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Class - 4 - NSTSE - MQP - 436 (M) & 439 (M) PDF

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Class - 4 Mathematics % Find the product obtained when the difference

between 12030 and 8107 is multiplied by 37.
 Identify the shape based on the description given.
(A) 3923 × 30 – 3923 × 7 (B) (3900 + 23) × (40 – 3)
(A) A square
• 2 pairs of equal sides
(C) 3923 × 40 + 3923 × 3 (D) 3923
(B) A parallelogram
• 4 pairs of perpendicular lines & Find the sum of second common multiple and first
(C) A triangle common multiple of 4 and 5.
(D) A rectangle (A) 60 (B) 40 (C) 0 (D) 20
 Which digit is in the hundreds place of the sum of the ' The figure given shows two identical rectangles, each
first five common multiples of 4 and 8 ? measuring 8 cm by 4 cm, overlapping one another. The
(A) 2 (B) 0 (C) 4 (D) 1 1
shaded area is of each rectangle.
2 3 4
! Mona spent of her savings on a handbag and of 8 cm
3 4
the remainder on a book. What fraction of her savings 4 cm
had she left ?
1 1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
12 6 3 4 Find the perimeter of the unshaded part of the figure.
" Find the difference obtained when the sum of 3982 (A) 34 cm (B) 36 cm (C) 28 cm (D) 26 cm
and 6853 is subtracted from 35000.
 How many "X" symbols are needed to represent the
(A) 31018 (B) 24165 (C) 37861 (D) 10835 statement “25 + 14 = 39” in Roman system ?
4 4 (A) 7 (B) 6
# Find the simplest form of the sum of and .
18 9 (C) 4 (D) 10
12 2 8 2  How many metres of wire fencing is
(A) (B) (C) (D)
18 3 18 6 needed if each post is 6 m apart ?
$ Which option has exactly two lines of symmetry ? (A) 66 m (B) 72 m
(A) Only P (C) 78 m (D) 84 m
(B) Only Q 2 3 4  Find the ascending order of XX, XXXVI and V.
(C) Only R (A) V, XXXVI, XX (B) XX, V, XXXVI
(D) Both Q and R (C) V, XX, XXXVI (D) XXXVI, XX, V

436 (M)  436 (M)


! Giri had 90 more marbles than John. He lost 15 marbles ' Observe the given graph. On Saturdays, l
while John lost 36 marbles. Giri then gave John 66 the school functions from 8 a.m. to 12 ScChlasses
marbles. How many more marbles did John have than noon. For how long can the students play


Giri in the end ? on a Saturday ?

(A) 9 (B) 30 (C) 21 (D) 39 (A) 60 min (B) 15 min (C) 30 min (D) 20 min
How many line segments are there in the given figure ?  How many digits are zeroes in the product of
30 × 40 × 50 × 60 × 70 ?
(A) 1 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 8
 Which of the given numbers is not a whole number?
(A) 12 (B) 9 (C) 8 (D) 6 2013 + 0 2013 + 2 2013 + 3 2013 + 3
(A) (B) (C) (D)
# Sonu is 4 years younger than Tanya. Three year ago, 1 3 2 7
Sonu was 10 year old. How old is Tanya now ? Ajit arranged some marbles in the manner shown here.
(A) 13 (B) 20 (C) 17 (D) 14 Which of the following division facts is best
represented by this grouping of marbles ? (All the
$ Observe the number pattern given. Which of the
marbles must be considered)
following is the 5th number in the pattern ?
(A) 21 ÷ 5 gives quotient 4 & remainder 1
121, 12321, 1234321, 123454321, ... (B) 21 ÷ 7 gives quotient 3
(C) 20 ÷ 5 gives quotient 4
(A) 123454321 (B) 1234656432
(D) 5 ÷ 4 gives quotient 1 & remainder 1
(C) 12345654321 (D) 12344321 Given that 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + ... + 98 + 99 + 100 = 5050,
3 1 find 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... + 98 + 99 – 100.
% Aneesh spent of his money on a shirt and of the
7 2 (A) 5150 (B) 4950 (C) 4850 (D) 5050
remainder on a pair of trousers. If he had 23 left,
" Tony had 4375 phone cards. He gave away 20 of them
how much did Aneesh spend altogether ?
and placed the rest equally into 65 groups. How many
(A) 23 (B) 57.50 (C) 52.50 (D) 80.50 phone cards were there in each group ?
& Kranthi leaves for school at 6: 35 a.m. If he takes 35 (A) 54 (B) 67 (C) 76 (D) 45
minutes to walk to school, what time will he arrive in # Leena has 4 packets of flour. Each packet contains 3 kg
school ? 480 g of flour. How much flour does Leena have altogether?
(A) 7: 35 a.m. (B) 7: 20 a.m. (A) 11 kg 240 g (B) 12 kg 480 g
(C) 7: 10 a.m. (D) 7: 00 a.m. (C) 10 kg 450 g (D) 13 kg 920 g
436 (M) ! " 436 (M)

Class - 4 General Science ! Which of these is a producer ?

