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Paper - 1: Financial Reporting Questions Consolidated Balance Sheet (Chain Holding)

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Consolidated Balance Sheet (Chain Holding)
1. From the following Balance Sheets of a group of companies and the other information
provided, draw up the consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31.3.2008.
Balance Sheets as at 31.3.2008
(Rs. in Lakhs)
Share capital (in
shares of Rs. 10
300 200 100
Fixed Assets less
130 150 100
Reserves 50 40 30 Investment in Y Ltd. 180
Profit and loss A/c 60 50 40 Investment in Z Ltd. 40 80
Bills payables 10 5 Stock 50 20 20
Creditors 30 10 10 Debtors 70 10 20
Y Ltd. balance 15 Bills receivables 10 20
Z Ltd. balance 50 Z Ltd. balance 10
X Ltd. balance 30
___ ___ ___ Cash and bank balance 30 20 10
500 300 200 500 300 200
Additional Information:
(a) X Ltd. holds 1,60,000 shares and 30,000 shares respectively in Y Ltd. and Z Ltd.; Y
Ltd. holds 60,000 shares in Z Ltd. These investments were made on 1.7.2007 on
which date the balances were as follows:
Y Ltd. Z Ltd.
Reserves Rs. 20 Lakhs Rs. 10 Lakhs
Profit and loss account Rs. 30 Lakhs Rs. 16 Lakhs
(b) In December, 2007 Y Ltd. invoiced goods to X Ltd. for Rs. 40 lakhs at cost plus
25%. The closing stock of X Ltd. includes such goods valued at Rs. 5 l akhs.
(c) Z Ltd. sold to Y Ltd. an equipment costing Rs. 24 lakhs at a profit of 25% on selling
price on 1.1.2008. Depreciation at 10% per annum was provided by Y Ltd. on this
(d) Bills payables of Z Ltd. represent acceptances given to Y Ltd. out of which Y Ltd.
had discounted bills worth Rs. 3 lakhs.
(e) Debtors of X Ltd. include Rs. 5 lakhs being the amount due from Y Ltd.
X Ltd. proposes dividend at 10%.
Investment in Associ ates (Equity method)
2. Consolidated balance sheet of Hydra Ltd. group and its associate Amoeba Ltd., as on
31.03.08 before adjustment for equity method are given below:
(Rs. in 000s)
Liabilities Hydra
Assets Hydra
Share Capital
600 100 Goodwill 10
P & L A/c 300 - Sundry Assets 1,175 130
Minority Interest 75 - Investment in
Amoeba Ltd.
15 -
Sundry Liabilities 225 150 P & L A/c - 120
1,200 250 1,200 250
Hydra Ltd. acquired 30% of ordinary shares of Amoeba Ltd., on 01.04.06 for Rs.15,000.
The balance of Amoeba Ltd., profit and loss account on that date was Rs.40,000 (Debit).
Show adjustment for equity method and redraft the consolidated balance sheet of the
group as on 31.3.08.
3. The Balance Sheet of Z Ltd. as at 31st March, 2007 is given below. In it, the respective
shares of the companys two divisions namely S Division and W Division in the various
assets and liabilities have also been shown.
(All amounts in crores of Rupees)
S Division W Division Total
Fixed Assets:
Cost 875 249
Less: Depreciation 360 81
Written-down value 515 168 683
Investments 97
Net Current assets:
Current Assets 445 585
Less: Current Liabilities 270 93
175 492 667
Financed by:
Loan funds 15 417
Own funds:
Equity share capital: shares of Rs. 10 each 345
Reserves and surplus 685
Loan funds included, inter alia, Bank Loans of Rs. 15 crore specifically taken for W
Division and Debentures of the paid up value of Rs. 125 crore redeemable at any time
between 1st October, 2006 and 30th September, 2007.
On 1st April, 2007 the company sold all of its investments for Rs. 102 crore and
redeemed all the debentures at par, the cash transactions being recorded in the Bank
Account pertaining to S Division.
Then a new company named Y Ltd. was incorporated with an authorized capital of Rs.
900 crore divided into shares of Rs. 10 each. All the assets and liabilities pertaining to W
Division were transferred to the newly formed company; Y Ltd. allotting to Z Ltd.s
shareholders its two fully paid equity shares of Rs. 10 each at par for every fully paid
equity share of Rs. 10 each held in Z Ltd. as discharge of consideration for the division
taken over.
Y Ltd. recorded in its books the fixed assets at Rs. 218 crore and all other assets and
liabilities at the same values at which they appeared in the books of Z Ltd.
You are required to:
(i) Show the journal entries in the books of Z Ltd.
(ii) Prepare Z Ltd.s Balance Sheet immediately after the demerger and the initial
Balance Sheet of Y Ltd. (Schedules in both cases need not be prepared).
(iii) Calculate the intrinsic value of one share of Z Ltd. immediately before the demerger
and immediately after the demerger; and
(iv) Calculate the gain, if any, per share to the shareholders of Z Ltd. arising out of the
Valuation of business
4. Xeta Ltd. plans to take over Beta Ltd. Independent Cash Flow forecasts of the companies
are as follows:
Year 1 2 3 4 5
Xeta Ltd. (Rs. in lakhs) 2,00 2,25 2,50 2,70 2,85
Beta Ltd. (Rs. in lakhs) 50 65 80 95 110
Year 6 7 8 9 10
Xeta Ltd. (Rs. in lakhs) 3,10 3,50 6,00 6,10 6,50
Beta Ltd. (Rs. in lakhs) 1,20 1,30 1,50 1,70 1,80
Following further information is available from the latest Balance Sheet of Beta Ltd.
Assets: Rs. in lakhs
Fixed Assets 5,00
Stock 1,15
Debtors 50
Less: Liabilities
Sundry creditors 1,65
Long term loan 2,00 (3,65)
Net assets 3,00
Xeta Ltd. finds that fixed assets of book value Rs.75 lakhs will not be used which will
fetch Rs.50 lakhs on immediate disposal. Moreover, stock will fetch Rs.140 lakhs and
debtors Rs.48 lakhs immediately. But Xeta Ltd. has to payoff the liabilities immediately.
Also it has to pay Rs.110 lakhs to workers of Beta Ltd. whose service cannot be used. It
appears that after merger Xeta Ltd. has to invest Rs.210 lakhs for renovation of the plant
and machinery at the end of 1
year and Rs.50 lakhs for modernization at the end of 2
year after merger.
Forecast of cash flows of Xeta Ltd. after merger.
Year 1 2 3 4 5
Cash flows (Rs. in lakhs) 2,40 2,80 3,50 4,00 4,10
Year 6 7 8 9 10
Cash flows (Rs. in lakhs) 4,80 5,50 8,00 8,80 9,50
Determine the maximum value of Beta Ltd. which its management should ask from Xeta
Ltd. You may use 20% discount rate.
Valuation of shares
5. Balance Sheet of Symphony Ltd. as at 31
March, 2008 is given below:
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Share Capital: Fixed assets:
6,000 Equity shares of Rs.100
each fully paid up 6,00,000
Building 1,50,000
Reserve and Surplus: Machinery 2,20,000
Profit and Loss A/c 50,000 Current assets, loans and
Current liabilities and
Stock 3,00,000
Bank overdraft 10,000 Sundry debtors 1,60,000
Creditors 60,000 Bank 60,000
Provision for taxation 1,10,000
Proposed dividend 60,000
8,90,000 8,90,000
The net profits of the company, after deducting usual working expenses but before
providing for taxation, were as under:
Year Rs.
2005-06 2,00,000
2006-07 2,40,000
2007-08 2,20,000
On 31
March, 2008, Building was revalued at Rs.2,00,000 and Machinery at Rs.
2,50,000. Sundry debtors, on the same date, included Rs.10,000 as irrecoverable.
Having regard to nature of the business, a 10% return, on net tangible capital invested, is
considered reasonable.
You are required to value the companys share ex-dividend. Valuation of goodwill may
be based on three years purchase of annual super profits. Depreciation on Building-
2%, and on Machineries-10%. The income-tax rate is to be assumed at 50%. All
workings should form part of your answer.
Infl ation Accounting
6. High Ltd. had the following monetary items on January 1:
Debtors 41,000
Bills Receivable 10,000
Cash 20,000
Less :Bills Payable 10,000
Creditors 25,000 35,000
The transactions affecting, monetary items during the year were
(a) Sales of Rs.1,40,000 made evenly throughout the year.
(b) Purchases of goods of Rs.1,05,000 made evenly during the
(c) Operating expenses of Rs.35,000 were incurred evenly
throughout the year.
(d) One machine was sold for Rs.18,000 on July 1.
(e) One machine was purchased for Rs.25,000 on December 31.
The general price index was as follows:
On January 1 300
Average for the year 350
On July 1 360
On December 31 400
You are required to compute the general purchasing power, gain or loss, for the year
stated in terms of the current year-end rupee.
Employee Share Based Payments
7. Choice Ltd. grants 100 stock options to each of its 1,000 employees on 1.4.2005 for
Rs.20, depending upon the employees at the time of vesting of options. The market
price of the share is Rs.50. These options will vest at the end of year 1 if the earning of
Choice Ltd. increases 16%, or it will vest at the end of the year 2 if the average earni ng
of two years increases by 13%, or lastly it will vest at the end of the third year if the
average earning of 3 years will increase by 10%. 5,000 unvested options lapsed on
31.3.2006. 4,000 unvested options lapsed on 31.3.2007 and finally 3,500 unvested
options lapsed on 31.3.2008.
Following is the earning of Choice Ltd. :
Year ended on Earning (in %)
31.3.2006 14%
31.3.2007 10%
31.3.2008 7%
850 employees exercised their vested options within a year and remaining options were
unexercised at the end of the contractual life. Pass Journal entries for the above.
Financial Instruments
8. (a) What is embedded derivative and when should it be accounted as derivative?
(b) How is the embedded derivative measured?
