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General Biological Task 1

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2. DESI RAMADANI (18033090)

3. KURNIA ANDINI (18033097)








Biology is a branch of natural science (IPA), together with Physics and Chemistry. As a
science branch, its existence is always related and cannot be separated from other branches of
science. For example with Chemistry (Biochemistry), with Physics (Biophysics), with Geology
(Palaentology) and others.

Biology has a very close relationship with chemistry. The proof is a science called
biochemistry. One example of the relationship between chemistry and biology is the
photosynthesis process. Biology learns about photosynthesis, while photosynthesis occurs when
there are chemicals needed. Examples of chemicals needed are water, chlorophyll, and carbon
dioxide. The results of photosynthesis are also in the form of chemicals namely glucose and
oxygen. When living things do biological processes inevitably produce chemicals.

Physics and biology are two of the many existing natural sciences. The union of these two
branches of science produces branches of biophysics, and medical physics. Biophysics learns
about how to apply the findings of physics to the biological world (disease science and its
prevention). For example, the use of gamma radiation and emission of positrons as inhibitors of
cancer cells and tracers of body parts that are eaten away by cancer.


Objects of biology are all living things, starting from the level of atoms, molecules, cells,
tissues, organs, individuals, populations, ecosystems, to biome. Combined various ecosystems
will form biomes. The interbiome relationship on the surface of the earth will form the biosphere.
The object of the study of biology develops along with science and technology (science and
technology) so that it becomes increasingly complicated

To make it easier to learn, the theme of the object of biological studies is sorted according to the level
of organization of life. starting from the smallest to the biggest.

a. Molecular Biological Objects

Using modern chemical tools and technology, the structure in cells can be separated into macro-
molecules even to the atoms. Generally, the body of an organism contains molecules composed of carbon
atoms (C), Hydrogen (H), Oxygen (O), and nitrogen (N). The types of molecules contained in the body of
an organism are carbohydrates, proteins, lipids (fats), and nucleic acids.

b. Cell Level Biology Objects

Organic molecules form cell organelles. Cells are the smallest living units of living things. Cells have
organelles with various functions, such as the nucleus (nucleus) which functions to regulate cell
metabolism, mitochondria function for cellular respiration, and ribosomes that function for synthetic

c. Network Level Biology Object

Life organization at the network level occurs in multicellular organisms (multicellular). Whereas in
unicellular organisms there is no tissue level because life activities are regulated and carried out by the cell

• A network is a collection of cells that have the same shape with certain functions. Examples:
plant tissue is the epidermis, palisade parenchyma, spongy parenchyma, sclerenchyma, xylem,
phloem, cambium and cork. Examples of networks at the animal and human level are fat, bone,
muscle, nerves, blood, and lymph (lymph).
• Organ is a collection of several types of networks that perform certain functions. Example: high-
level plant organs, are roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruit. Examples of high-level animal
organs and humans are the heart, liver, stomach, nose, lungs, ears, and intestines.
• Organ systems are some organs that perform certain functions. Examples of high-level animal
organ systems and humans are, the digestive system of food, the reproductive system, the
circulatory system, and the coordination system.

d. Biological Objects at Individual, Population and Community Levels

• Individuals are single living beings. An individual example is a coconut tree, a manuia, an ant.
• Population is a collection of individuals with the same species that interact and live in certain
regions. Examples of populations are a group of tree heads in the garden, and a number of ants
living in a tree.
• Community is a collection of populations of various species and interacting in certain areas.
Examples of communities are all organisms that live in a rice field which consists of a
population of rice plants, insects, snakes, birds, rats and ants

