actions in these matrices are grouped according to direct and enabling
program interventions. Direct actions, when implemented, will result into concrete physical changes in the
KBAs. These are: a) restoration of ecosystem functions; b) promotion of biodiversity-friendly livelihoods; and c)
strengthening law enforcement.

Enabling or supporting program interventions, when implemented, individually and/or together with other
actions, may amplify the impacts of the direct interventions thus; contribute to the achievement of identified
targets. These are: a) CEPA; b) capacity development for biodiversity management; c) biodiversity conservation-
related research; d) strengthening policy for biodiversity conservation; e) promotion of biodiversity-friendly
technology; and f) resource mobilization.

The matrices of actions for the forest and cave and cave ecosystems and the thematic area on PAs have direct
and enabling interventions that address habitat loss and overexploitation. On the other hand, the matrices of
actions for the coastal and marine and inland wetlands ecosystems address pressures of habitat loss,
overexploitation, pollution and climate change. The remaining matrices on agrobiodiversity, ABS, IAS and urban
biodiversity list various actions that focus on the issues unique to them.

The PBSAP will not be implemented by the DENR alone; it will be a collaboration of men and women belonging to
various stakeholder groups with a diversity of disciplines. Annex table 1 shows the involvement of government
agencies and stakeholders in the PBSAP implementation per ecosystem/thematic area while Annex table 2
presents how each stakeholder contributes to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. Annex table 3 shows the distribution
of the 19 PBSAP targets across ecosystems/thematic areas.

Annex table 1. List of Stakeholders and their Role in the Achievement of PBSAP Actions
per Ecosystem/Thematic Area

Coastal &


Caves &






National Government Agency

1. Armed Forces of the Philippines *

2. Climate Change Commission * *

3. Commission on Higher Education * * * * * *

4. Department of Agrarian Reform * *

5. Department of Agriculture * * * * * *
6. DA - Bureau of Fisheries & Aquatic
* * *
7. DA - Bureau of Plant Industry * * *
8. DA - Bureau of Soils and Water
9. DA - National Fisheries Research &
* *
Development Institute

165 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8

Coastal &


Caves &





10. Department of Budget &
* * * *
11. Department of Education * * * *
12. Department of Environment &
Natural Resources
13. DENR -Biodiversity Management
* * * * * * * * *
14. DENR-Ecosystems Research &
* * * * * *
Development Bureau
15. DENR - Environmental
* * * *
Management Bureau
16. DENR - Forest Management
* * * * *
17. DENR - Human Resources
Development Service
18. DENR - Laguna Lake
* *
Development Authority
19. DENR - Lands Management
* *
20. DENR - Mines & Geosciences
* * * *
21. DENR - National Mapping & * * * *
Resource Information Authority
22. DENR - National Water Resources
* *
23. DENR Regional Offices * * *
24. DENR - River Basin Coordinating
25. Department of Finance * *

26. Department of Foreign Affairs *

27. Department of Health *

28. DOH - National Nutrition Council * * *

29. DOH - Philippine Council for
Health Research and Development
30. Department of the Interior and
* * * * * * *
Local Government
31. Department of Justice *
32. DOJ - National Bureau of
33. Department of Labor and
34. Department of Public Works &
* * * *
35. Department of Science and
* *
36. DOST - Food & Nutrition
Research Institute
37. DOST - National Research Council
of the Philippines
38. DOST - Philippine Council for
Agriculture & Aquatic Resources * * * * * *
Research Development

166 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8

Coastal &


Caves &





39. DOST - Science Education
40. Department of Social Work and
* * *
41. Department of Tourism * * * * *

42. Department of Trade & Industry * *

43. DTI - Intellectual Property Office *

44. Department of Transportation
and Communications
44. Housing & Land Use Regulatory
* * *
45. Metropolitan Manila
* *
Development Authority
46. Metropolitan Waterworks &
Sewerage System
47. National Anti-Poverty
48. National Commission on Culture
and Arts
49. National Commission on
* * * * * *
Indigenous Peoples
50. National Disaster Risk Reduction
Management Council
51. National Economic &
* * *
Development Authority
52. National Historical Commission *

53. National Irrigation Administration *

54. National Museum * * *

55. NEDA - Philippine Institute for
Development Studies
56. Office of the Solicitor General *
57. Palawan Council for Sustainable
* * *
58. Philippine Coast Guard * *
59. Philippine Council for Sustainable
Development Sub-Committee on
60. Philippine Information Agency * *

61. Philippine National Police * *

62. Philippine Ports Authority * *

63. Philippine Reclamation Authority *

Other Stakeholders
1. Congress *
2. Academe (SUC, Institute of Plant
* * * * * *
3. CSO/CSO networks (includes
Leagues of Provinces, Cities &
* * * * * * *
Municipalities, professional

167 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8

Coastal &


Caves &





4. Private sector (includes Chambers
of Commerce, Mines, concerned * * * * *
5. LGUs (includes League of Organic
Agriculture Municipalities, barangay * * * * * * * *
health workers, barangay nutrition
scholars/local nutrition officers)
6. Special Management Bodies
(includes Local Water Management * * * *
Bodies, PAMB, RDC)
7. Media * *

8. Relgious sector *

Annex table 2. List of Stakeholders and their Role in the Achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets
Agency Aichi Biodiversity Target
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
National Government Agencies
1. Armed Forces of the Philippines *
2. Climate Change Commission * * *
3. Commission on Higher Education * * * *
4. Department of Agrarian Reform * *
5. Department of Agriculture * * * * * * * * * *
6. DA - Bureau of Fisheries & Aquatic
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
7. DA - Bureau of Plant Industry * * * * * * *
8. DA - Bureau of Soils and Water
9. DA - National Fisheries Research &
* * * * *
Development Institute
10. Department of Budget &
* * * *
11. Department of Education * * * *
12. Department of Environment &
* * *
Natural Resources
13. DENR -Biodiversity Management
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
14. DENR-Ecosystems Research &
* * * * * * * * * *
Development Bureau
15. DENR - Environmental
* * * * *
Management Bureau
16. DENR - Forest Management
* * * * * * *
17. DENR - Human Resources
Development Service
18. DENR - Laguna Lake
* * * * *
Development Authority

168 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Aichi Biodiversity Target
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
19. DENR - Lands Management
* * * *
20. DENR - Mines & Geosciences
* * * *
21. DENR - National Mapping &
* * * * * *
Resource Information Authority
22. DENR - National Water
* * * * *
Resources Board
23. DENR Regional Offices * * * * * * * * *
24. DENR - River Basin Coordinating
25. Department of Finance * *
26. Department of Foreign Affairs * *
27. Department of Health * * *
28. DOH - National Nutrition Council * * *
29. DOH - Philippine Council for
Health Research and Development
30. Department of the Interior and
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Local Government
31. Department of Justice *
32. DOJ - National Bureau of
33. Department of Labor and
34. Department of Public Works &
* * * *
35. Department of Science and
* * * * * *
36. DOST - Food & Nutrition
Research Institute
37. DOST - National Research
Council of the Philippines
38. DOST - Philippine Council for
Agriculture & Aquatic Resources * * * * * * * *
Research Development
39. DOST - Science Education
40. Department of Social Work and
* * *
41. Department of Tourism * * * *
42. Department of Trade & Industry * * *
43. DTI - Intellectual Property Office *
44. Department of Transportation
and Communications
44. Housing & Land Use Regulatory
* * *

169 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Aichi Biodiversity Target
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
45. Metropolitan Manila
* *
Development Authority
46. Metropolitan Waterworks &
Sewerage System
47. National Anti-Poverty
48. National Commission on Culture
and Arts
49. National Commission on
* * * * * * * *
Indigenous Peoples
50. National Disaster Risk Reduction
Management Council
51. National Economic &
* * * * *
Development Authority
52. National Historical Commission *
53. National Irrigation
54. National Museum * * * *
55. NEDA - Philippine Institute for
Development Studies
56. Office of the Solicitor General *
57. Palawan Council for Sustainable
* * * * * * * * *
58. Philippine Coast Guard * * *
59. Philippine Council for
Sustainable Development Sub- *
Committee on Biodiversity
60. Philippine Information Agency *
61. Philippine National Police * *
62. Philippine Ports Authority * *
63. Philippine Reclamation Authority *
Other Stakeholders
Congress *
Academe (SUC) * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
CSO/CSO networks (includes Leagues
of Provinces, Cities & Municipalities, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
professional organizations)
Private sector (includes Chambers of
Commerce, Mines, concerned * * * * * * * *
LGUs (includes League of Organic
Agriculture Municipalities, barangay
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
health workers, barangay nutrition
scholars/local nutrition officers)

170 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Aichi Biodiversity Target
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Special Management Bodies
(includes Local Water Management * * *
Bodies, PAMB, RDC)
Media *
Relgious sector *

Annex table 3. Matrix of Targets and Ecosystem/Thematic Areas

Ecosystem/Thematic Area

Coastal and

Access and




Caves &






1. By 2028, the conservation status
of nationally and globally threatened
* * * * *
species in the country from 2016
levels is maintained or improved.
2. By 2028, there will be no net loss
* *
in natural forest cover
3. By 2028, there will be no net loss
in presence and area distribution of
* *
live coral cover, mangrove and
4. By 2028, over 50% of genetic
diversity of cultivated plants and
farmed and domesticated animals * * * * *
and wild relatives will be conserved
or maintained.
5. By 2028, the population of
migratory bird species identified in
* *
selected inland and coastal wetlands
along the EAAF will be maintained.
6. By 2028, there will be a 5%
increase in the proportion of green *
spaces in the five largest cities.
7. By 2028, as result of improved
conservation, ecosystem services
* * * * *
provided by key biodiversity areas
will be enhanced.
8. By 2028, fish stocks of
economically important species will * *
be maintained.
9. By 2028, there will be an annual
increase of at least 5% in biodiversity
conservation related jobs * * * * * * *
(ecotourism, sustainable agriculture,
ecosystem restoration)
10. By 2028, the key threats to
biodiversity will be reduced, * * * * * * * *
controlled or managed
11. By 2028, there will be a 10%
increase in agricultural areas devoted
* * *
to all types of biodiversity-friendly
12. By 2028, capacity for biodiversity
conservation of public and private * * * * * * * * *
sector groups in terrestrial and

171 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Ecosystem/Thematic Area

Coastal and

Access and




Caves &






marine PAs/KBAs will be
13. By 2028, 50% of LGUs will have
formulated and adopted the
* * * * * * * * *
enhanced CLUP using revised HLURB
14. By 2028, 1 million ha of
degraded ecosystems will be
* * * * *
restored and/or will be under various
stages of restoration
15. By 2028, there will be at least 10
nationally recognized agricultural *
heritage systems.
16. By 2028, there will be improved
conservation management of caves
17. By 2020, relevant biodiversity
conservation policies to address * * * * * * * * *
existing gaps are in place
18. By 2028, there will be a 10%
annual increase from the 2015
baseline in the number of schools,
POs, media organizations, LGU,
private companies, policy makers, * * * * * * * * *
government offices that are aware
and supportive of biodiversity, its
importance, threats and benefits of
protecting it
19. By 2028, there will be a 10%
increase in total area from 2015
levels of terrestrial including inland
wetlands PAs managed through
NIPAS and other conservation * * *
measures (indigenous community
conserved areas, local conservation
areas, critical habitats) that overlap
with KBAs.
20. By 2028, there will be a 20%
increase from 2015 levels in the
coverage of established *
MPAs/sanctuaries across various
aquatic habitats.

172 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
Restoration of Ecosystem Functions
1. Restore 1.1 Other denuded areas in 1.1.1 Maps of denuded * DENR-FMB*, 15 14 57,501,911,323.88 64,907,256,184.57
degraded habitats, forestlands per region are forestlands Namria
where technically identified
appropriate 1.2 At least .5M has. of 1.2.1 Percentage of * * * DENR-FMB*, 15 14
identified degraded habitats habitat types under DENR-BMB,
are under restoration restoration Academe,
1.2.2 Trends in forest * * * DENR-BMB*, 15 1
biodiversity DENR-FMB
1.2.3 Percentage of native * * * DENR-FMB*, 15 14
species in restoration DENR-BMB
1.2.4 Seed collection * DENR-BMB* 15 17
guidelines in PAs and other
critical habitats
1.2.5 Percentage of budget * * * DENR-FMB*, 15 12
allocated for habitat DBM, DENR-
restoration from various BMB
1.2.6 Financing * * * DENR-BMB*, 15 12
mechanisms for habitat DENR-FMB,
restoration Private sector,
1.2.7 Sex-disaggregated * * * DENR-FMB*, 15 12
data on individuals DENR-BMB,
engaged in habitat CSOs
1.3 An independent third 1.3.1 Independent * * DENR-FMB* 15 14
party evaluation of the NGP is evaluation report on the
conducted NGP
Capacity Development for Biodiversity Conservation
1. Ensure all 1.1 By 2016, all known faunal 1.1.1 Maps and plans that * DENR-BMB*, 19 12
faunal regions (i.e. regions and natural forest incorporate all faunal DENR-FMB, 11,795,712.30 14,597,959.80
areas of habitat types (including peat regions and natural forest DENR-ERDB
endemism) and swamp forests and habitat types
natural forest mangroves) and gaps are 1.1.2 Trends in
habitat types are identified and included in representation gaps
known and

173 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
represented and existing plans (PA, Master
reflected in DENR Forestry Plan, Peatlands)
2. Recognize the 2.1 By 2027, all known 2.1.1 Maps of traditionally * * * DENR-BMB*, 19 18
contribution of traditionally and locally and locally conserved areas NCIP, DILG, 592,526,538.44 1,444,528,067.57
IPs, women, youth conserved areas and their 2.1.2 National registry of LGUs
and LGUs to gaps are identified and their ICCAs and LCAs
biodiversity recognition strengthened 2.1.3 Documentation on
conservation contributions of LGUs, IPs,
women and youth
3. Mainstream 3.1 By 2027 biodiversity 3.1.1 Percentage of LGUs * * * HLURB*, 2 13
biodiversity conservation is mainstreamed that have mainstreamed NEDA, DILG, 2,709,503,346.58 3,357,855,490.71
conservation into and budgeted by 50% of and budgetted for DENR-BMB,
national and local terrestrial LGUs using the biodiversity conservation Leagues
planning HLURB framework on 3.1.2 Trends in biodiversity * * * DBM*, DENR*
processes biodiversity mainstreaming investment at the national
and local levels
3.1.3 Biodiversity values * * * LGUs*, DENR-
are explicitly incorporated BMB, NEDA,
in the CLUPs and DILG
Development and
Investment Plan
3.1.4 Number of * * * LGUs*, HLURB
ordinances passed on
biodiversity conservation
3.2 By 2016, biodiversity and 3.2.1 Amended EIA policy * DENR-BMB*, 2 17
ecosystem services concerns and procedural guidelines DENR-EMB
are incorporated and applied 3.2.2 SEA guidelines for *
to the Environmental Impact key sectors
Assessment (EIA) and
Strategic Environmental
Assessment (SEA) processes
Communication, Education and Public Awareness
4. Increase 4.1 A 10% annual increase in 4.1.1 Sex-disaggregated * * * DENR-BMB*, 1 18
awareness of the number of schools, POs, and sectoral trends in Philippine 110,875,497.54 127,767,558.45
various media organizations, LGUs, awareness levels Information
stakeholders on private corporations, policy Agency (PIA),
biodiversity to makers, government offices Media, CSO

