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Selfportrait Lessonplan

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Ashland University Dwight Schar College of Education Teacher Education Program - Office of Field Experience

Lesson Plan Form (B) (8/06)

Name of Instructor: Sandy Badger Grade Level: High School Subject: ART Unit Title: Torn Paper Self-portraits Time Length: 4-5 class periods Date of Lesson: 02/23/2012 1. Learning Goal/Objective a. What will the pupil be able to do as a result of the lesson? State your
objective from the course of study or ODE Academic Content Standards; b. Prior knowledge/skills required by students?; c. Connection how does the lesson objective connect with previous and future lessons/learning? a. The student willhave an understanding of self-portraits, what they are, some history, some understanding about their importance, understand the difference between observation and imagination. The student will research 3 self portraits in art history and write about them briefly-one page total. The student will have a better understanding of how to use symbols and imagery in the portraits. The student will learn about torn paper/collage and complete a self portrait from observation and a self portrait from the imagination and will learn about composition when putting all of these elements together in one large piece. The student will use art criticism techniques and vocabulary to write briefly in our sketchbook journal about the piece they complete. The student will participate in a class critique. The students will alternate in groups to display the art work they complete in a professional manner. STANDARDS-grade 10 Historical, Cultural and Social Contexts-6, Creative expression and Communication-1, 2, 3, Analyzing and Responding-1, 2, 3, Valuing the Arts/Aesthetic Reflection-2, 5 b. Prior Knowledge/skills-research skills c. Connection-This lesson connects to our series of lessons on social issues, Recycled Art, Photo Journalism Collage with more to follow.

2. Assessment (Pre & Post) - How and when will you evaluate the objective and student learning? Attach a
copy of the assessment/rubric instrument you will use. PRE: During my presentation of the project along with history and examples, I will listen and use critical questions to assess the students understanding. POST: Class participation during the presentation/introduction of the assignment. Did the student complete the written work describing the 3 self portraits they researched? And does it show true effort? Completion of the self portrait from observation, from imagination and completed composition of all the work. Did the student show some effort and understanding of observation, imagination and composition? Did they use symbols or imagery used in art history? Did they complete the written assignment about their piece using appropriate vocabulary and critiquing methods? Was there true participation in the class critique with peers using this same vocabulary? Possible rubric to be used to assist students. If in the display group for this assignment-was there true participation? (peer evaluation will be used for these)

3. Methods/Strategies a. What teaching methods will you use (e.g. teacher presentation, demonstration,
simulation, role playing, peer teaching, laboratory activity, etc.) Type of learning: Inductive/inquiry questioning for student discovery or deductive/direct modeling)? b. Accommodations How will you accommodate for student differences? c. Learning climate/environment How might you establish a safe and an effective environment? a. Methods-teacher presentation, power point will be used, art history discussed, questions asked and answered, examples will be shown of completed assignments. Students will have to complete research. b. Accomodations c. Learning Climate-unclutterred space, available supplies and atmosphere that encourages work and creativity- music. No dangerous tools will be used. I will be supervising as we work. 4. Grouping - Large/small group; cooperative groups (pairs, threes, etc.) Is this typical? No grouping.

PAGE 2 5. Equipment and Material - What instructional equipment and materials are required to help students reach
the objectives (e.g. textbook, lab equipment, technology, activity sheet, CD-ROM, Web Site, etc.)? Computer, projection screen, internet, power point, art history books, magazines. Mirrors, mat board, papers in all colors, glue or medium, brushes, water/containers, paper towels, and possible some items for embellishmentpastels and maybe paint, possible use of found materials.

6. Instructional Delivery
a. Introduction (e.g. motivate, elicit student interest, review past learning, background in topic; Communicate expectations, procedures required for the lesson.) presentation, power point will be used, art history discussed, lots of examples of self portraits of many different styles, imaginary and from observation will be shown to create excitement and motivate, questions asked and answered, examples will be shown of completed assignments, review collage making, review using symbolism, possible use of found materials, expectations will be reviewed for each portion of the assignment and possible rubric will be used. While the project is being worked on I will be available for questions and concerns. I may also work alongside the students.

b. Activity: What activities have you planned? What will you do? What will the students do? (e.g. small steps,
examples, clues, feedback/checking for understanding. etc.)

The Instructor will: Presentation 20-30 minutes this will include questions and answers, be available during research and during project making for questions and concerns-2 class periods. I will lead critique, additional class period.

Students will: participate in presentation with questions and ideas. Resarch 3 self portraits and write one page about all 3, what they observed-remainder of 1st class period. 2nd class period will begin with some practice at tearing paper, 10 minutes. Portraits from observation will begin-head only. Remainder of class if necessary. After this the imaginary portraits-head onlywill begin. When both are completed, the composition can begin on the matboard, placing the heads and them completing some of the figures or imagery in the background, etc. This will be remainder of 3rd class period and possibly into the forth depending on student ability. When this is complete a written critique of students own work will be completed-1 page, 20-30 minutes and then the classroom critique will begin. Students involved in showing work will need to meet and make plans. c. Conclusion/Summary - Review; Students demonstrate achievement; Connection with future lesson. d. Practice and/or Assessment - Guided, independent; Help with initial steps and monitor; Corrections, reteach if necessary. Guided and independent, monitoring, no corrections.

7.Teacher Reflection/Self-Evaluation - Answer the following questions on a separate paper: What pleased
you? What would you do differently next time? Re-teaching or Intervention required? Did the assessment instrument measure intended student learning? If no, what are some alternatives?

Attachment (s) Standards used. Power point-web attachment: C:\Users\owner001\Desktop\The Self-Portrait1_files\frame.htm

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