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Bamboo Crafts of Kerala

Kerala State Bamboo Mission

2 3
Bamboo Crafts of Kerala


Bamboo ................................................................................................ 18

Bamboo in Kerala ................................................................................. 20

Bamboo Crafts of Kerala ....................................................................... 22

Bamboo Products ................................................................................. 26

Furniture & Interior Products ............................................................... 58

Bamboo Products Introduced by NID ................................................... 70

Acknowledgement ................................................................................ 83

List of Bamboo Units in Kerala .............................................................. 84

14 15
16 17
na, the potential for developing bamboo to other countries like China, Malay- craft point of view and if otherwise for
Bamboo, the giant grass, with more sector appears to be very high. In India, sia, Costa Rica etc.It is estimated that pulp making only. This craft has been
than 111 genera and about 1575 spe- 136 species of bamboos in 36 genera 8 million artisans depend on bam- practiced by the North Eastern
cies, occur in a wide variety of soil and are found to exist. The North East India boo craft for their livelihood. The an- States for centuries as their prime
climatic conditions around the globe holds the largest stock and diversity of nual turnover of the bamboo sector income source and, in the process, the
and play a critical role in providing bamboos. Next to the N.E., the West- in India is estimated to be around Rs. weaving skills of the artisans had
ecological, livelihood and food securi- 2400 crores. By and large, this is a to- evolved to levels comparable with the
ty to mankind. In India, although bam- tally unorganized sector and bamboo craftsperson from more affluent
boos occur throughout the country, has always been considered from the societies like Japan, China etc.
the largest area under bamboo is in
north-eastern India followed by the
Western Ghats. There are about 1500
traditional uses of bamboo broadly clas-
sified under household, industry, weap-
ons, energy, transportation, fisheries,
agriculture, medicine and construction.
Recently, in East and Southeast Asia, es-
pecially in China there has been a rapid
growth of bamboo industries. The ma-
jor reasons may be ascribed to devel-
opment of new products like laminated
bamboo, parquet flooring, ply bamboo,
bamboo composites and bamboo char-
coal. Mechanization of the traditional
sectors like bamboo shoots for food, ern Ghats area has the second largest
chopsticks, toothpicks and bamboo diversity of bamboos. Though the coun-
handicrafts are other possible reasons. try has the largest area under bamboo,
an estimated 9.6 million hectares, the
Considering the large bamboo resourc- yield per ha is estimated around 0.4
es of India, which is second only to Chi- tons, which is very low in comparison

18 19
Bamboo in Kerala
Data from the panchayats indicate that vancorica and Pseudoxytenanthera drocalamus giganteus, Dendrocalamus
In Kerala, 28 species of bamboo are from the early seventies onwards there ritcheyii are used in handicraft indus- longispathus, Dendrocalamus mem-
found to occur. The main species are has been a great drain in the number of try. Bambusa balcooa, Bambusa vul- branaceous, Guadua angustifolia, Thyr-
Bambusa bambos, Ochlandra travan- artisans from the sector to semi-skilled garis, Bambusa tulda, Dendrocalamus sostachys oliverii are commercial bam-
corica, Dendrocalamus strictus and and unskilled jobs in the tertiary sectors asper, Dendrocalamus brandisii, Den- boos suitable for cultivation.
Dendrocalamus stocksii. Kerala has a like construction etc.
large number of thin walled bamboos
called reed bamboos (Ochlandra gen-
era) which are used mainly for weaving
by the traditional artisans. Exotic varie-
ties like Dendrocalamus giganteus, Den-
drocalamus brandisii and Thyrsostachys
oliveri are also cultivated by farmers in
areas like Waynad district. Bamboos
from the Kerala forests are being sup-
plied mainly to the pulp and rayon units
under concessional rates. Reed bamboo
is supplied to the artisans through the
State Bamboo Corporation. A unique
feature of the Kerala bamboo scene is
that 67.3 % of the extracted bamboo
comes from home gardens rather than
from the forests.

