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The document appears to be a comparative dictionary containing Ge'ez (Classical Ethiopic) vocabulary with references to related Semitic languages. It includes introductions on the composition and sources of the dictionary as well as the transcription and entries.

The document is a comparative dictionary containing Ge'ez vocabulary with translations to English and vice versa. It includes introductions on the composition of the dictionary, transcriptions, entries, comparisons to other Semitic languages, and sources that were used.

The document discusses Ge'ez, which belongs to the Semitic language family, and also mentions other related Semitic-Ethiopian languages like Tigre, Tigrinya, Amharic, and others. It also discusses translations from Arabic, Greek, Syriac, and Coptic.

Comparative Dictionary of Ge<ez

(Classical Ethiopic)

Ge<ez-English / English-Ge<ez
with an index of the Semitic roots

Wolf Leslau





Observations on the dictionaries X Composition of the Sawiis~w xv Translations of

the native sources XVII Misprints and unusual patterns XVIII Orthography XIX
Transcription XX Transcription of Geez and of SemItic XX Summary of the
transcription symbols XXI Entries XXI Comparaisons and etymologies XXII
Loanwords XXIV Correspondence between Geez and the other SemItic-EthIOpian languages
XXV Correspondence between Geez and some Semitic languages XXVII Sources for
the Semitic languages XXVIII Sources for the Semitic-EthIopian languages XXVIII
Sources for the non-Semi tic-Ethiopian languages XXVIII Acknowledgments XXIX


• • • • • • • • XXXI


Periodicals XXXIII Grammatical terms XXXV Languages XXXV

BIBLIOGRAPHY . • • • • • • • • • • • • • XXXVII
• •

• • • • • • • • • • • , I
ADDITIONS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 648
ENGLISH-GE<EZ VOCABULARY. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 651
• • • • • • • • • • • • • 763

Geez is the classical language of Ethiopia and belongs to the Semitic language family. The
other Semitic-Ethiopian languages are Tigre and Tigrinya (known as North EthlOpic), Amhanc
(the national language of Ethiopia), Argobba, Harari, Gafat, and Gurage (called South
Ethiopic). Although Geez ceased to be spoken in the twelfth or thirteenth century, it has
remained the language of literature and of liturgy. Our knowledge of the language derives from
the vast literature written in Geez I. The literature includes religious texts (such as the Bible,
Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, liturgical literature, homiletic, theological, and magical texts,
stories of martyrs and saints, religious poetry, hymns in honor of Christ, the Virgin, the martyrs,
the saints, and angels), as well as secular writings (histories and romances, legal, mathematical,
and medical texts). While Some of the texts were originally written in Geez, others were
translations from Arabic, Greek, either directly or through Arabic, from Syriac, and Coptic,
mostly through Arabic.
Geez lexicography goes back to J. Wemmers, Lexicon Aelhiopicum ... , published in 1638. It
was H. Ludolf's dictionary, published in 1661 (2d ed., 1669), which started a new era In
Ethiopian studies. Dillmann's monumental dictionary, published in 1865 with references to the
literature, became the standard work for Geez lexicography. S. Gr"baut 1952 published
additions to Dillmann's dictionary and edited a dictionary by Juste d'Urbin. P. Gabriele da
Maggiora 1953 translated Dillmann's dictionary into Italian and added lexemes from the various
dictionaries compiled by Ethiopian scholars.
Geez grammatical studies and Geez-Amharic dictionaries having the name of Saw",.w
'ladder" written by Ethiopians were known to exist in manuscript form. In 1897 Aliiqa Tayyii
published the first Sawasaw. Kidanii Wiild Katie's dictIOnary, published in 1956, is an important
contribution to Geez lexicography. Smaller Geez-Amhanc vocabularies were published by Abba
Ya<qob Giibrii 'Iyyasus (1928) and Abba Tiisfa Sallase (1946). Other Sawasaw were edited by H.
Brauner-Plazikowski in 1913, H. Hirschfeld in 1919-1921, and by Makonnen Argaw In 1973'.
These various dictionaries published by Western and Ethiopian scholars greatly enhanced our
knowledge of the Geez vocabulary. Our knowledge of the Semitic languages and of the Semitic-
Ethiopian languages has increased substantially since Dillmann's time. It therefore seemed to me

I For a survey of Geez literature, see E. littmann, "Geschichte der athiopischen Llteratur". In Gesell/'dlle der
christlichen Literaturen des Orients. by C. Brockelmann, el aI., vol. 7 (1907), pp. 187-270; I, GUidi, Storio della letterolUfa
etiopica (Rama: Istitulo per l'Oriente, 1932); E. Cerulli. Storio tklla lellerolura.,etiopica (Mil~no: N~?"a A~demia
Editrice. 1956), and La ltllrratura mopico (Milano: G.c. Sanson. 1968); l. RICCI, Lctteratura d EUOPl8 ,In SlOriO delle
Itltuature d'Orienle (Milano: Botto, 1969); E. Ullendorff 1973: 131-151. _ .
1 For more mformatlon on the Sawa~w, sec: I. Guidi 1910, and M.M. Moreno, "Struttura e terrmnologta del
Sawisow", RSE 3 (1949 [1950)).t2-62. .
1 For details on these dictionaries, sec: "Abbreviations of the Geez sources" and "Observations on the dlclJooancs".
comprehensive dictionary of Geez which would be
to compile a
that the time has come . Pp. 391-398: Correcllons to the preceding pages.
cl1mraraU\e at the .same ume. Pp. 399-443: ':Complement du lexique de Juste d'Urbin , releve par Roger Schneider": thl parI
. Th d·ctionaries mentioned with fuJI titles in the sect' IS In Geez-Latln-French wnh an Amharic translallon.
d' rionanes e I . d ' Ion
Obstrurions on the IC "discussed here In more etall. For the sake f Pp. 445-490: "Addenda" to the precedmg vocabularies.
h Geez sources are .. h I 0
'AbbreraUons of t e . . larder even though pnonty s ou d have been given t Pp. 491-516 : .. Listes des diverses categories grammaticales".
h m alphabeuca, _ . 0
. ,nvemence I treat t em G··s and the minor Sawas~w Inasmuch as they are I
(e .... K H Koflii lyorgJ, .... ess
Tavyii, Kidan. Wald , e, b e of the reader's famlhanty wIth Ludolf and Dillman H = H. Hirschfeld. The author calls his work "EthlOpic-Falasl (Falasha) glo".ry" on tho
. . " It IS also ecaus . . n
known to the Sem1l1s. . hese dictionaries to a minimum. baSIS of the _descrlptJon given in the catalog as "Geez and Falasha manu,cnpt". It is in fact a
that I !..eep my observatIOns on t regular Sawas~w, not a Falasha Sawas~w.
. k· This SawasoW is arranged In the order of the Geez alphabet. At The dictionary lists only verbs in the order of the last letter. The lexemes not found In
B = H- Br.uner-PlaZlkows I.. h ··n connection with . IQ.hak" a ·rlas h'lon, rJOII11 'h
s e enumerates Dillmann are marked by an asterisk. As the other native sources (such as T K Y) likeWISe have
. h r·ts synonyms, t us I ,_. these lexemes most of the time, J do not indicate H as a possible source. At limes there are
limes Its aut or " r d t·on' The synonyms (~ana~a, sarara) are then given under
Id'·- 'lay a loun a I . lexemes marked with an asterisk which go back to a misprint or to a misspelling in the
hanala 'bUi ,sarara r d t lahak"a. The derived nouns are recorded under the root·
,(. letters and relerre 0 . . . I manuscript. One example is G. n'kfl baq"asa = Amh. niiqqiisii 'comb', but G. baq"asa means
the respec I\C ,. I. d der lhq even though lhq is not given. The ednor of the Sawasow
thus maliih,qr 'elders IS Iste un 'uproot' and Amh. ~"'fI niiqqiisii IS a misprint for ~"'" niiqqiilii 'uproot', a translation that is
corrects wrong spellings in the footnotes. given in another Sawas~w. Another misprint (either m the manuscnpt or in the printed text)
occurs in G.'" la~.~a (p.2 13) = Amh . siirra 'work', the correct Geez verb being 11",11-
. I . host detailed dictionary with references to the Geez writings (printed
D = Dillmann. tIS tern ' . . la~ak"a, which is in Dillmann.
. t) known to Dillmann. In hiS compaflSons he makes use of Arabic
books and manuscrlp s _ .,' ' I do not correct Hirschfeld's occasional misunderstanding of the Amhanc translation. For
. d Syriac He also uses a Sawas~w, termed by him Voc.Ae .. The AmhariC
Hebrew. ATamale, a n · . ' .. W • example, G. 1':I'D laqarana (p. 212) = Amh. 1'''I~ la!alla is translated by him 'be thrown', as if
· .
transauonlSIOT t oduced by -a
- or b·(hil)· e.g. sahala hurt, do harm, za nakka; g ad'a smite
I <I' ' " , it came from !alii 'throw', but in fact it comes from !iilla and it means 'oppose one another'
touch'. b, niikka. J do not register the variant spellings from Hirschfeld, nor do J register strange meanings not
The diclionary has the following sections: encountered elsewhere (such as G. dayyana = Amh. alIa 'want').
Cols. 1-1392: Geez-Latin dictionary.
Col;. 1393·1 J98: Index of words of doubtful origin. K (or KWK) = Kidanii Wiild K~f1e whose full name was Kldanii Wiild K~f1e Wiilda Abba
Cols. IW9·1408: Index of foreign words. Tiikle. KWK was born in 1879 and died in 1944. He was the disciple of Kafla Glyorgls. For
Cols 1409·1424 Index of proper nouns. details on his scholarly activity, see Berhanou Abebbe 17-27.
Cols 1425·1434: Additions and corrections. KWK'S dictionary is arranged in the order of the abugida, that is, of the Hebrew alphabet.
Cols 1435-1522: Latm lOde x, the numbers referring the reader to the page where the Geez The arrangement is as follows:~, n, 1, r., tI, m, H, "', 'l, m, f, h, II, 00, ~,"', 0, 1..,11, 8, "',t-, fI,
le\eme IS found. i", A, T. In transcription: " b, g, d, h, W, Z, ~. b. !, y, k, I, m, n, s, c,J.~, 4. q. r, s, t.l!. p.
Dlilmann occasionally gives the variant spellings, referring the reader to the spelling he All the derived forms (verbal and nominal) are given under the root. Occasionally, KWK hsts
conSiders the correct one: thus. IPtlll sahala 'be sharp', see fI"'" sa~ala; ",hI! ~akak 'tumult', see derived stems and refers the reader to the basic stem, as in 'aws.'a (207), under 11'$': 'armama
tlhh hakak. (242), see rmm.
The references used to illustrate the lexemes are nearly all taken from Dillmann. An entry for
DTW = Diista Tiiklii Wiild. This Amharic-Amharic dictionary occasionally lists Geez nouns which KWK has no reference is marked with an asterisk in this dictionary.
and verbs m the baSIC stem and in the derived stems. For details on Diista Tiikla Wiild's life and For the triradicals he gives either the verbal noun or the gerund, and in parentheses he
aC~\Jt~ .... Berhanou Abebbe, pp. 27-36. indicates the perfect, imperfect, and jussive: e.g., wagiz (wagaza. yawagg.:,; dammaro
(dammara, y.demm.,. y.damm.,). For the noun, he indicates the plural.
Gr. = Grebaut. This Geez-French supplement to Dillmann's dictionary gives new meanings Gemination is occasionally marked with the letter m !, that is, !.bq: e.g., ba!,i~ 'melon,
or ne" forms of words, with occasional references to the literature. There are, however, few new squash', bayyana 'discern, distinguish'.
Inem.. that are not round In Dillmann. At times Grebaut's orthography differs from that of Sometimes KWK gives the lexeme with the various spellings and refers the reader to the
Dlilmann. spelling that he considers to be correct: e.g., 'abar 'dryness', see 'abara; 'agala 'surround', see
The dictionary consISts of several parts: fagata; basfa, see badfQ.
PP. 1-390: Additions that also incorporate Juste d'Urbin's dictionary with an Amhanc trans· He see';s to be of'the opinion that every verb must have a basic stem. Indeed, the verbs that
. . en by K WK in the form of the basic stem a d
. h la-stem are glv . ' n
, Awn to occur only 10 t e . . the ta-stem he states that the form 10 the la-stem for L = Ludolf. The first edition was published in
arc .n" d by him IS In , . . . 166 1; J used the second editIon, pubhshed
. thouoh the ,erb quote I are : bak"ara gIve bIrth for the first tIme' (170) in 1669.
c\ en r: . rect Examp es ,. .. .
h "a' I' meanmg IS not cor . _ 'oaend' (313) haqara dlsdam (460). It is a Geez-Latin dictionary that gives references to the hterature for the maJonty of the
t e " " . (275) gayosa II' , .
~a'ura 'announce good news, .' . . egO 'azana 'listen' (219), from 'azn 'ear'; 'aggara 'walk' lexemes. . Ludolfs
orthography differs at times from that of 0 1'11mann .
. dnommallves .. ·, h- " The dIctIOnary consists of the following sections'
"W" tends to create e 'wilderness' (287), from bara. a wIlderness'; sanawa
'f ' . barha 'enter IOto a . I h f h Cols. 1-632: Geez-Latin dictionary.
(101). from " R' oot., rigallon ..
I' It is of course, posslb e t at some 0 t ese denomina_
. C C h '
'irrigate', from mas/lO " h KWK does not gIve re,erences ,or t eIr OCCurrence. I Cols. 633-664 : Comparisons with Hebrew, Aramaic, and ArabIC, in the on ginal scnpt.
. h I guage even thoug Forty-two unnumbered pages of a Latin-Geez IOdex; the Geez lexeme is not given and the reader
tl,"es e\lsted .'" t e. an '0 these denominatives. . "
am not conSistent 10 recordl g t Amharic biradicals mto Geez tnradlcals by adding a IS referred to the page where the lexeme is gIven .
h t KWK conver s ,
It would also seem t -" . f I ' from Amh. bat; bagga<a 'be good , from Amh. biiggo
I G btl'al calf 0 eg, Lt = Literature. This abbreviation designates new words, form s. and meanings that I
laryngea , e.g.. · I ' f Amh gal.
d· - 'dth of the pa m. rom . d h encountered 10 my readmgs. It also includes glossaries published by vanous editors of Gee1
'goo : gO'1 WI .. . b Arabic and Latin. and he recor s t ese languages in his
' W'" famlhar with He rew, ' . manuscripts, such as C. Bezold, Kebra Naga.;I, A. Grohmann, Aethiopische Marienhymnen, P
" . was " fthe lexeme In fact he does not gIve the reference for the
.. ' h t ·tating the ongm 0 . , . Marrassini, Gadla Yohannes Mesraqawi, V. Arras, Collectio monastlca (CSCO. vol. 45). Patricon
dictionary Wit ou S ' I' 'th these languages is likely to consIder them to be Geez.
ed . d A reader not ,ami lar WI . . Aethiopice (CSCO, vol. 53), and others. I have purposely omitted giving references to the books
cll wor . I ot recorded in the comparative dIctIOnary.
The", obVIOUS oans are n , , - 'd I' 'k - , from which I drew my own additions because the increased number of sources would have been
. "I 'fall' dod 'uncle', <azaba leave, masara elver, ar'a kneel
Examples from He brew . nOla a , . . , ' h' too cumbersome for the reader. It is true that for some special entries I may ha ve made an
. , ' A b' . balad 'country' 'asl 'ongm , badala ex ange . exception, but it was at times difficult to decide where to draw the line.
down fuhra cross . ra Ie , ' . . • . I' d . , ,
, h as Latin French EnglIsh : 'artlkl artlc e , egrt degree, dubl
Foreign languages, suc , '
'douhle\ mil 'mile', wasla 'whisky', . . . . , M = P. Gabriele da Maggiora . This Geez-Latin-Italian dictionary IS presented 10 three
It would be worthwhile to analyze to more detaIl the method used by K WK to hIS dIctionary. columns. It is arranged in the alphabetical order of the forms, not in the order of the roots.
Thus, the forms ~amma, )a~mama , ta~amma, (a~iimama, )asla~iimama . ~iJmum , ~amami. ~iJmiim.
KBT = Tiisamma Habtii Wald. This Amharic-Amharic dictionary occasionally lists Geez ~.miime, 'a~miimi are listed in ten different places, depending on the initial consonant and on the
noun; and verbs in the baSIC stem and in the derived stems. vowel of the consonant.
The dictionary is a translation of Dillmann augmented by the dictionaries of Aliiqa Tayya,
KG = K,Ha Giyorgis. He was born In 1825 and died in 1908. For details on his life and his Abba Ya<qob Gabra 'Iyyasus, and a few others. It gives no references to the literature.
",holarl) aCII\it) , see Berhanou Abebbe 7-17, and R. Cowley, in Leslau 1983:99-113. Note that
It "as KaHii G,yorglS who collaborated with I. Guidi in his various works. MA = Makonnen Argaw. The vocabulary is arranged according to the last letter. The letters
The hand" "ttOg and the exactitude of translation In KG 2 are better than in KG I and KG 3. h-~-& are treated together. The spelling is strongly influenced by the pronunciation of h. h. b as h.
For KG I, 2. 3, see "Abbreviations of the Geez sources". Indeed, of 105 lexemes, 77 are spelled with a final hand 28 with a final ~ : not a single lexeme is
The dictIOnary IS arranged m the order of the Geez alphabet. For the verbs, the author lists spelled with a final ~ . The letters s-s are treated together. Here again, of 92 lexemes, 90 are
the perfect. Imperfect, JUSSlve, the verbal noun, the active participle, the singular and plural, the spelled with a final s, and 2 with a final s. The letters ,-, are listed together; of 105 lexemes. 101
mascuhne and feminme. The demed stems follow the basic stem. The Geez verb is rendered by are spelled with final ' and 4 with final '. The letters ~-if are listed together. but strangely enough
the Amhanc ,erbal noun: e.g., lamada = Amh. miilmiid. The passive participle is placed under all the 45 lexemes have a final d. In an unusual order, the letter p follows f
the consonant of the sixth order, thus, bazu~ 'numerous' is not placed with baz~a. The Only occasionally have I corr~cted a misprint, such as IUh+ sa~akala, fI~"'" sanakota 'bake
gemmation of the perfect IS indicated by l' !I .bq) placed above the geminated consonant. The bread' for fI'lh+ sahakata.
arrangement mentIoned above IS not always consistent. One example will ~uffice to illustrate the complexity of interpretation: 'paint' is expressed by
Only occasionally do I correct the mIstakes in the different KG copies. An illustration of fI~fI sa'ala (meaning 'ask') instead of /POll sa<ala.
confUSIon IS G. man:" rendered in KG I by Amh . anzart 'spindle', but in KG 2 Amh . • nurt is Severallexemes found in MA are strange in the form in which they appear: e.g.. sahap 'fish ',
the translation of G. mank"ak"a, placed two hnes above manzir. It would thus seem that the sahapa 'sacrifice', sahapa 'take a rest', 'alapu 'love', 'abama 'make a walr. Unusual lexemes of
trans~tl_o~ of man:" to KG I IS wrong. Another example: KG I lists G. 'a~qafa = Amh. ~I'IfL this kind also occur i~ the other Sawas,';', but for a relatively small Sawas,w like MA, the
lJJa.r.nifa cut out at a slant', but KG 2 has Amh. ~"'+L asaqqiifii 'cause to hug', which is the number of unusuallexemes is noticeable. I therefore found it advisable not to list all the lexemes
COllect translauon . A more detailed analysis of the three copies would be useful. having unusual forms.

1 ~ROlll t no" . ' xv INTR(lf)UCTIO,
t ThiS Geez-Amhanc vocabulary gives foreign w d
th Old Testamen . . d ' Or s
OT _ \',xahular) 0 ef
In the 0
Id T tament. The forClgn war s come either from Gree'-
es . d h ~ Or
s, '-', and ~-tj a~e treated together. The verbs are di Vided as follows. type ~abra, karala, nababa,
and "He "",ds that occur d together are fl sand IP s, an t ey are placed after lI~dda, ~oma, s,:ma, qaddasa, nolOlI'O. lelaya, baraka, dangada , ('an )qalqala, f laj,an/l'aKa
i letters treate . I I r. sa'dawa
fwm Hebre\\ T e on) ... . I , or d. There are occaslOna examp es to illUstrate th . ' ('an) qa'dawa,and
er oths. W'It h·10 each type the author lists a noun the eerund the'
There are no e.xamples
, . of Imllal J. .I, . e perfect, the verbal noun, the active participl
th . . . '-'
e, or e passive participle. This dl\·' l slon l Y, not give n
1eX(~me!<l .
Uniformly for all the verbs.
.. . (T ' ) differs from the origmal only in the spelling. Note that it
" Tavla The repnnt
T = AI aqa . '
.' k F
. h E Mittwoch in hIS vanous war s. or etalls On Alaq
d . Y = (Abba) Ya' qobGiibra ' Iyyasus. The Sawiis~w consists of two parts. grammar or Geez,
.. h ollaborated Wit . . a pp. 1-320 ; Geez-Amhanc d,cttonary, pp. 321-364. The dictionary treats only verbs . It IS arranged
""' Tan- woe . . Aleme Eshete, "Alaqa Taye Gabra Manam (1861-1924)"
.. l~ nd literary activity. see . d ' . , 10 the order of the Geez alphabet. The roots with the iOltial labiovelar q", k", and ~ . are
Tayya SIC a 1974 14-:10 Taddiisii Tammarat, mtro uctlOn (10 Amharic) to
. SF" (IQ71-72) Roma . pp. - , / separated from the non-lablOvelars q, k, and g. The roots with a labiovelar as second radical ,
m R . -., . 'ill:O JI'a ha:b tank, Addis Ababa 1964 (= 1971 2), pp. 9-28; Bairu Tafta,
Alaqa Tayya. 1a ' .. pr,; .. Dirtionar)' of African Biography (New York : Reference Publica_ however, are not separated from the non-Iabiovelars ; thus, "'.,,/\ haqala, "'ot~ Iraq ' ana, ",."r
"Ta)'Y' Gabra-Mar)am , m . . . r h b'bl ' h' I' . haqaya where one would expect "'.,,/\ !lOqala, ",."r haqaya, ",:a.~ !wq"ana . .
. ,7 ( thanks to Lafranco RICCI .or t ese I IOgrap Ica mdlcations).
lions). \'01. I (IQ77), p. - my . and verbs. It is arranged 10 the order of the last letter. The After the perfect the author gives ya- followed by the first radical of the root to IOd,cate the
The dicllonary regISters nouns _ imperfect ; thus from verbs with initial I the forms are : to indicate the Imperfect of type A
d f the millallettm IS as follows : Ihh-;, II, tfP, fl- IP , ;:, "', n, 1 , ~, h-O, h, <D, n, r, 1:, 1, (e.g., lamada, tmperfect y.lammad); yale- to indicate the tmperfect of a type B (e.g., JalettJl,
:.A~r"~6. L. T. In lranscription ; h·~·tll~' 111, S-5: r, q. hI I, fl, k, W, Z, y, d,~, !, p. $-c/,j, p. Note
Imperfect of lattala) ; yal.- to indicate verbs with a second radical laryngeal (e .g., lalrasa,
.. f the confusion 10 spelhng and, as a result, he combmed the letters ,-, h- imperfect yal.lps) . .
that Tana was 3\\are 0 I

The derived stems with la- 'a-, 'asta- and the verbs With initial 'an- are placed under the
h-~h:'~'n;;'~llettm are arranged 10 the order of the traditional seven vowels: II, 11-, 11., II, /I., ~, respective letters, that is, under I and '.
/'r' la. lu, iI. Iii. Ie, 1(. ), 10. . The caution concerning the imprecision of meanings and the confusion in the orthography
The denved stems are given under the respective mitial morphemes, that IS, under'" I, h " and also applies to Y's vocabulary.
so on, and not under the root.
Tani! quite often spells h 'lOstead of °"'" h instead of; b, 1\ s instead of IP S, II ~ instead of Composition of the Sawisaw. I suggested to Dr. Getatchew Haile that he share hIS views on
8 d For the inconsistency In spelling, see "Orthography". the composition of the sawasaw with the readers of this dictionary. He kindly agreed to do so,
The author does not give references for the quoted meanings. and his text is reproduced below in full. This text was written after the introductIOn to the
Some mlSpnnts are corrected in Guidi 1906:918-921. Other misprints are corrected in this dictionary had been sent to the printer.
dictionary in the respective entries. Note that loanwords are occasionally corrupt : e.g., 'ab!.ls . The qalle teacher does not tell his students how, or from what sources, the GO'ez vocabulary
'akrap. 'aha .. from Greek, kalil, from Hebrew, and others. he transmits to them was compiled. The question hardly arises. He knows the vocabulary by

\ian~ lexemes given by Tayyii are enigmatic concerning either the meaning or the origin. I heart, and he expects his students to memorize it in the order in whIch the words are presented .
thOUght It advisable. however, to include them in the dictionary for future research. A few As the (evening) session starts, one of his students, speaking 10 a loud voice, lists in the GO'ez
e,ampie, of Imprecise translahon 'aradii is rendered 'fourth' (it should be 'the fourth nail with alphabetical order words (with their meaning in Amharic) of the first letter, that is, words that
"h,ch Chnst was crucified'); !emen (T') 'image of an idol' (should be 'consecrated ground for end (not begin) in U. The class repeats the words after htm. Because'" and; have the ,"me
Idols'); :anermu (p. 104) 'ground where there is blood', but zahermu (p.8 of the supplement) phonetic value, however, words that end in these letters are also treated as if they end in U The
'cracks In the SOIl'. first word to be recited, therefore, is 11-'" • ilL (that is, G . 11-'" is Amh. ~afii 'write')' ThIS
Tay)ii has a list of nouns ending In an obscure -hu, -hi: e.g., samezyiihu, bazyiihu, sariimohi, treatment of letters representing the same sound, e.g .. hand 0, IP and II, II and II has practical
qanla,iihi (for other examples, see p.92). Without context it is difficult to know the origin of advantages, especially for blind students, of whom there are more than a few, for they rely on
these suffixes. -hu could be the suffix of the 3d masc. sg., and -hi could be the particle -hi. the sound of the word, not on the shape of the letters representing the word. At one class meeting
, Tan" o.."CaSlonally Interprets proper nouns: e.g., Abraham 'the father of many', muse (Moses) the entire vocabulary of the letter (three letters 10 the case of h) may be presented to the students.
taken out of the water'. I have not registered these nouns. The ritual is repeated during the next few sessions before the class moves on to the words of the
Tbe entnes In thiS dIctionary taken from Tayya are those of the original edition; occasionally I next letter(s), e.g., II, then tfP, then IP and fI, etc.
lISt the spelling of the repnnt. The manuscripts reveal at least three ways of arranging the words, the most common of which
is the one outlined above. The words are listed in their alphabetical order, that is, in the order of
TS = Tasfa Sollase No a th . . .
'A E h ' . .. u or tS gIven on the tItle page. The introduction is signed merely
n t 'op,an, but It IS known th t Abb T" f .. It is interesting to note that If-th is not attested in the texts. It IS a denominative or IUD-,lt lawh (Leslau).
TIlt gl a a as a Sallase was the author of this Sawasaw.
. the order of the last letter. Here also iI-.h-..h' s-
ossary treats onil. verbs and'IS arranged 10

< d ds I beheve, < from mYlimIted experience, that a number of such < ork shows clearly how these words, the 'OSrn I TROOl<7JO
'h' kner wIth whIch the war en < <.
, , '1 < b <mdJV1dua stu I dents who , at the end of thelf qane schOoling,
< w. <I aI, are pre,erved <'
manuscnpts, certam y as a result of cOPying mIStakes. In vanous forms In different
manuscnpts are compl atJOns } be I arning by heart from oral teachmg<The SIZe of The next lOgical questIon - how the" rare word ~
. <hat they have en e < h fl <
"ani to put mto wntmg " . < <
e < < les Slgmficant y ro
I f mane manuscnpt to anot er, re ectmg the · d <) h " sound their wa, t G
remam unanswere unt, t e Ind",dual works h < bee < In 0 <'ez literat ure. h
Ihe vocabulary there,ole -a'. < h I vels are attained by students who study under · conc IUSlon ' , uSlOg. a Iready analyzed works ave n dlScovere d and dUl y analvz> as!
I f h compder The hlg er e < f d h PlaUSIble a j •
educatIOnal leve 0 t e
. .
IS clear t h
at th e <,"owasaw manuscnpts 0 stu < ents w 0 have
. k < G s repr",entatIVe I _ ., .."
different famous teac ers<
d<fli ent times would be larger m sIZe than those of a foreign war mto e'ez borrowed the words < h ' ,"mp e<. " that a tnn 1<t
ffi t e schools at I er . counterparts 10 .
Ge'ez. Many Greek and Arabic (andto t e r orla}?. t ' , If he IS not aware .of th a or.
graduated from dl eren qan d d b yond a school at a qii!iir (parochIal) church. A < praclJce some COPllC) wor . d<<be<ame a Nrt of the elr
d h have not a vance e GO'ez vocabulary because of thIS
prepared by stu ents w 0 « . t that offers him more than he already knows
t a sawasaw manuscnp . . . Supplying examples for every point raised here w Id
student who has access 0 < h< manuscript. This pracllce IS qUIte common< . ord er to mentIon ' the word piilagraauwhich unnecessanl'
I than compde IS own <
would rather copy I nt less frequent Iy uS ed , is thematic or topIcaL The leXIcal Items are
< < but It may be 10 I . , pro )ong thIS diSCUSSIon,
kind ~f disease (pOSSIbly 'gou!'), mentioned in the legend Ofn~t~c: only ~ecently Pal
h i t which they belong: e<g<, types of plants, 'a~iiwal;
" J
Another arrangeme , agra
d d g to the set or t e c ass 0 " < EuseblUs (I, 13). Because, as It would seem thIS extremel g r, n(I~(Iyp(IV, accordlOg to
arrange kaceor
I < 10
ds 'a-"'I< I hes, 'a Ibasal<, precious stones, 'a'aniiq , and so on< It IS note-
cot . '< y rare text dId
b of the qane teacher, thIS word and hakuma 'wise' (pas ·bl bl not come to the attentIon
her s, 'al <, I, see , • '. I d d < the classifications For example, verbs such as ziir'a 'to . Sl y' ack') th .
worths that verbs can also be mc u e 10 <<< «, , fi« «1 « , <, King Abgar, are not yet included 10 the sallosJII trad <t I , e tItle of the legendary
' «<, to glean,' <
sow., 'arara easlI Y fit into the class of 'azra'l; and 'anama to weave, ala a to spm , would not be surpnsed . to have seen these two words I .Ion. d< at 'east not to my. knowledge. Yet r
,to IsgulSed form i
into the class of 'albasal. fbi <b manuscripts, or in pnnted verSIons of them . Hakwna and «« ' none 0 ). the sliwaSJ"
The thlfd arrangement, wh<IC h suggests to some extent the sources 0 the voca . u ary, IS ased fifteenth-century manuscnpt. . ..
In a mneteenth-century m palagra
<' . are their f orms. accordlOg . to a
on the boo ks ,rom
r whIC h the words are drawn. This method should not . be vIewed
d <as .a Itype of version of the legend presently known, they are haklnJ ad anuscnpt,. the only . 0 th er COpy of thIS
concordance. OnIy rare words, peculiar to one parllcular book, are listed un er «Its «« til e. .r.
Two Locally composed works, too, have their share . d . respectIVely '
of n. pug",
e'(amples are SOWOS.1W",Q-
« -« Qer'los i e words from the work called Qeralos, and Nagara KUJale,
f7 •• ,' •
appeanng · m < them come from the ,mmed,ate < environmentwor , . to IfCUflOUS· fo filS. < Loan\\ord,
I.e .. WQrds rrom J Ub1'l ees. Understandably . the size of this vocabulary, a collectIOn of rare words, , most< y )rom (archaIC)
also from other vernaculars<The royal chronicles offer usef) . Amhafle . but
is not as large as the title might suggest. . . m . the descriptIon of an episode is recordedu examp es 'dAny
GO'ez, occurnng tl f obJect
< un known 10 .
It is mv conviction that most of the words in the Ge'ez vocabulary, especmlly the less common ' 0 Ie wor 0 the langua ge known
to the chromcler and h,s. readers at the royal mIlitary
'1 camp.
ones,< co';'e from works preserved in manuscripts in libraries of different churches . and monas-
.h We are deeply mdebted to Ethiopian traditional education fo II <
teries< A well-read teacher would enlarge the vocabulary he inherited from h,s teacher~ WIt new < It < ' . But a long-term prOject for ther co
and translatmg mto Amhanc. t dectlOgf h«the Ge-el vocabularc
. <'
words he encounters through extenSIve reading. The prestige of, and the admlfatlOn for, a I h I
severa sc 0 ars, sh au Id be planned Immediately<
· The problem IS s ot UY 1<0 <tde SUII'tlSJlI',
. .IOIOlvIOg
trad,tIOnal poet derive from his use of rare but attestable words and incidents in his qiJne poems< < .m the translation also continue to benobs Imlte to IdentlfYlOg GO'el
words; Amhanc words used ltd h r
Such a composition is a step for the rare word on its way to the sliwasaw. The many words in the
siilrasJ' manuscripts, and in Tayy.'s Siiwasall, whose etymology is not identified, indicate to me vulnerable to deformatIOn or corruptIon. In fact It is not alwacs .clea a e e han t . ere, Ore
I become
the SIZe of the bIbliography consulted by qane teachers and suggest that more works may yet be
words gIven as transfallons of one Ge'ez word are• related to one J an th r A 0\\ severa Amhanc
' . ' . 0 er. re t ey synonyms ~
dIscovered for the GO'ez literature< It IS not Impossible that, as our knowledge of the manuscripts Are they SImply dIfferent expresSIons of one Idea? Or are they different meanlOgs of th G
d?Th < E h· . . e O'ez
grows. man} of these words will be attested< Some will remain unidentified, unless we are wor. '. ere are m t IOP13 stIll qiJne teachers who can answer many of these crUCial questions.
fortunate enough to find the sawasall' manuscript in which the new words appeared for the first, but It IS doubtful that the tradItion WIll live forever
or even the second, time<
As matters now stand, many of these rare words have been 'deformed', sometimes beyond Getatchew Hade, May 1987
recogOJtlon. 10 the process of repeated copylOg. What we now have are mostly recent manu-
scripts that have descended through an unknown number of generations< The copyist of Translations of the nathe sources. There are at times imprecise translations 10 various natIVe
unknown words - m fact, sometimes even of common words _ may change letters <For example, SOurces< Only a few examples are given.
1\ , ae , h , 1 , 1 , m may easily become" ' m , h , ~ , " , m, respectively, and vice versa. The , T 153 renders G. h¥"60 'am'iJ'a by Amharic transitive verbs abhiis{f~(ii 'irritate', usq"ii!la
next copyist, 10 attemptmg to rectify the corrupt word, may succeed only in corrupting it. There make angry', but also by an intransItive verb /iirra 'fear'. One would expect as/iirra 'fflghten'
are, for example, many names of God introduced in the sawasaw and translated or interpreted as
sama 'amlak 'name of God' A number of them are found in the funeral ritual, Ganziil, which .J The legend has it that Abgar Uchama or Ukkama was.1 king of Edessa who comcrled to ChnslianHy as a result of
hiS COrrespondence wuh Christ. The story was first known through EusebiUS, who claims 10 have t'(tracled II fH1m
mcludes the work called La/a/ii pdq, and 10 the other prayer books with 'asmal '[secret) names
archives in Edessa preserved In Syria. Those who studied the Syriac version (see especially George Phillips. Tht' Df)f{rlne
[of God)" such as Barlos and Sane Goigola. A comparison of several manuscripts of the same ~I Ad~i. the APOStle. London 1876, p. I, note) believe that Uchama or Ukkama, the tnle of the lung In Syna\:, means
Black. Acording to the Ethiopian version. where It IS hakuma/hakim, it means 'wise'
G • hf ahaY'a . Am h
wIth . q "r
' " a 'be wounded' (intransitive),
. and g"iidda
0"11.11. )
T Ih1 tran,lates 1 n< .y. . o . .... r 'wound' (transitive ilke g a a, or
'"arm' (t","sIIIVC). One would expect either aq as.1Q a ddjJiirii 'be brave' This Occurs in T.Y, and M We know that M(agglOra) COPIW Tayya's
'. , . . I k "assala). vocabulary, and it is likely that Y also copIed from Tayya the G. mardada wllh the wrong
lOK""dda '!x, harmed (IOtranSItl~e .., .c, q . d' b t MA 57 has nahla (instead of naljla) = Amharic translation diijJiinii 'bury'.
T 9~ has 1~1\ nJilia Amh.farrasa be destroye , u
There are unexpected verbal patterns in the native sources. In the quadriradlcal verbs wllh a
Amh a(iirrasil 'destroy' b dd .... 'rear' but T 143 renders it wrongly by
Y 326 h3' "'o~ hadana rendered correctly yasa ago , 2nd and 4th radical laryngeal, as in 'I~/~, one would expect the form liihl.ha. T, and Y. often
have the fo~ la~/.~a. Thus, (Y) qahq.~ 'murmur, whisper', but (T) qiihq.ha; (Tl nabn.>ba, 0')
Amh. addiiKi1 'grow, be reared' . h A h .. "I" 'uproot' but in view of Amh. tiihiiltiinii 'be
y 123 translate, G. ':"h( WIt m. naqqa a . ' A nalJna~a 'be 10 abundance'; (T) /ahl.ha 'immerse, dip', (T repront) laljal.1ba (undoubtedly mbprmt
. , d" ."dd"d" 'be chased away' (translatIOns of G. IJ~sa), one would expect . mho for lab/aba) instead of the expected laljlalja; (Y) salJs.&a 'brush the teeth', but (T) .tiilJs.ha move
d"f'Cr<ed . an taw a a O' t Ih' is given as lahasa (T 107, Y 321) wIth the backward and forward'.
laniiqqdlii 'he uprooted'. The same eez roo , . J . ... I h (Y 321) undoubt-
.. '''dd''d''
AmhaTlc Iran~ Iallon la,\{} a a 'be chased away 'hut .... , O. /IIJ" a, asa
. .strangely ,
r " 11",(1 lahaw is translated saddaela chase away .. Orthography. There arc certain consonants that have lost the" original pronuncIation in
cdly another 'pel 109 or .. , ' .. , ' b ' " miild ' tear off a chunk with Amharic, and probably also in a later stage ofOeez. As a result they are no longer u>cd correctly
Y 35~ render> 0 1oP~ gamaJa by Amh. gala gnaw a one, gam ... ..
the teeth,. and aI~o a'I"aqa.. 'be u.sed up' . However . considering the Lransltlve meaOlngs gtven for in orthography. These consonants are: h-O '-', fJ-"'-'" (h-IJ-b), (I-oP (s,s), and ~-o (s-eli. ThIS
G gama.fQ, one would expect Amh. a.wlliiqii 'use up'. . . phenomenon occurs in ail positions, but I list only examples for initial position. Note that the
. examples 0 f"ImpreCIsion . 0 f that kind can be multIplied and, as a result, thc task of the spelling of the first example is correct.
lexicographer IS not made easy. . Examples for h-O (,-,): h1/1. '.gale 'so·and·so'. (T) /)111. '.gale; o-nf 'abya 'be great', (TI hil'
Whenever an Amharic rendering of a Ocez lexemc is ambiguous I quote the Amhanc
translallon and Its various meanings. The precise meaning of the Oeez lexeme, however, remalOs Examples for fJ-"'-'" (h'&-lj): fJ~h had'a 'be tranquil', (T) '~~h bad'a; "':>r. hagiiy 'summer',
unclear Thus, 0 hankaha = Amh. sajJiird may mean 'measure' or 'camp', or O. &arasa = Amh. (T) "':>f. bagay; ... f.L ljada/a 'row', (L) "''''', &ada/a.
qiil/lima may mean 'stain, dye' or 'catch a ball' . In other instances the correct readl?gof the Examples for l'l-oP (s-f): I'IOl sa'ara 'remove', (y) "'Ol "a'ara; IPOf .'a'aya 'WinnOW', (T Y)
(lOf sa'aya.
Amh.,ic lexeme is unclear. Thus, O. wadala (MA 61) is rcndered by Amh. t.'i4-. If It IS read
anaffa. It means 'bray'; if it is read annajJa, it means 'blow on the fire'. Examples for lI-9 ($-r/): ~()f,m sii'dawa 'be white', (T) "'f.m r!a,dawo; onm r!aba!a 'grasp', (Y)
~nm sabala .
Sometime, the Amhanc root is a homonym, but it does not necessarily follow that the Oecz •

root IS ilkew ..c a homonym. For example, in MA 40, O. najha (instead of naflJa) is rendered by It even happens that the reprint of Tayya's dictionary has a different spelling from that of the
Amhanc nil/fa and translated 'inRate, sift'. In fact, Amh. niijJa 'inflate' comes from nfl:!, whereas original. Examples (the first word is that of the original, the second is the spelling of the repnnt):
Amh. nafJa 'sift' comes from nfy. Consequently, O. najha (for nafIJa) can mean only 'inAate' and I'Ilf saraya 'give a medicine': IPlf .'araya; "Cm siir~a 'light up': "IC'" siirha; hill 'o:ara
not 'Sift', 'sprinkle': Olll 'azara; I'Ih OD sa'ama 'kiss': (l00D sa'ama; IIfJOD /ahama 'be strong': limon
In other in'tances the inaccurate translation of one source can be cleared up by the correct la~ama; ",nn &ahaba ' press grapes': fJnn hababa.
translatIon of another source. For example, in H. 227 O. ·akmosasa 'smile' is translated by Amh. Sometimes the spelling is different in the derived verbal or nominal forms: T (reprint) "'lOU
giil/atii 'uncover'. The explanatIOn of the strange giillii!ii IS cleared up in K 537, who besides saroma 'become a swamp', but ·~(llOD tasarama 'enter IOtO a swamp'; T (original) t-.l.IU
hat.qll wqii 'laugh a little, smile' (correct translation of 'akmosasa) also gives kiinfiirun giillii!ii riihbana 'love one another', but CfJl]') rahbiin 'love' (n); T h"'l 'asara 'bind' (should be h(ll
'unc<lver the teeth (to smile)'. It then becomes clear that H's giilla!ii should read kiinfiirun giillii!ii. 'asara), but ·'1f)"'C~, mii'aiart 'snare'.
Because of the inconsistency in spelling, homographs abound in the various d,ctionaries
Misprints .nd unusual patterns. For the benefit of the reader I occasionally correct the compiled by Ethiopians. Thus, Y has O. "'M &asaya = Amh. siind!!iiqd 'split', and = Amh.
mIsprints of the various sources, particularly of those that are likely to be used: e.g., 1'1.1]') sibiin diiss asiiiiiiii 'make happy' . While for 'split' "'1'If &asaya is the correct spelling, the meaning
(T'I 'ddl' for 1I.~1 silan (0 325); fl"lIlO sagsiis (Sw. in 0 1395) 'kind of euphorbia', possibly for 'make happy' is in fact expressed by "',,,' ~a.iaya. The O. verb ...l(l ljarasa (Y) is = Amh.
"mllil (T 112); ~t,+ ziiraq (T.M) 'giraffe' for ~(pT zarat; gal/ada (0r.327) 'se ceindre' for arrdsii 'plough', and = Amh. (Iii)kdhakkiibii 'be pampered'. The meaning 'plough' is expressed,
'se olDdre', and many others. Of special interest are misreadings such as IU'.') bidon 'spear' for however, by O. mll'l &arasG, whereas 'pamper' is ... ll'l ljarasa. The G. verb 'i:fJl/.hra (H 227) is
It'·') kJdon (p. 87). I dId not correct the less used source of B where, for instance, <;'11 nOe'a (8 69) rendered by Amh. G((ii 'betroth' and Amh. qOiijJiird 'dig', but 'betroth' is O. L"'l/aljara, and
should read hosa .
'sand'. 'dig' is O. Lml/a&ara.
QUIte often an Ethiopian le~icographer may have copied an entry from his predecessor Needless to say, the transcription of loanwords is often erratic. Thus, rOt, masra, .,n,c
without ehmlOating a mbprint Or a mistake. A case in point is ODC!.f. mardada I 'be obstinate, maser, .,fl-t- masura, ODhfl-t- ma'asura, name of the twelfth Coptic month.
be courageous', translated, among others, by Amh. ddjJdnii 'bury', undoubtedly a misprint for For all these reasons [ have applied the principle of etymology for the standardization of the
orthography. Of the various Ethiopian languages, only Tigre and Tigrinya can serve as guides
d a coalescence into one sound took place; thus, '" ~
for h ' and 0 " since for the other so~nb s and l\ 5 and 0 d coalesced into ~. The other
J I d 'nto h' fI 5 and IP 5 ecame 5, . ' II J, 7th order o. The vowels of the 1st order and of the 4th order are transenbed 10 the spoken
and .1. ! coa esce h I . , can serve as glll'd es Jor r correct spelting ', thus for h .' and 0 'a the . Semitic-Ethiopian languages as ii (higher-low, central) and a (low, back). whereas the same
SemJlJc languages, owever, J J d 1 h only Arabic and EpigraphIc South ArabIc vowels in Geez are transcribed in this dictionary as a, ii, that is, vowels dIfferentiated by
. I es can be used For U I, '" 1 an _ . . .
SemItIc anguag
ed guides For fI . an d IP s. t he' va rious Semitic languages , partIcularly EpIgraphIc
s quantity. It is true that in present-day Geez these vowels are pronounced ii and a as in the other
can he Aus b'ca sbe
can · useful For l\ s andod,A r abic , Epigraphic South Arabic, . . and Modern
. Semitic-Ethiopian languages, but because these two vowels, at a time when Geez was spoken,
out ra I , . 'd r ' eet spelling When there is no SemItiC companson I were in my opinion differentiated in quantity, that is, a against ii, and because Geez m thIS
S th Arabian were used as gill es lor corr . .. db T K Y
ou adopted Dlilmann
have . ,s speII mg. ' AS a ru Ie , I indicate the various spell lOgs reglstere II . y .. th . . dictionary is compared with the other Semitic languages in which the vowels are differentiated Ifl
and M; only occaslOna . II y IS
' MA's spelling given. The variant spellings are nonna y gIven 10 e both quality and quantity, it seemed advisable to keep this difference in quantity. The vowels i, U
main entry only and rarely in the derived forms. of Geez, when compared with the same vowels in the other Semitic languages, may probably
likewise have been differentiated in quantity, but the script does not leave any trace of it. I am
. Ii'on. A d'ffic
T ranscrlp I It problemU
for the compiler is the phonetic
d transcription of Geez
."which aware of the dichotomy created by this transcription when reading the same lexeme in Geez and,
would correctly represent the pronunciation of the language. The present- ay pronuncIatIOn IS say, in Tigrinya, but the comparative approach outweighs the disadvantage.
known as ' traditional pronunciation ', but in fact it is not the pronunczatlOn that was used at the
time when Geez was spoken'. Indeed, the influence of Amhanc IS reflected In the present-day Summary of the transcription symbols. The following consonants and their pronunciation
pronuncIa . t'Ion 0 f Geez . The consonants ,-, lost their consonantal value and are pronounced
. . as require no explanation: b, d,/. g, h, k, I, m, n, p, r, s. t, W, y, z.
=ero, h-h-h merged in the pronunciation as Iz. s-s as s, and ~-r! as ~ (for the transcnptlOn of these For the following transcription symbols, the occasional symbols in parentheses are those of
conson~n;s in the dictionary, see below). Two features in the pronUnCIatIOn reqUIre specIal the International Phonetic Association: Glottal stop' (?), voiceless. PJiARYNGEALS: '(f) voiced, ~
attention: the gemination and the pronunciation of the so-called SIxth order, that IS, eIther the (h ) voiceless. VELARS: &(x) spirant voiceless, g (r) spirant voiced. INTERDENTALS: I (8) spimnt
pronunciation of the consonant with the vowel J or witha v.0wel z~ro. J ' fortunate to have voiceless, d (0) spirant voiced, ? (6) emphatic. SPIRANTIZED (Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac): p
had the assistance of Dr. Sergew Hable SellasS!e, Abba Takla Mlka el Taffasa, and espeCIally of (pronounced v), p (pronounced}), Is (pronounced x), g (possibly r),l (possibly 8), d(possiblyil).
- -
Dr. Getatehew Haile. On the whole the three Ethiopians versed in the traditional pronunciation Note that Is, -q also occur in Tigrinya. EMPHATlcs (uvular or velarized in Arabic, glottalized or
agreed on these two features, though there were instances of disagreement. Since most of the ejectived in Ethiopic): 1 (t', stop, voiceless). ~ (s', spirant, voiceless), q (k', stop, voiceless), r! (d',
work was done with Dr. Getatchew Haile, I adopted his pronunciation, though occasionally spirant, lateral, emphatic or glottalized), p (P', only in Ethiopic). PREPALATALS : g (j), s (I), c (c),
either the vowel J or the consonant to be geminated is put in parentheses to indicate hesitation . ((e', glottalized), i (3). LATERAL spirailt .I.

Transcription of Geez and of Semitic. CONSONANTS. The Geez consonants are transcribed as Entries. The entries are in phonetic transcription. In the main entry, the lexeme in phonetic
follows : U iI, t\ I, '" h, OD m, IP .I, t. r, fI s, ." q, n b, T I, 1 b, ~ n, h " h k, In w, 0 " " z, f y, 11. transcription is followed by the Ethiopic script. It would, of course, have been preferable to use
d. 1 g, m I, Ap, l\ ~, 9 9, I. f, T p. the Ethiopian alphabet combined with phonetic transcription throughout the dictionary. but this
The Arabic ~onsonants not occurring in Geez are transcribed: C. g, .;. s,.1 ?, g., and the t. method would have considerably increased the price of the volume.
The arrangement of the dictionary is as follows : " " b, d, f, g, h, ~, b, k, I, m, n, p, fl' g, r, s, .I,
interdentals 0 I, :, d. Note that I, d are distinguishable in print with some difficulty.
The Epigraphic South Arabic consonants not occurring in Geez are: H d, TI g, s" ~ s" n ~.t,!,w,y,z.

j( s j, X I, 1? The fonn in parentheses after the verb is that of the jussive. The jussive forms are taken from
The Hebrew-Aramaic consonants not occurring in Geez are: II! S, ill .I (note that .I of Dillmann, Gn:baut, and KWK. For the plural of the noun I list only the internal plural.
The order within the verbs is as follows: basic stem, 'a-stem, la-stem, la+ C-type, 'asIa- of the
Heb.Aram. is probably not to be identified with .I of Geez), !l p. The spirants are transliterated:
g, g, g, !S, P, 1- A, B, C type, active participle, passive participle, nominal derivations without prefixes or suffixes,
- - nominal derivations with suffixes, nominal derivations with the prefixes '-, m-, 1_.
The Ugaritic consonants not occurring in Geez are transliterated: ?, S, g, d, I.
Verbs beginning with 'an- are listed under the root; thus 'anbalbala is listed under btbl.
VOWELS. The Geez vowels transcribed in the same manner as the vowels of the other Semitic-
Ethiopian languages in the traditional order are: 2nd order U, 3rd order i, 5th order e, 6th order Whenever a derived fonn is not easily recognizable it is cross-referred : e.g., IJ'bil, see <abya
(but IJ'niiz is not cross-referred as the root 'zz is easily recognizable); gJrral, see grr; sm"il, see
sawaya; mosQ>, see wS'.
~ For the traditional pronunciation, see E. Littmann, "Ge<ez·Studien", in Nachrichten der K. Gesel/schaJt der A plural such as 'aqsJSI, maW;;SJ'1 has a special entry and is cross-referred to qasl or mo.i!i,.
WlSst'nscha!t~n ZII .~iiuingen. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 1917, pp. 627- 702; 1918, pp. 318.339; M. Cohen, "La If for a noun with the prefix ma- (such as maswal, maz,"') the verbal root is not attested, the
pro~ODCIatJon tradllJonnelle du gum {ethiopien classique)" , JA , serie 11, vol . 17 (1921). pp. 217-269; E. Mittwoch, Die noun with the prefix rna- has its own entry, but quite often the hypothetical root is likewise
lradmoneJit Ausspral'he des Aelhiopischen (Berlin und Leipzig : Verlag von Walter, 1926), 129 pages.
given; thus swl II, see maswal; and zrf, see mazr3 I use this procedure because the Semitist is
f ,

accustomed to deriving nouns with the prefix rna- from a verbal root.
, d! d I" indicates that nadel is a variant of nadyat and
A reference such as "nadef: see ( no J IQ • na ya . language, Occasionall y the different radical is the I tt r d '
, ~ d to the verb in parentheses, that IS, nadya, glottalized ~ in another la nguage this difference t b g a a ,~e , ! III one language and the
the read:: l~a7t e::: cross-references for variants in spelling : e.g., Jarabon, see ~arabon. examples of that kind, com ar: na a no_ elOg con Itloned by phonetIC reasons, For
I oce., 10 Y • b re listed under their actual forms but are cross-referred
The verbs of the class qoma or se a a badafa, bl;da, and many ot~ers, g ra , ".hqa, pahaq, f~l;a, gala~a, gamasa, I;aqafa_ garada,

to qwm sl'b , , k d I ' I In some occurrences the irregular correspondence between a Geez roo t and a Semitic root may
' . ' " theses An entry taken from Dlllmann IS unmar e . t IS On y
The sources are gJVen In paren . . . . be oWI~g to a false orthography of the Geez root, Thus, harafa II (with h) ' tear off a leaf from
when an entry IS ta ken f rom th e various indexes of Dlllmann begmnlng col. 1393 or wherever . the :o~ ISI~o:pared WIth Ar. barafa (with b) 'pluck (a frui t)" It is qui te possible that the Geez
D,limann quotes a Sallasaw
,- that the source is marked as D , Whenever a lexeme, I was found ' In
ver , s au e spelled barafa Instead of lJarafa, There are similar examples in which s-s or s-d
' d on Iy the important ones ' namely
several sources II lste . ' T,V,K,
. and KG, .It.IS a so conventent to
.. are Involved, , ,
, ), as hI's dl'ctl'onary is more readIly avaIlable than
refer to M(agglOra . . the d,ctlOnanes compIled " by I am aware that for SOme roots it may not have been necessary to list all the Semi tic languages
(e,g" I~bsa), b~t I dId so for the benefit of the non-Semitist who may be interested in the form of
EthIOpIans. H"avmg used fifteen different sources (see "AbbreViatIOns
" of the Geez sources)
, for
the comptlation of this dictionary, I was unable to avoid occaSIOnally confusmg one source WIth a speCIfic Semlllc language,
another. In the discussion of the various cognates in Semitic I ll' rru't th b'bl ' h' 1 r
Proper names and magical names are not listed in the dictionary, , . . e I IOgrap lea relcrences to a
mlDlmum. I refer the reader to the comparative dictionaries of Semitic or to articles dealing wi th
A lexeme cited in the comparison without translatIOn has the meamng of the preceding SemitIC for further Information,
lexeme. The comparisons within Semitic-Ethiopic are made with Tigre, Tigrinya, Amharic, Ha rari,
Neither in the verb nor in the noun are all the meanings indicated, If, however, dangalja means
Gafat, Argobba, and Gurage (a cluster from which I quote the lexeme that is discussed in Leslau
'be perplexed', it is likely that tbngatfe also means 'perplexity' even though this meaning is not 1979). The comparisons between Geez and Amharic seem to be more numerous than those
given. Or, If bab,,1 means 'audacious', the verb ( ta! babala may also have the meaning 'be between Geez and the other Ethiopian languages. This numerical superiorit y should not lead to
the conclUSIOn that the relationship between Geez and Amharic is closer than between Geez and
An occasional translation into a language other than English comes from the source where the the other Ethiopian languages, Tigre and Tigrinya in particular. The larger number of Amharic
translatIon IS given; for example, a French translation for a Tigrinya lex erne comes from cognates may be explained by the fact that we have more sources for the Amharic vocabulary
Coulbeaux-Schreiber, a German translation for an Akkadian lexeme comes from von Soden, and than for the other languages,
so on , The source, however, is seldom indicated,
Within Cushitic I Compare at random one or another Cushitic language. Because our
The symbol ~ indicates that the lexeme is also treated in the Additions, knowledge of the Cushitic phonetic system is still inadequate, the relationship between Semitic-
Ethiopic and Cushitic is not easy to establish , A Geez or a Semitic-Ethiopic root may be
Comparisons and etymologies, Comparisons are made with all the Semitic languages, the common with Cushitic or borrowed from Cushitic, A common root is expressed by the statement
Semitic-Ethiopian languages, and with Cushitic, In the comparisons I list only the verbal or the 'common with Cushitic' , For a Cushitic loanword in Geez, I say 'borrowed from Cushitic' , The
nominal rooL I do not give all the derivations because such a listing would unnecessarily existence of a Geez or a Semitic-Ethiopic root in Cushitic is expressed by the statement 'passed Ihe bulk of the dictionary, Whenever I quote a comparison suggested by someone into Cushitic' . Whenever I have doubts whether a root is common with Cushitic, borrowed
wilhout expressing my own opinion it means either that I agree with the suggestion or that I from Cushitic, or borrowed from Semitic-Ethiopic, I simply say 'also in Cushitic', Note that not
have no personal opinion on the comparison. all the Semitic-Ethiopic loanwords in Cushitic are indicated,
Withm Semitic the adopted order is : Arabic (occasionally dialects), Epigraphic South Arabic, Whenever I am hesitant about a comparison I use the words 'possibly', 'perhaps' , and
Modern South Arabian (from which I compare at random one or two dialects), Biblical Hebrew 'probably', In this connection I would like to repeat what I said in Leslau 1979 :x : " In reviewing
(designated as Hebrew), Postbiblical Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac (occasionally Neo-Syriac), Man- my Hebrew cognates in Amharic one reviewer approved my way of indicating doubt by stating
d~lc, Phoefllclan, Ugantlc, and Akkadian, In Semitic I do not usually compare a triradical root 'L'auteur a prudemment multiplie les formules dubitatives sur la derivation d'un bon nombre de
WIth a blTad,cal rooL In special cases, however, I apply the principle for which I use the mots', By contrast, it is rather surprising to read in another reviewer, in connection with my
statement 'related to', which implies an etymological correspondence between two roots even Ethiopic and South Arabic cOlllribulions 10 rhe Hebrew lexicon, that "all too often the identification
though there IS no regular correspondence among all the radicals of the root This principle is qualified by 'probably' or 'perhaps"', Does the reviewer suggest that one should not express
appbes to roots 10 whIch the consonants are .Iike but contain a certain laryngeal in one language doubt where there is doubt, and thus mislead the non-specialist and even the specialist? Is it not
and a dIfferent laryngeal 10 another language, It may also be applied to roots of the 1.2,2 type in preferable to express doubt where it exists, so as to leave the door open for future investiga-
one language but of the I 2 w/y type , th I tion?"
. ' .' 10 ana er anguage, or to a 1.2,2 type in one language and
to a root WIth a laryngeal Illanother language, The principle of 'related to' may be applied to a Very often the lexemes taken from native sources defy comparison, Various lexemes of the
tnradlcal haVing a last rad,cal laryngeal in one language but a last radical w/y in another Sawas~w might come from Cushitic languages even though no Cushitic cognate came to my

ht It advisable to include in the dictionary as lNTROOUC'TIO
. k f completeness, I t houg . ' r .
allcnll,'n. For thc s3 e 0 ch will bring to hght more m,ormallon. fr~~ Amharic or th~ other. w~y aroun~ Note that KWK also lists some Tigre words, such as
'bl ' h h pe that future resear . .
man) ",emrs as posS! e 10 teo the other languages of the Afro-ASIatIC gan bIg bud of prey, garwah antelope As these lexemes have no reference 1 do not hSlthem In
Althou~h I was occaSIOnally tempted to compare the dictionary.
IHamlto-Semitlc) group, I abstamed from domg so.
CUSHlTlC. For the loanwords, see "Comparisons and etymologies",
I Geez writings are translations from Arabic, Greek, Syriac, INDIAN WA.NWOROS. Contact with India brought a small number of loanwords of that country
loanwords As noted above, severa
I .
esult of these Irans atlons a
th t many lexemes of these languages came mto into Gee~. It IS dIfficul t to know whether these loanwo rds came to Geez drrect\y or through the
. I"
I . as'e'a Ihey
r . . Iex em es ralher than loanwords, and they probably
are transcnpllon intermedIary of the spoken Semitic-Ethiopian languages 11.
(ieel. n mos cas S
ne"r became a part of the spoken anguage. II It 's for the sake of convenience, however, tha t I
Correspondence between Geez and the other Semitic· Ethiopian languages . Only the regular
deSIgnate them as loanwords. f G eek originated in writings translated from Greek, most correspondences are indicated. The alternant consonants are gIven in parentheses.
GREFK The transcnpllons rom r f
. Old Testament an d the New Testament ' . The Greek loanwords
notably the I are 0f ten
th corrupt,
and It -"dl'ffiCU It to d'd
eCI e whether the responsibility is that of the trans
. ator
. hor ' 0 fi . e. COPYISt.
f h Geez Tigre Tigrinya Amharic
The Greek lexemes are quoted 10 · th e fi rs t person of the present, sometImes 10 t em mtlve 0 t e Harari Gafat Argobba G urage
b b b b b b b h
HFBREW. The relatIvely few transcriptions from Hebrew cou Id h .
ave come 10 0t Ge z e'the
e I r m m m m m m In m
through the Septuagmt or through a version of the Septuagmt based on a Hebrew text. Some f f f f f f
f f
obvIOUS Hebrew transcnptions mentioned in Dlilmann 1399-1408 are not recorded In thIS W IV 1<

dIctIOnary. . . . " W

ARABIC It seems Itkely that Arabic loanwords came eIther from ciasslcal ArabIC thro.ugh b can become zero in South Ethiopic' G . kabd ' liver', Amh . hod, Har kiid, G ,.bn 'stone',
Har. un, Wolane un .
wntlngs translated from Arabic into Geez' or through the mtermedlary of spoken Semltlc-
Ethiopian languages'. Note that many foreign loanwords (such as Greek, CoptIC, or Aramalc- m can become zero in Harari and in some Gurage dialects : G . ~alnl'vegetation ', Har hUl: G.
Synac) could have come into Geez through Arabic. '" . s.m 'name', Ennemor suoFor more details on the labials in Gurage, see Leslau 1979' xxix-xxxv.
ARAMAIC-SYRIAC. As we are still in the dark concerning the dIalectal d,stmctlveness of the
vanous dialects of Aramaic, and as it is still doubtful whether a given lexeme is taken from
AramaIC or from Synac, I use the general term 'Aramaic-Syriac'"o Noeldeke 1910 :33 is careful Geez Tigre Tigrinya Amharic Harari Gafat Argobba Gurage
to say "Wir durflen sie aile [expressions dealing with religion and church] oder fast aile judischen d d d d d d d d
oder chnsthchen Mlssionaren zuschreiben". I / / I / I I I
COPTIC With the exception of the names of the months there are few Coptic loanwords in I I / I / / /
• • • • • • • I
Geez. In all probabiltty they came into Geez through Arabic. d •
s• S• I• I I I I·
• • •

AMHARIC. Owing to the contact with Amharic at a certain time in its linguistic history Geez
borrowed Amharic lexemes. Also at the time when Geez ceased to be spoken, the Geez writings, In South Ethlopic the dentals d, I can become palatalized to g. t, and !, d (passlOg through . ~
especially the royal chronicles, borrowed Amhanc lexemes. Only a few are mentioned here: le!ii > I) can become {. Examples : G . ,.d 'hand', Amh . 'g, Har. igi, Gur. iigi : G . 'anll 'you' (fern),
'WlthoUI harness', ~ambal 'breastplate for a horse', nagiiril 'kind of trumpet', kasasa 'accuse' . Amh.Gaf. anN, Arg. ane; G . !ayyaqa 'observe, examine', Gur. (a}fiiqii 'make sure': G . dabala
KWK Itsts a considerable number of Amhanc loanwords, but since they are not attested in the 'seize', Amh.Gur. (fiibbii!ii, Arg. tebbii!a.
texts I dId not record them In the dictionary. KWK states that some of them are Amharic : e.g.,
bii:ra 'mare', balg 'season of small rains', '.mbosa 'young calr, walal 'milk', dabbaqa 'hide'. He
does not indIcate the Amharic origin of others, as, for example, b.,q 'rare', g'.lbal 'knee', !.yy'/ Geez Tigre Tigrinya Amharic Harari Gafat Argobba Gurage
z z z z
--- -
- - ---.
In several occurrences It is difficult to deCIde whether a Geez lexeme was borrowed
s s
z z z ••
, Ullendorlf I96U Ilf. s s s s s s
• Murad Kamll. "Translations rrom Arabic In Ethioplc hterature", Bulletin de la Societe d 'archeolog,e cople s• s s s s s s s
7 (194 1) 62· 71
s • s• S• / /
• ! (~) ! (~ ) I
• W lnlau, "Arablc loanwords In Geez", J5S 3 (1958)J46-68 . •
10 On this problem s« Dillmann : col. Xxii ; Noeldeke 1910 :32-46; Conll Rossini, S!oria d '£liopia 155.56 " Polotsky
1964 . Ullendorif 1968 .120-tJO. ,
II See J. Haltvy, " Traces d'intluence indo-parsic en Abyssinic", RS 4 (1896).258·65 ; Littmann IQ26 ; Rabin IQ()8 ,
l"-l ROrH '( TION XXVI
' ' ds >
. nted as z'- s, s. as s,'. an. 0 1. <'. .
> ' Examples: G. "'gazama
In S\1urh r-thH'PlC 2 1~ alsort"prc~e " • b' Amb assa,
Arg. hassa. Har. J:zasa, ur. LARYNGEALS
'cui down', Amh "i1:(1/I/(' 'bIg axe,; G b~sa.~al ru :. G sa'ana 'load', Amh.Gaf. (fand, Arg. Geez Tigre Tigrinya Amharic
" A m. hGur. . "(8) Slcnce, '. t ofGeez' G.galasa " Te. , , Harari Gafat Argobba GUTage
J;¥a-(Q {; hll,\'a 'he qUJct.
u", . ,
IIy have c:' as agams s . . uncover, , zero
fahana. Not' that Te. and Tna, O~caSIO~~ flesh' Tn.
g"iiriitt 'abalii. , , , zero ('J zero zero (h) zero
'I' GI....p'-ar(no
. 'make an mcrslOn 10 e • . .. zero zero (, J zero
h h h
zero (h) zero
zero h• zero
h, h• h, zero zero (h)
h• zero h, zero h. (~), zero zero (hJ

Tigre 'T!gnnya Amharic Harari Gafat Argobba Gurage Haran ' occurs in medial and final position. On the existence of" h in some Gurage dialects,
Gee, see Leslau 1979:lxiv-lxvii.
n /I 11 1l /I 11 n II

I I I As a result of the laryngeals becoming zero in Amharic, Harari, Gafat, Argobba, and Gurage,
the Geez triradieals with second or third laryngeal become biradicals in the above- mentioned
r r r r r r r languages.

, alatalized into ri in a verbal form ending in -i; e.g., active participle.

In South FlhlOPIC nf"hPI' 'ds in Gurage see Lesl.u 1979:xlvii-lii ; on palatalization and loss
On Ihe alternanee 0 I e IqUl .. .. , . Leslau 1963 ' 6 Geez Tigre Tigrinya Amharic
flUId. see Ih, hl·lv. On the IDserllOn of n in Gurage, see Ib, IVI; 10 Haran, '.. Harari Gafat Argobba Gurage
o ~~ on"l~al final -iiI. -,1m Haran. and Muher-Gogot of the Gurage group can become -e, :1,. y y y y y y y y
bamrle~, G m_g,.,I'pus'. Har.Muher n"'gi; G, ",k(J)I'food, b~ead',
,HaT. 'XI, o.0got . a~~:
f\.-(aSlOna I Io!\~ 0 ,'[ {....
"'cur,'_' a'lO
~ the root Sis 'three In Amh. sost three, Gaf. SOSla, HaT. SISII. Correspondence between Geez and some Semitic languages

Geez Arabic South Arabic Hebrew Syriac Akkadian

, , , , ,
VELARS , zero
" g

" g
, ,
Geez Tignoya Amhanc Harari Garat
Argobba Gurage b b b b b b
~ g g g g g g d d d d d d
k k k k k k k d• d, d• s• $(') S•
q q q q q q q f f f p p p
- h zero h• zero h zero g g g g g g
h h h h h zero
k can bc<ome h In SOme Soulh Ethiopian languages: G. k,l'e 'Iwo', Amh. huldl/, Eza (Gurage) h• h• h• h• h• zero
h',,: G. Jok 'thorn', Gar 4.<lh"ii, h h h
k can !>ecome \ (- ~, ~) '" Harari. GUTage: G. sok 'thorn', HaT. USUX, Ennemor sox. k k
k k

'h be.:omcs Ie , t, ,i In Gurage G, baka)'a 'weep', Caha bdk'ii, Selti biil'e, Soddo bdJSd. I I I I I I
0q)' hecomes q . <' '" Gurage, Gafal. G haqara 'grind Ihe teeth', Gar. Soddo a(f?d, Caha aq'ii. m m m m m m
~ atn !>ecDme h In SeI!I, Endege" of the Gurage group. II II II n n n
for more detalb on the ,eiaTS In Gurage, see Leslau 1979:xxxvi-xxxlx. q q q q q q
As a result of ~ !>ecomlOg zero in Amharic, Gafat, and Gurage, the Geez triradieals with a r r r r r r
"","ond ,lr thlTd •h be.:ome bITadleals in the above - mentIoned languages, s S, t S, (s J) § (s) S(S),I j
.i S(S) s, .i S S -
• • • •
(.lttZ Tigre t t
Tlgnnya Amhanc Harari Garat
I t t t
Argobba Gurage
g g. g" I

I (z)
• I I

I t
• • •
If g" g" g•
k k" ko w w w w w w
k k" k' k"
q' q q- q- y y y y y y
q q" q" q" Z z, d z, d -- z, d z
~ sed mostly Greek loanwords,
Ifl . Gangero: Cerulli. E. 1938a.
veez P. pare U E' h'c South Arabic and Modern South ArabIan. see
F<'f the correspondences between plgrap I Kafa: Cerulli. E. 1951.
leslau IQ38 : 14-15, Khamir : Reinisch. L, 1884.
MoCa: Leslau. W, 1959,
Sources for the Semitic languages Oromo: Gregg, G,B, 1982.
Qemant : Conti Rossini. C 1912.
,'kkadian: \'on Soden. W. 1965-81: CAD, Quara : Reinisch. L. 1885.
ArabIC: Kazimirskl. A. 1860; Lane, E, W. ; Wahrmund , A ' 1898 ; Dozy, R. 1927 ; Blachere,
1863 Saho : Reinisch, L. 1890.
R 1957-' Hava J,G. 1964; Wehr. H. 1979, .
: 's· 'Sidamo: Alaba. Darasa, Hadi yya. Kambata. Qabenna. Sidamo. Tembaro: CeruUi. E.
Dlaleels: yna-'Pa Ies t'In e .' Barthelemy" A 1935'
' Denizeau,
C. 1960; Datma
, ,
: Landberg,
C Leslau, W " manuscnpt. 1938.
'920-42 ~ H. a,ramu
d t : La nd berg, C. 1901
,' Yemenite'. ROSSI, E. 1939; Chnstlan-Arablc: Graf, Somali : Reinisch, L. 1902,
G. 1964, 'R ,. C 1931 Wolamo : Cerulli, E., in RSO 12 (1929),24-36,
EpIgraphic South Arabic : SabDic 1982; Biella,], 1982;_Contl OSSlOl, . "
Modem South Arabian . Mehri : Bittner, M. 1909-14; Sa~n . BIttner, M . 1916-17, Johnstone,
T M 1981 ' Harsusi : Johnstone, T.M. 1977: SoqO!ri : Leslau, W. 1938. Acknowledgments. I wish to express my gratitude to several colleagues Who generously gave of
Ara~ai~ : Ln;'-J. 1924: Jastrow, M, 1926, Jean, CF., and ] , Hoftijzer 1965, thel~ lIme to check the matenal In the dictionary and who made valuable suggestions, each one
In hlsspeclahzed field . . Walter W. MIiller, the Semitist at Marburg. made important contribu-
Hebrew : Buhl, F, 1921; Koehler, L. 1951; Baumgartner, W, I 967a-.
Mandaic ' Drower. E,S.. and R . Macuch 1963, tIOns m the field of EpIgraphic South Arabic, and occasionally of Arabic and Greek . Arne A ,
Phoenician : Tomback, R.S, 1978, Ambros, the Arabist at the University of Vienna, contributed thoroughgoing observations on
Syriac : Payne Smith, R, 1879-1901: Brockelmann, C. 1928, ArabIc and on problems of semantics, Olga Kapeliuk . the Ethiopicist of the Hebrew University.
Neo-Syriac : Maclean, A.J, 1901. krusalem, read a large part of the manuscript and improved upon the comparisons dealing with
Ugaritic: Aistleitner,], 1963: Gordon, CH, 1965; de Moor, J,C 1971; Caquot, A, 1974, Tlgnnya. Geta/chew Haile, an Ethiopian scholar with a vast knowledge of things Ethiopic.
checked the transcriptions of the Geez words, furnished me with new entries, and made useful
observations on religious terminology, Gerhard Salinger. a colleague since my Paris days.
Sources for tbe Semitic-Ethiopian languages
devoted much of his time to checking all Greek lexemes ; he also made occasional observations
on Arabic. My colleague and friend, Hanns-Peter Schmidt, was extremely helpful in elucidating
Tigrinya : Coulbeaux, P,S .. and 1. Schreiber 1915; da Bassano, F. 1918; Yohannas Giibrii
Egzi'aba~er 1956. several loanwords from the languages of India. Maxime Rodillson graciously put at my disposal
his annotated copy of Dillmann's dictionary, Monica Del'ens, a student of mine, and Grace
Tigre : Littmann, E" and M, Wifner 1962; d'Abbadie, in Dillmann 1865, pp,53-64; Leslau,
manuscript. Stimson proofread the manuscript. E"elyn Mohr checked the galleys and page proofs and
improved on the presentation of the material in several ways,
Amharic : d'Abbadie, A, 1881; Guidi, I. 1910; Armbruster, CH, 1920; Baeteman, J, 1929; Diista
I am extremely grateful to the National Endowment for the Humanities whose grant made my
Tiiklii Wiild (DTW), 1962 (=1969/70); Tiisiimma Habtii Mika'el (KBT), 1951 (= 1958/9); and
research on this dictionary possible. The cost of composition was contributed by the National
particularly the invaluable Amharic-English dictionary by T. Kane (4,200 pages in manu-
script). Endowment for the Humanities, the National Science Foundation, and the Louise and Minna
Argobba: Leslau, W" in RSE 26 (/973-77),1978, pp.21-42, Epstein Fund of the American Academy for Jewish Research, Grants from the Research
Gafat: Leslau, W. 1945, 1956, Committee of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), were extremely helpful in the
Gurage : Leslau, W, 1979. technical preparation of the manuscript. I also wish to thank A. Barber, Vice-Chancellor,
Harari : Cerulli, E. 1936; Leslau, W, 1937, 1963, Research Programs, UCLA, and E,V. Svenson, Vice Chancellor,Institutional Relations, UCLA,
for their contribution to the composition costs.
The Imprimerie Orientaliste in Louvain was cooperative and very patient in accepting the
Sources for the non-Semitic languages of Ethiopia
many changes I had to make as the work progressed. Every stage of the composition was
Afar : Reinisch, L. 1886, discussed with Dr, Helmut Petzolt, scientific editor of Otto Harrassowitz, whose highly profes-
AWlya: Leslau, W" manuscript. sional qualifications combined with ties of friendship helped me greatly during the whole process
Bega (Bedawye): Reinisch, L. 1895. of pUblication,
Bifin Reinisch, L. 1887, I cherish the fond memories of my years of study with my teacher and friend, the late Marcel
Cohen, and I am forever grateful for his guidance.

' d' ry would not have been Possible without the" wholehearted
The c<,mpietlon of the Ictlona , d ncouragement of my wIfe manIfested
rati ' derstandtng patience, an e h'l I
<'<1<'re (ln, drvotlOn, un , , I I during the last six years w I e was
during nearl) SIXty years of marriage, and /da:~~~~t:rt~is volume,
"",kon~ on the dlcuo".ry It IS to her that Wolf LESLAU
Los Angeles, May 1987


An .unmarked entry is taken from A. Dillmann, Lexicon linguae aethiopicae (Lipsiae: T.O.
WeIgel, 1865; repnnt: New York: P. Unger, 1955),
B Brauner-Plazikowski, H., Ein iithiopisch-amharisches G10ssar (Sawiisew). Inaugural-
DIssertatIOn. Berhn, 1913. Geez-Amharic vocabulary, with a German translation pp.
33-96. ,
o Dillmann (see above) when quoted from the various indexes beginning col. 1393 or
wherever Dillmann quotes a Sawiisow.
D+ A. Dillmann, Chrestomathia aethiopica (Lipsiae: T.O. Weigel, 1856), pp. 161-290.
DTW Diista Tiiklii Wiild, Addis yamamltia miizgiihii qalat (Amharic-Amharic dictionary).
Addis Ababa, 1962 (= 1969/70), pp.60-1284.
Gr followed by a number = S. Grebaut, Supplement au Lexicon linguae aethiopicae de August
Dillmann (1865) et edition du lexique de Juste d'Urbin (1850-1855). Paris: Imprimerie
Nationale, 1952, 520 pages
Gr without a number refers to items mentioned in Grebaut's articles (for a list of his articles,
see W. Leslau, An annotated bibliography of the Semitic languages of Ethiopia, 1965,
pp. 136-139).
Gt Getatchew Haile (personal communication),
H Hirschfeld, H. "An Ethiopic-Falasi glossary", in Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society,
1919, pp.209-230; 1920, pp.573-582; 1921, pp.211-237. A Geez-Amharic vocabulary,
with an English translation.
J Complement du lexique de Juste d'Urbin releve par Roger Schneider, in Grebaut (see
above), pp. 339-443; also in the various articles published by Grebaut, and in Grebaut's
K Kidanii Wiild Kofle, Mii~~afii siiwasaw wiigass wiimiizgiibii qalat ~addis (Geez-Amharic
dictionary), published by Diista Tiiklii Wiild. Addis Ababa, 1948 (= 1955/6). Introduc-
tion, pp. 1-191; vocabulary, pp. 193-908. See also KWK.
K' same author when the lexeme is given without a reference.
KBT Tiisiimma Habtii Mika>el, Kiisate barhan tiisiimma (Amharic-Amharic dictionary). Addis
Ababa, 1951 (= 1958/9), 1,398 pages.
KG (KG I, 2, 3), copy of an original Geez-Amharic dictionary in manuscript, by Aliiqa Koflii
Giyorgis, compiled about 1880 (according to Marcel Cohen).
KG I same, MS. 47 of Marcel Cohen's collection, 668 pages (see JSS 9[1964).20-26).
KG 2 same, MS. 2334 of EMML, 406 pages (see EMML, vol. 6, pp.382-3).
KG 3 same, MS. 2335 of EMML, 309 pages (see EMML, vol. 6, p. 384).

. .
If Le -icon aethjopico~/atmum. 2nd ed'tion
(Francofurti ad Moenum, 1699),664
L H Ludo , x . . d of 42 unnumbered pages.
pages, followed by a LatlO ID e;ious Geez writings.
Lt Literature; items taken from va . . 'co-italiano-latino (Asmara: Scuola tipografica
M P. Gabnele da Maggiora. Vocabolarro etlOp,
francescano. 1953),579 pages.. h' des fiormes verbales (paris : Association
Le . e gueze-am arzque
MA Makonnen Argaw. x.qu A h ric vocabulary of verbal forms, with a French
. T f ns 1974) A Geez- r n a . ABBREVIATIONS OF PERIODICALS
langues et C/VIlSa 10, . d b an alphabetic index, pp.311-370; mdex of the
translation, pp.25-308, followe y LANGUAGES AND GRAMMATICAL TERMS
Amharic translations, pp. 373-428 · "kl" Mika>el Tatfasii, a learned priest who spent some
Mk Personal informatIOn from Abba T a a PERIODICALS
time in Los Angeles. . I 4 fthe Baluy Kidiin (Old Testament), Asmara, 1918 Periodicals consisting of one word are not abbreviated e g Orl'ental 'a L
OT Geez-Amharic vocabulary In vo ume 0 • . " 1 . anguage.
(= 1925/6), pp.569-591. b 1 ) uoted in Dillmann; also minor vocabularies. AAL Afroasiatic Linguistics (Malibu. California)
Sw Sawiisow (Geez-Amhanc voca u ary q .. . 896/ 7) 336 AGI Archivio glottologico italiano (Roma)
T Al'"qa Tayya. Mashafa s a- w a s a w . Swedish MISSIon, 1889 = 1
(MonkulJo' , .. ,14
a Geez-Amhanc
pages. ' . '. voca b uIary, p p . 89-190 . Reprint, Addis Ababa: B~rhan~nna Salam, AION Annali. Istituto Orientale di Napoli (Napoli)
AJSL American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures (Chicago)
1958 (= 1965/6).
T+ Additions to T (above), pp. 6-14, at the end of the book. . ' . AO Archiv fiir Orientforschung (Graz)
TS (TasJ, a S~II ase.
) A"
f~iJ' yaga'az mammariya . Geez-Amhanc vocabulary (Addis Ababa.
Beitrage zur Assyriologie und vergleichenden semitischen Sprachwissenschaft
Borhanonna Salam, 1938 = 1945/6). 141 pages. (Leipzig)
y Abba Ya<qob Giibrii 'Iyyasus, Ma~~afa sawiisaw zag"az (Asmara, 1920 = 1927/ 8). Geez- BES Bulletin of the Ethnological Society, University College of Addis Ababa (Addis
Amharic vocabulary. pp.569-591. Ababa)
BO Bibliotheca Orientalis (Leiden)
For more details on the sources, see "Observations on the dictionaries". BSL Bulletin de la Societe de linguistique de Paris (Paris)
BSOAS Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. University of London
CAD The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute, The University of Chicago
CBQ Catholic Biblical Quarterly (Washington)
CSCO Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium (Louvain)
DLZ Deutsche Literaturzeitung (Berlin)
EI Eretz Israel (Jerusalem)
EMML (A Catalogue 01) Ethiopian Manuscripts microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript
Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library,
Collegeville (Collegeville. Minnesota)
FRCS Folklore Research Center Studies (Jerusalem)
GGA Giittingsche Gelehrte Anzeigen (Giittingen)
GLECS Comptes rend us du groupe linguistique d'etudes chamito-semitiques (Paris)
HS Hamito-Semitica. Proceedings of a colloquium held ... in 1970. edited by J . and T.
Bynon, 1975 (Mouton: The Hague)
HUCA Hebrew Union College Annual (Cincinnati)
lOS Israel Oriental Studies (Tel Aviv)
JA lournal Asiatique (Paris)
JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society (New Haven)
- .

JBL Journal of Biblical Literature (Society of Biblical Literature)
JES Journal of Ethiopian Studies (Addis Ababa) G RA MMATICAL TERMINOLOGY
JJS Journal of Jewish Studies (London)
Journal of Near Eastern Studies (Chicago) ace. accusative
JNES n. noun
Jewish Quarterly Review (Philadelphia) . . act. active
.IQR nom. nominative
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Bntam and Ireland (London) adj . adjective
JRAS part. participle, active participle
Journal of Semitic Studies (Manchester) adv. adverb
JSS pass. •
Journal of Theological Studies (London) caus. causative
ITS pers. person
Mitteilungen des Instituts fUr Orientforschung. Deutsche Akademie der Wissen- com. common
MIO pI. plural
schaften (Berlin) f. , fem. feminine
prep. preposition
Memoires de la Societe de linguistique de Paris (Paris) gen. genitive
MSL sg. singular
OC Oriens Christianus (Wiesbaden) intr. intransitive tr. transitive
OCA Orientalia Christiana Analecta (Roma) lit. literally v. verb
OCP Orientalia Christiana Periodica (Roma) m., rnase. masculine voc. vocative
OLl Orientalistische Literaturzeitung (Berlin) mod. modern
OS Orientalia Suecana (Uppsala)
PCJS Proceedings of the sixth World Congress of Jewish Studies held 13-19 August 1973,
vol. I, 1977 (Jerusalem) LANGUAGES
PICES Proceedings of the third International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa,
1966, vol.2, 1970 (Addis Ababa) Af. Afar Heb. Hebrew
REJ Revue des etudes juives (Paris) Akk. Akkadian Hadr.
• • Hadramut
• •
RHR Revue de I'histoire des religions (Paris) AI. Alaba Hars.
• !:Iarsusi
RS Revue semitique (Paris) Amh. Amharic Jud.-Aram. Judeo-Aramaic
RSE Rassegna di studi etiopici (Roma, Napoli) Anc. Ancient Ka. Kara
RSO Rivista degli studi orientali (Roma) Ar. Arabic Kam. Kambata
SH Scripta Hierosolymitana (Jerusalem) Aram. Aramaic Kham. Khamir
SO Studia Orientalia (Helsinki) Arg. Argobba Lat. Latin
UP Ugarit Forschuogen (Neukirchen-Vlyuo) Ass. Assyrian Md. Mandaic
VT Vetus Testamentum (Leiden) Aw. Awiya Mh. Mehri
WO Die Welt des Orients (Gattingeo) Be., Bed. Bega, Bedawye Min. Minaean
WlKM Wiener Zeitschrift fiir die Kuode des Morgenlandes (Wieo) Bibl. Biblical Mo. Moea
lA Zeitschnft fUr Assyriologie und veTWaodte Gebiete (Berlin) Bil. Bilin Neo-Syr. Neo-Syriac
laS Zeitschrift £iir iigyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde (Berlin) Bish. Bishari Or. Oromo
lAW Zeltsch~ft fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (Berlin) Chr.-Ar. Christian-Arabic Pal. Palestinian
lDMG Ze,tschnft der deutscheo morgeolandischen Gesellschaft (Wiesbaden) Dar. Darasa Palm. Palmyrean
lKM Zeltschrift £iir die Kunde des Morgenlandes (Giittingen, Bonn) Oat. Datina PbH. Postbiblical Hebrew
lS Zeltschnft fUr Semitistik und veTWandte Gebiete (Leipzig) Oem. Dembya Ph . Phoenician
G. Geez Pun. Punic
Gaf. Gafat Qab. Qabenna
Gim. Gimira Qat. Qataban
Gk. Greek Qem. Qemant
Gur. Gurage Qua. Quara
Gan. Gangero Sa. Saho
Had. Hadiya Sam. Samaritan
Har. Harari SAr. Epigraphic South Arabic
RBR I \H Tit )iIIS


-m ScmltK Te.
Tern,. Tern, Tembaro
Id Sidamt) •

Tham . Thamudean
Som S~1mah
Tna. Tigrmya
SO<! Ugaritlc
Synac Ug.
Wol. Wolamo
~,"a,a Yem, Yemenite

• md,cate, Ihat Ihe Ie,cme tS also Irealed m Ihe Addilions An only book or article of an author referred to 10 the dictionary is most II d h '
the date of publication. nonna y quote Wit out giVing
If, .of two or more books
of an author • one
is. frequently re'erred
to In
' Ih e d'Ie t'lonary. 11
'I 'k'
occ,aslonally quo~ed without the date of pubhcatlon. The bibliography indicates, however. the book to
which th~ ~uotatlOn refers, e.g., Hommel has the notation "without date. It refers to 1879"
I~ addItIOn to the references for comparisons and etymologies by the various authors listed in this
bibliography, other references to publications by the same authors are to be found In the body of the


1881 Dicrionnaire de /a languf amaril'ina (Actes de la Societe phllologique, tome 10). Pans . F.
1930 "Christliches im Qoran", Zeitschrijt der deutchen morgenldndischen Gesellschaft 84, pp, 15-68,
1963 Worterbuch der ugaritischen Sprache (Berichte tiber die Verhandlungen der Sachsischen Aka-
demie der Wissenscharten. Leipzig).
AMBROS, ARNE A (personal communication)
1962 £tym%gischer Beitrag zu A. Dil/manns Lexicon linguae aerhiopicae. Inaugural-Dissertation.
Also personal communication.
1977 HA comparative approach to the Amharic lexicon". Afroasiatic Linguistics, vol. 5, issue 2.
1920 Initia Amharica, Part III Amhanc-English vocabulary with phrases (Cambndge: UmverSlty
1975 K/eines Worlerbuch des christ/ichen Orients (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz).
1978-79 "Studi di lessico sudarabico antlco", I. Aui e memorje della Accademia loscana La Colombaria,
43 (1978), pp. 53-76; II. ib. 44 (1979), pp. 17-31.
1956 Gunpowder and firearms in the Mamluk kingdom (London: Vallentine, MItchell),
1929 Dictionnaire amarigna-fran~ais. suivi d'un dictionnaire franc;ais-amarigna (Dire-Daoua: Im-
primerie Saint Lazare).
1968 Comparative philology and the text of the Old Testament (Oxford: Clarendon Press).
1893 Erym%gische Srudien zum semilischen , insbesondere ;:um hebriiischen Lexicon (Leipzig; J.e.
Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung),
-' h
Wllr:eluniersuchungen zum hebrQISC en u
nd aram.ischen Lexicon (Leipzig: J .C Hinrichs'",he BRAVMANN M .
1977 Siudies in Semitic philology (Leiden' E J Bn'll) C II" fl'
Buchhandlung).. h m Semilischen; part I, 1907; part 2, 1911 (Leipzig: , " . 0 CCuon 0 se ected articles.
1907-11 Sprachwissenscha!tltche UnltrSUc ~ngen.zu d 1972 Amsterdam: Oriental Press. BRIGHTMAN , F .C

J.C Hinrichs'scbe Buchh~~dIUng)I' r",,"n~perachen (Leipzig: J .C Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung). 1896 Liturgies Eastern and Western . I. Eastern liturgies (Oxford: CI.rendon Press).
1913 Die Pronommalb,ldung In cwn semI ISC en BRAUNER-PLAZIKowSKI, H., see Plazikowski-Brauner, H.
1935 ... "y,D,cuonnolfe
A. . . . D 13
' leetes de Syrie: Alep, Damas, Lib.n, Jerusalem (paris: Paul
1908-1 3 Grundriss deT vergleichenden Grammatik de, semitischen Sp ch V I I
Geuthner). (Berlin : R eu ther und R eichard). ra en. 0 . . 1908; >01. 2, 1913

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Luigi). 1950 AbesSlnlSche StudJen (Benchte tiber die Verhandlungen def Sachsischen Akademie def Wissen-
B WALTER (without date, it refers to 1967a-)
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1936 Studi eliopici. I . La lingua e 10 slorio di Haror (Roma: Istituto per l'Oriente).
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d I I
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e rew omonyms. 10 Baumgartner 1967. pp. 50-74.
. Rowley)
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DAHOOD. MITCHELL (Add.. Ababa : Faculty of Law, Haile SeUassie I University). See also Guidi 1899.
1965 Ugaritic-Hebrew Phil%gy (Roma: Pontificium Instituturn Biblicum). FISCHER, without date the reference is to W. Fischer, 1959.
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Ge<ez-English Vocabulary
) h

-'8 n is used whenever the exact words of

messages, letters, utterances are quoted; e.g. ETHIOPIC: Te. 'i, also 'ay, as in '3nday 'while nof
(f:om 'ando-ay), Tn •. 'ay (possibly from '01), Amh.
rJ'i-'G zanta-'Q qobcQ.JQ 'see this headband!';
!Q « I) In yal/am 'there is not' (against alia 'there
occasionally it is used in a narration (see also ~s'). Gur. e in e·,f 'no 1'. Amharic (,) j. to render 'in.' as
Bezold, ZA 15[1900].398); In Ij·sab'alVi 'inhuman' is taken from Geez.
it is also suffixed to the exclamation partide '0;
e.g. 'o'a gWayyu 'ho, ho, flee!' (see Dillmann )0- ~ 1t~ interjection expressing pain, threat,
1907: 382-3). admiratIOn, wonder;
as vocative it is either prefixed or suffixed (as
'i- h.., negative particle prefixed to the verb; -0) to the noun; e.g. 'o-gabr '0 servant!', )0
e.g. 'inakl hawira 'we cannot go'; for emphasis 'abd 'thou fool!', ba)(Jsil·O '0 woman!', 'o-ke '0
it is also prefixed to the noun: 'isarniiya ya'arra- what!' ;
gu 'they do not ascend to heaven'; occasionally prefixed and suffixed; e.g. 'o-ba'as;-
the particle 'i- can be repeated with the verb 1-0 '0 woman!' (Dillmann 1907:319-20);
and with the noun for emphasis; e.g. '[ will note that the vocative can be expressed without
scatter them among the nations baba 'iyya'arn- 10; e.g. la~azziJn ba'imti'akki 'iyarusaJem 'I am

mJru )j);)mmUnlu wQ'i>abawihomu (to those) sad for thy sake, 0 Jerusalem';
whom neither they nor their fathers knew SEMITIC:for the expression of the vocative in the
(know)'; other Semitic languages, see Brockelmann 1913:
the negative particle 'i- is also used with the 33-5.
negative 'albo; e.g. wa'irniiy 'albo lii'lehu 'and ETHIOPIC: Te. wo- (prefixed to the noun), -0
there is no water above it'; (suffixed to the noun), Tn •. '0-, Amh.H.r. -0, hoy,
when prefixed to the jussive it serves for the Gar. hoyii; also in Cushitic: Som. -0. See also 'o~o.
expression of prohibition; e.g. 'ila'rnanu 'be- '0 II )., rendering of Gk. o.
lieve not!';
combined with nouns it can correspond to the . .
'0" ).n (M), exclamation expreSSIng paIn,
prefix 'un-, dis-', as in 'i'amani 'disbeliever'; or
grief, admiration.
it gives the noun a contradictory meaning, as
in JiYQ>am;)ro 'ignorance', 'isamie'disobedience'; '8",1 nh.&\. (Y.T.M) 'trellis, lattice, grate, post';
an interrogative particle with the negative ele- see 'e/aw, below.
ment 'i- becomes a negative indefinite: >i-man-
nu, >i-mannu-hi 'no one, none, nobody'; )i- ','enawon nh.'i'j1'') (Gr.247,T.M), '.'enli'on nh.
mam, >i-manla-hi, 'i-manta-ni 'nothing'; )i-'ayle <if,) (K') 'perpetual, eternal, who (that) lasts,
'nowhere' ,. who does not change, (T.M) being (n) eternal,
the element 'i· is repeated in >i---wQJi, wali--- (K) forever';
WG'i, 'i .. hi---wQJi... hi, Ji ... ni---wQ>i... ni 'neither
... nor,. from Gk. aionion, ace. sg. masc. of aionios 'per-
petual, eternal'; also in Amh. a1enawon 'eternal'
SEMITIC; Soq. 'e, Heb. 't, Ph. 'y. Ug. iy, Akk. ay, i. (from Geez).
2 'abda 3
ETHI OPle: Te.Tna. 'ab 'father',bW"
Amh. abbar 'father', 'abiidi 'ignorant, stupid, mad';
,.>.rikon hh(.I") (M) 'prophecy'; ab 'elder, forefather', GaL a . ~ ,<tat her,' A
. rg. aw, >.bud 'foolish, stupid, mad, insane, enraged, >~badon hOf.,), (K·) >abdon >'11f.,) 'rum, per'
_ th' no lin can be taken only rrom Tayyii even - Gur.abo, , also in Cushltlc: Sa.Af.BIi.Kham. furious' ; diUon, place of perdilTon, hell';
Slnl... '- .' d au btedly a
.. d""'$
t h(lUl! h ,YI ........ not say so, It IS un abba, Som. aba. See also 'abba. 'abad 'folly, foolishness, madness, insanity, from Heb. JllP,oddon 'rum, perdltton' thr(lu~h the
mi~r~mt (or 'Q·otrl/.:on. below. senselessness, bemg (n) out of one's senses'; Greek tranSCnptlon abaddon. See also 'abc.idon
'ab n, 'cb hl1 I 1b11, the fifth Jewish month; above. '
•• ~,"') (K) 'sound, human VOIce,

'abadii/ (pl.) 'foolish things';
)a)atn'k on noT",
from Heb. ,al]. 'abd (fern. 'abadd, for 'ab.d/) 'fool, fOOlish, stu-
(T) prophecy'; 'abbag·.nbi~, >abbigunbih hll1',}Il'}' , hll1-
see also >arril.-on, >a'arikon. 'abba hll 'father I', an honorific title applied to pid, senseless, ignorant, imprudent, mad, in- ,)Il'}' 'hornbill'; ,
religious leaders (bishop, patriarch, monk, ab- sane' ;
>a'i hi\., (K) >a'i hh., interjection 'come on!, ma,.badi 'one who makes another be a fool, composed of 'abM g' .nba~ (gunbii~),
bot); SHMITIC: Dillmann 1176 quoting Ludolf compares It
now then!'; deceiver, impostor, cheat';
from Aram.-Syr. 'abba; also in Amh. abba. See 'abo Wllh Ar. gunbul] 'fat, stout, tall'.
SEMITIC: Ar. >oya, ha),D, hayyo 'come on!'. mas/a>ab.d, act. part. of >asta'abada; also ETHloPlc:Te. ' 'horn bTlI', Tna. 'aMagun.
>alwa hl1h; see bw>. bo'o. 'scornful, buffoon'; bah. 'abbagumbah, 10 Reinisch t887 t51 ahbii~'.m­

h/)lJA (T.M) 'tanned hide'; 'abadbid, see below; bu, >ubbiig...·,mba};t.
probably for >Qfdal. and see >adJ, below. >ab'ol hl1o-A (T) 'watercourse formed by ero- SEMITIC: Ar. 'abada 'become wild (cattle), shy
. , >abegyi hn.." (T') 'precious stone',
SlOn ; away', Heb. 'agoe} "go astray. perish', Aram. 'dflag
>.'nug h6)..,; see ('onaga ). 'ang. pI. of 'ubal, below. 'be lost', Syr. >egacf 'come to naught, be lost', Md. >ab3~a hlloh 'permit, allow';
abd 'go astray, perish', Ug. 'bd 'perisb', Akk. abatu see b»'Q II. boha.
>.'.wirn h6"",., pI. of 'am. >abab hlll1 (T) 'servant who receives a wage 'destroy'. The basic meaning is 'be lost, go astray'
paid in money or in a stipulated amount of either by not finding the way or in one's mind
>.<.yy.nt hbf- ')-1-, pI. of 'ayn. >abil (pI. >abaliil, 'a'ban hilA 'fie,h, piece of
grain' (Amh. b.ndiiniia). (become mad, wild), disappear, perish, be destroy- flesh, member of body, member (of a communi-
>.b I (pI. 'abo ... ) hl1 'father, forefather, ances- ed'. See also E, Jenni in Baumgartner 1967: 148, ty), limb, genitals, self, person';
'ababi hOIl (T.M) 'perfume, sweet odor'; n.7; Rabin in Ben-I:fayyim 484,
tor, propagator, possessor or owner of (e.g. 'abala :ar' 'genitals' (for the euphemism, cpo
>aba lahm 'owner of cattle'), abbot'; probably from Amh. ababa 'flower'. Or could it be ETHIOPle: Te. >abbiida 'deceive', ,.bd 'fool-hardy',
Heb. 'ePrr 'member of body, genitalia)';
the suffix pronouns are added to the base 'abu-, borrowed from Cushitic: Qem. abiib 'to pefume the Tna. 'abbiidii 'entice with promises', ~abadii 'go mad,
milk jar with the smoke of sweet-smelling herbs'? become insane', Amh. abbiidii 'be insane, go mad'; EnHoPle: Te. ~aba{ 'sex.ual organ', Tna. 'abal
ace. 'aba;
passed into Cushitic: Sa. 'abad. 'abad 'be silly, be 'body', Amh. Gur. abal'body, member of the body,
'abba 'fatherl'; sexual organ', The suggestion made by Praetorius
>ababi hOO, 'flow, wave'; foolish', Bil 'awad. See also iTarbada.
>aba», 'parents, ancestors'; 1879: 17 (and accepted by Wajnberg t935 : 15) to
'abawa )abow 'grandparents'; SEMITIC : AT.'ubiib 'flow, wave', but is perhaps
>abelo t.11f. (T') 'partridge', connect Amh. hal/at 'part of the body' with 'abal
>oba 'obmt: 'patriarch'; borrowed from Ar. 'ubab. (Amh. aba!) is not convincing.
'abo maner 'abbot';
>abib hO,lI, name of the eleventh Coptic 'abala I hOIl ; see baiTla,
'abo dam 'avenger of blood' (written in T 'abelu hll.ll. (Lt) 'kind of fragrance';
month (it correponds to G. ~amle);
'abadam); from Cushitic: Bil. abdii 'eine Baumsorte deren
from Coptic (Bohairic) epep, through Chr.-Ar. >abala II hOIl (T,Y) 'have something be ob-
'aba Ilu:a:e 'father confessor'; Holz wegen des angenehmen Geruches zum Rau-
'abib. See also 'appif. ligatory, determine';
liqa 'aba ... 'patriarch'; .. chern im Rauchbad der Frauen verwendet wird'
bera 'ab 'family'; (for which see Reinisch 1887 : 7). Reinisch, ib. com- could it be the a-stem of bJhla 'say' with a meaning
>abib3n hO,l1'} (T.M) 'kind of bird' ; corresponding to Amh. usiiififii 'name. designate'? It
'abuna, (K) 'abun, title of the head of the pares Bil. abda with Te. 'adba.
EthIopian church; perhaps a variant of 'ibn 'ibis', or of >el!l!ol!l!ii. could also be connected with Amh. abiil/'allowance,
'abuna oabasamiiyar 'the Pater Noster' (lit. >abadbid t.O.(-O,,(- 'foolish, inept. empty
'abda (y,'bad) hl11., (Y) 'abda 0111. 'be in- ~
'Our Father who art in heaven');
'abow; 'paternal';
sane, become enraged, rage, be mad, be out of
(word)' ;
'abadbidiir (T.M) 'foolishness, stupidity, debili-
>abilo, in za-dagi 'abilo "".?
I hilI\- (Lt) =
Amh, yiidiiga abalo 'a hardwood tree growmg
one's mind, become a fool, be foolish';
'abau'it 'ancestress'; ty' ; in the highland'.
(Dillmann 760 also translates 'abdo 'run away'
'abannii 'paternity, fatherhood';
on the basis of I Kings 25: 10, but the Asmara from >hd with the reduplication of the last two 'abbal t.l1A (KG) 'jackal',
>abawannii (from 'abaw) 'fatherhood, paterni- radicals; see )obda.
Bible edition has raba!,a);
. ,.
)a>bada, causative; also 'lead away, seduce'; >aboli, 'abali, >oboIi hilI\. I hfll\. , h(ll\. 'a
'aba ..."ii»·i (Gr.463) 'paternal'; . ,
/a>abda (Lt) 'be seduced, be led astray'; >abadon, 'abdon t.1lf.,} ! hl1f.,}, (T.Y.M) >aba- COlO ;
SEMme: Ar 'ab 'father', SAr. 'b, Mh. &ayb, Heb. )astQ)abada, >QstQ>iibada 'infuriate, treat as fool- dan t.Il1.,) 'devil" , from Gk. obolos 'a coin'; also Amh, aboli. See also
'a~, Aram.-Syr. 'aba, Ug. ab, Akk. abu.
ish, despise as a fool, ridicule, act mad'; in connection with )abadon, below. wabale.
4 '3buqalamsis
,.bl. 11.11". (T \1) .abli MI", (Lt) 'Oblii' MI"b, )8 bun, :) .bun a hO-,} ; IIII"~ , .title. given
. to the ,.baqte (pI. 'abaqteyiil) hO-l-1: 'epact (the dif.
patriarch or to the high dlgnttarIes of the ference in days between a solar year and a >abraksis, 'abraksis hfl<:h/\.lI • IIflCh/\.lI
(mC' of the names of the moon; 'Acts of the Apostles';
church; lunar year), the number of days since the new
a corrupt form of Heb. la!:tina 'moon' (so Halevy,
lit. 'ou r father'; see >ab. moon at the beginning of the year, adjustment from Gk. prakseis 'Acts (of the Apostles)" through
14 QflN67P85) Chr.-Ar. 'ahraksis.
or correction made in a year to keep the
,.bela h.OA (LI) 'kind of measure'. 'abn I (pI. 'aban, 'a'blin, 'a'biiniit) 1.1I,} 'stone'; calendar in step with the solar year';
'abril hfltA (T) 'proclamation, decree' .
often combined with names of precIOus stones, (,abaqte war~ [LlJ 'lunar year');
'ubil I II-IIA (K) 'gulley, watercourse formed as in 'ilbna siJrdayon, 'abna sanper, 'abna 'od- from Gk. epakle 'intercalary day' through Chr..Ar. 'abrim r IIflt9" (Gr.435) 'Pater in divinis, the
by erOSIOn, bank (of a river)'; . mas, and others; 'abaq(i; also in Tna. 'abii(pe, Amh. abiiqte. See also Father, (T) heart';
from Gk. Oubal, proper name of a river. lranscnp· ('ablla harad 'hailstone'); 'appaqle. On the epact, see Chaine 104·6; Neuge. 'heart' could be a transferred meaning of 'Father'
11011 of Hcb. >riVal 'stream', See also >abrul. ('ahlla faws 'eye salve'); bauer 188 If. See also ·abrawo, 'aberyon.
('ahna 'as~atayii 'crystal');
'ubiil " II-IIA (T) 'hili'; (za'abn 'stony'); . . ,.bar hfJC 'thorn, prickle'; 'abrim II IIflt9" (Lt) 'coverlet, carpet'.
probably a misunderstanding of >ubat r. 'abana 'become a stone' (denommatIve); (K considers 'abar a plural of 'abr);
'a'bana 'change into a stone'; SEMITIC: Ar. 'ibra 'needle'. ,>bret 1.flt.-l- 'turn, alternation, alternative';
see bry II .
,.bulidis 1I0'IV\.lI (LI) 'singer'; ta'abna (LI) 'become a stone';
variant of ·ahsi1lates. below. 'abun (Gr) 'hard like a stone'; 'aber, 'aber (pI. 'aberiit) M\'C ; hll.C, (K) <aber
bll.C 'old woman, widow, unmarried woman, 'abro!,"os hflC''1'C'lI (Lt), 'obro,as hflC''I'lI
'abniiwi (Gr) 'pertaining to a stone'; (K) 'priest who acts on behalf of the bishop';
'.blalit, 'oblilit MIMI.·'" : MI"/\. -l- 'stinging (Ll) old man';
SEMITIC: Ar. 'ahan, proper name of Petra, SAr. 'bn 'aberawi, 'dberiiy (fern. 'dberiiwil, 'dberiiyl) 'old from Gk. epilropos 'man in charge', through Chr.-
hoelle'; 'stone', Soq. 'oben, Heb. '~p~n, Aram .-Syr. 'apna, man, old woman'; Ar. 'abrutus.

borrowed from Cushltlc; Qem. obM/il. Note that Md. abna, Ph. 'bn, Ug. abn, Akk. abnu. 'abrel (Gr.241) 'old woman, nun';
Amh. ab/ali, could also be a variant of aliiblabil ETHIOPIC: Te. 'aban, Tna. 'amni (with alternance of 'abro!3S hflC''I'lI (K); see 'abrolros, above.
SEMITIC: Soq. 'abreh 'old age'. There is no connec-
'nettle', from liibdlliibii 'burn'. labials), Gur. aman, Har. un (with b > I! > zero),
tion between G. 'aber and Ar. 'annala 'widow', as 'abr3wo IIflCl" (T.M) ' heart' ;
Amh. Jbna biiriido 'marble', Tna. 'amnii biirdd. suggested by Brockelmann 1908; 227. Likewise un.
'oblis 111I/\.lI (Lt) 'Satan'; is either a variant or a misprint of labrim, above.
likely is the connection with Heb. 'abbir 'strong',
from Ar. 'ibtrf (for its derivation from Gk. diabolos, '3bn II 1.fI,} 'son'; Akk. abru suggested by Baumgartner 9 since one
see Jeffery 47); ,Iso in Te. 'abiiS. would not expect to connect old age with strength. 'aberyon IIII.C\'"'} (Gr.435) 'Filius in divinis,
from Ar. ('Jibn.
the Son';
ETHIOPIC : Te. >abbara 'become old', 'aber 'old', bara see also 'abrim.

IIjI/\.~ (T) 'shtmmering of a gridle'; 'ibn h.fI,), (Ll) 'ebn 1I.1I,} 'ibis, heron'; 'be old', Gur. aber 'grandfather, grandmother'. The
\3nant of 'oppoli!ll. below. connection with Te. 'abiir 'lack, defect' suggested by
[rom Gk. win, acc. sg. of ibis 'ibis'; see also yabn. 'abbiis IIlIlI 'prior, abbot';
Littmann-HMner 366 is doubtful. The root also
",bliton h.flilfIl'} (T.M.D 1405) 'a bird that occurs in Cushitic: Sa. bara 'old man', Or. bera 'old from Gk. abbiis, of Aramaic ('abbii) origin.

'abnus hfl)'lI, (K) 'abnos ),11'1'1'1 'ebony';
devours snakes', woman', Had. ebira 'old', Som. habar 'old woman'. 'obbasa I 1I0ll 'sin, transgress, do wrong, act
corrupt form of ·afro.ton, below. [rom Ar. 'abniis; also Syr. 'agniisa, Amh. abnos. As Praetorius, ZDMG 47 (1893). 392 thinks that the
wrongly, commit a crime, be guilty, offend';
for Gk. ebenos 'ebony', it is considered to be of Semitic-Ethiopic root is taken from Cushitic.
'Q)Qbbasa, causative:
Semitic origin (see Baumgartner 227, under hog-
'oblazr 11111111C (T) 'dog that has little ones'; 'abbiis; (pI. 'abbasa)'iin), act. part. of 'abbasa;
nim). For Heb. hopnim, of Egyptian origin, see 'abra· hll&.b (T) 'branches of a chandelier';
see also 'elba:=r Lambdin 149; cpo also Ug. hbn. 'abbus 'wicked, criminal, who acts wrongly,
pI. of bar·, below.
sinner, slippery';
'obama 110"" (MA) 'make a wall'. ETHIOPTC; Amh. abra', same (from Geez). 'abasii (pI. 'abasat) 'transgression, serious
'abannat IIfI~'''' (T) 'model, pattern, medi-
cine' ,. fault, iniquity, offense, sin, crim~, guilt';
'.barno, '.barno, '.bome, 'abami hfJ'I" i IIfI 'abarbarii hOeO&., (T) >abarbiri hOCfJt 'net- ,.bsal 'act of sinning, transgressmg, trespass,
[rom Amh. abrmndt; also Tna. >abanndt. tie' ,' wickedness' ;
'I" • 110"'1 , hO"t. (T.Ll) 'abamo 110'1" 'kind
of fragrant spice, cinnamon, (Gr.241) iris, (T) a from Amh. abarbiira; perhaps borrowed from Cushit- mQJabbas 'sinner, wrongdoer, criminal. trans-
'abuqalamsis, 'abu qalamsis hll"4'II9"/\.lI : ic: Qem. abarbiirrii.
plant whose bark is used for fumigating people gressor, guilty';
hll" I 4'1I9"/\.lI 'Apocalypse';
or cattle ill with typhus' (in Amh. qiibiir>Ci:o); SEMITIC: perhaps Ar. 'abasa 'receive badly, despise.
from Gk. apoka/ypsis 'Apocalypse' through Chr.· 'abargel hOC'/.A (Lt), 'abargilii 1I0C1." (K), offend',
from Gk amomon 'spice-plant' (see Brockelmann
1908 226. with m-m > b-m).
Ar. 'abiikiilamsis, 'ahiigalamsis; also in Te.Tna. 'abu- 'abargeli hOC'/.1\ (Lt), the game called giibii!a ETHTOPIC: Tna. 'abbiisii 'act wrongly', Te. 'abbiisa
qaliimsis, Amh. abuqdliimsis. in Amharic. 'sin', Har. abiisa 'trouble, misfortune', Amh. abbiisii
. .
perhaps from Ok. epimeletis 'curator, administra_ '.ddam~
\~(\mmit a ~m' (from Geez); passed into Cushitic: ,ad I (pI. 'adaw, >a>daw) "J':' 'hand ann
Sa aNi.' 'sin' Noeldeke, ZDMG 37 (1883); 375 tor' (M UlIer). EnuoPIC' Tn. 'adg 'd k .
handle, haft, part, SIde, place, (Lt) 'sleev; ad- 'f On ·ey , Te 'tldg. For lQJtQ
denves it from 'ab'osQ, from biJ'sa 'be bad (see (transferred meaning) favor> pOwer, -fold'; th~ g .. ~n. cpo Tna. 'ad~i biiriika 'wild, .. ' T _,
t>ek,W); so also Brockelm.nn 1908 : 158, Nyberg 'abtoUs, 'ablaUs, ' absal!is, 'absal!as (pI. >ab!ali- kadan. - a~" , c. 'uu(
sal) 1l1l'l'1l1l ! 1l1lrn/\.1I I hllllAm,1I I hlll1 suffix pronouns are attached to the base 'ade-
:31-2. Rundgren, Orientalia 28 (1959). 365.
. , A'I'II, (T) 'ab!,>ls 1l1l'l'AIl 'decree'; considered by Praetonus, ZDMG 47 ( 1893):
395 a dual ending: ,a:'I ,adi hJ':'A , OJ':'A. (Gr.250) 'adal hf.A
'abbasa II 1l01'1 (K') 'feed, fatten, satIate; 'abla/sal 'Orders of the Apostles' (a collection

)ada 'where, wherever'; ': a Of.A (pI. 'a'dol) 'garment. v<stmen;
transcnptlon of Heb. 'agos 'fatten'. Note, ?ow~ve:, of canon laws) ; ( eems to be of leather), shirt, tuntc cloak
Amh . abbiisii 'grease, oil' which could possibly Indi- misreading of AT . .,:.,1. lk-H ('a/)ta!lisot (from Gk. ba-'ada-, ba,.dawa- 'by, through, by the inter- underwear" , ~ ,
cate an Ethiopic cognate with Heb. 'bs. mediary, thanks to';
titlos 'inscription, decree' , from Latin titu/us) as
~\ 16.ll('a/)barlisa/ confusing..:... t and '-:"' b. See diba 'ada- ' by'; S~tT(DIC: perhaps Akk. aa.l. 'a gannent for festiVI-
>.bis kobos MI.II , I>jllI (Gr) 'bishop'; ties , Cohen 1970:9).
also 'absa/tis, ·tatlis. SEMITIC; AI. yad 'hand', SAL yd, Soq. 'ed, Heb. ETHIQPlc: Amh, a)ada' 'skin, sackcloth' (from
see also 'obus qubus. >eppis

• •
• •

yag, Aram . yaga, Syr. 'itjo, Md. 'da 'hand', yad Geez). See also 'a'dal.
'abus qubus 1lI)-1I ' </III-II (Gr) 'bishop': 'ab!als hll'l'AIl (T) 'cantor, singer, psalmist' ; 'tbrough', Ug. Ph. yd 'hand', Akk. idll. For

see ~ebis kohos, and 'eppis q0l!l!0s. see Jabstllares, a possible root 'd in Hebrew and Ugaritic, see ' addiim h-'l9" 'Adam" ,
Dahood 1966:88,95. For a Heb. root d, see Rabin laddiimiiwj ~human" ,
>a ....ldis MIIIA-'l.II, (Ll) 'absalidos MIll/\, 'abaw hOW-; See 'ab I. JJS 6 (1955). 112; for 'd in Arabic dialects, see
J':'II, (K) 'a ....lidis MIII/\'-'l.1I 'singer, psalm- Rabin ib. 84, 92. For this blfadical root, See Noel- SEMITIC: Ar. 'adam;}')' 'human' (from the proper
. , 'abbiwi hlJ'I! 'river, Blue Nile'; deke 1910 : 11 3-6. ~ame ~dam), Ar. (J:ladr) 'awadim (pI. 01" 'adam)
1St ,.
ETHIOPIC : Te. 'tide, Tna. 'id. Amh. tlgg, HaT. igi,
people, SAc 'dm 'vassals, subjects', Heb. 'iidam
variant of 'absa/ares, below. could it be compared with Amh. abbay ' Blue Nile'? 'm~n •. mankind'. Ph. 'dm, Ug. adm 'mankind' -For
GUT. iig, Arg. ;mg.
However, abbay undoubtedly means originally 'the a blbhography on this root, see D. Cohen 1970:9
'a""lales, 'a ....llis, 'absall.s 1l1l1lt\m.1I I 1l1l big one' from the root <by (for which see fabaya). ETHIOPIC: Te 'addom 'men, people',
IIA/I\ti , 1l1l1lA'I'1I (T) '';'ntor, singer, psalm- 'ad II ,,1: (T+) 'voice'.
ist 1 ;
'abwiq hll'l'.}>; see buq. 'addama Ilf.ou 'be agreeable, be pleasing, be
from Gk. psa/lis 'cantor' through Chr.-Ar. 'absalr. 'adara (ya'daf) hI,/", (K 0) 'be filthy' ; pleasant, please, be beautiful, seem best, seem
See also 'absiJldis, above, 'ab!tlls, and pastille, below. 'abaya (ya'bay) hOf, (Y) 'abya hllf 'refuse, 'adaj'filth, dung' ; good, be SUbtle'; with object suffix pronouns
be unwilling (to do), revolt, disobey, decline, ,adafawi (K') 'filthy' ; 'be pleased, take delight, enjoy' (e.g. 'addamo
'a""lwa!"" 'a ....lwa!is 1l1l1lA'I''I'1I I hllllA say no, oppose, resist, reject, deny, disagree'; ETHIOPtC : Amh. addii/ii 'be dirty', Arg. haddiifa; 'he was pleased' , lit. 'it pleased him');
'1'/1\11, (M) 'a""lwii! hllIlA'I''I', formula of 'a>baya (K'), causative;
absolution; also in Cushitic: Kham . edif 'filth' , Qem. adiir'be 'a'addama (Lt) 'find something pleasan!':
ta>abaya, ta>abya, passive; ilirty'. . la>addama (Lt) 'be pleased with, delight in':
from LatlO abso/IllUS 'absolved', la>abaya 'contend, resist one another, be in 'asla'addallla ' have pleasure, be pleased with,
oposition to one another'; 'adago hf.'I 'lowland'; consider pleasing, find pleasing, delight in, be-
'absimidakos hll/l. ..,1.1>11 (K*) 'two made in-
to one';
'abiiyi, act. part. of >abaya; ETHIOPIC : Amh . adago 'low-lying hot country'. come desirous of:
>.buy 'disobedient'; 'aswiidama (Lt) 'find agreeable':
perhaps from Gk. ·eu syndefikos 'well binding to- 'abay (K') 'disobedience'; >addam 'pleasant, pleasing, agreeable, fair, de-
gether (W. MuUer). 'adg (fern. >
adagl, 'adagt: pI. >a'dug) h1:"1 'ass';
SEMITIC: Ar. 'aba ('by) 'refuse'. On Heb. 'a~a (>by) >adg >anasl'she-ass'; lightful. channing, beautiful';
'abisor IlII.(oC 'ibis'; 'want, desire' as well as on this root meaning 'want, >adga gadam 'wild donkey' (see gadam); (>addiima 'with pleasure, agreeably');
desire' in some Arabic dialects, see Landberg 1920: 'adga marab 'pelican, wild ass' (see lIlarab); ',ddum 'pleasing, agreeable';
corrupt from Gk. ibis 'ibis' (Hommel I877:JOCIX).
II If. On the original meaning of 'by 'want, desire', miihra¢a 'adg 'millstone' (see harada); 'addamo 'delight';
'abtikori hlltl>t (Lt) 'kind of garment'; see Noeldeke 1904:66. Delitzsch II gives the root
. , ma'addam 'pleasing, pleasant, charming, hand-
'by a basic meaning 'decide', hence 'agree' or 're- SEMITIC : Barth 1893 :45 connects it with Ar. ,Ug ,
from Lac 'garment which is thrown some ;
fuse'. Baumgartner 3 suggests the basic meaning 'wild ass' (with alternance I :d, an altcrnance that is
over one, wrap', through Gk., or Syr,-Aram, nOI regular). M. Cohen, GLEeS 6 (1951-4). 16 IJ'addallll (Lt) 'pleasure, enjoyment, delight' ;
'mangeln, bedurftig sein'.
ETHIOPIC: Tna. Jabiiyii 'refuse', Te, )aba, Amh. ab-
identifies it with Syr. duga 'dear' (with the passage SEMITIC: the Geez root Idm 'be pleasant' goes back
biiyii 'disobey', abaya 'refractory ox', Gur. ebbii of meaning to 'be dumb'), and adeg 'become deaf'. to the meaning 'red' (so DiUmann 800 following
'aba!a 1l0rn (T) 'return, bring back'; However the Syriac root is dgg and 'odeg is an af(el Gesenius ; also UUendorlf 1968 ; 126). For 'red', see
'refuse, disobey'.
mlSprint for 'asara "lam. of dgg. J. Halevy, MSL 13 (1905-6). 65 derives it 'addamawi, below. For Heb. ,iigam also 'pleasant,
'abyatswi hllf:l''I!; see byr I, bera. from Heb. 'qd, 'gd 'tie, bind' and states that Tane delicious', see Eitan 28; Ullendortf. ib. The deriva-
'ab!,>lmibo 1l1l'l'A..," (T) 'administrator of est rarement debarasse de son bat et des sangles qui tion of 'addama from · 'ad'ama and its identification
the church, overseer'; I'attachent au dos'. None of the etymologies suggest- with n(m (with alternance d : n) suggested by Praeto-
'abyaz hllf1l; see (beza), bez.
ed by the authors mentioned above is convincing. nus 1890:46-7

is unlikely .
8 ,.f )ara 9
f the Latin opera· 1-It.&. 'operjj in which A. pe ,afu·; acc. (with.'uffix pro~ouns) 'afii-. -
f: lHIOPIC Amh. Ilddiimii 'be attractive' (from
Getl); passed mto CushlllC Sd. adam 'be pleasant'.
;~;mISread for f. de (see Euringer, ZS 6[1928]. (zakal'e 'afu-hu two-edged); '.f'3, 'af'a htj:>, : htt:h 'out, outSIde, outsIde
304). For the bibliography, H. Hofmann, part outdoors. outward, out"de of on the
'af ba'af 'mouth to mouth, face to face';
,.dim h.l!.9" ',kin, hide, leather (of reddish
'Satorquadrat', in Rea/encyc/opadre der c/asslschen
'afa phab 'daw~, morning'; outsld~, beyond'; with suffix pronoun, c g.
AllerfumswissenschaJl, Supplementband XV (M un- ba'aJ'a-hu 'outside of it' ,
(olor), red'; . . chen 1978), pp.477-565; for Geez, pp.487-490. 'afa nagh 'dawn;
'udama (,,0) 'be red' (denominative); ba-'afa &a~~in, ha-'afa SO}! 'at the point of the ~receded or fOllow~ by prepOSitions : b,,· '''I '0
from Ar. 'l1drm 'hIde, skin,Jeather'. (P?ssibly fro~
'adriimelek hf:6o"Z/l.h, 'adariimelek h"?"Z
sword'; outsl~e, Outwardly, "nta 'a('aabroad. out,
the red or brown color; see 'addamm·I'l); also 10
/l.h 'owl'; doors, 'ilmanna laf'iI. >,ml'a('o 'outside of
SEMlTlC: Ar. fo (in construct state) 'mouth', SAr. J from without', 'iJska 'af'a 'out, outdoors. ,u/,j
Tc Tna. 'odim 'leather', Amh, ad/m 'red lcat~er'. transcription of Heb. 'aq.ramm~I{Is. name of an idol; 'voice, mouth', Heb. pr, Ph.Ug. p, Akk. pu; WIth '3nE, 'apa 'iJmJnna 'outside of~ .
HaT adim 'tanned hIde (mostly red)' ; passed Into also in SyT. ·aiframelk. final·m, in Ar·fam. Aram.~Syr. pummii, Md puma.
Cushnic' Bd, odim ' hide of brownish color'. Som. (oa-'af'a 'outer, external').
'adirot h ....c::,. (T,M), 'aderot hl.C:'''' (D 1406) On the root see Noeldeke 1910: 171-8, and Baum-
(sab'Q 'aj'a 'outsiders');
Min. gartner 864.
'assembly of elders, council'.
ETlllOPIC: Te.Tn •. 'of, Amh.Arg.Har.Gur oj; also 'af'a",; 'external, outward, outer, outSIder (m
,.dimii hli. "'I (T M) 'bedbug'; 'adas hY.ll (K*) 'myrtle, plant which has fra- religion)';
in Cushitic: Som.Sa.Af.Qua. af'mouth', Be. ya(,
perhaps from 'udun 'red or brown color', grant leaves that are used for perfuming butter Kam .Qab. aJu (see also Dolgopolsky 231, Cohen ETHIOPIC: Te. 'af'a 'outside', Amh. af'a (from
to be put on the hair' ; t947 :no.380 bis), See also 'aJawa. Geez); also in Cushltic: Be. e/o 'front part of the
'edom (TLt) h,fl.9" 'paradise'; SeMITIC: Ar. hadas 'myrtle', Heb. hi'u!as, Aram. house', Aw. ~r·outsldc. outdoors',
from Heb. 'eflrfl 'garden of Paradise' through ?~. hfJdasso. M, 'afli (Ll) 'dagger';
,.tra'.ffo h4-he: ; see '4fo.
eden!; also Amh. edom 'Eden. garden of Paradise . ET-HIOPIC: Tna. Jadas, same, Amh. adiis (for which ErnlOPIC: Te. haJa 'sharp curved knife', Amh.afa
see Strelcyn 1973 : no. 7) 'short sword'. See also 'aJol, ~afii ' af'ot htj:P:t, 'adder, vIper';
,.dmiis hf:"'Ill 'adamant';
ladawa h1.tD 'sweep'; 'ef, ,if h,tj: , h. tj: 'kind of measure'; SEMTTIC: Ar. 'apii" 'Viper', Hcb. 'fP'(,rhl. Ug. 'r
'adamas (K) 'plummet';
ta'adawa (KO) 'be swept'; 'reptile' (Aistlcllner, CaquOI 442). SCc also ja'a'.1:a,
from Gk. atiamas 'adamant, diamond'; also Syr. from Heb. lepa through Greek transcription oiplu;
'adaw; (K *), act. part. of 'adawa; also Te. 'uJ Note that Heb. 'epa is conSIdered to be
ETHIOPIC Te. 'afor 'Ylper', Tna 'lIFut. Amh. :"!'Iful,
'adamas, 'otiamIl'Os. Md, dmasa 'diamond'; in Ethiop- Hac. am/ilt, Gur. iifif'iJ; related to Amh. <1jJunf,JI,
'Jdaw 'swept, clean';
Ie· Tna. '~dmaj 'diamond ', Amh. admas 'plumb of Egyptian ('ipl) origin (Sethe, ZAS 62(1927].61).
Har. ~iffi,j, Gur. um/aline; pas\cd Into Cushitic Sil,
bob', 'Jhnii adnw.I· 'diamond' ; corrupled in Ar. 'a/- ,.ddaw, ·.ddaw 'sweepings, filth, rubbish, re- a/rOla.
fuse' ; ,.ffo hI:: 'how?, how about?, in what way?,
ma.1 'diamond' and borrowed by Te. 'a/mas, Amh.
u/mas, alma:. ,.ddiiwal, pI. of ,.ddaw (Ll) 'dirt'; why?, how!, how great!, what!'; 'cfud h,f.f:, (Lt) '.fad M;f: 'the upper gar-
ma,.d.w 'broom, (T,M) shovel, container for 'affo-nu. 'affo-nu-ma 'how?'; ment of the priest of Israel in biblical times':
'addimiiwi h ..."'I'C 'red'; rubbish' ; ba-,.jJo 'in what way?, why?';
from Heb. 'epog, same, through Gk. epholld; also '"
'ajJo za-, ba,.jJo za-, ,.jJo kama, ha'"jJo kama
SEMITIC" Ar 'adima'be brown', Heb. ·agam 'be red' SEMITIC'; the connection with AT. 'idawa 'receplacle Amh. efud. In the other Semitic languages: Syr
(for Heb, 'iig()m 'pleasant', see 'addama, above), Ug. for holding water for ablutions' suggested by Fraen- 'for what?, and why?,;
'"puga, pegla, Ug. ipd, Akk <pallll, pi epadiil" '.
'dm 'rouge oneself, Akk. adamu 'red'. On a possible kel 17t (who translates Ar. 'idawa 'Waschbecken'), 'ajJo-ke 'how much more?, how much less?' costly garment' (see Baumgartner 75, D Cohen
connection between 'dm 'be red' and dam 'blood' and G. 'adawa 'sweep' being a denominative of (depending on the context); 1970:28).
(cp. also Aram 'tlljam 'blood'), see Buhl 10, D. 'Jddaw 'sweepings' is not convincing. zakama ,.jJo 'of what sort?, how much?, in
Cohen 19709 ETHIOPIC: Gur. aggii 'sweep' (Polotsky, lAOS what manner?, how?'; '.ffoffo, ,.traffo he:t.: I M.e:; see "jJo.
ETHIDPIt. Amh. addilmii 'be blood· red' (probably 69[1949J.39), Har. adu'manure'. ,.jJo '.nka, ,.jJo ',mga, ,.jJo-nu-ma 'anka, 'ajJo
dem'ed from adim 'red lealher', for which see above).
,.flikiyii, ,.fkiyii h4-ttY I htj:ll.!, (T) '.fkay.
'ooaw hY.ID-; see ,.d. fadfiida, ,.jJo-ke fadfiida, 'iJjJo 'iJllka fadflida htj:hY, (K) 'afk.yii htj:hY 'ring, clasp',
'how much more?';
'.doniiy hl'.C;", name of God; SEMITIC: the comparison with "hpk 'turn oyer'
'adyiim hf:!9"; see *dym. 'ajJojJo, ,.jJajJo, ,.jJaffo, 'iJjJa'iJjJo 'how?';
'lJdonuwi 'divine', (Heb. "apa~, and others) suggested by Dillmann
'ajJoyawi (T) 'such a, what a!'; 808 (followed by D, Cohen t970 :28) IS not con-
from Heb. 'agonii.\' 'God'. 'a~ara J hill: (TS) 'sweep';
SEMITIC: Soq. 'if-ol 'how?' (Leslau 1938 :69), Hob. vmcmg.
see <a~ara 'squeeze'.
,.dar ('ader) ""Ie (I. I.e), name of the 12th 'epa 'how?' (in Judges 8: 18; see Buh l 32). On the 'illusiiwiyiin h. ~:II-i'I'I!n (D 1406), ,.~ftusii·
Jewish month, 'a~ara II hill: (TS) 'delay'. particle ·pa in Semitic, see G, Garbini. Biblica 38
wiyiin hl\.tj:/l-II'I!r> (KG) 'those who close
(1957).419-27; and AION 21 (1971).245·8, For the
from Heb, 'agar; also Amh. adar (from Geez). reduplication of the last radical in "JJojJo, cp, Heb. the gate';
'af (pI. 'afaw, ,afawat) h'f: 'mouth, beak,
entrance, brim, orifice, border, edge (of a 'e~a~ii 'how?'. The element J also occurs in Ar. from Gk. pylOros 'gate keeper'. See also 'arleJalu,•.
'ade.ii hY.6o (K) 'the fourth nail with which sword)' ; kayfa 'how?', but its identification with G . 'Jifo, as
Christ was crucified', suggested by Jensen 1887: 423, is unlikely. ,.lIiitis
, htj:I\lIl.ll 'bitumen, pitch, asphalt';
the suffix pronouns are attached to the base see 'usjOli!o, below.
ETHIOPlc: Te. 'aJo 'how?'.
10 .. gldi II
>...<..'}\"{\ (T.M) 'perfume' the Septuagint gives any indIcation about the mean- ,.gada 1\1.1\ 'thighbone, shinbone, tibia, leg,
- ing of -efol. Could It mean 'lhe fringe of the 'efol', large bone of the leg, shoulder of ammal', ;~ 1\"1«. (T Ko, 'large sh,eld'
rcrhapi rrom (ik 'JJf'"nu.f 'swcef-i.melling' (Muller). and 'elot would then be a transcription of Heb. , 394 mlsundeJ>tood A ' •
EnnoPlc: Amh. agada 'leg (of man), hind leg (of a shield' [Tayy:;', lran iat mho b~ara 'large
'Ifiqid ••• rqud M·t1: , M:41Y.· (T) 'female - cow), ,hlObone'; also In CUSbIlIC: Af. afiedii 'ann' hiik"r and therefor s IOn of G, 'ag,,] for
goat, ~hecp "hleh ha. nol yet been covered' 'afa .. r 1\J.t»- ; see 'af Sa. agadii. ~y '~r~tli~~ fiJ>t_~;n~;,ongly renden G 'a~re
It looks like a plural of fqd Jt i!; either a mlspnnl or ..gale (fern. "galil) )'11\., (T) '~gale MI\. 'so- axgarawl warnor" ,
-orqul (SCC' ~lo"J or Ihe other way around 'afaw If (pI. 'a[awal, 'a[awal) "",II» 'sweet and-so, such-and-such, cerlam (peJ>on)'; ETlIIOPlc'."
Amh . a~re 'I arge ,h,eld' H 0
odor, scent, fragrance, perfume'; 'Jgaleyawi 'so-and-so, a certain (place)'; from Cushit . H d ar. Uf u~"
'Irqu' 1\~:"'K' (T) 'sheep or goal which has not lC. a. alflra (Cerull! 1936.2)1,· ,
'afawat 'sweet herbs, perfumed unguents,
,"'ct hern c(Jvered'; EilfIOP1G: Te. 'agale 'so-and-so', Tna. ·3giila. 'akiila, >agr (pI. '~gar, 'a-giir) ~"IC 'fo t
-iCC ·afi.JquI spices'; •
Amh. "gale, Gur agale. Conti Rossini 1912' 173 ('iJg' o. measure"
SEMITIC:Ar. 'afwiih 'aromatics', from Geez (G. Hoff- compares it with Qem. ayla, Khamta oyliil bea~s ~~~~~ :~!~~ dahiiy 'ray of sunlight,
,.feqyi 1\4,:t j' (T') 'preCIOUS stone'. mann, ZDMG 32[1878J.761) WIth a sg. fiih reCOn-
'trucled from the plural (Noeldeke 1910:237-8). ..gOI (pI. '~g"al, '"g'alat) )'1'A, (T) '.g"al (ba-"gr, 'anla 'agr 'on foo!') .
,.r.. 1\"'C ·du,t. soii' , b1-A, (K) '.g"1 lJ1'A 'the young of any animal (sab'a 'agr'infantry'); ,
ETHIOPIC. the root also occurs in CU5hitic: Bil.
SUtrTIC At ' 'a/ar 'dust'. Hcb. <{jpiir. '{'prr abbuwii 'plc3'iant odor, aroma, perfume', Be. /ii~ or fowl' (also of humans, but the more frequent (ba'aj'alli sa'al "g, [ltJ 'at the first h '.
-aggar' _.( I __ our ),
ETHIOPIC Amh.Arg,Har Gur aft' 'earth.- SOIl', 'odor' For Qem. abab 'fumigate a utensil for term is "~gO ai, below); . : agga" p. 'aggaran, 'aggorayan)'pede _
Gar a{ariJ. Dlilmann 808 conMders G. la/ar an milk', see Conti ROSSini 1912.158. 'Jg"alt, '~gW"lt (pI. '~g'alat, _JgWlal, 'ag'alal)
trtan, IOfantry'; s
AmhariC loanword. unlc...s It I~ to be Identified with 'calf, heifer'; 'aggarawi 'pedestrian':
Hch. 'ePt". for VrhKh ~ Kutscher, Leshonenu 27-8 •
'afawa 1\"'01 (K") 'breathe, blow, sigh m "gOal, pI. "g"alal, (T) '"g"al'the young of any "g,awi (K') 'worm with many feet',
(lq64) -184-5. re- -+
lier; animal, fowl, or human, child, offspring, prog- E~HIOPIC; Te. ·agilr. Tna. 'Jgri, Amh. agar, Har
'.(r.~1 1\~C~-)-, >ee fa,&. denominative from 'a/'mouth'. eny' ; IglT, mglr, Ga.f. flg-ra, Our. agflT, Arg. lIIRU. The
'Jg"ala mawta 'orphan', Itt. 'offspring of a companson wllh Heb. rfffl 'foot', Ar. rtgl in Buhl
'ofr.tats 1\<;:t.'I'All (KO) 'precIOus stone'. 'afaya I hJ.1' (T. Y K*) 'bake', dead person'; 744 and Koehler 872 on the ,uthonty of Brockel-
Ia'a[ya (K') 'be baked'; 'Jg"ala maWI~nna 'orphanage'; mann 1908:227,231, and RiIilcka 55 (so al,o L1tt-
'.fsit, In bel. 'of,if 0..,. , 1\<;:,,-)- (ll), beta mann-Hofner 386) is doubtfuL For Us doubtful
'~fuy 'baked'; 'Jg"ala 'amaiz3yaw, (K) -~gWala maJ;yaw, 'ag"a1a
'af§Ol 0..,' • 1\<;:(1-)- (OT) 'hospice for lepers, con~ection with Jigr, 'ager of the ArabiC dialects of
SEMITIC: Ar. (Oat) haft (hfy) 'bake', mf/d' 'oven', rrli!hyaw 'man, men, mankind, mortal', lit. 'prog- Datma and Syria, see Landberg 1920:63, Noeldeke
(OT, who are by themselves, separated from
others' , SAT. fy 'baked', Soq, mofe 'furnace', Heb. -"pa eny of the mother of the living (that is, Eve)', ZA 20 (1907). 414, and LesJau 1958:49. For Synan-
(-py) 'bake'" Aram. 'aee, Syr. 'eeii, Md. apa, Ug. 'Jg"ala '~ma~~yawi, (K) '~g'ala ma~Jyawi 'hu- ArabiC )eger, Barthelemy 3 suggests a derivation
from Ok aphphf>U.. olh, transcnptJon of Hob. bel 'py, Akk. epu. man' ·• from legr (by metathesis of regO, I bemg taken for
hahopliJ See also aj"'l below.
- (jJ[rata ',gWala 'ama&,yaw 'human creature'); the article so that the ronn .ger IS taken for the
noun. Konig 144 (on the authonty of Ewald) denv..
'.fsol 1\<;:(1-1- (T)storage for gram', 'afaya If 1\",1' (T) 'become fat'; 'agala; see ·agala IJ; one would expect 'ag-
-a[uy (T), ·afuy (Sw. In D. 810) 'fat'; (g)"ala. Jagr from Jil/gar (with prothetlc J) > Iflgilr < rilgill.
,s perhaps to he IdentifIed WIth -afriJl. 'a/fOr. above,
that 15, the !tloragc for grain In a house by jtself SEMITIC: related to Ar. 'afii (,/y) 'be dense'. SEMITIC: Ar. 'igl 'calf, Heb. ·egrl 'young bull', "gore ),.,.t, (T) 'red color';
separated from the mam howe. Ararn. 'f~/ii, Syr. 'efilii, Md. anglia, probably perhaps from Cushnic: Sa. egarlll 'orange'
'ofyomiik.n, 'afyomiikan ~<;:I""'1tn ; "<;:\""'1 'calves', Ug. 'gl; perhaps also Akk. agalu 'donkey'.
'afO! 1\~+ (K') 'short sword. two-edged h'), (Ll) 'afyokm.yon h<;:l"h9"M 'grass- ETHIOPIC: Te. "gal 'calf'; with a reduplicated root 'agrigalyon h"lt."IAM (Ll), 'agrigolyon 1\"It
sword' hopper, (T') owl'; "IAI",} (T.M) 'rabbit';
In Te.Tna. g,lgal 'the young of an ass or horse',
ETlllOPIC Amh. a/a 'short sword' See also 'alii. from Ok ophiomakhon, of ophiomakhos Amh.Arg.Oaf. g,lgiil 'Iamb', Gur. g,lg,I, Har. gig; from Gk. khoirogryl/ion, ace, or khOJrogryllios 'rock
'kind of Jocust'. (with I becoming zero) 'the young of any animal'; badger'. See also 'akrig,lyon, kirogJrliyos,
:elil 1\.0+.-)- (S"
D 1406), 'cfol 1\.10:+ (OT)
In also In Cushitic: Kbam. gitgil, Kafa gager •. Conti
small drum kept beSIde a large one used for "ffoyiiwi ),h':j''I!; see '~jJo. ~OSSI", 1912: 199 compares Qem. glir, pI. gal-Ia 'agorgin 1\1C,?') (T) 'kind of bird'.
Jummontng troops' (Amh. tJriin). caJr. See also Cohen 1947:no.43.
'grt, ta'agrata +h"lkl' (T.Y.M) 'hasten. be
-agi'.zt, 'agi>ast h,?),'11-)- i h'?~il+; see 'Igmu. h"l-il; see gama,. fast' ,.
'<'fot 1\.~-)- (T.K) 'necklace of gold silver
cham', . (gaz'a f), '~gzi'. secondary form of hagrala.
'igon!e h.11m. (0 (406), 'egon!e h.11m. (K),
it OCCU~S In the expressIOn Mzganal zo'ejol 'necklace 'agada (Y'-gJd) h1f. (K*) 'prevent, hinder'; apparenLly represents Gk. goniai 'corners' 'agua' ",?"IiI (Tl 'castrated animai':
of "/01 (J udg.. 8.26). N.,ther lhe Hebrew text nor wh,ch has no correspondent in the Hebrew could it be a misprint for 1\,71'1{\ 'agasiir (Amh)
from Amh aggiidii, same.
lext of Ez. 41:15 quoted by Dillmann. 'pack animaJ'?
,.".il 12 )a~adu .01).... 13
- •
ETHIOPIC: Te. 'oho. 'uhu 'yes!', Tna. 'iJhiJ' 'all right'. •ahom a t..h OD
(MA) 'assemble In a row, ar-
'.g~il h"l'l'A: see gol. SEMmc. Ar. 'ahha,a 'd I . - ,
';lite biilii 'approve'. Gur. 0 'yes', yo 'here I am!'; ra~ge in order'. 'delay' Sb ah '-'th e ay , 'G~IT last, SAr h"h,
'81:)i h"l.r 'holy' (fern.); also in Cushitic: Bil. aho 'all right, here Jam!'. , .. ~eTi esecond'S h ' .
Dillmann 1907:/14 analyzes it, with reservations, as .ahmar t.ihODC (Lt) 'red': Heb. 'ahar 'behind' A ' . oq .. a-hen heh'nd'.
'fIgro.< 'hoi) , (masc.); , . . ram 'aha,'be heh d' S
'0 (see '0 L above) and -ho. 'hr (ahl) 'ta d . .' ID . yr
from Gk. haglos 'holy" fern. hagia; also Syr. from Ar. 'abmar. Pun 'h ' rry: elay. be lale. Md. ahufiG 'hehIDd',
'd~lya. Se-c 'agrasmiintoll. below.
. . rafter. Ug. 'hr
- ,. -
'tarry' ,ah . f •
r a ter -\lk
'ahbuy t.1I(J-f. ; see habiiy. ,ahur h""C. (T) ' ahuT t.II->C 'ram'; II
a~aru remam behind'. " .

'RgyOS h"ll'"fl. see ·ag)'ll. ETHIOPIC: perhaps related to Te. w.h4r 'bull'. The ETHloPlc: Te. ~Qr 'behind' (fe 'aker 'end' is In
,.hut "II->:" (Gr) 'fish' (constellation);
comparison with Amh. awra 'male' suggested by ArabiC ~O~~Ord), Har. ii~a.r-le 'behmd', GUT.
'agyismin!on h"l.rfl"'l11f11 (K)'Holy Spirit'; from Ar. ~illi. d' Abbadie 548 is doubtful. The root is common (Zway) Ir-anl (or Ira-nl). For Te ra"""f be
h· d . "uT rom -
corrupl from Gk. /tagiou pneumatos 'of the holy spirit', with Cushitic: Sa.Af. awur, aUT 'buH'. Som, aUr In '. aft~rwa~ds" GUT. (Wolane) re; 'back of th~ of hagion pnewful. See also >agya, above. 'a~ t.ih (T). sound produced by the throat; 'stallion', unless Cushitic: awur, aur is to be iden- body. ba-rer after, see Leslau 1979:5H
SEMITIC: onomatopoetic, as in Ar. >aMlQ 'cough', tified with Amh. awra. For Cushitic ··owr-, see
'.gz;' ""111." ; see gao'a 1.
>ah'ah 'sound of coughing'. Sasse 46. 'a~ara II k~l (T) Amh ml.1 Iii ....
'sw '(Y) . . "aga
'agzi'ab(.)~er ""I'I.Mlth.C 'God'; E';l{J(WIC: Tna. ·ul:zu biilii, tal:za{ biilii 'cough', Te. eep, = Amh. l1m riiggiilii 'stamp';
t.ihCID-; see /.Iariiwayii. it would seem thaI Ta ... ,.
lit. 'the master of the land' (see ga:'a J, bal,er); 'al:zu< bela, Amh. uhu alii, ahu alii, Har. ol:zo· baya, yya s ffiL 1 IS a misprint for
lag:i'ab (a) ~lertiK'i 'divine':
>C'g:.i'aba(leran"o 'divine nature of God';
Gur. uxu barii; also in Cushitic: Sa. ohot, Or. akki.
.. '.~~iit t.ihl\ ; hihl\·l-; see ~a~~.
h"'t 'a~ara III k'/l (Y) 'widen. have (something)
ETHJOPIC Tna. 'ilg;i>abil~er, abbreviated (with me-
, - (K) 'aha t.;} 'cattle. cows'; .ahatti
, (for 'a~adti; acc. 'a(lGlta)
'one, only one, same';
fixed ID to the ground'.
tathesis) 'iI;gi, Te. 'ilgzaher, Amh. ilg::i.abilher. ag- ETHIOPlC: Te.Tna. 'aha 'cattle'. Cohen 1947 : n. II
identifies it with Egyptian y~ 'ox'; also Coptic ehe 'a~atta 'one time. once. one (thing). at the "'~raw >'''rCID-; See harawa, har.lI'.
zero ilg:ihar.
'cow'. Littmann, Deutsche LiteraturzeitfJng 1931,

• - -
'agilan, ' agizen h.7H1 , 'antelope'; p. 1404 suggests a common African origin. ('i-ba-'a!IGtti 'by no means');
EnnoPlc Ina. Joga;:en, ·agiigiin. Amh. agaziin; 'a~a{{ane 'together. in one place':
from Cushilic: Aw. agii::eni, Qem. agii::en. 'a~adu (acc. 'a~ada) t."'~ (masc.) 'one, a '.~atur t."''''C. (T) 'a~tur t.ih1:C. name of the
(ha-'ahattane, w;>sta 'a~allane. same);
third Coptic month (it correponds to G. h.-
,.b hll, (Lt) 'a~ h..,.
exclamation of pain or
certain, a, same, on]y one';
('a!Iadu 'ahadu, lalla 'a~adu 'a~adu, babba 'a/:ta-
SEMITIC: Ar. 'ihdii 'one' (fern). SAr. 'iII. Heb. 'ailal. aIir); •
grief. sighing; Ararn. iIaqii. Syr. hatfii. Md. IIda. Ph. ·~I. Ug. ahl.
'ah bahla (Lt) 'groan'; du 'everyone. each one, separately, individ- ETHloptc: Tna. hanli, Te. halle. hante. Amh. andit.
from Coptic (Bohairic) athor: also Chr.·Ar. hat"r.
ually'); •

For the masculine, see )a~,adu. 'a~aw, ,.~' (pI. 'aaa .. ) >'''IID- ""I'. (Lt) ,.h ""I
SEMITIC: Ar. 'ah, 'Qh, >iiJui, exclamation of pain.
'altha 'moan, complain', Heb. 'rihiih 'alas', related to
('i-'a/:tadu 'not one'); -
'brother, blood relation, kindred. kinsman. fel-
('i·ba-'a/:tadu 'not in the slightest'); 'ahattane

t."'.,.).; see 'ahalti.

'iiI). Syr 'ah. NOle that in Heb. 'aha/ay, 'aha/ey low-countryman. friend':
'alas!' the preposition "to, for' is agglutinated with ('a/:tadu ... wa'ahadu 'one . .. and the other'); the suffix pronouns are attached to the base
>a!l (cp. G, way and \rayle 'woe!'). 'ahiid (pI. 'ahadiil) 'unit (numbers from one to
, . h"'lI?ih , h"""t·ih; see
" 'ahezerah

ETRJOPIC Te. >ah, 'ilh 'ah!', Amb. ah, exclamation ten), unique';
• -
'ahu-. ace. 'aht<·a_;
('a~;>lVa 'ab 'paternal uncle);
of sorro",·, gnef. iJh3h alii 'utter a cry of sorrow', 'ahud 'first. first day of the week, Sunday'; 'ah.h..,'· see 'ah .
Gur. ux borij 'sigh'; also in Cushitic: Bil. a~a,
'.&i11 (pI. 'aljiil, 'ab.lal) 'sister';
('a/.lud sanbar 'Sunday, first day of the week'); ('a~ara 'ab 'paternal aunt');
Sa.Af. ah. Som. oh. 'e~a l\,.~; see 'aya.
'ailOda (Y) 'make one, be one' (denominative); 'aba", (pl.) 'brothers and sisters';
",bo (,.ho) hll' , ("11'). expression of consent. ta'ii/:tada (K ') 'become united. be linked to-
'certainly!. yes. indeed. by all means, all right. gether' ; ,.~' >...,.... (Lt) ,.h "..,;

see ';>h;>w.

>iJhiJWamlt1 >ahaww;mlJo 'brotherhood, fraterni-
ty' :
I am here!. (Lt) agreement consent'· la'had, I;>'~adil 'unity. being united' (n);
• •
'aha bahla (,I'.be) 'agree. consent. obey. prom- rna'/:tadil (M) 'one part'; 'a~il, 'a~el, 'a~e)ji kl.A j ktA : kM 'heap . -
la'ahalVa ' ta'MalVa 'be a brother, be brothers
and sisters, have brotherly love for, fraternize,
ise. submit, be submissive'; (mass) of dried figs or dates, dough made from
SEMITIC: Ar. )a~ad 'one', SAr. 'I:zd, Heb. >e~liig, figs or dates, (T) date palm. dried figs'; become comrades, contract an alliance. culti-
}oho >aba/a. causative: also 'persuade'; Aram.-Syr. haq. Md. had. Ug. ahd, Ph. 'hd. Akk. see also he/a II. he/a. vate friendship' (denominative);
'aha b.hilat 'compliance, submissiveness. obedi- widu 'only, alone, single'. •
)QstQ1aoawa, caus. of ta1abawa;
ence ,. ETHIOPIC: Tna. hade 'one', Te. had 'one another' 'a~ara I h"'l 'be kept back, be delayed, (T.Y) lii'aaii, /a'aljii, lii'aljii. (T) lii'i1b 'brothers, frater·
(b.hila 'oha fLI] 'consent, agreement'); (the expression f~r 'one' is woro): Gur. had, Amh. make follow" • nity, friends, friendship';
and, Arg. hand (for ad wilh inserted n), Gaf. Jggii.
SEMITIC Ar .iy 'yes, certainly', J:lars. >ahii 'yes', Ug. 'a'~ara 'keep back. delay'; ta'ahawo ( I) 'brotherhood. ties of brotherhood.
i 'truly'. For the feminine, see 'ahatti. The root is connected
wilh whd, below. . 'a~ari 'hindmost, latter'; brotherly kindness, brotherly love, fraternity,
'a~iiril (M) 'extremity, end'; friendship' ;
14 >akko
arth PH I : 23 the initial vowel 'iJ of 'ahaz. 'ahz 'hostage, pledge, security, numeral,
;1I..·o. . . rdmE: 10 B h S . tic •
cipher' ;
• 'akadoa h h~'i' 'snake, viper';
'l;'- (3~ :1!!amsl the vowel a of the ot .e~ em~ . . ,. ('i1m.mna mQ>akala 'from among. from');
,. .) duc 10 the form of the femmmc >(J al. 'ahiz 'dOmInIOn, power, from Gk. ekhidna 'viper'; also Syr. 'e!se!!nii 'viper'.
lan~uagcs IS

S '(/ 'in the midst of, 10 the mIddle

Sr\{lnC for "prather': AT. 'ob. SAL 'b. oq. a ,la, ,.&iziit (pi) 'power (of angels. of heavens),
~!h <d (Blltner 190975), Heb. 'ail, Aram.·Syr. . , 'akdin hh.ll. '} (T), 'akaden hlJ1. '} (L) 'precious
i - ·Md aha, Ph. 'h. Ug. ab, Akk. a/lu. 'ahzal 'taking possession, seizing, domination,
stone, (M) jewel, necklace'; ~a'akalawi, mii·,kalii}' 'middle (adj.), of mid-
'l1.1rl..... . A '"h Har ah • .. , see 'akii!3s. : age, mOderate, mediatory, intermediary';
ETHIOf'I(': Te !m. Tna. ~lQlI'. rg. a, . " . dominIOn;
, oer brother'. Note Amh. wiindam (for wakbm) ma'akalannii 'the middle'.,
,oun e .
'brNher', lit. 'the child 01 the mot er, .
h '. f the
?f , ma'/zoz, mo'a[lOzl (pI. mO'iibaz, ma'abaziil, 'akdar hh~c (T) 'precious stone, (Lt.M) dark SEM . D·I
Semitic root 'II in Amharic. see below for slst~r ~
lIla'~haziil) 'handle, hook, ribbon. joint, junc- brown. dark-brown'; , ITIC . I Imann 782 conSIders it to be related to

ture, ~ connection, frame, framing. courtyard, Heb. kwl, (hif<il) heJ,iI 'contain': cpo also Ar. kala
SEMlTIC for 'si;ter': AT. )ubl, Saq. 'iJf~et, Heb. 'allO!, from Ar. )agrJar 'green'; also Ar. 'akdar'dark.col. (kyl) .'measure', Aram. kai (kwl), Akk. kullu 'hold
Amm. ,a~lal. Syr. !Iii!o, Md. ahata, Ph. ~(If, Ug. obf, enclosure, confines, boundary marker, posses- ared'; T~. 'akadar 'third infusion of coffee' (be- contam' , •
. ,
Akk. aillim. SIGn; cause of Its color), Tna. 'afs.iidiiray 'rather dark'. ETHTO~IC; Tna. >alsiila 'be equal, be suffiCient', Te.
ETH,opic: Te. bal, Tna, fWlI'ti. Amh. ill, "hM, ~rg. m •• ( J )haz, ma·(a )I]az 'boundary. confines, 'akla suffice', 'ak~1 'according to, as much as',
<~"iJd. GUT. Jt, Har. iJ(lil 'younger sister'; passed Into junctur~, place where things touch'; 'akafa hhL (KG) 'sweep, wipe': Amh. akkiilii 'suffice, be enough. be equal'; also in
Cushitic: Sa. ale 'elder sister', (mJ·.ljiiza 'beside, close to'); ,akiifi (T) 'sweepings, rubbish'; the expression 'how many?': Te. 'akal >ayi, Amh.
'ahaza (I'"ha:, ya'aba:) h'111 'take, catch, mii'(a)bazt (pI. ma'alpzt) 'stave'; ETHIOPIC: Amh. akkiifii 'scoop out'. man yanal, Arg. man yanal, GaL mim iikkawnr
h;ld, lay hold of, take hold of, seize, seIZe lo'ahazo/ 'capture'; passed, into Cushitic: Bil. akal 'be equal', Kham:

'akfar hh4.c 'chains, shackles'; okul·s make equal'. See also m'kl.
upon. grasp, connect, apprehend, pO,ssess,
SEMITIC: Ar. 'ahada

'hold, take possession of, seize', seems to be a plural of *ka/ar.
control. constrain. restrain. occupy, dommate,
SAr. >~d, Heb. >iibaz, Aram. 'iiba~, Syr. >ebag, Md. 'akal (pI. 'akalat) hlJA 'bOdy, limb, substance,
take captive, make prisoner, take as a pledge, ahd, Ug. 'bd, 'bd, Akk. aljazu. 'akiihi hlJ'l (T.K*.M) 'a cow which has milk, a hypostasis, person, nature, volume':
. ,
sus tam ; ETHIOPIC: Tna. ~lazii, Amh.Gaf. yaza, Arg. wiihaza, cow which is not dry'; marana >akiil Imanhood';
'a,ha;a, causative; also 'take as a pledge'; Our. ezii. see also kiihi. ·abp~a ·akala 'he reached manhood':
ta';h:a, pass. of 'alja:a; also 'be taken as a lahqa ba-'akal, same:
pledge, be liable or responsible (for a debt>'.; 'akko hit, it negates a member in an affinn- 'akak hhh (T. Sw. in D 1397) 'crumbled bread';
ta>iiha:a 'be contiguous. border upon, come In ETHIOPlc: Te.Tna. 'akal 'body', Amb. akal'person',
ative sentence: 'by no means, not' (see DiII- SEMITIC : Aram. 'akkii/sa 'ground or pounded drug'.
coniact with, be involved in (a battle or Arg.Gur. akal·at (from Amh); passed into Cushitic:
mann 1907:509-10; Lambdin 129-30); Qem.Kham. akiil 'body'. The analysis of 'akal as
anotber activity), come to blows, attack, be 'akala (y.·kal, ya'kJlj hhll 'be equal, suffice,
·akko 'akko, repeated for emphasis; coming from >a-ka.l, originally 'that which contains,
engaged (in baltle), contend, dispute'; be enough, be approximately, be about,
'akko za + verb 'it is not that' (it negates the volume' suggested by Nyberg 231 is not convincing,
'usla'aba=a 'make seize, make join, make ad- predicate in a cleft sentence); amount to, have enough'; with object suffix
here, make contiguous. associate, connect, wa·akko 'and not, but not';
pronouns; e.g. ·akala-nlli 'it was sufficient for
me' , >;old ~hA 'food. bread, corn, grain, fodder,
make engage In battle, commit to someone's ·akko-ke 'not' (see -ke); • bait, produce of the field';
charge, give as a pledge, receive as a pledge, ('akala lii,.la 'prevail over'); <awda ·akl 'threshing field':
·akko·llu, 'akko-hu 'not?' (one expects an af-
start a fire (that is, make tbe fire seize some- (ya'akkJl 'nearly, about');
firmative answer); SEMITIC: Ar. 'akala 'eat', SAr. 'kl'grain crops', Heb.
thing)' , 'a'kala 'be satisfied. have enough, find suffi.
'akko kamma followed by bii~tilu. or .alla, or 'alsal 'eat', Aram. >iilsal, Syr. )e~al, Md. akal,
• 'make confront one another, make cient of, (Lt) make full, fill'; Ph.Ug. 'kl, Akk. akalu.
<iidi. or da·.mu 'not only ... but also, not
come 10 blows, make contiguous, connect. at. ta·akala 'be satisfied, be content (with). have ETHlOPfC: Te. >akal 'corn', Tna. >alsli 'cereals', Amh.
alone .. , but also. not... but'; enough' ;
tach, cause to take one another, bind one Arg. ahal, Har. axi, Gur. iikal.
another with a pledge': 'akkoza + verb ... 'alia 'not... but';
la·akala 'try to be equal, compete';
'akko ... wa'akko 'neither, .. nor'; 'aklil hh/\'A 'crOWD, diadem':
- .
act. part. of 'ahaza; also 'owner,
'amma ·akko, wa'iJmma 'akko, wa'amma 'akko.
'asta'akala 'give in abundance, satisfy';
master, lord, one who has power or do. >akiili 'sufficient'; from Ar. >iklfl 'crown'; see also ka//ala I.
mtnlOn'; ssa 'otherwise. and if not, or else, or';
'akul 'sufficient, enough';
('a&ii:e k'allu 'all-embracing, omnipotent, al. for ·al·ko (Praetorius 1886: 143; BrockeJmann 1908: >Q)kalo 'sufficient number'; 'akliros hh/I.C'iI 'clergyman, priest':
mighty'), 176; Rundgren 1955:36; Littmann-HOfner 377), .ko ma)akal 'center, middle, midst, intermediary'; from Gk. kIeros 'clergy' through Chr.·Ar. 'akliriis;
'ebu;, pass. part. of ·alJaza: also 'captive, kept being shortened from kona. Dillmann 1907: 120 ana. (zama·akal, zabama,.kal 'mid-, middle' (adj.); also Amh, akliros 'vicar'.
caplive, Joined, possessed by a spirit. holding Iyzes it, with reservations, as coming from 'a « >al, mii·akala 'in the midst of, in the middle of,
negative) and ·ko 'thus'.
(something), who holds, continuous, contigu. among' (the suffix pronouns are added to the 'akilas h h.1li1 (T) 'eagle':
ous'; ETHIOPIC: Te. >ikon 'not, no', Tna, >aykon, Amh. base mii'akale-); perhaps from Latin aquila 'eagle'.
(-al;u:a naJI [Lt J 'fusilief): .nk"on 'no' (Praetorius 1879:259; Cohen 1939:
324). (wasta mii,.kala 'in the middle of, in the midst
of'); 'akmam hh"'1"'; see kamam.
16 'altitin

hh<'lll (T) 'termite, (K) kind of worm'; ~na
,.I.imon hh. '1"') 'klOd of animal';
probably a plural form of *kis, hs, from Gk. kis
}aki~;tS, 'aktas, >akipo. 'aki!en, 'askatin h "'1'- ETHIOPIC' T T . -
from GJ.. . ilJrncwnnn 'a wcasel·like animal' (Hommel II t hll'l'll j hh.m.'} I hh.lll.'} j·Mllm.') . e. na. 10 'ola-bu ' there 1,. not ' ,
'weevil' . Amb G fH G
tn i 'xXI. 'preciolls stone, agate' ; '. a , ar. ur. a/- used to express a negall ...e
verb ~n the perfect (e.g. al-niig~iir(i_m 'he did not
, , 'akist hh.ll-l- (T) 'springs (of water),. from Gk. akhalis, acc. akhiiren 'agate'; also Syr. s~ak ), Amh.Gur.Gaf. alii 'W1thout' The denva.
,.km~yis MI9".fll (Lt) 'preclOus stone,
• 'a~a!jn, 'als-a.tis ' precious stone', Aram. 'Wsares. See LIon of Amh. alii from haUi (as tn G , ',mhal(1) With
'aksosya hllftll! (K*) 'power, authority'; also 'aqii{as, 'aq!e, 'ok {e, 'akdin. .
'k", L I.,.k",a 1'Mi't. (Y ,M) ·pant'. loss of b, suggested by Praetonus t 879 57 IS unlike-
from Ok. eksousia 'power, authority'. ly.
'akawa hhlD (K*) 'deny, deny falsely';
.k', n, la,.k",. ·"Mtt. (T) 'draw a bow'. )ak"'ata hho"~
(K *); see )a)kwala; 'alii '-II (mostly after a negative sentence)
perhaps related to 'okaya, below.
'a,kwala 'praise, sing praise, laud, give glory, 'but, but rather, on the contrary';
'.k,ig.IYOD hnt"lAI",) 'rabbit'; glorify, be grateful, thank, give thanks, be 'allii ... hi, 'allii ... ni, 'allii_..'cidj 'but also"
'akaya, 'akya
. (y.'kay) hhf I hllf 'be evil , be
from Gk, khoirogryJlion, ace, of khoirogryllios 'rock thankful, bless'; bad, be wicked'; >allii )arn 'except if, unless': •
badger'. See also 'agrogJlyon. la'akwra, passive; )allii diil(Jmu 'on the contrary' ;
with )~m> )amanna 'be worse';
ta'iikwala (K *) 'praise one another'; 'a'kaya 'make bad, make evil, do harm, treat ludolf 324 derives 'allii from Gk. alia. ltttmann
,.krap hnt.A' (T) 'pure';
• 'asla,iikWata (K·). caus. of ta'ak""ata; badly, act badly, afflict, deprave, pervert, 1964:372 compares it WIth Syr. 'ellii from 'en.lii 'lf
corrupt from 'okrQron, below. ,.kkut, ,.kkw.1 'praised, lauded, thanked'; not' .
corrupt' ;
'a)kI4!Oli, act. part. of )Q)k ....Qta; ta'akaya (T) 'be bad, (It) be hurtful';
' hnCll9",)1',} 'precious stone'; 'aUe la- (with suffix pronouns) hI\, I 1\_ 'woe
,.kkwiile 'glorification'; 'asla'akaya 'hold as evil, declare bad, treat to 1';
from Gk. khrysoli"IOJ 'topaz'. See also 'orkarsem- 'akk"alel 'praise, glorification, thankfulness, badly, do evil';
lon , karStmOlon with the 3rd pers. masc. the form is mostly
thanks-offering, thanksgiving, gratitude, Eucha- 'asta'akaya 'despise, Scorn, mock, dishonor'; 'a/lela, but also 'aile /Ollu 'woe on him!'; for
rist, bread that is brought to the church and ,.kkuy (fem. ,.kkjt) 'bad, wicked, villainous,
'akraron, 'ak,a!os, 'aqra!OS hnt·tfI'} t hnt.tfI 'woe on them' the form is 'aile/allan, 'aile/on,
II , h:t>':"tflll 'pure, unmixed (wine), (It) distributed to the people after the Eucharist'; evil, noxious, vile'; 'aile Ion;
epithet of Christ'; 'akk"ateta q".rbiin 'Eucharistic prayer, anapho- (,.kkuya, ba-,.kkkuy 'badly');
ra' ,. SEMITIC: Ar. 'alla 'moan', Heb. 'jjlil/ay 'woe!'.
'.kkuy, ,.kkit (n) 'misfortune, evil thing, ~ram. 'iilii 'lament', Syr. 'eli 'mourning, lamenta-
from Gk. akrolOs, ace. akraton 'perfect, unmixed, (~a/ola 'akk" aIel 'thanksgiving');
absolute (of Christ)': also Syr. 'aqra,on 'pure wine wickedness, viciousness, vice) wrongdoing, iniq- tIOn', Md. alai 'woe on me!, alas!', Akk. alia.
'akk"'aletiiwi (Gr.463) 'one who offers thanks'; uity, malice, calamity';
(not mixed with water)" ,.lIa ),1\, relative pronoun 'who' (plural);
mo)ak"at, mo>akot, (T) mii(akWat, morakol 'gift (ba-,.kkil 'badly');
of glorification, favor, (T+) vow, pledge'; for the singular, see za-;
>, 'eksod." 'ek.sdare 1..nll.!!'c t 1..11ft ,.kay, same as ,.kkuy (n.);
for the various usages of ,.lIa , see za- ,
.!!'C ' 1..nll.!!'t., (T) 'eksedere 1..hil.Y"t. 'cham- ETHIOPlc: Amh. aSlakk"iilii (from * akk"iilii) 'say ,.kkuyiiwi (It) 'bad, wicked';
ber. (T) box, chest. coffer'; for the syntactic usage of the relative, see
prayers', mak"'atta 'vow, present, gift', (tii)mak. 'a'kiiyi (Gr), act. part. of 'a'kaya;
Dillmann 1907: 332-3, 342-3;
from Gk eksedra 'hall furnished with seats'; also k"alii 'make a vow', Gur. (Selti) ahat 'thanks', SEMITIC: Brockelmann 1928: 16 considers it to be the suffix pronouns are attached to the base
SYr. - 'cell, chamber', Aram. 'aksadrii'recess,
. 'aksedra - . Chaha, Eia axiida 'thanks, praise'. See also mak"'tti, related to Syr. 'akkaJii (from 'kk) 'wrath, anger', Ar.
below. './/i'a- (see below);
parlor' See also 'eskedera. below. 'akka 'hate, hatred'.
ETHIOPIC: Te. 'aka ('ky) 'be bad, be evil, deterio- SEMITIC: the only languages that make a distinction
'aks.fos hh<'lt.:ll (T) 'ability, cleverness'; 'akot ht>-l-; see 'akol. between the singular and the plural are : Ar laNilii
rate', Tna. 'a/siiyii, Amh. akkiiyii (from Geez), .kay
M has >ak:,ofQs : since M copied from T he undoubt- '.kkil "h.""; see ('akaya), ,.kkuy. 'evil' (n.); passed into Cushitie: Bil. ekay 'evil', Be. 'who', pI. (for the dialects, sec Brockelmann 1908'
edly misread G: fo for c: roo aka 'harm, mischief'. 324-5, Barth 1913: I 561f), SAr. 'I, Mh, Ie, Soq. 'il.
'akl.yar.n hll-l-!t.,} (T.D 1405) 'fish'; ETHIOPIC: while Te. has a relative pronoun Iii, and
'aksimiros hhft ",C'll (K) 'six days'; 'akyos hllNI (T) 'it is proper, it is fitting, he is Tna. dialectally 'aI, there is no distinction between
from Gk. *jkhlhyarion, diminutive of ikhlhys 'fish'. the singular and the plural. The situation is the
from Gk. "heksemeros 'of six days'. See also yaktiyartin. worthy', expression of approval when a reli-
gious dignitary is promoted; same in other Ethiopian languages.
>ekson h.hft') (T') 'olive oil'. 'aka!e htJlll. 'cloth of silk and gold thread'; from Gk. aksios 'worthy, deserved'. 'allu "II-
(masc.), 'alii M (fern.) 'these';
for the singular, see ZJ;
is there any connection with >ak(e, below?
'aksorgis hhftC1.11 (0 J506) 'exorcist'; 'aky.s! hllf-i1-l-, pI. of kaysi.
'ak!e hhm. (T), 'akiire htJm. (l) 'precious SEMITIC: Ar. )u/(j, 'ula>i 'these' (for the dialects. see
from Gk. eksorkisres 'exorcist' through Chr.-Ar. 'al- hll-, element of negation in 'a/b.-, 'alba; W. Fischer 1959: 102ff), SAr. 'Iw, ,In, Soq. elhe.
·aksargis. 'aksargfs. stone, agate';
see below; Heb.Aram. 'ellf, ane, Aram. Ph. 'I, Akk, ull';.
see 'akti!as, 'aq!e. ETHIOPlc: Te. ,.II-om 'these' (, Amh . • Wh.
'aksiron hll<'lC"} (T' ) 'kind of grass'. SEMITIC: SAr. 'I, element of negation, Soq. 'al, Geez 'aI/a, Amh. al/ii. Tna. '.mnii, Amh.Gaf. ~lJn{j,
'aki!in h h.m. '}; see 'akii!>s. Heb.Aram. 'aI, Ph. 'I, Ug. aI, Akk. ul. Gur. nO. (variant of 'aI/ii, ill/ii) are also used as a
18 Jalidor ,aJadis

• marker G. '~lIanllin 'whoT (pI), Amh.Ga~. f: Amh. albo; also in Te.Tna. )albo 'ring', Har.
a~~:'anklet': from Cushitic: Aw. ale~u, Qem. a/iibo.
I ,.Iadis, 'aladas, 'aJados h,V11I , hll.l!lI , hf\
r unuta (Amh. also ;JlJanla) 'you' (pI) for Jnna 1'-11 'island';
•mnan., ".' 'these' (for na-;;,). The element
,.n.kku hAir 'those, the oth.,,'.
'.,llJ)~i1"la. GUT.1JUwl d "th a proper noun to 'aJbo II; see ·alba-. from Gk. Hellados (gen. of Hellas) 'Greece', pos- from ';JIl(u), see above. and -krkiu, for WhKh see
'ill/a. ,lila. :mnii IS also use"' d h' 'ilowers" ::ilkku, fern. 'antakku .
sibly interpreted by the Ethiopians as 'island'.
c\pres~ lhe I dC3 0 f 'so -,and-so an IS (0
nd those
, hf\1l (It) 'sheaf';
C JrJnii tdklii moryam Takla Maryam a
-g'h h 'See also 'i'llakku, 'iJllon. 'aJ/ontu. 'alidas ""f.1I (T+) 'dry well'. ,.lkorab hAt>lll (M), "'Ikorap ).At>lT (T).
'alkora~ hAt>lA' (MA) 'flesh, body, (MA)
"111m. ETHlOPIC: perhaps Te. >alabiina 'ear of corn half-
,.IIi'.- hl\.h-IS theform of'alla with the, suffix
ronouns; it expresses the meaOl~g th,o~e
ripe or empty.

'.Ibiltaribon hAfJA"'~1l1 'the Pater Noster';

'alra "A"-,
first letter of the Greek alphabet,
symbolic name of Christ.
wound of the body';
connected with }wrap, below~
, thiS case 'iff would
~f... " and also 'followers'; e.g. 'allpailu hIS
be the Arabic article.
from Ar. )al-batarfmiin, corrupt from Gk. pater he-
followers, his partisans'; - ",If (pI. 'a"lii!) hA tt: 'thousand, ten thousand,
mono ",Ikorep hAt>':'T (T.M) 'divinity';
myriad' ;
,.Ib;>- hAll- represents the negative p~r~icle 'albas hAtJlI (T) 'troop, band, princes'. ·ulafe (Gr) 'the biggest number expressed in perhaps from Latin corpus (Christi) with the ArabiC
'01 (see above) with the prepOSItIOn ba In,' thousands' ; article 'aI, 'ill. See also korl'p I.
With object suffix prono~ns it expresses n~t 'elbis h.AtJlI (It) 'elephant'; ",a/fit. ta·,I,ft 'a vast number, ten thousand-
have'. lit. 'there is not In .. .'; e.g. 'olb,ya [ fold, in the thousands'; ",n.ktu, ",1I.k"tu (acc. ·.lIakta, '.lIak'ta) hA
from Gk. elephas 'elephant'.
don't have'; with 3rd persons the forms are:. m,·a/fit, (T) ma'a/fit, same; hi: , hAiti: 'those' (masc.);
'olbo or 'albOlw (masc.), 'albii or ·albattl ',Ibistros, 'albos!ros hAfJlI'1'C'1I ; "AIlII'1' ',lIiiktu 'those' (fern.):
(fern.), 3rd pI. 'albon or ·albontu. Note that the
• SEAflTIC: Ar. 'a(('thousand', SAr .•If. Soq. ·alf. Heb. plural of zaktu, below; for 'ill/il, see '.11111. above.
C'II 'alabaster'; 'flm Aram.-Syr. 'alpii, Md. alpa, Ph.Ug. 'Ip .
thing possessed is in the accu~atJve; e.g.
from Gk. alabastros 'alabaster'. EnUoPlc : Te. >a/f'ten thousand, a great number',
'ulbJl'a beta '[ don't have a house, but occa- '.IIaketru hf\Il.'h- (T) 'the four apocalyptic
Tna. ·.Ift, Amh .•If, Har. alft; passed into Cushitic: animals';
sion~lIy in the nominative (see Dillmann 1907: 'elbizr h.AfJ'IIC (T) 'dog who has little ones'; Sa. a((e, Af. alji.
see >iJllaqe!ru.
438). . see also 'ablazr.
'alba. 'albottu also means '(it) is not. there IS 'alifiusiwayin hI\. tt:il-I\w-.I'1 (KG); see 'ij/usa-
not. there is no, there are not, nothing, not, 'alid hll.l:-, a coin; -
w,yan. 'all.l. hf\f\ (T.M) 'be intemperate, be in heat';
non-existence'; after a question, 'no, not at aU, 'alale 'stallion that is sexually aroused';
it is not the case'; ETHIOPIe: Tna. 'alad, Amh. alad'halfa silver thaler'.
'allaga, ,.lIag. "111 • 0f\1 (Y) 'gather, collect, from Amh. alliilii 'be in heat' (animal). See also
'alba :0 + verb 'no one + verb, none of, ,.Uada "f\S'., (Y.Lt) 'all,da Ollf. 'gather, as- (Y.H 232) curdle'. halala I.
nothing'; e.g. 'alba :ayaqabb"ornu 'no one will semble, collect, compile, accumulate';
bury them' (lit. 'there is no one who will bury 'iluli, 'i106\. ' h.f\ol\.; see 'aylu/.
talal/ada, passive, reflexive; 'algen hA1.1 (T.M), <algen OA1.') (K) 'small
them '). ·albo :ayageyyas 'nothing is better', fork, forked stick, fork of a tree, trunk, (K)
·al/iidi, act. part. of aI/ada; also 'compiler of a 'elim h.II,.. 'vestibule, porch, arcade';
'albo :agabra 'he did not do anything'; book' ; tent pole, gallows';
'albo---:a'anbala 'only'; from Gk. ailam, transcription of Heb. 'ilam (but see
',I/ud, pass. part. of 'al/ada; ErnIOPIC: Te, >algen 'kind of tree': the Geez mean. also Euringer, OC 27[1 930J.229).
'albo 'ama 'never' (lit. 'there is not when');
'al/ade (n) 'collecting, gathering'; jngs of 'trunk, tent pole' would then come from the
-alba hobo 'nowhere'; >algen-tree. 'aJ,midon hf\"'l.1'-1 (T.O 1404), '.Iamid.n hf\
'albo + noun also expresses a negative adjec-
rna'al/ad 'gathering place, receptacle (of water).
cistern, fountain, compilation'; "'1).',1 (M) = Amh. qiibiir>Ci'o 'a woody plant
tl\'e; e.g. 'albo rii~b 'not broad'; ",Ih.luhi hAlliI-'l (T) 'poorly tanned goat-skin whose bark is used for fumigating people or
:a'albo (It) 'nothingness'; SEMITIC: perhaps Syr. 'ulda 'a heap of chalf, a heap bag'; cattle ill with typhus';
:a'albo + noun also expresses at times a of corn' (Payne Smith, supplement p. 7).
from Ar. laMah• 'cloth of a wide weave'. ETHIOPIC: Tna. 'alamada 'kind of plant'.
negative adjective with 'in-, un-', or '(who is) ETHIOPIC: Amh. al/iidii 'gather' (from Geez). •

without'; e.g. zQ'aibo 'asara 'unsearchable', '.lIac1ku hA.l:-1r (T) 'wild cat'; , . hA"'t""'h (T') 'boundaries of the
'el~.~ (T) = Amh. daggii siilam 'small '.Imihah
:a>a/bo b~alq"'a 'innumerable', za'albo aa!i)ala earth' .
building to the left of the western entrance to a
'who is without sin, who does not have sins'. would the initial ·.1- be the Arabic article?
church where travelers may spend the night'.
'alidor hlll'-C (K *) 'the second nail with >elemon, 'elamon h.I\,'I"1 I h.II'I"1; see 'ela-
ETHJOPlc: Amh. alba, alba (from Geez); e.g. sam
alba 'nameless'. For 'alba- with the suffix pronouns, which Christ was crucified'; ,.I~.zl ),A.lt1fA; see ~azl.
see Oillmann 1907:408,501 If.
derived from IIJl.C sador (see below) with II sa ",Imaqli!os hAoo~I\./fI{\ (l) 'kind of precious
'albo I hAil (KO) 'anklet of silver'; misread for ~ la (Euringer. ZS 6[1928].304). For the 'alki "AIJ (T) 'palace'; stone;
other nails, see sad~r.
could it be a corrupt form of la'aka? from tat. immaculalus (Euringer, OC 24[ 1927J. 144).

",llmot hll.,..:" (On. '.Imot hA"":" (D 1404) ,alqar hA4'C (T) 'euphorbia, cactus'_
- >alatinon
case, 0, Eisfeldt, JSS 5 (1960), 46 compares It with
'Hongh trJn,latcd 'lute' In OT; >.Iqatii ~A4':J' (T) 'kind or pumpkin'; Ug. m'/b 'cloakroom' from 1/&. >alyilon, '('liye!on hA!(fl1 , h.fI.\l.(fl1 (Lt)
the qu(llN pas .. agc from I Chronicles 15:20 ,has ba· ETHIOPIC: Amh. iI/tah 'piece of cloth cut for making :elYiilin h,A!"I1, (KG) 'alyii!ol hA!(flA
~ n:lf5t la~/a 'Olamol 'wlth lute~ on AI~m~t where
from Ar 'a/qittii' 'cucumber', See also qata, below. a garment' (from Geez),
sea eagle, (KG) snake-eating bird';
Alam\'t I ... a transcnptton of Gk. alQ/~:}/h, Heb. ../Iaqetru, 'ella qe~u, >e/leqe~u ~1I<f:'I'~ :
'fcJlamo!. ·Iute .. • of OT SS I refers to <;1n:trat and not ,.Iatinon hllt'i1, (K) 'aliitinon h~t'i1, (Lt) from Gk. ha/iaelon. ace, sg. of ha/iaflOS 'sca eagle'
11,11 I 4:'I'~ I h,/I.<f:'I'~ (TSw, in D 719) 'yel-
If1 G 'O.lanl£lt >aliilyon h~:"1'"1 'real, true, genuine'; note also Amh. a/yo.ton 'fish·ealmg bird' (rrom Gecz).
low, spangle or gold and silver, the rour apoca- See also 'e/ii!on, 'fblii!on, 'ew/u!on
that Tayya illustrates this meaning by translat_
'<Iimi", 'clim" hN'7OJ- , h,~- (D 1404, OT), lyptic animals';
ing G, 'aliitinon 'man who became God'; >ama hoo (preposition) 'at the time or, on, In
.. lemon, '<limon 11,/\,.,..1 I h,~""1 (D 1404) from Gk, "eklron 'amber, alloy of gold and silver'
'porch' , (it translates Heb. ~asmaf); also Syr. 'aleqrrun 'am. from ?k,alethinon (acc,sg) 'real'; also Syr, 'alftiyii
(rollowed by a time word)'; see Dillmann 1907'
'truth (Payne SmIth 208), from Gk, aliitheia,
(r(lm Gk. ai/amnii;, transcription of Heb. ,elammiiw. ber'. See also ·allaketru, above. (conjunction and relative adverb) 'when, at the
'alat, 1'.111' (T) 'perrume'; time when';
'alon, 'elon hll-1 : 11,11-1 'salt, Dead Sea'; >elsii h,AII 'grove, (M) name of an idol';
see also malat. liJln·'ama. Ii/manna 'ama 'from the time of
from Gk halnn , gen, pi of hals '(sea) of salts'; also from Gk. ha/se, pI. of halsos 'grove, sacred grove', rrom the time When, rrom when'; ,
Su. 'dlii.\ 'salt' for 'Dead Sea', 'a/on comes from See also 'iI/SOthS.
GJ.. ,tho/aHa (im) halc"m 'Dead Sea',
, - 1\.~m : h./l.m (D), 'eliite
, h.~m. >JSka >ama 'as long as, until the time or until
'alsodas ~AM~:n, (TM) >alsodis ~A(\J!.n (T) 'fir'; the time (that), until' (prep" conj,); ,
'('Ioni, In >elonii selem h,lI-Cj /I./\'9" 'the 'woods, rull or woods, (TM) groves'; la-'ama 'till, until, at the time when (conj,), at
I from Gk. elate 'fir'; also in Syr. 'eliite 'fir trees' See the time of;
\alle) or Selem', from Gk, halsM.s 'woody', See also 'elsii, also 'iliirinus.
'albo 'ama 'not a day (like this), there IS not a
fmm Gl, aulfm I Sa/em J; also Syr. 'aw/ona 'valley' time when, at no time. never';
See also 'oli"lclni. >al,.lbuliih ~AnAn-~1J (T) 'constellation >eliile'as h,l\mhn (T) 'juniper';
Virgo'; probably for >eliirenus; see 'iliirinus, below. 'albo-hu >ama. 'albo·ni 'ama 'never';
>elonqe 11,11-1'1:, 'eo ''''oqe bo·'ama 'sometimes';
from ArabiC ·al·sunbula; see also sanbulii.
'elilon h.~/f11 (T) 'a bird or prey that devours bO-Jama···bo->ama 'at one time---at another
,.1I0ntu (acc, '.lIonta) ~1I-1"', (Gr) >allunlu snakes'; time' ;
'elsilas 1\.AIIAn (T) 'gateway of a church
~fl-1'" 'these' (masc,), compound'; see 'a/yiiron. za-'ama 'at the time (or this) that';
>,I/alllu (acc, ',lIiinta) 'these' (rem,); the suffix pronouns are attached to the base
it gives the impression of being composed of the
for the demonstratl\'C: plural augmented by n, cpo 'iliitinus,
- 'eliitunus 1\.~tIl).n I 1\."III').n 'made 'ame-; e.g. Jam·'ame-ka 'from your time, from
Arab,c article 'el and sii/., 'third', ,
Ar. (SpaOlsh) haulin, SAr. 'In, Syr. hiil/en. For ·ntu, of fir'; the time that you live', ,.,ka 'ame-hu 'until his
cpo also '.1f1Jmuntu 'the,', below. For the smgular >elsip h,AIIT (T,M) = Amh, wiigiin whose 'elii/enus
, 'kind of fir'; time'; the most frequent form is 'ame-hu, 'ame-
'this' M'e :~n{u Stt also ·Jllu. various meanings are 'side, flank, clan, kin'. ha 'when, at that time, next';
from Gk. elatillos 'made of fir'. See also Iilii.le,
·e/fite·as. za-'ame-hu, za-'ame-ha, '(the) then';
'alep;lp hI\. TT tT) 'the surroundings or a 'alsis hA/'l.n (TM) 'heretic, schismatic';

house' >.m-·ame-ha 'rrom then on, rrom that time on,

vanant of 'arsis, below. >eliiw h."OJ- (D 1403, OT), , 'aylew hf-/l.OJ- therearter' ;
'alapu hilA. (MA) 'love' (D 1406), 'a>el hh.A (OT) 'post'; note that >ame also occurs wilhout suffix pro-
, 'alastayo hl\n:,.1'" 'ape, baboon'; nouns; e,g, 'ame ,.Iata dayn 'at the day of
from Gk. ai/eu, transcription of Heb. 'e/iiw ·post'. judgment' ;
, "
h.AAA. (T) 'dISease', is an Amharized fonn of halast.yo, below,
sec '.npap{V, ilrlpappa, >elewon h.1\.9'1 '(Mount) of Olives, (T) olive'; SEMITIC: to be identified with Sem. yom 'day' (Prae.
.. ltii~ ~A:J'm (T) 'choice';
from GK, elaion, gen,pl. of elaiii; see 'elylis, below, torius, ZDMG 62[1908),78-9; Billner, WZKM
·"liqe. 'aleqe, >eleqe. 'eleqen hi\. 'I: : hl\.'I: : an interpretation of 'altfib, 'a/lii~. 23[1909-IOJA09); for ',y, cp, Amh .gg 'hand' <
h.1\.,* , h.1\.'l:1, (T), >eleq h./I..:j> 'salty, Sem, yad, Noeldeke 1910: 135, n, 1 expresses doubls
brack,sh, salt 'ea (Dead Sea)', >.ltii~ ~A:J'''', (T), >altii~ ~A:J'm 'undergar- >ilewqen 1\.1\.1II-<f:1 (Lt); see lewiqen,
about G. 'am = yom. For 'day' commg to mean
ment, kind or tunic'; 'when', cp, also Soq, 'am 'when', S~, ytm. On yom
from Gk, hal...., fern. sg. of ilalykos 'brackish' >elyo h.AI'", (K) ,elyu 1\.AI'-, name or a giant
SEMITIC: Heb, mfltii~ii 'wardrobe, place where used as a conjunction in various Arabic dialects, see
'('Ioqe h./I«t, (1I) >elonqe h.1I-1'1: 'vine shoot, clothes are kept In large quanlities' (Dill mann 45) >elyiqemu h.Af<f:".,. (T) 'precious stone', loslau 1939: 112; also Neo-Syr, 'im;; 'when',
(TI olive'; > 'clolhes, tURlCS' (also Rabin, SH 8 [1961j,391-2), ETHIOPIC: Amh, ama 'when' (from Geez),
from Gl htliks (dathdi/o) 'any spITal' (e,g, 'tendnl Hebrew mf/tii~ii is considered a loanword from '('Iyiis h.A!n 'olive tree, olive fruit, oil'; >ems h.OD; see 'ym.
of the \lncO), also In Amh, alge 'poisonous vinc', Akk, maStak. < mallakl. (Zimmern 32); however,
IR view of G, ,./rii~ (from Ir~) this may not be the from Gk. elaiii (gen. sg. elaiiis) 'olive tree'. See also >am I ~9" introduces the apodosis of a condi-
'tIe won.
tional clause which does not state an actual
22 :.amma •
of the house' (the expression for 'mother' is annat), •
fact; e,g, ,.mma.\'.f~~1lI 'they would have repent- eitber from 'im~ma Or from 'am·ma (BrockeJmann
>tJmm in ",a.ndamm 'brother' (lit. 'the child [wand <
ed' (<<e Dillmann 1907:418: 515ff); . wold} of the mother [ammj'). The connection with
1913:635: Rundgren 1955: 150: ror 'amma'akko, see '.mbayna >'9"n.e~: see '.nt>o;ona.
it is abo used in an optative clause·l,mann~ Rundgren 1955: 205).
Amh. imnat 'mother', Tna. 'anna, suggested by Prae.
vmka(alalllli '0 that one would pay me. ,man torius 1879: 59, is unlikely.
SEMITIC: Ar .. 'in. also >imma (Brockelmann 1913: 'am(m)odru >'9"~~ (KT) 'wholly, absOlutely
638; Praetonus ZDMG 62[1908J.749 connects G POSlttVely'; ,
nli '~~"assaya lita 'if only he (God) had, made
for mel', 'Jmramamrayku 'I would wish; )amma, ('3m), la'3mma '-lIP I ("r) ; t\~OP 'ammo ~ith Ar. '~a 'or'), SAr. hm, l:iars. 'am 'ir:
lit. 'from the very bottom' (from nydr).
introduces the protasis in a conditional sen- Heb. '1m (accordmg to Koehler 58 onginally a
ETHIOPIC ; Te. 'am introduces an unreal condition; demonstratIve used to emphasize a thing or phrase
tence 'if, suppose that'; it also introduces an 'amadirot h"'lIlC"l- (D 1404, OT)' prancmg
. ,;
l1'iiwnhello '} would have told him'; Tna. ma goes
indirect question 'whether' (Dilhnann 1907: 'suppose that'), ~ram, 'in, lin, hen, Syr. 'en, Md.
pack to )~m according to Praetorius 1871: 362.
417-8, 547ft'); is used with various elements:
hin, Ug. hm. im If'. ~r~m ?k. an:adaroth, transcription of Heb. midda~
ErJfloPIC Tna. 'amii 'if', for 'an-tii. Littmann. larD! prancmg'.
'om II >'9" 'from, out of (place), since, hence- 'ammO-SSG 'if really, if'; HOfner 441 derive Te. wok 'or' from G. '(lm-
forth because of, aut of, for (e.g. 'am/arhiitu 'amma-ssa---hu 'if really'; ma'akko. >amefeq h"7."-~ (0 1404, OT 582) 'threshold';
'rar fear of him', 'amla'bit 'from pride), of, WQ'(Jmma-ssa 'if however, but jf'; from Gk. amapherh. tranSCription of Heb. mipliin.
>im h.9" (T.M) 'right (direction),;
part of, outside of, among (e;g., 'blessed ar~ '3mma-ni 'even if, even when, although,
thou f'am'anast} among women); rather than though' ; perhaps for yim, from yimn, an analogical forma. >.mmiibul, 'ami~ut >'"'Iu-T : h"'l,h.'l-; see
(e,g. 'it is better to trust in God fwnta'amma- ia-'Jmma-ni, wa->amma-ni, same; tion to ¢im, below.
/1o} rather than trust in man'); 'than' In the 'amma-ni---wQ)amma-ni 'if---or if, be it this---or
comparative and superlative (e.g. 'the serpent that' ; 'am~.rt >.9" ilteT; metathesis of 'amraht.
was more subtle f'amk"a/lu} than all the /Q'amma-sso-ka 'even if';
'ammo-hi, io>amma-hi, wQ'amma-hi 'if even, );)mma~ew (fern. )iJmma~Je'wl; p1. 'iJmmiJhewat,
beasts'); see 'iJmma.
it IS also cambined with various particles: even if, even though, although'; :ammahewiin, 'amii!lIl/, [T) 'ammiihul) >.i-th.1D'
(Ia) 'amma-hu, (Ia) 'amma-nu 'whether'; ancestor, grandfather (fem. grandmother),
'am)ama 'since'; >;}mkama, /Q>innkama, /alama 'ama'ut (pI. 'ama'alViit) h"'lo--l- 'intestine, bow-
(wa)'am kama-ssa, la'am kama 'W; el" , great-grandfather (fem. great-grandmother)';
kama 'as soon as, when'; 'am;:a 'thereafter,
'ammtJ~ew wa';Jlnma~ewl 'progenitors':
after this, then, consequently'; ,amhayya la·amma-ba za + verb 'perhaps, lest, per- note that >ama~ut has the appearance of a plural >ammaryewiin 'grandparents';
'thence, from that place'; 'ambaba 'from'; adventure' ; ronn-,
>al1payte 'from where?'; 'amma-ba (la·amma-bo) kama + perfect n
SEMITIC: Ar. mi(a , ma~y 'intestine, bowel', Mh. ETHIOPIC': Amh. ammah,,, 'grandmother' (from
'am ;a + perfect 'when, after that, since' (e.g. 'when' ,. ma<aw-ln, Heb. me·a·yim, Aram. mala, ma(ayyii, Geez); Amh. mita, JnImita 'grandmother' is iden-
>am:atafarra 'since he was created '); la'amma-bo kama + imperfect 'perhaps'; Syr. mOTa, Md. mia, Akk. amulu 'liver' (Holma tified by Praetorius 1879: 143, n.2 with G. 'amnl,-
89). Rundgren OS 10 (1961),121-7 suggests a root ~ewt; cpo also Gur. met 'grandfather, grandmother',
it is a shortened form of 'am;mna, below. Note that 'ammo- k e "f'I ;
m(y, m(w, from wcy in Ar. waca ' umfassen , en thal- meeiyii 'grandfather', mehviit 'grandmother', Gaf.
only >arnatlna is used with suffix pronouns; 'amma >okko, >ammii>iJkko, 'ammii'akko-ssa 'oth- am"'Uiitii 'grandmother' (for another interpretation
ten', wirij, 'GefaB': ·mi~w·ay, etwa 'Sammlungsort,
SEMITIC: Barth 1893:58-9 compares G. 'amza with erwise, else, or else, if not, or if not, if other- GefaB', and for the development or meanings he
see Leslau 1956: 178).
AT. mud (from rn-d). wise, if that were not so';
compares Ar.l;aJa 'stop fen, fullen', haiti' < .hasa- 'ama~.yiw >,ooilt,l'lD'; see >amm.
ETHIOPIC: Amh. am· as in amqadmii aliim 'before 'amma 'i + verb, la);}mma 'i + verb, >iJmma-ke wu" 'Eingeweide'. ' .
the begmning or the world' (taken rrom Geez). >i + verb, >iJmmaSSQ >i + verb 'if not, whether ETHIOPIC: Te. 'am<it, Tna. >am<ut.
not'; 'amma~a >'9"'1, (T) >amma~a ~9",h 'kiss, em-
'omm (pI. 'ammii') >.9" 'mother'; 'iJmma---WQ'iJmma ,eit . her---or ' ,. 'amba h9"fJ 'a flat-topped mountain formerly brace, greet, salule, worship, revere, pay respect
'amma manet 'abbess'; used as a fortress or place of refuge'; to, offer a gift out of respect';
>amma---wala>ammani 'either---or';
)iJma~iJ)'aw. in >ag"'a/a >iJmaJ;ayaw 'man) human
)Q)maljQ (K-), causative;
'iJmma---'QW, 'iJmmahi--->aw, >iJmmani--->aw 'ei- rrom Amh. amba.
race', lit. 'offspring of the mother of the living' ther---or' ,. ta'iimmaba 'exchange salutations, kiss in greet-
(see ',g"iil); for >amahayiiw, cpo the Hebrew >ammahi--->ammahi 'either---or" , >amibin h"'La.') (ToM) 'guardian of an object, ing, salute, hail, show respect';
Custodian' . ~asla)iimiJba, caus. of ta)iimmalJa;
expression 'em kat/lOY. Note the non-gemina- 'iJmma---wa'amma, 'iJmma---wQ>ammani, iQ);}m-
tion of 'amaJ;ayaw as against )amm. 'ammiifJi, act. part. of 'ammava;
ma---wala>amma 'be it---or" ,
'ambar hrlle (U) 'anklet, bracelet'; 'ammuv 'greeted';
SEMITIC: Ar. 'umm 'mother', SAr. 'm, Soq. 'am, Mh. 'ammani ('iJmma-hi)---wa';}mma-ni (wa'iJmma-
from Amh. ambar; also Tna. 'ombar. >ammabii 'kiss, salute, salutation, greetings, gift
ham, Heb. 'em, Aram. 'immii, Syr. 'emma, Md. (rna, hi) 'it may be this---or that, eilher---or, be it
Ph. 'm, Ug. urn. Akk. ummu. offered out of respect, present';
this---or that'·, >.mb"iiy l.r!lJ'. (Lt) 'a bush having a bitter 'ammiihe 'greeting, salutation';
ETHIOPIC Te. 'am, Arg. am, Gur. amm, Gaf. am"'jt, 'iJmma--·wa'amma 'akko , >amma 'akko---wa'iJm- red Or yellow fruit'; -
ta)ammabo 'salutation';
Tna. 'am in >ambe! 'mistress of the house', Amb.
ma 'akko. 'amma>akko---wa>amma);]kko 'ei-
al1llnamma, amnuyye 'mother!', ammiibet 'mistress
ther---or'. See also kama', ErnloPle: Amh. amb"'ay (ror which see Streleyn ErHIOPIC: Har. ma~ baya 'kiss'; from Cushitic:
1973: no. 77). Qem. yarnag 'kiss', Qua. imag, Kham. yemqll (so
24 25
- mmar.
'amani 'true, one who believes, believer, faIth- ,.lI13nna 1.9"~, same meanIngs a, '.m II;
• Imann IQ,O
also nroc,,{' -
' f dc-
m ful, convert, confessor'; WIth suffix pronouns the base IS '.m,nne-. (day). '",crtamed, determined. distmct tn-
n\"C's "Omm.:mLO I·r'm.
,. 'anl'aha.
- denominative TOIr fonned' ,
m3'~ho -hn;therhood. fnendshlp', and 'ommJ_Q ('i'amani 'disbeliever'); . ,.m.nnehu 'thereafter',
\H,uld onglnal!) mean 'treat someone like a .,mlln 'faithful, true, loyal, trustworthy, relt- ?mmaT(' (pl . l.mlnlc1rt,yal) •• Ign~ demonstratln
for the usage, see Dlilmann 1907 '.192. ~43; Dill-
t'lrother' This derivation IS not convlncmg. able, sure, real'; mann 1907;70 denves It from m;m 'from' with a Indlc.tlOn, revelation. pointmg to\O,ard. POlOt '
',muna 'truly, in truth, confidentIally, really, m protheuc '. Barth 1893.58 bnng, It back to a fonn Ing at ~he sacred bread or the cup during the
,.mekali h""hll 'thorn, thIStle', reality'; " . • 'imna. Rundgren 1955: 22 derives 'am;1nna from
ETHIOPI(' Tna. 'omfkiila. Amh. amekiila 'bramble'. 'amall 'truth, true, right, faIthful, vahd, venly'; -mintnin > ·mlmmm > '~mmin (by diSSimilation): 'a'IIIJro ! I) 'knowledge. undeN,lndmg mtelh.
('oman ho'oman 'certainly, truly');. . note, however, the pronunciatIon 'o1miJnna (not ~ilm­ gence, mtellect' , '
'.mkama 1.9"h""; see 'Jm II, kama. ('amalla, ba-'aman 'truly, surely, venly, Justly, m>na). (ba-'a'lII>ro 'kno\\-mglv. wlttIn"lv dehLr'lte.
SEMITIC: Ar. min, Soq. men, Heb.Aram , mm. Md.
Iy'); . ~.' ,.."
rightly, really');. ,
'amala h""l1 (Y.M) 'work, do'; (zaho>omiin "true, genume, ~he v~ry ); Ph. mn. ('i.rQ·mJro 'ignorance, error'),
'amallawi 'true, truthful, faIthful; ETHIOPIC: Te. miln. (ba'Il'Q nI.1fO 'inadvertently');

should be 'amola. from Arabic; perhaps also in

Amh. ammii/ii 'plane a board. shape wood (for 'amill 'belief, faith, trust, truth'; '3mmuntu 1.-.,." (masc), '.mmantu 1."'1"'" 'a'Jm.1rotawi'intellectual, ~Ientlfic',
huddmg)" ('i'amill 'disbelief, infidelity'); . (fern) 'they'; ma'.m., 'learned, erudite, 'killed. ,.rsed in,
, '.mnal 'faith. act of faIth. behef, confession, expert, expenenced m. acquamted With, .In
SEMITIC from 'Jlmnu-ntu For '~mmu, cpo Ar hu.
'amole h'l"l\. (T) 'salt bar used for currency; trust, deposit'; acquaintance, wise man, prudent, mtelligent,
mlu) 'they', SAr. hm·t (gen. ace), Heb. hem. Ph
from Amh. ornote. of Cushitlc ongin: Af. amole. 'amillOI 'belief, trust. confidence'; diViner, augur, wll;}rd',
hnH, Ug. hm. For initial' of Geez '~mmu as agam'it
Sid . amiile. ('i'aminol 'disbelief); the initial h of the other SemitiC languages, cpo mihmlari (Lt) 'knower of, who possesses
ma'amon, ma'i/man, ma'i/man "faithful. believ- Aram. ·innun. For -t added to a plural form. cpo kno\\-Iedge' ;
'amlik. '.mlaka h9"lIh I h9"lIh; see ma/aka. ing, worthy of belief, devout, believer, confes- SAr.Ph. hm-I. Ar (Spam) humal, Akk . iunu 'they', t;,.amJrt (pI. IU'Umm.lf, t.l'Jm.lrt(;1 IU'immlJrii/)
sor, true, trustworthy. trusted, reliable. vera- gen. sunuti. For -ntu In G. '.mmruntu, cpo also 'allun- 'sign, signal, mark, notIce, feature. document,
'amm.m. (K') h"""" 'shout'; cious, one to be relied upon, sure, safe, trust- tu (masc.), "I/imlu (fem.) 'these' Eitan, AJSL 44 indication, demonstration. token, miracle, \\("n-
SEMITIC related 10 hmm, hmy; AT. hamhama ing, who trusts'; (1927-8): 255 analyzes G. "mmumu as commg from der, omen, (ll) ra"age (In a book)"
'grO\. .f. Heb. llama (hmy) 'make noise', 'ammu·'Jnta 'they who' Littmann JQ64 355 denves
('imti·.m.n 'infidel'); I(Pomilr; 'interpreter, augur, s()othsa~er':
ETHIOPIC Ina '41mm biitii, ',mramm billa 'produce a it from 'Jmmu-n-tu.
ma'.manna (Ll) 'faithfulness'; ta'anml<,rawi 'who docs miracles',
grumbling sound', Amh. anumm alii 'make a con-
maSla'.m.n (Gr.462) 'who proselytizes'; 'ammara hOD/. 'show, indicate, tell, make a
tinuous nOise'; related to Tna. hamhama, hamiimii SEMITIC: Ar ·"mara 'order, command', SAr 'It"
.roar", Te. hamhama 'growl, roar', hamom bela lo'omani 'believer, confessor'; sign. make known, demonstrate, inform, in- 'sign, oracle', Hcb. 'amar ',ay' (for Hch. '(jmdf's«"'
'make nOise', Amh. hJmhJmm ala 'mutter, grumble'; la'amno(I) 'faith, belief. profession of faith, struct, refer'; and a blhliography on the subjecl, "" Dahood
also In Cushuic: Be. hamam 'neighing', Sa.Af.Bil. confession, confidence, admission, trustworthi- 'a'mara 'know (also 'have sexual relations), 1970:62; for he'f.·mir 'he recognized', see 1I11endortT
hamham 'neigh' ness, loyalty'; understand. comprehend, become aware, 1968: 117), Aram . 'ame" ·say. ~peak', Syr ·t·mar.
SEMITIC: Ar. 'am ina 'be safe, be secure, be faithful' learn, be skilled in, be knowledgeable, be an Md. amr, Ph. 'nIr, Ug. 'mr '''ee', Akk. tJmJru '~"C'
'amna (r,'man) h9"~ 'believe, trust. have (for the 4th form 'amana 'believe' and its derivatives expert, reahze, recognIze, di>;cem, perceive, See also Marrassml tObfl'. Dlilmann 728 Sl"ems h.l
faIth tn, have confidence, be true. profess the have been the first to state the ongmal meaning of
borrowed from Aram.-Syr. or from Geez, see take notice of, find out, acknowledge';
faith. confess (sins), admit'; the root 'mr a, 'stand out, he l:onspI(UOUS, be dear,
Ahrens 38, JetTery 70-1), SAr. 'mn 'be secure, do (·;yya·ammar 'ignorant');
'a'mana 'make believe. persuade, convert (to a be bright> make dear, ,ho\\-, \ay', These meanmgs
(something) with impunity', Soq. 'emon 'tell the 'a'ammara 'indicate, show, instruct, inform';
religIon), confess, assert'; of the root 'mr wcr~ confirmed subsequently by
truth', Heb. 'mn (nif'al) 'prove oneself steady, faith· la'amra, passive of 'ammara; also 'be manifest, Delitzsch 28; Mo,call, B,Mi.." 27 lIQ46).115-~b ..-1.1·
la'llmna, la'amana 'be believed, be entrusted, ful', (hlf'il) 'feel safe, believe', Aram. 'mn. hemin be shown as a sign. make oneself known, bright, lAOS 74 (1954) 229, n 7 (who claIms that
be trusted, be persuaded, be faithful, believe, 'believe' (is considered a Hebraism), Syr. 'amin
make a sign, use a sIgn' (denomInative of the ongmal meamng wa\ 'to "'l'C' and that the 'ihlft
trust. confide, rely, have confidence, be con- 'true, lasting', 'e!'emen 'be steadfast, persevere', Md. in meaning came through the f;,lCl1tlve stem 't(l
amn 'be firm, be true'. See on this root in Semitic
/a·.m.rl 'sign ');
fident, live m confidence, be safe, be in securi- la·amra. yel'emmar (Ll) 'it is ObVIOUS, that is show', hence 'to speak'), and Rundgrcn, Or/t'n/ali",
ty, feel secure, be of good courage, confess Hans Wildherger in Baumgartner 1967:372-386; 32 (196.1).181· J. For a more detailed hlhllography.
Marrassini 80-82. to say';
(sms), profess the faith'; see Marrasslm 110; F.A. Dombrowski. LDMC 114
ETHIOPlc: Te. 'amna 'believe', Tna. 'amana, Amh. la'ammara 'show oneself, be signaled, be
ta'ammana 'trust, entrust, confide'; (1984).37, n.41
ammana, Gur. amana, Har. amana; passed into shown as a sign, be made as a sign'; ETHIOPIC: Te. 'amiira 'know, under\tand'. 'tmrmartJ
la'amana (K ') 'trust one another'; Cushllic: Bil. oman, Qem. amn y. la'iimara 'know one another'; 'be bright, be clear', Tna. 'ummclra 'show', Amh.
)QSlo'amana 'confirm, make believe, make con-
fident, assure, make sure, prove';
'asla,amana, caus. of ta,amana;
'amen h"""'verily. truly, amen';
'lI.\·la'mnmara (Lt) 'cause to know';
'.mlllr (fern. ',Jm,1rl) 'known, evident, recog-
ammiira 'show,lndlcate'. For t,PJnlJr,'mlrack, \\i.m-
der', cpo Tna. tiJ'~mJrfi, Te. ((hlm.]r, Amh. lamm,Jr,
from Heb. 'amen through Gk. amen. ni/c<i , I"mous, notable. manifest, appointed ta'amar (from Gcez).
26 27

,' . (T) 'amer h"'1.C 'governor,

, ..........
'amer n-
'amat (pI. 'Jmaliil) hOOT 'cubit, forearm.
(TY.M) measure by cubits:- . •
.. nb- with suffixes h1i1, for the 1st person
'Jnbi. 'JnbJya • I am not in a POSition. I am not become nb. Banh 190' l'
- "1I"ayu

.. SCtIllS to COnnect G
frum -\r. IQmi,. also in Amh. "mer 'ammata (Y). 'ammala (T) measure by cubits able. no. I refuse': WIth other suffixes: 'Jnh,ka ~:"ala \o\l,th Ar. balJ, however Ar /;alii meotns 'yes.
. ''''''''<un
'.mlr n ' ........ ' .
da\, time.
abo 'the fi"t
o f t. he mon th' (e .g . 'ama fast/'U 'fa'GIn/ruh d
SUtlTlC: SAr. 'mt (pI. 'mm, 'mn) 'cubit', Soq. 'emeh.
'JnbJki, 'JnbJkkJmu.
••nb.ya b,IoIabe unwilling. refuse. reJe.;t';
' doubt . &. also Rundg"," IISS:..l'p nd
~sslm: V('n S~cn 380 COnnects ,m, of ;nba~
, kk. m~. In In, .hrough'; <p. also ~kk. Ina ail
eleventh day of the month', lit. 'the tent ay Heb. 'amma. anc. Aram. 'mh, Syr 'an1mala, Ug.
amr Md. ama, Akk. ammaru.
SEMITIC: ';mb-is a compound of the negative element ~Ithout. Littmann 1964, '72 consldcn.. ' ''Ilh rocr-
'In and the preposition" 'in' For the negative '<'n, \at1on~ "In of . -1. '·1
and the 6"t day'); , . ' . ' ol'U'U a as a ncgau\"'C cJement.
k'~II" 'anllra 'all day'. lalla 'anllru every day. ETH'IOPIC: Te. 'ammat 'Forearm. cubit', Tna . 'JnJ- cp, AT. 'in. Heb. 'en. Samaritan-Aram. '111, Akk ETHI~P1c" Te. I,lnfhdl ·V.ilhout'. Tna. ~nbdld (for
'"mbiir, \c."e Praetonus 1~71 241. Amh, ~nbalii Ifrom
mal, Amh. amat (From Geez); passed into Cushitic : yanu. Ug. yanu 'there IS not' For 'Jn 10 EthioplC
w~'iHa 'dlnEra 'on that day';
Som. ama'amad. For the measure of the '.Jmal. see and Ar. 'in, see leslau, AIO.\' 29 (969).137-145. Geez) See also ~ (,<,hen. GLEeS 4 (1945-R) 62-3
ETHIOPIC'" Gar, OVft13ra 'sun', Gurage. ~mir •. _):"'~Ii" Pankhurst 19691: 32. ETHIOPIC: the negative '.In also OC4,;urs in 'JndiN • I
'sun' IS not to l'te connected with Amh. gamba r disk 'anbill. h'}IlA;I- (K 0) 'flute';
don't know' (see below), in Amh. ;mk"'an (see Prac-
of the sun', as suggested by P~aelO~us 1879:51'~i 'aml.nt h""T1T; see maIn. IOrius 1879:259: Cohen 1939:324), and in the Gura- from Amh an"illa: aho In Tna ',lmhl1ta.
The rOOl abo occurs in Cushlue: BII. Qu.a. ama
ge dialec.s As for G. 'JnbJ, cp. Tna 'Jmh, Mia.
'morning', Kham. amif. Reinisch ~887:30 ld~n.Ufie: 'amotorqe h'l"+Cof: (T+) 'bread';
'Jnbi bala 'refuse'. Amh . .Jmhi alii~ passed IOtO Cush- ('al)'anbarsin (hA)h111C:1I.1 (T,M) 'whICh"
It also with Sa,Af ahorj, Or. aboro. For '~nltr SU~ note that T has 'amolarqe. name of a country.
from 'mr (see '/Jmmara. above) with a possIbly bas~c
ItIC: BIi.Qua.Kham. emb,.... Qem. enbi)', In .he ioght not extoogulShed. which does not d"appear,
of the analYSIS of G. 'Jnbi as ·,m-b, it is doubtful
meaning 'shme, be lIght', see Rundgre~. Onencaita 'ametist, )ametas~on, )ametes~inos, 'arnetiSO~ils the Inillal '~/ ...eem" to he the ArabiC arth.:lc. hut the
32 (I Q6Jl. J 82. On a possible connection between that 'imbi is to be connected With ·ahaya. as sug- root IS not ArabiC,
h"'1.1;t'i'l' : h"'1.-"I'l(l11 ; h"'L1:I'lm. 'l'1'l : h"'L gested by leslau 1979·5 10 connectIOn w'th Gur.
'um,r and orr 'sun', see Leslau 1956: 186. 1;{I'I'1'l 'amethyst'; ebbd. 'an basi h111"; see 'anl>a.,Q,
, h.,..C:hT, pI. of mar!1 (see mar~a). from Gk, ameth:vslOS. ace. amelhyslon 'amethyst'
'anoo' h 1i1b, see nab'a. 'anba,i (pI. 'aniibJI) h111"1 ·Iocust. gra".
'amsil h.,.."A. see masala. 'amlin
, h"""I1; see marana. hopper'; .
'.nb.1 h111A. (Lt) 'anbil h111A 'saddle';
'amisini! h.,lI.tT (D 1404,K') 'kind of musI- 'omtiton h""m.+1 (It) 'kind of disease', SEMITIC' Dlllmann fiS9 (follOWIng ludoit) conne'"
, van ant of ~anbtil. below ItWith Ar, " 'gush forth'
cal Instrument'; ETHIOPIC': Tna, 'lJllbJla, 'amPilta 'locust', Te, 'am-
'amaya hoof (T.M) 'accomphsh, fimsh·.
from Ok. amasenilh, transcription of Heb. <01 has- '.nbala 1.1011. preposition and conJunction: bata, Amh.Arg,Gaf 'Qn/'liita. 'Gur. amhiila, also
J"mi'n,!; also Syr. 'onsa ....niH'an (in Payne Smith 239), ~m .. h.,..lI; see ..,,, II. ta. ·without. save. before. except for. except Cushitic: Aw. anbiti, BII. ~n"ald. Kham. 'ahta, It
(that). excepting. with the exception of. unless may evcn be borrowed from (-ushitll:. W<.\j~ber8
'amser. 'am~ir h""/l,C : h""/f.C; see miisir. lana h~ '['; (when), but. but also. rather, outside of. be- 1937c: 188 connects" WIth Amh. anball alii "kIP',
'allsa 'but J' (note the form 'all); sides. apart from. regardless of. so that not'; but an/lil{{ alii is undoubtedl,!- it denominative. There
'ames\ihi h"'1.I'lY~ (T M.) 'the eastern door of is no connection between 'anbaNi and Or, a~,intsa,
a church. gateway of a church compound'; SFMITIC: Ar. 'ami, SAr. 'n, Heb. 'anI, anc. Aram.
:.a'imbala. same ~
as suggested by Praetonus, LD.lfG 43 (188Q)32I'2,
,tina, Syr. 'ena, Md. ana, Ph. 'n, Ug. an: augmented :a'Jnbala 'ama 'except (that), unless (that)';
for the terms connected \\lth the church ending 10
Brockclmann 1950:~8 thinks that the CUshltlC root
by k IR Heb. 'iin;;!;i. Aram. '"k. Ph. 'lIk, Ug. ank, 'Jnbala dii'amu 'but not. but'; :a'Jnnala dii'amu IS taken from Semitic.
-lihi "10 parte mlsllche", see Guidi 1906:921. 'unless' ;
Akk. anaku. For more detaIls, see Brockelmann
'amos, h'l"lt (T) 'load': 1908:297-9. Barth 1913:3, :a'.nbala :a + verb 'but, except'; 'anOO,. h 1fl"l (T) = Amh OIlnOla 'honey
ETHlOP1C: Te. 'ana, Tna. 'ane. Amh. ,me, Har. an, :a'Jnbala kama + imperfect 'unless'; made from the blooms of the !1",~ga-grass',
could It be an interpretation of the proper name Gur. ana, Arg. ay: also in Cushitic: Bil.QuaKham. (KG) = Amh. sall>ol, ",Ibol ·kond of grass'
'albo---;:a'anbala 'only';
Amos" from Heb. 'iimos? an, Be. ane, Sa.Af anu.
the suffix pronouns are attached to the base ·.Jnbale-; '.nbul, h11l-'I' (1(') ·hud. bloom';
'amat (pI. 'a'Jmiil) hOOT 'maid', '(}n- I ",-; see 'imb-, 'anda'i. it is composed or '.In- (for which see also ',mbapw)
'amalJnna (It) 'state of being a maidservant'; and -bala, from Amh, Jnbur
'.n- II h1-. in '.nka 'so then'. '.ngii'indeed·. SEMITIC: Soq. di-hal 'without'. Heb. hal 'not'. Syr.
SEMmc: AT. 'arnot 'bondswoman, slave girl', SAT. .. nooya h1i1f; see '>III>-.
'ml, Heb. 'omcirh} , Aram. 'amra. Syr, >am(J)!t1, '.lIbmu 'you (pi) take this!'; balay'without', Ug. bal ·not'. Ph. hi. Akk halu, bali
Md amla. Ph. 'ml, Ug. ami, Akk. amtu. On thiS 'without'. For hI augmented by I. cp, Heb. billi '.nbayna. '.mboyno h1I1f-~ I h""Of,~ 'for the
for this element, see· na-, >.mbala, and cpo Te. ';}nka
blradlcal roo •• see Noeldeke 1910: 129-30. Note that 'without', Ph, bit 'except', SAr hi-III, bl-tv 'WIthout'
'take!', Amh. ilnka. sake of. on account of, because of. on hehalf
10 Geez the final -I is considered a radical of the
As for Ar. bal, it expresses a denial after an interrog-
of. about. concerning';
root If one Judges by the plural ·a'il/nat. 'in h,1 'kind of measure'; ative or affirmative clause 'no. not at all. quite the
contrary' (see Blachere 780. lane 243). Sec also D, 'iJnbayna-zJ 'on account of this';
ETHIOPIC Te. 'Omal 'handmaid. slave girl', Amb.
anuit. From Heb. h,n through Greek transcription ein; cpo Cohen 1976: 65. Dillmann's 1907: 404 demation of from '(m~ and barna. For 'tin. see ',mbtJla; for barniJ,
also Ug. hn 'liquid measure'. 'Jnbala from 'ilmbala is unlikely since mb does not see below.
18 •• ngebeniy
1ln.di 29

'anadi ),~J!. (Ll) 'anda )'1J! 'skin, hide, 'andirdiinos "1J1.CII ... II (Ll) 'otter';
from Gk, en),dridos, gen. sg. of enydris 'otter'
SEMITIC: Nyberg 2.32 denves It. Wilh reserv3tio
f rom Ar. nogi', nagf' 'wholesome, healthful' "a'ga'a
ns, for the develop f
ieather, thong, "hip'; I > , . '

'be wholesome, be beneficial with a baSIC mea .

plate', cpo Gk 1~;rn..1 0 meaning ~rrast. breast
haM" ',mada 'thong' (see habl): 'andaripos "1~t-"1I (U) 'kind of gazelle'; 'd' rung shield' , ~,Ar /)agaja hrtast, leather
'be pure. be cIear. an lor the passage of meanm h
from Sa. anada ada. • . 'be' g e SEMITIC Dletnch 16R
ETHIOI'IC CUShllIC: 'skin', Be.
from Gk. anrholops 'antelope', see Hommel compares A ~. naq~ya. pure and niqf)' 'marrow of
a bone', ThiS denvatlOn is doubtful. Rab .. 1975'90 ,ul!gco;I< ~r nagd ~reast'
'.ndi'i "1J!'t 'I don't know, perhaps. proba- 1877:xxlx. d ,~u~~,ts. wuh rescrvdtJom Hcb
ETHIOPIC: Te. 'ilngaro 'marrow. best part of a thin' "f8f_ 'in front' NeUher or h .'.
satisfaclOf)'. t esc- suggeStions .IS
hI)·; , " 'andet )'1~-l- (Gr.436) 'fly' (n.). Tna. 'ang • ii', A m h ang • a. g.
J.lndiN la'Jmma, ·.mdari 'JmmQ-nu perhaps,
!:~~1;~3 Tna .. -·JnK<Jd'a 'bad, bad:~'ne' 0111
Ina. 'Jnd;l'i 'I don't know', Am~. anga 'nf; see mi'anaf ..,,, ~tj:.
ETHIOPIC 'angebeniiy ),1'UIS,f. (D 1405), 'angebeniiwi G, g"'ad~a ,~~~tlng~~dOI~ conn~~b the noun \\-Ith
(d'Abbadie 535 also ,mdo.): from the negative 'i/n
'anf (pI. 'a'(a)nti/) ),1tj: 'nose, nostril';
)'1'1.0.'1'£ (mascl, 'angebeniyit, 'angobeniwit heart in the ch;s~,tflke . that IS, p.ilpHatJon of the
(for which see ',nib·, above), a?d yd-, ,'oydiJ<a ),no,'1~-l- , )'1'1.o,'1'£-l- (fern.) (K) 'nobl;
'li.nem:', below, The form 'ilndiN gl\'CS the Impres- SEMITIC: Ar. ·an/'nose, forepart of anything', SAr. noble lady'; .
sion of hemg a verbal noun with the suffix pronoun 'f(pl. "if) 'fa~ade' ryv. Mulier, ZAW 75(1963).306), ~:~gug, 'ang"ag" ),11-"1 , ),')'/''/' (T): see 'an-
-I of the 1st person. for which cpo ';}fIbi.
'allgeben (K') 'offspring of an important fami-
Heb. 'ap 'nose', Aram. 'appe, Syr. 'appe 'nostril,
Iy' ;
face',Md. anpia 'face', Ug. ap, Akk. appu 'nose' 'angalgo "1"111.?, see galoRa.
'and.bira, 'andabiirii )'1~llt- , ),111 Ilt-, (K ETHIOPI~; ~mh. angebenaYI 'otfspnng of an impor-
For olher meanings of the rool, see D. Cohen
337) 'andabarii )'1~Ot- 'degenerate, illegiti-
mate child, bastard, (T M) dissolute. lustful,
1970:26. lant family (from Geez). On thiS emgmatlc word 'aniig"anaslis, 'aniig"~nas!as ),'1,/,111m.1I , ),'1
see Littmann 19l339; 1. Pi renne, JES 15 (1982):
ETHIOPIC: Te. 'an(a)/'nose', Tna. 'anji, Gar "ra, '/'1_111'11: (T) 'aniigunislis ),"1-~IIm.II. (Ll)
GUT. afuna, Har. ilf; 'blow the nose': Amh . • n! ala, 113-5. The IdentificatIOn with La!. ingenullS 'noble'
'anagus!'s ),"1-I'Im.1'I 'the minor order
SEMITIC Dillmann 1103 denves it. with reserva- annii(ii. Gur. if bara; also in Cushitic: Kam. mifu suggested by GUIdi, ZA II (1896).413 IS unhkely.
ye', Had. Imfii-kko. Amharic also {Iii)niiflinniifii 'get A. Schali (m an unpubhshed paper) suggests either entrusted with the recltallon of the lections
tions. from a non-cxiSlent dabrQ'fi'O 'recede, be degen-
angry, speak through the nose', Gur. (Iii)nfanniifii AT. naglb 'nobly-barn', or Oromo hanga/a, anKara and responsory psalms, rankmS below the
erate', Dillmann 1907:27 connects It with Ar. sub-deacons' ;
dabara 'turn one's back' and states that "it appears 'talk angrily', connected with 'nf 'nose' (Cohen 'first, first-born' .
to mean properly 'that which turns away from itself, 1939:275); cpo also Heb. 'anef 'get angry'. Contrary lan~g: ~nas,lisawi, same, also 'referring to the
that which abandons its nature' ". to Cohen 1947:no.35, Amh. af.n?a 'nose' (also 'angada I (pI. 'anagad) ,,""1.11 'foreigner, stran- 'anag anas!;s' ,
ETHIOPI(: Amh. andabiirra 'spOiled, unmannerly. anf.?a) IS from the root nf! 'blow the nose' (see ger, alien, guest'; from Gk. anaRniistfs 'reader, member of minor
rude' (undoubtedly from Geez). DTW 335 com- Leslau 1979:452) and is not to be connected with '.lIgadaw; 'that refers to a stranger or guest'; order ~n _church', also (,hr.-Ar 'aniiKllus" Syr
pares It with Amh. diibrahom 'minstrel, beggar'. 'nf 'nose', 'anagnos,a.
'..angada 'receive a guest, show hospitality,
'andabulli "1~IJ-I\ (Lt), a kind of large-leafed '.nfori, 'anfora "1
t::t- , ), 1t::t- 'anaphora, entertain' (denominative);
la'angada 'travel about, become a stranger,
ETHIOPIC: Tna ·anag",l.rtes, Amh. anag-Jn3stis,
plant, the part of the religious ceremony during 'aniguslis ),'1,,.IIm.II; see 'aniig'.n,stiJ.
which the Eucharistic elements are offered as emigrate, be a guest, lodge as guest';
ErHIOPIC Amh . .mdahulla. imdah"ahulla (for which
an oblation, (T) priest (that is, the one who 'asta'angada (Y.M) 'receive a guest, show hospt- 'ang"at "11--l- (T) 'citrus frutt',
"" Strelcyn 1973 no. 79). Gur. • ndahul/a. see also 9ng"ar
performs the anaphora)'; tality' ;
'and"'llayon, 'and"'lti)'on "1 ~~-l-1"1 , "1 ~~ la'angado(t) 'hospitality, entertainment of 'angaz ),1111 (T B.M) 'armpit'
from Gk. anaphorii 'Eucharistic offering'; also In
1:1"1 'a 'pace of fifteen years'; guests, state of being a host, state of being a
Chr.-Ar. niiJur, noJura. Syr. 'anaporG 'an~asl ), 1.l.1I-l-; see nahs.
from Lac indictio through Gk. indiktion 'a period of guest, emigra tion' ;
'.nga "1;J (mostly in questions) 'then indeed?,
fifteen years\ also Chr.-Ar. (>ad-daln) 'ol-ina,qtf
'Ne\'. Year" Syr. 'andeqr(rona 'a space of fifteen so then, so, surely, really, indeed, well now!'
ETHtoPlc: from the root nagada 'travel' (sec below):
also Tna. 'a-'angiidii 'receive a guest', 'JngJda
'anaha, 'anoha ),".., , ), ....., ; see nwh. noha
- - -
years', Amh. imdo,/IJyon 'the day in which light was (Dillmann 1907:415); 'ani~ar!is )''1'''Cm.1I (Lt); see 'olliik" mis.
'guest', Te. 'angiida 'be a guest' (for whIch see
from ';m (see ·;mka) and -go; note that the meanings Cohen 1939:253), Gaf. • ng.dii 'guest', Har nugda, 'anb "1h 'so, then I, therefore, wherefore,
'andar "1 ~C (Lt) 'flute', of Jangii come close to those of ·anka.
ETHIOPIC: Tna. 'anga 'in case', Gur. aga.
Gur. niigda.
now then, forthwtth, yet, and so' (see 0111-
mann 1907:414-5);
ETHIOPJ( Amh. andar, ;mdur 'flute'; variant of 'anz;- 'angada II "1"1.11 (T) 'breast';
ra.- 'ang"a' ('angu') ),1.,..{) (),11-{)) 'marrow, the •
',nko-ssa 'then, therefore';
IS a misprint for 'angad,o, below. 'allka-ssa-kc 'then';
soft fat of animals';
'andarabbi ),1~CIl (Gt) 'black magic, aggres- 'anka fadi lany more';
)ang"i<a 'break a bone to take out the mar-
Sion on enemy's property';
row' (denominative); 'angad'i ('ang.d,i) "1"1~>' ("1"~'i) 'breast, 'a~Jalta 'anka 'once more, this once';
ETHIOPIC; Amh. andiirilbbi. andiirilbbe 'malevolent chest, leather cuirass, breastplate, stole (for a verb-ke '.lIka 'now therefore',
'aSlanlig"a'a 'remove (the fat) from the mar-
or enl force' description, see mO!a~t)'; wa-verb ',"ka 'and so, therefore';
row, suck the marrow';
rnalbasa ',ng,d'a 'breastplate' (see labsa); 'i-verb 'anka 'no longer, no more';
30 'anqe •

• 'oniimi 'weaver; SEMITIC: Ar. 'oniiq 'vulture ' -
~1/~iJ ....\sa~k.t
'I-H:rb 'no more ~
, '. ',mum 'woven', ETHIOPIC: Amh . ullqe Unr,1l (wIth q > c) ' haWk'
'Okl.:o '.lnka·:a- no more.
';m1110 'texture, web'; Gur. anq';t. Reinisch 1895 12 compare~ Be ek '
c(1mp~l"ed llf •.,,, and the clement -ka (see Rund- '.lIImol 'weaving, weave, woven work, texture, (from ayke, anke). . e
grc:n ,1)55 :217. but see lb. 294). The connection with
Aram. J.~·I1" 'so then' (with metathesIs). suggested fabric' ; 'anqi )'1ot (KG) 'Iouse';
~l' Barth 1893:17. 18, IS unlikeley, For ,,11', cp. Ar mii'JIJam 'woven work, loom';
see .unqal, and I}enqe.
nJJ'mim '100m, weaver's beam, place of weav.
'illna 'L,h'ld" • • I~c"-
-. l'. hell"• see also '.mba/a. '.111/0 I.
lJ\: ~.
. ,
1*". "1*".

t-:THlOI'IC ' Amh , .mkiya 'in that case. well lh~n ; 109; 'anq"a' h (T) .. nq"a, an exclam _ 'anqis, 'onqiis 1I1.4>1l : ~1,+1l
see naqasa Ill.
perhilp~ alSl) Tna. '.mkd 'but'. Te. ',mkii (in RClnlsch SEMITIC: SAr. 'nm ·weavers'.
. 0 f·JOY 'aha.,
tlOn l b ravo!, well now!, hurrah'a
1890: IS7) Sec also hallk. ETHIOPIC Tna. 'olloma. 'a/lima 'weave', Amh. an. h al·1 I'·
., .. :anq.~, 'anqa~ (pi 'O/Illq,'.<) ),1</'l\' • 11')4'"
Itiima (from Geez). The derivation of Amh. samma_ door, gate, portal, narrow pass. vestibule,
'anak "a', 'anak "a' )''OIt'' : ),'O!;>." 'locust· ETHIOPIC: Tna. 'ilnq"a< 'very well. bravo!', Amh. chap!er, section, (Gt) cycle';
lie 'weaver' (also Arg.Gur. .flimmane) from .\~ < s ilnk""·a.
like grasshopper, cankerworm', (causative morpheme) and 'mn, metathesis of G 'aqqabe 'anqas 'doorkeeper';
ETHIOPIC Amh. llnko 'young locust'. Practorius, 'anama 'weave', suggested by Praetorius 1879: 136. is 'anq".bat ~').,...n'l'; see mqbal. SEMITIC' ; Ar. naqada 'crack open' (s(1 Dlllmann b.N).
ZD.IfG 4) (1889). 3~2 denves It from Cushlt.c: Af. unlikely. As for .fammane 'weaver' it derives from ETH.~OPIC' Tna. 'anqiiJ 'gate. verhal root' Amh
unkllft. NOlC, howcYeT. loss of b in G. >aniik"iI'. a Jammu 'toga-like dress' with the suffix -!Je. 'anqar )'1:J>A 'Iouse, vermm'. anqo$ (from Gecz). '
feature which IS not normal for Geez. unless b is a ETHIOPIC, from Cushitlc ' Af InqiU'louse' See also
suffh In Afar '.nama II 1I~(}p; see nwm. noma. >anql. 'anqet )'1'1::}-; see 'ullqe.

'ankup r h1h·T (T) 'fish, (MA) hyena'; 'ananyi ),'O1! (T) 'cloud'; 'anq"alit h'}*t\..), 'cheese'; 'anqat ~ 14':}-; see IIUqatu.

In the meanmg 'fish' ';mkup "-Hl-T is a misprint In could It be a transcription of Heb. <anan 'clOUd"! ETHIOPIC: Amh. anq" alit 'milk curds'. The Idcnlifica. >anqu!, anq"a! ~1ojl1' , h1""1' (T) 'nose'
relation to '.mkur "1h-1', unless the original form is tlOn with G. <".q"·an. ',111Q"an 'cream, curds', suggest.
'ilnkup and ,.m},;I~! would then be a misprint. Also. 'anpa'anpe>
. , 'anpa'anpe . "1Ah 1 A, ed by Praetonus 1879:VII, is unlIkely. It IS ,"deed
, 'anqa!awros h')-rm(l)-C'll. (Lt) 'anqatawros
Ihe meanings 'fish' and 'hyena' for the same noun see 'iJllpiippe. temptmg to compare '<Jnq"an with '.mq"alit, with 1I1-rIlj(l)-C'1l 'Centaur' , .
• ••
arc ~.trangc.
alternance of liquids, but '~nq"'a" is a Sccondary
from Gk onokt'",auros '~lss.centl\ur,
'ankup II ~'Hl-T
,. . , h'}A'}A, : ),')A'}A,; see 'all'
'anpanpe form of '<Jq"an. with inserted It.
(T.M) 'raisin' -

'anqoqaho, >.nqoqaho, 'anqoq"aho, 'anqoq"aho
(Lt) 'hormit';
. 'anahartis ),'OItCm.ll , ), ....,Cm.ll
'anak"artis, -
)anpappe, -
);)npanpe, -
>anpanpe --
)anpa<anpc, ),)0- )'141-r" • ~141-r" • ),1.""",, • ~1414"" ,
'ansalil h 1MA (Lt) 'fennel',
pa"npe h1AA, .. h1A1~ ; 1I1A'}A, .. )'1A~ (K) 'anqoqa~o> 'anqoqa~o h,}41-r,f, : h')41-r,f, ETHIOPIC'; Amh. allS,JllI/. The identaficatlon of Amh
from Gk. unakhiirt>tes 'hermit'; also Chr.·Ar 'analju· 'egg' ; JIIsillal with G. sJlan 'dill' suggested by PractoTius
'}A, : ·h')Ah1A, 'ulcers resulting from elephan. 1879 157 doubtful.
rit IS
tiasls, pustules'; SEMITIC probably Soq. qeileilholl, Sh. qoh/'I. Mh.
'ankaso, 'ankaso, 'ankos, 'ankas )'1h{l : ),') 'allpapa (T.Y M),suffer from ulcers' (denomina, qo~a/el. Cohen 1947 no. 195 also compares it with 'nsr, ta'ansora 'f'h 1flt. 'become like an eagle',
h{l : ), 11>1l : ), 1hll (DT) 'myrrh. onyx, CIvet, tive); . Ar. kayka 'egg'.
denominative from 'allSJrt, pl. Of/'''5r 't!agle', below
(T) cj"ot cat', ETHIOPIC: Te. l<Jnqoq~JO, Tna. '(1ftq"'af Jlw, lJnqilali~l.
SEMITIC: Grimme 1914:261 connects it with Ar.
Amh.Arg. illlqulal, Gaf.Gur. dnq"ii,-Gur. also <mqu- 'ansirenis )'1fl.t:.tll (Lt) 'siren';
from Gk. onrks 'onyx'; also Aram. 'ena/s 'onyx', nabba (nbb) 'have a knotted stem', 'UI.bub 'knot of
la, Har. aqub. The root is common with Cushltic
. )t·nkii. See also 'oniki'on. hankilso.
Svr. . .
a stem' See also 'elpapu, ~limpappe. I}elpapa. Guidi,
Or. (h)anqiiq.i, Sa. Ullqiiqoho, '"q"aloi.>h, Had. qun-
see sarnOIl.
Aelh/Ops I (1922). 50 derives it from Ok. ilypopia, qa, Som. ugah. See Cerulli 1936:235, Cohen 1947.
'anku! h 11l-'1' (T) 'fish'; nom.·acc. pI. of hypopion 'bruises'. 'ansariq ),1flt-r (T.M) 'colored cloth (usuallv
no. 195. For the connection with 'testicles'. see Les- red), cloth of silk and gold thread'. .
sec 'OJn},; up I. lau 1979: 70, under >lIqulii.
'anparawzi 1I1A~II"" (T) 'bird of prey';
'Onikyon, 'Inekyon, 'anakyon .t.thl"1 : lI~hl"

'anqar, >anqir 1I'}."c • 1I1,+C 'the interior
';)nS<)sa- ~'){ll\ 'cattle, livestock, animals,
perhaps from Gk. • apharpazousa 'that snatches beast' ;
1 : )'1h1"1 'onyx, precious stone'; away', from apharpazo. See also >an{araw:a. part of the mouth, throat';
la'allsaSlI 'become like a savage beast, be like a
from Gk onykhion 'kmd of onyx' See also 'ankaso. ETHIOPIC: Te. <anqiir 'uvula, throat, palate', Tna.
'anaqa II~'" (K +) 'shout, sob'; wild animal, become brutish' (denominative);
'in uti h.)./\. (T. M) 'moth'. <anqar. Amh. anqar; also in Cushitic: Bil.Sa. anqar. 'ansus 'bestial. brutish, animal (adj)';
SlMITlC: Heb. ·anaq 'sigh'; related to Aram. IIJ'aq Af. anqara, Be. ankar la'allsasol 'brutality';
'Inama I Va'nam, YJ'nam) 'groan', Akk. n8qu 'cry'; see also nJhqa.
h~OIJ 'weave" , >anq"ari, 'anq"ari ), ,}"",~, "')""'t., (T) >anqu- SEMITIC: the connection with Semitic 'II.~ 'tame-',
'a'nama, causative;
'onqe (pI. 'aniiqay), 'anqet II''''': • )',}'I:'''' ra h1ojl~, 'anqori 1I,}41~ 'cell of a honey· suggested by D. Cohen 1970:';6, is not convinclOg.
la'anma 'be woven" ,
'hawk, kite'; comb' ; ETHIOPI(,: Tna. ',1IJ.5JSQ "101mal, beast, cattle', Te.
32 '.mta

..,n.tUS. Amh GUT ;mJiHQ, Dillmann 386 derives, it 'anol 1\'1:" (T.M) = Amh. doqma 'kmd of
ba)3n1a kama, ba';Jnta :akama 'Conee .
__________~3~3 ____________________~'antidiqomi,..."

frC'm G, 'an,f(JJOWQ 'walk slowly'; so also Practonus tree' . (that whIch),; mlng 'be·
nIl, la'anlala '~1\1"'1\ 'be
1~1. Ij7. M Cohen. GLEeS 5 (1948-51) 86.
. ImpaUenl, ~nt,
seems to be a misspelling of 'arot, or the other way the suffix pronouns are attached to baJanU'a_'
. IIntaled, be mdlgnant, be weary or feel
around. e.g. ba)antPahu 'about him'; . annoyed, feel dlSgusI. (10: ° I be Idle loar'
'an>s1 (pi 'a 'nils) 1\1ft:" 'woman, wife, fe: la'ont;,lo " . "
Impatlenl"e. spite, dis{!ust annoy ..
male', ~er\'es also as sex marker with animals, 'anla 1\1-,., fern. 'anti 1\1·t 'you' (sg), SEMITIC. Soq. 'amI 'SIde' Dlllmann 1907:401 anee, (KO) Idleness',
connects G. ,~nto In ongin (not In me ' )' n.2 C ,

'aJras 'an.lsl (or 'a'nus) 'mares'. ·adg 'onJSl it also serves as a vocative element: e.g. 'onta A ~. . anmg \I.,th ('.mla·anl.lo 'accldentallv')'
He. 'el, r. · mda, and Identifies I'I WlI. h
'she-ass' • Jahuya 'you, my brother!'; 'antiil (K*) 'impatience' - •
• •
the demonstratlve pronoun. While Delitzsch 115
)anastiro 'women folk. women.
- SEMITIC, masculine: Ar. >anta, SAr. ", Soq. Iret, accepts the Idea of the demonstrative he re· I h
·d ·fi . " e c SIal
~nlii~e (Gr) ·repugnance: dhgust. mdignatlUn"
"''!Yes; Heb. )QlIa. Aram. 'onto, Syr. 'a(n)t, Md. anar, Ug. h
of tel entl cation with Heb. 't!, Ar. <inda. ala antal, (T) mal'antal 'Impatlent, (T) who
't1fl!lSIOI1'/, 'an.,srQv. >onJstJ)'Gwi 'female, femi- at, Akk. otta; feminme: AT. 'ami, Soq. hit, Heb, Koehler 100, Baumgarlner 97 likewl·se c . grumbles' ;
'att, Aram. 'nlY, Syr. Jalti, Akk. atli. For more
' . onneet It
mne, wIth Heb: "1 togelh:r Wllh, by Ihe SIde of', Ph. '1 la'anlallala 'be impatIenl, be un",lIing',
SEMITIC AT. 'UfIla 'woman, female', SAr. 'flf-I, >11, delalis. see Barlh 1913 :8-10. Akk. 1111 along wIth. For Akkadian cp Ih .'
'·h be' . . .ra eruu SEMITIC' Ar 'alai •. Ik
Mh leI (for ler; Bittner 1916:21), Heb. 'i.ffii « ETHIOPIC, masculine : Te. ';mIa, Tna. 'onta ()atta) '0 WIt, side. Rundgren 1955:201 denves '.mla wh . a"a In a disordered way (man
you!' (the pronoun 'you' is expressed by nassJ~a). o has lost hiS temper). get angry (RUlICka 1.55)
·mJa). Aram. "ntilla, 'iltJ!D, Syr. 'alto. Md. onto, from milnta; els.ewhcre (p.218) he denves it from
anal, Ph 'ii, Ug. at-I. Akk. assa,u « ansalu). Amh antii, Gar. ant, anto, GUT. alii (also axii for >tllI( aj > ·iI.'. It IS also pOSSible to analyze 'Jnla as :.nlal am 1.1,,.1\9" (OK T). '.nlalim 1.1'''''9''
ETHIOPIC Tna. 'anJslii},/i, 'anilsli 'woman', Te. '.:ISSEI which see Leslau 1979:35); feminine: Tna. )anti • 'In (for which see Akk. in, ina 'in, through'~ see also kmd of measure' •
(for '~m,.t), 'al/iiS 'female', Amh. ani/sl, ;milst 'worn- 'Qtli '0 you!' {the pronoun 'you' IS expressed by 'anbala, '~n=a) and a demonstratl .. e element -'(aJ
an' 9 GUT ,milst, iI,ito. Har. ;mils,i, Gar ans.Jtii. Arg. nJssJ~i}. Te. 'Jnti, Amh.Gaf. anti, Arg. ane. Gur ETHIOPIC: Te. >Jl 'on. m. by. \l.lth. because of'. 'JUa ETHIOPIC' Te.Tna 'anliilam 'a dry measure', For
im.,Jia. For ItS connection 'W,th 'ns. see nJ'sa. below. ati (also ax', for which see Leslau 1979.37). 'there',. Amh. ba·.mtii 'for the sake of' (from G ). more details on 'Jlllaillm St."'e Pank.hurst IQ69.
) T .... eez. 11117 .
The root also occurs in Cushitic; Bil. enti, Aw.Qua. a so .~n . na. mania, banta (for bii-'ilntii). Amh.
'.nsa) 1.1ftJ'. (KD 1405) 'supplementary mmta; with metathesis in Te. matan 'for the sake
enl. Sa.Af. alU. Qem. anti. See also 'antammu, 'an- 'ntlll, la'anlallal. "'I\')"'A'~I\; 'ee 'nll
monlh'; tall. of'. Tna. m,lan. See also Remisch 1909149.
from Ar 'an-nasi, 'mtercalary days of the Coptic ' 1\1:"00- 'you' (pI. masc.);
year' '3nla I 1.11' 'through, by way of, by, at, into, '3nta " ~ 11' (relatIve pronoun, feminIne) SFMITIC' Ar 'antlU"u. Seq tin, Heb. 'tUlrm (from
to, in Ihe direction of, because' (see Dillmann 'who, that, which';
'anlr lll ). Ararn, 'anlun, Syr '(lI/em, Md. analun, lig.
'an~ir h "'lC, see na~~ara. 1907;401-2); Ihe suffix pronouns are attached to the base atm, Akk. allu For more details, see Barth
is used with various prepositions: e.g_ '.nta '.nli>a-; e.g. "lIIi'aya 'that (she) of mIne'; 1913: 10IT

1\1,.", 'andorra

1\1f"; see drr.

diba 'on, over', 'Jnta mangala 'through', )~nla for the usage of the relative pronoun. see the mascu. :THI?PIC: Te. 'allium, Tna. 'antllm, 'attum'o you"
d.~ra 'behind', ,.nta q.dma 'in front of, 'Jnta line pronoun :0. The final ·1 is a feminine milrker (you IS ,e~pressed by nJJJ,l~alk"m), Gur alum,
",,,Ia 'through', ',"la ~aba 'by, along', ,.nta Amh.Gal.Arg. ,lIInan/a is rormed with the mor-

1\.,,,,,:,., see 'ansawa I. but the Init.ial )In .IS difficult to explain. It IS perhap~

ba~lilu 'he apart'; pheme of the plural imnii + atlla 'thou' Sec also
to be Identified WIth Te. '.11 ',"JIIla 'while she is', HaT.
Leslau 1956 ' 54 The root aho OCcur.. in Cushttu::
'an~a .. a I. 'a,,¥wa, 'a~wa (pi 'ana~ul) 1\11\ kama ';mla 'just as, as'; inli! 'she is' (so also Rundgren 1955 :2 11). Barlh
811. entin. Qua entail. Av.. am';. Sa. min. For the
'I' , 1\ 1 '" 'I' , 1\1,.'1' 'mouse, weasel'; it is also used as an expression of circum- 1913 : 109 states, "lch vermute emen berben- singular. see 'un/a.
stance; e.g. '.nla k".llahe 'all over', '.nla 'ayy schen Stamm" There IS the pOSSIbility of '.mla
SEMITIC' the connection with SAr ntjl\' 'destroy',
J.nol 'which way (did he go)?'; being common with Berber, but not taken from 'anl.n 1\1:"1 'you' (pI. fern 1.
Heb. ntho (nsy) 'fall in rums' (that IS, 'be destroy- Berber
ed') suggested by Nyberg 233 is unlikely. is used for the expression of an adverb, as In SEMITIC Ar 'unlunna. Soq 1m. He-b. 'aufn, Aram.-
ETHIOPlc: Tna. 'an{iJlm 'mouse', Te. 'on~oy, 'o1t$oy. )iJnta w~s!ii wa>anla >a/)iihii 'inwardly and Syr. 'Ullin, 'Ollt'n, Akk. nUllla. For morc details
Arg. hent; from Cushitic: Bil.Qem. ;miJwo. Qua. outwardly' ; '3nti'a· ~1tl\-; see ,.nta II. Barth 191.1 10ff.
tn,{ell-·ii. Sa.Af ondiiK·o. Kham. JCJWO (so also Prae- ba'.nla (zaba,.nta) 'about, concemmg, regard- ErHIOPIC Te. 'Jnt.m. Tna. 'ontm. 'Olt,'II '0 you!
1011 us. ZD.\fG 47[1893).338). Amhanc a,'1 'mouse'
ing, with regard to, with respect to, on accounl '3nl.kku (acc. 'anlakku. '.III.kk" 0) 1.1-l-h- ('you' is e~pressed by nJ.uJ~a'kJn); Amh.Arg
can go back to *01t$oy, *on~a)' > aJ'! (~;th n be- 'Ihat' (demonstralive), Har.Gaf Oriental Gur. same as m<l\cuhne; for
commg uro). In case it does not go back to .on~o)',
of. by reaSon of, for, on, for the sake of (as
West Gur. and Sodd". see L«I!lu 1956:54.
cpo Akk. oy~u 'weasel' See also honsawa, hanse. in the expression ba,.nta maryam 'for Mary's for the masculine, see :akku;
.. "
sake' [a beggar's cry)), for the purpose of, it is composed of '.1nta and -(k)ku, for whIch see 'antidiqomir!os, >an!idiqomirya!os 1\ 111\1l~""
'a~a .. i II 1\11\'1' (T) 'fly' (n). below.
because of, thanks to, on behalf of'; C(l1ft , 1\111\1l~""CJ'lnft'the religIOUS sect of
ba'.nla za + perfect 'because' (conj.); the Antidicomarianites (for which see W. H
, 1.1lt'l'A, 'aop"al 1\1lt'l'A 'kind of ba,.nta ZJ!ZJntu 'thus, therefore, for the reason '.nlikti (acc. 'anlakla) ~1;1-h·t 'thai' (fern.); Lampe. ed. A palrislic Greek lexico". Oxford,
ant. 1961, p. I 53a).
that' ; for the masculine. see :iJkIU;
see also ~ru~h'ol. 'a~nak'iil.
ba'~nta manl 'why?'; from 'Jnta augmented by ·k, -I; see also -(k)ku. from Gk. antidikomarianilis: see 'un!imJn:iil().~.
34 ~ appal~",oo
~kHI~I ________________________~~----------~--~--~----~'~'-2'~ 3S
",papa}" TT iT) -love, desire, .
'initoli hS(flf\. (Tl ')oung camel'. 'appela~oteo hA.A r-m. '} 'east "ind-,
'Opiip,' iT) 'fnend': \1 4().j translates It 'kind of ..
E~PI( -'mho ~1UJloIi ')oung female camel'.
demon' on the authonty of Ta~)a, but Tana from Gk. api/lolin. ace 5g. of apibolis, same. 'lI~P'fJ:') OS hAC.,r-fI (TI 'meat' ,
renders it v.ith Amh. wiidag 'friend' ~ote Probabl) rather ilIUmaI sacn
.... fUJi,. ~ ')/ll'~'\. '.nlUlu- ~ ')/ll'II-II; see
• that 'fnend' could be a euphemistic expresSion "'ppomidi ~ere ~A"'tJl AF.", (D), '.ppe-
for 'demon'; cpo also -ar,kt 'friend' (fern) used moo, "'~!"lmodi }"A.""~ I ~A""J1 fT), " -eppis qoppos., 'tppisqoppos h,A.1I • "'An I h,A"
I'l~AI'l 'bishop' . , _.
""filiI ~')IT\.fI.T iLl) 'small part". euphemlSticall) for 'snake_ See also 'eSFa Ip I, H IS a combination (If two \\ords . ~rpomidQ and
• liqa ."PPI!J qOf{'OsJrchblShop'
SE\OT1C probahfy to be c('Innected ~11h Ar. na!/a '3 II; podR,i; for epJ4)midii (from Gk. tpOrn';: ace ep&rn_
"'I!PIS q.oPfJC'~nnii 'funct.on of the b h p, q>l
small blt' Or lS then:" any connectJOn with Tna SE.\UTIC Grimme 1914:.264 connects It \\ilh Ar. Cial, see "ppe11UJS, below, for pod"•. see below
• • copa(]"
Wltilut '.:m1iJIut 'small poruon? ! ~abba 'deSire', Heb. 'ara f·b.}'} 'want"
, "'ppemidar }"A."'t~C (T \15w . In D 806). "ppe- from Gk. <pishp"" 'o'..ncer buhop also Te. • p-
• • •
~ '}Ill."C!(flfl: see 'an!ldiqomii,- 'apirupe 1'I;r~T iT) 'church custodian'; midi }"A."'tJl (KG) 'marble; ., p-.q°I'PDS, Amh. cPplSqopPDS. ~ also kDrr ...
lOS I!isqop/?01, 'OblUqubW kobas.
perhaps corrupt from Gk. presbYleros 'elder. priest', (\1.107 "rongl) renders Tayya's " hnii Mriid
>anlorto. ~'}(flC(flfl (KLt) 'hell, the mfemo, see also 'arpa/N. [the Amharic translation of '~ppenlld>rl by >a~tu I'Ik1: (Tl 'intenor room used for pmJ
'hail', in fact it also mean, ·marbie'). cv"
!h; u~dm\orld, Tatar (legendar) animal)': "'pasfU }"Tfli: (T) 'tent'.
posslbh from Gk. en tarlora "10 hell' (Sahnger)~ also from Gl. abaJon 'inacceSSIble r()(.'fD of a tctnple·
"'ppiimidis, -eppimides,'eppemidis ~~"'tJlfl :
Amh. ;""0"01 (from Geez!. See also ba,baros. >.ppediqs.yo, '.ppe<!"'Isayo ~A.JI. .pfli": ~A.~
h, k "'t F. fI : h, A. "'t "I fI, (t i '" ppemedes ~A. "'L 'a~~I)don, 'tPPI)don hAY.f.") t ~A!,f."),
'antlri",i h')IT\t-1D-1f (TI -bird of prey';
.ph·r- (n name of a fabulous tree;
.. (OT T) >Ippo)don h~J""')enchanters, ",z-
- from Gk, epldeksiou. gen. of epideksios 'auspicious' ards> IT) S~tan',
from Gk. epornides Inom. pi of ,p5mu) ·shoulde.. ;
>appif hA.'t:, name of the eleventh CoptiC it renders Heb. kJ!tfXJ! 'shoulders, sides' OT 5 5 from Gk cpaoidiin (gen. pI. or <p;nws' 'enthant.
'""," ~')/I 'while, "hereas, when_ .. en as. I month (corresponds to G. hamle); nusunderstood Ez 4 f. 2 and wrongly rendered "PI"- er'
although_ even though. smce; also used peri- ! medii by 'width of door' ~
rhrastically as partIciple or adjective: e.g. from Copuc ,pip. See also 'abib. >aq(q) h+ (T) 'leather boltle',
n'~ya ktiliJ'Cin '3n:a YJqalnomu "he saw others "'ppemos, 't'ppemus, "'ppomidi ~A. 'l"fI ; ~A. see .Iso "qiq.
"'ppifimyi, "'ppifimyi ~A. 4-")! : ~ 1:4-") J'
standing' (see D,llmann 1907:~19, 484-5); 'Eij'phany' ;
"":'h : ~~""tJl. (Lil ",ppomido >J."'tf.
MITfe perhaps AT. 'idii '"hen', SAc 'd. Dlilmann 'pnestly garment made of two PieceS JOined on I >Iqabir M·I]·}- (T) 'thi,tle'
from Gk. eplphan,ia 'Epiphany'; also Amh. e"pifa . lhe shoulder' (translation of the Heb. 'ep(>tj).
190~ :419 analYZe\ G ·~n:a as >arr-:a; \'on Soden 380 I >aqlimidon ~.p~"'tf. '}. I TI >aqlillkdin ~+~"'I
compares '.JII (If ·~n:a "llh All. ina 'in, through'
from Gk, epomis (act.:. ~g, epomiJa). same, -
II'} 't\\igs. (n euphorbia',
Rundgren 1955:202 hkewise g:i,'es to '.m ofwl:a the
, .
lidnlng 10 ..
'appolog.yu I'IAiI-..,\,- (LI) 'precious stone':
"'ppoppi, . },,~~
.. "'ppippe
I h.AA. 'hoopoe'; from Gk klimalldiin I gen. pI or klima,is) 'vine-
ETltIOPIC Te. ',mao 'while' {\o\ith a 'ananl J,.= (hat note that Gk, apologos means 'fable, stor),', branch'
from Gk . • popa (ace. (If '('Ops) 'hoopoe' See also
occurs on Tigre,. Pr.wonus 1879:80 demes Amh heppopO
>appolon I'IAfIo"); see >appal,yon. . "'q'es.)i\.fI.I', tGr 435) >aq1a'lyi h+ilfI!
>na ·"hi ..' from '.n:a; so also Rundgren 1955:61. .. •


'Ipplqte hA.p-t; see 'abaq/e .

'-"'UIIlul ~ ")lIUII-A; see :hll, 'an:iihlala. . . . hM.. A.(D 14(6) 'special room, sepa-
rate room':
from Gk ckklisra ·.",mbl). chun:h'. aho S)r
't"qlis~l·a. Amh. Qqlt~ya.
>anzar h ')/IC (Gr 436) -wild cat'; 'apporge, >Ipparge h~C'l I hAC1. 'firstling,
from Gk. apo!oipou, of apoloipM 'the re . first Offering';
sm....c the Amhanc equIvalent is ,,~C anaT one won. malOmg over.• >Iqlml h+"". see qoma
dcrs "'h~ther an:ur JS not a misprint ror anar. from Gk. aparkhc 'fi"'hng·. also Chr.-Ar 'abarko
>appoli!U hAlLffio 'Ihe shimmering of a grid- '\\me used for the Mass' See also 'appfJrg.J),oJ.and 'Iqmons h+MfI 'blShop',
~rt ~")lICT (K') 'splDdle': dle "; -
rrom Gk. hi.s:tnJonos. gcn :'>g of Irt~,.m6n ·leader.
from Amb. ~n.:~rl. ETHIOPIC Amh. appoli!u 'sparks of burning
the bult of a griddle' See also 'abolisu
SOOl on
>Ipporg.n I'IAc..,") (T) 'precious stone;
bIShop'. See also qomos.

>ap hT (TMA M) 'warrior. courageous, brave, see 'al!l!argiJyon, >aqin, >aqini, ''''lin ~.+") I ~.+), I ~,+").
strong' ~ >appaiaYOD, >appoloo hkAI'"") : hAfIo") 'he (T.!l.t) ''''Ian ~+'), (D 1.197) ''''Ian 11+") 'thistle.
• • • • >appargayoD, 'apparoga"on hAC"'Ir-") I I'IAr:.,
see also sap who destroys" thorn, (T) low-grow 109 plant, parasitic plant';
, >
M: (Lt) >Ipporiewon Met".." (T) >Ipporgan
from Gk. apol/yon 'a destroying one': also Amh. ht.c"'/") 'prec;ous stone: _. from Gk akan 'Ihistle'.
>eppifi'3yi ~1:4-')'; see >eppi}anayii. api.Jron 'destructive enemy'.
see also ·;yopPQrgilyon . >aqinim 1'1.+),,.; see qJnurn.
q __ _____________________~J~6~_______________________________'_"r_._bo
.aqaq mlql.:. __t
' 'aribot 37

.q.q m.q.q >..,.+ ' "".,,+ (T ~t) 'pe>lle and 'ar hC (Tl 'lime'; ~:=~-=~:=~~~~~~~~~--~--~~
'a ribot, 'arabonal, 'arabnat ht-flt , hlfl'i"
mortar. perhaps for 'rr and to be Identified with 'er 'Sun ,
day' > 'time' t ' hlflH· (01404, TOT), '.rbot hCflt SE..\UTJC~
the connection wah ~rn. 'rk "be long'
ETHfOPI( mh aqiiq moqaq. ~ame (Gr0238) 'ground corn', (Heb, 'a,o~) suggeSied by Brockelmann Iq28 49
, unhkely .
"qiq >.4:+ (T) 'perfume boHie, preClou, slone: 'uri'u (T') h-t-h- 'waist' fr~~ _Gk; araphalh, tran~nplIon of Heb. hiirfpo!, EmoPlc - Tna. - 'ara··.,/<,Q- ' be o
Id-. 'ar05:'QM"I
- ,, 'tJroga')
~arleO! grams of sand (2 Kings 17~ 19 - =
,old. Te. 'arraga 'become old'. Amh. orra~a, araida
from AT ~aq;q \!lan' (gem). al~o Amh . I1qlq 2 Sam. 17: (9).
, 'a"ayii hChY, (T) '."aya hCOY, see "'ya, beold' arORe 'Id' G ur, ragt?', Har ra~J ' -'
" 0 , The roots
'arbol ('.rabol) hCfl-l- (hlflt) 'kind of Iree'. are different In the various languages: ~rg (G_Te
'"qri~.,on h+{r')f'1 (Tl 'perfume 'era' h.t-" (DTB), 'era'e h.t-~, a name of the , ;;~~;"h), "~y (Amh), ,gy (Gur). Praelonus, ZD-
moon, ETHIOPIC Te. ';lrib 'a tree' See also 'arOI • (1893). 393, and Ceru)h 1936:268 deme II
'aqiron h,4'r.'1 (Tl 'ft)',
could be either a corrupt transcription of Heb. from Cushitic: Sam, rag 'to last' Kham , QTE'~ 'be.
perhaps fr(lm G~ okari "kind of mllc'
'aroda hC'JI 'one of the nails with which come old' is probably borrowed from Tna '~raf(a,
l'iireDh 'moon' or a misprint for 'eros, below, ,
Christ was crucified, (T) Ihe fourth one' (re-
~aqri!o, h~/rlnn , ,CC' 'ukrO!Ofl. fernng to the nail): .. rag I h.l"l (T): see 'frag I
'aru'er h~'tC (T) 'jackal',
from Ihe LatIn AREPO > ~c~ Aropo In which ~ .. rag II h.l"l (T), 'trag 'tl"l (KG) 'sword,
'Iqir»o h:"Cf'; see "arara III . d an dsubstltuted
'ara'ut hCD-t 'yoke, band for the neck, collar'; was mlsrea by Jl.. do; thus 'JiG'Jl.
(KG) sword from Balaw (Ihe ancienl Mushm
'Iqi, h,"'f1 (T) 'pearl. preClou, stone, 'arodD, ~C''1 'arodii (Euringer, ZS 6[1928].304) See
SEMITIC, from a rool r')I; cpo Ar, 'ur'UI1'K'Q 'yoke' also sodaro kingdom in northeaslern Elhlopia)':
rcrhars ~(trrurt from Gk akhiz,b 'agale' See also (Dilimann 309). mudaya 'erag (T) 'shealh', iiI. 'Ihe receplacle of
vzJ,.-d!•.1$. ETHIOPIC Te. 'or'Ol 'yoke', Tna. 'ar'UI, Amh. arul Ihe sword',
'OqalJf . 'ardab hCY.fI 'measure of capacilY for grain':
(from Geez). from rrK '. below; passed into Cushltic :
'Iq""t >'+f1f1~', 'aq",t h+f1t, see qaff. Sa, aro'ut. For Praetorius' opinion. see 'aroya, be. from Ar 'irdabb < Aram. 'a'lb~a. 'a,!al?ii (of ..reg h.t."1 (S" , In 0 1.196) 'kind of plant':
low Iranian origm) > Akk. ardabu; passed also into see 'ergiihe.
'aqt. h+m. l T) 'preclOus slOne, Gk. artabi. Coptic erlob, arrab (see Sethe. Nachrich.
'arabo hlfl (T) 'pledge, earnest'; len ..,'on der koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissen. 'origa >'t;J, (T) 'arigi, 'arga ht;J , >'C;J
mho bJri'llt' 'c-arafc' f[ranslallOn gl\;en b) Tana) I~
schoJten ;u GOllingen. Philologisch.historische 'roebuck, kind of gazelle, (T) c1ipspringer, gi-
probabl) a ml'pnnl for b~rjjflc ·crystal. quartz' See see 'arabon. Klasse, 1916, pp. 112-6).
II.lsi) abo\(' raffe, owl' ,

'a rbi' I, 'arbii,.ttu hCIl" : hCIl".,,; see 'ardamis, 'ardam.s, 'ardamawos hCJI"'l.f1 , from Gk. oryga (ace. of orrks) 'gazelle'
'>qatu h"'m- (n 'monke)'
rabba'a, hCY.9"f1 : hCJI"'1JPIl (0 1405, T), name of a
Greek goddess (ArtemiS), 'argab hC;Jll (OT), 'ergab II,C;JfI (KLI)
'aqitin, 'aqi!on >',"'1TJ1 , h."'(fI1 'kind of 'chest, Irunk, (L1) kind of wood':
locusl' , 'arbi' II hCIl" (T) 'angels';
mlSpnnl for 'arbiih ~Cqil, 'arodayon hC'~f'1, (T) 'ord.yon ),C~f'1, (L1) from Gk. argab. ergab. transcnptlOn of Heb. 'argo:
from Gk IlttllAin (a".~ "r attuki5) 'kind of !()(USI' 'arod.ynon hC'~f.'l'') 'heron, (T) IbiS, slork', read as 'orgall. See also (MIt'rgah.
Sec also "t1rQq4rJ
'arbib hCllfi (L1) 'mYriads, (D.T) name of a from Gk. erodion (acc, of erooios) 'heron', '.rgeb hC1.ll (Gr 239) 'soulh, soulh wind',
"qit"' h,"''l'f1agate' , body of angels' ,
'arif httt: (T) 'Iasl year';
see wk51~S. oaqd.r. for the classes of angels, see Dillmann 287. under ... rgab
, h.C11l (T) '"alercourse formed by ero-
'Qrbab, from Ar 'arbiib (pI. of raM 'masler): variant of bari}: below. slDn ,
'jr hC (D 14(4) 'oath',
ETHIOPIC Amh. arbab 'a body of angels or of
troops' (from Geez). For 'myriads', see rabbawiil. 'araft (pI. 'ararat) hltt:t, (T) 'ar.ft Oltt:t .. rgahe h.C;J~ (T) 'kind of grass',
from Gk.. QrQ \0""" illsu S)T larii "ImprecalJon.
pfl)er cu~· 'wall, (Gr 239) bulwark, partIllOn of boards'; ETHIOPIC Ina 'argtlhe (also raghe) 'kind of grass
'.r,bon hlfl1; see 'arabon, SEMITIC: Ar, ·arrafa 'set limits to', 'urfa 'limit. fron- with which one makes baskets' See also 'ereg
"'r, 'ir M: I h.C (D 1404, OT B) ',un, (T) lighl', uer' (Dillmann 746), SAr 'rJf lW. Miiller 1983:
'.rabonat, 'arabnat hlfl'i"t , hlfl~t; see 277), Soq. 'arebeh 'wall' (WIth allernance of lablals) 'arginon hC;J'l'1, (L1) 'Orginon )'C;J'l'1
frHJOPf( HaT ;,sun', Gur arT It h difficult to
lno\\ \lhether this rOOt is horr~y,cd from Cus.hltlc 'ariihOI. ETHIOPIC: Te. ';lrJat'side'. 'stringed instrumenl, IUle, harp';
ISa,Af Q'rQ. Qab arlli), as suggested b) Cerulli 'arganona I\'addase, prayers to Ihe Blessed Vir.
'.raga (ya'rag) hl1 'be old':
19'6 ; 23~ or Yo htther it rerrescnb the EthlOPIC root 'arb'q hCO+, 'arboq hCfl+ (T.M) 'thorny gin for the days of Ihe week, hI. 'Ihe harp of
"nIr {G. 'ClIPllr ·sun. dol)'", see above) wllh "",cakened rose' , 'aragtiwi, ·aragay (fern. 'aragoJ't, aragit; pI. the praise: see Hammerschmidl, in Assfalg-
m POSSIb!) the E.thlopic root 'amIT was taken Ov'cr >a'rug, 'aragawayan) 'old, old person, full of Kruger 26,
as ,r In CushltlC and lben borroVted under Ihls form '.rabot hlflt (T.M) 'plain': years, elder, elderly, aged, senior, abbot, name
from Gk. organon 'musical instrument"; also Chr.-
b) the .. nous fthlopian languages. See also ." of Ihe prinCipal of Ihe nine saints';
for 'aronol, proper name of a place. Ar. 'arganiin.
, ,
Syr. 'organon 'Instrument', Amh, arga-
'Jrganna 'old age'; non organ.
.18 'arpape •
'ormii)-'ii 'gentiles';
. {\
Jar_gil '1.1.'}-
• •' ..' ce ('ara~a).
~ ~tlrl1Kiht'l, 'orqomin hC4'''7. ') (Gr.237), 'orqomin hC","'l.
rrom Heb. 'drammt (Ullen~o~1f 1968 122), . while ') (ID 1404,OT) 'thorn. acacia, forked pole, ' .risib h':'lI.ll 'dev,,:e for bringing »aler from
. . 'ara.i'
-arag."" hl.?'f : hl.;Jf,; see 'aragll. 'ormii)'li has a Syriac ('urmaya) form; also In Te. a well',
f'I J '" wooden .instrument used in preparing thread
'ariim~ Tna. 'ariimOlri. See Noeldeke 1910:35, n.4, ,
'argr .. o, hCll"1I (LI) 'while Imen' : and 'aramone.
for weaving: ETHTOPIC Amb a,a.~ib, same.
pcrhap~ frl'm Gl. dr~lJ 'shimng. whltc' corrupt from Gk. barkenim, transcription of Heb. • •
>arslmatradas, J8rsi matridi. Jarsi} matnyi-
'armodid hC'I"JlY: (T); note that 'armododo barqonim 'thorns ' See also bariiqenim.
das (malr.d.yiin) hClI.ouTI.JlIIhCII. : I
,.rig"iz h/''lll (KG) 'saddle' rendered by D 1404 pru!,offended, abused' is
'arqewonon, 'arqewonos hC</:ID"I;';'') : hc</: ouT':JI , hC"'. : ouTCft:1I (OUTCY:J"),
wrong since 'armodada is a verb in the perfect, h,CII" (T), name of a slar: 0)00/;';'11, (Sw. In D 742) 'artewqenon hCi:ID'</: (K) 'arsimortidis hClI.ouC1;JlII 'abbol, prlnci.
pal of the monks'·,
rcrh~ir" from SYL 'llryii 'Leo. the sIgn of the zodiac 'armaksahu hC"'IIl"1I" (T) 'Holy Spirit'. 'i,), (K) 'artewqinon hC1,.lD't';'') 'Juniper';
I(lf August' from Gk. arkhlmandrues 'prlnclpal of a group of
from one of the various cases of Ok. arkeurhinos
'ormami hC"'I"'l. (T) 'scale, balance, (KG) 'made of juniper', monks'; also Chr.-AT 'ars; malridas.
'.riih (pI. Wtjh.itl >'6o,}, 'palm of hand': judge' , 'arson hC(I') 'load, weIght, board';
SI MITIC Ar. rii~a 'palm of hand', Soq. ri~'~h. Hcb. perhaps originally 'that makes things quiet or bal- 'aroro (p'ror) hl.l. 'reap, gather, harvest'; see also 'arsos.
{dhal 'winnO\Hng shove!'. Ug. rh'~m 'hands (dual), anced' (see rmm II, ·armama). 'a'faro, causative;
A"- rjff" 'hand' (Holma 119) Brockclman? 1908 •
ta'arra, tOJorara, passive; 'orsas, 'arsis hC1I1I : hCII.II, (T,M) 'arisis h60
2JO (omparcs S~T lah.J!Q 'palm of hand (With 'aramane hl.ou). (Lt) 'uneducated'; [(J>rir 'harvest, crop'; 11.11 'herelic';
ahcrnanC'C' of liqUIds), mfi..,ar 'harvest, what IS harvested (produce, fa'arsasa (Gr.462) 'become a herellc, be a here.
ETHI(lPIC' Tna. rahar 'pa lm of hand' IS borrowed ETHIOPIC: Amh. wiiriimiine 'uneducated' (from tic' ,
Gcez). See also ·arami. fruit), vintage, summer, autumn';
from Ara!)ll' The comparison With Sa. harD 'hand'
su~{'sLW by Rcimsch 1890 ; 190 is unlikely. a secondary form of 'araya, below. from Ok. ha;resis 'heresy' through Chr -AT 'araslS;

'ormes hC...,,1I (T) 'chain, necklace'; ETHIOPIC: Amh. arrarii 'reap, mow', marrara also Syr 'ereJis. heresls. See also 'a/sis.
'.r~ hclI, see 'tlmko. see 'ormasaqos. 'gather the harvest, glean' (denominative from rna.
rar); also Cushitic: Som. urur 'crowd, mass', Sa.Af. 'arsos hC(l1l 'load, burden':
~.rkt' , In maS.lh.f. larke, see <aroka. arar 'glean'. from Gk. arsis 'lifting, what is lifted, load', See also
, , 'armiS3qos hC"'III.f>fl, (L) 'ormisqos },C"'l.1I
",11, (U) 'arnesqos, 'arneskos hC).fl",1I ! hC), 'arson.
'''kib >,Cll~l, see "kiih. 'erar h,l.C (T.K) 'sky':
111>11 'small necklace, chain, bead';
, hCII"Ill; see 'a"slii/fib,
'.rkubil >'CIl-I]T, 'arkubil hCIl-I]T; see rfi· from Gk. hormiskos 'small necklace'. See also ETHIOPIC: Amh. erar 'sky' (from Geez); see also
kubll 'armes. 'irna, above. 'orso!alu hCII"I"- (T') 'mirror':
'aroran h C' 60 ') (P) 'perfume'. could it be a wrong form for ·arsa~abu. 'ar;JS~ab?
'.rk ...... mlon hChCI'I.!1""'') (ID 1404) 'a stone 'irna h.C'i' (T.M) 'sun':
of golden color'. 'ar.s!ilib hCII"IlIll. (T) 'aras!i!ibalu hCII"I
perhaps to be identIfied wilh 'erar 'sky', below. 'aruran 1\~6o ') 'field, (K') a big Iree, wild date
ETHIOPI( . Amh. arkiir.\fmton (from Geezl See 'ak- "II]/\-, 'araslib
, hCII"Ill 'aslrolabe',
palm, (KG) pomegranate';
'orna },C'i' (T.M.Sw. In D 1396) 'kind of ante· from Gk. a.Hrolabos 'armillary sphere'; also Amh.
lope' ; from Gk. arouran, acc. sg. of aroura 'field'.
ar~s{alab. Sec also 'asqoloba, ·as{atab.
'.rl.r.lus hCI\.~/\-1I (T) 'who closes the gate',
SEMITIC' Syr 'arna 'mountalO goat' considered a 'araray h606o.f. 'mode of chanl dedicaled 10 'or.slalilu hCII"I"I/\- (T) 'wizard':
corrupt from Gk. prlOr(l's 'doorkeeper' See also • •
loanword from Akkadian (so Jensen In Brockel· the Holy Ghost'; it is used on ordinary days
mann 1928.50), perhaps Soq. 'erehon 'goals', S~ from Gk. Aristoleles, Anstotle. considered a wizard.
and also for the main holidays of the year:
'Irr.m. hl.OD (T Y M) 'weed. correcl': ETIlIOPIC: Tna. 'arara~', Te. 'arara. Amh. ararav: 'orsiy matr.yidas (malrnd.yin) hC".f. I OUT
. .
from Amh Qrrama; aho In Te. 'arriima 'weed out, 'arnab, 'arnab hCHl : hC'i'll (U) 'hare'; passed into Cushltic: Bi!. nira. The noun is possibly CfY:1I (ODTCY:n) 'abbot':
(OfTC'Ct', Tna 'orramiJ, passed into Cushitic: 811. onomatopoetic jf it is connected with Amh. ~rrilQ see 'arsimalradas.
arLim ' '''l''C'(:1'. Kham , arem. SrMITlC: Ar. 'arnab 'hare', Heb. 'arnr!Jrl. Aram. 'cry for help', arr 'cry for chasing away goats'. For
'arn'~ii, Md arnab, Ug. 'nhb, Akk. arnabu, annahu. the other modes, see giJ<Z, ~~zl. For the various 'arsiy.sros hC".f.IIC'1I (D), 'arsayaros hC".f.
'.rami (pI. >uranuriin, laramJytin) hl.". ETHIOPIC Gur arbiiri,iii 'hare', Har. ~lQrbaiiiio. The modes, see E, Wellesz, "Studien zur athiopischen C'II (T.K) 'archbishop';
'healhen, pagan, non·ChrlSllan, Infidel. Greek, Semitlc.Ethiopic root is perhaps an Arabic loan· Kirchenmusik", OC 9 (1920).74-106, Tito Lepisa
word. from Gk. arkhiereuJ 'high priest'; also Chr.·Ar, 'arii
gentIle. (1I) Mushm', 163, Velat 76, 78, 686. 'Qrus.
)QrQmQK';. 'aramiiy. same~ also 'speaker of
'arpape hC;J"r; (T) 'archbishop. patriarch'; >eras "'6ofl (K), name of Ihe moon; 'rt, la'oral. 1'hl.1' (T) 'be crowded together,
see 'aparupe. see also 'era'. constrain one another' ~
,.. yob 41
-- - :-~~--~~--~--~-=----~----------~----------__________________~~f~tu
.. ~ 'tiC a siring. package by Sl!MITIC AT. 'ufwiyya 'mountain goat', SAr. )fltly-n,
Amh . urrata
Heb. 'an" 'lion' (ror wh,ch see Wagner 29-30),
Aram.-SYr. ·aryii. Md . aria, Akk. arwiu 'buck (of
gateway of the church; T renders it wrongly
by 'gateway of the church'; ';}fazi "to.,. see ,Qzii .

'arol "C·,·
"- (T) = A m,I doqma 'tree of the
g Ozelle Of
mountain goat)' . Koehler 86 considers It
. . h
an 'African' loanword without giVing, owever, the
from Gk. horaio, of horaios ·young. fresh, 'iis, In ,.I'iis l.A"fI 'myrtle' ;
t<mrerate highlands'; beautiful' .
see ,also 'Onol name of the African language. from Ar 'as borrowed from Aram.-Syr 'lita ac-
ETHIOPIC: Tna. ·arawil. 'ara 'wild animal', Te. 'arwe 'aryob hCf"lI 'constellation Orion, shimmer- cording to Fraenkel 139. In other Semitic lan-
'Oril 1>./.'1' 'the law, the Ten Commandments, 'serpent'. Amh.Arg .Gaf.Gur. awre 'wild anima," ing constellation'; guages ' Heb. 'aJii ('), Md, asa, Akk, asu.
the Odateuch (that mcludes the Pentateuch (with metathesis), GUT. also a~~~, name ,of a, SPirit
that possesses a person. HaT. un wild 301mal ; also
from Gk. orion through AT. ··uriyiin confusing the 'esa lI.fI; see 'ys.
and Jo,hua, Judge, and Ruth)'; final 0 nand '-:" b; also in Amh . ariJyob. See also
10 CU~hltJC' Som. iir 'lion'. See )awro.~ars, 'a~ur.
J{)riitilt'l 'referring to 'ora, devoted to Mosaic 'oryon. lis; see loyasa.
'.rwar l.cwC (T.Sw. in 0 1396) 'uneven, rough'.
, - - 'aryam (pI. 'aryiimii/) hC!'!" 'heights, the
fn'nl Aram.-S!r '(lrol'lU 'a.bib hMlI; see sbb II, III.
high, the highest, highest heaven, seventh heav-
' .. w.r (T) = Amh. sansa, either 'pole
'artodok. "C-fP,hfl (T), 'orlodoks 1>.C-fP·hfl en, (Gr.t58) kind of zemii-chant';
'asbanyii "fill')!, (T) 'asbanyi "M')!
which two men carryon their shoulders in
(1).') 'orthodo" , 'aryiimawi 'sublime, celestial, lofty'; 'moon';
order to transport a heavy object' or 'food
'arlodok,ci,n. 'orlodo/.;..\,1.1'l1I\'i 'orthodox: SEMITIC: Heb. ramim (pI. or ram) 'the high heaven'
'jJrl.,dob,ll',l \)fthodoxy'.
plant' to be identified with 'ason~yti, below.
(Oahood 1968: 247).
fn."lm Gk orlh{lt/(,hcH 'orthodo\' through Chr.·Ar 'ariwil ht.'I!t; see 'arwe. ETHIOPIC: Tna. >aryam 'highest heaven, kind of
'asad MIJ:- (T.K), a sign of the zodiac (Leo);
·lJrtaduJ...s, alsll Syr, .ir,od.ibti. Tna. '1lTlOdoksan"l zemti-chant', Amh. aryam 'seventh heaven'; from
rym, below. from Ar. 'al-'asad 'hon'
'.rwil l.C'I!t; see ('arwaya), 'arwuy,
'arto" "C'~(J)- (T) = Amh ..all:o 'Cord,a
\h\s,mica (for whIch see Streleyn 1973. "'ryon 1>.Cf",) (T) 'constellation Orion'; 'asflililo, 'asflililii, 'asfalil, 'asfililos "fl4-lI..fIl :

'arwaya hcwf (K*); see /a'arwaya; M4-ti."1 , MLII..1' : ;'fl4-II.."'fI, (T) 'asfali-
no, ~b.n from Gk. orion; see also ·aryob .
la'arwayo 'become brutal, become wild, be- - 'asfalilo
Ii, , hfl.tIl.."1 : hfl.tll..fIl 'bitumen,
'artc"qrnon "C'I:m-'k~o'): sec 'arqell'lmoll come savage, become angry, rise against like a pitch' ;
'or.yiinos ).C!'lfl (It), a name of the sun;
wild animal';

see 'uryares. from Ok. asphallOs 'pitch'; also Syr. 'aspa/!on,
,.rtibos, 'arlibiis "C"Iflfl : "CtIl.llfl, (T) 'Q'Qrwaya, causative;
Amh. asfoli!, asfalr. See also 'aj/a!is .

"Gmf1fl <(1).') 'ar!ibis "C"Il)fI 'kind 'nsto'anvaya, >aSIQ)Qrawa 'render wild'; 'aryires, 'oryares hC!tofl : 1>.C! tofl, (Lt)
of measure'. '.m-uy (fern, 'arwil) 'wild, fierce, savage'; 'asfaluto, 'asfalilu, 'asfalil, 'asfalilo'l-m :
'or.yanos 1>.Cf'lfl, a name of the sun; • • • •
St'e ·ordab. lo'arwayo( I) 'cruelty, fierceness, savageness'; hfl.tll..m : hfl.tll.. '1' , "fI.tll..fIl (TSwin
explained by Oillmann 774 as coming rrom Heb. '6r
D 753) 'sesame';
'.ratil "t."IA (ll) 'measure of "eight'; the verb is a denominative from 'ar»,£" above. brrrs 'light or the sun' (so also J. Halevy, JA
9[1867J.385); perhaps rather a variant or the rorm perhaps rrom Gk. asphalllOn 'clover' (Muller).
from Ar '0"01, pI. of rllli (01 Gklbfra] onglO). See 'araya ht.f, <araya Ot.f 'gather, glean, (Y) 'orayo.nos and to be derived from Gk. ouranos 'sky
al50l"l U". separate' ; > sun'. See also 'irna, ·aryos. 'asafim, 'asefe' hflL'!" I "tl..(.1. 'storehouse';
'.r.". "t.w (T) ' hurt, inJure',
'a'raya (Ll), causative; rrom Heb. 'dsuppim through Gk. esephim
ra'araua n ) ' t'te IOJured'. la'aryo (K'), passive; 'aryos hCf"fI (T+) 'sun'; see 'aryiires.
wuy (K'), pass. part. of 'araya; also (KG) = 'osf.n!u l.fltj:')-!: 'how much?, how many?,
metathesiS uf ' tlT 11l'OI{.Qra. belo\l. 'aryul hC~1' (T) 'supper',
Amh . kardiid 'kind of grass'; - how long?, how often?';
'..... "C'I' Ill) 'doak of dark hlue silk, blue SEMITIC Heb. 'ara ('ry) 'collect, gather', Ph 'ry, 'arz (pI. 'a'ruz, 'orziil) hClI 'cedar'; Dillmann 1907:361 derives 'ils/anlu from an interrog-
s,I'. , Akk. ani 'granary, storehouse'. ative >il and sa!ilntu 'what IS the size ofT. In connec-
SEMITIC: Ar. >arz, Heb. '(rrZ, Aram.-Syr. >arza, Md. tion with sa/tin, properly 'prominence, size'. Praeto-
ETHIOPIC: Te. 'ur5 (·ry) 'gather, glean', Tna. 'arii.
from Amh. unl"Q. an) kmd l"lf silk stuff. arIa, Ug. arlo For a Hittite origine of 'rz, see Rabin
yd; also In Cushltic~ Aw.Bil. ar 'gather, glean', See nus 1890:370-1 denves 'asfanlu rrom 'aifo-"n' ('aifo
also 'arOra, 1964: 164-5.
'.... e (pi. 'aralll/, 'arallit) hC'!: 'animal, ",Id 'howT in Geez; Stint 'how muchT in Amharic, from
ETHIOPlc: Te. 'orz, Amh. arz. Noeldeke 1910:43 wsn > ·'iJ/sanl > Iilsfanl. by metathesis). Rundgren
"nlmal , t><ast, "lid beast, reptile':
'ry, 'a'eraya hl\.t.f (T.) 'consult a sorcerer to states that G. 'arz (also Ar. 'arz) is borrowed from 1955:40ff analyzes 'ilsfanru as coming from ·'a!-siln
'IIrll', mJdr ·'nak •. serpent, dragon', Syr. 'arzo..
find out the future, have a predictIOn made'. -Iu, Sim representing s lengthened b.y n, the. un-
'aTln" harLS 'unJl"om. rhlOoceros·.
derlying ronn bemg 'ayfO-siJ-n-tu, It IS mor.c hkely
'<UKe :~rt 'SIlver d"h In the form of a snake'; 'arzo hCII (T) 'priest';
",royi 1>.C! (TO 1404, OT), 'oriyi 1>.t.! (0 to be derived from saln 'size' with a prothetlc.' a~d
ar"'ora, 01', ....1 .... see below, a suffix -lu by analogy With the numerals endmg m
14(4), proper name 'Beautiful' referring to the perhaps rrom Gk. hiereus 'priest' (Muller). See also
,arlO. -W. See also Gur, most (Leslau 1979:431), and -'u
•• dar 42 'askil 'askilon
from ,.,,-ka (so also partially Eltan, AJSL 44(1927_ •....(Muyl
'a,far hi'l.tC 'kInd "f dIsease'.
fnlm Ar "OJ/or ' yellow' ; it could then r~fer to
8J.186). Rundgren 1955 :32 analyzes 'ask a as coming
with reservations. Heb. 'r-tk(i/ an Akkadian loan-
word. H Bauer, ZS 10 (1935). 168 Compares tlu
- -
'oskit (pi 'cJsakt. 'usakJ/) Mlh,·}- 'te tlele. em
from ·',m-si/-ka > 'ilssiJko > '(J.lka, but there is no
Jaundl~c (Cp.- also Ar. safar 'jaundice'); also Te. root WIth Ararn. siI¥ol 'duster of grapes' S taha (of man or woman)'; g
need to introduce the element 'lin even if it OCCurs
ETHIOPIC Amh. askul 'bunch of grapes' (from
'04iir ',ellow', Amh. as/ar 'fever that makes one
elsewhere as in ',mza; see also Rundgren 1955 Ar 'ask 'Iabla of Ihe vulva (0 Chen
haggard' Sec also sarra, :ii{rii, 'asfor, 'as/iirs. Geez). Amhanc askillla 'kmd of bmdweed' is not to
28-32. Dlllmann's 1907:395 Identification of wka
be compared with this root, contrary to Leslau S 0 3~. _WIth reservatIon.). Hob. >rItk 'Iesllclc'
with ~ad·ka is unlikely. Likewise unlikely is the yr ·cska. Ug. uJk. Akk Lfku -
'Isfir hi'l4-C (D) 'yellow. (T) precious stone'; 1958 ' II. See also sakala. ETHIOPIC", Amh . ,~.t k"" testicle , (from I':"- ) <-- I
identification of 'ilS (of JiJsko) with Ar. f;aytu 'where'
(rom Ar 'as(ar 'vellow' (see also 'os/ar, above). As 'aJak t. '-J~ Z . ~d S.
suggested by Praetorius 1879:269. Conti ROSSinI
for 'prcciou~ sto~e ', It could come from Gk. sapphei· 'askilon hilllll-,), (T) 'askiloni lIi'lllll-~
1912:77 connects 'iJska with Bi!. -sik, ·::.ik. Qem. -zi
r(l.( ·Iapls lazuli' suffixed to a verb to express a consecutive action.
'cluster of grapes'; 'ask~!in hi'll1m. '). ,ee 'akiil .•s.

'asf.. hi'l.l.C (T.KO) 'last year'.

Brockelmann 1950:38 considers 'iJska a loanword is either a variant of -askaroni (see below) or It '~sliim "/'lI\9" 'Islam"
. ,
from the Cushllic suffixes -sik. -Zlk. Albright. AO 12 consists of 'askiil, above, and the enclitic .ni.
(1937).71 identifies it with Ar. 'idaka > O. o'Jzka
.as/~rn~ 'profess Islam. Ix'<:ome a Muslim'
'csfir h,i'l4-c (D 1405) 'baker's loaf, date-cake, wlarnuy (Or 161) 'Muslim', '
> 'aska, 'askerni hi'lh•..., 'garb, monastic dress'.
(OT) piece of meat'; ETHIOPIC' Te. 'Qsilk 'until', Amh. i1skii with a Var- IJbsa ·askernii 'monastlC dress', from Ar 'islii", See also mas/,m,.
transcnption of Heb. 'fspiir 'date·cake'. iant ils/ii, Gaf. i1slii···siJlii ' until'. Rundgren 1955 : 54
from Gk. skhima 'dress', also Chr.·Ar 'iskim; also 'OSma lIi'lou 'because, SInce. m that. that is
connects Tna. k.1sa' 'up to, until' with 'askii.
'asfaredi. lasraredi t )asfaridii, '3sfiridi, lasfa·
Syr. ·eskimii, Tna -askema, Amh. askema. namely, mdeed, in fact'. it abo serves to Intro~
duce a quotatIon.
rid, ,..fared hi'ltC.MI , hi'l4-t.1I , hi'ltC.tll , '3sku "i'lll- (used with the jussive or impera- '~skana, 'askane "i'lh~ I "1'1 h). , see 'Jska
hi'l4-tll I hi'ltC.tJ': , hi'ltC.t.f: 'basket, a little tive) 'here is, 10 and behold!, finally, at last, so there are Some who connect It With s~m with a
basket' , then, I beg you!, 0 now!, 0 that!, let me!, 'cskapapa h.ilhTT (T M) 'plough'; prothetlc • whlie others sec in .~m a delCtu: element
please!' ; 'eskapJpe (T). ' (M) 'field'; :rhus ,Praetorius I SQO: 378 derives 1l from s,),,;
from Gk spyrida, acc. sg:. of spyris 'basket'; also in
nam~ Wlt~ a prothetu; . and compares Egyptian-
Syr 'esparitja. Dlilmann 1907: 120 compares -ku of 'asku with -ko from Ok. skapalle 'diggmg tool, spade' (Miiller). ArabIC f'}um 'WI 'unter dcm Namen dass > well'
of 'akko (see however ·akko, above) and analyzes it The form of the verb is strange. See also '.1sqable. (so also Blltner, WZA:.\( 15(1901].11;). Barth
,..firs hi'l4-Ci'l (KO) 'Jaundice'; as 'ils·ku for sa·ku with a prot he tic '. Rundgren hesqapo. 1893:59 denves It from ·'n (cp Akk ina 'when')
~e 'o.ifar 1955 :33 considers the S of 'JS to be a demonstrative, and S.UtI. LIkewise Brockelmann 1908 :496 (follow-
'eskare h.i'lll<!. (T) 'top of a column, window'; mg Jensen) analyzcs ',Hma as coming from .',m.
'.s~~rt hi'lihC-r (T); see siihr, .as/ml. 'eskeder., '.skedere h.i'lh..I'.,t. , h.i'lh..I'.,t. see 'eskedera. SJma > • 'iHSJma > 'J.w1Ia. The anillysis of ', as
(OT), 'eskedre, 'esbdre h.ilh..l~:t. , h.i'lh.l:'t. bem~ composed of dCICllc elements s·m is suggested
' .. ~al~yii, 'as~atiyii hi'l"'-r J' •• M"'tJ' 'askaren, 'asbren, ' hi'lht.'J I lIi'lllt.
(01405), 'esekedre h.ll.h.f:t. (T) 'chamber. (T) by Eltan, AJSL 44 (1927-8).185 who analy,,', It as
'snow. frost, hoarfrost, ice. hail'; ') I "i'lll<!.,), (U) 'askarern hi'lht.9" 'chest, ·sa·ma 'that {is] what' or 'why' strengthened by a
top of column, (OT) house of priests, basket
'Jlma )as~atayii 'crystal stone'; for offerings'; coffer, casket, bag, store, treasury, (Lt) coffin, prothetic '. Dlilmann I Q07; 11 Q analYlcs ·~.H"a as
ETHIOPIC: Te.Tna. 'as~ayla 'hoarfrost', Amh. osha. corpse, skeleton'; coming from' (which he calls 'prcfhed aspirate')
11'0 ((rom Geez). from Ok. eksedra 'hall filled with seats'. See also and SJ-ma 'that whIch' Rundgren IQ5S:.24 derives
'ekJsdar. 'eskare. from Lat. serinium through Gk. skrim'cm 'box, 'Jsma from 'J" (for 'JII, sec 'In=,, hl',') (enclitic ele-
'oska ('~ske) "i'lh ("1'111.), preposition: 'until, chest'; also Tna. 'oskaren 'corpse. skeleton', Amh. ment) -ma; or from JJ with it prothctll' • (that is,
'>Skuf "i'lll-tt: 'bishop'; askaren.
till, unto, as far as, so much so. up to, to the 'JSJ) and -ma. I personally am inclined to connect
see wquf 'iJJma with SiJm 'name': cpo also All. a.ffwn < ana
pomt of. e'en to, even also, within, for'; also 'askaroni, >askuroni hi'lhC'~ , hl'll, (TM)
followed by other prepositions: 'Jska la 'until Jum 'concerning. because of. Aram. bsm 'because
'askiil (pI. 'askiiliil, sak"aliit) II 1'1 11 A 'grape(s), 'askaron II 1'1 he') 'grape, bunch of grapes, of' (for which see Kutscher. JAOS 74[1954].24~).
to'. 'Jsko traha 'up to', 'Jska wasta 'even into': grape-seeds' ;
'asko 'ama 'until'; cluster (of grapes, dates), bunch of fruit'; W. Miiller adds Oennan 'Name. niimhch'
co~junction: 'so that, until, until that, to the 'askiila lVayn 'a grape'; perhaps to be Identified WIth 'askaloll (see above) 'ssmiit hi'l"7'''', pI. of s.m (see samaya).
pomt that, insomuch as, to the extent that, (miiya 'askiil 'wine'); with alternance of liquids.
WIth the result that'; 'askiilol1 (T) 'cluster of grapes' (see below); 'asniin hi'l'i,), pI. of S,1I//I.
'asakl hl'lh-r (K·) 'pubic hair, a creeper from
. prepositions: 'Jska 'arna 'till when , till the SEMITIC: Ar. 'itkal,>utkiil, 'itkiil 'bough laden with the seeds of which children make bracelets'; 'asonayii h"'JJ', a name of the moon,
tIme that, so long as', 'aska soba 'till that , clusters', Heb. '~skol'cJuster of berries' , Aram. >etkii.
Insomuch (that), so that': la, Ug. 'ski (Virolleaud, GLECS7[I954-7J.22). Akk ETHIOPIC: Amh. osakI, a.sakl, same. In the sense "from Hcb. 'ilcill rail where "",)!Oll is a diminutive
is/fbunnatu 'bunch of grapes' (von Soden 387). Note 'pubic hair', it is perhaps a variant of 'Jski/ (see of is and yah merely an intensive ternunatJon. This
JJJka·na. Jasko-net same as 'Jsko; with suffix below).
that Baumgartner 92 quoting J.J. Stamm, Die akka- is the name of the moon in connectIOn with Its
pronouns, as In 'Jskanehu 'until there, until it'; likeness to the human face" (so Halhy, quoted In
dische Namengebung (1930), p.255, n.6. conSIders,
'ask"iit lIill.>.-r; see sak"al. R. H Charles, Helloch 208). See also ·asbdnra.
-,- , - - 4S
-. ~
'OJta'asaro, 'oslO'a.sra 'join together'. Jistl-r ~fI;t-C (KO T M) ' )'tar!, measure of
..,si')p I "'fI'l' (TI 'fnend', (see bclo"" ,.ther than "JIb lbe
'a.~art, act. part. of 'a.tOra: "eight" , suggcsl<d by 0 ( ohen 197C 2" n'bOle! 1'''00,
probahl." I ml\pnnl for YP~P II.T:r' and ~(' 'epapo.
It IS POMI~1e Ihat ".J(~ 'I' 'fnend IS a eupheml~lIc
",fUr 'bound, tied, Impnsoned, wrapped, re- from Ar . 'ular < Gk Jlatir, any weight especially

opre Ion (or ¥s .l)p II 'e\'il SPlnt' strained, reslricted' ; a COl n ,· also Amh aJlar precious stone, )e\locl'. See 'a,... d "fI/DJ:" ' black ,
'a,fa', (lI) 'asr 'fastenIng (n), band. l1e' ; also JOfJWO.
from Ar 'aJtt-ad Sa: also ~tntilJ
-..(.)p fI, '<5(.)1'" "'fiT I "'fI-" (M) 'evil 'pICit'; ".val (n) 'binding, lying, bunch, bundle';
sec '('j ~ Jp 1 mO'Jsar, mO'lJ,rar. maJilsart (pI. maJii.fJr. mij'iI.fU . 'a,alarb >,"-rC1I (T) 'people or goods brought 'a\.. i, "M'C , see so,
riil) 'stnng, rope, bond, bundle, knol, snare, together from vanous places' I
'<5(.)1'" "'fiT (T) 'basket'
obligation, vow (spiritual bond), connection, ETHIOPIC" Amh . oJtarJh, same, IS)"~ t;) 'it. §cc IJ 'SII ,
'"'padakloni "flAf,hll-t 'turtle', Jomt, a Joining of boards',
(rom Gk 1J.~pldok.hl'limi 'shield turtle'
rna'JJa,a gahr (1I) 'black magIc', (on Ihe rOOI 'asiilarmu ""1'eD'" (T) ' moth, (\1) but- '."ay >'flf, (T), <\cI,lmalion of JOy ,
'asara used In magic, see Strelcyn 1955 XXII), lerfi y' ;
from Amh d.IJU)' for Yo'hl,h ICC" ha..tayo, nelo,,-, .
'a,piidi!os, '&spadalos "fllV!fIlfl : "fIA.II1'fI SFMITlC Ar 'osora 'bind, lie', SAr 'JJr 'take cap. perhaps from. 'iI.fal 'fi~c' an~ ·'ar,"u ( rilmu , of
'klTid of Ihorn used for perfume, (Gr.240J kmd
of )'trfume',
tive'. Heb. '(h'or 'bmd. tic', Aram. 'lisor. Syr 'e.f ar,
Md, asr, Ug. 'Jr. Akk. estru 'enclose, confine, take
unknown origin , For moth In connection with ,.sa,. hlPl (TS), '8\8" 0"'(. IY) 'foll0w
'fire', cpo Amh. yd3.w/.lral "moth ', hI. 'the dlOner of look
, . for Iracks' (denomlOahv'c) , ,
from Gk o,{palatho.v 'shrub Yielding fragrant 011', Ihe fire' 'dla" (l T) 'a.' a' ' path , Irace, Ira~k sole of
alw S)'r 'mpa/ilu,f . ETHIOPIC: Te. 'asro 'bmd, fetter', Tna, 'osara, Amh,
fOOl, fOOlpnnt, "sn, m.trk ,
auiirii. passed into Cushillc Sa. 'osar 'pnson' 'aslarO!> "fl1'C'fI (T ' ) 'sky, heaven',
'i>Sqabl. M+1I1; (T ) 'field', Sf\tlTlI" Ar taf(Jr. 'Ur "trat.-e, track , S\r ,!t, Soq
see also '.lJkapapa, and perhaps also ';,sq,Jrt 'aser "Il.C (T) 'praIsed'; perhaps from Gk a.f1t'fOJ, gen , ~g. of a.uir 'star' also 'Iho, ' follow' (wah h < I), Beb, >OJ., 'walk, Aram
Te. 'astir 'heaven", See also 'aHar , 'illaf ' pla~c', Syr "cI!ra. MJ "(ra. Ug. IJtr, ~H
''''Iuf >.fI.,,": (lI), 'a"luf bfl"'~: (l) 'b"hop'; probably a qualification applied to Au, (Asher),
one of the twelve tribes. aff /J I fU, ~'C 31 0 Onver 10 Bdumgartncr 11)67 51 '
frnm Gk, rpukppo.f 'overseer, bishop' through Chr.-

"()m IT) -bring hack. return' , E THIOPU • Te '(L~ra 'folio" the trace' 'aJlJr 'tral'(,: .
Ar 'Usquf, CoptiC epHqopOJ In which the mitlal p 'asrab "flt-1I, 'asriibal ""'It-IJ-)', see saraha ISprobably for 'aSota. 'a·Ucm of .~('Ia (see iM"r wta). Tna,tJJ.JilfiJ 'folio\!' the tral:cs', 'Imi,. ' tracc' Amh .
was laken as the Coptic article and Jkop became milr ' footpnnt'
See also 'abala.
u'qu{ IBlttner
W/.KM 2311909].250), Sec also 'asorayon, 'asiirnyon, 'asarayon "{lCI"1 :
1"1 I "()CI"1 'small coin, (KG) markel',
""C 'asliiliib ""'I"l1l1l (T). 'astaloba,
, , lobi hfl
'as.. iik "1"'I'h, \Ce 10k

' ..qolobi "fl4>II-IJ, (K ,T) "sqalobii "fl4'1I-1J mll-~ I "fI"lll-lJ (l.t) 'astrolahc';
from Lat. ossarius through Gk. o,,;sor'-on 'small 'a~aba MIn (T Y.M) 'anolOl, gre,he'
'a\trohtbc ' • com', also in Syr, 'auorii. The meaning 'market' corrupt from 'arJ.Hiiliih, abo ....e. 'ash (T) 'grease' (n)
corrupted readmg of the Arabic form wj-l as seems to indIcate a place where one deals with
u~~, (~ 'aHa/lih).
, . ""'Imt-m." (T. M), 'astarot
'Islariitin , ,,/"t"lC'-)- 'a~bii'(a)t (pi 'a.,an.·) "'I'IJ()')- 'tinger lOe,
(KO) 'idol', kind of mea,ure',
'>"1..1 M+C~' (T) 'field', 'isisa~ h.()A.n, (K) 'esisiih "'1'1."1) 'ra.sin cake
made of dried compressed grapes', from Gk. A.Hart{~n, ace . of A.fitarl(~. name of a SFMIJIC Ar . 'ub/J' 'linger', SAr ~h' St'l<l, 'f1ha~,
perhaps a mJ~pnnt for ~J5qJblt, above,
transcription of Heb. 'Mila.
goddess Heh. y,n.,_ Aram Jlb·a. S)r I-b'd, \ld Iha, Ug.
u.~h' I ,
"'''Ia,in "fl4'm,1 'myrrh oil, (T.M) reslO';
'.s.... "()m (KO) 'heal, give power" Tna \lJ/JhJ', Te f,l"'II, HJr ala"Ji"ia.
corrupt form of Gk. staktin, ace. 5g. of slakli '0" of 'osol h{l:", see 'asawa. 'asawi (K oJ 'healer'; Gur IJlrhlll, Amh Id/. Arg. t/JJ, GJI'. Juto. \\uh b
myrrh' See also JJluqale,
..sal h"-r 'fire'; 'uSOI 'heahng, gIft of healing, remedy, (T K)
splrllual power';
becoming ~ao .
'asql,uqi!e "fl4'm-J'1T\, (T") 'perfume'; ".fiiliiwl 'fiery, crealure of fire, of fire', 'asabsib
, , "'111'1.11 (T). 'ee 'd.wn_uh.
ieC' JJluqUlf. qa.luqillf, Sn.UTIC ~kk a.Hi 'healer, physu':l<in' (from Su ..
S[MITW Heb. 'e!, Aram. 'lSsu!ii, Syr 'eiiilo, Md
'Sata, Ug. i.fl, Akk. iialu, menan a:u; see Leander, /'A IRII904-5)J90) > 'asbat "lI'lJ-r (T,M) 'wea,el',
"sqel.lS "flot'!'fI (l.) 'ascetic', Aram.·Syr. 'asyii 'healer'. 'Q,fJl 'heal', Md. aJU > •
EUIiOPIC": Te. ',l$ul, Amh.Gur dsal, Gar. iJ.'ialii, to be Idcntlflcd with 'Ill/ill
from Gk mkhiJ 'hermit'. Har d.far, lJUl, Arg. ilsad. Ar. 'as 'healer' (haenkeI261) > Gcel 'uW11 (Nocl-
dekc 1910:54) For Hcb, 'iiw;n 'deadly aCCIdent', to
'asar. (Y".lJr I "()l, (L.T) 'asa,a ""'l 'lie, tic be conSidered a euphemism Originally meanmg 'heal. 'asfir I "l\'~C (T), 'asfur "lI'4-C (S" In 0
'esle'.kiran "'M:"'h.t-1 'fish'; , ' .
1397) 'crudely made hockey· ball
up, blOd, felter, fasten, Imprison. restralO'; 109', Or to be identified with Ar 'QSil'U 'be sad,
'Q~sa,a. CCiu!,atlve: is there any connection with 'OkliJyiiriin, above? afflicted', see Buhl 55. . perhaps from 0k sphO/rel 'ball' IAmb",s)
ta'UJru. passIve; also 'tie one~lr·, ,ETHIOPIC": Tna. 'oHay 'bravol'. Amh J.uiil', Te. 'aso
benefit, hall' are to be connected With 0 , luuuyu 'asfir

II "lI-~C, see s.>fr
,.",rAt 46 '.tlWI
- _.- •
,.,lil Mt4.-l' (T.M) "tone marten' (animal 'atrikon h-l'tl',) (KBT) 'prophecy';
Jete 'pass', Heb. 'lilii ('IW/y), Aram. 'ola, Syr. 'eta,
ah"ullhr SilO of a cat which makes burrows), ETHIOPIC : Amh. olrikon (from Geez), See also Md. ata, Ug. 'Iw. -
'take a small amount of bread, pinch' and,
SN' also '>(J\bal. 'o·olrikon. ETHIOPIC : Te. 'ala ('Iw) 'enter. come, return home' therefore, wrongly renders G. 'alaqan by .fist
rna. ·atawa; also In Cushitic: Bil.Qua.Dem. em:
,..Iodi t.~1VI (T) c Amh , .s_
'tr~ of the hot 'atrikos h-l't-I'll 'precious stone'; Kham. el.
small amount, pinch'; . ,

1,,;'lands which has edible berncs. from Ok. Qltaken, acc. sg. of Quakes 'locust' Sec
from Gk, anlhrakos, gen. sg. of anlhraks 'coal, 'atewoqe~ hi;JP-II,), (0 1405), 'aleweqeh h1;'Il also 'aqatan.
precious stone of dark color'. -II,), (KG) 'galleries'; .
'o,m.1t t.~9"A·}; see ~ml 'a!Tons h1'c.")ll 'reading desk';

'alron t.-l'f':,) (T) 'lectern, reading desk'; Iranscription of Heb. 'alliwiiqihii (Ez. 41: 15). see 'alrons , 'atron.
'o,ni",il Mt~''''l\ (T.M) 'kind of oat';
ETHIOPIC' Tna. 'alronos 'reading desk'. See also
S~~ also h.lffsiHnj/, '~npwa/. 'alewqinos, 'alewqinon hi;tD-</:<;ll ! h1;tD-</: 'a,irqon, 'a,orqon, 'a!Tiqon h"lC~') ! t.1'C~
'alrons. 'o!rons. If' (KG) = Amh. ziigba, a large tree resem. ') ! h1't-~' (0 1406, OT 584) 'firstlings sacri-
'I 'ian "~l.; ~c(' :\'1"", .yora. bling the cedar. fi ce ' ,. ,
• 'atrons, 'atronos, 'atranos h-l'f':,)ll , h-l'f':<;
'ost t.~.} (T M) 'ball of wood or woven lealher
II I h-l't-Ifll 'throne, seat, tribunal'; ..,o'i h.1'h (T), ""oyi "1.(fII (It) 'willow tree'; scribal erro~ for loparqon "TC.f1 (so 0 1406); from
, , Gk. aparkhon, gen. pI. of aparkhe 'firslling'. See also
""r' uscd 10 hod,ey game , from Gk. thronos 'seat'. See also 'alron, 'a!rons. to be identified with 'i!iJYo, below, from Gk. ilea 'opporge.
• •
'alaI a (y,'w) h-t-t 'be removed, be taken 'a!Taski I h1'~lllj (T) 'steep narrow path'.
away, Withdraw, (ll) faint'; 'ataba
• hmn (MA) 'gather, collect'.
'OS"I Mlf (1): ,or 'adora 'a'lala 'remove, take away, put away, put aside, '&!Taski II h1'~lllj (T) 'gathered, piled up'.
, .
'e,eberyos h.m./l,Cr-ll (ll) 'terebinth';
turn away, put off, cast away, dismiss, with. 'o,as hmll (T) 'sleep, slumber' (n)
..,thanim t.,·l-tht9", see 'alamm. draw, dispel, displace'; corrupt from !arbenlos, below.

la'OIOIO. la'allOla, pass. of '0'1010; also 'disap. 'o,asalu hmf'lll- (T) 'butter' .
'Ilimin, 'otimen, 'atimon h;""'I..') 1 h;r"t') ,

h1'IJ-l'; see •lilb.
pear, absent oneself, depart from, recede';
h;"",,) lranscription of Gk. olhamm, from 'asla)alala (Lt) 'remove'; 'a,aya hmf (T) 'cause to pester, cause to

h"lll..; see loli.
• annoy'.
Hrb. )"fra~ ht;"'!iinim "'plamed as the month 'alali (K*), act. part. of 'alala;
10 "hKh form,," the overflowmg nvers still 'a,li'os h1'''''ll (T) 'fly' (n). misprint for 'on!aya (see If!Y).
• -.lui (fern. '>!all) 'removed, taken away, dis.
ha\(~ water kft. See also 'alanim, 'el~anim. tant' ;
'a,las h1'''ll (K*.KBT) 'black velvet or satin'; 'i,oyi "-1'1, ,",oyi h(fll 'kind of tree';
',Iula 'separately, apart';
'Itimen, In f..e 'olimen <j:t, I t.;J'''t') 'kind see also 'e!a'Q, above.
'iJUiite 'removal'; from Ar. ,atlas 'satin'; also Amh. alIas 'black velvet
of rlanl '. • •

'a)tiili, part. of 'Q'lala; or satin', Har. a{lds 'silk'. law how. 'or" ,
set If m4n II .
la'alali (Gr.463) 'displaced, removed'; 'QW---'QW 'either---or" ,
>e!mopomor h.1'''''''''C (T) 'kind of bird of 'QW---'QW---'QW ,eIt. her---or---or ' ;
'olton ".,..,. 'o\'~n. furnal."e" SEMITIC; the comparison with Soq. 'oti 'weak' sug- prey'"
(bo'ala 'alon 'balcr'), ';Jmma---'Qw, 'ammahi---'Qw 'either---or';
gested by Leslau 1938:77 is unlikely smee G. 'olOla
fn'\m Ar 'altUn < Aram.-Sn. 'attuna, Md . attuna 'faint' (as given ih.) is a secondary meaning. 'alnin

h1''''); see •Inn l. Ar. 'ow, SAL 'w, Heb.Aram. 'aw, '0, Syr.
< ~l 01"". •
(lomm<m 12). ETHIOPIC ' Amh alliilii 'remove, take away'.
'a,aqa hm'" (O.T.M), <a,aqa Om'" (Y.M); see
'aw, Md. ru, Ug. u, Akk. U.
ETHIOPI(. Tt Tna. '~/on, Amh. ,lion EnuoPlc: Te. 'aw 'or', Har ow; related to
"Iot h-f-l'; see ('olowa), 'alwal. flwq). 'a!woqo. Tna.Amh.Gaf. wiiy, Gur we; also Cushitic: Sa. o.
- .
'alanun. 'atawa (p'IU) h-tID 'come, come home, go ..,aqu hm4! (T) 'hedge, fence, enclosure'; 'awwa "OJ; see ·ww .
home, return home, return'; '.Iqu 'wooden wall';
'owwa hID 'yes, of course, certainly, indeed,
.. tinim h;/'t9" (T \I) ·"h·er vessel' 'O'IOWO 'bnng, bring home, bring in, bring even so';
related to 'afq II. As for 'J!qu, it is not to be
about, yield, send home, let go home'; considered a foreign word as suggested by Dillmann
'a!ur, 'Iter t.1:C : t.·!:C 'November', ('O'IOWO "manno 'bring awai); 805 fOllowing ludolf.
SEMITIC: Ar. (dialectal) 'aywa, 'ewa 'yes', Mh. aywa,
fwm (optic (BohatnCI arMr See also lulur 'illwOl, 'iliOI (n) 'coming home, coming, return·
'a,aqan hm"''), (T.M) 'a~aqan h"l:J>,) 'kind of ETHIOPIC: Tna. 'iJwii 'yes" Te. 'I!wii, Amh. awo,
ing home, return, yield (of crops)'; awon, Gur. awo. While phonetically it is possible to
'"targh on t. ,,"C,;J $"') (T " \1) "tall, discourse'. locust';
mil'laK 'place to which one returns, home, derive Amh. awo, aK.·on 'yes' from the root 'mn
pcrhap$ to be Identified "lth Aram. lurgJmana M 395 misunderstood Amh. q',nl,,,a 'wingless 'believe' (G. laman 'true', with weakening of m. as
domicile, return, going (n)';
'Iran lauon (sec- larg-am:l). Or "'lth 'atrtkon. locust' (the translation of G. 'o!aqan given by suggested by Praetonus 1879: 27), there is no need
SlMITIC: Ar )alO ('lyJ 'come, arrive', SAr. 'Iw, Soq . Tayyii) as being derived from q'iinii!!iirii for this derivation since awo, Ow has the nature of
48 II W5;Jnt

oval The rool also 'ewliilon h,II)o/\{I11 (T.M) 'locust-eating cran e';
•• h•
\ll"t'urs In
un ,ntcfjCfllOn C\pre .. slng appr
('us hIIIC
Be. OH')( J'\les' ' BII '

see ·all'amn.
. .
, (' hllJ-{l.'f- (Om-{l.'f-) 'blrd of --
'·Y (acc. 'aya, pI. 'ural) hf. 'whtch , "bt~,
prey' ;
....... hm-(J (T) 'front leg'. 'ewon h,jP1 'idol' ; the denvallon of 'aW~SI from 'a'h-'ast and its bemg what kind?, what sort of", what al'. In~"'Dlte
·whoever. Whatever' I
could it be a transcnption of Heb. 'a'tq>n 'Wicked_ borrowed from Heb. 'ayi! 'bird of prey', Ar. «i>il
, ... k.k. hm-hll . see 'all'kaka. ·lI on·. suggested by Dlilmann 1907 ;306. is unlikely. 'ay-nu 'what', whIch'. of what kind?, what",
ness, uncanny words'?
See also > 'Qy-nl, ,'ay-hi '\\hocvcr, whatc\-'cr. whkhever'
.... k.modes hm-h'l"J!.{l (D 1406. aT) 'waste-
'wr, la'aw.ra .,.hIDI. (V). la'.wara 1'OIDI. (T) with prepositions : ntJ'(J)' '10 Whlt..:h·?, In what",
land. dry land'.
' be wounded'; 'awel h'BT (T) 'shout, cry. scream'; by what? at what?'; !a'm' 'for WhlCh~ ~m'OI'
from G~_ l1ukhmocifs 'd ry , arid' 'from which? for whatT, -
sec also 'awara (above), unless the root la'aworo ETHIOPIC: Amh. aw ala ·cry. bark (hyena),. Amh.
with suffix pronoun~ : 'Llvalomu 'which of
- -,n m-hl'tl." owwawQ ' howl'; related to 'awYQwa, below. See also
.~ • (T) 'awk.siirayii hm-
)a~k~S8ra)'a " and is to identified with f)vr ' be blind '.
• • 'ww. them?'; see Dlilmann 1907; 119.335-6:
hl'tc! ',Yn3xa num ;
)awri~ars, '8wriras, l3wriris hl&t..,f,CIl : Ar 'a.l'Y 'whlChT. SAr. ')' 'whatsocver',
(("Irrupt from Gk. synoksoria. nom., acc. pI. of hm-t-C{l : hm-t-~{l (LI). 'awra~ars hllJ- '.wil, 'awet h'l!.'f- : h'B.'f- 'feast of nativity of Mh, ey, Heb. 'e 'where?', 'i =r 'whICh"" Aram. -e
J I 'fJ(lkJarirm,
C,hC{l (T.) 'rhinoceros'; SI. John the Baptist'; 'what?, where?, how?', 'i~u 'where now')' (Jug-
yo~annJs 'awit 'hymn for SI. John the Baptist'. mented by ~a), S},r, 'CJ_I'"ci 'what')', 'aykJ 'where'}"
'.wkiyiinos hm-h.,rC;{l 'ocean'. Tna . !JOriS. 'awrarii 'rhinoceros', Te. ~a.
Ug. 'y 'any', Akk., ayyu 'whlChT, See aho Jensen
from G~. OkmnoJ 'ocean'; also Syr. 'uqi)'onos, ris, Amh.Gur. awraris. Ar. I;aris is considered a
'awle hllJ-1; (GrA36) 'messenger'. 1889:4n; Brockclmann 1905 ' ]n; Barth 191]
Aram. ,oqayoniiJ. See also H"iJqa)'anos. Geez loanword (Noeldeke 1910 : 57). See also 'arwe. 143ff; 0 Cohe n 1976: 16, under 'YY; Pennacch:etti
' .wranqi hllJ-t-14! (T) 'wind'; 'awl;;r hm-;l-C ; see (watara). watr.
,...1 hm-A. (Lt) 'awl Om-A 'vapor, mIst. (T.M) ETHIOPIC' : Te. 'ari 'whl!.:h?', Tna '"yran, '''rnmar.
dew. (Lt) hum,d,ty', see also ·owraqis. also 10 n"biiy 'whither?' (from ndh 'or), kumar
'awliiy hm-;l-K- (KG) ·tent' .
SL\i!TI(": Ac '(it ('w/) 'vapor that rises mornmgs ' how!' (from kuma 'oy), Har oy 'whICh"". Gur l"
'awriiqis hm-t-4!{l (T.M.D) ' tempestuous wind'; perhaps a misunderstanding for 'anlar htD-:J'C 'w hereT ; also In CU1ihltlC Aw,Sa.Af. or 'who'l
and evenings' .
ETH1UP1(": Te, 'ola I'wl) 'be moist" 'a wl, ' raln~ from Gk. eurakyl6n ' north-east wind' ; also Syr.
'cords of a tent'. which')', BII.Kh am. au, Qem. IJ~'. Som, e (see also
Dolgopolsky I) I).
'\eason (m the lowland)" Tna. 'ou'al ' humid, 'owla >ewraqelidon. See also 'owriinqi.
•in sallim 'awl• ~1I.?" I hllJ-1' 'kind of
'dew'; Amh perhaps also awlo nafas 'stonn ' (Kape- •
tree' ; '.yo hI'- 'distance, separation'.
huk). 'awraris, 'awraros hlD-t-~{l : hllJ-t-Cil ; see
)awra~lQrs. it translates Amh. !ilqur aWl ' plante de la famille des
'a .. I.' I horA{J 'olive tree, oak. wood from ' iyobib h.1'-1J1I (T') 'sun'.
Solanacees' (Strelcyn 1968 :86, 1973 ·no.37).
olive tree' 'awris hllJ-t-{l. transcribes Gk. horiisis 'appear- '.yobiili hl'-lJlI. (TM) ·litigant'.
ETHIOPIC Tna. 'OH-/;1' 'wild olive tree'; from Cushit- ance'; the lexicographers misunderstood it and '<wi!, 'iwi! h,'I!1' I h.'I!1' (lI) 'cord';
IC Sa. iilu' translated it 'stars (T.M). circling of the stars from Ar. bayl (Bezold. Kebra Negesr. p.92. n.5) 'iyyobel ('iyyubel) h.1'-/1,A (h.f./1,A) 'Jubila-
(aT). splendor' (K). tion, trumpet':
,... 1., II hm-A(J (T) ·rebel. outlaw'; 'awlebadl hllJ-m.O.t:'A (T), 'awlebad.1 hm-m.
• • >iyyobe!yos. ·iyyobe!yolJ . 'IITobel"u 'J ubilee
c('Iuld be a metathesis of 'olult'a, below. 'wry, la'awraya ,,.hllJ-lf (T) 'be angry. be nY-A (M) 'bean'; year' ;
enraged' ; from 'aw!e bad! (bada!). for whIch see below.
'a .. log.yii, ' .... Iagiya hm-fIo'?! ' hm-II1.! 'the from Heb. yap,! through Gk. ,obel; also Syr. ruP,-
denominative of >awre. metathesis of 'arwe, above. layi 'jubilee year', Tna, 'il'obel. ·;yubel, Amh l),obt'-
hle;sed bread which is distributed among the 'awliiki, 'awtike hllJ-"llt. I hllJ-"lll. (T M)
• • !yu.
derfY at the end of the Mass'; 'heretic' .•
'awr.yon hm-C1'-1 (K *) ' next day ';
·a",!ug..yos (K) 'bie>sed'; 'ayhi h1-Yo; see ·av .
from Ok, aurion ' tomorrow '. refers to Eutyches, the heretic. ca. 378-454 (see
·ulI!ug,l.\UI/ (K) 'ble,,!' (Gk. eu!ogesol/);
F.L. Cross. Th, Oxford Dictionary oj Ih, Chrislian
from Gk. <'Ulo)1,a 'blessed bread'. through Chr.-Ar church, 1974, p. 484). 'ayhud h1-u.Y:; see YJhudii.
'awasa I hIDf'l 'cause to mix ';
·u}tli'.~irjJ: also Tna. >Q ldo1:iya 'eulogy', Amh. awlo. ta'awasa (T.M) 'be spilled. be diluted';
gnu, '.yh hK-'l ·flood. the Deluge' ;
'ow!ini hllJ-mS (T.') 'small skin used as a
related to hws.


'move, shake'. bag'. 'eh~ 'drown with a flood' (denominative);
•... Ioni, ' ."Ion, ' .wloni horflo~ : hm-fIo') : >ayba (V.T.M) 'destroy, drown' (tr.J.
hllJ-fto<; (D 1406. aT) ·Iowland. platn'; 'awasa II hIDf'l (T) ·boast. brag'. la 'ayba 'drown (intr.). (K) be covered with
'ww, '8WW., '.wowa hID , hIDID (K *) 'shout';
from Gk au/fin 'hollow between hills'. also Syr see fowyawa, and 'awel, above. water' ;
'awsonl hllJ-{l1.'f- (Gr.436) 'eagle, bird of prey'.
'QK'!iina, '(J'tt'hmo 'valley. open land', See also 'elona, ETHIOPIC:Te. maya ~aJ,'h 'flood' (from Geez), Tna
see also 'awast
'.way. hIDf (MA) 'be sweet, taste sweet'. 'ay&,. Amh. maya ay.h (from Geez). W Muller.
50 . -
'·Yyaspid - .

, • 51
\fUJk n 74 (J Qb I), 20~ compares it wIth Egyptian
S« als(' ' I'~ , I y~ '). "0)'1).1'0 .
& from Gk. aer 'air' ; also PbH. >awlr, Aram . 'Owira,
Syr. 'a'ar, Md. aiar.
h.fitA.") 'jasper' , -
>a'eyaya (T Y M) rendered by Amh, lamiilliUii

ETHIOPIC' Te.Tna. 'ayyar, Amh. ayyar. from Gk . iaspin (acc. , g. o[ iaspis) 'jasper' See also
liyyosl!id. ·;y}'tispis. 1'''''/11'1 ' return ' ~ howevr r. In View of ta~a}Q
>Ih. ,.ha(T Y S" In 0 797) 'igmte, set on fire';
1~:Qrh~ (Y) 'be Igmted'; 'oyyar /I hfC, (K) 'oyyir hfC, name of the liimiilliJsd 1'-1111 IS an error for lamrusil/l;
. - second Hebrew month; >iyyispis 'jasper' , 1'''':"11 ' be Itke, resemble',
pcrhars from 't'~O (see 'DV&> 'drown ';ith a flood. •
'aya~n 'equal' ;
destroy "> destroy through fire, Igmte from Hcb. I/)yar, through Chr.-Ar. ·ayyar; also Syr. from Gk. iaspis 'jasper' : also Syr "):a.spis. See also
·;yor, Akk. ayaru . 'iyyiiJ"id, 'iyyiiJ"in. yiiJbis. 'ayay 'equal, aSSOCiate, IIkene", Image, appe.!r-
ance' ,
>aylul hf-It-A, name of the sixth Hebrew
'ayyir hfC (T) 'precious stone'. 'oyat hfT (T), '~yat MT (Lt) 'shroud. wind- >.yuy 'equal, comparable';
month ; ing sheet'. 'ayal 'equality, likeness. re<emblance, analogy
(rom Hob. 'diil through Chr.-Ar. 'ayliil;,at,o Syr. +hft. (T) 'be changed around,
'yr, ta'ayyar.
, alle~ory, example, conformIty, harmo ny', -
·tn/lil. See also ·j/uti. -iloli. return . 'ayit I hfT (1I) 'wafer (made with honey)';
>ayata . 'ayal'lila 'equally. in like manner, like' ,
see also >ay(y )aylil.
)ym~ lema, cernah.00 : ~oo 'make a hedge f~r 'ayaya (T) 'equal, resembling ; equality, resem-
'.yyur "f.C (TKBT) 'punishment which befalls blance' ;
a pen, bring cattle into the pen for a rest; a wrongdoer'; 'oyit II hfT; see 'ayaya.
mJ,(. / )'am, m.,(. )yam 'stal/, pen, sheepfold, same as 'aydl; al~o 'neither mOist no r
restlOg place of cattle during the heat of the probably for '.yyur 'reviled, in,ulted, offended' (see 'ayyata hf+ (T) 'swell, be lumpy (wound)'; dry (hider ;
'yr II) . >.yyat (T.M) 'swelling, lump, bruise'. mJ'yay (Lt) 'point of reference'
ETHIOPIC : Amh . • yyur, ,arne. It is difficult to know
ETHIOPIC; Tna 'ema 'sleep (cattle)" ma'emi 'place whether Amh . i1yyur is borrowed from Geez or the 'ayte hf-i: 'where?, whither?' (see Dillmann SEMITIC: Syr. ' K)" In 'awe 'agreemg, 10 con(ord '~
where cattle rest'. other way around. 'f'!'ewf 'agree, make an alliance' (Dlllmann 791,
1907: 379);
Noeldeke 19tO: 190, n. 2l. The suggeslJon made b,
'a),te-nu 'where?, whither?' ; Srockelmann 1927)8 to denve G . 'aJ-·Ql" from A~
'iyyimin h.f"t'1 (0 1406,OTT) 'shovel, (T) 'ys, '<sa (Y"is) ",f1, 'ayasa hffl (TY), 'ayasa
ba->ayte 'where?, In what way?, how?'; 'tiYQ 'slgn' (not e'tisting 10 Geez) with the adjectival
spoon, (OT) a tool to rake a fire'; Offl (Sw. IR D 796), '<sa 'l.f1 (1I) 'waste away,
languish, (T.Y.0.796) be turbulent, rave, be '.m-'ayte, >.m-'ayte-nu 'Whence?, (Gr .233) by -oy, the meanmg bemg ' mit dem"ielben ZeIChen ver-
from Gk , iamin, transcnption of Heb. hay·ya·im what means?, with what motive?'; sehen', is unlikcly_
'shovels' See also yamin, confounded, boil, boil over, quarrel, go here
baba 'ayte 'whither?, to what placeT; ETHIOPIC : Te. >ayay 'relative, kinsman ', Amh, Q\'aya
and there looking for something, groan in 'comrades, partners who are equal In age and statm:
distress, (Lt) soften, grow soft'; 'ayte-ma 'where?', 'ayte-nu-ma 'where?' ~
'ayyana hf~ (K'); see ta'ayyana;
'ayte-ni 'anywhere';
la>ayrana 'ltve wel/ and comfortably, be pam- ta>esa (0 1397) 'be patient'; 'ay(y)ayat hff:" (T) 'pure honey',
('i-'ayle-ni 'nowhere');
pered' , 'is 'roaming here and there' (n.);
>ayte-hi 'anywhere'; is connected with layiil 'wafer (of honey)'
SEMITIC : Ar 'ana ( 'K'n ) 'enjoy peacefulness. relax' SEMITIC: Ar. ·ayisa 'despair of; related to Heb. Y'!
(O,llmann 797) (OI['al), Ar. ya'isa. composed of lay and -Ie. 'ay(y)ayiy hff~, (T) 'harvest'.
SEMITIC: Ar. 'ay-no 'where?', Heb. 'Q)"ye 'where?'
'aynu, 'ayni hf-). : hf-~; see 'ay. 'ayasa hffl (T Y.M); see 'ys, >esa. (lengthened from 'ay), 'ayin, In min 'a)'in , me'Qyin 'iyyizebu h.f/l.1I- (T) 'bridle, rein';
'from whereT, Aram. Ie. 'an'e 'whereT, Syr 'oy-kti,
'iyyasebu h.fll.lI- (T) 'wasteland, desert'; Ug. iy 'where is/are?', Akk. al 'whereT ETHIOPlc ' Tna. ~inoh 'rein', Amh. il:ab. :ab, Arg.
'.yapa hfA (MA) 'descend, go down'. zab, Gur il:ab; passed into Cushltic Kam. :abd.

ETHIOPlc : Te. 'aya 'where?', Tna 'ay In .aNiy
one recognizes the root 'ys 'waste away' , Qab. "aba.
'where?'; augmented by -I ID Te. 'illtaya , 'aliiy
'iyopporg.yoo h.f""C"If"'1 (T) 'precious stone'; 'where?', Tna . layti, Amh . yiil, Arg. yed, Gur et
• •
see 'oppargilyon. 'iyyise~ (TM), 'aysa~i h1-it"'- (T) 'no,

it is not'; 'iyyizer, yizer h.f/l.C I ,t'/l.C (0 1406.0T)
'.yawi hf'!!; see 'araya. 'crown, (Lt) blue, blue garment';
'ayquni, 'ayqoni hf-'*'i : hf-~'i 'icon'; one recognizes the negative 'i.
'.yiy hf1- (T) 'earth'; corrupt from Gk . nettr, transcnption of Heb. ne:tr
from Gk. elkona. ace. 5g. of eikon 'plcture, icon, 'crown'
'iyyisemer h.fll."'lC (T) 'precious stone'.
hkene5s' through Chr.-Ar. liqlina, layqlina, quna; could it be a qualificatIOn of the earth as being even
also Aram . 'fqona. Syr. yuqna. Or level according to Tayya, and to be compared
'iyyisinibi h.fl\~1] (T) 'pillar, pole'. 'oza "" 'while';
with layayo, below? in the Aksum ,"scription 9. 20 (see L,ttmann
'iyyiqiq hJt'l> (T) 'colored cloth'. 'iyyispid, 'iyyisped h.fitA.Y.: : "-fitA.Y.:, (Lt) 1912:27);
'.yaya hff (TS) 'make equal, even out, (K ')
'iyyisapid h.ffl·A.Y.: 'jasper';
'Iyyar I (pI. 'ayvarat) hfC 'air; • be equal'; to be identified with '.m:u.
from Gk. iaspidi, dat. sg. of iaspis 'jasper'; also
'l>T or 'aJr, sky, the h'ghest sky',
'ay),ariiH'i 'aenal, of the air, ethereal';
Amh. iyyaspid (from Geez). See also ';yyiiJpin,
'iyyaspis .
la>ayaya 'be equal, be comparable, be com-
pared, be paired'; 'Ozi "If (T.M) 'one who does an '"Justice',
• la>ayaya (K') 'resemble one another'; from Ar 'ada ('dr) 'hann. hurt'
52 'IZarih

~-.~Zi~ri:n~______~__~~~~_____________5:3~____________________________~)."., .
'7~, '.'t" '''"~" hil·n,Url ("G) 'explore, 1,)(1k ,z),mat.'zil ,.:to~,,1II. (T) 'separation, disin_ nscription of Heb. 'Qziirii( h ) 'barrier, enclosure'
legratlon , t:~ Dlilmann 1406, rather than ofHeb. :~ara(h) as 'Q'Qzzaza (K·). causative;
at soml'thll1g I..'arl"fu11\ "
undouhtedly for mil/a'zal, borrowed from Ar. nlU'ICI_
~ven by Dillmann 1404, under 'ahazraM la)a~:aza. passive; also 'obey, be under some.
\,manl I,f (h;-/I It 'cHldha:oho- one s authority';
:d/. from '0:010 'remove. set aside. segregate'; also 'aziriin 1\11.6-1, ninth Syrian month;
, la'a:a:a (K') 'take turns obeying',
'Ilabl hUrl (" 0) ',purt out, 'qUirt,
Amh m.J·<Jzo! 'diVIsion in reclling the Psalms'
see also ~a::uriin. 'aSla'a:aza (K') 'cause to obey one another
'l1s1o'n:n/)a ' unnate ~ cause to order each other" , •
>allala 1\11/\ (T K.M) 'be strong, grow up, pre- ,azraq hlft.~ 'dark blue, dark green';
"\lfTtI f\r 'O;Ob11 'flo,,' vail, be superior'; JQz:iizi,act. part. of )0::0:0, also 'testator,
i:TlfllWll perhaps Amh . a:a"" 'dung of b~v~ncs 'azraqa (MA) 'dye to a blue or '" a green secretary' ;
'a.<la'a;:;:ala (V) 'strengthen';
"hlCh ha . . (('"cl..'tcd in the pcn', Sl~ also 'a:aha. color' ; 'n:"Z 'commanded, ordered. obedient',
'a:;:lil, (KBT) 'az;:iil 'strong, strong man, COura-
geous, brave', from Ar. >azraq 'blue' (for its. Persian origin. see (il'aZGZ 'commandment. decree, command
'Illlbi hUll (T.M~) 'tie, btnd, s.\\, (T) braid', Eilers 627); in the other SemItic languages: Syr. edict, law, ordinance, order, precept, prescn~
,,,:: iJh (T.S" "' [) 1197) 'braid of silk'; ETHIOPIC': Amh , azziilii 'be strong, powerful' (from 'azraq 'dark blue', Md. zaruq 'blue (eyes)', Heb. in hon, will. provision';
Geel). ;eba(h) zar,qo(h) go (Hos. 7, 9) translated by
f TlfltlPIl ·\mh d.·:(lhd " 'C, braid, plaIt'. la'azziizi 'commanded, ordered, obedient, sub-
Driver (JTS 33[1932J.38) 'hoar hairs are grey upon missive';
'a2mar I h lfooC 'purple, scarlet'; him' (so also Koehler 269, but Baumgartner 273
' ITib, '1IIb, 'l.1ob hl/1l • hU1I t 1\fl1I 'hyssop, tQ'Qz::aZOI 'obedience';
from AT 'QJmor. 'sich einschleichen' following J. Slau, VT 5[1955J.
nllnt ' • ('i-Ia'azz"ot 'dISobedience');
ma'aZUl (Lt) 'preceptor, instructor',
rr(\m Hl"h. '1.":00. the- other Semlilc languages .
In 'almar II 1\lf oo C 'kind of tree',
<\1 ~7:ab. -\ra"; y:oM; also Ar. :u(ii, Syr. :iipa, 'azyib 1\'11'11 (T.M) 'depth, abyss'.
U . :Upu .... Aram.-SymK > Gk hnsopflJ 'hyssop
- , ETHIOP1C : Amh. o:amiJr , a:amiir 'a tree the leaves
SEMITIC: Ar. 'azza 'incite, urge, Instigate' (Ambros}.
ETHIOPIC: Tna. 'azziizii 'order', Te. 'a;:ii:a, Amb.
(Stt I (\h'lI5('h, n(\, )bb) J-M a hthhography on the of are wrapped around the dabbo-bread When 'azzaza 1\HH 'order, command, rule, exercise
azzii:ii. Arg. t::iiza, Gar. i::ii:d, Gur. a:iizd; passed
rlant, sec 8'lUmgarlncr ~h .t " baked' dominion, instruct (an inferior), prescribe, into Cushitic. Kham. o:eJ, 811. aded (with alter-
EnnoPJ( Amh . a=ab 'h)~"op', Te. 'i!iop. See also .nake a will, bequeath'; nance d' z), Dar. azaz. Kam. a:zaggo.
~'Ol' '.zmara 1\'11 00 6- (K') 'crop, harvest';
from Amh. o:miira. See also ::ammara III.
·./Cb htli1 'soulh. ,outh wind',
(n"''''SIG 'a:fn. name of the Queen of Saba); 'Il" (pI. ',nan, .a·ziill) ~'II1 'ear';
'a:ehtiwi 'southern',
SEMITIC: Ar. ·udn. Soq. 'idihen, Heb. 'ozgn, Aram.
Sf ~flJl( z\r '0:111/1 ' s(luth wind, southeast, south', 'ugnii, Syr ·edna, Md. 'udna, Ug. udn, Akk. uzun.
Ar lOman) r:rtb 'north "ind', Mh ha!teb'south ETHIOPIC: Te, 'il:Jn, Tna. 'aZnI, Gar. ~znii, Har,
",,"d' IS« ""lIees, Z Dlle 49[ I ~95J 507; Landberg uzun, Arg. i:in, Gur. azan, See also 'zn, ma'aziln.
190'1 170 "·9: :-'o<IJr'e 191062·31.
ErnroPlc Tc Tna 'a:~h)outh-east, south', Amh . lzn, mi l3un, mi)3Zan, mi)azant, mi)3Zant (pI.
~,b For the same w(lrd e:\rre~mg different dlrec- ma'ii:,n) "'I~lf1 ; "'I~H1 • "'I~'II1:to i "'I~
lions set' also Santin. U,:to 'angle, corner, border (of garment)';
ma'ii:an 'cardinal points, zone';
,.,h• ~1I'l 'hard stone, flint';
('abna mQ',)::ant 'corner stone');
[rolorlc Tna . lQ:aJ)l1 :ahil qil:ahU (q <.. • by (,.'sa mii'dZQnt 'head of a corner, corner
hyptrcorl«tion), 'lQJhil (rrom 'a:hll), Amh. a:ohu stone');
(from Tna), T<'lIh augmented n) 'quartz', ma":"n (Gr463) 'angular';
n6gtdlra 'put quanz ston('S on a lomb' (denomma-
f 1\C) Thc root is l'ommOn with Egyptian J:& 'cut from 'J:n 'ear', above;
".lh • reapmg·hooK' t('<'nll 1978.163, al>o RSO ETHIOPIC ' Tna. mii'az;m 'angle, corner', Amh. maJa-
4811973-4J'I, but s« Ros;ler, m Lt,lau 1983 _135- ziin, Amh. Gur. mazan,
>.zeri ~116-, see 'azarii~.
·at~i mat~i hlf~ • ''''If;) (T') 'day and
OIght" . .
'azarib, 'azrib,
'abezeriih. 1\H6-,), • ~'II6-tlt ,
1\m.I16-tlt (D 1406), 'azera 1\116- (KG) 'barner,
EnuOPJ( Amh a:iuJ ma:iuJ. sam< Ifrom Geez) enclosure' ;
' Wl
S.MtTlC : posSJ~ty _Ar. gabara 'du.!' (Baumgartner .
832 under '.raga Ill) ; Dillmann 832 (follOWing :arne proud, be puffed up, boast, be boast
Gesenius) suggests Heb, 'arai?O 'desert' (from "rb) ~ be arrogant, magnIfy on=lf be exalted'
ETIfJOPIC 'Te, 'abra 'become waste', 'abar 'dryness' ta-aha.v afK.) ' compcte', I ,

Tna . 'obara 'become meager, become dry', Amh' 'osta'anaya . 'alla'ahbaya ' breed canCel!,
abar 'drought', HaT. ab~r 'famme', Gur. abar 'dry swagger, exalt , raIse' ,
season', also 10 Cushillc : Sam. abar 'dry season :osta'a~aya (K 'J 'cau ... to compete',
( 0 famine', Bil. 'abar 'dryness', Sa.Af abar, Or aha; .bbuy proud, arrogant, boastful . haughty in_
'famine', solent' ;
<.ber /JI\.C; see 'aber , (,.bbuya 'presumptuous' ),
EnllOPIC W . Muller suggests Te. 'abiillt 'strong,
'U' o./J (Gr 437) 'excrement of a horse',
mighty (torrent)'. For rna'~ba/, cpo Tna. rna-bal '~bay 'greatness, size, magnitude. magnificence.
'wave, storm', Amh. mabiil. rna'abiil (from Oeez). <.bre! /J-fI&.-'I-, see bry II , majesty, honor, glory';
<.bi /JIJ (It) 'dung'; 'abiyy (fern . 'abbay; pI. com, 'aMaH) ' big
See atso m'bl, below.
FTluoprr: Tna. 'dung'. Amh Jbiit . <.briwi, <.briy (pI. ,.briiw.yon) /J1It-'/! /J-fI great, large, important, lofty, elder, 'old , no~
'1110 j

'Hebrews (people)', table, loud (voIcer :

<.bli /J1I1\; see 'ablii, above,
'.beI I O-fl'(- (ll) 'enchanter', ('ablyyot 'great things'),
SEMITIC ' Heb. 'ipr[
<Jhad 'power, capacity', ('abiyy ( a) kr.stiyon 'adult Chnsttans',
<ubil o.lJA (Or.437), 'ubil }o..IJA (T 0 (405) ETHIOPIC : Amh . • brawi 'Hebrew (person)'
FrnlOPIC Te. 'obda 'gam power over somebody' opposed to n,'usa k,.stlyan , see k".Ulyan) ;
'hIli'; M 404 misread, Tayya's h-ltj:;I- k"iirii!ta (koJu,n 'abiy>" 'high priest');
<.briyas!, <.brliyas~ /J-flt-,.f11' I /J1It-,.f111l.
<.beI II O-fl'(- (K ') 'slave', 'hIli' (Amharic translatton of 'ubiil) as ltC~;I­ 'Hebrew (language)'; ('abiyya 'hIghly, greatly'),
k".rr~!ta 'sulking' and wrongly rendered G. 'abbaytot (Lt) 'insolent'(pl),
from Ar 'ohd <~broyas!iiwi 'Hebrew, Hebraic';
<uhiil by 'grudge', t~'(. ) blt 'haughtiness, pride, arrogance, InSO'
from Ok, hebraistt '10 Hebrew'; also Amh . iJbrayas!
<.beI.~u O-fl'(-!( (T) 'mud', 'Hebrew language' (from Geel) Ience, conceit, boasting';

<abaqa 00+ (M), 'abaqa >.0+ (T) 'itch, have ta'ab(b)O.vl, part, of ta'ah(b)aya;
perhap~ a symbohc interpretatIOn of the name
Obad,a (Getatchew) scabies' ; <abba!a OOm, (T) 'aba!a >'Om 'exact compul. ta'ab(b).yo 'pride',
'abaq, (K ,T) 'abaq 'scabies, itch, sores, skin sory service, compel, force, coerce, take by SEMITIC : Ar, 'abba ('by ) 'fill a sack' (Ar 'ubl},},a
'abbala 0011 (K') 'make, do'; rash, leprosy'; force, (0r.292) requisition, (Ll) ruin, push, place 'pride, haughtiness' is conSidered an Ethiopian loan-
mo,.hal, miNbalt (pI. ma'ob.l, ma'obalt) 'tool, 'abuq 'scabby'; an obstacle', (KO) = Amh, miil/lisii 'return' word by Noeldeke t9t059 follOWing HorOVitz),
Instrument. fillings, arrow, weapon (arrow, SEMITIC , Ar 'abaqiya 'scar on the face', Akk, tpqu should be biigddd miil/iisii 'return by force' as Heb. 'lipa ('by) 'be thICk', Aram 'ape, Syr '.~a
~pearr. 'scabIes'; related to Ar, bahaq 'teprosy', Aram. ba· given in Y; 'thicken', Md, aba ('by) 'be thick', Ug. gb-n 'full.
hOqo, biihqli (Dillmann 985, with reservations). ness', Akk. ebri 'be (hick' The connection With Ar.
IS tither a meta(he~ls of mab'a/ (see btl I) or IS to be SEMITIC; SAr. 'b! 'compulsory service, calamity' (gby ), 'agbii 'dense, tangled (tree), overgrown' sug·
compared With 'm/'work', With allernance of labia Is ETHIOPIC Te. 'abqa 'be scabby', 'abq 'scabies" Tna, (M iiller t 983: 277), 'e..chon, compulsIOn' (Blella gested by Rabm HS:89, no. 5 is unhkety. smce these
(Brockelmann 1908:226) Ar 'amda 'work, make', 'abiiqu'be scabby', 'abiiqa 'scabies', Amh, abiiq 'itchy 350), Akk. ebi!u 'lIe, bmd > lighten, put someone meanmgs arc secondary from an origmal meanmg
Heb. (amot 'labor. toil., Aram. 'omal 'work, do', rash'; also m Cushltlc' Khamta 'awq·ii, See bak, In straits', Md. abl 'bind, hold fas!' (Dletnch 293), 'cover, conceal'
3yr 'emal, Md . 'mila 'well.worked', Akk . nemelu below.
Dilimann 988 (also Brockelmann 1928:504, l.eslau ETHIOPIC Tna, ·aba.,. 'be bIg', 'abbay 'Sunday', Te ,
'profit, ~a,"' Noeldeke 1910:55 derIVes Ar, ml'bala t958:37) suggests Sem 'bd (Heb, 'lipaif) 'work' 'aba «by) 'be bIg, be great', ,.bhuy 'haughty', san·
°arro\lo'head' from G mO'Jbal, and lb. he separates <abra (y.'bar) 011":, <abara 00":, (T) 'abara ETHIOPlc· Tna. 'abala 'hurl oneself upon to tear to bal 'abbay 'Sunday', Amh t·abbaya 'be proud',
G. mah'al'lO~trument ' from ma'~bQ/'arrow·. >.0..: 'dry up, be arid, grow barren (earth), be pIeces', Amh, abba!a 'trouble, upset, compe\' abbay 'Nile' (ht. 'the bIg one'), Gur. abba 'Sunday';
sterile' ; passed Into Cushllic; Qab,AI.Kam abb/,.,a'Sunday',
<.bala 0011 (K') 'flow', <abya (ya'bay) O-flf, (T) '.bya "-flf 'be great, Bii. 'abay 'become bIg'.
'a'bara, causative,
m{nbal, mo'.bal (pI. mo'abalot, ma, be big, be large, be important, become famous,
,.bur 'arid, dry, sterile, (0r.255) untruthful';
'wa,'e, flood, waved molding, (transferred mean. be powerful, increase (Intr), be promoted, pre· <ad(d) 0.(- (KGX) 'forever';
Ing) wreath (that IS, something WIth a wavy 'abar 'dryness, bareness, scarcity, drought, fam·
Ine, penury, sterility' (M 455 wrongly translat· vail, be raised (voice), (Ll) become fat, be the quoted sentence y~naggas 'ilg:; 'ab~lrtr la-alama
shape), (T) flash, dazzlIng light' (is probably inflated, swell'; folam wa'add 'God reigns forever' clearly mdicates
Tayya's mterpretation of mo,.bala zawarq 'a es Amh, darq given by Tayya for 'abar as
'disturbo intestinale', while here it means (zaya'abbi 'great, big, elder, senior'); that (wa)fadd transcnbes Hebrew wtirfg In the u-
golden '"eath' of Ex, 25 ; 11,24); 'a<baya 'make great, magnify, increase, pression I~'olam WQttg 'forever'.
II IS poSSIble that K reconstructed the verb 'aba/a 'ubare (Gr.470) 'dryness'; augment, enlarge, promote, lift (voice), exalt,
'flow' from the noun ma'iba!.
,.bret (Ll) 'stefllity'; extol, exaggerate'; <idi '''l 'sttll, sttll more, again, once more,
ta'abaya, /a<abbaya, (T) ta'abaya 'be haughty, moreover, further, furthermore, besides,
56 .;Jdaw


lafoddama, passive; bn-mii,.dotu [Lt] 'WIthout delay');
ralh«. ~ut ahl'" "'llh a negative '(not) yeC~
also used \A IIh $uffi\. pronouns: e.g. ~adt-hu 'he still'; ta'odama '.gree WIth one another upon a fixed (ba'ola mo,.dol 'Monday after Easter);
tIme or on any other matter'; tnJ'la)doll (pI. ma-odJw) 'ford, passage, cross-
Sr.MITIC 10 connrxtlon wuh the rool 'oda ('M'd, 'Jddum (K '), pass. part. of 'addama,
N'lon) . AT. -ada (' H"d J used adverbially 'more' ing, anything that makes cross (e.g. bridge)"
,.dme (pI. ,.dmeyot) 'time, set time, proper masl.,(.i do,. (K'), same, '
(Barth 1902 . .14, Landberg 1920-42:2338·9). SAr 'd
again' (W Muller). HaTS. ·ad'still. yet. again', tvfh .
time, opportune time, season, period';
SEMITlC Ar 'ada I<dw) ' run, pa~s·. SAT 'dw'move
'ad < 'ad. Heb.Aram. 'od (see also Jean-HortlJzer (ba-,.dme [It] 'on credit');
march', Soq. '<1.\' 'cross', Heb. 'iigii (' d\) 'stnde' (~
20). l'~ 'd'still' (ha-,.dmehu 'in due time');
also Wagner 91). Aram. raga 'pass by', Syr '.lela
ETHIOPI( Te. 'ad" ')'et' Barth 1913 :60 ana· ,.dme),ot 'holidays'; 'pass near', Md . ada , ·da 'pass by. pas.!<i over', U-g.
Iyz~s G. -ad, as commg from ·ad-ye. y bemg a 'd)' (M.e. Astour, JNES 27(1968].25)
SEMITIC: the connection with Ar 'iddiin 'time' ,
demomtratlve. Aram. 'Iddiinii 'time', suggested by Dillmann 1009 ETHIOPIC: Te. 'oda ('dy ) 'cross', Tna. (ta)-adcia
following ludolf SOl, is doubtful. The root is per- Gaf. addo, Har. ada, Gur. od/'; passed IOto Cushltlc:
'><I (pI. ',dall', 'a,.doll') 1J1: 'man, male, hus- Sa. adaw 'go', For miil,ldcJI, cpo Te. ma'do. Amh
haps related to Ar. 'o=ama 'invite (to dinner)' with
band'; pI. 'men, people'; alternance d: z. modo. Har madu 'across' See also "ldilH'
SEMITIC : Heb 'r<f.l·e~ In Ps. /03:5 IS rendered by ETHIOPIC: rna. '~dme 'age, period of time', Amh.
Dm.r (JTS )6[1935].155) 'thy prime' and com· Gur. Jdme; Tna. <addiimii 'invite to a banquet', Te. 'adaw /Jf-m-, pI. of ,.d.
,"" II IJ6 'lot',
pared with the Geel root. (tii)'odiima 'make an appointment, invite', Amh.
ETHIOPIC Te 'ad 'tribe, family, people', Tna 'add, addiimii 'make an appointment'; passed into Cushit- ,.diiwi IJ.I\'J! ; see 'adaya. secondary form of "ldiJ. belll\\..
'counIT), \'1l1age, people'; also in Cushittc' Sam. 'ed Ie : Qem. ;uime "time', Kham. edem 'invite'
'people', ,><I.w (pI. "dJwon) /J1:m-, (Gr.298) 'adow '""ii, 'o~ M I IJb 'lot',
'udr o-1:C, (T) 'udr h-1:C 'excuse'; o1:m-, (T) ,3d a .. /J"m- 'enemy, ad,ersary', /Q<tida\\'a, (T) lu'<idu\\,u 'cast lOb, be .\Signed
'><Ii MI, see 'adaya. by lot' (denomlnatlve);
from AT. cudr; also 10 Te. 'adr 'excuse', from AT 'oduH'I" 'enemy'; also In Te. ' ado; or could
it be derived from 'adalt'u 'transgress. become an 'aslo'olimnJ 'draw lots, ca\t lOb, l:ause to dra\\
·~o /),,; see fadawa. lots' ,
'udat O-f-T; see ,,,,d. enemy'?
r~~fdawe, 'udou(' 'casting lots' (n),
'000 Pf-, 'ud 0-1:; see 'wd. 'adawa (y.'du) Of-IV, (T) 'adawa t.f-IV 'cross , 'adaya (p'dij of-f (YK'), 'adaya hf-f (T.M) SEMITIC. Ar. 'idll/I) 'piece, portion'; rct.\ted to Ar .
'ud 0-1: 'aloe, stem of aloe'; cross over, pass over, pass, transgress, exceed, 'pay, pay back'; ~a;: 'fortune,luck, good fortulle', Heb. IIt',\ 'arrow'.
surpass' ; 'ada)'; (K '), act. parttciple, Ug. ~; 'lucky'_ On i.l pov'Ilble rCla(H~n' between
from AT 'ud 'aloe'; also Syr. fuga, Tna.<ud. Amh. 'ardawa 'bring across, take across, transport'; 'arrow' (Heb. "t".~, Ar ~a:~-ll) and 'fortune', see
'adii 'debt, compensation, responsiblhty, fault,
ta'adawa, ta'adwa 'go beyond, step over, pass sin, guilt, punishment'; Hommel 1879:65; Neeldeke Iqlll . I~7·8 Flel<,h
h,,""" .23 I connects 'lot' With ',ld ·bol~. mon.:eJu de bQl~
'ad ada (I,.'d.d) Of-f- (T) 'be removed to a over, pass by, surpass, exceed, encroach, trans- (ba'iila 'ada, bii'la ,.do, "do 'debtor ,
pour lirer au sort'
distance, be discarded, Hee, be exiled, be humil- gress, deviate, rebel'; creditor');
ETHIOPI(': Tc. '.1.\ 'lot', Tna '.Ha, ',Il'a, Amh.Arg.
iated, (K) remove, taradawa 'cross one another'; (y.dallawo 'ada 'he is held responSIble, he is Jra, HaT. h.Ha. h,!d, Gur cl~: also 10 CushitK . Or
'a'dada 'remove, make disappear, chase away'; 'astaradawa 'make cross one another" , responsible'; see dnlawa II); ita. Sid. h,ttl.
',dad'repellmg, removal, rejection, expUlsion, radawi, act. part. of fadawa; ,.dow; (K *) 'debtor, creditor,
humihation' , 'ad.w 'something that one crosses over, one
who crosses over';
SEMITIC: Ar. 'adii ('dy 'pay, repay' (Dlllmann '""e (pI. 'Jdniit, ,.tit/yiit) IJ\ 'vermin, worm,
secondary form of 'adawa 'pass' (Dllimann 1013 1011), Akk. idii 'hire, wages, rent' (D. Cohen 19798). moth, caterpillar',
follow 109 ludolf), SAr (h)'d.· 'remove (boundary 'adJWa (Gr.298) 'across, opposite'; ETHtoPlc: Tna. ,.du 'debt', 'udiil'a 'p.y back', Te. 'a~i(l.,'a, 'ud.ra (l"l'~JiJ, (T) ·U.yurll 'breed worms,
stones)' fJdo, same as fJdaw; ,.day 'debt', (tii)'adda 'owe', Amh.Arg.Gur . • da produce worm_, get" orms, he caten by worms,
,.daw (pI. ,.dawot) 'place where two ways 'debt', Amh adiiyyii 'owe' (denominative from ilda rot, putrefy' (denominatIVe);
'.dala Of-II (K') 'distnbute'; meet, crossroad, fork in the road" , 'debt'): also m Cush\uc Qua ada 'debt', Qem SI'MITIC related to Ar tulia 'moth·worm' (Dill·
from Amh. ad.~·l··
uQ Q. ,.dwat (TS) 'act of crossing, passing over, trans- adu, Kham . edu. Cerulli 1951:~04 also compares mann 1026); if so, cp, also Heh. 'cH, Aral11_ 'cHa,
gression, violation (of duty),; Kafa eral 'lend'. Syr. 'ai~ci, Akk. Cl.~(HII
'adJ 01:A, see 'adl. taradawi, part. of tacadawa; ETHIOPIC: Tna. 'J:\'(' 'lan',l', Amh, .l~t C(lntt RO~'11lI
'a~~a 011; see 'dd.
• • 1912:208 compares Cushluc Qem_ ~J.\'ci 'worm',
mii'Jdot, mo,.do (pI. ma,od.w) 'the opposite
, Of-"", (T) 'addarna hf-"" 'appoint a SIde, passage, bank (of river, sea), ford, ferry Qua. [1tl.U, Kham. ~e.ta. BII. qde;
,.~ I (pI. w!a"" ,.<,Iawol) iJiI 'tree, shrub, bush,
tIme, deSlgnate',determine, lix (a time, a price), boat';
con\!oke, invite; wood, stick, staff (of spear)'; . 'a'diidiit
'dd, , hMII-r (T) c Amh. ./lirg 'plCce
(mlhdota 'across, to the opposite side, '>I/a", 'herbs, beams formmg the frame of a of cloth which is as wide as the width of the
)Q<dama. same:
beyond, on the other side of, along'); building' ; loom'_

-.d.d. (""dod) 0111.. (T) '.~ad. ""1.. (K) (.al/rna '.gr 'shinbone');
.ega '\.1; see 'yg.
• (.al/l1Ia 'skeleton');

.••• d. 0"1. 'reap, mow; :gs. ta'aggaia .1'0, ....

