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People vs. Sequiño

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264, NOVEMBER 13, 1996 79 under which they are executed, restrict or hinder the free exercise of the will of the
victim or inspire him with fear.”
People vs. Sequiño Same; Same; Words and Phrases; The term “homicide” is understood in its
G.R. No. 117397. November 13, 1996.* generic sense, hence, it includes the commission of murder or slight physical injuries
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, vs.ERMELINDO SEQUIÑO, during the robbery.—The crime becomes robbery with homicide when by reason or on
VICENTE TUMANGAN, and NENITO MELVIDA, accused-appellants. occasion of a robbery with the use of violence against or intimidation of person, the
crime of homicide shall have been committed. The term “homicide” is understood in
Constitutional Law; Extrajudicial Confessions; Evidence; “Fruit of the Poisonous its generic sense, hence, it includes the commission of murder or slight physical
Tree” Doctrine; The rule is settled that once the primary source (the “tree”) is shown injuries during the robbery.
to have been unlawfully obtained, any secondary or derivative evidence (the “fruit”) Same; Same; Conspiracy; The agreement to commit a crime may be gleaned
derived from it is also inadmissible.—Since the “recovery” of P9,000.00 from Melvida from the mode and manner of the commission of the offense or inferred from the acts
was due to his “admission” in the course of the custodial interrogation made in of the accused which point to a joint purpose and design, concerted action, and
violation of paragraph (1) of Section 12, Article III of the Constitution and, therefore, community of intent.—The trial court was likewise correct in finding conspiracy in this
inadmissible in evidence pursuant to paragraph (3) of the said section then the case.
P9,000.00 cannot also be admitted in evidence as a “fruit of the poisonous tree.” The There is conspiracy when two or more persons come to an agreement
rule is settled that once the primary source (the “tree”) is shown to have been concerning the commission of a felony and decide to commit it. It is not required that
unlawfully obtained—as the admission of Melvida in this case—any secondary or there be an agreement for an appreciable period prior to the occurrence; rather, it is
derivative evidence (the “fruit”) derived from it—the P9,000.00 obtained from Melvida sufficient that at the time of the commission of the offense, the accused had the same
as a consequence of his “admission”—is also inadmissible. purpose and were united in its execution. The agreement to commit a crime may be
Same; Arrests; Words and Phrases; Where a policeman suspected a person to gleaned from the mode and manner of the commission of the offense or inferred from
have committed a crime, the act of such suspect voluntarily going with the policeman the acts of the accused which point to a joint purpose and design, concerted action,
upon such officer’s “invitation” constituted an arrest.—Regardless of Luna’s claim to and community of intent.
the contrary, accused Nenito Melvida was arrested. An arrest “is the taking of a Same; Same; Same; Where conspiracy is established, it matters not who
person into custody in order that he may be bound to answer for the commission of among the accused actually shot and killed the victim, for that criminal act is
an offense,” and it is made “by an actual restraint of the person to be arrested, or by attributable to all accused.—In this case, the three accused were one in blocking the
his submission to the custody of the person making the arrest.” Melvida’s voluntarily motorcycle of Godinez, Serafin, and Broniola, and commanding their victims to stop.
going with Luna upon the latter’s “invitation” was a submission to Luna’s custody, and They were also unanimous in fleeing the crime scene, taking a single route to Daang
Luna believed that Melvida was a suspect in the robbery charged herein, hence, Lungsod. These concerted acts indicate a community of criminal intent which is the
Melvida was being held to answer for the commission of the said offense. essence of conspiracy. Conspiracy having been established, it matters not who
Same; Same; Where a policeman had no personal knowledge of facts among the accused actually shot and killed Pedro Broniola, for that criminal act is
indicating a suspect’s guilt—at best, only an unreasonable suspicion—then the attributable to all three accused.
warrantless arrest effected was illegal.—Since he was arrested without warrant, the Same; Same; Damages; The award of moral and exemplary damages is
inquiry must now be whether a valid warrantless arrest was effected. Rule 113 of the improper where there is no factual basis therefor.—We do not, however, agree with its
Rules on Criminal Procedure provides: * * * The first and last conditions enumerated awards of moral and exemplary damages of P10,000.00 each to Eugenio Godinez,
above are not applicable in this case; and under the facts herein, neither does the Jimmy Serafin, and Presentacion vda. de Broniola. There is no factual basis therefor
second condition apply. Luna’s basis for arresting Melvida was the bio-data sheet with insofar as Godinez and Serafin are concerned since they did not ask for and testify
Melvida’s name on it found at the crime scene. By no means can this indicate that thereon. Only Presentacion vda. deBroniola asked for moral damages of P50,000.00
Melvida committed the offense charged. It does not even connote that Melvida was at for her “worries” due to the death of her husband. As to exemplary damages, the law
the crime scene for the bio-data sheet could have been obtained by anyone and left is clear that they can be recovered in criminal cases only when the crime was
at the crime scene long before or after the crime was committed. Luna, therefore, had committed with one or more aggravating circumstances, none of which was proven in
no personal knowledge of facts indicating Melvida’s guilt; at best, he had an this case. The award then of P10,000.00 in favor of Presentacion vda. de Broniola
unreasonable suspicion. Melvida’s arrest was thus illegal. must be deemed as for moral damages only.