(c) On April 1, 2007, Omega Ltd. borrowed Rs. 10 lakh at annual fixed interest rate of
7% payable half-yearly. The life of the loan is 4 years with no pre-payment
permitted. The company expected the interest rate to fall and on the same day, it
entered into an interest rate swap arrangement, whereby the company would pay 6-
month LIBOR and would receive annual fixed interest of 7% every half-year. The
swap effectively converted the companys fixed rate obligation to floating rate
The following value of swap and debt are available
Value of swap Value of debt lakh Rs. in lakh
April 1, 2007 + 0.2 10.2
March 31, 2008 0.1 9.9
Six-month LIBOR on April 1, 2007 was 6% and that on October 1, 2007 was 8%.
Show important accounting entries in respect of the swap arrangement.
Economi c Value Added
9. Calculate EVA from the following data for the year ended 31
March, 2008
(Rs. in lakhs)
Average debt 50
Average equity 2766
Cost of debt (post tax) 7.72%
Cost of equity 16.7%
Weighted average cost of capital 16.54%
Profit after tax, before exceptional item 1541
Interest after tax 5
Human Resource Accounting
10. XYZ Ltd., has a capital base of Rs.5,00,000 and it earned profits of Rs.50,000. The
return on investment of the same group of firms is 12%. If the services of a particular
Engineer, Mr. X is acquired, it is expected that the profits will raise by Rs.30,000 over
and above the target profit. Determine the amount of maximum bid price for that
particular engineer.
Mutual Fund
11. SBI Plant Chip Mutual Funds have introduced a scheme ABC Premier. Its major details
are as follows:
Scheme name : ABC Premier
Scheme size : Rs. 1,00,00,00,000
Face value of units : Rs. 20
Investments : In shares
Market value of shares : Rs. 1,50,00,00,000
You are required to compute the net assets value per unit of ABC Premier. Is there any
appreciation of the value invested in units of ABC Premier?
12. Mahindra Finance Ltd. is a non-banking finance company. The extracts of its balance
sheet are given below:
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Paid up equity share capital 100 Leased out Assets Investment: 800
Free Reserves 500 In shares of subsidiaries and
group companies
In debentures of subsidiaries
group companies 100
Cash and Bank balances 200
_____ Deferred Expenditure 200
1,400 1,400
You are required to compute Tier I Capital of Mahindra Finance Ltd. according to NBFC
Prudential Norms (RBI) Directions 1998.
Brand Valuation
13. What are the difficulties in accounting of brands? Explain in brief.
Corporate Financial Reporting
14. Describe the role of SEBI in Indian financial reporting system.
Indi an AS, IFRS and US GAAPs
15. Explain significant differences and similarities between Indian Accounting standards,
IAS/IFRS and US GAAPs on the issues of :
(i) Impairment of assets.
(ii) Earnings per share- diluted.
Merchant Banker
16. What capital adequacy requirements are required to be followed by a merchant banker?
Theory questions based on Accounting Standards
17. (a) What are the disclosure and presentation requirements of AS 24 for discontinuing
(b) What are the different forms of joint ventures?
(c) Elucidate the presentation and disclosure norms of Joint Ventures under AS 27.
(d) Discuss the provisions relating to recognition of impairment loss.
(e) Explain the provisions relating to combining of construction contracts.
(f) How will you recognize the gains and losses on retirement or disposal of fixed
(g) What accounting treatment is followed in case of refund of government grant?
(h) Distinguish between
(i) Integral foreign operation and Non-integral foreign operation.
(ii) Operating lease and Non-operating lease.
(i) Who are related parties under AS 18? What are the related party disclosure
Practical questions based on Accounting Standards
18. (a) The financial statement of Constructions Limited for the year ended 31
2008 were considered and approved by the board of directors on 20
May, 2008.
The company was engaged in construction work involving Rs.10 crores. In the
course of execution of work, a portion of factory shed under construction came
crashing down on 30
May, 2008. Fortunately, there was no loss of life, but the
company will have to rebuild the structure at an additional cost of Rs.2 crores which
cannot be recovered from the contractee.
How should this event be reported?
(b) Accountants of Poornima Ltd. showed a net profit of Rs.7,20,000 for the third
quarter of 2007 after incorporating the following:
(i) Bad debts of Rs.40,000 incurred during the quarter. 50% of the bad debts
have been deferred to the next quarter.
(ii) Extra ordinary loss of Rs.35,000 incurred during the quarter has been fully
recognized in this quarter.
(iii) Additional depreciation of Rs.45,000 resulting from the change in the method
of charge of depreciation.
Ascertain the correct quarterly income.
(c) ABC Ltd., had reported a net profit of Rs.80,00,000 for the year ended 31
2008 on which date the company is having 25,00,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each
The average fair value of one equity share during the year 2007-08 is Rs.32. The
details of exercisable option are given below:
Weighted average number of shares under stock option
scheme during the year 2007-08 5,00,000
Exercise price for shares under stock option during the year
ended 31.3.2008
You are required to calculate (a) Basic EPS, and (b) Diluted EPS.
(d) A Ltd. purchased fixed assets costing Rs. 3,000 lakhs on 1.1.2007 and the same
was fully financed by foreign currency loan (U.S. Dollars) payable in three annual
equal instalments. Exchange rates were 1 Dollar = Rs. 40.00 and Rs. 42.50 as on
1.1.2007 and 31.12.2007 respectively. First instalment was paid on 31.12.2007.
The entire difference in foreign exchange has been capitalized.
You are required to state, how these transactions would be accounted for.
19. (a) An amount of Rs.20,00,000 was incurred for construction of a building and it was
ready for occupation on 31.12.2007. The construction expenditure was incurred out
of working capital facilities availed from the Bank. Interest payable to it @ 15% p.a.
The average working capital loan has never fallen below Rs.25 lakhs during the
construction period.
The details of expenditure incurred are as follows: (Rs.)
July 2007 3,00,000
August, 2007 4,50,000
September, 2007 2,00,000
October, 2007 5,00,000
November, 2007 3,00,000
December, 2007 2,50,000
Calculate the value of the qualifying asset.
(b) X Company has entered into a sale contract of Rs.10,00,000 with B Company
during financial year 2006-07. The profit on this transaction is Rs.2,00,000. The
delivery of the goods to be taken place during the first month of the financial year
2007-2008. In case of failure of X Company to deliver within the schedule, a
compensation of Rs.3,00,000 is to be paid to B Company. X Company planned to
manufacturer the goods during the last month of the financial year 2006-2007. As
on the Balance Sheet date (i.e., 31-3-2007), goods were not manufactured and it
was unlikely that X Company would be in a position to meet the contractual
(a) Should X Company provide for the contingency?
(b) Should X company measure provision as the excess of compensation to be
paid over the profit?
(c) Alpha Ltd., purchased a Fixed Asset four years back at a cost of Rs.100 lakhs and
depreciates it on SLM basis at 10% per annum. At the end of this year, it has
revalued the asset at Rs.50 lakhs and has written off the loss on revaluation to the
Profit and Loss Account. However, on the date of revaluation, the market price is
Rs.45 lakhs and the expected disposal costs are Rs.2 lakhs. What will be the
treatment in respect of Impairment Loss on the basis that fair value for revaluation
purposes is determined by market value and Value in Use is estimated at Rs.40
(d) An equipment is leased for 3 years and its useful life is 5 years. Both the cost and
the fair value of the equipment are Rs. 3,00,000. The amount will be paid in 3
instalments and at the termination of lease lessor will get back the equipment. The
unguaranteed residual value at the end of 3 years is Rs. 40,000. The (internal rate
of return) IRR of the investment is 10%. The present value of annuity factor of Re.
1 due at the end of 3rd year at 10% IRR is 2.4868. The present value of Re. 1 due
at the end of 3rd year at 10% rate of interest is 0.7513.
(i) State with reason whether the lease constitutes finance lease.
(ii) Calculate unearned finance income.
20. (a) Top & Top Limited has set up its business in a designated backward area which
entitles the company to receive from the Government of India a subsidy of 20% of
the cost of investment. Having fulfilled all the conditions under the scheme, the
company on its investment of Rs. 50 crore in capital assets, received Rs. 10 crore
from the Government in January, 2008 (accounting period being 2007-2008). The
company wants to treat this receipt as an item of revenue and thereby reduce the
losses on profit and loss account for the year ended 31st March, 2008.
Keeping in view the relevant Accounting Standard, discuss whether this action is
justified or not.
(b) From the following summary Cash Account of X ltd. prepare Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended 31st March, 2008 in accordance with AS 3 (Revised) using the
direct method. The company does not have any cash equivalents.
Summary Cash Account for the year ended 31.03.2008
Rs.000 Rs.000
Balance as on 1.4.2007 50 Payment to Suppliers 2,000
Issue of Equity shares 300 Purchase of Fixed Assets 200
Receipts from customers 2,800 Overhead expense 200
Sale of fixed assets 100 Wages and salaries 100
Taxation 250
Dividend 50
Repayment of bank loan 300
_____ Balance on 31.03.2008 150
3,250 3,250
21. (a) Big Ltd. and Small Ltd. have set up a joint venture, JV, in the ratio of 40% and 60%
respectively. Both Big Ltd. and Small Ltd. are required to prepare consolidated
financial statements. The balance sheets of both co-venturers and JV are given
Big Ltd. Small Ltd. JV
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Share Capital 5,00,000 3,00,000 1,00,000
Reserves 3,00,000 1,00,000 50,000
Loans 2,00,000 1,00,000 30,000
10,00,000 5,00,000 1,80,000
Fixed Assets 8,00,000 3,50,000 1,20,000
Investment in JV 40,000 60,000
Net working capital 1,60,000 90,000 60,000
10,00,000 5,00,000 1,80,000
Show the reporting of JV in the consolidated financial statements of Big Ltd. and
Small Ltd.
(b) During 2004, an enterprise incurred costs to develop and produce a routine, low risk
computer software product, as follows:
Amount (Rs.)
Completion of detailed programme and design 25,000
Coding and Testing 20,000
Other coding costs 42,000
Testing costs 12,000
Product masters for training materials 13,000
Duplication of computer software and training materials, from
product masters (2,000 units)
Packing the product (1,000 units) 11,000
What amount should be capitalized as software costs in the books of the company,
on Balance Sheet date?