The artisans from the weaving sector

from around the Angamaly region are
supported by the Kerala State Bamboo
Corporation. It is estimated that there Five species of bamboo viz., Bambu-
are about a lakh people in the state de- sa bambos, Dendrocalamus strictus,
pendent on bamboo for their livelihood. Dendrocalamus stocksii, Ochlandra tra-

20 21
Bamboo Crafts of Kerala ly. These artisans come from different in day to day life. In this contexts there
Bamboo is locally called as Mula and cultural backgrounds and work on the are many institutions and organizations
reed is called as Eetta or Oda in Malay- same platform irrespective of their cast are working in various sector for the
alam. Bamboo and Reed industry is one and creed. These mix groups of skilled, development of bamboo right from
of the age-old traditional industries of semi-skilled and unskilled artisans help production of plants, plantation to
Kerala State. Bamboo is one of the nat- each other to understand the process design, value addition etc. which
ural fiber found In Kerala, and are found and get involved at various levels to support entrepreneurs investing in this
in abundance in the forest and home help the craft flourish as a whole. Kerala sector.
gardens. These bamboos are grown ei- is one of the largest bamboo producing
ther in forest in large scale or in home- State in the Country.
steads in small scale. Wayanad is one of
the major districts in Kerala known for Since ages, people in India have been
its thick bamboo forest. Other than this involved in making bamboo products
many agencies are also involved in the for storage and other domestic and ag-
ricultural uses. Houses, fences & gates, grain storages, agricultural implements
production of bamboo through proper are some of the traditional usages of
systematic plantations. As a natural, various baskets, mats, containers,
bamboo been found in various places.
renewable resource, bamboo is regain- Men and Women from different culture
ing its popularity in the modern world and caste can be seen making bamboo
through various application in day to products in their leisure time. Across
day life. From a raw material known the country a large number of popu-
as the “poor man’s timber” bamboo is lation is dependent on bamboo craft
currently being elevated to the status of for their livelihood. Traditionally trib-
“the timber of the 21st century”. al communities and scheduled castes
In Kerala traditionally a large number practiced in bamboo crafts.
of artisans are dependent on bamboo
craft for their livelihood. The tradition- In modern context bamboo has been
al bamboo baskets and mats making used as one of the raw material to re-
skill are very popular, based on which place various applications of wood,
Kerala Bamboo Corporation had set up plastic and metal through design in-
their Bamboo Mat Ply unit in Angama- tervention, to make products for use

22 23
24 25
Bamboo Products Lamp Shade KBP0001
Lamp Shade KBP0002

Bamboo products made by various units in Kerala

26 Lamp Shade KBP0003 Lamp Shade KBP0004 27

Lamp Shade KBP0011 Lamp Shade KBP0012

Lamp Shade KBP0005 Lamp Shade KBP0006 Lamp Shade KBP0007 Lamp Shade KBP0013

Lamp Shade KBP0015

Lamp Shade KBP0008 Lamp Shade KBP0009 Lamp Shade KBP0010 Lamp Shade KBP0014
28 29
Basket KBP0020 Basket KBP0021 Basket KBP0022
Basket KBP0016 Basket KBP0017

Basket KBP0018 Basket KBP0019

Basket KBP0023 Table Mat KBP0024

30 31
Jewellery Box KBP0031

Basket KBP0025 Basket KBP0026 Basket KBP0027

Bag KBP0030

Fruit Basket KBP0028 Jewellery Box KBP0029

Jewellery Box KBP0032 Shopping Bag KBP0033
32 33
Decorative Flower KBP0034 Decorative Flower KBP0035 Decorative Flower KBP0036

Flower Holder KBP0039 Flower Holder KBP0040 Flower Holder KBP0041

Decorative Flower KBP0037 Decorative Flower KBP0038

Flower Holder KBP0042 Flower Holder KBP0043 Flower Holder KBP0044

34 35
Flower Holder KBP0045 Flower Holder KBP0046
Pen Holder KBP0050 Pen Holder KBP0051

Flower-Pen Holder KBP0047 Flower-Pen Holder KBP0048 Flower Holder KBP0049 Pen Holder KBP0052 Pen Holder KBP0053
36 37
Pen KBP0054 Pen KBP0055

Tray-Circle KBP0057

Pen-Gift Case KBP0056

Tray-Ellipse KBP0058
38 39
Tray-Rectangle KBP0062

Tray-Rectangle KBP0059

Tray-Rectangle KBP0063

Tray-Rectangle KBP0064

Tray-Rectangle KBP0060

40 Tray-Square KBP0061 Tray-Rectangle KBP0065 41

Tea Coaster KBP0066

Photo Frame KBP0068 Photo Frame KBP0069

Table Clock KBP0071

Tea Coaster KBP0067
42 Table Clock KBP0070 43
Laptop Stand KBP0072 Ladies Purse KBP0075 Cap KBP0076

Card Holder KBP0073

Key Holder KBP0077 Wall Clock KBP0078

File KBP0074
44 45
Cloth Hanger KBP0082 Cloth Hanger KBP0083

Weave Bottle KBP0079

Bamboo Tumbler KBP0084

Shoe Helper KBP0085

Bottle Holder KBP0081

Bottle Stand KBP0080 Key Holder KBP0086 Key Holder KBP0087
46 47
Incense Stick Holder KBP0095