174 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
effect behavioral that are aware of biodiversity, 4.1.2 Number of * * * DENR-BMB*,
change its importance, threat and communication Education PIA, CSO,
benefits of protecting it is and Public Awareness Academe,
targetted (CEPA) materials (including Media, NNC-
nutrition-biodiversity DOH*
initiatives) in native
dialects targetting various
audiences including IPs,
women and youth
4.1.3 Annual sex- * * * DENR-BMB*,
disaggregated lists of PIA, CSO,
recipients of CEPA Academe,
materials Media
4.1.4 Enhanced curricula * * * CHED*, DENR-
(ie. forestry curriculum that BMB*
includes restoration
biology, biodiversity
4.1.5 Number of citizen * * * DENR-BMB*,
science programs CSO,
Sector, Media
4.1.6 Number of * * * DENR-BMB*,
stakeholder partnerships Private sector,
4.2 25% of the population are 4.2.1 Percentage of LGUs * * * DENR-EMB*, 1 10
practicing environmentally complying with Solid Waste DENR-
appropriate way of life Management Act BMB,CSOs,
4.2.2 Percentage of use of * * * Academe,
energy-efficient lights by Private sector
households and companies
4.3 Support from legislators, 4.3.1 Trends in support * * * DENR-BMB 1 18
academe and other obtained from various
government agencies and sectors
business sector for
conservation and sustainable
use of biodiversity is obtained
through one

175 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
commitment/undertaking per
sector annually
Biodiversity Conservation-related Research
1. Undertake Research on the following is Research results are * * DENR-ERDB*, 19 12
research studies undertaken: a) use of using available for use by policy BMB 783,945,279.55 901,537,071.48
that will support fast-growing native species as makers and other relevant
current forest first level species and b) sectors
conservation diversity as a determining
efforts factor of the ability of a forest
to store water; c) life history
characteristics of priority
species (fecundity and
reproductive patterns; d)
ecology of grasslands
Direct Program Intervention
Promotion of Biodiversity-friendly Livelihoods
1. Facilitate the 1.1 By 2027, 50% of 1.1.1 Percentage of * * DENR-BMB*, 4 9
provision of livelihoods outside PAs are livelihoods that are DENR-FMB* 2,505,348,738.25 3,582,655,090.72
biodiversity biodiversity-friendly biodiversity friendly
friendly livelihood outside of PAs
to the locals 1.1.2 Percentage of *
women and men engaged
in biodiversity-friendly
livelihoods outside of PAs
1.2 POs/local community 1.2.1 Percentage of POs * * * DENR-FMB*, 4 9
initiatives, including those of providing native species to CSO
IPs, women and youth, in NGP and other habitat
providing native species for restoration programs
the NGP and habitat 1.2.2 Sex-disaggregated * * *
restoration programs are data of PO members
supported providing native species to
NGP and other habitat
restoration programs
1.2.3 Percentage of * * *
income of PO members
from NGP and related
1.2.4 Streamlined * DENR-FMB*
procurement process for
POs engaged in NGP and

176 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
other habitat restoration
1.3 Convergence with other 1.3.1 Number of inter- * * * DENR, 4 9
government agencies (DSWD agency/convergence DSWD*,
particularly on 4Ps in programs DENR-BMB*,
particular Buying Living Tree 1.3.2 Sex-disaggregated * * * DTI, DOLE,
System and sustainable list of beneficiaries of inter- DA, DAR,
enterprise programs; Dept. of agency/convergence LGUs, DILG
Trade and Industry [DTI], programs/projects
Dept. of Labor and
Employment [DOLE], etc) to
prioritize poverty allevation
actions in and around natural
forests including but not
limited to PAs is strengthened
1.4 Local artisanal food 1.4.1 Percentage of * * * NNC-DOH*, 4 9
enterprises in various artisanal food enterprises LGUs, NGOs,
communities are promoted Local
and established Nutrition
Officers, DA,
1.5 A Philippine-specific 1.5.1 Accreditation system * NNC-DOH*, 4 17
quality accreditation system DA, LGUs,
to protect and promote NGOs
produce and products coming
from various geographical
areas/ecological settings is
Promotion of Biodiversity-friendly Technology
1. Adopt existing 1.1 50% of households and 1.1.1 Percentage of * * * DENR-EMB*, 4 10
and develop new 50% of industries households applying new DA, DTI, LGUs 161,895,005.59 186,101,180.19
technologies to adopting/practicing new environment friendly
reduce utilization environment friendly technologies (ie.
of existing technologies Renewable energy)
resources 1.1.2 Percentage of
industries applying new
environment friendly
technologies (ie.
Renewable energy)

177 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
1.2 National certification 1.2.1 Percentage of * DENR-FMB*, 4 17
systems for natural resources organizations/companies DA*
is developed and certified
Capacity Development for Biodiversity Conservation
2. Improve 2.1 Sex-disaggregated data 2.1.1 Sex-disaggregated * * * DENR-FMB*, 5 12 797,171,024.38 1,637,231,587.20
capacities of local on utilization of economically trends on utilization of DA, DENR-
stakeholders important species is gathered economically important BMB,
including IPs, species Academe,
women and youth CSO
and communities 2.1.2 Percentage of * * * DENR-ERDB
to control and communities which have
limit defined carrying capacities
overexploitation of resources that they use
and destructive 2.1.3 Study on selected *
practices on economically important
agriculture and species
forestry resources 2.2 Unsustainable use of 2.2.1 Baseline of * * DENR-ERDB*, 5 12
selected economically unsustainable use of DENR-BMB,
important species is reduced selected economically DENR-FMB
by 30% by 2027 based on important species
study 2.2.2 Trends in * *
unsustainable use of
economically important
2.3 50% of Community-Based 2.3.1 Percentage of * * * DENR-BMB*, 5 9
Forest Management women and men engaged DENR-FMB*
Agreement, PACBRMA and in biodiversity-friendly
other forest tenure holders livelihoods
are engaged in biodiversity-
friendly livelihoods
2.4 The inventory of IP 2.4.1 Inventory of IP * * * DOH-NNC*, 5 18
traditional food knowledge is traditional food knowledge NCIP
3. Strengthen 3.1 A National Research 3.1.1 National Research * * * DENR-ERDB*, 19 12 181,112,055.73 205,241,891.44
capacity for Agenda for biodiversity Agenda DOST-
conservation conservation including wealth 3.1.2 Trends in biodiversity * * * PCAARRD*,
research and generation and sustainable research other DOST
expertise diets is developed and 3.1.3 Trends in research * * * councils,
implemented publications on biodiversity National

178 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
3.1.4 Sex-disaggregated Research
list of researchers Council of the
DOH, Food &
3.2 A program to encourage 3.2.1 Institutionalized * * DENR-BMB*, 19 18
voluntary local and foreign research program DENR-ERDB
expertise and institutional
collaboration in research
through material or non-
material support is developed
3.3 Funding agencies are 3.3.1 Percentage of * * * DOST*, 19 12
encouraged to support basic support for basic and Scientific and
and applied including policy applied research research
research and benchmarking institutions,
3.4. Scholarships for 3.4.1 Percentage of * * * Science 19 18
taxonomy, systematics are scholarships for taxonomy, Education
provided systematics Institute-
3.4.2 Sex-disaggregated DOST*,
list of scholars CHED*,
Strengthening Policy for Biodiversity Conservation
4. Enact priority 4.1 The following bills are 4.1.1 Laws on sustainable * * DENR-FMB* 7 17
ENR legislations enacted into law: a) forest management and
under the updated Sustainable Forest forest limits
PDP 2011 – 2016 Management Bill and b)
that will enhance Forest Limits Act
biodiversity 4.2 The Mining Fiscal Regime 4.2.1 A policy on mining DENR-MGB* 7 17
and Revenue Sharing fiscal regime and revenue
Agreement is rationalized sharing
TOTAL 65,356,084,522.23 76,364,772,082.14

179 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
Capacity Development for Biodiversity Conservation
1. Formulate and 1.1 By 2027, equitably 1.1.1 Percentage in PA * * * DENR-BMB*, 11 19 41,471,879,069.94 46,368,450,233.61
implement an managed terrestrial areas, coverage and other area- LGUs
expanded national important for biodiversity and based conservation
program for ecosystem services, is measures
protection and increased to 10% of total land 1.1.2 Percentage in PA
management of area through NIPAS and other representation gaps
PAs with PAs effective area-based 1.1.3 Percentage in * * * DENR-BMB*, 11 19
selected to include conservation measures critical habitat LGUs, CSOs,
representative establishment and other Academe
areas of all of the forms of area-based
faunal regions (i.e. conservation
areas of 1.1.4 Management * * DENR-BMB*, 11 12
endemism) and Effectiveness Tracking LGUs
natural habitat Tool (METT) scores
types including 1.1.5 Policy on mining * * DENR-BMB*, 11 17
caves and cave areas in KBAs and LCAs LGUs
systems 1.1.6 Percentage in * * DENR-BMB*, 11 12
budget allocations for DBM, LGUs
PAs and other effective
area-based conservation
measures from various
1.1.7 Percentage of * * DENR-BMB*, 11 12
resources mobilized for DoF, LGUs,
PAs and other effective Private sector
area-based conservation
1.1.8 Sex-disaggregated * * DENR-BMB* 11 18
data on PAMB/PA
Resource Management
Agreement (PACBRMA)
Community Conserved
Areas (ICCA)/Locally
Conserved Areas
(LCA)/PA managers per

180 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
1.2 By 2016, all known faunal 1.2.1 PA maps with * Namria*, 11 12
regions and natural forest delineated faunal regions DENR-BMB
habitat types within protected and natural habitat types
areas delineated
2. Increase 2.1 50% of total MPA 2.1.1 MEAT scores * DENR (FMB, 11 12
coverage of sanctuaries are effectively BMB*, LLDA), 11,323,879,752.25 13,022,461,715.08
effectively managed with Management NCIP, DA-
managed Effectiveness Assessment Tool BFAR, CSOs,
MPAs/sanctuaries (MEAT) scores at Categories 3 Academe
and network of and 4 2.1.2 Improved * * * DENR-BMB*, 11 9
PAs across marine livelihoods of women and DA-BFAR,
habitats such as men evidenced by LGUs, CSOs,
coral reefs, increased incomes Academe
mangroves and
seagrass beds
based on the KBA
Strengthening Policy for Biodiversity Conservation
3. Ensure 3.1 Data on specific offenses 3.1.1 Sex-disaggregated * * * DENR-BMB* 11 10 60,680,842,364.28 69,711,886,597.35
implementation of on PAs and other habitats, if data on the number and
priority legislation any are gathered types of offenses in PAs
and policies in PAs and other habitats, if any
and other critical 3.2 The trend on specific 3.2.1 Sex-disaggregated * * * 11 10
habitats offenses on PAs and other trends in offenses in PAs
habitats is reduced by 50% and other habitats
3.2.2 Threats and maps * * *
of physical extent of
impact (hectares) of
offenses on PAs and
other habitats
3.4 "Prior rights” as stated in 3.3.1 Supreme Court * * DENR-BMB*, 11 17
Sec. 29, 2nd paragraph of decision clarifying prior NCIP, CSO
Mining Act of 1995 is clarified rights in the Mining Act
with the Supreme Court
3.5 Guidelines to incorporate 3.4.1 Guidelines on * DENR-BMB*, 11 17
biodiversity conservation in the biodiversity conservation DENR-MGB*,
allocation of the 1.5% of for mining companies Mining
operating cost of mining 3.4.2 Social development * companies,
companies for their social management, rehab and CSO, NCIP,
development management environmental plans are DSWD

181 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
program, Environmental gender-sensitive and
Protection and Enhancement contain biodiversity
Program and Final Mine components
Program Plan are formulated
3.6 Existing mining companies 3.5.1 Percentage of no- * * * DENR-BMB*, 11 19
are encouraged to allocate at go areas within mining DENR-MGB*,
least 5% of the same sites Chamber of
forest/habitat (all forms of Mines, NCIP,
habitat) type within their CSO
concessions for strict
protection (no-go areas in
mining areas)
3.7 For new mining 3.6.1 Guidelines on no- * * DENR-BMB*, 11 17
applications, at least 5% of the go areas within mining DENR-MGB*
same forest/habitat (all forms areas
of habitat) type within their
concessions for strict
protection (no-go areas in
mining areas)
3.8 Mining companies' 3.7.1 Percentage of * * * DENR-FMB, 11 14
restoration efforts are mining sites planted to DENR-BMB,
monitored through multi- native species DENR-MGB*,
partite committees that will 3.7.2 Percentage of Chamber of 11 12
include women and men budgets allocated for Mines
representation from BMB, FMB restoration
and Ecosystems Research and 3.7.3 Sex-disaggregated 11 12
Development Bureau (ERDB) list of multi-partite
3.9 Convergence among DA, 3.8.1 Joint memoranda * * * DENR-BMB*, 11 17
DENR, DAR, NCIP, IP on programs and budget DENR-FMB,
communities and LGUs is allocation from DA, DAR, DENR-LMB,
strengthened to prevent DENR, NCIP, LGUs and DA, NCIP,
further conversion of forest other related agencies for DAR, CSO
lands to agriculture or human biodiversity conservation
settlements particularly in and 3.8.2 Agency mandates
around PA and forested areas at the executive level are
3.10 A more coherent policy 3.9.1 DA, DENR and DAR * * DENR-FMB*, 11 17
among DA, DAR and DENR on joint guidelines on DENR-BMB,
locating large scale plantations locating large plantations DA, DAR

182 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
that consider KBAs is
formulated and implemented
3.11 The use of SEA as 3.10.1 Number of SEAs * * * DENR-BMB* 11 17
appropriate is promoted, FPIC conducted
is secured and sound EIAs are 3.10.2 ECCs * * * DENR-EMB*,
conducted for infrastructure incorporating biodiversity DENR-BMB
development (eg. conservation provisions
Roads/Highways, irrigation 3.10.3 Biodiversity * DENR-BMB*
canals, tourist facilities inside guidelines in EIA process
PAs) in and around PAs and 3.10.4 Design guidelines * DENR-BMB*,
forested areas for infrastructure in and DENR-FMB,
around PAs and forested DPWH, DOT,
areas DA
3.12 Alternative settlement 3.11.1 Maps of * * DENR-BMB, 11 10
sites are provided for migrant settlement sites for DENR-FMB,
lowlanders (i.e. Balik- migrant lowlanders MGB, Namria,
Probinsiya Project and related LGUs*, DILG,
programs) that consider the DSWD
needs of women and youth 3.11.2 Sex-disaggregated * * * DENR-BMB,
list of relocated informal DENR-FMB,
settlers LGUs*, DILG,
3.13 Tenure and incentives for 3.12.1 Gender-sensitive * * DENR-FMB*, 11 17
community forest managers incentives DENR-BMB*
are strengthened 3.12.2 Percentage of LGU * * * LGUs*, DILG 11 12
budget allocations for
community forest rangers
3.12.3 Percentage of * * * LGUs*, DILG 11 12
budget allocations for
community volunteers in
3.12.4 Sex-disaggregated * * * DENR-FMB, 11 18
list of community forest DENR-BMB*,
rangers and community LGUs, DILG
volunteers in
PAs/conservation areas
3.14 Congressional review of 3.13.1 Amended NIPAS * * DENR-BMB* 11 17
NIPAS Act, Fisheries Code and Act
IPRA is done to address overlap 3.13.2 NIPAS Act is
of functions reviewed to shorten
process of PA declaration

