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Ghanim Al-Mola

Lectures for MSC Postgraduate Study


Prof.Dr.Ghanim Aboud Jaber Al-Mola

General Concepts of Virology
Virus history
The history of virology goes back to the late 19th century, when German anatomist Dr
Jacob Henle (discoverer of Henle’s loop) hypothesized the existence of infectious agent
that were too small to be observed under light microscope. This idea fails to be accepted
by the present scientific community in the absence of any direct evidence. At the same
time three landmark discoveries came together that formed the founding stone of what we
call today as medical science. The first discovery came from Louis Pasture (1822-1895)
who gave the spontaneous generation theory from his famous swan-neck flask
experiment. The second discovery came from Robert Koch (1843-1910), a student of
Jacob Henle, who showed for first time that the anthrax and tuberculosis is caused by a
bacillus, and finally Joseph Lister (1827-1912) gave the concept of sterility during the
surgery and isolation of new organism.

The history of viruses and the field of virology are broadly divided into three phases,
namely discovery, early and modern.

The discovery phase (1886-1913)

In 1879, Adolf Mayer, a German scientist first observed the dark and light spot on
infected leaves of tobacco plant and named it tobacco mosaic disease. Although he
failed to describe the disease, he showed the infectious nature of the disease after
inoculating the juice extract of diseased plant to a healthy one. The next step was taken
by a Russian scientist Dimitri Ivanovsky in 1890, who demonstrated that sap of the
leaves infected with tobacco mosaic disease retains its infectious property even after its
filtration through a Chamberland filter. The third scientist who plays an important role in
the development of the concept of viruses was Martinus Beijerinck (1851-1931), he
extended the study done by Adolf Mayer and Dimitri Ivanofsky and showed that
filterable agent form the infectious sap could be diluted and further regains its strength
after replicating in the living host; he called it as “contagium vivum fluidum”. Loeffler
and Frosch discovered the first animal virus, the foot and mouth disease virus in 1898
and subsequently Walter Reed and his team discovered the yellow fever virus, the first
human virus from Cuba in1901. Poliovirus was discovered by Landsteiner and Popper
in 1909 and two years later Rous discovered the solid tumor virus which he called Rous
sarcoma virus.

The early phase (1915-1955)

In 1915, Frederick W. Twort discovered the phenomenon of transformation while

working with the variants of vaccinia viruses, simultaneously Felix d’Herelle discovered
bacteriophage and developed the assay to titrate the viruses by plaques. Wendell

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Stanley (1935) first crystallized the TMV and the first electron micrograph of the
tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) was taken in 1939. In 1933 Shope described the first
papillomavirus in rabbits. The vaccine against yellow fever was made in 1938 by Thieler
and after 45 years of its discovery, polio virus vaccine was made by Salk in 1954.

The modern phase (1960-present)

During this phase scientists began to use viruses to understand the basic question of
biology. The superhelical nature of polyoma virus DNA was first described by Weil and
Vinograd while Dulbecco and Vogt showed its closed circular nature in 1963. In the
same year Blumberg discovered the hepatitis B virus. Temin and Baltimore discovered
the retroviral reverse transcriptase in 1970 while the first human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV) was reported in 1983 by Gallo and Montagnier. The phenomenon of RNA
splicing was discovered in Adenoviruses by Roberts, Sharp, Chow and Broker. In the
year 2005 the complete genome sequence of 1918 influenza virus was done and in the
same year hepatitis C virus was successfully propagated into the tissue culture.

Many discoveries are done using viruses as a model. The transcription factor that binds to
the promoter during the transcription was first discovered in SV40. The phenomenon of
polyadenylation during the mRNA synthesis was first described in poxviruses while its
presence was first reported in SV40. Many of our current understanding regarding the
translational regulation has been studied in poliovirus. The oncogenes were first reported
in Rous sarcoma virus. The p53, a tumor suppressor gene was first reported in SV40.

