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Unit2 Mary Wollstonecraft

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2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9

Objectives Introduction Social And Cultural Background 2.2.1 Of the age 2.2.2 Position of women The text 2.3.1 Its constituency 2.3.2. Its content Its contribution 2.4.1 In its time 2.4.2 Subsequengy Possible application Let Us Sum Up Glossary Questions Suggested Reading



The main objective of this unit is to use Chapter VI of Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman as a point of entry into a discussion of feminist texts. I also wish to use it as a space within which to analyse the three-way relationship between individualism, feminism and socialism.



Mary Wollstonecraft (1759- 1797) belonged to a circle of intellectuals in London who were active supporte~s revolutionary ideals and fervour. Under the leadership of of Richard Price (1723-179') they upheld the secession of the American colonies from British rule in 1775 and also supported the ideals of the French Revolution of 1789. The group was influenced by the idealist seventeenth century English philosopher John Locke. Locke's empiricism had led him to postulate that individuals are born fiee, are subject to reason and the law of moral behaviour, Government by the state should be minimal and should be seen as a public service. The Lockeian iegacy of persuasion by an appeal to reason, I thiik, colours Wollstonecraft's own work. Her first publication was on the same subject to which she would return in 'Vindication', namely, the education of women. This was titled Thoughts on the Education ofDaughters (1787) and was followed by A Vindication of the Rights ofMan (1790) in which she supported the cause of the French revolution. The text with which you and I are concerned was published two years after that. Wollsotonecraft married William Goodwin, also a revolutionary thinker, in 1797. Her important books however predate their marriage. See what you make of the following account of Mary Wollstonecaft and her circle.

These thinkers may be called the radical heirs of the Lockeian natural rights school. They used Lockeian arguments to demand full equality of civil and political rights and the abolition of all aristocratic privileges which interfered with the operation of equality of opportunity in the sense of careers open to talents. They were middleclass democrats with an individualist social and political theory (Charvet, 15).
First, notice the way in which (it is said) the radicalism of Wollstonecraft and her group was tempered by Locke's commitment to reason and natural behaviour. Next notice that a claim is being made for equality of opportunity based on equality of value. The underlying logic runs like this: all people -regardless of class or gender -are equally open to reason and therefore have an equal right to be treated rationally. Then keep an eye open for the equation being worked out between individual happiness and the good of society. Finally be alive to the way in which the class-specific nature of Wollstonecraft and her peers might have reduced their radicalism. This is a criticism you will meet in any discussion of Woolf as well, as 3.4.1 will show. For the moment though, I will try to examine the validity of these arguments against Wollstonecraft's context and text.



The Age

Perhaps the most exhilarating description of this age is that given by Wordsworth. Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive But to be young was very Heaven ! 0 times In which the meagre, stale, forbidding ways Of custom, law and stature, took at once The attraction of a country in romance ! When Reason seem the most to assert her rights, When most intent on making of herself A prime enchantress -to assist the work, Which then was going forward in her name ! (Prelude- ix, 108-116) The American Revolution had first alerted England to the stimngs of nationalism when the thirteen colonies had banded together to secede from England, hitherto the mother-country.'It was a civil war, not a war between two nations, though when the battle-smoke subsided two nations were standing there erect' (Trevelyan, 554). The spirit of liberation was further strengthened by the French Revolution which had as its stated ideals liberty, equality and fraternity. If you look at the first extract from the Prelude where Wordsworth speaks of the newly-established French Republic you will I think find that he is enthusiastic about the liberation of the spirit that he associates with the overthrow of the old order in France. The old order or ancien regime as it was known comprised the monarchy, the Roman Catholic ehurch and the aristocracy. At the same time you will notice the way in which Wordsworth is very clear that the spirit of revolution and the spirit of reason go hand in hand. On the level of theory many thinkers in Europe believed passionately in the alliance of these forces. It was this belief in the power of reason to bring about social revolution that helps explain the proliferation of books on the subject of education since -if reason could accomplish so much -it was logical that people's minds should be trained to make them obedient to reason. Wordsworth's Prelude and Jean Jacques Rousseau's Emile are both concerned with the theme of iducation and the training of the mind.

Wollstonecraft's 'Vindication' is at least in part a reaction to the latter since it is concerned specifically with the education of women as Rousseau's text is concerned with that of men.

