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CIR V St. Luke's G.R. No. 195909, 195960

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17. CIR v St. Luke’s  St.

Luke's maintained that it is a non-stock and non-pro􏰂t institution for

G.R. No. 195909, 195960 charitable and social welfare purposes under Section 30 (E) and (G) of the
DATE: Sept. 26, 2012 NIRC. It argued that the making of profit per se does not destroy its income
By: EAY3 tax exemption.
Topic: TAX  CTA En Banc - Affirmed CTA First Division
Petitioners: CIR
Respondents: ST. LUKE’S MEDICAL CENTER ISSUE: W/N St. Luke's is liable for de􏰂ficiency income tax in 1998 under Section 27
Ponente:, CARPIO J. (B) of the NIRC, which imposes a preferential tax rate of 10% on the income of
proprietary non-profit hospitals - YES
 On 16 December 2002, the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) assessed St. HELD/RATIO: (sorry sa mahabang ratio, mahaba ung case)
Luke's de􏰂ciency taxes amounting to P76,063,116.06 for 1998, comprised  The Court partly grants the petition of the BIR but on a different ground.
of de􏰂ciency income tax, value-added tax, withholding tax on We hold that Section 27 (B) of the NIRC does not remove the income tax
compensation and expanded withholding tax. The BIR reduced the amount exemption of proprietary non-pro􏰂t hospitals under Section 30 (E) and
to P63,935,351.57 during trial in the First Division of the CTA. (G). Section 27 (B) on one hand, and Section 30 (E) and (G) on the other
 On 14 January 2003, St. Luke's 􏰂led an administrative protest with the BIR hand, can be construed together without the removal of such tax
against the de􏰂ciency tax assessments. The BIR did not act on the protest exemption. The effect of the introduction of Section 27 (B) is to subject the
within the 180-day period under Section 228 of the NIRC. taxable income of two speci􏰂c institutions, namely, proprietary non-
 Thus, St. Luke's appealed to the CTA. pro􏰂t educational institutions 36 and proprietary non-pro􏰂t hospitals,
 The BIR argued before the CTA that Section 27 (B) of the NIRC, which among the institutions covered by Section 30, to the 10% preferential rate
imposes a 10% preferential tax rate on the income of proprietary non- under Section 27 (B) instead of the ordinary 30% corporate rate under the
profit hospitals, should be applicable to St. Luke's. last paragraph of Section 30 in relation to Section 27 (A) (1).
 According to the BIR, Section 27 (B), introduced in 1997, "is a new provision  Section 27 (B) of the NIRC imposes a 10% preferential tax rate on the
intended to amend the exemption on non-pro􏰂t hospitals that were income of (1) proprietary non-pro􏰂t educational institutions and (2)
previously categorized as non-stock, non-pro􏰂t corporations under proprietary non-pro􏰂t hospitals. The only quali􏰂cations for hospitals are
Section 26 of the 1997 Tax Code . . . ." 5 It is a speci􏰂c provision which that they must be proprietary and non-pro􏰂t. "Proprietary" means
prevails over the general exemption on income tax granted under Section private, following the de􏰂nition of a "proprietary educational institution"
30 (E) and (G) for non-stock, non-pro􏰂t charitable institutions and civic as "any private school maintained and administered by private individuals
organizations promoting social welfare. or groups" with a government permit. "Non- profit" means no net income
 The BIR claimed that St. Luke's was actually operating for pro􏰂t in 1998 or asset accrues to or benefits any member or specific person, with all the
because only 13% of its revenues came from charitable purposes. net income or asset devoted to the institution's purposes and all its
Moreover, the hospital's board of trustees, o􏰂cers and employees directly activities conducted not for profit.
bene􏰂t from its pro􏰂ts and assets. St. Luke's had total revenues of  "Non-pro􏰂fit" does not necessarily mean "charitable." In Collector of
P1,730,367,965 or approximately P1.73 billion from patient services in Internal Revenue v. Club Filipino, Inc. de Cebu, 37 this Court considered as
1998. non-pro􏰂t a sports club organized for recreation and entertainment of its
 St. Luke's contended that the BIR should not consider its total revenues, stockholders and members. The club was primarily funded by membership
because its free services to patients was P218,187,498 or 65.20% of its fees and dues. If it had pro􏰂ts, they were used for overhead expenses and
improving its golf course. 38 The club was non-pro􏰂t because of its
1998 operating income of P334,642,615. St. Luke's also claimed that its
income does not inure to the benefit of any individual. purpose and there was no evidence that it was engaged in a profit-making
MODIFIED. St. Luke's Medical Center, Inc. is ORDERED TO PAY the de􏰂ciency income
tax in 1998 based on the 10% preferential income tax rate under Section 27 (B) of
 The Court 􏰂nds that St. Luke's is a corporation that is not "operated the National Internal Revenue Code. However, it is not liable for surcharges and
exclusively" for charitable or social welfare purposes insofar as its interest on such de􏰂ciency income tax under Sections 248 and 249 of the National
revenues from paying patients are concerned. This ruling is based not only Internal Revenue Code. All other parts of the Decision and Resolution of the Court of
on a strict interpretation of a provision granting tax exemption, but also on Tax Appeals are AFFIRMED.
the clear and plain text of Section 30 (E) and (G). Section 30 (E) and (G) of The petition of St. Luke's Medical Center, Inc. in G.R. No. 195960 is DENIED for
the NIRC requires that an institution be "operated exclusively" for violating Section 1, Rule 45 of the Rules of Court.
charitable or social welfare purposes to be completely exempt from
income tax.
 An institution under Section 30 (E) or (G) does not lose its tax exemption if
it earns income from its for-pro􏰂fit activities. Such income from for-
pro􏰂fit activities, under the last paragraph of Section 30, is merely subject
to income tax, previously at the ordinary corporate rate but now at the
preferential 10% rate pursuant to Section 27 (B).
 A tax exemption is effectively a social subsidy granted by the State because
an exempt institution is spared from sharing in the expenses of
government and yet bene􏰂ts from them. Tax exemptions for charitable
institutions should therefore be limited to institutions bene􏰂cial to the
public and those which improve social welfare. A pro􏰂t-making entity
should not be allowed to exploit this subsidy to the detriment of the
government and other taxpayers.
 St. Luke's fails to meet the requirements under Section 30 (E) and (G) of
the NIRC to be completely tax exempt from all its income. However, it
remains a proprietary non-pro􏰂fit hospital under Section 27 (B) of the
NIRC as long as it does not distribute any of its profi􏰂ts to its members and
such profi􏰂ts are reinvested pursuant to its corporate purposes. St. Luke's,
as a proprietary non-profi􏰂t hospital, is entitled to the preferential tax rate
of 10% on its net income from its for-profit activities.
 St. Luke's is therefore liable for de􏰂ciency income tax in 1998 under
Section 27 (B) of the NIRC. However, St. Luke's has good reasons to rely on
the letter dated 6 June 1990 by the BIR, which opined that St. Luke's is "a
corporation for purely charitable and social welfare purposes" 59 and thus
exempt from income tax. In Michel J. Lhuillier, Inc. v. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue, the Court said that "good faith and honest belief that
one is not subject to tax on the basis of previous interpretation of
government agencies tasked to implement the tax law, are sufficient
justification to delete the imposition of surcharges and interest."

WHEREFORE, the petition of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue in G.R. No.

195909 is PARTLY GRANTED . The Decision of the Court of Tax Appeals En Banc dated
19 November 2010 and its Resolution dated 1 March 2011 in CTA Case No. 6746 are

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