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Important discoveries

Date Discovery
1796 Cowpox virus used to vaccinate against smallpox by Jenner.
1892 Description of filterable infectious agent (TMV) by Ivanovsky.
1898 Concept of the virus as a contagious living form by Beijerinck.
1901 First description of a yellow fever virus by Dr Reed and his team.
1909 Identification of poliovirus by Landsteiner and Popper.
1911 Discovery of Rous sarcoma virus.
1931 Virus propagation in embryonated chicken eggs by Woodruff and Goodpasture.
1933 Identification of rabbit papillomavirus.
1936 Induction of carcinomas in other species by rabbit papillomavirus by Rous and
1948 Poliovirus replication in cell culture by Enders, Weller, and Robbins.
1952 Transduction by Zinder and Lederberg.
1954 Polio vaccine development by Salk.
1958 Bacteriophage lambda regulation paradigm by Pardee, Jacob, and Monod.
1963 Discovery of hepatitis B virus by Blumberg.
1970 Discovery of reverse transcriptase by Temin and Baltimore.
1976 Retroviral oncogenes discovered by Bishop and Varmus.
1977 RNA splicing discovered in adenovirus.
1983 Description of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) as causative agent of
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) by Montagnier, Gallo)
1997 HAART treatment for AIDS.
2003 Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is caused by a novel coronavirus.
2005 Hepatitis C virus propagation in tissue culture by Chisari, Rice, and Wakita.
2005 1918 influenza virus genome sequencing.

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Virus diversity
Viruses are minute, non-living entities that copy themselves once inside the living host
cells. All living organisms (animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria) have viruses that infect
them. Typically viruses are made up of coat (or capsid) that protects its information
molecule (RNA or DNA); these information molecules contain the blue prints for making
more virus. The viruses are highly diverse in their shape, size, genetic information, and
infectivity. Viruses are all around us, on an average a human body encounters billion
virus particles every day. Our intestinal, respiratory, and urogenital tract are reservoirs for
many different kinds of viruses, it is astonishing that with such constant exposure, there is
little or no impact of these organisms in human health. The host defense mechanism is
quite strong to remove all these in normal condition, while they cause many nasty
diseases only when the person is immune-compromised. Although viruses have a
limited host range but sometimes they may jump the species barrier and causes fatal
disease, recent spread of swine influenza is an ideal example of such kind of spread.
The epidemic viruses, such as influenza and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS),
cause diseases that rapidly spread to a large human population within no time, and seem
to attract more scientific and public attention than do endemic viruses, which are
continually present in a particular population.

Virology as a discipline is merely 100 years old and the way it expanded in this small
period of time is rampant. To group the new emerging viruses in a specific group by
specifying certain parameters was initiated in 1966 when international committee on the
taxonomy of viruses (ICTV) was formed with the aim to classify the viruses. The ICTV
has adopted a norm for the description of the viruses. Name for genera, subfamilies,
families, and orders must all be a single word, ending with the suffixes -virus, -virinae, -
viridae, and -virales respectively. In written usage, the name should be capitalized and
Viruses are obligate parasite which means their absolute dependence on living host
system. This property of virus made it a valuable tool to study cell functions and its
biology. Adenovirus is an example of DNA virus that enters the host nucleus but
remains separated from the host genome and at the same time use host cell machinery for

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its replication. On the other hand influenza is a RNA virus that carries its own enzyme to
replicate its genome while the viral proteins are synthesized by using the host cell
machinery. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a retrovirus; it contains RNA as a
genetic material but it converts into DNA after entering the host cell by an enzyme called
reverse transcriptase. It also contains enzymes in its virion namely, integrase and viral
protease which helps HIV during maturation process inside the infected cells. Outer
surface of HIV virion contains two surface glycoproteins called as gp120 and gp41
which helps in the attachment of virus to the cell surface.

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Figure 2.1. Schematic diagram of HIV

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Virus Shapes
Early study with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) strongly suggested that viruses were
composed of repeating subunits of protein which was later supported by crystallization of
TMV. A major advancement in determining the morphology of virus was the
development of negative stain electron microscopy. Another modification of classical
electron microscopy is cryo-electron microscopy where the virus containing samples
were rapidly frozen and examined at a very low temperature; this allows us to preserve
the native structure of the viruses.

A virion is a complete virus particle that is surrounded by the capsid protein and
encapsidates the viral genome (DNA or RNA). Sometime structure without nucleic acid
can be visible under the electron microscope those structures are called as empty
capsids. In some of the viruses like paramyxoviruses the nucleic acid is surrounded by
the capsid proteins and the composite structures are referred as nucleocapsid. Some of
the viruses contain the lipid envelope which surrounds the nucleocapsids. The envelopes
are derived from the host cell membrane during the budding process. As the envelopes
are derived from host cell membrane they contain many of the surface proteins present in
the host cells.

