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Proposal Andi Hidayat

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A. background of study

Education is a positive effort to establish the development potential and ability to benefit the interests of his life as individuals, as communities and as citizens. Education will be able to bring progress to each individual to become a perfect human being.development education is an integral part of national development. Because basically the process of education cannot be separated from the national development process itself. National development conducted by the Indonesian government directed and aims to develop quality human resources and economic development, as well as other sectors are to each other inter-related Isjoni in his book Learning Approach IPS Integrated Learning in Elementary Education, argued that "learning is something done by the students, not made by the students. Learning is essentially an effort of educators to help students learning activities. The purpose of learning is the realization of the efficiency and effectiveness of learning activities that learners do ". (Isjoni, 2010:11) The use of appropriate teaching methods is also an important factor in achieving the learning objectives.

According to Nana Sudjana cited by Darwyn Shah: "The method of teaching is the way the teacher used to make contact with students during the course of teaching".(Darwyn et al, 2007:133) Method is the best way to achieve goals. While teaching is a conscious effort to be objective, which is a systematic focus on behavior change toward maturity of students, the method also holds an important position in teaching. The use of appropriate methods will help determine the effectiveness and efficiency of learning. Learning needs to be done with a little speech and methods of teacher-centered, and more emphasis on the interaction of the learner. The use of various methods will greatly assist students in achieving learning objectives. The learning experience at school should be flexible and not rigid, and the need to emphasize on creativity, curiosity, guidance and direction to the direction of maturity. According Suprijono (2009) The efforts that teachers can do to increase student interest in teaching and learning are as follows: A. Make Learning To Be Interesting. Saturation easily appear in the student and the saturation will reduce the students' attention 2. Focus On Active Learning To Make The Learning Process Fun 3. Do not be too much to burden students with too much information Based on the survey the author at the School's first senior high school xxx jambi city shows that teachers who teach Language English still use conventional learning approaches, where the learning process is centered on teachers. Language english teacher presents the material in accordance with what the package contained in the book, then ask students to do exercises that exist in the textbooks. How to teach like this always given in every meeting, Teachers' lack of creativity in delivering learning materials so as to make students feel less interested in learning language english Students also sometimes lazy to send in pursuit exercises or homework (PR), they tend to cheat the others. As a result, less akitivias student learning and learning outcomes of students that was

obtained was low, each student has their own way to learn English. In this case is important for teachers to implement strategies that vary lessons. T. Rakajoni, pendiidkan expert, said that teaching and learning strategy is a general pattern of conduct of teachers - the students in the embodiment of learning ". (Sunhaji, 2009:3) An effort will be made the author is using ability Improved Learning Strategy Thinking (SPPKB). This strategy is designed to promote learning in a classroom full. SPPKB is srtrategi that emphasizes the thinking skills of students (Sanjaya, 2010). The authors therefore feel very interested in doing research class action, entitled "Increasing the achievement by students using inquiry learning at class VII SMP jambi town xxx

B. Problem Of The Study Based on the background of the issues described above, the writer needs to formulate the problem in this paper is: "Does the use of learning staregi increased ability to think (SPPKB) through the inquiry method can increase the activity and learning in class VII student in junior high xxx jambi town? C. The objective of the study The author gives constraints on the problem to be careful, is all about writing skill, then the limit of its problems include: 1 . The material is examined is the mass media 2 . Rigorous classes in the Class vii research and use d. porpuse 1. to determine whether the use of learning strategies raising thinking skills (SPPKB) via the method of inquiry can improve student learning outcomes in subjects in the SMP xxx english town jambi 2. Usability Research

The usefulness in the study were: 1) As input material and information in the form of donations of thinking about the role of teachers in using inquiry methods to improve student learning outcomes in the subjects of English at SMP jambi town xxx 2) As an input in improving the learning process and improve student learning outcomes. 3) To increase knowledge of the author of both theoretical and practical research on the class action. 4) As a prerequisite to obtaining a college degree, Strata One (S1) in the Islamic Education D E. Observation of references.

CHAPTER II Theory frame

A. Definition of Learning Learning is a word that is familiar with all levels of society. For the student or students the word "learning" is a word that is familiar, even an integral part of all their activities in their studies instituted formal education. Learning activities they do every time as they wish. Learn not only the activities that take place in the classroom, but also takes place in everyday life. Edward Thorndike (1933) argues that learning is the process of obtaining a variety of skills, skills, and attitudes. (Syaiful, 2010:51) Of opinion can be concluded that the characteristic of learning is changing, that is to learn to make behavioral changes in learners. B. Teaching and Learning One effort to improve the quality of school pendiidkan is a way through the improvement of teaching and learning process. According to Moh. Usman in Suryosubroto Uzer (2009:1) says that: "The process of teaching and learning is a process that menggandung series of actions of teachers and students on the basis of reciprocity which takes place in educational situations to achieve a certain goal". (Suryosubroto, 2009:16) Further education teachers' handbook published by the Islamic Affairs in suryosubroro RI (2009:1) the learning process are: "Learning to teach as a process can contain two terms, namely a series of stages or phases in learning something and can also mean a series of activities by the teachers' planning, implementation and evaluation of program activities to follow up". (Suryosubroto, 2009:16) Ahmad Badawi in Suryosubroto (2009:31-35), said that the teaching of teachers qualified to say if a teacher can show a good behavior in the business of teaching Improved Learning Ability

