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Thomond Community College Admissions Policy

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Thomond Community College

Pobal Choláiste Thuamhumhan

Thomond Community
Admissions Policy

June 2017
Reviewed June 2018

Thomond Community College is established under the auspices of the Limerick and
Clare Education & Training Board and is funded by the Department of Education and
Skills. It is an Amalgamation of the Salesian Secondary School and St. Nessan’s
Community College.

Thomond Community College is a multi-denominational, co-educational school. It is

comprehensive in its intake and in its curricular provision.


The school motto ACE- Appreciate, Celebrate, Educate is a clear statement that we
value and appreciate students in our care, we celebrate and recognise the
achievements and events in their lives and we educate, in a holistic and person
centered way, developing the intellectual, moral, and social capabilities of our

Mission Statement

Thomond Community College aims to create a welcoming, caring, positive and

supportive learning environment. We will endeavour to facilitate the development of
the human, spiritual and academic potential in every student. This will provide students
with a deep sense of respect for themselves and others, thereby enabling them to
become responsible members of society.


The Admissions Policy strives to provide fair, transparent and effective criteria for the
admission of students to Thomond Community College, in compliance with legislative

The Admissions Policy of Thomond Community College has been drawn up in

accordance with the

 Education Act 1998 Section 15 (2.d.)

 The Education (Welfare) Act 2000
 Equal Status Act 2000
 VEC Education (Amendment) Act 2001
 EPSEN Act 2004
Within the context and parameters of DES regulations and programmes and the
funding and resources available, Thomond Community College supports the principles

 Parental/Student choice
 Inclusiveness
 Equality of access to and participation in Thomond Community College
 Respect for diversity of traditions, values, beliefs, languages and ways of life in
 Ability of Thomond Community College to provide an appropriate education for
individual applicants as resources are provided
 The resources are provided to make reasonable provision and accommodation for
the student
 Parent(s)/Guardian(s), Students and Staff will have all necessary information to
ensure each student will have his/her needs met
 Provision of relevant information as required by the Department of Education and
 Admission is open to students of all ethnic groups
 Admission is open to students of all or no religious belief

Thomond Community College welcomes all students for whom Thomond Community
College can provide an appropriate education and aims to provide an integrated
education for all students.

Enrolment of First Year Students

Thomond Community College is a participant, along with all other Post Primary
Schools in the Limerick Area, in the Common Application System (CAS). All
applications for enrolment in First Year are processed through this system.

Each year the Board of Management will decide in advance the number of First Year
students for whom Thomond Community College can provide an appropriate
education, having regard to the facilities, personnel, and resources available in the
college. For the 2019/2020 school year, the maximum enrolment is 110.
Our procedures for application are in keeping with the characteristic spirit of Thomond
Community College as expressed in the Mission Statement and they comply with all
relevant current legislation.
All students wishing to enrol must complete an application form.
All applicants will be offered a place subject to:

 Meeting eligibility requirements

 Compliance with the enrolment procedures
 The availability of places

Application forms are available from the Thomond Community College Office or from
the student’s Primary School.

First Year Students who are eligible for Admission must:

 Have reached the required age of 12 years on the 30th September in the calendar
year of the child’s entry into First Year
 Have completed sixth class standard in Primary School, or equivalent
 Be willing to accept the Thomond Community College ethos
 Be willing, with Parent(s)/Guardian(s) to accept Thomond Community College’s
Code of Behaviour and sign a form to confirm this.

In the event of Thomond Community College having more applications than

places available, the offer of a place will be determined in compliance with the
following order

1. Siblings of existing students

2. Students from our feeder schools
3. Children of staff
4. Thereafter on a lottery basis. (In the event of a lottery the Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
of the relevant students will be invited to witness the lottery. The lottery will be
carried out in Thomond Community College under the direction of the Principal).

