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Oil Refining and Products

Chapter · December 2004

DOI: 10.1016/B0-12-176480-X/00259-X

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1 author:

Abdullah M. Aitani
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals


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Oil Refining and Products
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

octane number A measure of resistance to knocking of

1. Overview of Refinery Processing gasoline under laboratory conditions that simulate city
driving conditions.
2. Crude Oil and Products
olefins Unsaturated hydrocarbons, such as ethylene and
3. Light Oil Processing propylene, that have a double carbon bond, with the
4. Heavy Distillate Processing molecular formula CnH2n.
5. Residual Oil Processing paraffins Saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons with the mole-
6. Treating Processes cular formula CnH2n þ 2.
7. Environmental and Future Issues reforming A process for the transformation of naphtha
into products with higher octane number. Reforming
comprises isomerization, cracking, polymerization, and
Glossary visbreaking A low-temperature cracking process used
to reduce the viscosity or pour point of straight-run
alkylation A process using sulfuric acid or hydrofluoric residues.
acid as a catalyst to combine light olefins and isobutane
to produce a high-octane product known as alkylate.
1API gravity A scale of liquid specific gravity (SG) that This article discusses the various aspects of petro-
indicates the lightness or heaviness of hydrocarbons, leum refining and oil products as a primary energy
defined by [(141.5/SG) 131.5]. source and as a valuable feedstock for petrochem-
catalytic cracking A process for the breaking-up of heavier icals. The main objective of refining is to convert
hydrocarbons into lighter hydrocarbon fractions by the crude oils of various origins and different composi-
use of heat and catalysts. tions into valuable products and fuels having the
cetane number A measure of ignition quality for kerosene, qualities and quantities demanded by the market.
diesel, and heating oil, using a single-cylinder engine. Various refining processes, such as separation, con-
coking A process for thermally converting and upgrading version, finishing, and environmental protection, are
heavy residues into lighter products and by-product
presented and briefly discussed. The ever-changing
petroleum coke.
crude oil A complex mixture of hydrocarbons containing
demand and quality of fuels, as well as environ-
low percentages of sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen com- mental issues and the challenges facing the refining
pounds and trace quantities of many other elements. industry, are also highlighted. Environmental regula-
deasphalting A process for removing asphaltic materials tions have played a significant role in the progress of
from reduced crude, using liquid propane to dissolve the refining industry and may even change the
nonasphaltic compounds. competition between petroleum and other alternative
hydrocracking A process used to convert heavier feedstock energy sources.
into lower boiling point, higher value products. The
process employs high pressure, high temperature, a
catalyst, and hydrogen.
hydrodesulfurization A catalytic process for the removal of 1. OVERVIEW OF REFINERY
sulfur compounds from hydrocarbons using hydrogen. PROCESSING
isomerization A catalytic process for the conversion and
skeletal rearrangement of straight-chain hydrocarbons 1.1 Introduction
into branched-chain molecules of higher octane number.
methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) An ether added to Refining is the processing of crude oil into a number
gasoline to raise octane number and enhance combustion. of useful hydrocarbon products. Processing utilizes

Encyclopedia of Energy, Volume 4. r 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 715
716 Oil Refining and Products

chemicals, catalysts, heat, and pressure to separate Various streams are subjected to various separa-
and combine the basic types of hydrocarbon mole- tion processes, such as extraction, hydrotreating, and
cules naturally found in crude oil into groups of sweetening, to remove undesirable constituents and
similar molecules. The refining process also rear- improve product quality. In general, petroleum
ranges their structures and bonding patterns into refining operations can be grouped as follows:
different hydrocarbon molecules and compounds.
 Fractionation (distillation) is the separation of
Therefore, it is the type of hydrocarbon (paraffinic,
crude oil in atmospheric and vacuum distillation
naphthenic, or aromatic) and its demand that
towers into groups of hydrocarbon compounds of
configure the refining industry. Petroleum refining
differing boiling-point ranges called ‘‘fractions’’ or
has evolved continuously in response to changing
demands for better and different products. The trend
 Light oil processing prepares light distillates
in demand has also been accompanied by continuous
through rearrangement of molecules using isomer-
improvement in product quality, such as octane
ization and catalytic reforming or combination
number for gasoline and cetane number for diesel.
processes such as alkylation and polymerization.
The original requirement was to produce kerosene
 Heavy oil processing changes the size and/or
for household use, followed by the development of
structure of hydrocarbon molecules through thermal
the internal combustion engine and the production of
or catalytic cracking processes.
transportation fuels (gasoline, diesel, and fuels).
 Treatment and environmental protection pro-
Refineries produce a variety of products including
cesses involve chemical or physical separation, such
many required as feedstocks for the petrochemical
as dissolving, absorption, or precipitation, using a
industry. Early refining was the simple distillation
variety and combination of processes including
(fractionation) of crude oil followed by the develop-
drying, solvent refining, and sweetening.
ment in the 1920s of the thermal cracking processes,
such as visbreaking and coking. The processes crack
heavy fuels into more useful and desirable products
1.3 World Refining
by applying pressure and heat.
In the early 1940s, the catalytic processes were World refining capacity reached 81.9 million barrels/
developed to meet the increasing demand of gasoline day in 2002 and is expected to increase by 4.3% per
and higher octane numbers. Processes such as year to 115 million barrels/day by 2020. Table I
catalytic cracking, alkylation, isomerization, hydro- presents a regional distribution capacity of major
cracking, and reforming were developed throughout refining processes. There are 722 refineries in 116
the 1960s to increase gasoline yields and improve countries, with more than 200 refineries in Asia-
antiknock characteristics. Some of these processes Pacific regions alone. The United States has main-
also produced valuable feedstocks for the modern tained its leading position as the largest and most
petrochemical industry. In the 21st century, the sophisticated oil-refining region. Approximately
refinery uses an array of various catalytic and 25% of worldwide refining capacity is located in
noncatalytic processes to meet new product specifica- North America and another 25% is located in Asia
tions and to convert less desirable fractions into more followed by 17% in Western Europe. Remaining
valuable liquid fuels, petrochemical feedstocks, and regions process approximately 33% of the world’s
electricity. The refinery has shifted from only physical crude oil in medium-type conversion refining
separations to something close to a chemical plant. schemes. World capacities of various refining pro-
cesses are presented in Table II. Hydrotreating alone
represents approximately 50% of total crude capa-
1.2 Refinery Operations
city, whereas all catalytic processes represent ap-
Modern refineries incorporate fractionation, conver- proximately 82% of crude capacity.
sion, treatment, and blending operations and may In general, the refining industry has always been
also include petrochemical processing. Most light characterized as a high-volume, low-profit-margin
distillates are further converted into more usable industry. World refining continues to be challenged
products by changing the size and structure of the by uncertainty of supply, difficult market conditions,
hydrocarbon molecules through cracking, reforming, government regulation, availability of capital, and
and other conversion processes, as discussed further slow growth. Although shipping of refined products
in this article. Figure 1 presents a typical scheme of a has been increasing over the years, a close connection
high-conversion refinery. remains between domestic markets and domestic
Oil Refining and Products 717