(c) X Limited sold to Y Limited goods having a sales value of Rs. 25 lakhs during the
financial year ended 31.03.2008. Mr. A, the Managing Director and Chief
Executive of X Limited owns nearly 100 percent of the capital of Y Limited. The
sales were made to Y Limited at the normal selling price of X Limited. The Chief
Accountant of X Limited does not consider that these sales should be treated
differently from any other sale made by the company despite being made to a
controlled company, because the sales were made at normal and, that too, at arms'
length prices.
Discuss the above issue from the view point of AS 18.
(d) A plant was depreciated under two different methods as under:
Year SLM
(Rs. in lakhs)
(Rs. in lakhs)
1 7.80 21.38
2 7.80 15.80
3 7.80 11.68
4 7.80 8.64
31.20 57.50
5 7.80 6.38
What should be the amount of resultant surplus/deficiency, if the company decides
to switch over from W.D.V. method to SLM method for first four years? Also state,
how will you treat the same in Accounts.
22. (a) The Chief Accountant of Sports Ltd. gives the following data regarding its six
Rs. In lakhs
Particulars M N O P Q R Total
Segment Assets 40 80 30 20 20 10 200
Segment Results 50 -190 10 10 -10 30 -100
Segment Revenue 300 620 80 60 80 60 1,200
The Chief accountant is of the opinion that segments M and N alone should be
reported. Is he justified in his view? Discuss.
(b) The following details are available in the books of ABC Ltd.,
Particulars Rs. in lakhs
Provision for tax:
For 2005-2006 200
For 2006-2007 300
For 2007-2008 250
Advance tax paid:
For 2005-2006 175
For 2006-2007 350
For 2007-2008 270
ABC Ltd. estimates its Deferred Tax Liabilities to be Rs.100 lakhs and its Deferred
Tax Assets to be Rs.20 lakhs. How will the above be disclosed?
(c) A healthcare goods producer has changed the product line as follows:
Washing soap Bathing soap
January 2007 September, 2007 per month 2,00,000 2,00,000
October 2007 December 2007 per month 1,00,000 3,00,000
January, 2008 March, 2008 per month 0 4,00,000
The company has enforced a gradual enforcement of change in product line on the
basis of an overall plant capacity. The Board of Directors of the Company has
passed a resolution in March, 2007 to this effect. The company follows calendar
year as its accounting year. Should it be treated as discontinuing operation?
(d) A company reports the following information regarding pension plan assets.
Calculate the fair value of plan assets.
Amount (Rs.)
Fair market value of plan assets (beginning of year) 7,00,000
Employer Contribution 1,00,000
Actual return on plan assets 50,000
Benefit payments to retirees 40,000
23. (a) A firm of contractors obtained a contract for construction of bridges across river
Revathi. The following details are available in the records kept for the year ended
31st March, 2007:
(Rs. in lakhs)
Total Contract Price 1,000
Work Certified 500
Work not Certified 105
Estimated further Cost to Completion 495
Progress Payment Received 400
To be Received 140
The firm seeks your advice and assistance in the presentation of accounts keeping
in view the requirements of AS 7 (Revised) issued by your institute.
(b) Advise P Co. Ltd. about the treatment of the following in the Final Statement of
Accounts for the year ended 31st March, 2008.
A claim lodged with the Railways in March, 2005 for loss of goods of Rs. 2,00,000
had been passed for payment in March, 2008 for Rs. 1,50,000. No entry was
passed in the books of the Company, when the claim was lodged.
(c) An unquoted long term investment is carried in the books at a cost of Rs. 2 lakhs.
The published accounts of the unlisted company received in May, 2008 showed that
the company was incurring cash losses with declining market share and the long
term investment may not fetch more than Rs. 20,000. How will you deal with this in
preparing the financial statements of R Ltd. for the year ended 31st March, 2008?
Practical questions based on Guidance Notes
24. Briefly explain as per relevant Guidance Notes:
(a) HSL Ltd. is manufacturing goods for local sale and exports. As on 31st March,
2008, it has the following finished stocks in the factory warehouse:
(i) Goods meant for local sale Rs. 100 lakhs (cost Rs. 75 lakhs).
(ii) Goods meant for exports Rs. 50 lakhs (cost Rs. 20 lakhs).
Excise duty is payable at the rate of 16%. The companys Managing Director says
that excise duty is payable only on clearance of goods and hence is not a cost.
Please advise HSL using guidance note, if any issued on this, including valuation of
(b) SFL Ltd. is a mutual fund. The fund values the investment on mark to market
basis. The Accountant argues since investment are valued on the above basis
there is no necessity to disclose depreciation separately in the financial statements.
Do you agree?
25. (a) A company has given counter guarantees of Rs. 2.25 crores to various banks in
respect of the guarantees given by the said banks in favour of Government
authorities. Outstanding counter guarantees as at the end of financial year 2007-
2008 were Rs. 1.95 crores. How should this information be shown in the Financial
Statements of the Company.
(b) On 24th January, 2008 A of Chennai sold goods to B of Washington, U.S.A. for an
invoice price of $40,000 when the spot market rate was Rs.44.20 per US $.
Payment was to be received after three months on 24th April, 2008. To mitigate the
risk of loss from decline in the exchange-rate on the date of receipt of payment, A
immediately acquired a forward contract to sell on 24th April, 2008 US $ 40,000 @
Rs.43.70. A closed his books of account on 31st March, 2008 when the spot rate
was Rs.43.20 per US $. On 24th April, 2008, the date of receipt of money by A, the
spot rate was Rs.42.70 per US $.
Pass journal entries in the books of A to record the effect of all the above mentioned
1. Consolidated Balance Sheet of X Ltd.
and its subsidi ari es Y Ltd. and Z Ltd.
as at 31st March, 2008
(Rs. in lakhs)
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Share capital 300.00 Fixed Assets
Minority Interest
X Ltd. 130.00
Y Ltd. 63.08 Y Ltd. 150.00
Z Ltd. 16.22 79.30 Z Ltd. 100.00
Capital Reserve
13.40 380.00
Less: Unrealised
profit (W.N.5) 7.80 372.20
Other Reserves
81.60 Stock
Profit & Loss Account
56.90 X Ltd. 50.00
Bills Payables Y Ltd. 20.00
X Ltd. 10.00 Z Ltd. 20.00
Y Ltd. 5.00 90.00
Less: Unrealised
profit (W.N.8) 1.00 89.00
Less: Mutual
indebtedness 2.00 13.00 Debtors
Creditors X Ltd. 70.00
X Ltd. 30.00 Y Ltd. 10.00
Y Ltd. 10.00 Z Ltd. 20.00
Z Ltd. 10.00 100.00
50.00 Less: Mutual
indebtedness 5.00 95.00
Less: Mutual
indebtedness 5.00 45.00
Cash and Bank
Current Account
Bills Receivables
Y Ltd. 10.00
X Ltd. 50.00 Z Ltd. 20.00
Z Ltd. 15.00 30.00
Less: Mutual
65.00 Less: Mutual
indebtedness 2.00 28.00
indebtedness (10+ 30) 40.00 25.00
Proposed Dividend 30.00 ______
644.20 644.20
Working Notes:
(Rs. in lakhs)
(1) Analysis of Profits of Z Ltd. Capital
Reserves on 1.7.2007 10.00 - -
Profit and Loss A/c on 1.7.2007 16.00 -
Increase in Reserves - 20.00 -
Increase in Profit - - 24.00
Total 26.00 20.00 24.00
Less: Minority Interest (10%) 2.60 2.00 2.40
23.40 18.00 21.60
Share of X Ltd. (30% of total ) 7.80 6.00 7.20
Share of Y Ltd. (60% of total) 15.60 12.00 14.40
(2) Analysis of Profits of Y Ltd.
Reserves on 1.7.2007 20.00 - -
Profit and Loss A/c on 1.7.2007 30.00 - -
Increase in Reserves - 20.00 -
Increase in Profit - - 20.00
50.00 20.00 20.00
Share in Z Ltd. - 12.00 14.40
50.00 32.00 34.40
Less: Minority Interest (20%) 10.00 6.40 6.88
Share of X Ltd. (80%) 40.00 25.60 27.52
(3) Cost of Control (Rs. in Lakhs)
Investments in Y Ltd. 180.00
Investments in Z Ltd. 120.00
Less: Paid up value of investments
in Y Ltd. 160.00
in Z Ltd. 90.00 250.00
Capital Profit
in Y Ltd. 40.00
in Z Ltd. 23.40 63.40 (313.40)
Capital Reserve 13.40
(4) Minority Interest Y Ltd. Z Ltd.
Share Capital 40.00 10.00
Capital Profit 10.00 2.60
Revenue Reserves 6.40 2.00
Revenue Profits 6.88 2.40
63.28 17.00
Less: Unrealised profit on stock (20% of 1) 0.20 -
Unrealised profit on equipment
(10% of 7.8) - 0.78
63.08 16.22
(5) Unrealised Profit on sales of equipment
Cost 24.00
Profit 8.00
Selling Price ( ) | | 100

Unrealised profit = 8 8
= 8.00 0.20 =
(6) Consolidated Profit and Loss Account (Rs. in Lakhs)
Balance 60.00
Less: Proposed Dividend 30.00
Share in Y Ltd. 27.52
Share in Z Ltd. 7.20
Less: Unrealised profit on equipment (90% of 7.8) 7.02
Less: Unrealised profit on stock

(7) Consolidated reserves
X Ltd. 50.00
Share in Y Ltd. 25.60
Share in Z Ltd. 6.00
Unrealised profit on stock

5 1.00
2. (Rs. in 000s)
Closing equity = 30% of (100 120) = (6)
Pre-acquisition equity = 30% of (100 40) = 18
Calculation of capital reserve/ goodwill
(Rs. 000s)
Investments in Amoeba Ltd. 15
Less : Pre-acquisition equity 18
Capital Reserve 3
Post-acquisition loss = 30% of (120 40) = 24
Adjustment for equity method
Rs. Rs.
