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Standard Design Criteria (StDC)

Basic Requirements

Edition May 2016

Standard Design Criteria – Basic Requirements Edition May 2016

Change Index

Chapter Description Carried out

May 2016
All Comprehensive update Rolf Meier

Project Management & Engineering (PM&E)

Document Number: LHSTX-PM&E-OS09-000000-001-00

You can find this document and subsequent updates in the PM&E webpage of the LH Portal.

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Standard Design Criteria – Basic Requirements Edition May 2016


Note: is used to specifically identify Design Safety and Safety related sections

Health & Safety 5

Introduction 6
1. General Instructions 7
2. Plant Classification: Mechanical, Electrical Equipment, Civil and Structural
Works 7
3. Equipment STANDARDIZATION, Materials and Standards 7
3.1 Equipment Standardization 7
3.2 Materials and Standards 7
4. Safety and Maintenance Aspects 8
4.1 General 8
4.2 Safety 9
4.2.1 General 9
4.2.2 Potentially explosive atmospheres 9
4.2.3 Warning signs 9
4.2.4 Start-up alert systems 9
4.2.5 Emergency stop devices 9
4.2.6 Guards 9
4.2.7 Explosion Vents 9
4.2.8 Isolation Valves 10
4.2.9 Traffic Plan, Roads and Parking Areas 10
4.2.10 Pedestrian Walkways 10
4.2.11 Sub Surface Equipment Installation 10
4.2.12 Permanent life lines and anchor points 10
4.2.13 Dust collecting hoppers 10
4.2.14 Piping 10
4.2.15 Forced ventilation 11
4.2.16 Emergency Showers and Eye Wash Stations 11
4.2.17 Water 11
4.3 Maintenance 11
4.3.1 Accessibility 11
4.3.2 Supporting Structures, Maintenance Platforms, Accesses 11
4.3.3 Modularity of Equipment 12
4.3.4 Hoists 12
4.3.5 Lifting lugs 12

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4.3.6 Condition Based Maintenance 12

4.3.7 Identification / Marking 12
4.3.8 Access, inspection and clean-out doors on equipment 13
5. Quality and Operational Aspects 13
5.1 Site Assembly 13
5.2 Welding 13
5.3 Corrosion protection, Painting, Galvanization 14
5.3.1 Examples of surface treatment 14
5.3.2 Color Code for Finishing Painting 16
5.4 Name Plates 17
5.5 Special Tools 17
5.6 Bolts, Holding-Down Bolts and Base Plates 17
5.7 Consumable Materials 17
5.8 Insulation and Cladding 18
5.9 Wear Parts and Wear Protection 18
5.10 Vibration Prevention and Confinement 18
5.11 Instrumentation tabs and mounting flange 18
6. Environmental Aspects 19
6.1 Particulate Emissions and Controls 19
6.1.1 Nuisance Dust Collection 19
6.1.2 Process Dust Collection 19
6.1.3 Particulate Emission Monitoring 19
6.2 Gaseous Emissions and Control 19
6.3 Noise Emission 21
6.4 Evidence of Environmental Protection Measures 21

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Standard Design Criteria – Basic Requirements Edition May 2016

Health & Safety

Health and Safety is the overarching value of LafargeHolcim.
At LafargeHolcim, we want to do more than prevent accidents,
we want to create a healthy and safe environment for our
employees, contractors, communities and customers based on a
true safety culture.

Health and Safety is at the center of everything we do, from the

daily routines in our plants to our customers’ project worksites
and our actions in our neighboring communities. Our aspiration is
to conduct our business with zero harm to people. We believe in
visible leadership and personal accountability for Health and
Safety at all levels and throughout our organization.

To reach this aspiration, we are committed to:

• Maintain a global Health and Safety Management System designed to continuously

improve our performance and actively manage risk in our business.
• Drive for operational discipline by instilling a mindset of safe execution and follow-up.
• Communicate openly with all stakeholders on relevant health and safety issues.

