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Electrical Questions

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The document discusses sample exam questions for marine engineer certification in Canada and describes how resistors, inductors, and capacitors can affect current in circuits.

Resistors are used to limit current, adjust voltage levels, and create voltage divisions in electrical circuits.

Inductive reactance opposes changes in current and causes current to lag voltage, while capacitive reactance stores charge and causes current to lead voltage. Together, they can cancel each other out and produce resonance.

Certification Assistance for Marine Engineers

Canadian First Class ME

In Canada, Transport Canada administers the Marine Engineering examination process; visit
the Training Page for details on the process. The actual exam consist of nine (9) questions randomly
drawn from a question bank of the various subject. Six (only) must be answered in a 3.5hrs time frame.
The exam questions are similar to these, presented below, and are drawn heavily from similar question in
the Reed's Marine Engineering series of books.

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Transport Canada has ask us to advise users of this webpage to keep in mind that these questions are not the exact questions found in their
exams. Martin's Marine Engineering Page - is not affiliated with Transport Canada and these questions have been
gathered from various sources.

1. To find the resistance of a coil, an ammeter and a voltmeter are used. The
ammeter which has a resistance of 0.005 ohm, is connected in series with the coil,
and the voltmeter, which has a resistance of 5000 ohms is connected across the
ends of the coil. When the voltmeter registers 210 volts the ammeter registers 3
amperes. The resistance of the coil was then calculated from the voltmeter reading
divided by the ammeter reading. Calculate the % error in this value.

Ans: P47 V2

2. Given a meter movement that has full scale deflection current of 0.015 A and 5
ohms resistance, calculate the shunt resistor required to use this meter in a 20
ampere circuit

and also the multiplier resistor that would be necessary to use it in a 50 volt circuit.

Ans: P8 V2

3. Two lamps with the following characteristics are to be connected in series across
a 230 volt supply. A lamp is 110 volts and 40 watts whilst the other is 100 volts
and 150 watts. Indicate by a sketch and calculation how they can be connected so
that they operate within their characteristics.

note: resistors may be used to complete the circuit.

Ans: P70 V2

4. Calculate the current through the 2 ohm resistor.

insert diagram here

Ans: P69 V1

5. A battery of six cells in series, each cell has an e.m.f. of 1.5 volts and internal
resistance of 0.5 ohms, is connected to resistances of 6 ohms, 12 ohms separately
at first and then with the two resistances in parallel across the battery
terminals. Calculate the current through each resistance in each of the cases.

Ans: P34 V1

6. Six electric cells are connected together in series, the e.m.f. of each cell is 1.2
volts and it's internal resistance is 0.4 ohms. Three wires A, B, and C whose
resistances are 5, 40 and 200 ohms respectively, can be connected between the
battery terminals.

a) Determine the current which flows when each wire is inserted separately

b) determine the current which flows when they are inserted together as a parallel

Ans: P25 V1

7. A parallel circuit consists of a branch "A" of resistance 10 ohms, inductance 38

mH and copacitance 312.8 uF, and branch B has negligible resistance and
inductive reactance of 12 ohms. Derive graphically the total current and its phase
angle, if the system is connected to a 440 V 50 Hz supply.

8. A lead wire and a copper wire are connected together in parallel. The currents
flowing in the wires are in the ratio of 38 : 40 respectively and the lead wire is 60%
longer than the copper wire. The ratio of the specific resistances of the wires are:
lead to copper 208 : 16. Find the ratio of the cross sectional area of the lead wire
to that of copper.

Ans: P51 V2

9. An iron conductor and an aluminum conductor are connected in parallel to a

supply. The iron conductor is 10% longer and half the diameter of the aluminum
conductor. Given that the ratio of the resistivities of iron to aluminum is 40 : 13
find the ratio of the currents in the two conductors.

10. A wire is 60 meters long and weight of 200 grams. A second wire is 70 feet
long and weighs 6 oz. The specific resistance of the second wire is 10% less than
that of the first, and the material of the first wire is 2% less in weight per cu. inch
than the material of the second wire. Find the ratio of resistance of the second wire
to that of the first.

***imperial units?????

Ans: P24 V1

11. An electric heater consists of 8 elements connected in parallel to a 220 volt

supply and heats up 10 tonnes of oil 35o C in a 24 hour period. If the specific heat
of the oil is 2.17 kJ/kg oC and the efficiency of the heater is 70% find:

a) the current taken

b) the resistances of one of the elements if they are all of the same value.

Ans: P35 V1
12. An electric heater in a 220 Volt circuit raises the temperature of 3 tonnes of oil
by 50 degrees C every 12 hours. The efficiency of the heater is 80% and the
specific heat of oil is 2 kJ/kg oC. Find:

a) the power consumption in kWhours

b) the current taken

c) the resistance of the heater element

Ans: P86 V1

13. a) Show how the electric potential difference (volt) is related to energy (or
work) and quantity of charge.

b) Three capacitors of 2 uF, 3 uF and 5 uF are connected to a 12 volt source,

calculate the total charge of the combinations when they are arranged in :

i) parallel

ii) series

Ans: P18 V2

14. State the definition of the ampere in terms of it's coherence as a basic or
fundamental unit in the International System of Units (SI). Using a sketch indicate
what is meant by "fringing" and by "leakage" in a magnetic circuit. What is the
magnetic flux density at a distance of 5 cm from a very long straight wire carrying
a current of 150 A. Include units in your numerical solution and show that your
answer has the correct units.

note: uo = 4 pi x 10-7

Ans: P34 V2

15. Explain the terms "fringing" and "leaking" when related to a magnetic
circuit. A magnetic circuit is built up of rectangular metal plates 60 mm wide,
having a combined depth of 80 mm and with the insulating material between the
laminations accounting for 10% of the depth. The circuit has a mean length of 1.8
m with an air gap of length 3 mm and a cross sectional area of 500 mm2. Assume
a leakage factor of 1.1, the relative permeability of iron as 2500 and
the permeability of space as 4 pi x 10-7. Calculate the magnetomotive force
required to produce a flux of 0.006 Wb across the air gap.

Ans: P6 V1

16. A coil of 200 turns is rotated at 1200 RPM between poles of an

electromagnet. Flux density is 0.02 teslas. Axis of rotation is at right angles to the
field. Effective length of the coil is 0.3 meters, mean width is 0.2 meters.
Assuming e.m.f. produced is sinuosoidal, find:

a) maximum value of e.m.f.

b) frequency

Ans: P51 V1

17. A moving coil permanent magnetic instrument has a resistance of 10 ohms and
the flux density in the gap is 0.1 teslas. The coil has 100 turns of wire and is of
mean width 300 mm and axial length is 25 mm. If a p.d. of 50 mV is required for
full scale deflection, calculate the controlling torque exerted by the spring.

Ans: P42 V2

18. The following results of measurements were taken at intervals over a half cycle
of A.C. voltage:

Time 0 0.45 0.95 1.5 2.1 2.5 3.1 3.9 4.5 5.0 (milliseconds)

Volts 0 20 36 40 37.5 33 32 31 20 0


a) the r.m.s. value of the voltage

b) the frequency of the waveform

Ans: P40 V2
19. A D.C. generator gave the following O.C.C. when driven at 1000 R.P.M.

Field current (A) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6

Armature voltage (V) 32 58 78 93 104 113 120 125

If the machine is run as a shunt generator at 1000 R.P.M. the shunt field resistance
being 100 ohms. Find:

a) the O.C. voltage

b) the critical value of the shunt field resistance

c) the O.C. voltage if the speed was raised to 1100 R.P.M. the field resistance
being kept constant at 100 ohms

20. Express each of the following voltages in phasor notation and locate them on a
phasor diagram:

V1 = 212.0 sin (wt + 45 deg)

V2 = 141.4 sin (wt - 90 deg)

V3 = 127.3 cos (wt + 30 deg)

V4 = 85.0 cos (wt - 45 deg)

V5 = 141.4 sin (wt + 180 deg)

Ans: P9 V1

21. Three currents of peak values 10 A, 17.32 A and 20 A respectively meet in a

common conductor. The 17.32 current lags the 10 A current by 90 deg. electrical,
and leads the 20 A current by 60 electrical degrees. Find the value of the resultant
current giving its phase relation to the 10 A current.

Ans: P66 V1
22. Discuss the relationship between r.m.s., average and Form factor. A
transformer has a primary voltage of 240 V and a secondary of 17200 V. The
primary resistance is 0.00033 oh m

and the secondary resistance is 13 ohms. The output is 10 kVA. Find the copper
loss at:

a) full load

b) half load

c) 1 kVA

Ans P84 V1

23. A single phase power transformer supplies a load of 20 kVA at a power factor
of 0.81 lagging. The iron loss is 200 Watts and the copper loss is 180 Watts. Find:

a) the efficiency

b) the load at which maximum efficiency occurs

c) if the load is now changed to 30 kVA at a power factor 0.91 lagging find the
new efficiency

24. The load taken from a single phase supply consists of:

a) filament lamp load of 10 kW

b) motor load of 80 kVA at 0.8 power factor lagging

c) motor load of 40 kVA at 0.7 power factor leading

Calculate the total load taken from the supply in:

a) kW

b) kVA

c) power factor
Find the mains current if the supply voltage is 250 V. Repeat the problem with the
loads using a three phase supply and a voltage of 440 V.

25. More questions like these can be found on Martin's Marine Engineering Page,
click to

25. In the following circuit find:

a) impedance

b) Iline

c) power factor

insert diagram here

Ans: P89 V1

26. A circuit has a resistance of 3 ohms and an inductance of 0.01 henery. The
voltage across this circuit is 60 V and the frequency is 50 Hz. It is a series circuit.

a) impedance

b) line current

c) power factor

d) power absorbed

Ans: P72 V1
27. Find the impedence and power factor of an A.C. circuit consisting of two
pieces of apparatus in series. Piece "A" has a resistance of 2 ohms and inductive
reactance of 14 ohms and piece "B" has a resistance of 10 ohms and a capacitive
reactance of 6 ohms.

28. An inductive load takes a current of 15A from a 240 V 50 Hz supply and the
power absorbed is 2.5 kW. Calculate:

a) the power factor of the load

b) the resistance of the load

c) the reactance of the load

d) the impedence of the load

Draw a phasor diagram showing voltage drops and current components.

29. A 100 W lamp for a 100 V supply is placed across a 200 V supply. What
values of resistance must be placed in series with it so that it will work under its
proper conditions. If a coil is used instead of the resistor and if the resistance of
the coil is small compared to the reactance what is the inductance of the coil. The
frequency is 50 Hz. What is the total power absorbed in each case?

Ans: P19 V2

30. A coil has a resistance of 15 ohms and an inductance of 0.05 H. Calculate the
impedance and power absorbed by the coil in watt when it is connected to a 100 V
50 Hz A.C. supply.

Ans: P29 V2

31. A coil in an A.C. circuit has a resistance of 15 ohms and an inductance of 0.02
heneries. If it is connected across a 250 V 50 Hz supply find the power absorbed.
32. An inductive circuit of 50 ohms resistance and 0.02 H inductance is connected
in parallel with a capacitor of 25 uF across a 200 V 50 Hz supply. Find the
current taken from the supply and its phase angle 33. Given a 100 V supply with a
70 A current at 60 degrees lagging. Calculate:

a) the resistance

b) the impedance

c) XL inductive reactance

Ans: P41 V2

34. Given 220 volts, 60 Hz and a series circuit with 50 ohms resistance, 0.01
Henery inductance and 8 uF capacitance, find the line current and power absorbed.

Ans: P85 V1

35. Two coils are connected in series, when 2 amperes D.C. are passed through, the
voltage drops are 20 and 30 V respectively. When 2 amperes A.C. at 40 Hz is
passed through, the voltage drops are 140 and 100 volts respectively. Find the
current when the circuit is connected to 230 V 60 Hz.

Ans: P47 V1

36. A coil when connected with a 120 V D.C. supply consumes 600 watts. When
the same coil is connected with a 260 V A.C. supply the consumption is 2400
watts. Find the inductive reactance of the coil.

Ans: P26 V1

37. A coil has a resistance of 400 ohms and an impedance of 498 ohms connected
to a supply of 200 V at 60 Hz. The coil is then connected in series with a capacitor
of 40 uF and across a supply of 240 V at 50 Hz. Find:

a) the current that flows

b) the voltage drop across the coil and capacitor

Ans: P24 V2

38. Given the following circuit find:

a) IA

b) IB


insert diagram here

Ans: P8 V2

39. For the parallel circuit illustrated calculate:

a) equivalent impedance

b) line current

c) power factor

d) power supplied to the circuit.

insert diagram here

Ans: P12 V1
40. Two inductive coils of resistance values 5 ohms and 8 ohms and inductance
values 0.02 H and 0.01 H respecitvely are connected in parallel across a 240 V 50
Hz supply. Find:

a) coil currents

b) the circuit current

c) the circuit power factor

41. How can the power factor be improved in an A.C. system? How would
methods to improve the power factor effect the power consumed?

Ans: P78 V1

42. A 50 kW A.C. generator has a power factor of 0.7. The power factor is raised
to 0.8 with the same kVA, find the % increase in kW output.

Ans: P89 V1

43. For what purpose are transformers fitted in the electrical system of a ship? The
windings of a 10 kVA 2400 240 V 60 Hz transformer has resistances of 6 ohms
and 0.06 ohms. If the total loss at full load is 268 watts, find the copper loss and
the core loss at the condition stated.

Ans: P60 V1

44. Sketch the open circuit test on a transformer clearly showing all the
instruments. The following readings were taken on a 400 to 220 V transformer on
the open circuit test.

Ammeter reading 0.18 Amps

Wattmeter reading 12 Watts

a) the magnetising component of the no load current

b) iron loss component

c) the transformation ratio

45. Sketch and describe the construction of a current transformer. What other
salient features are incorporated to make the machine efficient? Why must the
secondary circuit of a current transformer never be opened when the primary is

Ans: P64 V1

46. Sketch and describe a linear voltage differential transformer. Give some
applications of the L.V.D.T. slug.

47. Given the following data on a transformer, calculate the primary voltage and
turns ratio. Also calculate the primary and secondary current.

Data: secondary voltage 13200 V

primary turns 900

primary flux 1 x 10-3

output 440 kVA 60 Hz

Derive the formula used in this problem

Ans: P76 V1

48. Describe the construction of a transformer and what are it's functions? A
transformer has a primary winding of 800 turns and a secondary of 160 turns. It is
rated at 10 kVA at 480 V. Find:

a) ratio of transformation

b) approximate primary voltage

c) rated full load secondary current

d) rated full load primary current neglecting " no load" current

Ans: P46 V1

49. There is a method of connecting a transformer to obtain a two phase three wire
secondary output from a three wire three phase input. Sketch a diagram to show
how this would be accomplished using the SCOTT TAP method. Show the
position of the tap in the sketch.

Ans: P38 V2

50. Three phase transformers may be connected in banks in the following manner:

a) delta delta

b) delta wye

c) wye wye

d) wye delta

Discuss the particular application each would be used for and state the advantages
or disadvantages ensuing from such application.

Ans: P49 V1

51. Give the advantages of using ultra high voltages in the transmission of electric
power between the source of generation and the load point. A transformer with a
rating of 2400 - 240 V has 2000 turns on the primary winding. Assuming a 3%
voltage drop in the transformer when fully loaded, how many turns should be
placed on the secondary to maintain its rated voltage at full load. With this number
of turns on the secondary and the primary voltage held constant, what is the
secondary no-load voltage?

Ans: P51 V2
52. For the " no load " test on a transformer, the ammeter was found to read 0.18 A
and the wattmeter 12 W. The reading on the voltmeter was 400 V. Calculate:

a) the magnetizing component of the " no load " current

b) the iron loss component

c) the transformation ratio

Ans: P51 V2

53. A three phase, marine dry type transformer is used to step down the voltage of
a three phase, star connected alternator to provide the supply for 120 V
lighting. The transformer has a 4 : 1 phase turns ratio and is delta connected on the
primary side and star connected on the

secondary side. If the lighting is supplied at the line voltage of the transformer,
what must be the phase voltage of the alternator.

54. Illustrate a 3 phase power supply utilizing 220 V for power purposes and 110 V
for lighting. If the loads are unbalanced sketch a system that will accommodate the

Ans: P7 V2

55. A delta primary and star secondary transformer of 200 kVA capacity has a
primary voltage of 6600 V and secondary voltage of 440 V 3 phase. If this
transformer is loaded with a 110 kW motor that takes 440 V 60 Hz with a p.f. of
0.8 and an efficiency of 83%, find the phase current in the primary.

Ans: P88 V1

56. A 6 pole three phase 550 V 60 Hz induction motor has a 5% slip and draws a
current of 30 A when delivering a shaft torque of 150 Nm. Assume windage and
friction losses amount to a torque of 10 Nm and the iron and copper loss at 900 W.

a) motor speed
b) brake power

c) input power

d) power factor

e) efficiency

Ans: P10 V1

57. A 500 V three phase alternator supplies a balanced delta connected load in
parallel with a balanced star connected load. The delta load is 30 kW at a power
factor of 0.92 (leading) The star load is 40 kW at a power factor of 0.85
(lagging). Calculate the line current and the power factor of the supply.

Ans: P85 V1

58. A 3 phase 440 V 60 Hz six pole induction motor develops 18 kW on full load
with a speed of 1164 R.P.M. and operating power factor of 0.88
(lagging). Calculate the full load:

a) slip

b) input in kW

c) line current

note: the stator loss is 1.7 kW and mech losses total 1.5 kW

Ans: P29 V2

59. A 3 phase 6.6 kV 60 Hz alternator has an equivalent armature reactance of 5

ohms per phase and negligible resistance. It is connected to bus bars which are
energized by a second identical alternator. The breaker is closed when both
armatures are rotating at 1800 R.P.M. but 2 electrical degrees out of phase.


a) synchronizing current
b) synchronizing torque

Ans: P44 V1

60. An electrical system load consists of a 300 kW induction motor power factor
85% and 100 kW lighting load with power factor 100%. It is proposed to increase
the system power factor to 95% by employing a 100 kW synchronous motor. Find:

a) the kVA of the synchronous motor

b) the power factor of the synchronous motor

Ans: P58 V1

61. A 440 V single phase motor is rated at 7.5 kW and operates at a power factor
of 0.8 with an efficiency of 88%. Find the current taken from the supply.

62. A shunt generator delivers 50 kW at 250 V at 400 R.P.M. The armature and
field resistances are 0.02 ohm and 50 ohms respectively. Calculate the speed of
the machine when running as a shunt motor taking 50 kW input at 250 V. Allow 2
volts for brush contact drop. Assume flux to be proportional to field current.

Ans: P63 V1

63. A fresh water pump is found to take an armature current of 25 A at 220 V when
running on full load. The speed is measured to be 725 R.P.M. and the armature
resistance is 0.2 ohm. If the field strength is reduced by 10% by means of the
speed regulator and the torque remains unchanged, determine the steady speed
ultimately attained and the armature current.

Ans: P77 V1

64. Find the generated e.m.f. per conductor of a 6 pole D.C. generator having a
magnetic flux per pole of 64 mWb and a speed of 1000 R.P.M.. If there are 468
conductors, connected in six parallel circuits, calculate the total generated e.m.f. of
the machine. Find also the total power developed by the armature when the current
in each conductor is 50 A.

Ans: P88 V1

65. A six pole three phase generator generates 200 V 60 Hz with a field current of
4 Amps. If the speed is changed to 1400 R.P.M. and the field current to 3 A,
determine the generated voltage.

66. A D.C. shunt motor is wave wound and has four poles. The flux per pole is 2.5
x 10-2 weber. Armature current is 200 A the supply voltage is 230 V. Conductors
= 294. Armature resistance = 0.35 ohm. Calculate the R.P.M. and torque.

Ans: P9 V2

67. The curve of induced e.m.f. against excitation current for a separately excited
generator when run on no load at 1200 R.P.M. is given by:

e.m.f. 15 88 146 196 226 244 254

Excitation 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4


Deduce the voltage to which the machine would self-excite if the shunt field
resistance was set at 90 ohms and the machine was run at 900 R.P.M.

Ans: P41 V2

68. A pump delivers 12700 liters per hour of water into a boiler working at 15
bars. The pump is 82% efficient and is driven by a 220 V motor, having an
efficiency of 89%. Calculate the current taken by motor.

note: 1 liter of water = 1 kg

note: 1 bar = 105 N/m2

Ans: P22 V2
69. A shunt motor operates at 1200 R.P.M. and the supply voltage is 220 V. The
current is 60 A and the shunt field resistance is 110 ohms. The armature resistance
is 0.15 ohms. What percent variation in speed will there be if the torque is reduced
to 50%.

Ans P27 V1

70. A compound wound long shunt D.C. motor has an output of 150 A at 220
V. The equivalent resistances of the armature, series and shunt fields are 0.025,
0.015 and 176 ohms respectively. There is a 2 volt drop across the brushes. Find
the induced voltage.

Ans: P45 V1

71. A 460 V D.C. motor takes an armature current of 10 A at no load. At full load
the Ia is 300 A. If the resistance of the armature (Ra) is 0.025 ohm, what is the
value of the back e.m.f. at "no load" and "full load".

Ans: P65 V2

72. Determine the resistance of each step of a starter for the following motors:

10 h.p. 240 V armature resistance 0.5 ohm and full load current limited to 45 amps.

note: the starting current to be 150% of full load current

Ans: P66 V2

73. Illustrate the construction of an induction motor. Describe how it operates and
explain the difference between it and a synchronous motor.

Ans: P90 V1
74. Discuss the difference between synchronous motor and induction motor. How
is a synchronous motor started?

Ans: P82 V1

75. What is the theory of operation of an A.C. synchronous motor? Why is there
no starting torque? In an 8 pole synchronous motor what would the speed of
rotation be at:

a) 60 Hz

b) 50 Hz

76. Discuss the functions of the following elements of an automatic voltage

regulator for an alternator:

a) error detecting element

b) correcting element

c) stabilizing element

Ans: P19 V1

77. Discuss a synchronous motor. State two main functions of the damper

Ans: P82 V1

78. Sketch and describe a motor controll starter for a synchronous motor. How
are: overload, winding damper, breaker incorporated into the circuit.

