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Senate Budget Resolution

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Senate Resolution No.



SENATE RESOLUTION in response to the 2019-2020

Executive Budget submission (Legislative Bills
S1500B, S1501, S1503B, S1504B, S1505B, S1506B,
S1507B, S1508B, S1509B, and S1510B) to be adopted as
legislation expressing the position of the New York
State Senate relating to the 2019-2020 New York
State Budget

WHEREAS, It is the intent of the Legislature to effectuate the

timely passage of a State Budget; and

WHEREAS, It is the intent of the Legislature to engage in the Budget

Conference Committee process, which promotes increased participation by
the members of the Legislature and the public; and

WHEREAS, The Senate Finance Committee has conducted an extensive

study and review of the Governor's 2019-2020 Executive Budget submission
and has recommended proposed amendments to such Budget submission in the
above referenced Legislative Bills and Report on the Executive Budget;

WHEREAS, Article VII of the New York State Constitution provides the
framework under which the New York State Budget is submitted, amended
and enacted. The New York State Courts have limited the Legislature in
how it may change the appropriations bills submitted by the Governor.
The Legislature can delete or reduce items of appropriation contained in
the several appropriation bills submitted by the Governor in conjunction
with the Executive Budget, and it can add additional items of
appropriation to those bills provided that such additions are stated
separately and distinctly from the original items of the bill and refer
each to a single object or purpose; and

WHEREAS, An extensive study and review of the Governor's 2019-2020

Executive Budget submission has revealed that the construction of the
budget bills submitted to the Legislature by the Governor constrains the
Legislature in its ability to fully effectuate its intent in amending
the Governor's budget submission; and

WHEREAS, The Legislature has amended the Governor's 2019-2020

Executive Budget submission to the fullest extent possible within the
authority provided to it pursuant to Section 4 of Article VII of the New
York State Constitution; and

WHEREAS, The Senate, in addition to the Governor's 2019-2020

Executive Budget submission bills as amended by the Senate in the above
referenced legislative bills, does hereby provide its recommendations as
to provisions in the Governor's 2019-2020 Executive Budget submission
which reflect those items the Senate is constrained from effectuating as
amendments to the 2019-2020 Executive Budget appended hereto; and
WHEREAS, It is the intent of the Legislature that upon the passage
of the Governor's 2019- 2020 Executive Budget submission as amended by
the Senate, and the incorporated Report on the Amended Executive Budget

may provide a basis for both houses of the Legislature to convene

Committees on Conference pursuant to Joint Rule III of the Senate and
Assembly for the purpose of reconciling any differences between the
amendments to the Governor's budget as proposed by each house of the
Legislature; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That, the above referenced legislative bills

(Legislative Bills S1500B, S1501, S1503B, S1504B, S1505B, S1506B,

S1507B, S1508B, S1509B, and S1510B) be and are incorporated as part of
this resolution and are hereby adopted as the New York State
Legislature's budget proposal for the 2019-2020 New York State Budget.



The Senate denies with prejudice the following new language contained
within the body of various appropriations:
- Language included in S.1503-A (Aid to Localities)
authorizing the Budget Director to uniformly reduce certain
Local Assistance appropriations and disbursements by up to 3
percent to maintain a balanced budget if projected tax
receipts for SFY 2019-20 are reduced by more than $500
million from the Executive Budget projection.
- Numerous State Operations appropriations (S.1500-A) that
provide the Executive broad authority to shift resources
among departments, agencies or public authorities. While
existing State Finance Law authorizes some transfer,
interchange and suballocation authority, the new proposal
would significantly expand such flexibility to restructure
the Budget after enactment, potentially moving resources
from one area to completely different programs or purposes.
Any transfer of funds from State agencies to public
authorities could reduce oversight and control of such
- Language that would link State Operations and Aid to
Localities budgets for multiple purposes to the
Legislature's enactment of the Aid to Localities bill in an
amount deemed sufficient by the Director of Budget.
- Language that would propose a new process by which the
Executive would examine any bills passed after the enactment
of the State Budget, which impact state financial plan
assumptions. This language would divert from the Executive's
responsibility to approve or veto legislation and give
additional powers to the Director of the Budget.
- Language that would make funding for State Operations and
Capital Projects budgets contingent on the enactment of
separate Article VII legislation as outlined by the
While the Senate understands the Governor's responsibility to ensure New
York's budget is fiscally sound, it is equally important to ensure the
constitutional limits on the Executive's powers are not exceeded.
Failure to ensure reasonable limits on Executive authority would signal
an irreversible abrogation of our constitutionally guaranteed
legislative responsibility.

Adirondack Park Agency

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $4.6

Aging, Office for the

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive's All Funds recommendation
of $12.3 million by rejecting the increase of $250,000 for
training and case management.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive's All Funds recommendation
of $257.6 million by:
- Providing $1.25 million to restore the Cost of Living
Adjustment effective January 1, 2020;
- Restoring $250,000 to the Association of Aging to provide
training, education, and technical assistance to the area
agencies on aging;
- Providing $1 million for various not for profit senior
- Providing $775,000 to naturally occurring retirement
communities and neighborhood naturally occurring retirement
- Providing $750,000 to Community Services for the Elderly;
- Restoring $250,000 to Lifespan of Greater Rochester for
Statewide elder abuse initiatives;
- Restoring $100,000 to Statewide Senior Action Council; and
- Restoring $150,000 for LiveON NY.

Article VII Proposal (S.1507-B)

- PART U -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
place a per-unit premium cap of 20% above the wholesale
price on services delivered pursuant to private pay
protocols, and inserts language to ensure that low-income
recipients remain the highest priority for service delivery
from area agencies on aging and their contractors.
- NEW PART KK -- The Senate proposes language to increase the
statutory cap on naturally occurring retirement communities
(NORCs) from $200,000 per NORC to $300,000.
- New HMH PART NN -- The Senate inserts language to increase
the income cap on the EPIC program from $75,000 to $101,250
for individuals, and from $100,000 to $135,000 for married
couples. This language is in conjunction with the Senate's
appropriation to use EPIC savings to reinvest in higher
income bands and bolster public outreach.

Agriculture and Markets, Department of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$116.1 million.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $49.5

million by providing an additional $8.3 million for several
agricultural initiatives.

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation
of $9.4 million as follows:
- Adds $5 million for local County fair capital costs; and
- Adds $5 million for a competitive grant program for animal

Alcoholic Beverage Control, Division of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $48.7
million as follows:
- Provides $500,000 for the licensing and wholesaler services
program; and
- Rejects without prejudice the Cannabis Management Program
resulting in a savings of $35.4 million

Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services, Office of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive's All Funds
recommendation of $138.2 million.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive's All Funds recommendation
of $574.1 million by:
- Providing $15 million for prevention, treatment, and
recovery services;
- Providing $3 million to restore the Cost of Living
Adjustment effective January 1, 2020;
- Providing $1 million for services and expenses of the New
York City Department of Education related to the hiring of
additional substance abuse prevention and intervention
- Providing an additional $3.4 million for the Jail Based and
Substance Use Disorder services;
- Providing $750,000 to develop and implement a loan
forgiveness and scholarship program to recruit and retain
staff into the OASAS prevention, treatment and recovery
service system; and
- Providing $600,000 for Save the Michael's.
Capital Projects (S.1504-B)
- The Senate modifies the Executive's recommendation of $90
million to provide an additional $10 million for the
expansion of heroin and opiate support and services.

Article VII Proposal (S.1507-B)

- PART BB, SUBPART A - The Senate supports mental health and
substance use disorder health insurance parity. The Senate
modifies the Executive proposal as follows:
- With respect to in-patient treatment for substance use
disorder, to prohibit concurrent review for the first 28
days of in-patient treatment for substance use disorder;

require periodic consultation with the insurer at or just

prior to the 14th day of inpatient admission; and require
the treatment facility to provide to the patient and insurer
a written discharge plan prior to discharge; and
- With respect to outpatient treatment for substance use
disorder, to prohibit concurrent review for the first four
weeks (not to exceed 28 visits) of treatment, and require
periodic consultation with the insurer at or just prior to
the fourteenth day of treatment.

Audit and Control, Department of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $330.7
million as follows:
- $4 million increase to support additional investments and
customer service staff for the Common Retirement Fund, which
would be paid out of the resources of such Fiduciary Fund.
- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to include new
auditing authority within the appropriation language.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $32

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $8.19
million as follows:
- $5 million increase for information technology
infrastructure upgrades including the purchase of computing
capacity, solid state storage and backup capability.

Article VII Proposal (S.1508-B)

- NEW PART TT -- The Senate advances language to expand the
Comptroller's capability to pre-audit certain contracts let
by SUNY, CUNY, SUNY Construction Fund, CUNY Construction and
the SUNY Research Foundation.

Budget, Division of the

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation
of $49.2 million as follows:
- Restores $469,000 for fees for the Council of State
- Restores $48,000 for fees for the National Conference of
State Legislatures; and
- Restores $10,000 for fees for the National Conference of
Insurance Legislators.

Children and Family Services, Office of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $494.3 million, an increase of $14.9
million or 3.1 percent from SFY 2018-19 levels.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds

recommendation of $3.2 billion, a decrease of $201.6 million
or 5.9 percent from SFY 2018-19 levels, with the following
- Provides $20 million in additional funding for child care
- Provides $10 million for grants to local Social Services
Districts for planning and establishment of Family Support
Centers for youth at risk of being, alleged or adjudicated
to be, juvenile delinquents or persons in need of
supervision, and their families;
- Provides $7.9 million for various non-profit human services
organizations; and
- Provides $3.8 million to restore the Human Services COLA in
the last quarter of State Fiscal Year 2019-20.
- Provides funding for the following programs:
- $2 million in additional funding for Child Advocacy Centers;
- $1.3 million for 2-1-1;
- $1.0 million for Runaway and homeless youth
- $750,000 in additional funding for the Youth Development
- $750,000 for the New York State Alliance of Boys and Girls
- $600,000 for New Alternatives for Children;
- $500,000 for the child care facilitated enrollment
demonstration project in New York City, plus an additional
$600,000 for Richmond County for a total of $1.1 million;
- $500,000 for the child care facilitated enrollment
demonstration project in Erie County, plus an additional
$200,000 for a total of $700,000;
- $500,000 for the child care facilitated enrollment
demonstration project in Onondaga County, plus an additional
$200,000 for a total of $700,000;
- $500,000 for the child care facilitated enrollment
demonstration in Suffolk County;
- $400,000 for the New York State YMCA Foundation;
- $150,000 for the American Legion Boys' State program; and
- $50,000 for Helen Keller Services for the Blind.

Miscellaneous Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $200 million for Raise the Age, an
increase of $100 million or 100 percent from SFY 2018-19
levels, with the following modification.
- The Senate strongly encourages the state to fully fund the
implementation of Raise the Age in every local Social
Services District.

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $43.5 million, a decrease of $50 million
or 53.1 percent from SFY 2018-19 levels.

Article VII Proposal (S.1506-B)

- PART H -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to amend
child care inspection, training and background requirements.
The Senate recognizes the need for timely resolution of this
matter, and is committed to reaching agreement.

- PART I -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to

authorize background checks for current and prospective
employees of residential foster care programs.
- PART K -- The Senate believes that diversion services must
remain intact for youth and their families, in an effort to
avert interactions with the justice system and believes that
the Executive should provide more resources and preventive
services for the youth of New York State. The Senate
modifies the Executive proposal regarding treatment of
Persons in Need of Supervision (PINS) as follows:
- Accepts the prohibition on detention for PINS;
- Removes the proposed carve-out language regarding a
"sexually-exploited child" and reverts back to the current
definition; and
- Provides discretion to the judge and local commissioner of
social services to order placement in foster care, if deemed
- PART M, SUBPART A -- The Senate rejects the Executive
proposal authorizing the appointment of a temporary operator
for foster care agencies.

City University of New York (CUNY)

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $2.8
billion as follows:
- Restores $4.68 million for the Search for Education,
Elevation, and Knowledge (SEEK) opportunity program;
- Restores $1.33 million for the CUNY School of Labor & Urban
Studies; and
- Provides an additional $5 million in operating support to
assist with decreased revenue resulting from tuition credits
applied toward tuition.
Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)
- The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $1.6
billion as follows:
- Provides an additional $3 million for community college base
aid, a $50 per FTE increase from $2,847 to $2,897;
- Restores $451,000 for child care centers;
- Restores $2.5 million for the Accelerated Study and
Associate Program (ASAP);
- Restores $225,400 for the College Discovery Program; and
- Rejects $2 million for the Family Empowerment Pilot Program.