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Standard Design Criterria – Basic Re
equirements Edittion May 2016


The o
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S d Design
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¾ Aim towa
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¾ They are
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Generral instru
¾ The Basiic Requiremments docum ment contaiins general specificatioons applicab
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Abdelmmalek Bouyyahiaoui PM&E
Dominnique Büchi SD-E
Thoma as Gagelin PM&E
Rolandd Luder PM&E
Rolf M
Meier PM&E (Tool Owner)
Marcelo Miranda PM&E
Andreyy Velinov PM&E
Florentin Venzin PM&E
Michaeel Weihraucch PM&E

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Standard Design Criteria – Basic Requirements Edition May 2016

a) All statements and paragraphs marked with are design provisions for safe
construction, operation and maintenance of the facility. Deviations and
exceptions are not allowed, unless approved in writing by all contractual parties.
b) All Works shall be of a standard equal or better than specified in this Standard
Design Criteria (StDC) and as laid down in relevant international and national
c) The Works including the engineering, procurement, construction, pre-
commissioning, commissioning, start-up and testing of the Works and each
component thereof shall be based upon and comply with the Standard Design
Criteria, and comply with applicable law, codes and standards.
d) The Standard Design Criteria lists certain codes and standards. In the event that
any such specified codes and standards are inconsistent or conflict with any
codes or standards required by applicable law, the most stringent standard shall
govern the Contractor’s performance.


Plant classification follows the specification as per Asset Coding System (ACS)
Manual. The Contractor shall adopt the mentioned Plant classification thus ensuring
proper identification of all Equipment and the associated Cost of the Works. Also refer
to paragraph 4.3.7 Identification / Marking.


3.1 Equipment Standardization

The use of identical Equipment and components shall be maximized throughout the
Project, where practical, thus minimizing spare parts inventory while at the same time
optimizing maintenance procedures and parts interchangeability.
Equipment includes:
All Equipment or components performing similar functions at similar capacities, shall
be identical in make, model and size and shall include identical components and parts
such as bearings, motors, seals, drives, control devices, etc.

3.2 Materials and Standards

a) The metric system (SI-units) applies exclusively for the design of the Plant
including all Equipment, provided that it is accepted for construction,
fabrication, erection, safety and environmental purposes in the country of
project execution. This requirement is extended to all documents, e.g. all
specifications, drawings and operation- and maintenance manuals.

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The Contractor shall always include all metric equivalents on all drawings
and specifications, should the metric system not apply for any portion of the
b) Dangerous and Hazardous Substances need to be clearly labeled,
identified, declared and reported following the hazard classification system
applicable in the US, EU or shall following an equivalent standard. All cargo,
carriers and containers etc. used for such substances shall meet this
requirement, declared in the respective forms i.e. Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS) and reported at all times. MSDS shall be provided fully filled
in indicating any Workplace Exposure Limit (WEL) defining exposures levels
that shall not be exceeded.
Hazardous materials (inflammables, gases, acids, explosives, etc.) shall be
stored in suitable locations, to avoid pollutions, fire and explosions.
Proper ventilation, accesses, containment, and security shall be provided
according to specific requirements or local regulations.
c) Prohibited and restricted substances as declared by International and
Local regulations and standards cannot be used.


4.1 General

a) The overall design shall be performed in a way to facilitate safe assembly

and erection at site and method statement shall be provided. The design
shall allow for maximum pre-assembly in order to minimize site fabrication
and works.
b) Overall design shall ensure ease of maintenance and repair and result in
facilities with adequate provisions for safe operation, servicing and
maintenance. Provisions shall be made for proper maintenance and for the
easy removal and replacement of mechanical, electrical and other
c) The sizing of rooms and the location of equipment shall ensure adequate
clear space for equipment maneuvering and maintenance operations. The
arrangement of valves, control equipment and similar items shall ensure
easy access and shall not be in concealed areas.
d) In the selection of materials and equipment, due consideration shall be
given to the availability and cost of replacement parts and the need for
special tools and instructions in performing maintenance operations.

