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Application of Calculus With Business and Economics

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The key takeaways from the document are the definitions and relationships between basic economic functions like total cost, average cost, marginal cost, total revenue, etc. and how calculus can be used to analyze these functions.

The basic functions defined are total cost function, demand function, revenue function and profit function. Total cost consists of fixed cost and variable cost. Demand function relates price and quantity demanded. Revenue function gives total revenue from sale of units. Profit is calculated by subtracting total cost from total revenue.

The different types of costs defined are fixed cost, variable cost and total cost. Fixed cost does not change with production level while variable cost depends on production level. Total cost is the sum of fixed and variable cost.

Application of calculus with business and economics COMMERCE AND ECONOMICS We have learnt in calculus that when 'y'

is a function of 'x', the derivative of y x i.e. dy dx measures the instantaneous rate of change of y with respect to x. In Economics and commerce we come across many such variables where one variable is a function of the other. For example, the quantity demanded can be said to be a function of price. Supply and price or cost and quantity demanded are some other such variables. Calculus helps us in finding the rate at which one such quantity changes with respect to the other. Marginal analysis in Economics and Commerce is the most direct application of differential calculus. In this context, differential calculus also helps in solving problems of finding maximum profit or minimum cost etc., while integral calculus is used to find he cost function when the marginal cost is given and to find total revenue when marginal revenue is given.

In this lesson, we shall study about the total, average or marginal functions and the optimisation problems. OBJECTIVES After studying this lesson, you will be able to : define Total Cost, Variable Cost, Average Cost, Marginal Cost, Total Revenue, Marginal Revenue and Average Revenue; find marginal cost and average cost when total cost is given; find marginal revenue and average revenue when total revenue is given; find optimum profit and minimum total cost under given conditions; and find total cost/ total revenue when marginal cost/marginal revenue are given, under given conditions EXPECTED BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE Derivative of a function Integration of a function 41.1 BASIC FUNCTIONS Before studying the application of calculus, let us first define some functions which are used in business and economics. 41.1.1 Cost Function The total cost C of producing and marketing x units of a product depends upon the number of units (x). So the function relating C and x is called Cost-function and is written as C = C (x).

The total cost of producing x units of the product consists of two parts (i) Fixed Cost (ii) Variable Cost i.e. C (x) = F + V (x) Fixed Cost : The fixed cost consists of all types of costs which do not change with the level of production. For example, the rent of the premises, the insurance, taxes, etc. Variable Cost : The variable cost is the sum of all costs that are dependent on the level of production. For example, the cost of material, labour cost, cost of packaging, etc. 41.1.2 Demand Function An equation that relates price per unit and quantity demanded at that price is called a demand function. If 'p' is the price per unit of a certain product and x is the number of units demanded, then we can write the demand function as x = f(p) or p = g (x) i.e., price (p) expressed as a function of x. 41.1.3 Revenue function If x is the number of units of certain product sold at a rate of Rs. 'p' per unit, then the amount derived from the sale of x units of a product is the total revenue. Thus, if R represents the total revenue from x units of the product at the rate of Rs. 'p' per unit then R= p.x is the total revenue Thus, the Revenue function R (x) = p.x. = x .p (x) 41.1.4 Profit Function

The profit is calculated by subtracting the total cost from the total revenue obtained by selling x units of a product. Thus, if P (x) is the profit function, then P(x) = R(x) - C(x) 41.1.5 Break-Even Point Break even point is that value of x (number of units of the product sold) for which there is profit or loss. ,i.e. At Break-Even point P (x ) = 0 or R ( x)- = C ( x ) 0 i.e. R ( x) = C ( x ) Let us take some examples. Example 41.1 For a new product, a manufacturer spends Rs. 1,00,000 on the infrastructure and the variable cost is estimated as Rs.150 per unit of the product. The sale price per unit was fixed at Rs.200. Find (i) Cost function (ii) Revenue function (iii) Profit function, and (iv) the break even point. Solution : (i) Let x be the number of units produced and sold, then cost function C ( x) = Fixed cost + Variable Cost = 1,00,000 + 150 x (ii) Revenue function = p.x = 200 x (iii) Profit function P ( x ) = R ( x )-C ( x ) = 200 x - + (100,000 150 x ) = - 50 x 100,000

