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Gpsmap 60C: Color Map Navigator Owner's Manual

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color map navigator
owner’s manual

GPSmap 60C Front Cover.Indd 1 12/19/2003, 9:45:54 AM

© Copyright 2003 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries

Garmin International, Inc.

1200 East 151st Street, Olathe, Kansas 66062, U.S.A.
Tel. 913/397.8200 or 800/800.1020
Fax 913/397.8282

Garmin (Europe) Ltd.

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Tel. 44/0870.8501241
Fax 44/0870.8501251

Garmin Corporation
No. 68, Jangshu 2nd Road, Shijr, Taipei County, Taiwan
Tel. 886/2.2642.9199
Fax 886/2.2642.9099

All rights reserved. Except as expressly provided herein, no part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, transmitted, disseminated, down-
loaded or stored in any storage medium, for any purpose without the express prior written consent of Garmin. Garmin hereby grants permission
to download a single copy of this manual onto a hard drive or other electronic storage medium to be viewed and to print one copy of this manual
or of any revision hereto, provided that such electronic or printed copy of this manual must contain the complete text of this copyright notice and
provided further that any unauthorized commercial distribution of this manual or any revision hereto is strictly prohibited.

Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Garmin reserves the right to change or improve its products and to make
changes in the content without obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes or improvements. Visit the Garmin web site
( for current updates and supplemental information concerning the use and operation of this and other Garmin products.

Garmin®, MapSource®, BlueChart®, TracBack® and GPSmap® are registered trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries and may not be
used with the express permisison of Garmin.

December 2003 Part Number 190-00332-00 Rev. A Printed in Taiwan

GPSmap 60C Front Cover.Indd 2 12/19/2003, 9:46:42 AM

GPSmap 60C
Preface Preface
Thank you for choosing the Garmin GPSmap 60C handheld naviga-
tion system. This Owner’s Manual and Reference Guide is comprised of
the following sections:
Introduction—provides the Garmin software license agreement, FCC
and safety information, the Table of Contents and an overview of the Contact Garmin
GPSmap 60C functional features.
If you should encounter any difficulty while using your
Getting Started— takes you through installing batteries, using the GPSmap 60C, or if you have any questions, in the
unit control buttons, making interface connections from the GPSmap U.S.A. contact Garmin Product Support by phone at
60C to your PC and downloading detailed maps. 913-397-8200 or 800-800-1020,
Monday – Friday, 8 am – 5 pm Central Time; or by
GPS Navigation—takes you through the process of navigating with e-mail at
your GPSmap 60C and how to use GPS Navigation to customize the In Europe, contact Garmin (Europe) Ltd. at 44/
operation of your GPSmap 60C. 1794.519944.
Non-GPS Features—provides detailed descriptions of additional
non-GPS features such as the Calendar, Calculator, etc.
GPS Enhanced Features— provides entertainment using GPS tech-
nology to enhance performance.
Appendices—provides you with additional information about your
GPSmap 60C and an index by subject.

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd i 12/19/2003, 2:02:19 PM

GPSmap 60C

Software License Agreement Software License Agreement

Garmin grants you a limited license to use the software embedded
in this device (the “Software”) in binary executable form in the normal
operation of the product. Title, ownership rights and intellectual
property rights in and to the Software remain in Garmin.
You acknowledge that the Software is the property of Garmin and
is protected under the United States of America copyright laws and
international copyright treaties. You further acknowledge that the
structure, organization and code of the Software are valuable trade
secrets of Garmin and that the Software in source code form remains
a valuable trade secret of Garmin. You agree not to decompile,
disassemble, modify, reverse assemble, reverse engineer or reduce to
human readable form the Software or any part thereof or create any
derivative works based on the Software. You agree not to export or re-
export the Software to any country in violation of the export control
laws of the United States of America.


GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd ii 12/19/2003, 2:02:30 PM

GPSmap 60C

The GPSmap 60C complies with Part 15 of the FCC interference FCC Compliance
limits for Class B digital devices FOR HOME OR OFFICE USE. These
limits are designed to provide more reasonable protection against harm-
ful interference in a residential installation, and are more stringent than
“outdoor” requirements.

Operation of this device is subject to the following conditions: (1)

This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.

This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency

energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment
off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one The GPSmap 60C does not contain any user-
of the following measures: serviceable parts. Repairs should only be made
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. by an authorized Garmin service center. Unau-
• Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver. thorized repairs or modifications could result in
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that permanent damage to the equipment, and void
to which the receiver is connected. your warranty and your authority to operate this
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. device under Part 15 regulations.


GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd iii 12/19/2003, 2:02:31 PM

GPSmap 60C

Warnings and Precautions CAUTION: Use the GPSmap™ 60C at your own risk. To reduce
the risk of unsafe operation, carefully review and understand all aspects
of this Owner’s Manual—and thoroughly practice operation using the
Demo Mode prior to actual use. When in actual use, carefully compare
indications from the GPSmap™ 60C to all available navigation sources, in-
cluding the information from other NAVAIDs, visual sightings, charts, etc.
For safety, always resolve any discrepancies before continuing navigation.



CAUTION: The electronic chart is an aid to navigation and is

designed to facilitate the use of authorized government charts, not replace
them. Only official government charts and notices to mariners contain
all information needed for safe navigation – and, as always, the user is
responsible for their prudent use.


GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd iv 12/19/2003, 2:02:36 PM

GPSmap 60C

MAP DATA INFORMATION: One of the goals of Garmin is to Warnings and Precautions
provide customers with the most complete and accurate cartography that
is available to us at a reasonable cost. We use a combination of govern-
mental and private data sources, which we identify as required in product
literature and copyright messages displayed to the consumer. Virtually
all data sources contain inaccurate or incomplete data to some degree.
This is particularly true outside the United States, where complete and
accurate digital data is either not available or prohibitively expensive.

WARNING: The Global Positioning System (GPS) is operated by the

United States government, which is solely responsible for its accuracy and
maintenance. The system is subject to changes which could affect the
accuracy and performance of all GPS equipment. Although the Garmin
GPSmap 60C is a precision electronic NAVigation AID (NAVAID), any
NAVAID can be misused or misinterpreted and, therefore, become unsafe.

WARNING: This product, its packaging, and its components contain

chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects,
or reproductive harm. This Notice is being provided in accordance with
California’s Proposition 65. If you have any questions or would like addi-
tional information, please refer to our web site at

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd v 12/19/2003, 2:02:38 PM

GPSmap 60C

Warnings and Precautions Safety Warnings and Cautions—Read This First!

WARNING: For use in vehicles, it is the sole responsibility of the
Important owner/operator of a vehicle with the GPSmap 60C installed to place and
secure the device so that it will not interfere with the vehicle operating
Because the Garmin GPSmap 60C can be used
controls and safety devices, obstruct the driver’s view of driving condi-
for vehicular navigation, important safety consid-
tions, or cause damage or personal injury in the event of an accident.
erations must be observed. Please read and observe
the instructions on this page. Do not mount the unit over airbag panels or in the field of airbag
deployment. Airbags expand with a rapid force that can propel objects
in their path towards the vehicle driver or passengers causing possible
Do Not Mount Where Do Not Place Unsecured injury. Refer to airbag safety precautions contained in the vehicle owner’s
Driver’s Field of Vision on the Vehicle Dash manual.
is Blocked
Do not mount the unit in a place where the driver or passengers are
likely to impact it in a collision. The mounting hardware provided by
Garmin is not warranted against collision damage or the consequences
WARNING: When used in vehicles, it is the sole responsibility of the
driver of the vehicle to operate the vehicle in a safe manner, maintain
full surveillance of all driving conditions at all times, and not become
Do Not Mount in distracted by the unit to the exclusion of safe driving practices. It is
Front of Airbag Do Not Mount in Front of an
Airbag Field of Deployment unsafe to operate the controls of the unit while you are driving. Failure
by the driver of a vehicle equipped with a GPSmap 60C installed to pay
full attention to operation of the vehicle and road conditions while the
vehicle is in motion could result in an accident with property damage and
personal injury.


GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd vi 12/19/2003, 2:02:39 PM

GPSmap 60C

Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction...............................................i-iv Section 3: GPS Navigation.......................................8-54
Preface.........................................................................................i The Map Page............................................................................8
Software License Agreement........................................................ii The Compass Page...................................................................14
FCC Compliance Information....................................................iii The Trip Computer Page..........................................................16
Warnings and Precautions......................................................iv-vi Using Waypoints......................................................................17
Table of Contents................................................................vii-viii Using Find...............................................................................21
The Main Menu.......................................................................33
Section 2: Getting Started..........................................1-7 Using Tracks......................................................................34
Battery Installation and Start Up.................................................1 Using Routes......................................................................37
Key Functions.............................................................................2 The Highway Page.............................................................42
Unit Features.............................................................................3 The Setup Menu................................................................43
Initialization..............................................................................4 System Setup..............................................................43
The Satellite Page.......................................................................4 Interface Setup...........................................................44
Navigating with the GPSmap 60C..............................................5 Tones Setup...............................................................46
The Main Page Sequence............................................................6 Page Sequence Setup..................................................46
The Main Page Features..............................................................7 Map Setup.................................................................47
Routing Setup............................................................50
Geocache Setup..........................................................51
Marine Setup..............................................................51
Time Setup.................................................................52
Units Setup.................................................................52
Heading Setup............................................................53
Welcome Page Setup...................................................53
Proximity Waypoints.........................................................54

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd vii 12/19/2003, 2:02:41 PM

GPSmap 60C

Table of Contents
Section 4: GPS Features.........................................55-63
Alarm Clock.......................................................................56
Sun and Moon Tables.........................................................58
Hunt and Fish Tables..........................................................59
GPS Enhanced Games.......................................................60
Non-Enhanced Game........................................................63

Section 5: Appendices............................................64-80
Data Field Definitions..............................................................68
Connecting the GPSmap 60C to a Computer...........................72
Downloading MapSource Map Data........................................73
UTC Offset Chart....................................................................74
Map Datums and Position Formats..........................................75
WAAS and DGPS.....................................................................76
Wiring Diagram ......................................................................77


GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd viii 12/19/2003, 2:02:42 PM

GPSmap 60C
Getting Started

Installing the Batteries Battery Installation and

The GPSmap operates on two “AA” batteries (not included), which are Start Up
located in the back of the unit. Alkaline or NiMH batteries (see page
43 for setting the battery type) may be used. Stored data will not be
lost when batteries are removed. Important Note
When replacing batteries, use only new or fully
To install batteries: charged batteries. Do not mix Alkaline and NiMH bat-
teries. Rechargeable batteries may typically display less
1. Remove the battery cover from the capacity than disposable batteries.
back of the unit. Turn the D-Ring 1/4
Remove the batteries from the unit if you don’t plan
turn counter-clockwise and then pull. to use it for several months. Storing batteries in the
2. Insert the batteries, observing the unit for prolonged periods may result in leakage and
proper polarity. A polarity diagram damage to the battery compartment.
can be found moulded into Locking Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper care
the battery compartment. Pin Slot and disposal of used batteries. Do not incinerate used
batteries, as internal materials may ignite with explosive
3. Reinstall the battery cover by inserting violence.
the bottom slot over the tab at the
Extensive use of backlighting and/or WAAS as well as
base of the unit and reinserting the USE BY: 2009
USE BY: 2009

key beep tones will significantly reduce battery life.

locking pin in the back of the unit.
Turn the D-Ring 1/4 turn clockwise To set backlighting intensity and timeout, see page 44.
to lock in place. To disable WAAS, see page 43.

To mute the beep tones, see page 46.

Battery Compartment

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 1 12/19/2003, 2:02:43 PM

GPSmap 60C
Getting Started POWER Key
• Press and Hold to turn unit On/Off
Key Functions • Press and Release to adjust back-

• Move Up/Down or Right/Left to
IN/OUT Zoom Keys move through lists, highlight fields,
• From the Map Page, press to zoom on-screen buttons, icons, enter data
in or out GPSmap 60C or move the map panning arrow
• From any other page, press to scroll
up or down a list PAGE Key
• Press to cycle through the main
FIND Key pages.
• Press and release at any time to • Press when using the on-screen
view the Find Menu Page keyboard to close
• Press and hold for MOB
MARK Key • Press and release to view options
• Press and release at any for a page
time to mark your current location IN OUT
• Press twice to view the Main
as a waypoint FIND PAGE Menu


• Press and release to cancel data ENTER
• Press and release to enter high-
entry or exit a page lighted options, data or confirm
on-screen messages

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 2 12/19/2003, 2:02:46 PM

GPSmap 60C
Getting Started
Belt Clip/Auxiliary Connector Mount
• Provides convenient access when
hiking or walking Unit Features

Auxiliary GPS Antenna Connector (under GPS Helix Antenna

weather cover) • Provides quick satellite acquisition
• Provides connection to a remote GPS

External Power and Data Connector

Port (under weather cover)
• Provides interface to a PC for data
• Provides auxiliary AC or DC power
adapter connection

USB Connector Port (under weather cover)

• Provides interface to a PC for faster
data transfer

Battery Compartment Locking D-Ring

• Turn 1/4 turn counter-clockwise
and lift to remove cover

Battery Compartment Cover Auxiliary Mount Alignment Slots


GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 3 12/19/2003, 2:02:48 PM

GPSmap 60C
Getting Started
Starting Up the GPS Receiver
Initialization & the Satellite Page
Whenever you turn on the GPSmap 60C, the GPS receiver begins to
search for satellites in order to determine its location which is necessary
for navigation. This process is called “initialization” and can take up to
15 minutes the first time you use your unit. Thereafter, if you haven’t
moved move than 600 miles from your original location, it takes only
seconds to minutes. In order to receive satellite signals, you must be
outdoors and have a clear view of the sky. Satellite signals cannot pass
through solid materials (except glass) or dense overhead tree cover. To
shorten the time required for this first initialization, select “New Location”
from the options menu, then you can use the Map Page to determine
your general location so the GPSmap 60C can search for just those satel-
The GPSmap 60C locates satellites above its position lites above your position.