Table Mat KBP0088

Puttukutti KBP0089

Hand Fan KBP0096 Bangle Stand KBP0097

Hair Clip KBP0090 Hair Clip KBP0091

Hand Fan KBP0098 Mobile Stand KBP0099

Candle Stand KBP0093 Candle Stand KBP0094

48 Letter Holder KBP0092 49
Necklace KBP0100 Necklace KBP0101 Necklace KBP0102

Mask KBP0110

Mask KBP0111

Ear Ring KBP0103 Ear Ring KBP0104

Bangles KBP0105

Mask KBP0112 Key Holder KBP0113

Ear Ring KBP0106 Ear Ring KBP0107 Ear Ring KBP0108 Ear Ring KBP0109
50 51
Mask KBP0118 Mask KBP0120
Mask KBP0114 Mask KBP0116

Mask KBP0115 Mask KBP0117 Mask KBP0121

Mask KBP0119
52 53
Boat KBP0125 Boat KBP0126

Bamboo Paintings KBP0122

Decorative Item KBP0127

Rain Maker KBP0123

Flower Holder KBP0128

Spice Box KBP0124

54 Decorative Item KBP0129 55

Pen Holder KBP0130
Pen Holder KBP0131

Decorative Item KBP0132 Pen Holder KBP0133

56 57
Furniture & Interior Products

Chair KBP00134 Easy Chair KBP0135

58 Easy Chair KBP0136 Sofa-Single Seat KBP0137 59

Center Table KBP0142

Sofa-3 seat KBP0138

Dining Table KBP0140

Center Table KBP0143

Center Table KBP0141 Center Table KBP0144

Sofa-2 seat KBP0139
60 61
Dining Table KBP0145 Dining Table KBP0146

Chair KBP0148
Chair KBP0149

Dining Table KBP0147

Centre Table KBP0151
62 Chair KBP0150 63
Laminated Bamboo Skirting KBP0155 Laminated Bamboo Flooring KBP0156

Chair KBP0152 Sofa- Single Seat KBP0153

Interior applications of laminated bamboo flooring and planks.

Sofa- 2 Seat KBP0154
64 65
House made of various bamboo materials

House made of bamboo mat board

House Interior made of bamboo mat board
66 67
Table Mat KBP0161

Horizontal Bamboo Blinds KBP0158

Horizontal Bamboo Blinds KBP0160

Vertical Bamboo Blinds KBP0157 Table Mat KBP0159 Table Mat KBP0162
68 69
Bamboo Products
Introduced by National Institute of Design (NID)
Centre for Bamboo Initiatives

Training program at NID

70 71
Fruit Basket KBP0165
Bamboo Containers KBP0163

Kitchen Basket KBP0166

Foldable Basket KBP0164

72 Kitchen Basket KBP0167 Kitchen Basket KBP0168 73

Gift Package KBP0172

Foldable Basket KBP0169

Spectacle Case KBP0174

Flower Basket KBP0171

Folding Lamp Shade KBP0173

Shopping Bag KBP0170

74 Mobile Pouch KBP0175 75
Tray KBP0179

Dining Mat Set KBP0176

Tray KBP0178

Tray KBP0181

File KBP0177
76 Tray KBP0180 77
Book Stand KBP0187 Fruit Basket KBP0188

Lamp Shade KBP0182 Lamp Shade KBP0183 Lamp Shade KBP0184

Book Stand KBP0189 Cloth Hanger KBP0190

Lamp Shade KBP0186

Lamp Shade KBP0185 Cloth Hanger KBP0191 Coat Hanger KBP0192

78 79
Baby Walker KBP0193 Stool KBP0194

Sofa-Two Seat KBP0196

Dining Table KBP0197

Rocking Horse KBP0195
80 81
The publishing of this coffee table bookbrings with it a sense of satisfaction,
but it is never complete without thanking the people responsible for its creation.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Hon.Minister for Industries &ITShri P. K. Kunhalikutty,

forhis unconditional encouragement and support to bring out this book.

I extend my sincerest gratitude to Shri C. P. John(Member State Planning Board), Shri

Mohanty IAS (Addl. Chief Secretary Forest &Wild life), Shri P. H. Kurian IAS(Principal
Secretary Industries&IT),Shri Francis IAS,(Director Industries&Commerce), Shri Sanjay
Kumar (DDG,National Bamboo Mission) and Shri. Raja Gopal (CEO,K-BIP)
For extending their co-operation in making this venture a reality.