There are two kinds of symmetry found among the viruses: icosahedral and helical. In
theory the icosahedral symmetry may sometime referred as spherical based on the
external morphology. Icosahedral symmetry has 12 vertices, 30 edges, and 20 faces.
They also have two, three, or five fold symmetry based on the rotation through axes
passing through their edges, faces, and vertices respectively (Figure 3.1). The viruses of
this kind look spherical in shape. In helical symmetry the genomic RNA forms a spiral
within the core of the nucleocapsids (Figure 3.2). The viruses of this kind look rodlike or
filamentous. The viruses which contain large DNA genomes are more complex in
structure, for example- poxviruses and herpesviruses.

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Figure 3.1. An icosahedral virion structure showing two, three, and fivefold symmetry

Figure 3.2. Virus structure with helical symmetry.

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Table 3.1. Shape of viruses belonging to different families

Shape Family
Pleomorphic Poxviridae
Icosahedral Iridoviridae
Spherical Asfarviridae
Icosahedral Herpesviridae
Icosahedral Adenoviridae
Icosahedral Polyomaviridae
Icosahedral Papillomaviridae
Spherical Hepadnaviridae
Icosahedral Circoviridae
Icosahedral Parvoviridae
Spherical Retroviridae
Icosahedral Reoviridae
Icosahedral Birnaviridae
Pleomorphic Paramyxoviridae
Bullet shaped Rhabdoviridae
Filamentous Filoviridae
Spherical Bornaviridae
Pleomorphic Orthomyxoviridae
Spherical Bunyaviridae
Spherical Arenaviridae
Spherical Coronaviridae
Spherical Arteriviridae
Icosahedral Picornaviridae
Icosahedral Caliciviridae
Icosahedral Astroviridae
Spherical Togaviridae
Spherical Flaviviridae

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Virus Size
Viruses are generally much smaller than the bacteria and its average size varies from 25-
300 nm in diameter. They are visible under electron microscope and only the largest and
complex viruses are seen under light microscope with high resolution. Among all, the
smallest viruses belong to the families Circoviridae, Parvoviridae and Picornaviridae
which measure about 20 - 30 nm in diameter while the largest one belongs to Poxviridae
that measures around 250-300 nm in diameter. Recently, scientists isolated a new form of
virus that infects amoeba and grouped it under a separate family Mimiviridae. The
members of the family Mimiviridae range from 400-800 nm in diameter.

On an average a bacterial cell is about 1400 nm in diameter while an average epithelial

cell is about 20,000 nm. Considering both viruses and bacteria to be nearly spherical a
bacterial cell has a volume about 30,000 times greater than a virus while an epithelial cell
is about 60 million times larger.

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Table 4.1. Size of viruses belonging to different families

Size (nm) Family

300 Poxviridae
135-300 Iridoviridae
170-220 Asfarviridae
150 Herpesviridae
80-100 Adenoviridae
40-50 Polyomaviridae
55 Papillomaviridae
50 Hepadnaviridae
12-27 Circoviridae
15-25 Parvoviridae
80-100 Retroviridae
60-80 Reoviridae
60 Birnaviridae
150-250 Paramyxoviridae
100 Rhabdoviridae
80 Filoviridae
80-100 Bornaviridae
80-120 Orthomyxoviridae
80-120 Bunyaviridae
50-280 Arenaviridae
120-150 Coronaviridae
60-70 Arteriviridae
30 Picornaviridae
30-40 Caliciviridae
30 Astroviridae
70 Togaviridae
40-60 Flaviviridae

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Components of genomes
In general the viruses are made up of nucleic acids (genome), proteins (capsid), and lipids
(envelope). Viral genomes can be either DNA or RNA, when once inside a host cell it
directs synthesis of new viral proteins, and replication of new viral genomes. Capsid is a
protein covering that surrounds and protects the viral genome. It is made up of many
small subunits called as capsomeres which determine the shape of the virus. The
arrangement and composition of the capsomeres varies among the virus families.
Envelopes are the lipid bilayer membranes that are derived from the host cell membrane
when virus “buds” out from the plasma membrane or passes through a membrane-bound
organelle (such as the Golgi body or endoplasmic reticulum). The envelope contains
sometimes glycoprotein (protein with carbohydrate) in the form of spikes which helps
them in the attachment during the time of infection to the host cell surface (gp120 in
HIV). In non-enveloped viruses, grooves present in the capsid and specific capsid
proteins may bind to the cell surface receptor.