IT) tl'lgg.'. "'1\,..,
(rma'add," 'mower'); . SEMITIC: Ar. (a~m 'bone', Heb. (f~fm, Aram. «tma, .oga P1; see 'MIg I. II. bear pallently, be tolerant, forbear, endure
ta'adda. tG'adada. passive; __ Syr. 'alma 'thigh', Ug. (~m 'bone', Ph. (~m, Akk. persevere, put up with, restraIn oneself (from):
'adad, (pI. 'adadd, for ·al/adt; also ·al/aibyan) esmu. ' I 0111. (Y T.M) 'ag.l. "111 'place in praCllse restramt, abstaIn, refram from ILt)
'reaper. mower.
,, ETHIOPIC: Te. <Cl!am, <a?t1m 'bone', Tna. r~mi, Gaf. hold a secret' , '
layers, place in a row, heap up, make an
vdud (K ') 'reaped'; asm"'ii, Arg. ha!am, Amh, a!anl, ~m, aIm, Gur. 'QSta(aggai .. • .
Q!t1m, Har. ii! (with m > zero). enclosure, surround With a wall, fence In'; . a, caUSatIve, also e.Jtercl5e patience
'a;dadJt (1I) 'harvest'; , . 'agl, (T.M) 'agl'layer, heap. row, pile, palisade, refram, bear pallently'; ,
< ' . .
md',dad, ma·.ibd (pI. ma'a!jad) sIckle., scrthe, ·ooat "":"; see '.1/ I. enclosure'; .ggus pattent, slow to anger, tolerant' ; With
prumng hook, (Gr) harvest. harvest tIme; .aglo (D.T) 'enclosure'; poss~sslve suffix pr~nouns : '(he, she) being pa-
SEMITIC: Ar. 'Qi;lada 'cut trees. mow', relate~ to 'dw
1''}IIW; see ·.I/a, the basic meaning is perhaps 'pile up in a lIent (e.g. "ggusu he bemg patient') ,
ha.rada (for whIch see Jeffery 109), Hob. ma'"'Iag circle', hence 'enclosure. palisade'; masta~agg.s 'patient, long-sutrenng, patiently
;billhook' (for the bibliography on the vanous mean·
'adaw. OIlW (T.M) 'doze, fall asleep'; endunng, temperate, ascetic';
mgs or 'Jd In the Gezer calendar, see Baumgartner co~ld it be a misprint for hal/awa OIlW, below? SEM1TJC: for 'enclosure, round', cp, Ar. <aga/a
t~(agi1sl 'patience, patient endurance, persever-
Arom. httrad 'mow, cut', Syr. 'ad « "d ~ 'whee\', Soq. ig'alil'roll oneselr, Heb. 'iigol'round',
.dd), Md. hsd, Ug. m·dd 'harvesting Instrument, . , ·ooawit
·ooaw , ""aJo I ""'1':"; see '.1/ l. Aram. 'iigal 'be round', Syr. ·.gal; .Iso Ar.m.-Syr.
·argel (by dissimilatIOn) 'roll abOUt'
a,nee, temperance. COntmence, tolerance. asceti-
clsm' ;
Akk. tst";du 'harvest'.
Ernlopic rna. <asiidii 'reap', Te. ·~da, ~a.y!a. Amh. <a~aya, 'a~ya Ollf I Oflf; see ·.I/e. ETHiOPIC: Te. ·agla 'plie up (10 a CIrcle), assemble', la·aggii.ii, participle of ta·agga.ia; also 'pa-
tient' ;
amidii, Arg. halWida, Gar "'I~iidii, Gur. adiidii where Amh. aggiilii 'build a hedge or palisades'
th~ sequence dod of Proto-EthlOplC became dod
<of Pif., <ora Pt..; see ·wl la· I) 'endurance, abstinence. self-re-
.agala II 0111 (K·) 'give birth to. hatch (hen: straint' ;
by aSSimilatIOn. as agamst R. Hetzron and Habt~­
<fr, (T.M) 'arara (with ,) ht..t. 'smell nice, give eggs)';
Manam Marcos, JES 4 (1966). 19, n.1 who explain SEMITIC: Dillmann 1014 compares Ar 'agasa '\\ith-
by the phoneme t! of Geez represented as d in
otr a good odor'; hold, bold back'
il for laga/a, denominative from IJg"/; one would
Gurage. For ma·ar:jad 'sickle', cpo Tna. ma'~iid, Te. ·afral (pI. ·.fratat) 'ointment, unguent, fragranl
expeet 'ag(g)"ala or 'ag(g)'ala ETHIOPIC : Tna. tii(aggiisa 'be patient', AmhGuT.
mO'Q-fiid, Amh. matiid, Gaf. ma(iJdii. GUT. miiddiid. oil, perfume'; (I)aggiisii; passed into Cushltlc: Aw. tages-g"-Q.
The root probably' passed into Cushitic: Aw. Cl!iid (I.ssana ·.frat 'sweet tongue' [lit. 'tongue of
.aggala I 0111 (K), 'agala "'111 (Y) 'revolt, ·.g".stir, ..guStir """P';J-C 1 ""'P';J-C, (Lt)
'mow', Qua. oJ,d. perfume'], epithet of Apostle Paul'); rebel, oppress';
SEMITIC: Ar. 'arifa 'use perfumes' (with metathesis), /Q'aggala 'oppress, force, mistreat, deceive,
'.g"ostri ".,..n:,.t.,
(T) '.gustir ".,.n;J-c
<~~, ·a~~ ••• a~a~. (y.·I/.d)011 ! 0118 'deprive, wormwood, absinthe';
'arj'good smell'. cheat, do violence, maltreat, defraud, be fraud-
cause harm, (Lt) atrront, do wrong, (Y) rob, perhaps from Gk, hygiesleron 'better for the health'
ETHIOPIC: Amh. afiir 'perfume'; also in Cushitic : ulent, rob, pervert, cause to suffer. be taken by
take away by force, (K') become a desert'; Kham. aftr 'hair-oil made of butter'. (W. Muller). See also ·.gulsiir
·add, 'add 'desolation, waste, bareness, wilder- violence, be robbed';
ness, desert'; 'arara (y.i.r) Ot..t. (K ') 'cover, put on some- 'a'gala, 'asta'agala (K·), causallve; <ag.ta (Y'·g.t) 011', (T) 'ag.ta ",1' 'encom-
thing' ; ta'agala, reciprocal of ta.aggala; pass, encircle, surround, choke, contain, be-
SEMITIC related to Ar. gat/da 'lessen, diminish',
lastariigala, caus. of tarogala; siege, lie in ambush';
'aua 'become hard' (Dlilmann 1027), roots that ma·.!art, m.iarit 'headband, turban, tiara, (T)
could ();.plam the Geez meanings 'desolation, bare- ·.gul, '.g·.I, pass. part. of ·agala. ta'aggala; Jargata, causative;
short-sleeved shirt';
ness' For the meamngs 'rob, take away by force', la'aggali, part. of ta'aggala; also 'robber, op- laragla, pass. of cagata;
SEMITIC: Ar. galara 'cover', guira 'cover, lid', tljara taragOlQ 'encircle in masses';
cp o Ar. <adda 'SClze WIth the teeth, bIte', firfe! pressor, deceiver';
'wIcked ", 'hair-covering', Heb, 'aper 'headgear' (considered ·.gut, pass, part. of .agata;
masta·ag.I, act. part. of 'asta·agala; also 'fraud-
EnuoPlc ' Amh. al( t) 'wilderness' by Zimmem 36, with reservations, an Akkadian
ulent person'; ·.glat 'siege, fortification, scheme, encircling,
loanword), Syr. 'appar 'veil, cover the face', Akk. . ,
la'(' ) 'fraud. violence. deed of violence, compassing,
<~I. '.<~il (pi) M'lI. (T) 'tanned hide'; apiiru, epiru 'cover the head'. Noeldeke 1901 :40
considers G. ma<a/arr an Aram.-Syr. loanword: deceit, oppression, force, ceaseless greed, cov- ma·agat 'confinement, border, snare, net, am-
SEMITIC: W Muller suggests, with reservations, Sh. Aram, mardpiira 'cloak with a hood', Syr. mo<perii elousness, extortion, robbery'; bush, fortification', (T) = Amh. askala 'creep-
, 'old cloth " er which is used for making snares or traps for
'cloak, hood, one of the Eucharistic vestments', ta·agg.lo( t) 'robbery, oppression, ruin';
Note also PbH. ma<aporel 'cloak, wrap'. See also animals';
<.(Im, ·.~m (pI. 'a·.ibmt) OM" I 01\"... (T)
·if II, below. - ETHIOPIC: Te. ·.ggul 'ready to fight', (tii)'aliiga
'~ "1\".. 'bone'; (with metathesis) 'wrestle, fight', Amh. (I)aggiilil ETHIOPIC: Te. <agta 'fence in, guard', Tna. taggiitii
('adma gaho 'rib'); 'struggle, wrestle, strive'. 'restrain, bridle a horse', Amh. aggiilii 'hold back an
<age (pI. ·ageyat, .ag.yot) 0'1., (T) 'age 1\1 enemy's assauJt',
(·adrna r.'s 'skull'). 'linen cloth, flax';
('atfma :abiin 'backbone'); ·aggala II 0111 (K') 'be in a hurry, be fast';
ETHIOPlc: Amh. hage 'cotton'. See also ~age. '>gutSir, '.guts8r ".,.:""tC I ".,.:"ltC, metathe-
from Ar. 'actala 'hurry, rush, urge', sis of (ag""'aitor. above.
60 <allala <1m 61
- -
'.~q il 01J"}: see '01:"
IC :
Tna. 'aliiba 'cloth, cotton', also
Qem. 01\'0, Khamta alaha.
In Cushu- (For 'dIP, pul 10, dye', In Indo-European. see Buck
415). It IS lempting to connect it WIth Ar. 'alIa (_//) ·'iilal1ldnnii ~I
10 "01
'alil)ama ('H) ~ a'a am.mnJ 'elornal',
,.k.k. l'a ''',1d ohll (K') 'be full of. contain 'dye a second time', but Ar '0110 see~s to mean 'do create the wid'
<ulbat {H\(lT 'box'; something a second time (e.g. drink) I and occasion- lIve; cp, also Amh a/liima) , Or (denomma_
8 lot of "ater, be full of liquid', .
from Ar 'ulba ( l}; .Iso Tn •. -alba 'box', Te. ',Ibal, ally it can refer to ~.n~ ,actl~I1Y done a second time. SEMITIC ' Ar 'alam' . Id'
mii'akak (pI. ma'Jbkl, ma'iikakiil) 'ba,sln, tub
'round vessel used for carrying milk', Syr ETllIOPIC: Tna <alla/~ dye, Amh. allala 'dye cloth see JetTery 208) ~eor _If~r Its Aram.-Syr ongln,
fcor hathmg, laver, bowl. chamber pot: or straw for basketry 'a-Ima- • Ug. 'Im' • tb. to/am, Aram. fa/a"" . Syr
'ulbo 'sack'; Cushltic: Be, elba 'small box' .
Sp.nTlC Nocldeh 1910:41 compares it with Ar. 1910 37-8 ·d e emily, u",vcr,,' Noeldeko
.Im, ta·alma .,.OAOP (K ') 'be hidden, disap- . ConSI en G. 'a/am to be 4..
makkUk 'measure for gram. drinkmg cup ' and con- 'allaga 10111 (K'), >allaga "111 (T.M) 'castrate, loanword. an "\ram .• Syr
!,>!f.krs It ~rr('lwcd from Aram·Syr. maquq 'cup' See (K') defeat, vanquish'; pear from, sight';,. '. ETHIOPIC ' Te.Tna. 'alam 'world'
also Fraenkcl 207-8. -algal 'genitals, trophy of a battle (e.g. geni- "Ium (K) hIdden; thIS form IS gIven by K by Amh.Gur .:lliirrz.
EnllOPlc , rerhaps Te. "kkal (pI. "kiik) .'Ieather a mistaken correction of 'alamana of Ps, 89.9
\'c .....el for buller', Tna. 'ilkkol, from ArabiC <okka
talia), (K.Ll) triumph'; ·alaql O,,<loT, (T) >aJaqt M<loT
(Hebrew text 90: 8) to ·alumna; the Septuagint
(llttmann·H6fner 4771· SEMITIC' perhaps Ar. ·ataga 'strive, prevail, over- SEMITIC' AT. 'a/u'la 'leech' H'b " _ ~
renders it 'our age', from ·iilam. -I - S ' c. aluqa, Aram
come' 'a aqla. yr. 'eJaqUi, Akk. ilqu . .
'akot OI>T, >akot "I>T 'small locust, dog-fly, ETHIOPIC' Te. ·alliiga 'kill in close combat' SEMITIC: Heb. ,1m (nif'al) 'be hidden', Ug. glm-I ETHIOPIC: Tna , 'u/aqti 'leech', Te 'oliiq Amh I"
'concealment' (de Moor 172). For the oppoSIte alqm A h ( . -0 , a a q l,
(T M) wasp'; , rg. u "qu, ur aldq,u, Har. eqti (with I >
'allaga II 0111 (Y) 'coagulate, congeal'. meanmg of Ar. 'alima 'know' (also Ug,Geez), see .:ero); also 10 Cushitic ~ Bil.Qcm . mlea, inqa (with
ETHIOPJe Ina '~kk(1/ 'wasp-like insect'; perhaps alternance of hquid~).
Kopf 161-2; Barr 159. The Geez root is pOSSIbly a
from Cu~hJtlc ' Kham. aRId 'small locust'. 'allala I 01111 (K ') 'separate, set aside a place, lranscnption of Heb. '1m 'be hidden'
<.kll. Ohm (YM) 'feed',
excommUnicate, (Y) grant someone a fief, de- ETHIOPIC: Amh. alliimii. iJlliJmm alii 'disappear from <alas «iilas) OM (~M) , (T) >alas "M 'spelt'
limit the borders of a fier; SlghI', Tna. >a'labii 'hide' with altemanee of lab .. ls. (kmd of wheat);
mii<akal (T S" 10 0 1)94). ma'akla (0 1401),
(the only example ya-allalu given by Dillmann SEMITIC: Ar. 'alas 'spell'.
",a'aklo (T), IIw-iikla (OT), maqlii (l), ma'aqlii -aUama OIlOP (K), 'alama OIlOP (D), >alama
950 could mean 'they dye, they sprinkle', and ~THIOPIC. Tna. 'alas 'oats, rye', Har. is, from Or.
(t)'food', MOD (T) 'write, seal, teach, signal, make a
would then belong to -allala Il); es, IS to be Identified with 'Is, with loss of the hqUid
Dlilmann 1401 (followmg ludolf 77) conSIders la'/a/a 'separate, consecrate, excommunicate'; sign, mark, indicate'; I. The root probably passed Into Cushllic : Kam.
"'0,,,1.:,10 a corrupuon of Heb. makkolr! (1 Kings wallala, pass, of 'allala, >a·lala; la'allama (K .), passive; Qab. alasu.
50: 1J). It IS ~trange that 'anura O~m has the same Ia'iilama 'write down, write below';
'allul 'separated, segregated, (K) excommuni-
meanmg. and one wonders whether one verb is not 'aliimii (It.K) 'insignia'; -.Iat IMT; see wa'ala,
a mistake (or mlspnnt?) for the other cated, (Ll) who dwells apart';
mii-allal 'variety of colors' given by Dillmann ma-allam 'teacher';
·.Iul bfrT; see «alawa) , ',I,w,
'aka ... (!"'ku) ohm (K') 'prohibit, prevent 95 I belongs to 'allala II; from Ar. 'alama 'mark a thing', 'allama 'leach',
entenng'; ma'allal (TS) 'fief, (It) alcove, recess'; 'alamo 'mark, sign', mu'allim 'teacher'; also in Te.
-.,kol (K') 'who prohibits (access to the mon- mii-allall 'excommunication, anathema, (5w. 10 'at/iima 'teach', <alamo 'make a sign', Tna. 'alliimii
arch)', 0951) 'fief. (T) recess'; note that KG strangely 'leach', Amh. allamii 'signai' (v); Te. ,.Iam 'banner',
Tna. ',lama 'inSIgnia" Amh. (sandaq) alamo 'ftag, -alawa, 'alwa (.va·lu) OMD lOAm (D.Y), >ala-
:seems to he a reconstructed ,:erb from /(j'iJka 'pal- renders it by Amh. 1'Ai!' g".lIal'i'a 'earthen-
, signai'. wa, >.Iwa "11m I "Am (T) 'deal treach-
'c"" ware tripod' Instead of the expected 1'At
g"all 'fier.
erously, conspire, distort, pervert, act perverse-
'iilam (pI. <iilamat) "\9" 'world, this world, ly, corrupt, violate (the law), rebel, be rebel-
'el. q,1I. see ')'1
ETHIOPIC; Te. 'alliila 'distmguish, recognize', Amh. the secular world, universe, mankInd, eternity, lious, transgress (laws), depart, desert, reject,
allalii 'mark out. set aside a place'; Tna . •alalaya lifetime, time'; be faithless, be an apostate, be heretical.
'eli q,I\ 'fountain', 'separate' comes from Iyly. The root also occurs In 'a/am following a noun in the construct state change, change in shape, transform, reflect,
ETHIOPII ~ Te.Tna. 'eio 'cistern'. Amh. ela 'cistern, Cushltic: Bi!. alai 'look at, recognize, distmgUlsh', means 'secular'; e.g. mak annana ta/am 'secular
reverberate, (T.Y.M) turn upside down, trans-
well' (from Geez), Har ela 'stagnant water'; also In Sa.M i/o/. judge' ; late, interpret';
CushltlC; Sa,AfBiL 'ela. Som. 'el, as against Leslau
IQ63 24 'allala II 01111 (YTS. Ll), >allala "1111 (T) 'dye, (la<iilam 'in eternity, forever'); 'ar/awa, causative; also 'pervert, corrupt, dis-
color cloth or straw (often red)'; (la-alama -alam 'forever, from eternity to eterni- tort, deviate, translate, copy, transcribe, com-
'.I-.Ia OAOII (KG) 'raIse, elevate', ty') ; pile' ;
-a/lul 'dyed, multicolored';
-alalii (Ll) 'dyed (red)'; ('>ska la'iilam 'forever'); IOtO/wo, passive of fa/awa;
a reduplicated rOOI 'I < 'Iy, for which see 10'010.
ma'allal 'variety of colors'; (:ala-ii!am 'everlasting, perpetual, eterna)'); >asla<alawa (Gr) 'corrupt';
'.Iabi 01111 (M), >a1abi "fill (T) 'linen, cloth, 'alamiiw; 'worldly, of this world, secular, lay- 'aliiw; (pI. 'alaw/), act. parI. of 'alawa; also
SEMITIC: Ug. gil 'dip '"' (for which sec Alstleltner, man' ,, 'rebel, rebellious, disobedIent, wicked, subverl-
spinning thread'. no. 2147); If so, cpo also Ar. galla '\Oserl', Heb. -ole! (zala<alamiiw; 'eternal'); ed, lawless, heretical, apostate';
62 {ammada
•• 1,.. (ammad• •
'~I,'" (fern. ',>IUII'crooked. perverse, evil. perfid-
1011 , InlquIlOUS. d"obedlent. rebelhous, rebel,
moealer 'defection, rebellion, revolt, revolting,
transgression, plot, conspiracy, deceit, treason, 'ammiidi (K ·.Gt), act. part. of '(lJnntada'
- ,
'amd (pI. 'a'amad, 'a'amiidiil), (T) 'amd 'col- (amala 0 00 /\. \ee 'amala .

apostate, heretic, heretical; copy'; wickedness' ,

umn, pillar, post. balustrade, mast, (0 1433 K) '.mm.l. 0 00 11 (V M) 'become moldy be cov
VIii", SEMITIC: Ar. Fly 'infringement, tampering', Syr column of a page'; .
. , ered With mildew" ,
'alutaf 'perjury, transgressIOn; . _ . 'a'ii ('Iy) 'act perversely'. It is a secondary form of
'alawa, above. See also mfly, mOln<ela, 'amdawi 'stylite' (solitary ascetic who lives On SEMITIC-. Ar',~aml'I'be
" 'dISaster, downfall, perfidy, Iniquity: per- a In a corrupt St.lle ("lant. or
the top of a high pillar); a bandaged wound)'
'ersil" heresy, apostasy. transgressIOn, vlOlat-
mg, r~"olt, rebellion; copy'; "
m.'ammad (pI. ma'iimad) 'base of a column , E~~.oPIC: Tna. 'ama/a 'grow moldy', Amh. am~
<am 'J~ 'year'; socket, pedestal, (Gr.286) vesttbule of a temple mala 'be spoiled (grain by dampness)'
~a'lall'i, act. part. of 'o(/owo; also COpYiSt,
'iirnal (pI. <amalal) 'looT 'year, epoch'; or of a palace';
translator' ; ('arnala rna~ral 'Year of Grace' [designates the 'amama I OODOD (K·) 'be dark, be black, be
SEMITIC: Heb, 'alwa 'disobedience' (with Koehler SEMITIC: Ar. 'im~d 'colu",ln' (for which see Jeffery dtrty' ;
Ethiopian year]); 216), SAL "md columns, Sh 'amud 'plllar', Heb.
707, and Rabin, SH 8[196IJ.396: it could, however, ('arnata .iaggiiwe (K·) 'the year of Jesus' incar- -ammug, Aram.-Syr. (ammiiga, Ph. 'md, Akk. imdu. SEMITIC" Ar. gamma 'cover, conceal'. 'a.stamma 'be
be a metalhcsis or <awlQ), Syr. celya 'malice, wrong'
nation', i.e., His birth); See also Marrassini 41-2. overcast (sky)' This verb is posslhly thl! root of
(see fala_m, below). Rabin, ib. also compares Ug. fam'am, above.
gil'l Keret II V1.32.45, and SAr. tl)'1 'unjust
('amata 'a/am (K·) 'the period from the crea- ETHIOPIC: Tna. 'amd, 'column', Te. <amd, Amh,
dealings, wrong' Sab. D,c, 53 translates SAr, gl)'1 tion of the world to the end of the world'); amd 'column' (from Geez), ammiida 'put on a col- 'amama II OODOD (K· DTW Q37) 'be numer-
'wralh, overbearingness' and derives it rrom gli; (za·amal 'a year old'); umn'; passed into Cushitlc' Sa. 'amid 'column' ous, be abundant';
BlcHa 395 renders it 'hatred', Geez -alawa is not to (babba'iimalu 'every year');
be connected With Sem. ,I)' 'be high' contrary to (la'amu 'for next year'); ' amma~a 0 00 9, (T) 'amma~a hOD9 'act un- perhaps from Ar 'amma 'include, comprehend the
whole or, be comprehensive'
A,sticllner, no. 2030. Margoliouth in JRAS 1939, (babba'iirnu 'yearly'); justly, do wrong, do violence, commit an iniqUi-
P 60. denve; Ar. 'alaw 'rebel' of Surah 4419 from ETHIOPIC' Amh . ammama 'be numerous' (fn,) m
SEMITIC: Ar. 'am 'year', SAr. 'wm 'year' (1), s~ 'on, ty, act wickedly, treat with roughness, injure, Geez).
G. 'almfa. For the root ,....1, metalhesis in relation to harm' ;
'/1t', cp, Ar 'ola ('wI) 'deviate from the right
'anul (Bittner 1916:39, 51).
ETHIOPIC: Te.Tna, carnal 'year', Amh.Har.Gur 'a'ma<!a 'act unjustly, Violate the law'; '.maqa (y.'maq. y","aq) OOD"', (Y) 'am.q"a
course', Heb, ',wwel 'act wrongfUlly', Aram. Syr.
'al~'lo 'unrighleousness', Md. 'ula. amot, Arg. amado As for ·am, it OCCurs in Tna. 'am; ta·amrnatfa 'be treated unjustly, be wronged'; OOD" 'be deep, submerge (intr}"
'year', Te. til-fam 'last year', Amh. am 'year' (from la'iima<!a, reciprocal of 'ammada; 'ammaqa 'make deep, deepen, dig deeply, dig
ETHIOPIC: Te. (lii)'alla ('Iw) 'start a riot" 'alawii';· Geez), Amh.Arg, am-no 'last year' (from am 'year' JQstQrammm;ia, caus. of rammalja, out'·,
ria 'rebel'. Tna. -aliilt'a ' rebel'; Amh. allo ala 'deny', and the morpheme -na for the expression of time in ', caus. of tQfomafja; 'a'maqa 'make deep, penetrate deeply',
oliO/ina 'who denies' is to be identified with Amh. the past), Gur. am-na, em-na, Gaf. yaymiln; also 'am(m)a<!i 'unjust, wrongdoer, oppressive, op- la'amiimaqa 'engage too deeply In' (a form
alu alii 'deny', alflta 'negation', and is not to be in Cushitic: Bil. ami 'time', Qem. amiiy 'year', of the redupltcatlve stem in the spoken lan-
connected with Te. 'aliill'iiiiria 'reber, as suggested presor. transgressor, lawless, wicked;
Aw. amati, Kham. amera (pI. amat), Bil. amarti guages);
by Littmann·Hofner 453. The root also occurs in (with alternanee r,' I). ·ammu<! 'treated unjustly. wronged';
CushillC Sa,Af, 'alaK' 'rebel'. See also <ala}'a. 'ama<!ii, (M) 'ama<! 'injustice, violence. oppres- ',muq, (T) '.muq 'deep, secret';
sion, iniquity, crime, lawlessness', 'amuqiil (pl.) 'deep things';
'om (pI. 'omiil, ·a·wiim) P'I" 'tree. grove, forest,
'al... OAm (Y), 'alwa hAm (T) 'be on guard woodland' ; (za·ama<!a 'unjust'); 'amaq 'depth, deepness',
duty' , (·amaqa madr [Ltl 'lower regions');
ETHIOPIC: Te. rum , 'om 't ree', Tna. >om, Amh. wo. ma'amma<! 'wicked, who acts unjustly, perfidi-
'al",ii (Tl 'guard'; ous" , mo'~maq, ma'Jmaq. miifJmJqr (pI. ma'iimJq.
rna. wama.
ETHIOPIC: Te. 'ala (,/.1') 'guard, preserve', Tna. 'aMya ma'iimaql) 'deep place, the deep, depth, abyss,
SEMITIC: Ar. gama!a 'despise, blame', magmii~ 'ala}'. pit, valley, ravine',
'guard', Amh, Jl/illl'a 'night watch', <oma POD; see fwm.
hi 'shaken in one's belief; related to Heb. hamas•
'oppress', Md. hmf 'suppress, subdue', Akk. aami4u

SEMITIC: Ar. 'amuqa 'be deep', Soq 'amq 'middle'.
'alwi. 'ilaw. 'ilwi OA'/' , 'lAID- : 'lA,/" (T) '.m'am 0'1"0'1", (T) 'am'am h'l"h'l" 'mire, Heb. 'iimaq 'be deep', Aram. '.",aq, Syr '.maq,
·.1.... ·ala.. hllID- : hAID- 'aloe" , 'take off (clothes) by force', aummusu 'stnp, rob'.
marshland, mud, slime, swamp'; Brockelmann 1928:241 also compares Aram. ~Immu­ Md, 'mq, Ug, 'mq 'valley', Ph. 'mq 'plam', Akk
from Gk aloe through Syr. 'elway, 'alway (of Sans- emqu 'wise'
ETHIOPIC: Te, 'am'ama 'spoil' (milk that has stag- ~a 'shame', Syr. ~amml!! 'make ashamed, put to
krit ongin); also 10 Ar. >uluwM'a, >01....0, luwwa, Heb. ETHIOPIC: Tna. 'amiiqWa 'be deep', Tc. 'amqa 'be
nated) (Littmann-Hofner 457). See al\o 'amama I. shame', Nyberg 192, n.2 connects It with Heb,
>dhalO!. Md. ~/uaya. Te. >alwe. For the various forms 'arne! 'be strong. prevail', with '-oJ becoming in Geez
concave, be hollowea', Amh. ammaqii 'be deep,
ArabiC and Synac, see Noeldeke 1910:43, n.4, 'ambar O'l"lIe; see 'anbar. make deep', miiqmaq 'abyss' (refernng to hell),
•.!( t!). The derivation of (ammada from ··am·arJa, a
denominative from m·rJ coming 'from .t! or '4w and (amat CJOOT; see fam.
'al.y. Ollf, (T Y):alay. hllf 'rebel, be refrac- 'am mad a OooJ1., (T) 'ammada hooJ1. 'erect a the comparison with SAr. m-rdw 'malice', suggested
tory, shirk, (T) bend, distort, twist, deny. re- column, stand (as a column). (TS) sustain, prop '.... iwol b"'9'T (T.Sw. in 0 1407), 'amiwot
fuse' •. by Praetorius 1890: 30-1, is u~likely.
up (with a column). (Y.M.K) strengthen, form' ETHIOPIC : Tna. 'ama.,ii, ram!ii!ii 'do violence. revolt, ~"'9'T (M) 'sky';
'~/uy 'perverse'; (denominative); Oppress', Te. -ammi4a, Amh. ammiirii; passed into comes close to samaytit t.",+, and one wonders
Cushitic: Bil. amos. whether it is not a misprint.
64 (Anaql

<coi " ... (T ''0 11Q7) 'tllne, turn, place'; 'daze, be in a stupor', niibaunniit 'Impairment of
intellect or judgment' 'a'1laqa 'put around the neck • make carry
SEMITIC G ~l"Ja c('Iuld be for 'ena and be compar~ around the neck, put On a necklace' InCidentally, thiS (\ample ~Quld mdlCate that a
ed with AT ·on. 'Dlwn .' .
- time .
'and.r, <andar ')11:C • ,)1,.C (Lt) ,mUSical (O<anaqa 'be hung (carried) around the neck" ~no~-etymol?glcal n IS nN al~ays to he mterrreted
ETi-fIOPIC Te. 'owQn 'lime', Tna. 'J~'an. from AT. instrument (flute)'; <anuq (Gr.293) 'who receives a necklace, (KG) 126~rms of dl'is1mllah(\n' . Sec on thiS problem Rtau
tIed around the neck';
from Amh . •1nthr (see ranzara).
<aobar, <anbari (pi <aniiba,t) 010C ' 010~,
(T) 'ambar, 'an bar h9"OC , h10C, (T) 'am-
, 01fJW (D.Y); see natjawa.
SEM!TlC::!'~' funq 'n~k', Heb., 'anaq 'wear a neck-
lace, 'anaq necklace, Aram, 'mqti 'neck' Syr' _
:~i r, 'anisor (pI. form) O~-I'IC , O'i'fII:' ub-
ance, element, Inborn qualitv (TM) four Cor-
,. 'necklace' (Brockelmann 1928,541), Akk. :mq"'n:!~ ners'., . I

ber, (D) whale, sea monster, <.nfori ,)1';:&-; see 'anJora. lace' « Aram. runqQ).
from Ar 'anbar(Noeldeke 1910:62) 'a certain odor- from Ar canas· Ifrom t he sg fumu,) 'clements'
ETHIOPIC: Amh. antiqii 'put around the neck' Tn also Amh
'b . ,
Iferous ~ubs(ance, an excrement found in the belly <anaga m1 (K".Y), 'anaga h~1 (T.M.MA) 'tie, ma'niiqy~ 'necklace'; related to Tna. 'angiit '~eck~, . . anas.1r su stance, element, the four cardi-
of a certain great fish which is called by the same nal directions' (from Geez).
bind, (K") make earrings' (probably a recon- Te, 'angat, Amh.Har.Gar.Gur. angot, Arg, angad.
name' (Lane); also Soq. rombeher 'amber', Amh. structed denominative from <ang); Cerulh 1936:234 and Cohen 1947:no. 71 connect It
asa anMm 'whale', Tna. tonbar 'amber', Te. 'amhiiri, with lJanaqa 'strangle' 'ansari ,)1/\60, (T) '.osori "'/\&- 'Pentecost',
'ang. 'anag (pJ. 'a'nug) 'earring, nosering, chain
Som. rambar, nabl" 'whale'. See also Landberg from Chr.-Ar 'ansara. transcnptilln of Heb. ',
(for the neck),; <anq" (pI. 'a'naq") ,)1.,... 'precIOus stone,
1920-4223J2ff. On Akk. amrulm) 'amber', see
Landsberger 120. SEMITIC Ar. rintig 'rope of a bucket, loop on the pearl'; 'ana,a O~m (Y) 'feed',
lower part of a bucket'. The comparison with Ar «anq"a bii~ray 'mother-of-pearl'); ma'iim (T) 'food',
<anbasi (pJ. < 0101') 'lion'; ganiga 'be over-affected, be coquettish', Heb, 'ng «anq" ~ama/mi/ 'emerald', lit. 'green pearl': see mOfcin!ii (Lt) 'rich sweets';
ranbasG""; 'leonine'; (hitpa'el) 'be of dainty habits, find pleasure', Ararn. hama/mil); see fakaIa. above,
'lioness'; 'tinag 'be soft, be tender' suggested by Baumgartner '.nuq (Gr) 'surrounded by gems',
ta'anbasa 'have a lion's nature, behave like a 805 IS doubtful. <an,a,a O'}mm (Y), 'an,a,a h1mm (T \1)
ETHIOPJC: the comparison with Te. ranig 'beautiful' SEMITIC von Soden 1422 connects It with Akk.
lion, become a lion'; unqu. uqqu "n ng , . 'scrape, scratch',
suggested by Llttmann-Hofner 475 is doubtful.
SEMITIC: Ar fonbas 'lion' is considered a Geez ETHIOPJ~: ~n3. riJnq"" 'precious stone', Amh, anq~ ET~IOPIC: An:h, atlii~,iirii 'scrape, smooth b)" scrap-
loanword by Arab lexicographers (but see Hommel csngug, cang"ag" (pI. fang"'" agMot, fang"'"ag . . .at, The denvauon from Ar. 'anaqa 'carry around the 109, Te. 'OrU!1 I~'iida 'crad. (nelo\- leather)'. Tna
293 who Identities it With Ar. <abbas 'lion'). Ruzicka 'anag".g") 011-'" , 01-"'.,.. (D.K), 'angug, neck' (see above) suggested by Dillmann 990 (follow- fa!ii!.l balii 'crack, squeak' Sec also h,mtala. htlll.w-
114 also denves Ar. 'anbas (and G. 'anbasa) from ~a. ' .. - .
'ang"ag" h 11-'" j h ,.,...,.. (T), 'angug ,)11-.., ed by Buhl 606, Baumgartner 812) IS doubtful.
Ar. 'ahasa 'look sternly, frown'. Noeldeke 1904:77 Praetorius 1890:42 considers It a Greek (onf'ks)
(Sw. in D 993), 'angog h 11.., (KG) 'turtle,
reads the noun as "1n~ 'anbasa (with .) and sees no loanword. . <anzara 0111'-, (TLt) 'anzara h'}11'- 'playa
connection with Ar fanbas; he considers G. 'anbasti lizard, an aquatic reptile (resembling the croco-
musical IOstrument (fiute, lyre, Pipe)';
a Cushltlc loanword (could it be Kham. absa?). dile), (Sw. in D 993) cunning person, sly'; <anqab ,)1-}>1I (KBT 1010) 'large basket used as ta'an:ara (KG), pasSive,
ETHIOPIC: Tna. 'anbiisa (with .), while Gur. and SEMITIC: Ar. 'ungiig 'long-bodied, long-necked', re- a grain measure'; (Qn:iiri, act. part. of fQfI:ara,
Amh. a"bilssa (wntten "1n~) can go back Clther to ferring to horses and camels (Dill mann 993, Hom- from Amh . • nqab. Praetorlus 1879:99 denves, with '.In;irii. (T) 'iln:irii 'musical intrument (flute,
'anbiisa or <anbiisa. mel 93). reservations, Amh, anq;,b from G. fiJqab, from 'qb lyre, pipe),;
ETHIOPIC: Tna. 'angog 'lizard', 'ang"ag" may 'sala- 'guard'. ('.n:ira sah~at 'Lyre of the Praise', religiOUS
<anblZa 01011, (K.T) 'anbaz. h1011 'be faint- mander', Amh. angug '3 kind of desert snake'; also text, for which see Hammerschmidt 1977:94);
hearted, be disheartened, fail (heart), be weak- in Cushltic: Be. nignigo 'lizard',
ma'an:a, 'slOger, mUSician (flute player, piper),
mmded, be cast down, faint, be foolish, (K.Y)
wander about restlessly (one who is mentally 'ang"at (pI. 'ang"aliil) ",-,..:r-,
(KG) 'angut ,)1 troubadour';
ma<an:art (fern) 'slOglOg woman',
deranged), (T) wake up with a start'; 1-:r- 'mandrake, (KG) citrus fruit'.
ta:anha:a (T.M, with.') 'become stupefied, be <.nq"ayi ,)1.,.." (Lt) 'OUIlCe'; En~IOPIC; Te. ',melar 'Hute', Tnn, ',mdIIT, Our and,Jr,
famt-hearted, be foolish'; <anin on, (T) 'anin M,1, (KG) 'al'anin 1.A secondary form of waqel. with alternancc d::; Amh. also ,m:ira 'lyre', nii::iirii
'anbu: 'faint-hearted, downcast, senseless, fool- on 'impotence, (T.M) genitals'; 'tune a harp', Te. ',1II:iJ' 'flute' (10 Reini~h
ish, bewildered', 'ansaba 01()0 (K"), see ta'a"saha; 1887: 34): also in Cushltlc 811. andi, Brockelmann
from Ar. rinnin 'impotent',
1950:21 denves the Geez root from Cushuic. See
.'anba:e 'despondency, faint-heartedness , insan-
ta<ansaba (H) 'foretell the future, divine';
also 'Jnd.1r.
Hy, despaIr'; moronsJb 'soothsayer, sorcerer, wizard, diviner';
~Jnb3:3nna, same; Getatchew, BSOAS 43 (1980). 214, n.)O suggests, <oqa P+; see <H'q.
<.naqa (ya'naq. y.'naq) O~+, (T) 'anaqa hH with reservations, Ar. nasib 'luck' However In view
ErnloPle: Amh. anbu: 'stupefied' While the' is the 'carry around the neck, hang around the
1st radical of the Geez root, cpo also Amh. niibbiizii of ma'asab (see 'sb I, ~Iow) It IS likely that the <aqab I 0+11, (T) 'aqab h+lI 'uscent, moun-
neck" , ongmal root is rsb and taransaba is augmented by n tain pass, declivity, steep place',
66 =,.:q:.d:·~____~__~____________________~6~7~______________
SnflTll" AT

'aqal\J '3<:cent. mountain road', Heb. 'aqbat 'guarding, observing, keeping watch, vig.

'central part of the frame of the roof. ~tructure of a

._- -
'Qqob 'kno~~) ground', l'g. -qb 'hilly' (Baumgartner ii, protection, preservation, enclosure'. roof' ; ,l"~il.f~, Har. Jp"q.}fli; passed IOto Cu~hlll( 811 (111.

l\Z~l. 'a'qabi (Gr) 'depositor, who hands Over for qa -s stumblc' For the augmcDlcd It In the $ . ken
ETHIOPlc: Amh . aqd structure of bulldmg". The language,. see Praelonus IS79 99 ; [ ..tau 19~LVt
Fnuopu " 1na. 'oqiih 'a~cent'. Te. 'oqab 'steep hill', safekeeping'; noun ma'~qad ~ou.ld be denved from 'aqada 'bind,
Amh ol/ilNit 'upward ~Iope, ascent' ma'aqab. ma'aqab (pI. ma'aqab) 'sentinel, tie', poSSibly Indlcatmg the beams tied to one
another. See also faqad. above.
'oqala,','.'q,IJ 04'/\ (T Y S~ . In D 975,',lj'del,m_
'Iqlb II, 'aqib 04'<0 , 0.+<0 'thorn'; guard, guard-post';
It, (K ll) gather (IT"intr), be collcct<d"
ma'aqab (pI. ma'aqaban) 'watchman, sentinel,
ETHIOPK Te. <oqbo 'thorn tree', 'Q'qa/a 'gather water in a ha 10 or in a 'f"t!\Cf.
guard, depositor'; .aqada (Y"qad) 04'1., (Gr.291) 'aqqada 04'y. VOir, cause to gather water' ,
'aqaba Ir"qab) 04'0 'guard, stand guard, maraqabi'depositor'; (T) 'aqada J\4'y. 'tie, bind'; , la'aqala (ll). passive;
watch, keep watch, keep safe, safeguard, keep, ma'qab (Gr.469) 'guard-post, enclosure, pen'; ta'aqda (K '), passive, 'aql (Gr) 'lake, pool',
tend (flocks), preserve, take care of, care for, ma'qab.nna (LI) 'deposit'; '.qud, 'aq"ad 'tied, bound', ('agla bah, [Gr.469] 'ocean, 'ea).
take heed, protect, handle with care, observe (ma'qabanna naway ILt] 'deposit'); 'aqad (K') 'binding, tying' (n); nJJfqa/ 'pool. pond, Cl~tern, re~er"oir'
(the law, a holiday)'; ta'aqabo 'preservation, care, preservation of (ffk)fqo/a mayol 'reservoir'); ,
SEMITIC: Ar. 'aqada 't,e. bmd', SAr m-'qd 'fixed
'a-qaha 'put In charge, hand over for safekeep- the natures of Christ'; determined' (?), Sh 'aqod 'make a marriag~
Ing, keep safe, protect, preserve, give to keep, SEMITIC ' ~r 'aqala 'collect', ma<qul.l 'place that
SEMITIC: SAr. <qb-I 'fortress, stronghold, watchtow_ contract', Heb. riiqag'tle, bmd', Aram 'oqad, Syr retams rain watcr' S\.'"C also nI'ql.
leave in trust, keep in trust'; er'. m-'qb-I 'guards' (W. Muller 1983:277), Amor- "qag, Md. aqd. -
ta'aqba, la'aqaba 'be watched, be cared for, be Ite 'qb. bqb (H.B. Huffman, Amorite personal names, ETHIOPlc: Te. 'aqda 'knot', Gar. aqqiidii, Gur 'aql 0:"1I 'understand 109, mtehgenee, pru-
kept, be preserved, watch oneself, be watchful, p.203), Heb. 'qb in ya'qo!!-'el 'God watches you' agada. with q-d > god (so also Cerulli 1936.231. dence' ;
watch out (nol to do something), wait, beware (Montgomery, JAOS 52[1 932J. 196). Ug. 'qb 'be PololSky 1938: 149, n. 5); passed mto Cushillc ' Sa
near' (from the original meaning 'follow someone akad 'tie' Sec also 'aqd, above, rrom Ar. 'aql: also Tc 'aI/I. Tna ,tJqli 'pauenl.'C'
of, be on one's guard, take heed, be careful, Amh. aq.J/'mtelllgence' -
take care, observe'; closely'; see Dletrich-Loretz, 80 23[1966].131). The
(Ia'aqba 'J/nanlla 'be preserved from, avoid, verb 'qb 'guard' is possibly a denominative from 'qb (aqafa, see ,arqafa: 'aqqama ('.qama) 04''''' 'delimit. define.
sta) away from'); 'heel', that is, 'be behind someone, watch, guard"
'a'qaja hb4'L 'trip someone, make stumble , decree, pre>cribe, encompass, direct, detam .
ta'aqaba 'watch one another'; AT. 'uqb 'heel', 'aqaba 'come at the heel of', Aram.
'iqba 'heel'. Syr. 'eqbii, Heb, 'aqe!!, Md. 'qba, Ug. hinder, impede, present an obstacle to some- confine. hold in check, restrain';
'OSta'aqaba 'cause to watch, place guards'; one, offend'; la<aqqamll, passiv~;
'qb, Akk. eqbu.
'aqqabz (pI. com. 'aqqabt) 'guardian, guard, Ia'aq/a, (T) ta·aq/a 'trip, stumble, be hindered , raqqiimi, act. part. of <oqqama:
keeper, watchman, protector, official'; ETHIOPlc: Tna. 'aqqiibii 'guard', Te, 'aqba, Amh. be offended, be scandalized, be shocked, be "qqllnt, '.qq"Jnt 'limited. defined, decreed, de-
('aqqiibe lIabib 'orator, spokesman, advocate, aqqiibii 'guard, protect, tend livestock', Har. eqiiba crooked, be perverse': termined, who is 10 full measure, kept withm
observer); 'wait, expect', Gur aqqiiwii 'count' (rrom 'guard, ta'aqaja 'withstand, make one another bounds, moderate, (Gr ~40) bound, tied',
('aqqiihe r.-s, 'aqqabe saga 'body guard'); keep, watch > keep track of > count'), Amh. stumble, (LI) be on bad terms, think evil , raqm 'measure, limit, enclosure, extent. capaci-
('aqqiihe sa'at 'Times Keeper' for the emper- iJqqub 'cooperative banking in which each mem- disparage' ; Iy, moderatIOn, end, completion, maturation.
or's schedules as well as for the hours of the ber gets hIS share by drawing lots'. lit. 'that which is rule, decree';
"qu/. pass. part. of 'a'qa,a, also 'recipient of
prayers); kept. guarded'. GUT. aq".b. For ' 'concubme', ('aqma "',,,;iill'e [LlJ 'adolescence'),
offense, offense, offenSive',
('aqqiihe saray 'physic.. n. magician, witchdoc- cpo Amh, ilqqubat, qubat, The connection between
'lIqaje (Gr.470) 'stumbling block', (ba-'aqm 'moderately, in moderation'):
Geez '.qub and Har. qoba 'equal (person or one
tor. <ee Worrell I, 182-3); 'aq/at (Lt) 'contest, variance'; ('aqm-a + noun 'according to'):
member or a palT equal to the other)" ancient Har.
'.quh, pass, part. of 'aqaba; also 'reserved '.qaft 'impedimenl, stumbling block. obstacle, ~.lqqame 'determination, definition, 'itatute, as-
q6bu 'fixed' suggested by Cerulli 1936:427 is doubt-
(for), heedful, cautious': signed standing, attendance,
rul. The root also occurs in Cushitic: Som, u~ub hindrance, scandal, offense, vexation, fault';
('.qllha 'cautiously'), 'aqlllat 'fitting proportion';
'watch. guard', Sa.Ar agabo 'protectIOn', Blhn akab 'a'qiiji (Gr), act. part. of 'a'ga'a;
'aqib 'observance', 'watch' is borrowed from Tigre. See also m·qb. ma'aqaf, ma'aq,,/' ma',)qiJjt 'stumbling block. SEMITIC Ar, 'aqim 'constncted, obstructed', (Oat)
-_> (fern , of "qub; pI. 'aqubal, 'aq.btiit) hindrance, offense, cause of offense, scandal, 'aqam 'curb, obstruct', Ar (Ycm) 'ullma 'em-
'concubine' (lit. 'guarded'); insult'; bankment (of a field),
'aqad 04' $': (M), 'aqad J\4' $': (T) 'clay jar
'lIqiibe 'keeping, observing, walch, custody, ma'aqa/iil1'i 'scandalous'; ETHIOP IC: Te, 'aqqiima 'be ablc', '(llpm, 'l1qJnI 'abili-
protection, safety'; placed on top of a hut';
ta'aqiiji, part. of ta'aq/a; ty, strength', Tna, 'aqmi, Amh. (lqJm 'ability, limit.
(mal'aka 'uqabe 'guardian angel'); probably the same root as 'aqd, below. confines', Gur, aq.n,,·'abllity'; passed into Cushllu.: ·
la'aq/o(t) 'scanda l' ;
Crah'a 'ugahe 'astrologers'); Aw. akilm 'means',
"uqab~yoh'i 'referring to observing'; SEMITIC: AT. 'aqaJa 'bend, make hooked'
'aqd O:"$':, (T) 'aqadu J\4'~ 'arch, vault, capi- ETHIOPlc: Te. ranqiifa 'make stumble', Tna, 'onqdjd, '>q"in b*,), '>q"an Mt'), (B) '.nq"in c)')*')
'.qh,nna (Gr.470) 'supervision, watch, surveil- tal of column';
lance'; Am h. aniiqqiifii 'cause to stumble', Tna. "q>/Ol 'cream, butter. curds', note thaI KG I has
mii"qad (pI. ma'aqad), architectural term, (T,M) 'obstacle', Amh.Arg, ."q4al, Gar Jnq,/ulii, Gur. 'Jg"{J/, bUI KG II has '.>g"li,,;
68 farabi
- - 'arb.
'aq-ana (1\:.) 'pnldllce hutter' (denOmlnat'~C);
m,' "q"iin (M) 'receptacle for churning
SI'MIIIC" Ar 'oqrah 'scorplon" Sh 'aqreh. Heb.
'aqru~. Aram. 'aqrabha. Syr. 'eqqarbii, Md. arqaha
'.rba, 'araba I (YJ'wh , p 'r"h j OCO I Ot!O '<Ot
(sun, heavenly bodIes), (KG) becomc evening',
- -
Phoenlc,an) ongln (M"""n 10-31) . 1 , T

(with melathe~is). Akk. aqrabu (".. West SemitiC). bUJ'l • 'T • (') n e ';Jr -
butter, IQ'raha 'cause to set', pawn. na .."ho n• Amh ariJba" For the
R. C'. Slclner, A A L 8, 4, p. 18 bring, up Ihe POSSlh""y
t 1Jf10rl( related III hq-n 'churn bUller', Te. h~"a~ 'arab 'west, (Gr288) sun,ct', SemitiC rOOt 'rb, cp, Ar 'aruba 'SlYe tamcst-money
of connecting 'qrb 'scorplon' with ··rqb 'mou\C'
' buttcrml!~ ' lhe connccl!on with Amh . onq 01" 'arabi 'western'; SAr r" rb 'gIVe pledges', l1eh 'li'uh ' land ba,l ro':
ETHIOPIC Te. ·arqah. 'arqah (with melathesl~). Tna ,
'mill curds (sec al~o G. '.lnq"alil) suggested hy ,,,bal 'selting (of tbe sun)'; Aram , 'art~ >,ou(;h for'. Syr '.lrt'P ' pledge oneself,
'J"'IJrblt, Amh aqrab. In the meaning 'ScorplO' G.
rra~lorlus IX7Q:\,1 l!i unlikel),. The root occur,; In give ~cunty . Ug 'rb 'enter u • pledge· Akk
'ol/rah IS borrowed from Ar ·al··aqrab. 'arabiiwi ·western'. eruhbatu 'pledge' Dnver 1957 '64connccu Ihls rOOt
(U~hllll' Sa '(Iqan 'cream'
mJ'rab 'west, setting (of the sun)', ~Ith Scm. 'rb 'enter'. AH , trl~pU'" 'enter', AT iuraha
'aqrab II O-l-t.lI (KG) = Amh, iJmh"ay 'bush (mniiba dahiiy 'wes!'), penetrate (arrow), set (sun, starf " for It Je.scnbci
'.qiqir O."'tc, (T) 'aqaqir h:l'4:C, <oe 'aqiir haVing bItter red or yellow fruit'; miiwabl (KG) 'west, setting (of Ihe Sun)'; the debtor as 'entenng' the creditor's houte In Je..
\cc also qarah. rault of payment"
'aqir (pI. '"qaqll, (;r.469 'aqaqlriir) o:l'C 'drug, SCMITIC Ar. garaho 'sct (sun)', SAr, rn-'rh 'west',
medIcine, condiment, spIce, enchantment by
mean, of drug!t'; 'aqqa~a 0"'' ',
(T) 'aqq~a h"''''
'ensnare, entan~
gle, cause to stumble, impede, defraud,
Heb. 'orag 'set (sun)', Aram 'arup, Syr 'i1re~, Md.
arh, Ph, 'rb, Ug. 'rh, Akk, aeb. Noeideke,7DMG
'.rabnat OlllH· (T) ' leather coming from a
foreign country',
SIMITII. Ar. 'aqqar, pl. 'aqaq"'r 'drug' (of Aramaic 54 (1900). 155 con.iders 'rb to be the onglnal form, from 'arab nal .
(T.M.Gr.291) pIerce, afflIct', Arab,c g of lirb belOg due to the presence of r.
on~Jn, see Fracnkcl 163). Soq~ 'eq~e '~hoot: S!,~out', ETHIOPIC" Amh. arrt..ihii 'make Moroc..:an leal her'
'a'qasa 'ensnare, bmd the feet, overthrow, over. ETHIOPIC: Tna, 'arubu 'sct (sun)', Amh. arriiha
Hch. ';qqar 'roOl', Aram 'Iqqara, Syr. 'iqqara ro01. from (' j arab 'Arah, fore'gn ' (I«: Lesl.u, Th,'
come, cast down, repel, suppress, cause to (from Geez). For mil'rfih ' west', cpo Te,Tna. rnJ'rah,
rnroll"mai herb' Sec for thl~ foot Schwally, 7DMG Muslim World 3911949)307.8), Amh arah also 'red
52 (l8Q81140·2, stumble, supplant, defraud, cuI off'; Amh m<1rab, mil'iJrab, Gur mariih, mJrab. leather' For nOI. ~ not,
EJIIIOPI( AmM. aqaq" 'mixture of \PICCS' ra'aqJa 'stumble, be ensnared, be overthrown,
be thrown down, (T.M) bend'; 'arbs II (ya'rJb) OCO (K') trade, be a mer. '" I, '.'rara hlJl4. 'rest, find rest, come to
'aq".ra fp'q".r, p'q"arj O<t.t!, (T) 'aq"ara 'iJqsar, verbal noun of 'aqqasa; chant'; rest, be at ease, find rehef, cea'e, dIe, make
h.t. ·",11 up, wrap up, bind up, knot, confine, Ju·qii. /ji, act. part. of Jarqa~a; miiwab, mii'Jrabr, (OT) ma'arah, ma"'Jhl rest, give rest, gIve relief',
retain, collecl, (LI) curdle, form, fashion': 'market, trading place, (T) market.goer'; 'iJru! 'resting, sull, tranqUIl, who IS at ea",
SI.MI11< Ar. 'Qqa,a 'Iw,st and platt (the hair)'; idle, dead',
''''q\Jrf.l (DTW 952), causative; Brockelmann 1928 543 compares Syr "qi,a SEMITIC Heb. 'urah• 'exchange mcn.:handl\C', rnu'uriib•
lcJ'oq" ra, l1as\J\'c. also 'be conceived': 'twl!tted' 'articles of exchangc', Fraenkel 1891L 74 connects It (wuJa. ha·wuJ 'quietly');
(t" '()'l'J/,tlqq>l'ar ',ncomprehensible, inconceiv- with Syr. 'urrep 'change money' 'arif'rest' (n);
FTi-IIOPlc:Tna. 'aqii~ii, 'anqi.i,rii 'make stumble, Im~
able) ; pede': passed ,nto Cush,"c: Sa, aqa.' 'tic'. EnlloPlc: Amh, ma'iJrabl 'market-goers'. I IS possi- '"raJe (Gr.469) 'resl';
cflqU', p<i$~ . pitrl. of 'aqKara, ble that mQ'arab is a transcription of Heb. matilrii~, 'iJrafr 'rest, peace, qutet, respIte, repo .. ,
'.q'r (pI. '~q"ar) 'bundle, sack, bag', 'uqat O,.,.·},; see 'wq, and the verb 'urha IS a denominative. comfort, death',
"q'",r ([t) 'bag'; 'a'raji (Lt), acl. parI. of 'a'raJa,
('~q"raraayn 'pup" of the eye); 'er '\C, (T) >er h.C 'watcher, guard,an', epIthet 'arb OClI 'eve of Sabbalh, Friday, the SIxth ""',,af 'rostlng place, quiet place, Slle. reSl.
of angels; day' ; dence, support', also 'a measure of length,
Sl.MlllC the connection with SAr 'qr 'the wall that 'J/ala 'arb, 'arh 'il/ar 'Friday';
SUrr(lrlS 8 rcser\'tllr' suggolcd by Avanzlnl 1978: from Hcb. 'er through Greek transcription l!ir , chapter of a book, seetton of a book, common
61 I pos~lhJe However accordmg 10 SabDic. It'- po,"bly from Ifeb. 'rr!,!? (Jabhiu j, sec Noeldeke antlphonary, collection of hymns and chants,
SAr 'qr mean" perhaps 'land ""31cred by ram' (ora Pl.; see 'u. 'r. 1910:237, also In Tna. 'arb, 'Friday', Amh , arh, punctuation mark' (sec also m,J'Jraj, below),
Rrodelmann 192728 compares 'q"' with Ar, 'oqa- Gaf arhii; passed Into CU\hltIC. Aw. arb" Kam , SEMITIC" the suggestion made by Praelonus 1890 :23
do "IC, bind', Ihe, of whlc:h is due to ' Relmwortbil, harh.
'arab Ot!lI 'Arabia', to consider G. 'a'rara it denomlOatJve from Ar
dung' ~llh 'U\ura ' Iu~, hind' KurIo 'room on the upper floor (where one takes a
'arah, 'ArabIan, ArabIC'; 'arban. OC(I~ (Y.), 'arbana hCn~ (T,) 'remove
E1HIOPIf" lna ·m/ura 'colk'Ct, retam water, kecp resl)' IS unhkely, Jeffery 65 (follOWing Ludoll) de.
In C'uslOd)·'. Te 'u'I,a 'III: up, wrap up', Amh.
'arahan:; 'Arabian'; the h uns from grai n' , nves Ar 'al-'a'raf'the wall which separates Paradise
'oqq·ara 'collect". Bar aqcira 'wrap up, make a SFMITIC Ar. 'arah. 'arahiyy 'Arab', SAr 'rh 'bed· 'arabon (Y), pI. 'araholliir (T) 'hull removed from Hell' (Surah 7:44) from G 'a'ra/a 'rest', Ar
bundle', also 10 CU.hll,c Bed. huk.r 'I,e, bind', OUlns, Arab!t', Heb. 'urill] 'Arabia', Syr furabiyii. from gram, ground corn, groats'; 'a'ra! being pOSSibly a corrupllon of G m:l'Jru!
Sa I\f. «Jqar S~)mah oho/i 'leather bag' compared by See also 'orahnat. ETHIOfJ lC Te, 'ara/a 'take a rcst', Tna. 'arti!iJ, Amh.
RemlKh 1902 23 IS the Or. okole and IS not to be ETH IOPIC: 'arhana is pcrhap!> a denominative from
'arahon, from 'rh with the suffix -n and to be urrii/ii. Arg. harriila. As for G. m,J'.mjf 'a measure
connecled Wllh G 'Jq",1r , 'arabi Ot!1J (LI) 'wilderness'; of length', and so on, It is also to be derived from
COmpared Wllh Te, 'arhay ·cutter'.
tran'tt:nptlon of Heb. ·urii!?ii. NOle, however, that 'a-raJa 'rest, take a rest', thc root refernng clther to
'aqrob I, 'aqrib (1'( 'aqii"i>1) O-l-t!lI , 0-l-t-1I, a measure of length, thai is, a M:ctiun of the r~a.d
(TI 'aqrab, 'Iqrib h-l-t.lI , h-l-t-lI 'scorpIon, Bilin also has aruba 'wilderness, desert' where no '.rabon, 'arabon 0~(1'} I ht!(1') 'pledge, ,ecuri.
lran\CnptJon of Heb. -arubii can come into consld· ty, earnest money'; where one stops or lakes a re~t, or 10 a ~1I0n
"hIP, (K) ScorpIo (>lgn of zodIac)', erallon. of a book where one stops or rc:;ts before gomg to
from Gk. arrhabiin. ~ame, of Semitic (Hebrew or the ned seclion. For m,)'Jriif In thiS meaning. l'p
70 'arq.
·rf _ __ _ _ _~~--~~~-:-:.:.:: 'tnl a 71
Te Tna nu'rd.f '8 mea!'ure of length', Amh mJ>raf, arrdKii, Gur. ariigii 'have intercourse' (euphemism
rro~ 'go up, ascend '; for the euphemism 'have parenls or children), be wanting, (T) be hun-
For m4';,ra{ 'antJphonary', see Hammerschmidt
intercourse', from 'go up', cp- Heb. 'ala in Gen. ry' ; ETHloPI(, Tna 'urluJa'Te«)nC11c' Te r "Gild Mtiqa
197 7 09
31: 10); passed 1010 Cushltic : Btl arag 'go up' For forraqa "stnp na k ed' ,
g ~m,b. arrdqa -straighten out'. (as, }DrriiqJ 'rtton:
'rf II t •• ir.r. "'~lL (LI) 'cover one another', G . mO'3rilg 'rank, degree', cpo Tna, rna'arg, Amh. 'o'roqa 'make naked, stnp naked . ,Irip bare, (lie , Gur, (at )a"aqa ; also In Cu hltlc Kham aT'"
BII. .ralc Sa ' • o .
, -"
. ur q. JUm , ergo, See also ' grata
m.)'rJtil 'co\'cring, cover, turban'; Gur marog. make. emplY, empty OUI, uncover, lay bare.
relauon to ~rjarit, for which see depnve ;
~arara ,
'.rag I ~l"l, (T) ,.,rag h.l"l 'trap, cage, snare,
beehive, basket';
ta'orqa , to'arogo 'be naked, be slnpped, be
denuded, be em plied, undress oneself, be be-
'rr I, 'OO'orlro »,}'ll (lll ' become bhnd'
'Jr.rt (KBT 1010) 'kind of eye-dl«a~' ' -
'.rr IIC": 'spoon, handle or a plough, plough, ETHIOPIC : Amh. trag 'cage full of young birds'. reft (of parents or children), be VOId, be de-
SEMITI~ ' ~ondary form of Kr 'OTa 'be t'lhnd' ",uh
(contrary to Brockelmann 1950: 17 who sepa- redupltcaled last radICal.
rales w[ 'spoon' from w[ 'handle of a '.rag II ~l"l (Lt) 'inner parts of the body, prived of'; . ETHIOPIC ' Amh . ;U~rt ' lmd of cye-<1lsc:a~'
entrails'. 'Jruq 'naked, bare, emply, VOId, stnpped, de-
plough'); .. . void of, destitule'; also used with Possessive 'rr II, (",rir ·l-tltC (T) 'de<erted area. de'olale
·.,fa masqal 'spoon serving for adml.nt~t~nng area',
'.raka (y.·r.k) Olh (1I) 'be friendly With'; suffix pronouns, as In 'Jruq-u 'he empty-hand-
Ihe Eucharist'. IiI. 'spoon of Ihe cross (It IS so
called because the handle has a little cross); to'iiraka, (T) to'aroka 'be friendly with some- ed' : prob~bly for tJ'rir 'harvest, crop' !from 'rr), but the
one, be a friend, make friends, associate, be a (wuq b.'.si 'mere man, ordinary man') ; meanmg 'deserted area' given b) Tayya \(Cms
SOflTle Ar, Kara/a 'scoop', migra/a 'big spoon', companion, be joined'; wiiq 'emptiness, nakedness'; with posses,ive strange. Or would the meanmg 'deserted area' de.
Oat. magr~fa 'large spoon', SAr. 'r/ 'well from nve from the meaning 'harvest > harvested :'>
'osIQ'oraka 'cause to become friends, recon. suffix pronouns '(he, she) naked, bare, emply,
whIch one draws water' (AvanzIOi 1978:64-6), Mh. deserted. abandoned'?
garor'dra\4- water', cile' ; empty-handed, devoid, alone, merely',
ETH',oPIC": Tna . ..,ft 'handle ofa plough', Amh . .,j. caruk 'friend'; wqan 'nakedness, genital,'; 'arar OlC 'lead' (n),
Gur. urf; also 10 CushJtic: BII. erblina (pI. erfiin) 'ark, 'ark (fern. 'o"kt; pl.m. 'orkan, fern. 'Jrq.nnii, (M) 'Jriiq.nna 'nakedness';
ETHIOPIC Te,Tna. 'urar 'lead', Amh, arar: also to
'handle of a plough' (passed inlO Te. ,.,bana), Som. ·orkat, pI. com. 'o·"kt) 'friend, intimate, best wqat 'nakedness';
Cushitic ~ Be. arer 'lead', Kham . aTlr, 811 ari.."j
irfi· See also Cohen 1947:no.110. For G. ·.,fa man (to a bridegroom)'; fJraqowi 'naked'; 'bullet'
maJqal, cp. Tna '3rfo miisqiil, Amh. Jrfii miisqii/ (mo~~a[a 'orke ['orke], collection of short
(from Geez). SEMITIC: Ar. 'araqo 'stnp (a bone) of flesh', Hob,
hymns or salam at the end of the lives of saints '(iraq 'gnaw" Syr. 'arreq. 'Irara Oll (D 14J~, 14]]) 'be equal',
or of the Senkesar [so called after the name of ETHIOPIC: Te. fQrqa 'be naked', Tnil. 'ariiqiJ, Amh "'rir (D 1432, 1433) 'equalily, the same thing,
'Irga (I'nag. J"'"g) OC1 'ascend, go up, an equal thing',
chmb', the composer 'Arka S,llus 'a friend of the arriiqii, (tii)raqq"'iitii 'be naked' (denomina-tlve from
'a'rago 'raise, lake up, lead up to. offer (sacri- Trinity']); raqut), Gur. Jnrbraq 'nakedness', where one recog~ EnlloPlc Te. (tii )'arora 'be equal'; ;} \C'Condary
fices, Mass)'; ('ii"kt zor.mqoto k"st.nnii 'godmother'); nizes 3raq preceded by the enigmatic 3nd. There is form of 'array!', below.
to'arkot (LI) 'friendship, association, associat- no connection between this root and 'arqa II 'be
raragi, act. part. of 'arga; . , .....rt IIcc·l- (KBT 1010) 'kmd of eye-dISease';
JOg; fnendly', as suggested by Hommel 91, n, 1.
'>rug 'who goes up, offered (sacrifice),; see 'rr I.
wgot 'asoent, ascenSIon, assumption (into heav- ETHIOPIC ' Tna. (ark; 'friend', ta<arii/sii 'be friends',
en)' , Amh. ark 'fnend'; also m Cushihc: Af. arki'bnde- 'arqa, '.raq. II OC.,. • Ol.,. 'be fnendly wtlh, 'Irsu OCt\- (T) 'precious Slone',
(wgota q'>rbiin 'offering of sacrifice, end of groom's friend'. In an old Geez graffilo, 'arakt (fem. be equal, reconcile, effect reconciliation, (K ')
sacnfice'); of 'ark) seems to be used as a euphemism for slraighten out'; 'aris OM", (T) 'Iris »til 'hut, tent',
(ba'alo wgot 'AscenSIOn' (40 days after 'snake' (see Lillmann in Noeldeke 1910'89). See 'a'raqo 'make equal, bnng about peace. recon- probably from Ar. fori! 'hut made of tWigs. "ooth.
Easier); also 'arqa II cile'; Irellts'; cpo also SAr 'TJ, 'shed, hut' CI, Soq '''ri.l
maw.g (pi. mo,arJg. mo'ii"giit) 'ascent, grade, to'araqa, (T) ta'oroqa 'be reconciled, reconcile 'hut' (see also Noeldele Iq I0 j II.
carina iJt.C;; see rarraya, oneself' ;
rank,. ,
dignity, hierarchy, degree, ladder, step,
stair; to'iiraqa 'be reconciled wilh one another, make '.rit O,:.,l-, (T) '.rit »t-·l- 'bed, couch, bier,
mO'org (1I) 'staircase': 'araq I Ol:" (K') 'sweat'; peace with one anolher'; scaffolding' ,
mJ'riig 'ascent, ascending road, ladder'; from Ar. 'araq 'sweat'; also Amh. ariiq, 'aslararaqa 'reconci Ie' • ETHIOPIC: Te.Tna. 'oral 'bed'; I!; not to be
(mnago hagar 'ciladel'); 'oriiqi 'peacemaker, intcnnediary, mediator, connected with Heb. 'l'r~'.i 'bcd', as suggested by
'.raq II Ol:" (K') 'arrack, anise'; meek' ; Dillmann 964, The root is probably denved from
SEMITIC; Ar, 'araga 'ascend' (for the possiblJity of Cushitic: Bil.Kham. Sa,Af. arc;t, BII. ariil'rest II1lhe
from Ar. 'araqi; also Amh. ariiqe. ariiq;, '''g, 'orq, (T) 'Jrq 'reconcilialion, peace';
Ill. bemg a Geez loanword, see J, Blau, in Ben- shade (caUle dUflng Ihe heal of Ihe day)'
HaYYlm 69-7~I, Heb. 'arag (Ullendortf 1968: 1291. '3rqiina 'concord';
'arq., '.raqa I (y,'raq, y""g) OC.,. I Ol+
possIbly Heb. 'aruga 'garden bed', 'be naked, be emptied, be empty, be aban- '"q.nna (M) 'state of agreement'; '.rit IItT; see ('orral'o). WUI'.
ETH1QPIC' Te, 'arga 'go up', Tna. 'ariigii, Amh. wag.y.nna 'media torship' (ra ther than 'naked-
doned, be orphaned, be childless, be bereft (of
ness' as given in Gr.469); (urat ~I..:"; see 'n'r,

, Ifr,"'1 72 (asba

(arra)'a~ (araya (y.JrriJ Olf 'be equal, be e~en, (arriizi act. part. of <arraza;
tra nsll·teration of
, Chr.-Ar. isbiidikfin,
• from Gk . sa-
be Ie~eled off. be level. be smooth, agree with, <arruz, ,(T) >arruz 'clothed, _d~ess~ d' ; . despolikon body of the Lord and resolved by ,<assuy, pass. part of ~assava'
. ,
CI,mcur. be the same; make eq~a~, render 'orraz, (T) 'arraz (pI. 'arrozot) clothIng, gar- ~~k etymology into tasba diyaqon 'salary of the asset, <Jssayat (pI. fJSSfYQf), (T) 'JS.'iel 'wages
equal, make straight' (perhaps. ongmally '0- ment vestments, apparel'; deacon.• ~ayment, retribution, recompense. remunera~
rora, mtransitive; rarraya, tr~nsltlve), (rarraza )albas, )albiisa rarraz 'changes of rai- tIon, compensation, reward';
'sb I, ma'asab ODoil-fl 'soothsayer, sorcerer,
'a;ral'a, (KG) 'aceraya 'equalize, make e~ual, ment'); (',ssela (T) 'for'; for the development of mean-
ta<raz/ 'clothes'; diviner' ; 109, see bezawa, be:ii);
make even, make uniform, share equally;
10'arrOl'a 'be equal, be the same'; augmented by n in ransaba, above. la'sil (K') 'gift, bribe';
ETHIOPIC: Amh. araz 'clothes' (probably from
ta'iirayo (Ll) 'become equal to one another. be Geez), Har. iraz, Jraz, Gur. araz. This root also csb II; see marsaba. ~EMITI,C: Harth 1893:56 compares Heb. 'asa ('51')
in agreement with one anoth~r'; came to mean 'be naked', denominative with a make With G. 'asaya (so also Dillmann 974) thai
'asto<arraya, )as(oraroyo 'consider equal, make privative meaning, :rom Jra~. 'toga, c1oth~s'.: ~mh. 'asaqa, 'ssaqa 0 ... .,. l OIP"', (K ') 'assaqa he translates 'einem antun. entnchten, geben'. He
equal. level'; .. {t}arriizii 'be naked, Har. araza, Gur. (tjaraza. See Ot""', (T) 'assqa h ... .,. 'weave, embroider, (Y) also compares Ar. Safa (Sty) 'act' (but not 50 Fraen-
WUI' (fern. wil) 'equal, Identical, the same, also (araza, above. roll up, twist'; kel 1898 :32). and SAr. 's,y 'sacrifice' (so already
equitable, equivalent'; , . ta'assaqa (K '), passive; Brockelmann 1913:5t4. n.I, and also W. Muller
(wuya. ba-wu)' 'equally, to the same extent),
cesa q.,, ; see <ys, 1983:277). For the root 'sy ('5.v), see also Rundgren
'osaqi (K '), act. part. of 'osaqa; 1968: 161-2.
r~rtir 'equality'; <asuq, (T) >asuq 'woven, embroidered, varie-
'.saba (YJ'Sab), (KG) 'assaba OliO, (T) 'asaba ETHIOPIC: Amh. ~seI 'remuneration' (from Geez).
rarrayal 'equality'; gated, of various colors, (Lt) who has a malig-
w,yanna 'eq uality, state of equality, agree- h ... O 'hire for wages, engage, recruit, pay a 'iiSii q.., 'fish',,
nant ulcer, (T) shaped, sculptured';
salary, recompense';
ment'; . 'osq, (T) 'asq 'thread, embroidery, many-col- EruIOPIC Te.Tna. rasa, Amh,Gur. a.w, Gar. asa;
<aTina 'equality, agreement, (0 1433) the eqUi- 'ossaba 'let (premises), lease';
)arsaba, caus. of rasaba; ored gannent, woven (embrOidered) gannent, from Cushitic: Bi!. rasa, Kern.Qua. a:o.
nox' : (T) black felt cloak';
(ha-wina 'equally'); lo'asba, la'asaba, pass. of 'asaba; also 'hire for 'assam I OIPI., (Y) >aSSaro hlP{" (T) '8ssar8
(za-'asq 'many-colored');
Ia'rin (T) 'near'; oneself, lease for oneself'; h ...1. 'invite, call a meeting, inaugurate',
marassaq 'weaver';
tiJrrinG 'equality'; )astafasaba 'let, lease'; (aCosra. taraSsara 'be invited';
rna'asq, (with " T) 'garment made of gold
ma'array 'equal, who makes equal'; (assabi 'hireling, lessor'; . , c.Jssur 'in vi ted' ;
stnps ;
)amarraYG, see mrry; 'assab, 'hireling, day laborer, salaried, merce-
nary; SEMITIC: SAr. rSzq 'layout, installation, such as dig- .
, - ,. . .
{;Jssare lflvttatIOn;
rasur ~feast. banquet' ;
SEMITIC: Lindberg 87 compares G. 'arriiyii with Ar. ging a well, cutting a road, terracing' (W. M(iller
'ol'ara 'make even'. The connection between this
'asb, (Lt) 'iisb. 'asbo, (T) 'asb 'hire, salary, SEMITIC: Ug. fsr 'serve drinks at a banquet'.
1983:277), Md. 'sqa 'band, snare'. For the meaning
r~ol and G. 'ar'ul 'yoke' (rom ('a)r<aya > 'araya payment, price, rent, wages, reward, remunera-
'twist', cpo perhaps Heb. riiiaq 'extort\ Aram. ro.saq
suggested by Praetorius 1890:31 (following Hupfeld) tion, compensation, profit'; 'aSSara II OIPI., (T) 'ossar8 hilI. 'give a tithe,
is doubtful. (assabe 'remuneration'; impose a tithe' (denominative);
ETHIOPIC: Amh. asq 'multicolored' (from Geez).
ETHIOPIC: Tna. rariiyii 'reconcile. pacify', marriiyii 'ossiibiiw; 'mercenary' (n. adj.); 'a'assara 'order to give a tithe';
'be equalized' (denominative from mJrray), Te. 'ara lafasiibi, part. of larasba; also 'lessee'; 'asset btl.-l-; see 'asaya. la'ossara 'be imposed (tithe), be given (tithe)';
(rrl'J 'reconcile', Gur. ere; also in Cushitic: Qem. la'asabo(I) 'compensation, lease, hire, price 0f ',ssur (KG) 'tithe that is imposed';
iru:s 'equahze'. arii),-S 'make peace', Qua. are 'be the hire'; 'astar OilTC (in an inscription, Littmann 'asr" 'ten' (used with fern . nouns);
equal', Sid. arar-si ' reconcile', Som. ar 'peace'. See 1913) 'sky';
SEMITIC: Ar. <asaba 'pay hire [or a stallion's cover.
'aSsart" 'ten' (used with mase. and fern.
also 'arara.
SEMITIC: SAr. rttr 'star god', Heb. (astorf!, ancient nouns);
ing', SAr. 's)b 'hiring charge (of beast)'. It is, how-
Aram. (fr, Syr. restera, Md. <stira. Ph, <strt, Ug. <asr 'ten' (used with measures);
'araza OI.H (K ') 'be less, be wanting, be de- ever, possible that the Ar. and SAr. meaning is
ficient. be meager'; derived from the original meaning 'a stamon's cov-
'Itr(I), Akk. iSlar; see G. Garbini, RSO 35 (1960). riihr 'tenth';
25,8; AION 24 (1974).406-10. On the bibliography, 'aSur 'Ihe tenth day, ten days';
to'ar:o (K') 'lack clothes or food, be naked'; ering of a mare' and 'give hire [or a stallion's
see Baumgartner 851. See also 'astaros. casra 'twenty';
'ar:'lIna (K') 'lack' (n); covering' is secondary. .
ETHIOPIC: Tna. {tii}<asbii 'be hired', <asbi 'pnce, ETHIOPJc: Te. 'astiir 'heaven', Amh. asliir 'star'
'os (a) ron (Lt) 'decade';
[rom Amh. arrii=ii 'be wanting'. See also 'arraza. salary', Amh . asb 'salary', assiibii 'serve for wages' (from Geez); passed into Cushilic: Bil. aSliir 'sky'.
('as(,)ron qiilal [Ll]_'the Ten ~?m.m~ndme~ts');
(probably from Geez); passed into Cushitic: Sa. 'asaya (ya'si), 'assaya, <asaya O... f I OlPf, (T) 'iiS(J)riiwi, 'iiS(a)ray (fern. 'asa"t) tenth ,
'arraza, (K) 'araza (ya'raz) OI.H 'dress, clothe, 'asbe 'salary'. See also 'asha diyaqon.
furnish clothing'; >asaya h ... f 'repay, reward, recompense, re- 'asriit, 'asriil 'ad, (T) 'asral 'tithe, a tenth part.
'a'razo (Lt) 'help to dress'; quite (a favor)'; offering, gift, tribute'; "
'asba diyiiqon oilO ' -'1.,4>,) 'the central
la'arrazo, (KG) la'or:a 'be dressed, put on ta'asya, to'asaya, passive; also 'accept pay- rna'ossar (Ll) 'assessor of a tithe;
square of the consecrated host put into the ment' ;
clothes, be clothed'; chalice" ,
ma'saril (M) 'tenfold'; . ,
rassayi, act. part. of <assaya; la'(a)sarl 'tenfold, ten tImes;
74 (~afa

the development of the meanings is 'be difficult, be

- ~.I.M
SC'flTIl Ar, 'aJr 'ten', SAr, 'J.", Saq. feSl'reh , Heb. mawaf, ma·.~aft 'garment, mantle, cloak';
yirr. Aram. '(Har, 'thar, Syr 'esra, Md . asra, Ug. extraordinary, be astonishing, be marvelous'
I a.asafi
. (Gr), part. of ta'asJa; that IS rare in G), it Could hnc Come from ~r
~/r, Ph, '.I', '.trl, Akk. Cotlt. SEMITIC: Ar, ·o$aba 'bind, tighten', inr~aba 'be dlf- (Ambro.).
ETHI(lpJ(" Te. 'a.u~r, Tna. 'assiirle, Amh.A,rg . asS/r, ficull' (Buhl 609, Baumgartner 818 [following Gese- SEMITIC: Soq. 'at//,fold', Akk.
<J<pu: With melaIhe, ETHIOPIC Te. '~r 'obstacle~
Gaf ava. Har a.uir, Gur aSllr. For 'tithe, cpo Ar_ nius and Lagarde] also compare Ar. ga¢iba 'be sis In Ar. "arala 'redouble', Heb. ~ar,p 'wrapper,
~r. Tna. 'QJrQr. angry'; however, the comparison with Ar . .,a'uba shawl'. Note Syr. 'e'ae. rae. 'ae 'fold' < up < 'dp '~ut /ll\--}- ; see ('asawa I), '.J.\>",
(with metathesis ) 'be hard, be difficult' is more < d'p (Brockelmann 1928: 5 I7)
.... 1'.
, olPr (l) 'rot, perish';
has {he same meanmg as raqaya; related to Ar,
likely), Heb. '~b 'to pain', (nif·al) 'be grieved', (hif-
ril) 'grieve', Aram. 'd~a~ 'be grieved'.
ErHIOPIC: Tna. 'osiifii 'wrap oneself, fold', Te, 'a~la
'double', Amh . ~~iifii, al/iifii 'bend, fold', Arg. hal/ii-
·~.w. 'y.-su) Ollm, (T) '.s.... Mlm 'close
shut, shut up, lock, holt, hlo.:k, confine, .top-:
'aua 'be wann-eaten' ETHIOPIC: Te. ra$ba 'be in distress, suffer from
/a, Gur, a!iifii: also in Cushllic. BiLQem. aJiib 'a{~awa, causatIve,
hunger', Tna. ra$iibii ' be in misery. be in distress', 'fold' , Qua. asab, Sa. 'asab (with ~ represenled as s, !ar~M~a, reflexive, passive~ also 'be enclosed',
'.sab. '.sb. ( l'iJ',,,6) OliO : Ol\'O, (T) '.~.b. j, and b alternating with j). The root is related to
Olio 'be difficult, be hard, be harsh, be trouble-
Amh. artiibii
.. 'be in distress, marvel',, a$iiba 'poverty,
'ala/a, below. a~aw' (pI. 'C1$awl ; the pI. ·o.~aw,ml is strange),
distress', lI~ub 'distressed, astoundmg, marvelous'; act. _part. of 'a~awa , also 'doorkeeper';
some, be grievous, be serious'; with object passed into Cushitic: Bil. o$ab 'laborious, trouble_
, 'a~ [ (pI. 'a<~uq ,
>a<suqol, >a'~iJqt) Ol\'~ ('a.yawe 'anqa~. f~~a~fe bObJI 'g uardian of the
suffi, pronouns : 'be in difficulty, feel dIstressed, some. gate');
be under stress, be necessary for (e,g, 'a~abanni 'bough, branch, branches (also of candlestick),
tree top, stem (of candlestick), joint, palm <iJfiJW (fern. <iJSUI) 'locked, closed, enclosed,
'It IS difficult for me, [ feel distressed'), seem '.s.bsib 011111\.11: see 'a~aba . shut up, bolted',
extraordinary, seem astonishing'; • • branch, vine branch, cluster (of grapes), bunch-
<iJ~K'at ' Iockmg, siege',
>orsoba, causative; es, (L1) basket (that is, a bundle containing
·.sad (pI. 'a<~od, 'a'~iidat) 011.1:", (T) <a~.d OtiS': things), cake of figs'; ma'J~O, mari1~UI, miir(J~OI (pI. ma'asUf. ma'asJ",.
la'amna, la'asha, (T) la>a~ba 'be hard'; with
'a· circumscribed area (such as Courtyard, 'a<saqa 'produce branches' (denominative): ma<apwot) 'lock of a door, gate, door, bolt,
object suffix pronouns : 'be hard for, be dif- bar for closing a door',
ficult for': court), palace, atrium, hall, vestibule, enclo- ta ;~qa (L1) 'produce manches' ;
'asla'asana, 'asfa'osaba, (T) >asla>at/aba, (Y) sure, pen, stall, sheepfold, plot, territory, farm SEMITIC: D:IImann 10 I9 (followed by Barlh 1893 : SEMITIC' AT. My (IV [arm) 'close Ihe eye, (also Ar
'asla'adana 'harass, put :n straits, consider dif- yard, village, tent'; 'curtain' (for 'alMsa <a~ad); 53) compares It wilh Ar. <idq 'bunch of grapes', Syr. gat;iI;Ia 'lower the cyes, contract thc eyes, blink'),
ficult, ~onsider harsh (hard, grievous, incred- ( '~ada ·abiig.' 'sheepfold'; see bagga<); ,.qqii 'curled lock of half'. Barth, lb. also compares Heb. 'ii$ii (.~y, with 'aym 'C)C') 'look With blinking
('asada 'iJkl 'threshing field'); PbH, 'oqf~ 'stem of planl' . eyes' (thai IS, 'have the eyes half-dosed '). Brockel-
Ible, strange, extraordinary), bear with reluc- ,
mann, ZS 8 (19J2).102 Identifies G, 'asawa wllh
tance, admire, wonder, marvel'; ('a~ada 'alhamt 'stockyard'; see lohm); ETHIOPIC: Tna . '~~qi 'knot in wood', Amh . a!q. a$q
«a~ada ~aml 'garden'); 'joint, articulation', Gaf. a$qii 'finger', Gur. a~q Ar. '~aba 'ue, bind', the -wa of 'u~a K'lJ 'closc' being
'.sub, (Y) 'iJdub 'hard, harsh, difficult, severe, due to 'Remlwortbildung' with G. 'arbawa 'open'
'~q II .
se~,ous, rough, rugged, harassed, oppressed, ('a~ada n.gus 'court, king's palace'); 'joinl of bamboo, jomt of finger' See also
ETHIOPIC : Tna. (asiiwii.
. hasiiwii
.. 'close', Te. 'asa .
troublesome, vehement, grievous, fierce, aus- ('a~ada qam~ 'orchard'); ('sw) 'fence m', Gaf. attil 'dose', GUT. acd. For
.a~ II Ol\'~, (T M) >.~u "l\'4! 'hedge, fence, • • • •

