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1. Zakat

2. Fasting

3. Prayer

4. The Day Of Judgement

5. Belief In Risalat

6. Tauheed

7. Jihad

8. Sharia Law

9. Ijtihad

10. Rights Of Minorities (Posted By Agha Zuhaib)

11. Islamic Social System

12. Judicial System Of Islam

13. Political System Of Islam

14. Rights Of The Citizens In Islamic State (Posted By Syeda Sabaht)

15. Purdah In Islam

16. Charity And Alms Giving (Posted By Syeda Sabaht)

17. Importance Of Hajj (Posted By Syeda Sabahat)

18. Women In Islam

19. Polygamy In Islam

20. Human Rights In Islam

21. Non-Muslims’ Rights In Islam



• Definition Of Zakat
• Zakat In The Light Of Quran And Hadith
• Objectives Of Zakat
i) Purification Of The Soul
ii) Help Of The Poor
iii) Support Of Islam
• Importance Of Zakat

Definition Of Zakat:

“And observe prayer, and pay the poor-rate and bow with those who bow.”
(Al-Baqara: 43)

The Arabic word Zakat means purity and cleanliness. The word Zakat is derived from word
“Tazkia”. In religious terminology, Zakat means that a Muslim who is in possession of certain
amount of wealth or more, is required by his religion to spend 1/40 of it at the end of year on the
poor, the needy and the wayfarer, an on such other items of charity and good doing, as are
prescribed for it by God and the Prophet.

Zakat In The Light Of Quran And Hadith:

Among the fundamental tenets of Islam Zakat occupies a great importance and it is the third
pillar of Islam. At several places in the Quran Zakat has been enjoined on Muslims side by side
with Namaz.

“Be steadfast in prayer and practice regular charity.”

The Holy Quran says:

“….those who spend their wealth

By night and by day,
Secretly and openly,
Therefore for them is their reward with their Lord.
And there is no fear on them,
Nor shall they grieve.
(Al-Baqara: 274)
And Again:
“The attribute of those who spend their wealth in God‟s way,
Is like the attribute of a grain,
Which grows into seven spikes,

In each spike a hundred grains;
And God multiplies it for whom He pleases;
For God is Vast, Knowing.”
(Al-Baqara: 261)

The Holy Quran says that those who give charity should not make show of it.

“O‟ ye who believe!
Render not void your charity,
By (show of) obligation and injury,
Like him who spends his wealth
For the sake of show of mankind,
And he does not believe in God ,
And the Future day,
His attribute is,
As the attribute of a smooth rock,
With some soil thereon,
Then it catches a heavy rain
Which then leaves it as bare stone;
Nothing which they earned is of any avail.”
(Al-Baqara: 264)

The Holy prophet said about the Zakat that:

“I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but
Allah, and they establish prayer and pay Zakat and if they do it, then blood and property
are guaranteed protection on my behalf and their affairs rest with Allah.” (Muslim)

If any Muslim refused to pay Zakat, an Islamic government was duty bound to punish him. In the
times of Caliph Abu Bakr some of the tribes refused to pay the poor-due. He declared war
against them:

“By Allah I would fight definitely against him who makes a distinction between the prayer
and Zakat.” (Muslim).
The above mentioned quotations from the Quran and the Hadith are sufficient to signify the
position of the poor-due in Islam. They make it abundantly clear that the edifice of Islam cannot
be raised without full regard to the poor-due. It was actually for this, that the poor-due was
included among the pillars of the Faith.

Objectives Of Zakat:

i) Purification Of The Soul:

Zakat relates to a person‟s individual capacity. The alms giver cleanses his heart from greed and
acquires fear of Allah. Allah has said:

“He shall be saved from Hell fire who is God fearing and who gives riches to others for the
purification of the soul.”
(Al-Lail: 17-18)

In this verse Zakat has been described as a means of purifying the soul. Holy Prophet has
proclaimed the Love of the world is the root of all the evils. Love for the world may have many
aspects but in essence it is one. Emancipation of the heart from temporal love is nothing but its
purification. If the poor due yields the freedom of the soul it proves that it has quality of
purifying the soul. Free from the love of worldly things, one strives to seek the pleasure of God
and the welfare of the After Life. He inclines more towards the pious deeds.

ii) Help Of The Poor:

The secondary objective of the poor-due is the help of the poor. it provides necessities to the
poor Muslims. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said:

“Verily, Allah has ordained the payment of Zakat on them (Muslim). It will be taken from
the rich and returned to the poor.” (Muslim)

It is true that the primary objective of the poor-due is the purification of the soul but it is equally
true that unless it serves the needs of the poor, its real purpose will remain unattained. This duty
can be done when the poor-due reach their hands. That is the reason why the Quran has regarded
the poor-due as a right of the poor on the affluent class of the society.

iii) Support Of Islam:

Muslims have been repeatedly exhorted in the Quran to this effect:

“And strive with your wealth and your live in the way of Allah.”

It is admitted on all the hands that the protection and support of religion is not an ordinary
matter. As such expending of personal wealth for this purpose has great importance. While
enjoining Holy War the Quran says:

“Spend your wealth in the cause of Allah and be not cast by your own hands to ruin.”
(Al-Baqara: 195)

It signifies that non-supply of funds for the protection and support of religion is tantamount to
inviting destruction both in this world and in the Hereafter. Something that offers protection
from destruction, both in this world and the After Life, can never be regarded as a matter of little

Importance Of Zakat:

Zakat is the backbone of economic system of Islam. The Holy Quran speaks Charity as next too
prayer in the series of worships and says that prayers without charity are useless.

“Woe to the prayer ones, who are unmindful of their prayers, who make a show of prayers
and withhold the acts of Charity.”

Zakat helps in amelioration of condition of the poor and to put in other words more clearly Zakat
gives economic security to the Muslim community and prevents the accumulation of wealth in a
few hands.

It is the duty of the rich to pay Zakat and right of the poor to receive Zakat. The rich shall
maintain the poor and the needy so that they may not beg, steal or sleep hungry. The institution
of Zakat aims at solution of the problem of destruction of wealth.

Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz used to say “prayer carries up half way to God, fasting brings
us to the door of His palace and alms procure us admission.” This is the importance of Zakat.


• Definition Of Fasting
• Significance Of Fasting
• Individual Benefits
i) Spiritual Benefits
ii) Physical Benefits
iii) Moral Benefits
• Collective Benefits
i) Social Benefits
ii) Economic Benefits
• Conclusion

Definition Of Fasting:

Saum (Fasting) is the fourth pillar of Islam. The word “Saum” means “to be at rest”. It implies
abstention which includes refraining from eating, drinking and sexual intercourse for a certain
period of time, generally from dawn to dusk.

The Holy Quran says:

“O‟ ye who believe!

Fasting is prescribed for you,
As it was prescribed for those who preceded you,
That you may be reverent:
For a certain number of days.
Then for anyone of you who is sick,
Or on journey
There is then the same number of other days.
And for those who find it hard to bear,
There is redemption by feeding the poor,
……the month of Ramzan is one,
In which, was sent down the Holy Quran,
A guidance for mankind.
…..then let him amongst you,
Who is present in this month fast therein.”
(Al-Baqara: 183-185)

Fasting is obligatory upon every Muslim adult (baligh) who is in possession of his sense (aaqil)
and who is fit physically (Qadir).

The month of Ramzan has been fixed for fasting-this month being the month of revelation of the
Holy Quran. The word „Ramzan‟ has been derived from “Ramz” meaning “to burn” (to burn
selfish desires). There are also many other fastings in addition to fasting during Ramzan, but the

Ramzan fasting is obligatory and is of the highest importance.

Significance Of Fasting:

The significance of fasting lies in the fact that it trains the minds of men and elevates their moral
aptitude. It restrains the passions but abstinence and thus the fast achieve control over his
physique and mind. It (Fast) restrains man from mean and selfish desires as well as worldly

Fasting is primarily a spiritual discipline aiming at Divine nearness. The Fasters are spiritual

“Whoever fasts during Ramzan having faith in Me and seeking My pleasure.”

“Fasting is a shield, so the faster should not indulge in foul speech and surely the breath of
a fasting man is pleasanter to Allah than the odour of musk.” (Holy Prophet).

Finally, fasting inculcates uniformity ,in this types of institution throughout the Muslim world.
The poor and the rich become same in status in the Holy month of Ramzan, at least in the matter
of meal.

Individual Benefits Of Fasting:

i) Spiritual Benefits:

Fasting has immense spiritual value, for it is basically a spiritual exercise and discipline. It brings
man closer to God and removes all barriers between him and his Lord.

“O‟ ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you—so that you may fear Allah( and bring
your taqwa).” Al-Quran.
(Al-Baqara: 183)

The very purpose of fasting, in this verse of Quran, is described as the attainment of taqwa.
Believers are commanded to observe fasting in the month of Ramzan so that through it they may
be able to attain nearness to God. A fasting is observed for God. Only He knows whether a
person is fasting or not, it brings man very close to his Creator.

Fasting reminds one throughout the day that he is abstaining from food, drink and other pleasures
of life in obedience to the command of God. There in none to see and check whether he is eating
or drinking or enjoying other pleasures of life. He abstains from all these things with the full
knowledge that God is always with him and always sees and hears him doing everything, and
that nothing can be hidden from Him. Thus fasting develops a very strong sense of nearness and
closeness to God and of His presence everywhere.

ii) Physical Benefits:

Fasting also has a physical usefulness. During the course of fasting one improves health. “The

capacity of digestive organs improves. The better is the growth of man.” When the digestive
organs get rest during fasting, their power and strength for more work increases. During fasting
one bears the pangs of hunger and thirst and thus hardens life for any difficult time. The power
of resistance increases and one can face hardships smilingly.

iii) Ethical/Moral Benefits.

The ethical importance of fasting lies in this fact that one refrains not only from foul actions but
also from foul words. Hadith refers;

“The fasting is shield which saves from indulging in foul words and foul deeds.”

In the Holy month of Ramzan, the Muslims generally remain pure and try to pastime in pious
actions, pious thoughts and in pious association. Hadith refers when the month of Ramzan

“The doors of Heaven are opened and the doors of Hell are closed and the devils are put
into chains.”

The doors of Heaven are opened for them because they rise above the physical desires and
devote themselves to the service of Allah and of Humanity. The doors of Hell are closed for
them because they shun all evils which may lead them to Hell. The devils are chained because
they have conquered the lower passions which are an easy prey to the devils. The month of
Ramadan is suited “for spiritual advancement, for attaining nearness to God.”

Collective Benefits:

I) Social Benefits:

During the month of Ramadan, all Muslims rich and poor, gather in the mosques at the time of
iftari and additional tarawih prayer at night. In fact, it is a time of great festivities in the mosques.
They feel, experience and see brotherhood in practice in the mosques every day during this

Fasting has a great social impact when all Muslims, rich and poor, from every walk of life, fast
together. They come together in large number for iftari and for tarawih prayers in the mosques
and sit together. It helps to bring them closer to each other, thrilled and filled with sentiments of
love and brotherhood.

At the end of Ramadan, there is the festival of Eid-al-Fitr, when the Muslims gather together to
offer a two Rakat Eid Prayer as a token of gratitude and thanksgiving to their Lord for having
successfully completed the month of fasting. Ramadan and the festival of Eid will not benefit
Muslims unless they enable the poor members of the Muslims community to have enough money
to celebrate the Eid. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has laid great stress on the payment of Fitrana
before the celebration of Eid. He even told his followers that the non-payment of this poor-due
will render their fasting null and void.

In short, the month of Ramadan brings great economic benefits for the Muslim community
especially for the poor. it brings the Blessings of God in the form of wealth and food in the
homes of the poor people.

Economic Benefits:

Among other benefits, fasting has enormous economic benefits for the Muslims community.
During the month of Ramadan, the rich people spend very generously on the poor people to win
the pleasure of God. Their generosity and charity enable the poor section of the Muslim
community to receive sufficient funds during this month to meet their needs for at least a part of
the year.

Then people who, owing to sickness or old age, cannot fast, are asked to feed the poor in
compensation. Many rich people, who are sick or too old to fast, lavishly feed the poor people
during this month.

“For those who can do it but with hardship, is a ransom, the feeding of the one that is in
need; But he that will give more, of his own free will, it is better of him.”
(Al-Baqara: 184)


The purpose of fasting is manifold. Allah mentioned in the Holy Quran, that the fasting is
prescribed for the believers as it was prescribed for the people before them, so that they may
acquire self-control and God-consciousness. Therefore, the purpose of the fasting is to develop
God-consciousness, self-control, improvement of health by reducing or eliminating impurities
from the body, and to become aware of the plight of the poor, hungry, and the sick. Ramadan is a
month of spiritual consciousness and high sense of social responsibility. The fulfilment of one‟s
obligations during the month is rewarded by 70 times.



• Introduction/Philosophy Of Salaat
• Importance Of Salaat In The Light Of The Quran And Hadith
• Benefits Of Salaat
a) Individual Benefits
b) Collective Benefits
i) Social Organization And Social Discipline
ii) Mosque As Community Centre
iii) Mutual Cooperation And Help
iv) Equality And Brotherhood
v) Training In Jihad (Holy War)
vi) Respect For The Rights Of Others
vii) Tolerance
viii) Unity

Introduction—Philosophy Of Prayer:

“And keep up the prayer; it restrains from the indecency and evil.”
(Al-Ankabut: 45)

This word as used in the Holy Quran is formed from the word „Salat‟ and „Tasliat‟ and in the
Arabic dictionary it means “To pray.” But in Islamic terminology it conveys the way of
expressing worship by man to his real Creator and object of worship in the special manner taught
by God to the people by His Apostles.

Prayer is the first and foremost duty of every Muslim and Quran Majeed repeatedly urges that
every Muslim should perform this duty. Ti is obligatory for five time a day. Salat id the practical
proof of our faith in Allah and Islam.

Importance of Prayer In the Light Of Quran And Hadith.

Prayer is vital in Islam. Quran has repeatedly emphasized this point.

“And keep up the prayer, give the stated alms and bow with those who bow.”
(Al-Baqara: 43)

“And keep up the prayer: It restrains from indecency and evil.”

(Al-Ankbut: 45)

“And keep up the prayer………….”
(An-Nur: 56)

“Keep up the prayer; give the stated alms: hold strongly to the cord of faith in Allah.”
(Al-Hajj: 78)

“And seek help (of God) with perseverance and prayer.”

(Al-Baqara: 45)

“O‟ ye who believe! Strengthen yourselves with perseverance and prayer.”

(Al-Baqara: 153)

“He all of you attentive toward Allah (Him) and reverence Him; And keep up the prayer.”
(Ar-Rum: 31)

Unless a man performs his prayer regularly, he cannot be a true Muslim. According to Dr.
Hakim Islam considers prayer to be the dividing line between belief and unbelief. Islamic prayer
is purified of all low and irrational elements and prescribed as a great help in building up of
character by remembering God. Prayer is remembrance of God by man. It is a communion
between God and man—an interaction between the Divinity within and the Divinity overhead.
Prayer is a means of spiritual illumination and its aim is to know God and seek His help in man‟s

The Holy Prophet says:

“He whom this prayer does not save from what is obscene and evil; will recede away from

Holy Prophet (PBUH) regarded prayer as the noblest of all devotions. It has been rightly said
„prayer is an index to ethical culture.‟ The Holy Quran says:

“Successful indeed are the believers, who are humble in their prayers.”
(Al-Mu‟minum: 1-2)

Benefits Of Salat:

Personal Benefits:

i) Prayers keep this observation fresh in the minds of individuals that a man is not sovereign but

sub-ordinate to the creator of the universe.
ii) Prayer develops a sense of responsibility in man.
iii) Prayers are the means of distinguishing between those who have a sense of responsibility or
who have not.
iv) It creates a complete system of though by which a virtuous character is developed.
v) Prayers develop a practical sense enabling a person to take decision on a course of action with
firm belief.
vi) Prayers bring a man nearer to God. There is no better means of achieving bliss about which it
has been said,

“Prayers are the zenith of believers.”

vii) Prayers are the means of purifying heart and developing the soul.

Mutual/Collective Benefits:

i) Social Organization And Social Discipline:

Prayers not only help in building individual character but also in establishing a community
structure and spirit. Daily Prayers keep the flame of this spirit going. This is why prayer in
congregation is made obligatory. The gathering of believers in mosque five time is the basis of
community organization of the Millat-i-Islamia. Prayer is discipline more strict than he army but
without any coercion. It is a voluntary discipline imposed to win the pleasure of God.

ii) Mosque As Community Centre:

When Muslims meet together in mosque for prayer, they feel and share one another‟s‟ problems
and sufferings. They get the opportunity to know their brethren more closely and acquaint them
of their needs and problems. This fraternity promotes sincerity, brotherhood, honesty,
willingness to hep and piety amongst them.

iii) Mutual Cooperation And Help:

This regular assembly for daily prayer also provides opportunities for cooperation. People of
different social and economic status meet one another in the mosque and learn eachother‟s
problems. In Islamic tradition, they will learn and cater for the needs of those in difficulty and

iv) Equity And Brotherhood:

Prayers in the congregation are the training in brotherhood, equality and fraternity. During
prayer, all Muslims stand in prayer their God as equals. There is no distinction between the rich
and the poor, the white and the black, the Arab and the non-Arab, they all stand in rows to offer
their prayer to God.

v) Training in Jihad (Holy War):

There seems to be a close relationship between prayer and jihad. Any army must possess
discipline to achieve any marked battle success. For without discipline the army spirit will
disintegrate. Islam offers prayer as a training for discipline even in Holy War.

vi) Respect For The Rights Of Others:

Prayer also teaches respect for other people and their rights. The believers go to the mosque
regularly five times daily and meet all types of people who gather there for prayers. They stand
together shoulder to shoulder like a solid cemented structure and present a striking example of
discipline, cohesion and affection. This develops in them love and respect for other people and
their rights.

vii) Tolerance:

True believers also become tolerant through the daily routine of prayer. They have to prepare for
prayer, perform ablution and then join other believers in the mosque for prayer. It needs a lot of
endurance to stick to this rigorous discipline everyday all the year round. It also enables an
individual to endure and tolerate the hardship and sufferings he has to undergo in his life.

viii) Unity:

Prayer is the strength behind unity. The establishment of unity is the greatest social ideal of
Islam. It unites men of different languages, ethnic groups, colours, and nationalities. When they
hear the call of the Muezzin, they all gather together as brothers for prayer. It is, in fact, the most
vital and effective way of uniting believers into one solid block.

The Day Of Judgement

• Meaning Of The Judgement Day

• Islamic Concept Of Life Hereafter
• Signs Of The Day Of Resurrection
• Importance Of This Faith

Meaning Of The Judgement Day:

The judgement day is the appointed time, when the whole mankind and Jinn will be raised after
death, and judged by Allah according to His Law, which has been contained in His Holy Books.
The fortunate persons among mankind and Jinn who succeed on that Day, will enter Allah‟s
paradise, while the unfortunate ones will be thrown into Hell.

The Islamic Concept Of Hereafter:

Belief in life hereafter is the third basic postulate of Islam. The world according to Islam, is a
place of trial and man is being judged in it. he will have to give account of all that he does
herein. Life on this earth will, one day, come to an end, and after death a new world will be
resurrected. It will be in this life after death that man will be rewarded or punished for his deeds
and misdeeds. Those who live in the present world a life of obedience to the Lord will enjoy
eternal bliss in the hereafter while those who disobey His commands will have to garner the
bitter fruits of their disobedience.

The Holy Quran sys:

“Towards Him is the return of you all,

The promise of God is sure fact,
Surely he originates and make,
Then He causes it to return again,
In order that He may reward
Those who believe and do good with justice;
And as to those who choose disbelief,
There is for them a boiling water and a painful agony,
On account of what they disbelieved.”
(Younus: 4)

And again:

“And naught is the life of this world,

But a play thing and vanity,

And certainly the future home
Is better for those who practice reverence.
Do you not understand it then?”
(Al-An‟am: 32)

The appearance of the „Last Day‟ has been vouchsafed by God in the following verse.

“And those who are given knowledge and faith, will say, certainly tarried according to the
ordinance of Allah till the Day of Judgement, so this is the day of Resurrection but you did
not know.”
(Ar-Rum: 56)

Signs OF The Day OF Judgement:

The day of Judgement is known to God alone, and no one else is entitled to receive any hint
about this secret. The following signs will precede the Day of Reckoning.

i) Disbelief among man.

ii) Spread of sensuality among men.
iii) Sedition and tumults
iv) Great distress in the world
v) Rising of sun in the west
vi) A monster will emerge from Mount Safa
vii) Coming of Dajjal, who will be slain by God through the hand of Jesus
viii) A smoke will fill the whole earth
ix) Three eclipse of Moon
x) Coming of Al-Mehdi.

As regards the future existence the Holy Quran speaks in following manner,

“And that which comes after (al-Akhirat) is certainly much better for thee than which has
gone before.”
(Ad-Dhuha: 4)

Importance Of The Faith:

This faith is not without effect rather it has a great effect in moulding human character. It
awakens in man the sense of a higher life, and thus makes his life more useful. The man who
sincerely believes in future life shall try his best to lead his life honestly in this world, so that he
may attain the higher life in the next world. The faith in future life implies that every action,
however, secretly it be done, must have its fruit and therefore this belief serves both as a impetus
to the good and noble deeds and restraint upon evils. This faith leads man to the right path and
prevents him from evils. The faith in future existence awakens the sense of moral responsibility,

while disbelief in it weakens this sense. Thus, the faith in future life is a great means of
establishing peace and order in the world.

Secondly, this faith teaches us with that human life has an aim and this aim is to attain a higher
life after death, which can be achieved only by good deeds and actions done in this world. Lastly,
this faith serves as a great source of consolation to the disappointed and distressed who believe
that they will be allowed to attain the higher life after death which is the aim of every human

As regards future the Holy Quran speaks in the following terms;

“Fear Allah and ye know ye have to go to Allah. If ye die ye will get eternal life (while to
battle in the cause of religion and truth). Whatever ye give in charity ye will get full
compensation and ye will not be tormented (in life hereafter)”

It means that the importance of this is expressed in the Holy Quran itself.

Belief In Risalat

• Definition Of Nabi
• Proofs From the Quran And Hadith
• Conclusion

Definition Of Nabi:

The word Prophet or Nabi means “An ambassador between Allah and the rational being
from amongst creatures.” Thus the second part of the Kalima, signifies that God has not left
man without guidance for the conduct of his life. He has revealed His commands through His
prophets. Thus, in Islamic teachings Risalat means transmitting or reaching the commandment of
Allah revealed to a chosen by Him to the Creature of God. These commandments and percept
may be in the form of a verbal message or practice of a prophet and these are to be conveyed to
people by an Apostle, this is called Risalat or Prophethood.

The belief in the finality of Prophethood bears as much importance as other convictions of faith,
because without verbal acceptance and inner conviction of this faith no one enters the fold of

Proofs From The Quran And Hadith:

The Holy Quran says:

“Mohammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger of Allah, and
the seal of the Prophets, and Allah is aware of all things.”
(Al-Ahzab: 40)

The second basic postulate of Islam is to believe in the Prophethood of Muhammad and to accept
the religion presented by him, and to follow his commands.

The Holy Quran says:

“O‟ thou Prophet!

We have surely sent thee as a
witness and as bringer of
glad tidings and as a warner.
And as one who summons towards
God with His commands and
as a light-giving sun.
and give glad tidings to the
faithful that for them is great

grace from God.”
(Al-Ahzab: 45-47)

The Muslims must have faith not in Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) alone but also in all other
prophets who appeared before Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). “Righteousness is this that one
should have faith in Allah; and the Last Day and the angels, the books and the prophets.” (Al-
Quran). All the prophets belong to one community and they were all raised for the same purpose
and their teachings were essentially the same.

Mohammad is the last prophet and as such the final model for mankind. To believe in him means
to accept his authority as representative of the Supreme Lord and follow his example in thought
and behaviour. Belief in him involves the acceptance of Sharia, the Path, he conveyed and
implement that in all walks of life. Thus the will of God is fulfilled on the earth.

The Quran said:

“Every Messenger who was sent by Us was sent for the purpose that he should be obeyed
under the sanction of Allah.”
(An-Nisa: 69)

And that for the last prophet it is explicitly stated that:

„Nay, O, Mohammad! By your Lord, They are not believer until they accept you the final
arbiter in all their disputes and submit your decision whole heartedly without headache.”
(An-Nisa: 65)

The test of acceptance in God and prophets lies in conducting all human affairs in accord with
the Law revealed by Allah.

“And those who do not make their decisions in accordance with that revealed by God, they
(in fact) are disbelievers.”
(Al-Ma‟ida: 44)

It was announced by Prophet (PBUH) that:

“I am the last messenger, there will be no messenger after me.”

Therefore, after the advent of the last Prophet, the message of Islam has come to its perfection.
There will be no prophet after as he was the seal of prophets.


Above stated facts prove that “Faith in the finality of prophet” has got fundamental value.
Together with faith in the oneness of God, it is imperative also to have faith that Muhammad
(PBUH) of all the prophets came in the last and God completed His Commands and messages
through him, and also that his Prophethood was not for a particular people, but he was chosen as
an Apostle for the entire world. The canons communicated through him are to last till Doomsday
and these percept and practices were made to be followed as Quranic injunctions in all times. No
deviation from this is ever permissible. Under these circumstances if any one claims himself to
be a Prophet, he is a liar, imposter and Dajjjal. Anyone following him is an infidel.


• Definition
• Significance Of Tauheed
• Effects Of Tauheed
i) Width Of Vision
ii) Self-respect
iii) Modesty And Humbleness
iv) Virtuous And Upright
v) Satisfaction Of Heart
vi) Determination
vii) Peace And Contentment
viii) Obedience
• Conclusion


Tauheed means belief in the unity of God. The starting point of Islam is this belief in the unity of
God. Tauheed is a revolutionary concept and constitutes the essence of the teachings of Islam. It
means that there is only one Supreme God of the Universe. He is Omnipresent, Omnipotent and
the Sustainer of the world and mankind.

Significance Of Tauheed:

The Holy Quran has laid greatest stress on the doctrine of unity of God. The first and foremost
principle of Islam is the belief in unity of Allah. Unless a man believes in unit of God, he cannot
be a Muslim.

Allah said;

“O‟ Mankind! Worship your Lord, who created you and those before you, so that you may
ward off evil. Who has appointed the earth a resting place for you, the sky a canopy, and
who causes water to pour down from the heavens, thereby producing fruits as food for
you? So, do not set up rivals to Allah, when you know better.”

(Al-Baqara: 21-22)

There are a number of verses in the Quran which clearly explain the oneness of God. In Surah
Baqara, book says;

“And your God is one; There is no other God. He is the most merciful and Benevolence.”

(Al-Baqara: 163)

This is the basic tenet to which Muhammad (PBUH) asked to adhere. The Doctrine Of divine
Unity is a standing protest against polytheism, dualism, atheism and idolatry. And it generally
means that Allah is one and Eternal; there is no other God but Allah who is the Supreme Being,
Creator and Lord of all. He alone is to be worshiped and From Him lone help and mercy are to
be sought.

The unity of Allah implies that Allah is one in His person, One in His attributes, and One in His
work. His Oneness in His person means that there is neither plurality of God, nor plurality of
persons in the Godhood; His Oneness in His attributes implies that no other being possess one or
more Divine attributes in perfection; His Oneness in His work implies that no one can do what
God has done or can do. The Doctrine of Unity of Allah has beautifully been summed in the
small verse of the Holy Quran in the following manner.

„Say thou, “He: Allah is one: Allah is He on whom all depend, He begets not nor is He
begotten; and none is like Him.”
(Al-Ikhlas: 1-4)

Effects Of Tauheed:

i) Width Of Vision:

A believer of this Kalima (La illah ill Allah) can never be narrow-minded. He believes in Allah
who is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the Master of the East and the West, the
Sustainer of the entire universe. After this belief he does not regard anything in this universe as
stronger to himself. He knows that everything belongs to God whom he himself belong. So, his
vision is enlarged, his intellect horizon widens and, his outlook become liberal.

ii) Self-respect:

This belief produces in man the highest degree of self-respect and self-esteem. The believer
knows, that Allah alone is the possessor of all power, or harm a person, or provide for his needs,
or give and take away life. This belief make him indifferent to, and independent of all power
other than those of Allah. He never bows his head in homage to any of Allah‟s creatures nor did
he stretch his hands before anyone else except Allah.

iii) Modesty And Humbleness:

Along with self-respect this belief also generates in man a sense of modesty and humbleness. It
makes him uncontentious and unpretending. A believer never becomes proud, haughty or

arrogant. The boisterous pride of power, wealth and worth can have no room in the heart,
because he knows that whatever he possesses has been given by Allah and Allah can take away
just as He can give.

iv) Virtuous And Upright:

This belief makes man virtuous and upright. He has the conviction that there is no other means of
success and salvation for him except purity of soul and righteousness of behaviour. This belief
creates in man the consciousness that unless he lives rightly and acts justly he cannot success.

v) Satisfaction Of Heart:

The believer does not become despondent and broken hearted under any circumstances. He has a
firm faith in God who is the Master of all the treasures of the earth and the heavens, whose grace
and bounty have no limit, power are infinite. This faith imparts to his heart a great consolation,
fills it with satisfaction and keeps if filled with hopes.

vi) Determination:

This belief provides in man a strong degree of determination and trust in God. When he makes
up his mind and devotes his resources to fulfil Divine Commands in order to secure Allah‟s
pleasure, he trusts that he has the support and baking of Allah. This belief makes him strong and
firm like mountain and no amount of difficulties, impediments and hostile opponent can make
him give up his resolution.

vii) Peace And Contentment:

This belief in this faith creates an attitude of peace and contentment, purges the mind from envy
and greed, and keeps away the idea of resorting to unfair means for achieving success. The
believer understands that wealth is in Allah‟s hands and He gives it out more or less as He likes,
that all power, reputation, authority, everything is subjected to His will, and He bestows them if
He wills, and man‟s duty is only to struggle and endeavour fairly. He knows that success and
failure depends upon Allah‟s will, if He wills to give no power in the world can prevent Him
from doing so, if he does not will, no power can force Him to give.

viii) Obedience:

The most important effect in this belief is that it makes man obey and observe Allah‟s Law. One
who has belief in, it is sure that Allah knows everything hidden or open and is nearer to him even
his own Jugular vein. If he commits a sin in a secluded corner and in the darkness of night, Allah

knows it, He even knows our thoughts and intentions, bad or good we can hide from everyone
but we cannot hide anything from God. We can evade everyone, but we cannot evade Allah‟s
grip. The firmer a man‟s belief in this respect, the more observant will he be in Allah‟s
Commands, and will shun everything Allah has forbidden and carry out Allah‟s behest in
solitude and in the darkness of night, because he knows that Allah‟s police never leaves him
alone. It is for this reason that the first and the most important condition for being a Muslim is to
have faith in La illah ill Allah.