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4.2 Safety

4.2.1 General
The Contractor shall ensure conformity of the Works in every aspect to European
Safety Standard as well as the applicable Local Safety Standard in the country of
project execution. The more stringent Standard applies in case of conflict.

4.2.2 Potentially explosive atmospheres

Equipment located in areas with potentially explosive atmospheres (Ex zones)
shall be designed according to the applicable international or local standards
defined for the corresponding zone following the ATmosphères EXplosibles
(ATEX) directives or equivalent. The demarcation of all Ex zones shall be clearly
documented by the Contractor and submitted for review by the Owner.

4.2.3 Warning signs

Warning signs, to warn personnel of workplace hazards and instruct employees
on ways to avoid injuries, shall be in Contract Language and the preferred
language of the Project Owner.

4.2.4 Start-up alert systems

Every Plant Department shall be equipped with visible and audible start-up alert
systems to notify start of process equipment.
All moving machinery shall be equipped with warning devices being activated
before and during any movement.

4.2.5 Emergency stop devices

Every Plant Department shall be equipped with local manual and automatic
emergency stop devices, thus preventing injury to people or damage to

4.2.6 Guards
Safety guards shall be installed in order to prevent, where possible, any physical
contact with moving machinery or moving Components.
Guards shall be easy hand able, colored according Table 5.3.3 and removable
only with the aid of a tool, or in conjunction with an interlock.

4.2.7 Explosion Vents

The explosion vents shall be located in such a way that the explosion waves
propagate away from the building, into open areas, that are made inaccessible to
the workers during normal operation of the plant. Restricted access and platform
shall be provided to maintain the explosion vent.

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4.2.8 Isolation Valves

Lockable isolation valves for compressed air, water and fuels shall be provided at
each building entrance or for a set of equipment.

4.2.9 Traffic Plan, Roads and Parking Areas

Access roads to Owner’s customer shipping areas, service(s) building(s), and raw
material & fuel storage areas shall be kept separate from access to production
A rescue plan shall be considered while elaborating the plant layout.
Pedestrian areas, roads (vehicle traffic routes) and parking areas shall be laid out
and designed to provide distinct separation from each other.

4.2.10 Pedestrian Walkways

Pedestrian walkways shall be well marked with a clear separation and delineation
from areas that are intended for vehicular traffic. Roadway crossings shall be well
marked with appropriate signage alerting operators and pedestrians of the
danger. If the walkway passes under a conveyor, overhead protection shall be
provided to protect pedestrians from falling objects.

4.2.11 Sub Surface Equipment Installation

Equipment installations below ground level shall be avoided. However well
designed pits (with escape routes, space for maintenance, water drainage …) are
acceptable for clinker transport after the clinker cooler and bucket elevator

4.2.12 Permanent life lines and anchor points

Whenever needed, life lines and anchor points shall comply with applicable local
Standards (in absence of such, EU Standard shall apply) and shall be provided
with affixed labels indicating design load, as well as calculation notes.
Doors and manholes to vertically access confined spaces shall be provided with
double anchoring point of at least 3 tons.

4.2.13 Dust collecting hoppers

Dust collection hoppers shall be designed for being 100 % full of material.

4.2.14 Piping
For fixed pipe work, the pipes shall be routed as much as possible away from any
vehicle traffic road (to avoid collision damage). If routed alongside a road,
protection shall be provided (ex: road railing). Piping signage shall be according to
table color code Chapter 5.3.2
Pipes shall be tested against leakage by pressure test or equivalent.

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The route of underground pipe work shall be adequately protected from physical
damage such as excessive surface loading, ground movement or ground
disturbance and clearly marked (with warnings provided by standard colored
plastic mesh). If mechanical joints used, they shall be installed in a closed
inspection pit, which is readily accessible for inspection.

4.2.15 Forced ventilation

A forced ventilation system shall be provided whenever ventilation is required for
regular operation activities.

