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(European Commission C(2007)5740 of 28 November 2007)

How to use the Work Programme (WP)

The WP is to be read in association with the Framework Programme and People Specific Programme decisions,
and with the relevant Guides for Applicants. The most current Guides and other documents are available on
CORDIS under
Part I describes the background to the WP and the broad policy objectives. Part II gives details of the 2008
Actions, while Part III gives the corresponding information, in overview form, of the relevant calls. The
Annexes contain reference material.
FP7 'People' Work Programme

The 2008 PEOPLE Work Programme

The majority of the content in the 2008 People work programme represents continuity of
Actions from previous years. A new Marie Curie Action is proposed – "IRSES", an
international research staff exchange scheme (see Section 4.4), which has special interest
for countries with which the EU has a strong policy link.

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FP7 'People' Work Programme

I CONTEXT ................................................................................................................ 4
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 4
2. Implementation principles and overall objectives...................................................... 4
3. Repartition of the indicative budget ........................................................................... 7
II 2008 IMPLEMENTATION..................................................................................... 7
Activity 1: Initial Training of Researchers..................................................................... 8
1.1 Marie Curie Action: “Initial Training Networks” (ITN)...................................... 8
Activity 2: “Life-long Training and Career Development” ......................................... 11
2.1 Marie Curie Action: “Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development”
(IEF) ......................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Marie Curie Action: “European Reintegration Grants” (ERG).......................... 12
2.3 Marie Curie Action: “Co-funding of Regional, National and International
Programmes”(COFUND) ......................................................................................... 14
Activity 3: “Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways”...................................... 17
3.1 Marie Curie Action: “Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways” (IAPP) 17
Activity 4: “International Dimension” ......................................................................... 19
4.1 Marie Curie Action: “International Outgoing Fellowships for Career
Development” (IOF)................................................................................................. 19
4.2 Marie Curie Action: “International Incoming Fellowships” (IIF) ..................... 20
4.3 Marie Curie Action: “International Reintegration Grants” (IRG)...................... 22
4.4 Marie Curie Action: “International Research Staff Exchange Scheme” (IRSES)
.................................................................................................................................. 23
4.5 International activities not implemented through calls for proposals ................ 25
Activity 5: “Specific Actions”...................................................................................... 25
5.1 Marie curie action: "Researchers' Night" (NIGHT) ........................................... 25
5.2 Specific actions not implemented through calls for proposals........................... 26
III IMPLEMENTATION OF CALLS ................................................................... 30
The 2008 Marie Curie Actions Roadmap................................................................. 30
Activity 1: “Initial Training of Researchers” ............................................................... 30
1.1. Marie Curie Initial Training Networks.............................................................. 30
Activity 2: “Life-long Training and Career Development” ......................................... 31
2.1 Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development ................... 31
2.2 Marie Curie European Re-integration Grants..................................................... 32
2.3 Marie Curie Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programmes 33
Activity 3: “Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways”...................................... 35
3.1. Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways............................ 35
Activity 4: “International Dimension” ......................................................................... 36
4.1 Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowships for Career Development....... 36
4.2 Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowships............................................... 37
4.3 Marie Curie International Reintegration Grants................................................. 38
4.4 Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme ............................ 39
Activity 5: “Specific Actions”...................................................................................... 40
5.1 Marie Curie Researchers' Night ......................................................................... 40
Annex 1.1: International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC) ........................... 42
Annex 1.2 Countries eligible for the International Research Staff Exchange
Scheme (IRSES)........................................................................................................... 43
Annex 2: Eligibility, evaluation, selection and award criteria ................................. 44
Annex 3: Community contribution and applicable rates.......................................... 52

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FP7 'People' Work Programme

1. Introduction
This is the 2008 Work Programme implementing the 'People' Specific Programme of the
7th Framework Programme (2007 to 2013). It translates in specific actions the objectives
and priorities in the Specific Programme, the associated funding, and the timetable for
implementation for the year 2008.
To support the further development and consolidation of the European Research Area,
the People Specific Programme's overall strategic objective is to make Europe more
attractive for the best researchers. Dedicated entirely to human resources in research, this
Specific Programme has a significant overall budget of over EUR 4.7 billion over the
seven years of FP7. It will be implemented through “Marie Curie” actions under five
headings, with the following budget breakdown:

Actions Indicative budget share Budget 2008

2007-2013 (EUR million)
1. Initial training of researchers around 40 % 185

2. Life-long training and career between 25% and 30% 147

development (including Co-funding)
3. Industry-academia pathways and 5 to 10% 45
4. International dimension 25 to 30% 93.25
5. Specific Policy actions around 1% 6.89

This Work Programme contains the funding schemes to be used, the eligibility criteria
and the criteria for proposal evaluation and project selection, including award criteria. It
also identifies organisations which will receive support actions for specific legal entities.
In preparing this Work Programme, the Commission has taken into account advice from
the 'People'2 Advisory Group.

2. Implementation principles and overall objectives

The actions under the 'People' Specific Programme address researchers at all stages of
their careers, in both public and private sectors. Researchers are of at least postgraduate
or equivalent level and are classified on the basis of professional experience (see
definitions below).

In accordance with Articles 163 to 173 of the EC Treaty, and in particular Article 166(1) as
contextualised in the following decisions: Decision 1982/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 18.12.2006 concerning the 7th Framework Programme of the European Community for
Research, Technological Development and Demonstration (2007-2013) and the Council Decision
973/2006/EC of 19.12.2006 adopting a Specific Programme for Research, Technological Development
and Demonstration: 'People' (2007-2013).
Information on the list of members of the advisory groups is available on

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Definitions used throughout this Work Programme (Italics in the text imply this definition)

Early-stage researchers are defined as those who are, at the time of selection by the host
institution, in the first four years (full-time equivalent) of their research careers. This is measured
from the date when they obtained the degree which would formally entitle them to embark on a
doctorate, either in the country in which the degree was obtained or in the country in which the
research training is provided, irrespective of whether or not a doctorate is envisaged.
Experienced researchers must, at the time of the relevant deadline for submission or selection by
the host organisation, depending on the action, either be in possession of a doctoral degree,
irrespective of the time taken to acquire it, or have at least four years of full-time equivalent
research experience, including the period of early stage research defined above
Returning Researchers are researchers from Member States or Associated countries who can
provide evidence that they have legally resided and have had their principal activity (work,
studies, etc) in a Third Country for at least three out of the last four years immediately prior to
the relevant deadline for submission or selection by the host institution, depending on the action.
Assimilated Nationals are nationals of Third Countries having legally resided, and having had
their main activity (work, studies, etc.), in Member States/Associated Countries for at least three
out of the last four years, measured at the relevant deadline for submission, or at the time of
selection by the host organisation, depending on the action. For the purposes of the Marie Curie
Actions, these researchers assume the nationality of the country in which they have resided the
longest during the past four years.
Third Countries are countries which are neither EU Member States nor countries associated to
FP7 (Associated countries).

The 'Marie Curie Actions' are open to all domains of research and technological
development addressed under the EC Treaty. Research fields are chosen freely by the
applicants in a 'bottom-up' manner.
All research carried out under this work programme must respect fundamental ethical
principles, and the requirements set out in the text of the 'People' Specific Programme.
The Commission is fully committed to the principles set out in the declaration on the use
of human embryonic stem cells3 More information on the procedures for the peer review
of submitted proposals is given in the 'Rules for submission of proposals, and the related
evaluation, selection and award procedures'.
The actions will be implemented on the basis of open, quality driven European wide
competition, with excellence of the project and participants, impact of the project and the
implementation capacity and quality of the participants as the selection criteria. A limited
number of actions will be implemented by service contracts or other Commission
Trans-national and intersectoral mobility is a key feature and a strong participation by
enterprises, in particular SMEs, is considered an important added value. The
enhancement of industry-academia cooperation in terms of research training, career
development and knowledge-sharing is encouraged. The definition of “industry” goes
beyond the traditional manufacturing and/or production industries and comprises
enterprises in the general sense of commercial economic actors.

Commission Communication COM(2006) 548 of 26 September 2006, states that the Commission will
maintain the practice of the 6th Framework Programme. Accordingly, the Commission will not fund
projects which include research activities which destroy human embryos, including for the
procurement of stem cells. The exclusion of funding of this step of research will not prevent
Community funding of subsequent steps involving human embryonic stem cells.

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The international dimension is addressed by actions aiming to strengthen and enrich

international cooperation through researchers and to attract research talent to Europe. As
in the past this includes actions for individual researchers, namely International Outgoing
Fellowships for Career Development (IOF), International Incoming Fellowships (IIF)
and International Reintegration Grants (IRG). A new instrument for international
collaboration is introduced: the International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES).
This encourages partnerships based on staff exchange between several European research
organisations and organisations from certain third countries.
The following 'Marie Curie Actions': Initial Training Networks, Co-funding of Regional,
National and International Programmes, Industry-Academia Pathways and Partnerships,
Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowships and the International Research Staff
Exchange Scheme are also open to third country researchers. Additionally, depending on
the scheme, the participation of legal entities from third countries and of international
organisations is foreseen under the conditions provided by the Rules for Participation4
(for details see each detailed Action in part II).
The programme aims to ensure gender mainstreaming by encouraging equal
opportunities in all 'Marie Curie Actions' and by benchmarking gender participation, with
a view of achieving a broad balance over the period of the Framework Programme. A
target of at least 40% participation by women is therefore set for 2008. The actions will
be designed to ensure that researchers can achieve an appropriate work/life balance and
will contribute to facilitate resuming a research career after a break. Although as a
general rule fellowships are expected to be fulltime, flexibility is foreseen for instance in
terms of splitting a fellowship in more than one stay, or through part-time working, if
justified and appropriate in the frame of the project implementation.
In the implementation of the Marie Curie Actions, attention is also paid to the working
conditions, transparency of recruitment processes, and career development as regards the
researchers recruited on projects and programmes funded. For this the Commission
Recommendation of 11 March 2005 on the European Charter for Researchers and on a
Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers5 offers a reference framework,
while respecting its voluntary nature.
Proposals covered by this work programme will, depending on the action, be submitted
either by one or several organisations or by an individual researcher in liaison with a host
organisation. In actions where an individual researcher in liaison with a host organisation
can apply, the researcher cannot have at the same time more than one proposal in any
individual action application procedure at any one time. Also, an individual researcher
cannot benefit, at the same time, from more than one Marie Curie grant. For this
particular purpose the application procedure is deemed to have terminated with the
notification of the rejection of the proposals in that round, the notification of being
placed on a reserve list, or notification that a proposal has been recommended for
In case of multiple submissions by a research or research funding organisation, the
applicant entity may be asked to demonstrate clearly the capacity to participate in all of

Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the rules for the participation
of undertakings, research centres and universities in actions under the 7th Framework Programme and
for the dissemination of research results (2007-2013) [Regulation N° 1906/2006/EC of 18.12.2006, OJ
L 391 of 30.12.2006, page 1].
Commission recommendation of 11 March 2005 on the European Charter for Researchers and on a
Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, C(2005) 576 of 11.3.2005.

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those proposals simultaneously (in terms of research staff, infrastructure and

In case of submission of a proposal concerning a project in the same field for which the
applicant-participant has already previously received Community financing under the
'Marie Curie Actions' under the 7th Framework programme or under similar actions
under previous Framework Programmes, the applicant has to demonstrate clearly the
substantial added value of the new project in relation to the project previously financed.
3. Repartition of the indicative budget
For all the Marie Curie actions, except, International Reintegration Grants (IRG),
European Reintegration Grants (ERG), Cofunding of Regional, National and
International Programmes (COFUND) and International Research Staff Exchange
Scheme (IRSES), the distribution of the indicative budget of the calls over the scientific
disciplines will be based on the number of eligible proposals received, which are
allocated to one of 8 scientific panels6. If the budget allocated to a panel exceeds the
requirements of all proposals positively evaluated7 in that panel, the excess budget will
be reallocated to the other panels based on the distribution as above. Equally, if the
allocated funding to a panel is insufficient to fund the highest ranked proposal in that
panel, the necessary budget will be transferred from the other panels based on the
distribution as above, in order to ensure that the highest ranked proposal can be funded.
For IRG, ERG, IRSES and Night there will be a single ranked list.
For COFUND the distribution of the indicative budget of the call between panel (A)
"Existing trans-national fellowship programmes" and panel (B) "New fellowship
programmes with transnational mobility" will be based on the requested Community
contribution of the proposals positively evaluated. If the budget allocated to one of the
panels exceeds the requirements of all proposals positively evaluated7 in that panel, the
excess budget will be transferred to the other panel. Equally, if the allocated funding to
one panel is insufficient to fund the highest ranked proposal in that panel, necessary
budget will be transferred from the other panel in order to ensure that the highest ranked
proposal can be funded.

In general, the 'People' Specific Programme is implemented through calls for proposals8.
This work programme contains the calls for proposals published in 2007 and
implemented in 2008, and those which will be published in 2008 and implemented in
2008 or 2009, subject to budgetary approval. Where activities are implemented through
other mechanisms than calls for proposals this is clearly stated in the relevant texts.
Some actions may involve budgetary credits from a future year, subject to availability. In
these cases the WP will be duly amended.

The Marie Curie panels are: Chemistry CHE, Social and Human Sciences SOC, Economic Sciences
ECO, Information science and Engineering ENG, Environment and geosciences ENV, Life sciences
LIF, Mathematics MAT, Physics PHY
Measured as proposals having passed all relevant evaluation thresholds
Proposals for actions, which do not fall within the scope of a call for proposals, may be submitted to
the Commission only when it is provided for in this Work Programme.

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FP7 'People' Work Programme

Activity 1: Initial Training of Researchers

Call Reference FP7-PEOPLE-ITN-2008
1.1. Introduction and objective of the action
The action aims to improve career perspectives of early-stage researchers in both public
and private sectors, thereby making research careers more attractive to young people.
This will be achieved through a trans-national networking mechanism, aimed at
structuring the existing high-quality initial research training capacity throughout Member
States and Associated countries in both public and private sectors.
The action will be implemented by supporting competitively selected networks of
organisations from different countries engaged in research training. The networks will be
built on a joint research training programme, responding to well identified training needs
in defined scientific or technological areas, with appropriate references to
interdisciplinary and newly emerging supra-disciplinary fields.
The action will be primarily for researchers from Member States and Associated
countries, but also open to researchers from third countries.
1.2. Technical content/scope
Participants: A participant in this action is an organisation that is a member of a
network selected by the Commission which contributes directly to the implementation of
the joint training programme of the network, by recruiting and employing and/or hosting
eligible researchers, by providing specialised training modules or by participating in
other dedicated network actions.
Normally, a network in this action shall be composed of at least three participants (e.g.
universities, research centres, companies, SMEs) established in at least three different
Member States or Associated countries. Above this minimum, the participation of third
countries and of international organisations is foreseen under the conditions provided by
the Rules for Participation4. Single research organisations in a Member State or
Associated country or twinning of research institutions between different Member States
or Associated countries can also be considered under this action. In cases of twinning or
single organisations, the participants need to demonstrate clearly that the necessary
elements of the research training programme that they wish to implement (including the
issue of mutual recognition of the training quality by all collaborating organisations) are
effectively addressed through well-established, trans-national collaborations with other
partner research institutions, without the latter formally being part of the network. The
contractual participants would take full responsibility for executing the proposed training
programme. The trainees are expected to benefit from these informal networks, including
through active mobility between the partner organisations during the training period.
Direct or indirect involvement of organisations from different sectors is considered
highly desirable in this action, as appropriate to the research discipline. Industry
participation will be foreseen at three levels (in decreasing order of involvement):

Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the rules for the participation
of undertakings, research centres and universities in actions under the 7th Framework Programme and
for the dissemination of research results (2007-2013) [Regulation N° 1906/2006/EC of 18.12.2006, OJ
L 391 of 30.12.2006, page 1].

