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Gzsccet: Assignment of Web Technlogies

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Assignment No.—2
Submitted By- Submitted To-
Er.simardeep Kaur
Uni Roll No.-1602800
6th sem(2k16)
Q1- Write JScode for finding HTML elments Dynamically?
Q1. Explain JSDK?
Ans-JSDK (Java Servlet Development Kit) is a package containing all the classes and interfaces
needed to develop servlets. JSDK also contains a web server and servlet engine to test your
creations. The servlet engine provided in JSDK is a basic one(but free). There are many other
servlet engines much more robust and can be interfaced with most major web servers of the

To install JSDK simply decompress the archive (using the tar command in Unix systems) or
doublie-click on the executable under Windows.

Simply copy the file tree:

 either in the root directory of the JDK, no configuration is necessary.

 or in any directory. You must then update the path (PATH) and the path to the classes

To verify that the installation was performed correctly, simply start the servletrunner utility, the
servlet engine included in the JSDK, that is to say, a basic server running on port 8080. If JSDK
utility is correctly installed servletrunner should return the following lines:

servletrunner servletrunner starting with settings : port = 8080 backlog = 50 max handlers =
100 timeout = 5000 servletdir = ./examples document dir = ./examples servlet propfile =

Q2 Explain tomcat Server?

Ans-Tomcat is an application server from the Apache Software Foundation that executes
Java servlets and renders Web pages that include Java Server Page coding. Described as a
"reference implementation" of the Java Servlet and the Java Server Page specifications, Tomcat is
the result of an open collaboration of developers and is available from the ApacheWeb site in both
binary and source versions. Tomcat can be used as either a standalone product with its own
internal Web server or together with other Web servers.

Step 1
Download and Install Tomcat

1. Go to then go to the Binary Distribution/Core/

and download the "zip" package (for example "", about 8MB).
2. Now unzip the downloaded file into a directory of our choice. Don't unzip onto the dekstop
(since its path is hard to locate). I suggest using "e:\myserver". Tomcat will be unzipped into
the directory "e:\myserver\tomcat-7.0.40".

Step 2

Now, we need to create an Environment Variable JAVA_HOME.

We need to create an environment variable called "JAVA_HOME" and set it to our JDK installed

1. To create the JAVA_HOME environment variable in Windows XP/Vista/7 we need to push

the "Start" button then select "Control Panel" / "System" / "Advanced system
settings". Then switch to the "Advanced" tab and select "Environment Variables" / "System
Variables" then select "New" (or "Edit" for modification). In "Variable Name", enter
"JAVA_HOME". In "Variable Value", enter your JDK installed directory (e.g., "c:\Program
2. For ensuring that it is set correctly, we need to start a command shell (to refresh the
environment) and issue:
JAVA_HOME=c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_{xx} <== Check that this is OUR JDK installed
3. Sometimes we need to set JRE_HOME also. So for creating JRE_HOME we need to use the
same procedure. Push the "Start" buttonthen select "Control Panel" / "System" / "Advanced
system settings". Then switch to the "Advanced" tab and select "Environment Variables" /
"System Variables" then select "New" (or "Edit" for modification). In "Variable Name", enter
"JRE_HOME". In "Variable Value", enter your JRE installed directory (e.g., "C:\Program

Step 3

Configure Tomcat Server

The configuration files of the Apache Tomcat Server are located in the "conf" sub-directory of our
Tomcat installed directory, for example "E:\myserver\tomcat7.0.40\conf". There are 4 configuration
XML files:

1. context.xml file
2. tomcat-users.xml file
3. server.xml file
4. web.xml file

Before proceeding, make a BACKUP of the configuration files.

Step 4(a) "conf\web.xml"; Enabling a Directory Listing

Open the configuration file "web.xml". We shall enable the directory listing by changing "listings"
from "false" to "true" for the "default" servlet.

<param-value>true</param-value> like:

Step 4(b) "conf\server.xml file"; set the TCP Port Number

Open the file "server.xml" in a text editor.

The default port number of Tomcat is 8080. Now we need to change the TCP port number for
Tomcat, since the same port number can be used by other servers like SQL Server. We may choose
any number between 1024 and 65535. We shall choose 9999 in this article.

Locate the following lines, and change port="8080" to port="9999". Like:

<Connector port="9999" protocol="HTTP/1.1" Like

Step 4(c) "conf\context.xml"; Enabling Automatic Reload

In that we set reloadable="true" to the <Context> element to enable automatic reload after code

Add reloadable="true" as in the following:

<Context reloadable="true">
</Context> Like

Step 4(d) (Optional) "conf\tomcat-users.xml"

It is used to manage Tomcat by adding the highlighted lines, inside the <tomcat-users> elements.

In that we can add a password and username as an optional step.

Step 5

Now, start the tomcat server

Executable programs and scripts are kept in the "bin" sub-directory of the Tomcat installed
directory, e.g., "E:\myserver\tomcat7.0.40\bin".

Step 5(a) Start Server

Launch a command shell. Set the current directory to "<TOMCAT_HOME>\bin" like

E:\myserver\tomcat7.0.40\bin, and run "startup.bat" as follows:

Step 5(a) Start Server

Launch a command shell. Set the current directory to "<TOMCAT_HOME>\bin" like

E:\myserver\tomcat7.0.40\bin, and run "startup.bat" as follows:

Step 5(b) Access the Server

Open a browser then enter the URL "http://localhost:9999" to access the Tomcat server's welcome

If we get this type of page then it means we are done

Step 5(c) How to Shutdown Server

We can stop the server using one of the following:

1. Press ctrl-c on the Tomcat console; or

2. Run "<TOMCAT_HOME>\bin\shutdown.bat" script:
// Change the current directory to Tomcat's "bin"
> e: // Change the current drive
e:\> cd E:\myserver\tomcat7.0.40\bin // Change Directory to YOUR Tomcat's "bin" directory
// Shutdown the server
E:\myserver\tomcat7.0.40\bin> shutdown.

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