(iv) At Break-Even point P ( x ) 0 = 50 x - = 100,000 0

100,000 x 2000 50 == Hence x = 2000 is the break even point. i.e. When 2000 units of the product are produced and sold, there will be no profit or loss. Example 41.2 A Company produced a product with Rs 18000 as fixed costs. The variable cost is estimated to be 30% of the total revenue when it is sold at a rate of Rs. 20 per unit. Find the total revenue, total cost and profit functions. Solution : (i) Here, price per unit (p) = Rs. 20 Total Revenue R ( x ) = p. x = 20 x where x is the number of units sold. (ii) Cost function 30 C ( x ) 18000 R ( x ) 100 =+ 30 18000 20 x 100

=+ = + 18000 6x (iii) Profit function P(x)=-R(x)C(x)

= 20 x- + (18000 6x) = - 14 x 18000 Example 41.3 x items of a A manufacturing company finds that the daily cost of producing

product is given by C ( x )= + 2 1 0x 7000 (i) If each item is sold for Rs. 350, find the minimum number that must be produced and sold daily to ensure no loss. (ii) If the selling price is increased by Rs. 35 per piece, what would be the break even point. Solution : (i) Here, R ( x ) = 350x and C ( x ) = + 2 1 0x 7000 \ P ( x ) = - - 3 5 0x 2 1 0x 7000 9= - 1 4 0x 7000

For no loss P ( x ) 0 = 1 4 0x - = 7000 0 or x = 50 Hence, to ensure no loss, the company must produce and sell at least 50 items daily. (ii) When selling price is increased by Rs. 35 per unit, R ( x) = + = (350 3 5 )x 385 P(x) = 3 8 5x - + (210x 7000) = - 175 x 7000

At Break even point P(x) 0 = 175 x - = 7000 0q 7000 x 40 175 == CHECK YOUR PROGRESS 41.1 1. The fixed cost of a new product is Rs. 18000 and the variable cost per unit is Rs. 550. If demand function p ( x) = - 4000 150x , find the break even values. 2. A company spends Rs. 25000 on infrastructure and the variable cost of producing one item is Rs. 45. If this item is sold for Rs. 65, find the break-even point. 3. A television manufacturer find that the total cost of producing and selling x television sets is ( ) G2 C x = 50x + + 3000x 43750 . Each product is sold for Rs. 6000. Determine the break even points. 4. A company sells its product at Rs.60 per unit. Fixed cost for the company is Rs.18000 and the variable cost is estimated to be 25 % of total revenue. Determine : (i) the total revenue function (ii) the total cost function (iii) the breakeven point. 216

5. A profit making company wants to launch a new product. It observes that the fixed cost of the new product is Rs. 35000 and the variable cost per unit is Rs. 500. The revenue function for the sale of x units is given by ( ) 2 R x = - 5000x 100x . Find : (i) Profit function (ii) break even values (iii) the values of x that result in a loss. 41.1.6 Average and Marginal Functions If two quantities x and y are related as y = f (x), then the average function may be defined as () fx x and the marginal function is the instantaneous rate of change of y with respect to x. i.e. Marginal function is ( ( )) dy d or f x dx dx Average Cost : Let C = C(x) be the total cost of producing and selling x units of a product, then the average cost (AC) is defined as C

AC x = Thus, the average cost represents per unit cost. Marginal Cost : Let C = C(x) be the total cost of producing x units of a product, then the marginal cost (MC), is defined to be the rale of change of C (x) with respect to x. Thus (()) dC d MC or C x dx dx =. Marginal cost is interpreted as the approximate cost of one additional unit of output. For example, if the cost function is 2 C = + 0.2x 5 , then the marginal cost is MC = 0 . 4 x \ The marginal cost when 5 units are produced is []()()Mx5 C 0.4 5 2 = == i.e. when production is increased from 5 units to 6, then the cost of additional unit is approximately Rs. 2.