Criminal Law; Robbery with Homicide; To sustain a conviction for the crime of Same; Same; Same; The accused should indemnify the owner for the cash
robbery with homicide, it is necessary that the essential elements of the crime be taken where it was never established by admissible evidence that any portion of such
conclusively proved.—The next task is to determine whether the crime charged under amount had been recovered.—Also, the trial court should have ordered the accused-
the information was sufficiently established. To sustain a conviction for the crime of appellants to indemnify, jointly and severally, the Hacienda Jose Ancajas in the
robbery with homicide, it is necessary that the essential elements of the crime be amount of P50,557.17, representing the amount withdrawn from the bank and taken
conclusively proved. Taking, with the intent to gain, of personal property belonging to by them from Eugenio Godinez, since it was never established by admissible
another by means of violence against or intimidation of any person, or using force evidence that any portion of this amount had been recovered.
upon things makes one liable for robbery. Intimidation is present in the taking when
“acts are performed which, in their own nature or by reason of the circumstances APPEAL from a decision of the Regional Trial Court of Cebu City, Br. 21.
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. As the three were in sitio Lahug, Antipolo, Medellin, Cebu, and nearing the
The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee. hacienda, the accused, armed with guns, tried to block their path and ordered them to
Juanito M. Gabiana for accused-appellants. stop. Godinez recognized the armed men because Nenito Melvida and Ermelindo
Sequiño used to work in the hacienda while Vicente Tumangan’s parents were
DAVIDE, JR., J.: Godinez’s neighbors.6
Serafin drove on, but as the motorcycle went past the accused, he and Godinez
Accused-appellants Ermelindo Sequiño, Vicente Tumangan and Nenito Melvida heard a gunshot.7 Godinez noticed that Broniola had fallen off the motorcycle. Serafin
appeal from the decision1 of 24 February 1994 (promulgated on 1 March 1994) of the leapt from the motorcycle and ran away. The motorcycle toppled over Godinez,
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Cebu City, Branch 21, in Criminal Case No. CBU- pinning him to the ground. Accused Tumangan, with gun in hand, approached
22486, finding them guilty of the crime of robbery with homicide as charged in an Godinez, took the money from the money bag, and fled on foot with his co-accused.
information2 whose accusatory portion reads: With the assailants gone, Godinez ran home, leaving Broniola behind.8 Meanwhile,
That on or about the 24th day of April, 1991 at 12:00 o’clock noon, more or less at the Serafin had proceeded to the house of the Broniolas, which was near the crime
Public Highway, Sitio Lahug, Barangay Antipolo, Municipality of Medellin, Province of scene, and informed Broniola’s wife of the incident.9
Cebu, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the SPO Elpidio Luna, who was then at the Medellin police headquarters, received a
abovenamed accused, conspiring and confederating and helping one another, did report from another policeman about a robbery at sitio Antipolo. Together with other
then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously with deliberate intent and intent to policemen and some “Cafgus,” Luna went to the crime scene where he found an
gain, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously take, steal and carry away abandoned motorcycle. People who by then had milled around the site informed Luna
the payroll money in the amount of FIFTY THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY (sic) “that the culprit had already fled.” Luna noticed that the “bushes were compressed”
SEVEN PESOS AND 17/100 (P50,577.17), Philippine Currency, belonging to Had. and found “a piece of paper utilized as toiler paper with a stool on it [which] was
Jose Ancajas Agricultural Corporation to the damage and prejudice of said somewhat newly delivered.” The paper was a bio-data sheet 10 with the name
corporation in the amount aforestated, and on the occasion thereof, did then and “Melvida, Nenito” and the entry for the father’s name filled in with “Elpidio Melvida.”11
there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously taking advantage of their superior number One bystander volunteered to take Luna to Elpidio Melvida’s house where,
and strength and with intent to kill, attack, assault and shoot Pedro Broniola who was however, Elpidio told Luna that Nenito Melvida was not there but was at his (Nenito’s)
backriding [sic] a motorcycle, thereby inflicting upon him [a] gunshot wound on the brother’s house. Elpidio took Luna to the said house where Luna saw the accused