Enrolment Procedures for incoming First Years

 An Open Night will be held in Thomond Community College for

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) and prospective students for 2019/2020 on Tuesday
September 25th 2018 at 7:00pm. This meeting includes an address from the
Principal, an opportunity to view the facilities and to meet with management and
 Prior to the Open Night, the Principal and/or Deputy Principal visits the primary
schools served by Thomond Community College to meet with the Principal and
the teachers and students of 5th and 6th Classes.
 Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are informed of The Open Night through local press, on
Thomond Community College website, in local newsletters, local churches, feeder
Primary Schools and by word of mouth.
 An invitation to the Open Night is also extended to Principals and Staff of Primary
Schools served by Thomond Community College and to representatives of
businesses and industries in the areas served by Thomond Community College.
 A Common Application System form must be completed and submitted to the
Principal. Additional information including any current Educational, Social,
Behavioural or Psychological reports, evidence of exemption from Irish, etc., are
required where appropriate. An original Birth Certificate will also be requested. A
copy of this is taken for our files and the original returned to Parent(s)/Guardian(s).
 Applications for entry to the Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Classroom must
be made as an additional application to the Common Application System.
Parent(s)/Guardian(s), on submitting an application for entry into 1st Year, must
inform the Principal that they wish to have their application considered for entry to
the ASD Classroom (see ASD Classroom section for further details)
 Where a student is in the Care of the HSE, a meeting between Thomond
Community College, the HSE, the Foster Carers and any other relevant statutory
stakeholders will be held in advance of enrolment to ascertain if Thomond
Community College can meet the student’s needs
 In the case of students with special needs, the Board, having received the relevant
information, will make a decision and inform the Parent(s)/Guardian(s) in writing
of the decision.
 Exemption from the study of Irish must be in accordance with the Department of
Education and Skills guidelines
 The closing date for the receipt of Application Forms for 1st Yr 2019/2010 is
Monday 14th January 2019 at 12:30pm. Application forms must be returned by
this date. Applications received after this date will be marked “Late Application”
and will not be included in the normal selection process. They will however be
presented for consideration to all the schools listed on the forms with available
capacity at the end of the process.
 The decision regarding enrolment will be notified to parents/guardians on
Tuesday 29th January 2019.
 An offer of a place in the school must be accepted/refused on or before
Wednesday 6th February 2019 at 12:00pm.
 Prior to the Registration Night, parents/guardians will receive a pack containing
the Thomond Community College Registration Form, a Book Rental Scheme
Contract, a Provisional Subject Options Form, a Policy Booklet and a Policy
Declaration Form. These completed documents must be returned to the school on
the Common Registration Night.
 The Common Registration Night will take place in the school on Tuesday
26th February 2019. All students taking up their place in Thomond
Community College must register on that night.
 An Assessment Evaluation Day takes place in March for students who have been
offered and have accepted a school place for the next academic year. The
purpose of this test is to identify the educational standard of the child for admission
in first year. The results are not used to allocate classes or a school place.
 An information meeting for Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of 1st Years students takes place
in September/October in the first academic year. This meeting includes a
presentation on subject options for Junior Cycle.

Application to transfer from another school.

The Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of students requesting a transfer from another post-primary

school will be supplied with this Admissions Policy and are required to:
 Complete a transfer Application Form
 Agree to their current Principal filling in a Student Enquiry Form
 Provide copies of two school reports from the previous school
 Meet the Principal/Deputy Principal accompanied by the student to discuss
previous progress and on-going commitment to study and good behaviour
 Be willing to accept Thomond Community College ethos
 Be willing to accept Thomond Community College’s Code of Behaviour.
Confirmation in writing, is required, that Parent(s)/Guardian(s) and the student
accept the Code of Behaviour.

 Where the student is in the Care of the HSE a meeting between Thomond
Community College, the HSE, the Foster Carers and any other relevant
statutory stakeholders will take place in advance of enrolment to ascertain if
Thomond Community College can meet the students’ needs
 Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of students with Educational, Social, Behavioural or
Psychological reports must submit such reports with their application to
 The student must be under the age of 18 years on the 1 st September in the
school year in which they apply to commence.

Subject to class sizes, subject choices and available resources, Thomond

Community College will make every reasonable effort to facilitate a student
seeking a transfer to our school. Depending on academic ability/progress,
consideration may be given to repeating the academic year (subject to DES
Transfer applications will be considered by applying the following criteria:

Whether or not a transfer application:

 Is in agreement with Thomond Community College Admissions Policy

 Is in the best interest of the student.
 In the best interest of Thomond Community College
 Is of educational benefit to the student
 Has made available all relevant information from the former school
 Necessitates a consultation with the Educational Welfare Officer.

With the best interest of the student in mind and considering the issues relating to the
transfer which may include subject choices, class sizes and available resources, the
Principal may decide to refuse admission at the time of application and advise his/her
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) to reapply if they so wish at the start of the following school
Where the applicant is enrolled in another second-level school, the application will be
considered on the basis that the place may be offered from the commencement of
the next academic year.
Mid-year enrolment of applicants to Thomond Community College will only take
place in the following cases:
 The applicant has changed their place of residency thus preventing the student
from continuing to attend the school they are enrolled in at the time of application
 The applicant does not have a school place.