P & L A/c 18 Balancing figure
To Capital Reserve 3
To Investment in Amoeba Ltd. 15 Carrying amount
Note: Loss not recognized = Rs.24 Rs.18 = Rs.6
Consolidated Balance Sheet of Hydra Ltd., group as at 31.3.2008
Liabilities Rs.000 Assets Rs.000
Share Capital (Rs.10) 600 Goodwill 10
P & L A/c (300 18) 282 Sundry Assets 1,175
Capital Reserve 3
Minority Interest 75
Sundry Liabilities 225
1,185 1,185
3. (i ) In Z Ltd.s Books
Journal Entries
(Rs. in crores)
Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount
Rs. Rs.
Bank Account (Current Assets) Dr. 102
To Investments 97
To Profit and Loss Account (Reserves and Surplus) 5
(Sale of investments at a profit of Rs. 5 crore)
Debentures (Loan Funds) Dr. 125
To Bank Account (Current Assets) 125
(Redemption of debentures at par)
Current Liabilities Dr. 93
Bank Loan (Loan Funds) Dr. 15
Provision for Depreciation Dr. 81
Reserves and Surplus (Loss on Demerger) Dr. 645
To Fixed Assets 249
To Current Assets 585
(Assets and liabilities pertaining to W Division taken out
of the books on transfer of the division to Y Ltd.)
(i i ) (a) Z Ltd. s Bal ance Sheet after demerger
Rs. in crores Rs. in crores
Fixed Assets
Gross Block 875
Less: Depreciation 360 515
Net Current Assets
Current Assets 422
Less: Current Liabilities 270 152
Financed by Shareholders Funds
Equity Share Capital 345
Reserves and Surplus 45 390
Loan Funds 277
Working Notes:
Rs. in crores
1. Reserves and Surplus
Balance as on 31st March, 2007 685
Add: Profit on sale of investments 5
Less: Loss on demerger 645
Balance shown in balance sheet after demerger 45
2. Loan Funds
Balance as on 31st March, 2007 417
Less: Bank Loan transferred to Y Ltd. 15
Debentures redeemed 125 140
Balance shown in balance sheet after demerger 277
3. Current Assets
Balance as on 31st March, 2007 445
Add: Cash received from sale of investments 102
Less: Cash paid to redeem debentures 125
Balance shown in balance sheet after demerger 422
(b) Initial Balance Sheet of Y Ltd.
Rs. in crores Rs. in crores
Fixed Assets 218
Net Current Assets
Current Assets 585
Less: Current Liabilities 93 492
Financed by
Shareholders funds:
Capital (Issued for acquisition of business) 690
Capital Reserve
Loan Funds 15
(i ii ) Calculation of intrinsic value of one share of Z Ltd.
Rs. in crores
Before demerger
Fixed Assets 683
Net current assets Rs.(667 + 102 125) 644
Less: Loan funds Rs.(417 125) 292
Intrinsic Value per share = Rs.
crores 34.5
crores 1,035
= Rs.30 per share
After demerger
Fixed Assets 515
Net Current Assets Rs.(175 + 102 125) 152
Less: Loan funds 277
Intrinsic Value of one share = Rs.
crores 5 . 34
crores 390
= Rs. 11.30 per share
(i v) Gain per share to Shareholders:
After demerger, for every share in Z Ltd. the shareholder holds 2 shares in Y Ltd.
Value of one share in Z Ltd. 11.30
Value of two shares in Y Ltd. (Rs. 10 2) 20.00
Less: Value of one share before demerger 30.00
Gain per share 1.30
* Capital Reserve has been calculated as Rs. in crores
Purchase consideration 690
Less: Assets transferred 710
Less: Loan funds transferred (15) 695
Capital reserve 5
The gain per share amounting Rs. 1.30 is due to appreciation in the value of fixed
assets by Y Ltd.
4. Statement Showing maxi mum value to be quoted
Value of merged entities as per discounted cashflows (W.N.1) 502.38
Add: Cash to be collected immediately on disposal of assets
i. Fixed assets 50.00
ii. Stock 140.00
iii. Debtors 48.00 238.00
i. Sundry creditors 165.00
ii. Long term loan 200.00
iii. Compensation to workers 110.00
iv. Renovation of plant and machinery (2100.8333) [PV] 174.99
v. Modernisation of Plant and machinery (50 x 0.6944) 34.72 (684.71)
Maximum value to be quoted (a+b-c) 55.67
So, Beta Ltd. can quote as high as Rs.55,67,000 for take over.
Working Note:
Valuation of Xeta Ltd. in case of merger
Year Cash flow
after merger
Cash flow of
Xeta Ltd
cash flow
factor @
cash flow
(1) (2) (3) (4)= (2)-(3) (5) (6) = (4) (5)
1 240 200 40 0.8333 33.33
2 280 225 55 0.6944 38.19
3 350 250 100 0.5787 57.87
4 400 270 130 0.4823 62.70
5 410 285 125 0.4019 50.24
6 480 310 170 0.3349 56.93
7 550 350 200 0.2791 55.82
8 800 600 200 0.2326 46.52
9 880 610 270 0.1938 52.33
10 950 650 300 0.1615 48.45
5. Statement showing valuation of shares (ex-di vidend)
Net trading assets (W.N.2) 7,80,000
Add: Goodwill (W.N.3) 79,000
Less: Proposed dividend (60,000)
Net assets available for equity shareholders 7,99,000
No. of shares outstanding 6,000 Shares
Value per share (7,99,000 6,000) 133.17
Working Notes
1. Calculation of FMP (Future Maintainable Profits)
Particulars Rs. Rs.
Profits for the year
2005- 06 2,00,000
2006- 07 2,40,000
2007- 08 2,20,000 6,60,000
Less: Bad debts as on 31.03.08 (10,000)
Profits for 3 years 6,50,000
Average profits for 3 years (Rs. 6,50,000 3) 2,16,667
Less: Additional depreciation on revaluation of
(i) Buildings 2% on Rs.50,000
(Rs.2,00,000 Rs.1,50,000)
(ii) Machinery 10% on Rs.30,000 3,000 (4,000)
(Rs.2,50,000 Rs.2,20,000)
Profit before tax 2,12,667
Less : Income tax @ 50% 1,08,334
Profit after tax/FMP 1,04,333
Income tax
Particulars Rs.
Profit before tax 2,12,667
Add: Depreciation not allowable 4,000
Taxable income 2,16,667
Income tax @ 50% 1,08,334
2. Trading capital employed
Particulars Rs. Rs.
(i) Buildings 2,00,000
(ii) Machinery 2,50,000
(iii) Stock 3,00,000
(iv) Sundry debtors (1,60,000 10,000) 1,50,000
(v) Bank 60,000 9,60,000
(i) Creditors 60,000
(ii) Provision for taxation 1,10,000
(iii) Bank overdraft 10,000 (1,80,000)
Net trading assets/ closing capital employed 7,80,000
3. Valuation of goodwill (Super profits method)
Particulars Rs.
Closing capital employed (W.N. 2) 7,80,000
Normal rate of return 10%
Normal profit 78,000
Future maintainable profit (W.N. 1) 1,04,333
Super profit (FMP Normal profit) 26,333
No. of years of purchase (given) 3 years
Goodwill (rounded off) 79,000
Price Level
Power Gain
or Loss
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Conversion of Monetary Assets:
Net monetary assets at the
beginning of the year
36,000 400/300 48,000 -
Increase in net monetary assets
during the year
Sales 1,40,000 400/350 1,60,000
Sale of machine 18,000 400/360 20,000
Total 1,94,000 2,28,000
Purchasing power loss
Decrease in net monetary assets:
Purchases 1,05,000 400/350 1,20,000
Operating expenses 35,000 400/350 40,000
Purchase of machine 25,000 400/400 25,000
Total 1,65,000 1,85,000
Purchasing power gain (1,85,000-1,65,000)
Net Purchasing Power Loss 14,000
Net monetary assets at the end of the year:
Price level adjusted amount of net monetary assets (2,28,000 1,85,000) 43,000
Less: Purchasing power loss 14,000
Net monetary assets at the end of the year (1,94,000 1,65,000) 29,000
7. Journal Entries
Date Particulars Rs. Rs.
31.3.2006 Employees compensation expenses A/c Dr. 14,25,000
To ESOS outstanding A/c 14,25,000
(Being compensation expense recognized in
respect of the ESOP i.e. 100 options each
granted to 1,000 employees at a discount of
Rs. 30 each, amortised on straight line basis
over vesting years- Refer W.N.)
31.3.2006 Profit and Loss Account Dr. 14,25,000
To Employees compensation expenses
(Being compensation expense charged to
Profit & Loss A/c)
31.3.2007 Employees compensation expenses A/c Dr. 3,95,000
To ESOS outstanding A/c 3,95,000
(Being compensation expense recognized in
respect of the ESOP- Refer W.N.)
31.3.2007 Profit and Loss Account Dr. 3,95,000
To Employees compensation expenses
(Being compensation expense charged to
Profit & Loss A/c)
30.3.2008 Employees compensation Expenses A/c Dr. 8,05,000
To ESOS outstanding A/c 8,05,000
(Being compensation expense recognized in
respect of the ESOP- Refer W.N.)
30.3.2008 Bank A/c (85,000 X Rs.20) Dr. 17,00,000
ESOS outstanding A/c
Dr. 25,50,000
To Equity share capital (85,000 x 10) 8,50,000
To Securities premium A/c
(85,000 X Rs.40)
(Being 85,000 options exercised at an
exercise price of Rs. 50 each)
Profit and Loss A/c Dr. 8,05,000
To Employees compensation expenses
(Being compensation expenses charged to
Profit & Loss A/c)
ESOS outstanding A/c Dr. 75,000
To General Reserve A/c 75,000
(Being ESOS outstanding A/c on lapse of
2,500 options at the end of exercise of option
period transferred to General Reserve A/c)
Working Note:
Statement showing compensation expenses to be recognised
Particulars Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Expected vesting period (at the end of
the year)
2nd year 3rd year 3rd year
Number of options expected to vest 95,000 options 91,000 options 87,500 options
Total compensation expenses accrued
@ 30 (i.e. 50-20) Rs. 28,50,000 Rs. 27,30,000 Rs. 26,25,000
Compensation expenses of the year 28,50,000 x 1/2
= Rs.14,25,000
27,30,000 x 2/3
= Rs.18,20,000
Rs. 26,25,000
Compensation expenses recognized
previously Nil Rs.14,25,000 Rs. 18,20,000
Compensation expenses to be
recognized for the year Rs.14,25,000 Rs. 3,95,000 Rs. 8,05,000
8. (a) An embedded derivative is a component of a hybrid (combined) instrument that also
includes a non-derivative host contract, with the effect that some of the cash flows
of the combined instrument vary in a way similar to a stand-alone derivative.