79. Explain what a damper winding is. Sketch it and where would you find
them. A three phase 3.3 kV 50 Hz alternator having an equivalent armature
reactance of 5 ohm per phase and negligible resistance is connected to bussbars to
which an identical alternator is already connected. The circuit breaker was closed
at an instant when the rotors of the two machines were running at 1500 R.P.M. but
out of phase by 1 mechanical degree. Calculate:

a) the synchronizing current

b) the synchronising torque at this instant

80. Describe frequency as pertinent to A.C.. A four pole A.C. generator runs at
1500 R.P.M., what is it's frequency? If this generator supplies current to a 40 pole
motor, find the

speed of the motor:

a) if it is synchronous

b) if it is induction with slip of 2%

Ans: P52 V2

81. A six pole three phase 50 Hz induction motor is running at full load with a slip
of 4%. The rotor is star connected and it's resistance and standstill reactance are
0.25 ohm and 1.5 ohm respectively. The e.m.f. between the slip rings at standstill
is 100 V. Find the full load conditions:

a) the e.m.f. induced in each rotor phase

b) the rotor impedance per phase

c) the rotor current and p.f. assuming the slip rings are short circuited

Ans: P65 V2

82. A six pole three phase 60 Hz induction motor running at full load has a 4%
slip. The rotor is star connected. Rotor resistance is 0.25 ohms per
phase. Standstill rotor reactance is 1.5 ohms per phase. Standstill e.m.f. on the
slip rings is 100 V. Calculate:

a) the e.m.f. induced in each rotor phase

b) rotor impedance per phase

c) rotor current and power factor with shorted slip rings

83. Find the line current for a 440 V 3 phase motor which is 88% efficient and is
rated at 110 kW. The current lags the voltage by 30 degrees.

Ans: P19.2 V2

84. A four pole alternator on open circuit generates 200 V at 50 Hz when it's field
current is 4 A. Determine the generated e.m.f. at a speed of 1200 R.P.M. and a
field current of 3 A neglecting saturation of the iron parts.

Ans: P25 V2

85. The terminal voltage of a shunt wound generator is 150 volts and the current
output is 70 amperes. If the resistance of the field windings is 30 ohms and that of
the armature conductors is 0.06 ohm, calculate the electrical efficiency of the

Ans: P26 V1

86. Sketch and describe a three phase alternator. Explain how to connect up two
alternators in parallel, in particular state the procedure for synchronizing.

Ans: P31 V1

87. Sketch and describe an A.C. alternator. How is the alternator excited?

88. An 8 pole alternator running at 720 R.P.M. supplies current to a synchronous

motor with 48 poles. Calculate the frequency and speed of rotation of the motor.

Ans: P35 V1
89. A three phase 100 R.P.M. A.C. generator supplies a 50 Hz current to a three-
phase, 120 R.P.M. synchronous motor. Calculate the number of poles on both the
alternator and motor.

90. A 440 V three phase eight pole marine alternator generates a 50 Hz supply
when dirven at normal speed. If the system is to be converted to 60 Hz working,
find the speed at which the prime-mover is to run. Assuming the same excitation
value find the new system voltage

91. What causes overheating in a squirrel cage motor? Discuss the preventive
maintenance required on this type of motor.

Ans: P91 V1

92. Discuss the reasons for an induction motor overheating. Discuss preventive
maintenance which whould be carried out on induction motors. How would you
reverse the direction of an induction motor?

93. Define: (as applied to D.C. starters)

a) current limit

b) time limit acceleration Sketch the diagram for one of the above types for a 1.5
kW wound motor.

Ans: P91 V1

94. Describe a magnetic motor starter for an A.C. three phase, two speed motor
(full voltage). Illustrate the answer with a simple circuit diagram. Show the
protection devices, control station, contactors and coils.

Ans: P19.1 V2
95. A D.C. starter is used for a shunt wound motor utilizing 230 V. If the armature
resistance is 0.6 ohm and the maximum permissible is 50 amperes and minimum at
40 amperes. Find the first resistance.

Ans: P89 V1

96. a) Describe an "air circuit breaker" .

b) Sketch and describe an "arc chute".

c) Define "reverse power relay"

Ans: P19.2 V2

97. Define each of the following terms as related to an A.C . motor starter
enclosure. Define:

a) "disconnect"

b) "Short circuit protection"

c) "Overload protection"

d) "Start / Stop control"

Draw a simple diagram of a 3 phase A.C. motor starting circuit which embodies
these features

Ans: P42&43 V2

98. Sketch a D.C. shunt motor Automatic Starter showing all protection devices,
etc. It should incorporate a time limit acceleration application. Explain it's

Ans: P19.1 V2

99. Describe the functions of a D.C. motor manual drum controller,illustrate your
answer with a simple circuit diagram.
Ans: P54&55 V1

100. Describe a circuit breaker as fitted on the electrical switchboard in the engine
room of a ship, and explain how it functions. Illustrate your answer with a sketch.

Ans: P16 V2

101. Draw a simple circuit diagram for a 3 phase A.C. motor incorporating the

a) "motor delta wound"

b) "overload protection"

c) " short circuit protection"

d) "disconnect"

e) "reversing"

f) "magnetic contactors"

g) "push button stn."

h) "Indicator lamps"

State the frequency of operation when Fwd. and Rev. buttons are pushed. What
protection is provided against the possibility of pushing the Fwd. and Rev. buttons
at the same time?

Ans: P77a V1

102. Describe an "air circuit breaker" suitable for 600 V A.C. installation. Sketch
some type of "arc chute" with the above breaker and explain how it functions to
dissipate the arc.

Ans: P42 V1
103. Describe the functions of a D.C. motor manual drum controller: Illustrate your
answer with a simple circuit diagram. A 25000 ohms voltmeter and a 35000 omhs
voltmeter are connected in series across a 500 volt line. What will each meter

Ans: P54 V1

104. Describe a motor controller suitable for a synchronous system. Illustrate your
answer with a simple circuit diagram and include an explanation of the starting
sequence. Why are overload and damper winding protection fitted in the circuit.

Ans: P62 V1

105. Sketch and describe a 3 terminal rheostat type starter for a D.C. motor.

Ans: P84 V1

106. Describe a starter that could be used for an A.C. motor application of full
voltage, single speed, suitable for 750 W at 115 volt. Show in your sketch the
protection devices, control station, contacts and hold in coil.

Ans.: P38 V2

107. Sketch and describe the operation of a two speed A.C. induction motor
starter. Your sketch is to include all safety and protective devices. The line
voltage is 440 V.

108. Describe and sketch a simple manual starter for a D.C. shunt motor and
indicate why it is necessary to use this device to start the motor.

Ans: P22 V2

109. In the sketch shown, determine the resistance of each step of the starter for the
following motor.
10 hp. at 240 volt with an armature resistance of .5 omh and full load current of 45
amps. Starter current to be 150% of the full load current.

insert diagram here

Ans: P66 V2

110. Describe and diagrammatically sketch a main switchboard for a vessel having
three D.C. current generators. Indicate on your sketch all the necessary fittings,
meters etc. and explain the purpose of each.

111. Assuming one generator is on load, describe the procedure necessary to bring
the two machines on to the bussbar so that the three generators may run in parallel.

Ans: P37 V2

112. Sketch a D.C. switchboard suitable for paralleling two D.C. generators, show
all instruments, switches and controls.

Ans: P37 V2

113. Sketch an A.C. switchboard suitable for paralleling two synchronous

generators. Your sketch is to show all protective devices and circuit
breakers. Find the line current supplied to a 12 kW motor which is 84% efficient
at a power factor of 0.8 and 44 V.

114. Sketch and describe a main breaker.

115. Enumerate the advantage and disadvantages of a D.C. electrical installation
(for lighting and auxiliary purposes) as compared with a similar A.C.
system. What instruments are required on the switchboard for each of these
systems? State the functions of the instruments named.

Ans: P28 V1

116. Discuss the starting sequence of an emergency generator which starts,

automatically, in the event of a main power failure.

Ans: P81 V1

P17 V2

117. Make a sketch of a ships switchboard suitable for paralleling two or more
D.C. generators. What is the reverse current relay and the overload relay and why
are they necessary? State the procedure for paralleling a D.C. generator.

Ans: P37 V1

118. Describe with sketch a balancing arrangement for a 3 wire Edison system to
provide 110 lighting and 220 volt power.

Ans: P70 V1

119. Detail a method of converting the measurement of the level of a liquid in a

tank and the RPM. of a shaft into an electrical signal for input into a data logger.

Ans P16 & 17 V1

120. Using a sketch to illustrate and amplify your answer describe any one of the
types of frequency meters listed below:

1) vibrating reed type

2) moving disk type of frequency meter

3) electrodynamic type

Ans: P31 V2

121 Describe the "megger". How is it used in testing circuits and equipment.

Ans: P38 V1

122. Describe an electric propulsion system employing a turbine driven alternator

and D.C. propulsion motor. Use a sketch to help illustrate your answer. Why is the
propulsion system made more complicated by employing A.C. and D.C. rather
than the use of only one or other of these power modes. What type of rectification
arrangements would likely be used in such a system.

There is a physical limit to the max. power available as output for which a direct
current motor can be built. How does the designer overcome this restriction if
much greater power per shaft is desired.

Ans: P30 & 31 V2

123. A boiler turbine generates electrical power in an industrial situation. It

operates at 15000 kPa and 520oC. Make a block diagram showing a closed loop
for control of the system showing any safety devices. Give a general description of
any electronic or other devices used in this control system.

124. A steam turbine is used to generate power on a vessel. Sketch a block diagram
of the control circuit showing the alarms, shutdowns and other safety devices.

125. More questions like these can be found on Martin's Marine Engineering Page,
click to

125. Describe a typical impressed cathodic protection system used in a ship. What
are the values of current and voltage used? What problem may be encountered if a
current appreciably higher than recommended by the equipment supplier is

Ans: P73,74,75 V1

126. Describe the construction of a semi-conductor rectifier indicating the

materials used. Sketch the output wave of the bridge rectifier illustrated If a
capacitor was connected across the output terminals, what effect will it have on the

insert diagram here

Ans: P15 V1

128. Describe the following:

a) semi-conductor

b) valence

c) hole

d) ion

e) forward bias

f) reverse bias

g) "p" type material

h) "n" type material

i) majority carriers
129. Discuss the precautions required when electrical equipment is to be used in
flammable atmospheres. What is meant by the terms:

1) intrinsically safe circuits

2) flame proof apparatus

Ans: P21 V1

130. Describe an emergency lighting system which uses batteries. What care and
maintenance does this system require? How are the batteries charged when the
available power is A.C. Make a line diagram of such a circuit.

Ans: P61 V1

131. The circuit illustrated is that of a typical common-emitter amplifier. If the

current through the emitter resistor is .5 mA, determine the battery voltage.
Assume a base emitter voltage drop of .1 volt.

insert diagram here

Ans: P14 V1

132. Describe any emergency power installation fitted aboard ship. State the
circuits this generator feeds and list the various connections on the switchboard of
this installation.

Ans: P28 & 81 V1

133. Sketch and describe an emergency switch board for a large passenger vessel.
134. Sketch and describe a photo electric cell or ? tube. Give two uses on a boiler

135. Sketch a fluorescent tube. Describe how it produces visible light. What is a

136. Given the following equation:

[ Eo = 1 C2 ] [ uo = 4 pi x 10-7 Wb]

4 pi x 8.98776 x 109 Nm2 Am

a) Show that the correlation between both of these quantities is numerically

equivalent to the velocity of light.

b) Using dimensional analysis show that the units required for "C" are consistant
with the formulae in part "a".

137. What are damping bars and why are they fitted to A.C. generators and
synchronous motors.
Brought to you by comments to


Transport Canada has ask us to advise users of this webpage to keep in mind that these questions are not the exact questions found in their
exams. Martin's Marine Engineering Page - is not affiliated with Transport Cana

ertification Assistance for Marine Engineers

Canadian First Class ME

Engineering Knowledge - Motors (1)
In Canada, Transport Canada administers the Marine Engineering examination process; visit
the Training Page for details on the process. The actual exam consist of nine (9) questions randomly
drawn from a question bank of the various subject. Six (only) must be answered in a 3.5hrs time frame.
The exam questions are similar to these, presented below, and are drawn heavily from similar question in
the Reed's Marine Engineering series of books.

Brought to you by comments to


Transport Canada has ask us to advise users of this webpage to keep in mind that these questions are not the exact questions found in their
exams. Martin's Marine Engineering Page - is not affiliated with Transport Canada and these questions have been
gathered from various sources.

Attempt any SIX (6) questions

Time = 3.5 hrs


What is the calorific value of diesel fuel? Give the percentages of heat losses and
for useful work. State methods of heat recovery.

Sketch and describe a direct-driven blower. What arrangements are made for astern

Discuss the purpose of purifying fuel oil. Sketch a two centrifuge fuel oil system
including settling tanks. double bottom tanks, etc.What routine service is required
of purifiers?

Explain isothermal, adiabatic and polytropic terms in a diesel engine air

compressor. What are the practical limitations?

Explain how you would set the valve timing and fuel pump timing on a
four�stroke diesel engine.

Describe the principles of operation and sequence of four-stroke and two�stroke

cycle diesel engines. Give timing diagrams, degrees and make of engine.

Sketch and describe a diesel-electric propulsion system for a ship and state how the
propeller shafting is reversed.

Sketch and describe the flywheel for a large diesel engine. State its purpose and
indicate how it is fitted. State why a Flywheel can be made lighter on a large diesel

Describe in detail the construction of any vertical boiler used for auxiliary service
aboard a motor ship. Give details of all riveted joints with the aid of sketches.

Sketch and describe the lubricating oil system of any diesel engine with which you
are familiar with.

Sketch and describe a multi-stage Air-compressor, naming all parts. What possible
dangerous conditions could occur?

Sketch and describe a diesel-electric propulsion system for a ship and state how the
propeller shafting is reversed.

Describe a large 2-stroke opposed piston diesel engine, the advantages and dis-
advantages of same.

What is the definition of a supercharger? Describe the different methods of

supercharging a diesel engine, stating the advantages.

State the approximate calorific value of fuel oil. State the percentage of fuel
utilized in the engine. State the various losses in percentage and describe how lost
heat can be regained.

Describe how you would prepare a Scotch Marine Boiler for inspection and the
possible defects you would look for.

Describe any type of hydraulic coupling, stating the type of fluid used in this

Describe how you would time a fuel pump for a diesel engine. Name the type of
pump and describe how you would increase the fuel supply in this pump.

Test C.

Sketch and describe a fuel injection pump suitable for an airless injection diesel
engine, (Bosch type). Describe fully how it operates and how the quantity of fuel is
regulated. State the materials it is made of.

Explain why it is necessary to have intercoolers on a multi-stage compressor. what

attention do these require to keep them in a good and safe working condition?
Sketch and describe the construction of an intercooler suitable for a working
pressure of 2400 kpa? State materials.
Sketch and describe a rotary lobe type blower suitable for supplying air to a large
reversible diesel engine. Describe the means of controlling air when the engine is

With the aid of crankshaft timing diagrams, describe the sequence of events and
the crankshaft angles for the following:
(a) four-stroke diesel engine
(b) two-stroke diesel engine
Also mention the make of engine referred to.

Describe how to take an indicator diagram and sketch a normal diagram for a two-
stroke diesel engine. What information can be found from such a diagram? Also
what is a �draw� card? Sketch a draw card for the above engine and explain its

Sketch and describe a mechanism used to lubricate the cylinders of a diesel engine.
How is the device isolated from the water cooling jacket? At what point is the oil
injected; why and where? Give reasons for lubricating cylinders this way.

Sketch and describe any type of waste gas and oil-fired boiler used for auxiliary
purposes. Show riveted joints and describe any stays used.

Sketch and describe a built-up crankshaft. What materials are used and what tests
are carried out on these materials? What stresses are crankshafts subjected to?

By means of a suitable sketch, describe the reversing mechanism stating the

sequence of events for a large diesel engine.


What are the pressures and temperatures in a 4-stroke diesel engine running full
speed at the following critical instances
(A). Air at the beginning of the compression stroke.
(B). Air at the end of compression.
(C). Burning gasses at the end of combustion period.
(D). Burning gasses at the end of expansion period.
(E). Gasses at exhaust valve outlet

Draw an indicator card for a 4-stroke diesel engine, showing pressures and
temperatures at critical points. Show on duplicate cards by dotted lines, the effects
of leaking piston rings, early fuel injection, and late fuel injection.
Explain how cylinder liners and heads develop cracks, stating the possible causes.
What symptoms would indicate these cracks.

Sketch and describe a 3-stage air compressor. Why are intercoolers fitted? What
qualities are required by air compressor lubricating oils? What dangers can arise
from improper compressor lubrication?

Sketch and describe a water cooling system. Give inlet and outlet at jacket and
piston. What are the disadvantages of sea water cooling?

Describe the causes and preventions of the following explosions:

(A) Starting Air Lines
(B) Air Compressors
(C) Main Engine Crankcases
(D) How each of these explosions can be prevented.

Sketch and describe a fuel pump suitable for solid injection type Main Diesel
Engine. Describe the ahead and astern operation and control. Describe timing
adjustment after overhaul.

Discuss port scavenging and valve scavenging. What is uniflow scavenging and
how is it obtained?

What is boiler grooving? What causes it and how is it prevented? Describe a repair
required on a grooving defect.


State the necessary alterations required to convert a diesel engine to burn high
viscosity bunker fuel from low viscosity fuel. State the advantages and dis-
advantages of high viscosity fuel.

Describe a marine DC. propulsion system. How is the vessel�s speed controlled?
How is it reversed and what are it�s advantages?

State the auxiliaries and their capacities on a typical marine propulsion diesel to
insure the safe working of the ship. State the class and size of the vessel.

Describe how indicator cards are taken. How is the mean indicated pressure
obtained? Sketch a 2-stroke and a 4-stroke indicator card.
Sketch and describe an engine driven rotary blower, showing how it is driven by
the engine.

Describe by diagram an arrangement of two purifiers between fuel storage tank

and fuel day tank, showing all pipes, valves, fittings, etc.

What is adiabatic compression and isothermal compression? Why is compression

in a diesel engine adiabatic and why is it isothermal in a compressor?

Sketch and describe a vertical boiler. Show how shell seams are riveted. Show how
various stays are fixed.

(A) What is necessary in a diesel engine for good combustion.
(B) What causes:
Black Smoke?
White Smoke?
Blue Smoke?
(C) Give remedies for:
Black Smoke.
White Smoke.
Blue Smoke.


Sketch and describe a tie bolt. How is it fitted in a large diesel engine and why?
What type of engine does not require tie bolts and why?

Why does a 2-cycle engine need to be scavenged? Describe a reciprocating

scavenge system. Why is the pump capacity larger than required?

State the advantages and dis-advantages of fresh water, sea water, and oil as a
cooling media. What would happen if the temperature of each medium were
permitted to rise to a high level?

Sketch and describe a high lift boiler safety valve. State the advantages of this type
of valve over a regular safety valve.

What limits the power output of a diesel engine? How can the power be increased?

Describe two methods of reversing the direction of rotation of a diesel engine.

What would be the advantages of a 2-cycle diesel engine having a direct drive to
the scavenge pump, or having an indirect driven rotary scavenge pump. Would
there be any heat loss to the exhaust gasses?

Sketch and describe:

(A) an indicator card with normal compression and high firing pressure.
(B) what results would you expect?
(C) what would cause low compression?
(D) what would cause high compression?

Indicate what the air temperatures and pressures should be on a 4-cycle diesel
(A) before compression.
(B) after compression
(C) after firing and combustion.
(D) exhaust gas leaving the cylinder.


Sketch and describe a high pressure fuel pump. How does it operate on ahead and
astern running? After overhaul, what timing does the pump require?

Write a report to an Engineer Superintendent or Ship Owner describing a defect

you have found in a cylinder head. State the possible cause of the defect, method of
repair, time taken and preventive measures, etc.

State the specific gravity, closed flash point and viscosity of good lubricating oil.
Describe fully the lubricating system of a dry sump heavy oil engine.

Sketch and describe a pneumatically controlled air start system. If a valve stuck
open how would you find the valve? What is overlap? Why is it necessary? How
much overlap is required?

Sketch a Scotch Marine Boiler (3.65 m. Dia., 3 m long, with a working pressure of
1250 kPa.). Give all major sizes, shell and end plate thicknesses, stays, etc., and
types of riveted joints.

State the stresses in a crosshead diesel engine and compare these to the stresses in a
steam reciprocating engine.

What is the cause of scavenge fires and how do you deal with the situation? What
can be done to prevent scavenge fires? Describe the effects of extinguishing
systems using carbon dioxide or dry powder.

What are the effects of fuel in the crankcase of a diesel engine? How does the fuel
get there? What do you learn from analyzed lube oil tests?

What is supercharging? What is meant to supply supercharged air? What are the
effects of supercharging? Can a conventional diesel be converted to
supercharging? State what would be required to carry out such a change.


With the aid of sketches and diagrams, explain fully what is meant by combustion
at constant volume and combustion at constant pressure. What type of engines use
these methods?

Sketch and describe the construction of pistons suitable for a 4-stroke diesel engine
and a 2-stroke diesel engine. Show each connecting rod is connected to the
crosshead. How are the pistons cooled and lubricated? Indicate the type of engine
to which the described piston would be fitted.

Why are the injection holes smaller in an engine with a 380 mm cylinder bore over
an engine with a 760 mm cylinder bore? Since less fuel is required in the smaller
bore engine why aren�t the number of holes reduced in the nozzle and the
diameter of the holes remain the same in both nozzles?

What change, if any, takes place to exhaust gasses in an exhaust gas turbo-charger?
Indicate the inlet and outlet temperatures and pressures on a turbo fitted to a large
4-stroke diesel engine.

Make a chart for recording wear measurement records of a cylinder liner. Show by
sketch where these measurements would be taken. Indicate where the most wear
would occur.

What is meant by the following terms:

(A) low speed heavy duty diesel engine.
(B) medium speed heavy duty diesel engine.
(C) high speed heavy duty diesel engine.
Indicate what would be the R.P.M. range of each. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of each? What is the best use of each type of engine?

Describe the shop trial for a heavy oil engine. How are indicated and brake horse
power calculated? How is the mechanical efficiency calculated? What would be
the expected thermal efficiency? What would be the approximate fuel consumption
per brake horsepower hour?

Sketch and describe a Bosch style fuel pump with a helix plunger. State the
materials used in construction. Describe the pump�s operation and how it is

Sketch and describe a flywheel for a heavy oil engine. Indicate it�s construction
materials, purpose, and what determines it�s weight and how it�s weight may be


Describe an electro-magnetic coupling as used in a diesel engine reduction gear.

