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Ict Skills

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ABSTRACTS The major purpose of this research work was to find out the level of information and communication technology skill needed by office technology and management. Five research questions guided this study in connection with keyboard operating skills, internet resources skills, data/word processing skills, electronic office communication skills, reprographic/micrographic skills. The area of this study was federal polytechnic Idah Kogi State. The population was drawn from the final year students of Office Administration. Sample techniques of 84 students out of 113 final year students. 84 questionnaires were distributed, and 80 was returned. The method used for data analysis was mean statistics. It was found that without keyboard operating skills, interne skills, data/word processing skills, electronic office information skills, reprographic/micrographic skills secretaries will not be able to process information in any establishment in this era of new innovation. It was recommended that secretaries should have adequate knowledge of keyboard, internet, electronic office information, Word Processing, reprographic micrographic competence in order to meet up with requirements of employer of labour and for effective performance.


INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The world we are living is said to be dynamic; yesterdays knowledge is todays obsolete, this is over changing world of work, any profession that fails to move along with the dynamic of its environment becomes extincted. Secretaries in their day to day activities cannot do without information. So office technology and management find year students need to possess this information and communication technology skill to enable them fit properly in this new innovation in the modern office. Technology has transformed office functions. This leads to changes in skills possessed by Office Administration graduating students in office automation. In the past, secretaries activities have been difficult due to the use of manual and archaic machines in processing, recording storing and retrieving information. This has resulted in the inefficiency and inaccuracy of production, and this leads to waste of human resources as well as mistakes in document. Technology is a dynamic phenomenon as machine of work methodology in use today may become obsolete tomorrow and be replaced with new one. As a result of this transformation, traditional modern office automation In view of has invaded this, office office techniques.

administration final year students who possess office automation or information and communication technology


skills are in great demand. Those with only shorthand and typing skills are being threatened by the insurgence of information technology. Josephine (1998) stated that the sophistication of modern office has given room for multi-programming and high efficiency through the use of automation. Significant development in this direction has not only caused explosive increase in the use of automation in an office, but also introduces a new concept into secretarial profession. And highly demanding than it use to be change from the use of archaic and manual equipments and machine for highly sophisticated which include information and communication technology facilities. Umuogani (2006). Abdulsalam (2002) define information and technology as the use of computer and telecommunication in order to provide rapid and easy electronic processing and transformation of information. Mc Bride (2000) defined information as interrelated or structural data including collection, storage, processing and dissemination of news, data, facts messages, opinions and comments required in order to react knowledgeably as well as to be in a position to take appropriate decision. Information which is used for decision making is generally perceived as data that has been processed into a meaningful, useful and useable context. Sambo (2001) held that information is the manipulation of data, image, text etc.


intelligently organized to make meaning. So, information has the ability to transform man and his circumstances. Information and communication technology have improved skill acquisition, utilization and interpretational relation in communication process. office administration graduates are information and communication based. This means that, office administration graduates are at the centre of office information and communication management. Technology is the process whereby correspondence is turning out at a faster rate with the use of computers and other sophisticated office machines. Technological break-through has led to the manufacture of various office machines, which include teleconferencing machine, e-mail, internet facility, voice messaging system, scanning machine, electronic printer, Ups back up facilities, telephone, electric stencil; cutters, reprographic and micrographic equipment. The office administration graduate therefore, needs special skills to operate these new technologies. He should then possess skills in the various component technology. The skills according to Aircbanmen (2004) would have to cover all the equipment and facilities stated below: The Office Administration final year student should have the knowledge of electronic mail, with regard to computing, sending, retrieving, reading and responding to mails on-line, areas of information and communication


conferencing that are relevant to profession needs, ability to perform the basic computer operation cluster such as creation of document, creation of subdirectories, folders, knowledge of graphical use interface, installation and updating of software drive, exchange of file, the skill of operating digital camera and scanner, electronic slides and knowledge of media communication resources. From the above, it can be seen that the level of skill possessed by office administration final year students are broad and should be embraced. So that information and communication technology skills needed by office administration final year students are good assets both to themselves and the employer of labour. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Due to advancement in information and communication technology, the requirement of secretaries has so enlarged that more skills should be possessed by office administration final year students for effective performance in an office and for self-reliance. Nwogwugwu (2002) stated that secretaries who are not well equiped in terms of new skills and competencies, knowledge and abilities required for today and tomorrows office are sure to be embarrassed as their inadequate skill will render them redundant or even throw them out of job. This means that lack of ICT skills will automatically mean lack of

