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Mughal Road Project: Quality and Cost Based Selection

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Mughal Road Project RFP Document


Quality and Cost Based Selection


The information contained in this Request for Proposal document (RFP) or subsequently provided to Applicants, whether verbally or in documentary or any other form by or on behalf of the Mughal Road Organisation (MRO) or any of its employees or advisers, is provided to Applicants on the terms and conditions set out in this RFP and such other terms and conditions subject to which such information is provided. This RFP is not an agreement and is neither an offer nor invitation by the MRO to the prospective Applicants or any other person. The purpose of this RFP is to provide interested parties with information that may be useful to them in the formulation of their Proposals pursuant to this RFP. This RFP includes statements, which reflect various assumptions and assessments arrived at by the MRO in relation to the Consultancy. Such assumptions, assessments and statements do not purport to contain all the information that each Applicant may require. This RFP may not be appropriate for all persons, and it is not possible for the MRO, its employees or advisers to consider the objectives, technical expertise and particular needs of each party who reads or uses this RFP. The assumptions, assessments, statements and information contained in this RFP, may not be complete, accurate, adequate or correct. Each Applicant should, therefore, conduct its own investigations and analysis and should check the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability and completeness of the assumptions, assessments and information contained in this RFP and obtain independent advice from appropriate sources. Information provided in this RFP to the Applicants is on a wide range of matters, some of which depends upon interpretation of law. The information given is not an exhaustive account of statutory requirements and should not be regarded as a complete or authoritative statement of law. The MRO accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise for any interpretation or opinion on the law expressed herein. The MRO, its employees and advisers make no representation or warranty and shall have no liability to any person including any Applicant under any law, statute, rules or regulations or tort, principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss, damages, cost or expense which may arise from or be incurred or suffered on account of anything contained in this RFP or otherwise, including the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability or completeness of the RFP and any assessment, assumption, statement or information contained therein or deemed to form part of this RFP or arising in any way in this Selection Process. The MRO also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence or otherwise however caused arising from reliance of any Applicant upon the statements contained in this RFP. The MRO may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, update, amend or supplement the information, assessment or assumption contained in this RFP. The issue of this RFP does not imply that the MRO is bound to select an Applicant or to appoint the Selected Applicant, as the case may be, for the Consultancy and the MRO reserves the right to reject all or any of the Proposals without assigning any reasons whatsoever. The Applicant shall bear all its costs associated with or relating to the preparation and submission of its Proposal including but not limited to preparation, copying, postage, delivery fees, expenses associated with any demonstrations or presentations which may be required by the MRO or any other costs incurred in connection with or relating to its Proposal. All such costs and expenses will remain with the Applicant and the MRO shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for the same or for any other costs or other expenses incurred by an Applicant in preparation or submission of the Proposal, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Selection Process.


1. BRIEF SCOPE OF WORK The Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir is constructing Mughal Road 84 Km, long two lane flexible pavement road from Bafliaz (Poonch) to Shopian (Kashmir) and the principle executing agency is M/S Hindustan Construction Company Ltd. Mumbai. The alignment of the Mughal Road passes through snow bound steep mountainous hilly terrain for maximum length making it susceptible to snow drifts and avalanches. The consultant is required to carry out detailed planning, survey, investigations, and design of Avalanche control structures at three vulnerable stretches viz Chattapani, Rattachamb and Zaznar along the alignment of Mughal Road and frame the comprehensive DPR which should finally pave way for their construction. 2. MODE OF ACCESS FOR BID DOCUMENTS The RFP document can be also be downloaded from the URL address The non- refundable document fee of Rs. 1000/- (Rs. one Thousand only) in the form of Demand Draft in favor of Superintending Engineer, Mughal Road Project Lalmandi Srinagar, J&K Payable at Srinagar has to be reimbursed with Technical bid in separate envelope with clear inscription COST OF RFP DOCUMENT 3. SUBMISSION OF DOCUMENT (i) Sealed proposals s h oul d reach Superintending Engineer, Mughal Road Project, Lal Mandi Srinagar not later than 1500 hrs on 18-07-2012. (ii) Superintending Engineer, Mughal Road Project will not be responsible for any delay in receiving the proposals and reserves the right to accept/reject any or all proposals without assigning any reason thereof. 4. OPENING OF BID: The technical proposal of bids received on or before the last date of submission shall be opened on 1530 hrs on 18-07-2012 or any other date convenient to tender opening authority in presence of the bidders/who may wish to participate. The bidders who have been declared successful on the basis of technical evaluation shall be informed regarding the schedule of opening of the financial proposal separately. 5. The Consultancy firms will be selected as elaborated in RFP document. Sd/Superintending Engineer Mughal Road Project