183 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
or process of providing
Promotion of Biodiversity-friendly Livelihoods
1. Facilitate the 1.1 By 2027, 100% of 1.1.1 Percentage of * * DENR-BMB*, 4 9
provision of livelihoods in PAs are livelihoods that are DENR-FMB* 2,505,348,738.25 3,582,655,090.72
biodiversity biodiversity-friendly biodiversity friendly
friendly livelihood within PAs
to the locals 1.1.2 Percentage of * 4 9
women and men engaged
in biodiversity-friendly
livelihoods within PAs
Strengthening Law Enforcement
2. Strengthen law 2.1 An appropriate and cost 2.1.1 Trends in forest * DENR-BMB*, 5 12
enforcement in effective monitoring of and other natural habitat DENR-FMB, 749,315,594.35 1,026,832,223.31
and around forest biodiversity in forest and other biodiversity Academe,
and other natural natural habitats is developed CSO
habitats and and implemented 2.1.2 Guidelines for * DENR-BMB*, 17
seriously pursue biodiversity monitoring DENR-FMB,
prosecution of for KBAs and other DENR-ERDB,
offenders natural habitats Academe
2.2 Law enforcement agencies 2.2.1 Trends in * * * DENR-BMB*, 5 10
are engaged offenses/violations DENR-FMB*,
2.2.2 Sex-disaggregated * * * DILG, PNP,
list of offenders by nature LGUs, NBI,
of offense AFP
2.2.3 Alliances between * * *
and among government
and law enforcement
agencies (eg. POGI)
2.3 Paralegal trainings to both 2.3.1 Sex-disaggregated * * * DENR-Asec 5 12
women and men of law list of trainees for IAS and
enforcement agencies, PAMBs 2.3.2 Trends in terrestrial * * * Anti-
and multisectoral forest habitat-related offenses Corruption*,
protection councils are DENR-HRDS*,
provided DILG, LGUs,

184 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
2.4 The deputation of bantay 2.4.1 Sex-disaggregated * * * DENR-BMB*, 5 12
gubats, Wildlife Enforcement list of deputized forest DENR-FMB*,
Officers (WEO), Mult-sectoral and wildlife wardens LGUs
Forest Protection Councils
(MFPC) is facilitated and
participation of IPs, women
and youth is encouraged
2.5 The offices of the City 2.5.1 Percentage of * * * DBM, DILG, 5 12
ENRO, MENRO, PASu are budget allocations LGUs*, DENR-
strengthened BMB
2.5.2 Number of * * * DBM, DILG,
financing mechanisms for LGUs, DENR-
biodiversity conservation BMB*
2.6 The designated Green 2.6.1 Trends in cases * * DOJ*, DENR, 5 12
Courts are strengthened filed and litigated DBM
Capacity Development for Biodiversity Conservation
1. Define and 1.1 By 2027, maintain or 1.1.1 Trends in sightings * * * DENR-BMB*, 12 1
operationalize improve relative abundance of of priority species Academe, 13,777,634,775.92 15,386,510,974.17
national species threatened species encountered CSO, LGUs
conservation 1.2 The conservation status of 1.2.1 Conservation status * * *
action plans for globally and nationally of threatened species in
globally and threatened species is improved national lists
threatened forest
species that will
complement site-
based strategies
2. Improve 2.1 Sex-disaggregated data on 2.1.1 Sex-disaggregated * * * DA, DENR- 5 10
capacities of local utilization of economically trends on utilization of BMB, DENR- 797,171,024.38 1,637,231,587.20
stakeholders important species is gathered economically important FMB*,
including IPs, species Academe,
women and youth CSO
and communities 2.1.2 Percentage of * * * DENR-ERDB 5 10
to control and communities which have
limit defined carrying
overexploitation capacities of resources
and destructive that they use

185 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
practices on 2.1.3 Study on selected * DENR-BMB, 5 18
agriculture and economically important DENR-FMB,
forestry resources species DENR-ERDB*
2.2 Unsustainable use of 2.2.1 Baseline of * * DENR-BMB, 5 18
selected economically unsustainable use of DENR-FMB,
important species is reduced selected economically DENR-ERDB*
by 30% by 2027 based on study important species
2.2.2 Trends in * * DENR-BMB, 5 10
unsustainable use of DENR-FMB,
economically important DENR-ERDB*
2.3 50% of Community-Based 2.3.1 Percentage of * * * DENR-BMB*, 5 9
Forest Management women and men engaged DENR-FMB* 5 12
Agreement (CBFMA), in biodiversity-friendly
PACBRMA and other forest livelihoods
tenure holders are engaged in
biodiversity-friendly livelihoods
2.4 The inventory of IP 2.4.1 Inventory of IP * * * NNC*, NCIP 5 1
traditional food knowledge is traditional food
conducted knowledge
3. Improve 3.1 A national Red List 3.1.1 Number of species * NFRDI, DA- 12 1
conservation assessment of the conservation that are Red List assessed BFAR*, DENR- 709,774,766.28 816,240,981.22
status of globally, status of fisheries and non- and listed nationally as BMB,
nationally fishery species is conducted threatened species PCAARRD,
threatened and Academe,
CITES species CSOs
3.1.2 Conservation status * DA-BFAR*, 12 1
of nationally Red Listed DENR-BMB,
threatened species PCAARRD,
3.1.3 Database on * DENR-BMB, 12 18
species and actions for DA-BFAR*,
the species Academe,
3.2 A national Red List 3.2.1 Updated national * * DA-BFAR, 12 12
assessment of the conservation action plans DENR-BMB*,
status of habitat forming PCAARRD,
species (mangrove, seagrass, NFRDI,
coral) is conducted

186 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
3.3 A National Red List 3.3.1 National Red List of * DA-BFAR*, 12 12
assessment of the conservation marine species indicating DENR-BMB,
status of marine species is their conservation status PCAARRD,
conducted NFRDI,
3.4 Fisheries AO 233 on 3.4.1 Functional National * DA-BFAR*, 12 10
aquatic wildlife conservation is Aquatic Wildlife DENR-BMB,
operationalized Management Committee NFRDI,
3.4.2 Functional Regional * Academe, 10
Aquatic Wildlife CSOs
Management Committee
3.4.3 Sex-disaggregated * * * 10
list of members of
National and Regional
Aquatic Wildlife
3.4.4 Sex-disaggregated * * * 10
list of wildlife aquatic
enforcement officers
3.4.5 Number of aquatic * * * 10
wildlife rescue centers
3.4.6 Trends in issuance * * * 10
of gratuitous permits
disaggregated by sex, as
3.4.7 Trends in * * * 10
registration of aquatic
3.4.8 Trends in violations * * * 10
3.4.9 Sex-disaggregated * * * 10
list of offenders
3.4.10 Fund status of the * * * 12
Aquatic Wildlife
Management Fund
3.5 Species with potential 3.5.1 List of species with * DA-BFAR*, 12 18
economic value are potential economic value DENR-BMB,
documented NFRDI,

187 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
TOTAL 132,015,846,085.64 151,552,269,402.67

188 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
Restoration of Ecosystem Functions
1. 1.1 At the minimum, no 1.1.1 Extent of natural * DENR (FMB, 15 14 42,233,456,525.88 48,568,255,534.39
Restore/rehabilitate net loss in natural aquatic ecosystems BMB*, National
degraded coastal ecosystems in priority cover Mapping and
and marine areas such as mangrove, Resource
ecosystems using intertidal areas, seagrass, Information
site-appropriate soft-bottom, coral reef Authority
methods habitats is achieved [NAMRIA]) DA-
1.1.2 Extent of natural * DENR (FMB, 15 14
ecosystems cover BMB*, Namria),
showing species DA-BFAR
richness, composition
and abundance (corals =
% cover; mangroves =
crown cover or density
of trees/ saplings/
1.1.3 Percent of * DENR-BMB*, 15 14
degraded natural DA-BFAR, DILG,
ecosystems LLDA, NCIP,
rehabilitated/restored CSOs, Academe
1.2 Culture technologies 1.2.1 Number of culture * * University of the 15 14
for coral propagules from technologies Philippines-
eggs and larvae are 1.2.2 Reproductive * * Marine Science
developed patterns of at least 10 Institute (UP-
species of Philippine MSI)*, University
corals of San Carlos
1.2.3 List of resilient and * * (USC), Mindanao
susceptible species to State University-
elevated water Tawi-Tawi
temperature and College of
eutrophication Technology and
1.2.4 Molecular markers * * Oceanography
for stress response and (MSU-TCTO)
1.3 The applicability of 1.3.1 Percentage of reef * * USC, MSU- 15 14
the Filipinnovation sites rehabilitated and TCTO*, Bohol
approach (public-private- monitored using the Island State

189 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
academe partnership) in asexual reproduction University, MSU-
coral reef restoration is (corals of opportunity) GenSan,
pilot-tested Sangkalikasan
1.4 Reef sites (one ha/site 1.4.1 Percentage of reef * * *
(aggregate or contiguous sites rehabilitated and
reef area) with 10,000 monitored using the
grown coral fragments are asexual reproduction
restored (corals of opportunity)
1.5 At least 10 reef sites 1.5.1 Percentage of reef * *
devastated by typhoon sites rehabilitated and
Yolanda using asexual monitored using asexual
reproduction (corals of reproduction (corals of
opportunity) are restored opportunity)
2. Strictly enforce 2.1 Easement policies are 2.1.1 Percentage of * * * LGUs*, DENR- 7 12 241,651,132.42 281,779,331.42
existing easement implemented LGUs incorporating EMB, DILG,
policies within easement protection CSOs, Private
priority areas principles in their sector (eg
policies, plans & Chambers)
2.1.2 Percentage of * * *
LGUs monitoring and
addressing violations
Capacity Development for Biodiversity Conservation
1. Sustainably 1.1 Action plans are 1.1.1 Number of action * * * DENR-BMB*, 11 12 - -
manage important funded and relevant plans sufficiently funded NEDA, DBM,
Philippine coastal stakeholders including IPs, and effectively LGUs, CSOs,
and marine women and youth, take implemented by Academe, DA-
ecosystems through action relevant stakeholders BFAR
the implementation including IPs, women
of relevant action and youth
plans 1.1.2 Improved * * 9
livelihoods of women
and men evidenced by
increased incomes
2. Mainstream 2.1 Biodiversity- 2.1.1 Number of ECCs * * * DENR-EMB*, 2 9 45,493,161.99 61,554,514.85
biodiversity responsive guidelines in with biodiversity DILG, CSOs,
conservation into the EIA process are conditionalities that Private sector
national and local developed, adopted and conform to EIS (eg Chambers),
planning processes effectively implemented guidelines LGUs

190 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
2.2 ICM is mainstreamed 2.2.1 Percentage of * * * HLURB*, DENR- 2 13
and budgeted by 100% of LGUs implementing BMB, DILG, LGUs
coastal LGUs into their enhanced CLUPs with
enhanced CLUPs using the the participation of IPs,
HLURB framework on women and youth
biodiversity 2.2.2 LGU investment in * * *
mainstreaming ICM per Annual
Investment Plan
2.2.3 List of women and * * *
men trained on ICM
2.3 All requests for 2.3.1 Extent to which * * * DA-BFAR*, 2 9
assistance in the requests for assistance DENR-BMB,
formulation of fishery was addressed CSOs, Academe
ordinances are addressed
2.4 Species- and 2.4.1 Number of plans * * * LGUs*, DENR- 2 13
ecosystems-based land jointly prepared by LGUs BMB, DILG,
and water use planning and other stakeholders CSOs, Private
(eg. regional, island, including IPs, women sector (eg
biogeographic zone, and youth Chambers),
corridor, bay-wide, basin- HLURB, NEDA,
wide, PA-wide, KBA) is Leagues, NIA,
promoted Metropolitan
Waterworks and
System, RDCs,
3. Implement the 3.1 Science-based 3.2 Distribution maps, * * UP MSI*, De La 19 18 586,177,432.13 648,095,153.20
National information on the state density, coral cover, fish Salle University,
Assessment of the of the coral reefs and catch, income, Xavier
Coral Reef associated habitats in bathymetry, database University, UP
Environment different coral reef sites Mindanao, USC,
all over the country is MSU-TCTO
Strengthening Policy for Biodiversity Conservation
4. Revert idle, 4.1 Joint DA-DENR-DILG 4.1.1 Reports on * DA-BFAR*, BMB- 5 17 72,599,408.46 101,518,169.89
abandoned and AO No. 1 – 2008 is implementation of Joint DENR, DILG
illegally acquired implemented DAO
fishponds 4.2 All reported and/or 4.2.1 Percentage of * * * DA-BFAR*, 5 17
suspected fraudulent fraudulent titles and DENR-BMB,
titles and lease lease agreements LGUs, NWRB,

191 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
agreements are reviewed reviewed, cancelled DENR-LMB,
and recommended for and/or reversed DILG, LGUs,
cancellation and reversion Office of the
Solicitor General
4.3 Appropriate 4.3.1 Extent to which * BMB-DENR 5 17
guidelines for tenurial tenurial guidelines are
instruments for both titled adopted/implemented
and untitled mangrove
areas declared as
alienable and disposable
are formulated and
Communication, Education and Public Awareness
5. Implement CEPA 5.1 A 10% annual 5.1.1 Awareness levels * * * DENR-BMB*, 1 18 27,340,091.62 32,411,237.65
activities for various increase in the number of PIA, DepEd,
stakeholders schools, POs, media CHED, Academe,
including IPs, organizations, LGUs, CSOs, All mass
women and youth private corporations, media, Private
on biodiversity to policy makers, sector, Religious
effect behavioral government offices that sector
change are aware of biodiversity,
its importance, threat and
benefits of protecting it is
5.2 Science-based 5.2.1 Number of * * * DENR-BMB*, 1 18
information on coastal available media DA-BFAR*, PIA,
and marine biodiversity is materials in local DepEd, CHED,
translated into popular dialects that target Academe, CSOs,
media to educate various various audiences All mass media,
stakeholders including IPs, including IPs, women Private sector,
women and youth on best and youth Religious sector
practice 5.2.2 Sex-disaggregated * * *
list of recipients of
media materials
5.2.3 Trends on * * * DA-BFAR*, 1 18
adoption of best DENR-BMB, PIA,
practices (eg. Violations DepEd, CHED,
on dulong, padas Academe, CSOs,
harvesting) All mass media