An embedded derivative should be separated from the host contract and accounted
for as a derivative if (i) the economic characteristics and risks of the embedded
derivative are not closely related to the economic characteristics and risks of the
host contract and (ii) a separate instrument with the same terms as the embedded
derivative would meet the definition of a derivative. However, a derivative that is
embedded in a financial asset or financial liability at fair value through profit or loss
need not be separated.
(b) Where fair value of an embedded derivative cannot be measured reliably on the
basis of terms and conditions of the contract, e.g. when the embedded derivative is
based on an unquoted equity instrument, then the fair value of the embedded
derivative is the difference between the fair value of the hybrid (combined)
instrument and the fair value of the host contract.
If the fair value of the embedded derivative cannot be reliably measured using the
method described above, the hybrid (combined) instrument is designated as at fair
value through profit or loss.
(c) The interest rate swap is used to hedge fair value of fixed-rate debt. This is a case
of fair value hedge.
In the books of Omega Ltd.
Journal Entri es
Interest A/c Dr. 0.35 10 7% 6/12
To Cash A/c 0.35
(Being interest on fund borrowed for
first half-year 2007-08)
Loss on valuation of debt A/c Dr. 0.20 10. 2 10
To Loan A/c 0.20
(Being increase in value of debt
Swap Hedge A/c Dr. 0.20
To Gain on Swap Hedge A/c 0.20
(Being increase in value of swap
Cash A/c Dr. 0.05 10 (7% 6%) 6/12
To Interest A/c 0.05
(Being swap settlement received for
first half-year 2007-08)
Interest A/c Dr. 0.35 10 7% 6/12
To Cash A/c 0.35
(Being interest on fund borrowed for
second half-year 2007-08)
Loan A/c Dr. 0.30 10.2 9.9
To Gain on valuation of debt 0.30
(Being decrease in value of debt
Loss on Swap Hedge A/c Dr. 0.30 0.2 ( 0.1)
To Swap Hedge A/c 0.30
(Being cumulative loss on swap
Interest A/c Dr. 0.05 10 (8% 7%) 6/12
To Cash A/c 0.05
(Being swap settlement paid for second
half-year 2007-08)
9. Calculation of weighted average cost of capital
Source Amount
(Rs. in lakhs)
Proportion Cost of Capital
Weighted average
cost of Capital (%)
Equity 2,766 0.982 16.7 16.4
Debt 50 0.018 7.72 0.14
2,816 1.000 16.54
Cost of Capital employed (COCE) = 2,816 16.54/100 = Rs.465.77 lakhs.
Calculation of Net Operating Profit After Tax (NOPAT) (Rs. in lakhs)
Profit after tax, before exceptional items 1,541
Add: Interest after tax 5
NOPAT 1,546
Calculation of Economi c Value Added (EVA)
EVA = NOPAT COCE = 1546 465.77 = Rs.1080.23 lakhs.
10. Capitalised value of Rs.30,000 at 12% rate
of return = 30,000 100/12 = Rs.2,50,000
Limit upto which the company may bid for
an Engineer = Rs.2,50,000
New Capital base = 5,00,000 + 2,50,000 = Rs.7,50,000
Required rate of return on new capital base = 7,50,000 12/100 = Rs.90,000
Profit generated at old capital base = Rs.50,000
Additional profit generated by the
Engineer = 90,000 50,000 = Rs.40,000
Therefore, the maximum bid can go upto the capitalized value of additional profit of
Rs.3,33,333 (i.e., 40,000 100/12).
units Fund Mutual of No.
s liabilitie Fund Mutual All holdings Fund Mutual all of Value Market Total
fund mutual of value asset Net

0 5,00,00,00
,000 1,50,00,00 Rs.
= Rs. 30
Thus, each unit of Rs. 20 is worth Rs. 30. Thus NAV is more than the face value of Rs.
20. It means money invested in this scheme has appreciated.
12. Statement Showing Computation of Ti er I Capi tal
(Rs. in
Paid up Equity Capital 100
Free Reserve 500
(A) 600
Deduct deferred expenditure (B) 200
(C) 400
In shares of subsidiaries and Group Companies 100
In Debenture of subsidiaries and Group Companies 100
10% of (C) (D) 40
Excess of Investment over 10% of (C) = (E) 160
TierI Capital [(C - E)] 240
13. Intangibles are not easily measurable and it poses severe challenges in valuation of
brands also. Some of the difficulties faced by the accountants in brand valuation are as
1. Di stinctiveness: Brands need to be valued distinctively as different from other
intangibles such as Goodwill etc. For instance, any attempt to commonly treat brand
as a part of Goodwill as is done at present may create serious distortions in
accounting position. Besides, this would create handicaps in brand accounting.
2. Di sclosure: There is always a problem of making disclosure of brand values in
financial statements. This is because, there is no standard accounting practice
requiring statement and disclosure of brand values in a particular way.
3. Uncertainty: The problem that is associated with the brand, as an item of
intangibles, is that its possible returns are uncertain, immeasurable and non-current
in nature. Any expected on such intangibles are usually either written off or treated
as Deferred Revenue Expenditure.
4. The Di l emma: Another area of challenge posing brand accounting is whether to
amortise or capitalise the value of brand. There is no question of amortising brand
values as either the economic life of the brand cannot be determined in advance or
its value depreciates over time.
5. No Market: The prevailing practice is that the intangibles are not required to be
revalued according to some accounting standards on account of the non-existence
of an active secondary market for them. In fact, the need for brand accounting
arises mainly on account of conditions warranted by acquisition and merger.
6. Joint Costs: It is very difficult to segregate and account for joint costs that are
incurred and the cost of brand developed as a result of general operations of the
14. During the initial years of SEBIs working, its function was confined to monitoring the
activities of stock exchanges, mutual frauds, merchant bankers and other intermediaries
engaged in investment business. Subsequently, the SEBI has also taken various
initiatives to improve corporate reporting practices to provide investors and other users
with quality information that is useful in making economic decisions. SEBI has imposed a
number of disclosures and other requirements through this route. Some important
requirements are as follows:
+ Dispatch of a copy of the complete & full annual report to the shareholders (Clause
+ Disclosure on the Y2K preparedness level (Clause 32).
+ Disclosure of Cash Flow Statement (Clause 32).
+ Disclosure of material developments and price sensitive information
(Clause 36).
+ Compliance with Takeover Code (Clause 40B)
+ Disclosure of interim unaudited financial result (Clause 41).
+ Disclosure regarding listing fee payment status and the name and address of each
stock exchange where the companys securities are listed (Clause 48B).
+ Corporate governance report (Clause 49).
+ Compliance with Accounting Standards issued by the ICAI ( Clause 50).
SEBI has also appointed certain expert committees from time to time to use the power to
direct changes in the disclosure requirements effectively.
15. (i) Indian AS IAS / IFRS US GAAPs
of assets
Assets are impaired at
higher of fair value less
costs to sell and value in
use based on
discounted cash flows.
Impairment test is to be
conducted every year
and if there is upward
increase in the vaue of
asset than reversal of
impairment losses is
Similar to Indian
Accounting Standard.
However, assets are
classified and
disclosed separately
on the face of the
balance sheet as held
for sale or disposal.
Impairment is
assessed on
undiscounted cash
flows for assets to be
held and used. If less
than carrying amount,
impairment loss is
measured using
market value or
discounted cash flows.
Reversal of losses is
required in certain
Assets are not
separately classified or
disclosed as held for
sale on the face of the
balance sheet.
(i i ) Indi an AS IAS / IFRS US GAAPs
per share
Weighted average
potential dilutive shares
are used as denominator
for diluted EPS, except
in certain circumstances
where advance share
application money
received is treated as
dilutive potential equity
Weighted average
potential dilutive
shares are used as
denominator for
diluted EPS.
Similar to IFRS.
16. The capital adequacy requirement specified in regulation 7 shall not be less than the net
worth of the person making the application for grant of registration.
For the purpose, the net worth shall be as follows :
Category Minimum Amount
Category I 5,00,00,000
(Merchant bankers who carry on activity of the issue management, which
will, inter alia, consist of preparation of prospectus and other information
relating to the issue, determining financial structure, tie up of financiers
and final allotment and refund of subscriptions; and act as advisor,
consultant, manager, underwriter, portfolio manager)
Category II 50,00,000
(Merchant bankers who act as advisor, consultant, co-manager,
underwriter, portfolio manager)
Category III 20,00,000
(Merchant bankers who act as underwriter, advisor, consultant to an
Category IV NIL
(Merchant bankers who act only as advisor or consultant to an issue)
17. (a) An enterprise should include the following information relating to a discontinuing
operation in its financial statements beginning with the financial statements for the
period in which the initial disclosure event (as defined in paragraph 15) occurs:
(a) a description of the discontinuing operation(s);
(b) the business or geographical segment(s) in which it is reported as per AS 17,
Segment Reporting;
(c) the date and nature of the initial disclosure event;
(d) the date or period in which the discontinuance is expected to be completed if
known or determinable;
(e) the carrying amounts, as of the balance sheet date, of the total assets to be
disposed of and the total liabilities to be settled;
(f) the amounts of revenue and expenses in respect of the ordinary activities
attributable to the discontinuing operation during the current financial reporting
(g) the amount of pre-tax profit or loss from ordinary activities attributable to the
discontinuing operation during the current financial reporting period, and the
income tax expense related thereto; and
(h) the amounts of net cash flows attributable to the operating, investing, and
financing activities of the discontinuing operation during the current financial
reporting period.