What is the advantage of reduction gearing.

Describe the action of any type of oil separator to which you are familiar. What is
the difference in operation between a separator and a calorifier? Why is it desirable
to preheat the oil? What is the purpose of fresh water priming of the separator?

Sketch and describe a cylinder liner for a large 2-stroke diesel engine. How is the
liner tested during construction? How is it fitted to the cylinder block? How is it
sealed to the cylinder block?

What are the effects of fuel in the crankcase of a diesel engine? How would fuel
enter the crankcase? What is learned from analyzed oil samples?

Describe a 4-stroke diesel engine with a turbo charger. What is �overlap� and
what is it�s function?

How would you measure the wear on a cylinder liner and a main bearing? What do
these readings indicate and why are they taken? What would be the normal
tolerances for wear?

With regard to compression ratios, what would be the result of increased final
volumes in gasoline and diesel engines? Give compression temperatures and

Should be necessary to use salt water feed in a Scotch Marine Boiler, what density
would you run the boiler at? How would you control the density? What effect
would this have on the boiler? State the composition of salt water.
Sketch and describe an oily water separator for the removal of oil from bilge water.
Why is this equipment essential?


What would be the advantages of a 2-stroke diesel engine having a direct driven
scavenge pump or an independently driven rotary pump? Would there be any heat
loss to exhaust gasses?

Sketch and describe an indicator card with normal compression pressure and high
firing pressure. What results would you expect to get? What would be the effect
upon a cylinder with low compression pressure and high firing pressure?

Describe how a lead wire is used to find the clearance in a bottom end bearing but
will not work for finding the top end clearance. Explain why leads are not taken at
random crank pin angles. Describe the checks made to insure that there is adequate
clearance for top and bottom end bearings.

Explain why fuel oil injector valve cooling is not always beneficial.

Describe how the following conditions affect the wear of piston rings and cylinder
(A) ring pressure against the cylinder liner.
(B) contour of the ring edges.
(C) axial and radial depth of ring and groove.
(D) clearance of ring in ring groove.

In an automatically operated auxiliary boiler, describe the devices that allow

automation. Describe why this boiler has safety fail safes. Describe the shut-down
devices and methods of warning given.

Define �Critical Speed� as it applies to a diesel engine. What effect does a

controllable pitch propeller have on the critical speed of an engine? What would
happen to an engine if it were run at or near it�s critical speed for continuous
periods of time.

Explain how and why suspended solids and carbon residue are said to affect the
performance of a fuel injector.

How might the gasses in an enclosed crankcase, resulting from vaporization of the
lubricating oil explode when (a) the engine is running, and (b) when the engine is
at rest? Describe a crankcase safety device.

Consider an engine fitted with a chain driven camshaft.

(i) What effect has the stretching of the chain upon engine performance and
(ii) How is the chain tension adjusted to it�s initial value after stretching?
(iii)How is the engine timing corrected adjusting the chain?
(iv) What is the most common cause of chain failure and what part of the chain is
most prone to this failure?

Give a considered and reasoned account for the types of failure to main engine
turbo chargers listed below:
(i) a fractured turbine casing.
(ii) the rapid development of a severe problem of vibration.
(iii) the abrupt stopping of the turbo charger during normal operation accompanied
by a great deal of noise.

Some modern motor ships have been fitted with electronic devices employing a
cathode ray oscilloscope for obtaining indicator diagrams. The information from
the cylinders of the prime mover can be displayed at a remote location, such for
example, as the Chief Engineer�s office. Describe such a device and state the
manner in which it may be used to illustrate certain important features, such as the
combustion process, etc.

Discuss the merits and demerits of employing either a soluble oil or chromate
solution as a corrosion inhibitor in the cooling system of a diesel engine.

What are the most influential physical characteristics required of the principle
bearings for high speed, medium speed, and slow speed diesel engines? How do
the following details relate to these characteristics?
(i) thin bearing shells
(ii) surface finish
(iii) fluid film lubrication
(iv) alignment

As Chief Engineer prepare a list of operating and maintenance procedures you

would institute for the care of the main engines giving reasons each procedure and
the trouble likely to arise from neglect of such procedures.

(i) Construct a line diagram for the complete starting air system for a main diesel
(ii)Use sketches to help explain how starting, reversing, and stopping of the engine
is accomplished.

(i) Discuss the principle forces a large diesel engine crankshaft must withstand
while in service and how the stresses resulting from these forces are kept to
acceptable limits by good design and operating criteria.
(ii)Discuss the manner in which the crankshaft may be over stressed and the
difficulties arising there from.

(i) Discuss the factors contributing to the initiation and propagation of fires in the
scavenge system of a diesel engine and the method of operation required to
mitigate such an occurrence.
(ii)Discuss the use of (CO2) and dry powder as extinguishing agents.
Brought to you by comments to


Transport Canada has ask us to advise users of this webpage to keep in mind that these questions are not the exact questions found in their
exams. Martin's Marine Engineering Page - is not affiliated with Transport Canada and these questions have been
gathered from various so

ertification Assistance for Marine Engineers

Canadian Second Class ME

Engineering Knowledge - Motors
In Canada, Transport Canada administers the Marine Engineering examination process; visit
the Training Page for details on the process. The actual exam consist of nine (9) questions randomly
drawn from a question bank of the various subject. Six (only) must be answered in a 3.5hrs time frame.
The exam questions are similar to these, presented below, and are drawn heavily from similar question in
the Reed's Marine Engineering series of books.

Brought to you by comments to


Transport Canada has ask us to advise users of this webpage to keep in mind that these questions are not the exact questions found in their
exams. Martin's Marine Engineering Page - is not affiliated with Transport Canada and these questions have been
gathered from various sources.

AT sent us the following exam questions, encountered while taking the 2EK Motor exam, in December 2015.
- Thanks !

1. What are detuners ? Describe any type of detuner you know, purpose,
construction and working
2. Sketch a block diagram and explain electronic fuel injection system
used in modern diesel engines, what are the advantages of this system
over traditional system
3. Explain the purpose, and construction of inter coolers, advantages
4. Describe any rotary type scavenge blower , construction and working
5. Modern diesel engines does not use indicator diagrams and light
spring diagrams what are the new methods employed in measuring
temperatures and pressures of these type of engines
6. What are the impurities contain in fuel oil and lube oil , effect of this
on engine
7. Explain a bi metal pyrometer , how it is different from a thermometer.
8. Explain construction of 4 stroke diesel engine cylinder , liner,
cylinder head . State the material used
MH sent us the following exam questions, encountered while taking the 2EK Motor exam, in April 2015. -
Thanks !

1. What is thermodynamics. Compare indicated power to brake power.

Where are the losses in the engine?
2. Sketch a fuel system from double bottom tanks to main engine. Why
are settling and purification systems in place?
3. Describe a multi stage air compressor. Why are drains fitted? Temps
and pressures at various stages. Safety devices?
4. Describe supercharging. How does it affect temperatures and
pressures? Affect on power
5. Explain causes and precautions...
1. Crankcase explosions
2. Start airline explosions
3. Air compressor explosion
6. Describe a purifier. How is the oil separated?
7. Describe how an engine is constructed and the materials used. How
are liners fitted and kept watertight. Why are Pistons tapered at the
8. Problems with starting an engine in cold climates. What is done to
assist in this?
9. Sketch a pump for lube oil main engine. Show the path of oil over the
wheels. How is the oil pumped in a uni directional engine when the
engine is run in reverse?
Mike sent us the following exam questions, encountered while taking the 2EK Motor exam, in Nov 2013. -
Thanks !

1. Describe the operation of a governor for an auxiliary engine.

2. Sketch and describe a rotary blower for supercharging a 2-stroke
diesel engine. Is cooling required? Explain how the blower operates
when the engine is reversed.
3. State the meaning of constant volume and constant pressure cycle.
Show PV diagrams showing important points in both cycles. Give
examples of engines using these cycles.
4. Sketch and describe the construction of a 4-stroke cylinder head,
include hold down arrangement and common defects of a cylinder
5. How is starting and reversing achieved in a large direct reversing
engine? Name the type of engine.
6. Explain possible causes of a crankcase explosion and explain how
they may be prevented or the severity lessened.
7. A 4-stroke diesel engine has a leaky fuel injector. Give the symptoms
you would look for; explain the dangers involved and the action you
would take to continue the safe operations of the engine.
8. Sketch and describe a lube oil system for a large marine engine with
oil cooled pistons.
9. Sketch and describe a quick-closing valve as used on a fuel line.
Explain fully how it works and the reasons why it is fitted.have
experienced at sea. How were repairs affected?

Tom sent us the following exam questions, encountered while taking the 2EK Motor exam, in Nov 2011. -
Thanks !

What is stress when referring to engineering materials? Name the types of stress
set-up in the following:

a) a cylinder cover stud

b) the crank web
c) the connection rod
d) the shaft forward of the thrust collar
e) when the piston is on the down stroke
f) the propeller shaft aft of the stern tube

Describe a machinery breakdown you have experienced at sea. How were repairs

Sketch and describe a bilge and ballast system suitable for a 7500 ton cargo vessel
with a cellular bottom. State the number and capacity, in tonnes per hour, of the
pumps required for each system

What is the density of seawater? What is the maximum density a boiler could be
operated if undistilled water had to be used and what would an increase or decrease
of this density result in?

Describe a dry type sprinkler system for a passenger vessel. How is the
compressed air maintained in the system and how is the valve reset after tripping?

Explain the procedures for dry-docking a vessel for a full survey. What precautions
are taken before undocking?

Name three types of metals used in construction of propeller blades; state the
advantages and disadvantages of each.

What is spontaneous combustion? How can it be prevented in the engine room


Sketch and describe a windlass with which you are familiar. State the procedures
of operation.

Exam 01

01 - Describe how to check wear down on tail shaft using lignum vitae bushing and
what wear to allow on 12" shaft also result if greater wear occurs.

02 - Describe an indicator. How to obtain MEP and IHP, use example to work out.

03 - How is a large IC engine secured. What provisions are made to tank tops?
Sketch holding down bolt.

04 - Referring to tensile test for metals what is: (Give readings you would expect)

a. Ultimate strength
b. Yield point for mild steel tail shaft
c. Elongation

05 - Describe fire fighting equipment and detecting equipment etc. for passenger
vessels including full sketch of sprinkler system.

06 - Using double bottom water ballast tanks what type valves are used and wily?
How are they filled and emptied. Describe operation. What provisions are made for
venting and dipping and where?

07 - Describe and sketch any flexible coupling you know.

08 - Referring to anchor chains and steering cables where is wear and associated
problems likely to occur and how would you rectify them?

09 - Describe fully a telemotor system.

Exam 02

01 - What is the difference between a blower and a compressor? Describe at least

three methods of controlling the output of a compressor. Sketch a compressor
valve with which you are familiar.

02 - Sketch the mid ship section of a ship on which you have sailed.

03 - Name the steps taken in starting up and paralleling a diesel driven auxiliary,

04 - Name three types of clutches used in marine diesel engines and describe one.

05 - Enumerate the precautions to be taken prior to and during the bunkering of a

vessel. Sketch and described tank contents gauge of the pneumatic type, and state
whether not this instrument is accurate.

06 - How thick would you expect to find the steel plating of a 15,000 ton cargo
ship? If you wanted to find the exact figure where would you look on board ship?
What are scantlings?

07 - Assume the ship on which you are sailing had grounded and was due to dry
dock at the end of the voyage. What troubles would you anticipate during the rest
of the voyage and what would you do In dry dock?

Exam 03

01 - What are bilge blocks? Discuss what you consider the duties of a second
engineer when the ship is in dry-dock for a four year survey.

02 - Describe the functions of the following: synchroscope, borescopes

stethescopes, stroboscopes, obilliscope and microscope and state which would be
used or carried on board ship.

03 - Differentiate between forced, induced, and balanced draft, and state the
advantages and disadvantages of each.
04 - Compare at least six qualities of at least three -different refrigerants.

05 - State the provisions to prevent damage to the steering gear in:

A. a steam steering system

B. an electric hydraulic system
C. an electric system

What time would you expect a steering gear to take to go from hard over to hard
over? What should prevent a steering gear from turning- beyond the prescribed

06 - What is the purpose of an inclining experiment? What effect has a slack tank
on a vessel's stability? Does it matter whether slack tank is high or low?

07 - State all the safety equipment required for the operation of your choice of
refrigeration equipment, including the cold rooms.

Exam 04

01 - Name six types of pumps indicating in each case if it is positive displacement.

What types would you use for the following services - lube oil, domestic water,
main circulator boiler feed, fuel oil transfer, bilge.

02 - Sketch the bilge system fitted to your last ship.

03 - Sketch and describe an evaporator. What are the advantages of a multiple

effect evaporator.

04 - Describe an arc welding system. What are the purposes of the flux on the

05 - Sketch and describe a reducing valve.

06 - Describe the following tests and indicate where or on what parts of a ship
these would be carried out:

A. - hydrostatic test
B. - hose test
C. - head test
D. - drop test
E. - hammer test
07 - Name two methods of measuring electrical resistance and describe one of
them in full.

Exam 05

01 - Sketch the connections for ground lamps on a D.C. switchboard. How do these
lamps indicate a ground and how would you proceed to locate a ground if one was

02 - What is meant by forced draft, induced draft and balanced draft? Compare the
three methods.

03 - List all the emergency equipment required on a large passenger ship together
with its location and testing routines.

04 - Sketch and describe either

A. A Scotch marine boiler or

B. A waste heat boiler.

05 - Sketch a typical AC switchboard for a large vessel naming all instruments

switches, etc.

06 � Describe in full the procedure for making a riveted joint in pressure vessel.

07 - Describe the process of remetalling a white metal bearings

Exam 06

01 - Give four causes of brushes sparking on a DC machine and the steps you
would take to remedy these.

02 - Describe with the aid of a simple sketch long shunt, short shunt, series and
compound windings for a D.C. generator. Which windings would be heaviest, the
shunt or series?

03 - Sketch the fuel oil system for a ship with two boilers burning bunker C fuel.

04 -

A. What are the causes of fire on board ship and what steps can be taken
to eliminate these?
B. List the methods of detecting fire used on board a cargo ship.

05 - Describe the procedure for drawing a propeller shaft for inspection. What
defects would you look for? What is meant by a continuous liner?

06 - List four methods of lubricating bearings. Compare white and roller bearings.
Describe the procedure for removing and replacing a ball bearing.

07 - Describe a Michell Thrust Block. Give a sketch of a pad showing the method
of achieving an oil wedge and state the clearness you would expect.

Exam 07

01 - What effect has carbon content on the physical characteristics of steel? Give
typical carbon contents of cast irons tool steel and cold rolled steel.

02 - Describe the processes of annealing normalizing and case hardening.

03 - Name four methods of non-destructive testing and describe one of them in


04 -What precautions would you take when taking bunkers? What information
would you expect on the bunker slip you receive from the Oil Company? Give
typical values for a bunker C oil.

05 - Sketch and describe a safety valve.

06 - List the steps necessary to take a boiler off load and prepare it for an extended
lay up.

07 - What is pH and what value of pH would you consider desirable in the water of
a marine water tube boiler. Describe a test to determine the hardness of boiler

Exam 08

01 - What is galvanic action and where on a ship would you be likely to find
evidence of this? Define the following in a few words:

A. Sacrificial anode
B. Impressed Current system
02 - Sketch and describe a Heli-shaw pump as used in a steering gear.

03 - What is a hunting gear? Show all temperatures and pressures.

04 - Draw a line diagram of a refrigeration system with which you are familiar.
Show all temperatures and pressures.

05 - How are fires classed? Name the types of fire fighting mediums used to fight
these. Sketch a portable extinguisher suitable for use on a class C fire.

06 - Describe an inert gas system such as would be used on a tanker.

07 - Describe a CO2 flooding system as normally fitted on a cargo ship. What

steps should be taken before this system is operated in the engine room?

Exam 09


A. How is anchor chain measured?

B. What is meant by ranging the anchor cables?
C. What maintenance procedures and inspection should be carried out
when the anchors are being ranged?

2 - How is the main engine thrust transmitted to the vessel? Use a sketch to

3 - Describe a lube oil purifier of the centrifugal type.

4 - Draw up a typical job list for work to be done on a ship during her annual dry-

5 - Sketch and describe a hydraulic steering gear with which you are familiar.

6 - Describe the Ward Leonard steering gear.

7 - Describe a process for making steel.

Posted April 2002

Test 10
1. What is meant by �Port Scavenging�. Valve Scanvenging and Supercharging?
Give an advantage and disadvantage of each.

2. List the possible causes of a crank case explosion and explain how they may be

3. What is meant by �Open� and �Closed� flash points? Describe the

apparatus used for testing flash point. Give the approximate flash points of
�Parafin�, Diesel fuel, Boiler fuel and gasoline.

4. Describe a fuel pump for solid injection. Explain fully its operation and the
material it is made of.

5. Sketch a describe the cam location of a 4 cycle diesel engine. What effects
would cam wear have on engine performance?

6. Sketch and describe a Fresh Water cooler fitted to a sea going vessel. What
provision is made to prevent salt-water contamination of the system.

7. Describe any � Detuner� you are familiar with.

8. Describe a 3-stage air compressor. Give the temperature and pressure of each
stage. What would be the effect of over lubrication.

9. What is meant by �Compression Ratio?� What is average ratio for Diesel

Engines? Would an increase in volume alter the compression Ratio?

Test 11

1. Describe the construction of an opposed piston engine and name the materials.
Give the advantages over a single acting piston 2 cycle engine.

2. Why are intercoolers used on air compressors? Explain how you would examine
and test an intercooler. What type of sir compressors require intercoolers?

3. List the difference exhaust and scavenge systems in a 2 cycle engine. Describe
one of these systems and give pressures and temperatures for inlet and exhaust

4. Sketch and describe a lubricating oil system for a large diesel engine.
5. Describe a fuel oil system for a Diesel-Electric propelled vessel.

6. Describe a fuel oil system for a Scotvh marine boiler.

7. Why are a governors fitted to diesel engines? Describe a governor you are
familiar with and explain its action.

8. Describe a 3-stage air compressor and give the advantages over a single stage.

9. A 4-cycle diesel engine has a leaky fuel valve. Give the symptoms you would
look for, explain the dangers involved and the action you would take to continue
the safe operations of the engine.

Test 12

1.State the reason for explosions taking place in the following and in each case, the
precautions necessary to prevent their occurring.
a) Blast airline
b) Starting line
c) Air compressor
d) Main engine crankcase

2. Describe how you would take over a watch of a large diesel engine vessel

3. Describe in detail the construction of a 2 and 4 cycle diesel engine and name the
materials used.

4. The exhaust temperature of one cylinder is higher than the remainder. What
would be the cause of this, and describe the maintenance carried out to prevent this

5. State the reasons for a cylinder line overheating. What would you do to prevent
such an occurrence and give the results of your failure to do so.

6. Describe the different types of air starting and the full details and operations of
one system with which you are familiar.

7. Describe a lubricating oil system for a large diesel engine, and explain how the
oil is kept in good condition

8. What are the characteristics of a lubricating oil used with air compressors? How
is this flash point of lubricating oil found.
9. Sketch and describe a centrifugal type governor. What is its purpose.

Additional Questions Submitted by Colin B.

01. State the reason for explosions taking place in the following:

1. starting air pipe

2. air compressor
3. main engine crankcase

Also state the precautions that should be taken to prevent such an explosion.

02. State how explosions are prevented in fuel tanks. What gases are you likely to find in
empty fuel tanks?

03. List all the auxiliary machinery for a safe and efficient operation of a large motor ship.

04. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the' following:

1. port scavenging valve scavenging

2. valve scavenging
3. supercharging

05. What does supercharging as referred to a diesel engine mean? Describe a system of
supercharging as fitted to a four-cycle engine.

06. Describe fully the construction and operation of a scavenge pump for a two cycle
diesel engine. Is cooling necessary and at what air pressure does the pump operate.

07. Describe all the ways air is applied to 2 cycle engines. Go into detail on one you are
familiar with.

08. Describe the construction and principle of operation of a diesel engine silencer.

09. Describe a detuner with which you are familiar. What is its purpose? How does it

10. Describe with the aid of a sketch a governor for an auxiliary engine.

11. State the composition and calorific value of diesel fuel oil, explain the meaning of the
following giving a numerical example of diesel fuel oil.

1. specific gravity
2. closed flash point
3. fire or burning point
4. pour point
5. viscosity
12. State calorific value of fuel. Describe efficiency of an engine and how you would
improve on it. What are the constituents of stack gas.

13. What impurities are found in lubricating and fuel oils? What effects do these
impurities have on a diesel engine?

14. Describe a quick-closing valve as used on a fuel line. Explain fully how it works
and the reasons why it is fitted.

15. Describe any centrifuge separator (oil) that you are familiar with. Describe its

16. Describe the construction of an oil filter as used for a diesel engine. State the
materials used, and what the filtering action is. Explain the procedure for cleaning an oil
filter used on a running engine.

17. Sketch and describe lube oil system on a diesel engine having a dry sump showing the
filter by-pass system. State how many pumps are employed.

18. Describe a system for piston cooling using oil as a medium. State the advantages
over fresh and salt water systems. Why is it necessary to have the oil analyzed periodically?

19. Describe a feed water system for an auxiliary boiler. Name all the fittings in the
system and the reasons for using these fittings.

20. An 850 kPa auxiliary boiler is taken apart for refit. What do you look for?

21. Sketch and describe the construction of a waste heat boiler including the boiler
mountings and name the boiler selected.

22. Describe the construction of a cylinder including the head and liner.

23. Sketch and describe a cylinder head for a 4 cycle diesel engine, name material and all
valve fittings, reasons if cracked.

24. Sketch a piston for a large heavy-duty diesel engine and show how it is cooled.

25. Describe a trunk-type piston, stating materials of construction. Describe

construction of floating wrist pin, and state how it is prevented from gorging into inner wall.

26. Sketch and describe a liner for a 2-stroke diesel engine. How is sealed at the top
exhaust ports from the cooling water? What is its composition and why is it made of this?

27. Describe how wear is measured in cylinder and on piston. What causes
wear? What is considered a normal amount of wear over a given period of running?

28. How are piston rings manufactured? What material is used and why? What
allowances is made for side and butt clearances? Do these clearances vary with the position
of the ring on the piston? If so why.
29. Describe an exhaust valve unit of 4-stroke engine. Describe the valve seating
arrangement, guide, spring and keeper assembly. State materials from which each is made.