Mary Wollstone

2.2.2 Position of Women

It was Rousseau who had set out the following plan for the education of women, which is an indication of their position in society: 'For my part, I would have a young Englishwoman cultivate her agreeable talents in order to lease her future husband with as much care and assiduity as a young Circassian cultivates hers, to tit her for the harem of a Circassian bashaw' (Wollstonecraft, 95). In other words middle and upper-middle class women could aspire at the most to an education that would prepare them for a companionate marriage. This was a marriage in which the wife -as Rousseau suggests here -would be trained to be a pleasant companion for her husband just as in the Middle East women were trained to be members of a harem who would please the pasha (bashaw) or ruler. Women writers in general and novelists in particular were yet to come. In other chapters of 'Vindication' it is clear that one of Wollstonecraft's problems is that she can cite with respect. She dismisses Hester has hardly any women writPiozzi and Madame de Stad a& w m c n O$ Samuel Johnson and Rousseau -clear victims of conditioning by patriarchy -and finds she has few role-models leA to recommend. Catherine Macaulay and Mrs Chapone are the only two precursors on the theme of women's education whom WollstonecraA can feature with dignity. The depressed condition of women then was marked by an enfeebling education, no career, no economic independence and no sense of a support-network with women achievers. Wollstoncscraft's text @ I think, both an analysis and a , casualty of this state of affairs.

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23 .

Its Constituency

This dual character of 'Vindication' is immediately apparent in its constituency. By definition -given the appalling contemporary position of women and their lack of education -it is largely men who comprise the circle to which 'Vindication' is designed to appeal. After all it is they -and here lies the bitter irony -who have to be rationally persuaded to grant women the rights which are their due. The text is dedicated to Bishop Talleyrand of France for whose work on education and on civil liberties Wollstonecraft has great respect. She writes to persuade him -and other like-minded men -that 'when men contend for their frccdom and [demand] to be allowed to judge for thamrckcs respecting their own freedom and [demand] to be allowed to judge for themselves respecting their own happiness, it ...[is] inconsistent and unjust to subjugate women, even though you firmly believe that you are acting in the manner best calculated to promote their happiness' (Wollstonecraft, 1 1). Wollstonecraft's text is addressed to women in the sense that it concerns their rights and education. It is an open question howeve; er to how sympathetic her early women readers found this text. I earnestly wish to point out in what true dignity and happiness consists, I wish to persuade women to endeavour to acquire strength, both of mind and body .... [and] to show that elegance is inferior to virtue, that the first object

'eminist Theories

of laudable ambition is to obtain a character as a human being regardless of the distinction of sex ... (Wollstonecraft 5). How persuasive do you think Wollstonecraft's first women readers found her ? I wonder if they found her hatchet-job on the education they had received helpful because it tried to be diagnostic or hard totake when it was prescriptive. Unlike the theorists at whom you and I will look, Wollstonecraft cannot rely on a ready-to-hand audience of women such as Woolf (3.3.1) or Showalter (5.3.1) can and do marshal. I think this lack of a readymade constituency makes Wollstonecrafi perhaps Mite more consciously against the grain than she might otherwise need to and this in turn makes her perhaps a thought more prescriptive than persuasive. What do you think ?

Its Content

The thesis of Chapter VI is clear from its title which states that an early association of ideas has upon the character. Consequently, says Wollstonecraft, education is integral to the development of individual identity so that this dependence of the mind on associations and impressions needs the rigorous discipline of education if it is to be anything other than slavish. This need for education is even more compelling in the case of women than it is for men. Women do not have the subsequent access to a career or to business that men have and are hence more bound in an irrational way to first impressions. Untutored as women's minds are, they exist in a state of ignorance and slavish dependence on extemal circumstances and associations. Far from seeing the world in the clear light of reason women are condemned to the enfeebling darkness of bondage to extemal reality. When women are young and ought to be rationally educated they are taught only superficial graces to please their future husbands. Conversely when they are adults and mature, they are again fobbed off with useless trivia and encouraged to be immature of understanding. ' ...females who are made women of when they are mere children, and brought back to childhood when they ought to leave the go-cart for ever, have not sufficient strenhh to efface the superinductions of art that have smothered nature.' This hypothesis is heavily dependent on contemporary philosophy specifically on that of Locke and (more immediately) David Hartley. Hartley (1705-57) sought an explanation for the problems of the mind in the force of reason. His theory of the association of ideas developed the argument that linkages between external circumstances-made by the mind -shaped the identity of an individual. As the opening pages of Chapter VI of 'Vindication' suggest, Wollstonecrafirelies heavily on the primacy of reason and on associationism. She sees reason as an integral part of nature, including human nature. Wollstonecraft outgrows, I think, the paradigm of the eighteenth century when she uses associationist psychology as the groundwork of her revolution for women's rights. Wollstonecraft builds on this groundwork with data from two sources. ThePrst is contemporary literature. The cultural stereotypes generated by literature are shown up in all their impoverishment. The Restoration cult of the rake is shown to do unlimited damage. The Restoration represented in theatre as being a licentious person at heart who conceals his emotional hollowness by using wit as a means of economic and emotional advancement in the world. Ultimately the reformed rake is shown to make the best husband. He preserves his composure and wins the hand of the rich and virtuous heroine. Further, the novel of the age of sensibility had further complicated matters, by re-using the stereotype of the rake with a perverse twist. Samuel Richardson's Clarissa (1747-48) is a novel which portrays the endurance of its virtuous heroine through a series of oppressions climaxing in her self-sacrificial death. Clarissa's father is tyrannical and her society and suitor alike are hypocritical. When Lovelace the rake appear.; he seems to both Clarissa and the reader to offer a w-elcome escape. Despite his attractiveness he, too, however is exploitadve and