head, and as a result thereof said Pedro Broniola died thereafter. Nenito Melvida playing cards with other persons. Luna asked Melvida to go with him
CONTRARY TO LAW. to the barangay captain’s house. Melvida hesitated at first, but his companions
prevailed upon him to go with Luna.12
This information was filed in due course after receipt by the Office of the Provincial The barangay captain was not home, so Luna took Melvida to the police station
Prosecutor of Cebu of the record in Criminal Case No. 4739-M of the Third Municipal instead. Melvida was kept at the station the whole evening of 24 April 1991 for
Circuit Trial Court (MCTC) of Daanbantayan-Medellin, Province of Cebu, where a investigation conducted, first, by Luna, then, by his fellow policemen Sgt. Pablo Ygot,
complaint for highway robbery with homicide under P.D. No. 532 was filed on 25 April Cpl. Alfredo Mondigo and Eliseo Tepait, as Luna had to take his supper. Melvida was
1991 against the accused-appellants.3 allowed to go home the next day, but only after the police had filed criminal charges
In connection with the same incident, a separate information for illegal possession against him and he had posted bail. Melvida was not assisted by counsel during the
of firearms was filed against accused Vicente Tumangan with the RTC of Cebu, which police investigation, although Luna assured the trial judge that the Municipal Mayor of
was docketed as Criminal Case No. CBU-22297 and assigned to Branch 15 of the Medellin, who is a lawyer, was present. While Luna claimed he asked the Mayor to
said court.4 For reasons undisclosed, the said case and this case were not act as Melvida’s counsel, he admitted that this request did not appear in the record of
consolidated for joint trial. the investigation. Luna’s investigation of Melvida was not reduced into writing.13
In Criminal Case No. CBU-22486, the witnesses presented by the prosecution in In the course of Luna’s investigation, Melvida admitted that he kept “his share
its evidence in chief were Eugenio Godinez, Jimmy Serafin, police officers Elpidio from the loot” in his house. Melvida then was brought to his house where he got
Luna, Alfredo Mondigo and Mario Remulta, Dr. Arturo Sormillon, Lt. Myrna Areola, P9,000.00, in one hundred peso bills, placed inside a shoe which he delivered to the
Emilio Daclan, Atty. Perpetua Socorro Belarmino, and Presentacion vda. deBroniola, policemen.14
while Olympio Lozano was presented as rebuttal witness. During the investigation conducted by SPO3 Alfredo Mondigo,15 Melvida admitted
Only the accused testified in their defense. that his (Melvida’s) companions during the robbery were Vicente Tumangan and
The People’s version of the facts as testified to by its witnesses is as follows: Ermelindo Sequiño, who were staying in the house of Juanito Hones in Daanlungsod,
At around noon of 24 April 1991, Eugenio Godinez, overseer since 1952 of Medellin, Cebu. Immediately, Mondigo and policeman Proniely Artiquela proceeded to
Hacienda Jose Ancajas in Medellin, Cebu, and Pedro Broniola, the hacienda’s the house of Hones where they saw Tumangan and Sequiño on the porch. Noticing
bookkeeper, went to the Medellin Rural Bank, located three kilometers from the something bulging on the waist of Tumangan, Mondigo and Artiquela approached
hacienda, to withdraw P50,557.17 to pay for the wages of the hacienda workers. The Tumangan and asked him what was that bulging at his waist. Tumangan did not
bank’s cashier instructed Jimmy Serafin, janitor and motorcycle driver of the bank, to answer. So, Mondigo patted the bulge which turned out to be a .38 caliber Squires
drive Godinez and Broniola back to the hacienda on one of the bank’s motorcycles. Bingham revolver with holster and four bullets.16 When asked if he had a license for
Serafin drove the motorcycle with Godinez behind him and Broniola behind Godinez. the firearm, Tumangan answered in the negative. Mondigo and Artiquela then brought
Godinez carried the money in a money bag which he hung over his left shoulder.5 Tumangan and Sequiño to the police station. Tumangan was then investigated in the
presence of the Municipal Mayor. Tumangan admitted that he was one of the Lozano also reported to the Cebu City Police Station 3 Tumangan’s failure to return
holduppers.17 the firearm to the security agency, which was recorded as an “Estafa Alarm” in the
Mondigo further declared that the police recovered P22,526.00, 18 but could not said station’s blotter.30
explain any further how the recovery was made and from whom. As to this amount, The defense interposed alibi and denial and suggested a frame-up for their
SPO1 Mariano Remulta, property custodian of the Medellin PNP station, merely exculpation.