e. Biological Objects Ecosystem, Biome and Biosphere Levels

• Ecosystems are the levels of organizational life that interact between organisms and their abiotic
environment. The components of organisms include humans, animals, plants, bacteria, fungi,
algae, and others. The organism is connected in a food web (eating and eating events). An
organism in an ecosystem can act as a producer (producer of food), consumers (users), or
decomposers (decomposers). Abiotic environmental components consist of water, air, minerals,
sunlight, wind, soil, temperature, rock, pH, topography, and salinity.
• Biomes are terrestrial ecosystems that are generally influenced by certain climates that are
classified based on dominant vegetation or organisms with adaptation to certain environments.
Biomes include large areas and certain dominant plants. The surface of the earth consists of
seven types of biomes, such as taiga, tundra, savanna, desert, grasslands, gugu forests, and
tropical rain forests.
• Biosphere is the layer of the earth in which there is a life. The earth is the place of our lives with
the main characteristic of containing oxygen needed to support the life of an organism.

Berikut cabang-cabang biologi, antara lain:

1) Aerobiologi : mengkaji perihal unsur organik yang ada di udara.

2) Agrikultur : mempelajari mengenai proses produksi dari hasil panen, serta lebih
menekankan terhadap penerapannya.
3) Anatomi : mempelajari fungsi, dan bentuk hewan, tumbuhan, serta organisme yang
lainnya (terutama pada manusia).
4) Arachnologi : mempelajari arachnida (kelas hewan yang termasuk invertebrata
Arthropoda yang masuk dalam subfilum Chelicerata).
5) Astrobiologi : mengulas tentang distribusi, evolusi, dan futur atau masa depan
kehidupan alam semesta, dapat juga disebut ekso paleontologi, eksobiologi, dan
6) Bakteriologi : mempelajari perihal mengenai bakteri.
7) Biofisika : mempelajari berbagai hal bagaimana proses biologis dalam kerangka
8) Biogeografi : mempelajari mengenai persebaran spesies dalam konteks keruangan
serta juga waktu.
9) Bioinformatika : penggunaan teknologi informasi guna meneliti, menyimpan, serta
mengumpulkan data genomik atau biologis yang lainnya.
10) Biokimia : mengulas tentang reaksi kimia yang dibutuhkan bagi kehidupan supaya
dapat tetap berfungsi, biasanya pada tingkatan seluler.
11) Biologi bangunan : mempelajari dan meneliti tentang lingkungan hidup pada dalam
12) Biologi evolusioner : mempelajari tentang asal mula serta nenek moyang suatu
13) Biologi integratif : mengulas tentang semua organisme di dunia.
14) Biologi kelautan (oseanografi biologis) : mempelajari tentang, flora, fauna, serta
kehidupan samudra yang lainnya.
15) Biologi konservasi : mempelajari tentang pemulihan, perlindungan, dan pelestarian
lingkungan alam, margasatwa, vegetasi, ekosistem alam.
16) Biologi lingkungan : mengulas tentang semua dunia alam secara keseluruhan,
terutama mempelajari tentang dampak manusia terhadap alam tersebut.
17) Biomatematika : mempelajari dan meneliti tentang proses biologis secara kuantitatif
atau secara matematis, serta juga lebih menekankan terhadap pemodelan.

