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Bestiary Nefarious - Monsters of The East

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Page 1 of 477 – Stephen C.

Bestiary Nefarious

Stephen C. Klauk

Edited by
John Klauk

Illustrations by
Jason Ruehl
Stephen C. Klauk

Special Thanks
To all my players over the many years for being the guinea pigs for the creatures within. Also, many thanks to Sean Macdonald
and his amazing creature creator at the Kencyclopedia – it has saved me many hours of tedious work. Well done Sean!

Page 2 of 477 – Stephen C. Klauk

Bestiary Nefarious

Index .................................................... 3 Baquada Corsair ........................ 71 Dire Animal .....................................126
Monsters by Type ................................ 6 Baquada Pirate Lord.................. 72 Dire Hamster................................127
Monsters Introduction........................ 10 Bastuu-I ............................................. 73 Dire Rabbit................................... 128
Reading The Entries ...................... 10 Bastuu-I Feline Matron ............. 74 Dire Turtle....................................129
Statistics Block .......................... 10 Bastuu-I Priestess ...................... 75 Diseased...........................................130
New Weapons............................ 11 Bastuu-I Princess....................... 75 Doppelganger Ooze .........................131
New Feats .................................. 14 Beastlands animal.............................. 76 Dragon, General...............................132
Description Block ...................... 16 Beastlands Dog.............................. 77 Imperial Dragon...........................136
Open Content ................................. 16 Beetle, General .................................. 78 Nippon Dragon ............................ 138
Accursed ............................................ 18 Adamantine Beetle ........................ 79 Randese Dragon........................... 140
Accursed Human Rogue ................ 20 Godsteel Beetle ......................... 80 Skierian Dragon ...........................142
Accursed Human Murderer........ 21 Bloodseeker Beetle........................ 81 Vegan Dragon ..............................144
Accursed Human Slayer ............ 21 Goldspinner Beetle ........................ 82 Western Dragon ........................... 146
Accursed Human Serial Killer ... 22 Headhunter Beetle ......................... 83 Drakkenwyrm ..................................148
Acephos ............................................. 23 Wolf Beetle ................................... 84 Dreamslayer .....................................150
Animus............................................... 24 Hellwolf Beetle ......................... 85 Dwelf ...............................................151
Dire Ape Animus ........................... 26 Phomicus Beetle............................ 86 Dwelf Minstrel.........................153
Annikan ............................................. 27 Spharon ......................................... 87 Dwelf Stone Chanter................ 153
Annikan Alpha........................... 28 Spharon, Immature Swarm........ 88 Dwelf Ringer of Steel ..............154
Annikan Jackal King.................. 28 Spharon Mummy....................... 89 Earth Lumberer ................................155
Annikan Jackal Lord.................. 29 Bedlam .............................................. 90 Eeylene ............................................157
Apolii ................................................. 31 Bloodhound ....................................... 91 Ekimma............................................159
Araby ................................................. 32 Bloodrose .......................................... 92 Elephant, White ...............................160
Araby Dervish............................ 33 Bloodmole ......................................... 93 Elogre...............................................161
Araby Sahid ............................... 33 Burrow Worm ................................... 94 Elogre Forester.........................163
Araby Saluke ............................. 34 Cactus Folk........................................ 95 Elogre Forester.........................163
Argosi ................................................ 35 Cactus Folk Explorer................. 96 Elogre Enchantress...................164
Aspidoceleon ..................................... 36 Cactus Folk Protector ................ 97 Elogre Witch ............................ 165
Aspii .................................................. 37 Cactus Folk Lord ....................... 97 Elogre Hag ...............................166
Blooded Aspii ................................ 38 Camille .............................................. 99 Engine of Hunger.............................167
Aspii Blooded Servant ............... 40 Capricornus ..................................... 100 Envy Childe .....................................168
Aspii Blooded Snakeskin........... 40 Cavern Crawler ............................... 101 Fauna Tree .......................................169
Aspii Blooded Viper .................. 41 Chuut-I ............................................ 102 Fettered ............................................170
Aspii Degenerate ........................... 42 Ankhbearer .................................. 103 Firebird ............................................172
Aspii Slave..................................... 44 Cobra Newt ..................................... 105 Fire Dragon ...................................... 173
Aspii Slave Minotaur ................. 45 Cobracon ......................................... 106 Flesh Engine, General......................174
True Aspii ...................................... 46 Colossus .......................................... 107 Flesh Engine, Builder...................175
True Aspii Demagogue.............. 49 Corpseslayer .................................... 108 Flesh Engine, Carpetbagger .........176
Aspii Wyrm ................................... 50 Corrupted Soul ................................ 109 Flesh Engine, Memorizer.............177
Auraling ............................................. 52 Corrupted Soul Half-orc Monk ... 110 Flesh Engine, Sweeper.................178
Auraling Hero ............................ 53 Corrupted Soul Hand of Doom 111 Flesh Engine, Warrior..................179
Auraling Champion.................... 54 Corrupted Soul Master Harvester Flesh Engine Dreadnought.......180
Auraling Cavalier....................... 54 ................................................. 112 Fluttercat ..........................................181
Avangi ............................................... 56 Crypt Wyrm .................................... 113 Flying snake.....................................182
Avenclaar, General ............................ 57 Death Blossom ................................ 114 Fowler ..............................................183
Bear Avenclaar .............................. 59 Death Dancer................................... 115 Fowler Quill............................. 184
Cobra Avenclaar ............................ 60 Demon, General .............................. 116 Fowler Featherlight..................185
Eagle Avenclaar............................. 61 Azura Demon .............................. 117 Fowler Roost Lord ...................185
Lion Avenclaar .............................. 63 Pazuzi Demon ............................. 119 Forest Runner...................................187
Mouse Avenclaar ........................... 65 Rose Demon ................................ 120 Dark Runner.................................188
Wolf Avenclaar.............................. 67 Vanadar Demon......................... 121 Geshara ............................................189
Baku-Shaksta ..................................... 68 Demon Flower................................. 122 Geshara Bully .......................... 190
Baquada ............................................. 69 Demon Knight ................................. 123 Geshara Thug ........................... 191
Baquada Mariner ....................... 71 Demon Steed ................................... 125 Geshara Warlord ......................191

Page 3 of 477 – Stephen C. Klauk

Bestiary Nefarious
Geth..................................................193 Lepidilla................................... 253 Viper Weresnake Slinker .........309
Gnomling .........................................194 Mothfolk Neophyte ................. 254 Viper Weresnake Black Mamba
Gnomling Anklebiter ...............196 Mothfolk Traveler ................... 254 .................................................311
Gnomling Anklebiter ...............196 Mothfolk Curio........................ 255 Wereshark, Large .........................313
Gnomling Thorn.......................197 Roachfolk (Curachia) .................. 256 Wereshark Devourer ................315
Gnomling Thicket Warrior.......198 Roachfolk Scavenger............... 258 Wereshark Terror of the Deep..316
Golem, General................................199 Roachfolk Pestilence Bearer.... 258 HellchildeError! Bookmark not
Briar Golem .................................200 Roachfolk Foul Prince ............. 259 defined.
Fellroot Golem.............................201 Waspfolk (Hymenopti)................ 260 Hellchilde Silver Tongue .........222
Gold Golem..................................202 Waspfolk Captain .................... 261 Maiden of Nature .............................317
Holly Golem ................................203 Waspfolk Captain .................... 261 Bat Maiden...................................318
Rope Golem .................................204 Waspfolk General.................... 261 Bat Maiden...................................319
Tar Golem ....................................205 Waspfolk Monarch .................. 262 Bat Maiden Nightchilde ...........321
Turtleshell Golem ........................206 Ister-suul General ............................ 264 Bird Maiden .................................322
Wax Golem .................................. 207 Ister-suul Chosen One ................. 265 Bird Maiden Songbird..............323
Gore Wrench....................................208 Become Chosen One ............... 266 Fish Maiden .................................324
Hapi..................................................209 Ister-Suul Lord of Nightmares. 267 Fish Maiden Princess of the Sea
Hapi Midwife...........................210 Common Ister-suul ...................... 269 .................................................325
Haraka..............................................212 Ister-Suul Acolyte.................... 270 Mamaluke ........................................326
Haraka Rebuker .......................213 Ister-Suul Apprentice............... 271 Mamaluke Hunter ....................327
Haraka Scion............................214 Ister-Suul Devout Warrior ....... 272 Mamaluke Howler....................328
Haraka Deathwing ...................214 High Ister-suul............................. 273 Mamaluke Scion ......................328
Hath..................................................216 High Ister-Suul Noble.............. 275 Manti................................................329
Hath Crusader ..........................218 High Ister-Suul Patriarch ......... 275 Manticora .........................................330
Hell Reaper ...................................... 219 High Ister-Suul Progenitor....... 277 Melusinae.........................................331
Hopping Gnasher .............................223 Low Ister-suul.............................. 278 Mir’jalla ...........................................333
Horesse ............................................224 Jakken.............................................. 279 Mockery ...........................................335
Horesse Trickster .....................226 Javelin Snake................................... 280 Murderwort ......................................336
Horesse Windwalker................226 Jaqai................................................. 281 Murderwort Bird Swarm ..............337
Horesse Skyprancer .................227 Kafurii ............................................. 282 Naga, general ...................................338
Hurrene ............................................229 Kali-born ......................................... 283 Balii Naga ....................................339
Ichneumon .......................................230 Koskie.............................................. 284 Haneru Naga ................................340
Igana ................................................231 Kren’an’thor .................................... 285 Suuma Naga .................................341
Insectoid, General ............................232 Kraken-Li ........................................ 287 Nemmick..........................................342
Antfolk (Forthemia) .....................233 Lamentor ......................................... 288 Nippon-Urdu ....................................343
Antfolk Soldier.........................235 Leperskin ......................................... 289 Nissus...............................................344
Antfolk Soldier.........................235 Lull .................................................. 290 Orev .................................................345
Antfolk General .......................235 Lycanthrope, General ...................... 291 Orev Scout ...............................346
Antfolk Matriarch ....................236 Werebee....................................... 291 Orev Warrior ............................347
Beefolk (Apoidaii) ....................... 238 Werebee....................................... 292 Orev Champion ........................347
Beefolk Slum Lord...................240 Werebee Warrior ..................... 293 Paddler .............................................348
Beefolk Hive Defender ............240 Werebee Monarch ................... 294 Perii..................................................349
Beefolk Ruler ........................... 241 Werelion ...................................... 295 Perii Screecher .........................350
Beetlefolk (Skurabia) ...................242 Werelion Tracker..................... 296 Perii Screaming Devilkin .........351
Beetlefolk Brawler ...................243 Werelion Plainslord ................. 297 Peridoom ..........................................352
Beetlefolk Nomad ....................243 Wereoctopus................................ 298 Persi Bull..........................................353
Beetlefolk Wanderer ................244 Wereoctopus High Priest ......... 300 Bull of Heaven .........................354
Flyfolk (Dipteraiin)......................246 Wereoctopus Krakentau .......... 301 Pisci..................................................356
Flyfolk Flitter ...........................247 Weresnake, Giant Constrictor...... 303 Pisci Swarm .............................357
Flyfolk Carrion Eater ...............247 Constrictor Weresnake Ambusher Phaergrinn ........................................358
Flyfolk Deathmaker ................. 248 ................................................. 304 Po-pei ...............................................360
Mantisfolk (Prophetii)..................249 Constrictor Weresnake Deathgrip Po-pei Marauder.......................361
Mantisfolk Nymph ...................250 ................................................. 305 Po-pei Guerilla .........................362
Mantisfolk Scything Blade.......251 Weresnake, Viper ........................ 307 Ptasha ...............................................363
Mantisfolk Mother ...................251 Viper Weresnake Venomtooth 307 Qadi..................................................364
Mothfolk (Lepidaii) .....................252 Viper Weresnake Venomtooth 308 Quintarran ........................................366

Page 4 of 477 – Stephen C. Klauk

Bestiary Nefarious
Quizzit ............................................. 367 Tigerwaule....................................... 415 Vegerot ............................................447
Quuran ............................................. 368 Thunder Tortoise ............................. 417 Vengal.............................................. 448
Raatori ............................................. 369 Tick Bush ........................................ 418 Vaporshroud.....................................450
Radiant Hawk .................................. 370 Tick, Monstrous .............................. 419 Whispling.........................................451
Ramudi............................................. 371 Diminutive Monstrous Tick ........ 419 Wodosen ..........................................452
Razorthorn Assassin ........................ 372 Tiny Monstrous Tick ................... 419 Xanthus ............................................453
Remnant Defender ........................... 373 Small Monstrous Tick ................. 420 Xercean ............................................454
Elvin Remnant Defender ............. 374 Medium Monstrous Tick ............. 420 Xlexi ................................................455
Elvin Remnant Defender Warlord Large Monstrous Tick ................. 421 Xlexi Psychic Hunter ............... 456
................................................. 375 Huge Monstrous Tick.................. 421 Xlexi Psychic Doom ................456
Dwarven Remnant Defender ....... 376 Gargantuan Monstrous Tick ........ 422 Xuchard............................................457
Dwarven Remnant Defender Colossal Monstrous Tick............. 422 Xunlard ............................................458
Captain..................................... 377 Titankite .......................................... 423 Yale.................................................. 459
Rhudee ............................................. 378 Tormentor........................................ 424 Yyaunn.............................................460
Ridulya............................................. 379 Tree Strider...................................... 425 Black Drake Yyaunn.................... 461
Serpenti............................................ 381 Tree Warrior, General ..................... 427 Zadoc ...............................................462
Sesenti.............................................. 382 Birch Tree Warrior ...................... 428 Zaramian ..........................................463
Sesenti Devourer...................... 383 Birch Orchard Prince............... 429 Zaramian Sharkeater ................465
Shaakasti.......................................... 385 Birch Grove Master ................. 429 Zaramian Bloodsniffer .............465
Shaakasti Hunter ...................... 387 Birch Forest King .................... 429 Zerendiz ...........................................467
Shaakasti Lieutenant ................ 387 Birch Forest Lord .................... 430 Zithius ..............................................468
Shaakasti Warlord.................... 388 Cedar Tree Warrior ..................... 431 Zuan de ............................................469
Shafra-li ........................................... 389 Cedar Orchard Prince .............. 432 Zuan de Bonebreaker ...............470
Shafra-loa......................................... 391 Cedar Grove Master ................ 432 Zuan De Sorcerer .....................471
Shrieken ........................................... 393 Cedar Forest King ................... 432 Monsters By CR............................... 472
Singing Maiden................................ 395 Cedar Forest lord ..................... 432 Appendix..........................................477
Sinister, General .............................. 396 Cherry Tree Warrior.................... 433 New Spells ................................... 477
Sinister, Akasta ............................ 397 Cherry Orchard Prince............. 434 Summon Camille .....................477
Sinister, Barrash........................... 398 Cherry Grove Master............... 434 Summon Dreamslayer..............477
Sinister, Magdaga ........................ 399 Cherry Forest King.................. 435 New Magic Items.........................477
Sinister, Shadaar .......................... 400 Cherry Forest Lord .................. 435 Musical Instrument of the Master
Sinister, Thoqandra...................... 401 Elm Tree Warrior ........................ 436 Musician...................................477
Sinister, Velundria ....................... 402 Elm Orchard Prince ................. 437 Shapeshifter Armor..................477
Sinister, Walundria ...................... 404 Elm Grove Master ................... 437 Staff of Thunder and Lightning477
Sinister, Yakuria .......................... 405 Elm Forest King ...................... 438 Customer Support ............................478
Skurrier ............................................ 407 Elm Forest Lord....................... 438 Atosha ..............................................479
Slashleaf........................................... 408 Tumor.............................................. 439 Questions and Answers....................481
Snake, Tialang Viper ....................... 409 Turkon ............................................. 441 OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a
Somat ............................................... 410 Turkon Champion.................... 442 .........................................................482
Spider Serpent.................................. 411 Turtis ............................................... 443
Spiderwolf ....................................... 412 Unassuming..................................... 444
Stoneroot.......................................... 413 Urqi ................................................. 445
Tanglethorn Bush............................. 414 Vampire Rat .................................... 446

Page 5 of 478 – Stephen C. Klauk

Bestiary Nefarious

This book almost got left behind.
About a year ago, in 2007, I finished my first monster
book for the D&D – Bestiary Malfearous. I was very proud of
it for it was the cumulation of nearly 20 years of playing and
designing for the game. Halfway into the project, I realized I
wouldn’t be able to fit all the creatures into a single volume,
so I split it in two, with the intention of taking about another
year to finish the latter half.
Unfortunately, the unexpected hit – the
announcement of 4th edition. I started to scramble to finish the
book before the new edition would appear, knowing few
people would be interested in a book for the old edition once
the new was out.
Time was against me. The first book was selling
slow, so I didn’t have an art budget. I finished correcting the
text and started some playtesting (which didn’t get finished),
but wading through making over 200 new pieces of art by
myself with my not-so-great talent - it was just too much.
Another project – my attempt to salvage 4E for my own home
game, also put this project on the back burner. Too long of a
delay, I’m afraid.
Rather than let it moulder away, I’ve decided to give
this book away for free, incomplete as it is. So please, enjoy
If you do enjoy this, go to and
give my first book, Bestiary Malferous a shot. It’s pretty
cheap and has a lot of extras – pictures, printable counters and
the like – that I just couldn’t get to in this book.
Maybe, one day, I’ll see a new edition of this book
printed one day for a new edition of D&D.
But never for 4th edition.

Visit the Amberos Wiki! A free campaign world to set your

fantasy roleplaying game in!

Page 6 of 477 – Stephen C. Klauk

Bestiary Nefarious

Monsters by Type (Earth): Ankhbearer (Chuut-I), Aspii Wyrm, Balii Naga

(Naga), Chuut-I, Crypt Wyrm, Earth Lumberer, Geth, Haneru
The monsters are listed below according to their type Naga (Naga), Nemmick, Quintarran, Randese Dragon
or subtype. (Dragon), Somat, Suuma Naga (Earth), Thunder Tortoise,
Vegan Dragon (Dragon), Xunlard
Aberration: Acephos, Baku-Shaksta, Balii Naga (Naga), Elemental: Envy Childe, Fire Dragon, Kafurii, Radiant
Builder Flesh Engine (Flesh Engine), Carpetbagger Flesh Hawk, Somat
Engine (Flesh Engine), Chosen One Ister-Suul (Ister-Suul), (Elf): Dwelf, Elogre, Orev
Earth Lumberer, Ister-Suul, Haneru Naga (Naga), High Ister- (Equine): Horesse
Suul (Ister-Suul), Low Ister-Suul (Ister-Suul), Memorizer (Evil): Accursed, Akasta (Sinister), Annikan, Azura Demon
Flesh Engine (Flesh Engine), Mockery, Paddler, Sweeper (Demon), Barrash (Sinister), Corrupted Soul Half-Orc Monk
Flesh Engine (Flesh Engine), Serpenti, Sesenti, Suuma Naga (Corrupted Soul), Demon Flower, Demon Knight, Demon
(Naga), True Aspii (Aspii), Tumor, Warrior Flesh Engine Steed, Dreamslayer, Haraka, Hell Reaper, Hellwolf Beetle
(Flesh Engine), Xuchard (Beetle, Wolf), Kali-Born, Koskie, Magdaga (Sinister),
(Air): Envy Childe, Jakken, Imperial Dragon (Dragon), Nippon, Pazuzi Demon (Demon), Phaergrinn, Ptasha, Ridulya,
Methane Shark, Pazuzi Demon (Demon), Persi Bull, Radiant Rose Demon (Demon), Shadaar (Sinister), Shafra-Loa,
Hawk, Ramudi, Shrieken, Somat, Titankite Thoqandra (Sinister), Vanadar Demon (Demon), Velundria
Animal: Apolii, Beastland Dog (Beastland Animal), (Sinister), Walundria (Sinister)
Bloodmole, Cobra Newt, Cobracon, Dire Hamster, Dire (Extraplanar): Auraling, Annikan, Azura Demon (Demon),
Rabbit, Dire Turtle. Fauna Tree, Ichneumon, Javelin Snake, Bedlam, Camille, Capricornus, Demon Flower, Demon
Murderwort Bird Swarm, Spider Serpent, Tialang Viper Knight, Demon Steed, Dreamslayer, Godsteel Beetle (Beetle,
(Snake), Vampire Rat, Yale Adamantine), Hapi, Hath, Jakken, Kafurii, Kali-Born, Koskie,
(Amphibious): Cobra Newt Kren’an’thor, Nissus, Pazuzi Demon (Demon), Radiant Hawk,
(Aquatic): Baquada, Capricornus, Kraken-Li, Manti, Ridulya, Rose Demon (Demon), Tormentor, Tumor, Vanadar
Melusinae, Pisci, Sesenti, Shaakasti, Singing Maiden, Demon (Demon)
Zaramian, Zithius Fey: Auraling, Bat Maiden (Maiden of Nature), Bird Maiden
(Augmented): Black Drake Yyaunn (Yyaunn) (Maiden of Nature), Fettered, Fish Maiden (Maiden of
(Augmented Animal): Bear Avenclaar (Avenclaar), Nature), Mir’jalla, Wodosen
Beastland Dog (Beastland Animal), Bloodhound, Cobra (Fire): Firebird, Fire Dragon, Geth, Igana, Kafurii, Koskie,
Avenclaar (Avenclaar), Eagle Avenclaar (Avenclaar), Lion Nissus, Radiant Hawk, Somat, Western Dragon (Dragon)
Avenclaar (Avenclaar), Mouse Avenclaar (Avenclaar), Wolf Giant: Eeylene, Perii, Quintarran, Tamani, Xunlard
Avenclaar (Avenclaar) (Gnome): Gnomling
Augmented Magical Beast): Ankhbearer (Chuut-I) (Goblinoid): Elogre, Forest Runner, Geshara, Orev, Xlexi
(Augmented Vermin): Godsteel Beetle (Beetle, (Good): Godsteel Beetle (Beetle, Adamantine), Hapi Midwife
Adamantine), Hellwolf Beetle (Beetle, Wolf) (Hapi), Shafra-Li
(Avian): Haraka (Halfling): Gnomling
(Chaos): Azura Demon (Demon), Bedlam, Demon Flower, (Human): Baquada, Bat Maiden (Maiden of Nature), Bird
Demon Knight, Demon Steed, Koskie, Mockery, Nippon, Maiden (Maiden of Nature), Corrupted Soul Half-Orc Monk
Pazuzi Demon (Demon), Phaergrinn, Ridulya, Rose Demon (Corrupted Soul), Fish Maiden (Maiden of Nature), Hellchilde
(Demon), Vanadar Demon (Demon), Xunlard Humanoid: Araby, Baquada, Bastuu-I, Blooded Aspii
Construct: Argosi, Briar Golem (Golem), Colossus, Engine (Aspii), Constrictor Weresnake (Lycanthrope), Corrupted Soul
of Hunger, Fellroot Golem (Golem), Gold Golem (Golem), Half-Orc Monk (Corrupted Soul), Dwelf, Elogre, Fowler,
Holly Golem (Golem), Pharaoh’s Guard, Rope Golem Geshara, Gnomling, Haraka, Hellchilde, Horesse, Mamaluke,
(Golem), Tar Golem (Golem), Turtleshell Golem (Golem), Melusinae, Orev, Po-Pei, Raatori, Viper Weresnake
Wax Golem (Golem), Zadoc (Lycanthrope), Werebee (Lycanthrope), Werelion
(Demon): Azura Demon (Demon), Pazuzi Demon (Demon), (Lycanthrope), Wereoctopus (Lycanthrope), Wereshark
Perri, Ridulya, Rose Demon (Demon), Vanadar Demon (Lycanthrope), Xlexi, Zaramian
(Demon) (Incorporeal): Ekimma, Lamentor, Tether Ooze,
(Devil): Hell Reaper, Hellchilde Vaporshroud
Dragon: Aspii Wyrm, Black Drake Yyaunn (Yyaunn), Crypt (Insane): Common Ister-Suul (Ister-Suul), High Ister-Suul
Wyrm, Geth, Imperial Dragon (Dragon), Nippon Dragon (Ister-Suul), Ister-Suul Chosen One (Ister-Suul), Ister-Suul
(Dragon), Melusinae [Dragon Form], Nemmick, Randese Lord of Nightmares (Ister-Suul)
Dragon (Dragon), Shrieken, Skierian Dragon (Dragon), Vegan (Lawful): Hell Reaper, Unassuming
Dragon (Dragon), Western Dragon (Dragon) Magical Beast: Aspidoceleon, Bloodhound, Capricornus,
(Dwarf): Araby, Dwelf Chuut-I, Death Dancer, Firebird, Fluttercat, Flying Snake,
Forest Runner, Hapi, Hurrene, Igana, Jaqai, Kraken-Li, Lull,

Page 7 of 478 – Stephen C. Klauk

Bestiary Nefarious
Manti, Manticora, Peridoom, Persi Bull, Pisci, Ramudi, Hopping Gnasher, Lamentor, Urqi, Spharon Mummy (Beetle,
Singing Maiden, Tigerwaule, Thunder Tortoise, Titankite, Spharon), Vaporshroud, Xercean
White Elephant (Elephant, White), Xanthus, Zithius Vermin: Adamantine Beetle (Beetle), Antfolk (Insectoid),
Monstrous Humanoid: Accursed, Antfolk (Insectoid), Aspii Beetlefolk (Insectoid), Bloodseeker Beetle (Beetle), Burrow
Degenerate, Aspii Slave Minotaur (Aspii Slave), Beetlefolk Worm, Flyfolk (Insectoid), Goldspinner Beetle (Beetle),
(Insectoid), Camille, Flyfolk (Insectoid), Mantisfolk Headhunter Beetle (Beetle), Immature Spharon Swarm
(Insectoid), Quuran, Shaakasti, Turtis, Turkon, Vengal, Zuan (Beetle, Spharon), Lepidilla (Insectoid, Mothfolk) Mantisfolk
De (Insectoid), Monstrous Tick (Tick, Monstrous), Phomicus
(Native): Akasta (Sinister), Ankhbearer (Chuut-I), Annikan, Beetle (Beetle), Rhudee, Skurrier, Spharon (Beetle), Wolf
Barrash (Sinister), Hellwolf Beetle (Beetle, Wolf), Magdaga Beetle (Beetle)
(Sinister), Phaergrinn, Shadaar (Sinister), Shafra-Li, Shafra- (Water): Aspidoceleon, Nippon Dragon (Dragon), Skierian
Loa, Thoqandra (Sinister), Velundria (Sinister), Walundria Dragon (Dragon), Somat
(Sinister) The following is a list of creatures that have access to spells,
Ooze: Doppelganger Ooze, Nissus, Vegerot, Zerendiz psionics, divine spellcasting or technology. Those creatures
(Orc): Corrupted Soul Half-Orc Monk (Corrupted Soul) marked with an asterisk (*) have spells in classes that are
Outsider: Akasta (Sinister), Ankhbearer (Chuut-I), Annikan, secondary spellcasters (assassins, blackguards, paladin &
Azura Demon (Demon), Barrash (Sinister), Bear Avenclaar rangers). Creatures with a double-S (§) gain spellcasting levels
(Avenclaar), Bedlam, Cobra Avenclaar (Avenclaar), Demon by adding favored classes.
Knight, Demon Steed, Dreamslayer, Eagle Avenclaar
(Avenclaar), Godsteel Beetle (Beetle, Adamantine), Hath, Hell Arcane Spellcasting Creatures: Auraling§, Balii Naga,
Reaper, Hellwolf Beetle (Beetle, Wolf), Ister-Suul Lord of Dwelf*§, Eeylene, Elm Tree Warrior, Elvin Remnant
Nightmares (Ister-Suul), Jakken, Kali-Born, Koskie, Defender, Elogre§, Hellchilde§, High Ister-Suul (Ister-Suul),
Kren’an’thor, Leperskin, Lion Avenclaar (Avenclaar), Imperial Dragon (Dragon), Jaqai, Koskie, Mothfolk
Magdaga (Sinister), Mouse Avenclaar (Avenclaar), Nippon, (Insectoid)* §, Nippon Dragon (Dragon), Ptasha, Randese
Pazuzi Demon (Demon), Phaergrinn, Ptasha, Qadi, Ridulya, Dragon (Dragon), Roachfolk (Insectoid) §, Sesenti Devourer,
Rose Demon (Demon), Shadaar (Sinister), Shafra-Li, Shafra- Shaakasti§, Shrieken, Skierian Dragon (Dragon), True Aspii
Loa, Thoqandra (Sinister), Tormentor, Unassuming, Vanadar (Aspii), Vegan Dragon (Dragon), Western Dragon (Dragon)
Demon (Demon), Velundria (Sinister), Walundria (Sinister),
Wolf Avenclaar (Avenclaar) Divine Spellcasting Creatures: Ankhbearer (Chuut-I)*,
Plant: Birch Tree Warrior (Tree Warrior), Bloodrose, Cactus Antfolk (Insectoid)§, Bastuu-I§, Cactus Folk*§, Demon
Folk, Cedar Tree Warrior (Tree Warrior), Cherry Tree Warrior Knight*, Eagle Avenclaar (Avenclaar), Eeylene, Elogre*,
(Tree Warrior), Corpseslayer, Creepwood, Death Blossom, Firebird, Gnomling§, Hapi Midwife (Hapi), Hath, Horesse§,
Demon Flower, Drakeroot, Elm Tree Warrior (Tree Warrior) Imperial Dragon (Dragon), Ister-Suul Chosen One, Ister-Suul
Murderwort, Razorthorn Assassin, Slashleaf, Stoneroot, Lord of Nightmares, Mantisfolk (Insectoid) §, Yyaunn Black
Tanglethorn Bush, Tick Bush, Tree Strider, Whispling Dragon
(Reptilian): Aspii Degenerate, Aspii Slave Minotaur (Aspii
Slave), Aspii Wyrm, Blooded Aspii (Aspii), Cobracon, Dire Psionic Creatures: Memorizer Flesh Engine, Raatori,
Turtle, Flying Snake, Igana, Serpenti, Tialang Viper (Snake), Shafra-li§, Shafra-loa§
Tormentor, True Aspii (Aspii)
(Shapechanger): Baquada, Bat Maiden (Maiden of Nature), Technological Creatures:
Bird Maiden (Maiden of Nature), Black Drake Yyaunn
(Yyaunn), Constrictor Weresnake (Lycanthrope), The following is a list of the templates found in this
Doppelganger Ooze, Fish Maiden (Maiden of Nature), book.
Horesse, Jakken, Kren’an’thor, Melusinae, Raatori, Viper Templates: Accursed, Animus, Aspii Slave, Beastland
Weresnake (Lycanthrope), Werebee (Lycanthrope), Werelion Animal, Corrupted Soul, Diseased, Lycanthrope, Maiden of
(Lycanthrope), Wereoctopus (Lycanthrope), Wereshark Nature, Yyaunn
(Lycanthrope) The following lists are for monsters of interest to the
(Shadow): Baku-Shaksta, Kren’an’thor, Zerendiz player characters.
(Sinister): Akasta (Sinister), Barrash (Sinister), Magdaga
(Sinister), Shadaar (Sinister), Thoqandra (Sinister), Velundria Animal Companion: Apolii, Bear Avenclaar (Avenclaar),
(Sinister), Walundria (Sinister) Cobra Avenclaar (Avenclaar), Cobracon, Dire Hamster (Dire
(Swarm): Immature Spharon Swarm (Beetle, Spharon) Animal), Eagle Avenclaar (Avenclaar), Fauna Plant, Giant
Undead: Animus, Avangi, Cavern Crawler, Drakkenwyrm, Hamster (Dire Animal, Hamster), Ichneumon, Lion Avenclaar
Dwarven Remnant Defender (Remnant Defender), Ekimma, (Avenclaar), Mouse Avenclaar (Avenclaar), Wolf Avenclaar
Elvin Remnant Defender (Remnant Defender), Gore Wrench, (Avenclaar)

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Characters: Accursed, Annikan, Antfolk (Insectoid), Araby,
Auraling, Beefolk (Insectoid), Baquada, Bastuu-I, Beetlefolk
(Insectoid), Blooded Aspii (Aspii), Cactus Folk, Chosen One
Ister-Suul, Common Ister-Suul (Ister-Suul), Corrupted Soul,
Dwelf, Elogre, Flyfolk (Insectoid), Fowler, Geshara,
Gnomling, Haraka, Hath, Hellchilde, High Ister-Suul (Ister-
Suul), Horesse, Ister-Suul Chosen One (Ister-Suul), Low Ister-
Suul (Ister-Suul), Mamaluke, Mantisfolk (Insectoid),
Mothfolk (Insectoid), Orev, Perii, Po-pei, Roachfolk
(Insectoid), Shaakasti, True Aspii (Aspii), Turkon, Vengal,
Waspfolk (Insectoid), Xlexi, Zaramian, Zuan De
Cohorts: Aspii Degenerate (Aspii), Aspii Minotaur (Aspii
Slave), Bear Avenclaar (Avenclaar), Beastland Dog
(Beastland Animal), Capricornus, Cobra Avenclaar
(Avenclaar), Eagle Avenclaar (Avenclaar), Envy Childe,
Fettered, Lion Avenclaar (Avenclaar), Mouse Avenclaar
(Avenclaar), Wolf Avenclaar (Avenclaar)
Constructible: Argosi, Briar Golem (Golem), Builder Flesh
Engine (Flesh Engine), Carpetbagger Flesh Engine (Flesh
Engine), Colossus, Engine of Hunger, Fellroot Golem
(Golem), Flesh Engine Dreadnought (Flesh Engine, Warrior),
Gold Golem (Golem), Holly Golem (Golem), Memorizer
Flesh Engine (Flesh Engine), Rope Golem (Golem), Sweeper
Flesh Engine (Flesh Engine), Turtleshell Golem (Golem),
Warrior Flesh Engine (Flesh Engine)
Familiars: Bloodhound, Camille, Cobra Newt, Fettered,
Pets: Bloodhound, Dire Turtle (Dire Animal), Fluttercat,
Giant Hamster (Dire Hamster), Goldspinner Beetle (Beetle),
Hellwolf Beetle (Beetle, Wolf), Ichneumon, Wolf Beetle
Mounts: Carpetbagger Flesh Engine (Flesh Engine), Dire
Rabbit (Dire Animal), Dire Turtle (Dire Animal), Manti,
Summonables: Azura Demon, Bear Avenclaar (Avenclaar),
Baku-Shaksta*, Camille, Capricornus, Cobra Avenclaar
(Avenclaar), Eagle Avenclaar (Avenclaar), Lion Avenclaar
(Avenclaar), Mouse Avenclaar (Avenclaar), Pazuzi Demon,
Qadi, Wolf Avenclaar (Avenclaar),

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Monsters Introduction creature wears armor that reduces its speed, the creature’s base
land speed follows.
If the creature has other modes of movement, these
Reading The Entries are given after (or in place of) the land speed. Unless noted
Each monster description is organized in the same otherwise, modes of movement are natural (not magical).
general format, as outlined below. This information is
reproduced from the SRD, with some elaboration where the Armor Class
entries vary from the standard layout. The Armor Class line gives the creature’s AC for
normal combat and includes a parenthetical mention of the
Statistics Block modifiers contributing to it (usually size, Dexterity, and
This portion of a monster description contains basic natural armor). The creature’s touch and flat AC follow the
game information on the creature. combat ready AC.
A creature’s armor proficiencies (if it has any)
Name depend on its type, but in general a creature is automatically
This is the name by which the creature is generally proficient with any kind of armor it is described as wearing
known. The descriptive text may provide other names. (light, medium, or heavy), and with all lighter kinds of armor.

Size and Type Base Attack/Grapple

This line describes the creature’s size. A size modifier applies The number before the slash on this line is the
to the creature’s Armor Class (AC) and attack bonus, as well creature’s base attack bonus (before any modifiers are
as to certain skills. A creature’s size also determines how far it applied). This number won’t often be used, but it can be handy
can reach to make a melee attack and how much space it sometimes, especially if the creature has the Power Attack or
occupies in a fight (see Space/Reach, below). Combat Expertise feats.
The size and type line continues with the creature’s The number after the slash is the creature’s grapple
type. Type determines how magic affects a creature. Type bonus, which is used when the creature makes a grapple attack
determines certain features, such as Hit Dice size, base attack or when someone tries to grapple the creature. The grapple
bonus, base saving throw bonuses, and skill points. bonus includes all modifiers that apply to the creature’s
grapple checks (base attack bonus, Strength modifier, special
New Subtypes size modifier, and any other applicable modifier, such as a
Feline: This is a humanoid subtype, and can be taken as a racial bonus on grapple checks).
favored enemy by rangers. It includes those creatures with
cat-like features and/or mannerisms. Attack
Shadow: A creature with the shadow subtype comes from or This line shows the single attack the creature makes
has a link to the plane of shadow. On a failed saving throw, with an attack action. In most cases, this is also the attack the
shadow creatures take double damage from spells with the creature uses when making an attack of opportunity as well.
light descriptor. Shadow creatures affected by the dazzle The attack line provides the weapon used (natural or
condition from a spell or effect with the light descriptor manufactured), attack bonus, and form of attack (melee or
instead treat the condition as being blinded. ranged). The attack bonus given includes modifications for
size and Strength (for melee attacks) or Dexterity (for ranged
Hit Dice attacks). A creature with the Weapon Finesse feat can use its
This line gives the creature’s number and type of Hit Dexterity modifier on melee attacks. If the creature uses
Dice, and lists any bonus hit points. A parenthetical note gives natural attacks, the natural weapon given here is the creature’s
the average hit points for a creature of the indicated number of primary natural weapon. If the creature has several different
Hit Dice. A creature’s Hit Dice total is also treated as its level weapons at its disposal, the alternatives are shown, with each
for determining how spells affect the creature, its rate of different attack separated by the word “or.” A creature can use
natural healing, and its maximum ranks in a skill. one of its secondary natural weapons when making an attack
action, but if it does it takes an attack penalty, as noted in the
Initiative Full Attack section below. The damage that each attack deals
This line gives the creature’s modifier on initiative is noted parenthetically.
checks. Damage from an attack is always at least 1 point,
even if a subtraction from a die roll reduces the result to 0 or
Speed lower.
This line gives the creature’s tactical speed on land
(the amount of distance it can cover in one move action). If the

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Full Attack
This line shows all the physical attacks the creature Khopesh: Favored by people of the lands of Iiannhanex and
makes when it uses a full-round action to make a full attack. It Llannhanex, the khopesh is a Bronze Age sword that has a
gives the number of attacks along with the weapon, attack blade that is shaped like a stretched question mark. You can
bonus, and form of attack (melee or ranged). The first entry is use the khopesh to perform trip attacks. If you fail the trip
for the creature’s primary weapon, with an attack bonus attack, you can drop the khopesh to keep from being tripped
including modifications for size and Strength (for melee yourself. For characters not native to Egyptian culture, this is
attacks) or Dexterity (for ranged attacks). A creature with the considered an exotic weapon; otherwise it is considered a one-
Weapon Finesse feat can use its Dexterity modifier on melee handed martial weapon.
attacks. The remaining weapons are secondary, and attacks Cost: 17 gp; Dam: 1d8; Crit: 20/x4; Wt: 5 lbs. Type:
with them are made with a –5 penalty to the attack roll, no Slashing
matter how many there are. Creatures with the Multiattack feat
take only a –2 penalty on secondary attacks. Macahuitl: This weapon is favored for warfare among the
Aztec of Lost Vale. It consists of a moderate, flat length of
New Weapons wood (almost like a paddle) with obsidian glass or teeth
The following is a list of new weapons that can be embedded along the flat edges, giving it double-sided sword-
found in the various creature entries. like edge. For characters not native to Aztec culture, this is
considered an exotic weapon; otherwise it is considered a one-
handed martial weapon.
Beetlespike: Made from the scything limbs of giant insects, a Cost: 15 gp; Dam: 1d6; Crit: 20/x3; Weight: 3 lbs. Type:
beetlespike has a quarterstaff-like pole which ends in Bludgeoning and Slashing.
perpendicularly pointing scything blades, giving the whole an
“S”-like appearance. While it can be used to slash, it is No-Dachi: The no-dachi, or horse sword, is a very large two-
primarily used to pierce opponents with the spike-like ends. A handed weapon available in oriental lands. It is too large for a
beetlespike is considered a martial double weapon for character to use without special training, thus it is an exotic
beetlefolk, and an exotic double weapon for all other races. weapon. Even with appropriate training, it instills a –2
Cost: 30 gp; Dam: 1d6/1d6; Crit: x3; Range Inc: -; Wt: 4 penalty to hit.
lbs.; Type: Piercing & Slashing Cost: 200 gp; Dam: 2d8; Crit: 20/x3; Wt: 8 lbs.; Type:
Blowgun: Favored by primitive people who use it for
hunting. A blowgun is a hollow tube about two feet long. The Paddleblade: A weapon of annikan design, the paddleblade
darts that are used in the weapon do very little damage, but are looks like quarterstaff with an axeblade that projects from
usually covered with poison. It takes a move-equivalent each end parallel to the staff, often adorned with the image of
action to load a dart into this weapon. You can apply Rapid a lotus flower. Annikan treat it as a double martial weapon,
Reload to using this weapon, making reloading a free action. all other races treat it as a exotic double weapon.
It is considered an exotic two-handed ranged weapon. Cost: 75 gp; Dam: 1d6/1d6; Crit: x3; Wt: 5 lbs., Type:
Cost: 5 gp; Dam: 1; Crit: 20/x2; Range Inc: 20 feet; Wt: 1 Slashing
lb; Type: Piercing.
Blowgun darts: Cost: 1 sp; Wt: -. Tiger Claw: An exotic weapon used by monks, Skierians and
some Nippon, tiger claws are metal gauntlets from which
Chakram: Favored by Skierian scouts and assassins, the protrude three blades, giving the wielder the appearance of
chakram is a circular loop of metal whose outer edge is a having bladed claws. A character wearing tiger claws gains a
sharp blade. Using it is dangerous to an untrained wielder, +4 bonus against being disarmed. Tiger claws are considered
thus it is an exotic weapon. Skierians treat it as a martial exotic light weapons. Skierians treat tiger claws as light
weapon instead. martial weapons. Monks may use tiger claws with their
Cost: 10 gp; Dam: 1d4; Crit: 18-20/x2; Range Inc: 30 ft.; unarmed attacks.
Wt: 2 lbs.; Type: Slashing. Cost: 5 gp, Dam: 1d4, Crit: x3; Wt: 1 lb., Type: Slashing
and Piercing.
Katana: Favored by the samurai culture of the far east, the
katana has a slightly curved single-edged blade. A katana is Warstaff: The warstaff is a long wooden staff with a cudgel-
too large to use in one hand without special training; thus, it is like end on one side. It is a double weapon. It is treated as a
an exotic weapon. A character can use a katana two-handed as martial weapon.
a martial weapon. Cost: 35 gp, Dam: 1d8/1d6, Crit: x2/x2; Wt: 6 lbs., Type:
Cost: 250 gp; Dam: 1d10; Crit: 18-20/x2; Wt: 6 lbs; Type: Bludgeoning.

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Zanzer: Used by coral dwarves, on one end it sports a he may elect to drop the Zanzer instead of suffering a reversal.
harpoon-like hook and on the other it bears a great double- Coral dwarves treat this as a martial weapon. All others treat
bladed axe. It is a double weapon. On a hit with the harpoon it as an exotic weapon. Cost: 50 gp, Dam: 1d6/1d8, Crit:
head, the attacker may start a grapple. If he loses the grapple, x3/x3; Wt: 15 lb., Type: Piercing & Slashing
New Masterwork Qualities (From the Amberos Play This line describes how much space the creature
Guide) takes up on the battle grid and thereby needs to fight
Weapons, armor and shields can be made masterwork effectively, as well as how close it has to be to threaten an
in different ways, allowing for different game effects. Only opponent. The number before the slash is the creature’s space,
one masterwork quality can be applied to an item, and each of or how many feet one side of the creature occupies. The
the different masterwork qualities still qualifies an item to be number after the slash is the creature’s natural reach. If the
enchanted. The masterwork quality as described below creature has exceptional reach due to a weapon, tentacle, or
replaces the normal masterwork quality modifiers to an item; the like, the extended reach and its source are noted in
it does not stack with the original masterwork rules. The parentheses at the end of the line.
different masterwork qualities are described below.
The standard masterwork quality for a weapon is Height/Weight
considered to be Balanced (+1 bonus to hit). With the The “average” range of height for a creature is given
exception of Balanced and Razor-sharp, masterwork qualities here in feet and inches; for long creatures (such as dragons,
retain their functionality in magical weapons. Masterwork worms and quadrupeds), this is the length of the creature. The
qualities are applied before magical modifiers or feat number in parentheses is the average height/length of the
modifiers. So for example, a +1 keen barbed scimitar has a creature. In most cases, females are 10%-30% shorter.
critical range of 13-20/x2. Avians tend to have a wingspan approximately triple
The standard masterwork quality for armor is their height.
considered to be Fitted (reduce armor check by 1).
The standard masterwork quality for shields is Weight
considered to be Durable (reduce armor check by 1). The “average” weight range for the creature is given
Caster: The armor is loose-fitting to accommodate here in pounds (lbs.). The number in parentheses is the
the intricate gestures required in spellcasting. Caster’s armor average weight for the creature. In most cases, females are
reduces the chance of spell failure by 10%, but also reduces 15-40% lighter.
the Armor Bonus by –1. Padded armor cannot be made into
caster armor. Cost: +150 gp Special Attacks and Special Qualities
Many creatures have unusual abilities. A monster
Damage entry breaks these abilities into special attacks and special
This line indicates the damage caused by each attack qualities. The latter category includes defenses, vulnerabilities,
listed in the Attack and Full Attack line. and other special abilities that are not modes of attack. A
The damage that each attack deals is noted special ability is extraordinary (Ex), spell-like (Sp), or
parenthetically. Damage from an attack is always at least 1 supernatural (Su). Additional information (when needed) is
point, even if a subtraction from a die roll reduces the result to provided in the creature’s descriptive text.
0 or lower. When a special ability allows a saving throw, the
A creature’s primary attack damage includes its full kind of save and the save DC is noted in the descriptive text.
Strength modifier (1-1/2 times its Strength bonus if the attack Most saving throws against special abilities have DCs
is with the creature’s sole natural weapon) and is given first. calculated as follows: 10 + 1/2 the attacker’s racial Hit Dice +
Secondary attacks add only ½ the creature’s Strength bonus. the relevant ability modifier.
If any attacks also have some special effect other than The save DC is given in the creature’s description
damage, that information is given here. along with the ability on which the DC is based.
Unless noted otherwise, creatures using natural weapons deal
double damage on critical hits.
Manufactured Weapons: Creatures that use swords, bows,
spears, and the like follow the same rules as characters do.
The bonus for attacks with two-handed weapons is 1½ times
the creature’s Strength modifier (if it is a bonus), and is given
first. Offhand weapons add only ½ the Strength bonus and are
given second in the parentheses.

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Damage Reduction (Variant Rules): A creature with this good, or lawful) can overcome this type of damage reduction
special quality ignores damage from most weapons and with its natural weapons and weapons it wields as if the
natural attacks. Wounds heal immediately, or the weapon weapons or natural weapons had an alignment (or alignments)
bounces off harmlessly (in either case, the opponent knows the that match the subtype(s) of the creature.
attack was ineffective). The creature takes normal damage When a damage reduction entry has a dash (–) after
from energy attacks (even nonmagical ones), spells, spell-like the slash, no weapon negates the damage reduction.
abilities, and supernatural abilities. A certain kind of weapon A few creatures are harmed by more than one kind of
can sometimes damage the creature normally, as noted below. weapon. A weapon of either type overcomes this damage
The entry indicates the amount of damage ignored reduction.
(usually 5 to 15 points) and the type of weapon that negates A few other creatures require combinations of
the ability. different types of attacks to overcome their damage reduction.
Some monsters are vulnerable to piercing, A weapon must be both types to overcome this damage
bludgeoning, or slashing damage. Some monsters are reduction. A weapon that is only one type is still subject to
vulnerable to certain materials, such as alchemical silver, damage reduction.
adamantine, or cold-forged iron. Attacks from weapons that
are not made of the correct material have their damage Spell Resistance (Variant Rules): A creature with spell
reduced, even if the weapon has an enhancement bonus. resistance can avoid the effects of spells and spell-like abilities
Some monsters are vulnerable to magic weapons. that directly affect it. To determine if a spell or spell-like
Any weapon with at least a +1 magical enhancement bonus on ability works against a creature with spell resistance, the
attack and damage rolls overcomes the damage reduction of caster must make a caster level check (1d20 + ½ caster level
these monsters. Such creatures’ natural weapons (but not their + level of spell cast). If the result equals or exceeds the
attacks with weapons) are treated as magic weapons for the creature’s spell resistance, the spell works normally, although
purpose of overcoming damage reduction. the creature is still allowed a saving throw. If you use this
A few very powerful monsters are vulnerable only to method, you may wish to change SR for monsters from other
epic weapons; that is, magic weapons with at least a +6 books to the method of calculating SR below.
enhancement bonus. Such creatures’ natural weapons are also The standard rules set a creature’s spell resistance at
treated as epic weapons for the purpose of overcoming 11 + CR of the monster. However, for the purposes of this
damage reduction. book, a different standard was adopted. Creatures in this book
In the case of magic damage reduction, a number have their spell resistance calculated at 11 + ½ HD + Cha
follows. If the magic weapon does not have an enhancement modifier. In most creatures, this tends to provide spell
bonus equal to or greater than the plus listed, it does not resistance lower than calculating it by CR, but in the case of
bypass damage reduction. Likewise, if the creature is attacked natural spell-using creatures, may often be higher than what is
with damage-inflicting spells that are not of a spell level equal expected.
to or greater than the indicated plus, the creature gains its If a creature has the “lesser magic resistance” special
damage reduction against the attack. It should be noted that quality, it gains a +5 bonus to SR (already calculated in). If
spells that deal energy damage (acid, cold, electricity, fire or the creature has the “magic resistant” special quality, it gains a
sonic as well as negative energy and force spells) which +10 bonus to SR (again, already calculated in). Finally,
normally bypass damage reduction will have their damage certain creatures that have DR/magic gain a bonus to SR when
reduced if they are not of sufficient level to bypass the damage spells are used against them that are lower level than the
reduction. Likewise, the creature gains a +2 bonus to Spell minimum weapon plus to bypass DR. The creature gains a +2
Resistance (if any) per spell level below the minimum to bonus to spell resistance per spell level below the minimum.
bypass DR. If you wish to use the standard rules to recalculate the
Some monsters are vulnerable to chaotic-, evil-, SR of the monsters within, just remember that the standard
good-, or lawful-aligned weapons. When a cleric casts align formula is 11 + CR of the creature.
weapon, affected weapons might gain one or more of these
properties, and certain magic weapons have these properties as
A creature with an alignment subtype (chaotic, evil,

Author’s Notes – DR and other monster books: The alternate DR rules harkens back to previous editions of the rules, where many
creatures required weapons with a certain magic bonus to be harmed. These rules seek to bring some of that quality back, as well as
render creatures immune (above and beyond spell resistance) to certain low-level spells. If you choose to use the alternate DR rules
listed above, you may desire to carry this ability over to creatures from other books. The conversion is quite simple – for every 4 CR,
give the creature a +1. Thus, for example, a CR 8 creature that normally has DR 5/magic would have DR 5/magic +2. If you’re
building your own monsters, we suggest the following
CR 1/8 – 1 DR 2/magic +0 CR 5-8 DR 5/magic +2 CR 13-16 DR 10/magic +4
CR 1-4 DR 5/magic +1 CR 9-12 DR 10/magic +3 CR 17-20 DR 15/magic +5

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Saves but not its bonus feats. A creature cannot have a feat that is not
This line gives the creature’s Fortitude, Reflex, and a bonus feat unless it has the feat’s prerequisites.
Will save modifiers. Some feats are listed with a special superscript
marking after it. These feats are bonus feats granted by race
Abilities or class abilities. The explanation of the notations is listed
This line lists the creature’s ability scores, in the customary below.
order: Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha. Except where noted
otherwise, each creature is assumed to have the standard array B = Racial bonus feat
of ability scores before racial adjustments (all 11s and 10s). To E = Epic Feat
determine any creature’s racial ability adjustments, subtract 10 F = Fighter class bonus feat
from any even-numbered ability score and subtract 11 from K = Eldritch knight class bonus feat
any odd-numbered score. (Exceptions are noted in the Combat M= Monk class bonus feat
section of a creature’s descriptive text.) P = Psion class bonus feat
Strength: Quadrupeds can carry heavier loads than bipeds R = Ranger class bonus feat
can. Any creature with four or more motive limbs can carry a Ro = Rogue Special Ability feat
load as a quadruped, even if it does not necessarily use all the S = Scientist class bonus feat
limbs at once. W = Wizard class bonus feat
Intelligence: A creature can speak all the languages Z = Psionic Warrior class bonus feat
mentioned in its description, plus one additional language per
point of Intelligence bonus. Any creature with an Intelligence New Feats
score of 3 or higher understands at least one language
(Common, unless noted otherwise). Armor Casting
Nonabilities: Some creatures lack certain ability scores. These You are skilled at casting spells in armor
creatures do not have an ability score of 0—they lack the Prerequisite: Armor Proficiency
ability altogether. The modifier for a nonability is +0. Benefit: Choose an armor or shield type you have proficiency
in when you choose this feat. While you wear the armor you
Skills have chosen, the Arcane Spell Failure chance is reduced by -
This line gives the creature’s skills, along with each 10%. The chance of spell failure cannot be reduced below
skill’s modifier (including adjustments for ability scores, 0%.
armor check penalties, and any bonuses from feats or racial
traits). All listed skills are class skills, unless the creature has a Beastmaster
character class (noted in the entry). A creature’s type and You have a more powerful animal companion than normal.
Intelligence score determine the number of skill points it has. Prerequisites: 4 or more HD, animal companion or special
The Skills section of the creature’s description recaps mount
racial bonuses and other adjustments to skill modifiers for the Benefit: When determining the type of animal companion
sake of clarity; these bonuses should not be added to the listed you qualify for, you may add ½ your Hit Dice to your druid
skill modifiers. levels or ¼ your Hit Dice to your ranger levels, or for a special
An asterisk (*) beside the relevant score and in the mount your Hit Dice to your paladin level. Your HD has no
Skills section of the descriptive text indicates a conditional effect on the level benefits your animal companion gains.
adjustment, one that applies only in certain situations. (Thus, an 8 HD creature with 3 levels of druid could start with
Natural Tendencies: Some creatures simply aren’t made for a brown bear, dire boar or any animal that requires 7th level or
certain types of physical activity. If it seems clear that a higher. When calculating Bonus HD, Natural Armor Adj.,
particular creature simply is not made for a particular physical Str/Dex Adj., Bonus Tricks and special abilities for the animal
activity, that creature takes a –8 penalty on skill checks that companion, the above creature would only count its 3 levels of
defy its natural tendencies. In extreme circumstances the druid for calculating the bonuses).
creature fails the check automatically.
Improved Aid Another
Feats Your skill not only allows you to aid an attacker, but land a
The line gives the creature’s feats. A monster gains deadlier blow
feats just as a character does. Sometimes a creature has one or Prerequisites: Combat Expertise, Int 13+, BAB 4+
more bonus feats, marked with a superscript B (B). Creatures Benefit: When using the aid another action in combat, you
often do not have the prerequisites for a bonus feat. If this is not only add +2 to an ally’s attack roll, the ally deals an
so, the creature can still use the feat. If you wish to customize additional +1d6 damage.
the creature with new feats, you can reassign its other feats, Normal: Aid another is used only with skills. To aid another
in combat, designate an ally who is attacking the same
opponent as you and make a touch attack roll against the target

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as a standard action. If you succeed the touch attack, you deal Environment
no damage, but your designated ally gains a +2 bonus to hit on This line gives a type of climate and terrain where the
his attacks for the round. creature is typically found. This describes a tendency, but is
not exclusionary.
Improved Weapon Size
You are capable of wielding larger than normal weapons. Extraplanar Creatures
Prerequisite: Strength 13+, BAB 1+ Many outsiders or elementals hail from planes other
Benefit: You can wield a large weapon designed for two- than Amberos. If you are not playing an Amberos campaign
handed use normally in one hand. You suffer a –2 penalty to and do not wish to use its planar geography, you may
hit due to the somewhat unwieldy size of the weapon. You substitute the listed planes as follows:
cannot use this feat to wield a large weapon in your off-hand.
Plane Substitute
Natural Spellcaster Abyss A strongly chaotic and evil-aligned
Your innate toughness makes you a stronger spellcaster plane
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 2nd level spells Agennomar A mildly evil-aligned plane
Benefit: You may add up to 4 caster levels to your highest Arcadia A strongly good-aligned plane
level spellcasting class. This does not increase your spells per Asgard A mildly chaotic and good-aligned
day or spells known in the class, only your caster level. Your plane
spellcasting level cannot exceed your character level (class Aurora Plane of dreams or ethereal
levels + HD + LA). Beastlands A mildly neutral-aligned plane
Special: You may take this feat more than once. Each Gehenna A mildly evil-aligned plane
additional time you take it, you may add 4 caster levels to the Hades A mildly neutral-aligned plane
next highest level spellcasting class you possess. Hell A lawful and evil-aligned plane
Limbo A strongly chaotic-aligned plane
Spell Enhancement Nirvana A strongly neutral-aligned plane
Your spells last longer in the school you have chosen. Olympus A mildly chaotic and good-aligned
Benefit: When you take this feat, choose a school of magic. plane
When determining the duration of a spell of the chosen school, Pandemonium A mildly chaotic and evil-aligned plane
you are treated one level higher than normal. This does not Seven Heavens A strongly lawful and good-aligned
affect damage, save DC or caster level for dispelling or plane
countering effects. Tarterus A mildly chaotic and evil-aligned plane
Spell Enhancement, Improved
Your spells last longer in the school you have chosen.
Prerequisites: Spell Enhancement This line describes the kinds of groups the creature
Benefit: When you take this feat, choose a school of magic in might form. A range of numbers in parentheses indicates how
which you have taken spell enhancement. When determining many combat-ready adults are in each type of group. Many
the duration of a spell of the chosen school, you are treated as groups also have a number of noncombatants, expressed as a
two levels higher than normal. This does not affect damage, percentage of the fighting population. Noncombatants can
save DC or caster level for dispelling or countering effects. include young, the infirm, slaves, or other individuals who are
This bonus replaces the one from spell enhancement. not inclined to fight. If the organization line contains the term
“domesticated,” the creature is generally found only in the
Swim-by Attack company of other creatures, whom it serves in some capacity.
You can attack while swimming past an opponent
Prerequisite: Swim speed. Challenge Rating
Benefit: When swimming, the creature can take a move action This shows the average level of a party of 4
(including a dive) and another standard action at any point adventurers for which one creature would make an encounter
during the move. The creature cannot take a second move of moderate difficulty.
action during a round when it makes a swim-by attack.
Normal: Without this feat, the creature takes a standard action Treasure
either before or after its move. This line reflects how much wealth the creature
owns. In most cases, a creature keeps valuables in its home or
lair and has no treasure with it when it travels. Intelligent
creatures that own useful, portable treasure (such as magic
items) tend to carry and use these, leaving bulky items at

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Typical Spell List
Alignment This entry is only found in creatures capable of
This line gives the alignment that the creature is most casting spells or using psionic abilities. It gives a
likely to have. Every entry includes a qualifier that indicates pregenerated list of spells for use by the creature. The list is
how broadly that alignment applies to the species as a whole. not absolute and may be modified as the DM suits.

