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Some of The Notable Tripartite Bodies Are

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Tripartite Bodies:

The principals and policies of the tripartite body have been a machinery of consultancy at the
industrial and national levels. The tripartite body was established to make peace and improve
relations between management and unions, and maintain smooth functioning of union
management relations. It began as a statutory organization by the recommendation of the Whitey
Commission to the ILO in 1931. The tripartite body had to be sufficiently large to ensure
sufficient representation of the various interests involved; encourage representatives of
employers, labor and government to meet regularly; and disallow individual members from
making individual contributions to meetings.

Purpose of Tripartite Body:

a. Bring the aggravated parties together for mutual settlement of differences, and encourage a
spirit of cooperation and goodwill.

b. Promote uniformity in labor laws and legislation.

c. Discuss all matters of All India importance as between employers and employees.

d. Determine a plan for settlement for all disputes.

Some of the notable tripartite bodies are-

 The Indian Labour Conference (ILC)

 The Standing Labour Committee (SLC)
 The Committee on Conventions
 The Industrial committee

Other bodies of tripartite nature which deals in various aspects of labour problems -

 Steering Committee on Wages

 Central Implementation and Evaluation Machinery
 Central Boards of Workers’ Education
 National Productivity Council

Indian Labour Conference (ILC) and Standing Labour Committee(SLC) have been
constituted to suggest ways and means to prevent disputes. The representatives of the workers and
employers are nominated to these bodies by the Central Government in consultation with the All-
India organizations of workers and employers. The Labour Ministry settles the agenda for
ILC/SLC meetings after taking into consideration the suggestions sent to it by member
organizations. These two bodies work with minimum procedural rules to facilitate free and fuller
discussions among the members. The ILC meets once a year, whereas the SLC meets as and when

ILC and SLC are both important constituents of tripartite bodies and play a vital role in shaping
the IR system of the country.The function of ILC is to advise the Government of India matter
referred to it for advice, taking into account suggestions made by the provincial government, the
states and representative of the organizations of workers and employers´.The function of SLC is to
consider and examine such questions as may be referred to it by the central government and to
render advice,taking into account the suggestions made by various governments, workers and

The functions of ILC are

1 To promote uniformity in labour legislation

2 To lay down a procedure for the settlement of industrial disputes
3 To discuss matters of All-India importance as between employers and employee
According to the National Commission on Labour these 2bodies have contributed to attainment of
the objectives set before them. They have facilitated the enactment of central legislation on
various subjects to be made applicable to all the states and union territories in order to promote
uniformity in labour legislation.

Tripartite deliberations have helped reached consensus on statutory wage fixation, introduction of
a health insurance scheme, enactment of the Standing Employment Order Act1946,, Industrial
Disputes Act 1947, Minimum Wages Act1948, Employees· State Insurance Act 1948, Provident
Fund Scheme 1950, The Mines Act 1952 etc.

Other subjects processed by tripartite bodies are workers education, workers participation in
management, training, wage policy, Code of Discipline, criteria and procedures for the recognition
of unions. Though the recommendation of tripartite bodies is of advisory nature, they carry
considerable weight with the government, workers and employers, A detailed account of various
resolutions adopted by the ILC’s in their last two sessions is presented here:

The 30th Session of the Indian Labour Conference

The 30th Session of the ILC was held on September 7-8, 1993 at New Delhi. After deliberations,it
arrived at the following conclusions4.