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• Full network partner: if appropriate to the network and taking into consideration the
research discipline;
• Provider of research training and complementary training including secondment
• Members of the supervisory board of the network, which would be expected to
define the skills requirements for the early-stage researchers.
In all cases, the involvement of industry should be at the highest possible level, in
function of the nature of the joint training programme and the research field.
Training Programme: Participants of the network will apply for support through a joint
training programme. These training programmes will address in particular the
development and broadening of the research competences of the early-stage researchers.
Training will be primarily focused on scientific and technological knowledge through
research on individual, personalised projects. This will be complemented by substantial
training modules addressing other relevant skills and competences, e.g. in the field of
management and financing of research projects and programmes, intellectual property
rights and other exploitation methods of research results, entrepreneurship, ethical
aspects, communication and societal outreach.
Attention should be paid to the quality of the joint research training programme, with
provision for supervision and mentoring arrangements and career guidance, while
exposing the researchers to other disciplines and sectors represented in the network
through visits, secondments and other training events. The joint training programme shall
exploit complementary competences of the participants in the network, including from
industry, as well as other synergies and should reflect existing or planned research
collaborations among the partners. It shall require the mutual recognition of the quality of
the training and, if possible, of diplomas and other certificates awarded.
Each network will have a clearly identified supervisory board co-ordinating network-
wide training. The board will ensure that scientific and technological training through
personalised research projects is balanced with complementary skills training,
appropriate to the needs of each recruited researcher. It will also establish active and
continuous communication and exchange of best practice among the network participants
to maximise the benefits of the partnership.
Training events offered within the network (e.g. conferences, summer schools and
specialised training courses), may be open to both the researchers recruited in the
network and to external researchers.
The size of the joint training programme and of the network will depend on the nature
and scope of the training activities to be undertaken by the network, as well as on
considerations regarding management and effective interaction among the participants.
The maximum duration of the programme to be supported will normally be four years
from the date of commencement specified in the contract.
Each researcher recruited for initial training will establish, together with her/his personal
supervisor in the host organisation, a Personal Career Development Plan comprising
his/her training needs (including complementary skills) and scientific objectives and will
later on report upon the success with which these objectives were met. In this way the
researchers will be encouraged to play an active role in shaping their own training
programme and professional development.

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Eligible researchers: This action supports the initial training of researchers, typically
during the first five years (or full-time equivalent) of their careers in research. The initial
training phase is predominantly directed at early-stage researchers, and includes inter
alia training in the frame of doctoral programmes. Support for early-stage researchers
will be for periods of 3 to 36 months. The initial training can also be directed to
experienced researchers as long as they are within the first five years mentioned above.
In this case support, based on the definition of experienced researchers, will be limited to
24 months maximum. In all cases eligibility will be determined at the time of
The total period for support of a researcher under a network will be limited to 3 years
overall. An individual researcher may not be recruited as an early-stage researcher and
subsequently as an experienced researcher within the same network.

With a view to complementing a network's capacity to transfer new knowledge and

strengthen supervision, the action can also support the setting up of a limited number of
senior “visiting researchers” positions (both in public sector and enterprise partners) for
experienced researchers. Support for such positions would be typically for multiple stays
within the network, with a total duration of at least one month.
Visiting researchers addressed under this action must be experienced researchers with
outstanding past achievements in international training and collaborative research, and
may originate from the private sector, as well as the public sector.
Rules of mobility and conditions of nationality applicable to eligible researchers:
Researchers must be nationals of a Member State, Associated country or third country.
They must be nationals of a country other than that of the premises of the host
organisation where they will carry out their project. Researchers must not have resided or
carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc) in the country of their host organisation
for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the date of selection by the
host institution (short stays such as holidays are not taken into account). This rule does
not apply in cases where a researcher is subsequently appointed in another node of the
same network within the same country.
As far as international European interest organisations or international organisations
located in any of the Member States, Associated countries or Third Countries are
concerned, this mobility rule does not apply to the hosting of eligible researchers.
However the appointed researcher must not have spent more than 12 months in the 3
years immediately prior to the date of selection in the same appointing international
A researcher holding more than one nationality will be able to carry out a period of
mobility in the country of his/her nationality in which he/she has not resided during the
previous 5 years. Short stays such as for holidays are not taken into account. Returning
researchers will be (for this eligibility criterion) considered as eligible to benefit from
support under this action in any Member State or Associated country, including in their
country of origin.
Community Contribution, Rates and Evaluation Criteria: The Community
contribution and rates under this action are based on the Funding Scheme “Support for
training and career development of researchers”, set out in Annex 3 of this Work
Programme and may be associated to:
• the recruitment of researchers to be trained;
• the recruitment of the senior “visiting researchers”;

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• Networking costs and the organisation of short training events (workshops,

seminars, summer schools and conferences). Where these events are open to
researchers from outside the network, additional reimbursements are foreseen.
The evaluation, selection and award criteria are set out in Annex 2.
1.3. Expected impact of the action
Projects under the action are to contribute to the structuring of existing high-quality
initial research training capacity throughout Europe in both public and private sectors. By
bringing complementary providers of research-training from different countries together
to focus their efforts in broad initial training programmes, the projects under this action
are expected to deliver better overall quality of initial research training in Europe. This
will not only help to develop future generations of researchers more capable of
contributing effectively to the knowledge-based economy and society, within and
between public and private sectors, but also add to the intersectoral and trans-national
employability of these researchers and to the attraction of young people to a research

Activity 2: “Life-long Training and Career Development”

Call Reference FP7-PEOPLE -IEF-2008
2.1.1. Introduction and objective of the action
This action is to support the career development of experienced researchers at different
stages of their careers, and seeks to enhance their individual competence diversification
in terms of skill acquisition at multi- or interdisciplinary level and/or by undertaking
intersectoral experiences. The aim is to support researchers in attaining and/or
strengthening a leading independent position, e.g. principal investigator, professor or
other senior position in education or enterprise. The action may also assist researchers to
resume a career in research after a break.
Support is foreseen for individual, trans-national, intra-European fellowships awarded
directly at Community level, to the best or most promising researchers from Member
States and Associated countries, based on an application made by the researchers in
conjunction with the host organisations.
2.1.2. Technical content/scope
Projects and participants: This action provides financial support for advanced training
and trans-national mobility, for a period of 12 to 24 months (full-time equivalent), for
individual projects presented by experienced researchers from Member States or
Associated countries in liaison with a host organisation from another Member State or
Associated country.
The research topic will be chosen by the researcher in collaboration with the host, with a
view to achieve a diversification of competences and develop his/her career in a
European context.
Each researcher will establish, together with her/his personal supervisor in the host
organisation, a Personal Career Development Plan comprising his/her training needs
(including complementary skills) and scientific objectives and will later on report upon
the success with which these objectives were met. In this way the researchers will be

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encouraged to play an active role in shaping their own training programme and
professional development.
Eligible researchers: The action is directed at life-long training and career development
and, although not excluding first post-docs, addresses researchers with a more senior
profile in terms of experience. On the date of the relevant deadline for submission of
proposals, researchers addressed under this action are those based on the definition of
experienced researchers.
Rules of mobility and conditions of nationality applicable to eligible researchers:
Researchers must be nationals, or assimilated nationals, of a Member State or Associated
country. They must be nationals of a country other than that of the premises of the host
organisation where they will carry out their project. At the deadline for submission of
proposals, researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work,
studies, etc) in the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3
years immediately prior to the reference deadline for submission. Short stays, such as for
holidays, are not taken into account.
As far as international European interest organisations or international organisations
located in any of the Member States or Associated countries are concerned, this mobility
rule does not apply to the hosting of eligible researchers. However the appointed
researcher must not have spent more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to
the reference deadline for submission in the same appointing international organisation.
A researcher holding more than one nationality will be able to carry out a period of
mobility in a country of his/her nationality in which he/she has not resided during the
previous 5 years. Short stays, such as for holidays, are not taken into account.
Returning researchers will be (for this eligibility criterion) considered as eligible to
benefit from support under this action in any Member State or Associated country,
including in their country of origin.
Community Contribution, Rates and Evaluation Criteria: The Community
contribution and rates under this action are based on the Funding Scheme “Support for
training and career development of researchers”, set out in Annex 3 of this Work
Programme. The evaluation, selection and award criteria are set out in Annex 2.
2.1.3. Expected impact of the action
Rather than merely providing employment opportunities for experienced researchers,
this action aims to catalyse significant development in researchers' careers, specifically
by adding different and/or complementary research competences at an advanced level, in
the process of reaching and/or reinforcing a position of professional maturity or to permit
them to resume a research career. Projects are therefore expected to add significantly to
the career development of the best and most promising researchers active in Europe, in
order to enhance and maximise their contribution to the knowledge-based economy and


Call References FP7-PEOPLE- ERG-2008-2-2- (FP7-PEOPLE-ERG-2008)
2.2.1. Introduction and objective of the action
This action aims at assisting experienced researchers in the (re)integration into a
research career after a trans-national mobility experience within 'Marie Curie Actions'.

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The action encourages the researchers to build on their trans-national mobility period in
the frame of a coherent professional project and to promote the perspectives of the
development of their research career.
2.2.2. Technical content/scope
Projects and participants: The action offers the opportunity for experienced
researchers to capitalise on their trans-national mobility period after having participated
in a Marie Curie action under the 7th or previous Framework Programmes.
The mechanism will assist the professional (re)integration of the eligible researchers in a
research organisation in a Member State or Associated country, including in their country
of nationality.
The proposal, consisting of a research project to be executed at the proposed
(re)integration host institute, will have to be submitted by the researcher in conjunction
with the proposed host, at the earliest one year before the end of the initial Marie Curie
fellowship and not later than six months following its end. The execution of the project
must start at the latest 12 months after the end of the initial fellowship.
Applications can be submitted continuously and will be evaluated and selected at regular
intervals, based on cut-off dates, from the date of publication of the call. When a
proposal is submitted after the final cut-off date for a call it will be carried over to the
first cut-off date of the subsequent call.
Grant agreements will be issued with the (re)integration host in a Member State or
Associated country, which will commit itself to provide the researchers with an adequate
work contract for a period of at least the duration of the (re)integration grant.
Eligible Researchers: On the relevant cut-off date, researchers addressed under this
action are those based on the definition of experienced researchers.
Researchers must be nationals, or assimilated nationals, of a Member State or Associated
country, benefiting at the time of application or having previously benefited from a
training and mobility action under the 7th or one of the previous Framework
Programmes9 of at least 18 months full time equivalent.
Community Contribution, Rates and Evaluation Criteria: The grant which can cover
a period of two up to three years is a flat-rate contribution to the salary costs of the
researcher, and/or to the research costs relating to the researcher’s project at the
reintegration host, such as salary costs of other staff (e.g. assistants, technicians), travel
costs, consumables, patent costs and publication costs. The Community rates for this
action are based on the Funding Scheme “Support for training and career development of
researchers”, and are set out in Annex 3 of this Work Programme. The evaluation,
selection and award criteria are set out in Annex 2.
2.2.3. Expected impact of the action
Projects under this action are expected to contribute significantly to “brain circulation” in
the European Research Area, thereby providing research organisations in both private
and public sectors with opportunities to benefit from the knowledge and experience
gained by researchers during their initial mobility experience, while at the same time

FP 6 Marie Curie Actions eligible in this context are: Marie Curie Research Training Networks; Marie
Curie Host Fellowships for Early Stage Research Training (EST); Marie Curie Host Fellowships for
the Transfer of Knowledge (ToK); Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships. FP7 Marie Curie Actions
eligible in this context are: Initial Training Networks (ITN); Intra-European Fellowships for Career
Development (IEF); Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP).

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adding to these researchers' career development at European level and helping to enhance
their employability.


Call Reference FP7-PEOPLE-COFUND-2008
2.3.1. Introduction and objective of the action
This action aims at increasing the European-wide mobility possibilities for training and
career development of experienced researchers, in line with the objectives set out in the
activity heading “Life-long training and career development”, thus boosting its overall
impact. The co-funding action targets programmes that support the trans-national
mobility of experienced researchers at different stages of their careers, including
researchers shortly after having obtained a doctorate, by broadening or deepening their
individual competence, in particular in terms of acquisition of multi- or interdisciplinary
skills or having intersectoral experiences; to support researchers in attaining and/or
strengthening a leading independent position, e.g. principal investigator, professor or
other senior position in education or enterprise; (re)integrate researchers into a research
career in Member States and Associated countries, including in their country of origin,
after a mobility experience.
Rather than providing the possibility for trans-national experiences only through direct
Community actions, the co-funding action aims to encourage existing or new regional
and national programmes to open up to and provide for trans-national mobility, as well as
to reinforce international programmes.
The co-funding action targets a competitive selection of existing or new regional,
national and international funding programmes that focus on the objectives set for this
action, based on individual-driven mobility. These programmes must run an open, merit-
based competition for the applying researchers, and be founded on international peer-
review. While avoiding limitations regarding the researchers' origin and destination, they
should also offer adequate working conditions for the final beneficiaries. These
requirements should be in line with the principles set out in the European Charter for
researchers and Code of conduct for the recruitment of researchers10.
2.3.2. Technical content/scope
Participants: Participants in the co-funding modality must be established in Member
States or Associated Countries and are organisations falling under one of the following
• Public bodies, as defined in Article 2.13 of the Rules for Participation4, responsible
for funding and managing fellowship programmes, e.g. ministries, state committees
for research, research academies, councils or agencies;
• Other bodies, including research organisations, as defined in Article 2.7 of the
Rules for Participation4, that finance and manage fellowship programmes either

Commission recommendation of 11 March 2005 on the European Charter for Researchers and on a
Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, C(2005) 576 of 11.3.2005.
Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the rules for the participation
of undertakings, research centres and universities in actions under the 7th Framework Programme and
for the dissemination of research results (2007-2013) [Regulation N° 1906/2006/EC of 18.12.2006, OJ
L 391 of 30.12.2006, page 1].

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with an official mandate or recognised by public authorities, such as agencies

established by governments under private law with a public service mission,
charities, etc.;
• International organisations as defined in Article 2.10 and 11 of Rules for
Participation4 that run comparable schemes at European level as part of their
Programmes: Participants will submit multi-annual proposals for new or existing
regional, national or international programmes to be co-funded. The evaluation will be
organised in two different Panels:
• Panel A) Existing transnational fellowship programmes (including national
programmes opening for first time for transnational mobility).
• Panel B) New fellowship programmes with transnational mobility.
The proposal should demonstrate that the programme or programmes (to be) managed by
the participant fund(s) individual research training/career development fellowships for
the target group of experienced researchers addressed under the activity heading “Life-
long training and career development”. The programmes supported should have regular
selection rounds for these category of researchers based on open, widely advertised
competition, with transparent international peer review and selection of candidates on
merits. With regard to working conditions, eligible researchers should be recruited under
a regular employment contract where possible, or alternatively under a fixed-amount
fellowship with minimum social security, depending on the legal and/or administrative
situation of the co-funded programme, the host organisation and/or the researcher.
The proposal should contain a clear plan on how the openness of the programme, the
trans-national mobility and the working conditions of the final beneficiaries will be
realised and/or enhanced. The Community contribution for existing schemes should not
substitute or replace existing funding but contribute to an increased level of transnational
fellowships or the amelioration of working/employment conditions. This should be
adequately reflected in the proposal and will be a central issue of the evaluation process.
The action takes into account three types of trans-national mobility, on which the support
under this action is essentially based:
(1) Outgoing mobility of Member States or Associated country nationals undertaking
research in a different Member State, Associated or third country, preferably with a
return phase,
(2) Incoming mobility for fellowships/grants to non-nationals/non-residents from
Member States, Associated or third countries, to enhance international competition;
(3) Re-integration of Member State or Associated country nationals having carried out
research in a third country for at least 3 years, to establish them in a longer-term
career after this trans-national mobility period.
The reference for the methods of selection of the final beneficiaries and their working
conditions provided for under the programme are those laid down in the Commission

Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the rules for the participation
of undertakings, research centres and universities in actions under the 7th Framework Programme and
for the dissemination of research results (2007-2013) [Regulation N° 1906/2006/EC of 18.12.2006, OJ
L 391 of 30.12.2006, page 1].

