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Large Substernal Thyroid Goiter Associated With Saddle Pulmonary Embolism

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Daniel W Nelson et al 10.5005/jp-journals-10002-1195


Large Substernal Thyroid Goiter Associated

with Saddle Pulmonary Embolism
Daniel W Nelson, 2Melissa LoPinto, 3Charif Sidani, 4John I Lew

ABSTRACT to compensate, resulting in venous stasis.4 Venous stasis,

A 75-year-old woman with a longstanding history of a substernal coupled with endothelial injury from the mass effect,
thyroid goiter presented with acute shortness of breath, and she results in a thrombogenic condition.3 Postural changes
was intubated due to respiratory distress. Computed tomogra- can temporarily decompress veins, enabling a thrombus
phy (CT) scan revealed a compressive substernal goiter with
to dislodge and travel into the pulmonary circulation.5
associated vascular compression, axillosubclavian thrombosis,
and saddle pulmonary embolism. Weight-based heparin was This case report demonstrates the association of a large
immediately administered, and the patient subsequently under- substernal thyroid goiter with an acute saddle pulmonary
went successful thyroidectomy via a cervical incision. This embolus.
case report of a rare saddle pulmonary embolism associated
with a substernal thyroid goiter underscores the importance of
early elective thyroidectomy. Successful management of these CASE report
potentially devastating pulmonary emboli (PE) associated with
large substernal goiters is possible. A 75-year-old woman with a known history of a thyroid
goiter initially discovered 40 years ago presented to an
Keywords: Cervical thyroidectomy, Saddle pulmonary
embolism, Substernal goiter, Thromboemboilc disease.
outside hospital with acute onset of shortness of breath.
Visible neck enlargement with the lower border of the
How to cite this article: Nelson DW, LoPinto M, Sidani C, Lew JI.
thyroid gland extending into the thoracic outlet was
Large Substernal Thyroid Goiter Associated with Saddle
Pulmonary Embolism. World J Endoc Surg 2016;8(3):214-216. evident. No facial or arm swelling, or dilated upper
extremity vessels were observed. The patient was intu-
Source of support: Nil
bated due to respiratory distress and transferred to the
Conflict of interest: None author’s institution where an acute saddle pulmonary
embolism was discovered on imaging studies. Full-dose
INTRODUCTION heparin was started immediately according to a weight-
Substernal thyroid goiters have been linked to the forma- based intensive care unit (ICU) protocol.
tion of deep vein thrombosis (DVT).1-3 As a substernal Thyroid studies showed normal free T4 and T3 and
thyroid goiter enlarges, its mass effect can compress sur- mildly depressed thyroid stimulating hormone. Chest
rounding structures in the thoracic outlet. More specifi- computed tomography (CT) showed an enlarged thyroid
cally, the axillosubclavian and internal jugular veins can gland extending from the angle of the mandible superiorly
become compressed against the first rib, sternum, strap to the level of the carina inferiorly. The substernal com-
muscles, and thyroid goiter. If the enlarging thyroid goiter ponent of the thyroid gland displaced adjacent structures
with a substernal component impinges on surrounding including the carotid arteries and jugular veins. The left
vascular structures, collateral circulation will not be able internal jugular vein was narrowed at the thoracic outlet
by the thyroid gland medially and the first rib laterally
(Fig. 1). Chest CT showed rightward deviation and narrow-
Student, 2Fellow, 3Assistant Professor, 4Chief and Associate
ing of the upper trachea and a large central filling defect
consistent with an acute pulmonary embolus involving the
Department of Surgery, DeWitt Daughtry Family, University of
Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Florida, USA
pulmonary artery bifurcation, left pulmonary artery, and
multiple left lobar and segmental branches (Figs 2 and 3).
Department of Radiology, University of Miami Leonard M. Miller
School of Medicine, Miami, Florida, USA
Duplex ultrasound of the upper extremity showed slow
flow and a clot in the left axillary vein. Echocardiogram
Department of Surgery, DeWitt Daughtry Family, Division of
Endocrine Surgery, University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School showed no evidence of right ventricular strain.
of Medicine, Miami, Florida, USA After 3 days of heparinization, the patient was taken
Corresponding Author: Daniel W Nelson, Student, Department to the operating room. Transesophageal echocardiogram
of Surgery, DeWitt Daughtry Family, University of Miami Leonard showed pulmonary artery enlargement, but no visualiza-
M. Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Florida, USA, Phone: tion of the embolus. The patient was prepared such that
+0013052434444, e-mail:
sternotomy, cardiopulmonary bypass, and embolectomy