To initialize your GPSmap 60C:

1. Press and release the POWER key to turn on the unit.
2. Observe the Welcome Page followed by the Satellite Page.
Options 3. While the GPS receiver is searching for the satellite signals, an
“Acquiring Satellites” message appears at the top of the page.
You will also observe a sky view array of the satellites overhead
with your position centered in the array. The outer circle represents the
horizon and the inner circle a position 45o from the horizon. The num-
bers displayed indicate the number assigned to each satellite. A bar graph
Satellite Page Acquiring Satellite Signals displays the strength of signals from each satellite.

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 4 12/19/2003, 2:02:50 PM

GPSmap 60C
Getting Started
4. When the receiver has signals from at least three satellites, the
display at the top of the page will change to indicate position Initialization & The Satellite Page
accuracy and location coordinates. The Status Bar at the top of
the display indicates the GPS status and status of other features.
Map Item
If, for any reason, you have difficulty initializing your GPSmap 60C, Details
the solution could be as simple as moving slightly to avoid objects that
are blocking or deflecting the satellite signals.
5. Press and Release the PAGE key until the Map Page is dis-
played. You are now ready to begin GPS aided navigation. Map Scale

Active Navigation is supported by three of the Main Pages:

Map Page with Current Position Arrow
The Map Page graphically shows you map details, your current loca-
tion, marks your route to a destination with a route line, and leaves a trail Navigating with GPSmap 60C
(track log) of where you’ve been.
The Compass Page indicates direction to go and direction of travel.
The Trip Computer Page records and displays travel data.
There are three methods of navigating to a destination when using the
GPSmap 60C’, each graphically displayed on the Map Page. A Go To
Go To - A direct path to a selected destination (waypoint, city, address, etc.). A Track
Track - A previous path of travel that has been stored (logged) in the
GPSmap 60C. A Track allows you to repeat a path or return on the path.
Route - A path to a destination consisting of intermediate stops along
the way (waypoints, cities, exits, points of interest, intersections, etc.).
A Route
Refer to the sections on Tracks, Routes and Waypoints for details.

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 5 12/19/2003, 2:03:10 PM

GPSmap 60C
Getting Started

The Main Page Sequence

Whenever you turn on the GPSmap 60C, the Power On Page is followed by the Satellite Page, which is
the first of the Main Pages in sequence.
To view each Main Page:
1. Press and release the PAGE key, repeatedly, to cycle through the pages.
2. With a Page displayed, press the MENU key to display the list of options for that page. Power On Page

Satellite Page Trip Computer Page Map Page Compass Page Main Menu

There are no Main Menu

Options at the Main Page
Satellite Page Options Trip Computer Page level
Options Compass Page
Map Page Options Options

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 6 12/19/2003, 2:03:12 PM

GPSmap 60C
Getting Started
Status Bar, Backlighting and On-Screen Messages
The Main Page Features
At the top of each page, a Status Bar (which is always displayed)
provides current status information for several unit features. Status Bar
• Power to the unit is provided by either the batteries or from
an auxiliary source (AC or DC Adapter). The Battery Power icon
displays the remaining power as the battery becomes depleted.
Battery Power Acquiring Satel- Backlight is On Alarm is Set
• Satellite signal status is shown when searching for (acquiring)
satellites, when a two-dimensional fix is attained and when four or 2-Dimension Navigation USB is Connected
more satellites have been received (three dimensional fix). Auxiliary Power

3-Dimension Navigation
• Backlighting is Off when you power up the unit. When On, it
uses a significant amount of battery power. This icon displays
when the backlight is functioning.
• Alarm Clock: this icon displays whenever the Alarm is set.
• USB cable connection displays when the unit is in communi-
cation with a PC Universal Serial Bus.

You may want to adjust the backlight level by pressing down on the
POWER key and releasing. Then tap the POWER key or ROCKER key
Up/Down arrows to cycle through the levels of backlight adjustment. See
page 44 for information on changing the display colors and backlight
timeout and brightness levels. Backlight Adjustment
Whenever a significant event in the operation of the unit occurs, an (Brightnesses varies
on-screen message will display to advise you of the occurrence. In each according to battery
case the condition is described and often a remedy provided. Pressing the power level.) On-Screen Messages
ENTER key will acknowledge and close the message window.

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 7 12/19/2003, 2:03:15 PM

GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Using the Map Page
The Map Page
The Map Page is the primary navigation feature of the GPSmap 60C.
The Map Page displays a detailed map of the area surrounding your cur-
“North Up”
rent location. It allows you to pan the map with the ROCKER key as well
as view your progress when navigating. When in the “Track Up” mode
with Map
oriented with
(oriented in the direction of travel), a north reference arrow appears at the
North at the top top left corner to orient the map. When in the “North Up” mode the map
is oriented like a paper map. When you activate the Track Log feature,
The Map Page
your path of movement is indicated by a dotted line. The map display can
Position Arrow
The Map Scale be changed to “Night” mode for easier viewing in dim light. The factory
set default automatically changes the display at sunrise and sunset.
The map also displays geographic details such as rivers, lakes, high-
ways and towns. The maps to the left show a higher level of detail than
the basemap provided with the unit (i.e. residential streets, parks, etc.)
because Garmin MapSource® detailed mapping data has been downloaded
Data Fields
from a CD-ROM program.
“Track Up”
Guidance Text
Mode You can use the Map Page to:
North Street Level
• Determine your current location and progress while moving
Arrow Mapping • Select and save a map point as a waypoint.
• Locate and navigate to map items by following a Route displayed
on the map.
• Customize the map display to your requirements.
The Map Page with Data Fields and Guidance Text

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 8 12/19/2003, 2:03:17 PM

GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Using Map Page Features
The Map Page
Use the Zoom In and Out buttons to change the map scale in order to
show more map area with less detail or less map area with more detail.
Press and hold to Zoom the map scale rapidly.
The map scale in the lower left hand side of the display is shown in
units of measurement selected in the “Units” field of the Unit Setup Page
(not to be confused with the Map Setup Page). If you zoom in so far that Zoom In Zoom Out
the resolution of the map data is exceeded and the appearance of the map
is no longer accurate, the word, “overzoom” displays just below the map
scale. When using MapSource detailed maps, “mapsource” appears below
the scale.
In many instances the map displays an “Accuracy Circle” surround-
ing the “Position Icon”. The GPSmap 60C uses both map resolution and Map Features
GPS accuracy in defining your location to a point within the circle. The
smaller the circle, the more accurate your location.
When using the “Pan Map” feature, a small outline arrow (Panning Map Scales
Arrow) can be moved about the page to highlight and identify map items
or to scroll the map to view areas not shown on the display screen. If
there are more than one map items under the Panning Arrow. a list of Panning Arrow
those items displays with the item highlighted on the map, also high-
lighted on the list. Accuracy Circle

Optional data fields can be added at the top of the display to provide a
variety of travel and navigational information, see pages that follow.
Guidance Text
When navigating, Guidance Text will be displayed at the top of the map.

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 9 12/19/2003, 2:03:19 PM

GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
The Map Page Options Menu
The Map Page
The Map Page can be changed to display a variety of information
for navigation. You can stop navigation to a destination. Arrange up to
four data fields to display the type of navigation information you desire.
Include a navigation guidance text message on the map page. You can
select the type of data fields to display. You can change the way the map
displays items by selecting your own settings for text size, what items
are displayed and more. You can display the distance from your current
location to other locations on the map. You can reduce the amount of map
clutter (map item icons and names) to increase the visibility of roads and
The Map Page Options Menu
other geographic features. You can restore the Map Page display to the
factory default settings.
A Quick Look at the Map Page Options
Stop Navigation - Stops navigation and is disabled when
there is no active navigation. To arrange the Map Page:
Data Fields - Allows two to four fields to display at the top
of the page showing Speed, Heading, Elevation and Time. 1. With unit turned On, Press and Release the PAGE key until the
Guidance Text - Displays messages on the screen to Map Page displays.
advise you of your next navigation move when navigating to
a destination. 2. Press the MENU key to display the Map Page Options Menu.
Change Data Fields - Allows you change data field types.
Setup Map - Access to six pages of Map display settings 3. Use the ROCKER key to select the feature you want to use to
so you can customize the map to your preferences. customize the Map Page and press the ENTER key.
Measure Distance - Measures the distance from your
current location to the Map Pointer.
Turn Declutter On - Eliminates the display of items on Some of these options contain sub-menus that allow you to further
the map which can block out road details when the map
is zoomed out. control of how the option is used.
Restore Defaults - Returns the map display to the factory
set map display defaults The following pages discuss each option in detail.

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 10 12/19/2003, 2:03:21 PM

GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
To display Data Fields:
The Map Page
1. With Map Page Options Menu displayed, use the ROCKER
key to highlight the Data Field option and press ENTER. Data Field
2. Observe the sub-menu options: “Map Only”, “2 Data Fields”
“3 Data Fields”, and “4 Data Fields”.
You can choose to leave the Map Page as is (full page map),
or add two, three or four navigation data fields.
Two Data
3. Highlight your choice and press ENTER. Fields

To change Data Fields:

1. Display the data fields, a “Change Data Fields” option appears
on the options menu when you press the MENU key.
Three Data
2. Select this option and pressing the ENTER key to highlight the
first data field.
3. Press ENTER again to select from a list of types of navigation
data to display in that field.
4. After making your selection and entry, use the ROCKER key to
move to the next field and repeat the process.

Many of the Data Field Options are related to the display of

data received from other devices interfaced to the GPSmap 60C, for List of
Data Field
an explanation of what each option represents, see page 68 of the
Appendices. Four Data Fields

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 11 12/19/2003, 2:03:23 PM

GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
To display Guidance Text:
The Map Page
1. With Map Page displayed, press the MENU key to display
the Map Page Options Menu.
2. Highlight the Guidance Text Option and press ENTER to
display the Guidance Text Options Menu.
Guidance Text Options Menu 3. Select the desired option “Always Show”, “Never Show”, or
“Show When Navigating” and press ENTER to activate.
If you select “Always Show” a guidance message will always be dis-
played whether or not you are navigating.
If you select “Show When Navigating” a guidance message will be
displayed until you select “Stop Navigation” from the Options Menu.
Guidance Text shows you useful information when using one of the
navigation methods described on page 5. If you select “Always Show” and
you are not navigating, the message field will display GPS Status informa-
GPS Status Message when not navigating tion,

To Setup the Map:

1. Refer to the Map Setup section of the Setup Options on page

Guidance Message when navigating


GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 12 12/19/2003, 2:03:25 PM

GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Measuring Distance
The Map Page
This Map Page option allows you to use the ROCKER key to position
the Map Pointer on a map item and then determine the distance to that
point from your current location. Access the Map Page Options Menu,
select “Measure Distance” and press ENTER to activate. Do the same to

Turning Declutter On/Off

This Map Page option allows you to remove map item titles and icons
that clutter the view of roadways especially when the map is zoomed to a
scale that is partially obscured by titles and icons which remain the same The “Measure Distance” Option Enabled
size no matter what the map scale.
Access the Map Page Options Menu, select “Declutter On” and press
ENTER to activate. Do the same to cancel the “Declutter” option.

Restoring Default Settings

This option allows you to return the map settings to factory settings.