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Recommendation on the European Charter for Researchers and a Code of Conduct for
their Recruitment11.
Selected programmes under the co-funding actions are required to brand the eligible
fellowships awarded “Co-funded by Marie Curie Actions”.
Eligible researchers under the co-funded programmes: to be eligible, researchers
supported under the programmes co-funded in the frame of this action must comply with
the definition of experienced researchers and of trans-national mobility mentioned
above. If the hosting organisation of the researchers is an international European interest
organisations or international organisations located in any of the Member States or
Associated countries, the compliance with trans-national mobility rules is not required.
Community Contribution, Rates and Evaluation Criteria:
The Community contribution is fixed at 40% of the fellowship costs for eligible
researchers, with a maximum overall of EUR 5 million to a single applicant entity 12 for
one call.
This contribution will take the form of reimbursement of scale of unit costs. The scale of
unit contribution consists of a fixed amount per fellow-year, determined for each type of
mobility (incoming, outgoing, re-integration) at the negotiation stage, based on evidence
of the expected average costs, which will be confirmed by a separate Commission
Decision. The requested Community contribution will be the fixed-amount contribution
multiplied by the number of fellowship-years.
Participants having benefited from co-funding under previous calls must explain in their
proposals how the latest proposal relates to the earlier grant, and justify the re-application
in terms of feasibility, management capacity and additional value.
The evaluation, selection and award criteria are set out in Annex 2 of this Work
2.3.3. Expected impact of the action
The co-funding action will on a voluntary basis exploit synergies between Community
actions and those at regional and national level, as well as with other actions at
international level. The structuring effect and impact of the co-funding mode would be
through its leverage effect on regional, national or international funding programmes that
focus on the objective set up for the “life-long training and career development”, based
on individual-driven mobility. This impact is expected to extend to:
(1) Enabling the relevant regional, national and international actors to contribute
significantly to the development within their own setting of high quality human
resources, by introducing and/or further developing the trans-national

Commission recommendation of 11 March 2005 on the European Charter for Researchers and on a
Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, C(2005) 576 of 11.3.2005.
However, in accordance with the Decisions concerning the Seventh Framework Programme (OJ L
412, 30.12.2006, p. 1 Decision No 1982/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18
December 2006) and the 'People' Specific Programme (OJ L 54, 22.02.2007), the provisions of Article
120 (2) of the Council Regulation on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the
European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.09.2002, p.1; Regulation as amended by Regulation (EC,
Euratom) No 1995/2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006, p.1)) and Article 184a of the Commission Regulation
laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation on the Financial Regulation
applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 357, 31.12.2002, p.1; Regulation
as last amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 478/2007 (OJ L 111/13)), shall not be applicable
with regard to the financial support provided by the participants in the Co-funding action to third
parties participating in fellowships selected following calls for proposals launched under this action.

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dimension of their offers, both in terms of incoming mobility (of either nationals
other than that of the programme, or of the return and reintegration of nationals
currently abroad), as well in terms of outgoing mobility of nationals.
(2) Increasing the numerical and/or qualitative impact, in terms of supported
researchers or working/employment conditions.
(3) Combating fragmentation in terms of objectives, evaluation methods and working
conditions of regional, national or international offers in this area

Activity 3: “Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways”

Call Reference FP7-PEOPLE-IAPP-2008
3.1.1. Introduction and objective of the action
This action seeks to open and foster dynamic pathways between public research
organisations and private commercial enterprises, in particular SMEs, including
traditional manufacturing industries, based on longer term co-operation programmes with
a high potential for increasing knowledge-sharing and mutual understanding of the
different cultural settings and skill requirements of both the industrial and academic
The action will be implemented through targeted and flexible support for human
resources interactions within co-operation programmes between at least two
organisations, one from each sector and from at least two different Member States or
Associated countries.
3.1.2. Technical content/scope
Participants: Participants under this action are on the one hand, one or more
universities/research centres and on the other, one or more enterprises, in particular
SMEs, that propose a project based on a joint cooperation programme. Within this
scheme, the industrial partners must be organisations operating on a commercial basis,
i.e. companies gaining the majority of their revenue through competitive means with
exposure to commercial markets, and will include incubators, start-ups and spin-offs,
venture capital companies, etc. The different participants should be from at least two
different Member or Associated countries. Above this minimum, the participation of
third countries and of international organisations is foreseen under the conditions
provided by the Rules for Participation4. The participants recruit and/or host eligible
researchers and contribute directly to the implementation of longer-term cooperation
programmes established between them in line with the objectives of this action.
Programme: Support is provided for the creation, development, reinforcement and
execution of strategic partnerships based on a longer-term cooperation programme
between the participants, aimed at knowledge sharing and inter-sector mobility, based on
targeted human resources interaction. Such strategic research partnership projects can be
co-ordinated either by an industrial or an academic participant.

Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the rules for the participation
of undertakings, research centres and universities in actions under the 7th Framework Programme and
for the dissemination of research results (2007-2013) [Regulation N° 1906/2006/EC of 18.12.2006, OJ
L 391 of 30.12.2006, page 1].

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The longer-term cooperation programme shall exploit complementary competences of

the participants in the strategic partnership, as well as other synergies. The
implementation of the co-operation programme will be realised by:
• Exchange of know-how and experience through inter-sector two-way secondments
of research staff of the participants, with in-built return mechanisms, and also by
enabling these staff to attend events in a trans-national setting. All projects are
expected to have staff exchange, normally in both directions;
• Recruitment by the participants of experienced researchers from outside the
partnership for involvement in transfer of knowledge and/or in the training of
• Networking activities, organisation of workshops and conferences to facilitate
sharing of knowledge and culture between the participants also in a wider setting,
involving the participants' own research staff and external researchers. Where these
events are open to researchers from outside the partnership, additional
reimbursements are foreseen;
Given the compulsory nature of secondments and the optional nature of the recruitments
it is not expected that external recruitments would ever exceed total secondments.
The duration of the programme to be supported will normally be between three and four
Eligible researchers: Exchange of research staff can be for early-stage or experienced
researchers' level and can also include technical and research managerial staff. To be
eligible for exchange, staff members of a participant institution must have been active
continuously for at least 1 year (full time equivalent) at that institution. The support
granted to eligible researchers will be for periods of between two months to 2 years. The
participant from which the exchanged researchers originate will have to secure by
contract the commitment of its researchers to return after the exchange for at least one
year in order to further develop the acquired knowledge.
Newly recruited staff from outside of the partnership must be experienced researchers,
and must be nationals of a Member State, Associated country or third country other than
the country of the premises of the host organisation where they will carry out their
project. They can be recruited for a period of between one and two years.
Community Contribution, Rates and Evaluation Criteria: Community support may
take one or more of the following forms:
• Cost related to staff secondments between both sectors within the partnership;
• Costs related to the temporary hosting in either sector of experienced researchers
recruited from outside the partnership;
• Networking costs and the organisation of workshops and conferences enhancing the
inter-sector experience and knowledge exchange of both staff members from the
participant organisations and researchers from outside the partnership;
• As an SME-specific measure a contribution to small equipment related to their
participation in the co-operation. This equipment must be specifically required to
execute the joint project, and the total contribution to the costs should not exceed
10% of the total Community contribution to the project.

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The Community rates for this action are based on the Funding Scheme “Support for
training and career development of researchers”, and are set out in Annex 3 of this Work
Programme. The evaluation, selection and award criteria are set out in Annex 2.
Rules of mobility: As a general rule, trans-national mobility is a requisite for the
exchange of staff and for new recruitments. Researchers must not have resided or carried
out their main activity (work, studies, etc) in the country of their host organisation for
more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the date of selection by the host
institution. Short stays such as holidays are not taken into account.
As far as international European interest organisations or international organisations
located in any of the Member States or Associated countries are concerned, this mobility
rule does not apply to the hosting of eligible researchers. However the appointed
researcher must not have spent more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to
the date of selection in the same appointing international organisation.
However, in the context of a collaboration established between more than two
participants, a limited level inter-sector mobility may be allowed between two
participants in the same Member or Associated country, within the frame of the overall
coherent knowledge sharing plan for all the participants and up to a maximum of 30% of
the researchers’ months in the project. Returning Researchers are eligible.
3.1.3. Expected impact of the action
Projects under this action are expected to structure effectively and significantly enhance
the interaction at human resources level between research organisations in the public and
private sector, in terms of knowledge sharing and broad skills development, bringing
closer together their different cultures and expectation patterns, with a view to more
effectively advancing the contributions of research to Europe's knowledge economy and

Activity 4: “International Dimension”

Call Reference FP7-PEOPLE-IOF-2008
4.1.1. Introduction and objective of the action
This action aims to reinforce the international dimension of the career of European
researchers by giving them the opportunity to be trained and acquire new knowledge in a
third country, high-level research organisation. Subsequently, these researchers will
return with the acquired knowledge and experience to an organisation in a Member State
or Associated country.
4.1.2. Technical content/scope
Projects and participants: This action consists of financial support to individual
mobility projects presented by experienced researchers in liaison with host organisations
in the Member States or Associated countries. The contracts will be concluded with the
return host organisations of the Member States or the Associated countries for a total
duration of up to 3 years. It is mandatory for the project to include a coherent research
programme for the total duration of the contract, of which an initial outgoing phase, of
between 1 and 2 years, is to be spent in a distinct legal entity in a third country (“partner
organisation”) and a mandatory re/integration phase of 1 year within the contracting

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organisation (“return host organisation”) in a Member State or Associated country. The

reintegration phase will normally commence directly after the outgoing phase.
The research topic will be freely chosen by the researcher in collaboration with the return
host organisation, with a view to completing and/or diversifying her/his expertise.
Each researcher will establish, together with her/his personal supervisor in the return host
organisation, a Personal Career Development Plan comprising his/her training needs
(including complementary skills) and scientific objectives and later on report upon the
success to which these objectives were met. In this way the researchers will be
encouraged to play an active role in shaping their own training programme and
professional development.
Eligible researchers: Researchers must be nationals of a Member State or Associated
The researchers shall be selected by the Commission on the basis of a proposal submitted
in liaison with a return host organisation in a Member State or an Associated country.
The researchers will be in a situation of secondment during the initial phase of training in
the partner organisation in the third country.
On the date of the relevant deadline for submission of proposals, researchers addressed
under this action are those based on the definition of experienced researchers. As the
action is directed at life-long training and career development, it is however expected that
the researchers will typically have a more senior profile in terms of experience.
Rules of mobility and conditions of nationality applicable to eligible researchers: At
the deadline for submission of proposals, researchers must not have resided or carried out
their main activity (work, studies, etc) in the outgoing country for more than 12 months
in the 3 years immediately prior to the reference deadline for submission. Short stays
such as holidays are not taken into account.
Community Contribution, Rates and Evaluation Criteria: The Community
contribution and rates under this action are based on the Funding Scheme “Support for
training and career development of researchers”, set out in Annex 3 of this Work
Programme. The evaluation, selection and award criteria are set out in Annex 2.
4.1.3. Expected impact of the action
The projects under this action are to contribute to significant steps/changes in the careers
of the best and most promising European researchers, specifically adding different and/or
complementary research competences at an advanced level, in the process of reaching
and/or reinforcing a position of professional maturity, by exposing them to a research
training experience outside Europe. Projects are expected to add significantly to the
career development of European researchers, while by means of the return-phase their
experience and knowledge acquired as well as the contact-network built up outside
Europe is used to the benefit of the development of the European knowledge-based
economy and society.


Call Reference FP7-PEOPLE-IIF-2008
4.2.1. Introduction and objective of the action
This action aims to reinforce the scientific excellence of the Member States and the
Associated countries through knowledge sharing with incoming top-class researchers

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from third countries to work on research projects in Europe, with the view to developing
mutually-beneficial research co-operation between Europe and third countries. It aims to
encourage these researchers to plan their period of international mobility within the
framework of a coherent professional project and thus enhances the possibility of future
collaborative research links with European researchers and research organisations in their
future research career.
If the researcher originates from one of the International Cooperation Partner Countries
(see Annex 1), the scheme may include provision to assist fellows to return to their
country of origin, thus contributing to establish sustainable cooperation between these
countries and European research organisations.
4.2.2. Technical content/scope
Projects and participants: The action provides financial support to individual research
projects presented by the incoming experienced researchers in liaison with a legal entity
(“host organisation”) in a Member State or an Associated country, as well as possibly a
“return host organisation” if the researcher’s country of origin is an International
Cooperation Partner Country.
In the latter case, the projects may include a return phase in the country of origin, within
the framework of an overall and coherent project directed to the development of a mutual
interest between the Member States/Associated countries and the third countries
The research topic will be freely chosen by the researcher in collaboration with the host
The researchers shall be selected by the Commission on the basis of a proposal submitted
in liaison with a host organisation in a Member State or Associated country.

Incoming Phase
The contracts will be concluded with the host organisations of the Member States or the
Associated countries for a total duration of between one and two years.

Possible Return Phase

The possible return phase of one year aims at the application, in their country of origin,
of the experience gained during their period of international mobility by the researchers
of one of the International Cooperation Partner Countries (see list of countries in Annex
1). In this case, the proposal must include a description of a possible return phase in an
identified return host organisation.
The return phase will normally commence not later than 6 months after the termination
of the incoming phase.
A contract will be issued with the return host organisation, which will commit itself to
assure an effective return of the researcher. The grant is to be used as a contribution to
the scientific costs relating to the researcher’s project at the return host.
Eligible researchers: Third country researchers are eligible for this action, except those
who are considered assimilated nationals at the relevant deadline for submission.
On the date of the relevant deadline for submission of proposals, researchers addressed
under this action are those based on the definition of experienced researchers. It is
however expected that the researchers will typically have a more senior profile in terms
of experience.

