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ISMG6080: Database Management Systems, Fall 2017

The Business School, University of Colorado Denver


Zhiping Walter (Ping)

Associate Professor of Information Systems
Room 6200, Business School Building
Tel: 303-315-8440
Course online access: Canvas

Classrooms and meeting times

Class meets Wednesdays, 6:30 pm -9:15 pm, at Business School, Room 3100.

Office hours

Office hours are Mondays and Wednesdays 1 pm to 3 pm (excluding holidays and Fall
break), plus other times by appointment. Since most students work during the day, if you’d like to
meet with me outside hours listed, simply make an appointment via email. You’re also welcome
to call me at 303 315 8440 during or outside the office hours, or email me with questions or

Communications to and from the instructor

The best way to communicate with me is through the messaging function in Canvas. That
way, it’s easy for me to find all messages from ISMG6080 students. (If you need to attach a file
to a message, email me from your email directly, not from Canvas. Canvas sometimes loses
attachments.) If you do not receive a response in a timely fashion, the message likely has
escaped my attention; please do re-send your message. You may also try calling my office at
303 315 8440.

Announcements about class matters will be made through Canvas, which will be
automatically emailed to your university email address. Please be sure to check your university
email at least a few times a week.

Class materials posting and student work submissions

I will post assignments, lecture notes, and other class materials in Canvas.

Some assignments must be submitted through Canvas. Others are submitted before class
in hard copies. Submission instructions will be given with each assignment.

Student grade posting

All your grades (homework assignments, tests, project, and course grade) will be posted
in Canvas.

Course overview:

In today’s environment, information is the lifeblood of a successful business. How to

store, organize, and obtain information necessary for decision making is a skill every business
professional needs in order to succeed. This course introduces students to designing,
maintaining, and using database systems to manage data and information.
The following main topics will be covered in this course: data modeling, table design,
querying using QBE in ACCESS environment, forms and Reports design principles
demonstrated through ACCESS, and SQL in Oracle database environment. Since this is an
introductory course, the focus is on data modeling, table design and query design using SQL.
Web interface is not covered in this course. Coverage of interface design focuses on interface
design principles only. These principles will be demonstrated in ACCESS environment.
Complete interface design requires a complete database programming language, which is outside
the scope of this course. Interested students should consult relevant books on ACCESS or on
another database of interest for further study.
After successful completion of this course, students are expected to be able to capture
data requirements for small to medium-scale database applications, to design and implement a
database system, and to extract information from a database system.
The teaching methods engaged are a combination of lectures, class exercises and
discussions, and hands-on computer lab work. Lectures are used when new concepts are
introduced. In-class exercises (paper based or computer based) usually follow to immediately
apply concepts to database applications. Students are encouraged to discuss their solutions with
fellow students and with the instructor in class.
Students will be evaluated based on their performance on homework assignments, tests,
and the project.

Course Materials and Supplemental Textbooks:

I’ll post class notes through Canvas, which are the required course materials. There are no
other required textbooks. If you expect to attend most lectures and you understand all of the
discussions in class, you can do well without a textbook. However, if you expect to miss some
lectures or if you find that you have trouble following all lectures, it’s a good idea to get a
supplemental textbook. Class notes are just “notes;” they are not as detailed as textbooks. Most
students in the past did well without buying additional textbooks. However, some found additional
textbooks helpful.
If you’d like to use textbooks, you’ll need different books for different topics: a database
textbook for database theory, an ACCESS tutorial-based book for interface design, and an Oracle
SQL book.
Our lectures will mostly follow my class notes; they do not follow any particular textbook.

Here are two database textbooks. Other database textbooks can also be used as
supplements. Additionally, googling specific topics will yield many useful informational websites.
YouTube also has many ACCESS tutorials, SQL instructions, and database videos.