tere, onerous, difficult to perceive, inconceiv- ('a~ada wayn 'vineyard '); matJ$o 'door', cp. also Tna. ma·~o. The root also
enclosure' ;
able, marvelous, astonishing, stupendous'; SEMITIC : SAT. '-'~d 'villages' (Muller 1983 :278). occurs in Cushitic: Kham. le~uw 'tic, bind', Aw
(ba-'iJsub 'hardly, barely'), connected with 'asq 1 'branch', Ihe hedge bemg a~iaw, Qem. anJiiH' (Conti ROSSini 1911168). See
ETHIOPIC Amh. o$iid 'garden, sacred grove around
a church'. made of branches. also (asaH'a II,
('iJm-'iJ~ub 'hardly, grudgingly, with difficulty,
scarcel}"); '!'\. t.·.~. (U) "'Ol\'''' 'cling to'; '.s..... II (ViJ'su) Ollm 'cut off, detach' ;
'iJsubiil (ll) 'harshness'; <.~.fa (Y"~'f) Oll~, (T) '.~af. "11~ 'bend, so translated by Dillmann 1023, but it can also
SEMITIC : perhaps Ar, 'asiqa 'Slick to' (wilh f-q > s-q
'iJ~ab 'harshness, rigor, severity, difficulty, fold up, double, put on clothes'; be rendered 'shut off and :n thiS case it is
or with an original s.q > $_q).
trouble, toil, calamity, necessity, need, want, ta'alja, ta<a~afa 'clothe oneself, cover oneself identical with 'a~awa L
lack, wonder, marvel'; with a mantle, be clothed, be wrapped'; ·a~.r. Olll, (T) 'a~ara "Ill 'press out, press,
fa~aba. same; squeeze, wring out'; ·.t.b. (Y"I.b, )'d'tab ) 0.,.0, (T) >.tab. ".,.0
<a~afi (K·), act. part. of 'a~afa;
(=amana 'asabii
, 'hard times'); <.~uf, <u~uf 'folded up, enveloped, clothed, 'Qssara
,. 'twist'·, 'seal, mark with a seal, bless with the sign of
'.~abiiwl, 'iJdabii"'i(Gr.471) 'harsh, severe, pow- double' ; ta'~ra, passive; the cross, make Ihe sign of the cross, (K·) cut,
erful' ; (~~ari, act. part. of ra~~ara; finish' ;
(h/'e ',~ufat 'twofold');
'.~bal 'harshness, difficulty, (D 1433) necessity'; <aif, (T) ·alj (pI. >a<~'ft, <a~fol) 'cloak, mantle, 'a~~ir, (T) 'a~~ir 'juice pressed out'; >a'taba 'make the sign of the cross With the
'.~biJnno 'vexallon, troublesome life, difficult robe, tunic, raiment, sacerdotal vestment (a purpose of blessing';
hfe' ; SEMITIC: Ar. (a-rara 'press out, squeeze out', Soq. \fr,
sort of cape of leather bound at the waist by a Syr. '.~ar, Md, ~r ('~r), and perhaps Heb. 'o~r' ta<atba, passive; also 'cross oneseir:
ma '~biil (ll) 'difficulties'; <iJtuh 'sealed, blessed with the sign of the
girdle),; Hammerschmidt 1970: 156; 'oppression' (so also Baumgarlner 823: on Ihe Heb. ,
'asab~ib, (T) >a~ab~ib 'very hard, (T) narrow cross;
'~afe 'putting on clothes, manner of putting root '~', see E, Kutscher, VT 2[1952J.57-69), and
path, time of famme'; on clothes'; SAr. I-'$r 'struggle with one another', As for G . <utahe 'sealing, the making of the Sign of the
'~#r 'juice pressed out' (3 passive participle form cross' ;
76_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~-::.:~-
taUlml _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~
~~~!q____--------------____________~77~_____________ ___
..,Ibar 'act of «ahng_ act of maklOg the Sign 0
f SrMITIC: Ar 'ata!a ·fold'. SAr. 'if·mantle'. Sh. 'otaf
'fold'. Heb. ra!OP 'envelop oneself with', Aram.
connection. with G. ~a'aqa (With metathc<.;lsl
'en- I meanlng~ of ~oda'
- -
the cros~'. close. clasp •
mii'3lab (pi. ma,aIJb) ·seal. sign of the cross. 'dtap. Syr. '>tap 'clothe oneself. Md. atp. Ph. ' tp-t ·a»d,. (T) '0.-" (1'1. .Q .....,jd. 'Q'W<idiit) 'CIrcle
'wrapplngs' (?):
C'<'N worn b, Chnstians around the neck. brace- ETHIOPIC Amh. attli!1i 'fold' See also 'asa!a
,.tq O'r~ (K'): see 'asq.

I ~~cun, c~c1e. Circumference, threshing Hoor'
- 'attir O"lC (U) ·grocer·. Urt. hall. Judgment seat tnb I '
let' , law. Jud _ . una, coult cf
Sl\IIT1C_ SM ,tb '\0". destine' (Muller 1983:278). 'air ari (Lt) 'itinerant merchant'; nr . gment, as'\.embly, counCil, district. tn~
<atana (YiJ'!iJn. }'a'!an) Om~. (T) >a,ana hm~ . on,. neighborhood. VICinity area penl'~ ~f
ETHIOPf(. Tna. 'alobii 'make the sign of the cross, lIme':
'b~rn IOcense, oft'er incense, fumigate with in- from Ar 'a~!iir 'merchant of perrume~. candles. and "u ...
I ,

"-mh Olfil/!Il; Tna. ma'lob 'cord worn by Chnstl~ns so on' (DozY)' from 'i,r 'perfume' For the root '!r
cense' ; 'a ..d- (followed bv suffix
around the neck '. Te. mo'orob, Amh.Gur. marah. In the other Semitic languages, see 'alana. round about'. - pronoun,) 'around,
For the marab In the Ethiopian culture, see Walker la'a!na 'be fumigated with incense, be burnt •
18. Tadde,. Tamr.t. DES 9 (1959).38-42. The root (incense)' ; ErHIOPIC" Tna. ra!iira 'trade', 'u,ar; 'itlOcranl ped- 'a",da 'around- (ad, ).
pas<.;ed IOto Cushitlc: Sa. marelob, BII. ma'tob, Or. 'alani (K ') 'who burns incense'; dler', Amh. a!!ara 'sell perfume, be an 1llOerant 'a'wadat (GrAH) 'meetlng place of the elders
malaba. See also m·tb. raiull <fumigated with incense'; peddler' . The root for 'perfume ' al50 occurs In Te. synagogues'. '

'J{f. Amh. J!r, Tna. ~J.1!ur.
(rowda 'ilk/, rawda mii'Jrar 'lhre~hing tloor')'

fa[iin (pI. fiJ[iinat) 'Incense';
<attama 01'01' (T K') 'become angry'. ('awda 'u.lad 'COUrt'): -
(~alola 'iJ!an 'Ritual of the Incense'); <atro 0'l'C' (It) 'kmd of antelope';
'.((urn (It) 'crushed',
('iJiana mogar. religious song consisting of eleven • ('awda mak"allJnI 'court of law'):
morolf,un, mO'iiftJIIJ 'angry, prone to anger, ETHIOPIC. Te. 'e~ro 'dwarr antelope'
Irate, passionate, quarrelsome, fierce, furious. ve~ses. sung after the communion); Velat 64;
('o",da naga" -The Cycle of the Kings', a book
fiJ/not 'incense offering'; <atiro<! O"lC~, name of a planet (Mercury). deahng with divinallon and fortune-Ielling, It
irascible' •
m~r[iin 'place where one offers incense' ; • C?nSlsts of CIrcular drawmgs; . .ee Conti Ros-
SEMITIC: perhaps Heb. 'tm (nifral) which occurs only marJ[ant (pI. mafii!iJn. mOta!iJnt) 'censer, thuri- rrom Ar. 'urtirid. 5101. RS£ I (1941)_127-45. Hammerschmidt.
10 Is. 9; 18 rendered 'verwiistet. erschtiuert' (Baum- Six 198389):
ble, (It) fumigation with incense';
gartner 856). Note that the meaning of Heb. rtm
(",f'al)'~ dark' (so also In various Arabic dialects: SEMITIC: related to 'tr (with alternance of liquids):
• - ,
IJIOS, rJ!as sneezmg.

(p''''') Oml'l (T M) 'sneeze';
('Qlnla qamar 'Iunar cyclc'):
('allda qJSI 'court of law'):
see Blau. , T 5/1955).342) may likewise explain the Ar. 'a!!ara 'to perfume', ri!r 'perfume', S~, '~!r SE~ITIC:Ar. ra{a.w '~neeze'. Soq. ·('Io.~, Heb. 'tir as• ('all'da sah· 'battlefield'):
meaning 'get angry' from a metaphorical expression 'perfume', Aram. ra!ar 'smoke', Syr. 'e!ra'incense'; Aram. 'o!ai, Syr ril!aSa 'sneezing'
such as 'his face became dark > he became angry'.
('D1l'da 11'01'11 'vineyard'),
note Heb . • ralar 'perfume' (with t). Brockelmann
On the other hand, one wonders whether 'attama is ErnloPIC: Te. ~a!{ii,fa 'sneeze', Tna. hOlasii, Gaf. (r,l',JS£l 'GII't/a ramal 'New Year').
1927:28 compares 'a{ana with Sem. (Ar.Syr) '{r
not a reconstructed verb from mO'oltilm which 'perfume, scent', the n of which is due to 'Reimwort- iftlisa, Har. ~a!{iJ bura, Gur. i-;Il.i.~ii hlh'u, aug- flldat, verbal noun or 'oda; also 'circle, circuit,
could then be a derived nom mal form of moral bildung' with tanana 'smoke'. ~ented by II in Te. hatl/aJa, Tna. hll"rti~ii, >,In!.l.fO turn, orbIt. revolution. procesllion',
'anger' (see below) with the unusual suffix -m. ETHIOPIC: Tna. ra!ana 'fumigate, perfume, render bii/ii. Amh.G ur. anli{liisii. The root probahly passed ',wwride (pI. 'JII'l'ad'Tci/) 'going around (n.).
fragrant with incense', Te. raIna, Amh, a!!ana, Gur. 1OtO Cushitic: Bil. he!iS y, Kam. haflliJ.\'a'l', Qem. circling. revolving, circular course, revolution,
'atar OTC. (T) >atar hTC 'pea'; ariiS, Or. ho!!isso.
Har aliino. For 'incense', cpo Te,Tna . 'illon,
cycle (of year)';
SEMITIC: perhaps from Ar.(Aden) 'atar ·pea·. Amh .Gur. iI!an, tan. The root passed into Cushltic: IIJiJ'li'iid 'circle, circuit. periphery, circumrer~
'~!iis 6"111 (T) 'eyebrow'
ETHIOPIC: Te.Tna. 'olor. Amh.Arg.Gur.Har. afar, Sa.Af. <alan. See also ra!!ar. ence. border. village';
Gaf. alora; m Cushttic: Or.Kam-Tem. acora, Qem.
'iw ~ID- 'bending. curvature. broad part of tarawl/ot 'transgression';
Qua. ozar, Kham. ad", Sa.Af alir.
<a,aq_ (YiJ'!iJq) Om'" 'gird. gird oneself, gird thigh. Resh of thigh_ (T M) front. socket of hip-
SEMITIC Ar 'ticia fwd) ·rclurn,l.:ome had.. to', SAr,
<atara OTe: (Y.M), >ata .. hTe: (T_M) 'seize. about firmly. put around the waist, fasten. bone';
restrain' ; 'wd're turn ', Heb. ·il\IH'~/'surround·. Ug. 'f 1\ Id 'go
grasp, lay hands on. hold tightly in one's fist':
SEMITIC AT. 'awQ fWy) 'bend' around' (de Moor 130). For the connection with
ETHIOPIC: Tna. ratara 'seize, grasp', Te. 'ol((ira 'af!aqa, causative;
Ar 'ada 'custom', Syr. r~rii~J(i, sec Buhl 568,
'seize', Amh. illIar(l) 'that which can be seized with 'a!aqi (K'), act. part. of 'a!aqa; '"d, <oda (y.'ud) 1'1. 'go around. turn around. Koehler 685. Baumgartner 751. Sec also 'Jdi.a.b1.l\c
two fingers' '.!aq (K ') 'act of girding oneself; Cllele. encircle. encompass. surround. circulate. ETHIOPJC" Te. (til Jruwiidd 'turn, go around', Amh.
,.!iiq (Gr.471) 'girdle, belt'; revolve, turn'; awn-ada 'go around' The root 'lrd 'go around' IS
<a,ara (Y"I~() Om"- (DYM). >a,ara hm"- (T)
mii-!aqil (It) 'waistband'; lawwada, (T) )oU'u!oda 'Issue a decree. proclaim'; not to be identified With 'wd 'tell' llf Ih~ "arious
·fold. wrap, pl .. t·;
'a'oda. causative; also 'send around. lead Ethiopian languages (see le>lau 1979 111-2). For
la'a{fa (K '), passive; SEMITIC: Dillmann 1Ol7 analyzes it as 1o!aqa and
around' ; G. 'awd 'threshlOg floor', cpo Tna ·dI\'lll. Te. 'Ilwd,
'J/u(. pass. part. of 'alala; also 'which is wo- considers it related to AT. !owq 'necklace, collar'.
Gur. awd, HM. iid. The root alsll occurs 10 Cushit-
ven, web, texture'; ETHIOPIC: Tna. 'a!liqli 'gird'. Amh. (t}a{tliqli 'glrd tarawda, pass. of (oda;
ic: Or. UdCl 'threshing Hoor'. Kam.Qab. (idu, Sa
oneself', Gur. (t)a,-!aqa 'place a lid over ajar', 'awadi. act. part. of 'oda;
'a!l 'which IS woven, web. wooden roller raude. The spelling of G. -odu >'1.. i~ a varilnt
Te. 'andiiqa 'glrdle' (WIth augmented nand t-q rawwiidi. act. part. of (uwH'ada; also 'crier, spelhng of 'ot/a If.. and there is no re.lson to suggest
around which a weaver winds the finished
becoming d-q by dissimilation), for which see Litt- herald, preacher, messenger'; two different roots 'oda and 'oda, as stated. With
portion of the cloth';
mann. ZA 14 (1899).25. A. Ambros suggests a rJ"''''ad, riJwwud, pass, part. of the transitive reservatIOns. by LOfgren 1927: 108
78 'wq
-' .-.-----~--------~ -

Baumgartner 1967: 112 rcads >awkaka 'confuse, dis-

,,,f. 'of. rr,"II(J 1'.<. (Gr.295. KO) 'fly'; ETHIOP1C: Amh. owwiiqii 'know', Har. oqa; from
'din' Gar "", h
turb' and connects it with Ar. >awka .'affliction, Cushitic: Aw. yaq 'k now,'S om. oq,
- Q ua. ax (Ce- ,,' . yaya s out', Har. aw baya Amh .
~'I (pi ,,/'H'.11l 'Ii)wl. bird'; /
aaGur b/"B ,.uu
distress', SAr. ·k. As for Amh. awwiikd, ib" its rulli 1936:234). , ." a a. ezold tn Dillmann 1907 133 I
If?! /lti(J/(ill'i (S\\ in n 10(2) 'owl', reads 'aw d d . . , n.
orig," is /I'I 'k, G. hoka, and is not to be connected h ~awa an cnves it from way 'woe!' WIth
. , ' .
'<'f" ma"<lal (I ) 'bird that appears around the with 'wk. (wr, 'ora (y.'ur),, 'awra
. 1'1. 1 OlD-I. 'be blind" , ~~ ~~S~hve morphe~e 'U-. The root also OCCurs in
ma\qal-fcslI\'lty : . 'arora, 'Q(Qwra bhnd (a person or an eye), s he. Tern. o'e, B11. wa<y, Som. uwo, Qem. aw y.
">/" ",jred (I .lsI) 'h""poe ; 'awlo 0lD-f\- 'tempest, whirlwind, storm'; ake blind, put out (an eye)'; See also <awya, wawwa<a, and Sasse 42.
SI MTff'" "\r 'ula (tula) 'circle over a thing (bird}'..
nafiisa faw/o, same; :'awwara, (T) ra'awwara 'become blind, show
:yg, 'ega '\1 (Y), 'ega M (H), <Byaga Of? (Y),
'o"1'0men, augury' (Nocldeke 1904:85). Soq, "7 Sl'MITIC: possibly related to Syr. (al-alri 'whirlwind', neself blind to, overlook, treat Itghtly, dis-
'fl,,', lleb, 'ap 'bird, fowl', Aram . <ara. Syr. t{lII'jJ(J, Arall1. <a/<iil (Dillmann 994), PbH. <01<01, compared ~egard, neglect, be negligent, be heedless, de- ayaga "f? (T) 'accumulate, gather (intr.) col-
lect (tntr)'; ,
t i 'I'~' 'hird', 'ur
'fty' _. _. by Schulthcss 45 with Ar. gala (gwl) 'destroy, take spise, (T) wo un?' ; . , ta<ayaga (Lt) 'form a pond' (denominative)'
ETlflorw Te. ',!('nlrd', Tna. '0.1. "d. I-lar 14. GUf, unexpectedly'. (;}WW;Jr, I"Jwwur blInd;
or. Al1lh.Ar~. 1I'0i. Gar r4"ii ETIIIOI>IC: Te. ·awlay 'wind', Amh. Our. awlo nafas <ayg, ~ayg (pI. 'a<yag) 'lake, pond, pool, marsh';
t;Jwar 'blindness'; m.<yag (Or.470) 'pond';
'whirlwind'; also in Cusbitic: Be. 'aulay, Kham.
<,,~ I. '01:" ( l "<Ug) I'? (1'0) 'be crooked. bc 'awwar (pJ. <awawart) 'blind';
uula. SEMITIC: Soq. 'eieh 'pond' (Leslau 1938:307); re-
curved. be henl, be cr",,-eyed'; (ural 'blindness';
lated to Syr. 'iGli ('yg) 'stream'.
ttl'tll''Eti. with' (T) $.- Amh. IfiigiiUii 'bcromc '.wal {)'1'A 'young of animal, foal, colt'; ta'Qwwari, part. of tarawwara; also 'heedless';
ETHIOPI.C: Te. <ayg 'pond, swamp', Tna. <ayag;
mad \~lIh rage, be furious'; ta'awwaro, lafQwwJro qat 'negligence'; passed Into Cushitic: Bil. <ayg.
SEMITIC: connected with Ar. 'ala ('wi) 'feed', riyal,
SI>'flTlf ..\r. '/J'f'rJ.~t1 'be crooked. be curved', P~H. 'avril 'the persons whom one feeds (including chil- INWW.,r (TS.T) 'treating lightly, neglecting,
-liC ('\I.~' 'dra" a "·Irde'. Hch <iiga 'Circular lo.d.or d;en)', Sh 'e!, Heb. 'iii, 'olel 'suckling', Aram. 'iita ignoring' ; 'aygan, 'aygan 0r.11 l 0r.:>1 , (T) 'aygan
~;<ad' 0 1I Miilkr. II'Zldf2J (191)9). 353 Identifies 'infant, child', 'iiii 'foar, Syr. <ula 'newborn baby', hr.11 'basin, tub, pitcher';
SEMITIC: Ar. 'atwar 'blind in one eye, one-eyed',
II with S('~. '''n'~ '81\'(' Plrlh'. Mh. gayg 'man' from 'illi 'colt" Pun . <I 'nursling'. Ug. <I 'child' (for which Soq. fer 'be blind', Heb. {iwwer 'blind\ Aram. (M 457 wrongly translates it 'lip' confusing
thl." mcanm8 l,r IM',t!. 'cg .~ twisted. be tortuouS> sec Caquot 264). tQwfni, Syr. ~awlra, Md. ~uira, Ug. ~wr. labrum 'basin' [given in Dillmann 1008 as la-
hav(' lai:lM ram", F1\'C b,rlh', and he compares Heb. ETHIOPIC Te. <awol 'young of an elephant', talu ETHIOPIC: Te.Tna. rawar 'blind', Amh.Arg. awwar, brum 1with labrum 'lip').
hi! 'laM' rams' In1fll ~wl turn to this Side and that 'young of the donkey', Tna. ril/u; also in Cushitic: GaL awwara, Gur. tir; verbs: Te. 'ora 'be blind', SEMITIC: Ar. 'igglina 'urn' (Dillmann (008); possibly
SIde' Sa, 'diu 'foal', Af. al/ii. rna. 'awiira, Amh.Gur. (t)awwiirii. See also err, Heb. >aggan 'bowl', Aram.-Syr. 'aggana, Md. agania,
fWIOf'IC . Amh ;Jllwag(l 'Ix' t\\-1sted, be deformed' 'an(orara. Ug. agn, Akk. agann" (see also D. Cohen 1970:7;
<wm, <om a (ya<um) POD (K') 'cover'; Conti 1978:60, n.3).
'''~ II ta'.l\ga, ta'."".go '/-0lD-1 I '/-01D1, 'awlata 0lD-.,..,. (KBT 59 under itawtata) 'loaf;
SEMITIC: related to Ar. gamma 'cover, conceal'. ETHIOPIC: related to G. gan f 'big jar', Te. gana"
(T) to'ollga "'''W-1'deride. mock, Jeer. hold In
(I)nlempt, ~oro. make a scornful gesture'; ETHIOPIC: Amh. awta/ta 'one who wanders about Tna. ganri, Amh. gan; also in Cushitic: Som. agan.
<wq, 'oqa (ya'uq) 1'4' 'know, understand, take from place to place', wiittala 'wander about from See also Cahce, no. 5 I I; Cohen 1947: no. 12.
SP.tlfI(· Otllmann 1001 (~O
also Rabm, Eret:-Jsrael heed (with or wilhout ra's 'head'), take notice place to place'.
!\f1qt'l-l~5~) ct'nnCt'h II "11h <h'g I stating "ut vide- (of), beware of, take care of, observe'; impera- 'yl, 'ela (y.<j/), 'ayyala ,\A 1 Of A, (y) '01. h,A
lur. rff'lprll,' _ ocuk,~, n3n's distorquere"
tive ('Zlq) with the negative subjunctive 'take 'awya OlD-f (Lt) 'moan, wail'; 'go astray, wander about restlessly, roam
FTi-lIlH'K Amh. UJuMH'agii 'mock, make fun of, ra'awya (Lt) 'moan'; about, ramble, err, lurn around';
care not to" .. take heed';
'Qwyti, (awytiw 'wailing' (under cawyiil, DiIl- >are/a, causative; also 'lead astray';
'lOg Ill, 'o~. I'? (1('1 'bake': 'G'oqa 'make known, show, manifest, make
evident, indica Ie, demonstrate'; mann 998); ra'ayyala 'roam about, go astray';
, (K 'J 'he baked';
ra<av.-qa, ta<awwaqa, (T) ra>awaqa 'be known see cawyawa, below. rayyti/, {aytili 'who goes astray, roaming, ram-
u~a/ l"·) \."a h'.,
(with object suffix pronouns 'be known to'; bling, wandering up and down';
Ihe \ crh tS recomotructed from the noun 'ugat which '.wyawa OlD-flD, (Y) 'awyawa hlD-1'1D 'wail in '.yyul (Lt) 'who goes astray';
IS undouhl,:dl) a tran~nptu.1n of Heb . <u~111. il e.g, )'at'awwaqo 'it is known to him'), be made
mourning, howl, groan, moan, lament, cry, cry {i/a! 'emigration, the act of roaming, of ram-
Clln$truct Swlc: or 'usa \:ake' known, be revealed, be recognized, become out'·, bling' ;
eVIdent. be identified, be noticed, be made lQ'awyawa, causative;
. '."ka~. OlD-hh 'deVIate. go astray, recOIl, manifest, be understood'; SEMITIC: Ar. 'lila ('y/) 'lead astray' (Haya).
!iwenc. confu~t diqurh'~ <awyar 'wailing, lamentation, lamenting, cry, perhaps Te. 'eI'stupid' {that is, someone
ta<awaqa (K 0) 'know one another'; howling, cries of woe';
'o<""k,,;',, (11). ""usatl\e: also ',hake'; 'asta'iiwaqa (K'), caus, of ta'iiwaqa; . who roams about aimlessly}.
·inrJ,:.~kJ"'lij 'dcnatJon. gOing astray'; SEMITIC: Ar. 'awii ('wy) 'shout, howl', Mh. aww, Sh
t.1WW.1q, 'JI1'WUq 'well-known, familiar, mani- 'ayo (pI. 'a' 0r.1 'eye, spring, source,
abo "flUC" 'ltllokdka h(J)ohh y.hich could be mter- fest, ramous'; 'wy, Heb. 'oy 'woe!', Aram. faWe (wy) 'shout,
tongue (of a balance), engraving (of a seal)';
pn:1eJ 8 nn a-.\Icm of Mkk. In \lCW of the form howl', Syr. 'awo, Md. awo.
'oll'q 'friend. familiar': «ayn ba-'ayn 'face-to-face');
·.1Mk~l.:lnna tor ':JK-kJk,Jflnn1, the verb IS either a 4- ETHIQPIC: Tna. (away baJa, raw biila. waf hala
ruqat 'knowJedge, instruction'; ('ayna madr 'latrine');
radicaIM·kJ:. or .. kk ,,",Ole that \-1 Horner In 'shout, howl', Te. wiiW'a, wa<a 'shout', Jaw'oy 'lamen-
ra'a"qnt 'knowledge'; tation of women at the death of a nobleman', 'away ('ayna warq 'jaundice');
ETHIOPIC: Te, <Qyyiira 'insult', Tna. 'ayya.rii 'joke, 'U
l/aa<ayn 'before'); . ,.zl fl'llA, mode of chant (during important
(;o-'a.1'lI. ,\'ah'o 'OPI 'watchman. supervisor, spy,
jest'; passed into Cushitic: Kham. ier 'calumniate,
slander', Af. fayaro 'give offense'. festivities); for the other modes, see ga'a:, 'ara- :;:'ble', and Heb 'or (n,['al) 'n I Chron 5 '0 For
sple!'>. S((luC); ray, and Tito Lepisa 163-4; e mearungs 'be strewn be ....
could be 1 d • scattered', the hlot f;'T
(hJIIIO 'al'II 'pupil of the eye, eyeball'); , . 'yr III, rna'ayy.. ooof.C (4 Kings 12; 12); this rna'zal, see below; ate to :ar:ara 'scatter", from zr.",
EntlOPIC"reTna >r~rr J... "/" ". _. -
(kama q"!'bala 'a),n 'in the tWinkling of an eye), reading is that of Ludolf, but Dillmann's text 'Qstaraza1a 'sing in the <3d-mOde, sing in re- sight' '.. (10 a, rO'a:reJ 'vanl',h from

'a\'nal (LI) 'evli eye'; has magayy., OJ>1J'.C (as does also the Asmara sponse_ alternate in reciting the Psalms' (denom-
'~rl'a1Ja, (T) 'ay),ana 'contemplate, observe, ~er­ Bible), for which see gayyara I. inative) ; 'zr~(T) 'azara (wilh ,) hilt. 'brighten up'
c~i;'e, view mentally, (T. Y.M) evaluate, examine, mara:;ar miin~ ~ - '
EnuoPlc: Tna. <iJzli. mode of chant, Amh. J:/. See rna) _ '. . ~_ur, mJfa;;ar (pl. ma'ti:ar), tT)
inspect, put in order' (denominative); . 'ys, 'esa 'l.ft (LI) 'soften, grow soft'; also h,z/, and Velat 76, 78.
, . ShtnlOg splendor, bnlliant rays, (OT)
IO'OYYOIIO 'contemplate (observe) attentively, light, a crown lhat shmes" ,
Ia'esa (0 1397) 'be patient';
examine. guard, keep'; , see also 'ys, >esa, even though 'ys seems to have an 'azama 011 00 (MA.Lt) 'conjure, cast spells'; rna':ur (Lt) 'surrounded with splendor';
la'oY(J')ano 'camp, set, set up a camp (pOSSI- opposite meaning. 'azami (Lt) 'magician';
bly 't~ seek for oneself a well to esta?lish a ETHIOPIC Amh. m;J';ar 'rays of sun' See also IW:r.
from AT. (azama; also Amh. azzamii 'practice Sor-
camp'; so Dillmann 1007), congregate; with .. yat flfT; see wa'ya. ,
eery. 'auaza Oil" 'be strong, be steadfast, be vig-
lii9/a, 'besiege'; orous, be firm';
rayyun, pass. part. of royyana; also 'considered 'ayaya (ya'yay,ya'yay) Off, (Y.T) 'ayaya hff -., ' (ya<:aq) 011'" (Y.M) 'become marsh- ~perhaps '~:a:a 'be strong', and 'a::a:a
carefully, selected'; 'err, wander from, deviate, stray, be ignorant land, (K *) dig, make a hole, drill'; overwhelm III ~a:;=a;alllli 'it overwhelmed me'
liJ(ayyan1 (pI. ta(iJyyaIllGt, ta<oy;m) 'camp, taber- 'azoql (pI. 'azaqiil, 'azaqtiit), (T) 'a::aqt 'pit,
of, not understand, be mistaken, be different, rather than translating 'a::a:a 'become strong'
nacle. tent. army. hosts, troops, company, as- be distant, be separated'; well, cistern, dungeon'; and consldenng -lin; an mdlrect Object. a:s
sembly, congregation, choir'; Ia'ayaya 'be diverted from the right path '; SEMITIC: Buhl 578, Baumgartner 766, and Leslau suggested by Dillmann 1004);
SEMITIC: AT. 'QY'I 'eye, source', SAr. ryn, Soq. rain. rayyuy ' insane, senseless, dul1, stupid, delirious, 1958:39, following Dillmann 1003, connect it with la'a:za~a (Lt) 'be overwhelmed';
Heb. <ayin, Aram. rena, Syr. roynii, Md. aina, raving, different, distinct, schismatic'; also parti- Ar. 'azaqa 'dig up' ; cpo also PbH 'a:aq 'd'g'. If 'asta(a::a:a 'conduct oneself as being strong';
Ug.Ph. 'n 'eye', Akk. fnll. cipial meanings of 'ayaya; e.g. 'who strays', however, the origin of the Gecz noun <o;oqt is the ":zuz 'powerful, mighty, strong, huge';
ETHIOPIC: Tna. 'oyni 'eye', Te. <in, Amh.Arg.Gur. and so on. verb <ozaqa 'become muddy', the Arabic compari- (',J;:!uza 'strongly ');
o,'n, Gar. ina, Har. in; Tna. <oyyana 'explore the son would not be valid unless G. <azaqa 'become (~zziz, (T) 'o::;z (fern. fG:z(i:) 'mighty, strong,
SEMITIC: Ar. gawa (gwy) 'err', 'aIVii «wy) 'bend, muddy' is a denominative from <Qzaqt 'pit, well'.
c~mp of the enemy'. The root is common with vigorous, excellent';
twist', Aram. 'awe 'curve', >afawe 'be wrong'; von ETHIOPIC : Amh. aziigl 'deep pit' (from Geez), Te.
Cushitic: BiL 'il 'eye', Qua.Kham. el, ALSom. iI. filZGZ 'power, strength, vigor, dominion, excel-
Soden 267 compares Akk. ewu(m), "etwa 'belasten 'aziiq 'swamp', Tna. fQZaqfi.
. ", .
lence, dignity';
'yr I , 'ayara oft. (K*) 'mix, blend'; '.zaq" flll"'" (T) 'precious stone'; SEMITIC: Ar. <a::a 'be powerrul', SAr. f:~t 'strength',
'ay)'ur (K *), pass. participle; '.yiy.n fl~f.1 (T) 'chosen'; could it be a misprint for ~iJnq'" ,,~).,...? Soq. <:z 'give strength', Heb. fOZ 'strength ', Aram.
ETHIOP1C: Amh. ayyiirii 'mix, blend', seems

to be for 'iJyyun (see (ayn) . <aza;; 'be strong', Syr. 'az 'be powerful', Md. a::=
'azara (y.'zar) Ollt. (K*.M.DTW 481), 'azara (fUJ 'strengthen'. Ph .Ug. <; 'strong', Akk. ezi:u 'be
'azlaba, 'azzaba olin ; hlln 'assist, uphold, hUt. (T) 'spatter, sprinkle'; fierce, be furious'.
'yr II, 'ayyara Oft. 'rebuke, reproach, (T) de- help' ; ETHIOPlc: Te. 'Qzza (·zz) 'be strong, be mighty',
la'azra, ta'azara (L.Gr.296) 'make an attack
spise, mock, make fun of'; Tna. 'a:iizii, Amh. azzdzii 'be firm, be solid'. This
IQrozzaba, passive; upon, press into, assail, (D) be strewn, be
lorayyara, passive; also 'revile, make re- root is not to be connected with Amh. a:zii:ii
'asla'azaba (Y), 'Qsla'azaba (T), 'asla<azaba scattered, be diffused, spread itself, (T) vall-
proaches, reprove, scoff, insult, affront, offend, 'command', as suggested by Littmann-Hofner 480.
(M) 'protect, uphold'; ish from sight', (T.M) la'azra +h'llt. 'go from
despIse, defy, (Lt) brag';
note that the Amharic translations fii.!dgga and one place to another' (that is, 'scatter oneself), 'zz, 'as'ozaz. h(lPII", (T) 'a.'oza,a h(l"'111
'a-'~I'Uf, pass. participle;
oS!dgga given by T.Y are contradictory since fa!agga pitch camp (referring to pitching the camp in 'become cramped, grow stiff, be benumbed, be
lara)')'",.! 'reproach, aspersion, offense, dis-
means 'seek protection, lean against', and as!agga various places, that is, go from place to place). torpid, be stupefied, make benumbed, make
grace, dishonor, infamy, derision, mockery,
means 'give protection'. The passage of Judges 15;9 favors Dillmann's stupefied, make obstinate, make refractory,
insult, abuse, insolence, arrogance, subject of
SEMITIC: Heb. ,aza!> 'help' in Jer. 49:25 (Driver, and Tayyii's meanings; affect with convulsion, (Lt) stimulate, intoxi-
reproach, disgrace';
iQR 28[1937-8].126; see also Barr 140), Akk. aziba- cate, (T) limp';
taro}','aro. same', SEMlTlC: Ullendorff 1977: 127 accepts Ludolf's
I" 'help' (n); perhaps SAL 'db 'followers, adherents'
translation 'make an attack on, assail', and com- the derivation from 'azzaZQ 'be strong', 'Qs'o:aza
SEMITIC. AT. 'ayyara 'revile', SAT. 'yr 'disgrace, (W. Muller).
pares Ar. gazura 'be abundant, be copious' (so also 'sich versteifen', that is, 'starr, steil' sein' suggested
shame', S~. 'er 'disgrace', Heb. 'yr (polel 'orer) Dillmann 1003, with reservations), Ug. gzr 'hero,
're'ile' (Dnver, VT 3, Supp. [1955].72, and Barr 'azibi 0 111) (K*) 'dung of bovines'; by Stade 37 is unlikely.
125), Akk. aru (KlDnier Wilson, iSS 7[1962].181). from Amh. azoha. See also >azaba.
intrepid' (for which see balsa II. below). as against
Barth 191 I :23, n. I. The root IS perhaps Com n tabii'ada 'be estranged f
alienated from rom one another, be
with Cushitic (Bil. bis 'get angry', Aw. bas 'be ;;'.°d one another'
worse') rather than being considerd a borro . . 'OStabii'ada, (T) 'astaha'ad '
· . d wing ba'iidi (K *) a, caus. of lahij'ada,
from Cush IUC, as suggeste by Cerulii 1938: 196. ' act. part. of ha'ada'
ba'ud'different d' f"
",'sa II -111.1'1 (K*) 'grow, grow mature be ed strange u' Ivelrse, orelgn, alien, alien.t-
, , nusua changed f .
B fl strong, be swift' (denominative from ba'a;,)" ors, undecided d' '
,0 vanous col-
' ISturbed (mind),'
ba'asi 'man, male, husband, person, someon~" ba'd 'other d'n: '
foreign'; , I erent, strange. alien. outsider.
(b.'aSf nagus 'a certain king'); ,
ba II 'in, at, into, on, by, through, with (by month (corresponds to G. sane); b.'asit 'woman, wife, (Lt) female (animal),; bU'iide, (Gr.190) b"iide 'change d· ...
vanatio d' . • Illerence.
means of), after (kind and means), by reason from Coptic paone through Chr.-Ar. ba~una. See SEMITIC: Ar, ba)u~a 'be strong, be intrepid'; for the n, lverslty, separation"
of, because of, out of, on account of, accord- also bawani, payon. passage of meanmg, cpo Ethiopic tb f 'be stro ng' b.'thnnii
, . 'chan
. ge, d'fl' " . vana-
I erence, mutability,
ing to, concerning, against (contiguity)'; is Amh. tabar 'male'. • tlOn, dIverSity, separation"
used with suffix pronouns; e.g. bfJka 'in you'; ba'.nta 111.'.,.; see 'anla 1. ETHIOPIC: Te. b;]>(Js 'husband', G. ba'i/sit is formed mastabii<Jd, part. of >astaha<ada:
from the mase. ba'asl through the suffixing of lhe
with suffix pronouns it also expresses posses- ~EMIT1C: Ar. bO<llda 'be distant', borda 'after' SAt
b.'sa I (y.b>as) -111.1'1, (T) "'<sa -11M 'be bad feminine marker -t. The identification of b;PJs; with
sion; e.g. b.ka 'you have'; ,~d 'r,emove to.B distance', b'd 'after', Soq. 'ba<ad
become worse, be vicious, be irritable, be harm: Gur. m;JS 'male' suggested by Praetorius 1879:50 is
bo, botru 'he has' (that is, ba with the suffix fler, Heb. (mlb)ba'ad'from behind' (Ill. 'from oul
ful, be unsatisfactory, be severe or aggravated unlikely. of the distance of), Syr. ('a)b'ed 'drive far away'
pronoun of the 3rd masc. sg) also means 'there
is, there are'; the negative 'there is not, there (pain)' ; mab'edii 'distant, remote', Ug. bId 'behmd'. Driver:
)Qb'osa, causative; also "do harm, torment, ba'al 1I1l-l-, (K*) bu'at trll-l- 'entry, entrance ~T 4 (19541.244. interprets Heb. b••at} as meaning
are not' is expressed by 'albo (see above); • •• •
harass, treat severely'; entenng, begmmng (of month, fast)'; . n exchange for, In place or coming close to Ethiop-
bo + za + verb means 'someone, something'; IC b'd.
bo+:a+verb ... .,abo+:a+verb 'one who ... taba'asa, tabii'asa 'fight with one another see bw'. bo'a, below. See also balala, ba'att, below.
ETHIOPIC: Tna. bald; 'another stranger' T b"d
the other who; some ... some'; struggle, use force, do violence, attack, ac; 't' "e,aa
fiercely, wrangle, quarrel, contend , strive, ba'alt 1I1l-l-, (Lt) ba<alt 1I0-l- 'cave, den" , .' range~ (probably from Amh. biidal, ba,.d
bo )GmG 'sometimes'; anot~er , Amh. badii 'be separated, Isolated', ba'Jd,
bo'ama ... wabo'oma 'one time ... and another compete, exert oneself, be in conflict with one see bw', bo'a, below. Note the geminated t of ba'aa bada . s.tran~er, non~relative', Gur. bada; passed mto
. , another, be antagonistic toward'; as against the non~geminated t of balal 'entrance',
tune; Cushlllc: Bit bad; 'foreigner', Qem. bada 'stranger'.
babba- (that is, repeated ha) serves for the 'asrabii>asa (K), caus. of tabii'asa;
ba>iisi (K *) 'bad, harmful'; ba'ata 1I1l.,. (U) 'begin (month)'; ba<ill (pI. 'ab,./t, ba'iiw'/I) H'lA 'owner head
expression of the distributive 'each'; e.g. wa- of family, husband'; ,
nas'u babbadiniir 'they took a dinar each'; ba>us 'bad, vile, unsuccessful'; denominative of ba'at 'entry', above.
bii's, (T) bii's 'contention, conflict, fight, ErnloPIC: Amh . batii 'begin (month)', Tn •. biihatii, is also used in various compounds in the con-
babba 'a~adu 'one by one'; babba b.heru 'in
fighting, altercation, contest , quarrel" , ba'atii, biif:tatii. It is not to be connected with Te, struct state, as in ba'iila lada 'creditor', ba'ala
diverse lands'; .
'anbiita 'begin', as suggested by Brockelmann waddet 'calumniator', and so on;
bohu, bonu (that is, bo with the interrogative . (K*), verbal noun of b.'sa ',
see balfa I.
element -hu, -nul is used in a rhetorical ques- mab'Qs, mab>;Js, part. of >ab>asa; also 'that 1950:37, nor is it Coshitic, as stated by Brauner-
which is rough, rugged, bad, disabled, tripping Plazikowski 1953 :265 . ba<il II lI'lA, (K) ...<.1 -II,\A 'the Phoenician
tion; e.g. bonu 'aqqiibihu 'ana 'am I his keeper?',
bonu )itQ)ommiJru 'don't you know?'; a httle, abrupt, litigant'; god Baal';
bii< I),) 'palm of hand , cubit" ,
for more details, see Dillmann 1907:374-90, mabii'ast, pI. (U) 'who attack one another'; from Gk. baal, Heb. ba'al.
mastabii';JS 'combative, rival, antagonist,
M'a (K*) 'measure with the arm span' (de-
407, 437, 493, 510ff, 513, 532; for the ex- nominative);
fighter, warrior, who stirs up a fight'; ba<sl III lI'lA 'festival, feast day, feast, ban-
pression of the distributive, see Dillmann 1907:
373-5. from Ar. bii' 'cubit'; also Te. ba'. quet';
SEMITIC: Ar. ba,jsa 'be wretched, be unfortunate', ba'iil t.kalr 'fixed festival';
SEM1.T~C: b~, hi (Arabic); for this preposition in SAr, b's, 'be bad', Heb. bii'as 'smell bad', Aram. ba'iil 'il.ka/r 'movable festival';
SemitiC, see Brockelmann 19J3:363ff. ba<ada>. "'<da (y.b'ad) 110$', I -11M'. 'change,
b.:e! 'be bad, unpleasant, wicked', Syr. bel')!, Md.
alter, dlStmguish, separate, render alien, (Y) be (gabra ba<iila 'celebrate a festival');
ETHIOPfC bii., Te. ';1b, Tna. >ab, ha (as in bJyii 'I blS, Ug, b's, Akk. ba'osu 'be of bad quality smell
have', lit. 'in me'). bd'
a . , altered, be separated'; 'ab'ala 'celebrate a festival';
ETHIOPIC ; Te. b(}'tJsa 'be angry', Tna. bii'Qsii 'get )ab(ada, ca usa ti ve', taba'ia 'be celebrated (festival),;
b<1'8 fill ; see bw'. taba'ada, tab.'da 'be a stranger, be separated, b.'ul 'festival';
wo~se'. Amh. basil 'get worse, get aggravated
b8'ama 1I1l"" (MA) 'arrange, put in order'. (pam)', hiissala 'disease', GUf. hii'asii 'become move away, emigrate, change the dwelling ETHIOPIC: Te. Tn •. bii'al 'festival', Amh.Arg. bal,
worse'. The meaning of G. taba'asa 'fight with one place, .change (intr), be changed, be alien, be Gur. bOlol, bal; passed into Cushitic: Sa. bal, Mo.
b8'llDih, ""unih IIIl-'i'U ! -II1l-'i'U, tenth Coptic another' is not to be connected with b's 'be strong, unfamlhar, deviate from, become other';
84 ""(.)ri,,i 85
b.l la
With Ar /,1, Heb. p'l. Rabin HS:91 also compares j1e',or, Qem. bira, Had, ha·urll. See also Conti
bo' I. / • r.h'alJ <lM/\ 'ne nch, be wealthy': 'nl 1912 178-9, and bo'a,a II. above . bibih IlIJU, (T) bib; IJ . ,
G. h'/, Ihe root of mab'al, wllh Ar. /a'ala, Heb. ROSSI
'<1b'aio 'make nch, enrich'; " p{}'a/. COPlic month (co 0.. name of the second
"c1.ftabtafa 'acyuirc \",ealth, covel wealth, ETHIOPIC Gur. b./ 'acllon' (see leslau 1979: 138). ",,(.)riiwi, b3'(3)riiy flbt-'f : flbt-,f., see f rresponds 10 O. I~J"'I) '
rom COPtiC paa '
biN (pi '<lh',II) 'nch, wealthy. owner, posses- Dillmann 983 (followed by Brockelmann t908:273) bJrJr, "'. POD", Ihrough C'h, ' ~r Mba
'llr, master, head of family'; considers it a metathesis of mati/bal, for which see babik Ilo.h (0 K) 'f .
(1m-fa ,f,'ag~a 'generous'); ." , wit /lllr (KO) 'calf of ~eg', which Ad . rUll of the tree of Paradise
(hiNa 111,1.<114 'skilled in wntlOg); '. bO'iiliill'i (K 0) 'big-calved, am was not ,uPposed to eat'
b'l II, 'all<ala "flO/\: see ba'iillIl. ETHIOPIC K and OTW 16 '
M ..,II (fern. of biN) 'mistress of the house, seem be reconslrucled from Amh , bO/ 'calf of with Amh . bnail.
b<l',;1 (pI. 'oh,.11) 'owner, possessor. master,
10 ' . '-b I}"Qk
' ar8"(under blYah) cl)nn«tll
bii,.liiy Ilb'lJ'.: see b.'la I. leg' clean, disgust;ng' Note t;at c~n~lder v. orthlCSi, un.
head of famtly'. Adams, p, 28 correct~ it rumpp. Da hump!
h"1I1 'rich, wealthy'; ",'ez. fI'l.H (M) 'lead away, carry away': melon' (equivalent to n to Omh hurLk 'water-
ba'ara I (y.h'ar) 1I0~ (K 0) 'eat up completely,
1>."1 'wealth, riches'; burn up, set (a field of grass) on fire, set
the fonn is unusual. the ArabIC Vor/age. m.tll hUI'~) On the baSh of
hih,itll' 'rich. wealthy': ablaze': ""3Zii 1 flbl/, (T) b3'ezii fI'\.I/ 'kind of ante-
mab'~1i 'one who makes rich'; lope, gazelle':
biibbala 1111/\ (K OTW) 'be be
SEMITIC. Heb. bii'a, 'burn', Ug. b'r (Moor 109, messed u b ml\ed up,
IIw~'", 'that which serves to honor; _ p, e confused, be scattered'
Caquol 203). Geez b'r may be a transcripllOn of the ETHIOPIC Te. b.'.:=a 'kind of anlelope' Amh 'abahhala (K) 'mIX. confuse'
SE:MITIC· Ar 1>0'1 'husband, master, owner' (~or Hebrew root brr taken from a biblical passage; cp., w'';, b",:a; probably from CU,hIlIC Sa.Af h"lda bah.1 (T) 'be' ,
'master'. as a pOSSIble loanword from South ArabIa, however. Te. bariire (with metathesis) 'the fire broke lI1g confused (n), bell1g scattered'
'anlelope', Som. bJ'id (With allernancc d :). Sec also Rabm ~6, nO.2), SAr b'/"master, owner'. Soq, out and spread', bari/' 'fire in the wilderness' See from balbala be·o· bM '
bn,ii II. back t bll c mlng by a!i\lmllJtlon, gOing
;'a'al 'ma~ter, lord', Heb. ba'al 'owner. husband', also ba'ara II. . a (see bll II). It may also stem from an
Aram. na'oM. Md, bit 'lord, master. husband', """ii 11 flM. (l) b3'ezli fI'\.·" (Gr 190) b3'izi mterpretatJ~n of the Tower of Babel symbohlln
Lg.Ph '''' 'master', Akk be/u 'master: owner'. ,. ba'.ra II (y.b'ar) IIO~ (K 0) 'be stupid, be o/l'l.~, (T) b3'3zii 1I~I/ 'kmd of musical instru- confUSion. See also baMal I g
ETHIOPK Tna . bii'al, bo'al 'master, Te. baral, ignorant, be a fool'; ment (horn. trumpet. Rute), small bell, cym-
Amh Gar Gur ba/: passed inlo CuShIIIC: Sa.Af bibil 1l00A, name of a fictitious bird,
/Ya'elo 'master, husband' For 'wealth', cpo Tna, SEMITIC: Heb. bii{ar likewise has the meaning 'be bals';
stupid', and Geez htr may have been taken from a from Ar 'ab.ibi/ (Qur'an 1063; 'ee Jelfery 43-41;
barill ' nch', btJ'li 'wealth'; denommative ba rliil'ii 'be ETHIOPIC. Amh. b,'.:a 'trumpel, RUle' (from Gcez); perhaps also Amh , h.blbJ I!:),a 'brown and black
rich' biblical passage (see also harara I). For the relation so called because the horn (as musical Instrument) bird'
between brr 'be stupid' and bi/ri/r 'horned cattle' tesembles the horn of Ihe anlelope (ludolf 247,
(below), see b.hma, below.
bo'l. II (I',h'al) flM (Y K), be'ala 0.0/\ (TS), Hommel 390). See also,l bab/iit r Ilfl'l'}- (T M) ,\alty and muddy
ba'al. 110/\ (T) 'marry. take a wife, be a spnng';
ba'ara JIJ (yab'ar) IIO~ (K 0) 'dig, plough, bib r ~fI (KO) 'gate, door':
husband, (T Y) 10\e'; T also = Amh. liiqiima!- break clods'; for the meamng 'muddy spnng', cpo Nibbalf.l 'be
liilii 'be spOiled, be treated indulgently',:should mabw (K 0) 'one who ploughs, plough (n), flOm Ar biib < Aram (Fracnkel 14). mixed up' (see above)
be Amh. aqiimatriilii 'spOIL treat indulgently': instrument for digging'; bib rr ~fI (T.Mk) 'goat's mIlk', babliit rr IIflH (IM), bibl.t Ilfl'lr (0 IWb)
ol'oiii (I\:) 'mamed woman, (T M) love. affec- m.b'iir (KO) 'instrument for digging';
lion' (rather 'mamed' since It renders the Heb. perhaps an onomatopoetic expressIon from the 'chIseled and smoothed trunk of tree'
SEMITIC Heb. bi'er 'remove, sweep', Neo·Syr brr. sound of the goat (see babbaya).
b"iliiil, Syr. btJror 'pluck one by one, pick out', S~. emboyer bib3ni Ilfl" (T) 'mer'.
h~'olii (OT 579) 'loved. honored'; means in fact
'mamed, wedded' rendering the Heb. form
'destroy, spoil' (from b', with Ihe prefix .m
< .11). bibi I 1111 (Gr.457) 'bishop, pope, high eccle-
siastic, patriarch' : biibut Illl-r (D 139b,KOM) 'tortotSe, turtle',
b.'iilii 10 1s6~ 4 quoted in OT 579. 113,.. (pI. 'abiiw) flbC (K). b.,.. ii flbt-
(T KO), b3'(3)riiwi, b3'(.)riiy lIbt-'f : flbt-J', flOm AI. biiM 'pope' < Ok pupa.. (Graf 19) ErHloPIC: Amh. babul, ~ame. Sec also bah"",
the \erb IS. a denominative of ba'iil L cpo also Ar
ba'ma 'marl)' Soq. ba'a/. (K.D) 'ox, bull, horned cattle, (K) stuptd per- bibi rr ~~ (KO) 'grandfather, anceslor', biibule ~Il-i: (K 0) 'wheaten bread baked 111 an
son ': oblong shape (like a tortoise shell)"
SEMITIC: Ar. baba 'father, grandfather'
be<.I. 0.0/\ (T); see b,'la fl. SEMITIC: Ar. bO'ir 'camel', SAr. brr 'cattle', Soq. ETHIOPIC: Amh, babllle: see babul.
be'er 'camel', Heb. bi/'ir 'cattle', Aram.Syr bi/lirii, bib. HI 1111 ; see biibiih,
11'1 /, ma"'al, mab,.1 (pI. mabii,.II, mabii,.liit) Md. b;ra, Akk. biir" 'young calr. babbaya, bebaya 1I(Jf I o.llf 'jubilate, be
ETHIOPIC: Tna.Te. b.way 'ox, bull', Amh. bOre, bibi ~ 0.; see biibiih, happy' ,
ODflOA I ODflbA 'lion tool. axe':
Te.Arg. bara, HaT. bara, ba>ara, GUT. bora; T~.
SEMlTlC SAr btl 'work, excavate', Akk. bilu, "etwa bi/rer 'young camel', from AT. barir. The root IS "'ba (l,1l (Gr.190) 'go around', ETHIOPIC, onomatopoetic: Tna, bub bala 'produce a
'\\,-'affe'" (\on Soden 110). One IS tempted to com. sou nd (Howing water, or an angry person)', Te.
pare Ug M 'work, bUI Ug. M IS to be Identified
Common to Ethiopic and Cushitic (so also Cohen ~~ be Identified with bebaya II 'roam restlessly' (see bubb bela 'bark', Amh, baba alii 'shout', (anlbabba
1947 no. 386) BilKham. birii, Sa.Af. be",a, Be "'low).
'make shout'. (an)b"aM"a 'make a nOise', bu a/ii,
""~I)I badn 86 bld.1
-----------~~----------~~.. 87
bod ...
ftubh ala. al,,('1 10 Cush.lIe Som. biM 'sound of the
Rutc' (for which <ee RCIOlsch 1902:70). The Gee?
shake', Te. biidhiida, 'anbiidbiida, Amh. lanbadah.
hodii. tiinhodiibhodi1; passed into Cushitic: Qem.
badna (pbdan) Il~~ , (T) badana Of.~ 'be.
come a corpse' (denominative),
had, 'race

' contest, stnfe, hfe (of a J.nt)'

rl~t IS aJ\O related lo yahaha (Dill mann 516). Idnbadiibiid. """'0 (ll) 'race"
'abdana (K'), causative;
badibalu OJtOI\- (TM), name of the devil', labadna. labaddana 'become a COrpse, be life. tabiitb,ot (It) 'com;"tition' ,
~bay. I /l./lf (Y.M) 'stretch out, lengthen,
• SEMITIC Ar badorQ'
(M TS 114) separate'; reflects dlyablo. 'devil' (see below), perhaps with the less' ; be first rU<h' H pr",e:ede, .unve une~pettedly
l>ihur (KG) 'separated'. preposition ba 'by', and badibalu would then mean badn (pI. >abdant)
'corpse, dead person, dead , ". ars. f'f:diJ,. , •
Tbam , hdr ' h
urry' . outstrip aU oll\(:n·•
'in the name of the devil', body, carcass;
ETHtol'tc: Te biid~ 'h'
~b",a If /l.Of (T K'.0 1396) 'go around, roam badun (GLI91) 'corpse·like, cadaverous'; d- "'h '. a aSlen, go ahead' Amh ~o,
bdd, badada, badda ( O~~ : Of. 'sepa. ara aslen, Win a race' G _', _.' . vmI"'
a,ml~sly here and there, rave, lust after, crave SEMtrtC: Ar. badan 'body', Mh. bediin Cushitic' Bil badar. ,Ur NiJdara; passed Into
rate, detach , make single';
(food, drink)'; ETHIOPTC: Tna. biidni 'corpse', Te. badiin, hoehn,
'anhehaJ'a (T.Y.MO 1396) 'roam aimlessly'; SEMITIC: Ar. badda 'separate', Mh . bedid, Heb. ba. Amh. bad,n; passed mto CushJlic: Sa. b.dena badr I O.l:'C; see badara.
gad 'be isolated', badiid 'isolated', PbH . Mgarj'sepa. 'corpse', BiL biiddiin 'Slmk'.
EnnoPJc Amh (an)babba 'incite sexual desire',
rate, sever', Ph. bdd, Akk. badadu, buddudu 'waste
See .Iso heba squander', ' bidon 11. .... , (K.OT 579) 'spear, dagger'; bad~ n O~C 'hohday celebraled by the Jew,
ETHTOPIC: Te. biidiid bela 'scatter'. The root is seem to be a misreading of Heb. kfrjon ~Spear' by 10 t e month of Tishri' (first month of the
badda Of.; see bdd. common with Cushitic: Bil. bid 'open', Be. bado year);
confusing!) k with ~ h.
'furrow' (that is, 'split'), Sid. badi 'separate', Mo.
badi O.l! 'desert, wasteland'; seems to refer lO the Day of Atonement (~
biidda(ye} 'split wood'. The root is related to bll badaqa Of.'" (K) 'renew, repair, restore';
Mauro da Leone"a, RS£ 3[1 9431.305.6)
see hadh'o. (see balala), and balba/a. bedeq, bedaq (0 1403,K.T.M) 'cracks in a wall ,
wall about to collapse, anything to be repalfed
bOOii fI.I! (K '), bOOdu fiJI, (KG) 'white, yellow'; badado Of. .... (0 1396,K.T) 'smallpox'; b~d' III. bad.. O~C • n~t- (K' T 1I) 'a cer.
or restored, chapel, treasury, (T) storehouse , talO quanttty of money';
from Ar baydii', fern. of 'abya'" 'white' . See also ETH/optc: Tna. biidddo. biidido 'smallpox', Te. badi. warehouse' ;
byd, below. do; from Cushitic: Kham . bidld, Aw. buzi (with fharom Ar. badra 'sum of money, purse' See also
alternance d; z). the original meaning IS probably that of the noun I'.
'breach, crack', and the verb 'repair, mend' is a
budi II'.I! (It) 'one who causes harm by means
badal Of.A (Gr,428), badl Il~A (0 1396,TM) denominative. The situation is perhaps the same in
of the evil eye'; bodos 1JJl.1l 'measure of flutds';
'bean' ,. Heb. b~g~q 'crack', Aram. bidqa, where Heb. biigaq
ETHIOPTC: Tna.Amh Har.aue buda 'magician, man 'repaIr', Aram.Syr. bafjaq would be denominatlves. fro~ ,?k., batos,.transcriptlOn of Heb. hal 'measure
who has the power of casting the evil eye', Te. . , to be identified with Sid. badila 'kind of
perhaps The Geez noun bedeq. bedaq transcribes Heb. bedrq of liqUIds; also In Amh . bados. beddo. bedu. For lhe
bozzay 'magician' (with alternance of d :z); also maize. (so also transcribed in the Septuagmt as bedek) measure baJos, see Pankhurst 1969, II : 159. See also
In Cushillc: B,i. bOda, Or.S•. Af. budii, Ka. budo 'crack in the temple > wall about to collapse', and biil, below.
badala [ 0f.1I (K ') 'do wrong, commit an
'potter' Cerul" 1951'411 considers the root to be of it is possibly generalized to mean a special part of
Nilollc origin' SlIluk bodo 'ironsmith', Tanners and injustice, inflict (pain)';
the temple, such as the chapel or the treasury. In bo,Jut fiJI. .},; see (badwa). hada w.
lronsmlths are considered to be buda; see Walker SEMtTIC: Ar. badhala 'damage' (that is bdl wilh addition to Heb.Aram . bdq 'split', cp. also Md.
20, Worrell !II 128, M Griaule 1930:139-42, Rodin· augmented h), badila 'suffer from pain m the joints' bdaqa, Ug. bdq'l (Moor, Aislleitner) For a related
son 58. badwa (Wb du ) n~ID, (It) badawa 0f.1D 'be a
(that is, 'be afflicted with pain'), SAc. bdl'sickness'. rOOl, see baraka, below.
desert, be a wasteland, be desolate';
EnlloPlc: Tna.Amh. biiddiilii 'mistreat, offend', ETHIOPIC: Amh. bedeq 'treasury' (from Geez).
badbada 0~0f. 'perish, disappear, decay, Arg. beddala, Gar. biddiilii, Gur. bUddalii; passed >abdawa, causative; also 'lay waste';
(T K' Y.M) weaken, get sick, die, get rusty'; into Cushille: Aw. beddlu·, Sid. baddali. bada,a (,) Of.<: 'be swift, hurry, precede, tabadwa (Gr.457) 'become a desert, be ruined,
>ahadbada (K '), causative; also 'soil, kill'; advance, surpass, be preeminent, arrive first become desolate, dwell in the desert',
badhud (Gr457) 'destroyed, ruined'; badala II 0f.1I (K') 'exchange'; in a race (T), be early'; tabadawa 'be dispersed in the desert, become
badbad 'plague, pestilence, calamity, (K) rust'; from Ar. badala 'exchange'; also in Te. badiila, Tn • . 'abda'a, causative; also 'prefer, gtve prefer· desolate' ;
bUdiilii, Amh. biiddiilii. ence, choose, select, favor, give priority, esteem badw 'desert, wasteland, wilderness, uncultivat·
SEMITIC Syr bagbeg 'perturb, trouble' (Rabin, ed area, desolate place, desolation';
htghly, do something eagerly';
JSS 18[1973).58) The connection with Ar bidda badeliih 01.,110 (T+) 'mushroom'. tabad,a, passive of >abda,a; (mad,a badw 'desert ');
'strength', Heb. 'badd'lm suggested by Rabin, ib. is
Jess convincing. For the meaning 'perish' the rool is tabada'a 'compete, rival, hasten, run hastily, bada 'desert, wasteland';
badn I O~') (Ll) 'linen';
related to Ar bada (byd) 'perish' run a race, run with eagerness, get ahead or; b.daw (fern. b.dut) 'desolate, deserted, laid
from Gk. baddin (see LOfgren 1927: 143), transcrip· 'astabiida,a (K.GLI87) 'surpass, excel, com- waste' ;
bdbd, >anbadbada h'O~Of. (K') 'fear, shake'; lion of Heb. baddlm, pI. of bad 'piece of cloth'. pete' ; badwal 'desolation, ruin';
ETHJOPIC Tna. bdbdad Mid. 'anbiidbiidii 'tremble , badn " 11 ~1; see badna. bada,;, act. part. of bada,a; SEMITIC: Ar. badw 'desert', badii 'live In a desert'
b.du, (K') 'that precedes, preferred'; (denominative). SAr. ·bdw. bdl 'open country'

90 91
b.>ltmal 'mutene", dumbness, difficulty

bohanza lIU'}" (T.M) 'kind of flute'; bhb~ I. bi~bo~a l1.nllth (~nstead of ha!lhaha of -~-
In bih, (pi 'hL _
to be identified with bil(ilza (see above), with ~i) 'flo" roanng, rum~le ; , . a '''HI, hahr.!) 11m '
spealmg. ocean, large mer' w C sea. lake,
mahlwn, .,,&hiimi (K ,), part. of 'abhama; augmented nand h". ,anbii~ba~a 'fl~w roarIng. rumble, roar, re-
bahraM'. biihraru.:i ,:at, northwest north,
<\r 'ahlwm 'bereft of articulate speech',
sound, well up ; . 109 to the sea; nne, manltme, pertatn-
,\ntm( bihrara I1U~~; see bii~rara II. ,obhab.~a (T) 'flow roarIng, drIp',
'--Ieb. ~h('mii 'animal, without speech', Ar, bahfma (hamUm biihfJ):uWi 'se"<QIC k nes"))
biihbOlt (K') 'roarIng of water', '.
'801mal' J~ considered by Jeffery 85 a Hebrew loan- baharus 1111,,"0 'cypress';
word. :~nbii~bii!11. manbii!lbiiltl_ (~I. manhii.hhii.!lal, SEMITIC: Ar bahr' 1 "
bahra IS an ArabiC Isea, arge mier'.. SAr bit,. Svr
variant of biros 'cypress', below. Note that baharus ",)nbii~ba~iil, manba~ab~al) waterfall, flood- lu ;swamn<o:(') "et o~wnword. Akkadian hi,.t~.I¥;Q..
ETHlOPI( Toa. /liihClma 'be dumb', Te. biihama,
is quoted 10 Dillmann 494 under biibrus. ,
Tna. b~h,;fm halii 'speak In a low voice' For the gate, cataract; ~ " wa as<erla f'" (
relatwn between 'he dumb. be mute' and 'animal' as
is connected by Fronzaroh 1QbU \Ion Soden 122)
bii~. bi~ii, ba~i 11.n : 11.1, , 11.1" (T) ba~ n"t SEMITIC Ar. b~. bb expresses noise: hablJa 'have a but the connection with Scm ~',~' p. ~88 with Mr.
In Hcb. "~hemii. see btlfora II. . Ih'I I'
'greetings., al.; hoarse voice', ba~bi;ha 'hoarseness', baMa. ba~baha be excluded. . r well should not
bii~ bahla (yabe) 'greet'; 'grumble (camel)', ba~~a~a 'pool of water' - ETHIOPIC' Te bahr' 'T
bohemol, bohemol

1IY.'I"0}- , 11"'-'1"0}- 'hippo- also used with the suffixes of the 2nd person: En"OPlc: Tna. bahbahe, bahh.he 'flow roaring, Arg. biih~r. A·mh.· ba~: burn'~e:at~, Har b~ar.
potamus' , bii~ii-ka, bii!l-ka, ha!,a-ki 'hail to you!'; spnnkle', b"ah biila '~ow" (a ,;aterfall)', Har. buh mto Cushuic' Bd bah S . e root pa5.'ied
baya 'now', Amh. (Ian)b ahb a 'gush, bUbble, be Qe m bar·· . , ar, a baher;; Be behar.
from Hcb. /I,lht'mol 'hippopotamus'. Amh. bahemot See also bJ~ra. hiihrartJ, bel~w.
come~ from GCC1. For Heb. bJhol101, see G.R. Dnvcr.
- -
Ar. bah bah 'bravo!, well done!'.
Amh. Mha 'feehng of joy', Te. bah bela
poured in large quantity', baba alii 'make nOise'
In len della Vida 1956:234ff. bah bela 'rejoice', Tna. bah biilli, ba~ biilii 'take
, For the basic meaning 'roar. make nOise', cpo also bo~er (pI. haM""" bahiirm bah-' _)
lI"'-C' . . . all mal
Te bubu bela 'bark', 'amba bela 'low', Tn •. bubb region, province, district. .country
pleasure, be pleased'; passed into Cushitic: Bd. bah.
bahana (l',hhall) I1U~ (K ') 'fly in the aIr bOla 'make noise', 'ilmbab bala. Amh. hu alii 'roar', homeland, land, place, nation, part of a text'
bubbubb ala 'gurgle', amb"a old 'low', Har ilumbO
(smoke, dust)', boho,
. ' "11th; see bwh.
in 'aboha . mdlvldual book of a collection (as, for tn:
baya 'moo', Gur . .1mbabba ·pop'. For the conncc-
bah,n (K '), act. partIciple; stance, the BIble)'; is also used 10 expresSIons
SC~ biihnana I I
bih, , /l.n : 11",-; see bahe.
. bohe - lion WIth the root nbh 'bark', ,ee ContI 1980: 74.
about weather, lIght, as 10 masya b,her 'it IS

bihnana I l1un (K.Y.M), biiJ:Inona 11.n~~ (T)

, (lth; see bwh.
The root also occurs 10 Cushltic: Qem. bah " 'be
spIlled', Qua. bogu. See also )'JnbahiihJl -. even lOr. ~ah~a haher 'it is mornmg', s,h,,"
b.!ter fatr weather' (cp, a SImilar usage' ~ith
'loaf, roam, vanish, go to waste, evaporate, bo~'a (yab!la·) 1I.n" 'be fermented. ferment bhbh n, biihbo~a l1.nllth (Instead of balth.ha Amh. madar 'earth', Ar dun)'ii . 'world'
, e.g.
wIthdraw, escape, perish', (intr), turn sour'; of >i.') 'pai~t, draw, portray, create, make';' 'omsat 'a ddunyo 'it IS dark');
'ahtihnana. causative; also 'destroy'; 'ab~a'o 'ferment' (tr); labiiltbaha
• •
(K '), passive; ba~er also Occurs in 'Jg,i'abaher 'God' from
tabiihnana 'be void, be rendered void, be inval- laba~'a 'ferment' (intr); bahbii~e 'form, formation, forming, crealton'. ·agz;· 'Lord', and bJlter
. 'world' , '
id, be of no effect, withdraw, fail'; ba!lu', fern. balta>l, (T) baltu> 'fermented. acid, ba~iill'JrI (pI. of haher) 'countrymen, inhabu-
bhbh Ill, biihboha l1.nllth; see bah"balt"a.
hJlmun 'one who loafs, empty, void'; sour, leaven, yeast'; • , " W ¥
ants or people of a country',
ETHIOPIC: Te. ba/memo 'evaporate, become useless. bJhJJ'leaven';
• ba~ak' (pI. .ab~ak·, 'ahti!"k") 11thit', (It) (bahiiwJrla ii/am [LtJ 'secular domain'),
become spoded', Te. bahanana. If biihnana I is to be biJ~li' 'vinegar, acid'; bo~k' 1I.n1t' 'male of cattle, ram, billy goat'; balteraw;, fem. h.lteroll'il (Gr.456) 'regional';
Identified with biihnona II (see below), the root is (~am/a ba~;' 'bitter herbs');
f,om CUShIlIC: Be. biik 'bIlly goa r ; SEMITIC: Ar. bahra 'coastal regIon, flatland', SAr.
"hn (~ee balzana. above) with a reduplicated last bah'al 'fermentation'; bi" Noeldeke 1910:60, n.2 conSIders G. bah.r a
radical. Stade JO likewise conSiders a triradical root ETHIOPIC: Tna. biiJ;aq"(j 'ferment' (with alternance b~o. "'1I.n~ (T M) 'be extingUIshed, be diminutive of bahr,
. above, Brockelmann , ZS 6
with a reduplicated n, but he did not record a lost' ; (1928).113 considers G ba~er a 'Kontra,tbildung'
q . •); related to Tn •. biils""e, bo"bo" biilii 'nse
tnradlcal hhn. See alo:;o 'tajb1hna. another spelling for tabJJma; see biihnana I, above. to bOhr
(dough)', Amh. b"iikka. bokka, Gur. b"iika, proba·
bibnana II I1l1n (KY.M), ba~nana 11.n~~ (T) bly also Har. bug baya. littmann-HMner 29t bi~qaqa 11.n",,,, (K ') 'soil, dirty (tr), mix, bii~ri, bii~r3y (pI, hiilt"...iit.l l1.nt , I1tl.C.e
'nse 10 the air, wake with a start'; compare Tna. bii~'e 'rise (dough)' with Te. (IJ)- confuse';
biikkJ'a 'burst, crack'. It is possible that the Geez 'pearl, prectous stone, essence, element, nature,
ETHIOPIC': Tna. ha'nana 'start up', banan bala 'rise root bh' became 'bh', bh > bk', bk, with false labii~q'aqWa (T.M) 'be mixed, be confused'; substance, quality, hypostasis';
(smoke)', Amh. hannana 'wake up with a start', reconstruction. Praetorius 1879: 67 likewise thinks metathesis of habqaqa (see below). bii!"aya ma/akal (Lt) 'divtne nature';
bc1nnana. bunn alii ·fty here and there', Gur. bunn ala that b or bJ;' became k, but without considermg it a ba!"aya sagii (Lt) 'human nature',
'nsc (dust. smoke)'. Har. banana 'be sprinkled', false reconstruction. The root also occurs in Cushit, ~~qw, >anbii~qawa "1I1i"."w (D 1395,K'.T) (',bllo bii!,,".1' 'pearl');
"uihui JSll 'scatter'; passed IOtO Cushitic: Qem. ba- IC: BII. baqu 'be fermented', Kham. baq. The root open, yawn, gape, release'; ('anq"a bii~rJ)' 'mother-of-pearl');
nan 'become pamcky', It is also possible that the wIlh k occurs in Qem. buk"ala 'dough', Or. bukii, nabahqiiw (K') 'opening, yawning' (n);
meanmgs of bdhnana I and biihnana II can be (in a construct stale structure it means 'pre-
Kam. bukko. Cerulli 1936:249, under guohoy, thlOks
reduced to one root. namely. 'loaf. rise in the au' ETHIOPIC: Tna. >anbiihaq"'ii, 'anbii~laq"ii 'yawn', cious', as In canula bii~r(ly 'precious mast');
that the Semitic-Ethiopic root is taken from Cush-
dtveloplOg mto 'wake up With a start' Amh. amh"'aqqiiqii, tiibaqqiiqii; a quadriradical hii~rayii»'i 'jeweled, substantial, natural',
augmented by ~ (h) 10 relation to bqll' (see baqall'a). biihriJ),iiu!jt 'substance, essence';
b.lln. 92 bhl
, bhl,
IhC' meanings ('If f.iihor ·pearl. nature, substanc~' hahut 'alone, unique. solitary';
- -
Mal, (L.T) mabG~1 'capacity. power, fullne"

art mfluen(ed h~' o\r ,~a'whar 'pearl. substance. hJi,utii»'i 'solitary, anchorile';
tTl" ~wer, authonly, penmsslOn, con«n!', b>~., bih, bi~ 11"\ I It.., i - - :....
~"'N,iing 10 '-oddckc, WZK.lf 19 (1905). 407, bih,ltu, I!'aha~altu 'only, but, however, yel, of P PIC Te. biil!ala 'owna thing alone, take for (pi Mhol. blhal. h.>heyat) ,~tl., (T) b>be 11""
"Vcc2 bOhr'H' 'Perle' "crdankt seine Bedeutung natu- neverlheless, other Ihan. bUI ralher, on Ihe E"'I~r Tna bahalii 'acquire, have power'. Amh. Hommel 381 conSid . 'PPOPOlamu,'
does not atve lh C en It a COPlI..: loanword hut he
ra, hypos-'a,~"J ft.'rJona dem Verkennen der Bedeu- conlrary, moreover' (see also Dillmann 1907: one~'d~m,"ate. take possession', miibl 'pnvllege, -, e-' e OptIC fonn I t l b '
tungSfntwlCklung von (Ar.) ~alt'har_ Dleses bede~tet 414); bat(1 authority', Dlllmann 495 consider'l b.1J.tla a il] demon:;:.. monster' (with the .IS el er the COptl(
luna(hst ct\\a '\\-'csen, QUlOtessenz', dann erst Ju- bahJlIii 'moreover;
nght. inatlve of mabal!l, from boha (~C bK'J.t. boha. pl. (lr COpttc 'p
Jeh" . agglutmated trtKlt
\\el'. und \H1hl 'Perle' wle biihr(})'''- However, ac- Offi
den ) The root passed into Cushltic Bil. Sa. bahat (E8)plian) bih. Note ~ha~o~ - . ra ..smg throug '\r.
babJlil 'solitude; wilh suffix pronouns (e.g. below. 63 ConSiders Ar bih an. Ulmann. L ~ ~I (1908)
cording to Lane 475 and Blachere 1957,_lt woul.d
<;cem thai the pnmary meamng of Ar. Kalt.'har IS
bahJlilU, and so on; see Dlllmann 1907:363) 'lake possession of, . anCient Eg)ptlan loa ' d
b h" nwor ,
(~i, :~~~~"';1(~~~(~~; b:~:h'a
"Jewelry. pearls' developed into the, meaning of 'alone, only, merely, sole, solilary. privately,
oneself, individually'; bhl III, b~ata Oth+ (Lt) 'begin';
',ubSlancc' On G bah"..., see Cerulh 1957'20-23, 11111"1-
, 01 of ba'ala, above. (M) 'decay bee ' a, a~a I1tl.O./,
Hammcrschmldl 1967'112-3, Mario da Ably-Addl, ('Jllta ha~Jlil- [with suffix pronouns] 'separale_ vana
., ome pUlnd be
Iy, aparl, by oneself, alone'); rot Sl k ' ",orm-ealen
55ft. bih.
tit. b;;~3titu Il,'ht:" I Iltl.·t;·", see bIll I. , In, pensh, be de'lroyed' '
(ba-biibJlil-U 'he apart, he alone, he merely, he 'abah' hah'Q' d '
b>hr. (I',/>har) lItl.l (K'.Y.M) 'be wide, be - - pro uce purulenl mailer'
extended' ;
privalely'); oohtot
11tl."':", b>~tut 1Itl..,,:,., see bii~lIalfa, b'bbll!I, b.~' b,!1" , huh" hah' , ulnd d'
(·akko ba~Jlilu ... 'adi (wa'iidi, 'iidi-hi, 'adi-ni) rOllen, "onn-ealen' , - - p , CC.yed,
denommati,c from hii~r 'sea, large river'; cp. also 'not only ... but also'; bihtow. 1ltl.+1D 'be alone. be solitary, be h·bh.b (1I) 'rOI, pUlrefaction"
Ar. bahlra (V form) 'become broad, become deep'. (·akko bii~'lilu ... 'alla (,allii-ni) 'nol only ... bul separaled'; ,
It could also be a denommative from biJ~er b,'bbiilJe (one would «peel b,.h:Mh"e) h'hoM_
tabii~lOK'a'be alone, be sohtary, lead a solitary b'b"hWe, (T) " .. h/llihe 'i>Utr~f~<t"'n
also'); le
!bad, (Ji.)
bibr.r. I Iltl.ll (K '.M) 'sink (intr), seek to (babbabG~Jlil- (with suffix pronouns) 'each life' , smell', . ,
Jump in a lake'~ alone'); b.hlJ1I' (fern, b./lIIII) 'alone, SOlitary, segre-
6iibJlawi 'hermIt. anchorite, one who lives in ~EM.ITTC Ar. bul)~r 'dates begmmng to rot' Mha
'aMhrara (Ji.') 'sink (Ir), drown (If)'; gaied, isola led, one who leads a sohtary life'; rol (Dillmann 517), , -
solilude, solitary, deserted'; b,hlOI (Gr 184) 'oneness, umqueness, unity';
denommatlve from bii~r 'sea', with reduplication of ETHIOPle: Tna. bahb.he 'rot', Te. bahb..ha 'putfcf)'~
the laS! radical: cpo also Ar bahira (X form) 'be bJ!i/.nna (LI) 'solitude'; b,hllll (from b.!II'II'-I) 'oneness, integrity, u- also 10 Cu,h,lle' Sa. bah 'pulrefy', Qua boil", Som,
covered with water" bahlJnnawi 'pertaining to solitude'; niqueness, the only one, the only begotten', buq (Dolgopolsky 2831. The rOOI " related 10 Tna
mabbat, (Lt) mab!I.1 'that which is pure, un- (bab.hlul [Lt] 'alone), /lll~" bii~" ii, bo~· hn~· ii 'be worm-eaten', Amh, /l(lAi1h-
biihraralllltl.ll (K'T.M), bahr.r. IllJll (Y) mixed, unviolaled. whole'; bokii_
, b.hlall'e
, (K) 'the being alone, seclUSIOn, solilan-
'be slartled, fear, be frightened, bol!'; ,
SEMITIC: AT. ba~r ' unmixed, anything that is eaten ness; bak Oh (0 \JQ6,T), hok Ph (0 1410,K ') 'scab,
'abiiltrara (D. K), 'ahaltrara (L.Gr. 181) 'cause alone without seasoning' developed into the meanmg b.hIJII'annii
, 'anchorilism, soh tude, solitary wound' ;
frighl, starlle, ternfy, chase away'; of 'alone, only'. life' ;
Tna. biillatii. bahtiiwii 'be alone', bahru. Ihe conneclion wilh Heb. bohaq "cab' suggeSled by
ETHIOPIC: Tna. bahriirii, bahriirii 'be frightened. slar- ETHIOPIC: . b.hmnnawi 'pertaining 10 solilude or ancho-
bahtu 'only', Te. bii~ala 'be alone', Amh haeca ., , Dilimann 1430 and accepted the \-'ariou5 dlctlOn-
tie', Te. hiihariira. In view of the fact that b~rr, a nllsm ;
'only', bahlawi 'monk, hermit' (from Geez). The anes of Hebrew" doublful. 0 Cohen IQ764Q
1,2.3.3 root. could be denved from a 1.2.3 root with tabii~'lawi 'one who leads a solitary life, an-
derivatIOn of bahara from ba 'with' and >ahatli 'one' hkewisc e'presse5 doubts about thiS c{1nnecllon,
reduplication of the last radical (for which cpo Ar • chorite' ;
hah,ra 'be startled'), the G, and Tna. root is blJrr suggested by Praelonus 1879: 140 and by Brav· bakk Oh, bakka Olt; see bkk.
mann 1977:554 is unlikely. See also ba!i/awa, below. tabiihmwo 'solitude, solitary life';
rather than bhrr
the verb is a denommatlve of ha~r1liilf', for which b>ke 1Ih., see baka),a.
b~t II, b>~ta (y.b!tat) 1Itl.+ 'have power,
, b>hrus
, l1tl.o;.ll : lItl.o;.ll 'reed, cane, ICe bill I
,tubble' , have capablhty, have capacity, have means, •
b.k·~a (pbk'ah) Olt./, 'blow on Ihe fire hy
prevail' ; oo~.w 11tl.1D- (T) 'foresl, woodland'. mouth or Wllh bellows';
h,,'a hiihrus (1I) 'kind of reed' ~
'ah~ala 'give means, give power'; 'ahk".ha 'blow on the fire, mflate the bellows,
SQme of the biblical passages quoted by Dillmann labahata 'have Ihe power or means (of al- ba~iw>rt O.l,ID-C:"; see h./ter,

blow upon, exhale',

41.)4 render It 'slUbble'~ other passages (as
4 Kings
lacking), fighl, allack'; m.bk·a~, mabk".h, (L1) m.bk'ah, (LGr.188)
18:21 = 2 King> 18:21) render it 'reed'. See b,,',
belo" h.hul 'one who has power, one who has au- OO~'WW3S 1Itl.1D-i\ (D.M) 'useless kind of plant, mabk"ah, (L1) mabk"ah 'a blowing, bellows';
Ihorily' ; (K) excrement of chicken, leaf that has a bad mahk'.~i (Gr. 188) 'one who causes 10 blow,
biih• ... •, Iltl.Cf,; see hahri. h,J~Jt lI'addad (T), hono ri fic tille given to smell'.
one who blows wilh the bellows';
someone who has full power (cp. Amh, hilwad-
.I, .
bIlt bahsls Oth+, (Ll) b>hls
, 1Itl.+ 'be alone' , dud) ; bi~z,yon 1ltl.1I1"1 (D. 1403,Gr.425) 'topaz'; ETHIOPIe: relaled 10 Tna. 'blow on Ihe ud·
de rs of a cow to make her give nulk'; also 10
lahahata (U) 'be alone, be only one', h.htal, same as mab!tat ; corrupl form of paz.yon (see below), from Gk Cushlhc Sa bak'ak 'blow on Ihe fire', gl>iik 'blo",
lopalion 'topaz', .
on the udder of a cow' See also mbk"h
balbala 95
hkl., b.kk. r r.hbk j Oh (T.K) 'va nish. fa~e 'stop giving birth to children', as suggested in
baifa! 'consumption, eating, devouring';
away. disappear. become void, beco~e fU~lle ; Leslau 1979 : 136), Gur. bakiira 'lack, not find, miss'.
mabl. , (pI. maM/." mabiil.,t, mabl"tiit) 'food balbisiit OAI1.'1-'1- (KG) 'dish(es)';
hakk (D.T.M) 'being void. vacuity: solitude, Idle- bakr {lhC (Gr.189) 'virgin'; dish (food), provisions, alimentation, fodder': corrupt form of labesor
ne"s. emptiness, nothingness; vOId, empty, Sin-
mablii' (K') 'eating, something in l with! which
gle (not married), devoid, (Lt) useless';
from Ar. bikr. bol(l)ad flll~ (Lt) 'rebel" ,
one eats';
(habakk. labakk [LtJ 'in vain'); . bokor. {l1>t- (Gr,427) 'stagnant water'; tabala'i (Gr), part. of tabal'a; from Amh b /l"d '
. 0 a person who lives alone In an
haHa (T.K) 'in vain, uselessly, for nothmg, , area he has settled'
fortuitously, without cause, for no purpose, in
ETHIOPIC: Tna. bolJra, bulsra 'rigole autour du mou- SEMITIC: Ar. balifQ ·swallow'. S~. bela'. Heb. ba/a<,
Idleness. by mere chance';
lin ou s'arrete et Lombe la farine moulue'; not to Aram.-Syr. b,la', Md. bla. bolid.yos fI"~\"(1 'coat'.
be identified with Ar. birka ' pond', as suggested by ETHIOPIC: Te. bii/{Q 'eat', Tna. batte, Amh.Arg, see also bilantbyos. '
SEMITIC perhaps Ar. bakka 'tear, break, lower the D. Cohen 1976:65. balla, Gar. balla, Har. blila'a, Gur. halo. The root
value of something' > 'being nothing'. passed into Cushitic: Bi!. belii', Sa. bala'. balg OA"I 'season of light rains';
ETHIOPIC: Ina. biikki 'just so, useless', Amh. bakaya [ (yabki) Ohf 'weep, mourn, bewail" from Amh. Mig.
biikkakii 'be destroyed, ruined, useless', biikk 'use- 'abkaya, causative; also 'move to tears'; , balbala I OAOII (T.Y.K.M) 'become old" ,
less. valueless, vain', Gur. bokiik biilii 'exhaust one- tabakaya (0.1430) 'pretend to weep'; balMle, balbale 'tattered clothes, sack, soiled balgar, baliigir OA"lC , O"1.C 'kind of pre-
self, become tired because of making an effort'; also tabiikaya 'weep together, mourn mutually'; garment' ; CIOUS stone" ,
In Cushitic: Sa. bakk 'ruin', See also bakaya II. see ba/agir, below.
'astabiikaya (K) 'make weep (mourn) to- a reduplicative root of bly (see balya, below).
gether' ; SEMITIC: Md. bulbulaia 'marks of deterioration' ,
bak'ara I (pbk".r) 01'''':; see tabak'ra; bakayi 'one who weeps, who laments'; likewise a reduplicative root of bla 'wear out'. For bal.gir OIl1.C (T.M), baliigir O"'LC (11.1) 'silken
bakk"ara (Mk) 'offer a first-born animal to the b.kuy (K ') 'mourner'; the cognates of the root bly, see balya. garment, velvet'·,
church'; denominative of bak"r, below; bakay, (Lt) 'weeping, lamentation'; ETHIOPIC: Amh. baliibbiilii 'become old, become tal- th~ basic ~ea~ing of the root is probably 'some-
'abk" ara (LI) 'give birth for the first time'; mabkay, mabiiki, mabiiby 'mourner'; tered (clothes)', bollibbolii 'become threadbare'. thmg precIous; see also balgar 'kind of prcclous
tabak'ra 'be a first-born, give birth for the first mabkay 'place of mourning'; stone', above,
time, have a first-born';
balbala n, 'anbalb.l. ~10AOII 'blaze, emit
SEMITIC: Ar. bakii (bkyj 'weep', Mh. bekii, Heb. Hames, kindle into a blaze, let glitter, flash'; (D biI(a)~a [ I)A'" 'liberate, rescue, save';
bak" r (pI. bak'rat. 'abk'", 'abk'ar) 'first-born, biilsii (bkyj, Aram.-Syr. b,/sii, Ug. bky, Akk. baku. 650 lists it under nblbT); rabalaha, passive; also 'escape, get rid of';
firstling. first fruits'; ETHIOPIC: Te.Har. baka 'weep', Tna. ba/saya, Gur. 'anbulbul'that which blazes'; 'astabiila~a 'give an order to liberate, order to
bak ....rilflnQ, bak"'ranna, b"kll'riJnniit 'primogeni- bak'a, Gar. biiUa (ky > s); perhaps also Cushitic: nabalbul (M) 'inflamed'; be liberated';
ture, status of first-born, birthright'; Som. bih 'cry' (with k > h).
nabalbal 'flame'; Mlahi, act. part. of MI(a)I,a; also 'liberator';
SEMITIC: Ar. bikr 'first-born', SAr. bkr, Soq . bekir, bakaya II Ohf 'vanish'; see also bkk. nabalMlawi 'flaming, fiery'; bail/ii, pass. part. of hal(.)ila;
Heb. b.~6r, Aram. bukrii, Md, bukra, Ug. bkr, Akk. biil.~at, biilailOt (D), bal~at (Gr.455) 'liberation,
bllkm. For 'first fruit', cp, Syr. ba~ar 'bring forth bal nA, imperative of bahia, above. ETHIOPIC: Tna. blilbOla, biilhal biiid, ranbiilbala
deliverance' ;
early frUll', Heb, bikkiirim 'first fruit'. 'flame, blaze, flicker', nabalbal 'flame' (n.), Amh.
rlinM/abbii/a, tiinbolabbola 'blaze, emit flames', bi!- mabala!,i, (Mk) maMlal, 'liberator';
ETHlOPIC: Tna, liibiikk~·ii,.ii 'give birth for the first bana 011; see bll.
time', Te. fabiikkiira, Amh. abiikkiirii. For 'first- bill ala 'burn quickly', nabiilbal 'flame' (n.), Gur. ETHIOPlc: Te. balha

'loosen, free', Tna. halhe.

born', cpo Tna . bii!s~ri, Te.Gur. bakar, Amh. bahar, bala, in 'abala ~Oll; see bahia, above. bolbol balli, amb'.llibbatli, balal bara 'flicker, blaze'.
Arg. bahar; passed inw Cushitic: Bit Qua. bager, This root is common with Cushitic: Or. belbel biil(3)~a II I)A'" (Y) 'hide, conceal'.
Kham. baur. bah (yabla') OAO 'eat, consume, devour; -+ 'flame', Som.Be. bal6l, Sa. bolol, Bil. birbir. bura
(figurative) accuse, calumniate'; (with alternation of liquids), Som. also belbel 'flame'. bol3~or {lA'!'C (D), bolahor {lAIfC (T.M),
(bal'a mahaM 'he violated the oath'); Cerulli 1936:259 (under lablab) thinks that Semitic· bolaher {lAtC (Lt), name of Satan;
bak'ara 1I 01",.: (Y.M), bakora Ol>l: (T) 'be Ethiopic is a Cushitic loanword . Dilhnann 650
'abl.'a 'feed, give to eat'; be identified with h.,yal (see below), frol11 'balyal
suspended, be put off, fail to occur, stop considers n-blbl a metathesis of Iblb (for which see
tabal'a 'be eaten, be consumed'; > 'b.lyar > b,laher. b,I,hor. R.H. Charles, The
(intr), ; lahaba, below). The meaning 'flicker, blaze' is con-
(zayatballa' 'edible'); Ascension of Isaiah (1900), p.15. quotes Gesenius
'abk'ara (K) 'suspend, put off, hold back, stop nected with'shake, sway',for which cpo Amh. bii/ab- who derives bJI~()r from Heb. baral qiryii 'Lord of
tabiilafQ 'devour one another';
(tr), give up'; balli 'shake, sway in the wind', Tna. biilbata, Te. the world'.
'astabal.'a 'incite to eat one another, (Gr.182)
tabak'ra (K) 'be suspended'; 'abalMla (augmented by,) 'flutter, quiver to and
urge to eat'; bolhit {lAth.T (T.M) 'white quartz that
bak"ari (K'), act. part. of bak"ara; fro'; also in Cushitic: Sa. bal'tremble', balM/'hov- ,
balafi lone who eats, voracious, gluttonous, er, float'. sparkles in the sun';
b.kur (K) 'that which is put off or suspended';
consuming' ;
Tna, biils"'iira 'be suspended, be absent', balbala III OAOII (Lt) 'predict through instead of balbil, from balba 'be sharp' (see below).
EnuoPlc: ba/u r 'eaten, corroded';
Te. bakra 'neglect, not work, delay', Amh. biikk~'iirii b.lla, 'food, that which is eaten up, leftover, omens" ,
'be suspended, farl to be held' (rather than biikkiirii b"",a (yablab) OA;, (KG) bal~. OA'" 'be
residue of food, fodder'; ETHIOPlc: Te. ('ajbalhiila 'talk like one possessed'. sharp, (KBT) be smart, be clever, be quick';
96 bal aq biliq
, ,


'Obbh,' ',harren'; ballama O/\oP (MA.Mk) 'write ';

Te. b~/qal 'rod.', Tna. biiliiq 'marble' -
l>allih ',harp, qUIck, s\\if!, violent, penetratmg, probably from French plume 'pen', denominative
Amh . baliiq. It IS also possible that th-e EthloPI~ (l;
b I -
-:san, balsin, balason OM') I 11"",) I 11/\
fierce (hon), 'mart', ballama (with p > b), created by an EthiOPian e)(pressions are, borrowed from Ar, balaq. Amh, 011), ,balm, balsam tree, h,llm tree, chn 'm I~oly
(/>alli&a qal 'eloquent"); scholar familiar with French, b~/c~1 'obsldla~ denves from b1~ > bI~ (Lcslau
1979 : 140) and IS not connected WIth balaq as sug-
h,lh ' ,harp, sharp pomt, sharp edge, sharp-
- , balan, balino, bilin, bolin, balinon, bilino n gested 10 Ra bm 1980 : 17 fr~m Gk. /la/sarnOff 'balsam tree' through Ar 'm/a-
- In Tna. Amh baP~a"-f. .Som III
ne~~. dc\"crnes5, acuteness;
0/\') : 0I\'l' :11111 : (1111 • 0I\'l'') : 1111'1'1, (T) / also
bsan, L'l.u'n Syr
'bnghtness, sharpness, cleverness, a s~mun, Aram. balumiJff For Gk baltamo~ d •
balan. flM. 'oak tree, (T) acacia tree'; biiliiq 1I11~ (T.M) 'fragrance, odoriferous tree', nved from Heb h _.. c
(Gr4~4) lightning', sec 0 Cohen I ~7t'1 88
M asson 77 8 F ' ala""
mab/,,, (pI. mahOl.hl) 'implement of iron' ; from Gk. balanos 'acorn '. Note that Amh. labal , -. or Gk ,Is reprcsentlng the Idtcrdl'
- -
mahi.hi (K') 'one who sharpens;
given by Tayya is probably a misprint for hatut
beleq (LI\.~ (D 1403); see !ar:abelq. pronunciation of Heb . .~, ~c Stemcr 124ff
, .
""hlil;' (K') 'instrument serving to sharpen'; 'acorn.
Tna . "iil~Il' 'be sharp', Te. bii/~a, Har.
blq I, balaqa 0/\4' (K') 'grow up, become bala~a I O/\l\ (M) 'sparkle gilller'
ETHIOPIC balan., balani flMI : fI/\~, (Lt) b.lin. fllI~ sexually mature'; (aMlasa (M) 'gl·tt
·h', '
er: ~ me ; the meaning of
shaller, b~eak to pIeces' gIVen by Dlllmann
bizlaha, Amh bOlla 'be sharp', bliMo 'knife, some- ' bath, christening font'; b.luq (K') 'mature, adult, o ld enough for inter-
thing sh<t rp ', GUT. I a)biilla 'sharpen'; passed into ,
bela b.lane 'public bath '; course; 492 to labala:!O undoubtedly refers to hIS read-
Cushltic BII halah 'spear'. For the passage of 109 tara/a.ra'
from Ar. btilaga 'become mature'; also 10 Amh, . ,
meamng 'be sharp> be smart', cpo Amh .G ur. balilh from Gk. balaneion 'bathing establishment'; also In
'clever, smart', Tna. bal&atii 'be smart', denomina- Ar. balliin 'a hot bath', Syr. baliinii, Amh . b.lane , balliiqii, Te. 'abliiqa (contrary to WaJnberg SEMITI~: Ar. (~hado.SudilnCS() /ld/cJJ '\parklc·. Syr
tIve from h,,/hal. See also bi1/~it. above. bela btllane 'place for immersion' . 1937c :200, D. Cohen 1976:69). Gur. haliiqii, Har, ~~/a~ flouTlsh.' bJ/s~ilJ "park', Nco-S}'r ba/bu
biiliixa; 10 Cushltlc: QabAI. bailql shm,e, spa rkle . Akk. baliiJu 'stand out. he promi-
bll I, ball. (y,hi,l) 0/\ (K') ' mOIsten, wet, balen I flI\.1 (K') 'pupil of the eye'; nent (from a meanmg 'shine').
Immerse in a hquid'; blq II, bilaqa 11/\4' (T.M) ' perform a mthtary ETHIOPIC' Te. biiliJ?~t be/a, bii/uNat-a 'flash. glitter',
from Amh. b.len; see also b.i.. " ,
'ahlala (K'), causative; dance' ; Tna b~l/;}{{ bii/ii. bJi.Jbll'l{'f /'IJ"'. Amh !lel/ti(leJ
bJlul (K') 'humid, wet, moistened , dampened' ; balen " fill:> 'spatula with which one applies biilqe (T) 'military dance' ; b~II"{f alii, liihlii{iilliliii. Arg. h~/;}l:r ala. Har ~;Ii;
antimony to the eyelashes'; bill? buya, Gur, b-tll,,? ilia. It i~ fr~I'n thl' foot th;l~
SEMITIC Ar, halla 'mOIsten', Heb. balal, Ug. bll, SEMITIC: the notion of movement IS to be compared Amh . ba/(ur 'ob~idian' denves (SI.'e hollalel, below)
S,r hal (bll), Akk. halalu; related to Syr. pal (pll) would it be connected with b.len I ' pup;1 of the eye' with Ar balaqa 'go rapIdly'
The root passed mto C'ushiliC' Kam hilJil-vf', BIL
',pnnkle' It IS also possible that G. balla simply and come to mean 'an instrument for applying ETHIOPI c. Tna. blilli9 blilli 'g ush out', Amh. bull.qq hili? y, contrary to Brockclmann IQ50 :.l:! ~'ho ct.)n.
transenbes Heb. bola/. See also bll II. antimony to the eye'? alii, ballliqli 'gush oul. burst forth (spring)' siders the Ethiopian-Scnlllic root taken fn)1n
Cushitic. See also baraJo. ,
bll II, balla (yabl,l ) 0/\ (K') 'spoil, ruin, de- balen III, balino, balinon flI\.1 , Oll'l' , Olt balqam 0"4'9" 'phlegm';
stroy, mix, confuse'; '1'1 'veil with which women cover their faces bala~a II Il/\l\ (Y) 'be shrewd, he cunning, he
from Gk . ph/egma through Ar halgam; also '"
'ablala (K '), causative; when appearing in public, linen garment worn Neo,Syr.Md. balqam, Syr. pJI'gmii, Te.Amh . smart' ,.
b,lul (K ') 'mixed up , mixture, motley'; by women, cover'; halqiim. For Ar. halgam, a secondary smgular of from the EthIOpian root hI~. hi! 'be supenor, c'(l:ced'
SEMITIC: Ar. balbala 'mix, confuse', Heb. balal, 'balag;m < Gk . ph/egma, see Sp.taler 2 I 7.
from Gk. pallion 'cloak' from Lal. pallium, through passing mto the meaning 'be clever, cheat. outwit'
PbH bIIbel, Syr. bal 'confuse', b.1iI 'mixed, Chr.-Ar. ballin. Toa . biiliisii 'exceed, outwit', (l(iJbiila:fi 'cunnmg'
confused> dISorderly', balbel'confuse, spoli', Md. balur fllI-C 'beryl, crystal'; Te. t.Jbiilliiw 'cheat', Amh . hl'ill'!!(l 'e"(I.'eN. be supe-
Mia 'confused, Idle, useless', Akk . balalu 'mIX, brew bilind.yos n.1I1~NI (Lt) 'coat'; from Gk . beryllos 'beryl', WIth metathesIS through rior', bal! 'cunning', Hac bJIiJ!l1 ·cheat. be cunntng'
beer', Ar balliir , also Syr be"irii, Md . hilur, hilaur, '" Gar. b~/!u 'c unning', Gur belll"tii 'be ~upcnor. e\.
ETHIOPIC: Amh. boliibbolii 'combine nug-seeds with see also b.liid.yos. One recognizes b.len III with an ceed, cheat, outWit', The root pa~sed mto C'u~hHI'
Elhioplc : Te. biilur. hiinur. Amh. biilur; 10 C'ushltic
Hax seeds', Te, 'ablilblila ' be confused'. For the additional element.
Af. baniir. See also btlralle. On Its Tamil ongm, see Qab. hal!i-yo 'surpass' Arabic /Ju/a'J" 'oppress. c\
meaning 'be spoiled', cp. Tna. blillilii 'be spoded', Rab," 1968 :436. tort' is not to be identtfied with the EthlOPIC root.
biiliila 'without importance', Te. biil/iila 'lose color', bilinon, balinon 1I11'l'1 : 01l'l'1; see balan. as suggested by D Cohen 197() :69. sml.:(; the mean·
I,MIIOIa 'be "eakened', Amh, balliilli 'be spolied, balas (pI. balasiil, >abliis) OMI 'fig tree, fig, ing 'cheat, be shrewd' of the Ethiopic root is sectlnd~
not succeed, become nothing', biiliila '10 vain', Har. balinon Oil <:'1; see b.len III. ary,
sycamore (tree and fruit)';
blillila 'get spolied', Gur. ( bii )biiliil';n vam, gratis,
for nothmg', The root passed into Cushitic : Or. balaq, bilaq, biliq (pI. >abliiq) O/\~ I II/\~ • perhaps from Ar. balas 'fig tree' (conSIdered to be
ballata 0/\'" (K' Y) 'separate, cut meat into
bal/aM 'be spoIled' It is also possible that the 1I11~ 'marble, alabaster, onyx'; ~emenite; see Blachere 797); in Heb. as denomina-
pieces, (M ,K') render poor, render lonely' ;
meamng of bl/ II ' be mIXed' could be derived from >abliiq (pI. of balaq) 'tablets of stone'; tive baJas 'nip thr unripe sycamore figs' (sec Green-
spahn 105-6); in Ethioplc: Te.Tna.Amh .Gur. biiliis labal/ala (K') 'be separated, be lonely, be
bl/ r 'mOisten, wet', the notion of wetting or moisten- SEMITIC; Ar. balaq 'marble', SAr. blq 'limestone'. ,
'fig'; passed into Cushitic: B.L hiiliisa , So. halas. poor ;
In@ bnnging about the meaning of thmgs bemg Hommel 56 connects Ar. and G. balaq with Ar. bal/iil; (K') 'one who separates, butcher (one
mIXed up as a result. See also biibbala, ·ablaq 'dappled black and white'. balasi OMI (Lt) 'kind of measure'. who cuts meat into vanous cuts),;
baloli 98 balaz. -
bama- 99
~,,1l1l1 (K 0) 'cut, separated, lonely'; balut• 1111-1' 'oak tree' ; the verb is a denominative :rom balaz '~ilJar' (see
cp T ..
maballat, see below; from Ar. bal/iir (taken from Aram. balura: see Fraen. above). As for the meamngs hard, strong , they are . n.a . g of 'Q)'ni. Te. wii/iift 'm ·n Arnh .
interpretations of the qualities of a column. mamrmto Gura b .. . • Jinn
kel 139); also in Te.Amh, balu! (see also Noeldeke , '1 f' ge )"efl rat, and Amh. r llm b,iil
SfMITIC, Ar. I:>olala 'cut short, break off', Ug. bit pUPI 0 the ey ' ·d · . -
1910:44, n. I); in other Semitic languages: PbH. 1879 ' 297 ·th G e ar~ I entlfied by Praete.mus
' break through" (for which see Aistieitner 50). • biimii II..., 'high place, place of worship'; _ . WI . banta <ayn . DTW 212 connects
bolii! 'acorn', Syr. balu!a, Md. baluda.
ETHIOPJ( : HaT. ( is ) biifiit 'separately, separate ,
[rom Heb. biimii(h). ~~:l e Amh_ brat With .bTclt 'iwn', the pupIl of
Amh . hiilliitii 'cut meat into various cuts, dismem- ye be~g compared With polished Iron that
ber. render lonely, render poor'. The root passed ""Ilonos lI~(Il'it'l (D 1251), ""I!iinos 1I~"''l't'1 fi
re eels an Image.
bonu (1). 'is there?, are there?';
mto CushitlC: Aw. be/Jet 'chop up'. (0 '1403),!onos 1I11(1l'it'l (T) 'plane tree';
see ba, nu. ""ntale 111;/'", (D 1396), bantale 111-/,'" (tt) ;
from Gk. p/aranos 'plane tree'; see also fa/iiranos.
balota flll-;I' (Lt) 'knobby club'; ""n>oni 111 j,), (T) 'son of affliction'; ~ 1396 quotes a passage wa>a.~na'.lWO falfala K'alMII-
from Amh . biilo/a, same. balaw 1It\1D- (D 1395,T.M) 'silken garment, transcription and translation of Heb. bfn 'oni'. tale Without translallOg bantiile. J. Halevy T;rra~a
, (p . 78',rans
t i ta'lon, p. 194) renders, It 'pan-
velvet, wide trousers';
""lit 111l.r; see (balya), baluy, banana fl~~ (Lt) 'rise (dust), ascend (smoke thers ('I). J. Tubiana, GLEeS 9 (1960-63). 102
ETHIOPIC: Amh. biiliiw 'wide trousers'; Amh. bolale from a fire)'; traosl at: s ~t 'hare': he derives it from CUShltH':
""Iat.nna 1I11.r'l (Lt) 'page, servant';
'wide trousers' is probably borrowed from Gurage.
'abnalla (U), causative; Qe~. ba11lara, and Identifics it with G. manlale (for
which see below). However, since hantale. btJPlliile
rrom Amh. blatenna. balya (yablay, yabli) fl~f 'be old, grow old, ETHIOPIC: Tna. biiniin biilii ' rise (smoke)', Amh . fOllo~sfaifal'elephant' (0 1J96),faifalat 'elephants
age, be worn-out, be decrepit, be obsolete, be biinniinii, bonniinii, ban" alii , blinn alii 'fly here and ~Halevy, Ib), It IS not likely that banlale could mean
""Iatan'ii~a (K), baliitana>a~ii
1I11-/,1'l1f antiquated' ; there (smoke, dust)'. Har. bii,liina ' be sprinkled', hare' .
flll-/,~h1f (OT 578), ""Itana>a~a lI~-/,~h1f )ab/aya, causative; also 'consider worn-out'; Gur. bunn *balii 'rise (dust, smoke)'. See also balma.
na II. biinyan 111.!''> (Lt) 'Indian trader';
'constellation of the Bear'; baliiyi 'old, wearing out'; ballyanawi (Lt) 'pertaining to an Indian trader",
from Ar. ballol IIa's 'the bearers of a bier (when the baluy (fern. balil) 'old, ancient, antiquated, banise lI'1a" a name of the moon; from Sindhi Va~Jya~i through Ar. (Yemen) biilli\'Qn
corpse is on il),; so called because they (the stars) decrepit, obsolete, worn-out';
the interpretation of Halevy, JA 9 (1861). 385 for CW. Muller, ZDMG 122[1972J.306) ; also in A~h .
are likened to the bearers of a bier since they form a baluy and balil also refer to the Old Testa- this noun as coming from Heb. bfn kfSf. i.e., ksy baniyon, Tna. banyan. baynllll, Tc. biivllalJi, Som .
square (Lane 2816). According to Kunitzsch 1959: ment; banyiil. .
'cover' is unlikely. The noun biJnase is perhaps
149 the meaning is nOl clear. See also b"Jltolliis. balyal 'old age'; a corruption of baltlinas. baqqa fl-l>; see bqq.
""Itanas lI~;I''It'I (T) 'moon';
'abliiyi (K *), part. of 'ablaya;
mablayi (K*), part. of 'ablaya; bannata IIH" 'make a gift, pay tithe, pay beqa /l,-I>; see byq.
undoubtedly to be connected with baliitan<Qsa; the tribute' ;
difference in meaning is due to a misunderstanding SEMITIC: Ar. baliya 'be old, be worn-out', Heb. balii buq 0-,,; see bwq.
(bly), Aram.-Syr. b,lii, Md. bla, Ug. bly-m 'worn- bannat 'tribute, offering, gift, profit, gain';
of the noun.
out', Akk. ba/u, belu 'come to an end'. The connec- SEMITIC: SAr. (Qataban) bnt 'tax, duty'. Zimmern baq"'a I (yabq'ii» fl-l>'O'be useful, be of use,
(,.I)biiltaribon h~ 1I~-/'t(11 'Pater Noster'; tion with SAr. bly-t 'be buried', blwt 'tomb' sug- JO compares G. b;mnat, with reservations. with benefit, be of benefit, be serviceable, serve, be
gested by W. Muller 1962:29, 1963:307 is doubtful. Aram. balO 'taxes', coming from Akk. biltu 'tax'. profitable, have advantage, fit, be fit. be suit-
a corrupt form of Gk. pater hemon 'The Pater
ETH10P1C: Tna. biiliiyii 'be old, be worn-out', Te. However, Akk. biltll 'tax' is derived from wabiilu . able, be appropriate, be gratifying, be worthy.
Noster' through Chr.-Ar. biiriirimun, biilarimun;
biila, Amh. b,luy 'old' (in baluy kidan 'Old Testa· The connection with Heb. mtJnal 'portion, share' be capable of';
note the Arabic article 'tJl.
ment', from Geez). The root passed into Cushitic: (from mny 'count') suggested by Reinisch 1887:80 is (baq""a lara'slI 'he was self-supporting');
Som. biili 'worn-out thing', Bil. blil. See also balba- doubtful.
""Itit lI~t.r; see bollala. la I. (:ayabaqq'a' 'suitable');
ETHIOPIC, common with Cushitic: Bil. biin 'pay (:a'i)'y.baqqwJ ' 'useless');
boltata (1~-/,-/, (TM) 'make an obsidian blade, tribute', Kham . bin 'reward for a job well done'. (baq"a'a-Illli. baq',,'u-ni " beg you (, I
balaz 1It\1f (K) 'name of pillar in Solomon's
scmtillate' (denominative); temple, (D 1403) straight, (K) uprightness'; pray you, please!, 1 am content with', lit. 'do
ballil, (T) ballUl 'flint, (TM) white quartz that benMi liSt -; see bayna. me a favor, oblige me!');
sparkles in the sun'; [rom Gk. boloz; also Amh. bii/liz 'pillar of the
,abq"'a'a (K '), causative;
church sanctuary' (from Geez). Note that the b.nt, in ""nta 'oyn 111-/, I 'lW) 'pupil of the
ETHIOPIC: Amh. haltit 'sharp piece of obsidian used Hebrew name of the column (in 3 Kings 7:21; in
labaq""a 'be helped, be made use of, find
eye, eyeball', lit. 'daughter of the eye'; advantage, take advantage of. (K) be asked, be
for shavmg the head or cutting veins for cupping', the Hebrew Bible I Kings 7 :2 1) is bo'az, a proper
Te. btJllOl 'pointed stone'; related to Amh. balrut, name. The Gk. boloz is then a corrupt transcription. this is the only example in Gccz where Semitic banI begged';
hal¢ar 'obsidian', GU!. biiliJ¢ra; also in Cushitic: Or. See also balaza, and yaqum. 'daughter' is used. Noeldeke 1910: 135, n.5 thinks )astabq'\'(J(Q, 'aslabaqw()fa 'ask for a favor, re·
biil?lta, Had. biin(a (with alternance of liquids). that banta 'ayn is taken from Ar. bintu-l-fayn; cpo quest, plead, beseech, supplicate, implore,
Dillmann 488 denves it from blt 'cut' (see bal/ata, balaza flt\H (T.Y.M) 'be hard, be strong'; also Heb. bal 'ayin 'eyeball, pupil of the eye'. For entreat, intercede, console. encourage. exhort,
above). See also b,lhit. balaz 'hard, strong, rough'; 'pupil of the eye' expressed by 'daughter of the eye'. think fit';
100 baq'ala ~~eli~_ _ _ _---------"':'::~_ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _
"JI (LI) 'vegetable ga1rdcn:: Or baqaqa ·crack tn lhr ground'
haq".h 'useful, beneficial, salutary, henefactor, baqbaqa II , in >anbaqbaqa (K*) »")0'1-0<1> baq, 'wi 'pertallling to pants, al,o baqawa. haqhaqa I "" '. ,Kam /Illqaqa s..
who (-lcsIOWS. worthy. fit'; 'cause to gargle, bubble'; '0
baq 'date palm, trunk of a palm tree'; 1980 77 q u II . s.. .1", ( 0011
h"(.,, !>.•quo 'u,eful, beneficial'; SFMITlC: onomatopoetic: Ar. baqbaqa 'gargle. oaqa.':, ( I. of baq'I) 'vegetables.
,,;;,," •. 'u,eful, beneficial, sUitable, worthy (of), bubble', Heb, haqbuq 'bottle', PbH . bigbuq 'bUb_ ,aoq!, Ppl. of baq'l (K) 'creeping ivy'; baq·.sa II+-"(Y .M ) 'd Ig out, uproot'.
ftt. l'O'cdl\c', bling', Syr. baqbeq 'boil, bubble', bagbuga 'j ug'. ,ahQ:'i (GLI87) 'that which causes germ 1- El'HIOPlc Tn •. haqq"/i,. 'p It '
I>aq'., 'u,c, u,efulness, profit, favor, efficiency, ETlIIOPIe: Te. bdqhdqa 'churn', Amh . (Iiin)biiqiib_ mabq
. ,.
a I C'h Kh U OUl ~ fla ..std Into
us Ilic am. hoqes 'pull OUt'. 811 haqlLJ.
value' . baqd. ( Idn )hoqiibbdqii 'gargle', boqq aid 'make a naBon I
haql"ct. hiiq""'el, haqll(ot. (K) /mql'o'fUf 'use, use- sound (water) when being poured from One Con- . Ar bagala 'grow (plants)', SAr. hql 'plant', baq"~. (y.hq·.~) O+'-lI, en baqO'la n~~ (Y K)
fulness, benefit, profit, advantage, comfort, LaineI' into another', Cur. b"iiq b"iiq epa 'gargle', SEMll1C;aqel 'vegetatIOn', Syr hiiqqiila 'offshoot,
~,,~. U . bql 'groats', Akk boqlu 'sprouted'
baq·a~. O~, (Y) baq·a~. n.. 'put together
efficiency, favor, asking favor, (Ll) Interest on baqqala 0''''' (K *); see tabaqqala; bud, I~' Tna. biiq'afii 'germinate, sprout'. Te. live coals and kindle a fire, blow ton coa\;),
a loan ', tabaqqala 'punish, take vengeance, seek venge_ E!",IOP A~h. bQqqiila, Har biiqiila. Arg. haqqdlu, poke (the fire), rake coals, ,inge, make a fir
(or coals)'; e
h.q'<aliiw;, haq"elay (Lt) 'useful, beneficial'; .. B'II . h""
baq a,d into Cushllic: aq a,I Sa, bllqa.I SId .
ance, avenge, vindicate, plead, be avenged'; passe . , tahaqW~o (K*), pas"ve;
h;lq""'iin. biJqu'on, same as baql'o'cet; ,ahqala (D), ,abaqqala (K), causative; baqela 'germinated gram .
'astahq'ii'i, (Gr) mas/abq'·.'i 'supplicant, medi-
'astahaqqala (K* .M), causative of tabaqqala; haq' '~. b.q"~ 'heaped and kindled, ardent,
. ,
atof, mtercessor ; baqela ~4:/\, (K) baq'lii, baq"elii O</>'/\ , 0:l1li scraped together (coal), poked (fire). "nged';
baqal 'revenge, taking (n) revenge, call to
'a.\fahq";lcol 'entreaty'; (h'qu~ J.~tn [Grj 'charcoal lire'),
vengeance' ; 'bean' ;
maslabq' J'. maslahqU' 'supplicant, one who m.hq'a~ (K ') 'i nstrument for kindling or
(jadaya baqala 'take revenge'); flom At. baqi/il' 'bean'; also AmhTe.Tna .Gur baq'-
beseeches urgently, one who intercedes; suppli- pokmg a fire';
haqala, see below; fa; Cushltic' Kham biiqi/o, Or bakela, Sid haqc/a,
cation, prayer of intercession (liturgy), solemn for the action of pokmg, cp. ina huc(aJii 'hm,k
'aslabaqqiili (Gr) 'avenger, vengeful, vindictive , Mo. baq,ro.
prayer'; see Velat 187, 198: gram, rub the gram to husk It', Te. baqiJ.w
seeker of vengeance';
maslJhq" ii' (Gr.1 R8) 'Intercession, mediation,
mabaqqal. mastabaqqal, same; baql (pI. 'abqJt. ,ahqalt) O-l>A 'mule'; haqawa (y.bqlt) 04'()l (T K M) ''>Cparate, spht,
plea' ,
/abaqqiili 'avenger, one who is seeking re- maslahaq(q)at (K) 'owner of a mule, one who open, break, cut, (K) be Wide open';
ETHIOPlC Te, biiq<(J 'be useful, do things well', Tna. venge' ; breeds mules'; 'abqawa 'stretch asunder, d"JOIO, open (the
bag",'f 'be sufficient, be suitable', Amh.Arg. bdqqa
tabaqqalo 'punishment, chastisement, venge- SEMITIC: Ar<bagl 'mule' is conSIdered a Gce/. loan- mouth), crack open, split';
'bC sufficIent, be enough, be competent', Gar. hiiqqd.
ance' ; word (Hommel 113; Noeldcke 1910 :58). However, ,ohaqawa (Lt) 'open the mouth wide, yawn,
The compan!son between Amh. "hakk-Jh 'ph~asc!'
and G, baq",,'anni ' I pray you. please!' suggested by SEMITIC : Akk. haqiiru 'take vengeance' (with alterna- a Oeez loanword is le"s likely in view of SAL bill. spht (intr)';
d'Abbadle 355 prcscnts difficuilles. Practorius 1879: tion of the liquids I:r). For the interpretation of Syriac baq/a is borrowed from Arabic. b,'q'w 'one who opens the mouth, one who
72 likewise suggests. with reservatIons, the deriva· Heb. biqqorf!, from bqr 'vindicate, make good for EnnoPIe: Te.Har. hdqiil. Tna. biiqli, Amh hiiqln, yawns, open (lOouth)';
tlon of Amh iJbakkah rrom a Geez form such as economic damage', see E.A . Speiser, "Leviticus and Oaf. ha?Id, Gur. h"iiqla ; also In Cushlllc: Bil. b,qwal (K ') 'yawnmg, opening or the mouth',
·astahq"iJ·-akka. LJltmann-H6fner 285 connect Te. lhe critics", in Yehezkiel Kaufmann Jubilee Volume baqfa, Som. bogal, Be. bOl(al, Had. haqullo, Qem
'abqaw (K.Lt) 'throat, organ of speech';
bag'" 'be ,trong' with the Geez root bq"' 'be useful'. (1960).33-36. bayfa (pI. biik,l).
tabq;;w (L) 'gaping (n), opening of the mouth' ;
ETHIOPIC : Tna. tiibiiqiila <take vengeance', Amh.
baq"a II (yabq'ii') O</>'O (M) 'scratch, tear, labdqqiild. baqalt, baq".lt (pI. baqata/, l>aqaltlit) 04>A-'I- , the root haqawa is relatcd to bqq. baqhllqu I, bhqw,
scrape, rake'; n<l>'tlr 'date palm, trunk or a palm tree'; and hag"'a II
baqala O</>/\ (T) 'instead of, for'; ,
SrMITIC' Af. huq·o 'plece, pan, portion (Lane). S'MITIC : Mh. bogliil (pl.) 'date pallOs' barr OC (K *) 'gate, passage;
depressed ground, place between mountains', Ar. originally, 'in vengeance for', from baqa/ 'venge- EnuoPlC: Amh . haqiill 'date palm' (probahly from
ba'aga ·split' (with melathc.!Iis, according to Barth ance' (sec baqqala). For the development of the see hrr III
Geez); see baq"ala, above.
1893:21, Heb. haqa' 'split', hiq'ii 'valley', Aram. meanmg, cpo bezii 'for', from hezii 'redemption'; barra 01.; see brr I, II, III, IV
h'ga' 'Spill', Ug. bq' The root IS related to pq'.jq': J.dda 'for', from Jadda 'retribution'. bqq, baqqa (y.bqaq) /1+ (K·) 'split, break up
Ar Jaqa<a 'pierce' , Heb. poqu' 'burst open, splil', bar'. (y"bra') OCO (K') 'tremble, shake, be
(clods of earth)';
Syr·. baq"ala, baq'la (y"bq"al. yabq"al) 0'/1./\ ,
S'MITIC: Ar. haqqa 'spht', Heb. haqaq 'lay waste', agitated' ;
El HIO.,, : Te . (')hq,'o 'sharpen' See also bqq. baqha- O</>'/\ 'sprout, shoot forth, grow';
qa I, haqa ..."a, Syr.Md. bqq 'be corroded, be worm-eaten, putrefy'. ETlIIOPIC Te, hiJr~a 'fcar'. L1ttmunn~Horncr 278
'abq"ala, (Y) 'abqala 'germinate, make sprout,
ETHIOPIC: Amh. bliqqiiqii 'gape, be opened', all- compare the Te. root wilh Ar. ~'ur~'a ~fcar'; cpo
make grow, plant'; rather Syrian-Ar. barha' 'fnghten , WIth lOserted h
baqbaqa I 0~04> (K') 'cultivate the soil'; baq"iili (K *), act. part. of baq"ala; h'qqliqii 'yawn, open the mouth wide', Te. baqq
'ahata 'hit', (Iiill)hiiqiibbaqa 'be ploughed deeply', or the rool brl.
E1HIOPIC, Amh. baqiihbaqu 'break the soil', a redu- baqul (Ll) 'that germinates'; Tn~ , barqWiig"'a (with augmented r) 'uproot, teaT
phcated root of hqq 'split open' See also baq"'a IJ, baq"l (pI. haq'"/al, 'abq'iil, 'ahq".lt) 'plant, out, ('um)bahaq"'a 'yawn', GUT. h"'iiqiiqa 'crack In
~r' (pI. 'ahrii') -fIe') 'reed, reed pen, btan~h
and hqq. herb, vegetation'; of a chandelier, stalk, stem of rrUlt, stubble,
the ground after- the rainy season'; also in Cushitic ;
....,u 102 barbo,
---------=---------~~ oorbira
root passed .. lnto. CU~.hlt~.C:, Kham. birbir ' pillage',
( ••da />lirJ' [ll] 'cane planlalion:),
•abrd' 'branches of a chandeller ,
Qem. hiirdbar, BII. barbar take the honey from a borbara flCIJt. 'subterranean regIOn';
see also barbaros, below . Amh buraddJda 'ham
-. -
S, \lIn\ \'on Soden 141 connects G. bilT', with nommative of barad 'hall' (~h ::r~r. POhund a d~.
cated last radICal f . r ,V,lt a miupl",
rt'!'cnaUon<;, with Akk. /luru 'reed mat' > Syr barbarre ncnt, 'pepper'; barbaros nCIJC'il (K * T) 'deep and wide hole, with h r ' rom an ongmal mcanmg 'eru h
hund. See also Bro,kelrnann 1928 :95. the pil. inferno'; al extended to 'crush with st h
S"'tlTIC Ar. babariyy 'black pepper'. See also bardada 111 . ones. ammer'
ETHIOPI(' Tna. b~r<i 'reed, reed pen', Te. bilril~,
ETHIOPIC. Te.Tna.Arg.Gur. biirbiir(r)e 'pepper' from Ar. tartariis (instead of the expected tartariis.
bard.d. III nC~~ 'cover as wllh hall (T M)
>\mh b." bill." '5tubble. stalk of wheat. reed pen •
Amh. bdrbiirre; also in Cushitic: Sa. Or. barbare' Gk. tartaros. see -.m!or!os) being mispelled barbariis
Har Nf. by confusing '-:"' b for..:... t, but perhaps connected caver, bury'; . .
Bil. barbari, Kham. birberii, Mo. baro. W. Mulle;
wllh barbir (Salinger)
barba 11CIJ (D 1403,T.M) 'Iemple of idol'; 1981 : 199 slales Ihat "der Name fUr den Pfeffe" de, ~THIOPIC· Amh. biiriiddiidii 'conceal, hide'
The orig-
in den athiopischen Sprachen von den Wortern fUr mal me.anmg could be that of covenng with hall
from CoptiC perpe (that is, erpe wllh !he . ag!~uti­
oated arHcle p) through Chr.·Ar. barba, btrba an-
dieses Produkt in den ubrigen semitischen Sprachen brd T, barada (yabrad) n,:~ (K' M) 'be cold , (d~~ommatlVe of harad 'hall', with reduplicated last
Clcnt tcmrle of Egypllans'
abweicht (see, however, Ar. babiiriyy), ist viclleicht be covered with hail'; ra. ~cal) extended to a general meanlOg of co ... crin~
von Berbera, dem einstigen Einfuhrhafen, beein. hIdmg. See also burdada II •
'abrada 'cool (Ir), cause to hail';
barabi n':lJ (T.M) 'easl'. flusS! worden" . The root is related to plpl,jljI: Heb. bariidi, bJrud (K ') 'cold, cool';
pilpel 'pepper', Ar. filjil, from Sanskril pippala > bardada IV nc!:!: (T Y.M) 'set to order ar-
barad 'hail, snow, hoarfrost, (U) crystal';
barbar ncnc 'barbanans'; Gk. pep"', LatlO piper (see Buck 382). See also range one thmg near another or one thin~ on
pupare, below, ('abna barad 'hailstone'); top of anOlher',
(Jah'a harbar [LI] 'barbarians'); 'abrad (pI. of barad) 'hailstones';
from Ar. harhdr 'barbarians', of Greek (barbaros) the 'arrange one thing on top of another'
barbar nClJc (K *) 'kind of bush whose seeds SEMITIC : Ar. baruda 'be cold', SAr hrd 'cold could be Identified with bardadu l1J 'cover'
()rigm; also In Syr. barbara. See on this root Land- weather. hail', I:fars. bered 'hail, frost', Heb. bariid
are used to slun fish';
berg IQ20 : 145-6. 'had', Syr.Aram. barda, Md barda 'cold, had ' - b.rd.yos nC.!:'l"il, see baral"Od,lS,
ETHIOPIC: Tna.Amh. b"b.rra 'klOd of bush' (fo, ETHIOPIC: Tna Gur biiriidii 'be cold', Te. biirda,
barbara ncn,: 'pIllage, plunder, ravage, ran- which see Strelcyn 1973:no.49, and Rodinson 95,
sack. (Y) search carefully, rummage, confis-
Amh. biirriidii, Arg. barriida, Gaf. hiiriidii. For br~ T, tab.ra~a '~n':8 (T) 'be soaltered'
n.6.) Is there any connection with Gur. (a)briibilrii 'hail'. cpo Te.Tna .Har. biiriid, Amh.Arg. biirada,
cate • • 'be drunk'?
Gaf. biiriida, Gur_ biiriid. boroda. hiiriiXu. See also br~ ll, tabira~. 1'1J':8 (T) 'be annoyed, be
'abarhara (K '.G,.IS5), causalive; also 'give an bardada I, II, Ill, IV. angry' ;
order 10 pIllage'; barbir nc:IlC, (T) oorbir flCIlC 'cislern, well,
taharhara, pass. of harbara; ETHIOPIC: pcrhap~ Te hiJr~ be/a 'be fnghtened,
pil, latrine'; brd n, mabrad oofll.!:' (K') 'file, rasp'; shrink back suddenly'
harhan, acl. pan. of harbara; also 'plunderer, SEMITIC ; Dillmann 503 compares with it Heb. ba'er from Ar. mibrad 'file, razor': also Amh . hiirrddd 'file
rohber' . 'well', bor 'hole'. barforikon flCt.::t"" (T) barforikon nCt.::t"') ,
off, moriid 'file', denominative morriidii, Te. hiirriidu
h"bur (K'), pass. parI. of harhara; ETHIOPIC: Amh. barb;r 'latrine'; perhaps derived (KG) borforikon I'Ct.::t"') 'ultered words';
'polish, file off, miibrfid 'file', Tna biiriidii 'file off,
harbar. harhar, (Ll) h.,bar 'booty, prey, spoils; from hrbr represented in Amh. as boriibborii 'make miibriid 'file'; passed into Cushitlc' Bil miibriid. from Gk. prophorikon, acc. sg. of prophorikos 'ex-
plunderer' , a hole', Gur. bariibiirii. Leslau 1979: 150 connects
pressed (Logos)" probably Ihrough A,abic; also m
(.<ah'a harMr 'plunderers, pillagers, robbers'); G. bJtbir, with reservations, with Gur. b"ar. bur 'pit, Amharic bor/or;kon, from Geez.
birid IJt.!:' (T.D 1396) 'dislance of aboul
!>,,,hiire 'plundering, robbing'; well', Amh. blr, Har. bu'ur, bur 'deep'. The rOOI also
3 miles';
barhan'a, harharrd 'booty, prey'; occurs in Cushitic: Had. bare 'well, pit', Som.Or. bargana flC,?~' (T.M), bargano flC;J'f (LI)
bor 'dig', and is common to Semitic and Cushitic mabiirdin (U) 'express messenger, courier',
SonTle. SAr /lrr 'make a sally', Neo-Syr_ barber 'kind of bird';
rather than being considered a Cushitic loanword, from Ar. bar,d 'distance traversed by a messenger',
'attack, assall"_ Dlllmann 503 compares Ar harra ETHIOPIC: Tna. bJrmggo, hJr,mhiggo 'q uilil', Te. fiJ-
as suggesled by Cerulli 1938: 194, under bate. mubrid-in ' messengers' Scc also Noeldeke, WZKM
ISIh fonn}, while Wahnnund 193 translates II 'be- rJng. /JniJrg.
19 (1905). 405; Praetorius, ZA 19 (1905-6).187.
raubcn'. l\.azlmlrski 103 by 'depouilJer, pnver', 81a-
chen: 521.) renders It by 'rise above the others, barbor ncl'c (L.Gr 186) 'brown color, blackish, bar~ flC~ (Lt), sign of the zodiac,
domlOale' Stade 14 and Brockelmann 1950:35-6 color of ashes'; bardada I nc~~ (K ') 'calm down, be settled,
from Ar burg < Gk. pyrgos 'tower'; also m Amh.
connect G brhr 'pillage', onginally 'ausziehen', With E-rHIOPIC: perhaps a reduplicative of Amh. bora be stable. be firm, be heavy';
Heb. harar '''>et apart. choose', for which see brr II, 'horse or mule whose muzzle and forehead are ETHIOPIC ; Te. biirdiida 'cool off', from hrd 'calm
below. white, the rest of the coat being dark', Gur. b"·iira barha (yabriih) nCII, (T) bar~a nc", 'shlOe,
down' (cp. Amh. biirriidii 'cool oft" > calm down',
EnuuPlc Tna. hilrbiira 'pillage', Te. barbiira, Amh. 'cow that has a white spot on the forehead', Har, see brd I, above), wilh a ,eduplicaled lasl radical. be brighl, be light, Iighl up, be clear';
bardhbiirii, Gur btlrabiirii. Praetonus 1879: 56 bora; Amh. boriibor 'red soil', Gur. barbllra (even Fo, 'be heavy', cpo Amh. hiiriiddiidii 'outweIgh'. 'abralra, causalive; also 'illuminate, emil light,
compare!. G, barbara with the root I",",r 'Invade, Ihough il may go back 10 balbula); from Cushllic. enlighlen, give light, make see Ihe light. make
pilla~e' Tna_ wiirara, Te. warra, Amh k""iirrarii, Or. bora 'brown', Kam. bora, Af. bora 'white·faced
Gur M'Qrar diJniigii 'attack the enemy boldly'. The bardada II nC~~ 'pelt wilh stones, crush wilh clear, explain';
stones, (K) hil, hammer, pound'; tabarha 'be illuminaled';
b>rhin 104 bar~ha brk

from Lal. membrana, bembrana. See also M . Cohen,
hm,h 'bright, shining, shiny, brilliant, lit, splen- have to be considered an inverse process (see Leslau
BSL 29 (1928-9).135-6.
did, dear (VOIce), cheerful, happy'; 1979:LXXX[I). the sense of bl
(see br. essmg IS denved from that of kneeho~
(beruk-a , babJruh 'c1early');. '. barihroht (fern .) nt-IJCIJ-r, (T) barah.rt nt-II Amh. Gur. biiriiha 'd~ert', Tna. biiriiJs.a.
th k I), For [he bIbliography dealin Wlth
""rk 'light. bnghtness, bnlhance,. splendor, C-r 'glittering, sparkling'; Te. baroko. The root passed mto Cushitic : Sa. e connection between ' kneel' and 'bl .~.
!>"uhii",; 'pertaining to bright things'; baraka 'wilderness', Bil. baraga. Kbam. barexa, O. Cohen 1976:84. ess "'c
barahrahl (K) 'spots of leprosy';
b..rhJll , see below. barega. SEMITIc: Ar Mraka 'bless' SA bk
from brh 'be light, shine' (see barha, above) with [he krbt 'bleSSings', see A F 8 ' r .. r (on Sa!>ean
'abrah; (Gr), part. of 'abraha;. . . repetition of the last two radicals. For 'spots of 1981 ' 21 ff) S · . eeston, 10 Mana Hofner
mab,.,h (pI. mabarahl) 'that whIch gIves hght, brk I, baraka (yabrak) n;:h 'kneel, kneel .' , oq. bOYlk . Heb. Mrek Md U b k
leprosy', cpo Heb. bahfrf! (with metathesis) 'white
down, bend the knee, make genuflection' (de- WIth metathesis in Akk. kariibu 'bl~' pra : ,gJ. ffi' ,
lamp, candlestick'; ., spot on the skin', Aram. bahartii, Akk. bi,aru. 75 su h . JSC . e ery
",ab,..hi 'that which gives light, enhghtener ; nominative from bark); North~ts ~ at the meaning ' bless' is origmally
barhus nCO-II 'cypress'; 'abraka, causative; "
SemltlC. mItle and It was taken Over by South
mabrah (KO) 'thaI which throws light, that
which is bright'; variant of baharus (see above). 'astabraka 'make kneel down, kneel, kneel ETHIOPIC : Te. bariika 'bless' Tna ba - J. '. A h
mahrah.1 (Gt.456) 'luminous (angels)'; should down, bend the knees, fall on one's knees' ; ba iikii G ' . ra.n, m .
rr , ur. bariikii. Getatchew In Lesiau 1983:
it read mahiirahr? barihot n~l1'-r (T.O 1396) 'jaw'; baruk (K 0) 'one who kneels'; 1~ .~~ggests the possibility of connecting Amh. bar~
bariihrahl (fern.) 'glittering, sparkling'; see also barisat. bark (pI. barak, 'abrak) 'knee' ; r~ka In a fonn such as y~barkafc~hu ' he blesses you'
bar"hrahl (K) 'spots of leprosy'; >astabrako 'genuflection'; WIth Am,h,. • bukkaccahu '1 ask you, please!'. For G
barhaya nClJf (0 1430,TY.M) 'be dry, become barakar gift, fortune', cpo Te. biirkiila 'YIeld much
SEMITIC: Ar. baraka 'crouch down, kneel down' ,
SEMITIC : brh . bhr (note the metathesis in the root): uninhabited, become devastated';
Hars. berok, Heb. biira~, Syr. b.ra~, Md,Ug. brk.
pr~duce, be~o~e .~~~ious', Tna. barka/a 'be plenu.
Ar. hahara 'shine', and also bariha 'be white', Soq . ful , ~mh. barakkata be plentiful', biibariikat 'plenti-
birihol'light ', Heb. (bllr) hahir 'clear', Ararn. bahar instead of bar~aya, denominative from bara~a 'des. For 'knee', cpo Heb. bfrf~, Aram. birkii, Ug. brk, fully . The verbs are denominatives from barakiir.
ert, uninhabited place', Amh. biiriiha (see barra~a Akk. birku, burku; with metathesis in Ar. rukba, S~.
'be clear', Syr. (sa )b"ar 'glorify', Md. bhr, bar The m~anings 'offend, calumniate' are euphemistic
'shme'; probably also Akk. bara 'see, look upon', II); see also H. Schlobies, in Cohen 1939:40. Stade (e)rkebel, Aram. 'arkuqtii.
expressIOns; cpoG. dabara ' bless, curse', Heb. biirek
ETHIOPIC : Te. biirha 'shine', Tna. barhe, Tna. also 24 connects the G. root with Ar. bahii 'be deserted', ETHIOP[c : Te. biiriika 'kneel', Tna. biir~ii , ( Ian )- 'bless, curse' (see Noeldeke 1910:89) ; Ararn. qalle~
biirhaw biilii 'clear up (weather)" Amh. biirra 'shine, with augmented r. biirkiika, Amh. ( tiin) biirakkiika, Arg. (am )- 'praise', Heb. qil/es 'disdain'. It is possible (hat the
the rain has stopped', Har. zanab bara (from bhr) Mrakkaka, Gar. ( tiin )b;rriikii, Gur. (an )b;rriika. opposite meanings of these roots he in the struc.
'[he rain has Slopped', Gaf. (a)barii 'emit light', barraha
, I nCm (KO) 'be bald'; For 'knee', cpo Te. bark, Tna. barfsi, Gur. bark, ture with different prepOsitions (see D. Cohen, Ara.
Gur. barra 'the rain has stopped'. The foot also barra~, (Gr.425) barral;, (L) barriil;, (T) barrah Amh. bark (from Geez), Har. barxi, baxri. The root biea 8[196IJ.9).
occurs m Cushitlc; Bil. barh 'be clear', Or. bari>Q, 'bald, having a high forehead'; passed into Cushitic : Bil. boriik, Sa. barak.
Kam . birre' 'clear up (weather)'. See also barhiinmi. bar~aI, (Gr.425) barl;at 'baldness'; !>;,rk.>.1 llCI1h.A (T), name of a star;
SEMITIC: Ar. barii& 'bare stretch of land' (Brockel- brk II, biraka 1J;:11 'bless, praise, worship, from bark and 'ei. Would it be an inversion of Ar.
!>;,rhan llCV') 'light, brightness, glitter, splen- mann 1928: 96), Syr. barra& 'make clear, trans- celebrate, salute, bid farewell, congratulate, 'al-buruk 'die niederknieenden Kamele' (name of
dor, proof'; parent'. (K.T) offend, calumniate, curse'; stars; see Kunitzsch 1961 :no.67), or can it be ex.
barizanalfi 'luminous, radiant, shining'; ETHIOPIC: Tna. bJrhe 'be bald', Te. biirha, Amh. )abfiraka, causative; plained from bark 'blessing' and 'el from Heb. 'el
barhiinal1'il 'luminous nature, bright nature'; biira 'bald', Gur. b"iira 'baldness'; passed into Cushit- 'God'?
tabaraka, passive; also 'receive benediction,
barhanal (pl.) 'luminaries'; ic : Som. barhad 'baldness'. See also barraha II. bless one another, ask for benediction'; !>;,rkw.t llCIt-r (K) 'stone block, heavy chunk
from barha, above. 'Qstabaraka, caus, of taboraka; of metal" ,
, II nCm (K *) 'enter the wilderness,
ErHloPlc : Te.TnaAmh. b"."an 'light' (see barha, baraki (Gr.186,M), act. part. of biiraka;
take to the woods, flee, escape, run' (denomina- ETHlOPlC : undoub[ebly connected with Amh. bar-
above). Har. bhana 'be light, clear up (weather), is buruk (fem. burakt) 'blessed, praised, conse-
tive from bara/lii); k"'at, barkot 'wooden headrest', since the headrest is
a denommative from barhan. Arabic burhiin 'light' is crated, fortunate, happy, good, excellent, out-
bara~ii (K 0) 'wilderness, uninhabited place' carved from a block of wood.
borrowed from Geez (Noeldeke 1910:58-9; Ahrens standing' ;
1930:22). whtle Ar. burhiin 'proof' developed from (from Amharic);
burake (pI. burakeyiil) 'blessing, ceremony of !>;,rkw.tti llCIt;l' (K) 'bread made by wrap-
'light'. As for G barhiin 'proof, it is borrowed from barrii~ (K *) 'desert dweller, hunter, monk' ping dough around a heated stone';
ArabiC. For brim 'proof, cpo also SAr. brhn (Bees. (both the hunter and the monk frequenting the blessing, benediction, prayer of benediction,
ton, Museon 9I[1978J.201-2). desert); praising, gifts from God'; probably from Amh. biJrk"'atta, same meaning; Te.
barakal 'blessing, benediction, praise, gift, gift barkalta 'unleavened bread', Tna. biJrkutta; from
b"'~GI (K 0) 'taking to the woods';
!>;,rhanni llCV., 'parchment'; expressive of a blessing, offering, fortune, good Cushitic: Bil. birkata, Kham. bllkartii, Sa.Ar. burka~
SEMITIC: it is tempting to connect G. baraba 'wilder.
things, (Gr.186) blessed object, blessed relic'; la. The derivation of Amh. b3rk"'atta from b'"iikka
ETHIOPIC: Amh. baranna, Tna. baranna, from Am. ness' with Ar. barah 'bare stretch of land' (see 'be rermented', with an inserted r, suggested by
haric. A connection with 6rh 'be light, be clear' (see barra~a I, above), but Te. and Tna. have a root brk for barakal used as a fonn of gematria, see
Neugebauer 162; Praetorius 1879:91, is unlikely. For a detailed de-
barha, above) is likely since parchment, when well (see below). While k can become h through spiranti- scription of preparing the barkulla, see Coulbeaux·
prepared. is of a light color. Isenberg 87 derives it zation > ~, an original ~l becoming h > k would (g~~a barakat 'gifr); Schreiber 393-4; Littmann 1910, vol. 1,190-2; vol.2,
(ba-barakal 'bountifully'); 229-32.
berk.Jtin 106 brr brr 107
- b.....
berk.tin fl.Ch;l'") (T.M) 'camel saddle'; baraqa (yabraq ) 11':'" 'flash, lighten , scintil_ f bar, barra, Gur. bar( r) 'silver, taler', b()rbaf

late, shine, become shining, sparkle' ; ~ ... , h'lmmer flic

' k ' ; a Iso In
er . C us hi tiC:
' Qe m. barr brr V, 'abrara h11U (T)
KBT 529 also records ~erkaltin,. statin~ that it /5 )abraqa, causativ~; . . •
bora s •
'1 r' Or birf• Kam.
·slve.· . barra
.. c.
Conti Rossini ,
news' ; 'announc.:e good
Gee2 but without giving Its meamng. It IS probab y
tabiiraqa 'flash, hghten mterrruttently ; . Fl rilegium MelchIOr de Vogue, p. 147). The root a misprint for 'absDra .\llal .
10 be identified with bersektiin, below.
In lOiS perhaps to be derived from brr II. that is,
baraq (Gr.456) 'light, bright light' (from Arab- brr . , 'f '
... rall<, birall., .....lIe 11':1\. I Il':~ I lIel\., ic) ; 'separate' becomlOg pun y . "'rur lI~C 'silver, money ';
see brr I.
(L.Gr.425) ...rel lIt-A 'beryl, crystal; mabraq, mabraq (pI. mabiiraqr) 'lightning, thun- brr If, barra (yabr.r ) 11~ (K') 'separate,
from Gk . Ioiryllos 'beryl', from Middle Indic of derbolt, bright light';
choose, select'; . be~ktiin /l,Ctl.h;l'") (K'.T.O 1403,1.1), bera-
Dravidian origin, from \,e!ii.r, place .n.arne (Frank~, SEMITIC : Ar. baraqa 'lighten', SAr. brq 'lightning'. wbarra (K '), passIve; saklan /l,,:t'lh;l'1 (0 1403) ' box, leather ba
ZDMG 47[1 893J.600) : also in SemitiC: _A!. ballur Soq. brq 'lighten', Heb. biiraq 'flash, sparkle', Syr. bamr (K') 'separated, chosen ' ; coffer, bamboo basket', (T) = Amh k _ ~,
(with metathesis), Syr. berul!l)a. bel!l)ura, Aram. baraq, Md. brq, Ug. brq 'lightning', Akk. bariiqu 'to T I . Graga
Ar. brr (8th form) 'be separated from one's men c oth placed 011 the back of a saddle'
burla, Md. bilaur, Akk. burallu. SEMITIC: ,
lighten'. " .., friends', Heb. bdrar 'se~arate, select, choose', Aram. the Greek text IR I Kings 6:8 has herspkhth
ETHIOPfC Te. baralle, bannur, Tna. ~~rJlle.' ba~all~, ETHloprc: Te. biirqa to hghten, scmtillate , Ina. . . an, a
baraqa, baraqraq bii/d, Amh. hdrriiqii, siibarriiqii barar 'separate, cho~~e, S~r:. b~r . . corrupt transcnphon or Heb. ha.argii: 'in the box '
Amh .Gur. baralle; passed into CushltlC: Bil. blrale, ETHIOPIC in CuShltlC : barar separate . For the (Ludolf 232 ; Henry Preserved SmIth's Commt'man
(augmented by h Har. biriq baya, Gur. barq bala;
Kham , biril/i, Or. bilile. See also balur.
passed into Cushitic: Kham. bireq, Bil. hariq. Sa.
connection with brr I, see above. See also brr III. o~ Samuel [New York, 1909J, p. 46). See also ber';-
barmuda I1C ..... II, (T) baramdi~ 11':9"II.l., the baraq, barag. brr III, barra (yabr.r ) 11':, (T.Y) barara 11,:,:
eighth month of the Coptic calendar (corre- 'pierce, penetrate, go through' ; birusim, barsim II.HI.II" , I1Cf\.II", (T) beresim
baraq I 11':+ (K*) 'white stone or soil used for
sponding to G . miyii:l),a); 'abrara (Gr.456), causatIve; fl.t-f\.9", (K.T) berusim /l,~f\.1I" 'cypress':
whi tewash';
from Coptic (Saidic) parmoute tbrough Chr.-Ar. barari (K'), act. part. of barra; rrom Heb. harosfm; see also biro.f. below.
barmuda. See also fominut. from Ar. biiraq, bawraq 'borax' (of Persian origin);
barar (T.M) 'opening';
also in Amh. boriiq, Tna. biiriiq, biiliiq. , "'rson lICt'I") ' lentil. (Gr.185) pea, chickpea,
barr (K') 'gate, passage; pulse' ;
baramhil 11':9""':", (K) baramhiit 11':9"Y:",
baraq II 11':+ (Gr) 'leaf, sheet'; SEMITIC: SAr. brr 'erupt'; perhaps also Heb. bdn1r
the se;'enth month of the Coptic calendar probably from Ar. bulsun (with altcrnance l.rl; also
(corresponding to G . maggiibir); from Ar. waraq (Grebaut, Aethiopica 4[1936J.39). in hes banir 'a penetrating arrow' even though the
fo~· has the appearance of a passive participle in Te.Tna. bars;)n; passed into Cushltic : Sa. birsin.
from Coptic paramhat through ChI.-Ar. baramho.t. ... rq lIC+ (K ') 'scarce, rare, strange'; (suggestion by M. Goshen-Gottstein); cpo also Heb . "'rsonol lICt'I'i:" (T.M) 'myrtle';
from Amh. barq, same; also Tna. barqi, OUf. harq, Syr. bar 'open country, outside'.
"'rinni 11.:.'1 (K) 'parchment'; ETHIOPIC: Amh. barrara 'pierce, make a hole in a ETHlOPIC: Amh. bdrsiinar'myrtlc'; see also bdrSJywl ,
from Amb. baranlla. See also barhiinllo.. bariiqenim 11':''I:~9'' (T.O 1403,M), bariiqinim water jug', barr 'door. gate', Tna. biirri 'passage,
11':''I:~9'' (K) 'kind of plant with thorny entrance', Te.Gaf.Arg.Gur. bar(r) , Har. bari. The barisal 11,:1\-} (T.O 1396) 'jaw';
"'rni lIC~ (K '.T.) 'cat, kind of civet cat'; lea ves'; root is also to be identified with Amh. boriibbora
from AI. (Sudanese-AI.) burra 'cat' with final -n in 'dig', Tna. barbarii 'cut the flesh to heal a wound', is a misprint ror barihot Otll'T, or the other way
from Gk. barkenim, transcription of Heb. barq6nfm around.
Bari (Sudan) buran. W. Muller suggests the possibili- Te. biirabiira 'pierce'. The root hrr III is to be
'thorns'; also in Amh. barqone 'plant used in the
ty of a misprint for ~ct .$arni 'civet', written connected with brr I[ 'separate > pierce'. it also "'r",yun lICt'If.") (T), "'rsoyon lICt'lf'1 (M)
manufacture of buttons I (from Geez). See also >arqa-
wrongly A'Ct pam;, with a variant barn;. occur.s in Cushitic: Som. burur 'broken piece', Sa. 'myrtle' ;
min, burbiir.
bornebalu {lC~/(1\- (T) 'precious stone'; see also barsallot.
brr I, barra (yabrar) 11': (K*) 'purify, make
gives the impression of being a compound of two brr IV, barra 11,: (K.T.M) 'fly, run fast';
words. white' ; biroJ 1lC'1I, (K) beruJ /l,~ 11 'cypress, (K) juni-
barari (K '), act. participle; per';
rabarra (K*) 'be purified';
..... nqe 1Ic">'I: (T) 'one who has reached the biJrur 'silver, money'; SEMITIC: Md. brr 'chase, expel" probably also Ug. from Heb. barD! (the consonant! of G. birDs indi-
age of manhood, robust young man, virile'. (nahabe barur 'silversmith'); brr 'be free'. The connection between brr 'flee' and cates that the noun js not Geez). See also birusim,
biJrurat 'silver pieces'; Hcb. Syr. bar 'open country, outside' suggested by buro.t, baltarus. barhus.
barous I1C).{1 (Gr.456) 'black felt cloak with an Brockelmann 1928:88 is doubtful. For Heb.Syr.
attached pointed hood worn by men and SEMITIC: AI. barrara 'clear, consider to be pure or bar, see brr III. baras, l1,:lt (K ') 'leprosy';
women of nobility'; innocent', SAr. h-brr 'perform a duty faithfully', ETHIOPIC: Tna. biiriirii 'fly', Te. barra, Amh.
Heb. barer 'purify', Aram. barar (on Aram. br: from Ar. bara~ 'leprosy'; also Te, Illbriis 'tertiary
from Amh. barnos, barnos, coming from Ar. hurnus, biirriirii, barr alii, Arg. barr ala, Har. biiriira, Gur. syphilis', Gur, burs 'furuncle', Har. bursi. For Ar.
'silver', see Guidi 1879: 16, n.8), Ug. brr 'be pure, biir(r)iirii; also in Cushitic: Sa. barar, Aw. beriiru.
burnus, for which see Oozy 1845:73-80. For the brr 'a metal', Akk. barru 'pure' (von Soden). baras. , see barasa,
. below.
Latin (burrus , birrus) origin of Ar. humUs, see Yollers The root is related to Semitic Jrr: Ar. Jarra 'fly',
ETHIOPIC: Tna. barilr 'silver', barri 'taler', Te. barur
1897:312. Soq.fer 'run away" SyI. par; in Ethiopic: Te./arra barasa 11':11 (K '); see labiirasa;
'regular, straight', Amh, barr 'taler, silver', Arg. bar, 'fly', Tna. Jiiriirii. rabii;a~a 'scintillate, flash, redden';
108 ~~'~r.~y~m~un~__~~==~~~~:-~~ ~~~~ __ 109
__________________________ ba\lla
. 2S6(1928J.306); a),o Syr. b,lyar In the basbasa I -- -
"I, \.IITIt AT "or;.\ . g IIstemng ' (Noeldeke
'~hJOiOg. . probably from Amh. biiriiyyii 'Oee', related to brr s. Eun;~:~~ "Tbe Book of Angels", b"yal has the decay': OhOO (Ii. 0) 'be weI, be drenched
IQIO ~S, n,,2 connects Ar 'a"ra~ 'leper' With ~hlS IV falashrole as B:Jrna>e1 (a~so known as B~rhana'el .
r,,'\('t ~'au!'e of the ~hin) appearance of leprosy. s_o "me h of En and It IS posSIble Ihal 8,,),al is SEMITIc· AI. (M'gnb) '- ,
al,o Rundgrcn, O"enralla 32[1963J.181), Akk b.ra- bry IT, tabiraya +lIlf 'follow successively, do h hg I
'I e deled inlO B.rna",1 (see Le,lau 1951.144, h· h m-"";".f 'drcn<hed' \ f or
WE· IC see D. COhen 1976:72, under bUJ<)
by turns, alternate wilh one another, relay one
.'. 'sparkle, shine hnghlly' , .h re~O See also belIJor, above. On the literature on THIOPIC: Te. basbiisa 'become m ~ . h.......•
n "9~1· ee Dobberahn 150-1
ETHIOPIC' Tna. bdr5a;~ii 'shme. flash (from br~ W,lt another' ; moldy' Tna bash· .. 'be OIS, .«<om,
a reduphcated last radical), Gur. (ajbra ra be 'aslabiiraya 'replace, change alternalely, cause bJfyQ· S 'deca • be -, USa roUen' Amh ba.~jJbbdJli
~mooth and shiny' (from a root brr?, br(1), and to allernale wilh one anolher, do something in un Ol.e-'}, 'alata baraymun (0
In 'be ./.;, Wet; passed 1010 CU,hlhC Oem ha,ha.,
rronabh also Amh. boriibof, borbo( 'multicolored turn wilh olhers, take turns, reheve one': ::;~ayramun O.el-') (KG) 'eve of a festi-
smooth Pebbles'. The rool is related to I (see lahar,yo (Gr.186) 'action of alternating, alterna_
above), and nabar~aw. below.
val' ; II OIlOO (K') 'open wide (Ihe eyes)
lion, doing things alternately';
(ha-labiirJYo 'alternately, in turns'); from Gk. paramone through Chr.-Ar baramun 'eve wLDk, tWLDkle, move, shake, wag (the II)'
biret, biiravt, flt.-r : (Lt), equivalenl of of a festival' . overthrow' , al ,
',brer (" brer ) 'alternation, successive turns,
a small sum. anbasbasa 'leap, jump, skip, move qUIckly, run
vicissilude, tour of duty or office, term of b3rya"ml'n lICf"'l.'} 'Chromcles, Paralipome-
,. rapIdly, go here and Ihere, ghtter, sparkle
barat III (K <) 'iron': office, tenure. succession, course, change';
(ba"brer 'during the administration of, On ac-
na ,
(eyes), flash , hght up, gleam, move Ihe eyehds,
from dJryiimin, below: also Chr.-Ar. baryiimin, bar-
from Amh. brat 'Iron'; also Tna.Har. brat. Gur. wLDk, tWItch, blLDk, palpltale, be shaken'.
count of, for the sake of'); yamin, Syr. beryomin.
brar, hriJd, Arg. brad. Cerulh 1936:241 suggests a nabasbiis, n.b.sbiis 'a leap, qUIck motion (;uch
Cushitic ongm for brut: Sa.Af b'rto., Kham. birat (babba"hrer, with suffix pronouns, 'each in birayt; see biirel, as the movement of the eyes or of Ihe wLDd)
(bul see b~rt, below). The derivation from G . brr turn '); bhnkLDg, Iwitch, tremulous movement' , '
'penelrale' (see brr II) suggested by Praelonu~ SEMITIC': Ar. boro ( bry) 'vie, compete with one brzl. baraza (y,bra: ) Ollf (K <) 'separate, put
1879'162 IS doubtful. For Semlllc, cpo Ar. burr 'axe another'. Note that the ) of >abrel is to be consid. aside, evacuale the bowels': ETHIOPIC: Amh. 'tiiJbiisabNiJo 'throw down one
(Yemeni Ie according 10 Blachere 497). ered a prothelic ' (so also Dillmann 507). D,lImann tabana (K<), passive; ano~her'. For 'hght up, move Ihe eyehds, wag (the
1907:255 connecls G. 'abrel (also spelled ',brer) tabiira:a (K <.M) 'evacuate the bowels, leave tall) , the G. root IS related to Ar. ba.fbasa
bart lICr 'copper, brass': with Heb. <agur 'on account of. Rundgren 'show, open Ihe eyes, wag Ihe la, I' (Ludolf 2)7,
after evacualing the bowels' ;
(berla ilbanos 'fine brass, yellow copper', ht. 1955 : 115, n. 7 slales: "vielleichl liegl im Geez em D,lImann 509). ('ontl 1980:78 compares Ar basha-
tabara: (T.M; perhaps rather laMra:), ,.ltaM- so 'run oul (liqUId)' See al,o f<{.,
'copper of Lebanon'): Ineinandergehen der Wurzel bry and <br (with which , . ,
(:a-b.rt 'brazen'); rat (LI) unne ;
he compared Heb. ba-<agur 'on account of') vor".
b.rtiil 'articles of brass'; ETHIOPIC : Tna. ( Ia )bariiyii 'do successively, help
tabriz (K<) 'excrement, dregs, Ices': basak. Ot'lh (K<) 'tear, rip';
ETHIOPIC' : Tna . b~rt". Amh. bJrt 'metal basin'; possi- one another', Amh. abril 'turn, taking turns', tiiba- from Ar. (ra )biira:a 'evacuale Ihe bowels'; also from Amh. biissiik.ii, same,
ryo 'working in shifts' (from Geez); passed into Amh. tabiira: 'urine'. See also /arbi:.
bly borrowed from Cushll,c: Sa.Af. btrrii, Kham,
btrill (see also b.,ar, above). Noeldeke 1910: 158 Cushitic : Sa. baray 'alternation'.
bIZ n, baraza (yabraz) Ollf (K <) 'dilute with basala (I,.b,./J 00" ' be cooked, be llpe' ;
asks whether Ar b.ra{l ) 'nng made of brass fixed birya flCf (1I) 'slave, one who is in Ihe serv- 'absala 'cook',
waler, mix two kinds of beverage together';
through a camel's nostrils' could not be compared labasla 'be cooked':
ice of a demon, epilepsy'; tabara:a (K <), passsive,
wlIh G. bJrl. Lagarde 78 compares G. b3rt With
ETHIOPIC: Tna.Amh.Gur. barya 'slave'; originally a tabiira:a (K <) 'be mixed with one another'; baslll 'cooked, ripe',
CoptiC borot. Hintze 84, no.402 denves G . bart,
Amh. br.r from Egypllan bj>. name of a population. The word in the meaning of bar"z (K <) 'diluted': 'Imlo, (1I) baslii 'cooked food':
epIlepsy occurs in magical lex Is (Slrelcyn 1955: 346). bm (K <) 'honeyed water'; b.slal (1I) 'decoction, mixlure',
burit, buriten ll-6-r • 1l-6--t'}, (TMX<) burite According to the popular belief, the barya is a spirit 'llbsiil; (K<) 'cook' (n),
ErnloPlc: Amh.Gur. bar: 'honeyed waler', Tna .
1l-6--t 'kind or Iree, ohve Iree': that brings on epilepsy. The derivation of btir)'Q mab,.I, mabas,!JI, mabsal. 'cook' (n);
b~':I, Har. birz;; also Cushitic: Qab. bilr::Ha,
from Gk. br.rhy (Lat brar",); il renders Heb. b.,61 from baryal suggesled by GrebaUI, ROC 21 (1918- mabsal, mabs,l 'cooking pot',
Qem. barz, Or. barzi. For bar:, see Conti Rossint
(considered an Aramaic loanword; see Wagner 38, 9). 319 is unlikely. See also Worrell II 62, n. 2, III 1912: 180. For G. mazar, see below. (bela mabs,l 'kitchen, oven'):
134. mabs.liil 'dish, cooked dish',
no. 49), a secondary fonn of b.,os: cpo also Akk
hurasu. Syr.Aram. b,uo!ti, Md. b~ra!o. Gurage has barlad oc'fr~ (T) 'emerald'; robsil, I.bsil, see below;
barayodas, barayudas OCf"~1'l : Oc~~1'1 'the
also bural, but It is difficult to establish whether the consonant f indicates that it is a loanword, SEMITIC: Ar. ('a)hsala 'boll dales and dry Ihem',
four-year cycle of the Ethiopian calendar';
Geel buro, and Gurage burat designate the same probably corruplion of Ar, :abargad 'Iopaz', of AI. (Oat) basal 'cooked meat', SAr m-bs,l'cookmg
tree. from Gk. periodos 'period'; also Amh. biirrbyus. See PelSian origin (Hava 283). place', Soq. belrel'be cooked: (wi~h h correspondmg
also bardayos. 10 .I), 5h. be!al, Heb basal bOI~ (mtr), Syr bJsel,
buriten 1l-6--t'}, see buriil bas'a Ollo (1I) 'flay alive';
baryal lICfA, name of Satan; Aram. basal, Md. MI, AU. basal. ..
ETHIOPI(,: Tna. biisfe 'pierce', Amh. bassa 'perfo- ETHIOPIC: Tna. ba,!iilii 'be cooked', Te. baSla,
bry I. bauya oa (K') 'boll and flee (mount)'; from Gk. bellOr gOlDg back 10 Heb. baliya·.1 (see Tate, puncture' Amh,Gaf. bassalii, Har. basiila, Gur basala,
110 beSs


bisli,.1 fl.lIl\.'H· (Lt) 'MeJchite'; mabassiJr, same; beSa /l.~ , be~ii /l.lI; see bn I, III.
mastabassiJr (K*), part. of >Qslabsara; • labasaha
. . . 'com
. e upon, be connected with be
l~orrupt (om, of hasi/aw; (see below) through canru·
...ion \\"Ith /Itis.llis 'Basil' SEMITIC: Ar. baSfara 'announce good news', SAr. t- bis• rLlr, bi~a I1.lI; see by~ I. assoetated Wtth, bring before a judge, sum';'on
bs2r, Soq. 'ibi;r, Heb. biiser, Aram. biJsar, billar
one another" ,
basil ... ; nll/I'!! 'Melchite'; Syr. sabber (with metathesis), Ug. bir 'get good bas' a (yab~ii') nlrO, (L.K) ba~'a nM 'value, >astab~~a 'cause to come"
related to Gl. basi/eus "ling', The Melch.ites are so tidings', Akk. bussuru 'bring good news'. deflne, determine, esteem, evaluate, be fortu- >ast~b~iJ~a, caus. of laba~iJ~a~ also 'summon':
named because they adopted the dogmatic defini- EllfJOPlc: Tna. 'absiirii 'announce good news', Te. nate, be blessed, be honored'; b~ah, (K '), act. pan. of hasha'
tion of the court. On the Mclchites, see Assfalg- biissiira (from Arabic), Amh. abiissiirii 'announce 'absa'a 'declare or make blessed, proclaim bless. bi1~u~ 'one Who arrives, o~~ ~ho is ready
Kruger ~b I. See also bislisii.t, above. good news'. yiimJsrac, exclamation on hearing good ed ,. become happy, become blessed, honor" , matured'; .
news (for the alternance b:m, see Cohen 1931 :387- tabas'a 'be valued, be honored, be proclaimed (ba~u~a 'amliin 'one who has reached the age
basam, bisam fllI9" , rLlI9", (T.K) bisom 9); passed into Cushitic: Sa. basar 'announce good of matunty, mature');
blessed' ;
11.{l9" 'balsam tree" (T) = Amh. bamba 'bao- news', Be. basiira 'good news'. bash
. . 'sbare" ,
'astabp'a 'consider oneself blessed, declare
bab. (KG) fig tree';
biisor I f]{lC, (K) biiSor f]Y'C ' flesh'; blessed, make blessed, honor, call one happy, ba~hal 'arrival, completion, bringing proof, reo
from Heb. bosem, bfsfm: note Te. baliim, from Ar. felicitate, give thanks, proclaim beatitude, (T) suit (10 anthmetic)';
baSom. In the olher Semitic languages: Aram. from Heb. biHar 'flesh' (so Dillmann 509 against >ab~a~i. part. of )abf(J~Ja;
esteem, admire';
Praetorius 1879: 14), while Har.Gur. basar 'flesh' ,
bUsmo, Syr. hcsrnii.. Ph. Mm. See also balasiin. above. ba~u' (fern. ba~a't) 'fortunate, blessed, happy'; mab~ii!'. (Lt) mab~a!, 'place of arrival, destina-
Gaf. biisiirii are cognates with the Semitic root for tIOn, result (in arithmetic)';
basn. fill"; see basnii'. 'flesh': Ar. hasar-at 'human skin, human body', bas' 'bonar, blessedness, beatitude';
SAr. bs1r , Heb. btiSiir 'flesh', Aram. biSrii, bisrii, ba~'at
· , bas'iit
. 'state of grace, blessedness" , maslabsiil; (K') 'place of arrival, place of meet-
109' ;
bison rL{I') 'cotton stuff. fine linen'; Syr. besrii 'flesh, body', Ug. bSr 'flesh'. basu'iiwi
· 'beatific, pertaining to the blessed" ,
bas'iin tab~a~ot (Gr.457) 'opportunity, that which oc-
see bl!>Os. below.
bisor II f]{lC (KG) 'colored cloth';
· 'beatification, beatitude, blessedness, curs, that which happens';
blessed state, happiness';
wsn.', wsn;; fllI"b , fill" (Lt) 'belching';
perhaps corruption of bisos, below. bas'annii

'beatitude'; SEMlTIc: SAr. w~~ 'reach, come to' (Conti Rossmi
ETHIOPIC Tna. biisnilltii 'bring out bad breath', Te. 1931 : \39; W. Muller 1983:285).
ETHIOPIC: Tna. ba~'e 'be blessed', Te. b~'a (with ,),
bruno wiida 'belch', Amh. biisiin1lo 'have bad breath basasa (yabsas) nllll (K') 'spy, investigate, ETHloPlc: Te. bi4~a 'arrive', Tna. biir~le; Te. biisih
Amh. ba~u' 'blessed, His Holiness' (from Geez).
due to indigestion', hunt'·, 'youth', that is. 'a person who has reached (biisha)
ba~ba~a nlrnll (Lt) 'mix up by stirring vig- the age of maturity'. Tna. bi4~lj; passed into Cu~hit­
wsanson fI 1I,) (I') ; see bason(a)s. from Ar. (Egypt) bas~a; also Amh. biissiisii. The ic: Bit. ba!e~ 'youth' (from Te. basi~), Be. beljah
meaning 'hunt' would come from the meaning 'look orously, (Lt) confuse'; 'come'.
bason(als n{l,)lI, (T) ws,nsos flfI'){llI , (KG) here and there'. on the basis of Tna. bii~bii~ii 'mix up by stirring, be
basanson nll'){I') , the ninth month of the Cop- putrid', G. ba~ba.ra has perhaps also the meaning b"'i al nllA,(T.M) bo~al (IliA (not hasal as in
tic calendar (corresponds to G. ganbot); bisos, b,sos rL{llI I fI(llI, (Lt) busus, basus,
'be putrid' and is to be compared with Ar. bassa Guidi 1906 :920) 'onion, (T) garlic';
wsos, wsis Il'f'l-ll I nf'l-il I flf'l-ll I flltll 'ooze', Heb. bi~~a 'oozy place'. "
from Coptic PaSons through Chr.-Ar. basans. 'cotton stuff, green linen, fine linen'; from Ar. ba~al; also Te. biisiil. Dillmann 545 seems
EnuoPlc: Tna. b~bii~ii, see above, Amh. biilabba!ii to connect it with ba~~a/a 'tear', below. In other
blsanso rLlI'){I (Tl 'green, azure'; from Gk. byssos 'byssus' ; also Tna. biso 'green 'mix up by stirring, become turbid', Arg. bii!iibbii!a, Semitic languages: SAr. b# 'onion', Soq. bi~/e. Heb.
see bisos, below. (leather, velvet),. On the origin of Gk. byssos in Gur. ba!iibii!ii 'mix up by stirri ng, become turbid'; basal, Syr. besla, Aram. buslii, Ph. bsl.
• • •
connection with Heb. biis, Akk. bii~u, Aram.·Syr. passed into Cusbitie: Qab. baba{co' (from b{b(J •

basansos fllI'){I{I; see bason (a)s. 'stir, dilute'. See also ba!ba,a, below.
b~a, Ph. b~, see Buhl 89, D. Cohen 1976 :52, and bassala n~1\ 'tear, lacerate, cut, separate, strip,
bsr (D), baSara (yabs.,) , b..ssara nIP': (K'); Masson 22. For Ar. bfsa(t}. see Vollers 1897 :295. peel, dissolve';
For the Egyptian origin of Heb. b~, see T. Lamb- ba~~a (yab~iih) nlrth, (T) ba~~a nlr"l 'arrive,
see 'absara; taba~fa, tab~sala, passive;
din, JAOS 73 (1953).147-8. On the Sanskrit or happen, befall, come to pass, occur, fall to
'absara 'announce good tidings'; ba~~iif 'piece, (K) torn part, stripped part, rag' ;
Tamil origlO of this root, see Rabin 1968:436. See one's lot, appear (in court), reach, amount to,
tabasra 'be announced (good news)'; ba~~afat, baNafat 'torn part';
also bison, bisanso. result in, pervade, extend, be accomplished,
>aslabsara, caus. of >absara; (K) reach a mature age'; SEMITIC: Ar. baHala 'strip or clothes or posses-
basr (Gr.456) 'good news'; wSii! fI"'I' (Lt) 'carpet, rug'; (ba~~a fa'afa 'attain'); sions', SAr. b# 'torn' (see M . Hofner, in Baum-
basrat 'good news, gospel'; (ba~~a lamawit 'be near death');
gartner 1967: 108), Aram. ba!al 'split, pee\'.
from Ar. bisa{; also Amh. bilS!, Har. bisiir
(ba'iila basrat 'Annunciation'; celebrated the ETHIOPIC: Tna. bii~~iil 'stub. cul piece', Amh. bei{-
ba~~aha 'bring (charges against), prove
29 of Maggiibit), ws!iiwros 1I1111)tD-C'1I (Gr.426) 'cross'; liila 'be torn, be uprooted'.
(charges)' ; The root is related to J,/: Ar.l""ala 'split', Heb.
basratiilll 'one who brings good news, evange- from Gk. slauros 'cross' through Coptic pestawros, 'absa~a, causative; also 'bring, bring forward, pi~!el'bark, pee\', Aram. pa!~el, Syr. pa!al, Md. NI;
list'; pe being the article, through Arabic where a foreign deliver, lead, make ready, convey, demon- Te.fon~iila 'separate', Tna.fiin(iilii (with augmented
'absiiri 'one who announces good news'; p becomes b. strate, explain, prove'; n). See also barara, below.
bisa1tumi I 12 biters balrafiyik 113
: ~~----~~__~------------------~~______________________________~bo~I~_.I.

bi.altumi /lilA.,,"" (T.M) 'red onion'; balk, (Gr.t88) balk 'broken thing, a cut, a bslrsfiyik flT£:"'!tJ (T), a misprint for
slash, gap, animal that. has been torn apart'., OT£:!CtJ balrayiirk, below. E~IOP1C: Tna. bii!~e 'make an InC1SlOn' Amh
combined of hrsal (for h~al) 'onion' (see ba~al,
batkat 'fracture, breakmg'; ba[!a (from b,~). b"'at!iirii ·~ratch, tear', Tc·biill.l'w
al;'llwe) and or Willa 'garlic' (from Ar. flim) .
SEMITIC: Ar. bacaka 'cut off'.
(augme~ted by I); passed Into Cushltlc' Bit /liiltt'h
bstirikun fI;t-61l-') (Gr.457) 'Fathers of the (from Tigre), Be. be~/ha 'cupping' See also b(uh~.
, Illl,) (Gr428) 'big'. ETHIOPIC: Te. biilka 'cut off', Tna. biiliilsii, Amh. Church' ; ,

biilfiikd 'be torn', abtiikdttiikii 'tear to pieces', Gur.

from Ok. pacerikon, of pacerikos 'pertaining baW~ Om"" (K* T.M) 'melon, squash',
ba~ji 01\.-'" 'glistening white stone'; batakd ' uproot, pull out', biJItayhd 'cut of meat'.,
10 the Falhers of the Church'. from Ar. baltil], of Synac o"gin (Fraenkel 140).
from Ar. bu,~iiq, in bu~aq al-qamar 'glistening white passed into Cushitic: Qab. butukko> 'cut', Be. belik ,
also _Ifi Amb. biiHih. Arabic barrf~ passed IOto Som.
stone', lit. 'spittle of the moon'. Bil. batak. batiron fI;t-C'') 'forefathers'; barno· The root also Occurs in Heb. ·abattj<1h, Aram.
The root is related to ftk, ftq, btjq, blq. brq 'split, ·a!?a!!f~ii. See also bii!iq. - .. .
kill, slaughter': Ar. falaka, fataqa, Soq. bdq, Ar. from Gk. paceron, gen, pI. of pater 'father'.
basars Oil£: (T Y) 'separa te, detach, tear ';

badaka, Heb. bilteq, Akk . bataqu; Amh. ba!!aqii,
SEMlTlC: Ar. basara 'CUI ', Soq. bfjr ' rend asunder', batrayiirk flT£:!CtJ 'patriarch'; ba!~a 0'1'''1 (TM) 'be deaf. be dumb';
bd??iiqii. See also badaqa, above.
Heb. blisar 'har~est a vintage, cut off', Aram .Syr. also written balra yiirk OTt: ' fen , batra
perhaps for ba~~la 'cut, make an inciSion' (see aoovc)
hi'sar 't~ar oft". The meanings <lessen, lack, di- batul II."A (D 1403,TK*.M), batul-f]of:A (K*) yiirek o·N: : f ton ; the cutting suggesti ng a defect to the ear. '
minish, subdue' of b~r (Heb.Syr.Aram .Md) are to 'virgin'; from Gk. palfiarkhes ' patriarch'; also Amh. biitraya.
be derived from !lsr 'cut' (so also, with reservations, r3k, Tna. bdtrdyarak, batiJryarilk.
from Ar. batul 'virgin'. In other Semitic languages : bs!ala (yabpl) Omll 'be useless, be idle, be
Baumgartner 142, as against Koehler 142).
Heb. b'Jiila 'virgin', Aram .Syr. baJul-tii, Ug. btl-t, futile, be vo id, fail, be without aim and reason,
ETHIOPIC Amh. abii!!drii 'separate the good from bit I, batata (yabc.t ) fI·/,+ (K*) 'wear out,
Akk. batUiu 'yo ung man', baIul-tu 'adolescent, nu.
the bad'. The root is related to b~~ala 'tear, lacer- become old and worn-out'; be of no effect, be annulled, be reduced to
bile girl'.
ale' (with alternance of liquids); see above. nothing, be in valid, be abolished, be in vain,
ETHIOPIC : Amh . bdlldtd 'wear out', butalto 'worn·
batana (yab tan ) O+~ (K*) 'disperse, scatter'; come to nothing';
out clothes', Har. bututtu, Gur. butilto, Tna. biitbdla
bsw I ; see bada",a. ba!!ala,
• •
SEMITIC: the root is related to Ar. balala 'separate, 'grow old' (refers 10 a person, but could probably .Impair. , ; causative; also 'repel. do away with,
detach' (with alternance of liquids). also be applied to a thing) ; also in Cushihc: Or.
bsw II, tabasa ..'a .,.III1IJJ 'be a companion'; 'ab!a/a, >abauala, causative; also 'declare inva-
ETHIOPIC: Tna. biiliind 'disperse, scatter', Amh .Gur. bulUllU 'worn-out cloth'. AI. bututto, Mo. bUlitto
d~nominativ'e of bi~ 'companion'; see bys I, II . (see Leslau 1979 : 164, under See also batba- lid, invalidate, abolish, refute, prove futile,
battanii, Arg. bdlfdna, Har. bildna; passed into
Cushitic: Qua.Bil. blilan, Kham. hilen, Qem . biitlin. ta. nullify, restrain, reduce to nothingness, make

01ltJJo6 ; see badiiwa'.
• void, make of no effect, dissolve (marriage),
batara (yab tar ) fI+£: (K*) 'cut, hit, straighten btt II, betata 0,++ (Gr.190) 'persevere, persist, annul, cancel out, divert, bring to naught' ;
bit, bet liT , o,T 'measure of fluid '; out'·, last, stay'; laballa, labaflaia 'be weak, be slack, be ineffi-
from Heb. bal, or from Gk. balos going back to SEMITIC : Ar. balara 'cut', Heb. balar, Aram . bilrQ from beta 'spend the night. stay', with reduplication cient, be abolished' ;
- - of the last radical. For the root byt augmented by t,
Hebrew; also in Te.Amh. bal. See also biidos. 'piece', Akk . butturu 'mutilate' (?). ba!iili 'vain, futile, idle, transitory' ;
ETHIOPIC : Te. bdtray 'deprived of everything', Gur. cpo also Aram. baJaJ 'stay, dwell'. batul 'futile, useless, vain, void';

bet o,T, beta 0,-1' ; see byt I. biitiirii 'separate' . The root is related to matara, ballal 'abolition, being futile, being idle, being
below. . , fI'I'flm (K*) 'mix up by stirring vig-
void' ;
. orously (e.g. honey in water)';
batb.ta OTO+ (K *) 'hollow out, eat the tn- 'ab!alo 'abolition';
side, rend with the teeth, consume'; balr I (pI. 'ablar, 'ablar) flTC 'branch, shoot, in view of Tna. biisbii~li, with ~ (but also biirbatli), 'abtali, mabtali 'one who abrogates, one who
• •
stick, rod , scepter, stave, tribe, race, offspring'; G. ba!ba!a is undoubtedly an Amharism from bd!iib- makes cease, one who makes futile' ;
SFMITJ(" a reduplicative root bll: Ar balta 'cut off',
(batra nagad 'tribe, race, offspring'); bii!a. The original root is b!b!; see ba~ba~a. above.
Heb. balal.
- - SEMITIC: Ar. balala 'be vain, be useless, be invalid',
ETHIOPIC Tna. biilbiirii 'gnaw, nibble', Amh. bdldb· ETHIOPIC: Te. balar 'stick', Tna. bdtri, Amh . bdttar, ba!~a (yab!ii~ ) n'l'm 'make an incision,
make SAr. btl-t 'usele~sness', SI). btol'be reduced to noth-
batao The root :s related to bdd (see badda), and bit Arg. baltar, Gur. bdttar; with metathesis in : Har. gashes, scarify, scratch open, cut with a ing', Heb. biiral 'cease working', Syr. barel, Md.
(see balala). barti, Gaf. bartii, Gur. bdrt. For 'rod, scepter' and scalpel' ; bi,iI, Akk. ba,iiJu 'stop, cease, come to an end'.
'tribe', cpo Heb. se~ft, ma!!rlh ), and Ar. 'a~ii (for tabat~a (K*), passive; ETHIOPIC: Te. bd{Ja 'be useless, be vain', bii!{iilii
bataka (yabrak) O+h 'break, tear apart, burst, which see Landberg 1909 : 1755). 'stop' (tr), Amh. bii!/lilli 'be spoiled, be ruined, be
ba!iihi, act. part. of ba!~a;
tear off, remove, displace, turn over (a big abolished'. Har. aba/iila 'abolish'. Gur. ba!iJ 'un·
balr II OTC (Lt), a certain quantity of money; ba!u~ (K*), pass. part. of ba!~a;
stone), : just', and Har. bii!il are taken from Arabic.
see bady [JJ. ba!~at 'incision, a cutting up';
'ablaka, causative; also 'cause to settle a
quarrel' ; SEMITIC: Ar. bataha <level the soil and cover it with botala IImll (TM) 'cut';
batera 11-1;6> (TKBT.M) 'thin air'; • •
gravel', where the leveling involves cutting the un-
tabatka, pass. of bataka; also 'break' (intr); ETHIOPIC : Amh . batera 'invisible gas which is in the even parts; Ar. also ba!a~a 'hit' (Dozy). The root is ETHIOPIC: Amh. baUd1ii 'be torn, be uprooted' .
balUk, pass. part. of bataka; atmosphere' (probably from Geez). related to Ar. ba!!a (bU) 'slit a wound' . Note the rare fom with 0 after the 1st radical.
bat"')!>.i' 114 bwh• 115

• bayyana
barnlsit, b.>t~lsiit, b.>tlasiit O'1'AI'I-} , lI'1'AI'I SEMITIC: Ar. ba!!a!a 'flatten'; related to AT. (ta)ba'a_ mabwQ'at, mabwQ'iJt 'joint, juncture, inserted
• • •
-} , 11'1'111'1+: see 'ab!.lis. !a 'lie on the stomach', and ('in)ba!a~a 'lie prone' poles, stretcher'; bwq, boqa (y.buq) fI+
(K') 'blow the trumpet
(denonunatlve from bug);
Soq. b!h, Heb. biiral) 'lie flat on one's belly'. See o~
SEMITIC : AT. bii'Q 'return' (a)so 'come' according to buq, bawq (pi. 'obwiiq) 'trumpet':
b.>Im, bulm 11'1'9" • 11-'1'9" 'terebinth tree'; this root Driver 1957 :59, Kopf 7ff., Barr 90ff., and
• •
Rabin in Baumgartner 1967 :225ff. Noeldeke, ZDMG 40[1886].726), SAr. bh, 'enter' , from Ar b· 't . -
from AT hulm (from Aramaic; see Fraenkel 139) ; Heb. bii' 'come', Ug. b'a, Ph. b" Akk. ba,u 'go . ' u~. rumpet , cons.ldered to be of Latin
ETHIOPIC: Tna. bal! biilii 'lie down, be stretched (b uccrna) ongm' also late Gk h-k-
also in Amh.Tna. buri/m. For Semitic, cpo Heb. alongside. come in'. , . . II !non
out', Te. bii!! bela, Amh. biiffii/Ii 'stretch out'; also
Mlna. Jud.·Aram. bUlmO.
. burna, Syr. bi/rmi/!a (see ETHIOPIC: Tna. bo'e 'enter', Te. bo'a, HaT. bo'a,
· in Cushitic: Bil. ha! y 'lie down, stretch out', Sa. bat bwz, boza flH (K') 'be dull, be stupid, become
Low 68·70), Akk. bu!nu. For m:n in the various probably also Gur. bM'ayii 'go down to a lower bleary (eyes)';
dah. .
languages, see Ruzicka 128. place'. For G. mabii', cpo Amh. maba (from Geez). boz (K') 'dull, stupid';
ba!a!a 1I (yab!a!) Omm (K*) 'jump up, leap For G. bOlar, cpo Amh. ha'at 'entering. entrance',
bii!iq 1Im.~ (Lt) 'cucumber'; baJala. bata 'presentation of the Virgin at the ~nnoPlc: Amh. bo:. 'be dull, be stupid', Gur. bu:
up (animal), hop';
sec hattih.
... temple'. lit. 'her entering' (from Geez), Tna. ba'ata, Ignorant, stupid'. Har. biiztiy 'idle'.
ETH10P1C: Te. be!! be/a (in Reinisch 1902:71), Amh. same. For bo>alt 'cave', cpo Te. bii'at, biirat, Tna.
barara (vah!,,) Omt: (K*) 'winnow, comb'; ba{!iifii. barr alii; also in Cushitic: Som. bod 'a byd, 'abyad hll.f~ 'white';
. , bii'otti, bahata. For the denominative ba'ala, see
'ab!ora (K *), causative; Jump. above. The root passed into Cushitic: Be. bi. 'return from Ar. 'abyo(i. See also b,dii, and b"s
labarra (K .), passive; .. HI.
",abllir (K') 'winnowing platter, comb'; ba!a!a [J[ (yab!a!) Omm (K*) 'defecate (ani- beyidir 1LJ'!lC (T), the seventh month of the
mal)' ; year;
probably from Amh. abiirriirii 'winnow'; also in bw~ J, bo~a (yabii~) flth 'be seen, be revealed,
Arg. aberriira, Gaf.Gur. abi!!iirii. SEMlTlC: Ar. (Syria) ba!bar 'defecate'. be clear'; fro~ Ar. bayiidir, pI. of baydar 'threshmg Hoar',
ETH10P1C: Te. bli!Ii!! be/a, Amh . bal{li!a, M!! ala. zamanuM/·baydar 'threshing seallon',
b8!J'iq, ba!r~ O'1't~ I O'1'c~ (It) 'patrician, SEMlTlC: Ar. biil)a (bwl)) 'be revealed, become pub-
patriarch' ; bw', bo>a (impf. yabawwa-, subj. yabii,) flh lic' . bay(y)ama MOD (MA) 'become a monk'.
bo!riqii (pI. ba!iiraql. balriqiil) 'patrician's 'enter, penetrate, proceed, frequent, be in- ETHlOP1C: Amh . bliha (KBT) 'be visible, be seen'
wife' ,. volved. intermingle, have intercourse'; (from Geez), buh (DTW) 'that which is seen'. bayyana Of~ 'discern, distinguish, remark, pay
'abo'a. 'aba'a, causative; also 'bring, fetch, lead attention, notice, recognize~ consider, demon~
from Gk. parrikios, fern. patrikiii 'patrician' (of Latin
to, take in, introduce, insert, present, admit, bw~ II, bo~a (yabii~) flth (K*) 'receive authori- strate, decide, (Y.T) judge, pass judgment, ex-
(parriciusj origlO) through Ar. batriq. bal'iqa. •
offer' ,. • •
ty, receIve perrmsslOn ;
• pound';
b8!J'asin 0'1't:". ') (Lt) 'stole'; ('abo'a krastanna 'rechristen'); -aba~a, (Ll) 'abaw~a 'permit, allow, concede, -abayyana, causative; also 'decide, make clear,
tabaw>a 'be introduced'; give authority, authorize, give power, grant the make evident, make see clearly, state clearly,
from Ar. ba!rafin, ba!raSfI < Gk. epitrakhilion
'stole' (Vollers 1897:295). right' ; demonstrate, prove, manifest, make under-
tabiiw'iJ'a 'interfere, intrude, slip in uninvited,
stand, make a difference';
creep (into), insinuate oneself (into), steal in, lobaw~a, pass. of 'aba~a: also 'have power, be
b8!J'itii O'1't;l- (T.M) 'nobleman'; rabayyana, pass. of bayyalla;
(K *) marry'; endowed with power, be master, have au-
from Lac palricius through Gk. patrikios; note, thority, have permission, take upon oneself, bayyun, pass. part. of bayyano; also 'evident,
>Qstabiiwa>a, )aslaba)Q, caus. of tabawa>Q; also
however the enigmatic ending ·ta of G. ba!ritii. proven, manifest, understood';
'bring to oneself; (Lt) succeed';
tabiiwa~a 'give one another permission';
bayn (It) 'interval, distance';
ba!asa (yab!as) Om'" (K*) 'break, detach, cut bawii'i, act. part. of bo-a;
)Qstabawwa/,ra, )astabaJ.ra 'give permission, per-
bayna, see below;
off; bawii'it 'a crowd of people entering'; bayyiine 'decision, determination, explanation.
ba>al, ba<at, (K *) bu'al 'entry, entrance, enter- mit, give authorization, give power, give author-
SEMITIC: AT. barasa 'hit, strike, behave in a brutal description, interpretation';
ing, beginning (of month, of fast)'; ity, obtain permission';
way', Aram. bi/!as 'stamp', Syr. bU!Si/lii 'striking 'obayyano (Lt) 'solicitude_ carefulness':
ba>QII 'cave, lair, den, cell'; bawwa~, bawwuh 'one who has power, one who
with the heels', Md. brs 'tread down , trample, treat 'abayyanot 'understanding, perception, discern-
violently' , bawi'ot (Ll) 'entrance'; has permission, one who has the means of
ment' ,.
ETH10P1C: Amh. bli!!lisli 'break off by pulling', GaL >aba>i, act. part. of 'Qba>Q; doing, allowed, allowable, permitted, permis-
mobayyan, part. of 'aboyyana: also 'judge';
bi!!iisii. Arg. be!!iisa, Gur. biiliisii, HaT. biiliisa. maba' (K *), same; sible, legitimate, it becomes, it is meet';
• • mobayyan (pI. mabiiyant) 'argument, way of
mabii' 'offering to God or to church, bringing bow~ 'permission, authority';
. lito'" 'bramble bush" ,
bitos demonstrating' ;
in, gift, oblation'; bawwa~annii (K *) 'authority';
. biilos
<ada . 'bramble bush" ,
(maba-a 'akkWatel 'Eucharistic offering'); mabii~t 'permission, power, authority, authori- the basic meaning is that of 'separate, distinguish >
from Gk. barDs 'bramble bush'; also Amh. ba!os, zation, dominion" , discern, know'.
mubii), same as mabwii>; SEMITIC Ar. biina 'be separated. be clear, be evident',
Ar. biirus. See also paros.
mabwii-, mubii' (pI. mabiiwa', mabwii'at) 'en- SEMlTlC: Ar. ('a)bii~a (bwh) 'permit'. See also bl)r n. SAr. byn 'separate, know' (Muller 1963:307), Heb.
ba!a~ J (yablal) Omm (K*) 'lie on the stom- trance, place of entering, act of entering, (byll). he-pill 'understand', Syr. bayyen 'show, dis-
ach' ,. admission, entry, coming, setting of sun or biiwani IIID-);, (KG) bawani 1IID-'i'; see ba'uniih. cern'. Md. ban 'separate', Ug. by" 'know'.
moon, (Gr. 189) beginning';
116 byt boiriq

- . N. hoyt 'house', SA, byt, Soq. b<)~t, Heb.
[THIOPT Tc 'become eVIdent. become
,lit Jbiil'rana b¢ In Amh. b,at?ii 'be separ~ted',_Gur be??e'sepa. Sf"ITICt Aram.
5yr . barta,
Ug.Ph , ht. All . bllu. For ~~~~i; ~~~~i: bolUgini, ~l~>ni, ~llin'
dear' Tn .. bihl'anJ 'discern, decide', Amh_ bayyanii rate the seeds; also In Cushltlc: SId. bor; 'split'. For /JOI I_, hight', cpo Ar. bata, SAr brt, Aram.Syr. " 11.:1'1 I 1111"1'1 I 1111 W
'dUi~f!ui~h, gwc a \'crdlct'~ passed into Cushitic~ bi! 'companion', cpo Tna. b3ray. h3!a)-', Gur. bate pe nd I en b' 'necklace, collar, (T) fnnge, ruffle, orname~t'
·s. Md but, Ug. bt, Akk. ,ow , • :,ee also '
Qcm Itarall 'dcClde' Amh. bire. b3{e 'companion, equal, of the sam~ /><i!, . Te TnaAmh. bet house; Te . beta spend
status' See also by! II. EflUOPIC.· b
ht' See also etala bu~. I y.b:ii~, 011.." (T) buh. 01l.h 'be nu-
b.,n. 0.1',> 'between': I~e OIg
by~ II, t.biya~a -t-lIfll 'become companions merous, be abundant, be much, be mam
liJn"arntl. '.mJPayna, see above; bela hIL'" (T) 'cause to kneel';
(to one another), become friends, become I
bytl,'a IOcrease' (intr). ,
bahama 'for, because of, for the sake of, on .. rhaps connected with byt 1 and the causing
equal' ; 'ab:,lJa 'multiply. make numerou,. mcre"e
30,.'OUOt of': II " pe I would then refer to the callie that spend
Jaslabiiya~a, causative;
ba~arna tJ 'because of this, therefore, about 10 knee .n their respective
. paces
I h'l
W I e restmg or
(tr), augment, produce a lot of, have a lot of,
tabayii~i (one would expect tabiiyii~i), taba- the OIght I taha:lJa 'increase, multiply' (mtr):
this' ,
yii~i (M) 'companion'; kneeling. taha:.!:a 'be muiliphed, multiply together',
hahalna mJllt 'why?':
mastabiiya~ 'companion, participant'; 'astabii=i)~a, caus of. or tahii:Jha;
hahama-, hahayniiti-, habeniiti- (with suffix pro- balla OH: see bz:.
nouns) 'between, among, to one another'; denominative of hi! (see by! I). For the denomina. hJ:ulJ 'many, much. numerou,: abundant',
haha.l'lIom 'between them, together': tive, cpo also Amh. liibayya{ii 'become rriends'. For (\, H (K') 'shme' (denominative). (b"u!!a, bah"ulJ 'much, 10 large numbers'),
beU (Lt) hi;, be;ii (pI. 'a hya:
be:, - ) ,s h'100ng
rrom the basIc mcaning or bayyana 'separate' (see
another rorm of the G. denominative, see bsw . II , ,
star, b,':1J 'multitude, large number, large amount',
above. morning star; ha:lJat 'multitude':
above) For more details, see Dillmann 478ff: Dill-
mann 1907 J74, 389-90,401 sh ilic'.AI. br-eceu 'mornmg star', BII. bld(j 'ab:iiIJi, 'ab:.IJI, part. of 'ab:alja;
by~ III, be~a ILlI (K ') 'become white, yellow'; frornuC - , •
mab:.hl, same,
SEMITIC' Ar "ayn 'mterval', bayna 'between', SAr.
byn 'between', Heb. bell, Aram. ben. be. Syr bayna-
be~ii, b.~ii (K ') 'yellow'; (With alternance d :), Qem. be: make clear, -
mah:alJt. mab:aIJt 'major part, maJont, of,
'1'1, Md blnal-, Nnta, Ph.Ug. bn. SEMITIC: Ar baeja (byej) 'grow yellow', bayyada bela o.~ 'ransom, redemption, propltiallon, mo,t of, the most, large part, the greate,t part,
ETHIOPIC Te. bar.n 'separate' (adj), ,.b biiyn 'make white' Dietrich 294 compares Akk. pe~u 'be subslltute, (Lt) expiation: 10 exchange for. for multitude' :
'between', ban· (with suffix pronouns) 'alone, by white'. the sake of; (mab:alJta. mab:.!Jto 'often. frequently, mo,t
oneself, Ina. baYII- (with suffix pronouns) 'alone, ETHIOPIC: Te. bayyiisa 'be bright, be brilliant', see btzawa, below. of It');
apart' For Te. barn, see Rundgren, OS 16 (1961). Amh. b'~'a 'yellow'; also in Cushitic: Kham. betii
134-6 'be yellow'. For the relation between 'white' and bol fill (K ') 'harp stnng', SEMITIC Ar bu:~ 'abundance of wealth' The
'yellow', cp. Amh. naHa 'become white, pale, turn ErnloPIC: Amh. bot 'harp stnng': IS there any connection with Ar bcidl~ 'high, proud' suggested
baynit- O.e'l.'l--; see hayna, yellow (cereal)'. The root bN 'become white' is the connection with Ie. boza 'a certain lune of the flutc by Noeldeke, ZDlfG 66 (1912).788 " unlikely .
origin or the noun 'egg' in the various Semitic ETHIOPIC: Ina. haz~t' 'be abundant, be numerou!i',
played at games'?
byq, beqa 0..,. (MA) 'give a name'. languages : Ar. bayeja, Heb. be~a. F. Rosenthal (pri- TeHar. bii:dha.
. Arg. bii==ah", Amh.Gur. hii::a;,
vate communication) prefers to derive Ar. biit!a 'be bola flH; see bwz. passed into Cushitlc: Bil. biigag 'be numerous,
balr.mun O.elOD-J, see baryamun. white' from bayeja 'egg' . Kham higeq. Qua hagaK·
balbola I 0110" (T,K.M) 'ptllage',
by~ I. ~a , ILlI (K' T.M) 'separate, cut byl I, beta (yabit) IL.,. 'spend the night, re- biziks I 1I1l'1 'qUicksilver, mercury';
SEMITIC: Ar. bozza. bazbaza 'wrest, snatch', Hcb.
to equal parts, choose': main overnight, remain, stay in a house, dwell' bO,a: 'take spotis', Aram . b"a:, batbe: 'pillage'. see biizeqii I, below
bar),asa 'separate, distmgulSh, discern, mark . ,
(probably denominative); Syr. Md. baz. biziki II IIIlIJ (M) 'harmonium,
out, 'abeta, causative; also 'lodge, leave overnight, ErnloPlc: Tna. biizbazii 'pillage', Te. biitbiJ:a, Amh.
perhaps from Gk m(lusiki ,(Lat. muslC~); also Ina_
tabana (K'), passive of be~a, delay until the next day'; /xi:iibbti:ii, Gur. ba:iibbii:a, passed mto Cushltlc
ba:eqa 'music, harrno01um , Amh. ma_1qa
baYYi4i, act. part. of bayyasa; bayiiti (K '), act. part. of beta; Qem. biiziibiiz. ,
b•.r)'u~ (K ') 'separated', bel (pI. 'abyiit) 'house, room, lodging, family, bizeqi I 11"-'" (K) 'quicksilver, mercury,
bazbaza II 0110" (K') 'spread, waste';
bl~ (pI. 'ab)'ii~) 'smgle, individual, a certam, household, generation, tribe'; from Ar tibiiq, :iibiq. or Persian (zj~'a) ongin.
piece, some, friend, fellow, companion, com- (bela krasliyiin 'church', bela dariisayiin 'acade- SEMITIC: PbH. bizbe: 'waste', Aram. ba:be: The G
rade, equal, netghbor, mtimate'; bazbaza is perhaps a transcription or the Hebrew bizeqi II 11"-'" (D 1403,OT 579), bbiqi lilt:!'
my', beta miilJ(.)bar 'monastery', beta moqah
(bi~ labl~/I 'one to another'); 'prison', beta masa~aft 'library', beta mayiisi (K) 'lightning'; , .
bisa (Gr.428) 'near, at the side of, beside'; 'tavern', beta nagu, 'palace', beta ~ablJ 'kitch- bazbua 1II 0110" (K ') 'calumniate, offend, il renders Heb. biizaq, translated 'lightnIOg flO;
SE ... ITIC Dillmann 539, and Praetorius 1890:30 en'); despise' ; Heb. bii:iiq, cpo Jud.-Aram. b.zaq (J Blo.,
compare the Geez root With bs'. bd< 'cut'. For by~, 'abyiitiiwi (formed from 'abyiit) 'servant, one SEMITIC: Ar. baza (bzw) 'subdue. conSider oneself [1956)97).
bs. 'CUI, ""parate', see D Cohen 1976:76, under who is a member of the household';
bs d.
supenor to another', Heb. biizii (bzy) , bii: (bwz) biziq IIlt~ (T.M) 'belt, girdle of fiber worn by
mabyiil 'place where one spends the night, 'despise', Aram. b3za. b3Sii, Akk. buzzu>u 'treat un-
ETHIOPIC the Geez root IS perhaps related to b!}' > night quarters, dwelling, lodging'; jUstly'. See also bzz (bazza) monks'.
I 18
bet",!i ILli •• (T.M), bezaq II.Ho}> (D 1403) tabezawa 'be redeemed, redeem oneself, ransom
'pearl, precious stone'. oneself ;
bezawi 'redeemer, rescuer';
bizri /1116- (K') 'mare'; bizaw (K ') 'one who is ransomed, or saved'.
from Amh. hazro; also Tc.Tna.GuLArg. hazro; also bezli, see above; ,
10 CushlllC Sid. bazra. Bi!. badra (pI. bazir), Af. bezwat'redemption';
badira. beziiwit (Lt) 'redemption';
bazr 1I11C (K') 'seed, grain';
mabez(z)aw 'redeemer, rescuer, one who ran- Df.
soms' ;
from Ar. bo(lr. bazr. For the root in Semitic, cpo S~. mabez(z)iiwi 'redeemer, rescuer';
bcd3r 'seed', Heb. biizar 'scatter', Aram. bizro 'seed', ds,.mu (dii<.mu) -'l}, ..... (-'lb .....) 'verily, really,
Syr. biJtjar 'strew, disperse'; related to pzr: Heb. SEMITIC: Ar. baza (byz) 'be saved, live'. diba (dibe) Jl.O , (Jl.II.) 'upon, on, onto, above,
indeed, moreover, much more, furthermore,
pi:zcr 'scatter', See also Wagner 33, under hzr. ETHIOPIC: Tna. beza, biiga 'ransom' (n), Te. beza over. against, in opposition to, concerning, on
'redeem\ Amh. baiid, beliii 'ransom, rescue, save' however, only, just, merely, but rather, on the account of;
bazzala /1H'" 'fluff up cotton for carding'; beza 'ransom' (n). The connection between bezaw~ contrary, nevertheless'; diba ~.nj, badiba zantu 'and besides, in add,-
tabaz;ata (K '), passive: and bazbaza 'pillage' suggested by Praetorius 'allii dii'amu 'on the contrary'; tion to this';
bazziiti, act. part. of bazzaea; 1890:33 is doubtful. Since many verbs ending in -wa 'akko ... dii.amu 'not only ... but also'; badiba, see diba;
baz:ul 'carded'; are denominatives. it is possible that bezawa is a 'anbala dii·.mu (Lt) 'never'; '.mdiba 'down from, from on, from upon';
denominative from beza.
ba:=at (Sw. 10 D 532) 'linen, wool'; ETHIOPIC: Te. dii>am 'but'. Tna. da'am. dii>ii, da>a . 'anta diba 'above, over, on, upon, through ';
ETHIOPIC: Tna.Amh. biizziilii, bo:ziitii 'gin cotton', bazyihu 1I11!1}- (T.M) = Amh. sdbaz 'kind of Rundgren 1955:208,217 analyzes it as ·'iTlda-'i-mu with the suffix pronouns the base is dibe-;
Te. ba;ziita. Amh. bazuf 'wool'. < .>a-ta-'i-mu 'indem es nicht so ist > es ist
plant from which one makes baskets'. ETHIOPIC: Te. dib 'on, over, to'; connected With
vielmehr so'. The root passed into Cushitic: Bil.
Har. dnbba 'raISed ground': from Cushitic. Qem.
bezawa II.HID 'redeem, ransom, (Y) save, bzz, bazza /1H (K ') 'threaten, boast, put on da'am 'but'. diiba 'hill', Qua. debii, Bi!. dlbbii (so also Brockel-
rescue'; airs" , mann 1950:38). Rundgren 1955:221 analyzes diba
ds<ro -'lbC' 'sycamore';
>abezawa, causative; see bazbaba Ill. as coming from di-ba. See also davyaba, below.
ETHIOPIC: Te.Tna. datTo 'sycamore'; from Cushitic:
Sa. m-da<aro, Be. mindii'ro, Kham. dirunii. dibii JI./I 'ambush';
see dabaya. below.
dabb f-1I (T), name of a sign of the zodiac;
misprint for tbbb, from Ar. duM; also Amh. t.lI,q daba<k".l,<k".l f-lIbtt-A I f-'lIbltA, d.n-
ddbb 'southern star', tannas dabb 'northern star'; ba<k".l f-"HMltA, (K) d.b<.nk".l f-'1M')tt-A
from Ar. 'ad-duM al-'akbar wad-dubb al·'a~gar 'ma- 'den, cage, rope to tie animals, (K) snare,
jor and minor Ursa'. For dabb 'bear', see below. trap' .
~ .!!-11 'bear'; d.b<onk".1 .!!-lIb'}tt-A (K) 'snare, trap';
SEMITIC: Ar. dubb 'bear', Heb. dag, Aram. dubbii, from d.b.,k",1 (above) augmented by "
Syr. debbii, Akk. dubbu, daM (West-Semilic loan-
word). dabub f-tl-1I 'north, south';
ETHloPlc: : Te.Amh. tbbb, Tna. dabbi. dababa (K') 'go south' (denominative);
dabubiiwi 'northern, southern'; <aRbasi, d.bba <aRbasii .!!-11 I 0') /1... I
f-'O : 0')/1 ... 'kettledrum, big drum'; ETHJOPIC: Tna.Amh.Gur. diibub 'south'; passed into
Cushitic: Kham. dibub ·south'. For the same noun
SEMITIC: onomatopoelic, as in Ar. dabdiib 'drum', expressing different directions, see )a::f'b. samen.
Soq. debiibeh; related to Ar. duff'tambourine', Heb.
t0l!. Aram. tuppd. d.bib f-'/llI 'large umbrella held over the king
ETHIOPIC: Te.Tn •. ddbay 'big drum', Amh . daMe or the ark, baldachin, dais, canopy, small roof
'Hat drum used by sorcerers or minstrels', dabb
over a gate';
anbassa 'big drum' (from dabb 'drum' and anblissa
dababa, subj. yadbab (K '.T.M), dabbaba (KG)
'lion', as is also the case of G. tbbb <a"basa), Gur.
'open an umbrella, spread, distend' (denomina-
dibbe 'kind of drum" , also in Cushitic: Or. dibbi!
'drum'. See also dabdaba I. tive);
~bi~~'i~I__________________________~1~2=O______________________________~d:i~::li dibetim 121
ladabbo (" '), pa",,·e. also 'be constructed dabdaba IV ~1I~n (K') 'patch'; ETHIOPIC Te. diibe/~ 'ram', Tna. dibiila. Amh. dahc.
I dabal 'bIlly goat; from Cush.t.c: Sa.Af. dabetii (dabr q,ddu, [Lt]. a holy mountato In whICh
(rrame" ('Irk of a n,lof)'. from Amh. diibiiddiibii 'patch'; also In Gur. d>. (~~ alsO Brockeimann 1950 22), cpo also Har. dabay the fallen angels lived before the deluge)
dJbu~ ."'J, pa" part of dababa; biidiibii, Har. diibal 'patch' (n); in Cushltic: Qab.
'heifer', Gur. ziibay (~lth. alternance d :). the final (dahra hagar, dahra 'uhgur 'metlopolis');'
,adbJd 'umbrella that priests carry in a proces- dibu·ra. (;adabra lahor 'Feast of the Tran,figuration
la of the various EthIOpian languages would then
sion. roof, covered pavilion. overhang. plat- be palatalized in Haran and Guragc; also In Cushtt- celebrated on the 13th of .\ahas"1 '
(oml, baldachin, canopy, bulwark, parapet, dabdibe .I::.fII\fl, (Gr,475) 'register'; (dahra ;0.1'1 'Mount of Oli,,,;), '
IC : Som. dibi 'calf', Or d.bitta 'young bull'
battlement, prOjecting part (of a thing), pinna- from Amh dabdabbe 'letter; also Tna. diibdiiba', (=ad~hra =01'1 'the fourth Sunday to lent');
cle. passed into Cushitic: Bi!. diibdiiba 'letter, docu_ dibelim 1\.fl,1I.9" (OT), dibelim 1\fl,,,9" (K) 'adh~r .<p~. of dahr) 'mount3ln" hIli country',
ment', 'cake of pressed dried figs', 'adbaral a blShop's JUrISdiction',
ETHIOPIC Te.Tna.Amh d,bab 'umbrella that
pnCSl\ earn: In proceSSion', GUT. (Zway) tbbab, transcription of Heb. d>pelim (pI. of d>pela), same. dabra .. ; (Gr.319) 'mountainous',
dibdiqu 1\.1I1\.41 (T) 'light' (n).
Amh dabbiiM 'shade the earth (cloud), givc shade SEMITIC' Ar dabra 'cultIVated field' (from Ar dohr
(tree),; pa!'scd Into Cushillc; Or. dibfibe 'umbrella', dabani ~n'1 (Lt) 'royal tent';
dibdiqon, dabdiqon I\. .fI1\.4I') : .1::111\.41'), (T) 'mountam' commg from Geez; !'ice lane 845. lItt
bUI probabl) common with BII. diibbii (pI. diibiib) mann 1964 .353 conncct~ G. Jabr 'mountain' \l,-Ith
'roof For G. taJMh, cpo also Amh. IMbab. dibdiyiqon 1\..fII\.,4I') 'two-leaved tablets on probably from Amh. diibiina, same,
~r dab: dubr 'back. htnder p,ut'). Hen Jn~rr
which the names of dead bishops and saints pasture, Aram. da~ra 'pa3ture, field', S)'T dobra
dabibisi! ~1I(l"-r (T), pI. of ddbbus. are written, dlptych'; dabaninsi ~n'1,)" (Lt) 'sorcerer, ironsmnh';
'field', Md dihra 'wlldernes\, de~ert, field', Ug JIt,
dabdaba I ~.fI~n (K Y) 'hit. strike, pound, from Gk d,plykhon 'd.ptych'; also in Chr.·Ar. dib. from Amh diibanansa. from diibiin 'hair, gnme, 'steppe'. For the meanings 'mountam. field', cr.
beat. weaken', tlbo, dibtikii 'prayer of intercession'. dirt' and ansa 'pick up', the e.'(pression meaning Akk. iadU 'mountam', Heb s(i4l-' 'field' For [he
,adaMaha ("G), passive; 'pick up the dirt!' (so DTW 333). Streleyn 1955: root dbr 10 Semllic, sec 1. Pla~smann, C 8Q ..
dibiig .1\.11"1 'brocade'; 342 (quoting other sources) suggests d>bb,1 ansa (1942).119·32; for Eth,OPIC, scc p.lll.
Sl't1T1C. Ar dabdaha 'resound (trampling), 'enleve Ie fardeau!' (Amharic), or diibiin ansa 'OU\l- ETHIOPIC" Te diibiu 'mountam', Tna dailri 'moun-
trample', from Ar. dibiig 'brocade' < Pers. debiig, depug riers qUi erigeaient la tente royale' (from diibiina and tam, monastery', Gar. diibra 'mountam, fore,t',
EnlloPlc Te. d,bd,b bela 'trample', Amh diibiid· (EIlers 605); also in Syr. dipiigii, Md. dibai.
- Amh. niissa). Gur tbbilr, Amh. dab", 'monastcT)". The connec-
diibii 'beat, strike. thresh grain. resound' , GUT. lb-
tion between 'mountain' and 'monastery' can ~
hadilbii 'hit, stn~e·. diJbbe 'stick used for hitting a dabala (y"db"l) ~nl\ (K ') 'bring together, dabaqa ~n.,. (Lt) 'conceal, hIde, ambush'; explained by the fact thilt mona~teT1cS are u!'.ually
ball'; also," Cushillc: Af. dabb 'sound produced by gather, make braids, plait';
ETHIOPIC: Tna. diibbiiqa 'hIde, conceal', Amh. dab· on mountains. The root passed mlo Cushltic. Sa.
clapping hands', Som. duMa 'hammer'. See also ladabala, (M) ladabala 'come together, as- daher 'mountam'
d>bb 'allbaJii biiqii ·', liidiibaboiiqii 'he In ambush', Har
semble, hold a meeting';
dabiiqa 'hide, conceal'.
dabdaba II ~.fI~n 'be restless, (TY.M) be sad, dabl (M) 'bunch, bundle'; dib.Jr, dabr (pI. dahral, dabral) 1\11C I ~1IC
worry. be troubled, be Inactive, be feeble, be madbal 'assembly, assemblage, gathering, col- debeq f.n.~ (Gr,438) 'fortrcss, tower' 'territory, city, village',
dazed, look haggard', (T) = Amh. adiikkiimii lection, crowd, chorus'; ETHIOPIC: Tna. danbar, diimhiir 'terrih.1ry. frontier',
'weaken' (should read = Amh. diikkiimii 'be SEMITIC: Ar. dahala 'unite', Soq. db!. For the var· dbr, tadabbara .,.~nG (Lt) 'lie on one's back'; Te. diinbiir 'boundary', Amh. danl>iir, d>nI><ir. d.m.biir,
weak'), meanmgs or this root in the Semitic languages, Gur tbmbiir, a root augmented by n.
10US SEMITIC: Ar. dubr 'back', dabara 'turn the back',
'adabdaba, causatIve; see Nyberg 219. Heb. dibb" 'turn the back' (Eitan 33·4), 'recline'
d"bdabe (Lt) 'apprehenSIOn, anxiety, uneasiness ETHIOPIC: Te. diibbiila 'stick together', Amh. diib· diber, dibir I\fl,C : I\(lC 'shnne, sanctuary, •
(Dahood 1968 :227), Md. d,bra 'back, tatl'; to be
of mind'; biilii 'double, uOlte, add', Gaf. diibbiilii 'repeat', Har. connected with Ar. dahara 'follow' (that is, 'be back mnermost room, (T M) eccleSIastIc council';
SE\UTlC AT. dabdaha ·crawl. hesitate in speaking' diibiila 'add, put together', Gur. diibiilii; with me· of someone'). The connection with G. dabr 'moun- from Gk. dob", transcnptton or Hcb d.l~ir 'back
(for whIch see Dozy). tathesls 10 Tna. diilliibii 'accumulate', Te. dol/iiba; tain', originally ··Bergriicken', suggested by Dill· room of a temple'
ETHIOPIC Gur (Iii !dbadiibii 'heSItate, falter, be passed Into Cushltic: Be. debit 'gather, collect', Or. mann 1102 (followed by Hommel 1877 :xxv1l) IS
dabala 'repeat, add'. The connection with Bil. diib· un likely. Likewise doubtful is the identificatIOn with dabarbir ~nc(lc 'heap of earth on which
confused'; also In Cushltlc' Qab. dabdab,-yo' 'stam-
mer' biil 'ein Tuch zusammenlegen urn es als Leibgi.irtei Akk. dUPPllru 'absent oneself, withdraw' with Ar. monks lean for sleepmg, backrest, inchning
umzublnden' suggested by Reinisch 1887:95 is un· dubr 'back', as suggested by von Sodcn 177. place ror the back, lying on the back';
dabdab. III ~.fI~n (K.MA.Lt) 'be bloated, be hkely. See also madbala. ETHIOPlc: Tna. (Iii)dabiira 'be inclined', Te. (I, )diib-
blown up', a 1.232.3 root developed from dbr, above
hiira 'be placed on the side (in order to be killed)'.
dibeli, dabeli 1\(\.1\ I ~(\.I\ 'billy goat, bull, See also dabarbir,
SEMITIC Ar. (Dat) dabb 'fill up'. dabrin, dabarin ~.fI&-,) : ~n&-'), name of a
ETHIOPIC' Te. diibdiiba 'cram a measure', Amh. male of any animal';
dabara (yadb"r) ~nG (K ') 'establish a monas· constellation;
dabiIddilbii 'begin to swell or fill out (ear of grain)" dabela za-Iati 'billy goat';
tery' (denominative); from Ar. 'ad·dabaran 'the Hyades, five stars of
ltiin;diibaddiJbil 'swell, form blisters', Gur. d>. SEMITtC' Dillmann 1101 (followed by Nyberg 219)
dabr (pI. 'adbar) 'mountain, region where there Taurus' (for whIch sec Kunttzsch 1959 IOQ, 1961
biidiiba 'be dIStended (stomach)" also In Cush,llc connects it with Ar. dawbal'wild boar, suckling p'g, . ,
Had dubii·kko 'be swollen'. IS a monastery, convent, monastery; 51).
fox, wolf'
122 dabaya dede 123

dabrawa 1.lIllD (K ') 'be well-developed, be (dablarii s>m' 'tabernacle'); Or. ripa. Jril!Q 'hide' suggested by Praetorius, ZD-
MG 43 (1889). 322-3 is unlikely. See also diM, .I!'.l!'1l"'L (T M)' , .
well-~rown (child), engage in ilIicit sex'; (kiihnaca dablarii 'clergy of the royal camp') ' see also "-"_ '-- . scales (for welghlOg)'
UdU<lffYm, below. '
Jabarii (K ,) 'engaging (n.) in iIlicit sex'; (Iiqa dabcara 'provost of the tabernacle')' ' dabal1'a 1. depa.
>adabcara, (KG) dablara 'spread as an a~ning dudileb .1\,.1\11.11 (KBT
EnuoPIC: Amh. dabbiirii 'be well-developed, be
or as a tent' (denominative);
dede (pI. dediil, dedeyat, dedayiit, dediiyiil) 1.1. (T) = Amh ." 1026~ 'desert, dry land'.
wel1.grown (child)'. Could there be any connection 'door, courtyard, gate, vest.ibule, porch, Open . ) amadar boca place of the land'
with ·andabarii. above?
ladablara 'be spread as an awning, be pitched ETIIlOPIC: Amh dud I '
space (in front of a church)';
(tent)' ;
(dede barhiin 'outbuilding on the eastern side
world, Jerusale~ d a eb j d~daJem 'c:e nter
of the .l!'lICY'·'O (K 361) 'Book of dablur (K) 'spread as an awning, pitched (_ dad) 'f '. ryan, desert, from dud
of a church where the Host is prepared'); - . oundauon' and aliinl 'world' T ,. '
Chronicles' (also called ~a~u~iin); (tent)' ; translanon 'place of the la d' . . ayya s
(dede saliim 'small building to the left of the n IS strange.
transcnption of Heb. ditJre hayyiimim, same; also in dabliire (K') 'spreading as a tent, (Lt) tent"
western entrance to a church where food is
Syr. d~bar yamin. See also daryiirnin, baryamin. dablariiwi 'one who makes tents'; , dild.mos ..I!'.I!';il (T), didimos ,11....1.'1"1'1 (K ') =
distributed'); Amh. manCa tWin, fork of a road'·,
dbs • .l!'1111 (epigraphic Geez) 'honey'; from Gk. diphlhera 'skin (used as a tent), leather'
(see also dabtar, above); also in Te.Tna.Amh. diib- SEMITIC: the identification with Heb. dalte (plural from Gk. didymos 'twin, twofold' .
SEMITIC: AT. dibs 'honey'. SAr. dbs /, Sh. debS, Heb. tiira 'unordained member of the clergy', Amh, dab- construct state) 'doors' > dede suggested by Bezold
d>biis, Aram. dlibasii, Syr. debSii, Md. dubio, Akk. ciira 'tent' (from Geez). For Ar. da/tar 'album' A in Dillmann 1907: 286, n.2 (so also Brockelmann dildon .I!'.I!'1 (Lt) 'cold and strong wind';
- - -
dispu. Fischer 1953 :39 suggests either a Persian or a a;eek 1908: 179) is unlikely.
ETHIOPIC: Amh. diigg 'door', Te. diigii « diigg;
ETHIOPIC: Amh. didiin. dadiin 'fierce and cold wind',
ETHloprc: Gar. dabsii 'honey', Arg. dims, Har. dus; borrowing. On the diibciira, see Walker 115-6; Lif-
Tna.Gur. diibiisii 'dilute boney with water' (denomi- chitz 9; Ullendorff 1968 :91 -2 ; D. Levine 171-3; E. Praelonus 1871: 50, pOSSIbly by pseudo-correction daddaqa, dadaqa f.f.+ 'happen, OCCur sudden-
native). Hammerschmidt, in Assfalg-Kriiger 99-100; Velat, of d> g> g). The identification of dede with Te. ly, come upon unexpectedly, fall upon, crush,
Les Cahiers copCes (Le Caire), no. 5, 1954. IJdde 'door' suggested by Littmann-Hofner 383 is press upon, knock down, strike hard, (T) at-
d.bbus (pI. dabbusiic, dabiibisiiC) .l!'fHl 'club, doubtful. tack by surprise';
iron mace, goad'; dabawa I (yadbu) .l'.01D (K'.DTW 327) 'be diidaqa 'knock down, strike';
from Ar. dabbiis. considered to be of Persian origin hidden' ; dod I .I!'.I!'; see wdd.
cadaddaqa, see cadiidaqa;
(see Landberg 1909:341, 1920:694; W. Mar,ais dabul-a, ba-dabul (D.K') 'secretly, quietly, un- dad" .I!'.I!' 'voice, sound'; ladiidaqa 'happen, come upon, happen to ar-
1911:290). See also d>mbus. d>nbus. expectedly, opportunely, properly, decently'; nve, happen by chance, befall, fall upon, ap-
see also dabaya. SEMITIC: Ar. dawda 'cries, shouts, noises'.
dabata I 1.0.,. (T.MA.M) 'be bent, walk bent ETHIOPIC: Amh. (tiin)d"add"a 'be heard (series of pear, occur, surprise, meet, rush into';
over'; sounds)'. See also dodawo. dadq 'accident, chance, event (unforeseen), ca-
dabawa " 1.OID (K*) 'press down on one'
dabul (T) 'bent, bent over'. lamIty, that which befalls, (T.M) contagious
(speaking of sleep);
dodo fI.fI. (T.sw. in D 1398) 'fire for burning the disease, fever':
dabata If 1.0.,. (T.M) 'level, make level, (M) E'IHlOPlc: related to Amh. diibiiyyii 'stamp the earth'. (dadqa 'perchance');
cleared-off trees and bushes of a field'.
connect two banks of a river with a bridge'; Note also the Amharic expression anqiJ!f diibbiitii-w dadaq, see dadq;
dabul (T) 'leveled, evened'; 'sleep pressed down on him'. dJddiiqi (Lt) 'sudden';
dud )I..I!' (T) 'uncle';
ETHIOPIC: Amh. diibbiitii 'press down (in measuring ETHIOPlc: from dqdq, from wdq 'fall> fall upon,
dabaya (yadbi) .l'.or (T.Lt) 'hide, lie in wait, SEMITIC: possibly a 'Lallwort' (see also Noeldeke
grain)' happen' (Dillmann 1907: 132): Amh. diiddiiqii 'pur-
approach stealthily, attack by surprise, fall 1910: 121), as in AT. dada 'wet nurse', SAT. (Qata-
upon suddenly, assault, pillage, invade, destroy, ban) dd 'uncle', Soq. dedo. Heb. dOd- 'beloved , sue and suddenly attack an enemy'; perhaps also
d.but .l!'n--l-; see dabalVa I.
uncle', Aram. d6tjii, SYT. diitjti, Md. dada, Ug. dd Gur. dudaq haUi- 'be confused, not know what to
throw down, (K') playa trick on someone';
dabtar 1.lI.,.C (K '.Lt) 'notebook, register'; 'love', Akk. diidu 'favorite, darling'. Some of these do, be surprised, wonder'. Ruzicka 197 connects
ladabaya (Lt) 'be struck, be attacked" ,
nouns may be derived from the root wdd'love'. 'dqdq with Ar. daqqa 'break. bruise' (see dqq, be-
from Gk. diphthera 'skin. leather, parchment'; also tadiibaya 'attack, assault'; low). H. Bauer, ZS 10 (1935). 176 derives daddaqa
in Amh. Tn •. diihliir 'register', Te. dii/liir, Ar. da/lar, dabiiyi, act. part. of dabaya; also 'invader'; ETHIOPIC: Gur. dade, form of address to an old
man or to an elder relative; also Cushitic: Had. from *Iawdaqa < wdq 'fall' (that is, a 'verkapptes 1-
Aram. dipillra.
- SEMITIC: Ar. (Dat) daM (dby) 'creep', dabb (dbb) Kam. dadda . Reftexivum') > *dawdaqa > daddaqa.
dabtarii (pI. dabcariic, dabiiear) 1.11.,.':' 'taber- 'surprise', Aram. d>qii (dby) 'lie in wait'.
nacle, (royal) tent, hut, pavilion, sanctuary, ETHIOPIC: Te. diiba (dby) 'waylay, be hidden', diib- deder 1.1.C 'kind of thorn, thistle';
dadak 1.1.11 'frost, cold, (K.T.M) highland (that
(by extension) unordained member of the dtiba 'hide in the ground', Tna. ('a) diibba 'hide, lie from dandar > dedi d)er.
IS, a cold region)';
clergy who is well-versed in traditional church in wait', diibdiibii 'hide in the ground', Amh. a-debii
'hide, lie in wait', diihba (db') 'play wicked tricks ~EMITIC: the derivation from Ar. *dak '(wahrschein- d.d.rkom .I!'.I!'cl19" (Gr.438) 'scales (for
learOlng and who performs the hymns and hch) was den Boden stampft und breit, hart macht'
on someone', diihiiyyii 'ambush'; related to GUL weighing)' ;
sacred dances during the Mass, cantor, choris- suggested by Ruzicka 196 is unlikely. Reinisch 1890:
ter' ,. (a) dii/ii/ii 'crouch down to lie in wait'. The rool
also occurs in Cushitic: Bil. dib-s 'hide', Qua. diib 101 compares Sa. dadii' 'rainy season', but the is there any connection with didrakam 'double drach-
(dabcarii marcul 'tabernacle, Holy of Holies'); 'bury'. The derivation of the Ethiopian root from phonetic correspondence is not normal. ma' conceived as weight? See also dadbme.
didrak.lm 124 dafar dal"a 125
ETHTQPIC; Amh. _diifiidda/ii 'mix water with ing re d'1- dar. r• (yadfar, yadfar) 1.t...: 'dare, be bold, be
didrak.m, did.rk.m, didorkome, didorkomii I '!Jig a , dii.$!i, Hac. dog 'elevated r
.... .e-.: 119" : .... .e-CIl9" : .... .e-CIl"1 ! .... .e-Cll "'I , ents such as geso·p ant, ground barley sprout audacioUS, be insolent, be Irreverent, affront'; IC: Sa.N. daga 'hIghland' BI gd oU~d , from Cush.t·
(ll) dod arkoma .e-f.CIl"'l 'a double drachma'; rna k
eh ( e must " 'J.
lor wme, with! 'must of wiSlo' (da/ara lii'ala 'treat with Insolence'); dag. ' I, ag On, above'. Qua.
Gur. dafadiifa 'brew beer'. ne, ,ad/ora. causatIve;
dag"a~ili, dag"a(;}li. da "'~(
from Gk. didrakhmon 'two·drachma coin'; also Syr.
dfd<lmkmii See also darbrkam, darkame, diJrham.
- -
dafana (yadfan) 1.t..~ 'cover, hide, conceal to
dafra 'be degraded, be offended by some-
ne's impudence;
, I}I\. ; 1.'llll\. .
g a ale, dag .'.1.

. f..'l01\, : f..'lbl\,"k d
didarkano .... f.Ch'i (Lt) 'purple';
bury, obstruct, lay aside, block, bake (unde;
~ tfori 'bold, daring, insolent, audacious'; palm leaves, (T) garme~t of I tnl of palm,
ashes)' ; , pa m eaves'
perhaps from Gk. 'dldarkanos 'double purple' (W. tadafna, passive, reflexive; d:/ur 'one who is treated with insolence';
Milller). See also darakallo. dafani, act. part. of dafana; dafTat 'audaCIty, boldness, Impudence, inso- ~!o:71a~ ~a~~~QYii, dagobiyii, dog.biya t.1
~. ',,~, ,.." ! .....,Q! 'k'
dafun, pass. part. of dafana; lence, irreverence, shamelessness'; cricket, caterpillar'; , md of locust,
dodowo 1'-.e-9' (Gr.477) 'disturbance, perturba- (bacia/rat 'boldly, presumptuously)';
. , dafin 'obstruction';
tlOn ; ETHIOPIC: Tna dag'aM ( I ..
dafnat 'covering, hiding, burying'; SEMITIC: perhaps Ar. daJara 'push', Akk. dapliru sis) 'kind f . ' , a so godabo, with met.lhe-
se-e rbd I!.
diifant. dafanta, (T) dafant 'cake baked under 'become sated' (for the passage of meaning 'be sated b" . R ~ .cncket. Te, dangiibiit (instead of diin,:("a-
> be bold. be insolent', cpo Amh. riiggaba 'be sated, 01 In em!Sch 1887: 108) Amh d' b d" .
ashes (that is, covered with ashes), (K) night 'wingl I , . ago e, 'ilgobJva
dedaya ~f.f 'begin to run (child), toddle'; .. ,ess oc~st'; from Cushltic; 8il. diing~ abe ~hn-
blindness' (lit. 'covering of eyes'); be arrogant, be insolent').
dab. locust (Brockelmann 19'0'28) H .g .
SEMITIC: Ar. da'da'a 'run fast'. ETHlOPlc: Tna. dalara 'be daring, be bold, be in- may be 'bl -. . owever. H
madfan (pI. madafant) 'treasure, hidden treas- poSS! e that the Te root dim "b '
ETHlOPIC Amh. dodde 'steps taken by a baby learn- solent" Te. daJra, Amh. daffara, Arg. diiffiira, Gur. through If' . . go a cut
ure, sepulcher, (T+) box'; ,. . cut 0 IS the origin of the noun fo
ing to walk'; Te, diiddiJ'a 'run quickly', probably dajiira; passed into Cushitic: Bil.Qua. dafiir 'be cncket, locust'. r
also deda 'take by lhe hand' (ifil refers to training a SEMITIC: Ar. da/ana 'hide, cover, bury', SAT. mdfn insolent', Aw. defor-g"'a.
child to walk). 'corn-storage pit', Ar. (Yem) madJan, Soq. defon
dirrin, defriin ....<;:6-1 j ~<;:6-1 'kind of fir dagdaga I 1...,f..1 'be lean, be meager. be ema-
'bury'. For Syriac, see d%ni, below.
daf' f.<;:lI (K ') 'doorsill, threshold'; ETHIOPIC: Te. daJna 'cover, block up', Tna. diiJlina, Iree', (T) = Amh. qara! 'kind of tree (Osyris CIated, (Lt) waste away, wither away';
Amh. daffana, Arg. daffana, Har. diijana, Gur. compressa)' ; 'adagdaga. causative; also 'beat until small'
SEMITIC: related to Ar. doff 'leaf of a door'.
diilana. For diiJanl 'cake baked under ashes' from dagdug 'meager, thin, lean, emaciated,
ETHJOPIC': Amh. daf, danJ 'threshold', Gur. daJ SEMITIC: Syr. dapriinti 'juniper', Ug. dp"', Akk.
'doorframe'; passed into Cushitic: Kam. de/a, Or. da/ana 'cover', cpo Amh. diJ/ufl 'a wheaten bread
- gloomy' ;

daru. (cooked under ashes)', Gur. daJun 'bread of inferior dagadag, dagdag, dagdag, dagdiig, same; also
quality' (lit. 'covered'), Syr. (amlrtii 'cake', from difat Jl.t..-r (T) ' loom' ; (T) 'crumbs';
dah (yadjii') f.<;:O, (T) daf'a f.<;:h 'thrust, lamar 'hide'. The root passed into Cushitic: Bil. dagdage 'leanness, meagerness';
diiJan 'bury', Aw. deriilli1-~wa. See also daJnala. ETHIOPIC: perhaps to be compared with Amh.Gur.
push, kick, cast away'; daffit 'snare'. SEMITIC: Ar. (Dat) dot!! 'grind to a pOWder'.
dalu' (DTW), pass. participle; darn, dafn 1.<;:1 ; .e-<;:1, (K) diifon .<\<;:1 'laurel, EruTOPIC: Amh. diigaddiigii 'pulverize, become thin,
dal' (K') 'thrusting, pushing' (n); (T) juniper'; 1:.., (K '.KBT) 'belt'; be emaciated'. For 'beat untit small', cpo Te. diigdii-
d,l'at (DTW), verbal noun of dal'a; SEMITIC: related to Aram. tiJpii 'drawstring. waist· ga 'crush under foot> -make meager, emaciated',
from Ok. daphne 'laurel'; also in Syr. dapne, Aram. Tna. dagdiigii 'trample, step on', Gur. dagadiiga
SEMlTIC: Ar. da/ara 'push' (on the various Arabic dapnii. - band', Syr. te~I';, Md. takra. Arabic dikka. likka is
'squeeze' .
dialects, see W. Ma"ais 1959: 1289/1), Sh. deja'; considered an Aramaic loanword (Fraenkel 55).
related to Akk. da'iipu 'push'. dofoni 1'-1.:)., (T) dafoni 1.1.:). 'coffin , reposi- ETHloPtc: Amh. d3g(g) 'a sort of sash of cloth
dagdaga II 1...,1., (T.Y.MA M) 'be early morn-
ETHIOPIC: Te. da!'a 'push', Tna. daJ'e 'push', da!'e tory, sepulcher, (T) box'; wrapped around the body over the clothing from
ing, get up early in the morning';
'crush, squash', Amh. daffa 'push', Gur. dliffa'a chest to waist'. M. Cohen 1931 : 109 compares dag( g)
from Syr. duen,; which perhaps goes back to doJana, with Gur. diiqol 'bell' (cp. also Gar. daq"ata), with 'adaJ(daJ(a (K ') 'cause to get up early in Ihe
'turn on its side (e.g. a vessel when emptying rna·
above. d·q (Gur.Gaf.) > dog (Amh.G); also in Cushitic: morning' ;
Aw. dung; 'belt'. See also dagdaga Ill . dagadag, dagdag, dagdiig,dagdig 'early morn-
dafnata 1.<;:~'" (T) 'bake';
dafdafa 1.<;:1.1.. 'cover with boards, plaster'; ing' ;
denominative from dO/iJnl (see da/ana)."ii .e-'l'antiphonary supplied with cantilla- dagdug (Amsalu) 'one who gels up early in the
dafdaf (Lt) dafdiif dafda/. dafdof 'covering lion signs indicating the proper intonation of
with boards or plaster. (T) floor, pavement'; morning' ;
dafantar 1.t..1+C (r) = Amh. qammo 'a tree hymns' ;
whose fruit grows in bunches and is edible ETHIOPIC: Amh. dagaddaga 'get up early in the
ETHIOPIC: Tna. daJdiiJii 'put earth on top of thatch' ,
ETHIOPlc: Amh. d3gg"'a; see Strelcyn 1974 :6, Ham- morning, hasten olf' (from Geez). The verb is per-
Amh. dafaddaJa 'coat, plaster, besmear (with oint- cooked or raw'.
merschmidt 1977:90. See also (swm), sam. haps a denominative from dagdag 'cock' (see below)
ment), . • •

dafar 1.t..C (K '.Lt) 'hill'; whose crowing indicates the early morning.
dag" dag<a, dag"<a 1...,lI j 1."'1} ! 1.'/'I} (Lt)
dofdof .e-<;:.e-<;: (Ll) 'brewage, (K) must of ETHIOPIC: Amh. daJar 'hill, height that blocks the 'highland' ,. dagdaga III 1...,1.1 (K') 'gird oneself';
wine' ; view' . ETHIOPIC: Tna. dag·'a 'highland', Amh. diiga, Gar. 'adagdaga (K'), causative;
d ~d"ll._ degana dag"a ra

tbK~ (Am"lu) 'one" ho has girded himsetr, (dagama + verb expresses 'again, a seCond dog"ora J','l-t. (KO) 'brood, hatch' - --

tbgdiigr (K') 'glrdmg oneselr (n); lime' of the action of the verb); ~etat~esis and reduphcatlon of the la t radlcaO. He
fntlorlC" Tna. 'OI1d);dilgii 'gird oneself'. Amh.
'adgama (K 0), causative; dog"r ~l'C, (KO) dag"r 1I.1'C 'plough beam'; entJfle~ It With Ar (Oat) hadmala and LL
so I
tadagma, pass. of dagama; mala 'd~tro • ( h ...~
a diJgiuhfJga 'wcar the .\"Jmma·garment around the SEMITIC' Ar dog, 'wood of Ihe plough 10 whICh Ihe . Y Wit metatheSIS hdm dhnt,. oind
augmentation \l,uh l).
\\alst". The verb IS either a reduplicative of dilgX dagami, act. part. of dagama; plowshare IS attached', EniloPIC Tna. dahmamii 'd(''itroy'
'tx-It' (ahtwc) or a development of meanmg of dogda- d,gum (K 0) 'repeated, reciled', ErnloPlc Tna. dug'i. d.g",i 'plough beam', Amh ,
ga If 'gC'1 up early In the morning> gird oneself dagJm (fern. dagJmt) 'second, other, further' Gur. dagar; also in Cushllic: Be. dUKure. Sa. dU1{re, daberi .o;~t- (Ll) 'gunpowder' ,
and he read) 1('1 move', For a similar development. (dagJm 'orit, 'orit zadagJm, 'Deuteronomy'); , Or. digre. from Ar daMra 'ammUnition for war" also \mh
cp Hch. hWdm 'rise early. do something early', (dag,m I,dat 'regeneration ); dahera. • • .
dcnOmmall\-C from .~'f~fm 'shoulder', the verb mean- (dag,ma, ba-dagam 'twice, for the second lime dag·.~a I (y,dg'J~), dagg'a~a 1I.'l-K 'pnck.
ing 'load (10 the early morning) the back of a beast puncture, goad, poke, prod, transfix, pierce,
secondly, again, further, furthermore, onc~ da~ara (pdhafJ 11.".<1.. (T.M) 'pensh, be Wiped
> get up early, do somethmg early 10 the mornmg', sting, smite, punch, wound';
more. moreover'); out, ?e spOiled, (KDTW 174) pu,h ",de. reo
dogdog ~"I~"1 (T) 'cock'; tadag'~a, passive;
('idagma 'no more, never more, no longer'); pUlse;
tadag'usa (K'), reciprocal of dag'a,w;
SrMlTlC AT dagt'ig 'domestic fowls: cocks. hens. d,gam (K 0) 'repeating, reciting the prayers' dlih!'pushmg out, expulsion, plundcrillg. (T M)
(n) ; 'astadag'a~a 'slander, express enmity through
chu:kens', from an onomatopoetic dgdg, for which rUin, disaster, perdition. corruptIOn',
cpo Sh. cdt'Xdt'g 'make a tapping noise' See also dagimot'repetitlOn'; slander, cause dispute, sow discord';
dag' ~i, act. part. of dag' a~a; SFMITIC: Heb. da~ar 'pu!lh away. lnod off', Aram.
dagJd)!a II. dagamawi, dagamay (fern. dagamawit, dag,mit)
dagu~, pass. part. of dag'a.1a, rbhae, Akk da'opu (von Soden 146); relaled 10 Ar
'second' ; dahaf'push' (see Landberg 1910: 860).
dogdug ~"I'<:'''1 (LI) 'fearful'; thg" ~al, verbal noun of daK'usa;
mJdgiim 'place, time, or book for reciting, a ETHIOPIC: Tna. dti~/lri:i 'damage, harm. mJun~',
ETHIOPIC Amh. (dJ Jdiigiiddiigii 'rrighten, cause to piece in the d,gg'a to be repeated' (Velal 469); ",adg'J~, madg~, madg'as 'goad';
Amh. daft 'push, push over, sho\"c\ related to
be afraid' mastadag...·a~. part. of )astadag"'a~a; Amh. daDa (df') 'push over'. Gur diiJ"'/iJ'd"ap-
ETHIOPIC: Te. dogma 'repeat', daggiim 'second infu-
SEMITIC: the closest root is Aram.-Syr da'(J~ 'prick, pear, be extinguished'
dagafa (r~dli.J) J',U. (KOKBT) 'sustain, prop, sion of coffee', Tna. diigama 'repeat, recite', Amh
support': daggamii 'repeat, add, recite prayers', dagam 'sec- Slick, Ihrust in' (so also Dillmann 1133), bUI Ihe
phonetic correspondence is not regular do~ka (y,d!lOkJ ~"'h, (T) do~ka ~h 'creep.
ond', diigmo, diimmo 'again', Har. dagiin lisa ' review
ETHIOPIC: Tnil.Amh. diiggiifii 'sustain, prop, Sup- ETHIOPIC: Amh. madg"a! 'callie prod' (from Geez) crawl, go on all fours, be lame, limp, h.,itate
a lesson' (that is, 'do it a second time'). The root
pori one's family', Te. dagfa, Arg. deggafa, GUT. (in speaking)";
passed into Cushitic: Bil. dagiim 'repeat'.
deJ!g~rii; passed into Cushilic: Bil. diigii[ii 'sustain', dag'a~a II 11. 'l-K (K oJ 'arrange, arrange well, 'adhaka, causative;
A" degaf-~"a. dagan, dogan 11.;)'1 : f.;J'), (OT) dig;;n .II..n, prepare (food for a wedding feast), deco- th!luk (KO) 'one who crawls, who creeps',
dagaga 'y.dg.g) J',77 (KO) 'be superior, be (K) degan J!.;J') 'curved, winding, bent, turned rate, cover with leather'; m,d~ak (K 0) 'place where one creeps',

proud' ; Ihe wrong way, bow (n)'; ETHIOPIC: Amh. diigg"'iisii 'cover with leather, make SEMITIC: related to Ar. daha~a 'drag on the ground'
ETHIOPIC: Amh.Gur. dagan 'carding bow', Har. designs on a book cover' (nole Amh. dg"s, wllh s, (Dilimann 1084).
ETHIOPIC Amh daggaga 'be proud, be arrogant'.
as agamst G. dg'!, wilh !). ETHIOPIC: Te, dii~aka 'crawl on hand~ and knec~'.
dig{m 'bow', (ta)dogana 'be bent'; also m Cushilic:
dag"ha J','/<U (H), dag"~a 11.1'''' (U) 'strike, Som. degan 'cardmg bow', Aw. dagan, Sid.Dar Tna. dahaJsii 'stamp', Amh.Gur. daha, d<Jka.
fighl' ; dahi 11.'/. (T.M) = Amh. g'a.l'ya 'kind of pea
believed to cause paralysis of the legs if eaten do~l_ (yad!lOl) ~"'t1 (KDTW 15t) 'flee, be
ETHIOPIC Te. dagha 'strike' is not to be connected digen ./11.') (T) 'pan, frying pan'; with milk or linseed'. defeated';
with G. :iig~a 'close', as suggested by Littmann- tad,~/a, (L.Gr.313) tad.,"'a, (T) tacL'~/a 'with-
see also fegan, tegan I.
HOfner 54t The root passed Inlo Cushllic: BII. dahal 1I.UCI (GT.438) 'gold'; draw, retreat, retire, flee, be pUI to flighl, run
dagah 'strike' (from Tigre). deg_n_ J!.7) 'pursue, persecute, chase, follow,
mispnnt for dahab, from Ar, dahah; also Te.Tna. away, (K) be defeated';
dagaJ I 1I.7C1 (T) 'shackle'. track (hunter),; diih ab' go Id' . da~1 (K oJ 'fleemg' (n),
~adegana, causative;
SEMITIC' Ar. da~ala 'remove to a distance, flee'. The
dagal If 1I.7C1 (T) = Amh. gagano 'ibis'; degani, (KG) deggan, act. part. of degana; dhm, madihamt oo./109"-l- (0 1394); for mada-
conneclion wllh Ug. dhl'fear' (Fisher 65), and Syr
probabl) wrongly laken from danqal = Amh. gaga- SEMITIC the connection with Syr. dagan 'be blurry maht,

for which see damha

n. d.hel 'fear' (Appleyard 54) IS unhkely. Schuhhess
no 'IbIS" 4 hnes above dagal in Tayya 101. (eyes)' suggested by Brockelmann 1928: 142 IS un' 66-7 likewise connects various SemitiC roots mean-
dihmama ./100000 (K 0), da~mama -'\"10000
likely. ing 'fear' and 'flee', See on thIS root H. Rabin, IDS
d.g"lommi 1:l'CI'" 'necklace, bracelet'; (T), d~mama ./IihoPoP (KG) 'demolish, destroy,
ETH10PIC: Tna. dagiinii 'pursue', Te. diigna 'chase, 2 (t972).363, 367
metatheSIS In relation LO dalg"'i1mma II. below. drive away', ( rii)dagiina 'persecute', Amh. diiggiillii (K) dig, scratch the ground, cultivate, pile up ETHIOPIC: Te, da/~a 'reject. dnve away' (with me~
'Irack' (hunler; from Geez). Reinisch 1902: 105 com- (grain), make a bed (for flowers, vegetables)"; .. IheslS), Amh. dalla (from dl') 'ftee', cpo also Tn.
dagama (rJdgJm) J',700 'repeat, do a second pares Som. (mi)dgan 'hunler'; cpo also Bit. dugan Amh.Gur. rbl'victory', HaT. dili. The noun d31, Ji/i
SEMITIC: Praetorius, ZDMG 57 (1903). 275 connects
lime, be again. recite prayers or incantations'; 'chase away', Sid, dugannii. 'hunter', II wilh AT. hadama 'demolish, pull down' (wilh would then mean 'act of makmg someone Hec', that
• •
dbr 129

J~. '\"h..'IOr) - (SO also Praetorius 1879:385; d'Abbadie EnuoPlc: Te. diiha~a 'slip, stumble'. Tna. diihasii madhani 'redeeming (adj), redeemer. savior';
('an)diilha~a (with augmented I), Amh.Gur. 'd~ti; ('anta dJbra 'behlOd');
(mad~ane 'iilam 'Christ', lit. 'saVIOr of the
774) 'glide, trample, crush'. The derivation of Har. diga world');
(:amtbb r 'from behlOd. ofter [timen,
dab.nsi dahand.'}l\ ,'}' 'a little 'come' from db¢ suggested by Littmann, ZA 33
mad1]anil 'salvation, deliverance, safety, redemp-
( amtbbra [conl] 'after that'),
stl~k ~s~ f~r ;triking a stringed instrument'; (1921).108 IS unlikely. The root db<!. dl~<.i is un-
tion, medicine';
('amtbbra-za 'afterwards. loter'):
doubtedly connected with Bit ga/~al 'slide', ();mJ~&~a :anlussa 'from now on');
ETHIOPIC Amh. tbhJn,fa (from Geez). madh;miiwe 'salvation'; dabaru end, posterity';
da~.~. I (yadljiilj) "')'1 (K*) 'excavate, hollow madhaniiwi 'saving' (adj);
dabara (yadhar) ""'t. 'divorce, repudiate (a (daljiirita 'at the end, backwards beh d In
out'; ,atbhno(r) 'guaranty for a person';
wife), send away (a wife)'; dJhuh 'hollow, excavated, concave, chasm - the back'); . 10.

ladJhra (K') 'be divorced'; ., --

cave' ;
, SEMITIC: Praetorius 1890:45·6 wrongly suggests two dal]rit-a 'backward, backwards
behind" ,
the ba"k
' . .
d"h4rl (fem. of *da!lUr) 'divorced, repud,ated; roots: dl]n I 'be saved', and d~n II 'guaranty'. His
related to dabaya. identification of dJ:Jn 'guaranty' with AT. rahana daljart 'end';
SEMITIC AT. da~ara 'drive away, banish. repudiate'. 'pledge' is unlikely. Nor is his identification of c/J..m
ETHIOPIC: Te. (t»dahara 'be separated, be kept diib! a)riiwi, dab! a)riiy 'last, late, farthest';
da~.~. II (yadl]iilj) ,,').., (Y.M.T in the reprint), 'be saved' with the Semitic root hn' 'enjoy" with a
apart'; passed into C~shitic: Qua. dahar 'divorce';
dabariiwi, dabariiy, same;
dah.~. "Uth (T), dahaba "UU (MA) 'be strong, prefixed r- becoming thn (with agglutinated r) >
perhaps Bil. daqar. be solid, be high'; - convincing.
dh" , dhn. -
dJh"nna 'end" ,
ETHIOPlc: Tna. diihanii 'be safe, be well', Te. dii~a­
radJbrot (n) 'being afterwards, being later on';
. , tadahasa
dhs . +"",(1 (Ll) 'be trampled down, --
dJhuh (T) 'strong';
na. Amh. dana 'be saved. be spared (life)', Gur. SEMITIC: Soq. r~ar 'remain behind' H. Bauer, ZS
be trod on'; SEMITIC: Ar. da~ii~ 'big, enormous (woman, she- df./"IG 'well' (from Amharic). For G. madJpn ·guaran. 10 (1935).176 derives G. tbhra from SemItic t + 'hr
'ad!"sor (Lt) 'swift movement of the feet'; cattle),. tor', cpo Tna. miidlJan, Amh. mad'JII, Gur. madin. (so also Dillmann 1108) with a 'verkapptes I-Refle;i-
SEMITIC: AT. dahasa 'search by stirring the ground The root passed into Cushitic: Qua. dahan 'be vum': ·ta~a~ara > ·ta~a,a > d~r (with I > d by
d.~na (yadban) .e-')~
'be saved, be unharmed, saved. be in good health', Kham. dihen, Be. dehan. assimilation due to f). Rundgren 1955:209 derives
with the feet', Ar. (Oman) dahas 'destroy'; related
to AT dahasa 'trample, crush', do(osa 'trample escape safely, be spared, be safe and sound, be mJdan 'guarantor', tbbra from ··,mta 'Jhra > ·',mdahra > d')hra. For
released' ; J~r, see ,aljara. abov~. - -
down, crush'
>adhana 'save, keep safe, deliver, rescue, be a d~r I, d.~r. (yad!]ar) .e-,)t., da~ara "'1t. (D.K) ETHIOPIC: Tna. dii~larii 'delay, be late. remain be-
ErnloPlc: Tna. dii&asii 'destroy. demolish', Te. diiha-
sa 'tread down', Amh. dasii 'step on, trample, demol-
guarantor' ; 'be behind, follow behind, be late, be last'; hind', Te. lii~lQ,a 'delay, retard', (rii)dii~ara 'be kept
ish', Gur. dasa 'demolish, destroy'. See also dosoya. tadJhna 'act as a guarantor (for a person)'; apart" Amh. dahrii 'post-' as 10 dJhrii maruq 'post-
dahara 'delay';
(zalad.ljna 'the person for whom a guaranty is
'adhara. >adahara 'delay, defer, retard, leave
graduate' (dahrii coming from Geez). The con·
da~aya ""'f; see daljaya. given');
- -
behind, (T) cause to follow';
nection with Te. diihara 'be low, be little' suggested
by Littmann-HMner 509 is unhke1y. As for dJro
dJhun 'safe and sound, wholesome, unharmed,
dahud .e-~.e- (Sw. in D 1398, Gr.438), d.hud - lad.hra,
- -
ladahara 'remain behind, be behind, 'previously' (Tna.Amh.Arg.Gur.). the suggestion
.e-IJ-.e- (B) 'bridle'.
immune (to)';
(dJljuna 'safely, peacefully');
stay away, tarry, draw back, loiter, linger, be
delayed, be late, come at a late hour';
made by Praetorius 1879:375 to derive it from d~r.
that is, 'something that is behind', is doubtful.
dahin 'deliverance, salvation'; 'asladaljara, >astadiibara 'preserve to the last,
d.~1a (yadljad) .e-')S
'glide, slide, slip, trip, -
diihn dahn 'safe, sound and well, whole, un- reserve to the last, reserve, keep back, restrain,
d~r II, da~ara (y.dbar) "'1t., (L) da~ra .e-.ltt.
stumble, totter, miscarry';
-' -
harmed, (Or.476) innocent, not guilty; safety, postpone, defer, delay, retard, find oneself lag-
'bless, invoke favor upon, sanction, allow, (KO)
marry off';
'ad~atja 'let slip, let slide, miscarry, make mis- well-being, security, immunity'; ging behind, linger';
tadahra, passive;
carry'; (diiljna, ba-diiljn 'peacefully, safely'); dabari (fem. daljiiril, pI. m. daljiirayiin, pI. f. -
dahur 'blessed';
daljiitji, act. part. of dJljtja; diihna (dJhnii) 'health, safety, safeguard, sound- daljiirJyiir, pI. com. dabart) 'last, latter, poste-
dJhud. 'one who slides, one who slips'; - -
ness, integrity, welfare, security'; rior, rear, latest, hindmost';
m~dhar. mad""r 'one who blesses; benediction,
bles;ing, san~tion. (M) good omen';
diiljd. dabatj, (L) daljiitj 'sliding (n), slipping, (ba-diiljnii 'safely'); (za-dabiiri 'last, farthest');
downfall, slippery ground, slippery thing, stum- (ba-daljiiri 'later on'); SEMITIC: the derivation of d~r (instead of dbr) from
d.hnal 'salvation, deli verance, integrity';
.lah~rt (from a non-existing ~wr in Geez 'be merci·
bling block, error, obstacle, impediment, abor- (~;ma d'anal 'Fast of Wednesday and Fri- diibra (Gr) 'then, afterwards';
fur') > 't~r > d~r suggested by Praetorius 1890:46
tion' ,. day'); da!]r, (Gr.476) dii~r 'rear, posterior, back, past
is unlikely.
dJMal 'slipping (n), tottering, blunder'; )adbiini, act. part. of 'adbana; also 'savior'; (time)';
ETHIOPIC: Te. ddl}ara 'bless, implore blessing'. Arg.
mad~atf. madljad, (K 0) madl]atji 'slipping (n), 'adhano( I) 'salvation, deliverance, guaranty (for (daljra 'behind, back, back of, backwards, diihara, Gur. dara 'bless the newly married', Amh.
sliding. (K) that which makes slip, that which -
a person)'; afterwards, then, finally, at last, after, last dara 'marry off' (probably by giving a blesslOg).
makes slide, slippery'; ('adhano za-nafs 'guaranty for a person'); [adv], late');
madl]iitj 'slippery place';
madhan 'redeemer, savior, saving (adj), deliverer,
guarantor for a person';
(with suffix pronouns the base is d.hre-; note
da~rehu 'afterwards, thereafter'); -
dabs ./1,)11 (Ll) 'cottage';
seems to represent Amh. das (see below) in a Geez
SEMiTIC: Ar da~a¢> 'slip', 'adha¢> 'make slippery',
Ar (Yemen) ,ahOof 'slip'. Soq. daha" 'slide'. (madljana nafs 'guarantor for a person'); (ba-d.ljra 'behind, after'); form.
dahl • 130 dalu daldal a 131

• • dlqlq
dahaya ( l'ad""I' ) ~""f, (T.Y.M) da~aya ~"'f diikiima 'weak'. Praetorius 1894:324 suggests a S'.AS'./\ 'level, even out';
'n'ca'vate, dig ~r, hollow out, grind grain, (T) connection with Or. t;lukkuba which means, how_ ETHlOPlc ' T;. (.,mJilK ' bracelet' Amh . dJI~lJmma.
ever, 'hurt, ail, be sore'. ETHIOPIC: Tna. diildald 'level off the ground', Amh. See also rbg Iilmma .
dig deep, penetr. te'; diiliiddald, Har. di/ada/a , Gur. d.ladala. See also
lud'''l'a (K'), passive: dakaml J:'tr9".r (It) 'kind of measure' ; da/dayy, below. d.lkaml J:'Atr9".r (Ltl 'kind of measure '
dohil'; (With M, mad"ayi, mad"a), (K '), part. see also dalkamt. see also dakamr. '
of dullal'a; daldayy J:'AJ:'f- (It) 'bridge';
. . ,
dallUl' (K .Gr) 'dug up, hollowed out; d.kun J:'h-,} (It) 'kind of fruit or plant'. from Amh . da/d.yy: also Arg.Gaf. da/day . The other dalala, daUala 1./\/\ (T Y.K.M) 'comb the hair,
m~d11e (pI. madalp),} 'upper millstone'; Ethiopian languages have the root dld/ : Tna da/d./, braid the hair, tnm the hair neatly' ;
dakusbatari Y.h-illI"'~, (K) dak".sbatari S'.tt-il Har. di/di/a, Gur. di/di/. The verbs 'build a bridge' radalala, tadal/a, passive; also ' be wavy (haITY
SEMITIC: related to Ar. daha (dlly) 'push', Heb.
II'''~ 'glory (praise) to the Father'; (Te. dd/dd/a, Tna. dii/dii/o, Amh . do/iiddii/ii) are de· dal/ul 'combed, curly, curled, undulatin2:
da(ul (d~1)'), Aram. da(IQ. d3(r1 'push, knock down',
Svr. chlla. The comparison with Ar. ra(la 'grind- from Gk. doksa patri 'glory to the Father'. nominatives. Praetonus 1879: 132 IS undoubtedly tnmmed" , -
• •
.stone", Heb. re(w-yim suggested by Praetorius 1890: correct in deriving daldayy 'bridge' from the root tbl/iile 'curled hair, curl, (Gr,47.1) woman's
did! 'even out, level off'.
45 (followed by Broekelmann 1928:72) is unlikely. daktama S'.tr.,·OD 'become an orphan, be de. h3lrdo, thick head of hair': (note that tbl/a/e
ETHIOPIC : Te. miidid 'upper grindstone', Amh. miig, prived of parents or children, be destitute, 'black hair' in Gr.473 comes from the expres.
dalaga I, (K.Y.) dallaga S'./\1 'be violent, be
Har. miiggl, Gur. miigii, from miid~e > *miide > become poor'; sIan dal/alehu ~al/im (Cant. 5: II) 'his hair is
vehement. be bold, be spirited, (T.Y.Lt) boast,
mii~, maggi. The root passed into Cushitic: Or. black', and tbl/a/e by itself does not mean
>adaktama 'make orphaned, (M) deprive one of be energetic, be lively, be ardent for battle.
magI, Qab.AI. magga. See also mad(w, dababa I. 'black hair');
parents or children'; (GrJI4) risk, venture, (K) jump, rush into,
tbktum 'orphan, deprived of parents or chil. parry blows, (Y) throw, hurl'; SEMITIC: Ar {/a )da/da/a. {Ia 'danda/a 'dangle'
daku' J:'h-Il, (T) dakwa' J:'tt-Il 'excrement, dren, (T) destitute, poor'; tadalaga, same: (Dozy 1:463: W. Mar,ais 1911 : 30~: landberg 1920 '
dung'; daktiim 'orphan, (KO) poor'; wdiilaga (T.Y) 'boast one to another, exchange 854·5), Soq. n·d/d/'swing', Hob. da/ (dil l 'dangle',
Tna. diikk~iye 'to manure', diik~ if 'ma- daktame, same as daktamanna; also 'seclusion, dalla 'disheveled hair', PbH . dilde/ 'dangle'. Syr.
ETHIOPIC: words in a lawsuit, (T) mock one another,
nure'. There is no connection with Tna. diirk~-a<e retirement' ; ( ·e! )dandai (possibly from 'e!daddu/ > 't!!dmuJa{) .
throw things at one another':
ETHIOPIC : Te. da/iila 'wave', Amh. t1iilliild 'tnm
'knead', as suggested by Wajnberg 1937b: 18. The d,ktam,nnii 'state of being orphaned, state of dalag, tbliig (T), tb/agot (T.K *) 'boasting, jump. hair' .
root also occurs in Cushitic: Or. dike 'dirt, dung'. orphanhood, state of being deprived of parents ing, parrying blows';
or children'; dalaqa (yadl,q) S'.M' (K) 'be agitated, be
ETHIOPIC: Te. dolliiga 'be bold, be courageous'. The
dakma (yadkam, pdkam) S'.trOD 'become weak, SEMITIC: Grohmann 1919: 245 derives it from a connection with Har. dii/aga 'work, prepare, culti- shaken, be turbulent, move quickly';
become weary, become feeble, be tired, be basic meaning 'be secluded', from t-krm, Ar. kalama vate the land' suggested by Littmann, ZS I (1922). 'adlaqa (K ') 'agitate, shake, cause to be turbu·
exhausted, be ill': 'conceal', takattama 'be concealed', with (becoming 46 is unlikely. A. Ambros suggests a connection lent' ;
'adkamQ 'weaken, make weak, weary, make d and agglutinated to the root. He justifies his with dalaqa, below. SEMITIC: Ar. dalaqa 'dash forward', 'inda/aqa 'be
soft, tire, (GrJ22) deprive of virginity, violate'; derivation by stating "da man im Orient zum Zei-
dalaga II S'./\1 (Sw. in D 1083) 'put on clothes'; impelled'. Ar. (Dat) da/aq 'push forward' .
dakiim; (Lt) 'weak': chen der Trauer sich ins Haus zuruckzieht und sich ETHIOPIC: Amh. dallaqa 'strike, hit hard', Har. dilfiq
dakum. dak"am 'weak, feeble, tired, exhausted, niehl sehen liesse, ware der Bedeutungsubergang zu ETHIOPIC: Amh. dalago 'cloak of hide or sheepskin' . ala 'hit violently and produce a sound'. See also
'orbari' (be deprived of children) leicht verstand·
tender, wretched'; d/q/q. and dalaga I. above.
lich". This comparison is unlikely. The derivation dalg"ammii r Y:A 1"ry (T), d.lg"ammiin J:'A1'
dJkam 'weakness, exhaustion, weariness, fa- from daq·yalam 'orphan·child' suggested by Litt· "'I'} (KG) 'porridge';
tigue, feebleness, infirmity, slackness, delicacy, dlqlq, > "J:'/\~/\'" 'shake (intr), be
mann, ZA II (1896). 321 is not convincing. One dalg"ama (T) 'prepare porridge' (denomina·
trouble, effort. toil, labor. hardship': shaken, quake. tremble, cause to quake, cause
might suggest deriving daklama 'be an orphan' from tive);
tbkmat. verbal noun of dakma: dakma 'be feeble', above, with an infixed t. to tremble':
d:.Jkm;mnii ':)tate of infirmity. weakness'; ETHIOPIC : Tna . zdkliimii 'be an orphan', with a ETHlOPIC: Amh. diilg"'iim 'a variety of sorghum'. tblaqlaq 'shaking (n), violent agitation, rattimg,
'adkiimi (Gr) 'one who tires out'; variant d:z. The root passed into Cushitic: Sa. dak- trembling, quaking, tumult, uproar, comma·
d.lg"ammii II J:'A 1'"'1 'ring, bracelet, neck· tion, tempest, earthquake'; (Gr.31J) 'brossage
madkam. part. of 'm/kama; also 'troublesome'; tam ·orphan'. For the meanings 'orphan, poor" cpo lace' ,.
madkami (Gr) 'one who tires out'; Gur. (Masqan) yiilim. et arrangement des cheveu" is strange since it
SEMITIC: SAr. dg/m·t 'ring, bracelet' (W. Muller is not a translation of 'concussio, agitatio'
SEMITIC: von Soden 151 connects with it Akk. daka- 1983:278). Ar. d!lm/ag. d!lmhig 'ring, bracelet' is
diille -,\1\" (Gr.438) dalle S'.I\, 'bone of the back, given by Grebaut, ib.; it seems to refer to the
rna. "etwa 'sich beugen· ... Barth 1893:2-3 identifies taken from Geez according to Fraenkcl 56 and
with it Aram. dama! 'sleep' (with metalhesis), as (Or) buttocks'; preceding d.lIal;
Noeldeke 1910: 53. For the Arabic dialectal variants
against I'raenkel 1898: 64. ETHIOPIC: Amh. dalle 'hips (of a woman),. ETHIOPIC: Te. diiliiqliiqa 'shake, tremble', da/Jq/aq
of this noun, see W. Mar,ais 1911 :293, under dabli::
EnnoPIC': Tna. dii!iimii 'be tired, be weak', Te. note Ar. (Alger) med/ei (with metathesis). land berg 'earthquake', Tna. (b/'q/'g 'earthquake', Amh. (a).-
diikma, Amh. diikkiimii, Arg. diikkiima. Har. daggii- dalu S'.tr (It) 'Aquarius (sign of the zodiac)'; d/aqdlldqd 'shake': passed inlo CushlllC: Bil. da·
1920:846 seems to derive the Arabic noun from Af.
rnii (With dk > dg): passed into Cushitic: Qem. see cia/IV. (Dat) darn/ag 'roll'. laq/aq 'quake'. See also da/aqa.
132 dilawl jlI'

c Tna.I be a convement. be sUlta ble ., A m h . ('ad )durnm.l'a 'let partlclpale' T

dilo'iOn, ddo'on .ttIl-{I1 l J1.II-{I1, (T) dilosin be profitable, be agreeable'; with object Suffix Ettl10P1,
IIIJ'~ 'partlclpale In a culpabl ,na. !a darn·
pronouns, 'deserve, be worthy of, be due to 'I>< call1fortab e· favor', Te , eMla I dlk I 'be n:ady',
.'tll-.n 'garmenl of a high pnesl, (T) sIlken a how one See also diunha I e a,~on of some_
be entitled to, should' (e.g. yadal/>wom 'the; GUf fa ,dall
. sd certalOl),.• F or A m. h Q.l ·d0 IIam
" 'h e
turban" ,bib'" ',ndCC 'k 10 dlll"'be convement', see Cohen
ft,'m uk , dilosrll (ace . "g, of dilOsis) 'cxplanati~n,
mtcrrret3110n' II renders Heb. "jrim, and G. ~tlo­
deserve, they are worthy', yadallawanm 'I
should'): I
15not g
. Ding
bul se
• p .
e Leslau 1979 : 1.. , raetonus, - -
19:4 Il . 8)753-4 is probably correct In combln-
LD dimbure -'lV"ll-o(. (Lt) 'coarse (fabnc),
probably from .-\mh . d,'-'
..,·,mura diimburr' • L. _ _
son .. c:em~ 10 be wrongly translated by Tayya as (:ayadal/u 'proper, seemly, appropriate'); \lG6~ (I~ I 'weigh' with dalak'a II 'be SUlt- quality doth made of eOlion and' h t c~tQP ~lIfar ' whlle silk cloth. silken turban'. (:a';yy.dal/II 'unseemly, improper'); ot er matenal '
In, dala•. I say the concept '''''gh. have the
(baza';yyadallu 'unduly'); e, that IS o . I d ' h f dambus .I:"'J"1l-1l 'c\ b
d.lut, d.llut .1:"", •.,. : see (dalawa l. [f), dalaII', ·adlawa, causative; also 'please, satisfy, pre- ,bl , .' hI' could have deve ope Inlo I al 0 U • ITon mace, Iron ... taff'.,
co "".
beiOg suitable. correct, IIttmg. an so on,
represenLS cbnhus. with m~rtcd n see lbbb f
dall,II . pare, accept favorably, respect, revere, do fa- wmet~iOg h wrongly separates the meanmg 'get nlb<-nh MI' ~'or
< ,cp. a so Ar. (Iraq) Jamhw 'mace'
vors, show partiality, take sides, flatter, adu- Ho."er, raa ed Ilawa'be ready', d.II.... 'ready') from
dala .. a I (""dill). dallawa YoIIID 'weigh': d'las .'
late, be a hypocrite'; ~,y 1 d compares It wllh Ar (Ha<ir. Oat) damdama YoV"f.oo (T .M) 'let th e h'air grow
)adlml'u 'cause to weigh'; dol,.a I an Iong. have long half':
(·adlawa la-ga~~, ·adlawa la'ala ga~~ 'show par- Jalla ·begm'. See also mdlk'
ladalwa. lodalall'd 'be weighed':
tiality to, show favor to, favor'): 'adamdama (Lt) 'adorn the head ,,;th knotted
daliill'; 'one who weighs', -wi dalawi .l:"1:ICD- : Yo,,'!! : YoII'!!. (LI) hatr';
ladallawa 'be prepared, get ready, be found I
dal w• da a t . )'
d,l'lI" (fern dallll) 'weighed';
,bh 'welght, weigh mg' :
worthy, enjoy oneself, live in luxury, enjoy dalu ,.n
OA, 'Aquanus (zodIac sign , durnd.llla 'hair of head, long locks. (S~ In D
pleasure, be fortunate, have in abundance': ) d-dolw 'Water carner'; also in Amh. 1091) head, top of head';
modlo (ll) 'weight, balance': rlOm Ar·or. aAram -Syr daw ,- i Ia, For A r
Md . ,au
madlo/ (pI. lIIadol,") 'weight, measure, balance, 'as/adal/all'a, 'asladiilawa 'make ready, make dOlo)" na)as,'
, FTHIOPIC Amh, dJmfiJdamiJ 'let the halT grov. ';
scales, pnce. value. proportion'; preparations, prepare, cause to prepare, estab- ." I' see KunilZSCh 1961 5• .
'/lll-uQ 1\. perhap, 10 be Identified Wllh .bm"h 'head' II«
(modalall'a dailay 'sundial': translation of Ar. . , lish, make worthy, reserve. revere, (It) equal- below) reduced 10 dm and reduplicated ., dmJm.
lze : dallawin .1:"1:1'1'1: see dala",a II.
mf::iinu a§-Jams)~
dallall' (fern. dallul) 'fit, fitting, proper, suitable, dmdm I, 'adamdama hf.V"f.oo IT Y M)'go 10-
('.l>lIa madalall' 'balance'): dalay. f-hf (H) 'Wish, want': gether (army),;
('al"lIa mudal"I' 'tongue of a balance'): worthy, deserving, becoming, appropriate,
due, successful, established, ready, prepared'; En"oPlc" Tna dilliiyii '\\iish. deSIre', Te . diila rJIi) Sl:.MITIC related to the meaning of AI' ,1ammfJ
madlut 'price':
see also dal/aIViin, below; 'care aboUt' 'make even',
/IIadlall" (lI). madlaw; (M) 'balance':
(dullawa, ba-dullaw 'worthily, becomingly, suita- ETHIOPIC'. Amh. diimiiddamii 'Ic'fel off, Gur J,l1I1m
SEMITIC SAr m-dl .... m-dl/ 'weight', Soq. dele daliy f.~" (T) 'male genital organs' hara, dJmd.lnim hara 'be very dme to one another'
bly, properly');
'welgh' Dilimann 1078 (followed by others) con-
nect~ it \I.'lth Scm. dllt', dly 'draw water from a well':
dallawiill, pI. of dal/aIV (Gr.474,KBT) 'that which dam f.V" 'blood, sap': dmdm n, 'adamdama hf.V"f.tJD (Y.M) 'cause
Heb. J(ila. Ar. dala. Aram. dJla, dJli, Syr., Akk, is proper, that which is right, special funeral Idama nafr 'human or antmal blood'); to be aSlomshed or stupefied';
dahi. A Ambros suggests for dlU',y an origmal rites' (so called because this word occurs in the I~ba dam, ba'iila dam 'avenger of blood'): see dmm I, lad(mmltJ
meanlOg 'hinuntergehen lassen', that is. 'den Eimer section of prayers for this kind of funeral); IbJ'dse dam 'bloodthirsty'):
10 den Brunnen ebcnso wie das gewogene Gut lur d.lwa/ 'being fit (n), fitness, being appropriate dam~a (y"dln.d. y"dmad) f.V"8 'resound With
(sulofe dam 'relation by blood');
Ge"Khts·~tlmmung an der Waage', However. these (n), propriety, worthiness, suitability, legal cries, shout. roar, make noisc':
damoH'i (K') 'pertaintng to blood, bloody':
\crbs are denomlOatlves from ·dali 'pail' and there right, desert, merit': 'admada 'make resound'.
does not seem 10 be an\ connection between G. dlw
damma,,'a, see below, •

'\\flgh' and dla\. dly 'dra\\. water from a well'
(dalwala, ba-dalwal 'duly, justly, rightly');
SEMITIC' Ar dam 'blood', SAT elm, Heh. dam.
d,'IIIUd 'resoundmg'.
tadlii 'pleasure, enjoyment, delight, raplure, (/.lIl1d\·oice, sound, loud noise, rumbling, ru-
Practonus 1890 : 3~ note· considers It related to Ar Aram,·Syr thmii, Md. dma. Ug, elm, Akk , dcimll,
"alia f dll J 'indicate'.
luxury. charm, affluence, dignity, glory, suita-
See on IhlS biradical rool Nocldeke 1910 I 17 IT.
mor, report. noise, whisper'. . .
ETHIOPIC: Tna , JiiliJkii '"elgh·. Amh. diilla 'be bility, propriety, appropriateness, prepara- ETHIOPIC' dam.
dJrlllJall'i (Gr) 'noisy, one with a good vOice:
. ,
measured out, be weighed', perhaps Te. dilla (dill') tlon ; 'adn;{i~1i (Gr.475), madmad (K') 'thaI makes
·knoy., ex:aclly' (that is, 'by weighing'). Praetorius 'adlawa, 'adlaIVa ga~~ 'doing favors (n), favor- dom ',V" (T) 'slave'. resound' :
1879132 connecls It wllh Ihe rOOI dldl'level' (Amh. itism. flattery, partiality, hypocrisy, taking EIHIOPIC: .. ,soun d·
Te. 'adma,~a ,spe ak' , Tna.. 'ud·.
Tna Har.Gur). See also da/awa II sides' (n): dm', 'admo'. h.l:"'J"o 'reach, obtain, receive, .... Amh. ddmmiilcl 'cry out. make noise , fi.Jm~
(';'adlaIVa 'impartiality'); attain, overtake, grasp, acquire, find': ~1U.!a, "Qund'.• pass~d into Cushitic: Qt!m. d,mllf
VOice, :I
dal ... a II I yadlu' YoIIID 'be suitable, suit, be 'asradiilow; (Gr), part. of 'asladiilawa; 1M renders Y's adiimmiiqii [Amharic transla· 'sound'.
fittmg. befit. be appropriate, be proper, be madal/aw, madlaw, madiilalV, madlall'; 'hypo- lion of 'adm,'a] 'make red-hot', but it could
seeml), be correcl, be becommg to. behoove. damha I Yo'J"'" (T Y.M) 'possess, acqUire. daml-
crite, unjust judge'; a.lso mean 'cause to sing together with other -
be conventent. be meum bent upon. be neces- madalall' 'fitting': nate' ;
Singers' and possibly be a development of the 're' above
sar~, have to, be one's duty, deserve, be useful, madlul 'fitting manner, suitable manner'; related to tim', )amnJ'Q 'reCel\e, acqUl, '
meaning 'participate', as IS the case III Te.
134 dammana daJD. nmtn 135
• -
damha II {\'Jdnltiil! r.9"'"
(K.Y) 'dip, dunk, (dmm) 'be silent', PbH . dimdem 'to silence', Aram. damanm m 'obscure, very gloomy, rather

plunge, ,In.,draw with a ladle, scoop up WIth damdem 'lie in a stupor', Md. dndm « dmdrn) 'be
deprived of speech or movement by emotion, be
cloudy' ;
bnghtl.;' gleam' (.asagainst Ltslau. I4l..1S
82{196.j.3), Amh. dammjqJ 'be bnghl tcolor) be
a ba,ket, (Y T K) penetrate, know thoroughly,
, stupefied', dmm 'come to a stop'; for Ug. dm 'be SEM me: the connectionfi with Heb. domrn 'dung', hvely', Arg. diimmiiqa 'be beautiful' Gur <I... '__
,),' ~ . amaq/J.
e\amme: A damana 'manure a eId' (' elg. '-be .
u rZlehen [den H af. uamaqa 'become Ii vel)"
tranquil', see Caquot 532. The root is related to Ar.
madma" (K), madma!, (T), madmab, ma~mabl dama (d",m) 'stand still', Heb. dama (dmy) 'be /kern suggested by Buhl 165 is unlikely. Land-
(L D), madma!, (L), pI. madama", madamab, silent', duma (dwm ) 'silence', Soq. deme 'sleep', Md.
:rg 1920:848 gives Ar. dmna basicmeaning 'be r.
damrnara I OD (. 'InSert, add, JOin, "«ociate,
madam'''1 (L) 'ladle, cup, bowl. spoon for obscure" but in fact thl~ mea~mg. appl~es only ~o G. UIute, nux, mmgle, confound, multiply (m arith-
- .,
administering the Euchanst, grater.
dum 'be quiet'. J. Blau, VT 6 (1956).242-3 connects
the root dmm J with dmm II. See on this root G. v.
dammana, while there IS no Justification for It for metic)' ;
the various meanings of Ar. dmn, lb. tadammara, passive, reflexive; also 'ally on=lf,
Schick, "The stems dum and dmm in Hebrew", JBL
damiih 1.:"'Iih, (K) dama~ 1.:"'1"1, (T) doma,h ETHIOPIC: Tna. diimmiina, diibiin~ 'cloud', Te. have tntercourse';
32 (1913).219-43; N. Lohfink , VT 12 (1962).275-6.
,f;-"'IU 'head, crown of the head, skull, summll ; diimiina , diibiina, Amh.Arg. dammana, Gar. diim- ladamlimara 'mingle with' (Amharic fom,),
For a bibliography dealing with the Hebrew rOot
ulna, GUT. dammiina, dobana, HaT. diina (with m > dammiiri (Gr.315), act. part. of dam",,,r,,;
is either borrowed from Ar. dimiig 'brain' or is dmm, see ib. 275, n.1.
;ero); also in Cushitic: Aw. danllniinii. Qem.
connected with Ar. dammo~1Q 'incline the head",. a ETHIOPIC: Te. giimiim bela 'be silent', ('as)dammiima dammur 'added, mixed, united, joined,
'be astonished, astonish', Tna. ('as)dammama 'be
damlina, Had . duban-co. Cerulli 1936 :245 (followed
denominative from *dinuib. The root also occurs In conJoint, mmgled, common; sum, total';
by Brockelmann 1950: 33, and Appleyard, Abbay
Amh. dama" 'top of the head' (probably from astonished, be marvelous, astonish', Amh. dam- (tidmmura 'jointly, implicitly');
9[1978].52) connects these nouns with the Cushitic
Gee,), Arg. damah 'head', Gaf. dam"Ii, Gur. dum mama 'be astonished, be amazed', GUT. dam bara tidmmii,. 'joining together, mmgling, connect-
rOOI tum, dum 'be black', See also Dolgopolsky
'head. haiT of the head', Te. damqat 'crown of the 'be quiet': passed into Cushitic: Bil. (as)damiim 'be ing, unity, uniting, union, oneness, mlxmg,
amazed'. 1937:51.
head' (with g > q in an Arabic loanword); in mixture, communion, intercourse',
Cushitic: Aw. diimi 'top'. Or. dumi 'head'.
dmm II, dammama 1.0000 (K *) 'close, cover,
darnanmin 00'}"'1.1- 'obscure, rather cloudy, damara (Lt.T) 'mingling':
W Muller suggests that G. tidmab (with bJ is Ihe very gloomy, (T) storehouse' (lit. 'dark place'); IJdmJrI 'union, union of the two persons of
original ronn and considers it a cognate with Ar. fill up, heap up, level';
dimiig and not a loanword from AT. dimiig. SEMITIC: Ar. damma 'stop up (a hole), level'.
ETHIOPIC: Amh. diimiinmin 'heavy cloud', See dam- . . communion,
Christ, .
connection, mixture, asso-
mana. elatmg, assoclation, addition, multiplication,
ETHIOPIC: Te. damiima 'close the udder', Tna. diim- intercourse' ;
damakan 1.:"'Ih1- 'large bird of prey, (T) young
diimii 'finish', Gur. damiiddiimii 'block the mouth of d.rnanq 1.:"'11-'" (T) 'large bird of prey';
lion' ; tadammiJro 'unity, union' ~
someone, finish thatching a house'.
see also d;muinq, dilyomiik;m. see damakim.
the root is not to be connected with Syr
dmm III, dommat 1.:00~ (K *.DTW 359) 'shout- damarto 'wonderful, marvelous', as suggested by
damali, damale r."'Ift. l r."'If\, 'heifer (wor- . " domantos,
, domintos
, 1.:"'I1-I"f1 j 1.:"'I1-1'f1 (Lt)
109, nOise; Brockelmann 1928: 158,
shIped as idol), (T) idol in the form of a lion'; 'diamond' ;
ETHIOPIC Te. dammara 'intermingle, mix, add, sum
damala (MA) 'make an idol' (denominative)'; SEMITIC: Ar. damdama 'rumble', Heb. damam 'weep'
from Gk. adamantos (gen. sg, of adamas 'diamond'). up, heap up', Tna.Amh. dammlira; Tna. also diim-
(Dahood 1966:24-5), Ug. dmm 'grieve', Md. dmdm
from Gk. darnalis 'young calf, heifer'; also in Amh. bard (with augmented b). The connectIOn with the
'mutter, grumble', Akk. damamu 'moan, mourn'. darnaqa (pdmaq) 1.00." 'crush, pound, grind,
diimali 'image or likeness of lion' (from Geez). Amharic root gmr, :mr 'begin, start' (for whIch lIee
ETHIOPIC: Tna. diimm biilii 'resound, give forth a
grind to powder, bruise', (T) = Amh. qii!!iillii Leslau 1979:317) suggested by Praetorius 1879:8615
dmrn I, damarna (yadmJm) r.oooo (Lt) 'fill sound', Amh. damm alii, diimmiimii 'make noise',
'be fine, be thin' (should be = Amh, aqiit!iinii unlikely. The root passed into Cushitic: Aw. demer-
with admiration'; (a)diimaddiimii, same, Gur. cbmm barii 'make noise f'o. For the Geez root dmr, see Hammerschmidt
'make thin');
ladamma, ladamama (GrJI5,U) 'be silent, by falling', damdam balii, same. 1961: I52ff. On ao expression In the Anaphora where
ladamqa, passive;
stop. be Immobile, be stupefied, be astonished, this root occurs, see J.M. Hanssens, OCP 7 (1941).
dammana r.oo~ 'cover with clouds, darken, be damiiqi (Gr.315), act. part. of damaqa;
be amazed, marvel, wonder, be dumbfounded, 206-32.
clouded, be dark, be spotted, (T.M) be thick, damuq 'crushed, bruised, pounded';
be confused'; be dense' (denominative of dammalla); damaq, damq 'powder, pulverized substance, dammara II r.oo(. (Lt) 'kick, tap';
'admama (D) 'stupefy, astound, astonish, 'adammana, (L) 'admana 'envelop in clouds, crumbs, dust';
(Gr.315) remain immobile'; SEMITIC: possibly AT. damara 'destroy', Mh. demor
render dark, darken, make gloomy'; dJmqat 'crushing (n), pounding';
'asladamama (U) 'be surprised, wonder'; tadammana, ladamna 'be covered, be obscured, damraz 1.9"(,11 (T) = Amh. Jllb'a)' 'bush
SEMITIC: AT. damaqa 'hit on the mouth and break
dJmam 'stupefaction, astonishment, marvel, be darkened'; the teeth'. having a bitter red or yellow fruit'.
wonder, (K) silence';
dammani (Gr.474), same as dammane; ETHIOPIC: Amh. diimmaqii 'crush, squash'.
tidmmal (K*) 'wondering, astonishment'; darnasa I r.oo(l (DTW 335, under dlibbiisii) 'abol-
dJmmun 'cloudy, covered with clouds, obscure,
madmam 'stupefying, astonishing, astounding, gloomy' ; dmq, >admaqa 1\1.:00'" (U) 'adorn, embellish'; ish, destroy, delete';
wonderful, marvelous; miracle, wonder'; tidmuq (U) 'adorned, embellished'; ladamsa, passive;
dammana (pI. dammallal) 'cloud, mass';
tadammo 'awe. wonder': dJmus (DTW 335), pass. part. of damasa;
(qasta dammana 'rainbow'); SEMITIC: Akk. damaqu 'be pleasing', Ug. dmq 'fine,
SEMITIC onginally 'be silent > be deprived of (JJge dammana 'tender flower, spring flower'); good' . ETHIOPIC: Amh. dabbiisii 'be destroyed' (with alter-
speech > be stupefied. marvel', as in Heb. dam dammane 'darkness, obscurity, cloudy sky'; ETHIOPIC: Tna. diimiiqii'be pretty', Te. domqa 'shine nance of labiaJs). See also damsasa, below.
dlmasa 136 dandar 137

damasa II ' , pdmas ) 1.01'1'1 (T) 'cover, hide'; Aram. dew 'demon', Md. daiua, from Persia d- ETlUO Ptc : Tna. dandiir 'ttilstle', Amh, diindiir. See
damsa \Io:'} 'be dark';
ErnloPlc: Amh. dino, name of an evil spi ~
Mercier 295, n. 18. n. ee
;w. also dede r .
dangal 1.')111. (Lt) 'stalk of papnus'
ETHloptc : Amh dan a" -
dat""", \K} damus 'dark, clouded over, cloudy'; In Lake Tana a~d IS g!\edPrap)TUS reed which gr('lW{

SPdITIC Ar damasa 'cover, hide, (X[JI form) be d.nbo,k".1 f:1f1bti'&\ 'den, cage, net'; d.oga~a, dang~a 1.118 1.112\ 'be terrified,
j u, or makmg l.:vtk'\l-bo.u~·
be shocked, be dismayed, be alarmed, be per-
cloud\ . from daba'k'al, augmented by n. ~I\D(a1lii, dang"aUat, dang"allit J!.,)1v" , I.')
ETHIOPIC' Amh. diimmasii 'tarnish, lose luster', dab- plexed, be perturbed, be upset, be astonished, ,- T I J!.11v"T 'II' T)
danbasa 1.101'1 (MA) 'wrap up, roll up, make be stupefied, be confounded, be amazed, be flower" I y , ( = Amh. suI 'sun,
biisii (with alternance of Jabials) 'turn dull or dark', ,
damu.s 'black cloud'. a bundle'. disturbed in mind, panic, tremble, quake'; (pge dang" allal 'lily');
'adangar!a 'terrify, inspire fear, dismay, strike ("r!a dang' allii 'stem of lily').
damsasa 1.9"1'11'1 'abolish, obliterate, erase, de- d.nbus f:11l-il 'club, iron mace" ,
with terror, alarm, perturb, astonish, amaze" ,
stroy, quench, blot out, extinguish, wipe out, represents dabbus, above, with augmented 11' d.ng31 (p.1. danag.£) f:1"1A 'chaste (young
ladangar!a 'be struck with consternation';
efface' ; also dambus, above (with nb > mb); cpo als~ ~e: dangur! 'frightened, dismayed, confounded, dis- man,) cehbate (monk), virgin';
'odamsasa. ca usa ti ve; da/u/nbus (Landberg 1920:694). . dang./I (pI. daniig.!) 'VIrgin, maiden';
turbed, alarmed, astonished, terrified, terror-
tadamsasa, pass. of damsasa; also 'be lost'; (danga/bah/>e 'twofold Virgin', that is, in bod'
danba,a 1.1nll (T.Y.M) 'support, sustain" struck' ;
ladamasasa (Lt) 'destroy one another'; and spm!)', )
danbiiz (D.T.M) 'bar, pole, forked pole, p~op, dangiir.!e 'terror) dismay, astonishment, amaze-
damsasi. act. part. of damsasa; also 'destroyer'; ment, dread, stupor, tumult'; tadangala 'be a virgin, persevere in virgtnity'
support, beam, wooden box for a musical instru-
damsus. pass. part. of damsasa; dangatjannii, same; (denominative);
ment, (K') plectrum for the bagana-harp', (Sw.
damsase 'destruction, blotting out, oblitera- madangar!, part. of ·adangada; also 'terror-in- dangiile 'maidenly beanllg. virgtnit), Virginal
10 D 1116) = Amh. sansa 'pole that two m
carryon their shoulders in order to transpor~~
tion, perdition, annihilation': spiring, terrifying, horrible, stupefying, amaz- punty' ;
madamsiJs. part. of 'adamsasa; ing, astonishing'; dang.lanna 'virginity, chastity';
heavy obJect';
SEMITIC: the Identification with Heb. smd (hif'il) dangaLmnawi 'maIdenly';
ETHIOPIC Tna. danbaz 'stretcher' (for which SEMITlC: the connection between dngfj. dng$. dng!
'destroy' suggested by Barth 1893 : 10 is doubtful. "h8 see tadang./o 'virginity, chastity',
RemlSc I 87: 107), Amh. danbuz 'plectrum for th and Ar. nagafja 'vacillate' suggested by Praetorius
ETHIOPIC: Tna. diimsiisii 'destroy', Te. diimsiisa, tLmgal from ngi {Ar.
biigiina-harp'. e 1879: 137 is unlikely. Likewise unlikely is the connee- SB!lTIC,: the. derivation or
Amh. diimiissiisii. See also damasa I. tion with Syr. naqas, eigentlich 'gestossen werden' nagala beget} suggested by Praetorius 187Q:77"
diinad ~<;f: (T.M.Sw. in D 1407), danii! ~<;T suggested by Stade 39. unhkely.
dam~iiwi 1.9"lICf!, variant of dansawi; see dansa-
(Lt) 'one of the nails of the cross, (T) third ETHtOPIC: Te. diingiira 'be frightened, be startled, be ETHlOPIC: ,Te.Tna.AmhGur. dimg,/'virgin': passed
wa l. nail' ,. mto Cushtttc: Sa. difJgil 'girl who has rcached the
shocked', Tna. diingiirii, Amh. daniiggii{ii, Arg. da-
tran.scription of Latin tenet; see Worrell [II 88, n. 7; lliiggiita, Gur. daniiggii{ii. Littmann, ZA 33 (1921). age of marriage' .
d.mmat I f:ODT 'cat'·,
Eunnger. ZS 6 (1928).304-5; Strekyn 1955 :80, n. I ; 107 (followed by Cerulli 1936:245) compares dng~,
SEMITIC: Dozy I, 45 (followed by Noeldeke 1910: dng{ with dnbl (for which see Lesl.u 1979:21 1). If
dang"oza 1.11v1l (K'), danga.a J!.')111 (T.M)
and siidor, below.
58) considers Ar. dimma-t 'cat' a Geez loanword. In this comparison is correct. the original root would 'braid, plait, make curls';
view of the existence of the root in Ar. (Yem) dimm, dandana 1.11.~ (K'.MA) 'be fat, be stout'; have to be dng'" with g" becoming w,b in dnbt. The dangu;, dang"a: (pI. dJnguzat) 'curl, bratd. act
dumm 'cat'. W. Muller considers it a cognate and root passed into Cushitic: Qua. daga, 'be ter;ified', of plaiting'.
SEMITIC: Ug. dn 'powerful' (Aistleitner 80), Akk.
not a borrowing. Khamta dagi~.
dananu 'become strong, become of even thickness', danaka (yadn.k) 1. ~h (T.Y.M.Sw. in 0 1398)'cut
ETHIOPIC: Te.Tna. dammu 'cal'. Amh.Gaf. dammiit ,
dandannu 'almighty' .
Tna. dum. utterance used to chase away a cat. The meat into strips to dry it';
ETHloptc: Amh. diiniiddana 'be fat, be stout', Arg. dangaga 1.111 (T.K*.M) 'delimit, mark off a
root also occurs in Cushitic: Bil. dummii 'cat', Qem . danak (T.K') 'meat cut into strips';
diiniiddana, Gur. daniiddiinii, Littmann-Horner 532 boundary' ;
dami, Som. dummad.
suggesl Te. diindiina 'lift heavy things'; passed into SEMITIC: from a root dnk 'be short' '> 'be cut'; see
ladangaga, passive;
d.mmat 1I f:ODT; see dmm I, III. Cushitic: Qua. diniidiin 'be fat'. Kam. diden . dangag 'edge, border, boundary, rim, brink, dank. below.
dandana 1.1~<; (K*) 'kind of leaf that serves bank of a river, seashore, margin'; donk f:1n (K ') ' bed with short legs, midget';
dammawa 1.ODW (K.Ll) 'issue blood , bleed ,
as a medicine'. dangage, same; from Amh. dank, same; also in Te.Gur. dtJnk, Tna.
become blood' (denominative from dam)'
dangug 'limited, marked off by boundaries'; Har. danki, rrom a root such as Tna. diitdii~ii 'be
·adammawa 'make bleed" , ' dandar 1.11.C 'kind of thorn , thistle" , ladangaga (Ll) 'limitation'; short'. See also danaka, above.
ETHIOPIC Te. diimma 'bleed', Tna. diimiiwii, Amh. SEMITIC: Ar. dardar 'thistle' (G. dandar < dardar by E:"IOPIC: Tna. diingiiga 'delineate borders, deter- d.nk"iin f:11;l,1 (Ll) 'tent';
demma. dissimilation ; see Brockelmann 1908: 226), Heb. dar- mme, define', Amh. diiniiggiigii 'delimit, decree, de-
dar, Aram . dardar, Syr. dardare, Akk. daddar« 'a fine (laws)'; also diiniiggii (with palatalization of g) ETHIOPIC : Tna.Amh. dank"an 'tent', Te. d.,kkan,
dino .I!. 'i (Ll), name of an evil spirit;
thorny plant, wild thistle'. Note that Ar. dardar 'decree, institute a law'. The root also occurs in Arg. dukkan; also in Cushitic: Or. dunkan, Sa.
SE.M.ITlC perhaps connected with Syr. daywiinii 'evil 'thistle' is considered a transcription of Reb. dardar Cushitic: Qab. Had, danga. It is from diinga that duMn, For Amh. dank"an Praetorius 1879 :99 sug-
Spirits, demons" from daywii. daywinii 'demoniac', (Dozy I 432). Gur. dang is borrowed. gests a borrowing from Ar. dukkiin 'shop'. As for
danl.. 138 dan.," 139
~~----------~------------~~. • ¢,qil
G d>!lk'an, he ,tates IZDMG 64[1910).623) that it danqawa ~J4'OJ 'be deaf, be hard of heari dans, (LI) ddn~ 'envy, strife, contention';
numb', Gur. danazzii-ii' . .
IS an Amhanc loanword. be ignorant, be stupid'; ng, see daJl,~awa I. diriiZiil:Ol - • pas~d mto Cushilic
)adanqawa (K *). causative;
daDana (r.dJl~n, pdnan) ~~~ (D.Lt) 'stoop ddnqaw 'deaf, hard of hearing, simple, plain" dansawa I ~Jl\OJ 'be envious, be jealous, be
down. bo\\ down. recline. be submissive'; gre~dy, (y.T! be stingy, be unfeeling';
depa Y.. T, dipi i\.:r; see d"p, d,'pa
tianqiiwe 'deafness'; ,
donnalla 'walk with a bent back'; ladanii~all"a envy one another, be Jealous of daqqa 1.+, daqq ~-l-; see dqq.
danqiiwi, ddnqiiwi 'simple, plain, deaf;
'odnana. causative~ also 'bow down, bend, be ddnqunii (Lt) 'simplicity of character'; ne another, contend enVIOusly with one
tdted. vield, be submissive'; oano
lher , (Lt) shout at one anot her;
dhaqduhq) J!"-l--'l.~ (Gr~38) 'colonnade (of a
ddmm :bent, who stoops down, lowly, submis- ETHIOPIC: HaL d6nqa 'deaf', Gaf. diinqu, Gur. don~ dansawi, dan~awi 'deceitful, ill-disposed, en- cure ':
go; also in Cushitic: Or. donqo 'stupid', Som. doqon . .. ,
Sive, subjugated'; vious. stingy, avanclOUS ; ETHIOPIC' prob bl be .
ddnllone 'inclining, stooping down, subjection';
'[001', Tern. danqa. For the connection between
dansa lV 'envying, holding fast to something';
d'· du: a y to Identified with Amh. mil-

)acinani. madnani, part. of )adnana;

dnqw and dnqM', .'be
deaf in the various Ethiopian . .. .
dansiiwe 'stmgmess, stmt, envy:
, aqa q temporary scaffoldtng'
languages, see Dillmann 1116, Praetorius 1879: 137
madniin 'inclining (n), bending, (KG) place for Leslau 1979: 215 (under rbnGqq"'lirG). For the mean: madansaw (Gr) 'envious, jealous'; daqudaq' J!"4!J!"""'; see d.q·.ndaq.
bending over'; ings 'be deaf, be stupid', see Gur. dJniiqq~iira ETHIOPIC: Tna. dii~iiH'ii 'feel resentment, be dis- dq~dq". tadaq"daq"• .,.~.,...~ ... (Lt) 'be t _
SEMITIC: Ar. danna (linn) 'be crook-backed', Ar. (Leslau 1979:215). pleased'. See also dana~a. stncken'., error
(Dat) donna 'bow down'; related to dn)" and dn):
Ar. donna bira'sihi 'he inclined his head' (for which dinar lIse 'coin, silver coin, gold coin'; dansawa
[J ~Jl\OJ (T) 'grow numb, be in a ~THIOPIC: a transferred meaning of T na. diiq" diiq"'o
, press, squeeze, wring', Te. diiqdaqa '~pht' - -
see Landberg 1920:856), Ar. dana'a 'be low', Aram. either directly from Gk. denarion (from Latin dena- slupor .
d3nii 'be lowly, prostrale oneself, Syr. >agnii nafieh rius) or from Aram.-Syr. mmlra (see Noeldeke
'he submitted himself, Md. dna 'be submissive, 1910: 33, 41; Jeffery 133-5); also Ar. diniir (for dinat -'1<;'''''' ; see dallod. daq~a I ~-l-th 'perforate, bore drill rv) tWl'st
(KG) hit'; , '\' ,
prostrate oneself: also Ug. dn·r 'baseness', which see Jeffery, ib.), Amh. dillar. On the weight of
ETIfJOPIC': Te. donna 'incline. stoop', Tna. diiniinii. the diniir, see Pankhurst [970, I: 55. dentar. Y.. Ji"~ (T) 'draw the waistband of the daqii~i (DTW 378), act. partictple;
Amh. diinniinii 'bend, bend over'. Irousers tight by pulling the string'; (note that madqa~ (pI. madiiq.M 'instrument for boring,
dannasa I ~ HI (Y) 'defile, render undean, Ihe form of the verb is unusual; it seems to be awi. hammer, dnll, vessel used for religIOUS
danaqa (pdnaq) ~~4' (KO) 'be admirable, be pollute' ; a denominative from danliir; practices' (possibly for maqiidd~ 'bucket');
wonderful, be marvelous'; ladanllasa 'be undean, be defiled, be polluted, daniliiro (T), din/iiro, damiir (K 0) 'running ETHIOPIC: Amh. diJqqa 'hit, strike hard', related to
defile oneself, (T) be a sinner'; knot'. Te .. taq~a 'rub (tinder, wood)" with d-q > t-q by
from Amb. diinniiqii, same; also Tna. diinniiqii, Gaf.
(ad)dillniiqii 'amaze', Har. diiniiqa 'be amazing',
dJnnus 'dirty, unclean, polluted, impure, irn- assImilation, ma,qJ~/ 'fire drill'. The root dq~ is also
Gur. (adjdinniiqa 'surprise', The foot passed into puden t, base'; dantat J!"Ji""'" (L); to be corrected into ddllqal a metathesis in relation to qdh, qad~a II. See also
danas 'filth, dirt, defilement, adulteration, pol- daq~a II, mdqh I.
Cushitic: Khamta diniq 'marvelous', (see Dillmann J J 16).
lution, unchasteness, corruption';
~J4'A (za'anbala danas 'spotless'); daq~. II ~~th (T.K.M) 'bless, consecrate';
danqal (T.M) 'ibis'. dinaya -'I~f (T.K), danaya ~~f (Y.M) 'be a
danasii (Lt) 'defilement'; judge' , madqah 'consecration, dedication, dedication
festival, dedication of a temple';
danqunii J!"J4!<;'; see danqawa. danasiiwi 'given to unchasteness or foulness'; diiniiyi (KO) 'judge' (n);
diinyol (KO) 'judging' (n); Dillmann 1098 connects it with daqha I 'perforate'.
SEMITIC: Ar. danisa 'be defiled, be polluted'.
danq'anq' J!"J"'"J.,...; see ddq"·anddq. For 'consecration, dedication', see also qad~a II
En{loPlc: Te. diinniisa 'defile, render unclean', Tna. secondary form of dayyana, below; also Amh. dGn-
diinniisii 'damage, disfigure, render inferior, stain'. nayii 'to judge', Tna. daniiyii. It is from dny that daqal ~4'A (Lt) 'mast of a ship';
daoqiiqi ~J:1'4: (Lt) 'single, plain'; See also dannasa II . Tna.Amh.Har. danna is derived.
from Ar. daqal < AramaiC (according to Fracnkel
possibly to be Idenhfied with dqq 'be fine, be mi- dannasa II ~ HI 'give rewards, give wages'; 223, but not so Landberg 1920:823), from dql 'palm
nute'. see diiqiiqii. It could also be a misprint for da.lOza ~J"" (T,Y.MA) 'be numb, be dull, be
tadannasa 'receive rewards'; tree' (see also Landberg, ib.); also Te. diiqGl'mast',
1.1:P'e danqawi. for which see danqawa. blunt, be bland, be sluggish, be indolent, lan- Tna. diiqli/, Amh. diiqiil, dlillq.l; passed into Cu,hit-
danas 'reward, hire. wages, price'; guish, be inactive, (T) become deaf;
Littmann-Hiifner 531 combine dannasa I and ic: Sa.AJ daklll, Be. dogel, Som. da&al. For 'palm
danqat J!"J4'''''' 'chance'; 'adanzaza (Lt), causative; tree', cpo Ar, daqal, PbH. d~qfl, Aram. diqlti, Syr.
(ddnqala 'suddenly, unexpectedly'); dannasa II translating dannasa 'einen H uren- danzuz 'blunt, dull, numb, bland, sluggish, in- deqlii, Md. diq/a.
lohn geben', tadannasa 'sich beschmutzen', but dolent, inactive" ,
from chqal 'event', with nasalization of q through n in fact dannasa II 'give reward, give hire' is not
(Dillmann 932). Tna.Amh.Gur. rbngal 'by chance' rbnziize 'dullness, bluntness, sluggishness'; daqiil (pI. daqiilaw) J!":#'A (K') 'bastard';
limited to 'Hurenlohn'.
< d>nqiit, with nq > ng (so also Praetorius 1879: E~IOPIC: Te. diinziiza 'grow stiff, be stunned', Tna. ETHIOPIC: Te. d.qala, Tna. daqala, Amh, diqala,
72). On rbnglit, see Leslau 1979:213, 314, under dan~a (yadna<) ~ ~l\ (K 0), da.a~a ~ HI (T) 'be danziizii 'become numb', Amh. diiniizzazii 'be numb, Har. diqii/a; passed into Cushitrc: Bit. t:bq"'iilii, Or.
( adjdmmiqii. be slow', diinniizii 'be blunt', Arg. diiniizzaza 'be diqala.
envious, be jealous, be stingy';
140 do, dor
- - da'l(a
II P.C 'divine fire';
dell 0n• .l'..'" ~, diqqunni II. "''Y, diqq ".nna ETHIOPIC Tna. diiqaqii 'be refined, be minute' T SEMITIC: Ar. darba dh '
. { ' r} throw Int (
diiqqa (dqq), Amh. -daqqiiqii 'be fine, be mi~ute; dor be connected with dar I 'pearl', the agreeable affair), D1II . . 0 a dIS·
Jtr'Y; see dfraqol/, mann 1094 compa H
(also daddiiqii :" dq~q .'break t~e ground, level Off'~'
.1= - •
perhapS toof the pearl referring to the divine fire. uura~an, dorban 'the (iron)' re, eh
doq' .ndoq" 1:.,....,1:.,...., (T) doq ".ndoq 1:4>" Arg, (a)da?qaqa ymd fi,ne, Gur. diiqiiqii 'be brigb llleSS see on this noun E y POint of a canle prod'
See also do'. (1966), 18, . , Kutscher, u,hon,n. 10
.1':+, (K) doq".nduq .l':4>"~+ 'axe, crowbar'; ground fine. For chlldren, cpo Tna. diiqqi. Th , ,
foot is common with Cushitic: Or. dtika 'grind' Side dor III P.C 'race, generatIOn;
ErHIOPIC Amh. duqanduq. duqadduq 'crowbar', dak (see Cohen 1947:no.326). ' . ETHIOPIC: Tna. diirbaya 'throw' T '
from dqdq, with augmented Il going back to dqq e to Heb. dor 'generation', whereas dar I Amh diiriibb' . • e, darba ! drhvj.
comes cIos .J;; _ 'h " a. also Cush,tlc: Aw ,LJrb" ~
'crush', below. , k from Aram.·Syr. uura. t row, Dar. darbe. . u·g a
daqiqii (pI. daqiiy.q) 1.4::1' 'minute'; IS ta en

doq".ndoq 1:4>".1':+, d.nq".nq" .1':'4>"4>', from Ar. daqiqa; also in Te. ddqiqiit, Amh, diiqiqa. dora f.t.; see dwr, d.r~ii ~e, (M) 'region where monkeys live';
doqudoq" .1':"'1:4>' (Sw, in D 1100) --: Amh,
daqqasa ~4'(1 'be , sleepy, ran asleep, slumber" , Tayya quoted by M 486 has varifa ~C,
dangapr, danga~ar 'narrow colored stnpe par- dur )l.C 'forest':
alleling the wide colored stripe of the samma- 'adaqqasa, causahve; dor 'wilderness'; diir~iilie, (M) 'robber' ;
garment', daqqus 'one who slumbers, on~ who is asleep'; from Amh, du, 'forest' < dabar (for which see see darasa.

doqqiis 'sleep, slumber, drowsmess'; [daba,a], dabr); also m Tna. dur,
dqq, daqqa, daqaqa (y.dq.q) 1.4' j 1.4'4' m.d.qqas 'place where one sleeps, bed' (note darf.,. ~Clj:h (T.Y,MA) ~ Amh, darrarii, per-
(T Y.M) 'be small, be a child, be thin'; that or>');r manta, the Amh, translation of G. dar'. ~CO (DTW 381) 'sink do,;n, become haps m the meaning 'be broad-chested' (de-
daqaqa, daqqaqa 'crush, pound, grind, m.d.qqiis given by Tayya, p. III, is to be nearly ftat (roof formerly pitched) ; nommatlve of darar 'chest'); darf.'. would
powder' ; corrected into or>~;r mann.ta); then be a denominative of darf~>u 'hump',
'adqaqa 'grind, pound, crush, make fine, weak- E'Jl{IOPIC: Amh . darra, same.
,, SEMITIC: related to Ar. dukiis 'sleepiness'. below. Note that Amh. diirriitii also means
en •
ETHIOPIC: Tna, daqqiisii 'sleep', Amh. diiqqasa (from d.".,'a ~CO (Y), dar... '. (T) 'be deter- 'patch, pile one thing atop another (like a
d.qquq 'crushed, pounded, ground fine, thin Geez). mined, be harsh, be severe'; patch),.
(voice), weak (voice), small';
ETHIOPIC: rna. diirrare 'beat, strike'. darfa'" ~CIj:'" (T) 'hump (of am mal)' :
daqfq (fern. daqqiiq, pI. masc, daqfqiin, pI. fern. doqa! 1:4'T; see wadaqa,
daqiqiil, daqqiiqiil; pI. com, daqalV.q, daqa- see darja'a, above.
dar' I (pI. >adra') 1:C() 'coat of mail, breast-
W.ql, daqay.q) 'crushed, pounded, ground, daqiiw.q 1.:1'tD-:", daqiiwoq! 1.:1'tD-+T, da-
qiiy.q 1.:1' r.+;
see (dqq), daqiq,
plate, harness'; damli! ~e,(.l\T (Gr.475) 'dolphins';
slight, thin, minor, small, little, young, child, (dJ,'a 'angaNi 'breastplate),;
son, servant, children, little ones (also of ani- from Ar. dar/i/'dolphin' (for which see Dozy (435),
daqiiyoq ~:1' r.+, pI. of daqiqa. dam'a 'wear a coat of mail' (denominative);
from Gk, delphina, ace, of delphis 'dolphin',
mals), offspring, progeny. disciples'; tadarra'a, same; also 'be armed as with a coat
(daqiqa daqiq 'grandchildren'); darra 1.1.; see drr, of mail'; darga I (yadrag) ~C1 'be joined together, be
(daqiqa I/abiyiil 'minor prophets'); dmu' (Ll) 'who wears a coat of mail, armor- united' ,
daqiiH"qt 'newly converted Christians'; dar ~C (M) 'pearl, divine fire'; plated'; darraga (KG) 'join, unite';
daqqaq (fern, of daqiq) 'small particle'; misreading of dar III given by Tayy', reprint. See >adraga 'connect, join, assemble, harness';
daqq 'little ones, children, sons, servant(s)'; SEMITIC: Ar. dir' 'breastplate', Soq. daralt 'put on a
also dar I, II, garment' (Bittner, WZKM 30[1917-18],352, n.3), radarga, tadarraga, passive of 'adraga;
(daqqa prh 'chamber servants, eunuchs'); radii raga 'be joined to one another';
Noeldeke 1910:53 thinks that Ar. dir' IS borrowed
(daqqa ma:mur 'disciples'); dar I ./lC 'race, generation'; >astadaraga 'cause to be joined to one
from Geez. 'childhood, youth'; from Aram,-Syr. dara. See also dor III. ETHIOPIC: Te. dar r 'coat of mail', Tna. d.1r r j, Amh. another' ;
madqaq, madqaqt, (Tl madq.q 'mortar for grind- dir, lhr. dorug 'connected, joined';
ing, (T) grinding slab'; dar II IIC (T,M) 'dry season'. (ddruga 'jointly, together,
. equally');
dar' IT .l':C() (DTW 382) 'warp';
SEMITIC: Ar doqqaqa ' reduce to powder', SAr. dqq dar III IIC (reprint T) 'pearl'; darg 'union, connectIOn. conJunctIOn;
'flour', Soq, Mh, daqq 'pound', Heb, daq (dqq) ETHIOPIC: Amh. dar 'warp'; connected with Te. (darga, ba-darg 'jointly, together, equally');
'crush', Aram. d.qaq, Syr, daq (dqq) 'reduce to misprint for dor given in Tayya. diirra 'patch, sew together', Tna. dtirra'{J. dargat 'conjunction, union, connectIOn, ahgn-
powder, crush', Md. dqq, Ug. dq 'small', Akk, ment, incorporation, company (busllless), asso-
doqaqu 'be small', duqq"qu 'crush'; related to dkk,
der .l'..C 'monastery'; darabiwi ~1.1l'l!; see darbaya.
from Ar. dayr 'monastery', of Syriac (dayra) ori·
ciation, choir';
dky, dM'q: Ar. daUa 'crush', Soq, dekdek 'beat',
Heb. dalsa (dky), Aram. chka~, Ug. dk 'pound, gin (see Fraenkel 275); also Amh. der. darbaya ~CIlf 'throw (a weapon), hurl, hit (d.rgala 'in a crowd, together');
mix', Akk. dakaku, Syr. duqa (dwq) 'something hard, shoot, pierce (with a weapon)'; >adragi (Gr,475) 'one who assembles'; ,
broken'. For 'child', cpo Syr. daqd.qii 'young chil- dor I f..C 'pearl'; Jlldarhaya (Gr), passive; 'adrago 'afras 'the harnessing of horses;
dren', dorchqa (Aram.Syr. by dissimilation), Md. from Ar. durr(a) 'pearl'; also in Aram. dura, durra. lac/art/haYti 'throw at one another, pierce'; ladiiriigi, part. of tadiiraga; _
dirdiqia. Md, dura (Fraenkel 58, 210), See also dor II. dIlWh(fll'i (Lt) 'bowman. spearman'; 'astadiiragi (Gr,475), part. of >astadaraga;
142 darkame 143
darak ano
- - - -
SI\tllH pt.~rhrlr~ Ar . 'a)dra~(} 'insert something dariigon 1.t,ln (Lt) 'dragon'; darakano, darkano f.t.h'i , 1.Ch'i, (Lt) dark i-
duriip .ll-t.T (T M) 'chief. leader'
rnlll • from Gk. drakon 'dragon'; also Amh. diiragoll, no ,l'.CIJ'i 'purple, hyaclll th-colored, bl ue';
ETHlorll' Te fitlrga 'ml'\;", Tna. diiriigii ·unite.join', derpa (MA) = Amh lum" "h
Aram. darq(ill, Syr. darqiina.
f m Gk. darkanos 'madder, Rubia tincloria. dye 'eat feed' b . , . u~~a a lransialed
\mh d{l/T1l1:a 'l1ccomc ,)nc, be united, be combined' , . ut In vIew of du"ip 'ch,el' I,od' ...
Irl.))""Slhly !'''Ilm Gc('z); passed Into Cushilic: Sa. dorho, doroho (pI. daM'arah) J'.CIJ' : J',.r:1f ;~de therefrom' (W. Muller). See also didarkano. should be d
ren eredbe admini>tercd'
' c" cr It
~Ja"Q.,! 'bl' unill'd' Sec "Iso dargu II. 'chicken, hen, rooster, cock, fowl';
doriikiis J'.?lJil; see dargas. dur~pi p..?1: (T.M) 'whIte SIlk, dye'.
darga 11 1.C" (Gr ~ 17) 'assign an allowance. ETHIOPIC: Tna. dar/tO. Te. derho, Amh.Arg. doro derap (MA) 'purple';
transfer the righls of property"; Gur. tara; from Cushitic: Qem.Bil. dirwa , S' a. darom 1.r:'I" 'south wind'; dl/riip (T) 'color, dye'
dtiraga 'assign an allowance. charge, delegate ' ; c1arlto, Aw. dllri, Som. doro.
. . , transcription of Heb. diirom.
rad(irt'J,tll 'he assIgned, receIve an assIgnment; darqodas ~C4I~il 'galelle',
darham (pI. darhamiit, daraham) ~CIJ'I" 'dir-
'tJ.\'f(JcMrllga, caus. of /adciraga; d.riimo ~t·'1" (K) 'a sleep-demon'; from Gk . do rk acIos, gen. sg. of darken 'gazelle'
ham, gold coin';
diir,i,,;. (GrlI7) dara,,;. act. part. of darga, ETHIOPIC Amh. diiramo, same. See also ,priimo. (Hommel 1877:xxlX, 86). Sec al,o darqii;
dar£lgc1 ; from Gk. drakhme through Persian d(i)rahm, and
d,"'wug 'asslgned'; Ar. dirham; also Tna. diirhim, dari,.,.l, Tc. diirhJI1I d.rmiin(.)q, darmiin(a)q ~cn7')~ , 1.C"'I1ol> diriqon -'lt4l1 (D), d.riqon ~t4l1 (K), duri-
d",go 'assignment, charge. delega lion' (perhaps Amh. darim, darh()m, For Aram. darkamonii, Syr: 'thigh bandages, trousers, drawers, undergar- qon . .ll-t4l1 (L.D.T), darqiqon, darqeqon,
from Amh. d.rK" 'allowance of food or mon- daralpna, sec Fracnkel 191, Jeffery 129. Hebrew
ment, loincloth. tunic' (M 496 'without intelii- d.rqlqnon ~Ct4l1 , ~C'l:4I1 : ~Ctol>'j1
darkemon( 01) is an Ararnaism. For the value of the (KG) 'one of the seven heavens, (TK) lhe
e, '); Amh ,""h,m. see Pankhurst 1970, I: 55-6. See also
gence' is a mistranslation of Tayyii's labbalha
'adriigi tGr.47S) 'one who assigns, one who as labb alba, for in fact it means 'pantaloons'; seventh heaven, (KG) lhe sixth heaven' ,
didrakiJnI, darkame. see also diJrteqon.
delegates' ; likewise M's rendering 'jealousy' is a mistrans-
'a.lll/dar,igi (Gr.475), part. of 'astadaraga; daraka (yadrak) 1.t.h 'be rough, be hard, be lation of Tayyii's qanat, which also means
darqiqon ~Ct4l1, darqiqnon ~ctol>'j'); ,ee
tl1(kiragi~ part. of tadiiraga~ weli-trodden, be stubborn, be savage, be cruel, 'beJel; diirigon.
E mlOPIC' Tna,Amh. durragii 'assign a regular alIot- be harsh, be fierce, become angry'; darmiinq( a) zaha'si zahaq"e (Ex. 28:4) 'a
men I of food or money to a poor person', Te. daruk 'hard, harsh. ferocious, fierce, rough, man's girth around lhe hips' (Ludolf 498); it darqiis 1.C:J>il (TM), dorqiis P.C:J>il (K.Sw. In
dal'raga '(ransfcr a debt', dargtil 'share', Amh. dJrgo savage, cruel, stubborn'; slands strangely for Heb. mi~nfpr!, Gk. kidar;s D 1407), doriUs P·t-lJil (Sw. In D 1407) 'ante.
'allotment or food or money'; passed into Cushitic: 'miter, turban'.
- lope, hide of antelope worn as garment, shawl-
madrak 'doorway, doorpost, threshold, porch,
Sa dllra~ 'gIve an allowance of food'. like garment made of a single layer of cloth';
entrance court, vestibule'; SEMITIC: Ludolf 498 and Dillmann 1092 connecl il
darga III (y,,,Ir"I() 1.C1 (Ll) 'rise in rank'; (madraka Ijolj 'threshold'); with AI. durmiik, durnuk 'kind of carpet, kind of from Gk. dorkas 'gazelle'. See also diJrqodJs.
>adraga (K*), causative; SEMITIC: Ug. (m)drk 'rule, dominion' (that is, 'harsh. garment' (for which see Dozy 1 438). Fraenkel 289
derives it from Syr. rarbiinqa 'tunic' (from Persian drr, darra 1.1. (K'), see ladarra;
tbrgal 'rank\ ness'). In view ofG. madrak 'doorway, threshold' it
tanbimak). He also compares it with Ar. :;armallaqa ladarra, radarrara '~r,'- , 'N~(''- 'eat dlllner,
is tempting to connect the root drk with Heb.
from Ar 'rank, stair' in a dialect in which g
dara~u 'kind of cloak made of wool', and not with durmik. dine' ;
pn)nounccd g' also Amh. diiraga 'stairs',
Aram.-Syr. drk 'lread upon, slep upon' (so Dill·
IS ETHIOPIC: Amh. di1rmanq 'trousers that have close- darar 'dinner, supper, supper time, food, vigil',
mann 1095), but the basic meaning of G. daraka is
fitting embroidered cuffs'. (dariira $om 'eve of Lenl, fasl on lhe eve of a
dargu I (pI. durag'lI'j f.C'l- (K ') 'tweezers, 'be rough. hard' developed into the secondary mean-
plOcers' ing 'be well-lrodden' (hence 'doorway, threshold'), holiday');
d.rmus ~Coo-il (T.M), beta darmus IIA' I ~r.
see al.\o mt'dar,?u. and it is not to be compared with the Semittc root ETHIOPIC: Te.Tna. darar 'meal', Te_ (1.1Jdarriira
drk 'tread upon'. -il (Sw. in D 1407) 'kitchen, dimng room,
'find nourishment, eat', Tna. (Ia)diirra 'eat dinner',
ETHIOPIC: Tna. diirriils-ii 'press, oppress', Te. darriika (KG) slorage house, (K) forest' (it translates
dargu II 1.C1- (K') = Amh. mallahiiq'J'a Amh. darar 'eve of a festival, supper eaten at that
'push away'; Amh. miJdrak 'threshold' is borrowed Heb. ya'ar 'forest' in 3 KIOgs 7:2 = I Kings lime'. Praelorius. ZDMG 47 (1893). 387 demes ,t,
'paste, glue: 7: 2);
from Geez. with reservations, from Cushitic: Or. dariira
defl\'t.:d from darga I 'be Joined'. 'midday meal'. The root is pOSSIbly common with
from Gk. oikon drymou 'house of the forest' (nikon,
dark"ak"t ~Ctt-lt--l- 'doorpOS1, door hinge'; ace. sg. of oikos 'house'; drymou is the gen. sg. of Cushitic: Bil. deriir ;dinner', Af. dirar,
dirligbo )\.?"I(l (T) 'farmer'.
seems to be a feminine of *dark"'akw; drjimos 'thicket'. The translation given by T.M.Sw. is
duriigb". JIllllariigho da"igbo (T') 'head farmer' strange. doriir P.?C (Gr.438) 'millet';
ETHIOPIC: Tna. d;"k '" (lis-it 'doorpost'. Reinisch 1890:
ETHIOPIC: Te. diiriro 'kind of grain', Amh. dorar 'a
darga~a 1.C"I,h (T.Y M.Gr318) 'patch, mend'; J 14 cites Te. dJrk ..'Jk ..·• but Te. has no labiovelar. d.rn3q, darniq ~C')-l- : ~C(j'~ 'quail'; variety of sorghum'; also in Cushilic: Sa. dariro.
dargalla, dargahu, (K) dargiih. (KG) darga~ The root passed into Cushitic: Sa. durkakil.
ETHIOPIC: Dilltnann 1095 and Praetorius 1879:71
',mall piece of cloth, rag, stuff. new p,ece of dansa (yadras) 1.1.1'1 'compose a religious trea-
Identify it with Amh. dJr~;JII 'partridge'. In thIS
cloth. (KG) patched garment'; darkame, darikme 1.Ch"'L 1 ~tl1"'L 'dirham'; tise, compose a book. discuss, interpret';
Case d-arnaq would go back to dilrrJq, with q> ? (for
ddrgaha I,hs 'new c10lh '. from Gk. drakhme. See also dJrhJm, didrakam. which see Cohen 1939:36). 'adrasa (K'), causalive,
_. __________________~1~4~4____________________________~da~s~i~~~~~
--- -- 145
tadarsa. pa"s. of llartJ.w~ sec IClt'{'qell (c ndmg -qen). onc of the names f h
, fifth heaven. 0 t e dasq.n .l:'ll~'}, (T.M) dasqan Y.M''} 'small dtsh ETHIOPIC"
daP'dsi 'wnlcr, commentator. mterpreter ; used ror the Euchanst'; . .Ted
. owa"1 'd Istnct, COuntry· It
109 to conne\:( with Amh dilw ~l"
It IS tempt-
tbrus (1\.-), pass. part. of darasa: darwiis .l:'C'I'(l (T) 'wild olive tree'·, church parish' but A h' d' a pcnphery ~f the
tbnat -lrC3tl'i.c. dissertation, exegesis. commen- from Gk diskon. ace. of disk os 'dish that ser"'es as t' • m . awol IS prohtbl\l
, see also dars. a portable table'; also Chr-Ar disqa, disqisa. Syr ex enslon of meamng of diiwdl 'bell" . fi' J. un
tar), poem. disqos, Aram. disq6s. disqii, church belr ' . Specl cally the
dJrsQn 'treatise, homily. dissertation, discourse.
> area around the chun.:h bell'
dariiy .l:'t-J'. 'oak';
...·ommcntar) ': dss 1, dassa, dasasa (y.ds.s) f,(l : f,(l(l (K' dawal 11 Y.mA 'bell'
nudriis 'trCJllse, commentary':
from Gk. drii. dat. sg. of drys 'oak tree'. See also
DTW 395) 'lean to one side, be bent'; dawwala (K'.DTW) '~mg a bell';
d.Jrs. d.Jryos.
Sr.\IIT1( ~ Ar da'dW 'study' (considered by Jeffery ETHIOPIC : Amh . diissiisii. ( liin )das.~iiJii,
Jastiss alii SEMITIC: Brockelmann 19'8 144 '
Syr d-I d ... , connC\;ts It With
I~~-Q to Ix or Hebrew origin; see also Landberg daryiimin .l:'Cf"7. '} , (T) daryiimin f,Cf"'l.") 'be bent over, lean to one side, smk down' E . a ( wI) 'move. qUiver' .
IQ~O'750ft). Soq. claos 'study', Heb. diiraJ 'seck. 'Book or Chronicles'; ~IO.~I(,: . Te.Tna.Amh.Gur. dClwiil 'bell' H-
dss II, dassa, dasasa (y. d"s ) f,(l : f,(l(l (K') dawwal· 'nn
, ga
bell' . Te. dawl,·ala.
.... da . n~·iI"a, a r,
study', Aram .• Syr. d.lra{ 'examine. interpret', Md. from d.JhrJyiimin, above, Gur . d"awwa'ra; a Iso In
. Cushitic: 8d . dawtllii ' 'bell'.,
dr.~ 'teach. instruct'. Ug. dd 'seck', For Syr. mad- 'hide, conceal, screen from view';
ril.ila 'school' being horrowed from Arabic, sec daryos .l:'Cl"ll 'oak'; Sa.Som. dawa", SId. diill"iila.
SEMITIC : Ar. dasso 'conceal'.
Schwally, ZD.lfG 51 (1898) .137·8.
from Gk. dryas , of drys 'oak trec '. See also dwr, dora (y. dur ) fl./. (K ') 'stir a fire, place
ETHIOPI(" G darcJ.w is considered by Nocldeke dss III, dassa, dasasa (y.ds.,) f,(l • f,(l(l (K')
d.Jrs. dJ,al', wood on a fire, burn',
1910;>8 a Smac loanword Ullendorff 1968 :97, n 5 'touch, reel, grope one's way';
(follo\\l ng Polotsk)) thinks that the Ethioplc forms darizon f,tl',} (OT 587,K) ' partilion wall' ,, SEMITIC: Ar. (Oat) diira (d'lt'r), dahar 'stir the fire'
"tally with thelT Hehrew rather than their Synac SEMITIC : Ar. dassa ' touch, feel with the hand ' (for which see Landberg 1920:859).
di.l'ori:oll (Sw. In 0 1407), same; ETHIOPIC : Te. diissiisa 'touch', Amh. diissiisii. dassa.
counterparts'\ cp, also Te . diirsa 'recite. read', Tna.
rrom Gk dlOri=oll (Ieikhos) 'separaung (wall)'. sa 'touch, feel, grope one's way'; related to Tna. dawii ..h f,'I'CU , pi or dorho.
diIrasii. Amh. diirrasii 'compose a book', For lis
connection wllh GUT, diiriisii 'pralse 10 song, slOg dahsiisii ' touch '. The root passed into CushillC: Qua.
diis .II(l ' hut, cabin, shed, shelter'; dflsiis, dase 'touch, feel', BII. dahas diiwil .II'e-l- ' Psalter, Psalms of Davtd',
and dance', see Lcslau 1979 :221 The root passed
1010 CushltlC 811 . dri.~ 'preach' ETHIOPIC : Tna.Amh,Gur. dos, Hac. diis, Te. dOSQ',
from the name of David; also Syr dawfd. EthlOPIC
dassel (pI. dassayat) f,(l.-l- 'island'; dawil . •
from Cushitic; Sa .Som.Af. das, Bil. dosa (Brockel.
dariis f,t-(l (T) 'sleep' (n); mann 1950: 18-9). See also da&s. ETHIOPIC: Te.Tna. diisel 'island', Amh . diissel , Gur dawaya (y.dway) J1,mf, (GrA77,Y) dawya
ETHIOPIC Te ( mii )drii.'I 'resting place (of cows, of diissit; passed into Cushitic . BII.Sa. dosel
dassa f,(l; see dss. f,lD"f 'be sick, be ill , be diseased, fall sick,
gOJb)'. Te. d,;,\u 'lie down. rest (cows)'. perhaps suffer, be sorrowful';
dasaya (y.dsi) f,(lf (K·) 'step on, trample on,
Amh . baldiiruJ 'stahle master' dasbulii .l:'1l1l-1lJ 'chier, master'; dall'lI'aya 'make sick';
• crush underfoot';
from Gk . despota, of despotes 'master, lord', 'adwaya 'make sick';
dars j1,C(l Ill), dars .l:'C(l (T) 'olive tree'; SEMITIC: related to Ar. drua (dlYs ) 'tread on', Heb. tadall'a),a 'feign illness',
"Cc also J;mnis, dask f,(lIl 'evil spirit or demon that brings Aram.Syr. diiJ (dll's) 'trample, thrash', Md . du/,
dawiiyi 'sick, ill' ;
about a disease, (T) pleurisy'; Akk. ddSu; is also related to Sem . dlts,

for which see
da" .l:'C(l. (1.1) darus .I:'",(l 'oak'; dahasa, above. d.>wwuy , d,"'w,), (rem. d'II'''''),I, pi m,
ETHIOPIC : Amh. diisk, diisq, same. See Worrell ETHIOPIC: related to G. ( to )dahasa , above. d'lI'lI'uyan . d'"'11'.yan) 'sick, ill, dtseased, weak
from Gk drj'J 'oak trec'· see also cbra)" tbnos. III 138, Eunnger, ZS 6 (1928).97, Streicyn 1955;44, (voice)';
da"ant' f,C(l~,
(GrJ 17) darsen f,C(l. ,}, darsin Mercier 282ff dassayil f,(lf-l-, pI. or dassel. (beta d'lI'w.yan 'hospital'),
f,CI\. '} (KG) '~tnd or medicine, (KG) perrume, daskan, d.skan (pI. dasabn) J',(lll'} : .I:'(ln'} dawe (pI. dall'eyat, daw.yat, dawayal) 'disease,
dawe 1.'1/; see dawaya. sickness, illness';
(KI odorirerous tree', (D), daskan, daskano f,llh'} : f,(lh'1' (T.M),
d<lSkan .l:'llh'} (Lt) 'stag, kind or antelope, (dawe si~ 'rever');
from AT dar ;'Iin; of Persian (dor ti"i') origin; also dawal I (pI. >adwaf) f,mA 'region, territory,
(dawe q".sl 'bubonic plague');
Amh. danulI, diJrJiinc 'a n odoriferous and medical tbex, (Sw In 0 1098) buffalo'; district, area, boundary, border, frontier, lim·
tree cmnamon' it' ,. duy 'sick';
ETHIOPIC' Te. diiskiina 'buffalo', See also Hommel
dawala, dawlVala (K·.Y.M) 'delimit, define' (de- SEMITIC : Ar. dQlV/)'a 'be diseased', Heb. da ... rdwy ) ,
dar~a f,a. (T.M) 'rob, plunder', 390. 392.
nominative); Aram. Ibwa, Ibwe, Syr. cI.wi. Ibwa (dIl'Y ), Md. dwa
danii (T), dar<,lii (1.1) 'robber'; dasippodii f,I\.M, (T) daspidii f,M. •.II, (K) 'be wretched, be miserable', Ug. dll' 'sick', dwy 'be
ladawala 'be a boundary, be a border, be sick'; von Soden 166 compares Akk. dawti. damu
EnooPt(" Amh. ihrraliJ 'ravage, destroy (by raiding)' dUpedi f,M..)\, (Lt) disippiitli, dispidi, disip- contiguous, be Iimitrophe';
pidi, disippon, .III\.M·'- .IIllM ; .111\.1...11' I 'stagger' .
cbrteqon .l:'C"1'41·) (DT), dartiqon .l:'ct4l'} (K) SEMlTlC: Dlllmann 1123 connects it with Ar. dolo ETHIOPIC: Tna. diiwUVQ 'become sick', Amh. diiwK'o·
.l;I\.A'} 'hare'; )'ii (from Geez); Te. diiwa , dawa 'give a medicine,
'the second heaven', (dwl) 'turn'. The connection with Md, dill 'move
from Gk dasypoda, ace. sg. of dasypous 'hare'; also about', Akk. dolu 'wander about aimlessly', sug- cure' is taken from Ar. diiwQ, The root passed mto
see also miiritbrllqun. dariqon. For the ending -qon, In Aram. da~lpf (Krauss 186). gested by Dietrich 295, is doublful. Cushitic : Qem. duwii 'disease' 146 dUZYahu
- - •

(n 1407,T M), diy. ,~••r (Gr.323) dyp, depa y"'1' 'lie in ambush':
)'l'llS', tT) nam . . ~)f n . . lar, dipii 'ambush, lying in wait, snare'·,
dJ)'f/f lir1l'O.\ (I) 1401,T). same; see duhGl'o.
fr(lm GJ.. FtW,\ 'Zeus', gen. dl(1,\. ace. din. diiyaq "I">} 'bulwark':
transcription of Heb. diiyeq.
du~ ~.f. '"d:.
s,'(, "all'aI'd. doyaq M~,>} (T) 'jar made of hide':
(M's dar>q is a misreading of Tayya's doyaq); D• fJ
danaba ":fll (Y.'" M) 'go lip, climb, rise':
from Amh. dJ~'vilq 'large waterskin of tanned hide'.
l:.lHJOl'll, Tna. Jm'j'OPd ·J!'(,'cnd. chmb', Te. (t.J)dcir-
l'/il>a 'swdl up (hody)', perhaps from diba 'on, diyiqon (pI. diyiiqoniil) -'I..f4l,}, 'deacon' (see deJa '"" ; see ~Y', ~'e)a, da'G' - - ) ,t hunderstorm, crash of thun-
(pi '.da'a'at
lHe!', at'll'\\.'.
• .
Walker 105-9, Hammerschmidt 1967 : 120
di,di' n,!1" (T) ~i'~a' 'IMiI, (Lt) sa's.' lIh d~r, thunderbolt, thundering, (ightning (KG)
di)'iiblos ,~..fl1l1·fl 'devil', 130): ' • • • • g Ittermg, sparkling'; ,
(liqll di,l'iiqon, liqa diyiiqoniil 'archdeacon')' lIh 'abortion, aborted foetus, stunted, shoots,
dil''l (0,,4 78) 'dlabolic': ETHI~P~C: Gur. !,at, (at 'thunder, lightning', Arnh.
(r,,'Sa diyiiqoniil 'archdeacon '): ' cost, expenses, troublesome matter, problem':
fr\"lm Gk .I1uho!rIJ 'dnd'; also In Te.Tna,Amh, Ija,da'a (MA.M), ~a'da'a (T) 'abort, miscarry, ~a< a~a .~.~ke nOise, crack', fa! alii 'crackle', Tna.
dlrdbill.,-. liur (/4lhlfm
(n,,(qll diyiiqon, manfaqa diyiiqon 'sub-dea- ~a ta bala crackle', Te. ?orQ<'crash'; also In Cushil.
con '); bear expenses, remain uncompleted, be little'
!c: Bed. !bv 'crash of thunder', and in Moca tev~
'drm, 'ad)iim (pi) h¥:.f9" 'area, regIOn, out- diyiiqoniiy 'deacon': (denominative) ; crackle'. ' .
Sklfh. enVlrOn'i, horders. limits. bordering diyoqoniilfit. diyiiqonayt 'deaconess'; taqlJ'tja'a, ta$a'$iJ'a, (T) tarjaracjaca 'remain un-
nile .... l'(mfincs, dlstnct. province'; tiiyiiqol1al1nii 'diaconate': completed, be little, (T) be impure'; ~.'I~ Mil (T) = Amh. diiniiqq"iirii 'be deaf, be
diqqunllo. diqq"';)llnii 'diaconate'; )Q(jii>cj;Jla, )a~iiJ$iJ'a 'hire' (lit. 'cause to bear stupid' .
Sf \1ITW IX'rhal" Ar Jmnnmm 'mo\'e In 3 circle.
!Urn' 'X-e also miIJI''im, dayaq"ana (D), deqona (K') ' become deacon' expenses');
~.b' (pI. 'aljbG'at) MI~ 'hyena':
(denominative) ; cjii>t!a' with the meanings stated above comes from
d"1omiik.n ¥:Mh') (Tl ')OllOg elephant': the root l1'ej' 'go out' (see below). This rool explains SEMITIC: Ar. dahu', dab' 'hyena' Soq. dabuoah Heb.
-.('C' JJ'l) d,muikiJn. from Gk. diakoIJ, diakol1os 'deacon'; also in Te.Tna.
the meanings 'aborted foetus, expenses'; cpo Heb. ~af!il\ PbH. ~aqil( ' hyena, leopari, Ara~ .. Syr.
Amh.Gur. diyaqon, Chr.-Ar. diyakun, Syr. diyaqun. 'Of!'a 'hyena' (Brockelmann 1908: 156): von Soden
~~'f~a'im 'offspring, descendants', likewise from the
dan ana .t~f~ 'Judge. 'clllcnee. punish, con- See also zeq"ana, zilyiiq"'ana, with a variant z:d. 143 (fOllowed by Fronzaroli 1969, V, 55) also
root Yf 'go out; AT. ejU'{iU), ej;)4;' 'many descend-
demn. (Olwid Jillnn' 1
compares Akk. bi4u 'hyena'. For the origin of Heb.
diyorizon -'l.f'6J1'}; see darizon. ants' even though there is no Arabic root wcj'
fiJdmYilnu. ra~~lve. meaning 'go out'. Praetorius 1879:84 connects G. ~iiqi1\ see Buh1 672, See also stJ'b,
dtllTiini ·,iudge'. d.yiis, d~yos ¥:ffl • ¥:f'fl; see daya, ejii'rja' with Amh. fatUI 'young of chicken'; how~
~abdana /111": ~ (MA) 'put on a dress':
d"rtUIl (K') Judg.od. com'lCted"" ever, (a(ut probably derives from an onomatopoetic
d.,m 'Judgment, damnatIOn, condemnatIOn, d~yospori, d.yos pori, diyos pori ¥:f'fllot- : expression {{ For the connection between dii)dii' see •tabdan, •rabnada.
doom·. ¥:f'fl : lot- • -'I.~fl : lot- 'diaspora, disper. 'problem' and taej{j'tP'Q 'remain uncomplete'd, 'be
SIOn· , (pI. tiJban, 'aljban) 611'), (T) sob. lI'ff1
incomplete', cpo Amh. gudday 'problem, matter',
SEMltl( .\r dana (fir" 'pa, judgment, condemn' 'handle, ring attached to a box or to another
from Gk. diaspora 'dispersion', from g"'iiddiilii 'be wanting', that is, 'something that
S·\r IQa.) d,n 'judgment. punishment', Heb. dan utensil'.
is wanting, that is to be done. matter, affair', The
d," . 'ludge' 1\), \1d dun 'judg(" (\l. daiana 'judge' dayost.yabu ¥:f'flT fit (T) 'string or belt of
meaning 'be little, become little' could be derived
tn>, Lg dl'n Judge' (\ 1, AU d,anu. Janu 'judge' (v), colored glass beads worn about the waist'. ~abart /llleo}' (Gr.443) 'the ko.w-plant':
from 'bear the expenses> spend> become little'.
,fananu )ud~e' (nl. ~oeldcke 191O'.W thinks that
(, duo." ·JUd~mcnt'. Ar Hcb, d'fn, Ar Heb, danan d~yotribu ¥:f'Tt-1t (T') 'kind of hawk'. For the meaning 'troublesome matter', cpo Amh. if there is a lack of precision, tjabart may then be
ra~a. connected with !abarl 'palm' (for which see below).
'judEc' (n) Iff' t4thn from AramaiC. Zlmmcrn '23-4
IS,"I t~(' ,-lplnll"lJ1 Ihat ,-\k.k di;'IU, dinu 'judgment" duzii, duzduzi .1\.1/ : .1\.11.1\.1/ (T) 'sea pirates': ~a'at /I"T; see walj'a. ~abs. (yaljbas) /1111'1, (Y) ~absa lIffl'l 'be slack,
d~m' Judge Ii the onglO of the SemitIC root ETHIOPfC. perhaps Amb. diiziiddiizii'thrash', become withered, be limp, become weak, be-
K.ufman 4.1, "5~ Ihonks that the root dyn IS ~i'ot, ~i'ot 'l.),T ! "'-),T, (Gr.365) si'st "'-h-l-
come infirm, be powerless, become paralytic,
commDn SemitIc. For Ar din 'religion, Judgment'. duzduzii .1\.11.1\.1/; see duza. 'low grounds, valley, meadow, pasture';
$C(' JetTen I ~~ , be intimidated';
duzyihu .l\.1Ifll (TM) 'bell'; SE~ITJC: Ar. ejaya 'village, countryside. field', for 'adbasa, causative; also 'weaken, lame, disable,
eJtilOPIl Tna thi.~.l'iJna 'condemn', daniirii 'pa% whIch a Geez origin was suggested by Noeldeke
~udgment:. daynll, J,lriria 'Judge', Te, danJ'~' dayfW (note that the print is not clear; it could be 1910:59.
(Gr.376) intimidate';
mool3h'r f t~ dana ';.tcctpl a verdIct'. Amh Janna di:yiihu or dezyiilw); tadabsa 'become weak':
~bttnnc lud~C'. l\mh.Arg,Har Janna 'Judge' (n), EllilOPIC related to Amh, diiziiddiizii 'sound the
~ ...'a, ~a'.'a Mo , /I~O, (It) 53"'. lI'~O, (T) 'Qslatjbasa. 'Qstar!abasa, )Qstatjahasa 'alarm,
(jur darma, S("C also diinoya, drum', diJ:rbz ·sistrum'. See also muzyiihu. ~i<.<a Mo 'thunder, lighten'; . weaken' ;
<b/>ur '\\03klll1g, "ekly. cowardly, one with ~afara, (I',d/,,), ~affar. 8Lt-, (T Y) ~af.r.
- •

- f the miracle of Chnst WIth the p,na- ETHIOPI( T na lahs ~ . ~

a.fa tamp ,'n a so

the time 0 fi guratlvely to laIta.t ~ . INn e1d'
"lIhenxl m<mbe", lame', B 90 ~ahuh l\'/I'ofl liLt- braId, , pial!, drape, weave, inten. ~ h ..' a overcome an obs1acle brtak
WIne lyU e);
_. Ar. da~o'a 'he on onc's side. rC(:hne'. I rough, \'I,'late (the la~ r 0\ h
wa \\ r('ngl~ copied for .,'i~/lUS W.... ll tnter Iace, IWlst, entangle, (figuratively) I ' through (an obstaclel, hrea. throumgh' '''')4 \-rash
daba.1 'mfirnlll) , slackness, hmpness, lassl!ude, intrigue, subvert'; POt, Sf. ITIl bcd' lallnns)' G·~ , VlO all,;l:°u·
Jla' 'couch,' .', ... , • ur ~aJa '\Iolatc (the lav.)' e
fada/ra, passive; also 'be snarled'; "w,e , Te. JaggJ'O 'lean agamst, he down. m.1-
tat/iifara (K 0) 'be linked with one another"
P ", .
support • fOllg~'a 'Ioth·d
,_.. Ie n ' f1Ll·
e --I e, ~a~."a O",w (T) '<hout' •
d~h.<al, verbal noun of dahsa;
, also 'infirmity, ,-a'
JJ," "
seat, . sta 11·
lace for reclIning, ,en b' ; T na. 1c.,-~aggJ'e
... •

\\C'3kncss', 'asfat/iifara (K 0), causalive of fat/iifara; , related to sa",~'J'a~ see alxwe

f,lIl1!O P rest against', pggJ' fa 'place to lean
dafiiri, act. part. of t/afara;
Sl:MlTIl "\r dahi{ 'weak' Barth 1893:9 compares 'lean, U~~~"d'e 'be paralylll:' (dcnommau\-e from da~iiy 0"'1. 'sun',
<!.fur, pass. part. of t/afara; also 'wrealhed
Hr.::b ,\:ii~J,.~ '''(,Ilure of feebleness' (with metathesis).
Sec also JaWiJ,HI work';
t/./r (Lt) 'braid';
I uPO"', _). Amh.
·sKIJ' .
'get near, take shelter,
. ' . ,
mJ., tii~ga 'lean onc thing against the other,
un~.~.ra'I'I'~·'c'ushion (decorated With silk and gl)ld
"u~iiyawi 'solar';

SE\UTlC AT. tjllha ,tilly, diM ' ..un', Heb .falt (tl'
~aba!a (l',dhJf) 811m, (Y)!. IIl1m 'grasp, dafro 'basketry, plait, plaited work, woven maca" . d 1 tan, H V(:4 I~.1.3, 1'))7·8. p, (5); 10 cllnncct;on \\lIh
··d)' See also danga'a, an fa~'a .
lake hold of, lay hands on'; work, wreath, curls, braids'; brals ' .' ,~~L ,~M, !or whtch '\Cc phl.qJ, ab<wc. Note that Ar
tada/lta, passive, !f4jraf, verbal noun of t/afara; d•• ma 0101' (K 0), ~agama ~1{IIJ (H) 'be on ?'~h ~un IS formed as 'Relmworthlldung' '.'11th rih
\l.lOd accordmg to Brockclmann IQl"\
dahi1t;, a,1. participle, t/ufiire (Gr) 'i nterlacing, intertwining'; ih; left hand, (H 223) be tWISted, be dlSlorted, ETi-lloPIC Te Ina, .,-iihur 'sun', Amh. tar ,~ahal'
dabUf 'grasped, seIzed', lat/afro (M.) 'plaiting'; go left'; , (literary language), Arg faht'J, Gur ttl.·See ai'lo
~bh!df (n.) 'graspmg, seizmg'; mat/far (Gr) 'iron collar'; Jagiim 'left, left hand, \ef~ "de ; dhn
Sl:\tlTlC Ar, da"atu 'seize', Mh, t;la)'be~. Heb, ~o!!a~, mat/farl, (T) maifarl 'interwoven work (such as (dag am-a 'ad 'Iefl-handed );
~hn, ta~i\:Iyala -/",l,ff (It) 'be like the ,un,
t:g, l\/l! m nHb,t·m 'tongs', Akk. ~ObOfU (with I) snare, nel, grale)'; d,gm, (T) ~agm 'left side, left hand': warm oneself (m the ,un)',
'~Ize'~ perhap~ also Md. Jbl 'join, associate with' < dJgma, (KO) 'being IWlSled (n,), beIng on the
SEMITIC: Ar dafara 'braid' (v.), Soq. <fafreh 'braid'
AU.. ,IaMfU (accordmg to D,e'rlch 302). A related denommatlvc of dahol' (sec abo\-e)
~n.),. ~eb , $iJeiro 'w:eat~, garland', Aram. ~iJpar lefl side';
form also occurs m Heb. • .~rPf! 'bundle of ears of
braid (v), Akk. ~IPlrtu sack woven in a special dagiimiill'i, <!agiimay 'left-handed', , ~ak', ~iik" ~.k· olt. "t. lilt. (T l\ 0) ,ak lIlI,
corn', PbH, 50&01 'unite'; for Aram. <bl, see Noel·
dele 187543, n I, J, Greenfield, JAOS 62 (1962).
technique' dagiimiill',yiin 'things that one dISapprove, 01 , ~k )1.11, (L) ~.ko oI' 'hIP, hipbone: thIgh,
ETHIOPIC: Te. ~afra 'braid', Tna. !il/iirii, (ii/ora (in
296. SEMITIC Ar dagima 'be dIStorted, be crooked' (Dlil- Ihighbone, (T) flesh of Ihlgh, shoulder blade';
Praetonus 1871 : 127), Amh. (fiijfajfarii 'be woven
ETHIOPIC Te. :~iirra 'seize, catch, hold fast', Tna mann 1336). W. Muller suggests, WIth reservations, SFMITIC thc conneWon With Ar.\·£iq 'thigh', Hcb,
(leather straps)'. Note that Bed. deftr 'braid' is prob.
Ja~hafii, Amh. ,'abbiifii, Gar sabba,ii, Arg. cebbiifa Sh. dogulII 'speak out of the "de of the mouth' ,~oq, Syr Jaqii suggested by Brod. clmann i90~ :2Ji)
ably borrowed from Ar. <fafara. See also <faniart.
'squccze', Gur ~iihbiI!ii, (abbii,tii 'seize, hold', See Em;oPlc Tna. ~agam 'left', ~~iigKiim 'Ieft·handcd', " unllkc!y.
also dabl ·~fr, 'a~fir ~M·c 'tapeworms'; perhaps also Tna, #iggiimii 'be inconvenlcnt, he
probably from tla/oro 'intertwine', the tapeworms difficult', Te. ,~dggt"ima (cp. Latin sinlJt£'r 'sinister, dim
'1.9" (T) 'left',
~ab! 011'1' (K 0) 'gonorrhea', lef£,). The root is possibly common WIth Cu,hllic
being attached to one another or to the interior of from dJgm 'left', above. It ,.. an anaiogi..:ai [OrTTlil*
ETHIOPIC' Tna, {iib{i 'go norrhea', Amh. cabl. CJbt the stomach. Kham. saglb 'left' (WIth ailernance h. m), BiLQua lion with 'lm 'nght', above,
from the root 41J! 'something that seizes 'on~ ' (se~ iangah, with IOsertcd n, hencc Tc.Tna . .{ii"~iih 'left',
dllbtJla, abo\o'c). cpo also Te (liJ)sabiira 'be smitten ~og., ~ug 11, /1-"1; see t/wg. Aw. {angabo, dam>a /l9"~, see 'adm,'a:
b\. calamllv'
. . .
~ag'a (ya<!gii') 0"10 (Lt) 'make up a bed, (K) :dd"",a, (T) 'QSm<l'~ 'ltslen, hearken, hCl.'d, 10-
~ugat 1I-1-r, see tjll'g.
lean upon, be close 10'; chne (Ihe ear), give ear',
. . n 'molh, worm' '
'd.\wdiima'a 'ltslen carefully, dIscover by
<!agg,'a (Lt) 'sustain, uphold'; ~a~asa (Y't/has ) /l",O, ~a~asa 11"'0, (T) ~~sa
SEMITIC Buhl 548 (followed by Koehler 662, Baum- 'at/g,'a, (U) >a~g,'a 'make rest, lay, cause 10 lI',l,(l'slamp (one's feet), beat Ihe ground Wllh hearkenmg' ;
gartner 718, \'(In Soden 1032) compares Ar sus Ihe feet, pace up and down, move aboul, 'ud",,'o (n,) 'hearing'; ,
recline' ,
'moth·\\orm'. Heb. J'OJ, Aram.·Syr sos. Md. sase, mad",." madm.'; 'who Itslens, who gives ear,
lat/iig,'a (Gr.487) 'lie down, be strelched oul'; dance, (TY) keep time 10 the music by moving
A~k .laSU The identification d (Geez):s (Semitic) IS
not COn\Jnt.:lOg. 'asfat/iiga'a 'place on a bed, make lie down, the feel (Ihe diibfiira), clap Ihe hands in lime 10 St:MITIC: related to Syr. umii ',ml.rJ 'observe allen"
ETHIOPIC. Te. ~o~'e 'a sort of ant" Tna. sosii. Amh. make lean one against the other'; the music" , tively'. ")' h.
(~(Jtol ·sv.arm of ants', riJron 'kind of a ~~all ant'. <!,gu' (KO) 'who reclines, who lies down'; 'a4lwsa, (L) 'ashasa, causative, ETHIOPIC: Gur. (antumu (rrom ~m) ~1Ver car,
. . ,'I .JJmbmtu ' rumor (that I~,
'Amh ,~.,
<!,g', t/'gii' (pI. t/'gii'iif, d'g'ii/) 'pillow, mat- 4ahs (n.) 'slamping, pacing up and down, mov- hsten 10 SI eoce ,
~.f' (~af') fl<j:/l , (O<j:/l) 'filth, excrement'; Iress' ; 109 about'; what one hears).
SfMI ~IC'. m.t/ga' 'place where one lies down or reclines'; ma4h.s (KO), part. of 'adhasa;
damada (yadm,d) 001'1., (T) ~m.da "'''''"
Ar daf' 'excrement'. Mh. do/a> 'cow , .
dung. Heb. sap;"· 'dung', ma<!iig".' (nole g"), mat/iigu< 'paralytic, para- SEMITIC: related to Ar. da/lU.m 'throw about (the :yoke, harness, bind logelher, JOin, Itnk, subJU-
ETHIOPI(; Te. -lii/a', :'fiifJ' 'cow dung', Tna. $iif<i. lyzed, one who is laken with palsy, bedridden'; feet)', dah"'1a 'agitate the feet', dlllwda 'Jerk
probably passed mto Cushitic: Bil difja 'excrement', (za-ma<!iig",' 'Ihlrd Sunday of Lent', Ihat is, (slaughtered animal)'. . . gate' :
-'r '="c passed ('m.nmc oil ...:-ma!!J
r-" '
'encl It r lie<
h' be ked • .... .,....,·.-ll.1Id For the m-.::mun£ .i-v \.>r ":~"lctmH:: n 1~ t'
QD:.'if;·f '\i. LU .·
• '._"
QJ,M .'In?,,, - R'· 95 15 -"nlikcl
c." adhere ,1-
tbmmlJlli ~ dum nawa.
. -
~'If:: :.:> ....l- . .;.r::...1r meRe! be
'£;:L"~... n.::e jem~je- ne;,E'i

damar&, 4amma-. llfP'r-. l~ samar. l. oo l

dan!? ...
'-me.. "'-e..:.
:If' 11 .......... ,.,
-or . . 't:.~ - J ....."fa... C-:'LTlect. ... -tach. U51er ~ ...
' .. ""
asl"dJI.. ' re
e"'~'t. 1-'!"-..:t> TI a .tiM';' L 1',' 00' r.ail drwn. en
'lnpale ~elbor - 4
ds:mml,,-jI M""'_... -) ~amma"l Oftm be
... -~!! o:1&5l~il .. ll~ Uam.:Jmarl1 (1.: ada CI ":le Bnother ta red";>ii_
- JUIE't. ~{"I1 em 1 ~ ,S(;qnj, ~e 1 e! he s.cp.....'G1-
n Wi' vr f.orm used .. D the §:DC"ken"'nr-uan-et.:. '
a.lOJarr. m
a.'a' GIT ~.'
- ~. ~j frOlii others., icad a . .,...Jet .r~
dJm[1l1'IZ;wa (l. . leae an as..';f"t\1,. 1 e"
:l anzt ..., pass \;7' .
ti;mm;F'\1 -. ~T' ~J/'t1t12Y,' (" ...... tl.. 'Pca.::::ful nan- Sott"uc the c Inne~tm \It. ~ He l.V.!n
.at:1 also .sen'R * ..
• a.1amara. ,T: 'j2,\amara 'eJeaye 10 Cll·"',n t-II
;ia1'ltJ, "', . . ~ .~
~m1. cn~m. seda-::e. kmely" roeditsLO I e, moder· suggested ~\ Ra.tl1~ ~"");I. J.{IJ 1~ ur..:.± "
"':")""":ie~1ed uD. ega eGo assn.1- Ilt!:lch c·neself 10, ....s:Sociate ,\\.r..b Cnp ;,;.,nllther " IT'illoP'IC Tt" #, •.Jf1.f~'1:: 11(' tJ!' n:- sl-de
~ d...:.eQ te God . p'01lS. de- 'as,aiilimar-.4 ;:1-\ QuJmmara, caDS. If' la.ttinia~'a~ '" ll~mcn.1c:.w t-, ,,:!t' 'u:rr~, al"" l'
''''' k _
d;mlttIrM'-a. 'a-r.i:a!W1llllt' "1 ..... e:...,) suec.. 1 \ pea.:-e- l.
alsD '~lD toze!.i:Jer·
dami,.. act I'3.ft. of damaJil;
rull}' _ care;" .-r.~,.
. ill.... } V. \ at ...• f' I "
tIn!:. m'ld.1I!!i' ,.In;>/I \ " ~ .D
damn/aWl,--, met n..l. sijen~e se-da!eness. gi< r""",iI ~ on ':Jat
- ..........
... ~ ,'" :-, ...............
- '-'a n ,,' 1-
j# .. ib fWT ' ;rr;ted. Jomed . .:-onnected. aJfixed"
T •
nesS. lOneEnes~ ~cilit de ~"haps C0nTl~(1e ....
cd pe . J;,mur-~ "'together .7(\lDL1 .. a1 the S,-;:1:le ~me' 1 w
• tbm~ T) ~iJr.nnlWl':' (L di~a.~ !'leTZlf. IderrUie,
<en -ode de; 'ii Lt) P r
ess. to.o'l' tude,
'Jancrmit\ ~illetDes
a;mzma'_ liL-"1 or, ~!nb:Jg. COllPl:.~f... o~~.
" 1
• •
1..;·.1~ Il.. U-' . -m:

- SJ1.taT\ lire_ cor"'f""1piZ.!H' fe
fIff' of :;'SCNIC'lSID.. sedGte'1ess".
nle-l'lt! -'n.
...... . ',....
. ,.n",,,-,;'"
~,- ~=
~"':Jmr~l tl..."'l...~. .. UI.ilCm. -JO/-'""'!;:;::£:. ::Cllilf.".:tilll:'
~ ~
~amal-lf \Lt) ·SOL, ode adru~.rn ·maKe prC'~ .
~ CUlt .-~1,; £:1 ... us Sen'lCf' dim7~l 'T5) :D3riller \: f J.r;bng" l50ld::r...w: b.. ('once ved
4. S'iI.;.u
us .de< - i~~ '~J ~en-.u:'t • nwdrr.7t1 mat;lm.:u pI madam;" rmI;!iimiif)., TI
Ina, 1iiImrnlZw,~ Ix t.:me!~ 'IX ~ an
:wn~, 'prrpumt' omm dId t'lecC"lme "ll1et. lx:: 'm~ Silen.t urn-
~ ~L' _ ti.5 ~,~r'!.!JE'> dt-\\.l'L r as- m......" '(;0"7pamD:l. partner.. ;:nate, hu~bh.nd' d;' ·7'rt't'!1J.T'l1, ~ no

- m .. r' nCZ'".J0l! . ma.jmal (.instead of T llj~mar" means. of ha\-
muM.: .<J,mn{mJ '"cai.n:l ("!l qUlcf QmmI;-~t.'{ tlcmr
;:-hlld, the
l'~lct '1"1
-' \\:"Im~
\\: ,\.
.done' f""om Geez \ Th{' ;;:-onnectlon 'IjI,"!' Te- t'amha
Sewn ~~ :JJ!Uid... ;')'-41, coniam- Heo. smJ ng one'; oppoIlent tied to one, ;ret!ers~. "be 10nelv So.ggCSlej h Lttmann-riofncr to.:4 1!-- 4Ans ·C('IDCf"ptlon. pregnan;\, .rrh\")fn .. e:u"S,
~ ;.:.;,act! n~~elf 10 ,\C'~4'# ·cOI..l"le P:;.H mul;Jam~rr marriage, spo".lse, .:nate, husband unlike', :,et> for thl~ I(h)\ Praeh)f""!"':!' 1F-.ll, '1."', 1h ~~ daniS. dar;.,~or •~onC'{"rtion'
- ;.), .. A.ra:"1-SVf ~m.J.d - .t'>:u ... 10-
I ma.f"1(JdJmaf ~bo .101'15 together' (bm.U1 'Cl'-ncertH1:D, p:e~n.a n~~\
dB.i 1l'11T M\;un "abo used 3J, .he name
-e Md cmd ~:"l .... ,,""1m. ':'DL:.'T'k t £. IfhJd
-\£.1. a...:m.i ·u ' n:: -'i ~ch·
. - SE),fl11(' related t(l ~'ijJr {"'1tn ahernan~~e of of a "ersoo and the ""me of 3 ell
wh;ais), A1 ltlhara --hmd. tlf"~ S!\.! . Qat....b.Ei.n I J,w ErRl'lpl\. Ina .'I.imasa-l ~iih C.:m('CIvt..1, 'rnh om- \\ke ~ T e. ~iim-d.7.
~LDj, lIn.lf' Heb ~iJpar. 1. g !"flr--T hand.. group' danbol. <I....b31 B'}11Cl ; !It·HIA. ,1 ~anbiJ n M\..a .iru:..7J;fi.,Q.. Our tiln1i~ .....\;j
"J'llti'lu",.. ~ ~~ -,'"JWil" ... (,-..... -- 'iPY1Zid:" ~::SI,-ec
B:~,c: 'eh!lann F'2- ~l'i. idenU!les ;;imr \\1lb G. t1iIr1,o·
/lA. ,11) ~...~1 X'''HIA ornament L r th,
" IJl.i. • """""" \ ·h Qa t«mdi- til ph . of .aa see ab, e). '':le r of \\hich is -due t. 'Re'Ir.WOfj.
r=heac.. diadem, \Tl h J(k 50l ' •
""-::- ~ ~ te Q,. ."""do 'd:;.mg ~"i.h ll;ute' -
,hedI!e" "'l. tnt c j

EnrDPK Ina 6'ammiirii unIte, ad~ put t0gcther'

ETHlOPI( Te SlJrnb;a/.1 :t;m .r "fr"mtl ,~Amh ,»na- strau:blen

stlCIi.S us(: n mal..:"'1F w .l~
biJl lin_tJjlJa beadc101.b. n... "'3.1 hI." uS(
Ie iamra, A.:rh. ;.ammir.1 .i.'amm.1riL .-\n:.- hJ,11r
""pease It;.· heal. f1UJ.r-~ Gur at ammiira ·CO.ILtllne TlgTl..D\'2 iJm- 4uq"'nn, :uq"an "hedge, fm-ce.. ~~l0.sI."Tf'_
-~ ~e2l a rra~~~e
mjra ,~ t.b 1 .. aD" tiimmiirii :with +-, seCl1l to ~ (tt) forulicat.on. (II ,\J, """"d 'or m~:to
note thr:t ma of dmd hf'arne n4 .n J;m:1.
borr~wed-"-o.I:l "-m.ha."1c- T10"'in~'2 siimh.irii sanbilra w:a;f y

ve .:..:5 ~-ess 9.(';..::'"JQs·. a:u.gJllen!ec to) .~ (becomrng m hefor(' ,l.,) is w

~anf..., { ",,-coT. iT B, s;oDf~n X',<,:.CoT trap. i
SO . d _b.a I IS.. fll51t"ned ~ cC"nr}~~ed v. til sor. (Heb. sQbarl
. rather than u,'.itb
- snare" ,

K ~!) _:"\- srn" Vr,'~tb aubmented [I, as suggested b) Wa.lDhcrf 1 dar I BC_ ,eo JarJrw,
ir,'m Jcif-ara -brm-d, "'eave_ mten"-lne- f~'et ahnvc)
s!'X.'........ .t /1:mtm.:J "ret "~ ge-ther ynn erh_Jose, 1;"'~-b.18. thu; u. so DeCause- an a..ugmentJ.u0n v,'lth"
normal tha..n an a"'grnenUltlOn Vllth tJ, Tht with m5>-ertt'd '7, hw J t IS al5iO pC1ssiblf' tn denvt: 11 I du IT ItC IGT 443) 'gu nes hen"
"'-1.7'"" '>-tIDe' "'Pt H~,", ,fr. un str..m, pI e$S Dr-

'"'C:-SS F· ~ har;1 ~T <f'l.1SU -\r .... am ... ;~"'.:lIl7'Plm;

root pas.!'ed ;nto CushrDc Bit ~·.1onmar "tie. gather- from .s;J~·ar ".lind of creepmg In used to tnb.i..e
Srutre5~ . 5;et"' below \. FN the- same d('vf'lopmcnt ~""lr
I d..... •wir'"
llCO \Lt.'v\). saN lie/)() sar'.
damr II'1"C .... 001. fleece. woolen garment. ~" rr)'he annulled. he made or M ctT<'<t. he
E Tc: lI.1nm:ra 31ft1'1'st;.leel:e ; ....gcthcr ~. T) m=n field, grass ..
- mellnmg. cpo Amh_ a..-'..k71 La (transl.anon of .'!Of'!!llr)
'hnd of creepmg i,·~·. and ""1rar tbat ~~ ma& cftbe
Arr- :;m-.... . DC ..mta. ami"i tit Io/i':'.. tl.
SEft4rIlC Heb. !tf1?lt.r 'W'oof. -\..ram.-S.n_ amra. Md. aJkiIL:/ The- COnnectIon lo\,th Amh. -.'I'5fimliir "'!.rBT'
152 15:1
dlrah ~ararl dar5J
- ~

~arq (pI. '~tjrilql) 8C+, (T) ~arq lIC+ 'patch

- -
~ •.•
b"n~ 10 a 'lOp, make slop, neglecl, cease, 'quar. rei be enemies', (uro
" ' , .Tna .Amh 'Gur .
wlCkedne", ferOCIt)',«('r
m,lk~ C,:I'C, make worlhle .., be Idle, leave Idle, rag, lalter ; ,
(... .. ) fara marl'IlIIJ Protestant. lit. 'enemy of
ro' , h . )75) IgnomtO\ d
(:a-tjarq 'Ialtered, ragged'); onor, mfamy mailce, naugh',n _ - 1-
aband.'n, gJ\e up, inlerrupl, abrogate, omit, Mary' dugal, <arne;
k~r back, hinder, dJ\'ert. Ieav'e aSide, abohsh, 'at/rJql 'shre~s, swaddling clothes, ragged ar-
ment, lalters ; g darsa (vatjrils) 8C~ 'be set on edge (teeth), dall''''ag, (T M) J<lW",ig ' p<,e, dq>ra\'ed rna,
maJ..e Yt,id, usc up': also causatIve of the mean- become dull (teelh) , denommallve of d,'r", ilgnanl, dIStorted, unpoil,hed (~rsO) "'_
lOgs or da,.a~ . ETHIOPIC' Tna.Har, f~r9i 'rag', Te.Amh.Arg.Gur 'at/rasa, (TY) 'asrasa 'sel on edge (Ieeth), nabl h f I ' '" n, •• ",ml'
passed IOtO CushltlC: Kam .carqa , Qab ..c·"arqa,' e, ale u , .VlI, ""ked, p<rfld,ous fi
tadJr'iI, pas",e of 'adra'a; also 'be lacking, be tiirq; . ~ak off the edge of the teelh': enraged, Wild (ammalr ; , erce,
Idle, crase, recede, abolish, be repealed, be Be, dariik
_ dars, pI. d.,as, (T) .prs '
mo I '
ar tooth, d,,,. "I( (K), same,
neglected, be in \'310, mIss; . ,

""" wage (Gr48') 'perver"I), cruehv'

(bru' 'Idle, mactive, careless, lazy, lOert,
. 'andorara
, "'1'('(., (T) 'ansorra
"r 'anSOra
a SEMITIC: Ar. tjin 'tooth', tlarisa ' become dull
'an~.rara "'111(, : "'111(,(, : "'')lI(.(.' 'Iurn (tooth)', SAr, '-<Irs I 'mo,lar le~th', Billner 1909 30 ladllwtwl agi (Gr4X6) 'cruc)" , - '
brought to a stop, worlhless, vain, void, null,
about, be turned round, (T) be troubled b compares Mh. m-tjarah tooth (from c/rh = c!n), SEMITIC' perhap\ rclaled t"" Har,.. Hlr~).1t'l:' ',heat,
invalid, of no effect';
dislressed, be agitated, be restless, (T,TS,K~ ETHIOPIC': Amh.Arg. tars 'looth', Har !IrS;, Tna, 1o,," person'.
(d,lfWD 'idly, in vain'); . IJrS;; Amh. !iirriisii 'break the teeth', Gur. (Llra.~ii
rave, (T) be squint-eyed'; ETHIOPIC" Tna, ( tii J.\~wl"a.~ii 'have an angry lo()l.,
dllr' 'Interruption. cessation, idleness, laZiness,
.. '., natjo:iir, (T) na~o~iir 'torment, affliction, (T :break off a piece', HaT. ( ll)!arii.m '''Cl on edgc'. be sullen. ~ glo~my • Te. (ii)\wliga 'look. gloomy.
lOacl!vlty. IOertl3 ; Tna. tiirsiima 'break a loath', Amh. fara.Hilma are dl\tOTI one s race. ('at) ( iiklriigiJ 'Ix unruly
d.,'al, (T) "r'at, (Gr.486) ""rii'l 'ceasing, idle- TSK ) headache, VIOlent pam, gnef, squinting'; deno~matives of ·!iJrs-am 'big-toothed'. Tignnya
ness, respit~, letup, Intermission. interruption, SEMITIC: AT. ( ta)r!aw\I,!ara 'wither with pain' tiJrriisii 'finish', and Te, lar.fiO 'become emaciated, ~awasa (pdus ), ~a .. wasa om" 'be "calcncd,
rest from work, nullity, InvahdJlY, (Gr.486) lazi- (FleISch 216), become weak> ·come to an end' are to be COI11- (Lt) be, cnppled, be lamed, be p.lral)'leJ, be
, ETHIOPIC" Te. 'an~oriira, 'an(oriira 'be dizzy', Tna. pared with Amh. fiirrus/i ·finash. exterminate' and t"lSled ,
(:a"",hllia dilr'al 'ceaselessly, wilhoul Interrup- ·all~fiirariil..'ii 'produce dizziness', fiJrur bald 'feel not WIth G.Amh, {r.f; 'break the tcclh. havc dull 'ad~H'~fcJSG, (K) 'tlc/W(HG '",caken. Cripple, lame.
diZZY' teelh', as suggested by Llllmann-HOfner 611 See mi.llm ,
lIOn '),
"'>r'iil (Gr 486) 'laziness'; also tarso. lal/all'"ma (T) 'be paralyzed, be cnppled',
darara 8(.(., see >adrara;
(.iAI\"W~,fi. ~LnnruJ '\'I"eakcned, feeble, tWisted,
, '
'adptnt ·ceaslng. Idleness, inanity'; 'at/rara, (T) 'a~rara 'become an enemy, become darsu 8Cr'l- (T) 'precious slone',
droopmg, maimed, paralYlcd, crippled, lame,
SEMITIC. Barth 190~:42 connects It with AT rjarra·a a foe, be hoslile, be an adversary, rebel, revolt,
which he translates 'gar scm, (fast) zu Ende sein (die slir up trouble, starl a tight, start a war'; darawa
o(.m (MA) 'fortify, build a fort', palSied, defectIVe, (0rJ75) castrated, mull-
lated' ,
Sonne nahe am Untergehen, gekochtes)'; he inter- tadarara 'quarrel, be foes to one another, be
prets It as 'commg to an end', but in fact it means an enemy of, be hostile, rise againsl, Oppose'; dar;;wi
Oll-'/!; see darara,
(d,m'II'Jsa 'JgJr 'Iamc'),
'draw ncar, approach' and not 'come to an end'. >astat/arara 'breed mUlual enmity, make cer, 1\a variant of dtlfaa (see ahovc). For \:'lstratc', 'P,
~ar;;y Oll-~; see darara,
ETHIOPI(' Tna. JilrriJ'e 'lack, stop, be interrupted Ar Idwwasa, from which Tc. tllltiHcI IS l:Iorrowcd .
tain persons enemies of others, put enmily
between persons'; dew;;
, I, sewii
, t'/', lI,CP (Lt) 'army Unit'; ~ew.wa '/,OIm 'take pmoner, caplure, carry
~arab 8(,11 (Gr443) 'embryo, foetus', tjariiri (K') 'enemy, hoslile'; ETHIOPIC: Tna.Amh iowa 'frechorn' Brockclmann capllves, deporl, eXile, \eIlC (goodsr,
darur 'hostile'; 1950:8 derives il from Bd, tthii 'family' (probably'" (t/eIl'OIra
, {"Mo 'he won the hearl or some-
~arafa, ~arfa (yadrJ(J 8U., 8Ct. 'blaspheme, tjar (pI. 'adriir) 'enemy, adversary'; good family> freeborn') , one'),
slander, Vilify, abuse, revile'; darii"i, tjariiy 'hoslile, enemy'; lallen-awa, passive;
'adraftl (K), causallVe, tatjariiri 'enemy', dewii
, II '/, CP; see dell'all'a
, ~/t~~njH';, act. part. of c/t'U'tH\'(I; also \;aptive';
tadar(a, passi\'e; tatjrart 'enmity'; d,lWJ)\" , cjiWJIf, (T) .~IW,lW 'capti\le, prisoner.
radiirafa 'slander one another',
, ,
tatliiraro ( IJ 'hostilily, enmity, hale'; ~wg, ~oga (y.dugJ n,
(K) ~awwaga 8m', 'be exiled' ;
,astadiirafa (K'), causative of tatjiirafa; matlrar (pI. matjarart) 'mischief-maker, who malignant, be perverse, be VlCtOUS, bc cruel, be dl'wii 'captivity, exile; prisoner, exiled',
duriin 'slanderer, blasphemer'; incites enmity, who sows dissension'; ferocious, be tierce, be savage', dewiiwt', diwaw£'
, , 'captivity, impnsonment, e~ile':
d'fu('given 10 blasphemy, blasphemous, slan- maslarjoriJr, part. of >Qstar/tirara; 'al/waga, 'aswaga (Lt), callsalive,
ETHIOPI(,: Te . .\"lira 'take pnsoncr, )teal', Tna. {(illll-
derer, slanderous, abusl\'e'; lal/awga, same as tjoga; 1'0 'kidnap to sell as slaves' 8rockelmann, 'LS t(
dJr/at 'blasphemy, abuse', SEMITIC: Ar. rjarra 'injure, be harmful', SAr. 4" tal/awwaga (Y ,Gr), ta~a>l' (II' Juga (Tl,same as
'wage war', Soq. {ier(r) 'strike', Heb. ~farar 'show (1932),116-7 compares It Wllh Ar. dawn'" 'be lean,
masladii,,/' parI. of ,astatjiirafa; dawwalra; also 'show oneself cruel (pcrverse, scrawny, weak', Egyptian ifw 'bad', and for the
hostility toward', ~'iQr 'enemy', Aram. 'iir 'enemy', vicious)' ;
ETHIOPIC: Te. ~farfa 'abuse', Tna. ~iiriifii 'curse', Ug. ·~rr 'hurt, afflict', !r-( 'enemy', Md. ~ara, Akk. meamngs 'weak, take pri~oner' and 'bad' he com-
Amh. farra/a 'msult, scorn', ~erru 'hostilIty, enemy'; also 'rival wife', in Ar
rjawiigi, act. part. of tjoga; pares Italian ('atti~'o, ThiS companson IS not [on-
rjarra, Heb. ~arjj, Syr, 'arriJ!ii, Ph. ~rt, Akk ~e"l'f~. dug, (T) ~ug 'perverseness, depravily, baseness, vmcm£!:.
~aram. 8(.00 (MA) 'sustain, help';
ETHIOPIC Tna. (tiJ)sariirii 'be hostile', ~iir 'enemy.
metatheSIS of damara 'unite, join' Te, (I'harara ,tx:' hoslile', Amh, (Ialtarr'"
r,drad. 155
radfada J.f:I..Y. 'increase, augment, exceed, ex-
, ..

to he connected With tada/a IT '", . •

"- -- -
beCome numerous, be COpIOUS_ hecome the root be sid witll ,'h ' l'para~e Or ":ould
ce,I , I b " . C cmematl(, en i
abundant, multrp y, surpass, e superior'; m .rdw 'llsfwerlawu? - l mg '/a14a. as

,afad/ada 'multiply (tL). augment, surpass,

Cdl II, 'asfadls"s hil"-f:/\/D (T) 'hend double'
m'ake exceed, glve, m abundance, do rn abun-
dance, do more; fidal Lf.A 'lett f h .
al h be er Ole EthIopian S\lIabd'}
la/ad/ada, passIve; , pat, syllabary', .,
Ft. /ad/ud 'excellent. abundant, exces>Jve, exceed-
(adala (T_MA) 'wrile, ma>ler the alphabet (de,
ing, extreme'; nominative):
/adfod 'exce"enc~, superiority, advantage, ex- fad"' (Gr.387) 'learned, literate',
fe t..., m lafe lit... 'to this side, in the direction SEMITIC': Ar. fa'ama 'fill its mouth with herba c cess: superfluous;
of, that way'; (camel),: and perhaps Heb. pima 'fat' < *p(1)in~~a. /adfodat (pI. of fadJad) -appendages'; ~THI?~I~: Te" .fidel 'letter", Tnn.Amh. -'Idii.l, Amh.
Von Soden 862 compares Heb. pima with Akk. Jaddala wflle; perhaps derived from l"adala 'sepa-
walafe 'and beyond, and above'; /ad/ad-o 'abundantly, exceedrngly, extremely, rate' lh . .'
pi),iim/Illl, '"etwa 'stark'" (so also Koehler 759). The ~,' at IS. somcthmg that IS ':-Ieparalcd or ,cl
la/e,ll'ola/c 'this way,,_and that way, on this particularly, In partIcular, greatly, above all, apart, that forms a unit.
identification of G. pm with Ar. Jam 'mouth' (a
side" ,and on that side, here" ,and there'; more, in a high degree';
secondary form of fii), suggested by Dillmann 1374 faddasa J.f." (T MA V) -puncture, pIerce,
lale Iwlafe (L1) 'on either side'; ('a!fo fad/ada [Lt] 'how much more!'); ., ~I.l, I cut a
is less likely. '
'Jmla/t.,-hi. ,wa'amlafe-hi 'on every side, on one /adfoda-ssa 'chiefly, especially, particularly, vern rn the torehead rn order to bleed or cup a
ETHIOPIC: Gaf (tii)famii 'take a mouthful'; Amh. person';
side, . and on the other side'; lamma (from 1m?, as against J'm of Geez and above all';
bala/e, ,balaf. 'on this side_,,(and) on that Gafat), diibtiira-argot for biilla 'eat'. /Jdfod'superiority, excellence, pre-eminence'; ETHlOPIC Te·fiiddii.w "maKe an Incision \c.g. on the
side' ; (jadfod-a -exceedingly, especially, very'); forehead to cure a headache)'
, , Tn. ' .\mh . 1'/"
(/I tla ... a~

"1110 lafc '" lI'a'J"1O lafe 'within and without,

ra'm. , 4-M'" 'woof, spun yarn, opening of a /adJOde -abundance, superiority, advantage, ex- Amh. also liilladdiitii twith augme-Ilted 11) ;"plit'
. '
hither and thither'; cellence' ; foda! C:f.T (T,M) 'ball (used ill a game)',
",,,kahii, ,ll'a'amla/e -on this side" ,and on that ETHIOPIC: Tna.ja)mi 'the thread that remains in the /,d/,amnii 'excellence, superiority';
side' ; shuttle for weaving', Dilhnann 1374 connects the ma/ad/,d 'major part, the greater part': fadaya (pfdi) "-f.f 'recompense, restore, re-
Dillmann 65 records lale as the lexeme whereas lale meanings of fo'm 'morsel' andja'm 'woof', and for munerate, requite. reward. substitute. pay
the relation between the meanings he compares Ar. SEMITIC: SAl, f,ifd-I-m 'reichlich tragcnd' (Miiller
is more likely to be analyzed as la-fe, with aggluti- 1983:279); perhaps also related to AI, /ada (jj'd) back, repay, pay a penalty, pay a debt, owe a
Jullma 'woof' and 'bait'. debt',,
nated la (so also Praetorius 1879: 143; Brockelmann •
'be useful, be beneficial',
1908: 333). fa'asa J.hI'l (MA) 'go the rounds', ETHIOPlc: Te./iidfiida 'have many children', f;'dji,d ifadaya baqala 'take revenge');
SEMITIC: Heb, pe'ii(h) 'side, edge', Aram, pa(')-lii, 'large, plentiful', Tna,fiidflidd 'exceed, be plentiful', (;aya/addi'debtor):
Ug, pit 'corner', Akk. piilu 'edge', pillU 'front'; Ar. fa<g <;:,)"1 'dung'; Amh,fiidiijfiidii: also in Cushitic: Som, fad 'be in 'a/daya, causative;
fi'a 'troop, band' is given by Noeldeke 1910: 152 an abundance'; related to Som. Sa. bad 'abundance',
ETHIOPIC: Amh, f.g 'dung', (a)fagii 'to manure fafadya, passive; also 'exact payment, demand
onginal meaning 'Angriffsfront'. Rundgren 1955:70
with dung', Gur. fig 'hay left after the cows have I payment. receive something in compensation,
connects Ie With Heb. po 'here'. For this biradical fadal. I (ya/dal) J.f.1I (K.H 218) 'be numerous,
eaten'; possibly related to fagaga L obtain indemnity. receive payment. recei',e a
root, see Noeldeke 1910: lSI. be abundant. be in excess, exceed the limits, be
ETHIOPIC Amharicjit 'front'. due award, sutTer vengeance, take revenge,
fa<aqa J.04' (T) 'have heartburn'; left over';
For lara)'{1 I\"-f, see helow. avenge, receive punishment, bear punishment':
ETHIOPlc: Amh. faqii, same, /ad"l (Lt) 'gracious; merit'; /adiiy, fadiiyi, act. part, of fadara; alse, 'an-
fo's I::h, fo<a 1::0; see /11", from Ar. fat/ala 'be left over. excel'; also in Te. swerable':
f<rlw, 'asfa<erlawa hilJ. '}.C/\ID (TSw, in D 1398)
f'm, 'sf'ama h<;:h OD 'put a morsel of food in 'heap up, store, accumulate'; (ta)fiiddiila 'excel', fad,l 'excellent, great', Amh. filddii 'retribution, remuneration, repayment,
[,dd,1 'large, stocky person'. recompense, reward. compensation. ransom.
another's mouth, feed, gIve bread to a beggar'; for ·Iawa. see frlw, in lasfarlawa. The form is
rafa'ma, (Tl ta(a'ma 'put food into one's punishment, revenge';
strange. fadsla lJ (y,fihl) A.f.1I (K*) 'separate, set
mouth, put a morsel into the mouth, feed on, j,ddii 'for' (for the passage of meaning, see
beg for bread'; fa<awa ,c.OID (K *) 'shout, whistle, breathe baqala, be:a);
hard, pant'; is either related to bdl (Heb, bdl, hif'it 'separate') or fada)' 'payment, repayment, retribution':. ,
la/ii'ama (K*) 'put food in one another's
IS to be connected with/idal 'letter' (see below), that /adl'at (n,) 'paying, rewardlllg, compensalrng ;
mouths' ; ETHIOPIC: Amh,fll alii 'hiss (snake), snort (ox, from
]5, 'separated. set apart'. Sec also jdl I, 'asfadlawa. mafde 'money, reward, payment':
'asraf'ama 'beg for a morsel, beg'; anger)', fiw alii 'whistle'; is possibly connected with
IQSra/tJlama (K"), caus. of tajii1ama: G. 'aj'of ·viper'. There is also the possibility that fdl I, '.sfadlswa hilA.f:IIID (H 221), 'asfedlswa m~fdiiy 'that with which a debt was paid';
KWK simply transcribed Heb. pa'ii (p'Y) 'groan, M~f:II/D (T) 'cut down (trees), prune SEMITIC: AI', .radii (("1')
(ii'm (pI. 'af'aml, 'a/'a1l1I, fa'1I1iir, 'aj'iim) . ' 'buy off, ransom', SAr /d,',
-morsel. small bread divided among the poor'; branches' , 'redeem (a debt), pay (money)', Soq,fede 'ransom,
fadda '-':./1; see fadaya,
156 fa~ala 157

(probably from Geez); perhaps also Amh. Jiigga

- I gambol, leap, be lascivious. be impu-
Ike rOllJ (pdr). tlg. pdl'. Akk. radii, ped'; thIS case, cpo aIso Heb iih '
'shine, brighten, sparkle'. 'exu \T.y.M) be easily angered, seethe with ma&aq 'wipe off' . m . aq \km' (\), PhH
""t'xempt. set free' . ,
ETHI0PIC" Tna, /iidiiya 'pay. repay, reqUite, T~. dent. be sexually aroused (animal), get ETlIloPlc: Te. jaha a '
fgg I, Cagaga (yaJgag) 1..11, (MA) f'gg. t..1 anger,
(iidQ. Amh. Ja.~ga ·finish. fulfilr. Har.[aga 'exterml- jaJ;aq-ij 'scrape a 'boqne' gnlaw, . . e:-.:lerrnmalc·, Tna
'have a bad odor, exhale a bad odor, be fetid" drunk'; (a so lalh "
h la same; a Iso 'be a d uIterous ' ;
nate ,Cerulli 1936:415). Gur. foga 'accompl~sh, -
fiber rrom a bark' .. h ,119 a remo ... c the
tlm!'h. fulfill', The final =of Te. Jilza 'ran~om In
Jagug 'foul, fetid, rank, bad odor';
Jagg (Or.388) 'dung, stench';
taf/ fdhiil, fl!rl, (T) Ja!riJ 'lust, lasciviousness, 't~~:, Har. fi~aqa' ' : , ~:~~n: I). Arg.: .fa~d~a
reiatlon to Ihe final d of G. faddo is explamed by
Jagag (K ') 'stench, bad odor';
faa la, nc~ impudence, (T) drunkenness'; jaqa (reduplicatedfaqd), Gur 10' .. h. /aqa. I"qa(·
IC' Aw fiak' S ' . aqa. a.1~(\ In CUShtl·
Brockelmann 1927:21 as 'Angleichung' to bezti (see pelU-I' (T) , act part. 0 rr.hl
Ja a a; . I, om. fiq serape', Kham. /aq.
above). However, the alternance d:z in Tigre is a SEMITIC: related to Ar.foga Ifwi) 'exhale an odor' h l
faa " .
frequenl occurrence. f,~ilot 'fierceness'; Ca~ara (yafhar) 1...1.;:, rabara t..U;: 'dig d'
Baumgartner 860 compares, with reservations, Ar:
[igg 'unripe', Heb. 'pag, Aram. paggii. Ie Ar.[ahl'stallion (0 1347), pUltlng of a he- up, bury'; , '&
radama, raddama 1..0 OD , (KG.Y) ra~ama l..'t.OD S'MIT.I among .she-cameI' s • Mh . fia,hi' peDIS,
" Syr.
ETHIOPrc: Te. fiiggiiga- 'putrefy, rot', Tna. fiigiigii fa~iiri (K '), act. participle;
'obstruct, ci~se up. shut, stop up, make speech- came .. , pa.l
hlii 'yearning for cOItJOn, -11-<
a testlc'1'
e, Md.
'disgust, nauseate\ Amh. Jiiggagii 'have a foul
less, silence, (TS.KG) smear (on), (Y) put on a odor'; passed into Cushitic: Bil. Jiigiig 'roC. See also ~;hla 'male organ', Ug: p!11 'ass', Akk. p"/rolu 'stal- SBMITI~:. ~r. fai)ara 'dig, noteh, cut' (Dozy)' Ar
/a>ara dig mentIOned by Amsalu 61 ',S a d ' .
bit, crush, muzzle'; fa'g. lion used for covenng . t" f . cnomma-
,a{dama 'am-lab 'wean' (see lab); lve ron:fa'r rat, mouse' and would mean 'dIg as a
tarat/ilia, taJadt/ama, passive; also 'lose o,ne's Cgg ll, Cagaga L 11 (K') 'light up (sky), smile'; (,hm tj:tl.9" 'coals, carbon, live coal, embers'; r~t ~oes. The rOot also OCcurs as ~rr. with metathe-
ST~, 10 Ar. ~afara 'dig', SAT. ~ifr. Heb. hiipar, Amm.
speech, keep silent, be stili, become mute; fahama (yapram) , (Y) Ja~ma, (T) Jalrma 'be-
ETHIOPIC: Amh. fiiggiigii 'light up (sky), smile'; i)arar , Syr. h'l!ar. Md. "pr, Akk ~aparu.
JadulII 'obstructed, closed up'; passed into Cushitic: Qem. Jiigiig 'smile'. eo'me live coal' (denommatlve); ETHIO~IC: Tna. fli~arii 'dig out', Amh. fora; with a
SEMITIC s~ JO;lIm 'stop someone's mouth '. 'af/Jama (K'), causative; re.duphcated root In Amh. jiir40ara, Gur. !iJriifijrii,
Cagara (yafg,,) L 1;: (K ') 'scratch the ground,
ETHIOPIC: Gur.Jii!iimii 'close the eyes or the mouth, SEMITIC: Ar. faJ;m 'charcoal', Soq. fham, Hob. Pf- !Igre has lJaJra 'dig' (with metathesis), as is the case
be intent (on a task), strive, work hard, be- m Some Semitic languages: see above
block the road'; related to Ja$$ama (see below). ham, Syr. poi)ma, Ug.Ph. p~m, Akk. pentu (for pem-
come exhausted';
fa~ana (yaNall), ra~ana 1..0~ 1 I..'t.~ 'be fever- Ar. Jagara 'cleave. cut, break open', PbH.
IU). fI)s T, fi~as. (yapws) t..oht'l (T), f.bsa 'i:tl.t'l
SEMITIC: ETHloprc: Te. fo~am 'charcoal', Tna. fai)mi, Arg.
ish, be sick with fever, shiver, (K'.TS) have pigger 'break up, destroy', Ararn. paggar. (Y) 'spin (thread), twist, (K') rub, (K;.H) make
j,h,m, Amh. fam, Gur. fem; Har. fl!wma 'be red-
diarrhea, (K '.Y.M) be angry' (unless tiinaddddii, ETHIOPIC: Tna. Jiigiirii 'make a hole in a wall to red by dyeing';
hot'; passed into Cushitic: Or. fimi 'charcoal. em·
the translation of fa~alla, is a denominative of enter the house with the intention of robbing\ bers', Qab. }ema, Kham . fe~ma. laf'!lSa (K'), passive;
n,dad 'fever'; tiilladdiidii would then mean 'be Amh. faggiira, foggiira 'paw the ground, dig Ihe Jahus (K) 'of purple color, dyed red';
feverish'); dirt'; Te./iigra 'go out' comes close to the meaning Ja!rso 'thread, (L.O.K) kind of red flower, (K')
(a~aqa (yafhaq) L,h"', (L) C.~aqa "-'~"',
Ja$(a)11 (T) 'fever, shivering'; of Ar. fagara (see above). red color, red thread';
(T) ra~qa tj:;"'" 'scrape, erase, scratch,
faddal/l, (LI) Ja~(~)al/l. Ja~ant 'fever, (K'.TS) fahaqa, Cahqa I (yafhaq) LO'" j tj:0'" (M.K '), smooth (parchment), tan, engrave, carve, pol- this root can either be divided into la~asa I 'spm,
diarrhea'; see also fansant. Cahaqa 1..",'" (K'.Y) 'have hiccups, have hean- ish, wipe off, wipe away, rub off, scrub, clean, twist, rub' (fa~so 'thread'), and]ahasa II 'make red
• •
by dyeing' ([J!ISO 'red color, kind of red flower',
fagga 1..1, tj:"I; see Jagaga L burn, breathe out'; (T) separate, chase away';
fa"us 'of purple color'), or be represented only as
Jahaqi (K'), act. participle; >afl.lOqa (DTW), causative; fa~asa with the basic meaning 'spin, twist, rub', and
Cag'a ()'aJgii') , Cagga<a 1.."10 'live a life of Jahiiq.Jiihq (Lt.K) 'hiccups'; taf,hqa (K'), passive; 'make red by dyeing' would derive from rubbing,
pleasure, find pleasure in, live in luxury, live Ja~iiqi, act. part. of Ja~aqa; also 'sculptor, mixing, and producing a red color.
sumptuously, enjoy oneself, be given to de- SEMITIC: PbH . pii"aq 'yawn'; relaled to Ar. faqa maker of parchments'; SEMITIC: for the meaning 'twist, rub', cp. Ar.Ja~asa
Ifwq) 'have hiccups, be afflicted with panting'. See
light' ; J,hllq 'scraped, carved, polished, hewn, 'rub ears of barley to remove the grain'. Mh. fliis
also falraqa JL
'aJga'a (Lt) 'procure pleasure'; ETHIOprc: Amh. (a)faqii 'have hiccups'. smooth, well-shaped'; 'twist'; related to Ar. /a~a~a 'scrape the ground (for
ta(ag'a, (T) taJag'a, same as Jag'a; Muqiit 'polished objects'; laying eggs)', PbH. piihas 'smash, beat out of shape,
'astaJag'a 'delight, procure pleasure'; fahaqa, Cahqa II (yafhaq) 1..0'" , tj:U'" (D.M), dissolve by rubbing' .
j'~qo 'carved work, scraped work, graven
fagu~ 'given to pleasure, given to wantonness'; f.~qa tj:;".,. (TY) 'put to flight, chase away, work' ,. ETHIOPIC: Te. fa~asa 'twist', Tna. fiii)asd, Amh.
fag' 'pleasure, delight, amusement, recreation, separate, flee'; fa"aso, f,hiso 'kind of red flower' (from Geez).
Mqat (DTW), verbal noun of fa~aqa;
satisfaction, life of pleasure'; perhaps connected withfalraqa I 'breathe out' which maf/Jaq 'scraper, instrument for carving, polish- , II , r3hsa
fhs . tj:tl.t'l (MA) 'spread Qut, stretch
jagf"ii, same; could have come from the meaning 'chase away' > ing , etc" , out'.
Jag'at 'delight, enjoyment, satisfaction'; ·'chase out, ·send out' > 'breathe out'. m'foiiq (K ') 'scraper, place where one
tafga't 'pleasure, delight, enjoyment, luxury, scrapes' ; fhs 1TI CahaSi I..oht'l (K') 'dig, examine, scruti-
concupiscence, reveling'; fo~a G:oh; see fwh. , '.
nize carefully, question repeatedly'.
SEMITIC: Dillmann 1348 connects it with Ar. malJa-
ETHIOPIC' Te.Jiigra 'comfort', Tna. ta/gart 'reveling' fa~ala (yaflral) I.",'" (D.T), C.~la tj:tl.1I (T.Y) qa 'efface, strike out' (with alternance of Jabials); in SEMITIC: related to Ar. fab~a 'scrutinize'.
~~.~!.~ ____________________________ ~1~5~8______________________________:~:lf~'I~. f.lf.1 159
. .
'< (Tl. faha!a '<-lIm (MA) 'plOch'; 'boa~~ _of one's e.'(~I~lts·. Tna. !.ii~kiirii. Amh 811 fiilfiil 'gush out', Qab.Jiilfiil/o'Jalfalla See also -
fokkara, Gar. fikkara, HaT. (Ia)jaxiira G f>ifal (fiJ/uba rU~'icll 'em-1ft on a ml~~lOn'L
ETHlOrl( 10 he IdcntJf1cd \\'ith G. bajcJta (with jiikiirii; In Cushllic: Aw.Jekiir, Kamfokka;u. T~r f,lhal (n.) 'bUbblmg, bOlltng. ardor',
metathesIs). and han(ata I 'scratch with the finger- root IS n01 to be connected with O. fiikkarii 1; falfal r '('A'('A (D.K) 'water buffalo, (M) ele- ~,afl'~ (pI. mafal,"I) 'vessel in ",hlCh one b",h,
nail'. wllh rnetathc:\ls and insertion of n. 'interpret' as suggested by Praetorius 1879 : 7, and phant' ; Oller, a thmg that onc boils or makes efferves-
faha .. I pt7wr) .<-"Il, (T) fa~ara '<-.hl 'en- Amsalu 62. cent';
- - ~ . SEMITIC' Ar. fil 'elephant', PbH. pil, Aram.-Syr
gage, betroth, ask in marriage, espouse; fikiitam r ,1.\].'1-9" (K.DTW 419, under w.ha pi/ii, Md. pi/(a), Akk. pfiu, piru. The denvallon of ETHIO~IC' Te. jit/ha 'bOil', Tna. jiilhe, Amh. jlil/a,
la(ahra, laf,lhra, passive, .nnal), fikatam ,(.h.'l-9" (T.D 1398) 'kind of
fal/al 'elephant' from falfa/a 'gush OUI, break OUI' Arg·lal/aha, HaT . .fiilahfl, Gur.Jiila~ al~o 10 ("u hit
fa~i;" 'bct;othed' (masc.); pI., fa~ariyan Suggested by Hommel 376, n I is unlikely. For Ar IC Oem. buli!. Qua. b<'i. Kham. MI.
beetle' ; /iI, Jeffery 230-1 stales "it would seem 10 be or
'betrothed (bride and brtdegroom) ;
ETHIOPIC: perhaps Amh. fokkiilii 'nibble (caule Iranian origm". A. Fischer 1953: 101 suggests either ralak (pI. 'aflak) ,(./\h 'celestIal sphere, MOlt,
,;'lrur 'betrothed, fiance'; a direct borrowing from Persian pil or through the sky, (T) part, dlv"ion' ,
J;,bm, (T) f.lrarl 'betrothed, bride, fian~ee';
ground where there IS no grass)', Dillmann 1398
suggesls a readmg rekal.m "'h'l-?"; T has both intennediairy of Aram. pilii. Iranian origin coming (sab'a falak 'astronomers);
/llrral 'betrothal, engagement, proposal; flkatem and rekatJm. See also jikilt.1m 11 . Ihrough Aramaic could also apply to Akkadian 'ajlak 'division, diViding, hypocrISy',

SlMITIC. Heb. hrp (with metathesis) in nrb r fI!fl It1 -)lS pilu. jalek (D) 'one of the 'even heavens. (T) s.).',
'engaged (betrothed) to a man' (see Z. Ben-J:layyim, fikiitam II ,(.\].}9" (KO) 'large stream (or river)
falaka (T.MA.M) 'dIvide, create' (denomina-
UJ/lOncllu 7(1936).362-366). which passes into a body of water ilke the Blue falfal II '('A'('A (D), falfal fj:Afj:A (T K), r.lfal tIve);
Nile or Lake Tana'; tt.A'('A (Lt) 'pepper';
*I!!r, 'al!!art hfj:"'C.'I-; see frl]. from AT·falak 'celestial sphere'; also 10 Amh, (ii/ak
it is strange that this lexeme should have two uncon- SEMITIC: Ar·filfil, Mh·felfol, PbH pilpel, Syr pe/p.l- 'planet' Geez 'a/tak 'division , hypCKn~~-' IS
fakha '('h.h (H 213) 'be happy, reJoice'; nected meanmgs. Could it be mterpreted by the Iii, Md. pUpil, from Sansknl pippali (see Low 317). connec~ed by Dillmann 1343 with Syr. p/~ (a~ p·foba.

possibilily of the beetle's (called fikiil>m) being ETHIOPIC: Te.Jiirfiir 'black pepper' (With alternanee bly derived from pig); however, it IS rather to be
SlMITlC related to Ar fakiha 'become merry, gay'.
found in such bodies of water? of liqUids), Amh. f,lfiil dar 'Imported pepper for derived from the verb fa/aka 'divide. create'. a
ETHIOPIC' Har. jiikiiha 'become bnght, bloom', stew'; passed inlo Cushllle: Som·filfi/, Befinfil. See
Amh Jiikka 'burst open (flower), beam (face), light d~nominatl\,c of fa/ok 'sky' For the meamng 'd ••
up (face)'
ral r o\.A ; see flVl r. also barbarre. Vide, create', cpo fi1~ara. below.

ral II 0\. A ; see ful. falfal III '('A'('A; see falfala. fII, falla, falala (r'fl./) ,(./\ : ,(./\/\ (K') 'de-
fakkara r '('hl 'explain, expound, interpret,
, scend, prolapse',
comment; f31fal fj:A,(.A (KO) 'mole' (animal);
fana 1../\; see fi/. ETHIOPIC: Amh. tiinfol/o/a, same.
lafaUara, passive;
laHari 'interpreter'; ETHIOPIC: Amh.Arg.f.IfiiI, Gaf.J'If.lii. Gur.fiilfii/,
ralo 0\.1'1- (T), falo ,(,1'1- (M) 'wallet, purse, Har. Jifi (from fljl); see falfala, above. feliilemlemonim "-1\"'9"""I·~9"; see f"'moll.
f.kkare (pl.f.kkareyal) 'interpretation, exposi- basket'.
tion, commentary, explanation, (Ll) prophecy'; falaga (y.jI.g) 1../\1 (Lt) 'flow, (T.M) cause to falama ,(./\00 (K 0) 'split, d,vide, stnke the fir>t
V;'Uare 'Iyyasus 'The Explanations of Jesus', ful f.A, fiiI o\.A (DTK) 'bean'; flow in torrents, dig out, hollow out, (K) di- blow (in a combat), be the fi"t in doing
a book of prophecy foretelling the events from AT. ful; also Te.Tna.Amh. ful; in the olher vide, split, (Y) hew, prepare, arrange', something (such as in gIving a pledge or a
which will occur in the eighth millenntum); on Semitic languages : Heb. pol, Aram. pola (see Low falag (pI. 'aflag) 'rIVer, brook, valley', deposit in order to keep someone from buying
a bibliography, see Hammerschmidt-Six 1985: 312ft). falug 'hollow, hollowed, dug out, divided, (T) something)' ;
65: prepared, ready, arranged'; SEMITIC: Ar.jim. (Of-ta-Iama 'cut otfthe nose', Ar
mafakkar 'interpreter, commentator, expound- falfala '('Al..fI 'gush out, spring forth, bubble (Dat) falam 'notch, indenl'
SEMITIC: Ar. falaga 'split', Heb. pilleg, Aram,-Syr.
er, soothsayer, prophet'; up, break forth, burst out as a fountain, (LI) ETHIOPIC' Tna. flilliima 'begin', Te. fiilmu 'break to
palag, Md.Ug. pig. It is from 'split' that the noun
ma/akkari 'interpreter'; make gush, dispense, (K 0) shell, pierce'; pig, fig 'nver, riverbed' developed: AT falag. fal* pieces', Amh./iil/umii 'strike the first blow, iOlti.lte
'afalfala, causative; 'small river, brook', Mh. feleg 'watercourse', SAr. an actIOn.
SEMITIC": AT. fakara 'consider, examine mentally'.
Brockelmann 1928: 568 also compares Syr. p.~ar lafalfala (Y.M) 'be far from one another'; m-flg 'exil channel (of dam)'?, Heb. pf/rg 'fIVer', felmon ,,-A""), filmon LA.,.'), filmunte I.A
'bind" and for the relation of meanings he quotes falfal 'fountain'; Ug. pig, Akk. palgu 'dItch, channel'. - •
00-')11\" filmunt; LAOO-,)II\, 'such-and-such a
AT <aqala 'bind' and 'aq['mlOd, intelligence', SEMITIC: Ar. falla (/1/) 'dent, break', Syr. pal (pllJ ETHIOPlc: Te. fiiliig 'ravine', Tna. jiiliig 'nverbed', •

Amh.Jiiliig 'river' (from Geez). place, a certain place, (T,M) a hidden place, an
ETHIOPIC: Te. flkkara 'explain, expound', 'sprinkle' . unidentified place, (K) so-and-so';
Tna.Amh. fiikkiirii 'interpret, explain'; Amh. also ETHIOPIC: Te.fiilfiila 'sprout forth, break through', fal~a (y.fla~) I..A.h 'bubble up, boil (intr), from Gk. phelmou,,'. phdlani maeno"i. transcnption
janiikkiira (Yo'jth augmented n) 'reveal, open' Tna. fiilfiilii 'break, make a hole', Amh. fiiliiffiilii
boil forth, be effervescent, foam, flare up, of Heb. palonl ·almonl. palmoni. See also faliinemu/h'-
'shell (peas, beans), gush out', Har. filiifiila, Gur
fnkara II '('hl (Lt.K 0) 'boast'; break out, gush out, (Y) get angry'; nllm;m. feIDlemlemomm- LOfgren 1927 : 116 explams
f.liijiilii 'shell, halch out, make a hole by scratch-
'asta/akkaro (Lt) 'boasting'; )afti)~a, causative; the form with the final -re, -,I (as 10 jilnllmte) as a
ing'. For 'spring of water', cpo Te. jiil/iil, Tna
from AT. [obara 'brag. boast'; also in Te. /iikkiira f.lfalo, Amh. f.If.I. The root passed IOtO CuShltIC: Ialu~ 'boiling, bubbling, fervid'; misreading of Gk. t?1 10 phelmounel as -II.
felop 160 fila,
.- - falisfi 161
felon ~/\"'). (T M) ilion ,(./\"') 'kind of cloak, into banishment, go into exile, be transform d

I"') cover of a book, (T.M) box. trunk'; be changed, secede, split ~ff, separate ones:lf: faliisfii, falasfii, filosof (pI. Jaliisil/iit) LlliI<\' ,
withdraw, SOjourn abroad; "-/l1I<\. ' ,{./\,,(ltf: 'philosopher, wise man'; lafalr a , passive, reftexIVe, al,o 'be distinct d,-
from Gk phoilmlc 'cloak'. vorce' ;
,ajlasa 'make depart, send away, Cast OUt JalsaJa (T) 'be learned, philosophize' (denomi.
falinemunemunim L")'-).-~9" (T) 'hidden native); ta/iilara 'be separated from one another, de-
remove, banish, transfer, deport, shift, eXile' part from one another'·,
place' ; transport, transplant, carry away as captive' taJalsaJa 'philosophize, be a philosopher';
!alsuf'philosopher, (Gr) who likes philosophy'; 'astafiila!a, caus. of tafiilara; also ',eparate,
see .felmon. change, separate'; ,
ahenate one another, cause to he separated'
taJalasa 'depart, be transferred'; Jalsufo"'i, filsofowi (Gr.488) 'philosophical';
filpos '{'At.iI (T) 'horseman, horse lover'; Jaliili (Gr.489), act. part. of {alata •
JalsliJe, JalsaJannii 'philosophy';
• tafolasa 'be transferred, wander from One place
taJalsaJo (Gr.488) 'philosophy'; Jillur 'set apart, distinguished, se;>a~ated, segre.
from Gk. philippns 'horse lover'. to another, emigrate, roam, pass from one gated. secluded, specific, distinct, different, sm.
generation to another, pass over, (T) be in taJalsaJoyiiwi (Gr) 'philosophical'; gled out';
falsqa LfI4' (T.K) 'gush out, spill out, boil
conflict, argue'; from Gk. philosophos; also in Te. JalosoJ 'philos. (falu!a 'separately');
over' ;
'afiaqa (M. Y), caus. ofralaqa; also 'make scintil· JQstajalasa 'remove, transfer' ~ opher, Tna. J,lasJa, Amh. JiilasJa, Jiiliisma. JaJi! 'diversity';
late'; Jaliisi (pI. falasl) 'an exile, exiled, stranger falastii tf:AilllJ (Ll) 'lie, tell a lie'; Jail (Lt) 'separated';
alien, sojourner, one who is uprooted from ~
Jalliir e 'discrimination, difference';
SEMITIC ArJalaqa 'split, cleave', SAr. mflq '(water from Gk, pJastos 'fabricated, forged'; also in Syr.
normal life, monk, ascetic, pilgrim, wanderer , Jal!at 'division, distinction, separation, segrega.
distributed) by opening adam' (?j, Sh. Jalaq 'split, palos/as, Aram. palos!on.
proselyte'; tlOn, difference, schism, diversity':
crack', Aram. pJlaq, Syr. pelqa 'axe, hatchet', Md.
fala~a (yafia~) Lt\K (T.Y) 'divide in two, split,
pilga. Akk. palaq/k/u 'slay, slaughter'. Akkadian Jalus , 'exiled, who is in exile, deported, mi. Jalriin 'separation, divorce, dissension, differ.
separate' ; ence' ;
pilaqqll is rendered 'axe' and according to Zimmern grant;
12 it is borrowed from Sumerian, while von Soden Jalliis 'neighbor, sojourner'; taJal~a (K), passive; tafaltot (Lt) 'division, schism, difference, depar-
863 renders it 'stilelto, spindle' and does not consid~ Jaliisiiwi 'stranger'; tafola~a 'be split into small pieces, (T) glitter, ture, separation, exclusion';
er it to be of Sumerian origin. For the origin of the Jaliisiyiiwi (M) 'pilgrim, stranger'; shimmer' ;
SEMITIC: related to Ar. 'aflata (rarely 'afla!a) ·save.
rOOl within the various Semitic languages, see Zim- Jalsat 'departure, wandering, vagrancy, migra· Jal~ (K*) 'broken piece'; rescue' < 'cleave, split. separate' (for the passage of
mern 12, Jeffery 229. For the origin of Gk. pelekys tion, travel, exile, transportation, withdrawal, Jal~at (Ll) 'headache'; meanings, cpo Heb. ""ri (hifcil) 'save, deliver', G.
'axe', see Masson 117; for additional bibliography assumption, death'; SEMITIC: Ar. lala~a 'escape from' « 'separate, (la)n~Ja 'be detached', Tna. l1ii~iilii ·separate').
on the Greek noun, see Jeffery 229, n. 2. On pig, pig, split'; for the development of meaning, see fa/ora); SAr. fI! 'assign land' (Muller 1983:279), Sh. {elal
(~om·a Jalsat·ii 'Fast of the Assumption of the
blq being phonetic variants, see Rabin 1980:21. also J,I, pel (with metathesis): Ar. Ja,ala 'separate', 'escape, Heb. palo!, Syr. palo!, Md. pi!, Ug. pi;
ETHIOPIC: Tna. Jiilfiiqii 'gush out', Te. ('a)fliiqa Holy Virgin [in the month of na~iise I· I 5]', lit.
Hars. Je,61, Heb. pi~,e1 'bark, peel', Aram.·Syr. ·save'. Akk. bal6!11 'live' (von Soden 99 followed by
'split', Amh.Jiilfiiqii, (tii)fliiqiilfiiqii 'gush out, spring 'the fast of her assumption'); pa,al 'cleave, cut through', Md. pel; related to b,II others).
from, sparkle, scintillate', Arg.fiilliiqa, Gur. Jiiliiqii, mafias (mafias) 'wanderer, wandering, savage, (see ba~~ala, above), ETHIOPIC: Tna. jiifii!ii 'know, understand' « 'dis-
Har. liiliiqa 'hit the head with a stone or a stick so wild' ; ErHloPlc: Te. fiillii~a 'split', Tna. Jiilliisii, old Amh. cern, distinguish '), Amh. Jiillii!ii 'split', Arg. fiillii!a,
that blood comes forth or the head swells'. The root mafiasl, mafiasl 'path, by·path, backdoor'; fiillii,ii; see also Jala!a. For J# (with metathesis) > Har. fii/a!a, GUT. fiilii!ii; passed into Cushitic: Sa
is to be connected with flqq 'split': Tn•. Jiilqiiqii, SEMITIC: SAr.flSJ 'put to flight', Heb. palles 'prepare 'f!l, HI > In?1 (with augmented n), cpo Te. Jiin¢iila Jalad'split', Sam, Jalid 'splinter'.
Amh. Jiiliiqqiiqii, Gur. Jaliiqiiqii. a road' < 'break through' (see also Driver, VT 36 'separate', Tna. /iin¢iilii; passed into Cushitic: Bil.
(1935).151), PbH. pillei 'make a hole, pass through fiinciil 'split'. For 'headache', cpo Amh. Jalsat. falawa L/lID; see Jalaya.
fJq, 'afJaqa htf:/l4' 'behave unsuitably, strad·
from end to end', Syr. palas 'break through', Akk.
die, be lustful. be impudent, be perverse, (M) faliisu!
, tf:"~",, (DTW 980) 'kind of hawk'; falaya (yafli) "-/If, falawa "-/lID 'separate,
be effeminate'; pallisu 'break through, bore through'.
ETHIOPIC: Te./iilsa 'emigrate. be driven away', Tna. ETHIOPIC: Amh. IJ/~ut. divide, distinguish';
ETHIOPIC: for 'straddle', cpo Amh. (tii)fliiqiilliiqii Jiillisii 'be uprooted (plant)" Jiilliisii 'become a taJalya, passive;
'ride on an even-paced mule'. felli ~At (T.M) 'commander of the right
monk' (denominative from lii/asi, from jls 'depart, ta(iila)'a, taJiilawa 'be separated from one
wing' ;
Illiiq T (pl.jiliiqiit) ,{.,,~ (D) 'storehouse, grana· separate oneself, withdraw'), Amh.fiilliisii 'emigrate, another' ;
be uprooted'. See also mafias. transcription of Heb. paleJI. in hakkJre!lwailappJie!i
ry, (T) box, (Gr.488) reserve, stock, (Ll.K) mafiiiy (Gr.489) 'separation';
'bodyguard of David'; also in Amh. Jelti 'king
vessel, heap'; David's Philistine troops'. SEMITIC: Ar. Jala (flw) 'wean', faliya 'be cut off,
falus tf:t\'iI (Ll) 'money';
SAr.f1Y'I'ordinance, regulation' ('), from 'f1y'sepa-
from Gk. phylakeion 'watchtower, fort'. See also!a (yafia{) L/lm 'separate, put asunder,
from Ar. Julus (pI. of Ja/ills) 'a small coin', from rate, decide', Heb. ply (hifcil) 'treal as special. distin-
Grebaut, Aelhiopica 2 (1934).23·4. diSjoin, divide, split, segregate, sever, set apart,
Latin Jollis > Gk. phollis; also in Amh.falus 'man· guish between', Aram. paUl (ply) 's~Jit., cu~ opc~',
filiiq 1I ,{.,,~ (T·) 'precious stone', ey', Syr. palsli'a small copper coin'. For Ar.Juliis in set aside, diversify, discern, make a distinction, Md. pia, Ug. ply 'be separated, be d/StmgUlshed .
the various dialects, see Landberg 1942:24321f. know, distinguish, single out, determine, settle'; ETHIOPIC: Tna.fii/iiyii 'separate', Tc.fiila (fly); also
falasa (yafias) LfI(l 'depart, emigrate, go over '~ata, caus. of Jalala; also 'make a distinc· in Cushitic: Bil.faley 'separate', BiI.Qua.fal'comb'
to, be transferred, be removed, be banished, go filiis, filaso ,{."iI , ,{./I(I 'canopy, (K) cover'. tlon, speak clearly'; (that is, 'separate the hair), Sa. }i/.
f('mi 162
finqin fonqis 163
- r_qadl
fema t.. '" 'oracular answer, oracle, (T.Sw. in D 'abhor, ~ ,a hermaphrodite', Tna. !iinafanli ' fODqiis I:,'}:I'() (D), finqiis L,}:I'() (T), finkas
n4S) art"t, artisan, craftsman': (Gr.381) also, maphrodlte, Amh. jana/,ml, [anafJnl. her_
~ ')1111 (D.T.) 'phoenix (the fabled bird), eagle':
(J.1I 0!-a 'towards, by way of');
/,nna"e (K 0 G 49Q) , .
erithet of Chnst,, fanafonlam "-<;<t:'}.r 1 "-<;<t:'};/,9'" ,r. _. . r.. sendIng (n.), m"slVe
(rom Gk. phoiniks, same. tajannmn 'sent': •
fr,)m Gk pheml"; 'prophetlc saying'; also Christian· fan/ana. ' see 'GSla]andwot 'farewell'·,
.\rfimi'dle Nennung der Titel und des Narnens des fonqas I:,,},pll, foqons, foqans I:,,p,}ll, /:'''''}ll,
rclebnercnden Bi~chors oder Patriarchen vor der <t:'}<t:,}.r (T) = Amh. alVe 'k' d fonqas I:,,}:I'() 'long-tailed monkey which has S""rnc: Ar 'J''anti 'JnYJ
fin" ." , turn to. tum 3\\av' S<'q
EplStel' (Grar 86). See also Worrell 1:171, 177. . I cre d'Ite d WIth
aDlma . .
exhuming and In of
. black and white fur' (Amh. gure"a): see Hom- ' l g.o t,oward', Heb. ponti (pnyJ 'tum t~~ard ~
d IrectlOn Aram Syr
Dobberahn 153. corpses'; eating mel 383. See also foqam. Md ' . - . pana- ,turn toward Of upon'
, plla, Ug. pn, Akk. panu. The meamn~s 'turn
timiDul 4."'i. )..r, seventh Coptic month (corres-
pondmg to miiggabil 'March');
ETHIOPlc: Amh. fiiniiffanii 'search for something
(hen, dog)'.
fansanl, in ~omiima fan~anl
(Gr:448) 'dysentery';
"'' '00 :
t.. '}K,}.r :~w~rd, go to' CQuid have de....eloped into th; mean-
• g ~ake someone go to, tum toward', that I~.
augmented by n in relation to fatjtjanl 'diar- ~nd . The above· mentioned verbs are denomlna-
from Coptic (Bohairic) phamenor, See also baram- r.nga <t:,}.7 (K*) 'decayed, spoiled fet'd' tlVes r~om 'face, front': Ar. ./ina> 'courtyard, open
hal. (Charles in Book 0/ Jubilees 24: 19 tran~late: it rhea' ,
sp~ce. In fTont of the house', SAr, /1tI\. 'front (of
'valley') ; b~t1~mg): Mh. fene 'before, front of', Heb. pa-
fanna "-~: see filII. fan~~ii "-,}KK, (Lt) ron~a~ii <t:')KK 'smallpox'; In

ETHIOPIC: Amh. (lo)fiinniigd 'stink, smell', fanga /an,a,a (K 0) 'smallpox breaks out' (denomina- m!!' :ace, ~yr. pani!ii 'side', Ug.Ph. pn 'face', Akk.
f.nnii <t:<;; see fallllawa. 'spoiled'. panu front. For fannawa 'send' in relahon to 'face',
cpo Ar. (l:la<Jr) waggah 'send' in connection with
fnk, 'aslafnaka hll1'tj:~h (T) 'strike hard ETHlOPIC: Tna. /an{Q!a 'syphilis', Amh.Gur. fonrata wagll 'face' (see Landberg I942:29Q4).
rand <t:,}~: see falldawa. ,
stamp on the ground'. 'smallpox'; on Amb. falllala, see Streleyn 1970: ETHIOPIC: Ina. jiinniiK·a. 'release, abandon, let go,
326tf. The root also occurs in Cushitic: Qab.AL ;",nd', Te. jdaa Ifn", I 'depan', Amh. lma
fandada t.. ,}Y.Y. (K*) 'bend over, walk bent fiinlalla, BiLSa. finrara, Or. fiinliira, Som. fanto.
finkos L '}1l11; see /onqas. dIrectIOn, Side (localton)',!arlOl 'road' (from Geez),
Gar. fiinna 'towards', HaL jO,i, Gur fone 'go
~nn I, fanna, fan ana (ya/nan) "-~ 1 ,O~ (KO) f.nof <t:'1'.r, ronnul <t:)..r; see fannawa. toward'.
ETHIOPIC. Amh. ,a)folldddiidii 'bend, walk bent
ol'er'. la !(olldddddii 'be bent, be bowed'. go on a campalgn on one's own'; faolawa "- ,}1'm (K 0) 'separate, diVide, share': raqqa t.."': see fqq.
ETHIOPIC; Amh. fiinniinii., ETHJOPIC: Te. Jiinta (root flltw) 'separate, distin-
f.nduq, f.ndaq <t:,}~,p 1 <t:,}~,p (T) 'inn, lodg-
guish, divide', Tna. fiintiiwii. fiinlii)'Q., Amh.laniil- foqa /:,"'; see fwq
ing place'; fno II, fanna, fanana "- ~ 1 "- n (Lt) 'cut off the
Iowa, 'divide in half'; Te.Tna,Amh.flinta
from Ar funduq (of Greek [palldokheioll] origin): end of the nose';
'portion, share', Gur. fanl 'half a loaf of bread'; faq'a (ya/qa'), faq'a "-"'0 , ,,-,ph 'cleave, split
also In Amh. fimduq. ETHIOPIC: Amh. jonniinii. passed into Cushitic: Bil. flmay 'separate', Qua. asunder, shatter, break through, split some-
fiillle. one's head, wound, injure';
fandof (pI. /alladutl t..,}Jl..r (K*) 'anus, but- finiqa, finqo, finqin, finqon, finiqon L~:I' l t. ,}41 la/aq'a, passive;
tack' : 1 L ')4:'} I t. ,}41,} 1 L~41,} 'date palm'; fana!ol ,,-<;(O/A (T+) 'python'. faq'al,/aq'al (n.) 'cleaving, shattering, bruise,
fannawa ,,-~m 'send, send away, dismiss, send wound' ,.
ETHIOPIC! Te.randol 'buttock', Har. fuddi 'anus', from different case endings of Gk. phoiniks 'date
Gur. foda: also rn Cushitic: Som. fUIIO, Or. huddu; palm'. off, send forth, see off'; SEMITIC: Ar. JaqafQ 'explode'. related to /aqa'a
perhap, al,o Dar fido 'gemtals'. Cerulli 1936:246 tafannawa, passive; 'split'. PbH. paqo' 'split, burst asunder'. Aram,·Syr.
denves Har, fuJJi from Cushltic. fanqala "-'}.,.l\ (K.T.Y) 'pry loose, dig up, tear lafiinawa 'take leave of one another, bid fare-< (Syr. also parqa<, WIth augmented r), Md. pqa.
up the ground (in search of things), examine, well to one another'; ETHIOPIC: Te. [aq'a, fiiq<a 'split, hit on the head',
fanda"a t.. ,}Y.m (K 0) 'burst open (bud), pop rummage through'; Tna. jiiqfe, Amh. fiiqqa 'make a cut or incision in
'asla/analVa 'accompany, bid farewell. see
open, the body', Gur. fiiqa 'split With an axe'~ also in
SEMITIC: Ar. (Syria) fanqa/ 'overturn', probably someone off, escort, send away': Cushillc: Kam. fiqqo, BiL fag. See also fqq I.
/,lId (pL{;miid.JlI'j (KO) 'ripe cotton boll': SAr. fq/ 'reap crops' from the meaning 'pull out'. fannawi, act. part. of /annawa;
SE\UTIC related
Ar. fannada 'diversify'.
to Brockelmann 1927:30 (following Dillmann 1371, JannaII' (fem. /annul) 'sent'; faqada (yaJqad) t.."'y' 'wish, desire, want, be ~
ETHIOPIC; Te·fiinda<a 'divide into two parts', Amh. and Stade 25) compares Ar. faqara 'pierce, bore, /.nna 'way, path, part, side, place, circum- willing, require, seek, request, need, be in need,
fanadda 'burst'. Gur. fimiida; passed into Cushitic: perforate', the Ethiopian form fanqa/a, fanaqqa/a stance, mode , concept'·, permit, supervise, consider, regard, value, care
Qab. nniidda'-,1o. being a 'Reimwortbildung' with noqola. (Janna sark 'towards evening, early evening'); for, take care of. look after, survey, review,
ETHlOPIC: Te.fdnqo/a 'roll', Tna.fiinqiili1 'pry loose, (J.nna nag" 'towards dawn'); muster, number, enumerate';
fanfana "- '}t..~ (K*) 'criticize'; dISplace" Amh. foniiqqa/d, fiinaggo/ii, Gur. f.niiq-
(ba-j.nna 'towards, in regard to'); ,afqada, causative;
faniifant (KO)./ana/antam (D.K') 'hermaphro- qiilii 'pull out something entrenched in the ground'. laJaqda 'be wanted, be desired, be required, be
/anol (pI. fannaw, fannawal) 'way, path, road,
dite' : needed, be necessary, be numbered, be enumer-
finqin, fioqon, finiqon L '}4:'} 1 L ,}41,} l L~41,}; JOurney, course, wayside, side. street, passage,
ETHIOPIC' Tna. fan(iina 'abhor', Amh. fiinaffiind see jiniqa. entrance, opportunity, mode'; ated, be mustered';
hqan 164
--- fqr
- 165
tajiiqadu 'numoer one,elf, be numbered, be Cush,lic' Som. jiqen,
fiqir IIoJ'C, (L1) f"'liir <i:."'C 'girdle, belt, cowl,
fe\ IC\\ eJ·. , vestment of a priest, (M) pantaloons With em- fard ~C1: (K') 'garmenl of a "ngle layer of
'usturiiqada 'numoer, count, review" t?ke ac- foqans, foqans (pI. Jawaq.ns) C:~111 , 1.:"'111 cloth,
(K) foqiins C:J'111; see Jonqas, ' broidered cuffs' (see Hammerschmidt 1970
('"ount ~unc:t. muster, record. VISit, ~ek
ETHIOPIC: Amh. flrg 'piece of cloth whl~h is as ""Ide
, 153);
out. tn~rect. 'iuper\"lse ;
fqq I, faqqa 11.4> (LI) 'split, cleave'; as the Width of the loom', or perhaps rather trom
/ilqMI (pi. laqadd, for faqad-I) act part of SEMITIC Syr paqfrii. pa~lI~ 'he~ddress of a priest,
larada 'separate' (above), that IS 'o;eparatcd, Stngle
(uqada; abo 'who IS mISsed, needy, ,"spector, SEMITIC' ArJaqqa (Jqq) 'split, separale'; relaled ban' from Gk. phaklallOlI face cloth, turban'
;~;yne S~th 3224) < La1.iaciaJe 'faoe c101h, turban',
Jaq'a, firfi (T) 4.C4. 'river" ,
WIzard' ;
ETHIOPIC' Amh, j"aqqliqli 'scralch about', Ar baqyar, would It be a name of a nver'l
IJqud, pa" part of f~qada: , ETHIOPIC: Amh. fiqar 'dress, pantaloons With em-
(iiqed (Gr.490) 'supemsor, ,"spector: broidered cuffs' (from Geez),
f.qd rfaqd) 'number, numbering, census, calcu- fqq II, faqqa 11.'"
'step aside, move Over ,
frfr, >anfarlara h111.CII.t. (K') 'thrash about,
flail about, move convulsively';
latIOn, survey, surveillance'; get out of the way; rarra 11.1.; see J",
faqJd (pi. '''(qlid) 'wish, desire, will, intention, ETHIOPIC: Te, Jiiqq bela, Jiiqliqq bela, Tna, Jliqaq ETHIOPIC' Tna. 'anfarforii 'wTlthe, Hop around'
feri (K,L1), forii c:tr (T) 'pestilence, plague, Amh. liinfordflara, to be Identified withjrjr 'agitate:
M,ing, volition, consent, pleasure, goodWill, biilli, AmhJiiqq alii,fiiqiiqq alii,foqiiqq alii, Har-fiq (see J>rim),
baya; passed 11110 CUShIlIC: Qem, Jiikiik y 'be al a
(T) blood';
permHlslon : .
(ha,faqiidll '\oluntarily, of hiS own accord, ,"- distance'. These meanings could derive from fqq r. ETHIOPIe: TnaJera 'typhus, plague', Amh.fera, See farfara II.CII.I. (TM Gr ]83) 'crumble bread';
tentlonally'), Worrell JJ1: 133, farfor, (arlur (pi I"Jariil, larlarol, f."luriit)
faqara 11."'1. (K') 'be heavy, be expensive', 'crumbs';
laqld '(good) will'; ., , , " fare fi:t.; see farya,
raqadiill'l 'vol un tar) , Yieldlllg, submissive, fqr, >afqara h<i:4>1. 'love, long for, cherish'; SFMITlC: Ar far/ara 'cut', Heb. prr ( 'break',
malq.d 'malqad j 'necessary, required, neces- fl"s >anfar<a~a h111.COK 'exult, spring, leap, PbH. pirper 'crush, crumble, pulverize', prr (pl'ell
laJaqra, passive; ski'; about, prance, dance, frolic',
sary thing, necessities (of life), need, Wish, 'crumble', Aram. parper, Ug. prr 'break', Akk para-
lafiiqara 'love one another, make friends, be '.nl,,<u,1 'who exults, who dances, who leaps', ru
th,"g to be desired, thing that is desired, friendly, live in friendship';
sought afler, purpose, '"tention, business, peti- lar'us (LI), same,;, , ETHIOPIC': Te. /iirfora 'be reduced to powder', lna.
'aslaJiiqara 'cause to be in love, cause to love lIalar<o,y 'exultatIOn, enjoyment, petulance; Jiirldra 'cut wood or a stone into small plcce~, break
tion, thaI which is missed, that which necessi- one another';
lales; goods, recompense, reward'; mto small pieces', f~rrar 'small pieces of wood',
SEMITIC: Ar. (la)bar'a~a 'se remuer sous quelquc
Jaqur 'loved, beloved, lover, friend'; Amh. foriiffiirii 'crumble', Har firdfiiru, Gur j~l_
(:a-malq.d 'necessary'); chose (se dit, p. ex. d'un homme qu'on volt se
Jaquraw;, (Gr.489) faqriiw; 'lover, friend, lovely, riiJarii: Arg.jarilffari 'crumbs'; passed IOto CUShlllC:
(s"h'a mafq.d 'petitioners'); rcmuer sous quelque chose qUI Ie couvre, d'un
Or. fir/ari 'crumbs' See also Irr, larra, below.
loving, amorous';
mafqad; 'needy, necessary'; serpenl sous I'herbe)'; sec Ruiicka 23 I, The connec-
faqr 'love, affection, friendship, amity, friendly tion with Heb. par·os 'flea' suggested by Dillmann f.rlart fi:Cfi:C+ 'quail. (K') ",ght moth, butter-
mafqJdlil"; 'needy, necessary';
way, friendliness, charity'; 1354 (follOWing Gesenius) is doublfuL fly' ;
mafqad,)';; (KG 3) 'place from which one keeps Jaqraw; (Gr) 'of love';
"atch' (note that KG I, 2 have wrongly farada II.I.J!. (K·,Gr.382) 'separate, (T Y,M) SEMITIC: Ar.lwf"r 'small bird', Heb. parpar 'but-
mafq.ya); lafoqarol 'affection, mutual love, friendship, terfly', from fTT. Ir)r. prpr 'Hutter, qUIver, move
(LI) charity', judge' ;
convulsively': Ar.farJara 'move, o.;hakc wings', Soq.
II l!i questionable whether the various meanings or 'afqaro 'affection, love'; ,alarda (K') 'be separated';
Irfr 'fan', Heb. porar 'stir, rouse', PbH pirper,
iqd belong 10 one root In fact. Ludolf 618-9 sepa- (·aJqaro nagd 'hospitality'); laforada 'judge one another, be in IiltgatlOn, Aram.-Syr. purpur.
rate-s these- meanings under Jaqada I. and laqada II, (ba-'aJqaro 'kindly'); (K') be separated from one another'; ETHIOPIC: Te.lilr!Jrat '3 bird', Amh. JJrJ~rt 'par-
S..f1T1C Ar '"qada 'fail 10 find, mISS, ,afaqqada lariidi, act. part. of Jarada; tTldge', Tna. flirfiir bald 'palpitate', bih'cl
'seek, look, ,earch, e,amme, SAL jqd 'lose, be
·afqiir; 'lover, friend';
maJqar 'who loves'; lar"d (K') 'separated'; 'be in convulsions' See also jrjr. 'allla~/ara.
absenl', Soq foqad 'nOI find', Heb, paqaif 'mISS, (ard 'justice, judgment';
loob: after'. SYT. pc1qat}'\lsit. inquire. review, see to', maJqan 'lover, friend, studious'; farga<a II.C"IO (T) 'form pea-like lumps on the
(mafqare nagd, marqare 'angada 'hospitable'); SE~nnc; the basic meaning is 'separate, distinguish' >
\ld pqd 'ord~r, command, enlrust', Ug. pqd 'give body' ;
orders', Akk. paqiidll 'take care of, attend to, maslafaqar, act. part. of ·aslaJiiqara; also 'discern, judge' (for the development of mcamngs,
see Palaehe 59 under plf), Ar.jarada 'be separale, be see Jargaga, below,
entru!>!' (Gr.489) 'lover, friend';
umque', 'afrada 'isolate', SAr.Jrd-m 'uniquely, alone'
ETHIOPI(. Te fiiqda 'remember, meditate', Tna.
SEMITIC: Barlh 1893:9 compares AL rajiqa (wilh fargaga II.C11 'heal (wound), become an ulcer,
Iaqadii ·count. permit', Amh./iiqqiidii 'want, desire, (I hal is, 'separalely'), Heb, prd (",f'al) 'separate, be
form (a scar), become inflamed'; ,
permit, count', Har {tiiJ/iiqiida 'take care of some-
one', Gur faqiJdii -penUlt. allow'
melalhesis) 'be kind, be friendly, Ireal genlly', The
connection with Akk. paqiiru, baqaru 'Anspruch I separated', Aram. PiJrag 'separate, scatter', Syr. pJ-
ra<J 'place apart', Md. prd 'break through, tear fargag (K') 'healing, inflammation:
geitend machen, vlndizleren', SAr.fqr 'sich bereiter- apart' . see also JargJ·a.
fiqan, fiq'an 11•.,.1 : II.'l1 'vase'; kliiren, wunschen' (not attested in the existmg dlc- ETHIOPIC' Te, Jiirda 'judge', Tn" Jiiriidil, Amh
lionarles) suggesled by Dietrich 302 is unlikely, Jiirrada, Har. fiiriida, Gur. Jariida; passed into farha (yafriih) II.CU, (T) farha
, II.Ctl. 'be
ETHIOPIC Amh. fiqJn 'contalner for water'; also In
ETHIOPIC Tna 'alqlirli 'love', Amh, alliqqiirii, Cushilic: BiI, iiirlid, Sa, Jarad. afraid, fear, revere';
rarb 166 (ara.\
(arasa 167
farmuti 4_C-t (T), farmuni 4_Coo.~ (D
- (Inall
V1(,.ha 'make a fr,lId , frighten, bring terror,
temf}, make rtlere •
, eIghth Coptic month (corresponding to m;yj: SEMITIc:.: ::r. Jaras ·horse· •• ~_~r , In,. M.h_ /erhin.
Heb. paras. Aram.-Syr. parma horseman. Md. pa-

farya, faraya fY>Jra,, ) LCf , ~,('f ' bear f'Wt,

/a(arira 'be fea red', :,yii 'April'), produce fruIt, YIeld frUll, be frUItful (LI)Cn ""'
raJa. der' , , ~ .•
lalarJha 1"'1 'fear one another: from COptiC (Bohalrlc) pharmouth;. See also harmu_ ETHIOPIC: Te.Tna.AmhGur fardJ 'hone', HaT.
'a<la(iir~ha 'make fearful', dti. marmuda. fora:; common With CushltlC' Bil. lardu, Qua. 'afram, cau,ative, also 'hear fru,' produce
f arza , Sa.Sam. jaras. frUit", '.
fariihl 'fearful, reverent',
(ariih, (KG) (arriih 'limorous, fearful, coward, frns, tafarnasa ·,..e.C~ll 'enJOY oneself, take loran (K*). act p.rt. of far) a,
pleasure in, (T) be pampered'; forosa (yafr.s) .e.Gll (T Y.M) 'be demohshed, be
timId' . f,>rU}' (K*) 'that bears frUIt'
(Jruh 'feared, fearful, timId, careful',
f.rnus (K ') 'who enJoys himself';
,alrasa 'demolish, destroy'; , lar, (pl./.rniil , I,>r,yiil) 'r~lIt, rrult (of land
(>rhal 'fear, fright, terror, dread, awe, rever- ETIiIOPIC Tna. (Iii)/arniiia 'lie down in relaxation' womb, work, )ustlcc), blos'om, bud, profit'
INsal 'destructIOn, demohtlOn : offenng', •
cncc' , Amh. (lii)/iironniisii . •
, SfMlTIC: Ar. farasa 'tear a prey'. HaTS. /eriiJ, Hcb. I.,yal 'bearing of fruit' >
I./r"hl 'fright, fear, consternatIon, faraqa .e.G'" (T Y.M) 'save, redeem, (K ') di-
ma/r,h 'fearful, terrifying, frightening, terrible, paras 'break (bread.", PbH paras, pa:aJ '>plll, break mafr.y, malray;, 'that bear< frUIt, frullful'
vide, separate, (KG.Y) create', up', Aram. paras diVide, break up. Akk . parasu
dreadful, fear-Insp"lng; fear, thing that excites >afraga (K*), causative; 'separate' Brockelmann 1928: 609 compares Ar, Ja- SEMITIC' Heb. pdri 'fruit', Syr pt'(')ra, Md lura,
fright'; lafarqa (K*), pass. of faraqa; rata 'plerce" Aram.-Syr. p~ra! 'split up" Md. p,t Ph.Ug. pr; Heb. paru (prU 'bear fruit'. Aram, p.lra.
ma("h; 'fearful, temfying, dreadful'; ErnloPIC Te, larsa 'be ruined', Tna. jiiriUii,
Syr. p')rii, pilr;, Md pra ~or the related roou fr.
Jariiqi 'savior, redeemer';
AmhGur [iirriisii 'be demolished', Arg. (a Ifiirrii.ra pr~. see Dietrich 302. under (lrd 1 (hml,ew:r, the
ETHIOPIC Tc jiJrha -fear, be afraid', Tna {arhe, fargan 'salvation, redemption'; quoted G jar'l does not C,\I . . t),
Amh.ArgJilrra, HarJura, Gur liire, GaL/iiyii (for 'demolish': passed 1010 CU~hlllC, Be. ferus 'be dc~
SEMITIC; It is from the basic meanmg 'split, detach' ETHIOPIC" Te [iira 11ryl 'hear frull', Ina,
whIch see Le,lau 1956 : 199). strayed'. BII Jaror, Qcm. a/ariJ.'i 'uproot'.
that the meanmgs 'free, save, deliver' developed, Amh.Gur, (a 1/arra; common with CU ... hUK Kham,
farh "-C,., (K), farahl t;:CIJ-r (T), pI. 'afra~I, Ar.faraqa 'split, discriminate' (for the variOUS mean. forsak .e.Cllll (Lt), a measure of distance, Qua fir 'frull', Bil Jr; 'bear frUIt'
- Ings of Ar. lurqan, see Jeffery 22511), SAr frq
'afIJ>r1 'chIck, young b,rd'; of Pel""lan (para,mnK. fananK) onglO, through Ar farz t;:Cll (It) 'queen (che"r,
'deliver, save', I-jrq 'be dISpersed, be scattered', Heb. farJa~; also Syr. Md. pana. On this meas~
S'MITIC Ar lar~ 'young bird', PbH parah 'fly', from Ar far:.a (DOl)) of Persian onglO; aloin
paraq 'tear off', Aram. paraq 'separate', piiroqii 'sav- ure, see R Pankhurst, JES 1969, 1:47, and Lane
Heb. 'fpro'h 'young bird', Aram.-Syr. p.,a~ 'fly', Amhf>r:
ior, redeemer', purqiin 'deliverance, redemptIOn', 2369, coL I.
Aram. parlla 'young bird', Syr. piiraJpti, Md. pro
Syr. pilraq 'separate from', piiroqii 'savior', purqiinii
·ft y'
'salvatIOn', Md, prq 'sever, detach, free, deliver, farsut .e.Cft.-r, see (jarsawa), jJrsiiwe, fanaza ,,"cnn (T TS K') 'pamper, plea,e, pro-
rar~a "-c,., (Gr382) 'sprout, germinate'; save', Ug. prq 'break', Akk. pariiqu 'separate' duce frUIt' (note that [Y1 ~,,"1. aUar,} 'he
farsawa .e.ClllD (K') 'make known, impose an
ETH'OPIC WhIle it IS possible that the meanings ashamed', the AmhariC tntn,lallon of fiir;iJ:ii,
SEMITIC: Ar larralJa 'sprout', Heb, para~, Akk, aforsala (see f.rsiiwe, below),
'save, redeem' of G faraqa derive from 'divide, is to be corrected IOtO ~""t. a(iirra 'produce
para&u "etwa 'garen'" (von Soden 827). Jarsiiwi (K ') 'who Imposes an aranata',
separate', as stated above for SemitiC, it is also frUIt' as given In Tayyiil
pO.!lslble to conSider the verb faraqa '.!lave, redeem' i"siiwe, far.'"1 (K ') 'investigation Imposed lafa"a:a 'burst, burst forth, crack open, leap
farkali'ii ,,-Cht\,1\ (T.M K) 'perfume, (K) bunch on a communlly to apprehend or identIfy a
to be a denommatlve from !arqan 'salvation, re- up, hurst out laughing, he ,caltered, be care-
of grapes', wrongdoer' ,
demptIOn'. As for G, larqiin. it is considcred taken free and happy, be pampered, be plea'ed,
perhaps from Gk. pmkalle, 'very pretty' (Muller). from Chrisllan·Palestinian Aram. purqan (see Jeffery Amh a/arsala 'IOve~lIgalion Impo..,cd on
ETHIOPIC' (Gr.44)) Hower, blossom, open lip (tlowerJ,
227). The root also exists In Te.fiirqa 'p,erce, perfo, a communlly', Tna, -ajan-ata. 'a/an-t'IIl, (K ') be dispersed',
farukiiman, farukiimin, farkiiman t;:~1j9"1 :
rate', Tna.farraqa 'spilt. divide', Amh.farraqii 'sepa- 'ajar:a:a (T Y Ml'form (scar haVing ,mall pro-
":~'I,,·t:t : ~:CIj9"1 (T.MD 1408) 'happy ones, rate, dIvide', liJriiqqiiqa 'split', Gur fariiqa 'split, far3!!a (p/"J) .e.G~ (K*) 'break open, cut
contented one:-.', open, split', tuberances), form lump' on the body',
tear off a branch'
j,Jr:u: (K *) 'who" carefree and happy. dated',
frh., 'a,farlawa hf'1.e.C/l1D (T M) 'weIgh, bal- frr, farra (.raJ,.r) .e.G (K') 'shell, husk'; SE.MITIC: Ar. [arasa 'cut',farada 'mal..c :1n mClsJl)n" I,,:o:e 'being carefree, beIRg JOVIal. Impetuo,,-
, Heb. pura.\', Aram, P,1fUJ, Md. {1f.\ 'hreak through',
am:e . ty, elatIOn, burst of laughter, being pampered
SLMITI( Ar. frr, 'a-farra 'split', Heb. prr, (h.f'1ll Ug. pr.J 'open', Akk. purii.~u, related to prt: Ar
perhaps 'o-j}r (for which see ,\o!ara) with an enig- 'hreak', Aram. parar, Akk. pararu, jarratQ 'separatc', PbH para! 'split', Aram.-Syr (n.r,
matiC ·Iuwa. for whu.:h sec also Jokii'lawa. ('UJ)- E1HIOPIC: Tna, Jiirriirii 'dIssolve', Amh, Illr(r) para!, Md. prr the ba~lc meanmg I" probably 'bur-it, open up',
/O'er/alt-a, 'furrow' (n.). from Iff 'remove> shell, furrow', ETHIOPI(; Tna.fiir!u. hiilii./il!ra· htllil (With metathe, hence 'produce' (whether frUit or 'icars) dcvdopl~8
Sis) 'be torn, burst', Amh . .turrilli' 'ourst, smash', Into 'burst out laughing, be happy, be pampered,
farm lj:C9" (T 01408) 'azure, (l) kind of tree of faras (pI. >afras) "'Gil 'horse';
Arg. jiirra!a. Har. fiir!ata, Gur. [lirilta SFMITIC: Ar, jU:':C1 'become c:\citcd with ardor',
a/ure color', (Ia',wa faras 'coll'); Heb p:= (qall'he agile', (p.'eI) 'leap', Syr pa: Ip:: I
(sab>a >afras 'horsemen'); fa~ (pI. 'a{,,)s) .e.Clt 'precious stone for rings', 'leap' In thiS case Ethiopic Ir:.:: 1'\ augmented by r
farmuni .e.C-t (D), Coptic month;
farasalll 'horseman, knight'; from Ar.larz; also 10 Amh.fars.[iirl, and probably E1HIOPIC Te. /iir:iJ:u 'burst forth, bur'il out
mISspelling for farmu" ,,"C-t, below. ·afra,,; 'rider, horseman'; Te·fm, laughing, be happy', Tna(Jr,"! 'Ioyful', Amh
(aSS' 168
r"h, 169
la" larQ.;:iz:,J ·Ia fliriJ:;J::6 'be happ), be without ETHIOPIC Te. Jasa (fly ), Tna, fiisiill'ii, Amh A rasi 4-11, fi~ 4-K'; see [asaya,
,,-'('me-s. bt ('arerl"C'C, t'Ie pampered. produce much fi
iisJQ, G f 1"
a... ...
asa, G ur. fi"-
ossa, Har. /iis liSa; passed
. rg , tah~m '~ompletion, endmg' ,
fruit . Gur r a,,!r billa 'feci rela.~ed'. Geez ( taJfar:a- mto CUShltlC Bli . Jaia. fasha (y>[SJ~) LK'''' 'cut, break with a ham- tar'~ml last, that bnng' to complellon'
ZQ IS n0t 10 be cl,mnC('lcd with Tc. fii::a ( l::) 'to m~;, split with a wedge, cut stones, hew out': la/ramcI 'completIOn fulfillment _ •
t' " ~onsumma_
have one's eyes open' as suggested by Littmann- fs~, t.fass..~s 1'Lt"'" 'rejoice, be glad, be tallli~a, pasSive; lon, end, performance, perfecllon',
Hofner 6'2, cheerful. be merry, enJoy oneself, be Com- IJSu~, pass, part. of [a~ha; SEMITIC ' Ar I 'a 'r~ama 'cease. pa~." aYoa,,' could be
forted' , m~/sah. ma{~'~1 (pI. mafo~'!J/) 'hammer, a .. , denved ellher from the meanmg 'break: (' r
. I.

fa". Lfl, fi", 4-Il, see Iss , (ta{assa~ 'hail!'); rna, Heb - ,. ,.... r ,o.fO-
wedge, blow of a chisel, stonecutter', , . p~am), or rrom be finished, come- to .In
f... u' <t:n-Il (K' ~1) 'outSide the Iimlls, pro- 'asla[i,ha, 'asla[ass,!w 'gladden. cause to re- SEMITIC Ar. Jatjab a 'break, crush', Ar. (Syna) fll1h end (G, f~~Qma). that is, 'cea~' ,
truding (eyes), bulging', Joice, delight, comfort, make one enJoy him- 'wound on the head'; also fa~~a (with metathesis) ~!H~.OP~C : !e~ /ilsma 'finish', Tna. fJ,nlima, Amh.
~ al"t) , {.~JUJ. bel(l\\ self, make joyous. make glad'; 'dig, hollow out', ~eb, psh (pi·el) 'break to pieces', /Q,~s.~m.~. flt!amii, Arg. fr.'~/iima, Gar. fil!ilmJ, Gur
f,ssll~ 'glad, joyful, jubilant, delightful. pleas- Nco-Assyrian Pll1aIJu; related to NI (Heb, pdsds), fi~~ama. See also /aduma.
fsfs, >anfasfss. hJLIlLfl (Lt) 'overthrow';
ant, merry. happy, joyous, rejoicing, cheerful" and PlY.!IY: Ar, Ja~ii (kl') , Heb, po~a (PlY) 'open
rclatcd to hashusa II [assa~a 'joy, gladness, happiness, mirth' the mouth', Aram. pa$o, Syr. pa.r'ii (p~'iJ) 'set rree', f.~m (pI. fa~miit) 'i:lt9" 'front, forehead
Md psa, forefront (e,g, of temple), avant-gardc', '
comfort, consolation'; ,
ftsh. LIl.l, (KDTW 169 under onbuks), fis~.y ETIflOP1C Tna.~$~J}e 'break to pieces', Te,f;m,yiiJ}at I'~ma 'before, In front (01), In advance , fore-
LIl",,> (KG) 'bad odor due to indigestion, I,["hl 'joy, gladness, enjoyment. delight, mirth" ga.a 'break' (intr.).!an{.h balii 'split to pieces' (with most, In opposition (to)';
la[aiJa!IJyal (Gr) 'wishes of joy'; ,
had smell, belch', inserted n); related to hy In Amh. fii?fii 'gnnd [a~um 'who is In front hne, predecessor fore-
maslaji'~ 'who bestows gladness, comforter , flour', Arg. foc?a, Har. Jata, Gur fora: III redupli- runner', '
fisiko (fiQki) 4-1t1) (4-IlIJ) 'Easter, Passover, rejoicer, pleasant, delightful'; cative form in Tna·liisfa~ii, fli?fii{a 'cut into small
paschal lamb'; maslafS,hi, (Gr) maslaj,a~i, same; ETHIOPIC: Gur-f;mrii.finia 'forehead' <. .f<lmtli <
pieces', Te. fii?fora 'smash, crush'; passed into
·fifma (with metathe~is) < ·f.l,~ma The conn~tlOn
(,;anhllla maltalall'a .(osika 'Easter eve');
SEMITIC: Ar.fasu~a 'be wide, be spacious', 'in/asaha Cushltic: Som, JaJace; (from RN) 'gnnd coarsely',
between Gur linea and Amh. bii-{ilnta 'instead of
from Gk. paskha . phtJJek, of Hebrew (pfsaM origm, 'be dilated With JOy' (Dillmann 1348), Jasill 'free fassarn. LlI ou , fa~~ama L/lou 'fill, complete. suggested by Rundgren 1955: 86 IS doubtful.
also In Tna. JaH~a. IasiKa. Te, Ja:iga, Amh. Jasika, from dIStress of mind', Ar, (Syria) t-fassah 'r~jOlce', a~omplish, finish, consume, end, fulfill, exe-
/a:'I'ttJ See also f(l,f~, pii.'iii, pasiko. SAr, h-Js,1:l 'cause to rejoice', Akk, paso~u 'become f.~awa LlIm, see fasaya,
cute, carry out, satisfy, perfect, perform, ex-
soothed, become appeased', Vollers, ZA 9 (1894),
fss, fassa, fasass (r'j5") Lfl : Lflfl (K ',T, haust, stop'; fa~aya, ~aya, fa~awa LlIf I 4-lIf I LlIm
205 compares Heb, Pfsah, orlgmally 'dance', and
M Gr.}8]) 'draw lots, playa game of chance by }afa~~ama, causative; also 'order the comple- (T,TS) 'whistle, hISS, rustle';
Ar. Jasaha 'part the legs' (see also Landberg
uSing fingers': 1920:355), For Heb, paso"h in [5, 31 :5, meaning tion. render perfect'; la(ii~aya 'whistle, hISS, (L) rejoice exceedingly';
la{iisllsa 'draw lots mutually, use fingers in a 'Raum schaffen', see Kopf 166, The connection with tala~~ama, passive; also 'die right away, be ·asta[asawa 'whistle',
guesS! ng game': Heb, some"h 'be joyful' suggested by Barth 1893:33 effected, (T) worship idols, be consecrated'; fo~ii, fo~ 'whistle, whistling, hiSSing, rU'tle';
fas, (K') 'lot'; IS unlikely >astala~~ama (U) 'bring to an end, accom-
SEMITIC: Heb. ~;p~el' 'chirp, whisper' (with Dillmann
from Syr pessii 'lot"; also Aram. payis 'arbitratIOn, ETHIOPIC' Te, Jasas'h bela 'rejoice', Tna, fiisha),a, plish' ; 1390, against ceruil, 1936.246 "ho demes the root
allotment', parJii 'lot, ballotmg',l'assa 'lot' (Fraen- (tii)JasSJhe, Amh, Jassa 'be joyful', Jassaha 'joy' fa~~iimi, act. participle; rrom Cushltic); also Ar Jafw,-a. PbR sipup 'whi~­
kel 60. ~~9, Noeldeke 1910:45 [correctlaJosafa Into (from Geez); passed into Cushit;c: Sa.f.siih 'joyful' fJ~~um 'accomplished. completed. finished, ful- tie' Brockelmann 1928:443 compares also Syr ni'-
lafdsasaj). For the deScription of allotting things by filled, filled, full. complete, perfect, perfected. ~QP 'hiss', Aram, ",l~ep 'chirp'; onomatopoetic.
f..s~ I, f.s~ t;:t"tl. : t;:1Itl., (Lt) f.s~i <;:Il.l,
u~mg fingers, cp. also PbH. payis 'arbitration, esp. whole, unblemished'; ETHIOPIC Te. lii~a (fiy,' 'whistle', Tna.
'Passover, Easter, paschal lamb';
by counting out a certain number on the raised rj'Huma 'completely, perfectly, entirely, fully. 'abalii, Amh. (aij"a,wi, lanlj"a{tii, Arg (allo,,!,a,
(j,iha 'orit 'Passover, Saturday of the Passion
fingers of those among whom a decision is to be
Week'), through and through'; negative verb + [,ssu- Har. (aijeea, fir liSa; al,o In Cushltlc Kam.A1.
made (la'trOl' 1162).
ma 'not at all'); jiqqo 'whIStle', Qab, jiqqo' (for q c, see Cohen
EllllOPIC ' perhaps Te, ras<1s,fasasa '(military) billet- ('arba j,,~ 'Good Friday'); 1931 :397), Som. JOdi 'play the flute'
109, provIsioning' (if It IS done by drawing lots). from Heb. PfSah (Noeldeke 1910:37) or JewlSh-
ers ');
>ahaw 'blood brothers', lit. 'full broth-
rna .liJSaJ 'ta", tnbutc', Amh. .(asas 'tax in food or fatta, fotti, fotto L1' I 'i:-r I 'i:;" I 'i:.f,
Aram pishii (Ullendorff 1968: 123); also Amh.fash
grain for ~oldlers, which is Imposed on a district' fa~m 'end, consummation, termination'; see [u,
(from Geez), Note that Chr.-Ar. fil/z. JaS!1 com"
la~~ame 'completion, conclusion, execution.
fosus t;:n-Il (T) 'cross-eyed, squint-eyed' from Syr pe~ho < Gk, paskha. See also Josiko.
end, consummation, perfection. fullness, con- fota t.:1'. fot t.:-r; see 1"'1,
sec also !JJU'. abo\-c. f.s~ fl, f.s~at (pl.j,s,llIat. ["halal) t;:t"th : secration';
la~~'m.nna 'perfection, integrity'; fslfata L''''L1' (K') 'crumble bread',
t;:t"""'" 'narrow passage. narrow pass, ravme,
fasawa LfllD (K-) -break wind';
(Ll) uphill, steep place, heap of earth, mound. mala~pm 'who fulfills, who accomplishes, who SEMITIC: Ar.fatfata 'crumble' (Dozy), PbH, P/!P'!,
/asa .... (K') jin, II' 'flatus'; executes. who completes, who perfects'; Syr. pa!pe!; also Ar, falla 'crumble', Heb. paM,
shrine on an elevated place, (Lt) high place, (T)
SEMITIC" Ar Ia.~ii 'lsK) 'break wind' fortified place', See also ['I~atiil, mal'~~am (Ll) 'end'; Syr pa].
roth. 170 fatana
----------~----------~, (tn 171

ETHIOPIC Te. flr~o ' loosen, open, un lie, rele '

- f.~.r.
EnntWIC Tna [a{(ilfa 'crumble', Te./at/iila, Amh. ftn. 'aftana h/f:T~ (M) 'hurry, cause to be ~

{alajfiJlll 'break ur hread and mix It wIth sauce', Tn •. jiir!It, Amh,Arg, fiilla 'undo, release, ab asIe , ["WOliik'i 'given t o I .
o f sm, ,. ha, Gur. fola; 'law so ve
· d·Ivorce,'H ar. Jalo. fast' : mafr•• , 'lust WISh ust, gIven to deSIre',
aJ.,(l Te Jar/lito ·crumble'. Tna. fartalii; also 10
cept' TeJ.r.h, TnaJ"hi. Amh, f.lh (from Gpre, is a misprint ror 'a/Fana htt:m" . bee' ' , (It IS) fittlOg, $ul~.ole fi.
CUShllil BII.Sa. (arlol 'break. crumble', Be. felit omtng, conveOlcnt· I • ~
d,,,rnoulc' See also falola. passed into Cushlllc: BIl , jaluh 'open' , Be, fer;~Z), necessary, obit at "",em y, prnper, (11 I )
flY, ,.ftara h/f:Tl (MA) 'ki ll ' ant pi ' g or), that gIves ple:"ure 1'1<,,,
f~t~atjjt /f:-}o"':r-}o (T) ' fortified places'; , eaSIng, dehghiful . •
r.ttt- t l'a[rah , L-}o'" 'open, loosen, let loose, deSIred'• (G r) ' ' preclOu~, d.S1raOle
fit. f.lta. fatata, faltata L'" , LT'" 'break off enticement" , •
untie, unfasten, release, dissolve, disengage, a vanant readlOg of f.shalor (see f./;& II) ,
make of no effect, set free, solve, absolve, a piece, fracture, crush, break the Host during S"'''T1C: Heb, pry (pl'el) 'sed '
forgi\C (SIOS), give absolution, break a fast, do fatala (ya[lal) LTiI 'spin, twist' ; Ihe commuOlon, break and distribute (bread Ug, pry 'copulate' (Ullend uce ,!Dlilmann t1M),
lafarla, passive ; or anything eisel, give out, ~ake a gift, ap- with Ar. /ati.)'a 'be youthful Or!l' 19 ... ; hiS comp'lnson
justIce, judge, pass Judgment, administer jus, ETH10PIC' To Jiira If '! ' I IS less convincing) .
[aliili, act. part. of [atala; point a portIOn, ,give a share ; !iiliiwa, Amh . , ,'~. ove, ,Wish. deme', Tna
lice, arbitrate, decide, IOterpret' ;
([ari/O la'ala 'condemn'),
[Mul 'twisted, spun'; ra[al( rJata, passIve; Amh . (a)fall{:;~'~ls~cs;r~, !ust (from Gcez~; also
fatlJal1 (pI. 'a[liil, 'a[I.II) ' thread, cord, wick jattari (K'), act. part, of [allata; d ' . 1 e (a ~condary torm)
'afi.ha, causatIVe: also 'bring to judgment, ask passe IOtO Cushitlc. 811 .(iila\'. 'f'nen. d' '
for Justice, release, set free';
string'; , f. rrut 'broken, fracture, fragment';
rafarha, passive: also 'relax'; ([alia siirel 'spider web'); f.trat 'piece, fragment, scrap, morsel, piece of falta Lm : see fIt
raflilaha 'be separated from one another, bring [.tiil (Lt) ' toga' ; bread' ;
suit, sue one another, engage in a legal case, be [.rlo 'network, thread'; fattiite 'breaking the holy bread for distnbu- fe,a "-m; see /)'1,
f.llal (n,) 'spinning, twisting'; tion;
10 court with someone, stand trial, condemn,
jatlJIO 'fraction , portion';
fa,ana (y>(!.n I Lm~ 'be fast, be SWIft, hurry
contend' , SEMITIC: Ar.falala 'twist, spin', SI).flel'roll a WIck', be to a hurry, be prompt, speed up" '
Heb, pOlal 'twist', Aram,-Syr, p.!al, Md, prl, Akk, (salota[aIlMo 'prayer when breaking the bread 'aflana 'make h hasten. accelerate, ' hurry.
'asraflir.ha, causative of lajiilaha; . . , aste,
palolu 'spin'. for the Eucharist') ;
[arahi, act. part. of [ar!;a: also 'Judge'; move SWIftly, (with an infintllve) hurry do
fMuh, pass, part. of far!;a; also 'open, uncon- ETHIOPIC : Te. folIa 'twist, weave', Tna. forala, fatt./.tlii, (T.Ml [.tto 'piece, portion, fraction, qUIckly, do hasltly'; ,
strained, discharged, absolved'; Amh ,Gaf,Gur, jiirliilii 'spin, twist, br.,d', Arg, jOr, morsel, gift' ; lafli!ana 'press, urge, succeed to doing fast'
fJlh 'precept, law, suit, lawsuit, justice, judg- riila, HarJiilii/a; passed into Cushitic: Sa ,Af,jaral SEMITIC: Ar.falla (fll ) 'break', Soq enjellr 'break 'asloflilana 'quicken, make haste, hasten, acc~I'
'spin' .
ment, proceeding, decision, verdict, sentence m small pieces', Heb, POlO!, PbH. pa!a!, piJpe!, erate, urge, overtake';
(in court)', fatana (y.flan ) LT~ 'try, test, put to test, Aram . palO!. Syr. pal. paJpe! 'crumble', parlii!a [alliin (Lt) 'swift, rapId',
([,Iha nagail 'Code of the Kings', title of investigate, scrutinize, explore, examine, search. (with augmented r) 'crumbs', Md, fill 'crumble', fa! lm 'swift, quick, rapId, prompt, hastentng',
a book; for a bibliography, see Hammer- probe, tempt, prove, probe, (T) melt'; ETHIOPIC: Te, jiiriila , fiit/iila, fiirliira 'crumble (ha,f.!un, [.!una 'tmmed,ately, right away,
bread, break into small pieces', Tna.fiilliilii.fiit/iirii,
schmIdt 1973 : 174) ; 'aftana 'allow to be explored or examined, promptly, speedily, quickly, swiftly, sudden-
flirtiirii, Amh, folliirii, jiiliiffiirii, Gur, f"iifiirii: ly');
([arha mar 'death sentence'); confess' , passed into Cushillc: BIl.fiirliil'crumble', Sa.}arrar,
(manbara Jilrh 'tribunal, court of justice'); la[alna, passive of fatana; Be, ferir 'dIvide' , Sec also jalfala, [a!in (fern. [at!iin) 'swift, hasty, sudden',
('al\'da fJlh, same), lajiitana, reciprocal of fatana; fJlnat 'rapidity, velocity',
[.,har 'openlOg (n), absolution, judging (n), 'aslafiilana (K'), causative of tafiitana; f.tot /f:1'--}o; see [alawa, ma[!ani, (Gr) 'aJiiin! 'who accelerates, hasty,
provIsion' ; farani \examiner, explorer, investigator'; hurned, rapid, sudden';
lajiiraho( r) 'lawsuit, litigation'; [.tun 'tested, tried, investigated, examined, ex- fa'awa. fatwa (Y'flo , y.[tu. yJjtaw) L·,.m t maslajii!ni, mastajii!iini, (K') masloflilJn,
mafriih (Gr,490) 'motive for a decision'; plored' ; l.+m 'deSIre, wish, love, covet, lust for, have a same;
ma[lah 'solution, solving, (M) instrument for [alanii 'proof, experiment, trial, attempt, temp- liking for'; SEMIT1C Ar. fa/una 'be clever, discerning' for the
opening (key),; tation'; 'afrawa, causative; also (with object suffix pro- relation between 'clever, discernang' and 'fast', cpo
maJ/,!;i, (M) ma[la!;i 'opener, who dissolves, [.tnal (n) 'testing, probing, trial'; nouns) 'please, satisfy'; Heb, maher 'fast', mahir 'SkIlled', and Geez (ra j"",hra
who sets free'; ma[lani, participle of ,aftana; also 'means of la[alwa, passive; also 'long for, be desirable'; 'study',
(ma[lahe sariiy 'prayer against channs', lit. testing' ; fatawi, act. part. of falawa ; also 'lustful, cov- ETHIOPIC: Tna. /ii{iinii 'be rapid', Amh. IdHana.
etous" , Har, fli!na, Gur, jOriinli: Te. Jii!na (and also 8,)
'that loosens the channs');
SEMITIC: ArJalana 'tempt, seduce', MhJeron, Syr,
SEMITIC: Ar, Jalaha 'open' Jalh 'judgment, decision' fmw 'desired, desirable, pleasing, pleasant, de- [atan) 'understand' IS borrowed from ArabIC.
petno 'tumult, discord', Md. pilna 'temptation'
lightful' ; fa!ara Lml 'create, fashIOn, produce, fabn-
(in the Quran. from Geez; see Jeffery 221, contrary (from Arab,c),
to Muller who considers It ArabiC in view of SAr. ETHIOPIC Te. fotna 'attempt, prove, seduce', ·a/iil· f"wal'/.Iot 'desire, wish, desirable thing, lust, cate, devise, invent, feign, contnve, inscnbe (or
flh), SAr. h-frh 'obtain ajudiclOl order' Jrh 'lawsuit, lana 'try', Tna.Amh. fauana 'test, try, examine'. concupiscence, craving, liking (for), being de- carve) magic letters, make incisions on the
JudlclOl order', Sh/erah 'open', Heb, porah, Aram" Arg. fettana, Gur. felana; passed into Cushitic: Stred, pleasure'; Resh' ;
Syr P'!ah, MdPh ,Ug, plh, Akk , pelU, paru SaAr. falan 'lest', Bil. fiirlin,"" same; la[a!ra, passive;
rtt•• 172
• •
(a/Ii" \:rcat"r ,
Jatur ·creatc:d. aeature'; ..
fwl I, tafiiwala "''''IDII 'foretell, read omens'
[al 'omen, good omen'; ,
(the back). ~Iean by rubbing. dry by Wlpmg.
fayyata " .c.f·~ (I.:'I·L- flr,!

- -
(T y) sweep, "., be 10 front'
1,luraw; 'pertalnlng to created things; . (sab'a [al 'divmers'); from Amh ( . , '
En-flO Ple Tna. faH:iizii 'scrape' -face' . . an ala, dtnommati~ from III
!,,!ara 'imcntIOn. fiction. falsehood, ~eslgn~: from Ar fa·1 'omen'; also in Amh.Gur fal H
InciSIons. culllngS. magICal figures, (T ) Idol, fiil; tn CushitlC: Or.fala. BiLfiil. On Ar.fa'/m t~< fmil (pL[ayyalol'/.yya!at) r;:,A 'Vial, gla",
('Iral 'act of creallng. creation, things created. vanous ArabIC d,alects. see Landberg 1942:2391 If wI cup, (L1) porcelam ;
ry!, fe!a J..m (T) 'run'
bo , ffli (T) 'running'
CT~ature. nature. character. disposition, consti- See also wf/. . h k'
j1yyoi01 (L1) 'flesh 00 S ,
(n ); .

tUllon, origin. kind, species, generation, faml-

(rom Gk. phiali ·bowl. dnnking bowl': also Syr ;~IOPTC', Amh. II,irja;u!ci tfrom }I)!a) da h
h'. .' fwl II, (ta)fawwala .,.LIDII (TM) 'be restless, be ut (~~eral persons, an1mah)' See also Ill.
(I.Hana [,(ral [L1J 'mother tongue'); fidgety, start (someone who IS Surprised)'. plya /, (see Krauss 443), Md, pial"
fOla f.:U, see f":
.(.lraloll'l 'natural';
. , fayana Ln (T) 'estimate, evaluate';
la[alro (GrJ8R) 'nature, creature; , . fwq, foqa (ya[uq) 1.':+ (K') 'jump up, spring ETHIOPIC' related to Te, Janna (fnn) 'explain, mter- fiilUq "'/t'o}> (T) 'three·pronged spear';
/W[lor 'place where things are done, ongm, up, go up, boil over'; ,
, pret
provenance; ETHIOPlc Amh fa,uq (probably from G,..z); per.
SEMITIC:. perhaps. in connection with Ar.jaqa (fwq)
SEMITIC; root Ifr whose basIc meaning IS 'split > 'surpass ,fawqu up, upstairs, on top', fayata, fayyata I Lf.,. 'plunder, rob', haps also Te. /a:.uq place (If eXC(Ull\,ln' (Whh:h may
fashion. create. invent' (in Amharic also figuratively tojayla, tajay),ala, passtve; . have some connection "Ith J spearl.
·lte·): Ar.falara 'Spill, create' (for whICh see Schwally, jayly JOI 'robber, thief. plunderer;
fawwasa LlDiI 'cure, heal'; fazaza LUH ILt) 'be stupefied. he dumbfound.
ZDMG 53 (1899). 201, and Noeldeke 1910:49 who j,yyul (K') 'ro~t>:d',; . ed, (Lt) be paralyzed'.
sugge~ts a Geez origin), Heb. palar 'set free. let out
'afawwasa, causative;
jaVyalowi.jay)'alay robber. thief, bngand'; 'af:a:a (Lt). cau,at"e.
< Spill> creale', Aram.-Syr. pr'(pieel) 'separate, lajawwasa 'recover from illness, be cured, be m~jyal 'place where robbers hide'.
dissolve', Md. pfr 'open, set apart', Ug. P!' 'split" healed, take care of oneself, be appeased, be maI:a: ILt) 'that makes stupefied',
smoothed'; ETHIOPtC' perhaps Te, fetlita 'knock down' Amh
Akk. pa.toru 'loosen. detach', ETHIOPIC Te./ii:.:a fI::) 'have one's eyes opened'
ETHIOPIC' Te. furra 'create', Tna. fa!ara, Amh. Jii!- [awwas; 'one who heals, who cures'; [ayy"'1i 'rob',fiiyalawi 'thief (from Geez; only wlth
Tna, /ii:.ii:ii 'be stupefied', Amh. fiiz:li:ii 'be 1R ;
reference to the thieves crucified with Christ). Slupor. be dazed'. .
lara ·create. Invent, lie', Gur. fii!iirii; passed into j,wwas (K') 'healed, cured';
Cushltlc: BiL jalar 'create', For 'create > Invent, raws 'healing, cure, medecine, remedy, (Lt.K')
lie" cp, also Te. mana (mny) 'create, lie', poison, medicinal herb';
('abna jaws 'liquid eye salve');
fit, falta Lm (T) 'run';
•• •• (jaws manjasawi 'Spiritual Healing', title of
. . (T) 'run' (n,);
.(alt; a book; for a bibliography, see Hammer.
see also JI'/.
schmidt-Six 1983: 225);
(ba<ala jaws 'physician');
fewi J.." 'dark wood, (TK) rotten log or [,wwase (n,) 'healing';
wood, name of a tree', tafawwiJsot 'recovery';
·'\\'enn es sich urn eine 'dark root' (stan 'wood') majawwas 'physician, healer';
und urn emen 'name of plant' (statt 'tree') handeln majaww,si, (Gr) ma[awwas; 'physician';
wurde. konnte man an arabischfuwwa 'Krapp, Far-
berrote. Rubia tine to rum L.' denken , der In Sud- SEMITIC: Dillmann 1376 (followed by Barth 1893 ,
arablen der roten Wurzel wegen angebaut wird" 14) compares Ar, soja (ffy) 'hea\', The connection
(Midler), with Syr, pas (pws) 'remain, expect, stay behind'
su~gested by Brockelmann 1928: 561 is unlikely.
ETHIOPIC: Tna, Jiiwwiisii 'heal, cure', Amh, /iiwwiiJii
fw', fw<, fo'a, fO'a 1.':" , 1.':0 (V,MA); see [w~. (from Geez),

fiiwd "'1IJo~ (DTW 974) 'tribulation, suffering'; fwt, fota 1.':.,., fawata LID.,. (K') 'err, stray';
ETHIOPIC: Amh. fayd, same, [aI, jawI, pI. 'a[wal (K ') 'dissolute woman';
ETHIOPIC: Te,fiiwlta 'dissolute woman' .Jaylal 'pros-
fw~, fo~a I.':th (T) 'divide in two'; titute', Tna,fiiliilii 'be given to a dissolute hfe'
ETHIOPIC' perhaps Tna, fah balti 'be spread, be
d15persed', Set also f"'J.. '. fwz, foza 1.':" 'wipe off, wipe clean, efface, rub
gOl" 13
mann 1186, B~rth, 189~ : 18, as against Fraenkel
'ag<a"a 'tr ~
1898: 7), Heb. ga'ar roar, Aram.-Syr. g"ar 'rebuke mak; w ~ns er, tra~sport, move (tr.). remove,
shout at", Ug. g<r 'roar, rebuke'. The root is related _ an er, send mto exile, banish'
to Ar. gahura 'be loud (voice)" Md. gltr 'vibrate' taga'a~a (K *) 'b '
gage)' ~ e transported (much bag-
ETH10PIC: Tna. gii<arii 'shout" Te. gii<ara 'shou~
roar', Amb. garii 'cry out', g"'agg"'iirii 'bellow c ' ga<uz 'removed" ,
out' (reduplicative g"'r); related to (a)gWiirra (fro~ gafa~ gat.,. 'b
G ., g"'r7) 'roar, bellow', Har. girgir biiya 'be noisy', Gur.
th -. • aggage, (Or.439) camp. artisans of
e camp, servants"
(a)g"'iirra 'bellow'. 11' - '
g 0'20, gWa'a: (It), g'ii': (M) 'baggage (of an
ga<.ta (y.g<ar) 10.,. 'give to drink, put food army), caravan that follows an army (famdy
-g Wi -'l 'also, certainly, doubtless', 'ag'iizi (Gr.479), act. part. of 'ag'aza; anrm,~ls, equipment)': '
into someone's mouth, (Y.K) force a baby to
fagii)iizi 'quarrelsome, litigant'; drink, (T.K.M) prepare porridge'; g~.'z Journey, wandering. walk';
ge ." (It) 'territory'; tagii'alar 'competition, dispute, strife, quibble ga'ar, (T) ga'at 'portion, food put into the g "2 (Lt) 'a day's journey';
for O. ge, see Conti Rossini 1912: 193; Arg. ge, chicanery, q uarre!'; , mouth, (T.K.M) porridge'; gu'zo, g'.,zo (Lt) 'traveling (n), a day's march
Amh. ge (Oetatchew 1970:78); in Amh. also in stage'; •
mag'3Z -'quarrelsome,
,. wrathful, contentious"
, giN (K*) 'porridge';
balii-ge 'rude' (lit. '3 man of the countryside'); with mastaga'az contentIOus, who stimulate garzat 'migration. transition"
- . '
contention, litigious, wrangling, disputer, argu~
place-names as in hardr-ge, siilam-ge, gllrage-ge, and ETHlOPIC: Te. (a)gii<ata 'prepare porridge', Tna. 'ag<azl. act. part. of 'agco:a;
in combinations such as, 'head of the bed': Amh. gii<atii, Amh. gatii 'force a baby or an animal to magcQz 'setting out, departure';
mentative' ;
ras-ge, Gur. gWlJJiin'ge, dumi-ge; 'at the foot of': driilk'; Te.Tna. ga<at 'porridge', Amh. gat. The verb
Amh. gar-ge, .gar-ge (see Praetorius 1879:406: ~THIOPI~" Tna. (lii)g,a'aZii 'quarrel' (v.), ga'zi is perhaps a denominative from *gacat, from wag'Q ~EMlllC,: related to Ar. gii::a (gll';;)'pass along',
Cohen 1939: 100). Cohen, GLEeS I (1933). 34 quarrel (n.), Amh. gaz dlspute, argument', giJ';nan. 'feed with milk', below. gaza<Q cross, go over', from g:!< 'cut' (Dillmann
connects ge with Heb. gay 'valley'. Ar. giwQ' 'valley' na 'reproach, blame'; perhaps also Cushitic: Bil. gus ! 187; Brockelmann 1908:273), Heb. ga: (g,-' J
pass along'.
(rather than gaww 'interior'). 'reject, hate' (Reinisch 1887: 165). go<t ;JiJ·} (K*) 'width of the palm';
E~oPlc: Te. gatazQ 'emigrate, depart with one's
g'l, 'ag'.'.
hedge' ;
""1"" (MA) 'surround with a gWa< 1'iJ (K*) 'unripe fruit';
possibly reconstructed from Amh. gal 'width of the
palm across the knuckles'.
faml~Y', Tna. gii<azii 'depart', gii<a::. g. . J<:o 'bag-
g~~e, ~m~. (tii)gM' a: a 'travel, go on a trip', (a)ga'
SEMITIC: Soq. goihe 'be ripe' (perhaps 'be half-ripe'). za b~msh, gu:o 'baggage', Har. gliza 'change resi-
undoubtedly wrongly copied by MA instead of ETHIOPIC: Tna. g~'ii<e 'be unripe', g"'a< 'unripe', go<t "IiJT (K*) 'breast, udder';
dence. Gur. ga'azii; Amh.Gur. gM' az 'caravan' Har.
'ag:ara (see gz: JI). Amh. g"a 'unripe fruit', gWa) 'cotton boll that is from Amh. gat, same. gaz. Reinisch 1887: 134 compares BiL gald '~ove',
ready to burst open'; also in Cushitic: Bil.Qua. gi Sa. gedi 'move to another pasture' (with alternance
ga'za (l>.g'a:), ga<la Dlhll ; "Ibll, (K) ga'aza
1"", (T) ga<aza 1011 'loathe, revile, disparage,
'become ripe', Qem. gi. gWa<taya .,..iJ.,.r (K*) 'deceive, beguile, fool';
gWnuy 'deceived, deluded, (Lt) overcome by
z :d).
chide, blame, upbraid, reproach, (K) be irri- g<l, >ag<alt ""IiJAT 'potsherds'; ga<za II "IbH 'become free, be set free. be
tated, be annoyed'; work, (T) weak, that falls into ruin';
for 'agl.'l ""IAbT; see gal,. emancipated' ;
)ag)a:a, causative; also 'blame, reprove,
gw.'l>yii (T.K.Lt) 'deceit, deception, appease-
'agraza, )agi}<za 'set free, make free. send forth
complain about'; g'a<a~a .,..oA (MA), misprint or misreading for ment of a spirit, illusion, (K) fortune-telling,
free (a slave)';
gWa&apa, below, hard labor, toil, fatigue, (Lt) deterioration,
rag"ZG (K *), passive of ga'za; taga<za, taga{aza 'become free, be made free,

decay'. While 'hard labor' is not given by
raga'aoa 'quarrel, strive, dispute with one be set at liberty, free oneself';
ga<ra, ga<ara (yag'ar) "Mt. I 101. 'cry out, cry ~ Dillmann, several examples quoted by him
another, have a dispute, vie, contend, object, tagii'ala (Or.479) 'become free';
argue. speak ill of; in a loud voice, clamor, groan, moan, sigh, have the meaning of 'hard labor, toil'; ga'azi (M) 'free';
'QJlagii>aza (K*), caus. of tagii>aza; wail, lament'; ETHIOPlc: Te. (t,)gii'ala 'be distressed', Tna. gi}{UZ 'free, freeman, one who is set free';
ga'azi, act. part. of g.'za; )agcara, causative; (>a)g"'attiiyii 'despise. scorn', Amh. gu'al 'work, la- g"z, (K) ga'z 'nature, manner, custom, behav-
gil)U:, pass. part. of gil)za; ga'iiri (K *), act. part. of g.<ra; bor, toil' (from Geez). Dillmann 1186 derives g"·.'l.- ior, conduct, fashion, character, habit(s), dispo-
ga'ar, (K) ga<iir, (T) ga'ar 'cry, shout, clamor, yd 'deception' from Gk. goeleia 'magic, art of cast- sition, temperament, essence, quality, mode of
ga': 'disputing, strife, quarrel, argument, enmi-
ing spells', One should perphaps consider the possi- life, ways; the Geez language, the first order
ty' ; outcry, groan, groaning, lamentation, wailing,
bility of a root g"'<ty I 'deceive, fool', and g"'qy II
gii': 'quarrel, quibble, litigation, reviling, complaint' ; of the Ethiopian syllabary, one of the three
'be overcome by hard work, become weak'.
contention, strife, controversy, dispute, discus- ga'ur 'who cries out, who groans, who la- modes of plainchan!' (Velat 75, 625tT; for
sion, disagreement, reprimand'; ments' ,. g.<za I (yag<az) "IbH, (K*) ga'za "IhH 'move other modes, see 'ariiray, 9zl);
ga'=at 'reviling, contention, strife, reprehen- tag(ilrt (tagract) 'lamentation, groan, tyranny'; (mtr.), change camp, change residence, depart, (l.ssiina ga'l 'the Geez language');
Slon ; encamp, pitch camp, march (into), go on a (b.!rera g"z 'Ethiopia');
SEMITIC: Ar. (Syria) ga'ar 'low, moo', also class. Ar.
ga'zol'dispute'; ga'ara (Dozy); related to class. Ar. gwara (Dill- trip' ; ga'zat 'being set free' (n.);
!:'Ibi 176
- ,
gabbaba 177
g -zan 'freedom. manumi~sion, liberation'; of SEMITIC' AT *"bb 'wcn, Pit' (Jeffery 98 conside
an AramaiC ·1 oanwordslOce
' '.
It IS used in the K
rSIt gab'al 'entenng. return, military tnspection,
g)r3:"lflna 'h~ration from slavery. status . oran giibii~'a
'market' . d
only 10 the Joseph story; however, gubb IS used conversion, betrayal', f - IS em'cd by Praetonus 1879'1"1
freedom', g .
of Arabia acc?rdin to Landber~ 1920:259), Heb.
10 all
(gab'ala marel '~u~al', lit. 'entenng the earth'); ~:r gb- an~ Would mean onginall}' 'gathenng'
'Q~'ii~ 'o~'li:i 'freeman. free man. master, 001 passed IOto Cushltn: Sa, gaba' tum hack
I(e~ 'pit, ditch, Aram,-Syr gubba, gii~ij, Md. guba (gab'ala man!olal
, , wtthdrawal of the curtam'); See also gahKab, below.
EthiOpian" Ug. gh (Caquot 313), Akk. gubbu 'water we1l" Jogbo'i 'traitor;
(h.Jhrra 'Ug'iin 'Ethiopia', lit. 'the land of the . , ,
While Zimmern 44 (followed by Brockelmann 1928 >agba'o( 'restitutIOn; gabbaba I 1nn (K-) 'gather'.
frec') . 100) conSiders Akk. I(ubhu to be the ongm of th 'aslagiib~'i 'convener'; SEMITIC Ar gabgiib 'plentiful, COpIOU!\ numerous:
lQK~a:il 'free woman'; ,". Semitic root, von Soden 295 considers Akk. gUbb~ 'astagiibiN 'who gathers,, who compiles, A~ (Dat). gahgab 'gather here and ;hcre PbH'
"'~.~:o gahr (1I) 'manumISSion, ht. 'setting , .
an AramaiC loanword. See also Rundgren. OS 10 (Gr.337) magtctan, sorcerer, gapa~ 'gather" Aram. gahb/!~, Akk. gahhu 't;ltalit)'
free of a slave': (1961).107 ~he whole. en~irety': related to Ar. ,~aha " tb,')
'JSlagubu>, ',slagbu' 'collected, collection, gath-
'a,c:ca:dy, (Lt) >ogcir:iiy 'free. freeman'; ETHIOPIC': Te. gabb 'cave, hole, pit', Amh, gaM, gather. collect. Aram_wSyT. g.J~{i (ghy). Md. gh;r
ered together';
Har glib. ETHIOPIC': Te. ~iih(lh 'troop'; DTW 111 tran .. lates
51 '"TlC SAr 'g':y" 'Ethiopian' (W. Muller). (mas~afa >aslagbu> 'collected writings');
ETHIOPIC, for Tigre and Tigrinya only a few mean- Amh. giibii~giihii 'gather food', lhl') ..emc coming
magbii> 'returning, return, recurring, gathering
mgs arc regIstered In the existing dictionaries. but gab>a (yagbii» 111h 'return, leave, turn back , from the ongmal meanlOg 'dc:)lfc, he \tlngy'.
, place, refuge';
the\ undoubtedly have the various meanmgs of come back, enter, be dehvered, be restored'·, gabbaba II 1nn (K -) 'be bent':
magubii>, (K -) mag" M> 'confluence, place where
Ge~l Tna, ga'iI: 'habit. the Geez language. first (gab>a laMu 'he was in his right mind, he
0rder of the Ethiopian syllabary, one of the three became conscious');
rivers flow together, (K) place of gather- SEMiTIC: Heb, gab in .~ah~·· 'bo"ise~ on a shield'
. >
IIlg; PbH. gal> 'back, hunch' (Cohen 1947:n" "(12), S,,'
modes of the piainchant"; Te. >a!!'a=a ·spelr. 'oK'a:i (gab>a krdslalllla [Lt) 'be rechristened');
maslagiiba', maslagiiba>; 'one who assembles, g'l>~ 'hunch-backed', Md. gah Ighh, 'be~d.
'clever'; Amh. ra.:ga:ii 'liberate', g~>i1: 'habit, ac- combmed with another verb it means 'again';
one who gathers, collectIOn' (Velat 219fl); curve; for Ar of South Arabia, .. ee Landberg
t!on(s). character, the Geezlanguagc, the first order e,g, lI'agab>a wala·aka 'he sent again'; 19091643-4
of the Ethiopian syllabary, one of the three modes mastag" bii> (K -), see mag"M·,
gabJ)Q, same as JQsragiiba'a; ETHloPlc: Amh. g-iihbiiNi. g"'iihiibh alii 'be bent'.
of the plamchanl', g.:p:-un 'freedom'. giJ'iJ:-iJIIIIO 'liber· maslagubu>, "",slagbu' 'gathered, collected, meet-
>agba>a 'turn (tL), make return, give back, Te. gaM be/a 'incline', Tna. g"iiJ(ahii <be crooked.
'Hlon from "laver)' Several meanings of Tna. gJ<J:. ing place, place of gathering, place of contract- be tWISted' (from g"h_g"b); also III Cushille: Af giih
and Amh, Kil',l; are undoubtedly borrowed from bring. bring back, take back, return, deliver, ing (shrinking)'; 'be bent'
hand over, restore, restitute, revoke, put up, maslagubii>, maslagubii>e 'assembly, congrega-
set, recompense, recover, give over, betray'; tion, meeting place'; gabgab. gabgabo, gabagabo. gabgibo 111HI I
gabi 111 (1I) 'kind of a tree; (=ayagabba> 'traitor'); tagiiba>o(t} 'synod, council, congregation, col- 1111(1 , 101(1 I .,11;1,1, (T) gabgibo 111.?(I
ETHIOPIC Te.Amh. gaha, Tna. gaba, For gliba, sce lagab'a 'be turned back, be gathered, turn lection' ; 'entrance, reception room, vestibule. open area
Strele\n 1973:no 100; from Cush,t,c: Be. gaba, BII. (intL)' ; in the middle of a room, (T KO) assembly,
SEMITIC: Ar. gaba'Q 'turn back. remalO behind, ab-
!1iihii. tagiibJ>a 'be collected, be compiled, be galh- council held m front of the entrance';
stam (with 'an 'from'), come upon' (with 'alci, but
ered, gather together (intr), assemble (mtr), be also without 'alii; (see Dilimann 1168; F. Rund- perhaps from gb' (sec gab'a) 'enter, gather' > gb '>
gabo (pI. gahatrii/) 1(1 'side, flank, rib, loms'; assembled, be united with one another, be gren, OS 10 [1961). 105ff "gaba·o 'sich zuruckzle- gb-gb (reduplicative gh). While the den,allon from
(,'ah'u gahall'iil, ·~/la 'amgaball'iil 'collaterals'); circumscribed, come together. come to an hen. zuruckkehren' kann an sich als eme Art \'OX .·gb IS possible (cp. hahhab 'gift', from .lth), the
('ara(la gabo 'lateral wall'); agreement' ; media betrachtet werden"}, SAr. gb' 'return, come connection with Ar, waqaba 'in die Hohle cmtreten'
!{uhalla (MAl 'be at the stde of. be close to' >aslagiiha'a (>aslagb>a) 'gather, collect, bring back', h-gb· 'transfer', One wonders whether the (Mh . • ·eqob 'enter') suggested by Bittner, ~ Z[(,I/
(denommat;le) ; into. assemble, compile, cause to be gathered, various meanings of the root gb' \.'Ielong to a slOgle 27 (1913).129 is unlikely
call up (spirits), bring together, recover, heap root or whether one should not consider a gl>' I gabgib 111;111 (Lt) 'forced labor'.
Sf-ldITK: the Semitic ·gab(b,J derives from gnb. gnb.
'return' and gb' II 'collect'. Hebrew grPrf') 'CIStern'
to Judge from Ar ganh 'side' (Dillmann 1173), Md. up, restore, sum up, bring back, (ake up, cause SEMITIC W Muller suggests Ar. wagah" 'be obhga-
connected by Ludolf 659 (followed by Rundgren,
Kamha. ganha, The root ~nh became gabb in PbH. (a city) to surrender, take by force of arms', tory, be bindmg', G. gbgb commg from gb'gb, from
OS 10[1961 ),107; Ullendorff 192) With G I1b' would
·guhbe. 10 IJ-gahhl' <near to, concermng', Aram.- gaba>;, act. part. of gab'a; also 'hireling, hired wgb.
then be derived from gb' II 'collect' For 'collect',
S)r gaMii 'Side', Akk. gaMu 'part of human or servant, mercenary'; ETHIOPIC: the companson with Amh. giibiiKiib 'stin-
the root is related to Ar. gahu !Khy), Aram.-Syr
animal body' ga~ii, Md. gba, gy, greedy' suggested by Noeldeke, WZ [(AI 19
gabu>, gubU' 'who returns> assembled, gath-
ETHloPlr Ihe Eth,op,c -gah IS probably independ- ETHIOPIC: Tna. giib'e 'turn, return. pass', Te. ·giib·Q (1905). 406 is not convincmg; probably common
ered' ;
ent of ·gnb of the other Semitic languages. Thus, with Cushitic: Bil. gab 'oppress'.
gab> (Lt) 'cave'; (which became go'a 'happen'; sec Cohen 1924 131),
Te Kahn 'slde', Tna, Kobo; also in Cushitic: Bil.Qua. Amh. giibba 'enter. return home, live. reside', Gaf.
,ah<1 'Side', Kham. g<hii See also Cohen, BSL 29 guM.e, (T) g".bii>e 'gathering, assembly. reun- gabli, gabli 11111 I .,1111. (Or) g.bla, .,1111-'1-,
giibbii, Har, giiba>a 'return home, live, reside', and
(1928,9).116,7, and Brodelmann 1950:21. ion, council> congregation, synod, session, meel- (T) gabli' 11111-'1- (probably a plural) 'gutter,
perhaps also Har. giriigiiba 'return', Gur. giJriigiihii,
ing, community (of faithful), collection'; going back to *gbgb (with disSimilalion of gb-gb to trough, pitcher';
g~bb(pI. gJhah, 'agbab) "HI 'pit, ditch, cavern, (guM>e qiinii 'kind of qane-poem'); Velat 64; gr·gb) which represents a reduplicated root gb', gh. SEMITIC: Soq. gib·eleh 'hollow place 111 which there
. ,
aby". cave, lair, hole, den'; guba>eyii .... ; 'pertaining to gathenng'; For 'gathering', cpo Te.Tna.Amh. guba'e. Amharic IS water.
178 gabr. ~g.:~:=aro=-.·~~~__________________1~;:9________________________
• Jt3bt.oa
E~fOPK Te g§bla -water basm near a Ctstern for compulsion, constraint. necessit)" (K') Iaxes rugbarot 'Iabor';
(gabra 'dd 'manual work. trade'); . (JgbJrI ·productlon. produce. ),eld' g~bsi' "Ioflilll(T ~I) 'mule'
ammals Ina gabla 't",ugh', -\.mh. gaNa 'place
"here cattie pend the nrghf {would it be near the (gabra ~Q\riirJyiit 'Acts of the Apostles): would II mean 'barle\~'-red' (.
SE.'!IT1 C At. gabtua 'force todo sometlung. suomit' - - .. ul\.l ~om g --('. t :- a

-ougb (gahra Ipmiimar 'Ritual for the PaSSion 'abr 'powerful man. constraml. cOCicioo', Heb. gJ.- Slmdar d<><:nptJon, <1). Amb. g~ dor chid""
gclx-Iem ·" (T) 'place from which a proc·
Week'); far ·pr,,·air. gibbO r 'manly', Aram·Syr gabber ·pre· lttat bas smaD white $pots on Its ...... g featbcrs
(ba'iila gJbr "'ersed in magic'); ~:llr. Md. gbr 'be strong. prevad·. Ph ...~r·r 'mighty gat''8s.1f!(U"I 'pJaster\\1th stuOC(" rdenomtna-
lama!Jon " read', (bo'iila gabra 'ad 'craftsman'); deeds', .-\kk. gaptiru ·surpa~·. gohru, ~/Jprl4 <:)lrong' ttve);
rcrhaps refers to a proper name, for the \'erb 'make' used in the expression of
(ba-gabr 'by force. by necessity. necessarily')' ragabsasa, passi".
gabr (pI. 'agb,,!) ·slave. sen'ant, bondsma~ magical acti,ity. cpo Aram. 'bd. Heh ma'Qsr lsee
gablala ?f11l1- (T) 'grow numb. grow stiff'.
SLreiC}n IQ55:Dl·XXn).
gahs<in. aot. pan. of ~"bsasa
vassal'), .
EnHOPlC; Te. giibra "do. make', giibbara 'ensla,'e. I ?iJb,us ·plastered. co,~red "U~ whlt"".sh ,
gabnal, g" "Il1~T : 1'lI~T, (L) gahioat (oagabr get 'fifth Sunday of Lent', Itt. 'of the gal>5>s, gab.., 'hme. pla<ter.
,ubdlle·. Tna. giibiira 'make. do', Amh. gdbbiira
111. ~T 'cheese, coagulated milk': good servan t');
gabana (K'I 'make cheese' (denominative);
-(arm', agiibbiirii "force", Hat. agCibiira 'tame', Gur ~ro~ Gk. K~PSO' 'piasle( . 1J£0 10 Ar t~· ·plaster".
gabir 'practice. conduct, prescription agamst gabbard. For Gee,z ·ta~e,',. cpo
Tna. Amh. g-~SL'q~Z}). S~T ?"kp~in. ~rJin "lime' -'ram g;p-
from Ar guhn 'cheese', also Amh. gabna. In the , black magic, practIce of magic': giibbiira 'pa) taxes, Ie.Arg. giib/>ara. Gur giiblirii. ~OS. gj~U, gr~fU, PbH. ~(tys "hIM. plaster', ',:ip[>t3
other $emille languages: Mh. ,iiben. Heb. gtlgrnti. 1 gabbiir 'workman, laborer. farmer. peasant: Amh.Te Gur. gabiJr 'taxes', Ina.Har. gJfrri. The plaster t\"). For Ar gl$.H<€ibs, ~Ibt) fun('. If.: ,of
S}r g2!?euii (l~om ~?hcnlQ}. Aram. gubnii. Akk one who pays taxes': root passed into CUShlUC; Kam. gabbarro 'tame', the origm. see Fraenke! 9·IQ; Yollers, ZDA/&
gubnatu For an Akkadian form gaban. see H. (liqa gabbiir ·taskmaster. foreman'): Tern. gabiirre. Sa. gibr--e '\\'ork.', Had. giNrj·kko 51 (189;t 2%. Von Soden ~g: dent,jes .\.r ieVl
Huffner, J 40586 (j966) 27-33. As for tbe ongm of gabral 'work, working, construction, building. 'Pay 13..'(e5'. Kam. gibirro. 'gW, Aram"S)T g,I}Sa from Akk 1{'115JU ForGk..
the noun, Koehler 167 and BJ.umgartner 16/ (~i{h workmanship': ' ,'l.lpSOS commg from Senuttc. ~ O. Bla~. ZD\/G 15
a quesuon mark) derive it from tbe rool gbn 'be gabbiirall"i 'workman. laborer. farmer. peas. gabrodiibi 'Iofle' -'l'l, (I). gabrondiibi 111C'"}-'l'l. (lSil).542 See aho g,mu,lf I
hUI1(bai" \\ hereas Buhl I~"" deri·,es. it from gbn • (ID another Sw) 'area around a house' •
II 'curdle and separates It from ?bn I 'be hunched'
ant: gabati I (pi. gGblit'~) 10:" 'pan. platter, plate,
gabranat 'service, action. servitude, enslave- EnnoPIC: A.mIt giibrodahi 'area around a ()'I) wooden co_er of a parchment manu·
ment. bondage': compound'. Note the ending ·ahi 10 gabronaht. For script' ,
gabra pgbar I 111': 'act. do. work, make. be
this ending see Guidi 1906:9~1
acti,e. pracoce, labor. perfonn. manufacture, gabrannii. same; (ganaJa "a~'arira \\Il 'First John. chapter n.
produce. brmg forth. create. build. fasbion. 'agbiiri. act. part. of ·agbara: W \I Liller SUgge5lS, WIth res.:natlOn!>. Gt goba~
gabroniibi 'I1Ie''1'l, (T) 'chief of drumbeaters.
function, carr} out, prepare. achieve, execute, ·agabbiiri, act. part. of ·agabbara; Ikon, .~aNtha 'bowl. dish' For a p<''S.''ible Seml1lt.'
trumpet player',
procure, enact. keep (ordinances). observe (or· 'agbar/ii"'i ( = agb.r!, pI. of gabr + liMi) ongm of Gk. ~abal'um. SC't:' \I.asson 75.
dmances. fast)': 'pertaining to servants'; Ennoptc: Amh. giibronani. DTW 224 .denti.fies ·hi ETHIOPIC Te. gabiita 'measurt of corn', Amh >\r~,
Wlth ·w and tra.nslates it 'their sia".-e·, Note also gab&JO 'large wooden bowl. measure of grain'. Gur.
gaMara (K'I culti"ate land. till land, pay ·agbaro, ·agbarol, >agabro 'coercion, compul·
~i in gah,odiihi~ and gandorahl. It is strange that
taxes' :
~agba'il,causative. tv .Isi<;n, impulse. tyranny, violence, force, Decessl'
gabronah; has the same meaning as gandorahi. be·
~aMta 'plate made of \\O\.~'. Har. ~JNta 'eatmg
bowl'. The root also occurs in Cushitic Or gaNta
'agabbaru ·constrain. force. compel, coerce. im- I ';'a~bar (pI. magiibart) 'tool instrument'.
·tahle. plate' IS conSidered b) E. Haberland. Galla
SuJ-Arhiopiens. p.·'[!2 an Amhan( loanword. ",!so
pose tribute'. I /1lJgbiir ·action. mode of action. feat. achieve· gabssa I lyagbas} '100 IK') 'gather, collect Had. gabalQ ·plate'. Kam. gllb(Jri-t(J
lagGbra. pass{\e of gabra; also 'happen'; ment, workmanship, function, practice. occupa· (straw, wood)'; I
lagahbara ·"ork. toil, labor, conduct business. tion, work, deed, operation, conduct, beha\"· I gabali II 'IO;/' (T) 'gnddle':
SEMITIC: PbH giMeS 'put In one heap'. Aram. g,.
trade, till land. cultivate; lor. duty, business, negotiation. activity, office, paS 'heap up', Akk. gupsu ·m..... Ug. gbr·t 'humps' , probably to be Identified "ith gubara I
'aslagabra 'apply oneself: charge, practice, magical activity, (Lt) blUrgy. (eaquot 341).
rutagabbara. causati,e of lagabbara; also gabali III 'IO;/' 'high hllr;
divine service'; ErnloPle: Amh. gabhasa ·gather. collect'. (a Igbiua/r
(Gr 335) 'dlstnbute work among artisans': maslagabbar, moslagiibar 'tiller, cultivator. biisii 'collect' I
[rom Amh. giibiit.a "high hill', alw In Cushitlc_
gahan, act. pan. of gahra. also 'craftsman'; worker, trader. merchant, laborious, laborer; I Qem. gubiitld 'hill"
gabur, pass. part. of gabra; maslagabbariiwi 'laborious, industrious'; gabasa II (yagbas) 'IOfl (K') 'lime, plaster'; I "111.')-. g.bts"i "Il1:1''I!, see I!"/(h I
gabr (pl. gabar. gabriit) 'affair, matter, thing, masragbiir 'market'; see gilbsas. below
act. "ork. workmanshIp, manner, mode, ac· lagbiir 'work, workmanship, performance, oc· g.bit "lilT (U) 'royal banquet':
tion, task, office, duty. event. deed, sen'ice. cupation, deed, labor, farming. business, task. gabs '1111\ (K 0) 'barley';
from I\.rnh. g,bal.
bustness. function. procedure, charge. activity, activity. job, trade. trading, affair, assign- probably from Amh. gabs: also Gur.Arg. gabs. Har.
gUs (from gbs); perhaps also Te. gasa 'harley bread'
gabt.>. 1ofl-rh (TI 'defeat. \I tn, ,anquish, o,er·
occupatton, doing of work. situation, product, ment' ,. •
produce. conduct. tribute. contribution. reli- ragabbiiri 'workman, fanner. (Gr.335) one who (from gOOsa); in Cushitic: Giroir gos, tara guosa. tum;
glOUS senice, magical activity. force, reality. See also sagam, siJgam. varianl of gajr.'tl (see belo~ I.
prepares an edition of a book in handwriting';
• ~ (, "thb) 'l",I'.0 (K') 'cut wtth an
gabara 10m (T KBT) 'hit, strike'; fro~ Ar. gatid; also Te.Amh. giidd 'luck, for.
in. • daba pg , g'dd, g'.dda, g'adad. '1-" ' .
g' . a 'ditch, excavate, proudly or full of assur . '1-"1. \ K'J 'walk
gabl gahD[. 'coilc, stomach ache, nausea, tune,. Tna. gaddl,
_Te.. gad; In Cushltic: Had . gada'a edIg , . ance, strut'
hoo. worm. (TOT.588) rumbling of the bowels 'luck, Qem. gaz, With alternance d:z. ~ db (T) gudb 'axe; . ETHIOPIe; Amh I la) • ad . '
g' '_ (K') 'trench, ditch, gully, low place proudly. be puffed u/· aM '.alk 'towl) and
caused hy dysentery'; giidii ;II! 'gift, present, offering, tribute"
',dba ,
g water coUects ;
I,,~h" <,,"l '~harrhea. dysentery'; gadawa (K') 'make a gift' (denOrninativ~); .here
. I ted to AT. gadaba 'tear out by pulhng' gadaf. (yagda/) 1"", 'throwaway, thrust. reo
ETHIOPl(,: Amh gdbbdld 'hit, whack', gdbl 'upset
SEMITIC: Ar. gadd' 'gift, bounly', gada (gdw) 'give SEMITIC. ~ ~om the original meaning ·pull. draw to Ject, cast away, dIscard, cast down, cast aside
stomach'; perhaps rna. gabba!a 'knead', that IS, Ide",loP<
gift', SAr. gdY-I 'grant of land'. a retrench, gIVe up, abandon, omit, repudiate
'~lnke the dough'. For 'stomach ache' from 'cut,
ETHIOPIC: Amh. gada 'gift, ~resent' (from Geez). "eself);. Te {I.)gadiiha 'split into', g.d.>b 'axe', ~esPlse, lose, avoid, deduct, forget'; ,
Incisc', sec qara.ra. See also gaba,bti{.
The connection with ~e. gada adJruralion, astonish_ E11l10Plc . .'cut', Amh. g •a-dd"b"
"Jijbii a a 'd'Ig. cul , ( aIso agda(a, causa live; also 'help to forget';
gabari 10''1 (T) 'a game using beans or peb- ment' suggested by Llttmann·Hofner 598 is dOUbt. Tn~"~~iib" 'cut, carve', with augmented n), taga_d/a, paSSIve; also 'stray, go astray';
bles played on a board';
fu/. t~n~dabiY:\ gidiiba, gidoba 'axe'; also ,in Cushillc; gadiifi, act part. of gadafa;
mog udub 'axe', Som. gidib. The root IS related to
ETHIOPIC Tna.Amh.Gur. giibii!Q, Te. giibiita; also geda 1.,1'. ; see gyd. BII. g below) wilh altemance of lablals. gadu/, pass. participle of gadafa, .Iso 'cast.
in Cushitic: AI. giibii!o, Mo. gObOlD. For the gaba,ii- gdm (see away, ?utcasl, lost. perverse, that goes astray';
game, see R. Pankhurst, Elhiopia Observer 14 (1971). gaddu "I~ ( D 1398) 'piece of wood cut gadada (y.g d.>d) 1,1'.,1'. (K·.;. M) 'force, compel, gad/at reJectJon, omISSIon, mistake. error, neg.
15-1-206; Azania 17 (1982).27-42. off with an axe or with a saw'; cruel be defolllled ; ilgence' ;
I ) be
K ' . d' '.
gab!o "111fll (K') 'kind of bean'; SEMITIC: Ar. gadda 'cut', S~. gedd 'decide firmly On g,dud'serious, severe, ,(T) Impure, Ifty, SEMITIC' Ar. gaddafa 'blaspheme. reVIle', Heb.
something' (from the original meaning 'cut'), SAr. b, .dud [LIJ 'by force ), gidder, Ararn.·Syr. gaddep, Md. gdp 'scrape, cut
from Amh. g~b!o, same. h-gdd 'validate a decree < decide < cut', Heb. gdd
in hi!goqeq'make incisions in oneself', Aram. gadad
i.k. gaddat, (T M) gaddannat 'severity, vehe-
away, blaspheme, revile', For 'throw> repudiate,
blaspheme', cpo Ar. qadafa 'throw. defame'. G. ..a.
gaba!biil, gaba!bii! 10'l'll'r , "111'1'11'1' 'stom- 'cut', Syr. gad (gdd), Md. gdd 'cut off, put an ~nd mence , ,
M. 150 translated gadada by 'get worse. In daya 'throw', 'QStawadaya 'calumniate' See also
ach disease, hookworm, (Lt) overthrow' (n.); to', Akk. gadadu 'chop'. Wagner 39.
ETHIOPlc: Te. giidda (gdy) 'tear off', g.der 'a piece ~ew of the meaning of thIS root (see gadud) M
from g"f with reduplication of the last two radicals; ETHIOPIC: Te. gad(a 'throwaway', Tna. gada/a
of meat (severed from the bone)', Amh. g.d, name ems to have misunderstood the Amhanc ha-
: I~ven by V). While its basic meanmgis 'be
see gabaro, above. 'abandon, throwaway" Amh. giidda/ii 'forgel some·
of a cut of meat; Amh. g.dday 'booty, trophy' is thing one has learned, skip a hne', Gur. ~ijd~fa
gab.... a 10W, gab.... at 10'1'-l-; see gabo. derIVed from gdl 'kill', and not from gdy, as sug. bad, become worse', italso serves f~r the mten- 'break a fast'; passed mto Cushltic: Kam. gadda/u·
gested in D. Cohen 1976: 100. sification or seriousness of a condItIOn (such as la 'food taken after an anthelmintic', that IS. 'break
gabaz I 1011 'riverbank'; disease) and it is the meaning 'be serious' that a fast', Qem. gadiif'break a fast'. See also t.dl
godd 1f:; see gadada.
gaba:a (K') 'delimit, measure, cut around'; is correct for gadada. Indeed, K 300 renders
g°adf 'J'f:<j: (T.K) 'sweepings, rubbish, refuse';
SEMITIC: Ar. gabaza 'cut, set aside', gOad>a (yag"da') , gOad'a (y.g"da') .,..f:h I Geez g.dud by Amh. yii-bDSii, yii-~ii"na. yii-
ETHIOPIC Amh gdbbiizii 'be a riverbank, be a 'l"f:o 'strike, smite, thrust, knock, crush, shake, bariitta, expressions implying strength; SeMITIC: Ar. gadaf 'dregs', Ar (Yemen) kuddafCl
boundary' See also gaba: II . touch, butt, heave with sobs'; 'rubbISh'.
S'"InC: Ar. gadda 'appear senous', gidd 'zeal, EnnoPlc; from a roOl g"d/(g'adafaJ recorded only
tag"ad'a, passive; also 'be injured'; effort', Geez giJdud 'serious' IS not to be derived by K who considers it an Amharic loanword. The
gabaz II 1011 'watch, keeper, overseer, admin- tag"ada'a 'strike one another, clap one against from SemItic gdd 'cut', as suggested by Buhl 129, root also occurs 10 Tna. g"adur'rubblSh', Te. g,tbf
istrator of a church, person who manages the other, be entangled, clash'; and Brockelmann 1928: 103. Amh g".d.>f 'cast-out thmgs', Har., gu~uf 'plac.e
the mternal affairs of the church, sacristan'; 'astag"ada'D (Gr) 'injure violently'; EnnoPlc: Te. g.dd 'compulsion, force', gddda (gdd) where rubbish is placed', GUT gudlif dlrl . There IS
qayJa gaba:. qasjsa gaba: 'administrator of a g"ada,j (K'), act. part. of g"ad'a; 'arracher ala fille l'aveu de I'auteur de sa grossessc', also the possibility of identifying II with glldafa.
church' ; g"adu' (K·), pass. part. of g"ad'a; Tna. g,ddi balii, gddiidii 'forcc, compel', Amh. (as)- above.
gaddadii, HaT. giidiida, Gur. (as)giddiidii; also in
ETHIOPIC: Tna.Amh. gabii: "administrator of a gWad>at 'striking, stroke';
Cu,h,tic: Or. giddf 'force', Had. gidda, Bil. gidd Y godfara 1f:LI. (MAl 'scratch';
church'. DllImann 1174, perhaps flghtly, connects mag"d., (T) 'hammer'; 'compel, force',
gaba= I and gabaz II; in this case the basic meaning is either wrongly copied by MA instead of go~r~~~
SEMITIC: Ar, goda<a 'cut off, mutilate', Heb. gaga' ~l\''''t. (see below) or is borrowed from Amh. g ,-
would be 'riverbank', that is 'guard, protector', See godud I "IJ!.f: ; see gadada.
'cut', Aram.-Syr. gaga' 'amputate',
abo Walker 109-10, ConlJ Rossini 1923:375. diiffiir•.
ETHIOPIC; Te. giid>a 'push, pound', Tna. gWiid'e
'crush, damage', Amh.Arg. gWiidda 'harm, damage', g.dud IT "IJ!.f: 'plunderer, raider'; gadgada 1J1:1f. (T.YKM) 'erect poles that will
gabaza 10" (MA) 'be weak, be feeble';
Gur. g"iida; passed into Cushitic: Had. goddiiJQ, Brockelmann 1928: 104 gives the impression that form the walls of a house'; '.
ETHIOPIC: Amh. giibbiizii 'be feeble'. Tern. goddo>e. but Bil. gad 'smite, hit' is common Geez g,dud is to be identified with Ar, gUild 'army', gadgad, gadagad 'wall, enclosure,
with Ethiopic. ~eb. gJ~~!!, but in fact it is a transcription of .. . d nd to be compared
gadd 1f: (Ll) 'luck'; Teb. ~'ifuif. Geez gadud is not to be identified with SEMITIC: reduphcatlOn 01 g a d as a
gad (T) 'well· being, safety'; goda' 1f:iJ (T) 'slow-moving, calm'. e. gada 'brigand' as given by D. Cohen 1976:99. with Ar. gudd 'earthen embankment use
------ gdrn
- ~g'=d:.:m~a____~~~~~~______________~18~3~__________________~_~ __
"'-,und.I'), \ram gii,iJ, l!uddJ 'wall'. Syr Kurio, ttlgadla (KO), passIve; -
lecCS', Tna. g"iirdiimii. Amh. Kiiriiddiimii, gltruriiJ_
tagadala (M) 'kIll one another',
'113 guda 'partiu(lO. \\all'
f:ntlnPK Tna. gildR~dda 'wall'. Amh. gadgJdda, gadali (K 0), act. part. of gadala;
~amii 'break', Gur. f!ilriiddiimii "pli! In half' :~~~lt~ded~'i(~~adblJma 't'oc In hor:..zontal posttlon.
--... a O\e).
g~rg;"JJa. Hac Kld"gdd. digiiciag. Gur. giJdgiJdda; gadlll (KO), pass. part. of gadala; gadama (pgda m) 11.oo ,(T.Y) 'be in a hOTlZon-
p.1ssei:! into ("UShlllC. Kam. giJdgt1dda 'wall', Som. gaddannat "I.1:-~t, <ec gaduda
gadala 'carcass, corpse, killed creature' , lal pOSItion, be mchned .
gidJng/d, Or glrK/dd", Sa. g/dgidij. 'agdama (TY) 'place in a transverse pOsitIOn.
is an Amharism: for the meaning 'kill' 10 the Eth' gediir 1..I;C (KG) 'nomads ,
g·.dg·.da ',.1:1-1. 'knock (at the door), (TM) pian languages. cpo Arg. /{addiila. HaL giida/a G10· lay down honzontally, cross the legs',
variant of qeJiir III, helow
clap hand, rhythmically, stnke, accompany a giiddiilli. Praetonus 1879: 72 compares gdl 'klli' w~~ gadiim 'horizontal side, (T ') cross',
dance with hand clapping'; Gecz ql/, but since qtt. q!/ also eXists In Guragc One (pI. gadam) 'Side. dlTectlon, breadth, width, gedor 1. ... C 'troop'
'lJ/lg"adg"ada 'thunder' (v.); would have to conclude Ihat the root has doublels transverse side',
transcriplion of Gk !:cddur, from Hcb ,~~diilj
lIa!:"'''d~''iid 'thunder (n.l, clap of thunder, strik- For the relationship between !!,d/ and qll, see als~ gadm-a 'breadthwise, acro,ss, obliquely, per- (misread g,lgur'l).
BeguJOot 5291f. versely, contrary, evaSIvely;
109, (T) nOISe';
gaddame 'transverse pOSItion' , g.ddat "'1.t, gaddannat "I.1:-~ t, see gadlldtl
ETHIOPIC. Tna. K" Jdg" .,d biila 'thunder' (v.), lIag" dd- gWadala 1-~1I 'be missing, lack, be wanting, be
,"complete; godiim; (K*), act. part. of gadama:
gOad 'thunder' (n.). Amh. tallg"iidiigg"iidii'thunder' g°adii! 1'.1;'1' (T). guda! 1-1.'1' (S" III D 13"8)
(\ ). nii!("iidg"ad ·thunder' (n.), Gur. IIlig"iidg"ad g.dmat (Gr,480) 'arm (of a cross)',
'ag"dala (K*) 'diminish, lessen' (trans); 'tongs' ;
'thunder' (n.). It is from lIog"iidg"ad that a second- gJdmlta (Lt) 'crOSSWISe, obhquely':
g' adale, gudale, g' adalo. godalo 'deficiency pOSSibly to bt! identified With g~cJl!/J'lwllh H d.,
ar) verb IIg" d developed' Tna. niiglllidii 'thunder' lack, lessening'; , mogdam (KO), act. part of 'agdama; abo 'crook- >
by dissimilation).
(\.). Amh . "aRK"ada: also in Cushitic: Bil. niig"iid. ed, bent':
g"adalo (Gt) 'u shorter version of the religious
.. ham. lIug,d, Af allgadii (see Dolgopolsky 176). ETHIOPIC. Te. ( (iJ )gadiima 'lie down 10 'Sleep', Tna. gadawa 11.l/l, see gllda.
chants for the day';
(tii)gadiimii. Amh.Gur . ( laJRaddiimii: Te. RJciJm
gadala I IpglM) 11.11 'stnve'; g"adalall'i 'defective, imperfect, incomplete'; g'adaya 1-1.f (Lt) 'h,t';
'edge, c;idc', Tna. gJdmi ·sid..:, Hank', Amh. agiidcliim,
tagadala 'wrestle. 'truggle, strive, contend, g',dlat (KO) 'lack, deficiency, imperfection'; related to g~ud·a. above.
giidiima 'directton, side', gildlt! 'width (of church or
fight, battle, combat, fight a spiritual fight'; ErHIOP1C: Tna. !!,"'iidiilii 'diminish, decrease, be mi~,!). house), hOrizontal road', Gur. g.u/mull 'hOrizontal':
'astagadala. cau,at"e of tagadala; JOg', Amh. GUT. g"iiddalli, Arg. g"liddala, HaT. also In Cushitic: Bit. giJdum 'sIde', Sa. xaclim 'Width', gadey 1.1:-1. 'eapncorn' (Sign of a lod,ac):
gadl 'strife, strivmg, conflict, contending, giidiila; passed into Cushitic: Bil. g" iidiil 'become Kham. gidi'm-J 'stretch out" Be. Redim 'Side', Note from Ar ·al·*ady Tapncorn' (<.. 'kid'). In thl!
combat, mortification, 'piritual fight, life (of a lean, thin'. See also g"adiile. that Dillmann 1202 combines gadama and gat/da- Original meanmg 'kid' it also occur, in Heb. j{,}/{i. o _

samt)'; rna. See also gdmdm and mgdm. Aram.·Syr. Kad,rii, Ug.Ph. gd)': AU.. Kacllj IS conMd·
g".dale, gudale 1'.1;11. : .,..1;11. 'evil spirit, man ered an Aramaic loanword
tagad,lo! t J 'conflict, stri fe, struggle, wres- gaddama 11,00 (KO) 'build a monastery' (de-
possessed by an evil spirit';
tlmg' , nommative);
ETHloPle: S. Eunnger, ZS 6 (1928). 92 connects 11 g·a~ig".d 1-"1'6, g".~iigw.~ '''''/''',; see gW/H'
tagada", part. of togadala; also 'ascetic'; gadam 'uninhabited place, plain, field, wilder- ,
mQ.lta/(ad.1 'champion, fighter, combatant, with g"adale. gudale 'deficiency, lack' (see g"adala, g 0,.0
ness, forest, desert, monastery';
wrestler. one" ho fights a sp,ntual fight, mar- above), which developed into 'consumption, an evil
spirit that causes consumption'. See also Dobberahn ('.msasii :.agadam, 'ariiwit :agaciiim 'wild gar'a (.ragja· J, gar,. 1":0 : 1":" 'oppress,
- , ascetIc" ,
154; Getatchew Hatle, Paideuma 20 (1983) 114. beasts'); repress, press. harm, afflict, treat violently, do
mastagiidali (Gr), same; gadamaJl'i 'dweller in the desert, desert monk,
n. 14; MercICr 2901f violence. wrong. vex., pu~h';
S"MlfU Ar *adala 'be SlTOng', Soq. godil, Heb. who lives in a monastery'; 'agra-a (K 0), causalive;
gagel 'be bIg', Ug I(dl 'large'. The Arabic root gdm, gadamit 1.1;"'1. -l' (T) 'that which cuts, magd,m 'who stays 10 the desert, who wanders taga/,a. passl\'e; also 'suffer inJustICe, suffer
. ,
comes to mean 'to quarrel. fight' in the derived sCissors ; through the desert', violence';
stems sUl"h as g(idala. la,e:6dala. magdum (Lt) 'vagabond': tagafJ'a, reciprocal of gar'a; also 'colhde, be
SEMITIC: Ar. gadam 'small, dwarf (from 'cut'), relat-
ETHIOPI(. Te. gadala ·wrestle. fight', g.dla 'conflICt', crushed (by a crowd), press (upon)',
ed to Ar. gadama, ga=ama 'cut off, section', Soq, ETHIOPIC; Te. gadam 'monastery. convent', gadJm
giJd/i 'Slnk Itfe of a samt', Tna. tiigadalii 'fight', Jastaga/a'a, causative of lagiil;l~a; also 'accuse
gidem 'be cut', SAr. gdm(n) 'deliverance from dif· 'plain', gJdam 'outside', Tna.Amh. giidum 'convent',
Amh. liigaddii/ii 'struggle', GUf. tiigaddiifii 'endeavor
ficulty', PbH. garlam 'cut', Aram-Syr. g.rla", 'cui Ina. gadam 'outSide'. The meanings 'outside, plain, unjustly' ;
to do somethmg'. This root is probably to be
down', Md. gdm. Akk. gadiimu 'Cui off hair': monastery' go back to Ihe same root gdm (since ~afij<j 'oppressor, violent, tyrant, unjust';
IdentIfied wIth gadala II, but ,mce gadala II 10 Ihe
meaning 'kill' IS an Amharism it seemed appropriate
augmented by r 10 AT. (Syria) gardam, PbH girde"" monasteries are normally in the wilderness), contra- g~ti'" pass. part. of gaf'a; also 'who is sutTering
Aram.-Syr. !!,ardem. ry to Littmann-Hofner 599 who record for Tigre ,
to ~parate the two verbs. wrong;
ETHIOPIe: Te. g.ddom 'pickaxe' (probably not bor' three differenl roots: gadam 'convent', gadml 'plain, gal' 'oppression, violence, wrongdoing, wrong,
rowed from Ar, quddiim, as suggested by Littmann· country', and gadam ·outside'. persecution, vexation. injustice';
gadal. II (r,wd,1 J 11.11 'kill, slaughter, immo-
late' , Hofner 599), Amh. giigiimo 'axe': also 10 Cushltic: (ba-g'f-, gaf-a 'unnghteously, wrongfully, un-
Af. gadumii 'axe', Som. gudiimo. The root is aug· gdmdm, 'agdamdama "..,1.,/,,1.00 (T,Y.K)
'dgdala (KO), causative, 'cross, fold (the legs)'; justly');
mented by r in Te. giirdiima 'break off, break In
184 g o agg °,»a
-- gogal 185
- - --
g:-{'f11 ·oppresslon. ('ommlttlllg of mjustice', ghiig , gagfa ;)''/ h' ;1~ 'pillory, shackle, fetter ogal 'I7l\ (1.Sw. In D 1408) 'broken hits and
IOCU/a<' '<'prre scd, Ireated unjustly': c am 0 Iron. C am ,or the neck, collar ' glCces, crumbled up matenal, any round or gegoya 'l7f 'err, go "strav, go \00 ron. lIn deat
(or iron),: ,yoke p b" wrongfull' d ' • ~"
,(,nnc ..\r taftrD 'hnng down an adversary. up· circular 0 ~ect . .. . thlthe y, ece"e, begUile, go hither and
root \d tn.."C')'. rdated 10 Ar ga/lPo 'turn upside
SlMITIC. Akk. Xligu ornament, (probably) M wrongly translates It kind of btrd', he , r,. \\ander about erratically, (urn aside ..
nee. Qgt'galQ II\. .), causati\c',
down, 11ft Sl1mconc up and throw him to the lace' probably mISunderstood the Amh .•'nk""k""
Te. gQgen 'fetters (for captives)' 'broken bread removed from the gnddle, small ', cau~lI\'e~ abo 'lead to sm ,
ground' ETHIOPIC';
Tna gt'g~.n: act. part. of .~('ga)"tl.
FTHrOPll' Te giil'd ·push away. treat unjustly', gQg.1n, Amh, KQgQ 'Ieg·irons·, ' round stones' (the translation of gogal gIVen
Tna gal a, Amh.Arg gaffa 'push, shove. oppre,,', by Tayyii) by reading it unko'ar 'kind of bird', Regay (mqult)'. ,in, error, lransgrc '11.)0 gUilt
HaT gnfa·a. gil/a. GUT Kiifa: passed Into CUShltlC: trespas~, offense. crime'·,
g"ag"a :H (K *) 'swan, ibis'; from g/g/. or g"/g"!, and cpo Amh . g"iJldgg"iila
RII gdfa· 'olfend' giRul 'faulty, emng, gUilty, "nner, deceIVing,
ETHIOPIC Amh. gagono; probably onomatopoetlC. 'break up clods',
cflrn.!na!: wl~ked, tran'\gre'l"or, mad',
gff, gaffa (y,'g/4) U. (K *) 'stnp off'; g.gga~a 77)\, (MA) gagga~a770 'tremble wilh mag iJg tlY 'Impious':
guga I. g".ga, gug"i, g".g"a 1-;1 , 1';1 , 1-:j , ·,/lg'.'U.1 (KO), 'aflR.lgfH' (M) 'who wanders
galuta (L1) 'booty, pillage'; terror, be confounded, be '" anxIety, flmch, :<.
1'~ 'owl. mghthawk, raven'; about';
S, ""TIC pcrhap'" Ar gaffa (VIII) 'empty a recep· recoil, refrain. (Lt) hesitate in fear, be afraid',
(.Ie!c-' ErHIOPIC': onomatopoetic, Tna. g"agg"a, gug" T.K. render It with Amh, lagg alii 'pause In an£'gay, (K) lJIJRt'.l!~Y 'aberration, going
, I' A h .... II.. ~ U astray, absent-mindedne,,';
ETHIOPIC. Tc Kil{fu 11dJ) 'take away everything, ow, m g agJ{a, g ,gg ", gUUUI,gugg"", Gur activily', but Y renders it with Amh. "gg alii
roo' Tna. g(/fatii 'plunder, Amh. [iiitJdfa 'striP off, g"iillg"ii; also in Cushltic: Or. gugii, Sa.Af gU8 u 'dazzle, blind'; ,Sr\fJnr Raom £19 (1963). 153 comldcrs. Hch, i,iKag
pillage', passed 1010 Cushiuc: BII.Sa. ga(af'plunder, Be, giig. See also k"'ii.k"ii. I 'raven' K,
commit an errN' a ~«:Qndary (.ar,cI formallon- 1f1
'agagga~a (K*). causative;
:.-;trtp· g,gga~,. (L) g,ggiide 'fear, fright, pulling relation to ggy; also Ar .~aIHi f Kit')·. '~ heart.
guga 11 1-;1 (T) 'flea'. broken (from 100c, gricO' '
back' ,
ETHIOPIC' Te. gt'ga, gtlKtl 'be ml,takcn, err'. Kt'ga
gafba (Y) 'be wide', g,gg'SJnna 'fear, (T Y) throb, pulsation',
g"agg".>. ""1'h, (T) g"agg".<a ""1'0 'hurry, 'mistake', Ina. gag-ihii , (Ia IXtlgina 'err'; pa,. ed mt("l
ErHIOPI( Tna./idillf 'Oc widened', Te. guf,II 'Iarge'; rush, do rashly, be quick, hasten, carry out SEMITIC from g~f!.g~, and it comes close to Akl. Cushuic: Sa. gag(n· 'err', The denvatlon from A\\'
Amh. gdfJa 'gro"' mentioned by Llttmann·H6fner K~ti~u 'gnash the teeth, rage' genga, gt~ga 'sem 1St nlcht' and yo '''agen' _ '\em ist
hastily, flee, beat fast (heart), be in a stale of
b04 comes from gl' and does not belong here; it nicht es sagt' suggested by PJallkow\kl·Brauner,
trepidation, be restless, be assiduous, be zealous g.gwa .,.,.,. (T) 'cloth of red silk and gold
meam. 'pu~h' and only with "dme 'age' does it mean 1953 264·5 j, unlikely. Sec alS(l gO.i?/IIHl 1.
'grow, gct on In years'; cpo rather Amh, [?iiffa
be solicitous, be thoughtful'; , thread' ;
'protrude, bulge ('tomach),. possibly from gfli. ag"agg"a'a, causative; also 'press, hasten, urge goha 'Ill; see gll'lI I
see also gawii.
to, confound, disturb. agitate'; goho>el 'Itfh.l\ (KG) 'lowland'.
gafat. (l"g!,t)
face' .
U.-'- (K *) 'float on the sur·
tag"agg"J'a 'be alarmed, (Gr) hurry, make
haste' ,
gogawal (y,gogu) 'I711l (T K*) 'err' (probably
a back formation of 'angagmm, below), gahada, g.hda ("Jilgud) 7111., "1U1. (D K) 'he
gM·agg '" ii'i, act. part. of g"'agg"';PQ; 'angagawa 'wander, wander about restlessly, mamfest, be saId openly, be revealed, become
ETlHu"lC' Amh gdtJi1tii. g",ggu', g"agg"a' 'hurrying, speedy, hasty, rest- ramble about. hesitate, go astray'; also 'cause VIsible' ,
less, assid uous, zealous, solicitous'; to wander, cause to go astray, make Insane, 'oghudu 'proclaim publicly. make public, ex·
gaft.>a (gaft.,s) 7tt:Th (7<;:TO) 'destroy ut- (g" ,ggu··a, h,-g"aggll' 'hastily, with haste, speed" make a fool of; pose, make manifest, declare (speak) openly,
terl) , pervert, subvert, cast down, overturn, Iy, fasl'); 'imgugaw 'erring. wandering'. reveal, disclose';
Ihro" do"n, upset, turn away (from),: ',nguga» 'aberration, wandering', ,ag,hda, passive, reReXive of 'ugllada;
g"agg".>a 'tumult. hurry, haste, disquiet, zeal,
faga/f;pa, passive, , . , gahad; (K *). act. part. of J{ahudu;
agitation; 'angugowe 'aberration',
ga.tlii>l, act. part. of ga(I"a, nagagaw. (T) n,gogalt' 'hesitation, erring, mov· g,hud (fern. g,h.dd, for g.lI,cil) 'manifest,
g"agg"a'e, (Gr.509) gugga>, 'haste, hasten 109,
g'jlu', pass. part of gaJI,·a: also 'perverse, 109 about restlessly, state of confusion'; open, evident. visible, clear, plain, obvious';
speed, assiduity';
crooked' , ',ngogawi, mangogalt' 'vagabond', (hagJllud [Lt] 'openly, puhlic1y');
g",gg"a>al 'haste, speed';
g,jlii'e 'subverslOn, overthrowing'; galuld'mamfest, public, open, clear; the day of
'ag"'agg"o ·i. part. of 'ag"agg"'J>Q; ETHIOPI(,: Te, 'ango[?a 'run about at random', guguy the revelation of Christ's mission, the eve of a
gafl.'al 'sub\erslOn, overthrowmg'; 'gone astray', Amh. galVgawwQ 'who wanders about
SEMITIC: Ar. (ta;ga'ga'a (reduplicated g.) 'flee'. holy day during which one fasts (e.g. Chflst·
SOilTlC Dilimann I~II (followed by Stade 41 and ETHIOPIC: Amh. g"'oKg"a 'hurry, rush', Gur. g"iig~ii
aimlessly, fool', connected with Cush,tic, Qab,
mas, Epiphany),; see Walker 76;
Blac,here 1565) suggests a connection with Ar. ga- (reduplicative gO_gO or gy_gy, and probably to be gUlI'wa 'stupid', Had, giiwH'Q, The rool is relatcd to
gegaya, Oclow. (soma gohad 'fast on the eve of Epiphany');
to'(J lin and throw to the ground' (see ga!'a, above), Identified With g" yy 'flee', below), The comparison gahad-a, ba·gohad 'openly, plainly, clearly,
with augmented I, For the various Arabic dialects. with Te, giiggiJ'{J 'stutter (in a certain way)' suggest-
see Leslau 1938114, gogawa II 'I711l (K *) 'be numerous, come In a manifeslly, publicly';
ed by Littman·Hofner 603 is unlikely. Te. giigg,'a
ETH((JPlc Te, gaJl~'Q 'put on top, turn over, upset', large group'; g,hdar 'revealing, mamfestatlon, openness,
goes back to g'.g- and is to be compared with Tna
Tna gafl.·, gah" .. Sec also gabl,'a, above. Amh, {lan)gagga 'come in a large group', being public (n.), being revealed' (n,);
'ag'ag bula ·stutter'. ETHIOPIC:
- -
gWahan. (yag"I..", pg"lIallj ''''/I~ (Y) "h
- •

a:.~ .iI

(I,a.~'hdatPllhllcl~ '), perse, carry off, drive away, sweep, scoop up';
g;lhd.mnli. same: as g~/l(/d/; 1'1I~ (K') 'cover, hide, conceal, wrap'u ~ naC
'ogltofa (K'), causatIve;
.. . as tag"Ih
a .m\alVolthmetathcs )
>aghiidi, moglladi, magll"d (K'), act. part. of rag" iillnoll'G (T) '~e interpreted (myster~l: be rag.~/a, passIve:
causattve of la~"iihla\1."Lr I •

revealed (mystery) ; probably denominati gahilJi (K '), act. part. of gahafa: g"all""ri, g"iihliiwi 'g' hi: .'.
I iJ. ali, trea(herous, fraud.
g " • Itan
- . ' Ve of , I

n~'ghad (K') 'place or means of revealing, mystery: gallllJ. pass, part. o~ gahafa; u,,~nt. cO,rrupt. deceitful. crafty. tr~lIlor',
manifestation' • 'astag"iihnowa
. .mysteries
'reveal the . ' I'n't '
I late gah/ar 'takmg away (n,); g"'h/~'" fraUdulent, craft). deceitful',
SI.MTTJ( o\r 'tlKhdda 'appear',
. , tnto the mystenes. mterpret the mys· m;g~ii/ (K ') 'mea~s of scooping up grain, g:hlalr~ (K'), same as g".hlllf,
EnfHlrl(: Tna. ,~ii"adii 'be clear, be mamfest, be
tenes . means of sweeping: g .~Iur fraud, deceit. craft, perdillOn, lreach-
('pen', 1:olwd 'C'\'C ('If Christmas or of Epiphany'. Te. g"alliilli (K'), act. part. of g"ahalla; SEMITIC: Ar, gaitara 'skin. stnp, scrape, Ar (Dat) ery, ruse, gUIle':
'aghada 'make known', gallad ' manifest. open', g" ,lIall, gultiin, g".lIlla, (K ') g".lIall /i",ltll gahaj'sweep off. carry off', Sh. gaha/'take evcry. (~a-g"'!lllIr 'deceItfully');
Amh. Kada 'hl' revealed', gahad 'matter that is 'hidden, sacred secret, mystery'; , lhtng'. g '2~Yii, g"ailliiy 'cheater, fraudulent, robber"
known', g,l/lIId 'revea led' (from Geez). gad 'fast g",lInar (Lt), g"'!l11ar (KG) 'mystery': Te. gii~lQfa 'take away', gahala 'scrape
rag, a~/JlI'n( r) 'cunntng, deceIt, perfidy, treach.
before a festival' SEMITIC Syr. galujnjj 'inclination, prayer of incl" . together for oneself, Tna. g" allar'ii 'scoop up. ery :
iog' (said by the priest with bent head and low vom sweep', Amh. ga/ii 'scoop up gram that is being
gahafa 11M., gahafat 1IM.T; see ga~afa, = Lal. oralio secreta). The identification with kiil parched on a griddle', Gur. gafii 'take as much as ._ ,. Tna , ~""h I" g• uMawa
a.aa. . 'rob pIllage'
'priest' (of which glm is a 'volkstiimliche und hCld~:: possible with one or two hands'. See also galJ,a.ft, ta~"ahal·'··'·
. aya spy upon, Tc. (t.J)giihala "'ambush
sche Form') suggesled by Praetonus 1890:24 (fol. below, , " ab ou. CR' elnl!'ch 1887: 162 connects It WIth,
ghgh I, gahgaha .?II"1U, gahagaha 1/1"1U. (T) ~II. g are~~. Sa,Af. g"'areh ·cheat. deccrlic'; 811. gtlnal
lowed by Brockelmann 1908: 169) is unltkely
gahga~a 1U"I'" (should read giihg.~a) 're- g.~art 1"''':'''', (T) gahaft 1U":T 'basket': crouch (hon) to jump on the prey' IS borrowed
move. prohIbit. restrain, make cease, suppress, gahannam. gahiinnam 1U~9" : 1Y~9" 'Gehen. from TIgre . Co~en 1947: no. 236 considers It a POS""I-
SEMITIC: perhaps Ar (Dat) go/if 'gourd', bUI could
keep back, (MAl open « remove)'; na, hell, the mfernal region, (T) torture'; ble borrowmg trom Cushltlc. For various attempts
also be denved from gaitafa (see abovc), that is, a~ comparisom. see Brockelmann 1950; 36. Sec also
SEMlnc' AT .fah.~d"a 'drive away, chasc', tagahgaha gahallnamiiwi 'hellish, infernal'; 'basket in which one places scooped-up things', for g a~ala, g'lh",
'an 'abslaln from', Syr. g,hii (ghy) 'be released, be which cp, Te, miigita/,duSlpan'
from Heb. gehinnom 'hell'; also in Tna. giihanniim.
dispensC'd from', The comparison with Heb. gaha
(ghJl 'heal' (translaled by Dlllmann I \38 'remove, giihalllliib, Te, giihanniib (Te, giihanniib, wllh g, is g"a~Iaya 1'ihAJ', g'a~liy 1-.'h""; see /i'lIhla-
taken from Ar. gahannam, with alternance of la. g·.~al •• g"a~Ia r (y,gW!lOlj """'11 : 1'.'h1l (K') wa. .
repel') suggested by Dlllmann. Ib, (followed by Buhl 'burn, destroy by fire';
bials), Amh. giihanniim. ganniib, Gur. giihanlliim
\32, Koehler 173, Baumgartner 174) is unhkely. g'a~iili (K '), act. participle;
ETHIOPIC, Amh. gagga (from g?g') 'chase away, (Gur. gahanniib is taken from Arabic with alter. g·a~ana 1-th~ (T M), g"ahna "'U~ (K') 'shout,
nance of labials); Ar. gahannam is borrowed from SEMITIC: Heb, gaitrlr! 'coal': for Ar, ga),h(/I, nllghal have a lOUd harsh voice" ,
remo\'e from the house' See also ghgh II .
Elhiopic (Noeldeke 1910:47; Jeffery 105), 'stick for raking coal', see Rabin 26. tag:lihana. lag" iilmawa (K· for lag" ii~ana,
ETHIOPIC: Amh, galli 'be red-hot', Arg, giihala: rag almawa) 'shout to one another';
ghgh II, tagahagaha '''1U1U (TM.D.1J98; g"hnw. tagWahnawa "':}II~m; see g"ahalla, passed into Cushllic: Qem. giil'be red-hot' See also 'astagl'>'ahnml,-'o (K· for lastag"ci~nawa), caus. of
should read ragiihg.ha) 'argue, quarrel, dis- ga~r.
gahrata ;Jill.,. (T) 'be in a hurry, be prompt'; tag"'a~naK'a;
pute': g'ahiini (K' for g'ahiini) 'one who shouts',
ragiihrara (D) 'be intent on something, pay
could It be a la·stem of Khgh I whose meaning g"a~ala. g"a~la 11 """'11 : 1'.'hIl, see g"a~la­ g".hnii, g".lIn (T), g",lmii (K') 'loud voice.
close attention, be eager, be full of zeal, do wa.
·prohiblt. rest ram' developed mto 'argue, quarrer? harsh voice';
something first, seek to precede';
It could also be related to gw~ II. tagQwafJa 'argue.
dispute', 'agiihrata (H) 'tighten, squeeze'; ETHIOPIC Amh, guh~na 'loud voice' (from Geez),
rd-g*'ag"anii (from g"ancl) 'come to a head
melathesis of hagrata (sec below),
(quarrel)'; perhaps a metathe~is of gafl~1U (see be·
gahaha (pghiih) 1UU (K'T,Y M) 'dawn, shine, g·a~l.wa. g"a~Iawa "".'hllm • :}.'hllm 'be low).
ga~e (pI. g~!leyiit) "lth., (T) gahe "I~, (K) ga~iy
be bright, disclose, Illuminate';
gaJtah, gahiih 'full moon, fifteenth day of the 1"''' 'rock badger, hyrax';
crafty, use a trick, scheme, deceive with false
promises, be cunning, cheat';
month', ETHIOPIC: Tna, g;lJe, Te, gaite, galler: from CushltlC rag'ii~lawa 'defraud, commit a fraud, use
(warba gahah 'full moon'); BiLBed, gehe (so also Brockelmann 1950:24), Litt- trickery, dupe, deceive, (Y,M) steal; K trans- g'a~apa .,.."',. (T.sw, in D 1398) 'make pointed
(,.Iara gallUh 'day of full moon'); mann-Hafner 565 consider it an onomatopoetiC lates it as a passive; H 222 wrongly renders remarks, incite with words, goad, prick',
expressIOn. rag"'iihlawa 'to rise' having been misled by the
SEMITle AT 'gahiya) , 'aghii 'be serene, be con· gWaJ:lq"a (yag"'~aq') 1'.'h'" 'bend (intr,), be
spelling wl'" sarraqa 'rise', the Amharic
~picuous·. Syr gahgah 'dawn'; related to ngh (see go~a ""', go~ ".'h, (T) goh "11; see gwh I. distorted, be stooped, be bent, be curved, be
n"gila). translation given in the Sawiisaw for rag"ii~/a­
wa;, tn fact, wl'" siirriiqii in this context is a bowed (because of old age), become weak
g~afa ()'~ghaf), gahafa 1"'L : 1UL, (L)
ETHIOPIC" the bnghtness is expressed
'ktnd of wlute cia), chalk'
In Amh. giiha
ga~ra "I.'hL 'take away, tear out, remove, dis· vanant spelling for "'l'"
siirriiqii 'stea(': (because of old age)';
gihr 188
g" .. ,o gol 189
109" ~aq"'o. C'ausall\'C.
- - giliad.
g altq" , g"iJhq" (It) ,<lid age, wea'ness (be-
IJgh,.il 'd Ivergence, deviation, retireme t d
tion, seclusion'; n. eree_ gol (pI. >agll'af) 1A 'stable, crib, manger, (It)
,. SEMITIC: Ar lDat) 'al h'
- - -
cause of (,Id age)'. lagh•.iol (Lt) 'retirement. abstention" , cave. 'fishhook'; ? a catd fi~h In a net', galab
g~.huq" gil/lUq, g,huq, (KG) I.:" "hq" 'bent, ETHIOPle: Te. gol 'stable', Gur g"ala; probably ETHIOPIC Amh " ga"I/"Una cah:h fi h
SEMITIC' Ar gal;asa «01/) 'go away rrom
frO m Cushiuc S" (Had.Som.Or. gola) rather than catch fish', Te. Keilii,.. 'ft hh ,s. m.)ke 1 nc to a
hunched (0(,(,3"," of old age)'; or some th 109," h
Ka.' " I
lJ sec uded, who hOlds I
connected with emilic gwI I (Ar, gala, Heb. KII'/)
. ~U' Af. gilah, Bed 6"l h S S ~o~, also In l u<;hul\.
g",,!;q"OI ("') 'hemg curved' (n.); ET HI OP IC T na, ga."h"asa 'd ISO bey an orde. a' oor •.,1 a. om, gdah
' h I· I r, Amh . 'execute a turmng movement, as suggested by Noel-
EntltlPlr Tn •. C"iJlwq"u 'be sunken," (belly)" the K~.h 11.5 man wOlves a one in the desert' (f
Geez). rom dcke 1904:43 (followed by Blachere 1944). Utt- galaba III (\'.gl.b) 1110 (T Y
basIC meanmg of 'be curved' rererring either to a mann, ZA 13 (1898). 164 connects II with Te. Ketala defeat (V M ) ) 'chase away,
, . A flee, rUn away'
('concave or t('l J conVl', positIOn.
ga~ay 1"',-; see ga~e. 'drive a herd forward' 'aglaha (K '), causative' '
'ag/abl (K'), act. partl~iple'
~ahr .",'he ("') 'coal'; gal" (yag/a') 1AO (K') 'split, break',
ga~aya I 1rhf (K') 'be afraid, be mag/ah (T), maga/h IV)' h' h
anxious , gal' (pI. ga/<iil, >agl.'I) 'clay pot, potsherd, . W 0 cases away'
EIHlorlL Te. gililar 'coal, glow', (Munzingcr) ~dflQ­ worry' ;
fragment of a pitcher, wooden cover of a ETHIOPIC': Te. RiiJba 'run, flee', Tna ....... '
ra 'catch fire, blue', Tna. gMiiharii 'become embers', see g"'iJ~,ya. below. Amh.Gur. gal/aha' all . .: ,!(ulapu flee.
Amh ~.rr aliI 'hlaze, burn brightly'; related to /r"', book'; T renders It with Amh, miinq'iir, ma- .. . I ' g op, Arg. gullaha Har I I'
a,ra, a so In Cushitic' Qab -, hh . !tU II
with ahernance or liquids (sec l'a(lala I). ga~,aya " 1rhf (K') 'get up early in the morn, lliiqiya, probably 'log hollowed out wllh aper- S " ' . go a o· 'run '. Btl. gala;'
om. /rallb, galeh'f, Sid. gulalt, Or gulufa '
mg; tures for a prisoner's feet';
gaMa, gah,a, g.~sa "I,'h1P : "I111P : "I..,IP, (Y) related to gwh I. SEMITIC: AT. gala'a 'uncover, show the teeth', Hcb. galboba 1AOO 'veil, Cover, envelop, "rap In
ga~asa 1rh"', (T) gahasa 1111P 'retire, with-
draw, turn away from'; with the prepositions g"a~ya 1','h!, (Y) gWahaya
sorry, regret;
'be sad, be
gl' (hltpa'el) 'burst out (10 contenuon)', PbH. gala'
'u ncover', Syr. g~/ac 'cut' > 'circumcise', The deriva-
clothes, bhndfold, smear, anomt'
laga/baba, pasSIve; also 'veil one~etr
-haha. U".uta.
'to. Into', it means 'turn aside into
> enter'; it tS the use of these prepositions ETHtOPIC: Tna. g'iihayii 'be sad', Te. giiha'"
tIOn of gal' 'potsherd' from gl' 'break, spht' is
likelier than that suggested by leslau, J A OS 84
galbabl (K '), act. part. of gal"a"a' '
gJlhllb, pass, part. of Ralhaba '
which leads to the meanings 'enter, spend the (Rcinisch) 'feel sorrow'; passed into CUShiti~.g;·I~ (1964).116, with reservauons, compaflng gal' With g,l/biib, gJ/bab .. 'covering, cov~r, veIl, "rapper
night, sta)' (given by T,Y K and M). Dillmann g"iihay 'be sad' See also gahaya I. . Akk. gulgullu 'skull, container shaped hke a human sacerdotal vestment' (see Hammerschmid;
1144 rightly calls attention to Heb. sar (s ...r) skull' rrom the basic root 'bt! round' 1970:155);
'turn aside', but with 'f/ 'to' It means 'turn g"a~apa ,
(T) 'take a rest'; EnnOPlc: Te. gdl'a 'uncover, ~plit, break', gal.,. maga/bJb (K'), same as galhUM;
the Amharic translation arriifii could, how- 'potsherd' (that is, 'broken vessel'), Tna KiillN
aSIde into, einkehren bei'; SEMITIC: Ar, gilbJb 'long, outer garment' IS
'split', guN 'potsherd', Amh.Gur. giil 'potsherd', flOWlOg
'agha,a 'cause to turn aside, take aside, put ever, also mean 'die', conSIdered by Noeldekc 1910 5) and Jeffery 102 a
Har.Arg. giili; passed into Cushitic: Karn. I(al-a.
aside, withdraw, remove, deviate, divert, avert, Had. gala, Or, gulli, Sa. gale'a. Gcez loanword.
galla 111; see gil I, II.
pervert (justice),; WIth the preposition lI'asla E!HIO~IC: Te. g~/biiba 'conceal. veil, cover', ~iilcl­
'mto' tI means 'turn aside into, receive, bring gale ;JI\. 'weasel, ferret, (TSw. in D 1138) ser- gl'. see magula' 001-I\{) . haba wrap uP. Tna. giilliibii 'cover, conceal'.
m' ,. (Ia )g"ulbiibii 'cover the head', Amh. (Ia iKalabbiib,j
pent, crocodile';
lag.!t.,'a 'withdraw, retreat, rettre, step aside, be galaba I (yag/,b ) '!lIn (T.Y) 'hIde', 'be covered', Har, gulub "cira 'cover the head With
from Gk. gale 'weasel'; also in Arnh. gale 'marten, cloth', gulub 'veil': also Arnh. g"'iillubd 'cover a
set aSIde, be detached, turn away, turn aside, mag/abo maga/b (TM) 'who hides, hiding' (n,);
stone marten', Considering the variety of animals drum or a ba!lket with leather', Har giHiiba; related
abstalO, avoid, depart, refrain, separate oneself expressed by gale, Hommel 367 TIghtly stated "man galah (T) 'shield'; to Gur. galama '~ew leather on the cover or a
(from), be rejected, recede, swerve, cease'; begrelft wie der Name des eben in Habesch fehlen- ETHIOPIC: Te.Tna.Amh. giiliib 'shteld', Tna./riillubu basket'; passed into CushltlC' Or golahii 'cover a
lagaha.ia 'withdraw from one another'; den Wiese Is zu solchen Verwirrungen Anlass gege- 'hide' (v.J; also to Cushltic: BII. /rib 'shield', Bed. basket WIth hide'
'aslagha,ia, (KG) 'aslagahasa, causative of ben hat". See also galen. gube. Sa.Af. gob (Reinisch 1887: 136). The verb /(Ih
lagiJ&.ia; also 'help to escape'; (GTna) IS probably a denominatIve of galab gall ada 111" 'cover over, overlay, cover ,nth
gahiisl, act. part. of gJ~sa; gala "11\; see ga/awa. 'shield', the meaning 'hide' cornmg from 'protect hide, deck, (T) slrew over, spread, (T Y Gr4)8),i 'secluded, retired, averted, far removed , WIth a shield'. gird oneself; Gd27 's'olOdre' (anoint onesel!)
g"ala, g"ale (pI. g"a/al) 1'1\ • 1'1\. (K) 'jug'. is a misprint for 'se cemdre' (glTd onesell):
detached, who turns aside" ,
g'~,i (It) 'turnlOg aside (n.); g"ale 1'1\. (It) 'bosom. lap'; galaba" (yJg/ab) 111n 'catch fish, capture; lagal/ada (K'), passive,
gJhsal 'removal, turning aside' (n.); ga/ab (pI. 'ag/ab) 'fishhook, fish trap'; galliidl (K '), act. part. of gallada;
ETHIOPIC: Tna. g"alii 'breast'. mag/ab, (T) maga/b 'fisherman' (M translates g.lIlId (G'), pass, part. of gal/ada;
'aghiisl, act. part. of 'ag!lOsa;
mJg&a,i 'place set apart. secluded place, place g"alo 1'11- (K') 'castor-bean plant'; ~mh, almag given by Tayyii for mag/ah as gald (K') 'skin, hide' ;
plotter', but while Amh. · also means (K') 'means of covering WIth leather', 190
---- g"lg"1
gelgel 191
'\;()\Cr over'.
Pt'lH ~lifaJ
crt Ar ga/ada ',over with leather',
'fl)nn a t:oating' For this root see
galfawiil, galf.wiil "IA.t'l'T ,
(galaja). g./fo.
ErHIOPIC' Amh. {a)g"'iiliiggltiilii 'contlnue smok-
Ing'; related to tg",,(1 In .tiitiig"'iiliiRg'4'ola 'billow ETHIOPI('. Tna. ~ii/i.ila '
- -
k , mme llway ' ·orn J P I
Wap>cr 40
fnnoPIC TC' gilldilt 'hairless skm of animals', gild gallaga 1f11 (K') 'be well-dressed, be dec
upward (cloud of smoke). l.1glf"iJlg-JI 'cloud of mal elway', Arnh ga/iil/ Illii 'make "'ay par
gu go a, above. . " sec
vapor or smoke, emlttlOg much smoke'
• km ' (from Arabic), The meaning of 'skm' dcvel- rated, be adorned'. o·
(\~1 mto "hdt with \\hlch one g"1fds oneself': Gar. gelge!, gelgelii l.A1.A , l.A1.'I (T K) 'heaven', gil II, gaUa galal I ' I I
' a'pg,' 1/\, 1/\/\ IKO) 'I '
giiliidJ "gird oneself, Gur, ~iilliidii 'gird trousers, pul gig, 'angallaga >'11f11 'assemble (intr) c On the back' , a)
" orne transcription of Gk. ge/~el. from Heb. ga/gal, ongi- tagalla 'lie on the back'
on trflusas'. Amharic j a jga/iiddiimii 'gird oneself together, keep company, band together gath nally 'sphere' > 'celestial sphere'; see also Kerge/.
\\Jlh a lomcloth called giJld~m' IS a denominative of in crowds, (Lt) be in an uproar, rage'; or gJlal 'lying on the back: (n.),
gerge, below.
K~ltbm, from ~Id with the suffix -m; Te. also gd/iid allgalgii 'congregation, assembly, Council, En-trOPIC' Amh,'
'alliance, treilly ', a secondary meaning of g/d (see li.lfI)galldlii 'he On the hack
concourse, meetmg, gathenng, multitude _ g'al~a ()'Jg'lii~) 1vA'" (K') 'be vIsIble, be
.. IdOl. above, ',km' > 'glfdle'. For the 'girdle' throng'; , conspicuous, be shaved (that is, be cleared of g".lIal;;t 1'A'I+ (M) 'metal .
'havlOg the meaning 'oath, treaty', cpo Gur. gurtla ornament sur.
m.ngal/iig, (L) mangal/ag 'assembly, multitud hair), ; mounted by a cross placed atop a church"
'oath', and Amh. ~"rda 'small belt' (see Lcslau g' allala (K') 'place the g'.l/'Iiir' (dcnoml~a
congregation, (K') place of meeting'; e, 'ag'laha (K'), causative;
J 971)' 2Q I). Amharic miigardga 'screen', from live);
g'J/~ 'manner of writing in large (that is, in
garradii 'screen from view, curtain off' is not to be SEMITIC: G. 'angallaga is an abbrcviated root fr
'all-glgl and is to be compared with gil. glgl (so a~m
~x)nn('dcd with G. ga/lada as suggested by Praeto-
clear) letters'; SEMITIC: Heb. gulla 'hOrizontal projections on pillan;'
g'.lu~, g'alh (K') 'conspicuous, visible';
nu,1871118 . Dlilmann 1141) with the meaning 'roll together ~ (WaJnberg 1937a:35), Alk . gullatu 'capllal of a
come together, be assembled'. For gil. glgl, cpo Heb g'./~iill'i (K') 'shaved' (i.e .. 'cleared of hair'); column: Koehler 183 compares abo U" tI( 'c
bowl' 0 " up,
galado 1f1Jl. (K') 'knife wilh a curved point'; giilal 'roll', galgal 'wheel', PbH. gilgel'roll', Aram' SE,"11C: Ar. gahha 'become bald', Heb. gil/,," \have',
galal. galgel, Syr. gal (gil), galgel, Md. gil. glgl. Akk. ~:~IOPIC: Tna.Arnh. g"',l/l.Jlal, same as Gecz; g"'dl-
from Amh . goWda; also," Te. giiloda. Tna. galido; Ararn. gal/ah, Aram.-Syr" 'show, dIvulge (a lola 'place the g".1I,la(
10 CW-hIIlC, Sil, galiidti, Sa.Af. ga/odo. galiilll 'roll' (von Soden 273). For more det.,ls on secret)'
the root, see D Cohen 1976: 118. The possib,lity or ETHIOPIC: Te. gMha 'be bald'," (with h) 'bald
connecting gil with G. 'allgargara (see below) on the front of the head', Tna. g"'ji/~a)'ii 'shave the
gOalarna (y,g'I.III) ",/\00 (K') 'gIVe a plot of
galafa '.1"111.>/) 1f1.t 'grave, engrave, hew in land (e.g. to a servant)';
expressed 10 Leslau 1958: 15 is still a valId posSlb,h. head when mourning'; related to glh' Tna. giilht!
stone, carve (a statue, an idol), sculpture, ETHIOPIC: Amh g·'iilliimii, same
ty. Botterweck 34 connects G. 'allgallaga w1lh the 'reveal" g"alhi, g"a/ 'vislble" gulah 'visible', Amh
chIsel. (U\\. ')Impnnt, embroider, mold, form, g"olla 'be visible, be conspicuous'; passed into Cush-
Semitic root gil (1111) 'be powerful. be strong' (Ar
fashion' ; galla 'mass'). 1Iic: Bil. g'alhay 'be bald', Som. galah 'bald head' -)'I?".lt'l (T) 'old pen for cattlc';
'aglafa, causative, ETHIOPIC: Te. giilgiila "gather'; also in CushltJc:
one recognizes got, see above,
laga/fa, pass. of galafa; Bed. galal 'gather, bring together', Sa.Af, gal. g'I~, lag"iil~a '":}A''' (K') 'engage in unseem-
ga(iiti (K') 'engraver, hewer in stone, sculpto'-; ly merriment, hit each other playfully',
galgala 1A1f1 (D.K·) 'lay bare, empty, evacu. galmin 1A"'1."> (T.M), galmen 1Ao'O (0 1398)
g'/~f 'carved, graven, engraved, chiseled, g'ii/~ (K') 'engaging in unseemly merriment'. 'scissors, clippers';
hewn' ; ate, separate, (T.Y.M) pillage, destroy';
galfo (pI. g.lfa1l'iil, g,/f.l\·iil) 'carved work, togalgala, passive; also 'go into captivity, be SEMITIC Ar. galama 'cut, slice off, prune', ,~d/tlftl
g'l~w, 'asl.g·al~awa MI.,.1vA",Ol, metathesis
taken into exile'; 'scissors' (Dozy), S~. golum 'cut the top h..Hr', PbH
carved Idol. graven idol, statue, graven image, of g'a!l/a",a, above.
galgiili (K'), act. part. of galgala; golam 'cut, separate'; related to Ar garama 'prune,
idol' ; removc the flesh from a bone',
loa-g,lf. 'carved, sculptured'); galgal (Lt) 'empty'; g"iilk'e :}A I), (T.Sw. 10 D 1398) 'mustard', ETHIOPIC" Te. giilma 'break off, cut into pieces',
g.lfal 'carving, engravmg, imprint'; SHUT1C. Syr. galleg (from glgl) 'lay bare'. While 'lay ETHIOPlc: undoubtedly to be identified with Arnh. Tna g"iiliJmii 'take a bile of bread, break the edge
SEMITtC Ar galafa 'peel. strip. scrape', PbH. giilap bare' > 'break up' could develop mto G. lallalgala g\J/fas 'castor-bean plant' (Ricinus communis), of a jar', Amh. g"'iilammiimii 'te~t something by
-engraye" Aram.-S}r. giJlap 'engrave', gelipa 'go mto captivity', it is also possible to identify the g'.lq'a (in Reinisch 1887: 149), Tna. g',II,q'a. g'.I_ biting It'
'husked', Md, glapa 'inset of a- ring'. There seems to root glgl WIth gly (see galaya, below) > redupll· lilqM ta ; also in Cushitic: Sil. glilqM ii. -Remisch
cated III (that is, glgl). For gly 'go mto CaptlvHy', cpo 1902: 169 identifies Amh. g'.lq'a with Som. glilD', giilamotii ;Ji\<JO;t- (Lt) 'proslltute',
be no need to "parate the Synac root mto glp I and
glp II CBroclelmann 1928: 119). Concernmg Syr glp Ar. (Dat) gala (ily) 'emigrate', Heb. gallj (glyl. Sa. gul<e, for which see gM'iJlo, above. from Amh, galiin/ola, same; also in Tna. Kalan/oca,
'can'c' Krauss J 78 rightly expresses doubts about Syr. galii (glyl, Ug. gly.
the Greek ongm of the root for 'engrave', as sug- ETHIOPIC: Te. giilgiila 'tear off and split', Tna. g"al· gill, galla, galala (yagla()1f1 : 1f1f1 (K') 'sepa- galame!U 1/\"'L/Il' (T) 'deacon',
gested by Rodlger and Brockelmann 1928: 119. gl+ii/ii 'take out', Amh, gii/iiggii/ii 'uproot'. gMii/ago

rate, pick oul, choose, set aside, move aside, for the ending -(II. see also :all:ari!u,
ETH10PIC Te. gdllara 'engrave, carve', Tna. galiilii, g'iilii 'break up clods, pull out', giiliill ala 'make winnow' ,.
Amh, gallafa "make carvmgs, make idols' way, part'; probably also giilaggiilii 'separate two lagal/a (K'), passive; galimewos, galamewos 1'1"'Ll"1l I 1f1"'Ll"1l
people who arc coming to blows'. See also gill. 'chameleon' ;
g.lul (K'), pass. part. of gal/a;
galfiil "IA"-A 'bnck, baked clay, tile'; gWlg"I, 'ag"alg"ala >,1vA1vfl (Gr) 'produce 1I,'liil (K') 'matter picked out (gleanings), win- from Gk. khamai/eon 'chameleon" See also kamelt'o
sec ganfala, belo" thick smoke', nowed or cleared gram'; won.
gikn 192 galay,
-----------~--------------~~- gel.ya
gih,n ... ,h.~} II t) ·wt:a'; galal"; (K*), acl. part. of galawa; I(lmad
[(.1,11' (Lt},pass. parI. of galalVa; also 'inlaId" SEMITIC Ar. gala (g().') 'uncover, unveil. make
from (,I... Koli" tih:C <"g ('If gale ' weasel'), sec KO/t'.
galii 'cO\enng, cover, envelope, veil, darknes ': clear, emigrate' (note that Ar. la-gulla 'reveal One- ~Ielment
a oud'
om , as IS the case In l .g It ' \()Ice

aNH'C . . s, self, be bright [oncoming day)' ~eems to have been
g./l\,al 'covenng, covenng over' (n.); ETHIOPIC ' Amh· ..
fonned under the Influence of Syr, 'ergullr see - -1!omaggiImiI , ~ilmm aJiI 'cra,h llhun.
gal.,. ( \"~/JS) 1111'1 ("') 'cover with leather //Iagl'" (K '), same as gala,,';; d)
er , rumble (thunde)' T
Jeffery 91), Heb. glila (gly) 'uncover, -emig;ale' used r. oa. K~mYQ. c,damatlOn
(ba'I.el)'. SEMITIC' relaled to gil (lill). gil'l (gll'l ) . Ar·liull II 1/ Ararn -Syr. gala !gly) 'uncover, depart', Ug. g/}: When one hear!; thunder ror the first lime
g~"i.t (J...:..) ·~addle co\er'~ 'hor ...c blanket, blanket' (considered by Fradnk:1 'leave', Md. gla (gly) 'uncover, exile'. Akk. gal,;
'exile' is conSidered an Aramaic loanword (von gam·. y'gma') 19"h (K ') ';mell had',
rlHI(lPIf Ie \~O\'er with Jude', Tna. Kiiliisii: 103-4 an Aramaic loanword. contrary to Schulthc
Tna .Amh,Har g,J/m 'saddle cover'. Te. gil/as 'cover. 13), Ar. (Oat) gallal 'to cover', Ar. (Oat) ga",,~~ Soden 275). g""u· (K ') 'Ihal which smells bad',
'cover Ihe face" ALgilwl'veil' (Dozy), AL gall 'sail' ETHIOPIC: Amh. gillyat 'lateral margm of a page' gJm'al (K*) 'foul smell, slench';
\Harrt'r '. GUT g,llas 'saddle blanket'.
(Fraenkel 216: for 'veil, sat!' he compares Lal (from Geez). The rool is related 10 gil Amh gillldid reconstructed from Amh, 1!iImma
(I'Jgl,,~ ) 111)1 (T .M) 'reveal, disclose, \'clum which has both meanings). Aram. gOlina 'cut', Har. giilala 'remove impUrities from a Sur-
, gamm.<., gam<. (YJgma') 19"0, (T) gam'a
exp(lse. open; 'wrapper, woolen cloak used at prayers'. - face', Gur. giilliilii 'separate'; also in Cushitlc: Qem.
tagala,ta, (",M) /agal,Ia, passive; ETHIOPIC: Tna. gulawa 'cover a drum or a basket g"iiliiy 'separate" Qua. giile See also galgu/a, Kuya- 19"h 'pluck Ollt, CUI, remove, ;have',
gelw, pass. part. of gala,w; with leather'; Littmann-Hofner 563 COmpare Te. 10. >agaff/mara (K·). causative;
gillot 'thicket'. The connection between G, Ka- tagamm;Jra, pass. of gammiJfa;
SI-\fIll(' related to Ar ,s!U/llra 'skin an animal. gel.ya 1.1:1, (T.Sw. in 0 1398) 'boat';
lalt'ii 'veil, cover over' and Soddo (Guragc) /{ubiJfa gamma'; (K .), act. part. of gamma'a,
"cparalc (an aOlmai from the herd)"
'fog' suggested by Praetorius 1879:509 i; unlikely. from Byzantme Gk. galea 'galley' (Muller). gJmmu' (K'), pass. parI. of gamma'a;
ETHIOPI( ' Te_ giilla 'unco\'er, sho\\', Tna. giilii~fii
·dl~clo<"e·. AmhGur. giJllii!ii. Arg. gal/li!a. HaT .
giJ/clla: pa~'icd mto CushltlC; Bil. galla! 'disclose.
The transcription of the noun as Kalla given by
Brockelmann 1928: 114 is misleading since it gives gama 1" 'necklace',
gJmma'e (K') 'plucking out' (n );
SEMITIC: related to gmm (sec gamama, below).
the ImpreSSIOn that it is from gil. but in fact it is ErnloPlc: perhaps Te. gamma 'crown, diadem' (Liu.
sho" • ETHIOPIC: Te_ ftil Jgiimmil'a 'break apart', Tna.
gilla from the root glw, As for G. galalt/a, it IS not to mann-Hofner 566), Tna.Amh. gamma 'nbbon worn garn'e 'split, separate', Amh g-dmiigg""iimli 'appear,
g'alata, g'allata '1-11'" 'bequeath, make a lega- be compared with Semitic gl ..... gl)' 'uncover' as around the forehead on the occasion of festiVities' sprout' (reduphcative root of g"/tl. > g·'m) from the
cy, granl land, granl a fier; suggesled by Dillmann 1140, Brockelmann 1928. See also qama. basic meaning 'break apart'; also Gur. (aJgMama
liS, and Blachere 1660. The rOOI also occurs In (from g"m 1 ) 'be about to bur:;t' Sec also gumii',
la[(~"IIala, passive;
Cushitic: Sa. gula 'blanket', golo 'mat servmg as a gam(m)e :>"'t (K ') 'straighl tree that is used gamha.
g' alliil; 'Iegalor'; curtain', Af. goli. in making carding bows';
Ii" ,11 'feudal henefice, land granl, fief, legacy, g.m<e (pI. gama',y, gama'J",. [(""',yiil) "/9"'\
from Amh. gamme, same.
palnmony, charitable inslitutlon, charitable leg- galawqa, galawqa, galawqa ,,/IIID-:p : ,,/illD-:J> : 'pitcher, can, jar, vessel, flask'; probably origi-
an' , 1i1lD-:P, (T) gelawqa, galawq.ya 1.illD-:J> : 1~
- ' gime 'I.."'t, (T) gum 1'9" 'fog, cloud, dampness, nally a container from which one drinks,
SU.IIT1C ; SAr. glt'/'wlth full ownership nghts' (Conti ID-:t, 'kite, (T) owl'; mist, vapor'; SEMITIC PbH. gama' 'drink, sip', Aram_ gama',
RONm 1931 121). from Gk. glauka (ace. sg. of glauks 'owl'). gema (K ') 'be cloudy, be foggy' (denomina- related to Heb. gnp (pice!) 'swallow', (hifril) 'give to
ETHIOPJr: Tna.Arnh. g~iilliiti1 'make a legacy. grant tive); drink'.
a fief. Tna /:",111 'fief, Amh. g"all, Te. galt. galaya 111\' 'cut off, cut away, pluck off, break
SEMITIC: related to Ar gaym 'cloud' (Praetorius gome< ""'tb, (K) g"ame· 'I-"'t>' 'papyrus, reed,
gala! ,::JiI-r (DTOT 588) 'bodyguards, body of off, separate, divide, explain, interpret, reveal, 1879:67), SYL 'aymli 'mlSl, fog, cloud' (T) boal made of reeds;
troops, commander of a thousand'; disclose' ; ErnloPlc: Tna. gime, gama 'cloud, miSt', Te. gim
.aglaya (K '), causative, 'fog, cloud', Amh. gum 'fog, misl', [(Ime 'cloud' transcripllon of Heb. gomr('), For the Egypllan
ErnIOPIC, perhar5 Tna. Ki/o. gilol1"o 'servant' . in ongm of Ihe Heb. gomr!'), see T. Lambdm, JAOS
laga/ra (K *J, passive of galaya; (from Geez), Gur. giiwa (with w coming from m, see
thIS case ·af of G guliir would be a plural marker . 73 (1953).149
[(,111)' (K ') 'cut, explained'; leslau 1979:xxxlII); also m Cushllic Sid. goml-/'Co
The root also occur" In CUShllic : Sa. giliin-o 'soldiers.
g,lyal 'explanation, interpretalion: la teral mar- 'fog', Aw. gum, Wol. guma 'cloud', Bed. glm. gim.
senants' gumi< 1-.,b (K ') 'chunk of meat' ,!, golii! o/iI-r : .,iI-r (OT 588) 'embossed
gin of a page, tItle of a book';
[(.I,ra, same; gumi I 1-" (K WK) 'blood money'; ETHIOPIC': Amh, gumma 'chunk of meat', from gam-
ma'a 'cut' (see above).
work, pommel', from Cushitic (Or. guma. Sam. guno; also Ka.
Dlllmann 1140-1 diVides Ihe rool gl)' 1010 gala)'a I
prohably 10 be Idenllfied wllh g"alli, pI. g"aliil, for 'cut, amputate', and galaya II 'explain', Blachcr~
guma) through Amh. guma; also in Har gumma. g.mi<.w, gami<.y 1.,blD- I 1.,bf.; see g,m',.
which see above ,

gala .. a (pglul 111m 'cover over, cover With

likewise divides Ar. K/I1'/Y into glll'ly I 'unveil
(p.1660), and g/ll'y II 'leave, evacuale' (p,1666), guma II, g"ami
Sound' ;
1-" .1''' 'melody, melodious g.mb "/9"11 (ll) 'castle';
for gimb; see ganaba, below.
However, the various meanings of the Semitic root
lealher, envelop, veil, wrap around, (l) X/Wi)' can be explained by one root with the mean- SEMITIC: Heb. gam in gam half,nll (Ps. 137.1) 'aloud
darken, obscure, pre,ent from seeing'; Ing 'cut. uncover, separate, emigrate' For the same we wept' (see Dahood, CBQ 22[1960).402), unless gamad 1 001: (K' Lt) 'cord, rope';
togal . . a, passive. meanings, see also galgala. Heb. gam is composed of g with the adverbial from Amh. giimad, same; also Tna, giimiid.
194 gam aro
• •
I!lmadl (l'Jgm3d J 10",. 'cut down, cut In gammama 1 0000 (K 0) 'clip the hair, shave' (la)gJmurii ·certamly. utterly, always, ever, for- - --
SHnnc' -\.r R {
rlC:'l'es. cut up. amputate. decapitate. prune, itamma 'cut off short' , PbH . g'anlam
SrMITlC, Ar, ever, continually'; f . . orna. a remove the I-)atr ,10",. shon
o Its plants, hare Inp.1nse)'
h.lrYCsl. (~1) Jcstro) '. Syr gam (gmm) 'cut', Aram. gJmam 'cut sh " magmari, part. of 'agmara,
1:ommada ·cut". d · .. h . Akk
Md. gumma' Imtnl.~ m~nt,
. ave
. ?amiimu 'cut off: (Iallagamro 'wholly, utterly, forever', i:'OP'C' Te, gdn~~~, 'tear off, hlte off. ,-J.t off'
Te. gamama cut off, chp', Tna g"Qtm"', ..a ~Gur,Gaf gamd,fa spilt , cut In t\1,O' ·\mh. gam
'agmada (K 0 1, ca usative, ETHIOPIC: IJgmJrI (KO) 'proficlency, perfection',
ma, Amh , gafflmamii 'shave the hair, chip the rirn ~ nblma:, Tna,Amh, g,mL.fa 'half, hair or a loaf \.'1'
tagamdl1. passive. SEMITIC, Ar gammara 'collect. retam', Heh . gamar read. Gur ,l,'WIj 'bread'
Gur gamomii 'chip the rims of a utensil' s,
gamiidi, act. part. of gamada; 'bring to an end'. Aram.·Syr. g.lmar 'complete',
g.mzud ·. . ectioned. mutilated, cut down'; Md.Ug. gmr 'be complete', Akk. ~umarl4 'bring to gamus .~.,.,.", (K) gamus , ..... " 'ouffal"',
gmn I. gammana 1oo~ 'pollute, defile, profane
ganlld 'pruning, mowlOg' (n); sully, soil, stain, contaminate, violate'; , an end, finish' from AT, Ramus 'buffalll'~ also Te. Kamw 'Euwpcan
g;mrd 'cut piece. slice': 'agammana. same; also causative; ETHIOPIC: Te. giimmiira 'eins3.umen, einfassen'. to cat~le Wl.lhoUl a hu~r" Amh giimu.f Ifrom Uecz),
gellllllad, (Ll) g,mad 'relic, piece, slice, • be translated 'enclose' rather than 'edge' (Littmann. CushltlC, Bed. gamllS. ,~amri.f. Splt.\ler lQ5" ' ''lS m
, tagammana, passive; terprets "r ,,- . .. . '
Hofner 568), gammlirlay 'who takes a handful'. The . ," . .o;Qmus as a sccl'ndary Singular of -Kih\'li~
gammani. act. part. of gammana;
(/.1hsa gJmllliid [Ll] 'rag, tatter');
connection with gmr 'begtn' (Tna.Amh.Arg.Gur) nils Irom Perstan ~liU'·mt~,\, lit. 'ram', llr thrl'ugh
gamtl, gaman, (K) gammiin 'uncleanliness, im. suggested by UlJendorlf 1955; 71 " unlikely Synac KiWmei, glimi.k, ~umi.fii, (aho Md I!(.mw,{llnl
g,mdal, verbal noun of gamada; purity, filth'; Hommcl 377recognilcd that G ~Jmu~ IS represcnt.
I,'gm,dd (for 1,'gIllJdl) 'being cut (n), am- gJmmutla, gammana (Ll) 'filth, dirt, rubbish" , gamaro, g"amaro 1 uo c: : 1'ooc: (KO) 'a tree of ed m A~hanc 3\ gr'-~; cpo al\o Arg. goJ.{. Har g{J~ ,
putation' : gammiine 'profanation, polluti"n, defiling, the lowland'; GUT. gus; In Cu\hillC' Kh'lm. guill. Sid KoSr
n"'gmiida 'o'"hiill 'stone quarry' (see >abll); . . , Cerulli 1938:75 thmks that the ongin of Cushilic
contammatlon ; ETHIOPIC Te. giimrot 'acacia', Tna . gomru, gomrar,
-RoJ lOS Ar *"mii,~ which t....."CJme adapted to the
SrMITIC' AT gamada 'cut', Soq. 'egmed'be missmg', gJmnal 'stam, blemish, filth', Amh gumiiro, giimam 'ktnd of strong vine', Gur
CushltlC pattern, There I~ also the p('l"'\lhlllt)' of a
Aram .. Syr g;Jmmj 'cut off, mutilate'; related to gJmar 'kind of trec', HaT gumar 'kmd of acacia':
SEMITIC: de Moor 199 compares Ug. gmn which he Cushlllc *goj commg from Ar ga"lIi~ (as suggc ...ted
eJm (with metathesis), grdm (augmented by r); see from Cushitic. Som. gumar, Or gllmllrii, Bil.Sa,
• translates 'defiled' on the basis of the Geez root, but b)' Cerulh) and of the form go.f hcmg borrowed b\'
~dm. above. gomaro, Kham. gimerii.
see gmn II, Semiuc,Ethiopu:. Brodelmann 1950: 17 'tatc~ th~~1
ETHIOPIC Tna g""omiJdti ·cut. cut up', Te. giimd
ETHIOPIC Amh, giimmanii 'commit a sin', (o)giim, gomiri '1"'1t., (K) g"iimiiri, g"amari """'11. Semlllc·Ethioplc and Cushui( ,Iwi "1'~t da ... cmhcl-
'plcce of cloth', Amh. giimmadii, g"iimmiidii 'cut'; I
mana 'defile, pollute'; related to Tna. gahiin 'wrong, mbche Wort mit dcm Ar, KJnlll.t kllntamlnlcrt"
augmented by r in Tna g"iirmiidii. Amh. g"iiriim- 1''''It. 'hippopotamus,
defect, fault, blemish'
modo; augmented by I in Amh. giimiiddiilii ·cut. cut rrom Amharic. In the other Ethiopian languages· gomis '1"'1.1'l (TM) = Amh. fila 'plant that
up', Gur K.71l1iiddcila; also in Cushitic: Qem. gomad gmn II, gam ana 1oo~ (K 0) 'be burned, be Tna, gwnarre. Har. gumiirrc, Gur. g"'timarrc; from grow, on the border of the lake. papyrus'.
'cut', Sa, gamad. scorched' ; Cushitic: Qab. gumarru, Sa. gumare, Som. gomari.
there is perhaps a connection With xomt" 'papyrus,
For the root In other Cushltic languages, see Cerulli
gumgumii '1-9"'1-"'1 (K 0) 'pelican'; SEMITIC: Ug. gmn is interpreted as 'sacrificc' (sec reed' (for which see above).
Gordon 380 and Caquot 254), but see also ~mll I 1951:444 under gomiini'i.
ETHIOPIC Tna. ~umKuma 'kind of bird'; also In ETHIOPIC: Amh. giimmlinii 'be burned, be scorched'; gomor '1'1"C 'kind of measure'; gamsas I "19""" 'chalk',
Cushltic: 811 KWlIguma, llso gaban (With alternance of labials).
transcnption of Gk. gomor going bad. to Hcb. a variant of giJbsJ-f (~CC above) With Illtcrnanl'c ~)f
gamha 19"U (MA) 'pull out, pluck out'; gamar (pI. gamariil, 'agmiir) 1 00 C (KO) 'large 'omrr 'a measure of grain'; aho 10 Amh, g(lfflor lab,als h.m.
monkey' : (from Geez), Syr gumiir See also IlOmt'r
ETHIOPIC Te. Kamha 'curtail (horns of a bull),; gamsas II "l9"M (T). gamsasl "l9"M'} (KG).
from Amh gamar, same.
related to gammJ'O gamas (pI. 'agmus) 1 UO " 'ring for the little name of an idol.
gamara 1oo~ (K 0), see 'agmara, finger made of buffalo horn '> small coin,
gamal (pI. gama/iil, 'agmal) 1 oo A, 'camei': 'agmara 'accomplish, complete, perfect, penny' ; eama~a I (!',glll,'.,!, gamm.~a 1""11, (M A)
1(amOI011·j 'camel driver', gama~a 10"6 'incline, bend, be bent, 00\\
consummate. bring to an end. contain, compre- ETHIOPIC: Tc. gamU!i 'ring made of hoofs of cattle';
SEMITIC' Ar. !lamal, Soq. gm,al, Heb. giimii/, Aram.- hend, include completely, hold, encompass, undoubtedly from giimm 'buffalo' down, pervert (Justice), be partial (in Justice),
. , pass a wrong judgment' ,
S)r xam/ii, Md. gumla, Akk. gammalu. For Gk. compnse;
komi/os 'camcl' from Semitic. see Masson 66; for tagamra, passive; also 'be limited, be done gamasa (yagmas) '/ool\ (KO) 'divide in two, tagam~a, tagamma~m, passive;
the root In Indo, European, see Buck 189. completely (as in lagamra <adiwa 'he crossed cut in half'; gamasi (GrJ2). act part. of galllllsa; also 'un-
ETHIOPIC Te.Tna. glimal. Amh.Gur. gamal, Arg. 'agmasa (KO), causative; just judge':
game/a, Har. gamiila. gamila. While Kam. (Cushit· lagamsa (KO), pass, of gamasa; gam~al 'inclination, bending' (n.);
gamar (K 0), pass. part. of 'agmara:
Ie) ~(jmelo IS taken from Semitic, the common gamasi (K 0), act. part. of gamasa; mJgmii~ (Lt) 'place of mclinatlon';
gamarii 'completely, entirely, altogether, ut·
EthlOpic and Cushitic root has the fonn gala in gallias (KO), pass. part. of gamasa; Dillmann 1150 and M 504 make a dlStmctHln
CushiliC Sld.DarOr gala (see Cerulli 1938:203 terly, absolutely, definitely, wholly, ever, fOI-
gammiis (Lt) 'piece'; between ganUJ~a and gamnw.w, but in fact the
under giila). Cush,t,c gala passed Into Zway (GUL) ever, always'; (with a negative verb) 'not at all,
gamis (KO) 'piece'; meaning is the same.
giila. never, by no means';
196 , 197
- could mean 'they heap up' As for g~Qn'a 'h
g anada
-. I
- ., - ,Infal.
[nnorl( Tc g2mCU)' 'cro(1kcd. perverted', Tna. · h '. cap up g"a.ada II 'I-~J!" see Ig"and!. g'Ollddd g"anda)a 'I-,}1.f 'dela, ..
gt.JnasJ tell a lie'. Amh gammiilii 'speak 111 (of an h h
one as t e ImpreSSion 1 at It IS a mlspnnt of '" '
k'a (for whieh see below). g ana· lOiter, \\an be ,10\\ I' Imtr I, tJny hn[n'r,
ab~nt rcrs~ln')
",nd. gund (pi .ag'nod, g"'lIdiit) 'I''}l; I
doms some;hm'( I.n COmmgl, be I.te In
;,.(' 'log, trunk , stem of a tree, stalk, log g e.g ..~ anda}JI ha'..,a 'he'"
~am.'" II 1on~ 'gnaw, nibble, tear off a gan'. gin' (pI. ·agn.-t) 1'}t), ,;J'}t) 'big Jar, I. '
ale... In go mg 'I ,, rem am a 10n~
. hOle' ""
With openings through which a pnsoner's legs
chunk Wllh Ihe leelh, (TS) dimmish, (K ') ca- caldron'; laced, lower part of an object, the foot (of ~~ia~ndava 'defer (tr.), delay (tr\ cau~ to
lumnlale, blame': (T) renders it also by Amh. are P I"
ETHIOPIC Te. gana' 'big jug', Tna. gan>i Amh mountam), race, meage: b. ,( make ,10\\ m commg, put off, hold
olliiqa 'come IV an end', but II should be Gfa . gana," H -c
aT. gan; ..
Irom Cushlllc: Or.'g an
ganl, Sid' ; ',nda wayn 'vine); ac , p~olong, make \\alt, "ait a long time
olJulliiqii 'bn ng 10 an end, finish up' : gane, Qem,Sa. gan. Leslau 1958 :9 and 19694) ~anada (T.K') 'become like a trunk, become
prot.:rasttnate· ,
com~ar~s th~s root, with reservations, with Heb.
g . . ) rag"andava 'be late',
rTHlOPIC Te. gilnltifa 'plOch lightly', gama! 'beater'; stocky' (denommaltve ;
(X·rhap... also gam:fa (not giim!a as in Leslau 'aggan bowl . For the root 'gn. rgn In the va . ',nlld 'that became like a trunk. changed into rag"anodaya 'IOIler, be late, Ia\tlong, delay, be
" I anguages, see D . Cohen 1970 '7 Cnous
Semilie g k ' of long durallon' ,
197Q .:!79) 'make poor' coming from the basic mean~ . " Ontl a trunk, stoe y ;
109 'ni bble off. snatch away', Arnh.Gur. giimmii!ii 1978 :60, n.3. For Ihe root 10 Hamito-Semilic for the •
'ast?g"aniidaya 'think that one has ("me too
Cal ice, no. 511, Cohen 1947 :78, no. 12. ,sec g'Jlldo n (LI) 'relatives', meanmg
'(ear off a chunk with the leelh. take a bite. break I~e : also same as 'ag"'ondaya:
'Ifunk. race, lineage', cp. PbH. gf;:a- 'trunk,
the edge of a jar', Arg. giimmiira. Gur. glimiilii: Te. g antbyo 'after a time',
.r:ahmJeo 'tea r 1010 pieces' is considered by D. Co- ganaba 1~O (K ') ' build a wall'; race, lineage' ; g"antbyot 'delay' (n),
hen 1976: 113 {under ghm$} a cross between gm{ and taganha (K'), passive ; SEMITIC S~. gendel 'trunk'. The com parison with g'.mlu)' 'of long duration, delaymg, delayed,
g~,~; Te. giim~ara can likewise be interpreted in the g.mb (Ll) 'castle' (from g.nb); Heb. gomrg 'linear measure' (not 'stlck' as in slow, late, laslIng' :
\ame way. ETHIOPIC: Amh . ganiibba ' bUIld a wall. construct' Brockelmann 1908 : 163), Syr, g",miqii 'ell, cubit'
(·.mg',ndur -alar [or :amanj',mce a long lime
suggesl ed by Brockelmann 1928 : 133 and Koehler
gamata Ipgm.O 1 00 .,. (T) 'CuI, (K') eSlimate, gamb ';-vall constructe~ ~f ston~s and mortar, (SlOne) ago, after a long time);
188 is unlikely since G. g" .Jnd means 'trunk' It is
palace. Tna. gambl palace ; also In Cushlhc: «(.ndur-" 'a long lime, for a long time),
evaluate' : not likely that a trunk should be used as a measure.
Bil.Qua. gimb 'tower', Kam. gimbe' 'make a wall' (g .ndlll'a ma'ar 'slow to anger'):
gumaro (ll.M) 'quantity of a crop paid by a It is more tempting to derive it from gamada 'cut
farmer to Ihe landlord as rent, (T) pIece'; down ', gJmd 'cut pIece' becommg gand, as suggested mag'and.y, 'ag"andori 'who dela}"
g"anbi~. gunba~ 'I'")llih : 1-,}llih; see 'abo
by Dillmann 1180 (and followed by Praelonus ETHIOPIC': Tna. dang"arii 'delay' (""lth metathc';I\).
ETHIOPIC Tna .AmhGur gammara 'estimate, evalu- bog'anbii~.
ate' Arg. gemmara. 1894: 342). Te. giinde 'stay a long lime' The dcnvallon from
ETHIOPIC: Tna. g".ndl 'trunk', Te, g,ndal', Amh g',nJ 'trunk' suggesled by Dilimann 1180 (followed
ganbil 1')/lA (T) ·crown'.
gomit ')"'1. T (T.Sw m D 1398) 'stick, (K) kind Arg.Gur. g,nd, passed mto Cushitle' Qem.Qua by Stade 42) ·stammlg. dauerhaft scm' 1~ not con"lOC·
of snake" , g,nd 'log', Sa. gund-e ing. See also g"antaya.
ganbat .,")IlT 'vessel of skin';
there seems to be some confusion with the interpre- SEMITIC : possibly Ar. gubba 'vessel of skin' (Dill. gundan 1-'}J!,") (Gr.338) 'spider, place where ganlra l (y,gn.J11~'" (T 1\.') 'wash clothes',
tation of this root. While T and Sw. in D have mann 1176). gannof, gano{i, (OT 588) gano/ 'fuller, who
there is water' (on the authority of Juste d'Ur·
's tick '. K has gomit or gomit ganna 'kind of snake', washes clothes',
ETHIOPIC: Te. ganobiit 'skin , hide', Tna. gambo, bm); perhaps rather a mlstnterpretation of a
~omit ganna meanmg (as is the case in Amharic)
giinbo 'vessel for beer', Amh . giinbo , giimbo 'clay meaning such as 'gundan-spider that is found ETHIOPIC Tna. Kana/a 'wash a day vessel', Amh .
'pOIso nous snake about the length of a ganna-
vessel', Gur. gambo; from Cushltic : Kam. gamba-ta, where there is water'; g"linniifii 'clean a container by putting hot ashes
hocke) stick', and one wonders why T and Sw In D Or. gambO, Qem. gdnbo . and water in it'. Dlllmann 1182 derives G, gantili
gl\"C onl} the mean 109 of 'stick' one wonders whether gundan is not confused with
from Gk gnapheus 'fuller'
ganbot "1")I1T. ninth Ethiopian month (9 gundan 'ant' given 10 K. As for 'ant', cpo Amh.
gammawa 1 0P ID (Y) 'cover, hide';
May-7 June) ; tilndan, g"ande, Gur g"anda. from C'ushltlc Or ganafa II 1~'" (1\.') 'carve, shape wood';
SEMITIC relaled 10 Ar, kamii (kmy) 'hide'. gonda 'ant', Kam.Tem. gonda.
ETHIOPlc : Tna.Amh.Gur. ganbot; also in Cushitic : ETHIOPIC ' Amh . x"anna/a, same.
ganna 1~ ; see gnn . Qab.Tem . gambOra, Kam . glmbora. The denvalJon gandor 11J!.C, (U) gandorii 11J!.t- 'shackle,
of g.nbot from Ar. ganaba 'keep away', g,nbot ganro 11l.: (K') 'porridge':
genna '1<;' 'Christmas': felter, chain. (Gr.338) yoke';
meaning 'month of abstinence' suggested by Conll from Amh. ganfo: also in Arg. Ii,nfo, GafGur
Rossini 1925 :495 IS unlikely. Cohen 1931 :382 lakes ETHIOPIC : Amh. gandaf, gandof 'leg-irons' ganfd; from CushlllC Or gan!", Kafa gufo, M~a
from Gk. genna 'birth, nativity of Christ'; also In
Te Tna .Amh.GurHar ganna, genna; passed mto as the basis of this noun the Caha form giJrm"at guppo 'grain boiled In water' are Amhanc loan·
Cushltic: Or gamlQ. and derives it from gfm 'be admirable'. However, gandorihi 11J!.t-'l (T') 'who beats the drum'; words.
garm"iil is a normal phonetic development of gil/l-
g"an'a 1-,)h (D) 'thresh, (LT) heap up'; bOI with nr and the alternance b : m.
ETHIOPIC : Amh . gandorahi. For the endmg -hi as
well as for the meaning, see also gahronahi. ganrala 1')"'''make bricks, (T Y) make a
the meanmg of 'thresh' seems to be a wrong mter- wall' ;
pretatlon of the sentence in 2 Esdras 23: 15 quoted g"anada I(yag'n.d) 1-H', (K') 'stand alon"; g"ndw. tag"anadawa .,.1-<;'J!,ID (T) 'be tripped ganfol 'brick, baked clay, tile, powder from
b) Dillmann 1177 under g" anak" a where yag" anna'u from Amh . g"annada 'live alone', somewhat, trip a little', bricks' ;
1!snhs 198

i"rHIOPI( : Ina. g,'in(iilii 'boil over', Amh. gaJ1iijJtilii (za-giinen, pI. >dlla giinen. >alla >agiinant

- 199
'tx'll 0\·l~r'. liigoua.t]ald ·boit'. developed into, the moniac, lunatic, possessed by a demon')' e- by Grimme 1914:261, and Ruzicka 134) .
IS not
meanmg 'bake' whIch \\-·ould then appJy to bncks. ganufl (Gr) 'demoniac, possessed by a der:, '. convincing. does not think th
ganen and at .gannawQ is connected with
Sc~ al~o g<ll(iil. gonentiwi, (K *) ganenay 'demon-possessed~n , ETHIOPIC: Amb. giiniibbiilii 'overturn'. suggests, with rescrvat·
'secret places for WOr h·
. I~m" yr ~('n)'aJa
g.n~a (\.'gnJh) 11th 'behave impetuously, be- SEMITIC: Ar. ginn 'demon' (see Noeldeke 1910.6 . ganas 1"rt (KG) 'striped, spotted, speckled'. to Akk " . S Ipmg Idols, It Comes dose
to idol~·gmu regular ,s~crifice', Md. ginin 'offcrin~~
haye arrogantly. get angry, speak vehemently, Blachere 1791). A. Ambros is inclined to conn 3,
. f ,.. ectn genasa 'I.HI,<T.M) 'be poor, be in distress'; loanwa r d' . but Akk gum IS considered a Surncnan
repnmand, (Gr.337) offend'; :'Ith Syr. g~~, ~a <el) )aggen mhablt, rest in (speak.
'ogn"ha (K 0), causative, (Gr.337) 'offend'; mg of a spmt) . geniis (T.M) poverty, distress. privation, hard-
ETHIOPIC: !e.Tna.Amh,Gur. gJn, gin 'spirit' taken ship '. ganaya (yagnay, yagni) 1~f 'bow down be
gar"i!,i (KO), act. part. of ganllO; .
g;mu!, (K*), same asganiihi; also 'who IS offend- from Arab:c; Tna:A~h. ganen (Amh. also galie~, :~bmlss've, thank, give thanks, render hu';'ble
Te. gJnfll evil Sptrlt, passed IOto Cushitic: Bil gaonat (pI. gannatiit) 1~T 'garden, the Garden anks, praIse, do homage, serve. humble one-
ed' ; ganan, Qua. ganin. For -el, -en in ganen, ganef c . of Eden, Paradise'; self, acknowledge humbly, attest, beg,
gana!" (T) g,mah 'vehemence, haughtiness, re- kiruben. kirubel 'cherub'. ' p. ('aqqiibe gannat 'gardener'); trate oneself,, pros-
buke, reprimand, scolding'; (madra gannat 'Paradise'); >agnaya, causative; also 'subjugate subdu
(qiila gana!, 'threatening shout'); gaoio 1l:1 (K 0) ' foetus, embryo'; subject'; • ' e,
from Aram .-Syriac; also in Tna.Amh. gannat; Te.
gan{l (U) 'pride, haughtiness, violence'; from Ar. ganil!, same, in a dialect where g is pro- Har. giinniit, Our. giillat, from Ar. ganna(1} taganya 'be humble, ask humbly' ;
'agnii!,i (K*), part. of 'agna!lO; nounced g. 'garden, orchard, Paradise'. As for Ar. gannat, it is /agiinaya 'humble oneself, be humble, worship
SEMITIC: Ar. gUlla~ 'reproach, remonstrance' (but of Aram.-Syriac origin (Fraenkel 148-9, Noeldeke humbly, entre~t. beseech, praise, give praise
ganapa 1~A (K 0), g"anapa 1n~A (T) 'gather
191O : 4~, Jeffery 103-4). The root in the meaning
nOle that Ar. gunii~1 is considered a Persian loan-
word [Jeffery 103]), PbH. giirwh 'groan. moan'.
bring together, put into quiver'; ,
'garden occurs In SAr. gm, Heb. gan, Aram, ginnJ-
pay homage, laud, submit oneself, supplicate:
make supplications. acknowledge humbly,
Aram.-Syr. gima~l. Akk. gana[lU 'have a fit of mag"'anfJii, magunfJii, (T) mog"anfJa, mog"anpii ta, Syr. gannala, Pun. gm, Ug. gn. confess SInS, ask forgiveness';
coughing'. See also gMa~lQna. 'quiver, (T) cover for a spearhead'; .
'ast~giiflaya (K*), caus. of tagiinaya;
ETHIOPIC Tna. giin~le 'get angry, make re~ EnnoPIC: Praetorius, ZDMG 47 (1893). 391 suggests ganela, ganets 1),:" • ,n:" (Lt) 'mare'; ganaYI (K*). act. part. of ganaya;
proaches'; perhaps Te. tJgan(la 'show oneself> be a Cushitic origin: Som. gabayo 'quiver'. Grimme ganuy 'submissive, who humbles himself ,
ETHIOPIC: Amh. ganna, genna 'stallion', Gur. gana;
proud> behave impetuously'. 1914: 261 connects it with Ar. g"/bat 'Lederscheide from Cushitic: Or. gatina, Kam. gana, Sid. gaihia. ganoy 'homage, praise, thanksgiving, th~nks,
fUr Amulette' (the existing dictionaries give 'amUlet' Som. genyo. gIVIng of thanks in humility, acknowledg-
g'anak"a, g"annak"a 1nH", 'heap up, accumu- for gu/bat). or ii/biib 'wrapping'. The last compari- ment' ;
late. make a large amount'; (K 0) = Amh. son is unlikely since ii/bab is borrowed from Geez ganla n:" 'small trumpet, flute';
ganyal 'submission':
tiiSiikkiimii means in this context 'be filled up and goes back to the root g/bb (see ga/baba), and from Sanskrit ghal}!ii 'bell, gong'; also Amh. ganla, magniiy (Gr) 'place of supplication or of
(ear of corn)'; the identification of gnp with g/bb is not without Som. giin¢o. This noun is not to be connected with paying homage';
tagH annak . .·a. passive; difficulties. Dillmann 1i 82 connects G. mag"';mpd Amh. qlind 'horn', G. qlirn, as suggested by Praeto- taganyo 'thanksgiving';
g'anniik"; (KO), act. part. of g"annak"a; with Ar. (qnb), miqnab 'bag, satchel'. Within Ethi- rius 1879: 78.
opic the root gnp, gWnp could rather be compared tagiim),ot 'entreaty, supplication';
g' ;mk' at (Lt) 'act of piling up';
with Te. ganb-iit 'cover'under a saddle', Amh. gWiin_ geotaro 'I.1:"C' (T) 'drawstring for trousers'. SEMITIC: Aram.-Syr. gJnii (gny) 'lie down, recline',
ETHIOPIC: Tna. g"iinii/s"ii 'make a pile of mown hay
or grain'. Rcimsch 1887:22 1 connects it with BiJ.
k"amk~am, Qua. k"ank". See also g"an)a,
niibif 'cover one's head', the basic meaning of the
root being 'to cover, put into something'. the 'cover'
being either the 'cover for holding arrows, the cover
gantata n.,..,.
speak loudly';
(T.Y.M) 'speak vehemently,
Md. gna; related lo Ar. gana'a 'bend over some-
thing' (Dillmann 1178; Noeldeke. ZDMG 54[1900J.
158; Brockelmann, ZS 8[1932J.115), and to Soq. ,j_
under the saddle'. or 'something to cover the head'. gnin 'bend. bow down'.
perhaps from Amh. giinatliita 'speak loudly', As for
gon, gaona (ragnan) 1~ (KO) 'become impor- ETHIOPIC Praetorius 1879:7 connects the rool gn)'
gnu, could it come from the Ethiopic root gn~
tant, be proud'; ganpa'a 11A" 'distort, turn upside down, over- 'find, meet' (Tna. Jagnaya, Amh.Gur. agaiifiii, Arg.
• 'speak vehemently' (see, above), noun *gan~at
)agnana (K*). causative; turn, pervert, upset'; agiiiiiia, Har. agiina) with the Geez rOOl gn)'. This
> gm, with reduplicated last radical gnlt?
identification is not convincing. Furthermore the
ganun (Gr) 'notable, person of note'; taganpala, passive;
g'aotaya 1n1.,.r (H 228) 'delay'; connection between G. ganaya and Har. gana
ETHIOPIC Te. giinna (gnn) 'exceed the measure', ganpa'ii (K 0), act. part. of ganpa/a; 'throwaway' suggested by LIttmann. ZDMG 75
for g""andaya (see above).
Amh.Our. ganniinii 'increase, become important', ganiml (K *), pass. part. of ganpala; (1921).24 is unlikely.
Amh. giinana 'abundant. illustrious', Tna. giiniinii ganpalit, ganpalit 'perversion'; .
gannawa1~(IJ (T.Y.M) 'make idols, serve idols';
'be numerous, be strong'; passed into Cushitic: ganpalit-a 'the wrong way, perversely, re- genaya 'I.~f (H 229) 'flee';
• ganniiwi (pI. gannawt) 'idol-priest';
Qem. giinan 'obtam wealth'. versed. inverted'; gennawo (T+) 'Holy Spirit'; from Cushitic: Bil.Qua. gay 'run' .
maganpal (K 0), same as ganpiili;
• •
either denominative of ganen 'ghost, evil spirit' (see ganaza (yagn.z) 1~" 'shroud. wrap in linen, ~
ganen (pI. >agonant) ,7).1 'demon, ghost, evil SEMITIC: the connection with Ar. G. qa/aba 'turn above), or possibly from ganaya 'render thanks, prepare a body for burial';
spirit, devil, specter'; upside down' suggested by Dillmann 1182 (followed serve' (so also Dillmann 1177). Noeldeke 1910:63 'agnaza, causative;
- g-.or
garra 1l; see garara.
l.ugan:a. pas" of gtlna:a. ETHIOPIC: Te. Kara' 'throat". Tna. g~'iira'ra' bald
ganci:;, ~t(t. part of ,I!Llna;a; 'gargle', g"-araro, g" arJro 'throat .. g" arK" ;lr" "goiter' gorada 1t.F, (KBT i"b) 'be
gerii I '160 (p1. geriit) 'metal helmet, head Ie grammatical t ~- reduced ' (used ...~.
Amh.Arg. g~Jrorro. gurorro 'Ihroat', Gaf Kurari/
gnu: 'shrouded, prepared for burial'; headband, diadem'; P ce, such as lalaa~arrn't has ~n a \crb final " . or )'
gall:cn ("-) 'Imen used for shrouding'; Gur. g"ararii. For 'slaughler', cpo also HaT. goru'u: . , e Imperfect l ' I II
Gur. gorti- The root IS common with Cushltic: Sid COming Y>lal/u) , J a ,'" 0.-
gJn:all ',hr(ludmg', SEMITIC Conu 1980:63, n 3 compares, with r
. U " eserva_ go,ri 'slaughter', Kam. gor~-i?o. Som. Kaura' . See
g.ln:at 'enshroud mg. funeral ceremonies. funer- lions, g. grgr-,
a weapon; however ' the ~Ing
d· ." ~d
ETHIOPIC Tna ·~ar(J·· ,
Cohen 1947:no.206; Cerulh 1951 :448 (under Kur). DQrd"d" < • a cut oft, mUlilate' T
al ntual'. of Ug. grgr-I IS doubtful (Gordon 381, Caquot 55 l'> a a goa\\- off' " h .. ~ . na.
ETHIOPIC: Amh gera, gira 'metal helmet , d·la d em'
4). For Indo·European g . . ~r for 'throat', see Buck 234, off. be reduced.' Se' . rn . g arraJd ( ~orrijd(J 'cut
, '/mil-a gJIl:al 'bier'), c al~o !:urdn,
(mafhala g,,,,:at 'Funeral Ritual'; for a bib- gerii II '160 (K) 'small coin'; g"ar<ama 'l-COOD (Y.H), g'ar>ema 'l-Ch,oo (D gurdo 1-CJI. (T) , 11 I
h(1graphy of this text, see Strelcyn 1974: 12, 1398) 'draw blood with a suction cup', bread made r s~a oaf of bread, kind 01
(K quotes Ez. 45: 12, but the Asmara Bbl
Hammerschmidt 1977: 12); ,ahall/ilia). rom w eaten baller' (Amh I,'kat
edition has .aboli 'small coin')'; I e ETHIOPIC Tna. g"iir<amii 'drink voraCIOusly, dram
maglla: (p1. magiinJ:) 'material used in prepar- off': in Geez the ~raining off refers to blood Wajn. to be derived from .~orada 'be reduced '
109 a body for burial (bed, boards, linen)'; transcription of Heb. gerti 'small coin'; also Amh
gera. In other Semitic languages: Aram. gero >. berg 1935: 11 denves Tna. i(iir<amii. with reserva-
SFMIT1(, gana:a 'conduct a funeral service'
Ar tions, from G gMilr<e'throat' See also i(aryama gard3'u 1Ct:h, (T) 'judge';
Akk. giru '1/24 of a shekel'.
(from Gefl. see Noeldeke 1910;58), SAr. gnz 'fu-
g'ar<aya 'l-COf; see g",,'e. co~ld Itbe from gartid "tnhal chlcf (Har 1 jud .
neral' g3rii "160 'honeycomb'; governor' (So S'd) , ., gt:.
, I' " m, I ,with an emgmatlc ending "'u
ETHIOP1C Te. xim:a 'shroud, wrap a corpse', Tna. moriir-o gJro 'beeswax', lit. sweetness of the or - I as 10 gardoli (below)') See also ,,(a:d,l'II
goriib I "160ft 'leather bag, leather bottle,
ganii:a. Amh.Gur. gimnii:ii; passed into Cushitic: honeycomb' ; vessel of skin'; gardali 1011\. (T) 'Judge':
Bil genadiil 'corpsc', magnad 'shrouding material'
(with the regular alternance ::d), Sa. gana: 'bury'. ETHIOPIC: ~mh. gare 'hive from which honey has S'MITIC" Ar. giriib 'bag' (see Fraenkcl 64, 81). Soq. "cc garcb'u, above,
been taken; probably also Tna. garna 'honeycomb' gi"b 'basket', Syr. gJrabii. Aram. Karha. Akk . gu-
ganzab 1')/1-11 'money, treasure-house'; (from gar with the suffix -na). g".riid.1 'l-60t:&I. (T) 'hyena'.
ErHIOPI(, ' Te.Tna.Amh.Gur giin:iib 'money. treas- gir 'LC (K -) 'lime'; ETHIOPIC" Te: g.,ab 'receptacle, vessel" (pOSSIbly
g"iirden 'iCJ.'.. ') (Lt) 'kind of disease',
ure'. Gaf giin:iibii; passed Into Cushitlc: Bil. gan- Irom Ar glrab); also Amh. g;rbu 'container (for
see gayyara I.
dab, Kham. gm;Ib. Dtllmann 1178 seems to have water or honey) made of calf skin', passed into ETHIOPIC perhaps CUShllic" Bed, KurJa 'fever dl\-
CushiliC: Sa. girbo, Af. girih. ease' '
mIsread Aram. ganii:ko for gimuzw, and conse- gor -)C; see gwr.
quently hiS suggestion of an Aramaic loanword is
unhkely. Praetonus 1890:41 derives ganzab from g3riib II "160ft (Lt) 'pelican'; g". ra 4a 'l-t.O (MA) 'terrify, frighten'
gr<, t.gr3<t +"ICf)+, metathesis of lag..,t; see
-X=b with inserted n and connects the root gzb with gafra. since thc Ar. text has gayhab 'male ostrich' (sec
Ar, kasaba 'gam, acquire profit', ks > g: because garafa I (yagrJ() 'IU, (L .T Y) ,set traps,
Conti Rossini, RSE 1O[195IJ.19, n.9) one wonders
of the VOiced b. Brockelmann, ZS 5 (1927). 29 ~helher G_ g~rah might not be a wrong tramcnp-
(Gr.D4) make nets':
g"ar<a 'l-CO (DTW 300) 'pile, heap up stones';
compares gan:ab with Ar. kanz 'treasure', and he tlOn of Ar. gayhah. Getatchew suggests, with reser- garif 'net'
probably reconstructed from Amh. g"iirra. •
states that the b of gan:ab is due to 'Reimwortbil- vatIOns, a wrong transcription of Ar gllriib "crow' SEMTflC Ar garuf"'tmwling net' Brockclmann 1Q~~
dung' with Amh. :gb in miizgiib 'treasure'. In this 143 connects It With Ar. gurala 'take away. w.....-ep
case he would consider Geez ganzab to be an Amhar- g"3r<., gur'. 1'C~ : .,..C~ 'throat, neck, pal-
ate' ,. g3,biib "IClJft (T) 'shroud', away', Heb. giirap '"weep away' (so aho Dilhnann
ic loanword 11581. A,am-Syr" K"ap 'carry- ,tway'
g"arii<il (pI. of g",,<e) 'the region of the neck' ETHIOPIC: Te. Kilrhab 'garment made of leather',
Tna. garbab 'hnen cloth'
gippi, geppi. gippo, g3ppi 'LA : '1A : 'L~ : "I (see Dillmann 1907:313); garara II (yag"!) ?t,,,- (K'.MA) 'whip',
A,,"(Lt) giPi>os 'LMI ',uliure', g"ar<aya 'stab the throat, slaughter, strangle'
.. (denominative); garada I(pgrad) 'llY. (K·) 'remove chaff'; m,)grii! (K -) 'means of lashing',
from Gk gips 'vulture', gen. gypos, acc. gypa. ETHIOPfC: Tna. giiriila 'WhiP', Te. ~drl,', Amh. gar-
T(ana). p. 183 registers three different translations: lag"ar<aya 'kill oneself, (T) strangle oneself'; SEMITIC: AT. garuda 'scrape, weed, peel'. Heb. !?rcl
(hl~pa'el) 'scratch oneseir, Aram.-Syr. gara!! 'scrape
riifii, Arg. garrala, Gur, Kiiriifii: passed IOto Cu~h­
gll~o = Amh. amora 'bird of prey', and in the next g",,<uy (K -) 'strangled';
off, Md. grida 'scraped', Ph. m-~rd 'file'. itic, Kam, garraffo, Sid gurllfi. See also KM'uri/ci
two hne>: gipa = Amh. agiida, and glpa = Amh. g" Jdl (K -) 'choking';
siinbiir, but It fact it should be gipo = agiida siinhiir ETHIOPIC: Te. Kard 'chaff', T~a. Kllrd; 'chaff',
SEMITIC: the root occurs as gr<, grr, and grgr (redu- garif 11,ij: (T) 'this year';
amora (for agiida »biir) 'bird o(prey which breaks tarat/a 'become chaff'. Amh. K~rd. K"~rdo 'chaff',
phcated gr): Ar. gara'a 'swallow, gulp down', garga- fiirriidii 'separate chaff from grain'; also In Cushit- probably a mispnnt for &ur~r ·~tCf!. Note, however.
the leg bone', Note that there is also a bird in ra 'gurgle', gurgur 'noisy (throat)" Mh. gora 'drink', IC; BII. glird 'chaff, Sa. garad 'scratch off'. that KG likeWISe has garif
Amhanc called qalt>m sabiir 'bird of prey which Heb. gliron 'throat' (formed with the suffix -on),
cracks open bones to get the marrow', -gargaro! 'throat, gullet', PbH. gargfrf!, Syr. gag-
garad. II 1t.Y. (K -) 'screen from view'; g'arir 'l-I,ij: (K-) 'Hood':
garla « gargarlii) 'throat', Md. gangarata, Akk
gippos 'L~fl, see gippii.
.. . .
gangurftu, gaggurftu, possibly 'gullet'. ETHIOPIC: Tna, Amh. garriidii, same. from Amh. g'o"r

garardS. 203
, 'i. • 1t'i. (T) gWarafii 1-~'i., Heb. ragan 'grumble', metathesis in Telat' ---- gi"i
gOarifii, gonfii 1-t .'h n; retribution, chas-
(K) garafii u'i. 'p~ms me ,
tiscment, torment;
ETHIOPIC: appears as gr, g"r, g~rg""r: TnIO~ 10 :'g r.
g"iirii 'mutter, mumble', Amh. ang~iira ~_'.. ~ng iit.
g.r. ID (y.g"m ) 1~OO 'be frightful. be awe-
e ' be fear-insplrtng,
. .
. be tern'ble, become g.... r•• g.rr. (yag"r, "'grar I 1t:~ , 1l 's b-
gl>.ilrr a I'" er' • G ur. angiJraggiirii'
a mut t gg ara' g' ~r. SOlD .'dable become admIrable, be amazed': mIt (mtr.), be subject to, be subdued be ~
h whip'; cpo also Tna.Amh.
from garafa II 'las,' (a)g"rak'ara (from ag' ragg' ara), (a) g' gru:nble', fon11l d impersonally
' . h b'
WIt 0 ject suffix pro- garrara 'be Subject t' h ' ,0) ,
also US e • .
g~rrJ.fta 'punishment. gil' baIa.. 'h
t un d er,
' gurgur b aI"a •murmur'arraH roar'' strange; to read h 0 (t e IOtran.-.ItI\'e is
biiya, gurgur boya 'thunder', • aT, gUr nouns.. e,g. y.garr.momu they WIll be a- ar anb - per aps waY.1garr,lr [S}'na~_
gorifii 1t'i. (T) 'vain, idle'. mazed'; . If' h y, g 0/ 18J mstead of war_gerrar n th'
case the tmperfect would co';e fr ' I "
gargari 7C;J~ (Lt) 'opponent, who 0 0 go rama 'ternfy,
, a arm, ng ten, scare,
gWarafiit 1-~'i."" (T) 'sin'; someone in a court case'; PP ses '
frighten away ; ,. , 'agrkara 'subdue, Subject, SUbmit o(~~ g)artaarm")e:
ma e sub'ect ." ,
perhaps connected with g"'artfa, above. ram a (Lt) 'make maJestic: ben,d be jmasterto, make submiSSive. overthrow
from Amh. gargar;, from giiriiggiirii 'be a 'ag 10 tagarama, tagarrama 'b e terrtble. . be of" , ,
gergel lelA, (L) gargel 1ClA 'wheel, one of nent, oppose someone in a court case'. n °ppo. lagam , . b 'f " gariiri. act. part. of garara:
, f I be threatenmg, e tern ylng ;
the seven heavens'; ,ear u ,
_ 'terrible dread
f I
u , tern
'f .
ymg, awesome gar~r 'submissive, subject';
gerger lC1.C (KG) 'heaven'; gam,,,· . ' ganr 'submission"
from glgl (by dissimilation); cpo Md. gargul 'wheel, awful, fearful, wondrous, amazIng, marvel- ,
variant of gelgel; see also gergel. garrat 'submission" ,
sphere'. Syr. gargiJta. See also gelgel, gerger, OllS, majestic, augus,t, venerable, tremendous,
'agriiri, same as magrari;
gargorta (Lt) "IC"IC;t- 'confUSion'; terrible thing, t~rror ; , . . .
g.rogliryos. g.rog.rl.yos "C:"fl.Cl'"ll , .,c:.,c (garuma g.,uman [L1] most ternfymg); magrar (K.Gr.3JJ) 'tamer':
Al'"n; see kirog.rI(vos. from Amh. gargana.
rma 'terror, fear, dread, awe, glorious act, magrar; 'subduer, Conqueror, vanquisher';
grgr. >angargars h 11C1~ 'wallow, revolve, garha I (y.grah) TCU 'be (become) kind, be !:Ory, ~ajesty, dignitr magnificence. pomp'; I'g,.rl (KG) 'submission" ,
roll, roll oneself, make roll about, spm, dnve mild-tempered, be meek, be gentle'; garom! terror, dread, SEMITIC: from grr 'pull, drag' > 'subjugate' (Dill-
round (tr., inlr.), flop around, wnggle (one gar" (K') 'kind, meek, gentle'; magram! 'terror'; mann 1155): Ar. garra, Heb. garar, Syr. gar (grr).
possessed by a spirit)'; magrami 'terrible, terrifying, admirable, extra- ETHIOPIC: Te. IJgiirriira 'be a vassal' Amh
" ,
.. ~
. garrara
ETHIOPlc: Tna. garhe 'be kind', Te. garha 'be good. pull, drag (rrom Geez), agiirriirii 'reduce to a trib.
'angargari (K '), act. participle; natured', Amh. garra. ordinary' ; ute-paying status'.
nagargar 'rolling, spinning, epilepsy, palsy, pos- LOgarmo 'intimidation';
session by a spirit, evil spirit'; garha II (yagrah) 1CU (K') 'plough'; I'graml 'terror, terrifying fear, threa t, menace';
g.r(r)as. 1~ft (T.YSw. in D 1156,M) 'bUild,
(:a-nagargar 'epileptic, one possessed by an garalll (pI. gariihlat, garawah, garalV.hl), garh ErHIOPIC Te. giirriima 'frighten', Tna. giiriimii 'as- make':
evil spirit'): (T) 'field, arable land, fann, estate'; tonish,amaze', Amh.Gaf. garriimii 'be amazing, won- gerasa (T.Y.M) 'build, make snares to catch
SEMITIC': Ug. I-grgr 'bustle about, make haste'; to SEMITIC: Dillmann 1153 (followed by Brockelmann derful', Arg. giirriima, Gur. giiriimii; passed into animals' (probably reconstructed from 1',-
be identified with Semitic gil, glgl (see gig, above) 1908: 169) compares it with Ar. qara!l, a root that Cushitic: Sa. garam 'terrible', Qem. giirriimii 'sur- ger,.s, imperfect of *garrasa); .
with alternance orliquids. has a variety of meanings in connection with land prise'. The derivation from Cushitic: Sish. rek"
gars (garS), garis (pI. garsiil, garisiil) 'hinge,
ETHIOPIC Te. 'ongargiira 'roll, wallow', Tna. 'ongar- but rerers mostly to land without vegetation (Lane 'fear', Or. rogom 'tremble, fear' (rog- enlarged by
,om), rgln becoming grm by metathesis, suggested coupling, (T.Gr.439) chain, (0T.588) means of
gard. Amh. niigiirgar 'epilepsy'; also in Cusrutic: 251 J). However, the phonetic correspondence is not nailing';
Sil. egirglf 'move', engirgir 'epilepsy', Sa. gur 'roll', regular. by Praetoruis, ZDMG 47 (1893).394, is unlikely.
gargar 'roll', Sam. gira"gir 'wheel'. ETHtoptc: Te. garhat 'field', Tna. g.,at (pI. gar,. ETHIOPIC: Amh. g"iirriisii 'wedge (e.g. a loose peg
gorem ?t!.9"; see g'aryama.
in a hole with bits of wood so that it will be firm)'.
g"rgWr, >ang".rgOars h11-C1-~ 'munnur, h.w); also in Cushitic: Bed. gar"a.
mutter, grumble, complain, claim, be vexed, be g·"n. gorn, gurn. gWarna 'I'C1 ! 1C1 , '/-C') ,
angry' ; gar~ (pI. gariiw.h), (KG) garo~ 1r:.. 1'C'1 'threshing floor'; g.r.s. 1~/V (K') 'eat powdery or gramy
'merchandise, freight, cargo, (T.Sw. in D Ill3) food' ;
>ang'arg'arf (Gr.334), act. participle; SEMITIC Ar. gurn, girn 'threshing floor, corn store',
money, capital used in commerce'; gada 'soft or powdery food, (Lt) a bite';
nag"arg"ar 'murmuring, whispering, Com- SAr.grn, Heb. gor~n, Ug. gm. Koehler 194, Baum-
plaint, indignation' (not nagargar as in Dill- SEMrTlC; AT. gara!1Q 'gain, acquire' (Dillmann Ill3). gartner 195, and H. Rabin 1976:243 also compare SEMITIC: Ar. garasa 'crush, grind (grain)'. guriiJa
mann 1158, but correctly nag"arg"iir in the Aram.-Syr. gurnii 'large vessel'; add Akk. garannu 'wheat coarsely ground', Heb. grres 'groats', Aram.-
quoted passages); gar~a 1Cdt (T. Y), garha 1CU (K ') 'tame, break 'small vessel'. Syr. garas 'crush, grind'.
a horse or mule'; CUSHlnC: Bil. warana 'threshing floor', Kham. ETHIOPIC Amh. (a)g"'iirriisii 'make coarse-ground
mang"arg"'Jr, mang . . aragll'ar 'who murmurs
flour'; connected with Tna. gM"iiriisii 'take a mouth·
who mutters, who complains, choleric'; , gar~ 'tamed (horse, mule)'; warna (with g"' becoming w; so also Reinisch
ful. tear off food with the teeth', Amh. g"drrdsd
garh, (T) g.,h 'tamed (horse, mule),; 1887:360). On the other hand, Cushitic wrn could be
SEMITIC: onomatopoetic, as in AT. gargara 'grunt, compared with Te. wadna 'threshing floor' (with 'take a mouthful', Te. giirari.f 'leavened porridge'.
~rumble' For the connection of g~rg~ r with Semitic ETHIOPIC: Tna. giirhe, giirbe 'tame', Te. gar{w.:r: alternance d: r).
g', (g'r), ngr, see Conti 1980:62. Note that Ludolf come tamed' Arnh.Gur. giirra 'tame', Arg. garra 10, girSi [ ;JC"/ (T) 'kind of tree';
246 records it under ngr; in 494 he compares it with related to gr;: O. >agrara 'subdue', Te. giirgiira 'gel g.ri~~i "ItA, (T) garap dlt-k 'bearded vulture';
used to, learn', Tna. gargiirii. ETHIOPIC Te.Tna. garsa 'a tree with edible fruit';
from Ok. gr;;pa (ace. or gryps ·griffin'). rrom Cushitic: Bil.Sa. garsii, Sam. garas.
$!j~i lOS", 205
~ ~ (T) 'kind of fish' ;
girS. II ,1C' 'catfish-like fish'.
corruptIon of Gk. karpasinos 'consist'
' cloth',
' SE~JTIC: ,r.
A gatta 'tear out, uproot', Akk , g{,.sQiu 21..'"
. -
SE.\IITIC' Ar. giisa l ilTS • •
EnuOPIC' Amb. garsa . . 'cotton, linen'; also in Amh. giir;:~:g?f karpQIDj do~ Te giissa ' Ess ) 'wipe off with the hand.
'cut (Lane 49') Akk ." I be.:o me agJlated ho t.
- , . ~aJl.t 'whlrl' C ' '. I
" t.1I (K') 'make an tIlCI- (from Geez). Silk <lolh' rnno,PI~h,' giisstisii 'efface, wipe out', Gur. ( a ) . '<Chneillaufen'''(v~n Sod 'O JI AD 5 l SI, 'Ct".
g'.ras. I (.rag ra~) ~' to cup (TS) bite';
sw~p.:, ETH Cn _,' )
sion I~ the flesh tn or etr g me~ns of scrap- ove completely by cutting and dlgg mg ' ; . IOP~C : Te . .~tisgiiJa 'hasten .11 ...
gas, giiso :HI 1 :J(' (K.Lt) 'anim I ';)1,50 rem .. .. , . 'Kh am gis, See
C hitic: Bil.Sa, gasas Wipe, qUlckl) , Tn •. gas-Cis - 'be ' ong qU"kI), move
mag .. raJ 'means •of cut In •
spotted, speckled, or has a black a Ihal I, also In us I .. -. . ~ Q In a hurry ' Amh '"
also gasgasa I . gasa move In a hurn, walk . .. ' . gaS<1g-
ing fangs, claws; " coat'. and whtIe passed into C'ushihc': K rapldl} ' ,Gur g<lSQ.~'ha ~
. "rr see qarasa, q ara~a. - "1M! (Ll) 'thicket, shrubbery'. ga.sSO), am. gasa.~<lho, Qab . .~a.M~.
SEMITIC: related to qr~, q,' "n in'the forehead g".s
h rillii 'cut a vel gesa '/,(\; see gys. ,

ETH/OPIC Am . gar. on' mag""rl 'claws of

in order to bleed Of cup a pers ". :. .. 'prl' ~k prod' gi"t 'L~T; see gys. gesam 1,,,,9": see gys,
. I' Tna . 'ag rasa ,. h b ,
gassaI "I~T '' see gasasa r.
a IT Ofd amma ~'.' .
biilo 'lear off wIt t e gasgasa I 'IfI'IO (Y) 'scrape away h "
gass.~. 1"''1. (MA) gassada 1f1/1 'ad
".w ,
o~iirdss 'aba/ii, g araff a (L) take away by [orce'; , s ave off,
, .. See also g ~.ara~a II . and qarasa. .
. see gosasa II. -"I'Y. 1'f1-r! (T') 'of necessity'; chastise, reprove, rebuke Scold e>horm,oo"h,
g".ra!. II (pg'i,!) 'l-t.II. (Gr.3:4) 'pounce, ~rhaps from La!. angus ria 'of necessity' (Muller).
'" an lDJunction
' . warn'd',
1 ,
. I' .> . ' urge ,
I1;Ctp me InstrUCt
gasgasa II 'IfI'IO (T.Y) 'plaster (v.), whitewash' teac ,: charge. correct. restrain';' ,
take possession of, (MA) frighten, ,- Y. '1M (Y) 'watch, tend (cattle)';
gasgas (Lt) 'whnewash' (n.); , gas. tagassaJa, passive; also 'reform (iotr) take
.. - 'hold a prey in the mouth'.
ETHloPIC:.Amh. gbal"to!°be combined with gM ara~a I. either from *giJbs 'lime' (see gabsas. above) > E QPIC: Tna. g"-'asiiyii 'tend cattle'. Inasmuch as warnmg, be forewarned" '
This root IS POSSI Y 0
> gasgi1S (reduplicated g<Js). or connected with fj A~~ Ya'qob was Eritrean it IS po~sible that he gasiii~i, act. part. of gas;a~a;
g.r(r).t "It.T 'acaci"; g~~ (see giJbsas) < "gass (gass) > redu I~~ may have taken thIS root from Tignna, gassu~, pass. pan, of ga.iiasa; al,o 'learned,
cated gs. P , lDstructed. who has good m~nners'
ETHIOPIC Te.Amh.Gur. garar 'acacia'; probably gei. see g)'s (gesa, gesa);
ga,~~~e 'ad~onitio~, chastising, cha~tlscment' .
from Cushitic: Had. gnira, Tern. graTo For garar. gesam 1.09": see gys.
see Strelcyn 1973:no.116. gaJs.~o
, , { I) correctIOn, exhortahon' ,
gaS! "II" (Lt) 'conjugation of the verb, gram- gass
mar'; ma ,.!' part. of gai.lasa; also 'Ieacher, re-
garral I "It.T (Lt) 'a measure'; gasasa r (yagsas) '100, (YKG) gasasa 1IPW former;
'touch, feel, handle'; ETHIOPlC: Tna. gassi, Amh. gJSS: probably from
from Ar. garra 'jar. vessel'. lagSiiJ .'rebuke, reproach, reproof, discipline,
>agsasa. causative: gawsa I 'handle' (see above).
admonttton, exhortation, correction, instruc-
garrat II "It.T; see garara. tagassa, tagasasa 'be touched. be palpable, be g'ai'. (yag"sa'), g"as'8 -"',...,0 I -"',...,1\ 'belch, tton, chastening, chastisement, punishment';
tangible' ; (tagiii~a salomon 'Proverbs');
gat1al "IC"IT 'a musical instrument'. vomil, boil over, bubble, well up, utter, bring
(zay,tgassas 'palpable'); (ha-tagsas 'properly');
forth, speak (that is, belch out words), com-
tagiisasa (Lt) 'slander, calumniate';
gari~.h 16-01-11, gariiw,ht 16-ID-IIT; see pose, (GrJJ2) fly into a passion'; ETHIOPIC: Tna. giisSa.fii 'reproach', Amh. Kiis,~fjsii,
gasasi 'who touches';
'garha II), gariihl. 'atia(a, causative; also 'instruct, express'; . Gur. '
gdssiitli. f{LfiSiisii.
gJSus 'touched, handled, (GL478) withered': g"i<ar 'belching, bubbling';
gariiw.h 16-OI-ih; see gar~. gJSsase 'touching, feeling' (n.): ga~ 'lit 'face, countenance, aspect, appear-
(g',i<ala I,bb 'the inspiration of the heart');
gJSsat 'touch (n.), touchmg. handling'; mag'i,<. mag "sa> (T.M) 'belching, that which is ance, presence, person (of Christ), each mem,
g·.~am. 'l-CfOP (T,M), goryarna 1Cfoo (K) tagasasi (Gr), pan. of tagassa; rumina led' ; ber of the Trinity, hypostasis, surface, direc-
'draw blood wtth a suction cup'; tion, side, front row (of arn,y), cardinal point,
gorem. pl. gorapm (K') 'who draws blood'; SEMITIc: Ar. gassa ·touch, handle, Heb. gtiSai'grol"', SEMITIC: AL gaia'a 'belch', Ar. (Oat) lagaUa<,
Aram. g,sas 'feel. touch', SYLMd. gas (gf!). Hars. g,io (gsw) , SYL g,sii (gsy, gs'), Md . gsa, froll! (of house), passage (of Scripture), page,
mag"afr,m tT.\1) 'suction cup to draw blood';
see g-aroma Ennopte: Te. {lJ}gasiisa 'honor by louch"g, klS" Akk. gesii, with metathesis in Heb. giita.f 'retch' point of view, chapter (of a book),;
ing, or prostrating oneself (cross gagago of Baum· IJ Greenfield, HUCA 29[1958].20511); related to {ga!'J baglJ.1J 'face 10 face');
garln 1t.H 'cut'; gartner 198), Tna. {rii}gasiisii 'go around a chuITh gOs' (gsy) 'belch'. See also Fronuroli 1964:52. (ga.J~a samay 'firmament');
praying (and touching the walls)'. Amh. g'sso." EnnoPlc: Te. gos(a 'belch', Tna. g"'ii.ffe, Amh. (babha gaJ~u 'in detail');
~c Ar. gara:a, ga:wa 'tear, bite', Heb. garaz, 'feeling with the fingers' is taken from GeeL Nair gOssa, Arg. {as)gessa, Gur. (a)giisa, HaL gdza> asa. (qadma gaJJ-a + noun 'before [a place)'):
that (agasasa is a transferred meaning, for WhlCh.~P' , , (>arta<a gaJJo 'he went toward');
ETHIOPIC' Te. giir:a 'di\ide', Tna. garii:ii 'parti lion'. Amh. giissasii 'degrade, humiliate'. See also gJss. 11"'1'" (Lt) 'go on a rapid march'; (na.s>a gasJo 'have regard for, have respect for,
giir:,,r,.'Q, gar:ayii 'dhide meat of a slaughtered >'"gaigaia, (T) >angasgasa 'agitate, be agi- show consideration');
~O\li . Amh . giirro:a 'circumcise'. giirii=:ii:ii 'cut gasasa II '100 (Lt, and 0 1159 unde~gasfaJ') lal:d,.~ct in motion, excite, quiver, smite';
Cl"'"n. a .tret. Gaf. garra:ii 'cut', Har. girii::a 'plait ga!'Jawa 'represent, denote, (Gr.441) become a
'scrape away, shave off, pluck out ( air), ~,I''Ka.!G (Lt) 'rapid march>,
(hajrJ. from the ba5ic meaning 'separate', See also '. ,
n{!fJ(/\'U' , person' (denominative); .
tagasasa 'wtthdraw '(I"b
tt. e scraped olf. Ihal '
, " ",as mattOn, commotion agi tat ion pas- >ag%,awa 'show, demonstrate, (T,Y) mantfest,
~Inn'·, ' .
is, 'be put aside'), See also gasga.w I. personify, describe';
206 g-.!lyJ
~~-------------------~------------~----~'~'- _._ ~ ,"i,yi
lag"alnala (T.M), lag"ernala (D. 1398) 'be exam_ , .,.mf 'dig, dig out with a sharp pOlnl- _. __
pa ...... lve. ·.tay' . ,. gwr, tagiwara 1- ")rot. 'd II
(:~'i~ Y.1IKt',\saw 'i nconcci va ble ').: ined. investigate one another'; neighborly way i. '\0 together," d

g,.lJ5.;,r <denoted. who has ~IS face turne~ ETHIOPIC perhaps Amh. g"etnat'domination' (frorn I (K') pinch, ho IIg t Y ; neighbor be '. ''< lO the ""lO'ty, be a
031 s: . (K') act. participle;
v ( I' near.
h . . . \\ard. directed (toward), e\-~Ident, represent gelQ. g"'ela 'master'), the den.ominative verb mean_
ing 'have the power to do things, such as examine,
'ora ' , . • • .
g "/OY, "Jilgutay, (K') "Jilg lay ox goad. stlffi- gor ~. 'agna,) ·netghbor.
C'Olly; In Job '0 ' 6 ' ne'ghborh ,~. .
'vu, \\_
ed, rersonrficd, (Ll) sleadfast ;
g~.~sJu·t' 'explanation, exposur~, personhood, investigate' u1us, . peg, (T) Spl'k e ' .
IIlJg 'st r a • n - g IS u~ed
'... KOTe r; to tran~lal'
humanness, hypostasis, personahty, de~onstra­
lion, mamfe>tation. synopsIs, presentallOn, (Lt)
gatala (Y'glat) 1'1-'"
(Y.M) 'wear out (tr), OPIC; Tna. g"a,iiyii 'prod "'ith a stick" Amh.
E.Tf{l "0-'0- gMiitiigg"ii!ii; also In Cushltlc' Sa, gular
(ha·'agwd,_a 'near');
SEurnc' Ar . - . .S
make be out of use'; agg . ' '.. . . .... " , gar nelghbo h
• ,r. . gff In h~lr 'becr1me
steadfastness'; ') ' d' See also g alala I. a nei h "
(sar'ala g~:~:~al1'i' 'the lectionary for the year ;
tagalla (K') 'become old and worn-out'; 'goa . . . g boT. SAT. gf V'~H a sanl.:tuary' Heb _
g.lal 'worn-out basket, patched vessel, broken dwell as client' " . ' . ~Ilr
'aga~~F'H'o 'personification';
vessel, worthless vessel'; cot h 0 f re d 51'Ik an d gold
gawa- 1'1' (T) 'I . - -'ahen'
gl)'u,a . U . gtr 'WJourner. newcomer' . S'r " .
d' , g. ,~r 'foreign reSident' F • .
SEMITIC: the connection with Sem. ~:y (Sy~.Heb) ger enemy' d' ' \1T \lr3n.
galul 'old basket, worn-out vessel, useless, Ihrea ; , an guest'. 'ce BI.chere 18q',1 18'7
'see' suggested by Dillmann 1208 and by BIttner, sewn, patched, (Lt) spotted (cattle)'; see also gJgwD. ~ho compares Latin hospeJ 'stranger guc~t; 'hOWl
If ZAlf 2.1 (l9OQ-10). 412 is unlikely. stranger, enemy'; see abo Baumgart~er 177 '(under
ETHlOPI(" Te.Tna. gi#~' 'face', Amh. ga:~f, ga!,r (from ETHIOPIC: Amh. gattiilii 'become old and worn.out gwh. .,. ;Jar/} (T) 'assemble, gather, II"), 19) (under g,,), and Muller Iq6~ .19
Gcez). A possible denominative from ga.U IS Tna. (basket)" g.J!,Jcco 'old and decrepit, worn-out accumulate' (IOtL). E~'OPI~.: Te . (ttJ}gllwiira 'be a neighbor', Tna
(~.a)gawara; Te.lna gor 'neighbor", Amh,Tna ~.a­

(tii)~a(?oll"ii 'clash, collide' (that IS, fa~ vt~ basket', Tna. gi/tof; passed into Cushitic: Or. gililCa
'baskel'. Qem. g>
facc). Amh.Gur. (ta)gac?a, Amh. (tan)gocaggaca:
Arg. (,g 'lIa,'ta. Har (tiiigaea; Amh. also got? ala g~~ I, go~. (yagu!.r), goh. 1"': 1/} 'dawn (v), '~bet (from g"iirii btl). Arg. g"d,ai><J. Gaf. g""'"""
la; passed IOto Cushllic' Sa gtlr 'neighbor'
'appear In front of, to face'; perhaps ~ken fro~ g·a!. g'3! I "''1' : '1''1' (D.K·) 'uneven, rough'; groW light, break forth (~Jght) , ,
Cushillc Kham. go~ 'face', Bed. gedi, BII.Qem. goz ErnIOPIC: Amh. gut. g".{ 'knob, knot (of wood)" (Qgti ...~o, (L) lagaw!.ra dawn (v), beglO to gaws 11D-II, name of a •
SIgn of the zod,ac
(see also Cohen 1947·no.197). related to g""tl.Fg'"Q!a. dawn' ; (Gemmi);
goh, (T) goh 'dawn, daybreak', from AT gaK':a': see also gaw:ii,
g~ '1$; see gay)'asa I.
g·a!. g"a! II ""'1' ! '1''1' (D,K.M) 'point, pointed SEMmc: Ar. (Dat) gawa~ 'to dawn', g.wh 'dawn',
g'~. "1\, g'3~ 'N\"; see g•n end';
see g"Q!o!a I.
H,b. gall (g",~, gyh) 'burst forth' (so Dlilmann gawsin
. , 11D-1\1, (T) g3wsin "I1D-1\1 'leather
g'asr.ra .,."t.t.
(K 'TDTW 242, under g"adaf-
(ard) 'd'g a hole for planting, dig, scratch'; gu!. in >altagu! h".,..,.'I'
(Lt), >altagwi! h".""1
1184; see also Noeldeke 1904:44); relaled to Syr
gahgoh 'to dawn', and see gahaha, above. from Ar gawsan 'coat of mall'
EnnoPlc: Te. go&o 'dawn', 'agwalJ 'early mornmg',
g"J~/a' (K') 'itch'; 'I!'1' (T) 'excrement, relieving one's bowels'; rna ga~. go~ga~ 'dawn', Amh. goh, g"iih, Gur. ga gawz 11D-11 'nut, (T) perfume',
ETHIOPIC Amh. g"iiffiica,ii (with metathesis) from Ar. gut (pI. of ga'i!) 'excrement', with the hala 'to dawn', gO'DI 'dawn, early morning'. The
rool is related to wgh: Te. wiig~. 'break out (day)', from Aram.·Syr. gaH'zQ (of Persian onglO), a!t
'scrape. scratch' See also godfara, above. Arabic article 'al-, 'al-; see also g""aya-ra II. IS also Ihe case of Ar. tawz (Noelde •• 1910:41;
Tna . . . .iig~e. Tigrina has also nug"'J~af and bJg"J~af
g'~g'~. .,.".,.1\
(Ll) 'corrode, erode, be g'a!!al 'I'mT; see g'a!a!a I. 'early morning'. Bassano 127 conSiders bJg'"J~at
"pococorrettarnente", but 10 fact the pronunciation
Wagner 18). In the olher Ethiopian languages. Tn • .
Amh gaH':, rna, gOK':;, For Heb. 'ego:, Aram
rugged, be rough (road)': 'angu:ti to be identified or not With gllK': (with
g·a~iig".~. g"adag".d, (T) g·arjag'.~ 'rugged, g"a!.!a I ""mm 'dig out (with a pointed ob- h.g",ho' (for ba-g".h.t 'in the early mornmg') is the
a prothelic ,), see Noeldeke IQI0:4.1, n.5, Baum,
rough (road), rocky, knobby (wood), knotty, ject)' ; correcl one. TIgre has also fiingoh, fiinguh 'to-
gartner 10; Wagner 18, For the Hittite origin of thb
(T) hill, bank of earth'; g"'·iJ!. gWa! 'point, pointed'; morrow' from fiin-goMguh, from [.na 'toward' (at- root, see Rabm 1964151. The rOOI passed 10'0
Itlted only in Geez) and gohlgu~ 'mornmg, to- CushltlC Bil gou: 'nul'
ETHIOPI(,: Amh. g~(i!agl(afa 'pry. dig out. scrape', g"allat 'tongs, pincers, (K') fork'; morrow' (for 'morning, tomorrow', cpo nagha),
g-afag"CJf 'uneven, rough', Tna. g"li.fag"i/!. See also
ETHIOPIC: Amh. giiUi#ii 'scrape clean, cut the root', Rundgren 1955:222 analyzes [ii"go~ as 'ba-naghu
g"ar g·a! I g"'ii!iigg"'ii{ii 'dig out with a sharp pointed instru- > 'honguh > [ongu~; lb. p.223 he suggests, with gawzii 11D-I I, (T) gawz 11D-1I, name of a Sign
ment', Tna. g"'ii!g"otii; related to g"'o!iiyo 'seize with reservations, filnii-gi~ > fango~ without explaining of the zodiac (GemlOi);
g.~.w. 11\m, g~iwe "Il1'1l; see g~~. pincers or tongs'. For g"'iJ!!Qt, cpo Amh. g~~iit fana.
from Ar. 'a/~gaH'ZD': see also gaws.
g3~yt "I""T (Ll) 'small vessel', 'tongs. ptncers', Tna. gutel; passed into Cushluc:
Sa gUII.I. Dillmann 1208 compares g".{ with q".{ g..~ II, lagiwah. .,. ;Jar", (D 1398) 'argue, g"ayy • .,.f, g"3yyii 'I'f; see g"yy.
(see q".{.{a I). See also g".{aya. dispute, quarrel;;
g" "TH- (T.D 1398) 'examine, investi-
gate', (the form of the verb is unusual; it has g".!.!a II ""mm (Y.M) 'be thick (hair), be full S"'mc: Syr gu~a 'uproar, confliCt', Md. guha. g"iyyii 'if (K') 'kind of pea beheved to cau'e
the appearence of a denominahve from g"'el- (hair), have long hair'. ETHIOPIC: Te. giih 'crash' (n.), Amh. g"a alii 'to paralysis of the legs';
nal), crash'; also in Cushitic: Bil. g""ax y, g"oh }' 're- from Amh. g"ayyo; probably from Cu,hltl"; Qem
perhaps related to q"'O!O!Q III 'become fat' SOund, ring" Som. gu~ 'noise'. See also ghgh ]] Kham. g"'jiya, Or, gayo.
208 gys giYs 209

g"'n i 1'.f (I, ') 'area between the thighs, lap': Te. iir 'a kind of white soil', also fro
ETHIOPIC . ofll,oksiiMo is given
natIOn . by Rundgren. 195':'51
. ~ ... _. o
Arabic; Te. gdrgar (reduplicate~ gar) 'limestone' ~ te tbat some meaDings of gsgs COInCIde with g,ay~" I( 'l'-fll (T K' ~' "
from Amh. ,l?"~r.J'a- No of the root gesa (gl's); thus Tna. giisiiggiisii g ayas (T M) , . 1) defe""t.,
undoubtedly to be connected with giro • '.1 excrement"
,thOse early in t he mormn, 'g'T e. 'gasgasa
" 'move see g~ n, g"'era. '
gayb I 1.1'.11 'cup, goblet, pitcher'; _.. .... pro ba bl y originally
leave uickly', Am b . gasaggasa,
gayy.,.!! 1fC: 'be a stranger, be an alien, (H) Ion g q
S1:\HTIC. Brodelmann 1908:233 connects It with emigrate;
a'move on quickly m. th e mornmg.' f or gesam 'to- giy~a :>fll (K'), see ta - ..
Ar. ga~rb 'basm', ow' (from gesa-m), cpo Te. gesiim, and for the tagiiyasa 'offend be h ga}",'a. beloll,
lagayyara (K '.T.M), same; ,"orr ,m, also l~ma-tim , 'yes
td ' For the ending be an ·enemy be. ostlle,bena a dversatv
ETHlOPI(': Te. gayho 'vase', Tna. g"iiybi, Amh. geb ending er ay.
"tumbler" liar. geb; also 10 Cushitic: Sa. garbe . goyyari (K"), act. participle;
in Semitic, see H. Torczyner, Die EIIl- quarrel,augu~, di~:~~sed (to). plague, ve~:
gayb Il 1"11 'pocket':
gayyur 'stranger, alien';
gayyurawi (DTW 761) 'stranger, alien, exiled" •.
.mh ng des semitischen SprachtJpus (1916).144-159
. . . '
Cerulli 1936:251 tblOks that the Semluc·Ethioplc
show arrogance, give o~e:l~r:;,,?e haughty .
K Interprets lagal'os ' .. , (note that
from Ar. gayb. gaYY"ralJlJii (K ') 'status of a stranger, (Ll) ot is borrowed from CushuJc; SII. kes 'become . _ • ~ .a as a passl\,'e)'
glYCl,J Contention strife'. \
compulsory service'; :orning·, Qem. kiis. kis. Note that Bil. gala), 'trav-
gyd, geda 11. (K'); see gayada, below; tagayso (It) 'hos;ilities'.',
sec gwr, lagal1'ara. eler' is taken from Te. gaiay.
gayada (Y.T.M) 'be quick (horse), be fast, be ~~~~~PIC: Te. (la)gaY(4a 'be hostile' _ '.
mmble'; gys, gesa (yagis), ge" 1.1'1 j l.lP 'be early, do gays ;If,1I (0r.440), gayso ~f.(' (lKOT 588) JtlFQ be defiant be h 'I ,Amh. I la !gal'·
lagnyodo () .T.M) 'hasten, hurry, be rapid, be 'shield, spear, haft of spear; harische Kaise~heder~,stl e, be dObstlnate' (in "Am-
things early in the morning (such as rise, come Hofner 598)' Amh ( _ acc_or mg to Lutmann_
fast, gallop'; leave, go, travel)'; , T. 115 also reoders Geez gayso by Amh. g""iilmassa . ' . ta)geta·Mat 'he dended h .
·asragayada (T), caus. of IOga)'ada; comes either from a-getii 'derid ' .Im
goyyaso (L1) 'hurry in the morning'; (gulmassa) 'growing to young manhood' For thIS ~a) or from {O)getii 'h' e (cp. Geez tagawl-
ga.l'pd. gal'ad 'fast (horse). quick, nimble, (T) agesa, (Gr.44O) 'agyasa, causative; also 'dismiss" , meaning there seems to be some connection with -
(agamst . . e was dressed up In hi!i best
adversary' ; h,m) > he showed off (. .
gayasi, act. part. of gesa; Amh. gassa 'shield' meaning also 'military prowess', derided (h' )' Th . . aga'nst 111m) > he
,. , 1~. e, basiC meamng of the Geez root
Ar. giida (gwd) 'be swift (horse),. I:lars. gays Journey;
ged 11(."d) 'good, fine'. SAr. gwd 'swift'. for the
E11lIOPIC: Te.Tna.Amh.Arg.Gur. gaSsa 'shield', see;n-". to ~ be hosttle, vex' which developed second-
gisar (K ') 'doing things early in the morning' Gar. gaia. Guidi 772 also records Amh. goyso 'kind an y mt,o be haughty', and It would seem that the
Arabic root. see Blachere I879ff. (n.); of spear': from Cushilic: Sid. Qem.Qua. gasa, Som. connectIOn With gl'S 'dec
ErnloPIC' Te. gedo (g}'d) 'hurry', Amh. gayad'spirit- r ' , orate. ad orn' (see .~"'Jh15a
gesam, ge.sam 'tomorrow, the morrow, the fol. golan (Cerulli 1951 :437, under gacM). ludolf 543 ) suggested by Praetonus 1879; 146 IS unlikely
ed horse'. Gur. gada)' (with metathesis) 'fast, rapid, lowing day'; derives G. gliyso from Ok. gaisos 'javelin'. The unles~ the basiC meanmg is 'be haught\i', For th'
short-tempered'. Tna. giiy)'iidii 'not walk well meanmg 'I>< haught ' A ' _ e
gesam-a 'on the morrow, tomorrow, in the derivation of Amh. gassa from G. ga~sa 'ward off' J
y, cpo r. gada 'strut' (0
(horse), is to be connected with Te. gedo 'horse Cohen 1976: 107). . .
morning' ; suggested by Praetorius 1879: 171 is unlikely.
(mule) thal does not run weII', and not with Te.
geda as suggested by Littmann·Hofner 597. SEMITIC: Modern South Arabian ghm, ghm: Sh. gayso I ;If,(I; see gays. g".yy.t 1'fT, gW. yyat 'l'-fT: see g'yy.
gehem 'come in the morning', Mh. gihem 'travel,
g Oyy gO 0 ,
gayata 1fll (T) 'cut, separate'; leave' is connected by Bittner 1914:25 and Rund- gayso II ;1"(1 (T.M) 'ordinance'; .' ayya, g ayaya (yaK ya\', yag'yav) .,.
gay/ii (T M) 'salt bar used as currency' (so gren 1955 ; 254 with Ethiopic gesa, gesam-a 'morning'
ETHJOPIC: perhaps to be identified with Te. ma-gays
f I-ff 'run, run away, flee, escape, d~sert':
called because it is a cut piece); (the Modern South Arabian ghm would then I>< a 'way of life'. 'og yoyo 'p ut to flight' ;
denominative from gesam). While the alternance tagWiiyaya (L1) 'flee':
ETHIOPlc:Ina. giirla 'bar of salt' (calJed amole in
S(s);h is possible for Modern South Arabian (sec gayy~a I (T.Y.M) 1f'" 'be well-dressed, be em- g'ayayi, g"ayyiiy 'fugitive, deserter, strayed':
Amhanc); metathesis in relation to galaya. above.
Leslau 1938: 33), such is not the case in the ArabiC bellished' ; g"'ayuy 'fleeing':
dialects of South Arabia where the root ghm means g'.yay, guyay 'flight':
gayle .7"/1, (T) 'black snake'. /agayasa (T) 'be well-dressed, be conceited';
'leave in the morning' (landberg 1920:304-5). for g'.yyn 'flight';
that matter, gahma 'end of the night' also occurs in gaY!, ge~ (K ') 'adornment';
ga))a,a I 1fC: 'plaster with lime, whitewash'; g"ayyot, gWayyat 'Right';
classical Arabic, and in SAL ghm-y 'last part of ETHIOPIC: Ina. gaYf; 'decoration', Amh.Gur. (a)-
/aga.l'yara (K .), passive: night, JUst before dawn'. H. Bauer, ZDMG 69 g'oyayot 'flight';
ge!Q 'adorn', Arg. ( a)ge{a. See also g"aytl.$a 1.
garyiin (K 'I, act. pan. of gay),ara; (1915).566 compares G. gesa with Ar. goso 'bubble Jag")'oyi, act. part. of )ag"yaya;
ga!'.Iur 'plastered with lime, whitewashed'; over, boil over, rush toward' > 'set out early'. gam,a II (T.M) 1f'" 'dislike. detest' . mag"yay, mag'yiiy 'flight, place of refuge, asy-
gir (K ') 'lime', ETHlOPIC: Te. gesa 'walk, travel (in general, at any lum, refuge';
gy" g "'I" ;1", (Gr.440), g·.ya~a '1'-1'''' SEMITIC: Soq. ge 'fiee, hurry'; related to Syr. gtJhii
• 0
ga;yiire (K') 'plastering with lime' (n.); time of the day)', Tna. gesii 'travel to a foreign
magay.l''' 'who plasters with lime, wall
builder' ;
country', gis 'go away!' (used in a game). For
'morning, tomorrow', cpo Har. gls 'tomorrow', Gur. ·
(K'.T.M) 'break wind"
, 'flee, escape', Md. gho 'flee from' .
g:~ (Gr.440) 'flatus. (T.M) excrement'; see EnuoPlc: Tna. g"'iiyiiyQ 'flee, run away', Amh.
ges, Amh. magas( 'the next day' (with the prefix ma- g aya~a n.
from AI gfr 'lime', of Aramaic origin (Noeldeke and the suffix -I). It is the same magas that occurs in (In)g".y 'who flees', Gaf. g''ilti/ii (for It < y, see
191045: Wagner 42): also SAr. gyr 'plaster', Heb. Amh. maksiifhio 'Tuesday' for mags-siinno, from • Leslau 1956:9). See also g'agg".'a.
gir for Ar. gir, see Dozy 1238, and Blachere 1974. g aya,a I 'l-fll (T.K·.M) 'wash oneself"
ma-gs-siinno (Word 3(1949).277-8). Another ex pla- see gaYY~a I. '
g.zza 1": see gz: I, II.
210 gaZ'i 211
RaT, gala, gila. ;1'11 , ;11f i 1.1f1 'treasury, gi::o, Dar.giziifa. P~azikows~y-Brauner, MIO 1/2 Te. giiz<a, go.rzCI'a 'have a drinking bout'
ErH10P I - .
a'a;e (With metat heSlS .) 'k'md of banquet'·'
treasure. \",·ealth, money'~ (1953).267 ronnects It also wJth Sa. ged, gedda. Am h.dginto CuShltIC:
.. B'/ do' '
from Gl... ga:o 'treasure'; also occurs in Aram.·Syr.
ga:::ii going back 10 Median gan:::a (Wagner 41). As
g"ala, guza
"'II • 1-11 'bird of prey, falcon
See also mgz'.
I . gar r serve at a feast'

ror Gk. ga:a, see Wagner 41. Masson 30, n, L See gaL,a (yag:ii<) 1'110, (K') gaz'a 111h 'cut, saw
also ,;i::ii. SEMITIC: PbH. gaz 'bird of prey', Aram. gazza.
slaughter' ;
ETHIOPIC: Amh. gWno ; the derivation from Kara
up, a'a (DTW 747), causative;
gad J ;11f (T) 'spring, hole, ditch'; garo suggested by Brockelmann 1950:26 is unlikely. logz .
togaz(a, ib" paSSIve;
refers perhaps to the city of Gaza in connection ' ib pass. part. of ga;;<a;
g"ozo "''' (It) 'expedition, day's march'-, gaz,·'
U ,
with the baptism in Acts 8 (Getatchew), gaZ'ma (l'.g=.m) 11100 '
from Amh, g"'azo. gltZ';' (K 'J 'trunk ; retrench, -tear up rend chut, cut down, cut off,
gala II ;11f (T) 'source of strife'; magza' (pl. magiiu<) 'saw'; ' " ew (wood)' dc'
gal'. I (y.gza) 111h 'dominate, master'·, ha Id 10 Contempt' (C . R " ' sp"e,
perhaps from Ar. ga:ei(t) 'military expedilion, at~ SEMJTlC Ar. gazQ(a, 'cut'. SA~. Heb.
gZf 'aSSign', can be d . d f ontl OSSlnl 1923:374)'
'agza'a (K *), causative; enve rom 'cut down '" '
lad. ' glZO' 'stump' (that IS, somethlOg cut), Syr. g.:a'
tagaz'a (K '), passive; consider of litlle value> d .>, dlOlinlsh >
'cut', gii;<Q 'trunk'. , .. • espise ;
gala III ;111; see gao. gazii)i (K ilL), act. part. of gaz'a; ETHIOPIC: Tna, go.z<e dIVide, separate', Amh. giiziig-
agzama, causative',
gnu' (K '), pass, parI. of gaz'a; gii:a 'saw, cut wit~ difficulty'; Amh.~rg.Gur. mo.- taga=ma, pass. of gazarna'
g;}z ..,11; see I1'g=. lowga::a. - .( •
a::anu ,
gaz'at 'dominion, sovereign authority, owner- gaz 'saw', Tna. magaz (from Amhanc), and a de. g K ), act. parI. of ga=ama:
ship' ; nominative in Tna,Amh. miigga=o. 'cut with a saw'. g.:um (K '), pass. parI. of ga:ama:
gila 1.1f (T) 'precious stone';
lagzi> (pI. lagolqzl, )agii>(}st) 'master, lord, ga=n: (K ') 'portion of a field, plot'.
perhaps a variant of gii:. gaza, above, or from Ar. owner. ruler, chief'; g.zd.,u 1'11.e-h- (T) 'person of high social or of
- , , , g.::am (K') 'cut-off piece'; ,
ga;' onyx. free status ·; g,nmal 'a cutting';
>agii'azt, pI. of 'agzi>; also 'governors';
perhaps a misprint for gardil'lI (see above).
gile (pI. gl;eytit) 1.11 'time, a time, season, >agz;]>!, 'agzi>t 'mistress, lady'; mag:.m (K ') 'axe, (Gr.479) that cuts" ,
hour, moment, period'; >agzi';mnii 'dominion, sovereignty, superiority'; gazf. I (yng.f) 111"-, (KG) galafa 1"'" 'be SEMITIC: Ar. ga:ama 'cur, Soq, megzimoh 'rum'
with a verb it means 'when', as in gize mii$)Q lagzi'Qwi 'pertaining to a lord or master; of a thick, be dense, be stout, be obese, become (from g:m), SAr. g::m 'extirpate, defcal an enemy
'when he came'; lord, of a master'; fat' ; conclude a pact', Heb ' ...a(i-am 'cut' ,ram.-
AS '
, , - yr, Ip·
it'iJ'tJla gi:e, )'iJliJ/a gize 'at that time, then, 'agzi'ab.her 'God', lit. 'the Lord of the land' with I.M 'heart' it means 'become obstinate, =am cut off, Md, gzm 'threaten, be violent'. .
straightway, suddenly, at once'; (see b.her); harden' ; ETH10PIC: Tna.. g"'(J::amii 'divide up meat of a
migi~e 'when?'; '.gzi'aba~erawi 'pertaining to God'; 'agza/a 'thicken, harden, make hard, cause to ~Iaughtercd aOlma!', Amh. giizziimii 'divide land
::a gt':e 'at this time, at this houT'; )agzi'aba~Jeranna 'majesty, divine nature of Into lots', also ·conquer. vanquish' (for which see
condense'; with 'heart', or k.sad 'neck' it
ba-gi=ehu 'at its proper time, in due time'; God'; S~.r.'. g:m); Tna. giiziimo 'big axe', Amh. gaziimo.
means 'be stubborn, be obstinate'; gagamo. Gur. giinfiim~ii (augmented by II); Tna.
ba-gi:eha 'straightway, right away, at once, SEMITIC: Dillmann 1191 connects this root with Ar. gazif'thick, stout, rough, coarse (material),; gii:mt 'dowry' < 'pact'.
immediately' ; gaza (izy) 'reward'. (gazif-a '.ga 'obese');
la-gi:ehu, la-gizeha 'for the present, for a while, ETHIOPIC: Te, giiz'a 'rule. govern, possess', Tna. gazuj'thick, fat, rough'; gilaR 1.111 (KG) 'things, objects, goods';
for the time being'; giiz'e, Har. gaza'a (also gisti < gizlt 'mistress of the (gazuJ-a bsiid 'stiff-necked, stubborn, obsti- beld gi:an 'house of treasure';
lallagi=eiw 'all the time, at all times'; house'), Amh. gazza, Arg, gazza, Gaf. giizza, GUf. nate'); see gaz.
kii/Jla gi:e 'another time, again'; gii:a 'own, possess'; also Gaf. gazza 'money, cattle'
(that is, 'possessions'), Arg. gfzi, Gur. gazz. The
(gazuJ-a labb 'presumptuous'); galara (yag;.,) 111;: 'circumcise';
ba-k'.II" gi:e 'all the time, always'; gaza/. gJzj'thickness, density, mass, harshness,
root passed into Cushitic: BiL gada' (with the alter- >agzara, causative:
(mas ( • J!IGra gi:eyat 'Horologium'); nance z: d). obstinacy' ; tagazra 'be circumcised';
gi:eya .... i (Gr.479) 'sudden, momentary'; gaz/at 'being (n) thick, gross, dense'; gaziir; 'who circumcises';
ETHIOPIC Tna.Amh. gi:e, Gar. gazye, Gur. ga- gal'a (gaz'a) II 111h (1110) 'serve at a feast'; magza/. magzaji, act. part. of 'agzaja; g,JZur 'circumcised';
:(iI)ya. The derivation of gi:e from AT. giiza 'pass' gazzQ', gazo>i (pI. gazQ'!) 'servant who serves magza/a m.dr 'clayish ground'; gnro 'circumcision';
as suggested by Dillmann 1196, and Praetorius at the table, servant, cupbearer'; magza/'a thick or stout thing'; gazrat 'circumcising';
1879: 173 is doubtful, Likewise the connection with 'agziN (T.M) 'messenger, waiter';
E'fHIOP/?: Te. giizJa 'be thick, be big', Tna. gazaJii, (ba'iiia gazral 'Feast of the Circumcision' [6th
the roOl g:1I' (gzwj 'cut, detennine, fix (time)' sug. gaz'. gaz' 'banquet, feast, festivity; ram fat- Amh. gazziija.
gested by D. Cohen 1976: 110 is doubtful. It is tened for slaughter'; of the month r"r]);
perhaps to be analyzed as gk:e 'this time' (Rund- magu' (pI. magaz,]', magaza'l) 'fatted (calf), SEMITIC: Ar. gazara, garaza 'cut, slaughter', S~.
gazf. II 111'" (K') 'shout when the zar-spirit
gren 1955:44); for gi, cpo Gur. gi, ge, ga (leslau fat, fatling'; manifests himself" , gezer, Heb. gazar, gara:, Aram.-Syr. giJ:ar, Md. gzr
1979:254), The rOOl also occurs in Cushitic: Qem. magza'a lahm (Lt) 'calf'; 'circumcise', Ug. gzr 'cut' (Caquot).
from Amh . g"azza,;c··a.
J ETHIOPIC: Te. go.n;:iira 'cut meat into pieces' (from

j.1azirat 212

g:r wuh augmenled n), ~iJ.~riil 'circumcisl~n', Tna. magzaz, act. part. of Jagzaza;
..... ,eu I' • Amh .~....
1{11:lIro gii--ara See also gam .. a.
SEMITIC: Ar. gazza 'cut', Soq.gezz, SAc. gzz 'assign
properly rights' < 'cuI' (Muller 1963 :
gal;ral 1t1.t.~ (T.K) 'island';
308). Heb. gazaz 'cut off', Aram. gazaz 'cut', Syr.
from Ar. ga:ira; also Te. gii=iriit, Syr. ga;:urta. gaz (gzz), Md. gzz, Ug. gzz 'shear', Akk. ga:Q;:u.
• • ETHIOPIC: Te. giizza (gzz) 'divide', Tna. g~'iiziizii
g;Jzat .,,,:,. 'anathema, excommUniCatIOn, pen- 'split', Amh. giiziiggiizii 'saw, cut', Gur. gaziigiizii
. . ,
alty of excommUnicatIOn; 'cut a part of the body'; related to gz· (see gaz'a).
see wg:. Note the denominative .gzl ,(from g;ndt)
H u
In Tna.Amh. gii:=(ifii 'excommUOlcate .
gzz n, gazza, gazaza '11 I '1111; see 'agzaza;
'agzaza 'surround with a hedge, fence in, en-
gizeyawi 1./I..f'e; see gize. close, make a palisade';
I sessive suffix pronoun of the 3rd
magzaz, magzilz 'that which serves to enclose ·h; I ·1, Pulos r ('her, its') used with a noun a vowel; occaSionally used as the definite ar-
gzz T,, gazza (yJgzaz) 11111 1 1~ (wall, veil), means of screening (curtain)'; rem. slOg a . tIcle;
(K'.Y.M) 'CUI, split, cleave asunder, ~Iaughter,; d' in a vowel,
'agzaza (K'), caus. of gazaza; also d,mlOlsh ,
ETHIOPIC: Amh. giizziizii 'make a palisade or a
fence'; perhaps connected with gzz I 'cut > sepa.
I en 109I o used with expressions of tIme; e.g.
IllSas-' nerward', 'ame- h a 'h '.,
SEMITIC. Ar. -hu 'hIS, it,', SAr. ( -hw. -h.
Mh.Soq. -h, -eh. Heb. -hi; (OCCaSionally), Arant-
gazozi (K '). act. part. of gazaza; lObe- ha a t en
gazazo (M) 'cleft, crack, split';
rate> surround with something (e.g. hedge) thal
separates one section from another'. I . Ar. -"ii, SAL (Sabaean) -h, Heb. -hii ~n
SH'U.TIC. rences Aram.-Syr. Moh. For thiS suffix
Syr. -h, -eh, Ph.Ug. -h. For more delails on th"
suffix pronoun, see Brockelmann 1908: 311-2; Barth
1913:49 If.
·~"al occur , .. k I
, lr 'the other Semilic languages, see Broc c-
pronoun In If ETHIOPIC'Te ·hu, Gar. -/10; for the contracte.d form
• 1908:311-2; Barth 1913:56 . -u In lhe other Ethiopian languages. sec Lcslau
EmlOPIC: Te. -ha, Gaf. -/Iii. For the other EthlO- 1956.58.
. Ianguages , see Leslau 1956:58.
-hu II -11-; it serves as an interrogative particle
,h; II-Y, marker of the accusative with proper (e.g. ra'amm,m.-h. 'do you believe?'); It
nouns (e.g. yahudii-Izii 'Judah' [ace.]). expresses doubt or uncertainty (see DllImann
1907 :378,5 14) ; it also serves for the reinforce-
I ment of a conditional sentence (e.g. ',mnw-sso
.he'~ 'there, here, away to' (e.g. k"Jl/a-he. ba- 'anta-hu ' if it is indeed thou'): see also Dill-
i'a/l,-h, 'everywhere', Valla-he [ace] '10 every mann 1907 :550;
SFMITIC': Ar. ·hrJthe dialects, and occasionally in
classical ArabIC; see Brockelmann IqlJ: 190. and
·hi,~ 'also, and, further, even, the very, ror Landberg 1909: 1362 who identifies it with Ihe suffix
I one's part' (e.g. 'ana-hi 'I. for my part'); pronoun of the 3rd mase. singular. ,
is allached to mannu, manl, 'ayle (mann.-hi, ETHIOPIC: also in Cushitic: Sa. ·ho, mterrogallve.
""nt,-hi, 'ayte-hl), mostly 10 negative sen-
hab Uil (, habu UI!- ( habi
lences; it expresses the indefinite ' no one, noth-
ing, nowhere'; UII ( 'then!, now thenl, weill, come
on!' ;
it is combined with 'iJmma· in )iJ""na~hi
from wahaba 'give', below;
'Ihough, even though';
'amma ... walal~mma-hi "either ... or'; 'amma-hi SEMITIC: Ar. hab. hab, exclamation (see Schulthess,
I ZA 19 [1905].131: Nocldeke, ZDUG 66 [191?J.736-
.. ,wawnma-!zi 'either ... or';
7), Soq. habu. "ibo 'let (one do something!). Hob .
in Ihe meaning 'and' it can be repeated, as in
'ana-hi waw,'aru-hi 'both I and he, I and he'; hag, /raga 'go on, noW then!',
Or in ·hi ... ·ni, as in )iJrnmuntu-hi wa)abu/wmu- habo (habo) U/1 (lIfl) 'dew'; ,
ni'lhey as well as their father' . hahawa (T.Y.MA.M) 'become dewy, fall (dew)
'hu I -v-, possessive suffix pronoun of the 3rd SEMITIC: related to Ar. "ababa 'dew drops':
mase. sg. (,his, its') used with a noun ending in ETHIOPTC: rna. hubo 'dew', Our, ab"'a, awn.
h....b. 214 haddarna "~I'~d.~m~.~____~--~~--~~--~~~__-:~~15~_________________ I 111111 (MA, rather than habba "'" 'the sound of the ape'
There IS the possibility or separating hobal' I 'kt '
- .
. Lt) imagination, hallucmal1on, drollenes'
t) ( f i
. ,a mahaddamt' Cl1110U' stor) '),
' ,,~,' IDlllmann 18) F
. _ ~ _1tq"Ja
- -
"her'l compa .... lg u.
~II cn nl M A) 'blo", be windy': ' .T I e ,.aga hd- (T)' I h ~,
rrom hobay II 'mon kcy. However, the root hob· , ""hdJ m (M), mil, am pace were one I
Ar habl>a 'blO\.\ (wmd)' ~ related to haffa meaOlng 'monkey' and 'k.lte' could be explained ~> ,_ • place where one stretche< oul to rest or h.r, ~ar U~ 1 "''i:'• 'ee
. ha,l!lawa.
a sound that may be, co~side~ed common to bot~
'tllcl\\ ' s~,,"p:'l"

ETHIOPIC Te hab!>a (hbb) 'roar (wind),. Har /Ja- the monkey and the kite; In thiS case there would be
to sleep, rug, carpet, mat, har.... Ut,1D IT) ~.fa". "''<'ID 'he h
Mb !>Iil-a 'roar (wmdL also In Cushitic: Bil. habba a Single root hobo)' , doubtful whether the vanous meanmgs belong heated. sweat. perspire'; ot. get
'wmd' IllS
10 the same root:
'. (Gr '1<)
. '''ho
hado Uf'. (T) 'midday heal'.
hababa II /Inn (K'DTW 415) 'despise, revile'; hh·}" _(Gr. t 5) 'full of pe"PlTa;,,'n',
SEMITIC Ar hudiim 'glddlnes, Hum ItZ. 95 Iden· af, haf, haf 'heat, 'weat (Gr) d '
tahaMa (tahahaba) 'defame, reproach, revile, hoda U,; see hyd. tS it with the root dlnm. dUfW Heh. duma," 'he ture'. I ampne",. m01S~
slander, (TM) dIsparage, grumble'; also 'be had'a (y."dli') lIY:h, (L.T) ~ad'a '1Y:h, had<a "
"lent', d",,:" '51'ence
I' , . h,'Jirat (Gr I <) 'act of ~ .
Insulted. Insult one another'; UY:O 'be tranquil, be quiet, quiet oneself, be at BIttner, II-ZKM 30 (19J7-ij). 4_5 connect, " WIth . , ,·,"pmnS,
'astahahaba. (T,M) 'asta!wbaba 'grumble, reo peace, be appeased, abate, subside'; Soq, hldem-an 'dream', .fodim 'to dream .. gomg ~~~~~~~~. re~~tcdh tro'hA~ ,hcJhf. haJi 'h,~t \II-\n\i'
VIle, dISparage, insult one another'; 'ahd.'a 'calm, quiet, appease, make tranquil back Hcb. dama (dmr) 'take a rest'. Praeto·
(0 dmy: ,a eat. Tna, lillta k\.er'
haMbi. miihhahi, mlihb.b (K'), part. of ta- pacify, mitigate'; • nUS, lDMG 57 (1903), 271 conned, It with SAr hag"). 'y" hK'aiJ U1'I\ ,(L)'la''''1\ .,_
habba; hrm (With aitemance r . d), but IIrm e'press" .. some I) t be d mI' VI::
hadli'i (Gr. 13), see hadu'; kmd or misfortune and doe:,; not agree in meaning () ~.estro~ed. peri~h, he depnH'd of'.
masfahuhJh. act. part. of 'astahababa; hadu' 'calm, quiet, tranquil, placid. peaceful , hag "I" (rahK ,1, r>hg'all 'lose, sUller ,I I)
relieved, calmed down'; with G hdm, de)trov"
, ,
l 'I,
ETHIOPI(, Amh. habhabh alii 'mock, deride'. See
also hahaba

I h~du'iiwi 'inclined to quiet, to calm'; 1 IIf.UO (Lt), ~adama thf.oo (H) 'es· ·ahg-·ala 'destro;. lose, male lose, \\,tste, ruin
had'at, (T) had'at 'tranquility, serenity, quiet- cape; defraud, put off'; ,
habhab UflUfi 'reward, gift';
ness, calm, repose, peace, modesty, bashful. ErnloPIC: Te. hadma 'escape, run away' Tna. hiJJu- tahaK'/Il, tahag'ala, (T) ta~"g'la 'pe"'h, t'<
from lI'ahaha 'gIve'. below;
ness, gen t leness'; destroyed, be rUIned, he lost, fall. dIe'
SEMITIC' Heb. ·haqhiiq-Tm interpreted as 'gifts, offer- (bah.d'at 'quietly'); tahag'alll (M) 'destroy one another, r~In "ne
mg!>'. see Buhl 172, Baumgartner 227. another" ,
'altdli'i, mlihda'i (Gr), pan. of 'ahda'a; hadama II Uf.uo (Y), ~.dama "'f.ou (MA)
hablaya UflI\f 'rtdicule, mock, make fun of'; mlihda'i 'who brings quiet, who tranquilizes, 'delimit, establish, detertnme, fix'; 'ast~"tiK"ala (DTWl, l'aus of lah,i,rtala;
tahahlaya 'amuse oneself, procure for oneself a who calms'; IOhada/lla (LI), passive, h.g "I !h,lgull 'lost, who loses, Jc'tfOyed. ru,
spectacle' , SEMITIC: AT. hada'a 'be quiet', Soq. hyode. Sh, hede', ETHIOPIC: Tna. hodddmii 'build an enclosure', Amh , lOed, dehased. deca)ing, doomed to de,truc.
h.bluy 'spectacle'; For Heb. My, sec Greenspahn 85. ' addiimii 'build a renee or enclosure or stonc', 1t,Ie/mo tion, rejected, pernicious'.
h.hI.yii (LI) 'welcome sight'; ETHIOPIC: Te. had'a 'become quiet', Tna. had'f, 'fence or stone constructed around the {"Ity' It"K" 'destruclton, perdllton, 1o", waste,
Amh. da alii 'be quiet'; also in Cushitic: Be. ad, corruptIon, perfidy. hav",', rulll, end, place of
SEMITIC': the connection with Heb. ha~al 'be vain'
suggested by Stade 45 IS unlikely, haduw 'tranquility', Ar. idiya. See also hdy. h.>dmat UY:our (LI) '3 garment of several perdllton' (that ", ahode of the dead);
ETHIOPIC Tna. ~ablal'a (wlth~) 'deceive by a hoax'. pieces sewn logether', 1t.'g'l"t 'loss. perdItion':
hadara Uf.L (MA) 'be dirty, be soiled';
See also hou-Ial'a I. SEMITIC' Ar, hidm 'worn·out garment', (fa Jlwddl1ltW '''hg',jli, act. parI. of '''hg'"la:
from Amh, add.!. 'be dirty', mejhg",1 (/lIe;hgll/) 'd.. troYlOg, d«ellful. de.
'be worn-out (garment),
habrata UfI;:'" (MA) 'tremble with fear'; structive, pernicious';
haddama lIf.uo (D.Y), ~addama thf.uo (TK)
to be connected with hurbada, below. EfHlOPIC Te ",damat 'shabby• dothes', miilt! , )g' <Iii 'destroyer, who causc, ruin, perni,
'sleep, slumber, (TY) tell idle stories, (K) be·
come dark (night)'; note that KG differentiates ".. ious, who corrupts, destructive';
hobt lIf1r 'gIft, donation'; hid.t y.S: ,)-; sec hVd.
/lI,ltg'iil (Lt) 'place of destructton';
between hadama 'slumber' and haddama 'Iell
rrom wahaba 'give', below. stories'; hdy, 'ahdiiy; hlJ.o;~ (M) 'one who pacifies', tahag'" iili, part. of tahClg Wul,,;
tahaddama, (L) tabadma, (T) tal,tadma 'be· IlI/"'g'lo( I) 'rumatlon, extermination, destruc·
related to had'a, above. ,
h.bawa unlD; see ".bo. come drowsy, be overcome by sleep, (T) be

tlOn ;
created, be invented' (connected with the mean· hadaya, ~adayallf.f I thf.f (T Y K· M),dissolve t.hg' .11, same;
hobiiy (pI. hobiiylit, 'ahbuy) 1I'1J.f. 'kind of ing 'phantom', below); by overcooking, cook completely'; SEMITIC: Ar, hgl. 'ahgula 'lose (wealth), The connrc,
hawk, kIte, (T,M Sw in D 9) ape';
hadmal, (T) I,tadmat 'deep sleep, numbness, tor· ~hadya, (Lt) tabadya 'be burned through heat, tion with Ar. ha/aka 'perish, die' sug~csted by 1)111·
ETHTOPIC Te. hohay, humbay 'baboon, monkey', por, absurdity'; scorched, be dissolved by being cooked too mann 18 IS not convll1clOg.
~oba.l' 'kite', Tna. habay 'monkey', habiiy siimay mahaddamt, miih(a)damt, (T) mai,taddaml, (LI) ETHIOPIC Te. ~(Jgld 'v'lOish, pensh'. TOil. ~IlR'''iilij
much, be macerated, be fully cooked, be sepa-
kind of hawk', Amh. eba 'monkey, monkey's cry'; mlib( a )damt 'dreaminess, reverte. phantom, 'abandon, impoverish', Amh. agg-i'ilJ 'put l)tr; ahl)
rated, (K') become soft, (Lt) dry up';
from Cushulc Sa,Af habub, habubbii 'ape', haM idle stories, fable, friVOlity, absurdities, insani· in Cushitic: Kham. 11k "'el 'dl'i~\ppear' Sec Jh~)
SEMITIC: related to AT. ltd}" luhdci 'bod meat to haRClla .

216 hakaya