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Rules of mobility and conditions of nationality applicable to eligible researchers: At

the deadline for submission of proposals, researchers must not have resided or carried out
their main activity (work, studies, etc) in the country of the incoming host organisation
for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the reference deadline for
submission. Short stays such as holidays are not taken into account.
Community Contribution, Rates and Evaluation Criteria: The Community
contribution and rates under this action are based on the Funding Scheme “Support for
training and career development of researchers”, set out in Annex 3 of this Work
Programme. The evaluation, selection and award criteria are set out in Annex 2.
4.2.3. Expected impact of the action
Projects under this action will add to the research excellence in both public and private
sector in Member States and Associated countries, thanks to the sharing and application
of new knowledge transferred and developed by highly qualified researchers embedded
in the European research effort. At the same time the projects will constitute nuclei for
future research relations at international level, beneficial in the frame of the development
of the European knowledge-based economy and society.
Call Reference FP7-PEOPLE-IRG-2008
4.3.1. Introduction and objective of the action
The objective of this action is to reinforce the attractiveness of Europe by encouraging
European researchers who have carried out research outside Europe for at least 3 years,
to reintegrate in a Member State or in an Associated country in order to contribute to
European research and transfer the knowledge they have acquired in a third country, by
offering them the opportunity to capitalise in Europe on their experience. It is aimed at
countering European brain drain to third countries. It should also allow the development
of lasting co-operation with the scientific and/or industrial environment of the third
country from which they have returned.
4.3.2. Technical content/scope
Projects and participants: This action consists of financial support during at least 2 and
up to 4 years for professional (re)integration projects in the research area in a host
organisation in a Member State or Associated country. The project can, amongst other
things, address research activities, training, teaching, transfer of knowledge, commercial
exploitation, diffusion, development of co-operation with the scientific and/or industrial
sector of the third country from which the researcher is returning.
Applications can be submitted continuously and will be evaluated and selected at regular
intervals, based on cut-off dates, from the date of publication of the call. When a
proposal is submitted after the final cut-off date for the call it will be carried over to the
first cut-off date of the subsequent call.
For selected projects a contract is issued with the reintegration host organisation, which
will commit itself to assure an effective and lasting professional integration of the
researcher for a period of at least 2 and up to 4 years. Evidence that the researcher will be
integrated in the host organisation on this basis for a longer term will be positively taken
into account during evaluation.
The scheme is intended to improve considerably the prospects for the permanent
reintegration of European researchers in Europe. Normally the scheme is intended to

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encourage researchers who have not yet gained employment in Europe to do so. In
exceptional cases, applications from researchers who are already employed by a
European research organisation at the time of the submission will be considered, but they
must demonstrate significant improvement in their employment conditions or career
Projects will be selected by the Commission on the basis of a proposal submitted by an
eligible researcher in liaison with a host organisation.
Eligible researchers: This action will be open to experienced researchers from the
Member States or Associated countries, who at the date of submission have been active
in research in a third country for at least 3 years and who will return to a Member State
or Associated country.
At the time of the relevant cut-off date, they should not have spent more than 12 months
in a Member State or Associated country during the previous 3 years (short stays, such as
holidays, are not taken into account).
On the relevant cut-off date, researchers addressed under this action are those based on
the definition of experienced researchers.
Community Contribution, Rates and Evaluation Criteria: The grant which can cover
a period of 2 to 4 years is a flat-rate contribution to the salary costs of the researcher,
and/or to the research costs relating to the researcher’s project at the reintegration host,
such as salary costs of other staff (e.g. assistants, technicians), travel costs, consumables,
patent costs and publication costs. The Community rates for this action are based on the
Funding Scheme “Support for training and career development of researchers”, and are
set out in Annex 3 of this Work Programme. The evaluation, selection and award criteria
are set out in Annex 2.
4.3.3. Expected impact of the action
Projects under this action are expected to contribute significantly to “brain circulation” at
global level and substantially add to the reinforcement of the human research potential in
the European Research Area. The projects provide research organisations in both private
and public sectors with opportunities to acquire new knowledge and experience gained
by researchers during their mobility experience outside Europe. At the same time these
researchers bring with them a network of beneficial future international research
collaborations. The return and reintegration also adds to these researchers' career
development at European level and helps to enhance their employability.
Call Reference FP7-PEOPLE-IRSES-2008
4.4.1 Introduction and objective of the action
The Marie Curie International Staff Exchange Scheme is a new implementation modality
aiming at strengthening research partnerships through staff exchanges and networking
activities between European research organisations and organisations from countries with
which the Community has an S&T agreement or are in the process of negotiating one13,
and countries covered by the European Neighbourhood policy. Compared to existing
Marie Curie actions, which provide mobility possibilities to individual researchers, this
new action will provide support to research organisations to establish or reinforce long-

See ANNEX I to this Work Programme for countries eligible for the IRSES scheme. List of countries
with S&T agreement also available at

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term research co-operation through a coordinated joint programme of exchange of

researchers for short periods.
4.4.2 Technical content/scope
Participants: A participant in this action is a research organisation that will be a member
of the partnership which contributes directly to the implementation of the joint exchange
programme, by seconding and/or hosting eligible researchers.
A partnership in this action shall be composed of at least two independent participants
established in at least two different Member States or Associated countries, and one or
more organisations either located in countries with which the Community has an S&T
agreement or are in the process of negotiations, or in countries covered by the European
Neighbourhood Policy.
Eligible programmes and eligible staff
Participants will submit to the Commission multi-annual proposals for joint programmes
for short exchanges of research staff. Technical and management staff may however, also
participate in the exchanges.
Financial support will be provided for a period of 24 to 48 months, to joint programmes
aiming at trans-national mobility of researchers, technical and management staff. For
Member States and Associated countries organisations, the mobility must be towards the
Third Country partners, and vice-versa. The duration of exchanges for each researcher or
technical/management staff will be for a maximum duration of 12 months.
The staff to be exchanged should be “seconded” (i.e. maintain their salary in their
institution of origin, and have the right to return), so as to guarantee full re-integration
and the positive recognition of the mobility experience, thus maximising the benefit of
this action for long term cooperation.
The contract will be concluded with one of the participants located in the Member State
or associated Country, which will be the main contractor while the other members of the
partnership are defined as partner organisations.
The size of the joint programme and of the partnership will depend on the number of
expected researchers, technical and management staff to be exchanged.
Community Contribution
In principle, the scheme is intended to provide a balanced exchange of researchers
between the European partners and the Third Country partner organisations, each
respectively funding the mobility costs of their “outgoing” researchers.
The available Community funds will cover a subsistence allowance of the outgoing
European researchers (including travel costs) of EUR 1 800/researcher/month14.
As far as ICPC countries, and in particular countries covered by the European
Neighbourhood policy, are concerned, in specific and well justified cases, a Community
contribution towards travel and subsistence for these participants may be envisaged.
4.4.3 Expected impact
Projects under this action are expected to contribute significantly to constructing new and
enhancing existing networks of beneficial international research collaborations between
Member States and Associated Countries and those Third Countries covered by the
Science and Technology agreement or by the European Neighbourhood Policy. At the

Third Country partner organisations may apply their own rates for their seconded staff

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same time the participants bring with them knowledge encouraging an exchange of best


Scientific Diasporas
Introduction and objectives
The European Researchers Abroad-Link (ERA-LINK) action is to continue to
provide European researchers abroad with information focussing on and keeping them
systematically in touch with developments in research policies and activities at European,
Member State and associated country level. The action also is to further establish links
from Europe with expatriate European researchers with a view to promoting
collaborations with the European research community.
A new action, Non-European Researchers in Europe-Link (NERE-LINK), aims at
promoting interaction between non-European researchers from the same region active in
Europe, as well as with their countries/regions of origin. The action aims to enhance the
attractiveness of Europe to non-European researchers, and foster collaborative research
relationships beneficial to both the Member States and associated countries on the one
hand and the countries and regions of origin on the other hand.

The actions, implemented through public procurement, under the funding scheme
“Coordination and support actions” will (i) continue support to the full-scale ERA-LINK
activities in the United States; (ii) expand ERA-LINK activities to other, in particular
industrialised and emerging regions and countries where significant numbers of
European researchers are active, and iii) explore the feasibility and possible approach for
NERE-LINK. The latter will be explored through surveys, feasibility studies, ad hoc
meetings and seminars. Within the indicative budgetary outline below between four and
six service contracts are foreseen in the context of framework contracts, the procedures
for which are to be concluded in the first half of 2008 for the first two activities
mentioned below and in the second half for the third activity.
• Continuation of ERA-LINK in the USA EUR 400 000
• Expansion ERA-LINK activities to other countries/world regions EUR 600 000
• Development phase NERE-LINK EUR 250 000

Expected impact of the action

The reinforcement of contacts with European researchers abroad under this action is
expected to strengthen the potential of Europe to establish more international research
collaboration and the possibility of re-attracting researchers that have left Europe. The
initial phase of NERE-LINK will provide scenarios on how to foster the presence of
active non-European researchers in Europe, and at the same time foster their contacts
with research actors in their home countries/regions.

Activity 5: “Specific Actions”

Call Reference FP7-PEOPLE-NIGHT-2008

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5.1.1. Introduction and objective of the action

This action aims at supporting the efforts undertaken since 2005 in order to bring
researchers closer to the larger public, with a view to enhancing their important role in
society, and in particular within the daily life of citizens. The increasing success of these
actions since 2005, the important impact, both in terms of number of people reached and
the ratio of "investment/return" for this kind of action, justifies its annual frequency. The
form of the call for proposals which was applied for the first time in 2006 allows for a
higher consistency between the actions supported, regarding their scale as well as the
audience targeted and the messages delivered.
5.1.2. Technical content/scope
Projects and participants: It is intended to ensure as large a geographical coverage as
possible, involving the maximum number of Member States and Associated countries.
Participants can be any legal entity of the Member States and Associated countries, if
relevant constituting a partnership at regional, national or international level. The
projects will be selected for funding by a panel of external independent experts.
Preference should be given to those projects within which a regional, local or national
financial involvement exists (without excluding those requesting a 100 % funding).
Activities organised will have to be focused on the public at large, and be organised in a
relaxed and festive context, the researchers being actively involved and directly put in
contact with the public.
Community Contribution, Rates and Evaluation Criteria: The grant will cover a
period up to 7 months (covering the necessary awareness campaign, the activities during
the night itself and the impact assessment period). Eligible costs will be those necessary
for the completion of the action. The Community contribution rates for this action are
based on the "Coordination and support action" funding scheme and the evaluation
criteria are set out in Note 2 of Annex 2.
5.1.3. Expected impact of the action
The expected impact of this action consists of continuing to tackle the existing
stereotypes about researchers and their profession and to make them perceived as
"ordinary people" by the public at large. Such a trend is already tangible through the
increasing public participation in the Researchers' nights since 2005 edition. One side-
effect should also be to convince young people that scientific careers are fascinating and
to stimulate their embarkation on scientific orientations
Under the activity heading “Specific actions”, different initiatives aim to respond to the
objective of reinforcing human resources in research in Europe and of stimulating a
culture of mobility and career development. A number of activities are foreseen that are
not subject to open calls for proposals. These activities will be implemented by the
Commission through the funding scheme “Coordination and support actions”, either: by
public procurement, through calls for tender or through a specific contract based on a
framework contracts under Article 88 of the Financial Regulation and Article 117 of the
Implementing Rules; or by a grant to an identified beneficiary in the sense of Article
14(a) of the FP7 Rules for Participation16. The implementation method to be used is

All amounts mentioned in this section 5.1 concern the budget for the year 2008.
Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the rules for the participation
of undertakings, research centres and universities in actions under the 7th Framework Programme and

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given in the description for each of the below topics. The essential selection and award
criteria are contained in Annex 2, Note 2, while the upper funding limits are in
accordance with those set out in Article 33 of the FP7 Rules for Participation.16 .
5.2.1. Mobility Strategy and Career Development The European Network of Mobility Centres ERA-MORE and the Researchers'
Mobility Portal
• To enhance the operation, enlarge the geographic coverage, improve the visibility
and stimulate the trans-national dimension of the European Network of Mobility
Centres, ERA-MORE.
• To improve the visibility and support the sustainability of the European
Researchers' Mobility Portal project.
o A number of measures, totalling EUR 1 550 000 will be implemented:
• ERA-MORE networking activities: annual conference, extranet maintenance,
workshops, ad hoc training, implemented under a framework contract (total
indicative EUR 700 000); indicatively two to four service contracts; procedures
normally to be conducted in the second half of 2008;
• ERA-MORE structural training activities, implemented under a framework
contract (total indicative amount EUR 200 000); indicatively one or two service
contracts; procedures normally to be conducted in the first half of 2008;
• ERA-MORE evaluation; implemented under a framework contract (indicative
amount EUR 350 000); indicatively one service contract; procedures normally to
be conducted in the first half of 2008;
• Day-to-day running, regular updating of data, qualitative check of content and
maintenance for the European Researchers' Mobility Portal and interconnected
national portals, implemented under framework contracts (total indicative budget
EUR 300 000); indicatively two service contracts; procedures normally to be
conducted in the first half of 2008; Mobility data
To improve European data collection through a researchers' information system, that will
serve as a dynamic framework for analysing relevant trends as regards researchers' career
paths and flows of mobility.
• Building on the IPTS-IISER project, an 18 month project on a researchers'
information system is to be implemented, in close cooperation with Eurostat,
Member States and OECD, providing “ready to use” results based on updates of
fiches concerning 10 indicators, on field studies as well as on studies dedicated to
international mobility. The project is also to monitor European and national
studies and provide expertise for countries and associations developing surveys,

for the dissemination of research results (2007-2013) [Regulation N° 1906/2006/EC of 18.12.2006, OJ

L 391 of 30.12.2006, page 1].

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which in turn will provide data; implemented through a call for tender (total
indicative amount EUR 1 500 000); indicatively one service contract; procedure
normally to be conducted in the first half of 2008.

• The DOC-CAREERS project has so far looked into doctoral training for the
employability of researchers through transferable skills acquisition. The next
phase of DOC.CAREERS aims at widening the dialogue on good practices
initiated towards the broader audience of the European University Association,
comprising some 800 higher education institutions, and will result in organising
regional workshops discussing how to implement in practise for the local context
the recommendations of DOC.CAREERS; implemented by the European
University Association (EUA), rue d'Egmont 13, 1000 Brussels (budget EUR
295 000). Legal and administrative mobility obstacles
To contribute to the further removal of legal and administrative obstacles to mobility of
Studies on legal and administrative arrangements including on issues regarding social
security and taxation; implemented through calls for tender (indicative budget EUR
300 000); indicatively two service contracts; procedures normally to be conducted in the
first half of 2008. Career Development issues
To advance the effective implementation of the principles of the European Charter for
Researchers and Code of Conduct for their Recruitment.
Training and missions of “Charter and Code Promoters”, implemented through
framework contract(s); (indicative budget EUR 200 000); indicatively one or two service
contracts; procedures normally to be conducted in the first half of 2008.
5.2.2 Communication
To raise the public awareness of the researchers' careers in Europe, of the obstacles to
mobility and of the financial and other policy instruments available.
The following specific communication actions, for a total value of EUR 45 000, will be
• Electronic Newsletter “Europe4Researchers”, implemented through Framework
contract(s); (indicative budget EUR 45 000); indicatively one service contract;
procedures normally to be conducted until the autumn of 2008.

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Actions subject to calls for proposals Budget 2008
(EUR million)
1. Initial Training of Researchers
Initial Training Networks (ITN) 185**

2. Life-long Training and Career Development

Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development (IEF) 75

European Re-integration grants (ERG) 7

Co-funding of Regional, National, and International Programmes
Co-funding of Regional, National, and International Programmes 0**
3. Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways

Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) 45

4. International dimension

International Outgoing Fellowships for Career Development (IOF) 25

International Incoming Fellowships (IIF) 25

International Re-integration grants (IRG) 17

International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) 25

5. Specific actions
Researchers' Night (NIGHT) 3
Subtotal 472
Actions not subject to open calls for proposals 5.14
Expert Evaluators 6.02
Total 483.16
* corresponding to a 2007 call.
** An amount from the 2009 budget is expected to be added to this call for which a new
financing decision to cover the budget for that year will be requested at the appropriate time.