30. Describe the construction of a 2 stroke and 4 stroke S.A.I.C. engine. State materials
used. How are liners fitted and retained in position. Describe the cooling water seals. How
do you know if these are leaking? Illustrate your answers with line sketches.

31 Describe a double acting four-stroke diesel engine. Compare with a single acting
diesel engine. Why is it more efficient?

32. Give the compression pressures and temperatures for a 2 cycle and 4-cycle diesel
engine. Give the terminal pressures and temperatures for a 4 cycle and 2-cycle diesel
engine. Explain the differences, if any.

33. Describe a semi diesel engine and explain fully its function. What would be the
compression and firing pressures?

34. Name the types of internal combustion engines which are fitted respectively with
carburetors, vaporizers. What is the purpose of this fitting? Give the type of fuel diesel in
each case and describe the system of ignition for each.

35. In large heavy oil engine what kind of stresses act on top and bottom and bolts of:

1. Single acting four-stroke cycle engine

2. Double acting engine.

Would the design of the bolts be affected?

36. What is a timing diagram? Draw the timing diagram for a single acting four stroke
diesel engine and explain how the timing of this engine is carried out.

37. Sketch timing diagrams for:

1. A two stroke single acting diesel engine

2. A four stroke single acting diesel engine
3. An opposed piston diesel engine

38. Sketch an indicator diagram for a naturally aspirated four-stroke diesel engine. Show
in a dotted line the effect if the engine were supercharged. Explain the advantages and effect,
if any, of supercharging.

39. Describe fuel injector for a 2-cycle solid injection common rail system. Name
causes for defects and how to avoid them.

40. Describe a common rail injection system for a 2-stroke diesel engine. Explain what
defects can be found with this system and what maintenance is required to keep it in good
working condition.

41. Describe the procedure of servicing a fuel injector, stating what tests must be
carried out during testing.
42. Sketch and describe the construction and function of a plunger helical release type on
Bosh type fuel pump. Explain how the amount of fuel pumped is regulated.

43. State the dangers of having a leaking fuel valve in a large 4-stroke diesel engine. How
would you find a leaking fuel valve? State what could be done to run the engine temporarily
under safe conditions.

44. Sketch and describe a fuel oil system for a large diesel and aux. boiler. Show all fittings
and the maintenance required.

45. Describe all the reasons for smokey exhaust in a diesel engine. Explain the
conditions required for complete combustion.

46. Sketch and describe an air compressor for starting a main engine. Show piping from
the relief valve to the starting air valve.

47. Sketch an air starting system for a large diesel engine. What is meant by overlap and
what is its object.

48. Describe a starting receiver, stating materials of construction and operating

pressure. List all fittings and where found on receiver.

49. Describe a 3 stage air compressor. State the pressures and temperatures of each
stage. Where are drains fitted? What type of lubricating oil is used and why? What provisions
are made for overheating and excessive pressure?

50. How is a three stage air compressor protected from overload? State any common
problems with air compressors and their remedies.

51. With reference to air compressors why is air compressed in two or more stages in
preference to one stage? What are the common faults with air compressors and how are the

52. Describe the construction of an intercooler for compressor. State why drainage of
the cooler is essential. What means is provided to prevent overpressure in the cooler?

53. What is the object of a compressor intercooler? What type of compressor requires
intercoolers? How would you proceed to examine and test and inter cooler?

54. Sketch and describe a relief valve for a starting air receiver. When the receiver is at
maximum pressure how many starts is it required to be capable of for the main engine?

55. State the exact meaning of :

1. constant volume cycle

2. constant pressure cycle

Give examples of engines using these cycles, give the pressures and temperatures of the
important points in both cycles.
56. List several causes of engine failing to start, tell how you would identify and correct
these faults.

57. Describe reverse-reduction gear box as fitted to a high-speed large diesel

engine. Show how thrust bearings are incorporated and detail how reversing is

58. Describe a water cooling system for a diesel engine.

59. Sketch and describe a �fresh water cooler� as may be used on deep sea runs. How is
salt water prevented from leaking into the system?

60. Describe a diesel electric propulsion system. Explain how it is controlled and

Brought to you by comments to


Transport Canada has ask us to advise users of this webpage to keep in mind that these questions are not the exact questions found in their
exams. Martin's Marine Engineering Page - is not affiliated with Transport Canada and these questions have been
gathered from various s

ertification Assistance for Marine Engineers

Canadian Second Class ME

In Canada, Transport Canada administers the Marine Engineering examination process; visit
the Training Page for details on the process. The actual exam consist of nine (9) questions randomly
drawn from a question bank of the various subject. Six (only) must be answered in a 3.5hrs time frame.
The exam questions are similar to these, presented below, and are drawn heavily from similar question in
the Reed's Marine Engineering series of books.

Brought to you by comments to


Transport Canada has ask us to advise users of this webpage to keep in mind that these questions are not the exact questions found in their
exams. Martin's Marine Engineering Page - is not affiliated with Transport Canada and these questions have been
gathered from various sources.




1-A. An electric furnace operating off a 240 V supply with an efficiency of 76%
raises the temperature of 3 kg of iron from 16 C to 750 C in 20 min. Calculate the:
(i) current
(ii) resistance
(iii) power
(iv) energy absorbed (kWh)
NOTE: Specific heat capacity of iron = 500 J kg -1 K-1

2-A. (i) State the chemical reaction that take place during the charging and
discharging of a NICKEL-CADMIUM ALKALINE storage battery.
(ii) A nickel-cadmium alkaline storage battery is discharged at a constant current
of 6 A for 12 h at an average terminal voltage of 1.2 V. A charging current of 4 A
at 1.5 V applied for 22 h is necessary to completely recharge the battery, Calculate
the ampere-hour and the watt-hour efficiencies of this battery.

3-A. (i) Sketch a solenoid indicating the shape and polarity of the magnetic field
and the direction of the current to produce this effect.
(ii) What is the effect produced if a soft iron core is inserted into the solenoid.
(iii) A solenoid 75 cm long is wound with 4000 turns of wire. Calculate the
magnetic flux density when a current of 2.84 A is applied to the coil.

4-A. Three current of peak values 10 A , 17.32 A and 20 A respectively meet in a

common conductor. The 17.32 A current lags the 10 A current by 90 electrical
degrees and leads the 20 A current by 60 electrical degrees. Draw a phasor diagram
(not to scale) and calculate the value of the resultant current, giving its phase
relation with respect to the 10 A current.

5-A. A ship�s electrical service supplied 100 kVA at 440 V and 60 Hz to an

induction motor with an inductance of 1 H and an ohmic resistance of 350 ohms.
Calculate the:
(i) inductive reactance of the motor
(ii) impedance
(iii) current supplied to the motor
(iv) power factor
(v) power input to the motor (kW)
(vi) size of capacitor ( F) required in the circuit to raise the power factor to 95%


6-B. Describe a Synchroscope used when paralleling two alternators. Illustrate

your answer.

7-B. Sketch a switchboard for controlling the performance of two-three (3) phase
alternators that may be arranged for parallel or simultaneous operation while
sharing the electrical load. Your sketch should include all the necessary meter,
instruments, regulators, circuit breakers and other protective devices required for
controlling of the machines.

8-B. Describe the STAR-DELTA type of starter for a large squirrel cage induction
motor. What is the advantage of this method of starting?

9-B. Sketch and describe an electric brake for a cargo winch. What care and
attention does it require for safe and efficient operation?

Additional Questions to try

1. What is meant by the terms Electromotive Force and Potential Difference?

Explain carefully the difference between them.

2. Three resistances of 5, 3 and 10 ohms are connected in parallel to form one

group. This group is now connected in series with a resistance of 3 ohms. The
terminal voltage across the circuit is 110. Find the total current flowing and the
current flowing through each resistance.

3. What is meant by the terms Direct Current� and A Alternating Current?

Explain how the root-mean squared value of and alternating current is obtained by
calculating and state the practical importance of this value.

4. What are the chemical magnetic and heating effects of an electric current? Give
examples where these effects can be used to advantage in practice and where these
effects can be disadvantageous.

5. A steam turbine drives a 300-kilowatt generator and steam is supplied from an

oil fired boiler. The overall efficiency of the plant is 7.5%. What is the fuel
consumption in lbs., per kilowatt-hour, if the calorific value is 19,500 B.T.Us. Per

6. A pump is driven by an electric motor taking 25 amps., at 210 volts, and whose
efficiency is 85%. If the efficiency of the pump is 70 %, how many gals. of salt
water will it deliver per min., to a height of 50 ft.? Take 1 cu.ft. of salt water as
weighing 64 lbs.

7. Three coils of resistances 5, 10, and 20 ohms are connected in parallel and these
in turn are connected in series to a 0.5 ohm resistance. If a voltage of 110 volts is
applied across the whole circuit/find the voltage drop across each resistance and
the current flowing in each one.

8. An electric heater raises the temperature of 8 tons of oil through 120EF., in 28

hours. The specific heat of the oil is 0.45 and the potential difference across the
heater is 220 volts. Find the equivalent ft.lbs. of energy dissipated by the heater,
the equivalent horse power, and the current supplied in amperes.

9. An iron wire and a lead wire are connected in parallel. The ratio of the specific
resistance of iron to that of lead is as 24 is to 49. The iron wire is 60% longer than
the lead and the iron wire is 20% greater in cross-sectional area. Find the
percentage current flowing in each wire.

10. A piece of wire is bent into a circle and the ends are joined. Another straight
piece of the same wire is now connected as a diameter to the circle and 220 volts is
now applied across the ends of the straight wire. If the resistance of the straight
wire is 3.5 ohms., calculate the total current flowing through the circuit formed.

11. An electric circuit is made up of one hundred and seventy-five 100 volt 60 watt
lamps, and one 20 B.H.P., motor which has an efficiency of 85%. The generator
supplying current to this circuit has an efficiency of 90% and is driven by a steam
engine whose mechanical efficiency is 85%. Find (a) the output of the generator in
kilowatts, and (b) the I.H.P., of the engine.

12. In an electrically heated crucible 12 lbs., of lead at a temperature of 60EF.,

were reduced to a molten state in 20 min. The heater was supplied with 5 amps., at
110 volts. The melting point of lead is 640EF., its specific heat is 0.031 and the
Latent heat of fusion is 10.54 B.T.Us., per lb. Find the efficiency of the apparatus.

13. If a wire of total length >L= and resistance >R= ohms is cut into >n= equal
lengths and these are then connected in parallel, prove that the equivalent
resistance >RQ= of the circuit is given by; - RQ = R/n5 ohms. A piece of wire of
72 ohms resistance is cut into 2 equal lengths. Find the equivalent resistance if
these two lengths are now connected in parallel.

14. A copper conductor 1,000 yd., long has a resistance of 0.5 ohms at 68E F. find
the cross-sectional area of the conductor in sq.ins., given that the temperature co-
efficient is 0.00393 per 1EC., and the specific resistance at 0EC. = 0.63 x 10 to the
-6 ohms per in. cube.

15. A lamp filament is 60 cms., long and has a diameter of 0.04 mm. The specific
resistance of the filament when cold is 0.0000165 ohms per cm.cube. When hot
under normal working conditions the resistance is 6 times that when cold. If the
voltage drop across the lamp is constant at 110 volts, find the current flowing, (a)
under normal working conditions and (b) when the lamp is just switched on.
16. In a certain electrical circuit a copper wire and an aluminum wire are connected
in parallel. If he copper wire is 30% longer and 10% smaller in diameter than the
aluminum wire, find the ratio of the currents flowing in each wire. Specific
resistance of copper = 0.63 microhm per in. cube. Specific resistance of aluminum
= 1.04 microhm per in. cube.

17. Define the term�s temperature co-efficient� and specific resistance with
respect to electrical conductors. Give examples of materials which have negative
and constant temperatures co-efficients, and state where the latter can be used to

18. What physical and electrical properties make copper and aluminum good
conductors? What effect has length, cross-sectional area and temperature on the
resistance of these conductors?

19. Three conductors of copper, aluminum and tin respectively are connected in
parallel ans at 0E C., they take equal currents. What is the percentage of the total
current flowing in each conductor when the temperature is 100EC? The
temperature coefficients of resistance are;- Copper = 0.00428 at 0EC , Aluminum
= 0.0038 at 0 EC, Tin = 0.0045 at 0EC.

20. Define the terms resistance@ and specific resistance@ with respect to
electrical conductors. Discuss the physical and electrical properties desirable for
electrical conductors and insulators and give examples of material commonly used
for these in electrical circuits.

21. It is required to charge a battery of 50 cells connected in series, each having an

internal resistance of 0.03 ohm and an average e.m.f., of 2.2 volts. If the supply
voltage is 220 and the charging current is 2.5 amps., calculate the value of a
resistance to be placed in series with the battery and the percentage power supplied
that is wasted in the resistance.

22. The discharge rate of a battery is given by the law;- I to the n times t = K.
where I = amps; t = time in hours, n & K are constants. If the battery discharge at
the rate of 45 amps for 2.5 hours and on another occasion at 18 amps for 9 hours,
find how long it would take to discharge at 15 amps.

23. A battery consisting of 8 cells in series, each having an e.m.f., of 1.4 volts and
an internal resistance of 0.3 ohm, is connected to resistance of 4, 8 and 16 ohms,
separately at first and then with the three resistances in parallel across the battery
terminals. Find the total current flowing in each case.

24. Three batteries connected in series each having an e.m.f., of 1.5 volts and an
internal resistance of 0.4 ohms. The batteries supply current to an external circuit
of 16.4 ohms resistance. Find (a) potential difference across the external circuit and
(b) the potential difference across the first two cells.

25. What quantity of electricity, measured in coulombs, will deposit 10 gms., of

copper from a solution of copper sulphate? What current would be required if this
process took 1 hour? What weight of silver would be deposited from a silver
nitrate solution if the same current flowed for the same time? Electro-chemical
equivalent of copper = 0.00033 gms., per coulomb. Electro-chemical equivalent of
silver = 0.001118 gms., per coulomb.

26. An ampere is defined as that steady current which will cause 0.001118 gms., of
silver to deposit from a solution of silver nitrate in 1 second. An ammeter when
connected in series with a silver nitrate meter gave a steady reading of 5 amps.
From the experiment the following data was recorded;- time of test = 15 min.
Initial weight of cathode = 9 gms. Final weight of cathode = 14 gms. Calculate the
error, high or low of the ammeter.

27. Explain the difference between the e.m.f., of a cell and the potential difference
across the terminals. In a test carried out on a cell the following results were
recorded;- I (amps) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 p.d. (Volts) 3.5 2.77 2.05 1.33 0.6 - plot a
graph of these result and from it find ; (a) the e.m.f., of the cell; (b) the internal
resistance of the cell.

28. What weight of copper in lbs., will be deposited from a solution of copper
sulphate by a current of 15 amps., flowing for 35 min. Electro-chemical equivalent
of copper 0.00033 grams per coulomb.

29. What are the causes of Sulphation, Hydration and buckling of plates in lead-
acid batteries? State the remedies for the first two conditions and state why buckled
plates are useless for further service.

30. Describe a lead-acid accumulator or storage battery. Give the chemical

reactions which take place during charging and discharging of the battery.

31. Two volt meters, one of copper and one of silver, are connected in series and a
current is passed through them. If 20 gms., of silver are deposited in a certain time,
calculate the weight of the copper deposited during this time. The electro-chemical
equivalent of silver is 0.001118 gms., per coulomb and the electro-chemical
equivalent of copper is 0.00033 gms., per coulomb. Also find the weight of
hydrogen liberated if chemical equivalent of copper is 31.8.

32. Describe a lead-acid accumulator or storage battery. What regular care and
attention does this type of battery require and what precautions are necessary if it is
to be out of service for several months? How is this type of battery charged?

33. Explain what is meant by the terms electrolyte, :cathode@ and anode@ when
used in connection with electrolysis. Given a silver nitrate voltmeter explain how
this can be used to measure the value of a steady current passing though the meter.

34. A six pole generator has a useful flux of 7 x 10 to the 6 lines per pole. The
armature is lap wound and has 624 conductors. What is the e.m.f., generated if the
armature revolves at 1,000 r.m.p.?

35. What is galvanic Action@? What conditions are necessary to promote this
effect under practical conditions. Where can galvanic action occur on the hull or
machinery of a ship? What steps can be taken to prevent it?

36. Explain what is meant by the terms Electrolysis@. For what commercial
purpose can this effect be used? How does this effect differ from Galvanic action?

37. In a d.c., machine the four field coils are in series and each has 2,000 turns.
During a continuity test the current is switched on and off at a rate of 0.2 seconds.
The induced lines of force are 2.5 megalines which drop to a residual value of 1
megaline. Find the induced volts.

38. State Lenz=s Law. 2 coils X and Y of 600 and 3600 turns respectively are
wound on an iron core. A current of 4.5 amps., in coil X builds up a field of 80,000
lines strength in the core. Find the e.m.f. induced in each coil if the current is
reversed in 0.02 seconds.

39. Find the force required, (a) in dynes, (b) in gms., and (c) in lbs., to move a
conductor 60 cms., long, carrying a current of 130 amps., across a magnetic field
of 8,000 lines per

40. A 4 pole motor has a wave wound armature of 0.4 ohm resistance. The
armature has 594 conductors and the flux per pole is 0.75 megalines. If the supply
voltage is 220 and the motor runs at 1380 r.m.p., find the armature current.

41. Make a sketch of a solenoid coil showing the direction of the current flow in
the wire, and then show clearly the lines of force and their direction. Indicate the
polarity and state the simple rule used to determine the direction of the lines of
force. What would be the effects if a soft iron core was now inserted in the coil?

42. Make sketches of current carrying conductors arranged as ;- (a) a straight wire,
(b) a single ring or loop, and (c) a coil or solenoid. On each sketch show clearly the
associated lines of force and their direction. In cases (b) and (c) indicate the
polarity of the resulting field. State the simple rule used to determine the direction
of the lines of force.

43. A spare shaft 5 ft., long is supported athwartships on the deck of a vessel which
is steaming at 30 knots. The lines of force due to the earth=s magnetic field have a
density of 0.4 lines per What would be the voltage, measured in millivolts,
induced in the shaft?

44. With reference to generators explain the meaning of the terms Residual
Magnetism, Lines of Force, induction, and Conduction, and state to what parts of
the generator they apply.

45. An alternating voltage of r.m.s., value 100 volts is applied to a circuit of

negligible resistance and an inductive reaction of 25 ohms. Calculate the r.m.s.,
value of the current flowing. Sketch the graph of the variation in current and
voltage during one cycle of the applied voltage.

46. Why is the r.m.s., value of an a.c., sinusoidal wave used for calculations?
Determine (a) the maximum current generated if the r.m.s., value is 4.78 amps.,
and (b) the frequency if the periodic wee change is 0.03 seconds.

47. The average value of a sinusoidal current wave is 170 amps. Find graphically
the value of the current at 0.003 secs.; 0.006 secs.; and 0.008 secs., after the zero
value, and increasing positively. The frequency is 50 cycles per sec. The average
value is 0.637 of the maximum value.

48. An a.c., current has a wave form from which is an isosceles triangle with a
maximum value of 10 amps. Draw a graph of one cycle of this wave form and on
the graph draw a curve of the heating effect of the current. Taking 10 mid-ordinate
values of the current, for 1/4 of a cycle calculate the r.m.s., value.

49. Calculate the total effective reactance of an a.c., circuit consisting of a coil of
100 millihenry inductance in series with a condenser of 20 microfarads
capacitance. The frequency is 50 cycles per second. If the coil has a resistance of
10 ohms find the impedence of the circuit.

50. If a non-inductive resistance of R ohms is connected in series with a pure

inductance of L henrys and the voltage drops across each are 200 and 150
respectively, calculate the applied voltage.

51. Given that - i = 20.7 Sin 520t where i - instantaneous value of current and t =
time in seconds. Find (a) the frequency (b) the instantaneous value after 0.015 secs.
and (c) the maximum value of the current.

52. Define the average value and the root-,mean square value of an alternating
quantity. Calculate the average and r.m.s., value for the stepped half wave given;-
Milliseconds 1-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 Steady current 2 4 6 8 6 4
(Amps) Milliseconds 60-70 Amps 2

53. With reference to a.c., circuit what is meant by the terms resistance, reactance
and impedance? A simple a.c., circuit consists of a resistance, an inductive
reactance and a capacity reactance, all in series. Explain, with the aid of a vector
diagram how the impedance of the circuit is obtained.

54. With reference to an alternating current explain the meaning of the terms
frequency, root mean squared value and inductance. State how the r.m.s., value is
obtained and why it is used and also state the effects of inductance in an a.c.,

55. An inductive coil in an a.c., circuit has a resistance of 19.5 ohms. If the
frequency is 50 cycles per sec., and the voltage is 200, find the inductance of the
coil if the current is 10 amps.

56. Find the impedance and power factor of an a.c., circuit consisting of two pieces
of apparatus in series. Piece A has a resistance of 2 ohms and an inductive
reactance of 14 ohms, and piece B has a resistance of 10 ohms and a capacitive
reactance of 6 ohms.

57. The coil of a moving coil voltmeter has a resistance of 5 ohms at 20 EC., and
gives a correct full scale reading when a p.d., of 75 millivolts is applied. If the coil
is wound with wire which has a temperature co-efficient of 0.0043 per 1EC., find
the percentage error in the reading when the temperature is 60EC. State whether
the meter is reading high or low.

58. A cable 1,000 yds., long has a resistance of 4 ohms. A fault occurs at C, a point
between the ends A and B. on testing it is found that the resistance between A and
C, including the fault is 6 ohms. The resistance between B and C, including the
fault is 9 ohms. Find the distance of the fault from end A and the resistance of the
fault alone.

59. A moving coil ammeter has a resistance of 20 ohms and requires 10 milliamps
for a full scale deflection. Calculate the resistance necessary to permit the
instrument to be used to read;- (a) currents up to 75 amps. (b) as a voltmeter for
voltages up to 35 volts.

60. An ammeter in a circuit has a shunt resistance connected in parallel with it.
Prove that the ratio of the line current to the current flowing in the shunt is equal to
;- Ra + Rs Where Ra = resistance of ammeter, Rs = resistance of shunt. Ra
61. Describe, with the aid of a sketch the construction of a moving iron meter, and
explain how it functions. Explain how damping is effected with this type of meter.
What are the chief advantages and disadvantages of this type of meter?