Advancement Society
The monster entry usually describes only the most This entry is only found in creatures that organize
Commonly encountered version of a creature. The themselves into large cultural groups. It gives information for
advancement line shows how tough a creature can get, in a stereotypical community the creature belongs to. As always,
terms of extra Hit Dice. (This is not an absolute limit, but there are atypical examples of every society and the DM is
exceptions are extremely rare.) Often, intelligent creatures free to change, alter or ignore portions of the society entry as
advance by gaining a level in a character class instead of just needed.
gaining a new Hit Die.
On Amberos
Level Adjustment This information gives anecdotal information about
This line is included in the entries of creatures suitable for use the creature as befits a campaign set on Amberos. Many
as player characters or as cohorts (usually creatures with undead and extraplanar creatures lack this entry as they either
Intelligence scores of at least 3 and possessing opposable have no special niche on Amberos or, being extraplanar, hail
thumbs). Add this number to the creature’s total Hit Dice, from regions beyond Amberos.
including class levels, to get the creature’s effective character
level (ECL). A character’s ECL affects the experience the As Characters
character earns, the amount of experience the character must This gives a brief insight into why a member of this
have before gaining a new level, and the character’s starting species might take up a life of adventurer. Following is a list
equipment. of information required to build the race into a player
character. The section ends with information on the gods
Description Block worshipped by the race and domains allowed for worshippers
The information following the statistic block gives of that god. Note that player characters tend to be exceptional,
expanded information to run the creature in the game, as well and the character is not required to worship the god presented
as describing tactics, the ecological niche of the creature and in the entry.
other factors. For those races that are advanced by class levels,
example characters follow. These are not absolutes, but
First Appearance represent additional creature builds that can quickly be
The italicized text gives DMs a way to describe the dropped into an adventure. All example characters use the
creature when its true nature is first revealed. The description elite array of 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8, before racial and level
often factors the creature’s tactics or general demeanor into modifiers. If you are deconstructing the stats, please note
the description and may not always be appropriate to the there may be additional modifiers for level (+1 for every 4
situation. Feel free to modify or discard the description to fit character levels/add’l HD) and/or magic items added into the
the encounter. ability scores.
Note that the abbreviated stat profile only lists the
Overview changes from the main entry. The value of the creature’s gear
The paragraphs following the creature’s description is listed in a separate entry and should be deducted from any
give an overview of the creatures and its general habits. The treasure it would normally have. The DM is free to modify the
final paragraph states what languages the creature usually gear used by the creature; it is simply presented to ease in
knows. equipping and statting the creature.

Combat Open Content

The information here describes the general tactics of All portions of this document are open content with
a stereotypical member of this race. These are general the following exceptions. All information in the subheading
guidelines and can be modified as the DM sees fit. This of “on Amberos” is closed content, as are all illustrations.
section ends with expanded information about the special References to the gods of Amberos – Aspus, Dhorian, Discoff,
attacks and special abilities the creature possesses. Shame, The Dark One and the like normally found in the “As
Characters” blocks are closed content. References to countries
or landmarks of Amberos such as The Kingdom of Vall Vega,
The Empire of Swordfall, Golens, Twilight Forest and the like

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are closed content. All illustrations are closed content and
may not be reproduced without the express written consent of
the artist.

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Accursed Draining Bite (Sp): The bite of the accursed drains the
strength of a foe. With a successful bite, the accursed
Accursed are humanoids that have transformed by a causes 1d6 Strength damage. Lost strength can be
malevolent curse, usually one tied to an area or structure. The recovered at the rate of 1 point per day of rest.
malignant evil of the area wroughts a slow change over the Extended Reach (Ex): The accursed arms lengthen
individual, slowly swinging them towards evil behavior and considerably, doubling its reach.
granting them foul abilities even at their body undergoes Fear Aura (Su): The accursed radiates an aura of
malevolent changes. dread out to 15 feet. Those in the area of effect with
Accursed is a template that can be applied to any Hit Dice or levels less than or equal to the accursed
humanoid or giant. This is referred to as the base creature. racial hit dice must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½
accursed racial HD + Chr modifier) or be shaken. This
Type: The accursed type changes to monstrous humanoid and is a mind-affecting ability.
gains the evil subtype. Mad Scream (Su): As a standard action, the accursed
Hit Dice: The accursed gains 6d8 hit dice. These are can unleash a sonic scream that damages and causes
considered racial hit dice. confusion. The sonic scream affects a 15 foot cone,
Initiative: Same as base creature, modified by ability score dealing 3d6 sonic damage (Fort DC 10 + ½ racial HD +
changes. Con modifier for half damage). Those who fail a Will
Speed: The accursed gains a pair of bat-like wings that allow save (DC 10 + ½ racial HD + Con modifier) are
flight at a rate of 70 feet (poor). confused for 2d4 rounds, as per the spell. A victim who
Armor Class: The accursed gains a +4 bonus to Natural succeeds the saving throw against the scream cannot be
armor. confused by further mad screams for the remainder of
BAB/Grapple: The accursed gains a +4 bonus to Base the day, but still suffers sonic damage.
Attack. Grapple is recalculated based on the new Base attack Poison (Ex): The accursed grows a sinewy tail tipped
and ability modifiers with a stinger. The accursed can attack with tail as a
Attacks: The accursed gains a natural attack routine of two secondary attack and the tail deals 1d3 + ½ Str modifier
claws and a bite. The bite is considered a secondary attack + poison. Poison: Type: Injected; Fort DC 10 + ½
routine. The base damage for the claws and bite is based on racial HD + Con modifier. Init: 1d6 Con; Sec: 1d6
size, as shown on the table below. Accursed retain any Con.
weapon attacks they had prior to their transformation. Shapechanger (Su): The accursed gains the
shapechanger subtype. As a move action, the accursed
Size Claw Bite can change into another creature or mimic another
Small 1d3 1d4 person of its choice. This acts in all regards like a
Medium 1d4 1d6 polymorph with a caster level equal to the level/HD of
Large 1d6 1d8 the accursed.
Spellcaster (Sp): The accursed must already have the
Space/Reach: Same as base creature. ability to cast spontaneously. It does not suffer a
Special Att: The accursed gains two of the following penalty to Charisma, but instead gains a +4 bonus to
attack forms listed below. Charisma and a –2 penalty to Strength. The accursed
Body Spikes (Ex): The accursed body is covered in increases its spellcaster level by 6 for the purposes of
sharp, bony spikes. It is treated as if wearing armor determining spells known and spells per day.
spikes, and is considered proficient in their use. Summon (Su): The accursed can attempt to summon
Cursed Claws (Su): The claws of the accursed spread demons from the abyss once per day, with a 50%
its own curse to victims. Victims struck by the claw chance of success. The accursed can summon up to
attacks of the accursed must make a Will save (DC 10 + 2HD of demons per level or HD it has. Any single
½ racial HD + Con modifier) or be transformed into an summoned demon cannot have HD greater than the
accursed. Transformation takes 1d3+1 hours, in which summoner’s HD/level. The summoned demons remain
the victim is considered fatigued as he is wracked by for 1 hour, and cannot perform any summons of their
the growing pain of the curse. The transformation can own.
be reversed with Dispel Evil, Remove Curse (requiring Special Qual: The accursed gains darkvision 60 feet. If it
a level check vs. the accursed HD/levels), Wish or already has darkvision, the range is doubled. An accursed also
Miracle spell. Once the transformation finishes, only a gains Fire resistance 20, Acid resistance 10 and Regeneration
Wish or Miracle can reverse it. equal to their constitution modifier. An accursed cannot
Desecration (Sp): As a full-round action, the accursed regenerate fire or acid damage it takes.
can reproduce the effects of a desecration spell with a Saves: Same as base creature, modified by augmented
caster level equal to its level/HD. ability scores and additional hit dice (Fort +2, Reflex +2, Will

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Abilities: The accursed gains a +4 bonus to Strength and
Constitution and a +2 bonus to Dexterity. An accursed suffers
a –4 penalty to Intelligence and a –2 penalty to Charisma.
Skills: Same as base creature’s. An accursed gains bonus
skill points for its hit dice equal to (2 + Int modifier) x6
(minimum 6). An accursed racial skills are Bluff, Hide,
Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, and Spot.
Feats: Same as the base creature’s, plus an additional 2
racial feats of the accursed choice. Any feat prerequisites
must be met normally
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary or Pack (2-5)
CR: As base creature +4
Treasure: As base creature
Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
Advancement: By character class
Level Adj: +2

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Accursed Human Rogue Combat

Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Evil, Augmented Human) Preferring to strike from ambush, the accursed rogue
Rogue 1 loves killing opponents before they even get a glimpse of their
Hit Dice: 6d8 + 1d6 + 21 (51 hp) slayer. It prefers hit and run tactics, striking from the shadows
Initiative: +7 and quickly moving away before opponents can launch a
Speed: 30 feet (6 squares), fly 70 feet (poor) counterattack. The accursed rogue tends to use its mad scream
Armor Class: 19 (+3 dexterity, +2 leather armor, +4 against fighters, hoping their weak wills will crumble under
natural armor) touch 13, flat 16 the sonic assault and they become dangerous to their own
BAB/Grapple: +4/+7 allies.
Attack: Short sword +8 melee (1d6+3;19-20/x2) or Mad Scream (Su): As a standard action, the accursed rogue
claw +7 melee (1d4+3) can unleash a sonic scream that damages and causes
Full Attack: Short sword +8 melee (1d6+3;19-20/x2) or confusion. The sonic scream affects a 15 foot cone, dealing
2 claws +7 melee (1d4+3), bite +2 melee 3d6 sonic damage, Fort DC 16 for half. Those who also fail a
(1d6+1) Will save DC 16 are confused for 2d4 rounds, as per the spell.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. A victim who succeeds the saving throw against the scream
Height: 5 ft. 6 in + 2d4 inches (5 ft. 11 in.) cannot be confused by further mad screams for the remainder
Weight: 125 lbs + 5d4 x 5 lbs. (187 lbs.) of the day, but still suffers sonic damage.
Special Att: Mad scream, summon Regeneration (Ex): Fire and acid deal normal damage to a
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., fire resistance 20, acid accursed human rogue. An accursed human rogue can regrow
resistance 10, regeneration 3, sneak attack a limb after a minute’s time, but cannot reattach severed
+1d6, trapfinding limbs.
Saves: Fort +4, Reflex +7, Will +3 Summon (Su): The accursed can attempt to summon demons
Abilities: S16 D17 C17 I10 W10 Ch6 from the abyss once per day, with a 50% chance of success.
Skills: Bluff +2, Craft (Trapmaking) +4, Disable The accursed rogue can summon up to 14 HD of demons. The
Device +7, Disguise +2, Hide +18, Listen summoned demons remain for 1 hour, and cannot perform any
+7, Move Silently +18, Search +4, Spot +4 summons of their own.
Feats: Improved InitiativeB, Skill Focus (Hide),
Skill Focus (Move Silently), StealthyB,
Weapon FinesseB, Weapon Focus (short
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary or Troupe (2-5)
CR: 5
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Advancement: By character class
Level Adj: +2
This humanoid crouched before you has
wrapped most of its flesh in heavy garb.
However, a pair of bat-like wings protrudes from
its back, and in its clawed hands it holds a short
sword. The creature murmurs in a soul-numbing
language and it’s slitted red eyes stare out from
behind the mask of cloth with utter contempt for
The accursed rogue is a fiendish slayer of men, even
before its foul transformation. It is interested in little more
than killing and robbing foes. The accursed rogue can usually
be found in populated areas, hiding in shadows or alleyways
where it’s demonic appearance can be disguised or hidden.
The accursed rogue shuns companionship, preferring to slit the
throat of those it encounters instead of parleying with them.
An accursed rogue can speak Common and abysmal.

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Accursed Human Murderer Accursed Human Slayer
6HD Accursed human Rogue 4 (Evil, Augmented Human); 6HD Accursed human Rogue 4/Ranger 4 (Evil, Augmented
hp: 71 hp Human); hp: 131 hp
S16 D18 C17 I10 W10 Ch6;Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +4 S16 D19 C17 I10 W10 Ch6;Fort +11, Ref +15, Will +7
Init: +8 Move: 30 ft., fly 70 ft. (poor) Init: +8 Move: 30 ft., fly 70 ft. (poor)
AC: 22 (+4 Dex, +4 natural, +4 leather armor +2), touch AC: 23 (+4 Dex, +4 natural, +5 leather armor +3), touch
13, flat 18 13, flat 19
BAB/Grapple: +7/+9 BAB/Grapple: +11/+13
Full Attack: +1 Shortsword +13/+8 melee (1d6+4;19- Full Attack: +2 Shortsword +18/+13 melee (1d6+5;19-
20/x2) or 20/x2) or
2 claws +11 melee (1d4+3), bite +6 melee 2 claws +14 melee (1d4+3), bite +12 melee
(1d6+1) or (1d6+1) or
composite shortbow (+3 Str) w/ +1 arrow +1 composite shortbow (+3 Str) +16/+11/+6
+12/+7 ranged (1d6+4;x3) ranged (1d6+4;x3)
Special Att: Mad scream, summon Special Att: Favored enemy, mad scream, summon
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., evasion, fire resistance 20, Special Qual: Combat style (two weapons), darkvision 60
acid resistance 10, regeneration 3, sneak ft., evasion, fire resistance 20, acid
attack +2d6, trapfinding, trap sense +1, resistance 10, regeneration 3, sneak attack
uncanny dodge +2d6, trapfinding, trap sense +1, uncanny
Skills: Bluff +5, Craft (Trapmaking) +7, Disable Device dodge, wild empathy
+10, Disguise +5, Hide +21, Listen +7, Move Skills: Bluff +5, Craft (Trapmaking) +11, Disable Device
Silently +21, Search +7, Spot +7 +10, Disguise +5, Hide +25, Listen +7, Move
Feats: Improved InitiativeB, Skill Focus (Hide), Skill Focus Silently +30, Search +11, Spot +11, Survival +4
(Move Silently), StealthyB, Weapon FinesseB, Feats: Combat Reflexes*R, EnduranceR, Improved
Weapon Focus (short sword) Initiative , Multiattack, Skill Focus (Hide), Skill
CR: 8 Focus (Move Silently), StealthyB, TrackR, Two-
Gear: +1 shortsword (2,310 gp), composite shortbow (+3 Weapon FightingR, Weapon FinesseB, Weapon Focus
Str) (600 gp), arrow +1 (x4) (345 gp), leather armor (short sword)
+2 (4,160 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (1,000 gp), CR: 12
potion of invisibility (300 gp), potion of cure Gear: +2 shortsword (8,310 gp), +1 composite shortbow
moderate wounds (300 gp), potion of spider climb (+3 Str) (2,600 gp), leather armor +3 (9,160 gp),
(300 gp) cloak of protection +3 (9,000 gp), boots of elvinkind
Total: 9,315 gp (9,400 gp) (2,500 gp), potion of haste (750 gp), potion of cure
Evasion (Ex): If an accursed human rogue makes a successful serious wounds (750 gp)
Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half Total: 33,070 gp (35,000 gp)
damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. A * The accursed human slayer took a feat instead of an animal companion
helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion. Evasion (Ex): If an accursed human slayer makes a successful
Trap Sense (Ex): An accursed human rogue gains a +1 bonus Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half
on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. A
AC against attacks made by traps. helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): An accursed human rogue retains his Favored Enemy (Ex): The accursed human slayer gains a +2
Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat or bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival
struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses her checks when using these skills against Humanoids (human).
Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against
such creatures.
Trap Sense (Ex): An accursed human slayer gains a +1 bonus
on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to
AC against attacks made by traps.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): An accursed human slayer retains his
Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat or
struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses her
Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.
Wild Empathy (Ex): Check 1d20+2; Influence animals

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Accursed Human Serial Killer Once the assassin has completed the 3 rounds of study, he
6HD Accursed human Rogue 4/Ranger 4/Assassin 4 (Evil, must make the death attack within the next 3 rounds.
Augmented Human); hp: 157 hp Evasion (Ex): If an accursed human serial killer makes a
S16 D20 C17 I14 W10 Ch6;Fort +13, Ref +21, Will +7 successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally
Init: +9 Move: 30 ft., fly 70 ft. (poor) deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no
AC: 28 (+5 Dex, +4 natural, +7 leather armor +5, +1 damage. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.
dusty rose ioun stone, +1 ring of protection +1), Favored Enemy (Ex): The accursed human serial killer gains
touch 17, flat 23 a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival
BAB/Grapple: +14/+16 checks when using these skills against Humanoids (human).
Full Attack: Primary +3 keen short sword +21/+16/+11 Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against
melee (1d6+3;19-20/x2), off-hand short such creatures.
sword +18/+13 melee (1d6+1;19-20/x2) or Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A accursed human serial
2 claws +19 melee (1d4+3), bite +17 melee killer can no longer be flanked, since he can react to
(1d6+1) opponents on opposite sides of him as easily as he can react to
+1 composite shortbow (+3 Str) a single attacker. This defense denies rogues the ability to use
+20/+15/+10 ranged (1d6+4;x3) flank attacks to sneak attack the assassin. The exception to this
Special Att: death attack, favored enemy, mad scream, defense is that a rogue at least four levels higher than the
spells, summon assassin can flank him (and thus sneak attack him).
Special Qual: Combat style (two weapons), darkvision 60 Trap Sense (Ex): An accursed human serial killer gains a +1
ft., evasion, fire resistance 20, improved bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge
uncanny dodge, acid resistance 10, bonus to AC against attacks made by traps.
regeneration 3, sneak attack +4d6, Uncanny Dodge (Ex): An accursed human serial killer retains
trapfinding, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge, his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat or
wild empathy, +2 save vs. poison struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses her
Skills: Bluff +9, Craft (Trapmaking) +13, Disable Device Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.
+12, Disguise +5, Hide +30, Listen +7, Move Wild Empathy (Ex): Check 1d20+2; Influence animals
Silently +30, Search +11, Spot +17, Survival +4
Feats: Combat Reflexes*R, EnduranceR, Greater Two- Typical Spell List
Weapon Fighting, Improved InitiativeB, Iron Will, (4/2;Caster Level 4;Spell DC 12 + Spell Level)
Multiattack, Skill Focus (Hide), Skill Focus (Move 1st: Feather Fall, Ghost sound, Jump, True Strike
Silently), StealthyB, TrackR, Two-Weapon Defense, 2nd: Alter Self, Invisibility, Spider Climb
Two-Weapon FightingR, Weapon FinesseB, Weapon
Focus (short sword)
CR: 16
Gear: +3 keen shortsword (32,310 gp), +1 composite
shortbow (+3 Str) (2,600 gp), leather armor +5
(25,160 gp), headband of intellect +4 (16,000 gp),
cloak of resistance +4 (16,000 gp), dusty rose prism
ioun stone [+1 AC] (5,000 gp), ring of protection +1
(2,000 gp), potion of cure serious wounds (750 gp)
Total: 99,820 gp (100,000 gp)
* The accursed human slayer took a feat instead of an animal companion
Death Attack: If an accursed human serial killer studies his
victim for 3 rounds and then makes a sneak attack with a
melee weapon that successfully deals damage, the sneak attack
has the additional effect of possibly either paralyzing or killing
the target (assassin’s choice). While studying the victim, the
assassin can undertake other actions so long as his attention
stays focused on the target and the target does not detect the
assassin or recognize the assassin as an enemy. If the victim of
such an attack fails a Fortitude save (DC 16) against the kill
effect, she dies. If the saving throw fails against the paralysis
effect, the victim is rendered helpless and unable to act for 1d6
rounds plus 1 round per level of the assassin. If the victim’s
saving throw succeeds, the attack is just a normal sneak attack.

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Medium Aberration
Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (19 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)in hide armor; base speed
30 ft.
Armor Class: 16 (+1 Dex, +2 natural, +3 hide armor),
touch 11, flat 15
BAB/Grapple: +2/+7
Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d8+5)
Full Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d8+5) and 2 slam +2 melee
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Height: 5 ft. + 2d4 inches (5 ft. 5 in.)
Weight: 200 lbs + 2d10 x 10 lbs. (310 lbs.)
Special Att: -
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., resistance to energy
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3
Abilities: S21 D12 C15 I10 W11 Ch 8
Skills: Balance -2, Climb +2, Escape Artist -2,
Hide -2, Intimidate +2, Jump +2, Listen 0,
Move Silently -2, Sleight of Hand -2, Spot
+3, Survival +6, Swim -1, Tumble -2
Feats: Run, Track Acephos on Amberos
Environment: Cold or Temperate mountains or Acephos infest the mountain ranges of the Skienlands
underground and Randu, where tribes of the creatures prey on communities
Organization: Solitary, Pack (2-5), or Swarm (5-20) within the raiding bands reach.
CR: 3
Treasure: 50% coins, 25% items
Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Medium); 7-9 HD (Large)
Level Adj: +2
This leathery-looking humanoid has a face that
is seated directly into its chest. It has a huge
maw filled with yellow teeth, and its waves its
fists as it lets out an awful screech.
Acephos are vicious predatory beasts that despise
outsiders. They are willing to attack any non-acephos that
enter their area, and breed with frightening speed. While
acephos are capable of using tools and simple melee weapons,
they do not manufacture their own items other than the crude
hide armor they wear. They can generally be found wandering
the badlands, looking for something to kill and eat - very little
else seems to interest them.

Normally, an acephos enters combat by charging a
foe, slamming it with its fist or clubbing them with an
improvised weapon. They will often attempt to grapple an
opponent, and will often bite a held victim mercilessly. An
acephos will rarely chase foes if it has a kill available to it.
Unfortunately, acephos don't take prisoners and
generally consume any being they kill - items and all.
Resistance to Energy (Ex): Acephos ignore 15 points of fire
or cold damage from any attack directed against them.

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Animus Special Qual: The creature gains the following special

In a living body, there are two forces that combine to DR (Ex): An animus has DR based on its size as
grant life to the body. The most well-known is the soul, which follows:
houses the personality, intelligence and mental prowess of the Size DR
body. The other portion is the animus – a feral force that
Fine -
grants the ability to control the body in all things – whether
Diminutive 1/-
they are creatures with souls or not.
Tiny 2/-
Normally, upon the death of an individual, the
Small 3/-
animus likewise departs the body, and is spent, unable to
Medium 5/-
obtain the energy to pass on to another realm of existence.
Large 7/-
However, in rare cases, the animus force may be exceptionally
Huge 10/-
strong, and usually passes on to the Beastlands. In even rarer
Gargantuan 12/-
cases, the feral force refuses to leave the corpse of its host
Colossal 15/-
body, and takes control of the corpse. Drawing on the positive
energy plane, these animus “undead” become like wild Turn resistance 4 (Su): The animus’s connection to
animals, bent on the destruction of anything living. the positive material plane makes them more
Animus is a template that can be added to any difficult to turn. Animuses are treated as
aberration, animal, giant, humanoid, magical beast, or having 4 more HD than normal when
monstrous humanoid. attempts are made to turn or befriend them.
Undead traits (Ex): As undead, Animus gain the
Type: The creature’s type changes to undead following traits and abilities.
Hit Dice: hit dice increases to d12’s, double base creature’s —No Constitution score.
racial hit dice (hit dice from character levels are lost) —Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Initiative: As base creature’s. —Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions,
Speed: as base creature (speed bonuses from character class phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
levels are lost) —Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis,
Armor Class: The creature gains +2 natural armor. Any stunning, disease, and death effects.
bonuses to AC due to character class levels is lost. —Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage,
BAB/Grapple: ¾ hit dice, as Undead. ability drain, or energy drain. Immune to
Attack: The creature gains a bite attack and claw damage to its physical ability scores
attacks if it has the appropriate limbs. Damage for the attacks (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution), as
is based on size, as shown below. well as to fatigue and exhaustion effects.
—Cannot heal damage on its own if it has no
Intelligence score, although it can be healed.
Size Bite Claw
Negative energy (such as an inflict spell) can
Fine 1 1 heal undead creatures. The fast healing
Diminutive 1d2 1 special quality works regardless of the
Tiny 1d3 1d2 creature’s Intelligence score.
Small 1d4 1d3 —Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude
Medium 1d6 1d4 save (unless the effect also works on objects
Large 1d8 1d6 or is harmless).
Huge 1d10 1d8 —Uses its Charisma modifier for Concentration
Gargantuan 2d6 1d10 checks.
Colossal 2d8 2d6 —Not at risk of death from massive damage, but
when reduced to 0 hit points or less, it is
Space/Reach: As base creature. immediately destroyed.
Special Att: The bite of the animus contains a foul —Not affected by raise dead and reincarnate spells
plague that not only kills the victim, but also allows the or abilities. Resurrection and true
animus to consume the victim’s soul. resurrection can affect undead creatures.
Plague: Bite (Injury; DC 10 +½ HD + Chr mod; These spells turn undead creatures back into
Incub: 1 day; Init: 1d3 Con; Sec: 1d3 Con) A victim slain by the living creatures they were before
the disease has their soul consumed, preventing them from becoming undead.
being raised or resurrected short of a Wish or Miracle spell. —Undead do not breathe, eat, or sleep.
The animus loses any special attacks based from
character levels.
Saves: As base creature, modified for HD increase

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Abilities: An animus gains a +4 bonus to Strength and
Charisma. The animus has no Constitution score and its
intelligence drops to 1. An animus’s wisdom score is
Skills: An animus retains the skill points it had in life, but
cannot use any Intelligence-based skills.
Feats: As base creature, modified by hit dice. The creature
loses access to any feat gained from character levels or class.
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
CR: As base creature, modified as follows: 1-4 HD (+1 CR);
5-8 HD (+2 CR); 9+ HD (+3 CR)
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Level Adj: -

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Dire Ape Animus

Large Undead

Hit Dice: 10d12+3 (68 hp)

Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 17 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural), touch 11,
flat 15
BAB/Grapple: +5/+17
Attack: Claw +12 melee (1d6+8)
Full Attack: 2 claws +12 melee (1d6+8) and bite +7
melee (1d8+4)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Height: 8 ft. 6 in. + 1d12 inches (9 ft.)
Weight: 700 + 5d4 X 30 lbs. (1,075 lbs.)
Special Att: Plague, rend 2d6+9
Special Qual: DR 7/-, low-light vision, scent, turn
resistance 4, undead traits
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +8
Abilities: S26 D15 C-- I1 W12 Ch11
Skills: Climb +14, Listen +5, Move Silently +4,
Spot +6
Feats: Alertness, Toughness
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary
CR: 9
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 11-20 HD (Large); 21-30 HD (Huge)
Level Adj: -
This enormous shaggy ape's skin is distended
and gray. However, an unholy light glimmers in
the creature's eye, and a bloody foam covers its
gaping maw.
An animus dire ape is the remains of a strong-willed
dire ape still driven by its animal instincts. Despite its rotting
carcass, the dire ape is inhumanly strong and aggressive. It
seeks to vent its rage on any living thing or object that it finds,
rending it to pieces.

An animus dire ape is a simple beast - it charges the
opponent and attempts to maul them with tooth and claw. It is
fearless and will not back down from a fight.
Plague (Su): Bite (Injury; DC 15; Incub: 1 day; Init: 1d3 Con;
Sec: 1d3 Con) A victim slain by the disease has their soul
consumed, preventing them from being raised or resurrected
short of a Wish or Miracle spell.
Rend (Ex): An animus dire ape that hits with both claw
attacks latches onto the opponent’s body and tears the flesh.
This attack automatically deals an extra 2d6+12 points of

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Annikan enemies. Perhaps their one greatest weakness is their dislike of

subterfuge; they prefer to fight openly and gloriously, and
Medium Outsider (Evil, Native) despise resorting to dirty tricks, ambushing or other
Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (11 hp) dishonorable tactics to defeat a foe.
Initiative: +1
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares) Society
AC: 16 (+1 Dex, +3 natural, +2 leather), touch Annikan live in small walled communities in cadres
11, flat 15 associated with predatory animals. The cadres each perform a
BAB/Grapple: +2/+4 social function and job within the society when not at war.
Attack: Claw +4 melee (1d4 +2) or paddleblade +4 Though they are competitive to prove they are the best, the
melee (1d6+3;x3) cadres seek to work together for the benefit of the community
Full Attack: 2 Claw +4 melee (1d4 +2), bite -1 melee overall.
(1d6 +1) All Annikan are trained for combat in their cadre,
or paddleblade +2/+2 melee (1d6 +2;x3 / which they join upon reaching puberty. Such young Annikan
1d6+1;x3) are inducted into a cadre of similar-aged male and female
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Annikan, and will remain with the cadre for life.
Height: 5 ft. 6 in. + 2d8 in. (6 ft. 1 in.) A typical cadre consists of 20 members, half male
Weight: 100 lbs + 6d6 X 5 lbs. (205 lbs.) and half female - who are expected to mate to produce the
Special Att: - next generation of cadre. This number is subject to change
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, according to the number of Annikan in the population, but
spell resistance 10 rarely does it exceed 20. Losses to the cadre are not normally
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4 replaced, and it is Common when a cadre is reduced to a
Abilities: S14 D12 C13 I11 W13 Ch9 single individual for the lone member to go mad and/or
Skills: Balance +6, Climb +7, Intimidate +4, Jump commit ritual suicide.
+7, Listen +6, Spot +6, Survival +6, Tumble Annikan are semi-monogamous; they mate only
+6 within their cadre and tend to prefer a single mate within the
Feats: TrackB, Two-Weapon Fighting cadre, though there is no binding contract with the mate.
Environment: Any land Annikan females produce a litter of 2-4 months some eight
Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), Cadre (5-20 + 0-1 months after conceiving. The young remain with the parent's
Alpha), Tribe (5-12 Cadres + 0-12 hell cadre until puberty, at which time they are placed in a pool of
hounds + 1 Jackal King) or Pestilence (1-3 young Annikan and divide up into new cadres. Brothers and
Tribes + 1 Son of Anubis) sisters are rarely placed within the same cadre; loyalty is to the
CR: 1 tribe, not by blood relations.
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral evil Annikan on Amberos
Advancement: 3-4 HD (Medium); 5-6 HD (Large)
Annikan dwell eastern Llannhanex, on the border
Level Adj: -
between Llannhanex and Lanster. During the elvin golden
This thin, tall humanoid is covered in short black
age, the Llannhanex worshippers of Anubis created the
fur and has the head of sharp-nosed and sharp-
Annikan from sacred jackals and used them to fight in the
eared jackal. It has golden colored eyes that
wars against the rebel Iiannhanex. After the ancient ones were
glare at you with malice and it holds in its hand
put to sleep and the war between the Llanns and the Iianns
a double-ended paddle-shaped axe.
waned, the Annikan left the Llann to found their own society.
Annikan are a race of bloodthirsty humanoids that are
Though some tribes of Annikan still will work with the
the material spawn of an ancient god of death. Created for
Llanns, they are mercenary at best and have been know to turn
war, they were abandoned when they were separated from
on their lords for the sheer enjoyment of slaughtering them.
their god during one of his ancient wars. Since that time, the
Annikan have gathered and developed their own militaristic
Annikan Characters
Annikan speak Common and Infernal. Cadres have been known to send one or more of their
members out into the wider world to act as scouts and
Combat troublemakers, stirring up turmoil where they can to later
involve their cadre in some resulting war. In rare cases, an
Annikan generally fight in packs, supporting one
Annikan may be banished from his cadre for some crime
another to take down a single foe. At the same time, each
against his cadre (such as murder) or tribe.
Annikan is competing against its companions for the greatest
All Annikan have the following abilities.
glory of kills and combat prowess. Annikan have been known
to use superior tactics as well as massed charges against

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• Medium size Annikan Alpha
• Base Movement rate 40 feet. 2HD annikan Ftr 5;hp: 57
• Darkvision 60 feet. An Annikan can see in natural S19 D15 C16 I10 W14 Ch7;Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +6
darkness out to a range of 60 feet. Darkvision is Init: +2 Move: 40 ft.
black-and-white only. AC: 19 (+2 Dex, +3 natural, +4 mw chain shirt), touch 12, flat
• Low-light Vision. An Annikan can see twice as far 16
as a human in dim or twilight conditions. BAB/Grapple: +7/+11
• Monstrous Humanoid type Full Attack: 2 claws +11 melee (1d4+4), bite +6 melee
• 2d8 racial HD. To this total, the Annikan adds twice (1d6+2) or
his Constitution modifier (minimum 1 hp/HD). +1 Paddleblade +11/+11 melee (1d6+7;x3 /
• +3 natural armor 1d6+5;x3)
• Str +4, Dex +2, Con +2, Wis +2, Cha –2. Annikan Special Att: -
are strong, lithe and hardy. They have keen senses, Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent,
but tend to rely on a group rather than look to spell resistance 1
themselves. Skills: Balance +5, Climb +6, Hide +3, Intimidate +4, Jump
• Track as a bonus racial feat +6, Listen +7, Spot +9, Survival +7, Tumble +5
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, TrackB, Two-weapon
• (8 + Int modifier) x 5 skill points. An Annikan’s
DefenseF, Two-weapon fighting, Weapon Focus
racial skills are Balance, Climb, Craft (Any), Handle
(paddleblade)F, Weapon Specialization
Animal, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Profession (Any),
Spot, Survival, Swim and Tumble.
CR: 6
• Fort +3, Reflex +3, Will +3.
Gear: +1 Paddleblade (4,750 gp), mw chain shirt (250 gp),
• Natural Attack. An annikan gains two claw attacks potion of cure moderate wounds (300 gp)
that deal 1d4 + Str modifier damage, and a bite attack Total: 5,300 (5,600 gp)
that deals 1d6 + ½ Str modifier damage. The bite
attacks are primary.
• Scent Annikan Jackal King
• Spell Resistance 11 + Class level + Chr modifier. 2HD annikan Ftr 10;hp: 57
• Automatic Languages: Common, Infernal. Bonus S21 D15 C16 I10 W14 Ch9;Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +8
Languages: Abyssal, Dwarven, Elvin, and Init: +2 Move: 40 ft.
Goblinoid. AC: 19 (+2 Dex, +3 natural, +4 chain shirt), touch 12, flat 16
• Favored Class: Fighter BAB/Grapple: +12/+16
• Level Adjustment: +3 Full Attack: 2 claws +16 melee (1d4+5), bite +12 melee
Annikan worship Anubis of the Egyptian pantheon of the (1d6+2) or
Ancient Ones. A priest of Anubis can choose two of the three +1 Paddleblade +18/+13/+8 / +18 melee
domains of Chaos, Death and Evil. (1d6+8;19-20/x3 / 1d6+5;19-20/x3)
+1 composite longbow (+5 Str) +15/+10/+5
ranged (1d8+6;x3)
Paddleblade: A weapon of annikan design, the paddleblade
Special Att: -
looks like quarterstaff with an axeblade that projects from
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent,
each end parallel to the staff. Often the blade is adorned with
spell resistance 1
the image of a lotus flower. Annikan treat it as a double
Skills: Balance +5, Climb +6, Hide +6, Intimidate +5, Jump
martial weapon, all other races treat it as an exotic double
+6, Knowledge (Religion) +2, Listen +7, Spot +9,
Survival +7, Tumble +5
Cost: 75 gp; Dam: 1d6/1d6; Crit: x3; Wt: 5 lbs., Type:
Feats: CleaveF, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Greater Weapon
Focus (paddleblade)B, Improved Critical
(paddleblade)B, TrackB, Two-weapon DefenseF, Two-
weapon fighting, Weapon Focus (paddleblade)F,
Weapon Specialization (paddleblade)F
CR: 11
Gear: +1 paddleblade (4,750 gp), +1 composite longbow
(+5 Str) (2,800 gp), chain shirt +3 (9,400 gp),
gauntlets of ogre power (4,000 gp)
Total: 20,950 gp (21,000 gp)

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Annikan Jackal Lord Typical Spell List
2HD annikan Ftr 10/Bgd 5;hp: 57 (2/2/0; CL 5;Spell DC 12 + Spell level)
S19 D15 C16 I10 W14 Ch14;Fort +19, Ref +11, Will +11 1st: Corrupt Weapon, Inflict Light Wounds
Init: +2 Move: 40 ft. 2nd: Bull’s Strength, Darkness
AC: 27 (+2 Dex, +3 natural, +3 amulet of natural armor +3,
+9 chain shirt +5), touch 12, flat 25 Advanced Hell hound mount: CR 7; LA +3 (cohort); Large outsider
BAB/Grapple: +17/+21 (evil, extraplanar, fire lawful); HD 9d8+18; hp 58; Init +5; Spd 40 ft.;
Full Attack: 2 claws +21 melee (1d4+4), bite +16 melee AC 17 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +7 natural), touch 10, flat 16; Base Atk +4;
Grp +9; Atk Bite +14 melee (2d6+5 plus 1d6 fire); Full Atk (same);
(1d6+2) or
Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA breath weapon, fiery bite; SQ darkvision
+1 flaming Paddleblade +23/+18/+13 / +17 60 ft., immunity to fire, scent, vulnerability to cold; AL (Always) LE;
melee (1d6+6 +1d6 fire;19-20/x3 / 1d6+4 SV Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +6; Str 21, Dex 11, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 10,
+1d6 fire;19-20/x3) or Cha 6.
Lance +21/+16/+11 melee (1d8+4;x3) Languages: Hell hounds do not speak but understand Infernal.
Special Att: Smite good 2x/day, spells, sneak attack Skills and Feats: Hide +12, Jump +16, Listen +7, Move Silently
+1d6 +12, Spot +7, Survival +12; Ability Focus (Breath Weapon),
Special Qual: Aura of evil, command undead, dark Improved Initiative, Run, TrackB, Weapon Focus (Bite). B = Bonus
blessing darkvision 60 ft., detect good, low- Feat. (Hell hounds have a +5 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently
checks. They also receive a +8 racial bonus on Survival checks when
light vision, poison use, scent, spell
tracking by scent, due to their keen sense of smell.)
resistance 1 Breath Weapon (Su): 10–foot cone, once every 2d4 rounds, damage
Skills: Balance +5, Climb +6, Hide +6, Intimidate +11, 2d6 fire, Reflex DC 19 half. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Jump +6, Knowledge (Religion) +2, Listen +7, Ride Fiery Bite (Su): A hell hound deals an extra 1d6 points of fire
+7, Spot +9, Survival +7, Tumble +5 damage every time it bites an opponent, as if its bite were a flaming
Feats: CleaveF, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Greater Weapon weapon.
Focus (paddleblade)B, Improved Critical
(paddleblade)B, Mounted Combat, TrackB, Two- Fiendish Servant Bat: CR -; LA —; Diminutive animal; HD 6d8; hp
weapon DefenseF, Two-weapon fighting, Weapon 27; Init +2; Spd 5 ft., fly 40 ft. (good); AC 21 (+4 size, +2 Dex, +5
Focus (paddleblade)F, Weapon Specialization natural), touch 16, flat 19; Base Atk +4; Grp –13; Atk —; Full Atk —
; Space/Reach 1 ft./0 ft.; SA —; SQ blindsense 20 ft., blood bond,
empathic link, improved evasion, low–light vision, share saving
CR: 16 throws, share spells, speak with blackguard; AL (Always) N; SV Fort
Gear: +1 flaming paddleblade (16,750 gp), chain shirt +5 +14, Ref +9, Will +9; Str 4, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 4.
(25,000 gp), amulet of natural armor +3 (18,000 gp), Skills and Feats: Hide +14, Listen +8, Move Silently +6, Spot +8;
cloak of charisma +4 (16,000 gp), potion of cure Alertness. (A bat has a +4 racial bonus on Spot and Listen checks.
serious wounds (750 gp) These bonuses are lost if its blindsense is negated.)
Total: 76,500 gp (77,000 gp) Blindsense (Ex): A bat notices and locates creatures within 20 feet.
Aura of Evil (Ex): The power of a blackguard’s aura of evil Opponents still have 100% concealment against a creature with
(see the detect evil spell) is equal to his class level plus his blindsense.
Empathic Link (Su): The blackguard has an empathic link with his
cleric level, if any.
servant out to a distance of up to 1 mile. The blackguard cannot see
Detect Good (Sp): At will, a blackguard can use detect good through the servant’s eyes, but they can communicate empathically.
as a spell-like ability, duplicating the effect of the detect good Because of the limited nature of the link, only general emotional
spell. content can be communicated.
Poison Use: Blackguards are skilled in the use of poison and Because of the empathic link between the servant and the blackguard,
never risk accidentally poisoning themselves when applying the blackguard has the same connection to a place or an item that the
poison to a blade. servant does.
Dark Blessing (Su): A blackguard applies his Charisma Improved Evasion (Ex): If the servant is subjected to an attack that
modifier of +2 as a bonus on all saving throws. normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it takes no
damage on a successful saving throw and only half damage on a
Smite Good (Su): Twice a day, a Jackal Lord may attempt to
failed saving throw
smite good with one normal melee attack. He adds his +2 to Share Spells: At the blackguard’s option, he may have any spell (but
his attack roll and deals 5 extra points of damage. If he not any spell-like ability) he casts on himself also affect his servant.
accidentally smites a creature that is not good, the smite has The servant must be within 5 feet at the time of casting to receive the
no effect but it is still used up for that day. benefit. If the spell has a duration other than instantaneous, it stops
Aura of Despair (Su): A Jackal Lord radiates a malign aura affecting the servant if it moves farther than 5 feet away and will not
that causes enemies within 10 feet of him to take a –2 penalty affect the servant again even if the servant returns to the blackguard
on all saving throws. before the duration expires. Additionally, the blackguard may cast a
Command Undead (Su): 5x/day; Turn Check +2; HD 2d6+5. spell with a target of “You” on his servant (as a touch range spell)
instead of on himself. A blackguard and his servant can share spells

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even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the servant’s
type (magical beast).
Speak with Blackguard (Ex): If the blackguard’s character level is
13th or higher, the blackguard and servant can communicate verbally
as if they were using a Common language. Other creatures do not
understand the communication without magical help.
Blood Bond (Ex): If the blackguard’s character level is 16th or
higher, the servant gains a +2 bonus on all attack rolls, checks, and
saves if it witnesses the blackguard being threatened or harmed.
This bonus lasts as long as the threat is immediate and apparent.

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Apolii into trees and fleeing at full speed once out of reach of an
enemy. However, if forced into a corner with no avenue of
Medium Animal escape, Apolii have been known to go into blood frenzy,
Hit Dice: 4d8+12 (30 hp) striking to take out their opponent before they go down
Initiative: +4 themselves.
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), climb 30 ft. (6 squares) Blood Frenzy (Ex): An apolii reduced to ¼ normal hit points
Armor Class: 20 (+4 Dex, +6 natural), touch 14, flat 16 (7 hp) or less goes into a berserk fury. The apolii gains a +4
BAB/Grapple: +3/+7 bonus to strength and constitution, but suffers a –2 penalty to
Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d6 +4) AC (as per a barbarian’s rage ability). Furthermore, the apolii
Full Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d6 +4) and 2 claw +2 melee is not disabled or knocked unconscious at 0 or negative hit
(1d4 +2) points, but can continue fighting until reduced to –10 hit
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. points, at which time it drops dead. The blood frenzy lasts for
Height: 5 ft. 6 in. + 2d4 in. (5 ft. 11 in.) 7 rounds or until the apolii is reduced to –10 or less hit points.
Weight: 200 + 2d4 x 20 lbs (300 lbs.) Improved Grab (Ex): If an apolii hits with a claw attack, it
Special Att: Blood frenzy, improved grab, rend deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free
Special Qual: Low-light vision action without provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +1 touch attack is required. Apolii can only use this ability
Abilities: S19 D19 C17 I2 W11 Ch8 against medium-sized or smaller creatures.
Skills: Balance +8, Climb +12, Intimidate +2, Jump Rend (Ex): If an apolii hits the same opponent with both claw
+6, Listen +2, Spot +2, Tumble +6 attacks in the same round, or has successfully grappled an
Feats: Acrobatic, Alertness opponent, it may deal rending damage to target. The rend
Environment: Warm forests deals 2d4+3 damage.
Organization: Solitary, Family (2-5), or Pod (5-20) Skills: An apolii gains a +8 racial bonus to climb checks. It
CR: 3 can choose to take 10 on a climb check even if rushed or in
Treasure: None combat.
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Medium); 9-12 HD (Large) Apolii on Amberos
Level Adj: +3 (Animal Companion only) Apolii can be found on the islands of the western
This black ape-like creature has a blossom of coast of Amberos, such as Arocnek. However, they are most
crimson fur that runs from the tips of its fingers up well known for dwelling in the Forna Sea and the islands
to its elbows. It hoots at you in a somewhat beyond the east of Amberos. There are fables of an Apolii
unfriendly manner, waving its massive arms and city – made of gold and ivory - hidden on a misty isle
baring its large canines. It follows you with cat-like somewhere deep in the Forna sea, protected by a bank of fog
yellow eyes, and it moves with amazing grace. and a host of whirlpools.
The apolii are ape-like creatures that are often found on
tropical islands. They live in small family groups, eating
insects or other small creatures - they are carnivorous, and will
refuse to eat fruits or vegetables. Apolii will generally use
threatening gestures and body language to attempt to scare
away creatures that come within their territory. They are much
more likely to flee attackers if they can outdistance their
opponents by climbing and swinging through trees, but if one
or more of their number comes under attack, the family will
generally fight viciously to save their brethren.
Apolii cannot speak or understand language, but can
be taught a wide variety of tricks. Trained Apolii can learn
four times the number of tricks that other animals are capable
of learning.

Apolii generally will only attack prey of size smaller
willingly, and only attack larger prey if forced. Attacking
Apolii prefer to charge opponents and grapple, using their
tremendous strength to rip their opponents apart. When
reduced to half hit points or less, most Apolii attempt to
disengage from combat and escape - preferably by climbing

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Araby Arabics often let themselves be driven by greed, and will often
attack individuals of other races simply to rob them.
Medium Humanoid (Dwarf) The araby presented above had base ability scores of
Hit Dice: 1d8+3 (8 hp) 12, 11, 13, 10, 9 and 8 respectively.
Initiative: +1 Araby qualities (Ex): Arabics gain the following special
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) abilities.
Armor Class: 15 (+1 Dex, +3 studded leather armor, +1 • +2 bonus to Tumble checks. Arabics are known for
buckler), touch 11, flat 14 their flexibility and graceful movements.
BAB/Grapple: 0/+2 • +2 bonus to Appraise checks. Arabics have a nose
Attack: Scimitar +2 melee (1d6 +2) for business and prize themselves on knowing the
Full Attack: Scimitar +2 melee (1d6 +2) value of items they encounter
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
• +2 bonus to Fortitude saves against poison.
Height: 3 ft. 9 in. + 2d4 in. (4 ft. 2 in.)
Arabics have an unnatural toughness to resist
Weight: 130 lbs + 2d6 x 5 lbs (165 lbs.)
Special Att: -
• +2 bonus to Fortitude saves against fire damage.
Special Qual: Araby qualities, low-light vision
Arabics have a natural resistance to high
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +1, Will -1
temperatures and gain the indicated bonus against fire
Abilities: S12 D11 C15 I10 W9 Ch6
attacks. Furthermore, arabics do not suffer heat
Skills: Appraise +4, Balance -2, Climb -1, Craft
exhaustion damage.
(Weaponsmith) +4, Escape Artist -2, Hide -
2, Jump -1, Listen -1, Move Silently -2, • Scimitar & shortbow familiarity. Arabics treat
Sleight of Hand -2, Spot 0, Swim -5, scimitars and shortbows as simple weapons, instead
Tumble +2 of martial weapons.
Feats: Dodge • Stability. Arabics gain a +4 bonus against bull rush
Environment: Warm deserts or trip attacks.
Organization: Solitary, Company (2-5), Family (5-20 +0-2
Dervish), Tribe (20-40 + 1-6 Dervish +0-3 Araby Society
mountain lions + 0-1 Sahid), Kalab (40-60 Arabics primarily dwell on the surface in deep desert areas, in
+2-12 Dervish + 1-6 mountain lions + 0-1 communities dominated by female matriarchs. Unlike
dire tiger + 1-2 Sahid + 0-1 Saluke), or dwarves, Arabics are a race that prefers to be above ground,
Nation (60+ plus 5-20 Dervish + 5-20 only spending its time in the mines when their work shift
mountain lion + 0-4 dire tigers + 1-4 Sahid + requires it. While the males generally perform the physical
1 Saluke) labor tasks, the females run the home and have the final say in
CR: ½ all business matters.
Treasure: Standard Most Arabic groups are organized into Kalabs, a group of two
Alignment: Usually lawful neutral to three tribes that have been united by marriage. These
Advancement: By Character Class extended families watch over each other and work together for
Level Adj: +0 the betterment of all its members. A Kalab generally has one
This darkly-tanned, squat humanoid is dressed in or more mine holdings, using the precious metals they mine to
loose fitting cloth and wielding a rune-covered craft items with which to trade with other Kalabs or outsiders.
scimitar. Its weather-worn face sports a short, At the same time, many Kalabs are not above raiding other
black beard and his head is covered with a societies to make a quick profit or to destroy opposition to
gemstone-adorned turban. their trade monopolies. It is rare for Kalabs to attack other
Araby are offshoots of dwarves who dwell in desert Kalabs, but it has been known to happen.
areas, usually in rocky badlands. There they live in small
communities that mine the surrounding area for treasures and Arabics on Amberos
engage in trade with other races. Dwellers of the wastes of far Randu, the Arabics
Araby speak Common and Terran. They have were mercenary dwarves who fought alongside and lived with
darkvision out to 60 feet. Ghan’s people after they parted ways with the Kingdom of
The plural form of the name is Arabics. Malovak. The harsh life in the badlands of Randu forced them
to change many of their customs and habits, though many of
Combat the tribes have turned to mining the harsh lands in which they
Arabics tend to fight in packs, surrounding and now dwell, supplementing their needs with raids or forays into
baiting opponents. It is not unknown among arabics to ride more hospitable areas.
camels or horses into combat, and to use ranged weapons.

