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Banking Management System

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The document discusses a project on developing a banking management system using Java.

The project aims to simulate basic banking operations like opening new accounts, depositing and withdrawing money, checking balances, searching accounts etc using a GUI interface.

The main functions covered include opening new accounts, depositing and withdrawing money, checking balances, searching accounts by number or name, editing account details etc.

Project Report


Banking Management System

Submitted In the partial fulfillment of the requirement For the award of degree Of B.Tech(CSE) (Session 2010-2011)


Page No Abstract 1. Introduction... 2. Area of Training 3. System Study................................. 3.1 Problem definition.. 3.2 Analysis.. 3.3 System design........................................... 3.3.1 flow chart. 3.3.2 Algorithms 3.3.3 DFD.. 4. System Implementation.

5 Application... 6. Future Scope.. 7. Conclusion. 8. References.

Banking system simulation model is a simple project whose working is very simple. The project is able to perform the operations of the bank open the account of a new customer, delete the customer account, deposit money, withdrawal of money, checking the account balance, searching the account, changing the background .


Banking system simulation model is a simple project whose working is very simple. The project is able to perform the operations of the bank open the account of a new customer, delete the customer account, deposit money, withdrawal of money, checking the account balance, searching the account, changing the background . File Open new account Account no Person name Doposite date Deposite amount Print customer balance Quit bank system

Edit Deposite money Withdraw money Delete customer Search by no. Search by name [9]

View View one by one

View all customer Option Change background color Change layout style Apply theme

Window Chose active window Chose all window Help Help contents Help in shortcuts About bank system


2.Area Of Training
Introduction To Java
Java (with a capital J) is a high-level, third generation programming language, like C, Fortran, Smalltalk, Perl, and many others. You can use Java to write computer applications that crunch numbers, process words, play games, store data or do any of the thousands of other things computer software can do. Compared to other programming languages, Java is most similar to C. However although Java shares much of C's syntax, it is not C. Knowing how to program in C or, better yet, C++, will certainly help you to learn Java more quickly, but you don't need to know C to learn Java. Unlike C++ Java is not a superset of C. A Java compiler won't compile C code, and most large C programs need to be changed substantially before they can become Java programs. What's most special about Java in relation to other programming languages is that it lets you write special programs called applets that can be downloaded from the Internet and played safely within a web browser. Traditional computer programs have far too much access to your system to be downloaded and executed willy-nilly. Although you generally trust the maintainers of various ftp archives and bulletin boards to do basic virus checking and not to post destructive software, a lot still slips through the cracks. Even more dangerous software would be promulgated if any web page you visited could run programs on your system. You have no way of checking these programs for bugs or for out-and-out malicious behavior before downloading and running them. Java solves this problem by severely restricting what an applet can do. A Java applet cannot write to your hard disk without your permission. It cannot write to arbitrary addresses in memory and thereby introduce a virus into your computer. It should not crash your system.


Java is Simple Java is a Platform Java is Object-Oriented Java is Platform Independent Java is High Performance Java is Multi-Threaded Java is secure

Java is a Platform Java (with a capital J) is a platform for application development. A platform is a loosely defined computer industry buzzword that typically means some combination of hardware and system software that will mostly run all the same software. For instance PowerMacs running Mac OS 9.2 would be one platform. DEC Alphas running Windows NT would bJava solves the problem of platform-independence by using byte code. The Java compiler does not produce native executable code for a particular machine like a C compiler would. Instead it produces a special format called byte coder.

Java is Simple
Java was designed to make it much easier to write bug free code. According to Sun's Bill Joy, shipping C code has, on average, one bug per 55 lines of code. The most important part of helping programmers write bug-free code is keeping the language simple. Java has the bare bones functionality needed to implement its rich feature set. It does not add lots of syntactic sugar or unnecessary features. Despite its simplicity Java has considerably more functionality than C, primarily because of the large class library. Because Java is simple, it is easy to read and write. [12]

Java is Object-Oriented
Object oriented programming is the catch phrase of computer programming in the 1990's. Although object oriented programming has been around in one form or another since the Simula language was invented in the 1960's, it's really begun to take hold in modern GUI environments like Windows, Motif and the Mac. In object-oriented programs data is represented by objects. Objects have two sections, fields (instance variables) and methods. Fields tell you what an object is. Methods tell you what an object does. These fields and methods are closely tied to the object's real world characteristics and behavior. When a program is run messages are passed back and forth between objects. When an object receives a message it responds accordingly as defined by its methods. Object oriented programming is alleged to have a number of advantages including:

Simpler, easier to read programs More efficient reuse of code Faster time to market More robust, error-free code

Java is Platform Independent

Java was designed to not only be cross-platform in source form like C, but also in compiled binary form. Since this is frankly impossible across processor architectures Java is compiled to an intermediate form called byte-code. A Java program never really executes natively on the host machine. Rather a special native program called the Java interpreter reads the byte code and executes the corresponding native machine instructions. Thus to port Java programs to a new platform all that is needed is to port the interpreter and some of the library routines. Even the compiler is written in Java. The byte codes are precisely defined, and remain the same on all platforms.


Java is secure and robust

Java implements a robust exception handling mechanism to deal with both expected and unexpected errors. The worst that an applet can do to a host system is bring down the runtime environment. It cannot bring down the entire system. Most importantly Java applets can be executed in an environment that prohibits them from introducing viruses, deleting or modifying files, or otherwise destroying data and crashing the host computer. A Java enabled web browser checks the byte codes of an applet to verify that it doesn't do anything nasty before it will run the applet.

Java is High Performance

Java byte codes can be compiled on the fly to code that rivals C++ in speed using a "just-in-time compiler." Several companies are also working on native-machine-architecture compilers for Java. These will produce executable code that does not require a separate interpreter, and that is indistinguishable in speed from C++.