Map Declutter “Off” Map Declutter “On”


GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 13 12/19/2003, 2:03:27 PM

GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation

The Compass Page Using the Compass Page

The Compass Page is your guide to accurate and efficient navigation. It
uses traditional navigation displays to provide navigation information.
Whenever navigation is in progress, the Compass Page provides
navigation data and directions. It uses a graphic compass display and a
The Compass Ring
bearing pointer along with digital data fields to display information such
moves to indicate as current speed, distance to the next point on the route, estimated arrival
North orientation time, etc. You can choose from three or four data fields and select the
when you are type of data displayed in each from a list of options.
When moving, the rotating graphic compass indicates the direction
you are heading. The Bearing Pointer indicates the direction (bearing) to
Compass Page
your destination, relative to your current heading direction. The compass
dial and bearing pointer work independently to show your direction
The Course Pointer
of movement and the direction to your destination. For instance, if the
indicates your
course of travel arrow points straight up, you are headed directly to the next point. If the
and the distance arrow points any other direction other than up, move in the direction of
you drift off the arrow until it points up again, then continue in that direction. You
Course Pointer course. can choose between a Bearing Pointer or a Course Pointer for guidance.
The compass does not function as a magnetic compass when you are
The Bearing
stationary. However when you move, the dial rotates to keep you oriented
Pointer always
indicated the in relation to North. This is especially helpful when using a paper map in
direction to your conjunction with your unit for navigation.
Bearing Pointer


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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
To use the Compass Page Options:
The Compass Page
1. Press the MENU key to display the Options Menu.
2. The first option is “Stop Navigation” which can be highlighted
and activated by pressing ENTER to stop navigating.
3. The second option is “Course Pointer” or “Bearing Pointer”.
The Bearing Pointer and Compass Ring work independently of the
direction of your movement and the direction to your destination. The
Bearing Pointer always points directly to the destination, no matter what Compass Page Options Menu
your current location might be.
For example: if the arrow is pointing straight up, you are going Course
directly to your destination. If it points any direction other than up, turn
towards that direction until the arrow is pointing up and then continue
in that direction. If you are using the ‘Course Pointer’ option instead and
you drift away from the line of travel to your destination, the Course Course
Deviation Indicator (CDI) provides graphic indication of drift (right or Deviation
left) and displays the distance off course. Indicator
4. The third option is “Data Fields”. Highlight the data fields
option and press ENTER to display the “Show: 3 Data Fields
or 4 Data Fields” options. Highlight your selection and press Course Pointer Option
5. The next option is “Change Data Fields” which allows you to
determine what data is displayed in the fields. When you select
this option, the topic of the first data field on the page will be
highlighted. When you press ENTER, a list of data options will
Change Data Fields Option
appear. Refer to page 11 details on changing data fields.

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Using the Trip Computer Page
The Trip Computer Page
The Trip Computer Page provides you with a wide variety of travel
Select data useful when navigating a long distance. It indicates your current
“Change speed, average speed, trip odometer and many other helpful statistics
Data Fields” useful for navigation.
or press the
ROCKER key You can customize the Trip Computer display to meet your personal
to highlight a requirements, with list of data options to choose from. Selecting the type
field you want of data to display is done in the same manner as for the similar data fields
to change. on the Map Page. (See page 11 for details.)
Because you want to record new data for each trip, a “Reset” option is
available. If you want to view significant trip data at a glance you can use
the “Big Numbers” option which shows fewer fields with larger displays.
Options Menu
Before each trip, be certain to reset the trip information by highlight-
ing “Reset” from the options menu and pressing ENTER.
The Reset Page offers options for resetting trip
computer data, clearing the Track Log and delet-
Big Numbers ing Saved Tracks, Waypoints and Routes. This
Option page allows you select individual items , select all
and unselect all. Once your selections are made,
highlight the “Apply” button and press ENTER.
Answer “OK” to the Yes/Cancel prompt and press
ENTER to complete the reset.
Selecting the “Restore Defaults” option will
return the page to factory settings.
Reset Page

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
The Mark Waypoint Page
Using Waypoints
The Mark Waypoint Page allows you to mark and record your current
(or any other) location as a waypoint and appears with name for that
waypoint and a waypoint symbol. You can mark your current location MARK
from any page on the GPSmap 60C. Press the
To mark your current location as a waypoint: MARK key
to display
1. Press in and hold the MARK key until the Mark Waypoint Page the Mark
appears. Waypoint
2. To change the name of the waypoint, use the ROCKER key to Page
highlight the waypoint name field and press ENTER to display
the on-screen keypad. Use the ROCKER key and ENTER key
Mark Waypoint Page
to select a name for the waypoint. If you choose a name that
has already been used, a “Waypoint Already Exits” message
will appear. Press ENTER to acknowledge and choose a new
3. To assign an identifying symbol to a waypoint, use the ROCKER
key to highlight the symbol block next to the waypoint name
and press ENTER to display the Symbols Chart.
4. To save the waypoint to the Find Menu Waypoints List, high- Symbols Chart
light “OK” and press ENTER.
5. If you do not want to save it as a new waypoint, press the QUIT
button before pressing any other to cancel.
Naming a Waypoint


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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
To create a waypoint using the map panning arrow:
Using Waypoints
1. With the Map Page displayed, move the panning arrow (map
pointer) to the map item you want use as a waypoint. If there
is information in the mapping database for that location it will
highlight momentarily and display a name or address.
2. Press ENTER to display the item information page. With the
Information Page displayed, highlight the “Save” button at the
bottom of the page and then press ENTER to save it to the
Find Menu Waypoints List.
If the map selected does not contain any information, a mes-
sage will appear, stating “No map information at this point. Do
Map Item selected as a you want to create a user waypoint here?”. Select “Yes” and
press ENTER to display a new waypoint page.
Another method for creating a waypoint is the Man Overboard (MOB)
feature. Typically an application for marking a location on water where
you cannot stop quickly and must return to a point where there are no
land marks for reference.
To create a waypoint using the MOB feature:
1. Press and hold the FIND key to display the MOB prompt.
2. Select “Yes” and press ENTER to display
the Map Page showing the path from your
current location to the MOB point. Use the
Information Page for a Waypoint Page for a Compass Page for additional guidance to
Map Point with Data Map Point without Data MOB Prompt
the MOB point.

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Editing a Waypoint
A waypoint can selected from the Find Feature Waypoints list and
Using Waypoints
edited to change the map symbol, name, location coordinates, elevation
or to delete it. Refer to page 21 for details on using the Find Feature.
To edit a Waypoint:
1. Use the Find Feature to display the desired waypoint informa-
tion page.
2. Make changes as required by highlighting each field and use Waypoint
the waypoint symbol chart, and alpha/numeric keypad to enter
Symbols Chart
new data.
3. Press the QUIT key to close and save the changes.
Delete Button
To delete a Waypoint:
1. Use the Find Feature to display the desired waypoint informa-
tion page.
2. Highlight the “Delete” button at the bottom of the page and
press ENTER. Answer “Yes” to the pop-up prompt and press
ENTER to delete.

To average a Waypoint Location using measurements over time:

1. Use the Find Feature to display the desired waypoint informa-
tion page.
Waypoint Options
2. Press the MENU key to display the page options menu.
3. Select “Average Location” and press ENTER to display the
Average location Page. It will begin to average automatically. Average Location Page
4. Highlight the “Save” button and press ENTER when desired.

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
To Move a Waypoint on the Map Page:
Using Waypoints 1. Use the Find Feature to display the Information Page for the
desired waypoint. (Refer to page 23.)
2. Highlight the “Map” button at the bottom of the page and
New press ENTER to display the waypoint on the map.
Location 3. Press ENTER again to place a “Move” marker next to the
Original 4. Use the ROCKER key to drag the waypoint to the desired loca-
Location tion on the map and release to place it there and press ENTER.

Projecting a Waypoint
Projecting a waypoint from any map item (another waypoint, etc.)
Moving a Waypoint
allows you to establish a new waypoint on a bearing and distance pro-
jected from that map item.
To project a waypoint:
1. Select an item from the Find Menu and display the Information
2. Press the MENU key to display the Options Menu and select
“Project Waypoint”
3. Press ENTER to display the Project Waypoint Page
4. Enter the distance and bearing to the projected waypoint in
the appropriate fields at the bottom of the page and press the
Project Waypoint Projected Waypoint on QUIT key to finish.
Page the Map

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation

Using the Find Menu Using Find

The Find Feature provides you with a method for searching for
Waypoints, Cities, Exits and Geocache Points which are included in the FIND
GPSmap 60C basemap. If you have downloaded Garmin MapSource
mapping data that contains additional map detail, you can search for Press the
and find Points of Interest, Addresses and Intersections. If you down- FIND key to
load BlueChart® data, you can find Marine Points such as Wrecks and display the
Obstructions, NAVAIDS, and Anchorages. If this additional data is not Find Menu
loaded, these options are not available.
Searching for a map item is simplified by separating the map database
into groups which are shown as icons on the Find Menu Page.
• When you access a Find group list, by default it will contain only Find Menu Options Menu
Options Menu
those items near your current location or the Panning Arrow (if for Waypoints for groups with
active). Sub-Categories

• To save effort in searching again for an item already found, you can
use the “Recent Finds” group which contains a list of 50 last found
items of all categories. Find By Name
The options menu for each map item group offers its own unique
search options such as “Find By Name”, “Find Nearest”, “Select Symbol”
(for Waypoints), “Change Reference” ( by moving the map Panning Arrow
to a new location), “Nearest Containing” (a key word you enter), “Select
Category” (for those groups such as Food and Drink, Lodging, etc.). Using
these options can effectively shorten your search.


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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Searching for a location using Find By Name
Using Find
If you know the name of the location you want to find, the Find By
Name search option may be the easiest method of searching.
To find a location using Find By Name:
1. Press the FIND key to display the Find Menu.
2. Use the ROCKER key to highlight the Group icon for the type
of item you want to search for and press ENTER to display the
page. Or, if you want to search the entire item database, select
“Finding” icon “All Points of Interest”.
displays while 3. Press the MENU key to select “Find By Name”.
searching 4. Use the ROCKER key and ENTER key to operate the keypad
at the base of the display and enter the name of the loca-
tion, when the list displays a match, highlight “OK“ and press
ENTER to go a list where you can select the item.
5. Next, the Information Page for that location will display.
Searching for a location using Recent Finds
The Recent Finds Page saves all of your most recent searches on a
Pressing the list that places your last found location at the top of the list. When you
FIND key with exceed the number of entries the list can hold, the oldest is deleted.
Find Menu
To return to a recently found item:
displayed will
take you to this 1. With the Find Menu displayed press the ROCKER key to
page. highlight the Recent Finds icon and press ENTER to display the
Recent Finds List.
Recent Finds List
2. Use the ROCKER key to select the list item you want view and
press ENTER to display the Information Page for that item.

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Using the Find Item Information Page
Using Find
When you have selected a Find item and pressed the ENTER key, an
Information Page displays with detailed information about the item. This
page contains:
• A title (if a waypoint, it can be renamed and a map symbol assigned)
• An information field (if a waypoint, information you add, if
a map item, an address or other description)
• Location coordinates, if the item is a waypoint. Selected as a
• Elevation and depth if a waypoint. destination

• Direction and distance from current location or the map pointer

At the bottom of the page are three on-screen buttons, these buttons Information Page
will appear differently depending on whether you are selecting a Find for a Waypoint
item to navigate to or adding a Find item to a route list as a waypoint.
• If selecting an item as a destination, the three buttons will display as:
Delete - Remove from the Waypoints list.
Map - display on the Map Page.
Go To - start a Go To navigation.
• If selecting an item to add to a list of points, these three buttons will Selected as
be displayed. a Point on
Save - save as a waypoint. a Route or
Map - display on the Map Page. Information Page
Use - insert into a list of points on a route or track. for a Map Item

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
The Find Information Page Options Menu offers eight options for
Using Find using a Find Item as a tool for navigation.
To use the Find Item Information Page Options Menu:
1. With an Information page displayed for a Find item, press the
MENU key to display the Options Menu.
2. Use the ROCKER key to highlight the desired option and press
ENTER activate:
• Average Location - Used with waypoints only,
it samples a waypoint location over time and
Waypoint Information averages the result for a more accurate position
Page Options include reference.
“Average Location” (Refer to page 19 for detailed information on
Location Averaging)

• Project Waypoint - Create a new waypoint by

referencing another location by entering a
bearing and distance from the referenced loca-
tion (present position or Find Item location)
(Refer to page 20 for detailed instructions.)

Find Map Database Item • Find Near Here - Returns you to the Find
Information Page Options Menu where you can search for map items near the item defined
on the Information Page.

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GPSmap 60C

• Change Reference - Point to a new

GPS Navigation
location on the map Page using the
Panning Arrow and press ENTER. Using Find
• View Sun and Moon -
View the Sun and Moon tables
for this item location.
(Refer to page 58 for detailed
information about the Sun and
• Set Proximity - Program an alarm to Moon Tables.)
sound when you are within a speci
fied radius of an item defined by the
Information Page.
• View Hunt and Fish -
(Refer to the Section on Proximity View the Hunt and Fish tables
Waypoints on page 54 for detailed for this item location.
(Refer to page 59 for detailed
information about the Hunt and
Fish Tables)

• Add To Route - Include this item on a • Map Information -

New Route or add it to an existing route. Display the map that the map
(See Using Routes page 41 on for item originated from.
(Refer to page 73 of the Appen-
dicies for information about
downloading detailed maps.)

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation

Using Find Searching for a Waypoint

The Waypoints List is your storage file for all created and saved
waypoints. Waypoints can be created from marking your location,
pointing to a place on the map or saving any other Find item (i.e. city,
restaurant) as a waypoint. Waypoints are stored in alpha/numerical order
and are also identified by a symbol assigned from a list of symbol types.
Waypoints can be selected as destinations and added as points on a route.
Find Waypoint To find a Waypoint:
1. Press the FIND key to display the Find Menu.
2. Highlight the Waypoint icon and press ENTER to display the
Waypoints List.
Find Waypoints List 3. Use the ROCKER key to scroll up and down the list to find a
waypoint. If the list is large, you can press the MENU key to
Waypoint Information Page
display a list of search options.
Waypoint Enter a
Name and notation “Find By Name” allows you to enter the name of the waypoint
Symbol using the in a search field.
Waypoint on-screen “Find Nearest” allows you to list only those waypoints near
Location keypad your current location.
Coordinates, Distance and “Select Symbol” allows you to search for only those waypoints
Elevation Direction from of a specific type.
and Depth (if Current Location
applicable) “Change Reference” allows you to use the Panning Arrow to
Navigate to select a point on the map other than your current location.
Remove a Waypoint 4. Once found, a waypoint information page can be viewed by
Waypoint View Waypoint on
Location pressing the ENTER key. The data can be edited or select “Go
from List Map Page To” to navigate to a waypoint.