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Araby as Characters Araby Dervish
Many Araby characters are nomads or outcasts from Araby Ftr 5;hp: 42 hp
their society. Thrust into a position where they must strike out S16 D13 C16 I10 W12 Ch6; Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +2
for themselves, they become a desert flame that consumes all Init: +1 Move: 20 ft.
in their way. AC: 18 (+1 Dex, +6 breastplate +1, +1 mw buckler), touch
Araby characters gain the following abilities: 11, flat 17
• Low-light vision. Araby can see up to 120 feet in BAB/Grapple: +5/+3
dim or twilight conditions. Full Attack: +1 scimitar +10 melee (1d6+6;18-20/x2) or
• Base Movement rate 20 feet. Araby have shorter Composite shortbow (+3 Str) +6 ranged
legs than most medium-sized creatures and thus (1d6+3;x3)
move somewhat slower than most medium-sized Special Att: -
creatures. Special Qual: Araby qualities, low-light vision
• +2 Con, -2 Chr Skills: Appraise +2, Balance –2, Climb +0, Escape Artist –2,
• +2 bonus to Tumble checks. Arabics are known for Jump +0, Listen +1, Ride +8, Spot +1, Tumble +5
their flexibility and graceful movements. Likewise, Feats: Dodge, MobilityF, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus
Tumble is treated as a class skill for them, regardless (Scimitar)F, Weapon Specialization (Scimitar)F
of the actual class they advance in. CR: 5
• +2 bonus to Appraise checks. Arabics have a nose Gear: +1 scimitar (2,315 gp), composite shortbow (+3 Str)
for business and prize themselves on knowing the (225 gp), breastplate +1 (1,350 gp), mw buckler (165
value of items they encounter. gp), potion of cure light wounds (50 gp)
• +2 bonus to Fortitude saves against poison. Total: 4,105 gp (4,300 gp)
Arabics have an unnatural toughness to resist Araby Sahid
poisons. Araby Ftr 10;hp: 85 hp
• +2 bonus to Fortitude saves against fire damage. S19 D13 C16 I10 W12 Ch6;Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +6
Arabics have a natural resistance to high Init: +1 Move: 20 ft.
temperatures and gain the indicated bonus against fire AC: 20 (+1 Dex, +7 breastplate +2, +2 buckler +1), touch 11,
attacks. Furthermore, arabics do not suffer heat flat 19
exhaustion damage. BAB/Grapple: +10/+3
• Scimitar & shortbow familiarity. Arabics treat Full Attack: +1 scimitar +16/+11 melee (1d6+7;15-
scimitars and shortbows as simple weapons, instead 20/x2) or
of martial weapons. +1 Composite shortbow (+4 Str) +12/+7
• Stability. Arabics gain a +4 bonus against bull rush ranged (1d6+5;x3)
or trip attacks. Special Att: -
• Favored Class: Fighter Special Qual: Araby qualities, low-light vision
• Level Adj: +0 Skills: Appraise +2, Balance –2, Climb +0, Escape Artist –2,
Arabics worship Deor, the Miner. A priest of Deor Jump +5, Listen +1, Ride +8, Spot +1, Tumble +10
can choose two of the three domains of Earth, Knowledge or Feats: Dodge, Improved Critical (Scimitar)F, Improved
Law. Shield BashF, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes,
MobilityF, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (Scimitar)F,
Weapon Specialization (Scimitar)F, Whirlwind
CR: 10
Gear: +1 scimitar (2,315 gp), +1 composite shortbow (+4
Str) (2,600 gp), breastplate +2 (4,350 gp), buckler
+1 (1,165 gp), gauntlets of ogre power (4,000 gp),
potion of cure serious wounds (750 gp), potion of
heroism (750 gp)
Total: 15,180 gp (16,000 gp)

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Araby Saluke
Araby Ftr 15;hp: 127 hp
S22 D13 C16 I10 W12 Ch6;Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +8
Init: +1 Move: 20 ft.
AC: 23 (+1 Dex, +9 breastplate +4, +3 buckler +2), touch 11,
flat 22
BAB/Grapple: +15/+20
Full Attack: +3 scimitar +20/+15/+10 melee
(1d6+10;15-20/x2) or
+1 Composite shortbow (+6 Str)
+22/+17/+12 ranged (1d6+7;x3)
(rapid shot) +1 Composite shortbow (+6
Str) +20/+20/+15/+10 ranged (1d6+7;x3)
Special Att: -
Special Qual: Araby qualities, low-light vision
Skills: Appraise +2, Balance –2, Climb +5, Escape Artist –2,
Jump +5, Listen +1, Ride +8, Spot +1, Tumble +15
Feats: Dodge, Greater Weapon Focus (Scimitar), Greater
Weapon Specialization (Scimitar), Improved Critical
(Scimitar)F, Improved Shield BashF, Iron Will,
Lightning Reflexes, MobilityF, Point Blank ShotF,
Rapid ShotF, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus
(Scimitar)F, Weapon Specialization (Scimitar)F,
Whirlwind AttackF
CR: 15
Gear: +3 scimitar (18,315 gp), +1 composite shortbow (+6
Str) (2,750 gp), breastplate +4 (16,350 gp), buckler
+2 (4,165 gp), belt of giant strength +4 (16,000 gp),
potion of cure serious wounds (750 gp)
Total: 58,330 gp (59,000 gp)

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Argosi in a 30 ft. radius as per the Bless spell, with a casting level of
10th. The argosi also causes dissonance among enemies of the
Large Construct ship, affecting enemies in the same area of effect as if under
Hit Dice: 10d10+30 (85 hp) the effect of a Doom spell (caster level 10, spell DC: 14).
Initiative: +4 Fast Healing (Ex): An argosi heals 3 hit points per round
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) (can't run) except from fire or acid attacks.
Armor Class: 23 (-1 size, +14 natural), touch 9, flat 23 Sea Legs (Ex): An Argosi is never affected by the motion of
BAB/Grapple: +7/+18 the ship it is on. It does not suffer penalties to attack, armor
Attack: Spear +14 melee (2d6+10;x3) class or skill checks due to the ship’s motion.
Full Attack: Spear +14/+8 melee (2d6+10;x3) Ship Merge (Su): An argosi is bonded to a single ship, and
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. cannot willingly leave the deck of the ship it is bonded to.
Height: 12 ft. However, the ship can assume (or subsume) the position of
Weight: 3,000 lbs. figurehead on the ship. When it does so, the ship it is merged
Special Att: - with gains the construct’s regeneration ability and can be
Special Qual: Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., low-light piloted by the argosi as if it had a full crew. Further, the
vision, morale boost, fast healing 3, sea legs, argosi can animate the ship for 10 minutes once a day while
ship merge merged, as if using the Animate Object spell. The casting
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 level for this ability is 10th, but affects the entire ship (ignore
Abilities: S25 D10 C- I10 W14 Ch15 the normal size/area limitations for the spell). If the ship the
Skills: Hide -4, Knowledge (Geography) +7, Listen argosi is merged with is destroyed, the argosi is destroyed as
+4, Profession (Sailor) +13, Spot +4, Use well.
Rope +8
Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Improved Creating an Argosi
Sunder, Power AttackB, Weapon Focus An argosi’s body is whittled from a single block of
(Shortspear) wood (usually ash), weighing at least 3,000 lbs. The wood
Environment: Any aquatic must be of exceptional quality, and costs 300 gp. Assembling
Organization: Solitary the body requires a DC 17 Craft (sculpting) check or DC 17
CR: 7 Craft (Woodworking) check.
Treasure: None CL 12th; Craft Construct, animate object or transformation,
Alignment: Always neutral contact other plane or divination, geas/quest, caster must be at
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Large); 11-15 HD (Huge) least 12th level; Price 37,000 gp; Cost 19,000 gp + 1,500 XP.
Level Adj: -
This female, painted wooden figure creaks Argosi on Amberos
slightly as it hefts its spear. It towers above the
The creation of argosi is a high art among the
height of a man, and despite being made of solid
shipbuilders of Saltbrine, who have experimented with stone
wood, the tresses of its clothes move as if they
versions for their granite ships. Some shipbuilders in Shovnov
were made of cloth.
Coast and Millos have also learned the craft of creating argosi,
The Argosi is an animated ship's figurehead. It is
and there are ancient argosi found in the fleet of ships from the
created to protect and fight for the ship it is bonded to. They
FarrenLands, though shipbuilders in that land seem to have
are popular among seamen, and feared by pirates. An Argosi
lost the skill to create new argosi.
speaks the language of its creator, and often has a silken voice
Argosi have also been commissioned for vessels from
that always seems to have words of comfort for its crew.
other nations in the west, and the secrets have apparently been
Besides being inspiring, Argosi are usually bound to the
learned in places such as Randu and Ran Da Khan.
ship they were created for, and can take control of the ship if
boarded, damaged or if the crew is otherwise incapacitated.
Argosi speak the language of their creator.

Argosi will enter combat to defend their vessel from
hostile boarders or sea monsters, striking with spear and fist as
it attempts to rally the crew. While an argosi's prime concern
is the safety of the ship, it will also go to great lengths to
protect the captain of the ship, and will fight as the captain
Morale Boost (Su): The presence of an argosi radiates a
constant aura that raises the morale of friendly crewmembers

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Aspidoceleon slowly crush and bleed its enemy. If possible, they will drag
their foe into the depths to drown, if it is an air breather or
Gargantuan Magical Beast (Water) ship.
Hit Dice: 40d10+403 (623 hp) Breath Weapon (Su): An aspidoceleon can breath a gout of
Initiative: +0 super-heated acid out to a distance of 60 feet that fills a 20
Speed: swim 20 ft. (4 squares) foot radius area. Those caught in the area of effect suffer 10d6
Armor Class: 24 (-4 size, +18 natural), touch 6, flat 24 acid damage and 10d6 fire damage (Reflex DC 30 for half).
BAB/Grapple: +40/+64 The aspidoceleon can breath every 1d4+1 rounds.
Attack: Bite +49 melee (2d8+12;19-20/x2) Constrict (Ex): An aspidoceleon can deal 2d6+9 bludgeoning
Full Attack: Bite +49 melee (2d8+12;19-20/x2), tail +43 damage after making a successful grapple check with its tail.
melee (2d6+6) Improved Grab (Ex): If an aspidoceleon hits a huge or
Space/Reach: 20 ft./25 ft. smaller opponent with a tail or bite attack with a melee
Length: 55 ft. + 1d10 ft. (60 ft.) weapon, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple
Weight: 64,000 lbs + 3d4 x 2,000 lbs (79,000 lbs/ as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.
39.5 tons) No initial touch attack is required.
Special Att: Breath weapon, constrict, improved grab, Lasting Breath (Ex): An aspidoceleon can hold its breath for
swallow whole 1 hour per point of constitution before suffering the effects of
Special Qual: DR 5/-, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 5, drowning.
lasting breath, low-light vision Swallow Whole (Ex): If an aspidoceleon begins its turn with
Saves: Fort +34, Ref +22, Will +14 large-sized or smaller opponent held in its mouth (see
Abilities: S35 D10 C31 I6 W13 Ch12 Improved Grab), it can attempt a new grapple check (as
Skills: Hide -12, Listen +23, Spot +23, Swim +20 though attempting to pin the opponent). If it succeeds, it
Feats: Awesome Blow, Alertness, Blind Fighting, swallows its prey, and the opponent takes bite damage. A
Cleave, Devastating Critical (Bite)E, Great swallowed creature is considered to be grappled, while the
Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical aspidoceleon that did the swallowing is not. A swallowed
(Bite), Improved Sunder, Overwhelming creature can try to cut its way free with any light slashing or
CriticalE, Perfect HealthE, Penetrate Damage piercing weapon by dealing 60 points of damage to the AC 19
Reduction (Magic)E, Power Attack, Weapon interior, or it can just try to escape the grapple. If the
Focus (Bite) swallowed creature escapes the grapple, success puts it back in
Environment: Temperate, Warm aquatic the attacker’s mouth, where it may be bitten or swallowed
Organization: Solitary again.
CR: 18 Fast Healing (Ex): An aspidoceleon regains hit points at an
Treasure: None exceptionally fast rate, regaining 5 hit points per round.
Alignment: Always neutral Except where noted here, fast healing is just like natural
Advancement: 41-80 HD (Gargantuan); 81-120 HD healing. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from
(Colossal) starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and it does not allow a
Level Adj: - creature to regrow lost body parts.
The water bursts aside as serpentine neck erupts Skills: An aspidoceleon has a +8 racial bonus to swim
from the water. The long neck ends in a reptilian checks, and can take 10 even when rushed or in combat.
head spouting steam, and the whole is connected
to a turtle-like body the size of an island. Aspidoceleon on Amberos
Massive flippers slowly tread water on each side These creatures are a terror of the southern and
of the turtle shell, and a long, snake-like tail western seas of Amberos. Though they are thankfully rare,
coils and twists behind the creature. there are numerous accounts of vessels dragged to the watery
Aspidoceleon are sea monsters that have a habit of depths of the ocean by this creature.
preying on ships and other large aquatic life. Sailors tend to
simply refer to them as “sea serpents”. Wrapped in an armored
shell, they are predators of the high seas, though they rarely
attack small targets.

Aspidoceleon usually lurk under the surface of the
water moving slowly until they spot a target of opportunity -
usually something the size of a small whale or larger. The
beast then rushes at the target and attempts to grapple. Once it
is grappling with its enemy, it uses it constriction and bite to

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Aspii are a race of degenerate snake folk created
from a close association with the reptile god of snakes. While
their association with snakes gives them a virtual immortality
in that they do not die of old age, they are horribly twisted
toward evil in both frame and mind.
Aspii are all the more dangerous for their alchemical
knowledge, which they use to force others to become like
them, and which they use to taint the form of other living
things to their will.
Oddly, aspii and menten are bitter enemies, each
pursuing their ultimate goal of domination and transformation
of all things into a form best suited to their own shape. The
hatred is so great that several aspii septs are dedicated to
nothing less than rooting out the location of menten enclave
and then overwhelming and destroying such bastions.
All aspii have the following characteristics

Scent (Ex): Aspii can “smell” the air with their forked
tongues and can easily find that which their sight overlooks.
Darkvision: All aspii have the ability to see with their slitted
eyes in utter darkness – even magical darkness - as if it were
daylight. Though the range varies by species, this ability is
tied to the shape of their eyes. If they use magic or other
means to alter the shape of their eyes, they lose this natural

The aspii have their own language called Aspii. It is

a hissing language accompanied with rhythmic body motions.
The written version is based on a heavily modified Draconic.

Aspii on Amberos
Aspii are the creation of Aspus, lord of scales. Most
true aspii were once Aharati humans who were lured to the
snake god by its twisted promises of immortality during the
horrible rampage of Guaradrell.

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Blooded Aspii attack, hoping to demoralize victims before slaying them.

Medium Humanoid (Reptilian) Aspii are generally ordered to bring victims back alive as
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp) slave stock for the true aspii, but generally despise doing so
Initiative: +5 and will gleefully kill as many as they can get away with. If
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) presented with surrendering foes, however, they will generally
Armor Class: 19 (+1 Dex, +3 natural, +4 chain shirt, +1 begrudgingly take prisoners.
light steel shield), touch 11, flat 18 Poison (Ex): The bite of a blooded aspii delivers a paralyzing
BAB/Grapple: 0/+1 poison (Fort DC 11, Init: Paralyze 1d4 rounds, Secondary:
Attack: Bite +1 melee (1d4 + poison) or Rapier +1 Paralyze 2d4 rounds). Blooded Aspii generally use the bite to
melee (1d6+1;18-20/x2) take prisoners without inflicting grievous harm to the victim.
Full Attack: Rapier +1 melee (1d6+1;18-20/x2), The save DC for the poison is constitution-based.
or Bite +1 melee (1d4 + poison) and 2 claws
–4 melee (1d3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Height: 5 ft. + 3d4 inches (5 ft. 7 in.)
Weight: 125 lbs. + 2d6 x 10 lbs. (195 lbs.)
Special Att: Poison
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +0
Abilities: S13 D13 C12 I10 W11 Ch8
Skills: Balance -2, Climb -2, Disguise +3, Escape
Artist -2, Hide -2, Jump -2, Listen 0, Move
Silently -2, Sleight of Hand -2, Spot +4,
Swim -13, Tumble -2
Feats: Improved Initiative
Environment: Warm plains or forests
Organization: Solitary, Crew (2-5 +0-1 Servant + 0-1
Aspii Slave), Nest (5-20 +0-3 Servant + 0-1
Snakeskin + 0-2 True Aspii + 0-4 Aspii
Slave), or Band (20-40 +-3 Servant + 0-1
Snakeskin + 1-6 True Aspii + 0-6 Aspii
Degenerates + 0-4 Huge Constrictor Snakes
+ 2-12 Aspii Slave)
CR: 1
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually Neutral Evil
Advancement: By Character Class
Level Adj: +2
This cloaked humanoid figure pulls back its hood Blooded Aspii on Amberos
to reveal a face covered in scales and large Blooded aspii are the alchemical creations of the true
slitted red eyes that stare malevolently at you. A aspii, and are often sent against communities to raid such
forked tongue flickers between the sharp fangs of providences for more stock to create even more blooded aspii.
its maw. Most aspii can be found in the region near Lost Vale
Blooded aspii are the offspring of true aspii and eastward through Misake. Small enclaves of blooded aspii
humanoids who either willingly join aspii culture or are forced (under the direction of true aspii) have been encountered in the
into it. Blooded aspii are used as expendable warriors by the Yaz forest, and tales speak of the aspii being seen near the
true aspii, but are slightly higher on the social scale than pure Twilight Forest.
humanoid slaves.
Blooded aspii speak Aspii and Common. Blooded Aspii as Characters
Blooded aspii are often sent on quests away from
Combat their community. Some turn from their original goals in
Blooded aspii will often attempt to lure their search of adventure and enemies to kill.
opponents into a false sense of comfort before springing to A blooded aspii gains the following abilities.
attack. If given a chance they will attempt to infiltrate or • Medium Size
ambush foes, but once engaged will generally rush to the • Base Movement 30 feet

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• Reptilian subtype
• Low-light vision and Darkvision 60 ft. A blooded
aspii can see in dim or twilight conditions twice as
far as a human, and can see in total darkness out to 60
• +3 Natural armor
• +2 Str, +2 Dex,+2 Con, -2 Chr. A blooded aspii is
quick, strong and healthy. However, blooded aspii
rarely make good leaders and are bred as a slave race.
• Natural attacks. A blooded aspii can attack with a
bite and two claws. The bite deals 1d4 + Str modifier
+ poison. The claws deal 1d3 + ½ Str modifier. The
claws are considered secondary attacks.
• Poison Bite. The bite of a blooded aspii is
poisonous. (Fort DC 10 + Con modifier, Init:
Paralyze 1d4 rounds, Secondary: Paralyze 2d4
• Scent
• Automatic Languages: Auran, Common. Bonus
Languages: Elf, Dwarf, Giant, Goblinoid.
• Favored Class: Rogue
• Level Adjustment: +2
Aspii blooded worship Aspus, the snake god. A priest of
Aspus can select two of the three domains of Animal (Reptiles
only), Evil and Trickery.

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Aspii Blooded Servant Aspii Blooded Snakeskin
Aspii Blooded Rog 4/Clr 1;hp: 28 Aspii Blooded Rog 7/Clr 3;hp: 58
S16 D16 C14 I10 W15 Ch6; Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5 S16 D19 C14 I10 W15 Ch6;Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3
Init: +7 Move: 30 ft. Init: +7 Move: 30 ft.
AC: 20 (+3 Dex, +3 Natural, +4 studded leather +1), touch AC: 22 (+4 Dex, +3 Natural, +5 studded leather +2), touch
13, flat 17 14, flat 18
BAB/Grapple: +3/+6 BAB/Grapple: +7/+10
Full Attack: +1 rapier +7 melee (1d6+4;18-20/x2) or Full Attack: +2 rapier +13/+8 melee (1d6+5;18-20/x2)
Bite +6 melee (1d4+3 + poison), 2 claws +1 or
melee (1d3+1) Bite +10 melee (1d4+3 + poison), 2 claws
Special Att: Poison, sneak attack +2d6 +5 melee (1d3+1)
Special Qual: Aura, Darkvision 60 ft., evasion, low-light Special Att: Poison, sneak attack +4d6
vision, scent, trap sense +1, trapfinding, turn Special Qual: Aura, Darkvision 60 ft., evasion, low-light
undead, uncanny dodge vision, scent, trap sense +2, trapfinding, turn
Skills: Bluff +6, Diplomacy +5, Disable Device +7, undead, uncanny dodge
Disguise +9, Hide +10, Intimidate +5, Listen +2, Skills: Bluff +11, Diplomacy +10, Disable Device +10,
Move Silently +10, Open Locks +10, Spot +2 Disguise +12, Hide +13, Intimidate +8, Listen +2,
Feats: Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Disguise) Move Silently +13, Open Locks +12, Spot +2
CR: 6 Feats: Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus
Gear: +1 rapier (2,320 gp), studded leather +1 (1,175 gp), (Disguise), Weapon Focus (Rapier)
composite shortbow (+3 Str) (300 gp), elixir of CR: 11
sneaking (300 gp), potion of cure light wounds (50 Gear: +2 rapier (8,320 gp), studded leather +2 (4,175 gp),
gp) composite shortbow (+3 Str) (300 gp), periapt of
Total: 4,145 gp (4,300 gp) wisdom +2 (4,000 gp), gloves of dexterity +2 (4,000
Evasion (Ex): If an aspii blooded servant makes a successful gp)
Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half Total: 20,795 gp (21,000 gp)
damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. A Evasion (Ex): If an aspii blooded servant makes a successful
helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion. Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half
Trap Sense (Ex): An aspii blooded servant gains a +1 bonus damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. A
on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.
AC against attacks made by traps. Trap Sense (Ex): An aspii blooded servant gains a +2 bonus
Turn Undead: 3x/day; Turning Check –2; Turn Damage: on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +2 dodge bonus to
2d6-1 AC against attacks made by traps.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): An aspii blooded servant retains her Turn Undead: 3x/day; Turning Check –2; Turn Damage:
Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat or 2d6-1
struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still loses her Uncanny Dodge (Ex): An aspii blooded servant retains her
Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat or
struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still loses her
Typical Spell List Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.
(3/3;Caster Level 1;Spell DC 12 + Spell Level; Domains:
Evil, Trickery) Typical Spell List
0: Guidance, Virtue (4/4/2;Caster Level 3;Spell DC 12 + Spell Level; Domains:
1st: Command, Disguise SelfD, Doom Evil, Trickery)
D: Domain spell 0: Guidance, Mending, Resistance, Virtue
1st: Bless, Command, Disguise SelfD, Doom
2nd: InvisibilityD, Resist Energy
D: Domain spell

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Aspii Blooded Viper
Aspii Blooded Rog 7/Clr 8;hp: 58
S16 D20 C14 I10 W17 Ch8;Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +11
Init: +9 Move: 30 ft.
AC: 23 (+5 Dex, +3 Natural, +5 studded leather +2), touch
15, flat 18
BAB/Grapple: +11/+14
Full Attack: +2 rapier +17/+12/+7 melee (1d6+5;18-
20/x2) or
Bite +14 melee (1d4+3 + poison), 2 claws
+9 melee (1d3+1)
Special Att: Poison, sneak attack +4d6
Special Qual: Aura, darkvision 60 ft., evasion, low-light
vision, scent, trap sense +2, trapfinding, turn
undead, uncanny dodge
Skills: Bluff +17, Diplomacy +11, Disable Device +10,
Disguise +13, Hide +13, Intimidate +9, Listen +2,
Move Silently +13, Open Locks +12, Spot +2
Feats: Augment Summoning, Combat Reflexes, Improved
Initiative, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Skill Focus
(Disguise), Weapon Focus (Rapier)
CR: 16
Gear: +3 rapier (18,320 gp), studded leather +5 (25,175
gp), +2 composite shortbow (+3 Str) (8,600 gp),
periapt of wisdom +4 (16,000 gp), gloves of dexterity
+2 (4,000 gp), cloak of charisma +2 (4,000 gp)
Total: 76,095 gp (77,000 gp)
Evasion (Ex): If an aspii blooded servant makes a successful
Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half
damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. A
helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Trap Sense (Ex): An aspii blooded servant gains a +2 bonus
on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +2 dodge bonus to
AC against attacks made by traps.
Turn Undead: 3x/day; Turning Check –2; Turn Damage:
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): An aspii blooded servant retains her
Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat or
struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still loses her
Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

Typical Spell List

(6/6/5/5/3;Caster Level 8;Spell DC 13 + Spell Level;
Domains: Evil, Trickery)
0: Create Water, Detect Poison, Guidance, Mending,
Resistance, Virtue
1st: Bless, Command, Deathwatch, Disguise SelfD, Divine
Favor, Doom
2nd: Aid (x2), Bull’s Strength, InvisibilityD, Resist Energy
3rd: Contagion, Dispel Magic, NondetectionD, Summon
Monster III (x2)
4th: Divine Power, Freedom of Movement, Unholy BlightDE
D: Domain spell
E: Evil Spell, +1 caster level

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Aspii Degenerate
Small Monstrous Humanoid (Reptilian)
Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (11 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12,
flat 14
BAB/Grapple: +2/-3
Attack: Bite +2 melee (1d3-1 + poison)
Full Attack: Bite +2 melee (1d3-1 + poison), claw -3
melee (1d2-1) and tail -3 melee (1d4-1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Height: 3 ft. 3 in. + 2d4 in. (3 ft. 8 in.)
Weight: 30 lbs + 2d4 x 3 lbs. (45 lbs.)
Special Att: Poison
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +4
Abilities: S9 D13 C12 I6 W13 Ch5
Skills: Balance +9, Climb +9, Hide +11, Listen +5,
Move Silently +3, Spot +5, Survival +6,
Swim +7
Feats: Stealthy
Environment: Warm plains or forests
Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), or Nest (5-20)
CR: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 3-4 HD (Small); 5-6 HD (Medium)
Level Adj: +2 (cohort)
This creature looks like a green, legless lizard Combat
the size of a child. It has an atrophied pair of Degenerates are bloodthirsty trackers and despite
forelimbs that it flails about as it slithers their small size, will viciously attack prey much larger than
forward. As it moves its head sways from side to themselves. Worse of all, degenerates often hunt in packs, and
side as the yellow eyes glance about and its will swarm single prey to quickly bring it down before moving
forked tongue flickers to taste the air. on to attack another.
Degenerates are hunting beasts the Aspii use to track Because of their great intelligence (for an animal-like
prey and kill it. Despite their small size, degenerates can be creature), degenerates have shown a great amount of cunning.
quite deadly and must be specially trained by blooded aspii They learn quickly from their mistakes, can often escape
rangers to prevent them from turning on other aspii. confinement, and have been known to employ their
Surprisingly, degenerates are hatched from true aspii eggs; the surroundings to injure their opponents. Though degenerate
parent simply needs to will to create an egg that will spawn a aspii do not use tools, they can manipulate door handles,
degenerate “child”. true aspii have little to no emotional activate in-place traps and even solve problems of how to
attachment to degenerates; they are simply tools to be used in reach prey that has otherwise cut itself off from approach.
the eyes of the true and blooded aspii. Poison (Ex): An degenerate aspii’s bite inflicts a paralytic
In extremely rare cases, degenerates have been known poison that slows the victim down and makes them easy prey
to live in the wild and develop their own blood-thirsty to be captured or overwhelmed by aspii swarms. (DC 12 Fort.
communities. There are fanciful tales of degenerate aspii Init: 1d3 dexterity, Sec: 1d4 dexterity).
communities that have learned to build their own dwellings Skills: Aspii degenerates have a +4 racial bonus on Hide,
and use tools, but to date, no such habitation has been found Listen, and Spot checks and a +8 racial bonus on Balance and
by aspii or other races. Climb checks. An aspii degenerate can always choose to take
Degenerates are relentless hunters, and will dog their 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened. Aspii
prey until called off or slain. Degenerates can be trained by degenerates use either their Strength modifier or Dexterity
other aspii and can be purchased for about 500 gp each. They modifier for Climb checks, whichever is higher. An aspii
can be taken as animal cohorts by aspii druids and aspii degenerate has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to
rangers, despite the creatures being humanoids. perform some special action or avoid a hazard. Aspii
Degenerates cannot speak, but understand aspii. degenerates can choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if

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distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while
swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

Aspii Degenerates on Amberos

Wherever Aspii can found, their tiny hunters are not
far behind. Aspii Degenerates can be found stalking the area
in and around Lost Vale, eastwards toward Misake. Aspii
have also long lived in the Yaz forest, and there are tales of
the creatures being found near the Twilight Forest in Simera.

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Aspii Slave
True Aspii have the ability to transform other
humanoid creatures into subservient serpentine creatures
under the control of the Aspii.
Aspii Slave is a template that can be applied to any
humanoid, giant or monstrous humanoid creature that failed its
secondary saving throw against the True Aspii’s venom attack.

Type: An aspii slave’s type does not change, but it gains the
Reptilian subtype
Hit Dice: An Aspii Slave’s hit dice doubles
Initiative: Unmodified
Speed: An Aspii Slave’s movement rate is unmodified
Armor Class: The Aspii Slave gains a scaly covering that
increases the base creature’s Natural Armor class by +2
Attack: An Aspii Slave loses all ability to fight with ranged
weapons, but retains the ability to attack with manufactured
melee weapons any natural attack routines and gains a bite and
claw attack routine if it did no have one. The bite attack is
poisonous. The damage dealt by the attack is based on size, as
shown below.
Space/Reach: Unchanged from the base creature
Special Att: The Aspii slave retains any extraordinary or
supernatural special attacks, but loses the ability to cast spells
or use spell-like abilities. The bite of an Aspii slave is
venomous, though other Aspii are immune to the venom.

Poison Bite (Ex): Injected, Fort DC: 10 + ½ HD +

Con Modifier; Init: 1d3 Con; Sec: 1d6 Con

Special Qual: The Aspii slave gains the Scent ability and
darkvision 60 feet. Aspii slaves are also mentally enslaved to
the Aspii by the venom that courses through their veins.

Enslaved (Ex): Aspii slaves are the mental slaves of

the Aspii race. A True Aspii or a Blooded Aspii can
control them with a successful Handle Animal check.
If giving opposing orders by Aspii, the Aspii with the
higher roll directs the slave.

Saves: The Aspii slave has a base Will save of +0, despite
it’s hit dice or levels.
Abilities: An Aspii slave gains a +4 bonus to Strength and
Constitution Scores. Its intelligence is reduced to a 3 and its
Charisma suffers a –8 penalty, to a minimum of 1.
Skills: An Aspii Slave gains no additional skill points,
despite the increase in hit dice.
Feats: The Aspii Slave gains the Toughness and Diehard
feat for free. Any feats they gain for the increased hit dice are
always melee combat feats.
CR: Equal to ¾ of the new hit dice with the following
adjustment: +1 (1-3 HD ), +2 (4-6 HD), +4 (7+ HD)
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Level Adj: +2 (cohort)

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Aspii Slave Minotaur to bring its mighty horns into play. In addition to the normal
Large Monstrous Humanoid (Reptilian) benefits and hazards of a charge, this allows the beast to make
Hit Dice: 12d8+24 (78 hp) a single gore attack with a +1 attack bonus that deals 4d6+9
Initiative: +0 points of damage. The aspii slave minotaur may perform a
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) Bull Rush as part of the powerful charge.
Armor Class: 16 (–1 size, +7 natural), touch 9, flat — (see Natural Cunning (Ex): Although aspii slave minotaurs are
text) not especially intelligent, they possess innate cunning and
BAB/Grapple: +6/+14 logical ability. This gives them immunity to maze spells,
Attack: Greataxe +17 melee (3d6+9;x3) or gore +12 prevents them from ever becoming lost, and enables them to
melee (1d8+3) or claw +17 melee (1d6+6) track enemies. Further, they are never caught flat.
or bite +15 melee (1d8+3 + poison) Skills: Aspii slave minotaurs have a +4 racial bonus on
Full Attack: Greataxe +17/+12/+7 melee (3d6+9;x3), Search, Spot, and Listen checks.
gore +12 melee (1d8+3) or Enslaved (Ex): Aspii slave minotaurs are the mental slaves
2 claws +17 melee (1d6+6) and bite +15 of the Aspii race. A True Aspii or a Blooded Aspii can
melee (1d8+3 + poison) control them with a successful Handle Animal check. If
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. giving opposing orders by Aspii, the Aspii with the higher roll
Height: 6 ft. 6 in. +2d6 in (7 ft. 1 in.) directs the slave.
Weight: 600 lbs. + 2d10 x 10 lbs. (710 lbs.)
Special Att: Powerful charge 4d6+12 Aspii Slaves on Amberos
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., natural cunning, scent Aspii often turn powerful humanoids into aspii slaves
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +8 to give their blooded warriors heavy hitting power for raids or
Abilities: S23 D10 C19 I3 W10 Ch 1 wars against other nations. Aspii slaves are never far from
Skills: Intimidate +0, Listen +7, Search +0, Spot +7 their aspii masters – they are normally encountered in or near
Feats: Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Lost Vale and eastward through Misake. Aspii also inhabit
Rush, Power Attack, Track the Yaz forest and there are rumors and legends of them being
Environment: Underground found near the Twilight Forest in Simera.
Organization: Solitary, pair, or gang (3–4)
CR: 11
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually chaotic Evil
Advancement: By character class
Level Adj: +3 (cohort)
The horrid creature before you has a powerfully
built body covered in fur and scales with the
head of a great horned snake. In its muscled
arms it wields a dangerous-looking great axe.
With a mighty hiss, it lowers its head and
charges forward.
The Aspii slave minotaur is an impressive tool to
send against opponents to send them scattering. The creature
has little use beyond combat, and aspii rarely treat these
minions in a respectful manner that they live beyond a few

Aspii slave minotaurs are practically mindless, they
will charge into as directed by their aspii herder, or lacking an
aspii to control them, attack any living creature that it comes
into contact with. Aspii slave minotaurs do not flee from
combat willingly, and are as unwilling to disengage a foe even
when directed to do so by an aspii minder (opposing Handle
Animal checks with a Will Save).
Poison Bite (Ex): Injected, Fort DC 20; Init: 1d3 Con; Sec:
1d6 Con
Powerful Charge (Ex): An aspii slave minotaur typically
begins a battle by charging at an opponent, lowering its head

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True Aspii sentient beings. Thus, they often use their sorcerous powers to
Large Aberration (Reptilian) convert captured subjects into spawn that more resembles
Hit Dice: 7d8 +21 (52 hp) themselves – a process that has already produced two “slave”
Initiative: +6 races that are capable of reproducing normally – Aspii Wyrms
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) and Aspii Degenerates. Unfortunately, most blooded Aspii
Armor Class: 22 (-1 Size,+2 Dex, +6 Natural, +5 must be produced through mating of True Aspii and
Breastplate) touch 11, flat 20 humanoids, but the Aspii one day hope to be able to cease the
BAB/Grapple: +4/+11 practice in favor of only true aspii existing.
Attack: Bite +8 melee (1d8+4 + poison) or Aspii speak Common and Aspii and can communicate
Greatsword +7 melee (3d6+6;19-20/x2) or with any snake (as per the speak with animals ability) at will.
Composite Longbow (+4 Str) +5 ranged Aspii often know the languages of humanoids who live around
(2d6+4;x3) them – often Dwarven, Elvin, Gnomish, Orcish or Goblinoid.
Full Attack: Bite +8 melee (1d8+4 + poison), 2 claws +5
melee (1d6+2) or Combat
Greatsword +7 melee (3d6+6;19-20/x2) or True aspii are terrifying opponents, able to wield
Composite Longbow (+4 Str) +5 ranged weapons with skill as well as be able to fight with sorcerous
(2d6+4;x3) power. Aspii are unafraid to fight other races, whom they
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. generally see as inferior; even in defeat they rarely admit they
Length: 15 ft. + 2d4 ft. (20 ft.) were bested by superior foes. Aspii fight with all the cunning
Weight: 1,000 lbs. + 2d6 x 50 lbs. (1,350 lbs) and skill available to them, often in concert with other aspii
Special Att: Poison, Hypnotic Gaze, Spells spawn such as blooded, degenerates or even astride aspii
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., DR 5/slashing, low-light wyrms. The true aspii will often collect trophies, such as eyes,
vision, fast healing 4, natural caster ears, teeth or fingers from opponents as proof of their prowess,
Saves: Fort +5, Reflex +4, Will +6 and in most cases will prefer to take as many prisoners as they
Abilities: S19 D15 C17 I16 W13 Ch15 can to convert to slave or experimental fodder.
Skills: Climb +8, Balance +6, Bluff +12, Climb Aspii are known to have their own variant of the
+14, Concentration +13, Hide +2, Listen Shadowdancer and Arcane Archer prestige class that is feared
+10, Spellcraft +13, Spot +5, Swim -2 among other races.
Feats: Multiattack, Power Attack, Weapon Focus Fast Healing (Ex): Aspii can heal 4 hit points of damage a
(Bite) round. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from
Environment: Warm forest or plains starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and it does not allow a
Organization: Solitary (1), Hunt (2-5), Cult (5-20 Aspii creature to regrow lost body parts.
Blooded + 0-1 Aspii Blooded Viper + 0-6 Hypnotic Gaze (Su): A true aspii who gazes into the eyes of
Aspii Degenerates + 1-3 True Aspii + 0-1 an opponent can induce a paralytic state in the victim that
Aspii Demagogue), Slaughter (6-20), Tribe renders them susceptible to suggestion. Those who meet the
(21-50 True Aspii + 15-200 Blooded Aspii + gaze of a true aspii must make a Will save (DC15) or stand
2-12 Aspii Degenerates + 0-4 Huge helpless for 2d4 round. The save DC is Charisma based.
Constrictor Snakes +0-1 Aspii wyrms) While so helpless, the aspii can attempt to utter a suggestion to
CR: 7 the victim as a full-round action (as per the Suggestion spell,
Treasure: Standard caster level 7th). If the victim is attacked or harmed while
Alignment: Always Chaotic Evil helpless, the trance is shattered, though any suggestions
Advancement: Large (8-12 HD), Huge (13-14 HD) or By remain in place.
Character Class Natural Caster: A true aspii does not suffer arcane spell
Level Adj: +6 failure when wearing armor or employing shields.
This monstrous, glimmering green serpent has a Poison (Ex): The bite of a true aspii – by it’s cobra head and
humanoid upper body, with ropy, scaled arms not its snake-headed hands – delivers a toxin that transforms
that end in the head of snakes. It has the head of the victim in an Aspii slave, if it does not kill them. True
a great cobra, and a two-handed sword and bow Aspii also can coat an arrow tip or their melee weapon as a
are sheathed on its back. Its chest and arms are move-equivalent action. True Aspii poison (Injected; DC 16;
covered with what at first appear to be tattoos, Init: 1d3 Con; Sec: Transformation). A victim who fails the
but which you quickly realize are simply colorful saving throw for the secondary effects is transformed into an
and intricate decorated scales. Aspii Slave (see Aspii Slave Template).
Sometimes mistakenly referred to as ophidians, the Spells (Sp): A True Aspii can cast spells as if they were 7th
aspii are a race of snake-men bent on reshaping the world to level sorcerers. Aspii prefer illusion and enchantment spells.
their twisted, reptilian view. According to the Aspii If a True Aspii gains sorcerer levels, they act as if they were 7
themselves, they were created to replace and rule over all

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levels higher for the purposes of determining spells known and Pits hidden in the area. Aspii have also been encountered in
spells per day. the Yaz forest in the Skienlands, and tales also place them
Skills: True aspii have a +4 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, and near the Twilight Forest in Simera.
Spot checks and a +8 racial bonus on Balance and Climb
checks. A true aspii can always choose to take 10 on a Climb True Aspii as Characters
check, even if rushed or threatened. True aspii use either their Aspii rarely involve themselves directly with lesser
Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier for Climb checks, races, though on rare occasions an aspii might reject its tribe
whichever is higher. A true aspii has a +8 racial bonus on any to dwell and travel among the other races, for a time.
Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. True aspii have the following abilities
It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if • Large Size. –1 penalty to AC and attack rolls, -4
distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while penalty on Hide checks, +4 bonus on grapple checks.
swimming, provided it swims in a straight line. Lifting and carrying limits double those of Medium
True Aspii Society • Aberration type
True aspii prefer to live in thickly obscured • Reptilian subtype
wilderness areas, such as in jungles or within the tree line • Base speed 30 ft.
areas of mountains. They scorn underground dwellings, but if • Darkvision 60 feet.
forced, have been known to call such places home. • Low-light vision
True aspii usually gather in tribes, each tribe
• +6 natural armor
associated with a particular snake, which it reverse above all
• 7d8 Hit Dice. To this total, the true aspii adds seven
else, and of which a single huge specimen lives with the tribe.
times its Constitution modifier (minimum 1 hp/HD)
Some of the oldest tribes are blessed with a semi-divine
offspring of Aspus himself, known as a true aspii demagogue. • BAB +4
Demagogues are ruthless and ever-hungry, demanding • 10 ft. space/10 ft. reach
constant tribute of living victims to sate their never-ending • Str +8, Dex +4, Con +6, Int +6, Wis +2, Cha +4.
hunger. True aspii are strong, lithe and hardy. They are
In these clans, the aspii involve themselves in highly intelligent and self-confident, often looking
degenerate rites and often raid nearby settlement for stock for down at other races. Their snake-like senses grant
their vile sacrifices or experiments. them better perception than most races.
In areas where other races have not been terrorized or • Fort +2, Reflex +2, Will +5
tricked into accepting the presence of an aspii tribe, the aspii • (2 + Int modifier) x 10 skill points. A true aspii’s
secretly establish cults using aspii blooded to subvert the racial skills are Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration,
nearby settlement. Escape Artist, Knowledge (Arcana), Listen,
True aspii are at direct odds with menten, and to a Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Swim
lesser extent, the Ister-Suul. True aspii will seek to kill • Racial Feats: A true aspii has three feats.
menten on sight, and will work to thwart Ister-Suul wherever • Natural Attacks. A true aspii has a bite attack that
they encounter them. deals 2d6 + Str modifier + poison damage and two
claw attacks that deal 1d6 + ½ Str modifier damage.
Typical Spell List The bite is the primary attack.
(6/7/7/4;Caster Level 7;Spell DC 12 + Spell Level) • Fast Healing (Ex): Aspii can heal 4 hit points of
0: Acid Splash, Daze, Flare, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Read damage a round. Fast healing does not restore hit
Magic, Touch of Fatigue points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and
1st: Grease, Hypnotism, Obscuring Mist, Shocking Grasp, it does not allow a creature to regrow lost body parts.
True Strike • Hypnotic Gaze (Su): A true aspii who gazes into
2nd: Flaming Sphere, Invisibility, See Invisibility the eyes of an opponent can induce a paralytic state
3rd: Deep Slumber, Sleet Storm in the victim that renders them susceptible to
suggestion. Those who meet the gaze of a true aspii
must make a Will save (DC 13 + Cha modifier) or
True Aspii on Amberos stand helpless for 2d4 round. While so helpless, the
True Aspii are a serpentine people created by Aspus, aspii can attempt to utter a suggestion to the victim as
the snake god. Sometimes mistakenly called ophidians, Aspii a full-round action (as per the Suggestion spell, caster
are unrelated to ophidians and other snake-men races; they level 7th). If the victim is attacked or harmed while
are, in fact the equivalent of native outsiders created by the helpless, the trance is shattered, though any
snake god himself. suggestions remain in place.
Based mostly around Lost Vale, it is thought these
creatures may be guardians to several of the ancient Genesis

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• Natural Caster: A true aspii does not suffer arcane Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., DR 5/slashing, DR
spell failure when wearing armor or employing 5/magic, low-light vision, fast healing 7,
shields. natural caster, turn undead
• Poison (Ex): The bite of a true aspii – by it’s cobra Skills: Balance +3, Bluff +22, Climb +30, Concentration
head and not its snake-headed hands – delivers a +22, Listen +15, Spellcraft +21, Spot +16, Survival
toxin that transforms the victim in an Aspii slave, if it +20, Swim -2
does not kill them. True Aspii also can coat an arrow Feats: Ability Focus (Poison), Cleave, Combat Expertise,
tip or their melee weapon as a move-equivalent Improved Critical (Greatsword), Lightning Reflexes,
action. True Aspii poison (Injected; DC 16; Init: 1d3 Multiattack, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Bite)
Con; Sec: Transformation). A victim who fails the CR: 20
saving throw for the secondary effects is transformed Gear: +4 Greatsword of speed (98,350 gp), invulnerable
into an Aspii Slave (see Aspii Slave Template). moderate fortification full plate+4 (101,650 gp),
• Spells (Sp): A true aspii can cast spells as if they cloak of protection +4 (16,000 gp), periapt of wisdom
were 7th level sorcerers. Aspii prefer illusion and +2 (4,000 gp)
enchantment spells. If a true aspii gains sorcerer Total: 220,000 gp (220,000 gp)
levels, they act as if they were 7 levels higher for the
purposes of determining spells known and spells per Hypnotic Gaze (Su): Will save DC 22
day. Poison (Ex): Injected; Fort DC 24; Init: 1d3 Con; Sec:
• Skills: True aspii have a +4 racial bonus on Hide, Transformation. A victim who fails the saving throw for the
Listen, and Spot checks and a +8 racial bonus on secondary effects is transformed into an Aspii Slave (see Aspii
Balance and Climb checks. A true aspii can always Slave Template).
choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or Spells: An aspii demagogue can cast spells as a 14th level
threatened. True aspii use either their Strength Sorcerer.
modifier or Dexterity modifier for Climb checks, Turn Undead: 8x/day; Turn Check: 1d20+5; Turn Damage:
whichever is higher. A true aspii has a +8 racial 2d6+13
bonus on any Swim check to perform some special
action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take Typical Cleric Spell List
10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or (6/6/5/5/2;Caster Level 8;Spell DC 13 + Spell Level;
endangered. It can use the run action while Domain: Animal and Trickery)
swimming, provided it swims in a straight line. 0: Detect Poison, Guidance, Inflict Minor Wounds, Mending,
• Automatic Languages: Common, Aspii Bonus Resistance, Virtue
Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Elvin, Giant, 1st: Command, Deathwatch, Divine Favor, Doom, Entropic
Gnomish, Infernal and Goblinoid. Shield, Protection from GoodDE
• Favored Class: Sorcerer 2 : Aid, Death Knell, Hold AnimalD, Hold Person, Silence

• Level Adjustment: +6 3rd: Blindness/Deafness, Contagion, Dominate AnimalD,

True aspii worship Aspus, the snake god. A priest of Invisibility Purge, Protection from Energy
Aspus can choose two of the three domains of Animal 4th: Divine Power, Unholy BlightDE
(Reptilian only), Evil and Trickery. D: Domain spell
E: Evil spell; +1 caster level
True Aspii Demagogue
Typical Sorcerer Spell List
14HD Huge True Aspii Clr 8;hp: 209
S31 D10 C20 I18 W17 Ch20;Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +23 (6/8/7/7/7/7/5/3;Caster Level 14;Spell DC 15 + Spell Level)
Init: +1 Move: 30 ft. 0: Acid Splash, Daze, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Flare,
AC: 29 (-2 Size, +9 natural, +12 invulnerable moderate Mage Hand, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue
fortification full plate +4), touch 8, flat 29 1st: Cause Fear, Grease, Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement,
BAB/Grapple: +10/+24 True Strike
Full Attack: +4 Greatsword of speed +22/+17 melee 2nd: Darkness, Hideous Laughter, Invisibility, See Invisibility,
(4d6+13;17-20/x2) or Touch of Idiocy
Bite +19 melee (2d6+6 + poison), 2 claws 3rd: Deep Slumber, Displacement, Heroism, Slow
(1d8+3) or 4th: Bestow Curse, Enervation, Mass Reduce Person,
Composite longbow (+10 Str) +8 ranged Phantasmal Killer
(3d6+10;x3) 5th: Dominate Person, Feeblemind, Interposing Hand
Special Att: Poison, hypnotic gaze, spells 6th: Greater Dispel Magic, Summon Monster VI
7th: Greater Teleport

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Aspii Wyrm However, once an aspii wyrm has dealt with all of its moving
Huge Dragon (Earth, Reptilian) opponents, it will turn to devour the carcasses of remaining
Hit Dice: 19d12+152 (275 hp) prey - so the pretender needs to escape as quickly as possible.
Initiative: +0 Breath Weapon (Su): An aspii wyrm can spit a gout of acid
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), burrow 15 ft. (3 squares) in a stream 60 feet long and 5 feet wide. Those caught in the
Armor Class: 18 (-2 size, +10 natural), touch 8, flat 18 area of effect suffer 19d4 acid damage (Reflex DC 25 for
BAB/Grapple: +19/+37 half).
Attack: Bite +27 melee (3d6+15 + poison) Constrict (Ex): On a successful grapple check with a
Full Attack: Bite +27 melee (3d6+15 + poison) grappled enemy, an aspii wyrm inflicts an additional 3d6+15
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft. points of damage.
Length: 20 ft. + 2d8 ft. (29 ft.) Fast Healing (Ex): An Aspii Wyrm heals 5 hit points a round
Weight: 18,000 lbs. + 2d8 x 750 lbs. (24,750 lbs/ from damage it takes. Except where noted here, fast healing is
12 tons) just like natural healing. Fast healing does not restore hit
Special Att: Breath weapon, constrict, improved grab, points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and it does
poison not allow a creature to regrow lost body parts.
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., dragon traits, DR 5/magic, Improved Grab (Ex): If an aspii wyrm hits an opponent with
fast healing 5, low-light vision, scent its bite, it may start a grapple without suffering an attack of
Saves: Fort +19, Ref +13, Will +13 opportunity.
Abilities: S30 D10 C27 I3 W15 Ch13 Poison (Ex): The bite of an aspii wyrm delivers a deadly
Skills: Balance +8, Climb +29, Hide -4, Listen +17, poison (Injected, DC 27 Fort; Pri: 1d8 Con, Sec: 2d4 Con).
Spot +16, Swim +29 Skills: Aspii wyrms have a +4 racial bonus on Hide, Listen,
Feats: Blind Fighting, Cleave, Die Hard, and Spot checks and a +8 racial bonus on Balance and Climb
EnduranceB, Great Cleave, Lightning checks. An aspii wyrm can always choose to take 10 on a
Reflexes, Power Attack, Track Climb check, even if rushed or threatened. Aspii wyrms use
Environment: Any land either their Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier for Climb
Organization: Solitary, or Family (2-5) checks, whichever is higher. An aspii wyrm has a +8 racial
CR: 15 bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or
Treasure: None avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim
Alignment: Always neutral evil check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run
Advancement: 20-38 HD (Huge); 39-57 HD (Gargantuan) action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.
Level Adj: -
This enormous snake-like creature is covered in
hard plates that look like slabs of rock. Sharp
protrusions and horns cover the length of the
entire creature, and its head has a distinctive
draconic appearance with a frill of horns and a
maw filled with dagger-like teeth.
Created with the foulest aspii magic, aspii wyrms are
spawned from corrupted dragon eggs to become guardians and
engines of destruction for the aspii's needs. Regardless of the
dragon type from which an aspii wyrm is spawned, they all
possess much the same abilities and temperament - strong, evil
and covetous.
Aspii do not speak a language, but older specimens
can generally understand at least one language, usually Auran
or Common.

Aspii wyrms are engines of destruction - they slither
towards their enemy, snapping and crushing those unfortunate
to get in the way, and breath their caustic breath to burn down
barriers or slay fleeing prey. Aspii wyrms will pursue any
fleeing prey, but prey that lies down sometimes can fool them
and pretend to be dead - such a maneuver requires a bluff
check, but will assure the victim they are attacked last.

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Aspii Wyrms on Amberos large numbers – usually around Lost Vale eastward through
Aspii wyrms are unusually rare on Amberos. Dragons take Misake, in the Yaz forest in the Skienlands and, if the rumors
great affront to the corruption of their race, and will hunt are true, near the Twilight Forest in Simera.
down and destroy Aspii wyrms – and those responsible for
their creation or even the rumor of their creation. Aspii
wyrms can, however, be found wherever Aspii congregate in

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Small Fey (Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 2d6+2 (9 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), fly 100 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 19 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +2 natural, +4 chain
shirt), touch 13, flat 17
BAB/Grapple: +1/-3
Attack: Rapier +2 melee (1d4;18-20/x2)
Full Attack: Rapier +2 melee (1d4;18-20/x2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Height: 3 ft. + 2d4 in. (3 ft. 5 in.)
Weight: 20 lbs. + 2d4 x 2 lbs. (30 lbs.)
Special Att: -
Special Qual: Fast healing 1, low-light vision
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +3
Abilities: S11 D15 C12 I11 W11 Ch13
Skills: Balance 0, Climb -2, Escape Artist 0,
Handle Animal +6, Heal +5, Hide +4, Jump
+3, Listen +9, Move Silently 0, Perform +6,
Search +2, Spot +9, Swim -4, Tumble +6
Feats: Alertness
Environment: Aurora
Organization: Solitary, Brace, Company (2-5 + 0-1 hero),
Squad (5-20 + 0-3 Heroes + 0-1 Champion)
or Crusade (5-20 + 1-4 Heroes + 1-2
Champions + 0-1 Cavalier)
CR: 1/3
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral good
Advancement: By Character Class
Level Adj: +3
The golden-haired creature before you has
impossibly large, pointed ears and huge almond- Fast Healing (Ex): Auralings regain 1 hit point per minute.
shaped eyes. Its arms are thin and gangly, and its Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from starvation,
lower body seems to be that of a spotted pony. It thirst, or suffocation, and it does not allow a creature to
wears a rapier and lute strapped to its back, and its regrow lost body parts.
upper torso is covered in a gleaming chain mail shirt. Skills: An auraling gains a +4 bonus to Tumble checks and
Auralings are spirits of Aurora, the dreamlands. They are gains a +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search and Spot checks. An
“perfect” elves, untainted by evil, curious by nature and auraling who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or
frolicsome at all times. They are generally adventurous and concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if he
astute, wanting to know and learn all that can be learned. were actively looking for it.
Auralings rarely travel to the Mortal Realm, but may
sometimes be encountered in the wild. They dislike civilized Auralings on Amberos
areas and unwholesome folk, and will often quite brashly seek Auralings are only encountered in Aurora or the Even
out and hunt down evil - even if victory over said evil is most Cordum, and never willingly found on Amberos proper.
assuredly beyond their skill. However, during the height of the Elvin golden age, the
Auralings speak fey and elvin. auralings did venture to the Evanthium Coridium, though none
would ever dare willingly venture beyond the safe haven of
Combat the elvin homelands nowadays. However, there are always
Auralings enjoy a good duel, and if cornered by "big rumors and legends of auralings held captive by evil beings as
folk", will often challenge said members to a quick duel. servants or slaves on Amberos. There are also legends of
When confronting evil, Auralings use all of their frolicsome auralings trapped in the dream of some eternal sleeper, or
tricks to taunt, cajole and avoid their attackers blow while auralings who visit Amberosians in their dreams, occasionally
delivering painful cuts and scratches with their own attacks.

