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Chemical Laboratory 2 Script: I. Proper Laboratory Clothing

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While in the laboratory you should have wear the proper laboratory clothing. The following are the things
that are needed to wear when performing an experiment in the lab.

1. Laboratory gowns
Script: this protects the skin from dirt and minor chemical splashes.

2. Gloves
Script: it is important to wear gloves when working with hazardous chemicals and other materials
because they protect our hands from infection and contamination.

4. Goggles
Script: are forms of protective eyewear that usually enclose or protect the area surrounding the eye
in order to prevent particulates, water or chemicals from striking the eyes.

5. Hair net
Script: use to prevent the hair from chemicals contact. Hair must be kept away from the eyes. Long
hair must be tied back. Hair longer than 6 inches from the nape of the neck must also be pinned up (use of
hair nets or hats is acceptable).

6. Mask
Script: Protect against large droplets and splashes.

1. “Do not eat or drink inside the laboratory.”

Scenario: Someone entering the laboratory with food and drink in hand.

2. “Do not taste or touch any chemicals”.

Scenario: Someone is attempting to touch the chemicals by his/her hand and putting in his/her
mouth trying to know what it tastes like.

3. “Do not put your nose over the container of any chemicals and inhale the fumes.”
Scenario: Someone is smelling a bottle of chemical.

4. Do not dispose glassware in a regular trashcan. Ask for assistance.

Scenario: Someone broke a glassware and attempting to throw it in a regular trashcan. Then
someone stop him/her. And said “Don’t throw that there. Let’s ask the Lab technician where we can throw
them properly.”

5. Do use different spatula in different chemicals.

Scenario: Someone is using same spatula in different chemicals. Then someone notice and said
“Do not use the same spatula in different chemicals. It will cause contamination.”

6. “Do use a wire gauze, asbestos pad or water bath in heating a container to prevent any
breakages or burn.”
Scenario: Someone is showing wire gauze placing in the hot plate. Show also water bath material.

7. “Do use crucible tong in handling hot dishes or apparatus. Never hold hot dishes with bare
Scenario: Someone is showing how to use a crucible tong.

8. “Do not discard waste acid or reagents directly to the sink. Properly discard it into a collection/
waste bottle located at the fume hood.”
Scenario: Someone is attempting to disregard a waste acid directly to the sink. Some one
approach him/ her saying “You must discard it by putting it in the waste bottle.”
General Safety Rules:
1. Listen to or read instructions carefully before attempting to do anything.
2. Wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from chemicals, heated materials, or things that might be
able to shatter.
3. Notify your teacher if any spills or accidents occur.
4. After handling chemicals, always wash your hand with soap and water.
5. During lab work, keep your hands away from your face.
6. Tie back long hair.
7. Roll up loose sleeves.
8. Know the location of the fire extinguisher, fire blanket, eyewash station, and first aid kit.
9. Keep your work area uncluttered. Take to lab station only what is necessary.
10. It is suggested that you wear glasses rather than contact lenses.
11. Never put an anything into your mouth during a lab experiment.
12. Clean up your lab area at the conclusion of the laboratory period.
13. Never ‘horse around” or play practical joke in the laboratory.
Script: Burn injuries almost always require first aid. And it is the type of burn that determines what first aid
steps to take. Burns categorized in terms of severity by the depth of the burn.
 First Degree Burn (ex: sun burn)
-damages the skin’s outer layer, the skin looks red dry and painful and you’ll see sign of swelling.
 Second Degree Burn
-damages the next layer of skin, and addition to the skin being swollen and red, you’ll observe
blister and the victim will experience significant pain.
 Third Degree Burn
-go through the dermis and affect deeper tissues. They result in white or blackened, charred skin
that may be numb.
Script: There are two distinct types of Burns that you might encounter either on the workplace or at home
which are the chemical burns and electrical burn.
“Chemical Burns”
Can be identified by seeing chemicals on skin or clothing, when the persons complain about the pain or
burning sensation, when you see a spilled substance around on unresponsive person or when they just
smells fume in the air.
-When dealing with the dry chemical put on gloves and use cloth or cardboard to brush the
chemical off the skin or clothing.
- If there are is a chemical smell in the air, move away from the fumes and ventilate the area,
removes any clothing or jewellery from the burned area in case of swelling.
“Electrical Burns”
In this case, You need to use extra caution.
-First, it is important to protect yourself by ensuring seen safety, do not touch the patient until you
are certain the scene is safe and there is no electrical hazard. Expect that the victim of electrical shock may
also need CPR, if you notice areas of burned skin and a source of electricity near the person such as bare
wires, power cord, or electrical devices suspect a electrical burn.
-Electrical burns may produce wounds; the appearance of an electrical burn is no indication of how
serious it is. Electrical burns can look minor but still cause significant internal injuries.
-Care for the burn by cooling down the area with water then remove any clothing or jewellery in
contact with the burn and cover it loosely with the sterile dressing, if necessary treat the person for shock.