For database theory and SQL, either one of the following two textbooks will work as a

“Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation,” 14th edition, © 2016, by

David Kroenke and David Auer, published by Prentice Hall. ISBN-10: 0133876705; ISBN-13:
978-0133876703. This textbook contains 12 chapters. Our coverage corresponds to Chapters 1-8
and 10 in detail. Topics contained in other parts of the book are covered in another class, ISMG
6480, Advanced Database Systems.

“Modern Database Management,” 12th edition, ©2016, by Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Ramesh

Venkataraman, and Heikki Topi, published by Prentice Hall.

Part I: It’s good to read the introductory information in this part.

Part II: We’ll cover ERD in Chapter 2. Some topics in Chapter 3 may come up in
the final database project that each student is required to do. I’ll explain
them to individual students if their projects require enhanced concepts
covered in Chapter 3.
Part III: We’ll cover Chapter 4 but not chapter 5.
Part IV: Chapter 6 is covered. Cursory attention is paid to other chapters.
Part V: Not covered.

Technical Requirements

Students are required to bring laptops with the following software to most classes: (1)
Microsoft Office Professional 2016, which includes ACCESS 2016. Earlier versions of Office
are mostly fine; (2) VPN, which can be downloaded from the university IT site
use/vpn-and-remote-access); (3) Oracle SQL Developer, which can be downloaded from (
developer/downloads/index.html) , (4) web browser and Internet capability.
Instructions on how to install VPN is available on the university IT site above.
Instructions for installing Oracle client will be posted in Canvas soon.

Technical Competence Pre-requisite

Although there are no specific pre-requisite courses per se, it is absolutely required that
students are very proficient at handling Microsoft Windows environment, including, but not
limited to, installing Java Development Kit, installing Oracle SQL Developer and VPN
according to written instructions, and downloading and submitting homework via Canvas
according to written instructions.

Advanced Students

Students with extended database background are encouraged to take ISMG6480 instead.
It’s offered in the Spring semester.

Expectations: Students are expected to attend class meetings and complete, on time, 11 homework
assignments, a project, and two tests. Students are also expected to review after each lecture and
make sure that they understand topics covered before the next lecture. See more detailed
information about each type of work in subsequent paragraphs. See also Academic Honesty rules
listed later.


Your attendance is very important for your success in this course. More than occasional
absence from classes would definitely affect your performance adversely.


Due dates of assignments are listed at the end of this document. In general, an assignment
is handed out one week before its due date. The exceptions are three small assignments (Homework
4, 9, and 11), which are due the Sunday after each is assigned, that is, you have 4 days to do each
of them. This is because solutions need to be posted on Monday to give students time to review
for the tests (hw4 and 9) or because it’s the end of the semester (hw11). Homework assignments
closely match topics discussed in class.

Test 1: Week 6, 9/27. Covers Weeks 1-5 materials.

Test 2: Week 13, 11/15. Covers Weeks 6-12 Topics.


The project involves using ACCESS to develop a small database application. Students
can form groups of 1-3 students. Each student group also needs to create some of the same tables
in Oracle and populate those Oracle tables with the same data. It is not required to link ACCESS
to Oracle for the project.
Each student group is required to work on an original database project, that is, a database
design (table design) that is original and can’t be found elsewhere (e.g., projects that come with
books in this or other courses where solutions are available are not acceptable). Two student
groups cannot work on the same project. Concept proposal for the project is due on 10/11. See
One Page Project Description document for requirements.

Grading Policy

There are altogether 410 points. Your overall letter grade is decided based on your total
points that is equivalent to the following conversion rule:

94%+: A; 90%+: A-; 87%+: B+; 84%+: B 80%+: B-;

and similarly for C and D ranges. This translates into the following cutoff points:

385.4+: A 369+: A-
356.7+: B+ 344.4+: B 328+: B-
315.7+: C+ 303.4+: C 287+: C-
274.7+: D+ 262.4+: D 246+: D-

The 410 points are allocated as follows

Homework 110 (11 assignments, 10 points each)
Project 100
Test 1 100
Test 2 100

Late Homework Policy

Since we have assignments due most weeks and some are very time sensitive, given the
size of the class, late submissions are generally not accepted. However, on a case by case basis, I
will make exceptions for special situations such as a sudden increase of workload from your job,
out-of-town business trips, illness, unexpected family duties etc. Please note that late submissions
can’t be accepted after solutions are posted in Canvas so please coordinate with me as soon as
possible if special situations arise.