18) Biomekanika : tidak jarang juga dianggap sebagai cabang kedokteran, biomekanika
mengulas tentang mekanika kehidupan yang menekankan pada penerapan melalui
ortotik atau prostetik.
19) Biomusikologi : mempelajari tentang musik dari sudut pandang secara biologis.
20) Bioteknologi : merupakan salah satu cabang biologi baru, mempelajari manipulasi
materi hidup.
21) Botani : mempelajari atau meneliti tentang tumbuhan.
22) Ekologi : mengulas tentang interaksi antara organisme terhadap lingkungannya.
23) Embriologi : mempelajari tentang perkembangan embrio.
24) Entomologi : mengulas tentang berbagai jenis serangga.
25) Epidemiologi : adalah komponen penting dalam penelitian mengenai kesehatan, hal
ini karena epidemiologi mempelajari atau meneliti faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi
kesehatan suatu populasi.
26) Epigenetik : mengulas tentang berbagai perubahan ekspresi gen yang disebabkan
karena mekanisme selain dari perubahan rangkaian ADN.
27) Etologi : mempelajari berbagai tingkah perilaku hewan.
28) Farmakologi : mempelajari penggunaan, pengaruh, dan persiapan berbagai jenis
29) Fisiologi : mempelajari bagaimana cara kerja organisme hidup dan juga bagiannya.
30) Fitopatologi : fitopatologi atau patologi tumbuhan mempelajari tentang macam-
macam penyakit pada tumbuhan.
31) Genetika : mempelajari tentang pewarisan serta gen.
32) Hematologi : mempelajari tentang darah serta organ-organ pembentuk darah
33) Herpetologi : mempelajari tentang berbagai jenis reptil serta amfibi.
34) Histologi : mempelajari mengenai sel serta jaringan, cabang mikroskopik anatomi.
35) Iktiologi : Cabang ilmu biologi yang mempelajari tentang ikan.Kriobiologi –
mempelajari tentang bagaimana pengaruh suhu yang rendah pada kehidupan.
36) Limnologi : mempelajari tentang perairan pada daratan.
37) Mamalogi : mempelajari tentang mamalia.
38) Mikrologi : mempelajari dan meneliti organisme yang berukuran mikroskopik
(mikroorganisme) serta interaksinya dengan kehidupan yang lainnya.
39) Mikologi : mempelajari tentang fungi.
40) Neurobiologi : mempelajari tentang sistem saraf.
41) Onkologi : mempelajari tentang bagaimana proses kanker.
42) Ornitologi : mempelajari berbagai jenis burung.
43) Paleontologi : mempelajari tentang fosil serta berbagai bukti geografis pada
kehidupan prasejarah.
44) Patobiologi : meneliti berbagai penyakit, seperti ciri, penyebab, perkembangannya,
dan proses.
45) Parasitologi : mempelajari tentang parasit.
46) Penelitian biomedis : meneliti tubuh manusia pada yang sehat dan juga yang sakit.
47) Psikobiologi : mempelajari tentang dasar psikologi dengan cara biologis.
48) Sosiobiologi : mempelajari tentang dasar sosiologi dengan cara biologis.
49) Virologi : mempelajari virus.


The steps taken by a scientist or scientist in solving a problem must be systematically

logical and empirical. This is called the Scientific Method. The scientific method is the process of
obtaining facts about a phenomenon using rules that are approved by the entire science
community. The scientific method is a technique that is arranged in such a way as to produce an
accountable truth. Through the scientific method, we can open the veil of truth about the nature
of nature. In conclusion, to find answers to problems related to biology must be with the steps
contained in the scientific method.

The steps that must be taken in the scientific method are as follows:

a. Carry out observations (observation)

In making observations, observations are divided into two, namely quantitative observations
(observations by observing numerical data) and qualitative observations (observations using
sensory devices).

b. Asking Questions (formulating problems)

In asking questions, or formulating problems. You must understand how the ethics or terms
or conditions are as follows:

 Must be stated clearly.

 Does not cause multiple interpretations
 The problem statement is stated by the question sentence.

example: Is there an effect of seed soaking temperature on the speed of germination of green

c. Making a Hypothesis (provisional guess)

Our scientific method must make a temporary guess (hypothesis) first, the hypothesis is what
will later be proven. Therefore the following are hypothetical properties that you must understand

 Hypotheses are formulated in a question.

