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Please Read This Book Before The First Class: Ishmael by Dan Quinn Will Be Discussed at The First Session

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Sustainability in Construction, Proj_Mgt 441

Master of Project Management Program, Northwestern University
Helen J. Kessler, FAIA, LEED Fellow and Lois Vitt Sale, AIA LEED Fellow
Winter Quarter

Course Reading Material:

Ishmael by Dan Quinn will be discussed at the first session – please read this
book before the first class

Text: Sustainable Construction: Green Building Design and Delivery, by

Charles J., Kibert, John Wiley & Sons, 3rd edition, 2013.

Week 1: Overview of Sustainability – (Helen and Lois)

The introductory class will include a discussion of sustainability, an
explanation of the class and coursework. We will engage you in a
discussion of your understanding of the topic and ask for examples of
policies and practices with which you are familiar. Come prepared to
talk and to bring ideas that you would like to discuss in class! We will
also discuss Ishmael by Daniel Quinn, focusing on human interactions
with “nature.”
Sustainable Construction – Chapters One and Two

Week 2: Landscape and Infrastructure, Sustainability from the Ground Up

– (Lois)
Many of the environmental impacts associated with the built
environment can be caused or avoided by site selection. This week,
we discuss heat island, storm water, watersheds, the function of
wetlands, open space preservation, carbon impacts of commuting,
green roofs – their benefits and costs. Discussion is centered on
defining specific site impacts and recognized best practices to mitigate
those impacts. Case studies of real world projects are used to
reinforce principles discussed.
Sustainable Construction – Chapter Six

Course Requirements
Sustainability in Construction
Week 3: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy – (Helen)
With the concerns for energy availability and security, during this week
we discuss how and where energy is used around the world, energy
efficiency opportunities in buildings, including a discussion of a
systems approach and use of energy modeling, how the building
envelope may be viewed as a part of the mechanical system, daylight
as a fundamental part of the lighting system, HVAC systems as a
means, not an end, renewable energy and advanced energy solutions.

Quiz #1, Sustainable Sites

Sustainable Construction – Chapter Seven

Week 4: Water – (Lois)

Fresh water supply is a serious issue for much of the developed world
and is becoming more and more pressing for many areas in the US.
This week we will focus on the basic elements in the water discussion
– is there enough and is the water to which we have access safe? We
will study water at the system level to understand issues beyond the
project limit line and also focus on water conserving technologies that
can preserve our water resources. Graywater, blackwater, and water
conserving technologies will be discussed with case studies of
implemented solutions.

Case Study Project Selected (submitted electronically, by noon)

Quiz #2, Energy
Sustainable Construction – Chapter Eight

Week 5: Integration of Systems and Building Commissioning – (Helen)

Using an integrated approach to building design and whole systems
thinking are key to design of effective buildings. We will discuss why it
is important that all disciplines work together early in a project, watch a
video case study on using an integrated approach to design and
discuss building commissioning – what it is, what it is not, why it is
done, roles and responsibilities, costs and benefits.
Sustainable Construction – Chapters Four, Five (optional) and Twelve

Week 6: The lexicon of a green material – (Lois)

These days you can’t open a newspaper or a magazine without being
confronted by a claim of a green product. In this class, we will discuss
what makes a material green, how to ask a material supplier the right
questions and how to consider whether a material is, in fact, truly
Course Requirements
Sustainability in Construction
green. We will discuss recycled products, embodied energy, life cycle
of a material, and rapidly renewable materials. Samples of real
products that embody the attributes we discuss will be passed around
the classroom.

Quiz #3 on Materials at end of class

Sustainable Construction – Chapter Nine

Week 7: Indoor Environmental Quality – (Helen)

We spend more than 90% of our time indoors, so good indoor
environmental quality is critical. In this session, we will discuss air
quality – understanding what makes good air and environmental
quality; terminology -- such as volatile organic compound and sick
building syndrome; various types of ventilation systems such as
displacement and natural ventilation; causes of indoor pollution;
construction indoor air quality management; daylighting – how it helps,
how it hinders environmental quality.