“Injury to the Eye”

- If the chemical is in the eye, flush the eye with the copious amount of running water
- If a foreign object is lodged in the eye, do not allow the eye to be rubbed.
- Alert the teacher immediately.
“Cuts and Bruises”
Sometimes the occasional bruises and cuts might happen in the laboratory. But what is the proper
way to treat them? Let’s find out !
Step 1: Stop the Bleeding.
Use some gauze and apply direct pressure to the wound.
Step 2: Wash it.
Wash the wound under running water.
Step 3: Clean it
Use an antiseptic solution to clean the wound.
Step 4: Dress it up
Use a cotton bud apply a thin layer of antiseptic cream over the wound followed by covering it with
either a plaster or some gauze and tape. Clean and dress wound everyday to make sure that it stays clean
and uninfected.
-The word poison is defined as the substance that can cause illness or death if it is introduced or absorbed
into the body. As a result, a poison can refer to many things, including chemicals used at the workplace,
fumes and gases, etc.
Take the following actions until help arrives:

 Swallowed poison. Remove anything remaining in the person's mouth. If the suspected poison is a
household cleaner or other chemical, read the container's label and follow instructions for accidental
 Inhaled poison. Get the person into fresh air as soon as possible.

- If the person vomits, turn his or her head to the side to prevent choking.
- Begin CPR if the person shows no signs of life, such as moving, breathing or coughing.
- Call Poison Help
- Have somebody gather pill bottles, packages or containers with labels, and any other information
about the poison to send along with the ambulance team.

Glassware Safety:

1. Chipped or cracked glassware should not be used. Show it to the professor/assistant.

2. Broken glassware should not be disposed in a classroom trashcan. There is a special glass
disposal container for it.
3. When pouring liquids into glassware, make sure the container you are pouring into resting on a
table at least a hands breadth from the edge.
4. Pour down a glass stirring rod to prevent liquids from splattering.
5. If a piece of glassware gets broken, do not try to clean it up by yourself. Notify the teacher.
6. When inserting glass tubing into a rubber stopper, apply a lubricant like glycerine to the glass and
use a twisting motion.
7. Do not place hot glassware in water. Rapid cooling may make it shatter.

1. Always wears Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) like laboratory gowns, goggles, hairnet,
gloves and gas mask during experimentation.
*professor hands out the laboratory manuals of every group in the class*
*students starts wearing their laboratory gowns, goggles, hairnet, gloves and gas mask*

2. EATING and DRINKING inside the laboratory room is strictly prohibited.

*Some of the students are eating some snacks and drinking inside the laboratory*
*The professor warned the students that eating and drinking inside the laboratory is prohibited*

3. “VANDALISM” inside the laboratory room is strictly prohibited.

*While doing an experiment, one of the student is writing his observed data on the table*
*His group mate tells him to get a paper and write there his observed datas because writing on the
table is considered vandalism w/c is prohibited*

4. “CHEWING GUM” is strictly prohibited in the laboratory room.

*One student was about to eat some chewing gum inside the laboratory”
*His/Her classmate stops him/her from eating the chewing gum and warns him/her that eating
chewing gum inside the laboratory is prohibited”

5. Turn off water and gas cocks near your working area before leaving.
*After using the water and gas cocks the students turned off all the switch that they used*

6. Bring disposable rags and detergent every laboratory class for cleaning purposes.
*The students is finished with their laboratory experiment*
*They start washing off all the glass wears they used*
*After washing the glass wears, they have to wipe off the wet glass wears before returning*

7. “NO LOITERING” in the laboratory is strictly implemented.

*Before leaving the laboratory, the students checked the whole laboratory if it’s clean*
*Pick up all the trashes inside the laboratory”
*Stack back the chairs on the corner*

“Please Always Keep This Room Clean. This is your Home Away From Home”

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