 The hypothesis must contain two variables, namely the independent variable and the
dependent variable (read: Independent, bound and control variables on biology) .

d. Conducting Experiments

Experiment is a systematic effort planned to produce data, to answer a problem or test a


e. Withdrawal Conclusion

Conclusions are made of course require data collection rather than experiments that have been
carried out, then it will find a result as planned in the interim estimates and previews so that the
results are stronger and more accurate then an experiment must be conducted more than one.

a. Abiogenesis theory

Abiogenesis theory means that the first living thing on earth came from an inanimate
object. Abiogenesis theory is also known as GeneratioSpontanea, which means that the theory
occurs spontaneously or just happens. So if the notion of Abiogenesis and Spontaneakita
Generatio combine then the whole meaning is that the first living thing on earth originated from
inanimate or non-living things that occur spontaneously, for example: (1) Fish and frogs come
from mud; (2) Worms come from the ground; (3) Maggots come from rotting meat.

Here are some inventors who think that living things come from inanimate objects, including:

1) Theory According to Aristoteles

In the days of Ancient Greece Aristoteles (384-322 BC) who argued that living things just
happened. He observed fish that live in water, he saw certain fish coming out of the mud,
according to him the fish came from mud. This opinion continued until the 17-18th century.

2) Theory According to Nedham

He boiled the broth then put it in a bottle, then closed the bottle tightly with cork. It turned out
that a few days later bacteria appeared. Nedham concluded that bacteria originated from broth.
Even though Nedham boiled the kaldunya not with the bottle, so it could be concluded that the
bacteria originated from a non-sterile bottle.

3) Theory According to Anthony van Leeuwenhoek (18th century)

Anthony managed to make a microscope and look at microorganisms in straw-soaked water.

So Anthony concluded that microorganisms came from water.

b. Biogenesis theory

The theory of Biogenesis states that living things come from living things too. Here are some
inventors who refute Aristotle and Anthony's theories, among others:

1) Francisco Redi (1626-1697)

Francisco experimented because he did not agree with Aristotle. In his experiments,
Francisco uses three jars.

Jar I: filled with a piece of meat, and tightly closed

Jar II: filled with a piece of meat, covered with gauze.

Jar III: filled with a piece of meat, not closed.


Jar I: no larvae found

Jar II: no larvae found

Jar III: the discovery of larvae, because flies can enter the jar.

From the experiments that have been carried out, Francisco Redi argues that the larvae do not
originate from keratan meat (inanimate objects), but come from flies laying eggs.

2) Lazzaro Spallanzani (1729-1799)

Spallanzani denied Aristotle's findings therefore, so he conducted an experiment.

Spallanzani conducted the experiment as follows.

Broth is put into several bottles or tubes. Some tubes are closed tightly and some are left
open. in fact the tightly closed tubes did not find microorganisms, whereas in open tubes there
were microorganisms.

After conducting the experiment, Lazzaro Spallanzani concluded that the microbes in the
broth did not come from broth (inanimate matter), but originated from life in the air. So there is
decay because there has been microbial contamination from the air into the broth water.

3) Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)

In his experiments Louis Pasteur used a glass tube shaped like a goose neck or letter S.
After an experiment Louis argued that bacteria did not originate from broth and also did not
originate from the air.

Based on the results of the experiments of Francisco, Spallanzani, and Louis, the
Abiogenesis concept collapsed, and a new concept / theory emerged about the origin of living
things known as the theory of Biogenesis. The theory states:

• omne vivum ex ovo: which means every living thing comes from an egg.
• omne ovum ex vivo: which means eggs come from living things.
• omne vivum ex vivo: which means every living thing comes from living things.

b. Cosmozoic / Kosmozoan theory

Cosmozoic theory or the Kosmozoan theory states that the origin of earth's living things
originated from "life spores" originating from outer space. The state of the planet in space is
covered by conditions of drought, very cold temperatures and the presence of deadly radiation
that does not allow life to survive.
c. Creation Theory (Special Creation)

This theory holds that living things are created by God as they are. This notion only talks
about the development of matter until the formation of an organism without alluding to the origin
of material life.

d. Biochemical Evolution Theory

This theory tries to dig up information on the origin of living things from the biochemical
side. According to Oparin in his book entitled The Origin of Life (1936), the origin of life occurs
together with the evolution of the formation of the earth and its atmosphere.

e. Biological evolution

Biological theory is a theory of chemical evolution, which argues that the earth was very hot
at first, then one day the earth experienced a cooling process. From these processes chemicals can
be produced. Heavy materials will compile the earth while light materials will form the



a. Linkages between Biology and Physics

Physics and biology are two of the many existing natural sciences. The union of these two
branches of science produced branches of biophysics, and medical physics.