Gas plant
Gas Olefins

Gas from other units Alkylation

Lt Naph
crude H2
distillation Hydrotreater Aromatic
Hv Naph Gasoline

Kerosene Kerosene

Crude oil ATM Gas oil Fuel oils


Vac Cat cracker

Gas oil

Lube To lube plant

Vacuum Asphalt To asphalt blowing



FIGURE 1 Schematic diagram of a high-conversion refinery. Cat cracker, catalytic cracker; Hv Naph, heavy naphtha; Lt
Naph, light naphtha; LPG, liquefied petroleum gas; Vac gas oil, vacuum gas oil; ATM gas oil, atmospheric gas oil.

production. This explains the large differences in small amounts of organic compounds of sulfur,
refinery schemes from one country to another and oxygen, and nitrogen, in addition to small amounts
from one region to another. of metallic compounds of vanadium, nickel, and
sodium. Although the concentration of nonhydrocar-
bon compounds is very small, their influence on
2. CRUDE OIL AND PRODUCTS catalytic petroleum processing is large. There are a
large number of individual components in a specific
2.1 Type and Composition of Crude Oils
crude oil, reaching approximately 350 hydrocarbons
Crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbon compounds and approximately 200 sulfur compounds. A specific
such as paraffins, naphthenes, and aromatics plus crude oil can comprise a very large number of
718 Oil Refining and Products

TABLE I proportions of gasoline and light petroleum pro-

Regional Distribution of Refining Operations Worldwide ducts; those with high carbon, low hydrogen, and
low API gravities are usually rich in aromatics.
Regional capacity Crude oils can be classified in many different
ways, generally based on their density (API), sulfur
Region No. of refineries million barrels/day %
content, and hydrocarbon composition. Condensate
North America 160 20.3 24.8 ranks highest, with densities reaching more than 501
South America 69 6.7 8.2 API, whereas densities of heavy crudes may reach as
Western Europe 105 14.6 17.8 low as 101 API. In general, refinery crude base stocks
Eastern Europe 95 10.6 12.9 consist of mixtures of two or more different crude
Asia 202 20.2 24.7 oils. There are more than 600 different commercial
Middle East 46 6.3 7.7 crude oils traded worldwide. In 2002, world oil
Africa 45 3.2 3.9 production reached 66 million barrels/day, 40% of
Total 722 81.9 100 which is produced by members of the Organization
of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Despite all energy
alternatives, crude oil will remain the world’s
primary energy source, constituting approximately
TABLE II 40% of world energy up to the year 2020.
World Refining Processes and Their Share of Crude Oil Capacity

Capacity (million % of crude

2.2 Crude Oil Processing
Process barrels/day) capacity As a first step in the refining process, water, inorganic
Vacuum distillation 26.7 32.6 salts, suspended solids, and water-soluble trace metal
Coking 4.2 5.1 contaminants are removed by desalting using chemi-
Visbreaking 3.7 4.5 cal or electrostatic separation. This process is usually
Catalytic cracking 14.2 17.3 considered a part of the crude distillation unit. The
Naphtha reforming 11.2 13.7 desalted crude is continuously drawn from the top of
Hydrocracking 4.4 5.4 the settling tanks and sent to the crude fractionation
Hydrotreating 38.4 46.9 unit. Distillation of crude oil into straight-run cuts
Alkylation 1.9 2.3 occurs in atmospheric and vacuum towers. The main
Polymerization 0.2 0.2 fractions obtained have specific boiling-point ranges
Aromatics production 1.2 1.5 and can be classified in order of decreasing volatility
Isomerization 1.5 1.8 into gases, light distillates, middle distillates, gas oils,
Oxygenates 0.3 0.4 and residue. The composition of the products is
directly related to the characteristics of the crude
processed. Desalted crude is processed in a vertical
distillation column at pressures slightly above atmo-
compounds that are not easily identifiable or quanti- spheric and at temperatures ranging from 345 to
fiable. Most of these compounds have a carbon 3701C (heating above these temperatures may cause
number less than 16 and these form a relatively high undesirable thermal cracking). In order to further
proportion of crude oil. distill the residue from atmospheric distillation at
The elemental composition of crude oils depends higher temperatures, reduced pressure is required to
on the type and origin of the crude; however, these prevent thermal cracking. Vacuum distillation re-
elements vary within narrow limits. The proportions sembles atmospheric distillation except that larger
of these elements in a typical crude are 84.5% diameter columns are used to maintain comparable
carbon, 13% hydrogen, 1–3% sulfur, and less than vapor velocities at the reduced pressures.
1% each of nitrogen, oxygen, metals, and salts. The
physical properties of crude oils vary within a wide
2.3 Transportation Fuels
range. Crude oils are defined in terms of API
(American Petroleum Institute) gravity: the higher Major oil products are mainly transportation fuels
the API gravity, the lighter the crude. Crude oils with that represent approximately 52% of total world-
low carbon, high hydrogen, and high API gravity are wide oil consumption. Gasoline and diesel are the
usually rich in paraffins and tend to yield greater main concern, along with a large number of special
Oil Refining and Products 719