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$389.5 million.

Civil Service, Department of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$56.7 million.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $2

Article VII Proposal (S.1505-B)

- PART E: The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
protect the personal privacy of union members.
- PART F: The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to extend
for three years certain binding arbitration provisions.
- PART LL: The Senate rejects the Executive proposal relating
to continuous recruitment exams.
- PART MM: The Senate rejects the Executive proposal relating
to non-competitive and labor class promotional exams.
- PART NN: The Senate rejects the Executive proposal relating
to salary protection for provisional employees.
- NEW PART VV -- The Senate advances language to increase the
number of alternate physicians on the medical board of the
New York City Employees' Retirement System.
- NEW PART WW -- The Senate advances language to clarify
coverage for unlimited line-of-duty leave for 9/11 first
responders who have developed a qualifying world trade
center illness and to provide that public employers shall
not take adverse employment actions against those
individuals seeking to utilize such line-of duty sick leave.
- NEW PART XX -- The Senate advances language to require that
state agencies conduct a cost-benefit analysis on contracts
for consultant services to determine whether the contract
can be performed at a lower cost by utilizing state

Commission of Correction, State

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $3 million.

Corrections, and Community Supervision, Department of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation
of $2.83 billion as follows:
- The Senate denies, without prejudice, the $21.5 million
savings from the reduction in personal services and
contractual services; and
- The Senate directs the Department to develop a plan that
will limit the use of segregated confinement. The Senate
concurs with the Executive's $14.2 million increase in
funding to support the development of new rehabilitative
programs and additional staffing. The Senate directs the
Department to use this funding to provide individuals that
are incarcerated adequate daily programming and training for
all employees to ensure they are safe and capable of
fulfilling their duties.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation
of $29.5 million as follows:
- Provides $1 million to support expansion of visitation

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds

recommendation of $497 million.

Article VII Proposal (S.1505-B)

- PART JJ -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
reform the use of segregated confinement in correctional
facilities. The Senate is committed to curtailing the use of
segregated confinement of incarcerated individuals and
providing meaningful rehabilitative programming in state and
local correctional facilities.
- PART KK -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
expand access to the shock incarceration program.
- PART TT -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal
authorizing the Governor to close three undisclosed state
correctional facilities with limited notice to the
Legislature. The Senate supports reducing New York's
incarcerated population and does not oppose justifiable
prison closures. However, the Senate believes that
meaningful advance notice of and justification for
specifically identified prison closures is essential to
thoughtful planning of such closures and for constructive
reuse of facilities.

Council on the Arts

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $4.4

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$42.5 million.

Article VII Proposal (S.1506-B)

- PART F -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
restructure the arts capital revolving loan fund from a loan
to a grant awarded to art organizations by the New York
State Council on the Arts (NYSCA).

Criminal Justice Services, Division of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$84.3 million.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$191.4 million with the following modifications:
- Modifies the Executive recommendation, without prejudice,
related to the Federal Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant
(JAG) appropriation. Alternatively the Senate requests that
the Byrne/JAG program be allocated as it has been in
previous years;
- Modifies the $10 million for gang violence prevention to
assure funding is allocated to Long Island and other
municipalities with high needs;
- Modifies the S.N.U.G programs appropriation to clarify
funding shall go to the continuation or expansion of

existing programs and expansion of new programs statewide,

including in the City of Newburgh and Queens;
- Restores $5.5 million for services and expenses of services
and expenses of programs that provide civil legal services;
- Adds $ 1.5 million for services and expenses of programs to
prevent gun violence, reduce recidivism, and help at risk
- Restores $1.5 million related to the Legal Service
Assistance Account for services and expenses or
reimbursement of expenses incurred by local government
agencies and/or not-for-profit providers or their employees
providing civil or criminal legal services;
- Restores $1.625 million to support programs and services,
including counseling, to prevent domestic violence and
support survivors of domestic violence and their families;
- Restores $2.5 million for payment of state aid for
Westchester county policing program.

Article VII Proposals (S.1505-B)

- PART O -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal
relating to extending various provisions related to public
protection by limiting all extensions to one year.
- PART P -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to enact
the Child Victims Act. The Legislature passed, and the
Executive signed, the Child Victims Act.
- PART Q -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to limit
application of the extreme emotional disturbance defense to
murder in the second degree, which should be addressed
outside the budget.
- PART R -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
extend the provisions of the rape shield law, which should
be addressed outside the budget.
- PART S -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
establish criminal penalties and civil remedies for
disseminating an intimate image without the consent of the
subject of the image. The Legislature has passed a similar
proposal, which awaits action by the Executive.
- PART T -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
eliminate the statute of limitations for rape in the second
degree and rape in the third degree, which should be
addressed outside the budget.
- PART U -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to enact
the Domestic Violence Survivors Justice Act. The Senate
remains committed to ensuring access to justice for
survivors of domestic violence, and this issue should be
addressed outside the budget.
- PART V -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
increase criminal penalties for assaults on journalists.
- PART W -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
eliminate all references to the death penalty, which should
be addressed outside the budget.
- PART X -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
prohibit rapid-fire modification devices. The Legislature
has passed a measure to prohibit devices that accelerate the
rate of fire of semi-automatic firearms, which awaits action
by the Executive.

- PART Y -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to

extend the time period during which a background check must
pass the National Instant Criminal Background Check System
before a firearm can be delivered to a purchaser. The
Legislature has passed a similar proposal, which awaits
action by the Executive.
- PART Z -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
establish extreme risk protection orders as a court-issued
order of protection prohibiting a person from purchasing,
possessing or attempting to purchase or possess a firearm,
rifle or shotgun. The Legislature passed, and the Executive
signed, legislation to establish extreme risk protection
- PART AA -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
establish various pretrial criminal justice reforms. The
Senate is strongly committed to passing a comprehensive
package that includes cashless bail, discovery reform, and
speedy trials into law.
- PART EE -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
enact certain reforms to grand jury procedure, which should
be addressed outside the budget.
- PART II -- The Senate concurs in part, and denies in part,
the Executive proposal to consider past contact with the
criminal justice system in occupational licensing, and the
parole eligibility of certain individuals. The Senate
concurs with the general proposals put forward by the
Executive but rejects the Executive proposal to allow for
parole consideration for certain incarcerated individuals.
- PART OO -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
reduce the maximum sentence for class A misdemeanors by one
- PART PP -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
restrict forfeiture actions, create greater accountability
for seized assets, and require reporting of certain
demographic data.
- PART RR -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
require reports on the discharge of a firearm and require
the establishment of a model law enforcement use of force
- PART UU -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
reorganize the statute granting peace officer powers to
various groups and organizations throughout the state.

Article VII Proposal (S.1508-B)

- PART II -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
expand protections for additional transportation workers and
protect against work zone intrusion to incorporate
additional highway inspector and DMV examiner positions into
the proposed protections.

Deferred Compensation Board

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York

Article VII Proposal (S.1508-B)

- PART A -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
clarify the Dormitory Authority's (DASNY) ability to finance
health care projects under the Health Care Financing
Consolidation Act and DASNY's authorizing statute.
- PART B -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to make
permanent the authorization for the Dormitory Authority of
the State of New York to enter into certain design and
construction management agreements by providing for a
two-year extension of such authorization.
- PART C -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
authorize the Atlantic Avenue Healthcare Property Holding
Corporation to sell, exchange, transfer, lease and convey
real property located in Brooklyn, New York. The Senate
advances language to treat any projects resulting from the
sale, exchange, transfer, lease or conveyance of the real
property as public works projects, and to require
legislative approval for the sale, exchange, transfer, lease
or conveyance of said property.

Economic Development, Department of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$26.7 million.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $61.7
million by providing an increase of $18.3 million in
funding, including the following restorations and additions
- $9.6 million for additional funding for Centers of
Excellence (COE), to provide $1.5 million for each COE; and
- $8.7 million for additional funding for Centers for Advanced
Technology (CAT), to provide $1.5 million for each CAT.

Education Department, New York State

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$610.9 million with the following modifications:
- Rejects language linking enactment of the Aid to Localities
budget bill to the funding of State Operations;
- Maintains support for the oversight of proprietary and
vocational schools; and
- Maintains support for state monitors in the East Ramapo
Central School District.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$36.34 billion, with the following modifications:
- Increases School Aid by $1.62 billion or 6.0% above the
2018-19 school year;
- Increases Foundation Aid by $1.2 billion or 6.8%;
- Fully funds expense-based aids at the current law level of
$342 million;
- Provides flexibility for Community School Funding;

- Provides $25 million in additional grants to school

districts to support English Language Learner students; and
- Increases Supplemental Educational Improvement Grants by
$4.25 million above the 2018-19 school year.
- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of:
- $47 million for Empire State After-School programs, with a
$4 million set-aside dedicated to programs on Long Island;
- $35 million for unrestricted aid to private not-for-profit
institutions (Bundy Aid);
- $24.9 million for support of students in New York City
charter schools;
- $24.3 million for extended day and school violence
prevention programs;
- $18 million for My Brother's Keeper grants;
- $17.2 million to support minimum wage;
- $14 million for Public Broadcasting Aid;
- $10 million for increased reimbursement for in-state school
meal procurement;
- $6.7 million increase for nonpublic schools for mandated
- $5.8 million to subsidize Advanced Placement and
International Baccalaureate exam fees for low-income
- $1.87 million for small government assistance grants;
- $1.5 million to provide refugee and immigrant student
welcome grants, with $500,000 dedicated to high-need school
districts on Long Island;
- $1.5 million to increase access to mental health services;
- $1 million to support the creation of additional Recovery
High Schools;
- $750,000 for Farm to School Programs;
- $500,000 to increase access to advanced coursework; and
- $500,000 for gang prevention grants.
- The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation by
- $30 million for STEM teachers in nonpublic schools;
- $20 million in additional funding to support schools placed
under receivership;
- $20 million for expanded pre-kindergarten grants, $5 million
above the Executive;
- $4.1 million to schools for the blind and deaf (4201
- $3 million in additional funding to independent living
- $2 million for new Early College High School programs;
- $1.5 million in additional reimbursement to the East Ramapo
Central School District;
- $996,000 in additional funding to non-public schools for
student immunization record keeping; and
- $400,000 for BioBus mobile science lab.
- The Senate rejects the Executive recommendation of the
following in favor of a larger Foundation Aid increase:
- $3 million for alternative discipline grants;
- $3 million for We Teach New York;
- $1.5 million for master teacher awards;
- $1.5 million for the expanded math access program;
- $1 million for the advanced courses access program; and
- $200,000 for the NYS Youth Council.

- The Senate includes the following modifications to the

Executive recommendation by restoring:
- $9.98 million for Teacher Resource and Computer Training
- $5 million and adds $1.0 million in aid to public libraries;
- $5.9 million and adds $575,000 for the Higher Education
Opportunity Program (HEOP);
- $4.5 million for the Foster Youth Initiative Program;
- $3.1 million for the Liberty Partnerships Program;
- $2.6 million for the Science and Technology Entry Program
- $2 million for the Collegiate Science and Technology Entry
Program (C-STEP);
- $1.5 million for Adult Literacy Education programs;
- $1.5 million for the Consortium for Worker Education;
- $903,000 for the Henry Viscardi School;
- $903,000 for the New York School for the Deaf;
- $500,000 for the Mill Neck Manor School for the Deaf;
- $500,000 for the Consortium for Worker Education Enhanced
Credentials Initiative;
- $500,000 for the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities;
- $500,000 for the New York City Community Learning Schools
Initiative; and
- $475,000 for professional development of school

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$101.2 million, with the following modifications:
- Restores $20 million for Library Construction;
- Concurs with $7.2 million for E-Licensing at SED;
- Concurs with $30 million to support projects at schools for
the blind and deaf; and
- Concurs with $25 million to support safety and security
projects at nonpublic schools, community centers, and day
care facilities at risk of hate crimes.