192 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
5.3 Support from 5.3.1 Trends in support * * * DENR-BMB 1 18
legislators, academe and obtained from various
other government sectors
agencies and business
sector for conservation
and sustainable use of
biodiversity is obtained
through one
per sector annually
Biodiversity conservation-related Research
6. Undertake 6.1 Seafloor maps in coral 6.1.1 Bathymetry maps * * UP MSI* 19 18 128,994,620.44 143,833,756.71
geophysical coral reef areas to depths of to depths of 20m-200m,
mapping 20m-200m are produced substrate type maps,
and maps identifying
occurrence of deep sea
7. Undertake 7.1 Benham Bank's 7.2.1 Maps of bottom * * UP National 19 18 240,218,857.66 261,749,972.55
exploration biological diversity, types, benthic habitats Institute of
mapping and benthic resources and and resources, coral Geological
assessment of deep habitats, and biological communities, reef fish Sciences,
water areas productivity of the water and sediments (infaunal) UPMSI*, UP Los
specifically Benham column are assessed communities Banos School of
Bank * * * Environmental
Science and
7.2.2 Database Management
Promotion of Biodiversity-friendly Livelihoods
1. Diversify incomes 1.1 Biodiversity-friendly 1.1.1 Trends in * * * DENR-BMB*, 14 9 418,038,820.32 483,365,265.61
of coastal sustainable livelihoods are community-based DA-BFAR, DOT,
communities developed and ecotourism (ex. Anilao CSOs, LGUs,
including IPs, implemented model) and other DILG
women and youth biodiversity-friendly
to reduce impacts livelihoods
from dependence 1.1.2 Percentage of * * *
on capture fisheries women and men
benefitting from
ecotourism and other

193 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
1.1.3 Percentage of * * * LGUs*, DENR- 14 9
organization incomes DOT, CSOs, DILG
based ecotourism and
other biodiversity-
friendly enterprises
1.2 Standards for 1.2.1 Number of * DENR-BMB*, DA, 14 9
biodiversity-friendly biodiversity-friendly DA-BFAR, DTI,
sustainable livelihoods are sustainable livelihoods DILG, LGUs,
developed and adhering to the CSOs
implemented standards implemented
in priority areas
1.3 Incentive systems (eg. 1.3.1 Incentive system * DENR-BMB*, DA, 14 9
Certification, eco- in place DA-BFAR, DTI,
labelling) for biodiversity- DILG, LGUs
friendly and gender-
sensitive sustainable
livelihoods are developed
and implemented
Strengthening Law Enforcement
2. Reduce number 2.1 The condition of 2.1.1 Freshwater fish: * * DA-BFAR*, LGUs, 6 10 89,135,743.05 102,364,819.64
of overexploited indigenous and heavily Sinarapan in Bicol, DOST-PCAARRD,
fisheries stocks exploited fish stocks is Ayunign in Laguna Lake, DA-National
improved and recovering and the biya in many Fisheries
freshwater bodies, or Research and
pigik in Region 10 or Development
Terapon in Cagayan Institute
River; 5 of the heavily (NFRDI), DILG
exploited stocks
(commonly targeted fish
such as groupers in
Palawan, rabbitfishes in
Bolinao, Cebu (Region
7), sardines in
Zamboanga area, diwal
in Capiz
2.2 The status (E values) 2.2.1 Exploitation ratio * * * DA-NFRDI*, DA- 6 10
of known exploited stocks (fishing mortality/total BFAR, DOST-
is optimized mortality)

194 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
2.2.2 Change in average * * * PCAARRD,
size of species Academe, CSOs
2.2.3 Marine trophic * * *
index of catch
3. Strengthen 3.1 IUUF is identified 3.1.1 National * DA-BFAR*, 6 10 24,660,860.77 28,359,989.88
coastal and marine violations map of IUUF DENR-BMB, DA-
law enforcement events NFRDI,
3.2 A National Plan of 3.2.1 Milestones of the * * * Academe, CSOs,
Action (NPOA) on IUUF is Plan achieved Philippine Coast
implemented Guard (PCG),
Capacity Development for Biodiversity Conservation
1. Improve 1.1 A functional 1.1.1 Percentage of * LGUs*, DILG, DA- 6 10 28,635,089.62 35,317,341.52
capacities of local permitting/regulating LGUs, communities, etc. BFAR, DENR-
stakeholders system in LGUs in priority with a functional BMB
including IPs, coastal and marine permitting/regulating
women and youth ecosystems/areas is put in system in place
and communities to place
control and limit 1.2 Local 1.2.1 Number of local * * * LGUs*, DA-BFAR, 6 9
overexploitation policies/ordinances on policies on regulation of Academe
and destructive regulated use of coastal use of resources
practices on and marine resources are 1.2.2 Trends in the * * *
fisheries and formulated and destructive practices on
aquaculture implemented fisheries, agriculture,
aquaculture and forestry
1.3 Communication 1.3.1 Number of * * * LGUs*, DA- 6 18
materials on wise use of communication BFAR*, DENR-
coastal and marine materials on regulated BMB*, Academe
resources are developed use of coastal and
and distributed marine resources
1.3.2 Distribution list of * * *
materials disaggregated
by sex, as applicable
1.4 Trainings on 1.4.1 Percentage of * * * LGUs*, DA-BFAR, 6 10
biodiversity-friendly use local stakeholders Academe
of coastal and marine adopting biodiversity-
resources are conducted friendly practices

195 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
1.5 The provision on 1.5.1 Amended * * DA-BFAR* 6 17
required level of Fisheries AO 197-1
commercial scale under
Fisheries AO 197-1, 2012
is reviewed and amended,
as applicable
2. Manage a more 2.1 A functional 2.1.1 Percentage of * LGUs*, DILG, DA- 5 10 1,248,787.76 1,387,162.76
equitable utilization permitting/regulating LGUs, communities, etc. BFAR, DENR-
of mineral resources system in LGUs in priority with a functional BMB
(eg from mining and coastal and marine permitting/regulating
quarrying) and ecosystems/areas is put in system in place
ensure minimal place
impact on coastal 2.2 Coastal and riparian 2.2.1 Incidence of * * *
and marine areas are free from actual mining activities in
biodiversity mining/extraction riparian and coastal
activities areas
2.3 Perverse incentives 2.3.1 Trends in perverse * DENR-MGB*, 5 17
and subsidies that incentives and subsidies DENR-BMB, DA-
promote mining and that promote mining BFAR, Academe,
quarrying in priority and quarrying in priority CSOs, Private
/important riparian and /important riparian and sector
coastal areas and coastal areas and
extraction of associated extraction of associated
biodiversity are reviewed biodiversity
and reduced
3. Establish 3.1 Interoperable 3.1.1 Knowledge * DA-NFRDI*, DA- 19 18 - -
mechanisms for databases are organized products BFAR, Academe,
storage and 3.1.2 Protocols for * DOST-PCAARRD
retrieval of fisheries sharing information
Communication, Education and Public Awareness
4. Strengthen 4.1 Coastal resource 4.1.1 Updated school * CHED*, DepEd*, 1 18 2,583,000.00 3,274,875.00
fisheries science, management and curricula NFRDI, DA-BFAR,
social and policy biodiversity conservation Academe,
research in schools is mainstreamed in school PCAARRD
Strengthening Policy for Biodiversity Conservation
5. Develop 5.1 Schemes for 5.1.1 Number of * * * DA-BFAR*, 3 17 6,885,000.00 9,205,875.00
economic incentive economic incentives to economic DENR-BMB,
schemes to support shift to less destructive incentives/policies (fish LGUs, DSWD
improved means of fishing (use of calendars)

196 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
management of fish-friendly gear) are
fisheries (including developed
optimization of 5.2 Adverse economic
value chain and effects to fisherfolk of
diversification) management actions (ie.
closed seasons) are
6. Address conflicts 6.1 Fora for discussions 6.1.1 Baywide and other * * * LGUs* , DENR- 4 12 3,060,860.77 4,591,291.15
on municipal water among LGUs are Inter-LGU arrangements NAMRIA, DA-
delineation to established 6.1.2 Map/s of * * * BFAR,
facilitate joint and contentious areas
7. Enact priority 7.1 Legislation on the 7.1.1 Laws on MPAs, * * * DENR-BMB*, DA 7 17 51,337,224.66 52,665,429.13
ENR legislations following are enacted: a) ICM and maritime zones
under the updated establishment of MPAs in
PDP 2011 – 2016 all coastal communities
that will enhance and cities; b) integrated
biodiversity coastal management; and
c) defining maritime
zones of the country
7.2 The IRR of the Water 7.2.1 Amended IRR of * * DENR-EMB* 7 17
Code is the Water Code
Biodiversity Conservation-related Research
8. Undertake 8.1 Research is 8.1.1 Research results * * DENR-ERDB*, 4 18 666,353,487.62 766,306,510.76
research on priority undertaken on the are available for use by DENR-BMB
areas of concern following: a) carrying policy makers and other
capacities (programmatic) relevant sectors
for ecotourism,
mariculture, aquaculture;
b) life history
characteristics of priority
species (fecundity and
reproductive patterns)
Strengthening Law Enforcement
1. Reduce 1.1 The EIA system is fully 1.1.1 Water and soil * * DENR-EMB*, 8 10 27,654,555.20 32,806,256.45
sedimentation from implemented quality LGU, DA, Private

197 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
land-based activities sector, DPWH,
e.g. mining and CSOs
mine tailings,
dumping of solid
2. Reduce pollution
2.1 The Codes of Conduct 2.1.1 Water and soil * * DA-BFAR*, 8 10 28,045,991.40 32,257,997.21
from aquaculture for Good Aquaculture quality Private sector,
activities Practices and for LGUs, DOST-
Responsible Fisheries are PCAARRD,
implemented Academe, CSOs
2.2 The ban on harmful 2.2.1 Water and soil * DA-BFAR*, LGUs, 8 10
chemicals used in quality DENR-EMB
aquaculture (eg.
Organotin and similar
molusciscides) is enforced
Capacity Development for Biodiversity Conservation
1. Reduce oil spill 1.1 A local and 1.1.1 Oil spill response * * PCG*, Academe, 8 10 193,836,928.20 225,560,085.77
impacts inexpensive system for oil system DILG-PNP,
spill response is initiated Private sector,
Strengthening Policy for Biodiversity Conservation
2. Implement 2.1 Ratify Ballast Water 2.1.1 Ratification of * PCG*, DA- BFAR, 8 10 29,036,396.70 33,731,651.70
Ballast Water Convention Ballast Water Philippine Ports
Convention Convention Authority,
provisions Department of
consistent with Transportation
national legislation and
2.2 A policy that will 2.2.1 Policy on ballast * PCG*, DENR- 8 10
implement provisions of water BMB, DA-BFAR,
the Ballast Water DFA, DOTC
Convention is enacted

198 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
3. Reduce pollution 3.1 Incentives to use 3.1.1 Incentives for use * DA-BFAR*, 8 10
from aquaculture environment friendly of environment-friendly DENR-EMB,
activities alternatives are provided molusciscides and other LGUs
similar pest control
3.1.2 Alternatives to * DA-BFAR,
harmful chemicals DOST*, DENR-
4. Enact priority 4.1 The ecological solid 4.1.1 Amended policy * * DENR-EMB* 8 10
ENR legislations waste management and on ecological solid waste
under the updated toxic substances and management and toxic
PDP 2011 – 2016 hazardous and nuclear substances and
that will enhance wastes control policy is hazardous and nuclear
biodiversity amended wastes control
Restoration of Ecosystem Functions
1. Restore habitats 1.1 100,000 hectares of 1.1.1 Percentage of * DA-BFAR*, 15 14 240,314,085.30 324,747,646.27
using ecologically seafront, illegal and hectares of abandoned DENR-BMB*,
based, appropriate abandoned fishponds are and illegal fishponds LGUs, DILG,
site specific reverted to allow for reverted from DA-BFAR Academe, CSOs,
technology managed retreat of to DENR Private sector
mangroves to address sea
level rise
1.2 Greenbelt 1.2.1 Greenbelt policies * DA-BFAR*, 15 17
law/policies are passed 1.2.2 Number of * DENR-BMB,
and enforced on 50-100 m hectares of intact DILG, LGUs,
facing open seas including greenbelts/Maps of Academe
foreshore areas and 20-50 greenbelts
m along riverbanks 1.2.3 Updated national *
action plans for
mangroves and
seagrasses that consider
needs of IPs, women and
Capacity Development for Biodiversity Conservation
1. Integrate effects 1.1 Climate change 1.1.1 Adaptive * * LGUs*, DENR- 10 13 407,108,185.47 473,817,002.17
of climate change adaptation and disaster mechanisms BMB, CCC, DA-
impacts in plans and risk reduction incorporated into plans BFAR, National

199 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
programs for management are 1.1.2 Percentage of LGU * * * Disaster Risk
biodiversity integrated in local plans budget allocated to Reduction
conservation and that consider needs of IPs, climate change Management
sustainable use of women and youth mitigation & adaptation Council,
coastal and marine that consider needs of Academe, CSOs,
resources IPs, women and youth NEDA, DBM,
1.2 The mosaic approach 1.2.1 Number of * * * DILG
to planning and the hectares under mosaic
concept of ecologically approach and
viable production ecologically viable
landscapes is implemeted production landscapes
1.3 An early warning 1.3.1 Predictive models *
system for coastal areas is
2. Build capacity of 2.1 Safe resettlement 2.1.1 Maps of * * LGUs*, National 10 12 1,372,312,793.33 1,602,928,645.44
women and men in areas for fisherfolk are resettlement sites of Anti-Poverty
LGUs to implement established fisherfolk Commission,
ecosystems-based 2.1.2 Percentage of * * * DILG, DENR-
climate change resettled fisherfolk BMB, DA-BFAR,
adaptation Academe, CSOs,
2.2 Coral reef/mangrove/ 2.2.1 Number of * * LGUs*, DENR- 10 12
seagrass beds monitoring community-based coral BMB, DA-BFAR,
and evaluation teams are reef/mangrove/seagrass Academe, CSOs
established bed evaluation teams
2.2.2 Sex-disaggregated * * *
list of trained individuals
2.3 MPA networks are 2.3.1 MPA/MPA * MPA Support 10 20
established network ordinances Network*,
Maps of MPA networks * * DENR-BMB,
Academe, LGUs,
3. Build an eLibrary 3.1 The is 3.1.1 Species and * DENR-BMB*, 19 12 20,079,653.83 23,963,931.76
of climate change strengthened with an reference holdings BFAR, Academe,
related resources elibrary DOST-PCAARRD,