In the teachings of Mohammad (PBUH) faith in one Allah is the most important and
fundamental principle. It is the bedrock of Islam and the mainspring of its power. All other
beliefs, commands and laws of Islam stand firm on this very foundation. All of them receive
strength from this source. Take it away and there in nothing left in Islam.


• Meaning Of Jihad
• Importance Of Jihad
• Kinds Of Jihad
i) Jihad With Self
ii) Jihad By Wealth
iii) Jihad By Knowledge
iv) Jihad By Sword
• Conditions For Physical Jihad
• Necessity Of Jihad
• Conclusion

Meaning Of Jihad:

The word Jihad‟s literal meaning is to strive for anything good, including striving for peace and
the welfare of humanity.

Jihad word is derived from Juhd means to make an effort. From Islamic point of view it means
efforts for establishment and expansion of Din-e-Islam. Jihad signifies a vast meaning. It means
“to make the utmost possible efforts for the uplift of Islam.” It comprises every kind of
sacrifice including laying down of life in the cause of Allah. A Mujahid is a person who strives
hard for the glory of Islam. Mujahid sacrifices his wealth, his time and even his own life in the
cause of Allah.

Importance Of Jihad:

Jihad is obligatory on every Muslim of the world. Both the Quran and the Hadith stress its
importance. Owing to its importance a space has been allotted to it along with “Five pillars of

“And do not say to those who have laid their lives in the cause of Allah that they are dead,
but in fact, they are living, although you do not understand.”
(Al-Baqara: 154)

The great sacrifice in the cause of Allah is made in Jihad, because a loss of few lives, some
thousands, some lacs, or even more does not count anything as compared with the dreadful
calamity that may befall mankind as a result of the victory of evil over good, and of aggressive
atheism over the religion of Allah i.e. Islam for, as a result of it, it is not only the religion of
Islam that will suffer but the whole world would become the abode of evil, immoralities and
perversion and sin. In order to escape this greater calamity Allah has, therefore, commanded the
Muslims of the world to sacrifice their lives and properties for His cause.

Kinds Of Jihad:

Following means and ways come under the heading of Jihad.

i) Jihad With Self

ii) Jihad By Wealth
iii) Jihad By Knowledge
iv) Jihad By Sword

Jihad With Self:

The Quran has explained that a man has to make efforts to control on his self-desires. It is also
one of the types of Jihad. The Quran says:

“Whoever makes efforts, and surely he makes efforts for his self.”

The Prophet of Islam once said that to control on one‟s own desires is great Jihad than to wage
war against the enemies of Islam. Once the Prophet said to a man who returned from Jihad but
now you have joined “Jihad-e-Akbar”. It means he has to keep himself away from evils and
self-desires. One has to sacrifice ones comforts and luxurious life. To pray or the fast in summer
or winter or at the sleeping time is also Jihad with oneself.

Jihad By Wealth:

The people who possess property is bestowed by Allah, therefore one must spend in the way of
Allah. The movement for the promotion and propagation of Islam requires financial aid. For this
collective cause, it is Jihad, for those who spend their wealth in the name of Allah. In the earlier
days of Islam, there are a number of examples, in which people gave their property for the cause
of Islam. The Quran says;

“And those believe and migrate and make effort with their property and self in the way of
Allah have great reward with Allah. Such persons are successful.”

At other place, the Quran defines that Jihad is better for piousness, therefore to achieve that
highest virtue; one may sacrifice one‟s wealth and self.

The Book says:

“And make efforts in the way of Allah with your wealth and life that is better for you, that
you may become pious.”

Jihad By Knowledge

Ignorance is the cause of all evils. Knowledge is the light, which shows the right path. So
through learning and seeking knowledge, one comes to know the purpose of life. The Quran is
the basic source of knowledge which shows the true perspective of life. This is the guide Book
for the whole humanity. Through learning Al-Quran, one comes to know the right path.

It is compulsory for every Muslim to learn and to teach Quran to others. On the basis of the
Quranic knowledge, one must make efforts to convince the infidels with argument and
discussion. It is also Jihad. The Book says:

“And do not obey the infidels and make efforts with it (Quran) to them for great Jihad.”

It is a great Jihad to convert non-Muslim to Muslim through teachings of Al-Quran.

Jihad By Sword:

There are two words used in the Holy Quran. One is Jihad and the other is Qital. It has been
already explained that Jihad means to make an effort in the way of Allah, and Qital means to
fight with the enemies of Allah. Therefore Jihad in terms of fighting is one of the types of Jihad.

Armed Jihad is most loved by god because in it a Muslim is prepared to sacrifice his property,
his time, his energies and even his life i.e. everything.

The Quran says:

“Then let those fight in Allah‟s way who sell this world‟s
Life for the Future;
And as to him who fights in Allah‟s way.
Then should he be killed.
Or should he conquer,
We shall, then, give him a great reward.
And why should you not fight in Allah‟s way?
(An-Nisa: 74-75)

“Those who believe, fight in Allah‟s way.”

(An-Nisa: 76)

“Fight thou then in Allah‟s way.”

(An-Nisa: 84)

A Muslim who sacrifices his life in the war (Jihad) is called Shaheed. He is not dead but alive.
The Quran is testimony of it:

“And do not say of those who have laid down their lives in the cause of Allah that they are
dead, but in fact they are living, although you do not know.”
(Al-Baqara: 154)

Armed Jihad is the most difficult kind of Jihad, and is only possible where there is an Islamic-
state in existence. For the defence of an Islamic-State such Jihad is necessary. If fight is not
waged to check trouble (Fitna) against religion. Din cannot be protected and trouble mongers
would full this whole earth with Fitna and Fasad and it would be difficult to take the name of
Allah. Therefore, for the protection and longevity of the faith, armed Jihad is necessary.

Conditions For Physical Jihad:

A war waged regardless of the prescribed pre-conditions will have no value. It will not be Jihad
at all. Nor it would be entitled to any reward. It will be instead a cause for displeasure of Allah.

The pre-conditions for physical Jihad are as follows:

i) Those who go for Jihad must be free and independent Muslims and must have a collective
system of their own and must led by a Caliph or Amir (Chief). In the absence of such a system,
any act of war (Jihad) is forbidden. An act of war, even of a defensive nature can only be taken
in a free atmosphere under the leadership of an authorized leader.

ii) Sufficient force to combat with the enemy is necessary because the Divine Injunction
repeatedly emphasizes:

“No one should be charged beyond his capacity.”

On the basis of this principle, it has been ordained in the Quran:

“So keep your duty to Allah as best as you can.”

iii) Jihad should be exclusively for the sake of Allah and the sole aim of those engaged in Jihad
should be no other than the service of the religion and the glorification of Allah. The single aim
of those who participate in Jihad should be only the eradication of evil and the promotion of
goodness and justice. This entire struggle should be done with one and the only objective of
winning the pleasure of Allah.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was asked “O! Messenger of Allah: if a man wished to fight for
Allah but at the same time has also some worldly gain in view, how will he be viewed by

The Holy Prophet replied:

“He will not get any reward.”

Similarly, Holy Prophet also declared the principles:

“He is not one of us who fight under some prejudice and he is not one of us who dies for
some prejudice.”

Necessity Of Jihad:

Islam is not a religion of mere dogmas and ceremonies. It has come to perfect the whole life of
humanity. The religion Islam has been introduced to eliminate cruelties and lawlessness from the
world. There are always some anti-social elements. Therefore, Jihad is necessary to give lessons
to such persons.

Jihad is necessary for every Muslim because their mission is to spread Islam throughout the
world. To make efforts for pleasing Allah is the purpose of Allah. Jihad is the basic source for
achieving that purpose.


It is now made clear that a true believer (Mumin) is identified by his efforts to obliterate the false
Din and establish a true Din in its place. If he strives in this direction and exerts his full strength
in this endeavour and even stakes his life and suffers all sorts of loses, then he is true Muslims
irrespective of success or failure in his efforts.


• Definition Of Sharia
• Purpose Of Sharia
• Sources Of Sharia
i) The Holy Quran
ii) The Sunnah
iii) The Ijma
iv) The Qiyas
• Conclusion

Definition Of Sharia:

The word Sharia literally means “open bright, straight and clean path.” But in religious sense
it is meant for those laws and orders which present code for obedience to one God, one prophet.

Shariah is the Divine Law which was pronounced through the Holy Prophet to mankind. The
technical definition of “Sharia” is “That Divine Law which establishes common beliefs,
corrects line of actions, teaches good character, brings welfare to family life and
strengthens state affairs and finally is approved by a prophet.”

Purpose Of Sharia:

The purpose of Sharia is to see that “the great workshop of Allah should go on functioning
regularly and gloriously and that the man should make full use of all his powers, make
everything in this world serve him, make full use of all the means provided for him in the
earth and in the Heavens, but should not use intentionally or in ignorance to harm himself
or to harm others.”

Its objective is to show the best way to man. The violation of it amounts to sin. Sharia deals with
all aspects of life of a Muslim both religious and secular. The religious and secular rights and
duties have been divided under four heads:

i) The rights of God

ii) The rights of man
iii) The rights of other individuals
iv) The rights of all creatures

The technical term of Sharia is referred to in the Holy Quran, thus:

“We gave thee a Sharia in religion; follow in and do not follow those who do not know.”
(Al-Jathiya: 18)
And again:

“To everyone (people) of you, We have given a Shra; and minhadj (a clear path).”

Sources Of Sharia:

There are four sources of Sharia:

i) The Holy Quran

ii) The Sunnah or practices of the Holy Prophet (Hadith)
iii) The Ijma
iv) The Qiyas

These four sources also constitute Islamic jurisprudence or Fiqah. Sharia is the Law of Allah.It is
binding upon Muslims and man has to accept it without question.

The Holy Quran:

The first authentic origin of Islamic Law is the Holy Quran which is voice of God.

“This is a scripture that We have revealed unto thee, full of blessing that they may ponder
its revelation, and that men of understanding may reflect.”
(Sad: 29)

In fact, the Quran is the real fount of Islamic Law. All the basic Islamic Laws „Sharia‟ is given in
it. The detail about worshipping and human rights is described in it. In Islamic law Quran enjoys
the same status as the constitution may have in state laws.

In the Quran it is said for mankind: Say; I follow only that is inspired in me from my Lord.
This (Quran) is insight for your Lord, and guidance, and a mercy for people who believe.

“Lo! We revealed thee the scripture with the truth, Allah thou mayst judge, between
mankind by that which Allah showeth thee.”

That‟s why Quran is considered the main source of Sharia. At another place in Quran it is said:

“Lo! This Quran gives the guidance of that way which is straightest.”
(Al-Isra: 9)

The value of Quran among human life affairs is like an order. It means a Muslim is that man
whose all affairs are dealt under the light of Quran. It said:

“Who so judgeth not by that which Allah, has revealed such are disbelievers.”

Hadith Or Sunnah:

The Hadith or Sunnah is the secondary source of Muslim Law. The Hadith literally means
„saying‟ and Sunnah means “a way or rule or manner of acting or mode of life.” Sunnah, we
mean “actions of the Holy Prophet and Hadith is the record of Sunnah. Sunnah of the Holy
Prophet comprises “his deeds, utterance and unspoken approval.”

We know that the Quran deals with the broad principals and instructions of religion going in
details in a very rare case. “The details were generally supplied by the Holy Prophet, either
by showing in his practice how an injunction shall be carried out or giving an explanation
in words.”

The Holy Prophet had to pass through different grades and conditions in his life with a view to
furnish instructions to misguided people of the world. “His trials and difficulties, struggles and
battles, his happiness and enjoyments and everything which occurred during his
Apostolistic career, were not but dictations from the Almighty; so that these things may be
so many torch-lights for the guidance of all classes of men who were groping in utter
spiritual darkness.”

The Holy Quran says:

“Certainly, you have got in the Apostle of Allah an excellent example for him, who hopes in
Allah and the latter days and remembers Allah much.”

The chief characteristic of the Holy Prophet was that, he not only gave practical rules for
guidance but also gave practical illustrations of all those rules.

All those rules are collectively called the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet recorded in the Hadith
which is the secondary source of Muslim Law. It is narrated in Sahih Muslim that:

“Allah is connected with the community by His Quran and Muhammad (PBUH) by his

In Sahih Bukhari it appears:

“He who is tired of my Prophet‟s Sunnah, does not belong to me.”

Therefore every Muslim requires, in addition to the Quran, guidance of the Sunnah and Hadith in


Ijma constitutes the third source of Muslim Law. It is defined as “the consensus of opinion of
the companions of the Holy Prophet or of the Muslim jurists on a quest of Law.”

According to some jurists Ijma is the consensus of opinion of the companion of the Holy Prophet
only; while some other maintains that it is an agreement of the Muslim jurists on any matter of
the faith. A third group holds that Ijma is the agreed opinion of the Muslim jurists of the First
three centuries of Hijra.

Ijma literally means “agreeing upon” or “uniting in opinion”. Ijma is inferred in three ways,
Firstly, by Qaul or word i.e. when the Mujtahids express their opinion on the point in question;
secondly, by F‟al or deed i.e. when there is unanimity in practice and, thirdly, by Sukut or
silence, i.e. when the Mujtahid do not agree with the opinion expressed by one or more of them.

Ijma came into existence after the death of the Holy Prophet. During his life every question
whatever might have been its nature, was decided by the Holy Prophet. But after his demise and
with expansion of Islam and growing interests of theological and juristic speculations; there
arose complexities in various matters for which there were no clear directions or decision in the
Holy Quran and the Sunnah. Therefore, there was the necessity of finding out new rules and
regulations to decide those matters. To find out new rules on the basis of Quran and Hadith there
were mutual consultations among the companions of the Holy Prophet.

After the death of the Holy Prophet when there was any dispute on any question for which there
were no directions in the Quran the Sunnah, then the companions of the Holy Prophet or the
Muslim jurists of that age exercising their individual judgment gave their decision in accordance
with the Quran and Sunnah. The decision on which all the companions or Muslim jurists or
majority of them agreed is called Ijma.

The authority od Ijma is bases on the verse of the Holy Quran and the traditions of the Holy

The Holy Quran says:

“Do not like those who separated and divided after they had received the clear proofs.”

And again:

“Obey the Prophet and those who have authority among you………….”

Hadith Sharif refers:

“It is incumbent upon you to follow the most numerous body.”

“Whoever separates himself from the main body will go to the Hell.”

“He who opposes the people‟s decision will die the death of man who died in the days of

“If anything comes to you for decision, decide according to the book of Allah, if anything
come to you which is not in the Book of Allah, then look into the Sunnah of The Holy
Prophet, if anything comes to you is not in the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet, then look to
what the people unanimously agreed upon.”

Ijma is of two kinds, Ijma-i-Azimah and Ijma-e-Rukhsah. When the Mujtahids give their
consent on particular point is Ijma-i-Azimah. When the Mujtahids do not agree upon any point
but the community as a whole accepts the decision given by some Mujtahids is called Ijma-e-


Qiyas is the fourth important source of Islamic Law. Qiyas literally means “comparing with” or
“judging by comparing with a thing.”

Qiyas is generally described as analogical deduction. It is an analogical deduction from the three
sources of law, namely the Quran, the Sunnah and Ijma. Abu Hanifa, one of the four great
Imams used to make profuse use of Qiyas.

Qiyas is used in those cases which are not discussed in the Quran, or the Ijma or the Sunnah. For
instance, when the Holy Prophet was sending Muaz bin Jabal as a Governor, he asked him, what
he should do if any new problem arose. He said that he would follow the Quran, if it is not clear
in the Quran, he would follow the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet and if it failed to satisfy him, he
would use his own judgement. The Holy Prophet appreciated his reply and encouragement to
exercise his own judgement.

Besides the Quran and the Hadith, Ijma and Qiyas are the two important sources of Islamic law.
The basis of these two sources is the Quran, the Sunnah and the individual judgement.

Important sections of Muslim Laws such as rules regarding the caliphate, administrative
measures etc. are based on Ijma and Qiyas.


Total and unqualified submission to the will of Allah is the fundamental tenet of Islam. Islamic
law is therefore the expression of Allah‟s command for Muslim society and, in application,
constitutes a system of duties that are incumbent upon a Muslim by virtue of his religious belief.
Known as the Shari‟ah (literally, the path), the law constitutes a divinely ordained path of
conduct that guides the Muslim towards a practical expression of his religious conviction in this
world and the goal of divine favour in the world to come.

Ijtihad (Interpretation)

• Introduction
• Definition Of Ijtihad
• Use Of Ijtihad
• Conditions Possible For Ijtihad
• Specialists Of Ijtihad
• Steps To Develop A fresh approach To Ijtihad
• Necessity Of Ijtihad In Life


The true origins of Sharia are in fact Quran and Sunnah. But the position of Ijtihad
(Interpretation) is implicit in the origins of Sharia which guides us within limits set by the Quran
and the Sunnah.

Definition Of Ijtihad:

The root meaning of Ijtihad (Derived from jahada) is to strive, to make an effort. Ijtihad means to
strive intellectually to comprehend problems facing the Islamic world and to find out their
solution in keeping with basic principles and values of Quran. Ijtihad has been called by many
scholars, including Allama Iqbal as “the dynamic spirit of Islam.”

Use Of Ijtihad:

All great Imams and founders of different schools of Islamic law practised Ijtihad in finding out
the solutions of various problems they tackled with in their own times.

Technically, Ijtihad was first used by Muaz bin Jabal, when he was appointed as a governor of
Yemen by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) of Islam. When asked how he would govern when he did
not find clear ruling in the Quran or the Sunnah, he said “Ana ajtahidu” i.e. “I‟ll strive” (to
understand the problem myself and find a way out). The holy Prophet approved his reasoning.

Ijtihad was a very much a living process in early Islam; its gates re shut, many scholars maintain,
around the times at the sack of Baghdad in 1258 by Mongol hordes. Ironically, it was a half
century after that when Ibn Taymiyyah, defining his own Hanbali school of Islamic law, issued a
fatwa on Jihad. Thus, the gates of Ijtihad were closed and that of aggressive jihad flung open.

Conditions Possible For Ijtihad:

This is very difficult job to cope with and at the same time this is also of very important nature.

A suitable knowledge and common sense for drawing conclusion is necessary for Ijtihad. So
generally great emphasis is laid upon being a man of letters and sublime aesthetic sense. It I a
wrong impression that every man can interpret Sharia in its true sense because a man should feel
its full responsibility for all the time. Because the man who gives a decision of some daily life
problem not only affects the life of others but also peoples life after death.

Specialists Of Ijtihad:

There are three specialists of Ijtihad.

i) Only that man is capable of Ijtihad who has complete hold on Quran and Sunnah.

ii) He should be able to apprehend the pith and marrow of the issue and also to reach the deepest
core of the problem.

iii) He must be of very good character and conduct and in whom people can repose their
confidence easily.

Steps To Develop A fresh approach To Ijtihad:

Here are few basic steps in developing a fresh approach and throwing open gates to Ijtihad.

i) Firstly, at least a few Ulema and Muslims intellectuals (and there are many who have been
trained in the traditional Islamic literature of Tafseer, Hadith and jurisprudence and who feel
need for change) must show courage and come forward to develop a fresh approach, defying
powerful vested interests manning religious establishment as it were.

ii) Secondly, we must transcend all existing schools of Islamic Law and develop a unified Law
applicable to all the Muslims. This will also give greater meaning to the otherwise hollow
slogans of Islamic unity. It does not mean that we reject all provisions of schools of law but that
we select from all those that which is best in them and keeping in view with the Quranic
principles and values.

iii) Thirdly, a new Ijma (consensus) must be developed on issues that are peculiar to our age and
time. If the Ulema could do in the first three centuries of Islam, why not us today? The past
Ulemas‟ Ijma was limited to their own schools; today is a globalised world so a much wider
consensus across all the schools of thought will have to be developed. Modern means of
information and communication technology have made it much easier.

Necessity Of Ijtihad In Life:

Ijtihad basically is inevitable for human being till they are not involved in life routine. And a
man is involved in life routine he faces many times many problems in performing his duties and
tries to get some problem solving method and in a Muslim society a Muslim is always prone to
have some sort of better solutions of problems of life routine and he obviously falls with Ijtihad.
And it is impossible to live without Ijtihad in modern world of miseries.

Islamic Social System:

• Introduction
• Islamic Mode Of Life
• Basis Of Islamic Society
i) Equality
ii) Fraternity
iii) Wedding Bond
iv) Welfare Environment
v) Concept Of Responsibility
• Rules And Regulations Of Islamic Society
i) Mutual Relationship Of Members Of Family
ii) Relationship
iii) Mosque
iv) Respected Traditions
v) Education System
vi) Limits And Legal Codes


Man is a social animal. His nature is always inclined to love that‟s why he likes to live
collectively with other people. He is helpless in this regard forever. God has given man wisdom
and intellect only to live within a society. When a man is born he always looks forward to people
who look after him. When he comes to an age he stands in need of necessities of life. He always
remains in need of someone or something and if h is cut off from all these things he will be
totally for nothing.

Islamic Mode Of Life:

Islam has its own stable and firm mode of life which has certain and regulations. It has full code
for justice on equal lines. Society is a name of united people thus Islam never ignores the basic
rights of an individual as well as of a group. Islam looks all the individuals and groups form
same angle.

Islam is a religion which favours the separate identity of an individual. It never considers a man
only a spare of any system but considers an individual an important part of it. for the perfect
training of an individual within a society Islam provides full chance to furnish his talents:

The Holy Quran says;

“Whoso doth good it is for his soul, and whoso doth wrong it is against it.”
(Fussilat: 46)
Islam lays great emphasis upon the acquisition of knowledge. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was
particularly taught a Quranic verse:

“And Say, My Lord! Increase me in knowledge.”

(Ta-Ha: 114)

And the Holy Prophet (PBUH) himself said: It is the duty of every Muslim man and woman
to acquire knowledge.

The acquisition of knowledge is mainly for reformation of practical life. That‟s why Islam ha
stressed for the quest of knowledge. Quran in this regard openly says:

“And that man hath only that for which he maketh effort.”
(An-Najm: 39)

Islam sees Muslim Ummah as the central Ummah or an Ummah for God, therefore, every person
is responsible for continuous struggle for the solidarity of religion and for the sacrifice of his life
for the sake of the propaganda of religion.

The environment of Islamic society also provides a chance for the betterment of the world

Basis Of Islamic society:

i) Equality:

The first and most important basis of Islamic society is that all the human beings are from same
pedigree. All the mankind is the children of Adam (RA). Brotherhood, colour, countries,
forefathers, language, tribes and other natural things are only for the sake of introduction with
each other. But to make these differences the basis of differences between each other is totally
wrong. Because Islam preaches unity and equality among the mankind at all levels. In the Quran,
it is said:

“O‟ mankind! Lo! We have created you male and female, and have made you nations and
tribes, so that ye may know one another. Lo! The noblest among you, in the sight of Allah,
is the best in conduct. Lo! Is knower and Aware.”
(Al-Hujurat: 13)

ii) Fraternity:

All the Muslims are brothers for each other. The relation due to religion is considered to be the
greatest of all. Quran says:

“The believers are not else brothers.”

(Al-Hujurat: 10)

At another place in the Quran it is said:

“And holdfast, all of you together, to the cable of Allah, and do not separate.”

(Al-Imran: 103)

iii) Wedding Bond:

Men and women are two different pillars of a society. Both have their own cult and personality.
Both take part in building of social set-up. There is equality between men and women on the
legal basis. Both have same rights and responsibilities in this regard. In a family structure, male
is considered leader and supervisor of the affairs. Generally every man and woman is just like
brother and sister and they have no right to be but wedding is the only way through which they
get united and share each other‟s problems. This is the very legal method by which they are valid
for each other. Here they lay the basis of a separate family.

iv) Welfare Atmosphere:

The atmosphere of the society must be developed on the basis of welfare, cooperation, help, and
share in sorrows, sacrifice and brotherhood. When the people meet they must pray for
eachother‟s salvation. Every man must wish for his brother hat he likes for himself. All the evils
must be avoided. Cooperation must be rendered in good deeds. Quran says:

“Help ye one another unto righteousness and pious duty. Help not one another unto sin and
(Al-Ma‟ida: 2)

“Be thou kind even as Allah hath been kind to thee, and seek not corruption in the earth.”
(Al-Qasas: 77)

Moreover, the Quran says:

“And spy not, neither backbite one another.”
(Al-Hujurat: 12)

All these verses mean that Islam wants to make society congenial for everyone.

v) Concept Of Responsibility:

Islam gives the concept of fulfilling some responsibilities-to propagate good deeds, to deter evil
deeds and to help each other.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that the man who lives among others and shows patience on the
misdeeds done to him by others is better than the man who does not live among the people and is
not patient over excesses done to him.

After these instructions Islam has also given a system of basic human rights including rights of
brothers, family members, relatives, neighbours, common men, and minorities. Even the rights of
animals and plants are also determined in Islamic system.

Rules And Regulations Of Islamic Society:

There are some rules and regulations which Islam has authorized to develop a society of these
are discussed briefly as under:

i) Mutual Relationship Of Members Of Family:

Family is the first and basic institution of human social training. That‟s why the importance of a
family in Islamic society is very great. First step of Islamic society is the formation of which is a
pure and legitimate relation between a man and woman. This relation makes a unity within itself.

Here a new generation comes into being with it many new relations are also generated. Finally
all these relations spread over to form a complete society.

ii) Other Relations:

There are much more in the family stock to deal with Kith and Kin outside one‟s family. Islam
wants to see all these to share eachother‟s sorrows and happiness. In Quran there are many
places where emphasis is laid upon good behaviour towards relatives. But it does not mean that
there should be encouragement against Islam and its traditions. Islam has also set hereditary rules
to strengthen existing relations.

iii) Mosque:

Mosque is symbol of unity among Muslims and it reflects the tone of existing relations. It also
works as a permanent institution for the social tis. It is only mosque which can make Islamic
social plan successful.

iv) Respected Traditions:

In an Islamic society sacred traditions must be guarded at all costs and the policy must also be
framed upon these lines because this process does not break link with its past. But it is not meant
for that no new tradition will be set up. Fast changes in routine life automatically change the
boring old traditions. There is no need of change via revolution or revolt.

v) Education System:

The real reformation of an Islamic society is only possible through its education policy. Because
to transfer one‟s traditions and knowledge one must ponder over the faults of one‟s education
policy. Education is also one of the greatest pillars of Islamic society.

vi) Limits And Legal Codes:

There are many ways to cope with the evils and sins of any society but rules and regulation to
curb evil-doers are also must. Islam also has such system with proper rules and regulations.
These rules are made to save the citizens from evil-doers and sinners. Islam has set particular
penalties and punishments to deal bad elements with an iron hand. No one is greater or smaller in
the eyes of Islamic law. The Holy Prophet once said,

“If my daughter steals something, by God I will cut her hands too.”

Judicial System Of Islam

• The Quran On Justice

• Concept Of Justice In Islam
• Principle Of Justice Under Islam

The Quran On Justice:

According to Islam, God is Sovereign, and He is Most Just. Man as the vicegerent of Allah is
enjoined to do justice even though it may be against himself. According to Islam, justice is next
to piety. There are numerous verses in the Holy Quran enjoining Muslims to do justice. Some of
these verses are quoted here under:

“God commands that when you judge between man and man, judge with justice.”
(An-Nisa: 58)

“Allah has sent down the Book in truth, so that you may judge between men as guided by
(An-Nisa: 103)

“Allah commands justice, the doing of good and liberality to kith and kin. He forbids all
shameful deeds, injustice and rebellion.”
(An-Nahl: 90)

“We sent down with Our Apostle the Balance of Justice, so that man may stand forth in
(Al-Hadid: 25)

“If you judge, judge in equity between them for Allah loves those who judge in equity.”