Article VII Proposals (S.1506-B)

- PART A -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to:
- Discontinue the Contract for Excellence program;
- Deny the Executive proposal to require districts to set
aside a portion of their Foundation Aid increase to schools
selected by the Division of Budget;
- Repeal current law that requires school districts to submit
school level funding plans that are duplicative with
requirements under the Federal Every Student Succeeds Act;
- Deny the Executive proposal to change the personal income
growth index to a 10-year average;
- Provide a three-year phase-in of Foundation Aid;
- Accept the proposal to extend mayoral control and
accountability of New York City schools for three years.
The Senate is further committed to holding public hearings
and other informational forums throughout the City of New
York to assess the effectiveness of mayoral control of the
New York City School District and hear stakeholders on the
ways to address the inequalities in our schools, ensure the
voices of parents are included and improve student
performance and outcome. For each of the 3 years the

provisions of the mayoral control are extended. Until June

30, 2022, the Education Committee will prepare and make
public a report of the findings and recommendations of such
- Deny the limitation on building aid reimbursement;
- Deny the consolidation of expense-based aids;
- Provide a five-year extension of the universal full-day
pre-kindergarten program;
- Deny the freezing of school aid claims based on the November
- Deny the allowance of school districts, private school, or
BOCES to apply for waivers from certain special education
- Deny the annual professional performance review reforms, and
urges the enactment of these reforms as the Legislature has
already passed this bill through both houses;
- Deny the requirement that school districts conduct
duplicative reporting on their uses of federal McKinney
Vento funding;
- Modify the Executive proposal to establish healthy
relationships education instruction program, by limiting the
opt out provisions;
- Deny the proposal to require districts to adopt a policy on
sexual discrimination, as this is already current law;
- Increase the allocation for Consortium for Worker Education;
- Extend teacher certification provisions for the Statewide
Universal Full Day Prekindergarten Program for one year; and
- Extend reimbursement to the East Ramapo Central School
District to support students attending public schools in
such district.
- NEW PART A-1 -- The Senate proposes language to:
- Modify the Executive Foundation Aid formula recommendation;
- Provide amnesty for building aid penalties;
- Provide amnesty for transportation aid penalties;
- Apply prior year adjustments toward state aid recoveries;
- Increase the funding rate for 853 schools, 4410 schools, and
Special Act school districts by at least four percent;
- Increases the limit of certain funding by the dormitory
authority for financing of capital facilities for
state-supported schools for blind and deaf students;
- Increase the statutory cap on BOCES district superintendent
- Increase the aidable salaries for staff providing career and
technical education services through BOCES;
- Phase-in reimbursement for ninth graders in Special Services
Aid for non-component school districts;
- Ensure that employees of school bus contractors in New York
City would be provided employee protection provisions under
certain conditions;
- Accelerate reimbursement to school districts for
supplemental charter tuition for the 2019-20 school year;
- Allow school districts to establish reserve funds for
Teacher Retirement System expenses within their existing
State and Local Employees' Retirement System reserve fund;
- Stagger building condition surveys over a five-year period;

- Allow school districts that have tax certiorari judgments

that exceed the amount of the district's annual budget to
receive Building Aid for the bonded payment.
- PART B -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal
related to ownership of accounting firms.
- PART C -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal
allowing school districts to purchase school bus stop arm
cameras, to require such cameras be reimbursable through
state aid.
- PART E -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
require proprietary educational institutions to comply with
additional regulations. The Senate supports the protection
of students from predatory practices and plans to hold a
hearing to further study this issue.
- PART S -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
extend anti-discrimination protections in the Human Rights
Law to students who attend public educational institutions.
- PART Y -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
prohibit sexual orientation change efforts by mental health
care professionals as this proposal has already been enacted
as Chapter 7 of the Laws of 2019.
- NEW PART CC -- The Senate advances language requiring health
care professionals to provide and the department to collect
information during their registration about the practice of
their professions.
- NEW PART EE -- The Senate advances legislation to allow
certain audiologists to sell hearing aids.
- NEW PART GG -- The Senate advances legislation that would
extend the exemption of the School Construction Authority
from the Wicks Law for an additional five years.

Elections, State Board of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation
of $11.56 million as follows:
- Provides $3 million in additional operating funds for the

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate provides $10 million in funding for early voting
and other voting reforms.

Empire State Development Corporation

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $89.6
million as follows:
- Provides $840,000 in funding for the following restorations:
- $365,000 in additional funding for the Minority and Women
Owned Business Development and Lending Program;
- $300,000 in additional funding for the Federal Community
Development Financial Institutions Program. The Senate
supports evaluating further programs that would steer state
and local dollars to community banks and credit unions,
which would help provide additional lending access to
underserved communities; and
- $175,000 in new funding for a design competition to replace
the Buffalo Skyway.

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $820
million to include appropriation language requiring that
each Empire State Development Corporation capital project
appropriation and reappropriation be subject to additional
accountability and transparency measures such as independent
comptroller review of contracts. The Senate further supports
adding a component to economic development awards that would
require the grantee to provide for internship programs as
part of overall programs.

Article VII Proposal (S.1508-B)

- PART Y -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
extend for one year the general loan powers of UDC.
- PART Z -- The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to
extend the authorization of the NYS Urban Development
Corporation to administer the Empire State Economic
Development Fund.
- PART AA -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
update provisions of law relating to participation by
minority and women-owned business enterprises (MWBE) in
state contracts based upon the 2016 Disparity Study.
- NEW PART SS -- The Senate advances language to create a new
Database of Deals to improve State economic development
transparency and accountability.

Employee Relations, Office of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $8.7

Energy Research and Development Authority

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$17.7 million.

Article VII Proposal (S.1508-B)

- PART U -- The Senate rejects the Executive's proposed
language committing $10 million of utility assessments to
the Electric Generation Facility Cessation Mitigation Fund,
and would instead provide a $24 million transfer from the
General Fund. The Senate believes a comprehensive solution
is needed to manage the needs of communities facing a
significant loss of income from the closure of power plants
and tax certiorari proceedings.
- PART W -- The Senate concurs with the Executive's
recommendation to continue an assessment on gas and electric
corporations to fund the New York State Research and
Development Authority and certain programs administered by
the Department of Environmental Conservation and the
Department of Agriculture and Markets.

Environmental Conservation, Department of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$459.7 million.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation by adding
$2 million in local assistance for Senate environmental

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation
of $1.3 billion as follows:
- Rejects language authorizing amounts appropriated in the
Environmental Protection Fund for the use of personal
service expenses;
- Adds $2 billion for a total of $2.5 billion over a
multi-year period for clean water infrastructure projects
such as improvements to solid waste management facilities,
intermunicipal infrastructure projects, projects to address
emerging contaminants, water quality improvement projects,
concentrated animal feeding operations, septic system
replacement, and projects to address issues on Long Island;
- Amends the Environmental Protection Fund to provide
additional funds for a number of Senate environmental
priorities including:
- $1.5 million for a total of $16.5 million for zoos,
botanical gardens, and aquaria;
- $2 million for a total of $19 million for farmland
- $200,000 for a total of $1.7 million for greenhouse gas
management; and
- $2.1 million for farmland conservation planning.

Article VII Proposal (S.1508-B)

- PART E -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
eliminate the sunset on the Waste Tire Management Program.
The Senate proposes to provide funds to the Department of
Agriculture & Markets for the purpose of assisting farmers
utilizing waste tires in agriculture practices, and further,
to preclude recoupment of abatement costs at farms.
- PART F -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
expand the Bottle Bill. The Senate seeks a workable solution
to support redemption, recycling, the reduction of material
in the waste stream and to work towards consensus with the
relevant stakeholders.
- PART G -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to allow
the Department of Environmental Conservation to accept
private gifts and partner with private entities.
- PART H -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to ban
plastic bags. The Senate accepts the general ban on plastic
bags but includes a fee on paper carryout bags and allocates
fees to alleviate the potential burden on disparately
impacted communities. It is important that the final
agreed-upon language ensure that reusable bags are
distributed to those who cannot afford new fees on grocery
bag purchases.

- PART I -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to ban

offshore drilling. The Legislature has passed a bill to
address this issue and the Governor should act on this bill
as soon as possible.
- PART J -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
allow the Department of Environmental Conservation to
provide hearing notices for wetlands mapping updates by
standard mail.
- PART K -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
require ingredient disclosure and product labelling for
consumer products and personal care products to include an
initial list of substances that will be subject to
disclosure and labelling requirements.
- PART X -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal referred
to as the "Climate Leadership Act." The Senate understands
the importance of comprehensively addressing climate change
across all sectors of the economy, with an emphasis on
environmental justice. The Senate will provide focused
attention to this issue outside of the budget.
- NEW PART UU -- The Senate advances new language requiring
food scraps generators of a certain size to separate, store,
and transport food scraps to an organics recycler.

Executive Chamber

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$17.85 million.

Financial Services, Department of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$379.64 million.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $58.91 million.

Article VII Proposal (S.1508-B)

- PART L -- The Senate modifies the Executive Budget proposal
to extend the licensing provision to include and apply to
Federal Loan Servicers, who occupy almost 90% of the student
loan market, as embodied by Senate Bill 1958.

Gaming Commission

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive appropriation
recommendation of $113.5 million.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive appropriation
recommendation of $295 million.

General Services, Office of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of

$1.03 billion.

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $204
million as follows:
- Provides $5 million for capital improvements and
preservation at the State Capitol.

Article VII Proposal (S.1505-B)

- PART L -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
extend for five years the provisions of the Service Disabled
Veteran Owned Business Development Program.
- PART HH -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal by
extending current emergency construction authority for two
years, adding provisions against pay to play, and
strengthening insurance requirements for bidders.

General State Charges

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $6.02
billion as follows:
- Restores $2.9 million to deny the elimination of the Income
Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA) for retired state
employees; and
- Restores $2.3 million to deny the cap on the State's
reimbursement of the Medicare Part B Premiums for retired
state employees.
- Rejects $5.0 million for services and expenses relating to
the costs of outside legal services.

Article VII Proposals (S.1505-B)

- PART A -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
implement differential health care premiums based on years
of service.
- PART B -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
eliminate reimbursement for Income Related Monthly
Adjustment Amounts (IRMAA).
- PART C -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
freeze the reimbursement of the Standard Medicare PART B
premium paid to eligible NYSHIP retirees and their
dependents at $134 monthly.
- PART D -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
convert the current legal rate of interest, from nine
percent per annum to a market rate of the weekly average
one-year constant maturity treasury yield.
- PART DD -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
increase the biennial attorney registration fee and the
Office of Court Administration criminal history search fee.

Green Thumb

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$3.56 million.

Greenway Heritage Conservancy of the Hudson River Valley

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of

Health, Department of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive's All Funds
recommendation of $3.595 billion.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

Public Health
- The Senate rejects the Executive's recommendation to reduce
Department of Health's General Public Health Work
Reimbursement to New York City from 36 percent to 20 percent
and restores $26.85 million.
- The Senate restores funding as follows:
- $1 million for the Comprehensive Care Centers for Eating
Disorders (CCCED) for a total of $1.18 million;
- $1.4 million for Community Health Advocates, and provides
additional funding of $600,000;
- $3.8 million for School Based Health Clinics;
- $525,000 for additional community service programs increased
demands of HIV education, prevention, outreach, legal and
supportive services;
- $500,000 for Family Planning Grants;
- $725,000 New York Alliance for Donation;
- $225,000 for Center for Liver Transplant;
- $450,000 for New York Center for Kidney Transplants;
- $3 million for Nurse Family Partnership Program;
- $1 million for Lyme and Tick Borne Diseases;
- $1 million for Women's Health Initiatives;
- $500,000 for Diversity in Medicine Program;
- $227,000 for the Maternity and Early Childhood Foundation,
and provides additional funding of $143,000;
- $225,000 for the Alzheimer's Disease Research Resource
Center, Inc.;
- $2 million for the Rural Health Care services and programs;
- $500,000 for Opioid Alternative Project.
- The Senate provides funding as follows:
- $2.75 million for public health programs including Sickle
Cell, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Lupus, ALS, and other
community providers;
- $1 million for Lead Risk Reduction Initiatives;
- $16 million for grants to not-for-profit organizations that
provide primary and preventative reproductive health care;
- $5 million to increase the state share of Supplemental
Security Income effective January 1, 2020. This represents
the first year of a five year commitment to increase the
state share for Supplemental Security Income in adult care
- $1 million for LGBT Health and Human Services Network; and
- $250,000 for the New York State Dental Association's
charitable grant program.
- The Senate strongly opposes the Governor's reprogramming of
the Healthcare Facility Transformation money that was meant

to provide much needed relief to hospitals and nursing

homes. The Senate is committed to ensuring that funds
deposited into the Healthcare Facility Transformation Fund
are used to fund commitments made by the Executive to
support health care delivery in the State.
- The Senate restores $2 million in Elderly Pharmaceutical
insurance coverage savings and directs the Department to
reinvest to increase eligibility and increase awareness
through public awareness.