200 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
3.2 Comprehensive 3.2.1 Digitized DENR-BMB*, 19 12
database on Philippine information of coastal DA-BFAR, FIN
coastal and marine is and marine species
3.3 All recipients of 3.3.1 Digitized * * * DENR-BMB*, 19 12
gratuitous permits have information of DA-BFAR, NM,
digitized their biodiversity biodiversity data from Academe, DFA
data permittees
Biodiversity Conservation-related Research
4. Assess 4.1 The vulnerability of 33 4.1.1 Vulnerability * * DENR-BMB*, 10 12 667,521,660.82 883,386,181.92
vulnerability and NIPAS-MPAs is assessed assessment reports and DA-NFRDI, DA-
climate risk of maps BFAR, Academe,
coastal areas to 4.1.2 Women and men * * CSOs, DOST-
storm surge, from LGUs, PAMBs and PCAARRD, LGUs,
flooding, coastal DENR regional offices CCC
erosion and sea with capabilities to
level rise increase in conduct vulnerability
surface and sea assessments and
temperature and implement vulnerability
ocean acidification assessment adaptive
due to climate measures
change 4.1.3 Climate-proofed * *
4.2 30% non-NIPAS sites 4.2.1 Vulnerability DOST- 10 12
are assessed for assessments for non- PCAARRD*,
vulnerability NIPAS sites DENR-BMB
4.3 15% of municipal 4.3.1 Monitoring LGUs*, DENR- 10 20
waters are designated as reports BMB
fish sanctuaries and are
effectively managed
4.4 Climate positive areas 4.4.1 Maps of climate DOST- 10 20
(that may later be positive areas per PCAARRD*,
designated as fish marine biogeographic DENR-BMB,
sanctuaries) in each region Academe, LGUs
marine biogeographic
region are identified
5. Undertake 5.1 Research is 5.1.1 Research results * * * DENR-ERDB*, 10 12 666,353,487.62 766,306,510.76
research on priority undertaken on the are available for use by DENR-BMB
areas of concern following: a) species to policy makers and other
sediment/substrate relevant sectors
matching for mangroves

201 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
and mudflats based on
lessons learned from NGP,
mix of species (
assemblage of species it
can support and what
ecological functions it can
restore); b) diel migration
of plankton in priority
sites; c) detection of
persistent plankton
blooms (fishery
productivity is high in
these areas) and its
relation to climate change
and effects of ocean
acidification; d) seabirds
and correlation of their
population to intertidal
flats health; e) adaptation
to climate change effects
of sea turtles; f)
improvement of coral reef
restoration techniques
Strengthening Policy for Biodiversity Conservation
6. Harmonize/ 6.1 Guidelines on 6.1.1 Implementing * DENR-BMB, DA- 4 17 36,207,900.00 42,174,585.00
complement BFAR, biophysical reversion rules and regulations BFAR*, LGUs,
DENR, DILG policies abandoned, unproductive (IRR) available DILG, CSOs,
on mangroves and unutilized FLAs to (guidelines and related Academe
mangrove are adopted resources)
and implemented
7. Develop 7.1 Incentives that 7.1.1 Percentage of area * * DENR-BMB*, 3 17 19,775,036.25 23,767,666.88
economic incentives consider IPs, women and planted to CCC, NEDA,
that consider IPs, youth for mangrove mangroves/Maps of BFAR
women and youth rehabilitation are areas planted to
and identify sources developed mangroves
of support to 7.1.2 Incentives for *
mobilize mangrove mangrove rehabilitation
rehabilitation (eg. 7.2 Perverse incentives 7.2.1 Updated policies * * 3 17
Blue carbon) are removed
Total 48,576,116,779.29 56,051,484,392.45

202 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Interventions Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
Promotion of Biodiversity-friendly Livelihoods
1. Increase the number of 1.1 At least 10 identified 1.1.1 Percentage of * * * DA-BPI*, 18 15 2,395,231,433.31 2,726,989,640.98
communities practicing nationally important NIAHS sites with Natioanl
heritage agriculture that agricultural heritage system programs and Commission on
adopt dynamic (NIAHS) sites apply dynamic budgetary support Culture and
conservation programs conservation approaches Arts (NCCA),
which sustain important with government support DENR-BMB,
traditional varieties PCSD, NCIP
1.1.2 Sex- * * * DA-BPI*, NCCA, 18 15
disaggregated list of DENR-BMB,
farmers practicing PCSD, NCIP
heritage agriculture
Capacity Development for Biodiversity Conservation
1. Increase the number of 1.1 The number of 1.1.1 Number of * * * DA-BPI* , 13 4 8,435,838,001.31 9,716,384,665.44
in situ and ex situ sites community-based breeding community-based Institute of
that conserve and and planting material breeding programs Plant Breeding,
propagate diverse production programs CSO, National
indigenous species and including home gardens in Nutrition
varieties combination with small Council (NNC)-
animal raising is increased DOH
by at least 10% 1.1.2 Sex- * * * DA-BPI* , 13 4
disaggregated list of Institute of
participants Plant Breeding,
CSO networks
1.2 There is clearer 1.2.1 Number of ex- * * * DA-BPI* 13 17
guidance and increased situ efforts that
funding for at least 4 major reinforce location
ex-situ conservation specific in-situ
centers based on an conservation efforts
agreed-upon program of
priorities that integrate
both ex-situ and in-situ
2. Integrate conservation 2.1 Conservation and 2.1.1 Percentage of * * DENR-BMB*, 2 12 - -
and sustainable use of sustainable use of PAs, ICCAs and LCAs DA, PAMBs,
agrobiodiversity in PA agrobiodiversity are that integrate DOST, DILG,
plans as well as in plans for integrated in plans of at agrobiodiversity LGUs
least 30% of terrestrial PAs conservation and its

203 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Interventions Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
conservation areas outside and at least 50% of plans sustainable use in
the PA system for conservation areas their management
outside the PA system such plans
as ICCAs and LCAs

3. Incorporate 3.1 At least 5% of LGUs 3.1.1 Percentage of * * * HLURB*, 2 11 462,222,603.43 581,712,032.91

agrobiodiversity concerns implement local programs LGUs using the DENR-BMB,
in enhanced CLUPs and that practice biodiversity- biodiversity-friendly DILG, Leagues ,
other LGU programs friendly agriculture CLUP guidelines Concerned
3.1.2 Percentage of * * * LGUs
LGUs promoting
organic agriculture
3.1.3 Sex-
disaggregated list of
organic farmers
Strengthening Policy for Biodiversity Conservation
4. Formulate 4.1 Agrobiodiversity is 4.1.1 Guidelines for * DENR-BMB*, 2 12 - -
agrobiodiversity guidelines included in protocols for PA prioritization and DA, DA-BPI,
for PA management plans preparation of area management NCIP
or for conservation areas conservation plans of PAs, planning contain Concerned
outside the PA system (i.e. community-conserved agrobiodiversity Academe
managed by communities areas and LCAs conservation and use
or LGUs) protocols

4.2 Agrobiodiversity is 4.2.1 Guidelines on *

considered in the biodiversity
biodiversity assessment assessment that
process include
5. Formulate and establish 5.1 A NIAHS is jointly 5.1.1 EO or Joint * DA*, DA-BPI, 18 15 - -
policies and programs to established by stakeholder administrative order NCCA, NCIP
recognize and sustain agencies to identify and establishing the NM, DENR-
communities practicing recognize areas with high NIAHS system BMB
heritage agriculture which agricultural heritage value 5.1.2 A policy *
concurrently harbor clarifying DA
agrobiodiversity program
interventions in
areas with high
agricultural heritage
value to support

204 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Interventions Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
climate change
adaptation and other
national concerns
5.2 Agrobiodiversity 5.2.1 Guidelines that * NCIP*, 18 17
conservation is integrated integrate Consultative
in guidelines for the agrobiodiversity Group on
formulation of Ancestral conservation in Indigenous
Domain Sustainable documentation of Peoples (CGIP)
Development and IKSP and
Protection Plans (ADSDPP) development of
and documentation of IKSP ADSDPPs
5.2.2 Sex- * * *
disaggregated data
on number of NCIP
staff and key CSO
networks trained on
5.3 Agrobiodiversity is 5.3.1 Percentage of * * * DepEd*, NCCA, 18 18
incorporated in at least 10 IP education pilot NCIP, CSO
pilot sites of the DeEd IP sites with
education program as well agrobiodiversity in
as in selected Schools of curriculum
Living Tradition (SLT) 5.3.2 Percentage of * * *
located in areas with high SLTs incorporating
agrobiodiversity agrobiodiversity
6. Formulate and 6.1 An EO establishing a 6.1.1 EO supporting * DA* 4 17 63,591,849.72 66,805,193.06
implement agricultural harmonized support system a system for plant
policies to support for plant genetic resources genetic resources for
agrobiodiversity and for food and agriculture is food and agriculture
biodiversity-friendly enacted
mainstream agriculture 6.2 A mechanism is 6.2.1 Guidelines * * DA-BPI*, CSO, 4 17
established to acknowledge from the Plant Intellectual
and support efforts to Variety Protection Property Office,
document farmer actions to Office NCIP
conserve plant genetic 6.2.2 Percentage of * * *
resources for food and community registries
agriculture including the with sex-
disaggregated data

205 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Interventions Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
development of community under the PVP
registries system

6.3 Protocols for 6.3.1 Revised * DA*, HLURB 4 17

agricultural land use guidelines or
planning at national, clarification for
regional and local levels are National Protected
modified to take into Areas for Agriculture
account the conservation and Development
and sustainable use of and Strategic
agrobiodiversity Agriculture and
Development Zoning
that incorporate
6.3.2 Extent of * * *
dissemination of
CLUP guidelines
6.4 The Participatory 6.4.1 An AO with * DA*, LOAM, 4 17
Guarantee System (PGS) is provisions extending CSO
incorporated as permanent the use of the PGS
feature in organic indefinitely
agriculture ensuring gender 6.4.2 Sex- * *
equality and parity disaggregated data
on small-scale
benefitting from PGS
6.5 The current policy is 6.5.1 AO guidelines * DENR-BMB*, 4 17
strengthened to introduce for risk assessment DOST, DA-BPI,
independent risk and inclusion of DA, CSO
assessment of planned GMO concerns in EIA
programs and inclusion of system
GMO concerns in the EIA

206 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Interventions Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
6.6 Draft legislation or EO 6.6.1 EO or draft * DOST*, Bio 4 17
on labelling of GMO legislation under safety
products is promulgated technical review Committee,
CSO network,
Biodiversity Conservation-related Research
7. Undertake R&D that 7.1 An inventory, 7.1.1 Extent of * DA-BPI*, NNC*, 19 4 - -
establishes the true value geographic referencing of updated inventory, DENR-BMB,
of areas of agricultural crop genetic diversity documentation of DOH, DOST,
landscapes harboring high (heirloom varieties, crop associated local food CHED
biodiversity, nutrient wild relatives and other knowledge and
analysis of newly underutilized crops assessment
identified/underutilized animals, aquatic resources, communicated to
crops, animals and other and beneficial microbial decision makers
organisms that can be used resources) and
as food, promote value documentation of 7.1.2 Sex- *
addition to traditional associated local food disaggregated list of
products of knowledge is conducted information/report
agrobiodiversity and and information is recipients
promote effective communicated to key
knowledge management decision makers
7.2 The multi-functionality 7.2.1 Results of * DA*, BPI, NEDA 19 4
of traditional agricultural valuation study taken - PIDS, CHED
systems of up by sub-cabinet
high/threatened/unique clusters for
agrobiodiversity and its agriculture and
niche in food security and climate and
resiliency is documented, environment
valued and disseminated
7.2.2 Improved *
valuation methods
that incorporate
cultural aspects
including gender
7.3 Dedicated research to 7.3.1 Number of * * * DA*, DA-BPI, 19 4
develop strategies that programs/products DOST, SUCs;
promote and enhance the developed DOST,

207 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Interventions Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
sustainable utilization of 7.3.2 Sex- Concerned
agrobiodiversity products is disaggregated list of CSO, NNC-DOH,
undertaken program/project Barangay
participants Nutrition
Health Workers
7.4 A National Integrated 7.4.1 Sustainable * DA*, DA-BPI, 19 4
Sharing Network for plant incentives in place to DENR-BMB,
genetic resources for food encourage proactive CHED, DOST-
and agriculture is revived, use of the system Food and
incentivized and fully (including updated Nutirition
implemented to focus on Protocol on Research
priorities that maximize information sharing) Institute, DOST-
synergy and enhance and feedback from Philippine
benefits from ex situ and in users. Council for
situ conservation initiatives 7.4.2 Sex- * * * Health
disaggregated list of Research and
users Development,
7.5 Create a database to 7.5.1 Database of * * DA*, DA-BPI, 19 18
document wild relatives of wild relatives of Academe,
cultivated plants and cultivated plants and NGOs
farmed and domesticated farmed and
animals, identify which are domesticated
being maintained or animals
conserved (in situ or ex situ 7.5.2 A functional * *
or on farm) where they are monitoring system
and map them out for wild relatives of
cultivated plants and
farmed and
TOTAL 11,356,883,887.78 13,091,891,532.39

208 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Interventions Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
Strengthening Law Enforcement
1. Research conducted 1.1 A system for 1.1.1 Number of permits issued * * * DENR- 19 16 1,058,326.13 1,217,075.05
in caves is regulated and monitoring and and/or IP prior informed consent BMB*,
monitored regulating cave research given NCIP*, DENR
is installed 1.1.2 Sex-disaggregated list of Regional
researchers Offices,
Capacity Development for Biodiversity Conservation
1. Conduct cave survey, 1.1 Focal persons 1.1.1 Trained focal persons with * * * DENR 19 16 705,970,469.25 1,443,872,165.25
assessment, and (regional) are assigned knowledge on cave surveying, map, Regional
classification providing and capacitated ensuring assessment, classification including Offices*,
equal opportunities for gender parity in trainings cave management DENR-BMB,
both women and men to on cave surveying, 1.1.2 Sex-dissagregated data on PCSD,
participate assessment, and focal persons National
classification Museum
1.2 At least nine (9) 1.2.1 Cave distribution maps (using * * * DENR 19 16
Philippine caves per dots to indicate geographical Regional
region are classified locations) per province or Region Offices*,
annually until 2028 using DENR-BMB,
prescribed techniques PCSD, NM,
1.2.2 Length (in meters or * * * DENR-Cave 19 16
kilometers) of cave passages Assessment
assessed Team*,
1.2.3 Recommended list of * * * DENR-Cave 19 16
classified caves Assessment