However, the actual cost of producing one more unit after 5 units is C(6) - = C(5) Rs. 2.2 Example 41.4 2 C = 2x + -x 5 . Find (i) the average cost (ii) the marginal cost, when x = 4 Solution : (i) 2 C 2x x 5 AC xx +== 5 2x 1 At () 5 AC 2 4 1 4 =+= 9- = 1.25 7.75 (ii) x4=, The cost function of a firm is given by

() d MC C 4x 1 dx ==+ \ MC at x 4 = = 4(4)+1=16 1+ =17 Example 41.5 1 (MC AC) x - for the total cost function 32 C = + ax bx + + cx d . Solution : Cost function 32 C = + ax bx + + cx d Average cost Cd 2 AC ax bx c xx ==+++ Show that he slope of average cost curve is equal to

Marginal cost 2 d MC (C) 3ax 2bx c dx ==++ Slope of AC curve 2 ddd (AC) ax bx c dx dx x =+++ = 2 d 2ax b x +\ slope of AC curve 2 d =

2ax b x =+-

1d2 2ax bx xx =+ slope of AC curve 1d22 3ax 2bx c ax bx c xx = + + - + + + [] 1 MC AC ()

x =Example 41.6 x7 C 2x 7 x5 =+ + + Prove that he marginal cost falls continuously as the output increases. Solution : Here x7 C 2x 7 x5 =+ + + 2 x7x 27 x5 + If the total cost function C of a product is given by

=+ + MATHEMATICS Notes 218 Application of Calculus in Commerce and Economics OPTIONAL - II Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business \ ()()() () 2 2 x 5 2x 7 x 7x .1 dC 2 dx x 5 ++-+ = +

() 22 2 2x 17x 35 x 7 x 2 x5 ++-= +

() 2 2 x 10x 35 2 x5 ++ = +

() () 2 2 x 5 10 2 x5 ++ = +

() 2 10 21 x5 =+ +

\ MC = () 2 10 21 x5 + + It is clear that when x increases ( ) 2 x 5+ increases and so 2 10 (x +5) decreases and hence MC decreases. Thus, the marginal cost falls continuously as the output increases. 41.2 AVERAGE REVENUE AND MARGINAL REVENUE We have already learnt that total revenue is the total amount received by selling x items of the product at a price 'p' per unit. Thus, R = p.x

Average Revenue : If R is the revenue obtained by selling x units of the product at a price 'p' per unit, then the term average revenue means the revenue per unit, and is written as AR. \ R AR x = But R = p. x. \ p.x AR p x == Hence, average revenue is the same as price per unit. Marginal Revenue : The marginal revenue (MR) is defined as the rate of change of total revenue with respect to the quantity demanded.MATHEMATICS 219 Notes Application of Calculus in Commerce and Economics OPTIONAL - II Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business

\ MR ( ) d R dx = or dR dx The marginal revenue is interpreted as the approximate revenue received from producing and selling one additional unit of the product. Example 41.7 is given by 2 R ( x) = + + 12x 2x 6 . Find (i) the average revenue (ii) the marginal revenue (iii) marginal revenue at x = 50 (iv) the actual revenue from selling 51st item Solution : (1) Average revenue AR= 2 R 12x 2x 6 xx ++ = The total revenue received from the sale of x units of a product

6 12 2 x x =++ (ii) Marginal revenue d MR (R) 12 4 x dx ==+. (iii) [ MR ] x =50 = 12 + = 4(50) 212

(iv) The actual revenue received on selling 51st item = - R (51) R (50) ()()()() 22 12 51 2 51 6 12 50 2 50 6 =++-++ () 22 12 51 50 2 51 50

=-+- =12 2+ 101 =12+ = 202 214 Example 41.8 The demand function of a product for a manufacturer is p (x) = ax + b He knows that he can sell 1250 units when the price is Rs.5 per unit and he can sell 1500 units at a price of Rs.4 per unit. Find the total, average and marginal revenue functions. Also find the price per unit when the marginal revenue is zero. Solution :Here, and when \ p(x) = + ax b

x = 1250, p = Rs 5

5 = 1250 a + b ....(i) x = 1500, p = Rs 4

and when \

4 = 1500 a + b ....(ii)MATHEMATICS

Solving (i) and (ii) we get 1 a 250 = - , b =10 \ Demand function is expressed as ( ) x p x 10 250

=\ Total Revenue 2 x R p.x 10x 250 ==Average Revenue x p 10 250 =and 2x MR 10 250 =x 10 125 =Now, when MR = 0 we have x Marginal revenue

10 125 - = 0 \ x = 1250 Thus, 1250 p 10 5 250 =-= i.e., price per unit is Rs. 5. Thus, at a price of Rs 5 per unit the marginal revenue vanishes. Example 41.9 The demand function of a monopolist is given by 2 p = 1500 - - 2x x . Find : (i) the revenue function, (ii) the marginal revenue function (iii) the MR when x = 20 Solution : 2 p = 1500 - - 2x x (i) \Revenue function 2 3 R = p. x = 1500x - - 2x x (ii) Marginal revenue d2 R (R) 1500 4x 3x dx M