The most important and characteristic feature of a living organism is replication of its
genetic information. The mechanism of genome replication is done with greater economy
and simplicity among different viruses. Different families of viruses have their genome
made of either double stranded (ds) DNA or single stranded (ss) DNA or RNA. The
viruses that contain RNA genome may have either positive, negative, or mixed
(ambisense) polarity. In addition, they either have single or multiple segments in their
genome with linear or circular topology. Each of the above parameters have their
consequences for the pathways of viral genome replication, viral gene expression, and
virion assembly.

Among the families of viruses that infect animals and human, those containing RNA
genome outnumber those containing DNA genome. This disparity is even more in case of
plant viruses (no double stranded DNA virus that infect plant is known).

5.1. Viruses encode enzymes and follow unique pathways:

Almost all viruses encodes unique proteins and enzymes, moreover they follow unique
pathways to transfer their genetic information. This phenomenon is more pronounced in
case of RNA viruses, they either use RNA dependent RNA polymerase or in case of
retrovirus (HIV) RNA dependent DNA polymerase to complete their replication cycle.
Both of these processes requires unique enzymes that are encoded by the virus following
infection to the host cells and are generally absent elsewhere.

The RNA dependent RNA polymerase and reverse transcriptase have minimal
proofreading ability, as a result their error rate is very high (1 in 10,000) as compared to
the DNA replication. This means that an RNA virus particle will contain 1 or more
mutation from its parental wild type virus. Presence of many different subspecies of virus
particle in a population is also called as quasispecies nature of RNA viruses. The error
prone activity of RNA virus polymerase restricts the upper size limit of the genome

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above which they cannot survive. As a result of this phenomenon most of the RNA virus
have their genome size in the range of 5-15kb (coronavirus 30kb). The opposite is true in
case of DNA viruses where proofreading and error repair activity ensures accurate
replication of the viral DNA as big as 800 kb. The fact that DNA is more stable
chemically than RNA likely explains us why all thermophilic hosts contain viruses that
have dsDNA as their genetic material.
Table 5.1. Nature of genome of viruses belonging to different families

Nature of Genome Family

dsDNA Poxviridae
dsDNA Iridoviridae
dsDNA Asfarviridae
dsDNA Herpesviridae
dsDNA Adenoviridae
dsDNA Polyomaviridae
dsDNA Papillomaviridae
dsDNA-RT Hepadnaviridae
ssDNA Circoviridae
ssDNA Parvoviridae
ssRNA-RT Retroviridae
dsRNA Reoviridae
dsRNA Birnaviridae
NssRNA Paramyxoviridae
NssRNA Rhabdoviridae
NssRNA Filoviridae
NssRNA Bornaviridae
NssRNA Orthomyxoviridae
NssRNA Bunyaviridae
NssRNA Arenaviridae
ssRNA Coronaviridae
ssRNA Arteriviridae
ssRNA Picornaviridae
ssRNA Caliciviridae
ssRNA Astroviridae
ssRNA Togaviridae
ssRNA Flaviviridae
dsDNA= double stranded DNA
ssDNA= single stranded DNA
dsRNA= double stranded RNA
ssRNA= single stranded RNA
NssRNA= single stranded RNA with negative polarity

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Figure 5.1. Diversity among the viruses belonging to different groups

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Isolation and purification of viruses and


6.1. Virus Isolation

Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites that require living cells in order to replicate.
Generally cell culture, embryonated eggs and small laboratory animals are used for the
isolation of viruses. Embryonated eggs are very useful for the isolation of influenza and
paramyxoviruses. Although laboratory animals are useful in isolating different kind of
viruses, cell culture is still a preferred way for virus isolation in many of the laboratories.

For primary cell cultures, tissue fragments are first dissociated into small pieces with the
help of scissors and addition of trypsin. The cell suspension is then washed couple of
times with minimal essential media and seeded into a flat-bottomed glass or plastic
container bottle after resuspending it with a suitable liquid medium and fetal calf serum.
The cells are kept in incubator at 370C for 24 to 48hrs depending on the cell type. This
allows the cells to attach the surface of the container and its division following the
normal cell cycle.