declared that he was entrusted with the P22,526.00 which, according to the station Accused-appellant Nenito Melvida claims he was at his brother’s house at the
commander, was “recovered in connection with the highway robbery case.” 19 On the time of the crime, as his sister-in-law told him to stay there while she was in Cebu City
morning of 25 April 1991, the sworn statements of Eugenio Godinez 20 and Jimmy and her husband was at work. Later that night, police officer Luna came to the house
Serafin21 were taken at the PNP Headquarters in Medellin, Cebu, by P/Cpl. Eliseo and showed Melvida the soiled bio-data which he admitted to be his. He was asked if
Tepait and P/Sgt. Elpidio Luna, respectively. On the same date, the criminal complaint “we were the ones responsible for the robbery and killing” and he said “that is not
for highway robbery with homicide (Criminal Case No. 4739-M) was filed with the true.” Melvida was brought to the police station where he was asked if he knew those
Third MCTC of Daanbantayan-Medellin, Cebu. persons who just arrived in his barrio. He identified one of those persons as accused-
Paraffin tests were then conducted on the accused by Lt. Myrna Areola, forensic appellant Ermelindo Sequiño whom he saw in Sequino’s aunt’s house as he was
chemist of the PNP Crime Laboratory in Camp Cabahug, Cebu City. The tests yielded fetching water at around 5:00 p.m. He claims he was acquainted only with Sequiño
negative results for the presence of gunpowder residue on both hands of Tumangan and he just met accused-appellant Vicente Tumangan while they had been
and Melvida, while Sequiño’s left hand tested positive for gunpowder residue.22 detained.31
Dr. Arturo Sormillon conducted the post-mortem examination on Pedro Broniola. Accused-appellants Tumangan and Sequiño also placed themselves somewhere
He found a single gunshot wound “at the upper back of [Broniola’s] head. The else at the time of the crime. At 7:00 a.m. of 24 April 1991, Tumangan had just left his
entrance of the bullet was at the upper back of the nape and the bullet exited at the post as a security guard at the Asian Arts, Inc., in Labangon, Cebu City, and at 1:00
mouth splitting the tongue.” Probing the wound, Dr. Sormillon determined that the p.m. he went to Medellin together with his friend, Sequiño. They were to procure
bullet followed an upward path from the lower nape and out of the victim’s mouth, Sequiño’s birth certificate to be used in the latter’s wedding. The two arrived in
thus, he raised the possibility that the gun used was positioned lower than the exit Medellin at 5:00 p.m. and they stayed in Sequino’s aunt’s house. They went to sleep
wound. He also advanced that by the nature of the wound, death was early as they were tired from their long trip from Cebu City.32
instantaneous.23 At 8:00 p.m., police officers Mondigo and Artequela came and were let in by
Emilio Daclan, stenographer of Branch 15 of the RTC of Cebu, authenticated the Sequino’s aunt. Tumangan and Sequiño awoke to find Mondigo and Artequela
transcript of stenographic notes of Mondigo’s testimony in People vs. Tumangan, pointing an armalite and a .38 caliber pistol, respectively, at Tumangan. Other
Criminal Case No. CBU-22297.24 policemen searched the house, claiming they were looking for firearms. Tumangan
Atty. Perpetua Socorro Belarmino, Branch Clerk of Court of the aforesaid trial asked what had happened and why the police were pointing guns at him, but the
court, brought the firearm, a .38 caliber revolver with serial number 1022560, and four policemen did not answer. He said he had no gun, but the officers said he lied.
live bullets, allegedly confiscated from accused Tumangan. Through Belarmino, the Tumangan and Sequiño were told to go downstairs, leaving Mondigo and Artequela
prosecution also presented a certification dated 30 May 1992, issued by PNP Cebu upstairs to continue their search. When they came down the policemen said they had
Provincial Director Rodolfo L. Esparagoza, stating that Vicente Tumangan had not found a gun, a .38 caliber “Squires Bingham,” which Tumangan recognized “because
been issued a license nor a permit to possess the firearm described above.25 Atty. it was the same as the firearm given to me as a security guard.” 33 Tumangan and
Belarmino, however, was not the incumbent clerk of court when the said exhibits were Sequiño were brought to the police station that same evening. At the station,
presented in Criminal Case No. CBU-22297.26 Tumangan was interrogated by the police without the assistance of counsel, while
According to Presentacion vda. de Broniola, her husband Pedro Broniola earned Sequiño was left in a cell.34
a monthly salary of P1,200.000 from Hacienda Jose Ancajas and died at the age of The trial court gave weight to the prosecution’s evidence and in its decision it
63. At the time of his death, he was already receiving P880.00 from the Social found:
Security System. As a consequence of his death, she suffered “worries” which she CLEARLY, the accused is interposing the defense of denial with traces of alibi and
quantified at P50,000.00. She also asked P10,000.00 as exemplary damages.27 frame-up. So, it behooves the Court to weigh properly the evidence both ways.
Rebuttal witness Olympio Lozano, “operation officer of the Forever Security and The testimonies of the accused, even collectively considered, do not inspire
general services,” testified to disprove accused Tumangan’s claim “that on April 23, belief. It is not just because they were self-serving but mostly because their
the day before the incident in 24 April that was his day off with Forever Security assertions, despite efforts to produce the desired effect, have come out but flimsily
Agency.”28 According to Lozano, Tumangan went on absence without leave on 4 April skirting on what should squarely be reasonable or logical and natural. And these
1991, as evidenced by a spot report dated 3 April 1991 which he prepared reading as attributes are too apparent in this Court’s narration of evidence and the facts they
follows: establish, if at all (supra).
