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CD-0033 - Stability I

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CD-0033 Stability I

1 What is the relationship between GM and the righting ability of the ship?
GZ = GM x sin (Angle of Heel)
GM is the righting lever returning the vessel upright
GZ = GM x tan (Angle of Heel)
The Curve of Statical Stability

2 What is the change in the apparent loss of GM due to free surface effect when 2
transverse bulkheads are introduced into the tank holding the liquid?

3 What is the danger of having a large bunker tank only partially filled with bunkers?
FSE and virtual loss of GM
Constructional damage due to liquid movement in the tank
Excessive corrosion of the tank sides
Insufficient bunkers to complete the voyage

4 Which of the following items make a small positive transverse M at the start of a voyage
become dangerous during the passage? Select each correct answer.
Consumption of bunkers in a low tank
Consumption of bunkers in a high tank
Partially filled tanks giving free surface effect
Distribution of weights due to bad stowage

5 What is the ultimate objective of the “Inclining Experiment”?

To determine the angle of inclination when a known weight is shifted a known
transverse distance across the vessel.
To determine the GG₁ when shifting a known weight across the deck
To determine the lightship displacement of a vessel
To determine the lightship KG of a vessel

6 At what specific point during the dry docking of a vessel, does the effective loss of
internal stability stop decreasing?
When the vessel settles on the block overall.
When the vessel touches the blocks aft
When the water drops below the keel

7 Which of the following items of information can be determined from examining the Curve
of Statical Stability? Select each correct option.
The Initial value of Transverse GM
Angle of Maximum Stability
The Righting Moment of the vessel at a specific angle of heel
Angle of deck edge immersion, where the water comes over the bulkhead deck

8 Add the appropriate missing words into the following sentences:

CD-0033 Stability I

9 Which of the following points would be the specific point about which a vessel will roll in
a seaway?
Centre of Buoyancy B.
The Centre of Gravity G
The Centre of Flotation CF
The Centreline CL

10 The ships own derrick is used to discharge a heavy weight from the centreline of deck to
the jetty. At what instant does the most dangerous situation occur with respect to the
ships effective stability?
Weight lifted off the deck.
Weight is landed on the jetty
The weight is being swung over towards the jetty
The weight is swung out over the jetty and is started to be lowered

11 The buoyancy forces upwards act at what points on the hull?

At the Centre of Buoyancy B.
At the Centre of Gravity G
All over the underwater volume
Along the keel

12 What does the term “Layer Correction” mean?

It is the vertical separation between two parallel waterlines.
It is the correction between the Draught Amidships and the True Mean Draught
It is another term for the Dock Water Allowance
It is a correction to apply to the lightship draught to allow for ballast already on

13 A tank on a vessel can hold 100 tonnes of FW when full. How many tonnes of liquid
(Relative density 0.5) could it take when full?
200 tonnes.
50 tonnes
100 tonnes
150 tonnes

14 The term “Vessels Displacement” is which of the following?

The underwater volume of a vessel.
The weight of cargo on board a vessel
The weight of the vessel and everything onboard
The lightship weight of a vessel only.

15 A vessel with a large Transverse GM will have which of the following rolling periods?
CD-0033 Stability I

Very slow and to large angles of heel.

Fast abrupt rolling period to small angles
A moderately comfortable period with medium angles of heel
Slow period of roll either side of an angle of loll.

16 What is the unit of Relative Density?

Tonnes per cubic metre
Has no units
Cubic metre per tonne

17 What is the “Angle of Loll”?

Angle of equilibrium for a ship with a negative GM
The maximum angle to which a vessel inclines when discharging a heavy weight
using the ship’s derrick.
The angle of heel experienced in a steady beam wind
The trim angle measured at the after perpendicular

18 Which of the following initial conditions onboard are required to conduct an inclining
experiment? Select each correct option.
No free liquid surface in any tanks
Minimum bunkers, water and ballast
No cargo on board
Minimum of personnel onboard to conduct experiment

19 A ship floating on an even keel and upright has a weight loaded on the port side of the
deck and towards the stern of the vessel. What will be the final condition of the ship after
Upright and trimmed by the stern
Heeled to port and trimmed by the stern
Listed to port and trimmed by the stern
Listed to port and trimmed by the head

20 The condition of Equilibrium for a floating vessel is which of the following conditions?
When the vessel is upright and even keel and GM is positive
When G is vertically below B with equal and opposite forces of displacement and
When the vessel is upright and the Fore and Aft draughts are steady and the GM is
When the vessel completes loading or discharging cargo

21 How can a ship’s officer change the value of the Transverse Metacentric Height?
Only by loading cargo and changing the position of Centre of Gravity “G” of the ship.
By loading or discharging cargo and in other ways changing the positions of both G
and M
By loading or discharging cargo and changing the position of G only
By vertically shifting cargo already on board and changing the position of both G and

22 If a vessel is rolling heavily in a seaway and has a negative GM and a small Angle of Loll,
describe how the vessel will roll.
Roll evenly each side of the angle of loll
Roll evenly either side of the upright position
Roll unevenly flopping over between the Angle of loll on each side
Roll between the angle of loll on each side
CD-0033 Stability I

23 How can the adverse effects of Free Surface on a vessel be reduced by the ship’s officer?
Select each correct option.
Loading more ballast and increasing the displacement
Transferring ballast from high tank to a low tank
The pressing up of the liquid within the slack tank
The draining of the liquid from the slack tank

24 Why is a vessel entering dry dock normally slightly trimmed by the stern?
To allow better manoeuvring when entering into the drydock
To minimise the loss of stability
To allow drainage of water off the decks
To position the vessel easily over the blocks

25 What does the term “Block Coefficient” mean?

The efficiency of the derrick topping lift used to load cargo.
The ratio of the ships underwater shape to a rectangular block of the same extreme
The ratio of the ship’s Waterplane area to a rectangle of the same extreme
The ratio of the vessel’s even keel, underwater shape to the actual underwater shape
when trimmed

26 What is minimum value of the GM allowed under the international Load Line Rules?
0.15 m
1.5 m
2.0 m

27 What is the Curve of Transverse Statical Stability?

A graph showing the value of GM at different displacements
A graph showing the GZ values for different angles of heel
A curve showing the stability of a vessel at different displacements
A graph showing the values of KM for different angles of heel

28 Why can the draught amidships not be used to extract the value of displacement from
the displacement table?
The displacement is not dependant on the draught
The draught amidships is not the true mean draught
The draught amidships is not the mean of the draughts at the forward and after
The arithmetical mean of the end draughts should be used to determine correct

29 What is lever which returns the vessel to the upright?


30 A weight of 200 tonnes is loaded amidships on the deck at a height of 7 metres above
the keel on a ship of 3800 tonnes and KG 5.0 metres. What is the final KG of the vessel
after loading?
5.2 metres
5.1 metres
5.0 metres
4.9 metres
CD-0033 Stability I

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