Cell cultures are generally of 3 types:-

1. Primary culture – These are prepared directly from animal or human tissues and
can be subcultured only once or twice e.g. chicken embryo fibroblast.
2. Diploid cell culture – They are derived from neonatal tissues and can be
subcultured 5-10 times. e.g. human diploid fibroblasts cells.
3. Continuous cells – They are derived from tumor tissues and can be subcultured
more than 10 times. e.g. Vero, Hep2, Hela.

Specimens containing virus should be transported to the laboratory as soon as possible

upon being taken. Oral or cloacal swabs should be collected in vials containing virus
transport medium. Body fluids and tissues should be collected in a sterile container and
sealed properly. If possible all the samples should be maintained and transported in a cold
condition for higher recovery rates.

Upon receipt, the samples should be inoculated into cell culture depending on the history
and symptoms of the disease. The infected cell culture flask should be observed every
day for any presence of cytopathic effect (CPE). Certain kind of samples, such as faeces
and urine are toxic to the cell cultures and may produce a CPE-like effect. When virus
specific CPE is evident, it is advised to passage the infected culture fluid into a fresh cell
culture. For cell-associated viruses such as cytomegaloviruses, it is required to trypsinize
and passage the intact infected cells. Viruses such as adenovirus can be subcultured after
couple of time freezing and thawing of the infected cells.

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Susceptible cell lines:

Influenza virus- MDCK cells, Vero cells.

Paramyxoviruses- DF-1 cells, Vero cells.
Adenoviruses- HEK cells, HuH7 cells.
Herpesviruses- LMH cells.
Respiratory syncytia virus- Hep2 cells, Vero cells.

Figure 6.1. Virus induced CPE in cell culture

6.2. Purification of virus and components:

6.2.1. Ultracentrifugation:
The viruses are usually purified with the help of ultracentrifugation. The machine is
capable of rotating the samples at 20,000-100,000 rpm under the density gradient of
CsCl2 or sucrose. Density at which viruses neither sink nor float when suspended in a
density gradient is called as buoyant density. The rate at which viral particles sediment
under a defined gravitational force is called as sedimentation coefficient. The basic unit
is the Svedberg (S) which is 10-13 sec. The S value of a virus is used to estimate its
molecular weight.

Types of sedimentation medium:

A. Sucrose cushions or gradient - A fixed concentration or a linear gradient of sucrose

is used. Increasing the density and viscosity of the medium decreases the rate at which
virus sediments through them. In general a "cushion" of sucrose is prepared at the bottom
of the centrifuge tube and the sample containing virus is overlaid over the cushion. Since
most viruses have greater densities than sucrose, separation is based on S values. This

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method can be used to separate molecules with relatively close S values. Sometime
glycerol is also used in place of sucrose.

B. CsCl2 gradient centrifugation - A linear gradient of CsCl2 in buffer is prepared in the

ultracentrifuge tube. As the concentration of the CsCl2 is increased the density of the
medium increases in the tube so that density is low at the top and high at the bottom.
Viral particle centrifuged through this medium will form a band at a position equal to
their buoyant density. These are useful to separate viruses of different densities.
Limitation of this method is that CsCl2 can permanently inactivate some viruses.

6.2.2. Other techniques for separation:

Viruses can also be separated by electrophoresis and column chromatography but these
are not the preferred way to separate virus while sometimes they are used to separate
viral nucleic acids or proteins. Both the methods separate the virus on the basis of charge
and/or size. Virus contains a variety of charged macromolecule on its surface which
contributes to its electrophoretic mobility or ion-exchange characteristics. Viruses are
sometimes ligated with the charged group to be separated by ion exchange
chromatography. Molecular sieve chromatography can also be used to purify the viruses
where large pores are formed with the help of special agarose through which virus
particles can enter.

6.3. Purity of viruses:

Many methods are used to assess the purity of virus. The ratio of UV absorption at 260
and 280 nm during a spectrophotometric analysis (260/280) is a characteristic feature to
measure the purity of a virus sample and is dependent on the amount of nucleic acid and
protein present in the virion. Serological methods such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay (ELISA), radioimmuno precipitation assay (RIPA), western blot, virus
neutralization test (VNT), and complement fixation are also used to check the puirity of a
virus sample. These methods require antibodies specific to viral proteins that may be
monoclonal (single type of antibody specific to a single viral protein) or polyclonal
(several different antibodies that may recognize several viral proteins or epitopes). Plaque
assay is also performed in order to isolate the single colony from a pool of quasispecies

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Figure 6.2. A general approach for purifying a virus from tissue culture cells

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