~~~~1;~____------~~--~~--~~_____2:1~7~__________________________ ltaJIa ••
. Ar kahi)'a (wIth metatheSIs) 'be weak E ~ .-
hagar (pI. 'lJhgllr, 'ahgllrat) IJ1C 'CIty, town, hohe (pI. hoh,yal) If~ 'letter of the alphabet S "OTIC Te. 'i/iJlI 'shout . ,_
~t JO) . Tn,l ,I,ll hiiJd
. • . THIOPI(,'
\ll1age. rnwlOce, dlstnct, country. homeland. (LI) one IOta'; , , . dl " Mh. hatki (from hkv) 'bend downward', 'jubllalt' Amh liT'
coy,a~a:o (khl'J. qiiha (qhYI 'grow dim, grow dull', lion', i'liJil'sbo~~sII a ut,teT '\houts of JOY or JUn,IJ.
H'b~ k,hi (k/II) 'be dIm', Syr. q.ha (qhrj 'be hell~~hJOY
inhabited region'; hoh,),ala ]idal, (LI) bob,yiila ]idal 'letters' ;
(ha~ara I,>ym 'walled city');
'ululatIOn' Be ''"ThhO In {'ushll" 81t lIiI
ETHIOPIC: Amh. hahu ala 'learn the alphabet', hohe Ara . be dull' (so also Brockelmann 1928:650). '. OUI e <onnechon h C,
Iha.~ar pn,"1 'strong city'); 'syllabary symbol, letter', Te. hahuhl bela 'read the blunt, 0 G h I. ' (laJmiihlala 'beseech" litH .
te Ihat Dillmann I comp~res , QItQya with 1890:370 IS unhkeh'_ sUggested b} Pnelonu~
(.~ab·a ha~l1r 'citizens'): alphabet'; from the first letter of the alphabet that IS No roots but with reservations. Holma. ZA 28
(r....a hagar 'capItaI'); read ha, hlJ, hI, and so on. these .. " k *.
914) 147 identifies 11 wIth Ak . aku deshtute,

hagarll, (T) hagarit 'town, city, state, towns·

hoka If 11 ; see hwk, hoka.
~eak' '(and other rela~e? Seml~ic roots),_ but von halale 11Mb (T M) 'male equme at rut'
people, CItIZens, mum.te(s), fnends, acquamt- Soden 30 considers aku cnppJe a Sumenan loan- E:IOPIC' Tna, halaJi, hJlala 'donkey that hrays.
ance(s), (K') uneducated', w en at rut', Te. halla 'cover (ammal)' 'mh 11'/:
hakaka (y,hbk) IJhh (Lt.Y), ~akaka "'hh word. • . 'be· h ' • .'\ , " a a
"ogara,,"; 'urban, pertaining to a city, civic, E 10PlC: Te. hakka (hkyj be weary, be mdolent',
. ,
Cltl7CIl ;
(TS) 'quarrel, cause insurrection, agitate, per-
turb, trouble';
hakiiyii, Amh. hake( :m.dolence' (from. Gcc,),
d a denominatJve takkata (from t-akkata) 'be
, In eat,. a/ale 'of dissolute life', Gur. alalt"
don~ey that IS used for ~,ual tntercourse' abo In
hagariltlu·i. (It) hagariloy 'citizen, townsman, ('UShltiC Or a/ali. See also 'alla/o.
'ahkaka (Gr,6), causative; an d become weary'; passed into CUShilic Bil.
(K') pagan';
tahakka (Gr.6), lahakaka (K) ' be tumultuous" , ure, 'ti red, weary,'Qem, ak
hakay 'et" Iazmess
" ham II~IA 'new moon' ,
SEMITIC' Ar (Oat) hagar 'village In ruins'. (Yem) 'aslahakaka (Gr.6) 'cause to be tumultuous' , haliili 'lunar',
hl.~r('h 'prolecled enclave'. SAr hgr 'city' hakaki (Gr.6) 'tumultuous'; hala II~ (T M) 'Gospel'.
halala (KG) 'shme, be bnght' (denommallvej;
ETHIOPIC TcTna. hagar 'land, country'. Amh.Gur h.kuk 'turbulent, seditious, perturbed, agitat- hall. III\.; see (~alaya), ~alle
OKar, See on thiS root Cohen 1947 no. I ed, troubled'; from Ar hilal'new moon'; al~o in Amh. lu/,,1 'full
hakak 'tumult, sedition, riot, revolt, trouble , h,1I0 II/\"; see hallawa
hag "re, higore, hegore 1I1'-t. , y.'1t. , ~'1t., (K)
turmoil, terror, alarm, uproar, quarrel, discord, heli I M (T), ~eli '\1\ (LI) 'spnng (of water)'; halul IlI1-IA (Gr.2); sec il/ll.
~ag"re .lt1'-t. '"ennihon, red color';
dissension, consternation, commotion, chaos, 'hela, (T) bela 'go out',
h,gurc (T) 'mkhorn', hilleluyi 'I ft.1I- f 'hallelujah',
dISorder, (Gr.6) religious persecution';
ETHIOPIC Te. haggara 'dye red' EnnoPlc Amh. hela 'cistern, deep well': vaTlant of M/le/Ii 'the chantmg of hallelujah', (0r2) col.
h,kak (T), same;
(,),/0 lectlOn of vanous modes of singmg halle-
ETHIOPIC: related to hwk, hoka. IUjah' ;
hagarit II 1k'/- , see hagar. hel. II ~~ 'date cluster, sycamore frUIt',
haket IJh.-l-; see hakaya. ('allq~a ha/lela 'index of type of melodies');
see 'Jbil.
hagrata IJ"It...t- (T.Y.M) 'be eager, be mtent on from Heb. hal(l ,.Iii yah 'praISe God l' through Gk
somethlOg, be diligent, hurry, be fast'; hukat v-h-l-; see hwk, hoka. hull u-IA (T.M) 'vase, utensil, object'. alle/ouia; also Toa, hulleilll'tl. See aho hl/,
h.grlll, (T) h.gmt 'mtent on something, atten·
hulll u-IA (KG), ~ul (KO) 'which is unclean',
lIVe, eager, sohCltous, who applies oneself,
hakaya IJhf,(T) ~akaya thllf 'be lazy, be slug- hallun. II fI-t;'; see ha/lawa
anxIOus t gish, be slack, be inactive, be weary, lan- probably tr.nscnplion of Heb, /101 'profane'
hJg"l,nnii, (T) IlJgrJlJnna 'assidUity, applying gUish, be indolent'; helins.n M,}Il,} (T), helii"-'in '1A,}",} (K')
oneself, anxiety, sohcnude, (T) speed'; lahkaya, causative; holob 1f/\,,1I (KG) 'skin bag for provisIOns' 'turban, refemng to wrapping, (KG) carpet,
ETHIOPIC. Hommel J 877: 56. n.54 considers it a lahakaya, (Gr.7) lahakka),a 'be sluggish, be hal,da (ph/,d) IJflf.; see ballada II
denominative of hagaru (see hagar) with the mean. slack, be slothful, be weary, be nonchalant, perhaps from Gk helikJln, acc. sg of ht'ilkJIJ 'ro lled
mg "10 der Poilu}.: nach etwas streben', ThiS connec- neglect, be negligent, be lazy, be indolent, be h,luhi IIII-Y.; see .,lh,luhi. bandage'. The difference fknJ could be c'<plamed
tIon IS doubtful. See also (ta)'agrata, gahrata. inert, be tranquil, be Idle, be remiss, cease, hes- by confUSing 1 nand h k.
itate, delay, decline, disdain'; h,lkas 1I1A1l1l (T.M) 'whtrlwlnd, tornado',
hilleti 'I ft.;1-, see hii/lelUl'ii
hag(g)"it IJ'IT '''hey', ·astahaka),a, caus, of lahakaya; also (Gr.7) 'de- ETHIOPIC' it is temptmg to connect It With Sa.
spISe, disdain, bnng about dissension'; halkas 'cause discord'; the whirlwind would be hallat IIf1T, see h,/lal.
from Amh. aRg~al~ also in Tna angar (recorded by
hakkiiy 'sluggard, indolent, inert, idle, Ian· something that causes atmospheric disturbance. -
R<lmsch 1890.189): perhaps from CUShlhC. Sa. han- hallut III1-T: see ( ha/lawa) , hJ/I,m',
gat 'buttenmlk' gUishing, lazy, slothful, negligent'; hll, t,halala +IJfIfI (Gr.2) 'jubilate, utter cries
hakel 'weariness, idleness, slothfulness, lazi- of joy'; hallawa hallo /JfllIJ I IJ/\" 'be, exist, be present,
hagwaza IJ"IIIJH (Instead of haga",a:a IJ111JH ness, apathy, inertia, negligence'; be exta~t. there is, be avadable, abIde, live',
lahakiiyi, part. of lahakaya; ,SEMITIC . Ar. hallala 'rejoIce, cheer', Heb. hille/ ,. ,
gIven by ~A 212) 'produce light, make pro.

praise, Intone the Hallelujah', Aram. hallel'praise', also as present IS;

duce light', )ahkayi. mahakay 'one who causes weariness, the verb ha/laIVa, fral/o + Imperfect of another
wearisome' ; Syr hollel 'rejoice', Md. hll 'utter cries of JOY,
a mlspnnt m relation to han ....a:a. below. praise', Ug hll'shouting', Akk. °a/alu, at/ulu 'shout verb (or imperfect + hal/a»'a, hal/o) expresses
maslahak,y (Gr 7, KO), part. of .aslahakaya; tllulll (an exclamation of joy)' duration in the past or in the future;
h<'O)i'er _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...:2:.:1...:8:.....-_______________:ha:.!p~p~'I~ heP• 219
th~ ,'crb h,ll/olro with object suffix pronouns
rol10wed by a Jussive e>.presses an obligation
SEMITIC Ar. hum{iij, SAT. (Sabaean) ·hm.... , -h",
Mh. -hem. Hcb. -hem after a vowel. Aram. _hom'
. Ar I'J-'abala 'hit with a ~uck" ~'(Jnfl ""lick
SfMITIC - ' I h h be·
. hich one beats C ot es t at arc 109 washed

Ug. -nln. For more details, see Brockelman~

"Ith W ve the dirt. '(D·II1 mann 2')
0r an Inst3~t future (e.g. hallawakk~mu ItJr'QYiJ- 10 remo
.,'0 'IOU will be obliged to see him '): for more
1908:312-3; Barth 1913:66ff.
hoP ~on,
ETHIOPIC: Te. -hom (after a vowel). '" hepa 'tA; see ilyp. I. [I. haraka IJlh (VI 'I)
'b d
In, tiC, plait'
deta;", see Cohen IQ24:94-6; ,
seems (0 be a '
(:<1-110110 'eXIsting'): hi po diyiqoD 'I.A • .II.!oJ ,), (T) ~e~!", diyiqon which ~ beIO\~:conSlrUded form of I7I,ihraka, tor
(:a-'lh<1110 'non-existing');
Il1hallol1 a 'give existence, make live';
homer If"'lC 'kind of measure';
transcnpllon of Heb. romrr. See also gomor
1~ 1'rJ~'t 'asslstant deacon':
harm .. IJC..,1'l (LI) 'elephant';
halliill'i 'essential, substantial, unfailing, who from Gk. hypodiakon
-hon -If,), suffix pronoun of the 3rd fem. pI. probably to be Identified With harma'" bela,," I
exists. who lives': attached to nouns ending in a vowel; hippodi!en, he~podi!en, ha~l;IOdi!e 'I.M./II. ') , thiS :.a~ harmiir would be recomtructt-d from" In
h,II,k' (fern. ",11111) 'existing, who exists, who ·haram~sl < h - "p.
tPl.lf1, ') , 1I~:t/ll., (T) ~a~l;IOde!e, ~e~!"",*n _ ara~;u. by assimilation. Note that h
lives, that lasts, lasting, constant, that is pres- SEMITIC: Ar. -hunnti, SAT. (Sabaean) -1m, Heb. -hen of narmas could be a variant of h A·
ih~!!.1f1, : A~.I'../II. ,), (Gr 14) he!"",i!es 't~.II./II. h' -,' . amra:. slorAr
ent, who origmates, that is true, that is exact'; after a vowel, Aram. -hon, -hen, Ug. -hn. For more trfms han. rhinocero~, buffalo', It IS puzzling In
(ba-h,II,II', ",11.,"0 'really, exactly, truly');
details, see Brockelm.nn 1908: 312-3; Barth n'vestment of priest'; relation to G. ha,mas See also Noeldeke 1910:58
hill/awe 'substance. essence, nature, existence, from Gk. hypodyles 'undergannent'
haros lJC'lI (T) 'sky':
hypostasis, being, state, presence, position, ETHIOPIC: Te. -han.
hippili~i 'I.A."A. (MA); see hepeliifJu see hanos,
condition, (Lt) dwelling, residence'; honb 11')11 (Lt) 'big-mouthed jar'. "
('ih,lIiill'e 'absence'); hep.po 'tAA (MA) 'bring out, make go out'; harasliyos IICl'ltf'1'l 'weasel';
h,lIiiK',rat (pI. of h,lIiiK'e) 'elements'; henbeliyiil 't,)lLlLfA (J+) 'white millet'; ",'hj'p II.
hall,.,o( tJ, see h,lIiill'e; also 'vicissitude, see also ~enbali. perhaps corrupt from GIo.. hrstriks 'porcuptnt'
heppopi 't~A, (Gr.14) heppi~i 'tAA, (T) hi~~i­ (Hommel 1817:"111)
chance' :
('ihall,K'o, 'ihallo 'nothingness'); hank 11,)11 (Gr.6), hanki II,)IJ (Lt) 'take!. so pi' '£AA, he~!",~as 'tAAh 'hoopoe, (Gr 14) hose' IfM (T) 'helpl':
h,lIunii 'essence'; then!, please!'; 'screech owl';
m.h,lIiill' 'dwelling place, domicile'; transcripllon of Heb. hiiJii', hajj·, 'help!'
ETHIOPIC: Tna. hanka 'take!', Te.Tna. ';mka'take!, from Gk. epops, acc,sg. epopa 'hoopoe' See also
SEMITIC: Ar. (Yemen) hallo 'there is' (W. Muller, 101', Amh. iJnka 'take!, have!, here!', See also hana- 'eppoppa, ~ep.n. Note that the second p IS probably bosi'ni 1f"6'1 'Hosanna, palm tree, Palm Sun-
ZDMG 131 [1981].399). Dillmann 3 connects it with ka III. and '.nka, . also geminated. day';
Ar hiil'state' Praelorius 1890:34 identifies it with (::ahosQfnii. bafQla hosQ'nii, (Jiala hosQ'no'Palm
Ar. "alltala which he translates 'wait and hesitate' hanos lI'ill (KBT.M). ~anos th'ill (T) 'sphere hipst, see hyp. I, ilepa.
, Sunday');
according to the Qamiis, and with hal/ala 'remain above the sky which is one-third water. (KG) hilQqu INl (T.M) 'deacon'; (lI/a~alJwa hosii'na 'eve of Palm Sunday'); see
behmd' ThIS Idenllfication IS doubtful. Cohen 1924: turbid water', (L) proper name of an ocean;
94 quotes Som. ha)'. 01 'be' according to Reinisch.
any connection with ~efJfJo At.? .halawa''
Cohen 1947no.27 connects hallaK'a with Ar. in view of the variant ~aros it is perhaps derived from Hcb. h6ii"f-na 'help, please!' through Gk._
harbsdo IICn1-, (T.Y) harbada
, thCn1- 'be vio-
(Tarizz) rna 'olloJ 'there IS not', but see Rodinson, from Ok. ouranos 'sky'; also in Amh. hanos (from hosanna; also in Te nasa-ana, 'aK'sa'na, lna hasa-
Geez). lently mad, be maddened, be furious, tremble
1,4238 (1950) 160 who analyzes rna 'alloSas commg (na; in Cushltic: Kham. awana.
With fear, (K) be spoiled, behave in a fashion
from rna lallu so)" and does not see a connection
"'lth halla ....a hansal 11')00}- (Lt) 'banana-like plant'; not in keeping with one's true condition, (L) hasMpa IIl1A (MA) 'be violent, be rebellious, be
wallow in mire'; . '
ElllIOPIC: Te. halla 'be', Tna. 'allo, Arg. halla, HaL ETHIOPIC: Amh. ilnsiil 'Ensete muse', also h;msiit, unJust't
hal, Amh allii, GUT. ala. For more details, see taharbada 'be driven by madness';
Gur iisiit (for which see Strelcyn 1973:no.90). undoubtedly a mispnnt 10 relation to harap, with
Leslau 1956:79-80. For G. h.llaK'e 'hypostasis', see h>rbud (L) 'enraged, full of wrath'; the same meaning.
C~rulli 1957:20-21 For the combmatlon of hallo h>rb.thnna (K) 'arrogance. state of being pam-
honsal O,)j\-r (T+) 'plain' (n),
~1th vanous tenses, see Cohen 1924:94-6. 198-9. pered' ; hasop, ~Sopu, hasp., husp., husopu, hospu
254. taharbado 'violent madness'; 1I{1A' , IJY'J\. , 1J1lA. I IJoll~ I 1Jo{lJ\. I Ifl'l~
hanwaza lI')m" (MA) 'produce light, shine';
beloyilef 'tfroffl,'t! (T), name of a star; SEMITIC: related to Ar. <arbada 'be quarrelsome, be 'hyssop' ;
is a misprint in relation to hagwaza u..,mrf, or the
other way around. ill-natured'. (hamla
, "'spu
. 'hyssop');
perhaps from Gk. hilios 'sun' combmed with the
letter alef; or could It be identified with h.lal 'new ETHIOPlc: Te. harbiida 'stupidity', Tna, ·arblidbddd from Gk. hyssopos 'hyssop'; also In Te. hlsop. See
moon'? happala IITII (Lt) 'wash clothes'; billa 'gesticulate wildly'. 'ablidbiidd biilli,, Amh. also IQztib.
happali (K') 'one who washes clothes, fuller'; ariibhiidii 'be agitated'; enlarged WIth r in relation to
-IIomu -If.a , suffix pronoun of the 3rd masc. 'abda 'be insane, be enraged', above; see also Ru- hesqapa 'tll+T (T.M) 'ploW, cultivate the land'
mahappil, mahappel, maiJappii 'one who
pI. attached to nouns ending In a vowel; bck. 124. For the Initial. of Ar and Tna., cp, Tna. (the form is strange); . ,
washes clothes, fuller'; 'obildiJ '80 mad'. hesq>pe (T.M) 'cultivated land, plantauon ;
hyd h,y·d.
- - h ,
hawlaya III /I(J)ollf (Y) 'burn brightly, be viVJd
(color), be restless'. fTHIO PIC Tna . /tayiida 'pre\'Cnl, interdiCt', Amh
. b·
'be taken away (0 ~ect .
~~urch Fathers concerning thm Chn tlan be.
h... i 11'1', Instead or h... ii '}''I' (KBT), ~... a Ie, see H~mmerschmldt IQn~2);
1'1' (K) 'atmosphere': hewl.yat '[.(J)ot.!:" (Gr 7) 'the elements' , /lf D (Y KG), havada
hay ada"" . - "'fl- (Tl 'glitter, (haddl.'a harmiinnl 'neophyte'),
from Ar IIl1llij·~ a/sCI Amh. hilwa. Har. ~lOwii·. Tna. W. Miiller suggests Gk. hjle 'matter'; pcrha
rather metatheSIS of h,I/1iJwe (see hallah'a).
. ,
shm-d· (KG) 'that .
glitters, t hal , h Ine,.'
haymJnol 'orthodo .) , ,
ma::gaha hiiymiinot ' Treasure of the Creed'
h~lIa~"' 'aIr' ps haya 1
se: H~mmerSChmldt 1977 6~); ,
h.. k , hoka I...,huk
. j Ifh 'stir, stir up, move,
haww.!a /101m (MA) 'decorate, adorn, embel. hayd. "M'-
(Td)'g~idekof the bllnd"lk' haymunotawi (Gr II) 'behever falthf I I.
lish '. pelhaps hayp 0 '. rna Ing go, wa from [!Ious', • u, re I
disturb. agitate. excite, toss about, perturb.
hal'rada 'make go , 'belie,er. I,"thful (In the religlo,,,
unsettle. trouble, vex, molest'; hayya, hiyya Uf , 'tf 'there, thither, in that •

'"hoka (n. causative, Amh hedii 'go, walk', It could al,o be In 'ense). tru;ty, tru,tworthy, (ll) c0religlo Ol ,t';
place' ; [rom ion .With
. A r /IQ d.-/ d r j ' gU1 d'
lahawka, tahawaka, tahoka, passive; also conn ect a I I . e for the Aramaic or S)'flac onOln [h .
bahayya 'there'; • eo U Ul'man,)I, M.'C
'move about, quake, rebel'; '.m/,.yya 'rrom there, thence': haykal I /I.eht., (T) ~ayk,al "'':'hA 'temple, ~oIOl~ky 6-7 and othcr\ quoted In POI\lhh" ur.
hawiiki, act. part. or hoka; also 'inconstant, 'Jnla h.yya 'that way, through it'; sanctuary, altar, (T) Noah, ark, tlcle, Noeldeke IQIO 35; also 10 Ina Amh.G\I~ ha\'"
who causes unrest. agitator'; I1Idllot. For G, mahc.nT,lmfl. cpo ..\mh . mJhan,;om,m
haba /,.yya 'thither, to that place';
h;unr.1k, h~lI'l1'uk. pass. part. of hoka; from Ar. harkal, Syr. hayk3/a, Aram , hi~iilii (Fraen. miihory,:)m, mayrJI1I (from G~1!2), <Jur ~ mill J~
SEMITIC: Barth 1907·20.25 conneelS it With PbH he ke1274), also Heb. M~iil,Ug. hk! <0 Akk "kallu,o[ ([rom Amhanc)
hawk, same 3!<. hukul;
'behold!, here is" PhilippI. ZDMG 29 (1875). 172 Sumerian ongin. For a blbhography, ~ee D. Cohen
h"kat "movement. motion, trouble, turmoil, h·nant. Uf').j- 'instead of In place of, In
analyzes hJyya and uya as coming from hi}, and :J 1970: 18; add Blau SO. n.14, Kaufman 27
disturbance. tumult. perturbation, commotion. return for. In substitution for, by rea"on of.
with - (y))'o 'a pronominal root' which he sees in
uproar. turbulence. agitation, disorder. riot'; Ar. hiya 'she' For the final-(yjya, see :.ya, below. haykal II ",.ht., ~aykal "".ht. (Ll) 'amulet', (Gr.8) because of, 10 compensation. ilke'
IGhall,ik, 'perturbed, moved VIolently';
. .
disorder, perturbation. un- hayb /lJ'.1/ 'coagulated milk'; I Getatchew. BSOAS 4] (1980).225, n 127 conncclS
it with Ar haykal 'frame', also Te, Tna. huykdl
the suffix pronouns are attached to tho base
hJ.ryunte-; e.g. hJYYtlntt'lzu lakr~.'iI05 'the \h.:ar
rest. agnation; from Amh. a)'b. of Chnst':
mahaU'Jk., miiitJlI'Jk. act. part. of Izoka; h.yik.ntos tI!h,).y.n (T) 'precious 'tone', E~HloPlr. Tna. hJl'l'anla 'replacemcnt for. In pl,lCc
Sn,nnc· AT. (/u,hmnmka 'be stupefied, be astound- hyd, heda (y.hid) ~f., ~eda .h.1- 'rob, take by of. Praetonus 1871 2371denufics It \l,lth Tna. bllJ,
force, plunder, spoil, break (the law), carry from Gk. /zyok.imhos 'jacinth' Sec abo riiJunt
ed' (Armbruster 14) The connection With Biblical 'instead of', with nt (of Geez) ;:-. lid, by as'lmllation
Aram. hii~ 10 Yi1hii~ 'he goes' suggested by Noel. away by force, wrest, snatch away, confiscate, (see also Brockelmann 1908: IS]), but the G<cz"
dcke. ZA "0 (1907) 142, n.1 IS unlikely. seize, wrong, outrage, (figurative) ravish, be- hayyal (pI. hayyaliil) tift., (L.T) ~aYlal ·Wt. becoming k 10 Tignnya is dltlkult to explain. Rund.
witch' (ror the figurative meaning 'ravish, be- 'ibex, mountain goat'; gren IQ55:2J2 analyzes It clther a, IIJrya'lJ-ta l'f
ETHIOPIC Te. hOl\"wiika 'confound, excite'. Tna.
hall'l1'a~ii 'agitate, excite, stir up', Amh. alt'wiikii; witch', cp. Amh, marriikii 'take prisoner in SEMITIC': Ar. ·ayyal 'mountain goat. stag', S~. l",yyu-1,mra. Praetoriu .. 1879 :270 dcnvc\ It from G.
pa ....ed IOto CushitlC Bil. hall'ak 'excite, stir up', Sa war, capture, captivate, fascinate'); haYJ'ol, SAr. '),1, Heb. 'uYriil, Aram. 'ClI'.l'oM, Syr, u-ulwra 'wander about' > hJy4 r Jar, ·'ctW ..l 'Gang,
hauk·e ·tumult' layplii, Md. aiala 'deer', Ug. 'yl, Akk, al'.1'ulll'stag', Weg' (vgl. 'wcgcn')" > h.l,l'( r ilUIlO, with lO\Crtcd n
hayyada, intensive of the preceding meaning,
For a bibhography, see D Cohen 1970 : 17 However, the vcrb I~ Welham, not K'alraya. Sec ah(.)
'aheda (Gr.12), causative or Iteda; harrala.
ha"la)a I /I(J)ot\f. (T) ~awl.ya ",(J)ot\f 'ridi- lahayda, passive, ETHIOPIC Tna. hay(yja! 'antelope', Amh, hl/rii!
([rom Geez). hyp I. hepa r,hip I ~A, (T) ~epa ,h.A "trike,
cule, mock, make fun of, Jeer at, (T.M) despise, lahiiyada 'rob one another, take by force',
(Lt) underestimate, (T) be distrustful'; sm'te, shoot wlth 'an arrow, thro\\, hit with a
. , act. part. of han'ada; also 'rapa-'a 'amuse oneself, procure ror oneself claus ; hayman. tlJ'.uo~ (Gr II) 'be a believer, he faith- bow and arrow, brandISh a 'pear, pierce, 'pilt
a ,pectacle'; h,y),ud (Gr.12) 'robbed'; ful (in the religIOUS sense), have the raith' (someone's head), (L) hit the target by throw-
halll.)'o (Ll) 'spectacle'; (denominative); 109 a stone or by shooting an arrow'.
han'iid (Ll) 'extortioner, robber';
'aharmana (Gr. I I), causative; 'ahepa (Gr.I]), causatlle,
S~.MITI(" could be considered a variant of hablaya hayd 'plunder, pillage, robbery, wresting';
(above), with weakening of h, but this root could hidal 'plundering, robbery, abduction';
lahaymana (Gr I I) 'believe, show oneself a he- (aha:,'pa, passive;
liever' : hlll'iiii (Gr. I]), act. part. of hepa,
al," be conSidered related to Heb hll (po lei) 'make lahayiidi (Gr 12) 'who was robbed';
a fool of, Syr hll(ar'el) 'den de, mock' hliymtinol, haymanol 'belief, creed. faith, reli- h.yy;'p (Gr.IJ), pasSIve part. ot hepa;
rahyad.nnii 'the condition of being robbed'
F.THIOPIC" Te. haliJ~"'iiw 'fool'; see hablaya. (r.ltdannii of M 283 IS perhaps a misprint for
gion'; hepu Cn 'disease' (from hef'a 'strike', cp. Amh.
lahYJd.nnii) ; (htiymiinol rala'i 'orthodox religion'); nuilla 'beat', maU 'disease'):
ha .. lo)a II /I(J)o/lf (y M), ~awlaya ",(J)ollf (Ll) mahayy.d 'robber, extortioner'; (htiymtinol masiltii",il 'faith of the Unction- hipal, verbal noun of h"f'a;
'miX, mingle, confuse'; ists': see Crum";ey 20-3); la/wriip' (Gr.I3) 'struck',
see ho~olo J, SEMITIC: comes close to the meaning of Ar hiida (htiymiinola 'aha", 'the Faith of the Fathers', a SEMITIC: Dillmann 16 compares Ar htJb/la 'cut,
(hydj 'dIStress, oppress'
collection of confessions and testimonies or the sever (sword)'
- -
hyy ,
h~p II, hcpall.A (MA) 'go, leave, bubble, gush'; ~yy. tahayyaya .,.Uff, (T) ta~ayyaya "''''fr
ht.'papa 'n13k(" go out'. bc free from carc, be careless, be heedl b
. df I d' ess, c
her (instead of hq> of MAl 'spring'; unmm u. Isregard, overlook. forsake b .
'a b ' Cln,
d ,uerent, e neglectful, esteem lightly d' d .
ligurative meanmg or hcpa I 'shoot > go out, . • ' IS am
bubble' (q~ English 'shoot farrows, plantsJ)'. scorn, despise; ,
lohyaya 'cause to disregard, cause to overlook
h'nal., h'note ur." , ur.". (T) 'instead of, in cause to be dumbfounded" , '
plat.:e of", h'Y)'IIY 'who neglects, who is heedless Who H•
II 1... difficult to decide wht:'thcr hJ.I'J'ora is the origJ.
holds in light esteem'; ,
Ila! 10ml Jcvcloped into h1Jl'Ofll(l (with an augment- hayya/ (K) 'negligence, carelessness" ,
ed n) or whether the original form is ha)'yanln /aha)')'iiyi, part. of /ahayyaya; habi ",Il; see ~abaya,
bet'omlf1~ h,l),l'(lfa. /ahayyayo(/) 'negligence, carelessness'.
• ~~/n wait, ensnare, (T) be dissolute, be lust-
hebs th.1I; see ~yb. ,
• (MA 49 = Amh b'//a~-f" x' . I
• • t7 a / a.. , scmt)1
ate'; the
hbb, ts~ababa, ta~abba "''''1111 ; 1''''11 'be in Amhanc .translation of habala should be

love' ; corrected mto b.II.!! a/ii 'be cunning');
habib (K') 'friend'; 'ahba/a (K '), causative',
mahbub (K') 'loved'; la~abala :act craftily, deal treacherously, act
from Ar. ~abba 'love', ~abib 'friend'; also in Tna. with deceit , ensnare" ,
· Te. (tii)habiiba
'bc kind'. ~aba/i ',deceiver, d~ceitful, fraudulent, crafty';
~.bu/ decOltful, ,mpostor, wicked, crafty,

thllll; see hababa.
cheat, fraUdulent, traitor'; also pass. part. of [ (yahb./) thllil 'bind, tie, fetter'; ~aba/a;

. same; also causative of haba/a'. , ~abl, h.bI 'cunning, guile. deceit ruse, snare.
habl (pI. 'ailbii/, 'ahbii/iil), (T) bab/ 'string, cord, wickedness'; ,
rope, snare, (T) plait, spoils, booty (taken by ~abil (Lt) 'fraud';
snare), relationship' (from 'bind'); ~.blat (Gr.51) 'ruse, craft, guile';
I (hab/a ,"sl 'rope serving to measure land, land /ahab/o, ta~ablol (Gr.404) 'fraud, deceit, treach-
that is measured by rope'); ery' ;
(~abla kasiid 'stole'; for the description see tahabiili 'deceiver, deceitful, fraudulent, pre-
mOliihl); sumptuous' ;
hablal, ~ab/al 'plaited work, (T) ornamental ~ababii/i (fonn taken from Amharic; should
collar for mules, (KG) anything pendent, hang· read ~abiibii"), (T.M) hababiili 'deceitful. de-
109'; ceiver, (T.M) lustful, lascivious';
SEMITIC: AT. babala 'corrupt', but also habala 'set a
SEMITIC: Ar. ~zaba/a 'tie with a rope, make a treaty',
trap', ~jbl'shrewd, cunning'. Heb. ~iiPai 'act craftily
&abl:rope'; SAr. &bl 'conclude a pact', hb/ 'aliiance,
against', Syr. habbel, Akk. ~abiilu (with h) 'tie,
pacl, Soq. ~abehol 'rope', Heb. h~qfl 'rope' (for
Heb. &~qfl 'piece of field', from 'length of rope as snare, harness, oppress, do wrong'. P

ETHIOPIC: Tna. habiilii 'cheat'. Te. habbiiJa 'twist',

, UOlt of measure', SAr. ~lb/-t 'terraced field', cp.
Amh. qiilad 'rope, piece of land measured by the
. .
~abiili 'bright, clever', Amh. abba/a 'coax, entice, tell

qalad-rope'), Aram.-Syr. hablli 'rope', Md. habla, lies, break one's promise', HaT. ~jbiibiila. Gur. aba·
biiliL This root is to be separated from HaT. ahiiJa
Ug. hbl, Akk. eblu. Schulthess 26 thinks that the
'refuse' against Cerulli 1936:230. For a possible
verbs (Ar. ~aba'a, G. /:Iaba/a) are denominatives.
connection between ~abl 'rope' (see ~abala I) and
ETHIOPIC: Te. ~abl 'rope', Tna. hab/i. Amh. hab!.
~abala 'act craftily', that is 'to rope> twist', see
:or G. !labl 'relationship', cf. al;o Ar. (Dat) hob!
Schulthess 28-9, Barth 1893:31, Noeldeke, ZDMG
parents, tribe' (Landberg 1920: 342), Te. habiil. See
54 (1900).161. See also hablaya.
also habala ". .
~abala ll, ~abla (y.hb,/, ya~ba/) "'1111 , "'fill ~ablaka "'flllh (MA) 'go away for good, van·
act craftily, deceive, teli a lie, use guile, plot, ish from sigh t'.
h,~lct 224 ~abratl hllbbas a
.. - -- - -

h,hlct ,l,11/\,·1·; sec I",NOI'a.

. .
'ahhara. (K') 'ahiihara 'scour, clean, poiJsh (T denommatlve from ·hiJbral. from 'ahbara 'SCour,
habi (T) hah '
color, pamt"; also causative of hiibara
' ) poh,h' h .' sef.;unty, "".lTrantor gu.1rantor
habla}a "'1Mf ',pOll, plunder. acquire by hiihari (K'), act. part. of &abara; ostage. manager. chief army offi(er' •
Ind~r\. Ireat deceitfully. deal craftily, IIJhr (pI. h'har. h,hral) 'color, mk, complexion habbasa ",0(1 (V) 'imprison', (~Iclhc ~,t 'centurion'); •
defraud. IT) lie, suspect, be distrustful"; beauty, appearance, kind. Spot, scurf (which ;ahabhasa (T V). lO~absa (K'), paSSIve, &ahuy (K) 'guaranteed'
. . ,
-a~lahlar(/ (Gr.5). causative~ turns the skm white), skm rash'; habs 'pnson ; (tahll, hahi/, ~'h,.al, (Mi II/hal
tahaNara, passive of ~lllhlaya; aIJhra (w//lad 'ash-colored'; see hamad); i.,bus 'Imprisoned'; se~\'~ce, charge, taking care of mtnt tratlOn
l"h"Mlura (Gr.51). lahiihlara (K') 'plunder (hahra 'asq 'of d,verse colors'; see 'asq); ;".&bus (Lt) 'confined'; m/ntstry , turn to do thing~. surety. guar.\nte~
onc another'. (hahra kabd 'purple'; see kabd); from Ar. ~abasa 'impnson', also 10 Te. ~ahbiisa o debt, secuflly, ball, (K.T) church land r",
(I<lhltip (Gr 51), act. part, of (",h/aya; (habra sira [LlJ 'chess', so called because of the 'lake prisoner', Tna. ~abbiisi:i; passed into Cushltic: which the holder mUst render ,er\'h,:e" to the
I",Nllr (K '), pass. part. of hablara. colored pawns; see sira); 8JI. hahils. See also hafs ch~rch, (M) woman who look, for a guaran-
(h,)hra samay [K'J 'vitriol blue'); tor·•
It"M'rl', hah/.,yii 'prey, booly, spoils';
habeta ",/1,.,. (T.M) 'serve, aSSISt';
h"Nl'1 (Gr 51) 'act of plundering', (h,'hra //la~r>J' [TJ 'rose'; see ,raraya); , lahabayi, (ll) tahaM.\' "pon,or. guarantor {Or
(:a-(IJhr 'speckled'); denommative from ~Jb;l. ~lab;l, sec ~lClbaya. NOle debt}' ;
prtlbJt'lly denominalive from ~/ahl (see ~wbala II).
(:a::a(I"hr (Gr 51) 'of diverse colors, multicol_ the unusual form of the perfect. !,ahahayiba!.lIIqala kr""Jnna 'godparent'. hI
ETHIOPJr Tna Iwhliiwl 'repor! what is said about
,('Iml'one' ored' ; sponsor In[or 't hrough'J the baplIsm'),
h.bit, ~abit, ~ibat ,"hItT : "'It,)- , ",-0')-; see
&Jhur, I,uhur, huh" 'colored, of diverse colors , lah,aha1'o 'guarantee of debt. surety, guaran
~abaya. tee •.
~sbqaqa, ~abq'aq'a "'114>4> : "'11</1.</1. variegated, decorated wilh colors. dressed m ~
IT MA M) 'bedaub oneself, 'tam, contaminate. multicolored garment"; habsts I, ~sb!a (y.&hat) "'Om I "'11m ',well "~hil. same; also 'charge of godparents,
ml\. Int<rrmngle. confound, make dirty, de- habart, hub", (fern. of IIJbur) 'colored decora- ~p, blow up, (T) become proud'; SE.MITIC' Ar ~uha I~bw) 'grant ra\or endow I"-Ith
'plSe. (Gr404) desecrate, (T,Y) strip off, (Sw. 10 lion. multicolored'; 'ahbata a gift), protect"
. . (Gr.52), causative;
D 1.19),T) covet, be greed) " la&aba!a 'swell, swell (with pride)"; ET.~IOPI(,: HaT. hah; 'work. occupatl~)n. dUI)', Gur.
SFMITIC: AT "abara 'be variegated (cloth)', hib,
laltahqaqa. lallllhq"aq"a, passive; also 'meddle, ~abu!, fern. &.ba!t, for &.b.!-I (Gr.52) 'swollen, epa (for ebba) 'do, make, act'; also 10 Cu~hlill.: BII
·color. complexion, vanegated cloth, ink' (consider.
Interfere, be dlft). be spoiled'; (l) ulcerous'; aba 'guarantor', Or huhl 'ca re' Cohen 1931 IS~
ed by Frae,nkel 247 an Aramaic loanword), Soq. suggests a Cushilic OTlglO for Gur eMu. t'ppa.
h,hqllq 'mingled. stained, contaminaled, pollut- ~obir 'multicolored', Syr. ~ahra 'ink', Akk. ebru!. hobo! 'boil, swelling, tumor, (K') pride';
ed, dirty'. 'paJOted. made-up'; Heb. &br (hif<il) in Job t6:4 IS h.b!al 'act of swelling. tumor"; hadid

"'J!.~ 'iron" •
h"hqiiq(". ItJhq"iiq'e 'stain, spot, contamina- translated 'be brilliant (with words)'. as In Koehler (we/ada (TV TS.M) 'gnnd, pound, hammer, be-
\ SEMITIC Ar. ~ahi,a 'have a swollen stomach', S~.
tIOn, pollutIOn, impurity, (GrA04) desecration, 273; 'harangue' by Finkelstein (JBl 75[1956].329) come strong' (denominative);
Mr (~b!J 'become swollen', Akk. ebe{li, "ctwa 'unter
(s. 10 D 10») blame'; on the basis of Akk. bobiiru 'be noisy. make noise',
Krampfen anschwellen'" (von Soden). from Ar hadid 'iron'; also in Te, ~Icldd"d 'Iron.
~lilhq,1ql 'intemperance. inability to restrain On the numerous mterpretations of this verb, see P
ETH,o.,e: Tna. habii!ii 'be swollen', Te. hahla,
, Amh. smith'. Amharic hadid 'nul (from J railroad)' IS
onc's deSires'; Dhorme. Le livre de Joh (1926), p. 208, n.4. .

abbii{Q, Arg. abbii{a, Gur abo{ii, Har habiita likewise taken from Ar hadid.
ETHIOPIC: Te. ~Idhr 'color, shape', Tna. ~ahri 'color',
SEMITIC' the connection with Syr. ~iJga~ 'mix, min- Amh.Gur. hJbrii sama),. kiJbrii siimay 'azure', lit.
gle' ,uggesled by Dlilmann 103 IS also taken up by ~aba!a 1I "'Om (T M.Sw. In D 105) 'split' ~addiif (pI. 'ahdaj) "'.11<;:, (l) ~.df, ~adf '1~<;:
'color of sky', from Gecz, with the unusual change
Brockelmann 1921:L~ 10 who adds Ar. hahaka 'weave of h. to k See also . hiJbiJrbiJre : 1~<;: 'neck'.
' habrata .
. ~by, ta~ab.ya "''''Of (T) 'dIsregard, Ignore, be
ETHIOPI(; Tna, hahalciqii 'mix' 'from a root hhq
reluctant to do something' ~ad.ka "'.I'.h (MA) 'wander about aImlessly,
~.barbarc ,"hl1Cl1t. (L1) 'eruption on the skin';
With 8n Inserted II; cpo also Har. ~abi:iqa 'dissolve by go astray'.
ml~lng WIth hqulds', Amh. abhiiqii 'add flour to the SEMlllC Ar ~;br 'scar, bruise', Heb. ~lQbbiirci 'bruisc', ~.baya (y.&bi) "'Of (TV ,M) 'gIve surety, gIve
bailer In order to thicken It', The root IS related to ~I{j~arbiirol 'skln spccks', Aram. habhiirta 'wound', bail, be a bondsman, (T) guard': haddasa
, "'.1'.(1 'renew, restore, renovate, re-
Te. hablJka 'confound'. and probably also Tna Syr. ~Jbcirlci 'brUIse, sore', Akk. ibiiru 'a mark or 'a&baya, (T) ·ahbaya 'offer security, gIve in palf, (K ') inaugurate';
J.raNii~ii 'IIC, IWlst'. NOle that Md. hbq 'embrace, a discoloration of the skin '. See ~Iiibara, and ~imbJr· custody, receive in charge. (T) guard', ·a&acldasa (K'), causative;
chng to', Ar ~a"'aqa ~uggested by Dietrich 296 IS 10 bare. la~abaya, lahabbaya 'have charge of, take care la&addasa, passive;
be connected wllh G. ~/aqara ralher than with G. of, oversee. administer, a-ssume the position 'astahaddasa 'renovate. restore, reestablish,
hahqaqa. In G. ~dh'laqa the last q IS reduplicated. ~abrata "'11':'" 'make smooth, polish, scour, of administrator and surety. sponsor, become
. •
maugurate ;
See- abo /I,ihqaqa, above scrub, (V) cleanse'; SUrely, pledge oneself, stand as guarantor, &addasi, act. part. of (wddasa;
ta~ahrala, passive; vouch for, be a godparent'; &addis (fem. hadclas) 'new, recent, JUnior, the
hib.r. -'>0': (K'). ~obsra ,h0': (T.M). habara I,.brul 'polished, scoured, scrubbed, cleansed'; (zala~abaya 'godchild'); New Testament' •
IT Y,\l), ~obars ..... 0.: (KG) 'dye. adorn. hubratiit, pI. of 'hubrat, (K) 'multicolored deco- haMYi (pI. &abay/) 'chief, prefect, governor, ( &addis 'the New Testament');
dc-corate, (T Y) cledn, polish, scrub', rations'; (K') warrantor" , (&addis wab./IlY 'Old and New Testaments'):
226 hafii 227

• •
hadd.,,, (Gr.458 (/Odd.s) 'excellent'; (yaMan) "'P~ 'hold in the lap, nurse SEMITIC: the connection with Heb. ~~o U~y} and
. . ,
nourish, suckle, feed. rear, bring up, train' hassa (~I suggested by Appleyard 8 is not ~Basa, Amh. affcisii. Our. arasjj~ p..1~"t.'d Into Cushtt.
h.lddli'i(' 'renewal, restoration;
educate, foster, take care of (one's young)" . Ar. in~;ng since Heb. ~lo~ii means 'divide' and not Ie, Qab.AI. hamjaJso, Sa. hafiu 'tak.e hold of'
hadd,:Jso 'renewal'; conY · As for Ara b'IC, a correspond'tog root would
iahaddiiJi. part. of ta!/Oddasa; 'aMana, causative; also 'give a child to' a h e
'sar, .' ~f!, ~.r!at ih'i:m-1- (KG) 'engraving of the
nurse' ; be h;y or ~ify 10 VI~~ ..~f G. lJefy· , seal' ;
ta!/Odtbso (Y) 'renewal'; EfflIOPIC: Tna .• ?~aya be~.:otb, affia~ce. Te. ~~~a
'a~lG¢na, passive; see ~anfata L
SEMITIC Ar. hadufa 'be new', SAr. h-J;dt 'inaugu- (h I), Amh. afra , Gar. ara ; passed mto CUShlttc,
rate', Heb. hiddef 'renew', (liidiii 'new', Aram. ~ad-, !lOr/ani, act. part. of har/ana; also 'tutor, guard- B·t haray, Qem. ironfi 'bride'.
. ian of children, educator'; ~af.!a "'Lm (T.M) 'blacken, make black car-
dil 'renew', fuldat 'new', Syr. ~adde! 'make new,
hafii ",,,- (Ll) 'dagger'; bonize'. •
Md. IIdr 'be 'n~w-:, Ph. (Ids 'repair', Ug. ~ldf, Akk. ~adallit (fern. of ~ar/iinz) 'nurse, wet nurse'; •
edli.u 'be new'. hadun (Gr.68), pass. part. of ~ar/alla; ETHIOPIC: Te. haJa 'sharp curved knife', Amh. afa
~age "'1 (Lt) 'linen cloth'; see 'age.
ETHIOPIC: Tna. haddiisd
. 'renew', Te. haddiisa,
. I!ar/n, pI. ~ar/all, (T) ~a~n 'bosom, womb, lap, 'short sword'. See also >ara·
Amh.Gaf. addiisii 'be new', Gur. idddsii 'renew, embrace, tutelage, guardIanshIp, midst, middle, ih.,; see ~gg.
repair'. Arg. ~,ag"s 'new'. Har. J;agfs; passed into (T.KG) armpit, afterbirth';
b.fana (ya!ifan) "'''- ~ (T.K '.M) 'take earth or
Cushitic: Bil. haddas 'renew'.
~ar/iin (pI. ~ar/anal) 'infant, young child, page';
grain with two hands held cupped together';
'a!ifana (DTW 947), causat,ve;
~.g.ra "',.1.
to send away';
(Gr.406) 'cause to abandon, cause
~adaya, hadaya "'J'.f UJ'.f (T.Y.M) 'grind ~Ia¢nat 'nursing, nourishing, education, tute~
tahaJna (DTW 947). passIve;
grain. pulverize'; lage, upbringing'; SEMIT1C': Ar, ~lagafa 'oppose and repel, conrront an 'handful, fistful, (Lt) fist';
tahad!'a (T. Y), passive; h.diiniiwi
. . (Lt) 'childish'; adversary in a duel', i~tagaja 'turn someone away
, . h.diim!a
. . 'childhood'; SEMITIC Ar)lu/"a 'handfur. SI), ~~run 'scoop up in from something', In Arabic the verb seems to be ~
metathesis in relation to daJ;aya.
har/illat (Ll) 'charge'; the cupped hands', Heb. haern 'the hollow of the denominative from ~aKara '~hield' (sec htl,~arJ. be.
hand', Aram,·Syr. ~lUpnfj, Md. hupna, Ug. ~Pfl 'take a low). .
~"'ey ihf.f. (T) = Amh. sasa, name of a tree mii~.r/an (pI. mal,ziir/'", mal,zar/anat) 'bosom,
fistful' (Caquot 472); Akk. upnu 'handlul'.
which grows straight; its wood is preferred for womb, mother's lap, uterus' ; ~ag.fii (pI. ~agq{iitl "",,- 'shICld';
ETHIOPlc: Te. ,ra/,n 'both hands full', ~affiilla 'take
making yokes; (note that Amh. siisa also ta~ar/not (Lt) 'charge'; ~agaJa (K') 'carry a shield' (denominative);
with both hands', Tna, ~afni ·handful'. Amh.Arg.
means 'klipspringer'); SEMITIC: AT. ~i4n 'breast, bosom', ~a4ana 'bring up, ajfari,i; passed into Cushitic: Aw, afiin·x~'a 'take a SEMITIC: Ar. ~agafa 'shield made of slo.ins' Sec also
ETHIOPIC: Te.Tna. ~ltlda 'a tree'; also in Cushitic: raise', Soq. 4ana~ 'breast' (with metathesis), Heb. handful' . ~aKafa. above.
Bil.Sa, hedii, ~o~fn 'bosom', Aram.·Syr. ~anna 'lap' « .~Iattlii <
J;aefnii), Md. hana, Akk. lja~iinu 'embrace' (von So. ~afs ",tj:1l (Ll) 'prison'; ~gg, "'" 'Iay down laws, write laws,
den), 'shelter' (CAD). (beta haJs 'prison'); legislate. ordazn, decree, institute laws';
hade• "''1, title of the emperors of Ethiopia;

ETHIOPIC: Tna. ~a~dnQ 'protect, adopt', Amh. a!- luifsol (K') 'lack of freedom, lack of liberty'; ta~aggaga, passive; also (Lt) 'accept the laws';
~Q(!e-ge, same;
{ana 'raise a child'; 'lap': Te. ~iJ~n, Tna. ~"~ni; 'boy, ~agg (pI. I,.gag, Izagagat) ·Iaw. decree. canon,
qiila !!ade (Lt) 'the one who is in charge of ETHIOPIC : Amh. haJs 'prison', from ~Iabs; see ~Iabba­
child': Te.Tna, ~>san, Amh. h.~an. For Amh.Arg. sa. rite, rule, regulation. statute, ordinance, norm.
transmitting the order of the king or the em-
Gaf. ran 'thigh" Har. ~iJn 'waist', see Leslau 1979: covenant, usage, custom';
peror'. lit. 'the voice of the emperor'; 183. The root passed into Cushitic: Bit halon 'boy, harasa

"'LIP 'rake up, sweep up, scatter as (za-lzagg 'Iawful');
SEMJTIC: Dillmann 141 connects it with Ar. ~1Q;iya servant', Sa. hazan.•
See also mhdn.
• • chaff, carry away (specifically an amount held (za'anbala 'unlawful');
'be esteemed, be an occupant of a high place'.
~.l,Iit ih'l.-1-; see (I,zadaya), h'clayt. in two hands), take a handful'; ( 'Iawfully, legally') ;
Praelorius 1890:36 identifies it with SAr. ~?)' 'favor. 'a~/asa (DTW 947), causative; (Sarti<e ~agg 'lawgiver');
good will of lords', E. Cerulli, RSE 3 (1943). 276 ~a~ay. (ya~r/i) "'Pf, (L) ~a~aya "'lIf 'betroth,
ta~aJsa (DTW 947), passive; (~ahale ~Jgg 'lawyer');
derives it from ~at;liini 'tutor' (see ~JG4ana, below) affiance, be engaged (to marry), give the dowry
with -ani > ·-on > -ar > e. Conti Rossini
lzaJiisi (Gr,68), act. part. of haJasa; (hagga [T.K] 'like. like as, just as, aceordzng
(the boy's or the girl's parents),; h'/lI,! (Gr.68), pass. part. of l!aJasa; to');
1912: 171 derives It from Cushitic: Qem.Qua. asenii
'kJOg' (Cushitic s going back to s < ~). The identi-
'ahdaya 'give a daughter in marriage, order to I/OJs, (T) ~aJs 'amount carried away in two ~aggiigi 'Iawgiver, legislator';
fication of ~at!e \\'ilh ~at;laJ'a 'be engaged' (that is,
give a dowry'; hands, handful, gift placed in the hands of ~.ggug (K '), pass. part. of !zaggaga;
the emperor being conSIdered as someone engaged tal,zar/ya 'be betrothed, be given the dowry'; someone'; ~aggawi 'lawful, legal, legitimate';
to his country). suggested by KWK 557, gives the ta!liir/aya 'be engaged to each other'; &alsat (Gr.69) 'sweeping (n.), carrying away'; SEMITIC: AT. ~agga 'plead in a lawsuit', ~1UggCl 'argu..
lmpression of a folk etymology. ~adiiyi (K '), I,za~iiyi (Gr,68), act. part. of ha-
S'MITIC: Ar. !ta/asa 'gather, collect', Sh. ~JeS, Heb, ment, plea', SAr. J;g 'ordinance, right, statute'; rc1at~
. , . Amh.Gur. ase,
ETHIOPJc: Tna, hasQl', . "
ate. r/aya;
~Ial!as 'search', PbH. (Ifipas 'dig, search', Aram. ~d­ ed to ~qq (see "aqaqa, below),
~a¢uy (K') 'engaged (man)'; ETHIOP!C: Tna. ~aggi ·Iaw'. ~aggiig/j 'lay down
f.l3<!e ih'1; see hadaya. fas 'dig', Ug. hpS-I 'straw picker'; von Soden 223
Ipdayt, /Pr/it 'engaged (woman)'; compares Akk. epesu 'make, do'. laws', Te, hagga 'be fixed. be sure', ~aggaga 'delim-
~ar/e (T) 'betrothal, dowry'; ETH!oP!c: Tna, ~a/asa. haJasa 'scoop up'. Te. ~a/sa it', Amh. 'law' (from Geel). Amh haggiigli
~~b, 'as~a~aba hI""''''PO (T) 'shudder with ~.r/yat 'act of betrothing, state of being 's~rape COrn together', Har. ~aJasa 'take something 'pass laws', Gur. hagg 'law' (from Amh.); passed
fear, be shocked, feel ill at ease'. betrothed' ; with one or two hands or with an instrument', Arg. into Cushitic: BiL "agge 'law'.
~agala 228
~krn I __--------___
. ~ ==~==-:-~::-~~~----- ____-.J~al'J.
~ '. akkama 'pr.cll ce med.clO., hakim ~alfada "'iI~ IT Y.M) 'intermll\gle, be m"ed'
hagara l.,.hg>!) "'111 (K') 'tie, bind';
jwcl, (T M) hugl 'bond, fetter, shackle', (KG) =
thighs' ;
"'111 (K ') 'armpit, area between the
frOm A'~~~C~I~O in Te. hakim '', Amh. (the meamng :place, makc enter' g"en by \1
... .:nh. mu",iqo 'rods of the yoke which press see also &allga;:. 'p~I'"'' , on the authanty of T, Y " not found in ihctr
agamst the oxen's necks to keep the yoke from hal<inl diclionanes and is probably to be .dent.fied
LilT '' see
I hik,t n' hyk. with lIallada
_ I).
sildmg off'; ~agaza (ya!lgdZ) .h1H (YX'.M) ' help, sUPPOrt
sustain' ; , , LIf, ' see !wlaya,
SEMITIC: Ar. filii 'felter, chain, anklet', S~r. m-~Igi I hall' n' , ~alaf. "'ilL (K') 'swear, take an oath' ,
ta~agaza (D.T), ta!wgza (K') 'be helped, make
'enclosed field', Soq. ~,gl 'surround', S~. ~lQgiJl , - ,hA : ....,, ; see 'a~il. taba/afa 'swear, curs.e. execrate. (K t) S'Near
'anklel flng'. Aram. ~ujgal'encircle', Syr. ~iI¥al 'en- firm for oneself (e.g. ship by dropping the hel;, ~'Ia
anchor), make fa st for oneseir; •
to one another, (T.M) speak to one another'
Circle, gird'. The connection with ~gr suggested by
Buhl 214 is possible: Ar. (wggara ' make an enclo-
sure', SAr. flgr 'reserve' (that is. 'enclose, set apart'),
ta~iigaza (T,H.K') 'help one another';
SEMiTIC: Ar. &agaza 'in tervene ' which could have
I, Lfl
hoi, P " ' see lIawal
I i ,hiab) .hilO 'milk' (v.);
(should be tallfilaja); note that while D1I1mann
70 records it as ~alafa (with M, the verb .\
lJalaja (with ~) in the quoted passage"
Heb. hiigar 'gird, encircle', Aram.l.uigar, Syr. (IGggar, developed into 'help '. h,laba y. .
. (Gr 42) causallve; ralialafa (K ') 'swear to one another',
Ug. bgr·'gird'. For thi s root, see Marrassini 89ff. ETHIOPIC: Te. ~agza 'be an ally', Tna. &aggiizii 'ahlaba (G 42) tahalba (K '), passive;
ETHIOPIC Te. ~ngl 'bracelet for the foot', from Ar. halaba r. I. , 'astahalafa (T) 'proclaim, speak';
' help', Amn. aggiizii; passed into Cushitic: Bil. hag- to· _ · (K' GrA2) 'who milks;
hagl. gada ' repulse, prevent, protect' (with alternance of hao l bI . 'Ik . . , t.hIaf(K·) 'oath';
d: z), Sa. hagaz. hl'b'milk curds, juice, mt ' y JUIce; ta!II,li (Or.43) 'imprecation';
~ag·.ma "'' ' 00 (T.M), "'1
~agama00 (K '.T. .a~b (K,.Gr.42) 'milked'; . . SEMITIC: Ar. ~alafa 'swear', SAr. hit: Mh.;-huk/
~eka th.h; see hyk. MI (K'TS) 'act of milkmg, state of being
reprint) 'draw blood with a suction cup'; Mlbar . See also (.(f. below.
from Arabic: ~agama 'cup'; also in Tna. ~ag"amii ~akaka (yahhk) .hhh 'itch, scratch, rub, ~ I milked'; 'Ik' hlf,
, tahal.ra
, "''''IIL (T.M) 'rcnder harsh, ren-
'draw blood with a cup', Te. (lagma, Har. &agama, scrape, have an itch, (T.M) be cut into, be
halab, (T) lIalob 'sour ml " ; . '.
~ahlab, pI. ma~al,b (K ') Jar for milk, der strong, invigorate';
Amh. aggiimii; passed into Cushitic: Sa. hagarn. notched' ; ta!l/iij (T) 'of necessity, perforce';
ta~akka, ta~akaka, passive;
. . A h lobo 'milk' (v,), halab 'frcsh mlik',
SEM\TIC. r..a __ , 'Ik' ( ) h-I b comes perhaps close to Ar. flaia(a 'swear' (for which
~.g·.r, ~.gur, ~ag··.r, in zabiba ~.g·.r Hltn : o helob 'milk' (v.), Heb. halag m. n ~. a a_
Iwkiiki (K'), act. part. of ~akaka ;
.:h 1'C 'gra pe seeds'; hakuk (K '), pass. part. of /:lakaka;
~ (v) Ar.m, hMob 'milk' (n.), Syr. halba, Pun, see (.ala(a, above), and also half'lhe act of confc-d-
!wg",r (Gr.65), ~,g"dr (M), hagur (Sw. in D 130), I ;; Md.' halba, Ug. hib, Akk. ljalabu 'milk' (v.). erating, the act of makmg :l compact or confedera-
/:lakak, hakiik ' itch' (n.); cy' (Lane), (.iilafa-ha 'he held fast to .t'.
!/dgllre (T) 'raisin'; ET~IOP'C: Tna. ~aliibii 'milk' (v.), Te. (wlha, ~r~.
/:lakak 'pointed stick'; hallaba, Har. halaba, Amh. al/aba, Gur. alaba;
probably from Ar. ~agar 'slone' (also Te. &iJgrat 'a I halbala
, , "'A"'iI (Lt) 'adjure, implore' ;
SEMITIC: Ar. hakka 'scratch', Mh. '
hek, Heb.
.hakkii Te Tna. halib 'milk' (n.), Arg. hayu, Har. hay
sort of red stone or red earth') rather than from an
original meaning 'com pact, solid' from a non-at-
(from ~kk) 'fish hook', PbH . hii~a15 'scratch', Aram.
&a15a~, Syr. &015 (from hkk), Md. hkk ( huk) 'itch',
I «' illb), Gur. eb, Amh.Arg. ayb 'chcese' «~/b). probably a repetition of the preceding
Ltfschitz 162,
)arrl~ala in

tested root ~lgr, as suggested by Dillmann 130 and Akk . eUku. halaba II "'flO (M) 'place a bookmark';
Marrassini 91. Note the structure zabiba ~ag\Jr , halala I "'fill (K',Gr.4J), halala !Ifill (T~) ~
ETHIOPIC : hkk and hnkk (augmented with n) : Tna. ETHIOPIr: Amh. aJ/aba, same. :burn, be burning, be SCOTched, (T Y) dry up ;
instead of the expected ~liJg"iJra ;abib, unless &~g"'iJr
~aJs.iiJs.ii, ~ank"iiJs. "·ii 'scratch', Te. ~akka, &ankiika
has a special meaning. hallala, see 'a~Iala, below:
'scratch, scrape', Har. &akiika, Arg. hakkiika, Amh. h,libi
"'11.11 (T.M) 'sin, fault', (KG), proper ;ahlala, (T.GrJ) 'ahlala 'char, scorch, burn (tr),
akkiikii, Gur. akiikii. Gaf. ~nk "'ak "ii 'scab'; also in name; ,
~.gur .:h1-C (KG) 'that which is clarified Cushitic: Sa.Af. hakak 'itch, scratch', Bil. hank "ok, dry up' ; h d'
(butter),. Had. hakako-kko. personification of the reminine proper name Oliba, tahalla (Gr.41) 'be burned, be scorc e ,
Heb. 'ohOliqii (Ez. 23:4) who committed adultery ha/We 'burn (n.), burning' (n,) ; , "'1K' 'lizard', also translated 'crocodile'; "'hiI (T. Y.M), hakala uhil (Y.M) 'load, h.lbat I .:hAnT 'nostril, (T,OT.M) cheek'; i.,lul (TS,GrAI) "burnt. that burns ;
Reinisch 1902 : 187 compares it with Som. ga&as put a load on a pack animal, place the pack- ;ahliili (Gr4J) 'perfumer' ;
saddle'. (ETHIOPIe: perhaps Te, halbal 'nose rope for the " II I miihl.1 'perfumer (who extracts the
'crocodile'. See also barga~. ma JQ a 1 . d ler m un-
camel' > 'nose'. , )
perfume by heating the sptces, ea
~km I, +.hhoo 'restrain'; ~.Ibat II .:hAnT (DTW 928) 'Lenten dish
~agiy "';Jr" (T) ~agiiy "';Jr, 'summer, dry guents'; b ns means
season (January-March)'; SEMITIC: Ar. &akama 'restrain'. consisting of barley, pepper, and beans'; mahliil (Gr.4l) 'place where one ur ,
. ,
~agaya (yallgi) 'spend the summer, become ETHIOPIC: Te. /:I-akma 'decide, rule'; from the Semitic
SEMITIC: Ar. hulba 'kind of food (called jariqa) or burnmg ; h 1/ b Iii
summer' (denominative); root /:I-km 'be wise' . . Te halJiila 'be burning' , Tna, a ~.'
which is give~ to women when pregnant', ~r. ETHtOP1C. '. 1"1 " 'd out become dry;
I;c1gayiiwi 'pertaiOlng to summer'; ala'blaze',Amh. hal aa ry , ( . I)"
~km II, ~akam. (yahkam) .hhoo (T.Y) 'treat (Yem) Ili/ba, ~ulba 'vegetable stew prepared hll
a J h ll "lli 'be 10 heat amma ,
ETHfOPIC; Te. Ina. ~/Qgay 'dry season', Amh. hagay, fenugreek' . probably also Am .' a ~m alai 'be in heat', Sa.
medically, be wise'; passed into CushlttC. . lale
agay; also in Cushitic: Bil.Sa.Be. hagiiy, Kam. hagu. ETHIOPIC: Tna. h.lbat 'stew of barley, pepper, and
hakim 'physician, philosopher, wise man'; halal 'burn'. See also 'aI/ala, ha .
so on', Amh . • Ibal, h.lbal .
halala 230 231
h" •• ham ..
- :... .---'-..,--
h.I.I. fI "''''' (Y) 'be galhered, come in'; ~.Iq I (pI. 'abliiq) ih,A:" 'throat, gullet, palate hanats ",,,.,. (T.Y.M)~. 'cut off, prune, choose ETHTOPIC: Amh. di, riil'i. "\1 '
lII,hlol (T, should read m,h/ai, malzlaf), llliiljlal (T.Gr.402) chm, Jaw; , (among many thlOgs , G reek khl?!ys) ongin. ' Y'I \1lillcr !OU~l'i.ts a
(S".In D 1394) 'place where people gather'; AT. ~Ialq 't~roat', bulqum 'larynx' (see Land. Ie ' Ar. halara 'sbave (the head), pluck (wool)'
~.Iyiin mAY'} 'bribe.
Sl:.MITIC Ar. lIalla 'take up residence', ~IOI/ala 'make berg 1920:475-6), Sh. Izalqat 'Adam's apple' Heb gratuny, gift, reward'
ahght at'. SAr ~II 'encamp', malqolJayim 'palate' (metathesis of blq; see Holm~ hi , 'a~.lIsy., 'al,tlaya. h"'iIf • hmllf, (T) ~a/yana (T) 'gIVe a bnbe (denommatlvel, •
25), Ug. ~/q-m 'throal. neck' (Gordon 397), Akk. Ii ;~I.ya MJ/If 'bnbe, g1~e a bnbe, corrupt with from Ar. ~ulK'iin 'gratuity'; see }:fly, above.
h.lam. (I'J!II.III) ",,,00 'dream'; pi, liiq pi (Holma 25, von Soden 555). q a bribe, (T) accept ball;, .
'ahlama (K ·.Gr.4 J) 'cause to dream'; ETHIOPIC: Amh. JlliJqt 'depression at the base of lh lahallaya, (K*) taha/ya be. br~bed, accepl "'Ann (TY "*S"'.IO D 119) M) 'pro-
la!1(1l/allla, (K*.Gr.4J) la&aima 'be dreamed, ~eck d~rectly below th: Adam's apple'; Te. ~!}IqiJ; bribes, become corrupt by bnbes ; duce fruit, fructify';
dream, see visions'; throat, from Ar. &ulqum; passed 1Oto Cushitic: Bil. ~alii:i= (KG) 'almonds';
!,,/yan; see below.
'asla!lalama (Gr.4l) 'cause to dream often'; 'ther denominative from bJlyJn, below, or IS relat~ ETHIQPIC: Tna. ~lQmii:::ii 'produce a lot of frUIt'
fla/ami 'one who dreams, dreamer'; ~.Iq II mA:" 'ounce, (Lt) drachm'; :~ to AT. ~lQla)a 'give m~n~y to' or to ,~lalii (bl,:"') (Wajnberg 1937e: 20t), wilh allemanee of liqUids
halum (Gr.41) 'dreamed'; 'give something as gratUity, SAr. (J/~ pay a sm· ~he verb could also be considered a denommative
from Ok. holke 'drachm as a weight'; also in Tna.
&,im (pI. halam, 'aMam) 'dream, vision'; trom ~,al::;i:, below, with the meanmg 'brmg forth a
f/alqi. See also ~lalqal I. offering' (Muller). shellfish'.
, (Gr.41) 'act of dreaming';
>a~"ami, ma~Jlami 'that causes to dream'; ~.'iiq mil:" (K) 'base, foundation on which a halsya (y.hIiJ "'lIf, (L.T.Gr.204) ~.Iaya ')/If
column rests'; :sing, celebrate with songs'; ~alziz "'AIt'll (K *) 'shell, shellfish',
SEMITIC: Ar. halama 'dream' (v,), SAr. 111m (n.), Sh.
(Jelm, Heb. &alam 'dream' (v.), Aram. balam, Syr. see also halqat II. 'ahlaya (Ll), causatIve; from Ar. (lala=iin 'snail' See al:\o ~al:a=a.

halam, Ph. Ug. him, Md. hilma 'dream' (n.), cohalya 'be sung, sing for oneself;
~.Iqat I mA4>'''' (ll) 'ounce'; h;/ayi (fern. !lQ/ayt) 'who sings, singer, min- ~am thr: see ~amawa.
ETHIOPIC Te. ~lOlma 'dream' (v.), Tna. ~aliimii,
Amh aI/lima. see ~'Iq II. strel' ; ~amm. ",00; see hmm I. II, Ill.
halle 'song' (perhaps for halle 'hallelUJah'; see
~.'m.'me'ek mAooA"'lfl,h (T.K), name of ~"qat II mA4>:" 'doorpost, threshold'; Dillmann 69);
a star; there seems to be a connection with lJaliiq.
, ,f,9"OA; see /I,mbii/'
ha/yat 'act of singing, canticle';
seems to be a composite noun; also Amh.Ili1lmelme- ~"qat III mA 4>:"; see lJa/aqa. ;"all,/er (pI. mahii/ay, ma!,,/etat) 'song, callti- ~ambaliiy, bambaliiy "'9"1111" , (/9"011,.. (Lt)
lek, same (rrom Geez), ele: hymn, psaltery, musical instrument, service 'white horse';
~alast.yo, ~alastiyo (pI. halaslayotiit) "'fIIlT io which daggWa (see above) is used';
\'" : ",iii..,;\'" 'ape, baboon, wild ass'; ETlilOPtc: Te.lJambiilay, hat/halay 'gray horse', Tna.
, , "'-AM. (T) 'be sick' (the form is (maha/eta ~'ge 'Canticle of the Flower', a col- Jombiilay 'white horse', Amh. ambc'i[ay, Praetorius
strange); see Hommel 1877:8, 38, 54, 92. Dillmann 67 sug. lection of hymns in verse composed in honor 1879: 166 derives Amh. ambiiJav 'whlte horse (and
• •
(T) he/papa, >elpapu 'sickness, dis-
• •
gests Ar. &alfs, biliisiyy 'of mixed colors, hair having of the Virgin); this would apply to the other languages) from Amh.
• •
ease' ; whiteness mixed with its blackness'; note also hilli. (nawaya miiha/et 'musical instrument'); ambal 'breast plate for a horse, saddle', amhalo),
see also 'anpappe. siyy 'a domestic fowl begotten between an Indian (q,me ma~,iel 'the western part of the outer meaning originally 'that with a saddle', that IS,
and a Persian fowl' (Lane). See also 'aiastilYo. 'horse', specializing into the meantng 'white horse'
corridor of the Ethiopian church', lit. 'place (r'''',q) ",,,4> (T.Y.K·.M) 'become ~ala~a I "'11K (DTW 929) 'be bland, lack sea- where hymns are sung'); This derivation is not convincing. Praetoriu:\, 7D~
round. grow round'; soning'; MG 64 (1910). 621 states thal IUJml>alay is an Amhar-
maha/'ya maha/ay 'Song of Songs';
maha/.q (TK.M) 'round, circular, (D) circular ic loanword. The root passed into Cushitic 8,1.
SEMITIC: either related lo Ar. &alasa (with &) 'be ma~/iiy (K*) 'place where one sings';
table' ; hambiilay.
pure, be free from admixture', or G. halasa is mti~Jleliiy. miil}aletiiwi 'musician. singer, trou-
h'/qal (pI. 'ah/iiq, !za/aqal, !zaiqaral) 'ring, finger another spelling of balla~a and in this 'cas~ the badour, the diibtara (see above) who spends hamad ,hoo.l': 'ashes, dust';
ring, (L) circle, a circular figure (ring, neck- time in the mii~a/el (see above)';
lace'); -
comparison with Ar. lIalasa
. is more evident. hamda, hamada (yahm~d) 'become ashes, be
ETHIOPIC: Amh. alliita. 'be bland' 'all<JCta
. . 'stew SEMITIC: Ar. hala
. (Mwj
, 'be sweet. be delicious'. ~xtingui;hed' (denominative);
SEMITIC": Ar. &alqa 'ring of metar, ~allaqa 'draw a of various vegetables but not containing biirbiirre-
~aliya 'be agreeable', mU~lalli" 'musician' (Dozy), 'ahmada (K*), causative;
circle' (denominative), ta~allaqa ;sit in a circle', Soq. pepper'.
Heb. malleilat
. , technical musical teml (possibly laiwmda tahamada 'be burnt to ashes, become
~alqeh 'flng'. . "
~ala~a II milK (K*) 'pull out (an object from a from the root ~IIy; see Baumgartner 540), Aram. ashes' ;
ETHIOPIC; Te. ~Ialqii( 'hair ring'.
receptacle)' ; &iili, hala 'be sweet', Syr, ~,Ii, Md. hla. h.mud 'burnt to ashes, reduced to ashes';
E1ll10PIC: Tno, ~aliiyii 'chant', Te. 1101a, Amh. ha/lii-
hamadawi 'ash-colored';
~.Iqa "'A4> (H 575) 'grow, grow up, increase'; seems to be a transcription of Heb. Ipilat ya 'sing' (from Geez), mah.let 'sacred song' (from •

Geez); passed into Cushitic: BiL halay 'sing'. SEMITIC AI'. (Oat) ~llmad 'be hot, burn', and per·
perhaps for halqa and melalhesis of lahqa (for ~.,~ mAli" (K) 'loin'; haps also Ar. bamada (b as against ~l of G~ez) 'the
"rueh see below).
transcription of Heb. ~fJf~' ~el.y "'""f. (K *.DTW) 'turtle'; fire subsided but its embers remained unextlflgU1sh~
cJ ' Ra"," HS,~Q, n('.1 ,omparc~ G. hamod With ETHIOPIC: Te.Tna. &am~la,,! 'gou~d', Amh. humhatn

I ,ahmalmala hihODllvJD/I 'grow green. --' -

(,oma h,miimiir 'Good Fnd'I)', lit 'fa cr the
Ar hdm) daad'lI/la 'be very hot', .. (from Geez); also 10 CushltlC: BII.Sa.Af hamhatn. ~JTIIJT1' e~ be greemsh, become verdant. cause
look gr" . ,uffenng of Chmt'),
~ THII;Ph TcTna. Har. JltJmad 'ashes', Arg. hama~.
·\mh Gur. amdd; Amh. ommadii 'reduce to ashes, ~amala I (yJ~mJI. yahmal) .11 00 /1, bamala be verdant'; _ ,
to 1nllI (fern. hamalmaf) green. verdant;
, ~.::Jmcim(' IL1I11dntt 'affhctlon. sorro\\ pa. $100,
'lOD/I (L.Gr.204) 'become verdant, gather herbs' disaster' •
hamadi ",ooJ\·sno". hoarfrost, frost, (T,Sw. hamo -, (pI. hamalma
' 1-
aI, 'a 1mwIma-1-)'
al green
In (denominative) ; {ma 'a~miimj 'that render . . SICk. painful, that dffll\,;U
n 'Q) damage 10 grain because offros!';
'a~mala (K*), causative;
hattlu .
,color, green thing. verdure, her bage_ her" b'
with pam or disease·,
11,"" 1m iad" (T) ' be frosty' (denominative);
• haml (pI. 'a!m,al. 'a~malal) 'vegetation, vegeta_ PIC . enlarged from the root ~Iml (see ~amala la~ramiimi (Gr.44) 'who ha\ il chr(lni~ disease'
EntIO homo/mala
, 'become b ' T oa. Iwnw"I,"I'I
ETHlorIC. Tc_ hamda 'hoarfrost'. Har. ~lQmllday, bles, herbs, shrubs'; rown. tahammo (GrA02) 'grief. ,adne,~"
Amh. amadal". Gar. tlmiidag (with g < y; see LesJau (ca~ada ~lQm/. <Q$oda 'a~lmal 'garden'; see " Te,,"
n hinnJlmilloy 'not very dar k' • A m.
h haJ1Ja-
ma~rmam, miilimam; 'pamful. th.u cau,es
1956:9), Gu~ all/cit/ar (with the suffix ·ar); also in bro. , ,"lmil 'green. vcrdant . (from G CCl.) ' passe
<Q$od); mal. ham a _ "_ pain, agonIZing, mortification (of hodv)'
CUShllIC, Or hamadaI', Bil. "omda. The connection Cus hltic: BII. hama/md_
(~amla qab, 'beet'; see qab'a); mto m{l~m(Jtn 'grievous, afflicting With gnd ~r pam,
""Jlh G, "amad'a~hcs' suggested by Appleyard 341s
(~amla ba!ri' 'bitter herb'; see ba~'a); who suffers. that ..:ause, pam, lahor palOS,
unlikely I t hameliit m"'L/I·l- , ,h"'LII-l- 'mantle,
'alzmo/mala, see fun/mt; woman in labor',
, ,
headcloth, turban',
hamadi kobo ",ODJ\ '1'(1 (KG) = Amh.
SEMITIC: it is tempting to connect it with AT haml masta~amJm (maHohllm,wl i '"n,iou" trou4
~miidmadn 'a kind of plant which has whllish ~iml 'fruit', but in fact it is a derived meanmg of
• • from A ram .-Syr '.hiImi/a, "iUllillii.
. hilmi/t(l
. 'J rough
bled about anythmg, who lakes care of a \lck
leave ... · ; arment' (Nocideke 1910:39); relaled 10 Ar
haml 'gestation, the young that is borne In the ouler g I .' f ' per"on, who nurses. (KG) Who as\igm ta .. ks.
ham!, hamla 'gannent of woo. Inngcs 0 a carpet
(K ') that makes Sick',
ETHllWI(" Amh. an/ad bbo 'having white dots or womb of an animal, and the fruit of a tree', ArabiC isee 0; Ihls no_un Vollers 1896:630) For lIS con nee-
spots on II'. from hamad 'ashes. dust'. hamata '(er)tragen' in Littmann·Hofner 59 refers to melat . see Noeldeke 1910,39, 't1sta~wmiimi (Gr.45) 'zealous. cag.:r':
Bon "1'lh
"' •
Te. ~ammal 'one who carries anything', and not to 'usluhammo( I) \:are, trouble, pn::occup.ttlon.
~amaga I fl'JllI/rag) "'OD, 'trouble, disturb, ~Jlnl 'vegetables' contrary to Leslau 1979:48. Am-
ETHIOPIC Amh. home/at 'hcadcloth (from Gccz).
solicitude, zear,
render furbld', bros suggests Ar. &amilo 'collection of trees, a mead. hmm I. hamma. ~amama (Yilbmam • .l'.lhm;ml) (ha'aslahammo 'carefully. eagerly');
'ahmaga (K'), causatiVe; ow in which there are trees', :nO" , ";0000 'be In pain, suffer Illness. be ill, S~MlTlr, from the root hmm 'he hllt'· Ar hlutlma
rahamgo 'be troubled, be sullied, be turbid, be ETHIOPIC: Tna. ~Jamli 'vegetables', /.tamii/a 'gal her
hal'e labor pains, be afllicted. suffer dIstress, ' heat'. hlUnma 'have a fever'. Ar (Oat) hun' 'he hot'.
dIm med (eye)'; herbs' (denominative), Te. J;amle 'vegetables', Amh.
Arg. hamill 'garden'. Gaf. am/ii, Gur. am;}l, HaT. hiit (K) have a fever'; , , , SAT. ";um
. 'hot \ci.lSon' Cl. Sh_ hmm ,~ hot'. Hcb.
'aslahamago (LI) 'trouble'; 'ohmama 'bring suffenng, inflIct pam, aflllct hum, hmm 'be .... aml. be hot', Aram, hamtllU, Syr
'kind of cabbage' (with m > zero). Note also Gur.
IWIlug 'turbid, turbulent';
ambiJr 'cabbage' < amal > ·ambal > ambar wi'th Illness, harm, grieve, make sorrowful, tor- iwm, Ug. ~m 'heat'. AU tWlt~m/l 'he \Vaml, tx.- hOI'
i..mag 'impunty, dimness (of sight), haziness'; ,
(loslau 1979:45), The rool also occurs in Cushilic: ment, distress, put on pressure, torture; . For the relation bt.!twccn 'be hllt, be f~yeflsh' and
",mgal 'act of being lurbld, turbid state, act of Aw. amli. Sid. hamila, Qua. ambir, Bil. ham/a. la"amma 'be afllicted, torment oneself, S1mu- 'be sick' In Indo-European, ~l'C Buck ~Ol,
causmg to be turbid, dimness, muddiness'; late disease';
hamal a II .1100/1 (K*) 'carry a burden'; ETHIOPIC': Tna, hamami; 'oc \lI.:k. sutler pam', Te,
SFMITIC' Ar &amiga 'spoil, decay, be corrupt', Ar • rahamama 'afflict one another, hate onc an~ "amma, Amh_ a~mltim(i 'be pam!'u!. be ~ore" am-
(Oat) bam'K 'become lurbld' Note Ar,bmg (wilh 0) ,ahamla (T) 'carry'; also passive; olher, provoke one another, strive with an- ;"iimii-II' 'he felt Sid', For Geel h,JI1lci"hit ' Passion
as against G. hmg (,nIh h) ~amali (K *) 'carrier, porter'; other'; (of Christ), Good Fnday" cp_ Tna. h,m/tlmtlr, "~m h
ETHJOPIC'; Te. hamriiga 'make muddy', rna. &amrii. haml 'load';
• 'Qstahiimama, 'asla~lQmama 'trouble oneself. IWllUmal. mamal, Gur tlmiJnw! for G 'mttlhllmlJ-
go (\I,lth augmented r), Amh (I Jammiiga 'be moldy,
from Ar. ~ama/a 'carry'; also Amh. hammii/ii, Te. tire oneself, be anxious, care for the sick, mel 'care for the .. id. nurse', cp. Ar dl;ln.i (Jl\y)
smell bad' 'nurse' and dellHJ (dwy) 'be SICk'
hamma/ 'one who carries anything·. nurse, take care of. do something with care,
~amaga " .11"'" (oTW 934) 'gather, collect, look after, takc pains, endeavor, be assiduous,
enclose cattle in a pen'; hamal
• mODl\, (T) ham
• I ml'"l\ 'Ram, a sign of be preoccupied, gtve careful attention to, de- hmm II, hamma, ~amama ll'."m.>Il1) ",tID I
lahamga, pasSive, the zodiac'; ;hooOO (T.·MAKM) 'he envious, he Jealous, (K)
vote oneself to, share the paSSIOn, share the , ,.

h.mug, pass, part. of hamaga; from Ar, hamal; also Amh. amdl. suffenng'; be stmgy, be avanclOus ,
hamum; 'sick, sickly, suffering'; tahiimama (K) 'envy one another';
ETHIOPIC : Amh. an/maga 'gather, collect'.
• .111'"1\., eleventh Ethiopian month (8 ~'mum 'ill, sick, unhealthy, suffering, diseased, >a.;,ahllmama (K·), caus. of Ic.l~/(Jmamcl;
hamagd "'''''''11: (L1) 'leech'. July - 6 August); afflicted, distressed'; hamami 'envious, Jealous, eVIl (eye)': . ,
IiI. 'Ihe monlh of green (cereals)" f,om ~aml (see ~amum (~'mam) 'illness, disease, pain, suffer- IWllmiime (T.TS) 'envy, jealousy, "vance, (K *)
~am~am "'1'".111'" 'gourd' (hollowed out and , . ,
used as vessel for liquids): ~amala I); so also Conli Rossini 1923:376. For Ihe ing, grief, distress, aflliction, tribulation, paSSion, deceiving (n) with promises;
transfer of meanings. cp. Burgi yeba/a 'a green Passion (of Christ), Passion Week', la"ammo (Gr.402) 'envy',
SEMITI(" perhaps Ar. (Yem) hab~ab 'melon' cereal', and the name of month when crop is cut.
(Muller) Fisher 86 compares Ug, hm-I 'bottle (for ~'mamal 'Passion (of Christ). Good Friday';
ETHIOPlc: Te. ham/e, Tna. ham/ii, ham/e. Amh,
, "
(g,b,a h,mamal 'the Rite of Passion Week'; h• mm I II • tahamma
• -"'hOD (MA) 'be swampy,
see Ha~merschmidt, in Assfalg-Kriiger 117); be muddy';
- . \Ih. hamt 'Io"er bell). pube... Hob. jI""'fi
~amor ,n'l"C (KBT). ~omar ,hDOC (K)
':" to Ar. Irmni-a 'be
II:I'~ /tam"" ",.. mp·
s'Poampl'~ Ar
I nod':
~.~ik. ;miu; for S~T .hurnfa~ see R Dege-n
"'\:jIQ7SP3-9) "bo CO!l5lder.; II. Hebrew loan,, ~ ",004> , "''1"4> (T Y) 'be hu- from Ar,lJumar (for which see J andberg 1920:48~" (~~d b«"1lSC on the ba;J, ofHars iwml, o!,e would
miliated. be despIsed. be bad, be o'·ereome. be also in Te. l;wmaT 'tamannd', Toa, I,uunar. honuir' a.., 'I 1 in Sytiac, See on this root \\ 'tilller. [Nr
stupId, be '''oh.h· (\I quoting TY translated IJ,Jmor, Amh. homar; also In Cushilic: $om. hanuu' ,"'" <" (1980). 57.
Iwmoqa also 'coprire di un vela'. he apparently Sa. humar .
U:;TC Te.l.ra~ 'pubes... abdom~· .. Tna. !J;;.'n.JJ.
mistook Amh tiHiinniifo 'be o.ercome {given
~amr I "''I"C (T) 'kind of color. comple:<ion' ~. ;m5 'vagina : passed ~nto Cushltl~ _ ~Il. ninU!":
h~ T Y as the tra.slation of G. Ijamaqa] for , :eerows ', The connecuon \1t:tb Amb, an:at °lntesu,oco
tiiiiiifunii 'he c(wered'); it IS ~e~ptmg to connect it \\ith 1;amar U 'red beO),', b;,..b· 5Uggested b) Reml5Cb 1887; 36 and GUldl
'u!Jmaqa (K"'). ca.usative. but Jf It had the meamng of 'red- Ta)'ya would Dot
'a.rrahamaqa 10K) 'consider stupid, (K) con-
SIder disgraceful. conSIder despicable. (T) de- I
I have translated il b) 'kind of color'.
104 IS doubtful.

bJrn itm"'l:r: see IwmawG. I SE"4T1l(,; AI ~am 'falher-m.:... •• S~

IJim orolll<"
I!amr II ,n'l"C (T) = Amh. n-agan translated ,
m-Ia~ • Heb nam 'falber-In-law' .Ar-am., ~ S'H
spise, esteem lightly', by ~I 'side, kin, family. tribe, race'. Tana's Damet ",,,,,r. \tamet .'h"'tr: see !Jamam. h~ma, Md !tam. Akk. ~)'''IU. '
Ijemuq(DK )'5111) . foolish, (T K) despised, umm- translation is doubtful: one has the impression •
ErnJoPlc Toe, ~m father-m·la",,la\\ Tna.
porta nt, wretched': that the translation is not complete. bam<Jt "''l''r 'blle. gail. ,enom', ~amu~ Arg. Mm.1Lf Hat /:lamar \mh Gur iJmaI
IL>maq ID J...) 'foolishness, (TK) humiliation': ·
SalIne: the root of the various languages is r~m,
I Gaf am"a. For ~mother-m-I3,\\ ,'P. Te Tna h.JmaI
bomar I ,hooC 'acorn'; GUT """", Har h"""'t. •
S,-\lITIc' Ar Iwmiqa 'be foolish. be stupid', • hm. or /.unlit, ArabIC J:zwna,lJumma '\eDom·, Heb.
ETHIOP1C. Te. lJamqa 'become "eak'. Tna. bamiiqd homara ~arii' (D. under !;anwr, Gr.45) 'carob J:~a 'heaL poison. rage'. Amm. trama 'anger', Syr
'become bad. be spoiled, lose its \·arue' tree. carob fruit'. IT) = Amb. gamma 'a tree htf'Yto ·heat. \'eDOm. rage', ~fd. tumla 'venom, I
~my. ta(lama)a -r"'''''f
IT): see h"",a"Q

hmr, t.~m r.'h'l"Cr 'abstinence':

whose fruit grows in bunches and is edible ~ee;'. Ug. IJmz '\enom'. Akl. imtu II ~am.~'. Phmi ",oof 'speak ill agJm,t some,
when cooked' See also hamar

II . ErnwPIC Tna. ~amoI 'bt~e', ,~mh.Gur, am~t, Ga: one, <itsparage. re,ile. C'dlummate,bIJme, slan-
for 1.:Jljrlml, see harama,
hamar I (pi 'ahmiir 'a/unarai) ",ooC 'ship, I ~omar II ".DOC (K); see /zamor,
amctJ; transfelled meamng In Te, J:tmnol pnde.
Toa r.mno,·courage·. Amb. amor: passed Inlo Cush-
der~ defame, bring an 3i.."CUSdtion . ..::urse'.
JalJma.ra lK"tl. causative:
small boat, (figllrallvely) church. ark': IUC Kham. IJiunul 'bile', Aw. amul_
I \lms I, ~ammasa ",oo{\, IY) !,lammasa la~Jamya. pass-lye:
'a~miir ~fteet':
\5N'ala I,amar (ll) 'mast');
(T.M) 'swim': hammil

ih""r 'soot, charcoal, black Iiqllid. ta~JmJlya, reciprocal of hama)'u; als.o 'treat
!to>mmiise (KG) 'swimming'; blackness' : with offense, disgrace';
Snnnc Dillmann 75 connects lbe root of hamar maljmiis (T) ·sv.imming pool'; (nui)'a I..mmat ·ink'. lit. 'Iiquid of sool'); '(Jslahiimara
. . (tl). call!>. of /dh,;mara;
. ,

'ship' with that of f;.dm.6r 'donkey' from a root /ynr hammata (T.MA. S". m D 1393) 'cause to char' /ahiimyo 'reviling, slandering';
EnnoPIC' Te. hammiisa
. 'sYrTIn', Tna. hanuisa:
. also
'carr)' (so also Ullendortf 1968: 127). WJule it IS ' hamay hamayi (pi. ~amart), act. rart. of ha,
true that Aram, hmr has the meanmg 'load' and
that hmr can be Identified \\irb IJrnI 'carry' (with
I IJ-ambiisii (\\.itb augmented h, due to m?). (denommative) ;
rahammata (DTW 939) 'bum, become char- maya:
alternance of liquIds). neirher hmr nor hml exists In
~ms n, ~ammasa ",oo{\ (D'. LI) 'Iick sail, eat coal': 1J,~mu.r,
pass. pan. of ~,ama_ra~ also 'disgrace-
Gee.z, ~Ole (hal G. I;amala ~carry' j~ an Arabic
bitter and salty plants';
SE\ffT'C; AI. ~amma (irmm, 'become black'. humam
ful, mfamous, detestable. shocking' .
lJamel, (K') h,met, (D 1427) !to>mrat ·rmling.
loanword. S"lmc. Dillmann 1856; 167 connects it "'th Ar 'charcoal. asbes', Ar. (Dat) ~umum 'soo(, S):l
EnuoPIC Tna. J:wmiir 'Ship·, Amh. hamar 'ShIP, l:zol1larjo 'graze upon acid plants'. but the collespond. AID!! m I 'charcoar; perhaps also Heb. ~um 'black calumny. abuse, slander. imecti'e, blame, 'us-
ark (frorn Geez). I e!lce s: d is not normal. and white'. plcion of falsehood';
E1HlOPIC: Te. I Iii )J;.amiima 'become sooty', Jpmmiit perhaps ;'-\r. hamn'a -ala 'be angl!red'
~am.r Il (pi. 'ahmiir) "'DOC 'red berry'; SEMITIC

hamara ~~rar. ~alJmiira ~~rii~, ~Dmara ~ariir,

\lms III, !Jammasa ",uon (K') 'dry grain, parch 'soot', Tna. hdm.miit
. 'cQal', hamalii
. "become char- ETHloPlc: Tna. ~anki.ra 'slander', Te. ~hJ IJam!'},
grain lightly to facihtate grinding'. coal' (denominative), Amh. ammiil 'SOOl, ash from Arg. JUJl"JtItJ~ Har. ~emd, bbtJa'cl, Amh. llMma, GUT,
(KG) !tamara SJr' 'pods, husks (that swine
burnmg incense (used for bealing)'. ammQ'Q 'reduce amo; perhaps passed into Cushlue' Had. h<llPld-He.
eatr. Ludolf 31 renders 11 'Greek bean'. idemi- SEMmc; AI. hamoJa 'fry meat', Ar. (South Ar)
hamos 'roast coffee' to ashes' (denomjnative), Som. ham, Or hammu, Sa,lwn"",. Cerulli 1936AI~
f)lng ""ra' I>.tth p" 'Greece': conSIders. It a Ct'mmon root \\ Ith SemitiC,
ETHIOPIC; Tna. &ammasa'parch grain', Te.lJamrniua. 1wne,31das "''''t1'&\.(:ft (T) 'interest on mon-
S04JT1C AT. 'aJrmar 'red', SAl. hmr'r 'red' (?). PbH. Amh. ammoso. The rool also occurs in Cushitic: ey, usury'. b~mz I ihY" /I 'poison, venom. bitterness, rage.
~amarmar 'become red' (figurative meaning from Btl. amiis 'Durrakom das nicht zur Reife gelangen •
'be hOl, be parched'). Akk. emer" 'become red' kann wei! vorn Reife versengt oder in Folge lion ~amawa dtO'DlD ; see tahamawa; furor, wrath, gall, (U) scorpIOn',
EnnoPlc Ina. hamar. hamrar 'red', Te. namiir Wurmstich' (definilion given by Reiniscb 1887; J I). rahamawa. (T) rahamar~ 'become a son-in-law, !Jama:a (T.K') 'be poison, to poison, be en-
'red-bro'ol.n" Amh. llama; 'reddish (horse)" h'amra-
acquire a son-in-iaw. ~ontract marriage, inter- raged' (denominati\'e):
tIl, homray ·Plnk.. purple' is probably an Arabic .'h'l"/". (T L) hams
, .'h9"ft 'uterus, womb. marry, become a kinsman' (denominative); ~~m:iil\'i (Gr.45) 'poisonous';
loanword. See also homor I (LI) pubes';
tahamawa 'be related by marriage', SnuTlc: Ar ham: ·pungency. acndll~ ':
""mz 236 237


• ~anpin
ETHI('IPI(,,: Te_ kUfI: 'pOIson (of animals)" Tna./;;}m::i, - d ",,1'" (Y.M) 'disobey';
h:m~i. Amh. 11.1111: (from Geez).
to be identified with /limbal, with alternance of
liquids I : r . hang
a. Tna. hanga"da- 'be re f rae t ory ( cow t hat
~.nkii ,},'),.. 'initialion"
' ~anaka Iyahll>kj (K')'~t'
ETHIOPIC. be milked)", Te. J}allgad 'that gives little .' I I late. tnauguratc' (de

II '}'9"11 (T) 'body of troops, retinue'. ~.nb.rbore Jt111ClIt. 'scab, scabby erupti refuSes to nommative from iIJnkil); .
, ",e; (T) 'grace. charm, joy';
of the skin, (T.KO) series of Spots, Spotted,on
milk '.
tran~riptJ~n. ~f ~eb. ~iinukkii 'initiation. con~ecra.
from ~Iaharbare (sec above), with inserted n. OZ
h,ng , ,
h.ogaz th 1111 : Jt 1':>11, (T) ~angaz
. . b' h"
tl0~ . For Initiation, consecration' from hanlJk ' pJl.
from AT. "amra 'tenderness of heart' (Muller). or . I 'eyebrow wmg, armpIt. pu Ie air; ate, see Landberg t909:1712.4 .
could it be a transferred meaning from lianna, the ~.nbarl Jt111C-r 'navel, middle, center; 1111' .
Dillman n 109 connects It With Ar. ~Jagga=a
mother of Mary?
ETHIOPIC: Te. &Jmbar, flanbar, ~anbarr 'navel', Tn
SEMI 'd' which could apply to the eyebrows or to
~an.kaba ""110 (T.Y.MA.M) = Amh
roun . ,
'sur ~ either I) 'measure' or 2) 'camp';

",... (KO I, but not KO II, III) 'spring (of &ambarli, fwnbiirli, Amh.Arg. imbar" ambarr, Ha~: pu bIe· hair. See also ~JQga_. see ~mks n.
water)'. !lOmb"r!; (with I), Our. (Zway) amb.,bi! (With r);
perhaps related to Gar. gurnbara, Amh. of Gond'ar k I iw1m.k) th~h, (TS) ~anaka -Uh
h.nni Jte; (T) 'henna (reddish-orange cosmetic gumbiJra; from Cushitic: Qua. gumbera, Qem. gam- hana a· ous , b~ under stress. (T,Y.Or.53, M) be
'be anxi
~.,nkak.yii, ~.nkakayi ,},')llIl,f : .l.,)hh,f (It)
gained from the leaves of the henna plant),; bara, Kham. herbir. See also Cerulli 1936;254; Co. kmd of tree, fruit of that tree',
ed blush • (0r.53) be sad, (M) suffocate,
as ham,
from AT. ~/I'ma,; also
hen 1947;no.123.
lJinna. Amh. hallno.
Jfl Syr. (lemlii, Te. (limna, HaT. strangle'; . ~nks I, ~ankasa "',ht'l 'be lame. (TY K)
~anati, ~onati ",e;t. , ,J.e;t.; see bonafi. ,ah/laka (Or. 53). causattve; doubt, hesitate' (for the meanings, see 01<0
hanbaba ",11111 'put forth berries. bear fruit, "d/lik (T) 'shy'; (rather 'shyness'?); Amh. andkkdsd, below);
~anfasa I ",1Lt'l (T) 'doubt, hesitate';

bear grapes, sprout'; h,nuk (Or.53) 'who is ashamed, who blushes, 'a!lGlikasa (DTW 943), causalive;
iI.nbub 'that has berries'; ETHIOPIC perhaps Te. ~anfasa 'confuse'. ~ho is sad'; . ~ankas, (DTW 943) hallkilsa 'lame',

iI.nMb .berry, bunch of grapes, grain'; h'nkat 'anguish. vexallon, torment, (0r.53) I,.nkiise 'limp (n.), lameness, (T) doubt' (n.);
(h.llbiiha may 'drops of water'); ~anfas. II ",1LI'l (T.M) 'stretch, extend, ;orrow, grief, (0r.53.T) shame, (Lt) cruelty,
spread out'; . , !laI,kas.,ma 'lameness, limp' (n,);
(iI.IIMha balas 'fig'); feroCity;
ETHIOPIC: Te. ~anfiisa 'disperse'.
SEMITIC; Ar. (Dat) ~akas 'limp', Syr. ~aggisa 'lame'
SEMITIC': from hbb with augmented 11: Ar. ~abba ETHIOPIC: Te. ~allka 'fear out of respect', ~lQnkiitkii(a (Dillmann 109; so also Brockelmann 1928;2(4).
'fear' (denominative from ~l(mki:il with reduplication The connection between EthioPIC ~mk~ and Heb.
'berry', SAr. (Ib6 'cereal crop'. ~anfa~a ",1LII, (Y.L) ~anfa~a ..,1LII 'winnow,
ETHIOPIC': Te. ~Iqbb-iir 'berry', Tna. ~lQbbi, in babbi sift, clean grain by rubbing lightly'; of the last two radicals), Tna. baniiljii 'be shy, be (~6rs 'anklet. bangle' as suggested by Rundgren,
koso 'anthelmintic', lit. 'the berry of the koso-tree', ta~anfa.Ja, passive; timid, fear'. Oriens 13-4 (1961).369 is unlikely.
~abbi 'anthelmintic. lapewonn'; Tna.Amh. abiisuda ETHIOPIC: Tna. ~lQlIkiisii 'be lame', Te. ~wllkijJa,
hanfu~' (K'), pass, part. of hanfa~a; hanakall iwhn.k) "'~h 'understand, com pre-
'cumin', from AT. (wbba sowdli, 'black grain', • • • Amh. afliikkiisd 'limp, be slow-willed', Arg.
ETHIOPIC: Amh. anfu(¢ 'kernels that are light due hend, perCClve ; aniikkiisa. Har. ~ankiissa 'lame', Gur. ankosso;
,,"obil, ,,"nbalt Jt1f1t1 : Jt111t1-r, (Lt) ~ambal to frost and blow away with chaff'. Dillmann J II hanik (Lt) 'prudence, wisdom'; passed into Cushitic: BiI.Sa.Af. hallkas, Kham. "a~
"'9"IIA, (T) h.nbal

Jt111t1 'breastplate for a (followed by Conti Rossini 1923;466) derives O.
SeMITIC: Ac hanaka 'understand, have sound judg-
horse. saddle, packsaddle, saddle blanket, (T) ~.anfa~a from nafafa 'be scattered' (see below) with ,
ment' , Heb. htinak
. - 'train a person'; considered a
wooden headrest (in the shape of a saddle)'; an agglutinated ~ coming from h, a causative mor- hnks
, II, hank
, ... nnii '}'1hlle; 'hiding place' (2
denominative from 'palate': Ar. J;anak, Heb, ~Ie!s.
pheme. Conti Rossini ib. also identifies it with Tna. Kings 22:46);
ilalibala (T. Y K ') 'put a saddle on an animal,
han/ii~ii (with II) 'mix wheat and barley' given by hanaka III "'~h (T,DTW 942) 'give' (dcnomina-
saddle. load' (denominative); • perhaps misprint for (h')h1ItJ ~IJnkabJnll{i, and see
Bassano 8. However, the form is given as bQl!rii~ii live from halik, hallk). ~wfJkaba 'camp'.
SlMITI(,; Ar. hanbal 'old and worn-out fur. garment' by Yo~ann;Js O.E. and the meaning 'mix wheat and ~'/lk (K'.DTW 942) 'take!';
(for more details see Noeldeke 1910;54). There is barley' is not to be identified with G. banjafa 'win- see hank, above. hankaso ",1t1 ... 'odoriferous plant';
the likelihood of a horrowing, but it is difficult to now'. See also fwn/a!a II. •
sec also 'ankaso.
decide whether Arabic borrowed it from Geez or ha.aka IV "'~h (DTW 942) 'munch, chew,
~aDfa!al ",1Lm 'scratch, scrape, (KO) write';

the other way around. eat' ,.
Dillmann wrongly makes a distinction between henelewotu

,h.~I\.""" (T) 'hall'.
ETHlOPIC Te hanbaliir 'belly band of camel's sad. 'ahnaka (DTW), causative;
die', hanbalar 'saddle girth', Amh. hambal, ambiil ~anfata (col.! II) 'scratch, scrape' and ljanfata [ahanka (DTW), passive; hnn
· , tahanana
. 'hh~~ (T) 'be able';
'breastplate for a horse', (col. 628) 'strike, engrave'. In fact, the root is
"muk (DTW), pass. part. of IWllaka; ETAIOPIC: perhaps Tna. hanrlarlii 'apply oneself',
perhaps rather lJanfala; see below, and ~I!,
~enbali ",:tflil. (TM) = Amh. fe!'a very fine above. mii~n([k, pI. mahall.k (K) 'jaw, means of chew-
ing, means of grinding up meat and bones'; hanpin, hanpin "")A,1 , ;h1A:> (Lt), ~an!"ln,
grain used in making the .ligara-bread';
see also henbeliyiil. ~.nfa!a II ",1Lm (0r.54) 'clean grain by rub- h.npin .i.1~1 , Jt1A'> (T.K.Dl 'lizard, (T) kind
SSMlTlC: Ar. lIanaka
. 'chew'' .hanak 'palate',
bing lightly, winnow with a sieve'; Soq. ~I-I-nk 'give food, receive food'. ~f beetle, scarab. (Lt) chameleon';
~.nbar Jt1f1c (T) 'wooden headrest'; related to ~anja~a. above. ETHIOJlJf: Te. (tii)/:Ianndka 'gulp down with an SEMITIC: perhaps Ar. ~1Q1Ifii.' 'sea tortoise' (Dillmann
ctfort', Amh. miiiiikii ·chew'. 110).
. "
238 ~.nlal. htRl lza
• •
- -

~.npippl' ,l,,)~A.: 'alJna~i, malJna!; (Gr). part. of >alJna~a; .....:.
• ••
<ee '.npii{J{J" banzaz a ",')/1/1, (Y) 'come out of the nO'e 'dnq"'a ' der arnk.!msche \\achholderba • T
SEMITIC Praetorrus. ZDMG 61 (l907). 616 ConSid_ idn nk or food} : '10 (Instead oi. • urn t w...
henqe .n. ')'1: (T) 'Iouse'; anq " gl\cn ~,. RcanISCh) . .Is In
C UshIhe 811. ~"q~ii.
ers the verb J.tana~a 'build' a denominative Cro ETHIOPIC Amh anii::ii:ii 'come out of the: nose
sec also ·anqi.
lJ;m.y 'buildmg', metathesis oC Ar. ~i~n 'Cortress' (C; (food or dnnk) owmg to a of the: trachea'
hanqaqa I "'')4'4' 'be Inchned. slip, shde, be which see ~~~n. below). See also ha:a:a . ~.q.r. (r,hq.(. r,hqaf, ,,,+1... 'hug, emhrace,
prone (to any feeling), (Gr.52,L.Lt) be In anxI- ETHIOPIC: Tna. IJani;4ti 'build', Amh. annti!ii, Gur brood, fold (hand,,.;
ana!i 'carpenter' (from Amharic). h,rtUz ih,)lIl1 (DTW Q41) 'beetle'. 'llhqafa, causatIVe',
et\, be fearful. fear, (K' TY) be pampered. be •
ca-pnclOus. (K') deSIre something that is ETHIOPIC Tna. I;.1nti: 'beetle', Amh. ,m=J.~, la!laq{a, paSSive,
honse "'')~ (Lt) 'mouse';
• •
tahiiqaf'a 'embrace each other
beyond one's capacity': heppi .n.~ (T) 'bird of prey'.
'ahanqaqa (Gr.52), causative: · .. ·asluhiiqafa, caus. of lahaquld
h -iji' •
h,nquq (L.K·.Gr.52) 'fearful, timid, (K') pam- ~an~awii ",')l\,/, (Sw. in 0 780) 'mouse'; heppo .n.~ (T) 'deacon', , aqu (K'), act pan. of haqa(,,;
pered. capricious'; .. reconstructed from
·wrongly 11eppo dl.~'aqon (see
~,qu!- ~uqUf 'embraced, hugged';
variant of 'ansawa, above, See also hanse
. .' huqu(e emhrace. embracing' (n)
h.nqaqe (D.T), h",q"aq'e (KG) 'inclination, '
hippo diyiiqon)
being prone to ·(n.), being pampered, being ~.n~wil ,l,,)Ir'/'l\, (T) ~.n~.wil "I')l\'I'A ~.,q(a~ 'embrace. guardiansh,p';
capricious. (L.Lt.Gr52) anxiety, fear'; 'kind of oat'; hepode!en .n.~1..tIl. ') (T). ~e~iy.ii!en .n.~-'l.J' IllJhq.a f (K ') 'means or place of holdmg m the
malpnqaqi (Gr52) 'who frightens'; see also ';ms~wii{, in.'> (M) 'Silken veil, cloth of Silk and gold arms ~

ETHIOPIC: Tna. &anqiiqii 'be spoiled, be pampered',

~.nel "'1T (D.T) 'contention';
thread, colored cloth'. SrMITIC ' pcrhap.., Ar. hal/dIll ' be benl , Ix~ CUT\cd'
Te. ~lQnqiiqQ 'live in luxury', J.t.mquq 'spoiled', to be identified with hippodill'n. above. (Ambros), Sh. ~lt-q 'embracC". and pcrhap\ 011,",
ETHIOPIC: Dillmann 79, 109 considers It a variant of h,·qft·bend. sleep (protedlVel» 0\« (a chIld)' Nco.

II "'')4'4' (T) 'be superstitious, pre- lJamet; cpo Tna. ~~nnil~ilnnii 'rivalry'; In Cushitic: hepelipu .n.A.II9.. (T), hi~i1i~i 'lA-II,.. (MAl, Syr. ~r(Jq 'embr-JL'C', Akl , f{'lqu. wohl 'umtJ'5C'Il"
dict the future': Be. hane 'reproach'. ;.tiolipu "MI.9.. (T) 'the eastern door of the (von Soden 122); relaled to IJbq (wuh Jltcrnance- of
h>nquq (K' T) 'superstitious, soothsaying'. churcn, gateway of the church compound': lablals and mctathe"ls) ; St\q h-t-/1// 'cmhr.lcc \')nc:
~anOI (pI. ~awiinil, ~awaniil, [K'] ~anwiil) anothe~'. Heb. ~(j~dq 'embracc', Aram. ~dM('q, SH
~.nq.rt I ,l,')o}-C·l- (DTW 944), ~.nq.rt 'no}-c-l- "''iT 'cell, vault, slaughter house, (T) tavern, possibly to be Ident,fied "ilh Gk (Iu'lprir '(the) !J.Jtaq surround. cncompass', Md. hbq ·cmbral.:c·
(K) 'goiter': inn' ; gale' See also 'appiifil!'!u. Ug. h/>q. Hctzron. 8S0.IS 1] (lQ70) bl~ SUl<!<CSls
(hela !ranol 'tavern'); the posl"bliJty of Hcb, 'q/"'surround'; notc ahl) SH
ETHIOPIC· Tna. ~~nq~rl; 'goiter', Amh. Jnqart. hepon .n.ft1 (T), ~ep.n th.A') (M) 'bIrd that
• • 'Jf!uq 'embrace' (Fraenkel, BA .1[18QRPJ Jg,"~sl
of Aram.-Syr. (~liniilii. ~iiniilii) origin (Fraenkell72; does not fly';
~.nq.rt II ,l,')o}-CT 'melting POt, furnace, pit Barth 18 1B .25). Barth, ib. compares Ar hu//(lb 'glr.
Noeldeke 191O:45); also in Ar, haniil, Heb. hiiniil die, gmh'
in which blacksmiths melt iron'; Amh. hanOI 'butcher shop'.
. '.' would It be the same as 'eppoppii?
.. .,

ETHIOPIC': Amh imqart 'shaft from which minerals

or Ofes are taken' ~.n.!a "'~m (D.T.Y) 'perfume the corpse, em-
~.q. "'4:, ~.q·i "'*, see haqaya.
E1HIOPIC Tna. ~aqarii, haq"'ciju 'cmbru\,'c', Tc
11c1qfa, Arg. haqqcVa. Amh uqqll/(I, Gur u"qJlii,
Har ~tlfiiqa (for ~aq(llo, with metathclil'i, a feature
balm the corpse, massage, rub with perfume'; ~.q·e "', (also ~awqe. ~owq'e ,hm-4: I that IS frequent in Harari). The root passed Into
~.nqis ,l,,).4'1l (T M) 'mud';
SEMITIC· Ar. hannata
. 'embalm', Heb. hanal,
. , Aram. ,n1D-'). pI. haq'eytil 'hip. 101D. thighbone'. Cushuu.:. Kam. h<mqatfo. Sid. hanl/a", .sa hdl/(U.
see also ·anqas. ,
~ana!, Syr ~ilna!- SEMITIC' Ar. ~aqw 'loin', SAr 1,o/w 'I<'m~, hiPS', Mh.
hanos "''ill: see hanos. haqou, Heb. ~eq ·Iap·. ~",!·.r ,l,""'<i: (Gr.50) ·prie,!'.

~n!b. 'a~.n!aba ""'')mO (LI) 'scratch'; ETHIOPIC' Te. 11~qqal '10m. hip', Tna ~Iaql/iit
~ana~a (Ydhn .. ) "'~l\, (T) ~ana~a "'~/l 'build, ~.ql (pI. 'uhqiil. '<l~qlll, 'ahq .• /I) "'~A 'fidd .
SEMITIC Ar. ~Ja!aba 'prune (a vine)'; the Ethiopic !»qq'ii, ~,qq'., Har. har' 'back of body', cornmg to
build up, construct, repair, erect'; root is augmented by n, mean 'back of. behind, after' in the various Guragc plain. desert, wilderness, 'OUnlr)Slde. Jrstn,!';
)a~n~·a. causative; (IIJlI'o.\'U Iruql 'weapon 'J.
ETHIOPIC: Te. 1Jan!aba 'cut the ear of corn'. dralects (see Leslau 1979:72, under anq'a) a, well as
lahGlI!O 'be built, be erected'; In Te. haqo (INES 15[1956].241-2). L1ttmann,7S I !llIqqula ("') 'go to the tield, (T YM) become a
hana"i 'builder, mason, architect': ~on!o!o "'')mm (Y.M) 'scratch, strip off'; (1922). 66 compares Har trati 'back' WIth Te. 'os rebel, plunder, become an ulllDhahlted place',
'back' haqqiil 'countryman, farmer, natIVe, rustH:, (Tl
hdnu,' 'bUilt, constructed'; SEMITIC: AT. halto-.. 'cut, cleave, engrave', PbH. ~Iii!a!
robber, fighter, barban"n. savage, ("-l;) ,llle
~dn~, hdn~ii. ~.n~e- (with suffix pronouns) 'dig, cut out', Aram. ~lila!, Syr. hal (h!l) 'dig. dig
out', Md. "!! (probably) 'dig out, excavate'. Akk.
~oqq ih~; see !'qq. who lives in the desert':
'structure, building, construction, (LI) rule';
h;msal 'construction, structure, process of build- -
. .
ETHIOPIC: Tna. hama/ii 'scratch', Te. han/ilia 'be ~oqq', ~",!qu ,l,4"- I m~. (T.M) haw",! ,l,m-~,
haqqiiU, SHme;

ing' , !,aqqtiltill'i 'one of the fidd. pea\i\lnt, rush\."
torn', Amh. anil!!ii!d '~crape, smooth by s~r~ping' (T) ~oq.w ,l,o}-m- 'odOrIferous 'wood, cedar
(ha'ala h,nsalii 'Feast of the Construction of rude. (l.t) rebel',
The Ethiopic root is enlarged by n in relation to wood, pine tree, (T) perfume, aroma'.
the first church [the 20 and 21 of sane])'; haqltill'i (Gr 50) 'unInhablted (place), cropt},
Semitic hll, _.. See also rania/a,
. ,. htl. -
.. hansasa
,. . EnlloPIC. Reinisch 1887:39 compares it with Tna. uncultivated (place)':
, a har ra
, 241

S"tllIC Ar. haq! 'fiold, ferlile field', SAL hq/'field', !raqariil (It) 'rejection, repudiation'; ~arafa
Aram. luiqal. Syr. ~laqlii, Md. haqal, Akk. l'q/U. 'aslalwqiiri (Gr.50), part. of 'asta!laqara; dom', Te. ~ara 'f~ee. freedom', ~~~l. hurr ',free', ara,
ETHIOP1C Amh haql 'wilderness' (from Geez). ariJnnii1 'freedom, GUT. hurru ba!a be free. While it SEMITIC: Ar. ~arada 'pierce' G,R, Driver in Bdum~
, (L1) 'insolence, dishonor, treach_
is tempting to connect the meanmgs of &arii. 'army', ga~lner 19~7:?4 connects this root with Hcb. hiirlld
which occ~rs I~ several passages in the meaning 'set
ery ;
~aq·an., ~.q·na th</!,) , th4>') (D.T.Y) 'churn hariiwi 'soldier, freeborn' and ~Iarannat 'freedom',
butte .. : masta!wqar, (K*) ma~qi!r, part. of 'aSla(iaqara; this may not be the case. ?~t. h~rry which he derives from the basic mean 109
ma~lqflan (T) 'vessel for churning butter'; SEMITIC: AT. &aqara 'think lightly of, Heb. hiiqar pierce (Ar. ~arada) > 'he separated himself from
h,'" thl; see hrr, hiSOwn peo I' 'h d
(Prov.28: II, Judges 5: 16) 'despise' (Kopf 198: Barr , , Pe > urne away on a j'ourne)' ' set
SEMlTW: Ar. {Iaqana 'churn'. out.
258 following others), SYL h.qar 'talk boaSlfully'
ETHIOPfC: Te. (>atJ&aqiiIJa 'churn', {'~qa" 'bulter-
(Brockelmann 1928: 252), Md. hqr 'boast, speak
hora ,hl; see ~wr,

ETHIOPIC Tna. ~Iariidii 'slaughter', Te. harda,
mi Ik', Tna. Itaq~
, -
ana 'ch urn', &aq"'an
- 'butlermi Ik'. See boastfully' , ~mh.Gur. arriidii, Arg. arriida; passed into Cushit-
also 9qNiin. h,rb
thCll (K -) 'war'; Ie; Be. hariid, Qua. ard.
ETHIOPIG: Amh. aSlaqqiirii 'belittle, disdain' (an Am-
~aqaq. (YJ!lqJq) ,h"'''' (T.M) 'level off, fasten, haricized form of G. >asta&aqara); perhaps Te. 'as-
ta~lOqdra 'complain'.
from Ar. &arb; also in Te. ~lUriJh, HaT. ~arbi,
Amh.Gur. harb, arb; Te, (Iii)hariiba 'fight' is a
~arid.1 tht-~A (TM) 'hyena';
fix, (K-) make exact by increasing what is little seems to be a plural form.
or by diminishing what is much'; ~oq.w ;":"a>- (T); see ~aqq"'. SEMITIC: SAr hrb-t 'battle', Soq. harib 'fight', Heb,
SEMITIC: Ar. &aqqa 'be suitable', ~laqq 'right, truth', hrrr9 'sword', Aram.-SYL harM, Md. harba, Ug.
~ar·4· (>tj) thl6, (K) ~.ra~a .hlK, (L. T)
SAL hqq 'valid, binding', Soq. /Iaq 'judgment', Heb. ~.q.y. (y,hqi) th"'f, (GL50) ~.qya th:"f hrb, ~ar.~a ~lK 'grind, pulverize, reduce to
{lOq 'prescription, rule, limit', Aram. (lqq 'cut into> 'gnash the teeth, grind the teeth, break with powder, mash, crush, cut off';
decrec', Syr, (lUqq(i 'rule', Md. hqq 'be orderly'. the teeth, break by chewing, (M) grind one hereb rh.t.1l (T) = Amh . • mbWay 'kind of 'ahrada,
. , causative',
ETHIOPIC: Te. ~lQqq 'right', Tna. (wqqi 'truth'. The tooth against another, (T) bring close (probably,
( plant having sour fruit'; la~arr!a, passi ve:
root is related to ~Igg (see bagaga, above); see also hariidi 'miller" ,
the teeth), chew hard food (such as roasted ETHIOPIC perhaps Te, bariiba 'a plant'.

hqq, belo\\'. grain), (It) crunch'; (i"utj 'ground, pulverized';

'Qftqaya, causative; her.b. rh.lll (T,M) 'scrape, delete by scraping, !writj, (K.T) f]ari~ 'powder, flour, dough';
~qq, ~aqq ;":,, 'little, a little, moderate,
ra~aqya, passive; ian (hide)'; could be either an original form or h"tjat, verbal noun of harada;
somewhat, mediocre'; • •

a reconstructed perfect from the imperfect )'d- mii(i(.)ratj'mill, millstone, lower millstone;
!ldqqa 'a little, a little while, for a short time, a tal,iiqaya (K *) 'grind the teeth agamst each
lin Ie way, by degrees'; other' ; herrab, from '" ~arraba; (mii~ratja 'adg 'millstone', see 'adg);
!Ierabi (T+); should be !Iel'iibi, ~erebi (K*) 'tan- (',bna mii~rad 'millstone');
(habbahJqq 'little by little, gradually, by de- /lGqiiyi (K*), act. part. of haqaya;
(beta miihrad [lJ 'mil!');
grees'); ~aquy (K*) 'gnashed (teeth)'; ner' ;
("11/d~bra IlJqqa 'soon after); haqe, haqay, (T) (iaq.y, ~aqWii, (L) !1Oqiy 'gnash- seems to be a wrongly reconstructed form of Amh. SEMITIC: related to Ar. ~Jara~a 'split', SAr. ~rt!
ha!l.qqu 'sufficiently, enough, very, very much, ing of teeth'; arrdbii 'make Moroccan leather', from ·<rb (with 'Mehlkuchen' (?) (Muller 1983:280),
initial ~ instead of <). ETHIOPIC: Te.Tna. ~ari~~ 'flour', Arg. har{, Gur. ar!;
greatly, considerably, thoroughly, completely, ETHIOPIC: Tna. !lGljiiyii 'gnash the teeth', Te. ~aqa
passed into Cushitic: Sa.Ar. harid,
exceedingly, utterly, intently, accurately, entire- (Reinisch), Gar. aC?ii (Polotsky, JAOS 69[1949]AI);
, I thCIl.,. (T.M) 'fend off, parry, ward
ly, (L1) in a little time'; (with a negative) 'not also in Cushitic: Bil. Itaqaq~d 'gnash the teeth', ~arafa I (y.h,,!) thU, (K, Y.M) 'drip, drop';
at all'; off a blow with a shield'.
Kam. an{e-kko 'chew', Dar. un~e. Or could Kam. ~araJii, (KG) harifii, h>raja 'saliva, phlegm.
the basIc meaning is "be in the right measure (be it Dar. an~e. un(e be identified with Semitic ~nk (see harbat.
, II thCIl.,. (MA) 'be panic-stricken, be foam, (T.M) oil of mustard, juice (sap) of
little or much)'; see &aqaqa, above. heka) with k:q:?? appalled' ; spinach';
ETHIOPIC: Tna. harhiitii 'not know how to distin- ~ar!ol (M) 'juice of peas or chickpeas';
~aqar • ..1''''1.: see 'aslahaqara; ~aq'eyit th:ll!:"; see haq"'e,
guish between things'; perhaps also Amh. tii-rhiitiib- related to Heb. 'arap 'drip, trickle'.
'u.rla!wqaru, )aslii~lqarQ. (K*) >Qftqara "disdain, SEMITIC:
~ari tht, 'army, troops, hosts, soldiers, sol- Mia, from rbt (with reduplication of the last two ETI-lJOPIC: Amh. arii/a, ariija-l 'foam', Gur. ara/a,
despise, look down on, deceive, esteem lightly, radicals), from an original ?rbt.
diery, captains, officers'; Arg. ariifa, hard/aI, Har. &ariiJa, &orofa, and perhaps
profane, humiliate, behave contemptuously, also Te.Tna. 'afra 'foam' (with metathesis and ~:').
treat with contempt. vilify, revile, abuse, hariiwi 'soldier, captain, freeborn, nobleman'; ~ar.d. (y'~r>d) thO'" (l) harada ~l~
mock, ridicule, blame, censure'; !lGriiwannii (It) 'freedom'; 'slaughter, sever, cut the throat, slay, destroy'; harafa II thl.t. (T,Y.M) 'crush, grind, tear off a
ta~aqra (K *), passive; !lGfdnnal (T.M) 'freedom'; la~rada (K .), causative; leaf from the top, make thin' (should be Amh.
hiiqur, (T) !"q"ar, pass. part. of 'astiihqara; SEMITIC": Ar. (Jurr 'freeborn', SAr. br 'frec', Heb. ta~arda, passive; asassa rather than sassa 'be thin' as in T, Y);
also 'submissive, vile, despicable'; *~JOr, ~or-im 'free men', PbH. bf-n hor-in 'free, freed', tahiirada (K*) 'slaughter one another'; !Iarifol (T) 'ground, crushed' (see also (iarifa-
I"q"r (M), haqr (K*) 'contempt, vileness, Aram. bar ~6rin, Syr. (Iera, ~eriiyii, Md. br haria. 'aslahiirada (K'), causative of ta(iiirada; nor) ;
schism, heresy'; ETHIOPIC: Amh. Itara 'army, troops' (from Geez); ~ariidi (K*), act. part. of harada;
Te. kiirayi 'army, band' (Littmann-Hofner 404). For SEMITIC: perhaps AL ~arafa (wilh~) 'pluck (a fruit),
haqrat, h,qral 'dishonor, contempt, disdain'; hi!rud, pass. part. of harada; cut off (fruit)'. W. Muller suggests AI. ~arafa 'turn
'free, freedom', cp. Tna. ~ara 'free', ~ar;mlliil 'free- ~>rdal, verbal noun ~f harada'
, , away, discard from', S~. ~arel'remove'.

242 har rnal 243

hann az , ~armaz (p)l.h~aramJ=), "'Coo'll. "'C


"'tt;: (T.M) 'vegetables, seed of vege- harrama
, 'anathematize';
ic : Tern. hariirre· 'be hol', Sid 41", Or aru ' be
tables'; 'a~rama 'forbid, prohibit as illicit, lay a ban "11 'elephant, (K r moceros ;
charred', iir 'be angered', Bil. hardr 'hurn', Ar. Uf .
perhaps for &arif with the meaning 'that which is consecrate, devote, cause to be devoted, de~ IC ' TeTna. harmaz 'elephant'; passed into
ErHIOP. · , - See
harvC'sted ear/y', or 'thai which is gathered'; cpo Ar. clare as taboo, declare illicit, anathematize'. 't'c'. Ai· harmaz, Qua.
CUS h11 _ harma:. Hommel ~arir "'tC 'silk';
~orafa 'pluck (a fruit), gather fruit'. tailarma, ta~arrama 'be forbidden, abstai~ )33, 374. 381, and harmas, above. ~aririit 'silk dresses';
keep oneself away from something (because of
harifonot ",t';:<;'r (KG) 'coarsely ground its being illicit), make a vow, be taboo, culti- Oa-de "'~1:}1" (Lt) 'light green'; SEMITIC : Ar. ~arfr 'silk', Soq. harMer
(wlle.t), split (lentils)'. vate sacred things'; irom Amh. ariing""ade. ;THIOPI~: Te.Tna. ~/arir 'silk" ~e. also. liar. Amh,
ar , har~r, probably from Ar, ~af/r; also In Cushitlc :
probably for Iwi(ot (see IJaraja II). ~ariimi (K,Gr.46), act. part. of harama; also Sa. hanr, Af. harer.
'abstinent, penitent'; ha,.nna! "'C~r 'freedom';
h.rrifiit .ntol-r (T,M) 'useless, futile, idle', (~ariime ,.kl 'one who abstains from food'); .'perhaps a loanword .from Ar..hurr 'free', and is
• IS _
not lO be connected wIth ~Iara.
~arasa I (yallres) "'~i\ 'plow, cultivate land':
from Ar. ljuriifo, pI. Ijuriifiit 'nonsense, gratuitous i'>rum 'not permissible, illicit, forbidden, 'ai;rasa, causative;
story' (Ambros). consecrated, dedicated (to God), devoted (to la~larsa, passive;
harapi "'~A.; see ~a,pafJa.
haraga "'~? (K*) 'wind around, interlace';
God), anathematized, who abstains'; • •
~arasi (pI. harasl. haras.),iin) 'plowman,
~.,m 'forbidden thing, prohibited by law, (LI) farmer" , .
ilOrag (pI. 'aizriig. 'ahrug) 'vine shoot, twig, setting aside as sacred'; harpapa ",CAA (T,Y), har~a~a ucAA (MA) 'be
;eb<llious, be violent'; ~arus (K*) 'plowed';
creeper. ornamented headings, ornamental de-
. , , &armat 'prohibition, abstinence, sacredness h"s (K') 'plowed field. farmland',
SIgn, \'Ignette ; harapi (MA has harafJi) 'violent, criminal';
sacred rites, ritual, religion, ceremony, rite: ~larsti",j 'plowman, farmer':
(na'lIs harag 'dependent clause'); mortification, anathema'; SEMITIC: Grimme 1914:261 connects it with Ar.
,,"rsal (K *) 'act of plowmg';
«(ahiy)' &arag 'main clause'); expressions cre- )a~rami, mii&rami (Gr), part. of )a~rama; hariba 'be violent, be vehemently angry', Heb. ~oral!
ated by Marso'e !:Jazon; :say sharp things', Syr. J:tarree 'sharpen'. miilzras (pI. malliiras) 'plowshare. plow';
ma~lriim 'sanctuary, shrine, temple, chapel,
SEMITIC: Ar. baraga 'dense and tangled trees'. temple of the pagans'; SEMITIC: Ar. ~arata 'plow', SAr. m-~rt-t 'plowland',
haraqus I "'~41i1 (Lt) 'an insect, (K) which is Heb. ~iiras 'plow', Syr. ~JraJ, Md. lIft 'dig out'. Ph.
ETHIOPIC Tna. ~ariig 'vine branch', Te. 1zariig 'a la~arami 'bereaved, who abstains, who keeps ~ibbled, chewed, gnawed, bitten (food. fruit),; ~"J 'plow', Ug. ~m, Akk. ereJu 'cultivate u field'
tree', Amh. artig 'a creeping plant'; passed into away (from something)'; one would expect 'which nibbles, chews, and ETHIOPIC: Tna. ~ariisii 'plow', Te. ~arsa, Har. ~a­
Cushitic: Sa. harag, same. ta~JQrmo 'abstinence'; , rasa, Arg. harriisa, Amh.Gaf. arriisa, Gur, ariisii.
so on ;
, , 'abstinence, vow, devotion, mortifica. For 'plow' (n.), cpo Te.Tna. ma~"iiJa, Amh.Gur.
~arge (pI. itariigif, 'aimtg) "'C'/" (Gr.48) ~argi tlOn ; from Ar. ~Iurqii~ 'winged insect', marrua. The root passed into Cushitic: Bil. arii~,
"'C? 'ram, male of sheep or goats, kid (of Sa,Af, haras.
SEMITIC: AT. ~zaruma 'be forbidden, be prohibited',
goats)' ; ~araqus " "'~41i1 (Sw. in D 1399) 'material for
~arrama 'forbid, pronounce inviolable or entitled to
coloring' . ~arasaii (yah"s) "'~i\ 'practice sorcery, fore-
ETHIOPIC Praetorius, ZDMG 43 (1899). 326 derives respect', SAr. ~rrn 'prohibit', S~. a~rirn 'forbid',
it from Cushilic: Sa.Af. harg; 'eunuch, castrated Heb. ~Jrrn (hiftil) 'banish' (for the various meanings tell the future. devise, (K*) have bad thoughts,
male sheep'; cpo also Som. urgi'ram'. of Heb. ~rm, see G.R. Driver in Baumgartner ~rr, ~.rra, ~.r.ra (y.h,ar, y.itrar) "'~ • "'~~ (M) lie':
J967: .56-9), Aram. J:tarem 'excommunicate, declare 'burn (intL), be ablaze, be hot, be grilled, (T) hariisi 'magician, who has the divining spint,
~arga~ (pI. harga~iil) "'C?It, (K) ~arga~ something set apart for the temple's use', Syr. be dried up'; enchanter' ;
"'C1/l 'crocodile'; 'a~rem 'interdict, separate from the ordinary use, 'a~rara 'burn up (tL), consume, dry up (tL)'; ~aras, ~ars, (L) ~arS, (KG) ~aris 'incantation,
ETHIOPIC Tna. 1lQrga.r 'crocodile'; augmented by r devote to God', Md. hrm 'ban, curse', Akk. haromu &arur 'burnt, dried out'; divining power, divination';

in relation to ~lQga.r, above. 'separate'. For 'sanctuary', cpo Ar. (Dat) miJ:trom, harur 'intense heat, ardor, fervor' (probably (sab'a har!; [LJ. sab'a ~aris [LtJ 'diviners');
SAr. mbrm, Te. miJ~ram. As for Ar. mi~rob 'prayer from AL ~arur); itarso (T.M) 'one who predicts, magician';
~ar~ar I "'C"'C (LI) 'multicolored'; niche', Landberg 1920:396-8 derives it from SAr, ~"iir 'ardor, fervor, heat, glowing ashes,
see also harhar II. mhrm. whereas R.S. Serjeant, BSOAS 22 (1959),439.
&arasiiwi, see &ariisi;
(Gr,47) fever'; (Gr.47 has an entry i,a,iir "'t-C,
453 derives it from SAr. mhrb. See also Noeldeke SEMITIC: Heb. ·~{!r{!s 'magic', Aram, ~(iriif 'magi·
~ar~ar " "'C"'C (Lt) 'swampy'; 1910:52, n.3. but the quoted text has ~ariir .nt-C); cian', hars-;n 'magic', Syr. ~arrajii 'magician', Md.
ETHIOPIC: Te. ~arriima 'forbid', Tna. bariimii 'be SEMITIC: Ar. harra
. . har
'be hot' , Sh, . 'heat' (n.), Heb, harsin ~enchantment, magic', Ug. ~-t-rS 'work mag-
perhaps to be connected with harhar . , I because of
prohibited', Amh. harriimii., arriima 'forbid, ban'. harar. hara (hry) 'be hot', harh"r 'feverish heat', ic'. Barth l893:3 connects the root with Ar. s.i~"
the many colors of a swampy place.
Note that the forms haram, harim
, 'forbidden, ta· Aram. ~iirar 'burn', Syr, ~lQr 'be dry', Md, hrr 'be (with metathesis) 'magic' against Fraenkel, BA 3
~arama (y.h"m) "'~oo 'forbid, prohibit, boo' in the various Ethiopian languages are bor- hot', Ug. ~rr 'scorch, roast', Akk. ereru 'be arid, be (1898). 64, Von Soden 324 connects il with A~k.
abandon, set aside as sacred, declare sacred, rowed from Arabic. parched' (?), arliru 'burn up'. hara!u 'tie, bind', the tying refernng to the magical
ETHIOPIC: Tna. hariirii 'burn, be hot, be burned', practice of tying knots (see also !Jabr II) . .on Heb,
consecrate, dedicate to a deity, (T.M) serve a ~.rm.!.nnjj .nC9":"'I (Ll) 'perdition, misery';
deity or a sacred thing'; Te. ~arra 'be hot;, harur 'heat' (n.), Har, ~ariira 'be h{!r{!J and on its connectIOn with AT. burs. the food
metathesis for hiJrtamanno;
, see hartama.
, hot', Amh.Gur. arr'arii 'be charred'; also in Cushit- given to the women in childbed (as a magical drug)
~asaba ~~( ____--------------------------~~----------________________~~~'.~w.
hdsal. ~asal. ITI hdsiil 't>ndle, halter h~dM'11
to facilitate dclm::r~', see W. Robertson Smith. The harit"".,
" , ,~"
har. t""ii
• ~"t
-ht-'I':I' ,- .L ' :
~ ...
I .;or
'h ere_ part. of it
.,,j}II. act, part of hassaba;
; I
I cham. cord· , '" ._ .
Jfjw-nal of Phi/(l{llgr J 4 (I SS5). J 24·5. tiC; " a c t · · .
jJ!s.i , 'b 'calculated. computed. con·
ETHloprc ~oeldde 1910:J7 considers G, ~lGrasa an
Aramaic loam\ord. howner, in \-ie\.\ of GUT, oroii from Gk. hairetikos (pI. hairelikOil through Chr,-A V-i¢!" ~u.ssu ~E..\fl'~lf": AT hasaJa 'urge on .1 beast', .l,~:'-' aa:.
·on<." "ho has the prl\\;er of casting the evil eye', the (pl.) harariqa. r .• ' k· I rore ,>.I _,-\ram 'aSia \Zlmmem 35, Kaufman 1"1
''''''' . oun L accounting. ree ·onmg. eva u- S)T 'Id '
rOOllS to be considered Ethiopic; passed into Cushit- " ·'0 'a<c - . " 'IS a, " . aila. Or could G has I ~
11..' Be. han~ 'magic' See also ~lOrasi.
~ar.wi -ht-'I!, ~ariiwannii -h&.m-'i"; see (,ara, ~ calculation, computatIOn" ChrohnOl~g), connected ""Lb Syr. ~sal .rc:)tram'''!· Qa

J~~n·ce portion. proportlOn. s are: ETHIOPtC' Te. hasla, hilSla 'bndl< tV) "sal ... I
~ar.w.ya. ~arawyii, ~.rawiyii (pI. 'al;r.lI') -ht- ut" pn. . ' ' ..... .....fa
harrasa ,hdl (Y HM) 'sleep'; [ <""" 'tib-J + noun accordmg to. m propor-
,f,.,,,,s 'camel's bndle'
m-! : -h~m-,f : -h~'I!! 'pig, wild boar"
ETHroPlc probably for [mrasa 'be in childbed'. and •
hariiw.ya (Iaql 'wild boar': IJoln to'),
'b kawabbl 'I')'
astro ogy . ~as'la n .hfl/\ 'put in storage, insen, (K') load',
cp. also Tna. hariisii 'sleep, slumber, be in childbed' 1
(Tna. harJsii would then be for ~ariisii). ETH10PfC: Te. bariiw)'Q 'boar', Amh. araya H lidJS·
. -ba d
-oman ')
'calen ar '~ (!illl (pI. 'aiJ:;,,/, 'ahsiil. 'ah"II), (L) ho.,/. (Gr-l8)
lhJ. t ia a " hasal 'sack' ' -
bariyya 'wild pig', Gur. hariiyii 'porcupine': Gar. , i -b 'Treatise on C ' .)
omputatton; ,

~ariisi -ht-I\, pI. harast (KG) 'judges'; (SeJ~i) iraJii 'pig'; also in Cushitic: Or. eriYQ ~~' /J,lhra ",ssa I .
t, 'b 'astronomer. chrono oger ; ~eseme! ,f"fl."'L-l- (T.M) ·cat'
~ariiy, Sa, hara, Be. ~a;a)l'J'a. Appleyard 43 de~iv~ """ass, , .
ISthere any connection with (pI. of !zariisi) I~,tbt (K') 'reckoning. computtng ;
It from G, flQrQH'Q 'dig, but the Geez root for 'dig'
magtclans' (for which sec ~ara5a If)? is harau:a. , "A h.siM 'think', hasaba 'calculate, ~as<R .hfl..,. (T) haseR 01'1.') 'butterfly',
. . S r..
hoseb 'count,, He, b i.Iosa_
" b 'h t In k'- ,
haris -htll , see Iwrasa, SPoUTIC- Ug. /
'grasshopper' {Fisher SSl.
, . ~iissa, ~assa -ltfl ; -hfl 'God forbid. (Lord) ""nt, hilieh,
oq. , Id I·b Ph h 'b Dahood 1965:58 compares Hob, h<isil ~lIh t. h.<n
Syr. Msa!!. l\. ' ts • S . "
forbid' ; ,lrJm, . ' T'na hasabii·think·. Te, ~asba, Arg, hassa· (~lth a1temance h), . -
~aris -htl". (T) ~aris -htll. (GrA8) ~oras EntIOP(C ., ., " G f ·'b ' G
lJiissa la- (with suffix pronouns): e.g, /:lassa lila 'V, Har. ~esaba. Amh " ~sa~a, a. ,lssa a, Uf. ETHIOPIC. Tna. ~asJn 'termite', Amh. aJun 'termite,
,h~lI . 'an.. ~oras hC'I1 : ,h~lI (probably smalliocusr',
'far be it from me!'; combined with '.ska + JWbJ: passed '"to CushtliC: Sid, assabl, BIL hasabo.
from a mlscopied te\t) 'rhinoceros';
imperfect: e.g, hassa lana '.ska nafJaddag 'be it $.J Af hasab,
ETHIOPIC Te.Tna. iJuriS 'rhinoceros', Amh. haris. hisiin ",-II.,. see hI'S,
far from us to abandon!"; • •
"",rot th,fl./.:-l- (KG) 'thanks. thanksgi\"ing',
al'l'raris (from au-ra aris, originally >awFli /.laris);
passed Into ArabIc !tar,s tNoeldeke 1910:57), and from Aram,·Syr. has, /:las J. (Noeldeke 1910:38),
The expression also occurs in PbH, bas w;}btillla, has
, -hfl-l-. hassut
. """"r: see I",sall'", hassa·
, .

CushuiC' Sa_ hard See also Hommel 332, 381. ""hast thll.ltll+ (Lt) 'chameleon';
k'tJJtilom 'let it not be, God forbid!', Md. ';as. ~ h"SJSr.

~.r.~i dt&'l1 (K') 'usury'; Arabic biiJa, in baiiika, fltisti laka 'God forbid' is
not a loanword (as suggested by Noeldeke, ib) Since ~asak (pI. !iOsakat. '0hsiik) -hllll, (KG) ~ask
ETHIOPIC Tna, ~arii~a 'usury', ~larii,fii 'lend money none of the other Semitic languages has f. The root ~nll 'kind of worm. (GrA9) caterptllar that hisa!
, ..
",-lI+; see /n-s,
at interest', Amh. ara[a 'usury'.
is compared with Ar. basso 'be compassionate' ,
,ppears dunng '.
raills :

(Kunsthnger, OLZ 33[1930],669.70), See also Rund. hasaka I (MA) 'become stunted. stop growmg. .
hus.t ",.fI-l-; see hll'S, '

~ur.t ""~-l-; see I;lI'r. gren, Oriens 13·14 (1960.61).368, become emaciated' (denominative with the hasawa (l'ailStlj .hfltD 'cover. lit de, put (into
ETHIOPIC: Te.Tna, baJia 'far be it!" from Ar. litHo; meaning of becoming small or stunted, being ihe pock~t)~ (KG) intertwlflc. put somethtng
~artam. -hCTOD 'become wretched. be abomi. also in Amh. saia (reduplicated. sa). '
,[ected by worms); around the neck';
nable. be mtserable. be distressed. look poor
~esa ""fl. ~is "'-lI; see I;ys, ETH10PIC: Tna. basiilfa 'a ",,·orm' hassoll'a 'lie, tell a lie. utter a falsehood. falsify.
(due to hardship, illness, ignorance). be upset
deny. belie, deeme. be decettful, be lalse.
by gnef or worry, be vile, be disgraced. be . ,hfl; see h",s,
hosa ~as.ka II -hflh (K') 'to rain, be cold. make
emaciated' ~
bri~g false witness, (Y) tWISt'. .
shiver (cold, rain)'; >uhsowu, 'a~assawa 'cause to he. consld,er
. causative , ~asaba -hfiO 'think. believe, impute, consider,
estimate, esteem, appreciate, regard, deem wor. SEMITIC; Ar. hasaka
. 'let fall rajn'. haika 'abundant so'mething to be a Ite, declare. to ~ a he.
h;mum ·unfortunate. abomlOable, wretched. ,

miserable. prodigal, "icked'; thy, take into consideration, have regard for';
ram' falsify, accuse of lying. make a h~r 01. accuse
I ETH/oPIC: Amh. a5sakk alii. i1ssilkk alii 'shiver from of falsehood, induce to falsehood;
~iJrtiJmannii 'misery, annoyance. wretchedness, hassaba 'compute. count, reckon. record, give cold',
an account, calculate'; tahassawa 'be convicted of talsehood. be ac·
impiety. ungodliness. perdition, destruction,
cu~ed of falsehood, be shown false, be shown a
e"il, infam). (T) emaciation'; tahasaba, (T) tahasaba 'be computed. give an ~asala I (yahs.l) dtfl/\ 'put on a halter or a
(b,'se lz.rlJin.nnii ·wicked. villainous'); account, settle an account, ask for an ac- headstall on a mule or a horse, lead by the liar be found out as a liar'; , .
count' , bridle' ,, (-a:i)'y.the.fsa .. 'unfailing, infalltble); od
SEMITIC [he conneclion with AI, (tai&aUama (with • h ' 'accuse of lying or of falseho ,
augmented r) 'cTumble, break into small bits' sug- tahassaba, passive of hassaba; 'a~ala, same; also causative; 'asia assawa ~

tal;iisaba 'have consideration for, take up ac· lal)asla (K '), passive; deel~re untrue or false';
gested by RUilcka 166 IS plausible. See aJso harma-
Ul1na. . counts With, ask for an account'; luJsii/i, act. part. of hasala· hassawi 'liar, lying. false. impostor'" .)
'astal;asaba 'call to account'; hitsul, pass. part. of 'hasal;' «(lQssiiwe masih 'Anuchnst. false Chnst .
, ,
246 h."- 247
~.H~H' (fern . !r:U.fiUI, fJiI.fS.1wt) 'given to deceiv· ~aj"m 'detestable, abominable, disgraCerul "ya hasya (}'d~si)
"''''f, "',..f 'make h '
. as)r surrounding (n.) with a ",all, fencIng off'
'"g, deceitrul, Iy,"g, liar, raise'; despIcable, perverted, ugly. evil. foul, bad: happY, gIve JOY, ( n .•
(~.,s.vH'a J.lln 'cheater'); wicked, indecent, abusive, harmful" ,
haSsaya, same:, , " . has"r 'fenced-In place, fence, waH, hedge, endo-
(ha-iz.'HJW 'fal,d) '), (ha-~.sum, ~ajuma 'wretchedly. wickedly')' lahasaya. ra~asya r~JOIce, enJoy oneself, be
~iJsumii' 'abominations';
sure, rampart, mound, lrench'.
Mua ...c 'lie, unlruth, falsehood'; , oyful, exult. be glad; . , (~asura masqal 'Rampart or the Cross'
~,u.\'.fa( 'lie. fal~ehood, error'; ~.,iam 'ugliness, blemish, guilt. abominati ~a.iser 'joy,, happmess :
, 'falsely');
. wickedness, villainy, evil. evil deed, misdeo~, haM (Gr.46) Joyful. pleased, satisfied,
group of short poems for the days of 'Ih:
hann, infamy, disgrace'; e •
week; see Llfschitz 87 tl);
(:cnci haHar 'false report'),
(.HJmo'ta ItaJ.f01 'false witness'); (i;asama ra·y (Lt) 'ugliness');
;onlent , glad'; . . , ~asrar (Gr.67), verbal noun of husara '
la~asjel (M) 'joy, happmess, exultatton ,
~asm (TS), same as i;asam; ma!)sar (Gr.67) 'place where one m~kes'a fence' ,
SFMITIC' related to Akk. heJu, hasu 'cover > hide AI. (Yem) ~seh 'bravo I', Akk. ba.fasu (with
'> he' NOle thaI Heb.
- -
ilusii (hswly) 'lake reruge', hasmar 'ugliness, trouble, defect, blemish
. , SEMITIC Ar ~a;ira, ~~'ilir 'enclosure', Ar (Oat)
that IS. 'hide' is likewise connected with this root. fault'; , h) 'reJolce . .., I' .. ~adira (see Landberg 192043211). SAr h.,", (pl.)
EnlloPIC: Tna. 'iJssay bravo., Amh . .1Ssay, excla·
Praetorius 1890:34 connects It with AT. ~,ass (~ss) 'ai;sami, mai;sami (Gr.46), act. part. of 'ahsa- .e~dosed cultivated lands', Sh. ho,ror 'bc:!\.lcge. hem
ation or joy, <1SS0, aSio 'bravo!', 'joy' (rrom
10. H~b. ~~er 'yard, enclosure' lsee Orhnsky,
'rusc' rna; ~eez), Gur. assu 'bravo!'; also In Cushitic: Had . JAOS .6[1 939J.22I1), Aram. hU/ra, Syr. hnarii, Ph
ETHIOPIC Te. has.fa (/:Is),) 'to lie', ~as...a)' 'liar'. Tna.
SEMITIC: Ar. ~a.f;ma 'be confounded by shame' haiiu, Kam. aSiu. ~~r" Ug. h!r. ~;r 'court'; poSSibly Akk. ~tUa"llWllh
'lie' (vl. Amh. WD.Hii 'to lie', assaI 'lie' (n.),
from Geez; passed into Cushitic: Sa. asaw 'be in- ?a.fama 'put to sh~me, annoy, anger', S~. ~asl1"; ~) enclosure ror sheep' Note that Akk 1L~lIrtll
(pI. 'a~~a, .a!l~at) "'It 'arrow, dart';
sidlou~ • unpleasant taste In one's mouth'. Praetorius · ..
(Orhnsky, ib. 24) IS not given 10 'on Soden 1440 10
ZDMG 62 (190S). 750-1 (so also Barth IS93:54j SEMITIC' Ar. ha;t-.:a, /:Iu; ....a 'arrow', SAr. /:I;.\'·n the meaning of 'enclosure'
connects th.e ,Geez root With AT. gaSim 'ignorant, 'archer', Heb. ~e~ 'arrow', Aram , /:It .. Ph /:I~, Ug. ~:,
~asaya 1.I,.lIsi) "'f1f 'rub, rub off, friction, (V)
dumb, stupid and suggests that the Geez root IS an Akk. usu. u~!u. See also Noeldeke 1910: 147-S. ErnloPI\. Tna. ~asiirii 'make a rence', Tc. ~ar~dra,
Spill, (Y M) reduce 10 powder, soften, swallow,
ongmal tJafama. However, Geez &: AT. g is not ETHIOPIC: Te. /:Ia~ 'stang', Har. ~;ntit 'arrow' (Litt· Arg. haniira, Har ~t;riira. Amh attura,
. Gur ahira.
Irample on a sown place, break through'; mann, ZS 1(1922].57), Amh. "0.1 (from Geez).
a normal correspondence. Fraenkel 1898: 62, and
·ahsaya (Ko.DTW 962), causative; Praetorius, lb. rightly object to the comparison with ~~, ~a~a~a. ~a~a (y.h.y.s) "'1111 I "'II 'be
la~asya. passive; Heb. ~ltimas 'treat violently' suggested by Barth hassa ,h)\; see ~~.y, deficient, subSIde, wane, decrease (intr.), be
lIasa)'i, (KO), act. part. of hasava;
• •
IS93: 54. · .. wanting, be Ie", be subtracted, dIminish
"'SUI' 'rubbed off, made ready by rubbing, (M) ETHIOPIC: Tna. ~asiima 'be bad, be vicious', Amh. hase ,hI\,; see ~a<!e. (intr.), be inferior (in quality), be short of. be
• •
tanned' , hasmiit 'ugliness' (from Geez). the least, be little, be imperfect',
h•.•yar (K 0) 'act of rubbing. state of being hilS. ,l,l\'') (Ll) 'fortress, castle'; ~~~a,ya (T) 'shorten';
• •
rubbed' , ~aSiim "'''1'1'' (K·. DTW 945) 'wild boar, pig'; SEMITIC: Ar. ~4n 'rortress', SAr. m-h.fn 'derense (:aya!\Q~p~ 'imperfect');
SEMITIC related to Ar. hassasa 'caress, stroke'; per- ETHIOPIC:Te. ~asama 'pig', Tna. /:Iasiima, Amh. work', Soq. ~o~on 'rortress'. Praetorius, 7DMG 61 .. . 'decrease, detract, subtract, dIminish,
haps Akk. i",,;ti (with b) ·chop'. asama, Har. ~astimti. KWK 455 connects it with (1907). 616 connects G. ~a~n 'fortress' WIth G. reduce, lessen, abate, make less, make few.
ETHIOPIC Tna. ~asiisii, ~asii)'ii. ~as~asii 'Wipe, rub', halama 'be ugly'; so also Appleyard 42. hana!a 'build' (see above). Brockclmann (928:247 omit, make ,"ferior, slight, belittle';
Te , hasa. flOia, ~asha.fa, Arg. haifa, Har. htisiisa compares Syr. ~<1sen 'be strong', J:resna 'fortress' with ('ahs~a ra'so 'he humIliated hlmselr);
'caress, stroke', ~aia 'rub something betwee~ two ~asar ", ...C 'straw, piece of straw, dry reeds, Ar ~a~una 'be strong', ~II-rn 'rortress'. As for Ar ta~a~a,w (LI), passive of ·ah.<Gsa,
objects'. Amh a.iJii 'rub', assiisii 'rub off, Gur. hi!n, Fraenkel 235 (rollowlng GUIdi) conSIders It a ha.<lls 'diminished, minor, less, ,"suffiCIent,
stubble, dry twigs, refuse, chaff';
tHiLiii 'rub, massage'; perhaps common with Cushit- loanword coming rrom Syr. ~eslla. He explains Ar ia~king in fullness, wanting, defiCIent, ,"ferior,
Ie BII hushas, Sa ha.ial·. i;asara (K 0) 'collect straw or chaff, peel fruit'
~i'n (WIth ~) against Syr. ~esnu (with s) as a folk
(denom,"ative); low, the least, small, short, imperfect, dwarf,
etymology due to AT. ~a~fUlla 'be inaccessible'. The
( ~a~u~ 'hollow month', Neugebauer 79,
haSarna lyah,i.m) ","'01>, (T) hasama "'1'1_ SEMITIC: Ar. ~uir. ~usur 'husks', Soq. ~osir 'bad Aram.-Syr. origin or Ar. J:ri~n IS doubtrul since /:I~n
n. I):
'be .bad, be evil, be foul, be defo.:med, be ugly'; pasture'. Bittner 1909: 18 compares Mh. gash also OCCurs an South ArabiC, See also Landberg
'straw'. 1920:424ff. hasusan (also =-na. mm"a'a/) 'Chronicles
'ahsama 'make foul, make evil, bring into dis- , . . .
ETHIOPIC: Te. /:Iafar 'straw', Tna. /Jasiir, Amh. asiir, (Bible), genealogy, hneage, generaltons ,
grace, ill-Ireat, Ireat badly, do evil, corrupt, act
hasiir (rrom Geez) 'dregs, husk', Gur. afiira, Har. ~a~.ra (y.hpr) "'II~, (T) ~a~ara "'fI~ 'fence (~J~u~an 'Chronicles');
y,;ckedly, afflict, do harm, hurt, damage, abuse.
offend, curse': ~aiiir; passed into Cushitic: Kam.Qab. alara, Bil. off, enclose with a fence, make a rampart, ("a~u~ana nagasr 'Paralipomena 'j;
haifar. build a mound, compass, encompass, besiege'; hasas 'lack, deficiency, decrease, subtractton,
('ahSama gas~o la'iehu 'he looked at him un-
pleasan(ly'); 'a~~ara, causative; also 'besiege'; ~c~r~ity, shortage. loss, waning (n.), Infwority,
('ahjama qala Iii'la 'he spoke evil agains!');
~ss. ta~isasa "'-'1"''''
(Ll) 'rub vigorously'; ta~a~ra, passive; diminution, reduction, want, imperfection':
secondary form of ~asaya, above. lah~ara, reciprocal of hasara; (ba-~.~as 'sparingly'),
'astahaiama 'consider disgraceful, consider
hateful, consider ugly'; ~a$ari, act. part. of has~r~' husase
• • •
'decrease, dlm,"ution';
~aSSet "'''t.~; see i;asaya. ~a.yur 'fenced-in. besieged, ~urrounded'. hassal, same as ~a~a...f~
. ..
, .. 248 249

tJhsil.\", tiihsasil 'decrease, deficiency. inferior - a.k ,/tllJ"hh (MA) 'diminish' ,

. , ,. .
conditIOn. diminution. waning';
tahaliiti 'investigator, exam mer, who
nizes" ,
scruti_ hawk a ~awqe <hID->/:, ~awq'e <h1D-', see haq',
vh~\·ijSI.'. (iitl~\ii~\'e, same; . I hola II (ya~ul) ,/t1DI\ ; ,1.1\ (K') 'mix'
nw~zal(Jt (K·) 'who investigates, examiner" haWS 0, • ~aw"'l ihlD-~ (T.M): see heqq"
1(1)a,Js! 'scarcity, littleness';
'. . mii~tat 'witness, testifier, testimony'; I
'. Ie' .
nllngwa I ' (K) tahawala (D), lahawala (L) 'be
SEMlllC" AI'. hassa 'cut off. PbH. hiisas. Akk . hussu-
• ••• • • • y ••
SEMITIC: perhaps Ar. !wlla(!Jll) 'scrape, rub', Heb (aha ,.
: d be mingled, be umte ;
. d' ~wr, ~ora (y.hor, .ra!rur' ,!.l 'go go forth
proceed. depart. fOllow a way of life. hav~
:"U (With b) 'cut, break'. x
~IQI. (IJtt) 'be ~hattered, be broken', Syr.lJattet 'settle' rnt : ll .'ta tahiiwwala (K.M.); (Dillmann has la-
ETHIOPIC' Tna. hasiisa
, , . 'be httle, be deficient'. ratify. prove. For the development of me ' ' IOha " , • . h) . . sexual Intercourse" ,
.. . 'dlmlnish', Amh. aflora, assiisii
... 'lack, be , " "nlng , I) 'be associated (wrt ,partrclpate, have
... scrape, break> dIscern, adJudicate', cpo French
iraw"m"union (with), have fellowship (with), (:QY.1~lQWwiJr 4a movmg creature')~
deficient, dimmish'. hl1fO~ 'decrease' (from Geez); trancher 'cut. settle',
also in Cushuic: Bil. ha~a~ 'cut in small pieces', See com . )' 'a!lOra, causative: also 'lead, bring (into)'
have dealings (wrth someone ;
also "ansasa.
ETHIOPIC: Tna. lJaliilii 'ask, inquire, question' T
la~lawra, (K*) {a~lOra 'go, walk'; ,
. "
halttJlt wii-biittall 'ala 'grope about', Amh. a~t"e.: howa
-II' (K') act part. of hawala:
" .' . . 'aslahawra (K') 'a"lah -, f1ng back. re-
b.ssat ihll .}.; see hss. 'inquire', halala 'illus tration' (from Geez), See a~:~ , JI 'connected, ullited, assOCIated, mIn-
., ,. . allQra
, ., ... mahtata. port to, (U) send (lit. 'make go'). (KG) help to
gled'; . . I h ') carry' ;
~.~w.nnii ihll'lD-, (Lt) 'loneliness, helpless- ~etyot th.o}-I'-o}- (U) 'mark, (T.M) abject, base'; {~a",wJla (L) 'Jornt y, toget er ;
ness' ; IlQwari (pI. hawar,yiin). act. part. of hora' al,o
transcription of Heb. hattiiw 'the mark' (Ez.9:4) ErHI OPIC: Te. (Id)~a~'dila 'eat and drink in commu- 'traveler'; . ,
po:-;sibly a secondary fom1 of ~1S~, above. The meanings 'abject, base' are undoubted ly inter~ nity', ~311'Q1a 'common eatmg . an d d nn
'k'Ing., Sec
VlOware miiy 'water carrier'):
pretations given by Tayya to the nOun ~lelyo{. also hall'laya II. (!wIViire b,'asi (Gr.5b) 'man who copulates with
"- see mahse.
hS\'. .. a man. sodomite');
~a!aba (y.&lab) "'rnO 'cut (wood), split bawal., ~ola II (yahul) "'IDI\ • ,1.1\ (K') 'turn
~ut, ,.I~ut ",,0}- : >.(.\",,0}- 'Pisces (constella- (wood), gather (wood)'; (lrawiire "lIs.sii (Gr.56) 'man who copulates
~round' ; with animals');
tion)' ; 'ah!aba (Gr.66), causative; probably reconstructed from ~awalt, below. ~'ww.r (K') 'who walks';
from Ar ('a/pu/' (for which see Kunitzsch 1961, laha!ba (Gr.66), passive;
Index, p, tJ4), hawl {pI. !wwliil)"'IIJ"(.\ (K) 'sharp obsidian'; ~'wiir (pI. itawiiral) 'colonnade. platfonn, pub-
ha!iibi, ha!!iib 'woodcutter, one who gathers
(wood)'; K quotes ~awliil from Job 41: 21, but the lic place, courtyard. porch, chamber, alcove,
~.taba "'-"0 (MA) 'bind with leather strips, ha!ub, pass. part. of ~alaba; storeroom' ;
Asmara Bible edition has hawaiI ,hlD'A~', for
fasten the framework of the roof with leather (ba-it.wiir-a 'in the compass of');
ha!b, (M) ~a!b 'wood that is cut, wood tha t is which see below,
strips'. gathered' ; ~JOlViiriJyii (pI. ~Ulwiirtlyiin, ~taw£ir.""Iyat) 'traveler,
hawalt (pI. ~awliil, 'a~walat) ,hlD-(.\~· 'co lumn, messenger, envoy, apostle, (0') Acts of Apos-
~.tur ih-/:e (T.M), ~.tur "'-he (D), third h.!bm (Gr.66) 'act of cutting or gatheri ng tles" ,
pillar, stele, obelisk, pyramid, (U) calendar';
Coptic month. from October 28 to November (wood)' ; (gadla /:rawiirayiil 'the Lives of the Apostlcs';
.°7', ma~!iib (Gr.66) 'place where one cuts or gathers SEMITIC Ar. ~a)llia 'around', SAr. ~111'/, Soq. ~/CI
for a bibliography. see Hammerschmidt 1973:
wood" , 'go around'; perhaps Heb. biil U,W/) 'dance round
from Coptic (Saidic) l1a(or. also Chr.-Ar. haliir; see dances' or ~,e' 'rampart', both roots possibly going 138: Streleyn 1974:9);
also 'alur. SEMITIC: Ar. baraba 'gather wood', ~arab 'firewood', ~lalViiri1yawi 'apostolic':
back to 'be round, do something in circular move-
Soq. !Ia!ab 'gather wood', Heb, &ii!ag 'gather fire- ments', For ;calendar', cpo Ar. ~lQwl 'year'. See also !rural 'course. walking. going, manner of
~.t.ta (yalll.l) ",.,..,. 'search, search out, in- wood', PbH. hii!ag 'cut, split', Ug. &Ib 'firewood'.
Marrassini 60ff, Rabin, Orielllalia 32 (1963). t 20, going, step, journey, departure, way of life,
qUIre, question, ask. interrogate a witness, in- ETHIOPIC: Te. ~a!aba 'gather wood'.
n.3 connects the Geez root with the SAr. (M inaean) manners. customs, conduct, behavior';
vestigate, explore, examine, beseech, scrutinize, architectural ternl ~yl-n.
~aw "'ID-, (T) haw UID- 'fire'; hllraliil (pI. of !rurat) 'behavior, way of life,
discern. adjudicate'; ,
ETHIOPIC: Tna. hawiJlti 'column', Te. hawalt, Amh. manners;
ETHIOPIC: Tna. ~altlj 'fire', Te. ~aw, Amh. how, Te.
• •
)al.tfata, causative;
hawalt. Geez ~awiJ't 'calendar' also derives from the mahawwar (K*), part. of 'a~ror(l;
tahalala, (K') lahal/a, passive; haya 'burn'; also in Cushitic: Bil.K ha m. haii y ,
basic meaning of the months going around in the mahwiir, mU~lar, (K) mafror 'space, course,
lahiilala (K ') 'investigate one another'; 'burn' (intr.). See also ~awaya. year.
pa th, orbit, distance of traveling, journey, itin-
)aSla{latGra 'cause to search, investigate'; ~iiwi, in ma~(.)~ .fa ~awi ODlI''''''- : "''e, title ~awlayii ihlD-(.\! (T) 'difference', erary, march, day's march';
haliili, act. part. of halala; of a theological encyclo pedia; ,
~JlUI (K '), pass, part. of balala;
nltJhwtira may 'watercourse:
from Ar. 'a{·~iiwl 'tha t co llects' (see E. Hammer- ~awana ,/t1D~ (T) ' take a rest'; ma~fQJzawwJr, (K) masta~lawwar 'who wanders,
~alalii 'searching, scrutiny, question, judicial schmidt 1977: t27). irawiinil (T) 'resti ng p lace' (perhaps for !zawii-
who strolls';
investigation, request, inquiry. inquisition, nil, below).
tnal, commentary': ~awa~a "'1D1l (T.M); see ~awa~a, malrurawhiit (instead of ma!l!Irawljiil of T.M)
'fe~t of the bed':
!ratit (Lr) 'mquiry';
~w~, 'a~wii~at hih.,.'o}- (U) 'po rc hes';
~awiinit ,/t.,.~ O}-, ~awanat ",.,.,0}-: see hanOI.
itallo (M) 'request'; hiira 'quarter of a city', that is, 'a place
it is a plural form.
~awaqa ,/tID.,. (MA) 'name, call ', where one settles'; perhaps also Ar. ra~la 'go' (With
, , 250 251
- ~~.~~y----~~~==~------------------~------------------------------~~~
metathesIs), SAr. &If'r 'settle in a town' > 'go'. ~.wjis (pI. ~Jwiisiil) ,'h'l'iI 'physical sense mern h'.'Y th/lJ"f, (T) ' O h ! ' ; . mii~y~b, (T) miihyah 'pail, buckel ve r
Dillmann 113 compares G. ~Iora with Ar. &iira ber of the body'; , - ' . an I·nte..iect,'on expressing palO, cpo Gur wa mahvQb (Gr 61) 'pi
'return', a companson not accepted by Noeldeke " . .. . ace where one d·
ifit" 1979'639 under IVa 11). tam well'S I raw" 0un-
IQJ048 (see also Landberg 1923:1506). Arabic i,a- from Ar. hawtiss
. • also Amh . IlaWas.
(pl. of . (LeSlau . , , . ee a so mclhvuha, miih~uba'
}niril'.l'una 'apostles' is borrowed from G. balf'iirayii ~.w.~. "'lDjI (KO), ~awa~a "'1D9 (T.M) haw._ I Iy ahuz) mID" (KO) 'be pleasant, be SEMITIC: related to Akk hah' 'd . ,
(already recognized by Ludolf 637). h'~az. . "With 0 b'~ect su ffi x pro- ETHIOP Ie: Te..haYYilba 'gather'
. - " raw water'
~. UID9 (MA) 'shine, light up, becom~ light . . be agreeable;
ETHJOP1C Toa. ~oro
'go', Gar. (ajhoro, Amh. "ora
(K) be pure, be ciear, be bright'; , PleaSing, . fi
'feel comfortable, be satls ed, agree:
hayb ",.e1l (
in hum basillam 'go In peace!', a benediction said at
._/_ hawa.:.-a- with 0 b'~ect su ffi x pronouns 'be d'IS-
nouns "
curds', T.KO), hayb U.ell (0) 'ch~'sc,
th{" end of the communion (from Geez), Har. &iira undoubtedly to be identified with hawwasa b I
. . ' e ow.
'go', Gur. word. The initial (/ of the root bora (&wr)
reappears in Gur. (Endegell) Y;lxH'or. In Tigre the ~aww.~. ",IDII, (T) ~.wwa~a "'1D9 'glance P I~ased';

same as Irawaza; also make pleas-
from Amh h d
,aJ' ren ered in a Gecz form.
look on, look after, peep, visit, pay a visit' haWw, .' dJ'h I '
root appears in ~lawarya 'apostIe'. For G. ~IJWar, cpo ;nt, gladden, give JOY, e Ig tl' pease; , ~aydana "'.ef.~ (T.M) 'go mad, go insane"
also Amh. hawar 'series of terraces, area around a watch. observe, explore, inspect, oversee tak'
town' (from Geez). care of, be solicitous, (K.H) spy'; ,e h ..-a , same as hawwaza;
10.0 . a so causative of see also}ldanaya. '

(zayaheww.~ 'watchman'); 1I0waz a; ,

iahawwaza, (KO) la~awza take pleasure, take ~.ydanaya "'f.f. ~f (TM) 'go mad, go in-
, "''I'C!; see hwr.
. taJ:tawwa~a, passive; sane':
deiight, delight oneself, bepleased': ,
'asla!/Qwwa~a (Gr.58) 'consider, meditate, pon- 'oslalrawa: a 'make somethmg pleasant; see also ~aydQlla.
~ws, ~osa I)"izus) ,I.(t (T.Y.M) 'move (intr), der' ,.
shake (intr), wag, agitate, mix'; ,ostahawwaza, 'asla!rawaza 'find something
>a/:lOsa 'move, cause to move, shake (one's ~awwii.yi, act. part. of ~awwa.ya; also 'overseer pleas~nt, regard as acceptable, enjoy, please, ~yk •. ~ek. IYJilik) ""h, (T) ~eka "\h 'chew,
observer, watcher, watchman, spy'; , masllcate, (Gr.62) bite':
head), agitate, stir up, toss'; delight' ;
~(Jwwu.y, pass. part. of ~awwa.Ja; ta~layka, passive;
laflQU'SQ, tafwwasa, tQ~osa, passive; also 'move haw: 'pleasure, delight, satisfaction, enjoy-
(intr.), creep';
~awwa.yG 'survey'; ~a.1'iiki (Gr.62), act. part. of hekG'
. ,
ment'; DTW 991 renders G. hall': with Amh.
~awwG.ya 'visit'; ~.yyuk (Gr.62), pass. part. of ~eka;
(:ayafhawl1'as'reptile'); awza 'chat (Catha edulis)'; it is boiled to pro-
i,all'asi (Gr.57), act. part. of !lOsa;
. - . 'watching,
. contemplation, visitation , duce an infusion; this infusion is drunk to
!,ikat (Gr.62, KO) 'act of chewing';
VISIt, inSpectIOn, providence';
! .. ",II"s, !I>I1'WUS (Lt.K), h.wwas (L) 'agitated, cure gonorrhea; SEMITIC: related to the root hnk, hkk: Ar. hanak
shaken' ; ~awwa~ol (Lt) 'visit, providence'; 'palate', S~ ~onuk 'the gum a'nd the palate',' Heb.
hawiz (Or.57) 'agreeable, charming, pleasant';
&awGs. see below; ma~awwa~ 'spectator, observer, (K*) spy'; ~ek 'palate', Aram. bikkii, ancient Aram. ~mk, Syr.
hawaz 'pleasant, pleasing, delightful, agreeable,
husaf 'movement, motion, moving (n.), agita- ma~awwii~ 'view, observatory, place through
(renka, ~ekkii, Md. M,lka,
suave, sweet; pleasure, delight';
tion' ; whIch one looks (such as window), place of ETHIOPIC Tna. belsii, lJayiiJsii 'chew', Te. haniik
, 'feeling of pleasure, pleasantness'; 'palate\ (tii}lJanniika 'gulp down with effort', Har.
fahawso 'movement' · visitation';
, , (teka 'chew\ Amh. aniiiikii (from ~l1Ik with II bccom.
ETHlOPlc: Amh. awat 'attractive, tasty'; probably
fai,awasi 'that which stirs, that which moves , SEMITIC: Ar. b6wa!Q (with b) 'consider, examine' also Te. hawwiiza 'become fat', Tna. hawwiizii ing palatalized), Arg. ha,irliiha (with h <. k), Gar
reptile, movable property'; (Dozy), i,a~~a~a 'appear in broad light', that is, Irs- • •
'increase (family)" that is, 'become pleasing, become Irminiihii, Gur. enke; also in Cushitlc: Re . ayuk
la~awasaJ'iin 'crawling beings'; hf related 10 ~w~ (V. Christian, WZKM 'chew'. See also ~anaka
54[1957J.266), enjoyable'. IV.

SEMITlC~ Ar. ~Iiisa (~ws) 'prowl about' (for bws, see Te. ~lQwwa~a 'appear', Tna. hawiisii 'look II ",ID" (Y) = Amh, "-.,.~ r h"
ETHIOPIC: haw.,.
, ~ayq (pI. 'a~y.q) "'f.~ 'shore (of sea, lake), ->
Landberg 1920:5121), Ar. (Oat) haswiis 'agitation'. around, inspect', Amh. awwd!Q 'visit' (Amh~ricized jaqaqq alii 'step aside, get out of the way'; seashore, riverbank';
Barth 1893:68 also compares Ar, halta 'urge' (see form of ~awwo~ii). See also baya-ra.
also Noeldeke 1904:44), Heb. hiis (h",s) 'get excit- is perhaps a misprint for L 1""1 I " " fligiigg alii SEMITIC: SAr. (,yq-n 'port, bay', Mh. huvq 'se.-
ed, hurr)" (Driver, JTS 32[193IJ.253; Eitan, HUCA ~iwat th.IDT; see ~aywa. 'smile', and could be identified with ~lGwaza I. shore' ,
12-I3[1937-8J.72), Syr. ha!he! 'exci te' (Barth ETHIOPle: Amh. Irayq 'lake' .
~.w.ya (y.~way) "'lDf (T. Y) 'become dark ~ ~yb, ~eba Iya!,ib) th.O 'draw water'; M 41
1893:68), Ug. ~s 'hurry!', Akk. hfHu, hiiiiu 'hurry
shake'. - - , (due to sunset), become gloomy, become eve- wrongly interprets Amh, {iilliiqii (translation ~ys, ~es. I y.~is) (T) ~es. "\(t 'blame,
ning' ; given by Tayya for ~eba) as 'be deep' whereas rebuke, scold, revile, have a grievance, insult,
EnuoPlc: Te. (lasosa 'move', Toa. ~awwiisii 'mix', hawiiy, ~away 'evening, the red glow of the vituperate, reprove. reprimand, accuse';
in fact !iil/iiqii also means 'draw water with a
Amh. (hjaK'wosd 'mix, SUr', Har. bewiisa ·stir'.
evening sky, twilight'; container' ; 'a~esa, 'a"yasa, causative; also 'deform, dis-
~awisa, ~awesji "''I!'' "''E' ,
exciamation of
admiration, of joy, or of approval, bravo!;
SEMITIC: Ar. ~awiya < bawiwa, in if,wawa 'become
red inclining to blackness'. Jeffery 286 considers Ar.
'a~eba (Gr.61), causative;
lalrayba (Gr.61), passive;
torf ,'
ta!raysa, passive;
(hawesii lamas'atkamu habena 'welcome!, your hawiya, one of the names of hell, of Surah 101: 6, as "ayabi (Gr.61), act. part. of !Ieba; la!,ayasa (KO, Gr), reciprocal of "esa;
coming to us is welcome'); coming from G. lJaway and ~lOW 'fire'. (~ayabe ma'iir (Lt) 'one who receives the honey )aslahiivasa (Gr), causative of la~liiyasa:
CUSHITIC: Sa. "awa 'sunset', Be. aw; 'dusk, twilight'. Ihat is brought as tribute'); ~ayii~i '(Gr.60), act. part of ~esa;
ETHIOPIC: Amb. aSia, exclamation of pleasure. For the red color, cpo perhaps /:law 'fire', above. i..yyub (Gr.61) 'drawn'; ~ay)'us (Gr,60), pass. part. of hesa;
. . . 252 >,1
~ aba K') 'observe one another, suspect

hL'i 'reproof, reproach, vituperation. blame, (used in oaths, e.g. ~.d)'iilV )agzi'aba~ler kama 'a 'II L k L_ _.

r.;ccddlOg' ; God lives'; ~ayiiw Jana kama 'as I live'); S

W her"
(", a > n,,=h,kal , '0 .. Iso NOCldtkc IQIO.59,
not' . .
, (Gr60) 'blame, reproach, reprimand, dis· ('ag"ala 'amaiLJyall' 'children', lit. 'children of one a ._ ba 'raise SUsp,c,on, (T) cause to be ETHIOPIC ' Te Illrb' I
taha ~a .. ~ flCop e. natl~)n' TnJ ~'b
'~biit;red h~' A bh," b: P'''ed 1010 ('UShil" Bli hl:b ~",'
grace:• the mother of the living', that is , Eve)., h h' A h G ur'
toward eac ot ehr: b
hisot (Gr.6J). "erbal noun of !Iesa; hayaw (LI) 'healthy, sound': e, .... (G 59) act. part. 0 f a:a a: I: <. m ros connttlS G hrb h ..
;aJllirosi (Gr.60) 'who reprimands'; haywat, hiwat 'life, lifetime, healing, gOod O' ab1
h.: r. , ~ b . .
(K), pass. part of !Ill;;a a,
with ~:;b II . .. ~ . Wit te'sCrvali()n ...,
. .. (Lt) 'that deforms'; health, salvation, restoration, state, situation" ",.uh (D 1427) 'SUsp,cion, expectation, OPIn-
SEMITIC: perhaps Ar. &osa (O),s) 'act treacherousl~', (nafsa /laywal 'living creature'); ,
. ,. ~az~az• .hll.hH, (T.YM) ~az!!.za ill"'" 'h<;-
come a swamp, be swampy',
SAr hI'S. .. even though the correspondence fl: b IS (used in oaths, e.g. /laywala jara'on kama 'by Ion; b 'thought, opinion, belief, imaginatIOn,
not normal. the life of Pharaoh'); t,&-Jc1en
t ce doubt, suspicion, distrust, blame, h":!/a:, (Lt) ~J:iLJ:, (T) ~":ba: 'flml, gT<lVc1
ETHIOI)IC Amh. hesii 'criticize' (from Geez). cons , . h place full of gravel. swamp, pool, muddy I"
!tayawanna, (Gr.62) hayawanna 'state (condi. f things to come, expectation, appre en- clod',, P a,e,
fear 0
tion) of living, of being alive'; . ,
, , .hfll (K *), see 'aslahaya,a;
'asrahaJ'asa, 'astahayasa 'perceive, view, discern, ",ahayaw, . .ma/layawi
, 'life-giving, life-giver , The op posite meanings of halaba
Slon. . and of some SEMlTIC · Ar. ~la:J= ' place abounding with "tones'
savmg, savIor; (Ddlmann 120). See also h.:.:.
look' ;t, 'Iook o~, observe, observe closely, .ved forms seem to go back to the general • •

. (K*) 'place where one lives" , .Idea 0 f thinking or, conSi'd'
den enng th'lOgs f rOm
consider carefully, search for, watch, examine, ~azala (yah:.I) .hI/II, (T) ~.z.l. ""11 'carry
spy, explore, scrutinize, lie in wait, be on the SEMITIC: Ar. flayya 'Iive', SAr. !lYW, Soq. byy, Mh. various points of View. On the back, carr, a burden',
lookout for'; &ewya 'recover, be cured', Heb. &oyo(II) 'live', 'a~:ala (K'l, causative,
C · Ar (la)ha22aba 'pial, conspire'. Banh
lalliiya,a (Lt) 'watch'; Aram. fui)'ti. &dyr, Syr. &aya, Md. Ilia, Ph. &w>. Ug. SEMITI,"
1893:50 connects the root wit 'h. J b 'b'
. h Semltle t 1OJI." , laha;;la, passive:
!lOya,i (K*), act. part. of 'aslaha),a,a; also Noeldeke 1910:59, n. 3. . . ta!la=ala (K ') 'carry one another',
~ay)'a,e, huyase, (KG) !tayya<!e 'observation,
ETHIOPIC: Tna. &ayiiwii 'live. be healthy' (also bawd. SOE PIC: Te. (tii)~a=:!iiba 'doubt, cast SUspICion
ya, with metathesis), Te. &aya; Tna. &aywiil 'life', THIOAmh.Gur. (t)az=iibiz,'H ar. (")h 'astallii:ala (T.K *) 'cause to carry one anal her' :
observing, lookout, being (n) viewed or seen'; Te. flOY01, Amh. haywiil, Gur. xaywiit; Amh. hayaw on', la. a:a""(~ 'k'ccp 111 ba:iili 'porter';
ma~1Gy)'J~ (K·) 'who perceives, who discerns'; memory something that someone has done; related ha;;ul 'carried':
'living. alive' (from Geez); passed into Cushitic: Be. to lna. (ta)(az=iibii.
mastahayya" (Gr.63, K') 'aslal/aya,i, act. part. hay 'live', Sa.Af. hay. /r;l:!at (Gr. 58) 'act of carrying',
of 'asta~a.1'a~a; also 'explorer, examiner, cu- lllii!l;:al (K',Gr.58l 'means of carrying',
rious person'; ~ayzat .hf-1/·'" (KG) 'flood, torrent'; bzb
II , hazzaba
, .hllO (K') 'tie, bind':
see also hOlllwasa. probably from waflzo 'flow', below. SEMITIC: perhaps Ar. ~a:ama 'tic up', Wllh alter· ETHIOPIC Tna. ~azii'ii, ~a":iilii 'carry on the hack',
Te. ~IQ:/a. Arg. hazziila. Har. ~,a:iilcl, Amh. az:tl/{i,
• •
nanee of labials b:m (G. Salingerl.
, .hf.,. (T.Y.M) 'wander about aimlessly, *hoza, in )ahoza h,hH; see hwz. ETHIOPlC: Amh. azoiibii 'plait, make Ihongs', Tn •. Gur. e=zizlii.
' . ,
guard here and there'; haziibii 'interlace the braid of blue silk whIch Chris·
~az'a (yahza') .hllh (Y.M) 'prevent, bar, hin- ~azl .n'I/&\ (K '), mode of religious song:
ha)'at (K ') 'visiting, watChing over'; iians wear around their necks'; Tna. hJ:ah 'rcm', see f~zl.
der, drive, chase away'; Amh. nab, zab, Arg, zab, Gur. ilzah, :ah; also in
the verb ~IO)'afa seems to be a denominative from ~az'al, (K*) haz', (T) aaz'al 'hiding place, den, Cushilic: Kam. wba, Q.b,AI. iziiba. (~.zI), ,.I~ .. I1.&\.nll&\, (Kl ~.ll 11'&\ 'kind of
!Jayat. As for lJayat. it is derived from wabaya, lair, retreat, enclosure, manger, refuge, closed.
below. game played with six sugar canes splil in half'
in pasture, sheepfold'; ~"b (pI. hnab, 'airziib) .n1l1l 'nation, people,
(called in Amh. !ab),
~.yw. (y.hyall', yahyu) .hf-m 'live, be alive, SEMITIC: Ar. ~la::a'a 'gather and drive camels'. tribe, secl, multitude, crowd; partisans, gen·
come back to life. revive (intr.), be well, be ETHIOPIC: Te. &az'at 'reserved pasture', Tna. f,az'e liles, pagans, heathens'; Guidi 1899:485, n. 5 denves It from Ar./IO:I'Joke,
healed, be cured, recover, be restored, be 'reserved pasture', Amh. haz'at 'den, lair' (from inMw; 'layman, laity, common, vulgar, secu. Jest' restricted in the translation of the Fdl~a nJ.gR~t
saved' ; Geez); passed into Cushitic: Bil. hedJaf 'robbers' lar' ., to a game, The derivation from Ar. 'al·t,il.dll 'ab·
(~aywa 'amqatil 'he escaped death'); den', Be. IIido'Q (with altemance d:::). staining from' suggested by Dillmann 139Q IS less
'ahzabiiw; (LI) 'stranger';
'a~yall'a 'keep alive, make to live, let live, h"b'""ii 'stage or condition of being a group';
' I, hazaba,
, hazzaba
, .hHO 'think, consider,
enliven. vivify, raise up alive, restore to life, inbat 'dignity of a nation, (T) civility, good hazana, hazna (yJbz>n, ya!lzal/) ,hll~ , .h1l~,
cure, heal'; count, believe, suppose, presume, suspect, (T)
deceive with false promises';
breeding'; iT) ~aza~a "'"~ 'be sad, be sorrowful, be
IQSra!loyawa 'bring back to life, repair, re- grieved, be in mourning, hav(, compaSSIOn, be
store' ; >a!lzaba, (K*) )a~azaba, causative; SEMlTtC: AI. ~jzb 'party, sect', SAr. '-flzb 'armed
• tahazzaba
• 'think, consider, watch out, bands'. It is difficult to know whether Ar. Iwzzaba sorry for, sympathize': ,. ,
iLJYGH' (fem. I",yawt) 'alive, living, healed, whole :collect, congregate, assemble' is the primary mean. hanal/a, same (possibly With InlenSlty);
believe, expect, be conscious (a/), care, look
(unharmed), safe and sound'; with suffix pro- • • mg Or whether it is a denominative from ~Iizb 'party, ;ahzana 'sadden, make, sad, afflict. cause
for someone, be concerned, suppose, Imagme. , ,
nouns: ha),owiinihomu 'they (who are) alive'; company of men, sect', Praetorius, ZDMG 57 sorrow, inspire compassIOn;
have suspicions, suspect, doubt, fear, be anx-
(h,),ol'o' n3gus 'long live the king!'); (1903).271·2 derives Ar. and G. hzb from !lQsab 'ahzana with indirect object suffix pronoun,s,
ious, mistrust, distrust, be uncertain';
'Ade1, Angehorige' (possibly from'a form such as 'care for, be saddened for, be sorrowful for,

'aslaha;ana (Ll) 'afflict. vex, distress'; ~azurjjn "'11-6-1, (Gr) ~aziriin "'11.6-1, ninth
'ilStahii;ana {Gr. 59) 'have compassion, console Syrian month;
. . ,
a gnc\ 1 ng person ; e.ither dir~ctly f~o~ Syr. I}azfron or through Chris_
~1Q=a./li, act. part. of ~a=ana: tian-Arabic ~lQzlran. See also 'aziron.
J:t;~=un ·sad. grieved, sorrowful, distressed, who
. . ,
IS In mournmg ;
~azat "'HT (T.M) 'bench made of earth
~a=un 'sadness, grief. sorrow. mourning, afflic- , r" Or
tIOn, melancholy, care';
stone, p atJorm lor slttmg Or sleeping';
!;azata, IJazata (T.Y.M) 'build a bench of ea th
ha:a11:;n 'mournful, lugubrious'; or stone' (denominative). r
ma~l=an 'cause of sadness';
mii/.1=iJl1, mti~zani 'saddening, provoking sad- hab. (~abe) ..,0 (..,0.) 'toward, near to, near, "'HII (L) 'cough, (Y) swallow a liquid :until'. For the initial ba, cp. also Soq. ha 'here', hok
ness. who causes sorrow, sorrowful. grievous';
that chokes and causes coughing';
io,by, at, in, with (place), in the presence of, there'. "
mahaz;all (Ll) 'companion in pain'; in reference to. in comparison with'~
Ja~zaza, (T) 'aozaza 'cause to cough, irritate
milSta~ii;all (Gr.60) 'one who has compassion'; la-haba 'away to, unto, toward, at'; ~ab'a (yaljbii') "HI" 'hide, conceal':
render rough, ?Iock the breath (from an origi: )aljbJ)Q (K .), causative;
SEMITIC: Ar. lJazina 'be sad', S~. a~lzin. ba:baba 'among, at, upon, by, in, wheresoever,
nal mean 109 feel dIScomfort in the throat tababJQ, passive. reflexive;
ETHIOPIC: Tna. ~a=iifla 'be sad" Te. ~a~na, Arg. near, with (at), to, toward, from, in the pres-
haz:iina, Amh. a:=iina, Gur. aziina, HaL ~uzni 'sad- have a feeling of roughness'), (T) come out of l;abiN, act. part, of hab'a:
ence of, before, in comparison with';
ness'; passed into Cushitic: Bil. Sa. ha;iin 'be sad'. the nose (food) while one is asleep, swallow a ljabuJ 'hidden, conce~led, secret';
bo-haba 'somewhere, there is';
liquid that chokes and causes coughing, (K') (za-!Jabu' 'mystery');
bo-haba ... bo-haba 'at one moment _.. at
, "'II'>r1. 1; see ha;:ana.
. have heartburn'; -
another' ~
- (ba-I;ab,,', bab",a 'secretly');
SEMITIC: Ar. ~aziiz 'rough'. 'aml;aba 'from (with), from the presence of, (tarnh.,ta I;ab,,'iit 'Doctrine of Mystenes, the
(!Iazur), ,.I~azur l.A"'II-C (tt) 'amulet';
ETHIOPIC: Amh. anazzazii 'come out of the nose from before, from where, by means of': Mystagogia'; see Lifchitz 19-85; Hammer-
from Ar. ~ir:: (pI. lJuriiz) 'amulet' (with metathesis). (food or drink) because of a spasm in the trachea' is schmidt-Six 1983:55; Strelcyn 1974:65);
'anta haba 'through';
W. Miiller suggests, with reservations, Ar. IJadar connected by Praelorius 1879: 100 with G. hzz -
l(Jska haba 'as far as'; ljiJbu>iiwi 'concealed, clandestine';
, "
precautiOn. augmented by n. See also hanzaza. . -
hobo haba 'more and more'; I;ab'at 'hiding' (n.);
- -
as relative, adverb: baba 'where, wheresoever, mal;ba' 'hiding place, hidden place, secret place,
whither' ; receptacle' ;
za-&aba 'where, in which, the place where (also SEMITIC: Ar. &aba'Q 'hide', SAr. bb" Heb. hb, (M-
without makiin or madr)'; ,il), Aram_ hapa (~b'), Syr. ',upya 'darkness'
(Brockelmann 1928:209), Md. hba 'hide', Akk. ha-
&aba ... hayya (zaya) 'wherein';
ba-I;aba 'where, there where, in which'; bu. -
ETHIOPIC: Tna. hab'e 'hide', Te. hab'a, hamb,ra,
'anta I;aba 'wheresoever, the same way, by • ••
Amh. abba 'hide', Jubu) 'concealed. hidden' (from
which' ,. Geez).
lam-haba, '(Jmanna haba 'whence, from where';
'aska I;aba 'to where, whither'; ~abab. I ..,00 (M) 'defame';
the suffix pronouns are attached to the base tal;biib (Ll) 'slander' (n.);
I;abe- ;
Dillmann 1907: 394 analyzes !laba as coming from -
SEMITIC: Ar. habba 'be deceitful'. See also hababa II.

ba-ba 'in-there'; so also Rundgren 1955:47 who

identifies ya with ~a of ka~a 'yonder, away' even
bababa III ..,00 (K·.T), hababa
the reprint) 'press (grapes)';
"'00 (M.T. in
though the correspondence IJ: b is not norma l; how- miil;(a)bab, miil;{a)babt, miil;(aJbabt (pI. rna-
ever, the meaning of lJa is not clearly indicated. The bab,b), (M.T) miih(a)bab, miih(a)babt 'clay
connection between baba and SAr. b-rbr suggested
vessel, oil cellar. winepress';
by Praetorius, ZDMG 57 (1903). 272 is unlikely
regardless of the possible identity of meaning. Prae- SSMlTIC: the comparison with Akk. ~abtibu 'mur·
lorius 1879:266 relies on Ludolfs spelling of the mur, chirp', Ar. &abba 'rage, dash' suggested by von
Amharic preposition h < k as h and connects it Soden 301, with reservations, is unlikely. Also
with G. !la of !laba. Cp_ rather- kab 'from', and unlikely is the connection with Heb. ge~ 'pil, ditch',
for the final b, see a lso Tna. nab 'toward', kasab Ar. gubb suggested by Schulthess 55, n. 17.
babara hobr 257
'hbb. tahabab. +"lllil (T M) 'fall on one's
ate (with), coincide, join, participate, ally one_
• ~(.

- -
knecs. pTl)stratc oneself'; self, collaborate, consent, agree (with), be in
with, be 10 the company of, Md . IIbr, Ug, ~br
~.b.y "tll.e 'kind oha,' (the quoted pa sa e
'companion', Ph I}.br, Akk . ebru, Ibru 'companion,
Tna 11IItlbiibJ (with augmented 'make accord WIth, share something (with) ha . rrlend', See on thiS root Wagner, 10 Baumgartner In Dlilmann 602 has Mha .. ) g
ITHIOI'IC II) , ., , v e In
ralr. common, conspire (agamst). With anoth t967, p.360-I.F. Rosenthat (A h.Slor)' ~f .lluslim :~om ~ram.-Syr. ~a~i!a Jug" ~ ·\r habit,'Q
verb (in the gerund) it means 'do jointl ;r historiography, 1951, p. 10, n. 2) makes a distinction arrel (see, however, Kaufman 53) '> G -Iubo
habhab. "l1l"l1l (T Y) 'swea,: together'; y, 0 between ~, ~br (Heb. Ethlopic) 'jOin , connect' and (Fraenkell68). Zimmem J) thmh that ' the ~r gl~
... ~
(T) haMah
.. 'one who swears'. >ob hara 'connect, join, associate, mingle . hbr (Hcb) 'associate, colleaguc'. There may be two of the above-mentioned nouns I~ AU.. ~Jhu 'Jug'
. b . , Un lie different roots bbr and ~/br, but it seem., to me that
be In agreement, e 10 accord, form a cons· '
hab.'a "lllll (T K); see tahabala;
- - • pira- the meanings 'join, connect, associate, colleague' ~.baza (ya!.h.: , "lnll, (T) hab"a ,hllll 'hake'
cy ; 'a&ha:a (K '), causaltve ,
ta!Jabala, (Tl tahabala 'be bold, dare. be dar- may go back to ~ single roo,l. F. Rosenthal, Ib,
109, be arrogant, be impudent, be presump- ta!Jabra 'be associated (with), be conne t d la!lOb:a, paSSIve,
. h)' : ce derives Ar. ~abar mformatlon from t'hr 'connect'.
( Wit
tuous' ; Note that Ar. lJabara 'inform, give newIi' IS babii:i (pI. bubii:iyiill. haha:!) 'baker,
'a!wbala (K ') 'dare someone, challenge'; tababara 'join one another'; connecled by Finkelstein, JBL 75 (1956) 328ffwIlh
- 'baked" ,
taljiibala (K'), reciprocal of tababala: 'asta!Ja~ara (Gr), caus. of ta&abara; also 'har- Akk. ~abiiru 'be noisy, make noise'. bah: (TM), bab: (K') 'bread' ;
'astababala (K') 'dare someone, challenge'; montze ; ETHIOPIC: Tna. ~lQbiirii 'be joined (to a group), be in !, (pI. b"hiill·.:l, (T) ~,hJ<1 (comlOg from
'a"tabiihala (" '), causatIVe of ta!Jabala; &abiiri (K'), act. part. of babara; agrecment', Te. flabra 'assemble', Amh.Gur ahhiirii , !J~b.:t, with: > " by assimilalton) 'hread.
!Jahall 'bold, daring'; babur 'associated, joined, conjoined, united, For G. miib(a )bar, cpo Tna. ma"hiir, Te. miihabiir, p,ece of bread, loaf of bread, the consecrated
!"hul, (KG) !J,hhul 'bold, daring, arrogant, connected'; Amh. mahbiir, mabar, Gur. mahor; passed IOta
bread (a round, flat "heaten bread
(babura h./lawe 'of like nature or Substance,), Cushltic: Bil. /labor 'uOite'
presumptuous' ; thirteen crosses impnnted on the surfatc:-;;
!J,bI (K') 'boldness, arrogance'; !Jabura (adv.) 'together, jOintly, all together a; habr I "tllC 'portion (of land, ground, CIty, when given at communion, it i~ broken "0 that
the same time, in unison'; •
ma!labi (K') 'who challenges, who dares ~amp), side (of mountatn, valley), cord'; each communicant receives a piece With a eros'i
someone' ; !Iubare, (T) hubare 'union, unity, conjunclton on it)',
association'; , SEMITIC Ar IJubra 'portion, share'
mastabahl 'who challenges'; (hela b,lb,,,t [LI] 'bakery'):
tabahiill 'arrogant, audacious'; babr 'crowd, (Lt) unit of soldiers belonging to habr II "tllC 'incantation, enchantment, wtlch- mii& (. )ha: 'oven, bakery',
tabablo (tJ 'boldness, bold behavior, audacity, a tern tory' ; -craft'; mJ!J"hhfl= 'bakery. bakehouse';
arrogance'; bab~a~ 'unison, union, joining, community, as- h.bral 'enchantment, magic spell'; SEMITIC' Ar, [rub: 'bread' (considered hy Noeldeke

SOCiatIOn, agreement, consensus, accord, har- 1910: 56 a Geez loanword as against Land~rg
according to another source the b is geminated SEMITIC: Heb. bii!!ar 'conjure', Aram-Syr ~lQhhiirci.
throughout mony, collection'; t 920 55) ff), Mh. h"bo: 'ba ke', /i,,/>: 'bread'. The
'conjuror, charmer', Aram. ~lQbher 'charm', Ph, hbr , -
(babrata zema 'harmony [in song])'; 'magic'. The various Hebrew dictionanes connect connection with Heb. 1ltibitl'im 'pans for haking'
SEMITIC: perhaps Ar ~abila 'be of unsound mind', (ba-IJabrat 'unanimously'); (from a non-eXISting hbt) sugge,'ed by Buhllt3 on
Heb. hti&iil·'m 'arrogant ones' (as in Ps. 140:6: see Heb. hbr 'magic' with the root hbr 't.e, bind', the
'abharo 'agreement'; the authority of Gesenius IS unlikely.
Dahood, B.blica 45[1964].407). notion of tying referring to the magical practice of
ETHIOPIC Tna. hahara 'be presumptuous' (with ai- (ma~&afa 'abbaro 'a homily for the feast of 51. lying knots. Finkelstein, JBL 75 (t956).328ff., con- ETHIOPIC· Te. hJbbii:iil 'thick round bread', Tnn
ternance of hquids. and h for h). George and Mary'); nects Heb. hbr 'magic, chann' with Akk. iJaburu 'be h.Jha.w, Amh. abbil:a 'bake bread', .,bh,}:f 'a ",mall
(ba->abbaro 'unanimously'); nOIsy', IJubiiru 'uproar', the charmer being the one loaf or bread', hJh~.u, .J/l.w (from Geez); paliscd (r'bh.n) "lll~, (T Y M) "'II~ (ba-'abbaro qal 'with a unanimous voice'); who mutters sounds. mto Cushitlc: Qem. abii:a 'woman who bakeli
'wrap around, (K ') tuck away, put into the ETHIOPIC: Har. habar 'curse', Gur abiir-;m sano (lit. bread', Kham. ebe: 'make cook' The denvahon of
mafJ(a)bar 'association, society, company,
pocket'; 'make a curse') is borrowed from Cushitic Sam. Amh. am;i;:a (also am;::a) 'bread made of a ml.,(-
choir, community, assembly, multitude, crowd, ture of flours that are begmmng to turn <;oour' from
haMr 'curse', Sa.Af. ·ahiir.
!Ii>hbiine, b.hhane, (T.M) habbane, (Lt) !lObbane congregation, gathering, council, convent, G. haba:a 'bake', suggested by Praetonus t87Q SH.
'hood, headcloth worn by priests, turban, monastery' ; ~abbasa "lllf'l, (Y.M) habbasa "'1If'1 'bake'; -
is unlikely. For a pOSSible C'u'ihltic origm of a"u::/J,
hem, fringe, border of a garment, collar' (see (beta mafJ(a)bar 'monastery, conven!'); &abhiisi (M) 'baker'; . sec Brockelmann 1950: 21. Sec also kO!"':cI, and
Hammerschmidt 1970: 155); ·hm:.
mab(a)bart 'company, (LI)joint, articulation';
mab(a)barihvi 'who lives in a convent, monk';
m'bbiis (Lt) 'bakery', -
SrMITIC; for 'fnnges, borders of a garment', cpo Ar, denominative from hilbJst 'bread', ror which see h.bbiiz "ttl" (K '): see h,mhii:.
tlMana 'hem, tuck, and sew a garment for shorten- tababiir; 'agreeing. harmonious. united'; babaza. - · -
109 It', talJabrot, in bataIJabrot 'in unison, together'; had>.

"l.t:-t. (T); see had''''
ETHIOPIC: Tna. hilhbane 'turban worn by priests', 'lIIbbr, see below. ~bt, mii~(3)bat "'''Ill-lo (T. in the reprint), hadafa, hadd.ra "If.L, (L) hadar. "'f.L 'row,
Amh h,Mane, ,bbane (from Geez).
SEMITIC: Ar. (Vern) ryubra 'association', Soq, ma~ber miih(a)b.t
, "'Ullo}- (M.T. In the onglOal edition) ·Sleer - .
(a boat), be a p.lot, direct, lead, guide,
;hundred' (from the root &br 'jom, umte'), Heb. means for closing, means of connecting or teach, devise, (T Y.M) save, cure, polish, render
~ab..a. ~abra (pbbar) "lIlG : "lllG 'be joining together';
&apar 'be united', &iil;er 'companion, fellow" Aram. clean' ;
connected (WIth), be assoc.ated (with), assoCI-
&abber 'jom, fasten', Syr ~abbar ('am) 'associate ETHIOPIC~ Amh, abbiitii 'lie Into a bundle' (zayab"dda! :ay.&edd.!l 'pIlot';
~.d.£~ ____________________________~~~
258 ____________________________~-~.~.r~~
hd "~~ir~ ______________________________::~
259 ____________________

rahaddafu, pa",,'e: b·dgal 'release, remission (of sins Or debt),

: habitation, dwelling, . habItatIon, lodgmg,
badaM 'one who wash.,',
-'-- hI,
hadal (pi. 'ahdil} ) 'oar, rudder', immunity, forgiveness, pardon' ; d resting place, reSIdence, room, taber-
~aduh 'washed'.
badd,;f. (T) huddiif 'oar, rudder, governance, !Jadd,giil , b.d( d)iigiil 'divorce, Slate of divorce_ abo
nacIe,e'lent, leather case
. , for keeping a book , I]adb (Lt) 'soap' ;
dIrection, (T) rower, teacher' ; ment, dismissal, exemption' ; case, box ' lunar stalJOn ; b' t/h (Lt) '''ashlllg',
(:a-haddrif 'rower, pIlot'); (ma~~ala I].dd.giil ' bill of divorce'); moswbadar (It) 'that protecls property, (T.M)
I]at/dab 'washing (n.), Water wI th whIch one
haddon '",,,er, steersman, pilot'; hadigol 'abandonment'; lodgmg-house, who lodge~,. IIlnkeeper, (ll)
'h..dlll (KO), pass, part. of iwdala;
- washes, wash water' ,
h,Jdiift' 'smernance ;
hadgii1l, same;
iahadgo ( t) 'omission, release';
that gives a chromc dISease, ' . ,
tahadiiri (Ll) 'thaI gIves a chromc dISease,
bat/aha 'a washlllg, a bathing',
;"ii/l"dda( 'oar, rudder, (KG) means of polish-
- mOStaitadart (It) 'black magic, formula of a
!Jadbat 'washing (n .), ablutIOn';
, SEMITIC: Ar. bodoga 'miscarry, cast her young be. moson- specific prayer 0 f secret names ( )as- mab(a)dab 'bath, baSin';
109 , ~dg
mahodd.( (KO) 'rower, steersman';
fore time (she-camel)" SAr. 'leave'. ch-ta) ,to protect a lost amma' I from belllg
' at- m'b(aNiib 'place where one washes, bath ,
ETHIOPIC ' Tna . l}adiigii 'abandon" Te. J.radgo, Amh . ma . I' bathing place, basin',
- . 'place of steering';
m,h.dda( addagii 'let go' (from Geez), Gar. adaga 'abandon , tacked by wild am rna s ; mii~!labl 'one who washes' ,
SOflTlC related to Ar. gada/a 'row', gi1dy'rower' , throwaway'. Guidi 688 and Baeteman 934 derive
SEMITIC ·. Ar. hodaro
_ 'remain and" keep to a place',
SEMITIC' Dllimann 624 compares the Geel rool ~lth
For G. qadafa. hadafa and Ar. fiadafa , qadafa, Amh. dug 'representative of a chief during his abo hidr 'women's quarte~s of a tent , ~Ar . b?r cham-
sence' from lJdg . dug , for ·adug. passive participle ; Ar. ~adaba 'dye, color'
qadafa , gadafa, ,;e FraenkcJ 227-8, and Noeldeke ber', m-bdr 'residence . Heb ~ IJrgr~ room, Ph. ~,dr
cpo also Te. ~.dug 'inspector', Amh. h.dug 'the ETHIOPlc : Te. hasba
. . 'wash '. Tna hcu . . ii/IQ , Har hll.
191061 -2. For a possible relallon between q ~, cpo '(bun at) chamber', Ug. hd, room (WIth h) .
ql1fa ra JI I. and ~a..~ara patriarch's deputy' (from Geez). The identification rijha , Arg. har~iiba, Amh . atfuNi . Gur atiit-ti, Gar
ETHIOPIC : Tna. J.rodiirii 'spend the flight', Te. ~a~r.a asahO .
ETHIOPIC: Tna . qii:iifii (with alternace d =). Te. of ~adaga WIth Amh. kiidda 'deny' « '~iidda < 'dwell. $tay', Har. J.rodiira , Amh.Gur.Gaf. addura,
qii:fa. qiidfa, Amh. qii::iifa While 'polish, render hada'a
- -
< "adaga) suggested by Rundgren t955 :74. Arg. addiiro. For m~tabadJrt, cpo Tna. m.u ~la~IQ~'
dean' of G . hadafa could have developed from a
meaning such- 3!; ' Savc. cure', that IS, "make neat.
5 is unlikely. The root also OCcurs in Cushitic ; Sa.
hadag 'chase away', Bil. adag 'take away'.
diu. The root passed tnlo Cushltlc : BII. hadar settle , - (. ){ad l. II
hfd, see miih-.
Sa.M. hadar 'spend the mght'
clean ', It IS also possIble that these meanings belong ~fr I , ~af.r., h.rn (y.lJ/ar ) 1Ll. I ~<j:l. , (T) ,
to a root ~adula II . ~ad.g. II ~Y.1 (T) 'cut parchment to SIze,
hafr. "'tt:l. 'be shy, shun, be ashamed, be
write' ; hodir 111C, third EthiopIan monlh (10 Nov .-9
~mbarrassed, be confounded, be d"graccd,
~.d.g. I ( 1'.!Jd,g) ~Y.1 'abandon, leave, leave fear. revere, reverence';
denominative from Ipddag'top and bottom margins'.
behind, leave off, leave out, omit, give up, let ETHIOPIC: Amh. addiigii 'straighten by cuttmg'. ETHIOPIC: Tna. badar, Amh. hadar, Gur. iJdar pas- 'alJ/ara 'put to shame' ,
go, desist, cease, do away with, quit, desert, sed IOta Cushitic : Qab, Tem. hidaru. Had. icliira. In
laha!ro , IOl]a(ara 'be put to shame, be covered
dISpense, neglect, dIsmiss, depose, reject, ig- view of G. hadar. the connection with Heh. 'fujiir
~.d.r. (y.ljd,,) ~y.l. 'reside, dwell, lodge, with shame, blush with shame, be ashamed, be
nore, repudiate, renounce. divorce. forgive. for- suggested by D, Cohen 1970: to is unlikely.
abide, inhabit, halt, stay overnight'; confounded, be disgraced, be offended, be hu
\Oke, let , allow, permit, commit something to (uadara lii,.la 'reside in, possess (of demon or miliated' ;
someone, (It) be a representallve (denomina- spirit in a person)' ; hodit 111'1' 'a small amount, httle, a httle
'a.lwba(ara 'shame, put to shame, disgrac:,
tive from !J,dllg)' , ;'hil~, few in number, a small quantity, small
'abdara, causative; also 'lodge (tr.), settle' ; dishonor, confound, humlhate, o!Tend, vI!tly ,
matter trifle, a thing of no value, small' ;
-alldaKu, causative ; also 'save';
lallUdga, passive ; also 'cease',
labadra ' be inhabited';
ilJdiilO: ba-h,dii/ 'a little, a httle bil, a httle -
.. hafiiri
- .
'modest, sh), ashamed, shame-
la!Jiidara 'live together, make a treaty with one fui' ,
la~iidalia 'dIvorce, repudlOte one another'; another' , ;'hil~, in s';;all quantities, III few words' , ('ibafiiri 'shameless, impudent'),.
'a<;lahada~a. caus. of tahiidaga: b,dul (It) 'small in number',
- - -
'as/ahadara 'cause to dwell, place (a corner- h,' lur 'ashamed, shamefaced, dIsgraced, (Gr)
i]adiigl, act. part. of !tadaga , stone), cause to be in a certain condition, (T) - , 'few, rew in number',
h.diiliil infamous, dishonored' ,
hJdllg 'Ieft, abandon<d , deserted, divorced , re- prepare, (Ll) give a chromc disease'; Dillmann 622 derives it from bJrii!, from ~Ilr ; \0 also !Jufore (K.Gr.llO) 'obscemty, Impurity, infamy,
pI,dlated, forgiven , representative, deputy' Brockelmann t908237 (see bmuI). Thc demation
!tha! IS, left behllld III someone's place); -hadari 'sojourner, lodger, family';
It.,du, 'sel, fixed , who dwells, who stays over- from "hd 'become few, be ilttte' suggestcd by Noel-
bafral 'shame, blush, wrpltU?e, Ignommy ,

II .dag (ll) 'd.-orce, repudiatton, abandoning'; ~,ght, reSIding, livlllg, who inhabits, that is deke 190430 would be posSlbte were It not for the impropriety, disgrace, dIShonor :
final I. The finat ! IS perhaps to bc exptamed by
"addiiK 'dIvorce, remains, residue, top and bot- placed ' ;
assimilation to the mitial It
(ha(rata .iJgii 'gemtals');
tom margins (that is, space left, abandoned)'; hidr (It) 'Illside of an apartment of women'; - -
,,;iih(ari, (K 0) 'alfari 'what causes shame, what
(b.ddaga 'ra.rn 'recovering from wine' (accord- b,dral 'dwelling, residing, sojourn, SOJourn- h.~.b. (y.&tj,b) ·~OO, (T) "'110, (KG) putS to shame';
Ing to the Hebrew text of Ps. 78: 56);
I]adagll , bJdg,-Ha. u,dago-ssa, !J,dagu-ssa 'not
. ,
IIlg; ~.~.b. "'00 'wash, wash away':
'abtjaha, causative;
malfar 'genitals';
I]adariiy (Ll) 'hospitable'; SEMITIC : Ar. [lOfira 'be tnniu. be shy, be bashru~'
10 speak of, without mentionlllg, not only, let 'abdiiri, act. part. of 'audara; - . 'bathe , wash oneself, wash the body,
tahadba Heh. ~iiper. Aram ~apar. Syr. ~~lrtJr 'be, ashamed _
alone, how much rather, how much more, so ('al]diire 'ang.da 'hospitable'); be washed'; O. Kapeliuk suggests Heb. h(,pC! ,hame (",th me
much more, how much less', mii!J ( a )dar (pI. maljiid", miil](, )dariil) 'place 'llSlabat/ba 'ask to prepare a bath'; tathesisl.
hrr 260 261

~.I.f. W !!;IlI,t
ETHI('IrIC Tna ha{iirii ' be ashamed. be shy', Te. ETHIOPIC: Amh. hohat 'blank space between let ' ~afTTIc ' Ar lJafiqa 'be ,h,bb , , ..
hal-'a 'be In awe ;, ·Amh . a/fiirii 'be shy, be timid', (From Geez). ters ""hia p
thr~ugh' ; X
wear Out (a gannent)' H' b h (doth«), 'a;laqa
A~g aljara, Gur. in affar 'bashful'; passed into
~ela .... iI; see Uyl. C' Ar. &alaJa 'follow, succeed', ~a//aja 'leave ' perish', Akk. hataqu 'dis: .. 1 eq dC\l,roy ', Lg. ~Jq
Cushitir: Kham . hafer. Reinisch 1887: 186 also S~II11 " SAr. hl/'passage between hills , 5h. &o+lej ZDMG 61 (1907) 6" ppear, perr,h . Practo"".
_"'f comn'.:lrcs Ar . I' ,
compares Bil. hoba~ (with alternance b :j) 'become beh"d: Heb~ /liilap 'pass', Aram. ~alal! 'pass by', pear' , Soq . 'eyaq.
I P' . ~t1 Iqa dl~n..
hela I ....,,; see he/a I. t"
sad owmg to shame', habar·Js 'put to shame' , - ,,~ange: hange'", Syr ~31al! 'exchange, substitute' , ET~~~IC : Tna. ~aliiqii 'finish. be finished'
hela II ....,,; see 'ahil. Ip.,,1) ' Change, exchange,, Md . hip. aJlaqa come to an cnd be finl"h-" be • Amh
~fr IT, ~afara '~.I.': (LI) 'protect, defend';
miii.' ('ifar (pI. mauafar) 'friend, client, acquaint-
- - t
IP",I) C Tna. haliifo 'pass', Te. ~al/a, Har. hlll"j . -' w. consumed'
ErHIOPlc. . hG fG II "{i'
"allada I ~iI~ (K *), ~alada mil~ (T) 'last bD '0, Arg. halla/a. Am, ' ~ . ur. a a a; passed ,,"allaq'a ",,"t, 'count, number, enumcrlle
ance, relative';
SEMITIC : Ar. bafara 'protect', SAr. !Jfr 'protection',
long, gather, accumulate'; I ,,;0 Cushitic: Sa. halaJ pass. ta.k; acc~unt. review, Impute, consider'; , ,
'alj a/laq a (K *), causative
taljal/ada (D.Lt) 'adhere to, be applied to" ,
Sh . i-herer 'ask someone to give protection', Heb.
~lpr (pural) 'be protected'. Brockelmann, ZS 8 SEMITIC; Ar. Ijalada 'last long, remain forever' 1 lahalala "'~iIiI (T, reprint), la~alala talj"'allaq"a, passive; also 'be
regarded as':
• Ah (T) - 'be restiess, become t'tre d' : (:a'IYYJlb" e/laq' 'countless, innumerable-) '
(1932) . 112 gives it a basic meaning 'to cover'; see .""',, . I' d"
ill; Ill. "allada II ~iI~ (K), ~allada, hallada mllf. , IlJlul (Gr.2) 'bent, mc me , lj"a/laq"i (K*), act. part. of h'a/laq'a' '
UilY, (T.Y. M) 'accomplish, exterminate, appoin; . Ar halla 'be lean, be destitute', Heb. ~iilal lj 'a/luq. b',Iluq" 'numbered, count~d, reck-
oned' ;
hfr Ill, miihfaril """ 'diadem, headdress
of the high priest':
to the office of the executioner, (Gr.4) order"
taljal/ada (K), ta/:lall~da (T.~), tahal/ada (Gr.4):
'be troubled, be pained, tremb e
I ' (K dd
a ary, I T
Ij"alq'.lj"alq", (Lt) ljolq (pI. lj",laq' ) 'number,
tl[i96Jj486-9)., ' " , calculatton. enumeration. sum" ,
!JJr III could be connected with flIr II with the basic paSSIve, (Gr.4) also accuse, (L) 'be refuted" , PIC Te. halliila render unable. ta~,allala be
ETHIO· . Am h . aIa"II za"Ia"II aIa" 'be unsta bl e,
ble be tired', ('Orit ;au'alq", 'orila [1',lq' 'the Book of Num-
meaning 'to cover> headcover. protection'. It is ETHIOP,'C: Har. ~e!.ii~a, 'finish, ~ccomplish, bring to bers');
also related to miiiar!, for which see ~afara II. an end, Tna. ~alada lose one s position' (that is
una ,
be unsettled'; .
passed IOto C us h"111C : BI.I I10IaI-s 'be -
'be terminated'). ' come tired'. ()alha [I" (J/q" a, :a1fJnbala b'\Jlq" 'innumerable.
~afa!. (yalJfarJ ~.l.ffi (D.Y.M) 'scratch, en- boundless, limitless):
grave, design, imprint, strike, write'; ~.Id "IA'\:" (K*) 'mole rat'; (ba-lj",lq' 'according to the number'),
hllll; see Ipllat.
bafiat. lj4101 (T.TS.LI) 'engraving, imprint'; transcription of Heb. /:Ialfif. •
lj'J/laq'e 'enumeration, quantity, numbering,
SEMITIC' related to &61. !16r (so also Dillmann 628): h,lIina "11\.'1, ~.lIinjit "It\. 'I.')'; see ~alla_va, counting, number:
"alafa (yaljlal) ~iI.I., (T) ~alafa mil.l. 'pass,
Ar. t,abala 'beat, strike', SAr. Ijbr, Heb. balla!, •
SEMITIC: Ar. tlQlaqa 'measure, proportion', Hcb.
Aram. luibal. Syr. I!fJbar, Md. hb, 'batter down beal pass by, pass away (from), pass through, pass
._ . . ' - ' . , I IUjlaq 'divide', Aram. IUJlaq 'allot', Syr. ~Jlaq 'allot',
down, strike upon'. See also bmifara I, andfa~lQ!a. over, cross over, depart, step aside from, go h.lqa (y,ljlaq, yaljlaq) "lA"', (T) ~alqa mA."
~lJlqti 'lot, portion', Md. hlq 'allol, assign'.
"agala (T.Y.M) 'be poor';
beyond, transgress, perish, die';
'ablala, causative; also 'pass (time)';
I :be consumed, be wasted, perish, cease, disap- ETHIOPIC: T oa. ~liJlq'" 'number. count', A mh. ,J/q,
pear, come to an end, be accomplished, be a/qo 'number" Har. ~e/ii.q(/ 'count, consider', Gur.
qagl (T.M) 'poor': laljalala 'pass on, go by'; terminated, be finished, be destroyed, fail, t.'1cIqii .
to be identified with hag"la, above. taualala 'wander to and fro'; dwindle away, be spent, die, be decided upon,
hallal "lilT, (KG) h.II.1 UII-l' 'cane on which ~
·asraljalala 'make pass, put off, leave out';
~o" ~"I (D), ~oh ~IJ (T) 'plum tree, (T.M) 'astabalala 'make (the hands) pass over each
be determined':
'uljlaqa, causative; also 'bring to an end, cease
the cross is nailed and carried by the deacon,
peach' . other, send around, cross, transfer, adjourn'; (tL), accomplish, finish, destroy, exterminate, reed, stubble, chaff, papyrus, (Lt) pole, long
from Ar [IOI\·b (a .l 'peach. plum'; also Tna. kuk ljalafi, act. part, of balala; also 'passerby, spend, lay waste, use up, annihilate, decree, spear;
·peach'. Te.Amh kok. See also kok. transitory, transient, temporal, temporary'; decide' ,. SEMITIC: the root is undoubtedly ~Il. If there is an
Ijalul 'who passes, who crosses, who tres- laryalqa, passive of ,alJlaqa; element of the cane or stalk. being hollow, cpo Heb.
~o~.t (pI. [1O[liil, ljall'a[liJlI') ~"Ir (D 606) passes' ;
IQryiilaqa, reciprocal of 'aljlaqa; hiilii/'cavity', Aram. ~uiJffii, Syr. ~Jiillilii. The connec-
'door. doorway, gate, portaL leaf of door'; {!lalul ga~~o la- 'who aims toward'); tion with Syr. ~ellii (or ~leJlJ!a) 'sheath', Ar. !Jil/a f t)
(madraka uoljJl 'threshold'); Ijalula 'while passing';
, 'aslaryiilaqa, causative of taluilaqa; also 'come
- suggested by Brockelmann 1928: 232 is unlikely. It
to a settlemen t' ,.
for !1aH'aljall' 'gates' used in astronomy, see O. ljaliifil 'people traveling or passing by, crowd'; is tempting to connect it with Heb. ~iim 'flute', but
lj,/uq 'finished, accomplished, destroyed, de-
Neugebauer, Orienralia 33 (1964).49.71. Ijalafiyat, ljalalayat (pI. of Ijalafit) 'things that in view of Hac ulullu 'flute' and also of Qabenn.:l
Cided Upon, precise';
SEMlTlC Ar. ttaw[w 'aperture in a wall, small pass away, transitory things'; (Cushitic) ulflli·ta one wonders whether the. ~OOI IS
(matura waljaluqa 'resolutely'); not onomatopoetic and is common to SemitiC and
doorway between houses' (considered by Noeldeke ljaifat 'passing, passing by, passing away, pas- ry,lq'destruction , end" ,
1910:51 a Geez loanword, but in view of SAr. hh sage, departure, transitoriness, death'; Cushitic, .
1"lqat 'end, consummation, dwindling, comple- ETHIOPIC Tna, ~Ia/liit 'cane on which the cross IS
below, this may be not the case), SAr. && 'passag~: laljlal 'passing from place to place';
",ay, corridor' (7), Heb. ~awiib-fm 'hollows, re- malj (a) la/, mab (a) lall 'passing, pass, pass-
tion, performance, execution, death'; nailed'. Amh. halliil 'staff, rod' (from Gccz),Tc. !IJII
cesses'. Mh. bo 'mouth. opening'. miiry(,)laql, miilj(a)laqt 'ceasing, end, conclu- 'kind of cane', Tna. ball; passed into Cushltlc: Sa
word' ; I Sion, ruin, loss, death'; halat 'reed, rush'.
h.n.". 262

~.n .... -Mm, (T) h.n .... II"m, ~an.wa ",,,m - ~

'watch, keep watch. guard'.

- hambo "19"11 'PII, marsh' ;
hOfllma-)'1' (K·) 'act.
., part. of hammal'a;
• . but the e'(presslOn .lJ/wkko aid ea
(H ciS ha; hallawa = Amh. m"'"
!iilliiqii 'be
ETHIOPIC' Amh. ambo, anbo 'brackish water fr
I .. I . C .. om.
mlnera spnng: a so In ushltlc : Bil. hambo 'CIS'
k-mmul' 'bound. tied.' ,
k- nmaye 'binding, tymg ;
back' m n 'carry On lhc
ETHI~PIC' lna, ~an~drii 'carryon the back' T
deep', It IS a mISprint for mO.,. !iibbiiqii tern' - ~hJm~, (KG) mab ame 'bond, fetter, shackle', han.tara. • e
,hal/ou'i 'custodian'; -
hamr "19"C (K·) 'wme'; .m-
m~h- ame (T reprint), mahmame (T) 'shackle' . ~angara 1I "1,}U (K') 'hmp';
·b,II,.... (Gr.~OJ) ",II,w
'watchman, night bamrawi (K·) 'wine-colored'; SEMITIC: related to ,,:-r hamo (~~y ~ 'deny, inter-
· t' that is 'restrain > tie, bind, Akk. bamii seems to be a transcnption of Heb, h~~tr WIth an
guard. custodian', from Ar. ~amr 'wine', but J;amrawi could also be dJC , I' inseTted n,
'immobilize, para yze .
Sl:.MITIC SAr &1"'. b(J' 'save, deliver'; related to Ar. another spelling for ~am'iiwi and be connected With
, (hwl)
, 'take care of', hamr I, above. 'hml. m.~.mmiz 9'''''''11 'oven'; bonga' 1')1-'1- (KG) ·golter'.
ETHIOPlC; Tna, halliiH'ii 'watch', Amh . alliJlt'a. iJlliil",'a "lor mohobbaz (with alternance of labIa Is), from
'night watch', hammasa '101'1'1 'make five' (denominative): ~
banaqa (yJbnJq) "1~'" 'strangle. choke. throt-
labammasa (K·) 'become five'; habaza 'bake'.
bams, bams 'five' (with a feminine noun);
-Reinisch 1887: 194, under hamad, records G hama-
tle, take by the throat. put on the neck'.
'abllaqa (K'). causative;
han.y. "1f1f. (L) ~anaya "'''f
'consider, think,
ponder, keep m mind. meditate. look after
hams-a 'five times';
bommus 'quintuple, fivefold':
;Q 'bake', not attested elsewhere.
tabanqa, passive, reflexive;
labanaqo (DTW 944), recIprocal;
h>nbil 1')1111, (T) h.nbiz O,}1111 'lJlstrument
someone, take care of, watch, reason, reRect bammaslu 'five' (with a masculine and feminine bJlluq 'strangled. choked';
oC torture, (T) forked pole'.
upon, turn over in one's mind, perceive, de- noun); the suffix pronouns are attached to b'lIqal, verbal noun of bUllaqa;
Dillmann 602 records it under (Ih: II K gives
hammasti-; mabn,q (K') 'that strangle,;
cide. deVise. imagine';
'ablaya, 'aballaya. causative; also 'remind, sug-
bamas (fern. ljamasl) 'fifth';
hobbii: and ljonbii=; however, in all the CIted
mabanaq (Lt) 'mean, of stranghng or chokmg';
~xamples the form is b,nbii:.
gest' ; ljam(,)sawi. bam(o)say 'fifth'; SEMITIC Ar, ~anaqa '!ttrangle', Heb. hJ'fllq, Aram
laballa),a, passive, also 'be conceived. be mind- (bam(a)saya 'the fifth time'); EnnoPlc: Littmann-Hofner 83 compare It, with
himaq, Syr. h,naq. Md. hnq. Ug. hnq, Akl han,iqu
fulof'; reservations, with Te. ~anoba=a 'make nOIse', ~ano­
ljam(, )sil 'fifth part of the kikros' (for which ETHIOPIC Tna, ~antl9J '\trangle'. Te, hanqlJ, Arg
bii; 'confusion',
'asla!lallara 'cause to keep under control'; see below); hannaqa, Har ~aniiqa, Amh. IJnnuqa, Gur anaqa
balla),l. act. part. of (wllara; bamus 'five (days), the fifth day (of the week or honifi, bonofe. banifi ~C; t., -<;'<;t...
• ,
I I 'lCj'" ban~.~a "1')lIlI, (TM) ~.n~a,a "'')lIlI, (Gr54)
ball"y (M), pass. part. of ballaya; also 'medi- month), Thursday': 'pagan ; ~a~a~a ",')1/1/ 'break the pods of beans or
tated. thought, considered'; (bamus mawa-ol 'five days'); aQlJQjawi, banifii ..... i 'pagan': peas with the teeth in order to eat the legume,
ball,ya 'faculty of thinking, intellect'; (·ama ljamusu la.iarq 'the fifth day of the
from Ar. hallajiyy. of SYrIac Ihallpii ) origin (Noel- sift. separate, draw a line (to separate), make"
!wll,yo( I) ·opinion. intellect, mind, medita- month');
• •
tlon ; deke 1910:35). On Ar. hanif; see Noeldekc 1910 :30, drinking cup from an aOlmal's horns';
ljamsa 'fifty';
Jeffery 112-5. The root exists In a related meaning in taljan~a~a. pas~lve;
!JJllinii 'thinking, faculty of thinking, mind. (ba-ala bamsa 'Pentecost'); Heb. hanep 'be polluted. be ahenated from God' (,,"siis (K·) 'broken open pod' .
thought, understandmg, Intelligence, intellect, bummiise, bammose 'the five, reunion of five.
reasoning, reason, device, imagination, inten- the becoming five'; SEMITIC: Ar ~aJa,f 'crack, crevice', Hcb n{iw-J 'dl'
tion, conscience, proposal, opinion'; maljammas (KG) 'that has five sides';
- .
carve' ;
-n.!.tn 'scratch, scrape, engrave.
Vide In groups', PbH . ~tiw-r \eparatc',
(muqala b,lIina 'enthusiasm 'j; ETHIOPIC: Te. ~ansii.fu 'cut off the: branches', Tna
mabammasl 'five times'; 'aljall/ala (Ll). causatIve: ltamiisii 'break the !thell With the teeth, mark.. a
(1,lImal 'conscience'; liibmas, loljmiis 'quintupling, number five, set taaan/a!a, passive; borde'r (to separate it rrom another)'. Amh tmti!liifli
(JJllma ...i 'pertaining to thought'; of five'; 'scrape, smooth by Sl.:rapmg' Sec abo h.f!o hllllJJIJ.
ETHIOPIC' lna. ~anfiNii 'scratch', Te, ~lOnriirt.J, ha·
SEMITIC. related to Ar i la J~ayyala 'Imagine', Heb. l,ljm351 ·fivefold. five times, five parts'; fii.~a; undoubtedly also Gur uf}eltii (for I'~, see hem
, lOla,
. . 'antalD,
. .

halo (hln 'thmk. care for' (Dnver, JTS SEMlnc. Ar. bams 'five', SAr. !tms Soq. homoS, Lt,I.u 1979: 15.2). The root is augmented by n In
~9[1928}.392, Eltan, HUCA 12-13[1937-8}.82-3), Tal- b.nlir (pI. banci:Jr) 'nllC (Lt). ~anlar, ~.nlir,
Heb. ~iimeS, Aram. I;amsii, Syr. l;am(m)eJ,
" Md. relation to ljalala . See also lumla!a I,
hanlir "',)HC I "'')Ill: I ih'W,1: (D.T.M) ·Plg.
mudic Aram, In Iii ~o{; h'iJlii margl.i (Eitan, ib). hamIa, Ph. hmi. Akk . bamfu. •
ETHIOPIC Tna, haliiyii 'think', Amh. hallal'o 'theo- wild boar';
ry' (from Geezl: Tna, ~allana 'think' (den~minalive
ETHIOPIC; Tna hammusle
. 'five', hamils
. 'the fifth ,bangara J "1')1':: (D), hangara
. "''}1':: (Y.M)
/"n:lra (Lt) 'whlp of pIgskin';
from h<Jllina 'thought'), Gur. aO'ana (ai-Stem of ana)
order of the vowels', Te. ~lQ'n3S 'five', Har. ~ammisli,
Gaf. ammilslii, Amh.Arg. ammi/sl, Gur. ami/51.
carryon the shoulders'; -from Ar, bin:ir (considered by Fracnkcl 110 an
'conSlder' (for nl, see Leslau 1979:8.23). Cohen
aallg.ri (Ll). act. participle,
AramaiC lo~nword; see also Jeffery 116), Tnil. l\tin~
1939:.14 followmg Praetonus 1879:7 identified ~amaya (yabmi), hammaya "100f, (T.Y) ~.m­ Dillmann 605 connects Amh. iJSkokko alii (transla· :ir; In the other Semitic languages Hcb. hiJ:ir,
Amh ayyii 'see' with G. bly 'think', but see Praeto- maya ",oof 'chain, tie, bind, shackle'; tion of ~angara) with <Jskokko 'rock hyrax' and Aram, ~(i:irc;, Syr ~1<J:.iT(j. Md hi:urli, Ug. ~":r,
nus 1879:510 and Leslau 1979123 who connect ·abammaya, causative; seems to give the meaning of 'rock hyrax' to G, Akk. hutiru,
~angara. The Amharic expre~sion JSkokko ulii may ,
Amh. an'a 'see' with the Semitic rool ~1=Y 'see', la~amya, ta&ammaya, passive;
be connected with the name of the animal .l.fkokko, hanzaz 'l,}1111 (T) 'plough beam'
264 265
• ~~~re~t____----------~~~--~--__----=:~____________________________~~~

~epa .... r. see b."p· (possibly where a woman in childbed ret' )

' b . f Ires'
h brid between ·~rd·sJaughtcr' and qMr{ 'CUt'
or COll It e a vaflant 0 ~ariS (for which se~ ",ot a esYted by Polotsky. lAOS 69 (1949).41.
as sugg
-her -
....C. hera .... ~; see hayara.
- above)?;
", -r
horet ,,,, ' .haril ..,t-r; see barya.
hare ..,t.; see han·a. 'abriis i. miibrasi (Gr) 'who assists in childbed" -. t ",,,-. see hayara.
• • • ,
SEMITIC: ~r. barus ·"':.~m~n in the first period of hlrs ,,(.0 T , y ..,t:'. (T) haro lit:'; see barawa. preg~ancy, Akk. (wrasu be a Woman in confine_ -hirot 1..;.-r; see ljerawa.
ment. •
harif -'It<i:. (T.M) harif .ht<i: 'current year, ETHIOPIC: Tna. ~ariisii(t) 'give birth to a child' T -'I~ID, • .h~1D
(T.M) last year, (K*) season of the year'; hsraw • I)'ah",)
(T.K·) haraw
'woman in childbed', .Har. haras-
. ,
Arg . II a' rase. ~. ce perforate. make a hole, carve. engrave,
• •

'this year' (adv.); Amh.Gaf.Gur. aras; passed lnto Cushitic' Bil h .. '
,", , ··aras ~i:~I.' make a sketch. (Y.K*) dig, dig out,
SEMITIC: Ar. [lOrff'autumn, year', SAr.ljrf'aulumn,
give birth to. See also barasa I.
excavate' ;
year', Heb. ~lOrfP 'harvest time', Akk. ljarpu '(early) ~arasa I (yabra.!) -'I~IP, (T.TS) ~arasa .ht:ft 'ohrawa, causative; also 'en~ra ve' ~
harvest, summer'. For the relation between 'winter, IOllOrawa, (L) tabarwa, passIve of ljara»'a;
ramy season' and 'year', cpo Som. gii 'rainy season, (KG) barras. -'I~f1 'feed, nourish, take good
care of someone by properly feeding him ha~iiwi. act. part. of barawa; also 'sculptor';
year', Amh. kiirriimii 'spend the rainy season, spend
the year', See also fwrif. fatten, (T.Y) pamper, spoil'; perhaps originall; I"ro (K .), haro (T) 'chtsel'; baray -'lC.e in Proverbs 8: 19 (of the Asm.r.
'take good care of a woman in childbed' com. hmw. 'abraw 'perforated. carved. engraved. Bible) is probably. misprint for fareva 't't.f
~arama -'I~OD (K*) 'sting, prick'; ing to have the general meaning of taking care ~hiseled' ; 'my fruit'; indeed the Amharic Old T~'tamcnt
barmat 'letter. leg of a letter, single stroke of anyone; harH'at 'act of engraving. act of carving, carved has fareyo 'my fruu·. Or could it be a mISprint
made in forming a letter, word set off by 'abra.!a, (T) 'aiJrasa 'nourish well, (T) bring ~ork, hollow, cavity, chisel, engraving tool, for baruy ·chosen. preferable'? (GetJtchew).
double dots serving as word separators, min- up' ; clasp' ;
ute letter of the law'; labada, passive of baraia; SEMITIC: related to Ar. burr 'mouth of a millstone' hesa ....1'1; see hI'S.
• ••
SEMITIC: Ar. barama 'slit, crack, perforate', the trac- barii.!i (K *), act. part. of I;ara.!a; (that is, 'hollow, cavity'). Heb. hor ·hole'. Syr. Illira
ing of the letter•
being perceived as perforation. For SEMITIC: Ar. ljarrasa 'feed on the occasion of child- 'hole', ~/erl!a 'ditch, trench' (considered by Brockel· hisin
· ..,,..11; see It)'s.
. "armet
'slit'. cpo also Sh. - 'notch in the ear or in the birth'. mann 1928:208 an Akkadian loanword). Ug. Ilrl
lid'. Noeldeke 1904: I 11, n. I connects it with the (from bry) 'grave', Akk. ljerrJ, ljartiru 'dig, dig out'.
ETHIOPIC: Amh. arriisii 'take care of a parturient basr. (yabsar) -'lilt:, (KG) -'lP't: 'be
name of the letter IJarm (b)' Ambros suggests a ETHloprc: Tna. hariiwii 'open' (could It be a metathe w

woman'. [zarasa is separated here from [zarasa (as disgraced, suffer disgrace. be wretched. be mis-
borrowing from Gk. grammala 'letters' (pI. of gram. sis of rhw?), Amh. mara 'chisel' (ancient form
does Dillmann 587), but in fact it is probably the erable, be reduced to poverty, be dishonored.
ma) since Gk, g is taken over as g in Arabic and Ar.
same root with a differc.nt spelling and means 'to mahro. I~ahro; see Dillmann 588, under ljarwar),
t nonnaJJy becomes b in Geez in Arabic loanwords. Gu~. mK'arii. miiro, from *1nallfaw (Practorius be confounded. be vilified, endure hardshtp,
bear a child' and 'feed (or take care of) the woman be humbled, be brought low, be abased. be
ETHIOPIC Amh. harmiil, same as Geez, in childbed'. 1879: 157).
despised, languish, be wasted (corn). be de-
~orum "'';'9'' (Gr.429) 'muscle of the thigh'; herawa

.... t:1D 'be good. be benevolent. be excel- picted (land),;
~arasa If -'I~IP (Y) = Amh. qiil/lima I) 'stain, lent' ,.
perhaps for ~arum 'forbidden, taboo' referring to dye'; 2) catch a ball'. bassara 'treat with indignity, treat with igno-
'aherawa (Gr.209), causative; • •
the prohibition of eating the sinew of the thigh vein • mtny ;
taaerawa (T) 'be good';
10 Gen 32:32 (Getatchew).
~ara~a ~lR 'cut in, carve, engrave, incise,
• • aeriiwi (M) 'benevolent';
'altsara 'debase , reduce to disgrace. abuse.
humble, humiliate. expose to humiliation. de-
~irunii 1..;.e;; see (heralVa). hirawannii. wnte ;
- - labara~a, passive; airUl 'goodness, kindness, benevolence, excel· grade, dishonor. treat with igno.miny, despIse.
lence, virtue, good quality, integrity, benefit. depreciate. shame, bring to nothtng, brtng low,
~arasa, ~arasa -'I~f1 ! -'I~IP, (L) ~arasa .h~1P SEMITIC: Ar. &ara~a 'cleave, strip off, scrape off', preference, (It) merit, good action'; afflict' ;
'bear a child, lie in bed when giving birth to a SAL &r~ 'valuation (of agricultural products)" Heb.
child. be with child or with young (cattle)'; airawallllii. I;irunii. (It) ~erwanii 'goodness, be- ('alJSara r,'so 'he degraded himself, he di,·
~iiri, 'slice', i,ara, 'decide' (see Akk. below), PbH.
ljarra.ia (Y) 'assist in childbed'; neficence' ; honored himself');
~Iara~ 'cut a trench', Aram. &iira~ 'cut inLO', Ug, ~,,~
>aljrasa. (L) >a&ra.ia 'assist in childbed'; 'cut' (Caquot 441), Akk. •hartisu 'cut, cut olf, en· the verb is a denominative from ljer (see bayara). tahasra

'be afflicted with abuse, be treated with
• • ••
ljariis. (T) hariis, (L) &arii.i 'who is with child or grave, decide, determine' (see Heb. biirao$, above). tgnomtny ;
with young'; See on this root Marrassini 130ff. ~ary., baraya (yaJ;ray, yal]ri) '\Cf I '\t:f 'astahasara (Ll) 'disgrace';
ETHIOPIC: Gaf.Gur. arriifii 'cut'; perhaps also Amh. 'choose, discern. elect, select'; has"; 'wretched, miserable. impoverished, des-
bars 'confinement of a woman in childbed';
ljarsi (T). same; hara?ra~{ alii (from hara? < *I]r#! with reduplica- la&raya, causative; picable, despised, vile. defective. afflicted. worth·
tion of the last two radicals) 'make a grinding or ta&arya, passi ve; less, contemptible. of lowly posttton. de-
(zarso (T) 'state of a woman in childbed';
grating noise'. In view of the Semitic root br~ 'cut 'astaaarya (Gr.206) 'choose with discrimina- graded, low, dishonorable';
izaris (with h in KG) 'small hut, secluded place' off, incise' there is no need to consider the Gaf.Gur. tion' ; hasar 'dishonor, wretchedness. abominable

haursara 266 267
- .'- - hatama

lhing, disgrace, misery, ignominy, humiliation, tayasasa 'inquire collectively, discuss With one WOPle: Tna. ~o~a ·gravel'. Te. ~o~a , bo~at , SEMITIC ' Ar hs .
infamy. contempt, abasement'; another, seek one another, have a Contrav ET Amh hala 'resembling coarse white sand' finger', Syr. h.;;;a. I~~bt;;aril '~horten', ~UlS;" 'little
yasr (Lt) 'lowness, baseness';
wtth one another, provoke one another, (Lt)
~"1~~~and' (fro~ Geez). The idenhfication of Amb: tion with H·eb ' ' b 4~a. For a pos~lble conne.;.
h~srat 'decline, impoverishment, being re- object, claim, reclaim, request, require'; h~~a,wa 'sand' with G . lJo~ii suggested by Praetorius qajara II. . q~r S ort (WIth q ·f). "tt ~ada/~.
duced to humiliation'; 'aslaljasasa (L) 'devise a skill'; osa '82 is unlikely. A m h. asawa'" cou Id be I'dentlfied
18.19 . G hosii only I'f It. were borrowed f rom a ETHTOPlc: Tna hasiir M'be h '
Arg h .II.··. A s ort . Te. hal
h . . r(, , H',
'ai..lSiin (Grl, act. part. of 'aysara; >astayasasa, caus. of ta!Jasafa; Wli • ~ .
hatara ... .
Itasarsara, see below; !JasiiSi, act. part. of basasa; b·l,·c language where s. _> s > s. The root passed .. , . a.. ara. mh oattard. Gur atiirii.
- I]asus (K *), pass. part. of I]asa.ia;
into Cushitic : Sa. ho~e, ho;e.
~.~aw. (y.l]~u) , ~a~awa "'OID (KG) 'castrate'
SEMlTIC : Ar. hasira 'suffer loss, lose, be beguiled',
SAr. perhaps- ~lsJr 'poorer class', Soq. di-~osir ~asa.fii 'inquir~, sear~hing, r~quest, claim, peti- (H 219 wrongly translales G. ya~awa 'dectde:
'cheap', S~. bsor 'Jose', Heb. /:Iiiser 'diminish, de- hasad. (yab~ad) ..,1IY. 'twist, make tight, bend,
crease', Aram. (liisar 'diminish" ~lasser 'lessen, de-
tIOn, expectatIOn, Wish, deSIre, investigation'.
I]usiise, .(KG) , husiise 'inquiry, (KG) predictio~,
· ' ve' ,
on the baSts of Amh. q' iirriilii, translalton of
cur, ( I h" -d- h" -d-) ( hasawa.
~ . • It .tS •lrue that Amh . q' arra.a
- "t ·· aIso
prive', Syr. ~"sar 'decrease, be in want', Md. IIsr presentIment; h"' IJ~jjd, bWa~iid ~ p ~ ,_ iJ~a at, .. a~a at ., L!) means dectde, but 'decide' is a figuralive
'lack, be defective" Ug. bsr, Akk. yasiiru 'break off'. yasis (Ll) 'pursuit'; hosiid (pl.l]o~iidat) nng, hook, clasp, lWlSled ; meanmg of 'cut');
• •
ETHIOPIC : Tna. (lasara 'be humiliated, be in dis- )a~~a»,a (K *), causative ;
has;so( 'desire'; related to AI. ~G.¥ada ' twist'.
tress, be used up (clothes), go down in price', Te. - tayaiiisi 'who inquires diligently, who scruli.
ETHIOPlc: Reinisch 1895 : 34 compares Be. 'alta talJa~wa 'be made a eunuch, be castrated':
~asra 'become of inferior value', Amh. asar, hasar
'affliction, misfortune', ahsaro 'humiliation' (from nizes, who investigates'; 'ring' « aida, kaMa) . biJ~iJW 'eunuch, chamberlain';
tal]iisaso(t) ba~wat 'act of emasculating':
Geez). . . . ,'legal action, controversy, ques-
tlon, mqUlry ; bassin 111.1 'iron, sword, weapon, breaslplate,
Ar. b~a (~y) 'castrate', ba~~v 'eunuch',
- hasarsara "I/'tCI'l~ 'be reviled, be humiliated';
>a!Jsarsara 'revile repeatedly';
masta!Jasas 'inventor, discoverer, who inquires ir~~ 1001 (axe, razor, nail)';
(labsa I]a~~in 'cuirass');
Heb. ~ii~ii (~~)') 'div,de', PbH. ~iisii ( hn'i " phI',
diligently' ; Syr. ~'~ii ( lNy ) 'pluck out. tear oul', AU . e.I'; 'shl'
from !]sr (see above) with redupJication of the last miib(a)sas 'demand, petition, request, scruti. hasiiwant
• •
(pl.) 'iron tools'; Noeldeke 1910: 103 considers Ar. hasa a de~omina­
two radicals. ny, desire, controversy'; SEMt1lC: Ar. baSin 'axe' (considered by Fraenkel 86 live from bU.Jya 'testicle'. This ma-y be the case for
Ar. bafci, but not for G. ha.Jawa since Geez docs not
- hosa ~"'; see hll's.
- SEMITIC: Akk. boMbu (from M-bS) 'desire, need,
require', Syr. ~(Jsal; 'be needed'.
an Aramaic loanword), Soq. ~Ie~;hin , Aram. ~t1yi'na,
Syr. ~ll1.yfnii, Akk. 1]G.¥~innu. According to Zimmern have the noun b~y for 'testicle'. See on this root
Rundgren 1968: 163.4,
~aS'a, ~aS'a (yaysii') "'1"0 1 "'I"h, (Tl ~as'a ETHIOP1C: Te. I;assa (I;ss) 'watch, pay attention', 12 (contrary to Kaufman 54) Akk. lJa~~innu >
"'lIh, (L) ~as>a "'I"t. 'be calm, be still, be mii~asiis 'spy', Tna. I;asiisii 'seek, search', Amh, probably Aram. > Ar.Geez. On its connection with ETHIOPTC: Tna. I;J~JW 'eunuch' (from GCCl), Amh.
h,,~aw (from Geez); passed into Cushitic : Bil. aSuw
appeased, cool off (anger), subside, be faint'; assiisii 'scout, examine, look for'. For Har. xafa Heb. garzt!n 'axe', Ar. karzan < *k/garsin, see ·castrate'.
>a[ ra, causative; 'desire, wish, want', Gur. kiise, see Leslau 1979:355. Salonen. SO 17,2 (t952). 8, and Baumgartner 195.
For more details on ~G.¥#n, see Furlani, RSE 6
SEMlTIC: Ar. baiara 'be humble, be submissive, be See also ib. p.557 for sii, sa. The root passed into
faint (voice)', perhaps Heb. has. (&.ly) 'keep si- Cushitic: Bi1.Sa. hasas 'spy, investigate'. (1947).1-11. On Md. qurnasa 'axe' < Akk. ba~fjnnu, . . -
hasiwant "'l\1JIo1-l-; see hassilt.
lence', Aram. I;asii, I;ii.ff 'be silent, be quiet'.
see Dietrich 303 . ~atama (yal]tam) ·~-tou 'seal, seal up, slamp,
ETHIOPIC: Tna. 'ass balti 'be quiet', Amh. ass·si-
~'asaSa, ~osasa ..... "'... 1 (T.M), ~asasa ETHIOPIC: Tna. ~1G.¥in 'iron', I;an.$i (with metathesis), impress, engrave, mark, sign. coin (money),
..,"'''' (K) 'sweep'; Te. ~Ia#n, Amh. hauin (from Geez); passed into lalloo, prick, anoinl with holy oil, sanclion
lence!', Te. hass, Gur. as; also Cushitic: Or.Som. us,
Sa. asa< 'the being quiet'. mal]"asas, mal]"asas, pI. mal]"iisasl (D), ma- Cushitic: Aw.Kham. a?-in 'iron. weapon'. wilh a seal, shul, close (and seal), end';
I]osas (K.M.T), mal]osas (M), mal]"asas (Ll), rna· 'ahtama, causative;
---> ~.sar. (yaysaj) "''''L, (T.M) ~asara "'i'lL 'be i)asas (T) 'broom, meat hook, hooked piece of
~a!.ra (yal]w) "'1I~, (T) ~a~ara "'8~ 'be
tahatma, pass. of hatama;
scabby, be scurfy, be covered with a rash, (K) iron, tongs, fork'; short, be shortened, be brief';
- -
hatiimi, act. part. of hatama;
itch, peel, scratch, (T.M) widen (wound)';
'alj,ara 'shorten, abridge, abbreviate, dimin- i..tum 'sealed, sta~ped, coined, signed,
ETHIOPIC: Tna.l;asiisii 'sweep, wipe off, Te.l;as(s)ii-
b,suj', (K.Gr.49) !}asuJ 'scabby, scurfy, that sa, Amh. assiisii. ish, (Ll) hold in low esteem, depreciate';
marked, shut';
itches, (K *) covered wilh wounds';
l]asaJ(K*) 'itch, a boil'; "'1"1"-'1- (K*) 'chameleon'; I 'astal]asara 'shorten, diminish, reduce, abbre-
viate' ,.
hmiime (Gr.458) 'sealing' (n);
hatmat 'sealing', (n);
SEMITIC: Ar. ba.rifa 'be infected by scabies'. ETHIOPIC; Amh. iJSf1st. See also ~f1s~ast. &(}~ar 'shortness. shortage'; miih(a) lam, mal](a)tamt (pI. miii)(.)tamiit, mii-
lj"~ur 'short, shortened, brief, restricted'; h (;) ramiit, mal]ii"m, mabiilamt) 'slamp, seal,
~aSaSa (yal;.ias) ..,"'''' 'seek, seek out, look
for, search, explore, desire, wish, inquire, de-
husat ..,. ... -l-; see hws.
- (o>sura, ba·l]a,ur 'in a few words, briefly'); ~ark, impression, sign, (Ll) letter (by exlen-
~o~jj ~l\, (T) ~o~jj ~, 'sand, gravel';
mand, entreat, scrutinize, investigate, pursue'; oaHir (fern. I]~,iir), (T) ~a"ir 'shorl, brief; sion), closure, prison'; .
·al]sa.ia (Gr.205) 'seek afler, investigate'; SEMITIC: Ar. l;C14a' (with ~) 'stone, pebble', 1;;~~4 OU~iire (Gr) 'shortness'; (miil](') lama riisi'iin 'hell', lit. 'closure [pnsonl
(abaSsa, labafasa, passive, reflexive; also 'dis-
'stones', Soq. I;a~a~a~ihin 'gravel', Heb. ~~ii~ 'peb- ~asral 'brevity. shortness'; of the wicked');
bles, gravel', Aram.lJii.yii~a 'gravel', Syr.lJa~a~a, Md. )a&~aro 'abridgment, abbreviation'; mai)alamt (T.M) 'golden chain' (read mal]ii-
pute, debate, demand';
.. sosa,
'. - ..
Akk. hissu. (ba-'alj~"o 'briefly); taml);
hatur 268 269

~~n____--------------~~______________ .. . _
SEMITIC.Ar. !la/amo 'seal' (v), denominative from hii/a>, flala'i, act. part. of halla' also 'Sl' nner
v' ¥. ¥ . ,

batata (pb!a! ) '~m : "'1010 'be

btf, ~affa, .. . . 'al]aYl'alcJ, eausative~ abo 's.trength '
hiirom 'seal' ('n.), of Aramaic origin according to sinful, wicked'; ,
FraenkcJ 252; SAr. (Qal) brm 'sear, Heb. (IDIom Ija!u' 'wanting, deprived of, indigent ne d ;~all';
(LI) 'subtlety, acuteness';
~a!:~.:~~~ ·~~.~11le strong, he 'trcn;t~lenCd, he
(for Its Egyptian origin, see Ellenbogen 74, with .. dhd ,ey ~ " . power, get the upper hand.
who. IS In nee. : w 0 oes nO.t have, devoid of' ." Tna. ~onrii{ii 'plck,off one by one', that
oree lone s Way), gain ma,tcry. do hv f' '
bibliography), Aram. lJiiIam 'seal' (v.), Syr. (la!Om,
destItute, fuglltve, (Lt) that IS missing" ' ETHIO k
es mall' For 'small, cp o Te.Tna. hmtiit lake by force, use v1olenl..'C, be violen"t l ~I.:c.
Md. 111171, Ph. hun. "ma , "
ETHIOPIC Tna: (laliimii 'seal' (v.), Te. lJatmo 'seal,
bati, 'loss, lack, want, (Ll) scarcity, pe~ury" :s. child', from M(! ) wit.h augmen,red n .The root com b
e Y Vto 'I enee, tj-Tanni7c oppr ' _~("IVer·
A ,.

stamp, print'. Arg. lIattiima, Amh. alliimii, Gur. bara" ljartl> 'lack, want, scarcity'; , hllie in Cushitic : BIL hm!on be thm, weak, nate be ' .. ~, (IOnll·
[lar>a/ 'lack, want, scarcity';
IsO occurs
a _ 'Kham. lelm.
. ' _ _' empowered, milke an efron, ~lnvc'
atiimii. delicate, . erm. ta~wrala 'encourage onc another'
. (pi.
ba!i'at , ha!awa', ra!iiya') 'lack, fault, offense ,
1,101» (GrA58) 'seduce, persuade'; 'QStabarya/a, causative of tah(JlT~/tl
halur ..,."C; see ilJlur. SIn, trespass;
" .
~ondary form of by!, bera. baYYiil',trong, Powerful, m;gi1!V, ~re,athng,
(za-Ija!i'at 'sin-offering');
champIOn. actIVe, valiant, violent'
~atawa (yaljtu) "''''111, (T) ~atawa "''''111 'be bar (a) 'iiwi 'sinner'; bawawa ..,111 : "'111111 (K') 'open'; h~J~'l'ul, same' '
kindled, burn, be alight, shine'; Ijat(a)'anna 'state of wanting, the being de-
bawa, '" . , ¥ -. ,

'ahla",a 'light a torch or a lamp, burn, kindle, prived of, the being in need';
h,wa (K') 'wmdow ; Ilnyi 'power, strength, might, force, sal or,
" - t0 be reconstructed from hawiihiJl,·. Virtue, severity, firmness':
emit light, give light'; miiMa)!a' (M), miibJtii' (D) 'fugitive(s), reru. seems ~
(ha-~al'i 'violently, mightily');

lj"al1', (KG) Ij>lla", 'lit, burning, shining'; gee(s)' ; h.wa~.W "''''''1111-; see ~ol}Jl.
- lja)'liil (pi. of i'uyl) 'duties, facultICs, e\plOIt<,
malj(a)tol (pi. molja,",v, maljatawal) 'lamp, miiMa)!a' (Ll) 'refuge';
/t;JwWOf "IIII-C (T.M), ~3wwur "Im.C (K) 'weak, mIghty works, anny, troops, hosts';
light, torch, candlestick'; ta&ar (iJ) '01 'state of non-existence, absence,
lack' ; invalid, who has no knowledge', maslnljaypl, (Gr) t1lustaharriili 'violent. op.
(maljti/awa hOStifllti 'eve of Palm Sunday'); pressor':
(maljatall'a ba'ala ladat 'Christmas eve'); SEMITIC: Ar. bw\."iir 'young unweaned carner, ~lIi,
SEMITIC: Ar. bo!;>a 'sin, commit an error' (for its ra{uH'yiili 'oppressor',
(sanbala maljata",a jasika 'Easter eve); (f,om hw,) 'deficiency', Mh. bah" 'rew, Itttl ... H~b.
being borrowed rrom Syriac, see Schwally, ZDMG laljol'y.lo( I) 'duress, sternness, harsh treat,
(wti:emti marya/aMi 'hymns sung on the eve of a hwr In~iiru (ls.24:6) 'become little. away
52[ I898J. I32; however, in view or SAr. &1' 'commit ment. force':
holiday'); ETHIOPIC Te. ~1awiira 'lose the vOice owmg to weak.·
an offens~.', the borrowing s~e.m,s "!nlikely, according (nalaljOl'yalo'impetuously');
mahtaw, miih,",v, same as mah(a)tOl; ness'; Te. ~awar 'young (of camel and donkey)', Bil.
to W. Muller); Soq. hala' sm, S!l. bale 'get lost' tJryiJY.\\l/t 'duress. violence, oppression',
" " " huwer is borrowed from Arabic buwDr.
SEMITIC: Heb. i'ii!ii (illw/),) 'kindle, ignite' (Barth Heb. bora(') 'sin, miss a mark, fail' (for Heb~
1902:24), mo~ta 'fire pan, censer', that is, 'a utensil
ba rrii (')l'penury' [a meaning found in Geez] in Job I
hws'¥hosa ()'altus)
-: "',P
'mix, mlllgle, confuse'; SEMITIC Ar. ~Jal'/, ~awl'power, slr~ngth' (note" as
that serves as receptacle for burning things' (Eilan
1924:25), PbH. hillii (hly) 'stir embers, rake',
14: 16, see W. Thomas, JTS, n.s. 15[1964J.29511),
Aram .. biirii ('), ball 'sin', Syr. ba!a('), Md. IIfa 'sin,
I ¥

tahawsa, passive;
lahiiwasa 'make fellowship (with), have inter-
agamsl b of Geez), SAr. ~yt, Heb. ~wy,l, Amm. ~I('/(j,
Syr. iraylii, Md. haila, Ug. Irl 'army', perhaps Alk.
. - hari
err, fail', Ug. br>, Akk. ba!a 'sin'. - iflulU 'army'.
, halii,
Aram. .- 'stir embers, take coal out with a course' ;
EnnOPlc: Tna. bayiifii 'he stron~', Te "du, Amh
pan. ETIfIOPIC: Tna. ba!'e 'sin' (v.), Te. ~1O!,a 'be wanting', h,wlI'a.i, itaw",us 'mixed, conrused, con feder-
ETHIOPIC: Har. mo&riit (moxliit) 'Jight·giving ob. Amh. a!!o 'lack, be wanting, miss'. For 'sin' (n.), cpo -ate' ; " oyyiilii. For 'power', cpo Tnu. ~lI."Ii, Te. hil,
jeer; makliil (rrom Cerulli 1936: 262) gives the rna. ~lar;}at, Amh. O!;yal, Gur. hap·ot. For the mean. Amh.Gur. hayl: passed into C'ushitic: 811, IIal'i/
hail'S 'mixture, confusion, blending, fusion'; 'strong', Sa. 1lt.H'lii 'power',
impression of coming from mahtiit with h > k in iog 'sin', the root is borrowed from Aramaic (Noel.
" " ilUsal 'act of mixing, mingling, rusion, hlend-
loanwords, Amh. mohlor, mator (from Geez); deke 1910: 36). .- . ,
passed into Cushitic: Or. makluto, Af. moklut. 109, mixture; ~aymat -V,no-}", (T M) ~.ymat ,hr"m.l- 'tent.
~i!iin 'tan; see by!, bela. Tna. ~awwiisd 'mingle', haw,1Sw<U' "nixed',
ETHIOPIC: ta bernacle' ;
balta "'10; see lilt. Amh. Iwwwiisii 'mix'.
... .. ¥"
" .
(Ll) 'tentmaker',
~e!a ....10; see ry!, ~3~at "ImT, (T) ~3~at mmT 'grain, seed'; ~ayya~a "Iro (T.Y.M) 'sting, pierce, wound': SEMITIC: Ar. harntll 'tent' (collsldered by Fracnkel
SEMITIC:related to Ar. /:ta!ir 'thin, small' (Dillmann
laljay"a (D 1396), passive; 30 of unccrt~i~ origin, but pOSSibly from CiCCl
~a~a (yalj!ii') "''I'h 'lack, be deprived of, not 622). Praetorius 1890:24 derives it rightly from the SEMITIC: related to Ar. (Dat) ba(i ((""(11 'agitate, Vollers 1896:631 thmb that il j" or Persian urigm,
find, mISS, be in want of, not have, be be- shake'. but not so Landberg 1920:674tT.; :-;ec also Jeffery
Semitic root /:If (~n!J 'corn, rye' which took the
reaved, be destitute, be desolate, fail, (Y) sin'; 127), SAr. (Min.e.n) bl'''' (pi) 'cabins' given by
meaning of 'grain' (note, however, that Geez has
'a&ra'G 'bereave, cause to lack, deprive, cause ~yl, ~el. (yabil) ''Lt\ 'become well, become Conli Rossini 193 I: 155 is not recorded In the recent
the rool &0; Ar. bin!a 'wheat', Soq. ~inreh, Heb.
to sin" , strong, have the upper hand, be mighty, be dictionaries of South Arabic; Ug. ~IIJII'tl!nt' (Gordon
~i!!a, Aram. binfaIii, ~i!!aJa, Syr. ~ar!tJIii, Md. h!ila,
powerful, prevail, (T.TS.M) utter cries of joy, 403), 'enclosure, sheepfold' (Caqllot 51J).
la&a!'a 'lack, be wanting, be missing, be de- Ug. hI-I, Akk. U!l0IU; probably also Cushitic: Som.
boast, (K') shout ror help';
prived (of), withdraw, escape, flee, vanish, be - . hit.
. . 'corn'. See also hadiil.
hadiid -.. ETHIOPIC: Te. ~Iaymiil 'round hut made of branch~s'
absent, be lost, disappear, withdraw, shun'; ljayyaJa 'become strong, exert strength, over- (Tc. kiiymdl is an Arabic loanword), ~mh. hll.l'm~t;
(labo!,a 'amanna 'lose'); c?me, overpower, prevail over, be superior to, passed into Cushitic: BII. kaymar (Irom Te. km'·
gIVe power'; mat) .


h)p, ~cp ••\ T (MA) 'become a man'; tlisan 'goodness. excellence, superiority. pre.
ponderance' ;
fnlm (j~ . hihtl{1 'aHam puberty, be m the prime of
\'.."Iuth ' (Muller). h.y(y.)s>nnii

(It) 'excellence, goodly appear.
ance' •
hours 'Wl (Y), ~era "\.l (K*) 'be good',
ETHTOPIC: Tna. ~ayiisii, ~esii 'be better', Te.
hc~ (fem hert;
• •
pl.m. beriin, pl.f. !Jeriit) 'good, hayyiisa; passed mto Cushitic: Be. hayis 'better', Ar
excellent, good thing'; ays.
herait'll. see above;
hays. 'l.f.ft (T) 'be sad'.
K h
b,rat (K) 'goodness'; •

SfMITlC'. Ar. &a)'r 'good'; SAT t,y' 'nobleman" Akk. ~y!, ~e!. (y>biO "\.m, (Gr.458) ~.ya!a 'lfm,
hliiru. haru 'choose',
(T) he!. ~m 'deceive, cheat, seduce, corrupt, .ks ·h possessive suffix pronoun of the 2nd
ETHlorle: Tna , berol' 'good'; also ker. siir, Te. ko)is, k".{t)is, ko>iso, ko>isa, k· ,}~isi "h.f'I f
entice, persuade, convince, flatter, urge (with masc. sg.; subject suffix pronoun of the 2nd
kOl'l'ara 'select', ker 'good luck' (from Ar. bayr), masc. sg. of the verb in the perfect and the Ith.,fI I \1h.,{1 : \1h.,fl I If'h.,/'t., (T K1 k... is
A~-h. liir 'generous, good' (see Praetorius 1879:67), words), ; It'\.fI 'measure for liquid" clay vessel, Jar [or
tabay!a. labe!a, passive; gerund; object suffix pronoun of the 2nd rnase,
GUT ker. Sec also berall'o. transport and storage of "ater';
hayii!i, (T) ~aya!i, act. part. of bela; singular.
hIS, hess "\,1'1 'be suttable'; the object suffix from Gk khoeis (pl. of khoeur) 'mea~ure ror liq.
b.yyu!, pass. part. of bela; also 'treacherous'; uids'
p~on~uns "hen attached to it have the~ean. hilal 'trick, deception, seduction'; .ki .11. possessive suffix pronoun of the 2nd
mg of an indirect object; e.g. tlesanm It IS fem. sg.; subject suffix pronoun of the 2nd
sUItable for me' (or 'it suits me');
. . 'seduction, enticing, persuading, artifice,
fern. sg. of the verb in the perfect and the h'.ba (y.k'ab) hon (K*) 'make double' (de.
ruse' ; nominative);
harl'asa 'be better, be suitable'; with object gerund; object suffix pronoun of the 2nd fern.
ETHIOPIC: Amh, hitan 'flattering' (from Geez). The kii·.b 'second, other, companion' (for the mean-
;uffl, pronouns : y.!Je.l~v>sii 'he is better than singular.
ings 'other, companIOn', cp, also kat,,),
derivation of &e!a from a noun *&r 'mistake'. sug.
,he', t.helwsakki 'she is better for you'; SEMITIC: for more details, see Brodelmann
gested by Praetorius 1890:27, is unlikely. See also kii'(' )ba 'secondly, another time, a second
'ahra.fG','~hesa 'do good things, make some· herawa.