The Board may refuse the transfer application

 If the board is satisfied that there is a threat of violence towards another student
or member of staff in their current school
 If it is satisfied that there is a history of the applicant involvement in violent
behaviour toward staff or students
 If the board is satisfied that there is a history of theft
 If the Board is satisfied that the transfer is not in the best interest of the student
 If the board is satisfied that the transfer is not in the best interest of Thomond
Community College
 If the board is satisfied that there is a history of bullying towards other students or
 If the board is satisfied that there is any history of possession, using and/or
supplying illegal substances to others
 If there is any history of sexual assault.

The board may consider other issues that it deems relevant in making its final
judgement on the transfer application.
Application - Transition Year

For entry into Transition Year students are required to:

 Complete third year

 Have a commitment to good behaviour, hard work and study
 Be committed to applying him/herself fully to Transition Year and to what it has to
offer( e.g. to co-operate and participate in all events)
 Have an excellent school attendance record in Junior Cycle

Students who wish to be considered for Transition Year will be required to complete
an application form and may be required to sit an interview. A list of successful
candidates will be compiled.

A letter will be issued to these students’ Parent(s)/Guardian(s) offering a place in

Transition Year.

The Parent(s)/Guardian(s) and student will then have to accept or decline the offer of
a place and will be obliged to sign a contract, confirming that they agree to participate
in all TY activities and programmes.

Students’ suitability for Transition Year and the suitability of the programme to the
students will be considered during the application and interview process. Students who
are unsuccessful in their application for Transition Year have the right to appeal this
decision to the Principal. They should appeal within seven days of the refusal of a
place in Transition Year.

Transfer into Transition Year

Applications from International students will be welcomed.

Generally, due to internal demand, the Board of Management can only accommodate
students from within Thomond Community College. Therefore, applications to transfer
into Transition Year, from other schools, will not be considered.
Special Education Needs (SEN)

The Board of Management of Thomond Community College welcomes students with

special educational needs including exceptionally able or talented students. It is our
policy to meet with the Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of incoming students with special needs,
accompanied by the student himself/herself, well in advance of admission to assess
the child’s particular needs. To assess the needs of these students, Thomond
Community College accesses the student’s records from primary schools. This may
involve requesting a copy of the student’s medical/psychological or individual
educational report if available. Thomond Community College may deem it necessary
to request immediate assessment in order to assist it in establishing the educational
requirements of the student relevant to his/her special needs. Through L.C.E.T.B.,
Thomond Community College makes early application to the Department of Education
and Skills for appropriate resources e.g. special needs assistant, specialised
equipment transport etc. Where adequate resources are not forthcoming from the
DES, Thomond Community College may have to postpone admission until the DES
puts such resources in place. The Board of Management will do all it possibly can to
identify, plan and provide for a student with special needs or for a student with a
disability seeking admission to Thomond Community College.

The Board is aware of its responsibility under Section 9 of the Education Act 1998 to:

Provide education to a student which is appropriate to their abilities and needs and to
ensure that the educational needs of all students, including those with a disability or
other special educational needs, are identified and provided for,

The Board is also aware that the Equal Status Act, 2000 prohibits discrimination on
the grounds of disability. The Education Act 1998 and the Equal Status Act, 2000
define disability as:

 The total or partial absences of a person’s bodily or mental functions, including the
absence of a part of a person’s body
 The presence in the body of organisms causing, or likely to cause, chronic disease
or illness
 The malfunction, malformation or disfigurement of a part of a person’s body
 A condition or malfunction which results in a person learning differently from a
person without the condition or malfunction, or
 A condition, disease or illness which affects a person’s thought processes,
perception of reality, emotions or judgement or which results in disturbed
Apart from any legal responsibilities, the Board accepts that it has a moral and social
responsibility to promote inclusiveness and integration in the College. The principles
of inclusivity and integration underpin the admission policy for SEN students in the
The Board of Management of Thomond Community College welcomes applications
from students with special educational needs. The Board will strive to ensure that an
education appropriate to their needs is provided for pupils with special educational
needs. It will seek to:

 Identify the needs of pupils

 Acquire the necessary resources
 Do all that is reasonable to accommodate the needs of a person with special

The application process for a special needs pupil will be the same as that of any other
applicant. However, in order to assess the needs of a Special Educational Need
student the Parent(s)/Guardian(s) will be requested to provide a copy of the student’s
educational, medical, or where appropriate, Psychological reports. If the student has
not been previously assessed, the written consent of the Parent(s)/Guardian(s) for a
test will be required. Failure to provide such permission may result in the refusal of
permission to enrol in Thomond Community College.