==-(iii) [ ] M x 20

R 1500 80 1200 220 = =--= Note : In the absence of any competition, the business is said to be operated as monopoly business, and the businessman is said to be a monopolist. Thus, in case of a monopolist, the price of the product depends upon the number of units produced and sold. CHECK YOUR PROGRESS 41.2 1. The total cost C(x) of a company is given as 2 C(x) = + + 1000 25x 2x where x is the output. Determine : (i) the average cost (ii) the marginal cost (iii) the marginal cost when 15 units are produced, and (iv) the actual cost of producing 15th unit. 2. The cost function of a firm is given by 2 C = 2x + + 3x 4 . Find (i) The average cost (ii) the marginal cost, (iii) Marginal cost, when x = 5. 3. The total cost function of a firm is given as 32 C(x) = 0.002x -0.04x + + 5x 1500

where x is the output. Determine : (i) the average cost (ii) the marginal average cost (MAC) (iii) the marginal cost (iv) the rate of change of MC with respect to x 4. The average cost function (AC) for a product is given by 2 5000 AC 0.006x 0.02x 30 x = - - + , where x is the output . Find (i) the marginal cost function (ii) the marginal cost when 50 units are produced. 5. The total cost function for a company is given by 32 C(x) x 7x 27 4 = - + . Find the level of output for which MC = AC. 6. The demand function for a monopolist is given by x =100 - 4p, where x is the number of units of product produced and sold and p is the price per unit. Find : (i) total revenue function (ii) average revenue function (iii) marginal revenue function and (iv) price and quantity at which MR = 0. 7. A firm knows that the demand function for one of its products is linear. It also knows that it can sell 1000 units when the price is Rs.4 per unit and it can sell 1500 units when the price is Rs.2 per unit.

Determine : (i) the demand function (ii) the total revenue function (iii) the average revenue function (iv) the marginal revenue function. 8. The demand function for a product is given by 5 p x3 = + . Show that the marginal revenue function is a decreasing function. Minimization of Average cost or total cost and Maximization of total revenue, the total profit. We know that if C = C (x) is the total cost function for x units of a product, then the average cost (AC) is given by C(x) AC x = In Economics and Commerce, it is very important to find the level of output for which the average cost is minimum. Using calculus, this can be calculated by solving d

(AC) 0 dx = and to get that value of x for which () 2 2 d AC 0 dx > .MATHEMATICS Notes 222 Application of Calculus in Commerce and Economics OPTIONAL - II Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business Similarly, when we are interested to find the level of output for which the total revenue is maximum. we solve [ ( ) ] d Rx0 dx

= and find that value of x for which [ ( ) ] 2 2 d Rx0 dx <. Similarly we can find the value of x for maximum profit by solving [ ( ) ] d Px0 dx = and to find that value of x for which [ ( ) ] 2 2 d Px0 dx <. Example 41.10 The manufacturing cost of an item consists of Rs.6000 as over heads, material cost Rs. 5 per unit and labour cost Rs. 2 x

60 for x units produced. Find how many units must be produced so that the average cost is minimum. Solution : Total cost 2 x C(x) 6000 5x 60 =++ \ AC 6000 x 5 x 60 =++ Now, 2 d 6000 1 AC dx x 60 =-+ \ d AC 0 () ()

dx =2 6000 1 0 x 60 -+= 2 x = 3600,00 () 2 23 d 12000 AC 0 dx x = + > at x = 600 Hence AC is minimum when x = 600 Example 41.11 The total cost function of a product is given by 2 3 615x C(x) x 15750 x 18000 2 x = 600

=-++, where x is the number of units produced. Determine the number of units that must be produced to minimize the total cost. Solution : We have, ( ) 2 3 615x C x x 15750x 18000 2 =-++ \ () [] 2 d C x 3x 615x 15750 dx = - +MATHEMATICS 223 Notes Application of Calculus in Commerce and Economics OPTIONAL - II Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business

() d Cx0 dx = 2 3x -615x + = 15750 0 or, 2 x - + = 205x 5250 0 or, (x-175 x )( - = 30 0 ) x = 175, x = 30