62. Describe, with the aid of a sketch, the construction of a moving coil meter and
explain how it functions. How is this meter connected to the mains when used as a
voltmeter and when used as an ammeter?

63. Do you agree that is an electrifying web site for marine

64. With the aid of a diagrammatic sketch describe the construction and the
principle of operation of a Megger or ohmmeter-testing instrument.

65. Describe a main circuit contact beaker. What provisions are made for
protecting against overload, reversed current, an no-volt conditions? How are the
contacts protected when the breaker trips open on heavy current?

66. Describe the construction and explain the function of a shunt field regulator as
fitted on the switchboard of a ship having two d.c., compound wound generators.
By means of a diagrammatic sketch show how the regulator is connected into the
generator circuit.

67. With the aid of a simple sketch, describe how earth or ground lights are fitted
to a d.c., generator switch-board. Explain carefully how these lights operate, for
example in the case of an earth occurring on the positive side of an external circuit.
How would you locate and eliminate such a fault?

68. Describe, with the aid of a diagrammatic sketch, a typical switchboard as found
on a vessel which has two or more d.c., generators for lighting, heating and power
purposes and which can be run in parallel. Indicate all the necessary instruments,
switches etc., to be found on the board.

69. Explain the necessity for having equalizing connections between compound
wound generators which can be run in parallel. Give, in proper sequence, the steps
necessary to start up a compound wound generator so that it may be run in parallel
with a similar machine which is already on load.

70. A 30 K.W. generator supplies feed lines 1,000 ft., long, the material of which
has a specific resistance of 2/3 microhms per in. cube. If the current density is
1,000 amps., per, of cross-section, find the percentage efficiency of
transmission of power if;- (a) the supply voltage is 110 volts. (b) the supply voltage
is 440 volts.
71. Sketch and describe a starter for a d.c., shunt motor. What safeguards are
incorporated into the starter to guard against overload and the sudden failure of the
shunt field current.

72. In a three wire d.c., distribution system the following loads were between the
positive outer and the neutral;- 20 amps., at 100 yds., 60 amps at 150 yds., and 20
amps at 250 yds. Between the negative outer and the neutral there were 20 amps at
100 yds.; 40 amps at 160 yds., and 30 amps at 240 yds. All measurements are from
the supply point. Sketch out the system and show the magnitude and direction of
the current in each part of the mains.

73. Describe a three-wire system of d.c., distribution which uses one generator.
What are the advantages of this system compared with a two-wire system? What is
the function of the balancer in a three-wire system?

74. With reference to d.c., distribution systems what is a ring Main. Explain how
this type of main functions and state its advantages and disadvantages.

75. To drive a 20 K.W., motor there is a choice between a 220 volt or a 440 volt
supply. If the power loss in the transmission leads is the same in either case, what
voltage should be used, and what is the percentage saving in copper when
compared with the other votage?

76. In a three wire d.c., distribution system the distribution board is 500 ft., from
the generator bus bars. The specific resistance of the cable material is 2/3
microhms per in. cube. The cross-sectional area of the outer cables is 0.08 sq.ins.,
and the neutral cable is half of this. The current in the positive outer is 150 amps.
Calculate the power loss in watts in the cables due to transmission.

77. A shunt generator supplies a full load current of 100 amps., at 110 volts. The
stray losses are 500 watts and the shunt field resistance is 55 ohms. If the
efficiency at full load is 88%, find the armature resistance, and the input horse
power of the generator.

78. A series generator has a series field resistance of 0.3 ohms and an armature of
0.2 ohms. The resistance of the external circuit is 10 ohms and the terminal voltage
is 200. Find the electrical horse power output of the generator, and neglecting all
other losses than those for the field and armature, find the horse power input to the

79. Describe the system of wiring for the navigation lights of a ship paying
particular attention to any automatic indicators which may be fitted. Explain how
these indicators work in the event of a navigation light failing?
80. A shunt wound generator supplies 40 amps., at 220 volts. The shunt resistance
is 110 ohms and the armature resistance is 0.08 ohms. Find the induced e.m.f.
Neglecting other losses than those of the field and armature find the efficiency of
the generator.

81. A shunt motor takes 175 amps. The supply voltage is 440. The resistance of the
shunt field is 230 ohms and the resistance of the armature is 0.04 ohms. There is a
drop of 1.5 volts at the brushes. Find (a) the back e.m.f., of the motor, (b) the horse
power, and (c) the efficiency. Consider only the field and armature losses.

82. A 220 volt d.c., motor has a useful torque of 300 lbs.ft. The r.m.p., are 840 and
the efficiency at this load is 88%. Find (a) the current taken by the motor, (b) the
K.W., hours consumed per day, and (c) the brake horse power of the motor.

83. A shunt generator supplies a shunt motor through cables which have a
resistance of 0.3 ohms each. The shunt fields on both motor and generator take 1.5
amps. The resistances of the generator and motor armature are 0.25 and 0.4 ohms
respectively. The induced e.m.f., of the generator is 250 volts and a current of 12
amps passes through the motor armature. Find the back e.m.f., of the motor.

84. A shunt motor connected to 115 volt supply main has an armature resistance of
0.02 ohm, a field resistance of 140 ohms, and the back e.m.f., is 109 volts.
Calculate;- (a) the armature current (b) the field current and (c) the total current
taken by the motor.

85. A d.c., motor has 288 conductors on its armature which is 10 ins., diameter and
8 ins., long. If it develops 15 horse power at 1100 r.m.p., and the field strength is
9,000 lines per sq. cm., and two-thirds of the conductors are effective in producing
the torque, find the current flowing in the conductors.

86. The resistances of the armature, field coils and starter of a 220 volt shunt motor
are 0.2 ohm, 165 ohms and 9.8 ohms respectively. One end of the field coils is
connected to the armature and the other end to the stud of the starter. Make a
diagrammatic sketch of the arrangement and calculate, (a) the current through the
field coils at the instant of starting; and (b) the total current at the instance of
starting; in both of these cases the armature is assumed stationary. Also find the
current through the field coils when the motor is running at full load.

87. A motor has 4 poles, its armature is 14 ins., diameter and has 720 conductors
whose effective length is 12 ins. The flux density of the field under each pole is
7,000 lines per Each conductor carries 30 amps. If the armature revolves at
680 r.p.m., find the torque in lb.ft., and the horse power developed if only two-
thirds of the conductors are effective.
88. A 20 brake horse power shunt wound motor operating from a 200 volt supply
has an efficiency of 88%. The armature resistance is 0.1 ohm and the field
resistance is 200 ohms. Calculate the total resistance of the starter required to limit
the current to 1.5 times the normal full load current at the instant of switching on.

89. For what purpose are interpoles fitted to d.c., generators? By means of a
diagrammatic sketch show how the interpoles are arranged and show how the
interpole coils and field coils are connected. Mark the polarity of the main and
interpoles and indicate the direction of rotation of the armature.

90. Describe the construction of the commutator for a d.c., generator and explain
how it functions. State the materials used for the various parts and state what
maintenance is required to keep it in good working order.

91. Make a diagrammatic sketch of a series motor fitted with a series diverter. A
series motor taking 120 amps from the supply has the series diverter adjusted so
that the current through the series field is 90 amps. The resistance of the field is
0.05 ohm. Find the resistance of the series diverter and the power wasted in it.

92. With reference to d.c., generators what is meant by Armature Reaction?

Explain what causes this effect and what steps can be taken to eliminate or reduce
this effect.

93. What may be causes of the following faults in a d.c., generator;- (a) Sparking at
the brushes, (b) Overheating, (c) Failure to excite. In each case state how these
causes may be eliminated.

94. With the aid of a sketch describe the construction of a d.c., generator armature
and state the materials used for the various parts. Explain the action of the

95. Describe the construction of a compound wound d.c., generator. What is meant
by the terms External Characteristics and over compounded?

96. Describe the construction of a d.c., generator suitable for use aboard ship.
Make a diagrammatic sketch of the electrical circuit of this type of machine. What
normal maintenance does this machine require to keep it in good working

97. A spare armature for a large d.c., motor has been stored for some considerable
time. Before bringing the armature into service what inspections and test would be
performed on it to be assured that it is in good working condition. Describe how
you would perform these tests.
98. Describe the construction of a shunt wound d.c., motor and stae the advantages
of this type of machine. How can the speed of a shunt motor be regulated?

99. Some parts of the magnetic circuit of electrical apparatus and machines are
laminated. State clearly why this is done and explain what the effect would be if
these parts were made from solid metal.

100. What are eddy currents as set up in the parts of a d.c., generator? Explain how
these currents are set up and what is done to reduce them. State a type of apparatus
in which eddy currents are made use of.

101. Explain carefully how you would conduct a drop test on the armature of a
motor in order to detect a open-circuited or broken coil, and also a coil which is
short circuiting.

102. A d.c., motor is undergoing overhaul. The brush gear has been removed, and
the brushes and commutator are considerably worn. Explain how you would
overhaul the commutator to restore it to good working condition, fit new brushes
and reposition the brush gear in its correct working position. The machine in
question is a large machine fitted with interpoles.

103. Describe the construction of a series wound d.c., motor and state the
advantages of this type of machine.. For what purpose can this type of machine be
used aboard ship? What is the chief disadvantage of a series motor?

104. With reference to electrical d.c., motors what is meant by the terms Shunt
wound, Series wound, and Compound wound. Make a diagrammatic sketch of
each showing the electrical circuits in each case and give practical examples of
where each type of machine can be used on board ship

105. Describe with the aid of a diagrammatic sketch an electric steering gear.

106. Describe with the aid of a diagrammatic sketch a high-tension magneto

ignition system as fitted to a multi-cylinder gasoline engine.
Brought to you by comments to


Transport Canada has ask us to advise users of this webpage to keep in mind that these questions are not the exact questions found in their
exams. Martin's Marine Engineering Page - is not affiliated with Transport Canada and these questions have been

ertification Assistance for Marine Engineers

Canadian Third Class ME

In Canada, Transport Canada administers the Marine Engineering examination process; visit
the Training Page for details on the process. The actual exam consist of nine (9) questions randomly
drawn from a question bank of the various subject. Six (only) must be answered in a 3.5hrs time frame.
The exam questions are similar to these, presented below, and are drawn heavily from similar question in
the Reed's Marine Engineering series of books.

Brought to you by comments to


Transport Canada has ask us to advise users of this webpage to keep in mind that these questions are not the exact questions found in their
exams. Martin's Marine Engineering Page - is not affiliated with Transport Canada and these questions have been
gathered from various sources.

As I come across more questions, I will post them - if you have some, submit here.


A visitor writes in, after his exam in 2008, the following...

I just wrote the third class electro and would like to pass on some questions I had. I found
that most of them were not really in the syllabus.

1. Describe how to find the unknown resistance with the Wheatstone bridge. Sketch as
2. Explain the workings with the aid of a circuit diagram a earth-ground fault on a DC
3. Describe in detail a storage cell including construction.
4. Sketch and describe a circuit breaker and explain some of the safety features.
5. Describe an alternator of any type and explain what is meant by 1) force lines 2)
induction 3)? 4)? I forget. and briefly describe the right hand rule.
6. I forget the exact example but it gave a resistance for a precise of wire at 0�C and
increased the temp to 50�C and you had to figure out the new resistance. I can
submit a same type question if you like when I get my books back.
7. Something about a diodes and vacuum tube
8. At what speed would a synchronous motor run... Explain
9. Explain the relation of resistance with a conductor and an insulator.

1. What is a Wattmeter? Describe, with aid of sketch, the internal construction of a


2. State the advantages of the alternating current generators over the direct current generators.

3. Describe, with aid of sketch, the essential parts of a typical gas engine ignition system.

4. A wire is cutting magnetic lines of force at the rate of 200,000,000 lines per second. What
average voltage is induced across the terminals of the wire?
5. Describe the construction of lead storage cell. Give the chemical action produced in the
cell on discharge.

6. A cell whose internal resistance is 0.16 ohm is delivering 0.5 amp. The external resistance
is 2.8 ohms. Find:
a) Volts used in overcoming the internal resistance
b) Terminal voltage
c) Electromotive force (E.M.F.)

7. Explain the effects of temperature on resistance of the following conductors:

a) aluminum,
b) manganin,
c) liquid,
d) carbon.

8. The resistance of a round conductor is 0.5 ohm. Its cross-sectional area is 0.78 square inch.
What would be the resistance if the cross-sectional area were 3.12 square inches.

9. The brush potential of a generator is 110 volts. The total line resistance is 6 ohms. How
much extra line resistance is necessary to limit the current flow to 10 amperes?

Brought to you by comments to


Transport Canada has ask us to advise users of this webpage to keep in mind that these questions are not the exact questions found in their
exams. Martin's Marine Engineering Page - is not affiliated with Transport Canada and these questio

gathered from va

Certification Assistance for Marine Engineers

Brought to you by, comments to

Propulsion Plant Simulator, Level One

British Columbia Institute of Technology
Pacific Marine Training Campus
Version 1 by: Martin Leduc, July 1998
Version 2 by: Myles OBrien, Sept 2002

Persons wanting to obtain the Canadian marine engineering license, or chief endorsement, need to complete
the PPS L1 and L2 courses, in which they will have to carry out five labs. These are results for one lab for
your comparison. Findings are based on observation carried out and graphs not all presented here.

Shaft Generator Power Transient

on Medium Speed Installation
Lab 4 - Version 1

This lab was performed to study of the relationship between a shaft generator and
an independent (of the main engine) generator. As it applies to a ships main engine
being loaded and unloaded when manoeuvering.

Method of investigation

Procedure . The procedure set forth in the PPS Level 1 Course booklet were
followed, they consisted of these steps: The shaft generator was tied into the
electrical bus bar of the ship, sharing equal load with the service generator.
Propeller pitch was set at full ahead. The engine controls were then reduced to 40%
ahead. Once stabilization of electrical loads between generators had occurred, the
controls were increased to 100% ahead. Then again the controls were moved to
0%, -40%, and -100%, returning to full ahead between each movement. This
would simulate a ship maneuvering into port (or such). In addition, the procedure
was repeated. In the third procedure, the shaft generator was not tied into the main


Equipment Used. The equipment used for this experiment was the Nor Control
PPT2000-M22MAK workstation and MERS (marine engine room simulator). The
simulated ship is Ro/Ro Passenger Vessel. Two medium speed MAK engines drive
Controllable Pitch Propeller. A shaft generator is driven by the port main engine.
The ship has two service generators they serve a common bus. The bus can be
divided into two different bus, separating the shaft generator and the service

Data. The parameters were recorded by the program’s ‘pen recorder’. The
accompanying graphs, Appendix 01, 02, illustrates the shaft generator behavior
while main engine was undergoing variable load conditions. Appendix 03 illustrate
the shaft generator and service generators under load but not tied in on common

Analysis of Results

The test results were expected. The vessel undergoing various engine loading, due
to manoeuver, affected the performance of the shaft generator which in turn
affected the ships service generator.

A. In the first maneuver, the propeller pitch was decrease 40%

diminishing load on the engine. The main engine’s governor
responded sluggishly, resulting in a slight overspeed of the
engine. This in turn affected the shaft generator which began to
take more of the main bus load than the service generator.
B. On loading of the main engine, by increasing propeller pitch to
100%, we can observe the opposite. The governor was slow in
response, this caused the a slight speed reduction which
affected the shaft generator by dropping it’s load on the service
C. Further maneuver provide same results but with more severity.
On the graph, Appendix 01, the ‘non essential trip’ can twice
be observed, and toward the end of the exercise the shaft
generator circuit breaker trips, shock loading the service
generator. This occurs where the most change in engine
loading from -100% to 100% propeller pitch.


This experiment illustrates the need to keep the shaft generator off the main bus
while undergoing engine loading. An example of separate operation of the shaft
generator and service generator can be seen in Appendix 03 where the bus tie is not

Shaft Generator Power Transient

on Medium Speed Installation
Lab 4 - Version 2

Objective of Lab: To investigate the reaction to power transients on the electrical

system of a medium speed diesel engine plant.

Set up: Ship is full ahead in SG mode with Shaft Generator (SG) and Ships
Service Diesel Generator #1 (SSDG #1) sharing bus load in Equal mode. SG has
priority 1 and SSDG #1 has priority 2.

The pitch begun at full ahead and was then decreased to 40% ahead. The pitch was
then run up to 100% ahead to be decreased to 0%. This was repeated for 40%
astern then full astern as the pitch graph below indicates.
This is also represented by a black line on the Pen recorder print out and will be
used to give reference points in time for our observations.

Observations: Refer to Pen Plot print out for corresponding reference numbers.

1. As pitch decreases (black line), SG takes on more active load (green line) due to
higher frequency on ME2 (red line). As SG takes on active load, the SSDG #1
(magenta line) unloads from lower frequency. SG active load follows ME speed.

2. As pitch increases, ME 2 (red line) decreases and SG (green line) unloads. Due
to SG unloading, SSDG #1 takes on active load (magenta line). Due to frequency
differences of the generators in parallel, while ship is maneuvering, only the active
load is being redistributed. Reactive power should remain equal as long as
generator magnetization is equal. If motoring condition prevails then reactive
power will be redistributed.

3. From full ahead to 40% astern ME #2 speed decreased as pitch passed through
0%. This loaded ME #2 and we see the same effects as in Observation 1 yet less
dramatic due to ME #2 speed already high from decreased pitch from full ahead.

4. From full astern to full ahead maneuver, ME #2 unloaded and spiked in speed.
So much that SG took all active power from SSDG #1. Load shed of main bus bar
occurred at this point just before SSDG #1 tripped off the bus due to a Reverse
Power indication of –128 KW.
5. Once ship’s pitch passes through 0% and ME #2 begins to take on load again,
we observe the same effect as in Observation 2.
Conclusion: The instability of the plant comes with the slow response times of the
engines and the inability to effectively slow down r.p.m. when and engine is off
loaded. To combat this, three things can be suggested.

A. Governor spring tension can be adjusted as follows;

Hard Spring Soft Spring

Engine -Speed decreases -Speed decreases
Increases in
Load -Centrifugal force decreases -Centrifugal force decreases

-Weights come in quickly due to -Weights come in slowly due to soft

hard spring tension and push fuel spring tension and push fuel spindle
spindle down down

*Result = fast response *Result = slow response

Engine -Speed increases -Speed increases
Decreases in
Load -Centrifugal force increases -Centrifugal force increases

-Weights fly out slowly due to hard -Weights fly out quickly due to soft
spring tension and push fuel spindle spring tension and push fuel spindle
up up
*Result = slow response *Result = fast response

A faster engine response is desired when a decreased load condition is present

therefore a softer spring may be utilized as seen in the bottom right box of the
above table. Although using a softer spring will result in a slower response to an
increased load condition.

B. To remedy the slower response to an increased load condition due to

a softer spring tension, the governor droop setting may be decreased.
This will ensure the engine speed does not decrease beyond an
undesirable limit while in an increased load condition.
C. Don’t use hard maneuvering on the sticks. Slower movements on the
main engine controls will ensure slower changes in frequency for the
SG and SSDG #1 and allow suitable time for the Power Management
System to adjust load.

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Certification Assistance for Marine Engineers

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Propulsion Plant Simulator, Level One

British Columbia Institute of Technology
Pacific Marine Training Campus
Version 1 by: Martin Leduc, July 1998
Version 2 by: Myles OBrien, Sept 2002

Persons wanting to obtain the Canadian marine engineering license, or chief endorsement, need to complete
the PPS L1 and L2 courses, in which they will have to carry out five labs. These are results for one lab for
your comparison. Findings are based on observation carried out and graphs not all presented here.

Modec 100
Generator Load Sharing
Lab 7 - Version 1


This lab was performed to study of the relationship between speed and governor
droop on the load sharing of two diesel generator.
Method of investigation

Procedure . The procedures set forth in the PPS Level 1 Course booklet were
followed. The main ideas are as follows: Having two machines under load and
observing load sharing as load is applied. Three separate procedures were
performed. Each time, diesel generator #1 was under different governor droop
settings, 50%, 25% and Isochronous.


Equipment Used. The simulator used for this particular experiment was the Modeq
100 . This simulator has two diesel generators, synchronizing panel, and common
bus. Variable inductive, resistive, and capacitive load are served by the bus.
Governor droop is set using the system's PC. Load sharing is also represented by
the graphic display.

Data. The parameters for each steps were recorded by observations, on tables
provided with the PPS Level 1 course booklet. They are represented here, on the
following pages.

These test were made with single

generator operation. We can observe
both diesel generator responding in a
similar fashion.

Droop is as expected, about 4%, as the

load increase.

In this step, both generator shared the load equally because both governors were
set at the same four percent.


DG1 400 1135 60 4
DG2 400 1135 60 4
DG1 780 2400 59.1 4
DG2 735 2350 59.1 4


In this step, we can observe DG1 taking more of the load because of the droop
setting which is at two percent. The engine is responding a little quicker which is
taking a larger load than DG2 with it's droop at four percent.


DG1 400 1060 60 2
DG2 400 1050 60 4
DG1 780 2740 59.3 2
DG2 735 1930 59.3 4


In this step we can observe DG1 with no droop. The governor is reacting quickly
to oncoming loads. This response is faster than DG2 with it's droop still at four
percent. Therefore DG1 takes more of the electrical load. The same will hold true
when load is being taking off; DG1 will shed load faster because of the rapid
response the droop is providing.


DG1 400 1000 60 0
DG2 400 1000 60 4
DG1 780 3200 60 0
DG2 735 1400 60 4


For trouble free operation it may be concluded that two machine share equally,
with equal response, an electrical load. In order to do that, diesel generator droop
settings should be equal. Unless, of course, a person wishes a particular machine to
'lead' which would require the adjustment of the droop settings for one machine.
Modec 100
Generator Load Sharing
Lab 7 - Version 2

Objective of Lab: To investigate the relationship between speed and voltage droop
on the load sharing characteristics of two diesel generators.

Part 1

Objective of part 1: The objective is to see that the frequency will change by 4%
when we apply load to a generator when its governor is set for 4% droop.

Set up: Generator 1 and Generator 2 running 60 Hz with 225 V with voltage
regulators in auto and 4% droop. Each generator is put on line with out the other
and ramped up with a resistive load ranging from 400 KW to 1000 KW.