1908:309·310; Barth 1913:43·48. time, twice, two (followed by a measurel,
th;~g good: make something better';

. ETHIOPIC: for more details, see Leslau 195658.

again. once more, furthermore, beSides, more-
regard as better, comfort';
'ahan'am 'make better, make more pleasmg, haz'. 'lllh (Y.H.M) 'be quiet, be tranquil';
·ke .Il. 'now, then, so then, thus, therefore, of
over' ,
for haz'a Ill/h, variant of had'a (see above). k.'ub 'double, doubly twmed',
tahal'l'asa 'be placed first, be placed as better'; course, indeed, accordingly, to be sure, in fact, b'uba 'doubly';

gard as better, praise, ameliorate';

'a;t~ba)'I'asa 'prefer, regard as preferable, re· hazazs 'lHH (T) 'sink into something soft';
probably instead of ~azaza and to be compared
, and yet, even, as for';
SEMITIC: Heb. k, 'surely, yea, then' (see V. Chris.
k,'bo 'doubling, reduplication';
kll'iibe (Gr) 'repetition';
!J'YJ'U.f (LI) 'better': with hazhaza.
• • tian, WZKM 31[1924].178·182, Baumgartner 43), kii'( J )biiwi (fern. kii·.bit) 'second, other';
Ug.Ph. k, Aram.Akk. kI. See also D. Cohen kii,(.)bat 'doubling, double (n), double
1970: 16, under 'yy. amount';
ETHIOPIC: Tna. ·kii, kii>a 'then'. ·kii 'and. then',
kii·(.)bata 'doubly, twofold, twofold more, re·
Gur xeta (from xe·ta) 'so then', Chaha ·u 'to be
sure'. For kii in combination with various elements, peatedly, twice, double portion, ·fold (with any
see Dillmann 1907· 120. number),;
h'bat, same as kii,(.)bat;
-(k)ku ·Ir, an element expressing dIStance, as m.k,.bit 'doubling, double (n), double
in z.kku, '.nt.kku, 'all.nku; amount, two parts, twofold, multiplied, ·fold
SEMITIC: Ar. huna-ka 'there', Heb. kii~ii 'thus',
(with any number),;
Aram. de-Is 'that'. For more details, see Barth m.k'Jbita 'twofold, doubly, a second time,
1913:80·3. twice, ·fold (with any number),;
{bJZuba mak,.bita 'manifold'},
k·JJ'k·3'S b,Mth (It) 'entice, seduce'; (·a)kii'bata, see below;
k"·J·k"'·Q>e. k'''''~)k''''tice (Lt) 'inducement'. ('a)mak'aba, (ta)mak·aba, ('a)mak'aballl; see
k·.'asa h-hft (MA) 'dig'; ETHIOPIC: Te. kii<aba 'to double', anc. Har. kil'ab
probably a misreading for k"'a'ata (see k"' orota 'second', mod, Hac kiib 'additional (food)" Amh,
'd Ig ') .
ka'iJh 'second order of the EthIopian syllabary'
272 273
- - hbkab.
(fr\lm G. kat~M: kahii 'do twice (the work), m~ke k".'ata r (pk""at) !J..O"· (T.Y.M), ka>ata hh'~ kobo ba I (,l'akbJb) hllO 'encircle, surround, go
tWIce (the number)'. GUT. kabii 'do s,omethmg (MA) 'dig, make a hole'; in a circle, (K 0) gather, (It) roll or heavy, be bUrdensome, he a hurden mak'
aroun d '. vehement,(vlOlenl), harden Ithe heart): C
agam', Tna kO'bi 'measure of cereals eqUl.vale~t to k"a'iiti (OTW), act. participle; . d into a ball ,
'aslakhada 'be burdensome, lava he.,') hur.
ahoul two qUintals', For kiJ'l4b 'doubly twmed . cpo Win bo. causative;. aIso 'convo k e, b'ring to- den, deem heavy': .
Amh. kil'llh '~pooJ of thread', ETHIOPIC: Tna. k"d<Qfii 'dig, break up the 50'1' 'a kb a . . ,
Amh. kHalii 'break up the soil'. k"iilakk"iilii 'CUI~': h r summon, IflVlte ; 'astakabada 'deem heav)',
get e , 'b' I d b d
ko'b. hbll (Y.M) 'be dry, dry up'; vale. weed', See also k"a>asa. and k"a<iJlll III. I lakaboba , takabba e, enclfc e, e turne
kah"d (fern. kah.dd) 'heavy, heaVlI, laden
around, be surrounded;
ETHIOP1C: perhaps Amh. kabii 'build a dry wall of weighty, burdensome, burdened, ~\erhur:
kWa<ata If (yak""at) !J..o.,. (T.Y.M) 'surrou nd " k b -hi, act. part. of kababa;
k:b~b, pass. part. of kababa; also 'round';
stones or bricks', that is, without cement. , dened, onerous. grievous, s.evere (disease), hclO-
Dillmann 1399 suggests the reading 'agala. ored' ;
k,bl, >.kii'bata hlJC)Il'" 'duplicate, double (v), k,bb 'round'; , kabad'heaviness, burden, load, weight, senous-
give twice as much'; ko<ut ho,·l· (T.M) 'du ng, manure, cow dung kabib 'circular, round;. . ness' ;
ETH10PIC denominative from a form such as kti«Jj- that serves as fuel'. bbab 'circuit, roundness, clfcumferenee, disk, bbdar 'heaviness, severity';
hat: Te. kiirahiir 'loan at hundred percent interest' bali, circlet, firmament, total': . makbad 'weight';
(thaI is, double), Tna. 'aka'balii 'double' (v), Amh. kabiib. kabOb 'elfcle, sphe~e, round, Circlet,
ka'awa (yak'aw) hom, (T) ka>awa hhm SrMITlC: Ar kabada 'attlict, press hard', ltJkuMtJda
rrd)kiihbiita 'double' (intr); passed mto CushltlC: knob, (T) means of c10stng :
'pollr, pour out, spi ll, spread, disperse'; 'thicken (milk)', SAr (Min) ,b .. dl 'ta<o" Hob. Au,
Sa. karbot 'replacement at hundred percent', Bit kabiiba,.,s (T), should read kabiiha r,l'S 'up-
~akfawa, causative~
per part of a wall'; ,
l!e~/'be heavy', Ug. ,hd 'heavy', Akk A,,",il". '"/>ii.
taka'lVa, passive; also 'spread' (intr); du 'be heavy'; developed Into 'honor, glory' Hch
karQwi, act. part. of karawa; makbab 'circle, clfcumlerenee, sphere, that kiipiig, Ph.Ug, kbd, Akk. 4.abiilu 'becoln\' honored'
k"ii'lawa I;>.c)"m (Sw. in 0 1392) 'mow'; • •

ka'aw 'poured out, shed, spi lled'; which encompasses, community, congregatIOn. ETHIOPIC: Te. kiibdu 'Ix heavy', Tna. k!lhiiclii,
see also makar/awa. k"alawa.
ka rhv'effusion'; assembly, total, sum, who convokes, who Sum- Amh,Gur, kiibbiidii, Arg, kiihhiida, Gur ( aikiih~
mons, title of a district or provincial chief, badii 'respect, honor' Sec also kllbd.
k".<.nl I Itc)')-l' 'trouble, torment'. karwat 'overflow, outpouring';
preacher, the Book of Ecclesiastes';
(h'wata dam 'bloodshed'); kabd hll~ 'itver, stomach, belly';
k·o'.nl II 1tC)1-r 'kind of vegetable'; mak'iiw 'place where somethi ng is poured out'; (ba-makbab 'on the whole); (!IJbra kabd 'purple', ht. 'color of the hver');
makbiibiyii, makiibabyii (ll) 'compound' (an
ETHlOPIC: Te. kar;m 't.ruffle', Tna. k"a<anli, Amh. ETHIOPIC: Tna. kii<awii 'spill, pour out', Te. ka<a, SEMITIC from the root khd 'be heavy' (for 'liver',
Amharic pattern);
k";mti. kUllfi 'a vegetable slightly larger than a lentil Har. (ajko>a, Our. xa>d. origmally 'heavy heart', sec Buck 252): Ar, kahid
which is eaten only during famine'. SEMITIC: Ar. kabbaba 'form into a ball', kuMa 'ball, 'liver', Soq. sibdeh (With Ai > .I), Hob. klih<'<I,
kiib 1J1l (Lt) 'fortress, fort'; ball of thread, lump', kabkiib 'ball of Ihread ' (Do- ArallJ.-Syr. kalzda, Md. All""a, Ug. k"d, Akk. ka-
k".<.nl III 1tC)1-l' (K·) 'excava ting (n), hole'; zy), PbH. kirkelz 'encircle' (from kibke!!, by dISsimila- "attu, kabiuu.
from Amh. kab 'fort'; possibly ofCushitic (Or. kab) tion; see Ru ~ i~ka t 19). ETHIOPIC: Te. kiib.d 'bell y', Tnll. kllhdl, Gur. k"hd,
from k"a'ata I 'dig' (below), with augmented fl,
origin; also in Gur. kab 'wall made of sto ne', Gaf. ETHIOPlc: Tna. kabiiba 'surro und ', Te. kabba (Abb), Amh, hod « kiibd> -hiibd > ·hii~l'd "> hod), Hill"
kabd 'village'. W. Muller, ZDMG 131 (1981).400 Amh. kiibbiiba, (an)kiibiikkiibii 'make someth ing klid (with h > ·b > ·w > :ero),
kii'se 1Jc)/l, (O.T) 'excrement, dung, (T.M.Sw. in compares, with reservations, SAr. 'pa rt of dam round like a ball' (from kbb-khb), Gur. kiihiiba
0866) contents of the stomach'; str ucture', and perhaps Ar. (Yem) kaba 'pill ar' kabha hllu (MA) 'hide';
'surround'; passed into C ushitic: Qab. kabbabbo'.
SEMITIC: related to Ar. ga's 'excrement' (Dillmann (Mu ller). Had. kibbii-kko, Bil. kabOb 'go around, surround'. perhaps a misprint or a misreading for kClbala
866). See also kababa II . hn.,..
ETHIOPIC Tc kti'as 'broken meat in an animal's kiibi IJQ (T) 'calf of leg';
stomach', Te. ka'Je, kii'a.{e 'animal's stomach', Tna.
ETHIOPIC Har. kabi 'calf of leg' (quoted in Reinisch kaboba II hnO (T.TS.M) 'appoi nt to an office, kabkaba hflhO (T.Y M) 'give a wedding feast,
ka'Ji, Amh. k"as. kus 'excrement (usually of fowl),; 1902:236); also Som. kub. invest with an office'; cause to celebrate a wedding';
also III Cushitic: Bil. ka'ad (pI. karas) 'stomach, kabkrib 'wedding, nuptials, wedding feast, us-
denominative from makbJb (see kababa l), . ,
contents of the stomach, excrement'. sembly, congregation; hfl (T' .K) 'dry cow's dung';
kabbaba !tOil (Gr) 'restore integrity'. (sah>a kabkrib 'wedding guests');
k""is 1to",1'l; see ko'is. SEMITIC: A r. kuba 'sweepings', Ar. (Dat) kabii 'dry
kabkabo (T) 'assembly' ;
dung', Aram. ktJ!!l~ya, Syr. kal}iiJii, Akk. kabl' 'excre-
kabiibar.>.s hIJOc;t,l'l; see kababa l.
k".,so Itb(l (K) 'ball'; ment, dung', For the biradical root, see Nocldeke SEMITIC: Noeldelce 1904 : I 12, n.3 connects ;t With
k"a'sa (yak"'as) 'be made into a ball' (denomi- 1910: 162-3, con trary to Levy II, p.284 who derives Ar. wakaba. but none of the meanings of Ar. ",akll~
kabda (yakbad, y.kbad) hll.e. 'be heavy , be a ba fits the meaJling of kahklib. Bittner, W7KM 27
nati ve); the Aram,-Syr. noun from kbb 'be round ', .
ETHIOPIC: Te. kabo, kabotiil 'dry excrement of am- burden, be serious, be severe (sickness), be- (1913). 129 compares Soq. 'ekoh 'enter' (add Mh.
ETHIOPIC: Tna. k"a<so, Amh.Gur. k''''as, Arg. k"asd, mal', Tna. kubo, Amh.Arg.Gaf. kubal, Gur. kubiila; come hardened (heart)'; with indirect object wek6b). with the specific meaning 'enter the bnde-
Har. Ifl Qciinniikos. ~zatiinniikoi 'ball'; also in Cushit- also in Cushitic: Had kobota, Aw. kllb)"et, Or ka· suffix pronouns ' be heavy for '; groom's house'; for the developme~t or th~ mcan-
ie Sa. ka·so. bora. 'akbada 'make heavy, lay a burden, burden, be ings, cpo Amh, agiibba ' marry' , lit. bring (mlo the
kobolo 274
kab ... 275
house'). GCCl kabkobo may also be considered a (kahr ya"li, name of a type of a Geez poe
- -
.". hlll'l 'timber for building':
rcduplic3110n of the root kbb (see kababa, above) lit. 'she is the glory'); m, k.""" ~omJn~ k in the loanwords)~ J.1~o Ih S(lm. "d,u
either In the meaning 'ga ther', or 'go around', fe- (kabra 'The Glory of the Kings '; title of '11 nn 1432 interprets it as a transcription of bread. For the Geez root, see ~a"a:a, ablwe
remng to dances. DI bm:apfS 'stuccowork (laid over panelmg)' _ Note
a book whIch has as Its central-piece the He t .the Asmara Bible
. d oes not have t h'IS noun f or J keda 11.1.; see kyd.
ETHIOPIC': Tna. kiibkiibii 'give a banquet', Amh .
kilhiikkiibii 'ho ld a feast or wedding reception ';
legend of the Queen of Sheba" [see Ullendorff th~ 7'2
KIRgs . (= I Kings 7:2) quoted by Dillmann ib.
connected b} Dillmann 1432 with Te. kiihkiiba 'hop, 1968 :74ff., 139ff; Hammerschmidt, in Assfalg_ kad' a h.l:'o (DTW 639), kid,. h.l:'~ (Lt)
sJ...ip" that is 'dance', the dancing being an essential Kruger 164) ; kobs, kWabs 1>111'1 , h-1Il'1 'dropsy, swelling, 'betray, abandon';
part of the wedding festivities. For kabkab 'as- kabrat (Gr.464) 'glory'; mucus' ; 'akda'a (DTW), causative;
sembly. congregation', cpo Te. kiibkiiba 'gather'. kabarliiwi (Lt) 'revered'; lakad·a (DTW), passive:
E HIOPIC: Amh. kdbbiisd "make the leg thick',
kabalo hOIl- ' hook, ring (on a sandal or on a
kabrannii (K) 'honor, (Gr) glorification" , k~iibas 'sore which does no t heal, elephantiasis'. takiida·a (DTW) 'bet ray one another';
>akbiiri, part. of >akbara; kadii<i (DTW), act. part. of kad'a;
carrying pole), loop'; >akbarot ' honor'; kabata [ (yakbal) hOT. ' h~de , conceal, keep kad'at (DTW) 'betrayal';
SEMITIC: Ar. kabl. kibl'leg iron, chain, shackle' (for lakiibiiri, part. of takiibara; secret, take away by h}dmg ; ,
from Ar. Ijadara; also Te. kiid<a 'betray', Tmt kiid'e,
its Syriac origin, see Fraenkel 243), Heb. kfgfl lakiih(a ) ro (Gr.464) 'honor, esteem' ; lakabla, pasSIve; also disappear ; Amh.Gur. kiidda, Har. xada'a.
'fetter. bond' (Aramaism according to Wagner 64). kabiili, act. part. of kabala;
Aram. kip/a, Syr. keglii, Md. kublia ' bonds, fetters ', SEMITIC: Ar. kabura 'be big, be great, be illustrious'
kabut, pass. part. of kabala; also 'secret, clan- kidkod 11.1:'/'.1:' 'precious stone',
Akk. kaMlu 'tie, fetter' (Zimmem 35); also in Cushit- SAT. kbr 'great, magistrate', Heb. kabbfr 'powerful" . ,
destme ; variant of karakand.
ic: Sa. kabala 'traveling bag'. See M. Cohen 1926- Aram .-Syr. kapar 'a bound, increase', Md . kbar 'be
great', Akk . kaboru 'become fat, thick, strong'. kabut-a, ba-kabut 'secretly';
7 103, and kallbal, below. k"adkW.da [ hw.l:'hw1. (H) 'bind, tie':
ETHIOPIC: Tna. kiibiirii 'be honored" Te. kiibra kabalii 'hidden thing, hidden nature, secret' ;
Amh.Gur. kiibbiirii; Gur. kiibbiirii 'become rich ' (de-
k.blal 'act of hiding, concealing, keeping MA has kodkoda "~,,y. with the Amharic
k"ablala hwllllll (LI) 'flee, run away';
nominative .from AT. kablT 'rich'); also Amh . kabr, translation lliiqqiifli ' blame'. It IS quite possible
lankoblala (Lt) ' flee'; secret' ;
kiibbiirte ' nch ', Arg. kabar; passed into Cushitic: k.bulawi 'hidden, concealed, secret, pertaining that H',,- lliiqqiifii is a misprint or a misread-
ETHIOPIC: Tna. k"dblald 'stroll about', Te. (I.) kdb- Bil.Sa kabar 'be honored ', Be. kebar. ing for ~.,."- aqqiifii 'embrace, take in one' s
lala 'roll while falling', Amh. k"iibiilliilii ' run away'. to hidden things';
arms', a meaning that comes close to 'blOd , tie'
kabarit hII&T, (K) kabrit hll&T, (Lt) kobrit SEMITIC: Ar. kabala, in kabala gay:;ahu fi gawfihi given by H;
kabaro [ (pI. kabiir>w) hOC' 'drum, timbrel' hll&T 'sulphur'; rendered by Lane 2583 'he restrained his rage in his
(see Powne 16-19); kabriliiwi 'sulphurous'; insides (or bosom)', but by Hava 640 'he concealed ETHlOPIC : Tna. k"iikkWiidii « k"iitlk"'iidii) 'tie',
his anger in his bosom'. Bittner, WZKM 30 (1917- Amh. kWiidiikk"'iidii ' tie up (a criminal or a
SEMITIC: Ar. kabar considered by Noeldeke 1910:56 from Ar. kibril 'sulphur' (for its Syriac [h1>rqa)
a Geez loanword, Ar. (Sudan) kabiir 'drum'. 18). 425 identifies it with Soq . qabil 'teach', and for prisoner), .
origin, sec Fraenkel J53; considered by Zimmern 60 the meanings 'teach, hide' he compares Ar. 'allama
ETHIOPI C Te.rna.Amh. kiibiiro 'drum', Arg.
to be of Akkadian [kibriluJ origin); also in Te. 'teach', and Heb. ·Im (nif·al) ' hide' . This identifica- k"adk"ada II hw.l:'hw~ (KBT) ' be bloated (stom-
kiiriibo, Har. kiiriibu, Arnh.GaLGuT. kiibiiro,
karbit 'wood for making fire', Tna. karbit, kabr;t tion is not convincing. ach due to illness)';
kiiriibo: also in Cushilic: Sa.Af. kabaro, Bil. kablir, 'matches', Amh. kabrit.
Aw. kir;",". ETHIOPIC : Tna . kiibiito 'hide', Te. kJbt 'treasure',
ETHIOPIC: Amh. k"iidiikk"iidii. same.
Amh. kiibbiild 'steal money and go into hiding'.
kabasa (yakbas) hOfl (T.Y.M) ' wrap (a cloth or
kabaro [[ hOC' (T) 'woven basket'; kadana (yakdan ) h~~ 'cover, wrap, clothe,
scarf around the head), wind around, decorate kabota 1I hOT (Lt) 'humiliate, degrade' ;
metathesis in relation to karabo. hide, veil, close, protect, forgive (sins)';
(the hair), fasten with a hairnet, tie up (the SEMITIC: Ar. kabala 'debase',
hair with cloth)';
'akdana, causative;
kabra (yakbar ) hlll 'be honored, be glorious, kabowa hOm (K·) 'be extinguished, disappear, takadna, takadana 'be covered, cover oneself.
lakabsa, passive;
be magnificent, be great, be famous, be illus- become dull (eyes)'; be clothed, clothe oneself, be protected' ;
kabso, kabso 'hairnet, woman's covering,
trious, be precious'; kadiini, act. part. of kadana; also 'protector';
chaplet worn around the head, headband, is probably a transcription of Heb. kaga (kby ) 'be
)akbara, causative; also 'pay honor, glorify, kadun 'covered, hidden, protected' ;
veil cloth'; e"tinguished' .
venerate, value'; kadiin 'cover, covering, hiding place, garment.
kabasa (M) 'headband, diadem, (Gr.263) brace-
lakabra 'be honored, behave haughtily, boast'; kabyon, kabiyon, kiibeyon, kabeyon hll\,,') ! tunic, veil placed on top of the ~JWwa· and
let worn by women, ornament of women';
,akiibara 'honor one another'; hR.\"') , "'IL\,,') ! hlL\,,') (Lt) 'convent'; sahn'
. . (for which see below); . ,
kabur 'honored, honorable, glorious, magnifi- SEMITIC: Ar. kabasa 'surround (a town), lay siege', kiJdnat 'covering, protectIOn ;
corruption of Gk. koinobion 'monastery'; see also
kabasa ra>sahu jT 'muffle one's head (with a gar- makdall, makd.n, makdalll, (T) makdall, (T)
cent, famous, ilIustrious, noble, precious'; kanubya. below.
ment)'. makdant (pI. makad8ll, makadant, makdalltut)
kaburiil (Gr) 'exploits';
ETHIOPlc: Te. kdbsa 'fold', Amh. kdbbiisd 'wrap koba •• I>on (T.M), kabaza hOn (MA) 'bake 'cover, covering, veil, silk veil of an altar';
kabr 'honor, glory, reverence, prestige, splen- cloth around one's head', kiibiisa 'wrapping-cloth bread' ;
dor, pomp, magnificence'; (makdana ra's 'helme!');
around one's head'.
from Ar. !Jabaza 'bake', lJubz 'bread' (with I] be- miJkdiin 'cover';
276 ____~______~~__~~________~::_
'sr\fJTJC, 'cover> [ale se put on clothes.,
h h a ilOU,. hj>at 'bluntness, deformity'; - k1ji "J'ar' (from ka/ara 'cover,
5£~fI TIC: Ar. a ra 'bowl "
Jar Syr. - Akk .
k apurla.
kiija\'. k,ala)! 'kind of fine clmh', Har. kafa",; ' kind
", Ar kadaJlQ bi 'wrap oneself In (clothe~), Hbkapor • " _ .
<\r (Oat). mukdtJlJa 'cover 0 f ' Akk . kadanu
an oven, ETHIOPIC: fna. kiif>e 'be bad', Te. kii[>a, Arnh, nceal'), e. f rifice and the platter for It. of cloth . See also ka{a,.a Ii
:rr~Hect" Brockelmann 1928: 318 also compares kiijJa, Amh.Arg.Gur. ka/u 'bad, evil'. "
sac 'big basket'; a Iso 10 C us h'Ihc;
a t YTpe 0 kiifor
Aram.~S)'r. /..iJgan 'yoke, couple, bind' (cp. also Md. £11'IOPlC: na. of!:t) See also M. Cohen 1926-7:95. kafaya I h"-f (YM.H) 'be sullklent',
kdn). Praetoflus J890:25 derives G. kd" from Ar. kafala (yakfa/) h"-Il 'distribute, divide, sepa, , Bit. kahar (pI. ka a . ,
from Ar. kajQ 'kfl' J 'be SuffiCient'; also 1n Te. kJflIJ.
,, , , · t -'be
an covered"
n o . Brockelmann 1908:533. . n.3 rate, distinguish, allot, assign, apportiun, give I ,ak/iir) h"-C 'grave, hole;
rightl) expresses doubts about this companso~: a share, grant, bestow, impart, make someone k,f" II (p . Id' karaya II h"-f (K'), see kalalVi.
a participant'; Ar kajar" 'the netherwor .
ETHJOPIC Tna. kiidiinii 'cover, clothe', '!e. kadno makfe 'wrapper. cover, belt, (Lt) towel. (L)
• . ' Amh kiiddiinii 'cover the roof With straw, takafia, passive; also 'be given a portion'; from . .If;' .. 'be ham d bundle, parcel, (KG) wraparound, apron-Ioke
t. (KG) = Amh. a}jara as e,
cover, . h t h' Gur kafata hL ,.
a pot' Har. xiidiino 'cover, t a c.
, ', .. ""d'.J" .. ( 'th r < ..n)
. (za'iyyatkaffal'indivisible'); , mbarrassed ,
kiit/dnii 'cover with a lid , taxa ua:~ WI. takafala 'share among themselves, divide up
'wear clothes'; passed into Cushltlc: Sli. kadalJ be e . e that Amh. aJJiirii has here the meaning kefiiz 11."'11; see kejas_
among themselves, become a partner, partici- ,I is posSlbl,
'cover'. pate'; dust an d G . ka'ara
would then be a
'/Urn to ' ,r. II kihi (pI. kiihayiit) 1'J't (T. K') 'heifer';
denomm . alive of kajar .
kidsn tvn; see kJ'd II. 'astakafala, caus. of takafala; also 'apportion, I see also 'akahi .
divide among many';
kid.1 h.~T; see kyd l.
! I h'r.C 'camphor';
kafali, act. part. of kafala; k.hlH hlJll (imper!'. yakl, subj. YJkhal) 'be able,
skrit karpluo through Ar. kiifjir (l-:.It~mann
kHdHws h~'I' kaful, pass. part. of kafala; I from San aIso Amh . kall/ur. For Ar. ka/ur, see can do things, prevail (against), Overcome,
. , 'precious material, brocade, pre- kajil 'distribution';
master, have power to do things, avail
claus stone; Mery 246.
hjl 'part, portion, share, lot, division, frac- (against)'; with object suffixes: 'be able to
ETHIOPIC: Amh. kiidiill'wa 'brocade' (from Geez).
k',fiir ku Iiiar tt"'C:- tr"'c 'kind b'
tion, category, chapter, section, verse'; of hvestment endure, be possible for one';
ofa b~ls hop,(T
(>i-hhla 'be unable, be inept');
kif I 1'J'f: 'heel, palm of hand, sole of foot'; kufale
. . , 'partition, division, distribu_
(k'4iile) . M) headgear of a IS op ; .. (za-yakl 'able);
tlon, separation;
probably transcription of Heb. kOI} 'palm of han.d.';
(ma~ahafa kufale 'Book of Jubilees'; for a bib,
I . A karara 'cover, hide', kofiru d·dUrII'l
SEMITIC, r. "'
t f 'I' F H b
' armen! t ha I's worn over a coat 0 mal. or e. 'akhala 'enable, make able, make prevail, gIve
also Amh. ka{ (from Geez). In the other SemItIc
languages: Ar. kaff'palm of hand', Mh. ke~'back ood, pardon sin , make atonement superiority, give strength';
liography, see Hammerschmidt-Six 1983:278); kg· per 'rna k e g ,
of hand', Aram-Syr. kappii 'palm of hand, Md. kafiat 'division, distribution, (Lt) portion'; forIP, (also Ar. kallura "1 'atonement) from (akahla 'be possible (also used with object suf-
kapa, Ug. 'P, Akk. kappu. makfal (Gr) 'cross-roads'; an ongma. I meaning 'cover', see KoehJ('r 452. Baum· fixes), gain power over';
I gartner 470. takahala 'agree (with), Come to an agreement
kiif II 1'J'f: (T.M) 'shoe, sandal'; makfalt 'part, portion, share, lot, diversity'; h' 'Ik
takajlot (Lt) 'share'; ETHIOPIC,. A m. h kufar
'J' 'silken turban, w Ite SI (with), be in accord (with)" lit. 'make things be
is either an extension of kii/ I 'sole of foot', or 1 cloth'. possible for one another';
confused with ku/ (for which see below). SEMITIC: Ar. kifi 'part, share', kcifala 'provide for 1 'astakahala (K') 'make agree';
someone', Mh. ka/elit 'half of a fraction', For its kefiis M.ll, (Lt) kefiiz 11."'11 'precious gold';
kefii, kifii, kefiis h.'" , h.'" I h."'ll 'stone', relation with Heb. kapa/ 'fold, double', see Dill. kahiili 'mighty, all-powerful, capable';
nickname of the apostle Peter; from Gk. ka; pho: 'and phaz' (lranscripli~n of Heb. (ka/riile k'allu 'omnipotent');
mann 876, Noeldeke 1910:97; also Ug. kpl'duali-
ty' . I 'paz) read kaiphaz as one word (Eurmger, OC kahul (Gr.255) 'powerful';
from Aram.-Svr. kepa 'rock, stone'; Heb. kep comes 24119271. 145). See also qejaz.
Irke'"se from' Aramaic (Wagner 65), Akk. kiipu ETHIOPIC: Tna . kii/iilii 'pay, divide, share', Te. kiijla, kahil, k.h!, kahilot 'means, ability, power, fac-
'c1,ff': for ke{iis, cpo Gk. kephas: Amh. kiijJiilii, Arg. kiijJiila, Gur. kii/iilii; passed into k.f.t. [ h"-1' (K *) 'open'; ulty' ;
ETHIOPIC: A~h. ke/o 'stone, precious stone' (from
eushitic: Sid. kajJali, Dar. ka/ale, Or. ka/ala. ka/ati (K') 'who opens'; 'akhiili, makhJI (K .), part. of 'akhala;
Geez). takahiili 'possible';
kufiile tr"'lI. (T) 'colored cloth'. from Amh. kiiffiitii 'open'.
takah!o 'power';
'kofa •• kofH hI,,,- ; see kawafa.
k.fana h"-~ (T.Y.M) 'cover, veil'; k,fat. II h"-1' (K 0) 'form a group or a party'; . A (Dat) kahil'be able', kah,l 'powerful',
SEMITIC. r. . , . 'be' osition
kur. k".f (pI. 'akja!) tr'f: : It'f: 'shoe'; kafan (K 0) 'shroud'; I ",ak/at (K') 'clan, tribe'. Ar kahala 'reach matunty , that IS, In a ~h I'b
to do things', SAr. khl 'be successful', Soq. e e
from Ar. blljJ; also In Amh. kuf kof Hal. xuffi. See SEMITIC: Ar. ka/ana 'envelop, shroud'. S~. eko/an
also kq( I r. 'enshroud' . k'ftur 1!ti:1:C (T) 'circumcised'; ae,now,
bl k 'Aram . khel 'be able'; related to Heb.
ETHIOPIC: Te. kiifna 'wrap in shrouds', Hac. kefCina, nOle (KG) kiifitor 'uncircumcised'. Yakol 'be able'. k" , ..
- . kahala 'be able', TnLl. a'a,a,
~:~o~~; '~now:- ~~;
k.f'a (yakfa,) h'f:lI 'become blunt, become Gur. kq(anii; Te. kii/,n 'shroud', Amh.Har.Gur. ,
dull (eye), become obtuse, become weak'; ka/iin, Gaf. kii/iinii; passed into eushitic: Or. ka/a- k.fl.w. h'f:1'/D (MA) = Amh. aba9{ii 'sepa- ,;/:, Arg. <,ahala, Gaf. ,alii
)akja)Q, causative; na, Sa. ka/an. rate, divide; make fun of, belittle'. tara 'know'. The palatalized t, ! comes fro~ a ~he
. • k h f > • viJkJViJ/ > YJCJI, yJsiJl.
takaf'a 'become blunt';
hjiJ' (Gr) 'blunt, obtuse, weakened'; kafar I (pI. 'akfar) h"-c 'basket, container for k,f,wi ht.'I! (Lt) 'garment'; :~~~ ;:ss:: i~t~ Cushftic: -Bil. kahal'be able'.
measuring, bushel'; ErnloPlc: Tna. kii/iiy • 'kind of silken shirt', Amh . k"iihelii I 1;>,~!\ (Sw. in D 813) 'meadow'.
k"ihcli 278
k"ihi 279

- -
k"iheli II '>,'tl\ (K') 'plaything that one places kahnatiiwi, kahniiliiwi 'sacerdotal, priestly" (y akhad) tliM'.. (T ) kahda tlU.I'. 'deny,
<>n the fo rehead o n the Thursday after the fast lakahno 'ministration of a priest, priesth~od k.h •
d . d'
denounce, repu late, renounce, reject.
. ET~nO~IC; Tna. k"aJ:t biilii 'make nOise (a failing
of Nineve to a muse people'. office of a priest' ; , abjulreb'e perfidious, be treacherous, disown, be obJoct), Te. kiirkah b<la 'make no,se·. Arnh. k"ak".
~be, 'd . '. alii 'crack, explode', a.tkakka 'nc!lgh. cluck', Har.
k"ihili, k"iheli I '>,~I\ l '>,1'.1\ ' refuse, dirt, SEMITIC Ar. klihin 'diviner, priest' , Heb. kohen · bedieDt turn a SI e, apostatIze ,
dlso ' d d' kal)kQ~ 'sound of knocking'; also CUShllIC. Af. kah
'priest', !\ram.-SYL kiihnii, Md. kahna, Pb.Ug. khn . akhad 'convict of falsehoo , contra Ict, lac k
rubbis h. sweepings, filth , scum, dregs, mud,
On the Aramaic ongm of G . kiikm, and Ar. kahin , . ·h :. an unbeliever, no t believe, lead from
things without value, trifle, little thing' ; sec Noeldeke 1910:36, and n. 6, Jeffery 247. On th~ fait , , I
faith, lead to apostasy; a so causative 0
. f k~k.~a lJ.l.tI", (instead of kahkaha
.. . . of K' )
SEMITIC: DiJlmann 8 13 compares AT. qahila 'be etymology of kiihin , see bibliography in Baumgart. mIX, ,gnnd coarsely. break Open (a seed),
unclean ' (with the variant k :q). ner 440. See also Rabin 1976:246. kahda; crash ;
ETHJOPIC: Tna.Amh . kah3n 'priest'. k' hda pass. of bi)da ; 'allk.baka~a (T.H; should read 'ankiihk.ha)
la" -hada 'argue ' h , d'lspute, contra d'Iet one
k"ihili, k"ihelii II '>,~I\ ; '>,1'.1\ 'tamarisk, juni- k
la a. . h 'crumble up bread and mix it WI th sa u~,
per' ; k"ahapa II-UT (MA) 'be sweet, be tasty ' ; another, disagree with one ano t er, oppose,
waler, butter, and so on '. (It IS strange that
probably misprint or misreading of k W
arapa ; See · late controversy, be an adversary of,
SEMITIC: Ar . kU~lOylii ) 'marigold' (Dillmann 1856 : M quoting T renders it ' trot'; One gets the
korep II . . contest'; .
239). impression that M mistakenl y tra nslated the
khada >astakahada
)asta., . ' mduce to fall away
k"ahis tt~fI, variant of ko>is, above. line above, namely, G. 'anba!lah. ha = Amh.
k"iihili, k"iihelii 1II '>,~I\
I '>,1'.1\ (T.Sw. in D 813) from a f.ith , create controversy. declare un- duM dubb alii ' trot') ;
' ball of wood or woven leather, game in which true, deny'; . .
ka~ii, ka~a h.l, j hth, (K) kahii h'f ' yonder, kiibakiibal (M) 'dish made of small pH,,,es of
spear-like sticks are thrown at a target (often a kahiidi 'infidel, impIOUS, unbehever, rebel , ;e-
away, to yonder place, thither, farther on , meat cooked in a sauce';
cactus or euphorbia), an object thrown (to beilious, apostate, di sobedient, contentious;
down there'; nakiibkiib (instead of nakahkah of K' ) 'dish
serve) as a target'; k,hud (Gr.257) 'infidel, apostate'; .
bakaba 'in yonder place, thither, on the other made of crumbled-up bread, sauce, butter, a nd
note that T .K . and Sw. in D 813 also have the kahd'iack of faith, apostasy, Impiet y, heresy,
side, beyond'; so on. dregs or residue Hoating on the surface
Amharic translation a/ama 'target' which may pe;fidy, disobedience, denial, rebelhon, sedi-
come from the above-mentioned practice of -haba kaha
. 'to yonder'; tion, contention, controversy, contradiction, of-
of a beverage';
)amka~a 'from yonder, from the other side' ; ETHIOPIC' Amh . kiikka 'grind coarsely. smash the
throwing at a target in the k"iihilii-game. fense, stumbling' ;
kai)aka , kaIJak, kiiIJ (a) ka 'there, back there, bead', Te. kah 'abiilli ' hit the head makin g a
kahad, kahid, (L) kai)id, (Lt) ka!ld, same; . wound ' .
k"iihilii, k"iihelii IV '>,~I\ ; '>,1'.1\ (T) ' hole of a yonder, on that side, onwards, beyond, above,
hhdal 'denial, infidelity, treachery, rebelhon,
stone marten '; (and) upwards'; · ,
bakaIJaka 'there, beyond' ; impiety, heresy, apostasy; . . . . .
probably the same as k"'a.hilii V.
mastakiihad 'heretic, infidel, har, htlglOus, tral- k"a~ala (yak"!tal) 11-"'11, (DTW 648) ko.~la


'on that side';
tt-.l.II, (T) k"ohla h'UIl ' use antimony for the
k"iihili, k"iheli V '>,~I\ I '>,1'.1\ ( D 813) with suffixes, as in kalJakatihomu ' beyond
lor, contentious, who creates controversy, who
eyelid, anoint the eyelid, (T.K.Lt) mark with an
'fox-Iike animal, (K') solitary animal of the them ' ; denies'; .Ifon, cautenze. ,
wilderness' ; 'akhadi, maki)adi, makh"d, part. of >akhada ;
see k"iiililii IV. kaha is composed of ka and ba ; kabak is composed lakab (a)do 'argument, strife, dispute' ; tak"ahla , tak"aba/a, passive; also ' paint the
of ka-ha-k . The initial k is to be identified with the eyelid (with antimony)' ;
kOohil tt-'fA (Gr.436) 'vase' ; prepo;ition kii 'from, to' (Amh.Gaf.), ke (Mh.Soq), SEMITIC: Ar. (Dat) khd'deny', Heb. ki)d (pi'el) 'hide, tak"iiha/a (DTW 648) 'paint one another's eye-
and probably Tn • . kab 'from ' from ka and -aboThe conceal', The connection with Syr. ka~a!! 'revere. be
ETHIOPIC. perhaps Amh . ( ma )kahal 'container of modest' suggested by Brockelmann 1928 : 324 (fol-
final k is an element expressing distance ; cpoAr. rjii- >astak"iihala (DTW 648), caus. of laVaha/a ;
skin ', lowed by Drower-M.cuch 205 for Mandaic) is un-
ka 'that', Aram. -kii, Heb. I,-/sii 'there' (in le~ I,/sii k"ahiili (K'), act. part. of k'aba/a ;
'go thither'). See also Dillmann 1907 : 116, 377; likely. The root khd is related to Ar. ga~ada 'negate,
kiihon (pI. kiihniit) IJUJ 'priest, clergyman '; deny' (Dillmann 824). k".iw/ (K .Lt) 'painted with antimony' ;
Brockelmann 1908 :323 ; Rundgren 1950: 105, 117.
(kiihan 'abiy)' ' high priest'); ETHIOPlc : Tna. kiihadii 'deny', Te. kii!lQda, k".!,/ 'antimony, dye for the eyelid' ;
(kiihan ""fq , nafqa kiihan 'assistant priest') ; k"oh• tt-.l. (T.M) 'hook' . Amh.Gur. kadii; pass~d into Cushitic : Bil.Sa. kahad k".h/i 'blue';
(Iiqa kiihniit 'high priest') ; 'deny' , Qua. kiid. Cerulli 1936:257 connects k!ld lak ~a!,/ot 'use of antimony for the eyelid';
kiilmiil 'priests, clergy' ; k"ihii

I, k".hii

11--.1, I tt-.I" (T ' ) k"e~ii \J.'" with the root kdf 'betray' (see kad<Q, above); how- from Ar. kU!II'antimony' (Noeldekc 1910;40 thinks
takalma 'perform the priestly duties, officiate 'willow' ,. ever, kdf is borrowed from Arabic.
th.t G. k".h1 is of Ar.m.-Syr. [k14h/ii) ongm}.: also
as priest. be assigned the office of priesthood' ETHIOPIC : Amh . kaya 'weeping willow', Tna. kM'i~a. in Tna. k":ii~lalii 'apply antjm~ny', :e. k ~~ala.
(denomina ti ve); kahaka . , kahak hthh
· , kahiika
see kahii.
. I h"'h i h"'tI ; A h k"'ald Gur. (tii)k"alii: 'anumony : Te. k .h. I,
kahnal 'priesthood, office of priesthood, sacer- k"ihi

II 11--.1, (K 269, MK) 'blowing of bel- • mh .' k"',1. 'our. k14l. According to Zimrnem
AIn "
61. Ihe
dotal duty' ; lows' ; origin of this root is Akk . guy/u antll~o~y >
(liq.nnii kahnat 'high priesthood'); ETHIOPIC :Tna. k"'ah biilii 'crackle', Amh. k"a alii;
. . 'askihkaha
khkh, " hillJ.ltl1th (H) 'neigh'; Aram.- Syr. ku.hl.-, Md . kula > Heb. kiihal
. pamtlhe
(za-kahnat ' priestly, sacerdotal'); also in Cushitic : Sa:Af. kab 'sound, resound' , SEMITIC : onomatopoetic, related eyelid', Ph. khl'antimony', Ar. ku~1 > a"'ohal (Lo-
'make noise', Aram. ki(ka(. kotsch, no. 1227).
kikros koka wa 281

k.ha,. h"'''
(L11 'compensate, replace',
kaha.\Q 'replacement, compensatIOn;
<!Illssiihe kawiikJbl 'astrologer');
(ra'iiye kokab 'astrologer'); the der,vatlon from Gk.
. kirkOJ, Lac nrcu.J, '\uggeSl-
k"'.l/1U IS
also used with a feminine Singular or
d b Dlilmann 859 IS not accepted by Neugebauer
FnU(lPh Tna J..iilh,n d ·compen~ate·. Te. kiihoso, (ra')'a kokahl 'astrology'); ~75. YFor more details on G. kikms. kekro.~. Ciee WIth a plural noun; e.g, k',lIu mang•• ' Ihe
-\mh ka.~/i. Arg. k~ha_w, Har kNtQso: passed into SEMITIC kbkb >_ kwkb: ~~'. kal~'kab 'slar', SAr. Neugebauer 175-7 whol: kingdom', k' ,>II" ma.'{j'.lihu all hI
CU~hltu,; Aw kl1_\u. Note that Practorius 1879'7
k':'k~, Mh. kobk'~, S~q klb.llb (w,th ki > 'I, Heb.
IN:'S 0('11 C('tnocct this root with Hcb. k6/.raJ 'grow ko~ap, Aram. ko~apa, Syr. kawkapa, Md. kuk6a
k kawa I I>hlll (K ') 'turn' (tntr); k'Jllo (ad, .) 'altogether, completel,', "'th u
Ican ', a~ su{!!!c..,lcd by Appleyard 50. Ug. kbkb. Ph , kkb, Akk. kakkabu. Moscat, 8.6/. ' .;kokal\'a 'roll around, make roll'; negatIVe 'not at al\" , '
I lea
27 (1946).269-72 connects the noun with the r mankokol, pI. m~lJiikukl (DT), mankokl (T K'), k" ,1I.he, k·,lIah .. 'every" here, In e,ery dire",
. . . ) It'}''' 'become thin, skinny,
( r,k"haJ
kbb 'shme' (Akk, kababu 'burn'). For a b'bhog~~~ ank"okl (KG) aXIS, wheel, rotattOn, spindle' tlon, whern'er': hak . . <J1I.llte hak",J/ldnt' 'e\ery.
lea n' . phy on the ctymology, see Baumgartner 441-2. ;~ote that KG I mank"akl = Amh. allralal Where, wherever, 10 every way, I.:omplelei} •
ScMlTIl' Hcb. krilwJ "grow lean' (SO also Praetorius ETHIOPI(,: Te.Amh.Arg. kokiib 'star', Tna. kokob 'thumb' is copied by mIStake rrom mankohyiil = lilmkMallahe. 'Jmk~Jllaht.· 'from everywhere
1879 71. Aram kallai. Gaf. kokobii, Gur. k"iik"db. - , Amh. awralalocc 'thumbs' or the line above). rrom all parts', '
ETHIOPIC related to Amh. kiisso 'be thin' (from k"Jllii",; 'universal' ,
,t~ ,), k" iiHihii. T oa, k" (lJiisii. Arg. k" iissiiha. k"ak".~ (pI. kawiikJlJ) holt.}" (l) kok".h ETHIOPIC Amh. (tiin)kiiwiikkiiwd 'run here and
1>1t.}, 'stone, rock, stony ground'; , there, rush around", kiiwK'a "wandering' k",lIanlii 'totahty, entirety, the whole pe"on,
k".h'a, k·.hsa (r,k"ha.i) It.},'" , It.}," 'be (,.hn k"ak",h 'flinty rock'); with suffix pronouns 'all together, the" hole
kokswa lll·hlll (T.M) 'break or chip the teeth,
Infl~med (w~und), rester (wound), (T.TSH) be in construct state 'stony'; e.g. gariihla k"ak',h or. whOlly'; e.g .. k"lIantiihu (Gr. also k',lIull-
set the teeth on edge (sour rrUlt),; liihu) 'he whOlly, the whole of hIm, all of it',
large (wound), ooze (wound), (K) be super- 'stony field'; ,
ficially healed', k"ak"(,)!liiwl (DTW 645) 'stony, rocky'; ETHIOPIC' Tna. ( 'a)~ols"iiyd 'set the teeth on edge' also with a noun k""lIl1ll/(,hii I../)Ia 'the" hole
k""J... (T M) 'Inflammation, (T.M) widening ora mght', k",lIallliih" .i'giika 'the whole of thy
ShMITIC Ar. kiilJ. kflJ "rugged face of a mountain kslll hA (T) 'dark mourOlng dress'; body' ;
wound, (1< ') "oman's genitalia'; side of a valley consisting of the hardest and
perhaps from Ar. ball 'old and worn-out garment", k'''.:,lIamau:i 'total':
ETHIOI'IL Tna. "'''ush,> (with metathesis) 'become roughest stone'. Dlilmann 859 (so also Koehler 430,
.Iso Amh. kiill. k"allantiiwil 'the whole person'~
large (wound)', Baumgartner 447) suggcsts Heb. koDIJ 'strength'.
ETHIOPIC: Tna. kiiwlJi, k~iils-"/:li "rock', Amh. k~iikka ksU II hA (T) 'vinegar'; SEMITIC: Ar. kull "all', SAr, kl ·all. every', Soq kol
kOik"i I \>,\>, (L1) 'raven'; 'stony place", kiikka 'hit with a rock', kM'iikMiJh 'rock' 'every', Hcb. Aram kal, Syr kul, Md k"I, Ph l:g
(from Geez); also 00 Cushitic: Sa. kakiih• 'rock' • from Amh. kiill, of ArabIC (1]011) onglO, also 10 Te. kl, Akk . ..I/alll 'all, the totahly
SB1flI(". onomatopoetic Ar kakii 'cluck (hen),
kiil/. ETHIOPIC Tna. k"iJll·u 'all', Te, kJI, Gur kull•. ml.
cackle, challer' (D07Y II, 435).
ETHIOPIC: Te. kak he/a 'croak'. kiika)' 'raven', Tna.
koka~ 1>11.}" (Lt) k oak '.~ \>'It.}" (K) kok.h Har kull, Amh. lIulilt, Gar JI-Jm
I>I1IJ 'peach, plum'; kalo ht\- (T) 'butter'.
k"a~ hela ·crod.... k"ab" 'raven', Arnh. k"ak. call or w
see kok. k .llu, k".lli Itl\' , II'~ (0 1406,OT) 'glue',
cry made by a chu;ken. (tiin)k"akk"a 'c1aLter', kOiila \>,~; see kall'lVala.
(aJlkukka"dud.:· See also Gur. ka balii, k"a bald, tranSCription of Gk. kolla 'glue',
kaka III (lesl.u 1979:331, 340). The root also kekul h.Il-A (KG) 'border. boundary'; kw,lI_ ItA- 'all, every, each';
occurs m Cushitic: Sa.Af. kiik 'shout, noise', Sa. kol, k"sl (pI. 'akll'ii{) I>A 'I1-A 'apple';
misprint for kelul h. ...·A; see kallala I. without suffix pronouns In k",II.I,,'. k""lIah,'
kiiklJ 'ra\'en', Af. kako, 811. k"ik"ay See also gugii kala !lQqJ 'mandrake',
(see below);
"raven', q"J' J. kokam I>l1r (T), kakam hhr (M), kokiim with suffix pronouns: e.g., k~Jllilna ~lOrtla, or from Ar kula 'frUil dans nnde qUI rc"..cmbll' a
I>l]r (Gr.266), kokimi 1>1]"'1 (L), pI. kakamiil, homo
, k'JII'lJa 'we have all left'; k".lIoIIIII 'all rorange' (Dozy II, p. SOl); also Amh. kof.
k"ik"i II, k"ik' \>,\>, : \>'It 'scarlet, purple, kakamiil, kohmiil. kokamal (D) 'hollowed or them, they all'; kul Il-A (T), eighth Hebrew month,
(OT) black felt cloak WIth an attached hood, gourd used ror liquids, bowl, pan, (KT.) scoop k'.lIu (acc. k",/lo) IS used In the sense or
(T) a red "orm that produces scarlet color'; ror removing ashes, potsherd (ror borrowing undoubtedly wrongly ror 'eliil ~I'rl\ even though
'everything, everybody, anyth,ng, all'; e.g" :"11-
from Gk. kokkos "gram, seed, scarlet'. coals for a fire), (Gr.266) cauldron'; >eliil is not the eighth month, Sec also kuli/.
III k".1111 'all thts'; in a construct state pOSitIOn
SEMITIC; Fraenkcl derives it, with reservations,
70 as In' "'I::i>a k",II" 'the Lord or all', k.I'a (I'aklii') hAil 'hinder, prohIbIt, forbId,
kok 1>11 (T) 'plum, peach',
from Ar. qumqum 'long-necked bottlc'. NocJdcke k'.I1- with possessIVe suffix pronouns of the prevent, keep back, hold back, depnve, reo
from Ar. &ow&(a) "plum, peach' (for Its AramaiC 1910:41 suggests Syr. qiimii 'jar'. 3rd person (that is, k"J/lII, k" ,/lii, k",/lom. strain, impede, decline, reject, refuse',
ongm, see Fraenkel 142). also 00 Te.Amh. kok k'allon) preCeding or rollowing a noun mcans taka/la, passive; also 'abstain, restralO one'ielt~
'peach', Tna. kills, Gur. kuk, HaL xuxi; In Cushnic: k"akama hohou (K ') 'hurt, ache'; 'all, all the, every, each, thc whole'; e.g" k""II" hold oneself back, rcrrain, wIthdraw';
Sa, kak 'peach', a,L kok See also kokah, &0&. Amh. kakkiimii.
ETHIOPIC. baliJsi, or ba)as; k""allu 'every man, all men', kalii'i, act. part. or kat·,,;
kokab (pI. ka"iihhl) 1>11-0 'star'; k"Jllii hii~r 'all the seas, every sea', k",lIii hiII', pass. part. of kat',,;
kikros, kekros 11.11C'/'l : h.11C'/'l 'a measure or hagar, or hagar k',/lii 'all the city, the whole kali' 'prohibition';
(kokah :ahollu :alJab 'comet', lit. 'a star that tIme, the sixtieth part or the day, (Gr267)
has a tail'J, city. each city', V./lomu ~al"iin 'all the sin- ka/)Qt 'restraint, hindrance, prohibition, preven-
mterval or twenty-four minutes'; . ,
ners' : lIOn;
282 283
- --
makall,'. makl,'; (LI.K), act. part. of kal>a; ETHIOPIC: Amh. kolla 'take off the clothes" I . takalaha (KO) 'shout to or at one another';
also 'adversary. opponent': Cushitic: Sa. kala<, Af. kal. The root is relat~:;o In 'astakal,~a ' roar, shout, cause to shout at One
makal/al (Gr) 'who crowns"
",uklii>, (Ll) makl" 'hindrance, impediment'; (see qal'a). Guidi Aelhiops I (1922). 51 has: ii' r cause to cheer one another"
ano the , '
laklit 'coronation church w~d
emon ( , mg, nuptial cer-
(za'albo makl,> 'indisputable'); and he derives it from Ar. oalafa ' take ofr. a 'a . Y reserved for those who marry the fi .
kalahi, act. part. of kalba; time)'; T:-;l
milkla> (K 0) 'that which prevents someone from kalsba h"n(T) 'pass, go beyond'; kala~ 'cry, outcry, shout, clamor, uproar,
entering (gate, enclosure),; . ,. SEMITIC:. Ar, kaJlala 'to crown" takalla/a 'be
takalaba (T.Y.Sw. in D 1397) 'pass'; nOise ,
taka/( J )'O( 'abstinence, impediment, restraint, kalh, same; ~rown~ are denOminatives, As for Ar 'ikfil
hindrance. obstacle, prohibition'; would it mean 'go or run like a dog'? If so, it wo Id crown and G 'akl'l th .
ETHlOrlc: Har. kalaIJ a, ka/~a 'call someone by shout. , '. . I , ey are considered to be of
be a denominative from kalb. u AramaiC ongm (Fraenkel 62), as is Heb. bfiTii
SEMITIC: Ar. kalla'a 'retain, detain" Soq. kole 'turn . g' Amh. (a)klalla 'make a thundering noise' (a
~agner 64). On the AkkadIan (kalilu) origin of
away', Heb. kiilar·) 'restrain, keep from', Ararn.- kalb (pI. kalaMt, 'aklabl, 'aklab, 'akalabt) ~~d~p(icated a-stem of kalla, root k/?), and probably s r~ot, see Zimmem 36, von Soden 476, See also
Syr. kala, Md. kla 'hold back, withhold', Akk. kala hoC\lI 'dog'; also kiilliilii 'resound' (fonned by reduplication of 0; thiS root Kaufman 63~. For kfJ bemg the origin
'detain. hold back, refuse', takallaba ' have a canine nature" , the 2nd radical), Te. kalal. 'little bell', Tna. a ~~. klll(l) 'all', see Baumgartner 457. Hebrew
ETHIOPTC: Te. kiil'o ' hinder, prevent', Tna. kobe, takalbotanntl 'canine nature'; (Iii)ka/~e 'argue with. ~ne another, quarrel'; proba- kalla bnde' (for the other SemItic languages see
Arnh.Gur. kiilla; also in Cushitic: Sa.Af. kal. kale bly passed into Cushluc: Sa. kallah, Aw. k.lax-x"a
SEMITIC: Ar. kalb 'dog', SAr. klb, Soq. kalb, Mh. Baumgartner 455) is perhaps also connected 'wllh
'hold back'. See also kalkala. 'shout" Be. kala) 'beU'. this root.
k6b (With I > zero), Heb. k~/~b, Aram.-Syr. kalba
Md. kalba, Ph.Ug. klb, Akk . kalbu; denominative : kallaha hoC\,f, (Y. M) 'puncture, cut a vein in the ET~10PIC: :~. k~f~a (kiJ) 'go around', kiilkiila 'encir 4

kall.'a hoC\lI (T. Y.M), kall.'a hoC\o (KG) ' make ele, blal CircUit, ,aklil 'crown', Tna. kWiilliild 'go
two, make another, (L) change, alter' (denomi-
Ar. kaliba 'behave like a rabid dog', Syr. k.leb. . roreh~ad in order to bleed or cup a person' ; around', 'alJlil 'crown', tiilslil 'sacrament of indis-
ETHIOrtC: Te. kiilb, Tna. kiilbi. See also kalab~.
native); ETHIOPIC: Te. kii/~a 'incise the skin on the forehead sol uble marria~e', Amh. kiilliila 'surround, crown,
kal'e 'two, both, double, twofold'; with suffix kalbane, kslbanen hoC\nl< 1 hoC\nl<1 'galbanum so that blood flows out', Tna. kiillahe, Gur. k".liik- ~ua.rd, protect , aklil 'crown ', tiiJ..:1il 'sacrament of
pronouns: 'both of. '" two of. . .'; (a resinous soap)'; k'alii (reduplicated kl~ > kl > klkl) 'scra tch the Indls~o.l uble marriage' (see Walker 36ft): passed Into
g/Ound (hen, cock, bull), make little holes'. Cushlt.c: Sa. klllel'circie', Bil. kaliil.
(ba-kal'e 'twofold '); from Gk. khalbane. 'galbanum', of Semitic origin
kal'ettu (acc. kal'etta) ' two (with masc. and (Masson 60); also In Amh. kiilbiine. In the otber kaIkala hoC\h" 'hinder, prevent, prohibit'; kallala n hM (T.TS) 'cut, (M) decree, grant,
fern. nouns), both, double'; Semitic languages : Ar. ~albona 'storax', Heb. ~t?lb~­ ,akalkala, passive; (T.Y.K) thank';
kal>ett; 'two (with fern. nouns), both'; na, PbH . ~flb6n, Aram . ~ilbiinla. ~elbiinii, Syr. helbfj. kalkali (Lt), act. part. of kalkala ; kallil (Ll) 'who cuts, who assigns';
kiila' (fern. kiila't) 'other, another, anyone else, nfJo, Md . hi/buna. See also qalbane. .
ETHIOPIC : reduplicated verb of kl coming from kb ETHlorlc: Te. kiilla (kll) ·..amine', akallal 'the
second, successor, companion, friend, neigh- separation of good and bad', Amh. kiilliilii 'demar-
bor' ,. kalidin, kaldiin hl\..Il.1 I hoC\.Il1 (Lt) 'swallow" , (see kal'a) : Te. kiilkiila ' hinder, keep back', Tn•.
kiilkiilii, Amh.Gaf. kiiliikkiilli, Arg. kiiliikkiila, Gaf. cate, delimit a boundary, set the limits'. Nl)tc that
(kiila' lakiilcpu 'one to another'); from Gk . khelfd6n 'swallow'.
(.ii)klakkiilii. the meaning 'thank' could also be derived from
(kiila> >.mkiil.>u 'one more than another'); kallala I 'crown> express thanks'.
kaliidewon hilJ'..l"1 (T) 'magician';
kiila)Q 'again'; k"alk'al, k".lk·.lt ItMf'oC\ ! If'oC\ltoC\·l· (T.M)
originally 'Chaldean' (in Hebrew kaSdi), kalil hl\.oC\ (T), Hebrew fourth month ;
kiila>it (Lt) 'second section of a day' ; 'kind of black ant' .
Chaldea being considered the seat of astrolo-
kiil.>iiwi (fern. kala'it) 'second'; gy; corrupt form of 'elul holl-A, from Heb. 'flul even
kalak"astema hilltili:"'1 (T) ' honey'; though 'fliil is not the fourth month. See also kul.
SEMITIC: Ar. kila 'both', SAr. kby, Soq. ke'ala.
from Gk. khaidaion, ace. sg. of kha/daios 'astroiD- from Ok. glykiston 'sweetest', from glykus 'sweet',
kiala, Heb. ki/'-ayim 'of two kinds', Ug. kla-t 'both', ,
ger. Ot from glykysma 'sweetness' (Muller). "kolala, """alala, 'sokolala, ',nk",lsla 111""
Akk. kilallii(m). For more details on the Arabic
root, see Rabin 69. SEMITIC : Ar. ka/donl 'astrologer', Aram. ka/do,o. " ! h1IJ.M 'roll (intrl, roll down (tears), fall
'Chaldean, soothsayer', Syr. kaldayii, Md. kaldaia. kanala I h"" 'surround, surround for protec- (fruit, tears), be (become) giddy, be tossed
ETHJOPIC: Te. k~/)ot 'two', Tna. kalatte (root kb),
On Kaldu : Kasdim, see Steiner 137-143. tion, cover over, protect, encompass, encirc1e, about, turn (one's head; tr. intr), make giddy';
Har. ko'Ot, k61 (I > zero), Arg. ket, Gur. k"elt.
h'ell, Amh. huliill, Gaf. ,bltii (k > h, zero); Tna. fence in, crown'; >akolala (Gr.266) 'be dizzy';
kalila hI\. 4. 'caliph';
kala> 'another'; Amb. also kolla 'to double, make 'akallala (KO), causative; nakoliil 'dizziness, giddiness, spinning of the
two' (from G. k~/>e) ; passed into Cushitic : Som. from Ar. &alifa; also in Tna.Te.Amh. kiilifa 'disciple 'akallala, pass, of kallala; head, (Gr.221) agitation, excitement; lock, curl,
ofa sheik'.
kall 'another', Rabin 69 seems to connect this root kallali (K 0), act. part. of kallala; tuft of hair' « 'turn');
with kl· 'restrain' (see kaba, above) with an original k.l/ul, pass. part. of kallala; nakulul (T.M), nakawall (L) 'who loses his pow-
meaning 'yoke'. k".lIahe, k·allahe ltoC\~ I It"~; see kWall.
k.lIale 'crowning, coronation, surrounding, en- er of reasoning by being inebriated, one whose
kal~a (yakliib) , kall.~a hoC\,f, 'cry out, cry, compassing' ; head turns (due to drunkenness, or for any
kal'a (yakla') hoC\o 'pull out (the weeds), peel shout, cry aloud, howl'; 'aklil 'crown, diadem, garland, tiara, headdress reason)';
off, undress, strip off, remove, (Ll) break, dislo- 'akalla~a, causative; Worn by the deacons at the liturgy, (Lt) tur- mankolal (Ll) 'dizziness';
cate' ,. ban' ,.
taka/~a, passive; n.kul, see below;
kama -
kerns 285
FTHIOPIC Te. 'Qllko/ii/a 'turn', 'qllkal()lo 'hoop, ETHTOPIL: Amh. kWiiliittiifa 'hobble (domestic
-' -
. b an,. .
conjunctIOn: kama 'that, so that, in order
wheel', Tna. koliilii, k"iiliilii 'go around'. >ankalil biild
'surround', ',mkJliliu' 'round'. Amh. (tiill) kM'alliilii,
, an }kiilt'olliilii, k" iiliill alii 'roll, make turn', Hac.
kk/artiifii 'stammer'. The root is augmented b 'r
mal), stammer ( t hat IS, e tongue-tied)', Gur. ( "J.

relation to katala (see below). It is strange tha~' I.n

that'; kama (Lt) 'from t h
kama 'h
lact t h
at' :
ETHIOPIC: Amh. k"ama/'klOd of tree'
See aJ so k amelewon I I Tna. kU'1ff:"iI

kulul Niyo 'roll'. Gur. (ar)kulale. See also kowlala. . '1

simi ar 'In meaning
. to k aIIiJ.h a, below. II IS kama 'i+ (verb) so t at not, In order that kamelewoo I h"i/l,9''' (L) k - ,
9'1 I.
ame ewon ',""1./\
not. l e s t ' ; . . • (T) kemelewoo \1."i/\9") 'chamde I'
kalamedii. k.liimeda hfI"i~ ; 111\"i~. (T) ka- . hA,l-m (T.Y.M) 'tie. bind" , ard'·, on, 12-
kalt.lha after ve rbs expressmg
. . command, order, Iflten-
lamiidu hl\"'1-'l. 'robe, scarlet robe. vestment'; see also kal/q'a, kallafa. . wish, permISSIOn, hope, etc .. kama +
lion, b d d by t he In
subjunctive can e ren ere
. fi flItlve;
.. fr?!D Gk. khamaileon 'chameleon'; also Aram. kam(_
from Gr. khlomyda (ace, of khlomys 'cloak'); also in Ie un. See also kelemewoll, galameIt"Q$.
k"alawa 1;>.1\1» (T) 'reap, mow'; a~-azanna kama nagbar 'he ordered us to
Amh. kiiliimeda 'red silk, red velvet' (from Geez),
Syr. bliimi{!li. For Gk, khlarnys, cpo Aram. kahnus, sec also k"'iir/awa. makiirlalt'a.
~.;;: lj;ilaya kama/.qtal 'h.e intended to kill': kamelewon 1I h",,/I,9'1 (T') - A h
' , - m.qammo
bliimus 'cloak'. Syr, kalmfs.
kalaya (yakli) hl\f (K*) 'measure' ;
kama ;aJi + verb as If not, e.g., kama za'!la- a tree Whose fnllt grows in bunches'.
bra 'as if it were not broken': could it be the same as komol?
kelama!e \1.1\"'1111. (T) 'language'; seems to be a reconstructed form from maklil 'tal. so . h'

.amkama 'since, as soon as, masmuc (see
could it be borrowed from Ar. kalimot 'words'? ent (weight)'.
lam): kamam.a hoooo (T.MA) 'cut, (K) equalize by
(Am bros); cpo also Te. ka/iimala 'incite to fight by CUtlIOg :
SEMITIC: Dillmann 822 compares it with Ar. kala 'amkama, la)(Jmkama, la>;nnma kama 'if, when,
praising speeches', kiilamal 'song'. (kyl) 'meas ure'. Aram. Heb. kal (kll'l, ky~ kamiim (KBT) 'cut' (0):
whenever, whensoever' (see 'arn, 'amma);
'contai n', Aram. kii/ 'measure', Syr. kay/ 'a meas.
kelemewon \1./I,"i9'1 (T) 'chameleon';
ure'. For G. maklir, see Pankhurst 1970. 1:55. SEMiTIC: Ar. kama 'like, as', Heb. kama, Aram. ~~Hl.?~IC.; ~mb. kiimmiima, kiimiikkamii, kariik.
see kame/eVi'on I , hmo, Ug.Ph, km, Akk. kfma; it represents Semitic k~m~ t~.lm.: :,na. kiimk.iima
'equalize by cutting,
k"alayit !tAfT; see k'.lit. k 'like' with -rna, ·ma. conceived either as an IOter. ~nm: karkama (by diSSimilation), Te. kiimkama
k".lIantii !tl\1:r ; see k",II. put m order'.
rogative or as an indefinite particle (Brockel mann
kim ttl/" (T) 'black scar, fever'; 1908:326).
kelqedoo \1.A4:f.1. (T) kalqedon I1A4:f.1 ETHIOPIC: rna. kiim ' like, as, according to', Te. kamam (pI. 'akmam. 'akmanllil) h"'19" (KLI)
'chalcedony (precious stone),; ETHIOPIC: Amh. kam, same (from Geez); perhaps hm, Amh. kiima (from Geez), Arg, kamiiy 'how?' 'fine vestment Worn by an officiating pnest.
kalqedolliill'i (Lt) 'pertai ning to chalcedony'; an interpretation of the biblical Ham, one of (lit. 'like what?,), Gur (yii)--kiima, (yii)--kom 'like'. embrotdered cuffs, maniple' (Brightman 591:
Noah's sons, referring to blackness. Hammerschmidt 1970 : 153):
from Gk. khalkid6n; also Amh. kelqedon (from
Geez), Syr. kali!!"n.
kern;; h."'1, (K) kim .. 11."'1 'Pleiades (constella- from Ar. kumm (pI. 'akmam) 'sleeve'.
kama hoo (adverb, preposition, and conjunc- tion of seven stars)';
kalsasa hAftft (T.K.M) 'bind sheaves'; tion) 'as, just as, even as, like, as if, such'; also
from Aram,-Syr. kfma, Heb. kfma (Noeldeke kamin, kamin. kamin. kamun, kamen h"t1:
takalsasa (K'). passive; used occasionally as an exclamation (e.g. kama
1910:45), Md. kima; also in Te. kema; passed into h"t1 i tt"t1 I h .....1 I h"i') 'cumin, (5w. in (pI. kalsasiit, kalasast) 'sheaf, bundle'; sanniiy ra'yatu ' how fair is his appearance I'), o 832,T.B) linseed, cress':
Cushitic: Be. hema, Bil.Sa , kaymiil. Kaufman 64
and as an introduction to a statement;
SEMITIC: Dillmann 818 compares Ar. ka/aza 'gather' with suffix pronouns the base is kamii- (e.g. connects it with Akk. kimlu 'family'. from Gk. kymmon 'cumin', possibly through Ar.
> kls by partial assimilation (for which see Brockel- kammulI; also in Te. kJmun, Tna.Amh. kiimun, Har.
mann 1908: 153). kamakamu 'like you'); note especially kamaltu kamma 1100 'thus, also. even, nearly, almost, kamman. kummon,
ErnloP1C: Tna. k"iilsiisii 'bind the sheaves'. 'like him ', but also 'such a one, such a thing, just. merely, alone. the same. yet' (note that
thus, likewise, similarly, so'; za kamiiltu 'such '; the meanings become clear from the context SEMITIC; Heb. kammon, Aram. kam",onci, Syr. kant-
k".lit (pI. k"alayiit) !tl\.T 'kidney'; millla, Md. kamuna, Ph,Ug. kmn. For its Akkadian
kama za-, kama 'an/a- 'as, just as, as if, as quoted in Dillmann); see also Dillmann 1907:
381 ,. origin, see Zimrnern 57. On Gk. kyminon in relauon
SEMlTlC Ar. kulya 'kidney', Soq. keloih 'intestines', though' ; to Semitic, see Masson 51 ~2.
Heb. kil)'a 'k,dney" Aram.-Syr. kulya. Md. kulai. kama za, kama zantu 'such, like this, thus, in 'akko bmma 'not only';
Ug. klyr, Akk. kaliru. this way. so': kamiinim I h"'1t9" (T) 'bread':
ETHIOPIC: Tna . kiima 'so then ', Te. kiima 'then';
ETHIOP1C Tna. e'~lil 'kidney', Te, kalka/'oI, kii/wat. kama manta-nu 'how much?'; possibly composed of ka (kii) and -mma. note that KG has kalVanim 'provisions for a
ka/al\'J'. Amh. kMalalit, Gur. ku/alit. kilayo) Gaf. zakarna, >,m la kama 'as, even as, just as, ac- journey'. For the confusion ka",anim: kama-
kullalit, Arg. kullay, Har, kulay; also in Cushitic: cording to, how, such as'; ·k(k)amu -11 ...... suffix pronoun, 2nd pI. masc., nim, see also kamtinim II.
Bil. ktl>at, Som. kelf, Or kale; see also Sasse 12. =akama za, 'anta kama zafti (fern.) 'like this, as with nouns, verbs. and particles;
kalta'a hATh (MA) 'tie. bind': this. such. such as, for instance. that is'; 'alla see -ka, -ki. above. kaminim II h"'1t9" (0 1406) 'golden coin';
see kalr~~la. kamaza, zakama 'alia 'like these'; Dillmann 1406 considers it a corruption of Heb.
zakama ,.Jfo; see ,.Jfo; kama' h"'1ll (T+) 'disease of the heart'. ('Ma r)konim of Ezra 8:27. Note that K526 and
kaltafa hAT"- (T.Y.Sw. in 0 1397) 'bind, tie'; bakama 'according to, in accordance with, as, KG have kawallim, but the Asmara Bible has kama-
takaltaJa (Lt). passive; komol I>'I"A (T), komal t>ooA (Lt) 'kind of nim. For kamani",: kawal/im, see also kamanim l.
like, likewise, how';
kaltuJ (T) 'bound. tied'; tree' (rendered by T as Amh. ase 'tree of the
'ikama 'not like, not even like'; hot lowlands which has edible berries'); kaminyo h"'11f' (T) 'panther'.
kanubYi kanif 287
, 11.,,1'"' (T') 'fenugreek'; ElHIOPIC: Amh. k"',nnctJcc alii 'be
menl, due to shrinkage).
short (cloth
' gar.

from Gk. koinobia, nom. ace. pI. of kOinobion 'reli-

J'Il:rhaps from Gk . kymillon 'cumin' (Muller), ment dyed purple'.
gious ~~m~nit~, monastery'; cpo also Chr.~Ar.
kamar. II""': 'heap, accumulate; kamaz hOD1f (T.K .), kind of beetle. qaniibiyu clOister, See also kabyon, above. kon, see maknun I, II.
I,Jkamra (Gr.258), passive; h'i"'i! 1 Il'i"'i! (Ll) 'calf, ox';
k"annooa h-~~ 'regulate, rule over, have do-
kena II. ~; see kyn I. kanaf, kanaf
kJl"', kamr (pl. 'akmar) 'heap, pile'; ETHIOPIC: Amh. kana/. k~n~'animalled by a rope minIOn .
makmar (ll) 'heap'; , govern, Judge, pass judgment, pass
kan 111 (T +) 'straw'. passed through a nose nng; see also Praetorius, sentence, plead, convict, condemn, punish,
SIMITIC: Ug. kmT 'pile', Akk , kamarll 'pile up'. ZDMG 64 (1910).623. avenge, torture, vex, chastise, exercise power"
-k{k)an -111, suffix pronoun of the 2nd plural
'ETHIOPfC ' Te. kiimmara 'pile up', Tna. k"iimmiirii,
rem. with nouns, verbs, and particles', ' kanf (pI. kana/, 'akniif) 1l1'i! 'wing, fin (of )~klllannana,. causative; also 'appoint a judge:
Amh. kiimmiiriJ, Arg. kOllmara, Gar. kiimmiirii,
see ~ka, -ki, ~k(k)amu, above. fish), branch of tree, border (of garment, gIve authonty over, establish, put in charge
GUT. kiimata; passed into Cusllltic: Sa.Af. kamar of' ,.
'accumulale', Bil. k~iimmar. For its connection with land)' ; lll
gmT (sC'c gamara) • .'iCC Cohen 1926-7:97, n.2. kin !t't 'art, craft, handicraft, workmanship, kanaJa (yaknaJ) (K*) 'fly' (denominative); tak annana, pass. of kill annana; also 'be exe.
work of art, skIll, devIce, plan, tflck, fashion" cuted, be subject to power, serve';
SEMITIC:Ar. kana! 'wing', SAr. knf 'border, side', (Iak"anniini 'punished');
kamr h9"C 'wine', kinal 'art, craft, handicraft, workmanship'; j
Heb. kana.e 'wing', Aram. kanap, Syr. ken (a)pa.,
from AT tramr; also in Te. kiimr 'fennented drink', kenayii (pI. kenayiit, kinat, kenai) 'artisan Md. kanpa, Ug. knp, Akk. kappu. - takllliinana. 'plead, carryon a lawsuit, litigate,
Arnh . kilmr. Har. xamri. craftsman, rashioner, workman'; , ETHIOPIC: Te.Amh.Arg. kanf 'wing', Tna. kanji, press for Justice, become reconciled" ,
keniiwi (pI. kenawl) 'skillful, accomplished in Gur. kanfa; Amh. also (tdjkndJdnndJd 'fly, flutter 'as/ak"iinana 'let appear for judgment, let ap-
kamiiram h.,e9" (T K) 'idolatrous priests'; art, artistic, artificial'; about'; common with Cushitic: Qab. ktinja 'wing', pear m court" ,
transcnption (If Gk. kh6marim. from Heb. kiJmiirfm Bil. kanJe, Kham. kufJ (see on this root Dolgopol- klllanniini, act. part. of k"'annana; also 'ruler,
lakenawa 'fabricate with
. , skill, be skillful, fash- governor' ;
'Idolatrous priests'; also Chr.-Ar. kumar (from Syr. JOn, use a stratagem ; sky 65). Conti Rossini 1912:214 also compares
kum~rii) , Qem. kiimbi. klllannun, pass. part. of k"'annana;
lakenalVo(1} 'handiwork, skill, work of art';
kanfif h1k'i! (L), bnfif 1l1klj: (T) 'border, k~anniine 'rule, domain, sentence, judgment,
kms, see m.,kmiis I, II. SEiMITIC:related to Ar. qayn 'blacksmith', qtina 'beat tnal, law, ordinance, damnation, condemna-
limit' ;
Iron', Aram. qenay, qenii>ti 'metalworker, siJver~ tion, doom, punishment, torment, torture';
~am8Sa hODt't (K') 'deprive oneself of food'; smith', Syr. qaynaya, Md. qanaia, Ug. qyn 'black, possibly in connection with kanf 'border', with re. (k"anniine Jalb 'judicial punishment');
SFMITIC perhaps Ar kamasa 'be stern~looking'. smith'. On Heb. qayin, see H. Rabin, 1974:315,325. duplicated last radical. killannano 'judgment';
ETHIOPIC: Te. kin 'intention, will', Tna. kiiyniit'arl',
kanfar (pI. kaniifar) hU..c 'lip, language, k"annal 'judgment, judging, condemnation';
hmos, komos, .komos h'l"ll I Il'l"ll i 1''I''1l Amh. kin 'art', kenya 'skilled, artisan' (from Geez);
also in Cushitic: Kham. kin 'custom, manners, way brim, edge, hem'; klllannaniiwi, (M) kW;mnaneyiiwi 'judicial';
(T K), Umos i"J'I"fl (D 1406), name of an idol
of life', Qua. kin. See also k"·intil. mak"annan (pI. mak"iinant) 'ruler, prince, gov-
(Moaolte) SEMITIC: Lagarde 231 compares Ar. kinfira 'tip of
ernor, magistrate, officer, high official, head-
transcription of Gil.. khamos. from Heb. lumos, the the nose'. In this case knfr would indicate the
kona ,,~; see kwn. man, prefect, judge, noble, nobleman, digni-
God of the Moabltcs. extremity of a part of the body, that is, the lips in
tary' ;
relation to the mouth, and the tip of the nose in
kanbal, .kanbalo h10A j h10t\- 'comb, pin, relation to the nose. The root would then be mak"anniin 'court of justice, hall of judgment,
"om OS t>'I"fl (T.M) 'reltg;ous clerk who assigns
hook or ring (of a sandal)'; common with Cushitic rather than borrowed from judgment seat, office, place of punishment,
lodgmgs to bebevers gathered for a festivity';
is augmented by n in relation to kabalo, for which eushitie (Bil. kanJar, Qua. kanpar) as suggested by tribunal, jurisdiction, judgment, dominion, gov-
I~ to be Identified \\-'ith qomos, below. Cohen 1947:no.177. The connection belween G. ernment, governorship, authority, territory sub-
see above.
kan/ar and Akk. kipru 'edge, shore', and their deri. jected to the jurisdiction of';
l"mo,"," h'l"t'tt't
(Lt) 'be somewhat serious';
vation from knf 'wing' (see ktJnj, above) sug-
kanbala h10/\ (DTW.K') 'turn over'; tak'"annanot 'lawsuit';
'ukmosasa ',mde, den de, chide, rebuke in a gested by Bravrnann 508ff is not convincing. The
mIld manner, reproach', ETHIOPIC: Tna. kiinbiilii 'turn over', kiJmbtJlbJI biilii SEMITIC: the comparison with Heb. k6nen 'establish'
connection with Mh. karfiJ'lip', Sh. qifrir suggested suggested by Grimme 1901 :424 is unlikely since
k,m"si"" kamoJiis 'mIld gravity, cheerfulness, 'tumble down', Te. kambiila « knbl) 'tumble and by Bittner 1916:29 is unlikely. .
flow out', Amh. kdnabba!a 'pour out (liquids), rail Heb, k6nen is a p6lel~stem of ken (kwn) One might
smIle' (n): ETHIOPlc: Te.Tna.Amh.Gur. kanfor 'lip'.
backward', kanbiill alii 'be turned over', Gur. ka- perhaps identify G. kWnn with Semitic kwn (Heb.
bmsu, tGr.258) 'who smiles'; ken, Syr. kawwen 'erect, admonish') with redupli-
niibiilii 'return, bring back' (for the various meanings konfi. 1l1o\-C (T.Sw. in D 404, top), konfir
ETfilOP1C Te k"ltu.iJS bela ~smjle'. Tna. k~nldss balo, of the root in Gurage, see Lesl.u 1979:345); passed cated last radical, without comparing it with the
t >Q j ~ mii.Jmasii.
I>1O\-C (T) 'hump, arm, front of leg of an Hebrew p6Iel-stem, The connection between
into Cushitic: Aw. kiJmbaii 'roll'. animal'.
komil ".,+ (T) 'gourd, flask' klnubyi, konubyi h)'111 j IlHll (Gr.464) k"onk"al h-1h-A (Ll) 'kind of garment';
mak"'anntJn and Soq. qaninhin 'master' suggested by
Rabin 1978:400 is possible.
ETHIOPIC: Te. kiinniina 'judge', Tna.Amh. kWiinnana
'dining hall, refectory (probably of a monas' from Gk. konkhylion, neuter of konkhylios 'purple
kmtt, 'aJ.motata "11'1"1'1' (T.M) 'shonen'; 'judge, punish, condemn'; passed into Cushitic: Sa,
tery)' ; colored'; O. k"'ank"'al could probably mean 'gar- Bil. k'"iinan 'judge'.
llnun 288
kappa kiP' 289
~anun, kinun h).') , Il).'), name of a Syrian k"'annat tt~T; see k"'annana.
month: from Lat. cappa through Greek kappa 'hood'; also
k"'inat, k Wanit (pI. k"'iJyiifli1W, kWayiin;nv k ll' _ In Tna.Amh. kabba, kappa, Gur. kabba; in Cush- kir, in ~.mama kir ~"'IOD , ttc (It) 'the kir-
from Syr kiinun; also Chr.·Ar kanul/. in the expres· a disease" ,
lal. k"'all'iinaw) lI--'i'o}- , tt'i'o}- 'spear 'J',veanl - itic: Or. kabba.
"14..'n 'flf.. 1 ki,n/In = December: second kiimi" = , f • In
January' pomt 0 spear, sword. war'; name for th~ kiip< 111," (T) 'basket, inkpot'; kor \lC (T) 'saddle" ,
kananii ... i h~'i''£ (It) 'herelic'. thumb used in a guessing game (Dill mann kora (K*) 'carry, transport a load' (denomina-
1357, under fts); probably a secondary fonn of qaJo. tive);
kann.,. h~" (O.Lt) 'assemble in church, unite, kop \IT (T) 'head';
SEMITIC; probably to be identified with kin '
' , T h' rrom~~Ar., kur 'saddle'; also Te. kor, Amb. kor
convenc'~ wor kmans hIp. e connectIOn with Heb h art.~ ~ kup (MA) 'top of skull'; koriJcca; In Cushitic: Bil .Sa .AfBe
. . k-or, S Or'
spear , sugges ted by 0'11 . anI( ~
'(}kntl.m 'convoke a congregation for a sacred , k ora. .
1 mann 870, COhen 1·947~ see also kup II.
funcllon'; no. 254 and others, is unlikely. As for Heb. hii"~1 ..
is considered an Egyptian (~nYl) loanword (~-~~~ kopa \IT; see kwp. kora \It:; see kawra
rakansa . rakanfla.fQ 'be assembled for religious
purposcs, take part in a sacrament, receive the 244, Baumgartner 320). Brockelmann 1950: 16 Co _
siders G. k""iniit a Kafa (g"'jno) loanword. n kup I IrT (T.M) 'nose'; kora I (pI. koral) \It- kore flt. 'cup, bowl,
sacrament' ; jar!; ,
ETHJOPIC; Te. konal 'spear', Tna. k"'anat. See also could there be a graphic error for rop l:T?
k,mnusr 'umon, ecclesiastical assemblv';
k,msllf, ~me:
, kallayo. ETHJ~PIC: Tn~ .. k""arro 'jar', Amh. kora, Gur. kuro;
kup II h-T (MA) 'top of skull'; al~o m Cushltlc: Sa. kurro 'jar', Af. k6rii, Som.
kall/sa (pI. kam;]'" ... ) 'meeting of a religious kunat h-~O}-, k"onat t/'~o}-; see kWn, kona. kora. See also kore.
see also kop.
congregatIOn, assemhly, (T) house ofworshtp',
kan;_~aU'i (Gr ~64) 'ecclesiastical'; k"antara ho,}1--: (T) 'make a pedestal or a kora II \It- (K*) 'salt lick, water containing a
kup JlI h-T (T.M) 'light' (n).
laktlnso 'church commumon'; bench' (denominative); mmeral sought by animals for its salt content
pond'; ,
rrom Aram ,·Syr k;mHui. kJniiJtii 'church', and pos- k' '"liiril 'pedestal, bench'; kopu \lAo (T) 'perfume';

"hI> from a Heorew 'ource (lillendorff 1968: 124); either from Gk. kyphi 'an Egyptian compound in. ETHJOPlc: for 'pond', cpo Amh. kure .
SEMITIC: related to Ar. qan!ara 'arched bridge,
abo 10 Chr ..Ar, k«",):a, PbH _f bel j hakkanfSf! 'syn. vaulted passage, arch' (Ambros). cense', of Egyptian (kJpt) origin, or from Coptic kop kore \It. 'spout of a pitcher, mouth of a
agl\~!UC'; In EthlOplC Tna.Amh, kanisa. The verb 'fumigation' (Muller). See also (swp) , sopa. vessel' .
'gather' In Tna, kilnno'\'a, Te, kiin,,(isa, and G. kanna. kaot.Jros h'}O}-C'1'l (T.M), kantoros tJ')o}-C'fl
~111~ a denc'\Olln;Hi,e, Noeldeke 1910: 37. n. 3 denves karra ht:; see krr I, II. see also koro. I.
(Gr.267), pI. kantarosal, kantalOsal (D) 'cycle, a
G . kaniJJ from Ar. kan[sa.
fourlh part of the year, (Gr.267) interval of two karrii Ilt- (originally 'knife'), name given a kore 'eppisqoppos \It. ' h.A.fl.f>l.fl kore 'ab-
kantu (ace. kUl1fo) h,)1: 'nothingness, empty minutes'. Neugebauer 178 states that kant"os sect of the Ethiopian Orthodox church which biskobbOs \It.' ; M_fl\l/lfl (It) 'auxiliary bish-
1I1lng. empttness, vanity, vam thing. vain, use- indicates 1(30. op' ;
followed an extreme interpretation of Mo-· ~ 111 the construct state 'Yarn, empty' ~ e.g., from Gk. ken/ron, name of a parameter (see Neuge. nophysitism maintaining that Christ anointed
rrag,lra kal1lu '"arn words, empty words';
from Gk. khorepiskopos 'coumry bishop'; also in
bauer 175. 177-8). himself. This sect referred to itself as /VAt: , Chr.~Ar. ~iirtibiskubiis, Syr. kurepfsqupii.
kanlo. bakul1fu, {ukanlll 'without reason, fortu- ~1M, wald qaba' ('the Son [is] the unction'), -
ltou,I,. \\ .thout purpose, w.thout a cause, in kenotiit h.'i;/'o}- (KG II, III; but KG I has k"ar'a, k"arro'a I h-co, (T) k"apa h-Ch 'hit
but received the name karrii 'knife' because it
vain. for nothing, unjustly, gratis, freely'; wrongly kerolal); see (kwn), kawani/. on . the head with
, the fist (or palms), strike,
'cut off' the human nature of Christ by declar-
smite, oppress;
Dlllmann 19(r' . 363 ana.Jyzes kantu as a noun kant ing this to have been absorbed by the divine
knw, t.kenawa 1-h.~w, keoiiwi h.'i''I!; see kin. lak"'ar<a, passive;
wah the 1iuftix pronoun ~U of the 3rd pers. sg. nature or because it reduced His nature to one
m:tSl..·uhne · k'"u' (K*) 'struck (head), hit (head)';
kaDaya (yakni) h~f (K*) 'parry a blow, fend like the karra-knife which has only a single
k"'ar'at 'striking. assault, reviling';
SeMiTiC· the connection \lIth Aram. kiJifj ·wilbout off, ward off'; edge (definition given by 1.1. Baeteman, Dielion-
'peelal «",on' suggested b) Barth 1893:40 IS doubt- naire amarigna-jrancais, 1929, col. 717); SEMITIC related to Ar. qarara 'knock (at a door),
seems to be a denominative from k"iniit 'shield'
fuL ~(lt(' that Aram . k<Jifj is explained by Le",y' beat (a drum), strike on the head' (Dillmann 840;
with the onginal meaning 'ward off with a shield'. SEMITIC: the derivation of kiirrii from Sem. wqr Grimme 1901 :476).
IL296 as commg rrom kilifi!! 'falseness'.
ETHIOPIC' Tna,Amh.Gur (bdlkimlu 'without rea.
'punch' suggested by Praetorius 1879:72, 144-5 is ETHIOPIC: Tna. k~iira' 'abiila 'hit on the head',
keDaya h.') J'; see kin. unlikely.
son'. passed. mto Cushjl.ic Qem.Qua. kanlu. The Amh. Piirra. See also qar'a.
rwl }~ not to be conneCled with Te. kiindo 'perhaps' ETHIOPIC: Tna.Amh, karra 'knife' (also the religious
sect), Gaf. karrii, Har. karrii 'curved sword'; from k"ar'a II h-co (Y.K) 'be proud, be arrogant';
as. sugge'>led b\ Brock.elmann 1950: 54 Likewise kiippa I').T, (MA) kip liT 'an over-vestment of kW"u' (DTW) 'proud, arrogant';
Cushitic: Or. kara. Kham. karra.
tmlil..cJ) J~ the suggestion made by Praetorius priests'; in former times it had a hood, later k"'ar(ot 'arrogance';
18793.16 that kumla} is an ongmai hakam for the hood was removed and the kappa was kWar h-c (K) 'kind of measure';
/?alaI (",th an loserted ,,). bakol being a femimne of lengthened to reach the ankles (see Guidi, ZA ETHIOPIC: Tna. k"'ar'e 'be proud, be conceited',
bakusele15. ,aluele~s' ,ror which see above). tranSCription of Heb. kor 'dry measure'; see for this Amh. k"'iirra; passed into Cushitic: Kham. k"'ar 'be
1l[1896].404; Hammerschmidt 1970: 154); noun Kaufman 65. arrogant', Or. kora 'pride'.
290 k' arg , ana
kllrginos 291
k',b. ,or m~k'rnb. !>clow kirubel, kirobon It'l-/LA • It'l-/L ') 'cherubs'.
- - karkara
, k'" rg"''jine la'ayyanl 'camp');
kerebe h/.Il (T' I.. OM) 'hang up. (KO) gather,
kiruheliill'i (Lt) 'cherubic';
(k':rg'iin. mang.,it 'royal palace'), E~IOPIC: TeTna. ka-kll' 'almonds and nuts' • Amh .
~ also k "ark'"ana.
,,· ollC'\.'t ' • from k,rub with the cndlng -el; probably under the
SI ""ITlC ' i\r ~arnha 'rB~lcn lightly', perhaps SAr Influence of the names or angels such as mik(J' I
gabriJ'f'I. e, kark.baden hehll.!'.'), see karkad.n II.
h ., IA,h 'unite a bride with onc's family' karginos hC'!. ';'1'1 (Lt) 'kind of leprosy'.
(\fiilicr), k"arbal ttco-l- 'amulet, talisman, charm'; k·.rk"ad. h-eh-1. (T.Sw In 0 1397 M) 'em-
L THlorl( Tc k.uha ' I,,: up', Amh. kiirriiba 'hang. kirog.rUyos, k.rog.rUyoD, kirog.lyon 1tC'"lell. brace, take in one's anns' , '
k'"hatiil 'phylacteries, (L) magic Words'.,
r.u~p(nd fn)m a h(lOk' See also Ii.~ r"lrhal.
Sl:MITIC: perhaps from karaba 'hang up', amulets
\"11 , hC'"le/LM • 1tC'"lAM, (Lt) kirg.l- ETHl~PIC; Amh. k"'iiriikkwiidii 'tIe up, shackle', The
k'.rebeIJo/.1l (T Y KO M) 'hew (wood, stones), yon, ka,og.lyon t]C"I~ \'"') I hC'"lA 1'"'), (T) ~oot, IS not to be compared with (.an)k"'"ark"'ara
bemg worn around the neck: or to be compared
,-arIC, rK) dig, rlow. demoy'; with SAr. krb 'blessing, favor'. kirog.lyos 1tC'"lA \'"1'1 hare, rock hyrax'; roll, as suggested by Ruzicka 35. See also k"'adk"'a.
milA ·'rahi (T l\*,M) 'plow, a\e', from Gk. khoirogryllos 'hyrax'. See also 'akrigiJiyon,
karabezii lit-ILl, (T.M) 'female genitalia'; 'agriigalyon, karagayo, garogliryos, giJrogarlayos,
~l MITlt J...«Tapa 'pit'"' (ror a possible Aram .•
AT ka, I heh.!'.') 'Jasper';
S\r Ibr"h) (ltl~m , ""I,: Fraenkel 1~7). Md krb. See ETHIOPIC Amh. kiiriibeza, same.
karigayo ht-"l\," (T') 'pig'; also Amh. kiirkiiden, Aram. karkiJdon, kadkiJdon
also A,p.

kardada hC1.~ (K') 'be rough, be coarse'., for karaglJyo; see kirogiJrliyos. kadkiJgiinii, Syr. karkagnii, Ar. kark~nd. Note tha~
karet>o h/.I' 'wo,"n baslet, (KG) pouch'; kJrdud (K) 'rough, coarse'; Krauss 299 quotes Gk. karkhedonios 'Carthagtman'
t~at he translates 'Karfunkelstein', that is 'Carthagl.
!-If ""TIC Buhl ,·n
(f('ollowl'd ,,~ others) compares ETHIOPIC Amh. kiiriiddiidii 'be rough'. karha hCII (0 833), wrongly for kWarha, below. man stone'. See also karakand.
Hcb A./,ib ' basket', PbH , b/il>J - ; S,r. kulbJJd
'ba~k('( ror l'arf)'In~ i!Tapcs' ~ms to be derl\ed ka,diid hCJIJ:' 'weed, neUle';
k".rh. (y.k'riih) h-CII (so 0 1432 Instead of karkaden II, karkabaden heh.!'.') , hehO.!'. ')
Crt")m li~ HObos "')jTd ca~c' rather than the other hrdud 'covered with weeds'; (T') 'kind of bird',
karha in 0 833), (T) k'ar~a h-Cth 'compel,
W_}' arllund SN" also M Cohen 1926-7;105. A brdiidiiw" In the pI. brdiidiiw.yiin 'one Who constrain, force';
Rccshln. \fuston 91 (19"'Sl. JQ7 ct.lnnecls the root of arouses dissenSIOn', derived from an original ka,k.den III heh.!'.') 'kind of wood" ,
k"'iJrh 'compulsion, constraint, aversion';
''''''\Cn bits"C'!" v.llh m~lk"r'lh 'gathcnng place' from meaning 'covered with weeds > bad > vi- this seems to be the meaning of karkaden on the
(ba-k'.,h 'involuntarily, by force');
a mcanmgllc, "md. UOlh.··. hUI 'woven basket' is cious' ; basis of the only example quoted 10 Dillmann 839.
/ri.aratw Dnd not Aarab ali ~wcn by Bceston, lb. Sce SEMITIC: Ar. 'akraha ('alii) 'compel', karh, kurh Dillmann ib. interprets it as wood that is red, and
also kaba,o II EnfJoPlc: Te.Tna. kJrdad 'weed, nettle', Amh. kiJr. 'aversion'; related to PbH. hi' (hif·il) 'to force, connects it with karkaden 1.
FntHlrlC Tna , karibbo 'small used as a bag',
dad, .nbrdad Aram. ka,hd 'force'. Brockelmann 1928: 343 iden-
Amh. kJ,6bo 'oa,ke, ' "fies it with Aram.-Syr. hh 'be ill, be ,II-tempered'. k'a,k'ana h-Ch-~ (TYM), korhana \le1~
kariid.ryon, kariid.yon ht-J:'el'",) : ht-J:'I'",) The connection with Akk, karu 'be short' suggested (MA) 'assemble, gather, collect'; -
~.rbo hefL 'mlrrh, 'heron' , by von Soden 452 is unlikely. The connection see also k" arg" ana.
EnHof'lc Te TnaAmh.Gur karhf' 'myrrh ', Har from Gk. kharadrion (acc. of kharadrios 'a yellowish between G. k"arh and Amh. k""iirra 'be proud' (also
~arah,. also In Cushitu: Bil karhi, Sa karbe bird'); also 10 Amh. kiiratbyon lfrom Geez). See Tna. k"ar·e. Arg. karriiha, Gur k"iirra) suggested karakand hlh')J:', (L.M) karkand heh')J:',
COnll RosslO', RSO 10 (1951).18-9, and 18, n5. by Cohen 1939:25 is doubtful. (Gr.261) karkande hCh').!'. 'precious stone';
k'aribl I... t~fl (I \) ·crane ,
ETHIOPIC: m the meaning 'averSIOn', G. k"Jrh from Ar, karkand; to be Identified with karkadtn l.
• mlSpnnt for k'a,iik, It-6-Il. beloll karadayon ht-J:'I'",); see karadJryon . comes close to Te. karha 'decline', Tna. kiirhe 'keep RUiicka 161 compares It with Heb. kagklXj'preclous
kirub, ~cr.ub (pI. Im"hen keruh,'n. kITuhe!) back', stone'. On the Hittite ongin, see Rabin 1964: 152.
karfas he,{,1'1 (Lt) 'iron nng that holds the See also kiidkod.
h_~ , II.HI 'cherub, plow,hare to the plow beam'. k".riiki h-t-It, (T) korki \lCIt 'crane';
kIf ,~a". 'c.;heruhlc'; kark.nd heh') J:' 'unicorn, rhinoceros';
from Amh karlQ5 from AT. karakiyy (pI. of kurkiyy 'crane'); also in
from uk kht'roub, tranSC'!'lplion of Heb. k~rii.p. Som. kurki. In the other Semitic languages. Aram. ETHIOPIC Amh. kiirkiind, kiirkiinda 'unicorn' (from
kirogalyon, kiirg.fyon 1tC'"lA \'"') : t]e"lA 1'"'), kurk.yd, Syr. ku,kdyd, Md. ku,kia, Akk ku,ku Geez). Hommel 328, 332 considers Ar. ka'kaddan,
korcb 1't-11 ('I) 'mountain of God, lTl place karkadann 'rhinoceros' a Geez loanword. On Syr
of fire' (T) kirogalyos IlC'"lAI'"I'I; see kirog"ltyos. gOlDg back to Sumenan (von Soden 510).
karkadiinii (and Ar. karkadann) being considered a
transcnrtH)n of Gk. khar;}, (rrom Hcb. JlOrt'N 'the k"arg".na h-C""~ (T.Y.M) 'assemble, gather, Sansk~it (khadgin) loanword, see Brockelmann
k.ruk h'l-h (T), karuk h'l-h (Sw. in 0 1397) 1928: 346.

mountain of Horeb' which IS the mountam or leg. collect'; 'dry, miserly';

IsJauon, accordmg to Dcuteronom), klrJrg"iine 'camp, surrounding of a camp,
could it be a misprint for kiJrur h~C? karkar. hehl (T.Y.M) 'grind coarsely';
kurb II-CofllKBT) 'center of the earth', court, hall (of palace, church), public place, makarkar 'that which grinds Gaw, teeth), (T)
ETHIOPI( Amh. ku,b, .. me (from G=).
,I circUit, an enclosed place, enclosure, (TBM)
ka,ka' hct]b 'almond, walnut, almond tree, means of grinding coarsely';
assembly, retinue', nut, Citrus tree'; SEMITIC; Ar. karkara 'cut in big pieces, grind'
292 293
kararna II'"
rTHIOPIC". Te. kiirkiira 'grind coarsely', Tna. kiir- SEMITIC; from the root kr(r) expressing . Amb. karrrJJ1~O but miiskiiriim is the end. not the
karap h~T (T M) k to
Alirii. Amh. kiiriikkiirii. Gur. kJriikii( < krkr). While P. H aupt, "0'Ie semilisc
.. h
en Wurzeln qr,nOise
COrpse'; . orp C1' (It) 'bod,
rainY season 'he rainy season. Conti Ros.stni 1923: ,
Sa. karkar 'grmd' is taken from Semitic-Elhiopic. AJSL 23 [l907J.241-252): Ac. karkara' 'bxr ,
. , PbH . k'k ttginmng. of; 'ves miiskiiriim from krm and states perhaps from Lat. corpus 'bod.,'
the rool is probably common with Cushitic in view nOise, lr er 'hs out speak in a 10 rUmhng
d . J161ikeWlse e~be forse, aoche mtenders; 'quello 'il/korab. korep I. ) Set also ",llknrar,
, . ' U VOice'
of Bil. kar 'break'. See also makark, below. Neo-Syr. karker emil a Sound'. . me potlO ' d··'" F
"11110 , I t.gione delle gran I plogge , or
ETHIOPIC; Te. karkar 'cry of pain (of w
k"rk"r [, 'ank"ark"ara h'lh-Ch-~ 'roll (tr., ' , omen), ,he ,la. between 'rain) season . an d' year,. cpo
Iinlfe as korep [ totoT (T M) 'dIvinity"
Tna. A mh. k arakk ar argument; also krr; Te k .' perhaps from Lat. corp", Ch' ')
intr). roll around, roll along, roll off, revolve, the re!atJOn amI 'rainy season, year'. Sem. brf 'fall,
be/a 'talk nonsense', Tna. kiirarii 'begin to' ,tJr~r
Am h. kI'd)~ r' in Epigraphic South Arab,c; Bora-
set karap.
o\'erturn': (T) 'pulverize, render fine' seems to ···· '
H ar. k arara h
c atter '
contmually', Gur. karara Sing
'ta '
I 'an yea h . korep n tot. l' (MA) ,
rlSli t

"' oter ganno 'year', origina!ly 't e ramy ~eaCson' m

il1 sweet, tasty, agreeabl e'.,
refer to karkara, above. much, talk nonsense', Ik J
see also k~ ahapa.
nak"ark1t'ar, nok"are"or 'rotation, rolling, whirl- no r. d' I cts. The root IS also found In ushl!-
kirakos h.~"ll (H) 'church'; the ath"'" 'rainy season. 'k Be. ·erm1l.
· S am. k nan,
pool' ; ic: 53, kom~a k"araprap n.~TlT (MA) 'angel';
(nak"ark"'{ira nafas 'whirlwind'); from Gk. kyriakon 'church'. Qab. kiln-Ill.
>;mk'l'ark"'ar (Ll) 'rolled'; probably in connection with kirub.
kerl.gyao h.CA"If') (Lt) 'carbuncle" , he?" (T') 'spring (of water),.
>ank"'Jrk"aro(t) 'rolling' (n); kalm
k"ariipitii h-t.."!;;I., (T) k".riipiitii b-t..T+
mank"ariikll'ar, mank"'ariikH'ar 'turning round, perhaps distorted from Lat. carbuncu/us (Muller). k,nn (k arm) hC?" ; (hCr) 'vine. grapevine'; (K ), k"3riipitii Itt."!;:" 'pencil, pen, (T) t,;biet:
wheel. chariot, circle, circuit, path'; In k" ,.
korelosotobe htot\"{I.y.Il.; see karastilobe. A karm. In the other Semitic languages:
SEMiTiC: Ar. karkara 'turn the millstone', karra fromb k rrm
r. 'vineyard, , Aram.- Syr. k arma,
-U g. k '
rm, rro~ Gk. graphida (ace. sg. of graphu) 'stylus for
'turn round', Ar. (Dat) karkar 'turn round', Ar. kiriilaysoo h.~".e{l'); see kiryalayson. He . ,~ _ 'WI'ne grapevine. grapes' rather than wntlng on tablets'.
Akk. ",oranu, '..
(Syria) ka" 'roll, roll up', Ar. kura(I) 'ball' (see for kQrmu ,rul'n, ruin heap' as suggested 10 Ortentalla J7
thIS root Noeldeke 1910: 158-9), SAc. krkr 'measure karama, karma (yakram, yakram) h~OD , 68) 357. W. Muller 1985:272 compares Mh. kr~, 'akra~. hhlA (Lt) 'scratch (wflting) into
of weight' (for the possibility of its being round, cpo hcOP 'spend the rainy season, spend the win: (19 . 'mountain' , Hars
karma}'m • kermavm
• with Heb. kr- a hard surface';
Akk. kakkaru 'metal disk weighing one talent'),
ter, be of the preceeding year (wine),; rrm. see k"'arabu, above. but perhaps to be connected
Heb. kikkiir (from kirkiir) 'round loaf of bread, disk )akrama, causative;
of gold or silver used as a weight', PbH. kirker 'go with karapa 'cleanse through rubbmg or scratchmg'
karami 'who spends the rainy season, one of keramuradu h.~-~.o:. (T) 'jar';
around', Aram. kakkarii 'ball', Ug.Ph. kkr 'talent',
Akk. kakkaru 'metal disk weighing one talent, preceeding year (wine), one year old (Wine),; the first element is perhaps from Gk. keramos (gen. karapa h~A (T) 'wash, cleanse';
round loaf of bread': also Aram.-Syr. karats 'go k(a}raml (pI. k(d}ramat, k(a}ramiit. 'akram) keran/ou) 'potter's clay, jar' (Muller). 'akrapa (T.Sw. in 01397). causative; also 'wash,
round, encircle', Md. krk, for krkr. The root krkr 'rainy season, rains (June-July to September), cleanse' ;
'dance' OCcurs in Heb. kirker, Ug. krkr (Aistleitner, winter, year'; karmil he"'1.A (T), karmel hC"'I.A (T'.O 'akrap (T) 'pure';

no. 1383) k(a}ramtawi 'wintery'; 1406) 'low-growing bush' (called ca/rJg in Am- SEMITIC: Grimme 1914:261 connects it with SAr. m-
ETHIOPIC Tna. 'ank~iirk"'iirii 'roll', 'ankiirariiwii, makriim 'winter quarters, winter residence, krb 'Reiniger, Gcremigter (= priestlicher Konig)'
kiiriirii 'be round', Te. kiirkiira 'roll', )ankiirkiira, Sec also krp.
place where one spends the rainy season'; could it be a transcription of Hcb. karmel 'new
'ankiiriira 'roll down', korit 'balr, miinkiirkar 'car- •
(beta makram 'winter residence'); corn'1
nage, wheel', Amh. (liin)k"iirakk'I'iirii 'roll', I k"arapa
h-~A 'work';
miink"iirak"Jr 'wheel', Gur. (Iii)k"riikk"iirii 'be makramiya (It) 'winter quarters, place where
lumpy (flour)'; also in Cushitic: Sa.Bil. karkar 'be one spends the rainy season' (from Amharic); k('jramt hl9"-l-; see karama. SEMITIC: Grimme 1914:261 identifies it with Ar.
round'. The root k"rk"r 'be round' is not to be karaha 'plow';
SEMITIC: connected with Ar. karuma 'be generous
connected with karkara 'grind coarsely', as suggested > yield rain' (cp. Ar. ra~ma 'rain', ra~lima 'have k'"n;' ttC'I b 'elbow, forearm'; k.riporiis ht~t,ll (T) 'precious stone';
by Marrassini 1971 :99 and Conti 1980:85. See also mercy on'; for dialectal ra~lma. see Landberg •

karir, and kKrkKr II. SEMITIC kr<: Ar. kura' 'front leg, shank', SAr. krr corrupt form or kiJrJspJrastJs, below,
1923: 1201). Note that Dillmann's statement "Ar. 'leg of an animal', AT. (Yemen) kir'(jrl, Soq . .fer' ella"
k"rk"r II, 'ank"ark"ara h,)h-Ch-~ (T) 'make karuma 'pluviam profundit (nubes)'; deinde 'bene- 'foot' (with ki > S), Heb. kJrii'-ayim 'shank, split karaqa h~'" (T) 'be wet';
thin' . ficus, generosus fuit'" should read 'beneficus, genera- I bone', Aram. kar.a 'leg', Syr, kara'ti, Md. kraia, kerqii (T) 'wet';
sus fUlt'; deinde 'pluviam profundit (nubes)'; cpo Akk.lurlIU.
possibly to be identified with k"k"r I, the making also the three months e/-karamal (dialectal Arabic) ETHIOPIC: Te, kiirqo 'rain heavily',
ETHIOPIC: Tna. k"'arna< 'elbow, forearm', Amh. kJrrI
thm derived from being rolled. "sans doute ainsi appeJes parce qu'il pJeul alors" r 'elbow', kand 'arm', Gaf. kandd (ror lid:"" sec kcrqii h.C:I' (T) 'ste~p, narrow path'.
(Landberg 1923: 1453).
k".rk".r J ItCItC 'pillage'; Cohen 1931 :380), Arg. k>rra 'arm, elbow', Gur.
see q"rq"r III.
ETHIOPTC: Tna. kriimti 'rainy season', Te. kiiriim,
Amh. Arg. kariiml, Gaf. kriimtii, HaL kirmi. Gur.
I ~orra'arm, cubit', Har. kuru) 'cubit'; also in Cushit- kiriiqW h.t.."'" (T) 'day or judgment';
IC: Wol. kure, Mo. hiro 'ann, cubit' (II < k). For see k"Jryiiq\ below.
k"ork".r II ItCItC (T) 'commotion, shouting, karm. Praetorius 1879: 158 identifies Amh. miis- r the other Cushitic languages, see Cerulli 1951 :455,
argument'; kariim, name of the first month (corresponding to
under hiI/o. Reinisch 1887: 225 also compares Hi!. krr [, karra, karar. (yakm) hl I hU (T K')
September) with miiskiiral1/ 'Regen bringend' from k'arQ' 'foot of bed'. 'be dry, dry up (spring)';
- - karaya 295
'akrara (K') 'make dry'; krasfiyan 'Christian'; h .. b.
karar (T). karir (KG) 'dry land'; ('abiyy krasliyiin 'adult Christian'); ,akraya. caus~tive; also 'dig';
ErHIOPIC Tna. kiiriirii 'be hard, be dry', Amh. (na>usa kr(}stiyiin, mJ'US krasliyiin 'Catechum takarya, passive; karaza I h;:1f (Y.K.M) 'procl .. m, decree, edict,
. .. I en, teach' ;
kiirrord 'become hard, dry ouf, Har. kiirara 'be- one who IS recelvmg e ementary intructio . kariiyi (pI. karayl, kariiyayiin), act. part. of
come stiff' Christian religion, neophyte'); n In karaya; ., , k"z (KO) 'proclamation, preachms',
(bela krasliyan, pI. beta krasliyiiniit, 'abyat karuy (fern. kant) dug, excavated;. takri=. 'proclamation, edict, (K) blessing, sanc-
krr II, karra. karara hl ! hll (KBT) 'fall'; k ryat 'digging, excavation, hole, PIt';
tlficatlOn' ;
krasliyiiniil, 'abyiita krasliyiin 'church'); a
SEMITIC: Akk. kariiru 'set, lay'. krasliytimiwi 'Christian'; :akray, (Gr.260) makriiy 'instrwnent for dig- rrom Gk. kerysso '{ proclaim, I preach' through
ETHIOPIC Te. kariira 'lie down', Amh. (Iiin)karriirii
(bela krasliyiiniiwi 'pertaining to the church'), ging pickaxe, spade'; Chr.~Ar. karoza. On the Greek origm of Ihls rool,
'lie on one's back'.
kraslannii 'Christianity'; , mak~iI (D.Gr.260) 'shovel, spade'; see Buh1911 , Koehler 1087. On the Aram.,e O"IllO
see Eilers 594. '
karir, kttarir, korar, karer, kerir ht.C ! 1'J..tC ! (ma~(a)~afa kraslannii 'Baptismal Ritual'); SEMITIC: Ar. karli (kry) 'dig', Heb. klirii (kry) ,
It.:.C , h&.C : h •.:.c '(round) hill, (It) ravine. krastun 'one who has become a Christian"
Ar.m. kara (kry) , Md. kra, Ph. kr', Ug. kry (Ca- karan n hllf (T.Y.M.Sw. in D 840) 'hang';
(KG) rock '; rrom Gk. khrislos; also Tna.Amh. krastiyan 'Chris. quot 339). , . . , karuz, kantz, (T) karzu, k"'ar: 'cross':
ETHIOPtc: Te. k!ira (kry) cut off (by digging) , Gur.
rrom the root krr 'be round'; see k"·ark"'ara. tian', Te. ki1stan; Tna. kiistiina 'become a Christian'. SSMlTJC: perhaps Ar. kara:!a 'lean toward' For
kiire, Har. xara, Amh. kiiriiyya ·di~. till the earth'.
On the church building, see Hyatt 109ff., Hammer_ Could Te. karay 'hyena', Be. karay be connected karu'i, Milller suggests Lat. crux.
kors IICI'I (T) 'red precious stone'; schmidt 1967:91-2, Heyer 2711'.
with G. kariiy; 'that which digs', rererring to the
kiriis (KO) 'gold'; k".rz ltC'll (T) 'case, pOuch, wallet';
krnstiyiin IlCl'ltf'; see krastos. hyena that digs up corpses? See also karaya II.
perhaps rrom Gk. kirros 'tawny'. from Ar. kur:: 'shepherd's bag, sack'.
karaya II hlf (D.T) 'stir, excite, incite, make
korisolit II.: {It\. ol- (T) 'chrysolite (precious kars (pI. karSiit) hcP' 'belly, stomach, womb, k"arszi hot-II. (It) 'ant'.
haughty, puff up, blow up, (Y.M) get angry';
stone)' ; abdomen, interior (of ship, ark, vessel)';
takarya (Lt) 'become glowing, become hot'; k.ruz h~lI (T.M) 'poison'.
from Gk. khrysolithos, same; also in Syr. karisuhjiis. SEMITIC: Ar. kiri, karii 'belly', Sh. ekre!; (pI. of firs),
Heb. klireS, Aram.-Syr. karsa, Md. karsa, Akk. (Note that B 75 ".:> ' ~4- .... n!iffaw should be k"asa iJ..r'I; see kws.
kariu. corrected to ".:>il , ~4-.... ~.gab naffaw. Gr.435
keresam 11.&.1'19" (T) 'kind of tree'. karayo rendered by Amh . !agab 'sa tie-te, plenitude' kis h.1'I 'purse';
ETHIOPIC: Tna. kiirsi 'belly', Te. kiiras, kdriiit, Arg.
is doubtrul. The correct reading seems to be !agab
korsimoton. karsemoton hel'\. .,..,., ! hCI'I."'''' GUf. kiirs, Har. karsi, Gar. arsa (k > h > zero), rrom Ar. krs (or Aramaic [kisiiJ origin, see Fraenkel
karayo 'the plenty pf of food ("gab) made him be
" (OT) karsimoton hCI'\."''''" (K) karsemton Amh. kiirsam 'one who eats much, one who has a 197). For the Akkadian (kisu) origin of thIS noun,
big stomach'. haughty or puffed him up (karaya)'.
hCI'I.9""" 'chrysolite (precious stone)'; ETHIOPIC: Tna. kK'iirriiyii 'become enraged', Te. kiira
also ror the origin orHeb. kis, sec Zimmern 20; also
in Te.Amh.Arg. Our. kis, Har. kis.
corrupl from Gk. khrysolithos. See also karastilobe, ~ara~it 'filltol- (T) 'purse, pouch, sack, bag'; (kry) 'attack'. Or could it be a transferred meaning
>akrasm;mron, karisolit. of karaya I 'dig> stir up, incite'? See also k"·oraya. kosa Itr'l; see kll's.
from Ar. barfra 'bag'; also Tna.Amh. kiirii!il, Har.
b .......rasos. bris parasas IICl'lk.:.1'I1'1 ; h.: xarila,
' Gur.
. karatil; in Cushitic: Or. karatit;.
. The k"araya iJ..lf (Y.M) 'become angry'; kasaba I (y.ksab) hr'lO 'circumcise';
1'1 : At.I'l/'l, (l) k• ...oparasas IlC{lAll'I1'I 'chrys- rorm Isara#l (with ~) is probably hypercorrection perhaps to be identified with karaya II 'incite', 'aksaba, causative;
oprase (precious stone)'; through Amharic where s• > •I is normal; thererore I• takarya 'become gloomy'. /akasba, passive, reflexive;
> $ by hypercorrection. kasub 'circumcised';
rrom Gk. khr),soprasos, same. See also kariporiis. kiryii liiyson h.Cf : ""{I', kiryiiliiyson ItCfll kiJsbat 'circumcision';
karit IMol-; see (karaya I), hruy. "'{I', kiriiliiyson h.':'II"{I' 'Lord, have
ka .... tilobe. briso tolobe. korelosotobe IICl'lt maksab (K') 'foreskin';
mercy!' ;
h-Il. ! 11':{I , "'h-Il. ; 1I&.h-{l"'Il., (l) karesoto- kartas IlC;I'I'I 'leaf of a book, scroll, roll, SEMITIC Ar. kawiisib (pI. of kiisib) 'wild animals,
lobe h':'{I"'h-1l. 'chrysolite (precious stone)'; letter, slate, parchment, paper, leaf of paper'; from Gk . kyrie eleeson, same. birds or prey', from a root ksb 'snatch away'; cpo
kartasa 'write' (denominative); Mh. ke~'ob 'snatch, disarm', Ar. (Oman) kassiib
corrupt rrom Gk. khrysolithos, same. Euringer, DC kiruy h.~f (T.M), k"ariiy , ...:.,. (KG) 'pitcher,
jug' . 'highwayman'; related to Heb. kiisap 'break' (Driver
24 (1927).144 considers it a corrupt form of Gk. from Gk. khartes 'leaf of papyrus', through Ar. 1935:62-3), Ar. kasafa 'cut out (cloth.,), hock (.
kryslallos, but the final ~be is unclear. COUld it be qir!iis; also Tna.Amh. kartas 'parchment, paper',
k".. yiiq" I, kiryaq tt-C.e.,... , h.Cf.», (T) beast)', Akk. kasapu 'cut. break off a piece' .
instead or ~se I\.? See also kersimoton. Syr. kar!fsa.
ETHIOPfC: Te. kiiSba 'circumcise', Tna. kiinsiibii, kiifl~
kiyiirq" h.fC""', fourth Coptic month;
JiiM (with augmented fi), Gur. (a)kiissiibii 'pound
krnstun IICI'I1:', krnst.nna hCl'lol-'i'; see kras- k"ariitata tt-.:.1';I' (KG), misspelling for Itt.
corrupt rrom Coptic khoiahk, koiahk. See also kiJ'ii~ the shell of grain'.
lOS. T;I' k"ariipatii. hak, kiriiq"', q"·aryaqK'.
kasaba II (yaksab) hr'lO (KO) 'earn money,
karaya I (yakri, yakray) hlf 'dig (a well, in k""yaq" II tt-Cf"'" (T) 'day of judgment'; make a profit';
kr.stos IlCI'I"'1'I 'Christ';
krastosiiwi 'Christian'; the ground), make holes, dig up, excavate,
from Gk. kyriake '(day) of the lord, of last Day'. from Ar. kasaba; also Amh. klissiibii, Te. kiisba,
peck (the eyes), make cuts or incisions'; See also kiriiqK'. Tna. kiisiibii.
k'"asay& k'"asaya 297
k• .ad, k.siid (pI. kJsadar, kasawad, bsawad) kasi'ii hl\./I, (K) kese. h.Il.A 'Orion (

lltt" , ll"t.i:" 'neck'; tion),; constella. stray, dissolve, decompose, belittle, disprove,
('ag:afa '.stido 'he is stiff-necked, he is stub- refute'; .
(ka.sita lasb;}>t 'incarnation')
Dorn') ; transcription of Heb. kasf/; could kasiJii be Ar . kas/at 'unco . d' '
with the Aramaic article .a? arnalc rak"'asya, passive; . venng, ISC!osure, revelation open-
(,",wJd pbus 'stiff neck, stubbornness'); k"'asyal, .k"'ase~, verb~1 ~oun of k"'asaya; also ~ng, (Gr) prayer composed of verse; taken
SeMITIC': s~ kcnsed 'shoulder', Md. ksada 'throat' ksm, 'aksama hllfloo (M) 'dedicate" , 'abrogation, dlssoiutJOn ; . ro~ the Psalms and recited at funeral serv-
(SO Drower~Macuch 224; Kaufman 64 translates it ETHIOPIC: Tna. k"'"smi 'saint to whom a h . SEMiTIC: related to kss, ks~, as in Ar. kassa. kaskasa
'a neck ornament'), Akk. kifiidu 'neck, throat'. dedicated'; to be identified with ksm ' Ct,urch IS 'pound, grind'. Heb. kasas 'divide into portions',
maksat 'opening (n), act of opening, (KG) who
- - uncovers, Who reveals';
Dietrich 298 considers Md. kfada an Akkadian kasam, Akk. kasamu) > .separate > .cu. . (Heb . kiisa~ 'cut off brushwood" Syr. kas 'break into pieces',
loanword. · , F H
de d Icate. assIgn >
or eb. kirsem, see Greenspahn 130. Akk. kasiisu 'chew up'. SE~ITlC.; Brockelmann 1927:28 compares it with Ar.
ETHIOPIC: Tna. ki1sad 'neck', Te. sagad (with me- ETHIOPIC: Tna. kWiisiiyii 'break into pieces'; related kasafa reveal. disclose' > G. Hr, the, of whIch IS
tathesis and assimilation: *SiJkad > sagad), Amh. kosmii "'11"'1 (LI) 'stake'; to k"'iii~e 'break into pieces', Amh. kiisiikkiisii, Gur. due to 'Reimwonbildung' with the opposite kbt
kasad 'back of the neck'. Reinisch 1895: 150 com- 'hide' .
kasama (MA) 'plant stakes' (denominative); kasiikdso 'break a stone or a clod of earth'. For
pares Be. keiiya.
ETHIOPIC: Tna. Amh. kasma 'tent peg'. 'belittle, disparage', cpo Amh. k"'ajiii (from k"'sy) ETH10PIC: Te. kiis/Q 'open', Tna. kiisii/o Amh. kii~.
SOla (from Geez). , .
kasgu hll.,. (T) 'army'. joke', Gur. (a)k'iiSa, Har. qosa; also in Cushitic:
kosmos 1111.,..11 (M) 'WOrld, universe' . Or. qosf, Sam. qoi.
, katta h1-; see kit I, II.
k".s~a ()'Jk'siih) h-II"', (T) kos~. 1111'" 'def- from Gk. kosmos, same.
ecate, relieve the bowels'; kWasay. II h-1It' 'bear a surname, have the
same name as someone else'; . (yaktab) h1-fI (V.Lt) 'write down , write ,
)ak"'SJ~la, causative; also 'defecate'; k"asara h-tlt:, for k"astara, below. register' ;
makwsi, makli'say 'who has the same name, takatba (Ll), passive:
k'asb 'filth, excrement, dung';
kosasa htltl (LI) 'accuse'; surname' ;
(maktinG k"'iJs~, nJlUjO>G k"as{l 'latrine'); kattibi 'scribe';
mak"sayayiin (pI) 'homonyms';
mi1k"sti~ 'latrine'; from Amh: kiissiisii. Greb~ut, Aethiops 3 (1930). 45 katiib 'writing, message, leuer, book, text, doc-
renders It break ~o pieces and denves it from Ar. ETHIOPIC: Tna. mii's"'si 'namesake', Te. maksa, ument, chann, amulet';
SEMITIC: Dillmann 842 connects it with Ar. kasaha
kassa. However, III the sentence given by Grebaut Amh. miik"Je, mokfe. Gur. mokfe; passed into
'sweep' with a possible development 'sweep> sweep- from Ar. kafaba 'write', kilab 'book'; also Te. kiilba
the verb kss could also mean 'accuse'. Cushitic: Qem. rnokse. See also mk"'sy.
ings > filth> dung'; 'write', Har. kataba, Gur. kiitabii, Amh. kiilliiba
ETHIOPIC Te. kiis~a 'soil, desecrate', Tna. k"";}shi k".set ttll..r; see k"asaya I. 'vaccinate', Tna.Amh.Gur. kJlab 'chann, amu. h-I"h-IP (K') 'be variegated, be
'excrement (of chicken)" Amh. k"'iissa 'defecat~', let'. See also katapa.
kosata I1tl1- (L) 'mix'; speckled' ;
k";}s, kUJ 'excrement', Arg. kaf 'dung (of chicken)',
GUT. kiiSii bard 'have dysentery'; also in Cushitic contraction of kawsala, below. kWasak was, k WaSkwas, kWask"'as, kWasiik"'as, k.tbii h.r1J (T) 'linseed'.
(rather tilan 'passed into Cushitic' as in Leslau k",siik"as, (T) k"ask"as, (L) k"asiik"as
1979:354): AI. kus, Sid. kose, Or. kosi'dirt'. k"astara h-1I"'t: 'sweep, cleanse, wipe away, 'speckled, variegated, multicolored, spotted, kataf. (yak/af) h1-.t 'bind firmly, lie up';
get rid of debris, dust (and so on), purify, black and white (horse, cow)'; takatfa (K '), passive;
kos~. 1111", (M 432 going back to k'asha) prune (trees), correct'; (!"bra k"asiik",s 'of variegated colors); katuj'bound firmly, tied up';
'make peace with one another' is given by'M lak"'aslara, passive; k"atfar, kutfar, (T) brfar 'binding (n), bond,
ETHIOPIC: Amh. k"'iisiikk"'iisii 'paint something multi.
on the authority of Tayy;;, but Tayy;; has only kK"astiiri, act. part. of k"'aslara; colored, speckle'. tie' ,.
the meaning of k'asha •
mentioned above • k'astur, pass. part. of k"astara; also 'dir!' (that SEMITIC: Ar. ka/afa 'lie tbe hands behind the back'.
is, 'what is swept'); kasata (yaksar) hIP.,. 'uncover, disclose, lay Soq. kIf; but also a metathesis in: PbH. ktipat 'tie',
k"ask"asa h-1Ih-tl; see k'ask'asa.
kK"aslar 'sweepings'; bare, expose, reveal, make manifest, divulge, Aram. kapal, Syr. kapal'form into a knot" Md. kPl
k".}skotas, k''";lSk''"ast (pI. k"asiik"asl, k"'asiiklt"asl k"asriir (K') 'sweepings'; discover, open (eyes, mouth, box)'; 'tie, bind'-. Akk. kapatu 'become compact'.
k:as~k:as) tt~tt;1I : ttllttll.r 'pitcher, po!';' mak"'astiir 'rubbish heap, sweepings, refuse, rakasla, passive; also 'be visible, appear, un- ETHIOPIC: Amh. kUlfat~a ad 'hands bound behind
k asak asa may watenng trough'; (TS.K) broom, (L.D) twigs (serving as a cover oneself; the back' (from Geez). See also kaltaJa.
broom), (L) snuffers for a candle'; kaSiiti, act. part. of kasata;
ETHIOPIC: Tna. k"ask"asti 'phial of glass or metal', katolikii, kototikii M·/I. ... j 11-1'/1. ... 'Catholic';
maklt"astar, (Lt) mak"'aslar 'broom, snuffers'; (kasate bar"iin 'illuminator');
Amh. k~ask";}st 'water jug'; also in Cushitic: Kham. from Gk. katholikos; also Te.Amh. katoUk, Tna.
kuskusa, Af. kuskusti. ETHIOPIC: Tna. kWdstiirii 'sweep, wipe off, filter', Te. kasur (fem. kasall) 'revealed, uncovered, bare,
ka/olik, Har. kotaUk.
k>t"iisliira 'sweep away', Amh. k"'asa/liirii 'wipe off, manifest, obvio us, dear, evident, public, open
kose. "'Il.A (0), kiise'e "'1l.1\. (L), kasil, kas'u, sweep away', Our. kostarra 'filtered'. See also kM"a· (eye), visible'; katama I h1-"" (T.Y.M) 'seal, stamp, close,
kisl. hl\.A : hllil' , h.1I1\. (T.M), Hebrew sara. (kasu/a, ba-kasut 'visibly, openly, obviously, vaccinate, tattoo, incise'; (Amh. a!iiqqiirii giv-
month, publicly, plainly');
k"asaya I (yak"si) h-1It' 'separate, divide, in---> en by Y as the translation of G. katama means
transcnplion of Heb. kisJew. kasurawi (Gr) 'pertaining to being revealed'; 'tattoo' rather than 'be black', as rendered
validate, abrogate, rescind, repel, abolish, de- kasir 'disclosure" , by M);
"'atama 298
299 _______________ ~~
rakalm,l 'be vaccinated, be tattooed'; (in the abstain, detain, determine a boundary
meaning 'dlsgui~e oneself' takatm~ is the tr~n~ kete Je m 1\,m.1>,9" (OT) 'house';
"Cnption t.."'If Ar. ta~altama, accordmg to GUIdi
make an enclosure, surround'; ,
W Muller su~gests: With reserV'dlloni, a borrOWing
(karara bii&ra 'build a dam');
. Gk khetli;m, a wrong tranSCription of Heb.
. . d· f b from Ar ta~a.l"ala conceive ec(tntn\.: Ideas
(ba'iila kararii 'eve of Epiphany', celebrated on bii!im resulting from a mlsrea mg 0 ~ as:> k.
kJlmdr 'seahng, (T) sign, (Lt) obligation'; kawlala hfDo/l/l (Lt) 'become gtddy'.
the 10th of T~rr; . so called because of the kotme I>'I'''J (T.M), ~'!Jne li'l'''J (D) 'mallow Stt *kolala. >aMnla/a. '
from Ar halama 'seal'; also Te. (>ajktiima 'make practice of dammmg a stream to fonn a
pond); (ki~d of herb)';
an end', . kalmiil 'end', Amh. (ajkiittiimii 'be
finished. come to an cnd', Tna. kiiliimii 'be finished'; rrom Ar. ai!miyy. kawama hmoo (MA) 'burst';
kariirit, fern. of kariiri (T+) 'lion's den' lit
Tc kJlnta 'seal', Amh. kiltlamii 'print'; in Cushitlc: 'thal which bars, encloses'; , . SEMITIC perhaps Ar kiima 'cover (an animal)' lAm.
Sa. kalim 'seal' (n.). See also kalama II. kitrogawlos, ke!"o, gawlos 1t'l'C'1fDoll-lI i bros).
SEMITIC; connected with the root klr 'surround \l.TC' ' 1(1)-11-11 bastn, bowl, Jar, kind of
katama /I h+"" (Lt) 'assign a garrison' (de- make a hedge', a meaning that developed inl~ measure, kwn, kona (y.kun) I>~ 'be, become, there ",
nominative); 'prohibit access': Heb. kilter 'surround', Md. ktr there was, exist, happen, OCcur, come into
'detain, retain', rrom Gk. khYlrogaulos 'kind of pot'.
rakarma (Lt) 'camp, be encamped, (Y) move being, come to pass, take place, be done be
here and there'; ETHIOPIC: Tna.Gur. kiitiirii 'prohibit, prevent, forbid katiiriiqii!en hllJt.?m.') (Lt) 'pelican'; permissible'; with object suffix pronoun,' 'be
kalama 'extremity, utmost, tip, top, summit; access', Har. xiiliira, Tna. kiittiirii 'make a dam see' qa!Oraq!en, and kaliiriiqiilelt. sufficient (for), be enough (for), behoove (to)'
camp, mJlitary camp'; make a fenced-in place', Te. kiitra 'surround, mak~ Note that the predicate noun or adJecttve wtth
blulII (Lt) 'conscripted'; a hedge', Amh. kiittiirii 'screen, surround with a kOat.tme tt'l''I''''1 (T.M) 'cotton plant'
, , kona 'become' is used in the accusative; e.g.,
fence, dam a flowing stream'; passed into Cushillc'
k"mar (Lt) 'conscription'; Qem. kiitiir 'dam up, embank', , kOl/a n.guia 'he became king',
kawaf. (yakuf) hlDL (Gr.267) 'draw (water)',
ErnloPlc' Tc.Tna.Amh.Gur. kiiliima 'military kona + imperfect expresses habttual actton In
'akofa, (L) 'akll'afa 'collect (liquid that falls the past;
camp, city', Har. In kiltambar; 'gate of the com- katar, htr, kOatarit, kotarit, k'~tirit h;t-c , into a receptacle), (L) draw forth, (T) cause a kana + perfect expresses the pluperfect,
pound' (from kaliim/aj ban); Tna kiitliimii 'estab-
lish a permanent camp'. However. it is also possible
h..,.c • h-h~')- , I>;t-,:..,. l tttt."", (Lt) k.tar puddle to form';
:akolla, :akona kawino 'whoever, whatsoever.
that the onginal meamng of kalama is 'compound'
h+C, (Gr.264) htor h.y.c 'capital of a pillar, SEMtTtC: Ar. (Ia)kawwa!a 'assemble (people)'. Note whatever happens, whosoever he may be',
(Gr) crown, wreath of flowers'; that D,IImann 866 suggests reading yiiK'akhju 'they
(as 10 Har kiiliimhiin 'gate {bari! of the compound lakawana (K') 'be fintshed',
(,alim,!) and could be denved from kalama I 'seal', transcription of Gk. khotar, kholharelh, from Heb. accept, they receive' (see wkj) instead of yiikawK"afu. 'akol/a (D t432) 'cause to be',
that 'close In' Ludolf 402 (followed by D,IImann
IS, kogrn 'capital (of pillar)'; also Amh. k"iilaril 'caPI- ETHIOPIC: Tna. ('a)/sojii 'collect the urine or cows'. kon 'sufficiency'; the attested example tS that
852) Identifies kalama 'camp, military camp' with tal of a column' (from Geez). of the 1st pers, sg" that is, kon.ya 'it is suf-
kOlamii 'extremity, top', stating, "vulgo vocantur h'l'hofl""; see kokab,
ficient for me'; or would it be from kana With
'castra regina', scil. swnma", that is, 'top, summit'. kataraqa!en h;t-t.?m. '}; see kariiriiqii!en, a not-attested suffix pronoun of the 1st per;on';
kawiikah, h'l'h'}'; see k"'ak'ah.
k.tin h;t-'} 'flax, linen, cloth, tunic'; kawiil/i, act. part. of kana;
from Ar kaltan 'linen' (for Its Aramaic origin, see
kit J, kalta (yakrat) h+ (K·) 'cut in little
kiwakilu 1t1D1t1\- (KG) 'small house'
kawanit, hll'iinit (pI. kawiin.yiit, [KG] kenOliit)
pieces, beat'; 'creature, being, image, column, obelisk, that
Fracnkel 4:!; for Its Persian ongin, see Vollers
1896:647), also Amh. hlan 'hnen', Som. kilan. In SEMtTIC; Ar. (Dat) kafl 'demolish, cut down', Heb. kawwala hm/l 'form the rearguard, htde'; which is a place of rest (that,s, that which
the other SemitiC languages: Heb. kuttonrJ 'tunic', kala] 'crush fine, crush to pieces', Aram. katle! serves for something)';
takawwala 'stay behind, remain behmd, follow
Aram. kiUiinti, Sn. kellinii. Md. kitana 'linen', 'pound, crush', Ug. kfl 'beaten (copper)', Akk. kala. behind, be the rearguard';
kaw 'established';
Ug.Ph kIn, Akk '"i.
k'flnlu (conSIdered to be of
Sumerian origin). For Gk, khilon 'undergarment,
lu 'be short' (from a meaning 'be cut down').
ETHIOPIC: Te. kiilkiita 'hurt, beat', Tna. kiitkiitii
kJWw.1 (K') 'who remains behind'; kawin 'being (n), nature';
kaw;IlG 'condition, quality';
kawalii, kawiilii, k'iilii, (Gr.465) k"awiilii 'be-
coat' borrowed from SemItic, see Masson 29. For 'cut', Amh. kiitiikkiitii 'cut in little pieces, chop up kJwwGlle 'being, origin, generating, essence,
hind, hind part, back part, rearguard';
more details on thiS root, see Baumgartner 480-1. (wood)" Gur. kiJlokiitii 'break into pieces', kiitra existence, nature, statute, condition, quality,
'break bread in half' (from kt'), k'iiCle 'hashed kawala, kawiilii (adv) 'in the rear, afterwards,
Latapa h+T (T.M) 'write'; meat' (from kIY). later on, in the back';
hrap (T.M) 'wnting'; kunat, k"anar 'bemg (n), commg about, origm,
SEMITIC: related to Ar. (Ia)kayyala 'keep on the essence, mode, situation, station';
see ka/aba. kit II, kalta h+ (K·) 'gather'; rear' (Dillmann 860). makiin (pI. makalliit) 'place, space, room, occa-
'askatata (Lt) 'mobilize' (from Amharic); ETHIOP1C: Te. kJwaJ 'rearguard', kiiwwiiln 'hide', . ,
SlOn ;
btip h;t-T (T) 'wood, tree, bramblebush'; Amh. h. .·ala 'behind', Gur.f'·iilii, with k" > *w > f
ETHtoPtc: Te. kiifla (kll) 'call together', 'akliila (makiina 'in the place [of])'; ,
ETHloPlc perhaps Amh. kiiliib. 'fond of tree'. (Praetorius 1879:522; Leslau 1979:231); also Tn •.
'gather', Tna. kiiliilii 'gather, be mobi lized',
kiiwwiilii 'hide, protect' from an original meaning
makiiniit (pI. of makan) 'oratory;
Latara h+.: (T Y) 'curtam off, screen from Amh.Gur. kiittiitii 'gather, mobilize troops', Har. 'stand behind to protect'. SEMITIC: Ar. kiina 'be, exist', SAr. Kwn 'be, occur',
Vie", bar, prohibtt, forbid access, hinder, stop, xiitiita 'store'; also in Cushitic: Sa.Af. kal 'gather,
come together'.
Mh. kan 'be', Heb. kwn (hif'll) 'be firmty esta~
--. kwl, takewala +h.ID/I (T) 'foretell, predict'; Iished', Aram. ken 'so, thus', Syr. kan 'be, eXist,
kllt.nim 300
kiYi_ ~yd 301
Md, kan, Ph . Ug. kn ' be', Akk. kimu 'be firmly -
m placC'. last ',
SEMITIC Ar. ( ta )kawwasa 'be thrown upside dow' I ked. (yakid) h.~ 'tread , tread down,
ETHIOPIC Tna. ()ak )kawiisii 'stir up' Te k .?' kyd 'I trample down , thresh (by treading)' ,. containing the t h·
ETHIOPIC: Tna.Gur. konii 'be ', Te. >i.. kofl 'no', , . o,sQSQ tramp e, days bee h eac IIlgs of Jesus dunng the 40
(from a root kss or from ks with reduplicat .
AmhGaf. Ilonii (with k > Iz), Arg. hona, Har. :clina: . , 100 of
the last radical) , kus bela move'. Amh. kiiw ," .. lakeda, same; also 'make tread, make h. Ore t e resurrection): ror a bibhogra~
al~o 10 Cushitic : Bil. kUfl 'be', Sa. karl. P }, see Hammerschmidt_SIX 1983 :62 ;
's hk · 'R
a e, stir ·· hI89 5: 149 compares Be "USa
. emlSC k" trample'; .
'stir'. The root is perhaps to be identified With' k Us kayda, paSSIve; ETHIOPIC: Tna, kidan ' .•
kawinim I, II h'l't9"; see kamanim l. II. ( tii )kaYl'iidti 'enter ' pact, c.o"enam , Amh
II. ~ ra _ do 'tread one upon another, trample';
lakOl'a kidan ' pact,
. treaty'. Into a pact wah one another' '
kawinim III h'l't9" (KG) 'priestly garment'; cd,· act. part. of keda ;
kws fl, k wasa IJ..() (T.M), for kosa 11() 'sepa_ kaya ' '.
ka 'yud 'trodden down , . ,
undoubtedly confusion with kamanint (see above),
the fonn kamanim being corrupt from kamam .
rate, sweep, destroy';
see also kws J.
k~'ad (LI) 'tramplmg, treadmg ; kyd llJ, ked. h.f. 'rob';
-d 'something trodden down' ; could it be for ~Jeda, above, with k > II? W Miiller
k"'awanaw ho"'~'tIJ-o; see k"'lJ1tif. km'a
·d I 'treading down, steppmg,. f'
ootstep ; suggests Ar. kado (kyd) 'outWit, deceive , plot'
kawsata hw-()+ (L) 'mix';
~a:ayad, makyad, (Lt) makayad (pI. makiiyad)
k..p, kopa I1T (MA) 'create'; denominative from *kawsat, from kawasa (see kws 'footstool, stool, step, platform, footpnnt, base kiyiihok h..I'Uh, (K') kiyiik h..fh, the fourth
kop (MA) 'creator', I). See also kosola.
COPtic month (corresponding to G, toMii.i) ;
(of a column or of an altar), sole of foot, foot
kwr, kora 11.: (K*) 'carry, load'; (as measure), shoe' ; . from Copt.k_khoiahk , kiahk ; also C'hr.-Ar. -ki)'ahk .
kawawa (yakwaw) hmm (T.Y.K) 'hasten, hurry
kyiid (pI. makyiidiit) 'trampmg-ground, See also kJyarq-", kKiJrJ'iiq~' j, qaryiiq"w.
denominative from kor ·saddle'. be quick, be swift, be agile, be smooth (words)' ,;"3mpled ground, threshold, threshing floor,
lie, cheat';
:~nepress, oil press, footprint, foot (as meas-
kawr hw-C 'furnace', (T) = Amh. agodo 'pit kyn I, kena h.~ (K') 'be sharp, be clever' ,
kawaw 'rapid, energetic, swift, agile, smooth
In which the blacksmith melts iron'; (words)' ; ure)'; a denominative from kin, created by KWK
(makyada wayn 'winepress); ,
SEMITIC :Ar. kur 'blacksmith's furnace', Heb. kiir, kalVaw (K) 'rapidity, speed, agility';
(makyada 'akl 'threshmg floor ); kyn +hn (T.M) ' be covered' ,.
Aram.-Syr. klira. Zimmem 32 derives it, with reser- ETHIOPIC: Amh. kiiwwa 'wandering'. . II,
. taksyana
vations. from Akk. kuru (not so von Soden 512; SEMITIC: related to Ar. kadda 'press hard', Ar. mlspnnt for takadana ''''hf.~ ,
Kaufman 65). There is also a form klr (Heb.Ar) kay IJJ'. (0 1407) 'precious stone'. kadid 'ground trampled upon' (Dillmann 872). The
considered an Akkadian loanword according to von connection with Heb. klgOIl 'dart' suggested by Buhl
k"oyiinow li-.fJlD- , k'ayiinow ll-,f'}lD-; see
Soden 484. but not accordmg to Kaufman 65. )4) and Koehler 433 is unlikely. k"'iniit.
kiya- h.!- with nominal suffix pronouns
ETHlOPIC: Tna.Amh. kiiwr 'furnace, melting pot'; ETHIOPIC: Te. keda ·tread upon', Tna. kiidii 'walk',
Cushitic: Af. kiir borrowed from Arabic. expresses the personal pronoun as direct ob.
AmhGur. hedii (with k > h) 'walk, go', Arg. hcdo,
ject; it is used for special emphasis, e.g. kiyti-ya Har. xlga 'stamp, trample'; passed into Cushitic: kiyiirq" h..fC"'" (T), the fourth Coptic
kawra, kora hw-.: , 11.: (Gr.267), ka .... ara
hm.: (K *) 'steer a ship';
'me', kiya-hu 'him, it, the very same'. It is also
followed by a noun in the accusative: e.g, kiyii-
I Sa. kayad 'tread upon'. month;
see kiyiih,k.
lakaH'lI'ara 'steer a ship, keep a steady helm, hii m.dra 'even it, the land', that is, 'the land
(T) turn, go back and forth'; itself'. At times it takes the place of a demon- kyd II, >skeda hh.~ 'take testimony (of wit-
ness)' ; *kys, see 'akiSI h h.1l-r,
SEMITIC : Ar. (South Arabia) kawwara 'place a strative pronoun; e.g. ba-kiya-hom mawQfiJ/ 'in
boat in the water'. those days', kiyii-ha lelita 'on that night'. The lakayada 'stipulate, demand a promise, enter
ETHIOPIC: for "turn', cpo Amh. ( fiin)kiiwarriira. 'wan- direct object may also be expressed with the into a confederacy, make a treaty, form an kaysi (pI. >akYJsI) hf.()' 'serpent, dragon';
der while searching'. object suffix pronouns attached to the verb alliance, make a pact, make a covenant, be ETHIOPIC: Te. kiiys 'snake', Tna, kii~'ifS, kiiy.ti,
and with kiya-; e.g" kiyaka laSiihalakka 'he bound by a covenant, promise, pledge'; Amh. kii,'si (from Geez),
ka .. wara hm.: (K *) 'set traps, catch fish'. was gracious to you' (possibly with emphasis); (lakayada kidiina 'make a treaty');
the derivation of kiyii from k"'.I.yiil (pI. of k"alit)
'Qstaktiyada, causative of takiiyada; also 'unite kiiyse IJJ'./l, (T ' ) 'liver';
k .. s I, kawasa, kosa hm() i 11() (T. Y.M) 'agitate, by covenant';
'kidneys' > 'self suggested by Praetorius, ZDMG could it be a corrupt fonn of kiifs{' (see above)
stir, incite, shake, mingle, mix'; kidim 'covenant, pact, treaty, testimony, alli-
27 (1873). 640 is not convincing. Note that for a 'contents of the stomach' and possibly also 'stom-
'akosa, 'akosa, (T) 'akll'asa 'move (tr), con- noun with suffix pronouns used as a pronoun he ance, will, testament, promise made by God to ach', as ill Te, kii<as 's-tomach'? For 'stomach' and
found, trouble, perturb, disturb'; quotes Tna. nass-u 'he' from niifsu 'his soul', or Ihe Virgin'; 'liver', cp. G. kiibd 'liver' and Amh. hod « kdMI
lakaH'sa, takawsa, passive; also 'move (intr), Amh. assu, arsu 'he' from ra'su 'his head'. It would (kidiin balil wahaddiis

'Old and New Testa- 'stomach'.
be turned away_ blaze'; seem that kiya- comes from *ka-'a, to be compared ment');
lakiill'asa 'be perturbed, be moved (tossed) with zi'a- from za- (see also Rundgren 1955: 188). (kidall a m'(lrat 'testament [pact] of grace'
As for ka it is perhaps a prepositional element (cp.
kiza h." (T.M) 'arrow';
here and there'; [epithet of Mary]), promise made to a saint to
Amh. kii) which becomes in Geez an element for the W. Muller suggests an Arabic origin: !Ii;ii', pI. of
hwwus, pass. part. of kawasa; grant all the prayers performed in his name');
expression of the direct object. hi::wa, huzwa 'arrow'; however, Ar.!t becoming k in
(ma,(a)ha/a kidan 'the Book of the Covenant' io~nw~rd's is not nonnaL
hub.1 hnllA (T) 'measure of grain '. -
kzr, tahir +'lIlC (Tl 'souvenl' r
brance'; , rernern.
huma hnOD (MA) = Amh. diilliisii ' repair
somethmg broken by pla~tering over the metathesis of the root zkr. zaka,.a , lazkir 'rem
bra nee.. em·
crad. s, anoint the hair, anOInt the balI wIth
butter and plaster down the hair with it'. kazara hn.: (MA) 'migrate, be Uprooted '.

L "
I. II 'to, toward, for, to the advantage of, with
regard to, accord,mg t?, .of (as 111 bet-u la-nagus la'k (fern. /Q,.kt) 'messenger, servant, attend-
'the king's house, Itt. hIs-house of-tor to) the- ant, deacon, minister, apostle';
la>iiki, liilki, same ;
king'; for more details, see Dillmann 1907 :
391-2; Lambdin 44-5) ; la'uk 'sent, messenger, apostle, cantor (ecclesias_
tIC) of lower rank",
it indicates purpose : e.g. sannay la bali· 'good
to eat'; mabak (pI. ma/Q'akl) 'messenger, angel, gover-
it serves for the expression of the direct comple- nor, prefect, prince, chief, captain, ruler,
commander' ;
ment (see Dillmann 1907 :391);
mabakiiwi (Gr.37) 'angelic';
la- prefixed to the jussive expresses a wish, a
command or an injunction; e.g. la-yakun bar- mal(a),.kt 'letter, message, epistle, duty, bUsi-
hiin 'let there be light!' ; ness, service, cult, mission, ministry, function ,
office, legation';
for la- with the suffix pronouns, see Dillmann
1907:406; see also lita; (ma, ( a) ~a/a mal( a) 'akl 'message');
lalaliiki 'servant, minister, deacon';
lalla- (repeated la) expresses the distributive,
lala'ako( I) 'service, serving' ;
'(at, for) every, each'; e.g. lalla ba·al 'at every
feast' ; SEMITIC : Ar. 'a/'aka 'send' (for mabak 'angel ' bor.
with suffix pronouns the base is lalli-, lalla-; rowed from G . mabak, see Jeffery 269), Heb. ma/.ats
e.g. lallaya 'for my part', lallihu 'he himself, he 'messenger, angel' , Aram , Syr, mat'a/pi, Md. m( aJla.
ka, Ph , mJ.k, Ug, t'k 'send" mlak 'messenger'. For
alone', and so on (see Dillmann 1907:344,
374); G. mabakt 'business, service', cpo Heb. mala(' J!sii
'work, job'. As for Heb. m.lii (')~ii 'service' (from
SEMITIC and EnnoPlc : la, Ii, {tI, Te. >a/. For this "k 'send'), Kopf 152 compares Heb. miSla~ yag
particle in Semitic, see Brockelmann 1913 : 377ff; in 'undertaking', from il~ 'send'. On Heb. ma/.a~ ,
Ethiopic, see Leslau 1956:51 , 149. For the expres- malii(') ~ii, see Barr 160.
sion of the distributive, see Dillmann 1907:373-5. ETHIOPIC: Te. lii'aka 'send', Tna. tiilalsa, Amb. Gar.
GUf. laka, Arg. lanaka, Hac. la'axa , taxa; Amh.
lo'ofo (yal'a/) flh.r. (T) 'take a morsel, gulp, 1.'Uk 'envoy' (from Geez). For G. mal'ak, see Noel-
eat avidly'; deke 1910:34. The root passed into Cushitic : Sa . liik
/tif, (T) lai'food, morsel, bait, (K) soft food'; 'send'. See also mt'k.
SEMITIC: Ar. la'ifa 'eat becomingly', Soq. Ii 'eat'. la·d fI{)f: (T) 'butter' ;
ETHIOPIC ; Amh. la/ii 'swallow without chewing, eat misprint for lasd flllf: .
quickly'; also in Cushitic : Som. Af. /Q'at ' bait', Sa.
/a,if. la'ala (yal·al) flOII, 100Ia AM 'be high, be
superior, be elevated';
lo'oko (yal'ak) flhh 'send, commission'; ·alrala, 'alarala 'lift up, raise, elevate, exalt,
lal.'ka 'be sent, serve (lit. 'be senf), assist, be extol' ; .
employed, minister, administer'; la/a</a, talarala, tatarala, (T) talalala 'rise, rise
lalii'aka 'correspond' (that is, 'send messages to up, raise oneself, be raised, be lifted, ascend,
one another');
be superior, be exalted, be extolled' ;
li,I.... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~3::.:0:..:4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~I.~b~b.~b~
'iQ .... 'ald'a/a 'extol'. 'al'ola (by assimilation <o/<alii) 'raise' are deno . labesit
. ,
'o.Haliitala 'raise up, help to raise lip : tives. Sec also ~al'ala. mma_ t.bbub 'knowing, prudent, perspicacious, atten-
Io-.i/i. a(l. part. of /O(Olcl; tive, moderate, soothed, quiet'; labaka /lOh (MA) 'touch, reach';
la'lo's "j)A~ (K. Y.M), la'lo's "'-A>, (T) 'stam_
/."111 (frm. le'Jlt) 'Iugh, upper, lofty, elevated,
mer, stutter;
I,bbabannli 'prudence, moderation, presence of ~EMITIC: Ar. lobaka 'mix' (which is done by touch
,upenor. Most HIgh, exalted';
'a/ae/,J<a (Gr), causative;
mind' ; 109), Amm.-Syr. I'ila~ ·Iay hold of. hold fasl' -
Ili'I'the above, height, elevation': IJbbawi 'pertaining to the mind, rational'; ETHIOPIC: Te. liibbiika 'rub in'.
1tJ-/u 'above, upward'; la/ii</iJra 'stammer, stutter';
/.bbubiiwi 'pertaining to knowing, prudent,
/iic/ii( 'stammerer, stutterer'; lobn A1l1 'storax tree" ,
(~<I-/,NII ·upon it, at its top'); that comes from the heart (feelings, words)';
('.l1l1-IiNu 'from rhe top'); /O(/o(a /;;SSiill, /iir/(JeQ /(Jssiin 'stammerer" 'albabi 'who gives intelligence'; (maya labn 'storax'. lit 'water [sap] of the
, storax tree');
(:a-lii'lu 'upper, the upper olle'); SEMITIC':Ar. loga (lgw), lagiya 'make mistakes i SEMITIC: AI. lubb 'hearl', SAr. Ib, Soq. 'ilbib, Heb.
liNa ·aoo\·e. ag3insl, on, upon, over, about. spcaking, talk nonsense', Heb. In (or hv'?) 'stutter'~ leb, Aram. libba, SYI. lebba, Md. liba, Ug. Ib, Akk. ~EMITJC: Ar.
storax tree'.
lubnii 'storax', SAr. lbny, Heb. libnr
cOTlcerning'; with suffix pronouns the fonn is possibly related to Ar. laglago 'stamme r', Aram.' Ubbu. For the denominative, cpo Heb. Ibb (nif<al)
/iNe-; ligle., Syr. la.lelf, Md. lag, fig, and 'Ig, I<g: Heb. 'become understanding'. Delitzsch 89 explains the ETHI~~IC: Amh. labn 'myrrh' (from Geez); also
'il/eg 'stammer", Syr. I,'e. (Brockelmann 1928: 368 CUShltlC: Af. lawin. louwin.
(ha-I,]</a 'aoove, on high. upon, in, by, roo t Ibb (libbu 'hearl') through Akk. lababu 'in
under /;reg). '
through, agains"), unruhiger Bewegung sein, aufgeregt scin'; however,
Tna. IOflii(e 'stammer', Amh. la>/a. the translation of Akk. labfibu 'rage' (CAD, vo1.9, lobne ~,ll~:kind of tree'; T renders it by Amh.
('>II1-IeNa 'from above, from on high, from'); ETHIOPIC':
'tongue·tied' (from Geez); note Te. lar/ii-a 'speak in p. 7), 'wuten' (von Soden 521) does not seem to I,mba, a kind of palm tree'; KG renders it by
/11 1,11(, 'height, altitude. summit';
an animated way'. ravor this explanation. Amh. lamf/1;J{ 'a kind of tree whose twigs are
I,'"bnlltl ·height, exaltation, (LI) high rank'; used as toothbrushes'.
I,Ndy. l,i'lii'lIl 'upper, high, superior'; ETHIOPIC: Te. [iibba (lbb) 'be intelligent, be clever',
Is'at /I'}-l- 'hilt, haft, handle';
liJfuliiwi. /U'illiiwi 'high, upper. superior. sub- Tna. liibiibii, Amh. liibbiibii, denominatives from lobbuna Art'i; see labbawa.
la'ala (K ') 'make a handle, put mto•
the Ib(b) 'hearl': Te.Amh.GuI. labb 'hean', Tna. I,bbi,
lime, ascendant': handle' (denominative);
ma/fiil Arg. I,b(b); passed into Cushitic: Bil. IibM 'pru-
'c!C\ ated place. summit'; labss (yalbas) /lllt'l 'clothe oneself, put on
ETHIOPIC; Te. Tna. lii(at 'hand le (of a knife)', Amh. dence'. See also labbawa.
ma/'ali, 'ahili 'who elevates'; clothes, wear'; also 'clothe (e.g. labsa la'ad-
lar: also in Cushitic: Sa. local. dam 'he clothed Adam');
ma/(,l/ 'who raises, who elevates': labads /lOy' (KBT 17) 'plug, cover with a coat-
mal"'/o (D 14c6) 'upward, above': lobb Al1; see labbaba. ing of plaster or dung, cover with a sticky 'a/basa 'clothe, dress';
m,l/'JI 'summit'; su bstance' ; talabsa, passive, reflexive;
mal,.11 'upper part of everything. height, high lib;; II.fJ 'south, southwest, (Gr.28) sirocco'; talabasa 'disguise oneself, put on ostentatious
SEMITIC: Ar. labida 'stick, cleave', perhaps SAr. Imd clothes' ;
place, higher part, top'; from Gk. liba (acc. of lips 'south'); also in Te. liba (?) 'harden (a surface) with cement" (Biella 260)
ma/~<}/ta 'on, abo\·e. over. upward, on top of'; 'southwest wind', Tna.Amh. Iiba -northeast, si- 'coa t with plaster'. 'aslallibasa (GI.29) 'clothe several persons';
""/'all 'high place': rocco', Syr. {fila 'southwest wind'; for Ar. labag, ETHIOPIC: Te. labd 'ointment for the hair'; Tna.
labasi, act part of labsa;
la/,'<alol ·helght, excellency'; likewise from Gk., see Dozy II 510. Idbada 'gl ue (the griddle) with mud', Amh. labbada labus (fern. I.bast ) 'dressed, clothed';
'plug, paste on'; related to laba!a, see below. labs (pI. 'albas, labsat, 'albasat) 'clothes, gar-
lababs (plb,b) /lOll (K 'J 'put on a halter or
Sn.IITIC. Ar 'alii 'go up', SAr. ~/y. Soq. 'evli 'be headstall' ;
ment, apparel, tunic, curtain (of court), silk
hi!!h'. Her.. 'alii ('~I" 'go up, ascend', Aram. (alii, All.l:' (GI.400) 'horse blanket'; veil of oblation in the church';
'aft; 'g~l up'_ S) r 'tllIi (pace!) "raise', Akk. etu 'go up'. either from Amh. liibbiibii or from Ar. labbaba /absal (n.) 'dressing, clothing';
'tighten the breast collar on a horse'; also in Tna.
from Ar. libd; also PbH. I~P~<J 'felted stuff', Te.
F Rundgren. Onfl/{Il/ia 28 (1959), 364ff. compares I,bdal 'saddle pad', Tna. labdi, Amh. I,M 'albasi, rnalbasi (OL29) 'who clothes';
the Ak kaJlan ff'lml Ilth-II'I 'rise, fHise oncseJr. a /_ Idbiibii, Te. labab 'front strap of the saddle of the rnalbas, malbast (pI. rnallibas) 'clothing, gar-
form fH1m ·ukhi < ·/0"11/01 "> ·'erclf(wlth aggluti- mule', Gur. I,bab 'headstall'. . ,
lab~a /111'" (T.Y. MA) 'make earthenware, ment. tumc, cover;
lated I. 'r" hlLI-t S(,C' hela,",), from a root .,,(1'
Isbbaba /100 (T.Y) 'understand, be intelligent, work iron'; SEMITIC: Ar. labisa 'wear, put on a gannent', SAr.
Prcpmlli0n 'on.:lbOh" AT 'ala. SAr. N (for the
tnlltal I, "L"C Ethi('PIC bcl0W), Heb Syr. Aram. '01. be perspicacious, pay attention' (denominative 'albaha (Gr), causative: Ib51. Mh. /fbes, Heb. taqei, iapas, Aram.-Syr. /apes,
\Id. al. from labb); lab~ (T) 'clay, (G.r) earthenware'; Md.Ug. 1M, Akk. labiislI.
fTHIOPK N arose from the preposition /0 aggluti- labb (pI. 'albab) 'heart, mind, understanding, lab~ii 'eart henware, an earthen vessel'; ErnloPlc: Te. labsa 'dress', Tna.Gur. liibiisii.
Amh.Gaf. labbasa, Arg. labbasa, Hal. labasa.
nated to the root '/r'
. Te lu'al 'on, above" Tna. /;}./i, intellect, consciousness, ideas: middle' (as in laba~, laba~i (TS), laba~liwi, lab~liwi (D)
Gur la/a, Amh IJ'Il/ 'hIgh, exalted. prince' (from labba blihr 'heart of the sea, middle of the 'potter' ;
Ibs, 'slb;;s hAfJll (T) 'body of troops, princes':
(icez). The final t IS palatalized In Amb. lay 'on, sea) ; ETHIOPIC: Amh. liibah 'clay, brick' (from Geez), See
abo,c. Har. /a'a.!, GaL la.~M (for which see Leslau (balabb 'by heart'); also lab~awa. the root is perhaps ·lbs.
Iq5~q). I'or the agglutinalion of the I, cp. SYI. 1,'01 (t'(lUta I,bb 'modest'; takkuza l,bb, l;azuna lab,b
'tip"ard, abo\.., SAr N. Md. '" (see Semllic. above). Isbesat /I/l,I'I-l- (KD 1399) 'caldrons';
'sad, afflicted': dakuma labb 'discouraged; lab~aw. /ll1"'w (Y) 'make earthenware';
The lerbs of G. la'ala 'be high·, Tna. la'alii. Te. from Gk. lebb 'caldron', with the Geez plural
'abbuya I,bb 'haughty, arrogant'); denominative from loblJii or lablJawi; see lab~la. marker -iii. See also balbisat.
• 306
Itf lifaql 307
lab.!a It'.lb't) t\l1m 'overlay (with m~tal, labh.wanna (K 0) 'intelligence, wiSdom

- tagn
wood), plate, gild, smear (with a coatmg) ; dence'; , pru· which is buried with the dead in order
lagab. /\111 (T.Y.M) 'sew, patch, tnm the ed~e
names . h E'
'alba la, causative; lalabbawi, part. of ~a/abbawa; ble their entry mto eaven: see unnger,
to ena
. talia 9 (1940). 7699'
- . L"f
a gren, OS II of the leather, be superficially healed': note
talahta, pass. of labata; also 'welter (in one's Orten .
malabbaw 'teacher'; also participle of 'alab_
(1962).95-120; E.A. Walhs Budge, The Bandlet that Amh. lliggiimii (translatIon of G. laga~<I
labari (Gr,35), act. part. of laba!a; . 01 Righteousness [London, 1929], Walker 21, gIVen by Y 324) also means 'be inactive, be
l.bll! (fern. I.b.t!, for I.b.!t) 'overlatd, plated, denominative either directly from labb 'heart' lazy, shnnk', meanings that come close to 'be
smeared with a coating'; from a fonn such as labbaw; 'rational'. The denom~~ superficially healed';
natives formed with final ~wa are frequent forma. r Ic; Ar. laffa 'wrap up, roll up', PbH. MUaU
I,I>!al 'act of overlaying, plating';
tions in Geez; cpo ga~.Jawa. from gaJ.J. For laM, see 'wrap', Aram. /apa~, Syr. Iap ,..,
S,"I Jom,
Md . Iup ( lpp), SEMITIC: perhaps Ar. lagamu 'sew' wtth aJlernancc
of labials (Ambros); ,
Sl::MJTJC perhaps related to Ar. lii!a (lwtJ 'plaster, labbaba, above. For other denominatives from liJbb Akk . lapapu 'wrap.
ErHlOPIe: Te. liiffiifa 'roll up, decree', Tna. lafiifii, ErHloPlc: Te. liigba 'patch', Tno.Amh. liiKKiiba, a
overlay with clay', Heb. liir (lw!) 'enwrap, envelop' cpo Tna.Amh. liibbiimii 'be intelligent, be prUdent' vanant of liiqqiibii.
(so also Armbruster 59, Leslau 1958; 28), with alter- be perspicacious', Gur. lebbiimii 'economize, b~ Amh liiffiifii
nancc b: 11'. thrifty', from labbam 'intelligent, careful', from labb' I.faqa I t\lo4' (D) 'adhere, r~ac~ by pursuing, lagaga t\n (T.Y.KBT 19) 'drool, produce sali-
va' ,.
ETHIOPIC: Te. liibbiita 'besmear, cover', Tna.Amh. Amh. liibbiiwii 'be intelligent' is taken from Geez:
See also labbaba. (T.Y.M) arrive, be near, receIve;
liibbiiro 'overlay (wiih metal, wood, etc)'. See also
labada. SEMITIC; Ar. ltifiqa 'obtain' (that is, 'reach Some. ~EMJTtC; Ar. (Yemen) laggat 'drool, drivel', lugag
labbiwi ':Vl'l! ; see laMaba. saliva, dnvel' (W. Muller).
thing'). .. , ,
• t\fl(ll1 'short, sleeveless tunic worn by ETHIOPIC: Te. (ra)lafaqa be pressed together (that ETHIOPIC: Amb. laggiiga; passed into Cushitic:
monks' ; labbaya t\l1f 'err, be ignorant, blunder, be . 'stick to one another), Gur. (tii)liiffiiqii 'be Qem. I~gag 'saliva'. Conti Rossini 1912:123 Com-
pares Qua, 10&, Bil. laq.
from Gk. leberollarion, same; also Amh. labironar;
undecided, be perplexed, offend'; IS,
pressed (people in a room ) , be crammed'
nar. See also lab;roniir. 'albaya 'induce into error, mislead, (T) make Igm, see rna/gam.
disappear' ; lafaqa 1I t\lo4' (K 0) 'be stained, be dirty, be
>alabbaya (KO), caus. of laMaya; smeared with dirt'.

t\fltfl"C 'short, sleeveless tUniC lagama t\1 00 (KBT 28) 'become inactive, work
(worn by monks)'; 'astalabbaya, (Gr.492) 'astalabaya 'consider slowly' ;
lafaqa 1Il t\lo4' (T) 'be distrustful, doubt';
something as arisen through error and reject it, Toa.Amh. liiggiima 'be inactive', Te .
from Ok. lebetonarion. same; also Amh. labironar; SEMITIC : perhaps Ar. laffaqa 'embelIish (a narration ETH10PIC:
see labitoll. make disappear, consider to be in error, be with lies), forge (a story),. liigma 'be incurable', Gur. liiggiimii 'work slackly'.
reckless, (K ') mislead';
labitos Mltflil (Lt), same as labi!onar. labbuy 'erroneous, arisen through error, reck- lafasa

t\loll 'knead, crush'; lag"ama (yalg"am) t\1-oo 'rein (v.), bridle,

less, blamed because of having been in error, talaha (K'), passive; curb, restrain, hold in check, shut off (denomi-
labbawa MIlD 'possess understanding, under- (T) lazy'; l'lu~ 'kneaded, mixed'; native from I,g"am);
stand, comprehend, perceive, be clever, be lahat 'kneading' (n.); la/gWama, causative; also 'rein, bridle, to si-
ETHIOPIC: Reinisch 1887: 250 compares Bil.Qua.
mindful, devise, take heed, beware'; lence' ;
/iib, Kham. lib 'fall, attack'. ETHIOPlc; Tna. liifii~ii 'plaster', Amh. liiffii!ii
'alabbawa, ca us. of labbawa; also 'instruct, 'knead'. See also laf!. la/ag"'ma, passive; also ' be silent, be quiet';
give understanding, make intelligent, (Gr.33) lad I:IY:, ladat I:IY.T; see walada. /ag"'iimi, act. part. of /ag"'ama; also 'groom';
inspire' ; laft A'i:T (T.D 1393) 'share, portion'; I.gllm (Gr) 'bridled, restrained. repressed, over-
loda /\-9; see Iwd. come' :
talabbawa 'be comprehended, be understoOd';. • •
perhaps derived from laJaya 'divide, share'.
labbaH'o 'inteIJigence, cleverness, prudence'; laffa t\lo; see Iff. lag"om (pI. lag"limat, 'alg"am) 'bridle, rein,
laf! t\'i:1' (T) 'evening meal'; halter, band, tie';
labbawi, see; also 'rational, intelligent,
who (that) reasons'; laCe t\J..; see fe, and lafaya. related to lafasa 'knead' (see above), or would it be malg"am (Gr) 'bridle'; 'wise, understanding, intelligent, lafeyat (Lt) 'sides'. a graphic confUSion with +'i''I' qaf!? malg"am, malg".mi (Lt) 'which curbs, which
comprehending, prudent, skilled, learned'; binds' ;
lafaya t\lof 'separate, divide, move here and
(I.bbawa 'skilfully'); lufi Irt. (T), first month of the year (maska- there, (Y) err'; ETHIOPIC: Noeldeke 1910:41 derives G. I.g'am
I.bbawe 'intelligence, prudence, mind, intel- ram 'September'), 'beginning of the dry season'. [alafaya, passive; from a rarely attested Aram.Syr. la~iimii. Illgmo
lect' ,. 'bridle', but it is perhaps rather borrowed from A,f.
Iff, laffa, laCaCa (Y~If.j) t\lo ! IIlolo (T. Y) 'write, denominative from lafe (see fe, above). See also lafl. ligiim 'bridle', for which see Fraenkel 100; al~o 10
labbuna, I.bbona 'understanding, comprehen- roll around, cover';
lag. A"IlJ (DTW) 'the milk secreted a few days Te. lagam 'bridle', Tna.Amh.Arg.Gaf.Gur. I.g am.
sion. intelligence, insight, wisdom, reason, rea-
'alfafa (T), causative; also 'decree'; Brockelmann 1928:359 connects the root wtth Syr.
soning, prudence, attention, skill, cleverness'; before and after childbed';
lafof'scroll, (T) writing'; lugmii 'jaw'.
(ba-I.bbuna 'attentively');
(lafafa fadq 'Bandlet of Righteousness, Decree SEMITIC: S~. lega. 'suck (teats),. -
labbuntiK'; 'wise, understanding, attentive'; of Righteousness', a scroll containing magIc E1lIIOPIC: Tna. liiga!, laga( 'colostrum', Amh. /aga' lagn t\"I1, (T,M) lagn 1:1"1') 'cake, wafer';
(from Geez). {note that Amh. +1.'; qafo 'beehive', a transla-
ibJDI~ _-----------------------~.30~9------------_________ lahua
h} Tan. 147 for G. lag" is strange;
tl<'11 tll,'cn
- U"" (Lt) 'hum, flame', 25'1. ., 'gam,t Greenfield, /I( ( 1 2' (910)2\204
legewon, legowon /\,1.1"1 : /\,"11"1, name of Iab''''' /If Jahaha, above
It " perhaps a nllSpnnt for J!::t:. d.(o 'kind of demon, body of demons; who ,Interprets Heb. Ihq ai meaning 'band. tom...
bread', a Iranslalion given by Tayyii 147 for want 0 pan)' connet:tmg It v.nh o\r lhq 'O\·c:rt.lkc. reach
{'.I!n); from Gk. legeon, from Lat. legio 'body of soldiers' • I '0/1"1111) 11119", (K) li~m 1I.l.?" 'ox, with a po~slble pa\\age of meanmg 'JOin' Pr~c:to­
lib'" bullock,
cow ,
. nm.. Z[),\fG 47 (1893), ~'H c\lnnCCLS G IJhqa With
lag"'''' ("') 'bake cakes' (denominative), logyon, logiyon, logyo 11-"11"1 : 11-1.1"1 I I\- bull, 1-", [LtJ 'buffalo ): AT lahula 'become ",hue'. pn."Sumahlv hccausc of
from GJ. lagll'IOII "thm and broad cake'; also In "II" 'oracular breastplate of the high P,iest' IJilmo ga< a ,
, ( . ' lohm 'calf ); age (so aho Lmdberg SJ, n t. and Brocl-:lmann
,Syr. I{'~na. lagna "a cake made of flour and oil'
- - from Gk. logeion 'oracle'; it translates Heb h .
. . osrn,
. romel 1879: 103, n. ~ compares It Wit
'h 19.:!8 360), The connectl\1n Wllh Ar qtlha/a \"It'fall
down due 10 mfinnuy {'If ('lId age', qll~ala \"11 'be
log"on A 1'1, (T) I.g"an A 1-1 'kind of meas- $r'dJTIC ~o .tlahdmim 'who are swallowed greedl'
ure, uten!'i1 serving as a measure. container for
lohaba Valhah) /lUll, (T) lohbo AuO 'burn
(Intr'I' blaze, flame, (Y K.MA.M), be warm, per.
iO ml_ 'swallow greedily'.
lahlllw. .
""m h
'aged ox'
b II
weakened through age' . . uggc~ted h) Dlllmann 15 i
not connncing.
grain, (T) POI'; also = Amh. mamma 'shelter spire; I) "",r. .ft . n of EthlOplC lIun wit He. f'l'm
erected on poles or in a tree for guarding crops The IdcntJ cal1~f od' in general. 'bread' In Hebrew, ETHIOPIC Amh.Gur,luqii 'gro\\, gro\\ up' Adem
'alhaha 'burn (tL), ignite';
',,,a d' (lhallSb' )0which goes back 10 Isenberg 6 and cd noun II" 'chlcf' occurs 10 G Amh.Tc Jnd Tum.
or cattle';
lalahaba 'be inflamed, be ignited'; , n Ara IC . nya (see below). The root pa'~ed Into (u'ihlllio:: -
'meal I b Annbuster 29, and Ullendorff, I T 6 Kam. Jafo 'grow', Had. Ji'ti·J.J;o, \\uh q
from Gk. la~l"os 'measure for liquids'; also In lahub 'ignited, inflamed, warm'; "taken up Y d ubtful . G Krotkoff, 11'7/\ M 6"
Amh. IOKt/n 'potlery vessel'; in Semitic: Ar. /ugna 6) 192 IS 0
liihb 'flame, heat, glow, warmth, perspiration" (195. 82 I kewise expresses doubts concerning I.hso, lahaso &\111'1 : /1111'1, (Y) la~a.a, lo~"
(for which sec FraenkeJ 130·1). Aram.-Syr. liJglllii , (1969).76' . I
laMal (Lt) 'heat, (Gr) flame';
'bottle. vessel'. Md lugiana; Akkadian Iigi"nu~ h- th compaTison, , 'A h "- /1",1'1 : A.l.1'I 'vamsh, di,app«IT. depart from.
'alhiihi (J) 'who ignites'; IS . lna. fahmi, Ja~unj, lam cow. m" rg, (T Y) be sent awa} , be dISpersed',
KUlu quoted by Drower-Macuch 232 in the meaning
El1HOP1C. 1_ Gaf iilii"," There i!<> pcrhap~ a
of 'measure of gram' (on the authority of Zimmern) SEMITIC: Ar. lafriba 'flame' (v.), Mh. lahab '' l 1 Har. am,· . ' , ' L'h lul"h .." (D 1425), lal"hus" (T) 'ghde away, es-
ISregistered \\':Ith (hiS meaning neither in von Soden (n.), Heb. lahaq, labba, SYL Ihb 10 salhe~ 'flame' (v), an. '
oonne<:t1on WI t h Cushitlc: BII /,nl'l CO .... , l'\. am,
cape, 'anish, dISappear, (M) elapse, (T) be sent
nor In CAD. See also l.1gna( Aram. lallti~ii 'flame' (n.), sQlheq '', Akk. /Jlla. ",llh m > \I'
/a>bu 'contagious fever'. For the secondary
awa}' :
ETHIOPIC" Relnlsch 1890: 27 compares Sa. algen
formation ilhb in the various Semitic languages, see l'IHI'l!'alhaq) AU"', (KG) I.~qa A/~4' 'grow,
'ca~e, box' ETHIOPI( connected \\Ith Cu!;hitlc: S(lm, lOw 'bTln~
Rabm, EI 9 (1969). 152. groll up, reach ~anhood, grow old, to .tn end'
I.gnat A"I~T 'porridge, container for grain, ETHloPlc: Amh. laba 'be warm, perspire', Amh, (:a-valah.q 'elder); . ..
beehll'e' , lah.b 'flame' (n.), from Geez; Te. Idhaba, I.h.b bela 'alh~qa, 'alhaqa 'bnng up, rear, make grow, lahaya "Of (T.M) 'comfort oneself, amuse
'perspire', Tna. lahbiit 'perspiration' (for the Indo. I make grow old'; , one.elf, enJoy oneself, .
lagl/ala (M) 'prepare porridge' (denominative);
European root for 'sweat' going back to 'heat', see IQI,hqa 'become old, become a presbyter (de- IJh",,, 'comfort, play'; (T Y M) hihuru 'comlort
ror 'container for grain, beehive', see liJg\m. above. Buck 264). The root Ihh > Ib, reduplicated as Iblb, one another' IS undoubtedly for lalii"ul'u~
nominative of lahiq); .
Jigir II.1.C 'kind of precious stone'; Occurs in Te. liib/iiha 'singe, kindlc', liiblib 'Rame', IOlalwqa (K·) 'compele, wllh someone III 'd/haya 'comfort, free someone from anxiety,
Tna. Idbldbd 'flame, flare', Amh. labal/iiba, HaT. (T) entertam, alUuse , .
from Gk. IigyrQ.f. same; see also lagiryon. height, status, and so on, _
llibllib 'flame' (n.), GUT. lablil/iibli 'bum the surlacc' lala"al'a (T.GT.20) 'be m motIOn, be III move-
'osraliihaqa (K '), caus. of lalallllqa;
lagiryon /l1.CI"1, (K) lag.ryon /I"IC1"1 'kind I'hiq (fem.lahiql, I.haql) 'grown-up, adult, old, ment, be agitated',
Ihh, lah.ho /lUU (T.Y.M) 'draw water';
of precIOus stone': old man, senior, presbyter'; /alii/lll,a, 1"lahara, (T) IIIlahal'" 'play, amuse
probably to be idenlified With IQha~a 'be humid' oneseli, enJoy oneself. amuse one another,
from Gk, ligyrion, diminutive of iJgyros. same; also For a connection between 'draw water' and 'be liq, see below; . . "
In Syr. liKQI"r~yiin, See also JigIT, I'hqal (n.) 'maturing, growlllg up, growth, comfort one another, play a mUSical mstru-
hUTmd', cpo Amh, qiidda 'draw water' and qaddaw 'it , ment, (Gr.492) play together, (T) go here and
rained heavily' I'hqiil 'old age, mature age,
logat A1T 'hut, booth, cottage, storehouse, there', d t'
thatched house'; I'hqiill 'seniority, (TS) old age', .,.
lihJo IIUII- (T.M) 'iron ring of the plow', (T') 'entu/ahara 'amuse. entertalO, Iver ,
I,hqallnii 'old age, dignity of elder, pnnelpah-
could be deri\'ed from walaga, below, but the = Amh. alalo 'round. black stone used for 1;lii"iiyi :who plays, pla~er';
t y' ; •
connection IS doubtful. crushing cotton seeds'; laliill<1l'o (K) 'movement, . '
'alhiiqi (K'.J) 'who bnngs up, foster fa~her;_
ta/ahJ'~,o 'amusement. mirth, pastimes:,
log"at A1-T 'abyss, depth, pool of water, liihlawa (T.M) 'make the iron ring of the plow' malh.qr (pI. malhaqliil, maliihaql, malah:,qtal,
(denominati vel. 1,/"il :play, amusement, entertammenl, '.
whirlpool, (D 1427) a piece of land' (in the ITI maliih.ql) 'eldest, elder, senior, c1uef : - (G 20) 'place reserved for p(aymg ,
expression lag" ala madr); bel (Lt) 'steward'; II
mJ IOV r. I_I "
lihlawa IIU/lm (T.M); see liihlo. masta/a . -h J}' (K') , act. part. of 'asia a wla,
, •
lag'ala (K·) 'be deep' (denominative); SEMITIC; Soq. dileq 'be numerous' CO~lfig f ro m di./. - Ih' Ihv) 'amuse on",ell, play,
S'MI1'I(" Ar lu~g, lugga 'depth of the sea, abyss, lahlaya /lU/lf (T) 'comfort oneself, console ('who, which') i/eq 'is numerous', pI. ·,I·eq, from # SEMITIC: Ar. laha ( 1\ p' '6' H~.19) recorded In
gulf oneself' ; 1'9 (II being the plural of the relative pronoun) fro~ Heb. IhllI in ".Jil~ahloh <, ~~~e; Ihh, IS i~terpr~led as
EnuoPlc Te. liJggat 'depth, whirlpool', Tna.liJg"at, Ihq (Leslau 1938: 129), Heb. laMqa 'seniors, elde~~ the existing dlctlOnanes d nceted With the root
, .. one would expect liihlaya; to be connected 'trifle. enjoy oneself an con
Mg at. suggested by Ludolf 635 (so also Dnver, iTS -
with lahaya, below. [1928[.394, UJlendorff, VT 6 [1956).194 and Barr Ihl' by Kopf 152
ih ____________________________~3~10~__________________________~I.~~am~~
..luna 311
l THIOPIC Te ( Iii) talha (secondary development of q:xJdus for help', (T) also = Amh ab"
- •

'hI' wllh agglutinated I) 'play. dance', Tna. (to j /iiha- '1" azza Ihama 'close, glue';
.1'0 'smg. dance ',
'rnu 1tIP Y ((I; pro bbl .
a y a wrong interpretation ;:h~m (KG) 'strong, severe (disease)' ; I.hsal (Gr.22) 'hcklOg' tn .),
SEMITIC: Ar. lahiha 'stick together (eyehds)' h • •
malhasi (Gr22) 'Who giVes to hck '
li~ ' (T) lih 'III. see lalJa ....a. . . . '. were SEMITIC. Ar. la~ama 'consohdate, solder, mend', G m./~iis (K') 'tongue',
the effect of mOisture IS Involved (Amb
'11.11. ' ' . ro,) /oh(Jl1JO is perhaps borrowed from Ar laJ:rama rather
(.a) ,a~. a give a c~ntJnuous, ra~n (,cloUd)', Heb.lah thim being a cognate. SEMITIC- Ar lahi.,a 'h<k' Mh lahfu, Akk. IdI.
. . /\"'; see Ihh. (1&11. ) mOlSI, fre,h, PbH. "&Ie & moisten', Aram' 'taste, lick', .
lahlah, ETHIOPIC: Te. lii~ama 'hold together by means of
. . Pal.Syr. III.. 'moisture'. .
loha 11-"'. loha II-IJ. lu~; see la ....lJ. glue' ETHIOPIC ' Te. liiJ:rrua 'lick', lna laha..fii Amh .Gur
lasti, Arg. liihasa, Har lii~QJa ; de\"clo~d IOto the

ETHIOPIC: Te. lahl.&a 'be soft, be dull' IS to be
lahda I A.ltY., (T.MA) lahda AllY., (l) la~da compared with G. liib'ba 'be weak, be 'ofr and (yallJ am ) A.ltup (OGr.21), la~ama meanmg 'tongue' m Tna miilJ:ras, Amh It'Yla.:r, Gar
A~Y. 'be tender, be gentle, be delicate, be pam- does not belong here, contrary to Baumgartner 499 II;""" (T.Y) 'be tender, be soft, be reduced to rru/asii. The root pas~d into Cushitll: Ekd. /eha .t,
pered' ; See also tahliJha. . See also liJssan, below
o , be pulverized, be 'flexible, be supple,
• •

(al,lIda, same; be ,
be feeble, be infirm, mOIst;
lahadi (K'), act. part. of 1.lJda; la~ak'a (yallJak") /\"'11- 'fashion, form, mold la~asa " II"'''', (K') la~·.s. II~'" 'murmur' ,
create, shape, (Gr.22) make earthenware" ' 'a/hama, causative;
, only In Jos.10:2I, one of the three passages
I,hud (fern MIJ,dd) 'tender, delicate, luxurious; 'a/~ak""a, causative; I.h~m 'tender, soft, supple, weakened, feeble,
pampered, given to pleasure, (T) old woman quoted by Dillmann, has lahasa the meaning
lalalJk"a, passive; (Gr.21) reduced to powder, pulverized';
(-<. 'delicate'); of 'murmur' (according to the SeptuaglOt), but
lalJak"i 'who fashions, fashioner, potter, crea- I.i}mal (Gr.21) 'reducing to powder (n.), pulver-
lail.d, same; .' , 'whet the tongue against' (according to the
tor' ; Izmg ; .
Hebrew text). LIkewise 10 Ex.ll; 7, the Hebrew
ETHIOPIC: Amh. liidiilliidii 'be soft' (reduplicated I,huk" 'fashioned, formed'; 'alhiimi, mallJami (read thus Instead of 'alJliimi, text has 'whet (the tongue)' while the Greek
-'lid> Id); also In Cushitic: Som. lid ·weakness.
1.IJ.k'l (fern. of 1.lJuk") 'formed, fashioned; mdhlami of Gr. 21), act. part. of 'alhama; text has 'snarr. Also, the meanlOg 'murmur'
frailly'. See also I'bda m.ihiim 'place where one reduces to powder'
form, formation, creation, work, handiwork cannot easily be rendered by lahasa With ob-
lahda II A.ltY. (M) 'be fixed, be established'; earthenware, (T) clay, (Lt) vase';
, (insiead of ma~/iim of Gr.21);
Ject suffix pronouns as IS the case 10 Ex . II. 7
I,hd (Gr.20) 'arranged With stones, bridge'; lalJak"anna, lalJk".nna (Gr.23) 'art .of the SEMITIC:related to Ar. la~ma 'languidness' (so also and los. 10:21. A meaning close to 'ltck
MA quotes 1.lJda = Amh. i'iirriisii 'finish'; it potter' ; I). (them) to do harm' IS perhaps more approprt-
should be rather liit:iirriisii 'be finished'. m.llJak" (1) 'place where pots are molded'; ETHIOPIC: Tna. lii~amii 'be pulverized', lahamii 'be ate for lalJasa in these passages than 'murmur'
soft, be tender', Amh. lamii 'be pulverized, be tender', The same meaning can be applted to Judith
lahda III A.ltY. (K') 'prophesy, predict the ETHIOPIC, from Cushitic: Bed. luk 'clay'; Praetorius, Arg. lahim 'soft', Har. liJ:rama 'become sofr, Gar.
• 11:19;
future' , ZDMG 47 (1893). 390 following Reini,eh 1884:89 /iimltim~'a 'soft" Gur. lamii 'be soft, be smooth'
derives it from Cushitic: Kham. roq"a 'clay', Ar. 'alhasa (It) 'make murmur';
laillidl (K'), act. participle; also 'sorcerer'. (Sel1i, also lamdldmii). Note that Gaf. and
ruga, Bil. darawqa. The derivation of Ethiopic fiikla Gur can go back to lamlama, below ETHtOPIC: for 'munnur', cpo Te. Idha.fa 'pant', and
la~af /\"'<t: (K BT 5) 'fringed rug or carpet 'clay' from I + kl from G. Ihk" 'mold, shape' see below lahosasa.

made from silk or from other thread'; suggested by Praetonus 1879:94 is unlikely. I.~.q. (yallJaq) /\"'.,. (K·.Gr,22) 'stick to-
la~asa III /\"'... (T. Y), I.~sa A.b... (Y) 'be
from Ar "hiil; also Amh. liiha! gether, fasten, cling' (intr.);
. . II.ltA"', (T) lihl.ha 'IIIAO, (Y) lohl.h.
lihlaha . . mallJaq, (K) mallJaq (pI. maliilJaq) 'anchor',
chased away, be sent away, be dispersed';
-Ihf, 'alahfa .,,,-, (T V) 'alahafa "'/\"'''-, 'I"'~ 'l (instead of lI"IA'l) 'be humid, be ETHIOPIC ' Te. (tiJ)/iihasa 'be swept away'
ma/~aq (T') 'iron tnpod';
(Ti 'al~aia "'A"',,- 'be troubled: worry, have damp';
'alalJl.lJa, (0 1425) 'allJalIJa 'moisten'; SEMITIC:Ar. la~;qa 'cling to' lahosasa /\,1. ...... ; see ';
concern for, be annoyed, be importuned, be
affected by a matter, (T) be acquainted with I.hluh
• •
'humid, wet'; ETHIOPIC: Tna. ma/~iJq 'anchor'. Amh. miilhJq. 'ai!lOsasa, (K) 'a/~'asasa: 'aWossa, (l) 'a/~os.­
one another (onglnally. 'have concern for one lalJliihe (Gr.21) 'cooling, relief'; sa 'whisper gently',
la~asa I (yallJas) /\", ... , (T) I.~sa ... 'lick, lalh" asasa (K), same,
another); see also 1M.
be parched (with thirst) and thrust out the talhawiisasa 'whisper gently to one another',
'alhafa (K') 'cause concern'; tongue to lick'; (V) lalJasa = Amh. amarii 'be
)aslala~afa 'cause concern, give worries';
• A.ltAT (T) 'wet, humid, soft'; lalJ'osas, (Gr.23) I.~osas 'whisper, soft whISper-
pretty' is strange; possibly a misprint for la-
lalhaf 'concern, worry, solicitude, dealings'; seems to be a wrong reading for liJ~/iJ~t (see Dill- ing, style of singing'; .. ,
mann 30, under la~/ulJ); as for the meaning 'sort', I.htlsas (0 1425, Gr.23) 'soft whlSpenng ;
SEMITIC" related to Ar lahifa 'grieve for, lahl see lahlaha. M.19 renders it 'pearl'; he apparently laliilJasa (ll), lalahasa (M) 'move when hissing (b~-I'lJtlsas [Gr] 'in a low voice');
misre~d TaYYii's Amh. 1.1 ',oft' (translation of O. (tongue of a snake), move (scale, by counterbal- 'alhosasi (Gr.23) 'who whispers';
lahall) for lui 'pearl'. ance)'; •
• • lahha,
•• lahaha /\'" : /\"'''' 'be humid, (V) SSMITIC: Heb. lii~a! 'whISper' (v), Aram. la~a!, Sl7'
'a/~asa (Gr.22) 'cause to lick';
be soft, be smooth', l.heI, Md. liMa 'whISpering' (also nhJ 'whISper),
I~ama lI"'up (K .), lahama /\IJUP (T. Y) 'be lalalJsa (Gr.22) 'be licked';
'alh.ha 'mOIsten, cool off, soften', (KG) = strong, (T V.KG) become severe or worse (re- lahiisi (Gr.22) 'who licks' ;
Ug. lhi, Akk. labiiJ. 'whISper' (v.).
Amh. abbo abbo alii 'ask St. Gabra manfas ETHIOPIC: Tna. loJ:rsiisii. /aJ:rosiisa 'whisper', Amh.
ferring to a disease)'; I.~us (Gr.22) 'licked'; lahosas 'whispering' (rrom Geez). See also luhasa 11.
~1.~~~'.~~'~____________________________~3~1~2~______________________________~I~'k~.~ ~~~~~.~------------~~--------------~3~13~____________________________'~i~k'~~~'• '1'~/lIas) /\",11, (TS) lo~~a A.nll, (T) ta/ahaya, (K Gr.24) lala&yo 'be resplende I,kka- At) 'resin' (0 1426): b ) Th
lihada t\",8 'peel. bark';
a orn onese , a tlfe onese ; '
d If t' IP nt""
,<,~ ""
e Connection with S"r 1,,,1. ... 1. 'Ia) h-Id ",'
. ..,·o (Gr.!4) 'cause to peel','
'ailla (a ,-,
a.wya (L)
l , a d orn onese If for others" from Ar . lakk, of Middle-In 'c lakkha ongin. ETHIOPIC
SCize T
suggested by Barth 1893.27 -I' unlikely.
("k- '
wl"II,<o, passive; >asla/ii/raya (It), caus. of taliihaya; , lok'o I (yalkii» t\hh (D), lak,. t\ha (Gr.38) the finger), na a_iilii
:. Amh. 'touch
liikkiifO ,wilh
'touch thethe
",th tonglle
no,", "r
/aha.,; (Gr.24) 'who peels': la!lUY 'pretty, handsome, brilliant'; 'inscribe. impress, Imprm!, mark, down m smlf'. The connectJon wilh Te. /i,kfa 'thro,,' ,u _
/"lrus (Gr.24) 'peeled': laMy 'beautiful'; writing, compose, (1) com (money) ; gested by liltmann-HOfner 43 IS unlikely. g
f.lIs, (T) lairs 'bark, rind'; lii!laY (fern. fa&ayl. lii&it) 'beautiful, handSome' 'alk"a, causallve; lak-
. . (Gr.25). 'peeling' (n .);
SEMITIC related to Ar. lahasa 'extract the pith of;
b eau t
y, sp
l en d or,b ng' ht ness;'
1 UI thOmgs , ;
- (Ll) 'b eau t'f
, ,alak'a,
• passive;
lakoli, act. part. of lakla;
or veget blt\l1.},"';"
'(A h(0 tJ91 T.M) 'kind of fruit
a e m . ",a.ias);
perhaps also Hebrew /Iola;, :draw olf' (so also DiII- fiilrayannii (Gr.24) 'beauty'; laka', pass. part. oflal<'~; !':,~OPIC: Amh. liikahkah 'vine that has an edIble
mann 34), Aram . hiilas 'take off, undress', Syr. SEMlnC: Barth 1893 :3 connects the root I~y with hi idka't (Ll) 'text, ongmal (n); . .
hall,s 'take spoils'. (WIth metatheSiS): AI'. halii (My) 'ado rn ', Heb.hI M'at 'act ofinscnbmg, Impressmg, recordmg';
ETHIOPIC Te. lii(wo!a 'bark (trees)', Tna. lii~a$ii, lii'[m 'omaments' (going back to ~/y); so also Reini~h maIka' 'fonn, image, figure, ~ffigy, t~on, por- lakaka /\hh (T.Y.M) 'write';
Amh.Gur. lara, Arg. !iihara, Har. te{wr a, Gur. !e- 1895: 157. The connection with Ar. labii (lby) 'peel trait, likeness, aspect, a seal ImpreSSion, kind
ii probably a misprint for lakla, for which ~ce above.
riilii. from ler with a reduplicated last radical; off', Syr. I'h a 'rub off' suggested by Brockehnann of poetry (consisting of five verses) which eulo-
Passed into Cushitic: BiJ. lehec.a 'bark (a tree)'. 1928:363 is unlikely. . b tad a h
gizes a samt y enumera mg n pr tsmg t e lak'ama /\hoOD (Y.M) 'hit someone's chest
liihit /lth.-r; see (la!laya) , liih.y. lo~da A"r~ (Gr) 'pave, level off, make easy" various parts of the body'; hit': .
. la/.ljda (Gr), passive; ' m a l k i i ' , m,/kii' (KG) 'means of writing'; 'alk" allla 'dash against, thrust, strike, throw
lo~ut Adt--r: see (/ahowa) , /a&al1'.
laryiidi (Gr), act. part. of /,ljda; SEMITIC: SAr. (Qataban) Ikll" (pi) '(schriftlich) fest-
down, stamp the ground, hit'; note that the
la~awa (l'a/how) t\",ID (Y), I_hawa {WID (T): "bud (Gr), pass. part. of /aOda; gelegt' (Muller). Amharic translation ,afii 'write' given by
see liihaH'G. I.rydal (Gr) 'act of paving'; Tayyii is wrongly copied from the line above:

ETHIOPIC: Tna. liikk3<e 'measure', Amh.Gur. liikka, lak"mal (Ll) 'act of hitting';
IJ!IGI1'G 'mourn for, lament, bewail, weep, the meaning 'make easy' is to be identified with Arg. likka. For G. malkJ', cpo Tna. miilk;J' 'aspect,
grieve, groan, sigh'; la~da (and, in fact, /iJbda could be another spelling appearance', Amh.Arg.Gur. miilk. The root passed SEMITIC Ar. lakama 'punch, strike with the fist' .

(Gr.2J) 'afiiha»,a,

causative; for la~da); as for 'pave, level off', it can likewise be into Cushitic: Dar. likki·su 'measure', AI. milk ETHIOPIC: Amh. liikkiimii, liikkkiimii 'punch, stnke
with the fist'.
'aslalallal1'a (Gr.23) 'make weep often, weep derived from the basic meaning 'be gentle, be easy' 'appearance'. See also lak'a II.
often' ,. > 'be paved, leveled olf'.
lok".nt A1t1-r 'pan, vase';
lailiiwi (fern. /ailiil1'il) 'mourner'; la~lo~a /I"rA.." (Y) 1_~lo~a t\;"A", (should lak'a II (yalkij,) t\hh, I.k,. t\ha 'affix, nail
failaw, IU!ld!!, (fern. lahul) 'who mourns, griev- down, fasten to, adhere to i ; from Gk. lekalli 'dish, pot, pan': Sec also lakWt;mt.
. , read liihlaha) 'become weak, become slack, be
mg; soft, bl> loose, languish'; 'alab'a (K) 'adhere to one another, be fasten-
loksa t\hll (T.M) 'swear to one another'.
liiil, (T) liiil 'mourning, grief, dirge, (Gr.23) 'aliiOI'Oa (K'), causative; ed 10 one another';
tears' ; "b'uo 'soft, slack, loose, languid'; 'as!aliib'a 'make adhere to one anolher, lokut Ah--r; see (lakawa), I,'kaw.
lii&all'o (It) 'mourning, grief'; (Or.492) make something adhere to oneself':
maslafahii!!'i (Gr.~J) 'who makes weep'; --
/ahliihe 'weakness, softness, slackness';
/ablaoal (Gr.36) 'softness';
I,ka' 'affixed, fastened to'; lakWtant AIt-r'}-r (T) 'pan, vase, pot';
ETHIOPIC: Te. 'ii~la (/~w) 'pratt le', Tna. /0& bela larylaryannii, see I.ry/arye; SEMITIC: Ar. laki~a 'stick to'. variant of bk"alll, above.
'pester, annoy'. ETHIOPIC: Te. liikra 'fasten with nails', Tna. liils<e
SEMITIC: related to Ar. lahifQ 'be soft, be lax' re-
duced to Ib in the reduplicated fonn Iblb (see lamla-
'hit, strike'. It is possible to connect the meanings of I_kawa t\hID 'become dull (eyes), become dim,
I~ay t\",~ (T) 'scarlet thread'; lak'a II with those of lok'a I. be weak (eyes), be feeble, (Y.M) not under-
ma for a similar development).
stand, be ignorant' ;
could it be connected with la&aya 'be pretty'? See ETHIOPIC; Te. tiill• bela 'relent', /ahlaha 'be soft',
also la~'.
• • lakafa (y,lkaj y.lkaj) t\h.t 'touch, smear, be- 'alkawa (K·.T) 'make dull. make dim, weaken';
'aliilla~a (from 'alii~/aha) 'render soft', Tna. lahl,he
smear, (K'y) reach '; I,kall', fern. I,k", (Gr.37) 'weakened (eyesight),
'be loose', Arg. fiihiilliiha, Har. lahlah baya,
lahaya (yafhay) t\",f, (Gr.24) lo~ya A;"f, (T) 'alkafa 'cause to touch'; blinded, who does not see clearly';
Amh.Gur. lalla, Amh. lahlah 'soft' (from Geez);
lohya Atlf 'be pretty, be beautiful, be shiny, passed into Cushitic: Bil. Iii{l y. talalifa, passive; lakwat (Gr.38) 'weakening (of eyes)';
have a sheen (skin)'; lalakafa 'touch one another, (Gr.492) come 'alkiiwi, malkall'i (Gr.37) 'that weakens the eye-
I~q, Ihq, mals~aqt OD/I"ro}-r (T.M), malahoqt near One another'; sight';
(H 224 wrongly renders Amh. wiizza [transla-
OD/lllo}-r (T reprint) 'kind of basket for food'; 'astalakaJa (Gr.39) 'dash against each other';
tion of G. 1'&yaJ by 'perspire'; it also means ETHIOPIC: related to Te. lakka (lkk) 'be st upid'.
'be pretty'); a plural of a singular *mall]Jq, malh-aq. I,k,,/, pass. part. of laka/a;
'alilaya (Gr.24), causative; l.kfal 'contact, touch'; liikawa /lhlD (T) 'poke wilh a stick';
lak"s t\\;I" lak"s /1\;1" lakwe t\1].; see liik"aya.
SEMlTlC: perhaps related to Ar. laqafo 'catch' (Am- variant of loVaya: see below.
(.ldM'an 314

10DlI 315
laki"in /\h. '1'1 (Gr.38) 'peach'. -
lolawa I 1I-/\(lJ 'inlla":,e, light up, kindle, make
loml· ,,-
.... "'1. 'lemon'; •

lakaya /\hf (Y. H 225) 'touch, anoint'; sparkle, make scmtlllate, Illuminate s'
scorch'; , lOge , A IUmf: also in Te.Tna. lomin, Tna. also limedii '1"'1-'1 (T.K*) 'Wooden 'hovel used for
Sf\fITIC: Ar. Jakira 'stick to'. from r. . C h" wmnowmg trampled gram'.
'alolawa (Lt), causative; l1l1· Amh Our. lomi; 10 us I(lC: Af. um, Bil.
EnnoPlc Tna. iii/siiyii 'touch lightly, anoint'. fomf,,n'som . i[n , Sa. I[min, Bed. lemiin. See also W.
Iti from .~mh. [ameda; also Gur_ lameda perhaps from
SEMITIC: related to Ar. la>la'a 'shine be b . h' Muller, ZDMG (1981).400-1. CUShltJ.C: Had. Kam. familia . See also liiyda,
13k'.y. 'Ih-f (T.K*), see talok"aya; . . . , rtg t
(0111 mann 53; so also FleIsch 217; note that h'
lolak"'o)'o 'quarrel with one another, ~lspute, trans IatJon
' , remuer Ia I angue' r
II y wntten
. I 0 Iawa) .
re,ers to lawl IS
a"a. 11,. see lam<a. lamha.
laOl)a II 7-~ . lam~.
thrive' ;
II'/"m (T.Y.M) 'become prosperous,
discuss, wrangle, debate, contend, stnve, re-
see lam~a.
vile, poke, reprimand, blame, (Y) importune, ETHIOPIC: Tna. liiliiwii 'singe, Scorch'.
deride' ; < II'/"O (D.TS), lam'a II'/"h (T.Y) 'be re-
lam • h' ,
lolawa II II-II(lJ (T. Y) 'block up a hole, bank a splendent, scintillate, s me ; lamlama 11'/"1100 'be verdant. bud, become
lak"'ti, 'akwii, lak"'e 'altercation, strife, conflict';
fire' ; 'alm.<a (L1), causatIve; ", Soft, be smooth, be mild. become tender, be
ETHfOPIC: Rcinisch 1887:252 connects it with Bil. I <a 'be resplendent, gleam, sculllllate ; flexible, be fresh';
seems to be opposite of lolawa L
lag 'accuse. reprimand'. Fleisch 239, n. 2 thinks that lOam
lamu< (K *) 'shining, resp Ien dent ' ; >alam/oma, causative;
the verb is a denominative.
lolawa III II-II(lJ (T.KG) 'separate'; SEMITIC: Ar. lama<a 'shine, gl,eam'. . I.mlum 'soft, tender, mild. smooth, flexible,
lalla - 11/\; see la. secondary form of lelaya. ETHJOPIC: Te. liim<a 'blossom (perh,aps to be lden- delicate, fresh. verdant';
·ft d with lam'a 'be green, be tender; see lamlama), lamfam, same;
liIo 11.11- 'vulture'; lelaya /\,/\f 'separate, disjoin, divide, diStin- [I e
with metathesis in /ii'ama • .' ; ..T na,.. I"
gam ,am:e lamlame 'verdure, freshness. moisture, softness,
, per flourish' , with metathesIs In larama gam tenderness, delicacy' ;
:~o;f, Amh.liimma 'prosper, be fertile (land), shine'.
ETHIOPIC: Tna.Amh. lila, 1iI0, Te. lilo; also in Cushit- guish, make a difference (between), segregate';
ie: Bil. lilo, Bed. lale. See also 1010. luIo. )alelaya, causative; malam/ilnt, part. of 'Q/amlama;
talelaya, passive, reflexive; See also lam~a.
1010 11-11- (T) 'vulture'; SEMITIC: Ruzicka 102 connects Ethiopic Imlm With
leloyi (1), act. part. of Ie/aya; PbH. lblb 'germinate, flourish, sprout, be green',
see /i/o. lamada (yalmad, yalm.d) /\001. 'be accus- with altemance of labials. Armbruster 27 compares.
liluy (fern., liIit) 'separated, distinguished,
segregated' ; tomed to, be familiar with, be used to, be Ar. lama(a 'gleam'.
lui li-A 'pearl'; liloy 'separation, distinction'; trained, learn'; ETHIOPIC: the reduplicated root goes back to 1m?
from Ar. lu,lu'; also Te.Tna.Amh .Gur. lui, Har. lelit (M) 'member of the body, joint'; 'almada 'accustom, be accustomed to, be wont (? = laryngeal which became zero) in Te. iamliima
lul/u'. talel.yo (Lt) 'separation'; to, (U) tame'; ., 'become green, sprout', Tna. lam/lima, Amh. liimii/-
,alamda (K*) 'be a habIt; lama 'become verdant, send out shoots'. Oaf. liim-
lulo li-II- (T), lilo 'III- (Lt), name of Satan; malelit (pI. malayolay, malayolayot) 'jOint,
talamada 'be accustomed to, have the habit, be liim"'ii 'tender'. The non-reduplicated 1m' OCcurs in
limb, member of the body, sense, (T.KG) geni- Te. liimra 'be green, be tender', Tna.liimm,re. Amh.
is there any connection with liIo, 1010 'vulture'? tal organs'; accustomed to one another';
liJrnad 'custom, habit, usage'; liimma, Our. liima, Gar. liimmii. The root also oc~
lilih '1'111 (Gr.20) 'big jar'. ETHIOPIC: O. lelaya is a reduplicated root Iy; so also (,a-I.mod 'habitual, customary'); curs in Cushitic: Qua. Iii/ani (from Imlm) 'be ver-
Te. ('a) lela 'separate, distinguish', Tna. Wiiyii. The dant. be fresh', Kham. li/em. See also iam>a, lamra.
lelit I (pI. layolay) fl,lI.-r 'night'; lamlld (fern. lamadd < lamadt) 'who accustoms lamha.
root Iy ( y) Occurs in Amh.Gur. liiyyii 'separate, himself, accustomed, expert, usual, tamed,

(nafqa lelit, manfaqa lelit 'midnight'); distinguish', Arg. liiyya, Har. liiya, Gaf. liggii (for
trained, (Lt) addicted'; lamama 110000 (MA) = Amh. niiqqiisii 'shape
'alelaya 'spend the night (doing something), do which see Leslau 1956:9). A reduplicated root also wood or stone, tattoo'.
lamd (Gr.25) 'accustomed';
something early in the night, rise early in the Occurs in Amh.Arg.Gur. lela 'another, different'.
night' (denominative); For malelit 'joint, limb' coming from a root 'sepa- lamMawi (Gr.26) 'habitual. customary';
lammana lIoo~ 'beg';
rate, disjoin', cpo Ar. maf,yi/ 'joint, articulation', 'almadi, malmadi (Gr.26) 'who accustoms';
SEMITIC: Ar. layl 'night', SAr. (Qataban) Iyl, Soq. talmid, see below. m.l.mmon (Gr.25) 'place where one begs'.
from/a,yala 'separate, disjoin'. The root also occurs
lilhe, Heb. layil, Aram. lelii. lelyo, Syr. lelyii, Md. in Cushitic: Sa. layti 'part, division'. See also rna- from Amh. liimmiinii 'beg'; the root also occurs in
lilia, Ug. II, Akk. liliiilu, liliiru. SEMITIC; Heb. liimad 'learn', limmiig 'accustomed',
laya. 1na. liimmiinii 'beg', Te. i3mmano 'begging', Gur.
Syr. lammei! 'accustom', Ug. Imd 'learn', Akk. la- lamman 'beggar',
ETHIOPIC: Te. lali, Tna. liiyli, Amh. leI, lelit. madu 'comprehend, learn'.
Uy, '.Ielaya h/\,/\f; see lelit l.
lelit II /\'11. -r; see leIaya. EnnoPlc: Te. liimda 'get accustomed, learn', Tn3. lamont 1I,/,,1-r 'why?';
liimiidii, Amh. liimmiidii, Gur. niimiidii (for liimiidii)
limi '1"'1 (T) 'why?'; 'love' . lit. 'for what?'; see la, man.
lilit 11.11.:,.; see (Ielaya), filuy.
transcription of Heb.Aram. liima. lamonzub• 11,/"1,,..., (Gr.25) 'accustomed, cus-
1311iwi A'I'/! (T) 'understanding'; lamd II'/"1: (K.KBT) 'sheepskin cloak, ornate tomary, usual';
10m II-'/" (T.M) 'hyena'. ceremonial garment';
misprint for labMwi, labbawi All,!! I 1I11'!!. seems to be composed of la- and manzub 'accus-
could it be a misprint for lop II-T? ETHIOPlc: Amh. lamd. tomed to pleasure'; see also manz3ba, below.
lampi 316
'"i(q~______------------~~______~~_______________________ Nq~
lampa 119";" (T \IAl 'lamp': .. -
in the form of a hal~-moon, (1) tent, small tent :.-~ Ii an. liqanal, liqal\'~nt) Il~ 'chIef, sen- -- -
hq (pll·d ~an, aged, elder, master, magIstrate,
lamar" (\lA) ',hlne, be bnght' (denomlnallve): wllhln a bIgger tent:
frllm -\rnh. tampa 'lamp' (a variant of lamha. from lor, 0 d man, pres b yter' ,
from Gk. lampilli 'covered chanot'; also In T
Ar {ambo, of It<lhan (trlgm); also In Te.Tna~Gur . learn: I 01 'archpriest, high pnest',
fiinpane 'liner, tent', Amh. liimpane,liimpiine 'thro e.
lamra . lanr/la, Har Jam/la. See also lap, IUllpas.
for'the monarch or prince', See also liJnpa,.lampell:~ /lqa a masal 'patriarch, archbishop':
fiqa papp I'
lampen. 119"A.~, vee lal/pel/e · . aia'Jkl 'archange ;
, lan~as II'}A{), (It) I.n~iis A'}A{) 'lamp, torCh, flqa m" (Gr 19) 'spiritual leader',
SEMITIC perhaps Ar faqlaqa 'agitate, lihakc', Soq
flame' : /lqa naJs f h·' hqr/rq 'confuse', from a basIC meanmg ' mn: '; pos. 119"I'I'}l, lam .. nya 119"{)'}J' (Ll) · h mar 'captain 0 a s IP;
Ilqaa h'
<~bly also Ar laqqa 'lap. hck', Heb. laquq, P~H
Itgleq .
'olive (frUlt)', lal/pasa (T) 'shine, scintillate, sparkle' (denomI_
native); · ;, fa 'chief of t e army,
from Gk. lomrJaIll"; 'charlock (herb), (sab'a · a-nal 'Septuagint', lit 'seventy learned
flqa ._allq ETHIOP~~:.. ~~ ... fjjqliiqa
'smear Over'. Tna IJq/(iqa,
from Gk. lampas 'lamp', See also lampii. Amh. /aqal/aqa, Gur. I~qa{iiqii: al\o In Cu,hll1c 811
lamasa 1I(I"lI, (D·, Gr.26) lam~a 119"8 'be men'); .., lalag (from Iqlq), Kham. Ith'q
liq,nna 'semonty ;
smooth, be soft, be polished, be plain, be bare, lanpasa II '}AI'I (Y.MA) 'wear a garment, wrap laqama I ""'01> (T Y M) 'PIck, choose, <epa-
be bald': oneself in a garment'; . d f rom IJhqa , above. See also loqa.
derive rate' ;
lammCl~Wl. causative; also 'make slippery'; lal/pas (T) 'colored cloth'.
• Iiq. II.:J' (T) 'precious stone'; ETHIOPIC'· Te. liiqma 'gather, pluck', Tna kiqllftlii,
'almaJa, causati\e;
Amh. liiqqiimii, Arg. /iiqqiima, Har. liiqiima,~ Gur
lamii"~' (Gr.26). act. part. of lama~a; lanpewon
, 1I'}A.9',} (TM) 'bandage, linen'; perhaps from Cushitic: Bil. laqii·o '5liver'
liiqiimii: passed Into Cushitlc Bil laqam, to.;.ham .
I,mll.; 'smooth, sIJppery, soft, polished, bald, mispnnt for ....·on 1'i"'~jP'}. liqrm See also laqama II,
(D')hard, rough' (but in the sentence quoted loqa fI-"'; see Iwq.
bY'• Ludolf it could also mean 'slippery'); lanqii /I'}:J> 'sacerdotal vestment, velvet cape . , laqama II ""'01>
'chew on food that" hard
formerly used by the ecclesiastics and the nobil- loq. fI-:J' (T) 'elder, semor ; and makes noise when It IS eaten',
SUflTK. Ar. mall~" 'smooth', with metathesis (0111. , .
see liq, above.
lly ; SEMITIC: Ar. laqlma 'eat, swallow up'
mann .16). Heb. m/~ (mf<al) 'be smooth'
ETHIOPI('". Te. liJmso 'be smooth, be moist', Tna. ETHIOPIC· Tna. liiqiim(l 'eat roa~tcd gram', Te
ETHIOPIC: Amh. lanqa; see HammerSChmidt 1970:
/umil.\ii 'become soft', Amh. I~mul ·smooth. pol- 154. laqqada I ""'~ 'mock, deride'; liiqma 'eat', The root might also be Identified with
j"hed' See also lam~~. ErnloPlc: related to Te. lagda 'play, Jest', Amh. laqama I 'plck > peck, graze (as in AmhariC), eat'
lans, 1'I'}l\', lans. "'}l\' 'bandage, linen, (1) laggiidii 'make fun'; passed IOto CushltlC: Sa. lagrd, laqaqa (yalqaq) II.,..,. (T Yl 'shackle, bind a
lams (lamd) 119"l\' ("9"tl) 'leprosy, scab'; Qem. lagat.
shroud, belt of monks, (Sw. in D 47) prJest's prisoner to h,s guard, (0 1426) stnke through
lom;,.,a (T) 'become a leper' (probably denomi- turban' ; and through';
laqqada II "4>~ (T) 'exhibit to view, aspire to'.
(:a-Iarl/I, pI. lams 'leper', lit. 'of [who has, possibly Ok. lent ion 'cloth, towel, apron worn by
monks' (ludolf 477). Sec also lan,<ewon. I
SEMITIC'· Ar Jaqqa 'stnke WIth the' ,
I.qq.~. II~'" 'lend'; I.qasa II.,." (K'T.YI 'mourn',
IJmlls 'leper, leprou,', (:ay,leqqJ~ 'lender'); 'alqa.ra (K') 'cause to mourn',
, won "'Il\.9',} (OK) 'bandage, towel, lin.
lall/saw; 'leper, leprous';
en' : 'alaqq,~a 'cause to lend'; 'aliiqasa 'condole with anyone, show sympa-
SEMITIC Ar. lama: 'while spots on a horse's lower see lan~. lanpewon. talaqq,~a 'borrow'; thy' ;
hp' (Armbruster 35) (zayJlleqqa~ 'borrower'); lalaqsa (K') 'be mourned',
ETHIOPIC. Tna. liJm,fii 'leprosy', Amh.Arg.Gur./iim!;
passed into Cushlllc; AI.Tern. l(imra. The noun
"T (T) 'lamp';
laqqa~i 'creditor, lender';
I,qqu~ (K ') 'lent';
laliiqasa (K') 'mourn publicly';
'aslaliiqasa (K ') 'console',
'leper' L\ perhaps to be den\'ed from lama:fo In the I,qqa~ 'loan, giving a loan'; SE"lTlC Ar. /aqlSu n,naf'; 'sad' (Dozy II 543);
meaning 'be bare. he bald', since the part of the
bod) that IS affected by leprosy is white and gives
the Impre~Slon of being bald.
Ipp, lappa "T (MA) = Amh. liimiilliimd which,
Without a context, can mean 'become verdant,
(sab'a I,qqa~ 'creditors');
I'qqiihe 'borrowing, lending';
perhaps also Ar. mu/aqts 'patient, who endures ~
lot" a Gcez rorm such as 'aliiqasa 'show sympathy,
prosper, prune (a tree)'; talaqqiihi 'debtor'; condole with someone' would mean 'help someone
to endure' (Fleisch 210). .. f
• "9"Il~ (T) 'sap of the euphorbIa'. lapa (T) 'grass', (MA) = Amh. :iir IIC IS SEMITIC: Ar. laqa~a 'impregnate. conceive' ,(Noel. ETHIOPIC: Te. liiqsa 'mourn', laqsa.'p~ra VISIL 0
undoubtedly a misprint for sar "IC 'grass'. deke, ZDMG. 40[1886].723), SAL Iq!1 'take , He~. condolence', Tna. >aJqiisii, Amh. a/cJqqa.m.
I•• pa,
, A ,}A)' (Gr.400) 'liller, bed'; laqa~, Aram. Iqh (itpo<al) 'be taken, be married,
see larzpt'nt' lop t\"T (T) = Amh. qes yohann" 'priest Ph.Ug. Iqh 'take', Akk. leqli. , loqsi fI-~'" (T.M) 'empty house' .
John'. ETHIOPlc: Te. 'alaqha (or 'alaqq'ha?) 'lend, ~na
lanpene II,}A.~, (J) lanpane lI'}Al<, (T) I.npane 'aldqq.ha, Amh. Idqqa, Har. (a)leqaha (and aleha- luqis I\":J>{) (T) 'light';
A '}·Al< ·stretcher, throne, chariot, (T) headrest qa, with metathesis); also in Cushitic: Or. liqi.ssa proper name of the apostle Luke, mterpreted.
h' with
leqa /1.4>; see Iyq.
·Iend', Qab. liqi·sso, Sid. liqi-ss;, Sa liqaha. reference to Lalln lux, lucis, as 'hg t
'!II.Ii.~_'l~,.~;.:;~.~ L ....L \~.

I."' .... 318

IlqlMa l14'm (T') 'open the mouth, make the
liJsu!1 (fern. I,s'ill) 'insipid, flavorless ta I I - • 319
moulh wide open, (T Y.M) yawn': . .... used up, worn-out'., ,seess,
~ laqOI'Q.
I.ssiihe (Gr.27) 'insipidity, flalness, foolishne
SEMITIC: Ar ltJ!lara 'agitate, shake'
ETHIOPIC: ~eml~h 1887:252 compares Bil. latat ~al~,e (,m~ltiril 'razor, lan~et·; the
nonsense'; S5, 'stagger, hesitate beehIve given by D.M is strange:
laqa)a l14'f (0 1393, T Y.M), laqaya l14'f (T)
'open, loosen'; l.sfJal 'insipidity, folly';
'alsiihi. mals'bi (Gr.27), part. of 'als.ha lasaqa (y.I~.q) 11"'4' (DT Y M) 'be close to, ETHTOPIC : T na laJiirii '.!ihave·, Te ltl$Q (II)'
Ihe Amh. liigg'iimii 'pUI on a bridle' given by dr~w close, adhere, chng to, be affixed': Amh . <:,uT. lor(ii, Arg. lalfa, al,o In CU,hIIIC Qem.
. ,
T (as a translation of laqaya) is slrange since SEMITIC: Praetorius 1890:369 compares it with A 'alsaqa, causative; also 'cling, be on Ihe point 811. lis, K~am. lir. The denvatlon of EthH:lpiC by
one would rather expecl 'release Ihe bridle' for salib 'tasteless (food)'. with metathesis. r. from Cushulc suggested by Flclsch ~06 IS unllk.ely
or' be near 10 (as in 'al~aqa la-ma .... il 'he was
ETHIOPIC: perhaps related to Amh. lass alii 'bee ne~r dealh'), draw near, approach'; lal II-l- (0 1399, T) 'the five books of 1.10'.,',
S1-MITIC related to Ar. laqqa (Iqq) 'come loose'. lepid, be lukewarm', or G. ~all1fa J 'be bland °1 mke taliisaqa 'join one anolher, be side by side, be
ETHIOPIC Ii/..ewise Iqq, as in Tna. liiqiiqii 'take
, ,
seasoning. , ac DII.lman n 1399 considers it it foreign word without
coniiguous, become one, cling, stick logether, glvmg the orlgm Ambros suggests to explain IIlI for
arart'. Te. /aqqa flqqi, Amh.liiqqiiqd, Arg,liiqqiiqa,
Gur liiqaqii, Har. liiqiiqa 'twist out of joint'. las~a II IIllm 'smack Ihe lips, be connecled, stay near, adhere to, apply liJdat A~"" in 'orit za·liJdat 'OencMs' and u~d a~
making noise'. chew saliva oneself, persevere'; par~ pro toto.

'astalii~aqa 'join closely, put together, UDlle,

laron, laron 1IC'1. lie"} 'sea gull', (T) = Amh. 1.1 A-l- (K') 'planl thaI grows on ash heap>
pbra 'mylh,cal three-headed bird'; I.ssan tVn 'tongue, language'; glue togelher, (Gr.493) associate oneself with
,. and has a sticky sap Ihal softens scabs',
(lassana sob" a prayer against an evil tongue)' someone,
from Gk. laros, ace. laron 'seagull'. See also naron. I.suq 'adhering, adjoined, attached, connected, from Amh. tal.
see S. Grebaut, Aelhiopica 3 (1936).6-12; Ham:
merschmidt-Six 1983: 138 ; Ihal ,clings, close to, near, borderlme, conlin-
lis. 11-" (T) 'forest'. Iita 11..,. 'for me', lottu 11-1: 'for him', litti lI.t
(lassana j.!ral [L1J 'mother tongue'); uous ;
la~q. la~q 'for her', lotton II--f'} 'for Ihem', see la.
losa fIol'l, 10Sa flow; see III'S. (I.ssana la~li~ 'balance'); (L1) 'connecllon, joining',
lassana (T) 'prattle' (denominative); I.~aq (I.~q) 'inner place, secluded place (of a Iota 11-.,.: see IWI.
lasd 1I1l.l!' 'bUller': lalassana 'babble on, talk foolishly, prattle'; house)' ;
la,ada (K') 'suck' (denominalive); I.ssanawi (K·) 'big talker'; I.sqal
' .
(LI.TS) 'union, connection,
. , bringing la\!la II-l-do (TY M) 'lake a moulhful ofhqUld,
near, bemg near, annexatIon:
SEMITIC" Ar laJoda 'suck, lick'; Heb. lasiig 'pastry' SEMITIC: Ar. lisiin 'tongue', SAr. Is ,n, Soq. Ie/in, (K') blow up Ihe cheeks' (reconstrucled de-
'astalii~iiqi, part. of )astalii~aqa;
does not seem to correspond to the meaning of G. Heb. liilon, Aram. lilliinii, Syr. leJiana, Md. lilana nommallve from mallii!1I 'cheek'),
, SEMITIC: Ar. la~iqa 'adhere', SAr.(Qalaban) ('q 'al- 'alla!la (K'), causative;
lasd 'bUller', conlrary 10 Dillmann 38 (followed by Ug. ISn,!iinu. Bittner, WZKM 23 (1909).144.
Buhl 391, Koehler 486, Baumgarlner 509). Because 50 derives it from Is 'lick', with the suffix .an, for tach oneself 10 ' (Muller), f:lars. laNeq 'Slick 10'. mallahl (pI. maliil.fJ) 'cheek, jaw';
ofTna. liisdi also occurnng as liisda, variant of liista which he gives examples from Semitic and Cushitic. ETHIOPIC; Amh. lii!!iiqii 'be fastened. be joined'
SEMITIC: mallaht is related to Heb. ·mczltti<cjt,
- m;Hal-
J denved (Loslau 1958:29) Tna. liisda (and, by As for Iss, he considers it relaled 10 I~s 'lick' (see Cushitic: Be. liiseg 'make stick on, paste together' is .
'Of 'jawbones' (Dill mann 45). Holma 151 (follo" 10 8
Implication, also G. lasd) from lasta, name of a la~asa, above). borrowed from an Arabic dialect such as Yemen-
Hommel; so also Dnver, ITS 23[1922[.407) con-
pro\'ince south of Tigre following Coulbeaux.Schrel. ETHIOPIC: Te. nassal 'tongue', also lasan (Brockel. ite where liisig 'attached' Occurs. See also lii.,qer
nects it with Akk alla'u < alla'u 'teeth', Driver
ber 86· 7: (do.fla 'beurre frais qui n'a pas passe par Ie mann 1908 :227), Tna.Amh. I,sfs)an; Te. liissiina derives Akk. atta'u from a/ta'u, from !aeu 'lacerate'
I~el. la~el II~,*-l-, II~,*-l-, (KG) la~il 11K'
feu; ceUe denommatlOn lUI vient de cette province; 'praise' (denominative); Tna. liissiinii 'entice' could >/::)- 'lizard' ; Note that von Soden 87 does not gn'e any tran~la.
beurre de Lasta (en Amh. liissata qabe) parce que either have developed from liissiinii 'polish' or be tion for atta'u while CAD, vol. 1. II, p 511 renders
dans ceUe contree on COnserve Ie beurre frals, sans considered a denominative from husan; passed into SeMITIC: Ar. (f:ladr) 14qa 'a kind of lizard', perhaps il by 'fang (')' Praetonus 1890:24-5 suggests Hob.
Ie faire boullhr, comme cela a lieu dans toutes les CushillC: BII. niisiilii 'longue' (from Tigre). from 1000qa 'cling to, be stuck to' For the develop. laM 'cheek' with an mfixed e, or Ar. Mha 'shine',
autre.!i proVinceS)). One might be inclined to com. ment of meaning, cpo Ar. la~aka 'cleave to', and Neither of these suggestions is convinCing.
losawa fIol'lm (MA) 'roast';
pare Akk. liidu 'cream' (also Ii/du) were it not for lahaka'
• 'kind of lizard'. ETHIOPIC: Te. ~/tJ~ 'upper part of the cheek', Tna.
the doubtful meaning of liSdu, according to von probably misprinl for lolawa II-IIID, also rendered mataliJ~ti 'temple, side of the forehead', Amh.
Soden 552, under lildu; cp., however, PbH. I.sat! by Amh. !iibbiisii 'roast' in Tayyii. I~il I II-ll-l- (T) = Amh. diingii!.r 'narrow rniilatta 'press one's hand against one'I<; cheek' See
'fat' colored stripe paralleling Ihe wide colored also mlt~, below.
la~la~a II~IIK (T.Y.MA.M) 'weigh, measure, be stripe of a somma-garment'.
las~a I /IIlm, (L) las~a /Ill.., 'be insipid, unsteady (scale), be inclined (scale), move 10 lalaka lI.,.h (MA) 'shake, stir, agilale'.
be unseasoned, be lasteless, lose its saltiness,
and fro'; I~il " II-l\...-l-; see (Ia~aya), I.~uy.
)alaslasa, causative; lalama 11",00 (D.T.Y) 'crush, pound, refine,
be flavorless, be ,"effecllve, be inefficient, be la~aya IIKf, (L) lii~aya 118f 'shave';
harmless, be nonsense, be used up, be wom- 10#4, iT) I.ssan zala~li~ 'longue of a scale, lalii~aya 'be shaved, shave oneself';
grind, hull grain':
out, blunder, (LI.T. Y.M) fail (strength)'; poise of a scale, pointer of a scale'; 'allama (Gr.36), causa live: also 'crush, pound,
1.~/a~e 'asla/~aya, 'ala~aya (K') 'cause 10 shave, cause beat 10 death';
'alsiJha, causatIve, .Ing;, 'fluctualion, moving to and fro, swing· 10 shave oneself';
talatma, passive;
I.~uy, lu~u)' (fern. lu~il) 'shaved'; laliimi (Gr.36), act. part. of lalama,
ti(utri:.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .:.3_20~-_:__:_:~--~-------~~
I"h• 1.""''''1 32 1
1,'lum 'crushed, pounded fine (flour),; Ii!on 1I.(fI'} 'litany for each day of th - I."."•
lnmt1t (ir >~6). verbal noun of /arama: .
mne-part h yrnn ' . of Jesus s eWeek
In praise .' la"ah>q /I'/',l,~ (0 1399, K) 'mtercalary
S, \flTI( . AT talamo. laftanta 'st rlke' tlon, prayer'; , uPph ca, monih ' (Amh. /Jag"men); lewiqen, lewqen, 'ile"qen ""!!'II"} I "'' '"<t'} I
ElHlOPIC Te. lal/ama ·pound '. Tna. lalalna 'hit, la!lana (T.Y.MA) ' thank , glorify, praise' from Ar IQwa~iq (Dozy).
'white poplar',
hump', Amh. liilliimii 'stnke with the head , hit from Gk. IilalJeia ' litany'; also In Tna.A mh , ' from G~ .. !~ukin ~acc. orteuki '"-hue P<'plar·). The
hard'. GUT. liiliimii 'hit. beat' Syr. li!an("Q, luraniyii. Chr.-Ar. {ifill. See also ~'{on, la"ala /liD/I (T.M) 'be agitated, roll around', Amh. naq' white for lel'.'lqet1./('I\·q(.t1 In T (also \1)
lilastri II.·Nl·}-~ (0 1393, T) , liloslra lI..y.ll na, and Velat 175. al{a. 'QSlaliiwala (D (426) 'confuse, dISturb', ISundoubtedly incomplete' perhaps for ..... hltC' tree'
maslaliiwal'that which causes perplexity, uncer- See also /ewqe
-r~ (KG) 'pavement';
<;cc IiIOS!rOJ. below, I.!r I A'I'C, (T) ~a!r. /I'I'C 'measure of weight' . taInty, embarrassment, that which ca uses to
la!ara (T.Y.M) weigh, measure' (dena . ' move restlessly'; lawara /liD/. (T Y.M) 'perforate'.
. );
live mlna_
litoslro. lI...y.ll'l'C'1l (0 1399), litostoros lI..y.ll(fl ETHIOPIC: Te. {laJliiwla 'stagger'; perhaps also
C'll (K '), proper name of a pave~ent in John rrom Gk. lilro ' po und '; also in Tna. filtir t Amh. a-wiilawwiilii (with metathesis) 'be undecisive'
tiwariqo lI.'I't41 (T.M) 'border. bank, 'hore',
19 ' 13 ; A m h. Iliar,
· I'"
liar, IlIro
' ; T na. aIso niilri Arnh. 11r0
.' See also lawlawa , IOI1,·aya.
. f ., . nair Iws, losa, losa (plus. J,lu$) 11-1'1 , II-IP 'knead,
(rom Gk. lilhos/roros, ace. /irhostroton. same. See (vanant 0 la.t r, obsolete); on Ar., see Landbe~ mingle, mix ';
1920-42 : 1117. See also ral.,. g la"la"a /ltD-/lm ' move the tongue, stretch out
also ficus/ril, lo/asro!iin, tolas!on. talosa, passive,
the tongue, (K) yawn, gape'; the verb is Occa-
I.!r" A'I'C 'gum'; sionally written lolawa II-llm « lall'lawa); see laliiwasa 'be mingled with one another, (T) be
lattata I /I.,..,. (T.Y K') 's tammer, stu Iter, moved , mOve about" ,
(TS.M) be mute, (Mk) be dull (knife), be luke- variant or ratin. Dillmann 53;
warm' ,-

'alawlawa (l), causative; lawwus, laK'was 'kneaded, mingled';
• 1I.(fI11 (T) 'sesame'; los (KG) 'dish made of crumbled bread, 'auee,
lalallala 's tammer, stutter, falter (tongue)'; SEMITIC' related to Ar. laolo'o 'move, wag the tail' and bUller';
lalliil 'who stammers'; see also lila.
• (FleISch 2 I 7).
Iilllut 'who stammers': ETHIOPIC: Tna. liiliiw biilii 'move the tongue', Amh . SEMITIC; Ar liita (I11·t, 'soal In ",ater or 10 fat',
1>lliile (Gr.36, K ') 's tammering', lo!awi (pI. lo!iiwayiin) 1I-"I'1! 'Sodomite, liiwalliiwii 'wander about' (expressmg movement), Heb.Aram.Syr liii (I.f) 'knead' Md lu.l, AU
per, liiiu.
taining to Lot (biblical figure),; Har. lawlaw osa 'swing'; also in Cushltic: Or. 161
SEMITIC" AT. larlata 'spea k in an incomprehensible 'move here and there', Som. liil'mollon' Sec also ETHIOPIC: Tna.Amh. liil1'lI'ii~ii 'knead', Arg. It'll'.
SEMITIC : Ar. IU!I'Sodomite'.
manner' (Dilimann 46). luwa/a. It·a.w, Gar. liwwiisii, Gur law(i~ii; also 10 Cu~hitJc
ETHIOPIC Tna .Amh. lattala 'stu Iter', Te. ( taJliit- Sa. lih.
lewi, in lewaw.yan, ·orit za-Iewawayan J.t-r I
liilO; perhaps also Cushitic: Sa. lal-o 'mute'. lewen Mil,}, one of the names of the fifth
/I/I.'/'tD-f'} 'Leviticus' (the third book of the Iwt, Iota 11-.,. (MA) 'give a hght blow, goad,
Pentateuch). heaven ;
lattata" /I.,..,. (K') 'let the tongue hang out sec also leweqen. send up the first shot' .
(ammal suffering from the heat)' ;
Iw~, lo~a 11-8 (MA) 'be the lady's companion, lawantayos /ltD-'}-r1'"1l (T) 'place of (divme) le"itii "''/';1-, lewatlin /I.'/' ;'"'} 'sea monster';
ETHloPJ(". perhaps Amh lattota 'be tired (from be a servant'.
walking)' punishment'. see lewil'iiliin.
lawh /ltD-I} ; see lawl;. lewope!eraya 1\.9'A.m.Cf (K ') 'smooth rock, Iw!, lo!a II-m (K 'MA) 'change, put on clothes'
le!i /l.1l) (Lt) 'Without harness or saddle bare rock' ;
(mount)' ; law~ (pI. >alwiiJ:!) /ltD-,l" (TY.M) lawh /lID-U (perhaps 'change clothes');
' board, table, parchment'; from Gk. leiopelra, sa me. lalall'K'ala (L1) ' be transformed',
from Amh. le.ta; also OCCurs in Te. Ii.ta 'not being luI; 'plank of wood, timber'; 101 'cloak, garment',
saddled', rna .Gur. le.ta; In Cushitic; Or.Kam. le.ta. lewop!..aya /l.9'A''I'Cf (T), liyop! ...ya II.l'"k " ../11'ii! (It) 'alternative',
lol;a (T.Y.TS), loha (T) 'write, (K) scrape, Tef (T.M) 'container for water or beer',
Uri II.Il) (T) 'sesame', smooth' (denominative); ETHIOPIC : Te.liiwwii!a 'change', Tna.Amh liill'h'iilii,
'aloha (1), causative; probably in Connection wllh lell'opt'!erilYCl with the Arg. lew\\,cl!u, Gar. liwwii!ii, Gur, leK'It'iitii; passed
see also litos. poss ible meaning 'container made' or stone'
lalawha (Y), pass. of lol;a; into Cushitic: Bil. lawul, Kham. luut. Gcez also hilS
Iwq,loqa 11-4' (T.M) 'let go, release, let loose'; walla!a, see below.

II-m, 101• II-r; see IWI.

lawiihi (Y), act. part. of lol;a;
lawah (1), pass. part. of lol;a; ETHIOPIC. related to Amh. liiqqaqii. lawawa/lWiD (Y.K.MA) 'wrap around, tWISt. be
la!!.~a /1'1'''' (T Y K '.M) 'submit, greet, stoop, malwiih (1) 'writing desk';
lewqe /l.tD-'II 'white poplar'; evil, be impudent, be of threatening ap-
pay tribute' ; from Ar. lawh; also Te.Tna. luh 'board', Amh . /uh , pearance, observe fixedly';
from Gk . leuke, same; see also It!lI'iqt!fI.
ETHIOPIC: Amh . lau ala 'bow down , lie down, luk 'board, legal-size paper'; Amh. also loha ' write'; lall'iill' 'malignant, evil, (L1) savage, wild';
submit'. Te. !ill.t bela 'calm down. become silent', in the other Semitic languages : Soq . IO~ ' board', leweqen /I.'Il'll,} (T), one of the names of the /awtiwi, same;
rna. Iii!! hala 'take a rest, be quiet'. Heb. lu·~, Aram.-Syr. luM, Md. luha, Ug. Ih , Akk fifth heaven ,
leou. the original meaning 'twist' de\.cloped into 'be e\'il';
see also lewell, darteqon , and dariqon. see lall'uya.

k ...... (D 1]9.1) 'be a priest'; 'aleqa (1), causative; -

licm'mm3l1vc from the proper name Levi, talayqa 'bf appointed religious head or t
, .... ,\1 /\IDr (1 Y M) 'tWISt, wind, wrap around,
, layqala /\".,./\ (T) 'polish';
crr •
InlOWI'd, talliwaya. In/wora, passive; misprint for SQyqa/a ()~+I\.
m,l.. ar (t.: 0) 'somethrng that IS wrapped
around', that is, 'turban'; lOla "'H; see IlVz.
S~"'fITl(, Ar 1001'Ii (lH'r) 'Iwlst'. HaTS. Itwo 'bend', M 00
Hch liilii'6! ·Joop~. nooses', from a reduplicated /wy lOla T "'If (T.M) 'place where one gets hel '.
(Koehler 482), it I~ not to be connccted with G .• . p,
In lact It IS a place name lozii Heb 1"- .d .
mulch' 'joint. 11mb', as suggested by Baumgartner , , . Z I cntlfied
with bet 'el 'house of God'; in Geez po t ' . -mma - OD, emphasizes the word to which it is
504. Btl:!. also IiH'I'O 'wreath', Akk. law,i 'wrap up'. 'fi d wit h 'c hurch ' (see A. Grohma C ryh It. .IS
I·d entlle )I attached, with such meanings as 'precisely, quite, me'a OJh; see my'.
NNe that Koehler 475 and Baumgartner 496 also nn, /11 IOpt
sch e Alarienhymnen 290, n. I), See also loziin. . then'; e.g, kamiihu-mma 'precisely in that way, mo'a 'JDh; see mw'.
compare Hcb. Iw.l' 'accompany', (oif'a/) 'be JOined
unto', Aram·Syr limli 'Jl'(Ompany'. Md. Iwa.
the very same'; wasta mataka/tihu-mma 'upon his
EfHIOPK' Tna . liiwiira 'IWlst', Te. liiH'la 'wind
lOla II "'If, IUla II-If; see loziin. own shoulders'; ya,.,i-mma 'she herselr. It is ma'ada oohf. (KO) 'measure, measure by cu-
. bit, equalize';
around' (fn'm /llbd,liiltTQ 'crooked': also In Cushlt- also used with question particles: mantanu-mma
I(" B~d . ],./In ·plalr. Sl"'e also lolt'u ....a, Ian-ala. lallala /\'II/\H (T.Y.M) 'be sick'; 'what, pray?, what then?', 'aytenu-mma 'where perhaps reconstructed by K on the basis of Heb.
then?', >affo-mma 'how then?'. See also /camma, mogag 'measure' (v).
I... i) atin fI.'!!l :t-'} (T) 'sea monster', ETHIOPIC" Amh. lii:iilliizii 'throb with pain (finger),
mimma. For more details, see Oillmann 1907:
(ranr.cnphl)n of Hcb. IiHyti!an, also Amh . lewatan 382. mjj'odd "'hr:, (T) mi'odd "'fir:, (Lt) ma'idd
St'C 1«"lldl,/.
~Olan "'If') (0 1426: Gr.39), IUlan I\-If'} (Gr.39) OD'}r: 'table, rood, banquet, meal, dish (rood),
laudanum, the resmous JUice obtained rrom SAr. -m, -mw, -my, I:fars. -me, Ug. -m,
Eucharistic offering';
I.,,, /\0)011 'almond'; the shrub Cistus ladanirerus'; Gr.39 has also Akk. -mo. A. Ambros suggests, with reservations,
Ar. -mma in >allohu-mma 'oh, Allah'. SEMITIC: Ar. miNda, mayda 'table' is rightly con-
lo:a, lu:ii; so also A. Grohmann, A'thiopi-
from Mam ,S,r iI,: lu:a (Noeldeke 191043); also sidered by Noeldeke 1910:54-5, and Jeffery 255 a
In Tc.Tna ..L\mh. law:. Har /i): 'groundnut' For sehe Marienhymnen, p. 43, but on p, 290, n.1 EnuoPlc: Te. -mii, Tna. -Jmmo, Amh. -mm 'and , Geez loanword as against Praetonus, ZDMG 61
Ihe ·\rarnall· orlgm of Ar law:, see Fraenkel 145; m he considers it a place name, ror which see even, also, too', Gaf. -m, Har. -rna (sec Leslau, Melan- (1907).622-3 who denves G. rna',dd from Ar. rna'ida
other Senllt](; languagcs ' Hcb. Iii:, Md. lu:a.
loza T, above; ges Marcel Cohen [1970).263-73). Dillmann 1907:382 Littmann 1964:369 derives G. rnQ'ildd from ma'iId-1
Identifies it with the interrogative rna 'what?'. For < Ar. miNda.
SEMITIC' AT. lawdaniin 'laudanum' (Dozy), ladun,
"", 1011 "'If (T.MA) 'tWISt, wrap around, (K 0) other suggestions, see ib. n.1. ETHIOPIC: Te. ma'iH! 'tablt', Tna. miiraddl, Amh.
lad"n, SAr. Idn, Syr lagna, Aram. lugna, Md. ladan,
denate from the road': Akk. ladinnu, ladnu. Som. ladin is an ArabiC loan- mad 'Iable, food', Gur. mad 'food'; passed IOta
Ar liid;} II"'J) 'turn aSIde'. Heb. nolO: word. For the Semitic Origin of Ok. ladanon, lida- Cushltic: Bil. mid 'table', Af. mad, Or. miidcff. As for
S[\·IITI( , mi "'l. 'what?' (not orten used); e.g. mi-lita Be. mis connected by ReiOlsch 1895: 173 wilh BII.
( of 1M': fii:) 'dc\lous, crooked' non, see Masson 55, n.3.
walaka 'what have I to do with thee?', mi-'agab- mid, H is rather borrowed from an ArabIC dialect
baro 'what shall I do to him?', mi-ma!ana 'how (Oman, Iraq, and others) < Persian miz ,
10) /\,. 's<-arlct, scarlet thread, (T) red dye used lozawa "HID (MA) 'have difficulty in brealh- much?" migize 'when?', mi-ke 'how?'
for d)'emg cloth or fl) whISks'. mg. pant',
Any part of speech prefixed by -mi can express mi'3gar "'h1C (M) 'twigs that hold up the
Mplrii lor 'purple' (see paplrii). to be Identified with lazla:a, above. straw or the roor';
an exclamation; e.g. mi-hazryll 'how many they
are!', mi->addiim 'how pleasant I' See also Oill- from ?gr: Gur. (Soddo) ixgarii 'bind planks for
lii)di 1\,..'1 IT t.: 0) '''ooden sho\C1 used for Izy, lalaya "Iff (T Y.M) 'separate, (Y.M) pro- mann 1907:335;
" ,no"mg the trampled grain': building a house', maXiir 'planks for building a
duce saliva, drool'; wall', Amh. magar 'wall of poles fastened into the
SEMITIC Ar.Heb.Aram.Syr. rnii. rna 'what?' (also used
fro 'm Amh . la\'(/a. Sec also lamt'dii as an exclamation), Soq. mi 'when?', Heb.Ug.Ph. mi ground', maggiirii 'make a trellis', Har. mixiir ala
in the meaning 'separate' la:aya is undoubtedly a
misprint for sazoya (tltf. sazaya fPltf, 'who?', Akk. rna 'what!' (with reservations, von 'lie pieces of wood agamst a wooden frame'. The
II h,
, see Iclara.
- Soden 570). See also Brockelmann 1908:326, Banh rool passed inlo Cushilic: Kam. meggaru-Ia 'planks
Ill. laZla (y3Iza:) /\H (K·) 'be somewhat mOISt 1913: 137, l40ff. For the connection between Ihe in_ for building a wooden wall'. Or. miKara.
Ii} o~'''') i IL f-k'l'C,f, 'fe le.mpt"ayii. or damp', terrogatIve and the exclamatory panicle, see Jensen
1887:425. mu'ig3yi -h"ll (T') = Amh. H'"yyiill' 'oh
',q, I"". (T \ J '1) fl..,.
'become chler. become ETHIOPIC' Amh. lii:ziizii 'be somewhat mOIst', Gur. dear!';
r~ligious head, h..'Come an elder' (denommative liizii:ii 'become flexible from being wet't Te. {{i::a EnooPlc: Te. nu, mi 'what?', GUf. nu 10 l1liJQar « comes from Gk. (mnislhili) mnu hagie '(remember
from hq, abo,e). 'be sort, be smooth' is probably taken from Ar mil qar), lit. 'which thing'?' See also rnannu, I113nl,
ladda 'be pleasant', me) oh, holy one!'; see also ma<ag~yu. mukiryu.
mimma .
, mathisula (Hammerschmidt 1977: 93).
rna'aka, ma'aka ODhh : ouoh, (T) m.'ka
781,T) 'dish, plate, pan, baSin, vessel Used In
- . .. lbt
9""h '~et angry, take offense, scold, (T.M) offenngs, (T.M) lid'; eaning 'divide' seems to be a denominative
threaten. be h",tile, be III-disposed'; .he m IO't1:;Jn 'ang Ie' ; cpo a'lo
1 T na . ("J
ta ",
ma:ana m' bl, 'amii ' bala ""'/lIn" 'da'h (\\a\cs), '\\ecp
d ~ The meaning. 'hide" could • go back to a
note thaI KG I has by error ma'ofilsl_ acro~, ca}.lse waves to nse, mundate',
ram..'PAa, rcmw'aka 'be threatened, be fnght- fro
ened', also 'threaten, fnghten'; mi,s, mi'S (pi 'an,.,sI) "'1"11 : "'1l1l1 'ski meanm g 'put somethmg In a comer lamo'ba/a (Gr 106) 'become raglOg (sea)',
",,'uk '\\ ho threatens. frightened, brutal, rude, hide, leather, headcover', (P) = Amh. dabb: denominallve from mti<Jbul 'wave". for which
rough, angry, '\lId'; 'monk's mantle of yellow leather"
- z.n ma>3zan, ma>3zant, mi>tJzant
rna'" , ~ •
"'' 111 : 'abala.
(mtJ'ulw '0.1'11 'he \\'ho fixes his eyes'); ..,,,H') : "'1"11').'1' : "'1"H') ' corner. angle,
mJ'kat (K·). verbal noun of ma'aka;
ma'asa (K') 'remove the hide' (denominative); border (of garment)'; mac ada, m;)<da (rJm'~d. YJm'ud, OD01- I 'riJ~
Imp_,kl, I,'/IIk"I 'threat, anger, (K') angry SEMITIC: Ar. ma'osa 'rub ~leather) Vigorously' (011/.
'Counsel, warn, exhort, admonish';
see 'zn.
look' , mann ,'~6). The connection with Ar. ma'iz 'goal, lama'da, pas~ive;
goatskm suggested by Barth 1893:62 is unlikely meea 010; see my(. lama-ada 'Counsel one another, exhort one
SnflTlC possibly Ar. moraka 'rub' (that is 'do ETHIOPIC: Tna. InO'S; 'skin, leather', Te. ma'as another, warn one another',
something in a rough way'), mo'ik 'quarreler', Amh .Gur. mas, Har. mas; also in Cushitlc: Sa,'
ma'Us 'tan hide',
*m<lC8. in tamma'3 .,,.ro; see m,r, ma<Qdi. act. part. of ma'ada; also 'advisor':
me'' "'tholl.ILlI (T) 'mare'; ma'ud (K'), pass, part. of ma'ada;
,- me'i "til : "'til. (M) mi- "tll, (T') me'i
ml<a, r '. ma-dat 'exhortation, admonition, advice' ~
a ~lrilnge form, T has rnakebiJ' 'mule', mi'asuri "'1hft..:. (D 177, under m-s,a), mi'sur;; +
""" ·oil of myrrh, stacte, (T M) per ume , ma'dan 'admonitIOn, exhortation, religlOu'\ in-
"'1hft..:. (T), name of the 12th Coptic month struction, homily, discourse';
m'ki, '8mi'kala h"'1"M, (T) 'ami.kala h"'1 (corresponds to G, naiplse); from Ar . ml'Q 'Oil of myrrh', also Te. mita '.s,torax·,
lIh/\ 'place to the m.ddle. enCIrcle, be in mid- sec milsro.- Amh. mi-a, SEMITIC' Soq. ma'od 'Intend' (for whICh \¢e John-
course'; stone 1977:87). Among the vanous comparISon...
m.'Of (pI. 'am'iit) 9""T, (T) m.'at 9"lI.}- m", tam ...'a 1-9"lIO, tamma-a 1-9"0, (T) suggested by Dillmann 210 the root h'd ()"dl'prom~
denommative from mQ'iJkal (for which see .akala); ISC ' (with alternancc 111.1\) I~ the mo\t acceptable.
·hundred, century'; tamm.'. 1-9"h ·be angry, rage, be enraged. be
also In Tna mo'kiilii 'be In the middle' ETHIOPIC Te. nUl'ada 'admolllsh, warn. ad\-'I\e',
ma'ata (K') 'be a hundred' (denominative); Indignant. be irritated';
Tn:!. mii'adii; Amh. nkJ'cian ·ad\-Ice. coumel. e\hor-
mi,.k·at, mi,.kot "'1"II-T : "'1M'T (D 787), 'am'ala, (T) 'am'ata 'give a hundred, make a 'am<1,.,'a, (Gr.I07) 'om"'Q 'irritate, provoke to talion' is taken from Geez.
hundred' ; I anger, provoke, inspire anger, enr~gc';
mi,.k·at, m"'kot "'1l111-T I "'1l1"T (T) 'gift,
tarn'at 'hundredfold'; rama<.,<a 'be angry at one another, mi·<!dan (pI. ma,Qd,n, ma'"danat) ",/(Jf.') (K l.)
present, (T) pledge, vow, (KG) intercession,
entreatv'; 'astamfo'a (Lt) 'provoke to anger'; 'mineral, mine',
• SEMITIC Ar. mpo 'hundred' (on the various dialects,
see 'ak"ata. and miik"'tii. see Brockelmann 1908:487, NOeldeke 1910: 152.), 'ostamaf(1fo. caus. of lamii'Jfo; also 'bear a from Ar. mardin 'mineral, mme', also 10 Amh.
SAr. m'l, Soq. mi'e, Heb. me·a, Syr. m('ja, Md. ma, grudge'; . , mariJddan, Som. mardin,
Ph.Ug. nPl, Akk. me'a1u. ma'll' 'angry, enraged, irritated, indignant;
' OUhh"l, ma'akto
, -hhfll; see 'aka-
la, ETHIOPIC: Te. ma'at 'hundred', Tna. "Ia'fl, Amh.Arg mOlal, moral 'anger, wrath, rage, IndlgnatlO~,
Gur. maro. irksomeness, calamity, scourge, great nuo;ber , mcdw, '8ma,daW8 h"'1l1f.1D (Y) 'observe,
(rahuqa Ina'at 'Iong-s uffenng, forbeanng); watch' ;
m.,i1u 9"h,II-(T M) = Amh. caf"gg ·Iow-grow-
Ing bush which IS used like a brush In washing
(1I~&a ma'al 'long-suffering, forbearance, pa-
tience '); gives the impression of being ..I ~enomlllatl\-:e ,o~·
large crocks'; ma'Ole "'1h'~ 'when?'; .. ., mii'Jdot, above, but the meanmg .ob\crve, wah.:h
mO'Jze-nu, mo·a=e-nu-mma 'when?'; l<1m'tJ'<11 'anger, Indlgnatton ; given by Y IS strange, unless the oT1gl~al meaning 1\
ETHIOPIC perhaps Amh. mdlu 'kind of grass or
reed' 'JSka mii'aze( nu) 'till when?, how 10ngT, ETHIOPIC: a noun developed from .the roo~ m" In 'look across at somethmg > obser. . e
'tJmmii'a=e 'how long Since?'; TeTna, moral 'anger. rage, pUnishment, Gur
/a-mo'Jze 'for what timeT; ma'at, mal 'rage, anger" Amh mci>tIl 'calamlty, mi,.far "'1l1LC (Gr.109) 'son-in-law'
ma'an -h') (T) ·kind of antelope', scourge'. The root took the meanlOg of 'many, .a
'i-mii'Jze 'at no time, never';
lot' in Tna. ma-al, Amh. mal, G, nW'af A d~noml' ma'ig.yi oull"lf (T) 'fiery, of fire',
ETHIOPIC. from Cushitic: Be. mano 'wolfhound'
lit. 'what now? > when?'; from the interrogative m natlvc IS formed In Tna. mihaii 'flagellate, Gaf. see mU'agiJya, above.
(see mi) and ya'aze 'now'. Littmann 1964'372 ana- (ta )maca 'get angry', Gur. ma·acd. ma,:ti. The
mi'.n "'1"'), (T M) mi ..n "'1l1')·breadth, width'; lyzes mti',ne as rnti-gize 'what time?'. m,kbt, 'ami'kabata ""'1l1hn·,· 'make double,
connection with the noun for 'mteslmes (Heb.
ETHIOPIC Remlsch 1890:278 connects It With Sa. ETHIOPIC: Te. ma>oze, rna'az 'when ?', Tna. mo>o:. ' 1890 .'26ISunltkc·
me--ayirn) suggested by P ractoTlus , , duplicate' ,
mayn 'Fussthiche' mo'az, ma'aze, mO'ze, mo-as. Iy. Thc noun passed into Cushitic: Btl. ma'ar God s . t IV c from ·mtJ'kJhir , metatheSIS of mak
denomma _ I.'J -
punishment' Sec also -aflama, nw'att,lm. , for W h'Ie h s e
hit, c . above, Note that 'ama'/uJ-
ka'aba .' J b
mi'zana "'1"II~ (Y), mi'zana "'1l1l1~ (T,M)
mi'.naf "'1"~<;: (M), mi'.naf "'1l1~<;: (T), hara quoted by Dlllmann 86H occurs onl~ m ,~_
' conceal'; 42: 10, while the Asmara Bible edition has amak IJ
mi'.nf "'1l1,)<;: (T Gr, 107), pI. ma'iinaji (D mi,.bal "'1l10A; see 'abba/a, 'aba/a. and ,,,,hi,
'arna'zana (Y), 'arnii'zana (H) 'diVide'; below. ba, for which see mk·b. below
- -
mi'.hk .,lIhh; see 'akaka. ~~~r________________________________~3~2~7______________________________~.~
•. ~
marnQ, marano, (K) mi'no, mO)i1nO 'mud
mi'ikt "'}hT (OT) 'waler jug, laver'; (Gr 107) dung, (Sw. in 0 120, under i,a~lTe, m.'r (pi. ma-riil. rn.'raldl) 9"lJC 'moment.
marsh, marshland'. . .ha,) . ,. denominative from ma'ar 'honey" with rtdupliullon
in 2 Kmgs 8 8 quoled by OT 572 the noun is lime. ,
ma·iik..,/a, and not mii'iikt. ~rra 'once, at once, at one time, a while, for of the last radical; cpo also Tna. lna-r(jrJ 'collect the
m.'an""! 000'>11'1' (T), ma'an""ti UDO'}lI honey from a beehive'
h e present, Just now, presently';
mi'.kat' .,lIh'l', ma>uto (It) 'food, rich sweets'; . "I t h . ,
. oohh(l1; see 'akala. 7113"0 dogma 'anot er time;
mi'rata "Mt.1- (TM) 'Cover, CO,"r with a
ma'ala I I,'.m'al) UDOII (K') 'be haughty, is strange in comparison with marOnt (see, mJrra ." mafro 'at one time .. at another'; veil';
C Id ' be d ·fi d . h . ana/a) mJcra... wamarra 'one time ... and another
commit an Injustice, do a wrong, deny, dis- ou It I entl e Wit martin!, below, With' . rnlhrl (T) 'head Cover':
Inserted b? an . ,.
own', time,
bam;J{r 'in a moment, once, all at once, at ETHIOPIC: perhaps Te. m~'ral 'treasure'. that IS,
'Qlwala (K'), causahve; mi'.naq, mi'.nq I (pi. ma'anaq) "'IM+ • "6 'somethmg hidden or covered', or would it be a
mamrali, I1lQf1Jf~1 (K·). part. of 'amra/a; once, suddenly, in an instant'; misprint for mjj'~/aTl (see .a/ara)?
'}+ (Sw.In 0 991) 'tunledove, (T') locust..,attn
crane'. g
bazantu miJ 'this once';
a secondary form of ,wly, below.
lamarr 'for a moment' ~ m'ry I, >ami-raya h"'llJt.f (T) 'equaltz., ar-
la'anta mil'r 'in a moment'; range, do well':
rna-ala /I 00011 (1I) 'spend the day' (used in mi-.n.q, ma-.nq II "'16)+ j "'III'}+ ( 0
greetings), hadola marra, miJrrQ !;.adDEa 'for a little time'; denominative from ·trYr·tiy, from toraya; also Tna
991.T) 'small pilcher used by young children ;am';'a', lamar, 'now and then, separately'; rna'raya 'equalize'
denomlnalive from morolt. below. fetching water'.
SEMITIC" the connection with Ar. morro 'time, turn'
m-ry II, 'ami-raya h.,lJt.f 'prophesy, foretell.
m"'lo "'161\- (T) = Amh. doma 'digging 1001 matin' oo'l'}'1'; see Cana!a, and maranba!. above. suggested by Dillmann 206 IS doubtful. .. predict' ;
with a wooden handle'; ETHIOPIC: probably to be Idenufied with Cush,Ue:
m'qb, 'ami'qaba 1."'111.,.0 'give in safekeeping Sa.Af. miir 'spend the time', Som. mar 'moment' undoubtedly in connection with mr),. below.
gives (he Impression of being an Instrumental of augmented by'.
• '/11' deposit, entrust, watch over'; ,
m.-,i 9"lJt- (T.M) 'ea rthenware tripod on
. , 'pledge, guardianship, charge, pro . which a cooking pot rests above the fire'; m's, tamo'asa 1-'1"01'1 (MA) = Amh. haliim"al
tecllOn ;
see also marti r (under marla). honii 'be a favorite', translated wrongly In MA
(ma'q,bannii naway 'deposit'); 92 'etre hab,le, adrOIt, capable' as if it were
ma'.let "'IIIII.T. see -alaya.
the verb is a denominative from mO'Jqab ; see 'aqaba. m.'ro 9"61.: (It) 'measure of cereal'; balam"aya (baliimuya ). In VIew of Amh. ma.fa
ma-alt, mO'ilt (pi. l>Iall'a,.1) OOOAT : 'l",}AT, ETHtOPIC : Tna. m~rro, same. 'be clever, be cunning'. the Amharic trans-
(T) ma>.lt OOhAT; see lI'a'ala. m-ql, >ama'qal. 1."'111"'" (T.TS) 'gather, collect, lation of lamo'asa should have been balii-
(KG) dip'; ma'.r'.,a OD'}COt. (Gr 106) 'become sweet hke mWaya 'skillful, handy'.
m'ly, tami'l.ya "''''IIIIIf 'rebel, conspire, plot, honey';
(T) goad, urge on', denominative from fna 'qiil; see 'aqa/a. mi-saba "'1111'10 'be a widow, be unmarried, be
IQ1war'ara, (Gr.106) 'arnorarfara 'sweeten, be
'amci'lara (T.M), same; also causative; divorced' (perhaps a denomlnahve),
m-q!, 'ami'qa!a h"'lll"'m (T) 'do in turn'. sweet, find pleasure';
mam'tlltiy. mamti'ilay. mam'ali, mamral; .ty- lamarsaba, same;
mo'ar';r (fern. rnararror) 'sweet, sweet-tasting,
ranI. usurper, rebel, one who subverts'; 'amii'saba = Amh. fiilla 'dIvorce' (not 'open'
ma-aqta OOO+m (l), maqta OD+m (l); see honey-sweet' ;
as given in H 580);
denommatl\'c from mii<alel, for which see 'oloya. See (akala
• ma'ar'er (T) 'perfume';
also rna' ala J mocassab. mo'assab, mo'assabl, (T) ma'ossJht
maw'iire (Gr) 'sweetness of honey', (pl. marassab. ma,os.\·iJbiin, marossabii/) 'un-
ma'ir, ma'ar OD,}C : ODOC 'honey, honey. mJ'Jr ~a rannii 'sweetness';
ma'ama OOOUD (T Y.M) 'fear, be fnghtened, comb'; married, husbandless, widow, widower',
regrel , from maror, above, with reduplication of the last m.'JSsab,nnii 'widowhood, celibacy, state of
(ma'dra gadarn, ma-ara sadana 'wild honey'); two radicals. See also m'" being a divorcee ',
metatheSIS of mammil'o. below. (rna-dra gara 'wax', lit. 'sweetness of the honey-
comb'), m.<rif "est ainsi denomme 'chap'lre' (sous- SEMITIC: Dillrnann 973 (followed by Dellllsch 29.
mi'.no "'111<; (T) = Amh. dagga salam 'a .nlendu du Oeggua), parce qu'a I'oppose des von Soden 267) connects it with Sem. ':b'leave,
lam,'ra (It) 'be filled with scent';
building 10 the left of the weSlern entrance to a aUlres livres de chanl il ne peut etre employe abandon'; cpo also Ar. 'u;uba 'live In celibacy'.
Jomrara 'sweeten wi th honey' ~
church where a meal is served for the clergy Broeke/rnann 1908163 thinks Ihat G. '.16 IS the
seul: Ie recours au Deggua etant absolument
,mmediately after Mass, (KG) place where SEMITIC: the connection with Heb. ya<ar 'honey- original form and has become ':b in the other
indispensable el reciproquement Ie Deggua ne Semitic languages by assimilation.
people assemble', comb' suggested by Dlilmann 207 (and taken up by
Appleyard 29) IS unlikely. POuvant etre utilise sans Ie recours au mafra}'
(Velat 50, 679ff). See -rf I. mi-~t "'III" : "lJ~T : "'III
m.-na 9"1I~ (T M) 'be muddy, be marshy, be ETHIOPIC: Te.Tna. ma'ar 'honey', Amh. mar, Har. ma-..."


slimy, (Gr 106) ror, mar, Gur. ma'ar For ma'oro fadano, cpo Tna. sude. • merr, 'amierara ""'IiJl.l. 'sweeten';
"T', see 'osawa
. I.
nay ma'or. See also m'rrr, m'rr.
macari, 'sweet' (D 207, under ma -orrir);
mabara Olilbra 329
m'rb, 'ami·tab. h"'l61-tl 'make the sign of the denominative from ma<iJZar;fsee <u. - ,
('ro~,. ero" onc,elf. put a cord around the neck mabrii ""1It- (T.M) = Amh. alama 'flag, signal,
ITldH.~~tting adherence (0 Christianity, seal'; meba "111, mibat "?tl.}; see myb. aim, goal'; transcription of Heb,Aram. midbiir.
Itlmtl<lt/"o (M), paSSI\'e;
mabs>, mubil oo'l1t, ,. on--'l1t,; see bWI. has the appearance of an Amharic fonn from hiirra mad""ra),!.. ODX'llt..f.'I'il (T.M) 'wilderness':
Jenollunallve fn1m mii',lIUh; sec <mabo.
. ,
from Gk, madbarf/is 'Desert Region', from Heb.
ma"'al oo1l0A; see b'l I. (Aram) mMbiir.
m.'Bttom, ma'iittom -O.}9" : oo'}-l-9"; see 'al- mabiirdin ""IIC./!.'); see biirid, above.
lama. mabiht UPllih-l-; see bwh• fl.

mabiirt ""IIC-l- (Sw. in 0 1394) 'kind of animal', madada ODf.f. (Sw. in D 1394) 'hit, (Gr) exe-
m.'aw. ""OlD ("') 'be humid, be wet, be moist, mabiiki UPIlh.; see bakaya I. cute, (K') spread, level';
be supple'; made, madew 001. 1 UP 1.tD- ' ford'; madddi (Gr) 'executioner';
'Wll'GWa (I\. f), causative: mbk"", >amabk'o~a h oo1l1f'", (LI), >amabkuha borrowed from Amhar.ic where the noun is madi, m,mdiid (Gr) 'place of execution, place of cor-
related to n/,1lill'/1. (1111") m('<a, below. hup1It"" (MA) 'blow on a fire to activate it'. possibly a dialectal van ant of mado(/). poral punishment';
see bak"'ha. '

madaba "" (MA) 'build a wall (of stones or the basic meaning is perhaps 'spread, level >
IDa'Min 9"6'1'1 'norlh side. sOUlh side, (OT)
soulhcast'; *flatten by cutting down the uneven places> hjt,
mabba/. UPtlll 'rule, dontineer, exercise aUlhori_ bricks), ;
destroy, execute' (for the passage of meanings, cp.
for Iht> S.aOlC noun e\pressmg different directions, see ty, wield power, (Sw. in 0 183) behave arro_ madab 'base, soele, projection, wall, (T.M) ele- Ar. basala 'spread', Iraqi Ar. busar 'flagellate'; sug.
dalwh. ,tl:;t'h ..llllnCII. gantly' ; vated place, seat, stool, platform'; gestion made by Ambros).
>amahhala, causative; ETH10PIC: Te.Tna. miidiib 'raised part of the floor SEMiTIC: Ar. madda (mdd) 'spread', Ar. mudd
m,}fza. malUS (1',1fJ1'a::) : ODOlf 'smell
'measure' (n), SAr. md·t 'period of time', Heb. mii~
for sitting or sleeping', Gur. madiib, Arg. niidiib
'''eel, smell. he fragran!. emit a good odor'; EnnoPlc: Dilimann 182 considers it a denominative gag 'measure', (hil)mogeg 'stretch out upon', Ug.
'sleeping place made of masonry', Har. niidiiba
'aIIl'a:" 'fill wIth odor. emit a good odor, per- from *mbl < b<1 (see ba(/a I, above) > hi; so also mdd 'measure', Akk. madiidu.
Praetorius 1890: 30. 'raised seat', Amh. madiib 'stall for merchandise,
fume. ~C('nt·.
bench of stones and mud built against the inside EnuoPlc: Amh. miidammiida (reduplicated root
luln~'=a. (umara:a 'scrnt oneself. inhale a smell, wall of the house'; passed into Cushitic: Kam.Had.
mabi""nni uplIA r;; see maballal. mdd) 'level, flatten, cut down one after another
hi" e fragrance, be filled with fragrance. be miidiiba, Or. madaM. (trees), destroy', Tna. miidmadii 'level, flatten', Te.
""emed'. maballat UPtlll-l- 'woman who has no husband
miidda (mdd) 'spread, stretch, attack'.
Ulil'ii:i. act. part. of mY:a~ , madebabilu UP1.III1I1-; see madebiilu.
nun (often a woman who does not remarry mudid, modid --'IX' , ""-'IX'; see (lVdd) ,
ITJ.rll: 'fragrant. odoriferous. sweet. that has a madbala UPX'tlll 'come together, gather';
becomes a nun), widow, poor (for 'nun, monk' malVdad.
good smell, gracious. pleasant'; )amadbaia, causative;
and 'poor', cpo Te. miinkiisii 'be poor' from
(lIl"U;U ·pleasantl). ,weelli); madro' ODX'rt.6 (T.Lt) 'cannon';
miiniik"se 'monk'), (T.Sw. in D 486) dissolute, denominative from madbal (see dabala); also in
mo<u=J 'scent, ~avor. sweet odor. perfume, smell, Amh. madabbdla 'gather'.
fragrance': promiscuous' (a widow deprived of her liveli- from Ar. midja( (for which see Ayalon. Index,
hood sometimes becomes a prostitute); p. 153); also in Tna. mad/a'. Amh. mad!
"."oal (GrlO~) 'perfume'; madi""l I UP.I;1IA (Lt) 'arrows'.
maballanna 'widowhood';
'anl'~':O 'fragrJnce': madiihomt OD-'lU9".} (0 1394), for madiim,IJI.
EnnoPlc: Te. miibiil 'widow', miibal 'widower', Te.
madi""l II OD.I;1IA (T) 'leather thong used in
ETHIOPIC Ina, mii'o:;ii 'bt· fragrant. be last}', mo'o.=a fastening loads to the backs of beasts of madiim,llI, for which see damha II.
mambala. miinbiila, mabbiila 'remain a widow(er)',
'S<l\M, frdgrancc·. Amh mu:d 'be fragrant'. mQZa burden' ;
Tna. miihiilliil 'widow, nun', Amh. miihiilliil 'nun, madha (one would expect mad&a) 00X'''',
widow who lives alone', iJmmiibiilliit 'widow who lives from Amh. madabal 'packing strap or rope'. (T.iM) madha ODX'U 'grind grain, scrape
"",. ,al 9"6 If A 'chant 10 the '.101 mode' (Dillmann alone'
clean' ;
I()O~, addmg "ut ,idetur"l. 'une recitatIOn forte, Dillmann 486 derives it from a non-existing root bll madebilu UP1.IIII- (T), madebalu UP.f..OIl- (Gt)
'separate', a root that could explain Te. mabiil. miib- 'magician, witchdoctor'; denominative from madlJe; see da~aya.
ft'UO iI.111U d'un P~lume au d'un Cantlque des
OOla. but G.Tna. and Amh. could better be explained madebabiilu (T+), same.
Prophetes. faite aflernalil'c/IJ(,nt. soit par un madoke 00f..1J. (T) = Amh. amiidmado 'kind
through bit (see balala) 'separate. render lonely'.
chantre et lOut Ie rhoeur. SOIt par la partie drOlte madab"". UPf.1IC (KBT 123) 'place where of plant'.
cl I. partie gauche du choeur' (Velat 468); many people gather, place where assemblage
mabara -lit. (T.M) 'dig' (denontinative from madlo 001:fIo, madlot 00 X'fIo.}; see dalawa I.
~ also tJ:I: above, mabiiro); of objects is arranged';
"Ulbiiro (T.M) 'means of digging (hoe, spade)'; ETHJOPIC: Amh. miidbiira, same, from diibbarii 'pile, madlut 00X'1I-.}; see dalalVa I, II.
m'zr, tami'zara 0' "'I611t. 'bnghten up under
heap up', Tna. diibiirii.. G. Salinger suggests a bor-
brilliant ra}~:, Enooprc: Tna. miiharo 'hoe', from bariiwii 'dIg'; madalbomii oof.AU"'I (T) 'darkness';
rowing from Ar. mudabbar 'arranged'.
'Ul1ui'::tlra 'cau~ to
bnghren up, illuminate'; passed into Cushitic: Sa.Af. mabtiro 'hoe'. The deriva' SEMITIC: Ar. dolham 'dark', idlahama 'become dark~.
""':ar (f\.G), mO'oar (T) 'light (n), brilliant ray'; lion from the root b'r (Arabic) 'dig a well' suggested madba.a, mad"".ii UP1:tlt- 1 UPX'llt- 'wilder- W. Muller suggests a borrowing from Ar. mu;alb~
by Remlsch 1890:257 IS unlikety. ness' ; rna, dialectally mut/allima 'dark'.
rodl .. 330

mdh., '.m.dl.... hOD~llm (T) 'act as a hypo-

..- mm~'~~i4~ ____~~~~~~~~____~__3:3~1__________________________~~
nlJdr, CAD 10. 2, pA8 sta les 'meaning u . - mlqilMt
l~nte' • ncerIa,.'.
A S lr or ml·d·Irlu 'G arlen bee t ' (von SOden 650) TIC Ar. madad 'sour milk', Heb. maSSQ 'un- -_
, CAD SEMI· . . gives it an original •
lamad/awa (T) 'Oc hypocritical'; 10. 2• p. 48 gives a va riant
'. . '3 type of fiel
ml!lrtu leavened bread'. ...... , . -Id' d -. _ meamng umher Khwetrcnd
orchard. characterized by a sn--jal ,_ _ d Or ETHIOPIC: Tna . .!n~~-$a be_ aCId . b• sour.
e ' mi(r;" WI , enVmg It undoubtedly from fi(ala.,o. '
d~n(lmlnati\'r from -mad/ot, madlowi; see d%wa II . fflgat,·o n
system' Y"'"
'vlOega r ', Te. m~~a ~ aCid. be_ Sour. Arnh mii!4 ~rar, mufir, mo(art (pI. mawiil".Jr) fJ"L.C I
m.dil... OD-'lAI»'; see (da/awa I), mad/ol. En-noPIC: Tc.Amh.Gur. m~dar 'soil, earth' T lata. mi4~ii ' turn sour; passed Into Cushltic. 811, .. ~4.C: 'fDl.C+ ; see wafara I -
madri. See also madrawa. 'am(mjadru. . na. ~~!ota 'vinegar', See also mfL:fQM:Q,

. - 00 ~'I";", m.dmah OD ~'I""I : see dam- mara!, mar!, mOr!. mofat, mafit ""t.1' , OD~1'
ha II. "'if.C1- (T M) 'tweezers, pincers" madid
.. ODU (KG) 'dark leather' ; , '1"<;:1' , 'I" '1' . - ,' .
see also dargu. I see miJ~4it. ,." .... - ..1' . see ~'afa,a.
m.dinii OD.<t'i" 'Ci ty, seat of a ruler'; mog.' moga-' mug- l ( I
~_ ' a p. mawaR'J») 'fO""~ I
from AT. mudina 'capital city'; also Tna.Amh. mod;-
m.dra .. a OD~t.W (K*) 'put into the grOund'. modaf 'l"B<;:, mu~ir OO-,tj:, moc!aft 'l"B<;:i- (pI. '1":>>. , .....:>>.: see wag'a.
no. )amadrawa (K·,MA), causative; , ma~iirj'ft) ; see warjafa I.
denommative from miJdr. maggaba IJD10 'steer, be a steward direct
madiqq", madiiqq"s '1"-'1"" , 'I"-'I~, (T) m... modaf. 'l"Bt. (Gr.1 19) ' hurl with a sling': manage, administer. be in charge of, ~aintain:
diqqo '1"-'141 'gazelle, antelope': madiisu!ii OD-'I~"l (T) 'pertaining to Ram ,a";adafa (Gr.1 19), causative; surround to protect, protect, (K *) feed',
epithet of Christ, (T) cry of woe" , e, tamadafa (Gr.1 19), passive; 'amaggaba 'appoint a guardian , appoInt an
ETHIOPIC' Toa. meduq, moydaq" 'small gazelle',
Amh. midaqq"Q 'gazelle', - comes from Gk. ( mnes/hiti) rnou despola '(remem_
tama;viirjafa (Gr.119) 'throw at one another administrator or an Overseer, place in charge
of' ,
with slings';
ber me) oh, Lord!'; see also mu>agayii. mukirya.
mudiq 00--'10}>; see lI'adqa. marjiiji (Gr 119), act. part. of marjafa, tamaggaba, pass. of maggaha;
miidiiy "'I-'lf. (D 140 I ,T), mad.yii, mad.yo denominative from mot/af, above. maggiib, 'admInIStrator, guardian. steward,
mdq~ I, '.madqa~. hOD~o}>"', (MA) 'amadq'" OD~f ' . OD~f' (T), midayo "'I~f' (K) 'gar, manager,. prior (of a community), purveyor,
h. hOD~o}>/J 'do. work', ment, shIrt, (K) outer garment, honorific gar. madriirohi

'l"flt-e'l (T) 'mirror, glass, piece of one who IS In charge, officer, prefect' :
perhaps denominative from madqJ& 'awl. hammer', ment', (KG) = Amh. ¢ufa 'gold or silver brace. glass' ; (maggiibe IIamar 'captain of a ship'):
and 'amadq~ha would then mean 'make hammers, let given warriors to wear on the arm as a (note the misprint ma'riirohi 'l"1M.t:'l. in m'ggub, pass. part. of maggaha ,
awls. and so on'; see daq&a 1. military decoration' ; M 113). magb, (Gr. 114) magb 'guardaanship, steward-
ship, tutelage, management, mInistry, admInis-
tran scription of Heb. mag 'cloth, gannent',
mdq~ II, m.dqa~a oo~o}>", (Gr. I 13) 'conse- mada• .. OD81»' 'season of Rowers, spring, sea- tration, office, function, duty',
crale' . madayo 00 ~f' (T) = Amh. riiffe 'slightly son after the rains (September-December)': m'ghat, verbal noun of maggaha :
denommatlve from madqJ&; see daq&a n. marshy meadow'; madawa,
• masawa
• (T.Y) 'pass the season of m'gbat 'mandate, administration, tutelage':

; magb'"l1ii, (Gr. 114) magh.llnii 'administration,
one wonders whether there is not some confusion in
m.dar ODf.C (M) 'liller, stretcher'. the Amharic renderings tufa and ?iiffe for marbyo ETHIOPIC; Tna . mii.yiiw 'season of flowers' (for management, guardianship, mandate',
(see maday, above). which see Coulbeaux-Schreiber 194), Amh. mii~iiK' .'amaggiibi,
, part. of 'aml/ggaba: also 'guard-
madr (pI. madriit, 'amdiir. 'amdiiriit) 'I"~C 'season after the summer rains' (from Geez); also in tan ;
·earth. ground. soil, field, country. land, territo- mudiiy ""'-'If., modiiy 'I"-'lf.; see wadaya. Cushitic: Bil. masuw, Qem. mruH'a. Qab. masuH', 'amagg,bo 'mandate',
ry. district, regIOn. Roor (of a house), bOllom Or, omiia. The Cushitic forms were borrowed by
(of a pitl' : madyiim OD~f'l" ; see *dym. ETHIOPIC : Tna. miiggiibii 'feed', miiggaht ·steward.
HaT. ami.! 'harvest', Gur. miila, name of the fourth
manager', Amh . miiggiibii 'feed', miiggabl 'house.
l1L>driiw, 'earthly, worldly, of earth, terrestrial month , On the confusion in the tenninology con.
madda OD8; see mdd. keeper, steward'. Gur. (Soddo) 'food ' The
being'; • • • • cemmg the seasons of the year, see hagjjy in Dill-
connection with Te, magbo 'be in the nuddlc' sug.
mann 130.
madara (K*) 'be wide, be long, (It) be moda

'l"B; see mws• n. geSied by Llttmann-HOfner 142 (followed by
stretched out, be extended, be expanded' (de- mofi '1"1. (T); see wfy. D. Cohen 1976 : 105 who connects it with the foot
nommative) ; · '1"'>''mudi'
modii' . 00-,1. ,' see wad'a.
. gwb) is unlikely since G . maggaba does not mean
maddara (Gr.1 12) 'create the earth' (denomina- mafde ""<;:J.'..; see fadaya . 'surround (umgeben)'. but 'surround to protect'
tive); m~~, m8~~8, m8~a~a (yamtj;II!) OD8 , ooBB See also maggable,
(T.YK*) 'ferment, be acid, be sour'; morada 'l"t.f. (MA) 'dig';
tamadara (It), same as madara; 'amdarja (Gr.1 18), causative; maggiibit oo:>Ili-, seventh Ethiopian month
SEMITIC': Ar. madar 'clods of earth, mud', SA •. marjurj (Gr.1 19) 'fermented, sour'; misprint for moJara "'Lt., denominative from mofar (10 March-9 April);
'beam of the plough' (see wafara I) .
mdr ' territor)" ground" Mh. medir 'sun-dried marjirj, fern. marjrjiid, (T) mCLiiJ 'acid, sour, (T) ETHIOPIC : Tna.Amh. miiggabil. GUT maggiibit
bnck', PbH. mrkr 'clod of earth', Syr. meg'r" 'clod, angry, ill-tempered, rapacious'; maflas, m.flus, m.flas ODtj:llil , ODtj:/l-il I OD<;: Conti Rossini 1923 :376 nghtly conneelS ,t with mgb
SOIl'. Note Ihat while von Soden 651 renders Akk . maJiiJii, (Lt) marjiirj 'vinegar'; tlil 'wild boar" , (see maggaba, above). that is, 'the month that
muiru by 'eine Art Land' and compares it with G . feeds', The noun passed into Cushltic: Kam . mag-
mJrjrjal, verbal noun of marjrja; ETHIOPIC : Te.Tna. miijfas ' wild boar', Hommel 385 giibitti. Had. maggawfte.
""'gad 332
- rnogar 333
mogad '1"7.1':, (L t) mawgad 00tD-7Y: (pI. moga- - -
dal miluiig,ldd) 'wa\"e, flood. tempest';
Tna. mag"'~ya mag',ya
" mug~ya '
~rass, Te: mog)'~ 'a so:t of corn', Amh.Gur eou~h
"rab ""1't:l1 (T) = Amh. ganJo Iron , - mlhlkl
- -
m.g terbalance on the butt of a spear', mag.zoh on :>110 (T \ '
tfllo111iig_dda ''.<<It [TJ 'blast of hot air'); Wild panic grass; also In Cushitlc' Qe . Inuga caun htde' , .1) Coat made of leopard',
. m.mul>·O a
(m" ...iig.,dda k"aJllt [TJ 'driving rain, tempest'); mugga. The noun is not to be derived f1 6 , r ETHIOPIC Tna. miig"riih.
gr\lcs the lmpreS'iIOn of a plural form.
'aJn(J~ada 'make \\-'aves, cause to rise in waves'; attest ed. g'h.J' as suggested by Dillmann rom 1146a nOn -
1t.1n1(1gada (K·). passive of 'amogada; that Dilimann 1907:277 derives G. m~"" h ,.; NOte mag' s, '1"111 'be gracious';
mugzoyihu ""'''I11YII- (Tl " ..
IIt. ' t hat W hIC h makes waste' from Ar • )0 "<ed'
.ah. ' ,amogasa 'bestow. grace, favor, (Gr.IIJ) make in th . a grass thaI grows

. . IVa 'be •
Sl'OTIC Ar. mall'Kolt, 'wave', Mh. mOligit. Buhl404, rumed (house), WJden (a wound)'. Sec also. g ;_ meone a favorite; e ramy se'1Son in \oft SOIl';
Kl'Chler 501, and Baumgartner 526 connect it with below. mug.. iJyMu, ro JOgasa 'be given
. grace, b '
e gracIous, be a ~Ums to be a .
Heb mwg (mf(al) 'wave to and fro, swerve', As for G. tan 'hh' .l,y b mlspnnt of m"g·~l")"(l "1"-
favorite, find favor Wtt .ot ers , ,a Ove. For the freque t d
m(lKod. Practonw~. ZDAfG 47 (1893). 392 derives It magal. 00111 'fester, be purulent'; 91. n en 109 -1111. see Tana
from Ar mawga(t) through Somali where final ( 'amgala 'make pus come out'·, mogas 'favor, grace, d.graciousness, charm, love.
. ,
becomes d However, mogad could be a variant of
magi 'pus, blister, mark of a blow',, I·ness, benevolence, tgmty, mih(.)bab "0011 (T); sec bababa II.
mogaf withm Gccz by f becoming d through assimila- I
(mogasa .
qal 'gractous word s ') ;
mamgal (Gr.450) 'pus';
lion Noeldeke 1910: IQ8, n.1 derives, with reserva- m,gus (Or) 'full of grace'; . mihbaba I "000 (TM) 'work',
Uon~. G. mrwad from AT wagada "dessen Grundbe- SEMIT,tC: -:'-r. magala 'be ~Ii~tered', Ar, (f:la~r) mitt mogasawi 'graceful. gracIOus, charming, perhaps mfj~hah", denomlnatl"llC from m;i~hl1b 1St.'(
deutung clwa 'slossen' scin konntc" and he docs not mugl pus, Aram.·Syr. mug/a. Note that Payne S . h (Gr 114) favorite, friendly, agreeable',
agree with the opinion expressed by Praetorius. babaha II) With a generalized meamng 'work'ln,lead
2004 and Brockelmann 1928:37 record (Byza mil mamog(g) as, (LI) ma",og( g)asi 'well-disposed,
ETlfIOPlc' Tna.Amh. mogiid 'wave'; Amh. mii~g "
Gk . moukhla In ntlOe) of the specific meanmg 'press grapes', a'i e'pres"cd
connectIon with Syr. mug/a. benevolent' ; by hababu II
'wan", Te. mog come from Ar. mawg. See, also mogat, -
below ETHIOJ)JC: Tna.Gur. miigiilii 'suppurate', Te. mii I ErnIOPIC" Te.Tna.Amh. mogas 'benevolence, kind.
Amh. miiggii/a, Har. miigiila 'Suppurate', miigi '/~' ness. favor', Amh. moggiisii 'be 10 favor, be hon.
mihbaba II "000 (Y) = Amh. tiillliqli 'draw
water, dtp, plunge', .
mogada 'l"7J'. (KBT 137) 'ignite, kindle'; Arg. frL'g~/; passed into Cushitic: Bit mog/a ,p~:" ored'
ETHJOPIC Te. l7I;lgdll 'fire', Amh. moggiidii 'use as ISeither a SC(ondar), fonn of ·mJhrahd, mah\'tlha,
maguli' OD1-IIj) (T.M) = Amh. ambiyagusam below, or the Amh. !iilliiqa i~ placed here by error,
fuel, put In the fire', mugiido 'firewood', Har. miigiida m.g·a~a 00'''''' (TY K'.M) 'blame, reproach,
'bum. sct on fire', Gur. magiidii 'kindle, bum, light a 'chest strap for a mount, breastplate attached for Amh. !iilliiqa given one line below as transla-
to the saddle'. rebuke, irritate, utter harsh words, attack with
fire'. It is perhaps to be connected wuh Tna. >ag""jidii tion for miihyaba (p. 318), and miihhtlncl may then
harsh words, be harsh, degrade'; have a meaning not gl\"cn by y_
'start a tire', ma'ag"iidi 'firewood'; in this case the
mag"napa oo1'~T (MA) 'shout'; (H 235 = Amh. aqqalliilii meaning :n this
verbs with IOllIal m of the various languages would be
mag"'nap (MA) 'hyena'; context 'degrade', not 'make smaW); mih.babt .,UOofH; see hahaha II
denominalives from ·mgd 'firewood'. In Leslau 1958:
241 I expressed the opinion (partIally follOWing Praeto- probably connected with mankup, below. tamoga(ia, (Gr. I 15) tamag( g)a!'a, passtve; also
nus 1879: 175) that Ethlopic 'mag(g)ada, mogada IS 'insult, degrade' (H 230 = Amh, lIallahi; mean- mih.bal "00').; see llliih,hat.
perhaps a denommatlve from magiido 'firewood' from m3g"3npi, m3gunpii 9"1'1~ : 9"1")A, mog".n- ing 'insult' in this context, not 'drip');
a root' wgd that could be compared with Heb. yaqai! pi, mog"anpi 'I"""1~ : 'I".,.,1A 'quiver, cover )amgKa~o, (T.M) lomagKa,ya, 'ama!(ll{/a, same mah,ddaml ODIJJ'.9"').; see huddama.
'bum', At MaqadtJ (so also Cerul" 1936:261 in connec- ior a spearhead'; as mag"a~a: also causative~
tion With Har mogada). mah,ka, m3hka (plllhak) oollh : 9"lIh, (LT)
see ganal!a, and magul!l!ii. below.
mgdm, 'amagdama hoo"lJ'.oo (TX '.M) 'look
I perhaps a denominative from· mg".r, from u root ma~aka, m.~ka oo,r,h I 9",'hh 'have regard
"g~, for which cpo Amh. ll'iiggii!ii 'up'>et, harass, for, pity, have pity, treat with consideratIOn,
mag"anpat 00~1AT (Lt) 'chisel'; trouble'.
from the comer of the eye'; ,
be compassionate, be 'panng, 'pare, take care
SEMITIC related to Ar. qanaba 'trim (a vine)'. of, save, refratn, withhold, (V) estImate, ap-
denominative from magtbm; see gadama.
mogal 'l"1·l, 'wave, flood, (KO) drillle', praise' (could possibly go back to the mean-
rmgdwn 9' "1.11.9", see gaddama. magni!os, mag"anps oo"lt"'... : oo'l-')IIlIl, see mogad, above. 109 'spare);
magni!on, magni!an 00"lt",1 ! oo"ltm') (Lt)
mgb, 'amegha h"'l."IU (TM) 'illuminate, light )cwlhaka, (Gr.79) amfltlku. causatIve;
, 'magnet' ; m.g·!ay, m3gu!ay 9"1'10'. : 9""'m.e; see g"a- tamah.ka 'be treated WIth constderatton';
from Ok. magnetis 'magnet'; also Ar. magna!is, taya, lIIahiiki (K'), act. part. of lIIahaka,
rx>ssibly for 'clJ1JI'K(ta, a denorrunatlve from a non. Amh. miignii!is. See also maqli!os, mt1qiJn!OJ, IIIJllJlk (K ') 'one who" treated with consld·
attested mgft In Geez, but occurring in Tna. as maga& mang"an!is. magwe 00"1'£ (D.T.), magawe 007'£ (Or 114) eration, one who obtams pardon, one who
<daYt'n, early mommg', coming from wiigJ;e 'to dawn'. 'bunCh, handfu l, small bundle', ,
m3guppii 9"1-A (T) 'quiver';
rmg·.~ya, m~yi 9"1'ih! : 9 'l-ih! (D 1146,
u , , m<)hik, n/()hikol 'clemency, pity, compaSSIOn,
see m~g"~npii, above. mgz', 'amagz,'a hOD"I.,'h, (KG) 'amag"'"
under x'ahaya), mug>/:lyi. mo/.Jguyi -"1m, : 9"m • indulgence, sparing';
1-, (S~ In D 1146), rmg·.hyi 9"1'U, (L) 'wild >,00"1110 'fatten, feed, nourish'; (=a'JII6alo lIIahik 'unsparingly, merc:!c"I}, ruth-
mogar, mugir, mogsrt 'l"1C : -;>C : 'l"7C:t-; tamag:a>a (Lt) 'become fat';
grass, weed'; lessly');
see wagara.
denommatlve from magz~', for which see XUZ'D II. mahkot, same as IIIJhik,
mihka~'a 334
mahwa 335
SEMlnc: AT. mahaka 'soften a thing' , Ug. mhk don 431). Note that the meaning 'quick ( ,
·care, worry ' (SO also Fisher 123). . A ram. (Pa I ) , Syr. mahfrQ>if, mhU
occurs In myra •aSI also tamahwa, same as mCJhwa ;
ETHIOPIC Te. miihaka 'spare, have pity'. Iy, skillfully'. - prompl_ mahaw, fern. mahur (It) ' melted, fluid'; mam!J,d"II. act. part. of 'amohduna '
miftkswa "'IuhlD (K *) 'terrify, frighten'; EmloPIC: Tna . mahara 'teach' Te "h ahwat (Gr.73), verbal noun of miJhwa; mam}'¢iin, nliJm!J.<,iiin ' place of ref~ge'
A hG ..) ,,' d' ' . maara
m . ur. ( ca mara stu y, osramarii 'teach' A '
tatnahd- ., •
lamahkowo 'be frightened. fear'; ';.mhiiw (Gr.73) 'place where one liquefies'; .. am one Who receives in trust. trustee':
(am) frI3hera 'study'. ' rg.
SEMITIC: it is tempting. to ~onnect. this root with Ar. SEMITIC : SAr. mbtfn ' favor, grant '.
D11Imann 10 derives it from a root *hkw which he
co mpares with hwk , hkk. In this case the verb would miihrska "'Iu.:h 'take as booty, plunder I mahuwa 'be watery (milk) ; see Dillmann 145, Noel. ~TIiIOP~C : the verb is a denomlOatlVe from miihi1dan
rob, pillage' ; , Oat, deke 1910: 170, and others. However, while Ar. ma. bosom (see harlana ab ) . T " "
be a denominative from a noun such as *m<Jhakaw. ' ' . , ove , In na ,' fa JmahsanQ
'amiihraka (K*), causative; huwa can be derived from the root for 'water' (Ar. t~lace oneself under protection, appeal for p~~tec.
m.h.lli 9"UII; see ma!J.llii. ma') enlarged by h, as suggested by Noeldeke ib., I?n, seek protection, take refuge', Te. ( la )miiha.
tamahraka, pass. of miihraka; t;liina, Amh. ( lii ) maHiinii. .
this procedure would not apply to G. m<Jhwa where
mahlsl 9"UI\t\; see ~alala If. miihriiki (Gr.73), act. part. of miihraka' the enlargement of a biradical root through" does
mahruk (Gr.73), pass. pan. of miihraka' flat occur; cpo perhaps Ar. (Yern) mihi 'be soft' ma~guya 9";"1-' (Sw. ID D 1146) 'weed';
mahmaha (instead of mahmaha) "'IU9"O (MA) maharka 'booty, spoils, plunder'; , (W. Muller). metathesis in relation to m3g·<J~lyti, above.
'push' . maharkannii, same; ETHIOPIC: Te. miiha 'melt, be melted', Amh. mWa
alii, with reduplication of the root in mamma , ma~~ "'1"',"1.; see ,.Imuhah.
. -
mihen "'I'tJ (ll) 'kind of measure'. SEMITIC: SAr. mhrk 'booty' (W. Muller, ZDMG
131[198IJ.401). m"'amm""a (passed into Or. miimawa), Har. mo~a,
Gur. (Zway) mom" 'be melted (bUller, honey)' ; m.~aks, m.l)ka oudth , 9";"h; see mahaka.
mahars (yamh.,) UDO':, (T.Ll) mahra 9"U': ETHIOPIC : Te. mariika, Tna. marii/sii, Amh. perhaps also Cushitic: Be mu' 'humidity'.
'teach, instruct, educate, train, discipline'; marriikii, Arg. marriika, Our. mariika, Har. mariixa ms~sk'a I oodtll- (T.Sw. in D 1393) 'go back
Note that the root is mhrk in Geez while in th~ m.hws [[ 9"UID (MA) 'rub, massage ' ; and forth·.
'amahara (Gr.71), 'amhara (K*), causative;
other Ethiopian languages the root Seems to be a for ma~wa, and see ma~awa, below.
lamahara, tamahra 'be taught, be instructed. triradical mrk in the C·type. The root also OCcurs in ms~ak's II -",II- (Y) 'think. have in mind"
learn, be skilled, be versed in, be disciplined'; Cushitic: Aw. marex . .·a, Kham. mirek, Qem. mirak. •
mahiiri 'teacher, tutor, title of a learned man'; mihyabs "'IUfn (Y); see mii~yaba. Comes close to mahaka (ma~aka ) ' have regard for '.
miJhur 'taught, instructed, trained, learned, m.hut 9"II-T; see (mahwa I), mahaw.
skilled. experienced, expert, versed (in)'; UDOf.9"J; see haymalla. m~als (yam!Jal) oodt/\ 'swear, take an oath';
l1li1h (a)1' (Ll) 'teaching, doctrine'; msha,s UDUm (MA) 'work'; (malJala ba-~assar, maiJala ba-'ama<,iii 'perjure
mah.zan "'IUlIJ (T) 'hidden, concubine'; oneself, swear falseli) ;
maharo, mahiroT, same; probably rather maIJa!a, below.
from Ar. ma~zan 'storeroom, storehouse', that is, )am{la/a 'adjure, compel to swear' ;
' 'teaching' (Velat 32, n.5); rama!Jla, pass. of ma!tala;
mih.w (pI. miihwiil, 'amhiiw) "'IUID-, (T) ma- 'place where one keeps (hides) things'; also in Te.
mamhiJr 'teacher. instructor, master, superior,
abbot, prior of a monastery'; ~.w "'I11D- 'utensil of glass, glass cup, bottle, miikziin 'storeroom'. tamiiJ.lala 'swear to one another, conspire, fonn a
crystal, glass'; conspiracy, bind one another by an oath, make
(mamhiJra 'orir 'doctor of the law', that is, the a covenant';
Oct.teuch); SEMITIC: one might be inclined to connect G. miihaw
mahuli, act. part. of ma!lala;
('ala mamhiJr 'representative of an abbot'); with Ar. maha(t) 'crystal', as suggested by Noeldeke m~4n, 'ami~~ana h"'lmO~, (l) 'ami~4sna
1910: 170 (following Gesenius), but while Ar. ma-
mallUl (Gr.78, sic!) 'one who swears';
mamharr (fern. of mamhar) 'abbess'; h"'118~ 'entrust, give in deposit, commit to 'am!liili, part. of 'ami,tala;
ho(l) could be derived from the root for 'water' (see
miJlllhiir (instead of mahmiir, Gr.72) 'place of someone's care, hand over into the care of, put mahalii, miihalii 'oath, adjuration, treaty, cove-
learning, school'; mahwa, below), this does not seem to be the case for
this noun in the various Ethiopian languages. under protection, commend, recommend, con. nant';
mamhal'dlmii (Gr.72) 'title of doctor'; fide' ,.
ETHIOPIC: Te. miJho 'goblet', Amh, maho, rno (also (ma~alii ba-~assar or za-!Jassat 'perjury');
tamahiiri 'disciple, student'; mahaw, from Geez), Gur. (Zway) mowa; passed into tama~t;lana 'receive in trust, seek protection, (bal'a ma!lOlii 'violate an oath');
lamahar 'instruction, teaching, study'; Cushitic: Qem. rno 'glass, cup'. The identification of take refuge, take sanctuary, put trust in, trust,
SEMITIC: Dillmann 155 identifies it with Ar. maJ;a/ijla
ramhiir 'teaching, study, doctrine, discipline'; Amh. waha 'water' with Amh. mqho 'cup, carafe', place oneself under protection, be protected, 'plot, intrigue, scheme'; cpo also SAr. mf;1)"'m 'oath'
/am (iJ)harr 'teaching, study, learning, educa- G. miih.w, as suggested by Praetorius 1879:54, is appeal for protection'; (?), Heb. miiJ;al 'forgive'. Ihe forgiving possibly
tion , erudition, doctrine, dogma, method, disci- unlikely. Leslau 1963: 106 suggests a connection mah(iun, pass, part. of 'amii!J¢ana; also 'de- expressed by an oath.
pline, science, ability, skill'; with Har. mii~awa 'object, goods. utensil'. posited, entrusted'; EnuOPIC: Tna. miifmlii 'swear', Te. mii~Qla, Amh.Gur.
ma!Jd;mnii 'deposit, trust'; malii, Arg. maha/a.
SEMITIC: Ar. mahara 'be skillful'. SAr. r.mhr.t m.hwa I (yamhaw ) 9"UID, (KG) mahawa
'contIngent of Bedouin mercenaries', Heb. mahi,. mii!Ja¢an, mii!Ja¢ant, (T) miihiJ¢ant 'trust, de- mahoUi 9"mil; see mhll.
UDOID, (Ll) ma~awa UDdtlD 'melt (intr), be posit, pledge, custody'; •
'quick, skilled' (ludolf 638; so also Uliendorfi', VT liq uefied, be dissolved, dwindle';
6[1 965J. 195), Aram. mh(y)r 'capable, skillful', Syr. miih¢anor 'deposit'; mJ:ill. tamiJ:tlals (tamiNals) -1-"'1;""" (-I-"'1U
>amhawa 'melt (tr), liquefy, dissolve, make )ama~t!iin i 'deposi tor';
mahirii 'trained. skillful', Ug. mhr 'serviceman' (Gor. dwindle' ; /\/\) 'beseech, supplicate, make supplication,
mamha¢iin 'pledge, refuge'; seek earnestly';
mi~(.)I.t 336
I<1mJhliili (Gr.7I), act. participle; ETHlOP1C Tna. malpn 'woven textile', Amh . - 337
. (K') mahllil 'supplication, invocation,
_.. ,
ln3fhm. ..,
man weaver's d
ree ' ; passed int C. tnahan
.. ' mahuraw~iit "".h-£:m-dt-}- (instead of ma-
(sun),. d~sappear, (Y) be teary (eye)" M 104 ren-
solemn service. adjuratIOn, Imprecation; Qem. mm.. 0 ushuJc'.
hur~w&iit of T.M); see ~wr.
""'h""1i bamalu' 'imprecation at full length'; ma- •

m&\lara, m.~ra (yambar) oo"'£: ; I"'.l,.: 'have ders It mtrude, invade' apparently
,",Iiii bag"adalo 'abridged imprecation' (from ma-
I'a. p:"adala; see Velat 577tf); compassion, be compassionate, show mercy, mahasa I """'" (TM) 'extirpate, eradicate, Amh~, l3/aq/aqq alii 'set completely (sunf,
have mercy, have pity, pardon'; upr~ot, rake, puJ~ ~ut'; Tayya s translation of mahsa for IJllaqq a/d
mahalia, mahalia, same~ also 'intercession, advo- mahus, pass. parttclple;
'meddle'. .. , .
cacy'; 'am~ara, causative~ also 'move to pity';
lamallra, tam~hara 'obtain mercy, be shOwn SEMITIC: AT. ma&asa 'knead, rub Oeather)'; possibly
SEMITIC Praetorius 1890; 369-70 thinks that the mercy or Pity; AI. mas&a metathesis) 'wipe out, erase', Mh. ~a~ "'.l,lI., (L) miil)~e "'.l,\, (T) rna"'!_ "'11\
, . (with
, axe',
correcl form is (Ia)miilt/a/a (with h) and not (Ia)- >aslam/Jara 'implore pity, crave mercy, seek mahOs WIpe.
mii~"ala {with M and considers it a denominative from
mercy, ask for mercy, be prone to pity, have ETInOPIC: Tna. mii~asii 'weed, extirpate, pull out', SEMmc, from hsy: Heb. &~ii Ol,y) 'dIVIde', Syr. hasii
*I1IMI to be delived from Semitic hll'praise' (Ar.Heb. Amh.Gur. masa 'dig out, plUCk out. excavate'. (/"y), Ph. hsY 'half, Akk. esa 'slit'. .
Syr): so also Christian, WZKM 55 (1959). 169. How- pIty, tntercede, be merCIful, be compassionat EnnoPlc: Tna. maJ.~ii 'axe', Te. mii~a::e (d'Abbadie),
· pard
o btam '
on; e,
ever, in view of the more frequent form with ~ the mahasa
, 1I oodtll (MA) 'cause to grow, rear'; Amh. n~e (from Gcez). matu'. The root is relatt.'Ci
verb is (Io)miiblala even though Te. and Tna. have 'astamii/Jara 'ask for mercy from one another" to hasas
. . . a, above . ..
SEMITIC: Getatcbew suggests, with reservations, the
the root mlili. but also mbll (see below). The root m(ll1 ma~ari 'merciful, compassionate, gracious, on~ possibility of an original me~ng 'dig out' (see ma~a­
is perhaps to be identified with m(ll 'swear' (see who has pity'; "",~ut I'"m.-}- ; see (mahawa) , mal/J",.
sa I) in the sense of softemng the earth around a
mabala, above) with the reduplication of the last mahur 'one who obtains mercy'; growing plant, and thus making it grow,
radical. miil)tata "'.l,-N- (T. V), mahtata "'U++ (T) 'tes-
mallra! 'compassion, pardon, mercy, pity, clemen- tify';
ETHIOPIC Tna. (rii)ma(Jliilii. (tii)mahliilii 'invoke cy, affection'; miihso<, m&\t""'" (pI. mahiisJ'iit, mahasa'/) ..,.l,iI
God, pray', Te. (I>}mahlii/a, Amh.Gur. (Iii}mallii/ii,
('amara ma!lrar 'year of grace'; it designates the b ,oo"'iIlJ (0 95), mii~sa' ..,.l,ilh (L) 'suckling . , see halata.
denOminative from mahtal' .
Arg. (Iii)miihalliila 'beg'. The root passed into Cushit.
Ethiopian calendar); kid, lamb, young goat';
Ie: Bii. mahtal 'implore God'. m&\lawa (yambawi OO"'ID 'uproot, pluck out,
mami:zar (Ll) 'one. who implores compassion, (miihsa' {ali 'young kid');
pull out, tear away, tear out, carry away, (T Y)
mii!J(a)let (pI. maba/a)') ..,,},/\,-}-, mii\l(a)letiiy worthy of compassIOn'; (miihsa' bagga' 'suckling lamb, calf, kid'); rub';
"''}'/\':rf., mii\l(a)letiiwi "',},/\,:r'f ; see hala),a. 'astam/raro (Gt) 'characters of the dagg"ii-anti- lamiihsa'a (Ll) 'represent oneself as a lamb' (de- 'am!lOwa (Gr.79), causative;
phonary, (Gr.78) supplication (religious service)'; ttund~wa. pass. of ma~awa;
ma~anal ()'amhan) oodt~ (K*.LI),mahana ooU~
mastami:zar (instead of mastami:zar of 0), part. of EnnoPlc: Tna. ma/ysi>. maJ:rsiJ) 'kid'. mahiiw; (Gr.79), act. part. of ma!lOwa;
(Gr.73) 'scrub, rub, soften a hide'; 'aslam/:tara; fniJ{IaW, fem. miJ{lut (Gr.79), pass, part. of ma~la.
'amahalla (Gr. 73), causative; mahaSaS OPthUJP'"; see hWajasa.
ramahallo (Gr.73), passive; SEMlTIC: metathesis in Ar. ral:zima 'have mercy, be , - wa',
merciful', SAr. r/:lm, Heb. ra~am 'love, have compas- t1whwat,
. verbal .noun of mallawa;
mahiill; (Gr.73), act. part. of mahana; m.~~. I oodtll, (Y) m.~~ 1"',},1I, (T) m&\la~a
sion', Aram.-Syr. ra~lem, Ug. r~m, Akk. remu; consid. In<Jmhiiw (Gr.80), mamho (Gr,80) 'place where
n",/rull (Gr.73), pass. part. of mahana;
ered a denominative from rhm 'womb': AT. rahim,
00"'0, m.hda I"',},O 'smite, cut, pierce through,
one uproots, instrument for uprooting' ;
mahiin, malriill 'soft hide', possibly 'skin dyed . . (T.Y.M)
. .. ,
split, chisel, destroy, injure, inSUlt, blame,
red' ,. Heb. rf~fm, Aram. ra~u'jma, Syr. ral:zma, Akk. remu. cntlclZe ; SEMITIC: Ar. ma&ii (m&wly) 'crase, cancel', Heb. miihii
EnnoPIC: Tna. miiJ;arii 'forgive, pardon', Te. miiJ,lQra, (m!ty) 'wipe out, extenninate', Aram. nJ.iJ~ii 'efface',
"",hiine, malmal (Gr.73) 'act of softening the larnah}a (K'), passive;
Amh.Arg. mara. Note that Te. riiJ;.ama 'have pity on', Ph. m&y, Ug. m&y (Aistleitner, no. 1540) 'be effaced'.
hide' ; ma~~i, act. part. of ma~~a;
Tna. riihamii
• are taken from Arabic. Praetorius Akk. ma>u, "etwa 'wegstossen'" (?) suggested by
mamlrall (Gr 73) 'place where one softens hide'; 1890:21 derives the root m~r from G. ~ora (adding n/JhU}, pass. part of ma!lOSa;
von Soden 637 is doubtful.
"so unglaublich dies auf den ersten Blick scheint"), ma&~al, verbal noun of ma&~a; EnnoPIC: Tna. mii&awii 'uproot'.
SEMITIC:Ar. mahana 'soften the hide'.
ErHIOPIC Tna. mii~lOnii 'pound. crush'. Ar. ~lh'r 'go, return> answer', SAL ~wr 'be gracious', SEMlTIC: Ar. malJ~a 'stamp, trample'; related to SAc
and Ethiopic m!lr would then be a denominative from mbrJ 'smite, hew out, defeat', Seq. me~arj 'weave', miihyaba ..,.l,fn (M), miihyaba "'lIfn (TY)
ma~ana II, ma~na oodt~ : I"''}'~ (TY.M) 'pay SAr. m&r 'gnadige Antwort, Gnade'. This deriva- Heb. miilJD.! 'strike, break to pieces' (also 'chum' 'dr~w water with a large container, dip, plunge';
homage, make a gift, bow down to greet' tion is not convincing. according to Oahood 1968: 146), ATam. m~a « ma- denominative from miiJ;yab; see ~yb.
(denominative); m.hra I"''}'£: (T.Sw. in 0 1393) 'sulk, snore'; ~a<, m~tfJ, Md. mho, Ug. mb! 'smite, strike', Akk,
ma~lQna, malzanii.. ma/ulna, mabanii.. mana 'pre-
mal]ti!U 'hit, strike, weave'. See on this root M. mll\layit, mo~ayit -"'II.-r I 'I""'II.-r; see wa-
Dillmann 1393 compares it with G. ridtJra 'snore, Held, JAOS 79 (1959).169-176. See also maljaifa, haya.
sent, gift, tribute, offering, sacrifice'; snort '. EnnoPIC: Tna. miihasa
. , 'hit, cut, break', Te. mlif,lQ!o
from Gk. manaa, transcription of Heb. min~a 'gift'. ( 'chum, shake milk', Arg. mdha!a 'hit', Hac maIJala, mab...a 00",,, (T.Y,M), mah ...a OOU" (MA) 'be-
" mahar
, oo-"'c , I"'dtC; see h"'r. Gar. masa,
. Gur. matd.,
co';'e a young man, become a lover, be flirta-
, ,
. I"',},'), (KG) maho
, oo,},') 'shuttle, length ma~.r(r)am oodt£:l"', name of a month; hous ; .
of the warp, weaver's reed'; ma~a~a II oodtll (Y), ma~ 1"'.l,1I (TY.M), tamiihaza 'be in love with one another, fall to
from Ar. muharram.
"",~~a 1"'.l,0 (T) 'flee, emigrate, set completely love,' become a lover, commit adultery, strive
muhil 338
mk' 339
after \('moone\ fncndship, become intimate
wllh, be flirtatious, (K) Joke with one another'
miil;d, (K') =/;t;I 'labor pains' ;
JDk', t.lmka,t O}-Y"h"O}-, metathesis of I,m'akl,
SEMITIC: Ar mabit;la ' have labor pains' . see ma,aka. I,mk,hl 'gI .
(the Amhanc translation liidarra in H 224 does with the meanmg 'shake, smite'; Ar. m~h:nected
. . ory, vamglo')', glonficatJon, boa,ung,
not mean 'agree' in this context, but 'be flirta- Insolence. Impudence',
mQJ;~; see mah~a I, above. - . , Heb. JDk<b, ,amak<aba hOl>hon, (T) 'amak'aba
tIOUS); I,mhhliil (pI. of I,m""hl) 'honor,;
EnooPlc: Te. miilJasa 'have labor pains', Amh. ( ,,""lIhn 'redouble, double. make twofold, dupli-
"'-,lamiiJura (lI), 'aSlaJ/lal;a~a (T) 'nurture ten- la, Gur. (a)mala·N; Te. miihas 'labor pai . a)"",. EnnoPlc ', Te. (tiJ JmiikJvhd 'braD rei)' 'n' T
cL . A h G ...... ns , Hat cate, repeat, do a second time, multiply, increase (Ia) iikbh ~" oa
derly. amu~, entertain'; m~,~, • . m . r'Id~, ur mar, passed mto Cushiltc. . ,m . e, Amh. (fa mraJcko. Gur l td ImOkka 'rely
m,!u 'birth pam . . Or (e.g, 'amak<aba salosla 'ada 'he trebled', lit. 'he on
maha:. maM:. mii!.Jo. miil;z 'adultery, (1I) prosti- increased threefold');
lule. adulterer, adulteress, lover';
tamakfaba, passive; makaJa ouhl\ (T), makkola (for makk"ala) -t>t\
mahaoii, (Lt) ma!"i:ii (pI. mal;aziil) 'youth, young mii~fad I "'..,"-.(- 'tower, fort, fortress, citadel
temple, (Lt) obelisk, statue; sign of Sco . ' denominative from rnakfiJbu 'double'; see ka'aba. (MA) 'cut with a sickle. mow, cut',
man, adolescent. lover';
(maha:iila sor 'porters', lit. 'young men for the
(zodiac)'; rplon E~?PI~: Tna. miilsiilii 'mow, cut'. Te. mdklav (PI
load'); tamiihJada 'be built (tower)'; denominative. JDk·bt, 'amak·abata hODhon·,. 'duplicate, make ~al) halm of durra, halm of com' (lUlInann-
, twofold' ; Hofner IJ 1). See also makli<lOM"o.
m"fluo (T) 'playful'; SEMITIC: SAr. m/Yd 'tower' (wilh ~, and Ihe Geez
mah:."" mah:alJ, (T) miih:an 'adultery, fornica- noun is perhaps mii~fad rather Ihan mii~fad). denominative from n1.}k f tlbi,; see ka'aba. mk'h.
makaJe oohl\, (lI) 'kind of disease'
tion, concubmage, dbcit affair'; ErnIOPIC: Tna. malJliid 'fort, fortress', Amh. mahf<iIJ
'strong wall and tower' (from Geez). makii<law., mak"ii<lawa ODI],)I\IJI • oo'>.,)I\w makIit I (pI. makiil,y, makiibyiit, mak,ili, ",akii.
ETHIOPI(" Tna. miiha:a 'one of the same age', Te. (T.Sw. in 0 1394) 'mow, cut With a sickle'; hi) ouht\.-l- 'talent (of silver)',
ma:ay 'beM fnend', Arg. munhm:ed, Har. ~l}iJz
mii~fad II "'..,"-.(- 'the veils and napkins with see also makala, k",i<laM'a.
miilaq 'best man In a wedding', Amh. mi::e. m1ge; also SE'Ml1lC: related to Ar kala (kyt I 'measur<' (v). Sh
which an oblation is covered' (see Euringer, ZS
In Cushuic: Bil. mada (Wlth altemance d:z), Kham.
makeba< 0I>h.1I') (T') 'mule', mlcol 'measure' (n), from kyl > tyl (by palatahza-
ma:a. Qem. miixo, Or. minge, mm:i. The derivation of
10[1935].135-6; Hammerschmidt 1967; 128); "on).
see also me>ekebe<.
Amh. M'a~a Joke, mockery' from maJ;a::a suggested by from Ar. ma~fa.a 'Ihal In which a thing is kepI'; also EmoPlc Amh. miiklir 'talent (of silver)', from Gcez;
Praetonus 1879.58 IS unlikely. In Tna. ma~fiid 'cloth placed over the paten before Te. kdyyiila 'measure' IS an ArabiC loanword. For the
communion', Amh. mahfad (from Geez). mak"id OI>IJ...(- (l) 'club, short and thick stick'; we.ght of the maltlit, see PankhuN 1970, 1.55.
. mohiz
muhiz, , ".,."'." : .,.,,,,.,,; see wahza.
. ErnIOPIC: Tna. malfdi 'hilt of a sword', Amh. miikd,
ma~ala 01>"1" (MA) 'carve an idol'; miikde; also in Cushttic: KhamLa makdi. makIit II ooht\. -l- (1I) 'httle bag';
mi!1(a)bab, mi!1(a)babt, mi~(a)babt "'..,011 :
",..,n-flr J "'..,-fI-flr, (TM) mih(a)babt
n-fl'}-; see hababa II.
"'U seems to be a misprint for massala tID"'t makfe OI>h,,-; see kajaya II.
from Ar. miIJla( 'fodder bag'; also in Te. mtlklUl
'fodder bag', Tna. m~M lat, Bil.Sa. muk/iit (from
- mi~laka ",..,,,h (MA) 'hobble a cow by tying
mukiif ""'1]'1:; see w/if.
m~br, 'am~bara h"'..,n~ 'assemble together, the hind legs together'; makiloy ou!]",!'.; see maklil,
associate. Join, unite'; denominative from 0 mal;lak, from ~/k, ~(k, for makko~a OI>h", (K 0); see lamakk.!w;
tamabbara, passive; also 'be an associate'; cpo Tna. haliilsQ 'hobble a cow by tying Ihe hind legs lamakka~a 'praise oneself, glorify oneself, boast, makmis I \I"h.,11 (T) 'box, chest, coffer, (T')
logether', Te. ~alliika, Amh. alliika. brag, puff up, be honored'; mat made of reed';
denommative from miih(.})bar,
. for which see habara·
- ,
also Te. 'amahhiJra 'go to a meeting'. <amakkal;a, causative; also 'embellish, render DJllmann 1401 states that It IS a tran~npllon of Heb.

miihlal "''''''''; see halala
. II. magnificent' ; m*mas, place-name.
",..,no}- (T repnnt, M), mihabat ",uno}-
(T): <;eo I;bl, mi~me "'' ' ' 1,(T) mihame "'U"'1; see I;amaya.
'oslamakkal;a, causative; also 'embellish';
makkiil;i, (KO) makkiil; 'boastful, (Gr 101) glori. makmis
., II (T) 9"h.,11 'low region, wilderness,

*mal;ldim. pI. ~imit 9"..,.0;",0}- (Sw. In 0 mi~ame "'' '-' '1

(instead of miihmame oft),
mi!uname "'~OD"'1 (T, reprint); see I;amaya.
ous, magnificent';
"",kkul;, =kk"al; 'bragging, boastful, glorious.
pit .

1396, under I;adama), ma!HIimit 9"~-'I"'r (T) makin 001]'); see kwn.
'spoon for administenng the Eucharist';
mahoSaS 01>-<;'P'P', mah"aSas .. -'l-'"I", ma· miik,h (It) 'haughty, arrogant': makana (yamhn) ouM, (Gr 10J) makkana
perhap, from ""r. hadama 'serve', Chr.·Ar. hadama 1_
quddiita 'celebrate Mass'. - . -
hosas 00-<;'1111; see h'aSaSa. m;,kl; 'boasting, glory, praise, glorifying, object ODh~ 'be barren, be unfrUItful. be sterile, be
of boasting, pride';
mi~tot (pI. maryiilaw, mal;iilawiil) .,..,.,.-l-, en ('albasa =kl; [ll] 'gala dress');
childless, be bereaved':
m~.d. -"IS (Gr.80) 'suffer labor pains'; mihatot "'U+r; see halawa,
- 'OSlamakkal;o 'pride';
makkana 'cause to be barren, bereave';
'amkana, (Gr. 103) 'amakkana, causative; also
'OtnIJada, (l) 'amhada 'suffer labor pains, (K)
cause to suffer labor pains'; - .
mahiitaw -;)o}-ID-, mahitawit -;)o}-'I'-l-; see mmnkal;, (KO) mamakkal; 'cause of boasting'; 'deprive of children';
=/;adl (fem. of • =&ud) 'who suffers labor
- ,lamakkiil;i
. (Gr. 101), part, of tamakkal;a; also lamakna 'become sterile, become barren',
vam person, braggart'; makkiin 'barren, unfruitful, sterile, childless (man
m~yar ",..,re (KG) 'foam of the sea', tamakkal;o( I) 'insolence, vainglory, boasting'; or woman)';
maknun 340
I 341
lI1 ekir
"'<lUanah'it (Gr.1D3) 'sterile (woman)': makaiiiia, Our, ( am) makmifiii' Tna k - I ~ usative; also 'test, try, tempt, exam- makrit OUht!!- 'spade' ;
.Ikara, ca
m..1kkiinc (Gr.IOJ), see tnaknal; text,' A m h. maknayat, makannat' Gur . rnak- f!alJat
_ .r ' pre. .",I""rove, expI ore' ., see karaya I:
lIyal. , , rna annal ,t113~.
milk.nat 'barrenness, sterility. bereavement, child- Ine, P pass of makkara;
less ness' , I {"",akka;a'ted. ;ried, experienced'; mukirya .... h.c.r (Tl 'refemng to the flame ,
milmk,m , mamkani (K), part. of >amkana; mkr T, makara (yamkar, yamkar) ouh.: 'ad'
exhort, recommend devise form I VIse,
I kku, tes . .'
," _,' I testing, exanunalton, temptatton,
-I'ara toa, I'
epIthet of Christ, (Tl a cry of woe';
ETHIOPIC:Te.Amh.Gur. miikkan 'sterile', Tna. mii~an, I d .' , a pan tak m:-- . distress, ordea ; Comes from Gk. ( mllestheri ) mou kwie '(remember
Arg.Gaf. miihan; passed into Cushitic: Kham. ma1.Jen, counse I etennme, propose, make ad' . . e
plot, conspire'; eclslon,
tnbulatJ~n: (Lt) 'tested tried, stricken with mis- me) oh Lord!' ; see also mu'ag3.1'ii. madasur/i.
Qem. miil]tin. nrokkaronJ/ •
'amkara 'advise, counsel give a pi fortunk': . (Ll) part. of >mnakkara;
I .' an, ask fo makeaz ouh':1t (T.M) = Amh. sagr 'mIllipede'
maknun I ooh)'1 (M), >.Imaknun hAooh)'1 (T) counse , ask for adVlce, devise a plan rs ,r !{11nak aTl· . ,
tamakara 'take counsel'-, ' pe uade; aro (Ll) 'temptatIOn; (from 'i-agar 'thousand feet') ;
'hidden '; {ani akk . ' t"
tamakara 'advise one another, take COUnsel to. I,m/orr (U) 'temptatIOn, tna , the meaning 'mIllipede' is confimlcd by KG makra::
from Ar. makniin,
gether, consult, dehberate, devise a Ian . Tna miikkiirii 'attempt, try, test', Amh. = Amh, ya->Jbbiit t3['wonn that is found in dung'
EWOPlc. . . C h" 0
maknun II, in »boaknun hAooh)'1 (M) 'melting spire, plot'; p , con· k"" ii Arg. mokkiira; passed lOto us ItlC: r.
POL, oven'; ",ok a' , Note that Dillmann 198-9 and Noeldeke mak"asa oull-I'l (Y) has a variety of meaninRs
'astamiikara (K 0), caus, of tamiikara'
makiiri, act. pan. of makara; also 'prude t
I rnokorra. 1
'76 0.4 combine mkr I and mkr 1. In view 0
' f which seem to belong to different roots: I)
probably corruption of Ar. kiiniin. · I n,coun_ 1910.h Arg., mokkiirii, mokkiira. .It .IS POSSI'ble th at the 'accuse, boast, bet'; 2) 'discharge pus' ; 3) 'guard,
se or, a Visor, potter';
d Am . , . "'k
root for 'try, test IS m r. protect one another' ; 4) 'take by force', Note
maknas oohHI (KO) 'broom'; nIiIkur (K 0), pass. part. of makara' that makk'aya has the same meanings,
from Ar. miknasa. makr 'plan, design, counsel, advi~e ConSI'd mekir "'Lh.C, (T) mildr "'Ih.C, name of Ih:
. d I'be . , era·
tlon, e I ration, conswtation devt'ce 0 . . sixth Coptic month (it corresponds to G. yakka- mak"si, mak"so, mak"..y ODIN\, , ODtttl. , ODIt
'. ' . PinIOn
mekanot, mekonot, mekenot OZh'i-r l OZ\l'i-r ; purpose, pomt of vIew decision understand' ' rtf,; see k"asaya II, and mk'sy.
'd . '. ' mg, I Iii) ;
OZh.'i-r (01401), mekanot OZIJ'i-r (T), mikonot JU gment, conspiracy, mtrigue, plot'.
rrom Coptic mekhir; see also masir, below, and
"'l.\l'i·t (Lt), makinot ooh. 'i-r (r) 'pedestal, (ba-nIiIkr 'insidiously'); , mak"ast I ooltrt!!- (T.M) 'joint labor' ;
'amser, above.
base, stand, (Gr.103) base for a jar, drinking >amaktiri, part. of>amkara; also 'applicant, postu- perhaps in connection with mak.~ sj 'of the same
lant' ; ,
gourd, dipper, storage bin'; name .
...k"rib (pI. mak"iirabt) 9"ttb--fl 'temple, sanc-
from Ok, mekhonol, transcription of Heb. ma(fonol 'amakarayan, pI. of 'amakari (Gr.449) 'postulant '.
monks'; tusry, synagogue, mak"os! II ooltrt!!- (T.Ml 'broom';
(za-m,k"riib 'second Sunday of Lent');
mamkar (pI. mamkariin, mamiikart) 'counselor I perhaps a misprint for mak~Jsliir ootN'I."'·C 'broom',
SEMITIC: SAr. mkrb 'shrine, temple, synagogue' ('1),
mkny, >amaknaya hooh~f (0 857, under kny) one who gives advice, advisor'; , for which see k. .·oslara.
from krb I (according to SabDic 78), and pe~haps also
'make excuses, pretend, give a reason, use as a mamkari, same; krb-( 'blessing' even though SabDlc 79 conSiders It as mk"sy, >amak"saya hoolt(tf 'have the same
pretext, look for excuses'; SEMTTIC: Ar, makara "deceive', makr 'craftiness, cun- coming from krb II: cpo also Akk. kariibu 'pray'. On a name':
tamaknaya 'use as a pretext, look for a pretext, ning', Heb. malsera 'counsel' (Ludolf 87, 639; so also bibliography of G. m.k"·riib and SAr. mkrb, see Land-
seek an occasion, look for means or for a way, Ullendorff 193, Baumgartner 551), miikar 'practice , berg 1909:642ff. Buhl 117 (followed by Baumgartner
tamak"asaya (Gr), same;
scheme'; deceit' (D.W. Thomas, JTS 37[1936).388-9), Akk. lamak"'saya (K*), causative;
152) connects G. nIiIk"riib with brk (Pi<e1) 'bless'.
tamakonaYG 'devise vicious actions against makru 'counsel'. The connection between Ar.G. mkr Fraenkel 274 derives Ar. mthrab 'niGhe in a mosque, denominative from mak"'si, makM£iJy 'nam~ke' ~~.
someone' ; 'beguile, plot' and Heb.Aram.Syr. mkr 'sell' suggested synagogue' from G, mak. .·rab (from which he also k~asaya 'be nicknamed'); cpo also Amh. (ta )mokassa

nlilkna)'iit 'pretext, (false) excuse, cause, reason, by Brockelmann 1928:385 (following Jensen) .nd derives, with reservations, Heb. karutJ 'cherub'), as 'be nicknamed'.
Rabin in Ben-l:Iayyim 485 is doubtful. Concerning against Pr.etorius, ZDMG 61 (1907).621-2, Landberg
occasion, opportunity, means, wiles, subterfuge'; these roots Noeldeke 1910:76, n.4 states, "Dies mk,
(za-nIiIknayiit 'occasiona!'); 1909:64lff., Noeldeke 1910:52, n.3, and Rhodoka- makoti "'tt:r (T) 'gift, present, supplication';
[Heb. Syr.) mag in letzter Instanz mit ..f-. 'list', ouht. nakis, Worrer und Sachen 3 (1911).125, n.6. " see ma'iJk"'al, above,
'amakna)'o(t) 'reason, argument';

'versuchen, raten' identisch sein, aber die Bedeu-
'amakniiyi (Gr) 'one who makes excuses , cun- tungsiibergange waren schwer festzustellen".
EnnoPlc: Tna. ma/s."·rab 'synagogue', Amh, mak rab
(from Geez). mkt, tamaka!a
. "
(MA) 'accuse';
Tasa .,...,\>,~ 'accuse
ETHIOPlc: Te, mtikra 'advise', Tna. miilsiirii, Amh. is perhaps a nllspnnt lor lama ...
tamaknayo(t) 'excuse, pretext, cause'; "'I.he'll (T) 'cruel'; which see male asa, above.
miikkiirii, Arg. miikkara, Gur. makarii, The root mikrobi one ano ther' , t'or

SEMITIC: Dillmann 857 reduces mkny to a root kny passed into Cushitic: Be. mekir 'advise', Kham. is probably an interpretation of the French 'microbe'.
and compares it, among others, with Ar. kana (kny) maxer, Sa. makar. makk"aya (IOll-f has the same meamngs as
'allude to, speak allusively or. makark oohch (T) 'piece'; mak'"asa, above;
EnnoPIC: Te. (>a)makna 'use as a pretext', Tna. mkr II, makkara ooh.: 'tempt, try, test, put to for the meanings 'watch, guard' Di1l~ann 202 com-
from krk < krkr; see karkara. above. For krk <
I 'OmJmiilsaniiya, Amh. (am)miikmirid, Arg. (am)- pares Ar. maqii (mqy) 'watch, guard.
the test, examine, choose by testing'; krkr. cpo also GUf. kariikii 'grind coarsely'.
malgan. malagos 343
mel I "1.A (It) 'honey",
('amall,'a [anoIa 'he hastened along the rOad') - .... 1....
from GL. meli 'honey'; also in SYf. mflfn (Payne 'aml,'a 'take upon oneselr, engage onese/r. ' I OS 00/1-)11 'soft_ weak, effeminate',
Smith 20Q I) See also mel /I 100IIiil,'a, (T) lamall,'a 'press on (to) be on ' lamali!<>_ paS",e of m"Ii!<>; also 'fall out, rail off,
from G k . malakos ·soft. unmanly', be thrown_ uproot oneselr;
. •
mel II "1.A (T.M.Sw In D 1400) 'Gospel'; way, carry away WIth oneself, bring with one's
tear away, take away, draw along'; , lamiil_ba (KO) 'draw (swords) on one another';
rnilihi "'1.'1'£ (r) 'white millet'; 'aslOll/ali!<> 'cause to draw (a sword)';
Dlilmann 1400 considers it a loanword without &lYing 'ostamtiliJfQ. caus. of tamiiliJro; also 'cause to
the language, It IS undoubtedly connected with mel I, . uld be a suffix conSidering the number of nouns 'aslamal_ba (K"), caus. of 1.vniiL>",,;
the Gospel bemg conSidered 'honey', For the Gospel
hand over, cause to entrust';
n",lIii' (Lt) 'incursion';
-hl~o In a non-etymologlcal -hi (see Tayya 92); but maliifJi. act. part. of ma/lta;
being Identified With milk. see Eurin~r. BiblicQ .18 In ng or melani• below, the form milahi could be a
en View n"'luI], (T) rnalh, pas> part. of 111"1,,,,;
(iQ37).270, 1.12, where 'oril (law) IS Idenllfied With SEMITIC: Ar. mala-a 'run swiftly (she~mel)'. IDlsprint. n",lhal, verbal noun of m"lha: -
milk EnuoPlc: Tna. ('a)mal·. 'flee, escape', ( 1m.I< -
'carry away', Amh. { lii)malla 'go off With',
la f SEMITIC: Ar maJa~Q 'pull out', HaTS. mdtj~ 'pull
Doha OOAm 'season with salt, make tasty' down', Heb. mlh (nif'31) 'be tom up. be dlSpeNXI
~:nominative of maiM;
mah ( ..,mlii') ooAh 'fill, fill up, complete,
mUltiply (tr., intr), be full, be filled, overflow, be rna,," (y,mlii.) ooAO fragments', Akk. ttJiJliibU 'remove, tear apart' (consld~
smear'; (Y) 'anOint, grease, (note that G. ""Ath mal!1O or malbha IS also ered by Yon Soden 593 related to Aram rruh'K
fulfilled, be completed, be abundant, abound, 'pluck'). _
(Y) come to an end'; lamal'a (KG), passive; dered by T 37 and TS 9 'do, work' (also KG
ren 'work'), poSSIbly
""Ih . 'd0 go od wor,k' saIt be'Ing ETHJOPI('; Te, miilha 'draw a \word' (that 1" , 'pull
'om/J'a. causative; SEMITIC: perhaps Ar. (Da.) mala' 'smooth away" from the sheath'), also "IJ/ha, (for "",Iiwyl R>N' 'be
lamal'a 'fill itself, become full, be filled, be the ~ymbol of good deeds. It could also be that
stnpped!' (curse), Tna miilht' 'pull out', mJIi.imnWIJ,
""Ath malha is for ooA"l mall]a below, and the
completed'; mal'a ooA,} (T) 'one who is inclined to fornica_ Amh. miiJiimmii/ii 'cut' (from m/~ > mi. rcduphUltoo
tion' ; neral meaning 'do, work' refers to all the
lamii/~)a. reciprocal of maba;
malo'i. act part. of maba;
~tivities expressed by mall]a); into mlm/). GUT. mala; pa'i..'\OO into (U\hlltC Sa mwUh
'pulled out' See also nwlhola. belo""
SEMITIc: related to Ar. malaga 'dally, be wanton' lamalha, lamalbha, passive; also 'be salty';
malll' 'fUll, filled, abundant, copious, replenished,
complete'; mulad 00-/1.1:", milad "'/./1.1:"; see walada. malh iTS 9), ",,1!lii (D), n",lh (Gr K") 'salt, taste,
1ITdl, 'fullness, that which fills'; also refers to a
sav~r, judgment, common sense, tntellect, tn-
malf. ooAte (T) 'awl'; sight, discernment, knowledge'; mal!lota ooA .....,. (instead of lIIalhola ooA"'.~
mode of singing (see g' adalo); of T Y M) 'weed',
mispnnt ror masfe ""IIIl.., ror which see safayo. (biihra mal!, [Lt) 'Dead Sea');
(ba-n",/'-, with suffix pronouns, 'fully, complete-
mallahi (Gr.74), act. part. of mall'ha; denominauve rrom ntillhal;
. sec malho.
ly'; e.g. bOlI",/,u 'he fully, he completely', bllmill'o-
malaga I 00111 (K ".T.M) 'be spoiled (person), "",lIuh (Gr.74), pass. part. of nlOlI,!IO; ..
mil 'all of them, they together'); malaka OD/lh IS the same root as mlk, below,
behave without regard to the proprieties, be malh• (K") 'seasoned with salt, salty, (T) whIch IS
(11Td1'a ""[n, ""/'a "d 'handful'); but for the sake of conventence the two entnes
slimy, be sticky'; tasty';
(ba-""/'a I,M,ka 'with all your heart'); are separatred;
malgu (K") 'sticky, viscous, nasty, indecent'; malliihe (Gr.74) 'seasoning with salt, common
""/'al 'fullness, filling up' (n); malaka 'own (property), possess, have domin-
maml" 'that fills up, (Gr.76) complement'; EoooPlc: Amh. mallaga 'be sticky, be unpleasant, be ion, dominate, become master, take posses-
nasty', mal'gl'g 'slimy, sticky', Tna. malaglag biila 'be mal!101 (Gr.74), same;
SE....ITIc: Ar mali.. 'be rull', SAr. ml' 'fill', S~. mili 'be sticky, be SOiled (person)'.
sion of, occupy, rule, reIgn. have authonty',
SEMITIC: Ar. milh 'salt" Soq. milho, Heb. mrlah, Aram. malka (M) 'be established as owner, be sub-
rull', Heb. male'_ Aram.-Syr. "",la, Md. mia, Ug. ml',
Akk. malu. mlihii, Syr. me/~a, Md. miltla, Ph. mlh 'salt wor~er', jected (to)';
malaga II 00/11 (D 1393,TY.K") 'be able, endure, Akk. mil'u 'potassIUm' (von Soden 653), mallahlU em
EoooPlc: Te mal'a 'be rull', Tna. mal", Amh.Arg. 'amlaka, caus. of malaka;
Gur. millla, Har. miila'Q. can'; Gr,77 wrongly renders Amh. calii (J's saiZJges Grass' (von Soden 596). Gordon 443 compar-
es Ug. mlh 'good' (also Ar maM 'pleasanl'). Ullen- lama/ka, pass. of malaka; also 'be subjected to,
translation of G. malaga) by 'be strong';
dorff, iSS'7 (1962).345 suggests Ug. mlhl In hrb mlhl be made (constItuted) master';
ml>k, tamal>aka .,.ooAhh 'become a prince, be malgu (K ".T.M) 'who is able, who endures'; lIIaliiki. act. part. of malaka; also 'master,
'salted knire' (see also Caquot 154: Fronzarolt 1972,
appOinted prince, be appointed Chief; note that KBT 140, under mallaga, records G vlI:621 translates it 'a good knire'). ruler, heir'; "
11Td1',kallnii 'princely dignity'; massaga 001\1 = Amh. cala. Could it be a mispnnl EoooPlc: Te. miilha 'to salt" Amh. malh 'salt' (rrom lIIaluk 'dominated, subjected, subJect, possessed ;
ror malaga 00/111
denorrunative from mabak; see la'aka. Geez). Cushilic (S~m. milih 'salt', Sa. mUho, Ar. mlllu- malakol 'lordship, kingdom, domination',
. , , .
hiI) is borrowed rrom ArabiC. ma/kal 'domination, dominIOn, cmplr~ ;,
malgam ooA 1"" (T.Sw. in D 1393) 'means or m,lkol 'property, possession, .ownersh,p, .
carrying, pole used in carrying burdens, litter'; m.~. (yamliib) -A.." (T) mol\la ootlm. 'tear m,lk,nnii 'ownership, posseSSIon,. rule, dom~n­
man... a -tlO 'set out, continue a journey, pro- from a non-attested root Igm. Note that in view of the out, pluck out, pullout, eradicate, ehmlnate, ion, power, domination, lordshIp, rulershlp,
ceed farther, hurry, pass on hastily'; Amh. malogiya 'pole ror carrying a heavy obJOCt' take off, weed, draw (a sword), drag forth, (T.Y) authority, sovereignty';
'amalb'a, (T) 'amall,'a 'set out, go forward, (translation or G. malgam given by Tayya), the Amh throwaway'; note that (T.Y) 'scintillate' seems to 'am/akot'domination';. .
walk, proceed, (Lt) vanish from sight'; mdskam (translation of malgam) given In D n9! IS be a transferred meaning; l'ml3kl 'principality, posseSSIOn, authonty, do-
undoubtedly ror mii.lJakamiya 'means or tarrYing .. ,
'aml'l]a (K"), causative; minIOn;
mlk 344
lDelini miJandiJd3S
Sfll1lT1C Ar. ma/aka 'possess, take possession, own,
dominate', SAr. mlk 'become king', S~. simlale 'take
malakht (K) 'indication, symbol, mark, m . - 345
cal notatIOn' (Velat 99ft); us!. miland.d.s "7.l\"I 1:1:iI (Lt) 'coat';
possessIon', Heb. mcila/s 'reign. rule'" Ara,~ .Syr. mil· ma"~s. ODl\(\ (MA) 'return. repay'.
luk. Md.Ug.Ph. mlk; Akk. maliiku rule IS a West ETHIOPIC: Tna. (liijma/kalii 'observe r pro ba bly from Gk. .. melandelOs
) 'bound or mounted
tamalasa (KO) 'come and go. go to and fro'.
Se~lItic loanword. For 'king', cpo Ar. malik, SAr. m . ur. ( ta'.J rna··l··kk····
A hG , :emark'
a ata. Praetorius 1879 139 \ . h black' (W. Muller.
larnaiaiasa 'go to and fro' (Amhanc form) .
mIll.. Heb. mrlrls. Aram.·Syr. maIka, Md. maIka, .
nves ·t f rom °rna··lk.pal, f rom G. liilpa 'desi de.
lans ODl\"IiI, (OT) malanso OOl\"I(\ 'small mais (K') 'answer" , ,
Akk. ma/ku. mark'. See also malakal, below. &tI,
ETHIOPIC: Te. maIko 'dominate. be master', Tna. ~:ck poppy', (T.K.Sw. in D 148) 'cumin, flax'; from Amh. miil/lisii 'return, bring back', The root
mtild/s.ii, Amh. miil/iikii 'possess, dominate, rule' , malakat OOl\h-l- (KO) 'trumpet' (see p from Gk . melanthion, 'black cumin'; also in Amh. also occurs in Tna. rnlillisa 'give back. answer'
36-9); owne
·'1·' s 'oilseed plant (from Geez).
mlk, 'amlik 1I9""h 'Lord, God'; rnelos "'LI\-II 'precious stone, fiery sword, (Lt)
'arniilakt (pI. of 'amliik) 'idols, false gods';
ETHIOPIC: Te.Amh.Gur. mil/iikiir 'trumpet' T
miilillsiit; passed into Cushitic: Sa.Af. ma/ak~t ~a. melant.ra "'l"
"I-l-b-, melant.tara "'l"
"I :1-:1' to, Sword and arrow of divinity, (T) Holy Spirit'
(magIc word);
'amlaka 'worship God, worship a deity, Wor-
ship idols' (denominative);
rna/akara, Coulbeaux-Schreiber 127 translate T r. melintron "'l""I-}-C'''I, same meanings as me-
miiliiJs.iit 'instrument de signal, trompette', and s na, /iilra, below; for t.he origin of metos (also me/yos, and others) as
ta>amlaka 'become God, be worshiped'; to defl~e
" It f rom ml k 'fi' eelD
t x one s attention, point at' with inserted n in relation to mellifra., below. commg from the name of Solomon bemg inverted,
'arnliik.nllii 'divinity, (T) worship of God'; for which see rnalkara, above. ' see WorrelllU :98, n. 5. Euringer, ZS 9 (1933-4). 84.
'amfiikaw; 'divine'; malpappon, mal!"'l'pon oo&\AI."I , OO&\~I.."I. and Hammerschmidt 1961 : 162, as against Strelcyn
malakawi ODl\IJ'I! 'Melehite'; 1955:4 19.
tamalka 'be made divine; malaki, same; (T) in.l~appo oo&\A~ ':watermelon, pumpkIn,
m.luk 'pious, religious, who worships'; (Gr.77) ca66age, melon; malasay OD/lIlY. (U) 'Muslim';
m.lukiill'i (Lt) 'given to piety'; from Chr.·Ar. ma/akl, so called because they malpapa (MA) 'pick, collect watermelons' (de-
rnalakot 'Godhead, divinity, deity, divine na- adopted t~e d.ogmatic defi?ition of the COurt (from nomin'ative) ; corrupt from liJs/fmuiwi 'Muslim ' (Praetonus, ZD-
Syr. rnalka 'kmg, emperor ). MG 64[191 0].621-2): also considered a folk etymolo-
ture, divine rule' (for its Aramaic origin, see gy from miil/lisa 'turn apostate'.
from Gk . milopepon 'melon'; also in PbH. ma/lif!iJ-
Noeldeke 1910:33); malkayas oo&\hfil (T) 'messenger'; pon 'watermelon', Syr. rnalponli, mallil!tJl!0na.,
(=a-malakot 'divine'); - rnala~a OD/llI (KO) 'be tasty. be delicious, be
malakorol1'i 'divine'; an interpretation of the proper name Malachias
, malaqa OOl\4> (K 0) 'cut, sever, pluck, break savory, please, content (tr)';
Heb. moM'si (for which see Mal. I: I).
malakotiill'it 'Godhead'; off, snap oR"; malii,i, mala,e (D),,i (K 0) 'beehive, honey-
'arnlako(t) 'cult, godliness. Godhead, divine mal ala I ODl\l\ (T.yxo.M) 'plane (a board), comb'.
worship, adoration'; SEMITIC: Ar. (mlq) , imla/aqa 'extract, draw out',
smooth with a plane';
('aml.ko !iiw. 'aml.ko 'arniibkl 'idolatry'); (note that M 48 renders it 'suckle, anoint,
Heb. maiaq 'nip off', Aram.Syr. maiaq 'peel, pluck
olf' .
malase •
""Ill\" malas;• """lI.. malad; 00,,7. ; see