good jobs for office administration final year students. Office administration final year student are faced with lack of good job when they are inadequately trained to match up with some information Since lack of and communication and technology equipments. information communication technology skill ill undermine the existence and attainment of Office Administration final year students in getting a good job or being self employed, this research work is therefore out to fish out those information and communication technology skills. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The major purpose of this study is to identify the level of ITC skills possessed by Office Administration final year students. Specifically, the study will: determine the keyboard operating skills needed by final year students of Office Administration. Determine the internet resources skills needed by Office Administration final year students and its application. Determine the data/ word processing skills needed by Office Administration final year students. Determine the electronic office skills needed by Office Administration final year students. Determine the reprographic/micrographic skills needed by


Office Administration final year. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY In this information and communication technology era, the importance of ICT cannot be over emphasized. This research is very important to Office Administration final year students seeking for employment. It is not just important to Office Administration final year students alone but also employers of labour who are looking for secretaries that are information and communication competent. It is important to final year students seeking for employment because the knowledge of information and communication technology will help them to develop their skills to meet required standard expected by employers of labour in this global market. It is important to employers of labour as this would enable them to employ secretaries that could meet their job demand of this modern age. Finally, the result will serve as reference materials to future researchers. KEYBOARD OPERATING SKILLS IN ICT This is of the fundamental skills possessed by secretary in this information and technology era. Keyboard operating skills needed by Office Administration final students are for the manual, electric/electronic typewriters and computers.


Ohakwe (2001), stated that student are expected to operate all item of information and communication technology, be it electrical typewriter, stencil duplicators, microfilming machines etc. he further stated that microfilming machines etc. he further stated that in this information technology era, shorthand and transcription are no longer relevant in todays office but typing skills are highly relevant. AZUKA (2002) stated that as the traditional office move towards automation, secretaries are acquired skills to develop computer possess skills to operate computer keyboard with speed and accuracy in this information and communication era. The use of computer, telex equipment, e-mail/commerce and fax services, assessing the internet, teleconferencing requires keyboarding skills. Information and communication technologies hold opportunities for huge gains in productivities and efficiency. The important of key board operating skills was identified as formidable tools in the preparation training. Nwosu, (2000) enumerated keyboard processing skills as follows: Typing straight copy and statistical data using machines control property not only accurately but speedily. ii) Formatting text and displaying it in an acceptable form according to general office standard procedure. of business students and that keyboard operations skills constitute the occupational survival skill in


ii) Editing, centering and tabulation capabilities using preset formatting tools, means. She concluded that keyboarding skills are pre-requisite for word processing or computer. Akinyemi (2001) stated that the need for the use of typing skills will continue to increase in 21st century as many office machines have keyboards similar to that of typewriters. However, the content of typewriting as a course will also need to be reviewed and emphasis given to keyboarding techniques, proofreading skills, formatting, and speed and accuracy. This is due to advancement in information and communication technology with the result that modern machines are replacing old ones. Computer now replaces typewriter. Lukeman (2006) opined that keyboard operating keys combine shortcut keys on computer to perform some task such as: merging/mail merge. Delete texts, move and copy texts, insert texts and so on. The modern secretaries are expected to perform these tasks with ease and speed. The traditional secretaries cannot perform this task. Therefore, training and retraining is inevitable for secretaries who do not want to be left behind in this fast age. Nwogugwu (2002) stated that; the acquisition of computer and word processing skills by secretaries will lead to the following benefits: Reduce the length of time required to do work, ensure accuracy and efficiency, enhance the quality of work


produced; high speed of giving and retrieving information. Keyboard operating skills is so essential that no secretary can perform his/her job without these skills. Advancement in information and communication technology required a secretary with skills, to operate the modern office machines. INTERNET RESOURCES SKILLS AND ITS APPLICATION IN ORGANIZATIONS. The internet is the greatest development which has affected human disciplines in recent times. Ohakwe (2002), describes the internet as a major breakthrough in technology, a resolution, the wonders of the millennium and indeed, the most flexible means of accessing information. Chris Wright (1999), describes it as the network of networks, as the myriad network that spans the whole world. It is indeed an international network of computers via and communication medium such as cables and wireless linked through satellite microwave, and radio wave. It is one of the windows of out time, reducing the world into the global village, cutting across international boundaries and natural berries of any kind. It is popularly called information super highway. It has become a tool for creating knowledge-driven community where intellectual property can be created as a result of accessibility to wide range of detailed and up-to-date information and be reached upon demand (Kenrickell and Kwast, 1997). Chuduadebe (2000) says that internet have hundred of