- The Senate rejects the Executive's pharmacy proposals to:
- Reduce coverage for over the counter drugs and increase the
copay from $.50 to $1 and restores $12.3 million; and
- Eliminate prescriber prevails for fee for service and
managed care and restores $18.7 million.
- The Senate rejects the Executive's long term care proposals
- Eliminate spousal refusal provisions and restores $5.9
million; and
- Establish per member per month payment for fiscal
intermediaries and restores $75 million.
- The Senate rejects the Executive's managed care proposals
- Limit payments made for dual-eligible recipients of both
Medicare and Medicaid and restores $17.5 million; and
- Address additional Office of Medicaid Inspector General
recoveries and restores $4.1 million.
- The Senate rejects the Executive's transportation proposals
- Carve transportation out of managed long term care and into
fee for service and restores $6.4 million;
- Require Adult Day Home Care program transportation to be
managed by the state's contracted transportation manager and
restores $4.1 million;
- Eliminate Rural Transit Assistance and restores $4 million;
- Eliminate supplemental ambulance rebate payments and
restores $3 million; and
- Reduction of NYC Livery rate and restores $6.1 million.
- The Senate rejects the Executive's proposals to:
- Eliminate population health improvement program and restores
$7.75 million;
- Redeploy healthcare transformation funding and restore $222
- Across the board cut to Medicaid and restores $190.2
million; and
- Reduce Indigent Care payments to major voluntary hospitals
and restores $137.8 million.
- The Senate advances language to:
- Allow Medicaid to reimburse for medically tailored meals and
medical nutrition therapy, generating a net savings of $2.25
- Implement expedited Medicaid review for applicants in need
of hospice, generating a net savings of $2.0 million;
- Provide for home care asthma management, generating net
savings of $13.0 million;

- Expedite the public needs analysis by which the demand for

Assisted Living Program Beds is determined for a savings of
$6.3 million;
- Implement a supplemental payment program for public
ambulance services for a savings of $14 million; and
- Ensure third party health insurers may not deny claims based
solely on lack of prior authorization for a savings of $50
- The Senate provides $20 million for the Diagnostic and
Treatment Center Safety Net Pool.

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive's All Funds
recommendation of $202.9 million with the following
- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to award $300
million made available under to applications already
submitted under Statewide II Health Care Facility from the
Statewide III Health Care Facility Transformation Program to
preserve the carve-outs for specific providers.
Additionally, the Senate modifies language to clarify that a
minimum of $20 million of the remaining $225 million in
capital funds from SFY 2018-19 available to previous health
care facilities applicants must be attributed to Assisted
Living Programs.

Article VII Proposal (S.1507-B)

- PART A -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal in
regards to transportation related Medicaid Redesign Team
- The Senate modifies the Executive Proposal to allow managed
long-term care plans and Adult Day Health Care programs the
option to continue to arrange transportation directly and
not utilize the State's transportation manager; and
- The Senate rejects the Executive recommendation to:
- Eliminate supplemental rate payments, and
- Eliminate transit assistance paid to rural counties.
- PART B -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal in
regards to pharmaceutical related Medicaid Redesign Team
- The Senate rejects the Executive recommendation to:
- reduce coverage for over-the-counter drugs;
- increase the co-payment for over-the-counter drugs from
$0.50 to $1.00; and
- eliminate "prescriber prevails" provisions from
fee-for-service and managed care plans.
- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal on the Medicaid
Drug Cap to reject the elimination of quarterly reporting
requirements, ensure transparency in any third-party
information or cost-benefit analyses relied upon by the Drug
Utilization Review Board, and eliminate retroactive
requirements on negotiated rebates.
- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal on Pharmacy
Benefit Managers to ensure that required changes are applied
only to contracts signed after the bill is signed into law,
and any changes to rates as a result must be actuarially

- PART C -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal in

regards to Medicaid managed care related Medicaid Redesign
Team recommendations:
- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation to
allow Medicaid to reimburse for the National Diabetes
Prevention Program when offered in community based
- The Senate rejects the Executive recommendation to limit
payments made for dual-eligible recipients of both Medicare
and Medicaid;
- The Senate advances language to allow Medicaid to reimburse
for medically tailored meals, medical nutrition therapy and
applied behavioral analysis.
- PART D -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal on the
global Medicaid spending cap to include the legislature in
the decision-making process as it relates to the cap.
- PART E -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
extend various provisions of the Public Health and Social
Services Laws:
- The Senate modifies the proposals to:
- Extend for two years authorization for Department of Health
hospitals to enter into contracts for goods and services
under $100,000 without prior approval of an OSA or office;
- Extend for two years authorization for Medicaid coverage for
children who are 19 or 20 years old, living with their
parents, if the sum of the MAGI-based income of the child's
MAGI household is between 133-150% of the Federal Poverty
Level for the size of that family;
- Extend for two years authorization for certified home health
agencies which can demonstrate on forms provided by DOH
losses from a disproportionate share of bad debt and charity
care during the base year period to be eligible for bad debt
and charity allowances;
- Extend for two years authorization to allow an agency to
finance the acquisition of property using a local
development corporation;
- Extend for two years authorization for the Commissioner of
Health to assume responsibility from a local social services
official for the provision of and reimbursement of Medicaid
transportation costs, and to contract with one or more
transportation managers to manage Medicaid transportation
- Extend for two years authorization to provide enhanced
payments to certain clinicians and clinics certified by the
Commissioner as health care homes that provide services to
individuals enrolled in Medicaid fee-for-service, Medicaid
managed care and Child Health Plus;
- Extend for two years authorization for the Department to
establish a Temporary Operator for an Adult Care Facility;
- Extend for two years authorization for the Department to
require certain recipients who are at least 21 days old and
need more than 120 days of community-based long term care to
enroll in a Managed Long-Term Care plan, and that Managed
Long-Term Care plans may enroll participants into
community-based long term care without an assessment at the
same level of services;

- Extend for two years authorization to impose a 6% cash

assessment on the gross receipts of residential health care
- Extend for two years authorization to eliminate the
1996-1997 residential health care facility trend factor;
- Extend for two years authorization to continue a cost-saving
measure which revised statutory trend factors to rates for
general hospitals and residential health care facilities;
- Extend for two years authorization to cap administrative and
general costs for Certified Home Healthcare Agencies and
Long Term Home Health Care Programs;
- Extend for two years authorization to eliminate a trend
factor for general hospital reimbursement;
- Extend for two years authorization for the nursing home
appeals cap;
- Extend for two years authorization for episodic payments;
- Extend for two years authorization for the Department to
impose cost containment measures on hospitals' capital
- Extend for two years authorization to require that managed
care organizations reimburse providers for behavioral health
services using equivalent Ambulatory Patient Group;
- Extends for two years authorization for the Commissioners of
Health and Mental Health to certify Mental Health Special
Needs Plans; and
- Extends for two years authorization for the Department to
make Disproportionate Share Hospital payments in certain
regions of the state.
- PART F -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
extend the Physicians Excess Medical Malpractice program for
one year.
- PART G -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal in
regards to long-term care related Medicaid Redesign Team
- The Senate rejects the Executive recommendation to eliminate
spousal refusal protections.
- The Senate rejects, without prejudice, the Executive's
proposal to change the statutory structure by which fiscal
intermediaries are currently organized in the Consumer
Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP). The Senate
seeks to prevent interruptions in consumer service and
promote fiscal intermediaries with track records of
successfully serving enrollees.
- The Senate advances language to:
- Ensure rate adequacy for Medicaid managed long-term care
- Require that minimum wage funds added to the capitated rate
paid for for home and community based care or fiscal
intermediary services must be used to supplement rates and
not be used to supplant payments for existing services;
- Ensure that managed long term care plans distribute
recruitment and retention funds to providers using a
reasonable methodology, which must be reported to the
- Implement expedited Medicaid review for applicants in need
of hospice;
- Expedite the public needs analysis by which the demand for
Assisted Living Program Beds is determined;

- Establish a workgroup to review nursing home case mix data

and offer recommendations on improved accuracy and the
elimination of abuses, and allow for case mix adjustments
only after the case mix adjustment workgroup has submitted
its recommendations; and
- Require the establishment of regulations on cost reductions
in personal care services before payment reductions occur.
- PART H -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal in
regards to hospital related Medicaid Redesign Team
- The Senate concurs with the recommendation to:
- Eliminate non-medical grants to non-major public academic
medical centers; and
- Allow waivers of regulatory requirements on providers to
promote efficiency and scaling of Delivery System Reform
Incentive Payment (DSRIP) practices.
- The Senate rejects the Executive recommendation to:
- Remove requirements that per diem inpatient psych service
rates must incorporate case mix adjustment mechanisms and
and length-of-stay based criteria for adjustments;
- Reduce rates to general hospitals with potentially avoidable
inpatient services; and
- Limit coverage and reimbursement for telehealth services for
dual-eligible individuals to a covered services list.
- The Senate rejects with prejudice the Executive proposal to
cut funding for the Indigent Care Pool and reduce the
reimbursement amount for voluntary hospitals. The Senate
supports changes to the Indigent Care Pool that will
adequately reimburse hospitals that provide a higher
percentage of uncompensated care.
- The Senate recognizes the burden of the future
Disproportionate Share Hospital Payments cuts on the
healthcare industry and strongly urges the engagement of
stakeholders to develop a mechanism that will equitably
distribute these cuts among hospitals.
- PART I -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal
requiring the registration and licensing of Pharmacy Benefit
Managers by increasing penalties for violations of law by
PBM's, imposing further fiduciary duties upon PBM's,
increasing transparency of PBM contracts with regards to
conflicts of interest, and prohibiting PBM's from requiring
the substitution of a dispensed drug without the approval of
the prescriber.
- The Senate further urges the Comptroller to conduct a full
audit of the Medicaid Managed Care pharmacy program and
release the results to the Legislature.
- PART J -- The Senate supports codifying the protections of
the Affordable Care Act into state law.
- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to allow employee
welfare funds offering medical, surgical, or hospital care
benefits as of February 1, 2019, to continue doing so.
- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to exempt
discretionary plans from the Executive's proposed model
contract language requirement and provide the pediatric
dental essential health benefit through a stand-alone dental
plan that meets the requirements of the state's benchmark

- The Senate rejects the Executive proposals to allow the

Superintendent of the Department of Financial Services
authority to set preventative care and screening
requirements and give the Superintendent the highest level
of deference in interpreting the Insurance Law.
- The Senate rejects the Executive proposals to prohibit the
sale of stop-loss insurance outside the state and to impose
New York law upon insurance coverage issued outside of New
- PART K -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
extend the enhanced rates for the Medical Indemnity Fund by
maintaining the administration of the fund with the
Department of Financial Services.
- PART L -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal
regarding fertility preservation and in vitro fertilization
to broaden the required coverage for in vitro fertilization,
not limiting the coverage to three cycles of in vitro
fertilization or large groups.
- PART M -- The Senate rejects without prejudice the Executive
proposal to enact the Comprehensive Contraceptive Care Act
as this proposal has been addressed outside of the Budget
- PART N -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
create a Universal Access to Health Care Commission. The
Senate remains committed to exploring solutions that will
facilitate vulnerable populations accessing quality,
affordable healthcare.
- PART O -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
reduce New York City's reimbursement under the General
Public Health Work Program and restores $26.85 million.
- PART P -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal related
to lowering blood lead levels and establishing lead based
paint standards in residential properties by advancing
language to:
- Require the Commissioner of Health to incorporate a lower
threshold for elevated blood lead levels within six months
of the issuance of federal guidance recommending a lower
- Require annual water supply statements to include
information on all lead pipes located within a water system;
- Expand the requirement of lead testing in drinking water to
day care facilities; and
- Require municipalities to conduct testing of potable water
supplies of parks within the jurisdiction for lead
contamination and abate the lead contamination condition
within 90 days; and
- The Senate also adds additional funding to assist
municipalities in inspections and remediations of lead
- PART Q -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
award $300 million made available to applications already
submitted under Statewide II Health Care Facility Statewide
Program from the Statewide III program to preserve the carve
outs for specific types of providers in Statewide II.
Additionally, the Senate modifies the Executive Proposal to
clarify that a minimum of $20 million of the remaining $225
million in capital funds from Statewide III to be attributed
to Assisted Living Programs.