$ Observe the given figure and identify the type of plant.
(A) Floating plant
(B) Fixed plant
 ! "
(C) Insectivorous plant
(D) Submerged plant (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
! When you eat popcorn you are actually eating the
% Zebras have stripes on their bodies. How does this
adaptation help them ? (A) fruit. (B) root. (C) stem. (D) seed.
(A) In keeping their bodies cool. !! Why is earth called the blue planet ?
(B) In keeping their bodies warm. (A) The maximum area of the earth is covered with water.
(C) In mixing with the surroundings. (B) The earth gets the reflection of the sky.
(C) Maximum people wear blue clothes.
(D) None of the above
(D) The roof of the houses are blue coloured.
& The animals given below are similar as they all
!" Which of the following makes use water to generate
electrical energy ?

(A) hatch from eggs. (B) have same body covering. (A) (B) (C) (D)
(C) are mammals. (D) live only in water.
' Which teeth do herbivores use to grind or chew their !# Which of these planets support life and has air ?
food? (A) Mercury (B) Earth (C) Mars (D) Venus
(A) Incisor teeth (B) Molar teeth !$ Why does a climber coils around the stems of other
(C) Canine teeth (D) Wisdom teeth plants ?
! Which picture shows a pushing force ? I) To support itself.
II) To get food from that plant
III) To get as much sunlight as possible
(A) (B) (C) (D) (A) I and II only (B) I and III only
(C) II and III only (D) I, II and III
436 (M) # $ 436 (M)

!% A decomposer is a living thing that obtains its own " Which of the following undergo moulting ?
food from organic matter. Which of the following is
a decomposer ?
(A) (B) (C) (D) All of these
(A) A mango tree (B) A cow
(C) A woman (D) Fungus "! Never touch any electrical appliances if your hands
!& The given substances are similar as they are all (A) have rubber gloves. (B) are dry.
(C) are wet. (D) are soft and dry.
Steam, Water vapour, Carbon dioxide and Oxygen
"" Which of the following is/are form(s) of precipitation ?
(A) solids forms. (B) liquids forms.
(A) Rain (B) Dew
(C) gasesous forms. (D) both (A) and (C)
(C) Fog (D) All of these
!' Rehan wants to eat a chicken drumstick but has lost
"# An opuntia plant has
some canines of his mouth. What will be his difficulty?
(A) To taste the chicken drum stick (A) needle like leaves. (B) very thin leaves.
(B) To tear away pieces of the chicken drum stick (C) long leaves. (D) broad leaves.
(C) To crush and grind the chicken drum stick "$ In a forest, how do decomposers help other organisms
(D) To digest the chicken drum stick to survive ?
(A) They release oxygen into the air that animals breathe
" Study the given table carefully. Which of the following
are also called ‘heterotrophs’ ? (B) They put nutrients into the soil that plants use to grow
(C) They provide shelter in forests where animals can hide
P : Producers Q : Herbivores (D) They use sunlight to make food for plants and animals
R : Carnivores S : Omnivores
"% Sonam saw some wild mushrooms growing on a piece
(A) P (B) Q and R of rotting log. She realized that they do not have any
(C) Q, R and S (D) P, Q, R, S green leaves with which to make their own food.
However, they were still alive. How is this possible ?
" Camouflage is a kind of adaptation in which an
organism deceives others by merging its colour with (A) Mushrooms have chlorophyll in their caps with which
that of its surroundings. Which of the following colours they make their own food.
will best suit a chameleon to hide from its enemies in (B) Mushrooms get food from the air.
a forest when it sits on a neem tree trunk ? (C) Mushrooms do not need food.
(A) Red (B) Blue (C) Green (D) Brown (D) Mushrooms get their food from the piece of rotting log.
436 (M) % & 436 (M)

"& The given animals are similar in that both ________. # Lasya read the given information and made sketches
of four organisms ?
This is a single-cell organism that has both plant and
animal characteristics. It has a very distinctive red eye-
spot and its single hair-like structure propels it forward.
(A) can swim
(B) take in air through their gills Which sketch fits the description given above ?