'amliikalll1ii 'authority of God, (Lt) worship of plane', a possible translation of Amh. laga that ETHIOPIC: Te. mil/qiiqa 'tear asunder', Tna. miilqiiqii
God'; renders G. rnalala; but on the basis of the • ""1I.l\. (T.M) 'monkey':
'snatch, tear away', miiliiq"'ii 'get loose, get disen- malisu
mamlaki 'one who worships, worshiper, one Amharic translations la!a, arraqa, and others, gaged', Amh. ma/ilqqdqii 'husk corn', moliiqqiiqii
'tear out of the hand', note that Tayya 184 has mali~u qa~u, both words
who fears God, pious, religious'; given by KWK for G. rnalala, the most ap- meaning 'monkey'. He quotes them together be-
(mamlake lii'ot 'idolater'); propriate rendering is 'plane (a board), smooth cause of their ending ·~w,
mamlakawi, same as mamlaki; with a plane'); milaq, rnilaqa o'VI~ : "7.":1' (T.M), melaq
SEMITIC:see rna/aka, above. 0't"l~ (K), pI. milaqat "7.":I'-l- (D) 'small melit, melat "'L,,-l- l "'L/I-}- 'purple, scarlet.
SEMITIC: perhaps Heb. mil 'circumcise', secondary
ETHIOPIC: Tna. >arn/iilsii 'worship, adore God', Te. Conn of rnwl. basket, fruit basket, basket serving as a meas- fine linen, pure linen, (T.M) white silk';
ure' ;
'am/iika, Amh. amiilfiikii; denominative from >am/ak from Aram .-Syr. meia!ii (-ami/iJ!a) 'fine wool, cloak
·God'. for which cpo Te.Tna. 'amiak, Amh. amlak; ETHIOPIC: Amh. malliilii 'plane, scrape', rnalammii/ii of fine wool ', Syr. miliJ!ii 'kind of carpet'. For its
from Gk. rnalakia, nom.acc. pI. of ma/akioll 'small
Amb.Gur am/akanniil'deity', 'hew, trim or prune (a tree)" Tna. malall hiilii connection with G . ~/ameIQI, see Noeldeke 1910:39.
basket made of palm leaves'.
'extract', rnalmil/ii 'prune a tree'. The root is possibly connected with Ar. milliya{ r),
rnaloke, meloke OOIl-h. I "'lil-h. 'mallow'; malasa OOl\{t 'gleam, shine, glitter, flash, mu/ii'a(r) , ma/la(t) 'kind ofmantJe', for which see
malala II OOl\l\ (DTW 779) 'lengthen'; Dozy 1845:401-11 .
from Gk. maiakhe. moiokhe 'mallow' through Ar. sparkle, be polished, (Y) polish, smooth, wipe
ETHIOPIC: Te. rnalmala 'be long and straight', Tna. clean' ;
rnaifibi)'a; also in Amh. mlliuki),(),Je, Syr. mfilii'syii. moliii baid 'be tall', Amh. miil/iiiii 'be straight and rnlth 'amalt.ha lIoo&\-l-,h (T.TS), 'amaltaha
tall'. 'glitter, gleam, brightness, splendor'; IItWA-l-f} (MA) 'confuse, move the hand,
malkata OOAh.,. (KO) 'signify, signal, show, maillS (KO) 'that glitters, that shines'; (T.K 0) cause to slap' (denominative from mal-
Indicate' ; malelit OOfI,lI. -l-; see lelaya.
SEMITIC: Ar,malisa. rna/usa 'be smooth, be sleek'. tii/II); ,
larnalkala (K), passive; also 'look on, view, melani "'l"!: (T), milani "7."!: (Gt) 'millet'; ETHIOPIC: Amh. mill/lisa 'purify a metal by repeated 'a~lQliilaha (Y) 'confuse, confound. wave;
observe' ; mehings', Har. (a)mliliisa 'have a delicate and lamaliil.ha 'hold the cheeks between the
from Gk, melini 'millet'; see also rnillihi, above. smooth appearance'. hands, I~y the hands upon the cheeks, lay the
mditri 346
malaYi/.y mely.. 347
hands upon the face, (T.M) clap hands together mali~ ""fl.m- (T) 'priest'; - - manni
rhythmically, come to blows, be confused'; III'Iyo S
"'LAf"1'l (Lt); see melos.
. , pI. ma/ala!1 (D 45, under /IM 'cheek, could there be a connection with ma/eto l' •
. of priests?
. ,relernng ~am'aIi. mam",ij -V"OIL , 00"'''1L
Jaw; to t he tur ban, t he head covenng lay. mamB'olay ooV"lJ<\" , OO"'llJ"y:(mD.m.~
II1sliizi 00l\1f. (T.M) 'martyr'.
see lat!ta, above. There is the possibility of consider- see m'ly. 955),
mal!ana ODAm~ (Ll) 'sing a refrain' (den .
ing the existence of m/t& 1 'confuse', and m/I~1 II native from mil/tan); 0011_ . ma
tIQ go
~II1. , an interrogative particle, 'or?" , mam~o OD'r ~; see mahawa
'slap, lay the hands upon the cheeks'. >amalrana. same; vamimma •or ?', ,. • •

m.litri ",,<\:'-t- (K*), melitron ""<\:'-C'1 (D), ma/rall , (Gr.77) zama/lan 'part of a hymn that 'I with an additional interrogative -nu in
asO mams ODV"1'1 (T) 'skillful, handy, expert';
IS repeated by the chOIr, antiphony" (V I ther element of the sentence; e.g. )iJmsa- mamos, momas (Lt) 'mime, mimic';
melitor, meliitor ""<\:'-C j ""<\'I'C (Lt) 'rafters, 680 2) '" .. , eat ano b 'C h
roof ornamented with conical metal, decora- ,,' n. re~etItl,on, souvent abregee, du may~nu womimma )3mSa ) Irom eaven or of from Greek miinos 'mime'.
tion on the top of the roof; it also renders
meme texte execute dans une melodie et men.?' ,. .
ca d ence d luerentes
-· d e celles de la prem"- fflr'mma ... wamimma 'either. .. or, whether., .or',· mms!. 'amamsafa hODV"l'lm (T.M) 'dye' (v);
various architectural terms; ,., Jere
posed of the interrogative -nti and the enclitic ~ives the impression of being a denominatIve from
from Gk. me/athra, nom.acc. pI. of melathron 'roof- mamsa!, from ms! or ms,.
ETHIOPIC; Amh. mIJ/!an 'litany' (from Geez), Tn COIDna , above. Dillmann 1907: 118 considers -mma in
tree, ceiling'; also in Amh. me/antron. See also
me/a"t~ra. )ama/!ana 'chant a litany'; to be connected Wit~ ,m
'mma an interrogative element.
li!on, above.
ETHIOPIC: Te. maml or w at. . mamss! (pI. mamasa!) ODV"fl1' (T) 'ring, key';
malat• ""fI'I' (T+) 'perfume'; ~TH10PIC: Amh. miissii,ii 'fasten" miimsiil 'Curtain
nngs'. See also masma. .
see also >a/at. maUfOD ODfl.tfl1 (KG I) = Amh. mala? 'shaver'; mSlD'a1a ooV"hfl (MA) = Amh. wagga/Ii which
wrongly copied from the line below, as is evident MA 51 translates 'preparer une peau pour mammata ODOD-t (Sw. in D 1393.T Y) 'be seized
malafa ""flm 'peel, scrape off, strip off, depi- from KG 2, 3 where G. mala~i is rendered by Amh. tanner', while the existing dictionaries have the with panic, Hee, (Y) be afflicted, (K*) diminish,
late' ; ~/at 'shaver'. meaning 'drag, pull'. Amharic }Vaggli/ii seems be deficient';
'am/ala (K*), causative; to stand for wallligga/ii 'charge with a crime, n"mmale 'defect, (Lt) bruises, (T.M) pan-
molu!ir rll-"IC (Lt) 'sheepskin';
lama/ra, passive; also 'become bald'; levolt', and lIlam'a/a would then have the ic, flight, affliction, (Sw. in D 161) sorrow, (K *)
see rna/e!o.
m,lur, pass. participle; also 'bald'; same meaning as mam(ela, mamrala, below. deficiency' ;
lIla/ral (Gr.77), verbal noun of rna/ala; also miilawa "'Iflm (T.Y) 'hide'; see also mamr113<a.
'scratch (n), baldness'; ma/aw (T.Sw. in D 1393) 'hidden'; mammo'a ooV"O 'be timid, be confounded, be
SEMITIC: Ar. mala,a 'shave' (for the various Arabic terrified, be frightened, be panicked, become mamtaq, mamtaqi, mam!aqit, m"m!iq ODr
Guidi 1906;919 considers "'lAm- malaw a misprint mol> ! ""V"mt , ooV"mt:'- I V"V""Iol> (D
dialects, see Landberg 1942;2717), Heb. (hil)mallet for ~ACD- galaw. In this case ayflm mtilawa will alarmed, be dismayed, draw back (out of fear),
'seem bald'. The connection with Syr. mJ/al 'smear, be mad'; 220, under mlq) 'leather sack or bag, (T.M) belt,
also have to be considered a misprint of '",\ro (T.M) sling or part of a sling';
rub over' suggested by Brockelmann 1928;391 is galawa. Jamamma(a, causative; also 'confound, terrify,
unlikely. The root is related to mrr; see Buhl 428. frighten'; ETHIOP1C: if 'sling' is the original meaning, cpo
malaya I ODflf (T. Y.K *.M) 'separate, divide, dis- mamma'; (Gr.81) 'fearful'; Amh. (a)md!!iiqii 'propel'.
ETHIOPIC: Tna. rna/a,ii 'strip off, render bare', Te.
tinguish, guess, pull away, tear out, liquefy, mamml<' 'fearful, frightened, terrified, pan-
ma/!a 'render bare', Amh. miil/ii!ii 'depilate, become melt' ; memaya I ""oor (K*) 'become watery, melt';
bald', mii/iittiitii 'shave, peel off', Te. rnii/liita 'lear icky' ;
•• • • •
ma/ayi, act. participle; mamm3 r 'insanity'; from mymy, and goes back to mily 'water'. Note
up', Tna. miil?ii(ii 'pull out the hair'. On Har.
that Amh. m"'amm"'a 'dissolve' goes back to mJhwa,
maluhul 'bald', and Tna. miiliiharii 'be bald', see ETHIOPIC: Amh. miillayya. miil/ayyo 'distinguishing m(Jmmii(e, (Gr.) mammae 'fear, terror, disarray, above, rather than to memaya.
Leslau 1937;472. The root passed into Cushitic; Bit feature. attribute', from layya 'separate, distinguish', anxiety. panic';
rna/a! 'puJJ out', Be. melil. for which see le/aya; perhaps also Tna. rnii/ayyo ('anbala m,mma'e 'intrepidly'); memaya II "'Loor (Sw. in D 1393,T.M) 'sepa-
'ruban d'etoffe dont on se eeint Ie front, pour tn(Jmma<Q 'anxiety, terror, consternation, fear, rate, distinguish';
mal·fO ODlI.tfl (D), maUfo ODfl.tfl (K), molufi, arrt!ler I'effusion du beurre fondu qui decoule des COwardice, slothfulness'; ErnIOPIC: Tna. mtimiiyii 'winnow', that is, 'separate
malufii, melof V"1I-"1 ! ODII-"1 j ""fIo'l', mele~ tresses de la coiffure' (for which see Coulbeaux- grain from the chaff'.
Schreiber 128). This would also imply the meaning from m<m\ and could be connected with m<r, to-
""1I.m- (Lt) 'headdoth, (T) turban, silk head fnJ<a(Q 'be angry, be irritated'. See also mo(oma,
covering of priests, (Ll) sheepskin'; of 'separate', mani 00<; 'present, gift';
from Gk. me/ote 'sheepskin'; also Ar. mal/UfO (for malaya " ODflf (Y.KG) 'mix, mingle'; from Gk. manoa, transcription of Heb. minl;ii. See
which see Dozy 1845;412-3), Syr. malalun, mf/61un also mal;ana n, above,
• • is strange in relation to rna/aya L mam'ela ""V"'tfl (T.M), mam<ala ODV"Ofl (TS)
'sheepskin (payne Smith, supplement 195), Amh.
'be treacherous, be unfaithful, perjure oneself'; manna ODCj 'manna';
ma/ura. m3/ufo 'cape of good quality'. See also
ma/ufar, and mali!u.
malayiiloy ODflIA/'., malayiiloyiit ooflfll
denominative from morn (ali, for which see m(/y. See from Heb. miin through Ok, monna; also Te.Tna.
1:'-; see (le/aya), ma/elil. also morn>a/a, above. Amh. miinna.
mannu 348
~~~'~~'I:tO:-__________~________________~34:9~_______________________, .__m'na.~
mannu (a('('. I1ltmnll, rarely manna-fla) 00).
mandii'. ,mandii'lii oo,}'1" , 001""", (K 627 - ~
Gea f 108, Dozy 1845:414-8, and Ihe detailed sludy
'who?' (al,o for the fem. sg., and pI. mase.
der nd') disease of the cbest and shoulder ~ Un·
fem)~ the plural IS also 'al/a mallnu; causes swelling'; tuch b F. Rosent ha,I m Fou,""a,.s
" . 011 arl and Illerature 'aflla mangala
toward, 'by (place), bv~ Ih¢ Side of
note mcJIIIlU ./i,l/1uka 'what IS your name?'; ,; Islam 11971]63-99), also Te.Tna.Amh. mandil,
·whoseT IS e\pressed either by :a-mannu (re- ETHIOPIC'; Tna. miinda<ar, miilldarli 'dlsea h
. k s t he spme._
. ' 'Te. mandarat
.. ,sCiatica'
. Se t at6at.
Syr manulla. with suffix pronoum the base IS mang"I.,

ferring 10, 'iJnla mallllu (, 'iJl/a taco KWK

derives G. manda· from nad'a 'drive' > .'h' • 27 SEMlTIC:. the connection with Ar flnfada 'h«om(
andallo oo,)f.A-f (T) 'torches made of IWlgs maDlfesl sugge>led by Dillmann 685 (foliowN hv
mannu (pI): e,g. :a-mannu =alahs 'whose is this
dl.sease, derived from "d, 'dnve', cpo al:~ :or a mhich the young people light for the festivity of Barlh 1893:45 ;,ho connecl' II with Heh "f~r" 'I~
garmentT; or by a conSlruct slale (e.g. walda
mannu =~nlu 'whose child is this one?');
nadda drive, have severe diarrhea' ITlh. ~e CrosS or of St. John'; Sighl of, before) IS unlikely lIkewl", unlikely IS Ihe
mannu-hi, mannu-ni 'anyone'; ErHIOPIC: Amh. miind~/to. miindiirto 'cudgel, club' suggestlo.n made by Praelonu~, ZD.\/G 57 (IQ()J)
mndb, 'amandaba hoo,)f.O 'torment . fl'
'i-mannu-hi 'no one, no man'; . b' 'b I . , In Ict (even though the meanmgs do not correspond), See 273 who Identifies it with SAr mnq/ 'path cut On the
pam, ring. trl U atl~n, ~fflict, cause trouble d mountainSide', and with G. mangad'road' Could
'i-manna-hi 'no one at all' (ace); reduce to dIstress, bring Into difficulty m ' also man arlO. It be connected with Ar. nUR/ 'broad road'?
wO'i-manl1u-hi 'no one at all'; '
f y; , ortl· manduq 00')-'1."1- (U) 'rifle, gun';
mannu is used with various prepositions: 'iJmba- lamandaba, passive; also 'suffer Iribulation, be mangala 00')1/\ (K') 'uproot, pull oUI';
from Ar. bunduq, bunduq 'nfle' {with alternance d
ba mann" 'from whomT, tlOba mallnu 'to angUIShed, be In distress, be in danger be .
. dy •; . In Of labials}; also Te. mdnduq, Amh. bUlldllq, Mh enominative from ·mangul, for whICh \ce IJaga/a:
whom?', ha'Jnla mannu 'for whose sake?', la- Jeopar mendiiq. also Amh. miiniiggiild.
mannu 'for whomT, ',unmannu 'from whom?', manduh, pass. part. of 'amandaha',
and so on; manduqe 00')-'1.4: (LI) 'a kind of garment, kind mongalJiig M"/<\"/, mang.lag 01>')1/\"/
mandabe 'tribulation, distress, affliction, an. gig. see
mannu with or withoUl 'amm, 'ammo is also gUlsh, calamity, adversity, torment, hardship of fabric';
used for Ihe expressIOn of a wish; e,g. mannu difficulty, misery'; , EntIOPIC: Amh. miinduqe 'gannent that is girded mangalaq 00')1/\~ (LI); see mangamq.
lrahabanna waJI '0 that one would give us about the waist'
perhaps a denom~native from mJndabe, from ndb:
rest!', monnu 'amm'amlllO'agba>a '0 that one mangan (pI. mantlganl) 00')1') 'engine of war,
Ar. nadaba 'mortify', nadab 'scar' (so also Rabin mandarlo oo,)f.C-f (U) 'club, stick';
would dehver". See also Dillmann 1907:333-5, JJS 6[1955J.130; he also compares Heb. nagag, ongl: machlOe. deVice, scheme, ruse, trick, ma(hina-
516, to be Identified with manda/10, above, with alter. lion, Instrumem of torture, (T) fi,hhook, (K')
nally 'Ihe man obhged 10 fight in war'). It IS lempl.
SEMITIC Ar man 'who?', Aram. man, mana, Syr. mg to connect It with Ar. mandab, in the name of nance of liquids I:r. snare';
man, Ug. IIIn, Akk. manllU. See also Brockelmann the strait habu-I-mandab which means 'gate of dis. tamangana 'use a ruse, use a trick. deVIse a
1908:326, Barlh 1913: 138-39. tress or difficulty', but W. Muller suggests that mandoya 00,)f:1 (0 140I,T) mandiyii 00').11.1 scheme, be in a difficult situation, be In want'
ETHIOPIC" Tna. man, man 'who?', Te. miin, Amh. mandab is a place-name that also OCCurs In SAr. (KG) 'military cloak, (T) shirt'; (denominative);
Arg.Gaf man, Gur. man, ","an, Har. mall. (late Sabaean) mdbn. from Gk. mandye, mandya 'woolen cloak'; also in m.mglln (Gr) 'tortured';
Geez mamiU is composed of man-llu (see also Litt- ETHIOPIC: Te. niidba 'be angry, be sorry', Tna. Chr.-Ar. manliya 'bishop's cloak'. See also modiiy. tamangJllot 'machination, trick';
mann, '" Brockelmann 1908:326). The derivation of miilldiihii 'torment'. Amh. miilliiddiibii 'afflict, inflict
mallnu from man-1m as suggested, with reservatIOns, suffering'. manfe 00')",,; see nafaya, from Gk. manKanon 'means for bewitchmg, trick.
engme of war, hunting net'; also In Aram .. Syr
b) Rundgren 1955 199 IS unlikely See also Relnlsch
1909:60. mandiid oo,).IIK.' (T) = Amh. yiilagga ber, per- monfiir S"'')4.c (T) 'hump of animal'; mallganon 'engine of war', Ar. manganiill 'water
engine, waterwheel'
haps 'a household that never prospers', lit. 'a probably misprlnl for IIIdSfor 9"1I<f.c, below.
min "'l. '), see mayyana. house that never goes beyond the calf stage'. mangana oo')1~ (LI) 'gratis, Without payor
manfit oo')L-r (D 713, under na/aya) "mall fan'; profit' ;
manbih 00')1l1J (T.M) 'indigestion from colic'; mandiid [ S"").IIf:; see ndd.
from Amh. manfiya (for whIch see Isenberg 34). from Ar. maggon 'gratUitous' . Syr. nltlggiin
po'Slbl) 10 be demed from rnallbaha 'push' (below)
> 'pressure' mandiid [[ S""I.11f: (TLI) 'hangings, curtainS, (Schwally, ZDMG 53[1899].197). For IhlS rOOI In
shutters', mongiig S"'');1"/ (T) 'shelter, refuge'.
Semitic, see Koehler 493, under mgn I, Baumgartner
manba~a 00'>11'" (MA) 'push'; 517, undermg" I
mangala 00')11\ 'toward, to, by (place), in the
see also manhlh, above mandil (pI. manad,!) oo'1.11.A 'sacerdolal vest-
direction of, by the side of, with regard to'; manganiq, manganiqi, mangalaq (JD')1~~ :
ment (Hammerschmidt 1970: I 55).female head- with prepositions: bamangala 'by the Side of, 00')1t'" : 00')1/\~ 'catapult, engine, arms,
manbii~t S"',)lJm'r (L 299, under nab!w) 'water- dress, handkerchief, (Gr.99) garment';
fall', by, toward, to';
mandala (K') 'wash, clean (the body), dry (the rifle, cannon';
lamangala 'toward, to, with regard to';
should read mJnha~ba~/, for which see below. body)" that is to say, 'use the mandil to clean 'innaflna mangala, )ammongala 'toward, on the from Gk. manganikon, pI. mangamka 'catapult, can·
or dry oneself' (denominative); non' through Ar. mangiiniq; also Syr. mangiiniqii
manbiihbiiht, m.nbiihbiihl oo')lJmlJm-r : S"")IJ side of, from the side of, through, because of,
'engme for hurling stones', Aram. mangiinjqo~,
mlJm-l-; s~e hlJhh I' , from Latm man/ile through Ok. monde/i, mand!;· due to, concerning';
Amh. miiflgiiniq 'catapult, rifle' On Ar. mangamq
lion, mall/iliun, or through Ar malldil (for which see baba mangala 'toward'; see Ayalon 27-30.·.n~' 350
-----------~------~--------~----~~--------~------------~m~.~~.n~ manana
mllng'".n~is oo11-'lm.ft 'magnet'; 'omank"asa. causative; 351
. "e ma~ni'(J.\ manakos (pI. manakost, manako disgusted, reject'. Remisch 1881.: 358 also compares
sal) 'monk'; san , rnanak _ lamansa' 'be . d
mangara OD11t: (T.Sw. in 0 1394) 'be able, o lna. wiiniinii, same. The root IS probably passed I d .. a tne, be tested, be tempted be
endure', (manakos hai}tawi, manakos gadamawi 'he . into Cushitic: Bil. minin y, Qem. manim, Sa. binin e to temptation. run the risk of be glVe~ to
anchorite'); rmu, yo. paSSIOn' ;
mangar oo1"1e (T) 'priestly garment'. manakosQwi, manakosay 'monastic" latnaniisawa (K -) 'test one another'
manana OD~~ (K*) 'be inSignificant, be incom-
manakosiiwil, mallakosayit 'nun" , '
ll plele, be deficient in, lack, dwindle', ma~sut (pI. ~amiraw) 'temptation, 'test. tnal,
nJank iJSiJnnQ 'monastic life, ascetic life :nl, afflictIOn: distress. calamity, offense.
. .
h00 d , monasticism, . , monk_ ETHIOPIC: Tna. miinmiinii 'become lean or emaci-
monastic ordinatio '. . Of. stumbhng, dlvme PUOlshment, wrath,

muniih• -'1;J. , -'11 (T.O 1401) 'part (mas~afa mank"asanna 'Monastic Ritua~): ated', manaman 'without value', Amh. miiniimmiinii indignatIOn, retnbution' ,
of a house that IS screened or partitioned off, miJnk"'asiJnnowi 'referring to monastic lie ", 'beCome lean, thin, emaciated', miinanna hond 'be rnansaw (fern. rnansUI) 'tempted, tned, SUbJO<:l
something cut off'; inferior, be of poor quality'
>amank"asi (Gr.98) 'who urges to moe •. to temptation Or penl or afflictIOn, one who se-
I '
r '
e ; nastlC duces';
transcriptIon of Heb. mu"nti~ 'lhat is left'. m.nniin (pI. mannanal) "''11 'kind of weight,
pound' ; rnansawe 'temptation, peril, affliction, (Gr4JI)
from Ok. monakhos 'monk'; also in Tna. maniik w ,. .. wrath' ;
, "'1"'11 (T.Sw. In 0 1396) 'placenta. 'become a monk', Amh. miiniikk"iisii, miiliikk·" .c:s.a
afterbirth' , ETHIOPIC: Amh. man(n)an. See also Baumgartner 'amansiiwi (Gr.97), part. of 'amansawa ,
Gur. m.1niikk"iisii, Te. miinkiisa 'become poor' ~a, 567, under rnanf. Kaufman 69, and OHlmann 190.
"C"e also m:mhar. and nahara. m~nkus 'poor' is not to be derived from Ar. mQ~h~' For the weight of G. mannan, see Pankhurst 1910,
goes back to -nasawa, below;
u uc ky, unprosperous.' as suggested by Littma . us.
'nl 1:54. See on lhe rool Eilers 616. ~llIJOPIC: . Amb. mansul 'tnbulatlon', miinii.'uiila
- ",1 ",e (T) 'afterbirth'; Hofner 741, since it is Arabic b that becomes k i~na trouble, dIsturb. upset' (denommatlVe).
loanword and not 1;. On monks and monasten manq.'t OD'}.p6T; see naq'a.
for mllnhar, from nhr 'flow' See also manl;al. man~ar
see Cerulli, in OCA 153 (1958).259-78, Hyatt 65~' OD1l\'i!; see nif I, TI, TIL
Hammerschmidt 1967: 121 If, Heyer 1451f., 193tf ' manqaqa OD,}4'4' (T) 'dlstribute, hand out,
manka. miinkii oo11J , "711J 'spoon'; give out'. ma~aqo OD1l\4\ (Sw In 0 1.194) 'kmd of anI-
manket -'}h.T; see nakaya I. mal' ,
from Amh manka 'spoon'; in the other EthIopian
languages: Te.Arg. manka. Tna.Gaf. manka, manka, mannqri~ OU'l'.p~'I'1'I (Ll) 'unicorn';
ETHIOPIC: perhaps to be derived from mn.fq: Amb.
Gur manka; passed into Cushuic: Bil. miinka, mannana -H 'despise, disdain, reject, repudi- from Gk. monokeriilos, of monokeriis 'uni- miina{!iiqii 'snatch away. tear off"
Kham . m(rakti. mfka, Or. manka. Praetorius ate. renounce, repel, cast aside, hold in Con- corn' (Hommel 1877:68).
1879:70 derives it from nky 'touch' (Amh. niikka). tempt, belittle';
maniirat, maniiriit -'It: T I ou'16-T 'candle- m.~ara OD1l\t: (L) 'cut down trees, deforest';
Coulbeaux-SchrOlber 481 (under niikiivii) derive Jamannana, causative; also 'render contempt~
mal1~ar (Ll) 'dearing the trees (n), deforestmg
Tna. manka from llii~dyii 'take a bit, take ofr. ible' ; stick, candelabrum, oil lamp';
(n)' ;
mankob. mankobi, mankobyii 001"11 • oo'} tamannana, passive of mannana; from Aram.Syr. mantira]ii; also Ar. mantira(l). See
Fraenkel 270-1, and marana, below. ETHIOPIC: Amh. miinii{!iirii 'cut down trees'
"II. • OD1"1IJ', see nakaba. mannoni, act. part. of mannana;
(mannane 'a/am 'monk');
mns, tamannasa ",ou~f'I (T.M) 'quarrel, dis- manassar
' , OD~lI'e, mOl1Si>ronni 9"'}l\-C'1; see
manka~o "''}h! (T) 'rush, reed'.
mannun 'rejected, despised, reprobate, re- pute, have a fight, argue'. nassara.
nounced, repudiated, despicable, abominable,
mankokot, mankokt ou'}""T • -'}"IlT; see ignoble, contemptible, repulsed, vile, worth- manisogt OO'II'I"lT (T) = Amh. a!ika/a '3 creep- manti oo';r; see man/auoa.
kokak'a 1 less, useless'; er that is used for making snares for birds or
mankup "',}h-T (T) 'hyena'; mannane, (Lt) mannan 'rejection, disdain. vile- traps for animals'; monet "'~T 'monastery, cloister';
see also mag"napa. above. ness, repudiation, renunciation, worthlessness, for maniiiilgt and to be identified with manasagl. pI. ('abba manel, /iqa manel 'abbot of a monas-
wickedness' ; of maniag 'snare' (see naiaga, below). tery');
mannanol (Lt) 'rejection'; (>amma manel 'abbess of a monasteri);
mank"ariik"ar. mank"arik"or OD,}II-6-lte • mansut oo'} .... T; see mansawa.
ou,}It6-lte, see k" rk" r I. SEMITIC: Dillmann J89 connects it with In'n 'refuse" SEMITIC: Ludolf 83, 639 derives it from t-mny 'de-
Heb. me'en, Syr. me{'}n 'be reluctant, be unwill- mansawa OO,}f'lm (Gr.96,T.Y) 'be in danger. be sire, wish'. DJ!lmann 194 seems to derive It from a
mankas ou'thl'l; see nakasa. ing'; and mn r 'deny, refuse': Ar. mana<a, Heb. rna- about to perish, be led to temptation. (T)
root mny 'separate, seclude' represented in min, miln
nat. The comparison that Baumgartner 570 sug- 'from'. Noeldeke, WZKM 20 (1906).222 considers
wander about aimlessly' (denominative from it a borrowing from Gk. moni 'monastery'
mank"asa 01'111-1'1. (MA) monkosa 'I",}"f'I 'be- gests, with reservations, with Heh. Innn, Ar. manna rnansul);
(rnnn) 'reproach someone for (a gift)' is unlikely. ETHIOPIC: Tna.Amh. milnet 'monastery' (from
come a monk, "ve a monastic life' (denomma- >arnansawa 'lead to temptation, expose to tribu- Geez).
tive). ETHIOPIC: Te. miinniina 'decline', Tna.Amh. man-
ndna 'reject, abstain'; related to Tna. manawa 'be lation or peril, bring about a disaster or calami-
ty, destroy'; manit "'~T; see (mn)') , manuy.
"",nf 352
mont (acc. nWlla) 9"'}-r 'whatT; mamii/e, Qem. bantara Kham b,','a- 0 . - 353
11J;1!1l,l-nll ·what? why?': to bama/e, see above. , . I,. nUSrl'
calion mqd
SEMITIC: Ar. {Ia)manna (mnyj 'wish, desire', Soq.
mtJn{~ni, m.lI1l(1h; 'any, anything, whatever,
motene; perhaps Akk. menu, manu 'love' (von So- diSSOlute' would not be Identified 'A-nh SemitiC (Heb
I\omethlng' ; mantut 9",}1:-r; see (manlawa) rna
, nlaw • den 645). Jensen 1887:427·8 connects it with Sem. Aram) mam::er ·bastard'. .
m:ml?fu. mimI + negative verb 'nothing, noth- mny 'count' (Heb.Aram.Syr., also Ug. Akk), for ETHIOPI~: Tna. ('a)man::iirii 'rornlcate. commit
ing whatever'; mantawa (yamantu) oo'}"'/D 'be t . b adultery, Amh. (a)miinii::=iirii.
b . , (denominative); Wlnorn • which he gives the original meaning 'think> COunt
m;mfJnumma 'what then?'; ear tWIOS > wish'.
'imiJllI, 'imanfJlZi, 'imiJl1liJhi 'nothing, nothing 'amanlawa 'bear twins, (Gr.97) perform ETHIOPIC: Tna. (ta)mannayii 'wish, desire', Te. manzaza OD'},," (TY.M) 'wander about rest-
"-'halever. not any'; equal acts'; two ("jmiinna, Amh. (tiijmiiiinii, Arg. (am)me,;,;a, Gar. lessly or erratically (e.g. one who IS upset or
wo'imiml, lI'o'ima11lani 'nothing whatsoever'; ('amalllawa /abbunahu 'he deflected h d . (tii)miiiiiii, GUL (fii)meiiii, Har. (liijmiitlfli lisa; dIsturbed), (K') be importunate, pester with
ate,dh e was un d ··
ectded'); ,eevl_ passed into Cushitic: Bil. mena-. demands' ,.
wa'ikama mimI 'as nothing';
kama wG'ima",(ani) 'in a moment of time, in a tamanfQwa 'be twinborn'; rnanyobali "'1'tl'"lJlI. 'counselor. lawyer'; 'aman:a:a 'inSUlt, revile. reproach, afflict, pro.
Rash' ;
with prepositions: lamant, lamantal1u 'why?',
manIa (pI. manataw) 'twins, both';
mantawl tWin;
" gives the impression of being a compound; see also
voke, Oppress, persecute, pursue with words,
(T) be stubborn, persist';
miiyoblili. An unpublished Sawas;)w has also mliyon- taman:aza (Or.99), passive of 'anzan:a;a;
ba',mla mimI, babayna mall! 'for what reason? mantaw (fem. m.nlul) 'twinborn, doubled" bali (Getatchew). manzuz, pass. part. of 'mnatl:a:a'
by reason of what?', baman!, bamanfanu 'in m'lIlawe 'doubling, duality, condition of b;in - ,
one of twins" , g rnanzahl31, manzahl31 OD't'lIJAA , OD'}lIlJ manzaze (Gr.99), verbal noun of 'aman:a::a;
what way?, why?" baman/ani 'in any way',
mant;)wanna (K .), same; AA; see zhl!. manzazo (T) 'wandering about aimlesSly',
:Omant 'of which?', 'iJska manto 'iJska mantanu 'aman::iizi (Gr.99), part. of 'amall::a::a;
'how longT, kama manrani 'like nothing, like SEMITIC: the connection with Heb. la'om-lin 'tWins' rnanz3~a oo,}l1'" (T.Y.M) 'live comfortably, be
something of little value'; with suffixes: manla- Ar. /U'am suggested by Dillmann 189 (so also Ann~ pampered, be spoiled, be delicate, be soft'; perhaps a denominative from ·mn==, rrom a root
n:: and to be compared with n:n: (reduplicated
ka 'all/( 'what are these to theeT; bruster 183, and Leslau 1958:55) is unlikely. rn.nzub 'spoiled, pampered, delicate, soft';
root n:;:), for which see IIa:na:a 'vex, torment',
note mall/a konka 'what is troubling thee?, ETHIOPIC: Tna.Amh.Arg.Gaf. manta 'twin', Te. man. (0r,99 = Amh. daladtbl 'honnete homme, fort below.
what happened to theeT; la, miintay, Gur. miilta, Har. rna/to; denominative: constant dans son propos'; While it is true that
for other details, see Dillmann 1907:334-5; Tn~. n:iintiiwii 'b.~a.~ tw}ns', Te. manta 'multiply Amh. dal.dtbl also means 'sincere, loyal', the moqa .,.</'; see mwq.
rapidly. Amh. I~~nalt~ be forked, be twins'; per- meaning of tbladd.1 is also 'one who is well-off
SEMITIC; Akk. minu 'what?'. For the interrogative haps from CushltlC: BII. malta 'twin', Qem. mata, muqa< -:NJ, moqi< 'I":N), moqa<t "':1'1).)',
particle in Semitic, see Brockelmann 1908: 326, Barth Qab.Al. malta-to, Kafa malti. and comfortable', and this is the meaning of maq'it (/D'I>~-r; see waq'a.
1913: 142-3. d.l.dd.1 in this context);
maq"'(:al OD'I'--OA: see qlt·a(ala.
ETHIOPIC: Tna. tn,maw, tnanu 'which?', Te. ma, mi. man!oli<t (pI. man/awala,) OD'}(J11\6-r; see '10- the root is augmented by n in relation to mztJ (see
Amh.Arg.Gaf.Gur. man 'whatT, Har. min. For the Ira. . mazha, below). See also lamallzulr. maqibrur OD:1'l1<\.C (T), maqib.r "":1'111: (Lt)
final -I, see Tna. mallla)'. Eitan, AJSL 44 (1937-8). - - 'drum' ,
255 analyzes G. mant as mJ-"Jnla or ma-'>,mta, lit. man!an!in OD'tm'ttll, '} 'very small, petty, me- rnani",1 OO'llfA (T.K) 'lunar mansion';
'what (is it) that?'. Littmann 1964:359 analyzes it as diocre, moderate, insignificant'; rrom Ar. maniizi/, for which see Landberg maqd OD'I>.I': (T) = Amh. san 'small basin';
mi-nf. See also Reinisch 1909: 61, Rundgren 1942:2763. probably a misprint for maqlad (see qalada 1), since
from mrn (see marna) with reduplication of the last
1955: 199. 249. on the precedmg line (T 175) there is maq/ad =
two radicals and insertion of n, For more examples mnzr, 'amanzara hOD'tlft. (T.M) 'commit adul-
of reduplicatiolT, see Dillmann 1907: 232. tery, be licentious'; Amh. san 'small basin'. Note, however, that Sw. in
mnp, 'amant~'a hoo'}-rh (TY.M) 'have an itch, D 1394 also has maqd = Amh. sail, and Dlllmann,
scratch'. manzar, (K) manzir 'bastard, dissolute, (KG)
man!i!, man!"! (pI. manli!al, manari!) OP1 'who squanders'; ib. suggests, with reservations, correcting it into
til, 'I' , OD'tm.'I' 'turtledove'; magda/II ou'»J:<,),.)- (see qadha).
mantafa oo'}.,."- (TM) 'fluff up cotton for mallZiran (T) 'dissolute, loose, profligate' (is
«0[0 man/if 'turtledove');
carding' ; probably a plural of man:ir); maqdam ODij>~9" (L.D) 'basin used for washing
manla[ 'fluffed cotton ready for carding'; ErnloPlc: Tna. mamilii
• •
'turtledove'. hands when entering the church';
SEMITIC: possibly from the root mdr, mzr (Ar.Hcb.
man!awiI3< oo'}m'l'A6; see manlo/a'l. Syr) 'be rotten', with the prefix. /11- represented in rrom qdm 'be in front', the basin being placed al the
denominative from manta/, from ntf; see natala.
Hebrew, Aramaic as mamzer 'bastard' becoming front of the entrance to church.
mantal. oo'}.,./\, (D.T), mant31. OD'}-r/\' (T), mny, tamannaya +OD)f 'wish, desire, be eager rnnzr in Ethiopic (so DilJmann 191, Praetorius 1879:
for' ,. maqid.m 00:1'.1':9" (T.M) 'grass, hay'.
mantali OD'}'N\. (K), mantil. OD'};1'/\, (Gr,97) 59, Noeldeke 1910:46). It could also be interpreted
'hare' ; 'amannaya (Lt), causative; as mdt, mzr with a prefixed m- (as mamzer in Heb .. maqd.n ooij> .1':') (T) 'big axe'.
manuy, fem. manil (Gr,99) 'who wishes ardent- Aram), and with an infixed fl as in Ethiopic mnzr.
ETHIOPIC: Te. mamiille 'hare', Tna. mantilla, mantal- There is also the possiblity of connecting the Ethiop- mq~, tamiqa~a 1""'1</'0 (MA) 'play tricks on
ly, wished for, deSired, desirous';
Ie, Amh. mantale. Srocke/mann 1950:24 considers it ic root with mnzr (Te.Tna.Amh) 'waste money, be one another';
tamner 'wish, desire, lust';
a Cushitic loanword and compares it with Sil. spendthrift', becoming 'be dissolute, be debauched' ETHIOPIC perhaps related to Tna. maqti!ii 'disdain,
lamannayi (Gr.99) 'who wishes, who desires';
(in G. Tna.Amh). In this case O. monzar 'bastard. despise'.
maqduf 354
maqdut (pI. maqad, ... ) ""+II--r, (T) ~aq~ut ETHIOPIC: Tn_a. maq~lii .. ·divi~e'. In fact. Since It
-EfHlOPIC Tna ma~ :coarse woolen c10Ih', '\mh
.__ ......
oe+~r 'pot. ,:aJdron, earthenware Jar ~ comes from Ya(qob Gabra tyyasus, a TIgnnya speak. ""'''' 'cut off CUt d f "
Amh , moqqaqa wear a Coar!Oe woolen cloth, awa' T' up, e arm, remo\'t. (.ale
mhu~late. de ·troy, "parate, nu~e
S""T1C " B,llncr, IIZK.\f 30 (1917-8).423-4 er, it IS possible that G. maqala IS taken from
Tignnya, h Ihe face WIth a coarse cloth (mourner!' smail' (d ')
('omparcs It With Soq. mqe.1'dah ~ ''!'qafjah < sera .,. , break a nr "
• mqa40t 'pot' However. the IdentificatIon of this
maqlamt oo+M"-r (Ll) 'knife'; m.qaqa II 00.,. (T K·.D 1394) 'burn, Sling there ". n
"maq· .QSa as .,ven
,. Om '"8 (note
k that
n','1 With Amh. nlJn{ol 'pol' suggested by BIttner, ... medIcine), burn the throat, cauterize';
(eg 1908 16_'),. .. e In roc tlmann
lb. I~ unll1:ely . Ar qalama 'cut trees, pare (nails)'.
pa1isl\:e, al~o 'dl~....... t.nrear' •
ETHIOPIC Har. mdqii!u 'clay pot'. EmloPIC: G. maqlaml is probably taken from Amh.
ETHIOPIC Tna. magma'.! biiIa' burn (pepper), rna
It - .

miiqlaml (also wiiqliiml); in the other Ethiopian Ian. tnaqaqa III 00"','" (K·) 'melt (intr), dlSsohe q"'~a~" mamaq'"'f1S (K·). a..:t. part (,If rna..
maqid• ... oo:l'6lD-, (T) m.qi~w oo:l'ltlD-; see guages: Te. miiq~/miit 'knife', Gur. miiq'"'lant; passed
maqdut mto Cushillc: Had. maq'"'lan!a. Note mt (G,Amh) (intr), be spoiled; ETHIOPlr Tna m ._
becoming nt, n, (GUT. Had). SEMlTIC: Heb. mqq (nif(al) 'dissolve', Aram. ('il)·
l' T . .. ." IJnq IJ.~'" (augmented hy nl 'lear
~: :'.f ~nmQ1taqasa (note that Te ~nd Tna. mIlQJ •
maqfart ""+.c.C-r, in tobl.yi zamaqfart ren-
maqli!os OP'IofI./fl{) (ll) 'magnet'; maqmaq 'melt away' ,q go baclto "qs). Amh It,al/q".I(J '~ut WIth
ders Heb. 'epog'a priest's garment (Ex. 28:4), see magm)os.
Te, miiqmiiqo 'a bitter herb used to ~~~:~'.l~m (~Ir)', is il den(lmlOatl\·C' frl'm nt..iq4s
(T) kind of shawl-like garment made of a fy buner'. Tn~. m~g'"'miiqo, ~m~. ~laqmiiq~(l; Te. ". ~. s, rom r ntlqa..{,\ 'saS\llr<,' {(or ",aqii.1 'Sl..1".
,ingle layer of cloth' (Amh. natiila). mJqqa (mqq) melt, Amh. ",aqquqa. maqqaqa 'be. 1~~1n the ~ther Fthiorlan languagC'", "t."( l.('slau
maqlaza 00+11" (T) 'hew, carve'; come rotten, bet:ome spoiled' The root IS related 10 .416). \\-hile Ar m/qa.u ':itCI\.'llrS· glJ('~ h,h:l to
moq.~a .,.,+'" 'put In chains, bind with fetters, denommative from maqlaz, for which see q'"'alazo.
mkk Tna, mii5Ok . _Ii 'meIt •• the ,root q~t, 'cur. thl" 1\ not the ~ast \\llh "....,
., maq asa, as suggested by Dllimann 18:!, and Ann-
"""'1. (Y) 'be properly hot and spicy
take prisoner. cast lOla prison; tnaqara bruster J 57.
maqim.r oo:l''I''C, (ll) >.lmaqim.r 'l.t\ou:J>
'amoqiJ!lU. ca usa li\'e ~ (sauce)' ;
'l"C 'game played with stones' (Amh. ,Iq.- • t •
tamoqiJ!Ja. pas~ive of moqiJlJa;
mof); it consists of throwing up into the air ETHIOPIC: Te. miiqqiira 'be SPICY" for whICh \cc mq s, amaq asa, tamaqos• .,."".... I .~"" .....
tam'iiq.ha (K '), recIprocal meaning of mo- maq'"'aru, below (T KBT 425, under (/omos) 'become an ahbot'
qaha; five small stones which must be caught be- ,
fore they fall to the ground; denommatlve from mq"',l, mel3thc'ils of qn/j, '\C'(
'a.filam M iiqJ~1Q (K ,), caus. of lam"'aqiJ~a ~ see qumDr. m.q".ra oo'll. (T Y.M) 'be tasly, taste good·; qomos. ~Io"
moqiilJi. act. part. of moqiJ!Ia; maqq"a,a (K') 'render tasty with salt or Vine-
muqulJ ·captive. prisoner, fettered, chained. maqana oo.,.~ (T M) 'be in difficulty, be anx- gar, soflen by soaking'; (M 68 renders It ,lis" maqsi 00+" (T) 'pial" where caltle lpend the
bound' , ious" , night'
'choose, prefer' having mIsunderstood the Amh.
moq,h (pI. 'chain, band, bond, maqanit, pI. (D 449, under qny) 'instruments of miiriiffii 'taste good' [Ihe Iranslallon given by muqis ~.4>J» , see waqa,{u.
fetter' , torture'; TY] as if it were miirriila 'choose');
(beta moq.h 'prison'); tamaqq"a,a (K '), passive; maqe~ (pI. maqtl.l'.1~<;) outX', see q".}l';\'
muql;he 'taklng captJve (n), imprisonment, pun- denominauve from maqtan (see qa·ona). Note the
loss of r of moq'an. m.q'". m.qll' 'preserved, marina led, soaked';
IShment by chaining'; maqtii, maqiiti oo+;J' I 00."';1- (ll) ·cucuml'Cr
lamuqilllO 'irnpnsonment '; Sonnr. Ar maqara ' macerate (salt fish)' Ambros bed' ;
maqn.< (pI. maqan.') 00+16, maqn.> oo+1'l. suggesls Ar. maqira 'be bitter, be aCid'
SHoUTlC' Hommel 108 identifies Itwith Ar. H"aqa~ (K') 'lintel, doorframe'; ETHIOPI{,' Te . miiqqiira 'be IOPICY, be lasty', Tna , from Ar nltlqta'a, from '1lttihJ \:UI.:umher' Sl'e ahll
·hardhoofed· from waqaha 'be hard (hoof) > hard- '1m,;
miiqqiirii, Amh. miiqqclrii 'be sweet. be delicIous';
hearted. merciless', moq~h coming from mH"q~, Prae. metathesis In relation to maqron (see qarono). pas~ed mto Cushltic Sa, moqur, mOKiir 'preserved, muqat "....,. •.,.; lee n"'·q.
Ion us. ZDJ/G 57 (19(3). 274 denves moqJ~ rrom maqiinit oo:l'~
·malq3h (however, there arC' no e:l(amples in Geez
see lIIaqana. pICkled' See also muqara

tor ·af becoming a), (rom IqlJ 'take, seize> take a meqri "'l+t (T.KG) 'skullcap'; maq,a 00+," (ll; see fIIu'aqlCl, aoo\"c
maq.nt, maq·.nt OO+1-r : 00""'1'''' (T), ma-
prisoner by puttmg him In chams' Neither of these \·anant of n/t'!rii. below,
sugge~l1ons IS convincmg qant 00.,.1·'" (Sw. in D 1394) 'foot of. bed'. maqii!an tID.4>1"), see qalllna 11 .
ETHIUPIC: Te. moq~a 'fetter', Tna. moq~e) miiq~'"'e,
Amh, J£rii muq ' Ieg·lrons'; also In Cus"hihc: 011.Sa. miiq.n!os "'+1/fl{) 'magnet';
moqar, moqart (pI. mawaqJr) .,.,.,.C
see woqara.
I 'I""'C-"', miiqoyo "'' '1'", mawqi~ii OOlD-4!,f (LJ) 'kind of
see magni!os. illness' ;
miiqoh 'chain'
maqirbi 00.4>01 (ll) 'barb.nans'; from Amh. nlaqoyt> 'kind o( IlInc'i' a~cn~d Ihl' III

maqala Iou.,." (T YM) 'tan (hide)'; maqaq 00"'+ (T.M) 'pestle'. from Ar. magar/bel 'Moors, North Africans',
innucnce of hue/a and :ar·spints' For the vilrillU\
maqqiil (T) 'tanner'. Amharic rorms, see Strelc)ll 1955: .l2S. Fllr G
maqaqa I 00.,..,. (K ') 'wear a coarse woolen maqrami oo+l."'l. (T') 'reddish cloud' mall'ql)'ti, see Lifchlll, GIFeS.l (19.17-40184 Th<

maqala" 00"'" (YH) 'dIVide'; cloth, abrade the skin with a coarse cloth
(mourner)'; maq'asa on .... , (TY.Sw. on D D94) moqasa
noun IS derived from Amh wllqqd 'thresh'
moqay, moqayt (pI, lIJall'ci,pI') .,.,.,.,.
'1"."... , maqasa, maqqasa 00.,. . . ,
(MA) moq'asa .,.,.,. ,.-r, see lI'aqaya I.
356 35 7

maqi).~ I "",<t>f!.It (D 459, under q"'n) ; see

- ,-'miir<a',ul 'get married ' Te.Tna
marr(J'Q 'corrupt with lust, debauch, cause to , fIl JOprc Tna. aom ' mardi 'b n d e' .....•'m h . " Llru, marriiJ 'who attacks . ,
q- n!. moqf'.I' stumble' ; . 'bndeg ro • . • mardo (It) ' fOotrace" assailant, deva.,tali ng',
__ 1))1.1 one is related by marnage • that IS,
m.qi~,l, If OJ'I,4>.l!." (KG) = Amh. lI'ara, lI;;ma·
lamar'Q 'be given to lasciviousness (or d . ~alc 10_\\~Om sister.m-law. mother-m -Iaw', GUT Sn,uTlr- AT mara·L 'be . _

'1 ' minstrel'.

bauchery, lust, immodesty)'; e ~~p'ler·I~~ awt,o Cushluc Sa.Af m art" O ' weddmg'
rrt~WooI In
' re be I. revolt'. Aram"" S . re ..d" ou~., Heb. marad
l1liJru' 'debauched, lascivious. lustful, licen_ ~,:J. t'- ' ETHIOPIC ' Tna m"rr."d),-r. 11VrllJ -'
. I7tru.•
II IS ".tran,ge that Amh It'ala also means 'leg-Irons. tious. dissolute'; . _ - u tl InCUr
, oot-M~.; see lIIar-e{ . mllrradd 'ha s-ten. raid , pilla • I~_~ eruphon , Amh
shad..les· as " the rase with fllllqii)W J.
marral, lniJr'GI. (T) nliJr'at 'debauch, lascivious_ IIlJr.'.l) ge -~ al~o mard.ulil ll
ness, mdecency, lust, wantonness, immodest murid ""'t.JI: • see . ,
maq) u! ooo}>lt'l' (T ' ) 'tweclers;
luxury'; y, lDaU b I ,.dga marab hJl:1 : '",id "",
. - U clraUll.

ETU/OPI( ' perhaps Amh muqa.t 'thick needle for

<;CWlOg sads or mats" .
maffti, mara r, same; ,.I"J. I; 'donkey caught in a snare' (for 'snare', mardada I ODC!!.!!. (T Y M) 'be ..
Courageous, be audacIOUS be d oh,tlnatc, be
SEMITIC: J. Grill, ZAW 8 (1888).274-6 states th ~lh'P:~~', below).KWK 818, under rab?ba, ren- as 'd
." uous,
be ,anng (I( 0) h<
tenacIous'; (T Y) : '
maqzs). maqiwziy, maqiwzi t maqiw3z OP+ the basic meaning o~ mar'a is 'LuSlb~rkeit. Vergn~~ I '" nw b with 'desert, unmhablted place . that IS,
"f. , OD.<t>(lJ-IJf. , oo,4>(lJ-H. ' 00 :P(lJ-1I (It) J·rs mora r . I dalfanii 'bury, block', roba ' . Amh. )1.~)
gen, eme Gclegcnhcu bel def man 51Ch giitlich lUI '"
. which one sets up snares lor amma s;
• d k )1.1..(_ <ill'" .. ' be p bl~ a m"prtnt lor
'demon, name of demon'; weiJ cs uppig hergeht', and connects it with mar. ~ a P h would then mean the on ey of an a ara Courageou~' .
see Sirek}" 1955 J29. Mercier 281. and passim. 'wedding', mar'iiwi 'bridegroom', originally 'Hoch~ I -aJgo mara . L. h
~abHed place' Gr. 84 IOterprets marall as t e m~rdud 'obstinate, tenacious "uJa ' •
zeiter' which, according to him, is not to be derived ( 1\.1 S "oUs. .
' " lib
un'"eoI' the river Mareb. and >adxo marah would . \I on D 170 wrongly renders
marra DDt. . sec mrr. 'lb ·tra -t - b . ) an
from "1\". He identities the Geez roOt nI" with AT
mari'Q 'abound with herbage' (so also Dillmann
l"' '"
II Mm 'the donkey or (t h '
e regIOn f)M are b' ,0 • S l
0 stmacy , ,hSldUlty' , I'M Which "et
mar ...,C, mar; ""1., title applied to certain 167), mara'Q 'anoint (the head),. and Heb. *mere ll ,
saints or to ecclesiastic dignitaries; .",b II oot,l1 (T.M) 'hasty, qUick ' ",,,dt'd (T) 'Obstinacy, tenaCII)' (the Amhartc
'bridegroom's escort, best man, confidential friend'
translatton d.J{lIill 'burYing' is a m"pn t f
from Aram,Syr. mari; also Chr.-Ar. mar, miiri, However, for the origin of the root for 'marry, .".b. oot.O (T) .M) 'set traps, lay ,nares, '..
d,'frat) ; so also S" In D 170. n or
Tna.Amh . ml1r See also maraniif. wedding. bridegroom', see m"w, below.
~"h fish';
mar"" (T.M) 'trap, snare; the verh . .cem~ tll be J denommat,,,e frllm m.)rJuJ
mari 00(, (T ), name of a planet, or ntiJrJt'd. fwm rJd, belo,," .
see mara/' . manh. I ETHIOP!C Amh. miirriihii 'cast a net' . Tna.Amh. Ellll0PIl" Amh rn.udud 'bold. ' (from Gea).
mrcr, lamarCara hODCOl: (T, reprint), )amar>ara ~,ab, miirbiib 'fisherman's net': see rbh I. mllrhlln"
miri, marit 11ft : "'ft ...,.; see IIIry. hODCht. (T, ongonal) 'sweeten, fla vor, make and maran I. mardad. II uor:!!.f. (K 0) 'hasten';
mura oo-t. (T Sw. on D 1393) 'kind of Rower'; to he Identified \\uh marrtlda, above, with Tl'duphc1\.
metathesis of ma'ar 'honey', with reduplication of .aribo oot-n (T) 'hyena', (Illn of the last radical
ETHIOP[C perhap~ Amh. muri. mUfe 'kmd of grass' the last radical.
\1. Cohen, In MelangeJ Louis A-fdnignoll, vol. I
mar'. ODCh (T) 'carry'; l1956).327 suggests a connection with maraholl mardud oor:Jl.JI: (T) 'bag made or anlillal
mar<st ODC'l·r; see mrfW.
,kin '
nzarQ- (TOT), mJr-a (D) 'leather; backpack for I 'stork', and states "ce qui pourrait representer
carrying. baby (= Amh. anqiilha), a wrap. mar'el (pI. mara-ay) ODC'1i-; see ra-ya. Ie transfer d'une denomination peu connue un a
around, (T D) carthen".re tripod on which the flUl'e rcpandu"; cpo also Amh miirahu 'rnarabtlu marldJrliqun ""tJl:ct</l'} (T M) 'heaven';
cookmg pot re;ls above the fire (that is, the
tnpod that support, the pot)' ;
mrrw, tumarrawa ;,.lIDCOlD 'get married (to a
I ,orl' one recogm7C\ d:miqun , for whICh \t!(.. d.}rteqon " hC'
SC\:(,1nd hca\en '
mora', morJ'. morta. pI. mu)t'ora't (T), mora>, mar,b ""&.11 (T) 'fire'
'amarQH'Q (K·) 'cause to get married';
l11or{l ' (D ~8Q. under ·waf-a) ·waistband. girdle. marfa 'wedding, marriage, marriage feast';
j marag8 (y,mtr,lg ) UPI.1 'plaster, cement to.
apron' ,
marriiwi (pI. marafiJw) 'nuptial, groom, son-in- marbabt, marb;)bt uoCOil·l- : ODCiI11·l- , sec gether';
(Gr 274 'JOCt·" nlOrJrG) is either a misprint for law" , ,M I, and maraba.
'clnlfllKIi «jr.~6), causative: also '\\ohitewash':
yo&-" mora', Or it expresses the gemmation (ba-ala mar-awi [It] 'wedding'); tamargo (Gr.~b), pas,. of maraga;
of r marrada ODt.f. 'leap, hasten, walk fast, run
mar-a' (pI. mara'al>', mara-ay) 'bride, daughter. marlil(i (Gr.87), act. part. of ",arag";
EtHIOI'IC ' Amh. "flr 'leather belt WOrn by un. in-Ia W, Spouse'; about, rush In, attack, (TS 118) bother, an- 111""/1( 'plastered, cemented together'; .
marned girls'; aho
10 Cushitic: Sa. moro. See also
mar iJwanl1ii 'state of being a bride or bride-
groom' ;
, noy' ;
.marrada (Gr.86), causative;
m.1rg, marg, m.1riig. (K_T) UlNag 'plaster, white
I lime, coating, (It) morass',
lamarriiH'i (Gr. IS?) 'man who gets married'; IQllJarracil/ (K') 'be attacked';
marta f y~mrii( J ODeo, (T) mapa ODCh 'be las. 111"'1(0' 'plastenng' (n) ;
denommative from marro from ra<awa 'jom, yoke'.
.,rradi (K), act. part. of marrada;
CII 10U$, be lustful, be dissolute, be licentIOUs, SlMlTIl Ar. maraga 'mi\'; related to mlq (H:h
below. DHlmann 309 (followed by Nyberg 231) con- ..rrud (K') 'who is attacked" ,
be dcbauched, enJOY venereal pleasure'; · S·)r. Md)'nohsh'
Ar,lnl. ,. RClmsch 1 887'17~ldcn"fi"
., b be
nects it with Heb. re Q
, 'rrlend'; cpo also Akk. rii'u. ""rrtid, marad 'uproar, rushing (n,adj), race, it with the Semitic roots nlr11, ",rb. ",rg ru, .
as"uli, allack, battle, persecution, raid'; ,

- 359
lrnl{lPh. lna(fur ml1rogJ 'plaster'. Te. marra£o. (tii j miirk:iifii, Har (o/)regiiza'support' Te
k'U':. ItIJrk-us"I·
from Ar markab; also Te.Tna.Amh.Har.Gur
mh omli"fll'd, Hat martlgo; pJvi;cd Into Cush!!lc' 5 Ie k' . T na. milfk us, miJrk"~s
' .Am."
from Gk myron 'Sweet 'J'
' mh. ",iirkiib.
RII marg, Or ",a,o,&:o. I1Urg •31;
passed In
. t 0 C us h··
ltlC: Sa. markos 'staff also Tna.Amh. meron :; (~Is_o used for hOly all).
lean upon', Qem. mirkuz. to murun, Syr. muun mdron : sm"un, Chr.·Ar. ma},rUn.
mrg', 'amlrg,}'. hortt.""O. \'ariant of mrg~ I. mari!<.bl ""6-tl'fl-l- (D 305) 'hedgehogs',
bic. " om mayrUn. from Ara.
morih OD6-11 (Ll), name of a planet, moril 'l"tlt (T') 'liar',
mari~1>o ""'e,,/fl (T') 'head fanner, (DnV sec nrarih.
,05) domlnanl hyena (of a pack r, - mormudi ""C .....,c;, the eighth month of the
m.rioi 'I"t'1; see mry,

f-iHlOPh Amh m(irilg"(1 'a;trdwolr. Sc(' also i'i~ mar~a (yamr:ah ) ODC'" 'lead, guide, show (Ihe Coptic calendar (corresponds to G, miyiizayii); mirinil "~'1:" 'Our Masler' ,
way), prove;
fjJf::M .
)amrJ~IQ, causative; variant of barmuda; rrom Coptic parmoute through ~~:or; ~i~l"2an_n ,163,
under mar, denves It from
m'l!d, 'o .. orgodo h""C1J'. (M") 'perform a Chr.•Ar. barmiida. . marana ta OUr Lord, come!' through Gk
lamar~a 'be guided, be led'; also reflexive' maranatna. .
md,af!j/-dann~' . ,
mariih; (pI. marai"yiin) 'Who leads, guide, lead-
mmu.~d (I t Ml) 'ccr~monjal dance pcrfonned er, calechlst, leader of a choir';
marmale ""C""/\' (K .), variant of marmaTe, maraq ODlo}> 'brOlh" ,
/"I) the priests'. mJfllh (Gr.83) 'guided, led'; SEMITiC: Ar. maraq 'broth' Heb __
marmar ""C""C 'marble'; ' . maraq
Ihe \crt-. III a denommatln' rrom mllragd gomg bad lIIa"ah (K') 'guide, leader'; ETHIOPIC' Te Amh A G r ·
from Gk. marmaros 'marble'; also Ar. marmar, Syr. T .. ·h· . rg. a .Gur. mariiq 'broth'
11'1 'Qf!a~1. hdm~ . marh (pI. :am,.hl; also 'am~arl) 'leader, guide, marmoron. na .. maraC], Har. marax « mariik < miiriiq). It I~
FnlloP" Amh. mariiggaJd '"lap hard. accompany
Instructor, possible that Ethiopian miiraq is borrowed from AT
('am"hl, pi of marh 'guidance'); mannare, marmara OPCODt. , -COD6- 'bag, maraq. The rOOl passed into Cushnic: Sa,AfSom
I hymn with sIStrum and drum', amardJ!,f!Jda 'dance maraq, Or. maraqi. '
(the ddf.tJrD) .... Jllie chJnlmg d h~mn to tht' accompa. mJr!wl 'guidance'; wallel, purse, (T) belt, undershirt';
n1mcnf of drum and sIstrum', Tna. mariigJ, ·,hant. mJmrail (Gr.83) 'place where one leads'; marqe ODC'II; see raqaya II
S£~nTIc: if the original ronn is marmale (see above),
In,!! of I h) rnn .'lCl.-('1mpaOloo b} danCing' /Qmara~1 'who is guided, who follows a leader, the root could be rml, and cpo Aram_ tarmi/o 'bag',
one who repealS the songs after Ihe mariihl" merqu "'I.Co!! (GI) 'narrow path';
moragd ""t."I,f: 'cmerald', Syr. tarmaM. see also masr;qu.
(Vela I 687), '
f M ~ qUI..'f1ng T8) ya translates It 'ornamento ETHIOPIC: Amb. miirmiire 'undergannent, under-
dl manOl' fallo a ombrello', bUI IhlS meanlOg lamarho 'a',,'ii{ 'augury', lit. 'the being guided shirt' mariq '1"6-0}>; see lVaraqa,
d~ nOI \,X'(ur In TaHa);
by birds',
mannerqolewos -C"iC4I/\'9'lI (Ll) 'kind of meroqi< "'I.e'~6 (KG) 'purity, chasllly',
('ahnil maragd 'emerald'); E~.HIOPI\: Te. 'guide, lead', Tna. mdrbe, Arg. ant' ;
marraha. Amh. marra, Our. miira; passed into Cush- gives the impression of being a transcnption from
from Gl maragdoJ (rare) -lmara1:J(IS 'emerald': another language.
liso In TeAmh m(Jr(igd. Se-e abo ;amaragJ lIic 81'- marh, Sa.Af. marah. The connection with corruption of Gk. myrmekoleon 'ant-lion' (Hommel
Be. me/an 'gUide' suggesled by Billner, WZKM 23 1877:67),
mr~h I, >aml'l!.t1o h""C"I"', (LGr.87) '8mar- (1909).146 is doublful mariqa<t OD6-0}>6-l- (T) 'weaver's shullle, boh
for a door';
~.hl ht"'C"I" 'roll (siones), throw (stone),; marmala ODC_-/, (T,M) 'separale, take aparl';
mari~ul, mari~il -6-th.-l- , OD~'1-l- (LI) marmal (T.M) 'means of separating, partition,
marg.h Ipl maTtig,.h) 'rock, slone, (T) boulder'; 'road'. EnuOPlc: for the meaning 'bolt for a door', cpo
m.>rgJih. rwrguh (Gr 87) 'rolJed'; fence' ; Tna. rii(re 'rasten, attach with nails, bolt'
'<1nIlUgaJu, oamargQhi (Gr 87 ) 'who roll, (slones)'; (rom hora 'go' (see bwr), with metathesis. possibly a denominative (rom *mrmt. rrom rmt, and
muriqihi -6-~Y (P) = Amh. yamure .n-
cp. Tna. rlimtlitli 'break to pieces'. Te. ramtiita.
fnilOr'( 1na. marQf'" boulder'. Amh. margo pas- mari~'''1 OD6-.nm..}o (pi mara~.wliil) 'fan', gara 'bread made from Ihe seeds of murii-
sed In10 ('''ushuu,: Qem mdrg. See also mfg' grass';
metatheSIS or maraWabt (from flt'b f). maran, mirini "'16-1 , "'16-'1 (K) 'our
m'l!h II, ·.m<r~a{t. h-u;..,,,, (T \1) 'u,e a fan, Masler' ; in the imtial mura one recognizes Amh. mure 'grass
marl!! OPt"l (K·), mari~ OPt.n (KG), mirrih
"lOn~ .. (by blo,nng or fannlOg)'; • used ror making whisks for cleaning a grindmg
"'l.t"l (Ll), name of a planet; from Syr maran, Aram. marana. See also maranat
the "orm with the \0\10('1 ~ d.fter the rn IS strange slab',
(rom Ar. mirrib 'Mars (planet}'; also Amh. miirih. marana ODl~ (MA) 'shine, sparkle';
mrz'z, Ilmorg·... '''''''1:10/1 ·'ean upon a See also mari, mariih. marqa~a ODCo}>", (H), morqa~a 'l"Co}>", (Sw. in
tat!' lean on (8 person), reh '; mariin (pI. maraniil, maranaliil) 'candleslick, D 1393,T,MA) 'skin, peel, strip';
lamp' ;
flUTg",; (pI maTag'a:) 'slaff, rod, "'lnc', m.r~o (pI. marabuI, mariib.w) ""Cot;'; see rbK', maraq.~ (T) 'bulcher' (il has Ihe form of a
nurgll. {I' ')who leans upon a slaff; marana seems to be reconstructed from maranat, plural);
mari~UI OP6-'l--l-; see (rhl\') , marho.
Soan( Mh maTk<;: ·rod, staft' (Billner 1909 31) - - metathesis of maniirol, above.
ETHIOPIC: Tna. miirqJ~O 'split, cut, break into splin-
[THIOP.c Amh. 10 miiragK-a:a. (10 marakk-il:o m.ri~... ""6-"I/D>; see (rljw), marbo, meron "'I.e'1 'chrism (made from oil of spe-
ters', Amh. mdroqan 'butcher' (from Geez). The
"an on a tid' Gur (Ia mrJk.ii:.a, Tna. noun maraqi1~ could possibly be derived from raq~a
morkab ODChofl (D 305) 'boat'; Cial plan Is), sweet oil, hOly oil' (see Walker I, below, and marqi1~o would then be a denomina-
mrq"t 360
lQarsasa rnarsJ sa 361

mrq"t. 'omarq"ata h""C4r.+ (T.MA.Sw. in 0 tamarsa (D.TY) 'be putrefied, be putrid b marsass Il OI'CI'tI't (MA) 'be quiet, be tran- tnaraWit
1.10)) 'let the hair grow long'; spoiled, become soft or tender, be Softened be mara!a II ODl.m (K ') 'ch
marq'>lo (T) 'letting (n) the hair grow, full steeping, be worm-eaten, smell'; Y quil'; as (L1) 'reac
h Ian d' ; (to an office),'
. , oose, honor. appomt
){lJnars a
head of long hair. (Sw. in D 1393) tuft of from Amh. miirriitti 'chOose' .
SEMITIC: Ar. marata, marasa 'steep food in Wat ' ., inative from marso, mars, above, with redupli~
feathers' ; Mh. miros 'dissolve', PbH. mrs (pi(el) 'stir Wit~r , deno of the last ra d'IC8I . See a Iso marsawa. languages : Tna . .marasa
.... _ T'eIn the other EthiopIan
cation 'rg ,. ~ . , . marsa..
ETHIOPIC': Amh_ miiriiqq~ii(ii 'become bushy (hair liquid', Aram.Syr. mJras 'steep, make soft by t a n. . rnarrQ!a 'choose'. . 'be sh'mmg,.
that has not been cut)'. See also m3rq"'Qt. ing,' Md . mrs 'b' rUlse, squas h " Ug. m" seep.'
'moist m""awo ouCI'tID (Gr.~4) 'be calm (sea), be
(Aistleitner), Akk. maYlisu 'stir with a liquid'. en nquil (sea), be qUJet ; martuI ODCm-A 'testimo be
ETHIOPIC: :'e:. ~nii.rsa ' boil' (Lit.tmann~Hofner 113), tm ). cathed~al, sanctuary'; ny. ta macle, church,
m.rq"at siir 9"C'II.T I I'tC (T) 'aloe';
Amh. marrasa become soft (SOil, by having man Jam ars awa (Gr.84 , causat,ve;
. .
sar from Amh. sar 'grass'. Could m~rq""at be dumped on It marsa w (Gr.84) ' tranqUIl, qUiet, calm'; mar!ulawi, marro/awi 'pertaining to a t be
')' . Ure nac/e'·, • a r~
connected with mrq"'r? the verb is a denominative from marso, above. See
represents manur bela 'h
marso ""Cf', (T) mars ""CIl; see rsy. also marsasa II. W. Mu"II er compares
., W, Wit alternancc orhquids
mrr. marara, marra (),amrar, yamrar) noll.. ; IN.
marss uPl.70 (KBT 97) 'scissors'; 'Martyrion (as a bUil~~~)' Arabic ~lar!;;f
001. 'be bitter, be embittered, be grieved, be
moras (pi. mawiiras, mawarast) '; See wara~ •
ArabiC inscription of l:Iar~n i~~~. OCCurs 10 an
pro,oked' ; is a misprint fOT oo.)ol..'" maqra-r.
'amrara 'embitter, grieve, provoke, affect mortur ODCm-C 't t'
marata I oul.+ (T. Y) 'foretell the future, di- . es ,mony, tabernacle chapel
deeply, exasperate. become embittered, (T) - . . "
m3rsane, marsam, mlrsans, mtraslOS, mersens, . , church, sanctuary'; "
deprive, hold in low esteem'; vine;
morsonen, marsinen 9"Cllt 1 ouCI't~ ; "'i.c romarato 'consult a fortune-teller, act as a (tabot z'!martur 'ark of the testimony');
tamarra (Gr.83) 'be bitter';
1't,)11 , "'i.l.ft. ') 11 ! "ICIl. ')11 , 9"CIl1') , soothsayer, practice divination'; (dab tara zamar!ur 'tabernacle of the test ' _
'astamrara (Gr.83) 'be incensed, be irritated, ny'); 'rna
become enraged, become exasperated'; ouCft.t'), (OT) marsonom ODCf',)9" 'myrtle:
denominative from a noun ·mrt from mry I; also
(T+) jasmine'; from Gk; martyrion '(rehgious) testimony, shrine of
nJiJrur 'bitter, irritated, exasperated'; Amh. (a) mM-arriilii 'prophesy, foretell, cast a spell to
. , a martyr. See also mar.tul, above.
marir (fern. marrar) 'bitter, something bitter, from Gk. myrsine, gen. myrsines, acc. myrsinen 'myr~ injure someone.
embittered, ferocious, provoking, sorrowful, tie'; also Ar. marsin, Amh. marsiine, See also harSe-
grievous' ; nOI. marat. II oul.+ (K 0) 'become soil, become marowa. I OOl.m (KBT 87, under ma,o) 'perfo-
rusty, rust'; rate, dnll a hole" ,
(marira 'bitterly');
Jamrata (Kt), causative; denominative from Amh. moro 'chisel'.
(bera maririin 'a rebellious house', transcrip- marsasa I ""CI'tI't 'grope for, feel the way,
tion of Heb, be! mar/); search (for something)'; ) denominative from marel, below; also Tna.Amh ,
maro"i (U) 'violent, vehement'; marriilo 'become soil'. marawa II OPl.m (TY,MA.M) 'place cross-
'amarsasa, causative; (H 226 wrongly renders pieces in building a house wail';
fIlJrar 'bitterness, atffiction, rancor, acerbity, Amh. dabbiisii [translation of 'amarsasa] with Iii
(L,) strong potion'; mare! OPt.t 'earth, dust of the ground, dirt, marawi (DTW 749, under magari), act. parti-
'be tarnished ');
soil, clay, plaster, dung'; ciple;
ftl4rral 'bitterness, anger, rancor, rebeIlion'; tamarsasa (Gr.84), passive;
'amrari 'that makes bitter'; also part. of )amra~ marsas 'groping, feeling the way' (B 44 wrong- (maret Ja<adii 'plaster, clay'); man", ib. 'wail of poles fastened to the
ra: mawowi 'creature of the earth or of dust, ground' ;
ly renders Amh. miidasiis [translation of G.
earthly, being (n) of dust';
SEMTTlC Ar. marra 'be bitler', Mh. rnarr, Heb. mar marsas] with 'flattery, cajoling'); ETHIOPIC: Tna. miiriiwii 'furnish with a trellis', Te.
{m,,', Aram. mJrar 'be bitter, grieve', Syr. mar, marsiisi (Gr.84), act. part. of marsasa; SEMITIC: SAr. mrt-m 'limestone' (?). mawara (with metathesis) 'tie together', maro 'ring
Md. mrr, Akk. mariiru. For 'gall bladder, bile' from ETHIOPIC: Te.Tna.Amh. miirel 'earth, ground'. Sec of willow branches used in the roof of a round hut'
the root mrr, cpo Ar mirra, Heb. m;}rerti, Aram. and root augmented by r in relation to mss of Semitic also marata II.
Ethiopic. mariwod (pI. of 0 marwad) OPt-IIJo$!: (Gr.8S) 'a
rmrera!il. Syr. merta, Md. mirta, mrirta, martu,
Akk. mOrtu. SEMITIC: Ar. massa (mss) 'touch', SAr. ms IS" Mh. mirit "7':T; see mry. wooden tool serving for putting collyrium into
ETHIOPIC Ina miiriirii 'be bitter', Te. marra, Amh. mosi 'rub', S~. miss 'touch', Heb. mH (pi<el) 'feel the eyes';
mmat I"'I.T; see mfr.
miirriirii, Arg. miirriira. Har. mariira, Gur. miiriirii. through, search, grope', Ararn. maias, Syr. mal
For 'bile', cpo Har. m<)rar, Arg. mararo. The root (mss) 'touch, feel', Md. mss, Akk. masiilu 'wipe, from Ar. mirwad, pl. mariiwid 'ivory needle for
m"it I"'t-T (T.M,Sw. in D 1392) 'market'. applying col1yrium'. See also warwad.
passed into Cushitic: Sa. marir 'bitter', Bil. miirar, polish'. The root is related to mws in Heb.Aram.
Or. marar 'be sad', Ka. miriiro 'bile'. Syr. mii'§ 'feel, touch', Md. mus. m,r.!, I OPl.m (K 0) 'uproot, pull out';
ETHIOPIC; Tna. masiisii, masiiwii 'rub', Te. mossa
marawh, . oul.lIJoih
, marwih! ! OUC'I'ihT; see
marasa oual 'moisten, steep. (T.KG) putrefy (mss) , masiisa 'wipe', Amh. mWassiisii 'rub', Har. SE~ITJC:
(hatr)' A
Ar. mara!a 'pull out' Heb. maral 'pull out
' .
rwi. I, II.
sPOIl', ' masa 'rub, wipe', Gur. mWaiii, maiassii. See also , ram.~Syr, marat, Akk. maralu 'scrape
SCrat h If' . . , marawi! oul.'I'T 'bell';
ramsasa. E c o , The root is related to mala la, above.
THIOPIC: Har. miirii!a 'strip off', Gur. "miirii!ii. from Amh. miiriiwwat. See also (rw~ II), marwa~l.
ron• 362
"asob 363
mry, tamarr.y • .,.O'D<.f, t.miiraya "'."'U,f .'act 'alternate'. M's marya 'wedding', Copied from hifc: Or. masobi. Bil. miisob, AI. miisob. The
as a soothsayer, divine, practice dlvlOatlOn, Tayyii, is likewise to be corrected). mCUs. I from a root· swb (Ar. uiba, Heb. sab ETliiOPIC: Amh. n..sjar 'hump'
., d rivallon 1'-
Geez. See also ""'nfiir ' probably frol11
perform magic; . . SEMITIC: related to Heb.Aram. mwr (hif'il), hemir e ') maliih 'place where peop e gather suggest_
'amra),o. 'omiiraYQ 'have a predictIOn made, 'returnp' etorius 1879: 159, n. I is not convincing,
consu-lt a soothsayer';
'exchange'. Ambros suggests, with reservations a
connection with Ar. marra 'pass by'. ' ~ by r~b means 'place at which something ap. (mKas) ~arkiasd ""II'{'<'II (0 4()5,T). masfa... ""1I'{'Cii
'ostanuirara. causative; ETIflOPIC; Tna. marya 'Jeap year'. smcc ma eturns' rather than 'gathers'. Likewise the n of disease" ,
pears orr " ' i f ' 'ifi T if
nu,ri, rnar~ya, (Gr.86) rnar>y (pI. mtiraytin,ma- con Inee t 'on with Te. siiJa

fi .
, 'I, sa.
na. sa ) 'plate
d' K 614 identifies It wah G 'Gsfiirs 'jaundlcc', above
raJ'l marii~'al) 'heathen seer, diviner, spmtual muryiinsu .....C!')()- (T+) 'water for the 1 wattle for re nmg corn suggeste , With
lead~r of the
.. ,
pagans, priest of idolaters, sor- gabiila-bowl serving for washing the feet'. of parvaffit·ons by Rundgren 1955:44 is unlikely. Akk.
reseabb I 'basket'
, by lacci' d enta1/y SimIlar.
. . masfet ODII.c,.o}- (T.Sw m 0 1394) 'shackle"
mas U is proba
~rom ~afaya
eerer. magIcIan; ... , marziin ooClI') (T) 'compilation, abridgment 'sew', probably developed Into th'" ......... n-
nuiril (pI. maritiil, marettil) 'wItch, ~lvmer ; tog 'he'. .. ""'4

Iwryti (T.M) 'medicine (probably gIven by a

(of a book)'. mas b ooilll'' see masa'ab.
witch doctor)'; mas 0011 (Lt) 'multicolored, imported cloth -,,"he 0'D"'1I"" (T) 'perfume' ; m.sfetam OUll.l..+,. (0 1400,Gr.93), rnisfetom
marino (Gr.86) 'divination, magic'; mas. . I -bh)
(M 59 quotes wrong Y masa e. e ; "1Il.c,.f.,. (K) 'enclosure, sheepfold',
placed on a monarch's head at coronation';
SEMITIC: Margoliouth, JRAS 139, p. 61 thinks that Guidi, ZA II (1896). 405 makes an attempt to
Id it be a misunderstanding of Ar. mastibah
. b h )?
fro~ Gk. mosphaitham, transcription of Heb. mijp~.
the angel Marut who taught people s~ell~ (in Sura derive it from damas 'Damascus', known for var- 'rosaries' (pI. of mrs a. 0 . laylm. See also mOSQpelam.
2:96) is taken from G. mario The denvatlon of G. ious kinds of fabric.
mar; 'magician' from mar>; < "Y 'see' suggested by ETHIOPIC: Amh. mas, same. masbart ooIlOC-r (T) 'bunch of grapes or Corn m.sag ODft., (Sw, in 0 332, under m•.ihag) 'place
. , where lamentation is held"
Dillmann 168 (so also Armbruster 122) is not con- not yet ripe . •
vtncmg. mesa "'tft, mes "'til; see mys I, II. see saJ;aga I.
ETHIOPIC: Amh. mar; 'sorcerer who foretells the mossad. O'DftF. (T.Y.M) 'scratch, scrape, poke
mas'ar, mas'.rt oo/')hC , ooilhC-r (0 749), (fire)' ; masaga ouft, (K BT 1-10, under mal/iigii) 'be able,
future', m"arliiiina 'foreteller of evil things, magi- can';
cian', from (tii)m~'arriitii 'foretell' < mry from mas'.rt ooilbC-r (T), maS,.rt, mas'.rt 00 P'hC ",usd, mussad (T.M) 'means of scratChing,
which a noun with the suffix -t was fonned (mr-l); 0}- 1 ool"bC-r (L) 'joining of beams or rafters, .
or scrapmg ,
,. sec malaga II.
the verbs of G. marata (see above) and of Amh. panels, floor, story, lining, paneled ceiling';
musd probably comes from maH'sad, from soda masgid ""111.1.: 'mosque';
(tii)m"arriilii are then denominatives. Noeldeke metathesis of ma'sarl, from 'asara 'bind'. See also (swd) 'scratch, scrape'; in this case massada would
1910:38, n.2 suspects an "African" origin for this mas'art) below.
be a denominative from mawsad, musd. Note that Y from Ar. masgid; also Te. II'lJsf[iid, Amh. mii~gid,
root. In fact, Oromo has moru 'divine', mortu 'sor-
renders massada by Amh . OfJif + miiUii.lii <brew beer Har. miisgid. In this connection the ongin of miis~id
cery'. As for Qem. am"'arat 'foretell', it is taken mas'.rt ODilhC-r (Sw. in D 749), mas'.rt ooilIJ 'house of prayer' used by the Falashas is of interest.
or mead for sale'. It is strange that massada 0fJ1Py"
from Amharic. See also mrry n, and marato J, C-r (T) 'bed, pillow, wooden headrest';
above. is rendered in T.Y. by Amh. ifoo...,.. samma/ii 'deal The generally accepted origin of the Falasha ma.sgid
to be identified with maSWI (see "WI). in grain'. In all likelihood massada is another spell- as coming from Ar. masgid is surprising, W. Muller
m.r.ya O'D<'f (Y), see 'amraya; ing for massada, and sommiilii is either misspelled drew my attention to a South Arabian Inscription
'amraya, (Y) 'amarraya, (T) 'ameraya (= mas' I O'Ditb 'north, north wind, southwest for ooi'f+ miiisala, or the other way around. coming from a Jewish house of prayer which reads,
wind, southeast'; 'Amen, amen. and this house is the msgd-n' (AO
Amh. asiiggiirii) 'alternate, skip a day' (e.g. a musad ......... F.-; see wasada. 24[1973].154-5). While the SAr. msgd is taken from
holiday that falls on a Sunday in one month SEMITIC:Ar. misf 'north wind', Mh. msaf 'south'. Aramaic, the Falasha miisgid goes back to SAT.
and year is celebrated on a Tuesday of the For the identity between Ar. mis< and nis', see masdo, oollF.-'I' (T) 'dinner'; msgd~n and is not borrowed from AT. masgid. As
next month or year); P. Haupt, AJSL 22 (1905-6). 199, and Noeldeke for Ar. masgid, it is also taken from AramaiC,
'QStanulraya (Y), causative;
1910:62. is a misprint for masb,,!. masb<J! oon-fl"T' I ODp-'
111', from sahara. through the intermediary of SAr. m.sgd-n.
maryii 'alternation, holiday or the beginning of ErnloPlc; Tna.Te.Amh. miisiJ< 'northeast'.
a month that skips a day, i.e., on Sunday m.s~. I (y.msiih) OPiI"', (Y) m.... ~. 00/,)""
mas< II oollb (T+) 'rural area'. masf. OOil.c,.; See safaya.
one year (or month) and on Tuesday the (KG) mas~a O'DI"'" 'anoint';
following year (or month)'; masa<.b ooftbll, masb 00/')11 (Sw. in 0 1393) msfn, 'amasfana hoollt.. ~ 'give sovereign au- (K'), causative;
(,.Iala maryii 'movable day'); 'kind of demon'. thority Or command'; lamas~a, lamassa~a 'be anointed, be elected
(note that maryti (T) = Amh. flC"I siirg 'wed- Messiah' ;
m.S'.rt ODllbC-r; see $a<art. denominative from mas/an; see sa/ana. masii~i (K') 'one who anoints';
ding' is a misprint for P'1C siigiir 'alternation';
likewise 'ameraya (T) = Amh. flC"I I h"t'.1 masuh (K') 'anointed';
masob OD{llI 'basket, platter, basket for the maslir I"'M.. C (T.DTW 1200) 'hump of animal,
siirg adiirriigii 'perform wedding ceremonies' is (Sw. in 0 405) arm, leg'; masib, (T) masi~ 'anointed one, Messiah,
Eucharist' (Hammerschmidt 1962: III); Christ';
a misprint for w,C ' h"<'1 siigiir adarriigii
EnuoPlc: Te.Tna.Amh.Arg.Gaf.Gur. mtisob; also DTW 1200 explains it through Amh. yiisaga "Ir (basstiwe masih 'false Messi~h, ,antichrist');
'heap (or 'quality') of meat'; see salara I. masj~jjwi 'Messiamc, Chnshan ;
mash. 364 I
maskararn 365
. .
(ht1lmdnnr masi~iill'il 'faith of the U~ctlonls)t~ ;
• oofl"'9" (T.Sw. in D 1393) 'liar'.
. J 879: 158likewise c~nn:cts miiskariim
s«Hammerschmidt, m Assfalg-Kruger 6.0 " Praet~nus but corrects it to maskar<Jm, an act.lve proverbs: (most of these meanin~, are denoml
- with. ~rm'of the as~stem. However, hiS ~ranslat1on
' - ,meSSI8
m/l.HJplll1Q 'h Sh'p
I , function of MesSIah; mashanin see sabna. natJves elt.her from mas/ or tnlls;alt,) ~
Ar. mosaha 'anoint', SA~. h-ms/~I, S~. mes!, partlClpl: b 'ngs rain' is not appropnate to the -amsala 'declare Similar, declare alike, make
masaka J (yamsak) , massaka ODflh 'drag, 'that which d~ions in Ethiopia, since maskiiram
'rub. stroke', Heb. nuiia!1 'anoint, Ara~~-Syr: m~­ draw, bend (a bow), dtstend. render tight Or l hereon I C'R ' . beheve. regard as, hold as eqUivalent. conSider
,ioh. Md. m.fa (m.fh), Ug. mfl;, Akk. musslI'u ru~. \\'ea d of the rainy season. ontl OSSlm
taut by pulling, (Y) straighten up, (T) bring marks the e.n ware of the difficulty and renders Someone so and so. think, compare betieve"
For the Aram.-Syr. origin of the G. and Ar. masl~', near' ;
192J:!~.5-6':ata which makes the rainy season end'. 'amassala (Gr.87), caus. of maSlala. ' ,
masi", see NoeJdeke 1910:34, Jeffery 265. s
ETHIOPIC': Tna. masbo 'fresh butter used for g,rea -
-a111saka (Gr.90), causative; rnoskoram however, is miiskiiriim and not tamas~a, tamas.sala 'be made '\irnilar, resemble,
The fonn, lOok hke, be like, be likened, be SImIlar. 1m,.
mg the half', Amh. (a)m"afSii 'oil a new gndd,': tamaska (Gr.90, D 1427), passive of masaka;
man\' time~ before trying to bake brea~. on II masaki (Gr.90), act. part. of masaka; tate, emulate. be compared, compare oneself,
(Gel~tchew). The rool passed into CushltlC; Sa. masuk (Gr.90), pass. part. of masaka; mas kot (p.I masakaw. masiikuc) -flt>·)- 'win- be equal to, take the appearance of. disgUise
miiho 'butler'. See also mas~1G II. oneself as, tra~Sfonn oneself, appear as. be
SEMITIC: Ar. masaka 'gra b, grasp', Heb. miifak doW'; ' I t"
'drag, draw', Aram. masa's. - -k,w (LI) pane s , . formed In the hkeness of. give the impresSion
mas~a II (yamsa!l! oofl'" 'feast, eat a midday mOJO
of (being), pretend, Simulate, imitate';
meal or dinner'; ETHIOPIC: Amh. miissiikii 'pull, tug', Gur. miisiikii . Dillmann 382 denves G. maskof from the
>omsaba, causative; also 'invite for a meal.
'pull'; possibly Te. miiska 'saddle, harness' (Litt. SEM~C~oot • skw (Aram. siJ!se 'look out. look for'; tamasala 'resemble one another, be Compared
mann-Hafner 120); passed into Cushitic: Had. rna- SemitiC PbH siikii 'look'), but this root is not to one another, be made equal to One another
prepare a meal'; ote also . - .. .N
sakkii-kko 'pull, drag', Sid. massagi. See also ma~ n d 'n any of the ElhJOplan languages. Ote be equal to one another, be like one another:
famas/za (K .). passive of mas~a; Prose nte I resemble' ;
masah~', act. part. of mas~lQ:
saka JI .
re ·~kiit 'window , IS. conSidered
, G I
a eez oan-
that A(Nr.oe
word m"ldeke 1910:51. Jeffery 266; see also Dozy 'aslamasala 'use a pretense, compare';
111.Jsah 'meal, midday meal, dinner, supper, . , JJ OOflh (Y.TS.MA) 'make thin, (K) cut,
masaka 'astamasala 'Iiken, liken with one another
banq~et, love-feast of the early Christians, mince;
1:780). C' Te Tna.Amh.Gur. miiskol 'window': compare, compare with one another, repre-
feast which a particular .:ar-spirit is believed to ETHIOPI. . 23 '0
could be an extension of the meaning 'bend a bow d · to Cushitic' Sa maskot. Rabm I , n....
tn sent, consider as similar, make similar to one
crave' (Amh. 117.S); passe .• d b d
stretching> make thin' (see mosaka J) . t hat "the Ethiopic wor was k'orrowe
sugges ts f another, make believe, put forth a parable',
(masaha dobra !a,l'on [Gr.88] 'the banquet on from HI "azi' JArabic
, and the latter . too It rom
mask 9"flh 'musk, perfume'; masali, massiili (pI. massal.yan), act. part. of
Mount Zion'; see Getatchew, Paideuma 29 Aramaic of the Arabian Jews who might have used masa/a, massa/a;
[1983]'108-9) ; from Ar. misk < Pers. musk; also Amh. m";)sk, Syr. the Hebrew maskil". milssul 'formed';
mamsa!1 (M) 'place of a banquet in a refec- musk (see Jeffery 264).
tory' ; mskw, -amaskawa "-flhlD (T.M) 'ruminate, masl (pI. masal, m>sliit, 'amsal. 'un1.liiliil) 'like-
ness, similarity, representation, form, figure,
SEMITIC: Dillmann 176 derives G. m;;sa~ 'meal' maskan" ooflh~ (L) 'be poor' (denominative) ; chew the cud';
tamaskana ' become poor'; image, statue, parable, proverb';
from Semitic and Ethiopic ms& 'smear, anoint' (see seems to be influenced by Amh. amiisiikklla. For the
'amaskana (Gr.91) 'cause to be poor'; Geez [om, see mik"'t.
-amslil (plural of I11JSI, but having also the
masha I), the action referring to the smearing of the
prep~red dishes with fat. The Ethiopic root ms& (G. maskin (fern. maskint, maskanl) 'poor, wretch- meaning of a singular) 'aspect, form, figure,
masoh 'meal') is not to be compared with Mh. fie ed, needy'; mllSakow oo"hlD- ; see maskot. effigy, image, likeness, like thing, similarity,
'breakfast', as suggested by Bittner 1909:20. For miJskinat ' poverty, indigence'; similitude, model, symbol, analogy, imitation,
Mh./ie, see Brockelmann 1927: 18. mllSkaya ooflhf (T.M) 'assign land to a monas- description, parable, proverb';
from Aram.·Syr. misken 'poor' going back to Akka- ,
ETHIOPIC: Te, miisa(l 'meal. breakfast', Tna. masa&, tery, found a monastery; ()amsiila, ba~)amsiila 'like, in the manner of, In
dian muskinu (von Soden 684); also Ar. miskfn. For
Amh.Arg. milsa; also in Cusrutic: Qem. mezi, since Amh. gaddiimii (the translatIOn of maskaya the guise of, by way of. kind of');
a bibliography on this roOI, see Wagner 80.
Kham. mesa, Bil. medii (with alternance d:z:s), Or. ~ven by Tayya) also means 'raise a church to masla 'with, in the company of, in addition to',
misi, Mo. mUo. ETHIOPIC: Tna. miiskin, miiskin 'poor', miiskiina,
miiskiinii 'become poor', Te. miiskiina, Amh. maskin gadOn! (monastery) status so that it may provide also used with verbs expressing reciprocity; ac-
'poor', miisiikkiinii ' become poor'. sanctuary', maskaya is to be co nsidered a denomina- cordtng to the context It also has the meanings• 9"flJ. (It) 'garment of goatskin, coarse
cloth' ;
live from m;;skay 'refuge, asylum', from sakaya I. or other prepositions; e.g. talelaYII. ',,!/adll
mask"ra ooflh~ (KBT) 'testify, give evidence'; masla kiila'u 'they were separated each from h~s
from Ar. mis&, considered by Vollers 1896:649 of from Amh. miisiikkiirii; also in Tna. miiskiirii. masala, masl. (yamsal) -(III , -flll 'be like, brother (friend, another)', 'akko kama takat
Persian (masu, maioga) origin. look like, be likened to, resemble, appear, mas/eitu 'his countenance was not toward
maskaram ODflh~9", first Ethiopian month seem'; with object suffix pronouns it means 'it him as before'; .
m.shiil 9"fl.ltA (T.M) 'covering for a corpse, (from September II to October 10); seems to someone (kama 'tha!'), think, sup-

pose' ;
(masla zafllu Vallu 'besides all this, for .lIlhls,
covering of the labat-ark'; ErnIOPIC: Tna.Amh.Gur. miiskiiriim ; also in Cush- nonetheless') ;
from Ar. mlshal 'thin gannent, piece of cloth'. itic: Qab. miiskaromo, Kam. rnosororna. Dillmann massala 'COmpare, liken, form, make a form, with suffix pronouns the base is masle-; .
835 derives miiskiiriim from krm 'ramy . season.,
fashion, make an image, make a statue, make massale (pI. massal.yiil) 'similitude, compan-
IdOls, use a parable, speak in parables or in son, parable, proverb, example';
IlISqI 367
(m':Hs41,l1'!ila salomon 'The Book of Proverbs',
- 7 L ,Ir
tion ' destruction, depravity, perversion" , - . a denominative from masqal, for which ,
I ~4), 'imusJnna 'incorruptibility'; h \o'erb IS ,. I T
. , Ie saqa/a. The deno~l?attve a so .. occ_~~ I~. _ na,
I>(Jm.t% 'Imagination:
'fl.\f,zma.\ali 'who Imitates';
iJ.'itamk'(~l iIO ( I) 'comparison, analogy, hypoc-
'omiisiini, part. of 'amosana;
mamiisoni, (Gr) mamiisni. same;
st( .. 'r 'lay crosSWIse, Amh. (taJmasaqqala 'be

placed a ,WI'se , assume a crosswise position'

>(JI1IDJqaerOS masle -"1:, 'lee Salya.

,, SEMITIC : the denvation from Semitic Wsn (Heb. mosel l"'/I.-l- ; see maHa ,
[IS\ , . '1' yiilcin 'old') with secondary m suggested by Dill. I n 0011"'/1"') (Lt.OT), masqelOD ODllot
m~m.vl. mam.fal 'that which is similar, Simi 1- ",,,,,,a 0 II.,. ') )'
mann 177 and Noeldeke 1910:20 could be POSSIble (K) mesqalon "'t /I" (T weaver's m.sut 'I"~-l-; see (ma.",·a ), m'....
r~"er on )a .loom '. for rolling up the
tude IJkene~s, t;-pe ; only if one considered masana a denommahve from 1\'"
, . .... ,. beam,
mo,mah 'that which makes slmJiar, ImItator , mJs~nnii going back to ws,,; however, this develop. :,asta<id OD"+,.I:' (0 1400, OT), mastl'ad
fims. hed clolh ' (T cunass,
lamas.I'oli 'who emulates, similar, comparable, ment is not very hkely. "+11.1:' (T.K) 'wardrobe, (T) large rectangu .
made simi lar, represented'; ETHIOPIC : Tna. masdnii 'rot, become thin, be emaci. from Ok' mesaklon 'weaver's beam' (1 Kings 17:7 lar house, (OT) servant',
= I Samuel 17:7).
lamoJ/a (r) 'model, simIlarity, resemblance'; ated', Te. masiina 'look sickly'. Amh. massiinii 'be. the meaning 'large reclangul.r house' IS
come exhausted'; passed into C ushiti c: Qem. mason strange. TaYYii considered perhaps Ihe word
SEMITIC' Ar matala 'be like', SAr. mtl 'the like of, 'become skinny, perish'. ",esqa100 "'t""'/I"')
. (T.M) 'affair
I ' of the angels,
slnlllar to', Heb. mH (niffal) 'be likened', Aram. Syr. Ihal which perlalOs to ange s ; for 'wardrobe' 10 mean 'Ihe place Where the
m;lfal'compare, liken', Md. mil, Akk. maialu. For wardrobe and olher ilems are siored', Ihal ",
m.l~' 'parable', cp, Ar. maral, Heb. mii.!al, Aram. masno (pI. rnasanaw) OO"'f 'irrigalion chan- could it be an interpretation of masqalon. mesqalnn,
nel'; above?
'the house', As for (OT) 'servani', II refers
mula S\'[. mOflii, Md. milIa. undoubtedly 10 the one who is In charge of the
ETHI~PI~" T;a. masillii 'be hke' , Te. milsla, )omaSIJowa 'cultivate by irrigation channels'
",,,,,,ar, masqar -II.,.C I OO"~C, see saq"a-
Amh.Gaf. miinti/a. Arg. massola, Har. masala, Gur (denominalive) ;
miiJiila; passed Into Cushiuc: Sa, masal'be like'. ,a I. from Gk. mestltaad, transcnption of Heb. "'rltahat
from Ar. masnuww 'irrigated', Ar. (f:fac;tr) mQSna
In 4 Kmgs 10:22 = 2 Kings 1022 (Dllimann 14(0)~
maslom oo"A'I", (Gr.S8) muslom """"A'I"
'irrigation channel'; also Te.Tna.Amh.Gur. masno, masiqoy 00""'1- ; see (saqaya ) , masqe.
'Mushm, (LJ) Islam';
ma.<;bmtiwi 'pertaining to a Muslim';
Har. miisnu 'field or garden that is accessible for
irrigation'; In C ushiti c: Som. mQsno 'irrigation chan-
nel', Or. mtisnu. NOle thai W. Muller, ZDMG 131
.,"l (K ' .MA) 'cause someone 10
•..4S\akii OD"+IJ (T) 'Slomach',
either conupt from Gk. Jtomalcltos 'stomach', or from
(1981).40 1 thinks that G. masno derives from -mas- Gk . mastaks 'mouth, jaw' wrongly Intcl1lretoo as
from Ar mu.fllm; also Ifl Te. 'amaslama 'become a (Ihe original of MA IS OOl'll masara; see 'stomach'
Mushm', mas/~m 'Muslim', Tna. mdslamii 'become now and is of Geez origin. p. 107, bottom);
a Muslim', 'as/amay 'Muslim', Amh. muslim. See mastemii, masteme oa"1:"7 I -n,t"'t, name of
also 'iHlrim, masanqo 00"')"' ; see sanqawa, SEMITIC : K 614 connects it with Heb. miisar 'de- Satan;
liver'; if this is the case, it is a transcription of Heb.
miisana "7M 'decay, be spoiled, be corrupt, msnw, >amasnawa hoo/l-,m; masinaw tID,.. masar rather than a cognate. from Hcb. maslenui 'animosity'; also In Amh. miisle-
detenorale, become rotten, be made desolate, '}lD-; see masno. rna; see Worrell m 139, Eunnger, ZS 7 (1929) 74,
milSr I 9""e (T) 'beer, ale'; Dobberahn 107, 177, n.S3.
be laid was Ie, be ruined, be abolished, be see m~zr.
deslroyed, pensh'; mosopetam 'l"M.. +'I" (D 1400) 'sheepfolds';
mastari OD"+t (T); see maSlari.
(:amnass,n 'corrupllble, deSiructible, per- see maslelam . milSr II, in masr qini 9""C I :PC;, see n.,r,
ishable') ; mastasri oo"+"t; see saraya.
(za 'I) J '<lnUin31J 'incorruptible, tndestructi ble, masaqa 001'1"', (T.Y) maSaqa 00 ....,. 'carve, """",r 'I""e 'lentil';
Impemhable'); hew';
ETHIOPIC: Amh.Arg.Gaf.Gur. mass~r 'lentil', Hllr
mastawani OD"+'Pt see wanava.
'amiisana 'spoil, ruin, corrupt, pervert, subvert, masuq 'carved, hewn ';,; Te. mansir IS probably from Sa. monsir, masot• ""(iT; see swl• II.
deleriorale, demohsh, deslroy, lay waSle, devas- Dillmann 177 states that he found masuq in two while Som.Qua. misir, Or. misira, Kham. bisstr are
late, desolale, wipe oui'; manuscripts, but that in a third manuscript the taken from Semitic EthioplC. M. Cohen suggests a masto
00"," (0 lSI), in ("I)masjo>agoyi
. , ~Aoo"
lama.lana 'be corrupled, be laId waste'; fonn is nasuq (see nasaqa). K 657 considers nasuq Sanskrit (masiira) origin. ,"1I"1! 'Teaching of the Mystenes ,
ma~,ani. act. part. of nUlsana; also 'perishable, Ihe correct form. from Gk. nlystagogia 'initiation mto the mysteries';
corruPlJble' ; masri, miser, rnisura, mi>suri, malasuri
9"nto I "7/1.e : "'I ft- 6- I "'I), ft- 6- I 00 11 ~ 6- also in Chr.-Ar. mosttigugi),a. mas,uguglya (see
musun (fern. musant) 'corrupl, decayed, spoiil, masqe oo"ot, masqet OOllot-l-; see saqaya. (DTX), name of the twelfth Coptic month
Lifchlll 7111).
deslroyed, desolale, perishable, damaged, (corresponds to G, na!lase);
putnd, rollen, wilhenng'; msql, >amasqala 11 00 11.,./1 (Gr.167) 'mark wilh mslr >ampstara IIOO"ml 'wrile in mYSIeries,
mUS,1nt (U) 'rulO'; a cross, make the sign of the cross'; from Coptic mesore. mesure; also Chr.-Ar. misra. s"eak mYSIeriously, hide as a secret' (denomma-
mus.nna. musunna 'SpOIhng (n), rotting (n), lamasqa/a (Gr) 'be blessed wilh the sign of Ihe tive); ,
cross' ; masriqu OD"t-t (T), meserqu "'t/l.C-t (GI) lamaslara, passive; also 'be kepi secrel ;
corruption, perdition. ruin. desolation, devasta-
masqu/ (T) 'placed crosswise, interlwined'; 'narrow palh (usually in the moun lain)' ; lamaslitara (K ') 'share a secrel, exchange
see also merqu.
n~srir 'mystery, secret, sacrament, Eucharist'; sawar, pl. of miswar 'leather pillow' on acco
• -
fTfllOPIC: Te. ~kiic. ·ru~nate·. Tna .. miisk"o' '(aru-
(I/"s!ir q_JJu., 'the Holy Sacrament'); shape. ' Unt of the fa; also 'rapacious
mal) that rullllnates (Wlt~ .~_e.~a~.hesls: '~~~~~~~, (Lt) usurper'; ,ravenous. \iolent, rohber,
m;ulirJlI'i (Gr.g2) 'secret, hidden. mystical. sacra-
masawas oPftm-iI (T.M.Sw. in 0 1393) , 'I!k'amsJ'e)~~. (a)m=_~:a: ..ra)~~giiha,
At (a)manaz"iiha, Our. mJ"","aha, mIL.iika, me. ""Sui, pass. pan. of maSata'
m~s'iire (Gr.82) 'principle of mysteries'; nerves" , ~ g~o.
sax The connection with Ar. gasa<Q 'ruminate' sug.
. . .
m~i! 'robbery, piracy'; . '
see also masiiw;J<. gest'" by Praetonus 1890:22 presents difficulties. On f11iJs!at, verbal noun of ma.Sala'
from Gk myslirion 'mystery, sacrament, secret
nte'; also Te.Tna.Amh.Gur. masri, 'mystery',
masya (yamsay, yamsi) -lir 'become e .
th baSis of the vanous Gurage fonns, the foot seems mamS~t, (Lt) mamS.!, pl.' ';""l1ti.i.t(Or"')
10e~ 'rnzk< > msk< (by assimilation of::k > sk), > ""msat ' f' . . .'.
( b venmg" . means 0 setzmg or carrying: handle,
masawa (l'amsu) ""/lID, (T) maswa ""lIlD 'melt masya far . masya b;;l:zer 'become evenin '0 ' m:k (a triradicaJ in Ourage) > ",,:zk (augmented by
also ~b!1 I); g , see loops, staves, (curtam) nng, ringlet, hook, key'.
(tr). hquefy, dilute, dissolve, make faint, make n). It is also posslbl~ t? c.on~lder ~k< as the basic root
. , )amsaya 'spend the evening'; EnnoPlc: Arnh ".. ."" •
pme away: > mzk', mzk by dlss1mllatJon (sk > zkJ, For more . rasSi.l{Q snatch away enrapture
enc ant' Te masta'd I' h ' ,
tmnasall'a 'be melted, be liquefied, be dissolved, nJasel, nwsyat 'evening, twilight'; details on the Ourage root, see Loslau 1979:413. The miisiilii" . . e Ig t, enrapture, enchanl'. Tna.
waste away, dwindle, fail. pine away, be en- SEMITIC: Ar. masii (msw) 'become evenin', . root also occurs in Cushilic: Qua. mdsk 'chew', Qua. • . carry .off by force, enrapture, 3JTtaze' , For
maJek. See also mskw. capture, capnvate, fascinale' ,cp. Am. h marrtik(i
_ .
feebled, be consumed'; 'csted r ay,'S oq.lmsm ' . Heb. '(?mps'yg, ants,
Note ~hat ~veral meanings of mamfur, such as 'loop'
vc' 'Akk -"'"gil esterday
masiill'i, act. part. of masawa; 'd~u m t, antfali (von SOden 45 ~curta1n) nng, key' could be compared WIth mamsa;
t t' ,
e n,l?g, h maS.aya uop'~r (T has wrongly masanaya
mJJ.Jlt' (fern. 1nf1.r;ur). pass. part. of masawa; exp ams teen mg through ·Ii of timali where it i
element of the root). san """,~r) 'divide, cut'. . button~ and buttonholes'. 1t is possible that mamsa;
tniJSH'a/ (Gr.91), verbal noun of masawa; IS a vanant spelling of,r.
f1l<1mSQIf (Gr.91) 'place where one liquefies'; ETHIOPIC: Tna. miisiiyii 'become' Te " maSqe IJPP'</:; see siiqaya.
Amh . massa,' .... A " " H ar. masa, GUf.' m-. masa
lamasiil1'; (Gr.91), part. of tamaswa; , '.
fg. massa, F '
asa. Or
Y "
maS! 9"1'''1' (K') 'termite, white ant'·,
~set cpo maset,
l;)mS;)WJnnri 'faintheartedness'; evenmg,
..... A Te. Tna.Guf. sal, 0 a f
ma'" maSarri tJPJP6, maSre ODp'~; see saraya I. from Amh. n/3SI.
In<Jsata, rg. muied, Amh.Har. nJ3set· h'
, ,
SEMITIC Ar. (ta)nuisQwQ 'melt' (Dozy II 593); related common with Cushitic: Be. amos. ' per aps
to Ar. mOfa (11111'1) 'dilute', Af. (J:fa~r) maWH'asa
.....iir 9""IC, massiir 9"ftc, moSar """'C, maswar t maswart ODJPIDC : ODJPIDC+: see ."~j..'r .
'melt'. S~. (ms),), muts; 'melt. dissolve', Heb. msy mosyiih 9"lIYU (T) 'pestle'; moSart ""IPCT (pI. mawiiiart); see waSara.
mig,. "'fltc, name of the sixth Coptic month
(hif,jJ) 'dissolve' (related 10 mss, nif'al 'melt'), Aram.- should be masya&, and see sayf:za I. , (correponds to G. yakkiilit);
Syr. I1lJsii (In.'ilt') 'melt. waste, drip away'. Dietrich
m""at. uop''';", (T), masrata oP/'l,,;.,. (Or.89)
2Q9 compares Akk. me,Q;, masa,u 'wash', Md. mia. 'lay a foundation'; from Coptic mas;r, me/;r, emfir; also Ar. 'am.fir. See
masyii. oPilrt (T.M) 'drink made from fer.
mented honey'; lanJaSrata, causative; also )anlser, >ams;r, mekir.
miisow "'flllD< (KD 1400) 'middle'; see also (mys I), meso tamaSrata, passive of ma.srata;
I1UlSriiti (Or.89), act. part. of maSrata; ma§tari oo'/i"'t (K,Sw. in 0 1400), mastari
from Ok. mest' 'middle' (adj), fern. of mesos: also Syr.
mese 'the middle' miisayiis "'filYiI (OT) 'Messiah'; masrut, pass. part. of ma.srata; -il"'t (T), the planet Jupiter;
l1UlSarat, (L) masarat 'foundation'; from Ar, ()al)muilari, the planet Jupiter; also Amh.
mas.",... O1ltrm-b (T) 'nerve'; from Gk. messias, from Aram. maSfho'
. , also Tn a. miiSliir;, Syr. muStar/'
A m h. masayas. Ihe verb is a denominative from ma.saral, and maJarat
misprint for masawJs, or the other way around. is derived from sarara, below. ma~a 011,,"; see fn.$.r.
moSii' (pI. mawiiia't) """1'1.; see wS'. EnnoPlc: Tna. siirriitii 'lay a foundation' (denomina-
mas... d UO{JIDJ:-; see (slI'd) , soda, tive), sarat, miisiirriit 'foundation', Te.Amh.Gur. moss .,..l\; see mws• I, II,
. .
maS,. oPP''t, (T) mas'. oPiI't ,wInnowmg •
miiriiriil. For the G. denominative majrata. cp, Tna. (pI. masiill'.lt) ""lIIDA, (Or.92) mas ....1 fork'; miisriilii <lay a foundation', Te. miisriita, Amh. . .,..1\; see m",s, II,
UDlIm-A 'unplement for producing fire, inflam- see sQraya. See also mS<y. miisiirriilii, Gur, masiirriitii. mill! - I t (K' 580) 'wooden threshing stick for
m"~le Olatenal. fire pan. fire shovel'; (L) gives it
the same- meanmg as mGswati; maS,.rt oPp'bc:t-; see sa'arr. millet'·,
maSs", (yam';'!) oPlPm, (Or.92,T) masa!a
..(1m 'tear to pieces, tear away, cut up, dismem-
ETIlIOPlc: Amh. mu?-
th.e connection with Heb. sal 'basket' suggested by mS'y, 'amaS<aya hoPp'Or, (H) '.mllS'aya
\\ aJnberg 1937a:29 IS unlikely. hoPilor 'winnow, ventilate'; ber, carry off, carry away, grab, seize and carry mlll!'a (y.~ii') ""lth 'come, happen to, occur
denominative from maS'e, above. off by force, snatch away, kidnap, strip, seize to, come upon, arise'; (with the ace) 'overtake';
masii".lt O1lftlD<AT (T) 'fence(s). enclosing violently, ravish, enrapture, entrance';
",aIHs)'; (zayamt11Ja' 'future');
massada oP,..y' (T.Y.M.Sw. in 0 1393) 'buy grain'; 'amia!a, (T) 'amsa!a 'escape, flee, free oneself; 'Ql/1S>'a 'bring, offer, cause to happen, bring
it is In the form of a plural. see massada, above. lamaS!a, tamaSa!a, pass. of maSara; also 'with- about, raise up, convey (a thing to a place), put
draw oneself,, forth'; O1ltrm-c (T) 'hump (of cattle)'; mSk'\
. ,'amaSk"'O)(a hooP'tto 'chew the cud , ru-
nunate ; ramiiva!a, reciprocal of maSata; also 'seize violent- tamruiJ>Q 'bring to one another';
SEMlT1C': Ambros suggests, with reservations, Ar. ly, plunder together'; .
tama.§kll'ira, passive; also 'chew the cud'; .- . 'astQl~asa'a
, 'adjoin, place one thing on top of
lI/a,\'(f{1 (pI. rna.fa!!. maiii!Jyiin), act. part. of another, (T) pull, draw';
......- -
m/l ..6,j. part. of ma.f'a;
;1,,1 ETHIOPIC Tna. mi#liiwa (with metathesis, #ilnlo""o) ed to mit's, m)'.f: Heb. m~~ 'the pressing out •
'one who comes';
m.1.fII' (to...) 'fade, wither'. andn:I'lk)'
••. 'A - 'h
PbH. mt, 'sap, ram. maye-$ W 0 sue s'
malfiy 9"~J1, (T) 'male gen.tali,,',
tn:I.~Vlt \:ommg, arrival, advent'; (offTll ' also related to m.:=: At. ma.:.:a 'sud', Mh.
~...(h, part. of 'anlSt1'a; .
maslaWl ODlt/\lD-lI (K ') 'knife, axe" , The root IS . II ' . EnnoPlc: Amh. ,"-,IJay 'PCOIS' (from G<ct) s.:. also
~z Akk. mo.:a'U II.: ~~u, p~ o~,t _. ftJtfih.
l1Iamv', malt1st1'i, same~ also 'one who helps to see matlawz. mu~·
Enoo Plc. Amh. mollola

suck. mO!amnta!a,
.. :. . , . .
Tna. rna-
~nng', . Te. m~~ JUice. sap
." mao"Imiitii,
.forO, malig., "":l-/C; see lagara 11.
. . 'place of origin';
mams.1} ma,imo ""II,/" (r+) 'pleurisy, sharp pain caused
by a disease'; rnosisil, ro.~1, m.~1, "'"'i ~t 9"lUt r .' math. ( "".)-u. (Y) matha oot", 'he
Sl'MJTIC SAr. 'go, proceed, march', Heb. miira
j tn.1') 'find', ongmaJl)" 'reach something', Aram. nJJ,Ja
to be identified with mar'Qmo; see SQ'llIna. D"~1...)- , 9"l\.Jl. r: r.
9"ltJl. (ll.T.M), ma~"'Iit deceptive in appearance. appear -as a 'recter'.
'reach, Ix able', Syr, mJs(i 'be able, have the power, be It,.)- (K) 'kind of arumal (m Hebrew t~a.f), 'aml.ha (Gr 94) 'look like a specter, conSIder a,
alJowoo. find' (Noeldeke. ZDMG 40[1886].736). Md. masmid
• ''''It''7..t:-; see damada.
• D"K .M) blue or dark (refemng to skin), blue
(T. a specter'~

mta 'am\'e. reach', Ug. m;' 'amve. reach, find', Akk. skin' ; tamatha (K) 'appear as a specter". 'maKe reach'. See also Delitzsch 158. n.2; ma,am., ""1\9"C (It) 'horsecloth, saddlecloth,
saddle girth'; ETlllOPlc: Amh. ma!a!, 'small. bad-tempered aru- matlihi 'Who appears as a specter, who IS en.
J Blau. lOS 2 (1972).67-72. For Indo-European roots dowed with the evil eye';
for 'nnd' reflectmg aspects such as 'come upon ', see mal'
ETHlOPlc: Tna.Amh. miitlllniJr, malabar, same. lrJJluh (K '), same,
Buc' 765
EnooPlc Te_ 'come', Tna. mii!>e, Amh.Arg. masnaft ODlt~tj:r (T.M) 'rug'; . wa ""lIlD (T.Y.M) 'tum acid';
masa math, see lniJlhal ;

. maSSa, Gur, mala.
. a secondary fonn of nufr:J, above, mathat, (T) m.lhat 'phantom. fantasy,
· , .
metathesis of ~aft; see ~afa I.
specter, ghost. illUSIOn, imagination. magIc.
mas'amo OD"hif"~ see sa'ama, masomo. black magic',
· ' . m~ara I, ma~ara OPX~, ma~~ara OP8~ 'masti- m.aswata ""ltlD'" 'give alms' (denominative);
tamapt'Gla 'accept alms'; (sab'a m.lhal 'actors') ;
• ""ltO/\ (TSw. In D 1394) 'file. rasp'. cate, chew, (Gr.1I7) scratch'; (note that Amh. (ba'iila mMhat 'sorcerer").
maswali (Gr. I 18), act. pari. of 11Ia~""ata,
al/ammo!o [translation of m~~ara1means 'chew'
· 'l"1Itj:. see moda(
mosaf . .
and nol 'smile' as given in H 230); ",,~'al 'almsgiving, alms, charity'; miJlhatawi 'imaginary, actor'.
'am~~ara (Grl 17) 'cause to scratch';
(m~diiya 11L1~wat 'treasury'); SEMITIC: Ar, mallha 'go astray, err'. Icunllltuha 'be
mos!J. 'l"lt'" (TM) 'immerse in waler' (rather
conrused' (Dlllmann 183) Pr,,'onu, 1890:22 con-
than 'wnng oul" as translated in M 119); tam~~ara (Gr.1 17) 'be scratched'; rrom the Aramaic plural m~wola (so Dillmann 228.
Siders AT. mth a denominative from motfha gomg
denommau\,e from mO,Jah; see H'~~a. rn~~ari (Gr. I 17), act. part. of m~~ara; Noeldeke 1910:36, Polotsky 6; but It could also come
back to laha (("",h ) 'err'
m.o~~ur (Gr. I 17), pass. part. of rn~~ara; rrom Ihe Aramaic singular m~wJlii regardless of the
difference in the vocalization); also in Tna.Amh, ETHIOPIC: Te.Tna. m<11heJI 'magic. spell, !ipecter, ap.
ma~~are (Gr. I 17), verbal nOun of rn~~ara; parition', Tna. miJ(~at, Amh, m,lIhul, m,Jlm; proba-
. . 'I"lI.l.. mosiht
mosih , , 'l"1I.l.r (pJ. mawGs.h,
. . ma- nlJswal 'alms'. Note that Gur. maswat 'sacrifice' IS to
. . see ..asha.
.. EnnoPlc: Te. ma{ra 'chew\ Amh. mO{{iira, m"'a~(iirii, be 'identified with G. maswo'l from SQH'fQ 'sacrifice' bly also Gur, m~aliilii 'convince by coa:<ing <. do
monii{{iirii 'scratch', It is possible to connect i( with something by magic' Sce also mthl.
rather than with Amh. nli1fwat 'alms' as suggested in
m~.)het (pJ. masahdY) ''''It.n.r. see p~ya. ~aro 11 in the sense that chewing is an action of Lesl,u 1979:432. The root passed mto Cush",c: Qem.
spreading out, stretching. See also m,r. nui!WDI 'charity', mtht, tamathata "'''''-l-U''' 'appear as a
~t (pJ. mawiiphl) 'I"lI.l.r 'beam. wood'; specter, appear in disguise";
note that Cant. I 17 has a variant mawas.!I. mas• ..a 11 ODlI~ (MA) 'stretch out, spread out'; mat (pI. 'O»lIal) 9"r 'husband'; denommatlve from mJlhu(; ~ee malha, above.
ml.)it-aJ ""1I.l.f.; see m~(.) hel. SEMInc: Ar. (Ia)mas~ara 'disperse (people)". (n!Jta ,.!]al 'brother-an-law');
EnnoPlc : Amh. miinii?{iirii 'strew, scatter about, dIS-
perse', See also m~arQ I. Soonc: Heb. ml, in m11-im 'men', and In proper math• ""r.l. (T M) 'sword',
masaUat ""1I/\r; see '
salala. names. such as ,,",!iiSf/~, Ug. ml 'husband'. Akk. m the context given by K () 15 It could also be for
111.'•. See also Noeldeke 1910: 146. mOlh 'phantom, illusion' (for which scc mUlha).
m"-!la .. a ''''It/\m 'fade. famt. be emaciated, masor
. OD~C'
.Swr, ETHlop.r: Te. mil 'husband' (quo.ed from Noeldeke
waste away. wilt, "'ther. decay, be languid';
YJJn~/aK'a, causative; also (K) 'blame, express m~y ODltCJ1, 'saffron';
1910: 146, n.2). Hintze 86, no. 476 connects it with
Sid. mula 'male genitaha'.
matha ""r'"
(loT.MA), math a ""rO
(K.M) ~
see ~Qrya. Amh. sassa I) 'be thin', 2) 'be greedy, be
disapproval. dislike'; .. ,
insatiable, be aVariCIOUS,
('tUnQSlaH'a g~~o 'he had a sad countenance'); mota '1""', mot '/"r, mut-in ..... ;t''); see nnvt.
~ m8~a ODX 'suck, suckle'; mal!1 (T) = Amh. s~s, rdqiq '.thl,n';
lamaslaM'a 'become faded, become emaciated, be
rn.lbat (Gr.94) 'avance, voracIty;
of a sad countenance, wrinkle the face'; SEMITIC: Ar. massa 'suck', Mh. mes,• Sh. miss, Heb. mal>'Zil 9"rMA (T); see 'zl.
masl.w 'faded, emaCIated, wrinkled, withered,
• •
mas"!. Aram. ""'~~, Syr. me~ ("'1~), Md. m~ ("'1~),

inasmuch as Amh. sassa IS amblguo~s, it is proba.
f.. hng, near e'Unction'; Ug. 111$,J, m~w; related to ~w, nt!y: Ar. frJa!,Ja 'empty bly safe (0 rely on the translation greedy, v,­
metedis "'11:"It'l (T), metedas "'11:~t'l (M) 'mes- CIOUS' given by Ludolf 78 and Gr. 94; however, ruqlq,
. (Gr I 17), verbal noun of maslawa'
. , to the last drop' (Dozy), Heb. ~a 'drain out", Aram. lenger, apostle';
rna!, 'wring', Syr. m3fO 'suck, draw out', Md. l11!a; Tayya's translation of malh, would indicate, that s.}s
rrom Gk. rnalheles 'disciple'. (likewise given by Tayys) also means 'thm
, ~__________________________~J~72~________~~________________m_'2~~' .
mlrkaf, markarr (pI. maltik4, maliihft) ""'}'h matar'as (/P"~Chil; see Ir>.f.
- ~ f
__ ----------~:=~~~~~~~~~::::-;~::::~~~::::
asm~ h'as, as great as, so great. to
' - ml'aql I ( Inml>q"( \Y) "'"ttlql 'hft
~ I ODo}-h~O}- (D .<68) 'shoulder, shoulder s~e 0, " up, r."e, e \!Vale T Y \1) be hIgh, be long'
~Iade', metriyq"ay "'H'':'''''''''' (T),
melriiyquy "'t-j- "'h' degree, ) 'such a, sO many, so much (Amh. a_alia, translation of ttulllaqa, means
I\LIofITlC mClalh~l~ In rclatlOn to kt/; Ar. kall/, kit! ,:."."" (K), name of a body of troops, "'IJI1d" ("nla so great. In proportIon') , here 'r .."" make aSCend' not 'dnve out' a n
~h('luldcr'. SI,l . kctf 'had of shoulder', Heb. kiilep ~e DIIlmann 1139. under ga/liil. l"'hlS as much aSh' pace of In propOrtion H S7');
"shoulder'. Aram .Syr k(!p(l, Md. kadpa, Ug. kif, me •• , DIm; see myl.
I ' -a 'for t e s .
;asJ..J.mJfO 'amlaqcJ 'raise. elevate' ,'
AU /o.a(Ql'paru 'part of ribs',
, oomO (MA) 'boil' (tr),
II . ana noun 'according to, In lam"'qu, pas>, of malaqa;
F7Hlof'lr ' Te mdkliJ(. ,!JJkJl1la . ,).
"I: mal + maluql (Gr 115), act. part of "Maqa;
matlo OD~l-h-; see to/aim.
, OD1't;:tt (T) 'who destroys', Ilion to , , m'!"q 'hIgh. raIsed':
a 'as great as),
I:.,.alan , ot as much as'): mJlq, (GrtI5) n10lq 'heIght'
misprint for OOTtt:h. ma!fJ,j; see !a/'a, ana
main (pI. 'am"n, 'am13nt) OD.}''), (Gr,95) ma- mal ana n'how i1ke . ') , mJlqol (Gr
I"· , . (K450)
) 'heIgh!', t'
tin '1":1'1 'sinew, nerve, muscle'; ma,hiri, in '.Ima,hiiri "Ao,,,!'y,:, (ll) 'cup'; Ila,malana , 'h such a, so great a), mumlaql' , act. part. 0 'ul1l1aqa
'tmi1~nt (pI) 'strings of a musical instrument'; sec lahara, Ilamal :'. suc , . 'how much', how
an nil-marana . Imuch FrHJ(IPI( Amh mall<lqa 'ns< up, fly'
'? how large~, how ong "
SIMlTlr: AT, main 'half or side of the back', Soq. 1"I·mal ,
mOlen 'hip', Heh. mo!n~QYlm. Aram. miilna),).'ii, Syr. m0!r'~. "'1'''' (0 1907: 137) 'veIl, (T TS) wrap more?, hO~ g~~~'~ften?, how much!. how
I hoW
up, put on clothes'; many" ma,aqa II UPm+ (K' M Gr.IIS), ma!!aqa n)
mapui!ti IJom', Md. maUIQ. Ug. nlill 'nerve' (Caquot 'snatch a\\oay',
)amo!!iI~a 'veil, clothe';
431), AU nUllnu'sinew' great.I')', ,.-matana 'however muc h') ., lomalqa (K' Gr II 5), passi, e;
ETHIOPIC rna. mii,,,i 'nerve. sinew', Amh. miil.Jn
'sinew' {from Geez).
lamatlJha 'veil oneself, COver oneself, clothe
oneseif , I ('~mma
'n m of mOlan
(pi . ) 'extent, dimenSion. meas- malaqi (K 'Gr t 15) 'who snatchl'S away'.
W" , ,
. e duratIOn , I 1II,>luq (Gr It 5) 'snatched .way',
mu!!ahe 'act of veiling, act of covering'; urt, SIZ 'as long as. as argo as,
mataqa 00.,,+ (K ') 'be, sweet'; . , ba· 'amlana •
accor ~
, (Grlt~) 'snatchlng _'way' In) ;
denominative from mo.tiilJ1, for which see wa!!iI~a. .un!ona, as as many . as , as much as, In
m>luq (K) 's",eel, tasty:
m>lqul (K) 'sweetness'; mallaWl 001'111&1/ (T,K'), maslawl
' , ODltll/l}o11
I f
Jl a ten,
'l'lh accord'lng, to in proportIon
an'" w,t of In regard 10, JIke , since.
to, tll EnuoPI( Te nIlN~"l/a 'cat up, end', Amh
'"qtJ \natch aWil)'.
"hUIaI .

sa: m~tuq (K') 'knife, axe';

metathesis of maw!alz.
Ihe exten : 'who is of mature age'); matuq
, "'fflo~ 'sweet';
/bJsuha 'am!an ount extensIon, qUilnti.
matara (...,mm). oo.,.~ 'cut, cut off, cut up, ane 'measure, am , . I" m.lIt/af
, 'sweetness,
cut asunder, break up, Interrupt, shut off, de. ma,imi
. , oom.
, "'I 'means of dipping, means of ",,/I
ty, dImenSIon, . valualJon , estimiitlOn, ana ogy , SJ-MltIC ,tppears as mIl.{ and rntq: Hcb . ~J!IlC{ 'he
pose, remove (from office), excommunicate, sqUirting; ( I) 'estimate'; . eel' Ar'lm S"r m~tdq, Ug. ,"Iq 'sweet, and Ar
I matr3no . ' II , moderate, me. SW., J. ' ("Rb
exterminate, decree, decide, determine'; Dillmann 1219 derives it, with reservations, from /III1nlanllll
. . 'petty, very
, sma nWlqa '~weclncss', Soq. mt'foq \weelcnoJ . . J 11\,
mallara. same (intensive); .tam<a, below. diocre, Insignificant I O",,"'aUa 32(1963) 110 (follOWing [aro<h,) ,u,'
'amrara, caus. of matara; peds a Hittite origm for thiS root. .
ZDMG 62 (1908).15t.2 con-
lama/ra. pass. of marara; marna
, oo1'~ 'it IS seemly'; SrMITIC' Praelonus. ~ 't) (Ql'n 'measure' (in 'aft; FTHIOPIC Te. mii~/jjqa 'be sweel' For (.eCI. 'i«
marari, act. part. of marara; also 'decisive'; ..
mallana 'measure, measure out, estimate'; neels 11 With Ar. (Hadr. Da. .. a combination also nhlll/qa t above
'amallana (Gr 116), causative; IQyn 'according to'), pOSSibly from .. t IS nut
"'>lur 'cut, cut off, amputated, p,ece, deposed, ma·/ay" becoming mUl. ThiS den va Ion '
removed, decIded, deciSIve, decreed, absolute, lamaf.lana, pasSIve; malq "I
a a 001''''" (1 .M) 'lte, tell a Ite' ;
stnet (commandment), stem (judgment), se. ma!!ani, act. part. of ma!!ana; convlncmg. , '. ,. , , Amh . miJlfdna
ErnlOPlc: Tna ma~ana measure. .. IS a'denominatlve from ·mlltfJI, fr~m !ell/ala. ab"
vere' ,. mJf./un 'measured'; 10 Amh ,"o,q".,/'a lund 01 sorcerer
'measure out the ng ht amoun. t' Tn. .AmhGur
.. f 141
(m>lura 'precISely, certainly, absolutely, deci- ma!an (pI. >am/an) 'measure, measurement, ex-
slvely)' , tent, circumference, amount, dimension, propor-
maliln 'amount dimenSion' Llttmann·Ho ncr
compare Te. miJltuna
. . . . to comp IeI e'.• would It mean mtr, tama,-tara "'''mt. (II) 'scratch';
m~llar 'pIece, a cut PIece, stnp, fragment, tion, value, worth, quantity, size, duration, 'to complete the.. measure ?', Th e root • passed IOto reiutcd to masara 1.
segment' ~ moderation'; Cushltic. 811. ma~iin 'measure. cause .
m.1rral, verbal noun of malara; malan· with suffix pronouns 'it is enough for, matara I. t - - ""mil, I .... "It- 'mar~, goal.
mit;n "'1."1'); see mvl, mNa. .,
(he) deserving of, (he) worthy of';
m~nt.ntin, UP')m')m. ') 'petty, medIOcre, mod·
mamlart 'cleft, segment, pIece'; 31m;
(malana 'akii/ 'manhood'); ,
SEMlnc Ar. m(J(QrQ 'cur: related to brr: Ar. batara, tran~ npllon of Heb, mallaro,
.' same.
Heb bator. (za'a/bollu malana 'boundless, endless'); etate, insignificant';

malana (construct state and the accusative . . 0 f th e last
from mfn With reduplicatIon . two radicals, I UP"It- (lKG)
ETHIOPIC Tna,Gur. miiliira 'cut', Amh. mOUora, - I(
matar. ' . matiri ""tnt-
Te. miilra 'grab up, clear (a field)" malar 'field of a used adverbially) 'dUring, according to, about, and insertIon of n; sec ma!ana. '~h~u)der, shoulderblade ; "h
broken ground', at a d,stance (of), as long as, as large as, as . Te materar. "pme'
' (an RelOisc
often as, for the space of (a certain time), of ml!nlya ....1'a (Y.M) 'cut, tear', ETHIOPIC' per haps ' .
Instead of mafanaya (10m'" of Y t887 278).

mlm 374

mawidiJrt 375
mltri, mltrit ""'I't. I ""'I'tT: see taryo. ers it a contamination of 'Q<!a and 'ondo 'brin

- - i1POJ4. (T.M) 'pay ,
, .. .'"
Ollwa a
rclatcd to Soq. m!y 'attain', Aram.·Syr. malo. ~ ~ m· .. u.rt "" ....... CT. pI. of moiar abo ve,
mitri, m.~i "t'l'':' I "t'l'':' 'headband, , ative from mo./i, from Mfy
. reac h' ,pa>e
taln, ( nng,'Md . m!Q 'reach, attam'
I) 'b' . at denomlR
miter •t for which see mas'a. J. B~au, lOS 2 (1972). 68, n. j -, i1P'I''j:C, pI. of molar. mOrarl, above, m.. ~ I. m~. 'YJmUJ! '1"" (K') '''rub pl.
from G/... mltro ' headband ', See also meqri. disagrees with Noeldeke s Interpretation, and ib. rnlwal3r (the teeth), polish by rubbmg, wa,h', '
pp.68, 72 he connects G. maUawQ with Ar. Inll\! i1P/D'11:, ma .. iig .... d 00'1'''11:: see mn- lamo:a . tamal'.''.{(J (K·), lamiiww!a (1), f\as..'IVC,
m...g· d
mltrab.llis ""'I'lofll\.ll (T): see mo!robJlir 'stretch, draw, walk' (see n. 3), and SAr. m!w 'waik, mawa~tJ (K·), act. part of mosa;
march'. gad. n~H-'W..l:~ (K .), pass. part. of mOSa
matrob.lli!, mo~ab.lli!as, mo~oppolis OD'I'lofll\. , ,
• (yamuq) '/"4' 'grow hot. be warm,
'I' ; ""'I'lofll\. 'I'll I OD'I'C't.I\.II: (T) mo~ab.llis
mw', mo's (yama,. yJmw) 'l"h, (T) mo'a '1"0 moq, moq )" SE\t.lTIC Ar, miisa (mM'!1 'wash, scrub'
""'I'lofll\.ll 'arch bishop': 'conquer, vanquish, overcome, prevail, defeat,
beCome intense (he~t , ErnloPIC' Tna. mclM·",a..~a 'pick th~ teeth, the
subdue, surpass in power'; 'omoqa 'heat, warm; . teetb', Te. (t~ Jmiiyii,m. Amh. m"'a{lii. See al~o Mora-
from Gk. melropoliles 'metropolitan bishop', - qa 'warm oneself, warm one another; da. .
Ihrough (,hr,-Ar. mo!njbillq; also Syr. me!Topolqo, 'amo'o, 'ama'a, causative; also 'give victorY,let tamawa .
gain victory'; -"'aqo 'warm, keep warm, heat, give
Sec also mUlriin, 'astan "' h ' mw~ n, mo~ (.'Jrnus) '1"" (K' Y.M), moda '1"8
lomaw'a, tamo'Q, pass. of mo'a; hea t, cause to become
, hot, re eat,
moq 'warmth, heat: . (T) 'compensate, repair. make amends, pay dam-
• """'1'':'1 (K') 'archbishop';
maWQ'j (pI. mawo'.1yon) , act. part. of mo'a; ages' ,
from (,hr.-Ar. mu!rOn < Syr. mi!ron; also Amh. also 'victor, victorious, conqueror'; mJK'Wu'q • mJ»'wuq 'warm, hot, burnmg, ardent,
'amo!a (K .), causati\e;
mOfran, Orar 106 derives II rrom Gk. milropoliti.r m.1WWu'. mawwa' (fern. mu'a!, Gr. lOS), pass. fervent'; ,
famo"a, lamaw~u (K .), passive;
'metropolitan bishop' part. of mo'a; muqat 'heat, wan:'th, fervor, '
'lJ»IKIlqi (Gr.I04) who heats, . tanuih'~a (K·T.M) 'compen"ate one another,
mowi' (1I) 'power, dominion'; be reconciled with one another'
ma~oppolis OD'I'C'MU,: see rnatrabJlir IT1Jmwiiq 'place where one heats (somethmg) or
• • mU'al 'victory, conquering (n)'; , 'a.~/c1mQK·asa
mitat "tmT. see mrt. meta. mJwwa' (K') 'means of winning'; keeps warm ,
• • • • rna"ti~i (K'), act. part. of mo~a;
m.1wu"o'e 'victory, song of triumph'; EfHIOPIC: Amh.Gaf moqii 'be hot', Tna moqa, mJWWJS (K') 'compensated',
m.tat.• • ODmm (DTW 764) 'wipe clean (of lamawo'; 'conquered, vanquished'; Te,Arg. moqa, Har. moqa, Gur m"'uqii.
mnsa (K .), modii (T) 'compensatlOn ';
,auce, butter)', !amwa'/, l..lmW3' 1 'overcoming Cn), conquering';
tamowJ'o(t ) 'defeat'; mi"q"i .,/D'* 'a disease': denominative from mosci. modii, for which '>C(
ETHIOPIC Amh. m"'oflata 'wipe clean (sauce), con- M·od'a.
sume, finish'; also miinii.tii 'suck clean (e.g. tinger the identification with Akk. muibu 'be will.
EnnOPlc: Amh, mawqe 'disease thal causes disten-
dipped In sauce)', Tna mii!iira. mii!mo!ii 'suck'. See
ing' (variant of ma'u according to CAD 10, I, sion or the abdomen'. On the varianL~ of thiS noun, ma OD'I'lt'j:T 'wooden walls. beams',
also m"'alata. •
p.435) suggested by von Soden 665 is doubtful. see Streleyn 1955: 328. See also rnaq'ii.
Likewise the connection with Ar. ma'o (my<) 'run . . for whICh
variant of mUYo'iisahl, \CC mosciht,
. ,
m"a!a!a "lmm (DTW 752, under m'addiidii)
(horse)' suggested by Hommel 75 is unlikely since ma"iq3~' ""'I'ol-mT, pI. of moqJ!I, above.
'cut off at the root', . , mawis.hI
mawiisah, , , OD'I'lt.l. I ""'I'lt.l.T, pi
the Geez root is mw' 'Ph (with .) even though it is ma"iq3r ""'I'ol-c, pI. of moqar, above. of mosah.
ETHIOPIL Amh. m~aflii!ii 'scrape. scrape clean, occaSionally spelled '1"0 (With '). Note that the
scratch' See also malala. meaning or Akk. mci'u 'be mighty, surpass' given 10 ma"iq3Y ""'I'ol-~, pI. of moqoy, above. , . OD'I'lt .l.'}>. pi of mosiiht, above.
leslau. JAOS64 (1944).56 is not recorded in recent note that Cant. 1 17 also has the van ant mawiilbft
ma!,!a",. DDmm 'hand over, deliver, give over. Akkadian dictionaries. ml"qiyi ""OJotJ'; see maqoyo.
grant. surrender, consign. present, transmit'; ETHIOPIC: Common with Cushitic. represented in
mw', mo.a ( •..,/lut) '1"1' 'dle';
fama!loK'Q. passive; also 'receive, accept. par- Or. mO'Q 'rule, conquer, Win', Sid. mo, Ka. maM'. mawirn't ""'I'C6T, pI. of mora', see mor'o.
(=aYJmowwJt 'mortal'):
take of, take. take hold of';
morh, hOO'I'Cth (T. M) 'help to (.:a'iYY.1mawH.'JI 'immortal'l, .
mauowi, act. part. of mo!!a .....a; • '.m.wi .... h.

nu!l~K·. pass. part. of mattawa; winnow, air out. ventilate'; ·omOlO. 'amata 'let die. put to death. kill, have
• •

mawi,.1 00'1'6/.\; see mo'oll; killed' •

mdttawe (K') 'glVlng Over (n), dehvery, consign- denominative from· mawarh. metatheSIS of moraw~,
ment' ; (bo'alo mowa'JI, title of the one who keeps the above. mall'ati ·mortal. dead';
nurt~)fal (Gr.1I7), verbal noun of manawa; king company). ('imawati 'immortal');
mamaltJ .. (It) 'traitor'; mawirn~. ""'I'Cm"" (T.M) 'bell'; m.1w»'iJI mi1wwul (fern. maWWJlt, pI. mase.
lamarrii'H'i. part. of lama!!aK'a; mawid.h 00'1'1:0 (T.M) 'large earthenware m,",watfin. mutan) ·dead. deceased':
meta thesis or marowa~t; see (rwb I), marwabt,
vessel for making butter'; (biibr mJII'",al 'the Dea? Sea'):
SEMITIC" AT. (>a) n/ti 'give' derived from >amla mot 'death, destruction:
it has the appearance of a plural. mawiras OD'I'CIl, mawi ....s. OO'I'C{\-}>, pI. of
1m,,,., according to Noeldeke, ZDMG 40 (1886).
moras, above, (sa'ra mot 'agony'):
7,6. n.5 (but see Landberg 1942:2786 who consid-
mawi~.ft ""'I'fl'j:T, pI. of mot/oJ. above. ';'ulat 'death, dying (n)'.
mlwu.,t ""'I'"'AT, pI. of mosa', above. • mawjI, 'Imawil 'immortality',
• • 376
mllnl1'tit'place where one dies'; SEMITIC : Ar. mata ( my<) 'flow (liquid)'
- •
mal!'ta 'corpse, carcass, dead body'; I mesa OUt (T) 'serve mead at a banquet'
ya<a 'melt' (intr). See also ma<awa. ' (Ia)may.
('~gMala miiwta 'orphan');
mys 'minative from mes); l~mya!, (Gr Ill) C.Jml'iil 'alteration tran'~
(deno d b lion, conversion'
. ,. . , • s onna-
miiv.'timna. in '~g"iila mawlanna 'orphanhood'; asa (T.M) 'prepare mea, rew mead';
myb. meba "'to (Gr. II I) 'place (a pot) mayy lamaYii!i, pan. of tamavla ;
SOflTlC; Ar. mata (mwt) 'die', SAr. mwt, Mh. mOl. fire" , on the 'amesa, same,. (K') also causative'•
Heb . mt'!, Aram.Syr. mal. mfJ, Md. mul, Ug. ml, lamayba (Gr.III), passive;
tamaysa (K), pass. of mesa; tu'taY!O( t) 'turning, back (n), conver"on. re-
- i 'one who prepares mead, one Who e IOn. restoration ,'
Akk.. mdtu. maylibi (Gr.III), act. part. of meba', mayyas
ETHfOPIC : mota, mota. sells mead'; m~/a~laya~ '?ne Who is gi\ien to changing hIS
mayyub (Gr.III), pass. part. of meba' mmd. mconsistent':
Jus (K') pass. part. of mayyasa;
ma .. i!.~ ""'I''I'.lo, pI. of molii~1 (see watla~a). mibal (Gr. II I) 'plaCing (n) on the fir~'.
/lWY ',. f
mes (pI. 'amylis) dnnk made rom fermented SEM.m~ : Ar. mii!a ( myO ' turn away, retire from
honey, mead'; ,', deviate, Heb. rna! 'totter', PbH. TIn"~ Ihihl) 'be d'
ma ... •tlat• ""1lI-'I'iI'I' (T.D 1397, under wal'ala) mayobili "'Ir-IJIL (T) 'guarantor, guarantee" shake' A S " n .
'chest strap for a mount'; (mes za-wayn [Ltj wme); , ram. yr. ma! 'incline, waver, decline'
see also manyobali. • ETHIOPIC : Tna. mayii!a 'tum over (grain)'.
see writ, masyan (T.M) 'drink made from fermented hon-
• •
ey, mead'; miyizayi "'I.J'1I" eighth Ethiopian month
• ""llI-mA1I (T) 'knife'; moya~a. moya~a 'l"fO l 'l"fll (T.Y) 'clean (the SEMITIC: Ar. mofa (mwt ) 'mix well', SAr. myt 'wine' (from 9 April to 8 May);
teeth), pick the teeth, brush the teeth', (1) (W Muller 1983:281).
while the root is warlaza 'cut' (see below), cpo also
see also mws• I. , ETHloPlc : Tna,Amh. miyuZJya, Conh Rossini
Amh. mii!iilliizii, miiziilliira 'draw swords on one ETHIOPIC: Te.Tna, mes 'honeyed water, mead" Tna.
1925 :495-6 explains it through AT ma:11 .mr: .. 'go
another'. See also matlawz. mdyydsii 'prepare m,ead', Te. ~iiyyiisa; a1~o in ~ush~t­ from one place to another', thai IS, "fI m;\'O':.lrJ
mayyana ODf~ (K'); see lamayyana; ic: Af. mes 'mead, Sa. me:, Qem. nJl:, 811. maz d.unquc sarebbe i1 tempo ncl qua Ie Ie popol~zio~I,
m""iw ,/"'I'1lI- (T.Sw. in D 1394) 'object received (with alternance s .. z : d).
lamayyana 'deceive, deal craftily, beguile, falsi- nm~ste pe.r pascali c per coltivaziOIll nella zona
or taken from someone';
fy, cheat, corrupt,. do slyly, be shreWd, be mys II, mesa "'tll (T.K·) 'turn aside, incline; cosller~ mlgrano suI I'antipiano per goderve coti
probably a misprinl for mara»', from manawa. treacherous. use skill'; delle PlOgge eSlive" .

may (pI. maylil)

(maya laskii! 'wine');
"7" 'water, liquid';
'astamayyana (K'), causative;
mayyun, mayyan 'malicious, who devises evil
ETHIOPIC: Amh. (tii)mayyiisii 'retreat, go back'.

myt. me!a (yamil) "'tm 'turn, turn aside (tf.,

muz 00-11 'banana-Iike plant (called Ensete
crafty, shrewd, sly, (K') deceived, cheated" ' int;), turn away, turn back, divert, avert,
(mliya 'arb 'deluge'); from Ar. maw: (rarely mu.:), of Jndlc ( moca ) origin;
min 'cunning, fraud, triCkery, ruse'; , convert, transform, alter, change. restore, re-
(maya ~alib 'whey'); also Te.Tna.Amh. muzo
(mliya ~"mmal 'ink'); mayyline, (L.T) miyyline 'deception, delusion, turn, repel, frustrate, revoke, refute, pervert,
deceiving, treachery'; deliver up, recall'; mazbara 00110.:: 'lie in ruins, be deserted, be-
(maya labn 'stacte');
tamayylini, part. of tamayyana; also 'deceitful, 'ame!a (K'), causative; also 'take back'; come desolate, be destroyed, be demolished, be
(mliya ,alaI 'holy water'); false' ,. devastated' ;
mayawi 'related to water'; tamay!a, lame!a. passive, reflexive; also 'face
lamaypno(t) 'astuteness, fraud, pretense, cun- about, return (intr), go back, turn (intr), turn )amazbara 'lay waste, destroy, demolish, ruin,
tamaya (Gr.) 'change into water' (denomina- wreck' ;
tive); ning behavior, guile, deceitfulness'; to, turn back, turn away (intr)';
tamylin 'fraud, deceit, deceitfulness, falseness'; (za'iyyatmayya! 'immutable, unwavering'); lamazbara, pass. of 'ama:bara;
SEMITIC: Ar, mao 'water', SAr. mw, l:Iars. I}e~myoh, lamayyanl 'craftiness, ruse, trick, fraud, treach- mazbari, act. part. of ma:bara;
lamayayata 'turn hither and thither' (Amharic
Heb, m~p-im, Aram. Syr. mayya, Md. mai, Ug. my, ",,,zbur 'destroyed, demolished, desolate. devas-
Akk. ma'u, mli, mamii, mawii.
ery, deceit, guile, cunning, cheating, malice. fonn);
wickedness, stratagem'; maya!i, act. part. of meta; tated, ruined';
ETHJOPlc: Te.Tna.Gur. may 'water', Har. mf, m[y,
tamayyantliwi (Gr.449) 'fraudulent'; -. <
mayaru "
conversIOn; mazbur (fern. mazbarl), same;
Amh .. may 'miraculous water' (from Geez). For tbis
root In Hamito-Semitic (Afroasiatic), see Cohen maSlamayyan 'crafty, false, traitor'; m'Y)'"I, pass. part. of mela; also 'apostate'; mazhar. m.:bar (pI. ",azlibart) 'ruin, desert,
1947: no.485. desolate place, wilderness';
SEMITIC: Ar. mana (myn) 'tell a lie'. A.M, Honey- m,yya! (T) 'spindle' (that is, 'something that
man, VT 5 (/955). 220 gives the root mwn. myn the turns'); trliJzbiire 'destruction, devastation, ruin';
my', me'a "'th (T) 'shout'; 'amazbiiri (Gr.1I0), part. of 'amazbara;
meaning 'split' > I) 'divide, plow'; 2) 'dissemble, mayyli!e, muya!e 'alteration, transformation,
SEMITIc: onomatopoetic; Ar. rna' (mw» 'mew act with duplicity, lie, counterfeit', developed in confusion, change, changing, revolution (of ETHIOPIC': Tna. miizbarii 'destroy, devastate, 10-
(cat)'. Hebrew into tamiina <fonn, representation' (see also stars)' ; terrupt" Amh. miizo.bbiirii 'ravage, devastate' The
Tna. ma' biilii 'bleat (goat)', Amh. me Koehler 519, under 'min). H. Rabin, SH 8 (/96 1). manol 'conversion'; verbs are probably denominatives from mazbar
393 compares it with Mishnaic Hebrew mfn 'sec-
tarian'. milat (pI. mi!allit) 'turning (n), turning away, going back to zahara, below,
my'. me<a "'to (K') 'become water melt lique- ETHIOPIC: related to Te. (mny), man; 'falsehood', r~turningt return, answer, change, transforrna- mazad
. . ,
(T.Sw. in D 1394) 'kind of bag for
fy, be purified'; , , manay 'liar', from mny 'create' (for <create' and 'lie', tlon~ conversion, revolution (going around)'; stonng gram;
that is, 'invent something', cpo fafara, above). m'!an 'returning (n), conversion, a lteration, either a variant of mazwud or a misprint for
answer' ,.
maugl 378
m'Umllla 379
mango I """1 'tear, pluck out, snatch away, ma~g3n8
- - "'111"1'1 (K.Lt) ' necklace, collar" •

- za passive; also 'dry (intr), be dried

carry away. ,
variant of bazg.mti. above, with ahernance of th loma(z,")a p~rfume' (rather, ' be rubbed with ma...., (pI. rnazii",) -lie') (0 1047), rnall'O'
'amzaga (Gr. I 10), ca usative; up. Lt -lie>. (T) 'sail';
labials m :b. e
tama::ga (Gr 11 0), passive; pe rfume');
~ pass, part. of mazmaza; Dillmann 1047 (' II ed b
lIIazagi (Gr III ), act. pa rt. of mazaga ; m'"giinii 9"1I;J'i' (Lt) 'load, burden' ; maz,"uz~
maz maz (T) 'rubbing, stroking (n)';
'. . 0 ow y Nnelde' e 191061) de
nves It from *ma.rra< (see sarli', below) > m' \' ' .
m,:ug (Gr. III), pass. part. of mazaga; ma:ra'. a.: 'I >
ETHlOPlc: Te. miizgiina 'be heavy'. See also mzg . Ar ma2maza 'agitate'.
ma:go (T.M) 'means of snatching away or above. n,
. , SIiMITIC .. Te miizmiiza 'massage' (reduplicative
carrymg away; ETHIOPIC . . .. .. .. , b') A h
. relation to Tna. mazawa ru . m . malrii,t (pI. mazii,.,) 08 11':',)+ (0 1047) ,
SEMmc: related to Ar. mazaqa 'tear off' (a garment)'. mal~a 01>11.., (Y), maz~a -11m (K') 'laugh ....omInmiiui <rub ( Wit. h pe rfume, 01'1)", m az'z"a
ETHIOPfC: Amh. miizziigd 'pick (cotron)'; related to laugh at, jeer at, (K ') dally (with women), b~ moz wipe" also in Cus h"ItIC: Q ua. maz . OIl~ I
.. ,Wipe shoulder (of an animal), sleeve (of a garm: ::)'
strength '; ,
Amh . mozziiqii 'pull, take out'. pampered' ; 'smear, ' . tf'
Bil. mdgmiig 'nose, wash 0 .
'astarniiz(_)!Ja, (K) 'astamiiz (_) 'tend as a SEMITJC: Ar. diriir 'forearm ' Soq d,', e' Heb _ ,
mazaga II OD"1 'cause to speak angrily or nurse, nurture tenderly, mollify, soften, cherish" maZl S.a OD"~ 'weigh,
. measure' ; 't?zrollr~ Aram.Syr. cbrti<ii, Md . dra, Ug. drr; Akk~
• ", ... <1ro·

arrogantly, (K) cause to be envious or jealous'; milzuG 'mild, delicate, mollified, pampered, ac~ tamazzana, passl ve; dura>u arm, foreleg' is considered Q Western &mi tic
customed to pleasure'; , un (K*), pass. part. of mazzana ; loanword (C~? 3, 19?). For G. ma=,a" 'strength ',
SEMITIC: Ar. mazaga ((ala) 'incite against'. cpo Heb. zaro<Ol (PI,) arms, rorces'.
SEMITIC : Ar. maza~a (with M 'joke, jest'. . -n 'scales , balance, LI'b fa (conste II allon
mlza ' )' ;
ElliIOPIC: Te. (ti1) miizZiJ~a ' become weak, break
mazzano! 'weight' ; ETH10PIC: Te. ziira t , mazara<t 'ann forearm ' T
mlg"l, tamazg'ala .,. OD lI7'>II
(T) 'be multicol- -
maZra'l. " na.
down '. See also manzaha.
ored, be striped, be changed, be turned over, - th verb is a denominative from mbln borrowed
r em AT. mizan 'scales, balance', from wazana.
(D) throw into confusion by disagreement, (K)
lack unity, quarrel' ; maz~ii, in 'az~ii maz~ii hll;} : OOll;} (T) 'day co
ETHIOPIC: Te. miizziina, mezana- " wetg h ',
. measure miizurot "'1//'C'+, (T) mazuriit ""//'':'+, (KG)
and night' ;
rna. mazand, Amh.Gur. miizziina, Arg. me:zana , miizarot "'"C'+, a sign of the zodiac;
ETHIOPJc: possibly a denominative from *mzg~'1, Har. milano; for 'scales, balance', cpoTe.Tna.Amb.
from :g~ I and to be compared with Amh. ziiniig- ETHIOPIC ; Amh. azha mazha, same (probably from transcription of Heb. mazziiral 'constellation of the
Geez). mizan.
g"lilii (that is, =g"1 with enlarged n) 'muddle, zodiac' through Ok. ma;:uroth-; also in Amh. mazo-
confound. perplex', azoniigg~'iilii 'turn upside down, rOl,
maz~ ..t ooll..,C-r (l 478, Gr.1I0) 'ebony'. mazara OD"l (K',Y.M), mazzara oolll (KG .I)
inlerlace, copy a manuscript inserting red letters or 'prepare beer from grain';
words In the othef1.Yise black text'. Rabin, EJ 9 (1965). 155 identifies it with
mazori (pI. maZQrt. mazaraytin, fern , maza- mazwad 0II1I1D~ (Lt) 'bag';
Heb. fahor

'dark ', ,
raya/), act. participle ; also 'cupbearer' (in Eccl . from Ar. mizwad; aJso Te. miiswlid. See also mazad,
rnzgo, )amazgana hOD111~ 'repay a favor, rec- 2:8 the plural renders 'singers');
mazlal, m.zliil oollilA ! 9"lI11A (0 1034)
ompense, remunerate, (T.M) thank'; mazr 'beer, ale' ;
'pliant twig (note that the quoted passage
tama=gana, passive ; also 'receive a reward'; muzyiihu 00-1IJ'1J. (T) 'bell';
of Num . 13 : 23 does not warrant the meaning SEMITIC: in view of SAr. mzr-m (d-lmr-m) 'date
mil:gun 'remunerated, rewarded, recompensed, misprint for .lJ..1flv- duzytihu, for which see above.
thanked ' ; 'pliant twig'), pole which two men carryon wine' it is doubtful whether Ar. mizr 'beverage
their shoulders in order to transport a heavy made from millet, barley, or other grain' is to be
fWzgona 'reward, recompense, favor, prize, pre-
sent, thanks, thanksgiving '; object, long staff, stave, (K') sack of woven considered a Geez loanword, as suggested by Noel-
deke 1910 :57 (followed by Ullendorff 1955 : 184).
malaza 011"" (K') 'pull out, snatch away' ;
>ama~gtini, part. of >amazgana; palm leaves in which carpenters and black- SEMITIC : Ar. mtizza (mzz) 'set apart'.
smiths carry their tools; beehive made of a Conli Rossini 1912 : 180 identifies G . m~zr with
ETHIOPIC : Tna. miiziizii 'pull out', Amh. miizzaza,
ETHIOPIC: Tna. ( aJmiisgiinli 'thank ', Amh. ( aJ- basket' ; Amh. barz 'honeyed water'. See also milsr, above. miiziimmii;:ii, Har. matiiza, miisiisa.
miisiiggiinii (Coben 1939;xxv records Amb. lomiis-
giln as being pronounced with a voiced s. a pronun- ETHJOPIC; Amh. mazlal 'bat, carrying pole'.
ciation Ihat would explain G. >amazgana), Arg.
(a)miisiiggiina; perhaps to be connected witb Te. mazm .. OI>lI9"C (0 1041) 'line';
miizgiina 'be heavy', ~ZgIUl 'heavy, dignified'; to be identified with masmar 'line' (see smr); for the
a causative ·atnazgana would then mean 'dignify altemance z:s, See Dillmann 1907:62.
someone > praise, reward, remunerate, thank' (see
also mJzga"ti below). For the root 'be heavy' devel- mazmaza 0011 00 11 'stroke, rub, smear, wipe

oped Into 'honor, dignify', cpoHeb. kii!!eg 'be heavy', off, wipe away, (l) dry';
kihbed 'honor. glorify'. The root passed into Cushit-
ic : Bit. miisgan 'be honored', Qua. mesgan, Qem. (rnazmaza qW"biina 'rub the bread of the Eu-
nusganii 'glory, praise'. See also tn4zgtina, below. charist to test the soundness of the loaf and to
remove loose particles' (Brightman 587);
____________ ~A~~
I or rhetorical), it IS attached either to ni'k 'i">'h. (T) n.-k 'i"6h 'Iead, lin .110
tion (re verb or to the negative elements
followed by thhe verb in the affinnd a-
p,lumb It."e, .IT) mixture. blend, statn, ;MI',Y,
(,bna na'k plummet of lin') •v
~ . ,iyiinbabhmunu' ave you not rea ?'. no'aka ("') 'mi. vanous meials';
II raqanayku 'have I not served", 'alba-
uve,k e.g. 011

N ~
'ak o- " al h th'?' I ~ann
665 115,,_ niH /I 'lead' and n';'k III 'lta'n,
~Uc~n -a·f>Ssafi • 'answerest t au no Ing,;
also be used With bo-nu 'alho, ~s ~? bo-nu
SPOI na'klll rendered q.I,'qq.•I'm".d'
In a Sawa ..w quoted byisD,lImann ,b and .. T In
o ba'>sila 'IS there never a woman. , View ?f the fact lhat "o.k /I aho mean, 'm,,,u«.
-no -~. suffix pronoun of the 1st person. plural;
I(Jlb. t rrogative elements
the 10 l'
m,,,, 'what?', 'aWe
e. , and 'a)' 'w h'.Ie h?'. can a lsobe relO-
blend." would seem that lhe mean .. g of '.'k /II
Y I mann be long~ to nook. IJ
given bOil
Identified with the Gurage directional element ."yii
~;;~ore detail~, 'an'~a
SEMITIC': for more details, see Brode/mann 1908:
]09, Barth 191) :59·62. d by -nu as In m,nliJ-nu, 'ayte-nu SEMITIC. Akk. alloka 'lead, I .. ' '> Heb. "'nok'IIn
see also Dillmann 1907; 378. lead, plummer > Syr (al,o Md an"a) >'
FTHIOPIC, for more details, see Leslau 1951 :58. -ni. -nni -t object suffix pronoun of the 1st
person, singular; 513·4. Ar 'o"uk, O. no'k(see FraenkelI5], Salonen 1951

Amh .n> (e.g. miilla-na 'has he come?'), 6). The nOUn comidered to be non,Semltlc
*na- ~ - With ~uffix pronouns serves to empha- IS 01
SEMITIC: for more details, see Brockelmann 1908 : ETHIOPI
ancien .. mis/on
. t Har ' ...
'how much? .
(agamst modern
. ong.. Armenian anaK, Sansknl
Size the pronominal element. rendered by 'be. )07; Barth 1913 :35-43. Har. ml·sr) . Rundgren 1955 :43 reconstructs -nu In
hold l. as for' The element fla is not used with the various Ethiopian languages. ",'k. ,)>'h. (T M) rwka 1611 'groan. Sigh,
the end person The other fonns are: flaya 'as -ni -~ 'too, also, even, even so, the very, ilke.
pant, Worry, be displeased, be under stress';
for me, there I am!, here I am I, behold !., nayo wise, again, as for, for one's part' (e.g. n'gu.l,_ De'a 11\: see ny'.
ni 'the king for his part'); na'k, (T) nii'k 'a groan, groaning. a sigh, pant.
'as for him'; flarii 'as for her, behold shel'; ing, lamentation ',
narana 'as for us'; nayomu 'as for them ,mma-ni 'though, even though'; ..,do (y,n'ad) 1>'1., (T) na'ada, n.-da ~O1. I
1M. 'praise, extol, honor, glonfy, (Or.22I) nJ'uk (Or.211) 'groaning, who groans';
(mase.), behold they, na)'on 'as for them' (It'a)la'amma-ni 'but if';
(fem.). It is also used with -It'a, -hu in the 'ammO-ill ... wa'amma-n; 'if... Or if, be it thal. .. or ,«ognize as being good. give a favorable Opin- ETHIOPIC" Amh,
a-na~ij 'pan t' Sec also n;Jhka.
fonns flail a, nahu 'behold!'; and with the prep- that'; ion, (T.MA) be pleasant' (rather, 'recognize as
osition 'aska 'until' in the form 'Jska-na, as in -n; wa---n; 'as, .. so, as well. .. as, as on the One boIOg pleasant');
n.'Sa (YJn'as) 1>.1'1 'be small, be liltle. be
'Jmsab· 'aJka-no 'ansasii 'both man and beast', hand ... so on the other, both ... and'; in a nega. 'on'ada, causative; also 'honor'; young, (Or.220) be dlmtnlshed, sutTer penury',
ilt 'from man to beast'; ",ka-na haba 'until'; tive sentence it means 'neither, .. nor'; (onalda, pass. of nJ'da;

(.:ayanJIJs 'small, minor, lesser, jUnior, [he
-hi wa---n; 'as, .. so, both ... and'; na'iidi (K'), act. part. of n,'da; younger, who is small');
Sl-."-1ITlC perhaps in 'm. hn 'behold': Ar. 'inna. SOQ.
'me, Heb. hmne, Aram. hnh, Ug. hn, Akk. anna, it is also combined with the interrogative parti- n,'ud 'praised, glorified, (Or.22I) one of good 'on'usa 'diminish, lessen, make less, make
annu \e!<o.

• cles mant, Jay, maIze, Jayte for the expression reputation, famous'; srnall, reduce, consider inferior';
ETHIOP/f': Amh. -n 'as for', Te. -n 'also', Tna. ';mni- of an indefinite meaning; e.g. wa- 'i-mantJ-ni n,'dal 'praise' (n); lano'asa 'be considered inferior';
ho 'behold!' The element n is also used In the ' nothing whatsoever', WiJ-'i-'ayte-ni 'not ""dan (T.M), n,'adiJnnii (T) 'praise' (n); lana'asa (K') 'belittle One another, consider
copula of several EthIOpIan languages; e.g. Amh. anywhere'. Note that in the quoted examples man'ad (K ') 'who praises'; small' ,
nail 'he Is'. Sec <llso nall'o. For G. -na, see Dillmann moslan>'diin, pI. (LI) 'who consider one another
1907 ..176 See also ',no II the Interrogative element is used in the nega- 'aslan'osa, 'ostollii'asa 'deem little. belittle,
tive; marvelous'; consider small. render humble';

-ne -1. particle for the expression of direction ETHIOPIC: Tna. -n 'and', n .. ,-n 'either..,or', Te. -ni SEMITIC: SAr. perhaps n1d 'luxuriant' (which comes n"us 'small, little, lesser. younger, minor, low
(voice)' ;
"away 10', or of time. as in 'a~alla-ne 'in one, 'then', Amh. -anna 'and', Gur. -ni in zan" 'the one , close to the meanmg of G. 'extol, recognize as being
good'), Akk. nadu, naJodu 'praise'. (na'usa, or na)us krasliyiin; see krJSI(l'iin).
Inone place, at the same time. together', ",sla OVer there'. For more details on Geez, see Dillmann
1907'411·2,525,554. ETHIOPIC: Tna. no'ada 'praise', Amh. nada. Gur lii- (rad,> n,'US 'disciple', ht. 'young helper'); ..
Jahalta-ne '(0 one place', 'aska-Ile 'until'. See
also Dillmann 1907 376. nadii 'be arrogant < be praised > become arro- na'iis (fem,) 'small. minor, young, young girl;
-nu -)t, interrogative particle; e.g. 'anta-nu zaya- gant'; passed into Cushitic; Sid, nirda 'praise, glon- nii's 'smallness, littleness, youth, misery';
ETHIOPJ(" Praetonus 1879: 197 suggests the deriva- ry'.
ma~r~a' 'art thou he Who ought to come?'; n,'S 'childhood, infancy, youth, smallness, sta-
tIOn of the Amhanc element -n of the direct comple- tus of a minor';
it is combined with -bo, as in bo-nu ',bn yahuho
ment from the partIcle one. The element one is n"oh ~h1', see nahii'.
- -
perhaps to be analyzed as -n-e and the ending -e is 'will he give him a stoneT; or in bo-nu za, as to

',,'>sanna 'childhood, infancy';
bO-liu za·baka 'hast thou something?'; na'asilt 'youth. status of youth';
to be compared wJlh -e of -he In G. Amh, kMJIIJ_he ···.ka ~hll (MA), n.,k. 16h (T) 'be bad, be
'e~erywhere', perhaps also with Gurage -e In el-e, is also used to reinforce 'amma, lalJmma hostile' ; Jan'asi, participle of 'OIPasa, . "
and G Gur al'/-, 'where'" Geez -ne could also be 'whether. ir; e,g. 'iJmma yJma-F~a'-nu 'elytis man'iJS 'young, youngest, minor, m~enor :
'whether Elyas will come'; in a negative ques. perhaps a denominative of no'k 'lead. stam, spot'; n>slil 'youth, little, small, a little, a Itttle p,cce,
see below.
a small amount, a few';

"".<lIIa (ad,.) 'a little, for a little wbile'; . nacata ~O+; see na'/. - 383
naMan"fif, haMan,sfif n,sfif 'httle by httle, b ba causative; also 'utter a sound, read,
'an. a proclaim,
, chant, stu d y, med'ttate;, n.b· .... - ~1J.h
gradual/y, slowly'; na'awa [ (yan'aw) ~OID, no'wa 16m (L) recIte, be d be . .......w :l>m-, see b~qw, 'anMhqawa
SrMfTIC: il IS difficult to determine the root, that is 'hunt, Jay snares, ensnare, catch birds, set t /anabba 'be spoken, rea, reCIted, re- nabal ~Ol\ 'flame" ,
' ·In walt;
ambus h, IIe ., an
10 ~), whether It IS n's as in Nortb Ethiopic, or 'lIS

as 10 South Ethlopic. If the foot is n>s, the South fana'wa, passive; lonababa 'speak, speak with, speak with one can be identified either with Ugar "hI.t 'flame'
Ellnoplc )11$ would then be a metathesis of n's. If the naeaH'i (pl. nacGwayiin, narawl, [Lt] na~alVay-t) another, tell'; Alk. nohlll (so also FroozarOIi 1971, VII, P.626'
onginal rool is the South )ns, i( is to be c~m~ared 'hunter, bird catcher'; a 'osfanababa (K 0 .Gr.219): causative of laniibaha; 636), Or as a shortened fonn of naba/bal gOing bacl
\\1th Semitic: Soq. 'enes 'be small', Heb. 'ns (mf(aJ) na'iiwif (Lt) 'hunting dog'; I 0 'defend, patromze ; to 'an-ba/haJ~ (see naba/ba/, and IvJ[bala II). Hommel
'be sickly. decrease', Akk. eneJu 'be weak', Ug. an! lOS, n.4 denves nabalbal as well as nahal from a
mirwe, nGrawe, (L) nacawe 'hunting'; ::babi (pl.masc. naMbayan) 'one who talks, rOOl nbl.
(Caquol 267). Rabin 1978:401 connects it with Ar. na',1V (KO) 'hunted';
'Mis 'kind', Koehler 70 derives Heb. 'iiiti 'woman' spe, aker talkative, eloquent,
. loquacious,
. who
nafwal 'hunting'; ssesses the facultIes of speakIng and rea- nabala "Oil (KO) 'seethe, boil (hot spring),
frem 'flJ/S (for the other Semitic languages, see ih.). po . bl"
The root is not to be compared with Sh ne$on man(alV 'place of hunting'; soning, ratlO~al., reaso?a .e, shout, make nOise (falling water)';
'smalf' analyzed by Bittner 1916 :3 1 as ne~-an. ETHIOPIC: Te. niica 'hunt', Amh. man~ow ·place of ('allsasii nababl [Lt) ratIonal animal', i.e. ETHIOPlc: Arnh. niibbiiJii 'seethe" Toa. nabalii 'repri_
ETHIOPIC: Tna. na>Qsii 'be smaIl, be little'. Te. "o'a- hunting' (from Geez); Tna. nacawii 'move here and 'man'); mand angrily'.
so, Amh. annasa, Har. aniisa, Arg. hanniisa, Gur. there' co~es close in ~eanjng to Semitic nw': Heb. nabub 'read, recited' ;
aniisii. Note that Rundgren 1955: 164, n.5 analyzes nat 'move (see aJso Dillmann 676); probably paSsed nabib 'word, speech': nabl "1I1l1. (KO) 'musical instrument" ,
Amh. annasa as coming from a-n'QSa, that is, the into Cushjtic: Bil. na<wa 'prey'. ('aqqiihe nabib 'orator, advocate'); transcribes Heb. nepf/ 'stringed Instrument' For
causative from an original '7>S.
nabob, nabab 'speech, discourse, utterance, man- Gk. nablas coming from Heb. nePel, see Masson
na'aWa 1J ~OID (K 0) 'call, challenge someone
ner of speaking, (Gr.219) diction, pronuncia- 68 If. See also niihlis.
nN ""r, (T) na'l "6r
'unleavened bread'; by saying naca nara 'come!, come!';
tion, last stage of learning the syllabary, fac-
lIa'ala (M), na'afa (T.Y) 'bake unleavened formed from narii 'corne!'. Dtbil, nebel ~1J1ll., ~o,llI. 'large jar':
bread' (denominative); ulties of speaking and reasoning, eloquence';
see ny>. na, ~'J1J)o1ll. r; see na'ult. (ward n,biib 'the third stage of learning the transcribes Gk. nebel, from Heb. nePr/ 'large jar';
syllabary)'; Amharism; also Arum. nbl. ,}o, 'we said'; ,
Dala, oaci, n;Jfj, ~O I ~q. I 1q. 'come!, come (qadami n,bab 'preface');
now!, up)'; from bahla. nabbat 'reading (n), lection, discourse'; n.b.lbiil, nobalbul ~OIll.IJIll. i ')lIt'1D-Ill.: see
sg. fern. lliJ<; (nafJ); pI. rnase. niJ'U, fern. n(}(a; 'anbabi 'reader, lector, deacon who reads the (balbala II), 'anbalbala, and nabal.
nob 'i1l (T) 'pure gold, plated with pure gold'; Scripture during service';
ShMlTrc: Heb. nii!') 'now, pray thee" (Barth
1893: 18), Aram. n', Syr. ni. from Coptic noub 'gold'; also Amh. nob 'pure gold'. 'a.babo, inf. of >anbaba; also 'speech'; niibUs, nables, n.bles <;1I1l11 I <;111\,11 I 111
ETHJOPIC: Tna. m<a 'come!', Te. niifa, Amh.Gur. 'anbabol 'diction'; 1\,11 'musical instrument, small bell, harp' ;
na. This element is in all the Ethiopian languages a nab'a ~1I0 (KO); see 'anba'a; mJllbab 'place of reading, reading book, read- 'anablasa (T.M) 'ring a bell' (denominative);
suppletive imperative of tbe verb 'to come'. See also Janbara, (T) >anba>a 'weep, shed tears, cause to ing, scriptural readings, lesson, passage from from Gk. nabla, nablas, from Heb. ne~fl; also Amh.
nafO'l'a II. weep'; the Scriptures, lectionary'; nab/is 'small bel/', Tna. nab/if 'one with a loud
'anb" (pI. 'anaba') 'tear' (n); voice'. See also nabl, above, and nab/es, below.
na'da 16J'.; See M'da. SEMITIC : Ar. nabba (nbb ) 'bleat in sexual excitement
SEMITIC: Ar. naba'a 'gush forth, flow', Heb. naba' (billy goat)'; related to Heb. niip (nwb) 'speak', and nables 1111\,11 (T.Mk) 'cricket';
n.'ka 16h ; see M,ka. 'flow', Ararn.-Syr. n3pa c, Md. nba, Akk. namb~'u to the root nb (see nabiyy).

'spring' (from nb" nbc). PaJache 46 interprets Heb. ETlIIOPIC: Te. niibba 'read', Tna. niihiibii 'resound', perhaps so called because of the sound's being
lJ;)<ult (pI. na'iiwa/l, [T) na'awalt) 1CJ.llI.r, (KG) nb' (hif'il) 'speak' as a metaphor of nb' 'flow' (for '(1JIbiibii 'read', Amh. Gur . a-niibbiibii 'read'; passed similar to that of nables 'musical instrument'; see
nu'.11 )'61l1.r 'widow whom the late husband's inlo Cushitic: BiL nabab, Kham. nibeb. nabUs, above.
several examples of 'flow' > 'speak', see ib.) contra.
brother marries by levirate'; ry to Barth 1893: 16 Who suggests a root nb' 'speak'
different from nbc 'flow'. n.b.q. ~O'" (MA) 'hit, strike';
ETHloPlc: Te. na<ol'husband's sister in relation to n.b~a (y.nbii&) ~1I'" 'bark (dog)';
ETHIOP1C: Te. niibra 'shed tears, weep', Tna. niib<e; > (KO), causative; perhaps related to Amh. liibbiiqii 'hit' with alter-
the Wife', Tna. niJ'alt;, Dillmann 676 considers, with
reservations, a connection with Heb.Ar. nafal 'shoe', Te. '3mb;}r, >anba r 'tear', Tna. nab'at, Amh. Gur. nab~, (K 0) naba& 'barking'; nance of liquids.
Arg. amba, Gaf. amb ....ii, Har. abj>.
since in the biblical passages quoted by DiUrnann
the ceremony of levira(e seems to be connected with SBMIllC:Ar. naba&a 'bark', S~. nb~, Heb. napa&, nab.ra (yanbar) ~nl 'sit, sit down, be situ-
JOoserung the shoes. The root is perhaps of Cushitic
nababa (yanbab) ~nn 'talk, speak, proclaim, Aram,-Syr. napa&, Md. nba, Akk. lIabObu. ated, remain, stay, continue, last, endure, abtde,
origIn if one identifies it with Be. me)tili, m'ali pronounce, tell, declare, murmur, utter a ETlIIOPIC: Te. niib~lQ. Tna. niibl;e, Amh. anb . . o
persist, live, reside, inhabit, dwell. be';
'lowing of bovines'.
'brother-in-ja w, sister-in-law'. sound, resound, be talkative, be endowed with 'anbara, causative; also 'place, put, set, set up,
speech, be eloquent'; seat, establish, lay, lay down, compose, depos-
~n.hIJ.h·'See.bhbh. l. it, settle';
nab.",. ",n'~bl~'~~__________________________~3~8~5_______________________
l<1nobara (" ') 't-e placed (one thing upon
'raise, elevate', Ar. mi"bar meaning 'Erhebung :>
SilZ, Stuhr, and he Slates that G. nabara 'sit' is a
- ' Hl.e 'prophet, one who predIcts';
~ nablY! [hassa ... e l nabiyv 'false prophet');
(hassa.... J ,
nJdu' I"') 'dri'en' ,
"mrannbara 'const itute, establish. set. place. denominative. Noeldeke 1910:49 (following SchWall
nablyat, nab,yat, nob,yat (pI. of nabi)'),) 'proph- n~d'al (K·). verbal noun of nad,o
pUI tn place, 'et tn good order, put one thtng ZDMG 52[1898].146) considers Ar. minbar a Ge:~
0n h)p of another' ~ ," loanword. For the role of the minbar In the Muslirn
, "',nda' (K') 'means of dmmg l~hlp, prod),
e1S;'hala nabiyat 'prophetic books, chronicles, fee paId a herd'man',
lJofNiri. act. part. of fJohara; also mhabltant. religiOUS service. see C. H. Becker, "Ole Kanzellrn (m ..
aOldtng, enduring, steadfast, stable, durable, Kultus des allen Islam", in Noeldeke 1906:331_51. annals'); , m.:lndti'iiwi (K -) 'one who rCXtlHs J fee (herds-
' }'al, nabit 'prophetess, man, servant)'.
long-lasting. servant. home-born slave. garn- Ern/oPlC Tna. Gur. ndbara 'sit, stay, dwell, be', Te. b
na Iy " h ' d'
",buy (K') ' whIch IS, prop eSle ; masluniidJ , "Who I.:arries otr.,
son; nabra, Amh. ndbhiira 'he was', Har "abiira. On the
(l1ahiiririil 'tillngs that endure. durable root nbr as an auxiliary In various Ethiopian lan- b;yyawi 'prophetIC ; S£~ITl(: related to Ar nl1dl1ha 'make \\all.. (1."a0l.
thlng"); guages, see Cohen 1924; 128, and passim. On Ihe no
tanabbaya 'act as a prop het, prop hesy, pred"Ict; tIs); so also Dillman" 6S I Buhl 4~(01 c('Impare"
root nbr, see also Rabin, FRCS 1 (1970),288,91. For (a denominative);. , Heb. nd' 'remove from'
lIi1hur 'who sits down, sitting. seated, who
stal', who dwells, placed, set, laid down, lying, G. manbar, m;mbar, cpo Tna. miinbiir, Te. mambar 'ana bba}'a, causatIve of tanabbal'a; also estab-
ErnToPIC: Te. niid'Q '.;,end. npcl'. Tna. ""d't' 'pu,\h',
sit~ated, solId, established, abiding, enduring, « miinbiir), Amh.Gaf.Gur. wiimbiir (from miimbar lish as a prophet'; Amh . niidda 'dnve', Har rltlda'l1 'gUIde' (leslau
< miinbiir; see Cohen 1931 ;389,391), Arg, .mb'iir. 1937 ;549), I'iJ)nada'<J 're~gn on""II', III 'be pushed,
reSiding, resident, Inhabited'; . lanabbiiyi 'who predicts, who propheSIes, who
be gUided' For G. m,ll1dii' 'fee', cp Amh . nwrda,
, n.?hura 'i'd 'chief ecclesiastic head of particular nabarsawa ~nCl\1II (T,M), nabardawa ~nCom acts as a prophet': , . ,
' , b(mda; for G m,mdii'dK'l. cpo Amh nl.Jlldiuln" Sec
bIg churches such as Aksum, and at present (Y) 'be hot'; lanhuy (L. K*) 'predIcted, propheSIed: also lIadha.
also of AddIS Ababa', lit. '[consecrated] by the nabar~a", 'heat, fever, kind of disease, (KG) tanabb,yo 'prophecy';
hands t-eing placed on the head'; sleep' (see also naba,.rraw); "nbit 'prophecy, oracle, predIctIon, book of njjdjjb '11111 (Gr.219) 'Holy SPlnt';
Ilonbar (T) 'Ia'ting, endunng, (D) home-born prophecy'; , could It be an interpretation of the blhllcal prllpt'r
sla\'e'; (in grammar) 'a noun not related to a the verb is perhaps a denominative from nabarsQIV name niiJiib'"
. , lanabbayot 'prophecy, office of prophet, - -
,eroal stem'; which comes from a non-attested >anbar!aH'Q and IS
related to bara!a (see above). from Ar nabi)· 'prophet' (so Jeffer)" Langlidge 35
nanir (LI) 'obstInate'; [1959].98) rather than from Heb,-Aram. na~i('), as ndd, nadda, nadad. (l',md,1<1) ~~, ~~1. 'hurn
lIu/liirc 'position, dispOSition, conduct, placing. nabasbis ~n/')tl"'; see basbasa II. suggested by Noeldeke 1910;J4 The root IS also (fire, anger), blaze, flame, b«;ome aflame, t-e
arrangement, institutIOn, constitution, (It) represented in other SemJllC languages: SAr I-nh. tnflamed, be on fire, burn up',
d"elllng' ; n.b~riiw ~nlt&.lII- ; metathesis of nabar~alV, 'promise', Syr. niJ~iyii 'prophet', Akk. nahu 'pro- ("a)">II,,dd," 'burnlOg 'l,
nJbral 'sltttng down (n), posture, position, site, above, claim'. For Ar. nabiy < Ararn. napiyyo < Heb. 'andada 'burn (tr.), light a fire, kindle a fire, set
dwelllnS, domIcile, habItation, abode, state, nabil') , see A, Fischer 1953: 131 afire, ignite, lOflame' ;
nabit HlT; see nabiyy, EnuoPlc: Te. ('a)niibba 'prophesy', Tna. "libiy
situation, affairs, establishment. session, stabili- tUIlac/ada 'be inflamed',
ty, existence, life, livelihood, manner of life' ; nabb.t ')nT ; see nababa, 'prophet', liiniibyii 'prophesy', Amh. (tiiJmibha nadiid; 'burnmg, blaling (fire, anger)',
'auhari, part. of >anbara; 'prophesy', niibi 'prophet'
IIJdud 'burning, RamlOg, burned, ,et on fire' :
'unh"o (LI) 'order'; nabtirjj ,)111:&. 'basin, oilean'; fI.Jdtld 'fever' ,
'astanabari (Gr.218), part. of 'astanabara;
noboyjjt 'l'1IfT ; see (nabiyy), nabi)'at lIadd 'flame, fever';
from Gk. !IIplh, ace. nip/era 'basin '.
manhar (pI mantibart) 'seat, chall, base, socle, naddiill i (M) 'burning, blallng',
nabaz. (y,,,bn) ~nll (K*.DTW) 'rob, steal,
reSIdence, dwelhng, high place, pulpit, throne, nab.t., I ~nm (K ') 'boil, boil over, grow strip off'; nJddal, verbal noun of fladda: also 'Harne.
see (of bIShop), altar on which the ark (tabot) (intr), ; fever':
rests, seSSIOn, office. function, state, position'; probably from Amh. niihbiizii 'rob' 'andad; 'who lights a fire',
'anbata (K*), causative;
(manbara tabot [Lt] 'wooden box in whIch the malldad, in beta mandad (1I) '"tchen',
SEMITIC: perhaps Ar. naba!a 'well, come forth (wa- nadd. ~~, nadd ~~; See "dd
labot IS kept', ht. 'the throne of the tabot'); mand,d (pI. maniid"d) 'matenal that burns';
Imanbara lath 'tribunal'); ter)" the bOiling bemg identified with welling. As
for the meaning 'grow', one gains the impression nad>a (yanda» ~~>. ' drive, drive away, lead, m,1l1dac/ 'fireplace, furnace, oven, (1I) 'itchen',
manMr 'seat, throne, abode, dwelling, posi- that G. nabata is reconstructed from Janbu! 'bud, ma.'tantidJd (Lt) 'who stirs, who helps to light a
lead off, urge on, spur, impel, cause 10 be fast',
tIon, base, place where something is put, place bloom', unles~ it is to be compared with Heb. naba! tanadJa, passive; fire';
of residence' ; 'begin to grow'.
lanadJ>a (K ') 'urge one another'; SEMITIC: perhaps related to Ar. nacla'a 'put l)\lCr a
manbart 'state, conditIon, mode of life, way of fire (meat)', fwdiy.1' 'boded dish', Heb. nt'!/, lIu~/of
, II ~nm (MA) 'be silly',
n.b.ta 'aslanad>a 'drive away (to take for oneself),
II\.mg, subSistence, sustenance'; Is, )7: II is translated 'burn up' and conm.'t.:ted with
rob, commit robbery' ;
manabart (Jer.52 : 19) 'cups'; G. ndd by Driver, JTS 34 (1911). )80, and ElIan,
n.b.... ~nlll (MA) 'split'; )astaniida JQ (K .), caus. of;
S..UTl{ Praelonus, ZDMG 61 (1907). 618 denves HUCA 12,13 (1938),65.
related to Amh (a)niibbiibii 'splil', and Gur. naMa nada'; (pI. nadiN, [T] nada't), act. part. of ErnloPlc Te. naddo 'burn', Tna. "tit/iJdtl, Amh.
AI mlnbQr 'pulpu' and G. manbar from Ar. nabara (from nb'l) , nadJa; also 'driver, enforcer. overseer'; niiddddii, Arg. nudddda, H"lr. rtiidl'idu; passed ,lI1to
(nada>1 gahbar 'taskmaster'); Cushitlc: Kam. nadagKo. For n/,mJ(id 'firepla..:e , 'p.
nadYi dadf. 387

Tna.Amh. mc"l<P,(:la < ·m~ncbgga < *mJndildiJ:a. nafuh•
d"~, [nif<al} 'be thrust down'), and dilY (Heb. doh-
lna. als{) mnndJ.~ga, Te. miindiidi, Arg. amelagga,
Gur m"dagta, Har. a/drga.
'push', Ar. dabii 'drive', Aram. Syr. fialJQ);
Koehler 597 under ndlJ.
se: .a~awa)OID (K') 'be dry, be stiff',
'an(iawa (l), 'an~awa (M) 'dry, make dry,
ETHJOPIC: Te. nadlJa 'tread', Tna. niidhe 't read
.ad.f. ( 1',,,d4) )".t. 'throw, hurl (spear, push'; related to nad>Q (see above). . , harden , make stIff, decline, dwindle, abate, (M)
arrow) shoot (with bow and arrow), stIng be dry, (l) plDe away, wither, cause to pine
(Insect): strike, transfix. pierce, pierce throu~h, nadala (y,ndal) )"" (K') 'pierce, bore, perfo_ away, cause to wither'. Note that Dillmann
rate'; 993 records it under randawa as a 4-radical
(1\' T) draw a circle with a compass for laYIng rndw' .
lalladla (K'), passive; . ,
a foundation (Amhansm), card colton';
'anda/a, causative; niJd/at 'crevice, eJeft, cave';
lIadul (K') 'pierced';
S~MITIC: Ar. natja (ntfw) 'dwindle, abate, decline,
lanadfa. passive of "adafa; also 'be wounded, disappear (water absorbed by the soil)'; perhaps
be stricken'; mandai (K') ' means of pierCing'; SAr. nifw 'destroy' \'N, Muller).
laniit/ofa 'shoot arrows at one another, attack Ar. nadala 'pull out, take away'.
by hurling arrows, try to hit';
naffa ).t. ; see "ff I, II.
ETHIOPTC: Te. nadia 'pierce', Tna. niidiilii, Amh.
)~faniidafa, causative of taniidaJa; also 'mark niiddiilii, Arg. niiddala, Har. niidala, Gur. niidal nof .... <;: (It) ' ulcer' ;
out with' a compass for drawing circ1es for a a,
Gar. niiddiilii 'go out'; passed into Cushitic: Sa.
nadal 'make a hole' . corruption of Ar. na/ala rendered by Dillmann 780
foundation, lay a foundation, be a craftsman,
(under 'impanpe) 'pustulas contraxit' (Lifchitz 161,
(T) make equal or level'; n. 3). ..
ndl, see manda/to.
"adati, act. part. of "ada/a; also 'archer';
nJdllf. pass. part. of nadafa; nadaqa (yandaq) )Y.." ' build, build up, erect, naf'a ~<;:h (Y.M) 'be strong, be courageous';
n"d'ji ("') 'disease that strikes a mule' (lit. construct, make a wall, wall up'; probably for napa and borrowed from Ar. na/ala
'struck'); probably Amharism; tanadqa, passive ; 'be useful > become of value, become strong'; also
n,driJl, verhal noun of nadafa; lIadaqi 'builder, who builds a wall, stonellla_ in Tna. nolle 'be courageous', Te. nafi1< 'able',
mandaf (T) 'means of drawing a circle with a son' ;
compass, bOil for cardIng cotton'; naduq 'built'; niifidem "LJ!.'I", (T) niifedem "/"'J!.'I", (KG)
",,,,,daf'shot, distance of bowshot, (K') instru- nafed.m "/"'~'I" 'giants';
mdq 'structure, building, edifice, wall,
Illent for cardlOg', brickwork' ; wrong transcription of Gk. napheleim (from Heb.
SEMITIC Ar. flodafa 'card collon by striking the nadqal, verbal noun of nadaqa; napi/fm 'giants', wilh confusion between the Greek
sfring of the bo," with a mallet. send down (rain: letier I and d (Dillmann 706).
mandaq, ma1/daq 'wall, building material,
cloud). SInk<, pluck (a lute)', Ar. O:/adr) 'hit', Heb. brickwork' ;
nJdap 'drive away', Ug. ndp 'expel' (for which see nff!, naffa, nafafa (yanfaf) )4, , ).t..t. (K') 'be
Caquot 52~). For (he Hebrew root, see D. Leibel, SEMITIC: the comparison with Aram. nitjbti/s 'Course a fool';
L'Jiron,," 29 (1964).3_5, H. Rabin, lb. p.20B. or stones', Ar. midmak (from Aramaic, according to
ETHIOPIC Tna. niiflifo 'be a fool' , Amh. nii/Jiifii.
ETHIOPIl': Tna. nada/a 'stmg" Te. lJ-niiddti/a 'be Fraenkel 12) suggested by Praetorius 1890:42 is
rnferlro b) the mandil/~disease'. lit . 'be stung'. Amh. doubtful. For Aram. ni!!bii~, cpo Akk. nalbiiku (von
Soden 766). off II, naffa, nafara (yaafa/) )4, , ).t..t. (K')
niiddJ(il 'stlng, card COlion, sketch an outline', "iJ- 'weed, prune, trim'.
dJ/1 '3 dl~ase' (ht 'stung'), Arg. naddii/a 'sLmg', ETHIOPIC: Te. nadqa 'build', Tna. nadoqa, Amh .
Hac nJdiifa, Gur. nadii{a. Note also Tna. miindiifo niiddiiqa; passed into Cushitic: Sa. nadeq~ SEMITIC: related to Ar. nataha 'push, thrust (with
'f:"e stru<.'k down by the miindii/.-djsease' (denomj_ the horns)'; Heb. ~ii"a~ in ·10s.15: IB ,
lud , 4:2 1 nfg, see lan/aga, and Tal//ag.
native from mandii.f). The root passed into Cushitic: nadar. )Y.&-, n.dr • •) ~&- (It) 'kind of dis- is rendered 'pierced through' by Gottstein, VT 6
Sa nodal 'throw' ease' ; (1956).99, and compared with G. "'!~. oafaga ).t.1,(K·) nafga )<;:1 'not to find, be
ErHIOPIC : Tna. na~lJe 'push, turn over'. avaricious, be stingy';
from Ar. na?ara ' look . look at', possibly referring to , "
na/gal avance; ' .
n.~. ~~'" 'dme, push, shove, strike, kick, a disease caused by the evil eye.
.a~.ra (yand,,) )0<:, (Y) na~ara ~l\<: 'rip up, nafug (M) 'person who does not gIve, avan-
throw down', . ,
lanad~cJ. passj\'e~ noddat ')" T; see ndd l. tear off, rend, separate, split'; CIOUS ;

nodet ') J!..}- ; see (nadya), nadyal. S~MITIC: Soq. n+fr 'be tom'. f
A h 'iffiiigii 'be stingy'; also occurs in Te,
m, na h'. S.I
SEMlnc related to Ar IIQda/yJ (4th fonn) 'push (a
ErHloPIC: Te, nii¢ra 'tear asunder'; passed mto na·ifiga, Tna. Gunilifldgii'
r . , passed into Cus .. ltlc ,: 1.
boat on the ban~ of a river),. Heb. ntitjalJ 'wield (an
""er, (hlf'rI) 'dnve out', Aram. 1lJ!f<r!J 'push'; related nadya, nadaya (yanday, yandi) )J:'f I ~"f 'be Cushitic: Bil. nacar. na/ag 'be avaricious', Qab. nurga 'avanclOUS.
to Ar nala~a 'push, thrust', and also to dM (Heb. poor, be destitute, be reduced to poverty, be
.adorar ) P&-C ,
deficient (in)'; ' (T) nadarir )o&-C; see drr, nafub H,iI. (T) 'potato';
seem~ to be a misprint for taffu!l "'~;h (see below).

naOra 388
nfq nfq
no tho,
_ nath.
• (J"nrah
_. w I ~~., , ~~"', (MA) nfq I, nafaqa (yanjaq) ~ t.. of>
'tea r off, tear naJfiiqii 'be a heretic'. that is. 'separate oneself from
Dalb. ~~U 'blow, blow upon, breathe on, away, rend , divide, divide in
mftate, sound (an instrument), blow (a horn , cleave asunder, split';
two, separate, the 6rt~odox beJief',Amh. naffiiqii. For nil/qa diya- (za-nafs 'spiritual');
trumpet)'; qon 'asSIstant deacon, cpo aJso Tna. nil/qii diqqunna. (najsa haywal no' hJ - ,
niifaqa 'divide, divide in two, have dOUbts (k""aII_u .:a'lIafs'usa . yaw hvmg creature') -
. .
swell, bloat (the stomach), ;
causative of ntiflJa; also 'cause to doubt, be doubtful, be skeptical, be hest ' ofq II, niifaqa la- 'care for, be soliCitous, (Lt)
'all mortals);
nafsat (L). naJm (T) 'body genitals Il)
be unbelieving, be a heretic'; I ant, long for' ; son, penis'; ',per-
lanafl.I<1, passive of noflJa; also 'swell, (Lt) be· 'anfaqa (K'), causative of nafaqa;
come angry, sulk'; SEMmc: perhaps SAr. nfq 'bindi ng, effective', Sh. na/iis ·wind. air, spirit';
'aniifaqa 'ca use to be doubtful, lead to heres enfeq 'manage to do well'. . na/iisiil 'climate';
narabi, acl. part. of naflJa; lead to hypocrisy'; Y, ETH10Plc: Tna. nafiiljii 'yearn, long for', Amh. Gur. nafsaw; 'spiritual';
n4,,1} 'blown up, swollen, puffed up '; lanafqa, passive of nafaqa; I nafJiiqa·, Arg. naffiiqa•. Noeldeke 1910 :49 connects
n'flJal 'inflation, blowing, breathing' ; laniifaqa ' be divided , be divided into factions , it with nfq (see nfq I) and states "das Verbum
na]asiiwi 'windy, pertaining to air'
>an/aso 'refreshment" '
ranaflJo (Lt) 'self·importance'; be diVIded agamst Itself, be half-hearted, be ~ bezeichnet das geteilte Herz, wie es anderseits im
manfob (K') 'bellows'; Amhariscben vom dringenden Sehnen und Be- manjas (PI. manjasGI: maniifast) 'spirit breath
herettc, be hYPOCritIcal, be of two minds b .
. , e In dauern s t e ht " , Spmt of God v d . . ' ,
SEMITIC: Ar. nafa(1Q 'blow (wind)', no/aba ' blow, dIsagreement, rebut' ; . . • \ In , a spmt (demon, angel)
essence, Spmtual body, person'; ,
inflate', Mh. nafob: perhaps SAr. m-nflJ-t 'water dis- nafiiqi, act. part. of nafaqa; I nafq, ""fq ~~o}> I ')~o}> ' box, chest, ark, com. (oa-manjas 'spiritual') '
tnbutor', Heb. ntipa& 'blow upon ', Aram .Syr. fl3pai;, nii/iiqi, act. part. of niifaqa; partment, coffin';
Md. npa, nph, ui *npb in mpbm 'bellows ', Akk.
napti&u 'blow upon '. For Ar. nfwith 3rd radical t, g,
nafuq 'divided in two, divided, separated
split'; ,
I SEMITIC: SAr. nfq ·sarcophagus'.
(manIas qJddus 'the Holy Spirit').
marifasiiwi 'spiritual, of the spirit' h . '.
' ermu,
lj. k, s expresssing the meaning 'blow', see Canti- maSlanaV<as (It) 'breath';
neau, BSL 44 (1947-8), fase.2, p.175. nufuq 'one who is doubtful , hesitant unb. nafara ~t..,: ' bubble, be boiled, boil, (Y) fl y'; WIJnjiis ' breath, breathing, (Lt) inspiration';
ETHIOPIC: Te. niifoa ' blow', Tna . niifoe, Arg. niiffa-
lieving, hypocrite, schismatic'; ,e ,anfara ' boil (tr.), (T.Y) scorch, scald'; SEM,ITIC: Ar. nafasa 'b reathe', liars 'soul. spint, per-
nafq 'half, middle, semi·, (Ll) measure of ce- tanafra 'be boiled' ;
/la, Har. nii/a(la, Amh. niiffa, Gur. nii/o; also in Son, ~Ar. n~sl 'so ul' , Heb. nps (niffal) 'ta ke a
Cushltie: Som.Sa. naJ (see Dolgopolsky 177). reals' ,.
(nafqa 'elil 'midnight'; nafqa diyiiqon 'assistant
I taniifara (K') 'be at odds with one another, be
?reath, n(!l!~s 'soul, breath, throar, Aram. III'S
so u,l. person', Syr. nal!eS 'breath of life, soul', Ug.
niifil C;t.A , (T.KG) nafel C;4.,A 'giants, (KG)
weak ", deacon, subdeacon'; nafqa qasis, nafqa kiiha nafur (K') ' boiled'; lip! soui. person' Ph lip! 'self person' Akk
'b ,. . ' . napa- .
'assistant priest'); n nafr (K') 'mash (of boiled cereal),; fu realhe" napistu 'life, breath. throat, person' A
transcribes Gk. napheleim, from Heb. napfl,m nafqii 'half, middle'; metathesis of the root occurs 10 Heb,Aram . nsp
·giants'. As for KG 's 'weak ', could it be due to the SBMITIC: the basic meaning of the root flfr seems to ' bl~w ': Akk. nafopu 'blow away', Soq. 1I/1O['so ul'
nufoqe :division, separation, dissension, doubt, be that of 'jump, fly > boil, bubble'; cp" Ar. nafara (With " ~ s, .fl. See OW. Thomas, "A Sludy in
interpretation of Heb. napf/im 'miscarriage'? See
also no/idem. - hypocnsy, heresy, skeptiscism, dissimulation
ambiguity, offense'; , I 'run away', Ar. (Oat) nafar 'j ump', Syr. IIpr (af<el) Hebrew synonyms : verbs signifying 'to breathe"',
'put to flight', Ug. npr 'flee ' (Caquot 128, n.i), npr ZS 10 (1935).311-4; and Fronzaroli 1964 11 pp.
naf.afa I ~~~t.. 'd rizzle, fall in small drops' ; niifaqo ( t} 'heresy'; 'fowl'. Noeldeke 1910: 186 compares Syr. lIapar 21·3. ' ,
n~(nJf nafnif nafnif'drizzle, shower, moisture, nafqat 'half, cut piece, section, schism'; 'snort' with G . na/ara 'boil'. - ETHIOPIC: Te. niifsa 'blow (wind)" tJniiffiisa
drop, drip'; nufiiqeyiil (Lt) ' heresy'; ETHIOPl c: Te. niifra 'jump', Tna. nii/iirii 'flyaway', ·~r~~t~~.'" niifs 'soul', Tna . lliifiisii 'blow (wind)',
(nafnifa q'arr [L1] 'hoarfrost'); laniifaqo ' religious dispute, doubt, dissension'; niifriirii 'run away', Amh . nii./fiirii 'boil. be boiled', tandfosa breathe', niifsi 'so ul', !Iii/as 'wind', Amh .
manjaq Ar.g. n~ffiira, Gur. nii!.iirii 'be very hot (from being niiffiisii 'blow (wind)', tiina.tfiisii 'breathe', nals 'soul'
SEMITIC: Ar. nafnaJa 'drizzle' (Dozy), Ar. (Oat) . , ' half, faction, part, sect, halfway
POlOt ; bOiled) . For G . landfara, cp. Amh . liiniifaffiirii, (also niibs), niifas 'wind', Gur. nii/dsii 'blow', fluff
nqfijf 'drizzle ' (n); related to Heb. nap (nll'p) same . For the connection of the root n!r with the
manfaq ... manfaq 'one part , .. (and) another 'soul', fliJfas 'wind', Arg, "iils 'soul', Har. nd{s;. See
'spnnkJe' (see on this root Driver, ZA W- 9[19321. root prr (frr ), see Conti 1980:53. also n/s/s, and (afl/asQ. .
J42). The connection with Soq. ne/'make a sign, a part' ;
movement', Akk. napu suggested by Fronzaroli (manjaqa 'elit 'midnight'); naf.r<~, (T) nafar'ii~ ~t..C'ilt ! ~t..C'itl; see nfsfs, >anf.sfasa h,)t..I'lt..() 'blow" ,
,1972, ,'111, p.633, and with Ar. nafnaJ 'air' (nafnafa (manfaqa diyiiqon 'subdeacon'); ('an)far'a~a. see fJajasa .

I ~ nafsa (yanjas) ~'j:() 'blow (wind, spirit)';

•blow ?oes not seems to be attested), Heb. nwp maniifaq 'heretic, schismatic, hypocrite, half. .af~. (J'anfJ~) ~~l\, (MA) n.f~. ~~II 'flee,
agitate suggested by Conti 1978 :96 is doubtful. hearted ' ,. escape, be scattered, vanish (water),;
~THIOPfC: Te. nd/na/a 'sprinkle ', Tna. nalna! baM 'anfasa 'breathe, exhale, make breathe, rest,
dnzzJe', Amh . tliijlinnii/ii; passed into Cushitic: Bi!. 'anja~a 'drive away, put to flight, make escape,
nifnif SEMITIC: Ar. nafiqa 'remove oneself, disappear> find rest, revive, refresh, give rest, give relief, winnow, (Lt) peel, scatter';
separate (oneself from others)', Aram. Syr. napaq soothe' ;
I na/ii~i 'who flees, who escapes, fugitive';
'go out', Ug. npq 'go out', Md. npaq; Ar. najaqa 'aslaniifasa 'make breathe, breathe freely, re-
nafnafa [J ~'j:~t.. (K*) ' eat a lot, rend with the 'dissimulate, play the hypocrite', muniifiq 'hypocrite' vive'; nu/iise (Gr) 'flight';
teeth' ; nafii.1il 'the portion that has escaped (dis.
are taken from Geez (Noeldeke 1910:48 ; Jeffery nafs (pI. nafsiil) 'soul, spirit, breath, a person,
from Amh. lliiflinnii/ii 'eat and drink a lot'.
272). aster), fugitive, (It) remnant, survivor';
hfe, self' (with suffix pronouns; e.g, nafsu 'he
ETHIOPIC : Amh . niijJiiqii 'divide', Gur. niijJiiqii; Tna. himself') ; SEMlTIC : Ar. nofa~a ' bring out fast, utter (words)
fast', SAr. nf! 'march off (W. Muller, in Hofner
lO~ I 2Jt'lt Hch ntir(J.~'Ix scatlered. disperse', from Sanskrit naga (Hommel
325, 374, and pas- - - Ii (T) 'receive guests';
Ararn,·~\'r n.lpd~t 'shale' (lui. shabe off, t\Jd . npa.f: .'iim); sec also nagot. 'aslonaga a eler trader ' merchant, pilgrim'; (nagafa [aha 'console oneself I't 'h k
1\,""COrdt~f ttl Barlh I~02:.10, the Hebrew rool "r~{ IS a ~d' 'trav, .
mourrung') ; ,I.saeoff
11 htlm(,"~m: np;~ I ·~hAtler·. Ar. nafadu, and nps J1 nag ~ , oup of travelers, (LI) caravan of
nug ),"1 'leguminous plant which has oily black nagadil gr
'f,c SC'altcrOO'(whlch Barth translates 'flee'). ':r,nafa- seeds' , Janga/a, causative; also 'take away, rescue,
rehants'; d .. h .
sa; Cf' al(;o AU narii.\u 'hu,rI. ,dash dO~·~... _, . me 'd 'Journ
. ey , commerce, tra e, gIving OSPI- release, free, make cease, snatch away. make
i''Ufl(oPIC Te. ndf.i;a '~Iart gOing, Tna. nafa.yo tk-c.
is the Amhanc form for ~lJig" (see below). nag l
drop, make fall by shaking, shake, drive 011';
Amh. nJjra,J. taIiIY:;ravei traveling, trade, business, traffic'; tanagfa, passive of nagafa; also 'fall off, lose
ng', ta-ng.>. -/•.,"1'- (T,Mk) 'go up (smoke),; leaves" ,
...(til,m ,}~;1-I\.Y" (T) 'that wa, found by nJgdd I nag'don) 'foreigner, stranger, traveler,
ETHlOPIC: perhaps Tna . niig""a r 'who grows fast' nag (P . '1 . '. tanagafa 'disengage oneself, free oneself, shake
wr("~thng'~ n.i1gw 'who surpasses'. The Geez ng) (in alternanc~ chant guest, pI grim,
nagd 'guesthouse, shop'); off, shake oneself, bestir oneseIr;
tr.. n~cnlx-s Heh. ~JtJr'uJim '\\Tc~tlJng'
with ng" r) 'go up' develops into 'grow'. (Jliber
ela .. t I'mg, nagafi, act. part. of nagafa;
dol 'wandering, Journeymg, rave
nag"'. (yang"'o') )1'0 (K*.DTW) 'make a nag
. . ' departure;
voyage, peregnnatlOn, ' n.guj, pass. part. of nagafa;
, ).tm (1\') 'hlo\\ the nose';
JOUrney, I' . f .
cracking sound, crack, shout, be broken, break' n3gdanna 'sOJ·ourning, trave 109 In orelgn nag[. naggaf 'what is shaken off, what is cast

.:'lIMIne ·\r. 11011t)/O 'snt"e7C', Soq. nerO! 'hlow the (int), out, outcast';
n(.'.~c· . I
'ang" "a (K*.DTW), causative; also 'break, Parts'; • • n.gfat, verbal noun of nagafa;
EmIClPI( Tna "Jlii/ii. It" nJffii!D. Amh,Gur. tii- tonogado 'travel, commercia negotlatlOn,
dislocate' , 'angafi, mangafi, act. part. of 'angafa;
nafftJ!a, Har Inti, 'nasal mucu.~'. "'-mh. Arg. n,){t trade'; . .,
i"(,IT "mit Jr~nt(J 'nMe'. ~ I eslau 1979:·U2. under 'as/antig"J'a (T) 'break to bits, inCite, provoke lonagadol 'pilgrimage, sOljourhnmg;d '. SEMITIC: Ar. nogafa 'cut down (a tree)" Ar. (Oat)
( t,VnoffiitQ. (LI) remove (fat)';
mangad (K*) 'who trave s, w °
traI' es , . lIagaf 'winnow', S~. ngef'tbrow away', Soq. negof
'disperse', Heb. niigap 'strike, smite', Aram. fl3gap.
narl ~'I'1' 'naphlha, ntle', SEMlnc: Heb. nagar 'touch, hurt', nfgar 'stroke mungad 'road, journey, way, trave mg, settmg
nl1iaUJ (Jo....) ',hO()I' (denomlOativet deed of violence', -Md. nga 'strike, injure'.
Oul, trip, pilgrimage'; Barth 1893:34 compares Heb.G. ngfwilh .... r. nQqQ'
ETHIOPIC: Tna. niig"'re 'break' (intr.), Amh. niigg"'u fa 'hit' (so also Reinisch 1902:38). Noeldeke 1910:
'angadii, ·a·angada, see above;
from ~r nal-'~ al~t1 S~r nrplti. Akl. nap!u. Amh. 'snap, crack, make a snapping or cracking Sound', 197 compares Ar. wagafa 'be agitated, be in commo.
If4ift 'nfic' (oh${\It'tel. ,UifrJJ.ii",J1 'nfieman' . .lJmmern a·niigg~a 'break', an~nagga 'disjoin, dismember, SEMITIC.· D'llImann (followed by, Noeldeke
, 1910: tion' (with alternance n:w); see aJso Conti 1980:82.
tJO ~('In,!Jl'rs An, "aplll to he the ongin of the shauer', Gur (rQ) nagga 'clash (caUle, objecls)'. 197) connects it with Syr. na~a!l flow. , ETHIOPIC: Te. niigfa 'shake, shed', Tna. nilgii/ii;
. mille root nfl (Ar Amm.) and of Gk. naphtha EllIIOPIC: Te. niigda 'go on a ptlgnm~ge, nagdar related to gff. gfgf: Te. giijJa (gff) 'take away',
"dear l."lmf"!u!Otlblc, pttroJc:um·. For Ar na/f. sec nagabs (K*) 'be dry, be destroyed, (Y.M) make 'I eler" Tna. niigddii 'travel for bUSiness, trade, Amh. giiffii/ii 'lay bare, skin', tiingiijiiggiijii 'shake';
rayad! 'traveler',
, miigdddi 'road'; Am. h nagga
" "d"a
[)~v\' 11 7OJ, .lnd Aulon., Jndn. naif. burn, set fire to'; *
nag . ' .. d,' passed into Cushitic: Bil. nagaf Tbe root is also
nor... ).tf '''fl', 'travel about, trade m, be a stranger ',nagga e .. ~~r~. related to naqafa, below.
, SEMmc: (be basic meaning seems to be 'be dry', for chant', miingdd 'road', angada 'gue~t ; Gur: na~ada
tl11ll1f.',1 'be tolfted', which cpo Soq. ngb 'be dry', Heb. nrgrg 'the south, 'travel', nagd 'business', niiggade traveler, n~gda nagogiw, ~ogiw )";ltD- 1 "";l(l)-; see goga-
nqfiin tk.·} ' who Slft~~; em pari of Palestine' from ngb 'be dry', Aram. wa I.
'stranger, guest'. There is no reason to consider
""luI' 'SInN', nJ/Iag 'be dry', Syr. nageg. See also nageb, below.
nagada a denominative of manga~ 'road: and to
mnqf(' '~I('\'e': nig.gaw '1"11(1)- (T) 'hiIJ'.
nageb )111 'south, southern region (particu- identify mangad with G. mangala toward as sug·
SEWTJ(' JX'rh ps 5t.'t(J. noIr 'pierce. male a hole', larly the southern part of Palestine)'; gesled by Praetorius, ZDMG 57 (1903).273.
rbH lip.' (nlhaf) 'siff. dCnOmlnaHYc from "apa nagba (yangtih) )"111, (T) nag~a )"1'" 'dawn,
SIt\'e' from Heb. nJp "5\10 lng", Aram 'YpQ, npj} transcribes Ok. nageb, from Heb. nt'gt'9 'southern .agad (pI. 'angiid, 'aniig.d] ~1.(- 'tribe, clan, grow light';
regIOn of PaJestine' 'angaha 'do something early in the morning';
'StJi .... ll ""PIi. 1)nm, ZA Ji' 50 119321: 143 de- kin, stock, kindred, progeny, lineage, famJly';
ETHlOPIC; Amh. nageb; see nagaba, above.
n\u Hcb. n4pQ '~\e' rrom " rON np) r nJt-' 1 and nagh 'early morning, dawn, daybreak';
SEMITIC: Dillmann 695 (followed by Barth 1893:33) ('afa nagh 'dawn');
compurs 11 with Ar naTa rtf)' ·s .... ecp away (dust),
nagsda (yang.d) )1}<' 'go on a Journey, travel, .... compares it with Heb. n.r/s.~g 'progeny' ..For ~he
raJS(' tdustr, 10 liso FronLal:'oli IQ7';. \11, p-633. (za-nagh 'matin prayers');
and (onu ! n" q< travel on business, trade, go on a pilgrimage, relationship k:g, see Barth, ib. The connectIOn With
go abroad': Ar. /lQg{'progeny, issue' suggested by Dillmann 695 ,..ghat 'becoming dawn' (n);
lorn""", Tn.a. O4fotii Sin'. T. Har nafa, Amh.
nagada 'travei'; and Barth 1893:33 is doubtful. Soq, nigoh·oh 'become daw~', J:Ieb, ,nii¥ah:
,,;J1IJ, rna. ",tUrti, ·"~ .. e, tHI~r·. Te
Amh.HIT (1\,Ir M.:l¢l. t~. l4ii1fjJto. For m > 1-\' in 'angada (K *J, caus. of nagada; also 'protract, EnnoPlc: Tna.Amh. nagiid 'race, tribe'. Aram.·Syr. fl3gah, Md. nga 'to ~a~n • mhga _da~n
• /001 "tn. lobuli, "'" Cohen 1931 389-91. The defer' (ht. 'make something travel for a long (with metathesis), Ug. ngh 'shIne ..... kk. mgu be
fOl"lf J'Mst'd tnh) C'u1hi1J( Sa nal'ar '51ft lime'); nag"adg"id ~""'(-'l'(-; see g"'adgWada, 'angWad_ clear' given in Leslau 1938:256 is not attested. The
g'ada, connection with Akk. niigu 'joy' suggested by Fr?n.
Ollg<' (1'1 nagtl5t na~.. or, naganlt) ~1., (T) tanagda 'happen to be a stranger or a guest'; I· 1965 III P 145 is doubtful. The connectIOn
DOg< <;1 dephalll, tQnogada 'journey here and there. travel on zarol ", . ~'drh
with Ar. nagaha 'entgegentreten (melst em IC
busmess, travel about, trade, be received as a nagar. (yangaf) )1-'. 'shake, shake off, shake oder doch unfreundlich), suggested by Noeldeke
qarna twgr 1\01), eI.phant', 1mb"
guest' ; out, knock off, jolt, dispel, brush away, cut off, 1910: 196 is unlikely. The rool ngh IS related 10 Syr.
layaway, throw down, cast, trip, carry away'; gahgah.
..g.~ ____________________________~3~9:2______________________________~.~a~g~
FTHJOPIC' Te. naKha "0 dawn', Tna. naghe. Amh. statement, thing, alTair, subject,
<.iur <\rE , nQg,~a , Amh. GUT niigii 'tomorrow', Arg. matter, situatIOn;
. '. aCCOUnt . - "ngdom, majesty, festivity at the Occa.
oyally,.' .
f he consecration f th e ar k' •. nahl>aI "kill in forging. forgmg' (n)
Gal. "UK· Thl~ root IS not to be compared With Be. not
f .
kna 'mLlrmng' as suggested by Reinisch 1895: 156, /anagari 'who converses, speaker, rational SlO. (Lt ) 'hymn sung in honor 0 the samt of manhiib, .manhah, (T) lII>nhuh' 'fuma,..
sonab Ie ' ; • rea. /IIlgs
(oll(lwt"d t'l\ l/llendorff 1955: 128. Tna. wiig~e 'be. foundry, forge, bellows' ; ,
the day'; '.
Cllmc daw~' c(lnnl'Cled by Noeldeke 1910: 196, n. 3
ETHIOPIC ' Te.Tna. niihabal" ·~mllh·. Amh nobQ
lanagJro(t) 'speech, discussion, conversatlo '.
"Ilh the root n.~" IS to be identified with G. go&o mangJr, manag~r, managtJr- 'h
w 0 speaks whn , nJgsat'r0,YaltYI:'
reveals, (It) crier, herald'; , 0 uSaK'i Toya • 'work 1T0n, beat Iron'. Noeldeke IQIO:5b con\ldeh
' p 'h J rather than wuh ngll. For the Indo.Euro~a~ nJg g,s 'tn'bt"
f\presslon!io of 'tomorrow' denved from 'mormng.
ue, Ar. na},iimiry 'ironsmlth' a Gecz loanword "'hlle
mastQntigtJr 'mediator, who intercedes wh man 't 'kingdom. kingship, government, Brockelmann 1908:126 denves G nllhlib, fmm Ar.
«e Buck 999. See also Rundgren 1955:253. . , 0
talks With another, (It) preacher'; mang" I d .. , nahiinllJ')' by dissnnilallon. The conncch('ln With Ar
. maJ'esty, realm. foya ty, ommlOn;
nagola J ~111 (K' DTW) 'be uprooted, (T.Y.M) 'astaniig., (K ') 'kind of fruit Whose seeds a reIgn, • I" Syr. nhm 'roar' suggested by Oll/mitnn bJ I ,~unllke­
used in making a drink that inebriates a pers:e
mangtr'stiiwi (Gr.223) roya , ly.
roll. roll up, make into a ball';
and makes him loquacious'; n . Ar nagasa 'pursue, press, drive vehe-
I/agal (T) 'rolled, rolled up'; S,MITIC. . ('b )' H b - . nih(.)b C;Ul1 (K); see niih,b.
SEMITIC: Akk. nagiiru 'notify', Ug. ngr 'herald' (Ca. ment Iy', SAr. ngsJ 'impose tnk ute, e. ttagas
' U
SEMITIC' Ar n(l~alo 'remove the skin from a 'exact In'bute ' drive to wor , press, g. ngs
quot 562·3). Ellan 5 compares, with reservations . , (Ullendorll' JSS 7 [1962].340). See ...hb (pI. 'anhiib, 'anhahl) 'bee',
,Iaughtercd ammal', Soq. ngl 'make go out', Syr 'overseer. h also (nahba kalb Ilt) 'wasp');
nagge! 'remove' The root IIgl, nil is the origin of Heb. rgm 'munnur, slander' (with metathesis) with' ROSSIni, RSO 10 (1925).481.3. Note t at G.
Ar mllngal'scythe. sidle' (Ihat is, 'instrument that G. ngr. The root is related to gr, qr ex.presslng Conti ~r. 'k mg 0 f Et hlopla '
." passed into Ar. 'al-nagU.J1 nahaba (K ') 'raise bee,. kno" the nature of
removes, uproots'). Heb. maggot. Syr. maggi/Iii. sound; see loslau 1938:327, Cohen 1947;no.206
ConI! 1980:62. ,
/IOh~a.l1 h SAr. ngs,}'·. (W. Muller 1978:310). bees, gather honey';
ErnloPlc Amh. naggdla 'be uprooted'; related to I /Oug k· I' T
ETHIOPIC: Te. nii~~,: 'become mg. ru e , na . SEMITIC: Ar. "Ub 'btt'. Sh mbbel, Ug nht, Akk
nil'll/ala (see below). It is possible that nagalo 'roll ETHIOPIC: Te. nagra 'speak', Tna. nagara, Amh.
nagas. a, Amh. naggasa , and probably
.. al,o the; other nubru Landberg 1909.1464 compare~ Heb. nON!
up' is to be 'icparaled from nogala 'be uprooted' and niiggarii; Te.Tna.Amh.Arg.Gur. nagar 'Word languages; passed into CUShlhc' 811 naga:, Kham.
matter'; Amh. astiinagiJr is borrowed from G. 'asra~ 'honey'; so also Koehler 618. Fronuroli IQ6Q. -\1.
to be compared with 'on-gal/aga (see above). nogez.
nagar. pp.297, 303. but nol so Buhl 5 I 5. Dnver, ZAW 50
nagalo /I ("anga/J ~111 (K') 'be VIsible, be nag..sgis ~11" .71"; see gsgs, 'angasga.ia. (1932). 143 denves Heb. ""Prj from "fr (for
adorned' ; nagargir ~1C.7C; see grgr, 'angargara. Hebrew, see nofora, abme) and translates It 'drip.
nagot ~1T (K ') 'trunk of an elephant'; pmg (or honey)' Yasm 76 compares Ug nhl Wllh
mal/gal, mangal (K' T) ·that which IS visible, nagargWir ~1C~C; see g .... rg"·r, )ang"'·arg . .·ara.
adornment' Iraqi ArabiC lIabal 'candy'; howe"er. the t or nabJt
undoubtedly to be identified with nage 'ele-
is a radical of the root which is not true of Ug. nbt.
nagirit ~.7tT (It) 'trumpet, drum' (see phant';
ETHIOPIC: Tna. ",hbi 'btt·, Te. ".h,b, Amh.Arg
n.gma!..!e 1"1IJD 1'IIIII., (K') ...gmi!is!e 1"1"'1 Powne 13-16);
ETHIOPIC: Te.Tna. niJgot; also in Cushitic: Bil. Gur IIJb, Gar. niJb"'d; Amh. na/'ld 'spread hont!y'.
m.IIIII., (T),.S!f 1"19"111'11111. 'riddle, see nagara. ta·naha 'be raISed (bees)'.
nuta!, nugar, Sa. nuge.

from Gk . amiKmullStai (pI) 'who speak in riddles' nagsa (yangas) ~"IIP 'become king, become nag~yit. nagayit ~"I'T , ~1'T; see nage. nahaga ~V1 (K'.T) 'lead to pasture';
ruler, rule, reign'; 'anhaga (K.T Y) 'push forward (herd), dnve
)angasa. causative; also 'enthrone. consecrate nihu C;u- 'behold!, now that, here, nowl'; (herd), ;
nagora 'YNI!?ar) ~1': 'say. tell, speak, talk,
(an ark)'; from no and lIu; Amh. iJnniiho. See also ·na·, above.
relate. reClle. proclaim, declare, report, an- SEMITIC: Ar nahaga 'take (a route). enter (a road).
nounce, indicate. inform'; taniigasa (K') 'rule together, rule jointly'; Heb. niihag 'drive', Aram. niJhag. The comparison
'ungaro, camatlve. 'astaniigaSa (K'), causative of tanagasa; noh 'iu (T) 'tranquility, quietness, cheering between Heb. nllg 'dnve' and Amh manga 'hc:rd'
up' ;
lanagra, passi\'e of naKara; n.gus, (Gr) nag's (pI. nagaSt; originally from suggested by Practorius 1879 169 is douhtful.
(=a'~l"tnal?lIar 'inexpresSIble'); nagiisl) 'king, ruler, leader'; ... noh,

tal/agara 'speak to one another. converse. talk nagast (pI. nagastiit) 'queen'; ...hig· 1~""; see n.hig' .
nagiisi (pI. /lagast) 'king, ruler'; nababa (yanhab) WO, (T) na~ab. ~"'O 'forge,
together. exchange words, communicate, talk
work metal (iron, silver), beat iron or any ...hka I, nohoka (y.nhak) 1uh I ~Vh, (T)
With, speak to, speak "lIh. speak (a Ian. (m~~afa nagait qadiimiiwi 'First Kings', corre- other metal';
guage)'; sponding to First Samuel; maJ~afa dii- ...hka 1.l.h 'groan, sigh, be sad, be dIS-
)anhaba, causative; satisfied, be in straits, worry, (Y) feel for, be
'QSlunagara, caus . of lanagara; gamiill'i'Second Kings', corresponding to Sec-
tanahba, passive of nahaba; compassionate, (Gr.212) be tormented, be agi-
nagar", act. parl. of nagara; also ;narrator'; ond Sam uel; maJ~afa nagast Siilasiiwi 'Third
nagiirit (LI) 'trumpet, drum', Kings', corresponding to First Kings; mashafa nahabi (pI. nahabt, nahiibayiit) 'worker in met. tated';
al , smith" , 'anlwka (K), causative; . .
llallur (K' Gr.223) 'said, told'; nagast riiba'iiwi 'Fourth Kings'. corresponding
to Second Kings'); (nahabe barur 'silversmith', /laMbe hart nahak, niihk 'a groaning, sulking, a Sigh, (K)
nagar (pI. nagariit, 'angiir) 'speech, talk, word,
nagosil 'queen'; 'worker in brass'; nahiibe warq 'goldsmith', grief, sadness';
langUage, saying. pronouncement. discourse,
naMb. hassin 'ironsmith blacksmith');
nags 'reign, rule, sovereignty, royal dignity, ¥ •• ,
related to n.1hqa, below. and n3'ka, above. See also
"'hub (K ') 'beaten (metal), worked (metal)'; ",hka H.

- ~~~'~'____--------------________~3~9~5________________________.. __ ~w II 'Wh (T) 'be allen lIve, serulini?e, flJhuy 'recovered, quiet, restored, relieVed ,
reflect". . refreshed', , ..hnl 'M. ~ 'we;
('(lmes to the- meanmg 'feel for, be compruislon-
c/(lSC (nahuya [Lj 'quietly'); · . Ar nahnu, Mh. nha _(also Ar.-Had. neha), niJ.!s II (pl. ''''''''SI) ".loll 'roof, rooftop
alC" of n,lhko I SEMiTIC.
h nhan He.
b nohnu.
. 'imaJ.rnu, Ararn,
. ·ana!lna. Syr. masonry wall, (T) walchlo"'.r balcony, te,:
)anhJYo 'consolation, comfort'; 5 · , Akk n;nu. For more details, "'cc BrOCkel_ race; fnnge of robe';
nihom 'i'lr9" (T M) 'com forI, consolalion, cour- maflhay (fern. manhil), manahay, (K ') maflhay /I1""n'1908:299_3oo, Barlh 1913:5-8. na~asa (T Y), nahsa (T) 'COnslruct a masonry
age. 'one who gives comfort, who gives conSOla~ mann . Te ' .hano, Tna. wall' .
.• na!lno, Arnh anna, Arg. •
tion, con soler' ; EWIOPIC. G
lran~nphon of Heb. no~om 'compasSion', ~r~ an ~nno, Ga.f Imni, Har. anna, ur ma,
manhay (Gr.211) 'place of rest'; ETIlIOPIC Tna. nahn 'roof. Te, nil}U.v 'houS(' made
101erprciation of the Hebrew proper name na~um. of stone and clay with a roof of pounded cia,,'
lana~ayo (T) 'comforting'; h I nihDo~a 'Ii},)". (K'),. na~""~a ~m'}'"
n.hqa 'HI." (LI) 'bray'; n~n.) , ~ha ~IJ'}'" (T) 'be 10 abundance, be Amh. nas '~all made of stone and mortar', pa~d
SEMITIC: the connection with Ar. wahana 'lose (MY,na. b I ' 1010 Cushulc: 811 nahes 'wall, house: \-\-Ith a flat
S)'MITfC Ar. nuhaqa. nahiqo 'bray', Mh. ~heq, Soq. f · ver be plenly, 01 over; roof', Sa.Af. nahsa.
strength' suggested by Praetorius 1890:43 is dOUbt_ lelO, . d '.
nohqoq 'snore', Heb. nahoq 'cry OUI' (related to ful. For the meanings 'recover, receive comfort by -hn.ha (K) 'be 10 abun ance,
na;aq 'groan'), Aram. nahaq, Md. nihiqa 'groamng', confessing. confess sins', the foot nhy is perhaps
lana. Ibd
'ona-h'n3./Ia (K') 'augmenl, cause 0 a Oun , nii(>s III (pI. 'an~JSI) 'i'mll (T.MA) 'precIpIce',
Ug. nhq·r 'braymg of ass', Akk. miqu 'cry ou~, cau';' 10 boil over';
groan', related 10 Heb, nllg (pirel) 'moan', Ar. naIl,.
related to SAc. nbY 'confess' (Praetorius, ZDMG
66(1912J.787, Conti RosSIni 1931: 185).
ETHIOPIC Te. "0 In/lil.f (d'Abbadle) 'cavern. cave'
..hnuh (K'), nahn~!l (T) 'numerous, abundant,
to ·panl'. Syr ",hag 'groan' (Koehler 598, nhg II), ErnIOPIC: Tna. niihayii, niihawii 'feel relieved, feel which is in excess ; n.~isii '}th.1\ (T) 'fenced enciosure for c'atlle,
and 10 noqqa 'sound of animals' (Landberg relaxed', Gur. Nayii 'lie down to sleep', Har. iii'a (Amsalu) brick',
Amh. anna 'put to sleep' (d'Abbadie 541), ancient, ".
hniihe (K ') 'abundance';
. for 'bnck', cp, nQ)u II 'wall'
ErnloPIC, Te. niiJ;aqo 'bray' See also Ilahka, IIa'ka, Amh . • ii(ii}allahu 'I sleep' (Gelalchew 1970:71). In ETH10PIC" Amh. nanna 'be numerous, bod over'
above, naqoH'o, below.
Amh. tiinna 'sleep', Arg. renno, the ra- of the Iii.
nhnh II, nii~n.~a '1m'}'" (LGr 212) 'shake,
""~s, n.~isi '}th.1l • ')th.1\ (K ') 'sorcery';
nabara ~II~ (K') 'How, go down, leap', stem became agglutinated to -annii (see Praetorius
aglt~le, break', . . undoubtedly transcription of Hcb. noha.f 'sorcery'
nahiir (K') 'nver, Ihat which Hows'; 1879:241). The rool seems 10 be common wilh
Cushitic. Be. nay 'sleep, rest'. taniihna~a 'be agItated (sea), shake (mtr.), toss, A more Correct G. rOOl could perhaps be lUhrs,
"",nhiir, manhar (K), fIIanbar, manbar (D) 'irrl- n~"isii, with f.
rage, roar';
gallon channel, machine for drawing waler, niih• '1m; see nhw.
..hnuh 'shaken, shaken together, agllaled, n(>sw, 'ani~saw. It'i'ihfllD (T) 'despIse',

• •
pump, conduit, (T) walerfall, spring, (K) after- pressed down'; see nii~aya, below.
bIrth'; nii~(a)b, niih(a)b ~'mll J ""1J1l (D.K.T) 'cavity,
riverbed, bank of a river, channel'; SEMITIC: Ar. naanaaa 'walk rapIdly' (Dillmann 634).
SEMITIC Ar. nohr 'nver', nohara 'flow', SAr. nhr niihsaya 'i'mflf
For the meaning 'rage, roar', cpo perhaps Ar. na~"a. • (K'T) 'forgel, neglect,
'Jrngahon channel', Heb. nahar 'river', nahar ETHIOPIC: Amh. nah.b 'islhmus' (probably from overlook' ;
Geez). ho 'clear the throat', Neo·Syr, na~nah 'pant, puff'.
'stream' (\',), Syr, lIohra 'nver', Ug. nhr, Akk. naru.
ETHlOPI('. Tna. nahorii 'leap', Amh. nora 'rise up'.
ETHIOPIC: probably also Tna. (Iii}nahanh. '10 'ana~saya 'forgive, pardon, overlook, Ignore,
quarrel', ni1~na~ 'violent argument, violent quarrel'.
The meamng of G, fl'Ynhiir 'afterbirth' is developed nahda
• '} mY. (LI) 'Iopple over, collapse'; be indulgent to, forgel, neglect, despise, reJecl,
from the meaning 'flow, go down'. See also nabra, lana~da (T) 'be demolished, collapse';
Ix-Iow, and manJ;ar, above. G. nahar might be a n,hase ~".{J., name of the twelfth month lanah.fa.l'a (T.M) 'be modesl, be humble, hu-
tran!OCnptjon of Heb. niihar 'river' ETHTOPIC: Amh. nada 'demolish', Gur. nada (from (oorresponding to August 7th-September 5th); mih.te oneself, be humlhaled';
ETHIOP1C: Tna. niihase, Tigre not attested, but prob. mana"sayi (Gr.212) 'one who forgIves",
niha .. 'i'iJlD-. see n~ .... •

niihfata 'Im"-m 'scratch the face (in moum- ably also ndlJase, Amh. nahase, nase, Gur ncut' , SEMITIC: augmented by" In relatIOn to nsy. n,fy of
• •
n.>hYI ( ....nhay '}lJf, (MA) no~ya ,}1f 'recov- ing), carve'; passed into Cushitic: Qab. niise'e, Tern. nahasa. Semulc (Dillmann 633; Slade 431. Ar na."ra
er, repose, feel reheved, find consolalion, find metatheSIS of !lan/a!a. 'forgel', SAr. lU,y-m (n) 'belOg forgouen' (Muller
peace, be quiel, be qUIeted'; ni(ls I 'i'mll, na~as ~"'iI, (K') na~is '}-'til 1963 :3 12), Soq. neie, Heb. nru. (n.ivl, Aram .. Syr.
JDnnaJ'o. causative; also 'comfort, relieve, ren- ""~ig" '}th..,.. (DTW 837), nohig" (LI) n.,.. 'copper, brass'; .,.fa, Md. nsa, Ug. n.fy (eaquol 243); for Akk
maSa, see Haupl, AJSL 22 (1906). 199, and Brockel-
der service, gh'e consolation'; 'leguminous plant that has oily black seeds'; nahasa (T.K' V) 'work with copper' (denomina-
live); mann 1928 :450. On Ar. nasil'a, see Rundgren 1968
'anahaya, lanahaya, (T) lanhaya, (T.M) lana- (qab'a na~ig' 'oil made from the na~lg'-planl';
165. " I
ham 'confess one's sins, reveal (the sins), be is used for cooking, especially during the fasl- SEMITIC: Ar. nu~iis 'copper', Heb. na~lO!fl, Aram .• ETIHOPIC: Tna. 'onaJ;siiya 'forgive', IJiJ!;sJJ'Q lee 109
~ubmjssl\"e. receive comfort by confessing, ing period); Syr.,
• Md. "hasa, Ph . nhI-t.
• For the AramaiC of compassion, pity, or indulgence'. See also nlJ.sw,
serve, help, reheve';
278. of Ihe Ar. nuhas,
ongin see Fracnkel 152, Jeffery
ErnJOPlc: Te. mhig, same, Tna. nahig", nihug, Amh. and naso)'Q I.
nahiiYI (K'), act. part. of nahya, .
flUg; from Cushitic: Sa. nahug, Sorn. nugi. See also
niih(~/Y 'recreation, resl, tranquility, rehef, nug, above. EntIOPIC: Tna. nahasi,

Te.Har. nahas,

Amh. nas, . ,-I-'}",fD (T.MK) 'draw blood with
. , tanhawa
refreshment, consolation, comfort'; nahas, Gur. nos; passed into Cushitic: Som. na!las, a suction cup; "
• ~"'OD (MA) 'tear, rip' . Sa.Af. nairas. The Ethiopian nouns arc perhaps lanJ~Wa (T) 'be drawn (blood) wllh a sucllon
taken from Arabic. ,
naknaka 397
nah,1I (T.M) 'cup for drawing blood'; ..
from the same root, but in fact 'pump' comes f
"ail (n 'cup for drawing blood'; oknaka, paSSive;
the root nahara (see above) whereas 'pair of belJ~~; 1(1/1 'k'l (K'), act. part. of naknaka; mankaratiilvi (GI459) 'who f
~ee also lon/.ta. below. derives from the root nahara.
SEMITIC Ar. nabara 'snort, snore', Mh n h _
okna .
n uk 'shaken, agitate..;
, tandkJrOl <rejection'~ per onns mlfacles'"
nh~ I. see ,,~hl/a.
. ' nose,. H e.
b nw' (. . a~, r"'
plteI)"snort, niJ~irayim 'nost
,akn 'ke 'shaking, stnking together;
",k,nna the basic meaning of tb .
different, other. stra IS rOOt IS 'be separaled,
nh II, ",,~ya ').).f (T) 'visit. inspect'. Aram.- Syr. nd.har ' snore,, Md. nhr 'sniff inh rlsI" . Ar. naknaka 'importune a debtor', IIakka
Akk ,na)aru
I - , ,
snort. , a e, 5 [TIC
EM ~nnoy'; related to Soq. negneg ·shake'. astonishing, admirab~~e~aU~~~~~!,."> beWildering,

- "'' I. nub )0."1 ; see "wb. 'pes(er~IC: 1na. n~lliitii 'shake', Te. niikniika, Amh.
ETHIOPIC: Te. niihara 'grow angry', Tna. niihorii' SEMITIC' A k" '
noha "''1. noh . ,. r. no ITa not know, fMeet' Sh
~J ,
angry,, flU.h-' "
ar snortmg, pro ba bIy from Ar. nuh-get. "ko; related to nq, nqnq: Tna. lliiqiiyii.
deny SAr k' t
. n... er
. n r s ranger', Heb. nkr (nif~al) ,'behave
passed into Cushitic: Bit nahar. The root is relat~d as a stran : '" ne~iir 'foreign land', nokrr'stran er'
)~" (Lt) 'phlegm'; nokanna ., T .. .. A h ':"'"
also a variant no)ah; to gr. IIrr: Ar. barbara 'snore ' (Buhl 498).
. ." 'shake, agttate, e. naqnaqa, m, IIaqa1l-
nuqnaqa ... G .... -. A h . I ~d,
g r
n~krQ/a different, subh~e' Ug gnk'
- ."- Har. niqmq
asa, Uf. naqanaqa, rn anc a so
'shaken, upset', Tna. niigniigii 'be shaken '.
stranger' Akk
k- . ' . r
ETHIOPIC: Te. (t;;)na~n~ba 'clear the throat', nu~ot ).'H-, no~at "'-H'; see nwh. g .
elgner'. ' . na aru be a stranger , be a elOr.
- ,a e root probably
Th passed into Cushitic: SiI,
. ')"1/1 (MA) 'take a rest';
lIaM (T.KG) 'rest'. nak'o HIO (K ') 'injure, harm, damage" noknak, Kham. nmeq,
Te "k" , .
. no ara reJect', lniJliJnkJr 'miracle'
Tna. 'ankara 'admire' Amh "kk" ~ , '
nakr 'bJight, mildew'; , .. -kk" .. , ' . na ara scparat~'
tana· ara be admired' aniikkiirii 'be . d'
nikii'u (KG I), nika'u (KG 2) 'lame'; F th ' SUrpnse "
nobla, nabala (ya"ual) ,}"III , )-M. (L.T) n.~lo akar. I )hl (T.K"Y) 'separate, make different, or, e. roots that express negation, question, and
').).11. (Y) n.hla ')IJII 'be destroyed, collapse, SEMITIC: related to nk,. nky (see nakaya I). ~ strange, (K ') be admirable'; ad.mlratl~n, see P. Jensen, "Ausfuf, Frage und Ver.
fall into ruin. give way, tumble down, fall ETHIOPIC; Te. niik'a 'damage, hurt ', Tna. niik'e 'ankara (K ') 'cause to separate, cause. to be nemu~g In den semitischen Sprachen", ZeilSchri(t
down. become desolate. be lost'; 'touch', Amh. Arg. niikka 'touch, hurt', Har. niik~'a for Volkerpsychologie 18 (1888).419.430.
different, regard as strange, marvel, admlr~, be
'anbo/a 'destroy. demolish, ruin, overthrow, 'to uch', Gur. niika. See also nakaya L bewildered, be amazed, wonder, be surp~sed, nakora II (yankar) )h~ (K') 'dip, immerse';
throw down. knock down, pull down, lay be astonished, astonIsh, amaze, (Lt) deny;
waste' ,. oake 'ihb; see 'anakll'ar. tanakra (K ') 'be soaked, be drenched, im-
lallakra, (L) tanakara 'estrange oneself, be a merse' ,
tanabla, passive of 'on!lala; nakabo )hn (K') ' bend, fold'; slranger, be different, be rejected, be estranged,
tal/abala (K '), reciprocal of 'anbala; probably from Amh. niikkiirii 'dip. immerse'; also in
be surprised, be admired. be admirable';
nabul 'destroyed, collapsed';
mankob, mankobaya (K '), mankob, mankobi Tna. nii~iirii, Arg. niikkiira. Har. niixiira, Our.
(M), mankwab (KG), pI. mankobiyat. manko. IMiikara 'be separated from one another, be. lliikkiirii; passed into Cushitic: AI. niikkiirii.
naM 'ruin, destruction';
bayal 'bending (of the arm or the leg), articula. come strangers to one another, be estranged,
nabl. (Gr.212) llii~I, I/abl 'ruin, destruction, col- tion (of the leg), arm, armpit, groin, thumb, be repudiated, be alienated from, renounce, nak"ork"iir Hl-C\>'C , nak"ark".. )\l-CIN: ;
lapse' ; (Lt) handle'; see *kll'rkwr, lankll'ark"'ara.
reject' ;
na&lat 'ruin. destruction';
SEMITIC: Ar. nakaba 'incline', mankib 'the place of lastanokara, causative of taniikara; also 'ad-
'aI/bali, manbali, manbal (K') 'one who de- the junction of the humerus and the scapula > mire, consider strange';
nokos. )hI\ (K') 'bite' (Amharism);
stroys' ; tanakasa (Gr) 'bite one another';
shoulder' (Lane), side, Rank' (Dillmann 668). nakur'uncommon, marvelous, admirable, won-
mallbal (K ') 'means of destruction, means of ETHIOPIC: Te. tankaba 'lean upon', ntallkiJb 'elbow', 'astanakasa (Gr), caus, of tanakasa;
derful, astonishing, glorified';
pulling down'; Tna. miinkub 'sho ulder, thumb, big toe'. mankas 'jaw, jawbone';
nakir (fem. nakkar) 'strange, foreign, stranger, see nasaka, below.
SEMiTIC AT. naIJula(with M 'be emaciated, waste n.kuh ,}Il-IJ (T) 'donkey'; alien, one who is not a relative, other, different,
away' (Amsalu 1962:34), Heb. naIJa/a'destruction' unusual, wonderful, marvelous' ; nekatii ~h;t-; see lIaqola.
in Is.17.11 (Eilan, HUCA 12.13[1937.8J.65), Syr. perhaps metathesis of mhuk from niJhka 'groan > ('amalakla nakir 'strange gods');
f1J/.tal 'be made thin, be made meager', bray'.
(b,&era nakir 'strange land') ; n.ket ,)h.-r; see nakaya I.
ETHIOPIC: Tna. niiha/ii, niiIJalii 'crumble, fall down', I
Te. perhaps a transferred meaning in )Qnha/a 'con- naka~ka~ )iJ.).iJ'}'; see kal;kal;a. I nakiriilVi 'stranger, foreign, adversary';
fuse, perplex' /lakarii 'wonder, miracle, astonishing thing, ad- nokoto • )hm (T.M.MA) 'separate, distinguish,
nokul '}Il-A 'giddy, tottering, staggering (drunk. miration' ; decorticate' ;
n~, m.,n~ar 9"1~C ; see nahara. ard)' ;
'ankiiri (K') 'who admires, marvelous'; ETHloprc: Amh, niikkiilii. If Geez IIkr is the original
see 'kolala, 'ankolala.
""~ra (pnbar) ""I~, (L.T) n.~ro '}.).~ 'snore, lankaro 'admiration'; root, Amh. nkt can be explained through assimila-
snort, become enraged'; mankari (K') 'Who admires, marvelous' ; tion of k! becoming kl.
nGbr (K ') 'snoring'; oakolal H'/lA, o.kulul "}Il-II-A; see 'kolala,
'ankolala . manka, 'wonder, miracle, marvelous thing,
manbar, manbar 'pair of bellows'; n.k.won ,}hlll-A; see "kolala.
Siranger, marvelous, wondrous, wonderful, ad-
mirable' ;
Dlllmann 663 and Praetonus, ZDMG 61 (1907). oaknoka ~h~h 'shake, agitate, (Gr.222) hit nakaya I (yankO )hf 'injure, hurt, damage,
615 derive the meanings 'pump' and 'pair of bellows' hard, (T.Y.M) stimulate, excite, trouble'; (mankara [LJ 'Wonderfully, marvelously'); harm', (T.Y) = Amh. gWaddlil1i 'be diminished'
Janaknaka 'move'; mankJrtiwi 'marvelous, miraculous, admi-
rable' ,. (should be >ag"iiddlilli 'diminish', tr.);
)ankaya, caus, of nakaya; also 'harm, dam-
Jge, Injure. remove, take away. diminish' (note
noliiwi (pI. nolof, nO/iiw,yan, nawa/,w) 'sh
- 399
that the meaning of 'ankaya of [s.58: 10 quoted
b) Oilhnann 669 can better be explained
herd, herder, custodian, pastor'; ep. <. (y.nqa<) ~.pO 'be split, burst, rupture, naqb.
lano/iiwi 'shepherd, custodian, pastor'. be I f[ , be slashed, burst forth, have cracks ,
n.qce (T) garment that has four hundred th d
through nakaya II); Width'·, rea s In
n%l (Or.22) 'sheepfold'; , beCome torn, flow, pour out, gush out, spring
tonaK.yo. passive of nakaya;
lonoj.;o.1'Q (ll) 'hann one another';
(K') 'tended, guarded';
/IU/. . . ,. from Ar. nuqba 'gannent, trou~rs'
nawalw,nnii (Lt) 'function of shepherd'; up, 'a caus. of naqfa; also 'split, indent,
'astaniiko),a (Or), caus. of faniikaya; ,anq" Ih"
noJ.:tiJ'i, act. part. of nakaya; ETHIOPIC:
Prae[orius, ZDMG 43 (1889) 324 de .
-, . rives
shatter, cleave, tear up, s as , rIp up ;
~afa ()'Jnq'J) ~+L 'peel, bark, defile, con tam,
n.kur 'damaged, injured, harmed'; O. n~/awl. from Or.. Ion herd, flock' (with me. n.qu "split " cracked, ruptured, cleft, full of nate, blemIsh, blame, rebut (testimonYI, staIn,
nakal" (K) nakiiy 'harm, injury, damage'; tathesls). With the endmg ,owi. For the Or. root cp cracks, tom; • . . Spot, (T) separare, (Lt) reJect':
also Sa. lawinii, laynii 'shepherd' , See also n:'aw' 'naq' (pI. 'anq'<l) fountaIn, spnng, (K) split, 'anqaJa (K'), causative;
n,:,kyaf, naket 'injuring, harming. damaging,
above, and nolaya, below. ' crack'; . tanqafo, passive of naqafa;
harm, injury, damage, (LI) prejudice';
mankel (LI) 'damage'; naq<at 'crack, fissure, creVice, chasm, abyss, lI.qul. pass, part. of naqaJa'
no/aya <;'lIf (0r.460) 'tend';
hole' ; naqf 'blemish ", '
related to nolawa, above.
SE~'f1nc. nky, nk'; Ar. naka (l1ky), nako>Q 'wound, lanqa'i, participle of 'anqa,f~; naqfat 'Contamination, bl . h .
inJure', SAr. Ilk)' 'mischief. Soq. nk. 'hit with a noma lj UP; see nwm. manq"i, (Ll) manq'<, partIcIple of 'anq.<a; proach'; eroIs, statn, re-
kmfe', Sh. enke 'hurt', Heb. nk}' (hif<il) 'hit, smite',
manq.'t (pI. manaq'<, maniiq,<t) 'crack~ split,
Aram-Syr "~&ii 'hann, injure', Md. niaka 'harm, namr ~9"C (pI. >aniimart) ' leopard'; SeMITIC: Ar. naqala 'break spill' Soq ,r
(T) spring, (D) art[CUlatlOn, heel, ankle, lIne (of " " ,neqoJ
neck), thigh, thighbone, (MA) armpit, (0)
,scr.a~" Heb. nqp (nif<al) 'be skmned', Syr. niiqiipa
SInking (n).
ErnloPlc see nak'o, For 'diminish. remove', ep. SEMITIC: Ar. namir. nimr, SAr. nmr, Heb. mimer
also Tna. ftiikkiiyd 'diminish', Te. naka (nky) 're- Syr. nemrii, Md. nomar, Akk. nimru. On the ety~ counterpart, (K.KO) opponent, (T) members ETIiloPlc: the Original meanmg of the Ethiopian
move, clear away', mology of nomr, see Hommel 295ff. of the body'; root is 'break, break off, tear off', hence 'blemish
ETHloPlc: Tna. namri, nabri, Te. niibri, Amh. niibJr.
Ar. naqa'a 'tear', Heb. niiqa< 'split', Syr. rebuke': Te. niiqfa 'detach, strip off (leaves)', Tna~
nakaya II ~hf (T) 'pay, pay back, give, make For the dissimilation in nmr:nhr, see RUiicka 91.2.
niiqQfij 'bark, reject, blemISh', Amh. niiqqdfij 'blemISh,
a gIft', neqfo 'cave, hole',
EnfloPlc: Te. niiq<a 'ooze out, burst asunder, flow', censure, despise, reproach', Gur. niiqiifo 'tear off a
'ankaya (Y.M) 'pay, give, share'; n.ndorat 11/'.6-T 'shackles'. branch at the joint'; passed into Cushltic: Bil. naqaf
Tna. niiq'e, Amh. niiqqa 'crack, split, fracture, burst See also nagaJa.
SEMITIC: related to AT. nako'a 'pay someone his due, forth', For manqart 'articulation, members of the
give', body', cp, Amh. miilliiyaya 'members of the body,
nap 'IT (MA) 'kind of fruit, bunch of fruit' .
/lappa (MA) 'produce fruit'; , articulation', from liiyyo 'separate'. The nouns : Tna. naqha (y.nqiih) ~~O, (Y.T) naqha ~~m 'wake
niili 'I" 'brain, skull';
see also napnap. m,n?; 'spring (of water)" Amh.Our.Arg, m.n(, Oaf. up (intr.), keep awake, be w~tchflJl, watch
ETHIOPIC: Te.Tna.Amh. nala. mJn¢a are identified with G. monqiJrt. See also na~ over, be alert, be attentive, be vigilant, apply
qaq, oneself, convalesce, recuperate';
nil tA 'indIgo'; nop <;'T (T), nap "T (Mk) 'deacon, (MA) Our
Lady, (T) strong', >anqaha, causative of naqha; also 'awake, wake
from Ar. nil of Sanskrit (nila) origin; also in Te. naqaba (y,nq,b) ~"'f1 ' disjoin, separate, keep up (tr.), rouse, stir up, revive, refresh (memo,
Tna.Amh. nil; In Cushitic: Som. nil, apart, withdraw, (Or.216.K') perforate, (Y) ry)' ;
napnip '1T'IT (T) 'fruit';
snatch away, (T.Y.M) scare, terrify, be enrap- naqiih 'awaking';
neloqe M-<j: 'kind of [ree'; nopnop (T) 'bunch of fruit'; tured' ;
see also nap. n'quh 'awake, diligent, watchful, vigilant,
Dillmann 633 Identities it with maloke. above. 'anqaba (K'), causative; alert, sober';
tanaqba, passive of naqaba;
nolot <;'ft-t, see no/awa. nipilobonos, nipilobanos tA.ft-t1'l'fl I tA.ft-tJ naqh
. (l), 'interval between waking up and get,
n.qub (K ') 'pierced, perforated';
<;'/'t, (T) nipolibonos ~*II.t1'l'fl 'minor rank in
tIng up ;
nol... 1AtD- (M) 'following, retinue, escort'; the church' hierarchy' (possibly 'office of an SEMITIC: Ar. naqaha 'bore, pierce' (for its relation n.qiih 'awaking';
either a misprint for (al3w from [a/al1'o 'follow' (see acolyte'); wilh wqb, see Noeldeke 1910: 187), SAr. nqb 'cut, ndqhal 'vigil, vigilance, awakening, watchful-
below). or from nolawa (see below), Commonly, as excavate', Heb, naqa~ 'bore', Syr. naqap 'perforate', ness, alertness, alacrity, application';
G. Salinger suggests, with reservations, a graphic Akk. naqabu 'deflower, rape, perforate'.
In thIs case, the passive participle form can have an naquhiiwi 'pertaining to being diligent, awake';
actJve meaning. corruption of Gk. akoloulhos, G. ·".,""-ffl >aqolutos Ern/oPlc: Te. niiqba 'seize and tear off, Amh . 'anq.hi (D), 'anqiihi (K ') 'awakener, who resus,
corrupted into tA""nfl nipo/uhos. niiqqiibii 'make a hole'. It is possible that the mean~ citates' ;
nola ... <;'lIm (K'.T.Y.M) 'be a shepherd, tend ings 'scare, terrify, be enraptured' belong to a naqa~
flocks, guard', ""!,8zyon 11\1IM (T.M. 0573, under IJpiizyon) ba n. manq.h (0r.215) 'who awakens';
'pearl, necklace' (perhaps rather 'topaz;); manqiJhi 'who awakens, who resuscitates';
lano/a"'a, passive; also 'act as a shepherd, manqiih (K ') 'means of being awake';
Watch' , wrongly for lapiizyon .")-A1tf",}, from Gk. topazion n"'lbat, noq"bat, >3nq".bat 1.pflT ! 1.,...f1T !
'topaz'. Note a',so G. paZilyon. ~1""l1t (O.K'.T.M) 'short skirt, apron, SEMITIC; Ar. naqiha 'convalesce' (Dil/mann 643).
ETHfOPIC; Te. niiqba 'wake up', Tna, nii9~e, Har.
working garment, trousers, loincloth, girdle,
niiqaba, Arg, niiqqaha, Amh. nQqqa, Our. niiqa,
nq"tJ 400
naqata niqat 401
nq'h, '.nq'.~. h1r'l (Lt) 'split , hatch ',
naqris ~>}>tll (01396, K'.T) 'venereal d,'se -' -
I THIOI'II Tna ni1q~"(' 'hatch' ase . . m the (arm 'anqata 'make 'iJnq(u·soup' laken "

- from Ar niqris 'gout, arthritis' < Gk. n k _ '

'd cat.'
h d eal·
h I·k
Iro Amh . iJnqiit, denommative aniiqqiilii.
nsqs'. 11','l/q.,I, ~4'1I 'uproot, eradicate, pull I e Con d'ItlOn
. ' (Vollers 1897l!:304
up, pull out', also In Amh.Gur niiqiirsa 'scrofula' ), - t 'i4't • (Ll) nJiqat
nsqa • 'i ~T (pI. Iliiqiitut,
naqiiy,t) 's he-camel ;
laflaqla, passi\"c, also 'remove oneseJr; naqas. I ~4'1'I (T.Y.M.Lt) 'separate, distingUISh
naqJIi IGr215), act. part. of naqala; pluck away, extract (a thorn from the foot)' : fi Ar. niiqa(t); a lso In Te. flii'at (from an ArabIC
SI \nnc" Ar naqdla 'removc', SAr. nql'quarry Slonc' SEMITIC: Ar. naqasa 'extract, pull out' Soq .
d~~~t with q > '), On. Aram PbH. na(, )qii, and
PbH. 'tintiqti 'she-camel , see D. Talshlr, In Ben.
el. Syr 'Mqlll'c!ear away, reject', Md . nql'remove'; ,. pierce (an a bscess )' , .:)"
"h I1qes. 'take Out
'. (. neqo,
f:layyim 226ff.
Hchr maqq('1 'rod, staff', from *manqel (from nql bedded thorn)" Syr. niJqas 'CUl in pieces', an em·
'pull oul, sct out' lsee al~o Tna. J/aqiilii 'rise to se t ETHIOPIC': Tna. Iliiqiisii 'pinch, extract a thorn (r qotJi, niqotii, nekatii, in beta niqotii-hu /1.+ ,
(lutl Ill. 'Instrument serving or used when one sets the foot', Amh . niiqqiisii 'pick, clean by picki~m ~~;I-rJ- 'the house of his spices',
em!'; scc Leslau 1958:3 1 For another opinion. see extract a thorn from the foot'. See also naqo.fa I~'
Rundgren IQ61 ]68. transcribes Gk. nekhotha, from Heb. (be!) niJ~()!.o
ETHIOPIC Te. niiqla 'ta ke away, tear out', Tna. naqasa II ~4'1'I (K'.MA) 'tattoo'; rendered 'house of hi s precious things'
niir 'iC (Gr.459), nur ~C I"') 'light, fire',
IIII'lillii 'pu ll (lut', Amh. l1iiqqiilii, Arg. niiqqiila. Har ETHIOPIC:. A~h, nii~qiisii 'tattoo', Gur, niiqii.Jii. n,q"a!a ~<II.m (K'.MA) 'drop, fall drop by
naqiila, Gur niiqdlii. Be,guinot 516 identifies Amh The meamng tattoo could be derived from fr?m Ar nar 'tire', "'ir 'light' ; see also Ilwr II and
drop, mark with spots, be speckled'; nar'el. ,
nJqqdlii "uh niig!;iilii (see nago/a, above). d· . h' h naqasa
IStlngUlS , 1 e tattoo bemg a di stingUishing 'allq'ata (K'), causative;
mark, but cp, also Ar. n~qaJa ' paint, engrave', naq't 'the four dots markmg the end of a nora t; I.; ~ee nwr.
niqi' 'itA, In ~.bra niiqi/ (Lt), niiq"1 (T') b? also by Neo·Synac naqis, and by Te ,.
"rA 'speckled color, spotted, multicolored, naqqafo 'adorn, ornament'. . sentence ,
norii '1't- 'chalk, hme ';
\'anegated' , from Ar , naqa!a 'fall in drops. stam , speckle', lIuq!a
naqasa III ~4'1'I (K ') 'be dirty'; (Juste ,d'Urb," m Gr4J I rende" it 'co upe,
perhap' (rom Ar nogil 'tainted , defective' 'pomt, dot'; also in Tna . lliiq".fi, Te. lliii/!iil, Amh
'al/qasa (K ') 'make dirty'; chaltce ; II would seem that he mI sread 0111-
niiq-J!. In the other Semitic languages, 'pOint. dot'
naqalqa' ~4'A 4'A: see ('an )qalqala. '.nqas (O.K '), 'anqas (D) 'dirt, m d . is expressed by the root nqd; Heb. nJqucldii, Syr mann'~ 672 calx t'.chalk, "me] for calix 'cup,
dung' ; u , mire,
nuqdti!ii (from which Ar . nuq!a is borrowed, accord. chaltce . The meanmg 'coupe, chahcc is there-
naqama ~4'OD (MA) 'weed with a hoe ", fore not valid),
perh~ps from an Arabic dialect in which claSSical
109.O Fraenkel 195). W. Muller 1985 :272 compares
rerhap." to be Identified wllh Iqm 'pick, pluck, glean ' Arab,c nagusa. nagiso 'be dirty' is represented as ng Mh. naged (root nqd) 'scar from burning'. either directly from Ac !Jura or through Amh . /lora;
(Sl'C laqama, aoovc) with alternance o( liquids. > nqs (so Oillmann 645). The suggestion made b; also Tna.Gur. nOra. Te. noral, Har niiraf.
naqa!qa!, noqu!qu!, noqa!qii!e ~4''I'.oI'>}> I ')</!'I'
Nyberg .132 to connect It with rks 'be impure' is not 411' I 1>}>'I'.oI'm.; see q!q! II, ('all )qatqa!a,
nJqJiq ·t _"'>}> 'cleft, crevIce', convinCing. niir'ei 'iCh.A (K'), niirei <it-A IT), name of
Sr'-fJTIC Heb. floqiq 'den', related to nqt. (or whIch
naq~a ~>}>l\, (MA) naq~a ~>}>B 'dry up, be neqe!fo, neqa!fo, neqe!ru, neqetJ'ii MI'I'e •
\('(' flal/'ll, Jbovc. ~~1'C' : H'I'>\- : ~4:'I't-, (T) niqe!rii t4:'I't-
parched, become hard, dwindle away, be ex- combination of niir 'nre' (see above) and or thl~
'/ond of flower, perfume of a flower' , Heb. 'el 'God '; also in Amh. nar't'/ 'star of the rainy
nsq".r. I pnq"Jr' ~<II.l 'peck, prick, p,erce, hausted, (K') be split';
make a hole, pluck out, be one-eyed , be blind- 'al/qa~a 'make dry, parch, make hard, spht'; naqawa (y.nqu ), naqqawa ~4'm 'emIt a sound
ed' , '''qlls 'dry, parched, hard, harsh (word)'; (referring to any sound of aDlmals or birds), niirdu, niirdos 'iC~ • <iCJl.1l 'spIkenard';
, causative; also 'to blind, put out an naq, (K') 'dryness, split'; scream, shout';
c\e • from Gk . nardos ' nard, spIkenard', also In
I/Jqmt 'drying up (n), dwindling (n), dryness'; >
anqawa (K'), causative; AmhTna. nardos. On the SemitIC ongin of Gk
IlJqur 'pIerced (eye), blmd';
~FMI.TIC : .AL naqa.,fa 'diminish, wane', SAr h.nq. ~ taniiqawa (Gr.216) 'crack, squeak, (T) shake, nordos. sec Masson 56. The Greek (orm also occurs
traq' ar 'one·eyed, cr05,!;·eyed, blind '; dlm,""h (Blella J 17), S~ nqes 'be a small amount', make noise, resound': in Syr. niirdin. mirdiis, Ar. nardin. nardin. The other
manq'ar I"') 'beak, bill' (that is, 'the pan of Md , nqs 'decrease' >astaniiqawa (Gr.216) 'make resound'; languages have the Semitic form: Heb. nerd, Md
the bod} "lIh "hich one pecks'); ETHIOPIC: rna . lliiqii#i 'dry up' (also with metathe. naqiiwi, act. part. of naqa",a; also (LtJ 'herald'; nard, Akk , lardu, Syr. also nard. Sec on this root
SIS, llii!iiqii 'be hard'), Te. niiq~a 'become weak', Wagner 84·5, for its Sansknt origin, see Rabin
~Bfl~J(' Ar naqara 'pierce, bore' , Heb. niiqar naqJW (Gr.216) 'sound (of animals), (K.) who
1968 :437.
),ore. A~am .•syr. n;lqur. Md.
naqura 'beak, pick ', naqata ~4"1- (K ') 'smash, become thin, make
shouts' ;
Akk. naqaru 'he" out' For the relation between "'I '''qat-soup' ; n.qiiw 'noise, shout, animal sound (bark, ye lp,
r nardi <iC' (T.M) 'edge of a c"fT'
and "qr, see Noeldeke 1910: 184. For 'beak, bill', 'anqala (K·), causative; also 'make JiJnqal. and so on) , tone" , -
cp PbH maqqur. Syr. maqqiirii, (rom nqr. soup' ; naqwiif 'shout, shouting, noise';
E1HIOPI; Ina. natorii 'burst'. Te. niiqra 'pick out,
nirgi 'iC1. (Gr.213) 'small con tamer for per-
'anqat (K') 'kind of thick soup'; (n.qwata dorho 'cock's crow'); fume' ;
damage, Amh Ilaqq-iira 'pierce'
the basic stem lIaqota is probably reconstructed SE'-flTtC; related to naqqa. nataqa 'croak, cackle',
ETHIOPIC: Tna. narge, Amh, nard. narK 'wooden
Akk . rragagu, niiqu 'shout',
container for bulter, oil, perfume, or spikenard'
n'r?f 402
.....- ....- 403
nirer 'i~A, ~e ncin:l. nasaka (y.ns>k) Mh 'bite';
lanaska 'be bitten';
C" Te niisniisa 'strew', Toa_ ncimcisd
E~IOP_~ ii 's~read, scatter. wave (fty whisk'), flick ror the meantng 'sway, move' _

niron "1:1 (1I) 'sea gull';
St'C also la,,(1n.
lanasaka 'bite one another'; lUiJ~n~rg. ndsiinniisa 'spread, spnnkJe'& Amh. meanmg 'dec
d . ke "~1IS I The
orate. a om' tan probably be dcnved
'astanasako. causative of taniisako', (lal _' as.. 'Hy whisk' See also n5ns II. and ns.f. mem :ove ~bake > glitter !through the move-.
nisi ttl. ~ee nisan. nasakl (K') 'one who bites';
adorned' . s a 109, HJckenng) > be decorated.
II -)1')')11"1- (TM) 'legs of
na.aba )"" (MA) 'measure, count, gIve a
. nasuk (K'.Gr.214) 'bitten';
naskal 'bite (n.), biting' (n);
"'bed'os ; '
mansak (K') 'means of biting; jaw, teeth', rhaps from runs I 'spread > spread out', the legs nasosii. nasosaw ~"I') t )"1')6)0 ~< (, J
wa. •.
~ .he bed bemg separated.
, WJ SOJt/4
from Ar m.rb 'portion'; also In Te_ nasiiba 'divide'
(rob/)ers' !Olang), niisuh 'portion', nasib 'luck' (from SEMITIC: ~~ars. netok. 'bite', Heb. naf~, Ug. nrk
Ar nu:~w 'share, luck'), Amh. niisib 'approximate
measure of gram'
Akk. nasaku, but with metathesis in Ar. nak '
,'b rea,'
k' A ram.-S ata
'la_a! 'b·I~e.', ~bH. na~a.f(hlf<il)
yr. k
• (y,nsaq) )".,. (K' T Y .M) 'spread stones
for paving, pave WIth ston~s, hew stones, ar-
nasta I '111;1', (K') nislii C'~.,.
d .. ,
'r . JU IClal as,
break that comes to mean bite when in co • sem y whIch annuls or revokes a ,entence On
. . n~t
range in order, Jom. closely, account of an appeal';
n<~ l. naS5;>~a HId! 'repent, do penance, re- with so~ethmg or someone, ~d. nk§ (considered a
lanasqa (K'), pasSIve;
gret, (Lt) sigh, be sorry'; Bab!lon~~n loanword acc~rdl~g to Dietrich 300), (·agh(J·a "aslii 'account for, give account');
't1nass~ha, causative, nkt bIte, Hebrew also nrsr~ Increase in paym nasuq, pass. part. of nasaqa (see also mJsuq); IS there any connection with ncista 11'1
· 'B ent
lanas.f~~a 'repent'; ?fdb a. e t, mterest (so uhl 527 rather than Consider_ ".sqal (K') 'joining closely' (n),
laniisJha 'repent In a group'; mg It a loanword fom Akk. nikasu, as suggested b SEMITIC: Ar. nasaqa 'put proper order, line up',
In nast~ n, naslii "11;1' , )11;1' (TM), niSti 'I~u:t­
Koehler 639); also Ug. ntk 'interest'. y
'aslanos."iJ~O 'make do penance'; Akk. nasoqu (ii-stem) 'put in order, prepare'. On its (K) tnbute, ta.. (Lt) gift, prNnt':
ErnloPlc Tna_ nii~iisii 'bite', Te. niiksa, Amh. connection with Heb. nrsrq 'equipment, armory', see also niisui L!}; 'one who is repentant, penitent';
ndkkiisii, Arg. niikkiisa, Har. niixiisa, Gur. niikiisii see Rabin 1970:482.
n~.f.f"~ 'repentant, penitent'; See also nakasa, above. .
n~ssJ~a 'penitence, repentance, penance, re- EnuoPlc; Te. nasqa 'put things In order' (Reimsch ~laU, nesalaU, n<JStil. ~II;1',,- I ~";I',,- I
gret, guilt offering', 1887:285, who compares II with Bli. naseh). )11;1'1\, (0 1-104, KGr.431) 'serpent· idol of
(/la'ala nJSSiJI}a 'confessor');
nisiki HLIJ (KG) = Amh·fasika 'Easter, Pass, bronze, contagIOus disease, plague, (T) field
over' ; "asr )IIC (K ') 'nosebleed'; snake' ,
n;1na!}e 'penitence, regret';
fonossul}; 'one who repents'; mISprint for "I\.~ flislkii. from Amh. nasr. transcription of Ok. nreslhan. from Heb. IUhuJtlin
tanassiJl}o( I) 'repentance'; 'serpent-idol of bronze' .
nasna )/1) (M) 'stink';
I13Sr'IIIC (pI. 'ansart) 'eagle, vulture, hawk';
SE\f1TIC'perhaps Ar nasaba 'delete, abolish, abro- misprint for )1l'1 naslJa.
la'ansara 'become like an eagle' (denominative noslil ')lIt·}; see nJ'sa.
gate' (Amsalu 33), that is, 'annul a misdeed >
repent'. of 'an",/);
nisin, nesin tl')'), );1')'), nisi tl'), first Hebrew
ETHIOPIC Tna_ Id-nassiJl}e 'do penance', Te. lanassa- month. nasawa )"/11 (K') 'try, tempt',
Ar. nasr, Soq. noyhir, Heb. nrsrr, Aram.
~a, Amh. niJssilha 'penitence' (from Oeez), GUf. "iar, Syr. nesra, Md, niIra, Ug. nIr (eaquot 137), nasa ...i (K'), active participle,
n~5sa 'regre!'; passed IOto Cushitlc· Bil. naseh.
transcription of Heb. nisan, mansut. see manSQwa;
Akk. naIru.
ETHIOPlc: Te. ni/SiJr, Tna. nilsri, Amh. ni1sr; passed Heb. ni.mi (plcel of nsy) 'tempt. try',
nsos I, nasnasa ~II)", (Y) naSnaSa ~I")IP
mI) II, nas!la HId! 'revile, reproach, (It) tres- SEMITIC:
pass, transgress, Into Cushitic. Bil. niser. Aram.-Syr. nosJi (nsy), Syr. fUJtiya 'temptation',
'scatter, sprinkle, spread, strew about'; Md. nsa 'temp', try'
n'5s.M (It) 'transgreSSIOn', lanasnasa (K '.Gr.215), passive; ~ I13Sr qana ,)IIC : :1''1 (l) 'kind of flute'; ETHloPlc: G. is undoubtedly re~onstructcd by
n"Jahe (Lt) 'trespass (n); nasnasi (K '), act. part. of nasnasa;
ETlIIOPlc: Amh. nilsr qana 'kind of flute, bird with a K, and the actual form IS mns~·, ~ mansawc1,
DlI~mann 640 eJtpre~ses doubts concerning nsl} 're- nasnus. pass. part. of nasnasa;
melodious voice'. Geez has also a form mi1sr qiinii,
\"lIe but the related meaning 'transgress, trespass'
I manasnas (K ') 'Who has a fly whisk, who and it is possible that milsr qiinii is the original fonn
S«ms to confinn the meamng of 'reproach, revile'. carries a fly whisk'; nasaya I )"f 'be forgotten, (K ') forget';
meaning 'flute of Egypt' and that it became nilsr
~i~ ,)1I.l.1').l.; see sahs.hii. manaslinilst, manasanstit 4fan, fly whisk, sprink- qan,; by folk etymology. I. GUIdi, ZA II (1896). lanasa),a 'forget, neglect',
• • Jer" , 410, n.5 states "masr (mJ.'ir) qiinii e una specie di probably borrowed from Ar. na.riya, as also In Te.
nas!la I pnsiil]) )11'1 (OK '.T) 'stink, have an SEMITIC: Ar. nasnasa 'urge on (a camel)" and per- tromba fatta a foggia di como. Si chiama cosi nUsu. The root also occurs In the other Semitic
unpleasant odor', perche somiglia ad uno segno musicale del Oeggua languages: SAr. ns,J' 'forget', Mh. nehii (h for.l),
haps also nafnaia 'agitate, swing back and forth',
n.s&at, (T) nas~al 'stench, bad smell'; Soq. ne.ine.i 'agitate', Heb. nasas 'falter, stagger < the OCCorre nel canto per la festa delle Nozzi dl Sh. nse, Heb. naIa (nIy), Syr. n,.Ia, Md. ns, Akk
Sr.Mmc No<ldeke 1910: 187 compares G. nasha sway, shake', (hitpa<el) 'be waved' (so Driver, iTS Can.". Praetorius, ZDMG 64 (1910), 622 states
thaI G. nilsr qanQ is an Amharic loanword.
for which see Haupt, AiSL 22, p. 199.
""'Ith Ar . ...·astl)a 'be diny' Wlth alternance n:w. V~n 34[1933).375), Akk. nasasu, nussusu 'shake out
Soden 758 compares Alk. nafiibu 'have dIarrhea'. (hair), wag (the tali)" Ug. nss 'zigzag, wriggle' (1) Dasaya II )"f (TY.M)'pound, crush, hammer';
(Moore 133). ~, nassa, nasasa (YiJnsas) )" , )"" (K ') lanasaya (T.Sw.M) 'be crushed, be pounded, be
SWay, move, shake, decorate, adorn '; castrated'.
404 405
na"a (I'>,) )/"~. (MA) nas'a )(l~ 'take, - , fa (}',nsal) ~~.t, (l) na~ara ~O.t •
n.saga )1P1, (L) nasga Hl1, (T) nasaga )(11 I nasa . punfied, be purged, be cleansed, be guliU .
rartak.c. rf\.'l'i\"c, accept. capture, occu~Yt 'bolt the door, fasten with bolts, close the door t!, ;Pread out, layout: stre\\', scatler.
grR.sp. scile, calch, pIck up, lake up, raIse. hft, with bars, lock'; ';p",d,. h carpets, make flat ; 'ans.J~i1 'purify, make clean, make .:lea:
• \er Wit . cleanse, make pure, keep pure, conSIder (hold;
scI up, carr) off, lake away, fetch, lake as ~'V if. causatI\o'e~

lanasga, passive;
n,sug 'bolted, closed with bars'; llftSo a, passive of lI~ara; pure, purge, pronounce clean, hold Innocent,
hold guiltless':
(with gt1~"J. in no,f'o ga~'$a .'have. re~ard for, naSig (M) 'bolting' (n); IQIIJSa_qa'act. part. of nasafa,
ha\"e re~pecl for, show consIderatIOn ): . ,JS.I', 'stre wn , sprea d out , (1I) furnIShed', tanasha 'be purified, punfy oneself, be
",ansag, mans,g (pI. manos.g. 'bolt
(11".I'a ',da 'pay homage, greet by shakmg bar, lock, (LI) snare, shackle, fetter, (Sw.m 0 r
"JU4J4 d if 'bed':
hands'); 640) inaccessible place'; ) ''''. U sprea d , (K) lining (of a gar-
IGr 'cover, laniis·ha ("'J 'punfy one anolher, (Gr) be
l1a~J'a 'take away, carry off':
nosi punfied (cleansed) lutle by httlc',
-oll,iil'a 'take up, arouse, raise uP. cause to rise, SEMITIC the basic meaning is perhaps 'entangle' (> ment)'; d .'. 'a.<runti.•• h.. 'purify, cleanse. clean, absolve (Ilf
'bar, snare'), for which cpo Ar. nasaga 'weave, plait' , Ii (K ,) 'who spr,.a s , .
elevate. crect. set up, slafl, set out, stir up, set a transgresSIon), declare pure, expurgale,
(Dillmann 639), SAr. h-nsJ!? 'fit togelher', Syr. af!! ifi (I wniisaf) bed. couch, blanket, rug,
I mansaf p . '~ead . sack, sackcloth. mantle, (T)
in mOlion, awaken, wake up (tr), resuscitate'; purge, separate;
nilsigti 'covered by clouds'. The connection with covenng, s p , ".
lantLf'O, passive of naj)a~ lIasah, (K'), act. part. of lIa .•h.. ;
Heb. nsg (hif>il) 'overlake' suggested by Buhl 525 I (LI) htler for carrying, ,
(an,~J'a. see below;
and Koehler 637 is unlikely. HaupI, AJSL 26 (1909_ n·su~ 'pure, clean, dear, spotleSl. absolved (of
be I, K') 'who spreads, who strews;
lalliiiJ'Q 'rise up, rise one against another'; 10).2 10 compares Ar. wasaxa 'intertwine, connect' an oath), serene, clean,ed, cha,te, with-
'Qstall.fJ'Q (Lt) 'raise, bring up';
""Iai/Ii ,(Place where one spreads out some-
m,mJa out blemISh, mnocen!, blameless, gUlltle", un-
for roots with initialw:n, see Noeldeke 1910: I 79ff'
'Q.'NonGsJ'O, caus. of taniiS(J'O; also 'reestablish, ETHIOPIC: Amh. siinniigii 'bind tightjy' (With me- Ihing, (LI) bed'; corrupted, sincere',
"I (K') 'ornament for the head, mIter'
stir up, make rise. provoke, emulate, impel. tathesis). The root passed into Cushitic: Sa. masana. mansa)' . . ') (ha-fu,fub, nJ~ul)a, adverbial use "I' n.~JuM;
arouse, c1el'ate, lift up'; go 'bolt'. See also manosagl. see below, under 'Ethloplc ; n,ls}' 'purity, pureness, purification, temper.
('Qslamifil'Q nl4kra 'decide'); (SO!TTIC. Ar. nas.sala
'1 'cover
, a young
•. glfl with a veil' ance, sincerity, chasttty, Innocence, Integrity';
nruiN, act. part. of nosla;
n~,fU' (K·), pass. parr. of nasoa;
n.sata (yansal), nasata ~IP'" : )1\.,. 'destroy,
demoliSh, abolish, ruin, overturn, extirpate,
I Ith h,-ndauf'spread , Soq. ·end'J.
. Te . nassaJa
'spread .(carpet,
.... H
etc), makef a
IIfllthol 'punfication';
I"shal 'punty';
"".i'al (n). 'taking, receiving, accepting, accep- remove, pull down, tear down, tear asunder, bed' Tna. 'ansafii, Amh. aniJ!{a/a, ar ana~a a. 'purity, chastity, innocence, mtegnty,
tance, seizure; overthrow, violate, frustrate, abrogate, annul, I G.
For man~aj(, cpo also Chr.·Ar. monyafa 'Hume· (G'r'224) punficalion, sanctIficatIon'.
·al1.fQ·i, participle of 'ansiJ>a; dismiss'; ml', das den Kopf verhull!' conSIdered by Grar 112 'Il1uiihi (K), act. part. of 'all,I,.ha;
lans"OI 'rising up' (n); 'ansa/a (K·), causative; . rom
!Scorning r .
masnafa If the metatheSIS suggested
b . - '1 b ' 'un~"ilOl (1I) 'punficatlon, clean'mg';
by Graf is correct, cpo also He . ,~anll! ur an
mansiJ'i, part. of 'ansiJ>a; lanasta, passive of nasala; ma~s~hl 'purifier, one who punfie,; ,
G mallsart
. 11 could also be a metalheSls of
"''''''0' 'gift (something that is accepted)';
mas/anoSiI' 'one who restores';
nastili, act. part. of noiala;
nasul, pass. part. of nasala; also 'dilapidated'; I However,.
masn.ft as suggested by K 650 and It wo~1 I en
a I~ariscnption of Heb, ml.rnfprl 'turban
d h be mal/SJh, ""n,.iih (K ') 'mean, of punfymg, ,
l1lrJSlulI,i.<J~ (K ') 'who pun fie" who cleanses,
tansiI'ot 'raising up' (n); niJstal 'destruction, subversion, ruin, over.
SEMITIC Ar. na.,mha 'be pure, Sincere', SAr n.\h·,
lansa'l (Gr.213) 'resuscitated'; throw, abrogation';
mansati (l) 'one who destroys';
I .
nsf• /I , mansar OD')~fj: (K) 'hole, well, low 'friendship' (.... '"mcenty, punty'), Soq nun.wh
iiJniti'e 'ascent, rising, uprising, resurrection, place' ; 'threshing floor' (that is, 'place where the wheat 1;\
Easter, Easter Sunday'; lanailOI 'ruin(s)'; made pure, clean'), Heb. nr!uh 'glory, emmcn...--e,
In Ihe passage quoted by K 649, ","nsaf can be
(ba'iila liJniQ'e 'Easter', lit. 'feast of resurrec. SEMITIC; Ar. nalasa 'pull out, snatch away' (with rendered by 'bed, couch'. and IS then connected Syr. IIJ:fU~ 'be brilliant, shine: . . '. '_
lion'), E IOPK. Te. liisha 'be pure (by dlSSlmlialion at
Wllh nif I.
Co~ing Br~kelmann ~,uht',
metatheSIS; see Brockelmann 1908:273), Heb. na!as
'root ou!' (0111 mann 634), Aram.Syr. n,!ai. ludolf to 1908:117), Tnll.
SFMITIC" Ar naja'a 'rise, appear', SAT. ns ' 'raise', 649 compares Heb. nasal 'destroy'. .
nsf, III ' mansar OD')~fj: (T) 'mark, sIgn, token, Amh. naNa, Gur nata; T~a n.JJuh 'white: Te:
Soq. miji'o~ 'pail' (lit. 'somethmg with which to ETHIOPIC: Te. nasla 'destroy', Tna. niisarii 'be (M) musical note'. f nJ!.....a, Har miNh,
IJSU I I, G ·a. ... . .. n<l!uh d pure
Amh. I
carry'), Heb. nasa· 'lift', Aram. ns' 'take, carry ruined', Amh. niisSiilii; also miiniissiitii as if It . . Geez,) na~.
(from . ' Gur. nuca;
"t 'white' . passe Ifl 0
M quotes T; however, T gives only 'mark., ~oken" Cushltic: Sa. ni#ah, 811. lafiJh.
awa}"', Ug. nJ' 'lift, raise', Akk. naSli 'lift, carry'. were a denominative of .mnsl.
and not 'musical note' The translation mark,.
ErnloPlc' Te. niir'a 'take, lift', Tna. niis'e, Amh.
Arg. nii.(sa, Har. niisa>a 'take, take away', Gur.
token' given by T seems to be a free rendering 01 nasha II ~lt.h; see nacfba.
niissa 'raise, lift'. For G. mJnsii' 'gift', cpo Amh. man/oj in manJaJa d.'gal,nnaha (Deu!. 22: (7), and ,
can be translated 'the mantle of her virginitY. the nasala )1\/\ (K'.T Y.M) 'detach, separate,
manniHo. Note that G. manSii· is not to be com. • •
pared with Heb. mas 'forced service' as suggested by IJ3Se ')~; see nasaya. clothes of her virginity'. In this case man$af of nif taf/asla, passive; ,
• •
III is identical with man$af of nif I. ,. (K') 'detached, separated; .
Baumgartner 571 (where the Geez fonn is wrongly nasu . detac hed , that whIch
given as meni/i/o Without the final.) The root n.~so' (K ') 'that which IS
na~abriq, n.~bruq ~Mlt..:j. j ')l\'-o~.:t-; see n~.f~if )~fi:"fi:; see ifif II.
passed into CUShltlC Be. neSQ' 'get up, rise'. is ~~parated'; . ,
ni!l). I (yanso~) ~l\'''' 'be pure, be clean, be SEMITIC' Ar. n~a Ia 'fall off, be dCUlchcd and lall ,
•• 406

Sh nsF! ''''''''me dlSJomled', Heb.Aram. nsl (hif<tl)
mJn-rJr3nnti 'the opposite, OPposition'; -
'fear a\\a~, dehver', (plfel) 'stnp off', Ph. n~1 (niftal) r ,+ (T) 'leather, mat of lanned hide'. nata
'~rc', Syr n,Hol'let drop'_ SEMITIC: Ar. no?oro 'regard, look, see', SAr ~
.o bserve,' .;).
'h ,n?or, H e.
b ~a.rar
- n.r
,watch, guard',. Ph
nat r ,
A h nat; see also nat'.
go, .alga (>lI, >'/-1 I >+1
stop, desist from, become I~ fa I d "'.
ETHIOPIC Te. na.tla 'drop off, faU out. slip off', Tna,
from m· abat . , I, C<:1"t"",
ntbJla'scparale mlo two, detach', Amh.Gur, niiUiiM I1fr, Aram.·Syr. lL1!ar, anCIent Aram. nSr Ug •
I '+h+ (T.Mk) 'hide, skin'. k e. omit, repeal. abrogate, relllOVe, take off'
'deral'h. "C'pararc, make single'. The noun 'single- Md. n~r, Akk. nll.!tiru 'watch, observe'. On
., the. "6 r' PIlla I I ta e aWay, 'iUbtract'
~r. n~r 10 Semitic, see Wagner 83. root t ~ta~-~~- _t •
layered lo!!a. sheet' is denved from the root 11f1: Te.
for nO • aga, causati\'e; aho 'repeal. remove, omit
naJola 'sheet', Tna na.,fiila 'single-layered toga',
AmhGur. nOliila_ The root passed into Cushitic: ETHIOPIC: Te. nii-1ra 'look into the distance' T >+b (pI. 'anla't) 'ten I covenng. (I( '.M) 1ecreaseyrl, abrogate, ,ubtract. lessen'; •
Sil, nalal. n~fiiro, Amh. nii~!iirii '?b,se~ve', nii-1#irii '(fr~~ nal'ned hide dyed r ed' , manallla ~,e, di-
h , be abated, dc<:reasc (IOtrl, '-'a".
Geez), Amh. an!ar opposite (hkewise from Gee) Ian (K') 'spread a hide, dye hide red'; de- 10",
nassara >11': 'Iook, look at, look up to, look Note also Tna. 'amiin-1iira 'look across', denorni z ~
.. nat'a
nominative; rulug 'wanting, wanmg, imperfC<:t. defectIVe.
live of miin-1lir. na
on, look toward, view, watch, regard, glance
SEMITIC .' related to. Ar. na~< ,'Ieather
D I mat used as a nalg, see n"gii;
at, be on the watch, observe, consider, per- bl cloth or gammg board ( II mann 660)
ceive, behold, examine, survey, turn the eyes na~riir. na~oriir >lIt-C j ~I't-C; see rjrr, 'Qndo- ~rn~oPIC: Tna. nal~i 'tan~ed hide', Te nlitiJ t , Amh. n"gii. n"g, (It) natg 'lack, defect, want, 1o",
, raro. .
to ; niit 'mal of tanned hIde See also nal'ar, nul I I. .. terrup~on, blemish';
'onsara, (K) 'anasara
, 'look (toward), look
na~rara >11'':': (T.Y.M) 'be heavy'; above. natgat 'lack, defect';
faCing one. turn toward, point (at), give a sign, nutage 'defect, deerea .., deficiency';
make a sign, show'; denominative of na-1ortir, nat/orar, for which see drr not'a (y'ntii') ~+O, (MA) nara >+h 'flee,
(Ion$ora pnota 'turn toward'); 'anrjorora. . , escape. withdraw, retreat, emIgrate, (MA)
ElliIOPIC: Te. niil~a 'cease, ~omC' less, dC\;:f'C'a~'
Amh niiltiiKii (K under nata.ll'a), •
('ansara g~"o 'make for, direct oneself ush. (Y) be splil open, be divided .. two',
relaled 10 nataka (see helo~)
toward'); n,,?riir 111't-C (Gr.460) 'purification, clarifica_ g>(In,,'a 'make flee, put to ft·Ig ht, rout:
tion' ;
tanaJ(J)ara (K') 'be seen, be visible, be looked IQnuiti. act. part. of ·anliJfa~ nataka ~"'h (MAl 'become, decrease',
at' ; to be identified with ~ry (see foraya, below) with the nat' (K') 'flight'; related to na1aga, abo,,'c,
taniisara 'look at one another, find oneselfface prefix n and reduplication of r.
SEMITIC: Heb. niila' 'flee' (Job 4: 10) according to nln I. nalana ~.,.~ (1('.Gr4JI) 'give'.
to face, look facing someone, be opposite one Eitan 10, Praetorius 1890:25, note. compares G
~w, )8n~awa ""AOJ; see naflawa. lanalna (K') 'be gIVen',
another, look at someone with animosity, be nat'Q with Ar. nt', a secondary form of in/D'G (from 'astantana 'give gIfts';
ID opposition (that is, look in an unfriendly "'). Srockelmann 1908:533 expresses doubts
way), be likened'; n~aya (y;m!i) ~lIf 'pull out, tear off, extir- ~ nutn,; (T.M) 'offering to the church';
pate, strip, pluck out'; aboul this comparison. Sec also Greenspahn U8.
}astana~oro (K·), causative of ton~aro; )on~aya (K *), causative; ETHIOPIC Tna. nlil'e 'gush out', Har. nalO'o 'cmanci" probably tranSCription of Hcb. n';llln 'gIve'
no-r~Qri, act. part. of nG..J~oro; also 'spectator, pate' (in Leslau 1937:549). See also n!, I.
jnspector' ; lana~ya, passive of na~aya; also (ll) 'fall'; nln II, see lantana II.

russur (K') 'Ihat is seen, that is evident';

lanii~aya 'pinch one another, slander one natafa, naltara ~.,."- 'tear to pieces, tear apart, nilinim, nilenim, nitlniw.yin ";"tl'" I ""'t-
another' ;
~~.rare ·view. look, glance, gaze, viewing, lacerate, cut asunder, pluck out, spoil, I'" I ":t-"m-f1 'temple slaves';
sight, vision. aspect, appearance'; 'astana~aya (K·), causative of tanti~oya; deface, (Y) rob, (MA) open Cotton bolls',
n,!uy, pass. part. of na~aya; trans(:ribes Gk nathmlm, from Heb. fIJ!;nim 'tho,e
nasarii, 10 &amiima nasarii (It) 'evil eye'; ranatfa, tanauafa, passive;
n'!Jiiy (K) 'that which is pUlled out'; gIven to the temple, temple sla,,'cs'
(ba)n~Jaro 'face to face'; "'Iu['torn to pieces';
na~yal (K') 'pulhng out' (n);
nasrol. nas!"Of (lI) 'aspect, sight';
n'!e (K') 'Ihat which is pulled out';
"'lIiife 'pluckmg, cutting, vexatIon (of spirit), nalaqa >.,..,.
(S,,) 'pull",
'on$ar 'aspect, direction'; spoiling, thoughtlessly dispersing', one would expect 'pull out' even though it is
(ba-·anJiir 'facing each other, opposite'); SEMITIC: related to Ar. narfii (nrjw) 'take off (a ··ifat 'tearing to pieces, laceration, pulhng rendered by Amh. saba 'pull, drag',
('ansiir-a 'opposite. facing, across from, garment)" SAr. ntjw 'destroy, damage'. Heb. nasa asunder (n). vexation'; SEMITIC: Ar. nataqa 'pull out", Heb. nu!aq 'pull off,
agamst, Over against, toward, in front of); (IlFY) 'fall in ruins', Akk. nosu, nesu 'tear out tear
down, make an Iflcision'. ' . . m'ntiif (T) 'fluffed Cotlon ready for cardmg' drag away', Aram.-Syr, n~!aq,
(mongalo 'on-raro, 'o~aro mangalo 'across'); (one would expect an instrumental), ETHIOPIC': the root IS nlq In Tna, niitiiqii 'pull out',
ETHIOPIC: rna. n~iiyii, n{#nii-1o (reduplicative of nfY
'on-ran' 'who points at'; Amh. "QUiit/ii. Arg. nd!!aqa, Gur. "atii'lii The root
SEMITIC: Ar. nOla/a 'pluck out, pull out, fear out',
man~s" (K'.T) 'spectacles'; reduced to n-1) 'pull out', Te.Arg. na?ta, Amh. S~. ntef'pluck (hair)" Syr. n_Iap 'pull, draw OUI'
nftj occurs In Amharic (Dillmann 162 under m.f/:
mii,l;ii~ii za niiniiqii). See also nataqa. below.
mansar 'the front part exposed to view, the niittii, Har. niita, Gur. niito; passed into Cushitic: E1ltIOPIC: Te. nat/a 'cut off', Amh. nalliifiJ 'tear
opposite, against'; Bil. laf,h, Sa. n~ah.
apart (cotton or the like)'; passed into C'ushilic: BiL natra >+.: (K ') 'be hot, be burning, be
m~ar-a 'over against, in front of, opposite, natiif See also manIa/a. slrong (beer, stew), be acid (beer, stew)';
across, toward'; nat I >+ 'scarlet, scarlet garment';
nalur (K') 'hot, burning';
from COpllc nat 'fabric' (Dil/mann 659). natfiy 'Hoof..e (T) 'male genitalta';
kt also matfoy, above.
ETHIOPIC: Amh. niittdru 'be e~cellenl. be pure (b«r,
mead), ~ strong (~r, stew),
n'hlnm 408
----- ,H 409
nifurim "•. ,~(.,. (J\.) 'lurna('TS\
n.'!fat (Gr.22.l), verbal nOun of nOluj'u,
- "

Pl I'1al'1h Irnnk'n~ Heh. tIl/urI/rim (\\lIh mc!;lIhc-

Isl. rl or IQlfrrUT 'furnal'C'
mtJlUaft. (Lf) man!al'strainer, sIeve, filter'
Heb. nflrr,
Ar , nalrUn. rrom Gk. nUron; also 10
n;1,6, Syr. ne~rii, Akk. nil(i)ru. For the taniiw'&a (K·) 'become long"
SI MIT/(" n!f 'drop. drip', the straining and nhe Ar3, orjoin or this root, sec Ellenbogen J J 7, no& (T, reprint) noh (T) 't '.
f "pllan ~
IIOf.... (j"'m (I nTW 8,~8 under nflH HIHd) 'x'ing done hv makmg drip for which, flog ., T Lambdlfl, JAOS 73 (1953).152-3. (It) length' ; ' ranqulhty, qUietness,
-"',,\.Im', •
1" , .
here IS also the pOSSIbility 0/ c
sec I1Ufh
' a.
be tIdy', ca usative 'clean
ompanng nuh 'length h ' h
nOloJ I'li (K), nnt)l'(h.., (0), 1'1 1l00nit nt/wo" - • nll:ufcJ
,'"r. . '.- I
II\: c can. rt I. na"a, na,a,a ~m • ~mm (,K·DTW) - , , elg t, tallness, extent'.
(nu&-a lengthwise'); ,
I),JI sall~'r $hlrmasltr, naulll'3l, (T) sWlm-
tuJ}". , make ~~mp with joy, prance, shout of JOy;
filer' • [r tilOI'le Te, nUl/ll 'filter beer', Amh. nalla}''' (nu&a mawihl 'longevity');
' Ar, " 'S
, Jump, oq, ne!!
' hk'U g. nil
_ s_ a e,
niilii{ii; Amh. I"cjn!~fl 'sleve', The rOOl p'a' s ad' Our Sf :,' (nuba manJas 'long-suffering, patience')
ellh r dll"C(lh rrl)m (il. nau'n I .. .latin nalllil) or C us hHie:' ",am, se Into d rhaps the Hebrew hapax lanu! (root nw! In
L' .

Ihrl1ugh o\r mJ/ln, 111"1\ Tnll IIfJIYiJH" Nodddl' Idbti 'sleve'

nortifJo 'filter, strai n' and S'I ..
, I,WOI1' $':,)
'start, quake' (Caquot 166. n.b; see also
(nuba ma'al 'patience, forbearance') ,
nubat ' length, patience" '
1910_ 6' nmsld('rs Ihll' It'~lt l'(lmm(ln to A ra ~Il' and oreenspahn 135). no&at (It) 'length'; ,
{f l In rhr crhtr Scmltll' lan~uag'("$ S}r nclllfU, n.tnu, 1'1').'r (T.M) ' hump'. ErHIOPIC: Amh, n~Nii!ii 'cause to gambol', anii!an.
Judco- \r:1m, now,,,,. "a.HDr (\Hlh f). mi{O 'strut, prance ' nawwa&, nawwi& (fern. nawwiih) 'long, high,
na,aqa ~m'" (K·) 'snatch away, take aWay elevated, tall, lofty, extended: extenSIve far
",,1('),11 <;'}',r ("), nol,'~i .. i 'i'}',r'e (f)); <ee with 'VIolence'; nrt.. Il. 'an,a,a (T) 'scrape, scratch, rake' ; away, far off, distant'; ,
notQwtl (nawwab-a 'a long time');
EmlOP1C Amh, (Iii) nii!!ii!ii 'be scraped',
n.UI ~m, ~ nil
from Amh niirliiqa; sec also nalaqa, above.
(na:,,)wa~a (nawwiba) manJas 'patient, forbear_
tng ;
.ty, 'sn,aya h1mf 'bother, nag, molest, be a
na,ar., na,.a I ()'JIIIJr) ~m~ : ~'I'~ 'scintil_
"!, I nal a )'1'11 (LI) 'run ""a)', latc, 'park le, glare, shimmer, fla sh, be seen' n~isance, wear out, tIre out, Importune, urge, nawwi&-a 'lengthwise, at a great dIStance'
provoke, pressure, trouble, make afraid, naWWQrycil 'heights'; •
\'8nanl of Mt'Q flcc' "arr, lIelr 'gleam, sparkle, splendor, glim ;
/ fla,h, lightning'; m r, (Or,433) be troublesome, be difficult to en- 'anwabi (Gr.460) 'who stretches, who pro-
longs' ;
n[f lI. '.nr~(. "·)1'11 'tear up~ "part, make I (n'!ra mahraq 'flash of lightning'), dure'; (K), causative of the preceding meanings;
l<.1r up, (Ur .'J) carr) off, carry away',
Ar nadllftl 'be brilliant, be radiant'
IOnalya (Gr.460) 'be troubled, be bothered, be ~anabo man/as, 'ana&Ola man/as 'patience, for-
Importuned, be annoyed '; bearance';
na!~1 'nt,1> ~1'II, (I) .alaba )rnl1 'drop, EnlloPfC Te. naIra 'sparkle, SCintillate', Tna. niiliirii
'spurt out' . 'IInlayi, mal/!ayi. man!,y (O.K · .OTW) 'trouble- m.nwa& (K·) 'resting place' ;
'flnraha (KO), <.IU",tl\.:
so~e, annoying, irksome, vexatious, stub. SEMITIC : if the basic meamng is that of 'be stretched
.a'ara rr (YJIIIJr) ~m~ (T.K· OTW) 'be clan. born' ; out, be extended, stretch out for a rest > repose,
fUlll> 'drop, POlOt, the four dots at the end of a mantayaw; 'troublesome';
nten •, lied, be purtfied, be melted (butter, mIDeral),; rest', the root is to be compared with Ar, naha 'lie
OUthal drop', 'an!ara (K·T.MY) 'clarify, purify, melt' ; down upon his breast (camel)" Heb.Syr. nah (n..h)
EnfloPlc: perhaps Tna, nii!iiyii 'ctre reduit au 'be settled down, rest', Ug. nw& 'rest ', Md. n;aha,
Mtr (K·) 'melted, purified. (T) gleam, flash';
"",nllib 'hquld that falls drop b~ drop', demier pion (dans un jeu), a la derniere ressource' , Akk. nahu.
-'liT!( related 10 Olp olf ~'natQja 'rail 10
dr 1", -\, ",.otj-l '.It.1r (or llballons', Soq ntf
I 'anlan (K·) 'metalworker, who melts (metal)';
ETHIOPIC Amh, niiNiira 'be melted, be purified' "wi ~'I' 'behold!';
EllHOPIC: Te. niiwa; see *na,
ETHIOPIC : Tna. niiw~e, l10he 'be long', Te, niiww(Jha
'lengthen' .
Arg, nOllara. Gur nalarjj, Amh, QnttJriitina 'met:
'drop, Hch 1I41ap drop drip, ~ram -S)T fUlJp,
alworker' IS to be denved from niifliird 'be mehed'
Id fliP ~or I H re~ root 0/ 'drop. dnp' figuri-/ "we )'/1, (KG), name of a city (Niniveh), (T) no .... ala ~(IJI\ (LI) 'pay passage money';
t"":I) dtscuu!'JC ..... Oahood 1966 ;40. QllQllarO, 'melt' rather than from G. na!, 'sparkJe:
plendor, as suggested by Praetonus 1879;89. 'storehouse of injustice'; nawl 'passage money, fare' ;
EnllOf'lc Te 1141""f.1I In drops'. Tn. nQldba, / the epitome of a wicked city.
~m~ either directly rrom Gk, naulon 'passage money' or
"mh Stt also 'WI lai>{aba, and Mtaja na,ara III (V) 'Jump'; through Ar. nawl'freight'
nalab$ib tm11"l11 see 'ilII tabtaba. ' I lrom Amh . niiltdrii 'jump'; also In Tn •. niitarii.
D.~, no~. (yanub) <;>"1 ' be high, be tall, be
long. be lofty, be of long duration, be distant,
na .. il ... ~'I'A/D', na ...nni ~(IJA/D''I; see
na,.r. ,MlIJ! )1TI4C. 'strain, filter, clarify, re- no!r (pI 'anlJr) 1'1'C 'measure of weIght'. be mended, be far off, be stretched out, re- (nolawa) , nolawi.
line, punf), dean, (T)) "oro, polish, co'er r IDstead of Dtllmann 69~ under IliJtr 2 ' ut VIde-
pose, linger';
"'lh melallo m le It hm" {\fAl soak, hap- . fu r aurum et argentum: 'onaba. 'anoba 'lengthen, prolong, let grow
n.. m, noma (y,num) 'iOD 'sleep, fall asleep,
long, elevate, raise high, exalt, extend, protract
lilt , ETHIOPIC' Tna nil!r; 'measure of weIght', Amh take a rest, die, (LI) have intercourse';
IQ/flafa (K .~, ClUS30ve. nal~r, \-'anant of lii!~r.
from Ar. rail, unless It comes (anger), defer, put forth (hand), remove to far
olf' ,. nawwama 'have a deep sleep';
l4na!la, p3 'e of fllJtaja. dlte<:tly from Gk Iilra, WIth a vanant of In 'anoma, 'Qnama 'make sleep, put to sleep';
".t"r'pure (~oldl, punfied, refined, stratned,/ ni_trin '1'1"'" , d r k' ('00'&0 'a"yy,nta 'cast a look around');
tanawwama 'slumber, lie down to sleep, (T.M)
deanS(d, COvered "lib metar "", natron (use .or ma 108 ('anaba man/asa 'be forbearing, be long-suffer-
' soap)'; 109'); dream, be hIdden';
fano.n~:iI&a 'elevate oneselr ~ nawomi 'who sleeps';
nawwam, nawwum 'who sleeps, who slumbers':
...... - 410
4I I
\uth nl1nllnal "uffi, pronouns e,g. 11~"'a
(nawa)'fl Ii'J.\'!, niHt'iiya kad 'bowels, ,"lcs_
- 11
, AT naza'o 'pull out', Heb. nt"isa~ 'pull OUl, Qazlr.
'I Ia:'JlJn ' .
IUh'am "S'«J" (n.), nl . . o euphemism for death,
(n.lI1'tiJ'Cl gomr' 'boat made of reeds lashed
5,>11 (. ·avef' (Dillmann 678, followed by Noel_
~t 0", ;>D 40[1 886J. 723). If Heb. mira' is to be
naztib" act. part. of nazha'
-' pass. part. of nazha.
v ,

(ZlJ.nJh'Om \x,"Imphnr pra}crs')~

logelher', transcription of Heb. hie gOlnf');
deke. led paIsa Ar, nasa'Q 'traver. Aram. nilSo'
m"'r (h'f(il)
,c. 'remove,'Ug. nSf 't rave.I remove.' niJzbat, verbal noun of n~zha'
"-''''"'am" ((ir 2~2) 'sltt1":
;~7~~~~;,~nZlib, milnzdb 'spri~kling. means of
( 1I"' 'capItal [money]'); 'mO\'(. J away uproot', Akk. nesu 'go away'
m,mK'J/n • lcermg nl<lm. donnitl'ry'; nsf 'tear • • '
Sf \UTI<: while Ihe conneclion with Ar. -inii. 'veslicl' Ph. 'Te niizra 'tear away, pull out. Tna.
~I Mine t nama . k('p', Hd"Aram.Syr "am EOl'OPlc.. I · h th' d . SEMITIC' related to A d II
(Ddlmann 674) is likely. the internal development s monzire 'puJ WIt streng ,a enomma_
uve from .mnz', from nz', See also naz~a. (Dlllmann ~7:), SA, ~~bn~S;'~kl:a:~t: ,~P:~~I:'
nH'm , P, ,.,hmml ',/l't"p' 1111 'slC't'p llf death': $C(,
pre\cnts difficulties Brockelmann 1908; 272 explainS p:rhap
'dSln 77 (. uqUt)! 5fl8). \11.1 num 'slttp' (\'.), Akk also Heb. na'a (n,y) 'sprinkle' Akk
Ar ·'lllti}' « 'illii') > ·n(ray > fJawtiy by dlssimila~ 'SP y,
MmU 'slum~r' N'Me AH munolf/J (<. munamlU) 1908 nezu. rockcl_
lion. If the Identification of G. noJwtiy with 'inii' can nazi bI </1/1 (MA) 'give a name, name'; I •

rramlalrd MM~enS(hlummC'r'(\(m Soden fl72), hUI I man,n : 153 considers Ar. nadaha to be th
tlC proven satl~factonly, cpo also Mh. hine 'utensil' onglnal form beco . : , e
·".3~mg h(lurs' (CAO, \'oJ II. rar!~. p.:oo), to be connected with AT. nasaba 'mention 1893'52 ' mmg nZb by assimilatIOn. Barth
Ifeb. '{mi 'ship', Ug. any, Akk. unillu 'vessel'. See, perhaPI'tonshiP' nisba, name of the relationship to ,their
. . blood
compares Heb. ~h In nish'lim (1,.63.36)
also Fronuroh 1972. VII, p.642. For Indo~Euro~ mer I . b bec . Spurts'. .. . ,
rK''''on lsP") ·tr~l"h fruit .. , hr ... t fruits, the month pean 'ship' from 'vessel', see Buck 727, Note that .ralh,er, mother, and
.. so on, ns ommg nzb by
ETHIOPIC: Te. ndzha 'strew' Tna .. h Amh
"f .1(1)/;:1)/1 (Arnl)"
the c<?nnccllon between G. IlJwtiy and Ar, (Oat) am m·Iation (W. Muller). .. ' . ,naZt,
nazza; passed into Cushitlc: Kharn. nazeq,
fmm (,l,. "(,M, nruler ('Ir n~' 'nt'\o\, ) oun8' /mnwii" 'dans des vases' (going back to 'amva'a, r. ! ~/I"- 'exhaust, empty, tear off, cut off, nz~, nz~, '.n..~., 'anz.~. h ')11; I h ')lIm
nMr I, nor. ( ... nun ,I. '0., tarnIShed, 0., mfa-
n,,,al), suggested by Praetonus, ZDMG 72 (1918).
l4,l, presents difficulties. :~~e off, make fall (a leal)'; (Dlllmann 1856:227, Lt) 'visit, look after,
mous' ETI-fIOPIC: Tna n.1way (also nawn) 'Possessions' >
lana:/a. pass} ve; comfort'.
'tInli"arastaln, tarnish, hlrmls.h, repnmand, nay. particle of possession; Te. nay 'belonging to', SnlfTle: Ar. nazato 'drain, exhaust', Soq. nezo/
nazala ~"t\ (K'), nazzala ~/lt\ (Y) 'go down,
blamt, gwe (llftn e, <1lSpara~c, dISgrace, Amh. "".·ay (from Geez). Rundgren 1955:213 de, 'draw waler .
lana",o, tT) lanaKorO '0., tarnished, 0., de- nves Tna. nav from the element n to which he ETHIOPIC: Te. niilfa 'fling away. push away', flow, spillover, (Y) seep (water), become damp
attnhute.s a dcmonstrative, dative and geOltlve va'~ (from seepage)';
pra\N, 0., d"honortd, 0., dISparaged, be m- 'Illr. II ~/I"- (T.Y.M) 'spread out (e.g. a
de'Crn1-; uc. The root also occurs 10 Cushitic: Bil. null.'
'utensil', Sa . nUK/O mat), spread grass or leaves on the floor'; from AT. nazato 'descend'; also in Te. niizia 'go
no. r 'bleml h, spot, stam, bl"t, disgrace, '"'qUI' IOno:/o (K'), passive; down'. The fOOt also OCCurs in Heb. nzl 'Indle,
II, Ie" 222) physlcul dtfect, m~rmll)'; nay., nayi, nayo, nayon ~f , ~f ' H" ! ~I"'); How' > 'descend', Syr. n,/ (pa'eI) 'make go down'
see ·na. related to no~afa, above. See also maniizili.
(=u'O/htJ nOM ro ',mma<-ulale),
(ro In!>o/o no .., , lamie, '),
ny', ne'a 1.h (K*) 'be ready to be Cooked'; 'lZili Hl4- (K') 'shawl-like garment of a sin- naznazo ~1I~" (D.T Y) 'vex, torment, cause
...,. Kif n'K"'ur 'faull" defr..11\·c, polluted, gle layer of cloth'; pain, shake, agitate';
fI,')'a', IIi' (K*) 'raw, uncooked';
blamr"orth, mfamous',
monK·' " (Gr) , taln, $pol' nii'l (D), nO'1 (T) 'unleavened bread'; no:ofo (K') 'drape the nazijti'; lanaznaza 'be vexed';
IOnoz/a (K ') 'be draped';
'\U,ffTJC Ar IId_.,Ta abuJe. l ult SHllnt" Ar. nD'a (n},,) 'be raw', S~. nu' 'uncooked', ETHIOPIC: Tna. niizniizti 'shake', Te. niizniiza 'jog',
Heb no' 'half-cooked, raw (Hesh)" Neo,Syr noyli from Amh. nazi/a 'white shawl-like garment', from Amh. niiziinniizii 'importune. pester', Gur.Amh.
[rulON' Tna """. ,If'be dIShonOred, be d"par, 'ray,.' (perhap!iI from Arabic). Ar no?ifa 'clean', nznz 'drizzle for a long time', from the onglOal
.~'. Amh , """. rli be shamed, bt a d!<grace', meaning 'importune'.
ETHIOPIC Tr.Tna, na'if 'unleavened bread', Amh,
1IdM, dlSfnla dIShonor' Gur 1fd14" "d, grace
no', (from GCC'z), See also (no't) , na'ala
1IIZlt. ~lIV 'turn away from';
p.;n;sed Into (UshihC Sa IIQlt '. K ham nUT
SHUTIC' Ar nazaha 'keep away from, steer clear nazara ! (YJnzar), nazzara ~/ll 'bile, (Lt) lear
niy.b 'i,f.-{J (Lt) 'VIcar, Iieulenant'; or to pIeces, (T,Y) pierce, crunch, (MA) hit',
ft"r II, 1I... ( .. )Jtra ~dlt. (I;' Y) bt ht, be nazzara, same meanmg; •

hghtcd, Iliummatt', from Chr ·Ar ntNb. nQyib: also Te. naY.Jb, title of
the governor of Massawa. wihlil, "azihliJ, .... hili! ~'IIJI\A l ~I/IJII..A f tanazzara, (K·) lanaua, passive;
denomuulJvr of "ItT ftdr (src abo\"C: 11fU~A; see zohlala. nazori (K*), act. part. of nozara;
oiY.n 'if.') (T) 'sullable, pleasant, savory, who nJzzur (M) 'torn to pieces, pierced, (LI) pock,
..... h .,,,,. \es , ulensll, Instrument, Imple-
IlteM,obj«"l (urmture,eslate,rropc:rty, posses,
I forgtves' ,
perhaps from Ar. fa'YIn 'tender, sofl' (W Muller)
.azf). ~1I"',
pluck off';
naz~a ~1I'" 'tear out, pull out, marked' ,
nozr, nJzro (K') 'piercing' (n);
5Jon good, "raIth, fortunt monel male /Qno:ho (Lt), passive;
nn,al (M) 'biting (n), tearing to pieces (n)';
genitals', na}rul ~f.~11 'New Year's Day', ~ariant of naz'a, above.
(N1<'hD haql "<apons') SEM'TlC: Soq. n-t-zr 'sphl' (intr.). Vo~ Soden 77.1
from PersIan nl1hr';: through Chr.~Ar Myrii:.
(lU .. a)D c~br 1001 'j, DazI). ~lI;, naz~a ~1I"', (K) nalho ~lIU compares G. nozara with Ar. nazara Importune,
Akk. nazaru 'blaspheme. curse. _ _,
(1U .. 5)D ma::mur mUSlcal InUrument 1, noz'. ~1I0, (Y) naz" ~lIh 'tear out, pull oul, Itrew, sprinkle, spray, drenCh, dip';
eradIcate"; 'an:~ba, causative; ETHIOPIC: Tna. niiziira. natii/ii 'tear to pieces, ~ue,
rQ/lQ:&a, passive of nazha; Te. naira 'bite off'. Amh, naz_zjj~a '~t~~e, hit '. ~~
- .. .-" 'harass , pester',Gaf
nazzara . la-na:zara feel pam _
na,.n 412
ozz I
nuoro II. nllzaro HIt: (T.Y) 'be dispersed, be
separated' ;
nzz I , niizaza '1""
'consoie, comfort bring
comfort, receive confession'; ,
FnuoPlc Amh. a~nii:::iirii 'squander'. lanazaza 'comfort oneself, find com~ort
, con~
sole oneself, find consolation, console one
another, be comforted, be grateful';
nzr, nilara "lit: (K *) 'be consecrated (child) to
niizQzi 'consoler, comforter';
God's service';
Iluzaze 'consolation, comfort, confession"
llii::Jri, n,7:ur (K·) 'who is consecrated to
God's service'; (maf!w!a nuzaze 'Book of Confession')' '
('aba nuzii::e 'father confessor'); ,
na:.riiwi, nii:rawi (D.K) 'hermit, Christian';
manazaz 'consoling, comforting';
SEMITIC: Ar. nadara 'make a vow', SAr. ndr 'do manaziJzi, maniizGzi 'comforter, con soler' ; peki I '/,'1] 'white marble, alabaster, antimony';
penance', Soq. "ider 'be consecrated', Heb. nzr (nir~ rrom Ok P"'ph ' 1
k phouka transcription of Heb. prik- 'black ii~ka 6) ·s lyra purp e dye'; also Ar. /Irftr (Ru.
'al) 'dedicate oneself, niigar 'make a vow', Aram.- ETHIOPIC: Tna. naziizii 'confess', Amh. (tii)nazziiza f rG
om·' . ec a so papperii, below.
. ..
Syr, I/Jdar 'make a vow', nJzar 'abstain from, be 'console, comfort, hear confession (priest)', Gur. tii~ paint'.
continent', Ug, Md. ndr. nazziizii. pipira ;r1;':' (K.D. 684,1392 'papyrus')' (T) tar
peki II '/,'1] (T) 'leg of a chair'; pitch'; , •
ETHIOPIC: Amh. rziizziirii 'become a hermit' (from
Geez). G. nii::riil1'i 'hermit' is to be connected with nzz II, nazza, nazaza ~II 1 ~IIII (K*) 'come out the translation is doubtful. Tayya may have been from Gk. papyros 'papyrus'.
the root n::r, while mi:riiwi 'Christian' meant origi~ of one's nose (food while one is asleep),; misled by the occurrence of the word manbar
nally 'one from the city of Nazarelh'. It may also be nazaz (Lt) 'choking' (n); 'chair', in Henoch 18 :8. papa,e, POpore 1'1' t!. , TT t!. 'red pepper':
that nii::rtilt'i 'hemlit' goes back to the meaning of manuz (K *) 'food that comes out of one's
mi::riiwi 'Christian' and has become retricted to that nose' ; pi/as, pi/as 1;M 1 1;11/'1, (L) pilisii 1(111), (T.M) from Gk. peper; 'pepper' See also barnarre, abovc.
of 'herm,,'. pil"" 1:~{I 'temple, pa~lion, gate, (T.M) tent, pe,ki TCI] (T.M) 'chickpea';
ETHIOPIC: Amh. niizziizii, same as G. naZZa.
[T) place for sacrificing: see also perka .

from Ok. pyles, of pyle 'gate'.
porelbiror T t!.1111. 'l'C 'priest';
pel,,!os '/,'A/'IjIl/'l (D 1408,T) 'shield and spear,
iM) soldier who carries a spear': from Ok. presbYleros 'priest'. See also para:poros.
• •

from Gk. peltastes 'carrier of a light shield '. piisii :rl) 'Passover';

pioi (pI. piiniir) :r .. 'lamp, torch': from Gk, paskha 'Passove(, transcription of Aram.
pas~a. See also pasika, fosika, f's~ I
from Gk. phani 'torch' ; also in Tna.Amh. fana,

p' '/,'1- (T), penamu 1:~"'" (M) 'Satan':

pesii, pis. T" T."
I 'pitch, tar';
from Gk. pissa 'pitch'.
from Ok. pneuma 'spirit'; also piiwlJuma, piinawiimii,
,"w","ma (Euringer, ZS 7[ 1929].74; Dobberahn pisiki I :rt\.1] (K), pii .. kii ;rill] (T) 'Passover,
Il2). Easter':
",ot'yon I T1-}f'1 'sundial'; from Ok. paskha 'Passover', transcription of Aram.
pas~ii. See also piisii.
from Ok. plinthion 'sundial'.
pasikii Tl :rt\.1] (T.M) 'sorrow, affliction';
",ot'yon II T1-l-f'1 'the difference in days
I between a solar year and a lunar year'; is probably Tayya's interpretation of ptisikii I.
is a misreading of !anlayon 'r"}:"'''"), for which see paskimii, in paskimi ~,""t TIltL"'I I -HII'I-)-
(Lt) 'dry bread' :
pip; :r:r (MA); see pappas. see also pak"'simii

• ••

P'piri, paperi, piiperii, peperii, pipirii 1'T.':' i po53lte T/'IA1: (K), po.. I!_ TIlAm. (U)
TTt. I :rTt, I 1:1:':' ! '('(t., (K) papir 'psalm'; rather 'psalmist' (in view of the
T7:c 'purple'; Greek);
papirii liiy, papera lay 'scarlet';
from Gk. psa/les 'harper, psalmist, one who sings
papara (T.M) 'dye purple' (denominative); psalms in the church'. See also 'ubsJla!es.
rf~nJ~'no:"~-.--::===-=~===~~~--:-4 : 1
~ 5~
~"pangal, act participle of ·apangalu; also 'read- j)<rh
._pi n. "qli
/,.... .a~ rom Gk pt'nokhi
er'; (Sa linger). I.'lr,"um~nbcd place'
from Gk. apangel/ein 'announce, Inform, expound.
tnlerpret' Note the creatio n of the Geez forms pat/Ra- !'Orki A.c1J (T) 'chickpea':
It, mapang~1. See also !ngl. see also perko
P, A ",nino A-t<j' (K') 'prectous stone'; parAb),i arili - -
;ranscription of Heb. paninii 'pearl' AMI.! : ~t- ya, !,arAb}1J, pariloya,. At-A! t
Af. • At-Nfl ''''"coas(''
podere, poder, piider, peder AJI.,t. : A'oC : AJI. panlaqOS!e, !'an!aq"llS!e, !,an!a qOS!e, pan!eq"as!e from Ok. para/iii (sc ..lte 'land') 'land hy t~(' sea'
, k"~(I1f1 (T) 'plane tree';
t , A.J?;,C 'full:lenglh' robe'; see also palii,riillos. A1m"flm. • A1m'll.1lm. , A1m I "'flm. , A1 parenu At.). (K') , A
/lLt.flm. 'Pentecost'; ' .
precious stone", ' !,""nu (,). (T) 'While ' (one ,
from Ok. r odtiri, ace. 5g. of podfris 'robe thaI falls
to Ihe feet'. used In the Septuagint for ' the high !'alinyos, !,aliinos M1f-fl , M<j'fI (T) 'perfUme'; from Gk. pemikosli (sc. hemera) 'Ihe fift,eth (day), from Ok. parlnOS 'from Paros', the Orec~
priest's robe ' PentecoSt' ; also Chr.·Ar. bantiqis(1. 1 ~ l and
perhaps confused with pil!iinos. famous for Its marble. See also p,lr,Jfl.\f),

pig"men A1"'I'> 'lnlercalary monlh (5-10 Sep- pappa AA (MA) 'char ; !"'''nso 100(1 (K ) 'PreciOUS slone" ,
!'alqiin AA:I"> (LI), !,alqiin AA:I'1 (K') 'pelican'; , ..
iember)'; seems 10 be onomatopoetic. vanant or misreadmg of part'fl U
from Gk pelekan 'pelican' (Hommel 1887:""", 49). ,
from Gt CPI.lKoltlt'nai 'intercalated days'; also Chr-
pappalini AA.<S (T) 'sorghum'. !''''Palo ACAfr (Lt) 'kind of ;(on,';
Ar 'i.lNrtUmliniis, Coptl(; epogomene. !",Iis AliA (T) !,alis AlLfI 'capital Cily, (T) bish- , ..
op'; from Ok pyroholnu. gen. sg, of p)'rll~/Q5 'flmt "Il'nc'
pi!'<n, pihin A~1 , A,J,.1 ; see p.YOII. papperii AA.&-, (T) pappini AA.&- 'purple, purple
. . . from Gk. polis '(own, City'. The meaning ' bishop ' IS Powder, red dye used' for dyeing cloth or fly !",ru!,a!a k~A"I (K ' ) 'sht'ep';
either due to a scribal error or it is an abbreviation whisks';
pak "m.. AII-9"fI, (T K) pik "m.. Alt 9"fI, name of melropolitis 'the bishop of the capital'. from Gk. probata, pl. of pro/)(l(on 'sheep, goats' St"C
see also pap/rii. also pirupiilqt"
- below.
of Ihe nlluh COP!!C monlh (corresponds 10 O. .
g,mhot); paltanyi kA-r1! (T); see palantayii.
' . pappis (pI. piippiisiil, piippiisiil\'JSI) AM 'metro, pirupa!qe, paropa!qe, porupi!qe, perbatqe
a corruption of C OPIiC pakhijn. paSons.
palt.nyu kA-).1f. (T) 'shackles'. Poiiian, palnai-i:h (ofihi,church), bishop', A. ~'~'I''k , A'C'A"''k , k~A'I'~ , A.ClI'J''k "or
liqa piippas, liqa piippiisiil 'arChbishop' , the sheep';
pak "simi, pik "simii Alt-It "'1 , Alt-It "'1 'small !",Ii!inos, polii!onos k""l<j'fI : k"(I1<j'fI, (K ') 'apappasa, 'apiippas;'- 'appoinl an archbishop' ;
roaf of bread, small moulhful' ; . .. .. , from Gk probalikc, fern . of probafikos 'of the
!'alii!inos Mill. <j'fI, (T) !",I!inos kA"I<j'fI 'plane pappus 'an appomled metropolitan'; sheep' See also perbii.leqe. pamptiliJ.
tree' ; . .'
from Gk pah amiis ' biscuIt'; also in Tna. b~q"asma.r. PJPpiise 'episcopale, patriarchale';
Te. tvqJilll"u. Har. hukswlIiil, Ar buqsUlniit. See also !,araqli!os, !,iiriqli!os A(~'»IL(I1f1 , At-'»ILj11f1
from Gk. piatMOS 'plane tree'. See also paliina.lOs. pappas.llnii 'episcopacy, office of Ihe patriarch';
pask "nli_ Jiqa' pappasannii 'archbishopric'; 'the Holy SPlril as mlercessor, Penlecosl,
pll(iiIlos. bal!oIlOs. . , .
Transfiguralion (celebraled Ihe I3lh of Nahii-
peLson, peksin A.h(l1 : A.htt1, (TK) pikson from Gk . papiis 'farher, title of pnc~ts'; also Chr.-Ar se) ;
!,i1!Jinos A.A"I<j'll (T) 'perfume'; bJbJ
A.h(l1 'box lree'; . 'alata pariiqli!os 'Penleco,t';
could it be confused with palarat/os?
from Gk. prks6n, gen . pI. of pykJOJ "box tree' , see also !"rbi!eqe A.ClIIII.'I:; see pirllpiilqe, from Gk. parak/ilOs 'mlerttssor, the Holy Splnl as
!ekson . For the ahemance p . ,I . see pngJ: lng/ pel!is
, A.A"IfI 'shield'; intercessor'; also Chr.-Ar hiiraqlir
",rdokoyse kC'(-hf,1l. 'partridge';
palinos M<j'fI (T); see paliillYos. from Gk. pellas, acc. pI. of pelri 'sh,e1d'. from Gk. perdu<s 'partndge'. parq"ama
, Ac<&ou (TM) 'wrile',
, .
perhaps from Gk. I'rOKramma 'written order, edict'
palyon loAM (GdSI) 'iron'; ",nana kc4.'J (T) 'kind of bird' ;
~ta)i, pabnn)i, pabnt.lyu, palinnyii AA 1,). , (G. Salinger). In this case Geez may have created a
perhaps instead of peryon I, below. corrupt from par/ilryonii. denominative.
)' , kA'}-f:! , kA').}'f. : k'I11;!, palannyi, •

palinta)i, palt.nyiil\l\1t! ' M1-r!; kA-r1 porsofori, parisforii, parosfora kCflt;;,;. , 10t-fl
)' 'bnck kiln, bnck oven, (T) bnck'; pngl,
, >apangala
, hA11/\ (T.M) 'commenl, ex, ",rf'ryoni, porr.riyana kC'i:CK I AC'f;('f'J,
pound, translate, recite, interpret, repeat from (T) !'Orf.ryori, parr.riyonii AC'f;Cf"'> i AC'i:('K i.:&- I AC'/lt;;t- 'offenng, consecraled oblallon,
eUher from Gk plinthelOn, pI. plintheia 'brickworks'. memory'; 'waler hen, sea bird" , Eucharist' ;
or from Gk rlmthion 'bnck mold ' TaY)'a's transla.
twn 'bnd' not precise. pangiile
, . 'commentary, reporl, translalion,
(K') from Gk. prosphora 'offering, Eucharist'; also in (,hr.-
IS from Gk, porphyrion 'water hen See also parlaJla,
Ar >abrusjar.
Interpretation ';
~rihi At-~ (T), parihi
, A&-~ (M) 'sanctuary'; parsoq"'lla ACfI'»'»" (T) 'perfume'
- - -
416 -
At....{'li'l (Tl 'rn."Ch:"U~ stonc'; "",,,,,,is kfl'l'4:fl (KOTW 1007) 'pure perfume"
frnm Gk.. !,fellill,1 (~ lUI/Of) "hglll-gJ'l.."'t'n slone, cn1cr. P<H/,lqes lIiirdos (Gr.351) 'genuine spikenard'- _;
dtd' refers to the Holy SPIrit: ' I
frolll Gk. piflikl;S, gen. sg. fern. of Pisfikos 'genuine f
f",,)on 1. p.ll)oni, pal)oni, ""'Jonos kef"} ,
purr quality'; also III Amh . !ilS!iJq 'kind of perru~:
kcr-~ I A/:I'~ , kCf''ffl 'saw, serra rnanna
(.111.1 0f ,lIl1mal), (T K) 'had,ks',
piton, pe!en A.fll'} • A.m.'} 'pine tree';
i"rC'nl tik. pri(l1lO.I, rnmn,1:!cn. and dal Sf!,. of prit)"
'sa",' (~al~\, Ih'Il101d H.;1]:\.'\J\, H4), ,~s for
;"do piil'(;s (D), fJl'!yas (K), pitas (T) 'pine tree': Q<I>
"Sh~KJ..JC': 111\ .111 1Il1{'rprclalJon (,f the nnglllJI mean- Ihml Ok.. pio's 'ptne tree'. acc. pJ. pil),as.
109 'sa\\
, , A'I'r.''''I 'church'. q'" 41", qi'at 4:"-l-; see qy',
SEMITIC: Syr. qa<ad 'bend' suggested by Dillmann
p.1f}on II , par)'un, P"';)'''" kL"f"'} , At:f.1 ,
ktt"l, (T) [;'I)on
'kmd or oak. (T.$w. In
pii!os, paros Afllfl : Afllfl 'bramble bush':
q"S( I (pI. qWii<Gt,
qWQ<iit, qOfiil) *6 'raven, 456 (also Stade 44) is not to be identified with the
Geez rOot since only a concept 'bend (the head)
[) J1S~) r(lmt'~rana[C' ; crow,
;,da pii!os 'bush, 'bramble bush': backward' could ex.plain the meaning of lifting up
fn1rn (;k I'rin{)I, ,Il·(. ,.,i'lo" .holm oak. Tht.:' mcamng SEMITIC, onomatopoetic: Ar. qa<qar, qawqara 'make the eyes, of looking upward.
from Gk, btl/os 'bramble bush'. See also bOlOS. noise', qo'qa' 'crow', Heb. qtirQ (q<y) 'cry out', PbH.
'J'I."llcgr,m;uc' ~m.~ 10 ~. a nu:"underslandmg.
qi'qa', Syr. qarQ 'cry out, shout', qQ<Q 'crow', Neo. q"a'ala (yaq"'al) 'tOt\ (K') 'be rat'.
, kt:r-n (l) '<'\lie, <nugration, scat- ~!>S A. 'l'fl: see pilon. Svr.
qwtiqii 'raven';
- related to Heb. garQ (gey) maqWf~/, tn::Jq""a/ (pI. maqw(jcal, maqWa'iJll) 'fat,
tt'nng 'shout', Syr. giro. fat ammal, fat ox, an animal fanened for
ETHIOPIC: Te. qawa r 'crow', qar bela 'croak aloud, sacrifice' ,.
!",!J8s, pityis A.'I'!fl , A.'I'!fl; see pilon.
J).lr) Oll(t'\ A-C,. . "..n. '..ct:' r,:'n WI I, make a noise', qoq bela 'croak', Tna. qa r balii, qK'ar
(maq::'ala lahm [Ltj 'suckling calves');
• w • _ _
'obbii/a 'make a noise', Amh. q"'a alii 'make a noise',
parirpon" parilpori; At,lfAefl j AIrlIAlrfl ~a"'qlOa. pawqena, pawqena, pawqeoe, pewqeni, (maq 'ala !ali [Ltj 'fanened kids):
qtiwwa 'to crow', an·qaqqa 'croak', Gur. q"'a epa
it t) 'r"'''t " , pewqinos A(D></!'i' , A(D>'II'i' l A(D></:'i' : A(D>'II~ : 'produce a sound', qawqaw balii 'make a noise and it i~ possible that K reconstructed the verb q~aca!a,
C0 r rupl frtml \.I~ Pft,\.Jqrt"r(JS 'ddl'T, pncst'. &~ alSl'
A,(D>'II'i' , A.(D>4:'ffl, (T) ~awqino A(D>4:'i '(01) wake up others'; also in Cushitic: Som. qaw, or It could be a denominative from maq~'<a' which is
~r("hlf~T {Il'hc·u
pme wood, (01) fir'; qawqaw, interjection expressing noise, Bil. qiiq to be compared with Be. mikiJla/ 'marrow'_ Reinisch
'shout', 8e. kM'lkWiiy 'raven', Af. kiiko, Mo. qiikko. 1895: 167 compares the Be. noun with Ar. mukiil
f'll,.da Mt.l'. (T) 'bre" ""'r' from Gk. pcukinos 'made from pine wood', peukina
'(thmgs) made from pine wood'. The root is related to Amh. e'a alii 'make a noise',
Tna. k'a& balii (see Leslau 1979:33 1, and kaka,
ETHIOPIC: Te. maq<al 'marrow' (not maq"'c ai as in
pi,iki, p8<i~i, p:i5ki, ""'ki An..!l , At\.1J , ib.340). See also gugii J, and kWiik"a ',aven'. Reiniseh 1895: 167).
Afltl I Afl'l ' Pa',,"cr, f..l,ter ""yon
, kM, name of the tenth Coptic month
(correponds to G. sane); q".' 1I '.II" (T) 'unripe'; qa'ana (yaq'an) ."O~ (K ') 'press together,
rrl)m \./l paskha. of :\ram. Pf1S~J. See
aJ ..\) p.ima from COptic paOne. paane. See also piihen, ba>untih. Note that Amh. ~l..4> 'moon' (translation of q"'iir) squeeze together, (Gr.42I) load (an animal)';
ofT 156 is a misprint for caCJI> ' unripe' , See also taqa'ana (TX), laqa'iina (Y) 'be pressed to-
",,'!nfor,'.' i Afl,nt::C,f \ K I 'chamber, 5tore- ~az(oris Al1C?fl (Lt) 'Egyptian priest'; qo'. gether (crowd), be afflicted, be grieved';
h"u'>(" maqa'an, (Lt) maqa'Jn 'pressed together,
from Gk pasfopllOrOS, lit 'carrier of a shrine' (L. qo' ~", (Lt) qu' 4!" 'blossom of grapevine, squeezed, tightened, compressed, narrow,
from L,l; p..IJJophor Q. "Cnt 1Cl.,- rl. ('If pa5lOphollon Gucmer·S, Grebaut. Le testament en Galilee de nOlre- hard, austrre';
'JY.'1~f 5 quart:crs.. sa ... "":.Sf)' Se(~eur JesIJ...f·Christ, p. 134). petal, bud, unripe fruit, sour grape, acidity,
immature age'; maq'an, (K) maq'iin 'narrow path, narrow place,
Pl'r~ml Aflm"" IT \1) 'fUt 10 stops, tear', qo'a (Y.M), qo'a (T) 'be unripe, be Sour (grape), instrument serving for inflicting torture';
, pazewon
. AlIf-,} : An?''} 'topaz'; pick unripe fruit' (denominative);
(inrnmc I'~IJ 2"llldt'ntlfics It "Ith Heb ETHIOPIC: Amh. miiqan 'doorframe, doorpost'
off' ~ram ;)\T p3mr spread out from GI.. I(Jpa~io" 'chrysohte, topaz', with the loss of (that is, '3 narrow passage'). See also maqana,
ETHioPlc: Amh. qo ' unripe fruit'; also in Cushitic:
to \\.rongly mistaken for the Greek article. maqna r •
Som. qo)' 'unripe fruit'. See also q'''a., n, and qawar.
qabii :1'1] (K*) 'illness of sheep, (T) illness':
qi'dawa :l'M!,(JJ (K.Lt) 'look up with devotion,
be devout'·, from Amh. qaba; also in Te. qiiba 'a disease', Tna.
'anqii'dall'a 'look out, lift up (the eyes), look qaba: passed into Cushitic: Bil. qiiba 'illness'. See
up with devotion , be devout'., also qabawa.
'-nqa'<iJw 'one Who looks upward (with devo- qabu :1'0-, (Lt) qiib :1'11 'corn measure, (T)
lion), devout" ,
rations' ;

qbl 419

from Heb. qap 'measure' through Gk. kahos (ge~. 'helmet ', Syr. quhbafQ, qub<ii 'hoOd', Aram. (Elephan_
abball (U) 'vestibule'; qab"a
kah,'ll); also Ar. qabb (Dozy). Aram.-Syr. qabba, f
tine) kb 'cap, helmet'. For the Hittite origin of this
Md. qa"a. For {he Egyptian origin of Heb. qap, see root, see T.H. Gaster, JRAS 1933, p. 909; E. Speiser qroqabb-U
a, act. part. of taqahbala; qobara "'n.:
(T 11.1) 'become black
dark, be foggy'; ,

Ellenbogen 147.
ETHJOPIC: Te. qob 'a measure', Tna. qob 'small
JAOS 57 (1937). 72ff; C. Rabin , Orienlalia
. Ar qabi/a 'receive', SAr. qbl, I:fars. qaybel,
. bb I ( d
b ibbel. Aram.-Syr. qa e an. perhaps al,o qoMr (pI. qabiiriil) 'darkness. blackness, fog,
He 'f ~ ccllse' if the original meanmg IS 'go before a
basket (serving as a measure)' is probably taken ErnloPlc: Tna. qoba< 'helmet, hat, monk's hood' mist, darkness due to clOUds glOom "I
from Geez.
Te. qob<~t 'monk's hood ', Amh. q~b 'monk 's cap': ::te [~Oaccuse])', Md;)qbl. Akk. qaMu 'fight' (that
Iness. dust';
qaMrit 'darkness" ,
" e- nom-
Gur. qObl. On the Heb.-Aram. (Synac) origin of G.
qab'. 'NI};, (T.K) qab'a "'110
(yaqbti') . 'facing one anoth:.r '.... , " .._
qoba', see S. Fraenkel, BA 3 (1898). 77, and Noel_ IS, Pfc:Tna. (tii)qabbala receive ,Amh. (ta)qab_ C
E;~~af. (Iii)qibbiiiii, Arg. aqqebbiila, Har, (Iii Iqe.
'smear, smear over. grease, anomt, plaster, SEMn: : perhaps related to Ar. kifr 'darkness of the
deke 1910:37. The root passed into Cushitic: Or.
plate, gild, paint'; mght (\\1th all.manee of q. k, and h. /).
qohi, Kham. qK'ab. On the role of the qob< in monas.
ETHlOPIC: Te. qobar 'darkening of th~ lU'.
'oqbJra (K·), causative; . ::,:: Gur. (tii)qibbiilii. For qabbalii .rom, cpo
tic life, see CouJbeaux-Schreiber 341. Amh.Tna. qabbiila.
laqab)Q, passive of qab>a; also <anomt oneself;
"'(VIii 'precious stone';
qabjj'i. act. part. of qab'a; qabidas
qabilii, qiibelii "'1l11 i .4'1L1I (T.M) 'sorghum'. q.~a (yaqb01, yaqba~) "'lIl1 'collapse, tumble.
qabu" pass. part. of qab'a; also 'consecrated probably corrupt from Gk. kabidarios 'gem engrav~ famt, decline, be disheartened, be in dislre",
through anointment'; er'. q.bli -l>1I11.. (It) 'sou th' ; be. restless, be discouraged, despair, gIVe up,
qab) 'ointment. oil, butter, unction'; from Ar. qabli. reject, repel, abandon, desert, forgel, forsake';
qbll, qabla (yaqbal) "'111\ (T.Y) 'be empty, be
(qab'a za)'1 'olive oil');
missing, be exhausted, be diminished, be in-
(qab~a IQSja, qab01a laslii 'lose hope, despair");
('a,ada qab, 'olive grove'); qobni 4111~ (T.M) 'bedbug'. )aqba~a, causative;
(hamla qab, 'beet'); complete, dwindle, be void';
)aqbala. causative; raqab,a 'despair, (T) be reJected';
qabqaba, 'aqabqaba };"'1I"'0 (K) 'drive a stake
(walda qab' 'Unctionist'); see qab'al;
qabul 'empty, missing, exhausted, incomplete,
qabu~ 'despairing, diScouraged, desperate, one
qJb'ol 'anointing, anointment, unction, chrism, into the ground, plow for the first time after who IS without help';
void' ; the harvest';
Unctionists (an Ethiopian sect that claims that (qabu~a tasja 'despainng').
qabl (It) 'emptiness, void'; qabqab (K*) 'ploughed';
Christ became the natural Son of God by qab4a IQSja 'despair';
qabbiile, same;
unction of the Holy Spirit'; in Amharic qaba- ETHlOPlC: Te. qiibqiiba 'pick, peck (with beak)" qab,'at 'lack, abandonment, despair, despond-
tact:; see Crummey 201l); qablat (K*), same; ency' :
Amh. qiibiiqqiibii 'drive a stake into the ground,
mJqhQ) 'place of anointing'; ErnloPlc: Har. qiibiila 'decrease', GUT. qiibiilii, plough for the first time after tbe harvest'. (qab~ara tasja 'despair');
faqabii'i 'who is anointed'; Amh. kiibbala (with k).
laqab>ol 'unction'; q.bara (yaqbar) "'0<: 'bury'; SEMITIC: AI. qabarja 'contract, shrink', S~ qUJ (from
qbl IT, qabbala "'01\ 'fetch'; 'aqbara, causative; qbf) 'no I to have milk (cow)'.
SEMITIC: Heb. qa~af 'deceive', a transferred meaning taqabbala 'go out to meet, accept, receive, taqabra, passive of qabara; ETHIOPIC: Te. qiib~a 'be defective, despair', Tna.
from the original meaning 'anoint. smear' (see be. welcome, repeat a chant after the mariih; and qabiiri 'one who buries'; qiibii.rii 'lack. abandon, despair', Gar. qiibbiisii 'lad',
low). Har. qaMra, Amh. qJbbd?r ala 'be wanting, nOI be
the tamariihi'

(Velat 687); q,bur 'buried';
ETHJOPIC: Tna. qiib>e 'anoint, smear, calumniate', enough', qiib4ii tiis/o'despair' (rrom Gccz). SI.."'C also
'aqabbala (K *), causative; qabar 'burial, funeral, grave, (T) corpse'; qafaba II.
Har. qiiba>a, Amh. qiibba ·smear. calumniate,
blacken someone's reputation', Arg. qebba 'smear, taqiibala (K) 'receive (meet) one another'; (¢a'ata qabar 'funeral');
anoint', Gur. qiiba, Gar. qabKi 'butter'; passed into laqiibabala (should be laqabiibala) 'receive one qabral 'burying' (n); qabtata "'11.,.." (K *.T.M) 'blow a musical 10-
CushillC: Mo. qiipo, Sin. qebo. another' (a reduplicative stem of the Amharic maqbar, maqbar/ (pI. maqiihar) 'grave, tomb, strument, inflate';
q.b< .)01111 (Ll) 'kind of plant'. burial ground, sepulcher'; note that maqiibJr is
qabbalii 'meeting, encounter, reception, offer. also used as a singular in meaning; ETHtOPlc: Amh. qiibiilliitii 'inflate a go.lIskin or
sheepskin in order to make a container of it'. S~e
qob< (pI. qob'iitiit, qawiib») "'1111 'monk's ing, Saturday before Lent (two and tree maqbarr (Lt) 'burial'; also qabtl!o, below,
hood, headband, brimless cloth cap, skullcap days), period before any fast of a longer dura-
under a turban, tiara, miter'; tion' ; SEMITiC AI. qabara 'bury', SAr. q~l-br 'be buried ',
Soq. qebor 'bury', Heb. qiigar, Aram.Syr. qagar, qaba!a "'Om (T.M) 'be swollen';
'aqobba'a (Ll) 'cover the head with a skullcap' (qabbalii ~om 'the Saturday and Sunday before Ug.Ph. qbr, Akk. qabiiru, qebiifll.
(denornina tive); Lent, the day before a fasting period (lit.
qabu! 'swollen';
ErHIOPlc: Tna. qiibiirii 'bury', Te. qabra, Amh.
laqobba<a (Gr.176,M.Y) 'cover the head with a 'encounter of Lent'), first week of Lent' qiibbiirii, Arg. qiihbiira, Hal'. qiibiira, Gar. qiibhiirii is either to be identified with qabtata (see abo,ve), or
skullcap, be given a skullcap (as a sign of (Gr.176); 'hide', Our. qiibbiirii 'bury, plant'; passed into Cush. with Amh. abbiirii 'be swollen' (from ~lhr>. for, the
becoming a monk)'; (za-qabbalii 'beginning of Lent'); itic: Sa. qabre 'grave', Af. qarbe (with metathesis). vocalic initial becoming q. see qamab 'hare III
qabbalii (Gr.175) 'accidental meeting, revels, relation to (')arnab (see below), This would repre-
SEMITIC; Ar. qubba<a 'cap, hat', Ar. (Oat) qurbw
orgy' ; qabaro "'OC' (K *) 'jackal'; sent an inverse process since normnlly q Can become
'cap' lwith augmented r), Heb. qjj~a<, koba f , or zero in several Ethiopian languages. Or could
qabbul (K *) 'one who is received'; from Amh. qiibiiro 'jackal'; also in Arg.Gaf. qiibiiro,
G. qaba!a be a misprint for .-hOm ~Ulb!l!d
Gur. q~iibiirii; from Cushitic: Or. qabaro.
'be swollen'?
.- 420
q.hlu 1','qb,,,.,,Um ',,", alllKted wllh dr~p,y, qdm
Sf MI lie ' Ar. Kadara. qada/a, qat/a/a, gada/a, and Amh, qadda ·cause. di~rrhea', possibly
(T ) be dl t,'nded (ston\.1ch), ""' IOfta.ted ; !adafll Thcy .Ire dlalcclal varialJons, as arc the EfHIOPIC , m ' al meaning of plercmg the stomach
lQ.Qahwo (I\:.) 'Ix" ,",'own up (SI{lmach) ; r qadim (Lt). 'being before (n), being formerly
dlllCrcnl flhlopliln rools (qa:ara. &addaja). For Ihe from anong h bt
0 II), There is also t e POSSI I Ity 0 (n), beginning';
q:!h3M "afflKttd \\ Ith drop'i)', dropSical. blnwn rt'laIIOn\hlp bCIv./ccn Ihe Arabic and lhe Gcez rOOls Is<'n(Clmg
qadh It. WIth qdh 'burn' (see qadh, below); cp.
uP. , ' qadima 'in the first place, at the first lime In
former days, earlier, before, formerly, soo~er
SL'C Nncldckc: 1910 :6 1-2. ' con
Heb. qa_doha'
.. 'fever.
S[MITlf I rdcnkd 18Q8.75 l,xmn("('l, II with Syr EnllOrl(' Te, qiidfa 'row', Tna qiizdfii, Amh. qth- once'·, ,
;:iifii See also qa:(~fa,
q~M qlt ..,J \'1111~ run I<,~clhcr (lrquld'\. <;c\.·re.
lIOn, )'
h laqiid.~a
qd., k
be muddled.
(T) 'be confused, be qadimu 'first, at the beginning, earlier, preVIOUS'
Iy, formerly';
f: 1 HhlPJ( r~ rerhars the rCl\lI (l[ qiiM '1IInl'~" \\ a,n- q.d~. I (I'Jqdiihj ."".'" 'draw Water, POur mlsta en,
hcrg 19.1"l( :07 c..,"n('(·I~ II wtlh Tna. qubqll/l/l h,ilii out, empty by wuhdrawing the Contents, POur (za·qadimu 'former, ancient, preVIOUS, preced.
5"('/1' Lp als\) <\Illh. q·~Jq·,lM alii Into, copy (a sectIOn of a book),; h 4'f:ih (K ') 'pistol';
qah.)1 "'lIf (t.. ') ·prepare. make ready'.
'aq,bha (K), causative; q.d.n c dh 'burn': Ar. qaddaha 'flint', Ar. (Syria~ qadm 'beginning, front,
dence' ;
fa~ade, start, prece.
laqabrabe prepared, he ready, (T.M) he
laqadlta, passIve of qadila; s,w ?k' die flare up' (augmented by r), qardahl
?guns~ith" Heb. qaga~ 'be In deh' 'flg ow, urnb'
ardaha In , k' dl d I b ' qadma (prep. adv.) 'before, in front, in the
'trong, I',e\ all', laqlj,biw (M) 'draw water severally, (Gr. t 79) be
drawn, be dralOed'; Ph 'pl' star ' Aram, qa •.
PbH. 'fqua. a are up, e presence of, formerly, aforetime, at first, first
l(t h<! c/')nhC'Clcd ""th ()f qoppJ..-o 'be read)' of all, previously, beforehand, in advance, east.
.. qad,i111 'drawer of water, cupbearer'; mflamed',
ward'; the suffix pronouns are attached to the
qlbayiMhata "'11.1'''''"," (T Y ~f), q.bayi ... ba- qedult 'drawn, poured, mfused';
II ."n,rm/lm tK'j 'rut at the "pense or llth- qadlt, (Lt) qJdlt 'drawing (n), a sip, a gulp, cup,
goblet' , qdm ,q
J adams (yaqdamj ' h "'' 00'go"before,
base qadme.;
('amqatima 'from before, from the presence of,
rrs, ~o unm\lt d from h\lU,e to house, beg'; come be I'ore
' I
precede 'begm,
. ,
ave pnonty, be
qabal4wh/i1l (n, cf p.rtl~lpJe; q"ddiih 'that "'hich IS drawn, excerpt, extract'; first be ahead of, surpass; wllh another ver formerly, before (prep., conj], pnor to, sooner
qudlto 'well bucket', than');
, s 'do first' what is expressed by the
It mean •
llflOPl( i\mh. qdNilTlMMtd, same meanmg While ('Jmqadma-za, 'iJmqiJdma-zani 'previously, for-
() fW I ~() conSIders It a poetical q~nt' form, K i79 q"dltal 'act of draWing, act of pounng'; , b g qadama 'awrado 'he lowered
ver,e.. , first; merly') ;
wtn thll 11 I • JOL"UI...~ c:'prtSSlon, Th/,' form is maqd"It, pi maqiidJh (T.M) 'means of drawing qaddama (M) 'make to be first;
(ba·qadma, see qadma);
Ilrl"lt It IS worth noting thai the meanrng of the
water, vase, water jar'; 'aqdama 'give precedence, cause to precede,
m.'qdeilt 'place from which water IS drawn, qaddamt 'forefathers, anCients, ancestors, men
lretz ypb IS r;\rrcssed In Amhanc b: qaloll'k,i!ii. place first, place ahead, set before, happen of old, nobles';
well, marketplace (that IS, place where profits t" ith another verb or a. nommal
fi rs,w form
qldd. "'1., src qdd, are drawn)'; , h .It ('abaw qaddaml 'patriarchs');
ans 'do first do preVIOusly w at tS
maqdiilll (Gr.179) 'urn'; me, . 'h qadiimiyiil, qadiimayiil 'first fruits',
qidi .... "'. (1\'), qid,' ,"'/. (Il) 'Judge'; expressed by the verb (e.g. 'aqdama nag"a e
maqeldhl (pI. maqdahiil) 'jar, jug, bucket'; qadmal 'precedence, priority, primacy, begin.
foretold, he said previously');
rrom ru qddi. II 0 10 H • qM,. Amh. qadi. &" ning, primordial state, presence';
also q _ St:MITI(': Ar qadaha 'ladle out', qadah 'dnnking laqadma, laqaddama 'occur first, precede,
bowl'. SAr m-qd~l 'cup, vessel', hasten' ; qadiimiiwi 'ancient, first, former, pnmary, east.
qldo 4' .... IT D (l9~) 'molh' ern' ;
E11iIOPIC' Te, qadJ;a 'draw water', Tna. qiidhe, Har. laqiJdama 'precede one another, go out to
lhl noun I qiidahu. Mg. qiidrkiha, Amh. qiidda. Gar qadda,
m"'''''',Ulons ronCC'1 mng Gur qada; passed Into Cushrtlc: Be qedah, Bil.
qa",,~ 'lara
qada·. Stirn. qadda.
'IlSlaqiJdama (Gr.179) 'choose ahead of tIme;
. ,
qadiimtiy 'ancient, first, former'; ' .
qadmannii 'precedence, prionty, beglnOlng, pn.
mordial existence';

qadami 'first, previous, ancient, onglOal, pnor.

qdd. qlddl '~qdad .,,1. ("'\ 'cut, cui "pen. I q.d~. II ."".'" (K') 'pierce, make a hole'; fonner, earlier, antecedent, predecessor, begl~'
'aqdamo(lj 'priority, precedence',
maqdam, maqdam 'beginning, introduction,
tear apa'1, male a hole, puncture, maqd,'h, maqdiiht (D T LtJ 'instrument for bor. nmg, firstling (e.g. qadame fare 'first frUIt ),
Sour, Ar 'i'rUa rut Hob q6ifatf Aram. qdd,
IT qed d ..lated.o rdd Ar jodJo 'cut', Hcb
I 109. dnll, instrument for torturing', for
'consecrahon, dedIcatIOn', maqdah is a meta the·
10 the first place, at first. in the beglOOIng,
fi"tly, formerly, before, once, previously'; for
preface, foreword';
maqdam 'chOicest, chief;
(maqdama 'first [adv], t;eforehand, in the first
rd.Jo,t., H rad, U I"dad:. .hop· IS in relatIOn to dllq&a II; qaddaml, see also below;
hmoPIe qdJ and qrdJ (augmented by r' Tn•. / ,. , place, before, above all); ,
~("ITI~' Ar q~dah~ bore,. p,'erce, Soq qadah
(:a'qadiimi 'former, previous'); (maqdama k'allu 'first of all );
qddai.,. 'iiJrdmfa lear T. 'lad.'" qardiidJJ, Amh.
q6d1,yt.1 ,Iiriiddad". r~ fd;1.t"da, H.r qMaJa,
('.m·qadiimi 'of old, previously'); maqdami (Lt) 'who precedes';
rlerce. Hob. qa<Jah bore, dnll , Aram.5yr q.ifah.
qlr . .t"t", (our q&tufa, G.f quddq ·bole'. passed / \Id. qdh qda. q~d (wllh metatheSIS), , (masaha!1 za·qadiimi wa·za-da&iiri 'the Old and
SEMITIC: Ar. qadama 'precede', SAr. q,,:", Heb.
nl (usblf'c Btl qad.rd, Jr\~m qaded. 5ec also ETHIOPIC' Te. qadha 'detach flesh from a bone See the New Testaments');
'I d, bel. " at", daqlw I. and qadlw 1IJ . qadamil 'beginning, precedence, pnonty . . ,, q;ddem 'be in front" PbH. qiigam 'precede , Aram.-
Syr. q.ifam 'precede', Ug.Ph. qdm '10 front 0:, Md.
I~daf I q.~. qadamil sanbal 'Saturday';
adam ·before'. Akk. qadmu 'fonner (limes) ..
qadafa 4'J'.I... 'ro", ,
maqd<Jf maqdafl (pJ flUU/iidJf) 'oar',
III ."".'" (K'J 'be sick. perspire, have
qMum (K') 'that precedes'; ~nflOPIC' Tna.Gur. qiidiimii 'p:~de', Te.Arg. qad-
qadiim 'first, Saturday (Sabbath)'; dama. Amh. qiiddamii, Har. qadama.
("'al qadiim 'Sabbath '); qdm II, see maqdam.
- qaddasQ q,ddeli 423
qidem ."'.I!,.9" (T), qedem 411..9" (K) 'east'; Ii oms' (Grar 87): so also W. Muller in a private -' ct part. of qaddasa; qafo
qrdcm(1I1'I (It) 'castern'; communication. ddasl, a . . d t'fi d
qo 'holy, samt, sacre , sane Ie, Conse- q.ddetii :"1..;1- (It) 'kind of tax'.
trHn~nrtltln (If Bet'!. qnit'tn. q,ddus d' ,
qed.r "''''.1:; 'cc qc,lJr Ill.
qcdiirim 41J!b9" (D 1403, T), qediirmo 41J!C'l"
(T) 'kind of tree'; craIe,
d dedicate ;
- 'holy of holies')',
ddus a q'ddusan ;~~O;~~n~~' qah~deta 'tax USually paid in kind 10
y tenant Or to a headman
ia'~ce by the ~asantry, Contribution or grain giV:~
(q' - qaddus 'sanctuary');
qedlir , "'J!I: 'cllrus'; to be identified with qedor II; the ending -im gives (maka~ nctuary, Jerusalem' (from Arabic);
q~'dsq;aads. (T) 'faith' (see Guidi in Noeldeke
the Impression of being the Hebrew plural marker. aOb ove
t e) .church , from qdd 'cut. decide, impose' (see
~':(lfrupt from GJ.. kifron 'citrus', f[(lm Laun cllrus. qlds,
qedron, qcdronii, qedrin, qedrina, qedrini ctJ!: 1906:919), d'd- -)' 'fi qadawa (yaqdu) "'Y.w 'be pure, be neat
qedir II, qedros, qedron 'IIJ!r. , 41.!!'r:ft 41.11:
C., '('t'dar':
C"} I 41J::r:C; , 41.!!'&1 , 41.!!'&C; J 41.!!'&t see
get/iir II. q,d
r (pI. qaddaseyat, qa
. h Ilowing, hohness,
Don a
asayat sanctl ca-
amatlOn 0 fd'1_
be lidy, be good-looking, be excellent smeli
good'; ,
qcJrnW,\, qcdrinofl. qt'.!r'n, qcdrino. qrdronii, . 'h II'ness consecratIOn, e IcatlOn, recital )aqdawa, causative',
qedrini. qidrinii 'of Ct'dar wood'; qadirjjn, qe-diirjjn, qedriin, qidriin "'-'l.t, '} , vme 0 , , . I' h
of the q,ddus 'holy III lhe Ilurgy, anap ora, qadiiwi: pI. qadawt (K'), act. part. of qadawa;
rr~'m Gk /.:.('drmo.l· 'made of t'cdllr'; also S:H. qedriis. 41J!t,'} , 41.!!'Ir'} f 1:.!!'t.,}; see qit/iirs. . ,.
Aram. 'IiJr;i.(, qi'rli.~ . :.ce .11~("I qfdiirim. hturgy , ,~- ) , . I h qadaw pure, clear, neat, ltdy, delicate, dainty,
qedrinon 41.1':&'f'}; see qedar II. ,ddaseyat (pI. of qaduase a specm ymn good-looking, excellent, precious, chOicest,
qediir III 4:.0;1: (OT) 'tcnl of a nomad, (TX) q at the beginning of the Mass by the
sung that has a good smell, sweet.smelling';
nomad herdsman'. qedrinos 41J::&'ift; see qedar II. catechumens'; . . , qadwat (pI. of qadaw) 'lUxury';
ddiise q"arbiin 'Euchanstlc anaphora);
I./t'dJrliwi (LI) 'nomad'.
qodriin~s 4'>J::Ir'}m.ft 'copper coin, Umt of qaddase 'Book on the Eucharistic
SEMITIC: Ar. qada (qdw) 'be tasty, be savory'.
Il'rrc . . enl.~ the tr.1n~cription of Heb. qt'tjaf, I~ame ~r weight' ; ETHIOPIC: Te, qiida 'smell sweet, be fragrant'.
liturgy'; see Streleyn 1974: 16, Hammerschmidt
In Ara~lan Inr.r (l.'P the e\pre~~lon 'Qh6/t' qeifar
from Gk. kodranles, a certain Roman Copper coin, 1977: 68ff); qod.yii 4'>.!!'! (KG) 'spring of water';
'1C'n{ . . of ql~¢iir' which is identified with nomad~);
ah(l A,mh qtJar 'n('mad herdsman' See also gl'daf from Lat. qlladrantes, nom.-acc. pl. of quadrans; (J,,'ata qaddase 'the pennanent prayers of the either corruption of qosayu or the other way
also in Syr. qiidran!is. qontiarii!is, Amh. qondiira!is. liturgy'); around.
qedir 1\' <tilL:, "''' qt'ibr ]f, qld,lrs. See also qodrii!iS. qondarti!is.
(qannonii qaddiise, same);, .,
q,dd"t (fern. of qa~dus) sancllty: qa~a .,., (T.M), qa~u +IJ- (Lt) 'moth, butterfly,
qed., I <1:.1:'1: (S" rn D 40') 'poi,on'; qe-dros, qidirs 41J::r:ft , 1:J!Cft; see qediir II, (M) bird of prey, (T) phoenix';
qetbr II. (q,dd"ta qaddusiin holy of hohes); see qa~a, qado.
pertJar:-. S~r qa(irJeaslOf 011'; for 'remedy' and (zaq,ddast 'first Sunday of Len!'); . .
j1IJIM'" '. rp. Amh, Soddo miidam-, 'potson'. ongi-
!lotlh 'nl(.'dfl'lTH'·
qidiirs, qe-diirs, qadiriin, qe-diiriio, qedriio, qidriin
1:J!Cft ! 41J!Cft , "'-'l.t.,} 1 41J!Ir,} 1 41J::t-,} 1
q,dd,siil 'holiness, sancllty, sancllficatlOn,
sacredness, sanctuary, holy things, divine serv-
qa~'a "'{)h, (Lt) qa~'a "'flO, qa~'a
decide, cut to measure, mark out, sketch, cut

1:.!!'Ir '}, (T) qediir 41J!C 'diadem, bonnet, ice' ; to shreds';

Qed.r IT </:.1:'1: (lll, qediir </:.o;C (On qe-dros
'I:.II:CII (TJ 'bla,k ,ilk'; miter, tiara, (OT.Gr.422) turban, (T) colored qaddasanllG 'holiness, sanctity, sacredness'; )aq~Jra (Lt, with ~) 'investigate';
doth, hood worn by a priest'; q,ddusiiwi 'pertaining to what is holy';
Odlmann ~.'i, under qedn, thmks that qt'diir of taqad<a (Gr.180) 'be cut to measure, be ad.
P. . J I~·~. Cnnl. 1.5 wa~ nl1'iunderslood. from Gk kidaris 'tiara, turban of the Jewish high maqdas, maqdas 'sanctuary, temple, holy place, justed, be mended';
priest'; also Ar qandariya. qaydariya (Dozy), of the innermost part of the church'; either another spelling of qa~ra or related to qara.
q.-d.r II f -t .!!'r., IT K \1) qed,r 41y.c. (ll) qe-dir Persian ongin. (bela maqdas 'sanctuary, the Temple of Jerusa-
-t.o;C 'penllcnlial bapli'n,-, lem '); qa~awa (yaqrju) "'OID (K*) 'put a kettle on the
fire, boil';
(ma.,haja qnL>r 'Ritual for pemtentJal bap- qudriis 4lJ::lrft (Gr.422) 'unit of weight, unit of m'q,ddiis 'holy place';
currency' , maqrjut 'pot' (see above).
Ii,,",', II IS a lx>ok of riles for the bapti,m of
SEMITIC: Ar. qadusa 'be holy', quddiis 'Mass', SAr.
Ihose "ho hal'e abjured the Chmt,an faith or see qodrim!is qds l 'consecrate', Hars. qeds 'shrine', Heb. qiigai 'be qa/fa "'.1.; see qIJ
ha''e !'Ceome rituIII., undean. for a bibhogra- holy', qad;;; 'holy', Aram.·Syr. qaddef 'sanctify',
ph" ~ Hammcr!'<:hmldt_Si, 1903; 107; qodri!is 4'>.!!'t-m.ft; see qodran!is.
Vg.Ph. qdJ 'holy', Md. qadifa 'holy', Akk. qadafu qiif I -"'fj: 'goal, target, aim, kind of game with
q,dar/i",j II ti 'Ol'<"tal<, 'be pure', quddusu 'sanctified'. On this root in the a target' (Amh. gile).
qaddasa "'i.r'l 'sanctify, declare holy, make
Snnnc Dlllmann 465 c,'onncct!> 1l ~nh AT. qad, holy, hallow, consecrate, dedicate, ordain, per. various Semitic languages, see Zimmern 66, Jeffery
'un ... k~.mho~s. Jmpunt~ t AL~co1dmF to Getalche~
2l2. qiif II -"'fj: (K') 'shoulder blade'.
form sacred offices, celebrate Mass, recite the
Haile '9l\~ 181 qrtbr mean'i 'that wtucb has been qaddus 'holy' in the liturgy';
g1\'Co bj G,-xi for the punficahon of lrang~slOns
ETHIOP[c: Tna.Arnh. qiiddiisii 'sanctify, celebrate
Mass', Te. qiiddiisa, Gur. qiddiisii 'perform Mass'. qafo (pI. qa/awat) "'t.:
(T.M) 'long cylindrical
'aqaddasa (K'), causative; basket serving either as a cnb for corn or as a
and In" He ~UWS15 a Chmtl.ln-ArablC ongjn 8' Noeldeke 1910:35 thinks that the specific meaning
taqaddasa, pass. of qaddasa; beehive';
expressed In tar-rib mnaJ aJ..qadiJr 'ntu .. rt."con~;la. of qds 'holy' is due to JudeO-Christian influence. He
'astaqaddasa (It) 'make to be consecrated'; also thinks that maqdas is directly borrowed from (qalo nahb [ltJ 'beehive');
Heb.-Aram. miqdiiJ.
SEMITIC: AT. quffa 'basket', AT. (Oman) qujara,
qarada 424
q8f8~a qoll 425
liars. qrlel, Amm. qp·l, Md . qupa, Akk. laqajla (D), laqaffala (M), pass. of qafala' . h connection with Akk. kapib~u, "elwa q.n.
Zlmmern ~4 states thaI Akk. quppu .passed IOto
Aramail- and from Aramaic into Arabic. ..
qaful 'overlaid, covered (with plate), plat;d'.
. ,; , SEMTTlC. t emenziehen, einknicken'" suggested b)'
, h zusam to draw So~eone\ attention, knock II htl' 10
ETHI(lPIC: Tna. q~dfo 'granary" Te.A~h.Gur. ~ii!o
qaJal (ll) 'covenng 'siC ad n 443 is unlikely. draw attention, (KTY) C~dck the kg ':1
,grnnary,_ c--hl\'e' , Arg . gal'o'
J', also In CushltlC: qJjlo (pI. qafiilaw) 'that which is overlaid, plate, von S e. Tc . qiif~a 'uncover', Tna. qiifl4ii. knock t 'dl nuc~ c.;,
.. ETHIOPJ(. . , ap I y and sloWly as a Sign of though;
Or s~rro",. be penSive, ('1") raise the voice"
Kam. gaffa-fa, Sid. gaji-cca, B,I, gaffa, Or. gaJa, beaten work';
.,. ..1' (T) 'evening meal',
Som quffa. See also Cohen 1926-27:93. maqfal, maqfalt (pI. maqiifal/) 'covering q.f! 'anqa~q'~a 'make noise'; •
wrapper'; , see la/I·
qafada "'t.1. (It.MA) 'tie, bind'; q,hqii&e (X*) 'makmg noise (n) in'lead of
speaking' ,
ETHIOPIe' Tna. qiiffiidii, Amh. giiffiidii. giiJiiddiidii.
Te. qa/ola 'lock'; is to be identified with q,ffat ~t.-l- ' Qalfal "'t.-l-; see qg:
See also gaJaza. SEMITIC: Ar. qa~lqa~a 'roar with lauphter', Syr
q·.O ""'l:A (Ll) 'padlock';
- ~'I:"n (L) 'silk shirt (given as a mark
q,nan " . )" qa~qaJ.r laugh, make a Sound', qiihqiihcl 'munnur',
qafiide "'~J'.. (T.M), qafiidi "'~Il. (L1), qafiidel of d'·IS t'mction for mentonous servIce , related to PbH . kil;kah 'clear the throat'.
"'~J'..'" (T), qafiidil "'~Il.'''' (K *) 'chalice,
from Ar. qufl.
A quJllin (of Persian, Turkish origin) lhrough ErHloPl(': Amh . q~'aqqM'a 'crack , knOCk',
·crack'. qaqql1
goblet' ;
qafiil.w "'~"'ID-; see (qafala) , qJjlo. Am r:'IO''-. For Ar. quJllin,
rromh. q'J! . see Dozy 1845: I 62tf.
perhaps from Gk. *skyphidion 'small goblet' (from
skyphas). qufan "'t. J (P) 'cheese'. q.fawiit ."t.'I'''''; see qafo. Q~ar. "''''': (T.M.Ll) 'be hot, burn';
qa!wr (T.M) 'fever, heartburn, Itldigestion';
qfr, see maqfarr. q.faza ."t.II (ll), variant of qafada.
qafiidel "'~J'.."'; see qafode. ETHIOPIC; Te.Har. qJlJ,ar 'acidi ty of the Stomach,
qefiz 41~1I 'the finest gold'; heartburn', Tna. qii~ar, ~~tJr, Amh.Gur qllr, Tna
qafiidil "'~Il.·l· (K*) 'small container used for qafara I "'t.~ (T.Y.M) 'lean Upon, draw close'; qii~arii- 'have heartburn'. Te. qiihara~, Amh. qarii-.
~e kefiis. kefii"
sprinkling water'; qafr, (T) 'capital (of a column), front part of a See also grh III.
see 9t1;(ade. pilaster' ; qagi "';J (K *.MK) 'thorny rose': qi~al tth-l-: see qy&.
ETHIOPIC : perhaps to be identified with G. rafoqa Amh. qiiga, Tna. qaga 'thorny bush', Te.
qlf, qalfa. qafafa "'t. , "'t.t. (K*) 'be hard, be 'recline, lean back'.

tough, be thick, be cruel'; qog 'kind of tree'.

q.~awa (YJq!la«) ." thOJ 'be Jealous, compete,
qaffat, qaffal (D.K.T) 'density, hardness, rigidi- qafara fl (yaqfar) "'t.~ (K*) 'dig a hole, dig qigast :J>.,ll-l-, (T) Qiig,sl .4-.,,,..,..,., ,igoz, :1'., contend, fight. strive to excel, bo",l';
ty, austerity, toughness, tenacilY, thickness, fat- out, hollow out, till fallow land, mark with llt 'viper, serpent, horned serpent. 'oqlwlVa (K *), causative;
ness, obstinacy, stubbornness,(K.T) thick neck' notches, (figuratively) tame, inquire, examine,
taqa!tall'a (Y), laqa&II'Q (l) 'be jealous, be leal-
(perhaps rather 'thickness of the neck'); seek a prophecy'; qiihm, qahm :1'V'I" ! .)oV'I", (K*) qi~m .4-;h'l" ous, rival, envy':
SEMITIC: Ar. qaffa 'conlract, shrink' (hence 'become qafar. qafr (K) 'split, notch, rift, hole where the 'kind of ant, (l) drone' (for which see 0111-
mann 410); taq<iltawa 'envy, be jealous, be zealous, be
hard'), Syr. gap (gpp) 'condense' (Dillmann 478). cord of a bow or harp is inserted';
eager, compete, aspire, emulate, rival, contest,
ETHloPle: perhaps Amh. giiJiil 'paunch, potbelly'. maqfart 'means of inquiring into or examin~ EmloPlc: Tn•. qahJm (Remisch 1890:2 12), Te. quarrel with one another, quibble, dispute, be
ing a prophecy';
q.ffiif .)o~'I: (Ll) 'a plot of land near a church, Jaqbam 'antes)', qom~IOY 'fourmi qui mange Ie mie/'. contentious, boast, brag. strive to outvie,
given by a founder for the maintenance of the ETHIOPIC; Tna. q"'ii/iirii 'dig a hole, dig out', Amh. contradict';
qe~. 41th; see qy~.
church and the attendants'; q"'iifJiirii, Arg. q"'iif/iira, Gaf. ql>'if{iirii, Gur. qojJdrd. >astaqii&awa (Gr.ln) 'contradict';
Possibly to be connected with Semitic ~/r, ifr'dig';
from Amh. qilffaf. same. for g:b. cpo badafa. qa~ama (yaq!wm) ."",00 'eat grain or other qti&iJW, qa&aw 'emulation, competition, contest,
fodder, graze'; contention, strife. rivalry, envy, jealousy, de-
qufiihi .,,~~ (T), qufii~i "'~m. (Ll), qafiihi Q.fri .)0'1:6 (T.M) 'hermit'; 'aqhama (K*), causative; sire for fighting, harshness, violence, boastillg';
.,,~~ (M., misprint for qufolll) 'place in a qahiimi (K *), act. part. of qa~ama; maqii!rJlI' (Ll), part. of 'aq&awa; .
church where the dab lara officiate'; from Ar. qa/riyy 'hermit'.
rnaqhiim (K *) 'manger, crib'; maslaqii&Jw (Gr.I72) 'adversary, opponent III
ETHIOPIe: Amh. quJahi (from Geez). Guidi 1906: q.fur .)ofoC (ll) 'pointed (arrow)'; law' ,
metathesis of qam~a I, see below.
921 stales that several sections of the church are
ETHIOPiC Amh. qiiffiirii 'prick up the ears'.
. ,
(LI) 'zealous, fanatic, (Gr. l72) liti-
"interpretazione singoiari e forse in parte mistiche" qi~mo :l'ih'l" (K*) 'kind of tree'; glOus ;
in AJaqa Tayya's SawasZJw; they end in ~hi (see qafa~a (yaqfa~) "'t."" (Ll) qaf~a 'unveil,"'fj:", taq,,!JalVo (Lt.T) 'rivalry, motive for rivalry, (T)
tadiihi. (ufohi. porahl, salam/If). ETAIOPIC: Amh. qammo. q;nnmo 'a tree whose fruit
uncover, open, unlock, denude, lay bare, strip, boasting' ;
reveal, expose'; grows in bunches and is edible when cooked' (see
qafala (yaqfJI) , (KG) qalfala "'''''fI 'overlay, also Slrekyn 1973: no. 180). 'aqti~Jwot 'zeal';
cover (with plate), cover, giJd, plate'; laqaf~a, passive, reflexive;
.. "h a 'be avaricious. desjre'
ETHloPle: Te. ( IJ ) gawa.
)aqfa/a, causative; qafiisi (K*), act. part. of qafaJa; qi~q.~. :l'ih.)o"" (K.T.Y) Qa~q.~a ."tIt.)o", (Wilh metathesis).
qafuJ 'naked, laid bare, unveiled'; (should be qiillqa&a) 'murmur, whisper, make a
sign instead of speaking, clap the hands softly qalla ."fI; see qll.
qa1aba ~~'I~'b~'____------_____...2::"'__________. _._. .. 427

q"alli (pi g"allJI) _/I. (T) qolli .jI/I '\'alley, alabo 'turn around. lurn over, tUfn up-
I,'"'and, ""Iplace, (T) ",'er',
f ;TlHOrrr rna Amh.Arg, q"'iilla 'lowland', Te. qiilla,
ETHIOPIC" Tna. quire 'diSclose. unCOver' Te "1
Amh. qiHla 'cut off (cars from the stalk)• ::> . qa 'a '
disclose'; passed into Cushlhc; Bil. qab 'open?~n,
frolTl Ar ~
side dow~ Amh. t tii )qliibJlliiha 'be resile),' Practo-
qa/dad. +111"" IT Y \t) 'Ilea
pluck the e)'cbro"" cut the ~;c~~,Q
ttck hu,
ETll'OPlc. A h "l Lh -. goldad 'arch, Clrde' I ,
q(i1aq.J/; from Cushilll', Kam. qalo'o. Or. qolla. Note kolar, The root is related to kl- (see kal<a). ,a 1879: 140 mentions m '. qa a" ascl overturn'
that PraClonus, ZDMG 47 (1893).391·2 connects nus -Ith other quadnradlcaJ \crbs ending In •.~
fOL.elher w . I R d 1955 1 ?aldada 'a),n, (T) g"'dad 'cVebro" .,c" ' .
q. alia With qaliiJ' 'depth' (see qala)'a I. below), and qal'a " (y.qlii') 4>1110 (K-) 'throw frOm a ~n back to lnrad,c~~. ..U~ grcn : I. 9 like- the Circle of the eye'; • ' . d, ht.
c(ln~lder~ Cu!\hitic to be of Semitic·Ethiopic ongln.
shng, hit a ball"; gO' g n<cIS Amh , qalaMasa "'lIh glb, the final -.r
The connection wllh q~iil/a, 9(11/a 'roast' suggested maql" 'sling, (K) club'; \I'~lbcon presenting a Cushitic
ofq sfe b
element of the cau~a~ the verb ·pluck the nebro,", '
native the . lS probahly a ctenoml.
hS Guidi 1901 ~234 IS unlIkely. A connection with SEMITIC: Ar. qala<a 'pluck out', miqla, 'sling', Heb live agg lutJ03ted (Q the ver . qalaJd II. meanmg then nlcnded to 'hlt' Sec
1/'" alq" ala II IS to be considered. qrla ', Syr. qel<a, Aram. qil'a. Ug. ql.. .
I ba II "'''Il (Y M.MA) 'nourISh':
qiil :1'111 '\'oice, word, saying, speech, state. ETHIOPIC:. the meaning of throwing from a sling In Amh qal/iiba, also m Tna.Gur, glil/aha, Arg qalafa 4>".!. (V MGr PI) 'lock _I "
order [Q hu IS related to that ofTna. qii/te 'hit a ball
f~~ba; passed mto Cushltic. Qab. qal/aM" 'feed"
menl. dil;Course, command, order, sound, noise. with a Slick', Amh. qiilla. see q"ala{a II. ' C O\e ,
expression. maxim, thing'; q qalabo 'rations' See al\o qa/apa
Or. . l.
(qiita hade); see hade; qaffi' "'/llI (Gr.171) 'strong and violent man'.
, q.laba III (pql,b) ."AIl (K -) 'catch mid-
q:ala~a I S"'~"!J(J -".!. (T) 'peel, decorlicate', •
(qala nagiiSr fLt] 'representative of a kmg'); ETHIOPIC' Te. qiila' 'hard, rough, unfriendly'
10 q ,,1101, q alan unmcummed' (Ill , ''''ho h. ,
, the toreskln'); a
(qiila liNa fLt] 'envoy of a court'); air,
('a.i.'arIU qaliil 'the Ten Commandments); q.I'i ~1II'l, (Lt) qal'ii 4>1II'l, (Gr) q.J<at ~IIIO:" from Amh qal/abii, also mTna. q"iiliihii,Tc ,/iJqiih. qJfi.l~fal 'foreskin, prepul.'e, undrcumCl\Cd \late',
'castle, fort';
galii,,'/ (Gr 454) 'one who has a voice'; (Inth metathesis), Har, qalaba, Gur qal/aba; passed ~.l"flTIC' ,Ar qa/tl/~ .'docortKatc', quI/a (and tulfa)
SEMITIC Ar. qala 'say', SAr, qH"/'speaker', Heb. qiil from Ar. qalta 'fortress'; also Md.Syr. qal'o; In . to Cushlue: Qab. qallappa-IO'
m .. 'calch a ball'. See .1.orc\klO" Soq. qalijoh 'bark\ lieh. qJlar'dC\:{lrh •
'VOice', Sir golii. Ug.Ph ql, Md. qala. Rab," Cushitic: Som. qal<a, Be. qal>a. For the Iranian also falaba. and qalal'a I. I.:at~, ~kl,n, Ara~ . q;J/al} 'peel. 'Ilnp', S)r. q.)/t
HS:9~ compares Alk qiJlu which he renders (kaMla 'fortress') origin of Ar. qa/<a, see Fraenkel q.llapla ~ore~klO, Md. qlapia ·shell. hard !ill;"
q.laba IV "'''Il (K-) 'conquer':
'shoul'; however, II means 'pay allention to' (von 237, and W. BeJardl, ISIilU10 Orientale di Napoli.An. AU, qalapu peel \lff', qtlpu 'sllO'. Sl'l' al~() N{lel~
Soden 895) noli. Sell one Imguishca I (1959).147.150. from Ar. Kalaha. deke 1910: 10), and Cohen 1916-27 104, n I
ETHIOPIC: Te.Tna.Amh, qal 'word', Gur qal. qe E"n~loPlc Gur. qJ(ft 'b~\rl of a tree'. The rO,lI 'lIt.
'voice, thmg' q".J<e (pI. q",I',yal) ""'1II'i. 'youth, boy, friend, q"'lab' ."Il (T,Y.M) 'catch a bal/': q II IS related 10 qr; (sec qara/d, below). Arabl~
servant. domestic'; '« qalaba III . "alala passed IOto Som qallal :nnd, peel'
q".' ""'111 (TM), quI "'III (D 1395) 'bunch of q"iJl'et 'maidservant';
grapes' ;
q",I',IV.nnii 'boyhood, youth, servitude'; </>&111 (K-) 'thought, wish'; q' alafa " 1,I',1g "bj) 't".!. (T) 'do,e, lock';
SEMITIC: Ar qulla 'mass of people'. 'aq"lala (K -), causative,
SEMITIC: Akk. qallalu 'female slave' is to be from Ar. qalb ' heart, mind '
ETHIOPIC: Tna. q~iiliilii 'heap up, pile up', Amh. connected with G. q"al'e (so also Holma, ZA laq"alfa (T), pas> of qOalafa,
28[1914J.161) rather than to be derived from qal/" qalbane "'1II1l~ (M) 'galbanum, reslOOUS sap of q""II'lock, bolt';
'light' (root qll) as suggested by von Soden 894, and an umbelliferous plant', maq"lal (Gr 171) 'bolt';
qoli .jIt\. (D 1402, T) 'roasted grain';
Leslau, lAOS 64 (1944).57, Ludolf 644 compares from Gk. kha/bane 'resinous jUice of all heal', tran. SU-UTlc" Ar q(l{ala (With metatheSIS) 'hxl, latch'.
Dillmann. lb. thinks that It transcribes Heb. qali'. G. q"JI<e with Ar. qal/a· 'lictor, attendant', Note
~rip"on or Heb. hrlbiinii (Masson 60), also," Syr q"fi 'lock' (n), conSidered by Fmcnkel 16 an Aramal(
However, the pronunciation of Geez qoli (with o) is that FraenkeJ 280 states concerning Ar. qal/a' "die
different from that of Heb. qali' (unless it was Fonn des arabischen Wortes erregt doch Verdachl ~QfMniJii~ Aram. hilbJne!fi (sec Low no, liS). &-e loanword. contrary to Schulthess 62: Aram Syr
dlso kolbane. q/iplii 'lock, bolt', Ha" q<1"I'lock',
pronounced qiili'). The G. qoli may be denved from gegen die Echthelt".
G qalmm 'roast', below. EiHIOPIC Tna.Amh. g'iWajii 'lock, button', Arg.
ETHIOPIC: Tna. qMiilta 'young boy' ; denominative qal.d. I "'t\S'. (K -) 'col/ect water, draw water', qollii{a, Te qiiffiila. qalliJlil, Har 'llil/{~rula, NOle
q~iil'amii 'become a boy'. For the relation between maqlad, maglJd, (M) maqlad, (Ll) lI..qliid (pI. that Te. and Har have qJI a\ agalO\1 q(fof the other
qa/<a I Iy'qlii' "'AO 'uncover, bare, open,
the meanings 'young boy' and 'servant', cpo Ar, maqiil'dj 'bucket, bowl, basin, cup', Ethiopian languages The root pa~\cd mtll Cushlln::
remove, strip, unveil, (Gr. I 70) be torn, tear
gulam, Amh, I.g. The root probably passed mto Kam. qol/alJo, Aw. ko/~fu, Sa q'al., On the root
(mtr), (Ll) hft (curtam), undo, pull aside'; CushltlC: Bil . q"al'a, Kham. q"al/ii. Reinisch 1890 ' Sf"ITIC Ar qalada 'collect water', Ar (Dofar)
taqal'a, passive; mgolid, pi, of ·maglid 'basin' q "If. sec Fleisch 360. Sec a Iso q ~ aldp," below. ilOd
153 also compares Sa. gola< 'youth '. qalafa, above.
qalii'i, act. part. of qal'a;
qal.d. II 4>,,1. (K -) 'pluck the eyebrows (be-
g,I,,' 'uncovered, unveiled, removed, stripped'; q./<at ~&lo-l-; see q.l,a.
-qo/', pI. 'aql"1 (Lt) 'curtains';
cause of an eye disease)";
see qaldada.
q"lf, 'oq"lafa "r".!. (M) 'cover, embrOider';
metathesis of qafa/a~ above.
Sf.MITIe Ar qala'a 'pluck out, extract, take off qalaba I (y.ql.b) 4>"0 'swerve, turn over,
(clothe~)'. Heb. qiila' 'uproot' (in Jer 10 18), accord. overturn, Overthrow, turn in all directions, (lI) q.lada 1lI "',,1. (K-) 'joke, tease';
109 10 Dnver, lQR 28 (1937.8).107. brandish a spear'; quid (K') 'joke' (n); qalron.yii '''&It:'.1! 'reslO',
qulabe 'overturning (n), (K') deceit, fraud'; rrom Amh. qiil/iidd 'joke'. from Gk kolophonia 'resin'; also Ar qal/un, qallit-
(Dozy), Syr. qalripullyii.
q'.lh 429
428 q.I....
q'.lh 'lA,l,. (1-.) q·.I~ -rAJ., (T) q.'~ o}>AJ. e(l'Y', Amm. gil, Md. galil 'Iight', AU. ga"'l 'b
- . 'reed stalk'. [n thiS
. case, qa/am 'reed ,
.- qalp."a
'hud, ca"'\ of flower, unripe fruIt. Rower lhat hghl' Geel 'aqla/a 'vilify' ,< 'be, liltle ' is not ~ b~ tile ~eaWOU Id come directly either from Greek Or from Lat. calendae throu h . .
ha .. nol ;lPCfli:d yet. cotton bll" thal i~ rcady clmncctcd with Hcb. qtllel curse, Ug. ql_1 'shame'
sla k A qalam, whereas qaI am"TOk l"
, co or IS an kalandai~ same meanin ~ Gk. kalandas, ace. of
to ~ursl opt'n'; a., suggcsled by Gordon 478. ' IbroUg~
. plan r'r
oot· Since, however, 'reed' and 'ink' are (Krauss 546). See also qg/, also Aram. ga/a"diis
a WIton .
f he ra~,a!!c Ecclesiastes 12; 5 wherc q" aNt
\If ETlilOJlIC; Tna.Guf_ qiiliilii 'be 1ighl', Te. qiil/a H EthJO 't'ng it is also possible that they go back
dm WrIl ,
('lTIll .. /\ rendered 'carer, carcrbud. caper qjilt/la, Amh. qiilldlii, Arg. qiil/iila, Gar. q'iilh~ r.: use single rool qa~~m: . , . . .. qalanpe 4'111. (T.M) 'red ink, red Color"
l"l('rn', OT renders It hy hy Amh. ~{fr(JlI'a 'Ii~hl'; passed into ('ushitic: Bil. qaliil 'be Iig~~ !O e IC' Tna. qiilam color, dye, mk • Te. qal/ama IS. perhaps a dOUblet of qa/am '
"ham. qal, Sa. galal. See also glly I. • ErHIOP ior' (v), qii/iim 'ink, color', Arnh. qill/iimii with altemance of lab' I . (see qaiama, above)
·~u .. h
v. ho . . e lci"'<'S han' a rurgatrve property' la s, see also qalapa H.
(,ce Strclcyn 1~7.1: no. 117), 'paint. CO'or dye write in ink', qil/am 'dye, ink
'aint CO , ' ,
qilanos "Will 'ch bl .
qlly I, 'aqlalaya ho}>t\t\f (T.M), 'aqlelaya ho}>/I, p. 'co lor' Our. qo/lim 'color', Har. qalam 'reed';
FTHlOI'J( • 10tx" ,Jt"nllficd wllh Amh. qiiMh 'shdl, IIf (Y) 'appease with caresses, soften" , s!am'd III. to' Cushitic: Sam. qa/in 'writing reed' • silk turban" , asu e of silk, (T.M) White
cmrty l'artl'ld~c', 'll named N;caus<: Us shape pJsse
rc~·mhlc.'i> the \,'lll)\ of a flflwcr, Remi.«<:h 1902:258 n root uug~ented with -ya from 'ar/~/a 'make light, Sa.A.qf .."lam , Be . qo/am. See aJso qa/anpe. from Ar. qalansuwa 'cap Worn under I
(\lmparr\ S\,.llll qiJlah 'h61rcrna Trinkbt-cher' make easy (see qll, above). For a Similar formation (for whieh see Dozy 1845'365. . he turban'
see qzzy, below. ' • Im.m. 4I.A(llJoo (Gr.169) 'catch an animal from Gk khlamys ' . Hl, pOSSIbly corrupt
with . t he neck' ;
q • a rope, tWIst . 'be s Ar upper
ha n'c transcn gannent ""of wool'. Am-
q' .Ih 'I"A,l, (") 't<Slicie', qalans
qlly fl. 'aqlelaya, 'aqel(a)laya ho}>l\,/If ; hllt:\
Amh q"'ii/iimmiima 'twist the neck (of an qiilniiswiit (Isenberg' 69). S~:~s~s :~;;'~', q~~ii~~a.
a r<"O,1no;lrth.:tcd form f.f qT,}/!} (old Amh /If (0 415, M), ,aqlalaya ho}>II/1f (Y) 'investi_ from . . f II)'
q-.,Iha), I-N Iht' C'mhtIJl' on~m \)f thi~ rc'IN, see
animal and make It a ;
gate. c~amjne in depth, scrutinize, convict, qalanton "'flH'1 (D.T), qalantos 4'fI'HIl
Cerulli PH] :4NX, under qllro, 'ott' that the same condemn'; (T.M) 'calends, first day of the month',
("t"n"\)n8nfS also lXl'ur In ,'U.l. q'gIJllu 'se"(uaJ q~'msis 'l'fl9"r'l1l 'apocalypse'; ,
Nfan'. l'onsidt"tC\i a Sumrnan k)anw(lrd Marcel il has the ronn of a reduplicative stem of the 'ahu qalamsis, John, conSidered the author of fhrom Gk. kalandon (gen. of kala"da; 'first day of
(",,,hell nl1 u1d c(,"~ld('r Ihls noun 'un mot \'o}Jgeur' Amh."c t) pe from qoloya (see be/ow). Stade 34 the Apocalypse'; t e month'); see also qalendes, above.
states that (his form expresses an intensive Without
analynng the form. corruption of Ok. apoka/ypsis. qalantos "'fl1ofll ; see qalanton.
• qll, Qon. 4'11 IT), q."" (pqb/ J '1'1111 (D) 'be
Ii~ht, />.., e~,!, "" ,Ii~ht, be
'Dq/,,/a 'mal.e light, make
be rapid'; ""n,
qll~ TIl, 'aqlelaya ho}>l\,/If (T) 'turn reddish'; q.I,m!<da 4'fl9"IVl (T) 'euphorbia'; qala~a r "'"A 'devour, swallow. bite, gnaw,
see also qa/am!edii. chew, stmg, catch with the mouth something
the form gives the impression of rendering the
mak<- aple, Ilglllen, m,lke ea,;, do easily. alle- that has been thrown, catch with an open
Amhanc form >aqlal/a (with an augmented -ya)
H.ltC. rni11~1It', ~hHk. disdain. ~(orn, make q.I,m!O!, qalam!i! "'Mu~~ "'t\9"lUI' mouth, (T) snatch away, lacerate';
'turn reddish', a reduplicative stem of Amh. j
hght ()f, \'ilif~ • (a!qallo. For Amh . qiilla, see gyh, qe~a. 'spark ~; it covers the meanings of qa/aba If 'nourish', and
"quI/ala 'wn"dcr hghl, lighten, (K') de'plSe,
dl!rr>ddln'. pt"'l"\lhl~' fn1m \mhanc;
'{Jqd/ala «(ir Ib91 'hale the h"~'l of making
qaloma (YJql,m ) "'"00
(K.T.Y), qaUama "'floo
(KG)wrile, color, stain' (denominative of qa-
Ern!oPlc: Amh. qii/iim~i~ 'spark, glowing of a hot
griddle'; probably from G. in view of the preserved
qa/aba III 'catch in midair'; also in Cushitic: Sa.
qo/ab 'devour'. See also qalpapa I, and qalpawa.
• • •