I am grateful to the NID team for helping me out with the necessary technical support
needed in preparing this book.

Last but not the least, I express my warmest gratitude to all the bamboo units and
craftsmen of Kerala State and our Bamboo Mission team for their relentless assistance
in this endeavor.

S Santhosh
Member –Convenor & COO
Kerala State Bamboo Mission

82 83
List of Bamboo Units in Kerala
Kerala State Bamboo Corporation (KSBC) Jyothi Handicrafts, Mr.AnilKumarK Sharon Bamboo, Ms. Soosamma NJ Veenus Handicrafts, Mr. K.V. Prakasan
Managing Director Mavillakizhakkathil, Manappally Manikkuttiyil House, Meppadi via Revathy, Near Block Junction
Angamaly South, Ernakulam-683 573 South, S.R.P. Market. P. 0, Kollam-690 539 Thrikkaipetta P.O, Wayanad-673 577 Kalavoor P.O, Alappuzha-688 522
04842454463, 9447122248 9995494394 0478 2860889, 98950 70641
Akshaya Bamboo Craft, Ms. Fathima T.M.
SURABHI, Secretary Vythiri, Block Building, Wayanad-673 576 Greens Designs, Ms. Surya. L.R Glorry Bamboo Craft, Ms. Vijayakumari G.
Kerala State Handicrafts ApexCo.Op. 9495785456 Chakkalakkal House, Thazhenunda Kanchavanaveedu, Thevalakkara P.O
Society Ltd. No. H.231, Kannanthodath P.O, Meenangadi, Wayanad 673 596 Kollam-690 524, 9744608046
Lane, Valanjambalam, Kochi-682 016 Unarv Handicrafts Women
0484 2377978, 0484 2377063 Industrial Co-op. Society, Ms. Valsala K.P Bhavm Murals, Mr. Sujith M.P Kerala Bamboo Crafts, Holly Villa
Puthukudi, Pinagode P.O Kalpetta, Opp: Muncipal Office, Goodalay Kizhakkekara, Thevalakara P.O, Kollam
Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission Wayanad-673121 Juntion, Kalpetta, Wayanad- 673 121 9744277106
Mr. T. Subba Rao, Vivekananda Nagar, 9745630301,9846416449
Muttil, Wayanad-673 122 Uravu Eco Unks, Mr. Sivaraj T. V.B. Bamboo Crafts, Mr. S. Vincent
04936 202528, 94462 56771 Thrikkaipetta Bamboo Shoot Processing Unit Thrikkaipetta.P.O, Meppadi (via) V. K. P. Nagar, T.C7/227,
Ms. Sheeba Raju, Meppadi (via) Wayanadu 673577 Kanjiramppara. P. 0. TVM-695 030
Wayanad Social Service Society Thrikkaipetta. P.O., Wayanadu -673 577 9745167280
Fr. John Choorapuzhayil 04936 231101, 96053 33260 Uravu Bamboo Construction
PB No.16, Mananthavady P.O. Mr.Baburaj M., Director (Uravu Eco Unks) SamagraGramaVikasanaSangham
Wayanad-670 645 Individual Artisan, Mr. Janardhanan N. Thrikaipetta. P.O, Wayanadu-673 577 Mr. P.L George, PalattilHouse
04935 240314 VayalilVeedu, Harisree Nagar -89 9747075610 Thrikkaipetta. P.O, Wayanad-673 577
Kuravanpalam, Kollam-691 001 9747276878
Green Earth Jewellery, Ms. ManjushaSathish 9895012759 Pranavam Arts & Crafts
Ezhuthachan House, Puthur Mr. Ramabhadran Pillai N. Master Cratsman Hemantham Arts & Crafts, Mr. Suresh P.K.
Palakkad -678 001 ChandradasLalitha Handicraft Thottinuvadakku, Chavara P.O, Peringathu (H), Pallissery,
94474 80272, 94952 51251 Mr. T.G. Chandradas, Thamarappalli Kollam 691 583 Arattupuzha P.O, Thrissur-680 562
Charamangalam, S.N. Puram P.O, Cherthala 9526335679 9388230659
Uravu Bamboo Bags, Alappuzha -688 582
Ms. Sreeja 0., Secretary 0478286349, 9947666498 Soubhagya Bamboo Production Unit NanmaGrameenaVikasanaSociety
Thrikkaipetta.P.O, Wayanadu-673 577 Ms. Vineetha, Parathode, Achooranam P.O. Mr. Shaju Peter, Valiyaveetil (H)