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pulled into the waking world when such a dreamer is startled Auraling Hero
awake. 2HD auraling sor 5/rgr 1 ;hp: 31
S14 D16 C12 I13 W8 Ch18;Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +7
Auraling as Characters Init: +3 Move: 40 ft., fly 100 ft. (good)
Auralings on Amberos are likely there by accident AC: 21 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +5 mw (caster’s) chain shirt +1, +2
and seeking a return home to Aurora. In extremely rare cases, buckler +1), touch 14, flat 18
an auraling may have “hitch-hiked” a dream to Amberos, BAB/Grapple: +4/+2
seeking adventure and/or to explore. Full Attack: +1 rapier +9 melee (1d4+3;18-20/x2) or
Auralings have the following abilities. Shortbow +8 ranged (1d4;x3) or
• Small size. As a Small creature, an auraling gains a Wand of magic missiles* (CL 5) (3x 1d4+1)
+1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on Special Att: Spells
attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but Special Qual: Fast healing 1, favored enemy, low-light
uses smaller weapons than humans use, and lifting vision, wild empathy
and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Skills: Concentration +6, Heal +4, Handle Animal +9, Hide
Medium character. +13, Jump +9, Knowledge (Arcana) +2, Knowledge
• Fey type (Nature) +2, Listen +8, Move Silently +2, Ride +4,
• Extraplanar subtype Spot +8, Search +4, Spellcraft +6, Survival +3,
• Low-light vision. An auraling can see twice as far as Tumble +12
a human in dim or twilight conditions. Feats: Alertness, Armor Casting, Spell Focus (Enchantment),
• Base land speed 50 feet, fly 100 feet (good) TrackR
• Racial Hit Dice: An auraling begins with two levels CR: 7
of fey, which provide 2d6 Hit Dice, a base attack Gear: +1 rapier (2,315 gp), composite shortbow (+2 Str)
bonus of +1 and base saving throw bonuses of Fort (225 gp), mw(caster’s) chain shirt +1 (1,250 gp),
+0, Reflex +3, Will +3 buckler +1 (1,165 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (1,000
• Dex +4, Con +2, Cha +2. Auralings do not suffer gp), potion of cure moderate wounds (300 gp), wand
the weakness of regular elves and are quite lithe and of magic missile* (CL 5; 10 charges) (750 gp)
hardy. They also have powerful and magnetic Total: 6,975 gp(7,200 gp)
personalities. * replace with magic bolt in Amberos campaign
Favored Enemy (Ex): The auraling hero gains a +2 bonus on
• Fast Healing 1. An auraling heals 1 hit point per
Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when
using these skills against goblinoids. Likewise, he gets a +2
• Racial Skills: An auraling fey levels give it skill
bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures.
points equal to 5 x (6 + Int modifier). Its class skills
Wild Empathy (Ex): Check 1d20+5; Influence animals
are Craft, Handle Animal, Heal, Hide, Jump, Listen,
Perform, Profession, Spot, and Tumble.
Typical Sorcerer Spell List
• Skills: An auraling gains a +4 bonus to Tumble
(6/7/5;Caster Level 5;Spell DC 14 + Spell level)
checks and gains a +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search
0: (6) Daze*, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Mage Hand,
and Spot checks. An auraling who merely passes
Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled
1st: (4) Enlarge Person, Charm Person*, Color Spray,
to a Search check to notice it as if he were actively
looking for it.
2nd: (2) Touch of Idiocy*, Web
• Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An auraling is
* Enchantment Spell; DC +1
automatically proficient in simple weapons, long
sword, rapier, shortsword, all bows, light armor and
• Automatic Languages: Fey, elvin. Bonus
Languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarven,
Goblinoid, Auran.
• Favored Class: Sorcerer
• Level Adjustment: +3
Auralings do not worship gods and tend to scoff at those
who do. Auraling clerics are unheard of, though they do
produce druids from time to time.

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Auraling Champion Auraling Cavalier
2HD auraling sor 10/rgr 2 ;hp: 49 2HD auraling sor 12/rgr 2/eld 6;hp: 76
S14 D16 C12 I13 W8 Ch19;Fort +8, Ref +13, Will +10 S14 D16 C12 I13 W8 Ch25;Fort +13, Ref +15, Will +12
Init: +3 Move: 40 ft., fly 100 ft. (good) Init: +3 Move: 40 ft., fly 100 ft. (good)
AC: 25 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +7 mw (caster’s) chain shirt +3, +3 AC: 25 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +7 mw (caster’s) chain shirt +3, +3
buckler +2, +1 ring of protection +1) touch buckler +2, +1 ring of protection +1) touch
15, flat 22 15, flat 22
BAB/Grapple: +8/+6 BAB/Grapple: +14/+12
Full Attack: +2 rapier +12/+7 melee (1d4+4;18-20/x2) Full Attack: +1 brilliant energy lance +17/+12/+7 touch
or (1d6+2;x3) or
+1 composite shortbow (+2 Str) +12/+7 +2 rapier +12/+7 melee (1d4+4;18-20/x2)
ranged (1d4+3;x3) or
(rapid shot) +1 composite shortbow (+2 Str) +1 composite shortbow (+2 Str) +12/+7
+10/+10/+5 ranged (1d4+3;x3) ranged (1d4+3;x3)
Wand of fireballs (CL 10) (20 ft. radius (rapid shot) +1 composite shortbow (+2 Str)
spread; 10d6; Reflex DC 14 half) +10/+10/+5 ranged (1d4+3;x3)
Special Att: Spells Wand of fireballs (CL 10) (20 ft. radius
Special Qual: Combat style, fast healing 1, favored enemy, spread; 10d6; Reflex DC 14 half)
low-light vision, wild empathy Special Att: Spells
Skills: Concentration +11, Heal +4, Handle Animal +10, Special Qual: Combat style, fast healing 1, favored enemy,
Hide +14, Jump +9, Knowledge (Arcana) +7, low-light vision, wild empathy
Knowledge (Nature) +3, Listen +9, Move Silently Skills: Concentration +17, Heal +4, Handle Animal +11,
+3, Ride +4, Spot +9, Search +4, Spellcraft +11, Hide +14, Jump +9, Knowledge (Arcana) +13,
Survival +4, Tumble +12 Knowledge (Nature) +3, Listen +9, Move Silently
Feats: Alertness, Armor Casting, Greater Spell Focus +3, Ride +4, Spot +9, Search +4, Spellcraft +17,
(Enchantment), Heighten Spell, Rapid ShotR, Spell Survival +4, Tumble +12
Focus (Enchantment), TrackR Feats: Alertness, Armor Casting, Greater Spell Focus
CR: 13 (Enchantment), Heighten Spell, Mounted Archery,
Gear: +2 rapier (8,315 gp), +1 composite shortbow (+2 Mounted CombatK, Rapid ShotR, Ride-by Attack,
Str) (2, 225 gp), mw(caster’s) chain shirt +3 (9,250 Spell Focus (Enchantment), TrackR
gp), buckler +2 (4,165 gp), ring of protection +1 CR: 21
(2,000 gp), cloak of charisma +2 (4,000 gp), potion Gear: +2 rapier (8,315 gp), +1 brilliant energy lance
of cure moderate wounds (300 gp), wand of (50,310 gp), +3 composite shortbow (+2 Str) (18, 225
polymorph (CL 7; 5 charges) (2,100 gp), wand of gp), mw(caster’s) chain shirt +5 (25,250 gp), arrow
lightning bolt (CL 10; 5 charges) (2,200 gp), potion deflection buckler +5 (49,165 gp), ring of protection
of cure serious wounds (300 gp) +4 (32,000 gp), cloak of charisma +6 (36,000 gp),
Total: 34,855 gp (35,000 gp) wand of polymorph (CL 7; 5 charges) (2,100 gp),
Favored Enemy (Ex): The auraling champion gains a +2 wand of lightning bolt (CL 10; 5 charges) (2,200 gp),
bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival Celestial Charger Mount (7,000 gp)
checks when using these skills against goblinoids. Likewise, Total: 230,565 gp (240,000 gp)
he gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such Favored Enemy (Ex): The auraling cavalier gains a +2
creatures. bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival
Wild Empathy (Ex): Check: 1d20+5; Influence animals checks when using these skills against goblinoids. Likewise,
he gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such
Typical Sorcerer Spell List creatures.
(6/7/7/7/6/3;Caster Level 10;Spell DC 14 + Spell level) Wild Empathy (Ex): Check 1d20+9; Influence animals
0: Dancing Lights, Daze*, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead,
Flare, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Ray of Typical Sorcerer Spell List
Frost (6/8/7/7/7/7/7/4;Caster Level 15;Spell DC 14 + Spell level)
1st: Enlarge Person, Charm Person*, Color Spray, 0: Dancing Lights, Daze*, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead,
Hypnotism*, True Strike Flare, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Ray of
2nd: Acid Arrow, Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy*, Web Frost
3rd: Haste, Heroism*, Summon Monster III 1st: Enlarge Person, Charm Person*, Color Spray,
4th: Confusion*, Lesser Geas* Hypnotism*, True Strike
5th: Hold Monster* 2nd: Acid Arrow, Blur, Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy*, Web
* Enchantment Spell; DC +2 3rd: Fireball, Haste, Heroism*, Slow, Summon Monster III

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4th: Dimensional Anchor, Confusion*, Fire Shield, Lesser
5th: Baleful Polymorph, Feeblemind*, Hold Monster*,
6th: Chain Lightning, Mass Suggestion*
7th: Mass Hold Person*, Prismatic Spray
* Enchantment Spell; DC +2

Celestial Charger (Unicorn) Mount: CR 13; LA +8 (cohort); Large

magical beast; HD 8d10+7d8+75; hp 155; Init +4; Spd 60 ft.; AC 24
(–1 size, +3 Dex, +6 natural, +5 bracers of armor +5), touch 13, flat
20; Base Atk +13; Grp +24; Atk Horn +22 melee (1d8+10); Full Atk
Horn +22 melee (1d8+10) and 2 hooves +14 melee (1d4+3);
Space/Reach 10 ft./5 ft.; SA Magic strike, turn undead 13/day, smite
evil, spells; SQ DR 10/magic, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to poison,
charm, and compulsion, low–light vision, magic circle against evil,
resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and electricity 10, spell-like abilities,
scent, SR 20 wild empathy; AL (Always) CG; SV Fort +16, Ref +12,
Will +15; Str 24, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 13, Wis 27, Cha 22.
Languages: Common and Sylvan.
Skills and Feats: Concentration +11, Knowledge (Nature) +9,
Knowledge (Religion) +8, Listen +15, Move Silently +12, Spellcraft
+5, Spot +15, Survival +15 (+18 above ground)*; Alertness, Combat
Casting, Extra Turning, Improved Turning, Run, Skill Focus
(Survival). (Celestial chargers have a +4 racial bonus on Move
Silently checks. Celestial chargers have a +3 competence bonus on
Survival checks within the boundaries of their forest.)
Magic Strike (Su): A celestial charger’s attacks are treated as magic
weapons for overcoming damage reduction.
Spell-Like Abilities: Celestial chargers can use detect evil at will as
a free action. Once per day a celestial charger can use greater
teleport to move anywhere within its home. It cannot teleport beyond
the forest boundaries or back from outside. A celestial charger can
use cure light wounds three times per day and cure moderate wounds
once per day (caster level 5th) by touching a wounded creature with
its horn. Once per day it can use neutralize poison (DC 20, caster
level 8th) with a touch of its horn. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Magic Circle against Evil (Su): This ability continuously duplicates
the effect of the spell. A celestial charger cannot suppress this ability.
Smite Evil (Su): Once per day a celestial charger can make a normal
melee attack to deal 15 points of extra damage against an evil foe.
Wild Empathy (Ex): This power works like the druid’s wild
empathy class feature, except that a celestial charger has a +6 racial
bonus on the check.

Typical Cleric Spell List

(6/7/6/5/4; CL 8; Spell DC 18+ Spell level; Domain: Animal and
0: Detect magic, detect poison (x2), light, virtue (x2)
1st: Bless (x2), calm animalsD, obscuring mist, remove fear,
sanctuary, shield of faith
2nd: Aid (x2)D, animal messenger, lesser restoration, remove
paralysis, shield other
3rd: Prayer, protection from energy, remove curse, searing light (x2)
4th: Air walk, divine power, holy smiteD, restoration
D = Domain spell

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Medium Undead
Hit Dice: 7d12 (45 hp)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 24 (+4 Dex, +10 natural), touch 14, flat 20
BAB/Grapple: +3/+8
Attack: Claw +9 melee (1d6 +5) or weapon +9
melee (varies)
Full Attack: 2 Claw +9 melee (1d6 +5) or weapon +9
melee (varies)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Height: 5 ft. 5 in. + 2d6 in. (6 ft.)
Weight: 150 lbs. + 1d4x25 lbs. (200 lbs)
Special Att: Withering gaze
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., turn resistance 4, undead
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +5
Abilities: S21 D19 C -- I11 W10 Ch15
Skills: Climb +10, Escape Artist +9, Intimidate +7,
Listen +5, Search +5, Spot +5, Survival +10
Feats: Improved Initiative, Track, Weapon Focus
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary
CR: 6
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 8-14 HD (Medium); 15-21 HD (Large)
Level Adj: -
This pale corpse moves with unnatural grace as its
burning yellow eyes seem to scan the area in who had an evil bend in life may happily rampage through
search of someone or something. Its sharp teeth whoever or whatever wanders into their path.
are set in angry grimace and long black nails Withering gaze (Su): Those within 30 feet of the Avangi
extend from its enlarged talon-like hands. who are viewing the creature must make a Fort DC 15 save or
The avangi is the corporeal remains of an individual that lose 1d4 Constitution permanently. The Avangi gains 5
has come back to wreck vengeance on those it feels wronged it temporary hit points (10 on a critical hit) whenever it drains an
in life and lead to its death. The avangi looks much like it did ability score, no matter how many points it drains. Temporary
in life, except paler and thinner, as if consumed by some hit points gained in this fashion last for a maximum of 1 hour.
unknown hunger. The wounds that ended its life seem stitched
back together, leaving the creature nearly unmarred, despite Avangi In Amberos
the condition of the original body. Avangi are tireless and near
Strangely, according to most legends, avangi are
faultless trackers; few can hide from an Avangi for long. Once
granted their undead existence by Zzadasa, the Judge, as a
an avangi has finished its mission, it collapses into a heap, and
boon to wreck vengeance on their slayers. Priests of Zzadasa
rots into nothingness within a minute. Avangi can speak the
violently oppose this legend stating that undeath is against the
native or primary language they knew in life (only one), and
laws of nature and is thus completely out of character for
can understand all the languages they knew when living.
Zzadasa. These priests claim that avangi are instead testament
to the fact that though the undead god Teeth has been
imprisoned, he still has the power to raise the dead – in this
Avangi normally only lash out those they have case, the avangi – for his own dark purposes.
returned to wreck vengeance on. They will attack those who Avangi can be found anywhere on Amberos, though
get in their way or attack them first, usually ignoring the latter they tend to show up more often in heavily populated areas
once they are out of the avangi's way. Some avangi have been such as cities more so than in rural or areas of wilderness.
known to warn others to stay out of their way, while those

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Avenclaar, General animal dwelling on the Beastlands. At some point, one of the
few deities that dwell in the Beastlands – or in same cases the
For millennium, the wars in the lower planes have Beastlands itself – augmented and transformed the creature
raged across the multiverse, and many have been the time the into an avenclaar, granting it sentience and giving it a purpose.
wars have spilled into other planes. When many centuries ago This augmentation means that the avenclaar’s true form is that
the great wars spilled into the Beastlands, the powers and of an animal, and it can assume its old shape with little effort
plane themselves fought back, creating the avenclaars to (though it retains its augmented intelligence and some of its
defend the plane from these sinister attacks. Now, even augmented abilities).
though the threat of the wars and feuds of the lower planes Secondly, despite coming from a rather neutral-
dare not reach into the Beastlands, many of the avenclaar now orientated plane, all avenclaar have a mission to hunt down
travel to other planes to hunt down and destroy fiends on the and destroy evil wherever they find it. While a rare few
Mortal Realm. avenclaar have become so caught up in their mission that they
It is thought by many scholars that these wars are actually evil themselves, the majority of avenclaar are of
continue, in part, due to the tainted “animals” of the lower good alignment.
planes – many scholars think these monstrosities of evil may Oddly, avenclaars do not have the grand lifespan of
have once been Beastlands petitioners taken to the Beastlands other celestial or infernal beings; they generally exist no
by fiendish beings where they were tortured and turned into longer than a human’s lifespan at most. While they do not age
the evils they are now. In that regard, the avenclaar continue in a manner that causes them to decline physically, when their
the fight to protect those animals on the prime from similar term runs its course they die, are reborn to the Beastlands and
fates – and it is thought the avenclaar have even ventured perhaps a new creature is elevated to avenclaar status.
before to fiendish planes to rescue prominent petitioners from Since avenclaars are in fact actually animals, Druids
the Beastlands. or Rangers can take them as animal companions able to
The avenclaar do not have the ability to plane shift by contact the Beastlands via spell or travel. However,
themselves, and rely on the powers of the Beastlands or avenclaars are independent, sentient creatures and will
various druidic groups to summon them to the different areas generally demand more respect and require more interaction
where they are needed. than that of a normal animal companion.
Avenclaar usually work alone or in groups consisting There are six basic avenclaar detailed here; the
of the same “species”. In very rare cases, avenclaars of variety of wildlife in the Beastlands and temperament of the
different types may unite together to bring down a particularly planar powers has produced other avenclaar types, but they are
despicable foe or organization. Such alliances rarely last generally short-lived and created for specific purposes.
beyond the completion of the task at hand, but most avenclaar On Amberos, most avenclaar can be found in the
come away from such alliances with feelings of camaraderie Lands of Sarve, Kennestone or in the Wild Waste. The
and friendship, making such an alliance between its former avenclaar are also known to fight an unending battle against
associates more likely in the future. the Demon Jungle, and have been spotted around the Shafra
All avenclaar share several special traits – the first of hills in the Skienlands. Avenclaar have also been encountered
which is the fact that at one time, each avenclaar was a normal in Aurora and other various outer planes. Oddly, the

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avenclaar have never been seen in the Astral, Ethereal or Nature’s Companion Adjustment
Elemental planes, though it is assumed they have the means to Ally Required
travel to such planes if they wish. Level
Bear 8th 13 -12
Avenclaar and Druids Cobra 5th 7 -6
Avenclaar can be summoned with a Summon Eagle 6th 7 -6
Nature’s Ally spell, and can also be taken as an animal Lion 7th 10 -9
companion. The table below shows which Avenclaar can be Mouse 6th 7 -6
summoned with which spell and when they can be taken as Wolf 6th 7 -6
animal companions.

Avenclaar Summon Animal Advancement

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Bear Avenclaar
Avenclaar, Bear (Humanoid Form) Avenclaar, Bear (Bear Form)
Medium Outsider (Augmented animal) Large Outsider (Augmented animal)
Hit Dice: 8d8+32 (68 hp) 8d8+32 (68 hp)
Initiative: +1 +1
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) in breastplate; base speed 30 ft., 30 ft. (6 squares)
Fly 70 feet (Average)
Armor Class: 22 (+1 Dex, +6 natural, +5 breastplate), 16 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural), touch 10, flat 15
touch 11, flat 21
BAB/Grapple: +8/+15 +8/+18
Attack: Greataxe +16 melee (1d12+12;x3) Bite +15 melee (1d8+8)
Full Attack: Greataxe +16/+11 melee (1d12+12;x3), Bite +15 melee (1d8+8), 2 claws +9 melee (1d6+4)
Bite +11 melee (1d8+8)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. 5 ft./5 ft.
Height: 5 ft. 6 in. + 2d4 in. (5 ft. 11 in.) 8 ft. 6 in. +2d6 in. (9 ft. 1 in.)
Weight: 125 lbs. + 5d4 x 5 lbs. (187 lbs.) 1,400 lbs. + 2d4 x 100 lbs. (1,900 lbs.)
Special Att: Rage Rage, Rend
Special Qual: Alternate form, DR 10/cold iron, Alternate form, DR 10/cold iron,
darkvision 60 ft., outsider traits darkvision 60 ft., outsider traits
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +7 Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +7
Abilities: S27 D13 C19 I10 W12 Ch15 S27 D13 C19 I10 W12 Ch15
Skills: Balance -3, Climb +15, Diplomacy +13, Climb +19, Diplomacy +13, Handle Animal +13,
Escape Artist -3, Handle Animal +13, Hide -3, Knowledge (nature) +11, Listen +12, Sense Motive +12,
Jump +4, Knowledge (nature) +11, Spot +12, Survival +12, Swim +12
Listen +12, Move Silently -3, Sense
Motive +12, Sleight of Hand -3, Spot +12,
Survival +12, Swim +6
Feats: Cleave, EnduranceB, Great Cleave, Power Attack, Cleave, EnduranceB, Great Cleave, Power Attack, RunB,
Run , Track TrackB
Environment: Beastlands Beastlands
Organization: Solitary, Hunt (2-5), or War party (5-20) Solitary, Hunt (2-5), or War party (5-20)
CR: 9 9
Treasure: None None
Alignment: Always chaotic good Always chaotic good
Advancement: 9-16 HD (Medium); 17-24 HD (Large) 9-16 HD (Medium); 17-24 HD (Large)
Level Adj: +5 (cohort) +5 (cohort)
This shaggy humanoid has dark skin and a bear- and their DR to protect them from harm. Bear avenclaars
like face. Its body bulges with muscles and a pair rarely grant mercy or back down from a fight, even if losing.
of white feathered wings sprout from its back. In Rage (Ex): Once per day, as per the barbarian ability of the
its pudgy hands it holds an engraved greataxe same name, an Avenclaar bear can rage, gaining a +4 bonus to
that seems to be covered with odd runes. Strength and Constitution, a +2 bonus to will saves and
Bear avenclaars are manifestations of the might of suffering a –2 penalty to AC. An Avenclaar bear’s rage lasts
animals. They are strong, stubborn and ready to fight. They for 9 rounds.
are rarely idle, and once they spot some evil, they are quick to Rend (Ex): If the bear avenclaar hits the same opponent with
move to amend it - usually through strength of arms. Bear both its claw attacks in a single round, it may deal an
Avenclaars speak celestial and Common. additional 2d6 +14 points of rending damage.
Alternate Form (Su): A bear avenclaar’s natural form is that
Combat of a ferocious brown bear. At will, it can assume a humanoid
Bear avenclaars wade into battle with little heed to form. The creature is effectively camouflaged as a creature of
their own safety. They are quick to anger and generally react its new form, and it gains a +10 bonus on Disguise checks if it
violently to any evil or threat they encounter. If backed into a uses this ability to create a disguise.
corner they will assume their bear form and grapple an Skills: A bear avenclaar has a +4 racial bonus on swim
opponent, relying on their great strength to crush their foes checks.

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Cobra Avenclaar
Avenclaar Cobra (Humanoid Form) Avenclaar Cobra (Animal Form)
Medium Outsider (Augmented animal) Small Outsider (Augmented animal)
Hit Dice: 4d8+12 (30 hp) 4d8+12 (30 hp)
Initiative: +7 +7
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 90 ft. (good) 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 22 (+7 Dex, +5 natural), touch 17, 23 (+1 size, +7 Dex, +5 natural), touch 18, flat 16
flat 15
BAB/Grapple: +4/+5 +4/+2
Attack: Rapier +11 melee (1d6+1;18-20/x2) Bite +12 melee (1d4-2 + poison)
Full Attack: Rapier +11 melee (1d6+1;18-20/x2) Bite +12 melee (1d4-2 + poison)
or bite +5 melee (1d4-2 + poison)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. 5 ft./5 ft.
Height: 5 ft. 5 in. + 2d4 in. (5 ft. 10 in.) 3 ft. + 3d4 in. (3 ft. 7 in.)
Weight: 110 lbs. + 3d6 x 5 lbs. (160 lbs.) 10 lbs. + 2d8 x 2 lbs. (28 lbs.)
Special Att: - -
Special Qual: Alternate form, DR 5/cold iron, Alternate form, DR 5/cold iron,
darkvision 60 ft., outsider traits darkvision 60 ft., outsider traits, scent
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +5 Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +5
Abilities: S12, D25, C17, I11, W13, Ch15 S6, D25, C17, I11, W13, Ch15
Skills: Balance +9, Escape Artist +9, Handle Balance +13, Climb +11, Escape Artist +9, Handle
Animal +10, Hide +15, Jump +3, Knowledge Animal +10, Hide +23, Jump +3, Knowledge (nature) +8,
(nature) +8, Listen +5, Spot +5, Survival +9, Listen +9, Spot +9, Survival +9, Swim +6*, Tumble +17
Swim +9*, Tumble +17
Feats: Acrobatic, Agile, Weapon FinesseB Acrobatic, Agile, Weapon FinesseB
Environment: Beastlands Beastlands
Organization: Solitary, Hunt (2-5), or Gathering (5-20) Solitary, Hunt (2-5), or Gathering (5-20)
CR: 5 5
Treasure: None None
Alignment: Always lawful good Always lawful good
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Medium); 9-12 HD (Large) 5-8 HD (Medium); 9-12 HD (Large)
Level Adj: +3 (cohort) +3 (cohort)
This sleek humanoid's skin has a green tinge to abilities at their disposal to disarm, trip, impair or otherwise
it, and the face is somewhat reptilian in render their victim incapable of striking back effectively.
appearance. In its hand it holds a slim rapier, Alternate Form (Su): A cobra avenclaar’s natural form is that
which it wields with confident grace. From the of a hooded cobra. At will, it can take a humanoid shape. The
humanoid's back sprout a pair of multi- creature is effectively camouflaged as a creature of its new
colored feathered wings. form, and it gains a +10 bonus on Disguise checks if it uses
The avenclaar cobra is the manifestation of nature's this ability to create a disguise.
speed and grace. An avenclaar cobra strikes silently and Poison (Ex): In its cobra form, an cobra avenclaar’s bite
swiftly, slipping into areas unseen and slipping out just as injects a neurotoxin into victims it bites (Injected, DC 15 Fort;
easily. It is not uncommon to see Avenclaar cobra using Init: 1d3 Con; Sec: 1d6 Con).
unusual and fanciful weapons in their war against the fiends. Skills: Cobra avenclaars have a +4 racial bonus on Hide,
Avenclaar cobras speak Abyssal, Infernal and Common. Listen, and Spot checks and a +8 racial bonus on Balance and
Climb checks in animal form. A cobra avenclaar can always
Combat choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or
Avenclaar cobras prefer to strike from an unseen threatened. Cobra avenclaars use either their Strength modifier
position or from a distance. If presented with heavy resistance, or Dexterity modifier for Climb checks, whichever is higher.
they will attempt to slip away, drawing out individuals to A cobra avenclaar has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to
attack and destroy them one at a time. Wherever possible, perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always
avenclaar cobras prefer surgical strikes - slipping past choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or
guardians or other obstacles and removing individual threats endangered. It can use the run action while swimming,
before slipping away unseen. If forced to fight, or against the provided it swims in a straight line.
foe they have chosen to face, avenclaar will use whatever

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Bestiary Nefarious

Eagle Avenclaar
Avenclaar Eagle (Humanoid Form) Avenclaar Eagle (Eagle Form)
Medium Outsider Small Outsider
Hit Dice: 4d8+8 (26 hp) 4d8+8 (26 hp)
Initiative: +2 +2
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 100 ft. (average) 10 ft. (2 squares), fly 100 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 19 (+2 Dex, +3 natural, +4 chain shirt), 16 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat 13
touch 12, flat 17
BAB/Grapple: +4/+6 +4/+0
Attack: Two-bladed sword +4 melee (1d6+2;18-20/x2) Talons +6 melee (1d4)
Full Attack: Two-bladed sword +4/+4/-1 melee 2 talons +6 melee (1d4) and bite –2 melee (1d4)
(1d6+2 / 1d6+2;18-20/x2) and bite +6 melee
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. 2 ½ ft./ 0 ft.
Height: 5 ft. 6 in. + 2d4 in. (5 ft. 11 in.) 34 + 1d4 in. (3 ft.)
Weight: 120 lbs. + 3d6 x 5 lbs. (170 lbs.) 9 lbs. + 1d4 lbs. (11 lbs.)
Special Att: Spells -
Special Qual: Alternate form, DR 5/cold iron, Alternate form, DR 5/cold iron,
darkvision 60 ft., outsider traits darkvision 60 ft., outsider traits
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +11 Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +11
Abilities: S15 D15 C15 I11 W25 Ch15 S10 D15 C15 I11 W25 Ch15
Skills: Balance 0, Climb 0, Concentration +9, Concentration +9, Diplomacy +9, Handle Animal +9,
Diplomacy +9, Escape Artist 0, Handle Knowledge (nature) +7, Hide +10, Search +7, Sense
Animal +9, Hide 0, Jump 0, Knowledge Motive +14, Spot +19, Survival +14
(nature) +7, Listen +10, Move Silently 0,
Search +7, Sense Motive +14, Sleight of
Hand 0, Spot +11, Survival +14, Swim -2,
Tumble 0
Feats: Improved Initiative, Two-weapon fighting, Improved Initiative, Two-weapon fighting, Weapon
Weapon FinesseB FinesseB
Environment: Beastlands Beastlands
Organization: Solitary, Hunt (2-5), or Flight (5-20) Solitary, Hunt (2-5), or Flight (5-20)
CR: 5 5
Treasure: None None
Alignment: Always lawful good Always lawful good
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Medium); 9-12 HD (Large) 5-8 HD (Medium); 9-12 HD (Large)
Level Adj: +3 (cohort) +3 (cohort)
This slim humanoid has a mottled skin tone and been known to retreat to fight another day, though they have
a hawkish face. Its long fingers are twisted about never been known to surrender.
a fanciful two-bladed sword and a pair of golden Alternate Form (Su): An eagle’s avenclaar natural form is
feathered wings sprouts from its back. that of a bald eagle. At will, it can assume a humanoid form
Eagle avenclaar are a manifestation of nature's insight. as a move-equivalent action. Its weapon and armor merge
Eagle avenclaar are wise and quick to notice danger. They also with its natural form in animal form. The creature is
have an intimate connection back to the Beastlands, allowing effectively camouflaged as a creature of its new form, and it
them to cast a small list of divine spells, channeled from their gains a +10 bonus on Disguise checks if it uses this ability to
home plane. create a disguise.
An eagle avenclaar speaks Celestial, Elvin and Spells (Sp): An avenclaar in humanoid form can cast spells as
Common. if it were a 4th level cleric, with the domains of Animal and
Good. Spell saves are DC 17 + spell level. While in animal
Combat form, it cannot cast spells, but can use its domain powers.
Eagle avenclaar are careful to only enter fights that Skills: Eagle avenclaar have a +8 racial bonus on Spot checks
they feel they can win. They will use their skills and spells to in eagle form.
full effect to destroy their enemy or improve their chance of
success in their endeavors. If faced with overwhelming Typical Cleric Spell List
opposition, or if the fight goes badly, avenclaar eagles have (5/6/5; CL 4;Spell DC 17 + Spell Level; Domains: Animal,

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0: Guidance, Light, Mending, Resistance, Virtue D: Domain Spell
1st: Calm AnimalsD, Command, Divine Favor, Magic G: Good spell, +1 caster level
Weapon, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary
2nd: AidDG, Align Weapon, Lesser Restoration, Owl’s
Wisdom, Resist energy

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Lion Avenclaar
Avenclaar Lion (Humanoid Form) Avenclaar Lion (Lion Form)
Medium Outsider (Augmented animal) Large Outsider (Augmented animal)
Hit Dice: 5d8+15 (37 hp) 5d8+15 (37 hp)
Initiative: +3 +3
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 65 ft. (average) in scale 40 ft.
mail armor; base speed 40 ft. fly 75 ft.
Armor Class: 23 (+3 Dex, +4 natural, +4 scale mail armor, 16 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +4 natural), touch 12, flat 13
+2 heavy wooden shield), touch 13,
flat 20
BAB/Grapple: +5/+11 +4/+14
Attack: Bastard sword +11 melee (1d10+6;19-20/x2) Claw +10 melee (1d4+6)
Full Attack: Bastard sword +11 melee (1d10+6;19-20/x2) 2 claws +10 melee (1d4+6), bite +5 melee (1d8+3)
and bite +6 melee (1d6+3)
or composite longbow (+6 Str) +8 ranged (1d8+6;x3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. 10 ft./5 ft.
Height/Length: 5 ft. 6 in. + 2d6 in. (6 ft. 1 in.) 9 ft. + 2d6 in. (9 ft. 6 in.)
Weight: 130 lbs. + 5d4 x 5 lbs. (192 lbs.) 185 lbs. + 4d6 x 10 lbs. (325 lbs.)
Special Att: Fear aura, spells Pounce, improved grab, rake 1d4 +3
Special Qual: Alternate form, DR 5/cold iron, Alternate form, DR 5/cold iron,
darkvision 60 ft., outsider traits, SR 17 darkvision 60 ft., outsider traits, SR 17, scent
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +5 Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +5
Abilities: S23 D19 C17 I11 W13 Ch25 S23 D19 C17 I11 W13 Ch25
Skills: Balance -3, Bluff +17, Climb 0, Diplomacy +17, Balance +8, Bluff +17, Diplomacy +17, Handle Animal
Escape Artist -3, Handle Animal +15, Hide -3, +15, Hide +4*, Knowledge (Nature) +8, Intimidate +17,
Intimidate +17, Jump 0, Knowledge (nature) +8, Listen +7, Move Silently +9, Sense Motive +11, Spot +7
Listen +5, Move Silently -3, Sense Motive +11,
Sleight of Hand -3, Spot +5, Swim -14, Tumble -3
Feats: AlertnessB, RunB, Negotiator, Persuasive AlertnessB, RunB, Negotiator, Persuasive
Environment: Beastlands Beastlands
Organization: Solitary, Pride (2-5), or Hunt (5-20) Solitary, Pride (2-5), or Hunt (5-20)
CR: 6 6
Treasure: None None
Alignment: Always chaotic good Always chaotic good
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Medium); 11-15 HD (Large) 6-10 HD (Medium); 11-15 HD (Large)
Level Adj: +5 (cohort) +5 (cohort)
The hardy humanoid before you has a golden the enemy has been weakened, moving in to strike with melee
tinge to its preponderance of body hair, and has attacks to finish opponents off.
a cat-like face that is framed by a well-trimmed Alternate Form (Su): The Avenclaar Lion’s natural form is
beard and long, golden locks of hair. From the that of a lion. At will, it can assume a humanoid form. Its
being's back sprout a pair of golden, feathered weapons and armor merge with its body when it changes from
wings. humanoid to animal form. The creature is effectively
The Avenclaar lion is a personification of the forces camouflaged as a creature of its new form, and it gains a +10
of nature. They are proud and charismatic creatures who seek bonus on Disguise checks if it uses this ability to create a
to enlighten others to the plights of the "helpless". Of all the disguise.
Avenclaar, the Avenclaar lion is the most likely to aid non- Fear Aura (Su): The use of this ability is a free action. Those
animal creatures, though they often will ask for favors from within 30 feet of the Avenclaar Lion when it attacks must
those they assist at a later date. The Avenclaar lion speaks make a Will save (DC 19) or act as if under the effects of a
Celestial, Infernal, Elvin, Dwarven, Common and Goblinoid. fear spell (cast at 5th level ability). An opponent can be
subjected to the fear aura only once per combat.
Combat Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, an Avenclaar lion
Avenclaar lions are both fierce fighters and powerful in lion form must hit with its bite attack. It can then attempt to
spellcasters. They prefer to attack with elemental-based magic start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of
first to soften their target, then strike with ranged attacks until opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold
and can rake.

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Pounce (Ex): If an Avenclaar lion in lion form charges a foe,
it can make a full attack, including two rake attacks.
Rake (Ex): Attack bonus +10 melee, damage 1d4+2.
Spells (Sp): An Avenclaar Lion can cast spells as a 5th level
sorcerer. If it gains levels in the sorcerer class, it is treated as
being 5 levels higher for purposes of caster level, determining
spells known and spells per day. Avenclaar Lions never
attract familiars.
Skills: An Avenclaar Lion gains a +4 racial bonus to Balance,
Hide, and Move Silently checks. In areas of tall grass or
heavy undergrowth, the Hide bonus increases to +12.

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Mouse Avenclaar
Avenclaar Mouse (Humanoid Form) Avenclaar Mouse (Mouse Form)
Medium Outsider (Augmented animal) Diminutive Outsider (Augmented animal)
Hit Dice: 4d8+4 (22 hp) 4d8+4 (22 hp)
Initiative: +9 +9
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 120 ft. (average) 10 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 20 (+5 Dex, +2 natural, +3 studded leather 21 (+4 size, +5 Dex, +2 natural), touch 19, flat 16
armor), touch 15, flat 15
BAB/Grapple: +4/+4 +4/-9
Attack: Short sword +4 melee (1d6;19-20/x2) Bite +3 melee (1d2-5)
Full Attack: Short sword +4 melee (1d6;19-20/x2) Bite +3 melee (1d2-5)
or sling +9 ranged (1d4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. 1 ft./0 ft.
Height: 4 ft. 9 in. + 2d4 in. (5 ft. 2 in.) 3 in.
Weight: 90 lbs. + 2d6 x 5 lbs. (125 lbs.) 1/10 lb.
Special Att: - -
Special Qual: Alternate form, DR 5/cold iron, Alternate form, DR 5/cold iron,
darkvision 60 ft., outsider traits, spell immunity darkvision 60 ft., outsider traits, spell immunity
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +5
Abilities: S11 D21 C13 I25 W13 Ch15 S1 D21 C13 I25 W13 Ch15
Skills: Balance +4, Bluff +9, Climb -1, Decipher Decipher Script +7, Disable Device +14, Disguise +19,
Script +7, Disable Device +14, Disguise +9, Escape Artist +11, Gather Information +9,
Escape Artist +11, Gather Information +9, Handle Animal +9, Hide +22, Knowledge (nature) +14,
Handle Animal +9, Hide +6, Jump -1, Listen +9, Move Silently +21, Search +14,
Knowledge (nature) +14, Listen +9, Move Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +14, Survival +8, Tumble +4,
Silently +21, Search +14, Sense Motive +8, Use Magic Device +9
Sleight of Hand +4, Spellcraft +14, Spot +4,
Survival +8, Swim -2, Tumble +4, Use Magic
Device +9
Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, StealthyB Dodge, Improved Initiative, StealthyB
Environment: Beastlands Beastlands
Organization: Solitary, Squad (2-5), or Nest (5-20) Solitary, Squad (2-5), or Nest (5-20)
CR: 5 5
Treasure: None None
Alignment: Always chaotic good Always chaotic good
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Medium); 9-12 HD (Large) 5-8 HD (Medium); 9-12 HD (Large)
Level Adj: +3 (cohort) +3 (cohort)
This lithe humanoid appears to be slightly last resort, and prefer to use traps or other ensnarement to
hunched and has a mouse-like face and overly whittle away or incapacitate foes. Avenclaar mice are the most
large ears. She wears pitch black studded leather likely among the Avenclaar to use tools and gizmos, and some
armor, and wields a short sword with incredible have even taken to crafting their own items for their personal
deftness. use.
The Avenclaar mouse is the epitome of worldly Alternate Form (Su): An Avenclaar mouse’s natural form is
knowledge. They are quick in both speed and wit, and are the that of a small gray mouse. At will, they can assume
problem-solvers of the Avenclaar. Though generally quiet, in humanoid form. When changing into mouse form, all of their
a mixed group of Avenclaar, it is usually the Avenclaar mouse weapons, gear and armor become part of their mouse form.
who plans all of the group's activities and does the background The creature is effectively camouflaged as a creature of its
work of collecting information on their foe. new form, and it gains a +10 bonus on Disguise checks if it
Avenclaar mice speak every known language that has uses this ability to create a disguise.
a written form. Spell Immunity (Ex): Avenclaar mice avoid the effects of
spells and spell-like abilities that directly affect it. This works
Combat exactly like spell resistance, except that it cannot be overcome,
Avenclaar mice choose their combats very carefully, and only applies to spells of 3rd level or less. Spells that do not
and use the terrain and their abilities to their full potential to allow spell resistance are not affected by spell immunity.
bring down foes. They generally use direct combat only as a Skills: An avenclaar mouse gains a +8 bonus to move silently
and a +4 bonus to listen checks.

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Wolf Avenclaar
Avenclaar Wolf (Humanoid Form) Avenclaar Wolf (Humanoid Form)
Medium Outsider (Augmented animal) Medium Outsider (Augmented animal)
Hit Dice: 4d8+28 (46 hp) 4d8+28 (46 hp)
Initiative: +1 +2
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 50 ft. (average) in banded 50 ft. (10 squares)
mail armor; base speed 30 ft. fly 60 ft.
Armor Class: 22 (+1 Dex, +4 natural, +6 banded mail armor, 15 (+2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat 14
+1 light wooden shield), touch 11, flat 21
BAB/Grapple: +4/+5 +4/+5
Attack: Flail +5 melee (1d8+1) Bite +5 melee (1d6+1)
Full Attack: Flail +5 melee (1d8+1) Bite +5 melee (1d6+1)
and bite +1 melee (1d6+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. 5 ft./5 ft.
Height/Length: 5 ft. 6 in. + 2d4 in. (5 ft. 11 in.) 4 ft. + 2d6 in. (4 ft. 7 in.)
Weight: 125 + 3d6 x 5 lbs. (175 lbs.) 40 + 1d12 x 5 lbs. (70 lbs.)
Special Att: - Trip
Special Qual: Alternate form, DR 5/cold iron, Alternate form, DR 5/cold iron,
darkvision 60ft., outsider traits, scent darkvision 60ft., outsider traits, scent
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +5, Will +5 Fort +11, Ref +5, Will +5
Abilities: S13 D15 C25 I13 W13 Ch15 S13 D15 C25 I13 W13 Ch15
Skills: Balance -6, Climb -2, Diplomacy +10, Climb +5, Diplomacy +10, Handle Animal +10,
Escape Artist -6, Handle Animal +10, Knowledge (nature) +9, Listen +5, Sense Motive +9,
Hide -6, Jump +2, Knowledge (nature) +9, Sense Motive +9, Spot +5, Survival +9, Swim +6
Listen +5, Move Silently -6, Sense
Motive +9, Sleight of Hand -6, Spot +5,
Survival +9, Swim -9, Tumble -6
Feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, TrackB, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, TrackB,
Weapon Focus (Bite)B Weapon Focus (Bite)B
Environment: Beastlands Beastlands
Organization: Solitary, Chase (2-5), or Pack (5-20) Solitary, Chase (2-5), or Pack (5-20)
CR: 5 5
Treasure: None None
Alignment: Always chaotic good Always chaotic good
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Medium); 9-12 HD (Large) 5-8 HD (Medium); 9-12 HD (Large)
Level Adj: +3 (cohort) +3 (cohort)
This well-built humanoid has a thin wolfish grin Combat
spread across its face and piercing blue eyes. He A lone Avenclaar wolf fights with cunning, often
has wild gray hair with bushy white sideburns using hit and run tactics to lure opponents to their doom.
and sports a slick black goatee. His ears are When fighting as a group, Avenclaar fight especially well,
slightly elongated, and his large hands firmly maneuvering to help flank opponents and aid companions in
grasp a flail in one hand and a wooden shield in the battle wherever possible.
the other. Alternate Form (Su): An Avenclaar’s wolf natural form is
Avenclaar Wolves are the personification of the living that of a wolf. At will, it can assume a humanoid form. When
tenaciousness of the wild. They are hale and hardy creatures transforming to animal shape, the Avenclaar’s gear, weapons
and implacable foes who rarely tire easily. They are also to a and armor become part of its animal shape. The creature is
fault curious, and great socializers. Among the Avenclaar, it is effectively camouflaged as a creature of its new form, and it
the Avenclaar Wolf who is most likely to be found wandering gains a +10 bonus on Disguise checks if it uses this ability to
a civilized area. They are also one of the few Avenclaar types create a disguise.
who prefer to operate in numbers rather than alone.
Avenclaar wolves can speak Infernal, Abyssal and

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Baku-Shaksta the pocket dimension, forming a temporary rip into the outer
planes and its final home.
Small Aberration (Shadow) Baku-Shaksta cannot speak but generally understand
Hit Dice: 4d8 (18 hp) Common and Shadow.
Initiative: +5
Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares), fly 60 ft. (good) Combat
Armor Class: 19 (+1 size, +5 Dex, +3 natural), touch 16, Baku-shaksta use their spell-like abilities to lure prey
flat 14 to them, and then attack from ambush. They often use their
BAB/Grapple: +3/-1 dancing lights ability to attract prey to a location, then strike
Attack: Claw +9 melee (1d3) from behind. In other cases, they may swoop in on prey,
Full Attack: 2 Claws +9 melee (1d3) unleash their hypnotic pattern and then attempt to feed on prey
Space/Reach: 5 ft./0 ft. one at a time.
Length: 3 ft. + 1d6 in. (3 ft. 3 in.) Baku-shaksta are exceptionally cunning and
Weight: 10 lbs. + 1d4 lbs. (12 lbs.) intelligent, and will seek to separate groups before striking at
Special Att: Ability damage individuals, often using their magical abilities in an attempt to
Special Qual: Blindsight, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 3, lead off members of a group for easy attacking. It has been
spell resistance 14, spells-like abilities known to lead victims into treacherous areas or even into the
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +4 path of other predators to whittle down numbers before
Abilities: S10 D21 C11 I13 W11 Ch16 striking at a juicy target.
Skills: Hide +16, Listen +3, Move Silently +9, Spot Ability Damage (Su): The claw attacks of a baku-shaksta deal
+7 1d2 points of Dexterity ability damage. If an attack that causes
Feats: Hover, Weapon Finesse ability damage scores a critical hit, it deals twice the indicated
Environment: Plane of Shadow amount of damage (if the damage is expressed as a die range,
Organization: Solitary roll two dice). Ability damage returns at the rate of 1 point per
CR: 3 day for each affected ability.
Treasure: 50% coins, double goods, standard magic Blindsight (Ex): Baku-shaksta have the ability to “feel” their
(wondrous items only) surroundings, as if their sense of touch were extended into the
Alignment: Always neutral evil surrounding area. This has an effect radius of 30 feet, but only
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Small); 9-12 HD (Medium) works in twilight or pure darkness. The creature usually does
Level Adj: - not need to make Spot or Listen checks to notice creatures
This tawny creature has an elongated body within range of its blindsight ability.
that has bright orange fur. A fox-like tail Fast Healing (Ex): A Baku-shaksta heals 3 hit points per
dangles behind it and its wings seem to be round in areas of torchlight or greater light. Except where
made of shadow, though they end in brightly noted here, fast healing is just like natural healing. Fast
colored feather tips. The creature has a healing does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst,
miniature elephantine head and its long, or suffocation, and it does not allow a creature to regrow lost
powerful legs end in sharp scything claws. body parts.
The baku-shaksta is thought to be the larval form of the evil Spells-like Abilities (Sp): A Baku-shaksta can use the
race of maleafants. Sages believe that maleafants lay eggs in following abilities as if a 3rd level sorcerer. Dancing Lights –
the Plane of Shadow, which quickly hatch as these malevolent at will, Darkness - 3x/day, Flare –at will, Hold Person –
hunters. 3x/day, Hypnotic Pattern – 1x/day, Light - at will. The spell
The baku-shaksta uses its bright colors and spell-like DCs are 13 + spell level.
abilities to hunt for prey on the realm of shadow. Unlike many
creatures native to this realm, the baku-shaksta is brightly Baku-Shaksta on Amberos
colored and adorned to attract prey to it, which it then uses its
Occasionally, a summons directed at the Plane of
vicious abilities to kill and devour. The creature is capable of
Shadow will inadvertently bring a baku-shaksta to the vicinity,
muting its colors to grey, but usually only does so when
along with the creature that was to be summoned originally.
attempting to ambush prey. When attacking or using its
Such an occurrence is thought only to happen when the baku-
hypnotic pattern ability, baku-shaksta prefer to use their full
shaksta was in the midst of hunting the summoned creature,
colors to dazzle and frighten prey.
though exactly how the baku-shaksta arrives at the mortal
Upon reaching its maximum advancement range, it is
plane is not understood. Unfortunately for the caster, the
believed that baku-shaksta create an inky black color pool that
baku-shaksta is not under the control of the caster, and is not
leads to a pocket dimension. There, in the pocket dimension
dismissed if the original summoning spell is ended or the
the baku-shaksta undergoes a transformation into a maleafant.
summoned creature otherwise dispatched.
When the transformation completes, the Maleafant tears out of

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Medium Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger) Medium Animal (Aquatic, Shapechanger)
Humanoid Form Fish Form
Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp) 1d8 (4 hp)
Initiative: +1 +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) Swim 60 ft. (12 squares)
Armor Class: 18 (+1 Dex, +3 natural, +3 studded leather 14 (+1 Dex,+3 natural), touch 11, flat 13
armor, +1 light wooden shield), touch 11,
flat 17
BAB/Grapple: +0/+0 +0/+0
Attack: Scimitar +0 melee (1d6;18-20/x2) nil
Full Attack: Scimitar +0 melee (1d6;18-20/x2) nil
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. 5 ft./5 ft.
Height: 5 ft. 6 in. + 2d4 in. (5 ft. 11 in.) 5 ft. 6 in. + 2d6 in. (5 ft. 11 in.)
Weight: 125 lbs. + 3d6 x 5 lbs. (175 lbs.) 125 lbs. + 3d6 x 5 lbs. (175 lbs.)
Special Att: - -
Special Qual: Alternate form Alternate form
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +0 Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +0
Abilities: S11 D13 C11 I10 W10 Ch10 S11 D13 C11 I10 W10 Ch10
Skills: Balance -1, Climb -2, Escape Artist -1, Escape Artist +4, Knowledge (local) +4, Swim +8
Hide -1, Jump -2, Knowledge (local) +4,
Listen 0, Move Silently -1, Sleight of Hand -1,
Spot 0, Swim +6, Tumble -1
Feats: Skill Focus (Escape Artist) Skill Focus (Escape Artist)
Environment: Warm aquatic Warm aquatic
Organization: Solitary, Crew (2-5), Pod (5-20), or Solitary, Crew (2-5), Pod (5-20), or
School (20-40) School (20-40)
CR: ¼ ¼
Treasure: Standard None
Alignment: Always neutral Always neutral
Advancement: By Character Class By Character Class
Level Adj: +0 +0
The portion of this humanoid that rises above the Combat
water appears to be human, but the part below is Baquada, in their fish form, are practically unable to
obviously that of a fish - by the looks of it, a very fight. Even on land, they are poor fighters and rarely advance
large salmon. in combat-orientated classes; they do tend to make devout
Baquada are a race of humanoid beings, thought to once priests however, but never of a sea god, who will not accept
have been humans who lived in coastal dwellings, who were them as priests.
cursed by the god of the sea. When a Baquada touches salt Alternate Form (Su): A baquada’s natural form is humanoid.
water, the submerged portion becomes that of a fish. To When submerged in salt water, they take on the shape of a
ensure the curse works as the god intended, all Baquada are large salmon. The creature is effectively camouflaged as a
drawn to the sea, and prefer to spend a majority of their time creature of its new form, and it gains a +10 bonus on Disguise
in the water. Those who do not seek the sea quickly become checks if it uses this ability to create a disguise. All of the
insane and murderous - driven to reach the sea and immerse baquada’s gear and armor become part of the new shape.
themselves. These cursed beings prefer a life of fishing and Skills: A baquada gains a +8 racial bonus to swim checks. It
living at the edge of the sea. Baquada make poor pirates, as may choose to take 10 on swim checks, even when rushed or
they will often jump ship to relish swimming in the ocean. in combat.
Generally speaking, baquada are both drawn to, and
fear the sea. They have an instinctive fear of deep waters and Baquada Society
the deprivations of the sea god who has cursed them, but they It is not unknown for baquada to live among human
cannot stand to be out of sight of the ocean’s edge communities, keeping their true nature secret from the rest of
Baquada speak Common. the populace as they ply their trade as sailors or fishermen.
There are also a few communities that are entirely
composed of baquada, and though they tend to follow the
organization and structure of nearby communities, they tend to

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be shunned for their odd ways and the curse that has befallen effectively camouflaged as a creature of its new form,
them. Few of these all-baquada communities manage to keep and it gains a +10 bonus on Disguise checks if it uses
their curse a secret, but smaller villages have been known to this ability to create a disguise. All of the baquada’s
keep the true nature of their curse quiet in the hopes of not gear and armor become part of the new shape.
scaring off trade and visitors to their communities. • Human Blood. A baquada is considered to be
Most baquada live following human customs, plying human when determining the effects of spells,
trade as fishermen, or in rare occasions, sailors. All baquada magical items or other special abilities. They can
are drawn to the sea, and often set aside at least an hour of utilize equipment or qualify for prestige classes that
time each day in which they may “bathe” – immersing have a human requirement.
themselves in seawater either directly in the ocean or within a • Skills: A baquada gains a +8 racial bonus to swim
tub or other container filled with seawater drawn fresh that checks. It may choose to take 10 on swim checks,
day from the ocean. even when rushed or in combat.
Children borne to baquada carry the curse of their • Automatic Languages: Common Bonus
parents; if either mother or father is baquada, the child is Languages: Aquan, Draconic, Dwarven, Elvin,
assured to carry the curse of their kind. Mothers of baquada Giant, Gnomish, Goblinoid, Trade.
young often keep a pitcher of seawater in which to bathe their • Favored Class: Rogue
child and keep his skin moist as he grows; children often play • Level Adjustment: -
at the foot of the ocean and it is not unknown for the draw of Baquada tend to spurn the gods, for no god has
the sea to be so great that those children who are not removed their curse. They refuse to worship gods of the sea,
monitored dive into the sea, sometimes to not be seen for for the god that has cursed them will have nothing to do with
years or ever again. them. Baquada druids are not unknown, and some baquada
living in Randese lands have been known to worship Visha,
Baquada on Amberos the Battle Maiden. Priests of Visha may choose two of the
Baquada are only found in Amberos in Randu and three domains of Strength, War or Good.
Ran Da Khan, in areas around the Forna Sea. Most trace their
ancestry back to forbearers who dwelled in the outlying areas
of the Randese capital of Zarame Kull, the capital which now
lies at the bottom of the sea. When that capital sank, M’kree
Malka, the shark god, offered to save its inhabitants. While
many accepted, the ancestors of the baquada instead spurned
the shark god’s offer and Malka uttered a curse upon them to
become fish – and prey to his sharks. Luckily, those who
would be the baquada had managed to make it to land before
Malka finished his curse and Belli, the Lord of Nature, heard
Malka’s curse and was able to keep it from affecting the
baquada while they were on land.