petroleum-based products. Crude oil type and refin- portant qualities for gasoline are octane number
ing configuration determine the quantity and quality (antiknock), volatility (starting and vapor lock),
of oil products. Tables III and IV present some vapor pressure, and sulfur content (environmental
typical data on the volume of atmospheric distillate control). Additives are often used to enhance gasoline
cuts and refined products derived from the processing performance and to provide protection against
of Arabian light crude oil. For example, approxi- oxidation and rust formation. Table V presents some
mately 80–85 vol% of the refined products produced typical data for current and future specifications for
in a medium-type conversion refinery have a boiling gasoline in Europe.
temperature lower than 3451C compared to an
amount of 55 vol% found in Arabian crude oil (see 2.3.2 Diesel Fuel
Tables III and IV). Almost half of the products are Diesel fuel is usually second in volume next to
gasoline and lighter distillates. The demand for gasoline. Diesel blend consists of cuts from atmo-
transportation fuels and petrochemical feedstocks spheric distillation, hydrocracking, FCC light cycle oil,
has been increasing steadily compared to the and some products obtained from visbreaking and
decreasing demand for heating fuels and residual coking. The main property of diesel fuel for auto-
fuel oil, which are being replaced by natural gas. motive engine combustion is cetane number, which is a
measure of engine start-up and combustion. Diesel fuel
2.3.1 Gasoline and domestic heating oils have boiling point ranges of
Motor gasoline is the highest volume refinery approximately 200–3701C. The desired properties of
product, having a mixture of hydrocarbons with these distillate fuels include controlled flash and pour
boiling points ranging from ambient temperature to points, clean burning, and no deposit formation in
approximately 2051C. It flows easily, spreads quickly, storage tanks. Sulfur reduction and cetane improve-
and may evaporate completely in a few hours under ment have been extensively investigated to produce
temperate conditions. It is highly volatile and ultralow-sulfur diesel (ULSD). Meeting future specifi-
flammable. Gasoline is made up of different refinery cations for ULSD of 10–15 ppm sulfur will require
streams, mainly straight-run naphtha, isomerized significant hydrotreating investment. Table VI presents
C5/C6 paraffins, reformate, hydrocracking, fluid some typical data for current and future specifications
catalytic cracking (FCC) gasoline, oligomerate, alky- for diesel fuel in Europe.
late, and ethers. The most environmentally friendly
gasoline comes from branched paraffins. The im- 2.3.3 Jet Fuel (Kerosene)
Jet fuel is the third most important transportation fuel.
It is a middle-distillate product that is used for jets
Atmospheric Distillates Derived from Arabian Light Crude Oil (commercial and military) and is used around the
world in cooking and heating (kerosene). When used
Product name Boiling point (1C) Volume (%)
as a jet fuel, some of the critical qualities are freeze
Light naphtha 10–90 8
Heavy naphtha 90–200 21
Kerosene 200–260 11 TABLE V
Gas oil 260–345 15 Current and Future Specifications for Gasoline
Residue 345 þ 45

TABLE IV Specificationa 2000 2005

Typical Refined Products Derived from Arabian Light Crude Oil Sulfur (ppm) 150 30–50
(Medium-Conversion Refinery)
Benzene content (vol%, maximum) 1 1
Product name Carbon no. Boiling point (1C) Volume (%) Aromatics (vol%, maximum) 42 35
Olefins (vol%, maximum) 18 15
Gases 1–4 40–40 5 Oxygen (wt%, maximum) 2.7 2.3
Gasoline 5–10 40–200 45 RVP (kPa) 60 50
Kerosene/jet 10–16 150–260 5 RON/MON (minimum) 95/85 95/85
Fuel oil 20–70 200–345 25
Residue 470 4345 20 RVP, Reid vapor pressure; RON, research octane number;
MON, motor octane number.
720 Oil Refining and Products

TABLE VI Residual fuels are difficult to pump and may be

Current and Future Specifications for Diesel Fuel heavier than water; they are also difficult to disperse
and are likely to form tar balls, lumps, and
Year emulsions. Many marine vessels, power plants,
commercial buildings, and industrial facilities use
Specification 2000 2005 residual fuels or combinations of residual and
Sulfur (ppm) 350 50 distillate fuels for heating and processing. The two
Specific gravity (maximum) 0.845 0.825 most critical properties of residual fuels are viscosity
API (minimum) 36 40 and low sulfur content for environmental control.
Cetane number 51 54
Distillation T95 (1C, maximum) 360 360
2.4.4 Coke and Asphalt
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 11 1
Petroleum coke is produced in coking units and is
(PAH wt%, maximum) almost pure carbon with a variety of uses from
electrodes to charcoal briquets. Asphalt is a semisolid
material produced from vacuum distillation and is
point, flash point, and smoke point. Commercial jet classified into various commercial grades. It is used
fuel has a boiling point range of approximately 190– mainly for paving roads and roofing materials.
2751C and that of military jet fuel is 55–2851C.
Kerosene, with less critical specifications, is used for 2.4.5 Lubricants
lighting, heating, solvents, and blending into diesel Vacuum distillation and special refining processes
fuel. n-Paraffins in the range C12–C14 may be extracted produce lube-oil base stocks. Additives such as
from kerosene for use in the production of detergents. antioxidants and viscosity enhancers are blended
into the base stocks to provide the characteristics
required for motor oils, industrial greases, lubricants,
2.4 Other Oil Products and cutting oils. The most critical quality is a high
viscosity index, which provides for greater consis-
2.4.1 Refinery Gases tency under varying temperatures.
Refinery gases are the lightest hydrocarbons contain-
ing a mixture of gases from methane to liquefied
petroleum gas (LPG) and some pentanes. The gases 3. LIGHT OIL PROCESSING
are processed to separate LPG, which consists
principally of propane and butane. Other refinery 3.1 Catalytic Naphtha Reforming
gases include lighter paraffins, unsaturates, and Catalytic naphtha reforming combines a catalyst,
hydrogen sulfide. LPG is used as fuel and as an hardware, and processing to produce high-octane
intermediate in the manufacture of olefins and selected reformate for gasoline blending or BTX aromatics
petrochemical feedstocks. Butanes are also used in the for petrochemical feedstocks. Reformers are also the
manufacture of ethers and to adjust the vapor pressure source of much needed hydrogen for hydroproces-
of gasoline. LPG is also used in transportation and in sing operations. Reforming reactions comprise crack-
domestic and household applications. ing, polymerization, dehydrogenation, and
isomerization, which take place simultaneously.
2.4.2 Petrochemical Feedstocks Universal Oil Products (UOP) and Axens-Institut
Light olefins from FCC and benzene, toluene, xylenes Français du Pétrole (IFP) are the two major licensors
(BTX) aromatics from naphtha reforming are the and catalyst suppliers for catalytic naphtha reform-
main petrochemical feedstocks derived from refi- ing. Reforming processes differ in the mode of
neries. These products are the basis for integrating operation [semiregenerative or continuous catalyst
refining and petrochemical operations. Olefins in- regenerative (CCR)], catalyst type, and process
clude propylene and butanes, whereas benzene and engineering design. All licensors agree on the
xylenes are precursors for many valuable chemicals necessity of hydrotreating the feed to remove
and intermediates, such as styrene and polyesters. permanent reforming catalyst poisons and to reduce
the temporary catalyst poisons to low levels. There
2.4.3 Residual Fuel Oil are more than 700 reformers worldwide, with a total
Residual fuel oil is the least valuable of the refiner’s capacity of approximately 11.2 million barrels/day.
products, selling at a price below that of crude oil. Approximately 40% of this capacity is located in
Oil Refining and Products 721