Biophysics learns about how to apply the findings of physics to the biological world (disease
science and its prevention). For example, the use of gamma radiation and the emission of
positrons as inhibitors of cancer cells and tracers of body parts which are eaten away by cancer.

b. Linkages between Biology and Chemistry

Biology and chemistry are clearly closely related. The proof is that there is a science called
biochemistry, one example of the relationship between chemistry and biology is, Biology studies
about photosynthesis, while photosynthesis can occur if there are chemicals needed. For example,
chlorophyll, carbon dioxide, and water. The results of photosynthesis also produce chemicals
namely simple carbohydrates (glucose) and oxygen.

c. Relationship between Biology and Mathematics

Mathematics and biology together use logic and analysis and mathematical calculations.

Berdasarkan teori Abiogenesis yang menyatakan tentang kehidupan yang berasal dari
benda atau materi tidak hidup dan kehidupan terjadi secara spontan, sebenarnya hal tersebut tidak
benar jika dikaitkan dengan ajaran Agama Islam. Allah lah yang menciptakan kehidupan namun
ayat dibawah ini dapat menggambarkan teori Abiogenesis tersebut. Tafsir terperinci terkait ayat
tersebut akan dijelaskan setelahnya, sehingga tidak dapat dikatakan bahwa ayat ini menguatkan
adanya teori Abiogenesis.

" Yang telah menjadikan bagimu bumi sebagai hamparan dan Yang telah menjadikan bagimu di
bumi itu jalan-ja]an, dan menurunkan dari langit air hujan. Maka Kami tumbuhkan dengan air
hujan itu berjenis-jenis dari tumbuh-tumbuhan yang bermacam-macam.” (Q.S Thaha: 53).

Tidak hanya tumbuhan yang dibuat dari air tetapi hewan juga terbuat dari air seperti yang
dijelaskan dalam Al-Quran Surat Annur ayat 45 berikut ini:

"Dan Allah telah menciptakan semua jenis hewan dari air."(Q.S Annur: 45)

Tafsir Ibn Katsir surat Thaha ayat 53 menyatakan bahwa Allah menumbuhkan berbagai
macam tumbuh-tumbuhan berupa tanam-tanaman dan buah-buahan, baik yang asam, manis,
maupun pahit, dan berbagai macam lainnya melalui air hujan yang diperintahkan Allah untuk
turun dari langit sehingga dapat memberikan kehidupan bagi makhluk-Nya. Tafsir Jalalain
menjelaskan lebih rinci bahwa Allah berfirman menggambarkan apa yang telah disebutkan-Nya
itu sebagai nikmat dari-Nya (berupa bumi sebagai hamparan, jalan sebagai tempat beralan dan air
hujan), kepada Nabi Musa dan dianggap sebagai khithab untuk penduduk Mekah. (Maka Kami
tumbuhkan dengan air hujan itu berjenis-jenis) bermacam-macam (tumbuh-tumbuhan yang
beraneka ragam.

dalam Al-Quran juga sudah dijelaskan tentang proses penciptaan manusia, dalam surat
Shaad (38) : 71
“(Ingatlah) ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada malaikat:"Sesungguhnya Aku akan
menciptakan manusia dari tanah (thiin)."

Manusia pertama ialah Adam dan manusia kedua ialah Hawa, Allah telah menciptakan
manusia dalam keadaan sebaik-baiknya. Tumbuhan dan hewan tidak memiliki akal pikiran,
nafsu, dan anggota tubuh yang sangat memungkinkan untuk bekerja secara sempurna.

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