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Searching for a Geocache
Using Find
The Find Geocache feature allows you to view the list of geocache
locations that have been either, created using the GPSmap 60C or down-
loaded from your computer. A geocache location is actually a waypoint
with a special geocache symbol assigned to give special significance and
to allow it to be separated from others on the waypoints list. For more
information on creating a geocache point refer to Geocache Setup instruc- Options
tion on page 51 and

To find a Geocache:
1. Press the FIND key to display the Find Menu.
Find Geocache List
2. Use the ROCKER key to highlight the Geocache icon and press
ENTER to display the Geocache List. You can display either
found geocaches or those that have not been found.
3. Use the ROCKER key to highlight the desired geocache on the
Information Page
list and press ENTER to display the information page.
4. Highlight the “Go To” button and press ENTER to navigate to
the geocache location. When you navigate to a geocache, the
Compass Page changes to “Geocache Navigation” mode and
any additional information about downloaded cache location is
displayed in the comment field. Use Found button
when reach a
When a geocache is found, the unit will mark the cache as
geocache Use Data button
found, log an entry into the calendar and provide an option
for information
that when activated will show the next nearest cache. about a geocache “Find Next” Option

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 27 12/19/2003, 2:03:55 PM

GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Searching for a City
Using Find
The Find Cities feature allows you to search for any city listed in the
Find Cities mapping database (either in the basemap or from downloaded detailed
mapping data)
To find a city:
1. Use the ROCKER key to select the ‘Cities’ option, then press it
display the find by ‘Nearest’ list of cities.
2. If using find ‘By Name’, begin spelling the name of the city by
using the keyboard. When you have entered enough characters
to define the name, a match list displays. If you are using find
‘By Nearest’ scroll through the list to find the city you want.
Cities Options Select Maps
Use the ROCKER key to select the desired city from the list and
Menu Options then press ENTER to display the Information Page for that city.
3. With the Information Page displayed, you can select ‘Go To’,
‘Map’, or ‘Save’ options.
City Information

City Page


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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Searching for an Interstate Exit
Using Find
The Find Exits feature allows you to search for the nearest Interstate
1. Press the FIND button to display the Find Menu.
2. Select the Exits icon, then press ENTER to display the Exit List.
3. Highlight and select an exit type by pressing ENTER.
4. A list of exits nearest to you displays. The title box indicates the
interstate highway which is served by the exits. Two fields at the
bottom of the page indicate distance and bearing to the exit.
5. Scroll through the list to highlight the desired exit. Options
6. Press ENTER to display the Information Page for that exit. This Menus
Find Exits List
page contains the exit description with a list of available ser-
vices near that exit along with the distance and bearing fields.
7. Use the ROCKER key to move to the list of services and high-
light a selection from the list.
8. Press ENTER to display the Information Page for the selected
The Exit Services Information Page displays the name of the
service, its direction from the exit, and a list of the services
available, each marked by a check.
At the bottom of these Information Pages are on-screen but-
tons for ‘Go To’, ‘Map’, and ‘Save’.
Exit Information Page Exit Services Info Page


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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Searching for an Address
Using Find The Find Addresses feature allows you to search for an address within
the coverage of downloaded detailed mapping data. Enter the street
number, street name and city and the Find Feature will match that data
with addresses in the map database.
To find an Address:
1. Press the FIND key to display the Find Menu.
2. Highlight the Addresses icon and press ENTER to display the
‘Find Addresses’ page.
3. If your unit has a GPS fix the “Region” field at the top of the
page will be completed with your current region and the <Enter
Find Addresses Search City> field will be highlighted.
Page 4. Press ENTER to display a list of cities for the region and make
your selection. Use the on-screen keypad to enter the first few
letters of the city name, until the desired city moves to the top
of the list. Highlight “OK“ on the key pad and press ENTER.
With city highlighted on the list, press ENTER to insert the city
in the field.
5. Next enter the Street Number <Enter Number> using the on-
screen keypad. Enter “OK” to place the number.
6. Finally press ENTER to display the street list. Use the on-screen
keypad to enter enough of the street name to display a match
on the list below. For name streets, like Main or Elm, enter the
Find Address Matches Address Information core name instead of “E”, “W”, etc., as the search will move
Page faster. When done, a list of matches appears below. Select one
and press ENTER to display the Information Page.

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Searching for an Intersection
The Find Intersections feature allows you to search for an intersection
Using Find
within the coverage of downloaded detailed mapping data. Enter the
two street names and city and the Find Feature will match that data with
intersections in the map database.
To find an Intersection:
1. Press the FIND key to display the Find Menu.
2. Highlight the Intersections icon and press ENTER to display the
“Find Intersections” search page.
3. If your unit has a GPS fix, the “Region” field at the top of the
page will be completed with your current region and the <Enter Options
City> field will be highlighted. Menu
Intersections Search Page
4. Press ENTER to display a list of cities for the region and make
your selection. Use the on-screen keypad to enter the first few
letters of the city name, until the desired city moves to the top
of the list. Highlight “OK“ on the key pad and press ENTER.
With city highlighted on the list, press ENTER to insert the city
in the field.
5. Enter the Street Name <Enter Street Name> using the on-screen
keypad. Highlight “OK” and press ENTER to place the number.
6. Finally press ENTER to display the street list. Use the on-screen
keypad to enter enough of the street name to display a match
on the list below. For name streets, like Main or Elm, enter the
core name instead of “E”, “W”, etc., as the search will move
faster. When done a list of matches appears below. Select one Intersection Matches Intersection Info Page
and press ENTER to display the Information Page.

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Searching for a Point of Interest
Using Find You can use the Find Point of Interest feature to locate a nearby
restaurant, lodging, landmark, public building, park, etc. However, you
must have downloaded MapSource detailed mapping that supports this
feature otherwise these options, plus Address and Intersection options,
are not functional.
To find a point of interest:
1. Press the FIND button to display the Find Menu.
2. Highlight a desired “Points of Interest” icon and then press
Find POI Topic List ENTER to display the list of nearest points.
3. Press the MENU key to choose from search options or choose
“Select Category” to narrow your search.
4. Highlight the desired item from the list and then press ENTER
Search Method to display the Information Page for that item.
Select Category
If you are searching for a restaurant that is part of a national chain,
only the nearest restaurant to your location is displayed when you search
using the “Find Nearest” method. If you search using the “By Name”
method, then all of the locations for that chain in the mapping database
will be display with the closest to your current location listed first.

Category List POI Information Page


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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation

About the Main Menu The Main Menu

The Main Menu is the directory for all unit features not in the Main Page sequence with the excep-
tion of Mark Waypoint and Find, which are accessed by pressing the FIND and MARK keys. The Time
and Date can be found at the bottom of this page. A detailed discussion of each of the Main Menu
features follows this brief introduction. Use the ROCKER key to highlight a feature name and then
press ENTER to display the feature page.
• Tracks - This feature allows you to maintain a record of your movements (track log) with informa-
tion such as time and location. It can be saved for later use.
• Routes - Create a list of points that you wish to navigate to in a specific order and save for later use.
• Highway - A useful graphic perspective for navigating a route.
• Setup - Controls the settings for many of the unit operating system features.
• Proximity - An Alarm feature for a defined circle around a specified waypoint.
• Calendar - An outdoor calendar with data access as well as waypoint association.
• Alarm Clock - This feature allows you to use the GPSmap 60C as an Alarm Clock.
• Calculator - A standard or scientific calculator for measurement conversions, etc.
• Stopwatch - A multi-featured stopwatch.
• Sun & Moon - Sunrise and sunset times, moon phases and sun and moon location for any given date and time.
• Hunt & Fish - A table of time frames for best hunting and fishing opportunities for any given location and date.
• Games - A series of challenging games. Some incorporating GPS navigation.


GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 33 12/19/2003, 2:04:09 PM

GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Using a Track Log
Using Tracks
The Tracks feature creates an electronic trail on the map page as you
travel about and is referred to as a Track Log. A track log contains infor-
mation about points along its path, including time, position, elevation and
depth (requires NMEA input, see page 44).
Use a Track Log to:
• Record your movements for a given time and place and save it.
• Measure the area of any space you encompass with a track.
• Retrace your path in either direction.
To create a Track Log:
Tracks Page with Saved Track Log 1. Press and Release the PAGE key until the Main Menu displays.
Then use the ROCKER key to highlight the Tracks icon.
Options Menu
2. Press ENTER to display the Tracks Page. The page contains On
and Off buttons to activate or cancel the Track Log and a Track
Log meter which displays the percentage of track log space used.
3. Beneath the Track Log field are four on-screen buttons to:
“Setup” a track log, “Clear” the track log, “Save” a track log,
and to activate the “TracBack®” feature for the current log.
4. To setup a track log, highlight the “Setup” button and press
ENTER to display the Setup page. The first item on the page is
”Wrap When Full”. If you don’t check this item, then the track
log will stop recording when full instead of overwriting the
oldest data with new.
Track Log Setup Page
5. Highlight the “Record Method” field and press ENTER to display

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
the Distance, Time and Auto options. Because a track is made
of a series of points that define your path of travel, they can Using Tracks
be placed a specified “Distance” apart or placed at a “Time”
interval you specify. The “Auto” option allows you choose from
five intervals.
6. Next, set the interval for setting track points. You can choose
from distance, time or frequency values.
7. When completed, press the QUIT key to return to the Track Log

To Save a Track Log:

1. With the Tracks Page displayed, highlight the “Save” button and Save Track Page
press ENTER, you will be asked “Do You Want To Save the Entire
Track?”. If you select “Yes”, a “Saving Track” message appears
followed by the Saved Track Page. The new saved track will be a
representation of the entire track log from beginning to end.
2. If you select “No” a map showing the entire track appears and
prompts “Select the beginning point for the saved track.” Use
the ROCKER key to move the Panning Arrow to the point on the
track line that you want to become the beginning of the Saved
Track and press ENTER.
Saved Track Select Track
3. The next prompt asks you, “Select the ending point for the saved on Map Ending Point
track.” Use the Panning Arrow to identify a point on the track
that you want as the End Point and press ENTER. A “Saving
Track” message appears followed by the Saved Track Page. (cont. Select Track Beginning Point
on page 36)

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
4. The Saved Track Page allows you to: Rename the track, view the
Using Tracks track distance, view the calculated area encompassed by the
track (an area is defined even if the track is open ended), specify
a color for the track when displayed on the map page (Show On
Map). On-screen buttons at the bottom of the page allow you to
Save the track (OK), Delete, View it on the Map, and navigate the
track back to any point along the track (TracBack).

To Use the TracBack feature:

1. With the Saved Tracks Page for the track or the Track Log
displayed, highlight the TracBack button and press ENTER to
display the TracBack Page.
Saved Track Page
2. A map showing the entire track appears and you are prompted
to select the point you want to TracBack to. Use the ROCKER key
to move the Panning Arrow to the desired point on the map and
press ENTER to start navigating the TracBack.
3. Select either “Follow Road” to route back to the selected point
using available roadways or “Follow Track” to retrace your origi-
nal path of travel. Highlight the “Don’t ask Again” option and
press ENTER if you want to use the same option the next time
you use TracBack.
4. When the TracBack Navigation Page displays, directions to the
first turn on the track display at the top of the page. Move in
TracBack Page
the direction of the first turn. When you reach the first turn the
display will provide direction to the next turn, and so on, until
you have reached your destination.
5. To exit a TracBack, press the MENU key and select “Stop Naviga-

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 36 12/19/2003, 2:04:15 PM

GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Creating and Using a Route
Using Routes
Route navigation allows you to create a sequence of intermediate
waypoints which lead you to your final destination. The GPSmap 60C stores
50 routes, each with up to 250 waypoints each. A route can be created and
modified from the Routes Page, and waypoints can be added to a route
from the Find Menu. More complex routes can be created using a PC and Options
MapSource mapping programs and then transferred to the unit memory. Menu
Active Route
To create a route:
1. Access the ‘Routes’ page from the Main Menu. The page has a
“New” button, an “Active” button and a list of saved routes.
2. Use the ROCKER key to highlight the ‘New’ button and press List of Saved Routes
Active Route Page
ENTER to display the route Setup Page. when Off Road
3. With an empty row (dashed) in the route list highlighted, press
ENTER to display the Find Menu.
4. Use the Find Menu to select a route waypoint from one of the
Find Menu groups and display the Information Page for the
selected waypoint, city, exit, point of interest, etc. Highlight
the on-screen ‘Use’ button and press ENTER to place it on the
Route Waypoint List.
5. To add more waypoints to the route, repeat the process in Steps
3 and 4. You can rename the route if desired.
6. Press QUIT to save it to the Saved Routes list. Or, highlight the Route Setup Page Active Route Page
“Navigate” button and press ENTER to navigate. when following roads