1.On the impact of New Industrial Policy, the chairman referred to the assurance by
the Prime Minister that it would not lead to any human distress and the legitimate
interests of labour would be protected.
2.In regard to retraining and redeployment, the conference desired identification of
labour for such retraining and redeployment and a scheme for industry-wise and
occupation-wise redeployment. The conference also expressed the view that
Government should identify the agency for retraining and their redeployment. The
conference also wanted to know how labour of one unit would be redeployed in
another unit.
1 For absorption of surplus labour, if any, as for maximizing capacity utilization,
the conference suggested diversification and broad-basing by working the units round
the clock and on all days of the week.
4.The conference expressed its serious concern at the low productivity of Indian
industry and expressed its determination to improve wherever necessary its
productivity, enhance its quality and reduce the price of goods to make them
internationally competitive. The conference decided to strive for improvement in
discipline and attitude to work at all levels. It also decided that bipartite efforts to
improve productivity and quality should be institutionalized.
5.The Trade Unions demanded:
 The removal of ceiling on bonus both for eligibility and for computation
by promulgation of an ordinance;
 The immediate implementation of the DA rate of Rs.2 per point of the
Consumer Price Index (1960 series).
 Permission for the managements of the public sector units to commence
negotiations with the unions on their charter of demands immediately.
 Clearance by government to the agreement regarding pension and for the
pension scheme for its early introduction.
 Enhancement of the rate of interest on Employees’ Provident Fund to at
least 13 per cent.
 Enhancement of the limits of exemption of income tax substantially.
6.The employers wanted postponement of the decision on removal of ceiling on
bonus both for eligibility and computation of bonus by one year so that a well-
thought out scheme could be evolved. They also wanted productivity linked bonus as
prescribed under the law.
7.The trade unions indicated that the first National Commission on Labour was
appointed about 25 years ago and a time had come to set up another National
Commission on Labour to examine the issues that labour was facing today in view of
the many changes that has occurred in the meantime.
8.The Labour Cell in the Planning Commission may be revived to facilitate
consultation with trade unions while formulating policies concerning labour. The
view expressed by the participants in the conference with regard to employment
policy may be conveyed to the Planning Commission for its consideration and for the
consideration of the two Sub-Committees of the Planning Commission/ NDC which
are considering strategies for implementation of the employment policy.
31st Session of I.L.C
This session of I.L.C was held at Delhi on 3rd-4th January 1995.In this session various problems
of industrial relations in the context of changed economic environment were discussed. The
various resolutions adopted at the said conference are as under.

1.The institution of the Indian Labour Conference should be strengthened further

2.The Central and State Governments and the social partners should come together in
making the comprehensive industrial relations law a reality and an instrument of
production, productivity, employment generation and enhancement of living
3.Productivity of economic enterprises as a whole is of paramount importance.
4.The government should give special attention to streamlining the public distribution
system, particularly in centers of concentration of working people.
5.The Government should review the situation arising out of the wage negotiations in
Central Public Sector Undertakings and should facilitate speedy conclusion of wage
negotiations and settlements.
6.The worker’s representatives demanded that the eligibility and calculation ceilings
under the Payment of Bonus Act should be scrapped, whereas the employers’
representatives demanded that a quick decisions should be taken on introduction of
DA slabs.
7.The government should introduce the Pension for Provident Fund subscribers on
priority basis and there should be tripartite consultations before its introduction.
Management of Social Security Funds should be professionally handled so as to
maximize the returns on investments.
8.Steps should be taken for speedy and orderly investigation into the rehabilitation of
sick industrial enterprises registered with the BIFR,minimizing distress for the
workers and disabilities for the employers.
9.The constitution and the functioning of the National Renewal Fund should be
reviewed such that the Fund truly serves the purpose of industrial renewal and
regeneration and creation of employment opportunities.
10.Implementation of training programmes should be undertaken within the
framework of a well thought-out plan.
11.The Central and State Governments should give high priority to allocation of
resources for elementary and vocational education. Special attention should be given
to the education of women.
12.The government should enact, on priority basis, laws for covering agricultural and
construction workers.
13.The Labour Ministry should set up an Advisory Body to review, from time to time,
the status of women.
14.The Constitution of the Child Labour Advisory Committee should be reviewed to
ensure that it is fully representative of the social partners.
15.Representatives from workers’ and employers’ organizations should be included in
the National delegation to the World Summit for Social Development.
16.The Vocational Training System in the country should be reorganized.
17.The resolutions of the 32nd Session of the Standing Labour Committee in respect
of the social clause, child labour elimination and bonded labour were fully endorsed.
The social partners should take further follow up action on the resolutions.18. The
new International Economic Order holds out vast opportunities for economic
betterment and up gradation of the living standards of the people. The risks involved
in formulating and implementing economic policies to avail of these opportunities
should be so handled as to minimize human distress.
Standing Labour Committee India

The 31st Session of Standing Labour Committee

The 31st session of S.L.C was held in New Delhi on July 25, 1992. The Committee arrived at the
following conclusions:

1.It was resolved that future sessions of the Standing Labour Committee(SLC) should
carry fewer items on the agenda so that these could be discussed in greater detail.
2.It was resolved that Government may bring specific proposals for new Industrial
Relations Law in the ensuring session of Indian Labour Conference which should
reflect the needs of the qualitative change in the industrial /economic scenario in the
national/global context.
3.It was resolved to set up a tripartite sub-committee to review the implementation of
important Labour laws.
4.It was resolved to set up an autonomous Bipartite Productivity Councils at the
national, regional, industrial and plant levels.
The 32nd Session of Standing Labour Committee
The thirty second session of the Standing Labour Committee was held in New Delhi on October
27, 1994. It discussed various issues concerning employment, vocational training, child labour,
bonded labour, labour standards and international trade. It adopted three important resolutions
discussed below:

1.Social Clause: It was agreed that the government along with employers and labour
organizations would resist in I.L.O. and all other fora any attempt to introduce
“Social clause”, in relation to carrying our marketing at the international level,
contingent upon enforcement of labour standards. Further,it advocated sustained
national and international action for upgrading labour standards without any trade

2.Child Labour: With respect to child labour, it remarked that the “Central and State
Governments and Organizations of employers and workers should take co-ordinated
action for the elimination of child labour in hazardous occupations by the year 2000
and in other employments progressively”. It also emphasized that both Central and
State Governments should implement time bound and action plans to take away
children from work and provide them education, primary vocational training, health
and nutrition and concurrently provide to the parents of such children gainful
2 Bonded Labour: It exhorted that all states should take fresh surveys for the
identification release and rehabilitation of bonded labour.Besides this, measures shall
be initiated to check the relapse of bondage of such labour.

Committee on Conventions:

Once a country has ratified an ILO convention,it is obliged to report regularly on measures it has
taken to implement it. The government must submit reports regularly detailing the steps they have
taken in law and practice to apply any of the conventions they may have ratified. Governments are
required to submit copies of their reports to employers· and workers· organizations. These
organizations may comment on the governments· reports; they may also send comments on the
application of conventions directly to the ILO.Committee in Conventions is a three-man tripartite
committee set up in 1954. The object was To examine the ILO conventions and recommendations
which have not so far been ratified by India.To make suggestions with regard to a phased and
speedy implementation of ILO standards.

It is generally composed of eminent jurists appointed by the Governing Body for three-year terms.
The Experts come from different geographic regions,legal systems and cultures. The Committee's
role is to provide an impartial and technical evaluation of the state of application of international
labour standards.When examining the application of international labour standards the Committee
of Experts makes two kinds of comments: observations and direct requests.Observations contain
comments on fundamental questions raised by the application of a particular convention by a state.
These observations are published in the Committee's annual report.

Direct requests relate to more technical questions or requests for further information. They are not
published in the report but are communicated directly to the governments concerned. The
Committee's annual report consists of three parts. Part I contains a General Report, which includes
comments about member states' respect for their Constitutional obligations and highlights from
the Committee's observations Part II contains the observations on the application of international
labour standards Part III is a General Survey.

Industrial Committees

Industrial Committees are tripartite bodies where the number of workers· representatives are equal
to the employers· representatives. These were set up to discuss various specific problems special
to the industries covered by them and suggest ways to overcome them. These committees provide
a forum for the discussion of proposals for legislation and other matters connected with the labour
policy and administration before they brought before the legislature.

Other committees

Steering Committee on Wages:

It was set up in 1956 and consists of representatives of state government, employers, workers and
an economist.Its functions were

 To study trends in wages, production and price.

 To draw a wage map of India.
 To help laying down principles which will guide wage fixing authorities2.
 Central Boards of Workers Education:
This was constituted to encourage growth of strong and well informed trade union movement on
responsible and constructive lines and comprised of representatives of central & state government,
employers and workers
National Productivity Council:
It encouraged the productivity in the country and consists of the government, employers
associations, labourers association & organizations and independent experts.
Central Implementation and Evaluation Machinery:
This is setup to ensure proper implementation of labour awards, agreements and Code of
Discipline. It consists of 4 representatives each of central employers· and workers organizations
with union labour minister as chairman

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