Concept Of Justice In Islam:

The concept of justice in Islam is radically different from the concept of justice under other
orders. For Greek concept of justice was that of remedial justice. The Roman concept of justice
was that natural justice, while the Anglo-Saxon concept of justice is that formal justice. In Islam,
justice is symbolised by “balance” and, this stands for absolute fairness. In Islam, justice is not

merely a formal function of the Sate; it is a religious obligation. The concept of justice in Islam
accordingly stands at a higher pedestal as compared with the concept of justice under other

Principle Of Justice Under Islam:

From the verses of the Holy Quran concerning justice quoted above, we can deduce some
principle of justice which distinguishes Islam from other orders. Some of these principles are as

i) Justice must be substantial and not merely formal, which means that justice should be done not
only in accordance with law (i.e. formal), but it should be done in such a way that it results in
absolute justice and complete fairness (i.e. substantial).

ii) In Islam the doing of justice is not the concern of the judge alone; but it is the responsibility of
the community as well. Every member of the community is involved in the process. If any
injustice is committed to any person‟s knowledge he cannot stand apart as a silent spectator even
though he is not personally affected.

iii) Justice according to the Islamic concept demands a very high sense of moral standard, so that
person has the courage to be a witness eve against him if he has done any wrong.

iv) According to Islam, justice is next to piety. As such the doing of justice is not merely a legal
obligation or a moral duty; it is a religious imperative.

v) In an Islamic State, justice is to be done in the name of Allah and Allah is fully aware of the
intentions of men. In Islam, therefore, administration of justice is not based merely on the overt
act; the motive behind such act is also to be taken into account.

vi) Justice in Islam is not blind, it is very much enlightened.

vii) Islam stands for absolute equality before law, and the equal application of law. In Islam, no
one enjoys immunity and no discrimination is permissible in the application of the law. Unlike
the secular concept, “The King can do no wrong”, the Head of the State in an Islamic order is
accountable before law for any wrong that he may have done.

viii) Under Islam, law and equity, are not two different concepts as in the Anglo-Saxon law. As
such there are no separate courts of equity in Islam, nor there any different principles to govern
the grant of equitable remedies. Specific performance is the rule and not an exception under the
Islamic system of justice.

ix) In the matter of criminal justice, the principle adopted under the Islamic system is preventive
rather than primitive. The aim of the Islamic system is to prevent the committing of crime and
not merely to punish the offenders. Islamic State is not concerned merely with the punishment of
offenders; it is under an obligation to create conditions which would prevent the commission of
crime. In Islam, Justice is the basic obligation of the State and has therefore to be administrated

free. No court fees can be levied under the Islamic system.

x) Islam does not recognize the Anglo-Saxon concept that “Ignorance of law is no excuse.” In an
Islamic State, the State has to ensure that no one should suffer because of the ignorance of law.

xi) Under Islamic system, there can be no exploitation or professionalization of the Judicial
process; if a lawyer knows that his client is guilty he cannot plead his case.

xii) In secular orders, justice long drawn out time consuming process. According to Islam,
“Justice delayed is justice denied.” Islam stands for speedy justice.

xiii) In Islam, the laws of natural justice are of special significance. In Islam no one can be
condemned or subjugated to any disability without being heard. In Islam if an unjust order has
been passed by a judge because of any bias, it is the judge who should be removed and not
merely his decision as in the secular orders.

Political System Of Islam:

• Introduction
• What Is An Islamic State?
• Purpose Of Islamic State:
• Basis Of Political System In Islam
• Main Features Of Islamic Political System
i) Sovereignty Of Allah
ii) Khalifah Of Mankind
iii) Legislation By Shura
iv) Accountability Of A Government
v) Independence Of Judiciary
vi) Equality Before Law


Religion and politics are one and same in Islam. They are intertwined. We already know that
Islam is a complete system of life and politics is very much a part of our collective life. Just as
Islam teaches us how to say Salt, observe Saum, pay Zakat and undertake Hajj, in the same way
it also teaches us how to run a state, form a government, elect councillors and members of
parliament, make treaties and conduct trade and business.

What Is An Islamic State?

The State is defined by Garner in these words, “The state, as a concept of political science and
public law, is a community of persons more or less numerous and permanently occupying by a
definite proportion of territory, independent, or nearly so of external control, and possessing an
organized government to which the general body of inhabitants render habitual obedience.”
Whereas in the Islamic State sovereignty rests with God who delegates political authority to
some selected person. Here public law is the Quranic law. The Islamic State cannot frame any
laws against the injunctions of the Quran and the Sunnah. Islamic State is a welfare State.

Purpose Of Islamic State:

The main object of the Islamic State is to promote good and stop the evils. The Muslims should
be forced to act upon the injunctions of the Quran and the Sunnah. The Islamic state guides its
citizens in all aspects of life including religious. It should promote good and order so that the law
of justice by God must prevail everywhere.

Basis Of Political System In Islam:

The political system is based on two realities:
i) The personal position of Allah vis-à-vis this universe, particularly men: He is not only their
Creator and Supporter but also their real Master.
ii) The personal position of Man: He is not only created and supported by Allah (Sustainer of all
the worlds) but is also His humble slave and His vicegerent on this earth.

Principles Of Islamic Political System:

The Islamic Political system is based on the following principles:

i) Sovereignty Of Allah.

Sovereignty means source of power. In Islam, Allah is the source of all powers and laws.

“Legislation is not but for Allah. He has commanded that you worship not except Him.”

(Surah Yusuf: 40)

Say, “Indeed, the matter completely belongs to Allah.”

(Al-i-Imran: 154)

It is Allah who knows what is good and what is bad for His servants. His saying is final. All
human beings unitedly cannot change His laws. The Quran says:

“As for the thief-male and female-chop off their hands. It is their reward of their action
and exemplary punishment from Allah. Allah is Powerful, Wise.”
(Al-Ma‟ida: 38)

According to Islam, this order is unchangeable by any parliament or government which claims it
to be an Islamic state. There are many more laws in the Quran concerning our life and those laws
must be put into practice by an Islamic state for the greater good of human beings.

ii) Khalifah Of Mankind (Vicegerency Of Man):

Man is the vicegerent or the agent or the representative of Allah on earth.

“And it is He who has made you successors upon the earth and has raised some of you
above others in degrees [of rank] that He may try you through what He has given you.
Indeed, your Lord is swift in penalty; but indeed, He is Forgiving and Merciful.”

(Al-An‟am: 165)

Allah is the sovereign and man is his representative. Man should do as Allah commands him to
do. But he has a choice either to obey or disobey Allah and because of this freedom of choice he
will be tested on the Day of Judgement. In the political sense, Khalifah means that human beings
would implement the will of Allah on earth as His deputy or agent. As Allah‟s agent human
beings will carry out the will of Allah on His behalf as a trust (Amanah). Khalifah is a trust. An
agent is always expected to behave as his master wants him to behave.

“Then We made you successors in the land after them so that We may observe how you
will do.”
(Yunus: 14)

iii) Legislation By Shura (Consultation):

Islam teaches us to run government to make decisions and legislations by the process of Shura.
Shura means to take decision by consultation and participation.

“And whose affair is [determined by] consultation among themselves.”

(Ash-Shura: 38)

This is one of the most important parts of the Islamic Political system. There is no scope of
disposition in Islamic political system. The Quran and the Sunnah will be the basis of all
legislation in Islam.

iv) Accountability Of A Government:

The Islamic Political System makes the ruler and the government responsible firstly to Allah and
then to people. The ruler and the government will be elected by the people to exercise power on
their behalf. We must remember here that both the ruler and the ruled are the Khalifah of Allah
and the ruler shall have to work for the welfare of the people according to the Quran and Sunnah.
A ruler is a servant of the people of Islam. Bothe the ruler and the ruled will appear before Allah
and account for their actions on the Day of Judgement. The responsibility of the ruler is heavier
than the ruled. An ordinary citizen in an Islamic State has the right to ask any question on any
matter to the ruler and the government.

v) Independence Of Judiciary:

In the Islamic Political System, the judiciary is independent of the Executive. The head of the
State or any government minister could be called to court if necessary. They will be treated no
different from other citizens.

“O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm for Allah, witnesses in justice.”
(Al-Ma‟ida: 8)

“O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah, even
if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives. Whether one is rich or poor, Allah is
more worthy of both.”
(An-Nisa: 135)

“Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge
between people to judge with justice.”
(An-Nisa: 58)

There are many Quranic injunctions about justice. One of the main functions of the Islamic
system is to ensure justice to all citizens. The ruler and the government have no right to interfere
in the process of justice.

vi) Equality Before Law:

The Islamic Political System ensures equality of all citizens before the law. Islam does not
recognize any discrimination on the basis of language, colour, territory, sex and descent. Islam
recognizes the preference of one over the other only on the basis of Taqwa. One who fears Allah
most is the noblest in Islam.

“O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples
and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of
Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.”

roshan do explain following points in the same systems it will save your time
1:duties of ruler
2:- right of citizens in islamic state
3:- right of minorities has already explained in the previous page.

Islamic concept of charity
By Bilal Ahmed Malik

POVERTY next to sickness is the biggest threat to humankind. Extreme poverty has existed
everywhere in the world during various stages of history, and still continues to exist in many
parts of the world. Islam as the last of the Divine messages of Allah has also taken a very
comprehensive view of poverty, and the Quran and Sunnah have recommended numerous
measures to alleviate its pain and anguish in a society. Islam encourages its followers to spend
money for Allah‟s Sake whenever they are capable of doing so, and it stresses on the great
virtues of giving a charity.

Thus, of all Islamic virtues emphasised in the Quran, charity is perhaps the one mentioned most
frequently. The Holy Book repeatedly enjoins upon Muslims to give generously to the poor, so
that inequality of wealth is somewhat eliminated. The Quran states that for Muslims, Prayer and
Zakat are of comparable significance. That is why the two are often mentioned side by side.
There are innumerable verses in the Quran which urge Muslims to be mindful of the poor,
helpless and needy. These verses leave no doubt about the importance of Zakat and Sadaqa for
the legal, moral and economic betterment of the Muslim Ummah.

The following are some verses of the Quran that deal with this issue.

“Establish worship, pay the poor due, and bow your heads with those who

Pay the poor due, and hold fast to Allah. He is your Protecting Friend. A blessed Patron
and a blessed Helper! (Quran 22:78).

In the following verses, those who spend freely in Allah‟s cause are being praised by Him.

“The steadfast, and the truthful, and the obedient, those who spend and (hoard not), those
who pray for pardon in the watches of the night”. (Quran 3:17).

The following people are yet again mentioned by Allah, as being righteous:

“Such as persevere in seeking their Lord‟s countenance and are regular in prayer and
spend of that which We bestow upon them secretly and openly, and overcome evil with
good. Theirs will be the sequel of the (heavenly) Home.(Quran 13:22).

While putting emphasis on charity the Quran further specifies the categories of people who are to
be considered appropriate recipients of generosity.

Following are some verses that explain this point further:

“They ask thee (O Mohammad) what they shall spend. Say: That which ye spend for good
(must go) to parents and near kindred and orphans and the needy and the wayfarer. And
whatsoever good ye do, lo! Allah is aware of it.(Quran 2 :215).

(“Alms are) for the poor who are straightened for the cause of Allah, who cannot travel in
the land (for trade). The unthinking man accounteth them wealthy because of their
restraint. Thou shall know them by their mark: They do not beg of men with importunity.
And whatsoever good thing ye spend, lo! Allah knoweth it.” (Quran2;273).

In the above mentioned verse the Quran states that “Charity is for those in need.” This is general
principle which enjoins us to help people in need, be they good or bad, on the right path or not,
Muslims or non-Muslims. We are not supposed to judge in these matters.

The ends in charity, as reiterated here, should be God‟s pleasure and our own spiritual good. This
verse in the first instance was revealed in Madina, but it is of general applications.

The concept of charity in Islam is thus linked with justice.

It is not limited to the redressal of grievances. It implies apart from the removal of handicaps, the
recognition of the right that every human being has to attain the fullness of life.

In the verse below, the Quran clearly specifies the amount that is to be spent in charity and

“And they ask thee what they ought to spend. Say: that which is superfluous.

Thus Allah maketh plain to you (His) revelations, that haply ye may reflect “(Quran 2:219)

Allah provides incentives to people by promising them great rewards, so as to encourage them to
practice charity.

“Who is it that will lend unto Allah a goodly loan, so that He may give it increase manifold?
Allah straiteneth and enlargeth, Unto him ye will return.”(Quran 2 :245)

There are certain parameters and ethical boundaries set by the Quran that a person must not cross
while practising charity.

The act of charity must be accompanied by humility and must not be executed as a favour to the
one receiving it. The following verses elucidate this point.

“O ye who believe! Render not vain your almsgiving by reproach and injury, like him who
spendeth his wealth only to be seen by men and believeth not in Allah and the Last Day.

“His likeness is as the likeness of a rock wheron is dust of earth; a rainstorm smiteth it,
leaving it smooth and bare. They have no control of aught of that which they have gained.
Allah guideth not the disbelieving folk.” (Quran 2:262, 263, 264.)

The Quran also brings to light the importance of spending only that which is good, towards a
charitable cause. Most individuals give away in charity only items which they deem not fit for
their own use. Allah warns against this attitude.

“O ye who believe. Spend of the good things which ye have earned, and of that which we
bring forth from the earth for you, and seek not the bad (with intent) to spend thereof (in
charity) when you would not take it for yourselves save with disdain; and know that Allah
is Absolute Owner of Praise.” (Quran 2:267).

“Ye will not attain unto piety until ye spend of that which ye love. And whatsoever ye
spend, Allah is aware thereof.”(Quran.3: 92)

The Quran also recommends that charity be given privately, not only to prevent engendering
arrogance on the part of the person giving alms, but also to preserve the interest of the receiver,
as it might cause the latter embarrassment.

“If ye publish your almsgiving, it is well, but if ye hide it and give it to the poor, it will be
better for you, and will atone for some of your ill-deeds. Allah is informed of what ye
do.”(Quran 2:271)

The Quran in above mentioned verse, warns us against spending “to be seen of men”. This is
false charity.

Alms-giving with this motive is worse than not giving away anything at all.

Allah also urges creditors to forego their debts as almsgiving, if the borrowers are experiencing
hardship. This is indicated by the following verses:

“And if the debtor is in straightened circumstances, then (let there be) postponement to
(the time of) ease;. and that which ye remit the debt as almsgiving would be better for you
if ye did but know.”(Quran 2: 280).

Charity is a virtue that the Quran urges Muslims to display in times of abundance as well as in
times of adversity.

The following verse illustrates this further:

“Those who spend (of that which Allah hath given them) in ease and in adversity, those
who control their wrath and are forgiving toward mankind;Allah loveth the good”(Quran

Last but not least; Muslims are urged not to let anything distract them from the remembrance of
Allah, the performance of Salat and the paying of Alms.

“Men whom neither merchandise nor sale beguileth from the remembrance of Allah and
constancy in prayer and paying to the poor their due; who fear a day when hearts and
eyeballs will be overturned” (Quran 24:37)

From the above verses, it is evident, that the Quran regulates with specific injunctions, the
virtues of all Muslims, when they come in giving charity to the poor. Thus honesty and
truthfulness demand that a person should act unselfishly.

Unfortunately, the accumulation of worldly riches for one‟s own benefit is a common practice,
often leading people to succumb to dishonest temptations.

In order for honest charity to be effective it has to be genuine, and not a mere act of expediency
resulting from fear or injury or a mere showoff of wealth. Charity must also be a habit of mind,
rather than something practiced as a result of a need or something to show off ones wealth.

Since charity is purely for the sake of God, it has value only if something good and valuable is
given. It should be lawfully earned or acquired by the giver. It should include such things as are
of use and value to others. Charity is, in the words of the Prophet, to place a thing in the palm of

Islam's concern for the poor
By Dr Abdul Karim

Poverty alleviation has, of late, become a matter of increasing concern both at the international
and national level. Islam can be rightly described as a religion of and for the poor, meeting their
essential requirements with dignity and self- respect so that they may make full use of God-given

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said,

"If you want my pleasure, look after the poor. You will deserve Allah's help and His
provision, if you look after the poor." "Look for me among the weak, for you are helped
and provided for because of the weak among you" (Abu Daud).

"These people of ours are helped because of their weakness, their callings, their prayers,
and their sincerity" (Muslim).

Certainly Allah will not bless a people who do not give the rights of their weak." "Those
people will not be purified whose weak cannot get their right without much difficulty" (Ibn

Islam is perhaps the first religion which gives the poor a right of share in the wealth of the rich
and establishes an institutional mechanism to make financial assistance available to them to cater
to their basic needs.

The Quran says:

"And in their wealth was a share for the one who asked for help and for one who could
not." (51:20).

The share of the poor is, however, not to be asserted by their own fancy or that of their leaders
through collective bargaining via militant trade unions, which can create discord and class

It must be determined in accordance with the guidance provided by Allah in the most even-
handed manner, every one being equally dear to Him as His creation. Islam makes the rights of
the poor the obligation of the rich for which they are made answerable to Allah.

For this, a complete and very effective institutional framework has been provided which
combines both compulsory and voluntary action on the part of the individual.

According to the Quran, the ideal society is the one in which, "it is provided for thee that thou
wilt not hunger therein, nor wilt thou be naked. And thou wilt not thirst therein, nor wilt
thou be exposed to the sun" (20:119-20).

The Holy Prophet said,

a son of Adam is entitled only to three things; dwelling to live in, a garment to cover his
nakedness and a piece of bread and water." The scope of the Islamic concept of basic needs
is wider than the current western one which is restricted to roti (food) kapra (clothes) and
makan (house).

Allah has also included water, which is so vital for life and whose neglect is causing serious
health and environment problems, particularly in developing countries.

A very important feature of the Islamic system is that, unlike the western concept of the modern
welfare state providing the social safety net, it makes this the joint responsibility of the state and
the individual.

While the state is bound by the elaborate system of zakat, the individuals are urged to
supplement it with voluntary charity the scope of which is practically unlimited - the constraint
being the means available and the desire to do good seeking Allah's pleasure. Allah has promised
a corresponding reward for this supererogatory act of virtue.

It is in the Quran:

"As to the men that give alms and the women that give alms, and those who lend to Allah a
goodly loan it will increase manifold for them and there will also be an honourable
reward" (57:19).

"Never shall you attain to righteousness unless you spend out of that which you love; and
whatever you spend Allah surely knows it well" (3:93).

"And they ask thee what they should spend. Say, 'What you can spare.' Thus Allah makes
His commandments clear to you that you may reflect upon this world and the next"

According to a hadith in Muslim, the Holy Prophet pointed out so many specific things to spare
for charity that the companions felt that they had no right over anything they had in surplus.

Muslims are urged in the Quran to "eat ye thereof and feed the distressed, the needy" (22:29),
"and feed him who is needy but contented and him who supplicates" (22:37). Muslims are
expected not only to help the poor themselves, but also urge others to do so.

"He is not a believer who eats to the fill when his neighbour is hungry" (Mishkat). "A town
in which a person spends a night on an empty stomach forfeits Allah's protection."

It is for the Muslims to devise a system in which compulsory levy for the poor and voluntary
charity are dovetailed to form an integrated system avoiding duplication, ensuring that nothing is
amiss and that there is no room to pass the buck. This presupposes understanding, harmony and
trust between the government and public.

According to the Quran, "Surely all believers are brothers" (49:11).

The Holy Prophet said, "On the Day of Judgment, Allah, the Exalted, will call: Where are
those who loved each other to My glory? Today I shall give them shelter in the shade of My
mercy. Today there is no shade besides My shade." "By Him in Whose hand is my life, you
will not enter Paradise unless you believe, and you will not truly believe unless you love one
another" (Muslim).

It is unfortunate, rather tragic, that the prevailing culture in Muslim countries is not of mutual
trust between the government and the public but alienation to the point of active confrontation.
This is characterized by the government not hesitating to play tricks with the public and the
public, in return, doing its best to cheat the government.

The government and the public in Muslim societies ignore Islamic teachings in their mutual
relationship. The Holy Prophet said, "Each one of you is a shepherd and is responsible for his
flock. The man who rules over the people is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock."

"Any man whom Allah has given the authority of ruling some people and he does not look
after them in an honest manner, will not have even the smell of Paradise." "There is no
governor who rules Muslims and dies, having played false with them, but Allah will forbid
him Paradise." (Bukhari).

Purdah System:
God proclaims in the Surah Noor of the Holy Quran:

“And say to the believing women that they lower their gaze and guard their modesty, so
that they should not display their beauty and ornament except that appear there of (must
ordinarily appear) that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their
beauty except to their husbands.”
(Nur: 31)

A similar injunction regarding Purdah is contained in Surah Al-Ahzab of the Holy Quran:

“O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they draw upon
them their head coverings a little. In this way, it is more probable that they will be
recognized (as gentle women) and not be annoyed (molested).”
(Al-Ahzab: 59)

It is an admitted fact that the eyes are the messengers who bring the message to the minds of the
onlookers. It is the full view of the fair sex‟s face and curves of the body that arouse the feelings
of love and stir the emotions in one‟s heart. Islam, therefore, enjoins believing men and women
to keep their eyes down. They are forbidden to cast evil and critical glances mat fair sex. But
when women walk about without their veils, displaying their beauty and costly costumes, men
are naturally attracted. The unhealthy conditions prevailing nowadays in our society have created
many problems.

Islam has prohibited the free mixing up of the sexes for the reason that a woman unconsciously
submit to the flattery and advance of a man. She is overpowered by sentiments and emotions
rather easily. It is a familiar fact that in America and Western countries there is much moral
degeneration and chaos. The free mixing up of young boys and girls in colleges, clubs, ball-
rooms and hostels provide vast opportunities of petting, necking and scandalous behaviour. They
indulge fearlessly and unhesitatingly in wicked practices. The fee intermingling of the sexes has
dragged women into the quagmire of pleasure, sensuality and luxury. By the segregation of the
two sexes and keeping them apart through the observance of seclusion (purdah). Islam has
minimised the chances of moral lapse and hateful deeds to a great extent. In this way the honour
of a woman is saved. She cannot be humiliated and molested. When veiled, her beauty and
ugliness invites no criticism from the wicked-minded persons.

Apart from view point of morality. Women, who do not wear veil, have to worry a lot for their
make-up and costly fashionable dresses. On the other hand, a veiled lady may wear simple and
uncontentious dress and go about her business without any fear of curious remarks and uncalled
for criticism. She needs not get crazy after preposterous fashions and gaudy dresses. In fact, a
veil is a blessing for a virtuous woman. It is travesty of the truth that purdah-observing women
are consigned to the four-walls. On the contrary the are at liberty to go out for shopping,
attending marriages of their relatives and seeing their kith and kin. The young girls can attend

their schools and colleges and other institutions. The veil in no way hinders them from decent
pursuit, educational activities and smile recreations.

In the West, women are renouncing the role of woman and have to pay heavily for it as it lead
them finally to the negation of life itself. They are thus losing their grace and charm, sweetness
and modest trait. Allama Iqbal denounces the attitude of Western women in the following verse.

Jis ilm ki taateer se zan hoti hai nazan,

Kehte hn us ilm ko arbaab-e-nazar maut.
(The knowledge that make woman unwoman, the wise people call it a death)

And again

Ruswa kia is daur ko jalwat ki hawas ne,

Roshan hai nigah, „aaina‟ dil hai mukadar.
(The greed of display in society has degraded the present generation, the glance is bright
but the mirror of mind is dirty).

The purdah-observing Muslim ladies are safe, resected and honoured in their homes. They are
free from the burden and responsibility of earning their livelihood by adopting arduous
profession and competing with men. They do not attend clubs, ball-rooms and cocktail parties.
Home provides them with all the comforts and they lead respectable life. They are free from the
contamination of evil communication and the unchaste and immoral needs.

Purdah and Islam

Women are not required to observe the kind of purdah many say they must in our society.

By Anees Jillani

A FOREIGN journalist friend working in Pakistan was per plexed after visiting the family of
Salmaan Taseer‟s assassin near Islamabad. She was intrigued that the men from the assassin‟s
family while talking to her did not look at her even once.

She is not the first westerner who has mentioned this, as many regard this either as an insult or a
sign that the other person does not like her. This is also unlike what the same woman experiences
in the streets when nearly everybody stares at her. So how does one explain this phenomenon?

The Holy Quran says that

“Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that
will make for greater purity for them: And Allah is well acquainted with all that they do”

It also states:

“And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their
modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must
ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not
display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands‟ fathers, their
sons, their husbands‟ sons, their brothers or brothers‟ sons, or their sisters‟ sons, or their
women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical
needs, or small children who have no sense of shame; and that they should not strike their
feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. … (24:31).

The cited verse clarifies many things. For instance, it is not stated that the women should cover
their faces. If their faces had to be covered then there was no reason for them and for the men to
lower their gaze. Secondly, they are directed not to display their beauty and ornaments except
what must ordinarily appear. This direction can be interpreted in many ways. One interpretation
could be not to ostensibly display one‟s beauty and ornaments but the woman need not conceal
what is ordinarily visible.

Thirdly, bosoms must be covered with a veil. This perhaps explains the dupatta in South Asia
which provides adequate veiling. Another verse (33:59) says almost the same thing that

“believing women … should cast their outer garments over their persons (when outside):
that is most convenient; that they should be known (as such) and not molested….” This
condition, too, is relaxed in the case of men or older women.

The question is where does the head-to-toe-covering come from? It is clearly an attempt by men
to subjugate women and keep them within strict limits. Otherwise, there is nothing in the above
verses which can lead to such a strict interpretation. Islamic hijab is best seen in the ehraam of
women pilgrims, with the body covered by loose clothing and the face clearly visible, as
ordained by God.

Women are not required to observe the kind of purdah many say they must in our society.
Modestly dressed, they can work alongside men and appear in photographs and in the electronic
media. Ogling is not permitted for reasons of decency and modesty. The Holy Quran in another
verse (33:32), says that the wives of the Prophet (PBUH) are not like any of the other women
and in the next verse (33:33) tells them to

“…stay quietly in your houses, and make not a dazzling display, like that of the former
times of ignorance; and establish regular prayer, and give regular charity; and obey God
and His Apostle. And Allah only wishes to remove all abomination from you, ye members
of the family, and to make you pure and spotless.”

The wives of the Prophet were thus the only exception to the general rule of veiling applied to
believing women. Could one then argue that the condition is inapplicable to ordinary women
whom the Saudi government, for instance, tries to restrict and not even permits to drive? The last
part of the cited verse (24:31), along with the directions to the Prophet‟s wives not to make a
dazzling display clearly prohibits women from striking “…their feet in order to draw attention
to their hidden ornaments….” Does this mean that there is a case for outlawing dance or even
walking in such a fashion that women‟s hidden ornaments are heard?

I think not, and here‟s why: dance recitals and catwalks held in many Muslim countries are
hardly the scenes of lewd behaviour. Where such behaviour ensues, there are laws to deal with
rowdiness and those laws are enforced, with men and women enjoying equal freedoms. Thus
modern-day laws have ensured that vice is not the necessary outcome of striking parity between
men and women in what they do in a public space.

This is an indication that times have changed and human societies have evolved to a degree
where segregation can be a matter of personal choice but need not be the norm, as is the case in
the vast majority of Muslim countries today. A strict enforcement of purdah by the state, as done
in Saudi Arabia, Iran and during the former Taliban regime in Afghanistan, is no longer required
to keep order in society. Women today are educated and work alongside qualified men in
professional capacities.

An unsaid code of decent behaviour in the public sphere is observed without any coercion in
most Muslim societies where the state does not force women behind a head-to-toe purdah.
Therefore, it should not be a matter for the state to be concerned with, but that of the individual‟s

Purdah: Quranic and social

By Asghar Ali Engineer

Friday, 17 Apr, 2009

A FEW days ago I read in a newspaper based in Lucknow that a Muslim lady, about 50 years old
and head of a Muslim women‟s welfare organisation, declared her candidature for the
forthcoming parliamentary election in India. She wanted to contest in order to project women‟s
problems in parliament.

It was also reported that as soon as her candidature was declared, she began to receive phone
calls from some maulvis that women were supposed to be purdah-nashin (one who wears the veil
and stays at home), and are not supposed to contest elections. She did not pay much heed and
was determined to contest the election.

A few years ago, a Muslim woman candidate, under the 33 per cent reservation, filed her
nomination for the municipal election from Deoband, which is the seat of the famous Islamic
seminary Darul Uloom.

A fatwa was issued back then that a woman could not contest elections as she was supposed to
observe purdah. She too did not care and fought the election but was told to wear the veil while
campaigning. Now the question arises: is observing purdah as traditionalists say obligatory as per
the Quran, or is it a social custom, which is strictly observed in certain families?

I have read many articles in the Urdu press which glorify purdah and maintain it to be no
obstruction in carrying out a normal day‟s activities; many argue that it enhances women‟s
capacity to work. However, the truth remains that we tend to accept anything in the name of
Islam and begin to praise or justify it.

It is also to be noted that there are different types of purdah observed in different Islamic
countries or communities. Women wear the abaya in Saudi Arabia which covers a woman‟s
entire body from head to toe. In Iran women are required to wear headscarves to cover their head
only. In the subcontinent some Muslim women wear the burka covering their entire face and
body, others with their eyes showing. Others wear the burka but do not cover their face.