Gen. #1 Load KW Current A Freq. HZ Load % Drop in % of drop

0 KW 0A 60 HZ 0% 0 HZ 0%
400 KW 1152 A 60.00 HZ 40% 0 HZ 0%
500 KW 1312 A 58.70 HZ 50% 1.30 HZ 2.16 %
600 KW 1525 A 58.40 HZ 60% 1.60 HZ 2.67 %
700 KW 1806 A 58.05 HZ 70% 1.95 HZ 3.25 %
800 KW 2054 A 57.90 HZ 80% 2.10 HZ 3.5 %
900 KW 2357 A 57.70 HZ 90% 2.30 HZ 3.83 %
1000 KW 2612 A 57.40 HZ 100% 2.60 HZ 4.33 %

Gen. #2 Load KW Current A Freq. HZ Load % Drop in % of drop

0 KW 0A 60 HZ 0% 0 HZ 0%
400 KW 1175 A 60.00 HZ 40% 0 HZ 0%
500 KW 1316 A 58.70 HZ 50% 1.30 HZ 2.16 %
600 KW 1550 A 58.50 HZ 60% 1.50 HZ 2.50 %
700 KW 1801 A 58.30 HZ 70% 1.70 HZ 2.83 %
800 KW 2060 A 58.00 HZ 80% 2.00 HZ 3.33 %
900 KW 2306 A 57.90 HZ 90% 2.10 HZ 3.50 %
1000 KW 2623 A 57.60 HZ 100% 2.40 HZ 4.00 %

Conclusion: From the results above a 4.33% droop was achieved when Generator 1 was
loaded to 100%. Generator 2 achieved a 4% droop when loaded to 100%.

Part 2
Objective of part 2: We are going to parallel generator 1 and generator 2; both governors
will have the same droop, therefore, we should see that as the load increases, both generators
would share the increase.

Set up: Generator 1 and Generator 2 running 60 Hz with 225 V with voltage regulators in
auto and 4% droop. Each generator is put on line with the bus running a resistive load of 800
KW shared evenly between generators (400 KW each). An inductive load will be added to
the bus for the second part of part 2.

Observations of parallel Generator control:

-To redistribute the bus load between generators, the frequency (governor) control
is adjusted.

-To redistribute the reactive power (KVAR or value Q) the automatic voltage
regulator (excitation or magnetization) is adjusted.

-To raise the bus frequency, both governor controls are manipulated at the same
time and in the same direction.


Load KW Current A Frequency HZ Droop

Generator #1 400 KW 1052 A 60 HZ 4%
Generator #2 400 KW 1033 A 60 HZ 4%
Observation: While paralleling generator 1 and generator 2 with just a resistive load on the
bus, the objective is to achieve a power triangle that is flat. In this there is no reactive power
(Q) and both generators run with a power factor of 1 on the power factor meter.

Now closing the breaker to our inductive load increases load and introduces reactive power.

Load Current Freq. Droop Load Drop in % of

KW A HZ % Freq. drop
Gen. #1 812 KW 2380 A 59 HZ 4% 81.2% 1 HZ 1.67 %
Gen. #2 805 KW 2363 A 59 HZ 4% 80.5% 1 HZ 1.67 %
Observation: With the introduction of an inductive load setting of 5 on the bus, the power
factors of the generators changed. Generator 1 power factor 0.91 lag and generator 2 power
factor 0.90 lag. The power factor meter read in the upper left quadrant which indicates both
generators are generating and current is lagging behind voltage as in the diagram below. The
power triangles for both generators with an inductive load are as follows;

Generator #1 Generator #2
812 KW (P) 805 KW (P)
378 KVAR (Q) 378 KVAR (Q)
217 V AC 217 V AC
Conclusion: As the load (KW) increases the load is shared by both generators. As well the
wattless power (reactive load) is equally shared between generators.

Part 3

Objective of part 3: The objective is to reduce droop on governor #1 and to see if doing so
results in #1 taking more or any increase in load.

Set up: Generator 1 and Generator 2 running 60 Hz with 225 V with voltage regulators in
auto. Governor #1 is set to 2% droop and governor #2 is set to 4% droop. Each generator is
put on line with the bus running a resistive load of 800 KW shared evenly between generators
(400 KW each). An inductive load will be added to the bus for the second part of part 3.


Load KW Current A Frequency HZ Droop

Generator #1 400 KW 1033 A 60 HZ 2%
Generator #2 400 KW 1066 A 60 HZ 4%
Now an inductive load is added to the bus.

Load KW Current A Freq. HZ Droop Load % Drop in % of drop

Gen. #1 924 KW 2655 A 59.4 HZ 2% 92.4% 0.6 HZ 1.0 %
Gen. #2 674 KW 2055 A 59.4 HZ 4% 67.4% 0.6 HZ 1.0 %

There is a 25% difference in load of active power.

Observations: Even though Generator #1 has more load (KW), the wattless (reactive) power
is still distributed evenly as the following data shows

Generator #1 Generator #2
2% Droop 4% Droop
925 KW (P) 674 KW (P)
380 KVAR (Q) -------------------------------------------------------- 380 KVAR (Q)
Power factor 0.93 Power factor 0.87

Conclusion: Reducing droop on Governor #1 results in Generator #1 taking on more load in

an increased load condition due to smaller frequency droop allowance.

Part 4

Objective: The objective of part 4 is to see what happens when one governor is set to 0%
droop (isochronous) and the other governor is set to droop 4%. It should be observed that
when the generators are operating in parallel and sharing the load, the isochronous generator
takes any increase in load, as well any decrease in load will be from the isochronous
generator too.

Set up: Generator 1 and Generator 2 running 60 Hz with 225 V with voltage regulators in
auto. Generator #1 is et to 0% droop and Generator #2 is set to 4% droop. Each generator is
put on line with the bus running a resistive load of 800 KW shared evenly between generators
(400 KW each). An inductive load will be added to the bus for the second part of part 2.


Load KW Current A Frequency HZ Droop

Generator #1 400 KW 1020 A 60 HZ 0%
Generator #2 400 KW 1054 A 60 HZ 4%
Now an inductive load is added to the bus.

Load Current Freq. Droop Load % Drop in % of

KW A HZ Freq. drop
Gen. #1 1235 KW 3383 A 60.0 HZ 0% 123.5% 0 HZ 0%
Gen. #2 371 KW 1454 A 60.0 HZ 4% 37.1% 0 HZ 0%

Observation: Even though Generator #1 grossly has more load (KW) than generator #2, the
wattless (reactive) power is still distributed evenly as the following data shows

Generator #1 Generator #2
0% Droop 4% Droop
1235 KW (P) 371 KW (P)
387 KVAR (Q) -------------------------------------------------------- 387 KVAR (Q)
Power factor 0.95 Power factor 0.71

Conclusion: With one generator droop setting 0% (isochronous), and operating in

parallel, it was observed that in an increased load condition this generator took any increase
in load due to the torque exerted on generator by no droop allowance. As well, any decrease
in load came from this generator.

Part 5

Objective: The objective of part 5 is to investigate the effects of one isochronous generator
and one droop generator in a decreased load condition. It should be observed that the droop
machine will motor the isochronous machine until it trips off the bus on reverse power.
Set up: Generator 1 and Generator 2 running 60 Hz with 225 V with voltage regulators in
auto. Generator #1 is to 0% droop and Generator #2 is set to 4% droop. Each generator is put
on line with the bus running a resistive load of 800 KW shared evenly between generators
(400 KW each) and an inductive load of 5. Then the load is decreased.

Results: After the resistive load and inductive load were decreased the following was

Inductive load 10 (minimum)

Generator #1 Generator #2
Droop 0% Droop 4%
-55 KW (P) Being driven by Gen #2 371 KW
Power Factor 0.18 Power Factor 0.74
Current leading voltage Current lagging voltage

Conclusion: As the load decreased the isochronous generator shed its load before the
drooped generator to the point of motoring due to frequency differences.

Brought to you by comments to

Certification Assistance for Marine Engineers

Brought to you by, comments to
Propulsion Plant Simulator, Level One
British Columbia Institute of Technology
Pacific Marine Training Campus
By: Martin Leduc Jan 22, 1999

Persons wanting to obtain the Canadian marine engineering license, or chief

endorsement, need to complete the PPS L1 and L2 courses, in which they will have
to carry out five labs. These are my results for one lab for your comparison.
Findings are based on observation carried out and graphs not presented here.

Influence of the Voltage Regulator

on Load Sharing
Lab 11


This lab was performed to study the relationship of two generator while one of
them is undergoing change of the excitation field current.

Method of investigation

Procedure . The procedures set forth in the PPS Level 1 Course booklet were
followed. The main procedure is to increase excitation regulator of one generator
from 50% to 80%.


Equipment Used. The equipment used for this experiment was the Nor Control
PPT2000-M22MAK workstation. The simulated ship is Ro/Ro Passenger Vessel.
Two medium speed MAK engines drive Controllable Pitch Propeller. A shaft
generator is driven by the port main engine. The ship has two service generators
they serve a common bus. The bus can be divided into two different bus,
separating the shaft generator and the service generator.

Data. The parameters were recorded by the program’s ‘pen recorder’. The
accompanying graphs, Appendix 01, illustrate the DG1 Reactive load increases as
the excitation is increased. Meanwhile DG2's Reactive load decreases as it is being
taken by DG1. The voltage remains constant as illustrate by Appendix 02.
Analysis of Results

The test results were expected. As the excitation increase on DG1 it’s Reactive
load increase as well. This lowered DG2 reactive load.

Appendix 02 shows the Voltage of both generator remaining constant at 451Vac.

There is also little change to the active load of the machines. Small ‘spike’ can be
attributed to various electrical load being applied to the main bus.

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Certification Assistance for Canadian Navigators

Canadian Ocean Navigator

EK Motors Notes
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Transport Canada has ask us to advise users of this webpage to keep in mind that these questions are not the exact questions found in their
exams. Martin's Marine Engineering Page - is not affiliated with Transport Canada and these questions have been
gathered from various sources.

Thank you Walt P. for submitting this material.

Internal Combustion Engines

In diesel engines air in the cylinder is compressed to a high pressure so that it attains a high
temperature, the oil id injected into this high temperature air causing it to ignite immediately.
This is classed a compression ignition engine.
Diesel engines are either a four stroke engine or a two stroke engine.

The reciprocating motion of the piston is converted into a rotary motion at the crankshaft by
connecting rods. The connecting rod has an eye at its top end and a gudgeon pin passes
through this and the sides of the hollow piston to form a swivel connection between rod and
piston, and the bottom the cylinder is open to allow for the swing of the connecting rod. The
piston performs the additional function of a cross head and the side thrust at the top of the
connecting rod is taken up on the cylinder wall.
In larger engines a piston and a cross head are fitted so that the side thrust is taken up by the
cross head guide shoe on the guides.
Four-Stroke Diesel Engine
So named as it takes four strokes of the piston, or, two revolutions of the crankshaft to
complete one working cycle of the engine.

INDUCTION STROKE- the air induction valve is opened and air in being sucked into
cylinder by piston as it moves down wards. At end of induction stroke, cylinder is full of air
and the air induction valve is closed.

COMPRESSION STROKE- as piston moves upwards, and all valves are closed, the air
compresses and heats up to a sufficiently high temperature to ignite the oil being injected, to
ignite and burn rapidly at the end of this stroke. The pressure of the air at end of compression
stroke is in the region of 35 bar to obtain a temperature of 540 degrees C.

POWER STROKE- as piston is moving down, fuel is injected into the cylinder as a fine
spray through the fuel valve, it mixes with the hot air and burns rapidly. Fuel is admitted a
few degrees before top dead center of the crank to give it time to reach full combustion for
the beginning of the power stroke, and the valve remains open for about on tenth of the
downwards stroke. As the oil burns it heats the air which in creases its volume, or pressure. In
pure diesel engines the admission of the oil is controlled so that the pressure of the gasses
remains constant while the piston is moving down during the combustion period ( this is
termed a constant-pressure cycle ), in practice pressure actually rises a little during
combustion. With fuel shut off, the gasses continue to push the piston forwards ( down ) and
the pressure consequently falls towards the end of the stroke, this is the expansion period of
the power stroke. At the end of the fuel combustion , and beginning of expansion, the
temperature of the gasses has risen to approximately 1,650 degrees C., when the pressure has
fallen to be of little further use the exhaust valve opens.

EXHAUST STROKE-with exhaust valve open, piston moving upwards, the gasses are being
expelled from the cylinder. At the end of this stroke, exhaust valve is closed and induction
valve opened, and cycle begins all over again. There is a certain amount of overlapping with
regards to the closing of exhaust valve and opening of induction valve, for a short period they
are both open together, the momentum of the exhaust gasses sweeping out through the
exhaust valve has the effect of pulling air through the induction valve so as to assist in
scavenging the combustion space in the cylinder, at the beginning of the induction stroke.

The Air-induction, exhaust, and in some cases, starting air valves are opened by means of
rocking levers fulcrummed about their center and actuated by cams fixed to the camshaft.
Each cam has a peak, which, when it comes around to contact the roller on the end of the
rocking lever, pushes this end up, and the other end is depressed to open the valve against a
spring in the valve housing. Push rods may be used as distance pieces between cams and
rocking levers. The cams are set in the correct position relative to the crank so that the valves
open and close at the exact moment and for the required period in the working cycle. The
timing of the opening and closing of the valves is relative to the position of the crank and
direction of movement, separate cams fixed at different relative positions are required to
actuate the rocking levers to run the engine in reverse. The fuel valve is usually opened by the
pressure of the oil discharge by the fuel pump and closes under the action of a spring when
the pressure is released. The timing of the beginning of the opening, period of opening, and
closing of the valve is varied by the fuel pump plunger.

So named because it only takes two strokes to complete one cycle, or, one complete
revolution of the crankshaft. Every down wards stroke is a power stroke, and every upwards
stroke is a compression stroke. The exhaust of the burned gasses from the cylinder and the
fresh change of air taken in during the late period of the downward stroke and the early part
of the upward stroke. In the basic two-stroke engine, the exhaust gas pass through a set of
ports in the lower part of the cylinder and the air is admitted through a similar set of ports.
These ports are covered and uncovered by the piston itself, which must be a long one to have
a skirt attached so that the ports are covered when the piston is at the top of its stroke. Air is
pumped into the engine by a scavenge air pump, whose function is to ? scavenge ?, or clean
out the cylinders by pushing the remaining exhaust gas out, and leaving clean air in the
cylinder for the compression stroke.
There are no induction valves in the cylinder heads. However, air starting valves and exhaust
valve may be found in some engines, as well as a relief-valve.


Most diesel fuel systems are designed to use residual oil, which requires heating for normal
running, and diesel oil for abnormal conditions, and sometimes maneuvering.
A typical, simplified fuel oil system, has oil pumped from there double bottom tanks to a
settling tank. The settling tanks are in duplicate and fitted with internal heaters, so that when
one tank is in use, oil in the other tank can be settling and impurities drained off. The settling
process being sped up by moderate heating.
The oil passes from the settling tank in use, through a heater unit to centrifugal purifiers and
then to the daily service tank. The daily service tank is also in duplicate so that one can be
filling while the other is in service. From here the oil passes through a flow meter and into a
buffer or circulating tank. A booster pump draws the oil from this tank and discharges it
through a heater, viscosity controller, filter and finally to the engine fuel pump. The engine
fuel pump delivers the oil to the cylinders via the fuel injectors.


Scavenge pumps may be either reciprocating or rotary, both types usually derive their
operative power from the main engine.

A reciprocating scavenge pump may be driven direct by an additional crank in the engine
crankshaft, this additional cylinder increases the size of the main engine. ( length ) or it may
be operated by links attached to a cross head of the engine. Air is delivered by the pump unit
at about 1.17 bar into the feeder trunking which feeds each engine cylinder through its
scavenge ports in turn with the necessary air for scavenging and recharging at the correct
time in the cycle.
Rotary scavenge pumps, also referred to as blowers are chain or gear driven from the engine
crankshaft, these have the advantage of steady air delivery and compactness since their
rotational speeds are high and constant during normal operation. These rotary pumps have a
disadvantage in reversible engines, as their direction of rotation is geared to that of the

Turbo-charging is another method of scavenging, hot exhaust gases drive the turbine portion
of the turbocharger, which in return drives an air compressor which supplies air to the engine
for scavenging and supercharging. Exhaust gases from the diesel engine enters the single
stage gas turbine through water cooled cast iron inlet casing, expand in the nozzle thereby
gaining in velocity. and pass through the turbine blades while driving the turbine rotor. The
exhaust gases leave the turbine through the water cooled outlet casing and flow to the
atmosphere, in some cases via a waste heat boiler.

Some times electrical blowers are fitted for use during starting and slow running of the
engine, these are automatically turned off when engine attains operating speed.


The mass of fuel that can be burned in the cylinder depends on the mass of air present in the
cylinder at the end of the compression stroke. By increasing the pressure of the scavenge air
in a two stroke engine, and supplying air under slight pressure in a four stroke engine during
the induction stroke instead of relying on drawing the air in by suction, a greater mass of air
for compression can be supplied to the engine. More fuel can then be burned without causing
excessive temperature during combustion, Burning more fuel produces more heat energy to
be imparted to the piston, thereby increasing the power of the engine.
The air supply pressure in supercharged engines varies, but is often around 200 millibars
above atmospheric pressure.


Accumulation of oil and dirt in the scavenge space of a diesel engine could be caused by such
faults as excessive cylinder lubrication, slack or worn piston rings, uneven cylinder liner
wear, damaged air inlet filters, and cracked oil-cooled pistons.
If flame from combustion blows past the piston and into the scavenge air trunking this
accumulation of oil and dirt could be ignited, resulting in scavenge fire.
Indication of scavenge fire are excessive black smoke, high exhaust temperature, paint
blistering and peeling from scavenge trunking. Normally this would be local, limited to only
one cylinder.
Fuel should be shut off, to the effected cylinder unit, lubricating should be increased to
minimizes the risk of seizing, and the engine slowed down.
Stopping the engine could cause excessive distortion of the overheated parts.
The fire would normally burn itself out, but in most serious cases it may be necessary to stop
the engine and fight the fire. Some diesels have fire detecting and CO2 gas smothering
systems for the scavenge space.

Three things are required for this to happen.
Fuel, Air, Source of ignition.
In the crankcase of a diesel engine lubricating oil provides the fuel. air is always present, the
final ingredient is a hot spot.
Overheated bearings) can provide the much needed hot spot, which vapourizes lubricating oil
to form a mist, this oil mist with air in the correct ratio can ignite at the hot spot producing a
primary explosion.
The pressure generated by the resultant flame speed will increase unless relieved.
Guarded non return pressure relieve valves are normally fitted to the crankcase of each
cylinder and to the gear case.
After the primary explosion air enters the crankcase, due to the partial vacuum created by the
rushing out of the hot gases, a secondary more severe and violent, as well as dangerous
explosion may result with disastrous results. If no secondary explosion occurs, engine must
be stopped, and allowed to cool off.
Under no circumstances should the crankcase doors be opened until the engine has cooled
down, as the ingress of air may result in another explosion.


A fan draws a sample of oil mist through the rotary valve from each crankcase sampling pipe,
then through the measuring tube and delivers it to atmosphere at the same time. In the event
of overheating in any part of the crankcase there will be a difference in optical density in the
two tubes, less light will fall on the photo cell in the measuring tube. The photo cell outputs
will be different and when this difference reaches a predetermined value, an alarm signal is
operated and the slow turning rotary valve stops, indicating the location of the alarm.
Alarm is arranged to operate at 2.5% of the lower critical point.-- assuming 50mg/l as lower
explosive limit then warning at 1.25mg/l


Parts close to the combustion space must be cooled to prevent the metal from overheating.
These parts are, cylinder head cylinder and piston, and the exhaust valves if used. Fresh water
is the most common cooling medium used,


Cooling medium for pistons differ with different engine types; fresh water, distilled water, or
lubricating oil.
In some opposed piston engines, lubricating oil is used in the bottom pistons and distilled
water is used for the top piston. The cooling medium is led to and from the pistons by a
system of telescopic pipes, this consists of two pipes attached to each piston, one for
supplying coolant and one for return, these pipes oscillate in trombone fashion in larger
diameter stationary pipes fitted with glands at every entry to prevent loss. A sight glass is
included in the return pipe so that the flow of cooling medium can be observed. Temperature
measurements are incorporated in supply pipes.
The temperature is controlled by passing coolant through a cooler ( heat exchanger ) most
likely using sea water. The quantity of coolant is in header tank is checked against leakage on
a regular basis.


Forced lubrication systems are always used. Lubricating oil is fed under pressure by means of
a pump or gravity tank to the main lubricating oil supply line, from a sump, passing through
filters on its way. Oil is led to each main of the crank shaft and the cam shaft bearings. A hole
is drilled through the center of the crank shaft, through the webs and crank pins which allows
oil to flow from the main bearings to the crank pins, from here up through a hole in the
connecting rod ( or pipes strapped to the connecting rods ) to the cross heads and guides.
The lubrication of the inside wall of the cylinder liner on which the piston rubs, may be
adequately effected by oils mist thrown up by the crank, or oils may be sprayed directly into
the cylinder through two or more points, timed carefully to inject a few drops of oils on the
piston rings at the moment the piston passes the oil holes.
Lubricating oil carries away a very great deal of the heat generated by friction at the various
bearings, and must itself in return be cooled, at some stage in the circuit, between leaving the
sump and returning to the sump. Oil coolers are used for this purpose, Sea water is circulated
most commonly through these coolers.


Some engines are warmed through prior to starting, although not essential for all engines.
Warming through is done by heating the cooling systems. The cooling water storage tank is
fitted with a heating element, usually steam, cooling water is heated to about 70 degrees C
while it is circulated through engine; cylinders, cylinder heads, ect. by an independently
driven pump.
Engines burning high viscosity fuel, jackets, pistons, the fuel valves and pipe lines are also
warmed through before stating. Final warm through temperature depending upon the oil
viscosity required.
Usually the cooling circuit for the fuel valves, which are different from the cylinder jacket
system may use water or fine mineral oil. This system is fitted with heating elements as well.
Some oil lines have steam jackets or a small bore heating line wrapped around them to heat
the fuel oil standing in the pipes. A small auxiliary pump may be used to circulate part of the
fuel system with preheated oil.
Preheating is a good practice, as it not only makes starting easier, but also minimizes
corrosion, wear, thermal shock, and damage due to unequal expansion.