This gives () 2 2 d C x 6x 615 dx =

, which is positive at x =175 So, C(x) is minimum when 175 units are produced. Example 41.12 The demand function for a manufacturer's product is x = - 70 5p , where x

is the number of units and 'p' is the price per unit. At what value of x will there be maximum revenue ? What is the maximum revenue ? Solution : Demand function is given as x = - 70 5p This gives, 70 x p 5 = \() 2 70x x R x p.x 5 == ()[] d1 R x 70 2x dx 5 = ()

d Rx0 dx = Gives x = 35 Now, ( ) ( ) 2 2 d1 Rx20 dx 5 =-< \ for maximum revenue, and Maximum revenue ()() 2 70 35 35 Rs. Rs. 245 5 == Example 41.13 A company charges Rs.700 for a radio set on an order of 60 or less sets. The x = 35

charge is reduced by Rs.10 per set for each set ordered in excess of 60. Find the largest size order company should allow so as to receive a maximum revenue. Solution : Let x be the number of sets ordered in excess of 60. i.e. number of sets ordered = ( 60 + x ) \ \ Price per set = Rs. (700-10x) Total revenue R = (60 x+ - )(700 10x) ( )( ) ( ) dR 60 x 10 700 10x 1 dx =+-+- =- - + - 600 10x 700 10x = - 100 20x

dR 0x5 dx ==

2 2 dR 20 0

dx =-< \ For maximum revenue, the largest size of order = ( 60 + 5 ) sets = 65 sets Example 41.14 The cost function for x units of a product produced and sold by a company is 2 C ( x)= + 250 0.005x and the total revenue is given as R = 4 x. Find how many items should be produced to maximize the profit. What is the maximum profit ? Solution : 2 C (x)= + 250 0.005x and R (x) = 4 x \ Profit function 2 = 4x- - 250 0.005x () d P x 4 0.010x dx = \ () P(x) = - R(x) C x( )

d Px0 dx = gives 4- = 0.01x 0 or 4 x 400 .01 == and () 2 2 dPx 0.01 0 dx =-< \ For maximum profit, x = 400 and maximum profit ( ) 5

Rs. 4 400 250 400 400 1000 =-- = Rs. [1600 - - 250 800 ] = Rs.550 Example 41.15 A firm has found from past experience that its profit in terms of number of units x produced, is given by 3 x P(x) 729 x 2700, 0 x 35 3 =- + + . Compute :MATHEMATICS 225 Notes Application of Calculus in Commerce and Economics OPTIONAL - II Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business (i) the value of x that maximizes the profit, and

(ii) the profit per unit of the product, when this maximum level is achieved. Solution : 3 x P x 729x 2700 3 =-++ \() d2 P x x 729 dx =-+ \() d P x 0 x 27 dx == () 2 2 d ()

P x 2x 0 dx =-< \ For maximum profit , x = 27 (ii) 3 x P x 729x 2700 3 =-++ \ Profit per unit 2 x 2700 729 3x =-++ 729 2700 Rs. 729 3 27 =-++ ()

= Rs.[ -243 + + 729 100 ] = Rs. [ 829 - = 243 Rs .586 ] CHECK YOUR PROGRESS 41.3 1. The cost of manufacturing an item consists of Rs.3000 as over heads, material cost Rs. 8 per item and the labour cost 2 x 30 for x items produced. Find how many items must be produced to have the average cost as minimum. 2. The cost function for a firm is given by 231 C 300x 10x x 3 = - + , where x is the output. Determine : (i) the output at which marginal cost is minimum, (ii) the output at which average cost is minimum, and (iii) the output at which average cost is equal to the marginal cost. 3. If 2 C = 0.01x + + 5x 100 is the cost function for x items of a product. At what level of

production ,x, is there minimum average cost ? What is this minimum average cost ?MATHEMATICS Notes 226 Application of Calculus in Commerce and Economics OPTIONAL - II Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business 4. A television manufacturer produces x sets per week so that the total cost of production is given by the relation 32 C(x) x = - + + 195x 6600x 15000 . Find how many television sets must be manufactured per week to minimize the total cost. 5. The demand function for a product marketed by a company is 80 x p 4 = , where x is the number of units and p is the price per unit. At what value of x will there be maximum revenue? What is this maximum revenue ?