- PART R -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to

establish a Maternal Mortality Review Board by ensuring that
New York City's Maternal Mortality Review Board is preserved
as a separate entity.
- PART S -- The Senate rejects without prejudice the Executive
proposal to enact the Reproductive Health Act as this
proposal has been addressed outside of the Budget.
- PART T -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
codify the NY State of Health, The Official Health Plan
Marketplace into state law.
- PART BB, SUBPART B -- The Senate concurs with the Executive
proposal to require hospital emergency departments to have
policies and procedures in place for providing medication
assisted-treatment to patients prior to their discharge.
- PART BB, SUBPART C -- The Senate modifies the Executive
proposal to remove the exemption for Emergency Departments
in Hospitals from checking the prescription monitoring
program registry prior to dispensing a controlled substance
to a patient.
- PART BB, SUBPART D -- The Senate concurs with the Executive
proposal to clarify that Medicaid must cover court ordered
treatment provided at OASAS certified programs within New
York State.
- PART BB, SUBPART E -- The Senate modifies the Executive
proposal to add Fentanyl derivatives to the Schedule I list
of controlled substances by concurring with the proposal to
add 19 Fentanyl derivatives to the list of Schedule I
controlled substances but denying the proposal to allow the
Commissioner of Health to automatically classify any
controlled substance listed as a federal Schedule I drug to
the New York Schedule I of controlled substances.
- PART CC -- The Senate concurs with the Executive's proposal
to allow for up to two pharmacy technicians to assist in the
dispensing of drugs (four additional nationally certified
pharmacy technicians) and to require pharmacy technicians
employed in hospitals and nursing homes that assist in
measuring, weighing, compounding or mixing of medications to
be certified by a nationally accredited pharmacy technician
certification program.
- PART DD -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to cut
Medicaid payments for all providers by $190.2 million.
- NEW PART EE -- The Senate advances language to ensure that a
third party insurer may not deny claims based solely on a
lack of prior authorization for a claim.
- NEW PART FF -- The Senate advances language to create a Home
Care Asthma Management Program to target asthma management,
promote and maintain health, prevent hospitalizations and
emergent episodes, coordinate providers and encourage
- NEW PART GG -- The Senate advances language to direct the
Department of Health to request authorization to establish
and administer a methodology to provide supplemental
reimbursement to eligible ground emergency medical
transportation providers.
- NEW PART HH -- The Senate advances language to establish a
primary and preventative reproductive health program that
will provide grants to not-for-profit organizations that
provide primary and preventative reproductive health care.

- NEW PART II -- The Senate advances language to create an

Early Intervention Services Pool to reimburse municipalities
for the cost of Early Intervention Services.
- NEW PART JJ -- The Senate advances language to expand the
Department of Health's oversight over health services in
state and local correctional facilities.

The Senate urges the Department of Health to engage stakeholders to

examine how staffing enhancements can improve patient safety and the
quality of healthcare service delivery, including the fiscal impact of
these staffing enhancements on healthcare providers, and release a
report to the Legislature on its findings.

The Senate recommends that the Department of Health ensure that all
healthcare providers who have engaged with Independence Care System be
made whole. The Senate encourages the Department of Health to commit to
a transition between Independence Care System and VNSNY Choice that does
not negatively impact the patient population or any healthcare

The Senate supports creating a sickle cell demonstration program.

Medicaid Inspector General, Office of the

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive's recommendation of
$50.02 million.

Article VII Proposal (S.1507-B)

- PART V - The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to expand
the collection powers of the Office of the Medicaid
Inspector General and to require that all home care services
workers obtain National Provider Identifier numbers.

Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC)

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal of $61

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $1.2
billion as follows:
- Provides an additional $53 million for the 2019-20 Academic
Year for reforms to Tuition Assistance Program awards by
raising the maximum award from $5,165 to $5,310, raising the
minimum award from $500 to $750, and raising the income
eligibility threshold from $80,000 to $110,000; and
- Concurs with the $27 million appropriated for enactment of
the DREAM Act with language as passed by the Senate.

Article VII Proposals (S.1506-B)

- PART D -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to enact
a modified version of the NYS Jose Peralta Dream Act. The
Senate has already passed this legislation and urges the
Governor to sign the bill into law.
- NEW PART BB -- The Senate proposes language to reform the
Tuition Assistance Program by increasing the maximum TAP

award, the minimum TAP award, and increasing eligibility by

raising the TAP income threshold.

Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$81.6. million

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $1.4
billion, with the following modification:
- Adds $ 650,000 for additional services and expenses
associated with Red Cross emergency response preparedness.

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive appropriation of $33

Housing and Community Renewal

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation
of $180.2 million as follows:
- Rejects Executive appropriation language requiring the
Legislature to enact "the Rent Regulation Act of 2019;" and
- Rejects the conditional appropriation language relating to
the $8 million per year for two years that would fund 94
FTEs for the Office of Rent Administration and Tenant
Protection Unit.
- The Senate seeks to expand tenant protection services
outside the City of New York to counties such as

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation
of $104.8 million as follows:
- Commits to $20 million for Foreclosure Prevention Services
- Adds $4.9 million for the Neighborhood Preservation Program,
including a $150,000 set aside for the Neighborhood
Preservation Coalition;
- Adds $2.0 million for the Rural Preservation Program,
including a $150,000 set aside for the Rural Housing
Coalition; and
- Adds $1.0 million for additional housing programs.

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation
of $174.2 million as follows:
- Adds $250 million for the New York City Housing Authority
- Adds $100 million for Public Housing in the rest of the
- The Senate further implores the Executive to release the
$450 million in capital funding previously allocated for
NYCHA in the near future.

Article VII Proposal (S.1506-B)

- PART G -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal for
the utilization of the Mortgage Insurance Fund (MIF) excess
- PART T -- The Senate rejects the Executive recommendation to
prohibit lawful source of income discrimination, as this
issue should be addressed outside the budget.
- PART U -- The Senate rejects the Executive recommendation to
limit security deposits to two month's rent, including the
first month's rent, and will address this issue outside the
- PART Z -- The Senate rejects the Executive recommendation to
make funding for rent regulation administration and
enforcement contingent on the adopting of the Rent
Regulation Act of 2019. The Senate will address rent
regulations before the end of session and will work to
advance a comprehensive proposal to protect tenants and
secure critical reforms to the state's rent laws.

Article VII Proposal (S.1505-B)

- NEW PART ZZ -- The Senate advances language to make
permanent policies requiring lenders to issue a 90-day
pre-settlement conference notice before foreclosing on all
home loans and requiring mandatory settlement conferences
for residential foreclosure actions for all home loans.

Hudson River Valley Greenway Communities Council

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of

Hudson River Park Trust

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $23

Human Rights, Division of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $18.2 million.

Article VII Proposal (S.1506-B)

- PART Q -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
prohibit salary history inquiries and expand the equal pay
law to provide technical clarifications and ensure that
local laws that provide similarly comprehensive coverage are
not preempted.
- PART R -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to enact
the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act. The
Legislature passed, and the Executive signed, the Gender
Expression Non-Discrimination Act earlier this year.

- PART X -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to

add lactation to the definition of pregnancy-related
conditions for which reasonable accommodations must be

Indigent Legal Services, Office of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $6.1

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$204.8 million with the following modifications:
- Elimination of language preventing reimbursement payments
for any expenditure submitted more than twelve months after
the expenditure is incurred by a county or provider of
defense services.
- The Senate has concerns regarding the use of fees included
in part DD of the public protection and general government
article VII to pay for the increased funding for public
defense services because of the impact that the increase in
the biennial registration fee for attorneys will have on
public interest lawyers and because the increase in the
criminal history search fee could increase the likelihood
that background check companies will use less accurate
information sources which will negatively impact the very
individuals this funding is intended to assist. The Senate
believe the Governor should identify other sources to
support these needed services.
- The Senate supports increasing the hourly compensation of
assigned counsel under Article 18-B of the County Law. These
attorneys, who represent children and parents in family
matters as well as indigent criminal defendants, have not
received an increase in compensation for over a decade.
These attorneys are essential to providing access to justice
for those who cannot afford representation. Comparable
compensation in the federal courts has risen to $140 per
hour while attorneys in our state courts receive $60 per
hour for misdemeanor cases and $75 per hour for other cases.
The Senate believes that the Executive should commit state
funds to support the increase in the assigned counsel rate
under Article 18-B of the County Law.

Information Technology Services, Office of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$768.84 million.

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$95.70 million.

Inspector General, Office of the State

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$7.24 million.
- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to include new
auditing authority within the appropriation language.

Interest on Lawyers Account

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $2

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $45


Legislature and Judiciary (S.7501)

- The Senate concurs with the Judiciary request of $2.3
billion with the following modification:
- $1.7 million increase in funding to support infrastructure
improvements in courtrooms in Queens County.

Article VII Proposal (S.1505-B)

- PART QQ -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
enact the Child-Parent Security Act.

Judicial Conduct, Commission on

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $5.7
million to provide additional funding of $359,000.

Judicial Nomination, Commission on

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of

Judicial Screening Committee

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of

Good Government and Ethics Reform

The Senate and the Assembly have already passed a number of the
proposals contained in the Executive's "Good Government & Ethics Reform"
budget bill and remains committed to advancing additional reforms in
these critical areas. The Senate believes many of these proposals
require robust discussion, thoughtful consideration, and should be
addressed outside of the budget in order to maximize public input and
Article VII Proposal (S.1510-B)
- PART A -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal that
would require the disclosure of tax returns by candidates

for public office at this time, but acknowledges the

importance of transparency in our elections and is open to
revisiting this issue outside of the budget process.
- PART B -- The Senate supports establishing a publicly
financed small donor matching system in order to curtail the
influence of money in politics, in addition to other
necessary campaign finance reforms.
- PART C -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
enact a system of online voter registration by advancing
similar legislation with the same goal and intent.
- PART D -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal
implementing early voting in all special, primary, and
general elections, as both houses have already passed, and
the governor has signed, legislation to enact this proposal.
- PART E -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
consolidate primary elections, as both houses have already
passed, and the governor has signed, legislation to enact
this proposal.
- PART F -- The Senate omits the Executive proposal banning
contributions to campaigns for corporations and LLCs at this
time. Both houses have already passed, and the Governor has
signed, legislation closing the "LLC" loophole which
requires LLCs to be subject to the same contribution limits
for corporations. The Senate will further review similar
legislation which would ban corporate and LLC contributions,
outside of the budget process.
- PART G -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to enact
a system of Automatic Voter Registration. The Senate
supports the concept of AVR and seeks to enact such a
measure outside of the budget to further reform and
modernize voter registration in the state.
- PART H -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal that
mandates employers give their employees three hours of paid
time off to vote in all elections, since the proposal only
grants employees one more hour of paid time off to vote than
current law. Both houses have already passed, and the
Governor has signed, legislation enacting early voting,
which allows employees to vote when most convenient for
them, including during the weekend before Election Day.
- PART I -- The Senate accepts the executive proposal to make
all primary voting hours uniform in the state.
- PART J -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal that
allows 16 and 17-year-olds to pre-register to vote, as both
houses have already passed, and the governor has signed,
legislation to enact this proposal.
- PART K -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
place prohibitions on vendor contributions during
- PART L -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
expand the law allowing for the automatic update of voter
registration information as both houses have already passed,
and the governor has signed, legislation to enact this
- PART M -- The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to
prohibit lobbyists, labor unions, and independent
expenditure committees from making loans to candidates.
- PART N -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal
authorizing the use of electronic poll books. The Senate has