4.2.16 Emergency Showers and Eye Wash Stations

Emergency showers and eye wash stations with non-contaminated water at
suitable temperature shall be provided at least for:
a) each of the three lowest stages of the preheater
b) main burner platform
c) chemical storages
d) wet-chemistry laboratory

4.2.17 Water
Water accumulation shall be controlled (health issue).
Minimize perturbation of the natural water drainage system and reject flow to the
natural environment shall be regulated.
Adequate filtration devices shall be provided to avoid environmental pollution.

4.3 Maintenance

4.3.1 Accessibility
All Equipment that require periodic inspection, lubrication, cleaning, adjustment,
repair or replacement, or that are designed for manual operation or cleaning, shall
be easily accessible by virtue of their location or by means of stairs, galleries or

4.3.2 Supporting Structures, Maintenance Platforms, Accesses

a) Anchor points shall be provided to permit the safe use of harnessed access
to roofs and sides of buildings.
b) All supporting structures, maintenance platforms and access facilities to
Equipment shall be designed as required to provide the proper and safe
access to the Equipment for the purpose of inspection and maintenance.
c) Silo outlet equipment shall be accessible without ladders and equipped with
two sides platform made of grates.

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d) Distance between floor or platform to equipment and instrumentation shall

not exceed 1.6m, unless otherwise approved by the Owner.

e) Platforms have to be dimensioned to provide lay-down areas for spare parts

and consumables.
f) Suitable support systems are to be included for Equipment components and
subassemblies fixation as required for safe and proper maintenance and
repair of Equipment without damage to parts or components.

4.3.3 Modularity of Equipment

Components of Equipment shall be modular in design thus facilitating easy and
fast maintenance, exchange or repair with minimal interference with other
components. Quick connectors, plug & socket systems, etc. shall be used to ease
maintenance, replacement and repair.

4.3.4 Hoists
a) Hoists, monorail trolleys and hooks shall be included to enable safe
maintenance and repair service.
b) All hoists, monorail trolleys and hooks shall be designed for the safe lifting
and -transfer of the heaviest and the biggest component of the Equipment.
c) The appropriate installation of I-beams shall be included for Equipment
which is moved once a year, or less.
d) Permanently installed hoists shall be included or design shall enable usage
of mobile cranes for more frequently moved Equipment.

4.3.5 Lifting lugs

Equipment to be dismantled for regular maintenance shall be equipped with lifting
lugs (or equivalent) and lifting procedure shall be clearly described in the
equipment user manual

4.3.6 Condition Based Maintenance

The drives of raw mills, kilns, cement- and coal mills and main process fans shall
be equipped for state-of-the art online and/or offline data collection for condition
monitoring. Refer to StDC part Mechanical Equipment.

4.3.7 Identification / Marking

All Equipment, sub-assemblies, components, units, instruments, pipes and
electric cables shall have unmistakable Asset Coding System (ACS) identification.
ACS codes shall be appropriately extended where necessary. All markings shall
be both in Contract Language as well as in the Project Owner's preferred
language. Markings shall correspond with the data, symbols and instructions used
in the Operating- and Maintenance Manuals.

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Signs shall be provided to indicate the risks on:

a) Personal protective equipment (PPE) requirement on each area
b) On equipment and installations, i.e. accessible equipment with surfaces
temperature above 60°C.

4.3.8 Access, inspection and clean-out doors on equipment

All equipment shall incorporate access, inspection and clean-out doors as
required to assist in daily maintenance of equipment, locating potential problems,
verifying the proper operation of the equipment and related instrumentation and
control devices.
Access manholes, Inspection and clean-out doors shall:
a) be provided with suitable platforms and accesses
b) be located where the worker will not be exposed to danger (e.g. projections)
c) require a tool for opening
d) be of hinged design
e) if potential to swing open, a measure shall be provided to limit the opening
or swinging
f) Access manholes shall be designed to allow passage, minimum dimensions
shall be as per the applicable regulations, but not smaller than 610 mm
g) be insulated when installed on insulated equipment


5.1 Site Assembly

Equipment shipped to the Site shall be pre-assembled to the considering restrictions
for shipping and handling. All Equipment shall be properly prepared for the Site
assembly with appropriate alignment holes, match markings and all required
temporary bracings. Special devices, parts and tools necessary for proper Site
assembly shall be identified and provided with the Equipment.