In order to expedite Board requests to the National Council for Special Education
(NCSE) for facilities and resources for special needs pupils, the Board will seek to
identify applications, by late February, of the year of entry of First Year students. The
Board encourages Parent(s)/Guardian(s) to submit applications earlier if possible.

Thomond Community College reserves the right to refuse enrolment to any student in
exceptional cases. Such an exceptional case could arise where either:

 The student has special needs such that, even with additional resources available
from the Department of Education and Skills, Thomond Community College
cannot meet such needs and/or provide the student with an appropriate education
 In the opinion of the Board of Management the student poses an unacceptable
risk to other students, to the staff or to Thomond Community College property.

The Parent(s)/Guardian(s) or a student over eighteen years has the right to appeal a
refusal to enrol to Limerick & Clare ETB. This appeal should be lodged with the ETB
within fourteen calendar days.

Thomond Community College will use the resources, both financial and personnel,
provided by the Department of Education and Skills, to make reasonable provision
and accommodation for students with disabilities or special educational needs up to a
nominal cost so that these students are free to participate in the life of Thomond
Community College in so far as is reasonable practicable. While recognising and fully
supporting Parent(s)/Guardian(s)’ rights to have a school of their choice for their
students, Thomond Community College’s ability to accept students with particular
needs is dependent on the supply of resources, suitable to the needs of the individual

The Board of Management needs to be aware of any special needs as early as

possible, so that these needs can be assessed and addressed if possible.

In making provision for special needs students the following information is required.

Has the student had access to any of the following resources:-

 Special Needs Assistant or Classroom Assistant

 Special Class
 Help, for specific needs, from any Resource Teacher
 Assistance with behavioural modification
 Psychological assessment. Report to be provided
 Any additional resources to help with their special needs
 Help in areas including, visual impairment, hearing impairment, general learning
disability or emotional disturbance
 Any resource in relation to travel or mobility, etc.

If an expert report is provided, it should include a workable strategy for addressing the
needs, allowing for the resources available.

The Board of Management, having gathered all relevant information and professional
documentation, assesses how the needs of the special needs students can be met.

Final confirmation of a place may in exceptional cases be given when the Department
of Education and Skills/ Thomond Community College confirm that the necessary
resources are in place.

N.B. It may take some time for the Department of Education and Skills to process such
applications. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are strongly advised to inform Thomond
Community College as early as possible and discuss their particular situation well in
advance of making an application.
Policy for Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Classroom

An ASD Admissions Committee will be established by the Board of Management to

process applications for enrolment in the ASD Class. Applications will only be
considered in the year of entry of the candidate to our school i.e. 1st Year.
Applications for entry to the ASD Classroom must be made as an additional
application to the Common Application System. Parent(s)/Guardian(s), on submitting
an application for entry into 1st Year, must inform the Principal, in writing, that they
wish to have their application considered for entry to the ASD Classroom. The
Principal will inform the applicant of the procedures for enrolment and will seek
completion of the necessary documentation, etc. (see Enrolment Procedures for the
ASD Classroom).
The Admissions Committee will review the psychological assessment of the child and
will make a recommendation to the Board of Management for enrolment in the ASD
The members of the ASD Admissions Committee will be – Principal, Deputy Principal,
designated ASD Teacher, SEN Co-ordinator and the applicants dedicated
Psychologist/Psychiatrist. The recommendation of the ASD Committee is subject to
Board approval.

Criteria for Enrolment to the ASD Classroom

Each child should be verbal and have a diagnosis of mild to moderate autism
The unit will only cater for students who are 12 years of age or more and less
than 18 years of age on the 1st September of the school year in which they
apply to commence.
Under guidelines from the Department of Education and Skills the number of
places in the Autism Class is limited to six students
Applications for enrolment are confined to 1st Year enrolments only.