Progress Report on Case Study Interviews and Data Collection -

Planned or In Progress, Case Study Outline Due (submitted
electronically by noon)

Sustainable Construction – Chapter Ten

Week 8: Construction Waste Management – (Lois)

Construction Waste comprises 40 percent of the waste in our landfills.
Landfills produce methane, a greenhouse gas that is much more
potent than carbon dioxide. We will discuss issues surrounding waste
in the construction industry, discuss how to formulate and implement a
successful waste management plan and how design can influence the
amount of waste produced during the construction of a project. Other
issues we will discuss include waste to energy, composting and
electronic recycling.

Quiz #4, Commissioning and Indoor Environmental Quality

Sustainable Construction – Chapter Eleven

Week 9: Use of the LEED Rating System – (Helen)

LEED is becoming ubiquitous in the design and construction of new
buildings. This week, we will discuss the LEED rating system, how it is
used, strengths, weaknesses, examples, green building and LEED
impacts on the construction industry. A panel of team members who
have designed and built a LEED project will be invited to share their
insights and experiences with the class.

Course Requirements
Sustainability in Construction
Case Study Due (submitted electronically by noon)

Week 10: Student Presentations –

Students give 10 to 15 minute presentations on their selected case
Week 11: Student Presentations in lieu of Final Exam –
Students give 10 to 15 minute presentations on their selected case

All assignments are due electronically – emailed to the addresses listed

on page one to both Helen and Lois. All assignments are due by noon
on their due date. On the subject line of your email – please add “NU”
to facilitate our ability to find your emails.

Student Presentation/Case Studies

Each student will write a case study on a completed LEED project. Students will
ask for utility and water data for their subject project and compare the actual
energy usage against the Energy Usage Intensity of similar buildings in the same
climate zone. Interviews with facility personnel who are responsible for building
operations at the project will be required. Case studies should be broader than
just an energy and water usage review and students will be required to share an
understanding of the strategies used to achieve LEED certification, and lessons
learned in occupancy at their subject project. Case studies are due on February
28 by noon.

Each student will make a class presentation of 10 to 15 minutes summarizing the

highlights of the case study projects.


4 quizzes from book 40%

Case Study/Presentation 40%
Class Participation 20%

Suggested Resources
• Greening Our Built World, Costs, Benefits and Strategies by Greg Kats
• Confessions of a Radical Industrialist by Ray Anderson
• Blessed Unrest by Paul Hawken
• Green Recovery by Andrew Winston
• Hot, Flat and Crowded by Thomas Friedman
• Natural Capitalism by Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, and L. Hunter
• Ecology of Commerce by Paul Hawken
Course Requirements
Sustainability in Construction
• Regenerative Design Techniques: Practical Applications in Landscape
Design by Pete Melby and Tom Cathcart
• Biomimicry by Janine Benyus
• Cool Companies by Joe Romm
• Ancient Sunlight by Thom Hartmann
• The Future of Life by E.O. Wilson
• Mid-Course Correction by Ray Anderson
• Cradle to Cradle by Bill McDonough and Michael Braungarten
• The Philosophy of Sustainable Design by Jason McLennan
• Planting Green Roofs and Living Walls by Nigel Dunnett and Noel
• Eco-Economy by Lester Brown
• Plan B 4.0 by Lester Brown
• Alternative Construction by Lynne Elizabeth and Cassandra Adams
• Green Development by The Rocky Mountain Institute
• Greed to Green by David Gottfried
• The Natural Step Story by Karl-Henrik Robert
• Sustainable Urbanism by Douglas Farr
• Sustainable Design by Daniel Williams
• Winning the Oil End Game by Amory Lovins
• Adapting Buildings and Cities for Climate Change by Sue Roaf
• The Sustainability Handbook by William E. Blackburn
• The Integrative Design Guide to Green Building by 7Group and Bill

Course Requirements
Sustainability in Construction

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