9645737536 Divyakala Bamboo Work, Wayanad 673 121 Gothuruth P.O., Ernakulam 683 516
Mr. Velayudhan 9447350126
Jackson’s Bamboo Handicrafts CheenikoduVadakkekadu Sneha Bamboo Production Unit
Mr. Antony P.D., Padayattil House Akalur Ms. Mini Philip, Kavumannam P.O, Kalpetta Niravu Bamboo Production Unit, Ms. Mary
Mattor, Kalady P.O, Emakulam-683 574 P.O, Palakkad-679 302 Wayanad 673121 T.H. Nagar; Kalpetta P.O., Wayanad 673 22
84 98093 34422, 9544175929 9048793646 9562241043 99477 33115, 93874 01988 85
Evangelical Social Action Forum (ESAF) Institute forSoceitalAdvancement (ISA) Uravu Indigenous Science KripaUnit, Mrs. Leela
Mr. Jojykoshy Varghese Ms. Sulochana V.K, Attappadi, Palakad Technology Study Centre T.C 7/425, VKP Nagar, Kanjirampara P.O,
2nd Floor, Hephzibah Complex, Mr. Surendranath C. Thiruvananthapuram- 30
Mannuthy, Thrissur-680 651 Christian Agency for Rural Development Thrikaipetta. P.O, Wayanadu-673 577 9388885347
0487 3207004, 93497 01457 Mr. Rebu Thomas Mathew
Marthoma Sabha Office Thiruvalla, Shilpi Self Help Group, Ms. Girija E. B. BharathamArts
Wind Craft, Mr. Rajiv V. K, Marur (H) Pathanamthitta-689 101 C/o Uravu,Thrikaipetta. P.O Mr. Gopalakrishna Pillai
Thatek:kanni P.O., Idukki 685606 9447895609 Wayanadu-673 577 SivamangalathVadakkathil
9747709209 9497303305 Kadavoor, Perinad P.O, Kollam 691601
Kuruvilla& Sons, Mr. Alexander Shaiju 94468 34174,0474 2706874
Sukrutha, Ms. Moly Joseph Ground Floor, Kattikaran Chambers, Pulari Self Help Group
Bamboo Product Unit Porur Kombara Jn., Kochi-682 018, 9847040474 Ms. Savitri V.A, C/o Uravu,Thrikaipetta. P.O. JS & JS Handicrafts, Mr. P.T.James
Wayanadu. P.O, Wayanadu-670 644 Wayanadu-673 577 PuthenPurakkil House, Thattekadu
097448 60135 Swaraj Bamboo Craft Unit, 9567018779 P.O, Kothamangalam, Ernakulam-686681
Secretary, Manivayal, Meppadi 9539305469
Green Gold Bamboo Workers Cottanad P.O., Wayanad-673 577 Green Grass Handicrafts
Co- Operative Society 9526186627 Ms. Vipitha Mahesh, Humus Neelakurinji Bamboo Artisan Cluster
Mr. N.S. Parameswaran Karimpinpuzha P.O., Kottarakkara, Kollam SHG Federation, Mr. Balasubramaniam
Wadakanchery P.O, Thrissur-680 582 Sai Arts & Crafts, Ms. Annapoorny R. 9048728241 Erattakulam, Elappully village
9497624327 Saikripa House, Ruby Nagar P.O. Palakkad 678 622
Changanassery, Kottayam-686 103 Humus, Mr. Madhu Narayanan M: 9496651695
Chaithanya Welfare Society 9745470535 Karimpinpuzha P.O, Kottarakkara
Ms. Thresiamma Samuel, President Kollam Individual Artisan, Smt. Kunjumol C.
Parackal House Mundakayam P.O, UrvaraDesigns, Ms. Valsa C. V 9947786609 Cherumburkonam, Pazhakutty P. O.
Kottayam-686 513 Thrikaipetta. P.O, Wayanadu-673 577 Nedumangad
94462 05411, 04828 275337 9744220882

Bhavana Activity Group Dreams Self Help Group

Ms. K.K. SaraIa, Puthuparaparambil House Ms. Reni B., C/o Uravu,Thrikaipetta. P.O.
Vaikkara P.O, Ernakulam Wayanadu-673 577
9645749806, 9846931678 9745515227

Seraphic Handicraft Industrial (Workshop) Khani Self Help Group, Ms. Lenin C.P
Co-operative SocietyLimited, Sr.Aienso C/o Uravu, Thrikaipetta. P.O
Secretary, Vellikulangara, Thrissur-680 699 Wayanadu-673 577
86 0480 2741698 9961194514 87
88 89
C Kerala State Bamboo Mission

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