Missed homework or homework turned in after solution is posted will receive 0.

Late Project Policy

Late project stage submissions are accepted with a penalty of 2% of total possible points
for that stage every 24 hours for up to 5 calendar days (i.e., not accepted after 5 days).

Missing Test Submission Policy

If you fail to submit a part of the test for which you have participated in, you may get a 0
for that part. The maximum that you’ll receive is the lowest grade among all students for that
part minus 1. No make-up test is offered if you fail to submit your test.

Make-up Test Policy

Students who have a special situation as defined earlier may request to take a test earlier or
later than the scheduled test date. All requests for make-up tests must be made at least 48 hours in
advance unless it is an emergency, in which case, students are required to notify the instructor as

soon as possible if a test is or will be missed. Additionally, documentations are needed in order to
be given a make-up test. Make-up test must be completed within 5 calendar days after the
scheduled date. No make-up tests are offered otherwise. Please note that traffic jam is not an
emergency. If you’re late or absent due to traffic, no accommodations will be given.

Extra Credit Policy and Opportunity to Improve Grades

At this time, I do not anticipate giving extra credit problems. In cases where such practice
becomes necessary, such opportunities are always offered to the whole class and never just to
certain individual students.

Submission of Homework Assignments, Projects, and Tests

Some assignments need to be submitted as hard copies before class. Others have to be
submitted electronically through Canvas. Instructions on where to submit your work will be
spelled out for each assignment when the assignment is given.

Classroom Decorum

To ensure that the classroom environment is conducive to learning for all students, please
turn off cell phones and other personal electronic devices during the entire class.

Students with Disability

Students with disability who require special accommodations should make their needs
known to the instructor as soon as possible.

Course Outline and Classroom Schedule (tentative)

Class Topic Assignments Due Reading

Week 1, 8/23 Introduction
Basic Database Concepts
PK and FK
PK and FK in ACCESS Handout A: Basic
Post homework 1-basic Database Concepts
concepts after this class and ACCESS Basics
Week 2, 8/30 Queries Using QBE in Homework 1 due to
ACCESS Canvas on 8/30 before
Post homework 2-- class
Week 3, 9/6 Finish QBE Homework 2 due to
Normalization Canvas on 9/6 before class Handout B: QBE

week 4, 9/13 Normalization

Post homework 3—NF(1)
Week 5, 9/20 Normalization Homework 3 due: submit
Brief Review for Test 1 hard copies on 9/20 before
Handout C: Normal
Post Homework 4- NF(2) class.
Forms and
Homework 4 due to Normalization
Canvas on Sunday, 9/24,
11:59 pm. (Late
submissions not
Week 6, 9/27 Test 1: concepts/queries/ normalization

Week 7, 10/4 ERD

Week 8, 10/11 ERD Project one-page (500

Post homework 5- words) hard copy
ERD(1) descriptions due 10/11
before class. See “Project
Details” Document for
requirements. (Feedback Handout D: ERD
given. Grades not
Week 9 10/18 ERD Homework 5 due: submit
Post homework 6- hard copies on 10/18
ERD(2) before class.