209 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Interventions Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
1.3 A Department 1.3.1 Department Memorandum * * * DENR*, 19 16
Memorandum Circular is Circular on official list of classified DENR-BMB
issued caves
Strengthening Policy for Biodiversity Conservation
2. Identify and set aside 2.1 At least 10% of the 2.1.1 List of caves identified for * * * DENR- 11 19 198,581,668.73 248,268,120.55
caves with high 2000 classified caves inclusion in the NIPAS, Critical Regional
conservation value for identified for inclusion in Habitat, other governance regimes, Offices
national and/or NIPAS, Critical Habitat and/or international heritage DENR-
international protection and other governance listings BMB*,
regimes 2.1.2 Endorsement of caves for * * * PCSD,
inclusion in the NIPAS, Critical RCC
Habitat, other governance regimes,
and/or international heritage
2.2 1% of the 2.2.1 Number of proposals * * National 11 19
recommended classified submitted Cave
caves is proposed for Committee
national legislation (NCC)*,
2.3 At least 0.5% of the 2.3.1 Recommended caves or cave * * BMB-DENR
classified caves systems with recognition as globally
nominated as important heritage or conservation
outstanding heritage or sites
conservation site for
global recognition
Communication, Education and Public Awareness
3. Develop and 3.1 A wider diversity of 3.1.1 Levels of awareness * * * BMB- 1 18 208,774,633.92 231,962,101.81
implement a participants with better 3.1.2 Number of partnerships with DENR*,
Communication and understanding and stakeholders in the conservation of DENR-
Education Strategy to appreciation of the caves and cave resources Regional
enhance public values of caves is offices,
awareness, most targetted PCSD, NM
especially the 3.1.3 Presidential Proclamation on * * DENR-BMB* 1 16
marginalized groups i.e. cave conservation
youth, IPs, and women, 3.2 The outcome of the 3.2.1 Assessment report containing * * * DENR- 1 16
on the conservation of Communication and among others, support (non- BMB*,
caves and cave resources Education Strategy is financial, financial) from community PCSD, RCC
assessed, necessary and private sector and awareness
improvements are made levels

210 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Interventions Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
and gender parity is 3.2.2 Sex-disaggregated list of * * *
ensured recipients/participants of
information materials/activities
3.2.3 Communications materials * * *
Biodiversity Conservation-related Research
4. Enhance basic and 4.1 The continuous 4.1.1 Effectiveness and application * * * Academe*, 19 16 846,450,314.61 964,483,075.77
applied research on conduct studies and of the conducted studies about DENR-BMB,
caves research on caves caves DENR-ERDB,
(speleology, archaeology, 4.1.2 Sex-disaggregated data on DENR-MGB,
etc.) is encouraged and researchers/scientists/organizations PCSD, CHED
supported ensuring conducting cave studies
gender equality and 4.1.3 Effectiveness and application
equity among scientists/ of the research themes/topics,
researchers/authors disaggregated by sex of researcher
doing cave studies
4.2 Basic and applied 4.2.1 Effectiveness and application
research to assist in the of the basic and applied research
management and 4.2.2 Sex-disaggregated data on
conservation of caves researchers/scientists/organizations
and cave resources is conducting cave studies
conducted (i.e. biology
and ecology of cave biota
and of the karst
landscape, archaeological
exploration, setting
water quality and air
quality standards inside
caves, open and closed
seasons for the collection
of birds' nest) ensuring
gender equality and
equity among scientists/
conducting the studies
4.3 The systematic 4.3.1 List of priority caves for * * DENR- 19 16
investigation of caves investigation from DENR Regional BMB*, DENR
used by threatened and Offices Regional
endangered biota, Offices,
especially bats, blind fish PCSD
and shrimps is prioritized

211 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Interventions Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
4.4 A Code of Conduct 4.4.1 Code of Conduct for * * DENR- 19 16
for researchers and Researchers and Cave Explorers BMB*, PCSD
speleologists/explorers is 4.4.2 Reports on the * * *
developed and implementation of the Code of
implemented Conduct including data on
researchers adopting the Code
disaggregated by sex
4.5 Communicating 4.5.1 Trends in research undertaken * * * DENR- 19 16
research and monitoring 4.5.2 Trends in publications * * * BMB*, NCC,
results to relevant staff 4.5.3 Percentage of women staff * * * PCSD, DENR-
and stakeholders and stakeholders with access to Regional
including marginalized research and monitoring results Offices, RCC
groups i.e. IPs, women, 4.5.4 Monitoring reports * * *
elderly and youth is
regularly done
Restoration of Ecosystem Functions
1. Manage and monitor 1.1 Clean-up and/or 1.1.1 Reports including photos on * * * RCC, DENR- 15 14 9,799,315.99 11,269,213.39
visitor impacts on caves restoration projects in clean-up and/or restoration projects Regional
selected vandalized caves Offices*,
are conducted Concerned
Strengthening Law Enforcement
2. Manage and monitor 2.1 Recreational 2.1.1 Trends in apprehensions and * * * DENR- 14 16 297,494,541.24 316,080,901.11
visitor impacts on caves activities that can penalties imposed including sex Regional
adversely impact cave disaggregated data on offenders offices*,
ecosystems (e.g. biking) DOT, PCSD,
including vandalism (e.g. RCC
graffiti) are prohibited
3. Formulate and 3.1 Export and import of 3.1.1 Policy guidelines on the export * * BMB- 5 16 53,560,799.50 56,774,142.85
implement policies on speleothems and and import of speleothems and DENR*, NCC,
the sustainable use of speleogens is banned speleogens in place NM
cave resources 3.1.2 Number of incidents/cases * * *
filed including sex-disaggregated
data on offenders
3.2 The 3.2.1 Policy guidelines on * * DENR- 5 16
harvesting/collection of harvesting/collection of guano and BMB*, NCC,
edible birds' nests in place

212 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Interventions Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
guano and edible birds' 3.2.2 Number of incidents/cases * * * DENR-RCC,
nests is regulated filed including sex-disaggregated ERDB, PCSD
data on offenders
3.3 A regular monitoring 3.3.1 Functional monitoring system * * * BMB- 5 8
system of licensed cave developed and implemented DENR*, NCC,
resource extraction is 3.3.2 Number of apprehensions * * * DENR
developed and made icluding sex-disaggregated Regional
implemented data on offenders Offices,
3.3.3 Amount of penalties collected * * * PCSD,
3.4 A protocol on 3.4.1 Protocol on underwater cave * * DENR- 5 16
underwater cave diving is diving BMB*, DENR
formulated and Regional
implemented Offices, RCC,
Capacity Development for Biodiversity Conservation
1. Develop and 1.1 A holistic 1.1.1 Number of management plans * * * DENR- 4 16 354,750,035.96 451,414,898.63
implement individual management plan implemented Regional
cave management plans including a Cave Offices*,
Monitoring Program for PCSD, RCC,
each DENR-approved Concerned
classified cave or cave LGUs
system is formulated 1.1.2 Number and list of local * * * DENR-
with participation from partnerships on cave management Regional
women and IPs Offices*,
1.1.3 Functional Cave Monitoring * * * DENR-
and Evaluation Scheme Regional
1.2 Cave management 1.2.1 Management plans * * * DENR- 4 16
plans are harmonized, as implemented and Regional
appropriate, with other Offices*,

213 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Interventions Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
plans such as NIPAS harmonized/integrated with existing PCSD, RCC,
Management Plan, biodiversity management plans DENR-BMB,
Wetland Action Plan, PAMB,
1.3 Public-private 1.3.1 Number of Cave Conservation * * * DENR- 4 16
collaboration in the Agreements with LGUs, landowners Regional
management and and other stakeholders including IP offices*,
conservation of caves is and women organizations, as DENR-BMB,
strengthened applicable PCSD,
LGUs and
2. Develop selected 2.1 A visitor 2.1.1 Visitor interpretation program * * DOT*, NCC, 14 16 2,628,766,400.28 3,833,790,881.49
caves as sustainably interpretation program in in place BMB-DENR,
managed ecotourism nearby communities RCC, DENR
destinations/attractions which includes tour Regional
guiding to enhance Offices
tourist experience and 2.1.2 Sex-disaggregated number of * * DOT*, NCC,
conservation awareness trained locals as guides for the BMB-DENR
is developed and visitor interpretation program
2.2 Policy guidelines on 2.2.1 Policy guidelines on tourism * BMB- 14 17
the development of facilities inside and at the entrance DENR*,
tourism facilities inside of caves DOT, NCC
and entrance of caves
(e.g., ladder, stairways,
walk ways, handrails,
viewing platforms,
lightings, warning and
directional signage, etc.),
ensuring visitor safety
and minimal
environmental risk are
formulated and
2.3 A visitor-use zoning 2.3.1 Visitor-use zoning maps * * NCC*, BMB- 14 16
strategy (including a ‘no DENR, RCC,
go’ zone) is developed DENR
Offices, DOT

214 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Interventions Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
2.4 A mandatory visitor 2.4.1 Completed visitor logbook * * * DENR 14 16
registration logbook is registration Regional
implemented 2.4.2 List of visitors disaggregated * * * Offices*
by sex
2.5 A liability waiver 2.5.1 Waiver system for cave * * NCC*, DOT, 14 16
system in case cave visitors BMB-DENR
visitors meet accidents
and unforeseen events
and/or inflicted with
cave-related illnesses is
2.6 A licensing or 2.6.1 Functional licensing or * * DOT, NCC*, 14 16
accreditation system for accreditation system BMB-DENR
commercial cave tour 2.6.2 Trends/Number of * * *
operators or guides, licenses/accreditations issued
which can be cancelled
upon violations of
environmental and
human safety regulations
is implemented
2.7 Procedures on user 2.7.1 User fee collection and * NCC*, BMB- 14 16
fee collection and benefit-sharing system DENR, RCC,
benefit-sharing of 2.7.2 Percentage of LGU and/or * * * DOT
revenues derived from community incomes
the use of caves are
2.8 A response system to 2.8.1 Functional response system * * 14 16
accidents is developed
and implemented
3. Manage and monitor 3.1 Visitor carrying 3.1.1 Visitor carrying capacity is * * DENR 14 16
visitor impacts on caves capacity is determined implemented Regional
3.2 Regular visitor 3.2.1 Visitor impact parameters to * * NCC*, DOT, 14 16
impact assessment include the nature, duration and RCC, BMB-
aimed at reducing frequency of recreational use DENR
damage to caves and
health risks to humans is

215 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Interventions Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
3.3 Regular water quality 3.3.1 Water quality analysis results * * * DENR- 14 16
analysis of underground Regional
water, cave pools, and Offices*,
water drips is performed DENR-EMB
3.4 A Code of Conduct 3.4.1 Code of Conduct * DOT, NCC*, 14 16
for tourists to minimize 3.4.2 Reports on Code of Conduct * DENR-BMB,
visitor impact, prevent implementation RCC
accidents and health
hazard and damage to
caves is developed and
4. Improve human 4.1 Easy- to-understand, 4.1.1 List of training manuals and * * * NCC, DENR- 7 16 62,968,142.86 67,592,587.70
capacity and capability in training manuals and guides BMB*, DENR
the assessment, guides on cave 4.1.2 Sex-disaggregated distribution * * * Regional
management and management and list of training manuals and guides Offices
monitoring of caves relevant laws and policies
are developed
4.2 Practical trainings 4.2.1 Trends in number of trainings * * * DENR- 7 16
such as cave assessment, 4.2.2 Training modules * * * BMB*, NCC,
survey, planning, 4.2.3 Trends in number of * * * DENR
management, individuals trained disaggregated by Regional
monitoring, rescue, sex Offices, RCC
visitor safety and tour 4.2.4 Distribution list of survey * * *
guiding are conducted equipment
4.3 Relevant 4.3.1 Number of conferences, * * * NCC*, 7 18
conferences and seminars and symposia DENR-BMB,
symposia at the local, 4.3.2 Sex-disaggregated data of * * * DENR
regional and national conference, seminars, and symposia Regional
levels are organized participants Offices,
4.4 A policy on hazard 4.4.1 Policy on hazard * DENR-BMB* 7 17
pay/insurance for pay/insurance
implementors of cave
management plans is
formulated and
TOTAL 5,368,174,648.48 7,626,725,163.58

216 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Invasive Alien Species
Program Targets Indicators Time Frame Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions S M L Entity/ies Target Target Low High
Restoration of ecosystem functions
1. Rehabilitate 1.1 At least 15% of identified 1.1.1 Percentage of * * DENR-BMB*, 15 14 1,239,166,658.69 1,425,041,657.49
areas (in particular areas is restored restored areas where IAS DENR Field
areas of high have been contained or Offices, LGUs,
biodiversity value) eradicated CSOs, Academe,
where IAS have DILG
been contained or
Capacity Development for Biodiversity Conservation
1. Stop the entry 1.1 Quarantine procedures 1.1.1 Updated quarantine * DENR-BMB*, 9 10 54,431,572.81 59,020,901.68
and new are updated procedures DA*
introductions of IAS, 1.2 IAS is mainstreamed into 1.2.1 EIS guidelines * DENR-BMB*, 9 10
as the first-line of the existing EIS system to DENR-EMB
defense include assessment of
potentially harmful exotic
1.3 IAS clearing 1.3.1 Database on IAS * DENR-BMB*, 9 10
house/database with DENR-ERDB,
published research studies DENR-FMB,
and roster experts on IAS is DENR-EMB
1.4 A list with images of 1.4.1 List of IAS * DENR-BMB*, DA, 9 10
plant and animal IAS is Academe, DOST
provided to patrollers in sea
and air ports
1.5 Existing inter-agency 1.5.1 Inter-agency * DENR-BMB*, 9 10
bodies are strengthened to mandates include IAS DOST- PCAARRD,
include IAS concerns concerns Academe
2. Identify, report, 2.1 Detection is integrated 2.1.1 Revised BMS and * DENR Field 9 10 773,695,195.02 901,346,964.75
and promptly with BMS and other site site assessment programs Offices*, DENR-
respond to newly assessment programs BMB, DA
introduced IAS by 2.2 A reporting system 2.2.1 Reporting system * DENR-BMB*, DA, 9 10
eradicating or (online/clearing house, Academe, DOST,
containing them centralized reporting system) CSOs, LGUs, DILG
before they become is developed
widespread 2.3 New infestations are 2.3.1 Percentage of * * DENR Field 9 10
eradicated infestations Offices*, DENR-

217 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Invasive Alien Species
Program Targets Indicators Time Frame Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions S M L Entity/ies Target Target Low High
3. Reduce the 3.1 IAS control, prevention 3.1.1 Updated plans * DENR-BMB*, 9 10 1,908,348,273.09 2,313,898,845.11
impacts of and eradication is integrated DENR Field
widespread IAS by into PA Management, other Offices, DA,
containing and ecosystem manaagement Philippine Ports
reducing the spread plans, ecotourism plans, and Authority
of invasive relevant local government
populations and plans
minimizing their 3.2 Field surveys of native 3.2.1 Percentage of * DENR-BMB*, 9 10
harmful effects species in areas to be de- native species in areas DENR Field
infested are conducted that will be de-infested Offices DA,
3.3 IAS population is 3.3.1 Percentage of IAS * * Academe, CSOs, 9 10
reduced populations in infected LGUs, DILG
4. Establish 4.1 A Joint Administrative 4.1.1 National IAS * DENR-BMB* 9 9 2,955,161.69 3,378,492.14
leadership and Order/EO on IAS to Coordinating Body
strengthen strengthen and expand the 4.1.2 Sex-disaggregated * DENR-BMB* 9 9
collective action in memberships of existing list of National IAS
the implementation committees, that allow the Coordinating Body
of the NISSAP and participation of women, and
to adapt the their functions is formulated
management of IAS and implemented
in light of new and
emerging scientific
5. Strengthen the 5.1 The Ballast Water 5.1.1 Signed Convention * DFA*, DENR- 9 9 2,095,100.00 2,409,365.00
role of the Convention is ratified by the BMB, PCG
Philippines in government
meeting its 5.2 IAS concerns are 5.2.1 Updated Philippine * DENR-BMB*, 9 9
commitments to incorporated into the Ecotourism Strategy and DOT
international Philippine Ecotourism Action Plan
treaties, Strategy and Action Plan
agreements, etc.,
urging for technical
and financial
support to enhance
national capacities
and capabilities to
implement the