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Methods of navigating to a destination:
Using Routes
• When you activate the “Go To” button on the Information Page for a
User Waypoint or other Find Menu items, the GPSmap 60C creates
Direct Line Navigation a straight path (point to point) from your current location to that
• When you press the “Navigate” button on a Route page the GPSmap
60C creates a route composed of several User Waypoints or Find
Menu items, with the last being your destination. It navigates
directly from point to point. Before each turn in the route a turn
page displays a guidance message and graphic of the turn. You can
Go To (Distance) view the turns at any time by pressing the ROCKER key Up or
Down arrows while the route is active.
Navigation from Waypoint to
Waypoint • These two navigation methods change when you select the “Follow
Roads” option from the Routing Setup Page. Both Go To navigation
and point to point routing become routes that allow you to navigate
using roads.
Manual Routing The routes use existing roadways (either those in the basemap or
from downloaded detail mapping) to automatically calculate a route
to your destination. Turns on roadways are added to the active route
Navigation using Existing
page and will be preceded by a guidance message with graphic
display of the turn.
If there are not enough roads at your location to calculate a route, a
message will display to advise you.
Auto Routing

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Navigating a Route
After you have created a route, you can begin navigation immediately Using Routes
or save it to the Saved Routes list as explained on page 37.
When you are navigating a route, a guidance message and graphic
view of turns in the route will display as you approach each one. Using
the “Follow Roads” option from the Routing Setup Page increases the
number of turns and displays an Active Route page with a list of turns. If This field changes
to red at the
you selected the “Off Road” option you can view only the list of points for a
second warning
route from the Active Route Page. (See Routing Setup on page 50.) beep, when you are
To Preview the Turns for an Active Route: about to reach the
turning point.
1. From the Routes Page, highlight the route from the Routes list.
Preview of Turn 4 of 9 Turns on a
2. Press ENTER to display the Route Page for the route.
3. Highlight the “Navigate” button and press ENTER to begin
navigation and display the route on the Map Page.
4. To view the list of turns on the route, press the PAGE key to
display the Active Route Page. The view any individual turn on
the list, use the ROCKER key to highlight it and press ENTER.
5. The page displays the turn and guidance text and a small field
at the bottom showing the turn number in sequence and total
turns in the route. To scroll through all turn previews, use the
ROCKER key Up and Down arrows. To exit the preview page,
press the QUIT key.
6. To stop navigating, select “Stop Navigation” from the Map or List of Turns for an Active Route
Compass Page and press ENTER. using the “Follow Roads” option

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Route Options
Using Routes
Saved Routes
To delete the route:
1. Access the Saved Routes Page from the Main Menu and press
the MENU key to display the Options Menu.
2. To clear the saved routes list, select “Delete All Routes” and
press ENTER. A prompt will display, asking “Do you really want
to delete all routes?”. Select “Yes” and press ENTER.

To select the Off-Road transition for a route:

1. Access the Saved Routes Page from the Main Menu and press
the MENU key to display the Options Menu.
2. To select a method for advancing the route to the next point
on the route, select “Off Road Transition” and press ENTER to
display the Off Route Transition Page.
Route Leg Transition
Options 3. Highlight the Route Leg Transition field and press ENTER to
display the list of options. Select ”Auto”, “Manual” or “Dis-
Route on the map will
transition to the next
leg point when you are
within a 1 mile radius of
that point.


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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Using the Route Detail Page Options:
Using Routes
To remove all waypoints:
1. Press the MENU key to display the Options Menu. Route Detail
2. Highlight the “Remove All’ option and press ENTER. At the
prompt , select “Yes”.
To reverse the route:
1. With the Options Menu displayed, highlight the “Reverse
Route” option and press ENTER.
To copy the route:
1. With the Options Menu displayed, highlight the “Copy Route”
option and press ENTER. The copied route displays on the
Routes Page and is named the same but followed by a numeral 1.
To delete the route:
1. With the Options Menu displayed, select “Delete” and press
ENTER. At the prompt, select “Yes”.
To change the route data fields:
1. With the Options Menu displayed, select “Change Data Fields”
and press ENTER to display a list of data field options. (See Options Menu Data Field Options Menu
page 11 for detailed information.)
To restore default settings for the route:
1. With the Options Menu displayed, select ’Restore Defaults’ and Route Waypoint
press ENTER. Options Menu
To modify a waypoint on a Route Detail Page:
1. Select the waypoint from the list of waypoints and press ENTER
to access the Route Waypoint Options Menu.

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
The Highway Page
The Highway Page
Whenever navigating a route, the Highway Page will guide you to
the destination using data fields and a graphic highway. Up to four user
selectable data fields display information such as speed, distance, time to
next point on the route, etc. The list of data to display and the method of
selection is the same as for the Compass Page and is explained in detail
on page 11.
The Highway graphic provides visual guidance, taking you point by
point to your final destination. Your course is represented by a centerline
down the middle of the graphic. As you move toward each point on your
route, the graphic will show the direction you should move to stay on
Highway Page with an
course to the point. Five scale settings allow you to Zoom In or Out on
Active Route the highway.

To navigate using the Highway Page:

1. While navigating, access the Highway Page from the Main
Menu and observe your path of travel displayed on the highway
Highway Page
Options Menu 2. Press the MENU key to display the options menu. You can:
Stop Navigation, Configure Data Fields from four to three with
a destination guidance message, Change the Data Fields or
restore Defaults to factory settings.
Data Field
Display Options

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
The Setup Menu
The Setup Menu
The Setup Menu allows you to customize the GPSmap 60C to your
personal preferences. Each selectable setup page is identified by an icon,
which when highlighted displays the page when you press ENTER.

To access the Setup Menu:

1. From the Main Menu select the Setup icon and press ENTER.
2. With the Setup Menu displayed, select the feature you wish to
modify and press ENTER.
3. Instructions for modifying features are explained in the sections
that follow.
Setup Menu
System Setup
System Setup
The System Setup Page allows you to select from four modes of opera-
tion, enable/disable WAAS (see page 76), designate battery type currently
being used to power your unit, choose a display text language, set options
for operation when disconnected from an external power source.

To change a System Setup feature:

1. Use the ROCKER and ENTER keys to select the feature field
and setup options.
2. With an option for a field highlighted, press ENTER to select.
To view the software version, press MENU and select:
System Setup Page and Options

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Display Setup
Display Setup The Display Setup Page allows you to select a screen display color
scheme and displays a sample at the bottom of the page. You can set the
backlight timeout and the level of brightness which can significantly save
on battery power.
To change a System Setup feature:
1. Use the ROCKER and ENTER keys to select the feature field
Color Scheme and setup options menus.
Backlight Options
2. With an option for a feature field highlighted, press ENTER
Options Level to select. Use the ROCKER key to slide the brightness level
Selector selector.
Color Scheme
Sample Display Setup Page Interface Setup
Interface Setup The Interface Setup Page allows you to control the input/output
format used when connecting your unit to a computer, external NMEA
devices, a DGPS beacon receiver, etc. using a USB or Serial Port Cable
The following settings are available:
GARMIN - The proprietary format used to exchange waypoint, route,
track log and MapSource data with a PC.
GARMIN DGPS - The proprietary format used with a Garmin dif-
ferential beacon receiver (e.g., GBR 23). Provides for tuning of the beacon
receiver directly from the GPSmap 60C.
NMEA In/NMEA Out - Supports input and output of standard
Data Format
NMEA 0183 version 2.30 data.
Interface Setup Options Text Out - Allows ASCII text output of location and velocity informa-
Page tion. No input.

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
RTCM In - Provides DGPS input using a standard RTCM SC-104
format. No output. Interface Setup
RCTM In/NMEA Out - Allows DGPS input using a standard RCTM
SC-104 format and supports the output of standard NMEA 0183 version
2.30 data.
RCTM In/Text Out - Allows DGPS input using a standard RCTM
SC-104 format and supports the output of simple ASCII text output of
location and velocity information
None - Provides no interfacing capabilities.
To change an Interface Setup feature:
1. Access the Interface Setup Page as explained at the beginning
of this section. Data Format Page for Data Format Page for:
2. Highlight the desired setting and press ENTER. GARMIN DGPS NMEA In/NMEA Out
Text Out
3. When you select Text Out and /or RCTM In, additional fields will
appear. Use the ROCKER key to highlight “Baud Rate” and
RCTM In/Text Out
press ENTER. Use the ROCKER key to highlight the desired
setting and press ENTER. IMPORTANT NOTE:
When the USB cable is con-
4. For Garmin DGPS or RCTM In/NMEA Out, use the ROCKER key nected to the GPS map 60C, it
to highlight “Beacon” and press ENTER. Use the ROCKER key is automatically detected and
to select “Scan” or “User” and press ENTER. communicates only in Garmin
Format. When the USB is con-
If “Scan” is selected, the GPSMap 60C will automatically direct nected, Garmin format will not
the beacon receiver to scan for available beacon transmitters. communicate through the Serial
connection, while all other
If “User” is selected, select the “Freq” and “Bit Rate” fields and formats can be used by the
enter the appropriate settings. The beacon status, signal-to- Data Format Page for Serial connection with the USB
noise ratio and distance to beacon are displayed in the bottom RCTM In/NMEA Out still connected.
of the page. 45

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Tones Setup
Tones Setup
The Tones Setup Page allows you to customize the signal tones for a
variety of unit features.
Tones Sound when
To use the Tones Setup feature:
1. Access the Tones Setup Page.
2. Use the ROCKER key to highlight the feature for which you
want to set a tone and press ENTER to display the options menu.
3. Highlight the desired option and press ENTER. As you move
down the list each different tone will sound.

Page Sequence Setup

The Page Sequence Setup Page allows you to reorder any of the Main
Pages, plus additional pages when you cycle the PAGE key. If a page is
Page Sequence Setup added to the sequence, it will no longer appear in the Main Menu.
To move, insert or remove a page:
1. Access the Page Sequence Setup Page.
Options 2. To move a page in the order, highlight the page and press
Menu ENTER. Select “Move”, then move Up or Down until the
desired position is displayed and press ENTER.
3. To insert a new page highlight the page you wish to insert
Restores Adds all before in the order and press ENTER. Select “Insert”, then
to original pages to choose a page from the displayed list and press ENTER.
setting the list
4. To remove a page, highlight the page and press ENTER. Select
Page Sequence Setup Page “Remove” and press ENTER.

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Using the Map Setup Feature
Map Setup
The map display for your GPSmap 60C is user configurable. A factory
set of default settings currently control the Map Page display and may be
satisfactory for your current requirements. The Map Setup pages allow
you to determine how map features appear on the page by controlling
map orientation, text size, track display, map item display, detailed map
data display and more. It is suggested that you wait until you are more
familiar with the operation of your unit before deciding what features you
want to customize.
To customize the Map Page display:
1. To access the Map Setup Pages, press the MENU key with the
Map Page is displayed.
The “General Settings” Map Setup Page
2. Scroll down the Menu to the “Setup Map” Many of the Setup fea-
option and then press ENTER to display the tures use the same type of
Map Setup Page. At the top of the page are option lists; Off/On, Most
icons for each setup page. to Least, Small to Large, a
scale from 20 feet to 500
3. Use the ROCKER switch to move from icon miles and a keypad for
to icon when selecting a map setup page and numerical data entry.
to move up and down to the feature fields on
each page. The Map Setup
Options Menu
4. With a Map Setup feature highlighted, press the ENTER key to allows you to quickly
display the list of options for that feature. Each Map Setup Page restore map settings.
has a menu of general options. This menu can be accessed by
pressing the MENU key with the page displayed.

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Map Setup - General Settings
Map Setup
The first page of the Map Setup feature is the General Settings Page.
Use this page: to select the map orientation, “North Up” (with north at
the top of the map) or “Track Up” (with the map oriented in the direc-
tion of travel). “Below” sets the map scale at which the Track Up feature
displays, all scales above that revert to the North Up map orientation.
“Auto Zoom”, zooms the map scale to include the beginning and ending
points of a route. Detail selects the degree of map detail displayed. You
can lock the Position Arrow to display on the nearest road, compensating
The “General Settings” Map Setup Page for variances in map position accuracy. Use Display Mode to display the
screen in Day or Night mode for increased readability in changing light
conditions. Or... select “Auto” to switch from day to night automatically.
Map Setup - Tracks Settings
The Tracks feature settings, which records a log of your movements
for any given period of time, are accessed from the second page of the
Map Setup. You have settings for maximum zoom for viewing saved
The “Tracks Settings” Map Setup Page tracks and active track logs. You can set the number of track points for
recording a track and select either a bearing or course line for navigating
a track.
Map Setup - Points Settings
The third page of the map setup feature allows you determine the map
scale at which various map features display. You turn off the display, set it
to Auto or select a value from 20 feet to 500 miles.
The “Points Settings” Map Setup Page

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Map Setup - Text Settings
Map Setup
The fourth page of the Map Setup feature is the Text Settings Page.
Use this page to select the text size for descriptions of map items on the
Map Page. You can select from Small, Medium, or Large.

Map Setup - Information Settings

This page of the Map Setup feature displays a list of downloaded
detailed maps such as topographic, marine charts, and MapSource maps The “Text Settings” Map Setup Page
with auto-routing capability. Use the ROCKER key to highlight the
desired map and then the ENTER key to show it on the map display or
turn it off.
Pressing the MENU key displays list of options for displaying these

Map Information Options Menu The “Map Information” Map Setup Page

Map Setup - Marine Settings

The last page of the Map Setup is the Marine Settings Page. Use this
page to control the display of marine chart items when using downloaded
marine charts (i.e. MapSource BlueChart® marine mapping data).
The “Marine Settings” Map Setup Page


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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Routing Setup
Routing Setup The Routing Setup Page allows you to customize the manner in which
routing functions behave. There are setup and option menus for route
creation and methods of navigation.