"ghl lam); s. Wajnberg 1937b:2 Connects G. qo/am!.! with qala~a II "'"A (T) 'write';
Tna. q~iJiJ;}?~ a/ii 'sci ntiJIate' ; the Geez root would
taqJ/ I alo 'be made h!,ht, be allellaled, be laqalma (K'), passive; then be augmented by m. is a variant of qalama. See also qaJanpe.
<flUTed' , qatami (K'), acl. parI. of qalama;
'aJtaqlilaIa "Jightcn, alJe\'Jat('~ make ea~y~ coo- qJlum (K') '"nlten, stained'; q.l.m~eda, qalam!idi, qalimitedi "'"9"m..Il I q"alapa -alIA (T) 'bind, tie, imprison';

"dcr hght, betillle, <<'IHemn. "'om, desplS<, qalam (pI. 'aqliim) 'ink, color, inkstand, pen, tM"m.1! 1 "''''''l.m..Il 'twigs, brushwood, SEMITIC: Grimme 1914:261 connects it with Ar.
rellk, Il'I'at hghtly', reed, stalk, leiter, words, (K') knowledge de- (KG) euphorbia'; qaba/a 'tie the shoe'. The root is related to q-alafa 11
9aW (fem. qal/tilt 'lIght, ea,y, ""ft, rapid, ri'fd from books', 'Iock, close'.
small, !ll1nOr, of small lalu.· (:aqa/am [1I] 'colored'); from Gk. klimat ida, ace. sg. from klema/is 'branch,
(1)0''10/'1 •.... sdy·). ~lne branch'. See also qa/amseda,
'aqliim (pI. of qalam) 'writing materials'; qalpapa I "'AAA, same meanings as qa/apa I,
q,I/Qi,- 'hghtne~\, hght-hear1edness', q,lmat 'statn, blemISh'; with reduplication of Ihe last radical; .
'l',a -l>A11l-l-6- (K') 'pond, water hole
q>/lal ·lightn.,s, I'" G, 169) .,,,flne,,. raptdl- is related to qarpapa
tl Sl\{Jnc Ar qatam 'reed' (from Gk. ka/amos, kala. IWhere sheep are washed before being sacri- . . (below), with alternance I:f.
mi, see Lokotch. no. 1023), SAr. qlm 'calamus aro- /kedl' ;
>'''11>10, In ha-'Oql>lc (lIt 'boeRy, summanlv', mattC, Md qaimia. The Greek fonn is reflected qalpapa II "'AAA (T) 'accumulate'.
""''1/a!, one IIho facilitates, one \lho hghle~s, 10 AfJ,m. qu/mos, and In Syr. qiJliimii.r. According to
lrom Gk. ko/ymbethra 'swimming pool ' through • •
one "flo Alk\lates', Chr.·Ar. qU/inba,tra.
Fraenkef 246, Ar qalam 'reed' is borrowed from qalp.ppo "'AA~ (Sw) 'watermelon'.
Aram qulmos. while Noeldeke 1910 :50 derives Ar
SUllO( Ar q.:lla qll 'Il< Ilgh., b< 'mal/', SAr qll jalendes, qilindes, qiiliindewos ",1\,1 J.'..II 1 :"" wo~ld' it be a misprint for mall!al!po'!
'!<ttk f<~ s<"l q<! I "" ,mall' Heb 'la/light, I
qlliam from G. qaJam. Tt is possjble that the mean-
mgs of Geez 'in k, color' are to be separated from I,n , :l'O\11.9'11 (Gr.170) 'calends, first day qalpawa ",AAID (Lt), same meanings as qal-
of the month',,
• ••
qlql 430
qlql r. qalqala 4>A4>1I (K ') 'mix up, confuse,

ETHIOPIC' Tna q~alq"iilii 'slope down, dech '

hlend t<'gether, destroy, abolish'; Amh. liiq"iiliiqq"iilii 'be put upside down, be do:e ~ qa!1
I ."Am (L1) 'melt, be melted',
eel),Praetonus z[) \( _
._"~ .:...
ETHl(lPIC Amh . qiiliiqqiiliJ 'mix, stir', Arg. hili', liiq~iilaqq"iilii 'set (sun)'; Tna. qulquliil 'do n from Amh, qiilliiui 'be melted; also Gur qiiIalii f/alay from Cusht~1C Or v .4 : (I.&93). lQl ~ dtnvts
qalaqqiill1. HaT. ( til Jq/aqiilo 'be mixed ~ogcther.' ": ward slope, dec lIVlty ·'A • m, h q"iJlq"'iJliit. See also
'deplh' See Is q,lt qJi,; cavc· "
mtcrminglcd',liqaliiqa (wuh metathesis) mIx solids _ qolqal, q"alla. • Ui rA"I 'cake'; . a 0 qlh 'aqlda .... and Y'ali.; . qal.
The- r(lOI 1\ related 10 the meanmgs of qlqlll. q","·OPIC · Amh. qiiliilo 'kJOd of cake'.
E qaJayan "'M(O KT Y)'blle "t I
qalqal 4>A4>A 'sloping place, precipice, cliff convict cond . ,~ ITnu ate, <'trend
qlql [I, >anqalqala h14>A4>1I 'move, shake, ravine, (T.Gr 170) edge of a cliff'; , q.l,a 'a ."AmL (y'M) 'hurry', marks •in<ult emn,
be d· reprove f ' ma~ e cnt'",,1
., reo'
~\\ing. quake, agitate, make tremble, vacIllate. I; • '. ISlru\t ul'
ETHIOPIC: Tna. qiilqiil'edge of a cliff'. See also q"ol- SEMITIC: Ar. qal!afa 'agility'; the same consonant!'l Dillmann 415 deri"eSo th
totter, stagger'; some of the verbs are both q'ala II.
transitive and intransitive; DCCur 10 Ar, falqa!a 'hurry' .. nal meanmg 'roast b e,M! :eanmgs from an ongl.
ETHIOPIC: Tna.~mh.Arg .. qal!affa 'fast, rapid, to qlk (sec qalclk"a). urn. t e root qly bt-Intl: rclatro
(:a'IlTanqalaqq,1 'immovable goods'); q·.lq·il ."...AltA (T.M) 'euphorbia'; efficient'; passed IOto Cushltlc ' Kham qilte/'busy,
lal/qalqala (It) 'totter'; ,
ETHIOPIC: Tna. q~iilq"ii1, Te. qiJ/~nqal. Amh.Arg. active. q.lyi :"Af, q.lyihu :"t\ Pu- I
'anqalqali (M), act. part. of 'anqalqala; q "iJlq "01, qulq"al, GUT. qulq"'al; from Cushilic: • • 'iee qa d~ra.
'anqalq.lo (It) 'movement';
naqolqal 'movement, motion, shaking, agita.
Qem. k"iilk"iila, Som. qulqal; B,I. q"olanq"al seems q.l.wa (y,qlu), 4>1I1D 'roast, .parch' ,
raqalall'a, laq alawa, (MK) laqalwa 'be
~lIn (LK) 'amputate, he" off. cut off•
. . , to be borrowed from Tigre even though Tigre does
tlOn. commotIOn; not have a labiovelar. roasted, be parched, be burnt, be branded'; q','I: (K') 'pruning', (Gil name of a, .
manqalqf1/ 'one who moves, shakes. stirs'; q,I,.· 'roasted, parched'; maq'la I'" ea'\l".
qilqinon tAt<:'1 (0 1402) 'small cup'; qoli 'parched grain' (see ~bove), 'axe" , :, p , maq iii,: (0 T), "'"qla: (T '" M)
SEMITIC Ar qalqala 'agitate, move', also qaliqa 'be
agllated, be troubled', Heb. qliqel 'shake', Syr. from Gk. kylikhnion 'small cup' (dimmutive from q""ii (M) 'parched gram;,
kylikhnl). q,lyiihu (T) 'parched gram , SFMlflC" Ar. qala:a 'hu'. Ar. (Syria) qillu: 'rcm(\\,C'
qalqel'throw mto confusion', Aram. qiJ/aq'throw',
ETHIOPIC Amh. q-iIlliI:ii 'prune, cut off thoms' Se
ETlilOPIC rna'onqiilqiilii ',remble, be agitated, SEMITIC Ar qala (qly ) 'fry, roast', Soq qale, Hcb. also nlaqlil:a, e
shake. Vibrate', Te. 'onqiilqiila 'shake', Amh. tiin- q·.lq·is """Altll 'kind of tree'; qat. (qly), Aram.·Syr q,lii, Md . qla 'burn, roast',
qiililqqa/a 'be restless, roam about' (probably also Akk qal" qim ,"''I'' (T) 'perfume',
either directly from Gk. kolokasiii 'Egyptian bean',
q~alla 'wag the tail'; Praetonus 1879; 132), GUT. or through Ar. qulqiis, qulqiis; also in Aram. qolqas, ETHIOPIC Tna, qiiliiwii 'roast', Te. qiilu ( 'III,), Amh,
( o,lqlaqala, onqiJliiqala 'move, shake. swing', The Syr. qalilqsa, for which see Krauss 507·8, low 240.1. Arg. q-iilla 'parch gram, roast', GaL q()//d, Hac qama, '" Jaqama h+ oo ; see I q"m ,. 'aqoma.
root passed Into Cushillc: Sil. anqalqal, Som. qa/o, Reimsch J895:25 compares Be. t'flkaliw 'pan'
qalqal. The root" related to qlq/l, and q"alq"ala I. (rom emkalilt' < me-kaliw. As for Sil, maqln 'pan', qimi, qami ,"''' I ."., 'necklace, chnlO, colillr,
See also Cont, 1980:87. q.lq.yin :"A:t>f1 (Lt) 'precious stone'. • illS borrowed from Ar. maqla(f).
(lI) neck (of an anomal),;

q'alq'ala r 'tA't1l 'brandIsh, agitate, shake, from Cushltu;: Be. kama 'ncdla('c' OJ!lmann 417
q.liriqos :"llt4l1l (Gr.170), qalirakos 4>lll!> q,liwqi :"~w-.4' 'owl';
lI(Lt) 'clergyman, priest'; ~ugge~ts, with resen-allons. Syr qiimii 'hll, munlc',
\ Ibrate (spear, st,ck; tr. intr), throw (a spear)'; see gJlawqa, from Gk kin/OS. See aho Reima
'aq" alq" ala, same meanings; from Gk. kl€rikos 'clergyman'.
qol.w!i 4I1IW-lI (T.M) 'mother monkey' qim t'l"; see ql'lll
to be Identified with qlql II, ·anqalqala 'move, shake. " qalasa (yaqlas) 4>1I1I (K') 'bend down';
q.l.wt,monos 4>f\w-:""'<:'1I (0 1402), qaliiwta. qoma 41 00 , qom 41'1"; 'ee q,r",
q'alq'ala II 'tA't1l (T K) 'bring down, send
laqalsa (K ') 'be bent';
raqiilasa 'fight, wrestle, contest'; monos </>~w-'''''''<:'1I (K) 'weeping, mourning', q.m~a I (pqmaio I 4>'1"", 'eat gralO or other
down, (n go downhill, hang upside down,
Jastaqiilasa, caus. of taqiilasa; from Gk. klaulhmonos (gen. sg. of Idawhmnn) fodder, graze';
turn upside down, push down'; 'weepmg'
laq"·a lq'ula 'lean, lean downward, go down laqiilso 'contest'; 'oqm,,!w, causatIve, also 'feed, 81\e fodder',
(Into a deep place), decline (sun), be lowered'; ETHIOPIC: Amh. qiilliisii 'bend down'. As for G m,'qmiih 'pasture, stable, stall, manger, Crib,
q.laya I (y'qli) 4>1\f 'be deep, (l) search, (T) graZIng place',
q',lqul, qlllqui 'sloping, rolling down, inclin. taqiilasa, lis origmal meaning is that or being bent, (KYMGr.171) search thoroughly, scrutinIZe,
ing downward'; tWisted, linked together, as in wrestling; cpo also penetrate, understand, reveal'; SI MITI(': Ar. qamh 'wheal', qam~o 'eat parched
q',lq',la (It) 'upside down'; Tna, liiqaliisii 'turn one against the other, wrestle', barley or wheal', Ar, (Dar) qamuh 'eal' Dillmann
'aqla),a (K') 'deepen, make deep';
q'alq'al (It) 'slope'; from qiiliisii 'turn, go around'. 417 (followed by Buhl 716, and J Aro, Z[)MG
q,I"j' 'deep (like an abyss)';
q" ,Iq" ,Ial (K') 'going down (n), lowering, de. 115[1963).476) compares Hcb. qrma& 'Hour'
c1ining' , qelasin </III fl.1 , (T) qelisno 't'lll<:' 'silk or qalay (pi. qaliiyiil) 'depth (of river, sea), ocean, ETHIOPIC': the root is represented as qm~ ilnd qhm,
q'.lq',/ir 'steepness, slope, decl,vity';
velvet cloth'; gulf, abyss, pit, ravine, gully, underworld, thus Tna, q"ii~a",ii 'swallow, devour', Te, qlihama,
lower regions, (It) pOol, pond', Arg. qiihuma, Amh. quma (from q~m), but Har
q',lq'allla 'downward, upside down, head metathesis of qila,ros, above. q,lyar (Lt) 'depth';
downward', qamaha 'take a mouthful' The root IS Cllmmon With
q.llat :"11:"; see qll. EnfloPlc· Te .. , , CUShIlIC: Sa. qa", 'eat, chew', Qab, ~"iU qanln",.
Amh"" ," Tna quia)' 'lake " sea'
. . qalay pond'
'chew the rat-plane. Or. qama 'crunch st)melhmg
,qolo) deep and Wide body of water' (from
dry' See also qahama, above, and Su'\sc 25,
432 •
qOJQos qumas 433

q.m~a II (pqmii(1! "'9"'" (T. Y.K *) 'produce qmr II, qammara .,.ODt, (T.Y.M) 'count co
fruit' (denominative); qUJll8's "''''1ft (D 1402) 'woolen clothing';
pute, number, divide, separate, (T) pre~are~-
q..1fn!1 'produce, yield. fruit, leguminous. plant'; laqammara (K*), passive; , . h dl'rectly from Ar. qumas (of Turkish orimn'
el'· b',
'aqmiill (pI. of qamll) 'fruit trees, all kinds of qammiiri (GLI72), act. part. of qammara' Vo!lers 1897:309), or through Amh. qumai; also in
cereals or fruit'; Neo-Syr. qumaJ, Tna.Te. qt1mas.
q,mmur (K*) 'computed, counted'; ,
('G,<adii 'aqmiih 'garden l qamar (pI. )aqmiir) 'count, number, calcula_ mis (pI. qamiiya~) "''''I.~ 'shirt, sleeved tunic
q.m~o ~9",f. (K*.Mk) 'disease of the throat'; tion, computation, division, section, cycle" q'aching to the feet' (it is the prinCipal under_
'aqmiir (pi) 'computation tables, canons'. ' re . )
vestment of pnests; see
H ammerschmidt
ETHIOPIC:Amh qiJmmo 'serious but not contagious ,
disease of the throat in which the throat swelJs ETHIOPIC: Tna. qiimiirii 'compute, reckon by the 1970: 152;
considerably and pus forms in the area of infection'. calendar', Amh. qiimmiirii. The verb is perhaps a from Ar. qam[~ (fro~ Gk. kamision 'shirt'; see
A reduplication of this root occurs in Qem. qamqaw. denominative from qamar 'moon' (see below) which Fraenkel 44-5); also In Syr. qumTs/a, Ug. qm~.
q".mil ""''''IA, (K) ~"'IA 'louse'; serves in the computation. For qamar, see P. Mauro According to Jeffery 243 the Greek noun passed
da leonessa, 1943: 309tf. into Syriac and Ethiopic, and O. qami~ is in all
qamola 'delouse' (denominative);
probability the source of the Arabic noun. Littmann
SEMITIC Ar. qaml.a 'a louse', SAT. qlm.t 'insect qmr III, taqarnara .,..,.ODt, (It) 'withdraw, re-
tire'. 1924:22 states: "Die alten Araber haben das Wort
pest" Heb. qarnal 'be infested with lice', Aram. von den romischen Soldaten in Syrien libernom_
qo/m~!a, ka/maja 'louse', Syr. qalma. Akk. kolmatli;
men. " qanna .,. ~; see qannonii.
related to Heb. kinniim 'gnat', Soq. konem 'louse', qamar .,.ODC 'moon'.
ETHIOPIC; Tna.Amh. qiimis 'dress', Te. qiimii, Har.
Mh, kOllem qamariiwi 'lunar'; qiimis, Gur. qiimis; passed into Cushitic: BiLSa.Af.
ETHIOPIC Tna. q~ iJmal 'louse', Te. qiiml-iir, Amh. qani :1'<; 'melody, melodious song tune'.
Arg.GuT. qJmal, Har. quma)'; perhaps also Cushitic
from Ar. qamar 'moon '. See also qmr n. qamis, Or. qamfsi. See also qamis.
(nasr qunii; see nasr); "
*kilm 'tick', for which see Sasse 13. qumat "'OD-}-; see qwm.
qurniir 4!"'IC (K *) 'gambling'; ETHIOPIC: Tna.Amh. qana; see qnw n.
q·.mq·.m ""'9"""'9" (Ll) 'box'; maqiimar, (ll) 'al-maqiimar 'gambling, (Lt) qamtora "'9".,.6- (L) 'clasp, fastener, box,
game played with pebbles';
qeni 'l:t (T.M) 'olive oil" ,
probably from Ar. qumqum 'long-necked bottle', chest' ;
from Gk. koukkoumioll 'jar' (from Latin cucuma); from Ar. qimar, qumar (Lane quoted in Dozy 11 see qamrarii, below. ~rhap~ ~onnected with Amh. quni 'perfume' if the
also PbH. qlJmqum (see Fraenkel 70, Krauss 511), ohve OIl IS meant to be used as a perfume.
404); also Te. qiimaren 'gamblers', Amh. qurnar
'gambling'.,a .,.oum (K*) 'hold tightly, bind
qmr I, qamara .,.out, 'build an arch, arch over, sheaves, bend'; qane ~1; see qny I, Il.
vault over, frame a house, round off, (T.Y.M)
stretch, stretch out (a hand or a spear in order
*qrns, taqarnasa .,..,.00/'1 (Lt) 'taste, enjoy'; laqamma!a 'sit down, remain ';
taqmii! (K*) 'diarrhea'; qan>a (yaqnii') """ 'be envious, be Jealous,
not to let someone through)'; from Amh. qammiisii 'taste'; also Tna. qiimiisii. See be zealous, be eager, emulate, imitate';
'aqammara. see qamara; also qsm I. from Amh. tiiqiimmii!ii 'sit', liiqmar 'diarrhea'; also )aqna>a 'make jealous, move to envy, incite to
laqamra, (aqamara, passive; also (Lt) 'rise to a rna. tiiqiimmii!ii, Har. aqama,a 'rest on a base'; also zeal, inspire, incite to emulation';
qamis (pI. qamiiyas) "''''I.ft 'shirt'; in Cushitic: Sa. kames 'sit down', Be. kemis.
peak, reach the zenith'; laqiimJ)Q 'be envious of one another, emulate';
qamiin (Gr), act. part. of qamara; qammasa (Y.M) 'put on a shirt' (denomina- SEMITIC: related to Akk. kamiisu . 'bend the knee , )aslaqiina)a, 'aslaqan1a 'provoke mutual jealou-
tive); kneel down, squat', PbH. qam~ii~ 'bent up' (E.Y.
qamur 'arched, vaulted, round plate around Kutscher, Leshonenu 31 [I 967J. I 15-6), Ug. qm~ (Ca- sy, make one another envious, incite to envy';
variant of qami~ (see below).
the central pillar of a house'; quot 509). qanii)i 'envious, jealous, zealous, zealot';
qamar (pI. 'aqmiir) 'vault, arch, firmament, qan>, qan', (K*) qani' 'envy, jealousy, zeal,
qomos .j\'I"ft, (GLI73) qamos "'9"ft 'prior,
vaulted structure, chamber, juncture, (K*) join- qm!' I, >aqam!.'a t,"'9"1'O, (T) >sqam!a>a emulation, ardor';
church administrator, head priest, father con-
Ing of beams, (Gr.4IB) assemblage of beams'; 11+9"'1'11 'till the ground thoroughly, harrow, q,n'at, qan'at, (T) q>n'al 'jealousy, envy, emula-
fessor of the bishop, archpriest';
the basic meaning is that of 'round > arch, firma- put the ground in good order, level a field, tion, rivalry, ardor, indignation';
qommasa (K*) 'become an archpriest' (denomi- (T. Y) knead';
ment. circle, cycle'. There is the possibility of con- native); laqan'o 'mutual envy';
neclmg qamar 'circle. cycle' with q"U II, qomar taqommasa (K .), same; SEMITIC: Dillmann 419 compares the G. root with SEMITIC: BrockeJmann, ZS B (1932). 115 (following
'calculation, computation'. Note that PbH. qamar Ar. qa!a:a 'cut' with an original n becoming m; for G. Hoffmann) connects it with Ar. qmlQ>a 'be
'bUild an arch, a roof' is considered a Greek (kama-
qums.nnii (K *) 'office of the gomos';
n becommg m, see Dillmann 1907:65. blood-red, be deep-red', Soq. qn' 'be jealous', Heb.
ra 'vaulted chamber') loanword. from Chr.·Ar. qummu~ < Gk. hegoumenos (Gfar E~IOPIC: Te. qam!a( bela 'till the ground thorough- qinlle 1 'be envious'. Aram.Ug. qn! 'be zealous', Syr.
Tna. qamiirii 'build an arch', Praetorius 93); also in Syr.PbH. qumis, Tna.Arnh. qOlnOS, See Iy. See also (a)qamlawa.
ETHIOPIC • qene(·)J.tJ 'grudge', Md. qina 'envy, jealousy'.
1879: 100 compares Amh. qambar 'yoke', particu- also komos, 'aqmons. For more details on the fune·
tion of the qomos, see L. Ricci, RSE 22 (1966).95- qm!, II, >aqarnta'a t,"'9"1'O (Sw. in 0 420), ETHIOPIC: Te. qiin'a 'be envious', Tna. qiin.e. Amh.
JarJ) 10 view of the meaning 'juncture'.
98. See also mq ~·s. 'aqam!.>a ""'9"1'" (T) 'be appointed, be used Arg,GuT. qiinna, Har, qana.a; Amb. qiina'i 'zealot',
as a pretext'. taken from Geez. The root passed into Cushitic:
Bi!. qan· 'envy', Sa. qana>. See also qananiiwi.
- --~
qannonll 435
qanIY'I'. q.nn,,'a. "'Jh,}' • :"-th''''. (T) qan...-
·il .,.'11,'" \,,1 '" myrrh, galbanum'; 'pu,t )o I1.~cw clOtlU~S'; Te. ('u)qii"du ( qndl ' lish a satisfying aClion, do penance'
com P
'('UT', t\r qlnnl1, Noddckc JQlO:4J4 SI~lt("s
9'u.!' I-e contc'btt'h c. satisfied, be satisficd Withl
Oll.~ S .ac li.~I~,S ,or c aVIO~ ~ .become haughty'; Tc
ac .
denominative);. '. q'.n~ ""'')lI', (Lt) q'.~ """)l\ 'flea' ;
( nana 'receIve penance, SEMITiC: probably Ar. amos' . ,
"m~n '" unk nhnc wCfh::rc... :lnncbmen. das Wiler (ta)qnnnuga be coquclIIsh IS considered by L . /Oqan . , ,
It; q>",fUl.H) 111 aC'n Arahem gdommcn lSI, W('nn munn-Hofner 753 an Arabic (qafliga ) loanwo~~~ Gk. kanon 'eccleSiastic law, decree ; also Ar. (from qm,) 'small bu/ (W . 'Ms~~~)onsect , Sh. qies
8ll~h nllr nachwC"I"'C'n hCh" da ..... Afrika G<ll~anum Sec "Iso q-"dw. from -nfin- in Ethiopic : Te. qafJona, Tna.Amh. ETHIOPIC ' Tna II" • ... •

('r1Cu~('n und .}llhfUhrcn konuc" s~r.nnonqo" . The root passed into Cushitic: Som. qii- Amh A · -~g an". q iJn~, 'flea ', Te. qas qat, (pl. q"''''/JZOI, qaniif;,z) .,...·t-.;11 (K') qa from ' rg. qU~.;)9t;Q, HaT. qunii.{, Gur. qanuc; ci~rive·d
• qn'. '.qn.'. 1.:"')0 (I fl. '"qQ". h:"')h (II) :"'}'i:1I, (T) q.nruz :"14-11 'hed~eh niin. be d Jump, leap' (see above). It ~ould also
'put In ~'!{l()d ordl'r'; porcuptne' : og, enve ~om the related rool qnr, qnfl ' Inch'

FlHlOf'/( qdn'"
Tllll, "0(" stralghf. Te . 'Oqll.l'u prohably from Ar. qwifud (with d > z) as .
q".an iinacst tt'l)q.:"; see q WIarnana(Gt.
~~;J~~el~o6~t. ;~~h) ;~rious
e Ethiopian iang~~g~s.
q.nanomo, .,.C;.,..... I "'C;"'I"; see Q - ' . e root also OCcurs in Cushitic .
·~tr:Hfthlcn'. '\mh c.;Ut qi'UIflf1 'he "{m1ght', liar Tc ,Tna. q,mjM. The rool also occurs in Heb. q1iJ _; . ab: qun,9'.ta 'mosquito', Cerulli 1938a :78 connect~
Q(illlJ'f1'dlTcct (lnt'q'U, N- wcJl.-m!wncrC'd' For more Syr. qUI'Poda, Md. qunpud; from qpd of Heb.~~~: qaniimomu . It With SId. koreo, Gan kaniiko Kham .
dC-lath. '{"(' • ('s/all IQ7Q-48,C; , . , . qemsa.
(goonf back to qpd, qjd) contract, roll up', The
LrhlOpIC nOUIl passed Into Cushitic: Be. kun/ed S q.nanomon ",C;"'I"", qaniin.mos "'C;")'I"i1; see
q an~al. '*'')l\/\ (Y.M) 'spread, SCatter';
qU/!fid. Sec on this root Wagner 102. ' a. ETHIOPIC: Amb. qll'iiniiUiilii 'scatter. disperse'.
q'anag' .t.~1' (tt) 'thorn'. qananiiwi "'~C;'I! (T) 'zealous, (tt) hermit'; q'.n~1 (pI. q'ana~al) """)lI'A 'fox, jackal';
qandil (pi q,m,iJd) </'')Jl,1I 'lamp, connected with qan>a, above; or could it be bor-
S3n('tuan htmp. lantern. c\treme un(tion', qan(.)mo 'l'J'I", see q."amomu. ETHIOPIC : Te. qanSaI 'jackal'; Amh. q14'ans()/ 'fox'
rowed from Syr. q3miniiyd 'Zealots'? There is also from . ?eez. Brockelmann 1950 ;25 considers it ~
(mll'thtifa q""dif ' Ritual for the unction of the possibility of rendering it by 'Canaanite'. Cushltlc loa?wor~; Bil. q14'anJalii, Kham. q"'Wjelii.
q.num (pI. ·aqallim) :").9" 'hypostasis sub-
!he ~onne.ct.lon WI!~ G. qana~a 'j ump', Ar. qanWjo
rh(" SId... prlt)tfS lor txlrernc un,tion'); see stance, essence, divine nature" , '
rJammtr~hnlldt. In As,ralg·Krtiger 260; q'.nq'.ne """)""); 'woodworm, moth';
(anqWana 'be worm-eaten, be moth-eaten' (de- hunt (ongIOally Jump upon'), as suggested by
from Syr qimum > Ar. 'iqnum, 'uqnum, qunum, Hommel 379 is doubtful.
ctthcr tflr'lX'th" fri'ml Gk Ictmdll,· "lamp' (from
cll1tdrlo) or Lhroui-!h -\r qiJJ:Ji1. A\.'Cordmg to Fraen- - -
q.lnamomu, qananamu, qaniinamo, qanan;}mon,
q.~riiho :"'lI'6-11' (T.M) 'deacon'.
111 Q'. til; I,;olldtll ). Aram ..s~·r 'Iaudi/a > Ar,
ETHIOPIC: Tna. q"'anq 3n 'woodworm', Har. qinqiii
qa",m qinamon, qanmos, qaniin.mos :"C;'I"oo- : 'I'~'
'earwig', GUT. qanqan 'wonn that eats wood'. The
')- : "'n'l" i .,.C;'}'I"·t , :#'J'I"" , 'l'J'I"1l I q.n~iit :"')l\"" (T) 'perfume';
noun is derived from 'gnaw away' expressed in Te.
qondari!is 4' 'I f,(rfnll (" 0), qondori!is .,.'tIl.? 'l'C;,)'I"Il, (K) qanmoD 'I''''I"} 'cinnamon" , qiinqiino. The denominative 'be worm-eaten' Occurs ~robably Amh. qanrOf 'luxury', yiiqJn!Of aqa 'luxury
mil IT), ,I r,'pr<r «'In. from Gk. kinnamomon, nom , 'a Superior in all the above-mentioned languages. The rOOl also Items', e.g, 'perfume'; or could it be a misprint for
s« "fId,iurlls kmd of cassia'. For the Semitic origin of the Greek occurs in Cllshitic: BiL qunquna 'moth', Be. qunqu- qan'al? (W. Muller). See also qantawa, below.
noun, see LIttmann 1926:417, Masson 50. The root ne, Sa. qanqane.
qondori!h "") .... (~/Itll tll 't>read made of lhc occur<; 10 Heb, qmnamon, Aram.Syr. qiiniimii, Amh. qanata (y.qnat) 'l'H' 'put on a bell, gird on';
k'<'ds of the plant called mU~ll tn Amhanc, qiinan:m1OJ. q'••satige "".,i1"1'1. (T.M) 'sponge'. 'aqnala 'gird, put a girdle around';
(i ) d"CUIfa-nuJlet' laqanra, passive; also 'gird on';
qiinamon ,4>')'I"J: see qanomomu. qa.a," (y.qn.~), qanna~a 'I'~l\, (0r.178) qan,8
4'JK 'leap, spring away'; qanGti, act. part. of qanata;
q ''''''', '"q ·.nid .... "'''\'f.IJl, (T) l.qlUlid .... qanmos 'I',)'I"i1; see qaniimomu. )oqna~a, causative;
q;mut 'girded';
++"f.1fI (T) '~trut, wall. In Ii haughty or q.niil (pI. qmiiml) 'girdle, sash, belt (serves as
laqfmlqa (K''o 1430) 'have the habit of leaping,
C'OnceJled "~l, (T) '"'pres nl!for through o.)d" q -~imat, q-animat, q -animat, q -aoamat vestment of the priest),; see Hammerschmidt
spring forth, leap upon';
I} mOllons (e g, b) !;tling sh<'rt, qUid ,lcps)" .....C;oo,.,. : .,...C;..,,.,. i tC;..,..,. i '*'~..,,.,. 'mon, 1970:153;
5C'(' q.,a,ulal'd
e} bag, purse', 'aslaqiinasa (K 0 .0r.I78) 'make leap, make gal-
lop' ; maqnal, maqannal, magnali, maqannali (T.M.Lt)
'belt' ;
q·.nct'}1 "Jf.f
(K), ....
.""11,1...." be proud, be haughly,
sec pn-Ull.iJmo
mm·. with
from Chr.-Ar. quniimiyya 'place where cburch ob-
jCCU are kept" derived by Grar 93 from Gk. oikono-
qana,i (Or. 178), act. part. of qana~a;
q'.ns 'ftea' (see below); SEMITIC: possibly AI. (ca)na!!aqa 'gird oneself'.
IllSOlrns'e e,ule "lIn msolen~, strut, glon!')
mui 'management of household'; also in Amh. q"an- with metathesis and emphatization of t to r by
namar. qul/arnat. SrI-tITle; perhaps qama~o 'jump' (Dillmann
Ar. assimilation (Dillmann 443). The connection with
on~lr, boa,!. (n make derogatof\ r<marb. ,450); Hommel 379 compares Ar. qana~a 'hunt', lit.
derrde Ar. qinna(t}, pI. qinnan 'strand of a rope' suggested
qlnnoni .,.P,C;, (Lt) qlinon :#,P'') 'canon, Jump Upon'. The connection with Ug. qn~ 'go into by Rabin 1978:400 is unlikely.
dogma, constitution, rule, rite, penance im- labor, travail' suggested by Fisher 178 is unlikely.
Te. qiinniita 'gird 00', Tna. (tii)qiinniitii,
f"lOOl'l{ '" ·q·aM<ido·....Uer ...all, ~h.1e 'upplication' ('ee Walker 73),
posed by a priest, devotion (religious), prayer, Em/oPlc: Te. qiin~a 'rise', Amh. qunna![ alii 'not
Amh. qiinniilii 'put on a belt', miiqiinniit 'women's
Slay quiet', liiq"'na,annii{ii 'be agitated', qiin~a qii"4a
mo\lt1.8 (he entJrc bod),. Iii"' Tna., tQjQ--dltD,e4"'Q' qunnana 'establlsh a canon, impose penance. belt'.
alii 'be frOlic. gambol', Gur. qdnii!a 'jump around,
q".nol '1'<;,.,., q.nnol :,.<;,.,.; see gnw L
436 ~q~n~ 437
q_ntl ~H', qonil ~tt; see qny I, II. posted In baule array, (T) archer'. qoy
, - . perhaps Ar'qal':l1
. 'worker . 10 Iron', Md, taqam'O(I,
see qan!as!asa I kef " Heb. . qayln, proper" name,
qanla"a 4>,.,.m (TM) 'scent, perfume' (v); St.\!lTIC
. 'metawor Slon, cult',
qanto,r (T) 'perfumc' (n); lfil/lOIO 'rker in tron ' The connection wIth
qontaste .f>'mflm (T) 'an extremely 10 I 'eda,wo
,!pla," _ hi 'reed'. Akk. qanu,. suggestedby
l'I.1uJd " be for qanfaWD. and related to q~n~at , . . w Pace'
Hob. qanr( . doubtful. Rabm 1974 316 connect;
SE\tfTlCAr. qanii (q"v) 'acquire' , S'r
~ ,"\
'H evL
qana (q"YI '~uy, acquire', Aram qfl\', S)r q~nO:
- • qfll.
qan!as!asa 4>'mflml'I (Y.M) 'be arran e . .",hler 843 IS .
qn!b I, qan!aba 4>'mO 'pierce, nip. cut off the ballle array'; g d In K anaya, and kin. ", Md. qna,:h qn,·, Ug. qny 'posse,,' ICaquot 457).
It wIth q. Amh. qannJK-"ar 'the nails with which
tl'P, (Gr 178) wound', Akk. qanu. For the meanings 'buy' and 'dominate'
from Gk. katoslatos 'one who has been arran ' ErtflOPIC cified' is laken from Geez. cpo Amh. gii::a 'buy, rule, dominate' .
q,lnloh 'piece. segment'; Chn st was cru
q,mlohi (T) 'pIece', baltle order'. See also qan{os!a, abOve. ged In ETHIOP1C: Amh. qdnna 'become a good \Crvant'.
q-lIIebii, (T) 'pIece', qan!a!a ""mm (Y.M) 'strip off, skin'.
qnw /I, taqa nawa
. "'4>~I»,
d '. (M) taqanwa
hturglcal melo y ,
"'' ' 1» from Geez, even though It has Ihe appcaran(e of
commg from a root wllh a last radl\;al laryngeal.
S"MlTIC Ar. qall'!aba 'cul' (Dozy). Ar. (Dat) qarra- SEMITIC; Ar. qalla (qll) 'cut'· note that G 'Sing '_ (Gr 177) 'cause to sound',
/1o 'CUI' (with augmented r); Heb. also qf!f~ 'stmg' ..
the other Ethiopian '"languages have a r eez and )Q sraqanawa. I d '. qny n, qanaya 4>~f (Y), see qanaya:
001 aug.
- -, me lodious song, me 0 y, tune,
(n). SYf. qlir.lil/!ii 'thistle'; related to Ar. qarjaba 'cut', mented by n m 'relation
. to AT. qU. . I ' qiina.JlQ 'raise a sound of mUSIC, compose qJne.
- 'kind of musICa tune,
Heb. q(irab. Akk. kasobu 'cut off',
ETHIOPIC Tna. qimriibii 'CUI off', Te. qiintiiba 'tear
ETHIOP~~: .:~. qiin{ii{a '~a~~ MO~ Quickly (gannent)'
seeqny /I.
poetry, tune a musical instrument' ;
Tna. qan!a!a, Amh. qaua{a Cut (grass, bUshes)' laqonya , taqanara 'compose qenc-poetry,
off, plud.: off, qd¢/la 'plOch', Amh. qiinii!.liibii'lcar separate by leanng' (like qll of Arabic) Th ' chant a qane-poem' ,
off. snap', qimiuYlibiJ 'lake off the tip', qoniibbiilii passed Into , " . erool
Cushilic: Bil. qantat. - t "''i'm-t·• see (qanata i, q.niit.
. . qanawa "f' taqiinaya (1\.1) 'be chanted alternately',
'pmch off a Icaf {wllh metatheSIS}. The root passed
CushlUc: Oil. qantah, Sa. qantab. For the root
qJlle 'genre of EthIOpian poetry wh,ch IS part
1010 qan!awa 4>'mlD (M) 'prick, sting, pinch, (K') -I
q~nn3",a"f' ""'Pol- , qanniwit ol-'i''Pt, sec (qnll' of the rehglOus service'; see Alemayyehu
WJlhoul n, qa./aba, below. The
see roOI IS related 10 suffer dIscomfort from eatmg vanous kinds of
qalafa I (see below). I), qannol. Moges, PlCES 1970, vol. 2, pp.991f; E. Go-
food, become bloated';
del, "La metnque du qane gue,c", Abhar 12
qnlb fl. q_n!.b ~''I'll (T)'that which serves to qan!alVe, qan{awe 'gnawing hUnger, indigestIon qny r qanaya (Y'qni, Yi1qni1yj 4>~f 'acqUIre, (1983-84).117-203: Velat 611f
envelop oneself, wrapper, cover of the ark'; from eating or drinking too much, distenSion buy ;ubjugate, dominate, rule, subdue, tame,
( miihalet, see fhalayaj, miihJit,t),
of the stomach after eating too much'; , make serve make toil, reduce to SCfVl-
EmIOPJc; Amh qanii{{iiba 'half Cover the head with ~alO" k ') m.qniiv 'modulated poetry, harmony': (Velat
SEMITIC : Dillmann 1907: /35 compares Heb. qr1rb tude, brmg mto bondage, force to wor , (K 54) 'sert :i designer n'importe quel chant
a garment', qJ"uh 'covenng the head and the fore. 'stmg' (n). ._
head partway' create'; . pourvu qu'it soit execute alterneJtht'ment
ETHTOPIC: Tna. qiin!iiwii, qiin!ii{ii 'pinch, sting' (re. 'oqnaya. caus
' Of qanava·
. ' also same meamngs phrase par phrase par les deux partlcs op-
qan!alli 4>'104- (Lt) 'bush with thorns'; lated to q"iir!ii!ii, with alternance of liquids), Te. as qallaya; • posees du choeur: Ie cote drOIt chantant la
[rom Amh, qiJfl{ajfa. same. qiin!ii!a, Amh. q"iinii!!ii!ii 'pinch', qiirii!!ii!ii 'cut taqanya, passive of qanaya; also render ser- premiere phrase; Ie coti: gauche la deux,,:me et
with the leeth', Arg. q"'iinii!!ii.ta, Gur. q".miiltiilii Vice, serve, attend, mmlster to (a person), wor- amsi de suite Jusqu'a la fin';
qan!orihi 4>'tfllt-'i. (T.M) 'rifleman, leader of Har. qonii.ta; passed into Cushitic: Aw. kuntii:x;"a' ship, perform religious services, tIll (Ihe land),
nflemen' , Had . qiin(a>a·kko. For 'indigestion due to overeat., be in bondage, be subject to, be servIle, submIt,
taqanlliiyi (M) 'one who compose, qJne-
ing', cpo also Amh. q"'Jn!an, [rom q"'iiniiyanii. poetry' ;
from Gk. kef/lono" < Lat. rtnturio 'centurion' For pay allegiance';
q"an!ayigu ""J'I"1- (T) 'old dog'. SEMITIC: Ar ('a)qY<Jlla 'SlOg' (Dozy), qarnu 'so~g:
the nouns end 109 10 Hohi. see Tayya 92; also Syr 'aSlaqiinaya (Lt) 'make subJect';, ,
qi'",:mina, Aram. qiintaryan. stress', Heh. qinii 'elegy, dIrge', Aram:.Sy~, qm~
qnw r, qanawa (y.qni1wj, qannawa "'~m qaniiyi, act. part. of qanaya; also master, 'song. chant', qanqtn 'chant' (\1)_, Md. q~nla ,song
'transfix with nails, fasten with nalls, nail, q,nuy (fem. q.nil), pass. part. of qanaya; als,o The root IS related to Ar. ganna (K"Y) sm~
qan!as. 4>'mll 'gather vegetables by nipPing 'slave, enslaved, servant, subject, submIssive:
pierce with a spear, drive a stake into the ETHIOPIC : Tna. qandyd 'sing', qiinqii~ii '~I~~, ~redu:
off, break off vegetables, nip off, pinch, pluck ground' ; q,ne 'servitude, bondage, service, divine serv- plicated root), Te. qana, Amh, (tdiqamla Sing,
off \ egetables',
laqannah'a, passive; Ice, ministry, subjection, task, office, labor, ..
aqanqan . 'singer" , passed into Cushltlc Sa qana
SEMITIC Ar (Syna) qa,taj 'cut, truncate, break', function, occupation'; . 'song'. See also qn .. II.
qannowi (K'), act. part. of qannawa;
E~JOPIC' Tna. q·iin!iisii 'pluck off, cut', Te. qiin- qJnnaw ~transfixed with nails, nailed, pierced q,nyat, 'domination, dominion, subJec- qny Ill, qannaya 4>~f (YM.) 'spend a certain
'~j~. Amh. qilnii"iisa 'cut off, break off', Gur. q"'anii- with a spear'; tion, service, slavery, servitude, bondage'; . ,
UnQ. The EthlOPI(' rOOI IS augmented by n in rela- time:
tion to Ar q{i. qannol, q.nnol (pI. qannotiit, q.nn.wiil, q.nnii. q~nyiit 'servitude, service, slavery'; .
ETHIOPIC T na. qam,aya 'spend

, a certain
.. time', from
Gaf Gur
11'01) 'nail, goad, mark of nails, sting, scourge, maqnayi 'one who subjects, one who subJU- .' 'week' Amh. qiin 'day, Arg. qana, . 'be
q •• !os!a 4>'fIlOm (T) 'be POsted battle gates'; qana ' . of Am h. qan ,. 'd ay' from qn'd b
III (Lt) spine, hymn related to the nails of the .. .. The denvatlOn
. , cross' ; m'qniiy 'bondage, service, place of servitude'; qan~.. m Hochstehen der Sonne) suggeste Y
mastaqiin.y (Lt) 'laborer, workman'; straIght (vo 2 d btrul The root is perhaps
qaIllOste, qanl,s!e (TKO 1403) 'one Who is q.nnawe 'transfixing (n) with nails, mark of
nails' ,. Praetorius 1879: I~ IS o~'t' . 'oil Qua. k"'ara 'sun,
'"qanii},i, part. of taqanaya; also 'servant, vas- to be compared With Cus I Ie. .
sal, minister (in a church),; day'
qoq~' 439
q"lnu "'''11 (GI) 'plailed hairdo':
Sl'C' q".m:a'i. ~ll)" . ."kr:ll (K') 'excrement" ,
qopros "'I h• .,:,om (K·.Mk) 'cackle, netgh':
from Gk. kopros, sa me . q . , kI ' qeqlya, qaqaya -t+f , ++f .bt .
IC ' Ar qiiga. qa'qa'o
S",'T.· _ cae e, qo'qo'o 'clatter,
k nOise', Syr. qOH/ql. SDngy, bt a mIser ~ . ' avancIOU', bt

:Q'( ; qo!"'ro!is .",.r:1I\1l (T.M) 'drone. queen bee' btreave': ,spanng with, depnve,
ma epIC: Te. qat bela 'crack aloud', qoq bela

q".nza< I """')111> (GI) 'hock, calf (of leg)': q"aqq".'a 1 ...,....0. (T) q"aqq""a .. .,...." 'bt
• ETHIO ' Tna qo' b"/"
'eroa , . a a, Am. h ( an ) qaqqo. qaqa ala
, qlq~V:
qiJquy ·av~ricious. !OtIngy, miser'
hard. bt dry, be stiff. be benumbed b G qMo epa 'produce a sound', qa ....qaH-' bo/ii 'make qeq 1, fem. qeqa,.il (It) 'a '. '
F1HIOPIC Tna.Amh. q~olJfa 'calf . ur ~.. and wake up o t her5.'See a Iso q"'-o' 'raven' qiq,yo. qeq'l'O (LI) , t' vanclOU', stingy'
weak, be emaCIated. be haggard' ; . ecorne a nOI"" , , ,
( .. , ", s mgmess. avance' .
qoqoh 'francolin . • 0. .nbala qlq,yo [It) 'un . I '
q "anla- II """')111> (K ') 'pain from a wound': >aq~aqq"'''aca, causative; also 'dry out 'panng y')
sume; , , con· q'qyat, (K') q/qyal 'avance, greed':'
ETHIOPIC" Tna. qan:.a, qan:; 'violent pain ', Amh. q;qel !'</IA, (K) qiiqiJ :l>tA 'small bell,
qdn:a SEMITIC: Stade 19 connce - .
ETHIOPIC: Tc. qiirqii'O 'become wrinkled' A h church bell': 'be cellecled' PbH _:s It with Heb. q"1' (nlf'al)
alii 'be crisp" qaqqa 'dry out (throat, fro'm ~ k' qa SEMITIC: Ar. qaliiqil'small bells' (Dozy). E .' . qowo (q wy ) 'collect"
q"anzi'l (pi q'allliu') """1 11/)t-, q"aniz.' .,...." )' ( tan
.. ) qaqqa 'be d fie ac '32
. d out'. Reinisch 1902 0f :rHIOPIC. Tna. qeqal'ii. ii iho 'be . .'
water, ErnloPIC: q(l. with {commg from qe, ql: Te. qo(iila qlquy 's tingy' (from G' qq . .. stmgy • Amh .
111>, (It) q"anza,. q".nza' l "1"1. , """1"1.t- compares Som. ingeg 'be drying up', Or. gogti .. . . - eez), Amh qllqquta 'be stm.
'nng' (v), Amh. qa{.I 'bell', Tna. qa{.I, q~.1. Fer q gy. a denominative from qiJqqilta 'a\' . .
'lock of hair, rmglet, tuft of hair, braid, plaited
hairdo' , q"aqq".'a II .. .,....0
(K'), qoqq".'a "'''''''0
(l) becoming r in Amhanc. see Cehen 1939:36, '" from qqy ance. greed.
Gurage, Leslau J979 ;xxxlx. The root passed mto
q"aqq",'a .. .,...." (T) ' be perforated all ov I,
SEMITIC; Ar. qU:"Q, qUII:uca, qundwQ 'lock of hair', Cushitic: Kham. qa{il. qar :l>C '''quid pitch, bitumen' :
Ar. (Oat) qur:o'o, On Ar qu:'o, see Landberg bt peel~d. be cleft, be hairless, be covered wi~~
192.1'113 I bltsters ; from Ar, qar, qir 'bitumen', of Aram,Sj'r origm I, qaqanon +4'<;' • 4'+<;'1. (It) qiiqii. (Fraenkel 150); also," Md qir, Akk _ ,
'aq ·aqq".-a (It) 'c1eave, crack, rap knock non !'!'tj1 'swan':
"'' 1, (It) qoppos
"'' '1 'boot, shoe. wound, injure'; "
rrom Gk. k}'knon, acc.5g. of kyknos 'swan'; also '"
hI ' ,' . . I , qlruas.
P, at. Amh. qor hquld pitch'. Zimmern 60 suggcsb
with reservallons, an Akkadian origin of thh r~t~
Ern/oPlc: Amh . qaqqa 'break Open the egg (hen) I Ar qaqana!s (Dezy), Syr qiiqniis.
while G. qOl'l'un is borrowed from Cushitic (Or. release the chick', qMaqq"o 'crack, take otfthe shelJ~ q"arra 'l.:, q".rr ""'C : see q'rr.
kC'f!£l, even though the tina I -n remains to be ex-
plained (so aho Praetorius. ZDMG 43[1889J.323).
the root IS Common to Semitic and Cushitic; Ar.
qaqaba ++11 (T.Y.M) 'put into a sheath "
qaqab 'sheath': • II +4'<;' (T) 'plotter'.
qori "'t- (KG) 'garden'
q;qer (pI. qiiqiriil, Lt) :l>4:C 'crow, (K) frog':
gahgiih. qlrqub (Dozy) 'wooden clog'. Har. kubkab, for the idea of putting something into some. SEMITIC, from qrqr (for the reduplication, sec Noel. qori ."" (ll), qoru .,,~ (D under q"ros) 'contain-
Te. g>riiqah (from qbgb), GUT. k"iibe; Cushitic: Be. Ihmg, cpo G. ('a) qabqaba 'drive a stake into. Ihe deke 1904: 122), and cpo Ar. qarqara, a verb Ihat er se;vmg as a measure, measure of wheat or
kohO, Som, koh, Had . kobe·e. As for the roots of ground', Amh. qiibiiqqiibii 'drive a nail into wood' flour :
Be. kerkah, Sa. qlrqiih. they are borrowed from expresses (he noises of various animals, Heb. qirqer,
Tigre, Thcre is also the possibility of deriving qaquh from Syr. qorqer. transcribes Heb. kor 'dry measure' ; also Te, qor,
qabqab, a reduplicated rOOI of qbb. berrowed frem EnnoPlc: Amh. q"'ariiqq"iirii ' rap lightly', Amh
Cush,tic: Sa. kabab 'sheath'. Amh, qore 'plate' (undoubtedly serving as a meas.
., ."ASt- (ll) 'breeches" , qaqer 'kmd ,of insect that makes noisc during the ure). See qoros, below,
ramy season.
pcrhap~ 10 be connecled WIth Amh. kuf comma qoqah. qoq.h "':I>1l : "'~Il (0 455). qoqi~,
'Ieggmgs' .
qoq.~ .,,:1>;" : ."~;,, (T.K·) ' francolin': qar'a +CO (K' T Y) 'hit the head WIth a stick,
qqw, 'asqoqawa hll.,,4'w 'howl, lament, wail, (ll) shear, clip':
" . +AA. (T) 'chameleon" . SEMITIC, onomatopoetic: Syr. quqanii 'partridge',
Neo-Syr. qaqwiina, PbH. qiiqiyyii. For the sound,
sing a dirge';
lasqoqawo (T). same;
maq,,- (pI. maqii,,-) 'means of hItting the
head, whIp. stick':
probably a mlspnnt for qll$ape, see qoqha, below.
saqoqaw, (K) saq'aqiill' 'lamentation, lament,
• ETHIOPIC: Tna.Te. qoqo~ 'partridge', Amh.Arg.Gur, dirge, elegy. grief'; SEMITIC: Ar. qara'o 'hit', miqro'o 'Whlp', Heb. qaro.
q apara. qopara. qapara -t.A.: : .f>A.: : +A.: qoq, Gaf. quq"agga ; also in Cushilic: Bil. qoq'ii, Be. 'tear', Md. qro.
(D I 395.T K) 'chew on food that IS hard, grind', kok, Kham. qoqayo. See also qoqha and qqw, be. (saqoqiiwa 'ern"yiis 'Book of Lamenlations'), ETHIOPlc: Amh. q-"ijrro 'cut by puncturing a vein In
see qarpapa 'bite, chew', below. low. masqoq.w 'one who chants a dirge. mourner: the forehead'. The root IS related to kMur'o, above.
lamenting, mourning':
q~""rs, q~pros. qepirson, qeparsos. qepT3Sas qeq~a -t~'" (T.K·.M) 'husk, hull (barley or ,EnuoPlc: Tna. >asqoqiiwii 'howl'. Te. >asqoqa q war' """CI> 'helmel, headpiece':
(and others) -tA.C·ll , -tkC'll , -tAci"t1 • wheat), winnow'; fOS

q •are, same;
worry, be sad', with the rare prefix >OS, rather than
-tkCMI : -tkCM 'cypress': qeqa~. qeq.& (T.K·.M) 'fine flour, crushed ce- from ·~qqw as recorded In Dillmann 353. For qqw from Amh. q-Jrr in rasa q"i1rr W Muller suggests
qeparJ~nii, qipars;ma. qil!orisna 'of cypress'; real, hull. husk'; expressing noise, cpo also Tna. qiiqiiwii 'cacklc'
Amh (") • the possibility of its being derived from Gk, korys
(r(lm Gk. kypanssoJ 'cypress', k)'porisstnos '(made) from qhqh : cpo Amh. qaqqa 'break the egg (hen) to . tan qoqqa 'make crack' For other verbs 'helmet'.
of cypress wood' release the chick', ( liin ) qaqqa 'break (inlr.. one's e:<pressing noise, see qWti', qoqah, qoq~o. Note that
lImbs), DTW 1203 records G. q"oqawQ in connection with qarab +':11 (KG) = Amh. "mh"ay 'a bush
Amh. siiq"'iiqaw 'dirge'.
having a bitter red or yellow frUIt'
qar'd. qaraf. 441
qarb 4'Cl1 (T) 'eyelld';
ETHIOPIC ; Amh. q"arriibii 'receive Holy Co

- qurdar
. 'stomach
• . ache';
J qlnn,j
8 \<'l:'ondan form of q~r~h. below. mrn Un· ~Jrual, '.
ion', Tna. q"'iiriibii. The verb in all these langU
. . ,I rom q •Jrb- ages q . d, (T) maqra~ SCISSOrs,
moqra, ETHIOPIC ' Amh. ( an I -arij .. ' _.
IS a denommatlve an. thm stream' (fro~ a ~ ,q? ara POur 'ilo\l,l)' In I
q.rba. (pqrab ) "'cn • 4'(,0 'draw rTfe . A r, qarodo
. 'cut, sever, cut olr The root is up JC3led rOOI q-,' )0 q.'1
near, be near, approach. come close, be con- qariibib "'60fliI 'piece of cloth, garment tn t aled
SEM arasa, below. For 'stomach ache' coming
q~~ rn, qii"'~a
e ~Ol ·'cut', cpo Amh. yahod qurfdt.
is not sewn;' a rel t blO ?Cm (K' T) 'b be h
n...·ted. be akrn. be presented, be celebrated rrom qarb (K ') 'heartburn' urn. ot
(Ma"r, qumiisa qariibib (Lt) 'a new roll of WOOlen •
cloth' . , (Y3qr3/) "'t.L 'peel off, skin, bark', ETHIOPIC' Te,' h '
qarraba 'celebrate Mass, offer sacrifices'; qara,l . ra, above qar, a lake fire'; metathesIs or qaJra.
'aqrl1ha 'cause to approach, bring near, bring raqarafa (Ll), pas.SI(ve);.
q".rbiibit rCt(flT 'leather bag'; if 'bark peel n, ariI
closer, present, offer, administer the Holy Sac-
rament, gl\·c communion;•

probably reconstructed from Amh. q"JrbabitCa
q"~~r 'bark ,' skin. peel, rind, scale';
q'h <tt<C\ (T) 'one who rides a camel one
w 0 guards camels'. .
'tlqarraha 'bring near, offer sacrifices, admin- same. • SfMITIC: Ar. qara/a 'peel off.
ister the Eucharist'; PIC Tna. qiiriifo 'peel off, Te. qii'/a. Amh . qrm I, qarama (y.q"m) 4'(.lID (K T 'I)
q ".rbin rct('} 'offering, dedication, gift Ermo. -';r. G ., t'b k r .
taqarha. taqarraha 'be offered, be presented'; QrTo/ii, Har. qe~a~a, ,ur. q~'.JiJ ar 0 tree; ma ...
T(.OO (Y) 'glean. harvest';
. ." ,qa"a-
laqiirl1ba 'approach one another, come close sacrifice, Eucharist, oblation, Holy Commun~ q sed into Cu,h,t,c: BII. qa,df, Sa . qa,af, Kham. taqarrama 'glean, harvest',
together. adJOin. be neighboring, have sexual lon, Host' (see Hammerschmidt 1967: 130-2); pas"~
qa rf,. The root IS related
I to qlf; see q'a/a/a I, taqarma (M') 'be gleaned',

Intercourse: • qarba q "'~rbona 'receive the Eucharist'; above, and q·arafa, be ow.
qariimi (K 0), act. part. of qarama;
'o.filaqarhl1 'unIte'; 'arraga q"·3rbona 'celebrate Mass';
·-rafa ?i('L 'cut into little pieces. tear, b,te qorum (K 0) 'gleaned, harvested';
·aslaqaraha. caus. of laqoraha;
qariihi (t;. 0). act. part. of qarba;
)akk"'alela q . . 'arbiin 'EuchariSlic prayers,
anaphora' ; ~r:m an oversize piece, (M) pick fruit Or
qarim. qarm 'gleanings, stubble';
qormar (K') 'gleanlng' (n).
qJruh ·near. adjacent, close. related, immedi- SEMITIC: Ar. qurbiin 'Holy Eucharist', SAr. qrbn q'.rf (K') 'Iegumes and vegetables (such ~s taqriim ·gleanings. crop, harvest';
are, recent; proximity, Vicinity'; 'otfenng, sacrifice', Heb. qorban, Syr. qurbiinii, Md.
potatoes, onions,. radIShes wh,ch are peeled) ; laqarromi 'one who gleans or harvests'.
(q>rub" 'close to, close by, closely, at hand, SE.MITIC: Ar qaranrQ 'gnaw, nibble'
recently. lately, nearly'); ETHIOPlc: qurban. qJrban. According to Noeldeke Sf"ITIe: Ar (Syria) qa,aj'break in two'
Tna. q"·arriifii 'eat, browse, eat the q"arf- ETHIOPIC: Tna. qii"iimii 'glean', Te. qanm 'arable
q~rbar 'proximity, closeness, union, viCinity, 1910;37, Ethiopic and Arabic qurban is taken from ETHIOPIC:
. . , Syriac qurbiinii. See also q"'araba, above. root', Amh. qWiirrii!o 'bite from a~ oversize piece'; land' (probably 'gleaned > arable'). Amh qarra",.
nearness, annexation, connectIOn; 'glean', Arg. qiirriirna, Gur qnriimd; passed IOta
Tna.Amh. q"a'j'kmd of potato-hke root eaten by
q~ruhaH'i 'one who is close'; qardu I .,.C~ (T) ·hiIl'. Cushitic: Kam. qarmf·ta 'gleanings', Sam qarmi.
monks and ascetics'. See also qarafa, above.
maqr~b 'one who offers'; See also qarmay,
maqrab, maqr~b 'near, neighboring, relative'; qardu II "'C~ (T) 'precious stone'. q'arif -ltt;: (K*) 'one who has long ears';
maqrabi 'one who brings near'; qrm n, taqiirama "'?(.lID (K') 'buy an ox
from Amh. q"iiri/o, same.
m.qriib 'nelghborhood, vicinity, objects q.rd :"CJ!:, qard 4'CJ!: (T.K*) 'monkey'; jointly and apportIOn its meat among those
qorih, qurih "'6011 4:6011 (M); see qrlr I. who paid part of the price';
connected with offenng, vessel for incense, from Ar. qird 'monkey'; also Amh. qJrd. See also !
censer, tray. pJace from which to come near qardiniir taqiiriimr (K '), act. part. of raqiirama;
(e.g. waIting room). entrance'; qrh, I, qarr.~. 4'Crh, (Y) q.r~a +Crh, (1I) qmllat (K') 'act of bUYing an ox jOintly and
laqar~bo 'approach, union'; q.ridin (pI. qariidiniit) :"60"l."} (D), q.rdin :"C q'arr.~a "Cm 'shave, make bald', apportioning it';
.II"} (K ') 'field mouse'; qarrii& (K') 'bald';
SEMlnC; Ar, qaruba 'be near', SAr. qrb, Hars. qireb, ETHIOPIC: Amh. (Iiijqiirammatii 'buy an 0.\ JOintly
from Ar. girdiin 'rat' (Hommel 364). qar.h, quriilr (T.M) 'shaving the head (as SIgn and apportion it', Tna qiiriimiit 'the buymg of an
Heb qii,ap, Aram.Md.Ph.Ug. q,b. Syr qJrag, Akk. of mourning)';
qerebu ox jomtly and apportionmg it', The Gecz form
qardiniit (pI. qiJriidiniit) 4'C"I.'IT (T) 'monkey'; q",,&ar 'clipping (n), shaving, tonsure, corona- taqarama gives thc Impression of bemg a recon.
ETHJOPlc ' Te. qorba 'be near', Tna.Gur. qiiriiba, see qJrd.
Amh. qiirrOhii, Arg. qiirriiba, Har qiiriiba. tion' (on the occasion of coronation the hair is structed form of q~rmtJl. It is also possible to mler.
clipped and burned with incense); pret the Geez form as the ongmal (orm; the Tna.
qariidis "'60"l.fl 'one who plasters the lime- Amh. verbs would then be dcnominatlves from
q·...aba .(./1 'recelVe Holy Communion'; stone'. SEMITIC: Ar. qara~l
'land containing neither watcr ·qiJrmiil.
·aq·raba 'administer HOly Communion'; nor trees', Mh. qore~I'shave', Heb. qiir(J~ 'make
q"ariibi 'one Who receives Holy Communion, qara~a, q "ara~a "'1.11 ! "'t.Il 'lacerate, tear bald'. Aram.-Syr. q"a~ 'be bald'. qarmeIos 4'C"'I.11-f1 (T) 'Iush forest';
one Who has vowed not to divorce his wife'; away, cut off, shear, shave'; ErnloPIC: Amh. q"'iJrhat 'tonsure' (from Gecz).
q".,biin. see below. perhaps a transcription of Heb, kormri through i:l
'aqrarja (K*), causative;
qrlt II, qar~a "'Cm (T.Y.M), qa""ha +Crh (KO)
Greek form.
SHfiTIC Chr -Ar, qarraba 'administer Holy Com- laqarrja, taq"'arrja, pass. of qarQ(!a;
mUnion' qariirji, act. part. of qararja; also 'barber'; 'drain off, empty a vessel. drink to the last qarmiiy "'C"j!, (T). qarmay "'CtlDj!, (1I)
qarurj 'Iacerated, shorn, shaved, cut 011'; drop. go uninvited from house to house'; 'briar, weed, oats';
qarriih (K '), act. pan. of qarriJ!Ja;
to be denved from qrm ( 'glean'
qlrm_u_ _ __ ~
._.-- 442
qlrna w
qlronl', q,>rm., "'COO1/ I :t-CV"1/ (D 1401, qrrnr 4:C)" see (jernefl, -
T h:. Ml ',carle!. purple, kmd of re'ilnous q'rr
}nqoro,, q--,Jr'o, Har.".~
Th T·also in Cushillc:
J:'lant u!'rd I\l make lon:hc,', q"arinu <&~). (T M) 'precious Slone', Or. qa rarit , Mo. in grancce. e Igre root passed E:~'fI~PI~:. ~~a,
qtirqiirti 'steal', and perhaps Amh
qomla:,1I',' (II) 'kind or garmenl or purple
W, Muller suggests, wHh reservations, a loa
• 1010 Oil, q"'ariJ<.
q araqq ara hurt, injure' See al~o /c-ar/c"'ar I .
I.'oll'( ,
from Taml' kuruntlam 'corundum', Hindi kl4~:~rd qatn aw "'C~""; see qarna/aw.
rrom Ar qmni: -~'3U{'U' lmq"t'{),. qirmr:irr ·I..:nmso~. q,"rq"r IV, q"arq"ara <tCt..: 'make a founda_
scarlel', fwm Pc-n.ian (l{ S;tnsknl (lmmyaJ Or!' qarnab "'CHI (K' Mk) 'hare';
q"eniwi ."t,t;''I! 'uncoulh. rustic. deSlitule'; tlO~; be!1O t? settle a country, build a city';
lun also Amh q~rm..l."'. S> r qrrmt:. taq arq ara be rounded (a cily)';
a rare case of q for· jf It is to be compared 'h ( mAr. qarawiyy 'rustic'; also Syr. quryiiyo. (Dill-
'mh. ThiS would have to be consjdered an l'nvWJI ~~nn 429 has quryiinci). related to Ar. qara (qwr) 'make a round
~Ie, Heb. qar (qwr j 'dig' For the relation .,,(.) (V) 'gr,,,, horns, haw horn" dig
process, Smce normally q becomes " and not crscthe
\.\llh the 11("'rn,' (c.knomin'Hlve)~
IQqranll ("-) ',gW\\ horns'.
olher way around. For q.' In AmhariC, see Cohcn
"papa ."cAA (T. Y.M) 'bite. gnaw. chew some-
. hard' ;
70~~een Heb. qwr and G. naq"ara, waqara, see Buhl
1939:40-1; 111 Gurage. see Lcslau 1979:lXXX". F Ihmg
t(11j,jr,ifltl "allltd nnC.~ . mother (wlfh the horns), qaflwh in SemItic, cpo Ar. (Oat) qarnah 'hare' T~r ETHIOPIC: Amh. q"iiriiqq"'iira 'found a town Or a
. . I (see above). See also q"'apara.
variant of qa/papa city'.
°rp{)~(' (lnr anlllhcr. resis!, conflict. he ~ontra. rool '~nh OCCurs In AT >amah, Mh. harneb, SyrC .
r\. ne rrfral'IMY, qU;lrrcl. sho", enmuy . 'urn.lQa, Heb, ·arnr~rl. Akk. arnabu, annahu.
q"qar ."C."C (T) 'level and open field. (KG)
(:a),.l(qilrrnn 'adwr"'M '1.
boulder. heap or stones'; q "rq 'r V. 'anq 'arq "ara "')t.C<&~ (K ') 'pour
'Q..<;foqarann (1\'), l"IU-.atiH of laqiir'lfIQ ~ q"n.b. qarn.b. qarnab (pI. qariinabt) -PC')1) t slowly in a thin stream'
"'C,)<fl : "'CHI 'eyelash. eyelid. lop or an ear ETHIOPIC" Amh. qiirqiir 'c1jff'. •
qom (1" 'lJqrJnl) 'h",n, Irumpel, lip, poinl, ETHIOP.IC: q"iirq"iirii. 'anq"'iirq"'iirii 'pour
(") ~m"," or
POWeT, mlghl'; of corn' (ror whtch T has also the rorm q'".
n"h) ; q"rq'r I. q"arq'ara <&C<&': (K'T.Y.M) 'rap. slowly 10 a thm stream', Amh. allq-iirtiqq-cir(i, Gur.
(qarna nag~ '1\ r), elephanl IUs. '), aq" ariiq" iira,
knock. shoul. speak noisily, be conrused';
(qorna daM .. 'r:t) "r sun). Tnn qJrnilb 'eyelash, eyelid', Gur qarb,
(:Q'Ohadu qarnu 'u",'Mn'), q'"q'ar 'murmuring (n). Shouling (n).
qarr3b, Amh.Arg. q3ndilb, Gaf qand.Jbii. For rll lid q 'rq"r VI, 'anq 'arq "ara "')t.Ct..: (K') 'sing
, quarrel, argument. (T.L) commOlion. agita- the zema-song';
qaram ("') ',callle) that 8r,'" horn,', 'C. Praclonus 1879:78; Cohen 1931380, The root ,
magr n m.zqr"/J (pi maqtir,Jn/) 'one who has passed Into CUShlllc: Kham. q3rnib. See also qarb.
q'arq'aro (K') 'shouter'; for the expressions for noise, shouting, Slngmg, see
hllrns t one" ho fighl' "uh horns. adversary; q"rq"'r 1.
qarnalaw. qarnaw "'CHIID--: "'OID-- (T.M) 'per- laq"'arqWar 'murmur, grumbling';
fume, scent'.
numoqarJn \'pponenl. cnem), adve"ar). (1I) SEMITIC: Ar. qarqara expresses the noise of various q"araq"ar t..:t.C (K') 'whitish Spots ap-
c0nrradlctor) . ETHIOPIC: perhaps Amh. qtJrno 'smeJJ of a bone or animals, PbH. qirqer 'cackle, cluck', Syr. qarqar pearing on Ihe scalp';
hom In fire' 'cackle'. For qr expressing sound, cpo qr (Ug), qr'
faqlJlam 'ud\rrsary ("'PPl'slng t resisting, Con from Amh. q"iiriiq"iir
trar,', Contra\(
'call, read' (Ar.Heb), qr' 'knock' (Ar),
q'.rnimit <&Ct;'''7.). (Gr,419) 'purse'; ETHIOPIC; Tna. q"iirq"'iirii 'hammer', Amh.
'uf/arallo 'stnft. enmlt\', qarqis, qarqes "'Ctll I "'C'II1l 'circus, (TK)
Identified with q"Jnamat. above, with Inserted r. q"iiriiqq"iirii 'tap idly and slowly', aqrarra 'sing war
[MTTI( r far" horn', ~1h. qon (pI qarjilf), Heb songs'; related to Te. qiirqil~a 'knock', and G. chess. Ihe giibii!a-game'.
'if'f'I, ram ,S\T qaNlD. ,\ld, qam", Ph,lig qrn, q"arnen, qornen, qW'irnen, q"irnin, q"arnin toe ('onjg"arg"ara 'murmur'. See also qaqer, above, qarqisiiwi. qerqesiiwi ·player. chess player'.
I " 'larna "VtJ, ra\ of sun' cpo Hoh q"'tn, Ar
n , "C1') I !tC1,) : -tcn I ""'cn (0 and q"'q"'r VI. qarqesa (T) 'play chess' (denomlnalive).
1402,Gr419.T K') 'carved dagger. sword, dub'; from Gk. kirkos 'circus', extended Into playing
EnuoPIC 11'1a qQrm '110m. Te qiir, qdrn, Har Gur q"rq"r II. q"arq"ara -tC<&': (K') 'g"eve, be
9w Amh A" qtl1u/. (hf qtl1u/J ,om,
bdd to qa,.
(ror qdnd qarn Ott Praelonus 1879 7: Cohen
from Gk, kor.'nin, ace, sg. of KOr)me 'club'
unComroriable. be angry. be upset. be in an
uproar' ;
games; also PbH. qirqas, Syr, qiirqilSci, Aram. qlrqcis,

qernen. qornen. qerne 'IIC1,) : "C1') : '110 (0 q"rr, q"'arra, q"arara (yaq"'rar) t l : «ll. 'be -+
193/ J 01 (null, '9SI conncels S<m,IIC qrn laq'arq"ara (K') 'be grieving. be unCOmrOrl-
1402. K') 'rOUnlaln, pond'; cold, be cool, cool down (anger). subSide
"Hh (UdUIIl 1\1 qlUi) r r the Geez meanmg$ able' ;
'contras.t.. rt'.iI 1. ad\"erSlr'} '. and so on, Iraruferred from GL krrnin, acc, sg. of krene 'fountain' q'.,qllr (K') 'sad. grieving';
meonlllgs r"llm 'li~hl '''Ih honu. ep also Amh ·aq'rara 'cool off, cool (anger). appease,
liJqtIrr/inii E .ptn ~ n8"'I, opflOS<' qarnanii· "'C~t;'6 (K'j; see q'arnana'iil filrq"'ar (K.T) 'sorrow, anger, vexation, rerresh' ;
commotion, uproar'; q'arr 'cold (n). coldness, (OT) hell, depth'; see
q"rn. •.... q·iranl "Il"'~(.) (1.1) 'hind 10 q"arnanacit, q"'arninotcit, qWaninacit ct.C~~q+ ETHIOPfC: Tna. q"iirq"iirii 'be sad', Te. qiirqiira 'be also (na/na/a) , na/nil;
p.urs I <tCl,,),}.). : <&t;'~'l.)., (K') qarnani • ."C)"" gneved', Amh q"iiriiqq"iirii 'cause to be uncomfort- q"arir (rem, q'arr.r) 'cold, coo/';
'rrog. (K') snair, able', taq"'ii,iiqq"iirii 'be restless, be discontented, be q"'"ar (LI) 'cold' (n);
ETHlOPJ( 1m q·"r01l!lJ 'bjnd A.l' things together' thoughtful, regret'
Amb q'aral/Jld' had Ie'. Har qzuaMa lifa, Arg, St,"unc Ar qlrra. qarra 'frog', Aram, 'aqroqto qorar (LI) 'ice';
Mjq'6ratiltd, Gur taq"rwta
I ETHIVPI(' Amh ,,"'arminaJ qriirnanat 'frog'. related
to Amh. #"q·~,a'il 'frog', Te. >ilnqorilf qora'. Tna. q"rq'r nr, q'.rq'ara <&C<&.: (T Y M) 'pillage'.
q'arur (LI) 'cold' (adj);
q' arrat 'cold (n), coldness'. •
q'''q'" (T) 'looting. pillage'; 'aq"riirt (Gr 174) 'that which cools;
qiriri 444
q"ilrrat qiri! 445
maq"rar, I"') maq"rart 'cooling (n), (K) -
means of c()olmg'; Cohen 1939:242 who compares It with the rOOlqMrr . il 4;tf.'I', (T) q"..ii! </>'6-'1' 'small com'; qa
'be cold' Note thai Tna. has iiiq"raro 'be afraid' from Gk_ k.ast6r{){ _ ,-
mov·rar; (t\.-) 'that which cools'; q" . frat 'small corn;' I Am,
a so hqlrar.
' F raen.
mel 1877 -, gcn_sg. of kustQr 'bea'er' tHorn •
fro~ ~r'd~m:es Ar. qTrti.t from Syr qirJ!a, wrule XXIX}.
S(\(ITlC Ar qorro 'be cold', qorTr 'cold', Heb. qar,
.o\rAm qlirira, S)r qOFTr, Md. qarir(o), For_Ak,ka-
qoriron "be") (T') 'river';
~tI ~O 1897:302 denves It from Gk. k.eratlOn qar.ya I +~f (Y M) 'hit, slnke'
is perhaps the name of a river . follers COl-n' . For PbH qfrf!, see Krauss 566.
dian, Fronzaroh 1965;111, p. 147 records qora~u ar- '~rnall
ETHIOPJ(' Te. qara (qt.}' ' Hay'
dert" taken from Bezold 248 qararu 'brennen ; von
qoros, qorus "r:n , "~n 'a measure'; .b ~C'I'il (D 1403,K'), ,.Iq,,!.b "A:toC
Sodcn QO~ registers K.'qararu 'sich krummen, schlan- qara)a" (Y'q"J 4>':f (".M) 'foretell, mlerprel
eeln", but nol the meaning 'brennen' given by Be- q'" KG) 'kind of tnsect that stlOgs or eats
from Gk, koros. a tranSCription of the Heb. kor rll ( k' omens, predict .by mean\ of magic'.
'measure'. For this measure, see Pankhurst 1970 leal'es and bar ; . , )aqraya, causative;
11:47. See also qor!, qoru. ' , Ar qarlObo 'cut, eat entirely, see also qarQ .. i (K ') , h
SO.IIT~·I ' The ro~t is augmented by r '" relation 10
ErHIOPJC' Te. qiirra 'become cool', Tna. q"iirriirii
. h ' one w 0 propheSies, foreteller
(from Geez), Gur. qorra 'morning frost'. qan lO one w 0 Interprets omens', '
q.....yii :to6-n! 'cherry, (T) perfume'; Ib (see qalaba). also occurs· C h S
qararii .+6-6-, (K.lI) qarurii :l'~6- 'bottle, . In us IlIC' om, qariyun 'one wh\} t'nre.
Hask' ; from Ar. qariisiya. qarii#yii 'cherry', from Gk. kera_ q biJus 4>CmlJlI-n
q.rt. , (KG) 'beehIve, sack of dlcts (he weather'
siii 'cherry'; also Syr. qerasiyii (see Low 151). \I.. o~en palm leaves ;
from Ar qariira; for a possible foreIgn ongm ofAr. qaray. ,Ill 4>U (Y M) 'receIve guesls, gl\e hos-
qara~ "'~1\ (LI) 'tax'; relaled to qar.lOlo? pltaltly ;
qJriira, sec Fraenkel 70-1. Spitaler 1955:215 denves
Ar qariira from G. q"arir 'cold' considered as plural, from Amh. qariir. qiirii-J. q'r! 4>C~"-1I- (T) 'container for butter, 'aqiiraya 'offer a sacrifice, conset:rate',
hence qiiriir, wHh a fonn of a singulative qiiriira: oil, or perfume; 'aqii"rQ (OT) 'whole-burnl offenng';
"Glas konnte mit glasklarem, durchsichtlgem Eis
\"erglichen werden wofUr Gk. kr),slal/os die beste qar~a (y.qra~), q "ara~a .,,~'" , </I,~", 'inCise, seems I0 be connected wllh qartalo,
, belo\\ ~EMlTJ(,:. AT ?ara (qry' 'gwc hospllally'. SAr qr-..
.sacnfice (Muller, 196~91), Arom. qrl.;, Ug yn
ParalJele bletet", scar, scalp, engrave, carve, CuI, chisel, shear,
shave' ; Irt.lo, qar!,I, qa'1alon, qar!als, qar!il.s "'C offer (a sacnficc) , perhaps abo Akk. qt'rilu 'ban.
Te. qJront. q~rariil 'bottle', Tna. qiJrar, laqar~a, taqM"a,!a, laq"'ara~a, passive; also 'cut q Ii- ' 4>CIILA , "'Cmfl-J • "'CmAn • "'CII)
ETHloPJ(" · quet, fesllval' For Heb. qOTa 'flr)'J 'im'lIe to a
Amh. qarura; passed mto Cushitic. Bil. qroriif, Or. off (one's) hair'; (l) qar!alos "'Cmfl-n, (K·) qa'1iilon ."C feast' 1m E., 1: 18), see Rabin, SH 8 (Iq61) 19<)
qarara, Be_ karar_
qaru~, q"'iJru~, pass. part. of qara~a; t1J11'1 'conlatner (for butter, OIl, or perfume),
q>ryiq' :toC!.,... (ll), name of a COpllC
'qorara, 'asqorara, 'asq'arara I\n"~~ , I\n qiJr~ar, q"'ar~al 'inciSion, mark, shape, stroke basket' ; monlh,
<t~~ 'feel horror, feel repugnance, abominate, (of a letter)'; , mGk. karlal/os ( kartal/on) 'baskel wllh see k" iJryaq"
loalhe', (LI) dISdain, repudiate, feel con tempI, maqra~ (T) 'scissors'; ,/0
pointed bottom'; also P bH . qU!'_Q,IInI ' woman,~
be dIsgusted'; maqar~al (ll) 'stomach ache' (for 'stomach working basket', Aram.Syr. qar(ala rrult ba~ket, qaryisem 4>C!I'I.9" (D l-IOl), qari)>sim 4>(~f,
'aslaq"arara (LI) 'hold 10 abommalion'; ache', cpo Amh. (yii}hod qurtiil, from the rool Soq. qar!eleh, passed mto CushltlC: Sa. kartalo On 1\.9" (ll), qaryasim 4>cyI\.9" (K) 'name of an
saqorar, saq"-ariir 'horror, abomination, dis- qr! 'cut'); SemillC qrtl and Gk. karlal/os, see Fraenkel 17-8, Idol, abominable statues' (Grebaut, Le.f Par""-
gust' • Landberg 1901 '688. For the H,II.le onglO of Heb. poment's 240);
SEMITIC: Ar. qoro~o 'pinch, bite', qarara 'cut In 'agomle 'bowl-shaped vessel used In the templc', see
S>q"rur 'abommable, detestable, vile, ab- pieces', qarada 'c ut', S~. qero¢ 'pinch', Heb. qaras, transcription of the Greek kare.fim which O(t:ur~ In
horred, loath,ome': CRabln, On,nlalia 32 (1963).126-7
Aram.Syr. qara~ 'prick', Md. gr~ 'sting, bile' (by Ihe Sepluagmt, 2 Chronlc/es 35 .19. The Greek
masqoriJr. mQ.liq"ariJr 'abominable, destestabJe. diSSimilation of q-~ > g-~), Ug. qr! 'shape (clay 1010 ql'!alon. qa"iilon "'Cmfl-J : "'ClI)fl-J, see noun is a corrupt Iranscnptlon of Hch, qJJdim
one "ho feels horror, one who abommates': an effigy), bue', Akk. qarQ~u 'nip off', qanalo. 'sacred prrsons, temple male prostitutes' (G, Salm-
ETHIOPIC Tna qiirii#i, q"iiri4ii 'cut, make an inCI- ger drew my attentIOn to thiS IOterprel3tion given m
Dillmann 353 records It under sq-,,-; Brockelmann
1928_495 hkewlse suggests a root sq~rr and Com- sion', Te. qiir~a. qiirra 'cut off, chop off, Amh ql'!.ls, qa"il,. "'CmAn , "'CIlIAn, see qar- L. Curtis and A.A Madsee, A c",iml and tWKetirl11
pares It with Syr. s.1qar 'hate', HOYt'ever, a 4.radical q~iirrii!ii 'c ut off' (related to qiirrii!ii 'sharpen, 1010. commtntary of tht books of Chro",dtJ [New York.
sculpt '), Arg. qorrii!ii 'cut', HaL (a)qiirii!a 'be shon 19101, p.516). NOle Ihat Heb. q,defim " corrt<:lly
root ,{q"rr with the morpheme a· of the causative
or, Gur. aqq~arriirii 'interrupt, take a short CUI', q.'!ama 4>Cm oo (LI) 'munch, chew food th," transcribed qadesiJm In Geez, kadhim In Greek III 4
should be 'a-saq"rara (and not 'asqMarara). The IS hard'; Kmgs 21.7.
root is. therefore, q·rr (so also K 812) with the Gar qilrosii 'chipped po .. ; also Te. qiirtiira 'break to
pieces', rna. q"iirriirii 'pinch, break off leaves',
occasional prefix 'as·, for which see Dillman"
1907 '135, 157. Amharic riiiq" arrurii 'be disgusted. Amh. q"iirii!.tii!ii 'be nibbled, be indented', ,?ur. I
SEMITIC: Ar, qar!arna, qor¢arna 'cut', Ar, (Oat) qalo-
mo, Soq. qarrem 'chew', PbH. qirrem 'cut the bor-
q".ryat +"Cfi- (D 1395,T) 'Ihe smallesl rib',
be shocked' would suggest a root sq"rr, 1qMrr, but it qariirii!ii 'amputate'. The root passed into Cushltle: ders', Syr. qarrem, qas ."n, qassa 4>t'I; see qss
IS also POSSible to analyze the Amharic root as q"rr Bil. qara(. For the Semitic root qr! common With ETHIOPIC: Tna. qarlamii 'crush', Amh, q~iirii.t!amii
with the prefixed morpheme as·, liiS., for which see CuShHic, see Cerulli 1951 :489, under qu{. See also 'munch, crush', q"'ii~iimmiirii 'nibble, tear', Gur, qil- qis :l'n 'breeches, drawers, covering of Ihe
Cohen 1939: 239ff, Klmgenheben, JSS 9 (1964). 42- qarar!a and g"'arasa I, above. raliimo 'crush'; passed into Cushitic; Bil.Sa. q"ar- thigh, (T) shirt',
10m, Som, qurdun,
6. Amhanc a1q"iirriirii IS rendered 'intimidate' by SEMITIC: the connection wilh Ar. kaw! '~hoe, horse-
q ".rrat </>'~ i-; see q "rr.
q''!ir>yos 4>CII)Cf'n (It) 'beaver'; shoe' suggesled by D.llmann 1907:2 18)s unltkel),
ETHIOPJC: Amh. qos 'bloomers'

q ... 4'1'1,,"11' (T ) 'thorn';

mallon, enchantment, magic, omen,

IS there Am l'1mnet.:llon
. , ?
with qam!o,u. ass. 4't'l (T. Y.M),qasasa (Y'q"s) +fII\ q"'yit
q'" ~) 'be ordained a pltest, perform the duties
sa}'ing, portents. rewards of divination, gift,
prescnt', render tight (a bow) by pullmg
q""la r ,'q" ..>I[) -l"" 'lx' wounded, ~ In' (m·l/wI/Jdlll ILJ 'dlvmer'); (T y Id ' throw" , , pull, hit,
of a priest, becom~ an e .er ~ d'
Jurrd, Ix~ lY't\(,rt'd v.lth "t)rc" be In pam: a (K ') 'ordam to pnest 00 ; qasliiw; (K'), act. part. or qastawa;
maq.fClmi, maq-fiJfIl (K·) 'diviner, SOothsayer'. 'aqsas - )' b .
I{Jq"'sala '\\ound , injure, caUSl~ pam, l'au't: a . (pi qaslsan • qasawosl pres yter, pltest ,
s(lrt'. maq.mml, pi, maqiisiJmt (K-) 'divining instr~. qOSlS. denominative of qasl (see above)' also T
ment' : (Lt) elder'; . " (s)iilii 'bend a bow' ' n a qos-
q'" ilsI (1'1, q'" t,wll. q".l,,!ii/) 'wound, sore, uker, ifi a qasis 'asSIStant pnest );
pa Ill' , . ,
l1l.lqJiim (K·) 'place or divination';
("' qs hasay 'father confessor'); q"as~, q"as~e, q1l';)S!, qusl ""T t l\m. I
IntlJ/at/lIS;JfIl 'diviner, Soothsayer, (T) one who
q"'iJ.wl '\h'untkd. IOJureJ, who IS 10 palO ~ (qasl (0; 511) 'ordained priest';
pracllces d,Vination with shells'; qJsus, '. I </l"T 'costus' (kind of aromatic plant);
q\,,/at (1\ ') 't>cln~ (n) wounded',
'47q"'fOIi (1\'-) 'one who \hwnds·. SIMIlIC Ar 'uq,fama 'conjure', SAr mqs ,In 'oracle'
as 'presbyter, pnest ; ", ejt.he~ directlyrrom Gk koslo.1 'a root used as a
Heb, q(isum 'practice diVination', Aram, q~sam'
q nna 'priesthood, (Lt) semonty ;
qam S~ICC_, or t~rough Ar. quS!, kusl; also SAr qs.t, Syr.
maq"',\,ll. maq""alt 'Ont.' Whll \\-'mlnds. one who
, ASSlmllatloll of q-s > q-f occurs in Ar. qaSsama S Syr. qaifii. qas/isa 'presbyter', Md. qaIa; to ~u§la, qUS!us, Aram. qOS!, koIl For Gk, kOSI05 com.
:~fI 109 rrom Sanskrit k~!ha, see Littmann 1926:415.
l'a tJ "'{'S r~tI n , TIC:
'conjure', Syr. qiJ:S'am; dissimilation of q-f .; k-s nnecled with Aram.Syr. qasH/ii 'old, elder',
Sr:~UTlC Ar qasala 'cut' (nlilmann ·PI), ~Itht:r oc(ur~ III Md. ka.pno 'soothsaying', and ka",s (with Md~afii(a); Ar. qissfs, qass 'priest, presbyter' is a ~o~e t.he various forms with q:k, ! 'I through dis-
fr{'lm an 0n~,"al 1/'\ > q"'l P) 8 .... mlllallon. or frtlm mctathesl~)_
SimilatIon or aSSimilation.
S nac loanword (Fraenkel 275).
In ongm;tl (/,J q-f ~) diSSimilation . Pract(lnlls
1890 2J l'{lmparu (J, q-s/ ",uh ..\r qala.1I.1 ',hl'd
Amh_ qiisj·ama 'foretcll by means of E;"UOPIC Tna. qass; ·Pri~.s.t.::
.. :e. qas, qiiJIi, q"aS!e :tllm., (K) q".s!e :t.... m. 'btg stomach
Amh.Har.Gur. qes; Tna. qasasa be ordained a
blood, blccd '''oman r of rummants, (M.T) mUscle of the abdomen
pnest', Amh. qiiiIsiisii. G. qasis is considered a ,
ETHIOM( Ina , .~ \~OUndN', Te, qllJla, cut of meat from the ventral region, muscle of
qsm III, q.ssime ol>4'f"l (D.M.OT), q,ssiime Synac loanword (Noeldeke 1910:37, Jeffery 240), the flank';
,\mh (fur q·d.u ItI, Arg quy/ wl'und ' (n)
<)0"1"1 (T) 'substance, formation, nature'; ~bile G. qas, Tna. qiiSJi are fonns developed within
Ethioplc. See also qays. ETHIOPIC: Tna. q"'iiS!ii 'bIg stomach of the rumi-
q<m I, quam, Wqs "''' -I't'l"". (J..:) qa<sama SBIITIC Ar ql:~m 'nature', Ar, (Syria) qasm 'temper. nants', Amh. q"OS/, Te. qos. If the origmal rool is
+,) ..... l') qa""'raa "''''00
'5O"son, make ament and constItution'
qast (pI. 'aqml, 'aqm) +lIT, (T) qast + ......,. q.sf, the final! became 1 in Amharic by diSSimila_
last) '. ETHIOPI(" Amh_ q<1sm 'body compounded or rour
'bow', name of the index finger and of the tion; in Te. qiis, the I is omitted as in qiii 'bow' rrom
/aqa.ulla, laqmsanld. rassl\C'~ dements (Le" fire, water, air, and earth)', Te. qf1Sfnl qiiSt, qiisi. See also qos~yii.
qa.nanll. act part. l)( qa.Hama, 'eompIC1(lOn' mIddle finger in a guessing game (Dillmann
q,ssum, ',,("11 SCJ'\onrd. taM). that has .. avor,
1357, under Iss); q".S!e ""lim. (T) 'hump of animal'.
, (qasla dammana, qasla '.gzi'aba!ler 'rainbow');
qosm C;tsC1nlng, qasmanderi +lI OD1f.? (T.M) 'perfume';
qasliim, qaslam 'bow, shepherd's crook, knotty qasi ..." +4'fm-1I..,.; see (qss) , qasis.
q,os.dmR (1\ I 'hctng ",asoned' (n), perhaps from Gk. kosmeler;on 'dressing room'
club, rod, stick';
mnq alii, maqgm (pI maqanm) 'seasoned
rl'od qastawa, see below; q".say ""4'f.e (T), q"asyi -l", (K), q".,yit,
qasqas +"+1I; see q' asq 'asa, below.
hlqS5m «(Jr 1'4)
q ".,ayat, q "..iyit ""lIY..,. :
""~Y"" I .,..."
as(mm8, condiment',
q"asq"'as~ q"~"~, q"~sq"iSt q"asq"as (pI
SEMITIC: Ar. qaws 'bow', Heb. Qrsrl, Aram. qaita,
Jew.·Aram. qus,ii (with q-I > q-!J, Syr. qe§lii 'bow',
Y"" 'cucumber' (the rorms with -al are plural
'line pt"haps r qalama 'choo~ the b<st
d. he> eot the bat dlsl>c q'asaq'as) -lll-lll : +'1I+'1I : +'lIl1:lI : ot~ qajfa~a 'archer', Ug. qSI 'bow', Md. qasla, Ph. qSI,
[TltkJPff mh 'PUll ta It' Praelonus 1879 95 +'" 'vessel, furniture, household goods'; Akk. qaitu. For more details on this root, see SEMITIC: Ar, qUItQ', qmQ', PbH. qiiijj., Ararn_
Noeldeke 1910: 132-3. qa~!Qyyii, Syr. qa!luJa, Akk. qiJiu,
(ompam thl root "'Ith Amh qamnuisQ 1aste' al!k> ETHIOPI( Amh_ q·iitaq" liS 'household furnishings.,
Tn. qllmiiJ... Te qwtUD. EnfloPlc: Tna. qiisli 'bow', Amh.Gur, qosl, Te. qiir.s ETHIOPIC: Amh. q"asa 'cucumber', qusayat
Te qll.sq;}.s 'vessel'; passed IOtO Cushitic' Sil. qasqa.f, (with mserted r), Amh. qiislam 'short club, cudgel'; 'pumpkin'. See also qalti, qosayiil.
qlim If q.",m. "'I'I~ (!.:'), passed mto Cushitic: Bil. qist, probably Som. qanso.
q".sq"asa tlltt'l (T) 'stir a fire'; For 'rambow' expressed by 'bow or the clouds', cpo qosoyi, q"isaya "'" : ?IllY (0 1395.T) 'large
(\), !itt 'IlSlaq"mma,
qasqa.l (Lt) 'dry fire wood, brush wood, fire.
'#Qslaqa amu. I,(UloqlJJama, 'tJjlaqsaml1 'dl\lOe Tna, qiisla diimmiina, Amh. qoslii dammona, Te. qiiJ
brand', dabana, Gaf qastii diimmiinii; also Ar. s-sa~ii­
from om~ns. P/"CIJ~ di',natlon, deal In augu- is there any connection with q"as!t?
I) fotttell b) mcans of magIC', ETHIOPI(" Te. qiiJqiisa 'stIr up, shake', Tna, qiisiifii, hi For the expression of 'rainbow' in the Hamito-
'rIq DnIa (I,. 'j, Cau tl\~
qasm 'dl\1natton. magIC.
- -. .
'stir ,a fire'. Amh. q-'ii.sdqq"iisii, Gur_ anqiJ.
JDqqa~a mo\.-e
SemitIC (Afroasiatic) languages, see Orbis 5 (I956). qosoyu "fIf· (T.M) 'spring (of water)';
see also qotbyii.

• maq~m (!.:') 'mag",an, d,vIner, 'ooth-

q~ara +t'l~ (0 1395,T M) 'count, calculate'; qastim, qastam +1I;J-"" I +lIT""; see qasl. q".,yit .,...lIY""; see q'asay.
maqum maqsam (pl. maq~m. maqii.,ml) 'd,,- I by dISSImilatIon of glollaltzallon
sayer. to be IdC'nllned with q-a,.fara JI 'coum' wilh s > s
qUl' ..a +"Tm, (T) q.sta ..a +""Tm 'make a qosoyit ""YT (T.OTM) 'red flower';
bow, bend a bow, shoot with an arrow, (Y) OT describes it as 'red flo~er _that resembles
the q"asa-cucumber'; see q >say, above.
q.'.r. I ( " ,>q.i.>!) "''''L 'flog, flagellate. qas,Mm 'one who harvests, grape gatherer'.
- . Ar qa.fata
~('~)urgC'. bl~at, WhIP, lash. chastise, inflict pun- Sf.~flTJC,· . 'remove, strip off', Akk. ka,salu
Ishment. torrUfe. snute. plague, discipline':
qasm 'harvest, vintage, picking'; • (ba-qa~bal 'in a moment').
'CUI 0/1'. · Tna qiissala
.... 'h'd
let he trut h, I'Ie, c heat' (kama qasbal a 'ayn 'i h' . .
"lq.\(~ra ( ..... l. (Ju~ati\.'e; (·aq.iiilll, pI. of qa.11II 'harvested crops, thin s ETHIOPI, C . ., ,
plucked'); g
Am h. qiissiitii
. 'steal, dupe , in a flaSh' . , n t e tWinkling of an eye
tal/asIa. pas .... of qO.<f~ra; __ . ' In a spht second'); ,
qm/ifj, arl part. of qt1.f.l~lll;
q,smal 'pickIng (11), harvesting' (n); laqa~abl (M) 'one Who wi k
. .1 "'''ItD-T, qasaway
qas.BW "''''tD-J'-; see qasut, I -b n s, One Who mOcks"
,p.~"f; pass rart. of qa.f.Ofrl; also 'afflicted':
qa.i.iiime 'thaI which is harvested or picked" aqa~ 0, laqasbol (Lt) 'mockery d '. '
maqsam (pI. maqii.f~m) 'vintage. instrument f' - .,.
.... (Gr.423),
, , enslOn';
q" .i( (Tl 'bealen wllh a whip', . •
harvesting; Or qa~a " , qaso
' </>1- (T.D 1395) 'moth , EnnoPIC' Te qii.rb '''b''
the hand', T' • a,.. ~~~. a tWinkle, beckon with
q.).\'~u 'putHshmcnl, affilclioIl, bearing, blow, butterfly; s • na. qasaba Amh .. "h" .
fit1g~lUg. ~courg,"g, sore, scar'~
taqs'llII 'gathering (n), harvest (of fruit)'; see also qa¢ii, qado. tiiqii!a!iibii 'make fun' or: T T' qaf!a ~ 'w~nk',
A h b'" - ,e, na. qiJsbar 'Wink'
/aqa.i;/ili (3r_17.1), purt. of raqa,ifa; SEMITIC : SAr qs,m 'vegetable plot', Ar. (Verne) rn . qiJ~ at wmk twinkling' k" .. ' b" ,. .
fth' , ,amaqasatlna
mtlqil1( 'whip. rod. ktsh';
maqiama (W. Muller). n q'!U 4'11- (T) 'monkey'; as , I~ a moment', is taken from Geez 'Th
fn:lq.itil 'pldec where Ollt: is flogged'; ETHlOI'IC: Tna. qosiimii 'gather nectar' Amh .. T 184 quotes together ma/~u and qa~u (for ma/i~u, passed mto Cushitic: Bit q"'a9ab 'twinkl~', e root
., "
soma. , . qas-
mcJrj,\({li (pI. mm7a:~/lll) 'punishment, \-\-'hipping. see above).
qa~aba II "'Kn (Y) 'cause to be lacking d _
h(,3tjn~, qro)..e, chastisement. divine pun- pnve'; . e
gassara "''''1.
(T.Y.M) 'peel, scrape, take off q"'! 4""; see q •an,
i!ihmeOI, t0nnent, jnfliClion. calamity. scourge. scales' ; metathesis in relation to qab~a,
plague, wrath, anger, fur), whip. lash', qiJSSiir 'fish scales, shell'; qas" (yaq~ii') </>"0, (T) qa~'a "'''h, qa~'a
Sf MI fK I{ IS lemrtrn~ to compare Ar laqas.iafa qdSiir (T): rather qassiir (?) 'piece, split'; 4'60 'humiliate, subject, bend, make fall to the q~aralu
ers' ;
"'Kt.1t- (T.M) 'holder or case for tweez-
'ml'rli(, hodil) arfl\'t!le', Out the meanmg is un- SEMITIC: Ar. giSr 'rind, fish scales'. ground, overthrow, punish, cut out, level the
dllUt'itc-d" tlcrtH'd rrio)m an original meanrng 'livc 10 ground, sweep? pave, tr,ampJ~. on, cr~sh'; , qii~iifiilu,
o;,quiJfor' ETHIOPIC:Amh. qiJss~r 'scales (of fish), is probably ETHIOPIC: Amh. same, from Geez, See
'aq~Jfa, causatIve; also hU~lhate, brIng low; also qosafalu.
f: TiUOPIt' Tna ;jlhiira "Rog, chastise', Te. qasfa, taken from Geez, whllc the Amharic form is gar!a"
laqlJ!'a, pass, of qara; also be pressed down,
A III h _ qassd/w. qJrSiit (with metathesis for gaiT;}J). Har. qosir 'COffee
made of the beans' peel and seasoned with ginger', be overcome with awe, stoop, bow down, bend q~1 I, laqa~ala "'' '?I\ 'have something placed
On the head (e.g. headpiece, wreath, crown), be
qa,.r. fI l •.'q.<.,/l 4'1)'1. (K ') 'uncover, open. Gur. qafiJr 'coffee bean without its peel' are bor- (intr), fall in ruins, collapse, faint, sink to the
la~ barc', rowed from Ar. (Yemen) gUr 'coffee made of the ground, be overwhelmed with terror, (T) be crowned, crown oneself, wear a crown';
peel and seasoned with spices', chopped up'; 'aqas~a/a (K ') 'crown' (v);
q.TJuJ 'un,c'!\ert"d, ope-no bare'.
)astaqa~~ala 'put a crown on the head, crown';
qa.i.{ q,t,\( 'whlch IS outside. outdoors, out- SEMITIC: Ar. q~afa 'humiliate', qatjata 'subjugate',
qaSut (pI. qasUliit, qasii",at, qasiiwiJY) </>,.,.:,.,
laqa~{a 'be cut into small pieces', Ar. (J:la<;ir) qa.ra
qa~a/ii 'crown, diadem, garland, wreath,
h"""" (OT) a"Cmbl) (kepI outdoors)': (T) qasut "'f}:" 'vase, water pot, container for
('1<1.'/0. q,>J(<1 'oulSlde, abroad'): 'cut', SAr. q~r, S~. qefja< 'gnaw through', Heb. q~( wreathed border, rim, fringe, border, silk head
mead' ;
qa~f1rii (ju\(J, ...arne as 4a#~ (hif<ii) 'scrape off', Syr. qiJ~ar, Ug. q~r_1 'crusher, covering fringed in gold with which priests
'laS/ill 'remofe part. e\lt. border'; SEMITIC: Ar. qaiwQ 'small basket', Ar. (Oman) qaji bruiser', Cover their heads during Mass, (T) helmet';
qiJ~~ul 'crowned';
qallar qa'n 'outward. outer, wh,ch IS
'utensil' (Vollers, ZDMG 49[1895].508), Acam. qiis"- ETHIOPIC: Tna. 'punish', Te. qii~fa, Amh.Arg.
Iii, Ug. qi. Fraenkel 63-4 (fOllowing Noeldeke) Gur. qii-!!a, HaT. qa!a>a; passed into Cushitic: Bi!. J. Assfalg, OC 38 (1954).139·9 derives
nutdoors, the <'utSlde, (T)leather case for the SEMITIC:
labcrnade' compares Heb. qrSf! 'writing case', Syr. qes!a 'pol'. qa{e' 'punish'. Sa. qaia c 'subjugate', The root is G. qa~alii from Ar. q~/a < Syr. qussiilii, q~~iilii <
However. Heb. qrSf! is considered to be borrowed related to q"'r, qat/fa, qal;i>a. Gk. kosoula 'hood' (of Latin [cosulaJ ongin). Dill-
Su'Utl(" related l('I Ar kaJa(o 'unco\'er (Dillmann from Eg}ptlan gity 'tablet of writer' (M. Muller, mann 472 wrongly combines it with G. q"'ll!ala 'put
OLZ 3[1900].49. T. Lambdin, JAOS 53[1973].154). q~.b. I (yaq~ab) </>lIn 'nod, beckon, wink,
forlh leaves'. Note that Brockelmann 1928:680 de-
As for Syr. qes!a, it is taken from Gk. ksesles make a sign, give a signal, hint, indicate, en- rives Syr. qussiila from Gk. kasoula, but does not
q.",fi) +IJ.'~J',; '''' 'lasara
, II. 'pitcher' according to Brockelmann 1928:679. lice, mock (by winking or gesture), deride, compare it with Arabic or Geez. Praetorius 1890:24
q....m. l~q.iJmJ -tlPqo (D Y l.
IT Y) <hane" (grape», pIck (fruit, flowers),
.,.tI- Gnmme, OLZ 3 (1900). 150 identifies G. qasul with
G. q-asqMas ·vessel'. Reinisch 1902:248 compares
speak in parables';
qa~!aba 'deny contemptuously by a gesture';
suggests, with reservations, the derivation of qtl.$alii
from Ar, qalansuwa 'headgear'.
gathC'1 nntage. l:oll~~,. reap, glean',
G. qasul with Som. kUsad 'water pol'. /aqlJ!aba, laqa~~aba 'mock by winking or by ETHIOPIC: Tna, qi4iiia 'hanging end of turban',
gestures, make faces at someone, point a Amh. qii~iila 'silk head covering', from Geez.
'aqHJma, l"au!.a1I\c. qaSt, qaSt ~P':" ! "'P':", (T) qast ~I'l:,.; see
1aqIlJI"7Q. ral'~ of Clll.rama;
qJ.\'a,m I ..... • t. act, part. of qasama;
u:aqasa. finger (in Scorn), ridicule';
q~1 n, qa~ala
laq(j~aba 'wink, wink at one another, nod with 'aqa~~a/a (K*), causative;
(K') 'add, join, conlinue';

q~.'um 'gathered, pIcked. hanested, (figurative_ qaSa,. (YiJqSiJ!) "''''ffl,

(L.T) qasa!" .,.tlm Ihe eyes, mock one another by gestures, de- taqas~a/a (K'), pass. of qaf~a/a:
Spise, Scoff. ridicule';
1< jb.."," ..,Ieeled from <anous "'ntings', 'steal, rob, carry off, take away by fraud,
defraud, embezzle'; qa..rib 'nod'; qaNu/ (K *) 'added, joined';
qa.'anJ IT) 'fcUlt' (rather '''hal IS plcke<l'). qasa/ii (K') 'something attached to a thing.
qa.iiill, act. part. of qafata; also 'robber'; q'~bal 'wink, twinkling, beckoning, nod, (K *) adjective' ;
proverb (used for hinting). enigma';
taq~i/ (K') 'parasitic plant':
-- - 450
q"~.r. 451
[ ,·uorr. Tn:l q~Jtil(J "1..'111. ;ldd', Amh qtilfli/a, q_.'qtl.1 (/\G), pass, participle; -
Gur qala/4. fl!. q~,'dlo; fl..'r Tal/.qt. cpo Amh. laqlJ(- ra. 'deceit, fraud';
q_.'·q(i,<r 'being agonized (n) Ihrough 'asa 'etwork, fringe,. .IOter Iace d t h'109;,
Y/(J q. Heb. qusii (qsw ly) ,
'CUt', If

qa,.li I "'lI~ ,Ial>. tal>lct, rlate of mctal',

dIsease' , palO, (T)

~p,m Ie , rcdupllc,ated rOOI qss or q!)'. Ar. qa.,qa.fa

('!;:, ~Iying (n), binding, Joining, ligament, (bread)' Ph . . '1'
'cut off . •
Cut 0 . Syr qd!U 'break
' . qsy, re ated to qss q . d A
. ' .' \01.1, qw . r qassQ
q" of a ring or . gem,
selung '. lexture (that is, 'sprr H' ~a!~ll.$a cut.
With SCiSSors', qiida (q
[rnJOPh Tna Amh qli.fdliJ 'slab. ,alller'. rlt.'rhaps <:ul with SCissors. For qoF~f, q~y, see qQ~'iQYQ. below
.,so 1 c qU5Q/a 'small 'hill \I(lOt'S oclw('en hearth The mot qsq! IS relaled 10 q,tqr I, below. .
. erlwming), conception •
q,""I,srata. (Gr.455) 'conception by Ihe Virgin
S I , e. qll.$ (qW!) tear aSunder', qQJQJ 'cut off
,yr qa~ !qss), Md.Ug q.", Akk . kasasu qasils~
nnd krule "M
'plait' (If metal'. s« also q-ml,
. , lit 'her concepllon, . ' (orlgma
'. II y ' her prune ou', kii$u 'strip olf' .. ' '.
hcl(\~, und(,r q·t1tolo. q.~.r. (raq.<,,) "'lIt; 'enclose with a walt, Mary, ' . k t' h b') ETH10PIC' Tna ...... .. ......
holding Ihe frUit as a no 10 er w),om ; Amh qa~a!~. q araya, qd¢aw bald 'cut',
: raffa, Har. qo~a. The root is common with
H'.. •

blockade, hedge In, surround, delimil, fortify';

'elq .fora (K .), causative; maq~
'arl 'selting (of aw ring-,
or gem ;
~UShlll~: Kam. qO?fe 'hu, castrate', Mo. qut¢i(y~)
q".,.I. II,q".,.,I, otll/\ (/\0), q"a~.I. otll/\ taqamra (K·), passive of qa~ara; loq ,.a!0-';' pa rt. of laq asara,
. scratch. On the root In Cushillc see Cerulli
(\f) 'rut !'Nlh 1t',lH'S', qmiirr (/\ '), act. part. of qa~aru; qsr 'bring in harvest'
SAr ' . 1938a:82, under qad. See also qasq",~.
Sf/tUTIC·• _ . (W. Milller,
vzq"'r(1/a 'put {\lrlh Il\)H'S. ht~ n:'rd:,"C: <pJllr, pass part. of qa~ara; also 'beSieged'; AW 75[1963].314), Heb. qa!a, reap, harvest'
qosr, q,.<r (pI. ·aq.<iir) 'wall, fence, hedge, enclo. ~rom the meaning 'tie t?e. shea~es'), PbH. q!r
qatii +;1-, (T) >alqatii ~A+:J' 'Cucumber'
q 0,1 (rl. q"o.'hil 'oq',,!) 'leaf, (,)"age, leal 01 ,
R boo~, metal plate (I>, C\tco""n)", sure, citadel, stronghold, fortress, fortification, (bind' Akk. ka,aru (by dISSlmllallon); related 10 rrom Ar qlltQ', qUtfQ', with the ArabiC article '~/_
rampart, castle'; . Ar qOlara 'tie the halters or camels to also Amh. qUti. See also q"~siiy, maqtii. .
q cl f {,il 'C'll\ cr('d \\ Hh fl'liagf'~. . . qll ' . in a file', Syr. qarar ,.
dispose them lIe, b'10 d' , A ram.
g",.,"I, gusul'(ul/ of "'''age, "overed "Hh toil. SFMITIC" Ar. qa.yartJ 'lock up', Arar(). (Nabataean)
q,fr \:dl'. qIr, Md. gta,
. Nole that Brockelmann 1908: t 54 qat.l. (y>qtal) .".,./\ 'kill, pUI to death, slay,
880 , leaf). bush' (11tt)',
d~n\'es Aram. q!r rro~ ~qt~ > Heb. qir >. Aram. murder, execute, slaughler, allack, engage in
nllTll Ihe (' nn lion "uh Ar qasala '(ut'. q~i1 FTHloprc Tna qii!iirii 'enclose', Te. 'aq~riira 'pre- qlr (from qtr, b~ asslmllatlO~); so. also DlIlm~nn bailIe, combal, fight, wage war';
founflge \'C'fl ('(lUpe" Jl'.lur Its chevaU\'
')uggeslcd h)' serve, guard', Amh. qa.triira 'enclose', Amh.Gur 473. For a pOSSible connectIOn with Heb. qasar (lOy>qaft>I'deadly');
Arpk ard 1977 40, Ind hI liS 91 "ho q~,tN 'enclosure' O. qa~r IS taken from ArabiC qasr, 'bmd'. see also Leslau 1969:65, The connection 'aqlala, causative; also 'cause to br killed"
comp.ues Ar 'IQ$olo 'gln: (odder' JS douhtful. thc considered to come rrom Latin Caslra. The root between G. q"ll!ara and Heb. qoFr 'be short' sug- laqalla, passive of qarala; ,
ha II.. meaning of the (\ rabre rool tx.,ng 'l'Ut' Llk ... , passed into Cushitic Kham. qiser 'enclosure', Qua. geSied by Fraenkel, BA 3(1898).63 is unlikely.
taqalala 'kill one another, fight wnh one
\\15e. lhc ('onna.::tlon "11h >\r bUl 'palm leaves' ETHIOPIC Tna. q"ii~iirii 'knot', Amh. q"aUiirii, Arg.
anolher, fight togelher, make war';
uu ted b\ (, ;..lh('n 1941 nl..) ISQ (who gives bQIt'.~), q'artiira , Gur. qal,arii, Har. qa,iira. For ·"fro~n.:
"llh resen. IJons, IS doubtful The mot IS pcrhap'\ q ·a~.ra I (mg"!,,) otllt:, q ·.~.r. 'lOt: 'btnd, wrinkle' with 'face. cpo also Amh. fit-un q aUara
'Qstaqiilala, caus. of IQqatala; also 'help to kill,
Incile 10 kill';
rtlatoo II, Ar hd/ (\) 'ha\C' many hr.mches and blOd up, blOd together, tie up, knot, tie tn a 'frown ', lit. 'tie the face'. The rool passed into
k '1:' • as Uucsled h\ f}illmann ~12 Cushitic: Bil. q"'aiiir 'tie, knot" Kham. q"a~iir, Sa. qaliili, ac!. par!. of qalala; also 'killer, mur.
knol, enclose, (Or.424, Y) ensnare, contrive,
[nllOrlt rna q"tL.f/l. Te qQIOJ/~ Amh , qJla/, Arg. I conspire'; q"asar. derer, assassin, fatal, deadly';

\.'Ompares tasa. pu lasQ. I

'{'tal liar 'fIi"" Our qJttil q3t, ROIOIsch ISR4 29 (",th gass 'face' It means 'make the face sad,
conlract'the face austerely, have a gloomy or q·~ar. II '*-1It: (K '), qo~ara 4111t: (LI) 'count,
qatul, passive part. of qalala; also 'auacked
(city)' ;
qa hn. In <.>dl q'" im btl I +ltv" (It) 'llOd of sad look, frown, Wrinkle'); reckon'; qall, qatl'murder, killing, slaughler, massacre,
baWe, combat, fighting, war, slrife',
qWorsara 'blOd logelher, gather'; 'aq"!ara (KO), causalive;
laq' a.."a (K 0), passive; qalil 'killing, execution';
.hal'S \. n lod ", ~ r~J1Ial beto" . g"D.,ara 'tie, blOd together, bring together';
'Qq-.wra, caus of q'4'asara : also ',"cite to eVIl';
qa";mll. q..,imol, qa!",ol +It""'t- I +".'l"'t- I laq"Qfra. P'-JO:;S. of qWasara:
q'as." (KO), act. part. of q'a~ara;
(mr (KO) 'count';
q>tlat 'killing. murder, assassinalion, slaughler,
massacre, assault, attack, execution' ~
+~'l"-l' r01lU11 can, calamus ... od'. maq'!arl. pI. maq' asar(TGr 180) 'rosary, mcan. maqtal (pI. maqiitall) 'murderer, enemy, oppo.
r t\mh tmu'ru h rrod' I
tuq"'qara 'be united with one another, con-
SPirO agalnSI one another, lay an ambush for
one another',
lallon, charm';
EYHIOPIC: Tna. q·iioFara 'count', Amh.Gur. q.ii!{iirii,
nent ;

maql>I, maqlal, pI. maqiitall (KO) 'means of

chamcroon' , killing' ;
1Q..tlaq ' aSGra, caus. of laq'4ii. fGra: Arg. q"iit!iira, Gaf. q"iUiirii; passed into Cushitic:
/ Kham. q"a.yer ·counl'. For G. maq ..·~arl, cp. Tna. maqtil 'murderer';
~ .
tlunu that qaM~ mean ~llrpJOD' and is to be f
I"''''''ps • ml pnnt r 'far""".. Gctatebe.. . q"~sur,
. q·D.$liri (K·l. act. part. of qWa~ara:
pas> part. of q"asara; also 'conslncted.
d ( h . I)' .
mi2f~iiriya 'rosary', Amh. miiq·!iiriya. See also qa-
SOra, above.
mJquil 'place of killing';
COmpared "'1m . Q lon' ~ heIOl\} "llh urrowe Wit gnc ,' . mastaqiilJl'warrior, combatant, fighter';
mJSlJqliil (KO) 'place of killing';
auslere look'); q~aro +lIe' (Lt) 'appointmenl'; taqcilJlol (U) 'warfare, allack';
q"?ll~ +~+11 'br agonized by pain or trelll- Iq"~r
(I,'assll qW'lSur 'hts face is gloomy'); SEJrflnc: Ar. qalala 'kill', Heb. qii!al~from Aramaic
Crom Amh qii!iiro 'appointment'.
IT, ) munCh, crush, crunch, br afllrct- 'band. knot, constraint, fraud, decell, qtl) anCIen I Aram. qtl (Jean.HofIlJzer 257). Syr
ed "'lh n\uISlon. BgJUto, make tremble': deceplJon', q~ya +lIf (T.M) 'break off, snap off'; q~r~/, Akk qatiilu (from Canaanite). On Soq. la/~~
'kill" Mh. Inog, see Leslau 1938:~36. See on thIS
Su,f/T!r: Ar. qa,o (qsu'j 'mutilate', Soq. qe~ (q!-,fJ root Wagner 100·1.
452 453
- q'I', - -----------::---~_:___:_.:.:=------------____~q~a!~~~n
TI1<l GUf. qdliilli 'kill', Te. qat/a. Praeto-
nus I~N-7.:! c".lnnects Amh. giiddiilii 'kill' Wllh qll;
9'1 (O, Neugebauer, personal communicatio ) -- 'atta'a -1''/1.'1'0, (T) laq-a!!,'a "''/1.'1'>-
'lunar (date)'; n q'r, laq be furious, be angry, be excited, be qa!afa " (yagl'f) "'mt. (Y.M) 'bla d.
It I~ ralher h) Ix ((lnnC'Ctcd with O. gada/a 'domi- prove, reject, (KO) lie'; me, lSap-
'Ii< vexed, b indignant, be grieved, be dis-
nale In ft~hl·. Hch. gdl 'be strong'
Ifri"red'd ~e impatient, loathe, feel disgust,
from Gk. kala selel/en 'according 10 the mo
(I.e., Iunar )' . ~ E~?~IC: Ina. qii!iifii 'cheat, dupe, swindle', Amh
qtr I, qaltara "'' '1.
'faslen with nails, shut up,
'cal, lo(~, holl, en dose lI'ith a fence, (K 0)
I verSIOn, be exasperated, despair'; qa!(dfa; developed from qa!aja I 'pick, snap off >'
snatch, cheat, blame',
qatat • .,..".,. (T. Y.M) 'make a wager, bet'. I fee, ' ~fiJ<a 'astag"'attaca
.. 'exasperate, vex, ren-
sha rpcn'. , . ,
qarar agreement, contract, stipulation, treaty'; <slaq . .' t provoke anger, provoke wrath,
laqtllra. faqallara, pas~lve; der impatlen, " " qa.!ana I (yaql,n) "'m~, (T) qatn. "''I'~ 'be
SEMITIC. Brockelmann 1928: 704 connects it with aversion, Irntate , '. . Ihm, be fine, be lean, be subtle, IY) be emaci-
1/,'l1l1r 'nallcd down~ locked, closed, sealed'; Syr. qat (gil) 'fix'. cause " dignant ' vexed, angry, funous, lrrt- ated';
~J/lU( In
g,>', (pi. q,>trdt) 'peg, nail, SpIke, goad, spur, ETHIOP~C: Te. qii~~{a (i~ Reinisch) 'make a wager'; qbi~ wrathful'; ,...
harrO\\. slick '; 'aq!ana 'render fine, make thin, make slim,
passed mto Cushulc: Bd. qatet 'make a treaty'. See '~'d·spleasure
la"Jlla(Q I ,
mdlgnatlOn, an- make Jean';
<jMntl, ,'eroal noun of qlr; also qatowo.
q.. ath aversion, loathing;
gel wr , L ) 'd·lSP Ieased, gal!in (fem. qal!an, pi. com, qallanJ) 'fine, thin,
SU~l1rr( '~Iids. spurs' DiJlmann 442 com-
ft)f If,lfl"iif ' W ( mastaq""atta< (Gr.180, t
Subtle, delicale, transcendent'.,
qrt, 'aqtata h:".,..,. (T) = Amh. asaggara I ) mastaq I' , .. . d. .
pares Ar q'-" 'javC'lin', qat;r 'heads o/nails In a coal .. d·,I·rritable , subject to In 19nallOn, cause
(If mail' 'catch fish with lIet or hook'; 2) 'alternate'. . ,, qo!!ant
. (with or without 'albas) 'fine linen , soft
EnHoPIC Te qatrd 'cnc!l,lse', Tna. qiilarii ·fi~. place
since the Amharic translation is without refer~ of indignatIOn, clothmg';
ence it is difficult to know its precise meaning, laq~· a!!a(i. se.e t·a.!!u<; qaran 'thinness, slenderness, liltle finger';
firmly', Amh i.{Ul/tiro 'it)Ck a door tightly. fasten
"lth nall\', q,~'Jrr 'spih'; passed mto Cushiti('~ Bit Ilq ~'.la(t
. ,.
'indignatIOn. anger, wrath, aversion, q,!nal 'fineness, thinness, delicacy, subtlety,
(jilia 'cnd('l~' qalat "';rT (T.M) 'earring'. loathmg , acuteness' ;

qtr II. qata .. ( "'ql,,, I "'' '1.,

(Y) qattara "''''t. qatot "''''T; see gotawo. ETHIOPIC.. Tna . (Iii)q"a",'a
. " 'be angry',
_ ... Arg ,qq"iitta. The connection with HaL
Amh. (g'lnala l,bb (Lt] 'gentleness of heart');
'aglani (K 0), part. of 'oq!ana;
'tunll~atc, (T) gIve oil an odor', (/a)q oUo, . .. II·I 1936 : 265 IS
. maglani (K '), same;
qatawa (y.qlu) "''''ID (T.Y) 'pay tribute, (li) ...
quyoso ge ; t angry' suggesled by Ceru
q,lufirf'. (l\.') 'pu(ir 'ince-nse. fumigation, odor- bet' ; ·k Iy The root is related to qa!a!a II.
Ifen.)u~ \uhSlancc', un IIe. SEMITIC: SAr. qrn ·small'. Mh. qo{on 'thin', Heb.
'aqtawa 'exact payment, make pay tribute, im- qli!on 'be small, be insignificant', Aram.Syr. qcJ{an
S, Ar qalur 'ml.'em-c', miq!ar 'censer', SAr. m- qal. ba "'mll ·(K* Mk) 'make a mark
q" 'inr('n~(' :!)(ar'. H('~ . q~lOrf1 'incense'. Aram.
pose taxes, fix a premium for those who wa-
ger, require a guarantee, (Gr.176) claim back';
I Ih;( woven cloth be symmelncal, tnm,
'grow thin', Md. qo{lina 'small'. For q{n becoming
qrn by dissimilation, cpo Akk. qatanu 'be small'. and
~1I.,/tT '1t.·( ,"Ct.'ns\.' TI!'.e', Md. glr 'rtUnigate, censc', shorten' ; Ar. qalfn 'thin iron of a spear' (so also Barth
l'F 1./ 1' 'sm(')Kc. tnCtmsc' II aisl..) OCCurs as qrr by
tagalowa 'deposil mUlual security, (Gr. I 76) I qllab 'piece, segment';
sue for an obligalion thaI is not met, (L) make 1893: 36).
dIS\IOllf;l1ion ()f thr emrhauC' consonant: Ar qalara
,('\hale an odor {ci,)oked meat)', qallara 'fumigate
a wager'; I SfMITlC:Ar. qa!aba 'cut off', qu!b 'thorn', Mh. ETHIOPIC: Ina. qiiriinii 'be thin', Te. qarna, Amh,
galo, 'guarantee, security, pledge, wager, bail, qOloyb 'pox', Heb. qflfi> 'sting', Aram. q'lap 'chop, qii!!iinii, Arg. qii!!iina, Gur. qii!iina. See also ·qa!allo
the blldy \}r Ihe dNhes wHh camel's dung In order
pact, treaty, con tract, alliance'; c1~ave': related to Heb. qa~ag 'cut off', Ar. qa{iaba. II.
flur Wild arumah may nnl percen:e his (the hunter's)
ErH10P1C: Tna. qiin~iibii 'take off', Te. qiin¢iiba 'be
, AH. qmiirll 'fumigate, make an Incense offer- SEMITIC: Ar. qala (qlW) 'be in service of someone',
Ing small by nature', qo¢iiba 'tear off', Amh. qiil{iibii *qajana II, maqlan ""~m'}, maqa!.n "".4''I''}
SAr. m-qtw-y 'one who is in service'. 'trim, shorten, make a mark in order that woven
Fnuopu Tr qt1'i1rt' 'fragrance, spice', Amh. gar- 'fishhook, fishing line with hook';
ETHIOPIC; To. (ta)gala 'bet' (v), Tna. galol (from doth be symmetrical'. See also qn!b L
'U.~Q 'burn '"CC'n~~ In churcb'; also qiifliirii 'bathe in ql .. 'wager'), Amh. (,a)q"alai':Ca 'bet' (v). See also SEMITIC: perhaps Ar. qa!ina 'be bent', use~ mostly
SIt."am or In m\."C~lse sm()~e' qalala, above. for the back, but could be applied to anythmg el,se.
qa!'f. I (yag!'/) "'mL (K.Y) 'pick, cut
e.g. a hook, It could ~lso be d.erived from qa{.a~a ~
qlr 1fI, qatr. ",,~I. be midday' (denomma_ qar a ""'1 'kind of coin, (T) kind of weight'; (flowers, leaves), pluck, snap';
th'n' the thinness bemg applied to the hook, m thIS
11\ e). taqa!!a (KO), passive;
ca~e Amh. aqqa!{iinii 'angle, catch fish' wou,ld be.a
qaJ,. 'mldda}. nL)(ln, noonday heat',
(qotrd 'at mldda) 'J:
ETHIOPJ(" Amh. qare 'small measure of grain'.

q"at!a '/I.m; see g"o!a!o L

qalaji (K*), act. part. of gala/a;
qllu[(KO), pass. part. of qara/a;
denominative of Amh. miiqa!cJn '.fish~ook. It
also possible that the original meamng is that of th
(:a-qdtr'nt (pra)ersj'), qlllaj 'picked (flowers, leaves), snapped-off .. .. 'angle catch fish' , without. cognates.
ver b aqqallana, . d
fn-noPI( T(' qatro 'be nlll.lOtlde', Tna. qiiltirii, q-.!! I ""''1',
(L) q-'!!a .,..."., 'butt end of (leaves),; and that ·Amh. miiqa{cJn (G. maqa!cJn) ~s d~.nv~
o\mh qalTiira'~ n(~'Ohde·. qiJlr 'noon heat' spear, spear with squared iron part, slender ql!fal (KO) 'picking (n), p lucking'; rrom the verb; cpo also Te. miiqa!cJn 'fishmg me.
spear' ;
qatrari;, i ""l,t.t.f (T) 'aIm, target'. see q-Q!a.ta 1. Dllimann 471 identifies it with g"cH!.
SEMITIC: Ar. qarafa 'pluck', Heb. qatal! 'pluck off',
Syr. qa!ap, Akk. qatiipu (with I by dissimilation) 'cut
qa!!i n
. ,
"'tIl.1 'servant, resident servant, domes-
above. oW, pluck off'. tIC; .
- 'servant' from qatana 'reside'. EI·
qat••,...Ic"on ""/'{J,1\,9'1, qalasale .. on ""/'('11\, q-.t! II ""''1' (T) 'perfume'. El1IIoPlc; Tna. qanlajii 'pluck off' (augmented by
II), Amh. qii!!iifii 'pick flowers'; related to qa!aba from :~c~al/~~13 (1938): 68 identifies the Ar. root
lsee above). See also galafa II. ~i~h Heb. qli!an in kale haqqii!iin (ls.22:24) which
he tntmlalCS 'h('u""rh('lld n"S$e1s' Rabm IIS ' 92
q ",q "" q ".,qu, '1"'1'''''1'; see qlq!
C(lnnt(ts Ar ftllt;n 'slave' With Ih(" n'(ll qln 'be Ihm' . relaled Heb. qa! (qwl) 'feel loathing'.
( ~ f/arana I)
q"~{qut, sr~tlTIC . Amh. asqiiUii!ii 'have an aversion for Sid.Ka. qawo 'dry , S .
vest'. season. Om. quw'r 'time of har-
. balo 'be disagreeable',
ETtflOPIC., Tna 'qit
q·.r(.)n +-T'J 's,,~. ,il~ Ramle"t, colton, (T) qa,uqil,< 4'm-,"'m. (T') 'perfume-;

see 'a.fqtlluqiile. qaw.< II +(/)oil (GrA21) 'petal"
"Ilk "<'ml , . rider ,,"C'n'. qata I 4'/0'1' 'thumb'; see qo<, •
see' q'·O!OIO III .
(rom 4.r qrlln 'C'C'lhm'(of Indian Mfg)pllan ('rigtn, q ".,.r 'I"'I'C (LI) 'the initIal stage of learnln
see \'ollers, Z/lI/C, 'C¥IRO~) ~.l.11: "'0 S<>q qlln the Gee? syllabary'; g 'ataIa I (yv
.. q"atta
" < • <t.m 'be qawiibo< +'I'1liJ; see qob,.
, ,11;', SH qdllj~"h \"('ollon ~p,"ner, cotton seller', q d~r be thin, be stunted';
from Amh. q .. ..,.tiJr. 'number', q"~!~r li1mhi1rl
I,'r Ind(t.I·ur41rcan (f·n,!.!h .. h 'c4.'Uon ·, ,1nd so fin)
coming Ir<,m Ar qUln, s(~(' lolot~h no 1272, 'the I~it.lal stage of learnj~g the syllabary', q\J/iJr slen, I' 'make flexible,
>Qq !Q.o '.
make slender, make qiiw~ii :1'(/)0' (T.M) 'small female monkey'.
lamara learn Ihe syllabary. . h'n (Ll) bend down, ETHIOPIC: Tna. qawfa, same.
q',!ni +-Tt (T') 'I"u<c' ':' (L) q"altii 'butt end of a spear, spear
. . :I'(/)o~ (T.) 'ram" ,
qa!ariih "'tnt-IJ (T ') 'pit, hole'. q ,a, .. I d ' qiiwlii
. h' squared iron part, s en er spear;
qtqr I, qa!qlt. 4<T4<m "lIlash. crush, bre,,' to q.,riin ~'I't-'J 'tar, pilch'; ":',
q O!l., qalil
'slender, thin, (Lt) one of refined In VIew of Amh. qawsa 'ram', qiiw/ii is proba-
PICt'(,S, nrcak tlpcn, hurst asundC'r, ~hattC'r. manners. bly a mISprInt for qiiwsii.
nrul . r'ound, grind'. (rom Ar qafriin, qi.lrfin; also Soq, qa!riin, Md.
(>IO! 'thinness, slenderness, (T) small finger';
laqalqO!u, 1'3 1\,',
</ulq511 (lI, 1'0), a t. pim "'qalqala,
qUlran Fraenkel 150 derives Ar. qa.tran from a
m:onstruL:ted East Aramaic ·q.lrn on the basis of an S'MITIC: Heb. qal 'small', q!! (nif<al) 'be small'
qwm, qoma (y'qum) "00 'stand, stay, be pres-
ent, remam, nse: arise, be in charge of (e.g.
attested e!nlnii Zimmern 60 derives Syr. elranii (Ellan 24), Aram. qa!lal 'make small'.
q.lqu!, rem . q.lq.II, (T) q"J!qul, (T, repnnt)
9'~!q"'I, pa part. qalqo!a, al,(> 'atHlcted,
.,f from Akk , e.trtinu; however, Akk. e.tranu nOI is EnuOPIC: Amh, qWaua!ii 'make small heaps here
a pnest who IS 10 charge of SInging vanous
prayers at night or in the daytime), be set up,
atleHed In the recent Akkadian dlctionanes, Note d there', and perhaps also qii{ii{{ii 'be stunted,
that Syr, qarriin IS gwen in Payne Smith 3598. :~derdeveloped'; related to Amh. q"'iif!ii!ii 'be be establIshed, have effect, abide, persevere, be
q'lqiil~ 'gnndlng (n), brea~Ing, brU/'Ing, de- E1HIOPK Te Tna.Amh. qJlran. s~ort, not be well developed'. See also qara!a I valid, last, endure, halt, stop, be stopped, cease,
tructlon, "Ted, PIC(, laughter. humlhty be barred';
(that I, b""lktng do"n In spmt). s3dnes<. qa,ariiqten 4'mt-~m." (DT), qa,ariiqtin +mt- q'a!a,a " < (K 0) 'cut (grass)'; 'aqoma, 'aqama, causative; also 'establish,
affiIclI n, caJamuv, , dIsa':oftl", COntntlon, "ihat .. ~m.1 (K l, qatariiqi,en 4'mt-:I'ni." (Ll), Ar. qana 'cut'; related to Ar, qa.tQ'Q 'cut', constitute, set up, sel upright, place, erect, fix,
q.,riiq,iin ~'I't-~nn (Sw '" 0 468) 'kind of
t<red condulon, breach· Heb. qaro'. raise up, put, lay, station, accomplish, grant
pelican, kInd of water fowl, kind of hawk', ErnloPlc: Amh. qii!!ii.tii, q""ii.t!ii!ii 'cut, shear'. Te. (a prayer), perform, confirm, carry out (a pro-
[\fmc, q# qJ<. qll r qadqad.J, qaddo 'breilk,
cru.!h' 'lalla qaJqa..fa \uf, He!) qawf, PbH qllqt'l from Gk , kutarraktes 'Swooping down, a certain qiir{ii!a 'break to pieces' (augmented by r), and qarra ject), ralify, stop (tr), cease, bring to a halt';
' Pf<~d out by be.>Ung , ",L'IIed 10 Heb. kal / kill -
kind of sea-bird' See also qa!raq.taren, and kotiira- 'CUi'.
laqawma 'be placed, be constituted',
<rush fine qa!en
laqiiwama 'oppose, rise (againsl), stand one
Tna q lyDIa I..iush, pound', T~ q'"a!a '" <t.tnm (T) 'be fat';
fTHIOPlf" qii!qu!a.
q~!Tiiq,.ren ~'I't-~'I't." (T) 'kind of sparrow'; q'ali! (Lt.K) 'large, bulky, thumb'; against another, conflici (with), withstand,
take a stand against, antagonize, quarrel, de-
mh qalaqqliUJ 14qQlJaq6 '<'TUsh, round. hammer',
Bar quay w, Gur q.JI4q4!Q The rool
0,1 qal I. Kam AI qa!i/ateo See also
I T render< II wJlh Amh. dambll 'kind of sparrow'
SJn ... IS hke\\.uerendered wah Amh
bll In a Sawa",w (sec Dlllmann 468). qalriiqlaren
d~m­ q'a!a!, qa!a! (T) 'thumb';
ErnIOPIC: Amh. qa!!a!a 'become bloated (stomach),
fend, resist, defy, stand up for';
JQStaqQwama (K .), caus. of taqiiwama;
1[1'11 II, and qa.Jq4ta I :; undoublcdly to be I~entified with qa~araqlen (see be swollen', See also g"'a.tQ!o II, above, qall'iimi, act. part. of qama; also 'keeper, sla-
. " • "nqlr. q ot.- ,,'+,.+,
qUI\~r_ t ... mI>Je, t"ltch', n (I(. \I) ,
s ha •.. e, I. for q,Hraq/~fE'n
abo\'e) :'ole that q>lraJaren of M 194 IS a mlspnnt
q'a!i~ ."'111.; see qa!a!a II. ble, permanent, guardian, responsible, protec-
tor, patron, overseer, superintendent',
'i1nI/alqii/J ("'), oct partICIple qito, 'i!fJlfl (l.t) 'sea monster'_ qawwiim 'tall, high, erect';
q'"a, -rm'l' (KO) 'excrement of a young ant-
'tn:rnb~ng In), quakIng, tremor'
tZCd" llh tremor, trembling, de-
I from Gk. kiro, 'sea monster' (Hommel 1877:"",
mal' ,. qawim, same;
'standing, one who IS placed,
q'IVWum, q.ww.m
Itnous' EnfJoPlc; Amh. q"'~!a{. one who is sell led, fixed, that whIch IS In use,
''-'q''qiiI, (Lt) 'tremblIng (n), hallOg-, qata,a I +mm (0 T Y) 'be thm'; (L1) head, principal; (with 'am) excluded. shut
q'w,< r +(/)oil (T.M) 'harvest season from Ihe
out, isolated';
end of September to the end of December';
qiiwm 'sponsor, patron, defender, ~rotector,
qa!a!a fl +mm (L Gr423) 'feel repugnance, be TV. render it by Amh. Mig 'season of the small
(T) leader, president, head, pnnclpal ;
dIsgusted "ith', rams' (normally in May);
qam 'height, growth, stature'; .
'l"alalil loGr 423) 'dlsgusted, who disgusts. who qaw'a (T) 'to rain in the qaova<-season';
qumal, q'.mal 'standing (n), SIZe, state, stat-
repulses' (note qMa1a!i. with q., as agamst the EnfJoPlc' Te, qiiwiJ< 'time of harvest', that is, the ure condition, pOSitIOn, situatton, conSlItu-
,-erb qalala, "Jlh q); tnd of the rainy season, Tna. qiiw(i, Gaf, qawii 'dry tio~, stability'; (with 'am) 'exclusion';
kaSOn'; Amh, qiiwa 'pick fruit'; also in Cushitic: maqwiim 'place where one stands, pedestal,
- -- -"'--
--~ qi),m 457
Joe ;hln. 1'1.11.(':, J'\)~lIlOn. l'h,lptcr, st.1nd. s(a~. -
'tJ(/I"(l 'cause 10 yomlt'; . lated to nqm : Ar. naqama 'take venge-
rJa~ "hen- {lOl" Siers, f(lUndatl,lfl, rank: . fun,. IC
faqa)"Il, (l.) laql"{l 'be vomited'; ,SIr.cIT
. ' • m , Aram. nilqam (see also Noeldeke
from Ar. qaytun 'storeroo 1
ClClni''- (K·), ;1(,:1 part of qe'o. an~e , kOit6n 'bedro'om'; also S ;' 5 ee~ln~ rOom' < Ok
Ml1qM'omn'o (Il) 'pO\ltlOn. place \\-herr one q,JI),U·. qfl'rtj' 'yomit' en). 1910: 180) Tna. liiqiiyiimii 'take vengeance', Amh. inner or pnvate room' ~. qaYlu~. sl~eplng room.
!.'Inds' (from ,\nthanc\.
ql'"t 'vomiting' (n); EOI.IO~.'C~ Gur. ·otqeyyamii 'offen~'; Tna.A~h. 528}. ' ram, qlluna (see Krauss
nrt1f1oqol1'Jm "ad\ersJr) 'I roqO.l'}om, geance , rancor'; passed IOto Cushulc:
taqoKami, r;lrl. III toqliH'nml1; (nb() 'adversar}, 51 1011 IIl'.: Ar ~ii)~ 'v~ml,t', Soq. qe', Hcb. quo (qY'J, qim 'ven
Arg· --10 Tern. qJmo.
qaua "'H ; see qzz I.
AH. qa'II. IW'II sPI! (Irom West SemHic). l
Kam. qlm '.
loqlt'om 'hoi IS. stand. pn,ulon. pl;u.-t', petlcsta!. l- 1"11101'((" Te qii'Q 'vomit', Amh. q"aqq alii (a
r('durhCiHcd root); also 10 ('ush/tic: Sa oq~" 'SPII'
_ ..w,. (Gr. 179) 'curator, (Ll) overseer';
q.y.m 7
qui :I'll. (Lt) 'judge',
(rllm('",(lr~, lamr~5tand. ''.1 ndlcsIH.J. " -,'m qtiyim . 'curator, superintendent';
variant of -d· •.
. .qa I, see above; qoZl reflects a T u k h
m qo·, , pronUnCiation. r IS
laqlJlumn 'prrt1S1flon·. Iro Syr qa·yuma 'supenntendent, manager.
qy~, q.~a (",'qil,) 1:", 'be red'; .110
taqa".)mot 'lIf'JX'ISltlon. Tl'sisl.lnCt'·,
\, "rrl( Ar qama (q wln 'sland, stand up', SAr
>uqt'!w 'make rcd';
q<llT,'/I. qalTlh (fern. qayyii/l. qayy,ht) 'red
~"'i" (T.M) 'highland';
.' .
qazafa "'H'"'row (a boat), (Y.M) ,wint';
from Ar. qadafa; see qadafa, a!xlve
II"'", Hfb. A.r.m.\~r I/Iim, MJ qam. {Tg qH'm , ruddy, lair (complexion)" ' he translation qiigo af~r given by T for qiiynon
AU. qJmu (frnm ('3 n.a.antle1 For G. liUjJ~'a"hJ q',yiil,,' (KGr 178) 'redness, (Ll) red color' I haps refers to a specIfic country,
ptl qazal "'HI\ (T.M) 'kind of antelope';
'oppose n again I cp \r lQqii"'amQ. J leb hlJq!j.. ql!llll 'redness', '
q,).ITtlhlJlIJcj 'redness'.
q.)S .,.,,11 'priest'; fr?m Ar. gazal'gazelle'; also In Ina. qaga! 'gazelle',
fnnorl( Tnl Amh (Ja( tiUT qon,a. ,.\rg qomo with a transferred meaning 'beautifUl girl'
gay,jh..",,,, rem., (K') qayii&.yt 'reddIsh'; Itlsan Amharic form ,· for G" see qss.
q'"m ~"",. (n 1 1q l) 'kind I,f procl,'U' 'tone' 'Oq\'Ohl'"ha, 'uqyuhar'/la 'gleam red, become qu I, qazza "'H (D1395,T Y) 'lack, be wanting
reddISh. make reddish'; q'3}S, q"3~ (pI. q"'aya~, q"'ayii~, ~aq""yiif' >aq"'- diminish'; .
q• .. niq -t(f>o"'~ (T KG) 'lId for. N,ket' - -,') .,...",.
I .,....,. 'leg, shin, shinbone,
Sf \f1Tl(' SA.r qyJ.r 'red' ' h' ETHIOPIC: Te. qiizza 'cut, tear'; related to the foot
tlg; ),. f q~~ (see q{lfaya).
qr" ....q. -t..:,-t (T \I) Kind l,r tree, church', ETHIOPIC Te. qiiho 'be red', Tnot, qii&e, qeht; Tna. maqes (T), maqiiy.~, pI. (D Instrument 0
qalJ~h -redo, Te, qiiy,h, Arg qdyy,,&, Har qth,
T rrndcn ft'tIomqf' b} mh tIo.11f:a 'Cordia bfnca ..
Amh. tj(hy, Gur, qil)'. Amharic qiilla 'be red' is
torture to pierce the nbs, leg-Irons, shackle, qu II, 'aqzazi h~HH (D 1395,T.Y) 'be sad, be
na" s.ln~. rdlng 10 ~t, qelunqr IS used for Sllrrup, goad';
conSIdered ~y Praetonus 1879:48,75 a 'Fehlschluss gloomy, be languishing, be pensive, be feeble,
bu,Jdln, the tabk- of an an~, as IS I he ~sc of reel dizzy';
dcr Spral..'he', that is, the J' of qiiyy wruch goes back to SH~JTIC: the connection between G. q~'ilY! and Akk.
"~tt:Q wh pour faJrt In P'l'nes, J.c tent-Ires. qyh "'as (,:on~qdcred a prepalatahzed)' from .Ii. and qllll/" 'knee, shin' ('0 Holma 137, but von Soden
de ,.,1.
I dn. 'plum. d cou\,ertum rour J~ ETHIOPIC: Ina. qilZz balii, qauzz Mia 'be sad', Te.
the language reconstructed a verb qiilla 'be red' (so and CAD have kim~u) suggested by Holma, lb. IS
~U5(rll trek)n 19'3 2J~I. tbe tam qtMt"ql' also Cohen 19W:2R)
qat ga·a 'become meager', Amh. qdzziizii 'look sad,
doubtful. Von Soden 478 likewise compares Akk. look gloomy, feel dizzy', qilZz alii 'be pensive', See
"as C:Uended (() IhC' me mng church' G"'''Cl qt'M'l'n..
kJmJu. kimll. kissu with G. q"'ilY!, but ki!!u is de- also qzzy,
f'" rcrltapqo "" Id..,IIfied" th SiT qan.tii 'cban' q)~yh, .ee q}'& , n'ied from· ki~~ by assimilation, and, kin!u
eel of hurch, - yr qan.ti -"net ua,)', demcd
~, PIY'lC ,mnh l66f, from Gl kMAhl',hcll, nIche qi)al ,"'rA (T) 'weapon' cannot be compared with q"·ay.r.
EnHoPlc: Amh. miiqay.~ 'ox-goad' (from Geez).
qzz III, 'aqzaza h~HH (Tl 'cool (tr), cool of!',
ETH10PIC; Tna, qazqiizii 'be cold', Te. qa:qiiza,
fOI ""ue P.'lIt Smnh, b allO gl\es Ar qMAii- perhaps. '''nant of q - ( th According to Praetorius 1879:44, G. q"'ilY! is used
" J) custodian of I hurch _ _, , a}on cpo e proper name Amh , qiiziiqqiizii 'be cold, be cool'
qayan,' qorol Cam.), and to compared with Ar tx: euphemIstically for Amh. q"! where it means 'bUl-
ern +""iI 'arc n3rnc of the zodIac',
qQJn metalworker, Md. qanala tocks' qzzy, 'aqzezaya h~I1Hr (T M), same meaning,
as qzz II.
from I\r qa., also mb 'Pk I qlm, tlqa})lma .,.",roo
'take vengeance. har- qay"," "'''tn-'
'small room, room in a hou .. For a similar fonnation (that IS, the rOOl augmented
,+d>o<'l _A MW bor rancor, hold a grudge, be easily offended, where variou, objects are kept hidden, alcove; by yl, see qlly. ·aqlalaya.
qi...,.. harass. threaten',
q'i}~i :1:.1' tLt) dned herb' /'llltaqa)J'oma (K 'l_ causallve
from Amh 9'''''0 qal)'ami I K' l, act, part. of taqaryama;

I rese
qlm "re\cngl!'. rancor, vindictiveness, grudge,
n Imen 1-;
mh 'I' , .. me I qJ}'\"ame 'grudge, rancor, III-feeling';
wraqaY)"OnIl (Gr) 'vindictive, vengeful, (S .. , In
'I' ,'It"1
(\ I bo,l'
I~I' ~h, O} '1«"1 -ttl "'omlt, SPIt,
D 45 ) magician'
""'-tlaqa)")Jm, same_
taqa})'lirm "'IOdlctive, vengeful. grudge bearer':

'manifest (tr.), become visIble, show

self reveal oneself, be manifested,
. be seen, ""lide (Gr.ll7) ' lrembon ,
onemade' visible , become conspIcuOUS, seern, ra'<fal ' I bl' , g, tremor ;
be _ . rem 109 (n).
,. 'QJ"ad, (Ll) 'that makes tremble"
show, j . 'bl ,). mar'ad 'th I '
("oyas far • ·VI~.1 ~ 'b' I ,). dous" , a makes lremble, terflble, tremen_
• . . raf'; IOYISI e ,
Rl (;O"Y~OS
¥!StarO'oyo (GrA52) 'compare (persons or SEMrne: Ar. (r'd), 'ino'oti;, 'trembte' Heb - d
Aram. ra'ag, Syr. (>et )ratad Akk 'd' . '0'0.,
(pI. ra'ayt), act. part, of ra'ya; b - , . ra U (connected
y von SOden 941 with the root rwd, below).
r.'im, '.'em eh.9" ! eh.9" (T.LI.Gr.153) 'wild ro'oy', 'r observer, diviner, (Gr.154) prophet'; E~.IOPIC: Ina. ra'oda ' tremble', Te. ra-ada Amh
buH, rhinoceros. unicorn'; tal (of column)', (Lt) title below the kin al'o_ se\~bU'OI
(ro'oye _ 'soothsayer, seer of hidden rada. Gur. ( a ) rQ >adii_, Hac ra'di 'thunder: G .
(Amh, ras); g
from Heb. ra~em; also Amh. ra>em (from Geez). In things'); ') riga 'rnalana, fever' (something that causes Sh~km~~.
"'us 'constituted chief; uppermost, foremost - e kokab 'astrologer ;
the other Semitic languages: Ar. ri>m, rim 'while (ro'oy f '
chief, commander, (Gr) that is the highest" ' fa'ama (yar'oml loOD (Y,K), '.'ama /.1,00
antelope', SAr. bqr rymn (W. Miiller), Ararn. f;J>erna, (K ') pass, part. 0 ra'ya,
remo 'wild buiI', Syr. raymo, Ug. r'm-m (de Moor ra'sanna 'princely dignity, office of chief, lead~r_ rJ'IIY, . l'k (T.MAM) 'shout, roar, resound, thunder: (LI)
chant' ;
ship, charge (of an overseer)'; - 'VI'sion • gaze' face,. Image, I eness,
ra'J), . counte-
199). Akk . rimu 'wild buU'. For more details on Ar.
nance, 'orm , aspect, SIght, revelatIOn, appear-
and G . ra>em, see Hommel 258, 367. tar'lis (tar'as) 'head of the bed, head support
(bolster, pillow), what lies at the head, What is

ance, apocalypse'; . " . .

- causative;
. also 'roar, thunder".
fa rm rOarIng sound, noise' ;
, 'appearance, seeing, VISion ;
'.'amat O\ODr (Dillmann 1401) 'corals' (?), near one's bead' (cp. also rglj, targo¢); with rarom , riJ fiim 'shouting. thunder clap. nOIse.
r"y 'appearance, appeanng
rI'yor ' () "
n, , VISIon, shape, roar' ;
(KG) = Amh. biwalo gamga 'silk cloth the suffix pronouns: ti1r'asihu 'at his head"
tar'asa 'at the head'; , image, countenance, looks, SIght, spectacle; rU'iime (Gr. 157) ' noise, roaring Sound';
color of chickpea flowers';
tatar'asa, see tr's; !or>QYQ 'exemplar, slmlhtude. lIkeness.
transcription of Heb. rO(') mo! through Ok. ramoth, SEMITIC : Heb. ra'om 'thunder' (v), Aram.-Syr, r"'t'm
matar'as. see tf)S; example, appearance, spectacle, figure, form ,
- , resound
, ', Md, rim , rum ; related to Akk
shape, type, image, aspect, norm, pattern, mod- ramamu roar .
... 'sa, ra'asa ehl't ; t:hl't 'become (be) chief, SEMITIC: Ar. fa's 'head', SAr. r1s I 'head, self' Sh . el, standard, copy, transcnplton; Just as, !tke,
rise above' (denominative); res 'head', Soq. rey, fe, Heb. fOr,)s, Aram. ~esa, ETHIOPIC Amh. ramra (from ram -ta) "ramp of
as' ; marching feet',
'ar'asa 'make (someone) chief'; SYf. resii, Md. Ug. riS, r'is, Ph. nf, Akk. rfiu.
(-ar'oyo za + imperfect 'the same way as +
ErnJOPIC: Tna. fa'si 'head', Te. rij,as 'head, self',
lara'sa 'be made chief, be placed (set up) at the
Amh, fas 'head' (with suffix pronouns 'self'), ;JfSU
verb'); ,a'awa (y~"alV) lOm (K') 'yoke, join ' (de-
head, be at the head of';
(from .-rs-u) 'he' (iit. 'his head'), Har. uriis 'head' laslar'ayo, in barala 'asla'r'JYo 'Feast of the nominative from )arcut'yoke', or reconstructed
ra'(aJs (pl. 'ar(al '>SI, pI. of pi, 'ar(a)'>Slol) GUf. fiis 'self'. See also rayas. , Transfiguration' ; by K from >ar'"I) ;
'head, top, summit, chief (thing), chief (leader), 'oSlar'ayo( I) 'appearance, appari tion, manifes- 'arfQwa (K*), causative;
beginning, capital (of column), principal (mon- ra'ata lh-t- (MA) 'be manured', tation' ; rafQwi (K·). act. part. of rOCQwa;
ey), number, sum, chapter, title (of a book),; mar'ay 'sight, means of seeing'; 'arful, see above;
with suffix pronouns 'self'; e,g. ra'asu 'he him- rs'of t.}.r (T.Sw. in D 1401), the name of mora'ay (T) 'spectacles'; mar<aw (K') 'who yokes, who joins';
self, >Q'ammar ril'asaya 'I know myself; also (God) the Father' (seems to be a magical
name). moslar'ay (fern, maslar'il) 'visible'; SEMITIC : related to "Yt as in Heb. rell , 'friend,
'own' with a noun in a construct state + Ti1'iJS-
Ar. fa'a (ny) 'see', SAr. "~yo Heb. rii-o companion', Aram. , r, Akk . rU'II, Ug, r r,
with suffix pronouns; e.g, beta fa'asu 'his OWn SEMITIC:
house' ,. ETHIOPIC: Tna. rOH' re (with metathesis) 'have inter-
'.'ya (yar'ay) eh f 'see, observe, look, look at, ("Y), Aram. ·few 'appearance', Syr. raha 'observe'
course', Te. raH"O. See also mrrw, above.
lallariJ'i1su 'each'; e.g. lasab'a fa/am lallara)asu look on, regard, contemplate, consider, watch, (Brockelmann 1928:715), Ug. r'u 'appearance' (de
'to each person of the world'; have a vision, take notice of, notice, behold, Moor 74), On the Aramaic particle hare. 'tiri, see
Barlh 1911:27-37, Landberg 1923: 13 t 5 If, ""ya (y.,'ay ) eM, (K) ,a'.yalOf, (T) ra'.ya
(fa 'asa mangasl 'capital city, head of state'); perceive, explore'; lhf 'herd, tend (animals or people), feed (a
("'asa kiihniil 'archpnest'); (zayare>j 'seer'); ETHIOPIC: Tna. rij'oyii 'see', Te. ra'a, Har. ,i'a, Gur.
ari, Amh. ro'ay 'vision' (from Geez). flock), graze (If., intr), pasture (lr., intr), take
(ra'asa di),iiqoniil 'archdeacon '); 'ar'aya 'show, make manifest, make visible, care of cattle, shepherd';
(riJ'ilsa naway 'principal of money'); reveal, display'; 'arraya, causative; also 'tend a flock'; .
(ril'iJsa ma>t/zanr 'cornerstone'); tariJ'ya 'be seen, be shown. appear, seem'; "'da (Y"'ad) C,.,,, 'tremble, quake, shudder, tar"ya, (L) tara'aya 'be tended, pasture (mtr),
)ar( aj 'ilst'index'; (zaYi1lrQ>ay 'visible');
shake' ;
lor(ada, causative; graze (intr)';
('ar fa) '>Sta nagar 'topics, table of contents'); (za'iyyalra'ay 'invisible'); larii'aya 'graze together, feed in common, (Gc)
ra'( a)s (pI. ra'>san) 'head, chief, principal, capi- tara'aya 'look at one another, see one another, r'.'ud 'who (lhal) quakes, who trembles, seized
look upon'; with trembling'; graze in turns'; ".
fO'oyi (Lt), act. part, of "'ya; also shepherd,
rO'ad, ra'ad 'trembling, tremor';
ra'uy (K '), pass. part. of "'ya;
"'W1"('I. (1I) marih-, (pL mOro.(3.1') 'cattJe, flock, rdb., (fcm. rabJ'/) 'fourth'; - -b (Gr.151) 'place where one stretches ...bbat
herd. I'd<lure. sheepfold'; riiharta 'ad 'fourth part'; /IIr/1ba
mar'a!' (pI muro(.?y). same; "bu&, 'gained, prOfilable, profil-bearl'ng lu
(rOhJ'la 'for the fourth time'); aui'; b bt (pI. mariibabl) 'net, fisher- tive'· , era.
m~rral 'raslun~';
rohhiN 'who believes in four persons of the ""rbabt, mar a snare (Gr.151) fishhook'; "bii&, rabiih (pI. r,bii&OI. rabiiho/) 'gain profil
bene~t, advantage, interest, c~mmerce:. '
S~ _\tITI{ AT rU'.j (f'd 'gra7e. lend', SAr "y, Soq. Godhead' ; , net trap" b k
man s ' I mon 'Solomon's Net', a 00 of
rt"l', Hcb. ra'a (r,),), Ar.1m-Syr fiNi, Md. rou, Ph.
,.hbO,. 'fourfold, aci of making four, Ihe nUlll_ (/llarbab/O s~ °ng
l incantations for conjuring up (raba&a '~n>S1 [It] 'intercourse'); ,
r', Ug '.1''herdsman', AU. fl"14 'grale: Barth bcr fOur'; magIC. contalO HammerschmIdt-SIx
' . 1983 : 258 ; rab& (n.) benefil, profil, gain';
J 902 46-7 defln.'s the meaning 'herd, Icnd from a demons); see
ruhii1e "fourth part, a fourth'; "bbiille (0r.451) 'gain, profit';
mNt general mc,1nin~ of "l' 'be mmdful, be regard- h s AT. rabba 'arrange' (Armbruster
ful' (A.r ni'(1 'show regard for') ",:hich he CO~1nCC~S
,.h'al 'square' (n.);
S~MlTlc: per a~o be connected with Sem. rbb 'be rab~awi 'merchant, trader, usurer'.
wirh SYf re')'al/a (from ")') 'nllod, consCience. rahafQwi (fern. rabJfQwit), riiba~iiy (fern. rabaril) IJI). It is, n(~tr . rabba, Heb. rag) as suggested by 'arbiihi 'that which causes 10 earn' thai who h
'fourth'; numerous rna kes gam;
., ' Ie
Aranl rW1'ri na 'thoughl" as against Schulthess 70
Buhl 740.
and Bmckdmunn 1928 738. rdb"il 'fo urth pari of a day '; marba~i
gam' ;
(Gr.451) 'eager for gain, that brings
fmlClPIC Te', 'O'II 'pas1ure, tend (l'IlI/Ie)', marravi marahh.." 'one who believes in four persons of . Tna. rababa 'plait, catch. fish' T
with a net',
'paslurc gn)und' 'TH/OPIC. b b
I' Amh. riibbiiba 'exlend, spread, mastariib;)~i, mastaYiiba~ 'lover of gain, eager
Ihe Godhead, Quadrinitarian'; c-.. ii/ii 'fty with spread wmgs, e. ra u
rlbabb: for gain';
'stretcheh o~ ~abarriiba 'strew, scatter about'. For
martihtrt 'square (n.), squareness. fourth part,
r.'ili (pi. ra'm·t) I.'lf.. (M) 'glant',
. . . '.
r(}rUl'(lilf'i. (Gr 15 7) ra'dytay 'giant, gIgantic ~
four sides, (Gr.152) fourth floor';
larbii· (It) 'fourth floor';
scalier over, 1 G b T tarabiihi (Gr.150), parI. of tarabha;
~babl 'net, snare', cpo a so ,mara, na. yarbiih, yorbah, see below;
FnflorlC Amll flJ<t1rr 'gmnts' (from Gccz). larba'l 'fourfold, quadruple, four limes, Ihe
G~rbm~b Amh. marab, miirbab. Geez marbabt could
mo or, the meaning rbb 'extend, spread out', SEMITIC: Ar. rabj~a 'gain, profit' (is not a Geez
four sides of a square, the number four, Ihe
rabba 1./1; see "'haha four persons of Godhead';
"me rom Id also be identified wit. h T e. Ya"bb a f rbb) loanword as suggested by Jeffery 138), SAr. rbh
buteDU .. b MCh
' T
'plait na.
1 ra··biiba. For marba I, see . 0 en, 'profit' (n.), Sh. erbah 'gain a profit'. Barth 1893 :29
rabbi .:11. 'toJ,·her. ra~OI',
tdrbll'OI (U) 'Ihe four elemenls'; Milonges Massignon, vol. I (1956).327. identifies it with the root rw~, as in PbH. rfWQ~'
SEMITIC: Ar. 'arba' 'four', robi' 'fourth', SAT. 'rb' 'profit', Aram ('a)rll..'a~ 'make profit, gain'.
fr,1m Jft-h. rabbi. through Gk rhllhhi; also Amh. rbb II, rabba, raba ba... JI!,_ ...Jill! (K*) 'be ETHIOPIC: Ina. riih~e 'gain, profit', Te. riib~a 'be
rahN 'h:acher' rna rahhl 'ma.!'ter', Te. rabbi 'God'
'four', rb· 'one·fourth', Soq. 'erbarah 'one.fourth', ,.
Sec Ilsl"' rohba ... ·o. ,api, rahbolli. Heb.Aram.·Syr. 'arbor 'four', Heb. r~~at 'fourth numerous, useful', Amh. rabba 'prosper, be useful', Gur. riiba
part', Md. arba 'four', Ph. 'rb' 'four', rbr 'quarter', lorbaba (K*), causative; 'be better'. Note that Amh. rdbba is not to be
connected with Ug. rb 'great, chief', as suggested by
rabb.,. ':1'10 male four. ronn four (denomi- Ug. arh'ft) ·four'. rb' 'fourth', Akk. arba'u 'four', m:onstructed from Heb. rag ( rbb ) 'be numerous'. Fisher 183. The roOl passed into Cushitic: Bil. rabe~1
natIYC). rehl"i 'fourth'. 'Forty' and 'Wednesday ' are likewise
formed from this root. 'profit', Sa. rabah.
laruNwa (Gr Ijll 'be milde four'; rbb III, rabba ':11 (KG) = Amh. naffiirii 'boil
ETHIOPJC; Te. )arba' 'four', Tna. >arba<le, Gaf. arbal~
'arb/i' '1(1ur' (with a femInine noun)~ (waler), seelhe with rage'.
tii, Arg. orbit, Gur. arbat, Amh. oral, Har. ~Jaraf robel C'Il.A (T) 'behold a son!';
>rJrM"1 'four, 'IIld of chant' (Velal 233-6); (with b becoming zero). 'Forty' and 'Wednesday'
>arf.aVUIi 'four' (with a masculine noun);
rabib;wit ':l1.lJt-r (U) 'sovereignty, suprema- translation of the Hebrew proper name ra'ii!?en.
are likewise formed from this root. cy' ;
'<1rtM<Ii 'forl.l, (U) funeral ntes forty days afier
Ihe death of a pcr<on', rabi' ':11.6 (Gr) 'spring (season),; from Ar. rubiibiyya 'lordship, mastership'. rabban (pI. rabbiinot, rabbano/) ':!J'} 'masler.
(f'J'iila 'orb.'J 'Alconsion', " is celebraled from Ar rabi'. teacher, leader, elder, senior, (Ll) ship owner,
t1.)rt~ d,l'.\ afler Re\urrectlon); rabha (yarbiih) ':11'" 'gain, profit, benefit, captain of a ship'; ' . '.
(r..,ma tarN-Q 'Lcnt')~ rbb I, rabba, rababa (YJrb,b) ':/1 , ':1111 make money: draw profit, be profitable, be rabbanoy (It) 'ship owner, caplaln of a ShIP,
'arbJ'dwj (1\-) "fortieth'; ·slrelch. slretch out, expand, extend, spread useful, (K) augment, multiply'; rabbana (T.Y.M) 'leach' (denOmlnallve);
rahhaha 'exact interest';
rilb,u 'four' (corre<:1 \1 135 rahu'u Into rab'u), out, scalier, (T. Y.M) hover' (that is, 'lly wilh from Aram. raMan 'teacher, master' through AT.
r~b( 'four' (Wllh a feminme noun); spread wings'), 'arhaha 'make profitable, make someone profit rubbiin 'master, captain of a ship'; also Soq. rebehon
(r~'Q 'four limes']; rababa marhabla (or ma.igarla) 'casl a net'; learn, gain, win), lend money in usury'; 'commander', Te. raMan 'helmsman (of a Ship),
rabU' 'four (da: 'J, Ihe fourth day of the week. 'arbaba (Gr 151), causative; taraMa 'be gained, be profitable, have the captain'. For AT. rubban, see FraenkeI221·2, Land-
Wedne.d.,,' . laraMa, pass., intr. of rabba; advantage of gain, receive usury'; berg 1923: 1059ff.
. ,
r.~U' "quare. 'quared, fourfold. quadrangular. 'GSlariibaba (Gr.151) 'stretch out from all tarobbaha 'exact interest from someone, gam;
four-"ded'; SIdes' ; larahah~ 'gain mUlually, obtain profit, make rabboni ':flt rabbuni .:n-t 'my masler';
("Du'iil 'four SIde< of a >quare)'; rababi, act. parI. of rababa; profil Ihrough trade, (Gr) gain in an illicit from Heb. ribbonf, PbH . rabbiini throu~h Ok. r~a­
manner' ;
rdbl' (Gt 4\ I) 'one Who bel,eves In four persons rabuh, pass pan. of rababa; also 'unrolled, bonni" also Ar. rabbiiniyy 'doctor of law (for which
of lb,' Godhead, quad"nltanan'. hovenng'; 'oslarahaha, causative of tarob,ha; see l~ndberg 1923: 1059, Jeffery 137-8).
rJbbar 'expansion, extension'; rahahi, a~1. parI. of rabha; al~o 'profitable,
gainful" , .
",bbat CIl-r; see rbb I.
.. ~~a"a ':1 Im ( T,,L.. M) 'te'ch'
u (denominative -
ft(101 rohn,). Gur. rodda. On Har. ardu In ardawrg 'school ' con_
·.Jara ,ex act interest. agree
. , ~
on Interest' ror.
rabba" iiI (T) 'chIef" teachers',
nected with G. rad· 'dISciple', see CerullI 1936 :235.
The rOOI passed into Cushitic: Aw. iirdalu_x~a
ri 'one
who lends at mterest, •usurer,
• 'one who pays Interest,
~afada I '!WJad/ .:I..Yo (T MI, rafd. ':\:.I'.IK')
be In the forenoon'
rabba .. it ':1I'1'r 'mYriads', ' help', Som. arday 'student'. For G. 'Qrlb>a 'inform , •
adu)' (K ) de 'interest paid on a loan. usury';
frL'm Ar ri"OIH'jf, pl. of "hll'o 'myriad'; possibly
report', cpo Tna. 'Qf(b'e 'announce the death of a
relative', Har. aroda'a, Amh.Arg. ariidda, Our. I ",I,: (T)
('.'010 r~
raue 'one who lends at interest').
Ing' : (K·I 'do (somethlngl late In the morn-
als(l from Ht'b. r~~iit!o! 'mynads', a,.raddo. It is generally identified with the root rd> ,~d '01 'ury
us , lending at mtereSI ; rafiidila gi:e (ll) 'mornmg, forenoon';
'help', but the connection IS not clear unless being " J" ..I (K'), part. of taradya,
10rallU) ,
reba,it (pI. form) (Gr.451) 'vu hures' ; ETlflOPIC Tna. 'ariit!<ida 'be lale tn the mOrning (In
dotng something)'. Amh.Gaf /Jrail"ii,J~ 'rg .. ~

informed of the death of a relalive is the eqUivalent . Ar rada (rdy) 'increase, exceed, SAr. r~."'1
rTHltlPIC 10 be Identified with Tna. rGllJ'Q 'vu llure', of being helped. On the other hand, since G. 'artb'Q SEMlnC., W Muller 1983:282), Soq. rd)' m. d H ~ . 04 UU," . ara"Q.
Te. r(lll'.ra 'stork', with b becommg
Q, ar ardfoda, Gur. fii/raJa; passed IOto Cush.
H'. also means 'report, Inform', the informing may easj. 'mrere.stN (t that Akk. reddu 'add' IS considered by illC Bll. ariifed·K"'a 'be latc", Kam. rllfflliit•.
Iy be referred [0 the informing of the death of a crease. 0;67 a D·stem of red'; 'accompany'. For
rsfsd. II ':~1. (YM) 'spread Out a mal' .
rsda .:~ 'roseb ush, rose'; relallve and there is no need to identify it with the
meaning 'help'. s~en
avonblbbograp hy on this root. see Conti 1978 : 32.
from Gk rhoda (nom.-acc. pI. of rhodon 'rose'); 'arJada (It) 'prepare abundantly'.
also In Te.Tna.Amh . rdda. Syr. rotjii; in Cushuic: ETHIOI'IC . Amh . "de 'usury' (from Geez).
BII. riida_ rad's II ':J!:h (Ll) 'pursue, hunt down'; SEMITIC Ar. raroda 'put a saddle-pad On (a beastr
Heh. rapacj 'spread out". '
SEMITIC Akk. red';, Ass. rodii.u 'pursue'
raf'. (ya r·'O·)
':~h 'sew, mend,
r d (T Y K.M)
r;>d. CI!., (T) ':I!.: see radaya. ETHIOPIC: Te. rad'a 'recapture (stolen herds), under. k <cover. heal' (trans,erre meaning, ralb. ':'i:U (MA) 'spnnkle, ,pray';
take a raid to recapture' ; also in Cushitic: Som. rna e that
r H 213 wrongly ren ders A m. h.''''
rods r: f., see nl'd rod·o 'pursuit of an enemy'. The root seems to be
salja probably mlsreadmg of l+U I t.~'" ral/I/a. raqhll
related to (rwd) , roda, below.
Note Ia Ion
(1lanS I of ral'a) by 'be Wt·d'·
e inS t ea d 0 f of the manuscript.
rad'a I (1'3rt/ii') ':J!:h 'gIve help, aid, Come t,o 'sew' (see also raji,: below);
refin t.i. ') (T KG). name of a star
rescue, ass"t, protect, (It) become a dIscIple; rdd, r.ddade C~I!. 'stubbornness, Obstinacy'; 'arf,'a (K'), causatIve;
rsfsqa r (YJr!aq) .:~." 'reeltne (at the table),
'ard,'a, causative; also 'help, run to help, as- mardada, see above. tara/'a, passive of rof·o; ,
Sist. report, infonn'; SEMITIC' Ar radda (rdd) 'reject, repel' (Am bros).
,a(iN 'tailor. one who heals: lie down. sit (at the table to eat)',
tarad·tl. passive of rad)o; r4u'. pass. part. of ral'a, , 'ur/aqo, causatIve,
lariid~'a 'help one another, render mutual ridon tf., 'chariot, carriage; ifi· (TM) 'one who sews, one who helps. raraqi, act. part. of rafaqa;
help, ask for help, help (with ",,,s/a 'with' or from Gk. rhedal'l, gen. pI. of rheda 'chariot', of Latm ~ote that M 138 wrongly renders Amh. si:ifi marfaq, (D.T) m"rjaq 'lintel. doorstep, thresh.
with the accusatIVe)'; (redo) origin. (translation of G. raji> given, by Tayya) b~ old' ;
'aslariidJ'a (K'), caus. of lariida>o;
'Iarge. wide'. whereas It means one who sews "'''foq, marfoq, (T) m"rJaq 'place where One
radii'i (pI. radii'a.l'iin) 'helper, assistant'; r;>donk •• Cf.,hll (Ll) 'sardonyx' (precious in this context;
stone); reclines or sits (seat. bed), dtning hall In a
radfl'll 'help' (n), "f' (K.M) 'needlework'; convent, banquet. feast. meal':
r.du· ' helped, assisted'; from Gk. sardonyks. See sardonaks. "f·o 'tailor's work.. , sewn work, needlework'. (rJ'JSa marfoq 'seat at the head of a table')'
rad· (pI. ·ardii'. 'ard"dI) 'help, helper. assistant.
.. nant. diSCIple, follower' (on the function of radas "'f.,.
(D 1401), rodas r:~ll (K). the fifth
nat I with which Jesus was crucified;
TJFat 'seam. sewing :
marfa·. pI. mariila', mariil,'I, (T) lIIilr!.'
(Iiqa m..faq 'steward of a feas!'),
SFMITIC' AT. (r/q), irtulaqa ' lean upon', ""r/Ilq
the rad, in the church, see L. Ricci, RSE 14 'needle' ;
'elbow' (hi 'supporter), Mh. refeqiil 'clothes peg'
[l955-58J89-91 ); from Latin ROTAS (ace. pi. of rOlo 'wheel, wheel of ""rfii' 'needle'; (ht 'that which supports'), Heb. Irpql, h,!rdPP"q
"d'al (K') 'helplng': torture'); see Euringer, ZS 6(1908).303.5, Slre/eyn I
'lean, support oneself, PbH nwrpeq 'elbow', Aram.
SfMITIC' Ar. ra/a'Q 'sew', SAr. rf> 'safeguard, pro.
rad·f..'I, radl,(,t. radii'(" 'help. aid, assistance; 1955 :80. n. l. Worrell 11188, n. 7. and siidor. below. marpJqa.

. .
leet', Heb. riipa (rp' ) 'cure', Aram. rp' (Jcan.Hof.
helper. as<lStant, fello\\ worker'; ETUIOPIC' Amh. raffiiqa 'sit at the table, Sit down In
r.dat C1.·}-: see lI'arada. Ii]", 282). Syr. "pii, Ph. rp'. Ug. rp' (Caquot 402).
radt'l (Gr 408) 'help. asSIstance'; Akk. rapa·u 'heal'~ The connection with Soq. ler~J
",d'.f/nii (It) 'functIon of a rad'.dlsciple'; radet ':I!..}-; see rad'a, 'be healed' suggested by B,oekelmann 1928 : 740 IS
raraq. II .:.:." (It) 'be • companion, be a
mardJ· 'helper, aSSIstant, associale. help, aid. nol convincing. For the relationship between 'sew' partner';
remed) ';
rudat ~1.-l': see "I'd, rada. and 'heal', cpo Ar. ,;aja (SJy) 'heal' and 'Ufii 'awl'
rafoqi 'guest';
marda'l 'assistant, helper'; (Fraenkel 1898:68).
(arada'i 'helper. assistant' ~ I from Ar. rafuqa 'be in company', rafiq 'compan..I~.n • ;
rsdaya ()'Jrdi) ':1.f 'pay interest, lend al In. Tna. riif·e 'sew', Te. ra/'a; Tna. mdrl~'

laradJ'o(t) 'help (n). mutual help': terest' ; also in Te. ra/qa 'be a companion', Amh. ra/tlqa
'needle', Amh. miirJe, Gur. mar/. Har. marfi, Arg. 'comrade, fflend'.
SlMITIC Ar raJo'll ·support. help', SAT, rd,. h-rd'.
·ardoya (Gr), causative; ~"iirfQ (with the instrumental m becoming w in a
ETHIOPIC Te. riid'o "help ', Tna. rad'c, Amh.Arg. loradya 'practice usury, lend at interest, receive root cOntainmg a labial/; see Cohen 193 I 389). The
interest' ; rag'a (l'argii') ':"10 'curdle (into): coagu late
rOOt passed into Cushitic: Sa.Af. raJ 'sew', Qua. (into). be conge.le.d, be frolen ,ohd. become
merfa 'needle', Som. marfi.
thick, (Y) be qUIet;
ragafa ,;gh. 465
>arg,'a 'curdle (tr), congeal (tr), condense';
nies', Amh. raggadii 'dance, mOUrn by beatin h
raga'; (KG), act. part. of ragra; ~EMJTIC.. Ar · ragaJa 'agitate·,
. Aram, r;,gap _ _ 'stir,
breast or by stamping the feet'. The root is ref: e
r~gu< 'congealed. coagulated. solid, firm, to Semitic rqd ·dance'. See also mrgd. a ed , k ' Md. rgp 'flicker . ·c.oag~late'
With the sufth:.
. ' .
thld ' , sha e 'Ie Tna. ragiifo 'fall off (frUit. leaves)', ragmo wouJd then be \ . It thl~ " th.t.' ('a.l,(. G.
reg'at In) 'congealing, coagulating'; raga~a (y>rgaci) ':18, (T) raga~a ':1)\ 'kick E~~~u;. riiggiifo. ~m~. also ,r Iii ) rga.l~ggiifo, Har ragana ry,rgan I In (T
an "'\mhanc loanv.ord.
trample, stamp, strike convulsively with th~ A!"" Arg. {aJraggdJa shake; passed Into C:ushu_
tightly, pull (the sails)' ;~~S~I;oa\\.d~~ *1bind
>ar,[!ih (Gr.452), part. of 'arg.ra; raga}a, .f.'" K h '"
feel' ; ic: Sa. raga! Aw. aregeJu·g a, am. arga.~/o,
marg" (U) 'curds (of milk), something solid- tlve from ragn, below, omma.
ified (ice, snow)'; 'argatja (K *), causative;
(marg,'a dam [LI] 'that makes the blood raragcia 'kick'; - hf /r"l't (T.M)
rag _
= Amh. g.,amra 'kmd of
. I '. ~agn, rag'n , (l!) riig_nt, (K*) ragniil \hip. raft
congeal'); laragacia 'kick one another, kick with both gr.s S resemblmg a maize pant, oat, cordage of a Ship, sail' ; .
: SAr. rgnt '(Srhlffe. mIl Ihrcn) r~nt Be
feet, toss about kicking with both feet, Writhe ETHIOPIC Tna. riighe. riJghe, .'argiJlze 'herbe dont la EMmc
SEMITIC': Heb. rligo' 'form a crust, come to rest'. Sbo
toss convulsively' (intr); , Ife vigoureuse pousse des tJges fines, fortes , resls. ote oder Takelage' (W M -II .
r ' d'~
The identification-with Ar. rogota 'zuruckkehren in IOUtes propres a'I a cODlectlOn . . . .
es pamers (\..oul. lflM:nphon). . u er. In an Unpllhll'!\hed
die fruhere Stelle oder Zustand' suggested by Barth
1893:8 (so also Palaehe 69) is unlikely. NOle thaI
)aslariigatja, causative of larliga¢a; also 'throw
into convulsions (by kicking with both feet)
::ux~Schreiber 292), Te. 'argehe 'reed ror making -.
roll aboul' (tr); , baskets'. rag ana &-1-) (T.M) 'grow (barley
Heb. rg' 'stir' is to be separated from rgr 'come to sprout)' ,
rest' (so also Nocldeke 1910:96. 8uh1745, as against ragadi (K*), act. part. of ragacia;
-probably a denominative ,'

. ;:"1'" (T. Y.M) 'trample on, trample rag '"11 'barley sprout'
Koehler 874 who derives these two meanings from a ragud 'trampled, injured through being down, strike' ~
single root).
ETHIOPIC: Tna. rag'e. riig·e ·coagulate. be peaceful',
kicked' ;
ETHIOPIC: Tna. riig~Je 'kick, trample on' ~ag'nafa ':-/<)6.. (T.MA) 'cover the 1100r wtth
r,gdal (n) 'kicking, trampling'; fresh grass or rushe.. ;
Te. riig'a, Har. raga·a, Amh.Gur. rdgga: passed into
",.,gad (K *) 'place for kicking or trampling" "g.m. (yargamJ .':101', 'curse, msult, execrate, (MA 20~ rag"·naka, same meamng, is a mispnnt
Cushitic: Qem. rag. Note the figurative meaning 'be
calm, qUIet' which Occurs in Ethiopic and Hebrew. ",arga~ (Gr.452) 'act of spurring a horse, (Grj (Y.M) excommu",cate ; for rag nafa);
stirrup; raragma, passive; rJg"lI,j (T) 'fresh grass for spreading';
ragaba I l1" (Y.K*) 'fear'; I,rgad, (T) mga~ 'at the foot of the bed' (cp. taragama 'bind one another by execration'; to be derived from ragara I. augmented by 11.
(M 137 quotes Y and renders G, ragaba by 'be laf>Qs) ; ragami 'curser, execrator';
tender_ be clemen t'; however Y translates G. SEMITIC: related ragum 'cursed, execra ted'; ragrag ':"1':"1 'swamp, marsh',
ragaba with Amh. liirra 6..&- 'fear', and M 'kick'. to Ar. rakatja 'stamp', Mh. rik6d
• ragma! 'execration, malediction, curse'; SEMITIC Ar. rigriga 'myddy remainder of a pool'
misread rarra &-&- 'be clemenI' for liirra 6..&-); ETHIOPIC: Tna. riiga'~ii 'kick, stamp', Te. rdg~a, margam, same; {so also Armbruster .327}.
SEMITIC: Ar. raiaba 'fear'. Amh.Gur. raggii!ii, Har. ragara, Gar. riggii!ti. Note SEMITIC; in view of the various meanings withtn ErHIOPIC: Tna.Amh. ragrag 'swampy place'.
ETHJOPIC': Amh. (fii)rgiibiiggaba 'tremble with fear'. that Praetorius 1879:263 identifies it with the root Semitic, the development seems to be; 'speak, say
rgf 'be su re': Tna. riigii~a, Amh. (tii)riiggii!ii; 'sure': > speak against, bring legal action against >
ragaza (yarg,:J ':1" 'pierce, pierce through,
ragaba II ':1" (K*.MA) 'slacken, grow loose, Amh.Arg. arga! which would then mean 'einge. transfix., stab, impale';
relax' ,. abuse, curse> cast stones'; Ar. ragama 'cast stones,
stampft > fest, sicher'. The root is related to Cushit- tarag:a, pass., retlexive;
ic: Sa.Af. ragad 'kick'. curse, abuse', ragama 'contend with someone (in
ETHIOPJC": Amh. rag!!,abii 'become slack, become words)" Heb. ragam 'stone, imprecate', Aram.-Syr. lariigaza 'pierce One another';
loose (rope), become soft, be yielding (substance)'.
ragafa I (y,rpl) ':16.. (Y.M) 'embroider, painl rilgam, Md. rgm,-Ug. rgm 'speak, say', Akk. ragiimu "gu:, (Gr) r,'g',: 'pierced';
ragb (pI. 'argab) C"I11 'pigeon, dove'; (on a garment), decorate, adorn, make inci- 'bring. legal action, shout'. Noeldeke 1910:47, and rag;: (Lt) 'spear';
"fI" iila r'flb 'young pigeon'; sions, wri te'; Jeffery 140 consider Ar. ragama a Gccz loanword, rag:, pI. riig:iil (K *) 'doorpost' (the doorpOSi
r,gu! (T) rag",/,decorated, variegated, embroi- while Praetorius. ZDMG 61 (1907).620 thinks that being conceived of as piercing either the
SEMITIC': Dillmann 316 connects it with Ar. ragiba G. ragama is an Arabic loanword going back to ground or the part of the house to which it is
·be rrightened·; r,)gb would then designate a fearful dered, checkered structure (Ez. 40: 17, transla- ragim 'cursed'; ragoma wou ld then be a denomina. attached);
bird. tion of Heb. ri~pii 'pavement, floor of a hall'), live. For mOre details on this rOOl, see Ahrens rJg:al (n) 'piercing through, puncture, stab';
ETHIUPIC Tna. riJl!hi 'dove', Te. 'iJrgiJb, Amh. NgiJb, (T.OT) covered with fresh grass or rushes'; 1930:39, leffery 140, n.3, Rabin, Oriemalia 31
riJKh; pas~ed into Cushitic: Qem. ergeb, Qua. regeh. margal (K ') 'embroidered garment'; (1963).135, Dobberahn 89-90. SEMITIC": related to Ar. rokazQ 'stid or fix in the
rgd, 'argada hC'IJ~, (Mk) 'perfonn a special ETHIOPIC: Tna. riiggiifii 'embroider, weave', Amh. ETHIOPIC: Tna, riigiimii 'curse', Te. riigma, Amh.
kmd of ritual or funeral dance'; riigga/a 'embroider a .fiimma-garnlcnt' (from Geez). Gur. riiggtimii. Note that Te. riigma 'stone' is ETHJOPIC: Te. riigzo 'pierce', Tna. riigii::ii: figura-
borrowed rrom Ar. ragama. tjvely in Amh, (tiiJraggiiza 'be conceived'. The ro~t
/oragda. passive;
ragafa II (yargaf) ':16.. (K ') 'fall to the also occurs in Cushitic: Bit ragad ·slaughter'. Rei-
maragd 'a special kind of ritual Or funeral ground (fruit, leaves)'; rigmi t."I"'1 (T) 'cheese, cu rds'; nisch 1887:289 compares Sa.Af. rahad as against
dance' ; 'argala (ll) 'unsaddle'; i M
139 quoting Tayya renders it strangely by Reinisch 1890:301 where Sa.Af. rahlld is compared
pay, payment'); with Ethioplc &rd ·slaughter'. The Scmitic-Bthioplc
ETHIOPIC'· Tna. ragiida 'dance at funeral ceremo. ragul (K *) 'that which falls down (fruit,
leaves)'; root is not to be considered a Cushitic loanword as
ETHIQPIC: Amh . ragma 'clotted milk'.
Praelorius suggested by Cohen 1947:no.165. See also rapit,
1879: 183 derives it from Am h. ragga .. (G. rag'a) below.
_____________________ ~46~6~_____________________________~r~~~,
rl hllOIl
, 467
rg1, '.rgal. hC?1I 'anchor (v.), drop anchor,
mariihaht, pl. of marhiJb; also 'assembly Co .... 1/1'1' (alliiqii hll+) 'be finished , be
(T y) bring to resl, make stop'; cil' ; . . Jun·
halla?~ "siirra), However, siiffiinii 'dominale' ra/Jqanna 'distance, length (of time).
ErHI()"I(, Bar. (a)riigiiza 'settle down, be settled
down' SEMITIC: Ar. ra~'iha 'be wide', SAr. h-r&b 'en/ar c' done noI~ fit into the meanings of alliiqii, tii-
ness, Interval" , remote.

rg •1. \Cc mrg •:

Soq. rabah 'large', Heb. rii~/Q!J 'be Wide', Ar;m'
r>&ap, Ug. r&b. .
sarra. See also rb m . ~:::t, mar!,laq, mar&aqi (0,.142), part. of 'ar,
EnuoPIC: Tna. rababa 'be wide', Te. riihaba (y
>rhan) .:",~
'spread over (as a sad- mastara~laq, part. of JQslariihaqa'
tara~qot 'apostasy';
• •
ragl.' (r"ll/.}> (T) 'chain', ' harness, saddle, . .,
rahban. (T) 'love one another" , die), (Or 143) causallve;
'arh~"a Ar. ra~iq 'far' (dialectal, see Landberg
, '
roSS1oJy connCl'tcd with the root ragaza ,pierce,
riihban (T.M) 'love'; (0; 143)' 'be loaded, be saddled'; SEMITIC:
1923: I ~81), SAr. '&q 'be distant, be Far', Soq. rahaq,
a t'lovc.
10",ma . f h
gives the impression of being a loanword; possibly ' . (Or .143), act. part. 0 ra.
rahant d' ana; Heb. ra&aq, Ararn.,Syr. "haq Md rhq U . h
rahd. ell!!. (Y) 'pcrsplfe'; from Aram. ra~liimiin 'merciful' through Ar. rahman ,. (Or 143) 'loaded, saddle ; Akk . requ.
- ., . , g. '. q.
i., either a misprint for riJb~w from an (with altcrnance of labials b:m). . ) 'I d' ;
C:,).J\ "ifill'
raha , II with h (T.M, oa Tna. riibaqii 'be far', Te. rdhqa, Arg.
origlDal C'}'o "Mu (see below), or is to be -hll (K ') 'saddle ;
compared wilh Ihe root rlld of the various r,~"a, r.~a.,. (yarlJaej) Cm9 I ':"'9, (T) rohda ,a,' at (Or 143) 'saddling' (n);
rahaqa, Har. robaqa, Amh.Gur.Gaf. raqa.
CU9 'sweal, perspire, (K') wash, soak'; (noie
ElhlOplan languages (see below).
that rai,laejat or ralJejat nofsu of 4 Kings 6: II is
mar. han
(Or . 143) 'Ihong use
d' f
astelllng m~sa (yar!,las), (T) mhsa CU~ 'be moist
SlMITIC Mh f('hCldi, '$.ha llow water' (W. MuHer). loads' ; be humid, be wet, be damp, (Lt) dive, sub:
connected by Dillmann 274 with this roo I, but merge';
ElHIOPIC Tna raho.-fij 'be humid. be wet. be soaked', ariant of ra~ala, above;
Te. riihaJa Note Ihal Amh rado 'become insecure.
iJ is perhaps to be derived from rabJa, rahsa >ar~lasa 'wet, water, moisten';
'be disturbed', for which see below); '. v PIC' Tna. ro.hana 'saddle'; perhaps also Amh.
hec(lnl(" .spong) (ground)' could be denved from rlrd ETHIO.. k . I)" rara!,lsa (Gr. 142) 'be moislened, be watered';
'arhaeja (Gr. 143), causative; .... 'load , put a pack on (a pac " a01maI ',J rom
'tx- soaked' ('Ir from raJ,j I,'d, 'tremble, shake' ,a!,lus (fern. ra""sr, rasaht) 'moist, wet, humid,
labo\'e). rallud 'one who perspires, (K') washed'; 1m (? :::;. laryngeal), with metatheSIS In re atlOn to
moistened' ;
'raM, (T) rarJ 'sweat, perspiration'; rhn .
rii~s (Lt) 'humidily';

riha)i t.U! (It) 'pond', ra!ldat (Gr.I44) 'perspiration';
,.~qa (yarraq) Cm'" 'be far off, be distant, go ra!,lsat (Or.142) 'being humid' (n);
ETHlOPH ' Tna. Tc. ral,ilYo 'pond, poor ma,/laej, mar!laeji (K '), part. of 'ari,laeja; some dislance (from), go far, keep away, be 'arlliisi, mar""s (K'), part. of 'arhasa;
. l:th., see r.'lhl'a.
.. SEMITIC Ar. ra~QcjQ 'wash', SAr. r~cj, Soq. rabat:!. ,emole, depart, abstain, desisl (from), wilh- marhiis (instead of ma!,lriis of Gr.142) 'place
Heb. rah"1, Aram, ri" (Jean-Hoftijzer 278), Ug. r&" draw. recoil'; where one waters or moistens';
Akk. rahiisu'rinse'.
. 'arhaqa 'keep afar, set apart, remove, put at a
SEMITIC: SAr. rlJs, 'offer libation' (?) (W. Muller
ETHIOPIC: Tna. ro.ha-ra 'perspire', Te. riihasa, riil/asa disiance, reject, estrange, put off, delay'; also
r>~b. (mba!» cmn, IT) r.~b. C'ln 'be wide, .
Gar. (fii)ra$ii 'wash', Our. (tiijra!ii. The connection

causative of riJ~qa;
1983:282); possibly related to Ar. raJJa'sprinkle',
Syr. ras 'besprinkle', Aram. ras (rss) (Dillmann
. , be broad, be ample, be spacious, be
be Jarge, with Amh. rafro. 'spray water' suggested by Amsalu
271), Heb. rss,
c\tensl\:e : 15 is unlikely since Amh. ro.9fii goes back to raqaya,
lafarqa 'abstain, withdraw, remove oneself to
a distance, be removed'; ETHIOPIC: Tna. riibasa 'be humid', Har. re~asa,
'ur~t1"l7 ·WJden. enlarge. broaden. make room below. See also r;,hda. above.
tariihaqa 'be distant from one another, depart Arg. riihasa, Amh. Gur. rasa; also Tna. riisriisii
(forI. open \\ide, "'tend, amplify';
tar;>lIl>a 'be enlarged, be wIdened'; ra~ • .,a, r.~~. ':",9 , ':",11 (T. Y) 'surround'. from each other'; also same as tariJ~qa; 'soak in water', Amh. riisiirro.sii 'become wet', from
'astar~aqa, )astara/;aqa, caus. of tariJ!;qa; also rhs > rs > rsrs. Te. riiSrjjJa 'to water' is borrowed>/, 3,'1. pan, of r"III>,,; r.~ala .:",,, (T. Y), r.~ala .:..,,, (H) 'saddle, f~om Ar. ra.f!a. See also rasba II.
r;>lJul> ""de, spacIOUS, broad, ample, exten- 'remove, consider faraway, lengthen, prolong,
, harness, put equipment (on a beasl)';
SI\e . draw away, detach, abstract';
SEMITIC: Ar. ra&ala 'saddle' (v) > 'mount (a camel),
, Cdt. T; see (rhy), ra/Juy,
r,'hli> (fem. rafJal» 'broad, ""de, large, spacious, 'astara.~aqa, caus. of tara!;aqa; also 'consider
e~;tensl\·e· ; journey' (on tbe root see Landberg 1923: I I 821f), faraway, put a space between';
SAr. rhl 'equipment (e.g. saddle)', Mh. rahal'saddle' m~ya (yar~ay) Cmf (Y.K'), rahya CUf (T;Y),
r>lJb 'breadth, ",dth, spaciousness, ampbtude, (v). See also ra&ana, below.
,ahiiqi, act. part. of rarqa; also 'apostate'; mby. C1f (H) 'emit an odor, be fragrant;
plaw (field),; rahuq 'far, far away, distant, remote, one who rahaYi (K '), act. participle;
riinh. ra~ah. r~lJiib. same; r~, t.r.~m. "'CmOD (T) = Amh. wiiiliiqii 'be keeps away';
ra~uy, fern. rahit (Or,141,Lt) 'Ihat which has a
'''''but '1I1dth, being (n) WIde (large, broad),; taken off, be disjoined'; tiisiirra (from sr') 'be ('amra!,luq 'from a distance, from afar'); good odor, fragrant';
>orhiibJ, (ir.) rrturhahi, pan of 'ar~aha; designaled, be ordained, be imposed, be ap- ('aska ra!,luq 'to a distance'); ra~e, pI. rabeyiit, (Lt) ra~~ 'perfume, flavor,
pointed'; (rahuqa ma'at 'long-suffering, slow to anger');
""'''''6 11'1. """,ah,>I>I). ,T) ftl(l}'h"b 'large plot of odor, (T) odoriferous plan I ;
land, plam, WIde place, public place, forum, in view of tar'ama (Sw. in D 1394) = Amh. (rahuqa, adv., 'far, far off, at a distance');
SEMITIC: related to rwb. ryb, as in Ar. rti~,a .rrw~)
MJuare. market place. street, quarter, arena', halliiqii. siiffiinii. tiisiirra, the two roots (name, "Qq, (Lt) rallq 'distance, remoteness, length (of 'smell (a thing)', ri&a 'smell' (For 'smell In the
marhab Ill) 'pla /O'; Iy, rl;m and r/Jm) seem to go back to one root, road)' ;
various Arabic dialects, see Landberg 1923~1525),
and lI'iilliiqii OJII+ is to be corrected inlo "hqat, r>/Jqat 'distance (of time or space), Heb. re'h 'scent' (n), Ararn. rfha, Syr. ril}a, Md.
remoteness, removal, withdrawal'; riha, Ug. r~.
- 468 469
FnrfOt'lC Te. r.,1~1011 'fragrant plant', Amh. rahe. -
r~ha", riJ.1'an, arc probably borrowed from Ar. ra}'~ ETHIOPIC : Tna. rabrabe 'have pity. have compas_ --- MA) 'be satisfied (with a drink),: rakhal 'diScovery, finding,
/uifz. sion, be indulgent', Arg. rdharraha, Amh.Gur. rarr tllh ( truc ted from Amh. rakka 'be sat- ence': acqUisition,
'be kindhearted', Amh. rahruh 'kindhearted'. a b ons . . I k 'b'f d
, r" ab1y
re<: be sat,ed (from dnnklOg, or a p ant h or -a
ma oun thing, acquIsition,
..hb. I .·"hab ) C..,O, (Y) ra~b. C.bO, (T) passed into Cushitic: Aw. rorUlu-ga.
",' . g watere . ,
..hba ciJO -'be hungry, hunger (for), desire to 'd ( "'" d) t 109, produce, inventIOn, means of Iivel.' hood
eat'; also used impersonally (that is, with ob- ra~,. r C"'lI (Lt), ra~~. C.bll (T.M), .. hda r. mbelO A T.M) 'shoulder bla de 0 f an am-. _ pay, Stipend",
means of subsistence, wa.'!.es,
Ject suffix pronouns) : e.g. ),afJipbanni '/ am C.b8 (Y.K) 'be disturbed, be shaken, be turb~_ ,;1',- 6-ttv ( h o v e l ' ; 'astarkub 'established, inVOlved, absorbed (In a
hungry' : lent, be annoyed, become impatient, get an- w'
malbabYh'ch serves
. . t asforardkub
s [ t.ll-il ; see below. matter),
inte t assiduous,
d attentive,
d' who attends to ,
gry'; see also r;}&r!a. I a lll1spnn n , rea y, prepare :
'arhaba 'let be hungry, cause to be hungry';
- , rro arkab) lhO 'find, get, acquire, -astarkaha 'devotion, attention, eagerness, (T)
lar·,hba ' be tonnented by hunger;
r.~,a [[ C"'lI (Lt), ra~.~. l1l1 (L), ra~~. C10 "k,b'. attaIn,
[IY fec eive• gain
• reach, take d posses-
. uniting'
kb :
• 'hungry, staeving, famished'; (Y) 'be pampered, be spoiled, be tender';
ratlOb, rnyiib 'hunger. famine'; obtatn,f Possess, overtake, apprehen ,mvent, , .I lara'k b01 ('presence,. (Lt) existence' :
rabJ.f, rllba~. rabs, I'at'~ 'tender, delicate, pam- ,ion 0 , t dlscove,
. r perceive , suppose; II w.t 1 lara a a I ) 'meeting, intercourse';
marV.b (K*), pan. of -ar!Jaba; pered'; find. ou, . t suffixes , 'come upon, fa upon,
t obJec
SEMITIC: Ar, ragiba >ita 'desire', ragiba 'an 'shun, Ar. ral1U~a 'be tender'. ind.lec me to pass, happen, be becom- SEMIT.C: Nyberg 235 (fol/owing Dillmann 30,)
SEMITIC: ~fall, occur, co '. .
abstain from ' (Brodelmann J 908: 227 explains it as . 10 , be proper connects G. rokaba with AT. rakiba (see rakaba II)
a dissimilation process of If > b after r), Heb. rii.el2 rabut C ..... T; see ( r{jw ) , rab.w. 109 . , 'sich auf etwas setzen > auf etwas gesctzt, gelegl,
'hungry', Ug. rgh. For the root meaning 'desire' and k ba; . be 'I plazlcrt sein > mit etwas nahe, unmiuclbar verbun-
.,·a, . f rokaba', also ', ava.,
'be hungry', see Noeldeke 1910:69. r~w, 'ar~.wa hC1w 'open, unlock, take by lakb a pasSIve 0 den sein, mit einem kommcn', and he quotes Ar.
" bl , give an au d '",
ErHloPIC: Tna. riihaha- 'be hungry', Har. rababa-, assauit (a city),; with object suffix pronouns it rakibahu 'he came upon him , he overtook him , he
Amh .Gur. rabo- ; Tna.Tc. rdl;ab 'hunger', Har. ro- a e'llakkab 'accidental'); followed closely or immediately aner him' , Similarly
also serves for the expression of an indirect I'"''
I;ab, Arg. Tdhaw, Amh. rab. Tigre riiqba 'desire, object: e.g. >arbawanni 'he opened for me'; '(:a-I)1" trakkab 'inaccesSl'bl e, incomprehen- UI/endorff 1968: t28 connects 11 w1Ih Heb. Ar. rkb
wish ' connected by Cohen 1947 : no. 79 is borrowed (hif,j!) 'graft upon, join, connect' . Bittner 1909 : 117
tarabwa 'be opened, open (intr), be taken by ,ible'); 'meet one another, hold a meeting,
from Ar. raglba 'desire', Reinisch 1887:279 Com.
pares It with Bil. na'ab 'be hungry'.
assault (a city)';
rabaw (fern. rabul) 'open, obvious';
I larakaba terview go to meet someone, agree
have an m , th
compares Mh. lark6b 'transaction. dear wnh G
lariikabo l l).
ETHIOPIC: Tna. riikiibii 'obtain, find', Te. riikha,
. one ano ther , be together, come
. . d'toge er,
r~m, tara~ma TC"'OO (Sw. in D 1394), (rabwa samay 'day on which heaven is open to Wllh b Har. faxaba, Amh. (as )riikkiihii 'hand over', Arg.
·/-C...,on (8) = Amh. M.,. aiiiiqii, ..,1\.,.
haiiaqii receive prayer' (Getatchew); congrega te , have intercourse' ~ WIth 10 Ireet ,. 0 - (as} rekkaha, Gur. riikiibii 'find, meet', .. For G. taro-
(same as },I\.,.) 'be finished' (but perhaps 'be raUyat (Lt) 'outflows' (see M.A. Knibb, BSO- jecl su iii xes, 'come upon , happen, occur,
If I kabo 'have intercourse', cpo Te. tJrakaba.
lord', denominative of a/aqa), tI"-~ siiffiinii AS 48[[985J.23); k ba (-astarkaba) 'busy onese eager y
'aslal a () Iy one rakoba II lho (KO) 'ride, go by boat';
'dominate', -ttlt. liisiirra 'be ordained, be ap- 'arbawi (M) 'one who opens, doorkeeper'; (wilh), devote oneself to , . app -
~If (to), be at leisure (for), be Involved, pay -arkaha (K '), causative;
poinfed, be .mposed, be designated', See also maroo (pI. marabut, marabulal, mariibaw)
rl1m. 'key' ; allention, be attentive, be asstduous, be ready, probably reconstructed, from markab 'b,oat'.
maraaw (Gr.153) 'place where one opens'; be convenient, be opportune, (T.Y) bnng (an SEMITIC: Ar. rakiba 'nde, go by boat, SAr. rkh
ri~ ..~a t."'C1 (K 0), see larabraba; offering), (T) unite, harmonize': 'ride' Soq. rekob, Heb. rii~ab, Aram. rcl~ab, ra~ep,
SEMITIC; Ar. ral;uwa. rabiya 'become loose, be slack,
tariibriJaa, (T) larii~lr;'J(la 'be compassionate, be relaxed'. Margoliouth, JRAS 1939, p. 60 derives
I 'lJStalakaba 'cause to meet, cause to come to- Syr. ;.~e~, Md.Ug. rkb, Akk. rakiibu.
have compassion, have pity, be moved to pity, Ar. raha (rhw) in Surah 44:23 from G. rl;w 'open', gether, bring together, assemble, jO,in, cause to
rikub I t.1l-1I (T.KBT 534, under harakk"a)
have mercy, be gent/e, show tenderness'; and translates it 'be hollowed out' (note, however, find , be an intermediary, compare:
'shoulder blade';
-arabraba, (L) -arahraha 'appease, soften, AT. h as against G.J;). The connection with the rool rakabi, act. part. of rokaba; . . .
sceasora .>(,. or could it be a metathesis of Amh.
-kM 0
soothe, cause to deal graciously, render mild, rw& 'be spacious, be wide' (Ar,Heb,Aram,Syr.), sug- "kuh 'found, contiguous, neighbonng, Jomed, I
render kind. induce to tenderness'; gested by Dillmann 293 (followed by Buhl 748), is thai exists, comprehensible'; b.rakk" a 'shoulder blade'?
rabrub, (T) ra!lru!1 'tender, gentle, lenient, soft, I "kuM/, pI. fem. (Lt) 'beings'; . riikub II, riikubit, riikobit, ri~~~:t" ~~~~
merciful, kind'; ETHloprc: Tna. 'ar~awa 'open', miir~o 'key', Te.
'arha (rhy) 'open'. Te. raha (rhy) 'become rree, rakubawi 'pertaining to acquired things'; t.ll-il , t.ll-flT ! t.I>tlT , t,
riJl]riibe 'tenderness, compassion, gentleness, soft' is borrowed from Ar. rabiya, as against Litt- rakb 'congregation, meeting, counc.l, as- (D.Lt) 'female camels';
clemency' , mann-Hofner 146. sembly'; ,
-, 1for riding'; also in Te. reAbar
-arabrabi (Gr.451), pan. of 'arabraba; ("/ala rakb 'holiday that is celebrated at mtd- from Ar. rakub came " . Sa Af rokub. See also
'pack animal': in CushltlC. . .
larab"bo( t) 'loving kindness, compassion, rabwa C"'w (T) 'emit an odor, be fragrant'; Pentecost or on a Wednesday that comes 24 'arkubiit, 'arkllbilf.
mercy, pity';
for ra!Jwa, a secondary fonn of ral;ya. above, days after Easter');
rakib 'acquisition'; .'
kib ClJlI (Ll) stmup, .. .
. 'be soft', rohrah
~from Ar. "kob,
SEMITIC; Ar. rahha ~ - 'soft' .

ri~yit t.""T; see raw. lukeb (for rukab) 'joining together'; . - . Te Tna. rakab, Amh. arkob;_1R
also. .k -b See also wkab.
lukabe 'joining together, intercourse'; Cushitic : Be.Qem.Sa.Af.Som." a .
",Ii. "im
rarnh• ramal 471
..L"am cl>.9", (1I) ruHm ~tt9" 'marble'; •

riim. 60"'1 'elevated place, the third - i (Gr. 145), act. part. of ~am!lO;
roku", (T.M). "km (Sw. in D 300) = Amh. (Gr.t44) heavenly kingdom'; heaven , rama~ K) 'holder of a speas : maSlara~m ~o[)e Who obt '1
.~aSim ·chest. coffer'; probably comes from an
expression such as sii~u"a (sii~iJfla) riJk wlim
riimiiwi (Gr. 144) 'celestial'; ram~ay~ .145) 'wounded with a spear'; 'Imposes silence"
, alOs .
SI ence
• Wh0

'chesl of marble' (cp. na/qa ,.k"iim 'coffin of from Heb. ramil 'height, high place'; also Amh. "mu~
((;r.t45) 'wounding with a spear':
" , SEMITIC Ar. ('a)ramma 'be ..
rama (from Geez). · be tween this rOOt and qUIet
re tallan A.kk There _, lS. no
marble) and does not mean 'chesl, coffer' by c . A romaha 'pIerce With a spear, rum~1
S",m r. < H b h as suggested by Von Soden .949 . rarnamu I f.. roar' .
ilself; ' ·SA r. rmh. :sl).. ruma!J, e. roma .• Aram._
rmd, 'armada hCooy. (T. Y.M) 'stamp Ihe 'sp~hii. - . . n au A.kk
e aFor r · Ug. mrb, see aSl~ "
Y.76 ramamu IS related to r<m (see ra'anta, 8bove\.· .
from Ar. ru&iim 'marble'; also Amh. rak"'am. ground, strike, hit';
Syr. r " Te . riJmh. 'point of a
ETHJOPlc. lance (pOSSibly from Enf.l~PI:: Tna. (>a)rnUltnii 'be Silent, be- taciturn'
ErnIOPIC: Amh. riimmiidii 'trample, tread', riimiid_ Ar. rumM· Te. ramam bela. Amb. (ajriimmiima. '
rak"so ("Jrk"as, J'"k"as) ':h'1'I 'be unclean, diidii 'trample on heavily ', Te. riimdiida 'walk rap_
be Impu;e, be polluted, be contaminated, be mal ,:uo/ll. (It), ramI ':9"/11. (K') 'sand> ... mon C'l"') (Gr.I44) 'high place' (oJ:
idly without stopping', Tna. riimdiidii 'strike, hit'.
defiled, be profaned'; I' Ia (T.Y' M) 'practIce sorcery, predlcl ;
rama the identificat.ion of ramon with 'orviim, above, sug-
(=a'~r)'Jrakk"as 'undefiled'); rmdd, 'armodada hC'l"y.y. (T) 'insult'; rami 'sand' , filmu-r-ramli 'geomancy'; also gesled by Grebaut t44 On the basis uf Ihe quoted
)ark""asa 'defile, contaminate. pollute, defame, 'armodad (T) 'inSUlt' (n); from Ar. . .. , . C h" text, IS dOUbtful.
N -Syr. rimil 'sorcery, d1VlOmg; tn us ttlC:
profane, declare unclean'; m Afeo mal'geomancy,, Som. ranH'1'I; cpo a Iso SA r.
ErnrOPIC: perhaps a transferred meaning of Amh. Sa . . ra • roman e"'l') 'pomegrana Ie':
larak'sa 'be profane, pollute oneself, defile riimiiddiidii 'treat harshly, trample heavily', Tna. rml'sand, omen from geomancy .
oneself, be declared impure'; riimdiidii ' hit '. SEMITIC: Heb. rinJJnon 'pomegranate' Ar. runun(jn
tarok"'asa 'contaminate one another'; nnm I, ramma ':00 (T.M)b''smoolh a hide, Ian a and G. romiin are considered borrOwed from
)Qslartikll'asa, (L) )as/araklt'sQ, caus. of lariik"'a- rama~a (yarma") ':000, (T) rama~a ':OD~ h'de rub, polish by rub 109, massage, pUI a Aram.-Syr. rummiinii (Fraenkel 142, Noeldeke
Itch on'; M 133 wrongly renders Amh. fajii, 19tO:42). Ug. Irmn-I (Yasin 71), Akk. nurmu,
sa; also 'pollule, make unclean, abhor, dese- 'scorch (intr), burn (inlr), be burning'; pa translation of ramma gIven. b
crate, consider impure (unclean, polluted, de- )arma¢a, causative; also 'sco rch, burn, COn. the yT " by
ayya, lurmu. On its Hurrite origin, see Dietrich 30), For
sume, put in hot ashes'; 'wrile', whereas in this context fa/ii means 'PUI the bibliography dealing with this noun, see Jeffery
filed)" ; 144.
rakus (rak' s) 'unclean, polluted, impure, de- ramu" (Gr.146) 'burning'; a patch on'. .
ETHIOPIC: Tna.Te.Amh. roman 'pomegranate'
filed, profane, abominable, corrupt, foul'; rama" 'hot ashes, heat of ashes'; laramma (K .), pasSIve ;
rakusiil (pl.fem) 'impurity'; ram" (K') 'bread baked in the coals'; ETHIOPIC:rna. ramiimii 'smooth a hide in order to ramnon 609"':'), (Sw. in D 77) remnon t.9"':,)
rak's (rakus) 'filth, impurily, defilement, un- SEMITIC: Ar. ramida 'be scorched', ramada 'roast on make parchment', Amh. rammiimii. 'kind of Iree (called dog in Amharic)';
cleanness, poJlution, abomination, anything un- heated stones', A~. (Oat) rama~, ramaq ,'be hot ', S~. (T quoted by M 139 renders il likewise by
dean or vile'; ermi"f/ 'put into ashes to cook', PbH. ra.m~ 'roll or rmm II , ramma ':00 (Y) 'prod uce saliva, Amh. dog 'kind of tree', and nol by 're-
rflk"'saf 'impurity, uncleanness, contamIna- • bake in hot ashes', Aram. rim~a 'hot ashes, embers'. markable, noble' as given by M 139 who
tion' : Brockelmann 1928: 73S compares Syr. riJmur(j 'hot nnm III, 'armama he-DO 'keep silence, keep misread Amh. dog 1'."1 for dog fl.., 'good'):
rak"'sanna 'uncleanness'; embers', On the origin of the month Ramar/an, see fiJfja riimnon 'bramble';
Landberg 1923: 1447. silent, be tranquil, be quiet, remain quiet, be at
>ark"iisi (Gr.ISS). part. of >orkll'asa; rest, make silent, reduce to silence, astound'; from Gk. rhamnon. ace. or rhamnos, name or var-
ETHIOPIC: Tna. ramiisa 'heat, cook', Te. riimmiica
SEMITIC: AT. riks 'dirt', related to rigs. rigs (Am-
• •
lQrarnma 'be passed over in silence'; ious prickly sh rubs : also Amh. JcJa ramnOIl 'a plant'
'be kindled ', Amh. riimmiitii ' bake in ashes', Gur. (from Geez).
bros). (a)riimmii{ii 'cover a fire with ashes to keep it alive'. laramama (K') 'face one another silently';
ETHIOPIC: Tna, r~"iisii 'be dirty', Te. riiksa, For G. ramq ' bread baked in the coals', cpo Amh. 'aSlarmama (Gr.451) 'ask to be silent'; ramsa (y.rnws) ':9"1'1 (T.Y.K·.M) 'be moist-
Amh.Gur. riikk"'iisa, Arg. riikkiisa; Te.Tna. riJkus riJmt· Te. riimda 'suffer from ophthalmia', and Bil. 'oslariimarna 'ask to be silent, cause to be ened, be wet, be pliable, dip dry malerial in
'dirty', Amh,Arg. iJrkus. Gur. ruks; passed into Cush- ramiid are borrowed from Ar. ramida and are not to silent, reduce to silence, make tranq uil' ; water to dampen it';
itic: Kam. ruks 'dirt', Bil. ragas 'be dirty'. The be connected with rmtj, as suggested by Reinisch
1887: 290. "mum 'silent, quiet, one who keeps silence'; SBMITIC: Ar. (rms) , 'irlamasa 'be dipped into waw
connection between G. rk"s and zalgasa 'be afflicted ,
'armami, marmami 'silent, quiet, not speaking, ter .
with sores' < *;;argasa < *zarkasa (za-rks) sug-
gested by Nyberg 232 (so also in Rundgren 1955 : ram~, "'m~ (pl. 'armii~, 'armii&{lI) ':9" a, i who is silent, who makes be silent'; also 'scales, ETHIOPIC: Amh. rammiisii 'be wet, soak in water
183) is unlikely. C9"a, 'spear'; judge' (perhaps originally 'thaI makes things and dampen'.
ram~a (T.Y.M.Gr.I44) 'pierce with a spear, be quiel or balanced');
rams (pI. 'armiis) ':9"n, (Lt) ramas ,:oon
rekt.m &.h.r9" (T), rekatm &.h.r9" (D 1394) wound with a spear' (denominative); '>rmame (Gr.45 1) 'silence, diSCipline of keeping
silence' ; 'raft' ;
'kind of beetle'; ~arma&a (Or. 145), causative;
see jikiil.m I. taramha (Gr,145), passive of ram~a; Jarmamo( I) 'silence, quiet'; SEMITIC: Ar. ramal 'raft' (for which see Lan~berg

lariim~~a (Gr.145) 'wound one another with a ('."bala 'armamo 'ceaselessly, without intermis-
sion ');
1923 : (437), Soq. reme.!. Note that Dillmann _761~
probably correct in consldenng G. rams an ArabI
ramma ':00, see rmm r, II. spear, attack one another with a spear';
loanword, contrary to Fraenke~ 213 and N~eldekre
>aslarama~a (Gr), caus. of tariima~a; f1larrnam 'silent'; also participle of 'armama;
marmami (Gr) 'silent'; 1910:61 who state that G. rams IS common WIth A .
nnsrms 472
raqha riqiki 473
EnHOPJC Te. r,jmas ~ passed into Cushitic: Sa. ra.
mQJ 'nct', Af. ramas, Som. ramsi'raft'.
ripi 6-7; (MA) 'priest';
- _ - ,.01] (T) 'prune' (n);
. aka .,.?
'QrqaYll (K .), causative '
variant of rabbi, above . "q
tbe sequence q·k is unusual. See also sobeqiikii. taraqya, pass. of raqayd: also 'be Ii '
rmsms, 'armasmasa "1.00 11001'1 (LI) 'seek by
feehog for (something), wish to discover by fOp I!'T (T.M) 'nose'; ~.,.oo 'embroider, painl figures On raqaVl , raqqiiy (pI. raqalt), aCI '<d ('pelll ,
feehng, grope, (T) trample, flatten (troop of "qama t (T.Y.M) make incisions. Wnte' ; qaya; aJso 'sorcerer cha~e , part of rl1~
could be a graphic error for Il-T kup, above? riiqay, same , ' r. ex.orCl"it ';
sold,ers : vegetables)'; parchmeno'ngly
wr renders Amh . salii [translation
ropa t!T; see rwp. H'22 • . , . "qll)' (fern -) , .
ETHIOPJC Te. (liJ )ramiismiisa 'rummage', Amh. ar. (.,aqantaJ by 'be sharp ,"stead of palDt,
of . riJql1 ex.orclsed, bewitch
chanted, (K Gr. 1501 sprinkled' ed, en·
m~smass alii 'walk gropingly, feel around like a
blind person'. See also ramsasa.
r~~, ra~~a ,:A (MA) Amh. hariiharii, trans_
= design'); .
a/lla (Gr.149). causative; riJqiiy 'charm, incantation " .
lated 'rummage aboul, look everywhere" ,
, 'arq
/oroqma (Gr . 149), pass. of raqama; raqyat , raqet'sprinkling, incantation e '.
ramsasa ':9"1'11'1 (T.Y) 'grope, feel the way'; note thaL the Amharic verb is unusual. - ll. (Gr. 149), act. part. of raqama; enchantment, charm' ; , :'(orcl ~m ,
)aramsasa, (T. Y) ~armasasa 'grope, feel around roqall Gr 149) 'embrOl'd ered' ; marqiiy 'place of exOrcism ' ;
groping, search in many places, (T. Y) bustle .
ropoJi , .
,I!'M.. (KG), roppolim I!'AfI..'J" (K) 'mer- raqum· f b'd ' , marqay (Gr.150) 'sprinkler for holy waler',
r~qma t (Gr . 149) 'act 0
chants; em rOl eflog:
about, Irample, flatten';
C' Ar raqama 'embroider', Heb. riiqam 'weave Nroeldeke 1910:63 wrongly considers the passiollity
metathesis of marsasa, above; perhaps a corruptio n of Heb. r6/salfrn 'mercha nts'
(Dillmann 140 I). s",m .·
. I r' Aram . riqmi/!G-'hk t'S
C ec 5, Spo s , yr. larqiJ. o two roots : rqy I 'sprinkle'. and rqy " '('~(lrcise'
SEMITIC': the root is not to be connected with Syr. ,"coo, . R b · 970
.. 'freckles'. See on thiS rool a In I :490ff. As for Amh. and Tna. miirrdqii given by NOtldd.
ramfsii 'sedate, moderate' as suggested by Brockel.
raq,:.» (Ll) 'spittle'; see waraqa. mala .
EnlloP1C In the meamng wnte ,
" 'G
. raqama IS
. lb., It means 'spit, bless' (sec lcslau 19NA12) an~
mann 1928 : 735. Koehler 895 connects the Geez IS not to be connected with rtlqara
borrowed from Ar. raqama.
root with Heb . riimas 'creep'; Ar. ramafa 'take with
the fingers' is less likely. raqq (pJ. raqqiit) ,:.» 'leaf of paper, parch- SEMI.TI.C': ~r. raqii ( rq.I" 'enchant', SAr. rq.r 'fcmJle
ment'; rqq I, raqqa, raqaqa ( prqaq) t.~ : ,:.,..,. 'be magician
ETHIOPIC: Tna. ( 'a) riimsiisii 'grope', Te. ( .a)riim.
sublle, be soft. be thm, be shghl ; , ETHIOPIC : Tna. raqiiyii 'spnnklc, sprmkle hlliv \\,lter
from the root rqq I 'be thin';
siisa. See also rmsms.
SEMITIC: Ar. raqq 'parchment' is considered a Geez
.rqaqa 'make subtle. soften, make. thID ; . (on a place or on-a person) ', Amh . racta '~pnnkle
roqiq (fem. raqqaq) 'soft, subtle. n1lnule, thill, waler' (with qy > f ; see Cohen 1931 ': 398, Leslau
!oanword b,Y.Fraenkel 246, a nd Jeffery 143. Syr. raq
",met C"'t·)>; see (ramaya), r3myat. parchment IS borrowed from Arabic. slender, slight, immaterial'; 1979;"xlX (5.4l), LX (9.33), Arg. rileta, Gur. rell d;
(ba·raqiq 'softly');, .. , passed IOto Cushltic : Aw. ariit-x~a, Kam. rdfr~·'(l.
ramaya ()'3rmi) ~oor 'throw, pierce, strike by ETHIOPfC; Amh. riiqq 'parchment ' (from Geez). See raqqiiq, fern. of raqiq (L) small handwnlmg ;
throwing, slrike with a spear, (Gr. 146) = Amh. also rqq II. ,aqq, see above; raqaya II ~"'r (K') 'be hot, be burning' ;
attiirii 'scar, form (scar having small, pea-like marqe 'oppressive heal, deserl heal, torrid re.
raqqa ':"'; see rqq l. "qqa' 'softness, subtlety'; gion, lowland ';
protuberances), ;
S'"lTIe: Ar. raqqa 'be thin', Ar. (Dal) raqraqa ('.mb'iiy :amarqe, Iranslales Amh. yiiq'iiila
'armaya (Gr.146) 'make scarred, Scar (tr)'; rq(, see maraq;rt. 'render thin', Hcb. raq 'thin', Syr. raqqeq 'make 3mb"ay 'kind of planl" lit. ',,",Vay of Ihe
taramya, laramaya, pass. of ramaya, (Gr. 146)
thin', Ug. rq·m, pI. of rq 'thin cake' (DietriCh- lowland').
'be scarred';
raqaba ,:.,./1 (MA) 'write'; Lorell, OLZ 62[1 967J.549), Akk. raqiiqll 'be Ihin'.
ramiiyi (K '), act. part. of ramaya; ETHIOPIC: Tna. riiqiiqa 'be thm, be delica tc', T c. riradan t,:f,,> (T.M) 'young (of mule, donkey,
r3muy 'pierced by a spear, (Gr.146) that is is either a misprint for raqama ~"'OP, or is related raqqo (rqq ), Amh.- r6qqiiqii; passed 1010 C'ushltic horse)':
scarred'; to raqama (with a lternance of labials).
Sa.Qem. raqaq. see also ridon II.
riJlnyat. riJmel 'piercing,Wound, injury, in-
fected wound, ulcer, swelling of a wound, skin
raq~a 1 ,:.»'" (T.Y.M) 'puncture, cut a vein in rqq II, raqaqa ,:.,..,. (MA) 'wrile';
ris 6-11, lille below 'king':
the forehead in order to bleed or cup a person';
rash, (Gr 146) scar'; denominative from raqq 'leaf of paper'.
mariiq3& (T) 'butcher' (it has the form of a from Amh . ras.
SEMITIC: Ar. ram{i(rmy) 'throw, shoot', Heb. rlima plural) ; "'I at c.,,·}>; see waraqa.
( rmy) , Aram.·Syr. ramo (rmy), Md. rma, Ug. rmy ros C'1'l, rosa {!"(t see rlt's.
(de Moor 315), Akk. rama. SEMITIC Tna. riiql:ze 'c ut by puncturing a vein in the "'Iqat C",~, : see r'lq l.
forehead'; perhaps also Amh. raqiirriiqii 'beat or ras'a (v.rsii') llW , (T) ras'a ':lIh, (Y) ras' a
ETHIOPIC : the connection with Te. rlima ( rmy) strike repeatedly' (from rq? > rq > rqrq). See also "'let ct·}>, "'qit ct-}- ; see (raqaya I), "qyut. t:I"O :forget, overlook, be negligenl, neglect:
marqa&a. raquy. err, act impiously, become godless, be WIcked
'hasten along, walk rapidly' suggested by Liumann _
Hofner 148 is unlikely. (Ihe meaning 'become old' given by Gr.148
raq~a II ,:.»'"
(MA 33) = Amh. rii~?ii raqaya I (yarqi, y3/'qay) ,:."r 'sprinkle, as- belongs to ras'a); ,
fomiY3sp l!''''II-IIm, (T) ' Latin' ; 'sprinkle, spray' (note the misprint in MA perse, sprinkle with holy water to drive out 'orsafQ, caus. of ras<a; also 'induce to err~r ;
from Ok. rhomaisli 'In Latin'. 'repondre' instead of , rep andre') ; demons, cleanse with holy water, (Ll) purify, taras'a, passive: also 'fall inlO error, fall, Inlo
ETHlOPfC: possi bly related to raqaya I. exorcise,

recite incantations, charm, use a impiely, escape one's no lice, be 'gnQranl ;
Conjurer's trick" ,
rasih', act. part. of rasra:
- --- 474
rassaya 475
rG,.~· 'fi.'Irgl'lful, negligent. Impious, ungodly';
rs~s~, 'arsii~..~a >'CI'I.ltO,h_ (T. Y) 'arsah'SOh
- 'a (Gr. 148), causative; ,
r.'.\"II' 't(1I1!{)ItCIl, impious' (the meaning of
hCt'l,hO.t. 'render Impure, make lurbid' . a ,arassa; larassaya 'adorn oneself, clolhe oneself, ras'a (Y>rSQ') t.1">' (K '
mho l'tlfd,r:gli '\\ho hcc:lme old' given by , r .
\'Ict 0 crime, accuse, condemn prove
, con_
'1 larasy ~neself, be armed, prepare oneself, be ras'a l:O>. 'b , G ) ras'a t.1"0 (T)
T;1 ~ ) a llckmt!s to f'tls'a); ecome aged gro Id '
rt1H' ·g(ldlc~\. ungodly. ImpIous. Wicked,
• reproach, suspecl, rebuke bta~e con~UI ty,
. convince';
. '. lound ,
,rt~Y d, (T) wrap oneself in a blanket'; ally. of things)" , ' w 0 (Occasion_
l.'hastlse, Jarsipa, causative'
whln~ful. "mfuJ';
Cqu_Ppe (Gr) 'adorn oneself In a conceited
",asaya If'
-. ,
r(1,(' • f 0r-gt~1 fu 111(,~\, godlc~sne~,. ungodli ness' ; from nil (sec ras~la I) with redupiJcation of lhe I r Prepare onese , la~asa'a (It) 'become aged logether"
two radicals. as! manne, 'I h rasu' (ll), 'asu' (T), rasu, (It) , Id '
!J.Pat 'forgt'l (nine .... , neghgence. imple!y'; 'QStorsayo, 'oslarassaya
, cot e, array, prepare '
- dorn, equip, arm ; ad:~nced In age'; 0 ,old man,
'~.\·<un, r.l ....;mnOI. sanlc;
a _,. (Gr .148), acl. parI. of ,assaya; ras) old age, age';
mal.'>"', man,l'i "hili \.\·h lt.:'h makes forgetfur~ rasna ()'J',WII) l:O} 'glow be red-hot be hId rassay
ea e ,
. .
be mOamed'; ' .
'prepared, ready, ornamented, adorned, ra~'~t 'getting old (n), old age"
S, t.illil -Ar rl/(t/'o 'N- :-.:Iack', Hch. riHil' 'err wlIl- r/SSU Y . d d' ras>an 'old age'; ,
fully" Aram.·~ .. r r.1.fa< .~ \qd;.("d ', Akk . ntH,; >arstJf1a 'make red-hot. heat, burn. ignite try drc "ed, clothed, equtppe ,arme ;
or test (3 mclal, with fire)'; , . t.,
myot 'constitutIOn, , arraYlOg ;
ras>annQ 'old age'.
, ,
'treat rufhk~ .. "· (fnr Whl('h ... ee von Sflden 996). For
"""" 'red-hot, glowing, heated, fiery lri d ( JQrossoyi, part. of tarassaya, marSiJ', marSa·; (K·) part of .
a ~'(lOn{'("ll(ln tx-lwC'Cn 'for,IR'l' and '(,IT', cpo Hch. fii<ii , , 'arsa'a'
· huTe,
meta.I Wit " ) npe'
· ; ,ca SEMITIC' Ph f K '
(t<1 1, ..(,(" I , y, l\uu'l..·ha, U'Jhof/enu)1 (1Q67). ,'09- ursit 'apparel, ornament, adorn.ment, attire, .' . 0 a,alepe rs' 'be old' (G G Id
10. "N,lIt" hl'Wl~H'r. Ihal Sch",all~, Zn\fG 52 rasn (rasn) 'heat, burning heat, heating, incan_ berg In Tur Sinai H I II . 0 en-
(I~QSJ 1'.'1 C(")Il<;tdcrs Ci r.\; In the meanmg '8c l de.scence' ., eq uipmenl, glory,
" .pomp, preparatIOn, constitu_ P.410-1i). - ,aas on w.hase/er III [1955),
lion, occupation,
'mpl('lu.""~· n.\; Ix'mg ~rr()\H'd '-r('Im S\nac. (mii<Jlllha rasn ~brand mark'); ETHIOPIC : Amh. rassa 'become
Lnllorrc - T na r&J.\<,;:,'(' -r(",.-:cl' Tc 'I,l )rasslI<o, Ha r S,MITlC: SAL 'S ,y -prepare for' (Biella 490, but not am haricized from G. raS'a). old, age' (KBT,
rilJllal (n) 'heating, burning. inflammation, cau- SabDic); perhaps Syr. tariJ.a 'sustenance. supplies'
rQM"'O.. Alnh rID.ta, (jur r.i~U' temmg, ardor,
Jursiini, mars.m, part. of >arsana',
(from a root rsy), as suggested by Brockelrnann
ras~a t./".t., (OT) rasha t.O.t. 'become
r.,h. I .. ""jli' l:1l.t., () raSh. l:/",h 't>e cal/used (foot), swel/ (foot)';
SnflUC: AT , (Dat) rasin 'burn' (for which see Land- ETHIOPlC: Gur. (a)raIa (from ,sy) 'build (a house),
unde;!n, t>e dirt). t>e filthy, be' polluted, be
berg 19231281. and Praetorius, ZDMG 57[i903j. probably to be identified wilh ras~a I.
Impure, t>e delilrd, Ix' (Ont<lmIDated, (It) be 273), As for Ar, ra1ln, Praetonus, lb. is inclined to (clothes), plait (the hair),; perhaps also Gar.
rilia'share', ro~a C'K; see rw~.
dull. I", lustorle", rust. t>e hable (to I. be subject conSider It a Persian (roian) loanword, as against
(to), "" d,'ol1lcd, t>~ "'ou"'d, t>e gUilt) '. landberg, Ib
'l(Jn~lta. ("dusall\'C', al\() "I.!ctile. stain. pofJute. ETHIOPJc: Tna. rmiifla <be very hot ', Te. riisna ~y, 'arsaya >'Ct'lf (D.T.Y) 'drop anchor, bring ra~ba l:lI'n (MA) 'clear one's throat and spit';
10 rest'; SEMITIC: Ar. ru¢ab 'sucked saliva',
Cllntanunatr. Ct'odcmn, .K\.:Use·; 'glow', Amh . riissiinii; passed into Cushitic: Sil.
ratallf (J\.G). ad piin. of rtlsha; rastin, """,y (LI) 'refuge';
marso, (T) mars 'port, harbor, anchor, haven, ru~ira ~l\-f. (T) = Amh. man tamar 'how
r.>.lu!, 'defiled. dirt), tilth" impure, accused, beautiful she is!';
dlargod ("lfhl, gUIlty, I(.r) dull, lu,terless', rosis C"O (Ll) 'bullet, lead of a bullet'., IT) quiel, tranquility, (Sw. in D 280) quiet
rtlthJ It) 'llrruiCd or
crime'; from Ar. ra~ii! 'bullets, lead'; also Amh.Gur. arsas, place' ; probably an interpretation of a personal name (Ge-
r,lth (t •• 14'I, 'I,.n r~l1rii (K") 'impunt), dirt'; Amh, ri1,~as, .Te. rJSas.' .Tiliaf, Tna. rJsas, rJ,fai, Jriai, tatchew). In fact, on the line below (in T 387) there
Ar. rasii (rsy ) 'lie at anchor', >arsii'drop
Syr riJ!~; 10 CUShlllc' Sa. riias, Af. rusOs, Sil.
SEMITIC: is rufo, proper name of a woman, which may be a
'~Shal·de~lement"mrunt}. pollution. dlfl, un- rJsQs, anchor', marsii 'port, anchorage' (Noeldeke 1910: 61 misprint for rU4iija.
deannc~,. filth. (rime gUIlt. accusation'. does not consider Ar. rnarsii a Geez loanword as
'Or,/ih, (tt). p.rt . .>f 'ar,,~a, r~t Cft:"; see warasa. ''' 00 in Jeffery 262), Soq. 'iIi 'be fixed, be at- rusat ~l\t; see rws.
• •
'QrsiihulJa. see rJ/uh. /' lached ', i:fars. resii 'stand finn', arsii 'anchor' (v).
rota C'1'; see rwl.
\'''''TJ( F ~rI",19/7 104 conn«ts " ~"h PbH rsh... '.rsaw.
d >'Ct'lm 'draw (a boat) 10 the This root is not to be connected with Syr. larsi
.'.L d «.a) • ram ~~rah ("Hh mt'tathesls) T hsore
e ' rop anchor', (denominative from tarsi!a, from rsy) 'support. sup- rat'a (yar/a') l:to 'be (become) slraight, be

IdC""ltdil,. t.on ~ltb Beh Aram.SH. Tn 'spnnkJe' Ar

mUa, H: ~ni. "!durrh \\'as.)er) aufllte-I.
related to n~'. belo",_ ply (with)', as suggested by Brockelmann 1928: 836. straightened, be right, be righteous, be just, be
For the Syriac root, see rassaya. Note that barriisi
trulhful, be sincere, become eSlablished, be
cben'" 'UU<1ted h) 'on Soden 9% 15 unhkeh ' rassa). l:t'lf 'put, place, sel, set up, establish, 'anchor', used in the Arabic dialects of South Arabia
restored, be well-ordered, be successful,
l"f'JOOPK lna , ,,.. 'be dlrt\. Te' ra$Jw_ Scc- also 1JOstltute. constitute, do, make, convert (into), as well as in Modern South Arabian, derives from
an Indian language and is not to be identified with prosper, be proper'; also used with indireci
milfa I arrange, treat, bestow_ appoint, prepare, es- tnarlO as suggested by various authors mentioned in objecl suffix pronouns; e.g. ,al'ann; 'it seemed
teem. conSider, declare, impute, regard some- righl to me';
....~. II I.t'l.t. ill) 'be I\ei',
r"~ftt (Ielll. of '#suh) -"fl'
I thing as, clothe, arm_ eqUip, (GLI48) decorate,
I adorn';
l<slau 1938:96, D. Cohen 1976:86. For the Indian
ori~n of ba"u,i, see Landberg 1920: 153-4, and
Leslau, ib.
'arta'a -slraighlen, make right, render straight,
sel up, stabilize, redress, juslify, reclify, con-
metathe>., of T~a, abo,.., I (,aHara ''''JSO -he valued himself, he esteemed E~JOPlc: Te. rasa (rsy) 'drop anchor', miirso 'har- vince, correcl, establish, direct, succeed, de-
hllnsetr); (~r , Ina. marso, Amh. mars, marso 'port, harbor' clare right or true, declare in someone's favor';
rOm Geez). See also rsw. mrss II, marsawa. ('arla'a Janoto 'he wenl loward');
ht~.~______________________________4_7~6~______________________________~r~w~ 477
larat'o (Gr 15~). pa~~ . of 'arIJ'o:
'ar/aha, causative; also 'grow green. make r roga 'steal', rogi 'thier, Gur. ranKi
tara/~fQ 'N- reformed. be corrected'; EnflOP1C Ha 'wed from Or. rogi'thier. The rOOl rawih, rawh ~'e'}' ~
green (a troe)' ;
JI(I.f'araIJ'a "et nght. Kl"ep straight, regulate. cOuld be barroCusbltic: Sa.Af. rad'run' See also kindhearted' . I /Do,}, (Ler I \6) affable,
,"Iuh 'damr. wet, moist, humid. SaPry. JUICy ~ OCCurs In
sct In ('rdef, establish, improve. reform, re- SEMlTlC
';tOft'". uphold'; fresh, green (tree), damp place ', ' ,,Jo' II
Talb 'sa p' , mercy'
rar.' 'u prrghl. 'lralght. straIghtforward. just. h (yaruh) r: th 'fan, make a breeze by
honest , nghteous. fair, truthful, sincere'; Tarbol 'dampness, humIdity, freShness (of "'~ J,ro,(aT Y.Mi wave a fly whisk, scalier,
'~lu' (fern r~'~'/) ·upnght, straight. Just. right.
Iree)' ; rawala ~m" (T.Y MA M) ,
Talhallllii (LGr.160). same; <pnnkle'; '. see Tkh. III . . perforate. PI.r«· ,
nghlCOw., honest. Irue, correct. proper. level, . aha (K'), passIve. ,
e\cn. orthodox'; followed by the subjunctive It SEMITIC: Ar. raruba 'be wet', Heb. rtirap, Aram. lar.. (T) 'use a fan;
Ora"ha . k' b .
means 'it is seem I) (proper, appropriate),; ril!o&, Syr. rtlre!!, Md. r.rb, Akk . ra!iibu. ' -. h 'flap the wmgs rna 109 a reeze, rrse rwp, ropa r:T (T.M) 'be strong':
("J/u'o htil-manor 'orthodox'); ETHIOPI(': Tna.Gur. riiriibii 'be wet', Amh . riilfiibii I"~~;: ~an (a dignitary) toge!her or in t_ur~'; SEMITIC: Gnmme 1914264 Id ·fi.
(r~lU'al1a Iltll"miinOI 'Orthodox Fathers'); . maraw~hl,
Arg. rd!!iiba, Har, ru!!a 'wet' (from r{b, with"6 >' I" aWh (K') , marwaht, bb 'h .' enll es II With &mllH.:
(haymiil1Of rtJ/()" 'orthodoxy');
:ero). . mara wahl . rave aUlhonty Over'· Ar rabba, and other~
mar . ariih""1 (Lt., with metatheSIS), p1. ma-
(r'l",a. l>o-rJI/I' 'uprrghtly. slraightforward. "'tin Cm") 'resin, balsam, balm, gum'; (DL~_;' m~riiw~hliit, marawa~lat. morowa- rawiiqy.wi ~'/'~ J''e ·Stoic'.
rrghtly. correctly. Iruly. III Iruth. with upright- rorolla (T. Y. M) 'cure with balm' (denominative); I"h'·'~;n sprinkl~r, (Sw. in 0 306) fly whisk';
ness. SIrJlght"a),): ,'.I-h ('K') 'sprinkler, (T) fan' (from Ar,
fro~ Ar. !a/tisi/alu-r-flJhiiq (name gwen 10 the
0/' ·uprightness. rectitude. righteousness. jus- from Gk. rhiline 'reSin, gum'; also Syr. rehlimii StOICS Who met In a portico) from A r ' '._
'iltino 'resin', Ar ral/nag. riitln 'pine resin', See' als~ , ., . ru~jJq. "~aq
tIce. mtegm). eqully (In judgment), honesty. l'lr II
PO~lICO : also Te. riwiiq. For the concept of Ar.
truth, truthfulness' ; SEIIJTIC' Ar, raba ( rwh ) 'blow upon (wlOdJ', la- "",·aq. cpo Gk . .ftoa 'portiCO', hence 'StOIC'
IQlI~'aJQ"aIi n oneseIr ' . . 'fan' (for thiS root 10
(ha-rJl' 'jU" IY'); rat· r ~'I'C (LI) 'measure of weight';
tb ~:anous Arabic dialects. see Landberg rws, rosa r:1I (T.M) 'glVe bIrth to, engender',
19;3.,524). Sh. rH'h 'fan' (v): marbaht'rn~ruh 'fa~'
r.ll'Q( 'rectitude. probity' ;
for ·rQfill, variant of liJ!r, la!r, above. For rorl, ep. ros, (T.M) rosii 'male, chtld';
'ar((;jf/. mdrlt1' (0), marla'i (Gr), part. of 'arla'o; also Ar. rarl, Aram .-Syr. ri!la,
[ ) H,b. ril'h 'Wind ', Aram . ruha, Syr rah breathe ,
'arl~ 'o 'deposition, lestlmony, proof; ETHIOPIC ' Te.Amh. rli!al 'weight of 30 ounces', n. 'fan' (n), Md. ru h 'bl ow,'U g. rnL , WIO d' .
/IIO,uhQ ETHIOP1C : Gur abiirus, ahiiroJ 'household. family,
maslarala'. pl . mO.flariiIJ·al (Gr.152) 'one who Amh also natr • servants and slaves of the family' from ab(ii) rO.f
corrects. who straIghtens out, soldier of the Te. raK'ii~a 'fan' (v), miiriiwa~t 'fan' (n),
ETH!OP!c ' 'owner of ros'. Note that ((IS, rU.f means 'slave' 10
guard, executioner'; rewa &.'/' (T.M) 'Collon, cOllon plant'. Amh. marH'a (Ludoll) 'fan' (from Geez) ; also in Gurage, but 'male' in Drama .
Cushitic: Sa. roh 'blow', rohe 'breath. soul', Som.
(me/sldralll' harii 'soldier of the guard, execu- rawaba ~lDn (MA) = Amh. i'iiqii{{iiqii, could mQ"a~'ahQd 'fan', from Ar. mirK'a~a. See also
tioner') ; rw~, ro~a (pru,r) r:lI 'run, run aboul'.
be either 'importune, pester', or ' become fll" ~), mQWariJ~/,
muddy'; )aro~'iU, 'ara.ya 'cause to run';
SlMITIC' SAr. rt, 'dispose, settle', rlf' -m 'directive',
perhap!o. ah~o Soq I//r'l (with metathesis) 'do Some- SEMITIC perhaps Ar raba ( rwb) 'be perplexed'. larjjl1'a~a 'run together. run as a group, flock
.. ~ II, ro~a (yaru~) r:th (K') 'clank' (v);
thing ,",cll', AU rt'IU'strengthen ' The root is not together, compete in runnmg, vie WIth';
morH'aht, maraw~~t. maraH"a~t, pI. maraw,J~t,
to be Identified with Syr ro),o 'warmng, admoni- rwd, roda (Y'rud) r:J!. 'pursue, go after, perse-
110n', P~H rci!uy 'proper', a~ suggested by Noeldeke cute, rush upon, press upon, capture by as-
mDriiw;~liil, marwii!ual. marowiilVa~, (l.Gr.85) (giinen YJlrii"'wiisii 'the demon possesses her') ;

mDrwiibl 'church bell';

.. , (Gr 157) 'make run by inter.
191098. n I . Brockeimann 192R746. Ar rala'a sault. attack, assail, make an incursion, invade, mixing;
"ha \e their fill (cattle), enJoy a luxurious life (man)' rise agamst. (T Y) surround'; rawasi 'runner, swift, prompt, assiduous',
ETHJOP1C: it is quite possible that ro~a '" the mean-
suggested b) Am!ialu 16 (so also by Rabin laroda, larawdo, passive; r~w",~s• • r~K'WUS• 'who runs, running',
109 'dank ' is reconstructed by K on the basis of the
1969' 151 ) IS a SC(ondary formation of 'irla,a. from rau-adi, act. part. of roda; also 'enemy';
DOun marawwab 'bell' As for 'bell', cp. Tna. (raIJ'IVU,ra 'speedily');
r'.r 'graze, pasture' The connection with PbH
Iartu'Q '<;;pcar' (from j"Q-rtu'ii 'what IS straight'),
rillnrud, rauwad, pass. part . of roda, IrIQ'Q~wa~, miiriiwwa~/a 'church bell', Amh. rawi~ 'race';

suggested b) NYberg 198. IS unhkel) . rOll'ld (l). rall'idol (It) 'persecution', marallwa, mariiwwat. W. Muller, ZDMG 131 ru~ol 'running, run, track, pathway. course,
rudal , verbal noun of roda; also 'persecution, (1981).401 suggests a connection between marw<lhl contesl' ;
ETHIOPI( Tna ra.!'e 'WIO', Te riil'u 'be right, be incursIOn; •
'fan' and marwaht 'bell' from a root rlVh on the 'QrWiJSO )a/ras 'horse races';
straight, wm a Jawc;uit', Har. ruta'a 'WIn a laWSUit '. lorall'iidi 'persecuted, ca ptured by assault'; baiis of Chr.-Ar.·mirwah 'eine racherarlig~ Metall- • •
marwas; , 'who causes horses to run ,
Amh.Arg. rdlfo. Gur ruta; passed into CushltlC: scheibe mit Cherubdarst~lIungen zum Gebrauch bei
Dar. ralfU'f' mJrwii~ 'course, track, race, contest, arena,
SEMITIC: Ar rada (fit/d) 'prowl, search for food', d~r Messe'. as given by Graf 54. See also marawa~lI.
Heb. rag ( rwd) 'roam ', related 10 Soq. rodi (rdy) distance run, orbit';
ralba I,.,rluh I ~'I'n 'he humId, be damp, be 'sicaI'. The connection with Akk. riidu 'tremble'
wet, be mOISt, be sappy. be JUICY. be fresh. be suggested by Koehler 876 (under flt-'d), von Soden
I ~~ IIJ, raw~a ~/I)oth (T.Y.M), ro~a r:th (MA) SEMITIC Heb. ra., (rw!) 'run', Aram.·Syr. r~~I!"
green (tree r 941, and Conti 1978 :32, n.2 IS unlikely since ItS
",rforate, pierce'; Md. rhl. Akk. rOfu, For ArabIC, Barlh_ 1.90.4,\
quotes ;;yada 'movement', as againsl suku". qUiet
rOOl IS r'd, for which see ra'da, above. It is
strange that it has the same meaning as rawa/a
~m" which OCcurs in Y 33 I on the line above.
For Ug. r;,
see Caquot 257. See OQ lhls root
Schuhhess 68-9.
razabl ~,~~.~m~. ______________________________ 479 ____________________

ri".1 Ir/D'}- (ll) 'hood', -

laraYra"a 'be tamed, be broken (horse)'; ::: I lHIJD (K*) 'be dazed, be dIlly, tum, 'a"limi (K*) ,_,___, - -_no
, _
F1HIOrit . Amh . rawiil . rawOI 'a kind of hood that
hangs dow" 10 bad '
la,arada (GrI58) 'exercise' (intr)'; r~lJ1I· d nk"
ead, Intr), be ru . ' ,
" , act. part . of 'a:am
'J:urn (K*) 'tall, long'; a,
'Qstartiyarja 'tame, train'; (h - (K') act. partIcIple; 'rm (K )
"'I, rol •. .1'NIII ) C'+ 'rub, rub off, rub down,
rayyiirji 'tamer, tramer'; ra:am', . ,;
_ (K ') 'dazed, dIzzy f "a "Ienglh' ;
scrape, polish', rayyur! 'tamed, trained, broken in'; rJ-ur:'
ma,_am, ma,:Jm 'perplexity, dizziness, (T) that rom Amb . 'ii.::w..; 'be 1.11, be long'
"yya", (K*) 'taming' (n); h d d' .
which makes the ~a h t~m d~: causes IZZI-
rau-SII (I,G), act. partiCIple;
r.. ama III lHou (1(') 'wlnl
SEMITIC; Ar. riitlo (nw!) 'tame, train, domesticate'
FTHIOI'I( Tna. raliiK'Q (with metathesis) 'rub. ness, (K') tumtng 0 t e ea , ,a:a"" (K'), act. parltClple ;
"Crapc' Heb. rw! 'break a horse ' (see Barr 145), Syr. maru~ p Ie Te miir:iim 'headache' sec t
!iinii (from rw.r) 'horse breaker'. For Ug. rz, see Ernlo , . m!i. 0 render Heb. ra~anr 'Wlnk' -
CaquOl 257. - , It co~ponds' to
r.nntit C'f!r; see I rawoyaj , r.1I'vwuy.
rlZa ma lIlH"" (K*)d''become long, be tall, be ,~;.'ama:a
(with mel.lhe",), PbH ~r.mS)r \1d
heavy, become prou . ;
rawaya, rawyo ( 1·."I'a)') l:/Df : llD-f 'drink royama (y>rim) lfoo (T.K'.Y) 'be high, be 'or:ama (K .), causatIve;
one\ fill, be satisfied with drink, be watered'; long, be raised'; rzn, marzio ODew) : see mar:iin ,
'orl1'aya 'give to drink. make drink. quench ,,)'}'um (Gr. 157) 'raised, elevated';
thirst, saturate, inebriate, water, irrigate'; ra}')'am (Ll) 'high, elevated';
tarall '( It')ora, larawya 'be satisfied with drink, 'aryiim, see above; t
be tnebrialed, be irrigaled';
SEMITIC: Ar. rayyama 'exceed', raym 'superionty.
raln'iyi (K·), act. part. of rawaya;
surplus' (for rym In the Arabic dialects, see Land_
ralt'lt'uy. r.lltway (fern. ral1'wa)'l. r.1wwil) 'sati. berg 1923: 163811), SAr. 'ym-m 'heighI', Heb. ,am
ated with drtnk, walered, irrigated'; (rwm. rym ) 'be high', Aram.-Syr. ram, Md. rum,
""yo/ 'drinktng one's fill, provIding with Ug. nv/y/m. See also riimo.
mamal" (T K) 'Iealher bottle, canteen, tumbler'; riy.s 6-f-ll (Gr. 158) 'prior (superior or a
n","ay (Gr) 'place of rerreshment, place where monastery)';
one IS satIsfied WIth drink';
from Ar. ra'fs 'director, Superintendent'. See also
SrMITIc ' Ar. rmnya 'dnnk one's fiJI', SAr. h-rwy ra'sa,
'provlde a waler supply', SOQ, re (rw)') 'drink',
Heb, ral\'a 'drmk one's fill', Aram.Syr. raU'i, Md. rili &-1/ 'large white bird which feeds on
rll'a. locusts' ;
ETHIOPIC Tna rii~',d"ii 'he saliated with drink', Te, according to R.H. Charles, The Book 0/ Jubi-
lees (1902), p. 219, n.23, razii is wrongly ren-
r"l, rOla C'H (T Y M) 'rub, scrape, polish'; dered 'rice' by Dillmann 312 instead of 'white
bird which feeds On locusts';
perhap!. a ml!.pnnt In relation to E:.H laza, above.
ETHIOPlc' TnaTe.Amh. raZQ 'kind of big bird'; also
royi C! (T) = Amh. alamo I) 'banner, Rag'; in CUShltiC, Qem. riizii. See also 'arazo.
2) 'aIm, target',

perhaps rather raya; from Ar riiya through Amh, rOla 1:11; see rwz.
rO.l 'Q 'Hag' Note that Sw. In D 1401 has raya =
Amh , oliilt, a word that is not recorded in any ruz, ruzi ~'11 , ~I/ (GrA08) 'rice';
Amhanc dictionary; Jl is probably a misprint for
alama as given m Tayya, from Ar. ruzz < 'aruzz (of Tamil (arid) origin;
Iranian viring, biring); also in the other Ethiopian
rana!'a lffl, (T) rayya~a '::fll 'tame, Irain, languages. As for Geez ruzii, it is either from Syr.
break (a horse)'; ruza or from Gk. oryza. For ruzz, see also Landberg
(T lfJl ,aY},llfa = Amh. O&- barra 'be bright' ) 923: 1242-3, Rabin, iSS II (1966). 5, Rabin I
is a misprint for 1&- giirra 'tame'); 1968:436. For 'Tlce', see r. Low, ZA 21 (1908).
206 If.
>aray}!atj.o. (K·). causative;

.alaba lHO (MA) 'polish, strike'.


IIhf (MA) = Amh, garrii!ii 'cut a vein siba

,"'ay· r rehead lo bleed or cup a person, place mas'iir (Gr) 'abrogation';
n the ,0 d' d .
aI barne. r acrosS a rDa In or er to Impede
, las"rOI
tlOn' ; (Lt) 'dismissal (from office), destitu_
. ,. SEMITIC: Ar. lagara 'break' (perhaps also Ar ;; .
AA 'hour, lime,
sar- '.v
s see SOfa!.
'depriv [ r . . .,agara
e 0 guardian or protector], expel, banish')
Soq. (Y!ho'or (root irr) 'split', Syr. larae 'break
sa's1a IIAOIl , (Y) sa'ala wOIl 'cough';
:hr~u~h (for I.'ar; Brockehnann 1908 :276) H b
SOrar burst ope . S ' e.
• - n ; Van aden 1118 compares Akk
-SSa- .... particle of emphasis or conlrast ·hUl. sa'iil 'cough' (n); sa'aru 'Vanquish'. For 'gate' derived from this root'
however. On the other hand. as for' (see DIlI- mas·til 'petition, place of entreaty, place of see Koehler 1001, under Iarar. '
prayer' ; C · AT . sarala 'cough',_, SAr.'{ s /'1, Heb. s{1 in
mann 1907 ' 412-3). .. ,I Syr. sa<ol, Akk. sO'a u, so u. ETHIOP.I.C: _Te. sii<ara 'depose, abrogate (a law)',
Tna., sa<ora, ~~mh.Gur. iarli 'dismiss, violate, de-
tasa'iili (Gr). part. of las~'la; hlStae,PIC' Tna. sara"'''' h'Te, so"'I
FTHIOPIC Tna. ~J. ~si. ~(il)$S, Gar.
Amh. ·(iI)SStl.
tas.'lo( t) 'question (n). dialogue';
a coug, a a, A m.h
ErHio . sal 'cough"mg; passed'mto C us h"ItlC: pose, Har. sara; passed into Cushitic: Bil. sa'ar
Ar~ ·s. Gur. -.i: "" Rundgrcn 1955 : Index, The "
sa a, GUT. , Sa.A£' Sarar, Qem. sahar. '
rarhdc als{l O(cUrs In Cushnic: Qua, -so, Kham. -s, SEMITIC: Ar. sa'a/a 'ask', SAT. s/>/, S~. $", Heb. Kham.
' sal 'cough. -
$om. JO sa'al, Aram . f.'e!. Syr. fe(')I, Md. sal. Akk. sal" Str II, see Sarra I, II.
fa'[j/u, , ,"'ama (yas'am) I'IOOD, (T) so'amo I'IhOD
so ~; I.,ee sosa. ETHIOPIC : Te. (1~)sa'ala 'ask', Har. (ta)sa'a/a, Our. 'kiss'; . , su'arim I'I-Ot\l" (D (402) 'burst Open (figs),;
(/li)sa/ii; in Amh . the root is preserved in (ta)so/Ii 'os'ama (Gr) 'allow to kISs;
-so -1\ enclitic 'now I. (I) beseech ": e.g. 'adO./,,- 'make a vow', si1/at 'vow'. from Ok. somareim, transcription or Heb. fo<iirim
.m tsa \'e!. I beseech thee', fasorama, tasa'ma 'be kissed'; 'vile (figs)'.
rasarama 'kiss one another'; .
DilJrnann 1907 lIb Inlerprt"fs it as a demonstrative sj'ol "-}.A 'realm of the dead, hell';
'ostasarama (DTW 1083), causative of tastlra-
identl(\Jn~ If wllh .t In '''sma, 'i'Sku. saba_ Rundgren
J~~5 -44·S anal)7CS J(JM as so-boo from Syr. fi",ul, Heb. f,'ol (Noeldeke 1910: 34); also rna;
in Tna.Amh. si'ol, Te. sa>ol, GUT, sawel'abyss, cliff'. sa'iimi (K') 'who kisses'; s's' II, 'ansi'so'a h1~1l1l0, (T) 'ans.""a h1~
sa'aba IIhO (Tl. sl'aba /lOll (Y) 'drag. pull, sarmal 'kiss, kissing'; Mlh 'bUbble, boil (tr., intr.), (Lt) cast out';
foliow' ; so'no (y•.pan) IIA~, (T) sa'ana, so'na I'Ih~ I ETHIOPIC: Amh. (anJras,"a 'bubble'.
Sl-'-frrll perhaps 5.1\r. Jj+'/I 'draw water' (W.
IIb~ 'be unable, not lind, be powerless, be SEMITIC: Ar. (yemen, region of Rayma) saram 'kiss'
(W. Muller).
impotent. fail, (Lt) be in need of'; with indirect sa'iit, si'at II'}-r ! ,",O-r 'hour, time, moment,
MiiUer). cp als.l.l Heh JO'll~, lip.. s'b, Akk. sobu. ETHIOPIC;Tna, siiramii 'kiss', Te, sibama, Our. sa'a- season' ,,
EnuoPI(, Tna. Jil'ul"lfJ 'follow'. object suffixes: 'be impossible, not be possible'; ma, Amh.Oaf. sama; passed into Cushitic: Som,
las''na 'be impossible'; sa'iiliit 'canonical hours (in the night)';
sum, Mo. fummi(ye).
so'aka IIh h (M A) 'crush. grind, pulverize'; S"un 'deprived of, impossible, indolent, impo- saratar za-maralt 'canonical hours in day-
tent, powerless'; time' ;
(he- rOOI c""uld t'te :j<J,- .d...t'k sa'.ra, so'ra 1'I0t: I lIilt:, (Y) sa'ara, Sa'ra
s;pnat 'inability, impotency, powerlessness, im- sa'iiliil za-Ielil 'canonical hours in the night';
/POt! I "'ilt:, (T) sa'ara 1'I"t: 'remove, with-
sa·ol •. ""1. (I""al f1hll: IlAIl 'ask, enqUIre, possi bi Ii ty' ; (ma$~afa sa'iitiil 'Book of the Watch' (cp. also
make a request. pelltlon, 1O\·oke. beseech, inter- draw, cause to cease, undo, annul, destroy,
Chr.-Ar. kiliibu-s-sii'iil); for a bibliography,
cede. pra), beg'; SEMmc : the connection with Heb. sa'en in ia'aniin cancel, rescind, abolish, dissolve, abrogate, dis-
see Hammerschmidt-Six 1983:58.
"l1J'aliJ. C(iusaun'; 'at ease', suggested by Dillmann 377, is doubtrul. miss, demote, discharge, depose, desecrate, vio-
ErnloPIC ' Te. sii>ana 'not be able', Tna. sii'onii. late, not observe (a holiday), break (an oath), SEMITIC: Ar. sara(I) 'hour', Heb. saeti, Aram. ia.e{ilti.
IdJQIQ/d, taJcJ'/tl, passh'e of .fa'ala; also 'en-
Amh. (tiijsGnii. Syr. sac/a, Md. iila. According to Noeldeke 1910:44
qUire, demand, ask', frustrate, make null and void, bring to naught,
cause to be of no effect, belie'; Ar. siira(t) and G. sortie are taken from Aram.-
lasa'ala ",k one another, find OUI by askmg Syriac (so previously Delitzsch 41).
ar(lund. enqUire. con~uJt one another'; sii'r, SO'r ... Ae lilAC, (K) sii<r "tile, (Lt) s.'ar (sa'ara nafso 'he resigned himself');
... he 'a leather bottle'; ETHIOPIC: Te.Tna. siira!, Har. sa'a, Gur. sa>al,
~a..qG_\J ala, c-aus..1ti'e of lasa'ala; 'QSrara, causative; also 'delete. destroy'; Amb. sat, sa'al. See also sat,
sU'lm. 3tT part. of JjJ>ula ~
sa'ra rna)' (Lt) 'skin bottle for water'; las>'ra, passive; also 'resign onself, (Lt) de-
serf', s8 coziz f'lPlfll, J8S(Olaza "liP""; see rzz, 'as(o-
,,'ul (II. '). pas> , part of sa'aia; EnlioPIC Te. SJ';Jr 'skin bottle for milk or water';
sariiri, act. part. of safara; zaza,
.'I4 Jat, (T) ~~'!al 'request, petition, entreaty, perhaps from Cushitic: Bil. si>ir, Qua.Af.Be. siir,

Som. sa-Gr . sarur, pass. part. of sQ(ara;

que'lion, demand', sib. '"'II (T) 'green scum, dregs of perfume';
sarir 'abolition';
ma...,i, (T) ma.\·~I·l\h0 as!.s. petilioner, beggar. sa'..a I'Ihl'l (MA) 'dig', ETHIOPfC: Tna. saMa 'moss', Te. siihiiba, Amh.
(L K) sorcerer, S(l()thsayer'~ SiNal 'dismissal, violation, abolition, abroga-
sab(b)a 'green scum on stagnant water'; .perhaps
probably mlspnnt for k-Q-asa boo,..,... tion, (Lt) removal, discharge, destruction';
from Cushitic: Or. sapanu 'scum', sapupe 'hchen on
sarirOI 'destitution" ,
trees', Af. sabba ·scum'. See also .f{ihbaha.
<abo IlIl (T S"
~e'C sh(\ siihbo.
In D 1J95) 'fresh dung';
sab' 1'1111. 'persons, men, people, mankind'.
- . . 'pertaining to suhij~e' ,
- 'aWl
'servants' (whether followed or not by be; suba~i'J.'sevenfold, seven times'. SHllnt H b -, b
e . ta~'a_ ·turn. march arOund ' U
)JsbJcll . h , ,
'house'); 'inhabitants' when followed by hagar n . 'seven times, seven tImes as muc . lurn , Akk . jiM. 'girdle' Margohoo.h , J R'. U I' 939
<ibi It'l (T M) 'outsk.rts of a city'; nlJSbJ'lIa
'city', b.&er 'country, state', or by the name of p . 59. denves Ar 'asbiib of Surah 1" " G'
sevenfold': '. In

perhar!> from Ar (Oman) siba 'fortification' (W, a city or of a country; followed by a noun II "l 'septuple, 'as ~ a-b and translates It - 'rom .
means 'those of. .', as in sab'a rayn 'Watchmen
US " . '.
IJSbJ 'I-Q 'seven tJ mes ,
,EnuO~I(,: perhap~ Te. i iihiJba 'plait', Tna, Idhbabd
spies', sab'a 'a/riis 'horsemen, knights', sab' , bndle , "bub 'cord', Amh. l libruM 'bndle' .he
~iya! 'tradesmen', sab'a s;}ray a
Ar sob' 'seven', SAr Sib' , Soq . hobeh, Sh . ongmal meanmg belOg 'go around' See alSt., h "'.
sob. (ttl 'when, at that time, then'; .. , SE"mCHe. b i,ba' Aram.-Syr. sJpa', Md. saba, Ug soba.
magicians; Jrb'tl,
kama soba ~ust as, when'; t". '
"b' Akk sebe, sabe.

>• .,ka .<o6a 'till then, until'; sab'a (Y) 'become a man' (denominative); Ph. s , . Te sabu' 'seven', Tna. Iobrottt, Amh. sbb lV, sabba, sababa r'In , ()nn (Is.') 'look for
rasab'a 'become incarnated, become a man, be ETHlop.e ' . H - . F
.<oba + perfect, (occasionally) imperfect -b Gar. sabattii, Arg. sO'mt, ar. saltl. or a reason, look for a pret«!' (denom.natlVel
'would that!'; made a man'; Gur. so ,ai,pTe. Tna. siibra, Am. h sa··ba. G ur s"ba,
'seventy, c . sabab 'reason. cause, prete,t'; ,
s:oha, soha-hu introduces both real and unreal sabu' 'who was made a man';
from Ar sabab 'cau!te, rcason'~ also Te.Amh. soNi".
Gaf. siibii. See also sb' 1I .
conditions; in an unreal condition the apod- subij'e (Gr.168) 'human nature, incarnation';
sab)awi 'human'; sb> n, saboo'a 1'1110 (KP) 'bewitch'"
osis is Introduced by "m (see Dillmann sbb V, sababa Mn (M) 'abhor, destest',
1907; 55111); sab'al, sab)ar 'relationship, affinity, humanity'; b ' (Ll) 'bewitch, make bew.tch ;
T 'be.
>asb'' ".b' sab'al (KP.Lt), SiJ b 'al () . h lng, · s.badd~'iit, s.biidd~'iit
soba 'tim + perfect 'even if; sab anna 'humanity, human nature, person, per- sa.s, h (pi .wbM,,'al) ()flJ:''1
sonal self'; witchcraft, sorcery, spell, enc antment, Incan-
.<ol>e (occaSionally 'then, at that time, . , + I ()'lJ:''1+ 'v. per, mythical bea,t with the
when' : lasba'e, liJsbiJ'f 'human nature, incarnation'; tallon ; I -6 _ ) body of a lion, tail of a snake, and the to",0,
)'J'i/tQ .'IObe ·at that very time'; lasba'/, tasab'OI 'assumption of human nature, mo bS (K), masob"i, p. ma.<a .
,•. O ~"ran
' (D,. arms and head of a man',
sohe-ssa 'when, however'; masiibJ' (T) 'one who casts spells, WIZard, magi-
human nature, manhood, incarnation, Incar- from Ar. Jibdj, 'seorplon'~ al\o In Amh. siih,iJd.J,dt
.<oh.. -ha 'at that time, then, instantly, immedi- nation of Christ celebrated the 29th of Magga_ cian, exorcist',
bit. (from Geez); see M Cohen, BSL .11 (19311. 39-40,
ately, forthwith, thereupon, right away'; is connected with sb' I 'seven', reflectmg the use or Strelcyn 1955:330. Noeldeke, WZA.\( 19 (19051.
sol>a-hl (lI) 'as often as'; h umber 'seven' in witchcraft formulas. For the 404 thinks that Ar iihd,' i1; a Gcez loanword .
SEMITIC: Mh. hob'; 'people' (wilh h corresponding 10
.<obe-hu 'when indeed'; s, sl Bittner 1909:20 expresses doubts concerning between 'seven' and He?, Ih. (nifcal)
la-sobe-ha 'for the moment'; this comparison. , ear' see Buhl 801 For a more detaded b.bhogra- sabboh. ()flJ, 'praise, extol, laud, glOrify, "ng
'.m-,robe-lin 'from that time forward, forth- ErnloPlc; Te.Tna. siib 'man', Tna. siib>oy, Te. siib""
with'l Amh. sab, siiw < sab (for b > W, see Praetorius
s; . ,;,
Landberg 1942: 1892; cp, also Ar, (Syria)
p y, 'curse' {Landberg, lb.
. ) Sh es b
U' swear
• .

a hymn, magnify, honor';
lasab6~!ra, passive; also 'be made glonous',
'.ska saha (It) 'even ir; 1879:56; Cohen 1931 : 384ft), Gur. sab, Gaf. sawwd, sanhii!.i, act. part, of;
Arg. su, Har. usu>; probably passed into Cushitic: ,bb r, sababa ( 1'100 'be d.ffused, be s,hbuh 'praised, glorified, celebrated, honored,
ElllI0PIC: Tna. sabu. fabu 'then' (Praetorius 1871: Som. sob 'lower class (of people)'. sp.lled, be poured, spill (intr ), pour (lntr.), be
44, Rundgren 1955:4911); Dlilmann 1907:405 ana- glorious, full of glory, illustriou,';
spread' ; sabbJ~o 'praise';
Iyz~ !mba as coming from so 'there' and ba 'in'; so
also G Bergstrasser, ZA 1/· 29 (1909). 54 who denses sb' r, sab""'. 1'1110 'make seven' (denomina_ ETH.OP.C Amh. sabbabii 'pour, 'p,1I' (from Geei). s"hbiilre (pI. sal>Mhe"iil, ...hhiih.'lii/) 'praISe,
so from a pronomlOal element la. Rundgren tive); hymn, lauds;
1955:44ff connects -be of sobe. with reservations. lasabh~ra, passive; sbb II, sabab. 1'100 (TS) 'blow up': s"hi·al, (Ll) sab!rel 'glory, glOrification,,
wuh the postposilJon -bi' of Harari. Hackenspill, sahrallu, sabiir/u 'seven' (with a masc. noun); 'ashaba (T) 'be joyful': hymn, majesty, splendor',
Z,I II (1896). 1~8 analyzes JabI!' as ·sobey from lasababa (MA) 'be completely inflated, be SJNJJIIIICI 'magnificence, majesty, splendor';
sab', siJb'. sab,u 'seven' (with a fem. noun);
·~(JbcJy and fOf the ending -ay he compares Ar. sahr-a 'seven times'; puffed up with pride'; lasahbiihi 'praised',
'alii/v), ·i/iily). Hcb. 'ate. Praelorius 1879: 159, n.1
sob., (fern. sob"1) 'seventh'; 'ashab (T) 'joyful, powerful': la.whhJIIOI (Ll) 'glorification';
(follOWed b) Brockelmann 1913:536) connects soba
"Ilh Hcb. ;a~ 'return', Ar. taba, G. soba meaning sQbarawi, sab;}ray 'seventh'; perhaps Ar . .fubba 'be raised. be elevated';
SEMITIC": SEMITIC: Heb. sibba11 'pnuse', Aram.·Syr, .ic,Ml.lh.
onginalJy ·bei dec Rtickkchc, bel der Wendung zu sabu' 'seven (days), the seventh day (of a week cp. also Ar sabba 'be hvely, be 'prightly, leap According to Nocldeke 1910 36, Ar s~Mahjl ilnd
emer Sache', Re.OIsch 1875:107 (under hOb) Iden- or of a month), week'; bn,kly'. G. sabb.1ha come from Heb.-Aramill\:. For A~ . .Iub-
(ifie~ G. Jobo, sohe with Ar. sobbo 'time' (so also sabbu' (M) 'sevenfold'; ha~a rr~m Aram. fabba~. sec also A Flslher
BIIlner, WZKM 23[1909-10].408), soba in the accu, sabra 'seventy'; sbb ITI, sabb., sabab. (yash,Jh) 1'10, 1'100 (KP) 1953:52. T hi I
saUve meaning 'at the tIme when, when' (sah'a liqanal 'Septuagint', lit. 'seventy learned 'go around, circle'; ETHIOI'IC: Te. siib~a 'praise.'. (v.), ~a., s~. :u~
men'); sahiibi (KP), act. participle; 'praise' (n.); passed inlo CushltlC Sil. Jah praise
sob. (00, see slIh, subare 'week, seven-year cycle, seven days, 'asbab (pl.) 'guards, sentinels': the meanmg sabak. 1 (yJsbJk) , (K) sabbaka Mh, (Ll
prayer for a particular occurrence, retreat'; 'guard, sentinel' comes from the original mean- 'abako "-Oh 'smelt, melt down, cast molten
Ing 'go around';
images, make (an idol)':
484 485
lo.\ahka, pa~sl"e.
•f;l1hliki. net. pan. of '\'ohaka;
'asba/a, causative;
- • IfI fl/l4' (K ') 'p,lant, c/ose together, -h<i.
s.bul'that has ears (corn), Covered with ears of ~b.qIe lOge ther , connect, JOin : sahsiib 'marnage, matnmont.
••buk. pass part , of sabaka; corn' , (sab'a sahsab 'marned COuple');
..>liM!.: .. (T) 'mollen image'; lI-ea s recons trueted from sabeq (see below) .
••,bleo (pi. .I, 'casting, smelling, smelled sabl 'ear of corn, grain that is still green but ~a ' , . ETHlOPlc : Tna 3iibsah'marnaDc' from G
ba 'rna ~
is ripe enough to eat'; n'" 'thicket, (T) VIDe, called In Amh ,
~bt'I ~I." rry Is« bclo~\. ",b becomlng . b t"'th to
t' , . -.J ,

of wl, reduphcated Into shJh. See al~ ,tab.fllba 11 ~

metal,, molte-n metal, molten image, molten
!;latue- , s.hlal 'growing (ears of corn)'; arJg rfS a ;
silb/;mna 'formation of ears of com';
,f;Jbkal 'casting, melting'; scnbes Gk sabek, from Heb . ."&ii~ 'thIcket', sabuba 1/ tHIM (T \1) 'commIt a carnal 'In' ,
masball 'growing (ears of corn), cornfield that [sOJnAm h .~.dii sabeq, from Geez. See also sahaqiJ
m<1.1"bak. lIIashak. mashak I, mash,k, (pI. masa-
produces ears of corn, (T.M) bunch, cluster" ;J/, and sabake. whll~ there is some conn«:tion with Jabsaba I. the
b,k,) 'vessel of clay or Iron, pitcher, bowl, urn, , relationship IS difficult to ~tabh\h
stone Jar, container used for measuring mead'; SEMITIC: Ar. sunbula. sabol 'ear of corn', SAr. sibil. ",bt'I ~n.~ (T) 'Holy Spirit'
m,'shJk, masbale, lIIasb,k (pI. masab.kl) Soq. seboleh, Heb, fibbo/~!, Ararn. fibbalii, Syr. Jeb- sabata 1'1/1.,. (MA) 'weave (a basket)',
baltii, Md. fumbulro, Ug. fblr, Akk. Subullu.
' foundry, furnace of Iron';
",beqa a ML:I'IJ (T) 'kmd of
-k- . wild
_ _prune', probably denominative from ·.~b-, l.ib.tI, from sM
from which the reduplicative \lerb .scJMaba 'inter-
SEMITIC Ar. sabaka 'pour mto a mold, cast (metal). ETHIOPIC: Tna. siibli 'ear of corn', Amh. siib~/, ssible origin of the endmg -qaka It IS worth
Ar. (SYria) .takab (with metathesis); perhaps related sanblil. Sec also sablaya, san bill, sanbulii. f,raPO that on the line below, T (p. 158) has twine' developed Or would it be a denominau\le
to Ar. mlaka 'pour', Heb. iripa/s, Aram. s~pa/s, Ug.
mentIOning . b ilk-
- - Wit. h the same meanmg as so eq a. from Ar .~aha( 'bas~ct'1 Note that Hava JOS Con-
spk. Akk .tapak" - - filqaka sldcT'\ Ar sabat a Pef'::oilan loanword
sabIa rr l'IiM (T,Y) = Amh. ziiriizziirii 'place
apart, scatter, strew', I ()'asb., j I'I/ll:, (T.M) 'abara "'/ll: sabi! M'1' (T),
ErnloPlc ' Te. fl.1I.~ahbuka 'be cast (metal)" Amh.
sahhJkii 'make Idols' (from Geez).
'break, break off, deftower , (, .) ~,anqulS h' ,
Hebre" month:
sabel IUI.'1' (l), name of
sobel MLA (T M) 'banquet of non-religious na- -'b
! UII ora
'break in
. pIeces, 5hatter,
• (
ture'; from Heb. j~biir
saba"a II ( I'Jsb,kj Mlh 'preach, proclaim, ~bora, ca usatIve'' also destroy, rout an -
see also sanbHri.
announce, cry out, (GrI68) teach': anny)': pasSIve of sabara: a Iso 'ft ee ( army')' • sob! "fiT (T) 'pomted rod';
IQsabka, passive: lasahra,
sablaya I'IflI\f (Y.M) 'grow (ears of corn), be-
"bari, act parI. of,sabara: SEMITIC SAr s,/J{ 'beat', Mh. Han• .~t'f,(jt 'hIt'. Heb
saMki (pI. sabakl, sabiilcJyiin) 'preacher'; come grain'; Ji'!!f.t 'rod', Aram. i"Pdt. Akk. IcJMI~u; per.
sabrk 'preaching, proe/amation'; I Jlbur 'broken, lame,
the triradical sbl augmented by y; see sabia. hap~ also Ar Jabaw 'cause to cut up the "kin' (note
../>kal 'preaching, sermon, proclamation, prom- Jlbr 'fragment'; . _ the irregular correspondence of the sibilants).
Ise' ; sabana I'I/I~ (MA) 'spread out'. Jlbrat 'breaking (n), brutse, Iracture, bemg ETHIOPIC ~ Tna. SJba~ 'threshed grain', ,\,lbiJ!t 'ubba/Ii
(~oma ..Mala genna 'Fast of Advent'; broken'; . , 'hit hard', probabty atso Amh ,iuJaMdrd 'ChIP,
(ha-ala sabkal, or ..,Mota genna 'preaching of saban 1'1/1') 'napkin, face-cloth, handkerchief, JlMar 'piece, broken pIece, fragment, shave'.
scarf, miter'; mash", lIIosbarl, (Or) mashar 'instrument for
Chns!'s bmh, pre-Christmas feas!'); soda {I$!. ; sce 511'd,
m,.,hak, pI. masab.k, (ll) 'pulpit, (Gr.168, K') from Gk. sabanoll 'linen cloth, towel'; also in Aram, breaking, instrument of torture' ,
verse of a Psalm sung before the reading of suqni. saqnijri, Syr. saqnqri, Ar. sabaniyya 'piece de SHUTlC: Ar. tubara, tabara 'destroy. rum, anmhl~ sad ada ( yastiJeI) 1'11.1. 'banish, eXIle, dnve forth,
bIblical passages appropriate to the hohday'; lin ou de coton, mouchoir de poche' (Dozy I, 630). lale', SAr. tbr 'destroy, rupture'. Soq. liht'f 'be drive oUl, chase away, pursue, persecute, repel,
see also Velat 56; broken', Heb. sabar 'break', Aram.-Syr ,.&or, Md cast out, cast forth, expel, exclude, reJecl. repu-
sibin / ft.1J,) (K), name of Hebrew month; rbr, Ug. rbr, Akk. seberu, ..
ETHIOPIC Tna. Jii"Jljii 'preach, accuse', Te. sabka diate, excommunicate, depose',
transcnption of Heb. siu.!(Jn. ErnloPlc: Tna.Gur. siihara, Te. j'uhra, Amh. Jab. mdada (K '), causative;
'go to a Judge, accu . . e·. Amh.Gur. sabbiikii 'preach';
passed 1010 Cushulc : Sa. sahak ' preach', OOrii, Arg. siibbiira, HaT. sahara. Sec also zabara I ra.ladc/a, passive of sadada:
sibin " ft.1J,) (T') 'dill';
. . , satiii,b, acl. parI. of sadada:
sabike I'I1Jh. (OT 574) 'network'; misprint for sHan; see s~/an. sabara 1I Ml: (K ') 'be pattent, walt,
robr (K') 'patience': mimi, pass. part. of sadada,
transc.:ription of G~ . sahakha. from Heb. s~pa/sa. As . ,
sabaqa / (yash.qj 1'1/1.,. (K') 'leave, abandon, sadadii (Lt) 'persecutIon: . .
for Semitic sbJ.. 'interlace, interweave', cpo Ar. saba- from Ar. fabara 'bear patiently'; also In Te. siibr
cast away': "ddal 'eXIle, expUlsion, persecullon,. oppre~­
l'I'iida 'be patient'.
ka ' make hke a lattice', Sh. esbak 'make a fence,
make a net '. Aram.·Syr. s~&a6' 'interlacc', Md. sbk, sabiiqr (K '), acl. participle; ~iondistress, banishment, excommumcatl~n ,
AU: suhiiku. See also Mibeq.
transcription of Aram.-Syr. s~qaq 'abandon, leave'. sobart ~OC·} (K' T.Sw. in D 1395) 'the koso- d' d' ('nstead of Dillmann 396 masadael"
rnasall ,
tree from which anthelmintic medicine IS 'one who drives away, one who repels:
sobk .... t nflh'l'ol-, see (sabaka I), s.bko. sabaqa" (yasb.qj 1'1/1.,. (K') 'stir by rotating made, tapeworm'; see also SOrtlOr(, sorarl.
S[MITI(': A r f titlla . treat severely, make
d .e with
sabIa / IJ",b,I, ...ashal) I'IflI\ 'grow (ear of a beater between the palms, (MA) strike'; . ,. It'· but the phonetic correspon em.:
Sibsab. I flfll'l/l (T. Y.M) 'marry off (a son or a an assau • , Akk fad; Ju 'extract
corn), become grain, npen', ErnloPlc Tna. saboq"a 'mix, agitate', Amh. siib- Heb Jiitlad 'deal violently, .. (' . A '
biiqii 'stIr by rotatlng- a beater between the palms'. daughter in a religious ceremony), (MA) pro- . ,- I - not nonnal unless one compares r.
mulgate laws' (denominative of sah.,ab): remov~0 bstruc
salida s t'"> 'put In straitened Clrcumstance~,
saddasa 487
dl~rress·. cp also AU. sadJdu 'make a raid, - ~~~d~.t____--------~~~--------__~~___________________________ nq.
punul" ~ abo Rat'lm in Cohen 1970:296, no . 35, SEMI~IC ' PbH. s(!kq 'split' (n.), Aram.-Syr. '>!laq '
ddus (,em. "debsl) 'sixfold'.
) ..
'spht (v.). Md. sdq. ~round', Syr Jap 'era"'l. walk SOftl •
Ennorl( . Tna. sadiJdii 'chase away, send', Te . .Jiidda " - e (K') 'making (n SIX;
ETHIOPIC: Gur. stidiiqii ·split'. Har. Sidiiqa; related ,JdDs ) , . th" mos. along' 1'1: Y Akk. /OPap..
'send'. <\mh siJddiidii 'chase away, let go. send', 1_ fem . saebsl Stx. . _ _ _
Arg. JJddiJda. Har. siidiida. Gur. siidiidii; passed
to soraqa (see below).
!JdJs _( . (~m sOdaSa","), saebsay (fern. saeb- ETHIOPI{, Tna. ,fiirata ~ftoat' .\ h dffi '""-
Into CushuJC, BII.Kham. SIded, Qua. sod.
sodJsOM'1 ~ . fiir" For ·<cum. frolh', cp T~~~~ ;;;;"or'~
sadaqa II (yasebq) fI~'" (T.Y.MA) 'make sal'l) 'sixth ; rOOl passed 1010 CushltlC' Kham. !,f "floal'
.. dlC fI~t;: (T K.M) 'pearl, mother-of-pearl'; smooth, anomt, polish, smear, embellish JJ$JQ ·sixty'; . '.
clothe, cover, spread'; , dJsl (K ') 'Slxfold, , saCara II ~"-L (K 'J 'punfy refi '
, ne ,
from Ar sada!'mother-of-pearl'; also Te.Tna.Amh.
probably a d~nom1natlve from safar "",urn. frOlh'
• saduq (K'), pass. participle; "'sdJsil (K'.M) 'sIXfold;
,..adiir 'white shells which are worked into buttons,
mother-of-pearl', Af. sadal 'oysters'. ETHIOPIC: Amh. siiddiiqii 'besmear, anomt co- "" . A sill 'six', stidis 'sixth', SAr S,JI 'six" the verb havmg the meanrng 'take off Ihe ~um.
piOUSly'. SEMITIC r S . - . - Md . :.11,
,. clear the SCum > punfy'
. H b. sei, Aram. felt yr. sta, 'eSla,
sadoC. fI~L (MA) 'hit'; Sh.M.) ·Ph. JJ, Akk . iesset 'SiX', it"diStu 'SlXth'
sadaqa III (yasdaq) fI~'" 'compress, press to- Ug 11ft , .. , .. ~. ,. t •T saCaC. III (1,,-,,- 'stretch Out (mtr), spread OUl.
probably denommative from ·sadaf'butt of a riffe' - . Tna iJddaJra SIX, s",usa, SilS/fa SIX Y. e.
gether, smot~er, cram, accumulate, heap up'; ETIlIOPlC.· ,~_ G f dd .. H mcrease. be diffused, abound. be filled up be
that OCCurs In Te.Tna. Amharic. . '. Amh.Arg. Si/dUdSI, a. SJ JSla, ar crammed'; .
tasadqa, passive; jJJ .SI:<G' r SJtiJst. For Tna. Jdi (with J as agamst
saduC.f_ fI~t;:"- (T) 'Holy Spirit'; saduq 'pressed together, compressed'; ,oddu'" u. ) N V Y h
sds'oftheOlherlangua.ges ,see . . IU'~ maAn~~.
"A ,.ji,t" 'expanded. extended. stretched out. wlde
Open, diffused';
OCcurs also as .fudufow~)'tin, name of GOd. for which ErnloPlc: Amh. siiniiddiiqii (augmented by n) 'pile, . an omaly in Tignnya numera s • In IJflcana
see Strelcyn 1955:430. heap up (sheaves)'. Note, however, that in the 1(1937)77-79. perhap~ related to .~Ih (see Jafha, below) >~f >~ff.
quoted passage of Cant.2:5 the corresponding verb
sadal. I flf.1I (T Y M) 'weigh, calculate'; saddat nf-:t-; see sadada. sufige fI.'f.l (T.M) 'table on which One places
In the Hebrew text as well as in the Septuagint meat' .
.,adlaH"Q (MA) 'welgh'; means 'refresh, comfort', and it could then be iden-
tified with sadaqa II. "daya I (If-r (T.Y.M) 'be smooth, be graceful'.
in new of the form .fQd/awa it is tempting to from Gk .tphagf'iol'l 'bowl for catl.:hing the blood of
ETHIOPIC: perhaps Te. siiY.I"iida (with metathesIS) 'be a vicllm In sacnficc'
Connect the root with do/awQ 'weigh' (see above),
sadara (yasebr) fI~~ (K') 'put in order, ar- boauufui' See also sadaya II.
With the agglutmation of the rare morpheme s range'; sl'!>a (yas!uh) (I~", (tr .. intr) 'stretch forth,
occurnng in the prefixed morpheme 'as-.
"day. II (If-r (K ') 'help, encourage, sus tam, stretch out, extend. spread out. expand, lay
probably from Amh. siiddiirii 'put in order'; also in . ,.
sadaJ. II (I~lt (MA) 'plerce'; Gur. siddiirii. (V) dominate, .. open, make broad, enlarge. Widen. (Y) be
sadiiyi, act. partICIple; cured, (Lt) be successful',
SEMITIC ' Ar sodola 'rend a garment'. In other Semitic languages: Heb. seqrr 'arrange_ )(t~fJ~a,causative;
ment, order', Aram.-Syr. s<lqar 'arrange', Md. sdar, SEMITIC: Ar sdy. saddii, 'asdJi. 'confer benefits on
sa diu (I.ftlt· (T) 'afterbirth, uterus'; Akk. sadtiru, sederu. Barth 1893: 56 compares Ar. . .
lasafha. passive, intransitive; also 'be covered
someone" (Ambros); related to Akk . .Iedu 'help'
sarada (with metathesis) 'PUI in regular order'. over, (1I) be Successful',
perhaps a mlspnnt for sa(ljdiJ/ (see below). ETHIOPIc Te. slida (sdw. sdv) 'help' Sec also .Ia-
ibya I. ,,-,!uh 'wide. broad, outstretched. Hat. large.
sadla". fI.I:'ltm; see sadala I. sador IJJ'.C (D 1402), one of the nails with spacIOUS, spread out, extended, ample; (trans-
which Christ was crucified; sadiy MY, 'omnipotent. (T) one who IS ahle, ferred meanmgs) open. sincere, gUIleless. gen-
sadam. fI~OD (Y.M) 'become thin, slender, goes back to SATOR (through Coptic sodor) used in unlimited' ; erous, sound';
(MA) cut'. the magic square that derives from PATER NOSTER Iranscription of Gk. saddai. from Heb. J"dc1(IY, (.!.ifuha '"eI 'generous');
10the form of a cross (see Eunnger, ZS 6[ I 928J.304- name of God. (.IJlilho 'smcerely, largely');
sed_rna fl.",.., (T D), sedam. fl."!'" (D 1402), 5). See also 'atador, 'arodii, diiniid, radas. For a (nu-','tilh 'generously'l;
Sildemii ,.,,,,.., (K). sad_mot (I",.,.-l- (T.D 1402), bIbliography dealrng with the nails, see Eunngcr, 5.!diye Mf- 'kind of garment'. .I"jh ·expanslOn. spaciousness,. great extene
sadimot (1.11. .,..)- (K) 'cereal spolled by fog, ib., Strelcyn 1955:80, n I, Dobberahn 135. 184,
no 39. safe ~"-; see sa/aya. breadth, width. capacity; smcenty. Slmphclly,
ktOd of grass that grows to a field of wheat, warp (of a loom)';
IK) fields'. saddasa fI~fI (T K OM) 'make six' (denomina- salid.1 M._N\, (TM) safiidil M,.II."". (K) safll (TM) 'warp (ofa loom)'.
tranM:nptlOn of Heb. i:Jgemii. pI J3gemol 'special safdal (It;:f-'''' 'afterbirth, uterus, coveting, (Lt) sojlt" (T.M) 'plain', ..
kind of ldled land, terrace' through Ok. sadmenoth. tasaddasa (K') 'become six'; fabnc' ; SJfllOl 'spreading (n), expanse, extenslon. Wldth,
ElliIOPIc' Amh. siifad>'·arterbirth·. Sec also lO/iJld ca~;acity, (1I) infinity';
sads 'six' (used with a feminine noun); .
sadaqa I (yasdiJq I flf-.,. (T Y. 'K) 'separate, sads-a 'six times' ~
laJjliiJ 'delay, drawmg out;
split' ; sassu 'six'; ,rdlw, 'asCadlawa hI'lL.ftltm; see jdl I, II. mo.!!~& (pI. mosaf,'/t) 'surface, measure; ham-
tasadqa, paSSIve, saddJstu 'six' (with a masculine noun); mer mallet. anvil'; ~
siJduq (K') 'split' (n.); sadus 'the sixth day (of the week or month), sar.ra I (Y>5!a!) fiLL (T.M) 'float, be afloat';
Saja/(K') 'scum, froth'; .::.., 'outspread place, extension, place or
six days', m'''Ja 1 . bl' ( e'
expanSIOn, (T) gathering place. . ,pu IC p ac .
SEMITIC- Ar saffa 'skim over, fly close to the mJstil.rfo" 'extension, e.'tpanslOn ;
safar. safar. 489
,f ~1l'I( be related 10 G. silfo 'width'
"C'em!<o 10 -
(DJIlmann 40.1). and cp, Ar !o{aha 'broaden, widen, connection with Heb. siipan 'cover over' SuggeSted . , asuring (n), dimension':
flafft.'n', HC'b sappihi! 'flal cake'; also related to by Buhl 550 and Koehler 664 is doublful. "Jral me asfarl (pI. mas/arlal, ma.,a/".>r, "'a- rillon, 5QfJf('rin07t, 'QJpiJr For H(b •
Akl: .rQpil&u 'disperse> extend' ETHIOPIC: Amh. sii/fiinii 'dominate' Praetorius m~fa':;asure, measurement. measuring line, bogen I~S> Rabin I%R44 Set . "'!>PIr, ... Ellen-
ETHmrlc' Te, Ja/ha .~ wide, be extended', Tna. 1879: 81 compares sfn with in! 'be victonous, van. ,4,(1) s of measunng (such as bowl, cup, . . also .ftPtptrr. btlo.".
.fSfor. Amh .fiiff~, 'Gaf siffii. For G. maS/ill; 'ham- quish'; Tna. Iannii/o, Amh, (a)Siinniifo, Gur. 1in,,0. (1I) mean . , Solfiridi M-~-'I 'ball, 'phcrc'
t) dimenSIOn ,
mCL anvil'. cp Amh. mils! Geez ufo 'warp' and Iii; passed into Cushilic' Qua. sa/a" 'be master'. See
also ms/".
/)as e ,
., I 'meter (in poetry ,
)' f~om Gk, SphalfiJia (nom i(,C pi
Amh J/lfh (from Gecz) are so named because of the 'hllle ball' . of tphQirJdion)
miJJ,ar, easure, (K') means of measuring':
"arp\ width, See also sarala III "~sfii! m
""fn "'tf:1 'some, several, how many?, how safarkol, .. fargol flLel>A I (ILeA A ,
much?' ; . perhaps Ar. IHa<:/r) suJra 'board' IW \1ul- ,
, o-<f..h. (T.M) 'saCrifice, offering'; SEM/T~MG tJ 111981 J.402), SAc. '/r-I '', Heb. from Ar. '.'ar0al (of P . -,.-\ qUml.-e •
SHflT1( Ar .\'afuha 'pour' > 'libation'.
,,/na 'how often?, how many limes?'; ler, Z. co unt' Ug. spr, Ph. m·.fpr 'number'; COn. ". .. . p .... erslan ong:ml~ al~(lln Amh
sa/nal (l) 'quantily'; apar , " 'Hb salargal; 10 other Semillc language, SIr 'I'
S- with the meantng recount In e. Slpper; Aram' J ..
~ . >Hpargd in, Md, Sparg/a For the frUit .,. ~..:.
't.tpIlrgJ u
safala (11.../\ (T.M) 'hu, hammer, work with a Dillmann 1907:361 states that the original meaning ",ledI Marrassini 1971 :71-2. Banh 1893:25 con- l_I".
hammer, (H 217) insert a wedge'; 'prominence, size' (from sa/ana, see above) came to
",aso the root with Ar, sobora 'pro b e ,measure,'
,a(elra..\"Q(laya, see below; be used as an interrogative in the sense of 'how neelS c-. Tna .Gut .....
EnuOPI siifiirii 'measure',C .fiafra,
Te . . .afiros fiLe,.. (T.M) ',"pphlre',
masiif'!, pI. ILf) 'hammers': much?, how great?'_ The original form would be Amh. siijfiirii, Har sa/ara; passed IOto ushlllc . Sa see .m/or
'ilS/ilntU from 'il-U/ilntu, properly 'what is the size of 5iJfar 'measure
SEMITIC: perhaps Ar.(Dat) siijila 'anvil', Yem. sujfe,
it?, i.e. 'how much?'; then without the interrogative safa,a [("'.'(JI (lLm, (S~
D I N4) Safata

lP.t.m 'mislead, decei .. e, ,educe, entice, pe~.

that IS. 'that on which one hits with a hammer', "(,,.11 fiLl. (K') 'camp' (v);
e"'en though the Geez noun refers to the hammer. 'il the form became sa/na > sa/no Praetorius
1890:371 likewise derives sa/n from 'ilsfillJ/U, but his .,,(ar (K') 'camp, encampment, ,eClton of suade, begUIle',
, 'us/ara, same;
sofild (I<f.IMI: (T) 'afterblflh'; explanation of 'ilS/ilIJ/u is different from that of
see sajiid., Dillmann (see >ilsjillJ/u). IO"~a;,vti
mas)! . (ll) 'place of camping' (an Amharic lasa.f!a. passive,
(onn); 'asla,a(ala 'allow 10 be seduced',
saf.lyi, sall.yi (ll..l:If , (ltf:l:lf 'hammer, (T) safnag I, ""fnag, safn.g, sofnog, safunag.
(ltf:~., , "'tf:~., , (ltf:1., ! "'tf:1., M,a SEMITIC' connected with the root .ifr 'tra ..'el' Ar , safari, act. part. of Jarala; also 'deL"elver, \e.
IOslrument for breaklOg, wedge'; ,
j ducer' ,
see safala. ""f.nga "'tf:1;. 'sponge'; wlara 'travel', Soq_ sjor. For Its connection. with
AU, supiiru 'fold, cattle pen', see ~hrrassl", ?O.~ '<'Jill> pass. part of .<aldla; also "VJcked, decell.
sa/naga (MA) 'absorb (water)' (denominative); ful';
safana (....s/.n) (II...) 'prevail, dominate, be from Ok. spongos 'sponge' through Ar. sifung (si. whoexpJams It as being 'un antlCO recmto 0 pahzza.
fa di protezione di un accampamento' The conn~. sa/all! 'deceltrulness, decepllon, inducement',
master, rule, become powerful, exercise fung). safang (safang); also PbH. s.pog; in Elhiop-
lion wilh safara I 'measure' suggesled by Fisher 147 saJlal 'decellfulness, seducIJon, enticement';
conlrol, direct, (Y.K) be wide, be numerous, be ic. Te.Tna.Amh. sa/niig. - -
full'; and Appleyard 55 is unlikely. la.fjG.,,, 'seducer, deceiver';
ETHIOPlc: le-Tna.Amh.Gur.Har, safcir 'village, ~. >a-'(Jlo!l) 'deceit',
saffana 'cause 10 be leader'; safnag II (ltf:~., (T) = Amh. yazza kii! 'a SOur
lion of lown' Praelonus, ZDMG 64 (1910) 622 m'-'/al
'as/ana, causative of sa/ana; or bitter beverage, a resinous substance de. . , (1(') 'menns or deceIVIng, sedUCing, en.
stales that G. safar IS an Amhanc loanword_ The tlclng ;
sajiini. act. part. of sa/ana; also 'ruler, gover- rived from wheat, grapes, or figs'. fOOl passed into Cushitlc. Sa safar 'camp'
nor, chief, controller'; ETHIOPIC Tna, iii(dtii, .fiilora 'deny, cheat', al~o
safapa (II... T (MA) 'be numerous'; IIleri (l1..t. (LI) 'clrc/e';
s>fun 'powerrul, prevaIling, chief'; Jiitld(ii (with metatheSIS); perhaps Te . .fOlla/! '8 per-
sa/n, see below: misprint for safana fl~~.
rrom Gk sphalra 'sphere'; also," Syr .fiJptra 'ball,
so~ that cau~s difficulties', Amh, .ta{fiita 'deny fal~.
,,/nal 'prinCIpality, (K') large number, fuUness'; found', Aram. sJptrii, Md, sptra, Iy'; also In Cushltlc; Or, -fulrara, Jaffa/a 'deny ha ..'-
safaqa (11...+ (MA) 'grow Ihickly, grow dense- ing received something', Rcmlsch 1887:]17,
mas(an (pI. masa(anl) 'ruler, governor, prlOce, ly' ;
chIef, prefecl,
, high official, Judge, magistrale, silri ~~t., (T.K.M) safira (I<f.t. 'choleric tem- WaJnberg 1937.14, and Rundgren, OS 2 (IQS.1)IQ.
captain •
a secondary form of ~a(aqa (see below). perament, (T M) gall, bile'; 25 IdentIfy the EthlOPIC root .flf. 1/1 'deceIVe' with
Heb. Japal 'Judge' Iv), Ug. Ii!
Imas/ana 'all"d 'judge of assembly'); safara I (yas/ar) (ILl. 'measure, measure out, from Ar. !afr(j> 'gall, bile', hI. 'yellow'; also Amh -
(mas/ana ma'l 'Centurion'); mete out'; sa/ra, See silfr, and 'as/ar, ziijrii. safata
' l/ (...asfat)
. fiLm (T Y M) ',cralch',
(>aril :a-masa(.nl 'Book of Judges'); 'as/ora, causative; masfa! (T.M). 'tweezers',
ITI3s/anna 'leadership, governance, ruling, tasa/ra, passive of sa/ara; ..Ir (I~e (T) 'stomach ache, colic';
ETHIOPIC Ina. sii/afii, Iiin{ti/ >aNi/ii 'touch lightly,
princedom, lordshIp, office of master'; lasiifara 'take a share (in a thing), distribute, perhaps 10 be identified wllh sofra, above. skIm the surface', Amh. sllfa{(. sdlc1!'f 'obSidian,
(haKara mas/anna 'capital cily'); mete out, measure with others'; splinter'.
SEMITIC Akk, supiinu 'overpower' (so Barth, ZA 3 safliri, act. part. of sa/ara; solor flt.':e, (T.M) safiros (lkC',.. 'sapphire';
"safTawa (K') fiLm, see lo,wlla ..a,
f/H98) 60; also Rundgren 1955:26, n.2). The sa/ur, pass. part. of safara; rrom Ok. sappheiros 'sapphire', of Indian origin; la.ralJawa 'hope, hope for, sel hope (upon),
sJ/r 'measure, size'; also In Amh. sofor, Te. sii/iros; in other Semitic have confidence, look ror, look forward, aW3It,
languag~s: Ar. fafir, Syr. ~apprrii. Aram. somjo- wait, expect',
• 490
sag"ada 491
>asaffawa 'glve hope. cause to hope, promise, ETHIOPIC: Amh. sagg""a. There is probably a connec_