nations, thousands of companies and over fifty millium computers interconnectivity, it has been put to great number of uses like organizing events, investment, articles job advents, researchers, finding people, chatting, services etc. Osuagwu (2000) says that the internet is an indispensable tool for electronic communication (e-commerce in an office, for commerce, education, public relation, banking etc. today, we talk about e-mail e-commerce, e-banking, eeducation and so on). Electronic communication (e-com) or the internet facilities available for use today include the following: E-mail is one of the most widely used services on the internet (Fadame, 2000). It allows one to send and receive information on the computer just like writing and positing letter through the post office, but by far, faster than the conventional post office. You specify an email address that identifies the receiver. The message travels via your modem, after the computer must have been hooked to the internet through telephone network. Fadame (2000) also says that it is the fastest and most convenient means of communication in an organization. The secretary therefore, needs to possess the basic internet knowledge to be able to communicate on the net. The World Wide Web (www) is also a service on the net. It is a hyper net based information, linking multimedia data base in different parts of the world. High amount of


information such as international journals, technical, findings, books, films, newspapers, music and software are available on the web. For a secretary to function effectively in an organization, he/she needs to be able to operate a computer with regards to world wide functions (Fadame 2000) Another facility of the internet is the telecommunicating/technology. According to Onyeke (2002) this involves the performance of office, and communicably by means of a telephone computer or e-mail using a modem. File transfer protocol (FPI) facility: this from the net. When user log in as an an anonymous, he does not require an account before he can transfer the file (Chukwuezie, 2002). Video conferencing is also an internet facility which according to Calnet (2003) is a face-to-face communication with screen display of people separated by hundreds or thousands of kilometers apart in an on-line fashion. It supports picture and voice. It can be used to conduct meetings, seminars, workshops, conferences and the activities, with participants in their geographical locations. Computer Aided telephony (CAT) is technology which involves using the computer to enable the secretary dial out from the directory without the need to dial from a separate telephone. It is also a service offered on the internet using gateways where international, local, and mobile lines can be reached without stress. According to Chukwuezie (2002), the


extension enables the software to scan a handful of customers and select those who need to be connected and automatically, each of them can be dialed. Where, however, a number is engaged, the software can still take appropriate action like trying again until a contact is made. The least of all is the electronic commerce (ecommerce). The internet also supports business transactions over a digital infrastructure. E.g. automated teller machine (ATM), smart card or credit card etc. Aja (2002) says that ecommerce provides a global platform for doing business leading to the exchange of goods, services and cash. The internet competencies required by secretaries, according to Ojukwu and Ojokwu (2000) include the following in order to handle information effectively via the net; keyboarding skill and accuracy, Grammatical and communication skill; computer-its general knowledge and understanding operating the telephone, surface, the web. i.e. to navigate or browse; online and offline browsing; Downloading and uploading the software. Data/Word Processing Skill possessed by Secretaries. Data/processing skills are to be possessed by a secretary for effective performance. There are several different types of business that help to turn data into information, Isenyi (2001) stated that, the typical information system incorporates a number of these process, viz.


Data may be sorted numerically or alphabetically into suitable sequence; Data may be summarized, reducing the level of details. Numerical calculations are used to transform data into more meaningful and useful form; Data in the form of transactions, meeting certain criteria may be selected so that management can concentrate on the most meaningful information. Information displaying certain characteristics may be highlighted so that further investigation may be carried out. This enables an organization to operate management by exception; Comparison may be made between measures calculated for different sets of date. Data may be stored until it is needed or until a sufficient quality data has been collected Isenyi, [2001). The following are the word processing system competencies a secretary should possess: Knowledge of the work processing hardware, software, personnel and procedure, editing of text/insert, delete and amend. Understanding the relationship between computer applications to word processing centering, bold, copy etc. Word processing software/packages: ability to use different word processing software packages in creating different types of documents.