6. A company charges Rs. 15000 for a refrigerator on orders of 20 or less refrigerators. The charge is reduced on every set by Rs.100 per piece for each piece ordered in excess of 20. Find the largest size order the company should allow so as to receive a maximum revenue. 7. A firm has the following demand and the average cost-functions: x = - 480 2 0 p and x AC 10 15 =+ Determine the profit maximizing output and price of the monopolist. 8. A given product can be manufactured at a total cost 2 x C Rs. 100x 40 100 =++ , where x is the number of units produced. If

x p Rs. 200 400 =- is the price at which each unit can be sold, then determine x for maximum profit. 41.3 APPLICATION OF INTEGRATION TO COMMERCE AND ECONOMICS We know that marginal function is obtained by differentiating the total function. Now, when Marginal function is given and initial values are given, then total function can be obtained with the help of integration. 41.3.1 Determination of cost function If C denotes the total cost and dC MC dx = is the marginal cost, then we can write C = C ( x ) = + ( MC ) dx k , where k is the constant of integration, k, being the constant, is

the fixed cost. Example 41.16 The marginal cost function of manufacturing x units of a product is 2 5 + - 16x 3x . The total cost of producing 5 items is Rs. 500. Find the total cost function. Solution :Given, M 2 C = 5+ - 16x 3x \()() 2 C x = 5+ - 16x 3x dxMATHEMATICS 227 Notes Application of Calculus in Commerce and Economics OPTIONAL - II Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business 23 xx 5x 16 3 k 23 =+-+ () 23

C x = 5x +8x x k - + When x = 5, C(x) = C(5) = Rs. 500 or, 500 = 25+ - + 200 125 k

This gives, k = 400 \ () 23 C x = 5x +8x x- +400 Example 41.17 The marginal cost function of producing x units of a product is given by 2 x MC x 2500 = + . Find the total cost function and the average cost function if the fixed cost is Rs. 1000. Solution : 2 x MC x 2500 = + \

() 2 x C x dx k x 2500 =+ + Let 2 2 x + = 2500 t x dx = t dt \() tdt Cxk t =+ () 2 C x = dt k t + = +k = + + x 2500 k When x = 0 , C(0) = Rs 1000 \ 1000 = 2500 k + = + 50 k or, \() k = 950

2 C x = x + + 2500 950

2 2500 950 AC 1 xx =++ Example 41.18 The marginal cost (MC) of a product is given to be a constant multiple of number of units (x) produced. Find the total cost function, if fixed cost is Rs.5000 and the cost of producing 50 units is Rs. 5625. Solution : Here MC x i.e MC = k x1 ( k1 is a constant) \1 dC kx dx = C = + k1 2 xdx k MATHEMATICS Notes 228

Application of Calculus in Commerce and Economics OPTIONAL - II Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business \ 2 12 x Ckk 2 =+ since fixed cost = Rs 5000 \ x = 0 C = 5000 k 2 = 5000 Now cost of producing 50 units is Rs 5625 \ 2500 5625 k 5000 2 =+ 1 k 625 =1250 k1 1 1

2 = Hence 2 x C 5000 4 = + , is the required cost function . 41.3.2 Determination of Total Revenue Function If R(x) denotes the total revenue function and MR is the marginal revenue function, then [] d MR R(x) dx = \ R (x) = + (MR)dx k Where k is the constant of integration. Also, when R (x) is known, the demand function can be found as R(x) p x = Example 41.19 The marginal revenue function of a commodity is given as

M2 R =12- + 3 x 4 x . Find the total revenue and the corresponding demand function. Solution : M2

R =12- + 3 x 4 x \() 2 R = 12-3x + + 4x dx k 32 R =12x - + x 2 x [constant of integration is zero in this case] \ Revenue function is given by 23 R = + - 12x 2x x Since x = 0 ,R 0 k 0 = = \ R2 p 12 2x x x = = + - is the demand function. Example 41.20 The marginal revenue function for a product is given by () 2 6 MR 4

x3 =. Find the total revenue function and the demand function.MATHEMATICS 229 Notes Application of Calculus in Commerce and Economics OPTIONAL - II Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business Solution : () 2 6 MR 4 x3 =\ () 2 66

R 4 dx 4x k x3 x3 =-=--+ - x = 0, R = 0 k = -2 \ 6 R 4x 2 x3 =--, which is the required revenue function. Now, () R62 p4 xxx3x ==---