Dear Sirs,


You are hereby invited to submit technical and financial proposals for consultancy services required for Preparation of DPR for Three Avalanche Prone Sites on Mughal Road which could form the basis for future negotiations and ultimately a contract between your firm and Mughal Road Organization.


The purpose of this assignment is to prepare a comprehensive DPR for Three Avalanche Prone Sites on Mughal Road based on requisite survey, detailed investigations and rigorous design/detailing of proposed structures along with estimates and BOQ for the work.


The following documents are enclosed to enable you to submit your proposal: (a) (b) Terms of reference (TOR) (Annexure 1); Supplementary information for consultants, including a suggested format of curriculum vitae (Annexure 2); and (c) A Sample Form of Contract for Consultants' Services under which the services will be performed (Annexure 3).


To obtain first hand information on the assignment and on the local conditions, you are encouraged to pay a visit to the client, and the project site before submitting proposal. You must fully acquaint yourself of local and site conditions and take them into account in preparing your proposal.


A pre-proposal conference open to all prospective consultants will be held on 11-07-2012@ 1400 hrs. The prospective consultant can attend the same at their convenience. All queries, clarifications if any shall be conveyed by or before this date for appropriate response by the Mughal Road Organization (Refer Para 15).


The Submission of Proposals: The proposals shall be submitted in two parts, viz., Technical and Financial and should follow the form given in the "Supplementary Information for Consultants."


The "Technical" and "Financial" proposals must be submitted in two separate sealed envelopes (with respective marking in bold letters) following the formats/schedules given in the supplementary information for consultants. The first envelope marked "Technical proposal" should include the description of the firm/organization, the firms general experience in the field of assignment, the qualification and competency of the personnel proposed for the assignment and the proposed work plan methodology and approach response to suggested terms of reference. The first envelope should not contain any cost information whatsoever. The second envelope marked 'FINANCIAL PROPOSAL' must also be sealed with sealing wax and initialed twice across the seal and should contain the detailed price offer for the consultancy services. Your price offers should be covered with transparent tape. Both the sealed envelopes should again be placed in a sealed cover which will be received in the office of Superintending Engineer, Mughal Road Project, Lal Mandi Srinagar, up to 1500 hours on 18-07-2012.


Opening of proposal The proposals (first envelope containing technical proposal only) will be opened in the office of Superintending Engineer, Mughal Road Project, Lal Mandi Srinagar 1530 hours on 18-07-2012. It may please be noted that the second envelope containing the detailed price offer will not be opened until technical evaluation has been completed and the result of comparative statement notified to all eligible consultants.

7. 7.1

Evaluation A two-stage procedure will be adopted in evaluating the proposals: i) a technical

evaluation, which will be carried out prior to opening any financial proposal; ii) a financial evaluation. Firms will be ranked using a combined technical/financial score, as indicated below. 7.2 Technical Proposal: The evaluation committee appointed by the Client will carry out its evaluation applying the evaluation criteria and point system specified below. Each responsive proposal will be attributed a technical score (St). (i) the qualifications & specialization of key staff proposed for the assignment ------- (50 points). (ii) the consultant's relevant experience for the assignment------ (40 points);