Formatting: ability to format text and display it in an acceptable form according to office, specification through minutes etc. printing ability to print out copies (hard copies). Ojowo (2005) defined data processing as the process of production meaningful information by collecting all item of data together and performing operations on from them. The method of data processing vary from those that are manual to those that rely on the use of electronic means. In practice, most data processing nowadays will involve the use of some electronic aid such as calculators or small computers which increases in sophistication year by year. According to Isenyi (2001) the related data processing competencies include: data/processing methods; ability to apply basic processing methods which include online interactive or real time, batch centralized and distributed procession. Data processing concept: ability to interpret computer print out. Data processing and work logging: ability to apply the principles of recording data, logging manual outwork, maintaining updating stored basis. The Electronic Office Communication skills needed by Office Administration final year students. Communication by virtue of his/her according profession to is Ojukwu saddled (2004), with is the described as the bedrock of every organization. A secretary


responsibility of writing letter correspondence, regardless of the fact that some organizations are trying to maintain paperless office. Relating message through telephone and other communication media. In that sense, he she is a communicator and is to have manners to promote the image of the firm he/she represents. Odigbe (2001) stated that communication is the process of transmission of conscious of idea, feelings and commands to achieve a desired goal Secretary acquired good communication skills for efficient management of an office. As a result, the knowledge effective communication help one to develop the ability to gather, organize, analyze and evaluate facts and ideas in order to reach valid conclusion. Office Administration final students need to know some principles about communication for effective communication. Communication skills go beyond the ability to speak, write, or proofread document alone. It also involves the ability to operate the modern communication devices and being able to go along with the modern trend in information and communication technology now. Oborah (2001) further highlighted communication skills in information and technology as: Ability to demonstrate knowledge of good grammer. Ability to punctuate correctly Ability to capitalized correctly.


Ability to proofread document Ability to demonstrate good oral communication. According to Idih, (2003) in processing information, the secretary performs the role of processing information like typing of documents, proofreading and editing (insert, delete, amend, font changing, centering and bolding) in documents. He also stated that in transmitting information the secretary plays very important roles that cannot be overlooked. Possession of a good knowledge of modern communication gadget is very essential to the aspect of communication. Office Administration final year students must have the knowledge of gadgets like telephone, telegraph, fax and computer used in communication. Reprographic/Micrographic Skills needed by Office Administration Final Year Students. Show (1999), defines reprography as any process by which documents of any kind can be reproduced. It refers to the various means of reproducing documents, while micrographic refers to the volume of documents to make document convenient for storage. AZUKA (199) also says that reprography is the process of using various media of reproduction to obtain copies. It include carbon papers, spirit duplicating, ink duplicating, photocopying and computer print out as well as electronic documents. For this reason, the secretary should be able to


select appropriate reproduction process, collate and bind, ensuring quality control, that is reprographic conciseness and sound knowledge of English language (Mann, 1986). Micrographic, on the other hand, involves the use of magnetic storage media like tapes (video/audio), diskettes, memory cards, computer hard disk etc. It is a process of micro-filming large volume of documents into small size either for permanent or temporary storage (Show, 1999). The following are the related skills possessed by Office Administration final year students. Idih (2003) give the following related skills: reprographic, electronic scanning, micrograph. Reprography is the ability to select appropriate reproduction process. Collating and binding bearing in mind accuracy of work. Idih (2003) also give the following micrographic skills: micrograph, data based management and file processing function. Micrograph is the ability to select appropriate micrographic technique in coding, storing, shredding retaining, transforming and copying of document. Ability to save, code, index, transfer and retrieve document on disks, tapes, diskettes (floppy diskettes), hard disk and other magnetic media. Data /management is the ability to access, random etc. File processing function is the ability to apply the principles records. of electronic referencing, accessing and transferring as well as destroying unwanted or obsolete


SUMMARY OF THE LITERATURE REVIEW Having reviewed the work of different authors and research materials, it is essentials for Office Administration final year students to possess the required skills in managing communication technology equipments. Information and technology skills are those abilities that enable secretaries perform office duties most effectively. In a dynamic society such as ours, things changes fast. Techniques and technology easily become obsolete, making fresh demand on new skills. This calls for constant monitoring so as to bring about necessary training towards the acquisitions of a matching skill for the job entry in today labour market. Therefore, skills required for secretaries regular evaluation to meet the changes in modern office and communication system. Findings From the analysis, the following findings were made: 1, Keyboard operating skills needed by Office Administration final year students include a) Operating many packages on computer. b) Formatting text and display it in an acceptable office standard. c) Using shortcut keys on computer operating software browsing d) Operating or typing with computer