Class Topic Assignments Due Reading
Week 10 10/25 Oracle SQL Homework 6 Hard
Post Homework 7-SQL1 Copies due 10/25 before
Week 11 11/1 Oracle SQL Project Stage 1-ERD
Post homework 8-SQL2 and Tables, Hard Copies
due before class on 11/1
Handout E: Oracle
Homework 7 Hard
Copies due 11/1 before
Week 12 11/8 Oracle SQL Homework 8 hard copies
Post homework 9-SQL3 due before class on 11/8.
Homework 9 due to
Canvas Sunday 11/12,
11:59 pm.
Week 13 11/15 Test 2: Covers ERD/SQL

Week 14 11/22 Fall Break, No Class 11/23: Happy Thanksgiving

Week 15 11/29 Forms/Reports Project Stage 2: Oracle
Post homework 10- tables, due before class
forms/reports on 11/29 (Graded)

Week 16 12/6 Forms/Reports Homework 10 due to Handout F:

Post homework 11- Canvas before class on Forms/Reports
forms/reports 12/6
Homework 11 due to
Canvas Sunday 12/10,
11:59 pm.
Finals Week: 12/13 No class meeting; No Project Stage 3, Due to
final. Project due is in Canvas, Wednesday,
lieu of final. 12/13, 11:59 pm.

Academic Honesty Rules

University rules and procedure will be followed when academic dishonesty is suspected.
The following passages discuss some but not all forms of academic dishonesty that may occur in
this course.

All required items are to be done individually. Individual work is not group work. In
group work, students contribute to one piece of work and then put all group member’s names on
it. Submitting work with only your name on it is a statement that you and only you are
responsible for all of the work.
Discussions are allowed for homework assignments. For written assignments, each
student must write his or her own answers to homework problems. Copying from each other is
cheating. For electronic assignments, each student must start and work on his/her own file; two
or more students working on one electronic file is cheating even if later on each modified the
original file.
Obtaining partially or fully completed homework file (paper or electronic) from
another student or from other sources is not acceptable and is an act of academic
Please be advised that if you submit solutions obtained from other people or other
sources, it is evident to me because 1) I can certainly tell if the solution was prepared by me and
not by you, 2) discrepancy between your performance in class and your submitted homework
will alert me, and 3) discrepancy between your tests and your submitted homework will alert me.

Prohibited Acts
The following behaviors are not allowed and will be brought up on charges of academic

(1) Giving your Canvas login userid and password to someone else.
(2) Giving another student a copy of your paper or electronic homework file, be it
partially or fully completed;
(3) Giving assignment solutions that I have posted in Canvas to anyone or any entity
outside this class.
(4) Posting your partially or fully completed homework on a web site or otherwise
networked location that is accessible to other people;
(5) Taking over another student’s homework file and starting to do the homework for that
(6) Dictating to another student what to do on that student’s homework file;
(7) Two or more students’ submitting a homework file that originated from a single file,
even if each student revised the file later and even if all students worked together to
create the original file;
(8) Two or more students’ working on ONE homework file for any part of that homework

(9) Requesting (verbally or through email or through other ways) a partially completed or
fully completed homework file (paper or electronic) from another student or from any

(10) Obtaining another student’s homework file without that student’s knowledge;
(11) With another student’s homework solution open or otherwise available, copy that
student’s solution to your own homework file;
(12) Obtaining solutions to homework assignments from someone or some source other
than your instructor;
(13) Having someone else do your work;
(14) Having someone else correct your work before submitting;

Allowed Collaborative Activities

The following collaborative activities among students are ALLOWED for homework
(1) After you have tried working on an issue and still cannot resolve a problem, ask another
student to point out what is wrong with your solution; this can only be done in person
because you cannot send or give your homework file to another person under any
(2) Two or more students working side by side in the Business Lab and discuss issues raised;
All students involved must each have his (her) own homework file to work on; Two or
more students cannot work on the same file; You cannot copy another student’s
solutions—see prohibited acts, item (11).

I allow the above two collaborative activities because I believe students learn a great deal
from each other that way. Students should not abuse this policy by submitting work that
was not your own, by submitting work originated from another student, or by submitting
work that originated from one single file. If Student A tells Student B what to type and
where to click on Student B’s homework file, Student B is not really “working” on his
own file. Consequently, the file submitted by Student B is not really his own work.