C. Strategi Thinking (SPPKB) "SPPKB a learning strategy that emphasizes the thinking skills of students. Joyce and Weil (1980) puts this learning model into the learning model of Cognitive Growth: Increasing the Capacity to Think ". (Sanjaya, 2010:225) Model learning strategy improved the ability to think (SPPKB) is a learning model that relies on the development of thinking skills of students through a research paper of the facts or material as experience child to solve the problem presented. According to Sanjaya there are 6 stages in SPPKB namely: A. Orientation Phase At this stage the condition of teachers of students in a position to do the learning. B. Phase Tracking Tracking stage is the stage of exploration to understand the experience and basic skills students in accordance with the theme or subject matter to be discussed. C. Confrontation Stage Confrontation stage is the stage presentation of the issues resolved in accordance with the level haruus kemmapuan and experience of students. D. Stage Of An Inquiry Stage of inquiry is the most important stages in SPPKB E. Phase Accommodations Stage is the stage of formation of accommodation of new knowledge through a process of inference F. Phase Transfer Transfer stage is the stage that the students are able to transfer any student thinking skills to solve new problems.

4. meaning of Teaching Methods By Edgar B. Wesley and the Stanley Wahab (1965:339) "method of teaching is a word used to mark a series of activities directed by teachers on students' learning result is". (Wahab, 2009:83) Another opinion suggests that "the method is a way, that in the function is a tool to achieve a goal. The better method, the more effective achievement of goals as well "(Nursid Sumaatmajda, 2005:95). 5.Metode Inquiry Inquiry is a term in English; it is a technique or a way that teachers use to teach in the classroom. (Roestiyah, 2008:75) Learning is not just remember the facts, but learning is a process of thinking (Learning how to think), the process of developing the potential of the entire brain. A Learning in practice to be pursued in a conducive learning conditions in the sense that learning should be active, creative, innovative and fun. Thus the role and function in learning must be able to provide color and shape of the learning process and can mencipttakan classroom situation conducive. So that learning objectives can be achieved with optimal SPPKB is one commonly applied learning strategies in the learning of teachers. One of the traits exhibited by SPPKB was mentored students find their own concepts to be mastered by utilizing the experience of students. While the method of inquiry is a series of learning activities that menekanan in the process of thinking critically and analytically to seek and find their own answers to the problem in question. The thinking process itself is usually done through question and answer between teacher and student. Thus the use of inquiry methods will complement the strategy of increasing the ability to think pembelaaran (SPPKB). Inquiry learning strategies (SPI) is a series of learning activities that emphasize the process of thinking critically and analytically to seek and find their own answers to the problem in question. (Sanjaya, 2010:196) There is a miraculous thing that becomes the primary kind of inquiry learning strategies. Namely:

1. The strategy emphasizes inquiry to the maximum activity of the students to seek and find, that the strategy put students as subjjek inquiry learning. In the learning process, students not only act as a recipient of lessons by teachers penjeasan verbally, but their role is to find its own core of the subject matter itself. 2. The whole activity of the student is directed to seek and find the answers themselves from something that is questionable, which is expected to foster an attitude of confidence (selfbelief). Thus, inquiry learning strategies instead of putting the teacher as a learning resource, but as a facilitator and motivator of student learning

3. goal dati use of inquiry learning strategy is to develop the ability to think systematically, logically and critically, or to develop intellectual abilities as part of the mental process. (Sanjaya, 2010:196-197) Vienna Sanjaya in his book Strategy Process Standards of Learning Bereriontasi Pendiidkan proposed common measures of learning processes by using the SPI (Pembelaran Inquiry Strategy) are as follows: 1. Orientation Orientation step is a step toward fostering an atmosphere or climate responsive learning. In this step the teacher to make students ready to implement megkondisikan learning process. 2. Formulating the problem Formulating the problem is a step to bring students to an issue that contains puzzle. The issue presented is a question that challenges students to think of solving the puzzle. 3. Hypothesized The hypothesis is of a temporary answer to the problem being studied. As a temporary answer, hypotheses to be tested truth