5.2 Welding
All welding materials required for on-Site assembly shall be supplied in the required
quality and in sufficient quantity, including spares. It shall be properly packed and
marked according to its intended use. Welding instructions shall be included. The
Equipment shall be properly prepared for welding.

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5.3 Corrosion protection, Painting, Galvanization

a) All steel and cast surfaces of equipment and its supporting steel structures shall
have surface preparation and corrosion protection (painting or galvanization)
treatment according to the corrosively categories C1 to C5 of EN ISO 12944-2.
The required category for the project is defined in respective Contract
b) The quality of surface treatment systems for equipment shall be equal or
superior to the criteria in paragraph 5.3.1 (Examples of surface treatment).
c) The color-coding shall meet the requirements of the table in paragraph 5.3.2
(Color Code for Finish Painting)
Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) standard color is acceptable.
d) The Contractor shall design its surface treatment systems according to duration
class “Medium” (5 to 15 years) or superior, as specified in EN ISO 12944-5, §
e) If there is no seaworthy packing provided the painting shall give a protection
against corrosion during sea transport.
f) The paint required for touch-up painting work during and after erection of the
equipment shall not deviate from the initial paint as per specification.
g) The following procedures shall be strictly followed for all site-painting work:
• Touch-up painting work shall recover all damages on the painted surface
of the Equipment caused during sea and land transportation, erection and
• Surface treatment shall be satisfactorily carried out prior to
commencement of painting. In particular welding spatters and slag shall
be removed prior to painting.
• The addition of any other dilution (thinners) than requested by paint
Supplier is not allowed.

5.3.1 Examples of surface treatment

a) For each relevant EN ISO 12944 class examples of surface treatment systems
of two different corrosion protection and paint specialists are listed in the table
b) The table also lists examples of surface treatment systems which are not
covered by EN ISO 12944 for Equipment operated above 120°C.
c) Qualities equal or superior to the examples listed in the table below are

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Surface Tolerant
100 Polyurethane 50
High Solid Epoxy
micron AMERCOAT micron
Ambient up to 450-Series
C2 in- & outdoor
120 C
Surface Tolerant
80 Polyurethane 50
High Solid Epoxy
micron SF 11 / SF 12 micron
Surface Tolerant
150 Polyurethane 50
High Solid Epoxy
micron AMERCOAT micron
Ambient up to 450-Series
C3 in- & outdoor
120 C
Surface Tolerant
100 Polyurethane 80
High Solid Epoxy
Steel Structures, micron SF 11 / SF 12 micron
Sheet Metal,
General Equipm.
Zinc Rich Epoxy High Solid Aliphatic
75 100
AMERCOAT Polyurethane
micron micron
Ambient up to
C4 in- & outdoor
120 C Remove
Cleaning High Solid Epoxy 160 Polyurethane 80
rust to at
according: NEOPLAST SG 31 micron SF 11 / SF 12 micron
least St 2.
ISO 8501-1
SIS 05 59 00 Cleaning of
Touch-up High Solid Aliphatic
DIN 12944 p.4 Zinc Rich Epoxy 75 total surface 125
AMERCOAT any trans- Polyurethane
micron before micron
Ambient up to application of
C5-I & M in- & outdoor errection
120 C Blasting the finish
damages on
according: High Solid Epoxy 160 coat. Polyurethane 80
the coating
Sa 2.5 NEOPLAST SG 31 micron and feather SF 11 / SF 12 micron
(40 - 60 micron
anchor profile) Inorganic Silica 125
Hot going equipm. edges.
Amercoat 741 micron
with or w/o Inorganic Zinc 65
< 200 C or 2* 25
refractories, e.g. DIMETCOTE 9 micron
Silicon Acryl micron
outdoor cyclones, ducts
Not Amercoat 891 3) maxim.
Applicable Inorganic Silica 125
surface) Hot going equipm.
Amercoat 741 micron
with or w/o Inorganic Zinc 65
200 up tp 400 C or 2* 25
refractories, e.g. DIMETCOTE 9 micron
Silicone 1) micron
cyclones, ducts
Amercoat 878 maxim.

