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AmanRaj CV

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Last Updated on 3rd December 2017

Aman Raj
B.Tech. , Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Delhi Technological University (formerly Delhi College of Engineering) | | +91-8802288165


UNIVERSITY (FORMERLY DCE) Ramesh Raskar, Manohar Paluri | Aug 2016 – Present
B.TECH IN ELECTRONICS & • I work in Applied Machine Learning(AML) group focused on understanding con-
COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING tents in images and videos. I currently work on semantic labeling and scene un-
May 2016 | Delhi, India derstanding problems. Recently, I implemented a distributed training pipeline in
Aggregate: 82.52%, (5 /195)
th Caffe2 for Large-Scale training on satellite images which is used by teams daily.
• “Robocodes: Towards Generative Street Addresses from Satellite Imagery”
SPRING MEADOWS We built a generative algorithm for robocodes. I developed many Deep Convolu-
PUBLIC SCHOOL tional Neural Network architectures based on ResNet, UNet, SegNet, DenseNet
Class XII, CBSE : May 2012 | Delhi, India for extracting roads from satellite imagery using large amounts of annotated and
Aggregate : 95.0%, 1st in School weakly annotated data. All the codes are open sourced.
Class X, CBSE : May 2010 | Delhi, India • Also, experiments with Unsupervised learning models to leverage the huge
CGPA : 9.8/10 amount of unlabelled data.


AREAS OF INTEREST Karthik Sridhar | Dec 2015 – July 2016
Machine Learning • Designed and implemented the predictive intelligence in company’s first product
Computer Vision Velo, aimed at reducing returns in the supply chain. Built the backend of software
Data Science using with a mix of Scala, Java, Python.
• Skills gained in Data Analysis, Data Munging, Data Visualization, Feature Engi-
neering, Feature Selection, developing data-centric software pipeline.
COURSEWORK Vishal Mishra | Dec 2015 – Feb 2016
Undergraduate: • I fixed bugs in their existing Apache-Storm based topology to improve mining of
Advance Engineering Mathematics URLs from tweets, cleaning it, and then fetching articles from URL.
Probability & Stochastic Processes • Wrote custom article extraction rules for specific URLs for which existing system
Control Systems failed in javascript.
Microprocessor & Interfacing
Computer Architecture
Programming Fundamentals
Sebastian Scherer | Jun 2015 – Aug 2015
Robotics & Object Tracking
Pattern Recognition • “Multi-Scale Convolutional Architecture for Semantic Segmentation”
Digital Image Processing I worked in AirLab, the project was focused on implementing a novel multi-scale
Computer Vision Deep Convolutional Neural network for semantic labeling of 2D scenes for in-
door and outdoor scene understanding.
Udacity: • Also worked on transferring this learning for semantic classification of point
Introduction to Parallel Programming cloud data to aid perception and path planning in a UAV.
by John Owens, David Luebke
Coursera: Bhiksha Raj, Rita Singh | Dec 2014
Neural Networks for Machine Learning • Comic Polyglot in CMU IPTSE Winter School 2014, the project aimed at devel-
by Geoffrey Hinton oping an end to end solution for automatic translation of raw manga comics from
Algorithms: Design and Analysis Japanese into English. I implemented a convolutional neural network-based sys-
by Tim Roughgarden tem that detects text bubbles in comic strips.
Machine Learning • We used a combination of the output of neural network model & MSER algorithm
by Pedro Domingos to detect text-regions with subsequent translation with an OCR-engine.
Prof. Rajesh Rohilla, Prof. S.Indu | Jun 2013 – May 2016
• “FPGA Accelerated Abandoned Object Detection”
Worked on developing a standalone system that uses a static background modeling algorithm and identifies any object lying
abandoned for a given specified time. I accelerated algorithm’s performance by implementing it on Xilinx FPGA board.
• Worked on HistExtract, an ICA based algorithm that extracts textual information from historical inscription images–containing
high correlation between signal and noise. The aim was to extract, binarize and preserve these inscriptions digitally. This
project was sponsored by Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India.


Prof. N.S. Raghava | Oct 2012 – May 2013
• Lunabotics Mining Project focused on developing a lunar rover to participate in NASA Lunabotics Mining Competition 2013.
I designed and fabricated various electronic circuits, developed telemetry system for the rover, establishing control and com-
munication among digging, dumping, & locomotion mechanism. The project was supported by a research grant from college.