To Use Routing Setup Options:

1. Access the” Routing Setup Page.
Routing 2. Select the Guidance Method and choose “Prompted” if you
Setup want to be asked to choose one of the other two options
(“Follow Road” or “Off Road”) each time a route is being
calculated. Otherwise, the chosen method will always be used
Routing Setup Page for navigation.
3. If you chose “Follow Road” then the Follow Road Method field
will offer a similar choice of “Prompted”, “Faster Time” or
“Shorter Distance”.
4. If you want the Next Turn Preview Page to display just before
each turn on the route, select “On” from the Next Turn Pop-Up
5. When using the “Follow Road” guidance method, select the
Follow Road Follow Road Options button and press ENTER to choose from
Options a page of options.

Follow Road Options


GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 50 12/19/2003, 2:04:41 PM

GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Geocache Setup
The Geocache Setup Page allows you to find and record items hidden
Geocache Setup
at geographic locations. Refer to the Garmin website for details and how
to download geocache locations from the internet (
To use the Geocache Setup feature:
1. Access the Geocache Setup Page as explained at the beginning
of this section.
2. Highlight the symbols fields and press ENTER to change from
the default open and closed geocache symbols. Select “Yes” or Symbols List
“No” for Calendar entry when found.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Before setting up and placing physical geo-
cache stations on public or private land, be certain you are not in viola-
tion of ordinances or laws governing use of these properties.
Marine Setup Marine Setup
The Marine Setup Page allows you to set values for limits which acti-
vate alarms for features specific to maritime navigation.
To use the Marine Setup feature:
1. Access the Marine Setup Page as explained at the beginning of “Deep” and
this section. “Shallow”
2. Highlight the box in front of each field to activate the desired water alarms
alarm and press ENTER. require
3. Highlight the field adjacent to each checked box, press ENTER sonar input
and use the Number Keypad to enter the value for each alarm. interfacing.
Highlight “OK” and press ENTER to close.

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 51 12/19/2003, 2:04:43 PM

GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Time Setup
Time Setup
The Time Setup Page allows you to set the correct time for your
geographic location.
To use the Time Setup feature:
To set the 1. Access the Time Setup Page.
UTC Offset
2. Highlight the Time Format field and press ENTER to choose
for “Other”
Time Zones,
from 12 or 24 (Military Time) hour formats.
see page 74. 3. Highlight the Time Zone field and press ENTER to choose the
correct zone for your location. If you selected “Other”, you
must enter the correct Universal Time Coordinate for your loca-
tion. Refer the UTC Chart on page 74.
Time Zone
4. Daylight Savings Time offers choices of Yes, No and Auto.

Units Setup
Units Setup
The Units Setup Page allows you to select the units of measurement
for your GPSmap 60C.
To use the Units Setup feature:
Menu 1. Access the Units Setup Page.
2. Use the ROCKER and ENTER keys to highlight the various
units fields and select the desired units from the lists displayed.
For more information about selecting Position Formats and Map
Datums, refer to page 75 in the Appendices.


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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Heading Setup
The Heading Setup Page allows you to specify the type of heading
Heading Setup
display and the type of North Reference used to calculate your heading.
Unless you have a working knowledge of Headings and North Referenc-
ing, it is recommended that you use the default values.
To use the Heading Setup feature:
1. Access the Heading Setup Page as explained at the beginning
of this section.
2. Highlight the Display field, press ENTER and select from Cardi- North
nal Letters, Degrees or Mils to display the heading value. Reference
3. Highlight the North Reference field, press ENTER and select Options
from True North, Magnetic North, Grid North, or User Grid
Welcome Page Setup Welcome Page Setup
The Welcome Page Setup Page allows you to insert a message such as
ownership information on the Welcome Page (the first page to display
when you turn the unit on).
1. Access the Welcome Page Setup Page as explained at the
beginning of this section.
2. Use the keypad at the base of the screen to enter your welcome
message. Use the ROCKER key to select text and press ENTER Text and
to place text. Number
3. When completed, highlight “OK” on the keypad and press
ENTER to close.

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Navigation
Proximity Waypoints
Proximity Waypoints
The Proximity Waypoints Page allows you to establish waypoints that
have alarm circles around them at specified distances. The alarm helps
you to avoid locations that are restricted or otherwise to be avoided.
To use the Proximity Waypoint feature:
1. Access the Proximity Waypoints Page from the Main Menu by
highlighting the Proximity icon and pressing ENTER.
2. With the Name field highlighted, press ENTER to display the
Use the
Find Menu. (See page 21 for details on using the Find Feature.)
to Review or Number 3. Select a waypoint from the Waypoints List or from any other
Remove an Keypad group of map points and press ENTER to display the Informa-
entry. Proximity Waypoints List tion Page for that item.
4. With the “Use” button at the bottom of the page highlighted,
Press the press ENTER to place the point in the list on the Proximity
Menu key Waypoints Page.
to Clear the
Entire List
5. Next use the ROCKER key to highlight the Radius field if you
want to enter a value different than the default of 1 mile.
6. Highlight the “Proximity Alarms” check box and press ENTER
to activate the alarm feature. When you trigger an alarm, a
tone will sound and a “Near Proximity Point” message displays.
When you move outside the set radius, a “Leaving Proximity
Point” message displays.
7. To remove or review a single entry, press ENTER. To remove all
Selected Waypoint waypoints from the list, press MENU and choose “Remove All”.

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GPSmap 60C
GPS Features
The Calendar allows you to view for any given day and location;
Sunrise/Sunset times, moon phase, Hunt and Fish probabilities, archived
waypoints for activities you want to navigate to and a day, week or month
format display. New Location
To use the Calendar feature: Options
1. Access the Calendar from the Main Menu. The current week is
2. Use the ROCKER key to highlight the day you want to add
waypoints to and press ENTER to display the Page for that day.
3. Press the MENU key to display the Options Menu. Highlight
“Add Point” and press ENTER to display the Find Feature Calendar: Week Format Options
Menu. Menu

4. Select the type of point you want to place on the Day Page.
(See page 21 for details on using the Find Feature) With the
Information Page for that point displayed, highlight the “Use”
button and press ENTER to place the point reference on the
Day Page.
5. To remove points from a Day Page press MENU to display the
Options Menu. Select “Remove Points” and press ENTER to Remove Points
display the Remove Points Options List. Options

6. To view other calendar formats, Sun and Moon or Hunt and

Fish extended data for a specific date and location, press the
MENU key and use the ROCKER key to make your choice. Calendar: Day Format Calendar: Month Format
Marked waypoints are automatically added to the Calendar.

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 55 12/19/2003, 2:04:51 PM

GPSmap 60C
GPS Features
Alarm Clock
Alarm Clock The Alarm Clock Feature allows you to use your GPSmap 60C as
an alarm clock. You can choose from different alarm tones, and use the
“Snooze” feature to delay the alarm for an additional seven minutes.
To set the Alarm Clock:
1. Access the Alarm Clock from the Main Menu.
2. Highlight the Alarm Time field and press ENTER to display the
Number Keypad and set the desired alarm time.
3. Highlight the Alarm Mode field and press ENTER to display the
On/Off switch.
4. Highlight the Alarm Beep field and select the type of alarm tone
When you turn the alarm On, an “Alarm Set” message appears
Calculator and allows you to turn the unit Off. When the “Set Time”
arrives, the unit will switch On and sound the alarm beep. Press
Options any key to silence the alarm.
The Calculator Feature allows you to use your GPSmap 60C as a
calculator. You can select either a Standard or Scientific calculator and
Degrees or Radians from the Options Menu.
To use the Calculator:
1. Access the Calculator from the Main Menu.
2. Use the ROCKER and ENTER keys to operate the calculator.


GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 56 12/19/2003, 2:04:54 PM

GPSmap 60C
GPS Features
This feature allows you to use the GPSmap 60C as a stopwatch, which
includes a lap timer. You may also have the unit record the lap time based
on distance.
To start the stopwatch:
1. Use the ROCKER key to highlight the ‘Start’ field and then
press ENTER. Lap Options
To stop the stopwatch:
1. Use the ROCKER key to highlight the ‘Stop’ field and press
To use the lap feature:
1. With the stopwatch running, use the ROCKER key to highlight
the ‘Lap’ field and then press ENTER. Stopwatch Page

To reset the stopwatch:

1. With the stopwatch stopped, use the ROCKER key to highlight
the ‘Reset’ field and then press ENTER.
To time lap by distance:
1. Use the ROCKER key to highlight the Options Menu and then
press ENTER. Choose ‘Lap by Distance’ and press ENTER. To
return to ‘Lap by Button Press’, repeat these same steps.
To set a lap distance value:
1. Use the ROCKER key to highlight the Options Menu and then
press ENTER. Choose ‘Set Lap Distance’ and press ENTER.
2. Use the ROCKER key to highlight the field you wish to change Setting Lap By Distance
and then press ENTER. Enter the new value and press ENTER.
When done, highlight ‘OK’ and press ENTER.

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 57 12/19/2003, 2:04:56 PM

GPSmap 60C
GPS Features
Sun and Moon
Sun and Moon Tables The Sun and Moon Tables provide you with a graphic depiction of
the sun and moon relative to the Earth. Sun and moon positions can be
displayed for any time, date and location on Earth.
The Sun and Moon Page also displays sunrise, sunset, moonrise and
moonset times for the selected time, date and location. On-screen buttons
allow you to animate the movement of the sun and moon and stop at a
given time/date. The button to the left animates the display of the sun
and moon. The center button animates more rapidly, showing the phases
Location Options of the moon. The right button stops animation.
To display sun and moon locations for a specified time, date
and location:
1. Access the Sun and Moon Page from the Main Menu.
2. To view the predictions for a different date and time, highlight
the those fields and press ENTER to display the Number Keypad.
3. To view the predictions for a different location, highlight the
Location field and press ENTER to display the “New Location”
options menu and choose from the options shown.


GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 58 12/19/2003, 2:04:58 PM

GPSmap 60C
GPS Features
Hunt and Fish
Hunt and Fish Tables
The Hunt and Fish Tables provide you with a listing of predicted best
times for hunting and fishing for a chosen date and location.

To display hunting and fishing predictions for a specified

date and location:
1. Access the Hunt and Fish Page from the Main Menu. The cur-
rent date and location are displayed in the date and location
fields at the top of the page.
2. To view the predictions for a different date, highlight the Date
field and press ENTER to display the Number Keypad.
Hunt and Fish Page
3. To view the predictions for a different location, highlight the
Location field and press ENTER to display the “New Location”
options menu.
Choose “Use Map” to select a point on the map using the Location Options Menu
Panning Arrow. Then press ENTER to display the table for that Page Options Menu
location. The Location field will now state “Map Location”.
Choose “Use Find Menu” to select a point from the Find
Feature database. Follow instructions for using the Find Feature
beginning on page 21. When a find item has been selected,
highlight the “Use” button at the bottom of the item informa-
tion page and press ENTER. The Location field will now display
the name of the find item.
4. To return to the current date, press MENU and then ENTER.

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 59 12/19/2003, 2:04:59 PM

GPSmap 60C
GPS Features
GPS Enhanced Games
The GPSmap 60C provides games as an entertainment feature. Several
of these games employ GPS as a virtual component in the play.
To select and play a game:
1. Access the Main Menu and use the ROCKER key to select the
Games icon.
2. Use the ROCKER key to highlight the desired game and press
ENTER to display the brief description prompt for each game.

Memory Race
This is a GPS virtual game where the playing piece moves where you
move. To win the Memory Race, remember which square has which
Game symbol then clear the board by matching all of the two symbol sets
Board together. Travel to each square, highlight “Open” at the bottom of the
screen and press ENTER to view the symbol. Press the QUIT key to stop
Game Prompt play.
To adjust the Grid or Square Size in custom mode:
1. Highlight the “Grid Size” or “Square Size” field and press
Game Settings ENTER to select from the options lists. Press ENTER to make
Unopened Opened your selection.
Symbol Symbol 2. Highlight “Start” and press ENTER to begin the game.
3. Highlight “Re-Center” and press ENTER to place yourself back
in the middle of the game board.

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 60 12/19/2003, 2:05:01 PM

GPSmap 60C
GPS Features
Virtua Maze
GPS Enhanced Games
This GPS game creates a virtual maze on the screen. You are placed at
a central position in the maze and must explore the maze collecting flags.
The lower right corner of the screen tells you how many flags remain.
The lower left corner is a timer displaying the elapsed time. The Difficulty
Lever determines how much of the maze you can see at one time. View-
ing less of the maze makes the game more difficult.
HINT: Pressing the ENTER key and selecting “Cheat On” will enable
a “cheat mode.” Enabling this mode will penalize you by five minutes and
count seconds by 10 instead of 2. Turn the cheat mode Off by pressing
the ENTER key.