Thus, the kind of purdah we observe differs from country to country and from one community to
the other. What is the Quranic position? In Arabic, the veil is called „hijab‟ which means to
cover, to hide or to stand in between. The Quran does not use the word „hijab‟ for women in

general. Instead it exhorts women not to display their zeenah (adornments, charms) publicly
(verse 24:31).

This was to check rich and neo-rich women displaying their most charming dresses and
embellishments publicly. However, they were permitted to do so before all those men and
women who were their close relations, and men they were not allowed to marry. The Quran
nowhere requires women to cover their faces or much less sit at home. Verse 31 of Chapter 24
begins by exhorting both men and women to lower their gaze when they meet each other. If
women were required to wear the veil, covering their face, where was the question of lowering
their gaze?

The word „hijab‟ has been used in the Quran only for the wives of the Prophet (PBUH). Verse
33:53 exhorts men not to enter the Prophet‟s house except when invited, and not to linger on
talking to his wives; if at all one had to ask for something, it should be done so from behind a
hijab. This was because some tended to linger on after dining to indulge in talk with the Holy
Prophet and his wives.

What some of us make our women observe in the name of hijab or being purdah-nashin is more
of a social custom from the tribal, feudal ages when all sorts of restrictions were imposed on
women, and it was thought that the position of women was at home to serve their husbands and
children. Even most orthodox ulema agree that verse 24:31 does not imply that women cover
their faces. In fact, there is consensus (ijma) that women should only cover their heads and other
parts of body, except the face and the two hands, as observed at Haj.

Since the crucial word in the Quranic verse is „zeenah‟, and not „hijab‟, ulema agree that women
can not only keep their faces exposed but also apply kohl to their eyes and wear rings on their
fingers. The Quran places no restrictions on women such as we find in many Muslim societies
today. They are free to move, exercise their rights and even earn a living.

One does not find a culture of purdah, as observed today, anywhere in the Quran. Women are
supposed to be active members of society alongside men. They even took part in battles during
the Prophet‟s time. In fact it was a woman who saved the Prophet‟s life in the battle of Uhad by
taking the sword‟s blow on herself. They also took part in public debates, and Hazrat Umar even
appointed a woman as a market inspector.

Let us thus follow the Quran and not the social customs and traditions of yore which only reflect
certain mediaeval values more than the actual Quranic injunctions. Let us not paralyse half the
Muslim population in the name of Islam. If women too become active members of Muslim
society, the order emerging will be much more dynamic and socially healthier.

The Burka Debate

By Asghar Ali Engineer

Friday, 15 Jan, 2010

This is for the first time that women would be penalised for wearing the burka. Earlier France
banned Muslim girls from wearing the hijab in schools. It argued that these religious symbols
interfered with the state‟s commitment to secularism and the French culture. In fact nothing
happens without political ideology behind it. This measure is being championed by rightwing
politicians who are exploiting anti-Islam feelings in France among a section of the people under
the cover of secularism.

However socialists are opposed to any ban on the burka though they are not in favour of women
wearing the burka. They feel women should be discouraged rather than banning the burka (which
includes covering the face). Socialist spokesman Benoit Hamon announced that wearing the
burka was not desirable but he did not favour a ban which would amount to an inconsistent ad
hoc measure. “We are totally opposed to the burka. The burka is a prison for women and has no
place in the French Republic,” he said. “But an ad hoc law would not have the anticipated

The stand taken by the socialists appears to be quite logical. One cannot stop women from
wearing the burka through a ban. It is quite undemocratic to punish one for wearing a certain
type of dress. It is anti-democratic and anti-secular for a multicultural society. Let it be very clear
that to cover the entire body, including the face, is not necessarily an Islamic way. The Al-Azhar
in Cairo has banned such a cover under an Islamic edict.

The ulema hold different views on the subject. A majority of them hold that covering the face
and hands is not prescribed by the Quran or Sunnah. Only very few theologians and jurists want
women to be fully covered. To compel women to so cover their bodies and face is indeed against
women‟s rights and dignity. And a woman should be a free agent to decide for herself what to
wear within decent limits and the cultural ethos.

However, this freedom also includes the right of women to cover their face, if they so desire and
if they think it is a requirement of their religion. When I was lecturing at Bukhara University in a
class of women students all of whom were wearing skirts with their heads uncovered, two
women came fully covered including their faces. All other women demanded that these two
burka-clad women be thrown out.

I told them to imagine that the burka-clad women were in a majority and two women had come
wearing skirts with their heads uncovered, and the majority of the burka-clad women had
demanded that those two women be thrown out — how would they feel? I, therefore, argued
against getting violent just because someone dresses unlike us. We should have a dialogue with
them and persuade them, if we can.

There could be a number of reasons why one prefers to wear a certain kind of dress. Maybe there
is coercion by parents or husband which is undesirable. Or maybe one thinks it is a religious
requirement or one tries to assert one‟s right. Or maybe one is trying to fight cultural alienation.
Certain dresses also become identity markers. Many Muslims who migrate from Asia and Africa
experience a cultural shock when they see French or other European women wearing scanty
dresses like bikinis. Thus they feel all the more compelled to wear their traditional dress.

Also, in France and several other European countries migrants are marginalised and feel
alienated which pushes them into practising their own cultural norms. And then it is also to be
remembered that all Muslim women in France do not wear such dress covering themselves fully.
In fact many Muslim women have integrated themselves in French society by taking to western

A ban will only build up resistance among traditional Muslim women and they would try to defy
the law resulting in social tension. It would be far better to resort to persuasive ways to
discourage the more traditional women from wearing the all-covering burka.

Persuasion alone will not work unless backed by other measures, economic as well as social, to
fight the alienation of religious and cultural minorities.

Thus, one needs multi-pronged measures to contain this problem. The Muslim ulema and
intellectuals living in France also have to adopt creative ways to interpret Islamic traditional
sources to address emerging conditions. It is necessary to revisit traditional sources which were
rooted in a medieval, tribal/feudal culture.

Women in Islam:

• Introduction
• Status Of Women In Islam
i) The spiritual Aspects
ii) The Social Aspect
a) As A Child
b) As A Wife
c) As A Mother
iii) The Economic Aspect
iv) The Political Aspect


In the midst of darkness that engulfed the world, the divine revelation echoed in the wide desert
of Arabia with a fresh, noble and universal message to humanity,

“O, Mankind! Keep your duty to your Lord who creates you from a single soul and from it
created its mate (Of the same) and from them twain spread the multitude of men.”
(An-Nisa: 1)

The position of Islam regarding the status of women is explained in various term such as
politically, socially, spiritually and economically.

Status Of Women In Islam:

I) The Spiritual Aspect:

The Holy Quran gives a clear-cut evidence that woman is completely equated with man in the
sight of God in terms of rights and responsibilities. The Quran says:

“Every soul will be held in pledge for its deeds.”

(Al-Muddaththir: 38)

“Whoever works righteousness, man or woman and has faith verily to him. We give a new
life good and pure, and we will bestow on such their reward according to the beat of their
(An-Nahl: 97)

Woman, according to the Quran is not blamed for Adam‟s first mistake. Both were jointly
wrong in their obedience to God both repented, and both were forgiven.

(Al-Baqara: 36-37, Al-Araf: 20-24)

In terms of religious obligations such as Daily Prayers, fasting, poor-due and pilgrimage, woman
is no different from man. In some cases indeed, the woman has certain advantages over man e.g.
the woman is exempted of Daily Prayer and fasting during her menstrual periods and 40 days
after her child birth and she is also exempted of daily prayers and fasting during her pregnancy
when she is nursing he baby, if there is any threat to her health and her baby‟s.

The attendance of congregational for women is optional while it is mandatory for men.

Dear Brother one more thing i would like to acknowledge you here that
you have mentioned that during the menstrual period fasting is exempted
and also 40 days after child birth. Here we should not use the word
exemption because it means free from obligation, because a menstrual
woman has to complete her fasts after completion of that period. We
should say that woman during menstrual cycle has Provisional Immunity.
As soon as any woman competes her menstrual cycle than she is liable to
complete those fast which has been missed by her during menses and
similar case with child birth issue. only prayers are 100% exempted. It is
mentioned in Shaih Muslim

Book 003, Hadith Number 0662. (Sahih Muslim)

Chapter : It is obligatory for menstruating woman to complete the
abandoned fats, but not the abandoned prayers.

Mu'adha said: I asked 'Aisha: What is the reason that a menstruating

woman completes the fasts (that she abandons during her monthly course),
but she does not complete the prayers? She (Hadrat 'Aisha) said: Are you a
Haruriya? I said: I am not a Haruriya, but I simply want to inquire. She
said: We passed through this (period of menstruation), and we were
ordered to complete the fasts, but were not ordered to complete the

ii) The Social Aspect:

a) As A Child And Adolescent:

Despite the acceptance of social custom of female infanticide among some Arabian tribes the
Quran forbad tis custom and considered it as crime like another murder.

“And when the female is buried alive-is questioned, for what crime she was killed.”

(At-Takwir: 8-9)

The sayings of Holy Prophet about above customs are following:

“Whoever has a daughter, and does not burry her alive, does not insult her, and does not
prefer his son over her, God will enter him into Paradise.”

(Ibn‟.Hanbal.No: 1957)

“Whoever supports two daughters till they mature, he and t will come in the Day of
Judgement as this (and he pointed with his two fingers).”

The right of females to seek knowledge is not different from that of males. The Holy Prophet

“Seeking knowledge is mandatory for every Muslim man and woman.”


b) As A Wife:

Among the most impressive verse in the Quran about marriage is the following:

“And among His signs is this: that He created males for you from yourselves that you may
find rest, peace of mind in them, He ordained between you Love and mercy, Lo, herein are
signs for people who reflect.”

(Ar-Rum: 21)

According to the Islamic laws women cannot be forced to marry with anyone without their

At the time of marriage besides all other provisions for her protection, it was specifically
ordained that the woman has the full right to Mehr, a marriage gift, given to her (by husband)
and that such ownership does not transfer to her father or husband.

The rules for married life in Islam are clear and in conformity with upright human nature. In
consideration of the physiological and psychological make-up of a man and woman, both have
equal rights and claims on one another, except of one responsibility, that is leadership. This is a
matter which is natural in any collective life and which is consistent with the nature of man.

“And they (women) have right similar to those (of men) over them, and men are a degree
above them.”

(Al-Baqara: 228)

Men‟s role of leadership in relation to the family does not mean the husband‟s dictatorship over
her wife. Islam emphasizes the importance of taking counsel and mutual agreement in family
decisions. The Quran says:

“…….If they (husband and wife) desire to wean a child with mutual counsel and
consultation, there is no blame on them……”

(Al-Baqara: 233)

Over and above her basic rights as a wife comes the right which is emphasized by the Holy

“the most perfect believers are the best in conduct and the best of you are those who are
best to their wives.”

(Ibn Hanbal No. 7396)

The women‟s right to seek an end for unsuccessful marriage is recognized. Marriage may be
dissolved if she proves before the court that she has been ill-treated by her husband and he has
failed to give her sustenance allowance agreed upon between them.

c) As A Mother:

Islam considered kindness to parents next to the worship of God.

“Your Lord has decreed that you worship none save Him, and that you be kind to your
(Al-Isra: 23)

Moreover, Quran has a special recommendation for good treatment of mothers.

“And we have enjoined upon man (to be good) to his parents, His mother bears him in
weakness upon weakness.”
(Luqman: 14)

A man came to Muhammad (PBUH) asking:

“O, Messenger of God! Who among the people is worthy of my good company?” The
Prophet said, “Your mother” The man said, “Then who else?” The Prophet said, “Your
mother.” The man said, “Then who else?” The Prophet said, “Your mother.” The man
said, “Then who else?” Only then did the Prophet say. “Your Father.”

(Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

A famous saying of the Prophet is:

“Paradise is at the feet of Mother.”

(An-Nisa, Ibn Hanbal, Ibn Majah)

iii)The Economic Aspect:

According to Islamic law, women‟s right to her money, real estate and other such properties is
fully acknowledged. This right undergoes no change whether is single or married. Before Islam,
she was deprived of her right of independent ownership. But in Islam, she retains her full rights
to buy, sell, mortgage or lease any or all property.

With regards to women‟s right to seek employment, it should be stated first that Islam regards
her role in society as a mother and a wife as the most sacred and essential one. However, there is
no decree in Islam which forbids woman from seeking employment. Whenever, there is
necessity for it, especially in positions which fit her nature and in which society needs her most,
e.g. the professions such as nursing, teaching (especially for children) and medicine. Moreover,
there is no restriction on befitting from her exceptional talent in any field.

In addition Islam is restored to women the right of inheritance in some cultures. Her share is
completely hers and no one can make claim on it, including her father or husband. Her share in
most cases is one-half of the man‟s share. With no implication that she is worth half of man. This
variation in inheritance rights is only consistent with the variations in the financial
responsibilities of man and woman-according to the Islamic Law. Man in the Islam is
responsible for the maintenance of his wife, his children and in some cases of his needy relatives
esp. of females. Woman on the other hand, is far more secure financially, and far less burdened
with any claims on her possession. (She has no obligation to spend on her family out of such
properties or out of her income after her marriage). She is entitled to the Mehr which she takes
from her husband at time of marriage. If she is divorced, she may get an alimony from her ex-

v) The Political Aspect

Fair investigations in the teachings of Islam and into the history of Islamic civilization give a
clear evidence of women‟s equality with men what we call today “political rights”.

This right include the right of election as well as nomination in the political offices. This also
includes the right to participate in public affairs. Both in the Quran in the Islamic history we find
many examples of women participating in serious discussion and even argue with the Holy
Prophet himself.

During the Caliphate of Umar Ibn-e-Khattab, a woman argued with him in the mosque, proved
her point, and caused him to declare in the presence of the people, “A woman is right and
Umar is wrong.”

Although not mentioned in the Quran, one Hadith of the Holy Prophet is interpreted to make
woman ineligible for the position of head of the State. It is Translated as:

“A people will not proper if they let a woman be their leader.”

This limitation, however, has nothing to do with the dignity of women or with her rights. It is
rather, related to the natural difference in the biological and Psychological make-up of men and

According the to the Islamic law, the Head of the State is not mere a figure-head. He leads
people in the prayers, especially on Fridays and Festivities; he is continuously engaged in the
process of decision making pertaining to the security and welfare of the people. This demanding
position, or any similar one, such as commander of the Army, is inconsistent with the
Physiological and Psychological make-up of women in general.

It is a medical fact that during their monthly periods and during their pregnancies, women
undergo various physiological and psychological changes. Such changes may occur during an
emergency situation, thus affecting her decision.

It is more logical to explain the present situation in terms of the natural and indisputable
differences between man and woman, a difference which does not imply any supremacy of one
over the other. The difference implies rather the complementary roles of both the sexes in life.

Rights of women in Islam
By Syed Imad-ud-Din Asad

IT is a general concept in the West that in the eyes of Islam woman is inferior to man. They
staunchly believe that there is no such thing as “rights of woman” in Islam. This misconception
is partly due to their lack of access to the Quran and the Traditions, and partly due to the
irresponsible attitude of certain Muslim jurists and groups.

In fact, Islam is the only system which contains provisions that ensure equality between man and
woman. No religion, no system has done even a fraction of what Islam has done to secure her
rights and ensure a status for her that is at par with that of man. The status accorded to woman by
Islam is unique and has no parallel in any other society.

If, on the other hand, we look at the western woman, we find that her rights were not
acknowledged voluntarily or out of kindness or compassion. The early Greek philosophers had
very disparaging views of women. They argued that women were not full human beings and
were by nature deficient. The West inherited this thought and we find it persistent throughout the
Middle-Ages. This concept was not discarded even during the Age of Enlightenment. Writers of
that period, like Rousseau and Voltaire, looked at women as a burden.

In his book “Emile”, Rousseau proposed a different form of education for women because he
believed that women were unable to comprehend what men were able to do. In other words, he
believed women had lesser intellectual abilities than man. It was in the 1800s that the first
feminine movement emerged in the West. The first laws that allowed women to own property
also appeared in the same century. As time moved on, certain circumstances also aided women
in their struggle for their rights such as shortage of manpower in times of war, demands of
industrial development, etc., gave them the opportunity to learn, to work, to earn, to appear as an
equal to man. They were forced by circumstances and in turn they forced themselves through and
acquired a new status.

Still, the present set of rights that the Western woman attained after a long effort, fall short of
those of her Muslim counterpart. Islam has granted rights to woman that suit her nature and
disposition, and give her full security and protection. Also, in declaring man and woman as equal
human beings, Islam is centuries ahead of the western legal systems.

However, while discussing the rights of man and woman, the distinction between equality and
similarity must be kept in mind. Man and woman have been created equal, not identical. In
Islam, the rights and responsibilities of a woman are equal to those of a man, but they are not
necessarily the same. Both have been fashioned differently from each other, so their roles are

also different. The variation in their functions does not imply that one is inferior to the other.

Here, it must be mentioned that if certain rights of woman are being ignored, restricted, or denied
in present-day Islamic states, it is a fault of the Muslims — governments and people — who are
not enforcing them, not Islam‟s. Let‟s have a brief look at some of the rights granted by Islam:

1. Reward for good deeds: The Quran makes no difference between man and woman regarding
the bestowal of reward for the good deeds performed by him or her: “Whoever does good,
whether male or female, and is a believer, We will certainly make him live a happy life, and We
will certainly give them their reward for the best of what they did.” (16:97) “Surely the men who
submit and the women who submit; and the believing men and the believing women; and the
obeying men and the obeying women; and the truthful men and the truthful women; and the
patient men and the patient women; and the humble men and the humble women; and the
charitable men and the charitable women; and the fasting men and the fasting women; and the
men who guard their chastity and the women who guard their chastity; and the men who
remember Allah and the women who remember Allah - Allah has prepared for them forgiveness
and a mighty reward.” (33:35)

2. Freedom of expression: Man and woman are equally entitled to freedom of expression.
Women not only expressed their opinion freely, but also argued and participated in important
discussions with the Prophet (PBUH) and other Muslim leaders. There were occasions when
women expressed their views on matters of public interest and stood in opposition to the Caliphs,
who then accepted their sound arguments.

3. Right to education: Woman is equal to man in the pursuit of education and knowledge. The
Prophet declared: “Search for knowledge is a sacred duty imposed on every Muslim man and

4. Right to inherit: Man and woman have been given equal right to inherit from the parents and
the near relatives: “Men shall have a portion of what the parents and the near relatives leave, and
women shall have a portion of what the parents and the near relatives leave...” (4:7)

A woman‟s right to inherit is as much protected by law as that of a man. If the deceased wishes
to deprive her by making a will in favour of other relations or any other cause, the law will not
allow it. However, it must be remembered that whereas the right to inherit of both man and
woman is equal, their shares in the inheritance may differ. In certain cases, a woman gets half of
what a man in her position would get. The cause of this variation is the financial responsibilities
and liabilities with which man has been burdened, not woman.

As compared to Muslim man, Muslim woman is financially secure and provided for. If she is a

wife, her husband is the provider; if she is a mother, it is the son; if she is a daughter, it is the
father; if she is a sister, it is the brother; and so on. If she has no relations, then it is the
responsibility of the state to maintain her. In no case she will be left helpless. Whereas, a man,
except in one or two cases, is supposed to not only look after his family and other needy
relations, but also to make financial contributions to good causes in society. Thus, a larger share
in the inheritance does not depict the supremacy of man over woman, but it is rather a concession
granted to him in lieu of his financial burden.

5. Right to earn: Islam has given man and woman equal rights to contract, to enterprise, and to
earn and possess independently. The Quran says: “...For men is the benefit of what they earn.
And for women is the benefit of what they earn. And ask Allah of His grace...” (4:32)

Women conducted trade and business even during the time of the Prophet. In fact, his first wife
was a successful and famous business woman of Makkah.

6. Legal protection: In the eyes of Islam, a woman‟s life, property, and honour are as sacred as
those of a man. If she commits an offence, her penalty is no less or more than a man‟s in a
similar case. If she is wronged or harmed, she gets due compensation, equal to what a man in her
position would get.

7. Right to contract marriage: Contrary to prevalent belief, in Islam, there is no concept of

forced marriages of women. Parents have no right to force their daughters to marry against their
will. Just as a woman has the right to choose her spouse, she also has the right to seek divorce
from him.

8. Right to participate in public life: Islam does not ask woman to confine herself to her house.
It gives woman the right to participate in public life along with man. History shows that women
played active role in all walks of life. Women not only participated in trade, but even took part in
battles. They were never shut behind iron bars or considered worthless creatures.

Laila Al-Ghifaria would nurse the wounded in battles. Suffiah Bint Abdul Muttalib even fought
and killed the enemies. Women were also rewarded with booty in the same manner as Muslim
men. The Second Caliph of Islam, Umar, appointed a woman, Shaffa Bint Abdullah, to supervise
the market. He would often consult her and held her in high esteem. Under the Fatmids, a
woman, Arwa Bint Ahmad, even served as the Governor of Yemen.

The verdict of Islam on the inter se status of man and woman is the only complete, logical, and
practical declaration pertaining to the matter, as it always handles the issue by making a
distinction between equality and sameness. The Quran, the Traditions of the Prophet, and the

attitude of the early Muslim scholars prove that the position and rights of woman are equal to
those of man. In fact, Islam has safeguarded the rights of women by putting them into practice as
essential articles of Faith.

Equality of Men and Woman in Islam, and their

complementary nature to one another

In one sense, equality between men and women is possible and reasonable because they are both
human, with similar souls, brains, hearts, lungs, limbs, etc. In another sense, equality between
men and women is impossible and an absurdity due to their natural differences in physical,
mental, emotional and psychological qualities, inclinations and abilities. Between these two we
must tread to illuminate how they are equal, and how they are complimentary.
If total equality between all members of the same gender is impossible due to natural differences
in strengths and other qualities, regardless of whether the gender is masculine or feminine, then it
is definitely impossible between the two genders. Allah, the Exalted and Almighty, says in the
Glorious Qur'an:
(And of everything We have created pairs, that you may remember (the Grace of Allah).)[51:49]

Even atoms exhibit this dual quality with inter-related and complementary roles played by the
positive and negative particles and ions, yet each is an integral part of the whole system of the so
called binary basis of all life. Most living beings have male and female sexes for reproduction.
As the science of biology teaches us, all mammals have similar traits in their molecular and
glandular structures that determine differences in gender. These basic physical, psychological
and sexual traits have their definite effects on other spheres of life.

It is natural for a man to need and find fulfillment with a woman and for a woman with a man,
since they are created one from the other and for one another. They both are inseparably bound
to each other. Neither can they find fulfillment except when in the company of the other as legal
and honorable mate and spouse, as Allah (The Almighty) says in His Majestic Book, the Qur'an,
mentioned in the two verses cited in the preface:
(O Mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and
tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of you in the Sight of Allah is
the believer who has Taqwa (piety and righteousness). Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-

In many instances Islam treats women as equals to men. Some of them are given below. In the
coming sections we will expand on these themes in various contexts throughout the book.

1) Eqaulity in Basic Humanity

Both the male and the female are equal in terms of their humanity. Islam does not categorize
women, for instance, as the source of evil in the world for some & original sin that caused Adam
(Peace be Upon Him) to be dismissed from Paradise, or to be the cause of evil in the world by
setting loose a Pandora's box of vices, as some other religious doctrines and fables teach.
Allah, the Exalted and Almighty, states in the Glorious Qur'an:
(O mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam), and from
him (Adam) He created his wife (Eve), and from them both He created many men and women...)

Allah also states in the Glorious Qur'an:

(Does man think that he will be left neglected without being punished or rewarded for the
obligatory duties enjoined by his Lord (Allah) on him? Was he not a mixed male and female
discharge of semen pouring forth? Then he became a clot; then (Allah) shaped and fashioned
(him) in due proportion, and made him into two sexes, male and female. Is He not able to raise to
life those who are dead?)

Allah illustrated in the verses that He created both sexes from one single source. There is no
difference between the two sexes in terms of qualifications in humanity, and each complements
the other as the two genders of the species. Islam has abolished and abrogated all the previous
unjust laws that demoted women as inferior in quality and nature. The Prophet of Allah (Peace
be Upon Him) said:
Verily, women are the twin halves of men.
[Abu Dawood #234 , Tirmidhi #113 & others]

2) Equality in Religious Obligations

Equal religious duties and rituals are required from both women and men. Testimony of Faith
(Shahaadah), Prayer (Salah), Obligatory Charity (Zakah), Fasting (Saum), and Pilgrimage (Hajj)
are equally required of both genders. In some cases the requirements are a bit easier on women to
alleviate their special cases of hardship. For instance, in consideration of her health and physical
condition, menstruating women or a woman in the state of postnatal bleeding and recuperation
are absolved from the duty of prayers and fasting. She is required to make up the days of fasting
missed due to menses and postnatal bleeding, but not her prayers, as that would be too

3) Equality in Rewards and Punishments

Both males and females have similar rewards for obedience and penalties for disobedience in this
world and the Hereafter. As stated by Allah in the Glorious Qur'an:
(Whoever does righteous acts, whether male or female, while he is a believer, verily, to him We
will give a good life, and We shall pay them certainly a reward in proportion to the best of what
they used to do.)

And the Lord Most Majestic says:

(Surely for men who submit to Allah and for women who submit to Allah, for believing men and
for believing women, for devout men and devout women, for truthful men and truthful women,
for steadfast men and steadfast women, for humble men and humble women, for charitable men
and charitable women, for fasting men and fasting women, for men who guard their chastity and
women who guard their chastity, for men who remember Allah much and for women who
remember Allah much, for all of them Allah has prepared forgiveness and a mighty reward.)

4) Equality in Preservation of Honor and Nobility

Women have the same moral obligations and are entitled to the same general rights as men in
guarding chastity, integrity and personal honor and respect, etc. No double standards are
allowed. For instance, those who falsely accuse a chaste woman of adultery or fornication are
publicly punished, just as if a man is slandered. Allah, the Exalted, states in the Glorious Qur'an:
(And those who accuse chaste women, and produce not four witnesses, flog them with eighty
lashes, and reject their testimony forever. Indeed, they are those who are disobedient to Allah.)

5) Equality in Financial Dealings and Property Ownership

Women are equally qualified and allowed to engage in financial dealings and property
ownership. According to Islamic law women can own, buy, sell and undertake any financial
transaction without the need for guardianship, and without any restrictions or limitations - a
situation unheard of in many societies until modern times.

6) Best of you is the Best to his Womenfolk

Islam indicates that a man who honors, respects and deals with women justly and integrally,
possesses a healthy and righteous personality, whereas a man who mistreats them is an
unrighteous and unrespectable man. The Prophet of Allah (Peace be Upon Him) said:
The most complete believer is the best in character, and the best of you is the best to his
[Tirmidhi #1162 and verified]

7) Equality in Education and Cultivation

Islam entitles women to the same rights as men in terms of education and cultivation. The
Prophet of Allah (Peace be Upon Him) said, as reported and authenticated by the scholars of
prophetic traditions:
Seeking knowledge is compulsory for each and every Muslim (i.e. both male and female).
[Ibn Majah #224 al-Baihaqi and verified]

Muslim scholars collectively agreed that the word Muslim when used in revealed scriptures
includes both male and female, as we indicated in parenthesis. Thus, Islam entitles women to the
same right of education in order to understand the religious and social obligations, and obligated
them both to raise their children in the best manner, in accordance with the right Islamic
guidance. Of course women have certain obligations in bringing up their children that are
commensurate to their abilities and men have complementary obligations to finance, protect and
maintain according to their added responsibilities in the family unit.

The Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) said:

Whoever takes care of two girls until they reach puberty, he and I will come on the Day of
Resurrection like this.” The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) then joined his fingers to
illustrate this.
[Muslim #2631]

About female slave girls, the Prophet of Allah (Peace be Upon Him) said:
Whoever has a female child with him (under his guardianship from slavery), and trains her in the
best behavior, and teaches her well, and then frees and marries her, will have a double reward.
[Bukhari #97 & Muslim #154 ]

8) Equality in Social Responsiblities

Men and women have similar obligations and responsibilities to reform and correct the society to
the best of their capability. Men and women shoulder the responsibility of enjoining good and
forbidding evil equally, as Allah, the Exalted, states in the Qur'an:
(The believers, men and women, are helpers, supporters, friends and protectors of one another,
they enjoin all that is good, and forbid all that is evil, they offer their prayers perfectly, and give
Zakah (Obligatory Charity) and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah will bestow Mercy on
them. Surely Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.)

9) Right to Receive Fair Share of Wealth

Men and women have set and determined rights to receive their fair share of wealth, just as they
are obliged to give Zakah (Obligatory Charity) according to the set calculation. All Muslim
scholars unanimously agree upon this. A woman has her set share of inheritance, as will be
discussed in more detail later, which was a right unthinkable in many societies.
Allah (The Almighty) says:
(There is a share for men from what is left by parents and those closely related, and there is a
share for women from what is left by parents and those closely related, whether the wealth be
small or large: a legal mandatory share.)