Parts at cold end,

e.g. Filters & ducts Modified Epoxy 150
< 200 C not required -
Insulated from AMERCOAT 90S micron
(non-visible Parts applied
surface) before waste heat
utilisation, e.g. Inorganic Zinc 65 not required 2)
200 up to 400 C -
cyclones, ducts DIMETCOTE 9 micron see footnote
Insulated from
Machined surfaces
Not Not which cannot be Tectyl 846
Blank surface - Cleaning not required -
Applicable Applicable coated due to or equivalent

Table 1: Surface Treatment Examples

DFT: Dry film thickness, Sa2.5: Sand blasting acc to ISO 8501-1, St.2: Rust removal acc. to ISO 8501-1
1) Curing temperature of Silicone is above 200°C.
2) To be prevented: rain water or condensation of water vapor, otherwise finish coat to be applied on visible surfaces
3) Amercoat 891 and 741 of Comp. Ameron (NL) are not suitable with Amercoat 90S, hence Dimetcote 9 required

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5.3.2 Color Code for Finishing Painting

Object to be coated Color RAL No.

Steel structures, conveyor bridge Squirrel grey 7000
Machinery platforms, landings Squirrel grey 7000
Portal frames of buildings, doors, window frames Squirrel grey 7000
Stairs, ladders, walk ways, platforms Squirrel grey 7000
Piping supports, cable rack supports Squirrel grey 7000
Duct supports Squirrel grey 7000
Tunnel-and manhole- lid, trenches Squirrel grey 7000
Hoist rails, maintenance beams Squirrel grey 7000
Silos, feed bins, hoppers, chutes Squirrel grey 7000
Pneumatic transport pipelines Squirrel grey 7000
Hoists, cranes Pastel yellow 1034
Maintenance devices Pastel yellow 1034
Nuisance filters, fans, ducts Sq.grey/light ivory 7000/1015
Firefighting Equipment Tomato red 3013
Handrails, guards, buffer Pastel yellow 1034
Belt conveyors, apron conveyors, weigh bridges, apron
Squirrel grey 7000
feeders, drag chains, elevators
Motors, geared motors, gears Squirrel grey 7000
Process filters w/o insulation Squirrel grey 7000
Main process fans w/o insulation Squirrel grey 7000
Kiln burners Sq.grey/brilliant blue 7000/5007
Process filters, dedusting cyclones, fans, w/o insulation Sq.grey/white alumin. 7000/9006
Waste gas ducts, stacks White aluminum 9006
Preheater, precalciner Sq.grey/white alumin. 7000/9006
Fresh water pipelines Light green 6027
Treated water pipelines Emerald green 6001
Industrial water tank White aluminum 9006
Pumps, piping, armatures Grass green 6010
Waste water: piping, armatures Bottle green 6007
Compressor, receivers and piping for pressurized air Brilliant blue 5007
Control air pipelines Pastel blue 5024
Fuel oil (diesel) open air tank White aluminum 9006
Pumps, piping, armature (ocher brown) Brown 8001
Danger zones (striped) Black/yellow 9005/1003
Table 2: Color Code for Finish Painting

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5.4 Name Plates

All name plates shall be made of corrosion resistant metal or Resopal®-type
materials (min. 1.6 mm thickness). It shall be securely fitted to Equipment and it
shall be clearly visible and easily readable. The following name plates are
a) Instruction plates, to the extent necessary for safe operation, shall be in
Contract Language and the preferred language of the Project Owner.
b) Manufacturer's labels with typical technical data.
c) Plate containing machine code (ACS) engraved according to the Plant
Classification. Refer to paragraph 4.3.7 (Identification / Marking).