() 62 4 xx3x =- - -

() 6 2x 6 4 xx3 --+ =-

22 44 x33x =-=--

\ The demand function is given by 2 p4 3x =. CHECK YOUR PROGRESS 41.4 1. The marginal cost of production is M 2 C = 20- + 0.04x 0.003x , where x is the number of units produced. The fixed cost is Rs. 7000. Find the total cost and the average cost function. 2. The marginal cost function of manufacturing x units of a product is given by . M2 C= - + 3x 1 0x 3. The total cost of producing one unit of the product is Rs.7. Find the total and average cost functions. 3. The marginal cost function of a commodity is given by 14000 MC 7x4 = + and the fixed

cost is Rs. 18000. Find the total cost and average cost of producing 3 units of the product. 4. If the marginal revenue function is () 2 4 MR 1 2x 3 =+ , find the total revenue and the demand function.MATHEMATICS Notes 230 Application of Calculus in Commerce and Economics OPTIONAL - II Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business 5. If M 2 R = - + 20 5x 3x , find total revenue function. 6. If M 2 R = - + 14 6x 9x , find the demand function. Cost function of producing and selling x units of a product depends upon x.

C (x) = Fixed cost + Variable cost. Demand function written as p = f ( x) or x = f (p) where p is the price per unit, and x number of units produced. Revenue function, is the money derived from sale of x units of a product. \ = R ( x) p . x . Profit function =R ( x ) -C ( x ) . i.e. P ( x)= - R ( x) C ( x ) Break even point is that value of x for which P (x) = 0 Average cost C AC x = Marginal cost () d MC C x dx = Average revenue R AR p x

== Marginal revenue = d MR ( R ) dx = For minimization of AC, solve d (AR) 0 dx = and then find that value of x for which 2 2 d (AR) 0 dx >. For maximization of R(x) or P(X), solve ( ) d R(x) 0 dx = or ( ) d

P(x) 0 dx = and then find x for which 2nd order derivative is negative. C(x) = + (MC)dx k1 R (x) = + (MR)dx k2 http : // http : // LET US SUM UP SUPPORTIVE WEB SITESMATHEMATICS 231 Notes Application of Calculus in Commerce and Economics OPTIONAL - II Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business TERMINAL EXERCISE 1. A profit making company wants to launch a new product. It observes that the fixed cost of the new product is Rs.7500 and the variable cost is Rs.500. The revenue received on sale of x units is 2 2500 x - 100 x . Find : (i) profit function (ii) break even point.

2. A company paid Rs. 16100 towards rent of the building and interest on loan. The cost of producing one unit of a product is Rs. 20. If each unit is sold for Rs. 27, find the break even point. 3. A company has fixed cost of Rs. 26000 and the cost of producing one unit is Rs.30. If each unit sells for Rs. 43, find the breakeven point. 4. A company sells its product for Rs. 10 per unit. Fixed costs for the company are Rs. 35000 and the variable costs are estimated to run 30 % of total revenue. Determine : (i) the total revenue function (ii) total cost function and (iii) quantity the company must sell to cover the fixed cost. 5. The fixed cost of a new product is Rs. 30000 and the variable cost per unit is Rs. 800. If the demand function is p ( x ) = - 4500 1 0 0 x find the break even values. 6. If the total cost function C of a product is given by x7 C3x x5 = + + . Prove that the marginal cost falls continuously as the output increases.

7. The average cost function (AC) for a product is given by 36 AC x 5 x = + + , where x is the output. Find the output for which AC is increasing and the output for which AC is decreasing with increasing output. Also find the total cost C and the marginal cost MC. 8. A firm knows that the demand function for one of its products in linear. It also knows that it can sell 1000 units when the price is Rs. 4 per unit, and it can sell 1500 units when the price is Rs. 2 per unit. Find : (i) the demand function (ii) the total revenue function (iii) the average revenue function and (iv) the marginal revenue function. 9. The average cost function AC for a product is given by 36 AC x 5 , x 0 x = + + . Find the total cost and marginal cost functions. Also find MC when x = 10. 10. The demand function for a product is given as 2

p = + - 30 2x 5x , where x is the number of units demanded and p is the price per unit. Find (i) Total revenue (ii) Marginal revenue (iii) MR when x =3. 11. For the demand function 5 p 3x = + , show that the marginal revenue function is an increasing function.MATHEMATICS Notes 232 Application of Calculus in Commerce and Economics OPTIONAL - II Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business 12. The demand function for a product is given as 3 x = - 24 2 p , where x is the number of units demanded at a price of p per unit. Find : (i) the Revenue function R in terms of p (ii) the price and number of units demanded

for which revenue is maximum. 13. The cost function C of a firm is given as 231 C 1 0 0x 1 0x x 3 =-+, Calculate : (i) output, at which the marginal cost is minimum. (ii) output, at which the average cost is minimum. (iii) output, at which the average cost is equal to the marginal cost. 14. The profit of a monopolist is given by 8000x p(x)x 500 x =+ . Find the value of x for which the p (x) is maximum. Also find the maximum profit. 15. The marginal cost of producing x units of a product is given byMC x x 1 = + . The cost of producing 3 units is Rs. 7800. Find the cost function. 16. The marginal revenue function for a firm is given by () 2