Baquada as Characters
Baquada prefer to remain close to the edge of the sea,
too fearful to stray into open waters, but still drawn to the
powerful waters. Some baquada conquer their fear of the sea
god who have cursed them, and travel the waters in search of
adventure – or perhaps an end to their curse.
Baquada have the following abilities.
• Medium size
• Shapechanger subtype
• Aquatic subtype (in fish form)
• Base Land speed 30 ft., Swim 60 ft.
• Normal vision.
• +2 Dex. Baquada tend to have quick reactions.
• +3 natural armor. Even in human form, a
baquada’s skin is covered in flesh-colored scales.
• Alternate Form (Su): A baquada’s natural form is
humanoid. When submerged in salt water, they take
on the shape of a large salmon. The creature is

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Baquada Mariner Baquada Corsair
Baquada Rog 5;hp: 22 Baquada Rog 5/Rng 5;hp: 50
S12 D18 C13 I14 W10 Ch8;Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +1 S12 D20 C13 I14 W10 Ch8;Fort +7, Ref +14, Will +5
Init: +4 Move: 30 ft; 60 ft. in fish form Init: +5 Move: 30 ft; 60 ft. in fish form
AC: 20 (+4 Dex, +3 natural, +3 leather +1) touch 14, flat 16 AC: 22 (+5 Dex, +3 natural, +4 leather +2) touch 15, flat 17
BAB/Grapple: +3/+4 BAB/Grapple: +8/+9
Full Attack: +1 rapier +8 melee (1d6+2;18-20/x2) Full Attack: +1 rapier +14/+9 melee (1d6+2;18-20/x2)
Special Att: Sneak attack +3d6 +1 composite longbow (Str +1) +14/+9
Special Qual: Alternate form, evasion, trap sense +1, ranged (1d8+2;x3)
trapfinding, uncanny dodge (rapid shot) +1 composite longbow (Str +1)
Skills: Bluff +6, Climb +9, Craft (Trapmaking) +10, Gather +12/+12/+7 ranged (1d8+2;x3)
Information +6, Knowledge (Local) +10, Listen +0, Special Att: Sneak attack +3d6
Profession (Sailor) +8, Search +10, Spot +8, Swim Special Qual: Alternate form, combat style (archery),
+6, Tumble +12, Use Rope +12 evasion, favored enemy, trap sense +1,
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse trapfinding, uncanny dodge
CR: 5 Skills: Bluff +6, Climb +14, Craft (Trapmaking) +15,
Gear: +1 rapier (2,320 gp), leather +1 (1,160 gp), potion of Gather Information +6, Knowledge (Geography) +7,
cure light wounds (50 gp), potion of barkskin (300 Knowledge (Local) +10, Listen +5, Profession
gp) (Sailor) +13, Search +15, Spot +13, Survival +5,
Total: 3,830 gp (4,300 gp) Swim +6, Tumble +13, Use Rope +13
Evasion (Ex): If a baquada mariner makes a successful Reflex Feats: Combat Expertise, EnduranceR, Improved Initiative,
saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage Iron Will, TrackR, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus
on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. A helpless (Composite Longbow)R*
rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion. CR: 10
Trap Sense (Ex): A baquada mariner gains a +1 bonus on Gear: +1 rapier (2,320 gp), +1 composite longbow (+1 Str)
Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC (2,500 gp), leather +2 (4,160 gp), gloves of dexterity
against attacks made by traps. +2 (4,000 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (1,000 gp),
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A baquada mariner can react to danger potion of cure serious wounds (750 gp), potion of
before her senses would normally allow her to do so. He barkskin (300 gp)
retains her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught Total: 15,030 gp (16,000 gp)
flat or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses * The baquada corsair took a Fighter feat instead of an animal
his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.
Evasion (Ex): If a baquada corsair makes a successful Reflex
saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage
on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. A helpless
rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Favored Enemy (Ex): A baquada corsair gains a +4 bonus
on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot and Survival checks
against Aquatic Humanoids and a +4 bonus on weapon
damage rolls against such creatures. The baquada corsair
gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot and
Survival checks against Outsiders (water) and a +2 bonus on
weapon damage rolls against such creatures.
Trap Sense (Ex): A baquada mariner gains a +1 bonus on
Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC
against attacks made by traps.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A baquada mariner can react to danger
before her senses would normally allow her to do so. He
retains her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught
flat or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses
his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

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Baquada Pirate Lord Typical Ranger Spell List
Baquada Rog 7/Rng 8;hp: 50 (1/0;Caster Level 4;Spell DC 10 + Spell Level)
S12 D22 C13 I14 W11 Ch8;Fort +10, Ref +18, Will +5 1st: Longstrider
Init: +6 Move: 30 ft; 60 ft. in fish form
AC: 25 (+6 Dex, +3 natural, +6 leather +4) touch 16, flat 19
BAB/Grapple: +13/+14
Full Attack: +1 rapier +20/+15/+10 melee (1d6+2;15-
+3 composite longbow (Str +1)
+22/+17/+12 ranged (1d8+2;x3)
(rapid shot) +2 composite longbow (Str +1)
+20/+20/+15/+10 ranged (1d8+2;x3)
Special Att: Sneak attack +4d6
Special Qual: Alternate form, combat style (archery),
evasion, favored enemy, trap sense +2,
trapfinding, uncanny dodge
Skills: Bluff +8, Climb +19, Craft (Trapmaking) +20,
Gather Information +8, Knowledge (Geography) +10,
Knowledge (Local) +12, Listen +8, Profession
(Sailor) +18, Search +20, Spot +18, Survival +8,
Swim +6, Tumble +15, Use Rope +15
Feats: Combat Expertise, EnduranceR, Improved Disarm,
Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Improved Critical
(Rapier)R*, ManyshotR, TrackR, Weapon Finesse,
Weapon Focus (Composite Longbow)R*
CR: 15
Gear: +1 rapier (2,320 gp), +3 composite longbow (+1 Str)
(18,500 gp), leather +4 (16,160 gp), gloves of
dexterity +4 (16,000 gp), cloak of resistance +1
(1,000 gp), potion of cure serious wounds (750 gp),
potion of barkskin (300 gp)
Total: 55,030 gp (59,000 gp)
* The baquada corsair took two Fighter feats instead of an animal
Evasion (Ex): If a baquada corsair makes a successful Reflex
saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage
on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. A helpless
rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Favored Enemy (Ex): A baquada pirate lord gains a +4
bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot and Survival
checks against Aquatic Humanoids and a +4 bonus on weapon
damage rolls against such creatures. The baquada corsair
gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot and
Survival checks against Outsiders (water) and a +2 bonus on
weapon damage rolls against such creatures.
Trap Sense (Ex): A baquada pirate lord gains a +2 bonus on
Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +2 dodge bonus to AC
against attacks made by traps.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A baquada pirate lord can react to
danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so.
He retains her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is
caught flat or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still
loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.
Wild Empathy (Ex): Check 1d20+7; Influence animals

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Bastuu-I Evasion (Ex): When a Bastuu-I is subjected to an attack that

allows a Reflex saving throw, on a successful save the Bastuu-
Medium Humanoid I takes no damage.
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp) Skills: A Bastuu-I gains a +2 bonus to Spot, Listen, Move
Initiative: +2 Silently and Hide checks. In high grass, the Hide check bonus
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), climb 20 ft. (4 squares) increases to +12.
Armor Class: 13 (+2 Dex, +1 natural), touch 12, flat 11
BAB/Grapple: 0/+1 Bastuu-I Society
Attack: Claw +1 melee (1d4+1) As they are descended from true cats, and generally
Full Attack: 2 Claws +1 melee (1d4+1) and bite -4 melee learned their culture from the humans who elevated them,
(1d6) Bastuu-I have a very familiar culture, with a few cattish twists.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Males tend to be slightly more aggressive and seem to prefer
Height: 5 ft. 2in. + 2d6 in. (5 ft. 9 in.) military or manual labor jobs, while females tend to be more
Weight: 100 lbs. + 2d8 x 5 lbs. (145 lbs.) social and prefer jobs revolving around household chores and
Special Att: Pounce, rake raising children. Bastuu-I females are responsible for the
Special Qual: Evasion, Low-light vision education of children, while the males are responsible for
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +1 teaching the children how to work and fight.
Abilities: S13 D15 C12 I11 W13 Ch13 While many cat fetish traits still exist in Bastuu-I
Skills: Climb +9, Hide +10*, Listen +3, Move culture, both males and females are treated generally with the
Silently +10, Spot +3 same respect and are allowed to achieve the same degree of
Feats: Stealthy success in social circles, though females tend to be selected for
Environment: Warm deserts, hills more administrative duties, while males are more likely to be
Organization: Solitary, Family (2-5), or Pride (5-20) involved with a community’s defense.
CR: ½
Treasure: Standard Bastuu-I on Amberos
Alignment: Usually neutral
Created by Bast herself, and then later copied by
Advancement: By character class
Shame, the Bastuu-I are generally found in Llannhanex and
Level Adj: +3
Iiannhanex. The groups have developed into two distinct
This fur-covered humanoid has a cat-like face
castes – those who trace their ancestry back to their creation
and wears a tight-fitting leather outfit that is as
by Bast (normally found in Llannhanex), and those who trace
supple as the creature who wears it.
their lineage back to Shame (usually dwelling in Iiannhanex).
Bastuu-I are descendants of cats that were augmented
Both factions war against each other with great ferocity and
into humanoid form. They have a fondness for associating
have great animosity towards each other.
with humans, and in certain cultures are highly respected -
almost on par with the messengers of the gods.
Bastuu-I as Characters
Bastuu-I speak Common.
Bastuu-I are adventurous and curious, and prone to
Combat trouble. Finding adventurers among Bastuu-I is not difficult at
Bastuu-I prefer to fight with their natural weapons
Bastuu-I characters gain the following abilities.
and shun the use of armor. They will often "tag" their
opponent with a swipe of a claw and dart away. When faced • Base Movement Rate 40 feet. Climb base rate of
with a clearly superior opponent, most Bastuu-I run away, or 20 feet.
will resort to using missile weapons - preferring bows or • Low light vision. Bastuu-I can see in twilight or dim
slings. conditions as far as a normal human can see in bright
Pounce (Ex): When a creature with this special attack makes light.
a charge, it can follow with a full attack including rake attacks • +2 Str, +4 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +2 Chr. Bastuu-I
if the creature also has the rake ability. are strong and hardy as well as exceptionally swift.
Rake (Ex): The Bastuu-I gains extra natural attacks when it Bastuu-I tend to be more in tune to their surroundings
grapples its foe. While grappling, the Bastuu-I gains two and make easygoing friends.
additional claw attacks that it can use only against a grappled • +1 Natural Armor
foe. Rake attacks are not subject to the usual –4 penalty for • Evasion: When a Bastuu-I is subjected to an attack
attacking with a natural weapon in a grapple. The Bastuu-I that allows a Reflex saving throw, on a successful
must begin its turn grappling to use its rake, it can’t begin a save the Bastuu-I takes no damage.
grapple and rake in the same turn. • +2 bonus to Spot, Listen, Move Silently and Hide
rolls. In high grass, a Bastuu-I’s Hide bonus raises to

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• Natural Attacks. A Bastuu-I can attack unarmed Bastuu-I Feline Matron
with two claws and a bite attack. The claws deal 1d4 Bastuu-I Clr 5;hp: 37
+ Strength modifier, while the bite deals 1d6 + ½ S10 D17 C16 I10 W18 Ch14;Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +8
Strength modifier. Init: +3 Move: 40 ft., climb 20 ft.
• Pounce (Ex): When a creature with this special AC: 17 (+3 Dex, +1 natural, +3 leather armor +1), touch
attack makes a charge, it can follow with a full attack 11, flat 14
including rake attacks if the creature also has the rake BAB/Grapple: +3/+3
ability. Full Attack: 2 claws +3 melee (1d4) and bite –2 melee
• Rake (Ex): The Bastuu-I gains extra natural attacks (1d6) or
when it grapples its foe. While grappling, the Bastuu- +1 longspear +4 melee (1d8+1;x3) or
I gains two additional claw attacks that it can use Shortbow +6 ranged (1d6;x3)
only against a grappled foe. Rake attacks are not Special Att: Pounce, rake, spells, turn undead
subject to the usual –4 penalty for attacking with a Special Qual: Evasion
natural weapon in a grapple. The Bastuu-I must Skills: Concentration +11, Hide +7, Knowledge (Religion)
begin its turn grappling to use its rake, it can’t begin +8, Listen +6, Move Silently +7, Spot +6
a grapple and rake in the same turn. Feats: Dodge, Stealthy
• Favored Class: Cleric CR: 5
• Level Adj: +3 Gear: +1 longspear (2,305 gp), shortbow (30 gp), leather
armor +1 (1,160 gp), potion of cure light wounds (50
Bastuu-I clerics generally worship Bast or Shame. Those gp), elixir of truth (500 gp)
worshipping Bast may choose two of the three domains of Total: 4,045 gp (4,300 gp)
Protection, Luck or Trickery. Those worshipping Shame Good Fortune (Ex): 1x/day, reroll one roll
may choose two of the three domains of Good, Trickery Turn Undead (Su): 5x/day; Turn check 1d20+2; Turn
or Travel. damage 2d6+7

Typical Cleric Spell List

(5/5/4/3; CL 5; Spell DC 14 + Spell Level; Domains: Luck,
0: Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
1st: Cause Fear, Disguise SelfD, Divine Favor, Sanctuary,
Shield of Faith
2nd: AidD, Augury, Bull’s Strength, Lesser Restoration
3rd: Bestow Curse, Invisibility Purge, Protection from
D: Domain Spell

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Bastuu-I Priestess Bastuu-I Princess
Bastuu-I Clr 10;hp: 75 Bastuu-I Clr 15;hp: 112
S10 D17 C16 I10 W21 Ch14;Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +12 S10 D17 C16 I10 W24 Ch14;Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +16
Init: +3 Move: 40 ft., climb 20 ft. Init: +3 Move: 40 ft., climb 20 ft.
AC: 18 (+3 Dex, +1 natural, +4 leather armor +2), touch AC: 18 (+3 Dex, +1 natural, +4 leather armor +2), touch
11, flat 15 11, flat 15
BAB/Grapple: +7/+7 BAB/Grapple: +11/+11
Full Attack: 2 claws +7 melee (1d4) and bite +2 melee Full Attack: 2 claws +11 melee (1d4) and bite +6 melee
(1d6) or (1d6) or
+1 longspear +8/+3 melee (1d8+1;x3) or +1 longspear +12/+7/+2 melee (1d8+1;x3)
mw Shortbow +11/+6 ranged (1d6;x3) or
Special Att: Pounce, rake, spells, turn undead Shortbow +2 +16/+11/+6 ranged
Special Qual: Evasion (1d6+2;x3)
Skills: Concentration +16, Hide +12, Knowledge (Religion) Special Att: Pounce, rake, spells, turn undead
+8, Listen +7, Move Silently +7, Spot +7 Special Qual: Evasion
Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Stealthy Skills: Concentration +21, Hide +17, Knowledge (Religion)
CR: 10 +8, Listen +9, Move Silently +7, Spot +9
Gear: +1 longspear (2,305 gp), mw shortbow (330 gp), Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Shot on the Run,
leather armor +2 (4,160 gp), periapt of wisdom +2 Spring Attack, Stealthy
(4,000 gp), wand of cure critical wounds (10 charges) CR: 15
(4,200 gp), elixir of truth (500 gp), jade dust (250 gp) Gear: +1 longspear (2,305 gp), +2 shortbow (8,330 gp),
[false vision] leather armor +5 (25,160 gp), periapt of wisdom +4
Total: 15,745 gp (16,000 gp) (16,000 gp), wand of cure critical wounds (10
Good Fortune (Ex): 1x/day, reroll one roll charges) (4,200 gp), elixir of truth (500 gp),
Turn Undead (Su): 5x/day; Turn check 1d20+2; Turn anathema holy symbol (500 gp) [destruction]
damage 2d6+7 Total: 56,995 gp (59,000 gp)
Good Fortune (Ex): 1x/day, reroll one roll
Typical Cleric Spell List Turn Undead (Su): 5x/day; Turn check 1d20+2; Turn
(5/7/6/5/5/4; CL 10; Spell DC 15 + Spell Level; Domains: damage 2d6+7
Luck, Trickery)
0: Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink Typical Cleric Spell List
1st: Cause Fear, Comprehend Languages, Disguise SelfD, (6/8/8/8/6/6/5/4/3; CL 15; Spell DC 15 + Spell Level;
Divine Favor, Doom, Sanctuary, Shield of Faith Domains: Luck, Trickery)
2nd: AidD, Augury, Bull’s Strength, Hold Person, Lesser 0: Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink,
Restoration, Silence Resistance, Virtue
3rd: Bestow Curse, Blindness/Deafness, Dispel Magic, 1st: Bless, Cause Fear, Comprehend Languages, Disguise
Invisibility Purge, Protection from EnergyD SelfD, Divine Favor, Doom, Sanctuary, Shield of Faith
4 : Divine Power, Freedom of MovementD, Greater Magic
2 : AidD, Augury, Bull’s Strength, Calm Emotions, Enthrall,

Weapon, Poison Hold Person, Lesser Restoration, Silence

5th: False VisionD, Greater Command, Righteous Might, Slay 3rd: Bestow Curse, Blindness/Deafness, Dispel Magic,
Living Invisibility Purge, Prayer, Protection from EnergyD,
D: Domain Spell Searing Light
4th: Air Walk, Death Ward, Divine Power, Freedom of
MovementD, Greater Magic Weapon, Poison
5 : Break EnchantmentD, Greater Command, Plane Shift,

Righteous Might, Slay Living (x2)

6th: Animate Objects, Blade Barrier, Heal, Harm, MisleadD
7th: Destruction, Regenerate, Repulsion, ScreenD
8th: Fire Storm, Polymorph Any ObjectD, Greater Spell
D: Domain Spell

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Beastlands animal Some creatures affected by the Beastlands template

were animal companions to druids before they were released
A Beastlands animal is a normal animal that has been from service – either from the death of the druid, or
touched with the magical energies of the Beastlands outer completion of the animal’s “tour of duty”. Even once
plane. When infused with the raw magic of nature, these released, they retained their augmented abilities.
creatures become much more powerful than a standard version Beastlands template can be applied to any Animal.
of the animal.

Template Level Bonus Natural Armor Str/Dex Special CR Adj

HD Adj. Adj.
1st upgrade +0 +0 +0 Spell Resistance +1
2nd upgrade +2 +2 +1 Evasion +2
3rd upgrade +4 +4 +2 Devotion +3
4th upgrade +6 +6 +3 Multiattack +4
5th upgrade +8 +8 +4 +5
6th upgrade +10 +10 +5 Improved evasion +6
7th upgrade +12 +12 +6 +7

Bonus HD: Extra eight-sided (d8) Hit Dice, each of which gains a Constitution modifier, as normal. Remember that extra Hit
Dice improve the animal companion’s base attack and base save bonuses. A Beastlands Animal’s base attack bonus is equal to ¾
its Hit Dice. A Beastlands Animal has good Fortitude and Reflex saves. A Beastlands Animal does not gain additional skill
points with an increase in hit dice, but does gain additional feats for bonus HD as normal for advancing a monster’s Hit Dice.
Natural Armor Adj.: The number noted here is an improvement to the Beastlands Animal’s existing natural armor bonus.
Str/Dex Adj.: Add this value to the Beastlands Animal’s Strength and Dexterity scores.

Type: The creature’s type is unchanged, but it gains the animal companion instead gains a second attack with
Augmented Animal subtype its primary natural weapon, albeit at a –5 penalty.
Hit Dice: See table Improved Evasion (Ex): When subjected to an attack
Initiative: Recalculate based on changes to ability scores that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half
Speed: Unchanged from base creature damage, a Beastlands animal takes no damage if it
Armor Class: See table makes a successful saving throw and only half
BAB/Grapple: Advance according to hit dice damage if the saving throw fails.
Attack: Recalculate attack bonus based on changes to hit dice Saves: Advanced by hit dice increase
and ability scores Abilities: See table
Full Attack: Recalculate attack bonus based on changes to hit Skills: No change from base creature.
dice and ability scores Feats: As determined by hit dice advancement
Space/Reach: No change from base creature Environment: Any land
Special Att: See table Organization: Solitary or Pack (1 + 2d8 normal animals)
Special Qual: See table CR: See table
Spell Resistance (Su): A Beastlands animal gains Treasure: None
spell resistance equal 10 + ½ its Hit Dice + Chr Alignment: Always neutral
modifier. This ability also resists a druid or ranger’s Advancement: None
attempt to make the creature an animal companion. Level Adjustment: +3 (cohort)
Evasion (Ex): If a Beastlands Animal is subjected to
an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw
for half damage, it takes no damage if it makes a
successful saving throw.
Devotion (Ex): A Beastlands Animal gains a +4
morale bonus on Will saves against enchantment
spells and effects.
Multiattack: A Beastlands Animal gains Multiattack
as a bonus feat if it has three or more natural attacks
and does not already have that feat. If it does not
have the requisite three or more natural attacks, the

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Bestiary Nefarious

Beastlands Dog Alignment: Always neutral

4 upgrade Template Advancement: 8-14 HD (Medium); 15-21 HD (Large)
Medium Animal (Augmented Animal) Level Adjustment: +3 (cohort)
Hit Dice: 7d8+14 (45 hp) This muscular dog has a glimmer of intelligence
Initiative: +4 in its eye, and looks much stronger and quicker
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares) than any other such animal you've seen.
Armor Class: 20 (+4 Dex, +6 natural), touch 14, flat 16 It is easy to pick out a Beastlands dog among other
BAB/Grapple: +5/+8 dogs, for the latter will cede to the Beastlands dog's will, and
Attack: Bite +8 melee (1d4+3) the Beastlands dog appears to a near-perfect specimen of the
Full Attack: Bite +8/+3 melee (1d4+3) largest size. Beastlands dogs cannot speak, but generally
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. understand Common.
Special Att: -
Special Qual: Low-light vision, scent Combat
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +3 A Beastlands dog is generally fearless and skilled in
Abilities: S16 D19 C15 I2 W12 Ch6 attacking alone, often leaping on prey to knock it down and
Skills: Jump +6, Listen +8, Spot +8, Survival +1* then grapple with it. They are still skilled in hunting in packs
Feats: Alertness, Improved Bull Rush, Power with regular dogs, and will generally lead any such packs they
Attack, TrackB are encountered with.
Environment: Any land Skills: Beastlands dogs have a +4 racial bonus on jump
Organization: Solitary checks. Beastlands dogs have a +4 racial bonus on Survival
CR: 6 checks when tracking by scent.
Treasure: None

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Bestiary Nefarious
Beetle, General
Beetles are insectile vermin that range in size from
fine to colossal in size. They are all, however, in some way
deadly and or dangerous to other creatures.
As vermin, all monstrous beetles have the following

• Mindless: No Intelligence score, and immunity to all

mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions,
phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).

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Bestiary Nefarious
Adamantine Beetle
Medium Vermin Adamantine Beetles on Amberos
Hit Dice: 5d8+20 (42 hp) Most of these beetles are found in Nyrr Ryann, near
Initiative: +0 the Wyvern sea, where most adamantine can likewise be
Speed: 20 ft. in adamantine, 30 ft. (6 squares) base, found. They are a vicious nuisance, mostly to miners.
burrow 10 ft. (2 squares)
AC: 24 (+5 natural, +9 armor), touch 10, flat 24
BAB/Grapple: +3/+6
Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d3 + sunder)
Full Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d3 + sunder)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Length: 4 ft. + 2d8 in. (4 ft. 9 in.)
Weight: 200 + 2d8 x 10 lbs. (290 lbs.)
Special Att: Sunder
Special Qual: DR 5/-, darkvision 60 ft., spell resistance 15
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +1, Will +1
Abilities: S16 D10 C19 I0 W11 Ch6
Skills: Climb +11, Listen +4, Spot +4
Feats: Die Hard, Great Fortitude, Track
Environment: Cold or Temperate land
Organization: Solitary, Gang (2-5), or Nest (5-20)
CR: 4
Treasure: Special
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Medium); 11-15 HD (Large)
Level Adj: -
This black-backed beetle has long, slicing
mandible and powerful legs. It makes an odd
clinking sound as it moves about, watching you
with glowing red eyes.
The adamantine is a reclusive, hard-to-kill pest that is
both a bane and a boon to adventurers. The creatures are
attracted to adamantine, and constantly burrow in search of the
material. The creature's digestive system allows it to
"consume" the metal, absorb the impurities and regurgitate the
metal in a liquid form. It then applies the refined metal to its
carapace, making it virtually impervious to attack once it
hardens. However, if the beetle can be killed, knowledgeable
blacksmiths can remove the adamantine covering from the
beetle to reforge into other items.
A typical adamantine beetle carries enough
adamantine on its shell to make a breastplate, two shields, four
light weapons, two one-handed weapons or one two-handed of
adamantine, assuming the items are made for a medium sized

Adamantine beetles are aggressive when facing others, and
tend to rely on their general imperviousness to attacks to rout
foes. Adamantine beetles usually strike to sunder a foe's
equipment, showing itself to be superior, if not killing the foe
Sunder (Ex): As part of an attack or full-attack action, an
adamantine beetle may make a sunder attack, without
provoking an attack of opportunity, as part of it’s normal
attack (meaning it deals normal damage to the victim in
addition to the sunder damage). Because the adamantine
beetle’s mandibles are lined with adamantine, it may ignore
any hardness when attempting to damage an item.

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Godsteel Beetle Armor of the Gods (Su) A godsteel beetle is able to act as a
Medium Outsider (Augmented Vermin, Extraplanar, suit of spiked adamantine full plate +1 to creatures for beings
Good) one size smaller than themselves (normally, this is size Small).
Hit Dice: 5d8+20 (42 hp) It also grants its wearer Spell Resistance 12. While acting as
Initiative: +0 armor, the godsteel beetle cannot attack, but can use its spell-
Speed: 20 ft. in adamantine, 30 ft. (6 squares) base, like abilities to benefit its wearer.
burrow 10 ft. (2 squares) While in armor form, a godsteel beetle only takes
AC: 25 (+6 natural, +9 armor), touch 10, flat 25 damage from area effect attacks or sunder attacks directed at
BAB/Grapple: +5/+6 the armor (treat as having Hardness 20 and 42 hit points for
Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d3 + sunder) the purposes of sundering). This overrides the normal rule
Full Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d3 + sunder) that armor cannot be the target of a sunder attack.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Magic Resistance (Su): A godsteel beetle has a +10 bonus to
Length: 5 ft. + 2d6 in. (5 ft. 7 in.) its Spell Resistance.
Weight: 150 lbs. + 2d6 x 15 lbs. (255 lbs.) Sunder (Ex): As part of an attack or full-attack action, an
Special Att: Adamantine strike, magic strike, sunder adamantine beetle may make a sunder attack, without
Special Qual: Armor of the gods, DR 5/-, DR 5/magic, provoking an attack of opportunity, as part of it’s normal
darkvision 60 ft., magic resistant, shield of attack (meaning it deals normal damage to the victim in
the gods, spell-like abilities, spell resistance addition to the sunder damage). Because the adamantine
23, vermin traits beetle’s mandibles are lined with adamantine, it may ignore
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +5, Will +6 any hardness when attempting to damage an item.
Abilities: S20 D12 C23 I2 W15 Ch10 Shield of the Gods (Su): A godsteel beetle is able to act as a
Skills: Climb +11, Listen +4, Spot +4 spiked adamantine heavy metal shield +1 for creatures of the
Feats: Die Hard, Great Fortitude, Track same size as themselves (normally, this is size Medium) or as
Environment: Any land or Seven Heavens a spiked adamantine buckler +1 for creatures one size larger
Organization: Solitary, Gang (2-5), or Nest (5-20) than themselves (normally, this is size Large). It also grants
CR: 5 the wielder Spell Resistance 12. While acting as a shield, the
Treasure: Special godsteel beetle cannot attack, but can use its spell-like abilities
Alignment: Always neutral good to benefit its wearer.
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Medium); 11-15 HD (Large) When in shield form, a godsteel beetle only takes
Level Adj: - damage from area effect attacks or sunder attacks directed at
This silver-backed beetle has long, slicing the shield (treat as having Hardness 20 and 42 hit points for
mandible and powerful legs. It makes an odd the purposes of sundering).
clinking sound as it moves about, watching you Spell-like Abilities (Sp): A godsteel beetle can use the
with glowing yellow eyes. following abilities, as listed. The godsteel beetle does not
The godsteel beetle is a variant form of an need to make concentration checks while being used as a
adamantine beetle bred by the celestial beings of the upper shield or armor. When used while worn, these spell-like
planes. Like the adamantine beetle, the creature covers itself abilities are treated as emanating from the wearer/wielder.
in a metal that it consumes – in this case godsteel, similar in Protection from evil- 3x/day, Bless – 1x/day, Aid –
aspect to adamantine except for its silvery sheen and certain 1x/day, Detect Evil – 1x/day, Cure Light Wounds – 1x/day,
additional magical properties. The creature's digestive system Neutralize Poison – 1x/day. Caster Level 5, Spell DC 10 +
allows it to "consume" the metal, absorb the impurities and Spell level, where applicable.
regurgitate the metal in a liquid form. It then applies the
refined metal to its carapace, making it virtually impervious to Godsteel Beetles on Amberos
attack once it hardens. The godsteel beetle is sent to the Godsteel beetles are not encountered on Amberos
Mortal Realm to aid warriors in the cause of good – often itself by accident; these creatures have always been purposely
ending up in the hands of paladins or clerics in need of the sent to assist some creature of good in its battle against evil.
special abilities the adamantine beetle provides. In the Seven Heavens, these beetles are found only in
The godsteel beetle cannot speak, but understands the ring of Mecuria, where they wander about consuming
Common and Celestial. godsteel until they are gathered by celestial beings for a
mission on the Mortal Realm.
Godsteel beetles are able to defend themselves if
attacked, but that is not their primary use. Instead, they often
present themselves to warriors of good alignment as a oddly-
shaped shield. Once taken up as a shield, the godsteel beetle
uses its natural abilities to aid its wielder in battle.
Adamantine, Magic Strike (Ex, Su): A godsteel beetle’s
attacks are treated as adamantine and magic for the purposes
of overcoming damage reduction.

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Bloodseeker Beetle Bloodseeker Beetles on Amberos
Medium Vermin Bloodseekers tend to be found in the plains of the
Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (11 hp) Southern Kingdom eastward through the Jsarath fjords. It was
Initiative: +3 the Nauwflouwd who first learned to train bloodseekers,
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), climb 25 ft. (5 squares) though Jsarath barbarians and the Aharati of the Southern
Armor Class: 18 (+3 Dex, +5 natural), touch 13, flat 15 Kingdom area primarily use them now.
BAB/Grapple: +1/+3
Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d6+2)
Full Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d6+2) and 2 claws -2
melee (1d8+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Length: 4 ft. + 2d6 in. (4 ft. 7 in.)
Weight: 25 lbs. + 2d6 x 5 lbs. (60 lbs.)
Special Att: Pounce
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., scent, tremorsense 60 ft.
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will -1
Abilities: S15 D16 C13 I0 W8 Ch5
Skills: Climb +10, Jump +10, Listen -1, Spot +4,
Survival +4*
Feats: Track
Environment: Temperate or warm plains, hills, &
Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), or Pride (5-20)
CR: 1
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 3-4 HD (Medium); 5-6 HD (Large)
Level Adj: +2 (cohort)
This green-colored beetle is reminiscent of a
praying mantis, with a slightly wider body and
beetle-like head. It is the size of a large dog, and
has a pair of large scythe-like front legs that are
covered with jagged serrations and end in a
golden color.
The bloodseeker beetle is a giant pest that feeds on
warm-blooded creatures such as mammals and birds. It hunts
by sensing movement and by tracking the smell of blood.
Some barbaric communities have found ways to "train" the
creatures to act like bloodhounds, and will lead them into
battle against opposing forces. Bloodseeker eggs can be sold
for 50 gp each, whilst a trained bloodseeker can cost upwards
of 5,000 gp. Training and commanding a bloodseeker adds +5
to the DC, as they are mindless creatures. They can only be
taught 2 tricks.

Bloodseeker beetles, if unhindered by their trainer,
will use their pounce ability to overtake foes, and then shred
their victim with their scythe-like claws. Bloodseekers only
seem to fear fire, and even then will seek a way around such
sources to attack prey. Once engaged, they will not relent, and
often even “domesticated” bloodseekers have to be beaten off
their victim by minders who don't want said victim killed.
Pounce (Ex): When a creature with this special attack makes
a charge, it can follow with a full attack.
Skills (Ex): A bloodseeker beetle gains a +20 racial skill
bonus to Survival when tracking wounded prey. It also gains
a +8 bonus to climb and jump skills.

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Goldspinner Beetle alive in captivity, kept the beetle’s existence secret. During
Tiny Vermin the Age of Swordfall, a couple of the beetles were given as
Hit Dice: 1/2d8 (2 hp) gifts to Emperor Nannon and some of the more prominent
Initiative: +2 Barons. From there, the beetles slowly spread through most of
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 50 ft. (good) the western continent. Eventually, Randese warriors seized a
AC: 18 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 14, cache of the beetles and they were brought back to Randu.
flat 16 While most of the beetles in the east were lost when Zarame
BAB/Grapple: 0/-9 Kull sank into the sea, they still can be found in areas such as
Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d3-1) the Skienlands and among a few nobles in Ran Da Khan. The
Full Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d3-1) majority of the beetles that lived in Western Amberos
Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft. mysteriously died during the recent economic upheaval, and
Length: 2 ft. + 1d6 in. (2 ft. 3 in.) there are only 2 surviving beetles in captivity in the west – one
Weight: 5 lbs + 1d6 lbs. (8 lbs.) owned by Emperor Romulus Bicard III of Vall Vega and the
Special Att: Transformation other by Gran Matriarch Delesia Vorsum of the Silkna
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., vermin traits Kingdom. In both cases, protective magic is attributed to the
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0 beetle’s survival of the economic upheaval.
Abilities: S8 D15 C11 I-- W10 Ch6
Skills: Climb +2, Jump +2, Listen 0, Spot 0, Swim
Feats: Weapon FinesseB
Environment: Warm forests, marshes
Organization: Solitary, or Cluster (2-5)
CR: 1/4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 1.5-1 HD (Tiny); 2-1.5 HD (Small)
Level Adj: -
This two-foot long beetle has a glistening hide
the color of gold, with small turquoise blue spots
over its thorax. It has a large pair of wicked
mandibles, and you can hear its wings buzz
underneath its shell.
The goldspinner beetle is prized for its ability to
transform organic material to gold. Unfortunately, they are
difficult to keep in captivity (Handle Animal DC 20 weekly to
keep alive) and the amount of gold they produce is actually
rather small (1d4 gp/week normally).

When threatened, a goldspinner beetle opens its hard
shell and beats its wings, creating a loud buzzing noise. If this
does not ward off attackers, the beetle usually attempts to fly
away. If backed into a corner, it will snap at foes with its
mandibles, attempting to seek a way out of combat. Luckily,
goldspinner beetles prefer to eat vegetation, and will not attack
individuals for food, though it might be aggressive if wounded
or caught.
Transformation (Su): Goldspinner beetles can consume
vegetable matter and regurgitate the material as a gold thread
to line its nest. If left alone for a week or more, the
goldspinner can create enough golden thread to be sold for
1d4 gp. In a pinch, goldspinner beetles can produce 1d2 cp of
golden thread per hour.

Goldspinner Beetles on Amberos

The first recorded encounter with a goldspinner
beetle came at the end of the Dark Age, in the lands of what is
now known as the FarrenLands. The nobility of the area,
several of whom took in the beetles and managed to keep them

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Bestiary Nefarious
Headhunter Beetle the air at the time that it is paralyzed cannot flap its wings and
Tiny Vermin falls. A swimmer can’t swim and may drown.
Hit Dice: 2d8+8 (17 hp) Embed (Ex): A headhunter beetle that has beheaded an
Initiative: +4 opponent may, as a full-round action that provokes an attack
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), as host body when of opportunity, clear out the chest cavity of a medium-sized
embedded victim and hide itself in the cavity. Thus hidden, the
Armor Class: 19 (+2 size, +4 Dex, +3 natural), touch 16, headhunter beetle stitches the head of the victim back on and
flat 15 can control the body to give it the rudimentary appearance it is
BAB/Grapple: +1/-6 alive. The thus hidden headhunter beetle can attempt to use
Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d3+1;18-20/x2) this disguise to hunt for other prey, though it cannot talk nor
Full Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d3+1;18-20/x2) can it access the memories or abilities of the victim. When
Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./0 ft. hiding in a cadaver, the headhunter beetle gains a +8 bonus to
Length: 2 ft. + 1d4 in. (2ft. 2 in.) disguise so long as it is not required to speak or attempt to use
Weight: 2d6 lbs. (7 lbs.) one of the victim's abilities. This bonus degrades by -2 per
Special Att: Behead, paralysis day, until after the 4th day the body has rotted too much for
Special Qual: Embed, darkvision 60 ft., vermin traits the headhunter beetle to use effectively.
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +1 Vermin possess the following traits (unless otherwise noted in
Abilities: S13 D19 C19 I-- W13 Ch15 a creature's entry).
Skills: Hide +17, Listen +1, Move Silently +9, • Mindless: No Intelligence score, and immunity to all mind-
Spot +1 affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns,
Feats: Power Attack and morale effects).
Environment: Warm land
Organization: Solitary, or Cluster (2-5) Headhunter Beetles on Amberos
CR: 3 These vicious creatures seem to be only found in the
Treasure: None Demon Jungle on Amberos and in certain areas of Lanster.
Alignment: Always neutral They are hunted and destroyed whenever encountered to keep
Advancement: 3-4 HD (Tiny); 5-6 HD (Small) their numbers from spreading.
Level Adj: -
This ugly, huge-eyed beetle has an exoskeleton
the color of dark mud and seems to glisten with
slime or mucus. Its huge mandibles click and
snap as it scuttles about.
The headhunter beetle is a terrifying vermin that
devours flesh. It is most feared because its primary attack
method is to behead a victim, crawl into the chest cavity and
use the cadaver to seek out more prey.

Headhunter beetles quickly rush a target, attempting
to overpower and kill a foe before it has a chance to resist. A
headhunter beetle attack is usually directed at the throat of its
target where it attempts to behead the victim as quickly as
possible with its massive slicing mandibles. If a headhunter
beetle cannot quickly dispatch a foe it will often scurry to a
safe hiding place and attempt to ambush the victim at its next
convenience. The creature is rather single-minded, and will
rarely break off an attack to seek out other prey.
Behead (Ex): If a headhunter beetle scores a critical or is able
to deliver a coup de grace to an opponent that is paralyzed or
otherwise helpless, the headhunter automatically beheads an
opponent of medium-size or smaller.
Paralysis (Ex): The bite of a headhunter beetle is a special
enzyme that renders the victim immobile if they fail a Fort
save (DC 15). Note that it is not considered a poison.
Paralyzed creatures cannot move, speak, or take any physical
actions. The creature is rooted to the spot, frozen and helpless.
Unlike hold person and similar effects, a paralysis effect does
not allow a new save each round. A winged creature flying in

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Bestiary Nefarious
Wolf Beetle Training a Wolf Beetle
Medium Vermin Despite being mindless, wolf beetles can be trained
Hit Dice: 4d8+4 (22 hp) as hunting or guard beasts. Training a wolf beetle requires a
Initiative: +3 successful Handle Animal DC 30 check and 6 weeks. Wolf
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares) beetles will turn on anyone other than their master, so they
AC: 17 (+3 Dex, +4 natural), touch 13, flat 14 cannot be purchased already trained. An untrained wolf beetle
BAB/Grapple: +3/+5 can be purchased for about 2,000 gp.
Attack: Saber-claw +5 melee (1d6+2;19-20/x2)
Full Attack: 2 saber-claws +5 melee (1d6+2;19-20/x2), Wolf Beetles on Amberos
bite +0 melee (1d4+1 + poison) Wolf beetles can be found across Amberos, with
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. larger numbers in Klinn, Simera, Kennestone and Ulanst. The
Length: 5 ft. + 2d8 in. (5 ft. 9 in.) creatures are actually thought to have come from Gwieze’s
Weight: 75 lbs. + 2d6 x 5 lbs. (110 lbs.) shadow empire, and it is believed that wolf beetles have a
Special Att: Improved trip, poison huge spawning ground somewhere in the Golens.
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 30 ft.
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +3
Abilities: S15 D17 C13 I-- W15 Ch11
Skills: Climb +6, Jump +5, Listen +2, Spot +2,
Survival +9
Feats: Great Fortitude, Track
Environment: Temperate, Warm land
Organization: Solitary, Team (2-5), or Pack (5-20)
CR: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Medium); 9-12 HD (Large)
Level Adj: -
This gray beetle is covered with a fine layer of
hair with a white streak down its back. The
beetle's head is shaped like a wedge, and its two
forward legs end in a blade-like joint.
Wolf beetles are so named as they tend to hunt in packs
to bring down prey. They are aggressive and will often charge
foes much larger than themselves, chopping them to ribbons
and moving on to another opponent before sitting down to
feast on the mass of carcasses they have created.

Wolf beetles attack by rushing an opponent, and
attempting to drag them down where they can be slashed to
ribbons. There is little the beetles fear, and even when badly
injured rarely will back down from a fight. They have been
known to jump ravines, run through flames and wade through
rivers to reach foes. However, the beetle’s innate tremorsense
gives the creatures an unusual gift to sense structurally
unsound areas, and they will not pursue foes into such areas.
Also worth noting is that the beetles tremorsense makes them
able to detect the presence of creatures such as bulette, thoqua
and other burrowing creatures, which the wolf beetles will
often track and hunt.
Improved Trip (Ex): If the wolf beetle hits with one of its
attacks, it may attempt a trip attack without suffering an attack
of opportunity. If the wolf beetle fails to trip the opponent, it
does not suffer a counter trip attack.
Poison (Ex): The bite of a wolf beetle injects a paralytic
poison into the victim. (Injected, Fort DC13; Init: 1d4 Str;
Sec: paralysis). The paralysis lasts for 2d4 rounds.

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Bestiary Nefarious
Hellwolf Beetle injured rarely will back down from a fight. They have been
Large Outsider (Augmented Vermin, Evil, Native) known to jump ravines, run through flames and wade through
Hit Dice: 9d8+27 (67 hp) rivers to reach foes. However, the beetle’s innate tremorsense
Initiative: +2 gives the creatures an unusual gift to sense structurally
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), fly 50 ft. (average) (10 unsound areas, and they will not pursue foes into such areas.
squares) Also worth noting is that the beetles tremorsense makes them
AC: 20 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +7 natural), touch 13, able to detect the presence of creatures such as bulette, thoqua
flat 16 and other burrowing creatures, which the wolf beetles will
BAB/Grapple: +9/+21 often track and hunt.
Attack: Saber-claw +16 melee (1d8+6;17-20/x2) Improved Trip (Ex): If the wolf beetle hits with one of its
Full Attack: 2 saber-claws +16 melee (1d8+6;17-20/x2), attacks, it may attempt a trip attack without suffering an attack
bite +11 melee (1d6+3 + poison) of opportunity. If the wolf beetle fails to trip the opponent, it
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. does not suffer a counter trip attack.
Length: 9 ft. + 2d8 in. (9 ft. 9 in.) Poison (Ex): The bite of a wolf beetle injects a paralytic
Weight: 200 lbs. + 4d8 x 5 lbs. (290 lbs.) poison into the victim. (Injected, Fort DC 20; Init: 1d4 Str;
Special Att: Breath weapon, improved trip, magic strike, Sec: paralysis). The paralysis lasts for 2d4 rounds.
poison, smite good Smite Good (Su): Once per day the hellwolf beetle can make
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., DR 5/magic, immune to a normal melee attack to deal and extra 9 points of damage.
poison, resistance to acid 10, cold 10, Spell-like Abilities (Sp): A hellwolf beetle can use the
electricity 10, and fire 10, spell-like abilities, following spell-like abilities as indicated below.
SR 16, tremorsense 30 ft. Darkness – 3x/day, Desecrate – 1x/day, Unholy Blight (DC
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +8 15) – 1x/day, Poison (DC 15) – 3x/day, Contagion (DC 14) –
Abilities: S27 D19 C19 I4 W15 Ch13 1x/day
Skills: Climb +20, Jump +20, Listen +14, Spot
+14, Survival +14 Training a Hellwolf Beetle
Feats: Ability Focus (Poison), Great Fortitude, Those with infernal alliances or bends can train a
Improved Critical (Saber-claw), Track hellwolf beetles as hunting or guard beasts. Because hellwolf
Environment: Hot Forest beetles are intelligent, they must agree to the training for it to
Organization: Solitary, Team (1-3), Cult (1 + 2-12 wolf be successful. Training a hellwolf beetle requires a successful
beetles) or Pack (2-5 + 0-12 wolf beetles) Handle Animal DC 20 check and 6 weeks. Hellwolf beetles
CR: 9 will refuse to follow the directions of those not aligned with
Treasure: None hellish powers, and will report all such attempts to control
Alignment: Always chaotic evil them to their hellish lords.
Advancement: 11-15 HD (Large)
Level Adj: - Wolf Beetles on Amberos
This black beetle is covered with a fine layer Hellwolf beetles are usually only found deep in the
of hair with a red streak down its back. The Golens or the Yaz forest of the Skienlands, where they hunt
beetle's head is shaped like a barbed-edge with packs of wolf beetles to strip hapless communities of all
arrowhead, and its two forward legs end in life. Some sages believe that the lingering remains of the
a crimson blade-like joint. shadow empire spawned these beasts, while others have
Hellwolf beetles are the diabolical creations of devils postulated they are creations of the Dark One. Some have
whom have experimented upon and bred these creatures as even postulated the wild theory that dragons may somehow
hunters for their own dark desires. Unlike most other hellish have been involved in the creation of hellwolf beetles, as an
creations, hellwolf beetles are bound to the Mortal Realm, experiment from the First Dragon War.
where they act as hunters and troubleshooters for hellish
Hellwolf beetles have a supernatural mental link to
the devils of Hell. They can receive commands to track down
prey or perform tasks from their hellish masters despite the
vast distances between the Mortal Realm and Hell. A hellwolf
beetle can only send limited information back to the devils of
hell – their general location, condition and progress in their
Hellwolf beetles speak a guttural version of Infernal.

Hellwolf beetles attack by rushing an opponent, and
attempting to drag them down where they can be slashed to
ribbons. There is little the beetles fear, and even when badly

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Bestiary Nefarious
Phomicus Beetle beetles can still be found and seem to thrive in areas such as
Fine Vermin Llannhanex, Iiannhanex and points eastward.
Hit Dice: 1/8d8 (1 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares), fly 50 ft. (perfect) (10
Armor Class: 23 (+8 size, +4 Dex, +1 natural), touch 22,
Flat 19
BAB/Grapple: 0/-21
Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d2-5)
Full Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d2-5)
Space/Reach: ½ ft./0 ft.
Length: 3 in.
Weight: ¼ lbs.
Special Att: Enervation ray
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., spell-like abilities,
tremorsense 5 ft.
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +0
Abilities: S1 D19 C11 I-- W10 Ch15
Skills: Climb –2, Hide +22, Jump –2, Listen +0,
Move Silently +6, Spot +0
Feats: Stealthy, Weapon FinesseB
Environment: Warm deserts, mountains, underground
Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), or Swarm (5-20)
CR: ½
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: ¼ - ½ HD (Fine); ½ - 1 HD (Diminutive)
Level Adj: -
This black beetle is slightly shorter than a human
hand and appears to have a human-like face with
glossy black eyes.
The phomicus beetle is a plague creature often thought
to have been created as a punishment to desert-dwelling folk.
It robs the life energy of its victims, turning them into undead
monstrosities that haunt the barren wastes.

A lone phomicus beetle will attempt to pounce lone
or weak prey unaware and sate itself on blood from the victim.
Against stronger or more numerous foes, it uses its enervation
ray to attempt to strike undead targets, turning them against
their former fellows and feeding on whatever remains are left.
Enervation Ray (Sp): As a standard action, a phomicus
beetle can emit a black ray of negative energy 30 feet long.
The ray strikes as a ranged touch attack and inflicts 1 negative
level on the victim if they fail a DC 10 Fort save. For each
additional 2 Phomicus beetles assisting in the attack, the
saving throw DC increases by 1.
Spells-like Abilities (Sp): A phomicus beetle can use the
following abilities at will: Resistance, Daze or Touch of
Fatigue. The Phomicus beetle uses these abilities as a 1st level
caster, with a base DC of 10.

Phomicus Beetle on Amberos

According to legend, the phomicus beetle is the
creation of Lepornunse, god of disease, made for the god of
undeath, Teeth. Though Teeth has been destroyed, these

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Bestiary Nefarious
Spharon Latch (Ex): If a spharon strikes with its bite, it may start a
Diminutive Vermin free grapple. If the spharon is successful, it has attached itself
Hit Dice: 1/8d8 (2 hp) to the victim’s chest and cannot be removed unless the
Initiative: +5 spharon dies without likely killing the victim. If an attempt to
Speed: 10 ft. (1 square), fly 30 feet (6 remove the spharon while it still lives is made, the victim must
squares),(good) make a Fort save DC 23 or die. A spharon may not use the
Armor Class: 18 (+4 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural), touch 15, latch ability on creatures without circulatory systems
flat 17 (constructs, undead, plants, oozes, etc.).
BAB/Grapple: +0/-17 Slay (Ex): A spharon that has successfully latched onto a
Attack: Bite +3 melee (1) victim may attempt to kill the victim by destroying its heart.
Full Attack: Bite +3 melee (1) This is a full-attack action for the spharon and is treated as a
Space/Reach: ½ ft. / 0 ft. coup de grace attack. If the victim is slain, the spharon may
Length: 3 in. use its create spawn ability with automatic success.
Weight: 1/10 lb.
Special Att: Create spawn, Latch, Slay Spharon on Amberos
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., Scent Spharons live at the edge of the Blue Desert of
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +1, Will -1 Llannhanex, and seem to be immune to the effects of the blue
Abilities: S1 D13 C11 I0 W8 Ch6 sands of that deadly realm. They are yet another reason to
Skills: Jump -1, Listen +3, Spot +3 avoid the deadly Blue Desert.
Feats: Improved Initiative
Environment: Warm desert
Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), Nest (5-20), Herd (20-
40), or Horde (40-60)
CR: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: ¼ - 3/4 HD (Diminutive); 1 - 2 HD (Tiny)
The insect appears to be a large beetle, perhaps
three inches long. It has a sky blue shell with
gold colored legs and antennae. Its maw
consists of a large pair of razor-sharp mandible
whose tips are blood-red in color.
Also known as the Blue Death Scarab, these tiny
creatures can be exceptionally deadly for their size. They are
feared as they reproduce in large numbers and not only cause
the death of their victim, but also cause the desiccated host
corpse to animate and infect others.
A spharon looks like a 3-inch long scarab with a
glistening sky blue exoskeleton. Their legs are gold colored,
as are their antennae. They have large, razor-sharp mandibles
whose tips end in a blood-red color.

A spharon attacks by leaping for the chest of its foe,
where it attempts to firmly attach itself. It has razor-sharp
pincers for teeth that can tear easily through steel and bone,
where it attempts to break through to and seize and infest the
victim’s heart.
Vermin Qualities: Vermin are immune to mind influencing
Create Spawn (Su): If a spharon successfully latches onto a
victim, it may inject eggs into the victim to spawn more
spharons as a free action. The victim must make a Fort save
DC 14 or be infested with the eggs (Spharon Infestation
disease; Infection: injury; DC 14; Incubation: 1 day; Damage:
1d3 Con). Once the victim is reduced to 0 Con or less, the
former host dies and becomes a Spharon Mummy, controlled
by negative energy fed to it by the attached spharon.