II ~"'f. (YM) 'be late In the morning ....."'"

~~~~~~pe~haps ~)r ','g/a 'kln~ of ""h'
put trust': "g'ad. 9 and I 2), cool off, be cold'
lion with Tna. sagg"'a 'clan'; G. sag"o Would IndI_
·astasaffa ....a '3wakt" hope. promise, make prom- (betWeen
cate someone who IS known by the name of the oa .tagla sycamore' T _
isc.!l, cause to trust'; clan. COmpanson ""th H . ,e. 14g/Q The
,.gd ~"'f:, (K ') s;,gid (};JJl:' 'almond tree, nut ar. Jobla -fi t '
safrf/ii ...i (1\:') 'who gives hope'; ,. sob/a, Te. 1,/., AmbArg.l<Jla),~ ,.,. (olIO Gur
.I,jJ.» 'hoped-for'. sag"'a ~1'O, (T) sagu'a ~1-0 (for ~1'O) 'per. 1936270 and Lesl. u t917 511 ggested by ('<rulh
tasjQ 'hope, expectatIOn.. . ,
promise; forate, pierce through'; t:c: Heb. iaqeg, Aram. s~fdJi, ~)r, Je¥dJi~d sobla could be connected- . - IS douhtful Har
'i1.fO(f"'·OI 'promise' (n.); Sf Ph sqd, Ug. Iqd, Akk SllIdu, slqdu For .!1Id. ('1;oglo i Were to go back to :~/a.~/~ only ir 1U.~fa
Tna. sag"re. fiig"re 'cut off, pierce'; relat_ g
maJaff~1I' 'who gives hope';
ETHIOPIC: /l.(dD, L·W O 374. The original root seems to be Jqd. g" becoming b in sob/a (a d .,.Q, "ltb a lahlovelar
ed to sakra 'string, pierce' (see below). The Connec_ lid, ""
I,d (wll h q) becorrung Slid by asSimilation of becommg b IS not a norman Ph"eao In 1010), but,
lasa{fiiw; (L1) 'one who has hope'; tion with Amh. sanagga 'castrate' which PraetOrius l nomenon,
ta,\'oflJK'ot 'expectations'; 1879:98 suggests, with reservations, is doubtful. qd > g~. Tna.Amh. sog(g)iid 'kind of lree' Ac. saglig 1'l"l'\"1 (T), Saglig "'"1""1 (M) ,
SEMITIC': Akk. suppu 'implore, beg'; also SAr. SlfU E~'OPlt~ Noeldeke 1875 ;39, n 3, G, "gad is an greenISh' green,
sagaba ~111 (MA) = Amh. siijJa 'sew', Or 'be
'prom ise ' (denominative from a noun ·SJ.l, from Aramaic loanword
·v w). The companson with Heb. ~ippa (!pw) suggest. sagli! I 1'l"l"1' 'costly garment';
ed by Dillmann 407 (so also Barth 1893:53) is not ,.god M·f: 'livid, bleary, (T) upset, Over.
com'lncmg. sgd, see t>sgud T{}1-Jl:'. from48)Ar. $i*iltal. of latm (SIKll/aruJ) ongm (Fraen.
turned' ,
ETHIOPIC' Tna. ('a)siijii wii 'give hope', Te.Tna.
Amh. Arg. las/a 'hope' {n.}; passed into Cushitic: ,. TIC: perhaps At. siigid 'langUid' (Dlllmann
sagada, sagda (y>sg,d) ~1f. ; ~"lf. 'bow, bow .., hid' <agli! II 1'l"l"1' 'odonferou, flower, (T) per.
Sil. Qem. las/a. Had .Tem. tassa. 199); howe. . er. sagid In t e meamng . ~~gw, seerns fume,
down, prostrate oneself, pay homage, adore, . be used only in the
10 , expressIOn fllyntaguJa langUid
~ safaya (I',.</i) ~Lf 'sew, stitch, mend, patch'; worship, worship by prostration';
Jasgada, causative;
or languishmg eye rrom Ar StgrllJr sa.~/d! 'jasmme flower'. of PeNlan
'OSfOl'O, causative; (sa.~uIJn origm.
EnuoPlC' Tn •. sag"d·om 'dejected, dUll, glum'
lasafya, passive; tasagda 'be worshiped';
.mjiiyi, sajfii), 'tailor; sagadi 'worshiper'; sogih, sogi~ (\1.U : {I'I..l. (T.M), ~gih 7i''I.U sagil.w ~;JAtD-, slgliyit 1\"I"ft, 'ee 'agia.
(sofaye 'asii',n 'shoemaker); s>gud 'prostrate (in worship),; (K), !ogi~ 7i''I.'}' (0 1402) 'Silly, who doe, not
, slgom, ..gam I 1l19" I 1179" 'barley',
.,/u)' 'sewn, shtched'; sagid, sagidot 'adoration, veneration, prostra- know;
safe 'seam', tion' ; SI:'MITJr: Soq .iklmoh 'gram of millet'
"an$Cnbes Heb. so¥e(h) 'fool, who crrs' •
"/1'01 'seam, stitching'; s>gdat 'worship, adoration, prostration'; ETHIOPIC Te.Tna , .fJgiim; probably from (U\hU1C '
masfe 'awl, large needle'; masgadi, act. pan. of 'asgada, Bil. wkmii 'gram of barley', Kham likemd, Aw
-sagal. 111/\ (K'), see 'asgala;
m>sgad 'place of worship, shrine, temple, sanc. .fimek.i. Praclonus 1879:95 denvc~ It from !{iih.f '>
. , 'means of sewing, place or time of 'lJJgala 'practice magic, practice augury, di-
sewing; tuary' ; ·siigm > sagam , SJgam, but on p. 58 he denves giib.t
vine, take omens, use divination, have dlvln' from ugam.
SEMITIC: Ar 'Iifa (from if.. ) 'awl', Sh. ife (if"') 'sew
masgid 'place of worship, synagogue' (term mg power;•
leather', AU sap'; 'bind', related to Ar. saffa (sff) used by the Falashas); /Osagga/a, passive; also 'augur, be a diviner', sagam II 1l19", (K') sagm 1\"19" 'arrow';
'weave leaves of a palm tree' SEMITIC; Aram.-Syr. sager! 'prostrate oneself', Heb. 'lJJlasaggala 'deal with omens, practtce diVina- Dillmann -'98 consIders It a variant of sJhm K 84Q
ETHIOPIC: Tna. sa/ii),ii 'sew', Te.Har sii/a. Amh . sagag (Wagner 85), Ar. sagada, G_ sogado (Schwally, tion, predict'; Idenhfies It with sagam 'barley', the arrow haVing a
Arg. saffa. DenominatIve verbs from ·S/I: Te. ZbMG 52[1 898J. 134, Noeldeke 1910:36). ."asiigala 'consult diviners'; lip ilkc the barley
sd/illa, Tna. id(iild (Relnisch 1887:296). For 'awl',
,aga/'divination, magic, omen, oracie, enchant-
see Tna. mlisfe, Te. masfe 'big needle', Amh.Arg. ETHIOPlc : Tna. siigada 'prostrate oneself', Te. ment' ; saga rna (IngJm I 1\1.... (K ') 'bmd, tiC, clo"
Mos/e, Har M"iis/i, Gur. wiisifii For the instrumental siigda, Amh . siiggada, Har. sagada, Gur. siigada; (door, hps)';
With ,', see Cohen 193 I : 389·90. The root IS com- passed into Cushilic : Sa.Af. sagad. On G. masgid, (sab'a sagal 'Magi');
lasagma (K'), pasSIVe; also 'be mute, be
mon WIth Cushitlc: Sa. sa/o 'basket, wicker-work', see above. raga/iit (pI. of saga/) 'magical Instruments';
SII.Qua. saba, Qem. Sowa, while in languages, such sagaiiiw; 'pertaining to diviners, magiCian';
as Mo . sippi-ye '5("\1.", Glm . sip, the root is taken sag"ada I (11..1. (H) 'beat, bend'; "gum 'mute, dumb, (K) bound, closed';
masagg,' 'magician, diviner, soolhsayer';
from Amh . siiffa. If 'basket' IS to be connected with SJg",d (T) 'turned upside down'; s>gmat 'dumbness',
ETHJOPlc ' Te. sab sagiil 'magIcians', Amh. siJb'Q
the root 'sew, weave', cpo also Te.Tna. sa/>i 'basket', SI-MITIC: Ar. 'asga",. 'a:gam 'camel that docs not
Soq. ",-<eft, Ar (Oman) sulf See also masfet. ETHIOPIC: Te. siigada (not sagMiida as given in d'Ab. siigiil'the Magi' (from Geez), Gur. siix"iirar 'magI-
CIan, sorcerer'. Practorius 1879: 70, n. I compares.
produce a sound', Ar. (Yemen) ,aggam 'half ~Iose
badie) 'hit with the fist', rna. siig"iidii 'stamp the the eyes' (Rossi 223), PbH. Amm, Slggem JOin,
soga (l1; see Sh'g. ground', Amh. siigg"iidii 'beat, hit hard ', siiriiggMiidii WJ!h reservations, G. >osgula WIth Amh. iiifloggiilii ,
'cajole, propitiate, appease the spirits' ufllte . .
'mark by pressing', It is unlikely that G. sag"ada is ETHIOPIC ReiOlsch 1885 : 125 compares Qua jlgem
sag"i ~~ (It) 'surname'; the origmal fonn of sagatkJ (see above), as suggested 'be silent, hold one's tongue'
by Noeldeke 1910:36. ..gli (pI. sagal,w, sagliiyat) 1'1.,,\ 'fig tree,
sycamore' ,.
sag"ama 1\.,..... (MA) 'hit, beat'.
I ,.,bob' 493
,agana 1'11) (K') 'be handsome, be adorned, I'IIJA-r (Lt) 'smooth, easy';
- <IIl1
be decorated'; ,lawshaOb 'magical invocation', lir. 'prayer siihk 'roughness rugg d
fern . of ·silhul, from Ar. sahil, sahl 'smooth, easy'.
Iia 0 cti~n [demons])';
.'lagani, masgani (K·) 'who is handsome or f atlra , ish. SCurf" , • e ness, CoaNenes\ blern.
decorated'; ..""c Ar. sahaba
o 'drag, pull, Soq . s~ob, Heb .
sohm 1'I1J9" (D,T+) 'arrow'; .
p'" Md Ph. slib. ' ..
s.!rk~l . 'roughness,
ruggedness' ;
ETHIOPIC ' Amh. idgganii 'be handsome'.
from Ar. sahm 'arrow, share, lot'; also in Te. siiharn ,;hog, . Tna. siihabd 'drag, pull , Te. sahaba, Arg. 'as~akl, mas/lak, act. part. of 'ashaka '
OPl . ,
sagano 1'11'1' (DT), sagno 1'1"1'1' (T) 'ostrich'; 'lot', Som.Af. siimi. See also sam~m, sagam II. 6tW , C.Am h.GaLGuL saba; probably also Har.
,;IIah o SE>lll1c: BrOCkelmann 1908 .'71
AT. hosaka 'rOUgh' .... ; compares It \\llh
ETHJOPIC Te. sagan 'ostrich', Tna. sagdn, sagon, sahap I'IUT (MA) 'fish', ·jkabo.
• • . Ullng, thlsUe (With metathesis).
sagMiin, Amh. siig"'iin; from Cushitic: Bil. sagan, I
Kham. sag/inti Qua.Aw. sagana (so also Brockel- sahapa I'IUT (MA) 'sacrifice'; ,i~baba ' see siihbaba. s8\lala (Y,s/lal ) t'I"'ll 'sha rpen';
mann 1950:25). 'asirala (K '), causative;
perhaps connected with salapa I, sarapa flt\T I flt::T ( "shag) 1'1"'7 (K*.Y.M) 'lament, sob IQSilb!a, passive;
"haga ) . f 1"
saganna! 1'I1)-r (K ') 'balcony'; by confusing the letters h, I, r. i .' [ be sorrow u , sahiili (K ') 'Who sharpens';
probably from Amh. sdgiinniit 'watchtower'; also in . bl ?, ashag, (Lt) rnashag 'sorrow, mourn- s.irul 'sharp, sharpened';
sahapa I'IUt. (MA) 'take a rest';
Tna. sdgdnniil.
sahapu (MA) 'rest';
""shag, mtation gn'ef, funeral dirge, (K *) place
ng lamen '. h sa!I'a~ 'shar~ning (n), sharp edge, point';
I, I entation IS held' ; note t at the As- mas&al (Lt) means of sharpening, whetstone';
sag"ara 1'11-': (D.Y) 'perforate'; is there any connection with saral!a I, below, by where am 8b 'I
confusing the letters h V and r £? mara B1·ble has in Jer. 16; • era
salay lOuse SEMlTIC : Ar. sanata 'sha\e off, peel, scrape olf', Sh.
Dlllmann 398 states that sag"'ara is a variant of of dlinking, house of feastmg . s~/QI·scratcb. grind a knife' (probabl\' from ArabIC)
saq~ara. In fact the Asmara Bible has saqk'ara
sohi! 1'I~1' (P, reprint), so~i! I'Im.1' (P, origi- · Tna
ETHIOPI C. ' (Id)sdhagii
• 'pant', GUL (alsagii Akk . ....Iu 'sharpen'; to be conn';ted WIth Heb:
(Ez, 23:25), for which see below. nal) = Amh. zanb 'fly'. sob ' See also sahaga
'pant,. . II. irla~ (":lth metathesis) 'javelin'. Ar. silii~ 'weapon',
Ug. s!.~ s~ord'. For the relation between 'be sharp'
sog".rd, sag".rd, sag"arad I'11'Cf; I I'11'Cf; I
1'11-,:f;, (T) sog"rad 1'11',:f; 'leek, scallion';
sohya, see sl}y Ill. "".g.1I (yas~ag) 1'1"'7 (Y) 'be emaciated, be and Javelin, spear. sword', cpo Te. biilah 'spear'
from biil 'be sharp'. For Indo-European, see Buck
u~d up, be worn out, be coarse, become 1390.
ErnloPIC: Tna. slJg"'ilrti, iongurti 'onion', Te. silgurl. se~a 1\"'; see syl}.
wOlSe'; ) ) 'I '
silgilr 'leek', Amh.Arg. silnkurt 'onion', Amh. also
,.shag, mashag (pI. masii!ragr ,(L mas .l~g a ETHIOPI('; Tna. sii~alii 'sharpen' (also siillJ~a 'be
silng"ilrt (d'Abbadie). Gaf. sunkurt. Har. filnkurra; si~ I It,},; see say~a II. sharp'), Te. sii~Jala, Amh. sala, Cur. sala 'locally
also in Cushitic: Bil. sugur/i. Oem. iingurCi, Qab.Al.
wor~·out covering, coarse carpet, monk s or
made razor'. A secondary form from ",fJbu/'sharp'
iunkurla. Dillmann 398 derives G. sagk'ard from Gk. si~ II It,}, (T), ~i~ it'}' (D) 'thousand'; mourner's clothes, rags, tatters';
> sui developed ill Amh. so/ii 'be Sharp', Arg. ~'ola,
skorodon 'garlic'. Brockelmann 1950:300 thinks that from Amh. ii, iilh, of Cushitic origin. auld possibly be combined with sahaga I, that is, GUI. (Zway) lulu 'pegf sharp pOint'; passed into
the Semitic·Ethiopic root is borrowed from Cushit. 'e00 emaciated through sorrow,, as In ' A mI1.
Cushitic: Be. sehal 'sharpen', Kham. sabel, sil.
ie. Conti Rossini 1912:246 seems to be of the same sa~aba (yas~ab) 1'1"'0 'draw, pull, drag along, g'asiiqqiilii 'become thin because or difficulties or
opinIon. See also Beguinot 521. misfortune'. See also masag.
lead, catch, attract, summon (demons), lure, shl,
, see mashiil
. 9"1'I"'A,
protract, draw out';
sagsas 1'1"11'11'1 (Sw. in 0 1395) 'kind of eu- )asl}aba (K*), causative; sa~aga 1IJ (yas~ag) 1'1"'1 (K*) 'insert, stick m,
phorbia ';
tasal}ba, passive; enclose (livestock), tie onto (in making a roof,
a mat)';
, """'A 'the planet Saturn';
seems to be a misprint in comparison with SO!QSilS lasii~aba (GrA53) 'be dragged forcibly, be at- variant of =u~ral (see below).
~lJlnn 'euphorbia', the nJ !a of which was misread tracted together' (used in magical formulas); mashiig (K') 'enclosure (for cattle), fortifica-
for '? g•. siiblala 'l,},1lIl (K '), siihlala ~1I1'l1l (T) 'be dry,
sahiibi, participle of sa~aba; tion, (T) shelter made of straw';
(sa~abe baql [Lt] 'who drives a mule'); be' hard like a razor or iron';
sogyik (\"1," (T+) 'plain where jackals live', ETHIOPIC : Te . .fii~lilg 'rope with which the tongue of
sahub, pass. parr. of sa~aba; asacrificial animal is tied to the lower jaw\ Amh. Ihe meaning 'be dry' is also cxpres$('d by .t~1I J.
siihbo 'l1J1l (T) 'fresh dung'; sa~bar, verbal noun of sahaba; saga 'insert', ffl3sag 'enclosure for animals', milshag
see also sabo. tasal}abi'drawn'; Ifrom Geez).
shU I 'ansiihlala h')'l.nllll 'wear oul by use,
rnas~ab 'shovel';
~~k. (yas/Jak) /'l,l,Il, (T) sohka I'IlJh 'be
r~b O;tI by l;eading, (T.Y.M) become dried out,
sohbo 1'1011 (Lt) 'slow fire'; rnashab (K *. Lt) 'one who pulls, one who wither' ;
causes to pull'; roarse, be rough, be rugged, be scabrous, be-
SEMITIC: perhaps related to sbb: Ar. fabba 'burn , , .

(fire)" Heb. sa~f!! 'spark', Aram. sagiN, Md. (rnas~aba ·agiinanl 'one who summons de- come hoarse, (T) be itchy. be peeled off here SEMITIC: perhaps AI. slf in mm-liU'consumpuve ; In
mons'); and there" , this case G. s~lll would be augmented by ~I. C
iambiba, Akk. iababu, "etwa 'ghihen'" (von Soden
(118). rnas~iib 'means of pulling or making pull, I 'ashaka 'make rough, make sea brous, peel here ETHIOPIC: perhaps s/l augmented b7 ~, an~. "/~'
and there'·, A h ··I""d 'be withered, paralyzed, Tna. sola ,
extraction, (Gr.163) attraction';
Te.m siilala
. sa a d
'paralY2ed'. For 'be. I' S\,'e ,also
rled ou.
""uk 'rough, rugged, scabrous'; sii~lala, above, and s~/w.
-- ---- 494~____________________________~S='~~'~!~
,hI! II, 'an,iihlal. h1 ... ,),t\t\ (T YK) 'go 10 and
las"hla 'go astray, miss (a target, an aim),;
rio. 1t1\" .... hC'~-C' and (here, he- inciled. dance and
sing. arn\c,.' .5ouJdcnly·;
.\·a~uili, act. part. of siJ~l/a,
.1·iJ!lUf'who is In error, erring, misguided
/I (yashal) /'I"'m (T) 'spread, dlsseml_
verb of state, while g"iidda ' ha ' .
Ihl' b3""~· J11cmmf! I!'. that of movement: rcrhaps J , hve verb; rm 1$ J transi •
misled, induced into error':
robab IY to be identified
,. .
with sa~'Q!a
I, developed
rOOI sll.lUgmcntcd l'!\ h Amh. ,\ ul.lll alii. l(jfl~·lllliilii .willI 'error, sin', P
[romle h meaning
_ , mClte a quarre > sprca ,sepa- SEMITIC Ar salJii (shr, 'take off h . . ,
' run hCf(, ,Ind thL'IC" Tna . _\tillill biila 'dance s.lhil

'error, deceit'; rate, disseminate . . (n.f'al) 'be scrape'd aWay '
.' hy Heb.
SJ~l/al error, transgression, gOing astray,
' .
miS. ETHIOPIC ' Amh. siiha s~ha ' bl . h
. hl! III ' h,)"',),M (T.Y.M) 'kISS a
prll.'"I 's cws~ M hand' ,
lake, seduction': "',
hit nA'I' (T) = Amh. =~g~!la 'kind of tree';
defect' ' emlS , Imperfection.
'w·fuiti. mas~ali, part. of las~lata: also 'de. I fort hIS. tree , see Streleyn 1973, no , 68.
so~akot. 11"'''1-; see sankal .
ceiver, seducer': a
. .... h1"',),t\m (T,YM), same
. .. , ·.nsahl
h (yashaw) /'I,),m, (L) sa~awa /'I"'OJ 'be
meanmg, as shll I 'seducer, deceiver, erring,
impostor' ; fallaCious , SOW.. b d
' ded be expanded, e sprea out, e dlS-
b s.>~na, sahano (YJShan ) n1) . "..,} (T) h
/'I",)' - - ' , s a .na
exlen , ) (I' 'd) ( warm oneself, become warm' '
sahlih.i "',l.~'f (It) 'kllld of rug'; 1II0.l'ii(1I (KG) 'ruin, damage'; d be scatlered, (K 0 run IqUl , T) be
drag along, crawl, (K 0) languish, 'aslJana (K'.Gr) 'warm, heal, kindl,'a fire"
Ihc I(lrm Indll\1h.'\ ·somethlng pertaining to ,fii~r SLMITI(".· SAr, S/~1f 'defeat, throw into disorder', rag , . )' h
ve slowly, drift (cloud, mISt ; note t at T
sabun (K ') 'Who warms himselr '
Heb . .fii~Ul! 'spoil, rum', Aram. SIJI 'be Corrupt, be
~~makes a distinction between sa(lIva 'drag',
sabi~ 'incense, frankincense' (the' incense pro.
. I. ,ahlma
shm . /)"'OD (MA) 'b.: manured', mutilated', Ph. #1/ 'ruin'; perhaps also Ar. sahata ducoog a sweet odor When bUrnt)
and sahwa 'be dragged'; ,
'cxtirpate, eradicate'
( ,111m labbu 'he lost courage );
mashJnar 'kitchen' , ,

ma.<bJnt 'pot, (ll) oven',
ETHIOPlr ' Te. siihota 'be mistaken, do wrong', Tna, 'extend, expand, spread out: (K 0) pull,
masballin (Mrs) 'incense' (seems to be a mIS-
sah.n. /'I",) (I tI 'place (v). Jiil,tat(i, Amh,Gur. sOlii, Arg. siihata, passed Into
Cushitlc ' Bil sahal. dr~g, (TK) have someone take off hIS clothes'; take for s~&ill);
,ahiiwi (K 0), act. part. of sa(lIva;
,.hapa /'I",A IT) ' touch , siha'
, Q"'r 'kind of garment'; SJh"., (KO) 'scatlered, dispersed'; SU-flTIC: Ar. satJuna 'become hot', Sh, .ihan 'warm
oneself', Heb. St1lJin 'inflamed spot. boil'~ PbH, .ia-
SHot/TIC' perhaps Ar soyl,t 'stnped garment'.
sahw 'extension, dissolving, spreading out, ex-
sih .. ha "',),11", (K 0 TM), sahs.>h./'I,),I'1", (YM
CUSHITIC perhaps also Kham. Si·l 'dress, put on a
pa~sion, (KO) drifting of mist, fine mist 10- IJan 'become hot, grow warm'. Aram .•Syr, Jt1hen ,
Md. ihn, Ug. ibn (Gordon 489, Caquot 347, ~ I),
Sit i) :mo, l' h;h.:k ward and forward, agitate, gether with a cloud'; Akk. sahiinu.
dress', Qem. say, Aw si, Bil. sa-s 'clothe someone', -
ETHIOPIC; Tna. sii~anii 'be hot', Te. siihana; Amh,
nih. ><:rap., hrush Ihe teeth', from an anclcnt s)'~.
la,lnlls,lha, paSSI\e, SEMITIC; Ar. fa~a 'be open', sa&a" 'large, spacious'.
s~hln 'incense' (from Gecz); passed Into CUShllic
. . ' ·onJ.llw,\·hi.l
' . 'mo\'c ([r.lntr.), be 10 s.~.!.. s.>~!a I (YJsi}af) /'I"'m : n,),m ETHJOPJC; Te. sii~a (sl;w) 'be extended', Tna. sii~o. Sa. saxnii. saknii 'scab'.
moth..)n. mOH: hither dnd Ihlther. stir, arouse, 'wound, injure, molest, hurt, do harm, violate !I'D 'be scattered, be thinly ~own'.
(T) roam "oout, move backward, (K) pro- (a vorgin), touch, pinch, scratch, prod, (K 0) stir s.~apa "..,A (T), ..~p. 1I1A (Sw. In D 1395)
\oke. mSllgall'" up (a quarrel), provoke ore'; ,~y I. s.~ay. /'I"'f (Ko.y) 'be liquefied, be 'thank, be grateful'. .
melted' ;
'(llHtllrastilu. act. pafllclple ~ ras-Illa (KO), pasSive;
",'s.hsiih, (K) lIa'ah.,Jh ' motIon backward and .\"a~iiri, act. part. of sa~lQ!a: ""),0 (Y) 'disappear, be lost, be extinguished,
s.k,. [ (yaskii'J /'Iho, (T) sak'a "hh 'thread
(D 1395) separate';
forward , mo\'emf'nl, agnation. stlrflng. Com- .ohut, pass. part. of sa(tala; (a needle), string, arrange 10 a row, (It) poerce
motion ', "hIm (that is, pass through an opentog 10 thread),
. . (KO), verbal noun of sahala;. . the Gecz root is related to savl;a ..wyyaha J (see
below). insert into a hole or crevice';
FTHlOPI( Ina , sahsaht ' rub t~o thmgs agamst each SEMITIC Heb. iafto,t 'Oppression. corruption' (Driver,
other' al i.l 10 (UShUH': S,l sa" 'agnate', Bil. saJ.t lasak'a, passive; also (ll) 'be entangled';
JTS 34[1938J40), Syria"her 'wound'. The eompan- "iy I/, s.~.y. /'I"'f 'be dry, dry up';
r Qua Jag Conti ,lJ
089 compares It ,,"h the \00 with Akk . .~e,tu 'disregard' suggested by von 'asaha),a 'dry' (tr.);
sakU' 'threaded, toterlaced, (ll) fashioned
~mluc rool "lIh Inillal n ' AU nasiilllJ 'tear out, Soden 1221 is valJd only If 'disregard' is considered (gold), processed for decoratoon';

upr,:)Ot, Heh. nasah lear 1l\l,il.Y. Ar na..saba 'delete' a metaphoric usage of 'wound', Driver, lb., also also read sayya&a; see sayyalJa II, below.
Ar, (Dat) faka' 'thread, slnng'
compares Akk , iaI.Jii{u 'spring, mount (esp. sensu ETHIOPIC: Te. siik<a 'thread, string', Tna. sii!~'e.'a
, .. IIhal l /'1,),1- make a mIStake, err, 'In. obsceno)'. Thc connectIOn with Heb. iii~1Qt s!ty Ill, sa~.y., "'~y. /'I"'f : I'l')'f, (T.M) sdk'e, Amh. siikka.
do \\fO"g, ~o astra~ . ml (.1. target. an aim), 'slaughter', Ar. SOhota, Ug. i&!, Akk . .fobii,tu 'tear s>hy. IIlJf 'be wounded, be hurt, (Y.T) rub,
The root is related to skk, SEMITIC. Heb ,fii~a!
SCrub, massage';
lose (th. "dl), !!et lost, be m"led. be <;educed, down , snatch away' should not be excluded, 'weave together', Syr. sakke~ 'fix nails in', Akk
b.: dec~1\ ed'
ETHIOPIC, Te. ,I'oha(a 'wound', Har. sel,ta,to 'insert
lii~aya (T) 'incite to hate each other' sikkotu (from skk) 'nail'. ETHIOPIC: Amh . .fiikkiikii
)a.shala 'Iead astra\. lead Into sin. mduce into (connected with 'wound, hurt'); 'thread through, drive through', Har siikiika
by forcing', Amh·. so!ii. sard 'fit m, wedge', Amh,
'osahaya (T.M) 'wound, hurt';
error templ to e'll, clHrupt. seduce, mislead, also JiUlt adiirrd~o 'stab, Insert', Gur. sara 'make 'string, put In a row', Gur. siikkiikii 'drive a peg or a
d=lVe, delude', something penetrate (e.g. a comb Into the hair), See there is a slight inconsistency in the Amharic pointed object into the ground', In thiS case sk'
also Jc.lhuta II translation of q'iissiilii and g'iidda given by T would have become reduced 10 sk and augmented
for "hya. Indeed, q" iissiilii 'be wounded' is a by the last radical. The rool IS common wuh Cushit-
ic: Qua, saq 'weave', BII. sag. Kham. suq.
- .~
- 496
sakinon 497
,.1,. II r ",.,i') ,lho (K.T.D 139S), sak'a (th" -
'pile- up, stnd.', SFMITW. Ar. sakka (skk) 'cut off (the ears)'.
EnfloPI(': Tna. fii!!,'Sd/skii 'crush', See also siikl<aya
IIkra (y.sbr, yaskar) (th.:: 'be drunk, be in- sabata
s d' ,ak"at, sakOI (pI. >ask"iil) (tlt-.)o , A ' - i ,
L1HIOI'ltTe. JJA'Q '~tulT. shove': related to\'ksk. and SiJ.f ( sjilk, below. , (Oxicate ; ".
lane s . IIt'T street,
foru~ q(~al;" quarter,. (T) crossroad, COunCil,
JO~ -1 c, .~tJk\dka 'he crammed full". Tna . sii~.\"ii6·ij. k 'make drunk, intoxicate;
'asara 'kd'
"mh ,Ilik dS-\iikil sakala ()'Jskal) (thll 'bear grapes'; k - . (pI sakart), drun ar , g.ven to drink';
saari. e .n a public square)"
"kill (Gr) 'that carries grapes'; kka-r 'drunkard; sakota, for sak"ara (T Y) 'b '
,akii"'''. (tllalllD (T. MS~. on D J.195) 'defor- sa 'drunk, deun k en, tne . b'nate d' ; becorne a street , (denominative);
' . ecome a sq uare,
tsl, make a c!carin!!'; S3 kur . . . .
the verb is a denominative from >askiil 'bunch (of - S(Jkr 'drunkenness, mtox1catlOn, Intoxi-
fruil)" SiJ kar, SEMITIC: Ar. suq 'market' A S ••
e, ' e. suq, Akk. iuqu 'street', suqoqu (fuqii~
wIth the ('rllg-mallc t:ndJllg -II1I1'Q of which there are eating drink'; k I 187) H b -- ' ram._ yr. luqa (Fraen_
narro~ Brock~l~ann
sC'wral cxamplc\ m Tayy;i, sakir 'drunkenness';
seka'o, sekc~c'u I1.hll- • 11.1I..h.II-, (K *) sekelu q.u) street'. J 908: 156 eKplains
'al.".' •• t (tl>,a'}-)' (T) 'kind of ant'; 11.11.11', name of month; siJkrat 'drunkenness, intoxication'; s q >, s~k (m Geez) by aSSImilation. Ar. sikka 'road
SC'C sa~ k (t. (. S Mme: Ar. sakira 'be drunk', Soq. sekir, Heb. street, IS considered by Noeldeke 1910:52 a Gee;
from Heb, kislew through Gk. khaseleu.
j :k
Ug. fkr, Akk. iakaru. Zim-
" hat t heVer b'IS a
I?anword (so also A. Fischer 1953: 55, with reserva_
tIOns). For sikka in various Arabic dialects, see
,ak.,., (tllae (T) 'lireplat'e, hearth '. m e
. m 39 ,
0 ·2, is of t e opmlOn t
sa kama (rJskam)
• (thou 'carryon the shoul_ d nominative from Akk. fikaru 'beer', Heb. Jelstir.
Landberg 1942: 1954. See also Kaufman 94.
saU'rur r"l/)~C; 'lily'; ders, carry a burden';
E~JOPIC: 'be drunk', Te. saha, Amh. ETHI?Plc: Tna.Amh. suq 'market', Te. soq is an
sec ;lhCl "ldnA/irllr 'askama 'place on the shoulders'; siikkiirii, Gur. sakara; passed Into Cushltlc: BlI. ~rablc loanword. The connection with Amh. iiingo
lasakama, tGsakma 'take upon one's shoul. iakar, Qua.Sa. sakar. assembly' suggested by Beguinol 515 is unlikely.
,.k"jj,t (,ol"jjt) Il!l,o-}o i ((t\\.)o) 'kllld of ant', ders' , See also sakata II.
sakm (K*) 'load'; +1'111''::
In J(lh 411, \\hcrc the Hebrew te~1 has layi.f 'hon', ',ak'ara, ta,ak"ra 'become red-hot
sakata I I'Ih.,. (T.Y.M.) 'pierce';
and !he Sl'rlUaSlnt ha!\ ·ant,lion'; perhaps also sa. <akum (K 0) 'carried on the shoulders'; from fire';
~,.". hdo" Sec alsn saA ~1i'.Jf/t. sJkmar (K*) 'carrYing (n) on the shoulders'; ETHIOPIC: Tna. §ii~ii(ii 'pierce', Te. fiikla 'throw a
sagara 'heat, kindle', Aram .•
SEMITIC: related to Ar.
lance' (and possibly 'pierce with a lance').
maskam. maskanll (pI. masakam) 'pole, Syr. i3gar 'become hot, heated, warm'. See also
sakab., 'alb. ....,1,01>. p,k,,1> (thO, flhO carrying pole, shaft, perch'; ·saq~ara II. sakata II (yaskatj t'lh.,. (KO) 'encamp, lodge,
'he, fie- do\\ n, he asker. lie (Wilh a woman)'; maskiim (K·) 'means of carrying'; rest' ,'
(.il/"-ha I1tl .\1tJ 'aha ....ihu 'he- dle-d', Irl. 'he slept sokor {lhC, wkar Y'hc 'sugar';
SEMITlC: Heb. s(,5t'm 'shoulder', that is, the part or is probably a denominative from sakwar 'quarter'
wHh hI', father ... ·"
the body on which one carries loads, Ug. tkm 'carry from Ar. sukkar of Sanskrit origin (Reinisch (see above); for the meanings, cpo Amh. siifJiirii
'(J.\kil~(/Ia\, la\- do\\ (on a bed)'; on the shoulders' (denominative from 'shou!der').
, 1902:347); also in Amh.Gur.Har. sukkar, Te. 'camp, lodge', and siijiir 'section of a town'.
.\jlkilN. 'H.'1. P;JrI of \/J/..dna: ETHIOPIC: Tna. rGsakiima, Idfiikdmii 'carry a load', iakkiir, Tna. iakk''''ar, fukk"'ar; Amh. also fiink""iir
,."'/'" uh ,}~ mg. t.\ In!! JO\\ n' : Te. fiikma, Amh. laiiikkiimii, Gaf. tiisikkiimd. 'sugar cane' (for the inserted n, cpo also Ar. [l:Ia9 rJ sakota 1'111.,.; see sak'"at.
.o).;~I1f 'at.'l nJ 1~lJJg dm.\n'; sunkar), In Cushitic: Sa. iokar, Bil. siikar, Som.
mQsk~h. mask.lili, pJrt of '«.,kohll, ,akom (t119" (T.M) 'drinking vessel made from sankor, sunkur. skotoliki lllt-.y.1I.1t (T) 'church';
ma\~ab ·genllalla·~ a gourd'
gives the impression of being a corrupt form
""'-«<in 're'!ln~ rlat... In I.e dt"'o. much. bed', soU'asa (th-I'I (T.Y.MA) 'come to an end, cease,
in relation to Gk. katholike (ekklesia) 'Catholic
sak -anii, sakonii (pI. sak'iinJw) flh-'i', (ttJ'i' decline, decrease, shrink, faint, recede, grow church'.
SU~tJH(" Hc"r Iiikah 'lie do"'n', Aram i<lkeb. Svr
IJtab, l -
~ Ph. \ld . .<J..b,\" mkapu -- - 'sole of foot, forefoot, hoof, heel, footslep, (Lt) old (love), disappear, flee'; also transitive
F HJ\.IPI{ TC' ~G1hrl -11(' J0~\n. Tna fokilbil. socle, pedestal (of tdol)'; 'abandon, leave. sweep'; ,aktata I I'Ih.,..,. (K*.T.Y.) 'cook on a griddle,
SEMITIC: von Soden 1139 compares Akk. iakiisu put a kettle or a griddle on the fire';
Te iakna 'foot (of man or animal)', Tna.
tasaktata (M), passive;
... Uhkilb (t11,},1/,}, Ilnst<ao of <akilhkiih
• DWT 4-,. tH!Jer" JU) ·':haff....
"" .I~ 'JhI.~1w IklA ;~klih

sdk-antl , sokana, Amh. sak"iina, liik"iina. iiillOna
of ' f~o{, hoof',- Har.Gur siixona; from Cushitic: Qab.
. suha,mu-ta. Be. Jukena, BII. :;ag~ana (so also Cohen
'dry out, sweep'.. Geez sakP'asa possibly comes
from sk~'-sk'" and is to be compared with Heb.
Ja~a~ 'abate, go down', Ar. saksaka 'become weak',
saktut (K*.T.) 'that is placed on the fire (kettle,
griddle)'; .
1947, no. 265, and Brockelmann 1950:13-14). ETH/oPlc: also in Cushitic: Bil. suqis 'be sick', Oem. saktat, saklat 'base, pedestal, foundat.on, (K)
Jegus. See also sksk.
• till.<II.II. (T) "'~.balu

1\.11..1.11-, see BrockeJmann. lb. denves it from Be. sek 'walk, go', tripod on which a cooking pot rests, (T) peg,
Sa. sig. See a',o Dolgopolsky 99. spike' ;
sksk, 'ansaksaka (Lt) 'languish, pIne ,
away; ETHIOPIC: Te. siiktiita 'put a kettle on the fire', Tna.
sa.kinon flIl.';",} , (Lt) sikinon I'l. t/. 'l",}, sakino see sakk'"asa.
'lkaL nlth (T,~ .n I) 13951 'that IS crushed,
. hat JS bn"'lkcn mto ~mall pfel.~. that is
crumbJrd up, that I graled';
I fit/. 'l"mastic tree, (T.M) peach';
from Gk., skhinos, ace. skhfnon 'mas.tic tree'; see
sakot (Sw. in D 1395) 'kind of animal';
sdktiilii; Amh.Tna. saktiit 'base of a church door-
po-st or column'. See also saktata II.

also Jaqmon. probably to be identified with

sak"·a~l, sak~'a<ant, saktata II (th.,..,. (Y) 'stand (pillar)';
denominative from sllklat 'base, pedestal', above.
.~~I'~b'~ __~__~~~~~~~~::~~~4~Q~9~______________________~
,~t), 1.,.Liitay. -h'llj"'f 'conspire, bind one tasak"aya, tasiik""aya, same ; - \l larn._
a nOlhcr t--,• a solemn oalh, plot', C Tna. sii/iibii 'castrate', Te sa/hat Amh. fro 0\ ____
-"kyat. (K') s.k"yat 'going astray, wandenng' ; ETHIOPI
·/liibJ. Arg. siil/aba. Har saIiiha, G ur. :ii/aha; also alsom SAT. ,,Ih '<a,,~~,
. T. Jafi?!l1, onl:r'inally T ,~. tn ppe.j off'
T ·".'nn-'
soh". I MilD (MA) 'Cui, tear' ; SEMITIC related to Heb. saga (sgy) 'stray', Ararn. ' /dl>a 'rob someone of hIS clothe, • Te. sa/dha 18871 11 ) Se' . e na. lalha). IRe'nls<h
al~ ~a"ka.
Syr. j~~a (Dillmann 383), For the root as related to rna . .fO a1ch away', Amh . .filil/iihii 'c hea t, rob by - e
EmloPf( Te. {f~).~iikko (,tkY I 'be pierced, be
wounded ' Sec also Jak'o 1 Heb. Jo¥a, sec Suhl 807. For Ar , saka<a, see sakaya
·rob. means. sii/abi 'cheater'. "'iil/liha 'Iake off
ma~JC lathes', Gur. sa/abi 'cheater' The f OOt passed
salaka Il"h ( KDT
~n) ' '' alk, go
ETHIOPIC: Tna. siilsiiyk "'iiy biilii 'hesitate, practice one sCc shiue : AI . sa//ahI>(I ' cas Ifa Ie,' A \Ii ....,..
dabu- EEM r. Jalak..·(]_'t ravel. foll(\w (a
ITIC ,.",T road)'.
SQld~ii. J.lI/l~bkk hiil(J '"all ~1{'Iwh
'aL.". II I'Ihm (K') 'look, observe' : THIOPI
'oskollo (K ') 'show' , evasion ' The connection with Tna. so/kayo 'be an. IOto u. _h c na.
noyed ', Amh . .fiiliiiCd, suggested, with reservations fa. 811 sa/iiI>. WII out making nOise'. Amh ,ijlliikii' . .,
IS prnbahly reconstructed from mosko{ 'window' by Wajnberg 1937a, is unlikely. ' I b' II MO (Y) 'crucify' ; ra pid. even pacc' mOire at a
(the root of which would then be skll-). In case Il is sal. ark
an ongmal root , cp. Heb. sa!ii (sky ) 'look ', Aram. siik"aya f(hur (T) 'be broken' ; salib, (T) saleb 'c r o s s , s I i, salik IlI\,Ij I Ill\,h 'ca' \la'
s;>k- ii 'look out'. a aba
related to sakak, above. from Ar ·f / . See also sa/aba and sa/bib. from Ar saliha, Wl lh G k for h In loa nwords Is<c
<akala I (pskl . pskay ) I'Ihf 'flee for refuge, solbib IlAn.ll (T.M) 'cross' (n.)': JSS 3[1 958).153, a doublel of ,ai,h",
10 Amh.,dllk. ' above'
. al,o In
take refuge, have recourse to (by prayers), sakoya (for s(ik"aya) f(ttf (T) 'measure' (v.). ~ sa/aba II
appear ;
sakeza I, sakezi 1'Ih." , f(h.I, (T.M.D 1402) salbibi I'lAn.tJ. salbib I'IAn.ll (B 52) 'whirl· sill . salla, salal,
be withered . M , Mt\ (K ') 'he parahlcd,
nIilskor 'refuge, asylum, haven. Support'; 'arrow, (T ' ) devi,.s spear';
SEMITIC M. Wagner, OLZ 49 (/954). 466 conneclS sako:a, for suk" a:!a (T), sakaza (MA) 'pierce' ",nd' SEMITIC AT. salla 'be con, um ptlVe'
it with Ar suka'a 'wander aimlessly'. However, (denommative); salad_ MY. (K ') ' walk backward, fall down E fHIOPIC" Amh . sal/liliI 'be paral,,;ed'
consldenng the meaning of Ar. sakata, it comes on the back, stretch out'.
closer to G . .\"ak~aJ'a, below. rrom Ok skhiza 'shaft, dart' .
sllIl, salla, salala Il" , Ilt\t\ (K' ) 'oa' le, lack';
ETIfloPlc. Teo. HaL Jiika 'flec', Gur. sdk'd, Amh. saledi I, s"ida, saledii (pI. su/t-diit, .WllacliK-)
sakezi /I 1'111." (L.T.Sw. In D 1402) 'watercourse ETHIOPI( Tn a. Amh. ,fiilJiJlii ' N "'C'
iii,(i,d (for which "ee Cohen 1939 :200, contrary to ~M ' 1'l/l.II , f(/l.II , (T) saledii IP/l.II 'tablet,
formed by erosion, riverbed'.
Praetonus 1879 ; l.l~ \\ho derives it from 'an.sosawa board, leaf of a book, thin metal plate, slate. salama (y""I, m Ilt\oo (K') 'g« ct';
'march'); also In Cushitic_ Be. suk 'go, leave', Or. salla 1'1" ; see sll r, II . slab, (TM) parchment. (T) smooth plcce of sollomo (T Y.M) 'make Ihe sign of Ihe cross,
., akka 'flee' (contrary to Leslau 1979:541). Brockel. wood'; put In the form of a cross, crucify, Suspend';
mann 1950 : 14 conSiders it a Cushnic loanword. See *5OI,5Olil-ya I't.Af 'woe unto me!' ; tUJallama (Lt) 'lake posses\l on of, receive'
also Jaka, 'a H. see say/. from Gk. selMa (acc. or selis) 'column of wntlng ',
also in Tna.Amh. siileda 'tablel of n book, parch. (from Ar. tosallama);
sakay_ II (, )"skay) I'Ihf 'lay an accu- sol I {llil (LI), salii fill (DTW 1073) 'kind of men!' fasii/ama 'greet one another, salute. venerate.
sallon, accuse, complain of, charge (wilh a bird of prey'; make peace with one anolher. (Lt) oow down,
cnme), claim': saledi II I'II\.!I 'vermihon' . submll' ,
'askaya (K-), causative; ETHIOPIC : Tna.Amh . sila ' falcon , hawk'. >Qslasiilama 'reconcile. make peace, give peace.
ta.<aJ.:ya 'be accused', sol rr {lA (T) 'sun'; sal_ra M'" (K') 'be lined up ready for battle' ; make greel one another' ,
saku)·j 'accuser' : ,alf'battle formallon' ;
perhaps transcription of Latin sol.
salam 'peace. ,,'utalion, safely' :
s.kul (Is: 0) 'accused'; SEMITIC Ar. salala 'go in rront', JulIa 'a smgle Imc', (bu·salam 'in peace, safely');
S:1k.)'QI 'accusation, lawsuit ' ; salaba I (yasl.b ) 1'1"0 'take off, strip off, take SAr. s,lf 'facade (?)' (ia'I_Iru salam 'may peace be upon hIm 1'),
ma.,hy (K.Gr) 'who accuses'; away, remove, deprive, take spoils, plunder, ETHIOPIC: Tna. sii/iirii 'be lined up rcady ror battlc', wlama (K') 'place of paclficaloon , symbol of
m.skay (KO) 'court' (Ihat is. 'place of accusa- despoil, ravish, confuse (the mind), bewilder'; ,ulft 'row (of persons), order of bailie, fronl , fore. peace' :
tIOn') ; tasalba, reflexive, passive; also 'be ravished, part', Amh. siilliifii 'be hned up ready for bailie'. ( ...a/wba sallima .greet');
lose one's senses'; Amh.Gur. solf'order or battle" ; passed into Cushlt.
\\hile It IS tempting to connect it With Ar. iakii sulame ·concord., understanding. harmony.
IC: Bil. saliirgo in front', Kham ..Sf/a[
Uk...-' 'accuse'. the correspondence S .-j is not nor. salabi (K '), act. part. of salaba; agreemenl, peace;
mal. It I~ rather to be idenllfied with saka}'a I, with s.lub, pass. part. of salaba; also (Gr.409) salibi MY: (T) 'horsefly'. saltimhi. sa/iimriihi, see below;
the speclahzed meaning 'have recourse to a judge> 'undressed' ; sa/umawi 'peac'cful, who likes peace, who seek-;
J.ccuse, complain of', Note that Te. siika 'accuse' is salabO 'spoils, which is stripped'; salibom I'I/l.tfl'" (T), sali~om 1'1/1.,"1'" (K) 'irri- peace, peacemaking, friend', . .
an ArabIC loanword. s.lbat, verbal noun of salaba; galion channel'; salamta (Gr.161) 'collcelion of re/ogoous poetry
sak"aya, sU"aya I'III-r , f(huf 'go astray. wan. SEMITIC: Ar, salaba 'take away, snatch', SAr. sib transcription ofGk. Siloam, from Heb. mi "a#iloil~ sung on different occasions' ;
der about aImlessly, rush about, (Y) be paOlc- 'draw water improperly', S~ . sIb 'take by force> 'Watcr-conduit' . )a.~/asiiltimi. act. part. of 'flstasiilamll;
stricken' , with allernance b:p in Heb. siilap 'draw oul, mas/asci/am, same;
Aram.-Syr salop, Md. sip, Akk. saJiipu 'pull out' safi~ot •Ill\, "'-T, (T.Gr. 161) salihot

I'I/I.,h-l- 'bal- SEMITIC ' AT. salima 'be intact, be safe', ,fallanld
sam, Ointment, cassia';
'greet. salute', SAr h-s,lm 'pacify', 50'1 . wltm
sallata SlUIIIII 501
'greet'. Heb . .IVilam 'be sound, keep peac~', Aram ..
s~lItiq 'derision, cause of derision, ridicule
- I s cuts ,, s~alla 'destroy'; passed into Cushltic:
Syr, .~~lama 'peace', Md. iloma, Ph. Ug. slm, Akk. h ,
'noICe ,
salii!in Mm.1 (Ll) 'spear, lance';
_folamll. laughingstock, mOckery, mocking (n), raillery'
play' ; ,
il'm. sa'''"liit 'shear .
from Amb. Sa./alin
EnnoPlc Tna. salam bola 'greet', salam 'peace', Te.
salrna 'greet', Amh. j'lilam 'peace', tiisal/iimli 'kiss salaq, sa me ; ,.uata I V fll\'" (K 0) 'cover (a house)';
,,"aqe (Gr) 'derision' ; salwam 1'l&\'f9" (T.M) 'heart' ,
(lit. 'greet') a sacred object'. EfJl IDPIC . Amh. salliila 'cover with a rough thatch'.
rasiiltiqi, act. part. of tastilaqa; DI395 records sa/wan! without giVing the meamng.
saliimhi. saliimyiihi M9"~ , M9"'~ (T) 'gate tasaliJqo 'derision , mockery'; , OAT 'musical mode';
of a church compound';
maslasti/aq 'mocker, scorner, Scornful Who ~It . Olea I term 0 r
rhaps Heb. Sf/ii, tee h' '
mUSIC sam fl9" ; see samaya.
from saltim 'peace', and -hi; for the ending ·hi, see plays the fool'; ,
also qqlahi. ecitaUo n . f k' $Om, sawm (\9" , flCD<9" 'onyx';
orr . Tna. siJlti 'agreeable way o. spea ,lOg,
SEMITIC: Ar. saliiqa 'vicious tongue, viOlent lan- ETH~OP1C. d ' Amh. s~/t 'mode of plamchant .
salmon (fN/"1 (T) 'highland'; guage" Ar. (Syria, Damascus) t-maqla~, t-maqlaz, 1- mUSIcal mo e, transcription of Gr. soam, from Heb. soham, also in
maqlas 'mock' (denominative from a noun with m. ' Te. som 'glass bead, ornamental stone'.
perhaps a place·namc. aslat} (fl\m, (T) sala!a IPl\m 'be
whole, (bYe p~rfect, be fini shed, be consum-
Denizeau 501). Margoliouth, JRAS 1939, p.61 de:
rives AT. salaqa in Surah 33: 19 from G. (ta)sti/aqa
"lata sum ....9" 'garlic';
salmandar (fAoo1f.C 'salamander';
and translates it 'a buse with sharp longue'. For I d' .
SEMITIC; Ar. tilm 'garlic', Heb. sum-1m, Aram. silm,
from Ok. salamandra 'salamander'; also in Aram . Akk . tasHqru 'cine Kampfrede ', see von SOden 1339. male "f Ifill an obligation, finish, complete, Syr. llimii, Akk. Siimu. See also somar. lumrnii.
salmandrii (Krauss 395). sallala u f II k
The root represents a metathesis in relation to Heb. . fect carry out success u y, rna e
qilles ~eer at'. For the identification of Aram .-Syr.
make per , . f II h
. pay back ' receive In u , ex. aust,
effective, som'a fl9"D 'hear, hear of, heed, give heed,
SJlan fIIl1 , (T) silan, siliin 1'\.1\1 I 1'\.111 'dill'; qalles 'praise, sing praises of, PbH . qil/es with Heb.
eradicate' ; obey, be obedient. listen, hearken. perceive,
from Gk. selinon 'celery'; also Amh. salan 'anise', qilles 'mock', see A. Bevan, in Noeldeke 1906 :58 1_2.
'asara 'accomplish
. ' , make perfect, consum- understand, bear witness, testify':
Te. silan 'a plant', Tna. siJlan. See also sibtin If. For the oppOsite meanings in cui tic words, see brk
/I, and Rabin, Orientalia 32 (1963).123. mate, make efficl~nt ; '. 'QSm"a 'let be heard, make hear, bear witness,
SJlondis flfIo1.1l.fI (T.M) 'sandalwood used as a ETHlOPIC : Tna. (tli)salliqli 'mock', Amh. ( tli)sal_
I 1/ I (G r 163) be useful, serve.
lQSaaa. . d bring testimony, testify, attest, call a witness,
medicine' ; I . I aI/ala 'be finished , be accompiishe , cause to be a witness';
laqa; Gur. q'aniisii (for q'alliiqa) has the structure of lasa la, as . b d ~
metathesis of siJnodlis, from Ar. ~andal (see sandal, Heb.Aram .-Syr. qls. The root passed into Cushitic: be consummated, be fulfilled, e rna e per eet, tas01wa. passive; also 'come to (one's ears), be
Qem. ( tli)salliq, Sa. salaq. , spread (fame)';
below); for the final ·s, cpo Md. sandlus. sandrus. be efficient, prosper ;
salali (K 0), act. part. of sa/ala; lasiirtJJto ' understand one another';
salapa r (fI\T (TM.MA) 'anoint, smear (with siliis l'\.'Ifi (T+) 'precious stone'. I sal/ali (Gr. 163), act. part. of sal/ara; . )Qstasama{a, causative of lasiimatQ;
butter), ; lasamam~'a (Lt) 'agree with one another' (note
s,/lui 'perfect, accomplished, whole, enttre, (Lt)
salip (T.MA.M) 'butter'; sol(l)oto r 1'11\.,. (T.M) 'mock, make fun of, accurate (report)'; the reduplicative pattern of Amharic);
se/p (T) ' butter'; scoff at';
"I/ula 'perfectly, accurately, absolutely'; samQfj (pI. samii.f(Jytin) 'auditor, hearing. lis-
sa/ap (T.M) 'Virgin Mary', lit. 'the anointed'; sallar 'laughingstock, jest, derision, mockery'; "II iLl) 'amount to be paid back'; . tening to, obedient'; for the pI. sama'r, see
perhaps to be identified with sarapa 'sip, celebrate SEMITIC ; Akk . fillatu ' blasphemy', contrary to von I s,liiile 'soundness, completion, functIOn, below;
Mass' (with alternance of liquids).' Soden 1236 who compares Akkadian, with reserva- chatge, usefulness, profit' ; samir 'obedience'; 'i-sam;r 'disobedience' ;
tions ; related to AT. sali!a, salu!a 'be sharp. tongued, S3mu' 'notable, one of authority, famous, illus-
be foul-mouthed' . mas/al• (M .D 1429) 'efficient, (Gr,452) powerful' ;
salapa II (fI\T (TM) 'make, build, work'. trious, notorious' (lit. 'one about whom one
ErnloPlc: Amh. sal/alii 'make fun of, Tna. saldla, S'"ITIC: Noeldeke 1910:39. n.3 states that sala!a hears') ;
selpa Il.AT (T.M) 'become a companion' (the salat 'recrimination, rebuke'. Coulbeaux-Schreiber "isl vielleicht der wahre Reflex von Heb. Iiilar 'domi-
(samu(Q zenQ 'renowned'),; .
form is strange; it looks as if it were a denomi- 206 derive salata 'recrimination' from sal/ata IJ 'be nate over''', and compares it, with reservations,
with AT. salit ' bard , strong'. samu'al (pI. of samu') thlOgs heard, fame,
native from se/p, below) ; dry' > 'etre cassant' (de parole ou caractere), d'ou . ,
salala ' reproche, recrimination'. ETHIOPIC : Ina. sa/atii 'be perfect', Te. salfa
selp (T), sa/ep (MA) 'companion'; sam ( a)r 'rumor, news, testimony, evidence,
see also sarap. 'succeed fit' 'aslala ' 'carry through . complete',
salloto II fll\.,. (KO) 'dry out, be withered'; Amh. slil/dr; 'be s~ccessful, finish (a task)" HaL witness, martyrdom';
SJlp fiAT (T.M) 'fire'. ETIfIOPIC : Tna.Amh. sal/alii 'dry out (grain), . 'be ~afe' , GUT. salatii
saliita . 'get well, feel better'; sammiire 'fame, glory> . . , r.
wither'. See also sal(l) ara I. passed into Cushitic; Sa. sala! ·succeed'. sama't (pI. of sama'l) wItness, testImony, rna
slq, tasiilaqa .,. ...1\.,., (K) taSiilaqa "'..,1\.,. tyr'; , .
sallata III (fl\.,. (KO) 'sift, split'; sali! I'll\. 'I' 'sesame oi!'; s;]mrat, ver bal noun of sQtwa; also testimony,
'joke, scoff at, deride, mock, ridicule, make fun r '.
of, make fun of one another'; SEMITIC: AT. salata 'cut', Akk. salalU. from AT. sa/it 'oil of sesame' in Yemen, elsewhere I arne, . ,
'olive oil'; also in Te.Tna.Amh. siili! 'sesame'; .in S"mrota tawii~l(Jdot 'UnioOlsts ;
'asrasalaqa (K ''), caus. of tasalaqa; ETHIOPIC ; Tna. salalii 'remove a plant from its stem,
d m"
samii~lanna (M), . 'm(;;~~~) ~wh'o
peel off', Amh. sal/lirii 'cut, shear', Te. siJI/alal Cushitic: Sa.Af. salr" Som. solid. For more details
makes hear';
on AI. sali!, see Landberg 1942: 1965. 'asmaCI, masma 1 .
sanunana samen 503
ma.rom;J~ (J\..) ' who makes hear, who makes ,

testify ' , masmak 'base, support, prop, buttress ' p (a."l,)) 'south, north,
Gospel reading that is considered tho' b re_ saDI en (semen) (Ion samsim 119"'19" (

m,lJmci r ' hearing. reach of hearing, sense of

hearing. what is heard, obedience';
lor G ospe I rea d mg
· ,; ase north wind';
ellm vi
'southern, northern , /l9"/l9" T.M .Sw In 0 13Q5),
(T) , same as samsoh al ' h '
masmci r{ 'o bedience';
perh~ps to be identified WIth A h
SEMITIC': Heb. siima& 'SUpport' (v.), Aram.-Syr. S.3- .' SOC est ·
n 334 identifies it with Ar. (al)tayman '
SF.~f1TI(, : Ar samira ' hear ', SAr. slm', S~. Sm', Heb.
ma~, Md . smk 'Support. rely on ' ; perhaps also Akk Dillmanman 'Yemen ' with altemance S: / . Praetoriu~ samsa~. m . sansa, <;arne as
samoku 'cover over '. Brockelmann 1928:480 I . Heb. If k I
;§amo', Aram .-Syr. ,rama r , Md . sma, Ug.Ph . sm', 79·153 (followed by Broc e mann 1908 :77) de-
compares Ar. simok, translating it 'support', b~t s~ 1.8ves ··t from ·saymen 'turn toward right' (from semsep 0,9"0, T, (T) samsap
AH . semu. For 'testimony', cpo Heb. fema', in
means in fact 'a trung with which something ~t that does not rot'. f'l9"f'lT 'woOd
sema' iow(», Ex. 28 :1, rendered by Barth 1902:49 n ) lNOeideke 1910 :82 correctly identifies it with
raised, elevated', from samaka 'rise, become hi h~~ ymn. gl·on of Siimen, an d expIams· h d·
as 'testjmony ' ; for Heb. fome 'witness' (in Pro
t e lfference in
however, mismiik 'vine prop' (Hava 337) Would i~d .~

there 'h ..
21 :28), see Driver, ZA IV 50 (1932). 145; cp. also h me anings 'south, north by t e fact that It IS l\.9"o,T (MA) 'bless' (the form is
cate 'Support '. SAr. Slink, translated 'SUPPOrt' bl t e . . I
Akk . siime>iinu 'Ohrenzeuge' (von Soden 1156), th ofAxum, the anCient capIta , and north of
SAr. s,m' 'wilness, lestify ' (W. Muller 1983:282).
Ullendortf 1955: 112, n.63, is rendered 'go up
cend' in SabDic. 138. ' as ~:ndar, the capitalo~ the lat~r P~riod. For tbe semsep (T .Y), samsap (MA) 'HOi S .. ,
'the pi h· Y pmt , (MA)
Te. Tna. sam'e, Har. sa- e noun express ing dIfferent cluectlons, see 'aub, ace to w Ich the HOly Spirit descended'.
ETHIOPIC: Siif1l'a 'hear',
ma'a, Amh .Arg. somma, Gar. samma, Gur. slima. and also Rhodokanakis, WZKM 25 (191 I) . semsep (T.M) 'devil, Satan' ; ,
For 'marlyr', cpo Tna. sama<at, whereas Arnh. sli-
samak, somak (l001J
from Ar. samak.
j flODIJ (Lt) 'fish'; 8~ ;or' the same feature in various Arabic dialects. all these meanings seem to be in th
ma'l is taken from Geez, and Gur. siimal is taken h b . '. c same semantiC
sp ere, ut their ongmal meanmg is obscure Not
from Amharic. ",man (IOD') (T) 'nettle', that Noeldeke, ZDMG 40 (1886) 736 d · e
samala (1001\ (MA) 'rot (cereals)'; ,oesnot
somba~ M"IJ'}' (T) 'lung' ; ~e~arat.e . ,e . sadday ' the name of God' from sed
Hb o •

see sanbu>. ETHIOPIC: Amh. siimmii/ii 'rot' (given in MA). samper M "1:C (aT 574); see sanper. e~11 SPI;tt ; Akk. sedu means ;eine lebenskraft el~
Damon (von Soden 1208). '
samaga (1001 (MA) 'bind with a string'; samama (10000 (MA) 'be silly'; samra (yasmar ) (lr.:, samra IVr.: 'flourish,
be fruitful, abound in fruit, grow abundantly'; somsiili, sim.siili /l9"'11ll. ; I)9"'11ll. (T) 'one
perhaps a modern creation for sabaga, denomina- ETHloPlc: Amh. siimmiimii <be in a daze or a stupor Who dentes, one Who is perfidious' ;
'asmara, causative;
be half-awake" Tna. siimiim balo 'have the eye~
tJ\"e from Amh . sibago 'slring', of Italian origin.
closed' which indicates daze or stupor. "mllr 'fruitful, fertile, that grows abundantly'; refers to Pawlos Siimdsa~n ' Paul of Samosata' the
("mllra [LJ 'fruitfully'); heretic bishop of Antioch (206-265); see EMML,
san$Jm M"'}'r (T.M) 'arrow'; vol. 5, p. 172. See also siimiip, below.
sammana (loo~ 'make eight, make eight times' samr, samar (pI. samrat, 'asmar) 'productive-
seems to be a corrupt form of salIm 'arrow' (see ness, produce, copious produce, abundance, sima! l\.ouT 'cat'·,
above). (denominative);
samani 'eight' (with a feminine noun);
comes close to the structure of dimfll, but the
masmar-a 'aka/ 'abundant in fruit';
somib fl..,"I, (T) somi~ fl..,,}, 'spleen'; sammantu, samiinilu 'eighf (with a masculine allernance d:s is not nomlal.
noun); (asmari (Gr.453) 'fertility';
SEMITIC : Holma XIII, 83 compares it with Akk. soma! I (Iou.). 'garlic' ;
sammiitJu "large intestine'; however, Akk. sammobu
samll 'eight' (with a fern. noun); SEMITIC; Ar. tamara 'bear fruit', SAr. Imr 'produce see Slim, above,
samn-a 'eight times'; crops'.
is considered a Sumerian loanword. Reinisch 1887:
308 compares Bi!. ;an.qi, sanqi 'liver'. sammant 'eight times'; ETHIOPIC; Amh. siimmara 'be a bumper crop, be somal II (l0D.)' (T) 'pickaxe'.
samun 'the eighth day (of a month), eighth successful', Tna. siimarii.
samaka (YJsmak ) llooh (K'.Y.M) 'lean on, day, week'; sama! (1..,'1' (T) 'hump of an ox';
take refuge'; (samun <alat 'the eighth day'); sam>roo f'i 9"CIl (Sw. in 0 1395) 'heart'. could it be a variant of s.3ma!, sarna! 'Heshy tail of
'asmaka 'rest, lean, lean upon, prop uP. sup- saman (fern. samllnt) 'eighth'; sheep, flank'?
port, lay (the head), rely, make lean upon'; somart {lODC~ (P) = Amh, anoqqo 'kind
samanit (K') 'musical instrument that has eight
rasamka (U) 'lean on, be joined'; cords' ; of bush whose fruil is used as an anthelmin- soma! /lOD'I', (Lt) sarna! 1100'1' 'loins, flank,
tic' ,. waist, (T) fleshy tail of the sheep';
lasomaka "lean on one another, join one siiman6wi, siimaniiy 'eighth';
another'; see also sorarl, sobart.
samiinaya 'eighty'; Tna. siim{i, sam,i, s;}n!i 'waist', Te. JiJmiJ!
'asfasiimaka, causative of lasiimaka', masmall;1 'eightfold'; "Hank " side' Amh. sam, . Har. finti . 'filet'. Amharic
samaki (K ') 'who leans on'; simsi '19"1\. (T.M) 'evildoer'. can 'thigh' is not derived from G. sama! by Praeto-
SEMITIC: AT. taman 'eight', SAr. tmny, Soq. leme-
samuk (K ') 'leaned on'; seems to be a n in terpretation of a proper name. rius 1879:95, as suggested by Appleyard 13; rather
neh, Heb. famonf, Aram.-Syr. tamone, Md. tmania, Praetorius refers it to an ancient Amharic form san!,
sllmkar 'leaning on (n), joining'; Ph. smn, Ug. trnn, Akk. samiine. samiine.
,samsii~ 119"'1'}' (0 1395), somsah fl r,,'}' (T) as given in Dillmann 341, from a Sawa~w (G.
masmak, masmakl (pI. masamllkt) 'side, sup- ETHIOPIC: Te. siiman, Tna. iommante, Amh.Arg. . samar == Amh. s;ml). The root also occurs in Cushil-
port, post, pillar'; Gur. sammanl, Gaf. sammantii, HaL sut < sumn.l. pole that two men carryon their shoulders in
order to transport a heavy object'; ic: sil. simit, simi!: For mt > nt, m{ > nr in Amh"
For 'eighty', cpo Te.Tna. Amh. siimanya.
see also samsom, below. cpo a!iJnI 'b~ne', from a!aml: anta 'bring' < an,!~;
for Gurage, see Leslau 1979:LXXVI. See also sama!-
simiti 504
....- 505
, ,
""'III\. (T) 'who denies. who is perfidi- 'unanimously');
ous. samaz (T.M) 'bread made of wheat' (Amh. SJn
d'fo); (bo- K')' lasan'a , same meanings as tasanQ)Q_ sn'y. tasan'aYa TfI')hf (Y) 'be .
( scattered'·, Winnowed, be
undouhted" a misprint for sanLJsii,ti, above. maslimaz (T) 'oven, bakery'; saJI'o : below); it is reconstructed from
11'0 (see sn w,
sam"". 1'19"'1'0 'put a field in good order'. from Ar. samfd'semoJina'. For Ar. samfdin relat'
to ot hS "1 anguages, see silndti/e, below. IOn
er emltlC
"n'; . ,
lQSIOsana a
(LI) 'reconcile'.
from s'.\' (see sa'aJ-'a), enlarged by n.

sanbu', sanbu' f1JlI-h , f1JII-j) 'lung',

sama}"a (Y>SlIIi) f1or>f 'call, name, give a
sammaza n (top"; see samQz. _...>,Ia
t'f'}hll (K'); see lasan'ala;
.. I t k I ' EnnoPlc: Te. siinbu •. sombu'. Tna. sanbu. tamhu'
name, give a surname. address. (Gr) pray, In-
\"Oke, appeal to'; I
on'oa a
' sk penrusslOn to eave, a e eave;
h b' s~mba, •sambo, Amh. samba; from cushil'IC _ 811
sanbl, Kham: sebba, Or. sQmba, Qab. J6mhu; for th~
somOz, sam"z f1"'111 I 1'1 .....11 'reed, tall grass, /OS • I 'take leave of one anot er, Id One
'asmaya 'become renowned, become famous, papyrus, rush, bush called ."dod in Amharic' losana>a a h I h'
h farewell, wish one ea t ; other Cushltlc languages, see Dolgopolsky 94
be well-known'; (it.s leaves serve for washing clothes); anat er , fa 'grant leave. gran t d'ISCharge, d'IS-
()fl,smaya SfJlna 'acquire a good reputation'); 10slosan a
sammaza (T.Y.M) 'uproot, turn over, (Sw. in D . ,. saDhol f1HIA., (T) sanbal f1')OA. 'ear of gralO,
losamya 'be named. be called'; 1395) be worm-eaten'; lss
m ·l·e (K') 'leave-taking, bidding good-bye'; gram. that IS stili green but is ripe enough to
sama)'; (K·), act. part. of samaya; SWO eat' ,
s>muy 'named, called, praised. honored, illus- the verb is a denominative with a privative meaning. . t'on
(he denva from s·/'ask' . (with
J inserted n) suggest.
for the privative meaning, cpo silrw 'root', and sarra~
trious, one of renown, esteemed'; 01 by Dillmann 377 is unhke y. from Ar sunbul: also Amh. siinbiH See also (sabia),
wa 'uproot'; sab!.
SiJm 'name, fame, reputation, renown';
ETHIOPIC: Te. Silm<ilza 'tree with edible frUit', Tna. tasanii'awa 1'f1'ihlD, (Y) tasana<awa
'asmlil (pI. of s.m) 'secret names (of God, sam<uza 'kind of bush', Amh. samilZza, sJrnizza
angels, demons used in magic against dis- 'shrub for making fences' (for which see Slreicyn ~~OID ti~e
'be at peace with, in peace. be of sanbil, sanbul f1JQA.
plant, spikenard';
: f1JII-A. 'arOmatic
eases, the evil eye, and so on). magic, witch. 1973: no. 2 J 8); also in Cushitic: Qem. samazzii. See one ml'nd , be in harmony With. one . another, sanhalt, same;
craft'; also samazilyahu, below. e make an agreement. COinCide, concur,
beagrein , accord, be unanimous,.
. be on f'nen dl y from Ar sunbul 'plant of SWeet odor, spikenard';
('QSmala ,~iJra)' 'magical names, witchcraft,
magic'); somiz.yih" f1"'1l1fv. (T.) = Amh. S8m8Zza lerms, enter into a confederation, be adapted also Tna. sanbul. Arnh. sanbul, s~II"ul 'aroma.tic
'shrub used for making fences'; plant, spikenard'.
10 •,. .
sanuiwi (K·) 'pertaining to a name';
ETHIOPIC: Amh. S;Jmazza, same. 'flSlasami'awa. causatIve;
Snunc Ar. (·)lsm 'name', SAr. slm, S~. fum, Heb. sanbila (}JQII (T), sanbil f1JQA. (T+.K ') 'ban,
san'JII' 'peace-giving, equal, agreeing, who is in
fern, Aram .. Syr. ~~i1ma, Ug. Ph. sm, Akk. sumu. For . , quet of non-religious nature';
som.zyihu f19"lIfv. (T) = Amh. sansaliil agreement, consenting; . . , see also sobel.
thIs blradlcal root, see Noeldeke 1910; 140-3. 'chain' ,.
ETHIOPIC: Tna. samaya 'name, give a name', Te. san'Qwe 'harmony, agreement, unammlty ;
sama; Tc.Tna.Amh.Arg.Gur. sam 'name' (n.), Gaf. perhaps rather siinsa/, a tree of the samiJzza family, IQ5Q1uNiwi, act part. of tasana'awa; .anbula, asanholih f1JII-Il , M'}11IlU, (lI.T)
sam~ii. Cerulli 1938a:83 considers that Hus root is and to be identified with samazaytihu. IllSonii>Jwo( t) 'unanimous agreement, consen t, sanbol, sanboli, sanholih f1')(lA , f1Jflll I
common to Semitjc and Cush.itic: Had. sum, Bil. san, san f1J (Lt) 'basin'; harmony,
Be. sem, Wol. sum.ta. . , alliance, concord, cohesion, Com- f1Jll"U 'Virgo (sign of zodiac)';
mumon ;
from Amh. san, sahan, of Arabic (~a~n) origin; also lirosanii'iJwot 'disagreement'; from Ar. QS·sunhula, originally 'car of corn' (see
samar 1'1"'11- 'heaven, sky'; in Tna. sahan. Kunitzsch 1961:no.275); also Amh. siinbula.
loslasano'til1li, part of 'astasana)awa;
samayawi 'heavenly, divine, celestial being';
sena {f. ~; see syn, sena. moslasanti'iJw, same; sanbalt f1JIlA-r; see sanhil.
SEMITIC: Ar. sarna" SAr. s,my, Heb. fiimayim, ( san l , see above;
Aram.·Syr. SJmayya, Md. fumia, Ug. sm-m, Akk. sonn (pI. S8nan, 'asnlin) f1J 'tooth'; sanobir f1'l'IJC 'pine';
samu. For Soq. 'l'itin, see Leslau 1938:78. thequadriradical verb sn)w, with final w. in relation
EnuoPlc: Te.Tna.Amh.Gur. siimay, Arg. silmay, SEMITIC: Ar. sinn 'tooth', Heb. sen, Aram. finnii, to (he noun san'. would suggest a denominative. from Ar ~'anawbar; also Te. sanohiir, Amh. siinobar.
Har. Simi; passed mto Cushilic: Kham. simay. Syr. Sen, Md. fine, Ug. in-f, Akk. iinnu.
ETHlOPlc: Tna. sanni, Arg.Har.Gur. san, Gaf. s~nii, S'MITIC Dillmann 371 (followed by Brockclmann
sanba! (pI. sanbaliil, sanlib'l) f1JIl'}- 'Sabbath,
Amh. s~nn (from Geez). Tigre sanniir 'age of life', 1928:773, and by Koehler 937) compares Heb. sa'all
sammaza I fIOD" (T.M) 'bake bread made of Sunday, week';
Tna. sanniit 'coequal' is to be connected with s~nn in fa'anon 'be at ease', Syr. sayyen 'pacify'. The
wheat' (called tbfo In Amharic); denominative Geez root is related to Akk . .fananu '(im Laul) Sabbath; qadiimil sanbal, qadiimi sanbal, san6al
of sama:~ 'tooth' (cp. also Ar. sinn 'tooth, age of a person'). It
is true that Sahri has two different roots: snin gl'ichkammen mit, gleichen' (von Soden 1161). qadiimit, lit. 'first Sabbath'; .ranbala 'ayhud, lit.

(M 148 misunderstood the Amh. daffa [transla. 'tooth' and san 'age', but S~. san could be borrowed Gee, (ta)sonana suggested by von Soden ib., means 'the Sabbath of the Jews';
lion of sammaza) given by Tayy.. It is from Arabic. See also sanana II, s~nnam. :quarrel' a.d is not to be compared with the Akkad .
lan root. Sunday; '."ud sanbal, sanbala 'Jill/d, lit. 'first
true that Amh. daffa means 'volto verso il Sabbath'; sanbala kr8S1iyiin, lit. 'the Sabbath
basso, rovescio' [so M 148J, but it also means son'. son'8 nn, I f1J" 'peace, unanimity, ,ETHJOPIC: Te. (ta)sana 'be friends', Tna. sannil of the Christians';
'bake the tbfo-bread'); agreement, harmony; man of peace. peaceable, harmony', (lii)saniiyii 'agree with one another',
like-minded' ; (sanhala madr 'a year of rest [for the land]');
Amh. (tii)siinaniiii 'agree with one another' Gur.
~tirial 'peace'. ' (ba'lila sanbat 'Feast of Weeks, Pentecos!');
(sanbala ma&lil8lva fl'isikli 'Easter eve');
sandaq {J1~"I> 'banner, standard, Rag, (M)
- ~'}If4' (T M) 'make an incIston tn the I "

,tQnharl1 (T' t.... M) 'spend a week, take a rest. prayer stick'; .,nh<J'l' h' sharp Instrument in order to cup sannim 11'19" IT) 'one "h .
Ik~h Wit a from ",nn 'too1h' 0 ha, I,uck-tteth
celcbrntC" (denl)mlnari\'c); Wtth the Amhane sum, -am
'l1 f anhala. causalivc; aho 'keep (observe) the
sondaqa (T Y) ' hoist a flag' (denominative); ~Iood': . I .
Sa~hath'; from Amh.Tna. sandiiq. from Ar sangaq (of I . nllS~1 bl e that it IS a mlspnnt . In re allon to . sanana I 'pm,,,, (J)) 111:')' h '
Turkish.PersJan) origm. it ,S t" h lO With a spelling '''anant h , band -,. ta Ia.'omta ( " ' j 'be sharpened' afllCn
~,~.,. Jdll. {/
l:rnl(lPl( Tna.AmhGur sanhiil 'Saturday, Sab- Ir ~ yd Stlnani (".) 'one \It ho s.harpe'n,"
bath', Te ,Iamhl/I, Arg .wimhiid; from Heb . .iobb61. sinodiqon It <;' .II.~1 'synodical, synodical epis- s,'mun (1\:.) ·sharp', '
SYf. ,fabbtllfi, with tmerted n (see also Nocldeke tles' , ~,h' .13.
, <niihl
{J1th 'be bald, be supple (hide,
J~IO:J71 The denommatlve 'spend a week. spend a .,ther)"; , {,(h'lbl)o' a denommatl\l' from sann 'lovth'
from Gk . .synodikon, same, also Amh. sinodiqon. See SlMITI~', Ar . .tanna \ha~n· H 'b r
cerlaln lime' abo occur" in other Ethiopian lan-
guages: rna. siinNita, Te. s(inhiila. Amh. siindbbiitd.
also sinodos. ""h 'bald;
• h' 'baldness of the forehead,
, S)·r . - -, h
• \: . .,QlJQ", Arolm
Hnlna .. Mp, \harp--t0noue-d' S • I
Gur .nniihhiilii. For 'take a rest', cpo Heb. Hipal. h h ' I ' II co • ~ n :so .tQnana
sandaros, ~nd.ris {J1~C'1I : II'H:tll, (T) ",,01.
. h' IT) 'whitISh ras
on on I e sca p ,
Ar Jof.nta, The root ra"lscd mto Cushuic: Qua. {J"J!'C'1I1 'white juniper resin, (T)
sanbiir. Sa . ,\wl/hot, Kham. sillhit. On the Sabbath in ,anana /I (J)) (K') 'gro" teeth' (dononMau'e
perfume'; ",hoi' ~'},I"" (T.M), sanhota {J1Ir,,. (MA)
Ethiopia, see E. Hammerschmidt. SrellulIg und Be- rrom S,lflll 'tooth'):
dCUllinK dl'J Sahhll(s in A/hiop/en (1963). from Persian through Ar. smdariis; on the In dian 'make an inCISIOn '" the flesh ~Ilh a 'harp
I um ent In order to cup blood,
Janalla, .•Jnana (OK') 'fight \11th thl' teeth
onglO, see LUtmann 1926:416; also in Te. sandiirus JDST fight, plead', '
,andada {J1'S, (Y M) 'throw, forget'; 'white IOcense', Amh. sandiiros 'white juniper resin' I« also Janhoqa.
la'anna ("') 'have (large) teeth, t>c bitten',
from "'hro\\ down"> ·abandon > forget'; cpo Tna. sinodos, .. nodos It <;'1',11, Il. <;''''11 'synod, eccle, ,kora ~'H'l. (8) 'have compaSSIOn, forgl\e', I(H.,,mntlnu. lasiinantl 'quarrel, dl'pute, plead,
s(mJiida 'Ihro\l. stones' • r . ,
JJIIkori (T) 'who ,orgtves ;
siasltcal assembly, synodical canons'; strive, contend wlth, enter int(l htigJtilln \l.uh'.
(mo~~ala senodos, religious work containing It( also sankoris. 'aJ /(/.\"(wnalltl '(IS ltHcinmrll. ca U\J I i vc of laJunflf./ ..
sandal (J1~A (II:) 'sandalwood'; - I

from Ar ~·undal (from Persuln, of Sanskrit onglO,

the canons of the first church councils; for a
bibliography, see Hammerschmidt-Six 1983:
sankirur, s8nka'arur, sakicrur n~''''~L:
~'hM'C : {Jtlll~C, (T) S3nkii'rur 1111]M,c,
: no, ILlJunanl1,
'\\ho gro\\S teeth. \\-ho bUe,",
.'Iallt/tli (1\..)
!'C(' Littmann 19:!6:416); also Te.Amh.Gur. sandiil. 302). "'1111/1 ("') '''ho gr,,,,, teeth',
For Amh. J·iindiil, see Strelc}"n 1973: no. 217. See I~I ,anhr"r {J1h~c 'Illy, (T) nut, almond'
also J;1londa. from Gk. s)'nodos 'synod'; also in Tna.Amh. sino. ((unlin 'quarrel. dispute, contrO)di~ti(ln, I..h'((lrd,
dos, Chr.·Ar . .riniidus. .nkoris, sankorison {J1\1tll I (J1\1t(l'), (It) feud, conln"crsy, Ja\\,ult';
~ndiile (t1~1\. 'fine Rour, fine wheaten Rour'; ~nd.yin 111J!'Y1 (LI) 'fir (wood)';
• fl1\1CI"II, (T) sank"aris {J'Hl-tll (JIm", (Gr.453) 'litigiOUs' (rrom IClJn,in) ,
'forgIVe!, who forgtves, medlalor'; maJ/Cl.\iin,m (K .), part, of la.\"{inana;
would SAr. ~Id/ 'measure of fine flour', Amh. sande from Ar. sindiyon 'evergreen oak'.
'wheat' be of the ~ame ongm? Note that Praetonus from Gk. synkhorbolJ, 1m per. sg. aorist of nfl. SI-MITIC. Ar. llllllhJ 'bite, opr0'll: tp', 'Wilnnll 't/.rm~
1879· 78 connects Amh. J,mdt, y,.ith G. sarnoy. sanitil {J'1 t.A 'ankle-length trousers'; kkortln 'forgive" or s.l'nkhiireM)n 'one who will for- leclh', Sh dnln, \Ion Soden I Itil cl1mpare, AU
B Landsberger, 0 LZ 25 (1922). 343 denves G pIe'. As for G. sank oris, it comes clme to Gk <anii"u '(lin taut) glclchk.\)mmcn lIut, glcKhen· With
probably from Amh . sanajil, from Ar. sarowl/, pl.
s<Jndiile from Gk.~("Inidohs 'fine flour' II is mter. J.lllkhoreis 'you forgive' See also .wnkofa. G. ltlJellinClIJtl, hut 'ice .In'lI
sifwo/, of Persian origin (Armbruster 703; Lilt.
estmg to note that this fool comes close to Ar ETHltWI(' Tna. j ril/.llinilllii 'quam:!', i\rg Ill.l/Jlm-
mann·H6fner 221); also In Tna. Te. sanafil; in
sam"id. sam"id < Syr Jam"igo < Akk. sam"idu. For an ..k~;r 1l1hl'lc 'synaxaflum, martyrologium, nd 'dl'pu t.:', (fur. (to J:it'nalJ'I ,where l l \ paltttahle-d
Cushitlc: Qab. siiliinfilu. For Ar. sin...o/, see Dozy
attempt at connectmg llg. snu/ with Akk, Jam"idu, 1845.203,9, Landberg 1942. 1928. collection of legends of the Satnls" IOto .f due to the follOWing VllWcJ eL pt.'rhap, ahll
see Caquot 476, note n. HarHnlin 'Ianguagt."', .1I1l,in till/·quarrer, (a '.\,'n,J!W
{rom OK. synaksarioll, same meanmg, through Chr,.
sang'ag". {J""'", (T Y.M) 'work, make, (K') "peak, ta"
kJinkiJar; also Tna.Amh. JankiJ.wr. For a blbllog~
sandaliqii {J1~II.,'" (T ) 'perfume, put a ring in the nose, make solid, make raphy on the sankilsar, see Hammerschmldt.SI1~;
strong' , 1913:293. sanana III M) (MA) 'be ahundant, 'peak
heatedly' ,
~ndun, sondon, sandun, sandon 111.1;.1 : 111 saflgkag" 'firm, massive. solid';
1'-1 ! {J',.I;.1 : {J1 1',1 , (Lt) sondon, sondun sangWag" (pI. saniig"Jg") 'hook for fastening, litlkat. fl1h'~ (T Y.M) 'bake bread',
to he Idcnuticd With lmno" 'quarrel' (SCt' .\",lndfltl II).
(111',1 : (11.1;.1 'fine linen, fine garment. Itnen clasp, ring passed through the nose, (T) bolt \IA 154 wrongly has Jahukota flrU... _" for sankO/a,
for a door', 'Qllka/a·, '
cloth. go"n" sonappe 1I~"k', saniippe M"L' 'mustard',
perhaps rather Jan!{"aK"a I 'make, work' and ETlIlfJPI(' Tna. siinkiilQ 'bake bread', Te. Jii"klila, ,\'<IIIIIP" (MA) 'burn slightly' (dcnommat lvc);
from Gk. smdtm 'garment of linen'; also in Ar.
sundus 'silk brocade', Syr J('diinti 'piece of cloth'. sang"ag"a II 'put a ring in the nose', unless the ~nim~ ssnam 1I~'9": (J~'9" 'hump'; from Gk. slfltip['mustard'; also Tna.Amh. S(IIUlfJft~\
for \\hlch sec Fraenkel 48. On the connection translation given by T is too vague. For 'put a ring .a·"nam 'humpbacked'; Har. ,wltuihi (from Oromo).
between Gk nndiin and Akk. Jaddinu 'piece of in the nose', cpo Amh. siJnag 'nng put in the nose',
stinniigii 'put a nng In the nose' Tigrinya has ~abably from Ar - 'h .
cloth', see Kaufman 94. n 324 r . . sanam ump· also," Te. stJlam sanper, ~npir {J'YL'C , 1I')'I;t:, (1I) sanaper
sang"iig"'a 'throw a stick to hit'
altemance of liquids); pas~ed into Cushitic {J)'L'C 'sapphire',
from Gk . .wf'phl'iroJ 'sapphlrc'; \ee wlof, ilbtlVC
- - ---- sa nla", 'nl
... . .
sanqa". (f}"'", 'pla\ a fTIU'ilCaJ ITlstrumCIH
U llmann IQ2tl: 41 7 ~ I ates that the 2nd pa rt Contains . ")'1' (T) 'chIckpea .
harp, RUlr r
saqq ,,~ (KBT) 'the expanse of the heavens':
~Int 'I
the n;-lme I'll" the an"C"n l (,<lplta! of C hin a; in fac l, It
'awmqawu, c.aus:U" C'. rders 10 5;cnk2. the Gk. name of C hina Dllimann . , ra • (I')ml~ 'chess, checkers' ;
sant. " . ETHIOPIC Amh. siiqq, same (from Geez). KBT 245
'ilSUltqQl,a. Jlnss. of sanq!11Hl. .. .lhl) (.'Clmrares II "u h Amm. Si,fqon '~ t1 k', Ar Jarat{. . ng i i/rang, from an IndIan language In deSCribing this noun as meaning ' heaven' seems
sanqalt'l"musl ;an. \\ hn rla~'i a rnU\lc.i1 mslru-
to. co~sider It to be like a wide tent and to identi fy It
fr<lm Gk thlk.rJH 't he C hlncc;c th ing'. Geel.wn.W,iq"' ,,,mAt Ja!ra n (
' Littmann 1926 :41 6); al,o in Tna .
menl' gh PersIa .. .._
comes dme to Aram. ,f'-mi.feriqon 'halbseide n" for Ihro~ Amh. siin!arag.
!lin/ara ... with saqq 'sackcloth ', possibly serving for makmg a
(nqaw#.' 'sound 01 Innged instruOlc,,'nts. " h"h see I\. raus~ 389 (from Gk. hem lserlkon, In a lent
rIa mg.t mU\lcal In frufl1rnt'. La tln llcd fo rm .femi.fl'rimm). See also sanJ'arlq "'iu , , sanit . santi) 1\')" 'the next day, the
bdow , 'n>Y (.em.
mt1.tanqo (r'
ma., aniiqu/ mnwmliqilll") 'one-
II ,
soqa {l4' , soq {I~ ; see Swq.
day afler ; '.
str ngrd tiddlt" (S("(' f\l\\ nc,,~ 40~4L , an,ariq".t ,,'}"':!/H' (T) 'sandalwood' , · ,a 'the next day ,
mara".;,,"' (~'), m,H"nqall t « ir i\. ') '(lnC \\ ho lanl _ 'Ia 'on the next day') ;
suq (I.~ (K') 'market, shop';
rl.I' n muslc.'al II1Slrumt'llt. mUSKICln • . , one wllndcr'i whet her Ihl s is the Correct meaning
Sin,,, JtJn.wriq"'iit IS the plural of Jansariq" , 1b<J·sa~'ht e second day of the week or month,
sanuy from Ar. sliq ; also in Amh. Juq. Te. SQq, Tna . suq,
I ffilcll'f(" lila riirtqatm ' rl.,~ .111 IIlslrunll'nl'. h ' Iwodays'; , suq. See also Landsberger, in Baumgartner
sen<sros 1l.~1I(?1I (T) 'quad ', 1967 : 185.
-Janql' 'pia, c"ln Ihe haJr' Arllh so/wqqa. hlr G "'Y ,,101 'second day ;
ma.ranqo• . .:p Tr Tna .\mh mluanqn. md.f{~nqo D ,II- JO ' mawo c3 I' two dys"
mann 169 drn,cs the r()(lf '-:-urn nqM' 'prtxfuCC' U
a , saq' a "~,, (MA) = Amh . garrii!ii 'cut a vein
. . "')lI (T M DTW 11 93), sanasa
. . JIon n aya (K') 'make two' (denominative) :
in the forehead to bleed or cup a person, place
fi"und' ","h 1he IU'Ultn3ttd morrheme J of the Mll (1(') ',llIne, spa rkle, scrape, polish, (K')
GllLYtl\(' rlOt
rcrhaps common "lth Cu\h.
I, .
$EMITIC.. fro m the root 'two' ; AT. >i,nani 'two',
• tani
. a barrier across a road'.
,mont h o ut, Oea uti fy, decorate',
lin: C):m -tanA;,1 "Hr' Rabm. £1 \) (I%Q), J ~4 /umnsa, paSSIve, '~ond', SAr. tny ' two', Mh. Iru, Heb. sana~.'m,
con Idc:rs (QnqDMJ 8 den(lmJn3tl\c r"um mosaffqo .~aniiJi ( K' ), <let. part. of ,\'Q" .,a;
, n Md. ITin, Ph. in-m, U g. In , Akk . sma; saqaba "4'0 (MA) 'ignite, light, set On fire, fire
Aram . re , _ . - •h d ' (a gun)':
"him he dcm-cs, rcsc:nallons. from Gl. mQUS;_)\ ( 1\ ') 't hat shines'~
"1m Egyptian Ar. tam yom t e next ay .
Te. sana 'Mon d
ay' T ., Ah
mn";'i~a Tho rool ~sscd 1010 (UShlll< (~ ' )
ErnroPIC: , na. sanuy, m .
Ai Qua SGIL'. ""'S 'something smoothed or shaped, SEMITIC: Ar, laqqaba ' make a fire, burn lightly,
llIU/(J, Kham. mrtnq lJ decoratIon . ,,,i/o 'Ihe next day, Ihe d~y_ ~fter' (fr~m Geez) ; burn "

5.1 .... 1 " ' MI (1('), a planl used for ma l lng I !,mal (1 \1 ) 'brr ghlness, brrllia ncy, splendor': rool
" d inlo Cushiuc ; BII. sana Monday . For the
pas~ for 'two' used in the va no
guages, see b/,t ,
. us Eh· . I
t loplan an. saqala I (yasqal) "4'11 'suspend, hang, hang
up, crucify';
masna.,' (LI) ' mea ns of shining, scraping, pol-
from Amh .Ja'u~i ;,hlOg, ""auhfYl ng', 'asqala (K '), causative ;
lip ~T (T) 'hero';
tasaqla, passive; also ''''' in Suspense, depend,
' on",l. " , rl/I rr Y 1(' ~!) 'chain, link', make somelhlng preuy', See al,o san~ala
tHIJOP I( Am h, .\iinnatii 'do somelhlOg 3 ltrac lJ ve ly, probably a misprint for >ap, or the other way adhere, cling to, (Lt) be devoted' :
'aI;]ll.tllla ,I ,'I, "nk bind t<'gother',
I,,-.ansl/la (K' vr!. pa I\e
' a"'ata "')1\'" .( 1 ) z Amh . niiqqiisii , asmam-
ma, perhaps ' find out something In a legal
around. saqiili, act. part. of saqala ;
saqul 'hung up, hung upon, hanging, suspend-
"ppiri (I,(to (T.M) 'rhinoceros'.
Iol.tanlltala "" hnltd together, Ix' charned to- caSt by exami ning WI tnesses, bnng to an ag ree- ed, crucified, dependent, who clings to, who
geth.r Ix' tnle'la«d',
alUa/(pl. ,alU;';o{) chain'
ment (by reco nCl hng conflIcting testimony),
make t"o copIes ag ree by clearrng up the
, ~A, sopu
lOp. , (lA.; see sWfJ. climbs' ;
saqlal 'hanging (n), crucifixion';
lOppu M._ (MA) = Amh , amb"acco ' kind of
IO/t",I, ("'j aCI pari of <lIfISala dIfficulties', ongrnally, 'make bnllra nt, make planl' (see StreJcyn 1973 ;no.76). (ba'iila saqlal 'Good Friday');
"""sui ch.1.1Otd, hnled" bnghl, clear up', (subii'e saqlat 'the week of the crucifixion,
UIIJ Ie 'hnll"8 (n) together',
"ppal.ks, sapp.liks (I$\IIIli\ , IIMIlIl 'mole, Holy Week'); _ _
oun 1\ h n t n ,1,( -J./~;] \~f10US denommalt\-'C from ~~al !\eC .fanra, above. ' ,
IT) crocodile;
0( •

masqal (pI. masaqal, masqaial, masaqlat)

II .. "" .1,. ,..., I.ndbcrj: l;.s~ 19(.41, ~At ).~nit, sanit, 'initi I\H- • (I~ -), , I\~;/' ; see 'cross' ;
, \\ ~'u 19 l _ '), tsll,h Hlrs. ran.,,' 'rom Gk. spalaks 'blind-rat'. See al,o saffaloks>s,
""-' kl Ift~ PbH 1aiS(111 rom liL.-/lii, below (baoiila masqal 'Feast of the Findrng of the
fall. If Md ("fr., l g !irl, H True Cross' ; it is celebrated on the 16th and
lnTa sinti 1\')1; (LI) kind of fl ule', ..
Slppal.ksas MIlIlIlIl (T.M) 'chameleon'; 17th of Maskaram):
I nnoPlC ..Ide c 19 . ~2 conSIders G se: .•I. n,Jm Amh san". see also sappa/aks. masqaliiwi (LI) 'pertaining to the cross';
11th AI1Im "'On" rd,. ID T~ IImh tDlwlat SEMITIC: Soq. slqlhel 'high' (from 'hang up > place
T e 'iJl Uar tl JI l.rudliJl ra!SC(j IOto Cush- "ppiTa, sappiri , ", (L) sapir lIA.c,
11K BI1 UI! J1a. Be J II J II fromAmh Jdnlara 'pocket of a :; hng or calapu!L' ILi) ..per. ' liTto 'band of people, troop, . h'gh position') Ar. laqala 'Iifl 10 lest the
In a I • . '. . h')
guards' ; weight' (even though the basic meamng IS welg ,
....... riq. (I' M ..... IT. " _riq ""(\,:+ ,," "'nla,. """(1)0 (1 M ) ' perfume', from Gk. Sptira 'military unit'.
Akk . iaqiilu, saqallulu 'hang'.
tine ,I~n II en gannent (rom C.cPl!~ Jon/e, Jante j W ~hiller). On )QntQW In
- ..,a
.. 'ha
rna. saqa ng' , Te . siiql. ' Amh
I I1l381C11 le,u, sec Scrclcyn IQS5A29 i Slprihn (lA-toil') (T) 'small lizard' (called an-
qaq. lla rn Amharic).
siiqqiilii. Har. siiqiila,-Gur. siiqiilii; passed Jnto Cushit-
ic : Kham , siqJ. See also msql, and saqala II
qq_la 510
- saqriq ,saqi rir 511
'.q.l. II r .Jsq.>1 J t'I"'/I (Gr409) 'welgh';
,\ </ul (I t) 'welghed', • •
- t'l4IA'!'} (0
saqoppoya. 1402) 'watchtower", -rar
- t'l4't-C (T.M) 'inCISiOn, veIl through
~ b' f),lImann 1199 (under Iu/Ir) from
'h" _
from Gk. skopiii'i (acc. sg. of skopiii) 'lOOkout . h the wearer may see out ut outslder~
whle ~ut rlra d ' . wrtl''''.HT4,
SI\ffTl( Ar I<lqll/a'/:'Ie heavy', taqala 'weigh ' Heb, place' not see in', M. 151 wrongly translates . oes nOI SCtm to hhe any rne3.nmg th-.II
!iiqal 'weigh, Ar;:tm.·Syr, t.1qal, Anc.Aram.Ph. ,fql, may rJg,b given by T(ayyii) as 'the dove's ",?uld go With l,ubr 'C()lll'-, cp. ruther Ar lUIl;3'
>\1.J.. i1lqtilu: pt.'rhaps to be Identified with saqala 1. saqoqiw t'l4I-"'m-; see ('as )qoqalVa. . . which is a I'Itera I transI
OI/la '
atlon 0 I" "rn"
(KalJmu-s.kl) 'lind of tnlX'd dol''')' Or could It be
and (p AU, .iaqiilu 'hang, weigh' from a basIc "es, . ' . , . . . Idcntlhed "-Ith .faal'o I 'dve'"
meanmg 'wC'l~h h) hftlng (hanging), *saq""aq"a t"I .... (K*); see tasaqWaq"'a; /Jg,b meanmg vel , •

FUlllIPI{ Amh . .~(jqqiilii 'weigh', See also saql, be. tasaq"aq"'a, (K*) tasaqq"o 'covet someone's be identified with saq"ara J ' pierce', sUUe!)tlng SOr I (pi. 'a.ntar. 'aswQrut) "C, (KG) \or
'0', bull';
I{)\~ 10 '1
goods, (Gr.410) steal, misappropriate'; Ihe holes in the vel.
lasq"'aq"'a (K *), 'astasiiq"'aq"'a, causative of ta-
"'war (T) 'fat 0".
,aql, -.ql, saqlo., saqlon t'loPA , lloPA , soQ',ur ll""'~C, saqorir t'I~t-C, see ·qorara.
saq""aq" a; SlMITll' Ar la\q ' bull. 0\. S \
t'loPll-ll , t'loPlI-'t 'unll of weight, shekel'; ' . r, ht r, Het:. I(),.
Aram, fllra, Syr tawrci, J\1d l,lI/'a, llg, Ir. \H
.Iaql, .I.,qllranscnbrs Heb . .I'('qf/, while saqlos tran- SEMITIC: Ar. Siiqa fswqJ 'fill with longing', Heb. Swq ,aq'.. a, saqosa t'lt.t'I , t'I~t'1 (MA) 'file, rasp', .turu Sec also sou r
. .criht-s Gk . .Ii/../os. sig/os. For Hcb. Srqrl, cpo Aram. in 13Siiqii 'desire, impulse, urge' (DiJlmann 353),
fiqlii, Vg. 'qt, f",m Akk fiql" (von Soden 1248), Aram. siiqii 'eager desire'. Driver. JTS 35 (1934) saqsaqa floPt'I'" (MA) 'be turbulent, be In a SOr II {lc (T.M) 'breastbone';
from ,Iaqala 'weigh ', above. 387 compares Heb. soqeq (root sqq) 'be Ihlrsty, mess,
ye.rn' (In Provo 28: 15). t
It seems to be an Incl)mplete entry
Te. Sawwiiqa 'desire', from Arabic. perhaps for saqsaqa 'be intertwlOed > be In J mess'.
saqala (pi .wqiiIJII') t'I.,.'1 'oblong house or ETHIOPIe'
sori {It- (T) 'colored cI,llh'
tent, royal camp, shed, tabernacle, (Gr.409) saq"ata. saqota t'lt..,. , t'I~.,. (MA) 'become
large rectangular house', sqr. masqar ODll4'C; see saq"ara I.
childish, talk idly'
prohably from Amh .I"OTd '(,:()l~)rcd doth '; HI ... o In

(.<dqai<l .wllu;y 'arch, vault of ski), CU,hlllC: BILQua A" Oem . .• ar 't>c red'
saq"ara I (yasq".,) t'l4:.,: 'perforate, pierce saqe,elem fl'llm.h.9" (T) 'work of carrYlOg,
ETHIOPI( Amh . .tilqiila 'large rectangular house', . , SOf'ema { (T), ~ar'ema t'lC1..tJO (S" In [)
Tna. saqilla, Te .I~q/O, Gur. siiqala; also in Cushltic:
through, bore, sting, cleave, dig through'; carner;
>asq""ara (K*), causative~ 1J95) = Amh, I,/ms ,111(/1'0 'be a leper', ht
Or .Iaqiila. seems to be a compound noun. 'bnng out leprosy',
tasaq""ra. passive;
sec JiJr·oma. j'orl"tlflla.
saqil ... t'I.4>Am-, see saqalii. saq" iiri (K -.Gr. J 67), act. part. of saq" ara: soQ~s lloPlI\,ll (T M) 'pearl'
saqur 'full of holes, perforated, pierced, exca- sar'ama t'lCono (Y), Sar'ama IJ.'COoP (M) •
saqama t'I"'no (T.Sw. In 0 1395), saqama ","'no vated, (ll) hole'; suqi!is t'I-,4>lI\,ll (T.M) 'kind of perfume',
(Y) 'take pnsoners of war'; Amh. Itimd c1wiilla \kin an ~Ulimi.ll and USC' ib
silq"rat 'opening, aperture, hole, cleft, peep- see sJ!uqii!e, below,
.fiaqima, Jiiqima 'booty'; sklO for maklOg a liimd.coal' ,
hole, eye (of a needle)';
ETHIOPI(' Te . .\qm, In siiqaqiima 'pluck'. masqar. masqar 'ship, Noah's ark (that is, saqaya (yJSqi) t'l4'r, (T.Y) Saqaya "'4'r 'j",_ the Amhanc translation gwen b} Y should read
gate, water'; Iiim~ em'dNa, for whiCh ,ectOr't'nIll, ..tho\c ,
'hollowed out'), (P) window, ( 0 352)
seqemon 1l.'II'I",} (LI) 'turpenllne tree'; lasaqya 'be watered';
slab on which the Ten Commandments are saraba (y.Hr"h) t'I,:n (K-) 'Rood' (v);
from Gk Jfkammo.\ 'mulberry tree' See also saqam- inscribed' ; saqtiyi, act. part. of saqaya,
'clJrana (T') 'cause to stream In lorre-nls';
ros. s;quy 'irrigated',
masq"ar (K-) 'instrument for piercing, boring'; sarh (T) 'bIg Jar of water',
.<Qq'),ti (Ll) 'canal';
saqmindiri, """mind.ros t'loP"'!'}.II.t- , lloP"'!'} SEMITIC: SAr. ,qr 'dig a cistern' (M liller 1983 : 284), "q),al 'irrigatIon'; 'mriih (pI. of ·sarah. sarM 'torrents, ,h,",er,
J':t:ll (T'l 'perfume' Soq. suqahar 'morning' (from 'pierce'; cpo Heb. (of ralO), cataracts, waterfalls, canab, flood
mJsqay 'water reservOIr';
boqfr 'mornmg', from bqr 'pierce', Ar. fagr), Akk. gates, sluices, locks';
Jaqiiru 'pierce through'; related to Ar. tagara masqe. masqel (pI. masiiq"y) 'Jug, vessel for 'a ..,iibiil (LI) 'canal":
saqimros, siqimros t'I.4>9"t:ll , r'I.-"'9"t:ll (ll) oil' ,.
'mulberr} tree', 'break, breach a wall'
ETHIOPIC: Toa, siiqMiirii, siiniiqq~iirii 'perforate', Te. SEMITIC. Ar ,50riba 'How', .~t.Jra" 'canal. HO"-lOg
SfMITIC: Ar. saqa (sq)') 'give to drmk, irngate, water'; perhaps also Ar taribiJ ' How', :,r" 'waler,
from Gk. '.J'komoros 'sycamore' (Hommel 1887:94). Jdnqiira 'stir up, grub up the earth', Amh. siiqq~iird, water'. SA,. s,qy, S~. suqi, Heb. sllqll (.Iqv) 'to
Sec also ,'i('qemon, fiiniiqqM iirii. See also saqiiTiir. course'
water', Ararn. >a-Jq; 'give to drink', Syr. saqqi 'to ETHIOPI(,: Tna. siirdbii 'beglll to filln', Amh. u.I'r"b
saqana t'I.,.~ (MA) 'gnnd fine'. ~"er'. Md. !qa (.r·el) 'give to dnnk', Ug. sqy 'cataract, Hood' (from Gcez),
saq"ara II, 'asaq"ra .,.t'I</>',: 'become red-hot dnnk', Akk. !aqu 'to water'. See also suwiiqi.
from a blazing fire';
saq"ana, saqona t'lt.~ : t'I~~ (MA) 'push'. sirob r'l.t:il (T) = Amh . • mhaeeo 'kind of tr~'
SEMITIC: Ar. saqara 'scorch, burn', but it could also ~.qazeru t'l4'I1~ (T), seqazeru Il."'"~. (M) (see Strelcyn 1973, nO. 76).
narrow path'.
saqinon t'lt-:"~ (T) 'peach'; be considered a variant of *sakMara, above.
see aho ,Jak lfIon siri fl.t- 'kind of color" , sarbab' t'Icnil'}- (T.M) = Amh. amant 'the
saqriq t'loPt-oP (P) 'Muslim sorcerer'. three cords of the Mgiina·muSlcal ",strument,
in h3brQ sirii 'chess' denved, with reservatIOns, by
female singer'.
512 •sargalfa sar~a
qrdo ftC}/. (10..') 'kmd of grass'. sarga (yasrag)
~C1 (K*) 'intertwine, embroi_
,arha I (yasra~) ilCa., (T. Y) sar~. fPCa., (It)
fr,;m: -\mh, ~~do 'kmd of grass': also Te. sardiit, der, interlace, decorate';
Ina. laTJo 'tough graS.5 thal is difficult to eradicate'; s.rh. fPC.., 'toil, labor to the point of e"haus- also Amh slrak '\\-lse', sarraka 'be \'tise' O':STJ. h'lf
SEM1TIC: Ar. iariga 'sack made of palm leaves' tio~, drudge, weary oneself, be fatigued. be a similar development, cpo .~a/om(lfJ (T) 'V.1SC'·, re~
81,,, In USrullC Be. Jiir.:i£, Qem, siirdo. Heb. irg (pu'al) 'be Intertwined', PbH. srg (pi,,!) fernng to King Solomon.
troubled, be anxious; (Amharism) fabricate,
sort'<! (tt,.~ (T) 'hookworm '. 'intertwine', Aram .Syr. s~ra¥, Md. srg, srk. For its
make, set (the hair), till (the land)';
connection with sgr, see sagara II, below. siriik, sirik I\.t.h , "t.t.h 'hne, column. tabk
'asraha 'weary, wear out, tire, exhaust, tonnent,
....ridib ~~1l (It) 'subterranean vaults'; division of a table, segment. scctlon. par-it:
sarg'" (»C1'; see ·sargawa. oppr~ss, afflict, push on, bring trouble, make graph, (Gr.166) table of concordan,'e, (K"j
from Ar saradil\ pi, of sirdah. same. trouble, (1I) deaden, smother'; lace, shoelace, strap of sandal' ,
serug 1l.~"1 (T.M) 'raft, small boat'. sara~i, act. part. of sar!za;
sardino, sard.)on, ",rd.YOD ~C~ <;' , ~C.!:'f" saraka (K *) 'trace a line, plait, sew 'tmps of
sarh 'toil'; leather' (denominative);
'} , IlC.!:'f",} 'Sardian stone, precious stone'; surage 1'l-t.1. (T.M) 'soup, gravy';
fll.<ard"na (It) 'be adorned'; sar~h 'tired, one who Jabors, oppressed';
ErnIOPIC: Amh. sarragi 'liquid that 'percolates or SEMITrc: Ar. sirOk 'strip 01 herbage. hne, strap (lof
sarah, (T) sarti!l 'labor, fatigue, exhaustion,
in.1m Gk, saraiQn 'Sardian stone'; also in Amh. seeps', sandals', Heb. Sarals 'shoelace', For 'hne', cpo Syr
trouble, hard work, sorrow, bother, affliction'; sarga 'li ne' .
. sa~d.Jl'os.
. Te. siini1l'os
sar.galla ~1.1/\, (K.T) sar.gaDii fPI.1/\ 'wagon, masra!z, act. part. of ·asralJa;
ETHlOPlc: Amh. sirak 'blank space at the lOp of the
sanlOD>ks ~C}1.,}hll, (T) sardon~kyos ~C}1.,}h chariot, cart. carriage, wheel, (K*) beam'; SEMITIC: the connection with Ar, raza&a 'become first page of a book', Te. Amh. sJrak 'strap of
\'"Il, (OT 5-4, T) sardanaks ~C}:,}hll 'sar- saragalliiwi
. , 'chariot driver, pertaining to a char~ tired, become exhausted', Soq. ra=-a~l, suggested by sandals', Tna. si'ra~: passed IOto CUShUI'," Bil
lOt ;
dOD,". precious stone'. Praetorius, ZDMG 62 (1908). 753, is unlikely even
though the meaning is the same. There is tbe pOSSibility of separating the root into
[rom Gl S;JrdO'lrKs. same. also in Amh. SGrtbnJ- from late Gk. saragaron 'kind of wagon'; also in sirak I 'line', and siriik II 'shoelace' In this. CJ'i(
ETHIOPIC Te. siir&a 'make, manufacture', Tna.
{m.J, Te, JQrdof'QA:s, See also radonkas. Aram. sarga/a (see RUZicka 22~3; Linmann siriik II 'shoelace' would Come from the- rOOl Jrk
siir&e 'make, work', Amh. sarra; passed into Cushlt.
1926:417); in Ethiopic: Tna.Amh. siiragiilla, Qem. ic; Sa. serii.& 'work', Qua. sar. 'entangJe': Heb. siira!, Aram. s.lra~, and proi:labl)
siiriigiillo 'beam',
sardo~on. sardO)·OD ~C.!:'f",} • IlC.!:'\'"'}; see also Ar, 'aSraka 'tie something closely to Sl'lme-
sardino. sariigloyon ~t."1A\,",} (T.M) 'pork'. sarh.
, II ~Ca. (1I) 'dismiss, dismiss a congrega- thing else'.
tion at the end of Mass';
sorgut IlC1-"t-; see r'sargawa), sargaw. sarhol 'dismissal'; serukyiis ll.~h!1l (T.M) 'tranquility, calm '.
sar"fa "".<"/) ~GL (T Y.M) 'perforate';
masrar (T ' " ·instrument for boring'; *sargawa t"tC1m (K·); see )QsargalVa; from Chr.·Ar. sara{la 'dismiss someone with a bles~ srm, sarman ~C"'I,} 'giants';
masrali. In masrafe 'a/!f (T.M) 'instrument sing at the end of service'. OT 574 has sarmal, but the text of I Chr.
'asargall'a 'adorn, decorate, beautify, embel-
to perforate the nostrils·; lish· ; I I ; 15 has samliirl.
sero~ ll.C'ih (T.M) 'head priest';
SnnTIC"' Ar sorafa 'lZTlaw leaves or bark of a tree';
fX'sSlbl) a denonunarn'e from surfa 'kmd ofwonn'.
fasargawa, (T) tasargawa, passive} reflexive;
sargli', (T) sarg"'· 'ornament. adornment, trap-
gives the impression of a proper noun becoming a saramohi 1lt.'I"'f. (T.M) 'column of gold';
Common noun.
EnnoPfC Te siirfa 'break. em down. become gap_ pings, beautification, beauty'; note {hat -hi occurs elsewhere. apparently as a suffix.
toothed', Tna iJrrajii 'chip fa utensil). lose the .
teeth -, Amh Jarrii/ii ·chjp. notch', Gur. lorriija
sargall' (fern. s"gut) 'adorned, decorated, made sark ~cn, (K) sark fPCh 'evening, twilight'; ,
sarnon, sirnon, seranon, sermon. sarenes, serr~,
beautiful'; with nominal suffix pronouns; e.g. (sarka 'in the evening'); nis, serenis, sernes ~C<;',) : I\.C<;''} ,Il.I. <;") ,
'brea.l off a piece', Arg, larraJa. Har. foro/a 'chip.
sJrguta 'she adorned'; ('abiyy sark 'vespers);
break, lose the !eeth', passed IDto Cusbiuc: AI. Il.&<;''} ; ~t,.~11 • 1l.&~11 • 1l.t,.~11 , Il.c~1l
!araffo. Aw sera/-. s"ug (so T) 'anointed, Messiah'; (za-sark'vespers'); 'siren, ostrich, jackal';
sargiiwe 'decoration. adornment. trappings'; (~alofa sark 'vespers');
from Gk. Uli-en, pI. seirenes. gen. pI. seirenon 'siren,
sari ~C'i! (lO 'coverlet (for a bed)'; sargaK'annti ·ornament. adornment'; 'asraka, (Y) >asraka 'do in the evening, spend
sea nymph. part woman, part bird'; also in Aram.
from Amh. sarI 'asargtih i (Gr.450) 'who decorates, who re- the evening' (denominative);
stores' ; siriinq. Syr. Sir;ll. The Hebrew text has either
SEMITIC: the connection with Syr. farek 'be Icft, be 'ostrich' or 'jackal'; see M. Cohen, "Sur la defini.
surafeo, surifel, suriifim I'l-t.~ '} ! It-t.l..A , SEMITIC: AT. sarraga 'embellish', Akk. sergti-m 'be reduced to', Ar. sarika 'become weak' suggested by tion et Ie nom des sirenes", in Donum "atalicium
decorated'. Dillmann 348 (following Hupfeld) com- Brockelmann 1928: 808 is unlikely. Schrijnen (1929), pp. 228-239; "Sur Ics Slrencs en
It-UV". lOT 5"41 surifem 1'l-t.J...V" 'se-
raplum" pares Aram.-Syr. sarag 'plait, entwine', ETH10PIC; Amh. siirk 'evening', siirriikii 'become Abyssini," (with Roger Chambard), RHR 98
ETHIOPIC: Amh.Gur.Gaf. siirg 'wedding' (Praeto- evening' (from Geez). (1928).94-107.
s"Uraji, surti/e 'one- of the seraphim'~ rius 1879:41), Amh. sorriigii 'give a wedding feast',
surti/elak'i 'pertaining to'; The connection with Tna. silrgam(m)ii 'a woman ,s seraka Il.l.h (T.Y.MA), .eraka "'Gh (M) 'be serenisros 1l.t.~Ilt!'1l (D 1403, under bJd,.'ns)
hairdo' suggested by Wajnberg 1935:68 is unlike- 'quail' ;
(rom Heb s.mjpim through Gl. seraphim; aJso in intelligent, be wise, (Y) write';
A..lllh, TDJ suroiel Iy. The root also occurs in Cushitic: Bil. , --
sarga ETHIOPIC: comes close to Tna. siirni& 'Quail' See
'adornment', sirg'l<; 'bride', Qua. sergii 'bridegroom., denominative from Sirak to whom the Book of
Sirach (Sirak). a book of ~isdom, is attributed; cpo also senesros, and perhaps in connl.'Ctioll with ,Wr.
s.rap 514
sarsara "'.~r~a~~ro:t~______________________________~5~1:5_________________________ ~~la
<arap I'It.T (T) 'companion';
see also selpa.
saraqraq l'It.o}ot.o}o (T') 'soup'. -object', Amh siiriissiirii, siiriil!iirii 'bore',. Har. sirSir --'---
haya 'remove the bone fro.m the meal, Gur._~_ saewe II I'IC'Il (T) 'filth. dirt';
sarara (),asrar, yasrar) 1'It.t., (L.T. Y) sarara
sarapa tlt.T (T) 'celebrate Mass, (MA) express iisiirii 'bore a hole through; passed IOto Cushillc: perhaps for san",e and derived fr{lm .~arra""'a .root
thanks. glorify'; "'t.t. 'fly, fly forth, flee, leap up in the air, leap ~om. sar "incision', Aw. seriisiir-x . . u 'make an inci- out' (see sarw); Ja'K't' _\:ann') ,",ould then hC'
see .'iarapa T.
upon, rush upon, spring forth, assault, COver sion', Qem. siiriisiir 'make a hole'. 'matter that is uprooted> dirt, filth .
• (of male animal), roam';
sariiserat 1'It.fl.C'.} (K) 'chain{s)';
sarapa J I'It.A (TY.M) 'celebrate Mass, bless an 'asrara, causative; also 'stir UP. make attack, sarwapa
, I'IcmA (MA) 'spread out, stretch'
objeCt, sip' (lhe sipping of the blessed wine drive away'; transcription of Ok. serserolh, from Heb. surs~rjj!
. ,
lasarra (K·) 'be covered (female animal), be 'chams .
being a part of the Mass);
attacked' ; sarwa~a I'ICmll (1.M), san.. ~a '''Croll (Y)
a variant of saraba, below. See also sa/apa I, sarapa, s.rasirit, sirusiirat {)ot. ... t·} : I'I.<-... C'.} (T), 'break asunder a rod, (K·) be dislocated, he
and sarapa n. sarori, act. part of sarara; also 'winged crea- sprained' ;
• ture' ; sirasirat, sarisirot 1'I.t.1'I.C'-} ; "Itl'l.C''} (Sw. In
D 1401) 'cover of a cooking pOL, means of hid - sam'as, (T) sarwa·1 'splinter, chip, broken ,taft'
sarapa JJ I'It.A (1. Y.M), sarapa "'t.A (Sw. in D sarur 'flying, that is in flight, that flies'; . , of reed, wedge, (T) shoot, bud, gloss (= wedge,
1394j 'take a rest'; . s<Jrrat, verbal noun of sarara; also 'flight,
JOg ,
insertion)' :
serpu (MA) 'heaven' (originally 'place of flying (of a bird)'; sorsola IICl\''' (T') 'bowl'.
rest'?); • SEMITIC: the rool seems to be a quadriradical
SEMITIC: Akk. saroru 'sway, vacillate' (for which see
augmented by w from Jr~f {cp. Ar . .far!.l.~ 'incision'};
perhaps to be connected with sarapa J 'celebrate von Soden 1952: 136). For Ug. m-srr 'bird' (from srr . , fl.t..,. (T), sarata
serata 1'1.::." (Mk) 'deal in perhaps related (0 sa~ara 'spfit' (sec below). Ddl.
Mass> ·celebrate a holiday> *not work> take 'fly'), see Caquot 514; for Aram. srSr 'fly', see gram;
mann 346 derives it. with reservations. from ..1 rool
a rest'. Sce also sahapa. Driver 1935:56. The root is related to Ar. sara rO ..fia = Heb, ,a~'i~ 'cTUsh', Ar. ra~ldll. Nyberg .:!Ll
is perhaps a misprint for serna/a, semma fLoo~" j
(slVr) 'leap, mount' (Armbruster 499). Praetorius. "1.00-" (see above), unless it is to be compared with analyzes it as ja-rawii~ 'das des A~"hncidens. Ab-
saraqa (yasr.q) 1'It.4> 'steal, rob, take away ZDMG 62 (1908).749-50 connects it withfarra 'flee,
Tna, IO-riilii 'the market is under way, the market geschniuenes' :> ·jarwa~ > s~rwa.\". Rundgrcn, OS
secretly, plunder'; escape', witb the passage off to I > s. Rabin, HS starts'. 10 (1961). 128 derives J,m-raJ. from .-~lIn1'(ls. <.: Sllr-
'Qsraqa, causative; also 'falsify'; 90 connects it with Ar. sarra 'rejoice'. h~ (a crossing between ~arab 'splinter' and .i.1S(lr) '>
tasarqa, pass. of saraqa ~ ETHIOPTC ; Tna. sararii 'mount', Te. siirra 'jump, fly', sr!, 'asrata 1\11.::.,. (1.M) 'hold (a baby) in one's sarb~ > sarWa~'i. He also conSiders, with resena.
Amh.Gur. sandrii 'jump, mount, climb, copulate
lasaraqa 'steal from one another'; arms. tions, the possibility of" Sa-rGwJr (pi. of S,};fj~ar 'splin-
)Qstasarqa, )astasiiraqa llet be stolen, make (male animal)" Arg. sandra, Har. siiriira; passed ter') > ·s,miw<1,y > sg. sa,.wa~".
into Cushitic: Be. serar.
steal from one another'; sorrat 1It..}; see sarara. ETIfJOPI\; Amh . sJrwa~fj 'splinter, wedge, parentheti-
saraq; (pI. saraqt) 'thief, robber'; cal remark' (rrom Geez), Sark',1!! a/a 'be spr,llfu-d'
sarira I, sarara ... tt. , "'t.t., (T.Sw. in D 344) soret 1It..}; see (saraya) , saryut.
saruq 'stolen, robbed, taken away secretly';
sarara, sarara 1'It.t. 1 1'It.t. 'styrax, black sarawit 1'It.'!!.}; see same 1.
sarq, sarq 'theft, stolen object, robbery'; flower';
sariqo '(he) secretly, furtively'; s.rtayan {)oC.')'f',} (D 1402) 'kind of animal'.
s"'qat (K') 'act of stealing, robbing'; transcription of Gk. sarra, from Heb. ~ori. saraya (y.sray. yasr; I l'It.f, (Y) saraya ."t.I'
s.ralan, sarlan, sa,!an 1'It."n : I'IC"") : lfc 'pardon, absolve, expiate, forgive, eXClIse, (It)
SEMITIC Ar. saraqa 'stear, SAr. s,rq, S~. seroq. Syr. sarira II (T.M) 'pearl'. "n, (T) saralon 1'It."''} 'Cancer (a sign of the comply, accede';
sarreq "lay waslc, deprive', Md. srq 'empty' (v), zodiac)' ;
tasarya, passive; also 'be atoned';
Akk, iaragu. Brockelmann 1908:526, n.2, and sorart (It.C.')' (1.') 'anthelmintic';
J928:501 explams the root by a secondary safca!, from Ar. sararon, originally 'crayfish' (from Syriac lasaraya (K·) 'forgive one anothe";
since the line above (in T. p. 10, supplement) has according to Brockeimann 1928 :499) ; also in Amh . )asraya (K). JQSlasraya 'cause to forgive, inter-
Safral from a root ryq 'be empty'. This may be valid
sornarf (tooc-l- 'kind of bush whose fruit is used as sarlan.
for Syriac, but not for Geez or Arabic where a root cede, make atonement, be forgivlOg, ask for
an anthelmintic', it is possible that sorarl is a mis-
ryq does not exist. unless one considers ryq a Proto- forgiveness. obtain remission of sins';
print in relation to sornarf; see also sobart. sarwe I (pI. saraw, siJriiw, sariiwit) flC'f: 'army,
Semllic root that has disappeared in various Semitic 'aslasaraya 'pardon completely';
languages, troops, COmpany, legion, host, (LI) flock, (T)
sararl I'It.C'!' (T) 'sanctuary'. sarayi. act part. of saraya;
ETHIOPIC Tna. siiriiqii 'steal', Te. siirqa, Amh. military leader, virile, robust'; sarli)' (K 'J, pass. part. of saraya;
siirriiqii, Arg. siirriiqa, Gur. siirdqii. siras 1'I.t.1'I (T.M.Sw. in D 1395) 'ostrich'; SEMITIC: AT. sariyya 'military detachment', SAr. SiJryOl, sf1r),iil, s;Jrel 'remission of sins, forgive-
sorqi (lC:J> (TM) 'commemoration of a dead could it be a secondary form of sarnon, sarenes? s,rwyr 'campaigning force' (considered a Geez loan- ness, atonement, absolution, pardon':
person by a religious service and banquet' Word by W. Muller, ZDMG 131[198IJ.402). Buhl saryalawi (M) 'pertaining to forgiveness';
sarsara I'ICI'lt. (Y.M) 'bore a hole, saw';
(corresponding to tiizkar). masarsar (Lt) 'saw' (n.);
863 -compares Ar. sirwa 'arrowhead', and
Heb. )aSlasriJYo 'atonement';
masra},i (K·) 'who forgives, who pardons';
SEMITtC: Ar. sarsara 'split' (Armbruster 503). ETHIOPIC: Tna.Amh.Gur. siira.,.,it 'army', Amh. ",.sra), (Gr. 166) 'place where one pardons';
sorqiibu (lC:J>1I' (T) 'leaven, ferment'.
ETHJOPlc: Tna. siirsiirii 'make a hole with a hard siirwe 'leader'; passed into Cushitic: Aw. siirabiti,
Mo. sariiyho, Kam. sarawila. mastasriJ)', mastasri, mastasniyi (fern. mastasrit),
act. part. of )(Jstusraya;
516 • 517

SISIt sisit
nLJS1~Jray'place of intercession. place of for-
• -
sassiili, act. part. of sasso/a; ,isit II ........ T. see sesaya.
gllene". (GriM) chapel"; 'ast~<a 'donahon. g t't
s>ssiile 'putting off. leaving. receding. depar_ tnbute'; I , present. contnhuuon,
Srlfrr,c Ar SlJra (.frW) 'remove', Heb. sara (iry) ture, withdrawal, removal. abolition'; ,.,(s)a ..a Mill (Gr 167. T Y.M) 'Iook after.
'Iello"-}\(',, o\ram.-Syr s.mi" 'loosen, absolve', Ug. sry (ba-'i-sassii/e 'without interruption'); au<od to. feed . ETHIOPIC Te
Ide Moor 150) lnbule',
f:THIOPIC Tna. Jiiriiyt'i 'pardon', Amh. (lii)siirriiyii
'oc IOTgH'Cn'
'asasstili, act. part. of Jasassa/a;
JQsQssa/o 'expulsion, removal'; I tsosa
a seco ndary form of sesa)'Q, belo,"".
... , 'ansosawa h 1(1f111l ·move. walk. sal'. II (pIlii' ) flTO (K *) '\l1the, bc.:ome
..raJu (I~f. 'Ies mots. dont les malakkal (musi-
sassa/a, from slsl, and cpo Ar. salla 'With_
draw, draw out, pull out', Heb. Salal 'd raw Out
I~ walk about. go about. take a walk. stroll. go dry. be curled up hke a dry leaf •
cal notations) alphabetiques sont des abrevia- (sheaves)". Ihloug h'; . ·siilar. t)T'" (K *l. see I<lSiilala
tlons' (Velat I07tf). nasosall' ·walk. walking, strolling. gOing
lusalaja 'aSSOClate with. share. p~rticIP3te. par.
ETHIOPIC: Tna. sassalii 'be removed', Amh. siissalii
'be removed. be taken away' (probably from Geez). about'; .
sorJama (lCfoo (T MA) = Amh. liimd aH'ii!!a ~nsasawo (t} ·walking. promenade. Jour- take. take part tn. have fellO\lshlp. consort. be
'skin an animal and use its skin in making a sassana flfI~ (K *) 'be lascivious, commit adul_ • • a companion to, join In';
n<YlDg ;
liimd-coat' ; tery, practice divination';
mansOsaw, part. of 'allsosall'Q; 'GSla.fOla(a, causative; also 'parta~e, partKI.
note that T.M. and Sw. in D 1395 render it by pate, communicate. J.~soClate' ;
the Amharic translation of the verb should read SOIiTIC Ar iowso' 'nImbly pacing' (Annbruster
'be left over, abound' (also sasan [Gr.409] SU/ul 'Companion, partaker, partner, partKt-
liim~ au-ona 'I:'oe a leper', lit. 'bring out leprosy', as is 964). Heb. siUe' 'teach to walk' (Dillmann 385).
the case of .wrema on the preceding line in Tayya's
·excess·). It would then mean originally 'be In pato~, accomplice, associate, One "ho \harcs\
Liltmann. ZA 13 (1899). 155. n.1 conne"ts It with
~ocabulary (p. 102). Dillmann 1402 (under strari",) excess, be excessive', with the noun 'excess SUIii.f, smiile 'compaOlon, assl..'Xiate. (Ons0rt,
Heb. sUs 'horse', Syr. sUsya, Akk, sisu. ThIS noun,
suggests thai the Ethiopian lexicographer derived
impudence' ; • partner ~ participation, partner')hip, commun ~
however, is considered a "mot voyageur" (cp. Sans-
the verb from .w'orlln. above. See also sarran/a. sessana (M) 'practice Idolatry' (reconstructed lon, participation in the holv \acrament'
knt Q.l'lraJ, Egyptian ssm. I). -' "

SOl)on (lC1"1 (T) 'klOd of pearl';

from the imperfect yasessan);
sassiini (K*). act. part. of sassano;
, ErnloPIC: GUf. Jowsiilr bald 'roam' Conti 1980:89,
sU/an 'partner. compamon. aSSOCiate';
sUlufannii, s3tJJnIJii 'aSSOCiation, communion';
112 con nects the G verb with G, ',1nSJsti 'ammal',
ETHIOPJC' ~ Amh. soryon, probably from Geez. sasan, sosan, sasne. sasn. sasan 'lasciviousness and SQ",OS.1K' 'ladder'
lasGtafa 'communion, making common',
(Gr.409) impudence, excess, (Lt) divination, Sor-• mo.t/asa/ill 'partIcipant',
sassu (I .... ·SIX·. sassa (It) 'sixty'; cery' ; /eutita}i 'associate, companion';
I ",aya fl.fIf. (M) SeSaya "" .... f ·feed. procure
for s~dsu ..f~dsa; see saddasa. food. nourish , sustain. provide for. support. la.liil4o( I) ·partnershlp. partiCipation. a"",,,,-
ETHIOPIC: Amh. siissanii. sessanii 'be lascivious, be
lustful' (perhaps from Geez). For 'abound', cpo Tna , •
mamlam ;•• tlOn. fellowship. commuOion·.
siso .... (1 (It) 'third part';
sassiinii 'augment, increase'. A distinction should ,amaya, passive ; also 'nourish oneself. eat'; SlMITI(" PbH .iitt('p 'assocIate with', Aram~.l!ap,
from Amh, siJo.

soso (1(1 (T) 'dance and song',

perhaps be made between sassana I ' be lascivious',
and sassana II 'practice divination'. I Sfsayi, act. part. of sesaya.
si.,"v. pass. participle;
Syr .vawtt'p 'as~oci:ite, make
Akk . .fUIJp-u 'companion '
J partner', Md sip,
may ·food. victuals, nourishment, sustenance. ETHIOPIC': Tna, (Ia)salci/Ci 'partiCipate', Amh
from the soundl; so so repeated 10 the songs; see so, SOson (1(11 , (K.T.M) sosan ,..fl1, (Sw. in D 350) maintenance, stipend'; (ld).wl/lirii Noeldeke 191044 (follOWing S<:hwally.
SGsan (1(11 'kind of tree, koso-tree' (that is, the Jisit, same; ZDMG 5~[1898' (35) IS 01 the opinion that G.
susi ........ (T.M) ·sun·. tree from which the anthelmintic medicine is mosesay. part. of sesaya. ·.\QIClfa IS an Aram.-Syr, loanword For the AUad.
made); Ian origlO of this root, \cc Zlmmem 46. On the
mosesiI ·nourishment. food'.
sas(s).lk Mil (T) 'that IS crumbled. that is CUSHITIC; probably Qem. sisa!Jina. Sumerian origin of Akk .~u'uppu 'partner', 't.'<
ErnloPlC: Tna . .flisii.l'ii ·feed·. .Ilsal' ·food·. Amh Kaufman 105. n. 371.
broken into small pieces. that is grated';
may 'daily bread' (from Geez); passed IOta Cu,hu-
either a ml~pnnt for SJbk (see sakak, above), or
susnabra .... (I ..lIt- (T.M) 'enclosure, fenced-in
place, wall'. it: Kham, sisay. See also sas( s )awa, sotolli (I-ftt:/\. (T ) ·vase. pot';
comlOg from an origmal s~ks~k > siJss~k, a redupli_
cated root .rkk (see sakak, above). metathesis in relatIon to urlii/1, belo ......
san, sott fiT • (I.)- (D 365. under sly). sott (IT
sasata flfI·,. (T.Y.M) 'mock, make fun of'; (T) ·papyrus. reed'; flfI/\ 'Wlthdraw (IOtr.), recoil. recede, s.>lliifi (IT"'" (T) ·vase. pot'.
it is strange that T 133 has sal/ala = Amh. (ii:iihab- ETHIOPIC: Tna. sau, 'rush'
pass a\lay. be removed. depart. be separated'; halO 'mock', and the following entry sasala also = could It bea corrupt ronn of Gk. Jitlu « Latm
'asassala 'remove, do away with, take away, Amh . lazababbiitii 'mock'. One wonders whether situ/a) 'bucket. pai!'?;
S'tta ~'''; see SII.
take off, drive out. dismiss. shake off, lay sasata is not a misprint for sa/rl)ala, above. True, Y see JOlojli, above.
aside' , 332 also has G. sasala = Amh. fii::iibabbiilii, but he
may have copied it from Tayya. ..te /11:; see salya. salama fI·,.oo (MA) 'roar'
lasassa/a, passsi\'e of 'usassa/a; also 'remove
one,eir •
sisit I ........ T. (K 863) siset .... Il.T ·falcon·. ·sat'. ( ~TO (K *); sec 'asla'a; satana fI'''~ (MA) 'be 10 a hurry'.
'as/a'a, (T) 'asla'a 'make a gift·;
ETHIOPIC' Amh. sallana 'be fast, be In a hurry'
, a ,""
, 519
satara [ (re""r I fI.,.t. 'hIde, conceal';
masle 'drinking vessel, beverage, drink, (It)
Jdlan (K .), act. participle; drinking house'; . •of 'aslama; also 'who sub-
sillUm, Pass. part.
• m~rges. who stnks; f . I ' E1l{JOPI(': Te. siilra ' bide, k '.' .
SEMITIC ' Ar ,falara 'hide', S~. Sir, Heb. salar, mJSla), 'place of drinking, watering place of Satara I. rep a \C( ret , a VOItlanl
Aram.·Syr. saJar. Md. sir; on Ug. Sir, see Caquot watering trough'; , SJ!mat• verbal noun 0 'as!ama, a so submer.
~18, note t.

S10n ,
satrobilon il1'C'llfto1 ( )
SEMITIC: SAr. m·s,ry 'drink' (n.), Heb. fo.!ii (fly) 'OS!omi (Gr), mas!i1m, mas!ami, act. part. of It-,
A..;" , plOe';
. • T ,atarabelon
, flmt.1l.
ETHIOPIC ' Te. satra 'hide', Tna. salara, Amh. siit-
'drink' (v.), Aram. fa!ii, Syr. 'eflf, Md. fta, Ug. fly
fara, Gur s",(ar 'hIdden place', Har. sUlri 'secluded
Akk. salt;. ' 'aslOma ; . , '. reflects either the sirohi/o
place'; passed IOlo Cushitic: Be. setir 'hide', Bi!. mas.. tam 'submergmg, inundatIon; strobilon, ofGk. slrobilus 'pme" aJ,"o' SOyrf t~, e, ~:n,: p~ .
sarar. See also salara. ETHIOPIC Tna. siitiiyii 'drink', Te. siita, Har, siite Ara . bl: ' . IS 'tet.' 1\'0

Arg. sacca, Gur. sii~e. Amh . .~iiste 'drinking cup: SEMITIC: Dillmann 400 compares .Ar., 'ustumm 'sea, m 'fS!rO_lffl , 'i:qrOrel'kernel of pme ' (."'" ,.'
th'. Fraenkel231 expresses hesitation concerning sa!rappilon . ..x:.. a Sll
satara If (psl>r) fI·,.t. (K'.T) 'spread out in (from Geez); passed 1010 CUShltlC; Be. sit 'beverage, dep I' 'h
the Sun to dry'; broth'. the unusual form 'us!umm a ternatmg WIt ¥USrumm,
salari (K'). act. participle; but the connection tx:tween the Gecz root. sfn! and sa!t'a~~i1on fl1't.A..fto1 (T), klOd of tree called
S3!(!) il1' (T) 'giraffe'; Heb. fiirap 'wash' (WIth alternanee of lablals) sug- ...anoa tn Amharic '

ETHIOPIC Amh, siifliira 'spread out in the sun to gested by Fraeokel, lb., IS unlikely for semantic see also sa{robilon, salrapl?Jlyoll.
dry, stretch a hide'. perhaps from the originaJ meaning 'be thin' (cp.
asons. Beockelmann 1928:468 connects the Ceez
'satata fI.,..,. (K'), see 'aslala;
Amh. qii??ane 'giraffe', from qrn 'be thin'), from
sa!ara 'tear up, rip up > become thin'. :01 with s!m (Aram.Syr.Ar.) 'close'; cpo the mean. ~a!t'a~!",lyon fl1't.kAf'1 (T.M) = Amh. SJlliil
a fragrant tree that grows in the lowlands and
ing of 'asfama ·cover. > ~wall~~. submerge', The
'as/ala 'do something carelessly, do slackly,
, {1m; see swt. 1, II. root s!m in the meanmg close IS related to Heb. moderate highlands'.
relax, neglect, disregard, despise, slight, regard
lightly, overlook. omit. forfeit';
sofam, Md. sdm.
~ ~~nders il 'two.edged knife', It is true that Amh
, """1 (T) 'lid for a pan'; E;HJOPIC: Tna. sii!iima 'be submerged, drown', Silnal also means 'twO.-ed.ged kmfe', but in View of
rasana, passive; Amh. sammafa, sQuamd, Our. sammii!a (with me.
seems to be instead of sU!iib, or the other way safraf!l!ilon = ~h. WQJl:a (see abO\:e), II IS likely
S>lUl (K') 'who neglects, who despises. (Gr) ~thesi'), salamiilii (enlarged by I).
around. that sG!raf!l!Jlyon IS also a kind of tree.
despised' ;
'aSIOI, 'asl>lO (It) 'neglect, negligence, careless- ,!t", ..""at il1'ouo}- (Lt) 'greed'; so!asas {I"IM (T 1.1) 'kind of euphorbIa':
ness, unconcern'; su!ab """111 (T') 'lid of basket'. see also sagsas.
see also su!ii, above. perhaps developed from 'Qsfama 'absorb' (see
maslal (LI), act. part. of 'aslala; also 'negli- ·sa!ma, above).
gent, person subject to contempt, cause of
""mT; see '<11'//,
. II.
offense' ; sa!~a (yas!a~) fl1'''' 'spread, spread out, ex- sa~n /'ItIl.1 (K'), a tree of the ac.1cia family;
tend, stretch out, uncover, expose'; sa!~!irii, S3!<>!irii, sa!a!iras fl1'tIl.(,. , il1'tIl.(,. •
maslali, act. part. of >oslata; probably a transcription of Heb. siUim « !;,,!fm)
)as{a~la, causative; illllm.('.iI, (l) S3!<>lir il1't1U:, (T.K) S3!i!rii iltIl.
, .
ETHIOPJc; for the meaning 'do slackly, be negligent', tasa!ha, passive of sa!~a; 'acacia'. Note that Heb . .ftUG (pI. si{!fm), as well as 1'(", (T') S3titrss ilm.1'(,.iI 'small coin" ,
cpo Tna. siiliilii 'be lired'. AT. san! and Akk. sam!u go back to Egytian Jncl
sa!iilJi, act. part. of sa!f:ra; (Lambdin, JAOS 73[1953].154), - from Gk. Slaler '3 coin', starera (acc. sg), statt;nu
sit, satta, satata fl·,. : fI.,..,.
(K ') 'be straight, sa!uh, pass. pan. of sa!~a; also 'obvious';
S~!hal (K '), verbal noun of sa!ha;
(ace. pi); also Syr. ·astir, Md. astirll. Sec also 'aSia,.
be level. be flat'; sa~~!"lyon, sa!ap!"'yon, sa,appayos flm.k 'sa!awa flmw (K.Y); see lasallI'a,
salUI (K') 'straight, level, flat'; masra~ (K *) 'place of stretching out or of M ; 1'I"IA'f'1 1 ""IA'f'/) 'coarse fiber of flax.
spreading' ; tasa{li.!a 'accept. receive, take, ans\.\t'cr. respond,
(T.M) vine, vine shoot'; gIve heed. hearken, comply with';
ETHIOPJc: Amh. saltala 'be level. be even'. (tiin.)sal. maS!~!1 (K*), part. of 'as!~~a;
liilii 'be flal' from Ok. styppeion 'coarse fiber of flax' , Note thal ..
'Q.'iOltawa, same;
SEMITIC; Ar, sa!a&a 'spread', Heb. Sa!a&, Aram .. Syr. Ar. 'us!ubba 'coarse fiber of flax' is considered by 11Isii!a/1'a (T) 'quarrel. litigate, compete';
satya ()'aslay) flTf 'drink': . . Akk. setu.
siJlah. . Wehr 20 an Italian (stoppa) loanword, 'QSlasiiralt'Q (K*), causative of lasii!awa;
>astaya 'give to drink, waler, irrigate'; ETHIOPJc: Te. sii!&a 'spread', rna. salhe, Amh.Gur.
(a)siira . .. sa!iiwi 'one who accepts':
tasalya 'be drunk (liquid)'; ,a~p""yos flm.kf'iI (T,M) 'musical note used .va!,1V 'acceplable, accepted, pleasant':
salti),i, salIdy 'drinker, one who is given to in the d~ggWa-antiphonary'.
drinking' ; S3!~ il1'tlt (It) 'roof'; s<7!fiiwe 'acceptance, accepting, answer. re~
from Ar. sarh. sponse • ;
salu)' 'drunk (liquid)'; .. "'ruqii!e ilm:l'm., (T) sutuqs!e ""1Jl>.4>IIl., (K) (s'!ltiwe qiil 'answer');
sate (pI. SJleyal) 'drink. beverage'; ~·ruqii!e flm:l'm.. (T.M) su!uqii!is ""1Jl>."'m.iI salwal 'acceptance, approval, acq U1esccncc.

Sula}', saliiy 'drink, drinking, beverage'; *satma fl1'OD (K*); see >as!ama; stacte, myrrh oil, perfume'; ,

(mokana s~Ta)' 'tavern'); >as{ama, (KG) )Qs{ama 'submerge, immerse,
from Gk. staklf 'oil of myrrh" also in Syr. s.uaq((j lasa!tiwi, act. part of tasa!awa;
salyat 'drinking' (n); inundate, sink, plunge, drown, flood, (K') cov- A ' . "
er, swallow, absorb, (Y) destroy'; .ram. s!ak!on. (Krauss 379). See also suqlitis, 'asqa- lasa/wo(t) 'answer' (n.);
'astayi. maslayi (K *) 'one who gives to drink'; !In. .
rasa!ma, passive; masottaw.. 'who answers. who complies with';
maS!i1W 'who accepts';
sa!ora (yas!ar) fllIl£: (K ') 'hide';
maSfO,, see above;
, ,
520 521
sawwara "or
S}.:~un('· SAT. h·s/lw 'grant, vouchsafe'; related to - 'concealment. hiding (n.)';
the basic meaning is that of dissolving Or being
Hcbr.ft (rllf~il) 'extend. offer, hold out to', Syr. SJwware'r (KG) masa»' .- ...",
.pro t Id
ector, lasola, lasawla 'be poured, be ou
separated, However, 'aswana in the meaning 'make W
masaw u , , I,
\7w\'el (also Dillmann 401).
urinate' is perhaps a secondary form of syn. sena er blanket ;
emptied (IOtO) be
. spread'.
r red out, be
EnnoPlc Amh. sapd 'give', Har. sara. 'urinate', coy • war _ 'hiding place, hidden place, secret Sc1lt'li·.1!, -faww·U!, pass. part. of !iota
sa!.~. ()mf (T,Y) 'spread out, extend'; sawn "tJlo') (M) 'priest' ; helter refuge, recourse. cover, Cover- ~~~:ti;~:;al noun of SOfa. also· '~\"acUation,
lasar.l'O (T), passive; Place,sotectlon " h"
' entrene ment , •
undoubtedly a misprint for - ing, pr
,"!II,1' (KG) 'spread, extended'; saw~t SiJW!Q 'evacuation, emptying';
"'tm-6 ; see sW', . Aram, swyr 'hide' (Driver 1935: 55). Dill-
related to sa!&a, above. SEMiTIC.
an n 384 suggests Ar. srr, -
sarra ,
Con lid e a seCret.' ~E~:IC· Ar sa\\~! 'place where water COllects'. SAr
swp, sopa (lA (MA) 'give off an odor'; md 1955:26 derives it from 'wr 'be blind' .S,J! ramwatercistems'
(Muller 1981 '81) H b _
.. 4 • • esm
Run gren I' d
sawa ()'I' (It), sewa /l,'I' (T,M), 53wa P''I' (LI) SOPI/
(MA) 'perfume'; with the causative morpheme s agg utmate to the ~pate, or the Arabic rool. see also Barth IgqJ;14"
'drink fermented from Corn or barley, the ge- AW 34 (1914), 68. Ahrens 1910'" '''110' '
~:~PIC: Tna.Amh. siiwwiirli 'hide', Te. siiwwara, See
so-plant used for fermenting beer'; perhaps a misprint in relation to k0l!u, above; sopa J H . , ' ..... ", "lOg
, orovItz., derives AT. saw! from the Geez fOOl
would then be reconstructed from the noun sopu. also SW{ n. _
EnnoPlc: Tna. S(1WQ 'kind of beer', Amh. sewa 'the Gur. siwwiirii.
ge.§o-pJant', swq, soqa (y.suq) {I</> 'support, prop, protect,
sustain, (K) help, encourage'; AtD-C 'Taurus (name of a zodiac)';
sawr If ~W! n, SO!. (pSUl) (1m (K), So!.
Y.M) jPm (T
swb, soba (y.sub) (0/1 (K') 'turn, turn a- sawwaqa 'hold together, confine, (MA) save, from Ar. tawr. See also sor I. add. unite. mIX, inSert, put under Ihc arm"
round, wrap around, make something round'; heal' ,' sall'ala (Lt) 'bring In, mix together, confu;e,
is related to shb Ill. 'asoqa (K'), causative; "wir Il'l'C ; see sor I. confound' :
lasawqa (K'), passive of soqa; sawas.w (pI. of *sawsaw) ()'I'1'l1J)o ' ladder, step lasall'la (K '). passive;
swd, soda (-",sud) {If. 'stir, rake, poke a fire, sa.-ali (K'), act. part. of SOIa'
light (a fire),; rasawaqa 'support one another, support one. ofa ladder, grammar, glossary, vocabulary';
self' ; sowsawa (TY,M) 'make a ladder' (denomina- S'II'",.I ·heap. mixed. added;. '
maswad (pI. masall'.dj 'means of stirring a fire, sawaqi, act. part. of soqa;
tive); Sillat (K'), verbal noun of SOIa:
fire pan, lire shovel, fire holder, censer';
s.ww.q (K') 'that is Supported, that is propped JOlI'asawawi (K) 'grammarian, grammatical'; masor 'mixing-vessel';
SEMITIC: SAc. (s)lI'd) , mSJlI'd rendered by Conti up' ;
Rossini 1931 ;254 'saccellum vel ara pro igneo sacci. ETHIOPIC Tna.Amh. sawasaw 'grammar, vocabu. ~E.MI:I(,; A~_ sara (sw!J 'ml.x, stir'; pcrhap:s to be
soq (lL T) 'prop, Support, stake, foundation'; Identified with SOfa I 'POUT> add'
ficio' is rendered in SabDic 139 'haJJ, audience Jary'. Dillmann 386 connects it wilh 'an.sosawa
chamber', and is not to be connected with G. (swd) , s.wwaq. sawiiq (pI. 'aswaq) 'support, prop, 'move, walk'; so also Conti 1980 : 112, The concepl
mas wad. stake' ;
and the tenn sawaS3W are taken from the Coptic- SW! III, SaWa!a ()tIlm (T.K.Y) 'flagellate' ;
m.swaq 'place of support'; Arabic tenn for grammar, namely suI/am 'ladder',
siiwdii"a,.,-: 'melancholy'; maswaq, (K') masoq (pI. masaw'q. masawaql) The most detailed study on the contents and the
sawl (pI. sawlal, 'aswa!l 'Scourge, whip',

from Ar. sowda, 'bile, melancholy', lit. 'black'. See 'support, buttress'; grammatical terminology of the SawascJw is found SEMITiC; AT. Sa!a (swO 'flagellate', ,\·a»,! 'whip',
also >aswad. Heb. SO{. Aram.·Syr. iawrii .
In M,M. Moreno, "Struttura e terminologia del Sa-
SEMITIC : Dillmann 387 compares it with AT. siiq ETHIOPIC Te. iiiI1'WG{a 'Hog', Tna. SCllI'wiila, Amh.
'leg, foreleg', Heb. f6q ·foreleg·. Syr fiiqii. w,sew", RSE 8 (1949),12-62, Moreno, ib, gives a
swg, soga {l1 (MA) 'be manured', bibliography of the studies dealing with the SQWUSJW SaW! 'whip ' (from Arabic): also SO!! adiirriigii 'whip'
ETHloPle : Amh. soqii 'prop up' (K WK 853, under (v), Har, jii! d.ia,
as well as with the suI/am.
sawaka ()tIlh (MA) 'be crisp (bread), be swq). probably from Geez.
browned (bread or meat)', "wt.1 (pI. sawal.!) ()1J)o.,.A 'javelin, dagger'; say M~. (T.K *) 'woe';
sawaqi ()'I''I! (It) 'irrigation canal, irrigation
swlI, saula ()tIl/I (T,Y,M) 'begi n to ripen (fruit ditch'; from Ar, (Yemen) salaleh ·fork·. of Turkish (calal) see sa)'1 , below,
or cereal),; origin; also in Te. sOfiil, siJ tiil, so!al 'dagger', Tna.
from Ar. sawaq;", pI. of siiqiya. See also saqaya.
masH'al (M) 'fruit or cereal that begins to IQuil, !tJtol, iordl, Amh. sotiil, Har. sOldl; in Cushit- say'a ()f.h (T,Y,M) 'commit a disgraceful or
ripen " ic: Sam. sotiil 'big awl', Bit soral 'dagger', Oem .
sawwara ()tIl,: (D.Y), sawwara IPtIl,: (Y) 'hide, !ural, Sa. sotal. depraved act, be given to fornication';
swl II; see maswal. conceal, cover over, shield, screen, protect'; saya', (L) say.' 'disgraceful, scandalous, or
tasawwara, passive, reflexive; also 'vanish, dis- swp, so,. (YJSIIIJ {1m, (T. Y) Sota Y'm, sawata depraved act';
swl II!; see, appear' ; ~lDm, (KG) sawa!a 'pour, spill. 'diffuse, il)fus~, SEMJTJC: Ar. SQ)Q (s w') 'become bad, evil, dcterio~
sawwari, act. part. of sawwara; '"still, spread, shed, empty, drain, turn over, rate', SAr, s,w' 'bad, wicked', Heb, Jow(,) 'worth-
S.1ww"r, sawwur 'hidden, concealed, covered, change' ; less', SW) (hif(iJ) 'treat badly', Ug, j'I)' 'criminal'
secret, obscure'; (SOla "'so 'he divested himself of') ' (Caquot 439, n, c), The comparison with Akk, !iitll
swo, 'aswana hl'ltll~ (M) 'cause to separate. saw ' ,
make dissolve, make urinate, yawn, gape'; S'WW.ra (l), adv. of s.wwar; , WOla pour, pour out, (T.Y,M) change, sub- 'south wind' suggested by Fronzaroli 1965, III : 146 is
S.wwaral (pI. of S.wwar) 'mysteries'; stitute' ,, unlikely,
'asO!a, causative; ETHIOPfC: Tna. sti)'a>·er 'she became a woman of 111
repute', See also sl'.
, ".f.~ (T) 'lady, pity, pardon'; cpo Latin tabescere 'melt graduaJly, be dissolVed,
- rt'tana 'become the devil. change mto Sa. -
waste, pine, dwindle away, languish ', Ar. dflba
IDSDJ • 'nati ve)' sa:ara (I'>s:", 'measure with the 'pan' (de-
from Ar. JOITida 'lady'; also in Tna.Amh. sayda. , (denonu ' . , nomlnalIve)~
same. See also silyyiil;t. , Ian -nawl. ' 'dl'abolic ' Satamc;
The meaning -·pity. pardon' is explained by Guidi in
Noeldeke 1906:920 as an allegoric interpretation. sayt~ (K*) 'diabolic nature, state or quality SJ=:tire (Grl 'meaSuring Vo1th the 'pan',
sy~, se~a fl.." (Y.M) 'foretell, use divination'; soy!one . '. SH"T/C Soq .. . Mh
The term .wi)'da refers to the Virgin Mary, since she
sayyii&, sayyiihi (T.M) 'diviner, soothsayer';
r being a deVll , .. L._ · . se=lf, . ha=er til ==- it The Conne-c_
IS conSidered (he intercessor. lion uctween G ~~ d H
say.h (ToO 1395) 'monk, ascetic, hermit (pOssi- o (" G. say!On (Say!tinJ is taken from Aram . . ..3' an eb_ =rr(!, S~ r rar-lei
s»idorn. flY J!'- (T. M) 'moon'; S.\,,~ (11 b siiIOn)' see Noeldeke 1910:34. As for (add Ug dr.,) was SUgge"ed by Hale". ROll
bly having the role of soothsayer)';
.¢ltin~alio:shiP· bet~een G. santin and Ar. .tay~tin, (1885) 6011', and al,o b) D,lImann 3Q~ Heh",,,,

the form is enigmatic. sayytihl, pI. sayyii&iil (0 393) 'divination, act(s) e

Iher .usin ZDMG61 (1901). 619lfthinks that G. Z('rl, on the other hand, i!O considered .in E tI
of divination'; Praeton d d
- . an Arabic loanwor an stales t at "der
h loanWord (BondI, ZoS 52, 1Q84 p. 132, an/l~m~
sayf (pI. >asyii/, 'as),./I) n.f.<i: 'sword';
from Chr.-Ar. sayib 'itinerant dervish'; the verb is a 5~YranhlShn'stliche . durch arabische BecinHus.
sa)'ttin don, JAOS 73. 1953. p. 143ft) The derivation of G
saya/a, sayyqfa 'strike or cut with a sword' denominative.
'udlsc -c
Jsung en Istanden ist" . Noeldeke
SJ;:;~T from ·sJlle laST 'twt.'I\iC' > S,J'h'J~r '> .\",:m,~.1r ,>'
(denominative); I1910:47 IS of the
sa".ur, > s.J=~r, suggested by Rundgrcn 1<)61.369
.. that Ar Say tOn IS a Gecz oanword (so also
. - - ., (It) SaVFa/
sa1'1'ii(i, .- 'sword·bearer, (ll) execu. .. yjj~ flY;t, 'goblet, chalice, cup, bowl'; Op!nlon '. b' G •
A. Fischer 1953:66). The Ara IC· ,.r:e..z ,orm !al~lii". (even Ir supported b~ Greek spithrlnl(' . Handspannc.
tloner ;
SEMITIC: perhaps Akk . siibu 'bowl, basin'. 50)'10'n (with ay) agamst Heb . .<alOn . (w,th 0) IS dre~ pal.alsta!. Urn .Ie Vier Finger, d.h LU:-ammcn
from AT. SO}! 'sword' (for its Aramaic origin, see '1 'ned by Praetorius,. ZDMG 72 (1918).343·4 as zwolf Finger ), is unhkely. The connC'Clion between
Fraenkel239, A. Fischer 1953:61); also in Te.Amh. ..yyjj~ flY;t, (T) 'defiled thing, fornication';
eJpa! , G. sa::;}, and Ar. Jib, 'span' which Praetonu~ 18Q()
pejorative form (,schlimmer Satan ), a form that
siiJf Tna. siiyji, HaL si[, GUT. se/; in Cushitic: perhaps to be connected with sayJ:ta II. :e finds in AI. (Oatina) nusayn from 'insan. For the 44-5 su~gests. with reservatIons. is not con\imcing.
Bil.Som . sef, Kham. sif The Greek origin (ksiphos) bibliography on say!On, see Praetonus. ZDMG 61 Praetonu" ZDMG 53 (\89Q). 348 compares G
.'iil":.1r ~Ith Ar. .fa:ara 'tWIst (thread), The connec-
suggested by Vollers, ZDMG 51 (1897).298 is un.
sayl I n.eA 'misfortune, calamity, sorrow, (1907)619ff. .. . _
tion Wlth AU_. :r;adiiru, JC'Ji,u 'draw up In mllitarv
woe!, ahl'; with suffix pronouns of the 1st ETHIOPIC: Tna, Amh . say!on, Te. se!an.
person: sayli1ya, selaya 'woe is me!'; order'. suggested by Rabin, SH 8 (I Q61) ..193. "
say~a I (yasih) n.e." (K*.Y.M), se~a 1\.." sayle 'woe!'; sa," n'JI'l (T) =
Amh . sande 'wheat';
(T.Y.M) 'melt, liquefy, dissolve, pound, crush, Sw. in 0 1402 renders SJZn with sandale 'fine EnfloJ>IC Tna, siin:iirO ..~iiJdflrd (with aitcrnan(e
(M) strain, percolate'; from say 'woe' (see above) and agglutinated I 'to'; d: =) 'measure with the spun', Te. sddt/eira, Amh.
flour', for which DiJlmann ib. suggests sandal
for I agglutinated to an interjection, cpo also wayle sdnii::Jra, Arg. sanli=:iira, dCnOnlln,Hlv('s or Tna
sa}'ya~1G, JQsay)'aba. causative; 'sandalwood' .
'misfortune, woe!', from lVay 'woe!', and I 'to', .fiJdri, Te . .fiifbr, Amh.Arg, $,m:ar, Har. -=WI;;urfi.
sayyah, sayyiihi (K *) 'Who melts, silversmith,
Gur, probably passed into Cushitu..': Had.
ironsmith'; sayl 1I n.eA 'foetus, embryo'; soz(.)r MIC 'span'; .'iJnzar:

ITon ;
, (K) 'pit in which blacksmiths melt SEMITIC: Ar, saM 'membrane encasing the foetus',
Heb. silyii 'afterbirth', Aram. silyaJii, Syr. saliJii,
mas)'iill (instead of T. m.syiih) 'mortar for Akk. siti(u, selitu.
pounding'; ETHIOPIC: Tna.Amh. sal 'foetus', Gur. sal, sar
SEMITIC: Ar. sii&a (syil! 'melt' (Dozy), Heb. iiih 'embryo'; connected with Tna. saliit 'placenta', Te.
Siller; passed into Cushitic: Bil. sitit,
(s)'&) 'be reduced to dust', Syr. siih (swh) 'melt,
waste away'.
syn, sena I\. ~; see .fyn.
ETHIOPIC: Amh. sa),)'all 'one who makes special
objects at the court (gold and silver cups, and
others)'. See also sayha II.
sayqala n.e+n (T) 'polish, dust' (instead of
layqala of T);
say~a /I ()'asi&) n.e."
(K*.T.Y.M) 'go bad, lan- sayqal (T.M.Sw. in 0 \395) 'means of polishing
or dusting'; ,
guish, be sick. die, be lost, be dry, be moldy';
say)'a&a 'make languid, make dwindle'; from Ar. sayqa/, ~ayqa/: for the Arabic roms, see
lasa),&a, lasayya~a 'suffer (from a disease),; Fraenkel 254.
'asaytlG (T) 'wound, make sick';
si~ 'disease, scourge, incurable wound, elephan-
sayqal n.e+A (T.M) 'spindle'.
tiasis' ;
sayr n.eC (T.M.Sw. in 0 1395) 'assembly, coun.
sayyiih (T) 'sick person'; cil, place of meeting'.
the meanings of this root are probably figurative
meanings of sQy!ta I. For the passage of meanings, say!in (pI. sayii!an, sayalaniil) n.e"l'l 'Satan,
devil, demon, adversary';


laSar/a, pass. of sar~/a; ,.

sa<oli, act. part. of sara/a; also painter, sculp-
tOf ,
sacul, pass. part. of sarala; "<aya, s,,'Ya I y,s'a.1'j "'Of I '''bf (D Yl,
sa</ 'picture, painting, image, icon, plan, mod. .a<aya flOf (T.Y.M) '''lOnow, scatter. (T t.: "0
eI' ; separate. (T.K.Y) make dry_ make dlS<lr-
S IP (sa<!a s.q!at 'icon, figure'); pear',
• •
(beta sa<! 'oratory, pnvate chapel of a sov- lasaraya, passIve;
ereign where there is an icon [instead of an mas<e (pI. masa<.}'), (L) mo';", 'winno\\ing fork.
sa's,'a "11.1"'1\, (Y) sa<s,,<. "IbP'O, (T) sa<so<. ark])'; fan for winnowing grain';
SEMITIC Ar. fa<a (J'.~') 'd isperse'; related 10 Ja'~a,
mast;}l, act. part. of >Qs(ala; also Cpainter';
s,,'ba ()'.s'abj P'Ml, (Y) s,,<ba P'Ml, (T.Y.M) IlMIO 'speak well, speak clearly, (T) answer,
sa<ba liM, (MA) .a'aba 1'11\11, so'ba 1'11.11 'soil be prompt, (Gr. 132) answer promptly, (Y) be SEMtTIC: Ug. m-S<l/-m 'two figures' (Gordon 493). a~d siita (sy') 'spread, disperse'. The Compari~on
successful, prosper'; EnnoPlc: Te. sii<ala 'paint, depict, portray', Tna. With Akk. se'u, "etwa 'nlcderdriic:ken, unler-
(tL), dirty, profane, defile, dishonor, contami-
nate, spill spenn, (Y) be dirty'; sa'SiN (Or.132), act. participle; sOfalii, Amh. sala; for beta siI<l, cpo Tna . sarli bet, drilcken"" Syr. S;1'O 'attack', sugge.sted by \Ion Soden
Amh. sa>ill bet. The root passed into Cushilic: 1038, is unlikely. See also ,n'j'.
fasi/lba, passive; SO)SG'. (T) siirsG', (K *) saJsa'e 'eloquence, fluen-
cy, pleasantness of speech, eloquence of dic- Kham. sil 'painting, picture'. ETHIOPIC: for G. ma.f<e, cpo Tna. mas'£'. mii.~h('
tasa'aba (K') 'pollute each other'; 'pitchfork', Amh. miinJ (from mti.f'e with inserhon
s.'ub, (L) sd'ub 'spotted, unclean, impure, tion, refined manner of speaking, readiness'; ..<,. I (y.s<ar j P'bt., (Y) SO<'a lIbt. 'grow of n), Our. (Soddo) mans (rrom Amhanc), denomI-
soiled, dirty, contaminated, polluted'; s.,su' 'eloquent, well-spoken, who speaks with green, become green, be covered with vege-
ease' ; native: Amh. mannillii. mii.Hdnii (with metatheSIS)
s,'bal, (L) s.'bat, verbal noun of s.'ba; also tables' ; ·winnow'. The root passed into Cushltic; Sa. mllSti
sJ>sJ>annG (It) 'eloquence'; 'pitchfork'. See also ms<)'
'stain, defilement. contamination, sperm'; sa<r (pI. 'as..,,), (T) sa<r 'herb, herbage, grass,
SEMITIC: PbH. s'b (picel) 'render unclean', Syr. Dillmann 254 derives it from ('a)ws;J>a 'answer' > vegetation, straw, (T) meadow, grassland, pas-
§eba "1.11; see syh.
sayye9. Aram. siI'ep 'be unclean', Md. sub 'pollute, S' (with loss of w) > reduplicated S'S'. ture' ;
defile'. The root is related to Ar. Saba (Swb) 'mix, Sofa '1"'0: see Swr. s;J'ur 'grassy, green, covered with vegetation or
adulterate' (also ra>assaba 'be mixed'). with grass'; sbb, 'abba, sababa "'II I "'1111 (K ') 'pierce,
sU' I -b 'linen, flax'. maSr;}r 'grassy, producing grass'; perforate, break, bend';
S3>R (pI. >as'an, >as'iin, 'Qsii)an) ...,A') 'shoe, san- 'asbaba (T) 'bow down';
daI' ; SEMITIC; Ar. sarar 'vegetation, trees'. There is a
su< II -b, (r+) su< fl-b 'tinder, kindling mate- possible connection with srr. srr 'barley', for which SSMITIC: Ar. sabba 'cut, pierce', PbH . .Uhheg, Jud -
!asa'na, !aiQ)Qna. (T) !asa1ana 'wear shoes, put rial (such as dung, excrement), firebrand, see Sarniiy, below. Aram. !ibba 'splinter', Heb. !agiig-im 'splinters' (1);
on sandals, use as a shoe, be shoed with' wick' ; also in Cushitic: Bil. sab 'pierce, sting', Qua ,A\\:.
ETHIOPIC: Tna. sa'ri 'grass, hay', Te. sarar, Gur.
(denominative); Kham. sib, Sib.
Dillmann 256 derives it from iaw'a (see below) sOJar, Har. sa'ar, Amh.Gaf. sar, Arg. sir.
)as'ana 'furnish with shoes, put shoes on 'sacrifice > burn'.
someone'; ..<,all P'bt. (K*.Y), _,. lIbt. (T.Y.M) 'heal, Sab~a (y.sMbj "'11"" (T Y) sab~a 1'111", 'be
'QStaiJ>na, 'QstaSG'ana 'fasten something to the be cured, (T.Y) cure'; fal, grow fat';
s,,<.<a (y,s<ii<j P'lJo (K'), SO"'a 1I1.1\ (MA)
feet like shoes, furnish with shoes, cause to put s.'ur (K ') 'who heals, who is cured'; 'ash.ha

'peel off, scrape, clean (a surface), dissipate,
on shoes'. scatter' ,. ETHIOPIC: ~mh. fora 'heal', Gar. sarli; seems to be s.bu~ 'fat (adj.), obese, fatling, fattened',
salun (K·) 'one who wears shoes'; tas'<.<a, (T) tas.'.'o 'peel off (intL), be peeled, related to saraya I (see below). s.bll 'fat (n.), fatness, obesity';
SEMITIC: Heb. sa'on 'shoe' (accordmg to Zimmem be scaled, be scattered, be scraped'; .i.b~at (K') 'fatness';
38 from Akk . sinu; also Blau 116; not so Kaufman s.'a, 'scrapings, scales, (Lt) roughness, scab, ..<.rt P'bC-r, (T) sa'.rt lI1.C-r 'hair of body 'asMhi,
• ma,ib.hi 'that fattens';

Or head" , masb.!1 'fat' (adj.);
30, n I; Brockelmann 1928:454 considers Heb. (0r.134) rust';
SiI'on an Aramaic loanword), Aram. SentI, Syr. Sil'U- mas..,t (K'), mas<art, pI. masa'art (T.M) m.sbii!1 (K') 'means of becoming fat'.
SEMITIC: Ar. Sarra 'disperse, scatter' (Dillmann 261),
mi. siinri, Md. sinia, Akk. Sinu. Akk. also meienu, 'comb, wooden headrest'; note that masrar! is masb.~t, pI. (K') 'fat';
maia'anu, Md. msania. Ug. mtyn « Akkadian; Syr. sa< (iff) 'smooth' (coming close to 'peel otr) > an instrumental ('comb', that is, 'instrument to
Dietrich 299). 'plaster', for which cpo Heb. Socii (sry) 'be smeared SEMITIC: S~. sab~ 'fat meat, corpulence'; perhaps
over'. comb the hair'), and a place-name (,wooden
ETHIOPIC: Te. SiI'iln 'shoe', Tna. sa'ni, Har asrn, also PbH. siiqa~ 'grow in value', Syr. silpa~1 'im.
headrest', that is, 'a p lace on which the hair of prove, rise in value'.
Gur. (Zway) aSim; probably passed into Cushitic: the head rests');
Had. a.Silna. Remisch 1902:329 compares Som. sii'an s.<.I. (y.s'a!j "'Oil, (Y) sa'ala "'1\11 'fonn, ETHIOPIC: Tna. siib~e 'be fat', Te. JiiNlU, Hur. siiba.
'leather sole' shape, fashion, carve, depict, portray, paint'; SEMITIC: Ar. SQrr, sa'ar 'hair', Soq. sa<ihor, Heb. ba, Amh.Gur. siibba. The comparison with Heb.
laScala, causative; ie'iir, Aram. sa<ara, sa'ara, Syr. sarra, Md. sara, Ug. saPa< 'be sated with food', Ar. Sabira, suggested by
./<rl, Akk. fiirtu. See also ~Qg"'r. Annbruster 563, is unlikely. The root passed into
I Cushitic: Sa.Af. sebah• .•ubah• 'fat', Som. subag
~~.~~h~a~______________________________~~ ~~
526 __________________________________sagara
.abSaba '''11'''0 (K') 'intertwine, put rush or
lea yes around something, be fenced in, be
(b4rala .iaga 'genitalia'); -sagara II 1P1£: (K*.Gr) 'catch III a net, en-
.. - "liIhbaba
(za-saga 'of nesh, carnal, sensua!'); p
encm.:led b" leaves or ivy';
(.iaga-hu ",a-damu 'Eucharist', lit. 'his flesh and snare, entangle, (K *) bar a gate with a pIece or Im riS?"I.."d "> ~eep \l,3tt.:h' Tna ltJg-lUI 'pilOn
.mh.~ii" 'tre-Jli.'i, basket made of intertwined his blood'); 1 wood' ; keeper, Arnh Jtlg~d'iJ 'he taught doll' 1'1. ~rhaps a
rush, granary made of leaves or rush, (M) >asgara, >asaggara, causative; also 'cast nets, denommatlve from SugllraJ ·s(lldlcr ... • t kt'n frum
Geez. Pr~ctonus 1890 ' )71 dr"l: . . not C'(lnn~ct 'agar"
.Iagawi, sagay 'carnal, fleshy, corporeal, (Lt)
smaI1 room near the main house where the catch in a net, ensnare. entangle. fish' .
lasagra 'be captured, be ensnared, be caught on 111. wllh sagarll II. He SUggC .. ti the ~)s..'lhlhh bf H~
newIy-marncd stay until their own house is
(azmad s-gawayan 'blood relatives'); being the proper name of J mllltJry unit ~
a net, get entangled';
Sf-MIlre: for the meanmg 'intertwine', cpo Ar. sabab
ErnlOPIC: Te.Tna.Amh.Gur. saga 'flesh', from Cush- I sagari, act. part. of sagara; hgar., saggar. IY 1P1t. (Dcut ~I 20) '0" a
itic: Bil. sixa, Qem.Kham. siya (for mOre details on
'rope', Heb. saIJa[! 'turn around', Ug. sbb 'turn',
Cushitic, see Cerulli 1938:218, under sa>ii, and Dol.
sagur (K*.Gr.138) 'ensnared, captured, (I.t) reveler' (in the Septuagint), 'be II gluilon !>t'
All . .I'tbbu 'girdle'. spread (snare)'; 13\;sh' (in the Hebrew te't). .
gopolsky 99-100). The comparison with Ar. sa-
EnJloPlc: Te. siibsab 'roofed anteroom', Toa. siib-
g,m'ga 'bulky', Heb. Safa(» , Mira (sgy) 'grow r sagral, verbal noun of sagara;
sab 'small struclure near the parents' house where sagara UI11r (K-) 'Ia tri ne, ()Ulhou)o.t,";
great', suggested by Dillmann 267 (so also Koehler ·asgari 'who casts nets, fisherman, hunter';
the neWly-married stay', Amh. sabsab 'lean-to. floor 914), is unlikely. See also sgw. 'asgaro, >asgnoi (Lt) 'hunting, fishing'; from Amh. siigtiru. Yii-sil~iira bn 'Iatrinc', ,Ib~\ Tn;,
space protected from the weather by the edge of an ",asaggar 'fisherman, who lies in ambush'; Har. siigara, Gur .fii~iira 'backyard Chh(' tn the
overhanging roof', Gur. sabsab 'extension of roof'. 1 (ma.iaggna 'asa 'fisherman'); house'; also in Or .\'aga·ra 'Ialnne',
For Ihe meaning 'intertwine', cpo Amh. fiibiiffiibii sagara, saggara I IP'I£:, (K) sagra (yasgar)
'plail'; also Te. $lihib 'cord, thread'. sabiiba ' plait ', IP"I£: 'take a step, amble, (K *) cross, go masgarr,, masiigiJrt, (T) musgar( S.gariitiwi 'V'I':-;"'/!; ,ee,agar" 111
Tna. Amh. ,5tlbah 'cord or Icather strap tied around across' ; 'snare, trap, fiShhook, net, network, trellis,
the lower jaw of a horse' (perhaps, however, from >aJgara, >Qsaggara, causative; also <insert by feuers, ambush'; Saggu. 1"1-T; see (.i/(II'), ';"lIg,>I'
the root -fhh 'tIe with a cord', rather than 'twist'). skipping a day or a month in the COunt of the basic meaning is perhaps Ihat of Interlacing
See also sahata. years or holidays'; sgw, t.sagawa '1'1P1ID, (Ii. *J •• sag ... ''''''''110
lhings for a net. developed into 'catch with il nct',
'become flesh, assume a bod), bc,,:ome Incar.
sibat "t.,flT; see _'yh. lasiigara (K*) 'cross over, step over'; for which cpo Ar. saKara 'be intricate. be intricately
nate, (K *) become corpulent, become ,t,>ut',
sag(g)dri, saggdr (K*.Gr 137) 'who ambles, twined'. For the meaning 'interlace', Praetorius
who takes a step'; >a.\'gaH'fJ, (K·) ·a.fClgxawa 'Incurnalc, make
sabata 1P0m (L.TM), sabata (tOm (Y) 'eat, 1890:371 compares thc root srg-srll (with metathe- sloul, make corpulent',
have dinner'; (it is stra nge that Y gives sabala sagur (Gr) 'one who takes a step (toward)'; sis) represented in Heb. srg (pu'al) 'be intertwined',
Syr. sarag 'intertwine, entangle', Aram . .filrigii 'fcnet', "1Slm'aggall'a (K') 'make corpulent';
'give a morsel'. but sabata 'take a morsel'); .fagY 'intercalation, insertion';
trellis', Ar . .rariga 'that which is woven -of palm .Iagg.II' (fem. ,i,'ggUl) 'incurna ted, (Ii.') ,tout,
'asbala, (T) >asba!a 'offer food , receive some- .iaggare (Gr.137) 'accelerated steps'; leaves (door, cage)'. On the other hUlld it is not
fleshy' ;
one for dinner, provide for, offer a feast'; sagral (K*) 'taking steps, ambling, crossing
impossible to consider the basic meaning 'close. sacgiiwe 'fleshy natllre incarnation, becoming
.I,M!, .'abal 'cooked food, dish of food, main over' ;

enclose> catcb', and in this case the rool /'X' may stout, becoming corpulent';
meal, (Gr.l3l) feast, (Lt) maintenance'; sa'griiwi 'inserted';
be compared (so also Dillm"nn 266) with IIch . I."rglll 'oncarnation, assuming of n bodv',
ETHIOPIC: Te. rfJ)Siibbii!a 'consume', Toa. siirhii!ii,
>asgdri 'who inserts, (K *) who ambles, who Jtigar 'shut up, close', Aram.-Syr .t,)gOI', Ug.Md. fuSaggiJWo( 'incarnation I ,
makes cross'; pf sgr, Akk. sigaru, siguru 'clamp'. Zimmcrn 15
Sarbiifii (with an augmented r) 'taste a little bit', I ma.ragg;,w (K·) 'who Incarnates';
Har. subo! 'midday mear, Gur. (tii)srabbii!ii (with masgari, masg" (K*) 'who makes amble, who and von Soden 1230 suggest a Sumerian origin for ma,fiJggciw 'place of incarnation',
Akk. sigaru.
augmented r) 'start to eat after laking an anthelmin- makes cross';
the verb is a denominative from .1:jlRci, above
tiC"; also 1Il Cushitic; Qab. (tii)srabbar?o" same as masgar (pI. masagar) 'step, means of crossing ETHIOPIC: Te. sliggara 'catch (birds) in snares', mii.~a­
Gurage, Or .subii!a 'meal' over, means of taking a step'; gar (pl.) 'bars or a gate', Amh. (a).r"KKarii 'caleh siihbaba "11100, (L.T) s.~baba iI,hOII '!lro",
Jagur 'run'; Schulthess 75, n. 33 (fish) in a net', .fiigg"iirii 'bar the gate with a piece of
sadahe 1P"l~ (T.M) 'plain, outdoors'; SEMITIC: PbH .
wood', Tna. siigWiirii. stigarii. Amhnric !,Jggar
moldy, grow musty, get spoi led';
compares Ar. sagaro, rendered by him ' run' , While s,,/ohuh, (T) sahhuh, (L) .I',,!,huh 'n"'ist, moldy,
gives the impression of being borrowed from Heb. the original meaning of sagara is 'raise the leg' (and 'difficulty' compared, with reservations, by Marras- musly, spoiled';
siiqrl ilJ 'field' not 'run'), the comparison is sti ll valid. PraCl.orius sini 68, is a variant of bgga, and does not belong
here. See also sarga, sagara JJ I. SEMITIC: Dillmann 2)0 (followed by Stude 19)
1890:372 compares Ar. (gsr) , igtasura 'cross ', de-
sada} 1P"lJ', (OT) 'God, omnipotent, who has nominative from gisr 'bridge'. connects il with Ar, Jalwha 'be gray'
no limits', ETHIOPIC: Te. siigra ' run quickly', Tna.Amh. siig. ,agara /(f 'P1£: (T. Y.M) 'become a soldier'; Enll(wlC': Te. ('a)s~lflhiiha 'overgrow', as OfH
that overgrows a stone (Littmann-l-It1[ncr 171),
from Heb. J~add(J)'; nOle that the Septuagint likewise giira 'amble', Amh . (a)J'iiggiird 'do something every sugar, pi. sagaral (K.Gr.137) 'keeper of the
renders iadday by ·omnipotent'. other day, skip a day (of a holiday)' , Har saglira ! I~strumeot of torture. executioner. guard. sol-
S(lbiiha "kind of moss', ,f,]ba 'nJllSS'; Tnn . .\'iibrihii
'amble', Gur. siigiirii; passed into Cushitic: Had. 'become moldy', siihaba, sobha 'rnnss' (so also pur-
, of the guard, garrison';
siigaro-kko, Mo . saggari(ye) , Bil. sagar 'go oul'. twlly Wajnbcrg 1937 :34); Amh, .I'flhtl 'green sc,;UIlJ
Saga 1";1 'flesh, meat, the flesh as opposed to sagaralvi, ,ragariittiwi 'pertaining to ,(-agar';
the spJrit, body, corpse'; Note that Dillmann 266 compares the Geez root Ihat flonts on stagnant wilter'. Thc conncction
with Amh. (cajSaggiirii 'cross'. the various meanings of sagrJr(il given above probu- with Tnn . .sahhdhii 'lose onc's strength', .l"u&mdmil
bly go back to sagara II 'ensnare :> close > keep 'be Wilhout energy', suggested by Wajnberg 1935
21 (72), IS doubtful.

~tlfiII. cauI.tive; ..". ·comfort•• Ueviate. put at _ . aIJow to Ar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I~ (LI) 'Iaush tOFther'; JIll, quiet' (v); be"eY<Armbruater 414). aIIo ...
(Ko.Or). act. part. of J~lIqa; ~/II. caUl. of ~III; Enooflc. 1'1Ia. ... AM. ......
."". (K0) 'who Jaush', who mocks';
~. Ja~a,. J~iiII ·Jaushler. mockery, deri-
Mb'' '..caUl.~III;of Jaba"; ........,
...-• .. IIne·• Mar
..... 0. ........
~Ii (K.Or.I3I). act. of ~a; (lit 'Ilia IIIiD-. 0111') . . . . . IDto ~
sion, Jaushilllltoc:k. scorn';
bPI ·tolerable. who il at re- ~'m AI 1IINfto. Or IIIIIfe
~i (Or.123). act. part. of ""~;
md~I'who makes Jaush. mocker. jester'; 1IJId. who is at _ . uplifted·; ..... .-An 'triple, treIIIe, do AIr till
".~. nwfuJq 'p1a ce of laushler, tbealer'; JtbIdII (L). of »PI; time, lid thriee'
Heb.~. ·leuSh'. Ar.l/DI!lk4. Md. Jlbl. (l') ~ ·rat. comfort, mention, tran-
sM. V•. IH· For Aram. ~. ~. Syr.
Md. oM (oM). r/Ik. see NoeJdoke 1875:73. D.2;
,./Ilt. quility. alleviation, mief. opportunity, JDOd
. ,
_woni 1""'- 'be the ,
Brockelmaml 1928.113. On this rool see also Stei. ~, (X.0), ~I (Or.95), of . . . '!hNe' (WIth . . acnm)
_1977 Illfl'. R.M. VoiJt. WO 10 (1979). 109-110.
..". ..... "fto Ilea.- m the . . , . . . III
EnaoPIC: Tna.
..... ArJ.
- ·1......•• Te. ~."'. Mar
...... GaIi fIJf<l for """
by ""'IUJation ('"'I > H). Our daqiI. WI. For
. . (pl. 'lll1I'1Ik. r1I '!hOlD, thorn
lpine (of hedgehoa). ltilll';
OodMld· •

mUle detul. on lhi. rool in yanoUi Ethiopian Jan. ItIka (X.0) 'lUng, thorny' (denOlDlU-
....... see Lealeu 1979:216, 5S6. tift);
JM,JwI (X.0) ·thorny';
..... (yNIpJf) I"ihA 'be IDSOlent. be alloaant. • Aram ,...... nlalilll
1IIOm. dapile, ill8ult, otrClld. be vehement, • Heb. m ItiIIa
(LTY M) • 'WDI' .... I A.ram. •
...." (X.o). act. participle;
miJcbievoua. a.,.....,. 'be POI''1.'; Ike 1ft Soq. MuNA ....fWu·,
lor. ".... 'pJaDt that baa tItorna'
1IrBDIc. Te. , . 'thvan', TDa. "IIfII. Oaf .rI/i"'
,rho (T Y) who meddJea into (11
(Or 1a4) (K) who < t). Mar Our _ . . Il10 ..... aile...

I11III' •
dildain. anopnce, impu·
..... ......~ (X.O) ·biro·.
... vehemenc:e' ,
...... (X.O) 'be hiNd' •
Ifhr 'IIirwd, IIInlln,';
Heb.1ItIII' 'bW. Anm (Pabn.), U.:PII.
lor ~ 'biIwIIq, _ t ' II a .......
"""'71 the . . . . . . . .
hIP.. At. , . , . 'dIIIar
. . , "WIwIIl' • CCIIIIMt*d III
witb the ...... IIMII ;lor 'bW
. . . . . . of .....
_ • iaIIIJII4 to
Sanata 530 samra Stnr 53 1
[,Jsl,'sf'Tri nity. threefold, three times as many' ; ETHIOPIC: Te. sa/{ana ' ha ve power', Tna. saltana bials m:p) . The comparison with Syr. s~~ar 'thin k' laSanaqa, (Gr. 13 I) la.5<1nnaqa·be furnIShed \\uh
Suggested by Praeto~us, DLZ 1900, 1696 is un·
(I~sl,>sl ',d 'th ird part') ; Amh . siila!.tanii ; passed int o Cushitic : Sa. S~/la~
'go vern , reign '. . convincing. See on tblS root Rundgren 196 1:370. .p roVlS1.0
provisio n s' ;
.. ,
t.?s(~sta( 'triad';
ETHIOPtc: Te. samra ' please', Tn a. samard, Amh .
Ar. rala, 'three', SAr. S)1, tIt, Soq . si/e,
maSnaqi (K·) 'who p rovides provisions'.
SI':MITIC': Sal!iin (K*) I"A"I') 'governor, king'; siimmara 'be pleasing'; passed into Cu sbitic : Som.
Hcb . JaJos, Ara m.·Syr. 1~,al, Md . llata, Ug. tit, Ph. masnaq , masn3q, mainaqt. maS11dqt (pI. fflas,j-
(rom Ar. sulran . samir 'delight in'.
fH, Akk. . sa/aS. naq) 'bag o f pro visions, pouch. ve".r,
ETHiOP1C Te. saJIis ' three', Tna. siildsle ; with loss of Serna "t,OP ; see sym I, II, III. smr, masmar oProPc 'line, ro w, verse'; masnaql (T). muSanaq' (Sw, In D 14(0) 'kitch-
, In Amh .Arg. !ioSl. Gaf. SOSld, Har. l i>il l i, sISti. en';
SEMITIC: perhaps Ar. rasama 'dra w, trace' (with
sam( ",,,.,,, 'wax, candle' ; metathesis; fo r its Aram aic o rigi n) see Fraenkel ~EMITtC: Dil~man n 250 compare~ It v.-ilh SVf S"lflaq
'aUa!a lPI\m . (K) 'ala!a lPI\m 'gain domin- probably from Ar. sam' 'wax, candle(s)' ; also in Te. 250), Heb. ral um 'inscribe', Syr. raianr ' draw, de· be In need; cp o also Md. snq (fOf \\ hll:,h "ce
ion , have power. have authority, exercise au- Siim~ ~, Tna. sam ~i, sdm r;, Amh .Arg.Gur. sam , Gar. lineate' . DIetrich 300), While Brockelmann 1928:485, follo\>o -
th ority, become master, reign, rule' ; sarna ; in Cushitic : Som. samar, Sa . i am re, Aw . ErntOPIC: from smr ' rule lines'; T e. miismiir ' line, ing Zirnmem 47, derives the Syn ac root from A kli.
>as/ara . )a,~alla!a 'have power, give power'; sYemi. stroke', Tna. miismiir ' ruler'. Amh. miismiir ' line'. saniiqll ' be in need ', von Soden 1022 considers Al l ,
l asa/fa , lasa/Jafa 'make oneself master, acquire See also mazmar. saniiqu 'be in need' a n Arama ic loanw ord; see abo
Semaka "t,OPh (M) 'choose, select' ; Kaufman 93.
power, exercise authority, have authority, gain 'amannar IPOPCOPC (K) ' kind of eagle'. ETHIOPI(,: Tna. Ha r. sanqi 'provislons fOf a
mastery (over), rule (over), dominate, become probably reconstructed from the imperfect y~sem. journey' , Te. sang. SJq «, Am h. J,lnq; passed
powerful, prevail'; mak, from · sammaka. !emata, .ayrnata "t,OP.,. I IP,.OP.,. (K' ,Lt) into C ushitic : Or s;Jllqi.
saliili (K 0) 'who has power' ; 'deal in grain ';
sallul 'who has power, who has dominion, Samra, samara (yasmar) IP'I" l. I IPOUl. 'de- la.iaymala (K '), passive ; San~r I"')I\C (Lt) 'splinter';
powerful' ; light in, be pleased, be well pleased, have a ETHIOPIC: Tna.Gur. siirnala 'deal in grain' , Amh .
sallii!e 'power, value, profit'; liking for, like, take pleasure in, accept favor- variant of s~~~~ar (see JaJ~ara) .
siimmiitii , Arg. semmaw : perhaps a denominative
s./Ian, see below; ably, agree, consent, approve, grant, be of from sm·t, to be compared with Soq . siom 'sell ',
masa/! (K 0). maS/a! (Gr) 'who has power, good will, condescend, (L) be pleasing'; Akk. samu 'buy'. Sant I"')T; see ,iyn,
powerful' ; 'asmara 'delight, give pleasure, like, make
laSa/!Of 'power' ; content, be pleased, be pleasant, please, be simat "'-OPT ; see sym I. sannaya lP~f 'be beautiful, be good , seem
SEMITIC: Ar . salufa 'gain power or mastery over, acceptable, be agreeable'; good, be well, be fine, be excellent, be fitting ,
iane, Sane IP). I 1")., (L) sane II)" tenth Ethio-
prevail', Heb. l illa! 'lord over, dominate' , from ('basmara 'displease'); be appropriate'; with suffix pronouns : 'appear
pian month (8 June-7 Juli); good, be good for, please';
Aram. J. lal 'rule', Syr., (Wagner 113, 114), Ug, tasamra 'agree, be unanimous, be approved' ;
sl),! 'powerful', Akk . salti!u 'have power over'. For tasamara 'agree with one another, be unani· ETHIOPIC : Tna. sane, Amh. sane ; also in Cushitic : )asannaya ' beautify, adorn. decorate, act well,
G . (>a ) .s/a~a ' have power over, give power', a sec· mous, approve' ; Kam.Tem. sana, 8e. senay 'early faJl' . Dillmann 254 behave rightly, do good, do well, do a favor.
ondary formation from salton, see Noeldeke samari, act. part. of samra ; derives it from iny 'be pretty, be good' . Because of treat well, be gracious, amend, adjust, im-
1910 :39. On the Aramaic origin of Akk . sala!u, see sam;r 'enjoyment, pleasure' ; the spellings I"k and Ok Conti Rossini 1923 :376 prove, make proper, make succeed';
Kaufman 98, seems to be inclined to consider sane the original
samur 'pleasant, pleasing, pleased, accepted, ('asannaya ga~~o 'he was friendly' : )aSannaYd
fonn and derives it from the Semitic root tnv. snv
acceptable, approved, willing, granted, delight- •
'two'. However, sane is not the 2nd month of the

/abbo ' he prevailed on, he persuaded');
Sal!in I"A"I,) 'dominion, authority, jurisdic- ful, beautiful, nice, munificent'; year and its derivation from the root for 'two' is lasannaya 'beautify oneself, be restored';
. ,
tlon. power ; samr 'consent, approval, good will'; therefore doubtful. Besides, it is IUk. that is found in >aslasannaya, (L.T) 'asluSiina,va 'beautify,
s.I!ana ..i 'related to authority, who has pow- samral 'will (of God), good will, benevolence, older manuscripts (Getatchew Haile). adorn, restore, adjust, (Lt) improve' ;
er' ,. pleasure, delight, favor, assent, consent, ap- sannay ' beautiful, good, fair, delightful,
sa/lana (Y.M) 'have power' (denominative) ; proval, acquiescence, agreement'; iena "t, ~; see syn. agreeable, glad (tidings), pleasing, proper,
'uSa/lana 'give full power, give authority, give samra/awi (Gr.450) 'benevolent, agreeable' ; right, virtuous, prosperous, suitable; (Lt) beau-
50n 1"') ; see sannaya.
dominion' ~ 'asmarol (Lt) 'benevolence'; ty, goodness, favor';
luSa/!ana 'establish authority'; masm." masmari 'pleasing, agreeable, accept- iona "'''; see sawwana, (ba-sannay 'well');
SEMmc: Ar. su/{tin 'power', Heb. ii/ron, Aram .·Syr. able, pleasant'; (Sanniiy-a 'well, finely, duly');
fu/{Drui. For the root in various Semitic languages. lasamrol, tasiimarot 'consent, agreement'; Sansqa (yasnaq) ... ~.,.. (Gr,131)sannaqa IP~"', sannayal 'good things, good works, good
see Wagner 114. Geez sa/ran seems to be derived lasmart (Gr,124) 'wish, desire, good will'; (T.Y) sanaqa II~'" 'prepare provisions for a deeds, good (n.), goodness';
from Aram,-Syr, sulrOna (Noeldeke 1910: 39) rather SEMITIC: Ar, (Yem.) sabar 'be suitable, be proper, be journey' ; (gaMre sannayal [Lt]'kind of functionary', lit.
than to be considered a noun with the suffix .an fit' (with alternanee of labials m:b), Heb. Japar 'be 'asnaqa 'provide provisions, prepare provi- 'who does good deeds');
derived from ialloro (for which see above). pleasing', Aram .·Syr. silpar (with alternanci of la· sions' .• sannuy 'adorned, lovely';
532 sar<B 533
,<,n, (T) SJn 'beauty, charm (of speech), grace, sagsaqa "'+"'.,.
(K*,Gr.129), saqsaqa (1+(1.,. :a.forco, passive; also 'submit, yield'; SE.Mlnc: AI. sanba 'dnnk', PbH samp 'swallow'
goodneS5. excellence, virtue'; (T) 'interlace, make a network, make lattice jariiq', act. part. of sareo ; Syr sarap 'SWallow, absorb', Md. srp. All sarJpk
't'liannayi (Gr). act. part. of )Qsannaya; work, perforate, bore, run through'; (Sara'e ~agg 'legislat~r') ; 'suck' .
'a..~allna.l'ot 'favor, benevolence'; tasaqsaqa (K *,Gr, 129), passive; I saru< pass part. of sarta; ETHloPlc: Te. sorbo 'suck up' (e.g. donkey suckmg
masaJlnal' 'beautiful, fair, the best (ot), the best saqsuq (0,247 under saqq), saqsuq (T) 'formed sarea; 'ordinance, ordering, order, arrange- water), Tna. Iii.riibii. siiriibii 'drink'. Amh . .1Iim'ibii
part, good things, who acts well, who does by network, perforated'; ment, ordered rank, procession, ceremony, (from Geez); Amh. miiiriib ' trough tn WhICh water
good' : saqsaq, saqasaq (pI. saqiisaq) 'network, fence rite, ritual, rule, regulation, manner, precept, is kept' COmes from Ar. mairab . See also S<lTapa 1.
mJSanluJ)'. same meanings as masannay; also made of netting, grate, lattice, any kind of prescription, charge, disposition, service, as- sarraf. "'I.L (Ltl 'honor, revere';
'good place' : work made like a net, veil, railing, window, (T) signment, constitution, provision, administra-
maS!aianfldY. masla.ran<1Y 'who restores, who balcony' ; tion, institution, testament, pact, custom. hab- from Ar. sarrafa, or common with sarTa(a (Litt-
mann 1913 : 17).
puts right, who readjusts, who embellishes'; saqsiiqe 'being formed with network'; it, tradition, covenant, decree, edict, statute,
SEMITIC: AT. sana 'good' is considered by Noeldeke SEMITIC for 'perforate', cpo Ar. saqqa. saqa>a 'split', law, canon'; brg (pI. 'aSrag, 'aSrJg) "'C., 'canal, small
1910 :59 a transcription of G . sanniiy 'good' rather Ar. (Syria) saqiaq 'tear, split, crack', (Sar'ata qaddiise 'liturgy'); brook, stream',
than a loanword. While Noeldeke 59, n.2 hesitates ETHIOPIC: Tna. siiqsiiqii 'detach, separate Some. (haddis sar'at 'New Testamen!'); from Ar. sarE 'ditch for watering camels'.
to compare G. sannaya with Ar. sanij (Sl1w) ·shine'. a
thing adhering to hard object', Te. siiqsiiqa 're-
sari<ot 'disposition';
sana, 'brilliance', since one would expect santi, Eitan move bread from the pan', Amh. saqiissiiqii, same, Saraga "'1.1 (K*) 'penetrate',
SEMITIC Ar. sara<a 'prescribe', sar;<Q 'law', SAr. S~f<
10 and 28, n. 50 does compare it with Ar. sanii Amh. siiqsiiq. saqsiiq 'balcony, window, lattice, grat-
(snw) . with some reservations, and with Heb. yaJun~
'erect, construct'. Buhl 794, following others (see Ennoptc : Amh, siirraga (from Geez),
ing'; also in Cushitic: Bil. Kham. saq 'plait, en.
bibliography, ib.), starts from the basic meaning of
n~ ( ' ) in Qoh. 8: I. Eitan 28, n. 50 also compares twine, intertwine'. See also saqsaqa.
Ar. sarQ<o 'point directly' developing into 'stretch Sorug P'~"; see sargawa ,
Heb. fonl'scarlet' with the Geez root sn)" and Heb.
out', and compares Heb. sre (hitpa(el) 'stretch out',
miine of Is. 61:7 is rendered 'best' by Eitan in
HUCA t2-13 (1937-38), Bittner 1909:32 compares
sagaya "'''''', (T) sagaya "."" 'vex , afflict , SYL ma' 'extend' (so also Brockelmann 1928: 500); sarr.~. "'C'" 'prosper. make prosper, bnng
torment, torture, molest, plague, inflict suffer. perhaps also Akk, ser., "etwa 'ftach hinlegen'" (for success, make successful';
Mh. meimi 'fitness, efficiency', and in WZKM 30 ing' ; )asarra~a 'give relief;
(1917-8),12-14 he compares the Geez root with Soq, which see von Soden 1220),
" ' .see .
tasiiqaya, passive; also 'suffer pain'; ETHIOPIC: Tna. siirfe 'arrange, decree', Te. siirta tasarra~a, (T) tasarra!lQ 'prosper, succeed, be
ETHIOPIC: Tna. sannii)'a 'be good, be beautiful', Te.
Sliqiiyi, act part of siiqaya; 'hold in order, appoint', Amh. sarra 'decree, pre- successful' ;
sana, Gur. siinna)'te 'kind of false banana·plant' saquy, pass, part of siiqaya; scribe. arrange', HaT. siira>a 'arrange'; perhaps sarrii!,i (KG), act part of sarra!,a;
(probably from siinlUlyt 'beautiful'), Amh. tii·siinaii· saqay 'tonnent, torture, pain. vexation, afflic- common with Cushitic : Or. sera 'law', Sid. sera, sarru!" (T) sarru~ 'prosperous, successful';
na 'become beautiful, good'. Note that Amh. Iii· tion, tribulation'; Som, sar 'place, put', s.,'at 'rule'. Cerulli 1951 :501 s.rra~iil'prosperity';
siinannii can be either a reduplicative stem of a non- masqe 'instrument of torture, goad, stimulus, (under sera) considers Or. sera a South·Ethiopian taSarra~o 'prosperity';
attested ·siiriiiii 'be beautiful', or it can be a redupli· weaver's comb, shuttle of loom'; loanword.
SEMITIC: Ar. sara~a 'expand, widen', SAr. Sy~ 'de-
cative stem of ·siiiiiiii used as asiiiiiiii or tiisiififiii in
SEMITIC: Ar. saqiya <be wretched, be in distress', liver, preserve, save', Heb. !iira~ 'grow luxuriantly'.
the composite verbs. This ·siiiifiii is identified by "ri', (KG) Sorri' P' 6o{) 'canvas, sail';
saqa (iqw) 'distress' (tr), S~, .iiqi 'be tired', .iiq!
Praetorius 1879:237 with G. sannaya. The foot
probably passed into Cushitic: Sam. san 'beauty,
'troublesome, tiring'. SEMlTIC: Noeldeke 1910:61 considers the root to be sar(')ba ..,C-l (K' ,Y,M), sar(.)~a, sar~• I ..,C'"
ETHlOPIC: Tna. saqayii 'tonnent', Te. siiqa, Amh. common to Geez and Ar. sirii< 'canvas, sail'. Fraen- (lC'" (T in various editions), sor~a (\C'" (T,
siiqiiyyii 'torment', miisaqiya 'instrument of torture'. kel 213·4 derives it from Heb. sara< 'stretch', Syr. misprint for sar~a) 'light up, be bright, shine,
glitter' ;
Saqg "'+(pI. saqqiit, 'aSqiiq, ·asqiiqiit) 'sack-
For G. maiqe, cpo Amh. miisqe 'roller with which
the weaver rolls up the finished cloth'.
sara', as against Landberg 190 I : 513 who derives it
from the original meaning of Ar. Sff 'be high'. sarra!lQ (T.Gr.125) 'illuminate, brighten';
cloth, covering of goat's hair'; ETHIOPIC: Te.Tna. sara< 'sail', Amh. siira (also sara>, taSarra~a (Gr. 125) 'be illustrious' (probably to
saqqa (K*) 'cover with sackcloth' (denomina- Sarr, Arr fPC ! FC; see sarara. from Geez), Har. sara 'canvas. tent (of canvas)'; be identified with tasarra~a 'be successful',
tive); passed into Cushitic: Sa. sira<, Af. sira.
Sera "1.60; see seraya It above);
SEMJTIC: Soq . .seqah 'coat', Heb. saq 'sackcloth', saruh• 'brilliant, splendid';
Aram,-Syr, saqqa, Akk, saqqu, saqqu, For G, .iaqq, sur, Sor -C I P'C (M); see sarw_ saraba (yasrab) "'~O, (LT) saraba 1'11.0 sarh, siirh• 'splendor, glory, magnificence';

see Zimmem 67, and Noeldeke 1910:39. For the 'drink, drink up, (l*,Y,M) absorb, sip'; sariib (T) 'light of glory';
Semitic origin of Gr. sakkos, see Masson 24-5. For Sal"a (yasrii') "'CO 'set, set forth, set in order, 'Qsraba 'give to drink, irrigate'; sarriibe, suriiye 'splendor, glory, brigbtness,
the Hittite origin of this root, see Rabin 1964: 153. set (the table), establish, establish order, ar- sarub (GrA50) 'absorbed';
ETHIOPIC : Tna. siiqqi, Amh. siiqq.
magnificence' ;
range, institute, enact, prepare, ordain, decree, sarab, sariib, sarb (pI. ·asriib) 'beverage, wine'; SeMITIC: AL sarI! 'prime of youth', Akk, sarii/)u 'be
stipulate, legislate, promulgate, prescribe, masrab 'water jar, bucket, pail'; splendid, be radiant', Driver, ITS 33 (1932), 44-5
saqa' ..,:,.{) (K) 'a comer of the earth, a part of make regulations, regulate, make a covenant,
the earth',
masriib 'place or object in which there is liquid compares Heb, sa~aru!, in EccL II : 10 (with metathe-
make a testament, administer (the Eucharist),; Or from which one drinks" , sis) 'radiancy (of youth)'. Driver, ib. also compares
;-Nm. ________________________________~5~3_4________________________________~h=-~ra:r~. Saran
• 5J5
SH ~·"h.
. m ¥I/~ra" 'be overjoyed. be ravished WIth
J\. \' The \3ri('I~' tlf forms such as ior&. sar&, suriibe
(Sarqa warb 'new moon');
saraq 'rising (of stars. moon). new moon. (l,) sllrur. SJrI" ·founded. set. established. (ll) crea-
• .
docs nOI lusflf,• the suggestion made by Rundgren ture •; Jaroret. Har alfir4raJIIl, Gur .ffl'~1

1Q('I I 3(\7 Ihal G. Jar/il1(la IS a loanword. the Orient'. 1936:2)7 cons.lders It a CUthlh\.: loan\\ord ecrullt
iurare 'foundation, founding'; Or.".
siJrqat, verbal noun of iaraqa~ also 'riSing, rarili, BII tarim, Oem. sa,i, \w ltf t
masarat. see above. o also
qrama. sarama (.1'.1.{rilln, YiI,sram) rPt.OD :
appearance'; Brcx:k.elmann IQ50: ~8.
"t."" (T Y KM). sarma "COD (T) 'become a sarqawi 'eastern, pertaining to a new moon'; SEMITIC' Soq. irr 'attach', PbH iTT (hif~il) 'estab-
(",arb sarqii",; 'lunar month'); lish', Aram . .fOrer 'establish. strengthen. fix firmly', Sarrat F l:'-: <;;ee farara.
s" amp. be deep. sink. flood';
sarama (T) 'dig deep'. saraqiiwi 'eastern, pertaining to a riSing, morn_ Syr. sarar 'fix firmly'. For the identification o/" G.
s..rrut r.,...)-; <;;ee (b rk J. ur'.H\
ing star'; STT with G. s.1rl\' 'root', Heb. JorrJ, see Praetorius
ra.~arma 'lower oneself into an abyss or to the 1890:35.
ground. fall mto an abyss. be submerged m an 'as,.qot (Velat 472-3 has 'as"qot) 'au petit sa"'e (pI. .iarall'lI) IPC'Il , (T) sa",. "C'll
ETHIOPIC': Tna. siirii/ii 'lay a foundation', denomina_
abyss, enter into a swamp'; jour. et avant de poursuivre i'office; Ie pretre 'beam of wood, log, trunk, WCJ.\"cr\ heam',
tive from Sariil 'foundation', from -Jrr. STT.
sarm. (T) "mil (pI. 'airiim) 'depth. abyss. flood. qui vient de chanter l'Evangile, chante i'Ai,r- SEMITIC: Aram.-Syr .tariJa 'hearn' tOlllm.lnn 24~);
Ar Jariya 'pillar' is consldercd ~y Fraenkd 11 an

~wamp ; qot, c'est-a-dire, donne, pour I'annee en Sarasa (y.sra~). ia~a (yasras) "'t.1I ..... CII.
cours. la date exacte des Poques et des autres sara~a "'t.B 'germinate. blossom. shoot forth. Aramaic loanword, contrary ttl Schuhhcss ~~, n. ~
SEMITIC': Ar. sarm 'canal, small bay, mlel, main
grandes fetes'; ETHIOPTC Amh . SarH'l' 'm.lSt, WCJ\cr\ rllllcr', and
body of water' (from Sarama 'slit, cut'), SAr. sl'm sprout. burgeon. bud. proceed (Holy Ghost
perhaps Gur. s;araf 'part of a ItlOrn'
'ou,Iet' m. mtJ~'raq 'east, the Orient';
from the Father). arise. (ll) conceive. lhink
ETHTOPJ(,; Te. SJrm 'puddle, hole filled with water', masriiqowi (K) 'eastern'; out'; (pI. '''011,'uJriill') IUCOI-. (M) sur. ,-,r
SEMITIC': Ar. saraqa 'rise (sun)', SAr. slrq 'rise 'asra~a, causative; fPoC : rc 'sinew, tendon, nerve, mu\dc, h.,~
siron "IC',} (KG) = Amh. 'Iow-growing
(star)" Hars. seroq 'risc (sun)', Heb. of Ben-Sira 'wr sara$i, act. part. of Jarasa ~ SIS. rOOl. origin, 'I<",k. lnbe. (T) beher' (thJl IS.
bush that is used like a brush in washing the basis)'
large crocks'. "uriy)q (Noeldeke. ZA 20[1900].96); connec'ed '''us 'that germmates. that blossoms';
with 'be red'; Ar, iar;qa 'be red', Heb. saroq 'red' sar,' 'shoot. blossom. sprout. bud. young twig'; U,n,' h.1fum 'sinew of the thigh'. Ill. 'the forbId.
(Koehler 932).
Sereni "t.tot (KG) = Amh. miiJabbiya 'holder slJr.,at, verbal noun of .fara.fa; also 'procession den muscle': it refleel' the Heb. gi,f hunnii.,1'
ETHIOPIC. Te. siirqo 'rise (new moon, star)" Tna. (of the Holy Ghost)'; 'the sinew of the lh,gh-vein' wh,ch people are
for a candelabra or a shIeld'. siiriiqii. Amh. siirriiqii.
- sar;" (K') 'proceeding (of the Holy Ghost from forbidden to eat. according to Gen. J2:Jll.
~ s.rna} PC"f.. (ll) .. rniy lIc"f. 'wheat'; the Father)': .iarall'o (Y K') 'take root' (denommahve).
irq. in >.sr"'lO Or iarqo hpC'" , "'C'" , -, "
sar.,iJnna processIOn ; iarrawa, (T) sarrawa 'extl rpate, eradicate, e"Xt~r.
SEMITIC: Dillmann 260 denves it from ·sJ'Jrmiy and (corrected by Dillmann 240 into s"qo) 'plait';
sarqo (K) 'rope. snare'; 'asra#, maira.,;, participle of )asra~'a; minale. root out. destroy' (privative denomina-
connects It with Semitic i'r: Heb. SJ'Ora 'wheat', Ar. tive);
masra~ 'that germinates';
sa'ir; cpo also SAr .f;'r, Hars. se'lr, Aram. SJfar/a.
Ug. j<r (bu, see below). SUflTlC: Ar. saraqa 'slit', Mh. seroq 'comb', Heb. masrii~ 'place of the germination': la"iarwa 'be rooted',
siiraq 'card (flax)" Aram.-Syr. siJraq 'comb' (that is, tasarraJ.fa 'be eradicated',
ETHIOPIC G . .{<'rnay as well as Tna. sarna}, 'wheat', something used for plaiting). Sl:MITIC': Ar. fora~a 'start walking (young amma))',
.iarran-i, act. part. of .farran·a,
Te . .t1rnay. s.""J"ray, Arg . .fiJrray, Amh. siJ"de, Gaf. Heb. sar~ 'swarm, team'. In the meanmg of 'creep'
undii (for nd' rn. see Praetorius 1879: 78, Cohen (see P. 10uon. Slhlica 21[1940).152-3). as also Syr. ,farrJIt', fern. slJrrUl (K·) 'that which IS eradlcat.
19.11 .180). probably also Har. sam "hick bread Sereq "t.,:,+. (L.T) sereq "'to+ 'vine'; fara., 'creep', it can be semantically related to G. ed. destroyed':
made of "heat' and Gur. SJre, SiJnne. SiJne' 'wheat' transcription of Gk, sorek, from Heb, soreq. iara.,o 'germinate', the baSIC meanmg being that of .f.1friiwe, (T) JlJrran.'(' 'eradication, being eradi-
arc- to be considered CusrutJc loanwords, as suggested, change in place or growth, contrary to Conti 1978 cated. destruction. defeat';
with reservations, by Praetorius 1890:24, n. 9 (under iarara "'t.t. 'be high. be tall'; 35; cpo also modern Syr, J(iri,f 'issue, descent' masrmr (Gr 117) 'instrument for uprooting';
!rJ!!al). and b)" Armbruster 625 (contrary to Leslau sarr, sarr ·Iength. height. altitUde';
1979~559): Sa, smra. Af, sirray, Som. sarin, Be. sarrat (l,). same; ETHIOPIC' Tna Sarii,fii 'sprout'. Amh. siirrii!il 'suf- ta.iarrall'o (ll) 'destructlOn':
3t'ram, Bil. imray, fuse' (leslau 1979:74). and perhaps also Amh. I as)- SEMITIC: Ar sirr 'origin, 'iourcc > -root', SAr \"..T.t,
SEMITIC: perhaps Ar. Jarra 'spread in the sun', that slirarrii 'spread (news)' (Armbrusler 529). Gur. 'foundation', h-s~s, 'extirpate' (denominative), SOQ
Saraqa (y,s"q) "'t..,. 'rise (stars. sun. new is, '-extend, ·'engthen'. asra(ta, even though the root of Amh. and Gur IS .tero~ 'Origin, source', Heb. sorrj 'root' (fn.lm,
ETHIOPIC': also in Cushitic: Bil. iir 'be high', Be. a quadriradical srH'. Syr serlo, Ug. jrt Akk JurSu. For Heh. Jorrf and
moon). anse. shme forth. spring forth. begin
(month. year)'. seriir 'tall' o,hers. sec Ruiicka I I F Schwally. LD.lfG j~
sirel "I,:,T. (l) sirel "toT ·spider. spiderweb. (1898). 140 connects. Heh. .fort's WIth Ar ,("ras,~ir.f
'asraqa 'make shine, make rise. celebrate the scales';
new moon by special hymns'; sirara "It.t.. (L.Gr.165) sirara "t.t. 'lay a foun- 'thorny plant', 'cdras 'hard', the basi" meanmg
dation. found. establish. build, construct'; fatla saret 'spiderweb'; bemg 'knotty, gnarled "> root', For Hebrew, cp
sarq. (T) sarq 'rising (of stars. sun. new moon).
'asarara, causative; also Jor 'umbilical cord' (Appleyard 16). Ar .tlr.\
da) of a new moon. beginnmg of a month. Dillmann 245 and KWK 677 derive It from the root
sry 'weave' (see saraya II). 'root' (Dozy) does not give the impreSSion ('If !xmg
(l,) the Orient'; tasarara, (Gr.165) tasarara, passive of sarara;
an original Arabic root.
sarari, act. part. of siirara; also 'founder'; ETHIOPIC': Te. sarel 'spider', Tna. sorel, sarari/,
fararit, Amh iiiriiril, Arg. ~nJiJrarif, South Arg.
ETHIOPIC; Te.Amh.GafHar.Gur s.,r 'rolli. vem.
sinew', Tna ur, Jur, Gaf. S:lret, Arg. S,Jrt'J; also in
536 saraza 531 4atoq.

Cushitlc: Qem_ s~r, Qua. ser, Bil. zir. Praelorius saraya II lPt:f (K*) 'weave, spin'; ETHIOPIC: Tna. siiriizii 'cross out', Amh. sQrriiziJ sa"ar. (Gr. 139) sac!ar ·splmter, chip. 'ph!';
ISQO:35 connects G. si1rw
with the Ethiopic root sr, ETHIOPIC: Toa. siirriiyii 'weave'. See saret, above,
'croSS out, rule with lines the Greek letters that sa"are, (Gr 139) sildJjiire. veTbal noun of .ius-
'lay a foundation' (see sarara, above). For {he and seraya n. serve as numbers'. $ara;
'prh-ative' denominative (,root out'),see Noeldeke
1910 101 If See on this root Oolgopolsky 98. ' ....'a IPI"~ (T.M) 'dance, make bodily move- SEMITIC: Ar. st1$ara 'pierce', Soqfi$t'hdT 'spllt' (n)~
Seraya I "I.t:r (O.Y.M), seraya /l,t:f (T) 'dye
ments'; related to AT.fa{ora 'di,,-ide in two'; wuh metathe-
paint, dip, smear with blood, stain, soil, tinge' ~
sis in AT. sara!Q 'split'. Heb . .tJrQl 'make 1n\'·lMon~.
<aseraya (Gr.128), causative; undoubtedly for sassa'a;
sarawor 1P&oID-C (T.KBT) 'pants, trousers'; Aram. saral,. Akk. Jaratu. .
taseraya, taSarya, (Gr) lasaraya, passive of SEMITIC: Heb. IhlSa' 'take delight in' (from i'''), Syr.
a plural of ·surri, surre; from Ar. sjrwai, pI. sariiwi/
ETHIOPIC: Te. sa{ra 'split, crack', Tna. s(Uani, HaL
seraya; Si/'a (I'y) 'engage in sports, divert oneself.
(for whIch see Oozy 1845: 203·9). ETHIOPlc: Te. {til }sassiI<a 'dance (women)', Tna. sefora. GUT. siilara 'split wood 10 hair; e~\;uged by
serayi, (K '.T) sirayi 'dyer'; n In Te. sanrar, siin~ar 'splinter'. Tnil. sanca,. Amh.
ETHIOPIC: Te.Tna. surre, Amh.Gaf. surri. For Am- sa'sa(e; passed into Cushitic: Bil. sa(sa~. See also
siruy, (Gr.128) seruy, (T) siruy, fern sirit 'dyed siiniir{iirii 'spltt'. Gur. sanii!ii.ra; Amh. un'pr s,
haric, Armbruster 493 also gives a plural silrawar; in
stained, soiled'; , 5050.
~ar. J;mrar 'splinter' See also So,waSd, .{iI~siir. '
this case sur';, surre may be a reconstructed singu- • •
lar. The noun also occurs in Cushitic: Or. surr;, saryo (0 1428, K*) 'dye' (n.); sa""a I 11'1"0, (T) sasso'a {l1l~ 'be insatiable,
Sel "I.T (T) 'share, compensattOn';
Qab.AI. surri·ta, Bil. surri. Sa. surre. saryat, (Gr. 128) seryat 'dyeing (n), (T.K*) soil- be greedy, eat much, (Y) crave, be covetous';
. , probably a misprint for se,' 'value', Se!-a 'in return
mg; )asaHafQ, causative;
sassuf, (Gr) SUSSU' 'greedy, insatiable, vora- for' (see 5YO: or could it be f0T 'iJset ·compensatlon.
ETHIOPIG: Amh . stray 'red color'; perhaps from salary''?
saraya, Sarraya I lPt:f, (T) sar(r)aya {It:f 'be- cious, gluttonous, covetous';
Cushjtic: Bil. sar 'be red'. Qua, sar. zar, Aw. sar.
witch, cast spells, poison, heal, cure, give medi- See also sira. sassa'e 'gluttony, insatiability, greed, want of
cine'; Salama ",.,."" (Y.M). salama (Ii-"" (T) ·ar·
moderation' ; rive'.
sarliyi (K*), act. participle; Seraya II "I.t:f (K*) 'form a conspiracy, plot';
sajsaft, same;
sarliy 'incantation, magic, chann, witchcraft, taseraya (K*), passive;
serayi (K '), act. participle; ETHIOPIC: Tna. siiss(Jte 'be greedy', Amh. sassa; Salara (Yilstar) 1Pi-t:, (L.T.Y) salara {I."t:, (1.)
sorcery, enchantment, spell, poison, healing,
siruy (T) 'sinner' (originally 'plotter'); noun: Amh. sassal 'voracity', HaT. sissit rua 'be satta {ITt: 'rend. lear to pieces, lacerate.
medicine, cure, bandage';
greedy', lit. 'make voracity'; denominative : Amh. scourge' ;
('aqqlibe sarliy 'physician, witch doctor'; see siray (K*), sera (Lt) 'plot, conspiracy';
Gur. sassiitii 'be greedy'; passed into Cushitic: Aw. taSalra (Gr.450), passive;
Worrelll: 182-3); (ba'aia sera (Lt) 'plotter');
sassat 'voracious'. Ethiopic Sf'. ss' goes back to s,s,. salur, pass. participle of satara;
(za-saray [pI. 'alia saray, sab'a saray] 'sorcerer, SEMJTIC: Heb. sara (Sry) 'contend', AT. sariya 'grow s's' and is possibly to be connected with SW'. The
magician, wizard, enchanter'); angry', sarti (i'ry) 'do evil'. satr (K ') 'line';
rool is also related to Te. ( ta )sawha 'have appetite,
('asmala saray 'magical names, magic, witch- ETHIOPJC: Te. Iira 'plot' (n.), Tna. sera. sara desire', Ar. faha (iwh) 'desire', iahwa 'covetous- sarra I 'rending (n), tearing to pieces';
craft'); connected by Coulbeaux-Schreiber 220 with Tna. ness' . mastar, mastar (pI. rnasiit"r) ·a sharp cutting
(mafta!;e saray 'charm to counter the effects of sarriiya 'weave' (see saraya n, above; cpo French instrurnenl, (Lt) small hook, (K*) comb, means
an evil spirit'; for more details, see Strelcyn 'tramer' meaning 'weave' and 'plot'), Amh.Gur. s....'a II 11'1"0 (K'), sasso'a {l1l0 (T) 'be of drawing lines, ruler';
I 955:xvlff); sera 'plot'. See also saraya II. thin, be sparse, be far apart'; •
SEMITIC: AT. Salara, sonlara 'tear, split. slit" SAr.
saruy 'dipped in poison, poisoned, bewitched'; siriiy, "riy "I.&of. j I"&of., (Gr.128) Seray ETHlOPIC: Tna. sasalJe. Amh. sassa. S]lr. Heb. jiilar 'break out (tumor)" Aram. satter
maSarriJY, maSarri, fern. maSarrayt, masarril, 'pull out', Syr. $Jlar, Md. Sir 'destroy', Akk. Ilatu-
"I.&of., (T) siriiy fl.&of. 'costly garment, silk,
(T) masarray 'magician, sorcerer, wizard, fine linen, pure linen, (T) red cloth'; sii~un (sa~un) "III.-') ("I"'')) 'chest, shrine, box, ru; related to i!r: Ar. §a~ara 'divide in two', Soq.
(Gr.127) who poisons, poisonous'; coffer, shrine, cupboard'; se!ar 'cut, slit'.
from Aram.-Syr. fira, serii'Q, ifraya 'silken attire' ETHIOPIC: Te. salra 'comb' (v). Tna. santora 'comb'
masray, ma.sre 'medicine, drug'; sii~un-a mawwal 'coffin';
(Oillmann 263; Noeldeke 1910:40); also Ar. siya- (v), miisiitilr 'comb' (0), Amh. sanDllorii. iiiniittiirii
SEMITIC: SAr. s,ry 'save, protect' (Muller 1983:283), ra·a. See also siryon. ETHIOPIC: Tna. sasun,

sasan 'coffer', Amh. Gur.

'tear open', Gur. siirratii (with metathesis) 'make
Aram.-Syr. s~rl (SfY) 'have a bad odor', Ar. sary Sa!im; Ar. fawii~ln (from *I~una) is considered by decorative incisions on a pot'. For G. satr 'line', cpo
'colocynth' (which bas a bitter taste; Brockelmann Siryon "I.C!'",); see Siray; Noeldeke 1910:55 a loanword from Geez. See also AI. Jatar 'lengthwise cut' (Kazimirski), and perhaps
1928:499), Heb. soriyy6 'stinking, putrid' (Koehler the reading and the meaning are uncertain; see Landberg 1942:2049. also sa!r. salar (with f) 'line'.
654). The bad odor comes from the poison. Dillmann 264, under siray.
ETHIOPIC: Te. sara (sry) 'cure, treat medically" sa~ara, Sa~ara, Sa~ara IPRt: I 1P1lt:, (T) sa~ara Seta "1.10, Set "1.1'; see sy!-
• •
saray 'remedy. poiso~', Amh. siJray 'poison, poi- saraza (yasraz) IPt:H (K*) 'cross out a word I'IRt: 'split (wood), cut up, tear, cleave, lacer-
sonous philter' (from Geez), siiriiyyii 'to poison'. by drawing a line, (MA) separate'; ate' ,. Sots V'm; see swr,
For 'medicine, poison', cpo also Amb. miidhanit, saraz (K *) 'a line drawn through a crossed-out tasa~~ara, (K *) tas~ra, passive;
Syr. sam, Md. sama 'drug, medicine, poison', For word, punctuation mark (colon, semi-colon), sa,ari, sarjari (Gr.139), act-. participle; salaqa (ya.i!aq) 11'10"', (L.T.Y) sa!aqa {1m'"
Indo-European 'drug, poison', see Buck 311. The (K) type of grammatical structure in a qane- sil~~ur. sa~ur, pass. participle; 'cleave, split (tT., intr.), tear asunder. break
root passed into Cushitic: Sa. sira. z;ra 'poison'. poem'; sa,r, (T) sa,r 'cloven hoof'; through, (Lt) open a way';

(sa!aqa "",'aka/omu [LtJ 'he fell upon them', in mind, get drunk, (T) put on airs. be
lot 'he <plot their mIdst'); haughty' ; saw~a lPlD-th (Y.M) 'be verdant. grow green';
rastlJqa. passive; SEMITIC: Aram.-Syr. s;n..-ah 'sprout, spnng up'; Zlnl- SaW!at a "'m-mm (1I1 'f.lllnto
terror' ,
~rrle.", or
satuy (D.K) 'confused in mind, deprived of
.~;J!uq. pass. part. of ,~a!aqa; mem 70 derives it, with reservations, from Akk. • •
reason, who is bad-natured, (K') Who leans to see S((, 'OJISOlata.
sJ{qat 'cutting (n), splitting, split, crack, cleft'; one side'; famiib u. •• • •

ETHIOP1C: Tna. siiwbe 'grow green' •

SEMITIC: Aram. st11aq. Akk. satiiqu (with !-q > I-q), saf)'at, (l) satyat 'misleading (n), being unre- sawaya 'y,swor, lPOIf, (I. T YI ..."_,, I)mf
PbH. sfgrg 'split' (n.). Aram.-Syr. "gag 'splil' (v.), strained (n.), intemperance, lasciviousness 'npen (grain). mature (gram), to';' ear>
, 'awwana lPOI), (K) Sooa 1"), (T) sawwana
Md. sdq. An original S!q > sdq by dissimilation of (K.T.Sw. in D270) drunkenness, (K) arrogance'; (Corn)';
f'l0l~ 'foam (v), dribble, drool';
voicing U-q > d.q}. Barth 1893:38 considers sdq to )·aro,
lasawa-ana, (K*) Jaswana 'cause to foam at the · causative
-.. . ,
be the original root. Praetorius 1890:25. note, com- SEMITIC: Heb. sara (s!y) 'turn aside', Aram-Syr. .
mouth, make dribble'; Sawayl, s.nfuy (K -) 'that npen:'> (grain)',
pares G. S!q with Ar. is-la-qqa 'split' (from iqq) with SiJra (sry), Md. sra 'turn aside, deflect, lead astray';
agglutinated t > l by assimilation. related to Ar. Ja!fa 'act unjustly'. sawwani, act. part. of saJ.t.'l1'ana; .f~Wil'ea r of com. mature gram, grain that IS.

ETHJOPIC: Te. iii!! 'split', Gur. sii/{iiqii; with sawan (K·.Gr.133) 'foam. saliva, drool'; stIli green but ripe enough to eat'.
augmented 1/ in Tna. sallii!!iiqii, Amh. siiniiuiiqii. saraya II lPmf, (L.M) sataya ftmf 'tear, lac- maslVan, pI. maSaWiJl1 (K·) 'vessel for spittle or s'''Tat 'ripening (grain). maturing (gr;lmi',
- foam' ;
Soltat p'mT; see satala. erate, rend, be terror-stricken, be dismayed'; ETHIOPIC: Tna. Sc1I1.'Ql'ii 'npen', Te s.llt't'f ·Cd.r (\,.)f
•• • •
tasarya (l), tasarya (T) 'be panic-stricken'; ETHIQPIC: Te. sOwl1..'ana 'foam'. The companson cor~):. Amh. ~dl, JStt. Har. aJ'-Ia, as;ta 'loun!>!
si~at "; see sn related to Sara!a, above. with Tna. SiJWiJll 'arrogant, proud' suggested by gram; denomlOatives: Te Sall'll".ita 'f~')ml ear"
Coulbeaux-Schreiber 259 is unconvincing. (comr, Tna . .fOltWdttl, Amh. JdIO; abo In (ulihttIC'
Sa~a~a (yas!a!) lPmm, (LTY) satata f'lmm Sa, sliwa 'grain Ihat npens', Qem. stlll"i.
'tear apart, split, rend. cleave asunder, rip up, sataya III lPmf (M) 'love one another, fit swr, maSwar, maSwart OPp'OIC. OPP'IDC-l-
(T.Y) scrape'; together' (one would expect tasii!aya). sy', Se>a "I.h (It) 'destroy, annIhIlate',
• • (pI. maM",ar) 'funnel. (It) dry measure. (l)
lasa(!a. passive; SFMITI(,' Littmann 1913 17 c(\nntX'b the rl)ot With
container for oil, means of stirring the fire,
safiiri. act. part. of sa!ota; poker'; Heb. so'a 'desolatIOn' even though the ('orrc~rond.
stJ!U!. pass. part. of sa!o!a; SW', saw'a (yasa') lPm-O (D), So'a 1"0 (Y.K), cnce Geez s: He-b, J is not noonal: rcrhar~ ahl..) to
saww;)(a ,paro (Y) 'sacrifice, offer a sacrifice SEMITIC: SAr. m-sJwr-t 'irrigation channel' Rablll, be connected with Ihe \pannus SemitiC bngu;lgc"
sa!!a! 'tearing (n), tearing asunder, rending, ,
bring a whole-burnt offering, (T.YM) SH 8 (1961). 394 compares it with Heb. maslira mentioned under JaY'G, above.
rent, tear (n), cut piece, fragment';
slaughter' ; 'hollow measure' (Koehler 570), and wllh Ar. ma-
• •
SEMITIC: Ar. (Dat.Yem) saUa 'cut, split, tear', Akk. )a50 f a, causative; iiir, mifwaro 'beehive' (perhaps because of its shape). syb, Seb. (yasih) "1./1, (L. T Y) scbs 1\./1 'turn
sararu 'tear out' (?). , In view of SAr. m-S.lwr·t the Geez root is perhaps grey (hair), turn white (hair), have grey hair,
tasa'a, (Gr. I33) tasaw'a, passive of saw'a;
ErnloPlc Te. sarra 'rend', sarra, sallfa!a 'tear', Tna. SaWGfj 'priest, sacrificer'; swr (Muller 1983:283). (MA) grow moldy';
sarafa, sarala 'break', Amh. sarra/a 'tear noisily or sawwu' (Gr. 133, K*) 'sacrificed'; 'oseba (K'), causative;
quickly'; also in Cushitic: Be. setil 'tear off'. See Sawit lP'I!T; see sawaya.
also saraya n. siiwa', (T) siiwa' 'sacrificer, (idolatrous) priest'; saJ'yfib. (K') san'uh 'grey-haIred';
sUfaf 'act of sacrificing'; Sibat 'grey hair';
, swt. sota (yasu!) I"m (TY), sawa!a f'lIDm
*sH, >ansotata h11"mm, (LT) >anso!Bta h1f1 fasawwiN 'sacrifice, offering, meat-offering, SEMITIC Ar . saba (s)'bJ 'have white hitir'. S~, ,~uh
(T. Y) 'bring back, make turn back, return (tL),
mm 'shiver, shudder. quiver, be afraid, be oblation' ; (s)'b) 'white half', Heb. Jii~ (.i,·b) 'have gre) hair"
restore, turn back';
horror-struck, be alarmed, stand on end (hair), maswGf 'sacrificial place, altar'; the meaning Aram. si1)e~, Syr. Si1'P, Md. sah, ,I'ih, Ug ..~", 'whll!!-
aso!a. >QsU'Q!a 'make return, bring back'; ness or hair' (Caquot 173, note g), AU, _iih" 'grey,
make the hair stand on end for a fight, 'sacrifice' (D) is doubtful, considering the
frighten, terrify'; various readings; tasawra, (T) tasawta 'relurn (intr.), come back, old, old man'.
naSo!ii! 'horror, fright, shocking thing, shudder- turn aside, depart, (It) travel through, dISap- EnuOP1C'; Tna. siiyyiibd, siiyyclbii 'have grey hair',
maswaq (pI. maswafalat, maSaWJf) 'sacrifice'; pear, be withdrawn';
ing (n). horrible things'; Te. Siiyyiiha: 'grey hair' : Toa .Amh Gur ,\',Jhiil, Te
(masIVii'ta nafs 'self-sacrifice');
sawiir i (K'), act. part. of sora; sibat, Har, .Ubiil, Arg. SJbiid; denomllWlives from
(beta maswii't 'altar');
SEMITIC: perhaps to be identified with Syr. siJra! salVlV'r (K') 'who comes back, who returns'; JiJh(il: rna. Jiibiitii 'have grey hair'. Amh.Gur .~db­
'shudder', Md. sur (sw!J 'hold in abomination'. See SEMITIC: perhaps Ar. sayyafo 'burn, burn up' (DiII- Sutat (K '), verbal noun of .iara; batii. For denominatives formed With pretixed or
also sawlala. mann 256).
• • suffixed morphemes, see Leslau, "'{USCOil 75
ETHIOPIC Tna. siiw'e, sOfe 'offer sacrifices', Te. sawa SEMITIC; Ar. safa (Jwf) 'run to it goal', sawwQ!u ( 1962).139-175.
sataya I (yasr/) lPmf, (TY) sataya f'lmf 'burn, heat' (rather than being derived from Arabic, 'make a long journey', Heb. flil (swt) 'rove about',
'drink, be drunk'; as suggested by littmann-HMner 193), Amh. Aram. iw!, (pole I) forer, Md. fa'ira 'wandering sym I. serna (yasim) "tOP 'set, set in order,
laSaf)'a 'be bad-natured, deviate from the right sawwa. For G. maSWa'l, cpo Amb. maswa>iJf 'sacri- about'. The connection with Akk. sdru 'rebel' sug- put, place, appoint (to an office), ordaill,
path, incline, be bent, lean to one side, roam, fice' (from Geez), Gur. (Soddo) maswal. Nole Ihal gested by Blau 115 is not convincing. Note that charge, establish, designate, Institute. promote.
Coulbeaux·Schreiber 131 exp lain Tna. mosa 'grati- Akk. fQ!u is rendered by von Soden 1205 either as
be led astray, be given to pleasure, be confused consecrate, (Y.M) hide (that is, 'place Some-
tude' as a corrupt form of maswact. far u I 'ziehen, schleppen' or as .fti!1I II 'gering achten, thing aside'), insert';
mlssachten'. See also 'asala.
• 'osema, causative;
;azaya 541
fa.~al'ma, (T) fa.'iayama, passive; maSy anl (K') ' bladder' ;
IO.rJ l'ama (K*) 'appoint one another' ; .azoya, sazzaya "'Hf. (T.Sw. in D 1395) sezaya ,
SEMITIC : AI". matana (from tyn) ' bladder', Heb . • syn tasa::ya, passrve,
'f1sta,~ Jyama (K·), causative of laSayama ; fl,/,f, (KG) Sezaya "I.Hf, (L.T) sazaya 'detach,
.iayami, act. part of serna ; 'urinate', Syr. Ian (twn ), Akk. siinu, Ug. tnt 'urine'.
W. Muller (private communication) is of the opin_
separate. remove, (K) show partialily (by mak- ~EMITI~: rela ted to Ar laM a 'separate', Soq. fC'.u
.~(1l'l'wn (pI. si1yywnafl, sayyamt), pass. part of
ion that in view of Ar. mafana (with f), the Geez
ing a distinction between persons). turn one's ~etach (whose form, however, I~ that of the C<lusa~
Jema ; also 'appointee. official, governor, pre- root is syn rather than syn. back, keep at a distance, draw away, (OT) tl ve- reflexi ve of e;:; ·separa1e'). Practon us. ZD.\fG
fect, one who is in charge (01)'; prohibit' ; 61 (1907).624 thinks that G .ia,al"a IS a m,'<!crn
.. sena ' urinate', Tna. senii, siinii, Amh . So uth Ara bian (Soqo~ri) loanword
Slfnot 'placement, putting, appointment to an
~.. ~

sanna, sanna.
office. ordinahon,jurisdiction, consecration, in-
vestiture, office, dignity, position, rank, hier- sy!,se!a ( y.hl) "I.m 'sell';
archy, charge, function';
>asayya!a, >Qsaya/a, (K) 'ase/a, causative;
lasay ( )')iim; 'set up, brought forward'; lasayla, (T) tasay!a 'be sold, be valued';
tai0Ynlo ( t) 'consecration';
lasiiya!a, (T) lasaya!a 'buy back, sell among
masyam, masYi1n1 (pI. masaYi1mr) 'container, themselves, trade, practice trade' ;
basket, basket serving as a measure'; Jasfasaya!a, caus. of lasaya/a;
ma.(vam, (T) mi1syam 'location where some-
sayii!; (pI. saya!1 < saya!-I) 'merchant, trader,
thing is placed (e,g. barn, basket, office)'; vendor, seller';
(,-,.basta m.Syiim 'shewbread', lit. 'bread ofset- say! 'sale' ;
ling'; it lranslates Heb. Ighgm hamma'iirgisf!; siJyya!e 'trade, commerce';
perhaps rather under sym II);
S,yYUI, (KG) s,yY'! 'sold';
maSyaml (K') 'location where one places saylo, saylOI (Gr. 136) 'sale';
fe! 'sale, value. evaluation, price, cost, pur-
SEMITIC; Ar. soma 'put inlo, insert, introduce', SAr. chase" ,
s;:ym 'sel up ', Heb, sam 'insert, put, hide', Aram. (Se!-a 'in return for');
sam, Syr. sam, Md . sum, Ph. sm 'place, set', Akk. (Se!a 'amsiilihu 'its equivalent price');
samu 'determlOe' .
(za-bnury se!-u 'precious', lit. 'whose price is
ETHIOPJC ; Tna . siiY),iimii 'appoint'; denominatives high') ;
of ·s3yum 'appointed' with palatalization of s in h!al 'trade, selling';
Amh. somii 'appoint to an office', Te. siiyama. For lasaya/; 'buyer';
'hide ', cpo Gur. soma. For G . m~syiim, cpo Amh. lasaY!OI (Lt) 'sale';
masyam 'cupboard for stonng' (from Geez). See
also syml. lasiiy.!o, lasay.IOI (Gr.136) 'purchase, (Lt)
sym II, Serna "1.00 (Y.M) 'uncover, show'; m.syiil, (T) m>syii! 'market, marketplace';
m.syii!iiw; 'pertaining to a marketplace, one
ETHIOPIC Amh . siiyyiima 'reveal (light that reveals who goes to market';
objects formerly concealed by darkness)'.
masfafaYiJ!. part. of >aslasaya!a;
sym Ill. Serna "1. 00 (Y.M) 'spray, sprinkle'. SEMITIC ; Ar. (Yem) sal (SYI ) 'sell', Sial 'buy
symt, taSaymata "' ... "00.,.
'be ordained. be
appointed, assume authority';
(grain)" SAr. (Qataban) S}I 'trade', S}Iy! 'buy, trade';
connected with Heb. SO! (swf) 'rove about' (so also
Dillmann 264, following Gesenius), Ar. fawwa!a
denominauve from simat r ·saymal); see 1ym J, 'make a long journey'. For trading connected with
above _ moving about. cpo Heb. so.&ar 'go to and fro, trade'.

saymata ... "00"'; see semala.

The connection with Ar. iara{a 'impose a condition',
suggested by Praetorius 1890;290, is unlikely. For
buying and selling expressed by the same root, cpo
SYD, Sena (y.sin ) "I.~, (T.Y) sena fl.~ 'urinate'; Ar. ba'G'sell', >ibla'a 'buy', saro. (sry) 'sell, buy'.
SQyani, sayyan (K*) 'who urinates';
S3nt ".
Rabin in 8en-J:layyim 483 connects the Geez root
with Heb. SW!, 5{y 'be cunning, entangJe oneself in
falsehood' .
• 54)

ETHIOPIC Te. !ii'oda 'be white'. Tna, sd'daHJ, Amh ,

sl'dllt 'clean, pure' (from Geez). The fOOl IS related ' '''ame' In.) ~C" though the root
- """"
'll attes1cd In
io ~d' (With metathesIs), reprc~nt~d 10 Amh .• !dJJa Tigre or Tignnya
'be clean', Amh.Gur. !adar, ~xJor deanhnes.s , al~
~", ,~,.II hll'bl\ T (T ~1) '\<Qund "
in Cushitic; Sil. fii';ld 'be while'. Kham !or
(RelOlsch 1887: 167) The G.Te.Tna verb , IS pe~. IS etlh~r a mlspnnt for "mUtt "~AcH' or a me-
haps a denommatlve from the adJecuve whue.
hence the verb With final -wa. Praetonus, ZD-
tatheSIS 10 relation to ~/,1'(

MG 47 (1893).386 demes the Eth,op,an root from ~<ana ( r,,'<m ) 'IO~. (l) ~'an. l\h~, [1"'
.t-'d, the original root 'd 'whlte' bcmg borrOWed ~afana BO~ ' load an aOimal. a per ('In, a 'to.
se'a I, " ".h. si' ",1.; see ~)". hide. or a ship' ;
• •
s<d II, ~.<ada (y.~'ad) 1'.0" (K'.lt) 'pul a from Cushitic: Sa.Af. 'adii 'white', Or, oJi, Som. aJ;
the s of G, !ii·dii goes back to s- causative, ~om­ 'll.$'alla 'load, cause to carry. make nde...... dJle,
sa'aba "hO 'dnnk to the last drop'; kettle or a griddle on the fire';

ra~a'da (K '), passive;
ing because of the '. harness' ;
related to .YlI"b I. below.
sii<f 'Ib'j: 'new wine'; tcJ~iI?ltJ 'he loaded. tx harne''icd, mount .in
p'ud (K') 'placed (kettle, griddle) on the fire'; • al1lmal. ride, embark ',
• (ras'am)
• • "hOD (K') 'shout, reverber- sa'd (D.M), p'd (T), Ja,.dd (KG) 'vessel, Jar,
ate, resound. (MA) lisp', SEMITIC Ar !a,/ 'wine, drink prepared from rasij'and (K') 'Ioad One upon a!loth<r',
(T.M) measure of liquids or solids';
ma.pumo. maS'r1f1lO, mil~f)amo. (L) ma~(amo (in sa'dar 'placing on the fire' (n);
crushed grapes and mIXed with honey' (used 10
Yemen); see also Noeldeke 1910:64
'osta.'la'ana. causative of t')Jihmu.

~fQ'ani, act. part, of Ja'llfJl/:

Is. '13:21; th~ Hebrew text has 'oillm 'eagles, ;nas'ad
• (K ') 'hearthstones, griddle';
0"". ferrets), 'echo, rustling, (LK) delirium, sa<al. (}'J~'al) "01\, (l) ~a'ala 'Ihl\, (T) ~a<ala SiJ'un 'loaded. laden, ridmg, mounted llEX)n.
ETHIOPIC : Amh. !add 'put a kettle or a griddle On 801\ 'rebuke. reprove. reproach. offend, abuse, saddled, one "ho nde,':
specter. phantom. (TS" '" D 1295) angel of
the fire'. For -!a<d 'jar', see also ~a~d, below. For G. ;'ia'clll 'load ' (n)
death. (T) cave, precipice (where one hears an outrage, insult. revile, viltfy, curse, slander.
m~rQd, cpo Amh.Arg.Gur ma!ad 'griddle', Har nJa- m",ij'>" 'horseman. nder' (prohJhl~ a plural
echo)' ; tada. calumniate, mock. scorn':
• form).
>o.y'ala, 'a~afala, causative; also 'mock, sneer.
SEMITIC related (0 AT. za>ffna 'shout, be terror-
. . tnden' (Dlllmann 1295). and perhaps =a'aba 'cry s<d
• III, sa<ada

feet, stamp';
• "0" (K') 'leap to one's despise, degrade';
ta.\·.'la. raJa'ala, passive; also 'suffer insults';
martin, pI. ma~(j<,m (K·T M) 'one who I(lads.
thong for fastening a load to the hack of
out' See also mmiimo.
fa~afala, reciprocal of ~afala;
a beast of burden':
sii's,}>a 'I1.lI'h (Y.M) 'honor, revere, worship'; undoubtedly transcription of Heb. !ii'ag.
• •
sa'ali. act. participle; also 'slanderer, calull)l1Ia- moJta.'ifJn 'horseman, nder. lnight',

I a.fa, :fJ '0, la~fQ )a~iPa. fa~a}ap)a, tat/aeaf/ilea sii<dii, sa<adii 'Ib.'! , "O.'!, (T) d.<iidii II,}.'! tor, haughty'; (mOJfarJllll 'aIros 'c3valr) '),
• •
(DT Y) 'honor, revere. worshIp, be subject to'; 'white'; •
raJa'an; (GrABS) 'rider. who ndes'.
~.'ul, pass. participle; also 'hated. profaned',
• • (T) 'honor. revere. treat with respect'; 'arada (Lt) 'make white'; .,a'i (It) 'humiliation, degradation'; SUIITlC: Ar :a'ull 'camel that GlfTle\ a Itlad', Hl'h
SfMITJC' AT. ,ta "\'al~Q'a 'submit' (intr). sec !Q'doH'a, below. sa'i
• (Lt) 'spite'; ·Ylhlll 'pack up', ~(hm (t1f AramJIl' ongm), '\ram-
Sii'S8' '11.'11. (T); see (ra)dch/a'a. , ~.'Iar 'reproach, ignominy. dIsgrace, outrage, Syr. !a'on, Md. !un 'carry', Ug. ('1/ 'load'. AU. \c;"u
• •
• l'.O.t:''\,.t:', (T) d.'iid<id
• 1I'}.t:''\,.t:' 'whit. insolence, pride, violence. contempt'; ETHIOPI(' Tnil. Jd'Ulhl 'load (J bc.\~t or burden)',
. It.h T. see sr'.
si'at .. ish. (T) leper' (so named because the skin be- mas'al (M), participle of 'as'ala. also 'despI-
Te. Ja'unu 'load', (!.lJ ;\ ·(l'a'lil 'ride', AmhG,tf(fur
comes white); cable thing. vile thing', cana 'load', Arg. (ahem". tUlIlJ, Har (a'allll, Mild.
~'b (pI. ·a~'.hr) lI'/H1 (DDTW under ~'are) 'rapa- tc.':"a; passed into C'ushlttc 811. "ll'llII, A" '\lII,
see .,a'dawa, below. ra~a'ali, participle of r~.'fa; Qemian.
CIOUS animal. hyena. animal that unearths ani-
la~fJflol 'reproach';
mals (and eats them)';
~<qa, ~a<.qa lI'lI.,. '10"', ~.<qa, ~a'aqa I/fl.,. I
SHUTJC: the connection wuh the Semitic root t/b<, SEMITIC' Syr. !a'/ii ·solled. defiled, Impure' (Brod.el-
mann 1928:633. follOWing Noeldeke) ThIS Identi- 110'" 'be squeezed, be pressed. be 111 stralls, bo
sb' (for whIch see tbb' ·hyena'. above) suggested by ~ii<dawa 'Ib"w, (T) ~ii<daw. M"w 'be white, confined' ,
Dllimann I ~05 is possible, contrary to Lagarde 35. be bright'; fication is more likely than that with Syr. sO'or
ETHIOPIC for the meaning 'rapacious animal' (but >Qsiirdawa 'make white'; ·abu~. dishonor', Ar. ~aggara 'belittle' suggested by 'o:f'aqo 'oppress. torture, confine, pre", l'lln.
strain, importune. press together. Cl)olpre!'>"
not 'hyena'" cpo Te. !o'ob 'fully grown camel', Tna.
sorhi 'young animal'
~.;daw (fern. ~.'dUl) 'white, bleached'; Dillmann 1302; so also Brockelmann 1908:227 and
Baumgartner 976. cramp. encompass;•
SiJrdUI 'whiteness, white color';
ETHIOPIC: Amh, !a/ii 'repudiate a family member', raJa'qa 'be pressed. be squcelcd, be croWded.
• I. 'as'
• ada hll'O" 'render soft. render ~ii'da. ~a'ada (pI. Ja'adaw) 'white, bright'; Qffo!ala 'despise' could Come from the root ~f'l, or be cramped, band together';
smooth with an ointment'; siJrdiiwe 'whiteness, white color'; could go back to !~I I 'throw' (see below). The ta~'ijj'Qqa 'press one another, hurt one another,
Jd'ud ·soft. smooth'; ~i"diiwi. ~iifdiiwi, (It) ~a<iidiiwi 'white'; connection with Te, da<o/a. zii'ala 'play, take de- crush. squeeze. overpower; ,
IS a \'ananl of ~hd (see ~·.}hda, below). sa'd.wanna
• (It) 'whiteness'; light' (not hsted in llttmann-HMner) suggested by 'Qstasii'oqa. caus, of la.Jiifuqa; also 'press':
~afad'id 'whitish'; RelOisch 1887 :93 is unhkely for phonetiC and seman-
tic reasons. The root passed into Cushitic: Be se'al
~d'Uq' 'oppressed. squeezed. narrow, straitened,
confined' ;
~~ii~q 'pressure, oppression, anguish, distress,
'a~(a!a (K*.T.Y.M) 'flavor, season with spices';
press, throng, crowd, crowding, confinement. tafa'!a (K *), passive; masba>l, (K) ma~ba'il (pI. ma~ba'al) 'army',
narrow pass'. ~afa!i 'perfumer';
ma;bii' 'military camp'; SBunc . Ar, t!ab/la 'include, comrn~·. du.ff nar-
.I.,oqe (n,) 'crowding together'; m~t04aba), (Or) masta~abii)i 'warnor, warlike. row, straitened', Heb . .,apup ' pre~i(d" Sy~ ~
P'il, (K') P'! 'mixed ointments, (T) holy oil'; 'Iron collar, ptllory'_ ~.
ma..paq. part. of'llf'aqa; bellicose' ;
fa'U! 'perfumed, mixed with spices, anOinted, ETHIOPIC Tna , f iibiihii ' be narro\'. ' . Te. snbN.
maraqi (Gr) 'who (that) causes trouble or agreeabJe' ; tasiibii'i 'fighter, assailant';
Amh. !iibbabii, Gur. !ababa ; Te Tna ~fiblb ' narrow ',
annoyance' ; I~iiba'o( I) 'warfare, attack, battle';
(~afu!-a 'in a restrained manner'); Gar. ~'i;bbii, Amh .Arg . !iibbah. Har uiMbu. I~l/llb~
ta~afaqi 'that crowds together, who oppresses'; 'a~'ii!i (K *) 'perfumer'; also in Cushitic : Or. Som. dl~han ' narrow' , 811
SEMITIC: Ar. fjaba'Q 'lie in wait for' (Noeldeke,
ta~ii<qo ( t ) 'pressure, press, throng, crowd'; sabaii 'be narrow', Qua . .<Ibah . See ais() ~dhj·abjJ and
mara! (masc.), mara!! (fem. for ma~'a!-I) 'per- ZDMG 40, 1886, p.726), 'kriegerische Angriffe ma-
!abl b lab, below, .
SEMITIC ; related to Ar. t/iiqa (¢wq) 'be straitened, be fumer' ; chen' (Barth 1902:39), SAr, t!b' 'wage war', Heb.
narrow', tj5yaqa 'annoy, harass', Heb. ~wq (hif<il) saba(l) 'wage war', ~iipa(» 'army', Ph. ~b) 'forces',
'bnng into straits, oppress', Aram. (Pal.) ~q, Ug. SEMITIC; Ar. sarlI 'sweet or pleasant odor, fra~ Ug. ~b' 'anny, soldiers', Akk, ~aha·u. ~rabu 'wage ~bub lI"ll-lI (B); see ifJhus, under dabsa ,
s( wlyl )q 'exert pressure'. grance' (Dillmann 1307), with S > f in Geez by war', ftibu 'soldiers' (not to be connected with G.
ETHIOPfC: Tna. fiifaqii 'be cramped', Amh. riiqa{- assimilation to the glottalized f. The same assimila~ sab., 'people', as suggested by von Soden 1072), ~b~ I, ~b~a (ya~ba)l ) lI'/I'" ' become mornIng,
tion also Occurs in Ar. $a(Q.ta, grow lighl, dawn';
raqa 'nag', Gur. {aqii{iiqii 'annoy by talking' (a ETHIOP1C: Te. fiib'Q, riib'Q 'wage war, fight', Tna.
reduplicated root {q-?q < (?q, ~')q). sabba lin; see sbb, siib'e 'fight, hate', Amb. !ab 'fight, animosity, state (~ab~a b')ler, sab/Iel madr 'become morning' :
, . see also masya);
~f belligerence', Gur. !iib-iiiinii 'one who quarrels',
~ra (ya~'ar) lI"bl 'be in pain, be pained, ~abi, ~abo, ~abi lIl) I lI(I I III) (T,K ',0 1398) also in Cushitic: Bil. sob 'go on the prowl', saba 'asbaha
, , 'cause to dawn" ,
suffer, be grieved, be afflicted, toil, make fran- 'milk'; 'war', Sa. saba 'attack', ta~ab~a, I~abai/O 'greet early morntng',
tic efforts'; ,,,bii& 'morning, early mornmg, daybreak, day,
ETHIOPIC: Tna. #iha 'milk', Te. ('aJ$iibiibii 'give sob>. II MI1l 'cease, disappear, be left, be east':
~afara 'cause pain, torment, torture, afflict,
oppress, vex';
some milk, after one has already drunk oneself', ~mitted, decrease, be deserted, be desolale, (kokaba ~Jbii}l 'morning star),
Cohen 1947:no.343 considers it a root common become waste';
>Q$rara. )Q$Q'ara 'bring harm, vex, cause pain, with Cushitic: BiLQua, Iab, Kham. sab, ,ab, Gan, ('aia ~abiih 'daybreak'):
'asba'a 'cause to cease, omit, leave off, neglect';
fab;~, as in l~abi~1 sa"uy 'on the mornrng of
torture, harass, torment, afflict'; saba; for other Cushitic languages, see Cerulli sabu'
• 'desolate, deserted. who ceases' ~ Monday';
ta~~fra, fa~afara 'be tormented, be tortured, be 1938b:84, 1951 :491, under sab,
weary, suffer agony, suffer pain, be vexed'; the above~mentjoned meanings belong to the same (Ia~ahi~a + day of Ihe week = 'on such and
~ba lin; see ~wb I. root. contrary to Dillmann 1283 who records ~Qb)a
~ariiri, act. part. of -ra<ara; SUch a day', as in la,lahi/la 'JilUd 'on Sunday');
$Jfur 'afflicted, anguished, tormented, grieved,
pained, who suffers pain';
~ab>a I (ya~bii')
lIf'",(T) ~ab<a MIO, (L)
1J.f11l 'make war, tight, attack, strive';
II 'be deserted', and sab'a

sob>at, sab>at

HI ·cease' .
lI"lI11'r ! lIlI1I-}- (D.OT 590),
~ah}l (T) 'east';
' . in )Jnta sahiho 'at dawn, in the morn-
' , "

.rOrr , (L) (lorr 'anguish, tonnent, trouble, pain, 'a~ba·a (Lt) 'overcome in war'; sob'it
, lI"lI'l-}- (T) 'memorial, souvenir'; ing';
labor pains. affliction, sorrow. vexation'; la~ab'a 'be defeated, a war was waged'; sabiiiziiwi, (It) sablliiwi 'early, of early morning,
perhaps Amh, {ambi 'monthly memorial celebra-
(~,i<ra mOl 'agony of death, pangs of death'); la~aba'a 'fight with one another, wage war, tion' (with ~ > ! > {, and inserted m berore b).
eastern' ;
ma~(ar (K .), participle of 'a.rara; attack' ; (kokab ~Jbiilziiwi 'morning star');
m~rJ' (pI. ma-riirar, ma.rariJrt) 'tonnent, tor- 'asla$ab'a, >asla~aba'a (Gr.374,K ') 'be used to ~bb, ~abba, ~ababa (ya~bab) lIO f linn 'be pblziiy (Lt) 'early, of early morning, eastern';
ture'; making war, cause to fight with one another'; narrow, be compressed'; ~,bi/QI 'dawning';

SEMITIC: PbH. ~Q'ar 'pain, grief, trouble', Aram. ~abii'i (K '), act. part. of ~ab>a; wilh object suffix pronouns: 'be narrow for, ('anta ~JhiIQI [KJ 'al dawn');
~abu» pass, part. of ~ab'a; also 'engaged in a compress in, hem in';
~~'er 'torment', Md. !aiarla ·pain. grief'. SEMITIC: Ar, 'Q!jhaha 'become mornmg', SAc. ~'ib&
ErnIOPIC': Tna. #i<arii 'be tired', ~ii{arii moc'agony', campaign' ; )a~baba, causative; also 'confine, tighten, re- 'morning, easl', SOQ. fah~ 'morning'.
~abii' (Lt) 'fighting';
strain' ;
Te. !ii<ara 'feel pain', (·an).rijr~iira 'be in trouble' (a EnuoPlc: Te. ~fiib~a 'dawn. become morning', Tna.
reduplicated root of rr > ~r~~r), Amh. tara, (tii)!a~ ta~ababa (Lt) 'be restricted';
~ab· (pI. 'a~ba), 'a~bii}t, ~ab)iit, 'a~ba)iit) 'war- sabhe, Amh, !iibba, Gar. :,abbii; Amh. !wa, 'early
~arii 'take pains, make an effort', !ard mot 'agony', fare, battle, combat, campaign, strife, attack, ~abib (fem. ~abbiib) 'narrow, straitened, ~lo~ning', Arg. (3wwat, Gur. !~ba. Guragc subhi
Gur. (af )ralarii 'struggle', {aro mot 'agony'. (Lt) army'; confined' ; 'morning', Har. sub(u· are ArabiC 10anwl..lTds.
~abub, same;
('awda ~ab' 'battlefield');
:,"bab 'oppression'; ~b~ II, ~ab""~a lIlI"" (T) ~ab""~a 111I,h 'pay
~abii'il 'army, Iroops, battle, fighting, war'; duty, pay Iribute, collect taxes, collect trib-
perhaps also 'spear' (Gt); pbbiibe 'anguish';
~a (yas'a{) lI"bm (Y.M), ~.<!. IIbm (T) 'be ~ab'ol (Lt) 'warfare'; ~fabhat 'narrowness, pressure';
perfumed, be seasoned, be savory'; 'asabb"ha,
. . .
·asbaha 'collecl laxes, collecl tribute,
pb'al (K) 'fighting' (n); 'a~biihi, ma~babi (Gr.484) 'who (thaI) tightens'; order to pay taxes';
!Q(a!a 'mix ointments, season with spices, em-
balm, perfume'; ~abii'ol 'hosts' (transcription of Greek from ma~bab 'narrow pass, narrow pJace, narrow- sabbiihi'tributary';
Hebr. ~abii'ol); ness, difficult situation, straits';
rn()~hiib 'narrow place'; ~abbii~1 (pI. ~abbii&al) 'Iaxes, taxation, IribUlt';
, , 'tax collector';
, ,
, ,
"absa 547
"'''.laM.''; 'liable for taxes, obliged to pay
t3\es. tributary, lax collector'; ~bn 'N/') (T+), ~abiinyos '11/')1"0 (T) 'per-
fume'; sabsa, note that Amb. (tii)dbiiliibbiilii (which lrans- -
~adal. Iyasdal} 111.11, (T) ~.dala "1.11 ' be 'plen-
ma:"a"I>;J!uiwi 'tax collector, (transferred mean- iates G. ~absa) aJso means 'be swollen, be unable to
ing) sinner'; possibly an extended meaning from 'soap' (Ar. sa- walk because of obesity, lose one's mind, not know dId, be radIant, be brilliant. be bnght, ,hIn,-',
nlJ.yabJ:.ii!l, ma.,'iJhhti(l 'custom house, tax office';
blin, Te. sabu,,). . what to do'. )a~dala, causative; also 'emit light. ~hlnc. he
bright. be brilhant,
S""TlC SAr, db& 'pay duty' (Muller 1983:279), ~abiinyos '11/')1"0; see ~abn, above, sabsaba 1111110 (H) 'cut'; >asta~iida/a 'cau~e to shllle, lllumin.lte,
SAr. (Qat. ban) ,fhill 'taxes'.
~abar, ~abar III1C i IlIlC (Lt) 'palm tree'; :as;bsaba (T), causative of ~ab~aba; also 'cut a brighten, (K) make clear, notIfy',
ETHlOPIC; Te. $iibl;a 'give a field for sustenance n~rr~w path'; ~.dul (fern, pthlt) 'radIant, bnlltant, 'p1<nold,
(i.e .. ~1thoUI tribule)" Amh. ~iibate 'administrator of see ~abarf, below.
SEMITIC: AT. ~ab~aba 'divide'. shiny, bright';
thc monastery of Dabra Libanos', from Geez ~ab­
, 'ta~cs'. ~abara (ya~bar) 1I11~ 'knead clay, work clay, ETHIOPIC: Amh. !ii.bii!!iibii 'cut up a carcass'. ~adl (Gr), ~adl (Gr.485), see "adal
(T) make muddy, (K) trample'; ~adiil 'radiance, bnghtness, splendor, gleam,
~b~a (.I'a~biilj) 1111'1, (T) ~ab~a lI11th 'dip ,yabra (L.T) 'become muddy, become marshy, sabata (ya~bat) 1111.,. 'swim, floal, dive'; light' ;
" . ,
(into a sauce), prepare a dish of sauce'; (Gr.442) dry out'; sabbala cause to sWim; ,radial, same;
~abafJi, act. partICIple; )a~bara 'trample mortar or clay'; ~asbata 'cause to swim';
,mdaliil (pI. of ~adar) 'brilltant celestial bodle,',
pbulj (Lt) 'dipped'; la~abra (K *), pass, of ~abara; sabtiti (K*.Gr) 'swimmer'; ~addiile (Lt), see ~adiil;
sablj 'seasoning, stew, gravy, broth'; ~abr, (KG) <;Iabr 'mud, mire, clay, marsh'; ~abl (K*) 'swimming, /loating';
~abil (Gr.360) 'swimming'; EnnoPIC: Tna, ~iidal 'splendor', Amh ,1-ddJiilii '''him''
(bela sabb [Lt] 'kitchen'); ~abur 'mud, mire, clay, mortar; muddy'; (from Geez). See also sdldl
ma~b'b, (T) ma~b.h (pI. ma~iibab, ma~iib'bl) )a~bari 'potter'; ETHIOPIC; Amh. ~iibbiilii 'swim' (from Geez). See
'dish, bowl, plate'; also ~abaya. ~Idl, 'a~daldala hlt1.A1.11 'glitter, gleam,
ETHIOPIC: Tna. ~iibr; 'mud, mire', ~iibiirii 'be flash, give light';
m.~biib (K*) 'kitchen'; muddy'.
, 11'11""; see ~bb, ETHJOPIC: Amh. asdaliiddiilii 'shine, glitter' (from
SEMITIC: relaled to At. ~abaga 'dip, immerse, dye, ~brq, 'an~abraqa h')I111,:.,. 'scintillate, sparkle, Geez). See sadala.
stain', ~ibiiK 'seasoning, stew' (Dozy), Soq. ~b< sabawa (T. Y.M) IIl1m 'swell';
glitter, /lash, shine through, be transparent, ,
'paint', Heb. ~'fPa< 'dyed stuff', Aram.-Syr. ~iJ9a( radiate'; sab.IV (T) 'swollen, (M) swelling, abscess'; ~adanii 111.", (K*) ~en lI.Y,,') 'bee that h"es
- Md. sba,
'dIp, dye', . Akk. sabli
, 'soak, bathe'. Praeto-
na~abriiq 'brilliance, sparkle';
underground' ;
nus, ZDMG 48 (1894). 364 compares Syr. bara SEMITIC: Heb. sliba (sby) 'swell'; related to Ar. mo{iira ~adanii 'wild honey',
'platter', metathesis of ~mbfii., but Payne Smith 569 na~abruq 'transparent, radiant'; -$aba·a 'grow forth'.
~edenl'ii (K*) 'honey of the ,l'adallii-bee';
corrects Syr. bara into qa~<ii, AT. q~ra. man~abraq (Gr), act. part. of 'an~abraqa;
~abaya (ya~bi) 11M 'swim, /loat, be spilled';
ETHIOPIC: Te. ~iiNIQ 'season (v), make a sauce', SEMITIC: AT. zibriqa 'splendor' (in this case z-q ETHIOPIC Te. sedanar
' . '/:I sorl of tx.'C'. Tna, c,)dtilltH
. . ..
Tna, ~iib~e 'dip (into the sauce)'. See also wa~l;a, SEMITIC: related to Ar. ~'abba 'pour'; also in Cushit- ~iidiina)', Amh. ~iidiifla; also in C'ushitk: Bil. ~liddl/a.
would have become ~-q by assimilation of devoic- See a Iso SOdanQf.
below. ing). ic: Som. sabbay 'stream, flow'. See also ~ahata.
ETHIOPIC: Te. >an~iibariiqa 'sparkle', Amh.Guf. al1- ~adfa (ya~daf) 1IJ!:&. 'fall off a cliff, fall into a
sadanit, sedanst, sedanit, sedeniit. sedenat
~abal III1A 'dust. powder'; #ibarriiqii, GUf. also (anJr~barriiqii 'blink against hole, cast oneself down, plunge headlong, rush
iI~<;-} I K..4IH I i.~ ...} : i.Y,,<;-} I K.Y" ~,)_
sabala (l'a~b.l) (K*) 'become dust' (denomina- the sun'. Dillmann 1279 and Littmann-Horner 639 (with a variety of other form$) 'demon of the
tive), headlong, run down a steep place, fall into an
derive it from s (morpheme of the causative)-brq abyss' ; field and forest, monster, satyr, SIren, angel of
sabul 'dusty, covered with dust'; 'flash, scintillate' (see baraqa, above), s having be- death';
come ~ due to the glottalized q and to becoming 'a~dafa. 'hurl
. , down, cast headlong, throw down SEMITIC: AT. sar&ill 'demon' (from G('CJ:; >;cc NI..11..~1-
fnllnpl(,; Tna_Gaf. ~iibiil 'dust', Te. {abiil, Amh. a precIpIce; . ,
agglutinated to the root. Note also Tna. siibriiqii
T~a.Te rahluy 'ash-colored'. The connection 'shine', Amh. siibiirriiqii. la~adfa (Lt) 'be hurled down headlong'; deke 1910:50). For its identification with Gk. Jt"ft~fI
'11 l. i ,bfo(ri.1 'dust' suggested by Praetorius 'siren' (with alternance d:r), see M C'ohl'n, BSL ~q
'asla~iidafa (Lt) 'hurl down';
~ :(, Joubtful. The root also OCcurs in Cushit- ~abart (pI. sabariil) III1C-}, (K) ~abart IlIlC"" (1928-9). 134-5; "Sur Ics sircnc5 en A byssml' -', RH R
~)II. J't'bar 'ashes', Kham. -$abir (with alternance ~aduf 'hurled down, thrown down'; 97 (l9:!8).94-lO7. M. Cohcll seems to l:{lmbiIlC II
'palm branch, palm, palm branch with which
of liquids r' f). See also ~ablaya. the confessor lightly strikes on the shoulder of ~adf (pI. 'a~diij) 'precipice, cliff, abyss, gulf. with ~adanii (sec abovc) when he slutes "qunnt au
a penitent'; chasm, ditch'; sens, il est double en grec, ethiopicn, arabc; 'eIre
~blii 11'111\ (T') 'subject, inferior in rank'; ~adfal (n,) 'throwing down, falling down (from plus au mains mysterieux' ct 'bollrJon (gros 111-
SEMITIC; Dillmann 1279 compares it with (or per- a high place)'; seete)'''. Ar. ~aydiil1 is not to be derived from nl'l.i
possibly connected with ~ablaya., below. haps derives it from) Ar. ~unbur 'solitary palm'. 'hunt', that is, 'hunler', as suggested by Fraenkd
SEMITIC: Ar. ~adaf'something that is high Of lofty 152.
~ablaya (TY) 1I11l1f 'become dust. be dust'; ~absa (ya~has) lI11fl (T.M) 'be swollen, be fat, (such as a wall or a mountain), ravine'.
ETHIOPIC: Amh. $iidiina ':ar-demon, ~lleurisy'; :wl-
la~ablara (T. Y) 'be covered with dust'; be undecided, be confused'; ETHIOPIC: Te . .5iidfa 'fall down', ~ddii/ 'precipice',
diina and ~'edell)'a 'festival in honor or the mint"
Tna. ~iidii/ii 'fall down', ~iidji 'precipice', Amh. ~iid­
denominative of ~abaf 'dust' (see above). to be identified with G. dabsa 'be slack, be limp, be des performed by a portrait of the Virgin which IS
weak' (see above). As for the varied meanings of dii/a 'fall down', !iida/'precipice'; passed into Cushit-
8'1 -""'if
ic'·1.SQ«a. preserved in the monastery of Sayadnayl.l ncar Da-
mascus (ceJebrated on the 10th of Mi.lskaram)'
~fn sfn
• 549
, ~"'H' (T) 'tortoise'. I
~.f'a (yaifii') 1I'f:0, (T) ~ar'a 1I'f:'" 'slap in the "
sfn !II, '.~fana "'lI'.I.} (Y.M) 'throw, throw
face, smite, box';
~way, throw down'; ~r~r I, ~ar~ara lI'f:II.1..
(l) ~.f~a(a B~B.I. 'pa"e
~adqa (l'a"daq. yasdaq) 1I.t:+ 'be just, be 'a.yjtJcQ. causative; a road, tread down, (T Y. K.M) COver .. hole In ..
Justified, be righteous, be Irue, speak the truth, la~af~a, passive; SEMITIC: Ar. ~afana 'throw to the ground'.
wall with cow dung, Coat a wall "lIh mud,
be certam. be faithful, be honest, be innocent'; fa!ii/a'a (KG) 'slap each other'; build a veranda';
't4 da qa 'justify, declare true or just, prove sarniit ra'nah (T) 1I'f:'i'-r ' .I./)'i'O 'savior of the
!a/u' (KG) 'who is slapped'; 'O!a/!a/a, causative,
righI, find somelhing right (or exact), approve, :Vorld, pillar of safety'; (K *) ~iirniit ra'ne~
!af'af 'a slap in the face, a box on the ear, 100a/~a/a (K *), pasSIve;
blow' ; lI'f:'i'r ' .l.M.m 'who reveals mysteries';
confirm. make righteous, treat with justice, !-/suf. pass. part. of ~afsaf(];
render justice, accept as just'; transcription of the Heb. ~iil!anal pafQneQ~.
to!addaqa 'be judged just, justify oneself, think SEMITIC: Ar. ,a/a'a (also sa/a'a) 'slap', S~ ,fa'. !af!af 'pavement, paving, floor, tablet, square
oneself righteous, appear righteous'; ETHlOPIC: Te. ~lif'a. fli/'a 'slap' (v.), Tna. ,ii/'e. !liff saraqa (Y'ifaq) 11.1.4> 'be dense, be joined close- table, layer, coating. (T) veranda';
bOlli, Amh. !liffa. ~liffa. Gur. Iii/a, Har. !•./if 'slap' (~aha/a saleda 'mosaic');
!adq 'justice, righleousness, trulh, uprightness, ly, be pressed close tog;ther, be compact,
(n.), Amh, Arg. !ajfi; passed into Cushitic: Sa, Safur
innocence, deliverance, (ll) salvation, justifica- 'slap'. make a fence of branches ; SEMITIC: Ar. ~affa 'put in a row', SAr ~hf 'stone
tion, holiness, pious deed'; 'asJaqa 'make dense, press together, do some- facing of a building' (7), S~. laff 'row', Hob. lipp,j
thing frequently, (Sw. in D 1320,MA) make a (pi'el of IP),) 'overlay, plate', Ug. ,py 'plate, cover',
(za-!adq 'righteous, true') ; ~flI lI''f:m, (l) ~.flI lI'f:m 'breadth'; I Akk ~uppu 'cover up'.
(ba-!adq 'rightly'); p/u& 'broad'; fence of branches (i.e., branches placed side by
I side), make compact'; ETHIOPIC; Ina. riif'iiifa 'flauen, make le\lel', Amh.
!aduq 'true, Iruthful, sincere, just, honest'; !affi& (K*) 'club-footed, flat'; !iijii!!iijii (~iij'<4,ojii) 'pave WIth flat stones'
pdqiil (pI. of !adq) 'alms'; !afu&iif (T) 'club-footed persons'; /Gsa/qa, la~afaqa; see !a/aqa;
~iidaq 'just, .righleOus, Irue, truthful, reliable, I~iifaqa 'join each other, press each other ~r~r II, 'an~ar~ara "'111'f:1I.1. 'ooze, drip, drop,
mnocent, saint;
, SEMITIC: Ar, ~afo&a 'broaden, widen', fofi&o 'plate, closely, be closed (womb)'; pour out in drops, distill';
sheet of metal', Syr. fOl}fI;rii, Heb, ~app[&-i! 'flat
!aduqiiwi 'who likes truth'; cake', safuq 'tight, dense, thick, crowded, compact, ~af~tif' drops' ;
)a~dtiqi. ma~daqi, part. of )~daqa; ETHIOPIC: Tna. ~dji& 'Bat and wide'; related to sfo: I which are side by side, pressed together, luxu- na~af!iif'drops, falling in drops';
riant, frequent, abundant';
SEMITIC: Ar. ~adoqa 'be Sincere, speak the truth', Tna. sofie 'be wide, be broad', Amh, so.ffa, The root SEMITIC: possibly a reduplication of the root ,m{
(~afuq-a 'frequently, often');
SAr. ~dq 'right, justice', h-~dq 'justify', Mh , ~adaq, if/} passed into Cushitic; BiL !afe&, ?afe& 'be wide'. Heb. ,tip (,wp) 'flow'. Brockelmann I 9lS; 635
~adiq 'just', Heb. ~iigaq 'be just, be in the right', safqal, verbal noun of ~afaqa; compareS. with reservations, Syr. ~appi (\fpy) 'distill';
Aram. ~aifoq 'be just', Syr, ztideq 'it is right', Md. ~ru~ lI'~m (T) 'leper, one who has scurf on I lagaq 'condensation, thiCkening, cramming'; cpo also Ar. ~affo (ifw) 'disliII, flow, filter' (see also
zadiq, ~adiq 'just, righteous', Ph. ~dq 'just', Ug. fdq the scalp'. Marrassini 122 ; Conli 1980 :43). For a possible
SEMITIC: Ar. ,a/uqa 'be compact, be thick'.
'right, uprightness', connection with Heb . .tip{ep 'drip', !ippd 'drop', see
ETHIOPIC Te. ?iifqa 'be dense', Amh. fiifJiiqii 'place
ETHIOPIC: Te. ~o.dqQ 'be righteous, honest, just', ~rn r, ~arana 1I.1.} (T.Y.M) 'draw water, copy (a close together, make compact', ~o.f/iiqii 'be crowded Leslau 1958 :34 ; note that the correspondence $:! is
Tna. ~iidiiCjii, Amh, ~iiddiiqii; Amh,Gur. !adiq 'bread text)' ;
logether (letters of a manuscript)', Har. ?ii/liqa
not nomlal.
partaken of at the monthly gathering'. ·aifana (T.M), causative; ETHIOPlc: Te. ,Ii;;'ii/a 'drip', Tn •. ,lifliff bala 'drip',
'crush something to change its shape'; with augment-
!a/an. ~a/n (pI. !a/an. 'aifiin) 'pitcher, jug, ed I in Tna. ?lij/liqli 'crush, squash', Te. riij/liqa, raffli/Ii 'have tears, water (eyes)', Amh. (tiin)rii/ii !- (~aday) lVI.!'. (1I~.e) 'harvest season, leather bottle'; Amh. ?ii/iilliiqli, Giir. f./lilaqii 'pound, hammer'.
riijii 'drip', Har, c:~if bciyo 'ooze',
season of the small rains (April-July)';
!adaya (T.MA) 'become Ihe season !adiiy' (de-
!a/naf (sa/ant) 'traveling pouch, leather bottle,
bag, wallet'; ~rr (pI. p/ar. 'a~fiir. pfriil) lI''f:C 'fingernail,
, . 1I'f:lIof. (K) 'kind of Iree';
nominative) ; claw' ; transcription of Heb. ,apeopa (EL. 17'5); also Ar.
ma~ii/an, pI. of *maifan (Lt) 'satchel'; ,a/,ii/ 'kind of willow'. - -
~adii)'awi 'pertaining to the ~aday-season'; ~af(f)ara 'pare the nails' (denominalive);
SEMITIC ; Ar. ~ufn 'vessel with which one draws la~afra, passive, reflexive;
SEMlTIC: Ar. ~adiya 'be very thirsty', Soq. rjode 'fine water', For 'draw water' and 'copy', cpo Amh.
~aggii II:>; see !aggawa.
rain', Heb. ~d.l' (Dif'al) 'be laid waste', Aram. s~di qo.dda 'draw water, copy'. ~./ur (Gr) 'that has claws, one whose finger-
~ge lI''/.; see ~agaya.
'be destroyed', Syr. ~aga 'become deserted, be d~s~. nails are pared';
late', Md. ,da (Dillmann 1314; Brockelmann 1928: ~rn II, ~arana 1I.1.} (K*), see 'aifana; SEMITIC: Ar. ?ufr, ?ufur 'fingernail', ?offara 'scratch ~gg' 1\"1', ~ugg ~"l; see ~ag •ag •a.
621; Baumgartner 939). While the meaning of 'deso- )aifana 'close, hide, make deaf or blind'; with the fingernails', S~ ?eJer 'fingernail', Heb. -!ip-
late, thirsty' may fit the meaning of Tna. ~addaya la~a/na (K *), passive; por-~n 'fingernail', Ararn,-Syr. !apro, Akk, .yupru. ~ug ~ "I; see (rjwg), tfug.
ETHIOPIC: Te. ~afar 'fingernail',- Tna, ~afri, Gaf.
'the dry season' (see below), it is not satisfactory for
~afun (K*), pass. part. of .a!/ana;
G. !aday 'the season of tbe small rains', unless the /'frli, Amh.Gur. ta/ar. Arg. ?ffar, Har. !ifir; passed ~ug(g)o II." (T) 'stick. cane '.
meaning of ~ada)' varies from region to region. SBMITlC; Heb. ~iipan 'hide'; Ruzicka 97 compares into Cushitic: Bil. 9iffer.
En-uoPlc: Tna. ~ilddaya 'the dry season', Te. ~iiday Ar. tjamana, tjamara with Heb. ~pn, by regressive ~ag·'. 111'0 (Lt) 'draw, drain'.
'harvest season', Amh. ~iidiiy 'spring, the season for dissimilation, ~rrole lI''f:C'/\' (T+) 'interlaced, knitted';
sowmg'. ETHIOPIC; Tna. ~o./fiinii 'cover the eyes', Amh. fiiffo.- (ya!gab. y"!gab) 11"10 'be satiated, be
nO. 'cover the eyes', !iiffiinii 'close'. from ~afr for (b/r (see tjafara 'intertwine') and an satisfied, be salurated, be filled, feel nauseated
enigmatic -Ie.
from overeating';
~git ~aggawa
- 551
t:-al~1·.Llsiigg;1n 'insatia b1e ');
aS~i1/>a ·satiate. satisfy, fill':
ETHIOPIC: Te. $iiggiil (from "gg) 'COurt, proceedings
saggawa ""/D 'bestow favor, give graciously,
ta~~gba 'show oneself satisfied, (T) be disgusted
in court' (Littmann-Hofner 649) is possible because
court proceedings are held in a public place. The ;how grace, offer a gracious gift. grant. for- of. pursue diligently. have dihgenc'e, make an
with' ; • •
give; . effort. be eager for. be intent on, be anx-
connection with Amh . .fiingo 'tribunal, council, as.
,'~guh 'satIated. sated, full. having enough of'; sembly of elders' suggested by Praetorius 1879:82 tasaggawa, paSSIve; ious, be concerned, be 'iolicitous. care f('lt, t.ll..C
",gah 'satiety. abundance. plenty, gluttony'; and Beguinot 515 is doubtful. Also unlikely is the la~agawa 'send gifts to one another. forgive care of, concern one,elf "ith. apply one,elf. be
prompt, stnve',
"'gbat. ~agibot 'satiety, fuliness'; connection with suq 'market' suggested by Dill. o~e another';
'osgabi, ma,gabi (Gr) 'that (who) satiates'; mann 381, under sak "'aI, followed by Brockelmann saggawi 'gracious, liberal giver, generous'; ~~haqa. causative; also 'take care of, care,
1908: 169.
~(}ggiJW 'who receives favor'; drive someone to do something, mette, pro~
SEMITIC: Dillmann 1315, Brockelmann 1908: 169,
Praetorius 1879:83, and others compare Heb. sagar ~g'ag', ~gag lI"'l1' , lI";1'1 (K'XBT) 'fog'; ~agga 'grace, favor. kindness, gift, gracIOus voke. urge, induce. importune',
'be satiated', Ar. Jabi<a, through metathesis, dissimi- jpft'; the sect of the Adoptionists (they teach ,ahaqi. act. partiCiple, also 'eager. fervent. dili-
lation (sl,f:~), and the correspondence <:g. In view ETHIOPIC: Tna. ~()ggag 'fog', Amh. !agag, {agag,
Gur. rang. See also -1<Jgn. that Christ is God or the Son of God only by gent. anxious. studious, solicitous, It::alous',
of G. ~iig"r 'hair', Heb. serar (see below), likewise grace or by adoption); J,hllq 'desirous,


diligent, concerned. solie-
.... "ith i:~'i, and <:g, the comparison is acceptable.

ttous, Intent on :
~gn 11''1'1 (K') 'fog, foggy'; (ba-~agga 'gratis. without charge, freely, as a
Praetorius 1879: 83 also compares Amh. (tii)sgiibiig- gift') ; (J,hllq-a 'diligently. carefully. eagerly');
is there any connection with ~i1g"'ag"', above?
giibii 'be continuously voracious' ("offenbar eine
~aggawe 'generosity, benefaction'; ,ahq, (T) ,ii~q 'desire, "gernes>. e,lger
intensive Vermehrung von ~iiggiibii 'satt sein', also
~gun lI"1-'1 (Sw. in D 1293, under sang"'Il) ma~aggaw 'he who bestows favor'; concern, aspiration, longing, want, 7cal. C;lfC.
'sich ubermassig sattigen'''). M. Bravmann, ZS 9
'kind of gruel'. carefulness, toil. effort. exertion, ardor, fcnor.
(1933).149 Connecls sgb with Ar, sagiba 'be hungry', SEMITIC: the connection with Ar. sa~a (sbH') 'be hardship';
with s > ~ due fo g (there is also an Arabic form generous, be liberal', suggested by M. Bittner,
• gnat lI"'1H' 'bat, screech owl'.
.. (ba-,iihq 'carefulli);
,yagiba in Tag aJ·<arus); he interprets the opposite WZKM 23 (1909-1O). 412, is unlikely for phonetic ,ahiiq 'longing, care';
meamngs of sgb 'be satiated', Ar. sgb (~gb) 'be reasons.
hungry', and Amh. sgbgb 'be continuously vora-
~ag'r "'1'C 'hair, fur, feathers, fleece, fiber (of ~.hiq 'desire, diligence, anxiety' •
palm)' ; ETHIOPIC: Amh. -1iigga 'grace' (from Gccz), liigga
cious' as referring to the "unersaUlichen Hunger 'be generous', liigga 'grace, virtue, wealth' (note (ba-,.hiq 'eagerly, carefully. anXlou,Iy'),
(Ar. sagiba) von Tieren ... die sich bereits voll. ,agg"ara (DTW) 'grow hair' (denominative);
,aggWar 'hairy, shaggy'; bala lagga 'rich' from which biilii!!iigii. biilii!~'iiiga 'be pirqar •
'desire, desiring, leal, anxiety, alten-
gefressen haben ,. (G. ~agba 'be satiated'). This expla-

rich' was formed), Gur. diingiifiii 'rich, weaJthy' hon ;

nation is unconvincing. ETHIOPIC: Tna. ~iig"'ri 'hair', Te. {fagiir, Gaf. ~agiirii, from *diinga < dogga (with nasalized g: see Leslau (ba-,ahqar 'eagerly, anxiously');
ETHIOPIC: Te. ~ogba 'be satisfied, be satiated', Tna. Amh. {fagiir, ~iigur 'hair', {fiigg"'iirii 'be hairy', Arg. 1979:8.81) < ragga (with I-g > dog).
,yiigiibii, Amh. !iiggiibii, Gur. !agabiiii,iii 'rude, arro- SEr.-nTIC: the connection with Hcb. ,1'lt'q In I,'t.<iiqii
{fagiir 'hair', Har. !f,igiir, Gur. {agiir, !agtir; from
gant' (transferred meaning from 'be satiated'). ~agaya (y>~g((y, ya!jgi) , (Y) ~aggaya ""f 'desire', Ar. Siiqa 'excite' suggested by Oillmann
Cushitic (so also Cerulli 1936:242-3): Bil. sagar, 1254 (followed by Brockeimanll190K: 169)" unhke-
'bloom, blossom, flower, burst open' (denomi- Iy.
~'ag'a (va,'g'ag') "'.,...,.. 'go out of the house, Qua. ragar, Som. dogor, dagur. Dillmann 13 15 (fol-
native from !jage, below);
go outside to relieve oneself, hold court' lowed by Brockelmann 1908: 169) connects the
Ethiopic root with Semitic: Heb. se<ar 'hair', Ar. )a~gaya, causative of ~agaya; ~ahart, ~hort ",uct I lI"Uct; sec ,!·,'~,m.
(which is done in a public square);
sarr. It is possible that there is a connection between ,vagayi (KG.M), act. part. of "agaya;
)~g>t'ag>to, (Y) )~ag"'ag"'a. same;
the Semitic and the Cushitic root (Cohen 1947: ,aguy (fern. sagayt, ,agit) 'flowering, adorned sehs lI."', sih lI..;"; see sl'iI
ra~ag"ag'a (D), ta,agg'ag'a (Y), same as
• • • • •• •
no. 281) and that the Semitic.Ethiopic root is taken with flowers, covered with flowers, variegated';
sag'ag'a; also 'court was held'; from Cushitic. For the irregular correspondence ,age (pi. ,ageyat, ,agayat) 'flower, bloom'; sahaba,
., .. .. .
, .hba (l'ashab) "''''II I lI"ihll (K> H)
pgg', (T) pg(g)o (pI. ,ag'ag', pg"ag'at) 'out- s(S):~, <:g, see ~agba, above. (,age rada 'rose'); 'be constrained, be oppressed. be importuned,
doors, street, lane. path, square, marketplace, (,'ge dallgWallat 'lily'); be weary, be bored, be anxIOUS. he worried
(Sw. in D 1319) council, assembly of elders ~g'rar lI"1't-tj:. (T) 'whip'; about' ;
(,age dammaniit [Lt] 'tender flower');
(held in a public square)'; ETHIOPIC: Tna. ~iirgiifii 'hit', f'agra/'whip', Te. {fJr. (sallbat :apgavat 'Palm Sundai); (da!wba [T] = Amh. hiissa has undou~tcdly
(sagg'-a 'out-of-doors'); ga/and {fagrqf'whip made of leather thongs', Amh. the meaning 'have nn enemy constramed'
sagay, ,agay (pI. ,agayat) 'artificial Ilower, (T)
(mo!ltittJH'G ~agg"" 'torch, lantern', lit. 'lantern f'iiriiggii/ii 'thrash, whip'. rather than the meaning 'pierce' and would be
ornament worn on the neck';
[used when going out] to the public place'; of the same root as ,{(iraha);
,aggiyot (n,) 'letting sprout';
(note that K.T. wrongly render ,agg'. Jugg ~aggat, ~ggat ",', :,•• lI"1'''' (Lt) 'cow that gives )a~baba 'constrain, press upon, oppress, distress,
'torch' probably by having misunderstood the milk' ; ETHIOPIC Tna. ~lJga 'blossom', Te. f'age 'flowering afflict, trouble, bother, vex, pester, make weary,
expression mabiitawa ~agg\\'. lit. 'the torches of ea r of corn', ~'age 'pollen', Amh. F'gge 'flower'; wear out, attack, smite to the ground';
ETHIOPlc Amh. laggat 'cow that has milk'; per.
the outdoors'); from C ush itic: Bil. {aga 'flower', Oem, ~'ege, Kham.
haps also. Gaf. ,dg"'d 'caJr, Gur. Idgg. Amh.Arg. 'asta,!wba 'reject as troublesome. despise';
.yi),ii (so also Cohen 1947:no.305; Brockclmann
SEMITIC: Barth 1892: 53 identifies it with Ar. ::uqaq
ragga, Har. !aga. 1950:3 1). sc,hh
• •
'afflict jon, trouble, importuning, molesla- •
·street'. tion. worry, weariness, inconvenltmce, care:
~git lI"'l..T; see (,gy), pguy. ~hqa (ya,haq) "'U"', (K. Y) ~~qa ",.;".,. 'desire
eargerly, wish, long, yearn. covet. be in want
SEMITIC: Syr. ~bb 'oppress, importune' (I'M which
see Payne Smith 3393).
552 !l!r "h...
• •

.... (pi ....tI>t) Jlarft, {L) .... 1I'M1 'vessel, ma~irdf (K 0) 'means of writing'; p\lara II"''''break through, shatter, stir'; ~.... (mlJawJ W..... I 110". (alA
Jar PItcher, bowl'; m~( a)lJafanllii (L) 'quality of a book, style, .. (M) 'cause to write' is a misprint for
whara ..... 'be .craie be bi'pt
Smonnc' related to Ar. ~'pitcher' (for Ar. PJl!fa
fonn'; ..
,ashafa; be sober (after haVtnl been drunk), II!(Oilr
(having been drunk), awake';
'dIsh, .... Rabin 27); for Arant. ~lJlbiJ 'j.r, pitcher' SEMITIC: SAr. ~~f 'write', Akk. ~pu 'write down' SlDDTIC: N. fUlJra 'crevice'.
(Wltb metatheli.), Syr. ~~, .... Dillm.nn 1265. (von Soden 1091); Arabic mlJllJaf 'book' is bor- BnnoPlc: Tn •. 11i1)a,ii 'scratch (the ground), scrape (laIJawa lDftUot Ill) 'pray eonstantly')
169 compares Ar. ~arof 'earthen vessel' rowed from Gee., and PJl!~afa 'write' is a denom_ (fire)', Te.llil)ara 'carry away coal and ashes', ftlI)a- falJaw 'serene (sky, air), clear (sky), aobcor
(f_. Aranta",), Syr. ~biJ, Bibl.-Aram·lJdaap; cpo inative (Fraenkel 248; Noeldeke 1910:50; Jeffery rll 'take away', Arg. {aJuua 'scratch', Har. ~ (1'''' .... baIJe, 'fair weather');
aIao AkIt. ~ 'pottery, veooel'. For other forms, 193-4). For a bibliography on Ar. ~I.if, .... Abrens 'scratch leaving marks', Amh.Gur. ?aril 'scrateb,
Smonc ~. ~y: Ar. ~ (1tN, 1Iry • ~,. ."...
.... Koehler 1077, under 1Jdaap. H. R.bin, Orielltalill 1930:23. scrape', come cleer, .rene (day~ bltOlb4 IOtIdI, w',
32 (1963). 119 derives the .60....mentioned nouns ETHlOPlc: Te. lii/da 'write', Tna. 1iiJ.uif"d. Gur. ~qfii, ~ 'become clear, evident', Soq. 1Iry 'lie dou
flOm the root ', hard, rough': Syr.lJa(r)~ Amh. fofli. !afli, Arg. !afa; passed into Cushitic: Bil. ..twt WiltC+, (LI) ~art, "hart II"'C+ I
iI.i.c+, (D) pbart, ,.mart WUC+ I III1C+ (pI. (weather)', Heb.I4~'A 'be white', ~ 'dou, bript ,
'h.rd, rough'. sahafa, Qem. fa! Note that Fraenkel 1893: 69 de- PbH. ~ 'wrung, a1itterina, Syr ~ 'diu
rives G.I~ofa 'write' from a root IlJfrepresented in sohrlit, ~ii~rlit, ~a~ariil, ~alJartiit, ~aIJa"iit) 'pot, (sky), fair (weatber)', ~r 'b,wr'le clear (sky)
!!JId I, ~. II~ (T) 'put on a bit, bridle'. Ar. ~~afa 'dig' developed into 'write'. For 'write' ;,.idron, kettle, basin'. ~~ 'dear. bri&ht', Aram Il~d'r "NIh""- For
coming from an original root 'scratch, cut, carve' in ~, cpo a100 Ar.l'I~ 'lie healthy, - .•• , SAr ~
... II, .. ~. (y~) WihF. 'be smooth, be Indo-European, .... Buck 1283. ~ lIiltW'" (LI) 'flow, have diarrhea'; ~ 'health'. It II questionable whether It .. the_
lender, be soft, (L) be polished'; ~iihsair
· ., , 'leakage, dropping, moisture, diarrhea'; root (~."I/IY) that calM 10 'be tbintJ, be
~ 'anoint, smear with an ointment, make
, .
sabal. 11"'/\ (T.KO) 'carve, chisel, engrave, de- from WQII}a 'pour out, drop' (.... below), with loos parched, be dry', as suggest£CI by Drowa-MaadI
smooth, soften by anointing'; pic!'; . of wand reduplication of the last two radicals; 389, and Bawnaartner 954 Tba root ItN I/IY ..
p/JMd 'soft, lender, smooth, sensitive'; m~~iil 'writing tablet, writing style, (K) pen, B11IIOPIc: Tna. I~~a 'have diarrhea'. the origm of . , 'Ian', for wJricb . . abo...
• •
'softness, tenderness, delicacy'; instrument for carving or chiseling'; Enncwu:: Tn. ~,"""yd, ~ ..,. 'diu lIP
.... 8180,<4 I. ·,
llhat 1I.dt+; Iy/J· (weather), be serene, be clear (sky)', Te ~'be
BnooPlc: perhaps related to sa~ala 'sharpen' (....
above); so also DHlmann 1264, with reservatiollJ. vilible',lIlJa (fI1y) 'blcorDe deer, briaht clear tip'
fII!IIdd Wilt1: (K) 'vessel, measure of liquids'; dIIw
, , I lIiIt... 'hunting leopard, (T) wild ani- Cur, ?If; bonJ by roeovll"'l IOod ap-
1Ie.<4 1I, ..'Ii.
mar; pearance' (fit; rep_II. reduplli:atecl rOOl ~ >
• • fi\JI (pI. ~IJaI, '~lJalt, '~lJiiI, ~iilJliil) lIiltA lit. 'dor a1inrende, wegen seines FeU.. so s.nannt' f. I- - vowel» See also ~)ICI, below.
fill'" (y.,w) ""'~ 'write, write down, in-
IIIribc, cleacribe, resister';
'dish, bowl. jar. pan, platter, paten on which
the Host is served, censer';
(HOIIIIIIII1887:xxvm); he probably connects it With
~wa, below. See also ,a/lw II.
.... WM (T),...,. ""', (K·),,, ...,
(TS), . .JA ...., (MA) 'be _ . be deer. be
~(,I. causative; SJoonc: Ar. ,~ 'bowl, dish' (Barth 1893:40), S\>.
~., 'basin, bowl', Heb. ,all~a!, Syr. ,~/iiMa (so ~ II lIiIt... (T) 'fish bones'; neat, dear up
,eutfa. passive; aloo Dillmann 1264); Syrian Ar. Ii-/Jiy., from III.,(a)I}t' (pI, (L)
IfIIJ4Ii (pI.IfI/!Iift) 'writer, scnbe. secretary,
"n vera .-0"0 di ,a/lw oggi • ignoto .,u 'mirror-;
Syriac. tanto cbe II Sawilltw di MoncuDo (that Is, AIlqa
copyist, learned penon'; BTHIOPlc: Te. f~/o 'pot (of clay)" Tna. {~olo; Te. Tayyi) 10 traduce 'spina dl pesce' 0 'zibetto' 0 SEMIII'::: the derivauon of ....,(.~ :
t.raMfr 'custodian of a monarch's cat- IIiI}tJJ 'pan, bowl', Tna. ,~/I, Amb. flJhal (from geuericamenle 'nome di animal.'" (Conti Syr•....11. 'mirror' (ftoom ~ '. .'. With IIIIIIIt.
1Ie'), Geez); paased into eushitic: Bil. l6IaI)a, Qua. /a".. RSE 10(1951).29, n.5). Note that 'civet cat' II not Itl F > ~), S1JUIIIId by M. ~ WUM:U
"""" 'wifUM, ,• x"alii, Sa. I6heli. ~w U given by Conti Rossini, ib" but ~w (see (1909-10). 410, IJ doubtl\al SIIo~.... ~ L
resistratlon' ; below). EtHIIlPIC' for ....,(.)"". cp. Amh ....,.., 'mili.'
• (pI. ~~8m, ~~;nll) Wilt,. 'beard'; (flOln Geez) whlcll mto ......
,a/}aItul (ya~m) (K·) 'grow (beard)'; den,nOl"'ni- ~ III JliIt... (Lt) 'filth, rubbish'; liDO' See alao ~,. I
native; SJoonc: perhaps Ar. fIJ~YG 'have an ulcer'. Syr. I lilt" (T Y), . . . . . , . ....iIt" (0),
~aIJiim (K) 'bearded'; ~r (~y) 'revile', See .1"0 ptw,
.,.1111" (Lt) 'look m a mirror'
SBMruc' the connection with Hob. ziiqifll 'beard', ~yay ('I') 'bor""ll' •
Ar. tIaIpm, suggeatecl by Ileinisch 1895,217, is tIP IV lilt... (T.Sw. In 0 1265) - Amh,
mllwatll 'eunuch' (in ancient Amharic); tb.....aning 'look ill a mirror'
B.MU)PlC: To. pIJam. ~,~", ~bl'rd" Tna lMPni~ PJl'baps metatbeai, of ppw For Amb, "",,...hI• ... "lPa" 'IIIbl'Or', flom I/IY (...
ca.lion of the . . ruIIeaI (DIlI!bano
.\mb 11m, fIItr.m «(.'om <leez); a110 in Cuabitle Bi!. Oetatcbew Han•• PICE!: 67
Ifhum. !k>..., tl" (going beck to tim, 11m), 4'7-8).
or f/IUrIrIJr
... ,•
"w ll'itilJo (T) '!livot cat" .-.,.11 (D),
a eonrlclloIl with ,a/I.,. m... 'wMout. IVb, ~
, aa_ofthe .....1 ~,puaiWi•
~alaba s1glg
• 555
fa!.",;)', ("G ). act part. or Jiih.1'aya; I
".'hl'U)' \H"t"dcd. cleared of weeds, corrected';
s.obyal' (KO) 'weeding' (n.).
. ' hated , hateful, odious, detested" ,
~ali) 'hating. avoidance' (as in ~ali)a ~om
salbo, (T) dalbo 'cross. gallows';
;l1o!labt 'cross'; O\er a surface (bUller Or 011),. (Ian ta!' 'SJ'lfQd

'aVOIdance of a fast'); out .("ater over a fi<ldl', Gur {"liill bOld 'fto
ETHI(lPIC Tna ~llJ:!yii,l'ii 'weed' Dllimann 1266 (fol. sal'. ~a/> ' hatred, hate, hostility, enmity, strife SEMITIC PbH. ~olap 'crUCIfy', Aram.·Syr ~l/a~, soar. also In ('ushulc ' Kam IQIJ,.'Y~'
lowC'd b,. Stade 45) denve.\ It from shr
. .- 'be clear' (see quarrel, feud'; , Ph.Md. ~/b. For the Aram.-Syr ongin of Ar ~alfh
l~h1'Q. abo\'c). with a reduplicated last radical J' In ~iJbiin. same; 'cross' (denominative ~alabo) and G. ;'ialaha, see
the meaning: 'make clear, weed', The rool also Neeldeke 1910: 35, Jeffery 197 ~II II,, ~.I.I. ""/l 'shade, m ke h,ldc
sa/>al (Ko) 'hating' (n.), animosity';
(\Ct.'urs In Cu.\hltic Sa sa~yO)' 'weed', o\·er:,hado". be shady, darken. (once-at, co\'C'r,
m~/a" act. part. of )a~/iJ)a; also 'which is slglg, ' hlttl''1tl1 (Lt) 'Hlcker'; screen from ,ie", bhnd tan e)e), (H) deafen.

~il'yay. III l\~ff (instead of ~a!,)'aya of T) hated, hateful thing'; (Lt) protect',
'wllher' , ETHIOPIC: Tna. ~alilg{.1g biilti 'grow dark', plilK/<Jgta
. (Gr.354) 'who incites to hatred ", 'oslala "hade, furnish shade, seek shade, lind
'twilight', Amh. tii!liigdlliigii 'become dark (after
tO$ii/a>j 'litigant';
pcrhap .. connected With ~dmhaJ'a, ,~amha)'aro. sunset)', tiNliigliig 'twihght'. shade, he down In the shade, take ,holter, SIt
l~ii/iJ)OI 'enmity';
(Originally, in the ,hade), take J rest, d\\ell,
~~d, ~~'d (pI. 'as!riid) lt1.1:' : lt1-.I:', (L.K) SEMITIC: Akk. ~elu 'insult, abuse' (yon Soden 1090; salh. lIAdt (KO) 'break through (a hedge, a bUIld a nest';
~~d lt~.I:' 'Jumpcr, cedar';
CAD 16 :24 renders it by 'cheat'). The connection fen~e), violate (a frontierr. lasal/ala 'be shaded, be shadowed, be clouded
SEMITIC related 10 Ar. Jwd 'kind of tree' with Heb. sane' ' hate', AT. sana'a. suggested by over. be bhnded, be dark, be screened from
EnfloPIC' Te. stlhd 'juniper', Tna. ~ilhdi, Har .(ad~i, Dillmann 1260, is unlikely. Fraenkel 120 identifies , . 1I."~ (T.M), ~.Iihi lillY (T.s",. In 0 1398)
siliih view, be covered't
'filth, dirt, mud',
Amh. !tld. Gal'. (iJdll, Gur. ladd; also in Cushitic. G. ~a"a with Ar. ~alii (!Iy) 'fry', and for the mean- "alhili (Gr.483) 'that shades, that protect",
..0\" lSild,. Tern. !tlda. The comparison of the Ethiop- ings 'fry' and 'hate' he compares Ar. qala; however, see also ~ilii.
...11111 'shaded, overshadowed, darkened, ob.
ic roOl \'\lth Ar :f:ll'd 'the tall one', suggested by for ~ala ('i~),). see ~alalt'a III, below.
,cured, blinded, (T) deaf, lGr 442) stupId', n\'lIe
Appleyard 41, i~ uncomincing. ETHIOPIC' Te. !iiba 'hale', Tna. ~iil>e, Amh.Arg. . lI'A,f,.-r ; see salhal\'a,
' . . below.
!olla, Gur !iila, Har. !iila>a, Gaf. (tiihalii 'q uarrel'.
'blinded, dear, originally 'covered le}es, car';)',
~akk·. lilt- (MA) 'shine' ~.I~.w. lIAdtm 'use deceit, act treacherously, for 'deaf, stupId', cp. Amh. d,inJw'cira 'be
~.I<a (yiJ~/a') lIAo (T. V) 'be wounded, be super- use fraud, beguile'; deaf, be stupid'.
~lIi M, (1I) ~Ii ltI\ 'beer', fiCially healed', la,ralhawa (Gr,483), same, JiJl/cil (K 0) 'umbrella':
• •
see also rail, below ~al', ~al', pI. 'a~/iJ'I, (T) Ijdl' 'abscess, Wound, siJlhaw
• • (fem. SiJ/I'UI)
• • 'deceItful, deceIver, wicked, s"lleile 'overshadowing, darkening, darkncss,
ulcer, sore'; blindness' ;
treacherous, malicious, crafty, fraudulent',
~lIe, ~lIi (pI. siJlla,) It/\, : lI'" 'tablet, tablet ~iJlu' 'wounded, full of sores, ulcerous'; ,alalo 'soot, blackne,,'.
(~iJllliJlVa liJbb 'false-hearted ');
(of the law), tablet (of metal, stone), beam'; ~.I'al (1I) 'wound'; ,,"Iiilol 'shadow, shade, protectIon, darkne".
• • 'fraud, ruse, deceit, decellfulness, CUn-
SEMITIC Ar. tHadr) siliil 'slab', (Yem.) !alla, SAr. SEMITIC: perhaps AT. ;ala.a 'limp', Heb. siila-, ning, guile, artifice, malice, pcrfidy'; roof, shelter, tabernade, Imtlge, IIkenes, (ilke a
.<11 'paving, plastering' (Muller 1983:283); related to shadow)';
Aram. !illa-. The connection with Heb. sara<al "skm SEMITIC not to be compared with Heb.,/I, (hlhl)
Heb. sclii' 'rib. plank' (Dllimann 1255), for Akk. dIsease', suggested by Barth 1893:41 (follo';ed by m.'~/iil'shady place, shelter, booth, shed, taber-
~ilu, see \on Soden 1090. 's ucceed ' as suggested by WaJnberg 19J5: 18 nacle, nest';
Holma 1912: 19), is unlikely. Dillmann 1261 and ETHIOPI(,: there is undoubtedly a conncctlon with
ETHIOPIC. Tna. J"lIal 'slab of wood or stone on
8rockelmann 1908 : 169 compare it with Ar. salara CushillC 811. iawulehii 'ruse' ma~allal 'sunshade, shady place, tent, booth,
which IS engraved a religIOUS precept', Amh. $<11101 'wou nd ' tabernacle' ,
(from Geel).
ETHIOPIC: Te. ~ol(a 'be wounded', ~ala' 'wound' (n.), ~.I.k· Mit (T) 'mustard', (ba'ula masal/ol 'Feast of the Tabernades': see
Tna (tii)~ill'a 'be a little sick', Har. !ulu> 'wound' Mauro da leone»a 306);
~ili 1I." (T Lt) 'filth, dirt, mud', is probably a mlspnnt for ,alak" 1111t, for which
(n.), Gur. (a}lole 'wound' (v.); also in Cushltic
see above. SEMITIC Ar ('0 I;dlla 'be !'had),. Ix dark.", :11I'shad~
ETHIOPK Gur ~(lia 'liqUId mud'; perhaps also in Som. dullall 'abscess' (RelOlsch 1902: 136), Qab. luta
Cushlhc. Kam. fi1ra 'cia} ror POlS', See also ~ilii~. 'wound', Sid. !ulu-kko. ow', SAr :::11 'kind of covered strul:ture', Heh ~iilol
~II I, ~.II.I., (K V) ~.I.I. ()'J~/iJl) M/l 'Hoat 'grow shadowy', ~t'l·shadow'. Aram. r.Jit1M '~hadllw,
~I>a (r.slii') IIAh , ~.I'. lIAO 'hate, abhor, be ~Ii', ~l<at It''l1 : ltAO-r (pI. ~ola", ~all'aliJ'l. upon, hover, come to the surface (of water), shade', Syr rellcilii, Md. ,,,Id, Ug. ;1 ',hade', AU
hostile toward, not want', ~awaliJ') 'rock, reef, boulder, cavern'; (V) swim'; ~'iul/lllu 'provide shade', :HIIII'shade'
~ota(, 'rocky ground, rocks, cavern'; la~/ala, causative; ETHIOPI(,: Te. ('aJ:~/dla 'glV(~ shade'. :1.1/0/ ''ihadow,
. causati,,; al,o 'make hateful" ,
I~a/>a, passive; darkness', Tna. 'asliiliJ 'shelter oneself, '(lnsiildliiwd
SEMITIC: Ar. ~ulla'. !ullii' 'rock' (cp. Ar. \'iOIi'a 'be SEMITIC': PbH. !olal 'hang over, circle', Akk . ~alolu 'shade, cast shade on', Amh. riilliilii '~hade, curtam
lasiiliJ'G 'be hosllie to one another, quarrel bald') Dllimann 1262 (followed by Barth 1393 :53) 'sink to rest, lie motionless' (Driver 1967:62).
off', ""!Ial'shady place' (from Geel), Gur. (al}!il-
with one another, make war'; also compares Heb. sfla-. Brockelmann 1928 :627, in connection with Syr . .~al
liild 'curtain off; Tlla. ~·Jlal. ~,llal(ll ·shl1de. shadll\\ "
laslasa/>Q. )Q.HOSti/;J>o, causative of tosti/;Jla'
' . . . ~.I.b. (ya~/iJb) lI/lO 'crucify';
'purify, clear away', wrongly identifies G. fallala
'Hoat' with the SemitiC root !II 'be pure' For ~'ill'be
Te. pial, Amh.Arg. !.lla. Gal". ~1.Jlayii, Har {Jyu,
~ala'j. ~all/jii' (pI. sala'l, sala'iJ,I'an) 'enemy, pure', sec sll III. Gur . .IJlal. tul. For 'soot ', cpo Tna. ~'J/Jlo, Amh
. 'be cruCIfied" ,
ad\'ersan, hater, hostile';
plub (K 0) 'crucified'; ETHIOPIC : Tna. ~iiliilii 'float', ~iiblilld. ('un )~iibldlil
!iJllaf; probably passed into Cushltic: Sa. \alal'shade',
811. talii/a. Or tch'a.
. - It IS from Or (\im . that Har
(WIth augmented b), Amh. {allala 'spread (IOtr.) and Zway (Gurage) borrowed the noun ,
"'... 557

. . . . IA+ (T.Y), ....... (M) 'bake bind" Ar , .(fly) 'raul'. Hell filii (fly •
IIttqtlIItIt 'unleavened bread'; , Anm -Syr. pII. AU. ,.til 'bum (flamiptiaa)'.
. . """'Ie, , Reb. ,.""
of 1Idc', ill NIb 13 19 (_
(bIrI/IIlMftlllat 'fellt of Pauover';
de 306);
Mauro EiiDOPIC: TDL , . . . "bn", . . , tile Ire', lwEi
,.,. lII·re.IIi...• II probably aD Anbic Iouword.

JiIbt, ba
. .,.. ,..",.,
deu'. JIb. til
EIHIOPIC: DillmaDO 1257 deriva ",err/'" frolll ,11 ...,. IAt 'pray. Dab a _ .
pIRd. iDtcrcede·.
"".".,., JIIIIIIw;
8ubl 683 connects ~'" with Hob .,...
/iii In pM! ......:s: »'or"" "an Kuchen Oe.lten- ,..,yI,act. pen. or fill• •
",., . . . . . (throuah prayer), _UId'; ....... ....,(T)
brollii'; however. for other _ .... ofHeb. •,,/ill
_ Baumprtaer 961. • ,." 'pra)'a, vow, iDteroeIIion', away. widIIrdIrI\J
(..,. ,aJot 'holy Ihraiah..... ..,. ..
..... III :t'; ICC IQIlaJIII. below. ;"".n.y 'who praY" IIOW .,."
",."" 'pIaOll or prayer. chapel, oratory'. ca-aw•
.....t ~+. lee plk.
for ..... In cuI'a fOat II. • Il.ft+ (tt) 'kite' (bIrcI); •
EIIIIOI'IC: Amb. fllltdk. 'kite', Hu. {rllvlIu.
rUII, Out. {rIIvI"; from Or {rllvlII, Sid.
" •...", (ao .110 Cerulli 1936:275). leo 'of.

I lAm 'drink to the last drop, drain DiIIIaaa 1_

... -Wid. Ar ......
1IIIIImc:' DIIhnaan 1264 OQ4bpanl Ar. fQIIIhI (with ~IIL"""
~ (a qm"incr)'.
Tua Amh filM,. 'dribk to tho latt dnlp'
.us. .,., Our. lflii,.· • ..... .............. -fIIUIL
...... D lAm ('I'M)'amp, ...., .... ..,.-,......
pro1Iably a ruIIprtat Ibr ,..,. ADm, .......
_--111). • (,..) NIt. (T) ...... 1tA.
(!I' - . aIIdIf ...... ~ •
lbtll\ltinll \I) "'" ftam ....
(t.IIa tar), cup lb& ... in 0A\Ir to ....
558 ,.ow 559

~ become dumb, be quiet, keep silent, 'Illmala, (Y."·,M). 'Illtimala. caus, of ~amala; pnua II ~; see ,,,,,.
_ lisll:ll, not lUIS""',
dls...gard, neglect'; also 'empty1 destroy, root out'; •
~MqJt, same a ,."... ;
~ (KG) jllifi'1II 'deaf, dumb, disobedient samatli

'booty'; seni 'Vi'; see ,enawa. IQPIdri, pan. of 'IIpIra. 'perXiJCI'IhJ, we
(who does not listen), (K) dry'; ~amatii (Od57) 'wealth annibilated by war'; •
stant" ,
_ (K0) 'deafttesl, sJlence'; SsMrrIC: Heb. fml (pi-el) 'destroy' (Buhl 687). Ug, 11ft'. (y~nii') no, (T) !"o'. II.,,,, 'be strong. ~'Ol (Lt)
~ 'in seuet, in private, in the latrine, amt,

be stitlDgthened, be powerful. be steadfast, be ""4/11';, (K 0) ~' 'who comfolls, mea_ 01
(leG) absolutely, completely'; E1HJOPlc: Te. ~limla 'destroy', Amh. liimmi//ii 'be firm. be solid. be sure. be valid, be confirmed. strengthening' ;
......" '.lIenee, secrecy'; used uP. be spent (money)', a!ammii.11i 'consume, use be ratified. bave effect, be secured, be estab- lIUpIa' (Lt) ·steadfastness. firmament, founda.
_ i t.. '_retly, privately, silently, softly'; up entirely. destroy', It is possible that the original lished. be sevele (pain). become worse (dis-
meaning 'destroy' came to mean 'silence someone',
tion. firm ground, strona POlltiOll, (It) means
(...,..".tr '1ecIetly, in secret, by stealth'); ease), be barsb, endu.... pe.sist, persevere. PIe- of being firm. means 01 stren&lbenlll8 ,
~ (,,0). part. of ~a; the meaning of fOmata I (see Unendorlf 1977:205); vail. abide, .emain, be lasting';
however. an original meaning 'silence someone' com- m'PI''fJ1 (Lt), same, alao (1) ' I I _ I ,
_ . 'deatness" , ~_'IWIi 'be is mightier than 1'); (Ift81M'iJ/a .taIlIIi,l 'finnament1,
ing to mean 'destroy' should not be excluded.
SsNmc: Ar I'If""Ul 'close, plug, be deaf', Syr. ,."ina'a 'encourage, comfort. establisb. make SmchiC. N. ,.W'G -mate akiDfUD) (Ive).
.-s deaf, dumb'. III II""'" (M) 'aim'; stable. strengtben, solidify.....ffirm'; -,..a'<l ·forllell'. SA•. pi' 'fortify', Heb. pl' (tONI)
1!11iiOPiC Tna ""n/lm. 4be dear. Te. ~a. SBMmc: related to Ar. samala 'pursue a right 'IqIN'a 'fortify, strengthen, solidify, fix. set. 'act caubously, ....tIdIy. (for Heb. pi ........'11\
Cohen 1947·no.33 conneclS O. pmRHl 'in seeN!' course'. samt 'aim' (Ambros). ratify, steady. consolidate....ndet ... 0. WID ton Thomu,JJS 1[1949).181ft),Sy. "..
With Amb .•_ . fINi. The root paued into Cushitic: render firm, confirm. comfort, establish.
IIiL #MIiim 'be duf'. Sa. ,.,..iim
'deaf'. For the
ETHiOP.c: Tna. {limalli 'aim with a gun', Amh.
flimmlilli, Our. {limalli 'shoot without missing'. barden, encourage. support, sustain, prop up,
(elpa'u) '''''t skillfully'. Praetonus, ZDltIG 57
(1903). 2" thinks that O. _ .. it a donomldauw
mono". 'be cIr)" ... aIao 4ommtta. hold fast. do firmly, learn by heart, retain'; from SAr . ..".' 'fOrllell', At.
.......... lie' or; see pnw I. faIiImlt 11"7.+; see ~mm. (""",,'a gllllo 'he set his face itlSOlutely'); 1'1""" 'make skIllfully manufactwe' Grimme, Zil
('IJ.f",,'a makiJna 'he remai~'); 26 (1912).IS9-60 CODSlden Ar. tfIIII'IItr (pi of
, I, 11""111 'toil, labor, take the maprtI'<I) a South Arabic
fIIIIlIIIlI (Y""') ,...... (,,0) 'squeeze out, ('IJ.f""'1z+I+verbal noun 'mllst upon');
trouble, endure hardship, be wearied, be in I!THiOPIC' To fdlra 'be Stronl', Tn•. "..'11 Amll.
out', straits. be tormented, be vexed' (perhaps de- ItIfIl1l<{l, pas•. of ~/II'a; also 'harden into. !ilmta'be UOII,', '01)111£011, Our .,....
Heb. lilt... 'ohrive1 (from being squ.. Z"<I nominative of ~limii., below); taU courage'; 'pvc comfort' ThelOOt "., In Our , .
,... Md. "",.,.. 'OSiimawa 'cause trouble, tire out, alHict, inflict 'sustain one another. make a gitlnt 'defeat, vanquish', HIt /iIIItI '-.I, tII!aII.
EiHiOPiC' TUB. ,;JmIiq"ii. '.squeere out', Te. !iimqa •
harsh labor, mortify (tbe flesh) by abstinence'; ,
'IQ\I!WIII out' - 'piDcb', Amb. fIImmiJqa w/lq81la'fl, 'fISteqa1l'el 'establish. solidify, ........ II1ftA (T.Y M) 'tear, IIit open. Nap
fiimiiwi, act. part. of ~timawa; I/fIfbiI (T Y) 'a tom bit'
...... out, ' •• IIJ"rc. ~ liar. ~ 'toil, labor, strife, hardship, trouble. confirm, mnfolCt, rallry. strengthen, give
fl/iIIIIIfa 'twist' (alto '"ifIf 1tii.,.. 'squ.." .. IOmetblllg strength. IDelte, comfort, encourage';
• 6 .. fl wquirII'), Gaf. ,tIntm¥ '&queue out'. effort, fatigue, exhaustion. exertion. anxiety,
,1IlIii'i, act. part, of lan'a;
....,.11 nil.. (T) 'eyebrow'
Om ,.".",..,. liIto Cuahitlc: Aw. 16M"'" affiiction. mortification';
, . . "8 m• 811 flJJO'tIf. Sa. filii"", pmmiiwe (Lt) 'labor. strife';
~munii 'toil, hardship';
,,111/' 'strong. fillll, steadfast, mighty. powerful,
hard, solid, brave robult. viaotoua.
tlDblI II "II.A, see tlanlRt
......... .........,. <KG) '8J'IIPC1'; fortilled. strict, levere, vehement, rigid. ,,11"'111 lI"oMA (T) 'butterllt;
u.nNqltion of HelL ,;mn.Jiffm something', At.
who applies himself
SBMmc: At. fOm/i ("")1) 'incite, urge. force to do
much oonstancy or
"")1) 'one
(illness), su... ; for the fern. IM,'I, see below.
<#Mil''', blllMU' 'strcmaIy, powarfuIly, solidly, !!THiOPIC' Te. ,.".w.. 'huuedl¥' fDa. ~
!'rom Sa. f/ItI/HII.Ii' 11\1. 1iMbIr" . . alto
, a-fo(T."".M)'be be tlCltllm, _Iy, vigorously');
.. verance' (Lane). The connection with At.
and l/imQ (t/)lm) 'be lllliust', t/a)lm 'injustice' (ffIIA'tl11lbb ·.titr-neektd');
(lfI/Wel " , 'tmpudent');
• o"b.
1890:3S eompareo Ar.
suggested by Fleisch 205 i. doubtful. Praetonus
'hard 8011, great dis- 1M' t (fern of flIIIII') 'period of ther wlllltll8
1I10OI\ when ....pad grain or QUt wood. is not
!11lI0PIC: Te.ltmta 'reward trobble·. Tna. f'JIff8 IUtacked by pests (this is a definition for
'!&IiI' (0.). AIiIh f1IItIII (I'tol!l Itmta 'toil, 1rl. Amh. ,."..,t). lueky days'. foJ, 'unlU8ky .ye'
bor', ppae6,nto Cushl!,ie.llll./tDIIIi 'paID', Kham. - _ .. belewl
,_1 take JIl!ins'. ~ 'M eft'ort', I'''' 'strength, pewef, fotCO, Y1Ihcrftll!llell, Je\IIIIi
ty, IIlfllm!ity. fotlitude,
fU4i U, AAlIJ rr Y.M) "be dty"; to£llHrt),
"..t.abl¥ • 'IIliI\IiIiIf" ,.",. ....... 'fer .'liII
... •

_bURl" • ~/. act. part. of I~; p1IIiIIIi (X"), act. part. of IO"P"I.
,..,. _ttaiie t (~ IMo' 'wa,layer'); "",.. •...nin.. inclined. tottering;
p1IIII) 'engaged in waiting, wbo lies in wait, (1Pbb PftP (Gr.32) 'wwardl, heart').
IiIII"nc Ar "",. 'border (of sannent)·. Aram. (n.) ·inclining. inclinabon. wanila..
IMIt" 'tip, odie (of. COII)·. poIIIbly Hob. ,..q. expectant, _pecled. put aside, pre(l8l"ed. ready.
'!uItim. reserved. imminenf; .-yin.. deviation';
Iit-.c n. ,.. . Te.lM!fit '..ttellli· 4"";~ 'expectation'; p1IIIiIM ·inclination. tuming aside';
I/MIfo ~. en..... Amb IM'/."'" liIIff. ~. ~, (K I) ·wanting. expecting. lying in SDo"J"IC. Syr. ,.. (".,.) 'envy. be mlYled by jeU-
wait' (n.); ouay. claire'; Ar ,GIn' ·thi~. ('(o'Dder" • .......-s
..... n ~ ".,.. (K") 'd... (tr). wnap up ~i 'wbo delay. (i.e.• wbo leta wait). wbo
I. a cloak retard.';
by Brockelm.nn 1928:281 ... doubcl"uJ
BI_~: Tna. ,.... 'incIine (the ear)'. Amb.
,.,.,."... plll'lI" 'incline the bead'.
dInomInati.. 6_ ~ above. 1fItq1U~ (M) (T) place for waitinll';
~i (M) 'place where one re.lCivea, re-
".,M." (K) 'night butted'y';
...,. . , ' " (T) 'kind or creeping ivy' (called
EnuoPlc: Te. IIIfJJG 'W8It', Tna. ~. Amb.Gor.
. . . 1ft AmIwic. it II tiled for maklDg ,1Ma; p.Uld into Cunbltic· Be. _I 'wait' . ....... II"'tA"4lA 'moth·;
->; ~ n",a. 'burnt ofl"crin.. obla· .. "... ...I

."""'.abcM tion, olfcring, fumigation.

(W) cenler'; ".,A- (T Y K W) 'cruab. ...,..,. 'm,n • "liYN tIakIe, •
..... 1l"'J'Ml. (T) filii"" II"'tM 'heavy. • • • • oppma, tWIIt, dilturb, __ trum',
1IIIIiaIiIY, cumbmome, (Or 442) mIn, troopI'; ~~'burna diItort, curve, bewme paralYJied. be
nominative); ,.,..,.", (Lt) '1iDkIe, ~
e-n-.c Tna "..If'tall, lIant' to a IkeIeton. (Or 484) be bruiaed' • or .....
'be ofI"ered u a burnt sacrifice'; (0), meanJngs U
...... ..,'H
"",.., (1) ....
(11 'Ipread maaure'; 'one who brings a burnt bell'
fMIIII (KO) 'mIde to ama
·"UN· EiHiUFrc: Tna. ~ "ccPler" Te. ",.... Amb. ,."..... (KO), pauiw, " " , . (Lt.K) SiD"
IIIIat..s to ...... (_ ,."._ .....). ,.. ,.. In VICW of Te. ~ and Amb PI comina
Rom ~, the Guz root _ to be ~. with •
""fi'I! 'a uehed t d·atorted, twiItecI.
curiId, aO"hd, boobcl, who bat Impaind lei-
......... ..".. (TY M) be muddy', lilt ratbeJ than to go bsck to SIMmc
ticIII, nclUllOll to a
".,.- ,..... (T) ...... 'mad, mire, (III) Inserted II) and to be compared WIth AI. ,."....
(LI) 'boob' (fivlD the
.-p. ftIbbiIII, dUll, (01.362) cbd 'CU'..,,1ete' (op Heb. Ic61lI 'cou1,,1ete, whole--
. . . . ofdalil .
er..c .... tobe.
U IlJUIIII6d by DiUmlnn 1285 lice 1110
, . . . . 'bela. <n)
twii1ld; curve, ft'acturw,
. ....t.... or
0IIIIIIIc III ....... 'day • Kart..,. 'mud, mire' BrIaaftc· Amh. ,.,... 11M 'Dplil (.......
................ _ ........ IIItUJ Jiilhlp' Te ,..,. (fIIIw) 'lepUaIll'•
.... ..",. III filet, _ Iuspactl
IlVei the unpreu10a of beiDa tonuecl limn ."...
fIIIfiIIIII <* be-- . . . . (10 TI..... _ with Ibe dJIIII-- I""" I 1l'K. '1IoUI"
....... -- lion orlbe "It two Do be l'OimId
rUlin ~ (_ abo \'.D) with IIIIIrtId /I
outaln by (TY 1'4) dip,


ItA (X '.0 '.iII

-- 562
"n, lin. (rS) '!>clOg spoiled (n), decay, (M)
\h")(,'I,.:hn"lrm. mot h' ~ ETHIOPIC' Te. ~ena (rnw) 'smelr (v). Tna. ceniiw(j
·smell'. tima 'odor', Amh. !ella 'odor, smell', in .lena

seems to be a plural of .~q'.


SL\{rTl(' Ar :<idfl"a 'have a bad smell'. addam 'rue, fennel'. Tna fana 'addam; passed Into SEMITIC: perhaps AT. !aqi' 'kmd of wasp' 'axe, pJace \I. here One he" •
miJ,f iriih
fTHIOI'J( Tc: •siJluii"Q 'begin to smell (old milk)" CUShl(IC Sa. sill 'odor' ETHIOPIC: it is tempting to derive it from Cushitlc ma.~rah. pI. ma~iirJ'" t K ') '.l,e' ,
o\mh loniJllimii 'be worm-eaten'; for Amh . .fJ~iJnt, Qem. Jiigiiyii 'honey', Qua. siii(ni If. however
~. II"'; see !lI'q. SEMlTIC , Ar !(Jraha 'cut, rC'mo\e' Sr\r l ,b-, ut
sec P"J~"(. ahove. Qem.Qua. goes back to Bil. saqarii. such derivation ting (of a road)', Soq Mrob '(ut
is doubtful.
• , . Mnll~ (Y) 'strike';
II. 'asansana suq
• ~.» (T) 'claw, fingernail'. ETHIOPIC': Tna. :,iJriibiJ 'h(", Qlo'C" Te sarbo,
sor IIC 'small palm tree'; AmhGur {iirriihd , Arg. larrDha. Gar. .) rriiN ;
pr0habl) a ml"prlnl for 'a~ansala (see ~m,,-!alat). •
~aqiim!", 1I:1'9"A. (Lt) 'poisonous Scorpion'; from Ar ~aH!r.
passed IOto Cu"hlhc BIIQua Jardb. Kham. l artb
see also qa-!ape.
~n~nlii. ~.;m~yi, ~~nyi (pI. Fm~d"yat, ~anii­ •
1I~, ~r IIC; see !I<'r. ~raga I lI~1 (Y) 'sweep, nit, (T) tear off \J
.<it) "1"1! ' "1".1' ' ""1!, (L) ~n~~yii ~aq·an. (y.!q"an) lI</1.~ (K*) 'oppress, be
piece of bread to eat)',
"1{).I' (KG) ~~n~~nyii 1l'lll'l,I' 'fly, moth,
buzzing swann';
cruel, crush, squash'; sorii'
• ,,6-'- (T) 'creeping ivy, (T) carob tree'; St.MITI('· Ar .;IaraKa '~phl, "lit, rend a"undcr' tAm,
thc root .,q"'" is to be connected with .,nq (with occurs in >aJ;miira ,Jrii', ~,amara !iJrQ" and In &omra
ETHIOPIC: Tna . .~,iriiga '''''''!.'CP, \\1('(' oft.... TC'ti'irga,
SU-IITlC: to be identified with the onomatopoetic
metathesis), represented in Ethiopian languages as sJrii. Ludolf 435 renders it '[aba Graeca', identi(ying
roots J/#. ~rr-!r 'cricket': Ar. -!ar-!ar , Akk. -!ar-!aru,
rllq 'oppress' (so also Praetorius 1890:374). ;,r{j> with !iJf' 'Greece', Amh. !arriiga, Hac .timi.'la, Gur Itira.I?J. N~ IOtO
PbH. sarslir,
. . Heb. ,taliisal. For more details, see
' . Cushltlc' Aw. l.ft'ruf{u.
SEMITIC: Heb. -!iflOq 'iron collar, pillory', SAr. -!nwq ,
Nocldckc 1904 120-1, Baumgartner 965-6. sor' "C6 'Greece';
(pI of ·.,nq) 'narrow lanes'. For this root in other
ETHIOPIC" Tna. J,mS~l"a 'Oy', '.fan, filn 'cricket', Tna. ;ar(QK'i, s~r)awi 'Greek, pagan', ~a ••ga II lI~1 (T) 'gIVe',
.f.lll-!oy. 1;In{o 'H)", A~h . .fiJn.pnya. Gur. {ini'tick';
Semitic languages, see Baumgartner 959 (correct • •

Amh. siinniiqii into -!iinniiqii, or rather (iinniiqii), SEMITIC' Praetonus, ZDMG..73 (1919). ~44 Idenllfies
common With Cushltic : Qua. {in? 'Hy', Or. rin;,
Dem . .~t',\{i, Bil. Qem . .fin.~a 'Hy' Note that Rabin 1978:403 connects this rOOI with
It with SAr. {ir- 'west': "In Athiopien hat slch dann ~r~ (pL 'Q.mih) lI'Cm 'cham!>cr, upper cham.
Heb. ,raqiln (Js. 26: 16) which is considered "unex- ber, private room, inner chamber hridal cham-
das Wort, unter Vergessen selnCr Bedeutung ab
saniisi! . lI"lt -l-, see ""s.n)'a.
. . .
plained" 10 Baumgartner 798, under .,wq,
ETHIOPIC: Tna.Amh. riiqq"iinii 'squeeze in', Gur.
Himmeisrichtung. fest auf Griechen und Gri~hen­ ber, bedChamber, compartment. fortress, pal.
land gerichtct" See also ,fiJrii'. ace, temple',
' n...., "1 lI-11)o (T); see s.lI'.nSiJlV.
. . !iiqqiiflii 'preserve, hide, conceal'; to be identified
t~',aJr 'Hoor or story of a house':
· , -- - see s~n-
with {nq: Tna. (Ia){iinniiqii 'oppres', Amh. (as)-
fiinniiqii, Arg. (asjfenniiqa, Oaf. (at){iinniiqii, Our.
sor'. "C"" (T) 'large intestine',
.;>rii·u (T') = Amh. kJSiJdda 'cut of meat', SEMITIC Ar ,fidrh 'lower. any lofty budding' lfwm
Geczl. sce Noeldeke IQIO:5I, Jelkry IQ~. W
~arii't, (T.L) !arli';t 'loins, thigh, cut of meat
:fiimya. •
(a{jriinniiqii; perhaps also Te. (tiJ)riinniiqa 'be de-
ceived, be cheated'. See also {iaq"·ana. Muller suggests a South Arabi" .~rh '''lilt buddmg'
S3nnat "~T, see sfln. from the ventral region, (K) grolO',
• •
for Ar . .farh
. . and G. sJrh:. alsl) Heb. ,\',}fI"h
. . ' \ault'.
~·~nq·.n, ~·.nq·en """'1""'1 : "''''''1:111, ETHIOPIC; Littmann-Hofner 637 connect It, with Aram. sJrihci
. . 'hall'.
• sena!tam
• lI":1'9" , lIS:1'9" 'rue' (T.K) ~·.~·.n """''':111 'field mouse, kind reservations, with Te. ~farC 'udder'; however, :fiir. IS ETHIOPIC: Tna. !,lr~li 'upper l:ham~r', Amh.\,'rh
(plant); of lizard, crocodile'. borrowed from Ar. dart. The Oecz noun sar-e is 'wide hall' (from Geel), tti..\·relh 'sl"l'ond story of .1
• •
ETHIOPIC Amh, leila addam, renaddam 'rue', lit. perhaps a Cushitic loanword: Bil. rari 'loin', Or
'odor of Adam' (for rena, see -!enci), rna. fena ~·.~·en """''':111; see !aq".nq"an. dira, Sa. diro,
' .dUo, Som. (Ima . (for which see Rei-
'addam. Streleyn 1968: 38 suggests 'health of Adam'
Disch (902: 139). ....
' .
hI "CmT 'jar',
(from {ena; <ee also Streleyn 1973: no. 262). Getat- ~aqa .. a I (ya!qu) lI.,.W, (T.M) ~iiqawa lI"'w .....
, 1 "C6-l- (T) 'fermented dough' metathesis of .fiJ~'Jrt, above.
che" translates It 'good smell' (from G. 'addcim). 'fasten with nails, bolt together, drive into,
sena .. a l\, ~w 'be fragrant, smell (intr.), emil an
(T Y.M) crush, smash, pierce'; (ya!rab) lI~O 'hew, act as a carpenter, ~.r~. (YWary) lIC"l, (T. K) ,.r~a lied> 'cr). Cl)
odor' ; do carpentry'; out, shout';
ETHIOPIC' pe.haps Amh. rdqqa (rq') 'attack, op-
press' 'Q!raba (K *), causative;
'asenaWQ 'smell, scent, exhale, exude an odor' ~ siJriih 'outcry, shout, cry, crying aloud';
sena 'smell, odor (good or bad), perfume';
ta.rarha, passive; ~.rh~t
. - (Gr) 'crying, crying out, magic word,';
Jenall; (KGr) 'that smells', ~aqawa II (YJ!qu) lI"'w (T.Y) 'taste sweet, be !arabi (pI. ,<arabI) 'carpenter, craftsman,
savory'; SEMITIC: Ar. sarah" 'shout. cry', SAr. ,\'r& 'appeill
,inal' (K*) 'that smells', worker in wood or stone, stonecutter'; for help', Mh.·-!or;~ 'crow', Heb . .ftirah '"hout. uy',
ma~fje~u' (K .), part. of 'a-renawa; comes close to ~aqaw3f {see below}, the root of (/iqa ~Qrabt 'master builder'); Aram.-Syr. prah, Md ~\'fll 'squeak', AU.. .~·"rli~u
which, however, is ~fjqr. siJrub
• 'hewn'; 'utter cries of mourning'.
SEMITIC related to Jnn; Ar. ~unan 'bad smell', Syr. !arb (K*.M) 'plank'; ETHIOPIC: Te. siirha 'call', Tnn. ,~'iir~Je, tiJrr"~It', Arg .
. 'savor, smell', Md. sanla 'stench'; related to
tiirraha, Har. I~riiha, Amh.Gur. larra; Te. U/!iiill !11'r~
.unanii . ,yarrah, see ~ariibi;
~.qii ..~, lI:I'I1)o6 'honey dropped from the
All. e~enu 'smelJ' See on this root Praetonus
1890:31-3. comb, honeycomb'; !arriib 'splinter, shaving'; "ciira 'shout' (red~plicated fr from ~\rh. ,I'rh), ~l(ir
$aqiiw~{a maciir 'honeycomb'; ~.rbat 'woodwork, stonework'; :noise, clash', faror (fiir~jjr) 'shrieking', Jiintira \:ry
~rQrabawi 'worker in wood or stone'; aloud', Amh. carr alii 'shout', Tna ct.Jrr /leilii. tJd,}r
564 ,
, . ...
, ramo tr?'I" (Tl 'a sleep demon';
.. sorir
, tr?C (T) 'sorghum';
see also d;mimo . ETHIOPIC : Te. -rarOl 'gnat', Tna. ~~e. ~a.rOI 'ant', •

ETHlOPlc : Te. ~arra (.frr) 'begin to bloom (corn),. Amh . (ilral, Arg. {at. Har. rut, Gur. (unte; also in ~timi 1I:1''''l. (T') 'small carafe',
• roi trct (T.M) 'mouse, (K') civet cat';
.. sorur
, tr~c (It) 'cuirass, armor';
CushWc : Or. !u{?e, Wol. ?U{ti. See also Cerulli perhaps from Gk. stamnOJ 'Jug' t Muller)
1951 :419, and ¢iitje, above.
EnuoPlc ' Tna.Amh. {araiVi 'civet cat'; also in Cusrut-
Ie : AI.Tern . {ar,1fi. SEMITIC: Ar. ~urra 'he had an iron collar around his ~atar. ~.,.£; (MA) aw.·lirJ ' be blind ',
= Amh.
neck '. sos~is
. trtr'l'4:11 (B 90) 'myrrh';
" MA translated it 'blind' (tr) : 10 this case one
s.>rna' trC'>A (T.M) 'eczema, (T) poisonous ETHIOPIC: Tna.
, ~arur
, 'annor, ready to fight', Amh. corruption of ~iJ!uqti.!is, below. would expect asawwdrii since Amh . O",wara
(<lrar, SiJrar
~nake' (probably rather 'uicer or disease • •
annor. means 'be blind' ;
caused by a poisonous snake'); sasaya l\l\f (Y.H.M) 'be clean, be tidy' ;
sarsa l\CII (T.M) 'be wounded, be exposed ;e;aya (T) 'soften (hide)', i.e., 'make clean'; perhaps a variant of salara 'hide' (for whIch see
• • above).
should be f,nna r; compare !<lrna<l, below. (area of the skin from a blow), become dull,
be stupefied (by an illness), be discolored (skin ETHIOPIC: Tna. ~ti~iiyti 'be clean, be purified', Te.
, trC'M..,. 'scab, malignant ulcer'; from a blow)'; sesa
• •
'clean com'. ~at.wa l\"'m (Y.M) 'become a member of a
group' ; (M renders Amh, wligiin hona [Y's
SEMITIC :Heb. ~aro'o! 'skin disease' (from rr > rn, prs (T) 'discolored spot on the skin made by a sota ~+; see ~wl.
see RuZicka 30), Aram. !orra!ti, Akk. -rennetlu, ~er­ blow' ; • translation of ~ataH'aJ by 'be classified'),
nel/u « *-rorrorru > *~anna<tu > *-rennettu; see soti (pI. !awiitaw, ~otiil) 11,+, (T) ~oti ':1' denominative of ~Olti. (see above) . See also -rwtw,
Halma 1912: 17ft). This root is not to be compared
ETHIOPIC: Te. .liirsa 'become weak and emaciated' , ;row, order, series, rank, class, kind, sort,
)~awta)t'a .

with G . ( 'a Jtjrara 'cease', as suggested by Baum- Amh. {iirriiSii 'become dull (edge)'. For the meaning
'become dull', see also tjarsa, above. mode'; ~.!! l\'I' 'quiet!' (a call to silence);
gartner 988, under .fr'. See also farn<l'.
(sotii hnb 'ordinary people'); ~a!! b.hla 'be quiet';
~r.nq.t trC1~"" (T') 'headache'; sorit
, trt""; see (~arya), ~aruy. (~awiitawa ipmiimiit 'sufferings of the Passion', ETHIOPIC : Tna. -riiU balti 'be quiet', Amh _ ~all
from !rnq-l, from ~nq augmented by r, and to be lit. 'kinds of Passion'); for !awiitaw, see Velat
surat 1\-£;""; see swr.
. Gur. ~ti!!iltQ 'quiet' (n.); passed mto Cushitlc : BII
compared with Tna.Amh. (tiiJ{iinnaqii 'be in straits,
' 188;
sa! )' 'be quiet', Qua. fa! y . The root might be
feel uneasy'. For the root -rnq, ?nq, see ~aq"'Qna, ~arya (ya~ray) l\Cf 'be purified, be refined, be

see below; considered onomatopoetic.
above. 'a,yawtawa, see .ywtw;
cleansed, be filtered'; , . 11'1' 'mud, mire';
~rip tr?T (T.M) 'cuirass, armor'; 'a~raya 'purify, cleans~, refine, clarify, filter'; ETHIOPIC: Tna. ~al 'order, tum, row', Amh , !ota
~aruy (fern. ~arit) 'purified, refined, limpid, liq- 'order, gender, sex' (from Geez), Gur . .f0ta 'sex' SEMITIC ; Ar. t!aw~ta 'slime' (Dllimann 1302): as for
would It be a misprint for .farur X'<-C? (from Amharic). Reb. !f! mentioned by Dillmann, ib., it is considererd
uefied, pure, cleansed, filtered';
~araqa r (T. Y.Gr.358) l\£;4' 'give alms, bake a as coming from Akk. {f{u < fI'!!u < ·,itt < .,im
.fJryat 'purity, clearness, probity'; setala 1\..,.1\ (T.Y) 'be unfiltered (beer)'; (see Baumgartner 358).
cake. (Sw. in 0 1274) cut off a piece of cake,
render thin';
!arayannii 'limpidity'; ~etalo, (l) ~elale 'strong drink, intoxicating , ..
'a~riiyi (Gr), act. part. of '~raya; drink' ; sottiwe 11'''1'£ (l) 'state, condition' ;
~ariq (pI. 'asruq) 'tiny coin, brass coin, (T.M) ma.frJY, mJ~rJy, ma~arJy 'saffron';
SEMITIC: Ar. satala 'intoxicate' (Dill mann 1283); Dillmann 1319 expresses doubts about the reading.
small piece of cake, (K) thin';
SEMITIC: it is not to be connected with Ar. ~arti note Ar. s-t: Geez S-(.
~w I\.m-, ~ew tm- 'salt, salty land, sterile
~ariqat (pl. sariiyaq) 'thin cake (for an offor- • •
(~ry) 'cut', Syr. prti. (~ry) 'rend asunder', as suggest-
ing)' ;
ed by Brockelmann 1928: 636. ~atama [ (ya!tam) l\.,.-, (l) ~atama IJ.,._ land, (T) priest' (metaphor of 'salt');
SEMITIC: Ar . .faraq 'thin, fine', -rar1qa 'thin cake'. EnuOPlc: Tna. ~tiriiyii 'be pure, be clear', Te. ~iira 'break into pieces, (l) break someone's legs SEMITIC: the connection with Ar. ~awa (~wy) 'dry
Fraenkel J 86, n.2 compares Aram. sariq-ln 'fine (~ry). Amh.Gur, Farra; for G. m~r<ly, cp. Te. and arms, crush, (TS) twist and bend, cause to up' suggested by Dillmann lJ 10 is not convincing
cake', the s of which became f in Geez and Arabic miifr<lY 'Hower' (n). The root passed into Cushitic: be crooked, reprove, rebuke'; Likewise doubtful is the identification With Ar . .,u-
due to the emphatic q. Sa . .furu 'pure'. ta~atma (T), passive; wal 'hard ground' suggested by Brockelmann, ZS 6
ETHJOPlc : Tna. ~tiriq 'small coin', Amh. -rtiriq !atum 'broken, crushed';
'copper coin, donation of food given by the mem- ~aray"" l\?,I'.~; see (!araqa I), !ariqat. ETHIOPIC: Tna.Amh. ctiw

'salt', Te. ~.;Jwa; from
!atiimo (D.T.M), !atiim (D.M), tjatiim (T) 'being Cushitic: Bil. sawa. Kham. tawii, Qua. -rewa,
bers of the congregation to those who serve the
twisted (n,), bent, deceitful, treacherous, (T)
church'; perhaps also rna. ~iilliiq"'ti 'make a small ~a~amar l\l\9"C (T) = Amh, masanna 'a large sewi I\.'/' (It) 'army';
crookedness' ; ,
loaf of bread' (with alternanee I.',). tree whose bark is used as an anthelmintic',
~atmat (n.) 'crushing, breaking'; ETHlOPlc: Amh. ctiwa. Could it be a development
~raqa II l\£; 4' (Y) = Amh. tiirriisii 'set the
• ~~nyi tr)\'1 f; see !anpnyii. metathesis of samata r. of meaning from ~'iiwa 'one of free status'? NoeJde-
teeth on edge'; ke, GGA 1884, p. 80 identifies it with I!ewii (~ewa)
the meaning is doubtful. sisut, sisot, s&set l\I\-T I l\IIT j l\1\."", (l) ~atama If l\.,.- (Y) 'count, calculate, evalu- 'prisoner > slave (of a king) > soldier> army'.
" " " ate' ,.
~arq.m l\C4'!'" (T+) 'perfume'. ~i~ut llfl'T, ~i"ut 'o-T
'gnat, stinging insect, sowwi
• tr'l' (T) 'cup, goblet';
red ant'; SEMITIC: Ar. ~attama 'complete a number, round off
a number'. from Amh. !ilwwa. with a Geez form, See also
~<lwwti" below,
~awwana S<JWOJnS<Jw
• •
s• ........'. XIJ)<O, (T) ~.ww.'. XIJ)<I. 'call, call • 567
upon. call out, invite, invoke, summon, con- ~wb II, ~.w(w).b. xmo (T.Y) 'stop growing, .-
become stunted'; SEMITIC Ar . ..rlina (.pl'n) 'preserve, protect', Ar. •
voke. convene, proclaim, shout, cry out'; (l:Ia<.ir) to-.fowwano 'take shelter', Ar. (Vern) ..rowan on tbe back'. The root pas~ed mto Cus-hille . A,\\ .
)~al1'lt:.1ra (Lt), causative; probably a misprint for J\w,.. ..rawasa, for which see 'guarantor, surety': related to Heb . ..r"n in #nnfj lsewiir-g"·a 'carry',
faSOlt'lt',:1tO, passive of .,rol1'wa ra; also 'be •
'shield' (Dillmann 1300).
named' ; ETHIOPIC: Te. miirwan 'black veil' (Littmann_ ~wt, ~t. (Y'~UI i lI1- (K 0) 'shout, ,"rOnn, call',
tasow.:Jra (K) 'call one another'; ~.wiil." ~awiilO<t X'I'A6 I X'I'A6·}; See ~ola,. Horner 628), Amh. ~awiin 'refuge' (from Geez). ~awal 'exclamation, supplication, sigh':
:\'Ql1wQ ri. act. part. of ~aWW.Jra: SEMlTIC: Ar. ..rawl 'VOIce', Soq. 'mei(.ldy·, S!r.
• X'I'A-l' (Lt) 'basins'; ;f{lt
• (saw»,.}r)
• 'called, invited, summoned'; sow.nsow
• • lrlJ)<JlrlJ)< (T) 'crooked, bent, tOrtu- .fawtii 'Sound of a voice'.
is a plural from a root #q.
.,fli~1'W;)r (T) 'divination, magic'; ous, twisted'; EnuoPlc: Tna. (tii)~Ohiilii ·conver~e'. Amh. rroi,.
salt'Wqfa 'call, invitation. summons'; the root is perhaps ~aw~dw (reduplicated ..raw, from ~~owwiila, Arg. (a? )?awwiila, Gar. -~dll'iicca (as If the
~wm, ~oma (ya~um) lIOU 'fast' (v.);
~"]l1'l1'are 'caIling, call., appellation, invitation, >a~orna, causative; swy) with inserted n; cpo Te . .faw~a (~II\fY) 'tWist'. root were fwty); Amh. ~ii .....ata 'conversation', Tna
' .
InVOcatIOn, summons; ~dwa (..rwy) 'distort'; related to lawayn (see below). ~iiwiila. While the fOot is probably ,YWI from which
ta~awama, ta~awma 'fast is observed'; the various nouns were denved, it is appropnJte t(l
~awH'a(at (n,) 'invoking, inviting'; See also ..ran.,.aw.
;rawiimi, act. part. of ~oma; consider the possibility that the nouns with final
Ia.wwwih (Gr.485) 'who is called';
~iJWWiJm 'who fasts'; with suffix pronouns; I (G.Tna.Amh) are denved from a root ;~I\'\, (sec
m~aH'11'ar (Gr.485) 'enchanter, charmer'; swq, ~. lI.,. (Lt) 'corrupt, pervert';
~awwamiini-homu 'they (who are) fasting'; ;awiiqi, act. participle; .yawayo, below) and that the verbs ,m·t. (WI are
ma.,iilt'Jf (K""). ma.,awQ'f, ma.,iiwiirc, ma.,awa- denominatives. .
~om (pI. 'a~wiim) 'fast, fasting';

11"'1 (D), lIl~ii""'1 (T.M) 'bell, an instrument (~om 'abiyy 'Len!'); related to ~yq I (see below).
serving to summon the people or possibly for (~oma krastos 'Len!'); ~wtw, '.~.wt.w. I.Xm-·/-m (Y MA) '.rrange ac-
any other purpose'; swr, sora (y'~ur, J',~or) lI<:: 'bear, carry, wear cording to rank, class, etc.';
nla,'lI'ii' (KO) 'place of calling'; (~oma dagg"'ii 'antiphonary for Len!');
(clothes), support (old parents), tolerate, bear ~ah'ataH', see !olii~
(~oma 'arba'ii 'Lenten fast'); up' ;
SEMITIC: related to Ar. SQ'SQ'Q 'make noise', SQ'a
. . siiha
(s>)'), " (s)'hJ
• •
'shout', Heb. siiwah

. 'cry aloud',
(~oma ("mamiit 'Good Friday', lit. 'fast of the 'asora,
• >asaro,
• causative; also 'load';
denominative of fora, above.

Aram.·Syr. ~awa& 'sbout', Ug . .fY~I.

sufferings [of Christ]'); •
ta,yawra, passIVe; ~.way. Xmf (Y.M) 'speak, converse';
(ba'ala ~om 'beginning of Lent');
ETHlOPIC Te. sowra. 'call', Tna. ' siilv<e, Cawah. bata, l~awara 'carry with someone, carry one
(qaddasl ~om 'first Sunday in Lent'); SEMITIC': SAr ..yu:).' 'inform, signify', Heb. ~Il'.r (pi'el)
Amh. coho 'shout'; related to Tna. cawcaw bala. another, help to carry';
(za-qabbalii ~om, qabbalii ~om 'Saturday and 'call up, order'; perhaps also Ar . .~aua Owy) 'peep,
• • •

.. bola 'clamor, shout', Te. ' .CiwCiw
caw bela, . bela !awiiri, act. part. of ~ora;
'twitter', Amh. .cace Sunday before Lent');
ala 'twitter', .caww alii. (tiin) .cae- squeak'. Kopf 169 connects Ar. lras~ia (w;~y)
.. . ~awwar 'carrier, porter'; 'entrust, commission, order' with Heb. ~\'k'y.
r a 'make noise', Arg. ;mfa{{a, Har. {if~e baya. The
SEMITIC; Ar. !iima (rwm) 'fast' (v.), Soq. #yom, ~'<nVWiJr, ~iJWwur 'laden, loaded, burdened, ETHIOPIC': Tna. ~iiwiiyii 'tell, speak, narrate'.
root is also represented in Cushitic: Qab. ¢'aw¢'aw
(1'0, Bil. {aw y. Heb. fam (!wm), Aram. !om 'fast' (n.), Syr . .fowmti, charged, carried, bearing';
Md, ~auma, Ug. ,m 'who fasts' (de Moor, UF 12, ~or (pI. 'a~wiir) 'load, burden, charge, yoke, ~y', ~'., ~e'a ()Wi'i x.1. • II., (Y) ~'. X.O,
sowwii' 11''1'6 'cup, goblet, chalice used in serv-
1980, p.439). For the Aramaic origin of Ar. and G. tribute (that is carried), (Gt) sexual urge' (figur- (KG) ~e<. '/,0 'rot, putrefy, have a bad smell,

~wm, see Noeldeke 1910:36. atively);
ice of the Eucharist'; stink, become wormy, (T.Y.M) be crumbled, be
• 'carrying' (n); corroded';
SEMITIC: Ar. fii< 'a cubic measure' (Brockelmann ETHIOPIC: Tna . .fomii, Te . ..romo, Amh.Gur. roma,
1928:624), while Ar. ~uwii' 'cup' is a Geez loanword Arg. roma, Gaf. ..rimii; passed into Cushitic: Kam. maswar,
• masor
• 'litter, stretcher, carrying pole, 'a-re'Q (Gr). causative;
~'yyu" (T) ~ayyu' 'decayed, rotten. stinking,
(Noeldeke 1910:55, Jeffery 200); Aram.-Syr. ~a'a .
'tommo, Bil. fum, Kham. sum. For the various fasts, holder in which the cross is carried';
'bowl', Ug. f<. see Hyatt 157ff., Heyer 77ff. mQ~wart (pI. ma,yQwiJr, ma,yQwart) 'pole, post, fetid, filthy, putrid, foul';
si' 'bad smell';
ElHIOPIC: Tna. ~aH'a' 'bowl', Te . ..rawa, Amh. rawwa, stave, (T) means of carrying a load';
Gur, {awa 'measure'; also in Cushitic: Had. ~.wwana xm~ (KG) ~awwana IIm~ 'protect, maswiir
• 'pole, stave, carrying pole'; ~i'at
. 'rot, filth, decay, stench, excrement';
tUh'H'Q'o, Sa. duwii r
, Bil. '
SUWQ', See also sawwii. defend, preserve, shelter'; mo~",ori (M) 'support, prop';
. . SEMITIC Ar. (Yem) !U'iya 'be soiled' (Rabill 1951'
}a~wana (Lt) 'cause to take refuge';
~wb I, ~ob. lIO, (y>~ub) XmO, (KG I) lo~awwano, (T) todowwono 'take refuge, seek SEMITIC: SAr. I-,wr 'wall' (W, Muller, ZDMG 131, 27, no, 18), Ar, (Dat) ,ay)' 'dirty'; probably also Ar.
1981, p.402), Soq. fwr 'carry', The connection with (Ia)~ayya'a 'be badly washed so that the dirt re-
~ ... b. Xm-O 'drink to the last drop, drain, asylum, seek protection, place oneself under Ar. wazara 'carry' (with alternance z: ~ and metathe- mains' (related to »,a~i)a 'be dirty'), SAr. *.fyw, YSII~
discharge' ; protection, defend oneself by a fortification'; !y-n 'stink, be contaminated with', ~~. rje) ·od.or,
sis) suggested by Barth 1893:52 is unlikely,
~a ..b, (Lt) ~...b 'flowing forth (n.), excrement, -!iJWWim 'fortified, secure, who takes refuge'; E1'HIOPIC: Tna . .forii 'carry', Te, .fora, Arnh.Gur, smell', Heb. se'a 'dirt, excrement' (for ItS connecl1on
(T.M) pus, wound, scab, spilled blood'; -!awan, (T) rjawan (pI. }a~wQn, -!awanat, )a~want) {ora 'carry, Support', {iiwwiirii 'provide for parents', with Heb. ya~a['J 'go out', see Kopf 149), Syr. ,('J;
Arg. {ora 'carry', Gur. (orii; Tna. ~or 'weapon', Te. 'be filthy', ~a(')tii 'filth, din', Md. ~aa 'be filthy',
SEMITIC: • Ar, ~aba (!wb) 'spill', ~abbo (~bh) 'pour, 'fortress, castle, stronghold, garrison, fortifica- Ug, ?u 'filth', Akk. ezu 'excrete', :U 'excrement'.
empty', S~. $ebb 'pour'. See also ~a}Qba, above. tion; refuge, asylum, shelter, consolation'; !awar, Amh.Arg.Gur. {or 'spear, war', Gaf. tara
ma~wiin 'refuge, asylum'; 'spear'. Rundgren 1959:258, n. I connects !ora with ETHIOPIC; Te. fiiY'a, ~iiy<a 'spoil', Tna. ('ii't' 'smell
·~iiwr, Ar. :;.ahr 'back'; ~ora would then mean 'carry bad', ..rape 'spoil', Gaf, {iflilo (reduplicated root)
'excrement', Gur. ?iJyii 'smell bad, stink'.
• •
.on or• lIf"- (T) 'stammer, lisp, be halting in
ETHIOPIC: Har. (a){i/:za 'spread out', Gur. {iiceli

;peech, (K') be ungrammaticai';

'spread a mat' (reduplication of the rOot :.fyl:z >' tv
. . .., .
ra.w1'l'a(a (Y) 'frown, look solemn, be mali- fv = vowel]), Amh. {iiha lil-9iiha 'level measure'
CIOU~ ; ,
also siiyahe fimot 'herald who proclaims the advent
.'ayyaj (T) 'stammerer, (K') ungrammatical'; of the monarch and orders the clearing of the road'
ErnJOPIC: Tna. riiYJ'iifii 'stammer', Amh. #iyyiifii (from Geez); Amh, also {iiha 'cleared'.
'lisp, be halting in speech', :.fiiyyaf'ungrammatical'.
~yq I, ~.y.q. lIf.,. (T) 'spoil, corrupt, molest,
~y~. ~~. (Y'Ji&J 11.'" 'make level, make even,
pave a road, build a road, sweep'; Jayaqi, act, participle; also epithet of Satan; T+
taJe&a, (Gr) IUJay&a, passive; also (Gr.485) 'be ETHIOPIC: Tna. ~ii.yyiifjii 'soil, dirty', Te. :.filYUq
annihilated, be demolished'; 'dirty, evil', Amh. !eqii 'be soiled, be stained'; Tna. •
·tu -1: occurs in W;}'atu 'he', 'ammuntu 'they',
~ay(j&i. act. part. of ~e~a; Amh,Gur. {.qa 'mud', Gaf. {'qa. Cerulli 1936:242
lasjrJntu 'how much?', zantu 'this', zaktu 'that'. (note that KG differentiates between lah'a 'be
J'}J'W; 'paved, level, leveled down, smoothed, identifies Amh. 9i1qa with Har. {iba and derives manly', and labb,'a 'be strong, be determined'),
swept, cleared (road), even, convenient, easy'; both roots from a Cushitic root with an original 'atbtJra, causative;
Jay!r, $'Y& 'level ground, (T) cleared road'; labiovelar qM' > q > b: Qua. dab"'a, Dar ¢oqqe; cpo
lalab'a 'behave courageously';
#& (Ll) 'filth' (lit. 'that which is swept'); also Bil. saq"'a 'dung', Qem. sag"'a. See also :.fanqa~
qa, tatiibafa 'prove to be courageous, enCOurage
J.yya& (Ll) 'street, cleared (road)'; I;;>;>k;;, I;;,.ka :1'1.1] j :1'61] 'palace, castie, one another';
$1'lJar (Ll) '/lat road, level road'; ~yq n, ~ayyaq. lIr.,. (K) 'spit between closed hall, pavilion'; )ClSlatiibara, caus. of talabaca;
teeth' •.
rt"Jya/.r 'beaten road, paved road, street, (T) ETHIOPIC: Amh. ta)~ka miing~sl 'palace' (from taba'i (pI. raM',yan) 'male, strong, deter-
means of paving, sweeping'; ~ayyaqi, act. participle; Geez), mined' ;
mUJya/.rt 'beaten path, paved road, straight $,yyaqe (n.) 'spitting between the teeth'; rabM· 'male, manly, masculine, headstrong,
I;;>ologos :1'1ott-"IiI; see tewologos.
path, passage, plain, (Lt) explanation'; ETHIOPlc: Te. :.fiq bela 'spit in a Spurt', Tna. :.f~q billii, determined, courageous';
rUJayhor (Gr.485) 'annihilation, destruction'; {iI'l biilii, Amh. !iqq alii, #qq alii, GUT. !iqq ba;ii. For t.bu' 'male, manly, strong';
I;;>om;;gosis :1'10""M.i1 'adversary of God';
SEMmc: SAr, Jy!r 'Iay out (plantations), plan a GUT. {ilrq *ald 'spit in a thin spurt', see Leslau rab· (Lt) 'vigor, courage';
contruction' (W, Muller 1983:283), 1979: 188; possibly also Cushitic: Aw. caqi 'urinate', from Gk. lheomakhos 'fighting against God'. tab 'courage, bravery, virtue';

Bil. sax.
I;;>or.y;; :1'1oCf (K) 'theory'; . , 'courage, bravery, boldness, manliness,
from Gk. theoriii 'theory'.
tabii·t (pI. 'arbl/') 'male, masculine; fort, ram-
t;;>os :r1oil (KG), name of God; part' ;
see redii. tab(jctiiwi, labiictiiy 'male, masculine';
tabacanna 'courage, manliness';
te>.it -l-1.Il.-l-, (T) t.'sit -l-61l.-l- 'scum on top SEMITIC: perhaps Akk. teb'; 'rise to make war',
of molten metal, (Lt) mixture', lib'; 'insurgent'. Dillmann 561 connects the Geez
root with Ar. tabira 'follow'. Hommel 56 is of the
lo'bil -l-MI.-l-; see 'abya, same opinion and attributes to Ar. tbe an original
meaning 'unablassig sein Ziel verfolgen'. Bravmann
t.'rin;; -l-6~'i', I.'rin -l-6~'); see 'arraya. 1977: 375 explains G. tabu'l 'male' from Ar. labi'ahu
'he followed him > he served him as his man (In
I.'rir -l-6~c; see 'rr n. war), and considers the meaning of G. tabla 'be
strong' to be secondary. Conti Rossini 1931 :256
lo,.it -l-61l. -l-; see 'asaya. (following Noeldeke) compares Ar. tiibara ·com~
plete, perfect', Cerulli 1938:210, Brockelmann t950:
I.' -l-6f. ')-l-; see 'ayn, 7, and Rundgren, OS 21 (1972). 56 rightly «press
doubt about the identification of G. lb' 'be strong'
lobe -l-o, 'you say, you said, she says'; wi th Ar. labi~a 'follow'. Reinisch 1895:188 conneclS
see bilMa. Ethiopic tb' with Bed, raba, Sa.Af.So"" lab (also
Bil. tab which is, however, borrowed from TIgre);
lab,. (y.rM,) +110, (Y,K) laboo,. +110 'be for other Cus hitic languages, see Cerulli 1938:210,
brave, be courageous, be like a man, be manly, under labba. Brockelmann 1950:7 derives Ethiopic
tly from Cushitic (for the various Cushitic lan~
(Y) be strong, be daring, be determined';
guages, see above). For Ar. iubbll r '(containing the
meamng (1) kings ha,-mg followers', see Jeffery 89; 571
Blachcre qQg. manbara bihor, fit. 'the throne or seat on which
the labOI is placed'. SEMITIC Ar. taffa ft.ff) 'spit', Soq. leb,b (wllh aher~
ETHlnPJC' Te. (iib<a 'be courageous', ldb'al 'male,
Dance of labials), Heb. t0l!f{J) 'Spittle', Aram. t.J~ I'guh 'watchful. watcher (<11<0 referring to an,
manly" Tna_ (ab'e 'be courageous', rdb<at 'malc', SEMITIC: Heb. tepa 'chest' considered to be of Egyp~
AmhGur (ahba'be courageous', labat 'male', Gar. pap. lill!e 'spit" tU! ~s~itt~e'. ~arth 189];28 connects gels). wakefUl, attentive. 'lgilant. dIligent';
tian (1bJ!) origin (Buhl 869). Aram. lebulii Ar It -with Syr. tilydqa splllle, as against Fraenkel laguha 'watchfully'.
liibh/i 'he abundant', Gur. Idbal 'male'; passed into --, see.
,abul. For the Aramaic origin of the G. liibol, 1898:74.
CushltlC: Bil. lab 'manly' (from Tigre), labe' 'be Noeldeke 1910:37.49; Rabin 109-10; Polotsky 6. lagh 'Vigilance. night 'igJl. ".tehfulne,';
strong" ETHIOPIC: Te. lii/'a 'spit', also !iif'a; Tna. lii/'e, luff
On Ar. labut 'ark' being either of Geez Or Aramaic bala. also tuff balli; Amh. laffa. >f{'ff balii. Gaf.
lagiih ·watchIng. vigil. ';gJlance, watohful ,'aTC.
origin. see Noeldeke 1910:49. Jetfery 88. A. Fischer watChfUlness. diligence. applIcatIon, cagem.".
tabsl .,.OA (ll) 'banana tree'. liiffa, Har. luI baya, Arg. iJfIlil/ ala, Gur. Iii/a. The
1953: 16; for Ar. labia taken over through the inter~ root is commom with Cushitic: Or. tu/e, Bil. lijfo,
exactItude, promptness';
table, tablay, tabl.yii :t-1I/\, I :t-1I/lJ'. I :t-1IAf mediary of JlIdeo~Aramaic of the Medina Jews, see Sam. fUf, Sid. tu./i. For this root used in blessings in raghar 'being (n) awake. watch. dlhgence.
M. Rodinson. GLEeS 9 (I 960-63).641T. See also zeal' ;
'mantle, mantle of priests. shoulder piece' the various Ethiopian languages, see Leslau 1979:
Hammerschmidt 1967: 127. Ullendortf 1968:82-9. It 422. 592.
(wrongly placed in Dillmann 560 after labol); ETHIOPIC: Te. tifgha 'be diligent, he awakc', rna
is doubtful whether Syr. qel]il!ii 'ark' is connected
it translates. among others, the Heb. 'epor/. [iiglle, Amh. liigga, Gur '.iJgu 'dlhgcnl'
with lequ!ii as suggested by Polotsky 6 (followed by t.tfuh :t-+-m
(D.Sw. in D 573), tlffiih :t-"'m
tlblu' :t-1I1\-6 (ll) 'impure. unclean'.
Ullendortf 1968: 122. n.3). For qe!?u!ii. see Brockel_
mann 1928: 645. (D.K). taJf~ "''''m
(Ll, taJfu~ .,.+-;i. (T.K).
tuffii~ 1:4-m (T) 'apple, (K) potato, (T)
tegal 1;1&1 (r+) 'iron tripod';
to be indentified with legal/ I (sec below). WIth
ErnloPlc: Te. Tna.Amh.Gur. labol.
banana. perfume' (for 'perfume', cpo Heb. lap- alternance of liquids 11/.
t.bliy, tabl.ya :t-1I/lJ'. : :t-1IAf; see rable.
tedii .,.. Il (T.Lt). name of God, cross; pu'&. below);
ladaho (T). name of God; tegan I 1;1"J 'frying pan. bakIng pan, caldron.
tabesii I. tabes .,.1Lt) : .,./I,{) 'wrapper, cover, from Ar. (ujJa~, 'apple'; also in Te. lofa~" Amh. lufa.
(T.Gr.429) earthenware tripod On wh,ch the
band. bandage'.
might represent the first letter of the Greek word lufah; in the other Semitic languages: Heb. tappu<l~ Cooking pot rests';
theos 'god'. Or could it be a mystical representation 'apple, fragrant fruit'. For a bibliography dealing
wilh the origin of the noun, see Buhl 886. See also regana (T) 'set up the hearthsrones around the
tabesa II .,./I,t) (K). tsbisii "'Ilt) (T.M) 'dust. of the name of God? For the names of the letters fire' (denominative);
fine powder'. rafiih. below.
being a mystical representation of the names of
(M. 283 erroneously rendered Tayyii's Amh.
God, cpo zay 'name of a Geez Jetter' and 'name of
tefan 1;t."J, tafen "'t,."J; see la)ial1. g"al/alii (translation of regal/a) by 'creo un
tsbisii "'Ilt) (T.M), tabesa .,./I,t) (KG) 'cane. God', mem 'name of a letter' and 'name of God'.
bamboo'. See also Guidi 1906:921, and ta>os, above. feudo a beneficia ecclesiastica' (denommative
tafaya "'t.f 'trust. rely Upon. (L.T) write, of gull 'fief. land gtven as an endowment"). hut
tedo 1;~ (KG.K) 'submission. service. thanks'; (Gr.201) give one's consent in writing'; origi- in fact Amh. g"al/alii here is a denominative of
tabsil, tabsil .,.1IQA 1 :t-1IQA. (LI) tabsilii
probably transcription of Heb. lada. nally 'trust > give one's consent in Writing > Amh. gul/acca 'tripod');
'''1IQ/I 'cooked dish, cooked vegetables, write' ;
porridge'; ligutJ. (K*) regun 'fried in a pan';
tedab 1;1l1l (K * T.D /396) 'flank';
legnlt (T.M) 'earthenware tripod';
'arabsala (T.Y) 'make cook' (denominative); probably a secondary formation from la~lfaya 'be
ETHIOPIC: perhaps Amh. dabi[ (with metathesis). entrusted, be handed over', for which see wa/aya,
legull (T) 'iron griddle';
from Jud.Aram taNi! (Noeldeke 1910:45); see also
ba.m/a. tadbab .,. J!'1J1I; see dabiib. below (so Dillmann 573). On secondary verbs in a secondary formalion of fegan, below; see also
Arabic formed by agglutinating the derivational legal.

liibot 71l:t- 'ark of Noah. ark of the Cove- tadahi "'Il~ (T) 'sacristy. vestry'; morphemes. see A. Mez in Noeldeke 1906:249-254.
tegan II 1;n (T) 'ray of sun';
nant. altar (by extension). case, coffer. slab on is probably connected with tadiiho. For the parts of tag 7'" (T.M) 'sin. fault'.
which the Ten Commandments are inscribed'. the sanctuary ending in ~hi. ·hi, see Guidi 1906:921. could it be a figuralivc meaning of lef{all 'tripod',
the hearlhstones being regarded as rays?
It is a coffer of gold and gems preserved in the
tadiiho .,.IlIY (T), name of God; tego 1;') (T) = Amh. dagJr 'a pair of wooden
cathedral of Aksum. containing a slab on
see tedii. tagara r (yargar) '''11. (K*) ·trade. engage in
fittings attached to the shaft of the plough'. commerce';
which are inscribed the Ten Commandments.
supposed to be the Ark of the Covenant tadlii .,. J!'/I; see dalawa II. lagari. lagre (K*) 'merchant";
tagbi! ''''''Il'l'; see gabata.
carried from lerusalem to Ethiopia by Mene- from Ar. tagara 'trade'; also in Te. (ta)liiggara
Iik. In any other church it is a small oblong t.ti ·hl. (Lt) 'kind of flower'. 'become rich', Amh. toggarli 'become a merchant,
tagha (ya/giih) "'",0. (T) tag~a ."",,,, 'be
consecrated board of wood placed upon the get rich'. For the identificalion of 'rncrchanl;bc~
watchfu l. be vigilant. keep watch. be On the
slab of the altar (see Brightman 570. 589; taf'a .,. ... h. (KG) taf'a .,. ...0 'spit, spit out'; come rich', cpo S~. tegar 'become rich', from lir 'be
>atjiJ>a (K .), causative; watch. keep vigi l, be wakeful. exert oneself. a merchant', Ar. (Oat) tiigir 'merchant, rich'. For
David Buxton. The Abyssinians [1970].
taju', pass. participle; app ly oneself. be diligent, be eager. be atten- this root in Arabic, see Blachere J 003.4. For Ar.
pp. 160-162, plates 100-103; Hammerschmidt tive';
1962'215-17; Heyer 39ff; laffo' 'spittle'; liig-ir 'merchant, wine merchant', coming from
tiJj)at 'spittle, saliva'; 'algaha. causative; also 'wake up' (tr); Aram.~Syr. laggiirii. see Fraenkcl 181. Zirnmcrn 16
lagtihi. act. part. of tagha; considers Aram. lagglira to be of Akkadian origin,
but see Salonen II.
..... 572 tlhla


II (y8tpr) .,.,,, (KO) 'pitch a tent, pull wanderer, ramble, be incoherent, (Y) become mat"al. mal/Jat 'low, lower part, abyss, inferior in Syr. I~I. Akk. IGkIIu. Howe_. Syr (.....
out (the pegs of the tent), pull tight, stretch weak'; part, bottom, the infernal regions'; Aram.Md), Akk. III could 1\0 book to wlt/. as III Ar
tight'; ta/Jli!i (K), act. participle; (za-mal"" 'infernal'); 8th form illakala 'reply. depend' formllla 0 IICOI\d.
(IIItItgm'), pI. IIItItiig.r, matiig~rl (O.K 0) 'pole, mal/Jal (K 0), pI. mal/Jaliin (K), malii".1 (0), act. (ma,,,,,a 'under, below, beneath'; with suffix ary root ,tl with o88lutination of I of lltakalo
celltral pillar of the house, an earthen tripod part. of lala/Jala; pronouns the base is mal/Jale-); (Brockelmann 1928:823). See aslo Kaufman 106.
on which the cooking utensils are placed'; mal/Jaliiwi, (K.M) mal/Jalawi (probably misprint E~oPlc : Te. takla 'plant. pitch (a lent)', Tna
SEMITIC: Heb. loMl1i 'error, folly' (Oillmann 552)' 1~/jJjj, Amh.Gur. liiJcJciillJ, Arg. 1likkii1a. Hor. li-
IItIItQglJrt 'ornaments' (renden Heb. paqiNm coimected with Ar. wahiJa 'err' (so also Buhl 871 ,• for ~I/Jaliiw') 'lower, inferior';
'JOurd-shaped ornaments'), (T) 'shape, form'; Koehler 1019). "ala 'build'; passed into Cushitic: Btl ,aka/ 'plant ,
SsM/TlC: At. lalJl 'the lower part" lalJla 'under', Kham. likel.
EnunPIC: perhaps metathesis of Tna.Amh. gallam ETHlOPlc: Amh. liillala 'be lost in thought' < thl > SAr. I~I, Heb. lalJal, Aram. I.~jjl, Syr. /a~lll, Md.
'pull tight, stretch tight', Te. galliira 'bend Ihe bow'. II, with reduplicated last radical. IiI, atulia, Ug. I~t. bibla II .,.b/\ 'make amends, pay compensa-
EnuOPIC: Tno. la~ala'be low', Te. tlilJal 'the lower tion, replace';
IIFi, IeJIrl -t1.& I -t'7&, (KG) tegeri -t1.~, ~ammn .,.,h'/"; see I,tmm I, II. psrt', Amh. (,a)lala 'be humble', I.hlll 'humble, lalcla 'in place of, in recompense for';
name of Satan, delllon; lowly' (from Geez), 'aU 'down there, beloW', Gaf.
tilpni :l'ih",; see I,tamawa. laUi, Har. lalJay, Gur. lal. perhaps a development of meaning of lQA:aJa I 'set
EIHIOPIC: Tna. IIIfP",tiya 'malicious spirit'. Amh. up, establish, fix'.
t~l. ugril ~malicious spirit. mild insanity (due to
a spirit)', tagrUlo, tagrid 'epilepsy (manifesled by
~ap "'' 'T (T) 'clean. pure'. ~ M"f"', fourth Ethiopian month (10
tak"li (pI. lakwliit, talc"iilut) "",1\ 'wolf
.,naeone possessed by a spirit)". On tagratiya, see
MCiCIer 27411'.
t.~aiet .,."'..,,+; see I,taiaya. Dec.-S Jan.);
ETHIOPlC: Te. liilJsas, Tn.. lalJsas, Amh. laJuo.s,
ETHIOPIC: Tna.Amh. 11Ik"la 'jackal', Te. IMIa; per_

I"as, Gur. liisas; psssed into Cushitic: Tem. liisasa,

("')lqul (AA)i"'M' (T), ( ..I)tagwlt (l.A).,..., ~ta, t~ata (yat"al) +ih.,. I .,."'.,. 'be Hsd. tiliisa. Tigriny. lalJsiisli 'the harvest is finished' haps from Cushitie: Bit '/ig/o, Qua. lox".to, Sa.Ar.
humble, stoop'; lilk/o (so also Brockelmann 19SO:2S). The connec-
~ (T); see Pt· could either be the origin of G. IlilJ.!iiJ or • denomi-
'al/.lala 'humble, make humble, humiliate, low- native. Conti Rossini 1923:376 derives G. 'iifJ.IiiJ, tion with Hlb. 1Il<ii1 'rox', Syr. ""Iii SUIII"I!ed by
er, abuse. subject, submit, cast down, depress'; Conti Rossini 1923:468 is unlikely.
with reaervations, from 'seareh', that is, 'il
lala/.lla, lala/Jala 'be made low, be low, lower -
mese in cui la scorreria muove alia ricerca del taldu .,.hl\< (T) 'ram';
tHe +I (K), ~, +....
i -t.... (T.D 1403) oneself, be made humble, humble oneself, be bottino'. Cp. also Cushitie: Bit lrasas 'harvest'.
ETHloPlc: Amb. 11Ik11l.
'small chamber, cell, door or window opening'; abused, be humiliated, be submissive, be sub-
frWd Gk tim, transcription of Heb. 11i('). ject, be inferior, be lowly';
·tId. matkafl, matkaf -+b~+ I --lob~;
see lMlkqf, above. taklO .,.h/\,.; see kallala I.
lalii/Jala, (LI) lalii/Jla 'be inferior. lower one-
dhi -tV; see tyl/II. self; takal. I (yalbl) .,.b/\ 'plant. fix, fasten, im- tuhlt ",h.-lo; see wkl.
........ ~~; see (hyd), tahyHbnnd. liil,tl 'lower part, the part beneath'; plant. drive in, set up, establish, pitch (a tent),
lal,t(a)ta, prep., adv. 'below, under, beneath, drive a stake into the ground';
taII"1n -lob"., (LI) 'bedbug';
...... ~ (T.M D 1396) cow's udden underneath'; with suffix pronouns the base is 'atkala (KO). causative; SEMmc: Ar. iq,II/ilt 'bedbua', Mh. kllI6ft.
la~(a)le-; ETHIOPlC: Te. I...... Tna. l.raJI, Amh. /8/t"/III,
swollen becausc of an abundance of milk,
(ba-lalJ(a)ta 'under');
'IItakkala 'push. shove. throw back, hit. causc
to press. hurry someone on, (T) hasten, hurry'; Arg. ,uIIan, Gur. ,aktm, Har. ""'/lit. also in Cushit-
ie: Or. /IIk/lltl, Bit /ax/llt, Aw. "/c"IIIIIl. Qab. 1IIhI/Ita.
(.am-IIi~(a)la 'under. below. from under'); lalakla, pass. of takala;
..... -to'hlL+, of a month; lii/JIII (adv.) 'below. under; its (his) lower part'; lalaili. act. part. of ,akala; t,klrlr "'b&C (T) 'harvest';
'"'"' Holt '*1 "'me of tbe tenth month. '11""' (fem. t./Jall) 'lowered, low, humble. hu-
miliated, lowly, SUbmissive, modest, abused,
lXIII, (LI) takWal, pass. part. of takala;
lakl (pl. 'atult, '11lulllit) 'plant, planta-
probably mi.print for I• .,/r -lor.&c (see _ill).

..... "'..Il+, IIIIClrabtlya. inferior, rejected. ignoble. contemptible'; tion' ; turb .,.h,,'II; see kartlZa I.
(ta~"'a, adv. of la~III); (~a4f1s lakl, takl ~addis '. new convert. nov- .,.boA 'ignite, set on lire, bum';
tIN 1'ofo'" (D.K-) ..........., 'dry glU., (1"'"la g~f 'downcast'); icc');
-* ... (Alllh. . . .), weed, land'; h/lJlite (0..196), lalJiite (Lt) 'humility'; ('flfada '11lblt 'orchard, grove'); probably from Amharie IIIkk"iisil; In the other
Ethiopian languaps: Te. '1Ik"l 'cIIuter1a',
IIaaofIl: TaII......, tsk ill}' graas land';
lii/Jli 'lower, infetior'; txwliwi 'innate. inborn, natural';
Tne.Amb. tlllclc"iisil 'burn, brand cattle', Our
..... ClIIIIiIie . . , . , ~tit (fenl) 'lower part, hell'; Ilkiat 'planting. fastening, pitching a tent'; lilk/isa 'light a fire'. The root PSlled Into CusJritic
~tiiwi, tii~tiiy 'lower, inferior'; rnatkal, matul, (T) malult (pI. mallbl) 'peg, Sa. Qua. t<iHr. See aIIo 1alIr"_
.... ~ t-¥ (It-). . . . . , ,IIA (T.Y); tll}l8ya 'below, underneath, under'; stake, nail, hook, pin, post';
...... 'waadIr P.l ,..." 18h(a)tilnnQ 'modesty, humility, humbleness,
submiulvenell, abalement';
"'Mme. Noeldeke, ZDMG 40 (1886). 726 askl
wllether the original meaning of the root tk/ll that
taktIII (pI, takfijIN, , ........w) +b.4
....., ha pIItIIII to pllne, be l'IIItIta. be a 'Q1~"i, malltali, part of .at~atll; of OICI 'plant, fix' > 'have confidence, rely on' '1 BTHlOPlC: Amb.Ar,. Our tMaiIL
talama talomi
tkf I, takat. (\,.,k,t) 1'h·,. 'menstruate, (T) be 575
takkazi (takkaze) 1'hll. (1'h/l,) 'river';
1,,«1, become weary, (T) loaf, be idle';
~atka/a(".), causative; ETHIOPIC Tna.Amh. fiikkiize 'river'; from the name
SEMITIC:Ar. talam 'furrow' (for which see FraenkeJ
order "f ~
Mk to 'menses, condition of having menses'; of the river Takkaze which fonns part of the border , 131). Heb. Iflrm • Aram ta/ma. 13iO./nii, Ug. tim ing. order, order of succession,
\ ETHIOPIC: Tna.Amh. lii/liinui ' make furrows'. Te. quence, rank. series. rC'it. remainder' (St'C Jlw
(dnIHa ft1/(/a 'menses'); between Eritrea and Tigre. However. it could also mat/a);
tiilliima; Te.Amh. l<Jlm 'furrow'; passed into Cushit-
T,Jk(l!f 'woman who menstruates'; have meant originally 'river', coming to designate ic: Bil. Iii/lim.
the river Takkaze. (wa:amaIl.w 'after, behind, and the 1'011,," _
FlHlOPIC" Amh. lakkiilii 'be lired',
talami 1'1I-"'l, (T.M) 'magnificent, superb'.
. , 1'hll.C (T) 'remembrance, memorial
takazir (mall.1H'Q 'thereafter. then, In "u('ces~ion. SU~(e,~
tkt II, takata 1'h1' (K *) 'be ancient, be service;
old' ; telim 1:119" (0 1403), talem, telem 1'/1.9" , sively, forthwith, further, consecutively': preps"
metathesis of fazkiir (see zakara). -/:/1.9" (0 1403, K .OT) 'wizard, idol in form of SIllon 'after'; e.g. matliJwQ ':Jntu 'after thi,');
'Qrkala, 'alakkafa 'wish to gain time'; a snake'; (wa-matliJlllo zanlu 'and so on'):
[akar 'antiquity, ancient times, yesteryear'; talli' "'lIb, (T) tall.> 1'1I~ 'breast'; matlo, same as mariaH",
(rakiila 'before, once, in the old time); the Septuagint has thelelen in 4 Kings 21 ; 6, and the
SEMITIC: Akk. ,ulu 'breast'; connected with Ar. taJ< form felam is probably an approximate transcrip_ maSlatdlaw (K·). part. of '(ulolii/au-a,
(:a-I.kiil 'of old, ancient, old, primeval, 'hill, elevation' (Dillmann 552, Holma 46). Buhl tion of the Greek noun. lmlililWO, in ha-tatalJwo 'one after another':
879 and Koehler 1029 identify II, with 11/ 'mound': >aslotiilawo. in hO'(JstatiiliJlt·o ' thereupon, once
("r-al :a-I.kiil 'the Old Testament'); Ar. lall, Heb. tel, Aram. lillii, Syr. leila. See also I talmid 1'A"'l,Y: 'disciple'; more' ~
('.m-I.kiil 'formerly, long ago, from of old, 131ii' .
once'); . - of AramaIC
from Ar. lllmld, ' origin
. . (Fraenkcl 254)' SEMITIC
(0 Ar lalii ( I
do ,ameth,·ng' 'fOllow',
tl", )t 'd SAT. be tin' 'cOntinul'
('iJm-lilkal-assa 'in olden times');' tllb (M) 'muscle of the thigh'; . Tna. ta/medan
also In .. , apprentIce.
" .'
According to .
with Semitic II, 'h., I S' (H b -, ~ \(0.
COOSh.lcre C(lnncctcd
I " A'k

flJllu) by Hom~ncl )7 who tfa .I.\t s S

(.:.lI->iJlUtiJkiil M renders lallii-, lalii' by 'intrepidity, steadi- von Soden 1311
. . Akk . ta ImluU
Ich developed Ii
) ang e. 10 II, .~rJm. tJltl" ' ~ tb
into He . ta ""~, ram. taIml~a,
b I -J A -J- A ., -J 5ec also
10 a construct state position takat has also the
ness'. He apparently misunderstood Amh. r. 11l1llu. an original mean,·ng- 'h' ,·, .t e. t em. . I ., '"
ns, d
function of an adjective: e.g. mawQf(Jla l(Jktit ¢.qqallna (the translation given by Tayya for Wagner 119, Kau fman 107. follow'. ThIS connect,•• on ng on, ,ts en 0, appen '>-
IS ,1'0 suggested by

'the old (former, past) days'; lalii') as coming from ¢iiqqWiinii 'be cruel, be tol.srotin -I'AflC'''I'J (0 1403), place-name Koehler 1029 and von Soden 1369.

I.kiiliill'i (Gr.200) 'old, of olden times'; intrepid', but in fact it means 'cut of meat meaning 'pavement', but the printed text of the ETHIOPIC; Te. lala ( till' ) 'follow', Tn:}. liiftll1'J, Amh.
from the ventral region' and is perhaps to be Paralipomena published by S, Grobaut has tiilo. fOlo 'fast'; Te, also tiiliiw hdCJ 'become fflcnd~' ,
ETHIOPIC Amh. Ii/kat 'ancient times' (from Geez), connected with tallii-, above.
golasroliin 1Aflenn. See liloslroj', For G. 1310(, Iillwaf 'wedding gift'. cpo Amh . ,.~/OI,
takiy.., tak.yis:>w ·,.IJ,e.fl , 1'hfflw-; see la- tJ/Wiil 'dowry', Te. mallo (from tiila 'give il dowry'),
kesii. t.labe, talabe, t.libe, talbe t/l/l, , "'/1/1, , Gur. f<Jlot 'servant gIven by parents to their newly
, -I'Afltn'J (T) 'pavement';
tll/l, j 1'A/I, '/lax, linseed'; I
married daughter', that is, 'the on~ that follows the
takkaza 1'hll 'be sad, be grieved, be seems to be a corrupt form of lilOS!ros, above. bride'. For a similar development, cpo AT. tiihi'
ETHIOPIC: Tna.Amh.Arg.Gur. lalba 'flax'; also Te.
sorrowful, be distressed, be anxious, be 'servant', from tahjta 'follow',
(ii/bagJr 'linen', Amh. yiitiilba agar 'flax plant', lit. t.lot t/lo .}-; see lalawa, lalwal.
troubled in mind, be concerned. show care'; 'the foot of the flax'; perhaps from Cushitic: tamma +00 ~ see Imm,
'alakkaza, causative; also 'grieve'; Qab.Or. lalba, Aw. lilbi, Qem. farM, Qua. terbii.
talawa (yatlu) 1'l\tD 'follow, come behind,
lalakka;a 'be saddened, be distressed'; Conti Rossini 1912: 260 thinks that flax was intro- tome -I'''i (T) 'perfume';
succeed, accompany, cling to, adhere, stay close
lakkii:l, act. part. of lakka:a; duced into Ethiopia from South Arabia. to' ;
distorted form of Gk. th.iimiiima 'Incense, fragrant
I.kku: 'distressed, grieved, sad, sorrowful, stuff' (W. Muller); also In Syr. fii",ii, fllfllUS.
rul.dd 1:AY:; see walada. IQtlawa, causative; also 'continue, proceed,
concerned' (in rakku;a ga!~, I.kku;a; I add' ,.
with suffix pronouns: lakkuzaya 'I being sad', tolog.nni, telog.nna -1'11-"1<; i 1:11-"1<; 'theolo- rummi 1:"'1 (K.T.M) 'garlic';
and so on; laliilawa 'follow each other, go in pairs';
gy' ; 'aslalalawa, causative of tattilawa; from Ar. tum, tum (for which sec Fraenkel 58), also
liJkkti: 'sorrow, grief. sadness, affliction, lologiiwi, lewologiiwi 'theologian'; laliiwi 'that follows, follower, disciple, pupil, Te. tom, Har. tumma, Gur. lumll; Cushiuc~ K'lm,
compassion, trouble, care, concern~ solicitude, see lewologos. (uma, Som. lon-ri. See also the doublet SI4N1.
sectarian, who replaces, Successor, adherent';
duty, need, business, matter, task';
laliw (Lt) 'adherence'; t.m>akt, t.m,.kt '}-9"~h'}-
lakka:e 'affliction, grief'; t.lhit tA Y. t, (T) t.l~it tAn.. t; see lahaya. lalaw (K) 'follower';
I ·l'9"bh·}-; see
matakka:. 'who causes sadness'; mo'aka. '1'/1",:,. (0 1396, T.M) 'tree-covered lalwa (Lt) 'continually, without intermission';
SEMITIC the conneclion with Ar. kazza 'become mountain'. lalwal, lalol 'a following after, succession, se- tamm.'a 1'9"0, (T) tamm.>. '1'9"1\; see fII".
dry, shrivel' with agglutinated t, suggested by quence, dowry, wedding outfit';
Brockelmann 1908: 533, Anrn.3, is unlikely. mallawi (Lt) 'successor'; timbuk ;/'9"lI-h (KG) 'kind of tree'.
talama (yarlam) "'/IOD (K*.T.M) 'make furrows
ETHJOPIC Tna.Amh. riikkiizii 'be sad, be grieved';
in the ground'; mallaw, mal law (pI. maliil.w) 'who follows,
passed Into CUShllic; Sa. taka:. t"'lA9" 'yesterday, (Lt) eve';
lalm (pI. 1.lam, 'alliim, >allaml) 'furrow'; following, Successor, who adheres to';
mall.w 'succession, that which follows, follow- SEMITIC: Heb. lamiil, 'fin/oj, Aram. "lmiil, Syr. IJ-
miil, 'elmiili, Md. -ilmal, Akk. limalilu. Note the
tanbal. t"nbit

noun wllh or without the prothetic ~. On the suffix
~m In (he various nouns in Semitic and for a
tamergab "'''IC;>lI (T. OT), tamargab .,.00 (;mbaJ, timbale, t;}nba/;mna 'mediation, interces_
blbhography on the subject. see H. Torczyner, Die C111 (Gr. 196) ' box, chest, kind o f wood, Wa rd_
robe, (T) precio us sto ne '; sion, patronage'; tiiniik ;Jo<;h (K), tenik 'L-<;h (DK n '.nak
Em.f1ehung des semitischen Sprachtypus (19 16),
pp. I If lanba/{i11lWi. lanbaliitiiwi, tanbiiliiliiy, (Lt) lan- tanaka "'~ h , "'~Il (T), li niq ;I-<;.... ' :a plan;
from Gk. rhema 'co tfer' a nd ergab (I Kings 6: 15 == bii/iiwi' Mu slim';
ETHIOPIC Te. lamale, mali 'yesterday', Tna. lilmali, I Sam. 6: 15) which is a wrong transcription of Heb. Whose root is used for the fennentatll.)n of
Amh. 1~/ant, (;mant < la/amI (metathesis of lamal.t). >argaz 'saddlebag'. matanba/ 'intercessor, mediator, ambassador" beer'; it IS rendered to Amharic bv sfiJJo
Arg. lilmay (from tamali), Gar. {3Iam, G ur. til/ama, SEMITIC: SAr. nbl 'dispatch', tnbll, Ibll 'diplomatic !iiddo (for which see Strelcyn IQ73 .10 ' 185):
(iJrama. For Gur. [acanii, Har . l ii{ana, see Les la u tamus ;h1f>ofl, Hebrew month ; and also by wiirka 'sycamore'.
mission'. Dillmann 562 analyzes G. tanbala as bemg
1979:591. Acco rding to Rundgren 1955:255, the-m from Heb. tammuz, the Hebrew fo urth month. See composed of the prefix tan- and bl from bhl'say' (so
of G. lama/am wo uld have arisen by analogy to ges- also tamuz. also Albright, RA 16[1 919].1 86 who explains tanba- tankar. tankara "''}hc I "''}h.:. 'toPaL.;
am. See also Rundgren 1955:222,235.
it occu~s in .a text by Cosmas Indicopleustes in
fa as coming from tabbala < tabhala). Brockelmann
tomas. tomasos 1''''Ifl 1 1''''Iflfl, a name of the
tmm, tamma
d er)' ;
.,.00 (K') ' roar, resound (thun - sun ;

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