the quality of the methodology proposed------ (10 points); and

Curriculum vitae of senior personnel in each discipline for assessing the qualifications and experience of the personnel proposed to be deployed for the studies should be included with the proposal (in the format of the sample curriculum vitae). These personnel will be rated in accordance with: (i) General qualifications - (30 points) (ii) Adequacy for the project (suitability to perform the duties for this assignment. These include education and training, length of experience on fields similar to those required as per terms of reference, type of positions held, time spent with the firm etc) - (70 points) Quality and competence of the consulting service shall be considered as the paramount requirement. Technical proposals scoring not less than 50% of the total points (St) will only be considered for financial evaluation. However, this criterion can be relaxed by the evaluation committee keeping in view the competition band. The price envelopes of others will not be considered and returned unopened after completing the selection process. The client shall notify the consultants, results of the technical evaluation and invite those who have secured the minimum qualifying mark for opening of the financial proposals indicating the date and time. 7.3 Financial Proposal 7.3.1 Opening: The financial proposal shall be opened in the presence of the consultants representatives who choose to attend. The name of the consultant, the quality scores and the proposed prices shall be read out and recorded. The client shall prepare minutes of bid opening. 7.3.2 Evaluation: The evaluation committee will determine if the financial proposals are complete and without computational errors. The lowest financial proposal (Fm) will be given a financial score (Sf) of 100 points. The financial scores of all the proposals will be computed as follows: Sf = 100 x Fm/F Sf= Financial score Fm= Lowest Financial proposal F = amount of financial proposal converted in the common currency. (The common currency is Indian Rupee.)

7.3.3 Fixed Exchange rate for conversion (for bid evaluation purpose only): 1 US $=Rs. 50.00 7.4 Proposals will finally be ranked according to their combined technical (St) and financial (Sf) scores using a weight of 70% for technical proposal and 30% for financial proposal. S = St x 0.70 + Sf x 0.30 The Consultant securing the highest score will be invited for negotiations. 8. 8.1 Negotiations Prior to the expiration period of proposal validity, the Client will notify the successful Consultant in writing by registered letter, cable telex or facsimile and invite him negotiate the Contract. 8.2 The aim of negotiation is to reach agreement on all points, and initial a draft contract by the conclusion of Negotiations. 8.3 Negotiations will commence with a discussion of your technical proposal, the proposed methodology (work plan), staffing and any suggestions you may have made to improve the TOR. Agreement must then be reached on the final TOR, the staffing and staff

months, logistics and reporting. Special attention will be paid to optimize the required outputs from the Consultants and to define clearly the inputs required from the Client to ensure satisfactory implementation of the Assignment. 8.4 8.5 Changes agreed upon will then be reflected in the draft contract, using proposed unit rates. Having selected Consultants, among other things, on the basis of an evaluation of proposed key professional staff, the Client expects to negotiate a contract on the basis these staff named in the proposal and, prior to contract negotiations, will require assurance that these staff will be actually available. The Client will not consider

substitutions during contract negotiations except in cases of unexpected delays in the starting date or incapacity of key professional staff for reasons of health. 8.6 The negotiations will be concluded with a review of the draft form of Contract. The Client and the Consultants will finalize the contract to conclude negotiations. 8.7 The Contract will be awarded after successful negotiations, with the selected Consultant. If negotiations fail, the Client will invite the Consultants having submitted the second lowest financial offer to Contract negotiations. Upon successful completion, the Client will promptly inform the other Consultants that their proposals have not been selected.


Please note that the Mughal Road Organisation is not bound to select any of the firms submitting proposals. Further, as quality is the principal selection criterion, the Mughal Road Organisation does not bind itself in any way to select the firm offering the lowest price.


You are requested to hold your proposal valid for 90 days from the last date of submission without change the personnel proposed for the assignment and your proposed price. The Mughal Road Organization will make its best efforts to select a consultant firm within this period.


Please note that the cost of preparing a proposal and of negotiating a contract including visits to Srinagar and other places, if any is not reimbursable.


We wish to remind you that any manufacturing or construction firm, with which you might be associated with, will not be eligible to participate in bidding for any goods or works resulting from or associated with the project of which this consulting assignment forms a part.


Please note that if you consider that your firm does not have all the expertise for the assignment, there is no objection to your firm associating with another firm to enable a full range of expertise to be presented. The request for a joint venture should be accompanied with full details of the proposed association and confirming joint and several liabilities.


Please note that the remuneration which you receive from the contract will be subject to normal tax liability in J&K(India). Kindly contact the concerned tax authorities for further information in this regard if required.