Geko Smak
Geko Smak is a GPS based game that features you as the player piece.
In measured rhythm, Gekos will appear on the screen. Before the Geko
disappears, move toward the Geko and press the ENTER key to smack
the Geko with a hammer. If you get the Geko, an “!” mark displays above
the hammer, if not, just a hammer displays momentarily.
Field size choices are small, medium and large, with small fields being
roughly 20 yards by 30 yards and large fields being 60 yards by 90 yards
(about the size of an American football field).
The difficulty levels are: Easy, Normal and Hard. These levels deter-
mine how often Gekos appear. The pace quickens and values vary as
difficulty levels increase.

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 61 12/19/2003, 2:05:03 PM

GPSmap 60C
GPS Features
GPS Enhanced Games
In this GPS game, you must walk around the board collecting the
flags as they appear. As you walk, your “tail” will grow. You may travel
anywhere on the screen but you cannot walk on your tail, or you will lose
a life. As an added challenge, you must also avoid the Skulls that chase
after you.

This GPS game, which can be played without GPS on, is all about
blasting gekoids. The catch is, you are the ship and you can survive only
when you avoid getting hit. Before you begin to play, make certain to
make your game settings. Orient Map “Northwards” rotates your ship
in the center of the map. The map is stationary and north is always up.
Orient Map “Ship Up” rotates the virtual world around your ship. Your
ship always points Up.
Press the ENTER key to start and blast away!

IMPORTANT WARNING: When playing any of the virtual games

(where you are moving about on a real playing field), use reasonable and
prudent caution in selecting an area free of hazards such a holes, obstruc-
tions or proximity to vehicular traffic. Playing these games may distract
your attention from observing objects in your path.


GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 62 12/19/2003, 2:05:05 PM

GPSmap 60C
GPS Features
Beast Hunt
Non-Enhanced Game
Although not a true GPS game, Beast Hunt requires some navigation
skills, in which you must find and defeat the dragon with an arrow before
it breathes fire at you or you fall into one of the pits while navigating a
maze of platforms. From time to time you will be transported by slides
that curve or move you diagonally. The game consists of several difficulty
levels and an extended of limited visibility option. When you lose a game
the screen will display the layout of hazards, slide and warning platforms.
A scoreboard keeps track of your wins and loses.
To play Beast Hunt:
1. Select “Beast Hunt” from the Games Menu and press ENTER
to display the game prompt window.
2. Read the prompt and then press ENTER to display the Difficulty
Options window. Make your choice and press ENTER to display
Visibility Options.
Game Symbols
3. Make a selection and press ENTER to begin the game.
4. Use the ROCKER key to jump from platform to platform.
When you land on a shaded platform, you are one or two steps Player Pit Warning
from the dragon, a platform with a circle is next to a pit. If you
fall into a pit you lose. If you jump into the dragon you will lose,
if you shoot an arrow at where you think the dragon is, and Dragon Near Pit
miss you will lose.
To defeat the dragon, use ENTER to place an arrow in a
shaded platform. Use the ROCKER key to point and ENTER to
shoot. Dragon Aim Arrow

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 63 12/19/2003, 2:05:08 PM

GPSmap 60C
Accessories (Included with the Unit)
Wrist Strap - Provides convenient method for carrying the unit.
Belt Clip - Attaches to the back of the unit and clips to belt or waistband.
USB Interface Cable - Provides connection to a PC for data transfer. (Not shown)
Owner’s Manual - Start up instructions and detailed operation reference.
Quick Start Guide - Abbreviated overview of unit operation and reference.
Note: Refer to the list of accessories on the unit packaging.
Belt Clip Assembly
Optional Accessories (Not included with the Unit)
Cigarette Lighter Adapter - Provides power from an automobile cigarette lighter.
A/C Adapter - Provides operation from AC power.* (Not shown)
GA 26C Remote GPS Antenna - Allows enhanced satellite acquisition.
MapSource CD-ROMs - Allows transfer of detailed map data. (Not shown)
GA 26C Remote GPS PC Interface Cable - Provides connection to a PC for data transfer. (Not shown)
Antenna PC Interface Cable with Auxiliary Power Supply - Provides connection to a
PC for data transfer. (Not shown)
Interface Cable - Wiring harness. Bare wire connections for data input/output.
CAUTION: Garmin Accessories have been designed and tested
specifically for use with Garmin products. Accessories offered for (Not shown)
sale by other manufacturers have not necessarily been tested or Carrying Case - Provides protection during transport of the unit. (Not shown)
approved by Garmin for use with Garmin Products. Use of such
accessories might cause damage to your Garmin Product and Auto Mount Kit - Allows installation on a vehicle dash.
void the terms of the warranty. Using Garmin Accessories with
other manufacturer’s products is not recommended. Marine Mount Kit - Allows installation on a boat.
See your Garmin Dealer or website for availability. Suction Mount Kit - Allows installation on a vehicle windshield.
Bicycle Mount Kite - Allows installation on bicycle handlebar.

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 64 12/19/2003, 2:05:10 PM

GPSmap 60C
Installing the Belt Clip and Lanyard Accessories Appendices
External Antenna Connector
(under weather cover) Accessories
Remove Belt Clip Plug
Wrist Strap Installation

(Press tab to
release the Clip

Suction Mount Kit

Belt Clip Knob

(attaches to back of unit)

Auto Dash Mount Kit

Belt Clip
(attaches to belt or waistband)

USB Connector (under

Power/Data Cable
weather cover) Marine Mount Kit
(Serial Port)
(under weather
Back of GPSmap 60C

Bicycle Mount Kit


GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 65 12/19/2003, 2:05:14 PM

GPSmap 60C
Case: Rugged, fully gasketed, water resistant, IEC-529,
IPX7 (Submersible 1 meter @ 30 minutes)

Size: 7.1”H x 2.4”W x 1.3”D

Weight: 5.4 ounces (153 g) with batteries installed

Display: 1.5”W x 2.2”H, 256-color, high resolution,

transreflective TFT (160 x 240 pixels) Backlit

Antenna: Built-in quad helix, with remote antenna


Keypad: Nine multifunction backlit keys

o o
Operating Range: 5 to 158 F (-15 to 70 C)1

Receiver: WAAS enabled, 12 parallel channel

Acquisition Time: Warm: Approximately 15 seconds

Cold: Approximately 45 seconds
AutoLocate™: Approximately 2 minutes

Update Rate: Once per second, continuous

GPS Accuracy

Position: < 15 meters (49 feet), 95% typical2

GPSmap 60C
Velocity: 0.05 meter/sec steady state


GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 66 12/19/2003, 2:05:26 PM

GPSmap 60C
DGPS Accuracy
Position: 3-5 meters (10-16 feet), 95% typical3
Velocity: 0.05 meter/sec steady state

Dynamics: Performs to specifications to 6 g’s

Interfaces: NMEA 0183 version 2.3, RTCM SC-104 (for

DGPS corrections) and RS-232 and
USB for PC interface

Data Storage Life: Indefinite: no memory battery required

Map Storage: Internal; approximately 56 MB

Source: Two 1.5 volt AA batteries or 12 V Adapter Cable,
or up to 36 VDC external power

Battery Life: Up to 30 hours (typical use)4

Specifications subject to change without notice.

1. The temperature rating to the GPSmap 60C may exceed the usable range of some batter-
ies. Some batteries can rupture at high temperatures.

2. Subject to accuracy degradation to 100m 2DRMS under the U.S. DoD imposed Selective
Availability (SA) Program.

3. With optional Garmin GBR 21/23 Beacon Receiver input.

4. Alkaline batteries lose a significant amount of their capacity as the temperature decreases.
Use Lithium batteries when operating the GPS map 60C in below-freezing conditions.
Extensive use of screen backlighting and audible tones significantly reduce battery life.

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 67 12/19/2003, 2:05:32 PM

GPSmap 60C
The following list provides a brief description of each data field
Data Field Options option. Some of these options are supported only by devices interfaced to
your GPSmap 60C.
Accuracy GPS - The current accuracy of you GPS determined location.
Bearing - The compass direction from your current position to a destina-
tion point.
Course - The desired path of travel from your starting point to your destina-
tion point.
Depth - The depth of water from sonar NMEA input.
Distance - Next - The distance to the next point on a route.
Distance - Destination - The entire distance, from beginning to end, of
a route.
ETA - Next - The estimated time that you will arrive at the next point on
your route, if you maintain your current speed and course.
ETA - Destination - The estimated time that you will arrive at your
destination, if you maintain your current speed and course.
Elevation - The distance above or below mean sea level.
Glide Ratio - The ratio of horizontal distance traveled to vertical dis-


GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 68 12/19/2003, 2:05:33 PM

GPSmap 60C
Glide Ratio Dest - The glide ratio required to descend from your pres-
ent position and elevation to the destination’s elevation.
Data Field Options

Heading - Your direction of travel as indicated by a compass, in degrees

or cardinal letters (N,S,E,W).
Location (lat/lon) - Your current location as latitude/longitude coordi-
Location (selected) - Your current location described in the selected
units of measure (other than lat/lon).
Odometer - The total distance you have traveled for all trips.
Off Course - The distance off your direct course line, right or left.
Pointer - The arrow that indicates the direction to travel to the next point
on a route.
Speed - Your current vehicle speed can be measured in miles per hour,
kilometers per hour or knots.
Speed - Maximum - The maximum speed you have attained since the
Trip Computer was reset.
Speed - Moving Avg. - The average speed while your vehicle was
Speed - Overall Avg. - The average speed determined by both the
moving and stopped time and speed.

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 69 12/19/2003, 2:05:34 PM

GPSmap 60C
Sunrise - The time of sunrise for the current date and location.
Data Field Options
Sunset - The time of sunset for the current date and location.
Time To Destination - The estimated time enroute to your final destina-
tion, if you maintain your current speed and course.
Time To Next - The estimated time enroute to the next point on your
route, if you maintain your current speed and course.
Time of Day - The current time and date. It can be displayed in 12 or 24
hour format in local time or universal (UTC) time.
To Course - Your direction of travel as indicated by a compass, in
Trip Odometer - The running total of distance traveled since the Trip
Computer was reset.
Trip Time - Moving - The length of time your vehicle has been in
motion, since the Trip Computer was reset.
Trip Time - Stopped - The length of time that the vehicle has been
stopped (stationary) while the unit was powered On and tracking your
location (since the Trip Computer was reset).
Trip Time - Total - The total time the unit has been tracking since the
Trip Computer was reset.


GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 70 12/19/2003, 2:05:36 PM

GPSmap 60C
Turn - The direction of, and distance to, the next turn on an active route.
Data Field Options
Velocity Made Good - The rate of closure on a destination based upon
your current speed and course of travel.
Vertical Speed - The measurement of your rate of ascent.
Vertical Speed Dest - The measurement of your rate of accent to a
predetermined height.
Water Speed - The data acquired from measurement devices interfaced
to the GPSmap 60C is used to calculate your current speed over water.
Water Temperature - The temperature of water at a measured depth
using measurement devices interfaced to the GPSmap 60C.
Waypoint - Destination - The last point on a route, your destination.
Waypoint - Next - The next point on your route.


GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 71 12/19/2003, 2:05:37 PM

GPSmap 60C
Interfacing the GPSmap 60C
Connecting the GPSmap 60C
The GPSmap is provided with interface connection to a PC using
to a Computer either a serial port or USB connector cable. Connection to your
computer is necessary for downloading of detailed map from Garmin
Serial MapSource Map Data CDs. You can also save routes, waypoints, and
Universal Serial Communications tracks from the GPSmap 60C to MapSource. Refer to the MapSource
Bus (USB) Port Port User’s Guide provided with your MapSource CDs.
To connect to your computer using the USB connector:
1. Lift the USB protective cover from the back of the GPSmap 60C
and insert the smaller connector on the USB cable (provided
with the unit) into the matching port.
2. Connect the remaining cable end to your PC USB port.
3. Set your GPSmap 60C interface setting to GARMIN format. (See
Lift Cover Lift Cover page 44.
To connect to your computer using a Serial Port connec-
1. Lift the Serial Port protective cover from the back of the
GPSmap 60C and insert the round indexed connector on the
cable into the matching port.
2. Connect the remaining cable end to your PC Serial port or other
appropriate device.
3. Set your GPSmap 60C interface setting to the appropriate
interface format. Refer to Interface Setup on page 44.