(b) Joint ventures take many different forms and structures. This Statement identifies
three broad types jointly controlled operations, jointly controlled assets and jointly
controlled entities which are commonly described as, and meet the definition of,
joint ventures. The following characteristics are common to all joint ventures:
(a) two or more venturers are bound by a contractual arrangement; and
(b) the contractual arrangement establishes joint control.
(c) A venturer should disclose the aggregate amount of the following contingent
liabilities, unless the probability of loss is remote, separately from the amount of
other contingent liabilities:
(a) any contingent liabilities that the venturer has incurred in relation to its
interests in joint ventures and its share in each of the contingent liabilities
which have been incurred jointly with other venturers;
(b) its share of the contingent liabilities of the joint ventures themselves for which
it is contingently liable; and
(c) those contingent liabilities that arise because the venturer is contingently liable
for the liabilities of the other venturers of a joint venture.
A venturer should disclose the aggregate amount of the following commitments in
respect of its interests in joint ventures separately from other commitments:
(a) any capital commitments of the venturer in relation to its interests in joint
ventures and its share in the capital commitments that have been incurred
jointly with other venturers; and
(b) its share of the capital commitments of the joint ventures themselves.
A venturer should disclose a list of all joint ventures and description of interests in
significant joint ventures. In respect of jointly controlled entities, the venturer should
also disclose the proportion of ownership interest, name and country of
incorporation or residence.
A venturer should disclose, in its separate financial statements, the aggregate
amounts of each of the assets, liabilities, income and expenses related to its
interests in the jointly controlled entities.
(d) An enterprise should assess at each balance sheet date whether there is any
indication that an asset may be impaired. If any such indication exists, the
enterprise should estimate the recoverable amount of the asset.
In assessing whether there is any indication that an asset may be impaired, an
enterprise should consider, as a minimum, the following indications:
External sources of information
(a) during the period, an assets market value has declined significantly more than
would be expected as a result of the passage of time or normal use;
(b) significant changes with an adverse effect on the enterprise have taken place
during the period, or will take place in the near future, in the technological,
market, economic or legal environment in which the enterprise operates or in
the market to which an asset is dedicated;
(c) market interest rates or other market rates of return on investments have
increased during the period, and those increases are likely to affect the
discount rate used in calculating an assets value in use and decrease the
assets recoverable amount materially;
(d) the carrying amount of the net assets of the reporting enterprise is more than
its market capitalisation;
Internal sources of information
(e) evidence is available of obsolescence or physical damage of an asset;
(f) significant changes with an adverse effect on the enterprise have taken place
during the period, or are expected to take place in the near future, in the extent
to which, or manner in which, an asset is used or is expected to be used.
These changes include plans to discontinue or restructure the operation to
which an asset belongs or to dispose of an asset before the previously
expected date; and
(g) evidence is available from internal reporting that indicates that the economic
performance of an asset is, or will be, worse than expected.
(e) When a contract covers a number of assets, the construction of each asset should
be treated as a separate construction contract when:
(a) separate proposals have been submitted for each asset;
(b) each asset has been subject to separate negotiation and the contractor and
customer have been able to accept or reject that part of the contract relating to
each asset; and
(c) the costs and revenues of each asset can be identified.
A group of contracts, whether with a single customer or with several customers,
should be treated as a single construction contract when:
(a) the group of contracts is negotiated as a single package;
(b) the contracts are so closely interrelated that they are, in effect, part of a single
project with an overall profit margin; and
(c) the contracts are performed concurrently or in a continuous sequence.
(f) An item of fixed asset is eliminated from the financial statements on disposal.
Items of fixed assets that have been retired from active use and are held for
disposal are stated at the lower of their net book value and net realisable value and
are shown separately in the financial statements. Any expected loss is recognised
immediately in the profit and loss statement.
In historical cost financial statements, gains or losses arising on disposal are
generally recognised in the profit and loss statement.
On disposal of a previously revalued item of fixed asset, the difference between net
disposal proceeds and the net book value is normally charged or credited to the
profit and loss statement except that to the extent such a loss is related to an
increase which was previously recorded as a credit to revaluation reserve and
which has not been subsequently reversed or utilised, it is charged directly to that
account. The amount standing in revaluation reserve following the retirement or
disposal of an asset which relates to that asset may be transferred to general
(g) Government grants sometimes become refundable because certain conditions are
not fulfilled. A government grant that becomes refundable is treated as an
extraordinary item [see Accounting Standard (AS) 5, Prior Period Extraordinary
Items and Changes in Accounting Policies]
AS 5 has been revised in February, 1997. The title of revised AS 5 is Net Profit or Loss for the
Period, Prior Period Items and Changes in Accounting Policies.
The amount refundable in respect of a government grant related to revenue is
applied first against any unamortised deferred credit remaining in respect of the
grant. To the extent that the amount refundable exceeds any such deferred credit,
or where no deferred credit exists, the amount is charged immediately to profit and
loss statement.
The amount refundable in respect of a government grant related to a specific fixed
asset is recorded by increasing the book value of the asset or by reducing the
capital reserve or the deferred income balance, as appropriate, by the amount
refundable. In the first alternative, i.e., where the book value of the asset is
increased, depreciation on the revised book value is provided prospectively over the
residual useful life of the asset.
Where a grant which is in the nature of promoters contribution becomes refundable,
in part or in full, to the government on non-fulfilment of some specified conditions,
the relevant amount recoverable by the government is reduced from the capital
(h) (i ) Integral Foreign Operation Non-Integral Foreign
(NFO) Operation (NFO)
Meaning It is a foreign operation, the
activities of which are an integral
part of those of the reporting
It is a foreign operation that
is not an integral Foreign
Business The business of IFO is carried on
as if it were an extension of the
reporting enterprises operations.
The business of NFO is
carried on in a substantially
independent manner by
accumulating cash and
other monetary items,
incurring expenses,
generating income and
arranging borrowings, in its
local currency.
Example Sale of goods imported from the
reporting enterprise and
remittance of proceeds to the
reporting enterprise.
Production in a foreign
country out of resources
available in such nation
independent of the
reporting enterprise.
Generally, IFO carries on
business in a single foreign
currency, i.e. of the country
where it is located.
NFO business may also
enter into transactions in
foreign currencies, including
transactions in the reporting
Cash Cash flows from operations of Change in the exchange
flows from
the reporting enterprise are
directly and immediately affected
by a change in the exchange rate
between the reporting currency
and the currency in the country
of IFO.
rate between the reporting
currency and the local
currency, has little or no
direct effect on the present
and future Cash Flows from
Operations of either the
NFO or the reporting
Effect of
Change in
Change in the exchange rate
affects the individual monetary
items held by the IFO rather than
the reporting enterprises Net
Investment in the IFO.
Change in the exchange
rate affects the reporting
enterprises net investment
in the NFO rather than the
individual monetary and
non-monetary items held by
that NFO.
(i i ) Leases are classified based on the extent to which risks and rewards incident to
ownership of a leased asset lie with the Lessor or the Lessee.
Risks include the possibilities of losses from idle capacity or technological
obsolescence and of variations in return due to changing economic conditions.
Rewards may be represented by the expectation of profitable operation over the
economic life of the asset and of gain from appreciation in value or realisation of
residual value.
A lease is called a Finance Lease if it transfers substantially all the risks and
rewards incident to ownership. Title may or may not eventually be transferred. A
lease is called an Operating Lease if it does not transfer substantially all the risks
and rewards incident to ownership.
(i ii ) Parties are considered to be related if at any time during the reporting period one
party has the ability to control the other party or exercise significant influence over
the other party in making financial and/or operating decisions.
If there have been transactions between related parties, during the existence of a
related party relationship, the reporting enterprise should disclose the following:
(i) the name of the transacting related party;
(ii) a description of the relationship between the parties;
(iii) a description of the nature of transactions;
(iv) volume of the transactions either as an amount or as an appropriate
(v) any other elements of the related party transactions necessary for an
understanding of the financial statements;
(vi) the amounts or appropriate proportions of outstanding items pertaining to
related parties at the balance sheet date and provisions for doubtful debts due
from such parties at that date; and
(vii) amounts written off or written back in the period in respect of debts due from or
to related parties.
18. (a) Accounting Standard 4 defines events occurring after the Balance sheet date as
Events occurring after the Balance sheet date are those significant events, both
favourable and unfavourable that occur between the Balance sheet date and the
date on which the financial statements are approved by the Board of Directors in the
case of a Company.
The facts of the case are as under:
+ Financial Statements are prepared for the year ended 31
March, 2008.
+ Board of Directors of the Company approved the said financial statements on
May, 2008.
+ Construction crashed down resulted in a loss of Rs.2 crores, on 30
In view of the above definition, the said unfavourable event does not come under
the definition of events occurring after the balance sheet date.
Therefore, no adjustment to assets and liabilities need be required. And also it
would not require disclosure in the financial statements. Since it is a material
change affecting the financial position of the enterprise that took place due to the
event occurring after the balance sheet date, the fact and financial implications
thereof need to be disclosed in the Directors Report.
(b) In the above case, the quarterly income has not been correctly stated. As per AS
25 Interim Financial Reporting, the quarterly income should be adjusted and
restated as follows:
Bad debts of Rs. 40,000 have been incurred during current quarter. Out of this, the
company has deferred 50% (i.e.) Rs. 20,000 to the next quarter. Therefore, Rs.
20,000 should be deducted from Rs. 7,20,000. The treatment of extra-ordinary loss
of Rs. 35,000/- being recognized in the same quarter is correct.
Recognising additional depreciation of Rs. 45,000 in the same quarter is in tune
with AS 25 .Hence, no adjustments are required for these two items.
Poornima Ltd should report quarterly income as Rs.7,00,000 (Rs. 7,20,000
Rs. 20,000).