Java is Multi-Threaded
Java is inherently multi-threaded. A single Java program can have many different threads executing independently and continuously. Three Java applets on the same page can run together with each getting equal time from the CPU with very little extra effort on the part of the programmer. This makes Java very responsive to user input. It also helps to contribute to Java's robustness and provides a mechanism whereby the Java environment can ensure that a malicious applet doesn't steal all of the host's CPU cycles.


Types Of Java Program

Java can be used to develop following types of programs:a) Applets b) Applications c) Servlets

Java Applet An applet is a java program that can be executed only in a web browser .The applet adheres to certain conventions that allow it to run within a java enabled browse e.g. Netscape, Microsoft Internet Explorer. An applet is actually a tiny java program, dynamically downloaded from network like an image, sound file or video clip.

Java Application Java application is an application designed program that runs on you computer, under the operating system of that computer. That is, an application created by java is more or less like one created using c or c++.

Java Servlet Another specialized program is a servlet. Servlets are similar to applets, in that they are runtime extension of applications .Instead of working in browsers, though setvlet run within java servers.

Java Development Kit

JDK stands for java development kit. It contains all the tools to develop and execute java [15]

applications .It can be downloaded for free from the sun Microsystems website. A programmer needs the right set of tools to develop an application which consist of the tools to write, compile, execute, document and debug. Java program in a real development environment. 1) Compiler A compiler is a tool that can convert program into a language that system can follow. A compiler is necessary because most high-level computer

programming language

follow the English language syntax, which the computer can not understand>the Java compiler is known as JAVAC.

2) Editor This is a tool that is used to write the program using the language syntax of the programming language.Jpad is the java editor. 3) Executor This tool, called the java class executor is used to run and execute the program. 4) Debugger The Java debugger, jdb sorts out runtime problem and challenges 5) Document generator Javadoc Document generator javadoc generates a complete HTML-based documentation of the application.


Training Objectives
1. Learn the Java programming language: its syntax, idioms, patterns, and styles. 2. Become comfortable with object oriented programming: Learn to think in objects Learn the essentials of the Java class library, and learn how to learn about other parts of the library when you need them.


Introduce event driven Graphical User Interface (GUI) programming


3.1 Requirement Analysis

Hardware Requirement Software Requirement

2.1 Minimum Hardware Requirement

The hardware requirement of our project is combination of various hardware devices. To run or start our project we must have this following hardware Devices:

Pentium 4 Processor Minimum 256MB RAM Hard Disk Space (10MB) Keyboard(101 key recommended) Serial Mouse Color Monitor

2.2 Minimum Software Requirement


The software requirement of our project as combination of different software. To starts or run this project we must have these following software:

JDK 1.5.0 Windows 98,ME,XP


3.2 System Design


3.3 System Analysis

Java is now established as a premier development language for web-based e-commerce applications, network applications, building graphical user interfaces (GUIs), B2B enterprise application integration, and wireless applications. Java is also an excellent language for manipulating XML data.

The Java 2 platform provides an architecture-neutral means to write object-oriented applications that scale well over time, have a shorter development cycle and have improved maintainability. Java comes with a rich, standard library of APIs. This allows developers to leverage a large body of pre-existing code modules for effective programming.

This Java course is an entry-level course in Java programming. It covers Java fundamentals including basic language syntax and constructs. It discusses Java's implementation of objectoriented concepts like classes, data and function access control, and inheritance. In addition to learning the fundamentals, students will build graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with the popular Swing library and program in the Java event-handling model. Other topics covered include file I/O, String and utility classes, Java applets, and thread programming.


Key Benefits

Build a basic Java application Use Java built-in datatypes, operators and control flow constructs Build code modules using Java classes Reuse code with Java inheritance Write an object-oriented application Use Java Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to rapidly prototype your application

Create graphical user interfaces using Swing Develop handlers for event-based applications

Develop handlers for event-based applications Perform database interactions using Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Write multi-tasking applications with Java threads


Disadvantages Of Java
1) Weak multiple inheritance:A major problem occurs with multiple inheritances: if a method with the same signature is defined in two classes and is inherited then a choice has to be made as to which implementation to inherit. There is no choice problem because there are no multiple implementations to choose from. 2) Slow:Java is designed for implementation on a virtual machine .This is an old idea, used in UCSD, Pascal, prolog etc. with the extra checks that java has, a java program runs about 20 times slower than a corresponding 3) Few low level Data types:Java has removed the machine dependencies of c: for example, integer is 32-bit 64 bit or 16 bit integers are not available. The set of low-level types is strictly limited also. 4) No low-level Access:There is no part of java or any of the standard libraries. Part of the reason is security.




Fig. Interpretations of java project.


Fig. showing the menu of the projects.


Fig. creating a new account.


Fig.showing the edit menu.


Fig. searching an account.


This can be web implemented.


This project can be more accurate by using specified commands More security can be introduced for payment area. It can be database implemented.



More Easy way to create and delete account. Easy and fast services. Very well defined shortcuts maintain to time application. Help area to get more accurate.


The project was started keeping in mind two aspects. Firstly the project fulfills the users requirement, Secondly it could be used as a utility.The project undertaken has been successful in covering both the aspects.Although there is always a scope for improvement, this project has the feature for up gradation and can be easily up grated to the changing requirements as when required. It was a small effort from our team of two students to make something exactly of the requirements or the property dealers. This project would not have been possible without the support and guidance of the institution, teachers and the trainer who helped us in every way to complete it in time. Hope this project paves the way for further such efforts.


1. 2. banking system of greek 3. Indian banking sector 4. 5.


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