In heavy marine diesels, the practice is to drive the engine on compressed air at about 20 to
40 bar pressure, this air is stored in staring air reservoirs.
Compressed air is injected into the cylinders through starting air valves when the piston is at
top dead center and commencing what would be its power stroke, and remaining open until
the piston has traveled part of this stroke.
The period of opening depends upon the number of cylinders and whether it is a two or four
stroke engine. As on valve closes another opens, this carries on until the engine attains
sufficient speed, the fuel pump and valves are brought into operation, and the staring air is
valves is shut off.
Starting air is supplied to the reservoirs by two or three stage compressors, with sufficient air
to do a minimum of 14 starts of the engine without replenishing from the compressor.


The speed of the engine is controlled by the quantity of fuel injected into the cylinders, from
zero quantity ( stop ) to maximum for full speed. This may be affected by varying the
discharge period of the oil from the fuel pump..


Two cams for each valve, one set so that its peak will lift the valve rocker lever to open the
valve and keep it open for the correct period of the cycle when the engine is running in the
one direction. The other cam alongside is set for running on the opposite direction. Reversing
mechanism is arranged to bring either cam ahead or astern into line with the valve rocking
lever to its working position.
You may find one setup, lifting the rocking lever clear of the cams, then the camshaft slides (
moves ) so that the other set of cams comes into line, and returning the rocking levers to their
working position.


Some of these items are:

Turning gear interlock to prevent starting of the engine with turning gear engaged.
Governor to control the speed of the engine fitted with an over speed trip.
Cylinder relief valves to prevent over pressuring the individual cylinder.
Wrong way interlock and alarm to prevent the engine from going in the opposite direction to
that of the demand.
Alarm for lubricating oil temperature and pressure. ( and gear if applicable )
Alarm for overheating of engine. ( and gear if applicable )

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Transport Canada has ask us to advise users of this webpage to keep in mind that these questions are not the exact questions found in their
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Certification Assistance for Canadian Navigators

Canadian Ocean Navigator

Electrotech Notes and Questions
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Transport Canada has ask us to advise users of this webpage to keep in mind that these questions are not the exact questions found in their
exams. Martin's Marine Engineering Page - is not affiliated with Transport Canada and these questions have been
gathered from various sources.

Thank you Walt P. for submitting this material. Minor editing by Martin Leduc
Sorry, sketches not shown,

What is a Resistor.

Resistance is the opposition to he flow of current by any conductor.

A resistor is any device with a known resistance, measured in ohms. Designed to have any
particular value of resistance.

Tolerance - Actual resistance of tolerance for a 10 ohm resistor rated at 5%+/- would be 9.5
ohm to 10.5 ohms.

There are the fixed type of resistors, single value, which remains constant in value.

Wire wound resistors - (wwr) nickel chromium wire wound around a ceramic rod or core
(frame) this wire has a much greater resistance than copper wire per unit length, therefore can
be much shorter and the resistor smaller. Nickel Chromium wire also has a much lower
temperature co efficient of resistance than copper wire, and the heat generated can be easily
dissipated 1 ohm to 100k ohms.

Carbon composite resistors - (ccr) graphite or soft carbon composite.

Other types of resistors have a thin film of conductive carbon, metal, or metal oxide
deposited on a ceramic or glass rod. A spiral grove cut in the film during production
establishes the Resistive Value.

The Power Rating of Resistors; how many watts of heat it can dissipate before sustaining

Variable Resistors - sliding arm makes contact with stationary resistance element.

Mutual Inductance - When a magnetic field in motion, cutting the turns of a coil, induces an
(EMF) electromotive field, and if close enough to cut the turns of a second coil, another
corresponding EMF will be induced .

The unit of Mutual Inductance is a slightly modified version of the Henry.

Henry - a current charging at a rate of 1 amp. per second in one coil, producing an EMF of 1
volt to be induced in a second coil, then the two coils have a mutual inductance of one Henry.

Transformers utilize this principle; two coils wound on a common core of magnetic material,
such that there is a good ?coupling ? (large mutual inductance between the coils). The EMF
induced in the second is proportional to the primary coil, as the number of turns in the
primary coil to the number of turns of the secondary coil.
This is often referred to as the turns of voltage ratio and expressed:

Np = Ep
Ns Es

The transformer is used to raise or lower the voltage in various applications

Step up or Step down transformers.

Unit Of Capacitance:

The Farad, after Faraday, is the charge in coulombs stored in a capacitor, with an EMF of 1
volt applied.

A coulomb is the amount of charge represented by 1 amp. flowing for one second.

Capacitors have values expressed in ( Uf ) micro farads and ( Pf ) pico farads.

A farad, is the capacitance of a capacitor that, when given a charge of 1 coulomb, produces a
p.d. of one volt between its poles.

Capacitance is the ability to store an electric charge

C = Q (charge ) C = EA ( area of plates )

V c ( distance between plates )

E ( electric field strength ) = 9.D = V V/meter = potential gradient


Energy stored in a capacitor = ? CV

When opening or closing a switch in an RL circuit, current rises, falls to zero, decays.
However, steady value shows after a finite number of seconds.

T = L in a RL circuit

1 T Time in seconds required for the current in an RL circuit to rise to 0.632 times its steady
value V Conversely T = 63.2% of the final value. R
Current increases exponentially to near maximum (99 % +) to five time constants.

What is a Time Constant:

Time constant ( time in seconds ) = CR C= capacitance R = series resistance in ohms

When a supply voltage is applied to an RC circuit, as the capacitor charges, the voltage across
the resistor falls and so does the current.

T is the time the voltage across the capacitor would take to reach the supply voltage if it
entered to rise at its original rate and represent the time needed to charge the capacitor 63.2%
of the source voltage..
At each time constant interval, the capacitor raises its voltage to 63.2% of what is left to
After 5 time constants the capacitor is considered to be fully charged. The TC is a significant
indicator of the speed at which RC circuits respond to applied voltage.

Series and Parallel Circuits:

Series Circuit:
Only one path for current to flow
Current ( I ) is the same in all parts of the circuit
Total Resistance of the circuit ( sum of all resistors ) RT = R1 + R2 + R3
Total Voltage ( V ) sum of the voltages across each resistor VT V1 + V2 + V3

Parallel Circuit:
One or more components connected across the same voltage source.
Voltage is the same for all parts of the circuit
Current for each branch is the resistance divided by the voltage. I2 = V R2 = V
R2 I2

Total Resistance RT = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1
R1 R2 R3 R4

How DC Current is Generated.

By rotating loops of wire in a magnetic field.

A simple DC generator consists of an armature coil with a single turn of wire placed in a
magnetic field, which when rotated, set up a voltage. The commutators are designed such that
the armature will always be cutting across the magnetic field in the same direction. When it
makes contact with the brushes, the brushes have the same polarity and the segments of the
commutator are insulated from each other.
Each brush changes contact from the segment to the other each time the loops passes through
a position perpendicular to the axis of the magnets ( zero voltage ) Output voltage is a series
of pulses varying from zero to maximum.

Induced voltage depends on:

speed of rotation
flux density ( strength of magnetic field )
length of conductor in that field

Heat Produce by an Electric Current; a wire carrying an electric current contains electrons
moving against resistance. When collisions take place, the atoms vibrate and heat is

I? x R = WATTS

Some conductors are designed to minimize heat loss, while others are maximize the heat
effect. ( heating elements )

The greater the current the greater the heat. The greater the loss of kinetic energy, and loss of
velocity, the greater the work done, expressed in heat ( watts )

A Thermostat, basically a temperature operated switch, comprising of a temperature sensitive

element, generating a mechanical force or electrical signal and a regulator 9 could be an
electrical switch or fluid valve or comparable device.

e.g.. Bourdon Tube

bi metal strip. ( fire detection head )

Characteristics of a Series Wound Motor:

A series wound motor has its field windings in series with the armature winding so that the
current flows through both ( field windings have heavy wire turns to ensure no resistance )
The armature of a DC motor produces its own magnetic field, which reacts with the magnetic
flux of the field coils producing rotary motion.
The conductors on the armature cut the lines of force of their own field consequent a back
EMF to be induce in the armature opposite to the current flow in the windings.
On starting: no back EMF so a large current in the armature and field, a starting torque..
As speed increases, back EMF increases, as current decreases you have a decrease in torque.
An increase in load, decreases the speed, decreasing back EMF, causing an increase in
current, which again increases the torque.

A good useful ability to respond to varying load, and high start torque, make this motor ideal
for windlasses.

EMF Electro Motive Force

When the armature of a motor is rotating, a voltage is induced in the windings as they cut
across the magnetic field. The induced voltage is in opposite direction to the supply voltage
and known as back EMF
When the motor is stationary, there is no back Emf and armature current is a result of supply
voltage and winding resistance.
When the armature speed increases, back EMF increases until a balance is achieved, the
difference between applied voltage and back EMF provides enough current to drive the
Motor load increases, more armature current is needed, and it must slow down. Greater
difference between supply voltage and back EMF, an increase in current and torque.

Conversely, a smaller load, an increase in rotation causing a smaller difference between back
EMF and supply voltage, causing smaller ( decrease ) current and torque.

Definitions and Symbols:

Inductance; ( L ) Measure in Henry?s, and only occurs with A/C current.

The ability of a conductor to produce voltage in itself when the current changes

Capacitance; ( Farads ) The property in a capacitor that permits the storage of electrically
separate charges when partial differences exists between conductors.
The property of an electrical circuit that enables it to store electric energy by means of an
field and release it later ( batteries )

Impedance; ( Z ) The total opposition a circuit offers to the flow of an alternating current, it
includes resistance and reactance and is measured in ohms. It is the product of the combined
value of resistance and reactance.

Relative Permeability; The measure of how much a given material allows a path for magnetic
flux relative to ( = 1.0 )

Permeability is the number of flux lines per square meter set up by 1 ampere- turn per meter
of the magnetic circuit = flux density in lines/meter squared

Weber; a unit of magnetic flux ( Wb ) -- 1Wb = 1 x 108 magnetic lines

A magnetic line of force is termed a Maxwell and is so small that 1 x 108 x 1 Maxwell is
deemed as one Weber.
The strength of the magnetic field ( flux ) density ) is measured in Weber/square meter.

Atoms, Electrons and Ions, in electrical theory.

Matter is anything having mass and occupying space. Its composed of particles called
Matter is in 2 groups; elements and compounds.
Atoms (elements) are composed of subatomic particles of electrons, (negative charge)
orbiting about a nucleus made up of positive charged protons, and neutral neutrons.
In its natural state the atom has an equal amount of protons and electrons > and is electrically
neutral<, and is stable.
If enough external energy is provided, electrons will be lost from orbit.
Free electrons is what causes electric current.
The atom becomes positive charged; positive ion grants free electrons, (negative charged) to
gain or loose electrons (ionization). Ionization is very significant in the transmission
properties of various radio signals.

Electrical theory hinges upon the concept of metallic conduction which assures that the free
electron are what makes the electrical current possible. The potential difference between
unlike charges enables the force to be exerted on other charges. ( work ).

Definitions and Symbols.

Reluctance ( ) Ampere/meter/turns

The resistance of a material to the passage of lines of magnetic flux

= ( )ampere/turns , ampere per Weber


Permeability; A measure of how well electrical lines of force are established in a die electric>
The symbol units of farad/
Ratio of the flux density to the electrical field elasticity in the die electric.


Resistively ( p ) Ohm
m, m?

1/ resistance of a semiconductor, 2/ resistance of a sample material having specific

dimensions, depends directly on the length of the conductor and inversely on its cross section
area and the material used.


Magnetic Induction ( ) Units Wb/m? Magnetic Induction

( magnetic flux density)

Number of magnetic flux lines passing perpendicular through an area.

= Weber
Area in m?

Resistance and its Relationship with ( Mho).

It is the unit of conductance. Defined as the opposite of resistance.

A measure of the ease of which electric current passes through a conductor.
Conductance uses the symbol G. and G = I

Ohms law may be expressed in terms of conductance I = GV

The Mho is the Imperial unit for conductance, in the more modern SYSTEM
INTERNATIONAL ( SI ). it is the Siemend ( ?S?)

Power and Work and their Relationship ( in units ) ( P )

Work is the magnitude of force multiplied by the distance through which that force is applied.
Work done is ( force ? distance ) measured in Newton's or Joules
Power is the rate at which work is done ( p ) . Measured in watts ( W ) defined as watts =
joules/meter/second. or newtons/meter/seconds.


A capacitor with a dielectric between its plates, will have a greater charge per unit of
potential difference than an identical vacuum capacitor.
The reason is due to the permeability of the dielectric, a measure of how easily the dielectric
will permit the establishment of flux lines with the dielectric. The greater its value the higher
the charge on the plates of the capacitor.
A vacuum has the least value of permeability, 8.85 ? 10.0 -12 and is assigned the value of one
All other materials have a relative permeability greater than that of a vacuum, and 0?0 The
greater the plate area the greater the flux density.

Ratio of Flux Density = D/E

Coulombs Law of Force.

a) positive value of the magnitude of the force between 2 charges.

b) negative value of the magnitude of the force between 2 charges.

Coulombs Law, the force of electrostatic attraction or repulsion is directly proportional to the
product of the two charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between

F = M1 ? M2
? d?

F= magnitude of force
M=strenght of two poles
?= permeability of medium poles are in
d= distance between poles
a) is caused by a deficiency of electrons, indicates repulsive force between like charges.
b) caused by a surplus of electrons; attractive force between unlike charges.

How A/C is rectified to produce a D/C in a Generator,

and the position of the brushes at the instant the conductor passes a zero field position
between the Poles.

A D/C can be achieved by passing the current through a rectifier. In its simplest form this
consists of a switch which modifies the circuit to allow only / to flow through the load. It is
automatic and commonly called a ( semiconductor; junction diodes ) offering little forward
resistance, but a very high resistance in the reverse direction

Rectification removed the negative side ( half ) of the A/C wave leaving unidirectional D/C.

D/C is produced in an A/C generator by a system of SPLIT RINGS and BRUSHES so it will
deliver D/C to an external circuit, termed a commutator. Each ? of the commutator is
connected to opposite ends of the rotating coil and the electrical connection to the external
circuit are made via spring loaded carbon brushes bearing on a separate surface.
When the coil is horizontal, the induced EMF is maximum and when the coils are rotated and
the brushes are in the central part of the commutator strips the EMF falls off as the coils
approach the vertical position.
Every ? cycle, the connection between the coils and external circuit will be reversed. The
brushes will be spaced between the 2 ? ?s of the commutator at zero field position between
the 2 poles.

A 1mF Capacitor is charged to 100 volts and a 2mF capacitor is charged to 200 volts. The
two capacitors are then connected in parallel, plate to plate ( + Ve to + Ve ). 1) find resulting
potential difference ( voltage ) and (2) the charge on each plate. (3) how much energy is lost
by making the connection.

Find the resistance of a Copper Bar 3 meters long having a diameter of ? cm Resistivety of
copper is 1.724 ? 10-8 ohm meters.

R= L ?= 1.724 ? 10-8 L= 3m A=

Electrical Potential and Electrical Intensity, Define and show that Newton's per coulomb is
equivalent to Volts per meter

Electrical Potential of a point is the work done as a positive charge to bring it from a zero
potential, to that point. Its measurement is in Volts.

PD. = joules

Electrical intensity at a point, is the force acting on a unit positive charge at that point,
measured in Newton?s per Coulombs
E= Newton's

Newton's per Coulombs = Newton's = Newton's Meters

Coulombs Coulombs Meters

= Joules = Newton Volts

Coulombs Meters Coulombs Meters

= Volts = Volts per meter


When a Glass Rod and silk is rubbed together, each is found capable of attracting small light
Explain the following; Why does this not occur using metals?, What is meant by a positive

In a balance Atom, there is an equal # of protons ( + ) and electrons ( - ). If an imbalance

occurs. electrons go from one atom to another, the former becomes a net + charge, ( more
protons than electrons ) and the latter to have a negative - charge ( more electrons than
protons )
Glass and Silk are both insulators ( non conductors ). When their surfaces are rubbed
together, there occurs a transfer of free electrons from the atoms of the glass to the atoms of
the silk.
Glass becomes + charged by a surplus of protons, and the silk - charged by a surplus of
electrons. They will both be capable of attracting small neutral objects.
Non conductors retain their charges while metals, being conductors, dissipates charges
quickly. ( the effect is not possible ).

A positive charge in this theory denotes an atom with a net loss of electrons (-) and a surplus
of protons (+).

What is a Capacitor. Illustrate its principle. What is meant by the term dielectric strength of a
capacitor material.??

A Capacitor is a simple device, its function being the short term storage of an electrical
It is composed of two metal plates, separated by a layer of insulating material called the
( usually plastic or ceramics ). Wires connected to the plates, one is + the other is designated -
, and are connected to ( e.g.. a battery, ) to complete the circuit.

When first connected, a current will flow due to the PD. across the plates. The flow of the
electrons from the plates to the terminals will slow as the PD. is decreased due to +/- charges
beginning to behave with O.PD.. An electrical field is established by this electron movement
with the dielectric. It can be reclaimed by discharging of the capacitor.
The storage of energy in a capacitor is achieved by deforming the electron orbits in the atoms
of the dielectric; an external energy is required. ( the charging current )

Dielectric Strength refers to the maximum voltage that can be applied for a specific thickness
of dielectric material with out rupturing or damaging the dielectric; and is expressed as Volts
per MM.

Why Series Wound Motors are more suited than other types of DC motors for winches and

A series wound motor has its field windings in series with the armature windings so that the
armature current flows through both. On starting, there is no back EMF, ( no magnetic field
strength ), so a large current in the armature and field is developed, and a large initial torque
is created.
As the speed of the motor increases, back EMF, increases, which in turn decreases current
and torque. If the load increases the speed decreases and back EMF which allows greater
current to flow and a surge in available torque.
It is this ability to respond appropriately to differential loads combined with an initial Hi-Start
torque that makes it ideal for winches and windlasses. It has one disadvantage: the motor
races without a load, this can be easily controlled by means of a variable resistance, to vary
the current to prevent racing.

A shunt motor, ( armature and field windings in parallel ) are least suited, low start torque
and little change in speed under load.

A Compound motor (part series and part parallel ) are middle of the road.

Why the Armature Core of a DC motor is constructed of thin annealed sheets of steel, VS a
solid block.?

When a metal rotor is moving in a magnetic field, an internal EMF is set up as explained in
The EMF sets up eddy currents in the iron of the rotor = power loss due to heat and also
produces back EMF. To reduce this effect, the core of the armature is laminated and
insulating material is placed between the sheets to reduce conductivity and the eddy currents
are limited to small loops equal to the thickness of the laminations are insulated with special
VARNISHES. Resistitory of the steel is increased by allowing up to 4% friction.

OHMMETER, what is it used for ?, can it measure large resistance's?.

An ohmmeter is a device that measures resistance's in a circuit or component . I consists of a
DC Current Meter movement, low voltage power source, one or more current limiting
resistors and a pair of flexible leads. ( pointed probes ) which allows detection of open
circuits or shorts.
Before use the probes are held together at the pointed ends and the meter adjusted to ZERO.
When the probes are held together on either side of the component being measured the circuit
is complete and resistance to current is flow will register on the meter scale. The higher the
resistance, the less the current flow and the less the scale reading. When the probes are apart,
( isolated ) no current flows - scale has an infinite reading.

A standard series Ohm meter is ideally suited for measuring midrange resistance. At higher
resistance's, the reading becomes increasingly inaccurate. An internal resistance adjustment
helps, but some ohm meter requires large voltage to accurate measure very large resistance's.
A special type of ohm meter called a MEGGER is used. It has a hand driven DC generator
called a magneto. If the shaft is rotated above a set value, the output of the generator is set at
a fixed value, e.g.., 500 volts / 1000 volts ).
Measures resistance in MEG ohms. This devise is commonly found in the installation of
heavy conductors for power transmission lines, heavy electrical machinery, transformers ect.

Explanation, and function of a Potentiometer, and a Rheostat.

Both are variable resistors....

Resistive element usually made of resistance wire.
has one fixed and one variable contact.
usually connected in series with a circuit.
controls current, not voltage.
often used to control very high current, e.g.., motor or lamp loads.


resistive element usually made of carbon composition.

two fixed terminals, and one variable contact.
used to vary voltage values across a circuit.
small ones can be used as rheostats by ignoring the contact at one end.
used for control of voltage in amplifiers, radios, tv?s, and other electrical devises where
variation of voltage is required.

Both employ a standing arm which makes contact with a stationary resistance element. As the
arm rotates, its contact point on the S.R element changes, the resistance changing in tandem.

10 batteries; each with an EMF of 2 volts, additional resistance of 0.05 ohm connected in
series are to be charged with a current of 8 amp. Find energy stored in 15 minutes, and
amount of heat wasted.

Total Resistance ( RT) = 10 ? 0.05 ohm = 0.5 ohm

Voltage needed to overcome R = I ? RT

V = IR = 8A ? 0.5 ohm
= 4 volts

V required to overcome
EMF of the batteries = 10v ? 2v = 20 volts

Required charging voltage = 20v + 4 volts = 24 volts

Energy stored in 15 minutes = V ? I ? T ( seconds )

= 20v ? 8A ? 15 ? 60 = 144,000 joules

energy lost as heat = V ? I ? T (seconds )

= 4v ? 8A ? 15 ? 60 = 28,000 joules

Energy = power ) watts ) ? time.

= I?R = V?/R

How much resistance must be placed in series with a 60 volt, 50 ohm lamp to operate it from
a 120 volt line? How many meters of nichrome wire ( dia. 1mm ) are required to make a
limiting resistor?

Sketch and Describe one type of coil measuring device

Basic Moving Coil GALVANOMETER

The current to be measured passes through the coil which produces an magnetic field. This
moves the pointer in proportion to the load. The spring provides a torque opposite to the
deflective torque, and when balanced the needle indicates a value based on the current. ( scale
is calibrated )

Damping is used to steady the reading - called eddy current dampening. The current cuts the
lines of force and due to LENZ's law an EMF is generated in it. This current generating its
own magnetic field and opposes the one producing it ( rotating of the coil ) net effect steady
the pointer. When the pointer is at rest there will be no EMF generated by the coil movement
and the accuracy unimpaired. Used to detect small currents. Minor modifications ( series,
parallel connected resistance with the galvanometer movement ) can be used as a voltmeter,
amp meter, ohm meter.

Shunt, Series, and Compound winding for a DC Motor: Advantages and Disadvantages of

Armature and field windings joined in parallel across the power supply. They have relative
constant speed and torque. Useful in operations requiring these features, e.g.., cooling fans,
different typed of pumps ect. They have low starting torque.