10) A woman, just like a man, can give someone the right of seeking refuge and security
among the Muslims

Allah, the Exalted, says:

(And if one of the polytheists seeks refuge, give him until he hears the words of Allah, then take
him to his place of security.)
The Messenger of Allah (Peace be Upon Him) said:
And the protection of Muslims is one, and the least among them can give protection; and
whoever usurps the right of a Muslim then the curse of Allah and His angels and all the people is
upon him, and no repentance or ransom will be accepted from him
[Bukhari #3008]

This is also proven by the famous story of Um Hani' (Mother of Hani') when she gave protection
to a polytheist who sought refuge with her on the day of the conquest of Makkah after her
relative threatened to kill that person (for some past enmity) so the Messenger of Allah (Peace be
Upon Him) said,
We protect and give asylum to whomever you give asylum O Um Hani'.
[Bukhari #350]

Men and Women have the right to seek education
in Islam:

- Men and Women have the right to seek education in Islam.

- So how come some Muslim extremists ban women from education?

Education and knowledge are mandatory upon men and women in Islam. Let us look at what
Allah Almighty in His Noble Quran and His Messenger Muhammad peace be upon him said:
"....Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know? It is those who are endued
with understanding that receive admonition. (The Noble Quran, 39:9)"

"...Those truly fear God, among His Servants, who have knowledge: for God is Exalted in Might,
Oft-Forgiving. (The Noble Quran, 35:28)"

Narrated Abu Musa Al-Ashari: "The Prophet said, 'He who has a slave-girl and teaches her good
manners and improves her education and then manumits and marries her, will get a double
reward; and any slave who observes Allah's right and his master's right will get a double reward.'
(Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Manumission of Slaves, Volume 3, Book 46, Number 723)"

This Saying of our beloved Prophet peace be upon him came when he was gradually eliminating
slavery among Muslims. I wonder if women are prohibited to be educated in Islam, then how is
the above Saying of our beloved Prophet supposed to NOT contradict that?! It is clear that the
right for education in Islam sees no gender discrimination between men and women.

Slavery was practiced before and during the times of Judaism, Christianity and Paganism. Islam
came and eliminated slavery. Please see the many articles about the liberation of slaves in Islam.

Narrated AbudDarda': "Kathir ibn Qays said: I was sitting with AbudDarda' in the mosque of
Damascus. A man came to him and said: AbudDarda, I have come to you from the town of the
Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) for a tradition that I have heard you relate from the
Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him). I have come for no other purpose.

He said: I heard the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) say: If anyone travels on a road in
search of knowledge, Allah will cause him to travel on one of the roads of Paradise. The angels
will lower their wings in their great pleasure with one who seeks knowledge, the inhabitants of
the heavens and the Earth and the fish in the deep waters will ask forgiveness for the learned
man. The superiority of the learned man over the devout is like that of the moon, on the night
when it is full, over the rest of the stars. The learned are the heirs of the Prophets, and the

Prophets leave neither dinar nor dirham, leaving only knowledge, and he who takes it takes an
abundant portion. (Translation of Sunan Abu-Dawud, Knowledge (Kitab Al-Ilm), Book 25,
Number 3634)"

Narrated AbuHurayrah: "The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: If anyone acquires knowledge

of things by which Allah's good pleasure is sought, but acquires it only to get some worldly
advantage, he will not experience the arf, i.e. the odour, of Paradise. (Translation of Sunan Abu-
Dawud, Knowledge (Kitab Al-Ilm), Book 25, Number 3656)"

In the above Noble Verse and Sayings, we clearly see that knowledge and education are a must
on both Muslim men and women. Those who know are better than those who do not know.
Those who are rich in knowledge are the most who fear Allah Almighty, through glorifying Him,
appreciating Him and Respecting His Mighty Power, for they would have more knowledge about
Him than those who don't know.

So education to both men and women in Islam is essential. Without it, Allah Almighty's Servants
would have no idea about His "Scientific" Miracles and Signs that He Shows some of it to us
through our normal science and logic.
Also, those who seek good knowledge and education will be granted Paradise and the Angels
will lower their wings for them with great pleasure, and forgiveness will be asked for them. The
learned are considered the heirs of the Prophets.

We also clearly see that the improper worldly knowledge will not cause the person to enter
Paradise. So everything we seek knowledge for, better be for good cause to humanity.

So how come some Muslim extremists ban women from education?

Please know that the only country or group of Muslim extremists that ban women from
education are the "Taliban" group in Afghanistan. The rest of the 1.4 Billion Muslim populations
don't have any laws that prohibit women to be educated or seek the highest academic degrees
they desire.

Saudi Arabia is a country, however, that bans women from driving cars. Again, I don't really
know where they are getting this rubbish from. Certainly cars didn't exist 1400 years ago. So all
of these verdicts that you see today in Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia from banning women to be
educated and from driving cars are TODAY'S AUTHORITIES VERDICTS.

I never really understood the Saudi's point, and I guess I never probably will, because Khadijah,
Prophet Muhammad's first wife, was a business woman. She actually used to travel on her camel
and bargain with men and make deals with them!

Also, Aisha, one of Prophet Muhammad's wives, not only narrated so many of his Sayings, and
taught so many Muslims many laws about Islam during his life and after his death, but believe it
or not, she actually led an army of 60,000 Muslim men after our Prophet peace be upon him
died. That battle was called the "Battle of Camel". It is a very popular battle. Every Muslim
knows it.
The problem with the Taliban of Afghanistan, however, is that most of their top leaders are
illiterate. They literally don't know how to read and write. The "Mullah Omar" their highest
leader is one live example. As we saw in the first section of this article, those who lack education
have a problem appreciating GOD Almighty. They are not preferred in Islam, and they could
cause a lot of trouble.

I wouldn't expect any good leadership from a leadership such as the Taliban in Afghanistan. So,
when they give verdicts against women's education, they are really coming up with their own
false interpretations, that to them, seem to be the perfect rules.

Also, the Taliban gave verdicts that all Shia Muslims are infidels, and therefore it is ok to kill
any of them. Their followers, who are mostly uneducated, blindly and ridiculously follow their
leaders' twisting of Allah Almighty's Commands:

"O ye who believe! Obey God, and obey the Apostle, and those charged with authority among
you. If ye differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to God and His Apostle, if ye do believe
in God and the Last Day: That is best, and most suitable for final determination. (The Noble
Quran, 4:59)"
So to them, since the Taliban is the "authority", then they should blindly follow them. They and
their leaders, however, obviously lack a great deal of knowledge about Islam, because Noble
Verse 4:59 is talking about obeying the people with authority ONLY in what is Islamic.

This was clearly defined by our Prophet peace be upon him:

Narrated 'Abdullah: "The Prophet said, 'A Muslim has to listen to and obey (the order of his
ruler) whether he likes it or not, as long as his orders involve not one in disobedience (to Allah),
but if an act of disobedience (to Allah) is imposed one should not listen to it or obey it.
(Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Judgments (Ahkaam), Volume 9, Book 89, Number 258)"

History had repeated itself in Afghanistan. 1400 years ago we had so many civil wars because of
not so knowledgable leaders about the Islamic laws took power. It's easy to give a verdict. But a
leader in Islam is going to be held very dearly responsible for such verdict, especially if he
caused the death of many innocent lives!

On Hijab (Covering Head and Face)

This issue has been sensationalized in the media, especially in some secular countries like France
and Turkey which seek to make illegal the wearing of the Muslim headscarf or face veil in public
places. We will not delve into all the details of the issue but, given the information above and
some additional information below, we will let the readers judge for themselves whether or not
the modest clothing and covering of the beauty and adornments of women, mandated in Islamic
scriptures, is only for her own honor and protection, or not.

Allah (The Almighty) says:

(O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their
cloaks (and/or veils) over their bodies. That is better that they should be known so as not to be
annoyed and molested. Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.)

This verse clearly states that the reason the woman is obligated to cover herself is to distinguish
her to be identified as a respectable Muslim lady, to avoid the annoying glances and glares of the
men. As we all know, provocative clothing urges some men to make advances, and expose
women to molestation. This may be encouraged and marketed in some societies, but not among
the respectable faithful Muslims.

All protective measures should be taken to guard women from excess temptation, which are
explained in Islamic jurisprudence. Some of them are related to the women's attire like loose
fitting body wrapping, head covering, and according to the authentic interpretations of the
scriptures of the Qur'an and Sunnah, the face veil.

Allah (The Almighty) also said:

(And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their private parts and not display
their adornment (and beauty), except that which appears thereof (ordinarily) and to draw their
coverings over their chests and not display their adornment except to their husbands, their
fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husband's sons, their brothers, their brothers
sons, their sisters sons, their women, that which their right hands possess (their slaves) or those
male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private
aspects of women. And let them not stomp their feet to make known what they conceal of their
adornments. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers that you might succeed.)

This verse indicates those males who are categorized as "mahram," as mentioned above, and
designates that men and women should lower their gazes in modesty, which is the best self-

protection from natural temptations and mutual attractions that occur between the opposite sexes.
And Allah (The Almighty) says, indicating the provocative manners with which the women of
pre-Islamic era used to walk about, and calling the believers to appropriate behavior and

(And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance, and
establish regular prayers and give obligatory charity and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah
wishes only to remove impurity from you, O members of the family (of the Prophet), and to
purify you with a thorough purification. And remember(O you the members of the Prophet's
family, the Graces of your Lord), that which is recited in your houses of the Verses of Allah and
Wisdom (i.e. Prophet's Sunnah ). Verily, Allah is Ever Most Courteous, Well-Acquainted with
all things. Verily, the Muslims men and women, the believing men and women, the obedient
men and women, the truthful men and women, the patient men and women, the humble men and
women, the charitable men and women, the fasting men and the women, the chaste men and
women, and the men and the women who remember Allah much with their hearts and tongues;
Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward (i.e. Paradise). It is not for a
believing man or woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decreed a matter, that they should
have any option in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he has
indeed strayed in a clear error.)

We can see that Islamic regulations, although similar to many other cultures where modest dress
and behavior is concerned, are yet unique to the highest standards of the Muslim identity of
chastity, righteousness, and moral uprightness. Islam protects and safeguards the individuals and
the society from awkward situations of unnecessary intermingling between marriageable males
and females leading to natural temptations. The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon Him) said in
an authentic tradition:
"Verily for every religion there is a characteristic, and the characteristic of Islam is Haya`a
(modesty, shyness, bashfulness)."
[Ibn Majah #4172 and verified]

Polygamy in Islam

Polygamy (plurality of wives) is one of the controversial questions in the family system of Islam.
The following are a few points worth of consideration in an effort to clarify the wisdom of
polygamy and when it can be used:


Islam has emphasized that taking advantage of the permission of polygamy is conditional on the
observance of several factors and circumstances -as it will be explained later. If the man lacks
those material and moral conditions, or he is not competent enough to satisfy all of them, then he
will not be eligible to take more than one wife. Also, Islam has emphasized that the basic
objective of healthy marital life comes from mutual love and benevolence between the husband
and the wife which normally can be found in the form of regular marriage - monogamy.
Preservation of that cordiality, stability, and purity in the family life can be seen clearly in the
Quranic doctrines as well as in the tradition of the prophet (p.b.u.h):

Quran says:

“And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye
may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily
in that are Signs for those who reflect.”(Quran 30: 21)”

" live with them ( wife or wives) on a footing of kindness and equity” (Quran 4:19)

“And women (wives) shall have rights similar to the rights against them, according to what is
equitable; but men have a degree (of advantage) over them. And Allah is Exalted in Power,
Wise.” (Quran 2:28)

Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) said:

"The best man among you is the best with his wife".

”The best of your women are those: Who are loving and kindly; who look after their chastity;
Who are not arrogant or disobedient to their husbands; Who are faithful to their husband in their

Imam Ali (A.S.) said:

"By your chastity protect your wife from casting an evil eye on others stealthily and entertaining
an idea of sin".
"Be kind to your wife and treat her well. Kindness will change her for the better, will keep her
satisfied and will preserve her health and beauty".

Is there a perfect Solution?

As a realistic religion that legislates real solutions for humanity, Islam avoided any utopian
doctrine. In many of its laws, Islam keeps in mind the flexibility of the law and the realistic
factors and circumstances. A law can not be 100% good for every person, groups, culture, or
country. However, Islam considers the over all values and gaining. If the advantages of a law
overcome its disadvantages, then that law would be legislated and vise versa. This concept is
driven from Quran: “They ask thee concerning wine and gambling. Say: "In them is great harm
(sin) and some benefits for people; but the harm (sin) is greater than the benefits (2:219).”

Polygamy, like any other law, has its disadvantages and advantages on both the husband and the
wife. But do those advantages overweigh the disadvantages?

Let the following brief study judge that:

I) Polygamy before Islam

Polygamy existed before the advent of Islam among several civilizations and religions. All that
Islam has done is restricted it and make more organized and civilized.

In his book, History of Civilization (vol.1 p.61), Will Durant says:

The clerics in the Middle Ages thought that polygamy was an innovation of the Prophet of Islam.
But that is not the case. As we have seen, it has been practiced in most societies before Islam.

Among the history lots of stories were narrated about men who cheated on their wives or got
married with more than one. Take an example from the bible: some people accuse prophets and
make them look sinful just not to say they had more than one wife. Isn‟t that Abraham (peace be
up on him) was married Sarah and from her he had Isaac and simultaneously he was married to
his made and had from her Ishmael?

The following are some phrases from the bible

"After he left Hebron, David took more concubines and wives in Jerusalem, and more sons and
daughters were born to him."
2 Samuel 5:13

"He (Solomon) had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines..."
1 Kings 11:3
"And Lamech took unto him two wives: the name of the one was Adah, and the name of the
other Zillah.
Genesis 4:19
"If a man have two wives, one beloved, and another hated, and they have born him children, both
the beloved and the hated; and if the first-born son be hers that was hated: then it shall be, when
he maketh..."
Deuteronomy 21:15
"if he take him another wife; her food, her raiment, and her duty of marriage, shall her not
Exodus 21:10

The point here is not to say that monogamy never been practiced or not applicable. However, it
is just a wondering that how come the legalized polygamy in Islam is inferior to the unlimited
clandestine adultery in other religions and civilizations.

II) Polygamy and the wife acceptance:

a) What if a woman does not accept polygamy

First of all, marriage in one of its phases is a legal contract between the wife and the husband.
Both partners have the right to add any condition that they think it will help them to protect their
future life. So, if a woman thinks polygamy is against her interest, then she has the full right to
announce her objection during the marriage contract as a condition and a right for a valid
contract or else it will be nullified. Based on that, the husband has to commit to that condition or
he would have no right to keep her as a wife if she decides to get divorced and was approved by
the Islamic court, especially if divorcing the husband is controlled by the wife.

b) What if the wife‟s condition is disregarded?

Like in any other law, a person might misuse the law to seek his/her interest. If a husband, who
previously has committed in the marriage contract not to marry another woman, decides to have
a second wife, then his current wife has the right to ask for divorce and raise that issue to the
Islamic court. But is it fair that the only thing the wife can do is to ask for divorce in this matter.

Is that Fair?

Answering that question is not simple since each case has its own circumstances. First of all, the
question would be; why is the husband thinking about another wife, especially when both
partners have agreed to dysfunction polygamy in their marriage life. In this case and before
divorcing, a social worker assigned by the Islamic Court has to study the case and judges it. For
instance, may be the husband wants children and his current wife is barren but yet he still loves
her and wants to keep her as a wife in addition to his new one. Furthermore, if the wife is the one
who is controlling the divorce process -not the husband- then she can divorce her husband if that
avails her. Overall, Same question would be asked. As an American is it fair that I can divorce
my wife or she can divorce me at any time.

III) Polygamy could be a Natural and social need?

What if:

- There are some men by nature need more than one wife and their wives have no problem with
- Monogamy is not just a theory and is thoroughly practiced, so no more men were allowed to
cheat on their wives. Do you think for that group of people- who never naturally get satisfied by
one wife- Monogamy is a solution and is sufficient?
- There are women who have no problem in marrying a man already having a wife especially if a
marriage is in their interest.
- The majority of society are women keeping in mind that:
o Marriage age of puberty mostly begins earlier in girls than in boys.
o The power of proliferation of women ceases at a certain age, after which pregnancy is very rare
case, whereas there is no such fixed age for men.
In this case where no enough men, do we tell those women just disregard your emotion and
desire or just abuse yourself through unlawful acts like being Homosexual.

IV) Homosexuality but not Polygamy!

It is so ironic that several western countries and some American states legalizing homosexuality
under the excuses of genetic and psychological problems or nature, but yet disregarding
vehemently any excuse for polygamy.
Keep in mind that in Homosexuality, a homo is destroying the structure of family by
emphasizing strongly and exclusively on his/her lust and disregarding other bonds and factors

that could create a continuation of a peaceful tranquil society. In addition to that, Homosexuality
makes a person‟s live under the emergency of lust and desire which starts growing infinitely and
calls for desire saturation at any time or any where jeopardizing the pure ordinary relation
between any two people.

While in polygamy, the person is restricting him self to more responsibilities and commitments
since he has to be just with his wives and treat them co-equally in everything: money, living,
emotion, etc. By that, he is just establishing a bigger family and limiting him self to a clear
honest accepted relation.

V) Polygamy and its Preconditions in Islam

Islam allows polygamy on some condition and here are some of them:

a- The wife(s) has no objection about polygamy during or before the marriage contract. And if
the husband disregards that, the wife has the right to raise that to the Islamic court.

b- Equitable treatment for all the wives

c- Number of wives not to exceed four.

VI) Major disadvantages of Polygamy:

The following are the major disadvantages of polygamy from the Wife Perspective:

A. Less time with the husband; since his spared time is now shared between two or more wives

B. Less attention

C. Jealousy and unshared love; since the woman likes to have full attention and full unshared
love from her partner.

D. Family malfunctioning and Chaos since husband spends less time with the children i.e. less

discipline and guiding.

E. Less money saved or given to the wife and children since money should be shared co-equally
with the other family.

F. Population problems that burden the society since both wives (may be more) are going to have

G. Unfairness and discrimination; since the husband can have more than one partner while the
wife should marry only and exclusively one.

But are the above disadvantages are exclusively because of polygamy, or they can be found in
monogamy as well. And can any of those disadvantages considered a big obstacle if compared to
the advantages of conditional pure polygamy.

The following explain each disadvantage as a case and analyze it to show whether each one is
worth it to be considered a case to overweigh the advantage of polygamy.

Over all, the reader has to keep in mind that purity, honesty, justice, and doing good are one of
the major attributes that Islam calls for. Therefore, any relation or behavior that is committed by
the husband or the wife and it does not fall with in those categories, it would be considered a big
sin and inhumane act i.e. a major disadvantages:

“Allah commands justice, the doing of good, and liberality to kith and kin, and He forbids all
shameful deeds, and injustice and rebellion: He instructs you, that ye may receive admonition”
(Quran 16:90)

1. Case “A”: spending less time with the wife might be because of other factors too. For instance,
the husband‟s job is based on overtime or even it requires lots traveling per year. So, do we say
that he is not allowed to get married because there is certain time he is not sharing it with his
wife or his children. Therefore, if a person is rich enough, rather than spending his time at work
and traveling from one country to another, he can spends that time with another wife in a more
aptly and equally controlled way. Keep in mind that, if a husband has more than one wife, he has
to spend his time with his wives coequally.

2. Case “B”: Less attention to the wife might occur because of other reasons too. If the husband
is so much occupied by his job, business, or studying for sure his wife will not get adequate
attention. And if she does get some attention and caring it will not meet her expectations. In this
matter, Should we tell those kinds of husbands to divorce their wives or not to get married if

there have not been married yet. Nevertheless, the wife should understand her husband
circumstances. She should bare with him the side affect of marrying another wife since she did
not from the beginning had objected about the idea of polygamy and made a condition in her
marriage contract.

3. Case “C”: That is right and the emotion of woman and her interest should be highly
considered by the husband. However, if the conditions of polygamy are satisfied and the
husband‟s desire is above normal then what would be the solution. Should he just go a head and
cheat on his wife with women that usually hang out with any guy. And by that he will be
transferring diseases, committing adultery, and threatening the family stability. Especially when
cheating on the wife becomes habitual with any lady that clicks on his emotion.

4. Case “D”: Family malfunctioning is a wide general problem and is not exclusively a result of
polygamy. Moreover, it is because of unwise decisions and acts regardless of the size of the
family. A person might find a disordered family though it just consists of: husband, wife, and
one child. But, all of its members are conveniently ignorant and irresponsible.

5. Case “E”: Applying that case in the family is a disaster. And, its argument is so weak because
what if there is a big family. Or, what if that family consists of more than 5 or 6 members does.
Should the wife start aborting lives to control the budget of the family? Even in the case of using
lawful birth control ways, it would be forbidden in Islam if they are used because of the fear of
poverty. The Muslim, above all, has to rely on God, in any aspect of life , because God is the one
that bestowed upon him/her before any one else, and because of His bestowing and wisdom you
have the tools and abilities to make money: “Kill not your children for fear of want (poverty):
We shall provide sustenance for them as well as for you. Verily the killing of them is a great sin”
Quran 17:31.Therefore, that case is a big deal for those who really weigh things based on money
and materialism but it is not so with pious people if the money where coequally and wisely
shared. Nevertheless, money is not everything. The husband who is rich now might be poor
tomorrow. And the husband whose job is very good today might be jobless one day. But
Moreover, the Muslim, above all, has to rely on God, when he is involved in any thing, because
God is the one that bestowed upon him/her before any one else, and because of His bestowing
and wisdom you have the tools and ability to make money: “Kill not your children for fear of
want (poverty): We shall provide sustenance for them as well as for you. Verily the killing of
them is a great sin” Quran 17:31.

6. Case “F”: That argument could be used in any big family even if it falls under the Monogamy
practice. Organizing the population is fine with Islam as long as no abortion is involved even in
the early the development phases when the fetus still in like fertilized egg or zygote. So, a
husband who has two families with acceptable number of kids rather than having big family with
numerous numbers of children will not threat population.

7. Case “G”: That might sound a fair complain and objection but if we research it and analyze it,
it would not be that valid and practical. It is just a utopian objection that is driven by emotional

First, because Islam considers the husband as the main supervisor in the family though the wife
has it important supervisory role: “Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because
Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their
means. Quran 4. 34” It is the husband‟s responsibility to find a job, work hard, make money,
make the life of his wife and family comfortable and if the wife is working, the money that she
makes will be her exclusively and has the full right not to spend it on the husband. Also, while
men emotionally -and even physiologically- more rigid and they are more prepared for hard
circumstances and environment women usually are more emotional, benign, and sensitive. Such
factors, in addition to some others, make the husband more reliable to be in the charge of

Second, the wife is more toward one-to-one exclusive loving relation. Her complex emotions
make her more comfortable in being dedicated to one person i.e. one husband; especially if she
feels that her husband is the person that can offer her protection, love, honesty, and tranquility.
And that might me the explanation why usually women are more jealous than men. They,
generally speaking, go crazy if they feel or even see the husband looking or talking kindly to
another woman.

Third and as described above, the wife-in general-considers emotion as a priority, and if she is
getting full attention and love from the husband side, she will not feel comfortable in sharing her
emotion with another man nor giving him her body since any physical contact should first pass
through the gate of honest, valid emotion. However, some women might not be that way, but as
mentioned before the law goes with majority. If there are some special cases then they have to be
reviewed by an Islamic Court for proper Islamic solution. On the other hand, the husband,
especially in the long run of marriage, might give emotion less attention. He, in general, would
be more attracted and attached to physical beauty than emotion; since he sees in that attraction an
ultimate satisfaction for his desire. That physiological behavior, which widely seen in men,
becomes a threat on the relation with wife if it starts growing or becomes uncontrolled. Since, it
will push the husband to have unlawful hidden affairs with other women causing less attention
and caring on the wife side. In that situation, when the husband‟s sexual desire can not be
saturated by just one woman - especially when his wife has pregnancy or menstrual related
issues or not emotionally ready when he needs her, what would be the solution?
Fourth, assume the following the husband marries more than one wife and those wives each one
of them marries additional husband then what about the children to whom they belong or to
whom they listen. And if the husband wants to apply his supervisory role, the wife of two

husbands might end up of two contradicted statement .Also, who is going to spend on the
family? Overall, a family, like any other healthy organization, can not have two principals or
supervisors. Can a person imagine a country directed by two presidents?

So theoretically it might sound good for the wife to have more than one husband, but since Islam
considers the husband as the main supervisor of the family it would not be practical at all.

In general, Polygamy is not allowed if it will become a destructive behavior and carelessness.
And the husband who is misusing it, he is basically misusing the law. In such case, the impious
human is the problem not the law itself.

Human rights in Islam

By Syed Imad-ud-Din Asad

IT is a popular belief in the West, owing to their deficient knowledge of the Quran and the
Traditions of the Prophet (PBUH), that Islam supports values and structures that are
incompatible with the principles of human rights. In fact, Islam established the sanctity of human
rights and advocated their promotion and enforcement, about 1400 years before the United
Nations embodied them in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

If we consider human rights as a yardstick for evaluating civilizations, we would come to the
conclusion that the world was not very civilized before the advent of Islam. Though there were
great civilizations before Islam, they are held high in regard mainly because of their
contributions in the fields of arts and sciences — none of them did anything to place human
rights in a permanent manner. Advancement in human rights, if there were any, would derive
their legality from a particular ruler whoever is in place and his successor would not be bound to
extend them: human rights granted by a ruler could be taken away by another if deemed
necessary or expedient.

It was in the 16th and 17th centuries that the western political thinkers and jurists educated the
masses about the notions of civil liberties and fundamental rights. This awareness prompted the
people to strive for their rights resulting in a bitter series of tussles between the rulers and the
subjects. Privileges were stubbornly withheld by the rulers, whereas, the subjects fought
vehemently for them. Revolutions took place, and with each revolution the people won a new
concession. In this way, through the ordeal of bloodshed and struggle, a growing body of rights

Islam, on the contrary, took a significantly different course. First of all, as God Himself had
conferred them, the people did not have to violently snatch these rights from some ruler.
Secondly, being the rights ordained by God, human rights cannot be abolished or abrogated by
any man or group of men. Every Muslim ruler or government must recognize and enforce them
as they are part and parcel of the Islamic faith. If one omits to do so, or denies them, or
practically violates them while paying lip-service to them, the verdict of the Quran in such a case
is clear and unequivocal: “...And whoever judges not by what Allah has revealed, those are the
disbelievers.” (5:44). “...And whoever judges not by what Allah has revealed, those are the
transgressors.” (5:47) Some of the rights that Islam declares all human beings should possess are:

Right to life: The Quran upholds the sanctity of human life and accords full protection to it. All

forms of manslaughter are regarded as heinous crimes. It is said in the Quran: “...Whoever kills a
person, unless it be for manslaughter or for mischief in the land, it is as though he had killed all
humanity...” (5:32). “...And kill not the soul which Allah has made sacred except in the course of
justice...” (6:152).

Right to equality: Islam disregards discrimination between persons on the basis of colour, race,
nationality, nobility of birth, wealth, political status, gender, etc. Superiority of a person is
determined only on the basis of piety, righteousness, and moral excellence. In his farewell
sermon, the Prophet declared: “Righteous actions are the only mark of distinction and not wealth,
birth, or status in life.”

Similarly, the Quran proclaims: “O mankind, We have created you from a male and a female,
and made you into tribes and families that you may know each other. Surely the noblest of you
with Allah is the (one who is the) most righteous of you. Surely Allah is Knowing, Aware.”

Right to justice: Immense stress has been laid by the Quran on the right to seek justice and the
duty to perform justice: “...When you judge between people, you judge with justice...” (4:58) “O
you who believe, be maintainers of justice...” (4:135) “O you who believe... let not hatred of a
people incite you not to act equitably. Be just; that is nearer to observance of duty...”(5:8)

Right to respect: Islam declares that each person, irrespective of his faith, race, gender, or
wealth, is worthy of respect. The right to honour and self-respect is inviolable. The Quran says:
“And those who malign believing men and believing women undeservedly, they bear the guilt of
slander and manifest sin.” (33:58)

“O you who believe, let not a folk deride a folk, perchance they may be better than they (are);
nor let women (deride) women, perchance they may be better than they (are); neither defame one
another, nor insult one another by nick names. Bad is the name of lewdness after faith... Neither
backbite one another...” (49:11,12)

Right to privacy: An individual‟s right to domestic and personal privacy has been clearly
recognised by the Quran: “O you who believe, enter not houses other than your own houses, until
you have asked permission... This is better for you that you may be mindful.” (24:27) “O you
who believe, avoid most of suspicion... and spy not...” (49:12)

Right to freedom of religion: In an Islamic state every citizen is free to profess and practise any
religion that he has adopted. Individuals and government have been strictly forbidden to interfere
in the religious affairs of non-Muslim citizens. It is said in the Quran: “There is no compulsion in
religion...” (2:256). “And if thy Lord had pleased, all those who are in the earth would have

believed, all of them. Wilt thou then force men till they are believers?” (10:99) “And say: the
truth is from your Lord; so let him who please believe, and let him who please disbelieve...”

Right to protest against oppression and injustice: Every citizen of the Islamic state has the
right to resist and protest against oppression and injustice. There are numerous Traditions of the
Prophet in this regard: “Abu Sayeed reported that the Messenger of Allah said, „The best jihad is
that of one who says a true word before a tyrant‟.” (Ibn Majah, Tirmizi, Abu Daud). “Abu
Sayeed reported that the Messenger of Allah said, „Whoever from among you comes across a
certain undesirable thing, must stop it by his hands. If it is not possible for him, he must stop it
by his tongue. And if this also is not possible, he must condemn it in his heart — and this is the
weakest position of belief‟.” (Muslim)

Right to education: The pursuit of knowledge is considered a task of great importance in Islam.
It is pointed out in the Quran: “...Say (unto them, O Muhammad): Are those who know equal
with those who know not? But only men of understanding will pay heed.” (39:9)

Following are some traditions of the Prophet that describe the significance of education:

“Anas reported that the Messenger of Allah said, „Search for knowledge is compulsory upon
every Muslim man and woman‟.” (Ibn Majah). “Anas reported that the Messenger of Allah said,
„Whoever goes out in search of knowledge, is in the path of Allah till he returns‟.” (Tirmizi).