Actions not subject to open calls for proposals

Actions not subject to open calls for proposals Budget 2008

(EUR million)
Scientific Diasporas 1.25*
ERA-MORE/Researcher's Mobility Portal 1.55
Mobility data 1.80
Mobility related obstacles 0.30
Career development issues 0.20
Communication 0.040
Total 5.14
*part of Action "4."International dimension"

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(Listed by closing dates)
Action Call ID Call Opens Closes/Cut-off dates
NIGHT Researchers' Night NIGHT-2008 30 November 2007 5 March 2008
CO-Funding of Regional, FP7-PEOPLE-2007-
national & International Progs 2-3-COFUND 16 November 2007 13 March 2008
IAPP Industry Academia FP7-PEOPLE-
Partnerships & Pathways IAPP- 2008 30 November 2007 25 March 2008
IRSES International Staff FP7-PEOPLE-
Exchanges IRSES-2008 30 November 2007 28 March 2008
ERG European Reintegration FP7-PEOPLE-
Grants 1st cut off ERG- 2008 30 November 2007 3 April 2008
IRG International FP7-PEOPLE-
Reintegration Grant 1st cut off IRG-2008 30 November 2007 3 April 2008
IEF Intra-European FP7-PEOPLE-
Fellowships IEF- 2008 19 March 2008 19 August 2008
IIF International Incoming FP7-PEOPLE- IIF-
Fellowships 2008 19 March 2008 19 August 2008
IOF International Outgoing FP7-PEOPLE-
Fellowship IOF-2008 19 March 2008 19 August 2008
ITN Initial Training Networks ITN-2008 4 April 2008 2 September 2008
ERG European Reintegration FP7-PEOPLE-
Grants 2nd cut off ERG- 2008 30 November 2007 8 October 2008
IRG International FP7-PEOPLE-
Reintegration Grant 2nd cut off IRG-2008 30 November 2007 8 October 2008
CO-Funding of Regional, FP7-PEOPLE-
national & International Progs COFUND- 2008 19 November 2008 19 February 2009

Activity 1: “Initial Training of Researchers”

• Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-ITN-2008
• Date of publication: 4 April 2008 17
• Deadline: 2 September 2008 at 17:00:00 Brussels local time 18
• Indicative budget: EUR 185 million of the 2008 budget 19. The final budget
awarded to this call, following the evaluation of projects, may however vary up to
10% of the total value of the call.
• Topics called:
ACTION Funding Schemes
Marie Curie Initial Training Networks Support for training and career development of

The Director-General responsible for the call may publish it up to one month prior to or after the
envisaged date of publication.
At the time of the publication of the call, the Director-General responsible may delay this deadline by
up to two months.
An amount from the 2009 budget is expected to be added to this call for which a new financing
decision to cover the budget for that year will be requested at the appropriate time.

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FP7 'People' Work Programme

• Evaluation procedure:
- The evaluation criteria (including weights and thresholds) and sub-criteria
together with the eligibility, selection and award criteria, for the different
funding schemes are set out in annex 2 to this Work Programme
- The evaluation shall follow a single evaluation following a single proposal
- Proposals will not be evaluated anonymously.
- Proposals may be evaluated remotely.
- The distribution of the indicative budget of the call over the scientific
disciplines will be based on the number of eligible proposals received, which
are allocated to one of 8 scientific panels 6. If the budget allocated to a panel
exceeds the requirements of all proposals positively evaluated 7 in that panel,
the excess budget will be reallocated to the other panels based on the
distribution as above. Equally, if the allocated funding to a panel is
insufficient to fund the highest ranked proposal in that panel, the necessary
budget will be transferred from the other panels based on the distribution as
above, in order to ensure that the highest ranked proposal can be funded.
• Indicative evaluation and contractual timetable:
- Evaluation results are estimated to be available 4 months after the relevant
deadline for submission.
- Contract signature: expected from within 6 months after the relevant deadline
for submission.
• Consortia agreements: Participants in actions resulting from this call are not
required to conclude a consortium agreement.
The forms of grants which will be offered are specified in Annex 3 to this Work

Activity 2: “Life-long Training and Career Development”

• Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-IEF-2008
• Date of publication: 19 March 200817
• Deadline: 19 August 2008 at 17:00:00 Brussels local time18
• Indicative budget: EUR 75 million of the 2008 budget. The final budget awarded
to this call, following the evaluation of projects, may however vary up to 10% of
the total value of the call.
• Topics called:
ACTION Funding Schemes
Marie Curie Intra-European Support for training and career development of
Fellowships for Career Development researchers

The Marie Curie panels are: Chemistry CHE, Social and Human Sciences SOC, Economic Sciences
ECO, Information science and Engineering ENG, Environment and geosciences ENV, Life sciences
LIF, Mathematics MAT, Physics PHY
Measured as proposals having passed all relevant evaluation thresholds
The Director-General responsible for the call may publish it up to one month prior to or after the
envisaged date of publication.
At the time of the publication of the call, the Director-General responsible may delay this deadline by
up to two months.

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FP7 'People' Work Programme

• Evaluation procedure:
- The evaluation criteria (including weights and thresholds) and sub-criteria
together with the eligibility, selection and award criteria, for the different
funding schemes are set out in annex 2 to this Work Programme
- The evaluation shall follow a single evaluation following a single proposal
- Proposals will not be evaluated anonymously.
- Proposals may be evaluated remotely.
- The distribution of the indicative budget of the call over the scientific
disciplines will be based on the number of eligible proposals received, which
are allocated to one of 8 scientific panels 6. If the budget allocated to a panel
exceeds the requirements of all proposals positively evaluated 7 in that panel,
the excess budget will be reallocated to the other panels based on the
distribution as above. Equally, if the allocated funding to a panel is
insufficient to fund the highest ranked proposal in that panel, the necessary
budget will be transferred from the other panels based on the distribution as
above, in order to ensure that the highest ranked proposal can be funded.
• Indicative evaluation and contractual timetable:
- Evaluation results estimated to be available within some 4 months after the
relevant deadline for submission.
- Contract signature: expected from within 6 months after the relevant deadline
for submission.
• Consortia agreements: Participants in actions resulting from this call are not
required to conclude a consortium agreement.
The forms of grants which will be offered are specified in Annex 3 to this Work


• Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-ERG-2008
• Date of publication: 30 November 200717
• Deadline: Continuous submission with “cut-off dates” for evaluation of proposals
received until then on 3 April 2008 and 8 October 2008, for both dates at 17:00:00
Brussels local time18.
• Indicative budget: EUR 7 million of the 2008 budget (of which approximately 1/2
for each evaluation round following the cut-off dates). The final budget awarded to
this call, following the evaluation of projects, may however vary up to 10% of the
total value of the call.
• Topics called:
ACTION Funding Schemes
Marie Curie European Reintegration Support for training and career development of
Grants researchers

The Marie Curie panels are: Chemistry CHE, Social and Human Sciences SOC, Economic Sciences
ECO, Information science and Engineering ENG, Environment and geosciences ENV, Life sciences
LIF, Mathematics MAT, Physics PHY
Measured as proposals having passed all relevant evaluation thresholds
The Director-General responsible for the call may publish it up to one month prior to or after the
envisaged date of publication.
At the time of the publication of the call, the Director-General responsible may delay this deadline by
up to two months.

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FP7 'People' Work Programme

• Evaluation procedure:
- The evaluation criteria (including weights and thresholds) and sub-criteria
together with the eligibility, selection and award criteria, for the different
funding schemes are set out in annex 2 to this Work Programme
- The evaluation shall follow a single evaluation following a single proposal
- Proposals will not be evaluated anonymously.
- Proposals will be evaluated on a continuous basis and selected on an
individual basis.
- Proposals may be evaluated remotely.
- There will be a single ranking list.
• Indicative evaluation and contractual timetable:
- Evaluation results estimated to be available within 4 months following
relevant cut-off date.
- Contract signature: expected from 6 months after the relevant cut-off date.
• Consortia agreements: Participants in actions resulting from this call are not
required to conclude a consortium agreement.
The forms of grants which will be offered are specified in Annex 3 to this Work



• Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-2007-2-3-COFUND 20

• Date of publication: 16 November 2007 17
• Deadline: 13 March 2008 at 17:00:00 Brussels local time 18
• Indicative budget: EUR 65 million of the 2008 budget. The final budget awarded
to this call, following the evaluation of projects, may however vary up to 10% of
the total value of the call.
• Topics called:
ACTION Funding Schemes
Marie Curie Co-funding of Regional, Support for training and career development of
National, and International researchers

• Evaluation procedure:
- The evaluation criteria (including weights and thresholds) and sub-criteria
together with the eligibility, selection and award criteria, for the different
funding schemes are set out in annex 2 to this Work Programme
- The evaluation shall follow a single evaluation following a single proposal

This fiche replaces the one in previous Work Programme. Note that the 2007-2008 Work Programme
will not apply to this call, but the current 2008 Work Programme.
The Director-General responsible for the call may publish it up to one month prior to or after the
envisaged date of publication.
The Director-General responsible for the call may publish it up to one month prior to or after the
envisaged date of publication.

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- Proposals will not be evaluated anonymously.

- Proposals may be evaluated remotely.
- The distribution of the indicative budget of the call between panel (A)
"Existing trans-national fellowship programmes" and panel (B) "New
fellowship programmes with transnational mobility" will be based on the
requested Community contribution of the proposals positively evaluated. If
the budget allocated to one of the panels exceeds the requirements of all
proposals positively evaluated 7 in that panel, the excess budget will be
transferred to the other panel. Equally, if the allocated funding to one panel is
insufficient to fund the highest ranked proposal in that panel, necessary
budget will be transferred from the other panel in order to ensure that the
highest ranked proposal can be funded.
• Indicative evaluation and contractual timetable:
- Evaluation results estimated to be available within 4 months following the
deadline for submission.
- Contract signature: expected from within 6 months after the relevant deadline
for submission.
• Consortia agreements: Participants in actions resulting from this call are not
required to conclude a consortium agreement

• Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE- COFUND-2008

• Date of publication: 19 November 2008 17
• Deadline: 19 February 2009 at 17:00:00 Brussels local time 18
• Indicative budget: EUR 0 million of the 2008 budget 19. The final budget awarded
to this call, following the evaluation of projects, may however vary up to 10% of
the total value of the call.
• Topics called:
ACTION Funding Schemes
Marie Curie Co-funding of Regional, Support for training and career development of
National, and International researchers

• Evaluation procedure:
- The evaluation criteria (including weights and thresholds) and sub-criteria
together with the eligibility, selection and award criteria, for the different
funding schemes are set out in annex 2 to this Work Programme.
- The evaluation shall follow a single evaluation following a single proposal
- Proposals will not be evaluated anonymously.
- Proposals may be evaluated remotely.
- The distribution of the indicative budget of the call between panel (A)
"Existing trans-national fellowship programmes" and panel (B) "New

Measured as proposals having passed all relevant evaluation thresholds
The Director-General responsible for the call may publish it up to one month prior to or after the
envisaged date of publication.
The Director-General responsible for the call may publish it up to one month prior to or after the
envisaged date of publication.
An amount from the 2009 budget is expected to be added to this call for which a new financing
decision to cover the budget for that year will be requested at the appropriate time.

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fellowship programmes with transnational mobility" will be based on the

requested Community contribution of the proposals positively evaluated. If
the budget allocated to one of the panels exceeds the requirements of all
proposals positively evaluated 7 in that panel, the excess budget will be
transferred to the other panel. Equally, if the allocated funding to one panel is
insufficient to fund the highest ranked proposal in that panel, necessary
budget will be transferred from the other panel in order to ensure that the
highest ranked proposal can be funded.
• Indicative evaluation and contractual timetable:
- Evaluation results: estimated to be available within 4 months following the
relevant deadline for submission.
- Contract signature: expected from within 6 months after the relevant deadline
for submission.
• Consortia agreements: Participants in actions resulting from this call are not
required to conclude a consortium agreement.


Activity 3: “Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways”

• Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-IAPP-2008
• Date of publication: 30 November 200717
• Deadline: 25 March 2008 at 17:00:00 Brussels local time18
• Indicative budget: EUR 45 million of the 2008 budget . The final budget awarded
to this call, following the evaluation of projects, may however vary up to 10% of
the total value of the call.
• Topics called:
ACTION Funding Schemes
Marie Curie Industry-Academia Support for training and career development of
Partnerships and Pathways researchers

• Evaluation procedure:
- The evaluation criteria (including weights and thresholds) and sub-criteria
together with the eligibility, selection and award criteria, for the different
funding schemes are set out in annex 2 to this Work Programme
- The evaluation shall follow a single evaluation following a single proposal
- Proposals will not be evaluated anonymously.
- Proposals may be evaluated remotely.
- The distribution of the indicative budget of the call over the scientific
disciplines will be based on the number of eligible proposals received, which

The Director-General responsible for the call may publish it up to one month prior to or after the
envisaged date of publication.
At the time of the publication of the call, the Director-General responsible may delay this deadline by
up to two months.

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FP7 'People' Work Programme

are allocated to one of 8 scientific panels 6. If the budget allocated to a panel

exceeds the requirements of all proposals positively evaluated7 in that panel,
the excess budget will be reallocated to the other panels based on the
distribution as above. Equally, if the allocated funding to a panel is
insufficient to fund the highest ranked proposal in that panel, the necessary
budget will be transferred from the other panels based on the distribution as
above, in order to ensure that the highest ranked proposal can be funded.
• Indicative evaluation and contractual timetable:
- Evaluation results are estimated to be available 4 months after the relevant
deadline for submission.
- Contract signature: expected from within 6 months after the relevant deadline
for submission.
• Consortia agreements: Participants in actions resulting from this call are not
required to conclude a consortium agreement
The forms of grants which will be offered are specified in Annex 3 to this Work

Activity 4: “International Dimension”

• Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-IOF-2008
• Date of publication: 19 March 200817
• Deadline19 August 2008 at 17:00:00 Brussels local time18
• Indicative budget: EUR 25 million of the 2008 budget . The final budget awarded
to this call, following the evaluation of projects, may however vary up to 10% of
the total value of the call.
• Topics called:
ACTION Funding Schemes
Marie Curie International Outgoing Support for training and career development of
Fellowships for Career Development researchers

• Evaluation procedure:
- The evaluation criteria (including weights and thresholds) and sub-criteria
together with the eligibility, selection and award criteria, for the different
funding schemes are set out in annex 2 to this Work Programme.
- The evaluation shall follow a single evaluation following a single proposal
- Proposals will not be evaluated anonymously.
- Proposals may be evaluated remotely.

The Marie Curie panels are: Chemistry CHE, Social and Human Sciences SOC, Economic Sciences
ECO, Information science and Engineering ENG, Environment and geosciences ENV, Life sciences
LIF, Mathematics MAT, Physics PHY
Measured as proposals having passed all relevant evaluation thresholds
The Director-General responsible for the call may publish it up to one month prior to or after the
envisaged date of publication.
At the time of the publication of the call, the Director-General responsible may delay this deadline by
up to two months.

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FP7 'People' Work Programme

- The distribution of the indicative budget of the call over the scientific
disciplines will be based on the number of eligible proposals received, which
are allocated to one of 8 scientific panels 6. If the budget allocated to a panel
exceeds the requirements of all proposals positively evaluated 7 in that panel,
the excess budget will be reallocated to the other panels based on the
distribution as above. Equally, if the allocated funding to a panel is
insufficient to fund the highest ranked proposal in that panel, the necessary
budget will be transferred from the other panels based on the distribution as
above, in order to ensure that the highest ranked proposal can be funded.
• Indicative evaluation and contractual timetable:
- Evaluation results estimated to be available within some 4 months after the
deadline for submission.
- Contract signature: expected from within 6 months after the relevant deadline
for submission.
• Consortia agreements: Participants in actions resulting from this call are not
required to conclude a consortium agreement.
The forms of grants which will be offered are specified in Annex 3 to this Work


• Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-IIF-2008
• Date of publication: 19 March 200817
• Deadline: 19 August 2008 at 17:00:00 Brussels local time18
• Indicative budget: EUR 25 million of the 2008 budget. The final budget awarded
to this call, following the evaluation of projects, may however vary up to 10% of
the total value of the call.
• Topics called:
ACTION Funding Schemes
Marie Curie International Incoming Support for training and career development of
Fellowships researchers

• Evaluation procedure:
- The evaluation criteria (including weights and thresholds) and sub-criteria
together with the eligibility, selection and award criteria, for the different
funding schemes are set out in annex 2 to this Work Programme
- The evaluation shall follow a single evaluation following a single proposal
- Proposals will not be evaluated anonymously.
- Proposals may be evaluated remotely.