already passed this proposal and believes it should be

enacted into law.
- PART O -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to add
new disclosure requirements on lobbyists.
- PART P -- The Senate omits the Executive proposal to ban
political consultants from lobbying elected officials and
emphasizes further consideration of the recommendations made
by good government groups on this issue.
- PART Q -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal that
requires any 501(c)(3) corporation or entity to report to
JCOPE the name and address of any individual, corporation,
association or group that makes any monetary or in-kind
donation in excess of $2,500. The Senate is supportive of
legislation that introduces greater transparency to our
elections that is not unduly burdensome on communities
seeking to make their voice heard.
- PART R -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to lower
the lobbyist disclosure threshold to include certain
advocacy organizations. Enactment of this proposal would
have an adverse effect on grassroots advocacy which the
Senate believes may stymy their speech.
- PART S -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
increase lobbyist penalties. While enhancing penalties may
be justified in certain circumstances, the Senate believes
additional consideration and thought must be given to this
- PART T -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
increase the post-employment lobby ban from two years to
five years for legislative staff and members because banning
former state officers, employees, legislators and
legislative employees from registering as a lobbyist at all
does not advance ethics.
- PART U -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal that
prohibits any employee of a statewide officeholder, state
senator, or member of the assembly from volunteering for the
campaign of that elected officeholder. The Senate believes
such a proposal is overburdensome and a potential
infringement on constitutionally protected speech.
- PART V -- The Senate accepts the Executive recommendation to
require certain local elected officials to submit their
financial disclosure forms to JCOPE for review and approval.
- PART W -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
establish a Lobbyist Code of Conduct, to be promulgated and
enforced by JCOPE because it is too vague, general and
contains no definitions.
- PART X -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to enact
Automatic Voter Registration (AVR) through the Department of
Motor Vehicles. The Senate supports the concept of AVR and
seeks to enact such a measure.
- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal that amends the
New York State Constitution to establish that citizens are
entitled to apply for registration to vote on any day prior
to and including Election Day and shall be entitled to vote
at such election. Earlier this session the legislature
passed a similar proposal.
- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal that amends the
New York State Constitution by removing the excuses required

for absentee voting as both houses have already passed this


Article VII Proposal (S.1505-B)

- PART BB -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
subject the legislature to the same freedom of information
law provisions to which Executive agencies are subject.
Much of the work of the legislature is already open to the
public for input, scrutiny and review at each step of the
legislative process.

Labor, Department of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$595.8 million.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation
of $3.02 billion, with the following changes:
- The Senate provides restorations for the following programs:
- $4 million for the Workforce Development Institute (WDI);
- $3 million for the WDI Manufacturing Initiative;
- $805,000 for Displaced Homemaker Services;
- $750,000 for the Manufacturers Association of Central New
- $500,000 for The Solar Energy Consortium (TSEC);
- $300,000 for the Cornell ILR Worker Institute;
- $200,000 for the New York Committee for Occupational Safety
and Health (NYCOSH), located on Long Island;
- $200,000 for the Building Trades Pre-Apprenticeship Program
(BTPAP) in Nassau County;
- $200,000 for the Building Trades Pre-Apprenticeship Program
(BTPAP) in Western New York;
- $200,000 for the Western New York Council on Safety and
Health (WNYCOSH);
- $150,000 for the Domestic Violence Program at the Cornell
University Institute of Industrial and Labor Relations
- $150,000 for the Cornell ILR Leadership Institute; and
- $140,000 for the New York State Pipe Trades Labor Management
Cooperation Committee for a Solar Thermal training grant
The Senate provides new funding for the following programs:
- $3.7 million lump sum appropriation of Senate labor
initiatives; and
- $3.1 million for YouthBuild programs across the state.

Article VII Proposal (S.1506-B)

- PART O -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
increase penalties for employers committing wage theft in
the Labor Law. The Senate proposes legislation that
increases the likelihood that victims of wage theft are able
to secure payment of unpaid wages for work already
performed, as embodied in Senate Bill 2844. The Senate
further proposes language establishing a new penalty scheme
for employers committing wage theft in the Penal Law.

- PART P -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to

reduce the penalties of unemployment insurance recipients
working part-time to further strengthen the Executive
proposal without unduly burdening program beneficiaries.
- PART V -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
clarify the legal interpretation of sexual harassment in the
workplace, create additional requirements for non-disclosure
agreements, and require the Department of Labor to
distribute workplace sexual harassment. The Senate
acknowledges that combating sexual harassment in the
workplace is vital and is strongly committed to combating
sexual harassment in the workplace and working with
advocates to pass a comprehensive, deliberative and focused
legislative solution outside of the budget process.
- NEW PART FF -- The Senate advances legislation that would
restore the definition of public works as embodied in Senate
Bill 1947. The Senate believes prevailing wage should be
paid on projects supported by public dollars. However, the
Senate acknowledges legitimate concerns by various
stakeholders and supports all stakeholders coming together
to negotiate a mutually agreeable outcome. The final
proposal should recognize regional cost differentials among
the state, recognize the unique nature of Industrial
Development Agency and Local Development Corporation
incentives, ensure development in all regions of the state
continues, preserving opportunities for MWBEs, and preserve
the development of affordable housing.
- NEW PART HH -- The Senate advances legislation to enact the
New York State YouthBuild Act, as embodied by Senate Bill
S839, and authorizes the Commissioner of Labor to make
grants to eligible YouthBuild programs, establishes program
requirements, and expands the number of YouthBuild programs
in New York State.
- NEW PART II -- The Senate advances legislation that would
require projects that receive over $1 million in certain tax
incentives to pay prevailing wage to building service
workers upon completion of the project. The Senate believes
prevailing wage should be paid to building service workers
in these situations. However the Senate acknowledges similar
legitimate concerns by various stakeholders as in the case
of Part FF of the Education, Labor and Family Assistance
bill and supports all stakeholders on the building service
worker wage component coming together to negotiate a
mutually agreeable outcome.

Stand-Alone Constitutional Amendment

- The Senate modifies the Executive Proposal that amends the
equal protection clause of the New York State Constitution
by adding sex as a protected class in addition to the
existing protections for race, color, creed, or religion.
The Senate advances language as embodied in Senate Bill 517,
to extend the equal protection clause of the New York State
Constitution to national origin, citizenship, marital
status, age, gender, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation,
gender identity or expression, military status, disability,
or other immutable or ascriptive characteristics.

Law, Department of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $249 million.

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $2 million.

Article VII Proposal (S.1505-B)

- PART RR -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
create an Office of Special Investigation by:
- Granting jurisdiction where there is a significant question
of whether the civilian was armed or dangerous;
- Granting jurisdiction where there is a significant question
of whether the police officer caused the civilian's death or
whether the officer was engaged in law enforcement activity;
- Ensuring the Attorney General obtains jurisdiction
immediately upon the civilian's death;
- Clarifying the extent of the Attorney General's
investigative authority and criminal jurisdiction;
- Granting jurisdiction to prosecute acts and omissions to
obstruct, hinder or interfere with an investigation or trial
arising from an incident under the Office's jurisdiction;
- Requiring the Office to issue a public report whenever the
Office declines to present evidence to a grand jury or a
grand jury declines to return an indictment.

Labor Management Committees

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$38.3 million.

Lieutenant Governor, Office of the

State Operations (S.1500-B)
- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of

Local Government Assistance

State Operations (S. 1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $2.5
million for the Financial Restructuring Board.
- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $3.5
million for the New York State Financial Control Board.

Aid to Localities (S. 1503-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation
of $695.1 million by:
- Restoring $60.0 million of Aid and Incentives to
Municipalities (AIM) funding to certain Towns and Villages
within the AIM program;
- Adding $27,000 for payments to the Village of Woodbury;
- Adding $19,000 for payments to the Village of South Blooming
Grove; and

- The Senate provides $70 million for a new local government

financial stability program for distressed local governments
including, but not limited to, the City of Yonkers, the City
of Albany, school districts, jurisdictions impacted by tax
certiorari related to electric generation and other
jurisdictions facing significant fiscal distress.
- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation for the following State programs:
- $28.9 million to Aid to Municipalities with Video Lottery
Gaming Facilities;
- $2.3 million to Miscellaneous Financial Assistance Program;
- $40 million to the County-Wide Shared Services Initiatives;
- $5 million to the Citizens Empowerment Tax Credit and
- $5.1 million to the Local Government Efficient Grants;
- $217,300 to Small Government Assistance; and
- $14.3 million to the Local Government Performance and
Efficiency Program.

Miscellaneous Appropriations (S.1503-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal by adding the
- $200,000 for Village of Delhi; and
- $200,000 for Village of New Paltz.

Article VII Proposal (S.1505-B)

- PART G- The Senate concurs with the Executive's proposal to
make the property tax cap permanent.
- PART H- The Senate modifies the Executive's proposal to
reauthorize the eight municipalities currently operating a
red light camera program by reducing the term of
reauthorization from five (5) to two (2) years. The Senate
advances language that would enhance the annual reporting
criteria relative to those municipalities with current red
light camera programs, including mechanisms for
- PART I- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to adjust
AIM to certain Towns and Villages Based on Reliance.
- PART J- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
authorize Nassau County Class One Reassessment Exemption.
The Senate is committed to providing additional assistance
to taxpayers in places such as Nassau County being
negatively affected by substantial reassessments.
- PART FF-The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
allow the Town of Hastings to alienate a parcel of parkland
for the purpose of constructing a new State Police Station.
- PART GG- The Senate concurs with the Executive's proposal to
make permanent the ability of state agencies and municipal
corporations to procure wholesale electricity, and expand
such authority to state authorities and public benefit
- PART SS - The Senate modifies the Executive Proposal to
authorize the Suffolk County Clerk to charge recording and
filing fees allowed by the Suffolk County Administrative
Code to instead authorize tax map number verification fees
as set out in the Suffolk County Administrative Code.
- Direction to transfer $24 million from the General Fund to
the Electric Generation Facility Cessation Mitigation Fund.

- NEW PART YY - The Senate advances language to add the

Villages of Woodbury and South Blooming Grove permanently to
the AIM program.

Mental Health, Office of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive's All funds
recommendation of $2.28 billion.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive's All Funds recommendation
of $1.576 billion by:
- Providing $9.25 million to restore the Cost of Living
Adjustment effective January 1, 2020;
- Restoring $3.735 million for the Joseph Dwyer Peer to Peer
- Providing an additional $1 million to expand the Dwyer
Program to additional counties, including NYC;
- Providing $3 million for additional supports and services
for office of mental health housing programs;
- Providing $1.5 million for Crisis Intervention Teams;
- Providing $2 million for not for profits providing mental
health services, including suicide prevention;
- Restores $400,000 and adds $100,000 for FarmNet;
- Restores $175,000 for the North Fork mental health
initiative - Family Services League; and
- Restores $100,000 for the Mental Health Association of New
York State to provide statewide first aid mental health

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive's All Funds
recommendation of $534.4 million.

Article VII Proposal (S.1507-B)

- PART W - The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
extend the authority of the Office of Mental Health to
recover Medicaid exempt income from community residences
licensed by the Office of Mental Health until December 31,
- PART X - The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
establish a voluntary jail-based restoration to competency
pilot program within local correctional facilities.

Mental Hygiene, Department of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executives All Funds
recommendation of $600 million.

Article VII Proposal (S.1507-B)

- PART Y -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
defer the Human Services COLA for another year to grant the
COLA beginning January 1, 2020. The Senate is also committed
to continuing the agreed-upon 3.25% raises for direct care

People with Developmental Disabilities, Office for

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive's All Funds
recommendation of $2.24 billion.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive's All Funds recommendation
of $2.478 billion by:
- Providing $18 million to restore the Cost of Living
Adjustment effect January 1, 2020;
- Providing $3,000,000 for a credentialing pilot program for
direct service providers;
- Providing $1,000,000 for organizations providing services to
people with developmental disabilities; and
- Restores and adds $150,000 for a total of $250,000 for Best
Buddies International.

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive's All Funds
recommendation of $99.4 million.0

Article VII Proposal (S.1507-B)

- PART Z -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
eliminate duplicative license requirements for OPWDD
providers rendering integrated services under DOH, OMH, and
OASAS oversight.
- NEW PART LL -- The Senate advances language to establish a
pilot program to allow for voluntary credentialing of direct
support professionals serving individuals with intellectual
or developmental disabilities in the community.