2 2x MR 5 x3x3 =-+ ++ . Show that the demand function is 2 p5 x3 =+ + . 17. The cost function of producing x units of a product is given by C ( x) = + a x b . where a, b are positive. Using derivatives show that the average and marginal cost curves fall continuously with increasing output. 18. A manufactur's marginal revenue function is given by M2 R = 275 x - -0.3x . Find the increase in the manufacturer's total revenue if the production is increased from 10 to 20 units.MATHEMATICS 233 Notes Application of Calculus in Commerce and Economics OPTIONAL - II

Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business ANSWERS CHECK YOUR PROGRESS 41.1 1. x = 15, x = 8 2. x = 1250 3. x = 25, 35 4. R (x) = 60 x , C (x ) = 18000 + 15 x, x = 400 5. 2 P ( x) = - 4500x 100x -35000, x = = < > 10, x 35, x 10,x 35. CHECK YOUR PROGRESS 41.2 1. (i) 1000 AC 25 2 x x = + + (ii) MC = + 25 4 x , (iii) 85 (iv) 83 2. (i) 4 AC 2x 3 x

= + + (ii) MC = + 4 x 3 (iii) 23 3. (i) 2 1500 AC 0.002x 0.04x 5 x =-++ (ii) 2 1500 MAC 0.004x 0.04 x =-(iii) M 2 C = 0.006x - + 0.08x 5 (iv) () d MC 0.012x 0.08 dx =4. (i) M 2 C = 0.018x - - 0.04x 30 (ii) [ ] M 50 C =13

5. x = 6 6. (i) 2 x R25x 4 = - (ii) x AR 25 4 =(iii) x MR 25 2 = - (iv) x = 50, p = 12.5 7. (i) x = - 2000 2 5 0 p (ii) 2 x R8x 250 =(iii)

x AR 8 250 = - (iv) x MR 8 125 = -MATHEMATICS Notes 234 Application of Calculus in Commerce and Economics OPTIONAL - II Mathematics for Commerce, Economics and Business CHECK YOUR PROGRESS 41.3 1. 300 2. (i) x = 10 (ii) x = 15 (iii) x =15 3. (i) x = 100, Rs. 7 4. x = 110 5. 40, 400 6. 85 7. 60, 25 8. 4000 CHECK YOUR PROGRESS 41.4 1. 2 3 2 7000 20 x 0 . 0 2x 0.001x 7000; 20 0.02x 0.001x

x -++-++ 2. 3227 C x 5 x 3x 7, AC x 5 x 3 x =-++=-++ 3. C = 4000 7 x 4+ +10000 , 4000 10000 AC 7 x 4 xx =++ 4. 4x Rx 6x9 =+ , 4 p1 6x9 =-

+ 5. 2 5x3 R 2 0x x 2 =-+ 6. 2 p = - + 14 3x 3 x TERMINAL EXERCISE 1. 2 P ( x)= - - 2000x 100x 7500 ; x = 5, 15. 2. 2300 3. 2000 4. R ( x ) =10x , C ( x) = + 3x 35000 , x = 350 5. x = 12, 25 7. 2 x > 6,0 x < < 6, C = + x 5x +36, MC = + 2x 5 8. x p8

250 =-, 2 x R8x 250 =-, x AR 8 250 =-, x MR 8 125 =9. 2 x + + 5 x 36 , 2x + 5, 25 10. 2 3 R = + - 30x 2x 5x , M 2 R = + - 30 4 x 1 5 x , 177 12. ( ) 12

R 24p 2p 3 = - , p = 6, x = 4 13. (i) x = 10 (ii) x = 15 (iii) x = 0 , x = 15 14. 1500, 4500 15. ( ) ( ) 2 2 5 / 2 3 / 2 116888 x1x1 5 3 15 + - + + 18. Rs. 190

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