The Marie Curie panels are: Chemistry CHE, Social and Human Sciences SOC, Economic Sciences
ECO, Information science and Engineering ENG, Environment and geosciences ENV, Life sciences
LIF, Mathematics MAT, Physics PHY
Measured as proposals having passed all relevant evaluation thresholds
The Director-General responsible for the call may publish it up to one month prior to or after the
envisaged date of publication.
At the time of the publication of the call, the Director-General responsible may delay this deadline by
up to two months.

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FP7 'People' Work Programme

- The distribution of the indicative budget of the call over the scientific
disciplines will be based on the number of eligible proposals received, which
are allocated to one of 8 scientific panels 6. If the budget allocated to a panel
exceeds the requirements of all proposals positively evaluated 7 in that panel,
the excess budget will be reallocated to the other panels based on the
distribution as above. Equally, if the allocated funding to a panel is
insufficient to fund the highest ranked proposal in that panel, the necessary
budget will be transferred from the other panels based on the distribution as
above, in order to ensure that the highest ranked proposal can be funded.
• Indicative evaluation and contractual timetable:
- Evaluation results estimated to be available within some 4 months after the
deadline for submission.
- Contract signature: expected from within 6 months after the relevant deadline
for submission.
• Consortia agreements: Participants in actions resulting from this call are not
required to conclude a consortium agreement
The forms of grants which will be offered are specified in Annex 3 to this Work


• Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-IRG-2008

• Date of publication: 30 November 200717
• Deadline: Continuous submission with “cut-off dates” for evaluation of proposals
received until then on 3 April 2008 and 8 October 2008 for both dates at 17:00:00
Brussels local time18.
• Indicative budget: EUR 17 million of the 2008 budget (of which approximately ½
is for each evaluation round following the cut-off dates). The final budget awarded
to this call, following the evaluation of projects, may however vary up to 10% of
the total value of the call.
• Topics called:
ACTION Funding Schemes
Marie Curie International Support for training and career development of
Reintegration Grants researchers

• Evaluation procedure:
- The evaluation criteria (including weights and thresholds) and sub-criteria
together with the eligibility, selection and award criteria, for the different
funding schemes are set out in annex 2 to this Work Programme

The Marie Curie panels are: Chemistry CHE, Social and Human Sciences SOC, Economic Sciences
ECO, Information science and Engineering ENG, Environment and geosciences ENV, Life sciences
LIF, Mathematics MAT, Physics PHY
Measured as proposals having passed all relevant evaluation thresholds
The Director-General responsible for the call may publish it up to one month prior to or after the
envisaged date of publication.
At the time of the publication of the call, the Director-General responsible may delay this deadline by
up to two months.

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- The evaluation shall follow a single evaluation following a single proposal

- Proposals will not be evaluated anonymously.
- Proposals may be evaluated remotely.
- There will be a single ranking list.
• Indicative evaluation and contractual timetable:
- Evaluation results estimated to be available within some 4 months after the
relevant cut-off date.
- Contract signature: expected from within 6 months after the relevant cut-off
• Consortia agreements: Participants in actions resulting from this call are not
required to conclude a consortium agreement.
The forms of grants which will be offered are specified in Annex 3 to this Work


• Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-IRSES-2008
• Date of publication: 30 November 2007 17
• Deadline: 28 March 2008 at 17:00:00 Brussels local time 18
• Indicative budget: EUR 25 million of the 2008 budget . The final budget awarded
to this call, following the evaluation of projects, may however vary up to 10% of
the total value of the call.
• Topics called:

ACTION Funding Schemes

Marie Curie International Research Support for training and career development of
Staff Exchange Scheme researchers

• Evaluation procedure:

- The evaluation criteria (including weights and thresholds) and sub-criteria

together with the eligibility, selection and award criteria, for the different
funding schemes are set out in annex 2 to this Work Programme
- The evaluation shall follow a single evaluation following a single proposal
- Proposals will not be evaluated anonymously.
- Proposals may be evaluated remotely.
- There will be a single ranking list.

The Director-General responsible for the call may publish it up to one month prior to or after the
envisaged date of publication.
At the time of the publication of the call, the Director-General responsible may delay this deadline by
up to two months.

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• Indicative evaluation and contractual timetable:

- Evaluation results estimated to be available within some 6 months after the

deadline for submission.
- Contract signature: expected from within 9 months after the relevant deadline
for submission.
• Consortia agreements: Participants in actions resulting from this call are required
to conclude a consortium agreement.
The forms of grants which will be offered are specified in Annex 3 to this Work


Activity 5: “Specific Actions”

• Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-NIGHT-2008
• Date of publication: 30 November 2007 17
• Deadline: 05 March 2008 at 17.00:00 Brussels local time 18
• Indicative budget: EUR 3 million of the 2008 budget. The final budget awarded to
this call, following the evaluation of projects, may however vary up to 10% of the
total value of the call.
• Topics called:
ACTION Funding Schemes

Researchers' Night 2008 Coordination and support actions


• Evaluation procedure:
- The evaluation criteria (including weights and thresholds) and sub-criteria
together with the eligibility, selection and award criteria, for the different
funding schemes are set out in annex 2 to this Work Programme
- The evaluation shall follow a single evaluation following a single proposal
- Proposals will not be evaluated anonymously.
- Proposals will be selected on an individual basis.
- Proposals may be evaluated remotely.
- There will be a single ranking list.
• Indicative evaluation and contractual timetable:
- Evaluation results estimated to be available within 1 month following the
deadline for submission.
- Contract signature: expected from within 4 months after the deadline for
• Consortia agreements: Participants in actions resulting from this call are not
required to conclude a consortium agreement

The Director-General responsible for the call may publish it up to one month prior to or after the
envisaged date of publication
At the time of the publication of the call, the Director-General responsible may delay this deadline by
up to two months.

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In principle, 2009 will see a continuation of the main Marie Curie Actions of 2008. At
this stage no new Marie Curie Actions are envisaged. The Marie Curie Actions, and in
particular the two new actions implemented for the first time in 2008, COFUND and
IRSES, will be carefully monitored, to identify the possible need for adaptations.
Moreover, in the context of the recently launched Green paper on the European Research
Area, the Commission has launched a public consultation which is due to bring
conclusions towards the end of the year. This may give rise to new initiatives, or shifts of
emphasis or modifications of existing initiatives of the PEOPLE Programme.

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Annex 1.1: International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC)
(Legal entities established in ICPC countries may, under certain conditions, participate depending on the scheme, on equal basis
as those from Member States and Associated countries and may receive a Community financial contribution)
ACP * • Somalia • Argentina1
• South Africa1 ASIA • Bolivia
AFRICAN • Sudan • Afghanistan • Brazil1**
• Angola • Swaziland • Bangladesh
• Benin • Tanzania • Bhutan • Chile1
• Botswana • Colombia
• Togo • Burma / Myanmar
• Burkina-Faso • Costa Rica
• Uganda • Cambodia
• Burundi • Ecuador
• Zambia • China1** • El Salvador
• Cameroon • Zimbabwe • India1** • Guatemala
• Cape Verde
• Indonesia • Honduras
• Central African CARIBBEAN • Iran
Republic • Barbados • Mexico1
• Iraq
• Chad • Belize • Nicaragua
• Lao People's
• Comoros • Cuba • Panama
Democratic • Paraguay
• Congo (Republic) • Dominica Republic • Peru
• Congo (Democratic • Dominican Rep. • Malaysia
Rep. of) • Grenada • Uruguay
• Maldives
• Côte d’Ivoire • Guyana • Venezuela
• Mongolia
• Djibouti • Haiti • Nepal MEDITERRANEAN
• Equatorial Guinea • Jamaica • Oman PARTNER COUNTRIES
• Eritrea • Saint Kitts & Nevis • Pakistan (MPC) 2
• Ethiopia • Saint Lucia • Philippines • Algeria
• Gabon • St Vincent & • Sri Lanka • Egypt1
• Gambia Grenadines • Thailand • Jordan
• Ghana • Suriname • Vietnam • Lebanon
• Guinea • Trinidad & Tobago • Yemen • Libya
• Guinea-Bissau
• Lesotho • Cook Islands AND CENTRAL ASIA • Palestinian-
• Liberia • Timor Leste (EECA) administered areas
• Madagascar • Fiji • Armenia2 • Syrian Arab Rep.
• Malawi Azerbaijan2
• Kiribati • • Tunisia1
• Mali • Marshall Islands • Belarus2
• Mauritania • Micronesia, Federal • Georgia2 WESTERN BALKAN
• Mauritius States of • Kazakhstan COUNTRIES (WBC)
• Mozambique • Nauru • Kyrgyz Republic • Albania3
• Namibia • Niue • Moldova 2
• Bosnia-
• Niger • Palau 1 Herzegovina3
• Russia **
• Nigeria • Papua New Guinea • Kosovo4
• Tajikistan
• Rwanda • Solomon Islands • Montenegro3
• Turkmenistan
• Sao Tome&Principe • Tonga 1,2
• Ukraine
• Senegal • Tuvalu • Uzbekistan
• Seychelles • Vanuatu
• Sierra Leone • Samoa LATIN AMERICA

Up-to-date information on the status of individual countries relative to the 7th Framework programme for
RTD is available at:
1 Signed an agreement with the EC covering Science & Technology
2 These countries are also part of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP).
3 Until the country becomes associated to FP7.
4 As defined by UNSC resolution 1244 of 10 June 1999.
* In the « Specific international cooperation actions», the ACP region can be considered as one region or
Africa can be considered as a region on its own, while the Caribbean countries can also participate
with Latin America and the Pacific countries with Asia.
** For participation in the « Specific international cooperation actions» Brazil, China, India and Russia
may be considered individually as a region on there own. Thus, the required 2 or more partners can be
located in these countries. However, in this case, at least 2 different partners from different provinces,
oblasts, republics or states within Brazil, China, India or Russia are necessary.

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Annex 1.2 Countries eligible for the International Research Staff

Exchange Scheme (IRSES)21

Countries with EC International agreements on Science and Technology:

• Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Chile, Egypt, India, Japan, Rep. of Korea, Mexico, Morocco,
New Zealand, Russia, South Africa, Tunisia, Ukraine, United States

Countries of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP):

- Eastern Europe & Central Asia (EECA)
• Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine
- Mediterranean Partner Countries (MCP)
• Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestinian-administrated areas, Syrian Arab Rep.,

and which are not Associated countries for the purpose of the FP7

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Annex 2: Eligibility, evaluation, selection and award criteria

Eligibility criteria
A proposal will only be considered eligible if it meets all of the following conditions:
• It is received by the Commission before the deadline given in the call text.
• It involves at least the minimum number of participants given in the call text.
• It is complete (i.e. both the requested administrative forms and the proposal description are
• The content of the proposal relates to the activities and funding scheme(s), including any
special conditions, set out in those parts of the relevant Work Programme
Other eligibility criteria may be given in the Work Programme text and in the call text.
Evaluation criteria
The evaluation criteria against which proposals will be judged are set out in article 15 of the
Rules for Participation. For the 'People' specific programme these are:
− scientific and/or technological excellence;
− relevance to the objectives of these specific programmes22;
− the potential impact through the development, dissemination and use of project results;
− the quality and efficiency of the implementation and management.
Within this framework, the Work Programme specifies the evaluation and selection criteria and
may add additional requirements, weightings and thresholds, or set out further details on the
application of the criteria.
The purpose of this annex is to set out such specifications. Unless otherwise indicated in the
relevant parts of this Work Programme, the criteria, weightings and thresholds given here will
apply to all calls for proposals.
Proposals will be evaluated in line with the Commission 'Rules on Submission of Proposals and
the Related Evaluation, Selection and Award Procedures'.
A proposal which contravenes fundamental ethical principles, fails to comply with the relevant
security procedures, or which does not fulfil any other of the conditions set out in the specific
programme, the Work Programme or in the call for proposals shall not be selected. Such a
proposal may be excluded from the evaluation, selection and award procedures at any time.
Details of the procedure to be followed are given in the Commission rules mentioned above.
The arrangements for a particular call will be set out in the relevant Guide for Applicants.
1. Evaluation scores will be awarded for each of the criteria, and not for the sub-criteria. Each
criterion will be scored out of 5.
2. Weightings and thresholds for the actions under the funding scheme “Support for Training
and Career Development of Researchers” are contained in table 2.1 (per action). The
threshold for individual criteria under the funding scheme “Coordination and Support
Actions” will be 3, while no weightings will apply.

Relevance: A proposal may be partially relevant if it addresses only marginally the topic(s) of the call, or if only part of the
proposal addresses them. Such conditions will be reflected in the evaluation of the first criterion (‘S/T excellence’). The
degree to which a proposal is relevant to the objectives of a call will be reflected in the evaluation of the third criterion
('impact'). Proposals that are clearly not relevant to a call ('out of scope') will be rejected on eligibility grounds before the
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3. For the funding scheme “Support for Training and Career Development of
Researchers” the fourth column, and for the funding scheme “Coordination and Support
Actions” the second column, corresponds to the selection criteria in the meaning of
Article 115 of the Financial Regulation23 and its implementing rules24. They will also be the
basis for assessing the “operational capacity” of participants. The other criteria correspond
to the award criteria.

Council Regulation No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the
European Communities, OJ L 248 16.09.2002, p.1.
Commission Regulation No 2342/2002 of 23 December 2002 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council
Regulation No 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities, OJ L
357 31.12.2002, p. 1.

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Note: All activities will be subject to a threshold in the total score of 3.5 out of 5.

1.1 ITN - Funding Scheme “Support for Training and Career Development of Researchers”: Marie Curie Initial Training Networks
S&T Quality (award) Training (award) Researcher Implementation (selection) Impact (award)
Threshold 3, Weighting:30% Threshold 4, Weighting:30% (award) N/A Threshold 3, Weighting:20% Weighting:20%
S&T objectives of the research Quality of the training programme. Consistency with Capacities (expertise / human resources/ Contribution of the proposed training
programme, including in terms of the research programme. Complementary skills facilities / infrastructures) to achieve the programme to improvement of the career
inter/multi-disciplinary, offered: Management, Communication, IPR, Ethics, research, and adequate task distribution and prospects of the fellows.
intersectoral and/ or newly Grant writing, Commercial exploitation of results, schedule.
emerging supra-disciplinary Research Policy, entrepreneurship, etc.
Scientific quality of the research Importance and timeliness of the training needs (e.g. Appropriateness of industry involvement. Provision to establish longer term
programme. multidisciplinary, intersectoral, and newly emerging collaborations and /or lasting structured training
supra-disciplinary fields) programme between the partners'
organizations, including between private and
academic partners.
Appropriateness of research a) For multi-site proposals: Adequate combination of Adequate exploitation of complementarities Where appropriate, justification of the training
methodology. local specialist training with network-wide training and synergies among partners in terms of events open to external participants and their
activities. research and training. integration in the training programme.

b) For mono-site proposals: Adequate exploitation of

the international network of the participants for the
training programme.
Originality and innovative aspect Appropriateness of the size of the requested training How essential is non-ICPC Third Country Where appropriate, mutual recognition of the
of the research programme. programme with respect to the capacity of the host participation, if any, to the objectives of the training acquired by multi-partner hosts.
Knowledge of the state-of-the- research training programme.
Appropriateness of the plans for the overall Where applicable, relevance of the role of
management of the training programme visiting researcher with respect to the training
(demarcation of responsibilities, rules for programme.
decision making, recruitment strategy etc.).
Networking and dissemination of best
practice among partners. Clarity of the plan
for organizing training events (workshops,
conferences, training courses).