North America, followed by 20% each in Western compounds and are composed of a base support
Europe and Asia-Pacific regions. material (usually chlorided alumina) on which
platinum metal was placed. These catalysts were
3.1.1 Reforming Processes capable of producing high-octane products; however,
Reforming processes are generally classified into because they quickly deactivated as a result of coke
semiregenerative, cyclic, and CCR. This classification formation, they required high-pressure, low-octane
is based on the frequency and mode of regeneration. operations. In the early 1970s, bimetallic catalysts
The semiregenerative process requires unit shutdown were introduced to meet increasing severity require-
for catalyst regeneration, whereas the cyclic process ments. Platinum and another metal (often rhenium,
utilizes a swing reactor for regeneration in addition tin, or iridium) account for most commercial
to regular reactors. The continuous process permits bimetallic reforming catalysts. The catalyst is most
catalyst replacement during normal operation. Glob- often presented as 1/16, 1/8, or 1/4 in. Al2O3
ally, the semiregenerative scheme dominates reform- cylindrical extrudates or beads, into which platinum
ing capacity at approximately 57%, followed by the and other metal have been deposited. In commercial
continuous regenerative process at 27% and the catalysts, platinum concentration ranges between 0.3
cyclic process at 11%. Most grassroots reformers are and 0.7 wt% and chloride is added (0.1–1.0 wt%) to
designed to use continuous catalyst regeneration. the alumina support (Z or g) to provide acidity.
The semiregenerative process is a conventional
reforming process that operates continuously over a
period of up to 1 year. Conversion is kept more or less
3.2 Isomerization
constant by raising the reactor temperatures as catalyst Isomerization is an intermediate, fed preparation-type
activity declines. The cyclic process typically uses five process. There are more than 200 units worldwide,
or six fixed catalyst beds, similar to the semiregenera- with a processing capacity of 1.5 million barrels/day
tive process, with one additional swing reactor, which of light paraffins. Two types of units exist: C4
is a spare reactor. CCR is characterized by high isomerization and C5/C6 isomerization. A C4 unit
catalyst activity with reduced catalyst requirements, will convert normal butane into isobutane, to provide
more uniform reformate of higher aromatic content, additional feedstock for alkylation units, whereas a
and high hydrogen purity. Figure 2 presents a sche- C5/C6 unit will isomerize mixtures of C5/C6 paraffins,
matic diagram of a CCR process. The continuous pro- saturate benzene, and remove naphtenes.
cess represents a step change in reforming technology Isomerization is similar to catalytic reforming in
compared to semiregenerative and cyclic processes. that the hydrocarbon molecules are rearranged, but
unlike catalytic reforming, isomerization just con-
3.1.2 Reforming Catalysts verts normal paraffins to isoparaffins. The greater
Since the 1950s, commercial reforming catalysts value of branched paraffins over straight paraffins is
have been essentially heterogeneous monometallic a result of their higher octane contribution. The

reactor Net H2-rich gas
Combined Net gas
feed compressor Fuel gas
Catalyst exchanger



Fire heaters Reformate

Naphtha feed
FIGURE 2 Flow scheme of a continuous catalyst regenerative naphtha reformer. LPG, liquefied petroleum gas.
722 Oil Refining and Products

formation of isobutane is a necessary step to produce before being successively depropanized, deisobuta-
alkylate gasoline or methyl tertiary butyl ether nized, and debutanized. The alkylate obtained from
(MTBE). The extent of paraffin isomerization is the deisobutanizer can then go directly to motor
limited by a temperature-dependent thermodynamic gasoline blending.
equilibrium. For these reactions, a more active
catalyst permits a lower reaction temperature and 3.3.2 Hydrofluoric Acid Process
that leads to higher equilibrium levels. Isomerization In a typical HF process, olefin and isobutane feedstock
of paraffins takes place under medium pressure are dried and fed to a combination reactor/settler
(typically 30 bar) in a hydrogen atmosphere. system. The process is operated at temperatures
C4 isomerization produces isobutane feedstock for attainable by cooling water and at higher pressures
alkylation. Platinum or another metal catalyst, to keep fluid in the liquid state. The reactor effluent
alumina chloride, is used for the higher temperature flows to a separating vessel, where the acid separates
processes. In a typical low-temperature process where from the hydrocarbons. The acid layer at the bottom
only aluminum chloride is used, the feed to the of the separating vessel is recycled. Propane with a
isomerization unit is n-butane or mixed butanes trace amount of HF goes to an HF stripper for HF
combined with hydrogen (to inhibit olefin formation). removal and is then defluorinated, treated, and sent to
C5/C6 isomerization increases the octane number of storage. Isobutane is recycled to the reactor/settler and
the light gasoline components n-pentane and n- the alkylate is sent to gasoline blending.
hexane, which are found in abundance in straight-
run gasoline. The basic C5/C6 isomerization process is
3.4 Etherification
essentially the same as butane isomerization.
Etherification results from the selective reaction of
methanol or ethanol to isobutene. The ether pro-
3.3 Alkylation
ducts, such as MTBE or other oxygenates, are used as
Alkylation is the process that produces gasoline- components in gasoline because of their high octane
range compounds from the combination of light C3– blending value. The refinery capacity of oxygenate
C5 olefins (mainly a mixture of propylene and units is approximately 266,000 barrels/day, with
butylene) with isobutene. The highly exothermic almost all units associated with alkylation processes.
reaction is carried out in the presence of a strong acid The exothermic reaction is conducted in liquid phase
catalyst, either sulfuric acid (H2SO4) or hydrofluoric at 85–901C over a highly acidic ion-exchange
acid (HF). The world alkylation capacity stands at polystyrene resin catalyst. The reaction is very rapid
1.9 million barrels/day and new grassroots units have and equilibrium is limited under typical reaction
been constructed in many refineries worldwide, conditions. A combination of catalytic distillation is
especially those with FCC units. The alkylate applied to remove the product as vapor, thereby
product is composed of a mixture of high-octane, driving the reaction to almost 100% conversion. The
branched-chain paraffinic hydrocarbons. Alkylate is etherification process is needed to supply oxygenates
a premium clean gasoline blend, with octane number to meet the specifications of reformulated gasoline
depending on the type of feedstocks and operating (minimum 2.7 wt% oxygenate content). In general,
conditions. Research efforts are directed toward the MTBE is the preferred oxygenate because of its low
development of environmentally acceptable solid production cost and convenient preparation route
superacids capable of replacing HF and H2SO4. relative to those of other ethers.
Much of the work is concentrated on sulfonated
zirconia catalysts.
3.5 Polymerization and Dimerization
3.3.1 Sulfuric Acid Process Catalytic polymerization and dimerization in petro-
In H2SO4-based alkylation units, the feedstock leum refining refer to the conversion of FCC light
(propylene, butylene, amylene, and fresh isobutane) olefins, such as ethylene, propylene, and butenes, into
enters the reactor and contacts the concentrated higher octane hydrocarbons for gasoline blending.
sulfuric acid catalyst (in concentrations of 85–95%). Polymerization combines two or more identical olefin
The reactor effluent is separated into hydrocarbon molecules to form a single molecule, with the same
and acid phases in a settler and the acid is returned to elements being present in the same proportions as in
the reactor. The hydrocarbon phase is hot water the original molecules. Light olefin feedstock is
washed with a caustic compound for pH control pretreated to remove sulfur and other undesirable
Oil Refining and Products 723