(C) have scales

(A) (B) (C) (D)
(D) both (A) and (B)
"' The pie chart shows the component gases which can # Abhi dissolved some salt in water and left it in a dish near
be found in air. Which gases do X and Y represent ? a sunny window. What did he notice after a few days ?
(A) X-Nitrogen; Y-Oxygen (A) The level of salt solution in the dish remained the same.
(B) X-Oxygen; Y-Nitrogen   (B) The level of salt solution in the dish became higher
(C) X-Carbon dioxide; Y-Oxygen ;
(C) The salt solution had dried up and salt was left behind.
(D) X-Oxygen; Y-Carbon dioxide (D) The salt solution seeped through the dish and the
dish was empty.
# The diagram below shows a plant part under the
microscope.The openings shown in the diagram are #! What part of a Mango tree becomes the fruit ?
found in the (A) Stems (B) Leaves (C) Roots (D) Flower
#" If you want to propagate sugarcane plants. Which
part of the sugarcane plant do you use ?
(A) Seed (B) Root (C) Stem (D) Flower
## How does woollen clothes keep our bodies warm in
winter ?
(A) root hairs for absorbing water.
(A) By absorbing heat present in the air.
(B) seeds for water to enter. (B) By preventing body heat to escape.
(C) stem to transport water and food through. (C) By reflecting sunlight.
(D) leaves for exchange of gases. (D) By the absorption of sunlight.
436 (M) '  436 (M)

Class - 4 Critical Thinking #& Which piece does not fit ?

#$ Which animal is further away from the dog ?

Duck Fish

(A) (B) (C) (D)


#' In a water tank, a solid board was placed in the middle

and water was poured into the two sides. If the board
Dog is taken out, what would the height of the water be in
(A) Fish (B) Duck
20 cm
(C) Elephant (D) Rabbit 10 cm
#% Find the drawing that shows Lalitha’s view.
(A) 15 (B) 30 (C) 20 (D) 25

$ A bee wants to move from  to % . Each time the

bee moves. It can only move adjacently to a greater
number. How many ways are there for the bee to move
to % ?

 ! # %
" $
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(A) 12 (B) 10 (C) 15 (D) 13
436 (M)   436 (M)
4th Class

436 (M)

01. D 02. D 03. A 04. B 05. B 06. C 07. B 08. A 09. B 10. A
11. D 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. C 16. C 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. C
21. B 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. D 26. C 27. C 28. A 29. B 30. B
31. D 32. D 33. A 34. D 35. B 36. B 37. D 38. C 39. B 40. C
41. D 42. D 43. C 44. A 45. A 46. B 47. D 48. D 49. B 50. D
51. C 52. C 53. D 54. C 55. B 56. B 57. A 58. A 59. A 60. D

Class - 4 Mathematics 1
$ What fraction of 1 min is 40 s ?
How many thousands make 5 lakhs ? 4

7 8 5 7
(A) 5 (B) 5000 (C) 50 (D) 500 (A) (B) (C) (D)
15 15 4 16
 Some Roman numerals are given in the box.
% Find the missing number.
2875 g – 2 kg 750 g = _____ g
Which of the following is the number that can be
written using all the given Roman numerals ? (A) 1250 (B) 125 (C) 1025 (D) 1125
(A) 2555 (B) 1565 The cube in the figure was cut and separated into three
(C) 1568 (D) 3549 pieces.
! Find the sum of the numbers shown on the abacuses.
(A) 26568
(B) 54845
+ Which of the following groups could be the three
(C) 25879 pieces of the cube ?
(D) 26369 Th H T O T.Th Th H T O
(A) (B)
" What is the sum of the odd numbers between 5 and 12 ?
(A) 7 (B) 27
(C) 16 (D) 17 (C) (D)

# Observe the given figure. How many more rectangles ' How many minutes make a quarter of an hour ?
should be shaded such that of the figure is shaded ? (A) 9 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 15
 A wire 48 cm long is bent to form a square. Find the
(A) 18
side of the square.
(B) 12 (A) 12 cm (B) 16 cm2 (C) 36 cm2 (D) 20 cm
(C) 24  The difference between the smallest and the largest
(D) 6 5-digit number formed by the digits 5, 4, 2, 6, 0 is
(A) 44964 (B) 62964 (C) 46956 (D) 62985
439 (M)  439 (M)