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2.1 IEF-Funding Scheme “Support for Training and Career Development of Researchers”: Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships for
Career Development
S&T Quality (award) Training (award) Researcher (award) Implementation (selection) Impact (award)
Threshold 3, Weighting:25% Threshold 3, Weighting:15% Threshold 4, Weighting:25% Weighting:15% Weighting:20%

Scientific/technological quality, Clarity and quality of the research Research experience Quality of infrastructure / facilities Potential of acquiring competencies during the
including any interdisciplinary training objectives for the researcher and International collaborations of fellowship to improve the prospects of reaching
and multidisciplinary aspects of host and/or reinforcing a position of professional maturity,
the proposal diversity and independence, in particular through
exposure to complementary skills training
Research methodology Relevance and quality of additional Research results including patents, Practical arrangements for the Contribution to career development, or re-
scientific training as well as of publications, teaching etc., taking implementation and management establishment where relevant.
complementary skills offered into account the level of of the scientific project
Originality and innovative nature Host expertise in training experienced Independent thinking and Feasibility and credibility of the Contribution to European excellence and European
of the project, and relationship to researchers in the field and capacity leadership qualities project, including work plan competitiveness
the 'state of the art' of research to provide mentoring/tutoring
in the field
Timeliness and relevance of the Match between the fellow's profile Practical and administrative
project and project. arrangements, and support for the
hosting of the fellow
Host scientific expertise in the Potential for reaching a position of
field professional maturity.
Quality of the group/supervisors Potential to acquire new

2.2 ERG Funding Scheme “Support for Training and Career Development of Researchers”: Marie Curie European Reintegration Grants
S&T Quality (award) Training Researcher (award) Implementation (selection) Impact (award)
Threshold 3, Weighting:30% N/A Weighting:30% Weighting:20% Weighting:20%
Scientific/technological quality, including Research experience Quality of host organisation, including Benefit to the career of the researcher from the
any interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary adequacy of infrastructures/facilities. period of re-integration
aspects of the proposal
Research methodology Scientific and technological quality of Feasibility and credibility of the project, Capacity to developed lasting co-operation with the
previous research during the Marie Curie including work plan previous country of the Marie Curie Fellowship.
Fellowship (if relevant)
Originality and innovative nature of the Independent thinking and leadership Practical arrangements for the Potential of transferring knowledge to host
project, and relationship to the 'state of qualities implementation and management of the
the art' of research in the field scientific project
Timeliness and relevance of the project Match between the fellow's profile and Potential and quality of lasting professional
project. integration (expected length of work contract,
expected career development)

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2.3 COFUND Funding Scheme “Support for Training and Career Development of Researchers”: Marie Curie Co-funding of Regional,
National and International Programmes
Quality of the selection process for the fellows Implementation - Management of the Relevance and Impact to “Life-long training and Career development” (award)
under the programme (award) programme (selection) Weighting:40%
Weighting:30% Weighting:30%
Transparency of the selection process for the Appointment conditions of selected Openness of the programme to trans-national mobility
fellows under the programme fellows
Composition and organisation of selection Quality of programme management Contribution to diverse career development of researchers (broadening or
committees deepening)
Criteria and method of judging merit Client-friendliness towards applicant Career development support to fellows
Administrative capacity to implement the Equal opportunities including for resuming a research career after a break
Appropriateness of the scale of the Relevance for the ERA of the scientific field covered by the programme's calls
Future development of programme Impact of the programme to the development of the researchers careers in the ERA

3.1 IAPP Funding Scheme “Support for Training and Career Development of Researchers”: Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships
and Pathways
S&T Quality (award) Transfer of knowledge (award) Researcher Implementation (selection) Impact (award)
Threshold 3, Weighting:25% Threshold 3, Weighting:20% (award) N/A Threshold 3, Weighting:25% Weighting:30%

S&T objectives of the research Quality of the transfer of knowledge Capacities (expertise / human resources/ Provision to develop new intersectoral and lasting
programme, including in terms of programme. Consistency with the facilities / infrastructures) to achieve the collaboration
intersectoral issues. research programme. research and exchange of know-how and
experience. Fit between capacity of host and
size of support requested.
Scientific quality of the joint Importance of the transfer of knowledge Adequate exploitation of complementarities and Strategy for the dissemination and facilitation of sharing
collaborative research in terms of intersectoral issues. synergies among partners in terms of transfer of knowledge and culture between the participants and
programme. of knowledge. external researchers (including international conferences,
workshops, training events).

Appropriateness of the research Adequacy of the role of researchers Appropriateness of management plans Extent to which SMEs contribute to the project.
methodology. exchanged and recruited from outside (recruitment strategy, IPR strategy,
the partnership with respect to the demarcation of responsibilities, rules for
transfer of knowledge programme. decision making, etc…).
Originality and innovative aspect How essential is non-ICPC Third Country In case of SMEs participation: Adequacy of the available
of the research programme. participation, if any, to the objectives of the infrastructures for the performance of the project. In case
Knowledge of the state-of-the-art. research training programme. extra equipment is requested, necessity and justification
in the context of the partnership.

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4.1 IOF Funding Scheme “Support for Training and Career Development of Researchers”: Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowships for
Career Development
S&T Quality (award) Training (award) Researcher (award) Implementation (selection) Impact (award)
Threshold 3, Weighting:25% Threshold 3, Weighting:15% Threshold 4, Weighting:25% Weighting:15%, split where Weighting:20%
appropriate between the 3 country
institution and the European host
Scientific/technological quality, Clarity and quality of the research Research experience Quality of infrastructure / facilities and Potential of acquiring competencies during the
including any interdisciplinary and training objectives for the researcher International collaborations of host fellowship to improve the prospects of reaching
multidisciplinary aspects of the (outgoing and return host) and/or reinforcing a position of professional
proposal maturity, diversity and independence, in
particular through exposure to complementary
skills training

Research methodology Relevance and quality of additional Research results including Practical arrangements for the Contribution to career development, or re-
scientific training, as well as patents, publications, teaching implementation and management of establishment where relevant.
complementary skills offered etc., taking into account the level the scientific project (outgoing and
of experience return host)

Originality and innovative nature of the Host expertise in training Independent thinking and Feasibility and credibility of the project, Potential for creating long term collaborations
project and relationship to the 'state of experienced researchers in the field leadership qualities including work plan and mutually beneficial co-operation between
the art' of research in the field and capacity to provide Europe and the third country
mentoring/tutoring (outgoing and
return host)
Timeliness and relevance of the project Match between the fellow's Practical and administrative Contribution to European excellence and
profile and project. arrangements, and support for the European competitiveness
hosting of the fellow (outgoing and
return host)
Host scientific expertise in the field Potential for reaching a position
(outgoing and return host) of professional maturity
Quality of the group/supervisors Potential to acquire new
(outgoing and return host) knowledge.

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4.2 IIF Funding Scheme “Support for Training and Career Development of Researchers”: Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowships
S&T Quality (award) Transfer of knowledge Researcher (award) Implementation (selection) Impact (award)
Threshold 3, Weighting:25% (award) Threshold 4, Weighting:25% Weighting:15%, split where
Weighting:15% appropriate between the 3 country
institution and the European host
Scientific/technological quality, Potential of transferring Research experience Quality of infrastructure / facilities Potential for creating long term collaborations and
including any interdisciplinary and knowledge to European and International collaborations of mutually beneficial co-operation between Europe and the
multidisciplinary aspects of the host and/or bringing host third country
proposal knowledge to Europe
Research methodology Clarity and quality of the Research results including Practical arrangements for the Contribution to European excellence and European
transfer of knowledge patents, publications, teaching etc. implementation and management of competitiveness
objectives the scientific project
Originality and innovative nature of the Independent thinking, leadership Feasibility and credibility of the Contribution to the socio-economic development of the
project, and relationship to the 'state of qualities, and capacity to transfer project, including work plan Developing Countries or emerging and transition
the art' of research in the field knowledge economies by transfer of knowledge and human capacity
building (where relevant)
Timeliness and relevance of the Match between the fellow's profile Practical and administrative
project and project. arrangements, and support for the
hosting of the fellow
Host scientific expertise in the field
Quality of the group/researchers in

4.3 IRG Funding Scheme “Support for Training and Career Development of Researchers”: Marie Curie International Reintegration Grants
S&T Quality (award) Training Researcher (award) Implementation (selection) Impact (award)
Threshold 3, Weighting:30% N/A Threshold 3, Weighting:30% Weighting:20% Weighting:20%

Scientific/technological quality, including Research experience Quality of host organisation, including Potential of transferring knowledge to host
any interdisciplinary and adequacy of infrastructures/facilities.
multidisciplinary aspects of the proposal
Research methodology Scientific and technological quality of Feasibility and credibility of the project, Capacity to develop lasting co-operation with the third country.
previous research including work plan

Originality and innovative nature of the Independent thinking and leadership Management: Practical arrangements Contribution to scientific excellence by attracting first class
project, and relationship to the 'state of qualities for the implementation and researchers; or in the exceptional case where the researcher has
the art' of research in the field management of the scientific project already gained an employment position in Europe by producing a
significant improvement in his/her employment condition or career
Timeliness and relevance of the project Match between the fellow's profile Contribution to European excellence and European
and project. competitiveness
Benefit to the career of the researcher Potential and quality of lasting professional integration (expected
from the period of re-integration length of work contract, expected career development)

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4.4 IRSES Funding scheme: “International Research Staff Exchange Scheme”.

Quality of the Exchange Programme Transfer of Knowledge Implementation Impact
Weighting:25% Threshold 3, Weighting:30% Weighting:15% Threshold 3, Weighting:30%
Objective and relevance of the joint exchange Quality and mutual benefit of the Capacities (expertise/human Relevance of the proposed partnership to the area of
programme transfer of knowledge resources/facilities/infrastructure) to collaboration and for the ERA
achieve the objectives of the planned
Scientific quality of the partners Adequacy and role of staff Appropriateness of the plans for the Potential to develop lasting collaboration with eligible Third
exchanged with respect to the overall management of the exchange country partners.
transfer of knowledge programme
Complementarities/synergies between the partners

Funding Scheme:"Coordination and Support Actions"

Scientific and/or technological excellence Quality and efficiency of the implementation and The potential impact through the development,
(award) the management dissemination and use of project results
Threshold 3 (selection) (award)
Threshold 3 Threshold 3
In case of Coordination action: Quality of the consortium as a whole (including Appropriateness of measures for spreading excellence,
complementarity, balance) [for SA: only if relevant] exploiting results, and dissemination knowledge, through
Contribution to the co-ordination of high quality research engagement with stakeholders, and the public at large.

In case of Coordination action: Appropriateness of the allocation and justification of the

resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment)
Quality and effectiveness of the co-ordination mechanisms, and
associated work plan
In case of Support action:

Quality and effectiveness of the support action mechanisms, and

associated work plan

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Annex 3: Community contribution and applicable rates
The financial contribution of the Community to the indirect actions takes in general the
form of grants covering up to 100% of the budget of the indirect action, comprising, if
the case arises, predetermined fixed amounts according to rates for certain expenses. The
Community contribution is normally calculated on the basis of eligible activities as well
as possible specific conditions given in the description of each action and according to
the tables given below.

For each eligible researcher, the host organisation can opt between recruiting him/her
under an employment contract/fellowship with full social security coverage or on a fixed-
amount fellowship with minimum social security, depending on the legal and/or
administrative situation of the host organisation and/or the researcher.

Column A. in Table 3.1 gives the amount per year in Euros per category of researchers
who are recruited under an employment contract/fellowship with full social security
coverage. These amounts include the provisions for all compulsory deductions under
national applicable legislation.

Column B. in Table 3.1 gives the amount per year in Euros per category of researchers
who receive a fixed-amount fellowship with minimum social security coverage. Fixed-
amount fellowships with minimum social security coverage are not employment
contracts. Researchers can only be recruited under a fixed-amount fellowship with
minimum social security coverage if this is compatible with national legislation of the
host organisation. The host organisation must ensure that minimum social security
coverage has been provided to the researcher, not necessarily paid from the Community
contribution for the fixed-amount fellowship. The minimum social security coverage
required for researchers recruited under a fixed-amount fellowship shall include some of
the categories foreseen in Council Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 of 14 June 1971, which
are namely: benefits in respect of accidents at work and occupational diseases and
invalidity benefits.

The host organisation receiving Community funding under headings A and B in Table
3.1 below, must pay to the selected researchers a minimum contribution according to
these reference allowances specified, taking into account all compulsory deductions
under national legislation in the context of the project. The host organisation may pay a
top-up to the eligible researchers in order to complement this contribution.

As to maternity/parental benefits it has to be noted that, even if such a category does not
fall within the minimum required social security coverage requested by the Commission,
the Commission can decide, on request by the researchers and the host organisation, to
augment the sum of the Community contribution as a consequence. This is the minimum
standard of social security coverage required when a researcher is recruited under a
fixed-amount fellowship, whether or not the country in which the project will be carried
out has any regulations on this matter. Calculated on a monthly basis, the contribution
shall not exceed the difference between the compensation received from the national
social insurance regime and the amount of the Community contribution mentioned in
Table 3.1.

Along with the monthly living allowance, a “mobility allowance” will be paid for some
categories of researchers as specified in Table 3.4, which will take due account of the
family situation of the researcher. In this context family is defined as persons linked to
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the researcher by (i) marriage, or (ii) a relationship with equivalent status to a marriage
recognised by the national legislation of the country of the host organisation or of the
nationality of the researcher; or (iii) dependant children who are actually being
maintained by the researcher. This allocation, as well as the travel allowance, will only
be due for researchers doing a trans-national mobility.

The various rates resulting from Tables 3.1 to 3.4 are for researchers devoting themselves
to their project on a full-time basis. In exceptional cases, where researchers, in agreement
with the host organisation, and with prior approval by the Commission, execute their
project on a part-time basis, the rates will apply proportionally, without the possibility
that the total amounts will exceed those that apply for full-time equivalent periods. The
same principle will also apply in case of split of a project into several distinct periods.

Table 3.1: Reference rates for monthly living allowances (cost of living index 100)25

Researchers Categories A (EUR/year) B (EUR/year)

Early-stage researchers 34 500 17 250
Experienced researchers (4-10 years experience) 53 000 26 500
Experienced researchers (>10 years experience) 79 500 39 750

This amount represents an increase of roughly 1,9% of the 2007 Work programme,
reflecting the average inflation in the EU during the intervening period as published by

Table 3.2. Travel allowances

Distance1 (km) Fixed-amount contribution (EUR)
< 500 250
500 – 1 000 500
1 000 – 1 500 750
1 500 – 2 500 1 000
2 500 – 5 000 1 500
5 000 – 10 000 2 000
>10 000 2 500
For researchers eligible to receive travel allowances, the allowance is based on the direct
distance (in a straight line) between the place of origin and the host institution of the
researcher, calculated on the basis of one payment for every period of 12 months or less,
when the first period or the last one is less than 12 months. Only one travel allowance
shall be paid per period of 12 months, independently of possible interruptions or stays
with different partners.