contributes to the confusion and the destruction of the heroine. Wollstonecraft quotes Lovelace as an instance of the destructive potential within the figure of the rake. Why does contemporary literature strike Wollstonecraft as pernicious to the cause of women ? One reason I think is that whether in its creation of stereotypes or in stray remarks such as that of Pope -it seems to her to promote unthinking antipathy and hostility to women as a reflex action. The more important reason I suspect is related to the second source of her data namely her observation of ordinary life, This causes her to reflect on how easily men and women form incorrect ideas of each other and of their roles in life. Look at this extract: Men look for beauty and the simper of good-humoured docility: women are captivated by easy manners; a gentleman-like man seldom fails to please then;, and their thirsty ears eagerly drink the insinuating nothings of politeness, whilst they turn from the unintelligible sounds of the charmer-reason, charm he never so wisely. Quite a few points seem to be hammered home here. Indeed the extract seems to me to be the essay in miniature. First there is the question of gender-stereotyping which results in a culture generating the images by which it deludes itself. Encouraged by social conditioning (perhaps on account of faulty culture-conditioning and education) both men and women look out for the wrong things in each other. Men look for a veneer of attraction that covers docility. Women, more prone to deception on account of their faulty education and on account of poor-quality literature look for men with the appearance and manners of gentlemen but not men of any real worth. Next the gaps in both the system of education and in literature stand revealed by the test of actual-life experience. Finally women are deafened both by bad education and bad literature to the call of reason which means that knowledge of reality is both denied to them and therefore denied by them as well. Think for a minute -if you would like to understand this argument in another way -of Pride and Prejudice (1 817) written within twenty years of Wollstonecraft's text. It offers the reader some clear examples of the way in which genderstereotyping deludes and damages men and women. There is Mr. Bennnet who 'captivated by youth and beauty, and that appearance of good humour which youth and beauty generally give marries an unbelievably silly woman who destroys the happiness of others.' There is Lydia who -fooled by an appearance of smartness thanks to his uniform -is seduced by Wickham. A defective education is thus the root-cause of a great many social and personal problems. Indeed the novel I think is a good illustration of Wollstonecraft's thesis.

Mary Wollstonec~




Since the immediate context of 'Vindication' is that of revolution, it must be examined with this in mind. Please allow me the space for an extended quotation to support this statement. For Mary Wollstonecraft, and those of her contemporaries who were concerned with the status of women, women's rights were seen in the context of human rights in general. Men and women alike must be involved in revolution. The ideals of liberty and equality were thought to apply to both men and women. If fraternity made all men brothers, then men must re'cognise that they had sisters as well. Socialism and feminism were, at the beginning of the nineteenth century, inextricably linked; and Mary Wollstonecraft was a pioneer of such joint ideals. The practical attempts at communal living, the visions of a new society where labour and power were evenly


distributed, all those soria; experiments which came after the 'Vindication' had, as their common theme, the prospect of all human beings living in friendly equality with each other. In order to eliminate existing inequalities, distinctions of wealth, of class and of gender must all be equally abolished. (Wollstonecrafi, vii) What are the points being made here about the immediate impact of the text? First there is the sense that Wollstonecraft's concern for women's rights is a subset of the issue of human rights. Women's rights are to be seen not in a compartment of their own but as part of the ongoing movement for general human emancipation of which the American and French Revolutions are other examples. Next there is the related point of the nexus between the campaign for equality in gender-based issues (feminism) and class-based issues (socialism). Then there is the sense -and this ties up with all that has gone before -that by definition there cannot be one kind of revolution without another taking place as well. For instance, one of the great concerns of Romanticism which is to literature what the French Revolution is to history is the setting up of an ideal society where all distinctions will be wiped out and all will labour for common happiness. People from completely different cultures -Coleridge, Thoreau and Gandhi -have shared this vision and it is one that has to include equal opportunities for women. I have mixed feelings about this approach to feminism4On q e p## &8d 1w h a t it is integral to any social utopia and has to be matipaft dth &&$ for human rights and liberation. On the other b n d I wonder if thir m w w does not lose feminism its cutting-edge. What do you think ?