Developmental Disabilities Planning Council

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive's All Funds
Recommendation of $4.76 million.

Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive's All Funds recommendation
of $55.76 million by restoring $507,000 for rejecting
transferring jurisdiction to Office of Mental Health and
Department of Health for certain programs.

Article VII Proposal (S.1507-B)

- PART AA - The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
remove the Justice Center's jurisdiction over inpatient
psychiatric units within Article 28 hospitals and children
camps for children with developmental disabilities.

Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $969.9 million.

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $1.5 billion.

Article VII Proposal (S.1508-B)

- PART BB -- The Senate supports a congestion mitigation plan
that treats drivers fairly, reduces peak-hour congestion,
incentivizes efficient commercial vehicle and business
travel, dedicates revenues equitably, and is properly and
transparently implemented. It is critically important that a
congestion mitigation plan ensures fairness in treatment for
transportation deserts, suburban residents, and residents
who live in the congestion zone. The Senate awaits
additional information on the Executive's proposed MTA
Reorganization Plan and transit expert panel.
- PART CC -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
expand and extend the New York City school zone speed camera
program to address outside the context of the budget. In
addition, the Senate supports authorizing the City of
Buffalo to create a school zone speed camera pilot program.
- PART EE -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal
permitting the MTA to assign, transfer, share, or
consolidate any of its powers, duties, functions or
activities, require design-build on unidentified major
projects, and amend MTA Board appointees' terms. In its
place, the Senate advances the MTA RAIL Act. The MTA RAIL
Act introduces much needed reforms to the way the MTA
operates, including an independent forensic audit of the
MTA's procurements, improving long-term capital planning,
providing MTA riders a voting voice, ensuring that MTA
revenues are more likely to go to New York businesses, and
overhauling the way the MTA analyzes itself. Simply put,
transformative change to the MTA and how it does business
and delivers services must occur as part of any congestion
pricing proposal. The Senate awaits additional information
regarding the Executive's proposal.
- PART FF -- The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to move
MTA Aid Trust Fund revenues off-budget and better dedicate
MTA revenues to the Authority.
- PART GG -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
expand the bus rapid transit lane camera enforcement program
and authorize camera enforcement for additional violations
in the congestion zone to dedicate revenues generated by
mobile cameras to transit deserts, state of good repair and
accessibility needs and restores the five-year sunset.
- PART HH -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
extend for two years the binding arbitration by the Public
Employment Relations Board for disputes between the MTA and
its labor representatives.
- PART RR -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
extend various procurement authorizations for the MTA for
four years, and rejects extending the provision which has
two years remaining on its authorization.

Military and Naval Affairs, Division of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds

recommendation of $81.4 million.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $1 million.

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $75.2 million.

Mortgage Agency (SONYMA)

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $76.8 million.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $138.4 million.
Motor Vehicles, Department of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $105.8 million.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $22.6 million.

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation
of $267.5 million, as follows:
- Provides $16.5 million to support the first year of funding
for license renewals and compliance with federal REAL ID

Article VII Proposal (S.1508-B)

- PART M -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
extend the State's autonomous motor vehicle testing pilot to
increase reporting for purposes of obtaining additional
information on the program's usage and successes and
conforms the law with federal manufacturing requirements.
The Senate supports facilitating increased autonomous motor
vehicle testing and implementation, and supports providing
improved notice to municipalities when autonomous vehicle
testing will be conducted within their jurisdictions.
- PART N -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
extend the Ignition Interlock Program until September 1,
- PART O -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
extend the State surcharge on motor vehicle infractions
until September 1, 2021.
- PART P -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
authorize local governments to allow certain scooters and
limited use motorcycles to operate, and further plans to

address this issue outside of the budget by holding a

hearing to consider potential legislation more fully.
- PART T -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
increase penalties and administrative powers with respect to
certain passenger motor carriers, to preserve the funding
stream for bus and limousine inspections and expand
application of existing seatbelt laws. The Senate rejects
the provisions regulating modified limousines pending a
hearing to incorporate stakeholders' input to ensure that
passenger motor carrier safety is properly regulated while
enabling the industry to function.
- PART II -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
expand protections for additional transportation workers and
protect against work zone intrusion to incorporate
additional highway inspector and DMV examiner positions into
the proposed protections.
National And Community Service

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$30.4 million, an increase of $82,000 or 0.3 percent from
SFY 2018-19 levels.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of

Olympic Regional Development Authority

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$27.1 million.

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $80

Article VII Proposal (S.1508-B)

- PART NN -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
extend the authority of the New York State Olympic Regional
Development Authority to enter into contracts or agreements
containing indemnity provisions in order to host Olympic or
other national or international games or events.

Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$249.5 million.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation
of $9.3 million as follows:
- Adds $1 million in local assistance for Senate priorities
related to parks, recreation, and historic preservation.

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds

recommendation of $222.7 million.

Article VII Proposal (S.1508-B)

- PART MM -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
create a parks retail stores enterprise fund and a golf
enterprise fund.

Power Authority, New York

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive's recommendation of
$172 million.
Article VII Proposal (S.1508-B)
- PART KK -- The Senate rejects the Executive's proposal to
authorize the New York Power Authority to provide energy
related projects and programs to any authority customers,
and to take actions necessary to develop electric vehicle
charging stations, and believes the issue should be
addressed outside the budget. The Senate supports efforts to
provide renewable energy and fight climate change. The
Senate remains open to discussing proposals to expand NYPA's
authority in this area.
- PART LL -- The Senate rejects the Executive's proposal to
authorize the New York Power Authority to finance,
construct, and maintain transmission projects, which should
be addressed outside the budget. The Senate supports efforts
to provide renewable energy and fight climate change. The
Senate remains open to discussing proposals to expand NYPA's
authority in this area.

Prevention of Domestic Violence, Office for the

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $3.8 million.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate concurs the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$1.8 million.

Public Employment Relations Board

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $4.1

Public Ethics, Joint Commission on

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive's recommendation of
$5.58 million.

Public Service Commission

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of

$98.9 million.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$5.75 million.

Article VII Proposal

- PART V - The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation to
incorporate internet neutrality principles into the State's
procurement process to:
- Add enforcement mechanisms and annual certification
requirements through the Public Service Commission;
- Restrict awards by the Broadband program to Internet Service
Providers that comply with net neutrality requirements; and
- Allow exemptions for emergency communications and law
enforcement networks.

State, Department of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $73.93
million, and provides additional funding as follows:
- $450,000 for the Authorities Budget Office;
- $600,000 for the Business and Licensing program to reflect
the rejection of Article VII legislation amending the
procedure for service of process upon corporations; and
- $250,000 for the creation of the Office of the Advocate for
People with Disabilities.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation
of $76.34 million as follows:
- Restores $600,000 Public Utility Law Project;
- Restores $150,000 for New York Immigration Coalition;
- Restores $100,000 for Doe Fund, Inc.;
- Provides $4 million for immigrant legal services; and
- Provides $40 million for the Community Based Census 2020

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $102

Article VII Proposal (S.1508-B)

- PART Q -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to amend
the procedure for service of process upon corporations by
requiring plaintiffs to serve a copy upon the defendant
corporation rather than serving the Secretary of State.
- PART R --- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
extend the expiration date that permits the secretary of
state to provide special handling for all documents filed or
issued by the division of corporations and to permit
additional levels of such expedited services to March 31,
- PART PP -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
repeal biennial filing requirements and five-year statements

for corporations and partnerships, and to eliminate fees

associated with such filings.

Article VII Proposal (S.1507-B)

- NEW PART MM -- The Senate advances language to create a new
Office of the Advocate for People with Disabilities, housed
under the Department of State.
State Police, Division of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $829

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $127.5
million as follows:
- Restores the requirement that legislative leaders approve
funding for a records management system and eliminates
language giving the Director of the Budget sole authority
for such approval.

State University of New York (SUNY)

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $9.7
billion as follows:
- Restores $5.36 million for Educational Opportunity Programs
- Restores $5 million for Educational Opportunity Centers
(EOC) and $2 million for ATTAIN Labs;
- Restores $600,000 for the SUNY telecounseling initiative for
mental health services;
- Provides an additional $5 million in operating support to
assist with decreased revenue resulting from tuition credits
applied toward tuition; and
- Provides $1 million for the establishment of the New York
State Gun Violence Research Institute and the Gun Violence
Research Fund.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate is committed to providing $1 million per year
over the next five years in financial support for this
critical initiative.
- The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $468
million as follows:
- Provides an additional $5.8 million for community college
base aid, a $50 per FTE increase from $2,847 to $2,897;
- Rejects $3 million for the Family Empowerment Pilot Program;
- Provides $549,000 for child care centers; and
- Restores $100,000 for the SUNY Orange Community College
BRIDGES Program.

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $926

Article VII Proposal (S.1505-B)

- New PART AAA -- The Senate advances language that

establishes a Gun Violence Research Institute.
Article VII Proposal (S.1506-B)
- NEW PART DD -- The Senate advances language authorizing the
State University of New York at Albany to lease or contract
up to 15,000 square feet of space in the University's
Emerging Technology and Entrepreneurship Complex.

The Senate supports improving outcomes, reducing costs, and growing the
economy through an integrated and collaborative system of health care,
delivery, medical education, innovation and research at the University
of Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine.

Statewide Financial System

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$30.51 million.

Tax Appeals

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $3

Taxation and Finance, Department of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$463.6 million.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $4.9

Temporary and Disability Assistance, Office of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $455.1 million, an increase of $21.9
million or 5.1 percent from SFY 2018-19 levels

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $5.3 billion, an increase of $67.9 million
or 1.3 percent, with the following modifications:
- Provides $20 million to establish the Home Stability Support
program, a new statewide rent supplement for families and
individuals who are eligible for public assistance benefits
and who are also facing eviction, homelessness, or loss of
housing due to domestic violence or hazardous living
conditions; and
- Restores $750,000 in funding for the Disability Advocacy
- The Senate denies, with prejudice, the Executive's proposed
imposition of a 10 percent local share requirement,
applicable to New York City only, for Family Assistance TANF
expenditures. The Senate expresses concern over the impact
this action would have on New York City's ability to provide
assistance to families in need.
- The Senate restores funding for the following TANF programs:
- $3 million for the child care facilitated enrollment
demonstration projects in New York City and Monroe County;
- $1.3 million for the child care facilitated enrollment
demonstration project in the Capital District and Oneida
County; and
- $400,000 for the Welfare to Careers program.

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $64 million

Article VII Proposal (S.1506-B)

- PART J -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
remove certain statutory requirements, as it pertains to
domestic violence victims, to comply with federal law.
- PART L -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
authorize the pass-through of any federal SSI COLA that
becomes effective in 2020. The Senate also provides $5
million dollars in funding to increase the state
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) state share for adult
care facilities beginning January 1, 2020. This represents
the first year of a five year commitment to increase the
state share for Supplemental Security Income in adult care
- PART M, SUBPART B -- The Senate concurs with the Executive
proposal to extend the authority to appoint a temporary
operator for an emergency homeless shelter.
- PART N -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
authorize local social services districts to offer
time-limited job try-outs as an eligible work activity for
Public Assistance recipients.

Thruway Authority

Article VII Proposal (S.1508-B)

- PART JJ -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal
requiring all authorities with cashless tolling to have a
website, toll-free hotline, and public awareness campaign,
to incorporate additional due process and consumer
protections for tollpayers based off of the 2018 Tollpayer
Protection Act. The Senate also requires the Thruway Toll
Advisory Task Force to convene no later than June 1, 2019,
and incorporates an eight-week amnesty program for MTA
bridges and tunnels. Additionally, the Senate intends to
hold a hearing on the Thruway Authority to assess its
operations, receive a status update on the Toll Advisory
Task Force, and discuss the cashless tolling program in
additional detail. Finally, the Senate is further committed
to working with the Executive and Assembly to find solutions
to reduce the burdens for residents of Rockland,
Westchester, and Orange counties from the substantial toll
increases on the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge anticipated
to take effect on January 1, 2020.