For any queries and Clarifications, please feel free to contact the following person: Er. Shuja Showkat I/C Technical officer SEMRP Email: Mob:+91-9419446936 Official address: (I) Office of the Superintending Engineer, Mughal Road Project Lalmandi Srinagar (Phone: 0194-2310870) Email:

Yours faithfully,

Sd/Superintending Engineer Mughal Road Project, Enclosures: 1. 2. 3. Terms of Reference. Supplementary Information to Consultants. Draft contract under which service will be performed.



Background and Importance: The Jammu and Kashmir divisions of J&K state are separated by Pir Panjal Ranges and are

presently connected by the circuitous Jammu-Srinagar National Highway No.1A (NH-1A).In order to provide a direct link between the districts of Poonch and Rajouri in Jammu Division with Kashmir valley, a pressing need was felt to construct a road in the missing link between Bafliaz (Poonch district, Jammu) and Shopian district (Kashmir).The road is under execution from March 2006. The ancient route Mughal Road, when developed, will help in overall development of the area and mitigate the hardships of People of Poonch & Rajouri. It will considerably reduce the travel distances between Poonch and Rajouri Districts with Srinagar. As against distances of 540Kms and 455Kms between Poonch & Rajouri District respectively with Srinagar via Jammu and NHIA, the distance along Mughal road between Srinagar with Poonch and Rajouri Districts shall be only 175Kms and 200Kms respectively. The Historical background of the proposed road and the beautiful meadows at Pir Panjal is expected to attract a large number of tourists, thereby boosting economy of the people. Besides the road will benefit the pilgrims from Kashmir Valley who visit the famous shrine of Baba Gulam Shah Badshah at Rajouri. The National Highway between Jammu & Srinagar (NH-1A) is under tremendous pressure with the increase in traffic. The road passes through steep mountainous terrain which are prone to landslides, rock falls and geological failures. As a result the road remains closed for days together not only in winter, but also in summer during rainy season. The two-lane road between Bafliaz and Shopian, cutting across the Pir-Panjal mountains, will provide substantial traffic relief to NH-1A by diverting traffic of Rajouri and Ponch districts to this new road heading for valley and hence shall serve as an alternate seasonal road (AprilNovember) connecting Kashmir valley with rest of the country. The proposed road will promote economic, industrial, social and cultural development of the project influence area. It will help in raising living standards of the people,

advancement of the community, improvement in medical, educational, post & telegraph and recreational facility. Employment potential in the area will be generated to a large extent. The proposed road will give a boost to the agricultural, industrial, building and commercial activities in the project influence area, which will create opportunities for economic uplift of the people. With the opening of this area to communications, the land value will go up. Farmers will get motorable access to the markets for selling their produce and this will give impetus to the agricultural production in this area. With the adoption of higher standards of proposed road, there will be reduction in the vehicle operating costs, fuel consumption, wear& tear of tyres, saving in time of passengers and vehicles and faster mobility of essential services. The fatigue and discomfort during travel will also be considerably reduced. 2. Location of Avalanche Sites Mughal Road:S.No 01 02 03 Avalanche Location Sites Chattapani Rattachamb Zaznar Chainage 33+320 35+280 53+300

3. Objective: The objective is to prepare a comprehensive DPR for Three Avalanche Prone sites as identified above in para (2) for Mughal Road based on requisite survey, detailed

investigations and rigorous design/detailing of such structures along with detailed estimates and BOQ for the work which should ultimately pave way for construction of such structures. 6. Scope of Work: The scope of the work shall include study for three sites identified above and shall broadly cover but not limited to the following: a) Shall do the requisite ground survey, identify spots and stretches vulnerable to snow drifts/blizzards and avalanches for said three sites. b) Shall conduct necessary investigations as may be required for effecting suitable structures in place in order to mitigate the hazards of avalanches c) Shall study various alternatives and recommend most feasible type of Avalanche Control Structures that can be constructed keeping in view their suitability, safety, economy so that road

can be declared all safe throughout winter months. (e) Shall carry out detailed structural design considering all likely forces and prepare adequate drawings for constructing such structures along with detailed estimates and BOQ. (f) Shall prepare the Preliminary Feasibility as well as Detailed Project Report for the entire

work for submission to the Mughal Road Organization. (g) Shall prepare the bidding documents so that Mughal Road Organization can tender the

work in lieu with DPR submitted by the consultant. (h) Shall tie up with Snow Avalanche Study Establishnment (SASE) of Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO) to incorporate their valuable inputs in the DPR to be framed for the work. 7. Schedule of Completion of Tasks:

The entire tasks shall be completed within 6 weeks from the date of award of Contract. 8. Terms of Payment:

The mode of payments to be made in consideration of the work to be performed by the consultants shall be as follows: (i) (ii) 20% of contract value 30% of contract value On submission of the Preliminary Feasibility Report On submission of the Draft Detailed Project Report

(iii) (iii)

30% of contract value 20% of contract value

On submission of the Detailed Project Report In Conjuction with Para 11 of TOR.


Data, Services and facilities to be provided by the Mughal Road Organisation:

The required extract of DPR and RITES Feasibility Report of Mughal Road pertaining to Avalanches will be made available to the consultant. 10. Performance Security

Within 21 Days of letter of acceptance, the consultant shall deliver to the client a performance security in the form of bank guarantee for an amount equivalent to 5% of the contract price. The bank guarantee will be released at the time of final payment to the consultant. 11. Responsibility for accuracy of Project Reports The consultants shall be responsible for accuracy of all data used in the project preparation and

estimates prepared by him as a part of the project. He shall indemnify the client against any inaccuracies in the work. For this purpose, he shall furnish bank guarantee for an amount to the extent of 20% of total consultancy fees to be received by him. The bank guarantee shall be valid for a period of 6 months (subject to further extension) from the date of submission of DPR.The final installment of 20% shall be released only on receipt of this bank guarantee.


List of key professional* positions whose CV and experience would be evaluated: GEOLOGIST CUM GEO TECHNICAL ENGINEER: This position requires an Engineer who should be post graduate in Geotechnical

Engineering/Rock Mechanics or Ph. D in Geology with 5 years of experience in road projects especially hill roads. The candidate should capable of handling in sub-soil investigations, doing soil classification studies, studying geologically unstable road stretches, fault studies etc. He will also act as Coordinator cum Team leader. HYDROLOGIST CUM DRAINAGE ENGINEER: The candidate should be post graduate/graduate or equivalent with minimum 5 years experience of which at least 2 years should be on snow hydrology. Experience with the acceptable study methods, including the physics of snow, ice and glaciers. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: The position required as engineer, with Masters Degree or equivalent in structural engineering, with minimum 5 years experience. The candidate must be well versant with design and should have handled projects in high altitude areas subjected to snow effects, high velocity winds. The candidate must have the experience of planning and monitoring geo-technical and other investigations for such structures and interpreting the findings thereof. ESTIMATE SURVEYOR: He should be a graduate in Civil Engineering/Diploma in Quality Surveying from a recognized University/Institution. Graduate in Civil Engineering with at least 4 years work experience or Diploma in Civil Engineering with at least 6 years work experience at responsible position will also be acceptable. He should have expertise in quantity surveying, BOQ preparation, tender documentation etc. He should be conversant with the use of computer software for commuting unit rates, quantities and costs.

FIELD SURVEYOR: He should be a graduate in Civil Engineering/Diploma in Quality Surveying from a recognized University/Institution. Graduate in Civil Engineering with at least 4 years work experience or Diploma in Civil Engineering with at least 6 years work experience at responsible position will also be acceptable. He should have expertise in carrying out field survey with total station and other equipments, interpreting survey data including necessary plotting should have knowledge of Auto CAD.

Note: Since this assignment involves a special study therefore firms having candidates with background in the listed areas shall added advantage vis-a-vis technical score.

Mountain Geology Master of Geography "spatial structures and dynamics" Civil Engineer of horticulture and landscape. Expert Engineer in Nivology (study of Snow & Avalanches)

* Key professionals shall not be ex-staff of Mughal Road Organization, PW(R&B) Department J&K.



Proposals should include the following information:


Technical Proposal


A brief description of the firm/organization and an outline of recent experience on assignments/projects of same nature executed during the last 5 years in the format given in Form F-2.

(ii) (iii)

Any comments or suggestions of the consultant on the Terms of Reference (TOR). A description of the manner in which consultants would plan to execute the work. Work plan time schedule in Form F-3 and approach or methodology proposed for carrying out the required work.