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Bestiary Nefarious
Spharon, Immature Swarm spells or effects that affect an area, such as splash weapons
Diminutive Vermin (Swarm) and many evocation spells.
Hit Dice: 12d8+12 (66 hp) Swarms made up of Diminutive or Fine creatures are
Initiative: +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) susceptible to high winds such as that created by a gust of
Speed: 10 ft. (1 square), fly 30 feet (6 wind spell. For purposes of determining the effects of wind on
squares)(good) a swarm, treat the swarm as a creature of the same size as its
Armor Class: 18 (+4 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural), touch 15, constituent creatures. A swarm rendered unconscious by
flat 17 means of non-lethal damage becomes disorganized and
BAB/Grapple: +0/– dispersed, and does not reform until its hit points exceed its
Attack: Swarm (5d6) non-lethal damage.
Full Attack: Swarm (5d6) Distraction (Ex): Any living creature vulnerable to a swarm’s
Space/Reach: ½ ft./ 0 ft. damage that begins its turn with a swarm in its square is
Special Att: Infest nauseated for 1 round; a Fortitude save DC 17 negates the
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +3 effect. Spellcasting or concentrating on spells within the area
Abilities: S1 D13 C11 I0 W8 Ch6 of a swarm requires a Concentration check (DC 20 + spell
Skills: Jump -1, Listen +3, Spot +3 level). Using skills that involve patience and concentration
Feats: Improved Initiative requires a DC 20 Concentration check.
Environment: Warm desert Infest (Ex): Once per round, as a free action, any one being
Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), Nest (5-20), Herd (20- in melee combat with the immature spharon swarm is subject
40), or Horde (40-60) to a +3 melee attack from the swarm. A struck victim must
CR: 9 make a Fort save (DC 14) or be infested with the immature
Treasure: None spharons (Spharon Infestation disease; Infection: injury; DC
Alignment: Always neutral evil 14; Incubation: 1 day; Damage: 1d3 Con). Once a victim is
Advancement: – reduced to 0 Con or less, 1d20 mature spharons erupt from the
You hear the drum of hundreds of armored insect corpse. The former host then becomes a Spharon Mummy.
legs before you see the horde. It is a blue carpet Vermin Qualities: Vermin are immune to mind influencing
of three-inch long beetles moving along like an effects.
unstoppable wave, their feet drumming on the
ground and their gnashing mandibles seeking to Immature Spharon Swarms on Amberos
rip and tear anything that comes in their grasp. Luckily, spharon swarms have only been encountered
An immature spharon swarm appears similar to a on the edge of the Blue Desert in Llannhanex.
scarab beetle swarm. It is composed of thousands of three
inch-long turquoise beetles with golden legs and blood-red

An immature spharon swarm is voracious, devouring
any creature of flesh it encounters as it relentlessly rushes
forward. The swarm will divert itself from its current path to
run down a creature, otherwise it will continue in a straight
line until it encounters an impassible obstacle or detects a
living being within 120 feet.
Swarm Traits: A swarm has no clear front or back and no
discernable anatomy, so it is not subject to critical hits or
flanking. A swarm made up of Tiny creatures takes half
damage from slashing and piercing weapons. A swarm
composed of Fine or Diminutive creatures is immune to all
weapon damage. Reducing a swarm to 0 hit points or lower
causes it to break up, though damage taken until that point
does not degrade its ability to attack or resist attack. Swarms
are never staggered or reduced to a dying state by damage.
Also, they cannot be tripped, grappled, or bull rushed, and
they cannot grapple an opponent.
A swarm is immune to any spell or effect that targets a
specific number of creatures (including single-target spells
such as disintegrate), with the exception of mind-affecting
effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale
effects) if the swarm has an Intelligence score and a hive
mind. A swarm takes half again as much damage (+50%) from

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Bestiary Nefarious
Spharon Mummy Release Swarm (Ex): When a spharon mummy receives
Medium-sized Undead enough damage to normally reduce it to below 0 hit points, on
Hit Dice: 3d12 (19 hp) it’s action the body is destroyed as it releases an Immature
Initiative: +0 Spharon Swarm that erupts from the host body. It takes the
Speed: 20 feet (4 squares) entire round for the immature spharon swarm to form, and the
Armor Class: 16 (+6 natural), touch 10, flat 16 swarm can act normally on the following round. The CR of
Attack: Claw +5 melee (1d4+4) the spharon mummy does not include the forming of the
Full Attack: 2 claws +5 melee (1d4+4) swarm.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Height: 4 ft. 10 in. + 2d10 in. (5 ft. 9 in.) Mummy Spharons on Amberos
Weight: 60 lbs + 2d6 x 5 lbs. (95 lbs.) Spawned from spharon attacks, mummy spharons are
Special Att: Infest rarely encountered far from the Blue Desert in Llannhanex.
Special Qual: Fire vulnerability Unfortunately, an assassin in Llannhanex took to using the
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2 spharons to slay a usurper of the throne without realizing what
Abilities: S18 D11 C0 I0 W8 Ch1 would occur when the spharon mature. Luckily, the pharaoh’s
Skills: Hide +4 sorcerer recognized the danger, and the mummy was put into
Feats: Cleave, Power Attack temporal statis, though its location remains unknown.
Environment: Temperate desert
Organization: Solitary, or Bunch (2-5)
CR: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Medium-size); 7-9 HD (Large)
The corpse shambles forward, looking so much
as if dried in the sun until its skin was tight
against the bone. It clothes are in tatters, and
you can see what appears to be a blue beetle lain
flat against a gash to the creature’s chest.
Occasionally, the taut flesh of the corpse wiggles
or moves, as if something alive were moving
beneath the desiccated flesh. It raises its arms
towards you, revealing hands that end in bony
talons where the skin has split away to reveal the
white bone beneath.
A spharon mummy is a desiccated corpse with a
large, fist-sized blue scarab (a spharon) attached firmly in the
center of its chest. The skin of the creature crawls with the
life underneath it, and often small, blue scarab-like beetles can
be seen crawling in and out of the creature’s orifices or any
wounds. The creature’s fingers have become iron-hard talons
backed by the sharp bone underneath the thin layer of skin.

A spharon mummy is a mindless creature driven only
with the desire to inflict pain on others and spread its
infestation to others. It generally attacks by mauling victims
with its claws.
Infest (Ex): Once per round, as a free action, any one being
in melee combat with the spharon mummy is subject to a +3
melee touch attack by the immature spharons in the creature’s
system. A struck victim must make a Fort save (DC 14) or be
infested with the immature spharons (Spharon Infestation
disease; Infection: injury; DC 14; Incubation: 1 day; Damage:
1d3 Con). Once a victim is reduced to 0 Con or less, 1d20
mature spharons erupt from the corpse. The former host then
becomes a Spharon Mummy.
Fire Vulnerability (Ex): A spharon mummy suffers double
damage from fire attacks unless it makes it saving throw.

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Bestiary Nefarious
Bedlam Combat
Bedlams caper and prance about a victim, tumbling,
Medium Outsider (Chaos, Extraplanar) somersaulting and kicking and scratching as they go. They
Hit Dice: 8d8+8 (44 hp) will bite, scratch and smack opponents with their tail,
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) constantly moving from opponent to opponent as they do so. If
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 40 ft. (good) badly injured, they will suddenly stop, turn and fix their dire
Armor Class: 23 (+3 Dex, +10 natural), touch 13, flat 20 gaze on the opponent who has dealt them the most damage,
BAB/Grapple: +8/+8 and concentrate their withering glare on the victim until the
Attack: Bite +8 melee (1d6) glare slays them. It will then return to its normal capering
Full Attack: Bite +8 melee (1d6), 3 claws +3 melee (1d4) motion, most likely leaving the combat at this point, if it is
and spiked tail +3 melee (1d6) able.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Chaotic Song (Su): As a standard action that does not
Height: 5 ft. + 1d6 in (5 ft. 3 in) provoke an attack of opportunity, a Bedlam can spout a
Weight: 75 lbs. + 2d10x5 lbs. (130 lbs.) nonsensical song that has one of three effects on those within
Special Att: Chaotic song, death cackle, withering glare 30 feet. The Bedlam can choose to cause its spell to act like a
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 4, outsider Charm Person spell, a Dominate Person spell or act as a
traits, vulnerability to fire Confusion spell. All victims suffer the same effects and
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +6 receive a Will saving throw (DC 12 + spell level) to resist the
Abilities: S11 D17 C13 I6 W11 Ch15 effects. The effects are calculated as if cast by an 8th level
Skills: Balance +8, Bluff +13, Climb +5, Jump +8, sorcerer. This power is charisma based.
Listen 0, Profession +11, Sleight of Hand Death Cackle (Ex): Bedlam are carriers for the disease,
+14, Spot 0, Tumble +11, Use Magic Cackle Fever (inhaled; Fort DC 16; Incubation: 1 day; Dam:
Device +13 1d6 Wis) and may spread it to anyone who melees or grapples
Feats: Acrobaticb, Die Hardb, Dodge, Mobility, of them. As a standard action, a Bedlam can purposely cough
Spring Attack on a single foe within 5 feet, who must make their Fort save to
Environment: Pandemonium avoid contracting Cackle Fever. Bedlams are immune to the
Organization: Solitary, Choir (2-5), or Asylum (5-20) effects of Cackle fever.
CR: 9 Withering Glare (Su): As a full-attack action, the Bedlam
Treasure: Standard can direct its gaze as a ranged touch attack (+11 to hit) to
Alignment: Always chaotic neutral (evil tendencies) cause an individual within 30 feet to suffer 6d6 points of
Advancement: 9-16 HD (Medium); 17-24 HD (Large) damage as their body seems to wither before the Bedlam’s
Level Adj: - gaze. A successful Fort save (DC 16) reduces this to 1d8
As bone white as a skull, this capering, elf-like damage. This effect works even if the victim does not meet the
humanoid moves towards you with an apish gait, Bedlam’s gaze. The Bedlam must be able to see the target to
sporting a malicious grin carved into its face. Its use this attack.
piercing eyes glowing like red coals, and its cat- Fast Healing (Ex): A Bedlam regains 4 hit points per round.
like whiskers twitch with anticipation, as does its Except where noted here, fast healing is just like natural
long, spiked hairless tail. It's voice seems healing. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from
punctuated with the howling of a mad wind, and its starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and it does not allow a
speaks in an eerie sing-song tone as it pronounces creature to regrow lost body parts. A Bedlam cannot reattach
your doom, before erupting into a coughing laugh. severed body parts, though such parts can continue to act for
Worshippers of an unknown god, driven insane and an additional 1d4+1 rounds on their own.
sent to Pandemonium for some unknown punishment, these Vulnerability to Fire (Ex): Bedlams are particularly
former elves have become cruel pranksters tormenting any vulnerable to fire, and can easily catch ablaze if exposed to
creature unlucky enough to cross their path. While they are flame. They take half again as much (+50%) damage as
natives of the Pandemonium, they can often be found on the normal from fire, regardless of whether a saving throw is
Mortal Realm, wandering dark, semi-enclosed areas ranging allowed, or if the save is a success or failure.
from primeval forests to the back alleys of dark city streets.
While most bedlams are encountered on the move, some set Bedlams on Amberos
themselves up in an abandoned or out-of-the-way building as
According to legend, bedlams are the remnants of
fortune tellers or false prophets, luring folks to them to hand
family members of those elves who became priests to Jhalah.
out false and dire prophesies, often seeming to revel in the
The story surrounding bedlam states that Jhalah tricked the
reaction they inspire in their victims.
family members to pass to Hades to see off the new elvin
Bedlams speak elvin, infernal and celestial. They
priests of Jhalah – with Jhalah intending to devour the souls of
often talk in nonsense rhymes or whisper out false prophesies,
these kin. However, learning the truth of Jhalah’s plot, one of
constantly switching between the languages they know.
the elvin priests intercepted the family members and turned
them away. Most returned safely to Amberos, but some
became lost in the halls of Pandemonium, becoming the

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Bestiary Nefarious
Bloodhound concert with regular wolves or wargs (with permission from
their master), or may fight alongside their vampiric master.
Medium Magical Beast (Augmented animal) Blood Drain (Ex): If a bloodhound successfully bites an
Hit Dice: 3d10+12 (28 hp) opponent, it may begin a grapple. If the bloodhound
Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex) successfully grapples an opponent, it may drain 1d4 Con from
Speed: 60 ft. (12 squares) its victim per round.
Armor Class: 17 (+4 Dex, +3 natural), touch 14, flat 13 Devotion (Su): Bloodhounds are devoted to their vampiric
BAB/Grapple: +3/+8 master and cannot be charmed or dominated. Likewise they
Attack: Bite +8 melee (1d6+5) are immune to attempts by druids or rangers to befriend or
Full Attack: Bite +8 melee (1d6+5) and 2 claws +3 beguile them.
melee (1d4+2) Fast Healing (Ex): A bloodhound regains 2 hit points per
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. round. Except where noted here, fast healing is just like
Length: 4 ft. + 1d8 in. (4 ft. 4 in.) natural healing. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost
Weight: 80 + 2d4 x 5 lbs. (105 lbs.) from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and it does not allow a
Special Att: Blood drain creature to regrow lost body parts. Unless otherwise stated, it
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., devotion, fast healing 2, does not allow lost body parts to be reattached.
low-light vision, spells-like abilities Spells-like Abilities (Sp): A bloodhound may use the
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +3 following spell-like abilities once per day, at 3rd level ability:
Abilities: S21 D19 C19 I13 W15 Ch16 cause fear, detect good, ghost sound, invisibility.
Skills: Hide +7, Jump +8, Listen +5, Move Silently
+7, Spot +5, Survival +5 Creating A Bloodhound
Feats: Dodge, Run, Trackb Vampires are the only creatures who can create a
Environment: Any land bloodhound, and can do so only on domesticated dogs they
Organization: Solitary, Pair (1 vampire and 1 bloodhound) have raised themselves. When the dog is still young, the
Gang (2-5), or Nest (1 vampire and 1-3 vampire concocts a potion made of his own blood (Craft:
bloodhounds and 5-20 wolves) Alchemy DC 17) and feeds it to the dog. If the dog makes a
CR: 3 successful Fort DC 17 save, it survives the process and
Treasure: None becomes a bloodhound. Failure means the dog dies an
Alignment: Always chaotic evil agonizing death and the remains crumble to ashes.
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Medium); 7-9 HD (Large) To maintain its status as a bloodhound, the vampire
Level Adj: +3 (vampire cohort only) must feed the dog regularly (at least once a week) giving up 5
This wolf-like creature sports a crimson coat of hit points to maintain the supernatural link. If the vampire
fur with a black muzzle and white tail tip. Its fails to provide sustenance, the bloodhound suffers 5 hit points
front paws end in almost human-like hands that of damage per week until it dies or is fed 5 hit points/week
sport iron-hard black nails, and there is a feral missed.
glimpse of intelligence in the creature's eyes. Bloodhounds may be taken as an improved familiar
The Bloodhound is a domesticated dog that has been at 5th level.
magically augmented by a special vampiric ritual. The
augmentation turns the dog into ferocious and cunning hunter, Bloodhounds on Amberos
as well as daytime guardian and companion to the vampire.
Vactorstein keeps the process to create these
A bloodhound’s front limbs are capable of
monstrous beasts a tightly guarded secret. Many Vactorstein
manipulating tools and grasping weapons, but the creatures are
nobles have these beasts as pets, either as gifts from the royal
unable to walk upright. Generally they will use their hands to
family or created in-house by the family who owns them.
set up traps, carry items from one place to another or for other
manipulative tasks - rarely, if ever to wield weapons.
Bloodhounds are loyal unto death to the vampire that creates
it, and as long as well-treated by the vampire, will live as long
as its creator. It is not unknown among vampires who lose
bloodhound companions to strive to find a way to bring them
back to life or bring them back in undeath to continue to serve
in some capacity.
Bloodhounds can speak the language of their master,
though they are loathe to speak to any other being.

Bloodhounds are cunning hunters, and often attack
from ambush. It is not uncommon for them to lead victims
into traps or attempt to lure opponents into positions where the
bloodhound has the advantage. They sometimes work in

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Bestiary Nefarious
Bloodrose Bloodroses on Amberos
Bloodroses have been on Amberos since the Dark
Tiny Plant Age, and it is thought they may have been created by the Dark
Hit Dice: ½d8 (2 hp) One or one of his minions as a torture device, since all
Initiative: +0 encounters with the plant during that time were
Speed: 5 ft. (1 square) “domesticated” versions. Since the Dark Age the bloodrose
Armor Class: 13 (+2 size, +1 natural), touch 12, flat 13 only seems to blooms in Randu and other lands of the east. It
BAB/Grapple: 0/-13 is thought that the secret to their creation is held by Titanicus,
Attack: Bite -3 melee (1d3-5 + blood drain) and has been passed on to certain followers and nobles of
Full Attack: Bite -3 melee (1d3-5 + blood drain) Randese blood.
Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
Diameter: 18 in. + 2d6 in. (2 ft. 1 in.)
Weight: 3 lbs. + 1d4 lbs. (5 lbs.)
Special Att: Attach, Blood drain, Charm scent
Special Qual: fast healing 2, low-light vision, plant traits
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +1
Abilities: S1 D11 C10 I1 W12 Ch15
Skills: Hide +8, Listen +3, Spot +3
Feats: Alertness
Environment: Temperate, Warm deserts, plains, forests
Organization: Solitary, or Pack (5-20)
CR: ½
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 1-4 HD (Tiny); 5-8 HD (Small)
Level Adj: -
This small plant has a black-petaled flower and
smells similar to a rose. It likewise has the
thorns and wide, green leaves of a rose.
A bloodrose is a vicious plant that uses its beauty to
attract and drain the blood of victims. They are sometimes
laced in gardens by creatures such as vampires, some of whom
later cultivate the blood the bloodrose has drained from
victims as a delicacy.

Bloodrose attempt to hypnotize victims to move near
them, then twist about their opponent and drain out the
victim's blood through its thorns. As it feeds, the rose of the
creature usually remains transfixed on the victim.
Attach (Ex): If a bloodrose hits with its bite attack, it attaches
itself to the victim and can automatically begin draining blood.
The bloodrose is considered grappling while attached.
Blood Drain (Ex): A bloodrose that has attached itself can
drain 1d4 Constitution per round from a victim. This is
temporary ability damage.
Charm Scent (Su): A bloodrose excretes a powerful scent
that charms victims who smell it (Will DC12 negates). The
scent causes the victim to move to the bloodrose and leave
itself open to its bite attack. The bloodrose’s bite attack does
not break the charm effect. The charm scent has a range of 30
feet and otherwise acts a Charm Monster spell. Caster level 1.
Fast Healing (Ex): A bloodrose regains 2 hit points per round
Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from starvation,
thirst, or suffocation, and it does not allow a creature to
regrow lost body parts.

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Bloodmole Madness (Su): A bloodmole that has entered a victim’s body
causes excruciating pain and upsets the metabolic balance of
Diminutive Animal the victim, driving them into a mindless frenzy if they fail a
Hit Dice: ½d8+ 1 (3 hp) Fort save DC 15. A frenzied victim acts as if affected by a
Initiative: +0 barbarian’s rage ability, and attacks the nearest living being
Speed: 5 ft. (1 square) with wild abandon – regardless if they are friend or foe.
Armor Class: 14 (+4 size), touch 14, flat 14
BAB/Grapple: 0/-12 (+8 when burrowing) Bloodmoles on Amberos
Attack: Claw +4 melee (1) Bloodmoles can be found just about anywhere on
Full Attack: 2 Claw +4 melee (1) Amberos, though they are generally an easily controlled pest.
Space/Reach: 1 ft./0 ft. Their numbers seem larger near mountainous or hilly regions,
Length: 3 in. but they are not confined to any one spot on the continent.
Weight: 1/10 lbs. There are rumors that the Savage Companions use
Special Att: Burrow, madness bloodmoles for assassinations of well-protected targets.
Special Qual: Low-light vision, resistance to energy (all)
5, SR 12
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0
Abilities: S11 D10 C13 I1 W10 Ch15
Skills: Escape Artist +2, Hide +14, Listen +1, Spot
Feats: Augmented Ability (Madness)
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary, or Brood (2-5)
CR: ½
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 1 - 2 HD (Diminutive); 2 - 4 HD (Tiny)
Level Adj: -
This hairless creature could fit in the palm of a
hand. It has no eyes, a dark red nose and a pair
of powerfully built front legs, but no back legs.
The bloodmole is a dangerous little beast that burrows
into the blood system of a victim, driving the victim into a
maddening bloodlust before it kills the victim. The little beast
is never sated, and as soon as it is finished with one victim, it
will quickly strike out to seek its next meal.

Bloodmoles inch their way towards victims and then
attempt to burrow into the flesh of their victim. Outside of a
host, their undulating motion looks extremely humorous, but
once within a few feet of a victim it will surge forward and
burrow into flesh. Once into a victim, it generally appears as a
quick moving bulge that rampages up and down the victim's
body, sending the victim into the throes of madness.
Burrow (Ex): If a blood mole hits with its claw attacks, it
deals normal damage and digs into the target’s flesh. From
that point on, the blood mole is considered to be grappling the
target, though it does so from inside the victim’s body,
automatically dealing claw damage to the victim each round as
it moves about inside the victim’s system. Attempting to
remove the bloodmole requires an opposed grapple check
against the bloodmole (to squeeze it out of the body) or a
successful slashing attack against the victim (using the
victim’s AC without Dex modifiers or the bloodmoles AC,
whichever is higher). In the latter case, the victim suffers the
damage of the slashing attack, but if successful, the bloodmole
is cut out. Either method deals an additional 1d6 damage to
the victim as the bloodmole is removed.

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Burrow Worm (possibly carrying away the opponent), provided it can drag
the opponent’s weight.
Huge Vermin Swallow Whole (Ex): If a burrow worm begins its turn with
Hit Dice: 9d8+27 (67 hp) an opponent held in its mouth (see Improved Grab), it can
Initiative: +3 attempt a new grapple check (as though attempting to pin the
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), burrow 30 ft. (6 squares) opponent). If it succeeds, it can swallow prey up to large size,
Armor Class: 22 (-2 size, +3 Dex, +11 natural), touch 11, and the opponent takes bite damage. A swallowed victim
flat 19 takes 2d4 crushing damage and 1d6 acid damage per round in
BAB/Grapple: +6/+18 the creature’s gizzard. A swallowed creature is considered to
Attack: Bite +8 melee (3d6 +4;x3) be grappled, while the creature that did the swallowing is not.
Full Attack: Bite +8 melee (2d6 +4;x3) A swallowed creature can try to cut its way free with any light
Space/Reach: 15 ft./10 ft. slashing or piercing weapon by inflicting 14 points of damage,
Length: 16 ft. + 2d4 ft. (21 ft.) or it can just try to escape the grapple. The Armor Class of the
Weight: 8,000 lbs + 2d10 x 50 lbs. (8,550 lbs./ interior is AC 15. If the swallowed creature escapes the
4 tons) grapple, success puts it back in the attacker’s mouth, where it
Special Att: Improved grab, swallow whole may be bitten or swallowed again. A burrow worm can hold 1
Special Qual: Tremorsense 240 ft. Large, 2 medium-sized, 4 small, 8 tiny, 16 diminutive or 32
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +4 fine creatures in its gullet.
Abilities: S19 D17 C17 I0 W13 Ch5
Skills: Climb +12, Escape Artist +11, Hide -5, Burrow Worms on Amberos
Listen +9, Spot +1 Burrow worms can be found almost anywhere on
Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Power Attack, Run, Spring Amberos. They actually are encountered more often in the
AttackB underdark, where their burrowing activity leads them into
Environment: Any land underground enclaves filled with many potential meals.
Organization: Solitary, or Nest (2-5)
CR: 8
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 10-18 HD (Huge); 19-27 HD (Gargantuan)
Level Adj: -
This earth-colored creature is covered in hard
plates that look like sharp-edged boulders. It has
a wide, flat head with multiple rows of mandible-
like teeth and does not appear to have eyes. Its
underbelly is lined with hundreds of tiny, waving
The burrow worm is an underground predator that hunts
other subterranean burrowing creatures - such as bulettes. It
has also been known to hunt surface creatures when times are
lean, and a few have become the bane of underdark realms.
Despite its name, a burrow worm is actually an insect-like
creature, not a worm.

Burrow worms attack by quickly burrowing towards
its intended target and attacking with its mandible-laden jaws.
If the target is much larger than itself it uses its mobility to
attack and run away from its opponent before it can be
counter-attacked. Against smaller targets, it will attempt to
swallow the victim whole.
Improved Grab (Ex): If a burrow worm hits a large sized or
smaller opponent with its bite, it deals normal damage and
attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking
an attack of opportunity. No initial touch attack is required.
Each successful grapple check it makes during successive
rounds automatically deals the damage indicated for the attack
that established the hold. When a creature gets a hold after an
improved grab attack, it pulls the opponent into its space. This
act does not provoke attacks of opportunity. It can even move

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Bestiary Nefarious
Cactus Folk Heat Tolerance (Ex): Cactus folk are unaffected by high
temperatures. They are immune to nonlethal damage from
Medium Plant high heat and heatstroke effects.
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp) Thorns (Ex): Anyone grappling a cactus folk must make a
Initiative: +0 Reflex save (DC 15) or suffer 1d4 damage.
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 13 (+3 studded leather), touch 10, flat 13 Society
BAB/Grapple: +0/+0 All cactus folk expect themselves and others of their
Attack: Scimitar +0 melee (1d6;18-20/x2) kind to be able to hold their own. They see dependence on
Full Attack: 2 Scimitars +0 melee (1d6;18-20/x2) another being for food, shelter, protection or any other need as
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. an unthinkable act of, at best laziness, and at worst slavery of
Height: 5 ft. 6 in. + 2d4 in. (5 ft. 11 in.) the worst sort. This doesn't mean that a cactus folk won't help
Weight: 90 + 4d6 x 5 lbs. (160 lbs.) someone in need - but only if the person in need directly asks
Special Att: Thorns the cactus folk. It is not an insult to ask another for help –
Special Qual: Heat tolerance, low-light vision, plant traits cactus folk understand that some things just cannot be done
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0 alone and recognizing one's limitations takes a bit of wisdom.
Abilities: S10 D11 C12 I10 W10 Ch9 However, cactus folk frown on those who ask for things they
Skills: Knowledge (nature) +4, Listen 0, Spot 0, could clearly accomplish themselves, even if it meant the
Survival +4 being had to learn how to perform the task first. Perhaps
Feats: Endurance because of this outlook, cactus folk do not usually gather into
Environment: Any land large groups, and prefer a nomadic life. Cactus folk do not
Organization: Solitary, Stand (2-5), Grove (5-20), Band marry nor do they enter into dependant relationships - whether
(20-40), Horde (40-60), or Tribe (60+) mere friendships or in matters of love.
CR: ½ Cactus folk reproduce by an unusual form of
Treasure: 25% coins, Normal items, No art objects germination - during the summer months cactus folk may
Alignment: Usually Chaotic Neutral spontaneously flower and if exposed to the pollen of another
Advancement: By Character Class cactus folk may produce a small bud after 2-4 weeks. This bud
Level Adj: +1 is generally removed once "ripe" at the 6 week mark and is the
This tall humanoid has little hair and a greenish size of a small onion. It is then planted in the ground in a dry
skin with dimpled vertical lines running down its area. Within a week or two a small, squat cactus grows from
body. At regular intervals on its expose body the spot, while the taproot grows in the shape of a cactus folk
needle-like thorns stand out from the skin in the (in a fetal position). After three years a fully grown cactus folk
dimpled lines. will emerge from the spot and is free to start his or her
It is unknown if cactus folk were spawned from spells wanderings
cast by ancient druids that rose them into intelligent beings or
if they came about by some other fashion; the cactus folk are Cactus Folk on Amberos
reluctant to talk about their origins to outsiders, and have an
Despite the large deserts around Llannhanex and
unusual disdain for druids.
Iiannhanex, there are few cacti that grow in the region, and
Cactus folk speak Common. They often learn the
Cactus folk are sparse inhabitants of those lands. There are
language of other desert-dwelling creatures.
much larger concentrations of Cactus Folk in the lands of
northern Randu and a clan or two in Ran Da Khan, but they
are virtually non-existent elsewhere.
Cactus folk prefer both ranged attacks and two-
weapon fighting with double scimitars. They tend to prefer Cactus Folk Characters
fighting as loners, and it is rare for them to work in concert
Wandering on their own, it is quite possible for
with other beings - even their own kind. Commonly, a cactus
cactus folk to find themselves caught up in adventures, though
folk chooses his opponent(s) and fights that opponent
few seek to become a hero of any sort.
exclusively, ignoring whatever foe his allies may be fighting.
Cactus folk gain the following abilities.
This does not mean that cactus folk are driven to concentrate
on a single foe to the exclusion of all else - it is not uncommon • Base Movement Rate 30 feet.
for them to switch to take on a more dangerous foe, for • Low-light vision. Cactus folk can see twice as far as
example - but they rarely give up an opponent to aid an ally in a human in twilight or dim light.
battle, and tend to expect the same. Above all else, a cactus • Plant Type.
folk prides himself on being able to hold his own. o Immunity to all mind-affecting effects
Some cactus folk who have taken up monkish (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns,
pursuits have prefer to use grappling attacks, lancing their and morale effects).
victims on their bodily spines. o Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis,
polymorph, and stunning.
o Not subject to critical hits.
o Plants breathe and eat, but do not sleep.

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• +2 Con, -2 Chr. Cactus folk are hardy beings, but Cactus Folk Explorer
tend to be cool or aloof around others, as well as have Cactus Folk Rgr 5;hp: 32
a poor natural talent for magic. S14 D16 C15 I10 W12 Ch6;Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +2
• Heat Tolerance (Ex): Cactus folk are unaffected by Init: +3 Move: 30 ft.
high temperatures. They are immune to nonlethal AC: 18 (+3 Dex, +5 chain shirt +1), touch 13, flat 15
damage from high heat and heatstroke effects. BAB/Grapple: +5/+7
• Thorns (Ex): Anyone grappling a cactus folk must Full Attack: primary +1 rapier +10 melee (1d6+3;18-
make a Reflex save (DC 15) or suffer 1d4 damage. 20/x2), off-hand mw shortsword +7 melee
• Favored Class: Ranger (1d6+1;19-20/x2) or
• Level Adjustment: +1 Hurled thorns +8 ranged (1d4+2)
Cactus folk worship nature and believe in Special Att: Thorns
reincarnation. Cactus folk tend to be druids, not clerics. Special Qual: Combat style (two-weapon), favored enemy,
heat tolerance, plant traits
Skills: Craft (Any one) +8, Heal +9, Knowledge (Nature)
+8, Listen +1, Profession (Any one) +9, Spot +9,
Survival +9
Feats: EnduranceR, Hurl ThornsR, Weapon Finesse, Weapon
Focus (Rapier), TrackR, Two-weapon FightingR
CR: 5
Gear: +1 rapier (2,320 gp), mw shortsword (310 gp), chain
shirt +1 (1,250 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds (300 gp)
Total: 4,180 gp (4,300 gp)
The Cactus Folk Explorer took a feat at 4th level instead of an animal
Favored Enemy (Ex): The cactus folk explorer gains a +4
bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival
checks when using these skills against magical beasts and a +4
bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures. The
cactus folk explorer gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense
Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills
against vermin and a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls
against such creatures.

Typical Ranger Spell List

(1; CL 2; Spell DC 11 + Spell Level)
1st: Charm Animal

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Bestiary Nefarious
Cactus Folk Protector Cactus Folk Lord
Cactus Folk Rgr 10;hp: 65 Cactus Folk Rgr 15;hp: 97
S14 D19 C15 I10 W12 Ch6;Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +5 S14 D22 C15 I10 W12 Ch6;Fort +13, Ref +17, Will +8
Init: +4 Move: 30 ft. Init: +4 Move: 30 ft.
AC: 20 (+4 Dex, +6 chain shirt +2), touch 14, flat 16 AC: 24 (+6 Dex, +8 mithral chain shirt +4), touch 16, flat
BAB/Grapple: +10/+12 18
Full Attack: primary +1 rapier +14/+9 melee (1d6+3;15- BAB/Grapple: +15/+17
20/x2), off-hand +1 shortsword +13/+8 Full Attack: primary +1 rapier +20/+15/10 melee
melee (1d6+2;19-20/x2) or (1d6+3;15-20/x2), off-hand +1 shortsword
Hurled thorns +13/+8 ranged (1d4+2) +17/+12 melee (1d6+2;19-20/x2) or
Special Att: Thorns Hurled thorns +18/+13 ranged (1d4+2)
Special Qual: Combat style (two-weapon), evasion, Special Att: Thorns
favored enemy, heat tolerance, plant traits, Special Qual: Camouflage, combat style (two-weapon),
swift tracker, woodland stride evasion, favored enemy, heat tolerance,
Skills: Craft (Any one) +13, Heal +14, Knowledge (Nature) plant traits, swift tracker, woodland stride
+13, Listen +1, Profession (Any one) +14, Spot +14, Skills: Craft (Any one) +18, Heal +19, Hide +6, Knowledge
Survival +14 (Nature) +18, Listen +6, Profession (Any one) +19,
Feats: EnduranceR, Hurl ThornsR, Improved Critical Spot +14, Survival +19
(Rapier), Improved Two-Weapon FightingR, Weapon Feats: Dodge, EnduranceR, Hurl ThornsR, Improved Critical
Finesse, Weapon Focus (Rapier), TrackR, Two- (Rapier), Improved Two-Weapon FightingR,
weapon DefenseR, Two-weapon FightingR MobilityR, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse, Weapon
CR: 10 Focus (Rapier), TrackR, Two-weapon DefenseR,
Gear: +1 rapier (2,320 gp), +1 shortsword (2,310 gp), Two-weapon FightingR
chain shirt +2 (4,250 gp), gloves of dexterity (4,000 CR: 15
gp), cloak of resistance +1 (1,000 gp), potion of cure Gear: +2 rapier (8,320 gp), +2 shortsword (8,310 gp),
moderate wounds (300 gp) chain shirt +4 (17,250 gp), gloves of dexterity +4
Total: 14,180 gp (16,000 gp) (16,000 gp), cloak of resistance +2 (4,000 gp), potion
The Cactus Folk Explorer took a feat at 4th and 6th level instead of an animal of cure serious wounds (750 gp)
Total: 54,630 gp (59,000 gp)
Evasion (Ex): If a cactus folk protector makes a successful The Cactus Folk Explorer took a feat at 4th,6th and 12th level instead of an
Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half animal companion
damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. A Camouflage (Ex): A cactus folk lord can use the Hide skill in
helpless ranger does not gain the benefit of evasion. any sort of natural terrain, even if the terrain doesn’t grant
Favored Enemy (Ex): The cactus folk protector gains a +6 cover or concealment.
bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival Evasion (Ex): If a cactus folk protector makes a successful
checks when using these skills against magical beasts and a +6 Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half
bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures. The damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. A
cactus folk explorer gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense helpless ranger does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills Favored Enemy (Ex): The cactus folk protector gains a +6
against vermin or undead and a +2 bonus on weapon damage bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival
rolls against such creatures. checks when using these skills against magical beasts and a +6
Wild Empathy (Ex): Check 1d20+8; Influence animals bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures. The
Woodland Stride (Ex): A cactus folk protector may move cactus folk explorer gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense
through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills
briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at his normal against vermin or undead and a +2 bonus on weapon damage
speed and without taking damage or suffering any other rolls against such creatures.
impairment. Wild Empathy (Ex): Check 1d20+13; Influence animals
Swift Tracker (Ex): A cactus folk protector can move at his Woodland Stride (Ex): A cactus folk protector may move
normal speed while following tracks without taking the through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns,
normal –5 penalty. He takes only a –10 penalty (instead of the briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at his normal
normal –20) when moving at up to twice normal speed while speed and without taking damage or suffering any other
tracking. impairment.
Swift Tracker (Ex): A cactus folk protector can move at his
Typical Ranger Spell List normal speed while following tracks without taking the
(2/1; CL 5; Spell DC 11 + Spell Level) normal –5 penalty. He takes only a –10 penalty (instead of the
1st: Charm Animal, Magic Fang normal –20) when moving at up to twice normal speed while
2nd: Protection from Energy tracking.

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Typical Ranger Spell List
(2/1; CL 5; Spell DC 11 + Spell Level)
1st: Charm Animal, Magic Fang
2nd: Protection from Energy

Barbed Attack
Your unarmed attack deals extra piercing damage.
Prerequisites: Cactus folk, BAB 1+
Benefit: As part of an unarmed attack, you may deal an extra
1d4 piercing damage with each attack.

Hurl Thorns
You have trained to be able to hurl your bodily thorns.
Prerequisite: Cactus folk, BAB 4+
Benefit: As a standard action or as part of a full-attack action,
you can hurl a number of thorns from your body at opponents
as a ranged attack. The range increment is 10 feet, and you
deal 1d4 + Str modifier points of piercing damage on a
successful hit.

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Bestiary Nefarious
Camille Combat
Camille generally flee from combat, howling in fear.
Tiny Monstrous Humanoid (Extraplanar) If backed into a corner, they will stick their tubular mouths on
Hit Dice: 1/8d8+2 (3 hp) an opponent and leave a sucker-like welt on the opponent's
Initiative: +4 flesh.
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) Blink (Su): As per the spell, caster level 5. Usable once per
Armor Class: 16 (+2 size, +4 Dex), touch 16, flat 12 day.
BAB/Grapple: 0/-12
Attack: Bite -9 melee* (1) Camille as Familiars
Full Attack: Bite -9 melee* (1)
Non-evil wizards or sorcerers can take a camille as an
Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
improved familiar at 3rd level. The master of a camille
Height: 8 in. + 1d4 in. (10 in.)
familiar gains an additional known spell each time they gain a
Weight: 1d4 lbs. (2 lbs.)
level. The spell can be of any level that the caster can cast.
Special Att: -
Special Qual: Blink, darkvision 60ft.
Camille on Amberos
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +3
Abilities: S3 D19 C15 I10 W13 Ch15 The origin of these creatures is unknown, but they
Skills: Diplomacy +9, Hide +12, Listen +1, Sense seem to have been natives of the Crystalmire mountains.
Motive +8, Spot +1 During the time of Ghan the Ghan mage Huor had one as a
Feats: Negotiator familiar, and it appears several clans migrated to the east and
Environment: Any land can be found in the mountains of Randu.
Organization: Solitary, Run-on (2-5), or Babble (5-20)
CR: ¼ Summon Camille
Treasure: ½ Standard Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Alignment: Always neutral Components: V, S
Advancement: ½ - 1 HD (Tiny); 2 HD (Small) Casting Time: 1 minute
Level Adj: +0 (cohort) Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft/2 levels)
* A camille’s bite is considered a secondary attack Area of Effect: One or more Camille
This tiny blob of dark brown fur has two pink, Duration: 1 minute/level
hairless arms with three fingers, a similar pair Saving Throw: None
of legs and two eyes that look like small rocks Spell Resistance: No
of a color similar to its furry body. It has a Upon casting this spell, one camille per caster level
tiny, trumpet-like mouth and it jabbers and (max 10) appears at the desired location and acts as the caster
hoots constantly as it gesticulates wildly. directs. Summoned camille will not fight, though they can be
A camille is a bizarre humanoid creature that is very used to distract opponents. If a camille dies due to actions or
sociable and willing to please. They are quite gregarious with the task asked of the caster, the camille immediately stops
other races, and attempt to make many friends by offering their activities, gather to collect the dead camille body and
presents or other tribute. Camille detest flagrantly evil disappear. The spell can then never be used again until the
creatures, and they will hiss and mumble curses in their caster atones for the camille’s death.
presence. They are not aggressive at all towards such This spell cannot be taught to others and can only be
creatures, and will quickly scatter if threatened. gained directly from a Camille. It cannot be chosen as a bonus
Camilles can be taken as familiars by good or neutral spell when gaining a level.
wizards, and sometimes will allow themselves to be taken on
as pets. They will not serve evil beings. A camille taken as a
familiar grants its owner a +3 bonus to Diplomacy checks.
Also, all camille know the magic formula that can
summon their kind to the presence of a caster to aid the
summoner. Camille will only reveal this spell to those who
have proven themselves to be friendly to the camille. Since
they cannot speak any language, they will scribe the magical
formula in the ground or other area. It requires a successful
DC 21 Decipher Script skill check or use Read Magic to
understand the formula. The formula only works for the caster
it is inscribed to, and cannot be used by other spellcasters.
Camille speak their own language, which consists of
high-pitched toots, whistles and baby-like babbling. They can
understand Common and learn other languages, but their
peculiar mouth structure prevents them from being able to
speak any other language than their own.

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Bestiary Nefarious
Capricornus Ability Drain (Su): The bite of a capricornus deals 1d2 points
of permanent Wisdom drain if the victim fails a Fort DC 11
Medium Magical Beast (Aquatic, Extraplanar) save.
Hit Dice: 3d10+15 (31 hp) Confusion (Sp): If a capricornus strikes an opponent with a
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) hoof, they must make an immediate Fort DC 15 save or fall
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares), swim 50 ft. (10 squares) under the effects of a Confusion spell with a caster level of 3.
Armor Class: 18 (+3 Dex, +5 natural), touch 13, flat 15 A victim can only be subjugated to one such attack per day.
BAB/Grapple: +3/+7 Fast Healing (Ex): A capricornus regains 2 hit points per
Attack: Gore +7 melee (1d6+4) or Bite +7 melee round while in contact with water. Except where noted here,
(1d4+4 + ability drain) fast healing is just like natural healing. Fast healing does not
Full Attack: Gore +7 melee (1d6+4) or Bite +7 melee restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation,
(1d4+4 + ability drain) and 2 hooves +2 and it does not allow a creature to regrow lost body parts.
melee (1d4+2 + confusion) Unless otherwise stated, it does not allow lost body parts to be
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. reattached.
Length: 6 ft. 6 in. + 2d8 in. (7 ft. 3 in.)
Weight: 550 lbs. + 5d6 x 7 lbs (669 lbs.) Summoning a Capricornus
Special Att: Ability drain, confusion A capricornus can be summoned by the spell Monster
Special Qual: Low-light vision, fast healing 2 Summoning IV by those who know the proper ritual
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +2 (Knowledge (The Planes) DC 14 and Spellcraft DC 15).
Abilities: S19 D17 C19 I11 W13 Ch11
Skills: Balance +5, Escape Artist +5, Hide +3, Capricornus on Amberos
Jump +7, Listen +1, Sense Motive +4, Spot
The nobility of Nydonna’s Sea Kingdom have
+4, Swim +4
handed down through the ages rituals by which they can
Feats: Agile, Toughness
summon capricornus to their aid, and more than a few
Environment: Any aquatic
Nydonna nobles keep the creatures as a sort of mount.
Organization: Solitary, Family (2-5), or Pod (5-20)
CR: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral good
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Medium); 7-9 HD (Large)
Level Adj: +3 (Aquatic cohort only)
This odd creature sports the upper torso of a
white goat with golden, crooked horns and the
lower body of a sparkling blue fish. Its goat-like
forelegs end in golden hooves and it sports a
white beard that seems to be made of seaweed.
The capricornus is a creature from the elemental plane
of water, often found visiting and frolicking in prime material
oceans. They are playful and generally good-natured, though
pods of the creatures have been known to take issue with evil
sea creatures or pirate ships.
Capricornus are too intelligent to be forced to take a
rider, but they will allow friendly beings to ride them like
mounts for short periods of time. Sometimes, they will wade
to shore and allow a being to ride astride their back, and take
the individual on a wild ride to test the being's mettle and skill.
Those found lacking in either usually wake up after the ride
half-drowned on the beach, with the capricornus nowhere in
sight. Those who pass the test are returned to land, and often
given gifts of gold and silver for their endurance.
Capricornus speak Aquan, merfolk and Common.

Capricornus fight by charging their enemy and
attempting to gore them. Once in melee, they strike with
hooves and horns and only flee if met with superior force.
Such fleeing is often only to go and round up allies to help,

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Bestiary Nefarious
Cavern Crawler Cavern Crawlers on Amberos
Huge Undead While original found in the Domes of the Dead in the
Hit Dice: 4d12 (26 hp) west and thought to have been a byproduct of the magic that
Initiative: +0 killed the first necromancer, Black Marentail, cavern crawlers
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 15 ft. (3 squares) have begun to appear in the deserted wastes of Randu and
Armor Class: 16 (-2 size, +8 natural), touch 8, flat 16 other areas in the east. There are clues pointing to their
BAB/Grapple: +2/+17 appearance being the subtle workings of Lepornunse, god of
Attack: Bite +7 melee (2d6+7) disease, but for what reason, none can fathom.
Full Attack: Bite +7 melee (2d6+7)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./10 ft.
Length: 25 ft. + 1d8 ft. (29 ft.)
Weight: 120 lbs. + 1d10 x 5 lbs. (145 lbs.)
Special Att: Poison
Special Qual: Blindsight 60 ft., DR 5/bludgeoning,
darkvision 60 ft., turn resistance 4, undead
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4
Abilities: S25 D11 C- I- W10 Ch15
Skills: Climb +15, Hide +0, Listen +0, Spot +4
Feats: -
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary, Cluster (2-5), or Nest (5-20)
CR: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Huge); 9-12 HD (Gargantuan)
Level Adj: -
A shambling mass of legs stands before you, held
together by a gray-rock hard exoskeleton that
stretches nearly five men’s length. One end of the
beast sports an insectile head with deadly
mandibles dripping with a greenish ichors.
A cavern crawler is a peculiar undead creature that
resembles the animated exoskeleton of a gigantic centipede.
What makes the creature so deadly is that its bite transforms
its victims into zombies under its control.
A cavern crawler is not intelligent beyond its ability to
hunt food, and will not communicate with other living or dead

Cavern crawlers generally take advantage of their
climb ability to struck from an unseen or awkward to reach
position. They are wily enough to attack unarmored targets
first, attempting to quickly bolster its ranks with undead
minions. The cavern crawler has little fear of death, and has
been known to fight on despite overwhelming odds,
attempting to take out as many enemies as possible before
succumbing to its prey.
Poison (Su): The bite of a cavern crawler injects the victim
with a deadly poison that transforms the victim into a zombie
under the cavern crawler's control if the save is failed (injury;
DC 15; Init: 1d4 Con; Sec: Transformation)
Skills: Cavern crawlers have a +4 racial bonus on Spot
checks, and a +8 racial bonus on Climb and Hide checks. They
can use either their Strength or Dexterity modifier for Climb
checks, whichever is higher. Monstrous scorpions can take 10
on Climb checks, even if threatened or distracted.

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Bestiary Nefarious
Chuut-I Some Chuut-I have taken up the holy ways of the
Paladin as a temple's defender. Such Chuut-I rarely use steeds,
Large Magical Beast (Earth) but have been known to employ giant eblis or crocodile steeds
Hit Dice: 4d10+8 (30 hp) if they do.
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) Alternate Form (Su): A Chuut-I’s natural form is that of an
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), swim 20 ft. (4 squares) hunched humanoid that resembles an alligator. At will, it
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, transforms itself into a solid stone statue. When in stone form,
flat 14 it retains its current hit points and DR, but is unable to move.
BAB/Grapple: +4/+12 A Chuut-I is aware of its surroundings in statue form, and will
Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d8+4) generally change back into beast form if it is threatened.
Full Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d8+4), 2 claw +5 melee Skills: A chuut-I gains a +10 bonus to disguise when in stone
(1d6+2) and tail +5 melee (1d8+6) shape.
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Height: 9 ft. + 2d4 in. (9 ft. 5 in.) Society
Weight: 450 lbs. + 2d10 x 10 lbs. (560 lbs.) Chuut-I are devoutly religious, and take guarding
Special Att: - temples to the gods very seriously. They generally spend most
Special Qual: Alternate form, DR 5/magic +1, darkvision of their time in stone form in a defensive position within
60 ft., fast healing 3, low-light vision whatever temple they are guarding. Only on certain holy days
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +2 or during certain periods of the night do their kind normally
Abilities: S19 D13 C14 I11 W13 Ch12 take humanoid form. At these times their kind congregate,
Skills: Disguise +3*, Forgery +2, Hide +4, Listen perform their own holy rituals and/or seek mates or
+1, Spot +4 relationships.
Feats: Deceitful, Die Hard, EnduranceB, Chuut-I are trained very early in life to take up the
Multiattack mantle of temple guardian, and there are very few that do not
Environment: Warm aquatic, deserts, plains, or marshes take up permanent residence in some sort of temple. Even
Organization: Solitary, or Brood (2-5) wandering Chuut-I usually seek out roadside temples to pay
CR: 3 homage to the gods, and there have been bands of Chuut-I
Treasure: Standard who have been known to travel far and wide to gather
Alignment: Often neutral good materials and coin to build temples in areas with too few
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Large); 9-12 HD (Huge) skilled workers or the money to support a temple in their
Level Adj: - town.
The gray statue suddenly seems to spring to life,
revealing a gorilla-shaped creature covered in Chuut-I on Amberos
reptilian scales with an alligator-like head.
Most Chuut-I can be found in Llannhanex and
The Chuut-I is a temple guardian often encountered in
worship the Ancient gods, much as do the Llannians
desert lands. Their primary ability is being able to transform
their entire body to stone, and revert back at any time. Chuut-I
are generally found in stone form as if they were statues. Only
if their statue form or the temple they reside in comes under
attack does the Chuut-I take humanoid form and attack.
Because of their known prowess and tendency to
protect temples, many temples in such lands mix in regular
stone statues with any present Chuut-I to throw of temple
thieves and enemies.
Chuut-I can speak celestial and Common. They are
generally also fluent in whatever local tongues the priests and
visitors use in the area.

The quickest way to engage a Chuut-I in combat is to
besmirch a god - either through statements or by attempted
desecration of a temple the Chuut-I is defending. Chuut-I are
extremely unforgiving of the latter offense, and will fight to
the death against desecrators, whereas they may only beat a
blasphemer into submission. Chuut-I will often rush an
opponent and strike with a whirlwind of claw, fang and tail
slaps. Some Chuut-I prefer to fight with weapons - usually
exotic ones at that.

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Ankhbearer Chuut-I can speak celestial and Common. They are
Huge Outsider (Augmented Magical Beast, Earth, Native) generally also fluent in whatever local tongues the priests and
Hit Dice: 9d10+6d10+90 (172 hp) visitors use in the area.
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), swim 20 ft. (4 squares), Combat
fly 60 ft (12 squares) (good) An Ankhbearer sees itself as the living wrath of a
Armor Class: 29 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +9 natural, +11 mithral god. They will not back down from a conflict, and will do
half-plate +4), touch 9, flat 28 their utmost to destroy any fiend or heretic that they
BAB/Grapple: +9/+25 encounter. They will never willingly harm an innocent being,
Attack: Bite +15 melee (2d6+10;19-20/x2) but will not allow themselves to be blackmailed to save such
Full Attack: Bite +15 melee (2d6+10;19-20/x2), 2 claw an individual.
+13 melee (1d8+5) and tail +14 melee An Ankhbearer never gives quarter to an enemy nor
(2d6+15) accepts the surrender of a known evil foe.
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft. Alternate Form (Su): An Ankhbearer natural form is that of
Height: 28 ft. + 1d4 ft. (30 ft.) an hunched humanoid that resembles an alligator. At will, it
Weight: 3,000 lbs + 1d8 x 250 lbs. (4,000 lbs.) transforms itself into a solid stone statue. When in stone form,
Special Att: Daylight, magic strike, smite 2x/day, smite it retains its current hit points and DR, but is unable to move.
evil, turn undead A Chuut-I is aware of its surroundings in statue form, and will
Special Qual: Alternate form, aura of good, divine grace, generally change back into beast form if it is threatened.
DR 5/magic +2, darkvision 60 ft., detect Aura of Courage (Su): An Ankhbearer is immune to fear
evil, divine health, fast healing 4, immune to (magical or otherwise). Each ally within 10 feet of it gains a
disease, lay on hands, low-light vision, +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects.
remove disease 1x/week, resist acid 10, cold Daylight (Su): A Ankhbearer can use the daylight spell at
10, electricity 10, spell-like abilities, SR 24 will at 9th level ability.
Saves: Fort +19, Ref +12, Will +10 Detect Evil (Sp): At will, an Ankhbearer can use detect evil,
Abilities: S31 D13 C22 I13 W17 Ch18 as the spell.
Skills: Diplomacy +14, Disguise +16*, Forgery Divine Grace (Su): An Ankhbearer gains a bonus equal to her
+16, Heal +9, Hide +13, Intimidate +6, Charisma bonus on all saving throws (already added in).
Knowledge (The Planes) +5, Knowledge Divine Health (Ex): An Ankhbearer is immune to all
(Religion) +11, Listen +7, Sense Motive +7, diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.
Spot +15 Lay on Hands (Su): An Ankhbearer can heal 24 hit points of
Feats: Deceitful, Die Hard, EnduranceB, Extra damage per day by touch. It may choose to divide her healing
Turning, Heighten Turning, Improved among multiple recipients, and it doesn’t have to use it all at
Critical (Bite)P, Multiattack, Weapon Focus once. Using lay on hands is a standard action.
(Tail) Smite (Su): Once per day, an Ankhbearer can make a melee
Environment: Warm aquatic, deserts, plains, or marshes attack to deal +9 damage against an evil foe.
Organization: Solitary, or Brood (2-5) Smite Evil (Su): Twice per day, an Ankhbearer may attempt
CR: 15 to smite evil with one normal melee attack. It adds +4 to the
Treasure: mithral half-plate +4 (25,900 gp) attack roll and deals 6 extra points of damage.
Alignment: Often neutral good Spell-like Abilities (Sp): An Ankhbearer can use the
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Large); 9-12 HD (Huge) following abilities as listed. Caster level 9.
Level Adj: - Protection from Evil – 3x/day, Bless – 1x/day, Aid –
The Ankhbearer took a feat instead of a special mount 1x/day, Detect Evil – 1x/day, Cure Serious Wounds – 1x/day,
The gray silver-armored figure thunders Neutralize Poison – 1x/day, Holy Smite (DC – 1x/day, Remove
forward, a golden radiance emanating from the Disease – 1x/day, Dispel Evil – 1x/day.
gorilla-shaped creature which bears an Turn Undead (Su): 11x/day; Turn Check 1d20+4; Turn
alligator-like head. From its back spread black- Damage 2d6+9
tipped angelic wings, encased in the same silvery Skills: An Ankhbearer gains a +10 bonus to disguise when in
armor as the rest of the creature. stone shape.
While most Chuut-I remain hidden in a temple as a sort
of guardian, the Ankhbearer often sallies forth from its home Typical Paladin Spell List
temple to crush an evil that has been brought to its attentions. (2; CL 3;Spell DC 14)
When not engaged in a quest against evil, Chuut-I are 1st: Lesser Restoration
usually the centerpiece of a temple – a living conduit to a god.
They accept offerings and greet pilgrims to their temple, and Ankhbearer on Amberos
in cases where the temple lacks a priest of stature, may even Only one known Ankhbearer is known to exist on
give regular sermons to the populace. Amberos, in the temple of Horus in Llannhanex. Only once in
the past 100 years or so has this unnamed Chuut-I left its
temple – in its last venture, it sallied forth to defend the temple

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against attack from Randu. Though it was badly injured in the
fight, it single-handedly destroyed the opposing Randese.
According to legend, all Chuut-I are said to spawn from this
individual, and the Chuut-I have gone to great lengths to
protect it and ensure its survival.