(c) (a) Calculation of Basi c EPS
Net profit for the year ended 31-3-2008 Rs.80,00,000
No. of equity shares outstanding 25,00,000
Basic EPS (Rs.80,00,000/25,00,000 shares) Rs.3.20
(b) Calculation of diluted EPS
Net profit for the year ended 31-3-2008 Rs.80,00,000
No. of equity shares outstanding Rs.25,00,000
No. of shares under stock option 5,00,000
Less: No. of shares that would have been issued
at fair value (5,00,000 25/32) 3,90,625 1,09,375
Diluted EPS [Rs.80,00,000/26,09,375 shares = Rs.3.07 (approx.)] 26,09,375
(d) As per para 13 of AS 11 (Revised 2003) The Effects of Changes in Foreign
Exchange Rates, exchange differences arising on the settlement of monetary items
or on reporting an enterprises monetary items at rates different from those at which
they were initially recorded during the period, or reported in previous financial
statements, should be recognized as income or expenses in the period in which
they arise. Thus exchange differences arising on repayment of liabilities incurred
for the purpose of acquiring fixed assets are recognized as income or expense.
Calculation of Exchange Difference:
Dollars US lakhs 75
40 Rs.
lakhs 3,000 Rs.
loan currency Foreign = =
Exchange difference = 75 lakhs US Dollars (42.50 40.00)
= Rs. 187.50 lakhs
(including exchange loss on payment of first instalment)
Therefore, entire loss due to exchange differences amounting Rs. 187.50 lakhs
should be charged to profit and loss account for the year.
19. (a) Month Expenditure on Interest Cumulative
qualifying asset expenditure including
July 2007 3,00,000 3,00,000
August, 2007 4,50,000 3,750 7,53,750
September, 2007 2,00,000 9,422 9,63,172
October, 2007 5,00,000 12,040 14,75,212
November, 2007 3,00,000 18,440 17,93,652
December, 2007 2,50,000 22,421 20,66,073
20,00,000 66,073
The value of the qualifying asset is Rs.20,66,073.
(b) (a) Yes, X company should provide for the contingency because it is unlikely that
X Company should be in a position to meet contractual obligation.
(b) No, X Company cant measure provision as the excess of compensation to be
paid over profit. It has to provide for the total compensation amount.
(c) Recognition of Loss on Revaluation:
Particulars Computation Rs. in lakhs
(1) Original Cost of the Asset Given 100.00
(2) Accumulated Depreciation for four years 100 10% 4 years 40.00
(3) Carrying amount before Revaluation Net Book Value (1)-(2) 60.00
(4) Fair Value = Revalued amount Given 50.00
(5) Loss on Revaluation debited to Profit and
Loss Account (3) (4)
(6) Carrying amount after revaluation (3) (5) [or] Fair Value
(Market Value)
Recognition of Impairment Loss,
(1) Net Selling Price = Market Value Disposal Costs = Rs.45
lakhs Rs.2 lakhs
Rs.43 lakhs
(2) Value in use Rs.40 lakhs
(3) Recoverable Amount = Net Selling Price or Value in Use,
whichever is higher
Rs.43 lakhs
(4) Carrying Amount after revaluation Rs.50 lakhs
(5) Impairment Loss = Carrying amount Less Recoverable Amount. Rs.7 lakhs
(d) (i) Present value of residual value = Rs. 40,000 0.7513 = Rs. 30,052
Present value of lease payments = Rs. 3,00,000 Rs. 30,052 = Rs. 2,69,948.
The present value of lease payments being 89.98% |

of the
fair value, i.e. being a substantial portion thereof, the lease constitutes a
finance lease.
(ii) Calculation of unearned finance income
Gross investment in the lease [(Rs.1,08,552
3) + Rs. 40,000] 3,65,656
Less: Cost of the equipment 3,00,000
Unearned finance income 65,656
Note: - In the above solution, annual lease payment has been determined on the
basis that the present value of lease payments plus residual value is equal to the
fair value (cost) of the asset.
20. (a) As per para 10 of AS 12 Accounting for Government Grants, where the
government grants are of the nature of promoters contribution, i.e. they are given
with reference to the total investment in an undertaking or by way of contribution
towards its total capital outlay (for example, central investment subsidy scheme)
and no repayment is ordinarily expected in respect thereof, the grants are treated as
capital reserve which can be neither distributed as dividend nor considered as
deferred income.
In the given case, the subsidy received is neither in relation to specific fixed asset
nor in relation to revenue.Thus it is inappropriate to recognise government grants in
the profit and loss statement, since they are not earned but represent an incentive
provided by government without related costs. The correct treatment is to credit the
subsidy to capital reserve. Therefore, the accounting treatment followed by the
company is not proper.
(b) X Ltd.
Cash flow statement for the year ended 31st March, 2008
(Using the direct method)
Rs.000 Rs.000
Cash flow from operating activities
Cash receipts from customers 2,800
Cash payments to suppliers (2,000)
Cash paid to employees (100)
Cash payments for overheads (200)
Cash generated from operations 500
Income tax paid (250)
Net cash from operating activities 250
Cash flows from investing activities
Payments for purchase of fixed assets (200)
Annual lease payments = 1,08,552 Rs.
4868 . 2
948 , 69 , 2 . Rs
= (approx.)
Proceeds from sale of fixed assets 100
Net cash used in investing activities (100)
Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from issuance of equity shares 300
Bank loan repaid (300)
Dividend paid (50)
Net cash used in financing activities (50)
Net increase in cash 100
Cash at beginning of period 50
Cash at end of period 150
21. (a) The interest of Big Ltd. and Small Ltd. in Joint Venture can be reported in the
consolidated financial statements as per the proportionate consolidation method as
Consolidated Balance Sheets
Big Ltd. Small Ltd.
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Share Capital 5,00,000 3,00,000
(Rs. 3,00,000 + 20,000) 3,20,000 (Rs. 1,00,000 + 30,000) 1,30,000
(Rs. 2,00,000 + 12,000) 2,12,000 (Rs. 1,00,000 + 18,000) 1,18,000
10,32,000 5,48,000
Fixed Assets
(Rs. 8,00,000 + 48,000) 8,48,000 (Rs. 3,50,000 + 72,000) 4,22,000
Net working capital
(Rs. 1,60,000 + 24,000) 1,84,000 (Rs. 90,000 + 36,000) 1,26,000
10,32,000 5,48,000
Joint Venture has been consolidated on a line by line basis in the ratio of 40% and
(b) As per para 44 of AS 26, costs incurred in creating a computer software product
should be charged to research and development expense when incurred until
technological feasibility/asset recognition criteria has been established for the
product. Technological feasibility/asset recognition criteria has been established
upon completion of detailed programme design or working model. In this case, Rs.
45,000 would be recorded as an expense (Rs. 25,000 for completion of detailed
program design and Rs. 20,000 for coding and testing to establish technological
feasibility/asset recognition criteria). Cost incurred from the point of technological
feasibility/asset recognition criteria until the time when products costs are incurred
are capitalized as software cost (Rs. 42,000 + Rs. 12,000 + Rs.13,000) Rs. 67,000.
(c) Para 3 of AS 18 on Related Party Disclosures describes related party relationships
as follows:
(a) enterprises that directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries,
control, or are controlled by, or are under common control with, the reporting
enterprises (this includes holding companies, subsidiaries and fellow
(b) associates and joint ventures of the reporting enterprise and the investing
party or venturer in respect of which the reporting enterprise is an associate or
a joint venture;
(c) individuals owning, directly or indirectly, an interest in the voting power of the
reporting enterprise that gives them control or significant influence over the
enterprise, and relatives of any such individual;
(d) key management personnel and relatives of such personnel; and
(e) enterprises over which any person described in (c) or (d) is able to exercise
significant influence. This includes enterprises owned by directors or major
shareholders of the reporting enterprise and enterprises that have a member of
key management in common with the reporting enterprise.
Accordingly, the sale of goods worth Rs. 25 lakhs falls under the purview of AS
18 and hence the following information should be disclosed by X Limited as
per para 23 of AS 18.
(i) the name of the transacting related party;
(ii) a description of the relationship between the parties;
(iii) a description of the nature of transactions;
(iv) volume of the transactions either as an amount or as an appropriate
(v) any other elements of the related party transactions necessary for an
understanding of the financial statements;
(vi) the amounts or appropriate proportions of outstanding items pertaining to
related parties at the balance sheet date and provision for doubtful debts due
from such parties at that date; and
(vii) amounts written off or written back in the period in respect of debts due from
or to related parties.
(d) As per para 21 of AS 6 on Depreciation Accounting, when a change in the method
of depreciation is made, depreciation should be recalculated in accordance with the
new method from the date of the asset coming into use. The deficiency or surplus
arising from retrospective recomputation of depreciation in accordance with the new
method should be adjusted in the accounts in the year in which the method of
depreciation is changed. In the given case, there is a surplus of Rs. 26.30 lakhs on
account of change in the method of depreciation, which will be credited to Profit and
Loss Account. Such a change should be treated as a change in accounting policy
and its effect should be quantified and disclosed
22. (a) As per para 27 of AS 17 Segment Reporting, a business segment or geographical
segment should be identified as a reportable segment if:
(i) Its revenue from sales to external customers and from other transactions with
other segments is 10% or more of the total revenue- external and internal of all
segments; or
(ii) Its segment result whether profit or loss is 10% or more of:
(1) The combined result of all segments in profit; or
(2) The combined result of all segments in loss,
whichever is greater in absolute amount; or
(iii) Its segment assets are 10% or more of the total assets of all segments.
If the total external revenue attributable to reportable segments constitutes
less than 75% of total enterprise revenue, additional segments should be
identified as reportable segments even if they do not meet the 10% thresholds
until atleast 75% of total enterprise revenue is included in reportable
(a) On the basis of turnover criteria segments M and N are reportable segments.
(b) On the basis of the result criteria, segments M, N and R are reportable
segments (since their results in absolute amount is 10% or more of Rs.200
(c) On the basis of asset criteria, all segments except R are reportable
Since all the segments are covered in atleast one of the above criteria all
segments have to be reported upon in accordance with Accounting Standard
(AS) 17. Hence, the opinion of chief accountant is wrong.
(b) Disclosure of Current and Deferred Tax balances will be on the basis of principles
laid down in AS-22. These are:
(a) Current tax assets and liabilities can be set off, if the enterprise has a legally
enforceable right to set off the recognized amounts and intends to settle them
on a net basis.
(b) Deferred tax assets and liabilities can be set off, if the items relate to taxes on
income levied by the same governing taxation laws.