When two students work on one electronic file, it's necessarily the case that one is
typing/clicking and the other is just watching. Just watching another student work on the
computer and say "that sounds good" is not working on your homework. “We worked
together and then he emailed me the finished the file” is not an acceptable excuse for
submitting the same file.


Homework assignments are more of a learning tool than an evaluation tool. You’re more
than welcome to obtain help, even hints, from your instructor, if you get stuck.
The purpose of homework is to give students opportunities to practice concepts learned in
class and to prepare for the tests. Taking existing solutions prior to solving homework problems
on your own totally defeats this purpose. As a result, you would perform poorly on the tests. This
has been amply demonstrated in past students.
Homework accounts for a very small portion of the total grade. Tests account for the
lion’s share of your total course grade. Do not rob yourself of the opportunity to practice with the
assignments for the tests.

Any form of communication to or from anyone for any purpose during the test is
prohibited. All questions or comments should be addressed to your instructor only. Monitor
software will be activated during the tests. Using the computers for anything other than what is
specifically allowed on the test is considered cheating.

Unauthorized Materials:
Solutions to assignments, past tests and/or associated solutions are considered
unauthorized materials unless they are given out by the instructor. Utilizing unauthorized
materials is considered cheating.

Submitting a project with only your group members’ names on it is a statement that your
group and only your group is 100% responsible for compiling all content in the document.
Although discussing your project ideas with someone outside your group is permitted, the
submitted document must contain only your group’s own typing. Sending your group’s project
file to someone outside the group to have it “corrected” before submitting it is considered

Project Originality Requirement

The required project for the course must be an original project. This means that each
student or group is required to collect and compile information requirements, design ERD,
design tables, and implement the database in ACCESS and Oracle. A project where information
requirements are laid out already or where the ERD is already given is not acceptable. When you
submit a project idea for me to approve, the assumption is that the information requirements are
unique to your project and do not already exist in a document written by someone else. If this is
not the case, you’re required to disclose that information to me, before the project is approved.
Sometimes students may have already done (or are doing) an original project for a
different course. If the project idea is original to the student, the student may use that same idea
in this course with some penalty points. This is because the student is using the same work to
receive credits in two different courses. If the database in the other course is not the original
work of the student, for example, when the instructor of that course gives the information
requirements and the ERD, that database can’t be used as the class project. Submitting such a
project would be considered an act of academic dishonesty.

Reverse engineering: If a student (or group) intends to design the database based on
his/her interactions with a user interface, it is acceptable if 1) the student discloses that reverse
engineering is used based on the available (often web-based) interface, 2) there is no written
document of information requirements available to the student, and 3) there is no corresponding
ERD available to the student. Situations where these conditions are not satisfied are unacceptable
project situations.

Borrowed ideas: If a student (or group) finds project ideas from a written source, the
project is acceptable if 1) the student discloses that the idea was borrowed from a written source

and submits the written source with the project submission, 2) the student compiles information
requirements using his/her own language and the resulting document is substantially smaller (a
third or smaller in number of words), and 3) there is no corresponding ERD available to the
student. Situations where these conditions are not satisfied are unacceptable project situations.

Oracle Scripts: Since one of the main objectives of this course is to learn SQL, students
must write all their own SQL statements.

Other limitations: Other situations not discussed here may or may not be acceptable.
When attempting a project in non-standard situations (the standard situation is one where all
elements are original and the student is starting from ground zero), it is the student’
responsibility to disclose all information known to the student concerning what’s already been
done or will be done by others by the project due date about a particular application
environment. Failure to do so is considered an act of academic dishonesty.

Phone Numbers

University IT Services, 303 315 4357,
CU Online: 303 315 3700,

Business School Computer Lab

Other Useful Resources

There is a wealth of student resources available to students:


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