Right to earn: Islam grants an individual the right to do any lawful work and to pursue any
lawful profession for earning his livelihood. The rewards of labour belong to the one who has
made the effort. The Quran decrees: “...For men is the benefit of what they earn. And for women
is the benefit of what they earn...” (4:32)

The right to earn also implies the right to get a job if one has no employment or occupation. The
following Tradition of the Prophet is evident of it: “A man came to the Messenger of Allah and
requested for alms. The Prophet said, „Have you got anything in your house?‟ He replied, „Yes, I
have a woollen carpet... and a cup...‟ The Prophet said, „Come to me with both these things.‟ The
man did so. The Prophet took them and asked the people around him, „Who will buy these
two?‟... A man said, „I will take them both for two silver coins.‟

The Prophet gave the things to that man and took the coins. He then turned to the man, who had
come for help, gave him the coins, and said, „Buy food for your family with one of them and buy
an axe with the other, then come to me with the axe.‟ The man did so. The Prophet fixed a
handle to it and said, „Go, cut wood and sell it. Come to me after fifteen days.‟ When the man
came to the Prophet after the prescribed time, he had earned ten silver coins... The Messenger of

Allah said to him, „This is better for you...‟” (Abu Daud)

Following this precedent set by the Prophet, the Islamic state is responsible to provide
employment to its citizens if they have none.

Islam has conferred and acknowledged other human rights also. Their details and illustrations
can be seen in the Quran, the Traditions, and the teachings of the pious caliphs and other Muslim

Non-Muslims` rights

By Syed Imad-ud-Din Asad

Friday, 25 Feb, 2011

TO many westerners, Islamic law often seems problematic and puzzling. One of the main
reasons for this is the variety of contradictory approaches in different Muslim countries
regarding the nature of government, fundamental rights, rule of law, rights of non-Muslims, the
concept of the welfare state, etc.

Various Muslim regimes, in order to maintain their hold on power, often enact laws and take
measures that are inconsistent not only with the western notions of equity and justice, but, more
importantly, with provisions given in the basic Islamic texts. Similarly, certain Muslim scholars,
trying to gain quick popularity among ignorant Muslim masses in order to further their selfish
political ambitions, often make statements that are contrary to Islamic values, as may be
ascertained from the Quran and the Sunnah, the two primary sources of Islamic law.

All these factors create a negative image of Islam as people generally make an estimate of an
ideology by looking at the behaviour of its adherents.

The status of non-Muslims in Islamic law is a frequently discussed topic. It is a general

perception in the West that non-Muslims are second-rate citizens in an Islamic state. However, if
we look at the Quran and the Sunnah, we find a different story. In the early and medieval Islamic
state, except for the right to political equality, non-Muslims had the same rights as Muslims.
Their life, respect and property were as sacred as those of their Muslim counterparts.

Non-Muslims living in an Islamic state were called „Dhimmis‟. The word „dhimmah‟ means
„pledge‟ or „guarantee‟. „Dhimmi‟, contrary to the prevalent misconception, is not a derogatory
term; it signifies that these people were under the protection guaranteed by Allah and His
Prophet (PBUH).

There are numerous sayings of the Prophet emphasising that non-Muslim citizens must be
treated well and their rights must be protected by the state as well as Muslim members of the
community. He once said, “Whoever hurts a Dhimmi, hurts me. And whoever hurts me, he
annoys Allah.” (Bukhari) Similarly, “Beware! On the Day of Judgment, I shall myself be the
complainant against one who wrongs a Dhimmi….” (Al-Mawardi)

Al-Qarafi, the Islamic scholar, while commenting on the responsibility of the Islamic state to
Dhimmis said, “It is the responsibility of the Muslims to the people of the Dhimmah to care for
their weak, fulfil the needs of the poor, feed the hungry, provide clothes, address them politely
and even tolerate their harm…. The Muslims must also advise them sincerely on their affairs and
protect them against anyone who
tries to hurt them or their family, steal their wealth, or violate their rights.”

At this point, it would be apt to discuss the controversial issue of jizyah. Zakat is a tax collected
from Muslim citizens; jizyah was the tax collected from adult, male, non-Muslim citizens. The
payment of jizyah entitled non-Muslims to state support and protection, and exemption from
military service. If a non-Muslim voluntarily fought for the Islamic state, he was exempt from it.
Most importantly, if non-Muslims were unable to pay jizyah, the state still looked after them and
protected them just like Muslim citizens.

Thus, jizyah was only a tax and not meant to humiliate non-Muslims. If Muslim citizens paid
zakat to the state, there was no harm in collecting jizyah from non-Muslim citizens. Do modern
western states not impose taxes on their citizens? They do.

Similarly, lack of political equality between Muslims and non-Muslims is viewed as a huge
deficiency in Islamic law by westerners. The fact is that a state based on a particular ideology,
like Islam, should be governed by people who adhere to it. In other words, owing to its
ideological nature, a non-Muslim cannot become the head of an Islamic state.

Simply speaking, religion and ideology are not that different from each other. Therefore, the
requirement of allegiance to Islam is the same as the requirement that an American, in order to
hold a public office, undertake an oath to a fundamentally bourgeois constitution. Just as the
Sharia signifies certain values, the constitution of the US signifies certain values.

Unlike other beliefs and systems, Islam cannot be accused of conducting forced conversions,
witch hunts, inquisitions and holocausts. In fact, Muslim territories often served as a refuge for
non-Muslims facing oppression and persecution in other places. Spain, under Muslim rule, was
the only place in Europe where Jews could live with safety and dignity. After the fall of Muslim
Spain, Jews were expelled from there and they found a sanctuary in another Muslim realm, i.e.,
the Ottoman Empire.

Muslim India was another example. Despite centuries of Muslim rule, the majority of its
population remained non-Muslim. It is a well-known fact that Muslim rulers even made generous
donations to temples and other religious places of Hindus and others. It is also interesting to note
that, according to Al-Maqrizi, all the famous churches of Cairo were built during Muslim rule.

Considering all these historical facts, the destruction of two statues of the Buddha in
Afghanistan, in 2001 by the Taliban government was totally un-Islamic. They did not act in
accordance with Islam; it was a deplorable attempt to further their own political interests by
manipulating the religious emotions of their ignorant Muslim population.

It is important not to confuse such despicable actions with Islamic values. For instance, if a Jew
kills a man, it would be outrageous to say that Judaism makes murderers. Similarly, it would be
utterly incorrect to say that the Spanish Inquisition was conducted because the Gospel instructed

• While defining Zakat, examine its Socio-Economic significance in Islamic Society. (2002)

• Islam pays a lot of stress on the circulation of money. Describe in the light of Zakat
system. (2008)

• In Islam the purpose of Zakat is purity of wealth, abolishing poverty, hunger and
ignorance but his has not been achieved yet. What pratical steps are needed for attaining
this end?(2009)

Above is the list of the repeated questions regarding the topic zakat in different years and from
different angles..

Here is my outline Keeping all the three questions in veiw:


• Definition

• Importance Of Zakat In The Light Of Quran And Hadith

• Kinds Of Property On Which Zakat Is Obligatory

• Recipient Of Zakat

• Persons Who Cannot Be Given Zakat

• Virtue Of Zakat

• Punishment For Not Giving Zakat

• Benefits Of Zakat
i) Purification of Soul
ii) Purification of Wealth
iii) Creates Love in Human beings
iv) Solution for Unemployment
v) Solution for Unequal Distribution of Wealth

vi) Wide Circulation of Wealth
vii) Elimination of Poverty
viii) Treasury of Islam
ix) Insurance Company of Muslims
x) Reduction in Crimes
xi) Solution for Depression
xii) Wide Circulation of Wealth

• Social Impact Of Zakat

• Economic Impact Of Zakat

• Islam Concerns for The Poor-Zakat And Poverty Alleviation

• Restabilising The Institute Of Zakat OR Steps To Achieve The Purpose Of Zakat

• Conclusion

Dear Syeda Sabahat rectify the mistakes in outline if any and also simplify it according to the
requirement of the question in different years like from above outilne wat points wud be
appropriate to add in the question asked in 2002, then in 2008 and lastly in 2009.....waiting for

• Describe the importance and philosophy of FASTING (SAUM) also explain its individual and
collective benefits. (99)

• Define the doctrine of "Roza" and explain how to achieve the goals of mutual co-operation and
collective justice besides the purification of individual soul through the application of this doctrine.



• Definition Of Fasting

• Significance Of Fasting

• Individual Benefits
i) Spiritual Benefits
ii) Physical Benefits
iii) Moral Benefits
• Taqwa In Ramazan

• Collective Benefits
i) Social Benefits
ii) Economic Benefits

• Conclusion


• Why the faith on the „Day of Judgment‟ is necessary? How it affects the Human life?

• Explain with arguments the Self-Reformation (Islam-e-Nafs) and construction of moral

according to the need and importance of the faith of the Day of Judgment (Akhirat) (2003)

• Describe the importance of the concept of the “Day of Judgment” and explain the
practical results of this notion of the Private and Public life of the people. (2008)

The Day Of Judgement


• Meaning Of The Judgement Day

• Day Of Judgement In Different Religions:
• Islamic Concept Of Life Hereafter
• Signs Of The Day Of Resurrection
• The Effects Of The Belief In Resurrection On The Life Of Man:
• How the day of the judgement in Islam is a concept of accountability and justice?
• Importance Of This Faith

i think answer would be like this

*meaning of akhirat

*its concept in islam

*concept of akhirat in other religions.

*its proofs in quran like surah taha ayat no:55, surah yaseen ayat no:78-79,surah sajdah ayat no:20.

*why its important to believe on the day of judgement?

*what would be the result if we will not believe on this day?

1)man become irresponsible

2)he would have more love for this world.
3)narrow thinking/prejudiced
4)dislyoal to others
5)all his amaal would be ruined.
and e.t.c

*its effects on indiviual life

*collective benifits.

this is a complete outline for all questions roshan.and remember dear try to write short headings and
use synonymes instead of long words.


• Define the philosophy of Salaat and explain its importance in the light of Quran and
Sunnah. Also state its impact on the life of an individual and community.(97)

• Describe the importance and philosophy of prayer. Also explain its individual and
collective benefits. (2000)



• Introduction/Philosophy Of Salaat
• Importance Of Salaat In The Light Of The Quran And Hadith
• Benefits Of Salaat
a) Individual Benefits
b) Collective Benefits
i) Social Organization And Social Discipline
ii) Mosque As Community Centre
iii) Mutual Cooperation And Help
iv) Equality And Brotherhood
v) Training In Jihad (Holy War)
vi) Respect For The Rights Of Others
vii) Tolerance
viii) Unity


• Define Tauheed (Unity of Allah) in a scholarly manner describing its significance and
effects on human life. (2001)

• Explain the belief of Tauheed in scholarly manner describing its effect on human life.

• Identify the importance of the concept of "Towheed" and explain the practical results of
this principle on the private as well as public aspects of the human life. (2007)



• Definition
• Significance Of Tauheed
• Effects Of Tauheed
i) Width Of Vision
ii) Self-respect
iii) Modesty And Humbleness
iv) Virtuous And Upright
v) Satisfaction Of Heart
vi) Determination
vii) Peace And Contentment
viii) Obedience
• Conclusion

Is this outline also fit for answer to the following question asked in 2010?

Q.4. Stating traditional and rational arguments about faith of Resurrection, discuss the role of
this faith in establishing an organised society.

dear uniter i want to say something before giving answer to your query.

its a common misconception now a days that islamiat paper is not from books its a sort of
current affair paper,yes it is but let me tell you one thing that you have to relate the
circumstances with islamic knowledge. its very easy.

uniter first of all try to understand the question by dividing it in to 2 parts and then ans.
one by one. as in above mention question,there are 2 parts

1st you have to describe the faith of resurrection by arguments

traditional means with the help of verses from quran and sunnah.

rational mean what society thinks about this faith why it is important.

2nd part you have to describe its effects both indiviual and collective,so that you can
explain how they are benificial in establishing an organised society.

i hope it will clear your concept. if you have other query you are most welcome to ask.

Re-establishing The Institution of Zakat.

Due to a variety of eroding factors, the institution of zakat, which once provided an c economic safety
net to society, has lost its meaning. Today, it has an ad hoc and irregular function reduced to almost a
ritual practiced individually by a small minority of Muslims. Many who pay zakat, unfortunately, do not
even know how to accurately calculate it, let alone its potential economic impact on society.

To re-establish the institution of zakat, it is essential that we first understand the importance of zakat in
terms of its economic impact upon society. Also, in order to properly apply its rules and regulations to
many forms of wealth, we must recognise that there are new categories of wealth (such as intellectual
property and other intangible assets) which did not exist in early Muslim society, and for which we need
to use appropriate evaluation methods (book value, replacement values, market value, present value of
future earnings, etc.) in computing zakat.

Can the institution of zakat achieve its objectives of establishing economic justice and general well being
of all members of society through equitable distribution of wealth in today’s economic environment?
Since there is no contemporary empirical data, this question can be answered only through simulation
or extrapolation of the cumulative economic impact of a redistribution of wealth. To test if it is as valid
as it was fourteen centuries ago, let’s go through a simple accounting exercise. It is a known fact that the
collective wealth of 1% population of the Middle East lying in the Western Banks is conservatively
estimated to be in the region of over 800 Billion dollars, and earns $80 Billion annually in net profits
(10% rate of return of equity) a 2.5% Zakat on this wealth would produce an annual Zakat of
approximately 20 Billion dollars. Mind well this is only 1% population of the Middle East. If some one
estimates the total wealth of the 1.25 Billion Muslims and measures the Zakat we can well imagine what
an economic impact it can have on the lives of the Muslims alone.

If we were to distribute this money among various categories of recipients of zakat as prescribed in the
Quran over, say, every year for the next ten years, the cumulative result of this annual redistribution of
wealth will substantially reduce unemployment, expand investment base, eliminate poverty and
extreme disparity of wealth between rich and poor by the end of the tenth year. This projection is
however based on the premise that this goal is achievable in a reasonable length of time provided the
system of collection and distribution of zakat is credible, cost-effective, loophole-free and supported by
strong accountability mechanisms to assure its integrity.


• What is the significance of “Jihad” in the light of Quran and Sunnah? What are its kinds,
principles, and conditions? (2001)

• Write down a detailed essay on the importance, necessity and different kinds of Jehad in
Islam. (2003)

• "One Man‟s Terrorist Is Another Man‟s Freedom Figther",in Light Of The Preceding
Quoted Probe In To Causes Of Terrorism And Separate Both Jihad AndTerrorism From
Each Other After Giving Solid Arguments. (2006)


• Meaning Of Jihad
• Importance Of Jihad
• Kinds Of Jihad

i) Jihad With Self

ii) Jihad By Wealth
iii) Jihad By Knowledge
iv) Jihad By Sword

• Conditions For Physical Jihad

• Necessity Of Jihad
• Concept of war in Islam
• Suicide Bombing


• Islam‟s Response to Terrorism

•' One Man's Terrorist is Another Man's Freedom Fighter'

• Conclusion

One Man's Terrorist is Another Man's Freedom Fighter

Freedom is an end, terror is a means. So to call a combatant a terrorist is to say something about his
tactics, his means for achieving his ends, while to call a combatant a freedom fighter is to say nothing
about his tactics or means for achieving his ends. It follows that one and the same combatant can be
both a terrorist and a freedom fighter. For one and the same person can employ terror as his means
while having freedom as his end.

Suppose a Palestinian Arab jihadi straps on an explosive belt and detonates himself in a Tel Aviv pizza
parlor. He is objectively a terrorist: he kills and maims noncombatants in furtherance of a political
agenda which includes freedom from Israeli occupation. The fact that he is a freedom fighter does not
make him any less a terrorist. Freedom is his end, but terror is his means. It is nonsense to say that he is
a terrorist to Israelis and their supporters and a freedom fighter to Palestinians and their supporters. He
is objectively both. It is not a matter of 'perception' or point of view or which side one is on.

Another Palestinian renounces terrorism and fights for freedom from occupation by the path of
negotiation. He is objectively a freedom fighter and objectively no terrorist. A third case might be an
Israeli terrorist who blows up a Palestinian hospital or mosque in revenge for Palestinian terrorist
attacks. He is objectively a terrorist but objectively not a freedom fighter.

So there are two reasons to avoid 'One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.' The first is that
it rests on a confusion of means and ends. Describing a combatant as a terrorist, means not his end;
describing a combatant as a freedom fighter, means his end not his means. A second reason to avoid the
saying is because the saying suggests falsely that there is no fact of the matter as to whether or not a
person is a terrorist. There is: a combatant is a terrorist if and only if he employs terror as a tactic in the
furtherance of his political goals. It doesn't matter what his goal or end is. It might be the noble one of
freedom from oppression. Or it might be base one of domination and exploitation. What makes him a
terrorist is the means he employs.


• concept of zakat
• Importance Of Zakat In The Light Of Quran And Hadith

Benefits Of Zakat
i) Purification of Soul
ii) Purification of Wealth
iii) Creates Love in Human beings
iv) Solution for Unemployment
v) Solution for Unequal Distribution of Wealth
vi) Wide Circulation of Wealth
vii) Elimination of Poverty
viii) Treasury of Islam
ix) Insurance Company of Muslims
x) Reduction in Crimes
xi) Solution for Depression
xii) Wide Circulation of Wealth

• Kinds Of Property On Which Zakat Is Obligatory

• Recipient Of Zakat
• Persons Who Cannot Be Given Zakat
• Virtue Of Zakat
• Punishment For Not Giving Zakat
• Social Impact Of Zakat
• Economic Impact Of Zakat
• Islam Concerns for The Poor-Zakat And Poverty Alleviation
• Restabilising The Institute Of Zakat OR Steps To Achieve The Purpose Of Zakat
• Conclusion

Charity and Alms giving

Zakaah literally means to purify and develop. In the terminology of Shari'ah it is the giving
of specified wealth with specified conditions to the rightful ones.

The Ruling on Zakaah

Zakaah is one of the five main pillars of Islam. It is compulsory upon EVERYONE who fulfills
its conditions, for Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) states;

1. " Then establish prayer and pay Zakaah and obey Allah and His Most Beloved Messenger
(Salla Allahu Ta'ala alayhi wa Sallam) and Allah ta'ala is aware of what you do. " Al-Qur'an :
2. " O believers! give something of your pure earnings and of what WE produce from the earth
for you. " Al-Qur'an : 2:267

The Beloved Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahu Ta'ala alayhi wa Sallam) has stated :

Islam is based on five things

1. To testify that none is worthy of worship but Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) and
Muhammad (Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam) is the Messenger of Allah (Subhanahu
wa Ta'ala).
2. To establish Salaah.
3. To pay Zakaah.
4. To perform Hajj (pilgrimage).
5. To fast in the month of Ramadan.

Zakaah became compulsory in the second year of the migration. It is Wajib (compulsory) to pay
it immediately. To delay its payment without reason is sinful and the testimony of such a person
will not be accepted. Zakaah is not Wajib upon the Prophets (alaihis salaam) because all that
they own is Wakf (religious endownment) on their behalf.

It is permissable to pay Zakaah before a year has passed on the wealth, even several years before,
as long as he possesses the Nisaab (minimum amount of property liable to payment of the
Zakaah) for which he is going to pay the Zakaah in advance.

The wisdom of Zakaah

1. Zakaah purifies one's character from the evil traits of stinginess and greed.

2. Through Zakaah the poor receive help and the needs of dependents and destitutes are fulfilled.

3. Zakaah helps in the provision of public works upon which the well being of society depends.

4. Zakaah prevents wealth becoming centralised in the hands of a few wealthy people. Thus it
ensures that the means of life are not restricted to a select group.

Making Du'a for the Zakaah payer

At the time of receiving Zakaah it is Mustahab (desirable) to make Du'a for the Zakaah giver.
This is because Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) said, " ( O' Beloved Prophet - Salla Allahu ta'ala
'alayhi wa Sallam) Take Zakaah from their wealth to purify and clean them therewith and
pray for them. Surely your prayers will give them comfort. " Al-Qur'an : 9:103

The Prophet (Salla Allahu alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) prayed for the person who sent a
beautiful she-camel in Zakaah in the following way, " O Allah bestow blessings on this
person and in his camels. "

Imam Shafi'ee (alaihir rahman) states, " When the recipient receives Zakaah it is Sunnah to
pray for the giver in the following way; ' May Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) reward you for
what you have given and may He bestow blessings on the remainder of your wealth. ' (Fiqh

Persuasion to pay Zakaah

Almighty Allah says :

1. " And those in whose wealth there is a known right; for the one who asks help and for
those who are deprived. "

2. " Those, if We give them control on the land, they would establish prayer and pay the
Zakaah and command good and forbid evil. And the consequence of all things is in the
hands of Allah. "

The Blessed Prophet (Salla Allahi 'alayhi wa 'aalihi wa Sallam) stated, " Whosoever gives
alms equal to one date from his Halaal wealth, and Allah only accepts pure and Halaal
items, Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) takes it in His Hand and develops (cultivates) it, just
like one of you brings up his colt (young-horse), until it is equal to a mountain. " ( Bukhari

In another Hadith it is stated that " (Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) cultivates that morsal of
Sadaqah) to such an extent that it develops into the equal of the Uhud mountain. "

A warning to those who refrain from giving Zakaah

Almighty Allah says;

1. " On that day their treasures will be heated in the fire of hell, and their foreheads, sides
and backs will be branded therewith. (They will be told) This is what you had hoarded for
yourselves. Now taste the penalty of such hoarding. "
Al-Qur'an : 9:35

2. " And those who are miser in what has been given to them by Allah, by His grace, should
not think that it is good for them; on the contrary it is bad for them. The riches they have
piled up shall become their necklace on the Day of Judgement. " Al-Qur'an : 3:180

Some sayings of the Most Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam :

1. " To whoever Allah (swt) has given wealth and he did not fulfill his right from his
wealth, his wealth on the Day of Qiyamah (Judgement Day) will take up the shape of a bald
snake, - whose hair has fallen out because of its poison and who would have two black dots
on its eyes. The snake will be made into his necklace and it will grab both jaws and say 'I
am your wealth, I am your treasure'. " then the Prophet (Salla Allahu alayhi wa aalihi wa
Sallam) recited the above verse (3:180) of the Qur'an. ( Bukhari )

2. "For every wealth owner who did not fulfill his right from his wealth, his wealth will
come on the day of Qiyamah in the shape of a bald snake, who will have its mouth open.
When it comes close towards the wealth owner the wealth owner will run away from it. The
snake will call out to him 'come take the wealth which you hid for I dont need it.' When the
wealth owner (in despair) sees no other way he will put his hand into the mouth of the
snake. The snake will chew his hand like a bull chews something. " (Muslim)

3. Two women wearing gold bracelets came into the presence of the Beloved Prophet (Salla
Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam). The Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa aalihi
wa Sallam) asked them, " Would you prefer that Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) should give
you bracelets of fire to wear on the day of Qiyamah ? " They replied, " No, O Blessed
Prophet." The Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) replied, " So give

what is your duty on what you have in your hands. " (Ahmad)

The ruling on the one who does not pay Zakaah

The one who rejects the compulsory nature of Zakaah becomes a Kaafir (disbeliever) whilst the
one who acknowledges the compulsion of Zakaah but due to miserliness does not pay it is sinful.
Zakaah should be forcibly taken from such a person and he should be reprimanded. If such a
person physically resists to pay Zakaah he should be fought until he submits to the will of Allah
(Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) and pays Zakaah.

Hadrat Abu Huraira (Radi Allahu anhu) narrates that after the blessed passing away of
the Most Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) and when Hadrat
Abu-Bakr (Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu) was the Caliph some Arabs became Kaafir
(disbelievers). Hadrat Umar (Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu) said to Hadrat Abu-Bakr (Radi
Allahu ta'ala anhu) ; How are you going to fight the people when the Beloved Prophet
(Salla Allahu alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) said, " I have been ordered to do fight against the
people until they read the Kalimah, whoever reads this he has saved his wealth and life
from me, except when his life or wealth is taken in the course of justice. And his account is
with Allah. " On hearing this Hadrat Abu-Bakr (Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu) replied, " By
Allah, I will fight he who differentiates between Salaah and Zakaah, for Zakaah is Haqq
(true and right). By Allah if whoever used to pay the child of a goat or a camel's rope in
Zakaah during the time of the Noble Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa aalihi wa
Sallam) and now refuses to pay I declare war on him. " Hadrat Umar (Radi Allahu ta'ala
anhu) replied, " By Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala), this (reasoning) is because Allah
(Subhanahu wa ta'ala) has opened/widened his chest and it is now clear to me that what he
has stated is Haqq (right). "

The Compulsion of Zakaah

The following are the conditions for Zakaah to become compulsory on a person :

1. To be a Muslim. A disbeliever does not need to pay Zakaah.

2. To be free. A slave does not need to pay Zakaah.

3. To be mature. Zakaah is not compulsory on a wealthy minor.

4. To be sane. Zakaah is not compulsory on the insane.

5. Have perfect/complete ownership. This means must have both ownership and possession of it.
Thus if a person owns something but does not have possession over it Zakaah is not compulsory
upon it, (e.g. Zakaah is not compulsory on a woman's dower before she gains possession over it).

6. To be the owner of the Nisaab. Nisaab refers to that level (of property) specified by Shar'iah as
a standard for Zakaah becoming compulsory. Not only must one own this much but it must also
be in excess of debts and fundamental needs (such as clothing, abode, animals for transport,
slaves for service, armaments, books for the people of knowledge if they are not for trade.
Similarly no Zakaah is payable on the tools for a skillsman, if not for sale.) Nisaab varies for the
different commodities - these will be stated below.

7. The passing of a lunar year, even if during the year Nisaab is not maintained. The passing of a
year is not a condition on the Zakaah of agriculture and fruit.

Notes :

1. Zakaah is not compulsory on the wealth of minors (children) or insane. Thus one should
not demand their guardians to pay Zakaah out of their wealth. This is due to the fact that
Zakaah is an act of worship and it is not demanded from minors and the insane.

2. The paying of Zakaah will not be complete unless one has the intention at the time of
paying or at the time when he separates the Zakaah wealth from his total wealth. But if
someone, without the intention of Zakaah, gives all his wealth away in charity the
compulsion of Zakaah will be removed (from him).

3. It is not a condition for the person receiving Zakaah to know that this is wealth from
Zakaah. Thus it is correct for a person to give Zakaah to a poor person but to tell him that
this is a loan or a gift.

Those entitled to Zakaah

It should be clarified that there are eight types of people who have the right to Zakaah, this is
because Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) says :

" Zakaah is only for those who are poor and needy and those who are employed to administer it,

and for those attracted to Islam, and for the freeing of slaves, and for debtors and for the cause of
Allah and for the traveller. That is the duty enjoined by Allah, He is knowing, Wise. (Al-Quran 9
: 60 )

1. Faqeer (poor) :

He who has some wealth but which is less than the Nisaab. It is better to give Sadaqah to a
learned Faqeer than an ignorant. (al-Fatawa Aalamgiria)

2. Miskeen (needy) :

He who has nothing and must beg for food and clothes. For such a person asking for these
items is halaal. (Kitaab al-Fiqh)

3. The workers of the Zakaah organisation :

Workers of Zakaah refers to those people whom the government appoints to adminster
Zakaah. This includes people such as those who collect it, manage the organisation and the
clerks in the Zakaah offices. Their wages can be taken out of the Zakaah even if they are
wealth-owners. This is because they have given their time and thus must be compensated.

4. Those whose hearts are to be won over :

There are three types of this ;

i. Those people whom the Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam)
wanted to come towards Islam.

ii. Those people who had accepted Islam but their faith was weak - the Noble Prophet
(Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) used to give them Zakaah to strengthen
their faith.

iii. Those who were given Zakaah so as to prevent Muslims becoming the subject of their

Since the victory of Islam this entitlement has become nullified. This is proven by the Ijmaa
of the Sahaaba (Ridwanallahi ta'ala alaih majmain) during the Caliphate of Abu Bakr
(Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu). This is stated on 'Hidaaya'.

Some Ulama (scholars) state that this item is still valid, for a Caliph of Islam may require
to win over the hearts of the people. Hadrat Umar (Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu) seeing the
strength of Islam, dismissed this item. Qadhi Ibn al-Arabi (rehmatullahi alaih) states that
as Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) has given Islam strength this item is redundant but when
its need arises in the future it becomes valid and these people can be given Zakaah, a
Hadith of the Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) states,
"Islam started of as poor and will return to the state it began." (Qurtubi)

5. Slave :

Slave refers to a Muskatab slave, and Muskatab is that slave whose master has entered into
a written contract that if the slave pays a certain amount (even if in instalments) the slave
will be freed. Such a slave will be given Zakaah so that he can meet his contractual

6. Debtor :

Such a person who has debts but does not have enough wealth that after paying his debts
he will have (wealth equal to) Nisaab.