218 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Invasive Alien Species
Program Targets Indicators Time Frame Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions S M L Entity/ies Target Target Low High
6. Strengthen the 6.1 Capacity-building 6.1.1 Funding is reflected * * * DENR-BMB*, 9 10 16,902,809.55 20,208,464.98
technical and program on IAS for NGAs are in the General DBM, DA
management funded and implemented Appropriations Act
capacities of 6.1.2 Number of * * * DENR-BMB*
relevant individuals trained
government units, 6.1.3 Capacity building * * *
at the national and program in place
local levels, as well 6.1.4 Trends in IAS * * * DENR-BMB*,
as concerned introduction and DENR- ERDB,
stakeholders in eradication DENR-FMB,
implementing the 6.1.5 Trends in * * * Private sector,
NISSAP roundtable/technical Academe, LGUs,
discussions, conferences CSOs, DILG,
and similar activities DOST-PCAARRD,
Biodiversity Conservation-related Research
7. Generate basic 7.1 Research gaps are 7.1.1 National IAS * * DENR-BMB*, DA, 19 12 99,500,615.74 114,425,708.10
and applied identified and addressed Research and Information DOST, Academe
scientific knowledge Network
about IAS problems,
provide policy
advice to efficiently
control and manage
IAS, and generate
online database and
exchange program
(in particular saline
tilapia, janitor fish,
flowerhorn fish,
piper adduncum)
Communication, Education and Public Awareness
8. Promote better 8.1 A multi-media IAS 8.1.1 Increased * * * DENR-BMB*, DA, 1 18 105,558,231.89 123,332,231.24
and broader information campaign and awareness on IAS Academe, DOST,
understanding and public awareness program is CSOs, LGUs, DILG
awareness of the launched 8.1.2 Multi-media CEPA * * * DENR-BMB*,
threats of IAS and materials ERDB, FMB,
foster stakeholder DepEd, CHED,
support including Private sector,
IPs, women and Academe, LGUs,
youth for the CSOs, DILG,

219 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Invasive Alien Species
Program Targets Indicators Time Frame Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions S M L Entity/ies Target Target Low High
implementation of DOST-PCAARRD,
8.2 IAS is integrated in the 8.2.1 Percentage of * * CHED*, DENR- 1 18
curriculum of environment courses integrating IAS BMB, Academe
related courses
TOTAL 4,202,653,618.48 4,963,062,630.50

220 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
Restoration of Ecosystem Functions
1. Rehabilitate 1.1 A scheme to 1.1.1 Management * DENR-BMB*, 15 14 50,156,854,195.61 57,854,533,198.21
priority inland manage settlements in scheme for settlements in LGUs, CSO
wetlands including wetlands is designed wetlands
peatlands and implemented 1.1.2 Maps of settlements * * * DENR-BMB*, 15 14
in wetlands per region LGUs, DILG,
1.2 Sound community- 1.2.1 Percentage of * * * DENR-BMB*, 15 14
based river rehabilitated rivers DENR-FMB,
rehabilitation that LGUs, CSO
considers the needs of
IPs, women and youth
of priority rivers is
1.3 Soil conservation 1.3.1 Soil quality * * * DA-BSWM*, 15 14
technologies in priority monitoring reports DENR-BMB,
wetlands are LGUs,
implemented Academe, CSO
1.4 Degraded marsh 1.4.1 Maps of degraded * DENR-BMB*, 15 14
areas are identified marsh areas LGUs, NGOs,
1.5 ___% of degraded 1.5.1 Percentage of * * DENR-BMB*, 15 14
marsh is restored restored marsh areas LGUs, NGOs,
1.5.2 Number of hectares * * Academe
of restored marsh areas
Capacity Development for Biodiversity Conservation
1. Establish 1.1 An inventory of 1.1.1 Maps of freshwater * * NAMRIA*, 19 12 5,037,647,469.74 5,621,597,680.36
baseline data and freshwater wetlands wetlands DENR-BMB,
conduct bio- per region is conducted DENR-EMB,
physical and socio- DENR-RBCO,
cultural including DENR ROs,
gender assessment LGUs, DOST-
and monitoring of PCAARRD,
freshwater Academe, CSO
wetlands using the 1.1.2 Mapping guidelines * NAMRIA*,
ridge to reef that consider seasonal DENR-BMB,
framework inundations DENR-EMB,

221 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
1.2 Bio-physical 1.2.1 Bio-physical, socio- * * * DENR-BMB*, 19 12
including the presence economic including gender DENR-EMB,
of IAS and socio- assessment reports of RCBO, DENR-
economic including priority freshwater ROs, LGUs,
ecotourism and gender wetlands DOST-
assessment of major PCAARRD,
lakes, rivers and Academe, CSO
swamps is undertaken
1.3 Regular monitoring, 1.3.1 Monitoring * *
including bio-physical guidelines
characteristics, of 1.3.2 Regular monitoring * * *
priority freshwater reports
wetlands is conducted
1.4 Systematic access 1.4.1 Linked national and * * DENR-BMB*, 19 18
to databases is regional databases DENR-ERDB,
established DOST-
Academe, CSO
2. Establish meta- 2.1 A section on 2.1.1 Functional and * * DENR-BMB*, 19 18 - -
database and Philippine wetlands in updated database on DENR-FMB,
information the Clearing House Philippine wetlands in the DA-BFAR,
clearinghouse on Mechanism (CHM) is CHM DENR-ERDB,
Philippine wetlands created DOST-
Academe, CSO,
Private sector
Communication, Education and Public Awareness
3. Implement a 3.1 A Wetlands CEPA 3.1.1 National and regional * DENR-BMB*, 1 18 997,038,652.55 1,145,399,988.28
Wetlands CEPA Action Plan that targets CEPA Plans DA-BFAR,
Action Plan various audiences DENR-ERDB,
including IPs, women DOST-
and youth, is PCAARRD,
formulated, adopted Academe, CSO,
and implemented Private sector

222 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
3.1.2 Percentage of * * DENR-BMB*,
regions integrating and DA-BFAR,
implementing the CEPA DENR-ERDB,
Action Plan into their plans Academe, CSO,
3.1.3 Percentage of * * Private sector
partner organizations
implementing CEPA Action
3.2 Existing CEPA 3.2.1 Percentage of local * * * DENR-BMB*, 1 18
activities are upscaled resolutions to mainstream DepEd, LGUs
and ensure outreach activities such as
participation of IPs, Dalaw-Turo in public and
women and youth private schools
3.2.2 Percentage of CEPA * * * DENR-BMB*,
materials in the vernacular CSO, Academe
that target various
audiences including IPs,
women and youth
3.2.3 Sex-disaggregated
data on distribution of
CEPA materials
3.2.4 Trends in the * * * DENR-BMB*,
conduct of Wetlands LGUs, CSO,
Caravan in priority Academe
3.2.5 Sex-disaggregated
data on participation in
CEPA activities
3.3 Virtual Wetlands 3.3.1 Available information * * * DENR-BMB*, 1 18
Information Centers are on all inland wetlands are LGUs, CSO,
established in the CHM made available in the CHM Academe
3.4 A National 3.4.1 Number of * * * DENR-BMB*, 1 18
Wetlands Conference conferences CSO, DOST-
that encourages 3.4.2 Sex-disaggregated PCAARRD,
participation from IPs, list of conference DENR-ERDB
women and youth is participants
held every 3 years
3.5 The "Philippine 3.5.1 Number of awarding * * * DENR-BMB*, 1 18
Wetlands Conservation events DENR-Regional
Award" is implemented Offices, CSO,
every 3 years Academe,

223 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
DILG, Private
4. Document best 4.1 Criteria for 4.1.1 Criteria of best * DENR-BMB*, 1 18 4,667,794.80 6,522,084.54
practices in selection of best practices TWG on
wetland practices are developed Wetlands
conservation that 4.2 Working models of 4.2.1 Number of best * * DENR-BMB*, 1 18
include experiences sustainable wetland practices/working models DENR-Regional
of IPs, women and management are documented and included Offices, TWG
youth identified, documented, in the wetland section of on Wetlands,
compiled and included the CHM DILG, LGUs,
in the CHM Galing Pook
Strengthening Policy for Biodiversity Conservation
5. Implement 5.1 National Land Use 5.1.1 IRR of National Land * * NEDA* 2 18
zoning policies Act currently pending in Use Act
Congress is passed
Strengthening Law Enforcement
1. Strictly enforce
1.1 Easement and 1.1.1 Section on easement * * DENR-BMB*, 6 10 - -
easement and buffer prescriptions and buffer prescriptions LGUs*
buffer zone particularly for within the building permit
regulations development near process
wetlands are integrated
in the building permit
1.2 Local ordinances on 1.2.1 Number of new local * * LGUs*, DENR- 6 10
buffer zones for ordinances BMB, DILG,
developments in 1.2.2 Trends in violations * * * Leagues,
wetland areas including 1.2.3 Multi-sectoral * * * DENR-Lands
sanctions for violations monitoring teams with Management
are issued and participation from IPs, Bureau (LMB),
implemented women and youth DPWH
1.3 1.3.1 Documentation on * * * DENR-BMB*, 6 10
Recognition/incentives best practices including NWRB,
are given to LGUs with those of IPs, women and Leagues,
documented best youth on riverbank DPWH
practice on riverbank easement/protection
easement protection
Capacity Development for Biodiversity Conservation

224 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
1. Promote 1.1 The list and profile 1.1.1 Updated list and * * DENR-BMB*, 7 7 1,298,480,019.15 1,491,142,788.52
ecotourism as a of inland wetlands with profile of inland wetlands DENR Regional
conservation ecotourism potential is with ecotourism potential Offices, DOT,
strategy for inland updated per region Academe, CSO
wetlands 1.2 Mapping of inland 1.2.1 Maps of inland * * NAMRIA*,
wetlands with wetlands per region DENR-BMB,
ecotourism potential is DOT, LGUs,
conducted CSO
1.3 Ecotourism and 1.3.1 Trends in ecotourism * * * DENR-BMB*,
business plans for and business plans per DOT, LGUs,
priority inland wetlands region Academe, CSO
are developed
1.4 An 1.4.1 Guidelines for * DENR-BMB*,
incentive/recognition recognition schemes DOT, LGUs
scheme such as eco-
certification in priority
inland wetlands with
ecotourism potential is
2. Implement 2.1 Policies on 2.1.1 Percentage of * * * DA-BFAR*, 6 17 3,144,121,846.23 4,271,623,161.83
sustainable sustainable aquaculture aquaculture permittees DENR-BMB,
aquaculture (FAO Code of Conduct practicing sustainable DTI, DILG,
practices in inland for Responsible aquaculture LGUs
wetlands Fisheries and other
Codes of Conduct for
Aquaculture, BFAR AO1-
2008, Wildlife Act) are
promoted and
3. Prepare and 3.1 The Management 3.1.1 Management * DENR-BMB*, 6 12 - -
implement Planning Manual Planning Manual DILG, LGUs,
management plans containing procedures 3.1.2 Percentage of * * * Academe, CSO
for priority inland with framework and communities implementing
wetlands templates is Management Planning
implemented Manual
3.1.3 Sex-disaggregated * * *
data of community
resource managers

225 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
3.2 Carrying capacity 3.2.1 Carrying capacity * * * DENR-BMB*, 6 18
studies in 14 priority studies DENR-ERDB,
inland wetlands is Academe
conducted 3.2.2 Sustainable * * * DA-BFAR*
harvesting limits of
commercial fish species
such as tawilis and
3.3 1 gender-sensitive 3.3.1 Management plans * * * DENR-BMB*, 6 12
management plan for a per region LGUs, DILG,
priority inland wetland 3.3.2 Management plan * * * Academe, CSO
per region per year is reports per region
prepared and
4. Prepare and 4.1 A Capacity 4.1.1 Capacity needs * DENR-BMB*, 7 12 - -
implement a Development Plan for assessment study LLDA, DENR-
capacity Inland Wetlands 4.1.2 Capacity * Regional
development plan Conservation in the Development Plan is Offices, DENR-
for inland wetlands Philippines is included in wetland section ERDB, DENR-
management implemented and of CHM EMB, DENR-
monitored 4.1.3 Assessment and * * * MGB
monitoring reports of
4.1.4 Number of trainings * * *
4.1.5 Sex-disaggregated * * *
list of trainees
4.1.6 Training modules for * * *
various stakeholders
including tour guides
4.2 Institutional 4.2.1 Full-fledged National * DENR-BMB*, 7 12
capacity for wetlands Wetlands Conservation PCSD Sub-
conservation is Committee Committee on
strengthened Biodiversity
5. Develop and 5.1 Local level wetland 5.1.1 Percentage of * * LGUs*, DENR- 6 12 - -
implement management implemented local plans BMB, DILG
methods, tools and framework consistent integrating wetland
technologies for with comprehensive management framework
wetland land use and
management investment plans is
5.2.1 Indicators identified * DENR-BMB* 6 12

226 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
5.2 Cost-effective bio- 5.2.2 Monitoring reports * * *
physical and socio-
economic monitoring
tools are implemented
5.3 Management 5.3.1 METT reports and * * * DENR-BMB* 6 12
effectiveness scores
assessment methods
are applied in areas
with management plans
5.4 Climate- 5.4.1 Percentage of * * * DENR-BMB*, 6 10
appropriate rainwater households with climate- NWRB, CSO,
harvesting facilities in appropriate rainwater Academe
households near or on harvesting facilities
priority wetlands are
5.5 A scheme to phase 5.5.1 Phase-out guidelines * DENR-BMB*, 6 17
out aquaculture in 5.5.2 Percentage * * * DA-BFAR
NIPAS sites that existed aquaculture activities in
before RA 7586 is NIPAS sites
formulated in
consultation with
stakeholders and
implementation is
6. Implement local 6.1 Sanctions for illegal 6.1.1 List of illegal water * NWRB* 7 10 - -
management water users are users
economic formulated and 6.1.2 Sanctions for illegal *
measures to implemented water use in place
conserve wetlands 6.1.3 Trends in offenses * * *
6.2 User and service 6.2.1 Number of user fee * * LLDA*, Local 7 17
fees/PES/raw water policies approved and water
charges are in place implemented management
6.3 Resource valuation 6.3.1 Guidelines on * * DENR-BMB*, 7 17
guidelines to determine resource valuation DILG, LGUs
internal revenue
community are
7. Resolve 7.1 Areas reclaimed 7.1.1 List of reclaimed * DENR-BMB*, 5 10 - -
reclamation issues without permits and areas DENR-LMB,