2.4.2 Subsequently
Wollstonecrafi's crusade for an enabling educdrm far women continues t be r o major theme in feminist theories if by*educaticmwe mean not just a classram lad examinations but the broader notion of social conditioning. In her own c o e # . I C l b 1870's saw an explosion in the field of women's education with the f o ~ d bP w public schools for women and the establishment of women's colleg& in h , Oxford and Cambridge. It was precisely this constituency of cducrWd m W i w k s s women which was represented and used by Virginjr Woolf. To my mind though there is a large area of wonlen's experience which of Wollstonecraft does not discuss: the area outside msrrriage:Wokl$tsncaraft'$ the norm is that of a middle-class woman being better trained so as to be a m m fitting helpmeet. In other words her ideal is still that of the companionate marriage. But what about areas of experience that lie outside this ideal ? What about cultures where this is not the norm but the exception ? And here I am not thinking of the career-woman for whom subsequent theories have space. I'm thinking of the subsistence-level uneducated woman who is very often -on the Indian subcontinent the breadwinner in her family.


Ultimately how does WollstonecraR's theory work for you ? Does it give you enough leverage to open new and exciting areas of experience or is it too much a product of its own time and place to do that ?



1'11 focus here on one specific issue: the conclusion of the poem by B s :

...I am sinnerJ I am saint. I am the beloved and the / Betrayed. I have no joys which are not yours, no / Aches which are not yours. I too call myself I* (11. 56-9).

It seems to me that the dichotomy in the approach to the question of women's identity -which is very much part of Wollstonecraft's work- appears here. On the one hand Reason suggests that women's welfare is part of the common weal. The tragedy that women are denied their rights is part of the tragedy of the suppression of human and individual rights. On the other hand, if this is so, how can women's experience retain its claim to difference, to uniqueness which gives it the ability to name and identify itself? What seem to you to be the premises of identity for women's issues? And what happens if (as in this poem) these premises are not found marriage? within a com~anionate



Mary Wollstonecraft went further than her contemporaries in late eighteenth-century England by demanding that the twin values of reason and revolution which they cherished be applied to the cause of women's education. Given that the association of ideas shapes individual identity Wollstonecraft argues that education is essential to train the minds of women away from enslavement to early impressions. She highlights the inferiority of contemporary literature and life to show that defective education of women is the cause of social and personal ills. Wollstonecraft's work is typical of its age and culture. It illustrates the nexus between early socialism and feminism but ultimately seems to demand equality for women mainly as a means to , an end -that of the companionate marriage -rather than as an end in itself.


An allusion to the period of enslavement in the

Celerity Egyptian bondage

Old Testament of the Israelites by the Egyptians Whose service is perfect freedom An allusion to a Christian prayer which describes as liberation from sin service to God

Q 1.

Examine the nature of the revolution in women's education proposed by Wollstonecrafi. Use 'An Introduction' to demonstrate how Wollstonecraft's work is constrained by being the product of its day and age.

Q 2.




Warnock, Mary : Introduction to A Vindication of the Rights of Woman and The Subjection of Women. ~ o i d o nJ:. M. Dent & Sons., 1985.


Objectives Introduction Social And Cultural Background 3.2.1 OfTheText 3.2.2 Position Of Women The Text 3.3.1 Its constituency 3.3.2 Its Content Its Contribution 3.4.1 In Its Time 3.4.2 Subsequently Possible Application Let Us Sum Up Glossary Questions Suggested Reading



The primary objective of this unit is to examine Woolf s A Room o One S Own, f Chapter IV so as to extend the debate on the education of women begun in the analysis of Wollstonecraft and to introduce into it the fresh issue of the development of the woman writer. I also look at the related idea of economic independence for t women.



Virginia Woolf was born in 1882 to Leslie Stephen -one of the editors of the Dictionary of National Biography -and his wife Julia, one of the best-known society hostesses in late nineteenth-century London. Woolf s own recollections of her childhood focus largely on repression and abuse. Her adulthood was spent largely among friends of the Bloomsbury group which was London's select coterie of intellectuals comprising painters, writers and critics. The group included people as diverse as the economist John Maynard Keynes, the iconoclastic biographer Lytton Strachey and the novelist E. M. Forster. Contemporaries were struck -unlike perhaps readers in the 1980's and 1990's with the sense of continuity rather than discontinuity such a background shared with the age that had gone before it. However radical Woolf has seemed to later readers, what struck her peers was that she was very like the age she criticised. ' The weapons they [Strachey and Woolfl turned on the Victorians were forged in Victorian houses' (Majumdar 239). I'll try and examine the consequences of this later but just for now I'd like to stay wlth Woolf s career. She helped shape Modernism in England both as a critic and as a novelist. One of her best known essays 'Mr. Bennet and Mrs. Brown' (1924) had her doing a hatchet-job on the well-made, realistic novel (such as those by Arnold - - - -- - - - - - -. . . - - . . - - - ..

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