7. Fi Sabeelillah (in the path of Allah)

This refers to the left behind Ghuzaat (singular Al-Ghazi: one who carries out a military
expedition) and those doing Hajj (i.e. that person on whom Hajj became Fard but did not
do it when he had the means to. But now he no longer has the means, he can be given
enough in Zakaah so as he can fulfil his Fard of Hajj). Fatawa Zaheeriya states that only
students of religion come into this category. Ruh al-Ma'aani also has this view.

8. Ibn as-Sabeel (the traveller) :

This means that a traveller who is travelling within Shari'ah (purpose of his journey is not
contrary to Shari'ah). Such a traveller can be given Zakaah if during his journey he
becomes needy, even if in his own domicile (home) he is wealthy.

Notes :

1. It is permissable for many people to give Zakaah to the same needy. Conversely it is

permissable for one person to give Zakaah to a number of needies.

2. A person cannot give Zakaah to those people for whom he is responsible for, like
parents, sons, grandsons and wife. This is because it is his duty to spend to fulfil their

3, A person cannot give Zakaah to his own slave, or use it to construct a Mosque or to
provide a shroud for a deceased.

4. Zakaah cannot be given to the Banu Hashim due to their noble status. The Banu Hashim
also includes the descendents of Ali; Abbas; Ja'far; Aqeel and Harith ibn Abdul Muttalib
(Ridwanalllahi ta'ala alaihi majamain) (Qudoori). This is because the Blessed Prophet
(Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) said, " It is not permissable for the family of
Muhammad (Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) to take Sadaqah because
Sadaqah is the dirt of peoples wealth. " (Muslim)

Importance of Hajj

Hajj started with Ibraheem (Peace be upon him) who left his legacy both in the Hanifiyah, the
pristine religion of Islam and in Hajj. The legacy of Ibraheem (A) was his millah, way, of true
submission to Allah. He was the first one who used the word "Islam". He named anyone holding
to the same faith as him a Muslim meaning the one that surrenders and submits to the will of the
Creator, Allah. We read in Surat al-Hajj,

"And strive in His cause as you ought to strive, (with sincerity and under discipline). He
has chosen you, and has imposed no difficulties on you in religion; it is the way of your
father Abraham. It is He who has named you Muslims, both before and in this
(Revelation); that the Messenger may be a witness for you, and you are witnesses for
mankind! So establish regular Prayer, give regular Charity, and hold fast to Allah! He is
your Protector, the best to protect and the Best to help!" (22:78)

His submission and total surrender to the Will of Allah is related to his establishment of Hajj.
Even if Ibraheem (A) did not remain in Makkah to the end of his life, he laid the foundations of
the Ka'bah in the middle of Makkah valley as well as the principles of Tawheed, genuine
monotheism, in the heart of his son Ismaeel (A). The latter was also a prophet and a messenger
of Allah, who kept the promise to preserve and guard Ka'bah as well as the Islamic faith.
Later on, one of his descendents through Kedar - the second son of Ishmael as prophesied in
Genesis 25:13 and a few other places - Muhammad (S), who was also a Hanif, rejected the
idolatry and paganism brought to Makkah and called to the same faith as his forefathers
Ibraheem (A) Ismaeel (A). He was chosen by Allah to be the last Messenger sent as Mercy to the
world. He restored that legacy, Islam, and preserved the Ka'bah from the alien beliefs and
practices. He reminded people of the religion of Ibraheem (S) and its tenets and called everyone
to the religion of Ibraaheem (Peace be upon him).

The building of the Ka'bah was made by Ibraaheem and his son Ismaeel (Peace be upon them).
This house was named "Ka'bah" after its cubic shape. It is the center point for Muslims all over
the world. When a Muslim wants to pray, he, or she, must face Qiblah - the direction towards
Makkah. Hajj also cannot be performed except in Makkah and its vicinity. The al-Masjid al-
Haraam, holy mosque, was the first mosque built in the world. It is today the most visited place
on earth and that is why it is called al-Bayt al-'ateeq meaning the ancient house. One prayer in
this mosque equals one hundred thousands prayers elsewhere as stated in a few authentic hadiths.

When Ibraaheem (A) finished the construction of Ka'bah, he called people to Hajj and prayed to
Allah to bless Makkah and its vicinity and to make people come visit it until the Day of
Judgement though it was remote and in the desert.
"Remember Abraham said: "O my Lord! Make this city one of peace and security: and
preserve me and my sons from worshipping idols. "O my Lord! They have indeed led
astray many among mankind; he then who follows my (way) is of me, and he that disobeys
me, but You are indeed Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. "O our Lord! I have made some of
my offspring to dwell in a valley without cultivation, by Your Sacred House; in order, O
our Lord, that they may establish regular Prayer: so fill the hearts of some among people
with love towards them, and feed them with Fruits: so that they may give thanks." (14:35-

Allah (swt) always relates the story of Hajj and Ibraheem to Tawheed and Islam, which is the
way of Ibraheem, Muhammad, and all the prophets (Peace be upon them).

"Remember We made the House a place of assembly for men and a place of safety. And
take the Station of Abraham as a place of prayer; and We covenanted with Abraham and
Isma'il, that they should sanctify My House for those who compass it round, or use it as a
retreat, or bow, or prostrate themselves (therein in Prayer). And remember Abraham said:
"My Lord, make this a City of Peace, and feed its People with fruits' such of them as
believe in Allah and the Last Day." He said: "(Yes), and such as reject Faith, for a while
will I grant them their Pleasure, but will soon drive them to the torment of Fire, an evil
destination (indeed)!" And remember Abraham and Isma'il raised the foundations of the
House (with this prayer): "Our Lord! Accept (this service) from us: for You are the All-
Hearing, the All-Knowing. "Our Lord! Make of us Muslims bowing to Your Will); and of
our progeny a people Muslim, bowing to Your (Will); and show us our places for the
celebration of (due) rites; and turn unto us (in Mercy); for You are the Oft-Returning,
Most Merciful. "Our Lord! Send amongst them a Messenger of their own, who shall
rehearse Your Signs to them and instruct them in Scripture and Wisdom, and sanctify
them: for You are the Exalted in Might, the Most Wise." And who turns away from the
religion of Abraham but such as debase their souls with folly? Him We chose and rendered
pure in this world: and he will be in the Hereafter in the ranks of the Righteous. Behold!
His Lord said to him: "Bow (your will to Me):" he said: "I bow (my will) to the Lord and
Cherisher of the Universe." And this was the Legacy that Abraham left to his sons, and so
did Jacob; "O my sons! Allah has chosen the Faith for you; then die not except in the state
of submission (to Allah)" (2:125-32)

And talking about the first call to Hajj, Allah (swt) says,

"Behold! We gave the site, to Abraham, of the (Sacred) House, (saying): "Associate not

anything (in worship) with Me; and sanctify My House for those who compass it round, or
stand up, or bow, or prostrate themselves (therein in prayer). And proclaim the Pilgrimage
among people; they will come to you on foot and (mounted) on every kind of camel, lean on
account of journeys through deep and distant mountain highways. That they may witness
the benefits (provided) for them, and celebrate the name of Allah, through the Days
Appointed, over the cattle which He has provided for them (for sacrifice): then eat thereof
and feed the distressed ones in want. Then let them complete the rites prescribed for them,
perform their vows, and (again) circumambulate the Ancient House. Such (is the
Pilgrimage): whoever honors the sacred rites of Allah, for him it is good in the sight of his
Lord" (22:26-30)

As we see here, Hajj was practiced before Prophet Muhammad (S) came, but the latter removed
the false worshipped idols and ended all pagan beliefs and practices, which had changed
gradually the way of Ibraheem and Ismaeel (A) as well as the Ka'bah's sanctity. Many rituals
were innovated by people over time, but Prophet Muhammad (S) showed his companions with
every detail how to perform the best pilgrimage. He (S) said,

"O people! Learn from me the way how to perform your Hajj rituals for I do not know if I
will be able to make Hajj next year or not." [Muslim, An-Nassaa'i, Abu Dawud, and

Hajj: A station of Commemorations:

When we perform Hajj, we should relate the rituals to our forefathers and ancestors in faith:
Ibraheem, Ismaeel, Haajar, and Muhammad (S) as well as the first generations of Muslims. In
Hajj, we commemorate them as well as their sacrifice, sincerity, dedication and patience, which
constitute the main elements of their legacy. We should not perform Hajj only physically, but
spiritually as well. We should try to understand the meaning of every thing we do and see what
lessons we can draw. The following points are some reflections on the pillars of Hajj and some
other rituals:

- In the state of Ihram we wear for a couple of days a seamless garment, which is exactly like a
shroud. It is a symbol of total renunciation of worldly life in order to get purified and to raise the
soul to a high spiritual level of consciousness of Allah and the Eternal life. It makes the pilgrim
humble, equal to others, and helpless as if it is the Day of resurrection.
The restrictions of the state of Ihraam are very rigorous in terms of the way the pilgrim behaves
with others, with himself, and with Allah and also in terms of using regular worldly things such
as putting perfume, cutting one's hair…etc. This makes Hajj a school of discipline, taqwah and
self-control. A school, which can produce righteous, decent, honest and hardworking people as

the five daily prayers and the fasting of Ramadan and the pillars of Islam do.

- In Tawaaf - Circumambulating around Ka'bah- the pilgrims walk fast to commemorate the first
generation of Muslims who came with the Messenger of Allah (S) to perform Hajj. When the
Polytheists of Makkah started saying that the Prophet's companions were sick because they were
effected by the fever of Madinah, the Prophet (S) wanted to disappoint them and show the
opposite. That is why men almost jog with short steps in the first three circumambulations and
uncover their right shoulders during all the tawaaf.
We also imitate the angels who circumambulate around al-bayt al-Ma'amour - the filled house -
above in the seven Heaven as reported in many authentic hadiths.
When we kiss the Black Stone, which was brought from Jannah, we remember the other life and
pray to Allah that Paradise will be our abode. In the Hadith , the Prophet (S) said that when the
Black Stone was brought from Jannah., it was very white, but it darkened and became black
because of the sins of human beings. We kiss it because we saw the Prophet (S) doing it and it is
simply an act of following. The stone cannot bring any benefit or harm to us. All the rituals, the
pillars of Islam and our lives should be established by following the best. If we understand
deeply the meaning of "I bear witness that Muhammad is the servant and Messenger of Allah" as
following the pattern of the model chosen by God Almighty, we will certainly reach Jannah
through the straight path, which is drawn by that model practically.

- In as-Safaa and al-Marwah we commemorate Haajar (Peace be upon her), the mother of
Ismaeel (A) and the wife of Ibraheem (A). She performed Sa'y when she was looking for water
for her son. After she relied on Allah and assured Ibraheem that Allah won't leave them without
help (he left with them some dates and water but soon it was finished after a couple of days…).
She was certain that Allah would not forsake her and her son. In that remote place, water sprung
out from under the feet of Ismaeel the baby. After the certitude she had, her strong faith in Allah,
her sacrifice of searching for water by going back and forth between as-Safaa and al-Marwah,
Allah answered her du'aa and blessed her with a water that run and never stopped in an arid and
rocky land. She left a great legacy in sacrifice, piety, trust in Allah, and patience. Allah wants us
to learn from her to the point that he made Sa'y between as-Safaa and al-Marwah one of the
pillars of Hajj and Umrah. He says,

"Behold! As-Safa and al-Marwah are among the Symbols of Allah. So if those who visit the
House in the Season or at other times, should compass them round, it is no sin in them. And
if any one obeys his own impulse to Good, be sure that Allah is He Who recognizes and
knows." (2:158)

- In Arafaat we commemorate the Success of Muslims over the pagans of Makkah. It was the
success of truth over falsehood. There, the Muslim remembers that truth always prevails no

matter how long it takes for falsehood and delusion to last and deceive. 'Arafaat is also the
symbol of unity and solidarity because it is a pillar of Hajj that should be done by all the pilgrims
in the same place and at the same time following the same way. The day of Arafah reminds us
also of the Day of Judgement when we will all stand up waiting for the Just Judgement of Allah
Arafaat is also another symbol of manifestation of Tawheed in terms of the unified collective
standing of all the pilgrims at the same time in the same place. Moreover, when Prophet
Muhammad (S) performed Hajj he stood on Arafaat as his forefather Ibraheem used to do instead
of standing on Muzdalifah as the Quraish pagans used to do because they believed they should
not go beyond al-Haram boundaries. This was also another example of the distortion of the
religion of Ibraheem and Ismaeel(A).

- In the Stoning at al-Jamaraat, we commemorate Ibraaheem (A) and remember how strong and
firm he was against Shaytan - our enemy since the time of Adam (A). We should remember how
Satan does his utmost effort to distract us from doing what we're supposed to do to become
closer to Allah and to enter Paradise. Allah has told us that Satan is our enemy and that we
should be constantly in this life in a state of war with him,

"Then We said: "O Adam! Verily, this - Satan - is an enemy to you and your wife: so let
him not get you both out of the Garden, so that you are landed in misery." (20:117)

"Verily Satan is an enemy to you: so treat him as an enemy. He only invites his adherents,
that they may become companions of the Blazing Fire." (35:6)

We also reflect on the great sacrifices and trials Ibraahem had to undergo such as offering his son
Ismaael that he had to wait for his birth for many decades. In the middle of joy and happiness for
becoming a father, Allah wanted to see how strong was his commitment to Him. He ordered him
to offer the most valuable thing he had; his only son at that time. Ibraheem and Ismaeel did not
fail in that very difficult test and earned the pleasure of Allah. Allah called this trial a great one
when He said, "For this was obviously a great trial."

"So when they had both submitted their wills (to Allah), and he had laid him prostrate on
his forehead (for sacrifice), We called out to him, "O Abraham! You have already fulfilled
the vision!" thus indeed do We reward those who do right. For this was obviously a trial.
And We ransomed him with a momentous sacrifice" (37:103-07)

The most important thing we should keep in our minds is that Allah knows better than we do

even if we sometimes think that a certain action is not clear to us or does not make a sense to us
and why do we have to perform it. Of course Allah orders only what is good and just for us and
all mankind. We should accept and submit to Allah. As a matter of fact, one of the meanings of
Islam is acceptance.

In commemorating this, the pilgrim should think whether he, or she, is ready to offer the dearest
thing to his, or her, heart for the sake of Allah. This religion cannot survive in the hearts of
people without sacrifices, devotion, sincere love, commitment, and dedication. Allah (swt) says,

"By no means shall you attain righteousness unless you give (freely) of that which you love;
and whatever you give, of a truth Allah knows it well." (3:92)

Lessons and Reflections:

- Hajj is an act of Worship - not tourism or promenade - which requires a physical and spiritual
- It is a station of renewing Iman as many other stations where sins are wiped out by forgiveness
and where faith, trust, and love of Allah, His Messengers, and the believers increase. The pilgrim
gets purified and comes out of his sins like a newborn baby.
- It is a school of training for Taqwah - consciousness of one's duties towards Allah -, good
character and discipline like in the other schools of the pillars of Islam.
- It is a manifestation of brotherhood, equality and Unity. The Muslims are like different
branches but from one tree. In Hajj, we learn how to develop the Spirit of Unity.
- It is an annual Muslim convention attended by Muslims from different horizons, colors, races,
and tongues… They exchange ideas and news and celebrate their unity in faith and diversity in
culture. They meet in their center-point Makkah (Qiblah). Muslims always have to have a center-
point and should be constantly focused on their noble goals.

"Rights of Minorities in Islam"

Under the Islamic law, non-Muslim minorities received rights and privileges that other minorities did not
have under any other law in any other country. The relationship between the Muslim community and
the non-Muslim minority is based on Allah's rule that says: {Allah forbids you not, with regard to those
who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with
them: for Allah loveth those who are just.}[Al-Mumtahanah: 9].

This verse has identified the ethical and legal basis, with which Muslims must treat non-Muslims, namely
kindness and justice with all those who do not have enmity against them. The humanity did not know
these rules before Islam. It lived for centuries after Islam, but suffered the horrors of lacking them. It still
looks forward to the day when it can apply these rules in modern societies but to no avail due to
passion, fanaticism and racism.

Minorities' right to freedom of belief

The Islamic law has ensured several rights and privileges for non-Muslim minorities. Perhaps the most
important of which is the freedom of belief, which is stated in Allah's saying: {There is no coercion in
religion}[Al-Baqarah: 256]. This was also reflected in the Prophet's (peace be upon him) letter to the
People of the Scripture in Yemen where he invited them to Islam. He (peace be upon him) said: "…and a
Jew or a Christian who embraces Islam becomes one of the believers, having their rights and duties; and
the one who remains Jewish or Christian should not be forced to disband his religion.."

As the Islamic law allowed non-Muslims to enjoy the freedom of belief, it enacted rules to preserve their
lives, on the ground that they are human beings who have the right to life and existence. In this regard,
the Prophet (peace be upon him) says: "whoever kills a contracting man(a non-Muslim protected by the
state or an agreement) he will not smell the Paradise".

Warning against doing non-Muslims injustice

The Prophet (peace be upon him) warned against commitment of injustice against non-Muslims and
diminishment of their rights. He vowed to be the opponent of their aggressors. He said: "Beware, if
anyone wrongs a contracting man, or diminishes his right, or forces him to work beyond his capacity, or
takes from him anything without his consent, I shall plead for him on the Day of Judgment."

One of the good stances of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in this regard is what happened with Al-
Ansar in Khaybar, as Abdullah ibn Sahl Al-Ansari (May Allah be pleased with him) was killed in the lands
of the Jews. It was mostly expected that one of the Jews killed him. However, there was no evidence.
Therefore, the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not punish the Jews, but he asked them to take an oath.

Sahl ibn Abu Hathma (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated that a number of people from his tribe
went to Khaybar and dispersed, and then they found one of them murdered. They said to the people
with whom the corpse had been found, "You have killed our companion!" Those people said, "Neither
have we killed him, nor do we know his killer." The bereaved group went to the Prophet and said, "O
Allah's Messenger! We went to Khaybar and found one of us murdered." The Prophet said, "Let the
older among you come forward and speak."Then the Prophet said, to them, "Bring your proof against
the killer."They said "We have no proof." The Prophet said, "Then they(the defendants) will take an
oath."They said, "We do not accept the oaths of the Jews." Allah's Messenger did not like that the
blood-money of the killed one be lost without compensation, so he paid one-hundred camels out of the
camels of Zakat (to the relatives of the deceased) as Diya (blood-money).

Here, the Prophet (peace be upon him) did what no one even imagined, as he himself paid the blood-
money from the funds of Muslims in order to calm down the anxiety of Al-Ansar without committing an
injustice against the Jews. So, the Islamic state assumed the burden so that a suspicious rule would not
be applied to a Jew!

Protection of non-Muslims' funds

The Islamic law has guaranteed the right to protect the funds of non-Muslims. It prohibited taking or
seizing these funds unjustly through theft, usurpation, damage or any form of injustice. This was
practically applied the Prophet's (peace be upon him) promise to the people of Najran, as he said: "The
people of Najran and their surrounding areas would be under the protection of Allah and His Prophet
Muhammad; their funds, religion, trade and everything small or big would be also safe…"

Moreover, a non-Muslim minority has the right to be guaranteed by the Islamic state from the state
treasury – Bayt Al-Mal (House of funding) – in case of inability, old age or poverty, as the Prophet (peace
be upon him) says: "Everyone of you is a guardian and is responsible for his charge"[6], on the
consideration that they are citizens just like Muslims, and the state is responsible for all of them before
Allah (be He Exalted).

In this regard, Abu Ubayd[7]narrated in his book Al-Amwal (funds) on the authority of Sa'id ibn Al-
Musayib[8]that he said: "The Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) gave alms to a Jewish family, so
alms could be given to them."

What expresses the greatness of Islam and the humanity of the Islamic civilization in this regard is the
story mentioned in the Sunnah (Prophet's traditions) books. The story says a funeral procession passed
in front of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and he stood up. When he was told that it was a funeral of a
Jew, he said, "Is it not a living being (soul)?"

These were the rights of non-Muslim minorities in Islam and the Islamic civilization. The rule is to
respect every human being as long as he/she does not commit injustice or enmity.

Rights Of The Citizens In An Islamic State

1. The Security of Life and Property

In the address which the Prophet delivered on the occasion of the

Farewell Hajj, he said: "Your lives and properties are forbidden to one
another till you meet your Lord on the Day of Resurrection."

God Almighty has laid down in the Holy Quran: "Anyone who kills a
believer deliberately will receive as his reward (a sentence) to live in
Hell for ever. God will be angry with him and curse him, and prepare
dreadful torment for him" (4:93).

The Prophet has also said about the

dhimmis (the non-Muslim citizens of the Muslim State): "One who kills
a man under covenant (i.e. a dhimmi) will not even smell the fragrance
of Paradise" (al-Bukhari and Abu Dawud).
Islam prohibits homicide but
allows only one exception, that the killing is done in the due process of
law which the Quran refers to as bi al-haqq (with the truth). Therefore
a man can be killed only when the law demands it, and it is obvious
that only a court of law can decide whether the execution is being
carried out with justice or without justification. In case of war or
insurrection a just and righteous government alone, which follows the
Shari'ah or the Islamic Law, can decide whether a war is just or unjust,
whether taking of a life is justified or not; and whether a person is a
rebel or not and who can be sentenced to death as a punishment.

These weighty decisions cannot be left in the hands of a court which has
become heedless to God and is under the influence of the administra-
tion. A judiciary like this may miscarry justice. Nor can the crimes of
state be justified on the authority of the Holy Quran or Traditions
(hadith) when the state murders its citizens openly and secretly without
any hesitation or on the slightest pretext, because they are opposed to
its unjust policies and actions or criticize it for its misdeed, and also
provides protection to its hired assassins who have been guilty of the
heinous crime of murder of an innocent person resulting in the fact,
that neither the police take any action against such criminals nor can
any proof or witnesses against these criminals be produced in the courts
of law. The very existence of such a government is a crime and none of
the killings carried out by them can be called "execution for the sake of

justice" in the phraseology of the Holy Quran.
Along with security of life, Islam has with equal clarity and
definiteness conferred the right of security of ownership of property, as
mentioned earlier with reference to the address of the Farewell Hajj. On
the other hand, the Holy Quran goes so far as to declare that the taking
of people's possessions or property is completely prohibited unless they
are acquired by lawful means as permitted in the Laws of God. The
Law of God categorically declares "Do not devour one another's wealth
by false and illegal means" (2:188).

2. The Protection of Honour

The second important right is the right of the citizens to the
protection of their honour. In the address delivered on the occasion of
the Farewell Hajj, to which I have referred earlier, the Prophet did not
only prohibit the life and property of the Muslims to one another, but
also any encroachment upon their honour, respect and chastity were
forbidden to one another. The Holy Quran clearly lays down:
(a) "You who believe, do not let one (set of) people make fun of
another set.
(b) Do not defame one another.
(c) Do not insult by using nicknames.
(d) And do not backbite or speak ill of one another" (49:11-12).

This is the law of Islam for the protection of honour which is

indeed much superior to and better than the Western Law of Defama-
According to the Islamic Law if it is proved that someone has
attacked the honour of another person, then irrespective of the fact
whether or not the victim is able to prove himself a respectable and
honourable person the culprit will in any case get his due punishment.
But the interesting fact about the Western Law of Defamation is that
the person who files suit for defamation has first to prove that he is a
man of honour and public esteem and during the interrogation he is
subjected to the scurrilous attacks, accusations and innuendoes of the
defence council to such an extent that he earns more disgrace than the
attack on his reputation against which he had knocked the door of the
court of law.

On top of it he has also to produce such witnesses as

would testify in the court that due to the defamatory accusations of
the culprit, the accused stands disgraced in their eyes. Good Gracious!
what a subtle point of law, and what an adherence to the spirit of Law!

How can this unfair and unjust law be compared to the Divine law?
Islam declared blasphemy as a crime irrespective of the fact whether the
accused is a man of honour or not, and whether the words used for
blasphemy have actually disgraced the victim and harmed his reputation
in the eyes of the public or not. According to the Islamic Law the mere
proof of the fact that the accused said things which according to
common sense could have damaged the reputation and honour of the
plaintiff, is enough for the accused to be declared guilty of defamation.

3. The Sanctity and Security of Private Life

Islam recognizes the right of every citizen of its state that there
should be no undue interference or encroachment on the privacy of his
life. The Holy Quran has laid down the injunction: "Do not spy on
one another" (49:12). "Do not enter any houses except your own
homes unless you are sure of their occupants' consent" (24:27).

The Prophet has gone to the extent of instructing his followers that a man
should not enter even his own house suddenly or surreptitiously. He
should somehow or other inform or indicate to the dwellers of the
house that he is entering the house, so that he may not see his mother,
sister or daughter in a condition in which they would not like to be
seen, nor would he himself like to see them in that condition.
into the houses of other people has also been strictly prohibited, so
much so that there is the saying of the Prophet that if a man finds
another person secretly peering into his house, and he blinds his eye or
eyes as a punishment then he cannot be called to question nor will he
be liable to prosecution.
The Prophet has even prohibited people from
reading the letters of others, so much so that if a man is reading his
letter and another man casts sidelong glances at it and tries to read it,
his conduct becomes reprehensible.
This is the sanctity of privacy that
Islam grants to individuals. On the other hand in the modern civilized
world we find that not only the letters of other people are read and
their correspondence censored, but even their photostat copies are
retained for future use or blackmail. Even bugging devices are secretly
fixed in the houses of the people so that one can hear and tape from a
distance the conversation taking place behind closed doors. In other
words it means that there is no such thing as privacy and to all practical
purposes the private life of an individual does not exist.

This espionage on the life of the individual cannot be justified on
moral grounds by the government saying that it is necessary to know
the secrets of the dangerous persons. Though, to all intents and
purposes, the basis of this policy is the fear and suspicion with which
modern governments look at their citizens who are intelligent and
dissatisfied with the official policies of the government.
This is exactly
what Islam has called as the root cause of mischief in politics. The
injunction of the Prophet is: "When the ruler begins to search for the
causes of dissatisfaction amongst his people, he spoils them" (Abu

The Amir Mu'awiyah has said that he himself heard the

Prophet saying: "If you try to find out the secrets of the people, then
you will definitely spoil them or at least you will bring them to the
verge of ruin." The meaning of the phrase 'spoil them' is that when
spies (C.I.D. or F.B.I.agents) are spread all around the country to find
out the affairs of men, then the people begin to look at one another with
suspicion, so much so that people are afraid of talking freely in their
houses lest some word should escape from the lips of their wives and
children which may put them in embarrassing situations.

In this manner
it becomes difficult for a common citizen to speak freely, even in his
own house and society begins to suffer from a state of general distrust
and suspicion.

4. The Security of Personal Freedom

Islam has also laid down the principle that no citizen can be
imprisoned unless his guilt has been proved in an open court. To arrest
a man only on the basis of suspicion and to throw him into a prison
without proper court proceedings and without providing him a reason-
able opportunity to produce his defence is not permissible in Islam.
It is
related in the hadith that once the Prophet was delivering a lecture in
the mosque, when a man rose during the lecture and said: "O Prophet
of God, for what crime have my neighbours been arrested?" The
Prophet heard the question and continued his speech. The man rose
once again and repeated the same question. The Prophet again did not
answer and continued his speech. The man rose for a third time and
repeated the same question. Then the Prophet ordered that the man's
neighbours be released. The reason why the Prophet had kept quiet

when the question was repeated twice earlier was that the police officer
was present in the mosque and if there were proper reasons for the
arrest of the neighbours of this man, he would have got up to explain
his position. Since the police officer gave no reasons for these arrests
the Prophet ordered that the arrested persons should be released. The
police officer was aware of the Islamic law and therefore he did not
get up to say: "the administration is aware of the charges against the
arrested men, but they cannot be disclosed in public. If the Prophet
would inquire about their guilt in camera I would enlighten him."

the police officer had made such a statement, he would have been dis-
missed then and there. The fact that the police officer did not give any
reasons for the arrests in the open court was sufficient reason for the
Prophet to give immediate orders for the release of the arrested men.

The injunction of the Holy Quran is very clear on this point. "When-
ever you judge between people, you should judge with (a sense of)
justice" (4:58).
And the Prophet has also been asked by God: "I have
been ordered to dispense justice between you."

This was the reason

why the Caliph 'Umar said: "In Islam no one can be imprisoned except
in pursuance of justice."

The words used here clearly indicate that

justice means due process of law. What has been prohibited and
condemned is that a man be arrested and imprisoned without proof of
his guilt in an open court and without providing him an opportunity
to defend himself against those charges.
If the Government suspects
that a particular individual has committed a crime or he is likely to
commit an offence in the near future then they should give reasons for
their suspicion before a court of law and the culprit or the suspect
should be allowed to produce his defence in an open court, so that the
court may decide whether the suspicion against him is based on sound
grounds or not and if there is good reason for suspicion, then he should
be informed of how long he will be in preventive detention.
decision should be taken under all circumstances in an open court, so
that the public may hear the charges brought by the government, as

well as the defence made by the accused and see that the due process of
law is being applied to him and he is not being victimized.