In parallel, so some current flows in each arm ( Arm + field windings ) divided between the
two. Increase load, the armature slows down ... Induced EMF decreases and more current
flows in the armature windings. But less current is left to flow in the Field windings - so the
product of the current is managed = constant torque.

Armature and field windings are joined in series. They have high staring torque, speed varies
with load. Races if unloaded. Inherently poor speed control. which is solved with variable
Good for electrical vehicles, winches, windlass and starter motors, and are connected to load
via gears verses belts to prevents racing.

The same current flows through both the Field windings and the Armature. The torque is
proportional to the square of the current. When the load increases, the motor slows down,
induced current decreases, extra current is drawn from the source. Since torque is
proportional to the square of the current the extra current produces a surge of torque and High
starting torque and speed varies with load.

COMPOUND: Field windings and armature connected partly in series and partly in parallel.
Middle of the road - fair start torque
- not as high start torque as series
- speed control not as good as shunt

Series connected provides High Start torque, and the speed is controlled by the shunt
Commonly used for lifts, presses, starting compressors, ect..

Magnetic Field Intensity & Magnetic Flux Density; What information does each quantity

The strength or Intensity of the Magnetic Field at a point is defined as: The force that would
be exerted on a unit N Pole placed at that point. The unit is known as a OERSTED and
represent the intensity of a magnetic field in which a unit magnetic pole experiences a force
of one dyne... If a pole strength M experiences a force of one dyne at a point in a magnetic
field, the intensity at that point

H= F

Can also be used to measure the electromagnetic force produced in a coil when current flows
through it

H= Amp turns
length of coil

The relationship between H & B is called permeability = B

Magnetic Flux density at a point can be represented in magnitude and direction by a vector
called the flux density or magnetic induction ( B ) Where magnitude of B determines the
density of the magnetic field called field lines ( flux density ) at a point. Where lines are
dense B?s. If the flux density is constant in magnitude and direction, the field is uniform. The
units of B are TESLAS , which are Webers/M squared
Flux is used to measure EMF. Induced EMF is proportional to the rate of change of magnetic
flux linking a coil
Weber = the flux linking one turn of a coil inducing an EMF of one volt as it is decreased to
zero in one second at a uniform rate.

39) What are the Active Components of a Lead Acid Cell when in the Charged/Discharged

In a lead peroxide cell a spongy porous lead plate ( negative electrode) and a lead peroxide
(positive electrode) are immersed in a electrolyte. Due to chemical reaction, the spongy lead
accumulates a layer of negative charge as its gradually dissolves in the electrolyte. The atoms
leaving the spongy lead are + charged and attract to the - charged atoms of the electrolyte
while repelling the + charged ions of the electrolyte surrounding the lead peroxide plate.

This causes electrons to be removed from the lead peroxide leaving it with a positive charge.
If a load is placed between the terminals the forces of attraction and repulsion will cause the
free electrons to move towards the + charged lead peroxide and be given up for external use
in the circuit. Some of the acid of the electrolyte combines with the active material on the
plates and Lead Sulfate is formed.


A positive charge is fed in through the negative terminal and the acid which was absorbed (
during discharge ) by the plates is returned to the electrolyte. The active material is charged
back to its original state ( charged condition ) Spongy lead and lead peroxide and the
electrolyte to its original state of strength.
The EMF of the cell remains pretty constant during the charge and discharge phases of the
cycle. Can measure it with a hydrometer: the greater the Specific Gravity of the water the
higher the charge.
The active material react with the gases produced -- oxygen at the anode; hydrogen at the

Active Materials:

a) + plate(s) of Lead Peroxide ( PbO2)

b) - plate(s) of spongy lead ( Pb )

c) Electrolyte of Sulfuric Acid ( H2SO4 )

d) both plates become Lead Sulfate ( PbSO4 )

The Specific Gravity of the cell at these times:

Charged 1.33 Discharged 1.11
2.1 volts 1.8 volts

During charging: well ventilated, ignition free atmosphere.
Hydrogen and Oxygen are being produced and the gas so formed id both poisonous and
Heat is also produced and inspection for nearby flammable?s and damage to cells.
Watch the acid level, too little may damage the plates of the cell and weaken the electrolyte (
only distilled water should be added.
On ships, good idea to have an insulated floor, fans, intentionally safe wiring and a lock on
the door.

Describe ( diagram ) how electric current is Produced on a conductor by the Thermal Method
and where is it used.

A thermocouple is a device using the thermoelectric ( Seebeck effect ) and consists of a

closed circuit with a dissimilar metallic conductors, the junction between the different metals
are maintained at different temperatures. An electric current flows.

The voltage output is proportional to the temperature difference. So may be connected to a

suitable voltmeter calibrated to give direct reading of the hot junction temperature. Useful for
measuring furnace and flue gas temperature.
A large number of them could be connected to produce a useful source of power temperature
detectors inside large generators, motors, electric pyrometers.
Can also be used to measure small or low frequency AC or DC currents in conjunction with a

Particularly active metals with readily give up their electrons or accept electrons (e.g.. copper
& zinc ) an electron path is developed and intensifies with heat and current flows.

Resistively of metal increased with heat. Electrons will flow from hot to cold.

Draw a Wheatstone Bridge Circuit and explain.

A circuit containing 4 resistance arms ( one an unknown value ) A battery connected across
one diagonal and a galvanometer across the other allows the determination of resistance ( Rx
). Since the resistance in the arms is variable, it is adjusted until it is in balance ( potential
across are the same )

R3 + R1 = R2 + Rx . A zero reading results, no current flows and no deflection of the

galvanometer.... The value of the variable resistor ( R3 ) is equal to the unknown resistance

When the source is AC and the bridge contains capacitors or inductors, it can be used to
measure capacitance and inductance in a similar manner.

The Armature of a DC Generator has a resistance of 0.4 Ohm The terminal potential
difference of the Generator is 120 Volts with no load, and 115 Volts under full load. How
much power is delivered at full load?.

Effective Voltage + terminal Voltage - counter EMF ( back ) 120 - 115 = 5 volts

Armature current ( I ) V ( effective voltage )

R ( Armature Resistance) 5v/0.4 Ohm = 12.5 Amp.

Power = V x I = 115V x 12.5 Amp = 1437.5 watts or 1.4375 Kw

What is meant by MUTUAL or SELF INDUCTANCE.

As Ac in a conductor goes through one complete cycle, the magnetic field around the
conductor builds up and then collapses. It then does this in the opposite direction. When the
magnetic field builds up from collapse ( zero ), the lines of force, flux lines. expand from the
center and outward and ? cut? there the conductor and EMF is generated independently of the
supply power. This is the case when going from max. to zero again ( collapse ).. A change in
current also causes a change in the magnetic field which induces an EMF in a conductor =

A coil has a self inductance of one HENRY if a current, charging at a rate of 1 amp/sec.
induces an EMF of 1 volt.


If the flux lines of one coil were to cut the windings of a nearby coil, a voltage would be
induced in that coil. Amount of voltage depends on distance between the two coils. Also the
higher the number of turns in the secondary coil the higher the induced voltage ( EMF ). This
secondary EMF will also induce EMF in the primary coil as well

Four EMF?s are present;

1) primary applied
2) primary EMF
3) secondary EMF
4) secondary EMF induced in the primary coil

Two coils have a mutual inductance of one Henry, if a current charging them at a rate of 1
amp per second induces an EMF of one volt in the secondary coil.

Using Faraday?s Law of Electromagnetic Inductance the voltage ratio of the primary and
secondary windings in an ideal ( no loss ) transformer is the same as the ratio of the turns in
the secondary windings.

Whenever a conductor cuts the lines of force an EMF will be generated in the conductor.

The value of the induced EMF depends on the rate at which these lines of force are being cut,
and the number of lines being cut.

An Ideal Transformer work by providing an alternating output voltage. Magnetic coupling is

employed to transfer EMF from primary to secondary coils.
If secondary windings have more turns than the primary, the voltage across the secondary
will be proportionately higher than across the primary. In an ideal transformer the power is
constant. When the voltage is stepped up the current is stepped down and visa versa.

Does a similar relationship between the current hold when a pure resistive load is connected
to the secondary windings?
With a purely resistive load V1 and V2 have the same phase so:

I2 = N1 and power = V x I
I1 N2

When a motor is running, what effect does LEN Z's Law have on the current?

Lenz?s Law: An electric current flowing through a conductor produces magnetic lines or flux
which surround the conductor. A change in the current produces a proportional change in the
flux encircling the conductor. This change in the EMF in the circuit which opposes the
change in the current. THIS IS LEN Z's LAW.

When a DC supply is applied to the field and armature windings. A magnetic field if
produced and current will flow in the armature conductors situated in the field. A force is
exerted on the conductors as the armature rotates. ... An EMF is induced and its direction
opposes the flow of the current.
The back EMF , the effect of friction produces a torque opposing the rotation, and this
increases with speed. Eventually friction torque = density torque and motor revelations at
constant speed with constant change.

TORQUE = flux x I ( amperes )

The same current flows through both the field windings and the armature.
The same current flows through both the field windings and the armature. Torque is
proportional to the square of the Current. When the load increases, the motor slows down,
induced current decreases, extra current is drawn from the source. Since torque is
proportional to the square of the current, the extra current produces a surge of torque; hence
high starting torque, and the speed varies with load.

Field windings and armature is connected partly in series and partly in parallel.
Middle of the Road: Fair starting torque as series.- not as high a starting torque as series -
speed control not as good as shunt.

Series connected parallel high start torque and the speed is controlled with the shunt
connection. Commonly used for lifts, presses, starting compressors.

Describe the chemical method of producing EMF

Using a primary voltage cell that is an electrolyte cell containing an electrolyte and electrodes
of different conductive materials, an electrochemical EMF is generated between the
electrodes. When the electrodes are joined with a load, a current flows and chemical charges
take place which is effectively irreversible. Cells are wet or dry depending on whether the
electrolyte is a liquid or a paste

The electrolyte is sulfur acid in older models. Later ones as above were replaced with Copper
Sulfide and zinc sulfate separated by a porous partition which raised the internal resistance.
Water actuated primary cells have been developed, stored dry, their immersion in water, salt,
or fresh,
to actuate silver/chloride, magnesium cell . Lead oxide, magnesium cell + type..e.g.., PFD

48) An iron ring is closely wound with an current carrying conductor. The ring is now cut to
form an air gap. Explain why the existence of an air gap increases the reluctance of the
magnetic circuit?

Reluctance is the opposition to the production of the flux and corresponds to electrical
resistance. Reluctance is inversely proportional to Permeability. Iron has high permeability
and low ?R? Air has low permeability and high ?R?

The air gap is the air space between the poles of a magnet. Since air has high ?R? , the size of
the gap affects the value of ?R? The shorter the gap, the higher the field in the gap. The larger
the gap, the larger the magnetic couple and the more area to spread out the lines of force and
increase Reluctance, called Fringing flux ???

The permeability of iron is 1000, air is 1. That means 1000 times as many ampere turns are
needed to achieve a given flux density in a pole of the same length in air.
Introduction of an air gap will greatly contribute to the reluctance of the iron .

RT = R air gap + R iron.

If the Flux Density is to be maintained and the number of turns to remain constant, how
would the current change?.

49) Name 3 effects of electrical current used when measuring Electrical Quantities. Which
are used directly or indirectly in measurements for detection of current?.

1) Magnetic
2) Heating > Effects
3) Chemical

The most widely used is magnetic as electrical fields always coexist with a proportionate
magnetic field.

Name the Rule, and Explain how to indicate direction of motion of induced current in the
conductor, when the direction of motion of the current and magnetic fields are known.

FLEMINGS RIGHT HAND RULE: Conventional magnetic field direction is from N to S

poles, and since the conductor moves in a particular direction, the direction of the induced
EMF can be deduced.
Fleming used the thumb, 1th., finger, ( index ) and 2nd., finger of the right hand and put them
a right angles to each other. By placing the thumb and first finger to the known quantity, the
third finger,
( Induced EMF ) can be noted.

50) Advantages of Revolving Field Generator over Stationary Field.

Describe the Revolving Type.

- less costly. direct connection to external circuits

-Problems of insulating are simplified, no slip rings needed

- Higher Voltages possible from stationary armature to switch board
- use of sliding contact rings and brushes.
- centrifugal force on the armature is eliminated.

Revolving Field type A/C Generator ( most heavy service units are this type )

Armature Coils are permanently mounted around the inner circumference of the generator
housing, while field coils and their pole pieces are mounted onto a shaft and rotate within the
stationary armature. Relative motion of the magnetic flux lines then induce the voltage.

* Higher rotational speeds are possible.

Two Types of Revolving Field>

1) Salient Pole: poles are bolted or riveted to a central cast iron bus or spider, field coils (
exited by D/C )
are fitted over the poles. usually Large diameter and short axial length.

2) Turbo Alternator: The rotating magnetic field is a cylindrical steel forging, on the outer
circumference on which slots are milled axially. A field winding, ( flat copper strips ) is laid
in the slots and keyed in position.
51) An Alternator is run as a motor: what is it called?., Outstanding feature, and

Its Called A Synchronous Motor: A/C applied to the stator, D/C applied to the rotor.
AC current causes a magnetic field to be set up around the rotor and being energized by DC,
acts like a bar magnet. If a rotor so energized is rotated a a speed such that the relative speed
between rotor and rotating magnetic field is low ) nearly equal ) then the poles of the rotating
magnet line up and rotate in step with the opposite poles of the rotating field around the stator
and ? turn a load.

A 2 Pole Stator?s Speed is 3600 RPM for 60 Hz. The Synchronous Motor is a constant speed
devise and its speed depends on the Frequency of the Ac motor supply, and the number of

It has a very accurate speed and therein lies the usefulness. e.g.. timing devices, no load full

52) No Load Current of a Transformer ( Also called the exiting Current ) What 2 components
make up this current.

If the secondary winding of a transformer is left open, the primary current is low, and termed
no load current.
It produces the magnetic flux and supply the hysteres effect and eddy current losses in the

1) magnetic current component, large applied primary voltage by 90 deg.
2) Core loss component - always in phase with the primary voltage.

Core Loss:

53) Comment on the construction of a Three Phase Arrangement.

Advantages.. What phase difference between each of the set of windings, What 2 ways are
there of connecting the phases and what difference in line voltage does the 2 ways have.

Single Phase: generators coils ( armature ) connected in series.

Two Phase: coils are wired so that the generator has 3 separate output voltages. Separated 90
in phase
in phase, two loops are at right angles, to each leg, with their own slip rings.

Three Phase: 3 equal spaced windings, 3 output voltages, 120 degrees out of phase loops are
60 degrees apart.
Advantages: Greater efficiency, greater total output with same mechanical power, smoother
steady power ( current ) and greater flexibility of application. the 3 separate outputs may be
used for different circuits, while the 2 phases used in conjunction can be used to run A/C

There are 2 ways of connecting the 3 armature windings to the load....

Delta: ( mesh system) the 2 windings are connected in series to form a closed circuit, and
they connect to the load at the junction of the 3 windings, this gives increase in current, but
no increase in Voltage.
The line voltage is the same as the voltage in the windings.

The current however. is square root of 3 multiplied by current ( 1.73 times ) the current in any
one phase of the winding. Total true power derived is 1.73 times the power of any one line.

VL = VP line voltage = phase voltage

IL = 1.73 x IP

b) 3 conductors are joined to a common spring at the end, and the other end connected to its
own spring. The central ( neutral ) line is common to all. One of the leads is connected
together the other three leads are brought out and connected to the load.

VL = VP x 1.73 IL = IP

Advantages: easy to ground the connection from the neutral point so less chance of shock. By
connecting the neutral point and one other lead, you connect a single phase load to the

In the Delta type the line V = 1.73 x phase V with the Voltage between any two of the leads (
line V )
= Voltage generated in one winding.

3 phase insert

54) Explain with a diagram how a Galvanometer may be put into a circuit so as to measure
current and voltage respectively.

As an ammeter a low resistor is out in parallel with the galvanometer so only a small current
passes through.

As a voltmeter, a high resistance is put in series with the galvanometer and the two combined
put in parallel across the load, where potential drop at being measured.
55) Explain Back EMF in a motor and how it occurs. what Law Governs the direction of this

The armature of a DC motor produces its own magnetic field which reacts with the magnetic
field coils to produce rotary motion. The conductors on the rotating armature cut the lines of
force of their own field and consequently a counter or back EMF is induced opposite to the
direction of the current flow in the armature windings.

LEN Z's LAW: the direction of the induced EMF is such that it opposes the effects producing

A motor will pass more current when allowed to run freely. The input voltage remains
constant, the current output is diminished by the production of back EMF which opposes that
of the driving EMF.
The current flowing through the armature depends on, and is controlled by the back EMF.

56) An Inductor of 0/17 H and a resistance of 50 Ohms are connected in series across a 110
Volt, 60 hertz line.

Find Inductive reactance....

b) Impedance
c) total current
d) voltage drop across resistor and coil
e) Power used

57) What is meant by Armature Reactance?

a) how does it affect the motor,

b) how is the effect counteracted?

When a motor?s armature is supplied whit a current, a magnetic flux is build up around the
conductors of the armature windings.

:. 2 magnetic fields in the space between the pole pieces: the main magnetic field, and the
field around the armature and combine to give a RESULTANT FIELD. This field has been
distorted from the original main field and is termed Armature Reaction. The distortion being
produced by the rotation of the Armature field.

The neutral plane of the resultant field is shifted from the GEOMETRIC NEUTRAL plane in
operation, the amount of shift determined by the extent of the armature reaction and is longer
with a higher currents. The results in less efficiency in power produced by the motor.

Counteraction when motor is to be run at a constant speed and direction, involves

repositioning the brushes, to the resultant neutral plane to increase commutation. But if
varying speeds and direction, and loads are to be used, then inter poles are used to handle the
variable nature of armature reaction. The windings are connected in series with the armature
windings and a current is set up around them. They correct the current sent to the armature
coils and :. decrease the distribution of the flux field, keeping the neutral axis close to the
geometric and :. increases the efficiency of communitation with a minimum of sparking. This
effect is proportional to the armature current and :. is variable

The Armature is also called a ROTOR..

58) A voltage of 1oo volt; f: 1 x 104 Hz is applied to a circuit having an R of 20 Ohms in

parallel with an inductance of 3 x 10-6 Henrys. Find current in each of the current branches (
legs ) and the angle of the lag.

*** In a circuit with xL, current always lags voltage.....

59) Explain INDUCTIVE and CAPACITIVE REACTANCE . State their effects.

a) Inductive Reactance is the opposition to primary EMF A/C current by back EMF and is
measured in Ohms: Symbol = XL and increases with frequency of the current, and causes
current to lag behind the applied voltage. Current is caused to be lowered .

XL = 2 ? pie ? frequency ? L = Ohms f + frequency in Hz, L = inductance in H.

Capacitive Reactance is a special type of resistance by a capacitor opposing the passage of

A/C . Measured in Ohms, Symbol = XC. XC decreases as the f frequency of the A/C
increases. Causes current lead voltage by the applied EMF. Causes current to increase

XC = 1
2 pie f C = Ohms

Since they have opposite effects; they are both present in a current, they will tend to cancel
each other out, and this is known as RESONANCE.

60) When is an electric circuit said to be in Resonance, and how is the Phenomenon used?.
A circuit is said to in resonance when the Inductive reactance equals the Capacitive
These types of circuits are used in electronics to provide frequency selectivity :. called tuned
circuits, they are used for impedance measuring, bypass factors and oscillators. Resonant
circuits are used extensively in marine electronics, in Radar, Tele-comunications ( radios) ect.
depth sounders.

At resonance , impedance ( Z ) = Resistance ( R ) :. Current is maximum and phase angle is

Zero. This is used some navigation systems..

A resonant circuit is tuned to and from the resonant f the current increases or decreases :.
providing the f selectivity one is ?????

21) a PD. of 200 Volt is connected across 2 capacitors in series, c1 = 2?F, and c2 = 6?F.
What is the resulting charges on each Capacitor and the PD., across it?. What is the total
energy of the combination?.

Total Capacitance = 1 = 1 + 1 = 1 + 1 = 6
CT C1 C2 2 6 4 ?F

CT = 6/4 = 1.5 ?F 1 + !
2( 10-6 ) 6 ( 10-6 )

QT ( charge ) = CV = 1.5( 10-6 ) ? 200 V = 3 ? 10-4 coulombs

Inductivety: V1 = QT = 3 ? 10-4 = 150 volt

C 2 ? 10-6

Total energy = ? CV2 = ? ( 2 ? 10-6 ) ? 1502 + ? ( 6 ? 10-6 ) 502

= 0.0225 + 0.0075 = 0.03 joules..

25) Analyze the following circuit diagram and calculate the current and voltage for the
resistors with KIRCHOFF?s LAW

Kirchoff?s Law (voltage ) The voltage applied to a closed circuit = sum of the voltage drop
across the resistance's in the circuit must algebraically equal zero ? 0 ?.

Current Law the sum of the currents entering the circuit = sum of the current leaving a
junction. the common point is called a NODE.
Sum I = I in - I out = zero ?0?.

37) In the diagram below, what power is delivered to the motor, the current being 5 AMP.

If the motor delivers 1KW with a speed of 1200 RPM, what torque is delivered?.

P= VI I = 5 amps. V at motor = VT - R1 - R2 -RG

= 230 - ( 5 ? 2 ) - ( 5 ? 2 ) - ( 5 ? 1.5 ) = 202.5 volts

230 - 10 - 10 - 7.5
202.5 V
1012.5 watts

Power = 2 pie ? RPM ? torque :. torque = Power ? 60

2 pie ? RPM = 1000 ? 60
2 pie ? 1200

= 7.958 Newton/Meters

47) An A/C of 120 volts with a f of 1000 Hz is imposed on a circuit having a resonance of 10
Ohms in parallel with a coil of 400?H. Find the current, the phase angle between I and V and
solve which leads the other

36) In the diagram, a potentiometer of 120 Ohms is connected across a 240 volt D/C supply.
A current of 2 amp is required in the 40 ohm coil. Find the position of tapping point ?B? by
finding the ?R? of ?AB?.

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Transport Canada has ask us to advise users of this webpage to keep in mind that these questions are not the exact questions found in their
exams. Martin's Marine Engineering Page - is not affiliated with Transport Canada and these questions have been
gathered from various sources.

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