STDC 2016 1 Basic PDF
STDC 2016 1 Basic PDF
STDC 2016 1 Basic PDF
Basic Requirements
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Project Management & Engineering (PM&E)
You can find this document and subsequent updates in the PM&E webpage of the LH Portal.
Note: is used to specifically identify Design Safety and Safety related sections
The o
s of the Standard
S d Design
n Criteria
¾ Provide standard
s tec
chnical spe
ecifications based
b on prroven technnologies and
d practical
experiences from plants.
¾ Aim towa
ard achievin
ng high Ove
erall Equipm
ment Efficien
ncy (OEE) aand Mean Time T
Between Failures (M
MTBF) valuees during th
he expectedd life time off the assets
¾ They are
e recognized
d by Supplie
ers as LafargeHolcim Standard.
Generral instru
¾ The Basiic Requiremments docum ment contaiins general specificatioons applicab
ble for
Mechaniccal, Electric
cal and Civill design
¾ The Mecchanical Equ ectrical Equ
uipment, Ele uipment and
d Systems, and Civil and
al Works do
ocuments shhall be used in conjunc
ction with thhe Basic
Requiremments sectio
¾ ations for Mechanical, E
Specifica nd Civil com
Electrical an mponents off the projec
cts shall be
reflected in the Data
a Sheets; th
hey are intennded to standardize th e way Supp pliers
present specification
s ns to Lafarg
Abdelmmalek Bouyyahiaoui PM&E
Dominnique Büchi SD-E
Thoma as Gagelin PM&E
Rolandd Luder PM&E
Rolf M
Meier PM&E (Tool Owner)
Marcelo Miranda PM&E
Andreyy Velinov PM&E
Florentin Venzin PM&E
Michaeel Weihraucch PM&E
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Standard Design Criteria – Basic Requirements Edition May 2016
a) All statements and paragraphs marked with are design provisions for safe
construction, operation and maintenance of the facility. Deviations and
exceptions are not allowed, unless approved in writing by all contractual parties.
b) All Works shall be of a standard equal or better than specified in this Standard
Design Criteria (StDC) and as laid down in relevant international and national
c) The Works including the engineering, procurement, construction, pre-
commissioning, commissioning, start-up and testing of the Works and each
component thereof shall be based upon and comply with the Standard Design
Criteria, and comply with applicable law, codes and standards.
d) The Standard Design Criteria lists certain codes and standards. In the event that
any such specified codes and standards are inconsistent or conflict with any
codes or standards required by applicable law, the most stringent standard shall
govern the Contractor’s performance.
a) The metric system (SI-units) applies exclusively for the design of the Plant
including all Equipment, provided that it is accepted for construction,
fabrication, erection, safety and environmental purposes in the country of
project execution. This requirement is extended to all documents, e.g. all
specifications, drawings and operation- and maintenance manuals.
The Contractor shall always include all metric equivalents on all drawings
and specifications, should the metric system not apply for any portion of the
b) Dangerous and Hazardous Substances need to be clearly labeled,
identified, declared and reported following the hazard classification system
applicable in the US, EU or shall following an equivalent standard. All cargo,
carriers and containers etc. used for such substances shall meet this
requirement, declared in the respective forms i.e. Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS) and reported at all times. MSDS shall be provided fully filled
in indicating any Workplace Exposure Limit (WEL) defining exposures levels
that shall not be exceeded.
Hazardous materials (inflammables, gases, acids, explosives, etc.) shall be
stored in suitable locations, to avoid pollutions, fire and explosions.
Proper ventilation, accesses, containment, and security shall be provided
according to specific requirements or local regulations.
c) Prohibited and restricted substances as declared by International and
Local regulations and standards cannot be used.
4.1 General
4.2 Safety
4.2.1 General
The Contractor shall ensure conformity of the Works in every aspect to European
Safety Standard as well as the applicable Local Safety Standard in the country of
project execution. The more stringent Standard applies in case of conflict.
4.2.6 Guards
Safety guards shall be installed in order to prevent, where possible, any physical
contact with moving machinery or moving Components.
Guards shall be easy hand able, colored according Table 5.3.3 and removable
only with the aid of a tool, or in conjunction with an interlock.
4.2.14 Piping
For fixed pipe work, the pipes shall be routed as much as possible away from any
vehicle traffic road (to avoid collision damage). If routed alongside a road,
protection shall be provided (ex: road railing). Piping signage shall be according to
table color code Chapter 5.3.2
Pipes shall be tested against leakage by pressure test or equivalent.
The route of underground pipe work shall be adequately protected from physical
damage such as excessive surface loading, ground movement or ground
disturbance and clearly marked (with warnings provided by standard colored
plastic mesh). If mechanical joints used, they shall be installed in a closed
inspection pit, which is readily accessible for inspection.
4.2.17 Water
Water accumulation shall be controlled (health issue).
Minimize perturbation of the natural water drainage system and reject flow to the
natural environment shall be regulated.
Adequate filtration devices shall be provided to avoid environmental pollution.
4.3 Maintenance
4.3.1 Accessibility
All Equipment that require periodic inspection, lubrication, cleaning, adjustment,
repair or replacement, or that are designed for manual operation or cleaning, shall
be easily accessible by virtue of their location or by means of stairs, galleries or
4.3.4 Hoists
a) Hoists, monorail trolleys and hooks shall be included to enable safe
maintenance and repair service.
b) All hoists, monorail trolleys and hooks shall be designed for the safe lifting
and -transfer of the heaviest and the biggest component of the Equipment.
c) The appropriate installation of I-beams shall be included for Equipment
which is moved once a year, or less.
d) Permanently installed hoists shall be included or design shall enable usage
of mobile cranes for more frequently moved Equipment.
5.2 Welding
All welding materials required for on-Site assembly shall be supplied in the required
quality and in sufficient quantity, including spares. It shall be properly packed and
marked according to its intended use. Welding instructions shall be included. The
Equipment shall be properly prepared for welding.
DFT: Dry film thickness, Sa2.5: Sand blasting acc to ISO 8501-1, St.2: Rust removal acc. to ISO 8501-1
1) Curing temperature of Silicone is above 200°C.
2) To be prevented: rain water or condensation of water vapor, otherwise finish coat to be applied on visible surfaces
3) Amercoat 891 and 741 of Comp. Ameron (NL) are not suitable with Amercoat 90S, hence Dimetcote 9 required
Gaseouus Design
D Value
e Comme
on [mg/Nm dry gas a
10% O2]
Hg, Tl, Cd
C ≤0.03 (each) 0 mg Hg/Nm3
Target < 0.03
and ≤Permit ¾ Prim mary measures s
(raw mat./fuel seleection)
¾ Low exhaust gas temperatures
t and dust-to ce
mill during
d direct operation
(whe ere feasible)
Other 9 HM
H of ≤0.5 (sum) “Other nine
e” include: As, Co,
C Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, V
Europeaan WID and ≤Permit
DF ≤0
0.1 (ng TEQ/Nmm3)
and ≤Permit
* 97% of th
he daily averag
ge values sha
all be within the
e Design Valu
Table 4: Gaseous
s Emission M
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Standard Design Criteria – Basic Requirements Edition May 2016
Phone +41 58 858 62 21
Fax +41 58 858 62 75