The correct method of dealing with such cases in Islam is

exemplified in the famous decision of the Prophet which took place
before the conquest of Makkah.
The Prophet was making preparations
for the attack on Makkah, when one of his Companions, Hatib ibn Abi
Balta'ah sent a letter through a woman to the authorities in Makkah
informing them about the impending attack. The Prophet came to
know of this through a Divine inspiration. He ordered 'Ali and Zubayr:
"Go quickly on the route to Makkah, at such and such a place, you will
find a woman carrying a letter. Recover the letter from her and bring it
to me." So they went and found the woman exactly where the Prophet
had said. They recovered the letter from her and brought it to the
Prophet. This was indeed a clear case of treachery.
To inform the
enemy about a secret of an army and that too at the time of a war is a
very serious offence tantamount to treachery. In fact one cannot think
of a more serious crime during war than giving out a military secret to
one's enemy. What could have been a more suitable case for a secret
hearing; a military secret had been betrayed and common sense
demanded that he should be tried in camera.
But the Prophet
summoned Hatib to the open court of the Mosque of the Prophet and
in the presence of hundreds of people asked him to explain his position
with regard to his letter addressed to the leaders of Quraysh which had
been intercepted on its way.
The accused said: "O God's Messenger
(may God's blessings be on you) I have not revolted against Islam, nor
have I done this with the intention of betraying a military secret. The
truth of the matter is that my wife and children are living in Makkah
and I do not have my tribe to protect them there. I had written this
letter so that the leaders of Quraysh may be indebted to me and may
protect my wife and children out of gratitude." 'Umar rose and respect-
fully submitted: "O Prophet, please permit me to put this traitor to the
sword." The Prophet replied: "He is one of those people who had
participated in the Battle of Badr, and the explanation he has
advanced in his defence would seem to be correct."

Let us look at this decision of the Prophet in perspective. It was a

clear case of treachery and betrayal of military secrets. But the Prophet

acquitted Hatib on two counts. Firstly, that his past records were very
clean and showed that he could not have betrayed the cause of Islam,
since on the occasion of the Battle of Badr when there were heavy odds
against the Muslims, he had risked his life for them. Secondly, his
family was in fact in danger at Makkah. Therefore, if he had shown
some human weakness for his children and written this letter, then this
punishment was quite sufficient for him that his secret offence was
divulged in public and he had been disgraced and humiliated in the eyes
of the believers. God has referred to this offence of Hatib in the Holy
Quran but did not propose any punishment for him except rebuke
and admonition.

The attitude and activities of the Kharijis in the days of the

Caliph 'Ali are well-known to the students of Muslim history. They
used to abuse the Caliph openly, and threaten him with murder. But
whenever they were arrested for these offences, 'Ali would set them
free and tell his officers "As long as they do not actually perpetrate
offences against the State, the mere use of abusive language or the
threat of use of force are not such offences for which they can be
imprisoned." The imam Abu Hanifah has recorded the following saying
of the Caliph 'Ali (A): "As long as they do not set out on armed
rebellion, the Caliph of the Faithful will not interfere with them." On
another occasion 'Ali was delivering a lecture in the mosque when the
Kharijis raised their special slogan there. 'Ali said: "We will not deny
you the right to come to the mosques to worship God, nor will we stop
to give your share from the wealth of the State, as long as you are with
us (and support us in our wars with the unbelievers) and we shall never
take military action against you as long as you do not fight with us."
One can visualize the opposition which 'Ali was facing; more violent
and vituperative opposition cannot even be imagined in a present-day
democratic State; but the freedom that he had allowed to the opposi-
tion was such that no government has ever been able to give to its
opposition. He did not arrest even those who threatened him with
murder nor did he imprison them.

5. The Right to Protest Against Tyranny

Amongst the rights that Islam has conferred on human beings is

the right to protest against government's tyranny. Referring to it the
Quran says: "God does not love evil talk in public unless it is by some-
one who has been injured thereby" (4:148).
This means that God

strongly disapproves of abusive language or strong words of condemna-
tion, but the person who has been the victim of injustice or tyranny,
God gives him the right to openly protest against the injury that has
been done to him. This right is not limited only to individuals. The
words of the verse are general. Therefore if an individual or a group of
people or a party usurps power, and after assuming the reins of
authority begins to tyrannize individuals or groups of men or the entire
population of the country, then to raise the voice of protest against it
openly is the God-given right of man and no one has the authority to
usurp or deny this right. If anyone tries to usurp this right of citizens
then he rebels against God. The talisman of Section 1444 may protect
such a tyrant in this world, but it cannot save him from the hell-fire in
the Hereafter.

6. Freedom of Expression

Islam gives the right of freedom of thought and expression to all

citizens of the Islamic State on the condition that it should be used
for the propagation of virtue and truth and not for spreading evil and
wickedness. This Islamic concept of freedom of expression is much
superior to the concept prevalent in the West. Under no circumstances
would Islam allow evil and wickedness to be propagated. It also does
not give anybody the right to use abusive or offensive language in the
name of criticism.
The right to freedom of expression for the sake of
propagating virtue and righteousness is not only a right in Islam but an
obligation. One who tries to deny this right to his people is openly at
war with God, the All-Powerful. And the same thing applies to the
attempt to stop people from evil. Whether this evil is perpetrated by an
individual or by a group of people or the government of one's own
country, or the government of some other country; it is the right of a
Muslim and it is also his obligation that he should warn and reprimand
the evil-doer and try to stop him from doing it. Over and above, he
should openly and publicly condemn it and show the course of
righteousness which that individual, nation or government should

The Holy Quran has described this quality of the Faithful in the
following words: "They enjoin what is proper and forbid what is
improper" (9:71).
In contrast, describing the qualities of a hypocrite,
the Quran mentions: "They bid what is improper and forbid what is

proper" (9:67). The main purpose of an Islamic Government has been
defined by God in the Quran as follows: "If we give authority to these
men on earth they will keep up prayers, and offer poor-due, bid what
is proper and forbid what is improper" (22:41).

The Prophet has said:

"If any one of you comes across an evil, he should try to stop it with
his hand (using force), if he is not in a position to stop it with his hand
then he should try to stop it by means of his tongue (meaning he
should speak against it). If he is not even able to use his tongue then he
should at least condemn it in his heart. This is the weakest degree of
faith" (Muslim).

This obligation of inviting people to righteousness and

forbidding them to adopt the paths of evil is incumbent on all true
Muslims. If any government deprives its citizens of this right, and
prevents them from performing this duty, then it is in direct conflict
with the injunction of God. The government is not in conflict with its
people, but is in conflict with God. In this way it is at war with God
and is trying to usurp that right of its people which God has conferred
not only as a right but as an obligation. As far as the government which
itself propagates evil, wickedness and obscenity and interferes with
those who are inviting people to virtue and righteousness is concerned,
according to the Holy Quran it is the government of the hypocrites.

7. Freedom of Association

Islam has also given people the right to freedom of association and
formation of parties or organizations. This right is also subject to
certain general rules. It should be exercised for propagating virtue and
righteousness and should never be used for spreading evil and mischief.
We have not only been given this right for spreading righteousness and
virtue, but have been ordered to exercise this right. Addressing the
Muslims, the Holy Quran declares:
You are the best community which has been brought forth for mankind.
You command what is proper and forbid what is improper and you believe
in God ... (3:110)

This means that it is the obligation and duty of the entire Muslim
community that it should invite and enjoin people to righteousness and
virtue and forbid them from doing evil. If the entire Muslim community

is not able to perform this duty then "let there be a community among
you who will invite (people) to (do) good, command what is proper and
forbid what is improper, those will be prosperous" (3:104).
This clearly
indicates that if the entire Muslim nation collectively begins to neglect
its obligation to invite people to goodness and forbid them from doing
evil then it is absolutely essential that it should contain at least a
of people which may perform this obligation. As has been said before
this is not only a right but an obligation and on the fulfilment of which
depends success and prosperity here as well as in the Hereafter. It is an
irony with the religion of God that in a Muslim country the assembly
and association that is formed for the purposes of spreading evil and
mischief should have the right to rule over the country and the
association and party which has been formed for propagating righteous-
ness and virtue should live in perpetual fear of harassment and of being
declared illegal. Conditions here are just the reverse of what has been
prescribed by God. The claim is that we are Muslims and this is an
Islamic State5 but the work that is being done is directed to spreading
evil, to corrupt and morally degrade and debase the people while there
is an active and effective check on the work being carried out for
reforming society and inviting people to righteousness. Moreover the
life of those who are engaged in spreading righteousness and checking
the spread of evil and wickedness is made intolerable and hard to bear.

8. Freedom of Conscience and Conviction

Islam also gives the right to freedom of conscience and conviction

to its citizens in an Islamic State. The Holy Quran has laid down the
injunction: "There should be no coercion in the matter of faith"
Though there is no truth and virtue greater than the religion of
Truth-Islam, and Muslims are enjoined to invite people to embrace
Islam and advance arguments in favour of it, they are not asked to
enforce this faith on them. No force will be applied in order to compel
them to accept Islam. Whoever accepts it he does so by his own choice.
Muslims will welcome such a convert to Islam with open arms and
admit him to their community with equal rights and privileges. But if
somebody does not accept Islam, Muslims will have to recognize and
respect his decision, and no moral, social or political pressure will be

put on him to change his mind.

9. Protection of Religious Sentiments

Along with the freedom of conviction and freedom of conscience,

Islam has given the right to the individual that his religious sentiments
will be given due respect and nothing will be said or done which may
encroach upon this right. It has been ordained by God in the Holy
Quran: "Do not abuse those they appeal to instead of God" (6:108).

These instructions are not only limited to idols and deities, but they
also apply to the leaders or national heroes of the people. If a group of
people holds a conviction which according to you is wrong, and holds
certain persons in high esteem which according to you is not deserved
by them, then it will not be justified in Islam that you use abusive
language for them and thus injure their feelings. Islam does not prohibit
people from holding debate and discussion on religious matters, but it
wants that these discussions should be conducted in decency. "Do not
argue with the people of the Book unless it is in the politest manner"
(29:46)-says the Quran.
This order is not merely limited to the people
of the Scriptures, but applies with equal force to those following other

10. Protection from Arbitrary Imprisonment

Islam also recognizes the right of the individual that he will not be
arrested or imprisoned for the offences of others. The Holy Quran has
laid down this principle clearly: "No bearer of burdens shall be made to
bear the burden of another" (6:164).
Islam believes in personal
responsibility. We ourselves are responsible for our acts, and the
consequence of our actions cannot be transferred to someone else. In
other words this means that every man is responsible for his actions.
another man has not shared this action then he cannot be held
responsible for it, nor can he be arrested. It is a matter of great regret
and shame that we are seeing this just and equitable principle which has
not been framed by any human being, but by the Creator and Nourish-
er of the entire universe, being flouted and violated before our eyes. So
much so that a man is guilty of a crime or he is a suspect, but his wife

being arrested for his crime.
Things have gone so far that innocent
people are being punished for the crimes of others. To give a recent
example, in Karachi (Pakistan), a man was suspected of being involved
in a bomb throwing incident. In the course of police investigation he
was subjected to horrible torture in order to extract a confession from
him. When he insisted on his innocence, then the police arrested his
mother, his wife, daughter and sister and brought them to the police
station. They were all stripped naked in his presence and he was
stripped naked of all his clothes before their eyes so that a confession
of the crime could be extracted from him.
It appears as if for the sake
of investigation of crime it has become proper and legal in our country
to strip the innocent women folk of the household in order to bring
pressure on the suspect. This is indeed very outrageous and shameful.
This is the height of meanness and depravity. This is not a mere hearsay
which I am repeating here, but I have full information about this case
and can prove my allegations in any court of law. I would here like to
ask what right such tyrants who perpetrate these crimes against
mankind have to tell us that they are Muslims or that they are conduct-
ing the affairs of the state according to the teachings of Islam and their
state is an Islamic State. They are breaching and flouting a clear law of
the Holy Quran. They are stripping men and women naked which is
strictly forbidden in Islam. They disgrace and humiliate humanity and
then they claim that they are Muslims.

11. The Right to Basic Necessities of Life

Islam has recognized the right of the needy people that help and
assistance will be provided for them. "And in their wealth there is
acknowledged right for the needy and the destitute" (51:19).
In this
verse, the Quran has not only conferred a right on every man who asks
for assistance in the wealth of the Muslims, but has also laid down that
if a Muslim comes to know that a certain man is without the basic
necessities of life, then irrespective of the fact whether he asks for
assistance or not, it is his duty to reach him and give all the help that
can extend. For this purpose Islam has not depended only on the help
and charity that is given voluntarily, but has made compulsory charity,
zakat as the third pillar of Islam, next only to profession of faith and

worship of God through holding regular prayers.
The Prophet has
clearly instructed in this respect that: "It will be taken from their rich
and given to those in the community in need" (al-Bukhari and Muslim).
In addition to this, it has also been declared that the Islamic State
should support those who have nobody to support them. The Prophet
has said: "The Head of state is the guardian of him, who has nobody to
support him" (Abu Dawud, al-Tirmidhi).
The word wali which has been
used by the Prophet is a very comprehensive word and has a wide range
of meanings. If there is an orphan or an aged man, if there is a crippled
or unemployed person, if one is invalid or poor and has no one else to
support him or help him, then it is the duty and the responsibility of
the state to support and assist him. If a dead man has no guardian or
heir, then it is the duty of the state to arrange for his proper burial. In
short the state has been entrusted with the duty and responsibility of
looking after all those who need help and assistance. A truly Islamic
State is therefore a truly welfare state which will be the guardian and
protector of all those in need.

12. Equality Before Law

Islam gives its citizens the right to absolute and complete equality
in the eyes of the law. As far as the Muslims are concerned, there are
clear instructions in the Holy Quran and hadith that in their rights and
obligations they are all equal: "The believers are brothers (to each
other)" (49:10). "If they (disbelievers) repent and keep up prayer and
pay the Ipoor-due, they are your brothers in faith" (9:11).
Prophet has said that: "The life and blood of Muslims are equally
precious" (Abu Dawud; Ibn Majjah).
In another hadith he has said:
"The protection given by all Muslims is equal. Even an ordinary man
of them can grant protection to any man" (al-Bukhari; Muslim; Abu

In another more detailed Tradition of the Prophet, it has been

said that those who accept the Oneness of God, believe in the Prophet-
hood of His Messenger, give up primitive prejudices and join the Muslim
community and brotherhood, "then they have the same rights and
obligations as other Muslims have" (al-Bukhari; al-Nisa'i).

Thus there is
absolute equality between the new converts to Islam and the old
followers of the Faith.
This religious brotherhood and the uniformity of their rights and
obligations is the foundation of equality in Islamic society, in which the
rights and obligations of any person are neither greater nor lesser in any
way than the rights and obligations of other people.
As far as the non-
Muslim citizens of the Islamic State are concerned, the rule of Islamic
Shari'ah (law) about them has been very well expressed by the Caliph
'Ali in these words: "They have accepted our protection only because
their lives may be like our lives and their properties like our properties"
(Abu Dawud).

In other words, their (of the dhimmis) lives and

properties are as sacred as the lives and properties of the Muslims.
Discrimination of people into different classes was one of the greatest
crimes that, according to the Quran, Pharaoh used to indulge in: "He
had divided his people into different classes," ... "And he suppressed
one group of them (at the cost of others)" (28:4).

13. Rulers Not Above the Law

Islam clearly insists and demands that all officials of the Islamic
State, whether he be the head or an ordinary employee, are equal in
the eyes of the law. None of them is above the law or can claim
immunity. Even an ordinary citizen in Islam has the right to put
forward a claim or file a legal complaint against the highest executive of
the country.

The Caliph 'Umar said, "I have myself seen the Prophet,
may God's blessings be on him, taking revenge against himself
(penalizing himself for some shortcoming or failing)."

On the occasion
of the Battle of Badr, when the Prophet was straightening the rows of
the Muslim army he hit the belly of a soldier in an attempt to push him
back in line. The soldier complained "O Prophet, you have hurt me
with your stick." The Prophet immediately bared his belly and said: "I
am very sorry, you can revenge by doing the same to me." The soldier

came forward and kissed the abdomen of the Prophet and said that this
was all that he wanted.

A woman belonging to a high and noble family was arrested in

connection with a theft. The case was brought to the Prophet, and
it was recommended that she may be spared the punishment of theft.
The Prophet replied: "The nations that lived before you were destroyed
by God because they punished the common men for their offences and
let their dignitaries go unpunished for their crimes; I swear by Him
(God) who holds my life in His hand that even if Fatimah, the daughter
of Muhammad, has committed this crime then I would have amputated
her hand."

During the caliphate of 'Umar, Muhammad the son of 'Amr

ibn al-'As the Governor of Egypt, whipped an Egyptian. The Egyptian
went to Medina and lodged his complaint with the Righteous Caliph,
who immediately summoned the Governor and his son to Medina.
When they appeared before him in Medina, the Caliph handed a whip to
the Egyptian complainant and asked him to whip the son of the
Governor in his presence. After taking his revenge when the Egyptian
was about to hand over the whip to 'Umar, he said to the Egyptian:
"Give one stroke of the whip to the Honourable Governor as well. His
son would certainly have not beaten you were it not for the false pride
that he had in his father's high office." The plaintiff submitted: "The
person who had beaten me, I have already avenged myself on him."

'Umar said: "By God, if you had beaten him (the Governor) I would
not have checked you from doing so. You have spared him of your own
free will." Then he ('Umar) angrily turned to 'Amr ibn al-'As and said:
"O 'Amr, when did you start to enslave the people, though they were
born free of their mothers?"

When the Islamic State was flourishing in

its pristine glory and splendour, the common people could equally
lodge complaints against the caliph of the time in the court and the
caliph had to appear before the qadi to answer the charges. And if the
caliph had any complaint against any citizen, he could not use his
administrative powers and authority to set the matter right, but had to
refer the case to the court of law for proper adjudication.

14. The Right to Avoid Sin

Islam also confers this right on every citizen that he will not be
ordered to commit a sin, a crime or an offence; and if any govern-
ment, or the administrator, or the head of department orders an
individual to do a wrong, then he has the right to refuse to comply with
the order. His refusal to carry out such crime or unjust instructions
would not be regarded as an offence in the eyes of the Islamic law.
the contrary giving orders to one's subordinates to commit a sin or do a
wrong is itself an offence and such a serious offence that the officer
who gives this sinful order whatever his rank and position may be, is
liable to be summarily dismissed.

These clear instructions of the Prophet

are summarized in the following hadith: "It is not permissible to dis-
obey God in obedience to the orders of any human being" (Musnad of
Ibn Hanbal).

In other words, no one has the right to order his

subordinates to do anything against the laws of God. If such an order
is given, the subordinate has the right to ignore it or openly refuse to
carry out such instructions. According to this rule no offender will be
able to prove his innocence or escape punishment by saying that this
offence was committed on the orders of the government or superior
officers. If such a situation arises then the person who commits the
offence and the person who orders that such an offence be committed,
will both be liable to face criminal proceedings against them. And if an
officer takes any improper and unjust measures against a subordinate
who refuses to carry out illegal orders, then the subordinate has the
right to go to the court of law for the protection of his rights, and he
can demand that the officer be punished for his wrong or unjust orders.

15. The Right to Participate in the Affairs of State

According to Islam, governments in this world are actually

representatives (khulafa') of the Creator of the universe, and this
responsibility is not entrusted to any individual or family or a particular
class or group of people but to the entire Muslim nation.
The Holy
Quran says: "God has promised to appoint those of you who believe

and do good deeds as (His) representatives on earth" (24:55).

clearly indicates that khilafah is a collective gift of God in which the
right of every individual Muslim is neither more nor less than the right
of any other person.

The correct method recommended by the Holy

Quran for running the affairs of the state is as follows: "And their
business is (conducted) through consultation among themselves"

According to this principle it is the right of every Muslim that

either he should have a direct say in the affairs of the state or a
representative chosen by him and other Muslims should participate in
the consultation of the state. Islam, under no circumstance, permits or
tolerates that an individual or a group or party of individuals may
deprive the common Muslims of their rights, and usurp powers of the
state. Similarly, Islam does not regard it right and proper that an
individual may put up a false show of setting up a legislative assembly
and by means of underhand tactics such as fraud, persecution, bribery,
etc., gets himself and men of his choice elected in the assembly.

This is
not only a treachery against the people whose rights are usurped by
illegal and unfair means, but against the Creator Who has entrusted the
Muslims to rule on this earth on His behalf, and has prescribed the pro-
cedure of an assembly for exercising these powers. The shura or the
legislative assembly has no other meaning except that:
(1) The executive head of the government and the members of the
assembly should be elected by free and independent choice of the
(2) The people and their representatives should have the right to
criticize and freely express their opinions.
(3) The real conditions of the country should be brought before
the people without suppressing any fact so that they may be able to
form their opinion about whether the government is working properly
or not.
(4) There should be adequate guarantee that only those people
who have the support of the masses should rule over the country and
those who fail to win this support should be removed from their
position of authority.

by 'Allamah Abu al-'A'la Mawdudi
al Tawhid Journal, vol. IV No. 3 Rajab-Ramadhan 1407



Metioned 82 times in quran in close association with prayers

“And establish prayers and pay zakat and bow with those who bow”
Surah Al-Baqarah
“And zakat expenditure are for poor and needy and for those employed to collect zakat, and for
bringing hearts together, and for freeing slaves and captives, and those in debt, and for the cause
of Allah and wandering traveller- an obligation imposed by Allah. And Allah all Knowing and
Surah Tubah Ayat no. 60
I have been commanded to fight people until they testify that there is no god but Allah, establish
prayers and pay zakat and if they do so their blood and property are guranteed on my behalf and
their affairs rest with Allah
Prayers carries us half the way to Allah (swt), fasting brings us to the door of his palace and alms
procure us admission (Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz)

“he will be saved from hell fire who is pious and righteous and gives his riches for the
purification of his soul”
Surah Al-lail
“verily, Allah has ordered Muslims to pay Zakat, that would be taken from the rich and given to
the poor”
“strive in the way of Allah (swt) with your wealth and with your life”
Distribution of wealth and economic growth
Money supplied to poor and needy----------->increase in demands of goods and services-------
>increase in production-------->new jobs and employment opportunities-------->more demands of
goods and services------->more room for investment------->economic growth
Freeing the poor from economic slavery and making them self-sufficient (fir-riqaab)
Muslims living in poor countries facing abject poverty and being exploited and rendered slaves
by landlords, loan sharks, rich industrialists and multinational cooperations can be freed . Zakat
can be given to them for training, equipment and material to start their own small businesses and
enterprises. This would make them self sufficient and economy can grow
Zakat prevents bankruptcy (al-gharimun)
Social welfare (fe-sabelillah)
Education, medical care, social programs, refugees, political exiles, war, propagation and spread
of islam

Zakat is universal in scope
1% muslims in middle east has $800 billion in western banks deposited and earns $80 billion in
profit every year (10%). A zakat by 2.5% on this money is about $20 billion dollars annually.
This is the wealth of only 1% of muslim population of middle east. What would be impact of
1.25 billion muslims spread over the globe if they py their zakat.
Necessary contingency fund during depressed economic conditions- a saftey net to society
A way to end extreme poverty in muslim world
A recent study undertaken by the Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah, has some shocking
revelations. Just five of its 56 member countries - Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria and
Egypt account for over half a billion (528 million) of the world‟s poor with incomes below $2 a
day or below their national poverty lines. All these countries except Nigeria have Muslims
constituting over 95 per cent of their respective population. With another five countries -
Afghanistan, Sudan, Mozambique, Turkey and Niger, they account for over 600 million of the
world‟s poor. Among IDB non-member countries with significant Muslim population are India
at around 150 million and Russia at 28 million. A large percentage of Muslim population in these
two countries is poor. The poverty in most Muslim countries is accompanied by growing
tensions and conflicts and therefore, deserves immediate attention of the international
We can get rid of western aid with strings attached
1. Merely reduced to a ritual practiced individually
2. Practiced on ad hoc basis
3. Failure to have understanding of Hukms realted to zakat
4. No established system of implementing, collecting and distributing zakat
5. already paying so many taxes why zakat
1. Awareness and education
2. Establishment of an institution under the guidance of State Bank of Pakistan (ministry of zakat
and usher already in place working on zakat and usher ordinance 1980) with same structure and
effectiveness as FBR, IRS, EXCISE & TAXATION and CUSTOMS.
3. Evaluating new categories of wealth such as intellectual assests and other intangible assessts
and including them in zakat network
4. The practice of zakat exemption on various financial instrumrnts which are zakatable under
shariah should be stopped
5. Credible, cost-effective, loophole free, and accountable collection and disbursement of zakat
6. Subsistence allowance should be given only to those that are minors, disabled and most poor
while others who are entitled to zakat should be given such an amount that is sufficient to start a

I hav prepared these notes referring 3 or 4 books

the main book that i consulted was anwer hashmi's, then there were two others from faridi and
dogar's publication.....wat abt urs dear?

 Add "subjects of Zakat (Musarfeen-e-Zakat)

 Add "concept of the Day of judgement in different religions" (major religions of the

 As far as Jihaad is concerned, Jihaad in contemporary scenario or Jihaad vs

terrorism is most recent issue.

 Ijtihaad-------Just add little more like "who is Mujtahid? pre-requisite for

Mujtahideen, Ijtihaadi institutions in the Muslim World and Pakistan as well.

o Compare current law in order situation in context of Islamic judicial system.

 A1 work Roshan. Write more about the importance of Zakat in context of elimination of
poverty and unemployment .
 Discuss also about "takwa and perhaiz" concept in the topic of FASTING.

COmments on the Day of the judgement.

Good work on this topic.

Can u solve this? How the day of the judgement in Islam is a concept of accountability and

Waiting Roshan :P test hai :P

As justice is the main concern of Islam it is necessary that people should get justice in this world and the
world hereafter. It sounds natural and logical that everyone should reap what he has sown. One should
receive the fruit of his deeds. If one has sown flowers he should pluck flowers. If one has sown thorns he
should pick thorns. Virtues breed virtues and vices breed vices

The day also exhibits that there is the ONE omnipotent and no one can escape from His catch.

@Roshan. Post a topic a day. Seniors dont spend all the time on forum. Ur work is appreciable.

@Roshan. Risalat is also a part of EMAAN E MUFASIL.

@roshan. There are other sources of sharia too. Ijtihad is missing. Have a look thoroughly on the

roshan your notes are good but not very good, bcoz there is something missing in every note like you
have explained the effect of TAUHEED under few heading, you have to explain its effect on INDIVIUAL

AND ON SOCIETY seperatly.

one thing more when you write importance on any topic try to write its importance from diffierent
perspectives like " importance of zakat"

its impotance from

1:islamic point of view
2:social point of view
3:-economic point of view.

now come to notes. good but add few more points. like

expalin some distinguished characteristics of QURAN.

1:-it was send in arabic language and still present in the same language without any alteration.
2:-its a complete and comprehensive book,which have solution of all human problems
3:-its truly divine.
and many more.

beside that also expalin the quranic rules like

1:- adam-e-haraj :- means islam does not use force on anyone ( deen ma tum per koi tangi nhi rakhi)
2:- qilat-e takleef :- it means the quran is in simple language not in a difficult one so as to make comfort
for its believers to understand it easily. ( pas siwaye iska nhi k ay NABI(PBUH) hum na is kitab ko apki
zaban ma sahal bana diya ha takay ye log nasihat hasil karen)
3:- tadreej:- it mean slower process of retification. like ( ay logo! jo imaan laye ho jab nashay ki halat ma
ho to namaz ke qareeb na jao)

the bracketed words are ayas of quran.

second comes IJMAH

you have expalined its definition from quran and hadith.

now add incident of MAAZ BIN JABAL when HOLY PROPHET( PBUH) made him governer of yamen and
asked about affairs and he replied he will decide the matter after ijmah.

then add incident from hazrat abu bakar(r.a) rule,he did ijmah on compilation of quran after jang-E-

also add types of ijmah.

then comes Qiyas

expalined qiyas but add the comments of its critics. then add coments of those who favours it.

One thing i want to make you notice that in "ZAKAT" try to explain the condition of Zakat like
who will pay zakat? when? how much? on which assets? etc.. and also on what types of assets
we can pay Zakat? Amount of Zakat? Benificires of zakat means to whom we can give zakat and
to whom we cannot?

I Have noticed a common mistake by majority of people, they mentioned that the word Zakat is
mentioned in Quran 82 time, In fact the word zakat is mentioned only 32 times in Quran and (almost) 23
times with Salah.

Dear brother i was reading your notes and really i have to appreciate for your hard efforts. I
want to make you clear on one issue that you have mentioned the word "Holy War" for the
word Jihad, in fact Holy War does not means Jihad. This word ‘holy war’ was first used by the
Christian crusaders who spread the religion at the point of a sword. And now it’s used for the
muslims unfortunately. Because ‘holy war’, in Arabic if you translate means ‫ال م قد سة ال حرب‬Harbun
mukkaddasa. The word Harbun mukkaddasa doesn’t appear anywhere in the Quran neither in
the sayings of the Prophet. So it is Humble advice to you and all other members that please do
not translate Jihad as Holy War and even dont use the word Holy War in context to Jihad.

An Advise:
Do not load your paper with Quranic references and Ahadith.Wherever necessary and
relevant,give them,but do not go on loading your paper with them,if you know what I mean.Use
them to support your arguments,analysis and comments,rather than doing the other way
round.Nowadays,and rightly so,the examiners look for your own analysis and description of the
question,rather than just cramming references and 'firing' them at him.Islamiyat paper is the
reason I love CSS,it just filters the best from the rest.


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