compounds. In the catalytic process, the feedstock than 14.2 million barrels/day. The process converts
either is passed over a solid phosphoric acid catalyst heavy feedstocks such as vacuum distillates, residues,
on silica or comes into contact with liquid phosphoric and deasphalted oil into lighter products that are rich
acid, where an exothermic polymeric reaction occurs. in olefins and aromatics. There are several commer-
Another process uses a homogenous catalyst system cial FCC processes that are employed in world
of aluminum-alkyl and a nickel coordination com- refineries with major differences in the method of
plex. The hydrocarbon phase is separated, stabilized, catalyst handling. FCC catalysts are typically solid
and fractionated into LPG and oligomers or dimers. acids of fine particles, especially zeolites (synthetic Y-
faujasite), aluminum silicate, treated clay (kaolin),
bauxite, and silica-alumina. Zeolite content in
4. HEAVY DISTILLATE PROCESSING commercial FCC catalysts is generally in the range
of 5–20 wt%, whereas the balance is a silica-alumina
4.1 Catalytic Hydrotreating amorphous matrix. Additives to the FCC process
make up no more than 5% of the catalyst and they
Catalytic hydrotreating is a hydrogenation process are basically used as octane enhancers, metal
used to remove approximately 90% of contaminants, passivators, and SOx reducing agents and are used
such as nitrogen, sulfur, oxygen, and metals, from in CO oxidation and for gasoline sulfur reduction.
liquid petroleum fractions. These contaminants, if The FCC unit comprises a reaction section,
not removed from the petroleum fractions as they product fractionation, and a regeneration section.
travel through the refinery processing units, can have In principle, the reactor (riser) and the regenerator
detrimental effects on the equipment, the catalysts, form the catalyst circulation unit in which the
and the quality of the finished product. In addition, fluidized catalyst is continuously circulated using
hydrotreating converts olefins and aromatics to air, oil vapors, and steam as the conveying media.
saturated compounds. World capacity of all types of Figure 3 presents a schematic of a typical FCC
hydrotreating stands at approximately 38.3 million process. The operating temperatures of the FCC unit
barrels/day. Hydrotreating is used to pretreat cataly- range from 500 to 5501C at low pressures. Hydro-
tic reformer feeds, saturate aromatics in naphtha, carbon feed temperatures range from 260 to 4251C,
desulfurize kerosene/jet and diesel, saturate aroma- whereas regenerator exit temperatures for hot
tics, and pretreat catalytic cracker feeds. It also catalyst range from 650 to 8151C. Several operating
includes heavy gas oil and residue hydrotreating as parameters, mainly temperature, affect overall con-
well as posthydrotreating of FCC naphtha. version and it is essential to determine which product
Hydrotreating for sulfur or nitrogen removal is slate is needed so that process conditions are appro-
called hydrodesulfurization or hydrodenitrogena- priately selected.
tion. Hydrotreating processes differ depending on
the feedstock available and the catalysts used. Mild 4.2.1 Reaction Section (Riser)
hydrotreating is used to remove sulfur and saturate A typical FCC unit involves mixing a preheated
olefins. More severe hydrotreating removes nitrogen hydrocarbon charge with hot, regenerated catalyst
and additional sulfur and saturates aromatics. In a as it enters the riser leading to the reactor. Major
typical catalytic hydrotreater unit, the feedstock is process variables are temperature, pressure, catalyst/
mixed with hydrogen, preheated in a fired heater oil ratio, and space velocity. Hydrocarbon feed is
(315–4251C), and then charged under pressure (up to combined with a recycle stream within the riser,
68 atm) through a fixed-bed catalytic reactor. In the vaporized, and raised to reactor temperature by
reactor, the sulfur and nitrogen compounds in the the hot regenerated catalyst. As the mixture moves
feedstock are converted into H2S and NH3. Hydro- up the riser, the charge is cracked at approximately
desulfurized products are blended or used as catalytic 110 kPa and the residence time is on the order of
reforming feedstock. Hydrotreating catalysts contain 1 s. In modern FCC units, almost all cracking
cobalt or molybdenum oxides supported on alumina occurs within the riser. The cracking continues until
and less often nickel and tungsten. the oil vapors are separated from the catalyst in the
reactor cyclones.
Cracking reactions are endothermic; the energy
4.2 Fluid Catalytic Cracking
balance is obtained by the burning of catalyst-
Catalytic cracking is the largest refining process for deposited coke in the regenerator. Both primary
gasoline production, with a global capacity of more and secondary reactions take place during catalytic
724 Oil Refining and Products


Flue gas


Spent Regenerator




VGO feed

FIGURE 3 Schematic diagram of fluid catalytic cracking process. VGO feed, vacuum gas oil feed.

cracking. Primary reactions are the result of the unit or petrochemical feedstock), an unsaturated gas
cracking of paraffins, alkyl naphthenes, and alkyl plant is generally considered a part of it.
aromatics. In general, all cracking reactions are
characterized by the production of appreciable 4.2.3 Regeneration Section
amounts of corresponding olefins. During the reac- Spent FCC catalyst is regenerated by burning off
tions, however, approximately 40% of the sulfur in deposited coke to carbon dioxide The catalyst flows
the FCC feed is converted to H2S, which is easily through the catalyst stripper to the regenerator,
removed. Much of the ongoing research is directed to where most of the coke deposits burn off in the
the removal of the remaining sulfur in FCC gasoline. presence of preheated air. The carbon content of the
regenerated catalyst is generally kept at the lowest
level to achieve selectivity benefits. Catalyst circula-
4.2.2 Product Fractionation tion and coke yield determine the temperature at
Cracked hydrocarbons are separated into various which the regenerator is operated. Maximum regen-
products. The resultant product stream from the erator temperatures are limited by mechanical
reaction section is charged to a fractionating column, specifications or sometimes by catalyst stability.
where it is separated into fractions, and some of the The temperature in the regenerator reaches almost
heavy oil is recycled to the riser. The main FCC 6501C due to the exothermic nature of coke-burning
products are LPG, the gasoline fraction, and light cycle reactions. Spent catalyst is continuously removed
oil. By-products include refinery gases, residue (slurry), and fresh catalyst is added as makeup to optimize the
and coke. Since the FCC unit is the major source of cracking process. This added catalyst is in effect the
olefins in the refinery (for the downstream alkylation main determinant of catalyst activity. The typical
Oil Refining and Products 725