Large Substernal Thyroid Goiter Associated with Saddle Pulmonary Embolism

Fig. 1: Coronal CT of chest and neck with intravenous contrast Fig. 2: Coronal CT (chest and neck) with IV contrast shows the
shows large goiter (asterisks) with extension into superior inferior extent of the goiter (asterisk) into the superior mediastinum
mediastinum and compression of the left internal jugular vein (arrow) at the level of the aortic arch (dotted arrow). The filling defect in
the left main pulmonary artery is consistent with PE (solid arrow)

Fig. 3: Left para-sagittal CT of neck and chest with intravenous Fig. 4: Total thyroidectomy, gross specimen. Short black silk suture
contrast. The goiter extends from the retropharyngeal region marks the right superior pole. White measuring tape denotes 15 cm
(asterisk) to the superior mediastinum (2 asterisks). Note the filling
defect in left main pulmonary artery (arrow)

could be performed if necessary. A 12 cm collar incision DISCUSSION

was made in the lower portion of the neck 1.5 cm above
Upper extremity DVT and pulmonary emboli (PE) caused
the clavicular head. The enlarged thyroid was mobilized
by substernal thyroid goiters are rare, with only a handful
and removed via a cervical approach, without the need for
of reported cases in the literature.1-3,5 One explanation
median sternotomy. The gland weighed 410 gm and meas- for the infrequency of thyroid goiter-induced upper
ured 16 × 13 × 6.5 cm (Fig. 4). Final pathology revealed extremity DVT and PE is that their chronic and indolent
multinodular thyroid hyperplasia. The patient was growth pattern allows for the development of collateral
taken to the ICU and intravenous heparin was restarted circulation that helps prevent venous stasis, and thus,
24 hours postoperatively. formation of DVT and pulmonary embolism.2,4 Addition-
The postoperative course was complicated by mild ally, large substernal goiters are uncommon. One study
to moderate acute respiratory distress syndrome and showed that out of 3,233 thyroidectomies performed, only
expectantly managed. The remainder of her postoperative 220 patients had “large” substernal goiters defined as
course was uneventful and she was discharged home on >100 gm.6 Since they are infrequent in general, and inher-
postoperative day 24. At 6-month follow-up, the patient is ently slow growing, the occurrence of DVT and PE from
doing well with no complaints or physical deficits. substernal thyroid goiters is rare.
World Journal of Endocrine Surgery, September-December 2016;8(3):214-216 215
Daniel W Nelson et al

In 2010, this patient was evaluated for total thyroidec- CONCLUSION

tomy. Due to the significant substernal extension she was
This case illustrates that a large substernal thyroid goiter
counselled that sternotomy may be needed. The patient
can be associated with a pulmonary saddle embolus in
refused surgical treatment because she was asymptomatic
addition to axillosubclavian vein thrombosis. Substernal
and would not accept the possibility of sternotomy. Five
thyroid goiters should be removed electively, before
years later, due to mass effect on the thoracic outlet, she
surgery becomes urgent. When urgent cases arise, high
developed DVT and acute PE leading to respiratory failure.
volume and experienced surgeons at tertiary care centers
Definitive total thyroidectomy for venous and airway
are more likely to perform successful cervical thyroidec-
decompression was therefore performed. This operation
tomies on the largest goiters, have the lowest complication
was successfully accomplished via a cervical incision. Elec-
rates, and have the strongest interdisciplinary support
tive thyroidectomy may have precluded this acute pres-
from cardiac surgeons, critical care intensivists, and
entation by preventing the vascular compression, which
anesthesiologists. Finally, in the case of substernal thyroid
resulted in the acute PE. Considering the chronic growth
goiters with concomitant pulmonary saddle embolus, full
pattern of thyroid goiters, there should be ample time to
heparin anticoagulation may help prevent the need for
intervene while patients are younger and better candi-
sternotomy and pulmonary embolectomy.
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