Rates for individual countries are obtained by applying to these rates the correction factors for cost of
living, as referred in Table 3.3

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FP7 'People' Work Programme
Table 3.3 Correction Coefficients – The EU-25 Member States26, 27
Austria 102,2 Estonia 76,5 Hungary 66,5 Luxembourg 100 Slovak Rep. 82,2
Belgium 100,0 Finland 112,0 Ireland 113,3 Malta 97,5 Slovenia 80,8
Cyprus 99,0 France 104,4 Italy 103,9 Netherlands 101,2 Spain 95,5
Czech Republic 77,2 Germany 101,5 Latvia 71,1 Poland 71,6 Sweden 108,9
Denmark 133,5 Greece 90,1 Lithuania 71,2 Portugal 91,4 UK 109,2

The non-EU Countries (and Romania and Bulgaria while in transition period for the calculation, and New Caledonia a French overseas territory)
Albania 82,7 Canada 90,6 Eritrea 49,4 Israel 109,6 Moldova 52,6 Rwanda 87,1 Thailand 60,3
Algeria 84,5 Cape Verde 77,4 Ethiopia 85,7 Jamaica 91,3 Morocco 86,8 Saudi Arabia 88,8 Togo 92,4
Angola 113,5 Cen African Rep. 120,1 Fiji 71,3 Japan (Naka) 113,7 Mozambique 69,3 Senegal 80,7 Trinidad & Tobago 70,4
Argentina 56,4 Chad 131,2 FYROM 69,7 Japan (Tokyo) 119,9 Namibia 72,8 Serbia 61,1 Tunisia 71,8
Armenia 105,7 Chile 76,6 Gabon 116,6 Jordan 72,3 Nepal 68,8 Sierra Leone 75,1 Turkey 83,7
Australia 99,1 China 76,7 Gambia 55,8 Kazakhstan 125,2 New Caledonia 134,5 Singapore 103,4 Uganda 55,5
Bangladesh 43,7 Colombia 63,2 Gaza Strip 92,7 Kenya 77,8 New Zealand 89,0 Solomon Islands 88,7 Ukraine 104,6
Barbados 125,7 Congo 130,4 Georgia 95,1 Kyrgyzstan 80,3 Nicaragua 60,7 South Africa 59,9 US 100,5
Benin 92,3 Costa Rica 69,1 Ghana 79,9 Laos 71,3 Niger 89,3 South Korea 112,4 Uruguay 72,9
Bolivia 48,4 Côte d’Ivoire 109,4 Guatemala 80,6 Lebanon 90,8 Nigeria 94,7 Sri Lanka 55,4 Vanuatu 114,5
Bosnia & Herzegovina Croatia 105,8 Guinea 56,4 Lesotho 61,8 Norway 131,7 Sudan 52,1 Venezuela 60,9
77,7 Cuba 97,1 Guinea-Bissau 100,7 Madagascar 72,3 Pakistan 52,2 Suriname 51,9 Vietnam 54,2
Botswana 62,1 Dem Rep Congo 132,4 Guyana 60,6 Malawi 70,4 Papua NewGuinea 75,6 Swaziland 62,6 West Bank 92,7
Brazil 76,2 Djibouti 96,8 Haiti 109,5 Malaysia 74,8 Paraguay 70,8 Switzerland 116,3 Yemen 68,2
Bulgaria 76,4 Dominican Rep. 71,9 Honduras 74,9 Mali 91,2 Peru 78,4 Syria 65,5 Zambia 69,3
Burkina Faso 89,7 Ecuador 70,8 Hong Kong 101,3 Mauritania 67,7 Philippines 60,2 Taiwan 89,9 Zimbabwe 47,2
Cambodia 70,4 Egypt 51,0 India 45,3 Mauritius 70,7 Romania 62,7 Tajikistan 70,2
Cameroon 110,1 El Salvador 86,4 Indonesia 83,9 Mexico 70,2 Russia 120,7 Tanzania 58,8

For the EU-25 Member States based on the Council Regulation No 1895/2006 of 19 Dec 2006 (OJ L397, 30.12.2006) page 6, adjusting the weightings applicable to the remuneration of officials of the European Communities. For
the other countries (and the most recent two EU Member States in transition) it is based on Council Regulation (EC) No 453/2007 of 25 April 2007 laying down the weightings applicable from 1 July 2006 to the
remuneration of officials of the European Communities. Please note that the basis of the calculation of the two sets of coefficients differ in detail)
For countries where the correction coefficient is not available (not indicated in the table, (eg Montenegro for which a survey is under way in the 2nd half of 2007), the Commission will decide on a case by case basis. For countries
where there are multiple entries, but none of them exactly match the location of the fellowship, then the lowest coefficient for that country will be applied. For Iceland the rate of Norway apply

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FP7 'People' Work Programme

Table 3.4. Structure of the Community contribution (For COFUND and IRSES, financial details are given in the text)
Eligible expenses for the activities carried out by the researchers Eligible expenses for the activities carried out by the host organisations
1.1 Action ITN

-A- -B- -C- - D– -E- -F - -G- -H- -I-

Monthly living and mobility Travel Career Contribution to the Contribution to the research/ Contribution to the organisation of Management Contribut Other
allowance Allowan explorato participation expenses of training /transfer of international conferences, workshops activities ion to types of
ce ry eligible researchers knowledge programme and events (including overheads eligible
allowance expenses audit expenses /
certification) specific
1- Monthly living Fixed Fixed Contribution managed by the Contribution to the host Contribution to the host institution for Maximum of 7 10 % of N/A
allowance: fixed amount as amount amount of hosting organisations for organisation for the execution of the organisation of international % of the total direct
specified in Table 3.1. For as EUR expenses related to the the training project (publication conferences, workshops and events open Community costs
researchers supported as specifie 2 000 for participation of eligible of vacant positions, internal joint to participants outside the network, contribution for except for
“visiting researcher” under d in each researchers to research and training actions, teaching including: organisational expenses networks and a subcontrac
this activity the reference Table researcher training activities (meeting and material, etc) and contribution to (invitation of keynote speakers, maximum of tors and
rates are 30% higher than the 3.2 with a conference attendance, the expenses related to the co- publications, rental of premises, web 3% for mono- the costs
rates applied to the stay of at participation in training actions, ordination between participants casting) and participation fees of eligible partner and of the
corresponding category of least one research costs, etc ): fixed (network meetings, detachment researchers from outside the network: twinning resources
experienced researcher in year amount of EUR 300 per of staff, etc): fixed amount of fixed amount of EUR 300 per researcher- made
Table 3.1. researcher-month, recruited for EUR 600 per researcher month day for researchers from outside the available
initial training, for non network, for the duration of the event by third
Marie Curie Initial Training Networks

2- Monthly mobility laboratory based research parties

allowance: fixed amount to training projects; EUR 600 per which are
cover expenses linked to the researcher-month, recruited for not used in
relocation of the researcher initial training, for laboratory the
and her/his family in the host based research training projects premises
country: reference rate of of the
EUR 500 for researchers beneficiar
without a family and EUR y.
800 for researchers with
family. The reference date for
the family situation is the
date of recruitment of the

The monthly living allowance

and the monthly mobility
allowance rates for individual
countries are obtained by
applying to these rates the
correction factor for the cost of
living as referred to in Table

Page 55 of 60
FP7 'People' Work Programme
Eligible expenses for the activities Eligible expenses for the activities carried out by the host organisations
carried out by the researchers
3.1 Action IAPP

-A- -B- -C- - D– -E- -F - -G- -H- -I-

Monthly living and Travel Career Contribution Contribution to the research/ Contribution to the Management Contrib Other types of eligible
mobility allowance Allowance exploratory to the training /transfer of organisation of international activities ution to expenses / specific
allowance participation knowledge programme conferences, workshops and (including overhea conditions
expenses of expenses events audit ds
eligible certification)
1- Monthly living Fixed N/A N/A Contribution to the host Contribution to the host Maximum 3 % 10 % of For participating SMEs
allowance: fixed amount as organisation for the execution of institution for the organisation of of the total direct only:
amount as specified in specified in the partnership international conferences, Community costs
Table 3.1. Table 3.2. project/programme (publication workshops and events open to contribution except Small equipment expenses up
of vacant positions, internal participants outside the for to a maximum of 10% of the
For seconded staff members

2- Monthly mobility training actions), participation of partnership, including: subcontr total contribution to the SME
allowance: fixed eligible researchers in research organisational expenses actors participant, if :
amount to cover and transfer of knowledge (invitation of keynote speakers, and the - duly justified for the project
expenses linked to the activities (research costs, publications, rental of premises, costs of - on the basis of real costs
relocation of the participation meeting and web casting) and participation the - on prior agreement by the
researcher and her/his conference attendance, etc) and fees of eligible researchers from resource Commission
Marie Curie Industry-Academia

family in the host contribution to the expenses outside the partnership: fixed s made
Partnerships and Pathways

country: reference rate related to the co-ordination amount of EUR 300 per availabl
of EUR 500 for between participants researcher-day for researchers e by
researchers without a (partnership meetings, from outside the partnership, for third
family and EUR 800 for detachment of staff, etc): fixed the duration of the event parties
researchers with family. amount of EUR 800 per which
The reference date for researcher month are not
the family situation is used in
the date recruitment of the
the researcher. Fixed premises
amount of of the
The monthly living EUR 2 000 benefici
allowance and the for each ary.
For newly recruited

monthly mobility researcher

allowance rates for with a stay .

individual countries are of at least

obtained by applying to one year
these rates the
correction factor for the
cost of living as referred
to in Table 3.3

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FP7 'People' Work Programme

Eligible expenses for the activities carried out by the researchers Eligible expenses for the activities carried out by the host organisations
2.1 Action IEF

-A- -B- -C- - D– -E- -F - -G- -H- -I-

Monthly living and Travel Career Contribution to the participation Contribution to Contribution to the Management Contribution to Other types of
mobility allowance Allowanc exploratory expenses of eligible researchers the research/ organisation of activities overheads eligible expenses /
e allowance training /transfer international (including audit specific conditions
of knowledge conferences, certification)
programme workshops and
expenses events
1- Monthly living Fixed Fixed Contribution managed by the hosting N/A N/A Maximum 3 % of 10 % of direct N/A
allowance: fixed amount amount as amount of organisations for expenses related to the the total costs except for
as specified in Table 3.1. specified EUR 2 000 participation of eligible researchers to Community subcontractors and
in Table for each research and training activities (meeting contribution the costs of the
2- Monthly mobility 3.2. researcher and conference attendance, participation resources made
allowance: fixed amount with a stay in training actions, research costs, etc ): available by third
Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships

to cover expenses linked to of at least fixed amount of EUR 500 per researcher- parties which are
the relocation of the one year month for non-laboratory based research not used in the
researcher and her/his projects ; EUR 800 per researcher-month premises of the
for Career Development

family in the host country: for laboratory based research projects beneficiary.
reference rate of EUR 500
for researchers without a .
family and EUR 800 for
researchers with family.
The reference date for the
family situation is the
relevant deadline for
submission of proposals.

The monthly living

allowance and the monthly
mobility allowance rates
for individual countries are
obtained by applying to
these rates the correction
factor for the cost of living
as referred to in Table 3.3.

Page 57 of 60
FP7 'People' Work Programme

Eligible expenses for the activities carried out Eligible expenses for the activities carried out by the host organisations
by the researchers
2.2/4.3Action ERG –

-A- B -C- - D– -E- -F - -G- -H- -I-


Monthly Travel Career Contribution to the Contribution to Contribution to the Management Contribution Other types of eligible expenses /
living and Allowance exploratory participation expenses the research/ organisation of activities (including to overheads specific conditions
mobility allowance of eligible researchers training /transfer international conferences, audit certification)
allowance of knowledge workshops and events
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Contribution managed by the hosting
2.2 Marie Curie

organisation for expenses related to the


integration of the researcher in the host


institution: fixed amount scheme (EUR

15 000) per researcher/year during the
period of reintegration up to a max. of
3 years.

N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Contribution managed by the hosting

organisation for expenses related to the

4.3 Marie

integration of the researcher in the host


institution: fixed amount scheme (EUR

25 000) per researcher/year during the
period of reintegration up to a max. of
4 years.

In cases of durations that are not a multiple of 12 months, the contribution will consist of monthly fixed amounts calculated as a proportion of the yearly amounts.
Page 58 of 60
FP7 'People' Work Programme

Eligible expenses for the activities Eligible expenses for the activities carried out by the host organisations
carried out by the researchers
4.1 Action IOF

-A- -B- -C- - D– -E- -F - -G- -H- -I-

Monthly living and Travel Allowance Career Contribution to the Contribution to Contribution to the Management Contribution to Other types of
mobility allowance explor participation expenses of the research/ organisation of activities (including overheads eligible expenses /
atory eligible researchers training /transfer international audit certification) specific conditions
allowa of knowledge conferences,
nce programme workshops and
expenses events
1- Monthly living Fixed amount as N/A Contribution managed by the N/A N/A Maximum 3 % of the 10 % of direct N/A
allowance: fixed amount as specified in Table hosting organisations for total Community costs except for
specified in Table 3.1. 3.2. expenses related to the contribution subcontractors and
participation of eligible the costs of the
2- Monthly mobility researchers to research and resources made
allowance: fixed amount to training activities (meeting available by third
cover expenses linked to the and conference attendance, parties which are
Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowships

relocation of the researcher participation in training not used in the

and her/his family in the actions, research costs, etc): premises of the
host country: reference rate fixed amount of EUR 500 per beneficiary.
of EUR 500 for researchers researcher-month for non-
without a family and EUR laboratory based research
for Career Development

800 for researchers with projects ; EUR 800 per

family. The reference date researcher-month for
for the family situation is laboratory based research
the relevant deadline for projects
submission of proposals.

The monthly living

allowance and the monthly
mobility allowance rates for
individual countries are
obtained by applying to
these rates the correction
factor for the cost of living
as referred to in Table 3..3

Reintegration phase: the

monthly mobility allowance
is not applicable in the case
of reintegration in the
researcher’s country of

Page 59 of 60
FP7 'People' Work Programme

Eligible expenses for the activities carried out by the researchers Eligible expenses for the activities carried out by the host organisations
4.2Action IIF

-A- -C- - D– -E- -F - -G- -H- -I–

Monthly living and mobility Career Contribution to the Contribution to Contribution to Management Contributi Other types of eligible
allowance Travel exploratory participation expenses of the research/ the organisation of activities on to expenses / specific
Allowanc allowance eligible researchers training /transfer international (including overheads conditions
e of knowledge conferences, audit
programme workshops and certification)
expenses events
Fixed N/A Contribution managed by the N/A N/A Maximum 3 % 10 % of N/A
1- Monthly living allowance: amount as hosting organisations for of the total direct costs
fixed amount as specified in Table specified expenses related to the Community except for
3.1. in Table participation of eligible contribution subcontract
3.2. researchers to research and ors and the
2- Monthly mobility allowance: training activities (meeting and costs of the
fixed amount to cover expenses conference attendance, resources
linked to the relocation of the participation in training actions, made
researcher and her/his family in the research costs, etc): fixed amount available
Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowships

host country: reference rate of EUR of EUR 500 per researcher- by third
Incoming phase

500 for researchers without a month for non-laboratory based parties

family and EUR 800 for research projects ; EUR 800 per which are
researchers with family. The researcher-month for laboratory not used in
reference date for the family based research projects the
situation is the relevant deadline for premises of
submission of proposals. the
The monthly living allowance and .
the monthly mobility allowance
rates for individual countries are .
obtained by applying to these rates
the correction factor for the cost of
living as referred to in Table 3.3.

N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Contribution managed by the
Possible return phase29

hosting organisation for

expenses related to the
integration of the researcher
in the host institution: fixed
amount scheme (EUR
15000) per researcher/year
during the period of
reintegration up to a max. of
1 year.

In cases of durations that are not a multiple of 12 months, the contribution will consist of monthly fixed amounts calculated as a proportion of the yearly amounts.

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