 Akram spends 658 in a month. At the same rate how ' Identify the largest number ?
much will he spend in a year ? (A) CD (B) CM (C) DC (D) MC
(A) 1316 (B) 6580 (C) 7896 (D) 13160  In the figure given, how many cross marks are in the
! Which of these is an example for twin primes ? triangle but not in the rectangle ?
(A) 11, 15 (B) 17, 23 (C) 3, 7 (D) 11, 13 : :
: : :
" If the value of Q is twice the value of R, find R. : :
56 Q R : : :
÷P ÷Q
(A) 6 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 0
(A) 28 (B) 2 (C) 56 (D) 1
 From which of the following numbers must 4409 be
# What is the value of 13 + 6 ÷ 2 + 5 × 4 ?
subtracted so that the difference is 72352 ?
(A) 36 (B) 45 (C) 25 (D) 28
(A) 67943 (B) 67941 (C) 68943 (D) 76761
$ A packet of biscuits cost 4. Aryan bought 9 packets 7
and had 2 left. How much did he have at first ? Arun had m of wool. He cut it into 5 equal pieces.
(A) 40 (B) 34 (C) 38 (D) 36 What was the length of each piece of wool ?
2 7 1 7
5 1 (A) m (B) m (C) 3 m (D) 5 m
% Tarun gave of his salary to charity and spent of 7 50 2 10
7 2
the remainder. What fraction of his salary was left ? ! Find the sum of the first three common multiples of 6
and 9.
1 2 3 4 (A) 54 (B) 108 (C) 162 (D) 216
(A) (B) (C) (D)
7 7 7 7
" What fraction comes next ?
& Which one of the following figures is shaded ?
8 1 5 3
, , , ?
2 8 4
(A) (B) 1 1 3 7
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 4 8 8
# 3 necklaces cost as much as 7 rings. If 3 necklaces and 3
(C) (D) rings cost 1860, find the cost of 1 necklace.
(A) 364 (B) 1302 (C) 434 (D) 186
439 (M) ! " 439 (M)

Class - 4 General Science ! What would happen to soil if a farmer adds earthworms,
dried leaves and organic matter to it ?
$ Identify the process Y in the given figure.
(A) The soil would remain the same.
Process Y Water vapour
Green plants (B) The soil would lose some of its nutrients.
in atmosphere
(A) Condensation (B) Evaporation (C) The soil would become richer in nutrients and airy.
(C) Transpiration (D) Decomposition (D) The soil would become polluted.
% A teacher is explaining about microbes and germs and
! Observe the following groups of plants.
she was observing the body structure of a microbe
using some instruments given below. : ;
I – Microscope II – Bioscope III – Telescope Nepenthes and sundew Mushroom and mould

Which of the following devices is/are being used by The plants are grouped according to
the teacher and describe microbes ? (A) whether living or non-living things.
(A) I only (B) II only
(B) the type of nutrition.
(C) III only (D) II and III only
(C) the position they are located in the pond.
& Which of these best completes this concept map ? (D) their capacity to move freely in water.
! Which of the following is the best way to dispose waste
Changes water from kitchen ?
(A) Using it as drinking water
to Liquids to
Solids Gases Liquids (B) Using it as bathing water
(A) Cooling (B) Heat (C) Using it to cook the food
(C) Evaporating (D) Freezing (D) Using it to water the plants
' Which of these gases is released by green plants during !! Which of these have three stage life cycle ?
photosynthesis ?
(A) Carbon dioxide (B) Oxygen (A) (B) (C) (D)
(C) Water (D) Nitrogen
439 (M) # $ 439 (M)

!" Kishore wants to eat an apple but has lost some !' The method(s) to prevent soil erosion is/are
incisors of his mouth. What will be his difficulty ? (A) planting vegetation.
(A) To cut into the apple (B) building embankments along river banks.
(B) To tear away parts of the apple (C) practising terrace farming on hill slopes.
(C) To crush and grind the apple (D) all of the above

(D) To digest the apple " Which of the following energy changes takes place in
the figure shown here ?
!# The thick covering called ‘cuticle’ on the stem of
desert plants help them to Panels

(A) breathe air. (B) prepare food.