4. Collecting the data


Collecting data is the activity of capturing information needed to test the hypothesis. In the inquiry strategies, collecting data is a mental process that is essential in developing the property. 5. Testing the hypothesis Test this hypothesis is the process of determining the answer to that is considered acceptable in accordance with the data or information obtained by data collection. 6. Formulate conclusions Describe the process of formulating conclusions are obtained based on the findings of hypothesis testing results. (Sanjaya, 2010:201-205) According to Hisham Zaini et al in his book Active Learning Strategies in particular said that inquiry methods (Inquiring Minds want to Know), includes step-lanhkah is as follows: 1. Make a question about subject matter that can generate interest peserrta students to find out more or willing to discuss it with friends. The question must be made in which if only a small portion known pesertta students. For example: A. what is the mass media? B. what do you think about mass media ? C. what is the mass media? 2. Encourage learners to answer any allegation in accordance with them. Use the words: try to guess, what would it be? 3. Do not give a direct answer. Accommodate all the allegations. Allow the students to wonder about the correct answer. 4. Use these questions as a bridge to teach what you teach to students. Do not forget to give the correct answer in the midst of you convey a lesson.

6. learning English language IPA is an abbreviation of the word of Natural Sciences is an English translation of Natural Science or Science, natural means natural, which is associated with nature, while the Science means knowledge. Thus the Natural Sciences (IPA) attau Science may be cited as the study of natural events occurring nature. Natural Sciences (IPA) is associated with looking for a way out of a systematic nature, so that the IPA is not only the mastery of knowledge in the form of a collection of facts, concepts, or principles, but also is a process of discovery. Science education is expected to be a vehicle for students to learn about yourself and the environment, as well as prospects for further development in applying it in everyday life. The learning process emphasizes providing direct experiences to develop competencies in order to explore and understand about scientific nature. Directed for inquiry science education and doing so can help learners to gain a deeper understanding of the nature around.




Scope of Research Research by the author is Classroom Action Research (PTK) with the object of research, namely: Efforts to increase the activity and student learning outcomes by the use of learning strategies improved the ability to think (SPPKB) via the method of inquiry in the SMP xxx jambi

2. kind and Sources data "The data source is the object from which data can be obtained" (Arikunto, 2002: 107) Source of data in this study is in the form of people, material and condition, which consists of: A. Event or events are seen during the observation (research) B. Persons consisting of: 1 . SMP heads xxx city jambi 2. Teacher B. British SMPN jambi town xxx 3. SMP students jambi town xxx C. Documentation / records relating to research 3.Setting and Research Subjects A. Setting Research Classroom action research was conducted in the town jambi for class VII B.inggris subjects of the school year 2011/2012 B. Subjects research In the Classroom Action Research is a research subject is a student of class VII jambi xxx SMP consists of 38 students with a composition of 8 men and 30 women. 4. Engineering Data Collection


Data collection techniques that writers use to make it easier for the writer in collecting the necessary data field is as follows:
A. Observation

Observation is the activity of observation (data collection) to take pictures of how much effect the action has reached the target (Kunandar, 2008:143). This technique is used to collect data about the activities of students and teachers in inquiry learning and strategy implementation.

Interview The interview is the questions posed sercara verbal to those who are considered able to provide information or explanation of things that are deemed necessary and relevant to problems of classroom action research (Kunandar, 2008:157). This technique to obtain data about the success rate of implementation of learning using inquiry strategies.

C. Documentation

Documentation is a record of past events. can be written in the form of documents, images, or the monumental works of a person (Sugiyono, 2008:329). This technique is used to obtain data about the historical, geographical, organizational structure of schools, the state of teachers and students, and state of infrastructure and student learning outcomes. D. Test The tests are a number of questions submitted in person or several people to express a state or level of development of one or more of the psychological aspects in him (Kunandar, 2008:186) This technique is used to obtain data on student learning outcomes. 5. The success criteria Classroom Action Research Classroom Action Research is said to have been successful if there is at least 60% of students actively in learning to follow. The success or completeness study visits by students' test results obtained. KKM (minimum completeness criteria) used in SMP 25 xxx jambi city. Student is successful or complete when every student achieve a score of 60% or the 60. And a class is said


to have been successful if there is 85% of students who followed the success of the overall learning process. 6. Tekhnik Analysis Data Data collected at each observation of the implementation activities of the research cycle analyzed deskritif to see trends in learning activities. quantitative data were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics to infer more fundamental to the average value or the percentage of observations. After the quantitative data with qualitative data consulted and each analysis is represented by a moment of reflection on action research cycle. The model used by researchers in the qualitative data using interactive analysis be developed by Miles and Huberman consisting of several components: 1. Data reduction, a process of selecting, determining, focus, simplify, summarize and transform the raw data contained in field notes. in this process is done sharpening, sorting, focusing, which is less meaningful data allowance, and arranged in such a way that final conclusions can be drawn and verified. 2.Beberan, having reduced the data ready to be revealed. that is, the analysis phase to the disclosure of data. Various kinds of research data has been reduced to the actions depicted in the form of a neat narrative plus matrix, chart, or diagram. 3.Penarikan conclusion, the increase or the changes done in stages starting from the tentative conclusion, drawn at the end of the cycle I, the revised conclusion at the end of the second cycle and so on, and the recent conclusion by the end of the last cycle (monochromatic et al, 2010:51 52). In the qualitative data was the observation of the student activity can be calculated by: Percentage of student response = A x 100% B Where: A = proportion of students who choose (active) B = Number of students (overall) (Trianto, 2011:63).