5.5 Special Tools

a) Special tools are uncommon tools and devices that cannot be purchased by the
Project Owner as "normal" tools. Such tools are tailor-made- and supplied by
the Contractor for special tasks required on- or operation and maintenance of
any piece of Equipment.
b) Special tools are considered part of Equipment and hence shall be supplied with
Equipment. A list shall be provided with the equipment and identified to the
Project Owner in writing. Such tools may be used during the erection of the
Equipment, provided that these tools are handed over to the Project Owner
undamaged after erection. Damaged tools shall be replaced immediately and
free of charge to the Owner.

5.6 Bolts, Holding-Down Bolts and Base Plates

All bolts, nuts, washers and securing devices shall be made of galvanized steel. Such
items along with base plates, frames, anchoring-, fastening- and shimming materials
as required for proper assembly and installation of Equipment shall be included and
part of the relevant Equipment. This also refers to all foundation bolts and fastening
devices required for the attachment of Equipment to steel structures or concrete
foundations, as well as sliding rails for V-belt drives to be mounted on base plates.

5.7 Consumable Materials

a) All consumable materials (lubricants, hydraulic fluids) as required for flushing or
for initial operation shall be included as per respective Contract document
b) The Project Owner will specify or approve in writing, the brands and types of
auxiliary materials.

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5.8 Insulation and Cladding

a) The design of fixing, overlapping and sealing is subject to the Project Owner’s
written approval.
b) The type and layer thickness of insulating material for Equipment and ductwork
depend on the application. Refer to StDC part Mechanical Equipment.
c) Cladding of insulating layers shall be made of aluminum or galvanized steel
sheets of minimum thickness of respectively 0.75 mm or 0.63 mm. Profiled
sheets may be used on large process filters and large ductwork. Particular
attention to supports passing through cladding is required.

5.9 Wear Parts and Wear Protection

a) All Equipment exposed to wear, shall be protected by high wear resistant
materials of bolted replaceable design.
b) Special attention is needed for access to- and handling of replaceable liners.
The maximum weight and size for manual handling, as governed in the country
of project execution strictly applies, however it shall not exceed 25 kg per piece.

5.10 Vibration Prevention and Confinement

a) Machine vibrations are to be limited to acceptable levels by means of
decoupling of foundations (where necessary) and sturdy design of building
structures with due consideration of frequency / excitation aspects.
b) Drive trains of main machinery (i.e. kiln, mills, process fans and blowers) shall
be analyzed to ensure that operational speed do not coincide with natural
c) Vibration sensors shall be provided for- and fitted to all Main Equipment
subjected to material build-ups. This includes gearboxes for vertical mills and
process fans.

5.11 Instrumentation tabs and mounting flange

Instrumentation tabs and mounting flanges as well as associated check and
calibration tabs for process control Equipment shall be installed latest during erection
in order to avoid damage to insulation and cladding after erection of the Plant.

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6.1 Particulate Emissions and Controls

6.1.1 Nuisance Dust Collection

a) Dust collectors or dust suppression Equipment shall be provided wherever
needed, so that the Plant is visibly dust-free during operation. Related ductwork
and chutes shall be skillfully designed and executed, with provisions for
adjustment and fine-tuning. Particular attention shall be paid to the dedusting of:
• Transfer points of conveying Equipment
• Hoppers, bins, silos
• Dust producing machinery
b) The dust collector and suppression Equipment shall be designed to a clean air
dust load of less than 30 mg/Nm3 dry or according to Permits, whichever is
more stringent.
c) Venting ducts shall always be routed to the outside of buildings.

6.1.2 Process Dust Collection

The process dust collectors shall include the dust collectors for the kiln, the partial kiln
gas extraction (bypass), the clinker cooler and all mills, and shall be designed to have
a clean gas dust load less than 30 mg/Nm3 dry or according to Permits, whichever is
more stringent.