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Bestiary Nefarious
Cobra Newt Cobra Newts As Familiars
Certain swamp-dwelling spellcasters have been
Tiny Animal (Amphibious) known to make the cobra newt a familiar. A cobra newt
Hit Dice: ½d8+1 (2 hp) grants its owner a +3 bonus to Swim checks.
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares), swim 15 ft. (3 squares) Cobra Newts on Amberos
Armor Class: 15 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural), touch 14,
While cobra newts can be found in just about any
flat 13
swamp on Amberos, they are the favorite food of black
BAB/Grapple: 0/-12
dragons and black drakes of the Golens. Also, it seems that
Attack: Bite -2 melee (1d3-4 + poison)
Savage Avenger’s assassins, who work from the Golens, often
Full Attack: Bite -2 melee (1d3-4 + poison)
employ the newt’s poison on their weapons.
Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
Length: 1 ft. + 1d4 in. (1ft. 2 in.)
Weight: 2 lbs + 1d4 lbs. (4 lbs.)
Special Att: Poison
Special Qual: Low-light vision, water dependency
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities: S2 D14 C12 I2 W12 Ch9
Skills: Hide +10, Listen +5, Spot +5, Swim +10
Feats: Alertness
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary, Cluster (2-5), or Nest (5-20)
CR: ½
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 1 - 2 HD (Tiny); 3-5 HD (Small)
Level Adj: +0 (Animal Companion; Familiar)
This foot long amphibian is mostly black with
red speckling. It has a cobra-like hood and small
needle-like fangs.
Cobra newts are peculiar creatures that dwell in swamplands
and other marshy areas. They have a poisonous venom, but
their skin is highly prized in the creation of poultices to heal
wounds and fight off infections.

Cobra newts are not aggressive creatures, and usually
only attack if threatened or if their territory is invaded. A
cobra newt is a simple attacker; it normally warns its opponent
by rearing up on its hind legs and puffing wide its hood and
hissing; if this fails to deter an attacker, it charges prey and
bites, hoping to drive the opponent off.
Poison (Ex): The bite of a cobra newt injects a toxin that
attacks the nervous system. Type: injected; Fort save DC 11;
Init: 1d4 Dex; Sec: 1d8 Con and 1d4 Wis. A victim who
makes both secondary saves successfully regains 1 point of
lost Dex.
Water Dependency (Ex): If a cobra newt is not kept damp, it
suffers 1d4 points of Constitution damage per hour until it
able to moisten its skin. A cobra newt can freely breathe
while underwater or on land.
Skills: A cobra newt gains a +8 bonus to swim checks and
can use its Dexterity modifier instead of its Strength when
swimming. A cobra newt can take 10 when swimming, even
when distracted or under duress.

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Cobracon Cobracons on Amberos
These deadly reptiles seem to frequent the desert
Huge Animal (Reptilian) areas of Llannhanex and Iiannhanex. Encounters with the
Hit Dice: 4d10+20 (40 hp) beasts have spread to Lanster, Simera and Ulanst, but the
Initiative: (-2 size, +2 Dex) druids of Kennestone seem to have been able to somehow
Speed: 40 feet (8 squares), fly 100 ft. (20 squares) prevent these creatures from spreading into Kennestone.
AC: 13 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 10,
flat 11
BAB/Grapple: +4/+18
Attack: Bite +10 melee (2d6+9 + poison)
Full Attack: Bite +10 melee (2d6+9 + poison)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Length: 16 ft. + 1d4 ft. (18 ft.)
Weight: 350 lbs. + 2d10 x 15 lbs. (515 lbs.)
Special Att: Improved Grab, Poison, Poison Spittle,
Special Qual: Scent
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +4
Abilities: S26 D14 C20 I2 W14 Ch6
Skills: Balance +10,Climb +18, Listen +10, Spot
Feats: -
Climate: Temperate and Warm land
Organization: Solitary
CR: 5
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always Neutral
Advancement: Huge (5-15 HD)
Level Adj: +3 (Animal Companion)
Before you is a huge, emerald green snake,
coiled and ready to strike. It has a pair of bat-
like wings that protrude from the body just
behind the head, and it flaps them silently at it
hisses at you with deadly menace.
The cobracon, or flying cobra, is a huge green serpent
with bat-like wings. They are sometimes mistaken as coatyl
by the uninformed, but are neither intelligent nor gifted with
magical abilities.

The cobracon is an aggressive predator, preferring to
swoop down on foes at least two sizes smaller than it and use
its acid spittle to paralyze or blind its foes. Once a foe is
injured, the cobracon will land to devour the meal. If attacked,
the serpent is quick to use its venomous bite to defend itself,
and rarely will disengage from a chosen target.
Constrict(Ex): A cobracon deals 2d6+12 damage with a
successful grapple check against opponents of up to Huge
Improved Grab(Ex): To use this ability, the cobracon must
hit with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it can constrict.
Poison(Ex): Bite, fortitude save (DC 15); initial and
secondary damage 1d6 temporary Dexterity.
Poison Spittle(Ex): As a ranged touch attack, the cobracon
can spit its venom at a foe to cause blindness. The victim
must make a DC 14 Fortitude save or be blinded for 2d6

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Bestiary Nefarious
Colossus Breath Weapon (Su): Once per minute, a colossus can
breathe a 120 ft. cone of molten lead that deals 10d6 fire
Colossal Construct damage. A Reflex DC 40 save halves the damage. Those
Hit Dice: 60d10+83 (413 hp) who fail the initial save take an additional 10d6 fire damage
Initiative: +4 for 5 rounds (Fort DC 40 for half damage). A save can be
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares) (can't run) made each round. Cooling or otherwise freezing the molten
Armor Class: 22 (-8 size, +20 natural), touch 2, flat 22 lead ceases the additional damage.
BAB/Grapple: +45/+80 Epic Spell Immunity (Ex): A colossus is immune to spells of
Attack: Slam +57 melee (2d8+19) 1st to 9th level, even if they ignore spell resistance. A colossus
Full Attack: 2 slams +57 melee (2d8+19) is immune to epic spells as if it had unbeatable spell
Space/Reach: 30 ft./30 ft. resistance. However, if it is hit with a chill metal spell with a
Height: 60 feet caster level of at least 20th level, the colossus is slowed and
Weight: 250,000 lbs. (125 tons) unable to use its breath weapon until the spell expires.
Special Att: Breath weapon
Special Qual: Construct traits, DR 20/epic +8, darkvision Creating a Colossus
60 ft., low-light vision, epic spell immunity The cost to create the colossus’s body requires
Saves: Fort +22, Ref +22, Will +22 250,000 lbs of metal treated with special oils and mixed with
Abilities: S49 D11 C- I - W10 Ch1 rare alloys costing no less than 2,500,000 gp in materials. It
Skills: - requires a DC 25 Craft (Armorsmith) or DC 25 Craft
Feats: - (Weaponsmith) to fashion the body correctly.
Environment: Any land Caster Level: 20th; Requirements: Craft Construct,
Organization: Solitary animate object, greater magic weapon, geas/quest, heat metal,
CR: 26 miracle, caster must be 20th level; Price -, Cost 1,047,600 gp +
Treasure: None 74,000 XP.
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 61-180 HD (Colossal) Colossus on Amberos
Level Adj: -
The Randese discovered the secret to creating Colossi
This towering statue made of metal creaks and
and used them to protect the mighty Answan Suwat that
groans at its joints as it swiftly comes to life,
bridged upper and lower Randu. The mightiest of Colossi –
taking a defensive combat stance. Its eyes glitter
known as Katala Rumi (Maker of Peace) – was crafted to
like fire and its arms are covered in arcane
defend Zarame Kull. Just prior to the city being destroyed, the
tattoos that glow like fire.
great colossi was possessed by the essence of Titanicus, and
A colossus is a towering statue made of some sort of
stalked away from the city, never to be seen again.
metal - usually bronze or steel, that has been magically
enchanted to come to life if the area it protects is threatened.
Few wizards or kingdoms have the funds to fabricate or
enchant these behemoths, and as such they are very rare, and
usually only protect the most sacred of sites or largest of
communities. A colossus cannot speak, but can utter a battle
cry that sounds like a roaring furnace.
Colossus are capable of understanding the language
of their creator and the language of any people it has been
designed to protect.

Colossi are titanic fighters, and while mindless, fight
with the cunning of a skilled warrior. A colossus might not be
inventive in its attacks, but will do its best to cause the greatest
harm to its foes by whatever means available to it. Most
colossus are armed with two weapons and will prefer to wade
into combat utilizing these massive weapons. If engaged with
a foe that is attacking from outside their proscribed defensive
area, they are not adverse to locating and using titanic ranged
weapons (such as trees or boulders) to pummel such foes; wise
creators often arm their colossuses with ranged weapons for
such occurrences. Colossus reserve using their breath weapon
against multiple foes or targets that will easily burn. They
generally will refrain from using their breath weapon in areas
that will harm their proscribed area to protect.

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Corpseslayer of 20 feet to cover a 15 foot area with vines. Those caught in
the area of effect must make a Reflex save (DC 18) or be
Huge Plant pinned. It takes a successful Str check (DC 24) to break free
Hit Dice: 10d8+30 (75 hp) of the vines. Those who make the can only move at ½ normal
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) rate and must make a Strength check each round to avoid
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) being pinned.
Armor Class: 17 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +7 natural), touch 10, Animate Trees (Sp): A corpseslayer can animate trees within
flat 15 180 feet at will, controlling up to two trees at a time. It takes 1
BAB/Grapple: +7/+24 full round for a normal tree to uproot itself. Thereafter it
Attack: Slam +15 melee (1d8+9) or boulder +9 moves at a speed of 10 feet and fights as a treant in all
ranged (2d8+13) respects. Animated trees lose their ability to move if the
Full Attack: 4 Slams +15 melee (1d8+9), bite +9 melee corpseslayer that animated them is incapacitated or moves out
(2d6+4) or of range. The ability is otherwise similar to liveoak (caster
boulder +9 ranged (2d8+13) level 10). Animated trees have a vulnerability to fire.
Space/Reach: 15 ft./20 ft. Regeneration (Ex): Acid and cold deal normal damage to a
Height: 20 ft. + 2d6 ft. (27 ft.) corpseslayer. A regenerating corpseslayer can regrow lost
Weight: 1,000 lbs. + 2d10 x 75 lbs. (1,825 lbs.) portions of their bodies and can reattach severed limbs in one
Special Att: Breath weapon, entangling vines minute. Severed parts that are not reattached wither and die
Special Qual: Control tree, low-light vision, plant traits, normally.
regeneration 6, resistance to fire 20, spell
resistance 20 Corpseslayers on Amberos
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +5 Ages ago, when the Kennestone forest was overrun
Abilities: S28 D15 C17 I10 W15 Ch16 by Druidus and his kin, the treants of the woods suffered
Skills: Climb +16, Hide -6, Jump +9, Listen +8, greatly at the hands of the great druid. Several treants turned
Spot +15 in desperation to the dark powers of the underworld and struck
Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack, a bargain in return for powers with which to battle the druids.
Weapon Focus(Slam) However, the remaining treants of the Kennestone
Environment: Any land forest banded with Druidus against the corpseslayers, and they
Organization: Solitary were driven from the woods into hiding wherever they could
CR: 9 seek refuge; some eventually settled in the chaotic and ever-
Treasure: None changing lands of the Hold of Severn. In the end, the
Alignment: Always neutral evil corpseslayers did succeed in saving treants; after the battle
Advancement: 11-20 HD (Huge); 21-30 HD (Gargantuan) with the corpseslayers, the druids and the treants made peace,
Level Adj: - and the treants place among the ancient woods was restored.
The monstrous trunk of a tree stands before you,
wrapped in green vines and flailing four
monstrous branches. A scowling face seems
carved into the face of the tree trunk, and its eyes
glow with a hellish light.
Corpseslayers are sentients plant creatures that seek out
other prey to kill. They seem to have a hatred of druids and
other humanoids that despoil or have wrought control over
plant life. They also have a great hatred for Treants, and will
usually attack them on sight.
Corpseslayers speak Treant.

A corspeslayer is an engine of destruction that
initially attempt to foil any attempt of escape by unleashing its
entangle vines and then closing to melee. They have been
known to uproot boulders to use as ranged weapons, but they
are careful not to harm plant life - if they can help it.
Breath Weapon (Su): As a standard action, a corpseslayer
can breath a cloud of noxious gas out to a range of 30 feet that
covers a 20 foot area. Those in the area of effect suffer 5d6
damage (Fort save DC 18 for half). A corpseslayer can breath
once per minute.
Entangling Vines (Su): In place of a slam attack, a
corpseslayer can extend the vines from its body out to a range

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Corrupted Soul Gaze of the Pit: The creature gains darkvision to 120 feet and
A corrupted soul is one who has not only turned over can even see through magical darkness.
to a willfully evil life, but whom has been aided in their Wings of the Bat: The creature gains a pair of bat-like wings
pursuit of evil by fiendish or abysmal powers. The evil in and a fly speed of 50 (poor).
their very soul becomes like a cancer, eating at the flesh and Shield Against the Eye: The creature can use invisibility at
mind of the victim, eventually transforming it into something will.
not of this world. Infernal Flame: At will, the creature’s body can erupt in
A corrupted soul is a template that can be applied to flames. Those within 5 feet of the creature take 1d6
any giant, humanoid, monstrous humanoid, aberration or points of fire damage (DC 10 + ½ HD/level + Con mod
magical beast with an intelligence of 3+, and is of evil Reflex save for half damage). Those grappling, struck
alignment. or held by the creature take 2d6 points of fire damage
per round (DC 10 + ½ HD + Con mod Reflex save for
Type: The creature gains the Evil subtype half damage).
Hit Dice: The creature gains an additional 2 Hit dice Flesh of the Corrupt: The creature can alter its shape as per
Attack: The creature gains a natural attack routine with teeth the alter self spell.
and claws, if it does not already have such. The bite and claw Twisted Soul: The creature limbs become like rubber; it gains
attack depends on size a +8 bonus to Escape Artist skill checks and can use the
equivalent of the Freedom of Movement spell as if cast
Special Attacks: The creature gains one of the following at a level equal to its Hit dice/level.
special attacks, as chosen from below: Unholy Resilience: The creature gains DR 5/good. This
special quality can be taken twice, granting DR
Arcane Casting: The creature gains the ability to cast arcane 10/good.
spells as if a sorcerer at a level equal to ½ it’s Hit
Dice/levels. Spell DC’s are Charisma-based. CR: +1
Poison bite: Fort save DC is ½ Hit Dice/levels + Con Level Adjustment: +2
modifier. Initial damage is 1d6 Con, Secondary
damage is 1d6 Con.
Touch of Rot: The claw or slam attacks of the creature infect
the victim with mummy rot.
Lashing Tongue: The creature’s tongue is unusually long, and
barbed. The creature gains a ranged touch attack with a
range of 15 feet. The attack deals damage based on the
creature’s size. It does not gain its strength modifier to
the damage roll.
Grappling Tail: The creature gains a tail attack that allows
them to use Improved Grab against creatures one size
smaller than themselves.
Infernal Devotion: The creature gains the ability to cast
divine spells as if a cleric at a level equal to ½ it’s Hit
Dice/level. Spell DC’s are Wisdom based.
Enhanced Spellcasting: If the creature has spellcasting ability,
it gains a +2 spellcasting level bonus. This affects the
number of spells per day it can cast and the caster level
as if it were 2 levels higher.
Secrets of the Fiends: The creature can take the shape of a
demon or devil of the same Hit Dice or less as the
creature, as if using the shapechange spell. The form
the creature can take is chosen when the template is
applied and cannot be changed. The change lasts for up
to 1 minute a day.
Word of Blasphemy: As a standard action, the creature can
utter foul, necromantically powerful words that deal
physical damage to living creatures within 30 feet who
hear the creature’s speech. The utterance deals 2d6
damage (Fort DC 10 + ½ creature’s hit dice/levels +
Chr modifier for half.

Special Qualities: The creature gains two of the following

special qualities, as chosen from below:

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Corrupted Soul Half-orc Monk light armor or no armor. A helpless corrupted soul monk does
Medium Humanoid (Evil, Human, Orc) not gain the benefit of evasion.
Monk 6 Infernal Flame (Su): At will, the corrupted soul monk’s
HD: 2d8 + 6d8+8 (44 hp) body can erupt in flames. Those within 5 feet of the creature
Init: +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) take 1d6 points of fire damage (DC 15 Reflex save for half
Speed: 50 feet (10 squares) damage). Those grappling or held by the corrupted soul monk
AC: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 Monk) Touch 15, Flat 14 take 2d6 points of fire damage per round (DC 15 Reflex save
BAB/Grapple: +6/+9 for half damage).
Attack: Unarmed strike +10 melee (1d8+3 + 2d6 Ki Strike (Su): A corrupted soul monk’s unarmed attacks are
fire) empowered with ki. His unarmed attacks are treated as magic
Full Attack: Unarmed strike +10/+5 melee (1d8+3 + 2d6 weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with
fire) or flurry of blows +9/+9/+4 (1d8+3 + DR. Ki strike improves with the character’s monk level.
2d6 fire) Lashing Tongue (Ex): The corrupted soul monk’s tongue is
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. unusually long and barbed. The corrupted soul monk gains a
Height: 5 ft. 6 in. + 2d10 in. (6 ft. 5 in) +7 ranged touch attack with a range of 15 feet. The attack
Weight: 145 lbs. + 3d8 x 5 lbs. (210 lbs.) deals 1d6 damage. The corrupted soul monk does not gain its
Special Att: Lashing tongue strength modifier to the damage roll.
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., evasion, infernal flame, ki Shield Against the Eye (Su): The creature can use
strike (magic), purity of body, shield against invisibility at will.
the eye, still mind, slow fall 30 ft. Slow Fall (Ex): A monk within arm’s reach of a wall can use
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +8 it to slow his descent. When using this ability, he takes
Abilities: S16 D13 C12 I8 W16 Ch6 damage as if the fall were 30 feet shorter than it actually is.
Skills: Escape Artist +10, Jump +21, Listen +3, Still Mind (Ex): A corrupted soul monk gains a +2 bonus on
Spot +3, Tumble +10 saving throws against spells and effects from the school of
Feats: Deflect ArrowsM, Improved Initiative, enchantment.
Improved TripM, Improved Unarmed Purity of Body (Ex): A corrupted soul monk gains immunity
StrikeM, Power Attack, Stunning FistM, to all diseases except for supernatural and magical diseases.
Weapon Focus (Unarmed strike)
Environment: Any land Corrupted Souls on Amberos
Organization: Solitary Most corrupted souls are aligned with Ziga, the
CR: 7 goddess of corruption and temptation. However, some
Treasure: Standard corrupted souls can be found working with the Dark One or
Alignment: Always lawful evil Gwieze.
Advancement: By Character Level Corrupted soul monks in particular tend to be elite
Level Adj: + engines of destruction goaded by Ziga to counter the
This dark-skinned near human has orcish Brotherhood of Glory. Ziga has fostered the creation of
features and is dressed in monk robes. Its several half-orc corrupted soul monasteries in the Dark Valley
skin glows with a hellish light and it sports a just for this purpose.
long, purplish spiked tongue the length of a
Corrupted soul monks are creatures that have become
perverted in their quest to of enlightenment. They have
consorted with fiendish entities and become thoroughly
corrupt in mind and body.
A corrupted soul monk speaks Common and orcish.

A corrupted soul monk approaches enemies invisibly
and attempts to trip and beat a foe to a pulp. If facing a
singular opponent, they will erupt into flame and harass their
opponent until they win or are slain. If facing numerous
opponents, the corrupted soul monk will use its natural ability
to become invisible to sow confusion and continue to ambush
its prey.

Evasion (Ex): If a corrupted soul monk makes a successful

Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half
damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage.
Evasion can be used only if a corrupted soul monk is wearing

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Corrupted Soul Hand of Doom The attack deals 1d6 damage. The corrupted soul monk does
2HD half-orc Mnk 12;hp: 65 not gain its strength modifier to the damage roll.
S16 D14 C12 I8 W21 Ch6; Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +13 Shield Against the Eye (Su): The creature can use
Init: +6 Move: 70 ft. invisibility at will.
AC: 24 (+2 Dex, +5 Wis, +2 monk, +4 bracers of armor Slow Fall (Ex): A monk within arm’s reach of a wall can use
+4, +1 ring of protection +1), touch 19, flat 22 it to slow his descent. When using this ability, he takes
BAB/Grapple: +9/+11 damage as if the fall were 50 feet shorter than it actually is.
Full Attack: Unarmed strike +12/+7 melee (2d6+3 +2d6 Still Mind (Ex): A corrupted soul hand of doom gains a +2
fire;19-20/x2) or bonus on saving throws against spells and effects from the
Flurry of blows +12/+12/+12/+7 melee school of enchantment.
(2d6+3 + 2d6 fire;19-20/x2) Purity of Body (Ex): A corrupted soul monk gains immunity
Special Att: Lashing tongue to all diseases except for supernatural and magical diseases.
Special Qual: Abundant step, darkvision 60 ft., diamond Wholeness of Body (Su): A corrupted soul hand of doom can
body, evasion, improved evasion, infernal heal 24 hit points of damage each day, and he can spread this
flame, ki strike (lawful, magic), purity of healing out among several uses.
body, shield against the eye, still mind, slow
fall 60 ft., wholeness of body
Skills: Escape Artist +16, Jump +35, Listen +5, Spot +5,
Tumble +14
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Deflect ArrowsM, Improved
Initiative, Improved TripM, Improved Critical
(Unarmed Strike), Improved Sunder, Improved
Unarmed StrikeM, Power Attack, Stunning FistM,
Weapon Focus (Unarmed strike)
CR: 13
Gear: Bracers of armor +4 (16,000 gp), periapt of Wisdom
+4 (16,000 gp), ring of protection +1 (2,000 gp),
potion of cure serious wounds (750 gp)
Total: 34,750 gp (35,000 gp)
Abundant Step (Su): A corrupted soul hand of doom can slip
magically between spaces, as if using the spell dimension
door, once per day. Caster level 6.
Diamond Body (Su): A corrupted soul hand of doom gains
immunity to poisons of all kinds.
Evasion (Ex): If a corrupted soul hand of doom makes a
successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally
deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no
damage. A helpless corrupted soul monk does not gain the
benefit of evasion.
Improved Evasion (Ex): A corrupted soul hand of doom’s
evasion ability improves. He still takes no damage on a
successful Reflex saving throw against attacks, but henceforth
she takes only half damage on a failed saves. A helpless monk
does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.
Infernal Flame (Su): At will, the corrupted soul hand of
doom’s body can erupt in flames. Those within 5 feet of the
creature take 1d6 points of fire damage (DC 15 Reflex save
for half damage). Those grappling or held by the corrupted
soul monk take 2d6 points of fire damage per round (DC 15
Reflex save for half damage).
Ki Strike (Su): A corrupted soul hand of doom’s unarmed
attacks are empowered with ki. His unarmed attacks are
treated as magic and lawful weapons for the purpose of
dealing damage to creatures with DR. Ki strike improves with
the character’s monk level.
Lashing Tongue (Ex): The corrupted soul hand of doom’s
tongue is unusually long and barbed. The corrupted soul
monk gains a +11 ranged touch attack with a range of 15 feet.

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Corrupted Soul Master Harvester corrupted soul monk take 2d6 points of fire damage per round
2HD half-orc Mnk 15/Asn 3;hp: 72 (DC 20 Reflex save for half damage).
S22 D14 C10 I16 W23 Ch6; Fort +11, Ref +14, Will +16 Ki Strike (Su): A corrupted soul hand of doom’s unarmed
Init: +6 Move: 80 ft. attacks are empowered with ki. His unarmed attacks are
AC: 26 (+2 Dex, +6 Wis, +3 monk, +4 bracers of armor treated as magic and lawful weapons for the purpose of
+4, +1 ring of protection +1), touch 22, flat 24 dealing damage to creatures with DR. Ki strike improves with
BAB/Grapple: +14/+20 the character’s monk level.
Full Attack: Unarmed strike +20/+15/+10 melee (2d6+6 Lashing Tongue (Ex): The corrupted soul hand of doom’s
+ 2d6 fire) or tongue is unusually long and barbed. The corrupted soul
Flurry of blows +20/+20/+20/+15/+10 monk gains a +13 ranged touch attack with a range of 15 feet.
melee (2d6+3 + 2d6 fire) The attack deals 1d6 damage. The corrupted soul monk does
Special Att: Death attack, lashing tongue, quivering not gain its strength modifier to the damage roll.
palm, sneak attack +2d6 Quivering Palm (Su): A corrupted soul master harvester can
Special Qual: Abundant step, darkvision 60 ft., diamond set up vibrations within the body of another creature that can
body, diamond soul, evasion, improved thereafter be fatal if the monk so desires. He can use this
evasion, infernal flame, ki strike (lawful, quivering palm attack once a week, and she must announce
magic), poison use, purity of body, shield her intent before making her attack roll. Constructs, oozes,
against the eye, still mind, slow fall 70 ft., plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to
wholeness of body, +1 save vs. poison, critical hits cannot be affected. Otherwise, if the monk strikes
uncanny dodge successfully and the target takes damage from the blow, the
Skills: Disguise +2, Escape Artist +12, Hide +13, Jump +36, quivering palm attack succeeds. Thereafter the monk can try
Listen +5, Move Silently +10, Spot +23, Tumble +9 to slay the victim at any later time, as long as the attempt is
Feats: Ability Focus (Death Attack), Ability Focus made within a number of days equal to her monk level. To
(Quivering Palm), Combat Reflexes, Deflect make such an attempt, the monk merely wills the target to die
ArrowsM, Improved Initiative, Improved TripM, (a free action), and unless the target makes a Fortitude saving
Improved Critical (Unarmed Strike), Improved throw (DC 24), it dies. If the saving throw is successful, the
Sunder, Improved Unarmed StrikeM, Power Attack, target is no longer in danger from that particular quivering
Stunning FistM, Weapon Focus (Unarmed strike) palm attack, but it may still be affected by another one at a
CR: 19 later time.
Gear: Bracers of armor +8 (64,000 gp), periapt of Wisdom Shield Against the Eye (Su): The creature can use
+4 (16,000 gp), headband of intellect +6 (36,000 invisibility at will.
gp), belt of giant strength +6 (36,000 gp), ring of Slow Fall (Ex): A monk within arm’s reach of a wall can use
protection +1 (2,000 gp), boots of speed (12,000 gp), it to slow his descent. When using this ability, he takes
potion of cure serious wounds (750 gp) damage as if the fall were 70 feet shorter than it actually is.
Total: 166,750 gp (170,000 gp) Still Mind (Ex): A corrupted soul hand of doom gains a +2
Abundant Step (Su): A corrupted soul hand of doom can slip bonus on saving throws against spells and effects from the
magically between spaces, as if using the spell dimension school of enchantment.
door, once per day. Caster level 7. Purity of Body (Ex): A corrupted soul monk gains immunity
Death Attack (Ex): Study victim for 3 rounds to make melee to all diseases except for supernatural and magical diseases.
attack (Fort save DC 18) or die. Wholeness of Body (Su): A corrupted soul hand of doom can
Diamond Body (Su): A corrupted soul hand of doom gains heal 30 hit points of damage each day, and he can spread this
immunity to poisons of all kinds. healing out among several uses.
Diamond Soul (Ex): A corrupted soul master harvester gains
spell resistance 25.
Evasion (Ex): If a corrupted soul hand of doom makes a
successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally
deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no
damage. A helpless corrupted soul monk does not gain the
benefit of evasion.
Improved Evasion (Ex): A corrupted soul hand of doom’s
evasion ability improves. He still takes no damage on a
successful Reflex saving throw against attacks, but henceforth
she takes only half damage on a failed saves. A helpless monk
does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.
Infernal Flame (Su): At will, the corrupted soul hand of
doom’s body can erupt in flames. Those within 5 feet of the
creature take 1d6 points of fire damage (DC 20 Reflex save
for half damage). Those grappling, struck or held by the

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Crypt Wyrm elvin.
Crypt wyrms speak infernal, draconic, Common and
Huge Dragon (Earth)
Hit Dice: 19d12+95 (218 hp) Combat
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) Crypt wyrms often prefer to allow their undead
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), burrow 10 ft. (2 squares) minions to fight for them, hanging back and collecting the
Armor Class: 22 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +12 natural), touch 10, treasure of the dead. If pressed into combat, a crypt wyrm uses
flat 20 every advantage it can, attempting to use its massive size and
BAB/Grapple: +19/+32 bulk to keep opponents off-balance. It is not unknown for
Attack: Bite +23 melee (2d6+5 + 1d8 acid) crypt wyrms to break off from combats they feel are going bad
Full Attack: Bite +23 melee (2d6+5 +1d8 acid), 2 claws to hide and later engage a foe from a better position of
+20 melee (1d8+2) and tail +20 melee strength.
(2d6+2) Breath Weapon (Su): A crypt wyrm breathes a line of acid
Space/Reach: 15-ft./10 ft. 60 feet long that deals 8d4 acid damage (Reflex save 24 for
Length: 16 ft. + 4d4 ft. (26 ft.) half).
Weight: 800 lbs + 4d4 x 25 lbs. (1,050 lbs.) Constrict (Ex): A crypt wyrm can crush an opponent, dealing
Special Att: Breath weapon, constrict, fear aura, 2d6+7 bludgeoning damage, after making a successful grapple
improved grab check. This damage is in addition to damage dealt by the tail
Special Qual: DR 15/cold iron and magic, darkvision 60 attack.
ft., dragon traits, low-light vision, SR 22, Fear Aura (Su): Creatures within 60 feet of a crypt wyrm can
spells-like abilities be affected by the aura of dread that emanates from the
Saves: Fort +16, Ref +13, Will +16 creature. Those who fail a DC 22 Will save are panicked by
Abilities: S21 D15 C21 I13 W16 Ch17 the creature’s presence for 1d4 + 4 rounds.
Skills: Appraise +12, Diplomacy +13, Escape Improved Grab (Ex): If a crypt wyrm strikes a medium-sized
Artist +13, Gather Information +13, Hide -6, opponent or smaller with its tail, it deals normal damage and
Intimidate +14, Knowledge (Arcana) +12, attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +11, Listen an attack of opportunity. No initial touch attack is required.
+24, Search +22, Spot +24, Survival +14 When a creature gets a hold after an improved grab attack, it
Feats: Cleave, Improved Critical, Iron Will, pulls the opponent into its space. This act does not provoke
Multiattack, Power Attack, Track, Weapon attacks of opportunity. It can even move (possibly carrying
Focus (Bite) away the opponent), provided it can drag the opponent’s
Environment: Any underground weight.
Organization: Solitary, or Pair Spells-like Abilities (Sp): A crypt dragon can use the
CR: 18 following abilities at 19th level caster ability as if a sorcerer.
Treasure: None The DC for any of these abilities are 13 + spell level.
Alignment: Always neutral evil Darkness – At will, Animate Dead – 5x/day,
Advancement: 20-38 HD (Huge); 39-57 HD (Gargantuan) Vampiric Touch – 3x/day, Circle of Death – 1x/day, Create
Level Adj: - Greater Undead – 1x/day.
This long, ever-coiling creature is reminiscent of A dragon possesses the following traits (unless
a snake, though it's body seems to be flattened. A otherwise noted in the description of a particular kind).
pair of clawed arms project from near the
• Immunity to magic sleep effects and paralysis
creature's head, and the last third of the tail is
covered with sharp ridges of upward turned
scales, almost like that of a spiked whip. The
Crypt Wyrms on Amberos
head is skull-like and covered with bony, horn-
Draconic legend speaks that crypt wyrms formed
like protrusions. It has slitted yellow eyes and a
from the maggots that ate at the flesh of Guaradrell, the first of
caustic green fluid leaks from its fang-filled
dragons. Since that time they have infested the hidden places
of the world, devouring the dead wherever they can. True
The Crypt Wyrm is a draconic aberration, thought to
dragons, who will attempt to destroy them on sight, abhor
be some sort of corrupted form of black dragon. Unlike true
dragons, crypt wyrms do not grow more massive or powerful
with age; they grow to a singular size and simply live for ages
on end.
Crypt wyrms are both greedy and corrupt, delighting
in despoiling tombs where they collect treasure and animate
the dead to their foul pleasures. It is not uncommon for a crypt
wyrm to use the crypt as a breeding ground to attract other
prey to kill an animate, or to set its undead out to collect more

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Death Blossom
Tiny Plant
Hit Dice: 1/8d8+1 (2 hp)
Initiative: -3 (-3 Dex)
Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares)
Armor Class: 9 (+2 size, -3 Dex), touch 9, flat 9
BAB/Grapple: 0/-8
Attack: Death Ray +4 ranged touch (level drain)
Full Attack: Death Ray +4 ranged touch (level drain)
Space/Reach: 2½-ft./0 ft.
Height: 14 in. + 1d4 in. (2 ft. 4 in.)
Weight: 1 lb.
Special Att: Death ray
Special Qual: Low-light vision, plant traits
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +0, Will -4
Abilities: S0 D10 C12 I1 W2 Ch5
Skills: Hide +5*, Listen -4, Spot +1
Feats: Ability Focus
Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary, or Cluster (2-5)
CR: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: ½-2 HD (Tiny); 2-4 HD (Small)
Level Adj: -
This small violent and black flower seems
harmless until an ebon ray erupts outwards from
the petals
The death blossom is a tiny, yet terrifying plant.
Seemingly innocuous at first sight, the small plant can emit a
deadly ray of energy with the intent of slaying foes. The plant
then slowly moves over to the deceased body and slowly

A death blossom's only attack is its life-draining
energy ray. It cannot otherwise attack or defend itself, and if
threatened will use the ray as often as it must until destroyed
or prey leaves it alone.
Death Ray (Su): As a standard action, a death blossom can
unleash an ebony ray of negative energy as a ranged touch
attack with +2 to hit out to a range of 15 feet. Those struck by
the ray suffer a negative level and the death blossom gains 5
temporary hit points. These temporary hit points remain for 10
Skills: A death blossom hiding in natural surroundings gains
a +10 bonus to hide checks.

Death Blossoms on Amberos

Products of the Demon Jungle, these flowers have
slowly been spreading west, despite all attempts to eradicate
them. Llannhanex has been at constant war to destroy any of
these flowers it finds, and the Druids of Kennestone have been
fervently researching magical wards that will keep the plants
from spreading to the Kennestone forest or beyond.

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Death Dancer Death Dancers on Amberos
Small Magical Beast Native to Lanster and often found around the Demon
Hit Dice: 2d10+2 (13 hp) Jungle, Death dancers have spread over the centuries to be
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) found nearly anywhere on Amberos, including the Glacier of
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) Seasons. The reason for this spread is blamed on the
Armor Class: 13 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +1 natural), touch 12, goblinoids of the Golgoloth Empire, who for a time had a
flat 12 fascination with these creatures as pets.
BAB/Grapple: +2/-5
Attack: Bite +0 melee (1d4-3 + poison)
Full Attack: Bite +0 melee (1d4-3 + poison)
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft.
Height: 3 ft. + 2d4 in. (3 ft. 5 in.)
Weight: 35 lbs + 1d4 x 10 lbs. (45 lbs.)
Special Att: Hypnotic dance, poison, sudden leap
Special Qual: Darkvision 60ft., low-light vision
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities: S5 D13 C13 I2 W13 Ch13
Skills: Climb +5, Hide +5, Jump +1, Listen +5,
Spot +5
Feats: Alertness
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary, or Troupe (2-5)
CR: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 3-4 HD (Small); 5-6 HD (Medium)
Level Adj: -
This sinuous snake is about three feet long. It's
multicolored scales glint in the light, and its
large eyes gleam yellow.
Death dancers are deadly vipers that can use their
multicolored scales to hypnotize victims before attacking.
They are aggressive creatures, and their poison is capable of
bringing down prey much larger than they are.

Death dancers always attempt to hypnotize prey
before beginning an attack. If they fail to hypnotize an
opponent, they will often slink off in search of easier prey.
When attacking, a death dancer usually leaps at its opponent.
Hypnotic Dance (Su): As a move-equivalent action, a death
dancer can rise up and begin swaying, creating an effect equal
to that of a hypnotic pattern. The spell DC is 12. Caster level
2. The effect lasts until the death dancer ceases “dancing”
plus an additional 1d4+1 rounds.
Poison (Ex): The bite of death dancer contains a deadly toxin.
Type: Injected; Fort save DC 12; Init: 1d6 Con; Sec: 1d10
Sudden Leap (Ex): A death dancer can make a special
charge attack where it leaps at the prey. A sudden leap is
handled like a charge, but the death dancer does not need to
move 10 feet to perform the sudden leap. The death dancer
does not need to make a jump check to perform the sudden
leap, but can use its jump skill to clear obstacles that might be
in the way.
Skills: A death dancer has a +4 bonus to climb skill checks
and jump checks. It may use its dexterity instead of its
strength when making climb checks.

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Demon, General
Demons are a race of creatures native to the abyss.
They are ferocity personified and will attack any creature just
for the sheer fun of it—even other demons.
The Demons of Amberos predate even the
appearance of Ziga, but after her fall and slide towards evil,
she took up residence in the Abyss, where she has been
gathering the forces of many demons.

Demon Traits: Most demons possess the following traits

(unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).
—Immunity to electricity and poison.
—Resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and fire 10.
—Summon (Sp): Many demons share the ability to summon
others of their kind (the success chance and type of
demon summoned are noted in each monster
description). Demons are often reluctant to use this
power until in obvious peril or extreme

Except where otherwise noted, demons speak

Abyssal, Celestial, and Draconic.

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Azura Demon Azuras are the winged harbingers of the Abyss. They
Medium Outsider (Chaos, Demon, Evil, Extraplanar) fill a role much like the angels of the upper planes, but with a
Hit Dice: 10d8+70 (115 hp) darker purpose - to bring the evils of the abyss upon the
Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex) Mortal Realm. Azuras often appear before other beings to
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 100 ft. (good) deliver messages of darkness or doom, or to tempt mortals into
Armor Class: 40 (+4 Dex, +19 natural, +6 chain shirt +2, evil acts. They often introduce themselves as “Angels of
+1 mwk buckler), touch 14, flat 36 Doom”, and will often attempt to misguide mortals into
BAB/Grapple: +10/+16 believing they are from the celestial realms.
Attack: Bite +16 melee (1d6+6) or +2 flaming If they are rebuked or attacked, Azuras usually strike
scimitar +18 melee (1d6+8;15-20/x2) with deadly skill at those who attempt to make sport of them.
Full Attack: Bite +16 melee (1d6+6), 2 claws +11 melee Azuras speak celestial, abyssal and Common. They
(1d4+3), 2 hooves +11 melee (1d4+3 + generally know at least three other languages, and will often
1d6 fire), tail +11 melee (1d6+2 + 1d6 make pronouncements in such languages to confound (at least
fire) initially) those they meet with.
or +2 flaming scimitar +18/+13 melee
(1d6+8 + 1d6 fire;15-20/x2), bite +11 Combat
melee (1d6+6), 2 hooves +11 melee An enraged Azuras is a whirlwind of attacks; some
(1d4+3 + 1d6 fire), tail +11 melee Azuras prefer to smite their foe quickly with weapons, while
(1d6+2 + 1d6 fire) others prefer to slowly pick an opponent apart with claw
or +2 flaming burst composite shortbow (+6 attacks. Azuras always fight intelligently, and though it may
Str) +14/+9 ranged (1d6+8;x3) hold back its full fury of abilities against an opponent, always
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. fights to win - and kill its foe. Azuras will often employ their
Height: 6 ft. + 2d4 in. (6 ft. 5 in.) superior mobility and flight to harry opponents, rushing
Weight: 160 lbs. + 2d8 x 5 lbs. (205 lbs.) forward to strike in melee, then pulling back to pepper a foe
Special Att: Ability damage, breath weapon, frightful with a rain of arrows.
presence Ability Damage (Su): The claw attacks of an Azura
Special Qual: Demon traits, DR 10/holy, darkvision 60 ft., permanently drain 1 point of Wisdom on a successful strike.
outsider traits, regeneration 3, spell Breath Weapon (Su): As a standard action, an Azura can
resistance 22, spell-like abilities breath a 15 ft. cone of shimmering heat that charms those who
Saves: Fort +14, Ref +11, Will +10 fail a Will save DC 19. Those who make the save suffer 2d8
Abilities: S22 D23 C25 I19 W17 Ch19 fire damage. The charm effect acts like a charm person spell
Skills: Appraise +10, Balance +1, Bluff +18, Climb cast at 10th level ability.
+3, Craft +11, Diplomacy +27, Disguise Frightful Presence (Ex): When a Azura begins combat, its
+17, Escape Artist +8, Forgery +11, Hide aura turns dark and its features twist into a predatory visage.
+14, Intimidate +18, Jump +3, Knowledge Opponents within 30 ft. who witness the action may become
(Arcana) +11, Knowledge (the planes) +17, frightened or shaken for 5d6 rounds. This ability affects only
Listen +10, Move Silently +1, Sense Motive opponents with fewer than 10 Hit Dice or levels. An affected
+18, Sleight of Hand +7, Spellcraft +17, opponent can resist the effects with a successful Will save
Spot +9, Swim -4, Tumble +14, Use Magic (DC 19). An opponent that succeeds on the saving throw is
Device +10 immune to that same creature’s frightful presence for 24
Feats: Combat Expertise, Dodge, Improved Critical hours. Frightful presence is a mind-affecting fear effect.
(scimitar), Negotiator Regeneration (Ex): An azura takes normal damage from holy
Environment: Abyss or cold iron attacks. Azuras can regrow lost portions of their
Organization: Solitary, or Brace bodies and can reattach severed limbs or body parts by
CR: 11 holding such limbs to the stump for one full round. Severed
Treasure: chain mail +2, +2 flaming scimitar, +2 parts that are not reattached wither and die normally.
flaming burst longbow, Standard coins Spell-like abilities: At will: Alter Self, Hold Person (DC 17),
Alignment: Always chaotic evil Rage (DC 17). Caster level 10th. The saves are charisma-
Advancement: 11-20 HD (Medium); 21-30 HD (Large) based.
Level Adj: - Skills: Azuras gain a +8 racial bonus to Diplomacy, Bluff and
The humanoid before you glows with a fiery red Intimidate skill checks.
outline. It has a golden plumage, like a hawk,
with feathers that seem to be inscribed with Summoning an Azuras
glowing arcane letters. Upon its forehead is a An azura can be summoned with a Summon Monster
crown of gold, and its face has a bird's beak and VII spell as a Chaotic and Evil spell.
almond-shaped eyes that are dark as coals. The
creature's long, thin arms and legs end in bird's Azuras on Amberos
talons, but the creature speaks in a golden, An azura encountered on Amberos has usually been
lilting voice. summoned by a cleric to punish an individual or community.

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When left to their own devices, azuras foment wars
against celestial creatures, tempting them out of the celestial
realms into ambushes in the lower planes.

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Pazuzi Demon certainly willing to torment foes, are generally cowards, and
Large Outsider (Air, Chaos, Demon, Evil, Extraplanar) will flee to heal and seek easier prey if badly injured.
Hit Dice: 6d8+18 (45 hp) Shrill Scream (Su): As a standard action, a pazuzi can utter a
Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex) piercing shriek that deals 2d6 sonic damage in a 20 ft. spread.
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 70 ft. (good) A successful Fort save (DC 16) halves the damage.
Armor Class: 21 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +8 natural), touch 13, Summon (Sp): A pazuzi can summon 1d4 other pazuzi with a
flat 17 50% chance of success, at 6th level ability. Summoned
BAB/Grapple: +6/+14 creatures automatically return whence they came after 1 hour.
Attack: Bite +9 melee (1d8+4) A creature that has just been summoned cannot use its own
Full Attack: Bite +9 melee (1d8+4) and 4 claw +7 melee summon ability for 1 hour.
Space/Reach: 10-ft./10 ft. Summoning A Pazuzi
Height: 9 ft. + 1d4 ft. (11 ft.) A pazuzi demon can be summoned with a Summon
Weight: 100 lbs. + 1d10 x 10 lbs. (150 lbs.) Monster VII spell as an Air, Chaos and Evil spell.
Special Att: Shrill scream, summon
Special Qual: DR 5/holy, darkvision 60 ft., demon traits, Pazuzi Demons on Amberos
low-light vision, outsider traits, spell It is extremely uncommon to encounter a non-
resistance 18 summoned pazuzi demon on Amberos; they seem to be a
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 popular summons in the Skienlands to defend against the
Abilities: S19 D19 C17 I15 W13 Ch16 Black Fleet of Randu.
Skills: Bluff +13, Climb +9, Craft +12, Diplomacy There are legends, however, of a band of pazuzi
+8, Disable Device +7, Escape Artist +9, demons who hold a court in the mountains of Smanvalla or the
Hide 0, Intimidate +8, Jump +9, Knowledge Kingdom of Vall Vega. According to legend, they will hear
(nature) +7, Knowledge (the planes) +7, the supplications of mortals, and descend from their
Listen +8, Search +7, Sense Motive +11, mountaintop to inflict vengeance on mortals who have
Spot +8, Tumble +9 “wronged” the supplicant.
Feats: Alertness, Flyby Attack, Multiattack
Environment: Abyss
Organization: Solitary, Crew (2-5), or Nest (5-20)
CR: 7
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 7-12 HD (Large); 13-18 HD (Huge)
Level Adj: -
The creature in the air before you looks like a
giant crow, with six furiously beating black
wings and six taloned limbs that seem as if they
could be used as arms or legs as the creature
chose. A tuft of red hair tops the creature's head,
ending in a sharp point that trails away from the
creature's face. It watches you with large,
yellow-pupil eyes and squawks horribly with its
tooth-filled maw.
Pazuzi, or air demons, inhabit many of the aerial
realms of the abyss. They are murderous creatures who enjoy
snatching up wingless petitioners of they abyssal realms and
dropping them from great heights - or other such torments.
Pazuzi are often found in packs, and generally the larger the
pack, the crueler the Pazuzi become.
Pazuzi speak their own language, Pazuzi, abyssal and

Pazuzi generally swoop down to rake foes with their
claws, and in numbers, may attempt to pick up foes and drop
them from great heights onto rocks or other dangerous terrain.
They rarely remain near opponents long enough for the
opponent to counterattack. However, lone Pazuzi, while

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Rose Demon Combat
Tiny Outsider (Chaos, Demon, Evil, Extraplanar) Rose demons usually remain out of direct combat,
Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (19 hp) instead rigging vicious traps to unleash on opponents or the
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) unwary. However, if disturbed, a rose demon is a capable
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) creature that fights with claw and its magical military fork.
Armor Class: 21 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +7 natural), touch 14, They gain a perverse sort of glee in transforming their victims
flat 19 into artwork or other items of beauty instead of killing them.
BAB/Grapple: +3/-6 To this end, they have concocted several rare strains of poison
Attack: Military fork +2 melee (1d4-1 + poison) to transform victims into items of beauty, and will use it on
Full Attack: Military fork +2 melee (1d4-1 + poison), 3 their claws or weapon against foes.
claws +0 melee (1d2-1 + poison) Some Rose demons have extremely bizarre tastes,
Space/Reach: 2½-ft./0 ft. and have been known to keep victims tied up with wicker to
Height: 1 ft. + 1d6 in. (1 ft. 3 in.) torment at their leisure. An often-encountered scenario is a
Weight: 5 lbs + 2d8 lbs. (14 lbs.) victim tied to chairs at never-ending tea parties, where the rose
Special Att: Poison demon can starve victims and torture them by spilling “hot
Special Qual: DR 5/silver, darkvision 60 ft., outsider traits, tea” on the victims until they eventually waste away or perish.
regeneration 3, spell resistance 18 Poison (Su): A Rose demon can generate one of several
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +7 natural poisons that coat its claws and can be used to envenom
Abilities: S9 D15 C15 I17 W14 Ch25 their weapons. Rose demons can also “dip” their claws into
Skills: Bluff +15, Climb +5, Craft (Weave) +9, liquids to transform the liquid into venom (up to 1 gallon of
Diplomacy +13, Hide +10, Intimidate +15, liquid). The poisons that can be generated are as follows.
Knowledge (nature) +9, Listen +8, Perform Transformation – Injury/Ingested; Fort DC 16; Init:
(dance) +13, Sense Motive +8, Spot +8 1d2 Con; Sec: Transform as per Baleful Transformation
Feats: Iron Will, Multiweapon FightingB, (usually into a thorny flower or bee). Caster level 3rd.
Persuasive Transfiguration – Injury/Ingested; Fort DC 16; Init:
Environment: Abyss 1d2 Wis; Sec: Transform as per Flesh to Stone. Caster level
Organization: Solitary 3rd.
CR: 7 Liquidification - Injury/Ingested; Fort DC 16; Init:
Treasure: Double standard 1d2 Int; Sec: Transform victim’s flesh to water (loses all
Alignment: Always Chaotic Evil natural armor bonus, cannot carry/wear items, gains 50% miss
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Tiny); 7-9 HD (Small) chance on attacks vs. victim) and victim is reduced to a
Level Adj: - lifeless puddle of water 1d6+2 rounds later.
This cat-sized humanoid is crimson red with skin Aerification - Injury/Ingested; Fort DC 16; Init: 1d2
that seems to be covered in rose petals. It sports Chr; Sec: Transform victim’s flesh to mist (loses all natural
four three-clawed arms that appear to be double- armor bonus, cannot carry/wear items, gains 50% miss chance
jointed and sports what appears to be a miniature on attacks vs. victim) and victim is dispersed and dead 1d6+2
pitchfork. Its strange face appears to be made of a rounds later.
layer of black thorns, and its eyes are yellow orbs Regeneration (Ex): A rose demon treats all damage except
with cat-like slits. A thin, ropey tail protrudes silver or good weapons as nonlethal damage. It heals 3 points
behind it, ending in a spade-like barb. of damage per round.
Rose demons are among the smallest, but quite deadly
abominations from the Abyss. Unlike many demons, Rose Rose Demons on Amberos
demons have a fondness for beauty, and go to extreme According to legend, there are a number of rose
measures to preserve it for their own pleasure. The easiest way demons to be found in the Demon Jungle, tending a garden of
to get on a rose demon's bad side is ruin something of beauty - deadly, man-eating plants. At the heart of this fabled garden is
such as picking a flower from its garden. Rose demons are an orchard of devilblooms (See Bestiary Malfearous) that
often found frolicking in gardens of roses or other beautiful, holds the souls of notable demonic sages – eating the fruit of
but dangerous plants. They are capricious creatures, easily said plants is said to imbibe the devourer with hidden and
amused and often engaging in vicious (if not deadly) practical forbidden knowledge.
jokes against those who intrude in their realms.
Rose demons are one of the few demon types not engaged
in the massive battles between demons and devils in the lower
planes. Instead, they are more often found on the Mortal
Realm or in realms with much wildlife or plant life where they
may enjoy "beauty".
Rose demons speak celestial, infernal, abyssal, draconic,
druidic and Common.

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Vanadar Demon Combat
Large Outsider (Chaos, Demon, Evil, Extraplanar) Vanadar will approach enemies, firing their longbows
Hit Dice: 12d8+36 (90 hp) to wear the enemy down before engaging in melee. Once
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) engaged, they rarely, if ever will back out the fight. Vanadar
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (average) are cunning, and will use their abilities to the best of their
Armor Class: 20 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +8 natural), touch 12, ability. They are gifted with an innate ability to cast buff
flat 17 spells, and usually one humanoid torso will cast its spells
BAB/Grapple: +12/+22 while the other engages in melee or attacks.
Attack: Tail +17 melee (1d6+6) or two composite Constrict (Ex): The Vanadar can deal 2d6+6 crushing
longbows (+6 Str) +14 ranged (2d6+6;x3) or damage each round when it has successfully grappled an
two +2 Keen longswords +17 melee opponent with its tail.
(2d6+8;19-20/x2) Improved Grab (Ex): If a Vanadar hit a medium-sized or
Full Attack: Tail +17 melee (1d6+6), two +2 Keen smaller opponent with its tail attack, it deals normal damage
Longswords +17 melee (1d10+8;19-20/x2), and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without
two +1 Shortsword of Wounding +17 melee provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial touch attack is
(1d8+4;19-20/x2) or two composite required. The creature has the option to conduct the grapple
longbows (+6 Str) +14 ranged (2d6+6;x3) normally, or simply use the part of its body it used in the
Space/Reach: 10-ft./10 ft. improved grab to hold the opponent. If it chooses to do the
Height: 12 ft. + 2d12 in. (13 ft. 1 in.) latter, it takes a –20 penalty on grapple checks, but is not
Weight: 200 lbs. + 4d6 x 25 lbs. (550 lbs.) considered grappled itself; the creature does not lose its
Special Att: Constrict, improved grab, summon Dexterity bonus to AC, still threatens an area, and can use its
Special Qual: DR 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., outsider remaining attacks against other opponents. When a Vanadar
traits, demon traits, regeneration 5, SR 24, gets a hold after an improved grab attack, it pulls the opponent
spell-like abilities into its space. This act does not provoke attacks of
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +11 opportunity. It can even move (possibly carrying away the
Abilities: S23 D17 C17 I15 W16 Ch16 opponent), provided it can drag the opponent’s weight.
Skills: Appraise +7, Balance +8, Bluff +13, Climb Summon (Sp): A Vanadar can summon a maralith with a
+16, Craft +12, Diplomacy +13, Hide -1, 50% chance of success or summon 1d4+1 dretch at will. This
Intimidate +8, Jump +16, Knowledge is treated as a 7th level summoning spell.
(nobility) +7, Listen +8, Move Silently +13, Regeneration (Ex): A Vanadar takes normal damage from
Ride +13, Search +12, Sense Motive +13, acid and cold attacks. It heals 5 points of damage a round.
Spot +13, Survival +13, Swim +11, Tumble Vanadar grow new limbs at an astonishing rate (1 minute) if
+13 severed. They can reattach severed limbs as a move action by
Feats: Combat Expertise, DodgeB, Mobility, holding the limb to the stump.
Multiweapon fightingB, Point Blank ShotB, Spells-like Abilities (Sp): The following can be used 3x/day:
Precise Shot, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Bull’s Strength, Cat’s Grace, Ray of Enfeeblement (DC 12),
Attack True Strike
Environment: Abyss The following can be used 2x/day: Protection from Energy,
Organization: Solitary, or Brood (2-5) Heroism, Rage
CR: 15 The following can be used 1x/day: Stoneskin, True Seeing,
Treasure: Standard Waves of Fatigue (DC 18)
Alignment: Always chaotic evil Spells are cast at 12th level ability. Save DCs are charisma-
Advancement: 13-24 HD (Large); 25-36 HD (Huge) based.
Level Adj: -
This creature appears to consist of two human- Vanadar Demons on Amberos
like upper torsos connected to a single sinuous Vanadars rarely are found on the Mortal Realm, and
snake-like tail. Each humanoid torso bears a instead are held as breeding stock and commanders in the wars
longsword and shortsword, and wields two of the Abyss.
The Vanadar is a male counterpart to the Maralith and
is used in the armies of an abyss as an elite trooper capable of
holding itself alone in battle. Vanadar are bred for war, and
have little time for other pursuits. They are expert tacticians as
wells as combatants, though they are loathe to share their
experience with others even of their own kind. A Vanadar
speaks Abyssal and Common.