Enrolment Procedure for the ASD Classroom

The process of enrolment is:

 A Common Application System currently operates in Limerick City Schools. All
applications for enrolment in 1st Year are processed through the Common
Application System. Once a school place has been offered and accepted, an
additional application must be made for admission to the ASD Classroom.
This application must include a referral from an external agency or on
submission an application for entry into 1st Year, the Principal is informed by the
applicant, in writing, that they wish to have their application considered for entry
to the ASD Classroom
 A school application form, outlining family details and medical history is then
completed. This application must be accompanied by:
 an up-to-date clinical psychological/psychiatric assessment and diagnostic
report of Autism (this cannot be more than 2 Years old from 1st September
of the year of entry of the student)
 together with an educational psychological assessment, outlining the level
of any learning disabilities and all assessments available for the applicant
(this cannot be more than 2 Years old from 1st September of the year of
entry of the student)
 Fully completed applications are then submitted for consideration for entry
to the ASD Admissions Committee

A submitted form does not confer entitlement to a place in the ASD Classroom. The
ASD Admissions Committee will meet to recommend an offer of a place having due
regard to the following criteria.

If the number of applications exceeds the number of places available applications

will be prioritised as follows:
 Applicants with siblings already in the school
 Applicants who are the eldest in their family and are residing in the school’s
catchment area
 Applicants for whom this ASD Classroom would be their nearest facility
 Applicants not in any of the above categories.

Allocation of a place in the ASD Class does not guarantee an automatic right of entry
to mainstream classes for any other sibling.

If the number of applicant’s at any of the ranked criteria above exceeds the number
of places available, then the available places will be allocated on the basis of the
date that fully completed applications were recorded in the applicant’s file.

Should two or more applicants be recorded on the same date, then priority will be
given to the oldest applicant and continuing thus forth until all places are filled.

Please note that the fulfilling of the enrolment criteria does not necessarily ensure
enrolment if:-
 The necessary resources pertaining to the enrolment are not available
 Sufficient classroom space is not available
 The ASD Admissions Committee, having reviewed the application, may
recommend, in certain circumstances, that Thomond Community College is
unable to meet the needs of the applicant, e.g.
 They are deemed a risk to themselves or others.
 Admission of the candidate would make it impossible, or have a serious
detrimental effect on, the provision of services to other students.
The Board of Management reserves the right to refuse admission to the ASD Class.
The Board of Management of Thomond Community College respects the rights of
the existing school community and the students already enrolled. This consideration
is paramount when assessing entry to the ASD Class.
Once a student has been offered and accepted a place in the ASD Classroom each
pupil will be evaluated by the school SEN Department and a student profile and IEP
will be drawn up.

Health Service Executive Input

 Essential services of Speech Language Therapy and Occupational

Therapy are provided by the HSE.
 Thomond Community College has no control over these services or their
 All queries about these services must be addressed to the HSE and not
to Thomond Community College.


The Board of Management reserves the right to refuse an application for admission to
Thomond Community College.

The Board of Management reserves the right to refuse an application for admission
in exceptional circumstances, e.g. where a student poses an unacceptable risk to the
health and safety of the students and staff of Thomond Community College and/or to
Thomond Community College property or where a student may present with such a
degree of special need that even with additional resources provided by the Department
of Education and Skills, Thomond Community College would not be able to reasonably
accommodate the student concerned under Section 29 of the Education Act.

The Parent(s)/Guardian(s)’ of any student who is refused admission will be given a

copy of this policy within seven days of such refusal.

In the case of Thomond Community College which is established under the auspices
of the Limerick and Clare Education & Training Board and is funded by the Department
of Education and Skills, an appeal against the decision of the Board of Management
shall be made, in the first instance to LCETB. The decision of the LCETB may be
appealed to the Secretary General of the Department of Education and Skills.
Appeal to the ETB

An appeal must be submitted within fourteen calendar days after the decision of the
Board was communicated to the Parent(s)/Guardian(s) in writing. The Thomond
Community College Principal will notify the parent of their right of appeal to the ETB.
Appeals should be made in writing on the Section 29 Appeal Application Form
available from the ETB.

Appeal to Secretary General

If the appellant remains unhappy with the outcome of the appeal process he/she has
an entitlement to make an appeal directly to the Secretary General of the
Department of Education and Skills and this may be done by contacting the Appeals
Administration Unit.

Completed Common Application Forms

Please return fully completed Common Application Forms to:

Ms. Norma O'Brien

Thomond Community College
Moylish Park

Tel: 061-452422


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