Applying these principles, the required disclosures will be as follows:
Liabilities Rs. Rs. Assets Rs. Rs.
Deferred tax liabilities 100 Current assets, loans
and advances:
Less: Deferred tax assets 20 80 Advance tax paid 795
Less: Provisions 750 45
(c) Business enterprises frequently close facilities, abandon products, or even product
lines, and reduce the size of their workforce in response to market forces. These
kinds of terminations, generally, are not in themselves discontinuing operations
unless they satisfy the definition criteria. By gradually reducing the size of
operations in the product line of Washing Soap, the company has increased its
scale of operations in Bathing Soap. Such a change is a gradual or evolutionary,
phasing out of a product line or class of services does not meet definition criteria in
paragraph 3(a) of AS 24 namely, disposing of substantially in its entirety, a
component of the enterprise. Hence, changeover is not a discontinuing operation.
(d) The actual return on pension plan assets follows:
Amount (Rs.)
Fair market value of plan assets (beginning of year) 7,00,000
Employer Contribution 1,00,000
Actual return on plan assets 50,000
Benefit payments to retirees (40,000)
Fair market value of plan assets (end of year) 8,10,000
23. (a) (a) Amount of foreseeable loss (Rs in lakhs)
Total cost of construction (500 + 105 + 495) 1,100
Less: Total contract price 1,000
Total foreseeable loss to be recognized as expense 100
According to para 35 of AS 7 (Revised 2002), when it is probable that total contract
costs will exceed total contract revenue, the expected loss should be recognized as
an expense immediately.
(b) Contract work-in-progress i.e. cost incurred to date are
Rs. 605 lakhs
(Rs in lakhs)
Work certified 500
Work not certified 105
This is 55% (605/1,100 100) of total costs of construction.
(c) Proportion of total contract value recognised as revenue as per para 21 of AS
7 (Revised).
55% of Rs. 1,000 lakhs = Rs. 550 lakhs
(d) Amount due from/to customers = Contract costs + Recognised profits
Recognised losses (Progress payments received + Progress payments to be
= [605 + Nil 100 (400 + 140)] Rs. in lakhs
= [605 100 540] Rs. in lakhs
Amount due to customers = Rs. 35 lakhs
The amount of Rs. 35 lakhs will be shown in the balance sheet as liability.
(e) The relevant disclosures under AS 7 (Revised) are given below:
Rs. in Lakhs
Contract revenue 550
Contract expenses 605
Recognised profits less recognized losses (100)
Progress billings (400 + 140) 540
Retentions (billed but not received from contractee) 140
Gross amount due to customers 35
(b) Prudence suggests non-consideration of claim as an asset in anticipation. So
receipt of claims is generally recognised on cash basis. Para 9.2 of AS 9 on
Revenue Recognition states that where the ability to assess the ultimate collection
with reasonable certainty is lacking at the time of raising any claim, revenue
recognition is postponed to the extent of uncertainty involved. Para 9.5 of AS 9
states that when recognition of revenue is postponed due to the effect of
uncertainties, it is considered as revenue of the period in which it is properly
recognised. In this case it may be assumed that collectability of claim was not
certain in the earlier periods. This is supposed from the fact that only Rs. 1,50,000
were collected against a claim of Rs. 2,00,000. So this transaction can not be taken
as a Prior Period Item.
In the light of revised AS 5, it will not be treated as extraordinary item. However,
para 12 of AS 5 (Revised) states that when items of income and expense within
profit or loss from ordinary activities are of such size, nature, or incidence that their
disclosure is relevant to explain the performance of the enterprise for the period, the
nature and amount of such items should be disclosed separately. Accordingly, the
nature and amount of this item should be disclosed separately as per para 12 of AS
5 (Revised).
(c) As it is stated in the question that financial statements for the year ended 31st
March, 2008 under preparation, the views have been given on the basis that the
financial statements are yet to be completed and approved by the Board of
Investments classified as long term investments should be carried in the financial
statements at cost. However, provision for diminution shall be made to recognise a
decline, other than temporary, in the value of the investments, such reduction being
determined and made for each investment individually. Para 17 of AS 13
Accounting for Investments states that indicators of the value of an investment are
obtained by reference to its market value, the investee's assets and results and the
expected cash flows from the investment. On these bases, the facts of the given
case clearly suggest that the provision for diminution should be made to reduce the
carrying amount of long term investment to Rs. 20,000 in the financial statements
for the year ended 31st March, 2008
24. (a) Guidance Note on Accounting Treatment for Excise Duty says that excise duty is a
duty on manufacture or production of excisable goods in India.
According to Central Excise Rules, 2002, excise duty should be collected at the time
of removal of goods from factory premises or factory warehouse. The levy of excise
duty is upon the manufacture or production, the collection part of it is shifted to the
stage of removal.
Further, paragraph 23(i) of the Guidance Note makes it clear that excise duty should
be considered as a manufacturing expense and like other manufacturing expenses
be considered as an element of cost for inventory valuation.
Therefore, in the given case of HSL Ltd., the Managing Directors contention that
excise duty is payable only on clearance of goods and hence is not a cost is
incorrect. Excise duty on the goods meant for local sales should be provided for at
the rate of 16% on the selling price, that is, Rs. 100 lakhs for valuation of stock.
Excise duty on goods meant for exports, should be provided for, since the liability
for excise duty arises when the manufacture of the goods is completed. However, if
it is assumed that all the conditions specified in Rule 19 of the Central Excise Rules,
2002 regarding export of excisable goods without payment of duty are fulfilled by
HSL Ltd., excise duty may not be provided for.
(b) The Guidance Note on Accounting for Investments in the Financial statements of
Mutual Funds provides that the investments should be marked to market on the
balance sheet date. The provision for depreciation in the value of investments
should be made in the books by debiting the Revenue Account. The provision so
created should be shown as a deduction from the value of investments in the
balance sheet. Clause 2(i) of the Eleventh Schedule provides that where the
financial statements are prepared on a mark to market basis, there need not be a
separate provision for depreciation. However keeping in view, prudence as a
factor for preparation of financial statements and correct disclosure of the amount of
depreciation on investments, the guidance note recommends that the gross value of
depreciation on investments should be reflected in the Revenue Account rather than
the same being netted off with the appreciation in the value of other investments. In
other words, depreciation/appreciation on investments should be worked out on an
individual investment basis or by category of investment basis, but not on an overall
basis or by category of investment.
In the given case of SFL Ltd., depreciation should be separately disclosed in the
financial statements.
25. (a) The counter guarantee given by the company is, infact, an undertaking to perform
what is, in any event, the obligation of the company itself. In any case, this is a
matter which is in the control of the company itself and the mere possibility of a
default by the company in the future cannot be said to involve the existence of a
contingent liability on the balance sheet date.
Thus, as per Guidance Note on Guarantees and Counter-Guarantees given by
Companies, no separate disclosure is required in respect of counter guarantees.
(b) Journal Entri es in the books of A
2008 Rs. Rs.
Jan. 24 B Dr. 17,68,000
To Sales Account 17,68,000
(Credit sales made to B of Washington, USA for
$40,000 recorded at spot market rate of Rs.44.20
per US $)
Forward (Rs.) Contract Receivable Account Dr. 17,48,000
Deferred Discount Account Dr. 20,000
To Forward ($) Contract Payable 17,68,000
(Forward contract acquired to sell on 24
2008 US $40,000 @ Rs.43.70)
Exchange Loss Account Dr. 40,000
To B 40,000
(Record of exchange loss @ Re.1 per $ due to
market rate becoming Rs.43.20 per US $ rather
than Rs.44.20 per US $)
Forward ($) Contract Payable Dr. 40,000
To Exchange Gain Account 40,000
(Decrease in liability on forward contract due to fall
in exchange rate)
Discount Account Dr. 14,667
To Deferred Discount Account
(Record of proportionate discount expense for 66
days out of 90 days)
April 24 Bank Account Dr. 17,08,000
Exchange Loss Account Dr. 20,000
To B 17,28,000
(Receipt of $40,000 from B, USA customers @
Rs.42.70 per US $; exchange loss being
Forward ($) Contract Payable Account Dr. 17,28,000
To Exchange Gain Account 20,000
To Bank Account 17,08,000
(Settlement of forward contract by payment of
BankAccount Dr. 17,48,000
To Forward (Rs.) Contract Receivable 17,48,000
(Receipt of cash in settlement of forward contract
Discount Account Dr. 5,333
To Deferred Discount Account 5,333
(Recording of discount expense for 24 days:
Rs.20,000 333 , 5 . Rs
days 90
days 24
= )
Note : AS 1 to AS 29 are appl icabl e for November, 2008 Exami nati on.
Withdrawal of the Announcement issued by the Counci l on Treatment of exchange
differences under Accounting Standard (AS) 11 (revised 2003), The Effects of Changes in
Foreign Exchange Rates vis--vis Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956
1. The Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India had issued an Announcement on
Treatment of exchange differences under Accounting Standard (AS) 11 (revised 2003), The Effects
of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates vis--vis Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956, which
was published in the November 2003 issue of The Chartered Accountant (pp. 497)
2. Subsequent to the issuance of the above Announcement, the Ministry of Company Affairs (now
known as the Ministry of Corporate Affairs) issued the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules,
2006, by way of Notification in the Official Gazette dated 7th December, 2006. As per Rule 3(2) of
the said Rules, the Accounting Standards shall come into effect in respect of accounting periods
commencing on or after the publication of these accounting standards under the said Notification.
3. AS 11, as published in the above Government Notification, carries a footnote that it may be
noted that the accounting treatment of exchange differences contained in this Standard is required
to be followed irrespective of the relevant provisions of Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956.
4. In view of the above footnote to AS 11, the Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
India has decided at its 269th meeting held on July 18, 2007, to withdraw the Announcement on
Treatment of exchange differences under Accounting Standard (AS) 11 (revised 2003), The Effects
of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates vis--vis Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956,
published in The Chartered Accountant of November 2003. Accordingly, the accounting treatment
of exchange differences contained in AS 11 notified as above is applicable and not the requirements
of Schedule VI to the Act, in respect of accounting periods commencing on or after 7th December,

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