1. On or about 0700H more or less 3 April 91 at the vicinity of Asian Arts, Inc., Firstly, the Court must say that the accused’s defense of alibi and frame-up is not
Labangon, Cebu City, Security Guard Vicente Tumangan, an outgoing security guard persuasive. The defense theory bares the badges of a concoction easy to formulate
failed to turned over service revolver cal. 38 w/serial number 769398, local made w/ but hard to prove. Thus, as between the positive declarations of the prosecution
5rds ammo to the in-coming security guard, which investigation disclosed that SG witnesses (direct eyewitnesses, themselves co-participants with the homicide victim,
Tumangan hurriedly went out of the company carrying a medium size bag presumably Pedro Broniola, in the swift robbery drama: Eugenio Godinez from whose shoulder
containing the said firearm.29 the money bag was snatched by an armed Vicente Tumangan as Godinez was
pinned helpless under the weight of the motorcycle that had fallen to wayside, and existence of a common design to commit the offense charged (People v. Buntan, Sr.,
Jimmy Serafin, who drove the motorcycle on which had ridden at his back Godinez G.R. No. 90736, 12 April 1993).
and then Broniola—they saw the three accused apparently waiting for them as they Thus, with conspiracy present, the fact of shooting from the direction of the three
drove to the hacienda house; they heard shouts from where the accused were for the accused and the fact that the shooting hit Broniola who fell off the motorcycle, and
riders to stop the motorcycle; they heard the gunfire from the accused; they witnessed killed him, are all that matter, irrespective as to who of the three had indeed fired the
Broniola hit and dropped from the vehicle by the shooting from the vehicle; they fatal shot. For, after all, the liability of one is the culpability of all in a conspiracy. The
witnessed Serafin leave the vehicle and run away) and the negative statements of the finger of probability, though, strongly points to accused Ermelindo Sequiño as the
accused, the former deserves more credence (People v. Esquerra, G.R. No. 97959, 7 gunfiring member of the armed trio upon the forensic chemist’s finding of “presence of
April 1993). gunpowder residue on the left hand of Ermelindo Sequiño,” reliable that the paraffin
Needless to elaborate, there was homicide in the course of the robbery, and the tests on the accused could be, they having been administered just slightly more than
fact of this death has been officially recorded. 24 hours after the fatal shooting was done. Add the following:
No amount of denial, or petty alibi, can shake the solid identifications of the
accused by their own robbery victims. Eugenio Godinez, in particular, was categorical Undisputed is the fact of police recovery of “partitions” of the loot (cash) not from
in this, saying that he had long known the three accused even before the incident one of the three accused but from the three of them in separate “hiding” places.
(page 2, supra.). And how could he—in broad daylight and at almost high noon at all The evidence has established indubitably the following material facts:
—miss recognizing Vicente Tumangan whose face was hardly a foot away from The motorcycle riders (named, supra), who were carrying cash just withdrawn
Godinez’s face when Tumangan grabbed the money bag from Godinez’s shoulder? from the Medellin Rural Bank for the salaries of employees of the Hacienda Ancajas
The accused themselves were one in telling the Court that they and the police were held up by three armed men who were identified as the accused, about
officers who had followed up this case had not had any misunderstanding or noontime on 24 April 1991 in sitio Lahug, barangay Antipolo, municipality of Medellin,
differences; they did not even know each other until after the incident. Absent any province of Cebu, and one of the hacienda trustee, before the three escaped away.
showing that the law enforcers were moved by ill-motive or improper reasons to Shortly momentarily before this, and in the process of the robbery, the hacienda
falsely impute a serious charge against the accused, it is presumed that they had bookkeeper, another hacienda trustee who was also on the motorcycle, was shot
acted in the regular performance of their duties. (Id.). dead by the malefactors. Without the shooting which had resulted in homicide, the
To repeat, the Court must grant credibility to the witnesses for the prosecution. culprits would not have possibly succeeded in the robbery.
Their testimonies, unlike those of the accused, are not illogical, inconsistent and Without hesitance now the Court, considering the facts proved by the evidence,
contrary to human experience (People v. Salazar, et al., G.R. No. 84391, 7 April must declare that the crime committed by the accused was robbery with homicide
1993). The Court did closely observe each and every witness’s demeanor while (robo con homicido) as provided by Article 294(1) of the Revised Penal Code which
testifying, disregarding attendant and expected little inconsistencies, usually normal, reads, thus:
and must hold that the prosecution witnesses were definitely more trustworthy in their Art. 294. Robbery with violence against or intimidation of persons—Penalties.—Any
pronouncements in court than those for the defense. Defense witnesses now and person guilty of robbery with the use of violence against or intimidation of any person
then betrayed their smugness when they should rather be spontaneous. In fact, the shall suffer:
Court was disturbed when there occurred an unexpected unison by the defense 1. The penalty of reclusion perpetua to death, when by reason or on occasion of
counsel and one of the accused in wrongly surnaming a relative of the accused the robbery, the crime of homicide shall have been committed.
(“Hones” from Diones).