catalyst makeup requirement is approximately 0.1 kg and platinum, or by a combination of molybdenum

per barrel of total feed. and tungsten. The conventional catalysts of catalytic
hydrocracking are made up of weak acid supports.
4.3 Hydrocracking These systems are more particularly used to produce
middle distillates of very good quality and also, if
Catalytic hydrocracking of heavy petroleum cuts is
their acidity is very weak, oil bases. Amorphous
an important process for the production of gasoline,
silica-aluminas serve as supports with low acidity.
jet fuel, and light gas oils. Some hydrocracking
These systems have a very good selectivity in middle
processes also allow the production of a highly
distillates and the products formed are of good
purified residue, which can be an excellent base for
quality. The low-acid catalysts among these can also
oils. The process employs high pressure, high
produce lubricant bases.
temperature, a catalyst, and hydrogen. In contrast
to FCC, the advantage of hydrocracking is that
middle distillates, jet fuels, and gas oils of very good 5. RESIDUAL OIL PROCESSING
quality are provided. In general, hydrocracking is
more effective in converting gas oils to lighter 5.1 Solvent Deasphalting
products, but it is more expensive to carry out.
Hydrocracking is used for feedstocks that are Solvent deasphalting (SDA) is a separation process
difficult to process by either catalytic cracking or that represents a further step in the minimization of
reforming, since these feedstocks are usually char- residual fuel. Figure 4 presents a schematic diagram
acterized by a high polycyclic aromatic content and/ of a typical SDA process. The process takes
or high concentrations of the two principal catalyst advantage of the fact that maltenes are more soluble
poisons, sulfur and nitrogen compounds. These in light paraffinic solvents than asphaltenes. This
feedstocks include heavy gas oils, FCC cycle oils, solubility increases with solvent molecular weight
deasphalted oil, and visbreaker or coke gas oil. The and decreases with temperature. There are con-
process depends largely on the nature of the feed- straints with respect to how deep an SDA unit can
stock and the relative rates of the two competing cut into the residue or how much deasphalted oil
reactions, hydrogenation and cracking. Heavy aro- (DAO) can be produced. These constraints are
matic feedstock is converted into lighter products related to the DAO quality specifications required
under a wide range of very high pressures (70– by downstream conversion units and the final high-
140 atm) and fairly high temperatures (400–8201C), sulfur residual fuel oil stability and quality.
in the presence of hydrogen and special catalysts. SDA has the advantage of being a relatively low-
cost process that has the flexibility to meet a wide
4.3.1 Hydrocracking Process range of DAO qualities. The process has very good
Hydrocracking is a two-stage process combining selectivity for asphaltenes and metals rejection, some
catalytic cracking and hydrogenation, wherein heavier selectivity for carbon rejection, and less selectivity for
feedstocks are cracked in the presence of hydrogen. sulfur and nitrogen. It is most suitable for the more
The reaction typically involves a reactor section, gas paraffinic vacuum residues as opposed to the high-
separator, scrubber for sulfur removal, and product asphaltene-, high-metal-, high-concarbon-containing
fractionator. The reactor section contains a multi- vacuum residues. The disadvantages of the process
catalyst bed that can be of the fixed-bed or ebullated- are that it performs no conversion, produces a very
bed type and some employ on-stream catalyst high viscosity by-product pitch, and where high-
addition and withdrawal to maintain catalyst activity. quality DAO is required, SDA is limited in the quality
of feedstock that can be economically processed.
4.3.2 Hydrocracking Catalysts
The catalysts used in hydrocracking are all of the
5.2 Visbreaking
bifunctional type, combining an acid function and a
hydrogenating function. The acid function is carried Visbreaking is the most widespread process for
by supports with a large surface area and having a noncatalytic mild conversion of residues, with a
superficial acidity, such as halogenated aluminas, world capacity of 3.7 million barrels/day. The
zeolites, amorphous silica-aluminas, and clays. The process is designed to reduce the viscosity of
hydrogenating function is carried either by one or atmospheric or vacuum residues by thermal crack-
more transition metals, such as iron, cobalt, nickel, ing. It produces 15–20% of atmospheric distillates
ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, with proportionate reduction in the production of
726 Oil Refining and Products

Recycled solvent


Deasphalted oil


Feed step

Stripping column

Flash column

Solvent drum Steam

Exchanger Steam
Deasphalted oil

Solvent makeup
Recycled solvent

Asphalt conditioning

FIGURE 4 Schematic diagram of a typical solvent deasphalting process.

residual fuel oil. Visbreaking reduces the quantity of thermal cracking schemes for residue upgrading in
cutter stock required to meet fuel oil specifications many refineries, mainly in the United States. The
and, depending on fuel oil sulfur specifications, process provides essentially complete rejection of
typically reduces the overall quantity of fuel oil metals and concarbon while providing partial or
produced by 20%. In general, visbreakers are complete conversion to naphtha and diesel. World
typically used to produce vacuum residues. capacity of coking units is 4.2 million barrels/day
The process is available in two schemes: coil cracker (approximately 54% of this capacity is in U.S.
and soaker cracker. The coil cracker operates at high refineries) and total coke production is approxi-
temperatures during a short residence time of approxi- mately 172,000 tons/day. New cokers are designed to
mately 1 min. The soaker scheme uses a soaking drum minimize coke and produce a heavy coker gas oil that
at 30–401C at approximately 10–20 min residence is catalytically upgraded. The yield slate for a
time. The residue is rapidly heated in a furnace and delayed coker can be varied to meet a refiner’s
then cracked for a specific residence time in a soaking objectives through the selection of operating para-
zone under proper conditions of pressure and tem- meters. Coke yield and the conversion of heavy coker
perature. The soaking zone may be within the heater gas oil are reduced, as the operating pressure and
or in a separate adiabatic soaking drum. The cracked recycle are reduced and, to a lesser extent, as temp-
residue leaves the soaking zone after the desired degree erature is increased.
of reaction is reached and is quenched with gas oil
to stop the reaction and prevent coking.
5.4 Residue Hydrotreating and
Residue FCC
5.3 Coking
Refineries that have a substantial capacity for
Approximately 90% of coke production comes from visbreaking, solvent deasphalting, or coking are faced
delayed coking. The process is one of the preferred with large quantities of visbreaker tar, asphalt or
Oil Refining and Products 727