(C) absorb water. (D) reduce transpiration.
!$ Which of the following is the best method to kill the
germs present in water ?
(A) Keeping the water container without lid (A) Light energy Solar energy Electrical energy

(B) Adding sugar to water (B) Solar energy Chemical energy Light energy
(C) Solar energy Electrical energy Light energy
(C) Boiling the water
(D) Light energy Electrical energy Solar energy
(D) Covering the water vessel with a lid
" Which one of the following is an example of a pull ?
!% What passes out of the small intestine into the
bloodstream ? (A) Bouncing a ball
(B) Punching the keys on the keyboard
(A) Water (B) Digestive juices
(C) Removing the lid from the container
(C) Undigested food (D) Digested food
(D) Placing the bottle of ketchup on table
!& Plants growing on high walls get water from
" Which of the following organisms help to break
(A) the walls. (B) the land. down dead matter into simpler substances ?
(C) the air. (D) insects moving around. (A) Fern (B) Fungi
(C) Woodlouse (D) Termite

439 (M) % & 439 (M)


"! The diagram below shows a plant with some tendrils. "% The symptoms of a disease caused due to deficiency
tendrils of vitamin are given below. Identify the vitamin.

• Bleeding of gums.
• Swelling of joints.
• Wounds that do not heal.

(A) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin B

How do the tendrils help the plant to grow well ? (C) Vitamin C (D) Vitamin D
(A) They help the plant to absorb water. "& Which of the following methods is used to remove
(B) They attach onto other plants in order for the leaves soluble impurities in water ?
to get enough sunlight. (A) Sedimentation (B) Decantation
(C) They transport the food made by the leaves to all (C) Filtration (D) Distillation
parts of the plant.
"' The disease Goitre is caused due to the lack of a
(D) They help to store food for the plant certain class of food. Which of the following types
"" What is the function of molars ? of food should be consumed to reduce the risk of
goitre ?
(A) To cut the food.
(A) Rice (B) Orange
(B) To tear the food.
(C) Fish (D) Carrot
(C) To crush and grind the food.
# Identify the given figure.
(D) To digest the food.
"# When a bulb is connected to a cell with wires, it
glows. What kind of energy is stored in cells ?
(A) Solar energy (B) Electrical energy
(C) Chemical energy (D) Light energy
"$ Plant’s shoot growth is towards ________.
(A) A lever (B) A screw
(A) sunlight (B) gravity (C) A satellite (D) A pulley
(C) water (D) soil
439 (M) '  439 (M)

# An apple from the apple tree fall on ground is due to Class - 4 Critical Thinking
(A) muscular force. (B) balanced force. #$ The following shows solid figure seen through holes
on a piece of paper. Identify the hidden solid figure.
(C) gravitational force. (D) frictional force.
# The animals given below are similar as they are

Rabbit, Moles, Rat

(A) (B) (C) (D)
(A) Aerial animals (B) Arboreal animals
(C) Aquatic animals (D) Burrowing animals #% The number from 1 to 7 were laid out in order to make
an expression. Which option represents the correct
#! What are autotrophs ? placement of five + operation cards.
(A) Herbivores (B) Producers  2 3 ! 4 " 5 # 6 $ 7 % = 55
(C) Carnivores (D) Omnivores (A) P, Q, S, T, U (B) P, Q, R, S, T
#" Which one of the following body systems carries food (C) P, Q, R, S, U (D) P, R, S, T, U
and oxygen to all parts of the body and collects waste #& Read the clues given.
materials ? • My uncle and aunt have different jobs. One is a driver,
and the other works in an office.
(A) Digestive system (B) Respiratory system
• My parents and aunt has never driven a car.
(C) Circulatory system (D) Excretory system • My dad and uncle share automobile business.
Shreya investigated the properties of an object. She What is my uncle’s occupation ?
(A) Employee (B) Driver
noted down the following observations in her
notebook. (C) Business (D) None of these
#' The following is a ripped piece of calender for March,
It has mass. What day is April ?
Mon Tues Wed Fri Sat
It occupies space. (A) Monday (B) Saturday
It cannot be compressed. (C) Tuesday (D) Sunday ! "
It does not take shape of the container that holds it. $ How would the 4 drawing look like ?

What could be the object ? ?

(A) Oxygen (B) Honey
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(C) Pebble (D) Milk
439 (M)   439 (M)
4th Class

439 (M)

01. D 02. B 03. D 04. B 05. B 06. B 07. B 08. A 09. D 10. A
11. A 12. C 13. D 14. D 15. A 16. C 17. A 18. D 19. D 20. D
21. D 22. B 23. B 24. D 25. C 26. C 27. A 28. A 29. B 30. C
31. B 32. D 33. C 34. A 35. D 36. C 37. D 38. C 39. D 40. C
41. C 42. B 43. B 44. C 45. C 46. A 47. C 48. D 49. C 50. C
51. C 52. D 53. B 54. C 55. C 56. C 57. A 58. B 59. B 60. D

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