The Court entertains no doubt whatsoever that the accused did employ violence
The mere say-so by Vicente Tumangan and Ermelindo Sequiño that they left against (shooting and killing) and intimidation of persons (which in fact compelled the
Cebu City at 1:00 in the afternoon of 24 April 1991 and arrived in Medellin at 5:00 that robbery victims, except the killed one, to scamper away fast from the scene of the
same afternoon does not remove the possibility, if not the probability, that they had crime) to consummate their criminal intent to take away, as they did, for personal
actually been in Medellin earlier—with their Medellin-based relative, Nenito Melvida— gain, the personal property of Hacienda Ancajas (payroll money under the custodial
than the time of the robbery. A few hours make a lot of difference, don’t they? After all, trust of the hacienda overseer and paymaster). (See People v. De la Cruz, L-
the frequency of the trips of hacienda payroll money from the bank had become of 1020063, 20 January 1993).35
public knowledge, especially among the hacienda laborers, and their relatives of
It then rendered judgment as follows:
In total, alibi—or denial—is a weak defense and becomes weaker in the face of
NENITO MELVIDA guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of robbery with
positive identification of the accused by the prosecution witnesses (People v. Estrella,
homicide as defined and penalized by Article 294(1) of the Revised Penal Code, and
G.R. Nos. 92506-07, 28 April 1993).
hereby sentences EACH OF THEM to suffer the penalty of Reclusion Perpetua.
Another point must be mentioned now.
The above-named accused are ordered to indemnify, jointly and severally, the
Explicit is the evidence to prove that the three accused acted in concert, clearly
heirs of killed victim Pedro Broniola, specifically his widow, Presentacion vda. de
pursuing the same objective. Thus, from their conduct conspiracy may be inferred.
Broniola, with the amount of Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000). They are further
For, as has been held, it is not essential that there is proof of a previous agreement to
ordered to pay, also jointly and severally, the sum of Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000)
commit a crime . . . . From acts and circumstances may logically be inferred the
each to the aforementioned widow, Eugenio Godinez and Jimmy Serafin in concept of
moral and exemplary damages. Recovered sums of money, part of the total amount The fourth assigned error is self-contradictory. While it starts with a claim that the
of money taken in the robbery, are ordered returned to the Hacienda Ancajas, even as trial court failed to consider the non-observance by the police of the constitutional
the same accused are ordered to pay back, jointly and severally, to said Hacienda the safeguards during the investigation of the accused, it quoted the trial court’s
balance of the total loot still unaccounted for. statement precisely expressing its dismay over the questionable method used by the
Costs must likewise be paid by the three accused. police in such investigation and considered it a mockery of the Constitution which the
SO ORDERED.36 police had sworn to honor and revere. We quote what the trial court said:
The Court, however, must express its dismay over the questionable means
Forthwith, the accused appealed to us from the judgment by filing a notice of appeal.37 employed by the police in investigating the accused. The police officers concerned
We accepted the appeal on 20 February 1995. mocked the Constitution, which they themselves have sworn to honor and revere,
In their Appellant’s Brief filed on 21 August 1995, the accused contend that the when they did not remind the accused of their right to remain silent and to be assisted
trial court erred in its findings: by counsel. They must be instructed by their superiors in no uncertain terms to
FIRST ASSIGNMENT OF ERROR respect the Constitution at all times in the performance of their duties. Be that as it
may, this unconstitutional act may not benefit the cause of the accused. After all,
. . . THAT ACCUSED . . . ARE GUILTY BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT OF THE nothing in the evidence for the prosecution was taken from the police investigation in
CRIME OF ROBBERY WITH HOMICIDE, AND SENTENCING THEM TO SERVE question—no fruit, as it were, from the “poisoned tree.”38
THE PENALTY OF LIFE IMPRISONMENT AND TO PAY JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY, Also, in the course of his testimony, police officer Elpidio Luna was rebuked by the
TO THE HEIRS OF KILLED VICTIM PEDRO BRONIOLA, SPECIFICALLY THE trial court for his violation of the constitutional rights of accused Melvida. Thus:
You investigated him after you arrested him? Why did you arrest him?
. . . THAT ACCUSED . . . ARE GUILTY OF THE CRIME CHARGED, DESPITE A I believed that he was a suspect of that robbery.
Was your belief sufficient to arrest him?
THIRD ASSIGNMENT OF ERROR A I only invite him for investigation. I did not arrest him.
PROVED OF ANY EVIDENCE SHOWING CONSPIRACY. That is the enertia [sic] of martial law. “No we did not arrest him, we only
invited him.”

. . . WHEN IT FAILED TO CONSIDER THE NON-OBSERVANCE OF THE Was he assisted by a lawyer when you investigated him?
CONSTITUTION IN THE INVESTIGATION WITH THE ACCUSED BY THE POLICE, A No there was none because in our place we can seldom find lawyers.
CONCERNED MOCKED THE CONSTITUTION, WHICH THEY THEMSELVES HAVE So, since there are no lawyers you go on arresting and investigating without
SWORN TO HONOR AND REVERE, WHEN THEY DID NOT REMIND THE even sufficient ground for such arrest?