coke, respectively. These residues have high viscosity saturation of aromatics and olefins will accelerate the
and high organic sulfur content (4–6 wt%), with demand for hydrogen within the refinery. Catalytic
primary consequences reflected in the potential for naphtha reforming alone is not able to meet refinery
sulfur emissions and the design requirements for a hydrogen requirements. A survey on world refining
sulfur removal system. Sulfur content is also im- indicated that the capacity of supplementary refinery
portant from the standpoint of corrosion, which hydrogen, produced mainly by steam reforming of
requires proper selection of design materials and methane, reached 337 million m3/day (11,880 million
operating conditions. Other properties of residues ft3/day-MMcfd) in 2002 compared to 110 mil-
include their high heating value due to the high level lion m3/day in 1990. There is a growing recognition
of fixed carbon that results in a higher yield of syngas that there will be a significant future shortage of
per ton of residue processed. Moreover, residues have refinery hydrogen supply. Specific hydrogen produc-
low volatile matter and ash content as well as little to tion units, such as steam methane reformers or those
no oxygen content, resulting in low reactivity. carrying out partial oxidation of heavy residues, will
Residue hydrotreating is another method for have to be built.
reducing high-sulfur residual fuel oil yields. Atmo-
spheric and vacuum residue desulfurization units are 6.2 Residue Gasification
commonly operated to desulfurize the residue as a
The gasification of refinery residues into clean syngas
preparatory measure for feeding low-sulfur vacuum
provides an alternative route for the production of
gas-oil feed to cracking units (FCC and hydrocrack-
hydrogen and the generation of electricity in a
ers), low-sulfur residue feed to delayed coker units,
combined turbine and steam cycle. Compared to
and low-sulfur fuel oil to power stations. Two
steam-methane reforming, gasification of residues can
different types of processing units are used for the
be a viable process for refinery hydrogen production
direct hydrotreating of residues. These units are either
when natural gas price is in the range of $3.75–4.00/
a down-flow, trickle phase reactor system (fixed
million British thermal units (MMBtu). The largest
catalyst bed) or a liquid recycle and back-mixing
application of syngas production is in the generation
system (ebullating bed). Economics generally tend to
of electricity power by the integrated gasification
limit residue hydrotreating applications to feedstocks
combined cycle (IGCC) process. Consumption of
containing less than 250 ppm nickel and vanadium.
electricity in the modern conversion refinery is
Residue FCC (RFCC) is a well-established ap-
increasing and the need for additional power capacity
proach for converting a significant portion of the
is quite common, as is the need to replace old capacity.
heavier fractions of the crude barrel into a high-
The design of a residue gasification plant requires a
octane gasoline-blending component. In addition to
careful matching and integration of the various
high gasoline yields, the RFCC unit produces
process steps to ensure optimum performance of the
gaseous, distillate, and fuel oil-range products. The
whole system. In general, the IGCC plant consists of
RFCC unit’s product quality is directly affected by its
several steps: gasification, gas desulfurization, and a
feedstock quality. In particular, unlike hydrotreating,
combined cycle. The technologies of the gasification
RFCC redistributes sulfur, but does not remove it
and the combined cycle are well known; the innova-
from the products. Consequently, tightening product
tion, however, is their integration in order to
specifications have forced refiners to hydrotreat
maximize the overall IGCC efficiency.
some, or all, of the RFCC’s products. Similarly, in
the future, the SOx emissions from an RFCC may
6.3 Aromatics Extraction
become more of an obstacle for residue conversion
projects. For these reasons, a point can be reached BTX aromatics are high-value petrochemical feed-
where the RFCC’s profitability can economically stocks produced by catalytic naphtha reforming and
justify hydrotreating the RFCC’s feedstock. extracted from the reformate stream. Whether or not
other aromatics are recovered, it is sometimes
necessary to remove benzene from the reformate in
order to meet mandated specifications on gasoline
composition. Aromatics production in refineries
6.1 Hydrogen Production
reached 1.2 million barrels/day in 2002. Most new
Refineries are experiencing a substantial increase in aromatic complexes are configured to maximize the
hydrogen requirements to improve product quality yield of benzene and paraxylene and sometimes
and process heavy sour crudes. Hydroprocessing and orthoxylene. The solvents used in the extraction of
728 Oil Refining and Products

aromatics include dimethylfrmamide, formylmorpho- amine (DEA), methyl diethanol amine (MDEA)]. The
line, dimethylsulfoxide, sulfolane, and ethylene glycols. stripped gas or liquid is removed overhead and the
amine is sent to a regenerator. In the regenerator, the
6.4 Sweetening acidic components are stripped by heat and reboiling
and are disposed of, and the amine is recycled.
Sweetening is the removal of contaminants such as
organic compounds containing sulfur, nitrogen, and
oxygen; dissolved metals and inorganic salts; and
soluble salts dissolved in emulsified water from
petroleum fractions or streams. A variety of inter- FUTURE ISSUES
mediate and finished products, including middle
distillates, gasoline, kerosene, jet fuel, and sour gases, 7.1 Environmental Issues
are sweetened. Treating can be accomplished at an Refiners are faced with many environmental, econom-
intermediate stage in the refining process or just before ic, and operational issues. Environmental legislation is
the finished product is sent to storage. Choices of a a growing concern, driving changes in product specifi-
treating method depend on the nature of the petroleum cations, product markets, and refinery operating prac-
fractions, the amount and type of impurities in the tices. Strict product quality specifications and severe
fractions to be treated, the extent to which the process emission and discharge limits have economic impact
removes the impurities, and end-product specifica- on the average refiner. In the near future, the following
tions. Treatment materials include acids, solvents, environmental trends will continue to grow, but they
alkalis, oxidizing agents, and adsorption agents. will not create significant changes in oil consumption
patterns: (1) the production of clean transportation
6.5 Sulfur Recovery fuels according to new specifications and (2) refinery
operation within strict emissions regulations.
Sulfur recovery converts hydrogen sulfide in sour
The configuration of many refineries has changed
gases and hydrocarbon streams to elemental sulfur.
substantially, mainly due to the declining quality of
Total sulfur production in world refineries reached
crude oil supply and environmental regulations. In
approximately 64,000 tons/day in 2002 compared to
retrospect, refinery changes brought about by the
approximately 28,000 tons/day in 1996, correspond-
variations in crude supply and composition were
ing to a yearly growing recovery rate of 20%. In other
evolutionary, whereas environmental regulations were
words, in 2002 an average refinery recovered 0.8 kg
sulfur from one processed barrel of crude oil
compared to less than 0.4 kg sulfur recovered in
1996. This indicates the increasing severity of opera- 7.1.1 Clean Transportation Fuels
tions to meet stringent environmental requirements. Since 1990, government agencies have imposed
The most widely used sulfur recovery system is the strict environmental restrictions on transportation
Claus process, which uses both thermal and catalytic fuels to improve product quality specifications. Fuel
conversion reactions. A typical process produces reformulation is being discussed all over the world.
elemental sulfur by burning hydrogen sulfide under Automotive manufacturers are demanding lower
controlled conditions. Knockout pots are used to gasoline sulfur levels and lower driveability indices.
remove water and hydrocarbons from feed gas Refiners must improve air quality by delivering clean
streams. The gases are then exposed to a catalyst to products that minimize emissions of toxic and
recover additional sulfur. Sulfur vapor from burning hazardous hydrocarbons. Gasoline and diesel formu-
and conversion is condensed and recovered. lations have been already changed in many countries
and will change even more in the coming years.
Refining is faced with huge investments to meet
6.6 Acid Gas Removal
new stringent specifications for sulfur, aromatics, and
Amine plants remove acid contaminants from sour olefin content. Gasoline sulfur reduction is centered
gas and hydrocarbon streams. In amine plants, gas around the FCC unit employing feed pretreatment or
and liquid hydrocarbon streams containing carbon gasoline posttreatment. The reduced demand for
dioxide and/or hydrogen sulfide are charged to a gas ethers, such as MTBE in gasoline for oxygenate
absorption tower or liquid contactor, where the acid content, necessitates the utilization of branched
contaminants are absorbed by counterflow amine paraffin isomer products of alkylation and isomer-
solutions [i.e., monoethanol amine (MEA), diethanol ization. For diesel fuel, this means a sulfur content
Oil Refining and Products 729