The composition of the team of personnel which the consultant would propose to provide and the tasks which would be assigned to each team member in Form F-4.


Curricula Vitae of the individual key staff members to be assigned to the work and of the team leader who would be responsible for supervision of the team. The curricula vitae should follow the attached Format (F-5) duly signed by the concerned personnel.


The consultant's comments, if any, on the data, services and facilities to be provided by Mughal Road Organization indicated in the Terms of Reference (TOR).


Financial Proposals The financial proposals should include the following:


Schedule of Price Bid in Form No.F-6 with cost break-up.


Terms of Payment

The mode of payments to be made in consideration of the work to be performed by the consultant shall be as follows: (i) (ii) 20% of contract value 30% of contract value On submission of the Preliminary Feasibility Report On submission of the Draft Detailed Project Report

(iii) (iii)

30% of contract value 20% of contract value

On submission of the Detailed Project Report In conjuction with para 11 of TOR.

Note: All payments shall be made on submission of pre-receipted bills by the consultants in duplicate for respective stages.




Superintending Engineer Mughal Road Project Lal Mandi , Srinagar


Subject: - Preparation of DPR for Three Avalanche Prone Sites on Mughal Road in J&K

I/We consultant/consultancy firm/organization herewith enclose Technical and Financial Proposal for selection of my/our firm as consultant for Preparation of DPR for Three Avalanche Prone Sites on Mughal Road in J&K

Yours faithfully,

Signature: Full name

and address: Signature of (Authorized Representative)


1. 2. I

Brief Description of the Firm/Organization: Outline of recent experience on assignments of similar nature: II III IV V VI VII VIII


Name of Name of assign- project ment

Owner or sponsoring authority

Cost of assignment

Date of commenceme nt

Date of Was completio assignn ment satisfactorily complet ed

Note: Please attach certificates from the employer by way of documentary proof. (Issued by the Officer of rank not below the rank of Executive Engineer or equivalent.)

FORM F-3 WORK PLAN TIME SCHEDULE A. Sl. No. Field Study/ Survey/Investigations Item Week wise Program 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

B. Compilation and submission of reports supplemented with necessary documents/ drawings* 1. 2. 3. C. Feasibilty Report Draft Final Report Final Report A short note on the line of approach and methodology outlining various steps for performing the study. D. Comments or suggestions on "Terms of Reference." } } As indicated under TOR

* Note: Soft Copies ( 3 CD Roms) and Hard Copies (5 sets )

FORM NO.F-4 Composition of the Team Personnel and the task which would be assigned to each Team Member 1. Technical/Managerial Staff Sl.No. Name Position Task assignment


Support Staff Sl.No. Name Position Task assignment

FORM F-5 SUGGESTED FORMAT OF CURRICULUM VITAE FOR MEMBERS OF CONSULTANT'S TEAM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name: Profession/ Present Designation: Years with Firm/Organization: Area of Specialization: Proposed Position on Team: Key Qualifications: (Under this heading, give outline of staff member's experience and training most pertinent to assigned work on proposed team. Describe degree of responsibility held by staff member on relevant previous assignments and give dates and locations. Use up to half-a-page.) 7. Education: (Under this heading, summarize college/university and other specialized education of staff member, giving names of schools/colleges, etc., dates attended and degrees obtained. Use up to a quarter page.) 8. Experience: (Under this heading, list all positions held by staff member since graduation, giving dates, names of employing organization, title of positions held and location of assignments. For experience in last ten years, also give types of activities performed and client references, where appropriate. Use up to three quarters of a page.) 9. Languages: (Indicate proficiency in speaking, reading and writing of each language by 'excellent', 'good' or 'poor'.) Nationality:
Recent Photograph

Signature of Staff Member




Amount In words In figures


Consultancy Services for Preparation of DPR for DPR for Three Avalanche Prone Sites on Mughal Road in J&K*

Signature of Consultant (Authorized representative)

Note: Price Quoted above should be backed up by detailed breakup/analysis as a separate Annexure in Financial/Price Bid.