A We did not arrest him we only invite him.
The disposition of the first assigned error depends on whether the accused were
properly found guilty of the crime charged, hence, it shall be discussed last. The
second and third errors may be resolved together as they pertain to the same issue of A I told him, “Please, go with us because we have something to ask from you.”
conspiracy. Court:
We shall first take up the fourth assigned error as it raises a constitutional
problem deserving of primary consideration. Why did you not asks him right there? Why did you have to make him go with
A Because the Barangay captain was not around I should have asked him submission to Luna’s custody, and Luna believed that Melvida was a suspect in the
robbery charged herein, hence, Melvida was being held to answer for the commission
there? of the said offense.
Court: Since he was arrested without a warrant, the inquiry must now be whether a valid
warrantless arrest was effected. Rule 113 of the Rules on Criminal Procedure
You were earlier set to investigate him that is why you brought him to your provides:
headquarters? Section 5. Arrest without warrant; when lawful.—A peace officer or a private person
A Yes sir. may, without a warrant, arrest a person:
(a)When, in his presence, the person to be arrested has committed, is actually
Court: committing, or is attempting to commit an offense;
Do you have the right to investigate someone whom you have not arrested? (b)When an offense has in fact just been committed, and he has personal
knowledge of facts indicating that the person to be arrested has committed it;
A In our police work we can do the interrogation and investigation as long as we
(c)When the person to be arrested is a prisoner who has escaped from a penal
will not violate the human rights. establishment or place where he is serving final judgment or temporarily
Court: confined while his case is pending, or has escaped while being transferred from
one confinement to another.
Did you not violate the human rights of Nenito Melvida? The first and last conditions enumerated above are not applicable in this case; and
A I did not violate Your Honor.39 under the facts herein, neither does the second condition apply. Luna’s basis for
arresting Melvida was the bio-data sheet with Melvida’s name on it found at the crime
scene. By no means can this indicate that Melvida committed the offense charged. It
does not even connote that Melvida was at the crime scene for the bio-data sheet
could have been obtained by anyone and left at the crime scene long before or after
However, while the trial court found a mockery of the Constitution and in fact declared the crime was committed. Luna, therefore, had no personal knowledge of facts
that “nothing in the evidence for the prosecution was taken from the police indicating Melvida’s guilt; at best, he had an unreasonable suspicion. Melvida’s arrest
investigation in question—no fruit, as it were, from the ‘poisoned tree,’ ” we do find was thus illegal. After his unlawful arrest, Melvida underwent custodial investigation.
incongruous the following statement of the trial court: The custodial investigation commenced when the police pinpointed Melvida as one of
Undisputed is the fact of police recovery of “partitions” of the loot (cash) not from one the authors of the crime or had focused on him as a suspect thereof. 46 This brought
of the three of them in separate “hiding” places.40 What was “recovered” from accused into operation paragraph (1) of Section 12, Article III of the Constitution guaranteeing
Melvida was P9,000.00 which, he admitted, was his share of the loot. 41 As to the the accused’s rights to remain silent and to counsel, and his right to be informed of
difference between P22,526.00 and P9,000.00, no evidence was adduced how and these rights.47 The said paragraph provides:
from whom it was recovered. Police officer Mariano Remulta merely declared that the SEC. 12(1) Any person under investigation for the commission of an offense shall
P26,526.00 was entrusted to him by the station commander who told him that the have the right to be informed of his right to remain silent and to have competent and
amount was “recovered in connection with the highway robbery case.”42 independent counsel preferably of his own choice. If the person cannot afford the
services of counsel he must be provided with one. These rights cannot be waived
Since the “recovery” of P9,000.00 from Melvida was due to his “admission” in the except in writing and in the presence of counsel.
course of the custodial interrogation made in violation of paragraph (1) of Section 12,
Article III of the Constitution and, therefore, inadmissible in evidence pursuant to There was no showing that Melvida was ever informed of these rights, and Luna
paragraph (3) of the said section then the P9,000.00 cannot also be admitted in admitted that Melvida was not assisted by counsel during the investigation.