2. Internet resources skill needed by Office Administration final year students include: a) Use of e-mail b) Use of internet c) Use of file transfer protocol facility 3. Data/word processing skills needed by Office Administration final year students include: a) Data processing concepts like interpreting computer print out. b) Formatting skill using acceptable display tabulation etc. c. Activating the printer and printout copies. 4. From the data analyzed in table 4, the following electronic office communication skills were discovered. a) Skill of receiving information by phone calls, letters, mails, telex, fax, etc. b) Skill like processing information like typing of document, proofreading, editing such as insert, font changing like command of grammar, telephone mannerism, telegraphic, fax, telex. 5. From the analysis gathered in table 5, it was discovered that reprographic micrographic skills include: a) Skill to select appropriate reprographic process, collating and binding. b) Skill of using electronic scanning facility. c) Skill of selecting appropriate micrographic technique in coding, storing, shredding, retaining, transforming and


copying into disks, floppy diskette tapese in coding, storing, shredding, retaining, transforming and copying into disks, floppy diskette tapes etc. d) Skill in accessing files using appropriate techniques like series, access, random etc. e) Skill in file organization like alphabetical numerical and alphanumerical f) File processing functions like data capture, file creation, file updating file enquiry etc. SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION This chapter summaries the finding and conclusion on research work and recommendation for further action as well as suggestion for further study. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS: The finding of this research work are summaries as follows: Keyboard operating skill in this information and communication technology era was found to include operating many packages on computer, formatting text and display in an acceptable office standard, using shortcut keys on computer, operating software and operating or typing statistical matters with computer. Office Administration final year students possess the


skill of internet resources. The following internet resources skills are needed by Office Administration final year students to be able to gainfully employed and be able to have good performance of his/her job: E-mail, World Wide Web. Competency, the skill of using the file transfer protocol, skill of using the file transfer protocol, skill of using e-commerce. It is obvious that regardless of the fact that some of the Office Administration final year students may not work where internet equipments or modern internet facility is available, they took it upon themselves to have the knowledge of internet. Acquisition of data/word processing skill by the Office Administration final year students is vital to both the Office Administration final year student and the employer of labour. Therefore, data/word processing skill like data processing concept, formatting, editing and knowledge of hardware, software, personnel and procedure are very necessary in processing information in any office or organization. It means that secretaries who do not have the data/word processing skill will not be needed in the labour market in this information and communication technology era. 4. Electronic office communication skills posses by secretaries are so valid. Skills like receiving information, processing information, transmitting of information are so valid. Skills like receiving information, processing information, transmitting of information are important to secretary in


processing information. The level of response of OFFICE ADMINISTRATORSfinal year students in research question four can attest to the importance of this particular skills. 5. It is found that the reprographic/micrographic skills possessed OFFICE ADMINISTRATORSfinal year students include the following skill of selecting appropriate reprographic process, collating and binding, skill of using electronic scanning facility, skill in selecting appropriate micrographic technique in coding, storing, retaining, copying etc. are also familiar with Office Administration final year students. CONCLUSION Information and communication. Technology has led to acquisition of new skills. These skills were found to be relevant to secretaries in this era. Secretaries are to possess these skills to meet up the job requirement in the labour market. Good keyboard operating skill, internet skills, data/word processing skills, electronic office communication skills, reprographic/ micrographic skills, were identified in this study to be as important for effective performance of Office Administration final year students in this age of information and communication technology. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the findings of this study, the following


recommendations were made.


All Office Administration final year students should have adequate knowledge of all the keys on computer keyboard, their uses how to, computer keyboard, their uses, low and when to use them in order to meet the requirement of any given job in an office.


Effort should be made by government to ensure that all public and private establishments should be connected to internet for ICT skills acquisition.


The secretary job is practical oriented, for this reason, emphasis should be given to practical rather than theory so that data can be effectively handle by them.


Final year student should possess all the electronic skill in receiving, processing and transmitting of information in order to fit in properly in any office or organization they may find themselves in this era of modern automation.








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