Consulting Services Draft Letter of Contract/Agreement to be carried out by Consultants Subject: Preparation of DPR for Three Avalanche Prone Sites on Mughal Road in J&K 1. Set out below are the terms and conditions under which (Name of Consultant) has agreed to carry out for Chief Engineer, Mughal Road Project the above-mentioned assignment specified in the attached Terms of Reference. For administrative purposes Superintending Engineer, Mughal Road Project has been assigned to administer the assignment and to provide [Name of Consultant] with all relevant information needed to carry out the assignment. The services will be required in Preparation of DPR for Three Avalanche Prone Sites on Mughal Road for about ten weeks. The Chief Engineer, Mughal Road Project may find it necessary to postpone or cancel the assignment and/or shorten or extend its duration. In such case, every effort will be made to give you, as early as possible, notice of any changes. In the event of termination, the (Name of Consultants) shall be paid for the services rendered for carrying out the assignment to the date of termination, and the [Name of Consultant] will provide the Chief Engineer, Mughal Road Project with any reports or parts thereof, or any other information and documentation gathered under this Agreement prior to the date of termination. The services to be performed, the estimated time to be spent, and the reports to be submitted will be in accordance with the attached Terms of Reference. This Agreement, its meaning and interpretation and the relation between the parties shall be governed by the laws of Union of India This Agreement will become effective upon confirmation of this letter on behalf of (Name of Consultant) and will terminate on expiry of the assignment, or such other date as mutually agreed between the Chief Engineer, Mughal Road Project and the (Name of Consultants). Payments for the services provided by the consultant shall be as per details pointed out in TOR.The remuneration to the consultant includes all the costs related to carrying out the services, including overhead and any taxes imposed on [Name of Consultants.] The [Name of Consultants] will be responsible for appropriate insurance coverage. In this regard, the [Name of Consultants] shall maintain workers compensation, employment liability insurance for their staff on the assignment. The Consultants shall also maintain comprehensive general liability insurance, including contractual liability coverage adequate to cover the indemnity of obligation against all damages, costs, and charges and expenses for injury to any person or damage to any property arising out of, or in connection with, the services which result from the fault of the [Name of Consultants] or its staff. The [Name of Consultants] shall provide the (Name of Borrower) with certification thereof upon request.



4. 5. 6.




The [Name of Consultants] shall indemnify and hold harmless the Chief Engineer, Mughal Road Project against any and all claims, demands, and/or judgements of any nature brought against the (Name of Borrower) arising out of the services by the [Name of Consultants] under this Agreement. The obligation under this paragraph shall survive the termination of this Agreement. The Consultants agree that any manufacturing or construction firm with which they might be associated with will not be eligible to participate in bidding for any goods or works resulting from or associated with the project of which this consulting assignment forms a part. All final plans, drawings, specifications, designs, reports and other documents or software submitted by the [Name of Consultants] in the performance of the Services shall become and remain the property of the Client. The Consultants may retain a copy of such documents but shall not use them for purposes unrelated to this Contract without the prior written approval of the Client. The Consultant undertake to carry out the assignment in accordance with the highest standard of professional and ethical competence and integrity, having due regard to the nature and purpose of the assignment, and to ensure that the staff assigned to perform the services under this Agreement, will conduct themselves in a manner consistent herewith. The consultant will not assign this Contract or sub-contract or any portion of it without the Clients prior written consent. The [Name of Consultants] shall pay the taxes, duties fee, levies and other impositions levied under the Applicable law and the Client shall perform such duties, in regard to the deduction of such tax, as may be lawfully imposed. No claim whatsoever shall be accepted by the client in respect of taxes payable by the consultant The [Name of Consultants] also agree that all knowledge and information not within the public domain which may be acquired during the carrying out of this Agreement, shall be, for all time and for all purpose, regarded as strictly confidential and held in confidence, and shall not be directly or indirectly disclosed to any person whatsoever, except with the Chief Engineer, Mughal Road Project written permission. Any dispute arising out of the Contract, which cannot be amicably settled between the parties, shall be referred to the Superintending Engineer, Mughal Road Project, the sole arbitrator.




13. 14.



Place: Date ...................................................................(Signature of Authorized Representative .......................................... ....................................... on behalf of Consultant) .......................................... ....................................... .......................................... ..........................(Signature & Name of the Client's Representative)

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