evidence as a “fruit of the poisonous tree.” The rule is settled that once the primary Indisputably, the police officers concerned flouted these constitutional rights of
source (the “tree”) is shown to have been unlawfully obtained—as the admission of Melvida and Tumangan and deliberately disregarded the rule regarding an
Melvida in this case—any secondary or derivative evidence(the “fruit”) derived from it investigator’s duties prior to and during custodial interrogation laid down in Morales
—the P9,000.00 obtained from Melvida as a consequence of his “admission”—is also vs. Enrile 48 and reiterated in a catena of subsequent cases.49
inadmissible.43 The next task is to determine whether the crime charged under the information
The above statement of the trial court may, however, be considered mere was sufficiently established. To sustain a conviction for the crime of robbery with
surplusage since, in the final analysis, it did not take into account against the accused homicide, it is necessary that the essential elements of the crime be conclusively
whatever admission they made during police interrogation. We need to elaborate, proved.50 Taking, with the intent to gain, of personal property belonging to another by
however, why such admissions are inadmissible in evidence. means of violence against or intimidation of any person, or using force upon things
Regardless of Luna’s claim to the contrary, accused Nenito Melvida was arrested. makes one liable for robbery.51Intimidation is present in the taking when “acts are
An arrest “is the taking of a person into custody in order that he may be bound to performed which, in their own nature or by reason of the circumstances under which
answer for the commission of an offense,”44 and it is made “by an actual restraint of they are executed, restrict or hinder the free exercise of the will of the victim or inspire
the person to be arrested, or by his submission to the custody of the person making him with fear.”52
the arrest.”45 Melvida’s voluntarily going with Luna upon the latter’s “invitation” was a
In this case, Tumangan, with gun in hand and while Godi-nez was helplessly modifications, viz., the award of P10,000.00 each to Eugenio Godinez and Jimmy
pinned under the motorcycle, dispossessed the latter of the money he was carrying. Serafin are deleted, while that for Presentacion vda. de Broniola shall only be
That Tumangan was armed and had in fact already fired it, causing injury to Broniola considered as moral damages, and that the accused-appellants are hereby ordered,
which caused his death, and that Godinez was defenseless naturally impaired the jointly and severally, to indemnify the Hacienda Jose Ancajas of Medellin, Cebu, the
latter’s free will, producing the intimidation element in robbery. sum of Fifty Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty-Seven Pesos and Seventeen Centavos
The crime becomes robbery with homicide when by reason or on occasion of a (P50,557.17), with interest thereon at the legal rate reckoned from 24 April 1991 and
robbery with the use of violence against or intimidation of person, the crime of until it shall have been fully paid.
homicide shall have been committed. 53 The term “homicide” is understood in its Costs against the accused-appellants.
generic sense, hence, it includes the commission of murder or slight physical injuries SO ORDERED.
during the robbery.54 Narvasa (C.J., Chairman), Melo, Francisco and Panganiban, JJ., concur.
Since the robbery in this case was accompanied by the killing of Pedro Broniola,
the crime becomes robbery with homicide, as the trial court correctly ruled. Appeal dismissed, judgment affirmed with modification.
The trial court was likewise correct in finding conspiracy in this case. There is Note.—In custodial investigation, the right to counsel attaches from the moment
conspiracy when two or more persons come to an agreement concerning the the investigating officer starts to ask questions to elicit information and confessions or
commission of a felony and decide to commit it. It is not required that there be an admissions from the suspect. (People vs. Lucero, 244 SCRA 425 [1995])
agreement for an appreciable period prior to the occurrence; rather, it is sufficient that
at the time of the commission of the offense, the accused had the same purpose and ——o0o——
were united in its execution. The agreement to commit a crime may be gleaned from
the mode and manner of the commission of the offense or inferred from the acts of
the accused which point to a joint purpose and design, concerted action, and
community of intent.55
In this case, the three accused were one in blocking the motorcycle of Godinez,
Serafin, and Broniola, and commanding their victims to stop. They were also
unanimous in fleeing the crime scene, taking a single route to Daang Lungsod. These
concerted acts indicate a community of criminal intent which is the essence of
conspiracy. Conspiracy having been established, it matters not who among the
accused actually shot and killed Pedro Broniola, for that criminal act is attributable to
all three accused.
Thus are the second and third assigned errors settled. The final task is to
determine the appropriate penalty against the accused. The Revised Penal Code
prescribes the penalty of reclusion perpetua to death for the crime of robbery with
homicide,56 but since the offense in this case was committed on 24 April 1991, or
while the imposition of the death penalty had been suspended 57 and before its
reimposition under R.A. No. 7659, the trial court correctly imposed the penalty
of reclusion perpetua. We do not, however, agree with its awards of moral and
exemplary damages of P10,000.00 each to Eugenio Godinez, Jimmy Serafin, and
Presentacion vda. de Broniola. There is no factual basis therefor insofar as Godinez
and Serafin are concerned since they did not ask for and testify thereon. Only
Presentacion vda. de Broniola asked for moral damages of P50,000.00 for her
“worries” due to the death of her husband.58 As to exemplary damages, the law is
clear that they can be recovered in criminal cases only when the crime was
committed with one or more aggravating circumstances, 59 none of which was proven
in this case. The award then of P10,000.00 in favor of Presentacion vda. de Broniola
must be deemed as for moral damages only.
Also, the trial court should have ordered the accused-appellants to indemnify,
jointly and severally, the Hacienda Jose Ancajas in the amount of P50,557.17,
representing the amount withdrawn from the bank and taken by them from Eugenio
Godinez, since it was never established by admissible evidence that any portion of
this amount had been recovered.
WHEREFORE, the instant appeal is DISMISSED and the challenged decision of
Branch 21 of the Regional Trial Court of Cebu City of 24 February 1994 in Criminal
Case No. CBU-22486 is hereby AFFIRMED, subject to the following

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