less than 30 or even 15 ppm, an increase of the cetane such as the availability of a ready-made global
number, a reduction in polyaromatic content, and fueling infrastructure.
T95 point limitation. To fulfill all these legislative and The huge technological challenges associated with
regional requirements, refiners must either revamp the transfer to a hydrogen economy necessitate an
existing units or invest in new hydroprocessing and efficient and better use of hydrocarbon resources to
hydrogen production units. compete with renewable energy sources. Refiners
need to enhance and integrate their business with
7.1.2 Refinery Emissions chemical production and power generation. In the
Refiners must comply with various environmental long run, the refinery will produce not just fuels, but
regulations to reduce all types of pollutants in their also chemicals and electricity.
waste gas as well as wastewater systems. Most
concerns involve the emissions of SOx, NOx, CO,
hydrocarbons, and particulates. The oxides are SEE ALSO THE
present in flue gases from furnaces, boilers, and FOLLOWING ARTICLES
FCC regenerators. Tail gas treatment and selective
catalytic reduction units are being added to limit SO2 Coal Preparation  Oil and Natural Gas Drilling 
and NOx emissions. Water pollutants include oil, Oil and Natural Gas Exploration  Oil and Natural
phenol, sulfur, ammonia, chlorides, and heavy Gas: Offshore Operations  Oil Pipelines  Oil
metals. New biological processes can be used to Recovery  Petroleum System: Nature’s Distribution
convert H2S or SOx from gaseous and aqueous System for Oil and Gas
streams. Spent catalysts and sludges are also of
concern to the refinery in reducing pollution. Some Further Reading
spent FCC catalysts can be used in cement but other
Aitani, A. (1995). Reforming processes. In ‘‘Catalytic Naphtha
catalysts that contain heavy metals need special Reforming’’ (G. Antos et al., Eds.), pp. 409–436. Dekker,
treatment before proper disposal. New York.
Farrauto, R., and Bartholomew, C. (1997). ‘‘Fundamentals of
Industrial Catalytic Processes,’’ pp. 519–579. Blackie Academic
7.2 Future Refining Issues and Professional, London.
Gary, J., and Handwerk, G. (2001). ‘‘Petroleum Refining
World refining has been adapting to ongoing product Technology and Economics.’’ 4th ed. Dekker, New York.
changes and environmental challenges. Transporta- Heinrich, G. (1995). Introduction to refining. In ‘‘Petroleum
tion fuels with approximately free sulfur will be Refining’’ (J. P. Wauquier, Ed.), pp. 365–413. Editions Technip,
needed to satisfy the demand of the automotive
Hoffman, H. (1992). Petroleum and its products. In ‘‘Riegel’s
industry to reduce emissions from internal combus- Handbook of Industrial Chemistry’’ (J. Kent, Ed.), 9th ed.,
tion engines. There will be an increased demand for pp. 490–496. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
alkylate and isomerate gasoline as well as deep- Le Page, J. P., Chatila, S., and Davidson, M. (1992). ‘‘Resid and
desulfurized diesel. This will increase the hydrogen Heavy Oil Processing.’’ Editions Technip, Paris.
content in gasoline, enhance combustion, and reduce Maples, R. (2000). ‘‘Petroleum Refinery Process Economics.’’ 2nd
ed. PennWell Books, Tulsa, OK.
the levels of carbon dioxide emissions. Martino, G., and Wechem, H. (2002). ‘‘Current Status and Future
The introduction of fuel cells as a feasible way to Developments in Catalytic Technologies Related to Refining
fuel zero-emission vehicles is a major challenge to oil and Petrochemistry,’’ Review and Forecast Paper, 17th World
companies and refiners. Virtually every major auto- Petroleum Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 2002.
Meyers, R. (1997). ‘‘Handbook of Petroleum Refining Processes.’’
motive manufacturer has a fuel-cell program and
2nd ed. McGraw-Hill, New York.
most claim production readiness by 2005. Refiners Penning, T. (2001). ‘‘Petroleum Refining: A Look at the Future,
need to adapt to this technology in the future, Hydrocarbon Processing,’’ February, pp. 45–46.
especially regarding new fuels needed for fuel cells. Silvy, R. (2002). Global refining catalyst industry will achieve strong
Fuel-cell vehicles need hydrogen generated on-board recovery by 2005, Oil & Gas Journal, pp. 48–56. September 2,
or carried in either compressed or liquid form. The 2002.
Speight, J., and Ozum, B. (2002). ‘‘Petroleum Refining Processes.’’
latter calls for a global hydrogen infrastructure. The Dekker, New York.
use of hydrocarbons and specifically gasoline to Stell, J. (2002). Worldwide refining survey. Oil & Gas Journal,
generate hydrogen offers many economic advantages December 23, 2002, pp. 68–70.

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