Life Stories of Recent Mbas: Motivation
Life Stories of Recent Mbas: Motivation
Life Stories of Recent Mbas: Motivation
Consider following 6 motivation theories and analyse the 6 case-stories (individuals) given. In the table
below mark a ‘Y’ where your analysis shows that the theory can apply and explain the motivations of the
person, and a ‘N’ where that theory cannot explain the motivations of the person.
From your analysis in Part I above, choose 2 theories which you think best explains the motivation of
the individuals in the case. Justify your choice.
ANN GILDROY “I rely on my peers and She relies on her peers to get
colleagues to talk through motivated which cover the
those moments” Relatedness needs of ERG
JAIME IRICK “My motivators has always He was involved in community
been being able to service and took part in other
help other” social activities which can be
classified as a Self-
Transcendence which is a
Growth need of ERG theory
SACHIN JAIN “My motivations are driven by He came from family of starters
my family and what I observed which later led him to believe
growing up” that he was supposed to give
back, to lead, to do things. This
“You’re leads him to a view that there
supposed to give back, to lead, is a higher goal, which leads us
to do things” to infer that self-actualization
(Growth) is one of the
motivators for him.
2-Factor Theory
where they are deeply doing. It relates to doing
needed” challenging job and
meaningful work. The
“Navigate complex and willingness to face complex
difficult situations or problem situations in pursuit of a higher
is another course of purpose. It relates to Job
motivation for me” Satisfier aspect of 2 Factor