227 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
which have not been LGUs,
reclassified by Congress Philippine
are identified Reclamation
7.1.2 Map of reclaimed * * * DENR-BMB*,
areas PRA
Promotion of Biodiversity-friendly Technology
1. Implement 1.1 Bioremediation 1.1.1 List of * * * DENR-ERDB*, 8 10 667,199,868.28 767,279,848.52
bioremediation and/or bioremediation and DENR-EMB,
and/or phytoremediation phytoremediation CSO, Academe,
phytoremediation technologies are technologies appropriate LGUs
technologies to implemented on a pilot to types of inland wetlands
address pollution at basis at selected 1.1.2 Water quality * * *
selected priority priority inland wetlands monitoring reports
inland wetlands
Restoration of Ecosystem Functions
1. Adopt 1.1 The target here is 1.1.1 Percentage of * * * DENR-FMB*, 15 14 582,661,864.23 608,461,864.23
appropriate included in the forest reforested areas with DENR-BMB,
watershed ecosystem's target of at native species LGUs, DENR-
protection and least .5M has. of ERDB
plantation identified degraded
management by habitats are under
mainstreaming restoration
native species in 1.2 Urban waterway 1.2.1 Percentage of urban * * * DENR-EMB*, 15 14
reforestation rehabilitation waterways rehabilitated DENR-BMB,
projects especially MMDA, LGUs
in priority wetlands
such as Agusan
Marsh and
Candaba Marsh
Promotion of Biodiversity-friendly Technology
1. Adopt green 1.1 Green technology is 1.1.1 Amendments to * * NWRB*, 10 12 840,223,290.21 936,965,412.49
technology to integrated into the Building, Sanitation and DPWH*,
promote sanitation Building, Sanitation and Plumbing and Water Codes Professional
in inland wetlands organizations,

228 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
Plumbing and Water DILG, LGU,
Codes Congress
1.2 CEPA on green 1.2.1 CEPA materials * * * DENR-BMB*, 10 19
sanitation technology in 1.2.2 Sex-disaggregated * * * NWRB, LGUs,
3 priority inland list of recipients of CEPA DOH, NGOs,
wetlands is conducted materials Philippine
Center for
1.3 Green sanitation 1.3.1 Monitoring reports * LGUs*, DOH, 10 10
technology in 3 priority CSO
inland wetlands is
1.4 Green sanitation 1.4.1 Number of wetlands * * LGUs*, DOH, 10 18
technology in 3 priority where green technology is CSO
inland wetlands is applied
Biodiversity Conservation-related Research
1. Conduct 1.1 A toolkit for 1.1.1 Vulnerability * DENR-BMB*, 10 12 173,390,322.42 357,386,402.80
vulnerability vulnerability assessment toolkit DENR-ERDB,
assessment of assessment of inland LGUs,
inland wetlands wetlands and wetland Academe, CSO
and wetland species is developed
species to climate 1.2 Vulnerability 1.2.1 Vulnerability * * *
change assessment including assessment reports per
life history region
characteristics of
priority species
(fecundity and
reproductive patterns)
of inland wetlands and
wetlands species(i.e.
biya, sinarapan) is
1.3 An early warning 1.3.1 Predictive models *
system is developed
2. Conduct a study 2.1 Studies in inland 2.1.1 Study/ies on * * * DENR-ERDB*, 10 12 10,250,000.00 11,787,500.00
to identify wetland types such as vulnerable species DENR-BMB,
vulnerable species lakes, rivers, marshes Academe, CSO,
for climate change are conducted LGUs

229 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
effects on inland
3. Conduct 3.1 One study per 3.1.1 Climate change * DENR-ERDB*, 19 12 12,000,000.00 13,800,000.00
research and major freshwater studies related to carbon DOST, DENR-
development wetland type (lake, sequestration and carbon BMB,
studies on specific river, marsh, rice fields, stock studies in priority Academe
climate change peatlands) is conducted Ramsar sites
mitigation (eg. carbon
functions of inland sequestration functions
wetlands of specific wetlands)
prioritizing Ramsar
Capacity Development for Biodiversity Conservation
4. Conduct 4.1 Monitoring of 4.1.1 Regular monitoring * * * DENR-BMB*, 10 5 143,181,648.50 217,450,019.63
monitoring of migratory birds in major reports LGUs,
migration patterns wetland sites in Luzon, Academe, CSO
of birds vis-à-vis Visayas and Mindanao
their established is conducted
migration usage 4.2 A Philippine Bird 4.2.1 Reports on bird * * * DENR-BMB*, 19 5
Banding scheme is banding scheme (number DENR-ERDB,
initiated of birds banded) LGUs,
Academe, CSO
Communication, Education and Public Awareness
5. Disseminate 5.1 Information on 5.1.1 Trends in number of * * DENR* (BMB, 1 18 - -
information and CDM, REDD+ and other hits in CHM ERDB, FMB),
support Clean carbon financing DILG,
Development mechanisms in the Academe,
Mechanism (CDM), wetland section of the Leagues of
REDD and other CHM is included Provinces,
carbon financing Cities &
mechanisms for Municipalities,
mitigation and CCC
TOTAL 63,067,716,971.72 73,303,949,949.42

230 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
Capacity Development for Biodiversity Conservation
1. Establish 1.1 Models for urban 1.1.1 Number of LGUs with * * Concerned 4 6 2,631,431,490 3,551,075,973
models of biodiversity conservation and urban biodiversity LGUs*, DILG,
urban enhancement (including a conservation and DENR-BMB.
biodiversity holistic approach to water enhancement action Metropolitan
conservation resources development programs following agreed- Manila
and including the tapping of upon biodiversity indicators Development
enhancement groundwater and rainwater for (i.e. City Biodiversity Index, Authority
as part of water supply and the urban greening framework) (MMDA)
overall local development of standards for 1.1.2 Number of LGUs * *
environmental the regulation of service adopting green/blue
governance efficiency) that encourage services to the functions of
participation of women and the city environmental
youth are established in at least services
1 urban area per administrative 1.1.3 Profiles of urban * *
region biodiversity conservation
and enhancement action
1.2 In each Philippine 1.2.1 Documented * * LGUs*, DENR- 4 6
administrative region, good models/practices that BMB, CHED,
practices are implemented include case studies DepEd, MMDA,
under at least 1 institution- involving women and youth DILG, Industry
based biodiversity action 1.2.2 Search for the Best * * Associations
program. The key categories of City LGU adopting
institutions may include Green/Blue Principles
campuses; industrial estates;
town centers, public markets or
military installations.
Strengthening Policy for Biodiversity Conservation
2. Establish a 2.1 Philippine City Biodiversity 2.1.1 Philippine City * DENR-BMB*, 4 6 163,912,531 191,452,529
City Index is adapted by the Leagues Biodiversity Index in place Leagues of LGUs,
Biodiversity of LGUs 2.1.2 Number of LGUs * * DILG, MMDA
Index adapted adopting the Philippine City
to Philippine Biodiversity Index
(based on
agreed upon
framework e.g.
Singapore City

231 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
Biodiv index)
to guide LGU
3. Incorporate 3.1 Biodiversity concerns (e.g. 3.1.1 Revised building * * * DPWH*, DENR- 4 6 - -
biodiversity protection of iconic wildlife, regulations, design BMB, LGUs,
concerns in prevention of IAS) are standards/guidelines MMDA
standards and incorporated in public parks 3.1.2 Passage of National
protocols of and gardens, public buildings, Land Use Bill
allied industries public markets and the like in
and model urban areas
associations 3.2 Biodiversity concerns are 3.2.1 Biodiversity provisions * * * DENR-BMB*, 4 6
who influence incorporated in work incorporated in standards of Concerned
or depend on standards of professions and key industry and Professional and
urban interest groups e.g. architects; professional associations Industry
ecosystems landscape designers and Associations
services horticulture enthusiasts; peri
urban gardeners; CSR
practitioners, academic
institutions, home owners
associations, bird watchers
TOTAL 2,795,344,022 3,742,528,502

232 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Program Targets Indicators Time Responsible Aichi PBSAP Estimated Cost
Interventions Frame Entity/ies Target Target
S M L (*Lead) Low High
Strengthening Policy for Biodiversity Conservation
1. Develop a 1.1 An ABS legal 1.1.1 ABS Law legislated and * * DENR-BMB* 16 9 41,379,933.82
national ABS Framework is adopted IRR issued 50,455,714.10
policy through a Republic Act 1.1.2 Nagoya Protocol ratified *
framework 1.2 A functional ABS 1.2.1 Dedicated inter-agency * DENR-BMB* 16 9
incorporating working group is created working group with gender with inter-
or considering expert agencies created (note: agency
relevant Subcom under WMC) member
international 1.3 Support policies, e.g 1.3.1 ABS-relevant support * agencies
commitments updated fees system, etc. policies issued
(eg. TRIPs, are issued 1.3.2 Clear, streamlined and *
ITPGRF, gender sensitive procedures
Nagoya, PIP) and protocols (e,g FPIC, etc)
for new and renewal
applications on bioprospecring
and/or researches with
sanctions for non-compliance
1.4 The following notice: 1.4.1 List of publications * * *
Collection of species _____ bearing the required notice
covered by Gratuitous 1.4.2 Extent of disclosure of * * *
Permit/BU No. _____; sources and permits in patent
dated _____; issued by applications
_______ is indicated in all 1.4.3 Coding of species * * *
pertinent publications covered by Materials Transfer
Agreement including species
Biodiversity Conservation-related Research
2. Characterize 2.1 Inventory of resources 2.1.1 List and map/s of * * * DENR-BMB* 16 4 1,078,836,171.90
biodiversity (primary and secondary) is resources with inter- 1,413,112,977.23
resources undertaken agency
2.2 Indigenous knowledge 2.2.1 IKSP documented * * member
systems and practices agencies
(IKSP) is documented
2.3 Valuation of genetic 2.3.1 Priority genetic resources * *
resources with commercial valued
potential is conducted
2.4 Information on status 2.4.1 Relevant data gathered, *
of past (10 years), present such as past and current
and future projects/researches and their
biodiversity/IKSP-related sponsors/donors

233 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
researches compiled and 2.4.2 Sex-disaggregated list of *
potential benefit sharing the authors/researchers
claims identified
2.5 Develop and maintain 2.5.1 Database developed and * * * DENR-BMB* 16 18
database maintained
Capacity Development for Biodiversity Conservation
3. Develop an 3.1 M&E System for ABS is 3.1.1 M&E System for ABS * * * DENR-BMB* 16 12 2,407,500.00
M&E system on developed developed/implemented 3,461,625.00
4. Improve and 4.1 Satellite genebanks are 4.1.1 Regional genebanks with * * * DA* 16 4 187,861,084.46
maintain establsihed/improved in regular funding 216,040,247.13
existing Luzon, Visayas and
genebanks Mindanao
5. Build 5.1 A speakers pool aiming 5.1.1 Sex-disaggregated list * DENR-BMB*, 16 18 126,875,463.87
capacity of key for an equal number of and number of speakers DA, NCIP, 139,524,641.03
agencies for males and females at the Palawan
ABS national level is created Council for
implementation 5.2 Regional focals/LGUs 5.2.1 Number of regional * * * Sustainable
are trained focals/LGUs trained Development
dissagregated by sex
5.2.2 Percentage of women * * *
with access to capacity building
6. Strengthen 6.1 Collaboration between 6.1.1 Number of collaborations * * * DENR-ERDB*, 16 18 -
national and among concerned between and among DENR-BMB* -
network of institutions is established institutions
Communication, Education and Public Awarerness
7. Raise 7.1 An information 7.1.1 Number of CEPA * * * DENR-BMB* 16 18 -
awareness on package (integrated materials developed and with inter- -
ABS process flow) on existing distributed agency
ABS rules and supporting 7.1.2 Presence of information * * * member
documents (e.g. affidavits in DENR, NCIP and other agencies
of undertaking) is relevant government agencies'
developed and websites, including women's
disseminated organizations, hyperlinked with
cooperating agencies
7.1.3 Hard and soft copies of * * *
the information package
TOTAL 1,437,360,154.05 1,822,595,204.50

234 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Sample indicator definition and reference sheet

235 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Indicator definition 1 (Number of biodiversity conservation related jobs generated annually)
Goal, objective or result that the By 2025, x number of people benefits from biodiversity conservation related enterprises.
indicator represents
PBSAP key evaluation question that Key question number 2:
data on the indicator intends to What benefits to human beings have enhanced services generated?
Indicator Number of biodiversity conservation related jobs (eco-tourism, sustainable agriculture,
etc) generated annually

Standard BIP indicator? No [for BMB to decide]

Standard PDP indicator? Yes [for BMB to decide]

Precise definition of indicator Benefits to people of biodiversity conservation enterprises could be in the form of jobs
from eco-tourism enterprises, wages from forest restoration initiatives in PAs,
honorarium from forest and wildlife protection activities, payments for ecosystem services
(PES) benefits, etc.

The number refers to the number of individuals that are registered as benefiting from an
enterprise, forest restoration project, protection projects or PES scheme.

Upward trend in indicator figures means better.

Unit of measure Number

Disaggregation Sex, type of enterprise, region and PAs.

Management utility Data on this indicator, for a large part, is mainly for communication purposes as there are
other agencies involved in ensuring good performance in this indicator. Data on the
indicator informs BMB and the national government of the economic benefits people
derive from biodiversity conservation and enhanced ecosystem services. Figures can be
used to communicate the benefits of biodiversity conservation.

Data capture and analysis

Data collection method at source Source documents in the form of lists will come from those who manage the enterprise or
project. BMB might request these groups to share information in a certain format.
Data acquisition by BMB BMB will collect summarized information and encode and aggregate these in Excel tables.

Data sources Reports of enterprises and forest protection and restoration and wildlife protection

Frequency and timing of data Annually.

Data storage Source documents will be kept at source. Aggregated data in Excel will be kept by BMB.

Responsibility (at BMB) Who at the Wildlife Division?

Data quality assessment

Data limitations and significance The indicator refers to number only and does not include information on amounts of
benefits derived from biodiversity conservation related enterprises and projects.

Plan to address data limitations Sources of information could be persuaded to provide details on amounts if these are

Procedure for data quality BMB will do random checks on sources of information that it suspects are not accurate.
Data analysis, review and reporting
Data analysis Descriptive statistical analysis of number of people disaggregated as mentioned above.

236 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8
Data presentation Tables, pie charts and temporal graphs

Data reporting How will this feed into the PDP results matrices? CBD? Etc?

Baselines, targets and performance values


Target (2025)

Year Target Actual Notes

2014 (baseline)

237 | P B S A P 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 8

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