With the assessment: 0-19 = Off 20-59 = Less Active 60-69 = active enough 70-79 = Active 80-100 = On all While the observation of the activity of the teacher is assigned a value as follows: 1 = Less well 2 = Quite good 3 = Good 4 = Very well (Trianto, 2011:58). Quantitative data is the calculation of student learning outcomes in each cycle performed by the calculation. (Asep Jihad and Abdul Haris 2008:166): Score = B x 100 N Description: B = Number of grains is answered by Bena N = A lot of items about The average value of student learning outcomes can be calculated using the formula:

X =

x n

Description: X = the average value x = sum of all the students n = number of students (Alminiati et al, 2008:207). Exhaustiveness value of student learning outcomes can be calculated using:

P = a thorough study of students x 100% student (Alminiati et al, 2008:208). With the assessment: 0-20 = Very Low 21-40 = Low 41-60 = High Enough 61-80 = High 81-100 = High all (Alminiati et al, 2008:269)

7. Research Procedures A. Cycle I The first cycle in the Classroom Action Research (PTK) is comprised of planning implementation, observation, or observation, and reflection as follows: 1.Plan Planning is the beginning of the study design action plan contains measures to be implemented to solve the problem to be determined (Achmad Hufad, 2009:137). These plans made by the researchers: A. Researchers conducted an analysis to determine the curriculum of basic competencies that will be delivered to students by using methods of inquiry B. Create lesson plans C. Creating a student worksheet.


D. Make the instruments used in the Classroom Action Research cycle. E. Develop an evaluation tool of learning. 2. Implementation Measures Implementation (implementation) action in principle is the realization of an action that is planned. Regarding what strategy to use, the materials being taught or discussed, and what media to use and so on (Achmad Hufad, 2009:138). The following operations to be carried out by researchers: A. The teacher presents the subject matter by using a strategy of inquiry B. Students are given the opportunity to ask questions. C. The teacher gives the students questions. D. Strengthening and conclusions together. E. Teachers provide an evaluation. F. Observation or observation. 3. Observations (observation) Observations or the observations made on all activities aimed at identifying, recording, and documenting any indicators of process and achieved good results brought about by the actions planned or side effects (Ahcmad Hufad, 2009:139). Observations made by researchers are as follows: A) The situation of learning activities. B) active in the learning of students and teachers. C) The results of student learning. 4. Reflection


Rafleksi is the act of contemplation or thought of something (Achmad Hufad, 2009:140). In this stage the data obtained reflected to see whether the results already achieved research success criteria or not. Deficiencies in this cycle will be fixed in the next stage of the cycle.

A. Cycle II As with the first cycle, second cycle was composed of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. 1 Plan Researchers create lesson plans based on the reflection on the first cycle. 2. Implementation Measures Teachers implement inquiry learning by using strategies appropriate to the subject matter. 3. Observations (observation) Researchers conducted observations on learning activities using the strategy of inquiry. 4. Reflection Researchers reflect on the implementation of the second cycle and prepare for the third cycle. D. Cycle III The third cycle is the third round of learning through inquiry strategies with the same steps as in the first and second cycles.
1. Plan

Researchers create lesson plans based on the reflection on the second cycle. 2. Implementation Measures Teachers implement the learning by using the method of questioning and learning tools based on the lesson plan reflection on the second cycle. 3. Observations (observation)

Researchers conducted observations on learning activities using the method of questioning and props. 4. Reflection Researchers reflect on the implementation of the third cycle and to analyze and make conclusions on the implementation of inquiry learning by using strategies and activities in an effort to improve student learning outcomes in science subjects (biology) in the city junior high school jambi F. SECEDULE OF RESEARCH month No Activity I 1 2 1 Making a proposal Submission 2 proposals Advisor Consultation 3 improvement proposal Seminar 4 and outcome proposals the the of of and 3 II III IV V VI 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1

submissions Dosesn


seminar seminar Ratification of the 5 title and research permits 6 7 The collection and compilation of data Implementation of the cycle I

8 9 10 11



the second cycle II Implementation of the second cycle III Analysis and preparation of draft Improvement and multiplication Agenda and the


thesis examination

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