6.1.3 Particulate Emission Monitoring

In accordance with Permits, the stacks of process dust collectors shall have
continuous monitoring. Such stacks are equipped with correctly located and
dimensioned platforms.

Particulate Design Value Comments

Emission [mg/Nm3, dry gas at 10% O2]

Dust ≤30* and Bag filters exclusively for kiln/raw mill/kiln

≤Permit bypass gas dedusting
Stacks of process dust collectors shall
include continuous monitoring
* 97% of the daily average values shall be within the Design Value
Table 3: Particulate Emission Monitoring

6.2 Gaseous Emissions and Control

The proposed kiln system shall be designed to be in compliance with the design
values in the following table, or as imposed by the Permits, whichever is more

© 2016 LafargeHolcim Page: 19/22

Standard Design Criterria – Basic Re
equirements Edittion May 2016

SO2, NOOx and VOC C emissionss from the main

m stack are
a continuoously measu ured and
d. The stackk is equippe
ed with a correctly locatted and dim
mensioned platform.
Values apply
a also to
o the weightted averagee of both sta
acks in casee of a separate
bypass stack.

Gaseouus Design
D Value
e Comme
on [mg/Nm dry gas a
10% O2]

SO2 ≤400* and Primary measures

m target < 200 mg/Nm3
≤Permit (Primary measures
m - raw material
m selectioon)
nt measures in difficult
d cases ≤4400
¾ Hydrrated lime injection
¾ Wet sulphur scrub bbing
¾ Otheer methods
NOx (ass NO2) ≤500* and 5 mg/Nm3 (< 200
Target < 500 2 mg/Nm3 ass future target):
≤Permit ¾ Prim mary NOx reduction measurees, and
¾ Othe er
Preheater//precalciner des
sign shall allow fu
future target < 20

VOC ≤100* and Primary measures

m < 100 mg/Nm33
target <<
≤Permit (Primary measures
m - raw material
m selectioon)
(as organic C)
e ≤5 and Primary measures
m < 5 mg/Nm3
target <<
≤Permit (Primary measures
m - raw material
m selectioon)

HCl ≤30 and Primary measures

m target < 10 mg/Nm3
≤Permit (Primary measures
m – raw mat./fuel selecttion) Limit enviro
impact and
d cyclone corros

NH3 ≤30 and Primary measures

m target < 30 mg/Nm3 (P
Primary measure
es - raw
≤Permit material se
election) Avoid detached
d plumees

Hg, Tl, Cd
C ≤0.03 (each) 0 mg Hg/Nm3
Target < 0.03
and ≤Permit ¾ Prim mary measures s
(raw mat./fuel seleection)
¾ Low exhaust gas temperatures
t and dust-to ce
mill during
d direct operation
(whe ere feasible)

Other 9 HM
H of ≤0.5 (sum) “Other nine
e” include: As, Co,
C Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, V
Europeaan WID and ≤Permit

DF ≤0
0.1 (ng TEQ/Nmm3)
and ≤Permit

* 97% of th
he daily averag
ge values sha
all be within the
e Design Valu
Table 4: Gaseous
s Emission M

© 2016 La
afargeHolcim Page: 20/22
Standard Design Criteria – Basic Requirements Edition May 2016

6.3 Noise Emission

Noise emissions are to be kept to a minimum. Local and international limits shall
not be exceeded. The following applies:
At work places the maximum level shall be less than 85 dB(A) at one meter from
the emitting machine.
a) At the closest point of the nearest living area outside the Plant the maximum
level is 40 dB(A) at night and 55 dB(A) during the day (06:00 - 22:00).
b) Where possible noise emission levels shall be in accordance with ISO
standards 3744, 3746, 4871, 11201.

6.4 Evidence of Environmental Protection Measures

The Contractor shall provide a report with the final design of the Plant,
documenting all measures taken to comply with the environmental requirements
of the Permits.

© 2016 LafargeHolcim Page: 21/22

LafargeHolcim Group
Phone +41 58 858 62 21
Fax +41 58 858 62 75

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