• Ilke Demir, Forest Hughes, Aman Raj, Kleovoulos Tsourides, Divyaa Ravichandran, Suryanarayana Murthy, Kaunil Dhruv,
Sanyam Garg, Jatin Malhotra, Barrett Doo, Grace Kermani, Ramesh Raskar. “Robocodes: Towards Generative Street Ad-
dresses from Satellite Imagery”. CVPR 2017 workshop on Earthvision. (award)
• R. Rohilla, Aman Raj, Saransh Kejriwal, and R. Kapoor. “FPGA Accelerated Abandoned Object Detection”. IEEE’s International
Conference on Computational Techniques in Information and Communication Technologies (ICCTICT 2016).
• Aman Raj, Daniel Maturana, and Sebastian Scherer. ”Multi-Scale Convolutional Architecture for Semantic Segmentation”.
Robotics Institute Technical Reports. CMU-RI-TR-15-21, 2015.
• N. Jayanthi, Ayush Tomar, Aman Raj, S. Indu, and Santanu Chaudhury. “Digitization of Historic Inscription Images using Cu-
mulants based Simultaneous Blind Source Extraction”. In Proceedings of ICVGIP 2014. ACM, Article 51, pp. 1-6.
• S. Indu, Ayush Tomar, Aman Raj, and Santanu Chaudhury. “Enhancement and Retrieval of Historic Inscription Images.” In
Computer Vision-ACCV 2014 Workshops, pp. 529-541. Springer International Publishing, 2014.
• Aman Raj, P. Selvan, A. Dixit, Gaurav Bansal, H. Solanki and F. Abbas, “Comic Polyglot”, CMU IPTSE Winter School Poster
Session, 2014. (Best Project Award)

• Programming Languages:
C, C++, Python, Java, Scala, Lua, LaTeX, Matlab, Octave, Javascript, Unix Shell Scripting
• Software/Others:
OpenCV, Caffe, Caffe2, Chainer,, Lasagne, Torch, Theano, Qt, AWS, Git, Apache-Storm,
Apache-Spark, MongoDB, Xilinx Vivado HLS, MySQL
• Development Boards:
Xilinx Zynq-7000 FPGA Imaging Kit, Intel Atom Board, BeagleBone Black, Arduino Due, Raspberry Pi

(Supervised by Prof. Rajesh Rohilla)
• “Robot Navigation system using Xbox Kinect”
Built a navigation system for a robot using OpenCV and OpenKinect libraries, that uses disparity map along with pixel inten-
sity calibration to compute the distance of an object/obstacle from the Xbox Kinect. Generated signals are sent to a motor
driver circuit that propels the wheel to avoid possible collision with any obstacle.

• “3B Biometrics Security System”

Developed a system prototype using BeagleBone Black and RGB camera for purpose of authorizing access and remote mon-
itoring in Robotics Lab(DTU). The system uses a combination of real-time face recognition and input password to authorize
access and monitors student’s activities in the lab, and periodically sends this information to lab-in charge on WhatsApp.

• “Face Detection & Tracking”

Created a robust algorithm that combines SIFT and CamShift algorithm to detect and track a human face in real time. The
tracker correctly tracked face for more than 90 % of frames at 15 FPS on Intel Core i5-2450M processor.

• “Text Extractor Device”

Developed a hand-held device that takes images from an onboard camera and extracts texts from it using tesseract-OCR
engine running on BeagleBone Black and shows the text on-screen with an accuracy of 92%.
• Best Paper Award for the research paper “Robocodes: Towards Generative Street Addresses from Satellite Imagery” in
CVPR 2017 workshop on Earthvision.
• Best Project Award for the research project “Comic PolyGlot” in CMU IPTSE Winter School 2014.
• Award of Recognition for contribution to DCE-DTU Alumni Association as Volunteer coordinator, 2014.
• CSSS Scholarship Awarded by CBSE(Govt. of India) to meritorious students for distinctive performance in All India Senior
Secondary Examination for undergraduate studies 2012-2016.
• Obtained an All India Rank 312 in National Science Talent Search Examination in 2012.
• Awarded Silver Certificate in HDFC Bank Meritus Scholarship, 2009.
• Academic Excellence Award for the year 2009-10 and 2011-12 in school for securing first position in final examination.
• Selected for Inspire Science Camp organized by Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India in 2011, merit based
selection based on Class-X CGPA.

• Volunteer Coordinator during Annual Alumni Meet 2013 and 2014 in college.
• Teaching assistant in NGO Touch-India Trust, it provides education to underprivileged kids in slum areas.
• Mentored juniors in their academic projects.
• Organized many technical workshops in college.

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