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 72 12/19/2003, 2:05:39 PM

GPSmap 60C

Transferring MapSource Map Data Downloading MapSource

If you have purchased a Garmin MapSource CD-ROM mapping Map Data
program you may want to transfer detailed map data before beginning
use, to provide your unit with maximum Find features and mapping
capability. The GPSmap 60C accepts up to 56 MB of map data from most
MapSource products. It is not possible to transfer 3rd party maps into
Garmin products. Garmin MapSource
You cannot view multiple types of MapSource data in the same loca- CD-ROM’s offer a variety of detailed mapping
tion at the same time (one will draw over the other). When you leave a data and
MetroGuide area for example and enter the area of a topographic map, navigation information.
the display will change to contour lines. The same is true when moving
from a topo map to a MetroGuide map. MapSource is also an excellent medium
for storage and safety backup of Personal
Maps that are at the top of the hierarchy and will replace any other Waypoints, Routes and Saved Tracks.
map information. Because new maps are constantly being released, con-
sult your Garmin Dealer or the Garmin website to determine the order of See your Garmin Dealer or visit the
hierarchy. Garmin web site at:
Map data transfer requires the use of a PC, a Garmin MapSource CD- for information on which maps work with the
ROM, and the Universal Service Bus (USB) cable supplied with this unit. GPSmap 60C.
Follow detailed instructions for data transfer in the MapSource User’s


GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 73 12/19/2003, 2:05:40 PM

GPSmap 60C
This chart is provided to help you determine the time offset settings
UTC Offset Chart for your current location if it is not in one of the time zones listed on
the Time Setup Page. To change the UTC Offset, access the Main Menu,
then Setup and then open the Time Setup Page. Highlight the Time Zone
field and press the ENTER to display the list of time zones. If the desired
zone is not displayed, select ‘Other’. Highlight the UTC Offset field and
press ENTER to enter the appropriate offset value from the chart below.
To determine your longitudinal zone, press and hold the MARK key
and observe the longitude value in the Mark Waypoint Location field. It
should fall within the sets of values on the chart. Press the QUIT key to
avoid marking a waypoint.
Longitudinal Zone Offset Longitudinal Zone Offset
E007.5° to E022.5° +01.00 W180.0° to W172.5° -12.00
E022.5° to E037.5° +02.00 W172.5° to W157.5° -11.00
E052.5° to E067.5° +03.00 W157.5° to W142.5° -10.00
E067.5° to E082.5° +04.00 W142.5° to W127.5° -09.00
E082.5° to E097.5° +05.00 W127.5° to W112.5° 08.00
E097.5° to E112.5° +06.00 W112.5° to W097.5° -07.00
E112.5° to E122.5° +07.00 W097.5° to W082.5° -06.00
E122.5° to E127.5° +08.00 W082.5° to W067.5° -05.00
E127.5° to E142.5° +09.00 W067.5° to W052.5° -04.00
E142.5° to E157.5° +10.00 W052.5° to W037.5° -03.00
E157.5° to E172.5° +11.00 W037.5° to W022.5° -02.00
E172.5° to E180.5° +12.00 W022.5° to W007.5° -01.00
W007.5° to E007.5° -00.00

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 74 12/19/2003, 2:05:42 PM

GPSmap 60C
Appendix E
What are Map Datums, and which should I use?
Map Datums and Position Formats
A datum is a mathematical model of the Earth which approximates
the shape of the Earth, and enables calculations to be carried out in a
consistent and accurate manner. The datum is physically represented by
a framework of ground monuments (i.e. trig. stations) whose positions
have been accurately measured and calculated on this reference surface.
Lines of latitude and longitude on a map or chart are referenced to a
specific map datum. Every chart has a map datum reference and the
GPSmap 60C can be set to match most of those commonly used.

If you are navigating and comparing the GPS coordinates to a map,

chart or other reference, the map datum in the GPS unit should be
set to the same datum as the map or chart to insure the most accurate

What is a Position Format, and which should I use? Map Datums are based on a
Your current location can be viewed on the GPS in the form of mathematical model of the Earth.
coordinates. Since different maps and charts use different location
formats, Garmin GPS units allow you to choose the correct coordinate
system for the type of map you are using. The most common format is
latitude and longitude, which is utilized by all Garmin units. On most
models, you may choose to change the position format to use with other
coordinate systems. UTM/UPS (Universal Transverse Mercator/Universal
Polar Stereographic) are easy-to-use metric grids that are found on most
USGS topographic quadrangle maps. Several other grids, including a Position Map Datums
user-definable grid (for the advanced user), may also be selected. Formats

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 75 12/19/2003, 2:05:44 PM

GPSmap 60C
What is WAAS?
WAAS and DGPS The Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) is an F.A.A. funded
project to improve the overall integrity of the GPS signal. It is a space-
based system that broadcasts integrity information and correction data as
determined by ground reference stations (see DGPS below). At this time
the system is still in the developmental stage with a goal of providing
reliable signals with an accuracy of 7 meters (21-22 ft.) both horizontally
and vertically 95% of the time. Current tests have shown the actual ac-
curacy to be on the order of 2-3 meters. For more information, go to

What is Differential GPS (DGPS)?

The U.S. and Canadian governments (among others) have set up
Differential GPS (DGPS) stations to transmit correction signals. They are
operational in coastal areas and on many navigable river systems. The
DGPS system is available for use without fee.
In addition to compensating for errors in the position, these correc-
tions signals can also correct for deliberate degradation of the accuracy of
GPS by the U.S. Department of Defense under their Selective Availability
(SA) program.
Refer to the U.S. Coast Guard’s web site:
for locations and the status of the differential sites. Using DGPS requires
additional equipment.


GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 76 12/19/2003, 2:05:47 PM

GPSmap 60C
Interface formats are selected from the Interface Setup on page 44 of
this manual. The input/output lines on your GPSmap 60C are RS-232 Interface Wiring Diagram
compatible, allowing easy interface to a wide range of external devices,
including PC’s, differential beacon receivers, marine autopilots and /or a
second GPS receiver. (-) Ground
The NMEA 0183 version 3.0 interface format is supported by the

GPSmap 60C and enables the unit to drive up to three NMEA devices.
Data In Data Out

NMEA 0183 Version 3.0 Approved Sentences:

GPWPL, GPBOD (+) Power

Cable Plug End View

Garmin Proprietary Sentences:
PGRME (estimated error), PGRMM (datum string), PGRMZ (altitude),
PSLIB (beacon receiver control)
DGPS (Differential GPS) corrections are accepted in RTCM SC-104
version 2.0 format through the ‘Data In’ line. The Garmin GBR 21 and
GBR 23 are the recommended beacon receivers for use with the GPSmap
60C. Other beacon receivers with the correct RTCM format may be used,
but may not correctly display status or allow tuning control from the GPS
The USB Interface Cable provided with
this unit allows you to connect your GPSmap
60C to a PC-compatible computer’s USB port.

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 77 12/19/2003, 2:05:49 PM

GPSmap 60C

A D Global Positioning System (GPS)................... 4
Accessories.... .............................................. 64 Data Fields ................................ 11, 15, 41, 42 Go To ...................................................... 5, 23
Accuracy Circle ............................................. 9 Data Field Definitions.................................. 68
Activate a Route .......................................... 38 Date and Time Setup ............................. 52, 74
Alarm Clock ................................................ 56 Detail, Map.................................................. 48 H
Arrow, Panning.............................................. 9 Differential GPS (DGPS) .........................57-58 Heading Setup............................................. 53
AutoZoom................................................... 48 Display Mode .............................................. 48 Highway Page.............................................. 42
Display Setup .............................................. 44 Hunt and Fish Tables .................................. 59
Backlight Timeout ................................... 7, 44 I
E Initialization .................................................. 4
Backlighting On/Off ................................ 7, 44 Elevation .................................. 11, 16, 23, 42
Battery Level Indicator .................................. 7 Interface Setup ............................................ 44
Exit Services................................................ 29
Battery Saver Mode...................................... 43 Exits............................................................ 29 K
Battery Type................................................. 43 Exits, Nearest .............................................. 29 Key Functions ............................................... 2
Bearing Pointer............................................ 14
Big Numbers ............................................... 16 F L
Fields, Data ............................... 11, 18, 41, 42 Location (Marking).................................17-18
C Find Address............................................... 30 Loading Map Data ....................................... 73
Calculator Page ........................................... 56 Find Cities................................................... 28 Lock On Road ............................................. 48
Calendar Page ............................................. 55 Find Exits.................................................... 29
Cautions................................................... iv-vi Find Geocache ............................................ 27 M
Cities, By Name........................................... 28 Find Intersections........................................ 31 Main Menu Page...................................... 6, 33
Cities, Nearest ............................................. 28 Find Points of Interest ................................. 32 Map Datums.......................................... 52, 75
Compass Page ............................................. 14 Find Waypoints........................................... 34 Map Display .................................................. 8
Compass Ring ............................................. 14 Map Features................................................. 9
Course Pointer ............................................ 15 G Map Page....................................................... 8
Map Page Options ....................................... 10
Games ...................................................60-63 Map Page Panning......................................... 9
Geocache Setup........................................... 51

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GPSmap 60C

Map Scale...................................................... 9 P Sun and Moon Tables .................................. 58
Map Setup................................................... 47 Page Sequence Setup ................................... 46 Symbol, Waypoint ...................................... 17
MapSource Map Data .............................. 8, 75 Panning (Map) ............................................ 18 Symbols, Status Bar ...................................... 7
Marine Setup............................................... 51 Position Format..................................... 53, 75 System Setup............................................... 43
Mark a Waypoint......................................... 17 Projecting a Point ........................................ 20
Mark Waypoint Page ................................... 17 Proximity Waypoint .................................... 54 T
Measuring Between Waypoints.................... 41 Text Size...................................................... 49
Measuring Distance ..................................... 13 R Time Format ............................................... 52
Microphone Sensitivity...................................8 Reset Trip Page ............................................ 16 Time Zone................................................... 52
MOB Feature............................................... 18 Routes ....................................................37-41 Tones Setup................................................. 46
Moving a Route Waypoint ........................... 20 Creating.................................................. 37 TracBack...................................................... 35
Copying.................................................. 41 Track Logs................................................... 34
N Deleting .................................................. 41 Track Log Saving ......................................... 35
Nearest (Waypoints, Cities, Exits, etc.) ........ 21 Editing.................................................... 41 Track Log Setup........................................... 34
NMEA ......................................................... 44 Navigating .............................................. 41 Tracks Page.................................................. 34
Normal Mode.............................................. 43 Reversing ................................................ 39 Track Up ................................................. 8, 48
North Reference .......................................... 53 Routing Setup ............................................. 50 Trip Computer Page .................................... 16
North Up ................................................ 8, 48 Trip Odometer............................................ 16
S Trip Time .................................................... 16
O Satellite Page ................................................. 4
Odometer.................................................... 16 Saving the Tracklog ..................................... 35 U
Offset (Time) ......................................... 52, 74 Selecting a Page ............................................. 2 Unit Features................................................. 3
Orient Map.................................................. 48 Setup Menu................................................. 33 Unit i.d........................................................ 43
Overall Average Speed................................. 16 Show Data Fields ........................................ 10 Units of Measure ......................................... 52
Show Map Only .......................................... 10 Units Page ................................................... 52
Software Version (Operating)....................... 43 User Waypoint Symbol................................ 17
Specifications .............................................. 66 UTC Offset ............................................ 52, 74
Stop Navigation............................... 10, 14, 39
Stopwatch Page ........................................... 57

GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 79 12/19/2003, 2:05:52 PM

GPSmap 60C

View Waypoints on Route ..................... 37, 41

WAAS, Enable/Disable................................. 43
Warnings.................................................. iv-vi
Waypoints ..............................................17-20
Deleting .................................................. 19
Editing.................................................... 19
List ......................................................... 26
Marking.................................................. 17
Moving ................................................... 20
Naming................................................... 17
Projecting ............................................... 20
Proximity................................................ 54
Symbols.................................................. 17
Welcome Page Setup ................................... 53
Wiring Diagram (Interface).......................... 77

Zooming In/Out ....................................... 2, 9


GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 80 12/19/2003, 2:05:53 PM

Limited Warranty
This Garmin product is warranted to be free from defects in materials or workmanship for one year from the date of purchase. Within this period,
Garmin will at its sole option, repair or replace any components that fail in normal use. Such repairs or replacement will be made at no charge to the
customer for parts or labor, provided that the customer shall be responsible for any transportation cost. This warranty does not cover failures due to abuse,
misuse, accident or unauthorized alteration or repairs.
of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations may not apply to you.
Garmin retains the exclusive right to repair or replace the unit or software or offer a full refund of the purchase price at its sole discretion. SUCH REM-
To obtain warranty service, call your local Garmin authorized dealer. Or call Garmin Customer Service at one of the numbers listed below for shipping
instructions and an RMA tracking number. The unit should be securely packed with the tracking number clearly written on the outside of the package. The
unit should be sent, freight charges prepaid, to any Garmin warranty service station. A copy of the original sales receipt is required as the proof of purchase
for warranty repairs.
Online auction confirmations are not accepted for warranty verification. To obtain warranty service, an original or copy of the sales receipt from the
original retailer is required. Garmin will not replace missing components from any package purchased through an online auction.

Garmin International, Inc. Garmin (Europe) Ltd.

1200 E. 151st Street Unit 5, The Quadrangle, Abbey Park Industrial Estate
Olathe, KS 66062, U.S.A. Romsey, SO51 9DL, U.K.
Phone: 800/800.1020 Phone: 44/1794.519944
FAX: 913/397.0836 FAX: 44/1794.519222

GPSmap 60C Front Cover.Indd 3 12/19/2003, 9:46:44 AM

For the latest free software updates (excluding map data)
throughout the life of your Garmin products, visit the
Garmin web site at

© Copyright 2003 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries

Garmin International, Inc.

1200 East 151st Street, Olathe, Kansas 66062, U.S.A.

Garmin (Europe) Ltd.

Unit 5, The Quadrangle, Abbey Park Industrial Estate, Romsey, SO51 9DL, U.K.

Garmin Corporation
No. 68, Jangshu 2nd Road, Shijr, Taipei County, Taiwan

Part Number 190-00332-00 Rev. A

GPSmap 60C Front Cover.Indd 4 12/19/2003, 9:46:44 AM

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