- PART QQ -- The Senate rejects allowing the Thruway Authority

to dispose of its fiber optic property without public

Transportation, Department of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $429.2 million, with the following
- The Senate adds $250,000 to conduct a study analyzing the
feasibility and benefits of restoring service on the West
Shore Railroad.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $3
billion in State operating assistance for the Metropolitan
Transportation Authority (MTA), with the following
- The Senate adds: $250,000 to study the costs, benefits, and
efficacy of the Atlantic Ticket Pilot Program. Such study
shall contain a review of ridership, utilization, and fare
box data as well as projections for expansion of the pilot
into permanency with full integration into Penn Station.
- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$573.9 million for non-MTA Downstate and Upstate transit
systems, with the following modification:
- Provide an additional $28.6 million in State operating
assistance for non - MTA transit systems ($602.5 million
total), a five percent increase over the Executive Budget
and a twelve percent increase over last year.
- The Senate proposes to allocate $422 million of Dedicated
Mass Transportation Trust Fund revenues directly to the MTA.

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $5.4 billion, with the following
- The Senate adds:
- $150 million to be added to the base CHIPS funding, for a
total of $588 million in CHIPS funding;
- $65 million for Extreme Winter Recovery; and
- $6 million for the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority
(NFTA) to begin funding preliminary engineering for the
Amherst-Buffalo Metro Rail Expansion project as part of a
commitment to meet twenty percent of a federal match.
- $100 million for improvements to light rail systems outside
of the MTA service area.
- The Senate restores $20 million for non-MTA capital, for a
total of $105 million.
- The Senate provides $140 million for the New York State
Capital Assistance Program for Transportation, Environment,
and Economic Development.

Article VII Proposal (S.1508-B)

- PART D -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
extend design-build procurement for existing agencies for an
additional two years, clarifies project labor agreement

usage and civil service protections, and provides similar

authorization for New York City's infrastructure agencies.
The Senate rejects expanding design-build to additional
agencies and expanding alternative procurement
methodologies, and seeks additional information regarding
MWBE participation on current or completed design-build
- PART S -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal
permitting DOT to assess fees for fiber optic utilities
occupying State highway rights of way.
- NEW PART VV -- The Senate advances language requiring DOT to
establish a pilot program enabling road users to report road
defects, similar to what many of the State's municipalities
already do.

Veterans' Affairs, Division of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $8.7 million.

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $10.9 million, with the following
- $470,000 for the New York State Defenders' Association
Veterans' Defense Program;
- $125,000 for Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of New
- $50,000 for SAGE Veterans' Project; and
- Provides $500,000 for various initiatives in support of

Article VII Proposal (S.1506-B)

- PART W -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
eliminate the definition of "veteran" as part of the
- PART AA --- The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to
change the name of the "Division of Veterans' Affairs" to
the "Division of Veterans' Services."

Victim Services, Office of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $15.1 million.
Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)
- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $156.7 million.

Workers' Compensation Board

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$196.4 million.

Article VII Proposal (S.1505-B)

- PART M -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to allow

the State Insurance Fund to invest in an expanded pool of
higher risk equities.
- PART N -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to allow
the State Insurance Fund to cancel a workers' compensation
policy when the policyholder fails to cooperate with a
payroll audit.
- PART CC -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
expand the types of healthcare providers that are authorized
to render care to injured workers.

Welfare Inspector General, Office of

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $1.3 million.

Miscellaneous Items

State Operations (S.1500-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation for the following reserves:
- $9.6 million Workers' Compensation Reserve; and
- $1.61 billion for Insurance and Securities Funds Reserve
- The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $25
million in reappropriation authority in data analytics.
- $773.8 million for Health insurance contingency fund
- $292.4 million for Health insurance receipts fund
- $675,000 for College Choice Tuition Savings Program
- $200 million for Public Safety and Emergency Response
- $500 million for Reserve Federal Audit Disallowance
- $1 billion for Federal Audit Disallowance
- $1 billion for Special Emergency Appropriations
- $2 billion for Special Federal Emergency Appropriation

Aid to Localities (S.1503-B)

- The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds
recommendation of $69 million for the Pay for Success
Contingency Reserve

Capital Projects (S.1504-B)

- The Senate restores $30 million to the Higher Education
Capital Matching Grants Program (HeCap).

Article VII Proposal (S.1508-B)

- PART DD -- The Senate modifies the Executive's proposal to
establish a Gateway Development Commission for purposes of
facilitating construction of the Gateway Tunnel to make
various technical amendments and improve the Commissioner
selection process.
- PART OO -- The Senate rejects the Executive's proposal to
modify the coordinates for the property acquisition path for
the proposed LaGuardia AirTrain. The Senate seeks additional
information as to how existing authorization is being used.


The Senate rejects the Executive proposal that would cap STAR benefits
for taxpayers enrolled in the STAR Exemption Program as an attempt to
incentivize enrollment into the STAR Credit Program. The Senate rejects
the Executive proposal that lowers the income limit for the Basic STAR
exemption to $250,000, while maintaining the existing $500,000 income
limit for the STAR Credit Program. These proposals do not address the
high property tax burden that New York taxpayers face, while forcing
taxpayers into a program that has historically faced public scrutiny for
checks delivered to taxpayers late and other administrative issues.

The Senate supports the imposition of an additional surcharge on certain

high-value non-primary residences in New York City, with revenues
derived from such surcharge being dedicated to critical needs such as
preventing homelessness and mass transit.

The Senate is also committed to extending and streamlining the

functioning of the current Empire State Commercial Productive Tax Credit
program and the Empire State Film Tax Credit program.

Article VII Proposal (S.1509-B)

- PART A -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal by
extending the current electronic filing and payment mandates
for three years.
- PART B -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
expand the Employee Training Incentive Program (ETIP).
- PART C -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
codify a receipts factor rule for the net amount of global
intangible low-taxed income (GILTI) included in business
- PART D -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
decouple from the Internal Revenue Code Federal basis for
the New York State manufacturing test.
- PART E -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
extend the Workers with Disabilities Tax Credit for three
- PART F -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
extend the three-year gift addback rule and require binding
New York State qualified terminable interest property (QTIP)
- PART G -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
amend the Tax Law to require marketplace providers to
collect sales tax on taxable sales of tangible personal
property they facilitate.
- PART H -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
discontinue the energy services (ESCO) sales tax exemption.
- PART I -- The Senate concurs with the Executive Proposal to
continue efforts to avoid large, unexpected tax shifts due
to equalization rate changes.
- PART J -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
make real property tax administration more efficient.
- PART K -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
provide technical cleanups for the Tax Freeze Credit
- PART L -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
create a New York State Employer-Provided Child Care Credit.
- PART M -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
include New York State gambling winnings in non-resident New
York State income.

- PART N -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to

make technical corrections to the Farm Workforce Retention
- PART O -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
extend tax shelter provisions and tax preparer penalties for
five years.
- PART P -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
extend the top personal income tax bracket for five years.
- PART Q -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
extend the personal income tax limitation on charitable
contributions for five years.
- PART R -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
extend the Clean Heating Fuel Credit for three years.
- PART S -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
extend the authorization to manage delinquent sales tax
vendors to three years.
- PART T -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
repeal license fees on certain co-ops.
- PART U -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
expand the Historic Rehabilitation Credit to lower the state
cap on credits allowed to entities undertaking
rehabilitation of historical properties on state-owned land
located in non-distressed census tracts to $3 million unless
the entity is MWBE certified.
- PART V -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
extend the Dodd-Frank Protection Act sales tax exemption.
- PART W -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
create the Employer Recovery Hiring Tax Credit.
- PART X -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
exclude certain contributions to the capital of a
corporation from entire net income.
- PART Y -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal. The
Senate will continue to evaluate the implications of this
proposal, particularly with respect to composition of the
interstate compact.
- PART Z -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
make technical corrections to the Tax Law and New York City
Administrative Code.
- PART AA -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
exempt qualified energy systems from real property tax.
- PART BB -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal
allowing the Gaming Commission to waive pre-employment
restrictions of a prospective employee by requiring adoption
of a resolution at a properly noticed public meeting. The
Senate proposes to define the term "good cause", require
public disclosure of the adopted resolution, and waive
pre-employment restrictions by unanimous consent.
- PART CC -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal
authorizing the Thoroughbred and Standardbred Breeding Funds
to contribute for the ongoing care of retired racehorses,
specifying that up to one percent from each fund may be
utilized for such purposes.
- PART DD -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal making
technical changes to gaming provisions by removing subparts
B, C, and D of the part.
- PART EE -- The Senate rejects without prejudice the
Executive proposal simplifying video lottery gaming rates
and eliminating additional commission provisions.

- PART FF -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal

imposing a statutory cap on casino free play allowance.
- PART GG -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
accept subparts A and C and reject subpart B.
- PART HH -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
extend certain tax rates and certain simulcasting provisions
for five years.
- PART II -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
authorize entry into the Mid-Atlantic Drug Compact, to
enhance and standardize equine drug testing, and maintain
the integrity of the racing industry.
- PART JJ -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
extend the Advisory Committee on Equine Drug Testing and
ensure that a suitable lab for equine drug testing remains
in the State of New York.
- PART KK -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
streamline occupational licensing for casino employees.
- PART LL -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to cap
the annual growth of STAR Exemption benefits.
- PART MM -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
allow the disclosure of certain information on cooperative
housing corporation information returns.
- PART NN -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
make technical amendments to clarify the New York City
Enhanced Real Property Tax Circuit Break Credit Calculation.
- PART OO -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
require information about manufactured home parks be
reported to the Department of Taxation and Finance.
- PART PP -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
prevent STAR program fraud and abuse.
- PART QQ -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
authorize the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance to
disclose STAR-related information to assessors.
- PART RR -- The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to
lower the Basic STAR exemption income limit to $250,000.
- PART SS -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
clarify STAR check tax bill notices.
- PART TT -- The Senate concurs with the Executive proposal to
improve the STAR program administrative process.
- PART UU -- The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to
impose new regulations, restrictions, and protections with
regard to the use of tobacco and electronic cigarettes.
- PART VV -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
provide for the regulation of hemp derived products, to
expand the medical marijuana program and to provide for the
regulation of marijuana and marijuana products for
adult-use. The Senate generally supports the provision but
presents modifications to maintain Department of Health
involvement in the medical marijuana program, to provide for
Senate approval of Executive appointees to the regulating
body of any adult-use program, to reduce criminal penalties
attributed to future marijuana related activity, to expand
sealing of past marijuana convictions, to reduce taxes
attributed to the sale of marijuana for adult-use, and to
increase the local share of taxes to be collected. The
Senate will work to make sure that the good-paying jobs in
the medical marijuana field will continue to be protected
and will flourish as the adult use program is established

and expanded. The Senate further modifies the proposal to

direct revenue to fund public education, job training,
reentry services, drug treatment and prevention programs,
community-based supportive services, improvements to the
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, and to expand
training for state and local law enforcement to maintain
road safety. The Senate supports establishing a pilot
program to further develop saliva testing that will allow
for the enforcement of road safety. The Senate believes that
it is critically important that revenue generated from
legalization support communities that have been
disproportionately impacted by enforcement of prior
marijuana policies.
- PART WW -- The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to
expand the special supplemental auto rental surcharge from
the Metropolitan Commuter Transportation District to the
rest of the state to move the effective date from September
1, 2019 to May 1, 2019.
- PART XX -- The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to
impose an excise tax on the first sale of any opioid in the
state. The Senate will support modifications to promote
consumer fairness and ensure hospitals and treatment
facilities are not unduly burdened by new charges. In
addition, the Senate will work to ensure a portion of
revenues derived from this tax are reinvested into treatment
and addiction recovery programs.
- NEW PART ZZ -- The Senate advances language expanding
current law as it relates to sports betting and authorizes
mobile wagering under limited circumstances and subject to
- NEW PART AAA -- The Senate advances language to authorize
the county of Westchester to impose an additional rate of
sales and compensating use tax pursuant to a home rule
request received from the county.
- NEW PART BBB -- The Senate advances language to add a
surcharge for high-end non-primary residences sold in New
York City.
- NEW PART CCC -- The Senate advances language to bring parity
to the tax rates for all combative sports.
- NEW PART DDD -- The Senate advances language making
technical changes to the cemetery monument sales and use tax
- NEW PART EEE -- The Senate advances language to repurpose
unclaimed lottery winnings to education.

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