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Demon Flower Skills: A demon flower gains a +10 bonus to Hide and
Disguise checks when among other flowers.
Diminutive Plant (Chaos, Evil, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 1/8d8 (1 hp) Demon Flowers on Amberos
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) Most demon flowers can be found either in the area
Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares), fly 30 ft. (good) surrounding the Demon Jungle or cultivated by torturers in the
Armor Class: 17 (+4 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural), touch 16, Skienlands. They can sometimes be found in other lands, such
flat 15 as Riddlekill, but their appearance is very rare and random at
BAB/Grapple: 0/-17 best.
Attack: Bite -1 melee (1d2-5)
Full Attack: Bite -1 melee (1d2-5) and 2 claw -6 melee
(1d2-5) and tail -6 melee (1d2-5)
Space/Reach: 1 ft./0 ft.
Diameter: 1 ft.
Weight: 3 lbs.
Special Att: Maddening fragrance
Special Qual: demon traits, low-light vision, plant traits
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +1
Abilities: S1 D15 C10 I11 W13 Ch14
Skills: Balance +4, Climb 0, Disguise +7*, Escape
Artist +4, Hide +14*, Listen +1, Spot +1
Feats: Agile
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), or Nest (5-20)
CR: 1/4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 1/8 - 1 HD (Diminutive); 2 HD (Tiny)
Level Adj: -
This small thorny plant has two long tendrils that
end in clawed hands and a flower in which is set
a horrific, tiny humanoid face.
Demon flowers are sentient plants of the Abyss whose
purpose is nothing more than to spark fights between demons.
Sometimes, as a cruel joke, demons transport the flowers to
the Mortal Realm to spread the little plant's mayhem. Demon
flowers are capable of disguising themselves as regular
flowers to attract prey. They smell of buttercups from a slight
distance, but a close sniff reveals that they have a tangy
spoiled meat aroma mixed into their buttercup smell. Demon
flowers speak their own language, which sounds similar to the
chirps of birds and insects.

Demon flowers only fight in self-defense by lashing
at foes with their thorny tendrils. They prefer to drug their
victims with their supernatural pollen and cause the victims to
fight, watching from nearby. Demon flowers have been known
to organize themselves into large armies of flowers to attack
villages and subject them to their magical pollen attack, and
loot & pillage the town as its inhabitants fight each other.
Maddening Fragrance (Su): As a standard action, a demon
flower can exude a smell that drives creatures in a 20 ft.
spread into a maddening rage. A Will DC 10 save negates the
effect. Those who fail the save immediately fly into a berserk
rage, attacking any nearby living creature for 1d6+2 rounds.
A demon flower can attempt to affect creatures that fail the
saving throw, but cannot affect those who succeed the save for
another day.

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Demon Knight to cause grief and pain wherever it can without revealing its
true infernal nature.
Medium Outsider (Chaos, Evil, Extraplanar) Demon knights speak Abyssal, Celestial and Common.
Hit Dice: 6d8+9d10+1d10+22 (104 hp)
Initiative: +0 Combat
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) in Demon armor, 30 ft. (6 A demon knight prefers to whittle away opponents by
squares) base, fly 50 ft. (average) using cleave to destroy its opponents arms and armor before
Armor Class: 27 (+4 natural, +11 Demon armor, +2 dealing a killing blow to its victim. Where possible, demon
masterwork steel shield), touch 10, flat 27 knights like to envenom their weapons with strength-draining
BAB/Grapple: +16/+19 poisons to slowly weaken foes as they fight.
Attack: +1 Unholy longsword +20 melee (1d8+4 + Character Levels (Ex): A demon knight has 9 levels of ex-
2d6 vs. good;19-20/x2) or Bite +19 melee paladin and 1 level of Blackguard. This grants the following
(1d6+3) abilities.
Full Attack: +1 Unholy longsword +20/+15/+10 melee
• Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Demon knights
(1d8+4 + 2d6 vs. good;19-20/x2) or bite +19
are proficient with all simple and martial weapons,
melee (1d6+3), 2 claws +16 melee (1d4+1 +
with all types of armor, and with shields.
poison), tail +16 melee (1d6+1)
• Aura of Evil (Ex): The power of a demon knight’s
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft.
aura of evil (see the detect evil spell) is equal to 10.
Height: 6 ft. + 1d6 in. (6 ft. 3 in.)
Weight: 150 + 2d6 x 5 lbs. (185 lbs) • Detect Good (Sp): At will, a demon knight can use
Special Att: Poison, sneak attack +1d6 detect good as a spell-like ability, duplicating the
Special Qual: Character levels, DR 10/holy and silver, effect of the detect good spell.
darkvision 60 ft., demon traits, outsider • Fiendish Summoning: Once per day, the demon
traits, SR 25, summon Demon Steed knight can use a summon monster I spell to call forth
Saves: Fort +17, Ref +10, Will +11 an evil creature. Caster level 2.
Abilities: S16 D10 C15 I10 W12 Ch17 • Lay on Hands (Su): Once per day, the demon
Skills: Disguise +13, Forgery +2, Intimidate +17, knight can cure himself or his fiendish servant of 30
Knowledge (religion) +18, Knowledge (the hit points. This ability is charisma and level based.
planes) +6, Listen +7, Move Silently –5, • Poison Use: demon knights are skilled in the use of
Ride +6, Sense Motive +7, Spot +7 poison and never risk accidentally poisoning
Feats: Armor Proficiency: heavy, Armor themselves when applying poison to a blade.
Proficiency: light, Armor Proficiency: • Dark Blessing (Su): A demon knight applies his
medium, Cleave, Deceitful, Improved Charisma modifier (if positive) as a bonus on all
Sunder, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack saving throws.
Power Attack, Shield Proficiency, Simple • Smite good 3/day (Su): Three times per day, the
Weapon Proficiency, Stealthy demon knight adds +3 to his attack and deals an extra
Environment: Abyss 10 points of damage to good creatures.
Organization: Solitary or pair (one Demon Knight + one • Spells: A blackguard has the ability to cast a small
Demon steed mount) number of divine spells. The blackguard’s spell list
CR: 17 appears below.
Treasure: +1 Unholy Longsword, Demon Armor, Spells memorized: 1st: Cause Fear
Standard coins Poison (Ex): A demon knight’s claws are coated with a
Alignment: Always chaotic evil strength-draining poison (Injury; DC 15; Init: 2d4 Str; Sec:
Advancement: 7-18 HD (Medium) or By Character Level 1d8 Str)
Level Adj: - Summon Demon Steed (Su): Once per day, a demon knight
This tall, gaunt figure is dressed in red-tinted can summon from the nether realms its personal demon steed.
plate mail armor that hides its features behind a The Demon Steed thus summoned remains for one hour of
demonic mask. It carries a wicked-looking service to the demon knight, then returns to its dark realms. If
longsword and bears a skull-shaped shield in its the Demon Steed is slain on the Mortal Realm, it cannot be
off hand. A palatable aura of evil hangs over the summoned again for 3 days.
being, creating dread just in its mere
appearance. Typical Blackguard Spell List
A demon knight is a blackguard who, after his death, (1; CL 1; DC 13 + Spell level)
has become a demonic force to be reckoned with. Armed with 1st: Cause Fear
his former abilities now enhanced by its demonic stature, the
demon knight continues to spread his evil in even more Demon Knights on Amberos
despicable ways than before. Following the destruction of Machiavelli during the
Demon knights are rarely encountered in their normal Dark Age, many of the paladins of the White Council that had
forms, and take a twisted delight in infiltrating normal society been loyal to Machiavelli continued his wicked crusade to

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destroy the “traitorous” white lords. Each eventually fell to
evil and allied themselves with the fiendish lords of the
Skyland Hold before their death. Their belligerence in Hell
after their death cast them down through the realm of torture
and into the Abyss, where Ziga brought them into the fold of
her demonic servants.

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Demon Steed damage in addition to the normal benefits and hazards of a
Large Outsider (Chaos, Evil, Extraplanar) Trample (Ex): As a full-round action, a demon steed can
Hit Dice: 6d8+18 (45 hp) move up to twice its speed and literally run over any
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) opponents of medium size or smaller. The creature merely has
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), fly 100 ft. (average) to move over the opponents in its path. A trample attack deals
Armor Class: 14 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 11, 1d8 + 6 bludgeoning damage. Trampled opponents can
flat 12 attempt attacks of opportunity, but these take a –4 penalty. If
BAB/Grapple: +6/+14 they do not make attacks of opportunity, trampled opponents
Attack: Bite +9 melee (1d8 +4) can attempt a Reflex save (DC 17) to take half damage. A
Full Attack: Bite +9 melee (1d8+4) and 2 hooves +4 trampling creature can only deal trampling damage to each
melee (1d4+2) target once per round, no matter how many times its
Space/Reach: 10-ft./10 ft. movement takes it over a target creature.
Length: 8 ft. + 2d8 in. (8 ft. 9 in.)
Weight: 400 lbs. + 2d10 x 25 lbs. (675 lbs.) Demon Steeds on Amberos
Special Att: Poison, powerful charge, trample Cultivated from the most depraved xanthus, Ziga
Special Qual: DR 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., demon traits, captured and bound former xanthus flesh eating horses to the
outsider traits, SR 14 service of her newly created demon knights as powerful steeds
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +6 for the demon knight’s use. Since their initial creation, some
Abilities: S19 D15 C17 I10 W13 Ch12 of the demon steeds have reproduced, creating extra steeds
Skills: Balance +10, Hide +2, Intimidate +9, Jump that are sometimes sent to the mortal plane to a potential
+12, Listen +7, Move Silently +6, Sense “applicant” for demon knight status.
Motive +9, Spot +7, Swim +12, Use Magic
Device +9
Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Run
Environment: Abyss
Organization: Solitary
CR: 7
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 7-12 HD (Large); 13-18 HD (Huge)
Level Adj: -
This red-skinned horse has hooves that
continuously burn with green flame. Its black
eyes seem as dark as the pits of the abyss, and its
tail and mane seem crafted of wisps of individual
Demon steeds are special creatures reserved in the pits
of the Abyss for their demon knight riders. In much the same
way a celestial warhorse appears at the summons of a paladin,
a demon knight can be assured his abyssal steed appears to
meet his needs.
Demon steeds are exceptionally intelligent and cruel.
They can fight with full independence of the rider, and can be
just as deadly opponent as their master, though they
unfailingly defer to their knight in all matters.
Demon steeds speak abyssal.

Demon steeds maneuver themselves to cut opponents
off and kill them individually. They will generally charge into
combat, using their flame-wreathed hooves to batter and kill
as many as their can. Their poison bite is deadly, and demon
steeds greatly enjoy inflicting its pain on opponents.
Poison (Ex): The bite of a demon steed injects a mind-
destroying poison into its victim (Injury; DC 16; init: 1d2 Int;
Sec: 3d6 Int).
Powerful Charge (Ex): When a Demon steed makes a charge
(or its master orders it to charge), its attack deals an extra 1d8

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Dire Animal
Dire animals are larger, tougher, meaner versions of
ordinary animals. Each kind tends to have a feral, prehistoric,
or even demonic appearance.

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Dire Hamster for about 500 gp, while a riding dire hamster sells for about
Medium Animal 250 gp.
Hit Dice: 4d8+8 (26 hp)
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) Dire Hamsters on Amberos
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) Originally bred as pets by gnomes in Llinn, dire
AC: 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat 13 hamsters became popular among Randese nobles. However,
BAB/Grapple: +3/+5 somewhere along the line, these harmless pets were taught to
Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d6 +2) feed on human flesh and gained their dangerous demeanor.
Full Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d6 +2) To this day, some Randese nobles keep these feral beasts to
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. sacrifice criminals or undesirable foes to the beasts.
Length: 5 ft. + 2d6 in. (5 ft. 7 in.)
Weight: 150 + 2d6 x 10 lbs. (225 lbs.) Variants
Special Att: - Giant hamsters have the same exact stats as a dire
Special Qual: Low-light vision, scent hamster, save they only have +1 natural armor, their bite
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +2 attack deals only 1d3 damage and have a much fairer
Abilities: S14 D15 C14 I1 W12 Ch4 demeanor. They are popular among gnome communities.
Skills: Climb +10, Escape Artist +10, Listen +6, They are CR 2.
Perform (Dance) +2, Spot +6, Swim +2
Feats: Alertness, Run
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary
CR: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Medium); 9-12 HD (Large)
Level Adj: - (Animal Companion)
This pony-sized mouse-like creature has golden
fur, prominent cheeks and an almost non-existent
Dire hamsters are huge, foul-tempered versions of
giant hamsters. They tend to be carnivorous, dining on small-
sized humanoids or other creatures. Many dire hamsters are
scavengers, eating creatures that are already dying or dead.
Agitated dire hamsters have been known hop in
place, a phenomena known as the “hamster dance of doom”.
Some trainers have been known to “train” dire hamsters to
dance for public spectacles.

Dire hamsters are poor combatants overall, but if
backed into a corner, they can be quite ferocious. Their teeth
are extremely dangerous, and they have the ability to chew
through even stone with their sharp teeth.
Dire Hamsters usually attack creatures only smaller
than they are and that appear to be weak or injured. If faced
with a determine opponent, most dire hamsters will depart to
seek easier prey.
Skills: Dire hamsters have a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks
and Escape Artist checks and can always choose to take 10 on
Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened.

Training a Dire Hamster

Dire hamsters can be raised to follow the commands
of a trainer, usually for riding or trained as a combat
companion. Training a dire hamster for combat takes 6 weeks
and a DC 20 Handle Animal check. Training a dire hamster
for riding (by a small-sized rider) takes three weeks and a DC
15 Handle Animal check. A trained combat dire hamster sells

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Dire Rabbit
Huge Animal
Hit Dice: 8d8+32 (68 hp)
Initiative: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 12 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +2 natural), touch 10,
flat 10
BAB/Grapple: +6/+19
Attack: Kick +9 melee (1d6 +5)
Full Attack: Kick +9 melee (1d6 +5)
Space/Reach: 15-ft./10 ft.
Length: 18 ft. + 1d4 ft (20 ft.)
Weight: 650 lbs. + 2d6 x 50 lbs. (1,000 lbs.)
Special Att: Trample
Special Qual: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +2
Abilities: S21 D15 C19 I2 W11 Ch6
Skills: Jump +32, Listen +10, Spot +2
Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Lightning
Environment: Any plain
Organization: Solitary, Pair, Herd (3-12), Warren (10-25)
CR: 5
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 9-16 HD (Huge); 17-24 HD (Gargantuan)
Level Adj: -
This enormous hare has several plate-like
growths on its flanks and legs as well as from its
forehead, like budding antlers. Its eyes are pure
red, and its lanky legs end in sharp claws.
A dire rabbit is a strange, yet ferocious dweller of the
plains and savannahs. Unlike its normal cousins, dire rabbits
are aggressive, and will attack any creatures smaller than
themselves that enters their grazing land.

Dire rabbits usually rush opponents, attempting to
bowl them over with their quick stride and sharp claws. If
surrounded, they will use their powerful hind legs to kick at
opponents and knock them away.
Trample (Ex): As a full-round action, a dire rabbit can move
up to twice its speed and literally run over any opponents of
large size or smaller dealing 1d6+7 bludgeoning damage
(Reflex DC19 for half damage)
Skills: Dire rabbits gain a +8 racial bonus to Jump checks and
Listen checks.

Dire Rabbits on Amberos

During the Dark Age, fiendish experiments were
performed on normal rabbits, creating these monstrosities.
Originally, they were to be ridden into battle by demonic
creatures, but the ride these creatures provided proved to be
too unsettling to riders. After the Dark Age, dire rabbits
simply slipped into the wilderness and have even drifted into
the edges of the wilderness areas of Randu in the east.

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Dire Turtle check. Trained dire turtles can be purchased for about 250 gp,
Large Animal (Reptilian) and are usually trained either for heavy labor or guarding.
Hit Dice: 4d8+7 (25 hp)
Initiative: +0 Dire Turtles on Amberos
Speed: 15 ft., swim 15 ft. Most dire turtles can be found in the Skienlands or
AC: 16 (-1 size, +7 natural), touch 8, flat 16 the desert-like areas of Iiannhanex and Llannhanex. Fiendish
BAB/Grapple: +3/+9 versions of dire turtles are legendary in the Demon Jungle, and
Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d6+2) the people of Lanster sometimes hunt these creatures to make
Full Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d6+2) unusual armors from their shells.
Space/Reach: 10-ft./5 ft.
Height: 9 ft. + 2d8 in. (9 ft. 9 in.)
Weight: 300 lbs. + 2d10 x 25 lbs. (575 lbs.)
Special Att: Clamp, improved grab
Special Qual: Lowlight vision, plod, scent
Saves: Fort +5, Reflex +1, Will +1
Abilities: S15 D10 C13 I2 W11 Ch4
Skills: Listen +0, Spot +3, Swim +6
Feats: Endurance, Toughness
Environment: Any warm or hot
Organization: Solitary or pair
CR: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: Large (5-10 HD), Huge (11-15 HD)
Level Adj: -
Four squat, stubby legs support this huge green
tortoise. Its plated shell is covered with protruding
bone spikes, and its mouth consists of a razor-
sharp beak.
Dire turtles resemble large tortoises, though they tend
to have more colorful designs on their shell as well as their
shell being protected by a ring of protruding spikes along their
side and often protruding from the plates of their shell.
Like other dire species, dire turtles tend to be
aggressive. They will make surprising short rushes at
opponents, but rarely chase any creature for long distances.

Dire turtles are offensive creatures, hissing as they
lunge at a foe. They prefer to bite down on a single opponent,
using their sharp beak to slowly bleed an opponent out as they
depend on their strong shell to protect them against their foe.
Because of their relatively slow gait, once engaged a dire
turtle rarely stops attacking until its opponent is dead or flees.
Luckily for their enemies, the plodding nature of dire turtles
makes them unlikely to chase down fleeing foes.
Clamp (Ex): If a dire turtle starts a round in a grapple, it may
automatically inflict its bite damage to an opponent.
Improved Grab (Ex): If a dire turtle hits with its bite attack,
it may automatically attempt to start a grapple. No to hit roll
is required.
Plod (Ex): Dire turtles cannot double move, jog or run. They
may still perform charge attacks, but may not perform two
successive charge attacks or more

Training a Dire Turtle

Many races have discovered ways to train dire turtles
as beasts of burden or as guardians. Training a dire turtle
takes 2-4 weeks and a successful DC 20 Handle Animal

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Diseased Special Qualities: The creature is infected by one of the
diseases listed below. The DM may decide how many times a
Diseased is a template that can be added to any living creature has failed its save against the disease or roll 1d20 and
creature. A diseased creature is normal in just about every divide the result by two, and then apply the effects of the lost
way, except it is affected by a particular strain of disease, saves.
which it might spread to others. CR: Disease DC 10-12: +1/2; Disease DC 13+: +1; Creature
has lost ¼ ability score to disease: –1; Creature has lost ½
ability score or more to disease: –2
Table: Diseases
Disease Infection DC Incubation Damage
Blinding sickness Injury 16 1d3 days 1d4 Str 1
Cackle fever Inhaled 16 1 day 1d6 Wis
Consumption Inhaled 11 1d3 days 1d2 Dex, 1d3 Con
Death Vision Inhaled 15 1d3 days 1d4 Wis
Demon fever Injury 18 1 day 1d6 Con 2
Devil chills 3 Injury 14 1d4 days 1d4 Str
Filth fever Injury 12 1d3 days 1d3 Dex, 1d3 Con
Frothing Fury Injury 13 1d3 days 1d3 Wis, 1d2 Con
Limb Rot Contact 15 1 day 1d2 Con5
Mindfire Inhaled 12 1 day 1d4 Int
Mummy rot 4 Contact 20 1 day 1d6 Con
Red ache Injury 15 1d3 days 1d6 Str
Shakes Contact 13 1 day 1d8 Dex
Sleeping death Injury 12 1d3 days 1d6 Dex 2
Slimy doom Contact 14 1 day 1d4 Con 2
Wasting Sickness Contact 15 1d3 days 1d4 Con 2, 1d2 Dex
Zombie Rage Injury 20 1 day 1d4 Con 2
1Each time the victim takes 2 or more damage from the disease, he must make another Fortitude
save or be permanently blinded
2When damaged, character must succeed on another saving throw or 1 point of damage is
permanent drain instead
3 The victim must make three successful Fortitude saving throws in a row to recover from devil
4Successful saves do not allow the character to recover. Only magical healing can save the
5 A character who takes 4 points of Constitution damage must make a DC 15 Fort save or lose a
Blinding Sickness: Spread in tainted water. Frothing Fury: Various animals in the wilderness can spread
Cackle Fever: Symptoms include high fever, disorientation, this disease. The victim’s mouth is covered in a thick, white
and frequent bouts of hideous laughter. Also known as “the froth and is prone to aggressive behavior.
shrieks.” Limb Rot: This is the non-magical version of mummy rot. It
Consumption: Symptoms include labored breathing and pains is caused by poor hygiene and unsanitary conditions.
in the chest area. Those whom have lost half of their original Mindfire: Feels like your brain is burning. Causes stupor.
Constitution or more are prone to cough up blood during Mummy Rot: Spread by mummies. Successful saving throws
strenuous activity (Concentration DC 15 to maintain any do not allow the character to recover (though they do prevent
focus, such as spellcasting) damage normally).
Death Vision: Generally only found in intelligent beings (Int Red Ache: Skin turns red, bloated, and warm to the touch.
8+). Symptoms include sunken eyes, milky pupils and The Shakes: Causes involuntary twitches, tremors, and fits.
yellowing nails. The victim often becomes prone to Sleeping Death: Usually spread by insects. Causes lethargy.
hallucinations and terrible nightmares – many of which are A victim drained to 0 Dex or less slips into a coma.
prophetic in nature. Slimy Doom: Victim turns into infectious goo from the inside
Demon Fever: Night hags spread it. Can cause permanent out. Can cause permanent ability drain.
ability drain. Wasting Sickness: Leperskins spread it. Every day the victim
Devil Chills: Barbazu and pit fiends spread it. It takes three, fails the save, they are considered fatigued.
not two, successful saves in a row to recover from devil chills. Zombie Rage: Victim’s flesh begins to rot and peel away.
Filth Fever: Dire rats and otyughs spread it. Those injured When the victim is reduced to 0 Con or less, they not only die,
while in filthy surroundings might also catch it. but arise as a zombie 1d4 hours later.

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Doppelganger Ooze Combat
Doppelganger ooze will always assume the form of
Large Ooze (Shapechanger) its prey before it attacks. Because the ooze is natural mindless,
Hit Dice: 10d10+60 (115 hp) when it assumes the form of a victim, it also somewhat
Initiative: +0 assumes the personality and outlook of its prey, which greatly
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares) affects how the doppelganger ooze approaches combat. For
Armor Class: 9 (-1 size), touch 9, flat 9 example, if the doppelganger ooze assumes the form of a
BAB/Grapple: +7/+16 Lawful good individual, it may attempt to subdue the original,
Attack: Slam +11 melee (1d6+5) while if it were to assume the form of a Chaotic Evil being, it
Full Attack: Slam +11 melee (1d6+5) would like swiftly strike to slay the original.
Space/Reach: 10-ft./5 ft. An ooze possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted
Diameter: 10 ft. + 1d6 ft. (13 ft.) in a creature's entry).
Weight: 200 lbs + 2d4 x 25 lbs. (325 lbs.) Read Thoughts (Su): A doppelganger ooze can read the
Special Att: - surface thoughts of other beings as the spell detect thoughts, at
Special Qual: Ooze traits, read thoughts, shapechange 10th level ability.
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +3, Will -2 Shapechange (Ex): A doppelganger ooze can alter the color
Abilities: S20 D10 C23 I- W1 Ch1 and consistency of its body to assume the shape of any
Skills: Disguise +0*, Hide –2*, Listen -5, Spot –5 creature of medium or large size. This effect works in all ways
Feats: Deceptive, Great Fortitude, Skill Focus similar to a polymorph spell, except the effect is nonmagical.
(Disguise), Stealthy The doppelganger, as part of its shape change can appear to
Environment: Temperate, Warm land, underground wear equipment and wield weapons, however these items are
Organization: Solitary actually extensions of the doppelganger ooze's body and
CR: 9 cannot be removed nor do they have any special properties.
Treasure: None Skills: When using its shapechange ability, the doppelganger
Alignment: Always neutral ooze gains a +12 bonus to Disguise. In its natural form, the
Advancement: 11-20 HD (Large); 21-30 HD (Huge) doppelganger ooze gains a +10 bonus to hide in areas of
Level Adj: - natural stone.
What at first appeared to be a shapeless pool of
gray matter swirls up and solidifies into a copy Doppelganger Ooze on Amberos
of you!
Ancient records place the creation of the first
It is thought by many sages that doppelganger ooze
doppelganger oozes during the Dark Ages, where they were
may have been the protoform of the modern doppelganger.
used to infiltrate the ranks of the Free Barons and attempt to
The creature in its normal state appears as a shapeless gray
inspire suspicion and distrust among them. However, this
blob, albeit it has a pair of human-like eyes that float in the
would place doppelganger oozes as being created after
mass, allowing it to observe its prey.
doppelgangers, of which there are records of doppelgangers as
Doppelganger ooze will generally lie in wait and
early as the Elvin Golden Age.
watch approaching prey for several minutes - or even hours.
The Silkna Kingdom sometimes uses doppelganger
Once it has observed its prey for a sufficient time - usually at
oozes to thwart assassination attempts. Outside of this use,
least one minute or more, it will move close to its prey and
most doppelganger oozes are rogue creatures that can be
assume the prey's form. Once it has copied the prey, it will
encountered anywhere on the continent.
then attempt to assume the prey's role, usually incapacitating,
avoiding or killing the original as needed to keep up the
The actions of doppelganger ooze are difficult to
predict. While generally the ooze seeks out replace its prey
(often in a violent manner), there have been instances where
doppelganger oozes have accompanied companions of its prey
through adventures, or in rare cases, actually aided the original
in fending off an opponent or rendering other such aid.
Generally, once doppelganger ooze is "found out", it will
attempt to either destroy the offending individual or slink
away to find new prey.
As mindless creatures, doppelganger ooze cannot
speak or read, but their mind reading ability allows them to
sense the thoughts of others so that they attempt to react

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Dragon, General 9
Very old
The dragons of Amberos are much like the dragons 11 Wyrm 1,001-1,200
of other worlds with perhaps one major exception. Unlike the 12 Great wyrm 1,201+
dragons of most other worlds, these huge beasts have
managed, at one time in their past, to put aside differences to
All dragons speak Draconic.
form their own society. Though that society still exists in the
lands known to dragonkind as the Federation (and to humans
Dragon Face and Reach
as the Dark Lands), most dragons have reverted either back to
a tribal organization or struck out as loners.
Dragons believe themselves to be either the spawn of Size Face Reach
the ancient dragon Guaradrell (a claim usually made by the Tiny 2 1/2 ft. 5 ft.*
chromatics), born from the first magics unleashed on Amberos Small 5 ft. 5 ft.
(claimed by the metallic dragons) or the shards of the dreams Medium-size 5 ft. 5 ft.
of the Ancient Gods (as claimed by the gemstone dragons). Large 10 ft. 10 ft.*
Amberosian dragons do not worship gods, though they Huge 20 ft. 10 ft.
generally agree that both Tiamat and Budhamit have managed Gargantuan 40 ft. 15 ft.
to obtain god-like powers. Tiamat is ascribed to have stolen Colossal 80 ft. 15 ft.
her might from the carcass of Guaradrell, while Budhamit was
gifted his power by the spirit of the remorseful Guaradrell, *Greater than normal reach for a creature of this size.
allowing Guaradrell’s cursed spirit to be put to rest.
Even lone dragons on Amberos are rare, and only the
mightiest of dragons looks to themselves to survive. The more
Common form of draconic unit is the tribe, a loose knit
organization generally based on dragons that are related by
blood. Dragon tribes normally are divided along lines of
color, and can consist of 5-20 dragons of various ages, led by
one dragon who is of Venerable age or older. Dragon tribes
tend to be secluded affairs where humankind and the other
races have learned not to tread. A dragon tribe usually claims
a territory no larger than 50 square miles, and usually bases
itself in remote lands that even humankind would find
inaccessible or hostile.
Among dragons, an ancient code was forged after the
death of Guaradrell to prevent dragonkind from devolving into
rampaging monstrosities that were a danger to everything that
This code, known as the way, imposed several
limitations on dragons. The first part of the code allowed no
dragon to slay another dragon. The second part of the code
forbid dragons from permanently taking another shape or
permanently augmenting themselves in unnatural ways while
the final part called upon dragons to help one another in times
of need. Both Federation and tribal dragons respect the code,
though renegades (who have been cast out of tribes or chose
solitude) rarely bind themselves to such a law.

Dragon General Aspects

Dragon Age Categories

Category (Years) Age
1 Wyrmling 0-5
2 Very young 6-15
3 Young 16-25
4 Juvenile 26-50
5 Young adult 51-100
6 Adult 101-200
7 Mature adult 201-400
8 Old 401-600

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Dragon Attacks

Size 1 Bite 2 Claws 2 Wings 1 Tail Slap 1 Crush 1 Tail Sweep

Tiny 1d4 1d3 - - - -
Small 1d6 1d4 - - - -
Medium-size 1d8 1d6 1d4 - - -
Large 2d6 1d8 1d6 1d8 - -
Huge 2d8 2d6 1d8 2d6 2d8 -
Gargantuan 4d6 2d8 2d6 2d8 4d6 2d6
Colossal 4d8 4d6 2d8 4d6 4d8 2d8

Bite: Bite attacks deal the listed damage plus the dragon’s rear legs deal claw damage). If snatched or crushed by a larger
Strength bonus. The dragon also can use its bite to snatch dragon, a dragon can respond only with grapple attacks to try
opponents (see the descriptions of feats below). Bite attacks winning free, or with bite or breath weapon attacks. If
use the full attack bonus. grappled by a creature smaller than itself, the dragon can
Claw: Claw attacks deal the listed damage plus half the respond with any of its physical attacks other than a tail
dragon’s Strength bonus (round down). The dragon also can sweep.
use its claws to snatch opponents (see the descriptions of feats The dragon can always use its breath weapon while
below). Claw attacks are at -5 to the attack bonus. grappling, as well as its spells and spell-like or supernatural
Wing: The dragon can slam opponents with its wings, even abilities, provided it succeeds at Concentration checks.
when flying. Wing attacks deal the listed damage plus half the Breath Weapon (Su): Using a breath weapon is a standard
dragon’s Strength bonus (round down) and are at -5 to the action. Once a dragon breathes, it can’t breathe again until 1d4
attack bonus. rounds later. If the dragon has more than one type of breath
Tail Slap: The dragon can slap one opponent each round with weapon, it still can breathe only once every 1d4 rounds. A
its tail. A tail slap deals the listed damage plus 1 1/2 times the blast from a breath weapon always starts at the dragon’s
dragon’s Strength bonus (round down) and is at -5 to the mouth and extends in a direction of the dragon’s choice, with
attack bonus. an area as noted below. If the breath weapon deals damage,
Crush: A flying or jumping dragon of at least Huge size can creatures caught in the area can attempt Reflex saves to take
land on opponents as a standard action, using its whole body half damage; the DC depends on the dragon’s age and type,
to crush them. Crush attacks are effective only against listed in the individual entry. Saves against nondamaging
opponents three or more sizes smaller than the dragon (though breath weapons use the same DC, but the types vary as noted
it can attempt normal overrun or grapple attacks against larger in the variety descriptions.
opponents). Breath weapons come in two basic shapes, line and
A crush attack affects as many creatures as can fit under the cone, whose areas vary with the dragon’s size.
dragon’s body (see Table: Dragon Face and Reach above).
Creatures in the affected area must succeed at a Reflex save Dragon Breath Weapons
against a DC equal to that of the dragon’s breath weapon or be
pinned, automatically taking bludgeoning damage during the Line* Cone**
next round unless the dragon moves off them. If the dragon Dragon Size (Length) (Length)
chooses to maintain the pin, treat it as a normal grapple attack. Tiny 30 ft. 15 ft.
Pinned opponents take crush damage each round if they don’t Small 40 ft. 20 ft.
escape. Medium-size 60 ft. 30 ft.
A crush attack deals the listed damage plus 1 1/2 Large 80 ft. 40 ft.
times the dragon’s Strength bonus (round down). Huge 100 ft. 50 ft.
Tail Sweep: A dragon of at least Gargantuan size can sweep Gargantuan 120 ft. 60 ft.
with its tail as a standard action. The sweep affects a half Colossal 140 ft. 70 ft.
circle with a diameter of 30 feet, centered on the dragon’s rear.
A Colossal dragon’s tail sweep has a 40-foot radius. Creatures *A line is always 5 feet high and 5 feet wide.
within the swept area are affected if they are four or more **A cone is as high and wide as its length.
sizes smaller than the dragon. The sweep automatically deals
the listed damage plus 1 1/2 times the dragon’s Strength bonus Frightful Presence (Ex): A young adult or older dragon can
(round down). Affected creatures can attempt Reflex saves to unsettle foes with its mere presence. The ability takes effect
take half damage, against a DC equal to that of the dragon’s automatically whenever the dragon attacks, charges, or flies
breath weapon. overhead. Creatures within a radius of 30 feet x the dragon’s
Grappling: Dragons do not favor grapple attacks, though their age category are subject to the effect if they have fewer HD
crush attack and Snatch feat (see the descriptions of feats) use than the dragon.
normal grapple rules. A potentially affected creature that succeeds at a Will
If grappled by a creature the same size or larger, a save (DC 10 + 1/2 dragon’s HD + dragon’s Charisma
dragon can return the attack with its bite and all four legs (the

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Bestiary Nefarious
modifier) remains immune to that dragon’s frightful presence Flyby Attack
for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD Hover: When flying, a dragon can halt its forward motion and
become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD hover in place, fly straight down, or fly straight up regardless
become shaken for 4d6 rounds. Dragons ignore the frightful of its maneuverability. While hovering, it can attack with its
presence of other dragons. bite and all four feet (its hind feet deal claw damage) and can
Spells: A dragon knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer make tail slap attacks if normally allowed to do so. If it can
of the level indicated in its variety description, gaining bonus make a tail sweep, it can do so while hovering but can make
spells for a high Charisma score. Some dragons can also cast no other attacks. A hovering dragon cannot make wing
spells from the cleric list or cleric domains as arcane spells. attacks. It can use its breath weapon instead of making
Spell-Like Abilities: A dragon’s spell-like abilities depend on physical attacks. If a dragon hovers close to the ground in an
its age and variety. It gains the abilities listed for its age plus area with lots of loose debris, the draft from its wings creates a
all previous ones, using its age category or its sorcerer caster hemispherical cloud with a radius of 30 feet x the dragon’s age
level, whichever is higher, as the caster level. The save DC is category. The winds so generated can snuff torches, small
10 + dragon’s Charisma modifier + spell level. All spell-like campfires, exposed lanterns, and other small, open flames of
abilities are usable once per day unless otherwise specified. nonmagical origin. The cloud obscures vision, and creatures
Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and caught within are blinded while inside and for 1 round after
paralysis effects. Each variety of dragon is immune to one or emerging. Those caught in the cloud must succeed at a
two additional forms of attack no matter what its age, as listed Concentration check (DC 10 + 1/2 dragon’s HD) to cast a
in its description. spell.
Spell Resistance (Ex): As dragons age, they become more Quicken Spell-Like Ability: The dragon can use one of its
resistant to spells and spell-like abilities, as listed in the spell-like abilities each round as a free action.
variety descriptions. Snatch: A dragon that hits with a claw or bite attack attempts
Blindsight (Ex): A dragon can ascertain creatures by to start a grapple as though it had the improved grab special
nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by attack. If the dragon gets a hold with a claw on a creature four
noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range or more sizes smaller, it squeezes each round for automatic
of 30 feet x the dragon’s age category. claw damage. If it gets a hold with its bite on a creature three
Keen Senses (Ex): A dragon sees four times as well a human or more sizes smaller, it automatically deals bite damage each
in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It round, or if it does not move and takes no other action in
also has darkvision with a range of 100 feet x the dragon’s age combat, it deals double bite damage to the snatched creature.
category. A snatched creature gets no saving throw against the dragon’s
Skills: All dragons start with 6 skill points per Hit Die, plus breath weapon. The dragon can drop a creature it has snatched
bonus points equal to Intelligence modifier x HD, and as a free action or use a standard action to fling it aside. A
purchase the following skills at 1 rank per Hit Die: Listen, flung creature travels 10 feet, and takes 1d6 points of damage,
Spot, and Search. The remaining skill points are generally per age category of the dragon. If the dragon flings it while
spent on Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, flying, the creature suffers this amount or falling damage,
Knowledge (any), and Scry at a cost of 1 skill point per rank. whichever is greater.
Dragons cannot purchase skills that are exclusive to a class. Wingover: A flying dragon can change direction quickly once
Dragons that can cast spells have the Spellcraft skill for free at each round. This feat allows it to turn up to 180 degrees
1 rank per Hit Die, provided they have an Intelligence bonus regardless of its maneuverability, in addition to any other turns
of at least +1 (Intelligence score 12+). it is normally allowed. A dragon cannot gain altitude during
Red, copper, gold, and silver dragons have the Jump skill for the round it executes a wingover, but it can dive.
free at 1 rank per Hit Die.
Feats: All dragons have one feat, plus an additional feat per 4 Dragon Overland Movement
HD. Dragons favor Alertness, Cleave (claw or tail slap attacks Dragons are exceedingly strong flyers and can cover vast
only), Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Sunder, Weapon distances quickly.
Focus (claw or bite), and any metamagic feat that is available
and useful to sorcerers. Dragons can also choose from the
following feats:

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Flight Speed 100 feet 150 feet 200 feet 250 feet

One Hour
Normal 15 miles 20 miles 30 miles 40 miles
Hustle 24 miles 40 miles 60 miles 80 miles
One Day
Normal 120 miles 160 miles 240 miles 320 miles
Adult +1,800 gp +0 12
Dragons do not tire as quickly as other creatures when moving Mature Adult +2,400 gp +1 14
overland. If a dragon attempts a hustle or forced march, check Old +3,000 gp +2 16
for nonlethal damage once every 2 hours instead of every Very Old +3,600 gp +3 18
hour. Ancient +4,200 gp +4 20
Wyrm +4,800 gp +5 22
Dragonhide (variant rules) Great Wyrm +5,400 gp +6 24
Armorsmiths can work with dragon hides to produce
masterwork armor or shields for the normal cost. One dragon
produces enough hide for a single suit of masterwork hide
armor for a creature up to one size smaller than the dragon. By
selecting only choice scales and bits of hide, an armorsmith
can produce one suit of masterwork scale mail for a creature
up to two sizes smaller, one suit of masterwork half-plate for a
creature three sizes smaller, or one masterwork breastplate or
suit of full plate for a creature four sizes smaller. In each case,
there is enough hide to produce a small or large masterwork
shield in addition to the armor, provided that the dragon is of
at least Large size.
Dragonhide is tougher than most normal armors, and
usually grants a better armor bonus than regular armors made
from lesser materials. Dragon armor provides a +1 Armor
Bonus for each age category past Adult of the dragon it came
from, above and beyond the normal armor bonus the type of
armor it is crafted into should have. Likewise, medium and
heavy armors grants 2 points of energy resistance per age
categories of the dragon, as shown below:

Dragon Resistance
Air Sonic 2
Earth Acid 2
Fire Fire 2
Radiant Lightning 2
Shadow Negative 2
Water Cold 2

Purchasing Dragonhide
Dragonhide is treated as masterwork armor for
calculating base cost. There is an additional cost associated
with the armor based on the age category of the dragon, as
shown below.

Age Add’l Cost AC Resist

Wyrmling +300 gp +0 2
Very Young +600 gp +0 4
Young +900 gp +0 6
Juvenile +1,200 gp +0 8
Young Adult +1,500 gp +0 10

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Imperial Dragon the advanced ages, the copper frill slowly turns a platinum
Dragon (Air) color.
Climate/Terrain: Any Combat
Organization: Wyrmling, very young, young, juvenile, and Imperial dragons rarely fight directly, and often cloak
young adult: solitary or clutch (2-5); adult, mature adult, old, their attacks in storms that disguise their real nature. If
very old, ancient, wyrm, or great wyrm: solitary, pair, family taunted or forced by an attacker to descend to the mortal
(1-2 adult+ and 2-5 offspring) or tribe (1 ancient+, 2-15 adult+ realm, most imperial dragons engage their enemy with tooth
and 0-30 offspring) and claw, and quite often gather an opponent into their mighty
Challenge Ratings: coils and breath on the helpless foe.
Treasure: Double Standard Breath Weapon (Su): Imperial dragons breathe a line of
Alignment: Lawful Good lightning 120 feet long and 5 feet wide. Half of the damage
Advancement: Wyrmling 6-8 HD, Very Young 10-11 HD, from their breath weapon is lightning, the other half is holy
Young 13-14 HD, Juvenile 16-17 HD, Young Adult 19-21 damage.
HD, Adult 23-24 HD, Mature Adult 26-27 HD, Old 29-30 Spell-Like abilities (Sp): Wyrmling – Water Breathing at
HD, Very Old 32-33 HD, Ancient 35-36 HD, Wyrm 38-39 will; Young – Polymorph 3x/day; Juvenile – Call Lightning
HD, Great Wyrm 41+ HD. 2x/day; Adult – Minor Globe of Invulnerability 1x/day; Old –
Imperial dragons have more in common with the Wind Wall 1x/day; Ancient – Control Weather 1x/day; Great
oriental dragons of legend than western dragons. They have Wyrm – Storm of Vengeance 1x/day.
long, sinuous bodies with wisps of lightning-like fins that act Skills: Diplomacy, Knowledge (Nobility) and Swim are
as wings. Their heads are somewhat bulbous and lion-like, considered class skills for Imperial dragons.
and they are masters of the elements. An imperial dragon has
five claws on each of its six limbs, and has a magnificent pearl Imperial Dragons on Amberos
embedded in its forehead. The value and luster of the gem Imperial dragons are protectors of the eastern realms
vary, and their worth are features of the dragon’s status among of Amberos, with a large number found in Spi Dak Su, Randu,
its own kind. the Skienlands and the Emerald Empire of distant Aur-Seth.
It should be noted that rarely an imperial dragon can In ancient days, it was the Imperial dragons who
be found with a black pearl embedded in its forehead. Such founded the ideals of the draconic federation on Amberos.
dragons are Chaotic Evil creatures, who have been cast out of However, as the First Dragon War approached, many of the
the celestial dragon’s organization. western dragons came to spurn the federation and returned to
Imperial dragons have green body, a red dorsal spine their individualistic or tribal ways. On the other hand, the
and golden colored wisps. They have a copper-colored frill imperial and Nippon dragons had been working together for so
about their neck that looks very similar to a lion’s mane. As long that these dragons permanently set up their own
the dragon ages, the coloration takes on a gem-like sheen until bureaucracy and government. In the oriental lands of the
in the advanced ages (Very Old and older) they seem to be north (and as far south as Spi Dak Su), the dragons have taken
carved from jade with a ruby dorsal spine and golden wisps. In on the mantle of protector of the earth, wind and water.

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Age Size Hit Dice (hp) AC Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
Wyrmling M 5d12 + 10 (42 hp) 19 (+5 natural, +4 Dex) touch 14, flat 15 15 19 15 14 15 14
Very Young L 9d12 + 27 (85 hp) 20 (+8 natural, -1 size, +3 Dex), touch 12, flat 17 21 17 17 16 17 16
Young L 12d12 + 36 (114 hp) 23 (+11 natural, -1 size, +3 Dex), touch 12, flat 20 25 17 17 16 17 16
Juvenile L 14d12 + 56 (147 hp) 26 (+14 natural, -1 size, +3 Dex), touch 12, flat 23 29 17 19 18 19 18
Young Adult H 18d12 + 90 (207 hp) 27 (+17 natural, -2 size, +2 Dex), touch 10, flat 25 31 15 21 18 19 18
Adult H 22d12 + 110 (253 hp) 30 (+20 natural, -2 size, +2 Dex), touch 10, flat 28 33 15 21 20 21 20
Mature Adult H 25d12 + 150 (312 hp) 33 (+23 natural, -2 size, +2 Dex), touch 10, flat 31 33 15 23 20 21 20
Old G 28d12 + 196 (378 hp) 33 (+26 natural, -4 size, +1 Dex), touch 7, flat 32 35 13 25 24 25 24
Very Old G 31d12 + 248 (449 hp) 36 (+29 natural, -4 size, +1 Dex), touch 7, flat 35 37 13 27 26 27 26
Ancient G 34d12 + 306 (527 hp) 39 (+32 natural, -4 size, +1 Dex), touch 7, flat 38 39 13 29 28 29 28
Wyrm G 37d12 + 370 (610 hp) 42 (+35 natural, -4 size, +1 Dex), touch 7, flat 41 41 13 31 30 31 30
Great Wyrm C 40d12 + 400 (660 hp) 40 (+38 natural, -8 size, +1 Dex), touch 3, flat 39 45 11 31 32 33 32

BAB / Breath
Grapple Attack Fort Ref Will Weapon Fear
Age Bonus Save Save Save (DC) DC SR
Wyrmling +5/+7 +7 +6 +4 +6 2d12 (16) -- --
Very Young +9/+18 +13 +9 +6 +9 4d12 (19) -- --
Young +12/+23 +18 +11 +8 +11 6d12 (21) -- --
Juvenile +14/+27 +22 +13 +9 +13 8d12 (23) -- --
Young Adult +18/+36 +26 +16 +11 +15 10d12 (25) 23 24
Adult +20/+39 +29 +17 +12 +17 12d12 (27) 25 26
Mature Adult +24/+43 +33 +20 +14 +19 14d12 (29) 27 28
Old +26/+52 +36 +22 +15 +22 16d12 (32) 30 31
Very Old +30/+55 +39 +25 +17 +25 18d12 (35) 33 34
Ancient +32/+58 +42 +27 +18 +27 20d12 (38) 36 37
Wyrm +36/+63 +47 +30 +20 +30 22d12 (40) 38 39
Great Wyrm +38/+71 +47 +31 +21 +32 24d12 (42) 40 41

Caster CR
Age Speed Special Abilities Level
Wyrmling 40 feet (8 squares), fly 150 ft. (poor) Water breathing -- 3
Very Young 40 feet (8 squares), fly 150 ft. (poor) 1st 5
Young 40 feet (8 squares), fly 150 ft. (poor) Polymorph Self 3rd 8
Juvenile 40 feet (8 squares), fly 150 ft. (poor) Call Lightning 5th 11
Young Adult 40 feet (8 squares), fly 150 ft. (poor) DR 5/magic +1 7th 14
Adult 40 feet (8 squares), fly 150 ft. (poor) Minor Globe of Invulnerability 9th 15
Mature Adult 40 feet (8 squares), fly 150 ft. (poor) DR 10/magic +2 12th 19
Old 40 feet (8 squares), fly 200 ft. (clumsy) Wind wall 15th 22
Very Old 40 feet (8 squares), fly 200 ft. (clumsy) DR 15/+3 17th 23
Ancient 40 feet (8 squares), fly 200 ft. (clumsy) Control Weather 19th 25
Wyrm 40 feet (8 squares), fly 200 ft. (clumsy) DR 20/+4 21st 27
Great Wyrm 40 feet (8 squares), fly 200 ft. (clumsy) Storm of Vengeance 23rd 29

Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Law, Protection and Weather domains as arcane spells

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Nippon Dragon mottle the dragon’s hide until at Great Wyrm status they are
Dragon (Water) nearly pure white.
Climate/Terrain: Any Combat
Organization: Wyrmling, very young, young, juvenile, and Imperial dragons rarely fight directly, and often cloak
young adult: solitary or clutch (2-5); adult, mature adult, old, their attacks in storms that disguise their real nature. If
very old, ancient, wyrm, or great wyrm: solitary, pair, family taunted or forced by an attacker to descend to the mortal
(1-2 adult+ and 2-5 offspring) or tribe (1 ancient+, 2-15 adult+ realm, most imperial dragons engage their enemy with tooth
and 0-30 offspring) and claw, and quite often gather an opponent into their mighty
Challenge Ratings: coils and breath on the helpless foe.
Treasure: Double Standard Breath Weapon (Su): Nippon dragons breath a line of steam
Alignment: Lawful Neutral 120 feet long and 5 feet wide. Half of the damage from their
Advancement: Wyrmling 4 HD; Young 8 HD; Juvenile 10 breath weapon is fire, the other half is lawful damage.
HD; Young Adult 12 HD; Adult 14 HD; Mature Adult 16 HD; Spell-Like abilities (Sp): Wyrmling – Water Breathing at
Old 18 HD; Very Old 20 HD; Ancient 22 HD; Wyrm 24 HD; will, Very Young – Monster Summoning I (aquatic only)
Great Wyrm 26+ HD 3x/day, Juvenile – Monster Summoning II (aquatic only)
Like imperial dragons, Nippon dragons have more in 3x/day, Adult – Polymorph 3x/day, Monster Summoning III
common with the oriental dragons than western dragons. (aquatic only) 3x/day, Old – Monster Summoning IV (aquatic
They have long, sinuous bodies with wisps of lightning-like only) 3x/day, Very Old – Monster Summoning V (aquatic
fins that act as wings. Their heads are somewhat bulbous and only) 3x/day, Ancient – Monster Summoning VI (aquatic only)
lion-like, and they are masters of the elements. A Nippon 3x/day, Wyrm – Monster Summoning VII (aquatic only)
dragon can be easily distinguished from an imperial dragon by 3x/day, Great Wyrm – Monster Summoning VIII (aquatic
the fact that it has three claws instead of five, and does not only) 3x/day, Control Weather at will
have a pearl embedded in its forehead. Skills: Diplomacy, Spellcraft and Swim are considered class
Among some Nippon dragons, individuals can be skills for Nippon Dragons.
found whom only have stubs of their wing fins and cannot fly.
These dragons are Chaotic and usually evil, and have been Nippon Dragons on Amberos
cast out of the celestial draconic bureaucracy for evil actions The Nippon dragons are natives of Spi Dak Su and
or lack of ability. the Emerald Empire of distant Aur-Seth. In the bureaucracy
Nippon dragons tend towards blue and bluish-green created by the Imperial dragons, Nippon dragons are the
colorations, with younger dragons coloration matching the sea “Common” laborers tasked with enforcing the Celestial
and becoming bluer until at Old age they become a sapphire Bureaucracy. They often work in concert with Belli and
blue. At even older stages, white, cloud-like streaks begin to Vermnia to ensure that “nature” is working correctly.

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Age Size Hit Dice (hp) AC Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
Wyrmling S 3d12+3 (22 hp) 14 (+1 size, +3 natural) touch 11, flat 14 10 10 12 10 13 10
Very Young M 5d12+5 (37 hp) 14 (+4 natural) touch 10, flat 14 12 10 13 11 14 12
Young M 7d12+14 (59 hp) 15 (+5 natural) touch 10, flat 15 14 10 14 12 15 14
Juvenile L 9d12+18 (76 hp) 15 (-1 size, +6 natural) touch 9, flat 15 16 10 15 13 16 16
Young Adult L 11d12+33 (104 hp) 16 (-1 size, +7 natural) touch 9, flat 16 18 10 16 14 17 18
Adult L 13d12+39 (123 hp) 18 (-1 size, +9 natural) touch 9, flat 18 20 10 17 16 18 20
Mature Adult H 15d12+60 (157 hp) 19 (-2 size, +11 natural) touch 8, flat 19 22 10 19 18 19 22
Old H 17d12+85 (195 hp) 21 (-2 size, +13 natural) touch 8, flat 21 24 10 21 20 20 24
Very Old H 19d12+114 (237 hp) 23 (-2 size, +15 natural) touch 8, flat 23 26 10 23 22 22 26
Ancient G 21d12+147 (283 hp) 22 (-4 size, +16 natural) touch 6, flat 22 28 10 25 24 24 28
Wyrm G 23d12+184 (333 hp) 24 (-4 size, +18 natural) touch 6, flat 24 30 10 27 26 26 30
Great Wyrm G 25d12+225 (387 hp) 26 (-4 size, +20 natural) touch 6, flat 26 32 10 29 28 28 32

BAB / Attack Fort Ref Will Breath Weapon Fear

Age Grapple Bonus Save Save Save (DC) DC SR
Wyrmling +3/+0 +4 +4 +3 +4 1d10 (DC 12) -- --
Very Young +5/+6 +6 +5 +4 +6 2d10 (DC 13) -- 13
Young +7/+9 +9 +7 +5 +7 4d10 (DC 15) -- 15
Juvenile +9/+16 +11 +8 +6 +9 5d10 (DC 16) -- 17
Young Adult +11/+19 +14 +10 +7 +10 7d10 (DC 18) 19 19
Adult +13/+22 +17 +11 +8 +12 8d10 (DC 19) 21 21
Mature Adult +15/+29 +19 +13 +9 +13 10d10 (DC 21) 23 23
Old +17/+32 +22 +15 +10 +15 11d10 (DC 23) 25 25
Very Old +19/+35 +25 +17 +11 +17 13d10 (DC 25) 27 27
Ancient +21/+42 +26 +19 +12 +19 14d10 (DC 27) 29 29
Wyrm +23/+45 +29 +21 +13 +21 16d10 (DC 29) 31 31
Great Wyrm +25/+48 +32 +23 +14 +23 17d10 33 33

Caster CR
Age Speed Special Abilities Level
Wyrmling 20 ft (4 squares), fly 50 ft (good) (10 squares) Water Breathing -- 2
Very Young 30 ft (4 squares), fly 70 ft. (good) (14 squares) Monster Summoning I 1st 4
Young 30 ft (4 squares), fly 70 ft. (good) (14 squares) 2nd 5
Juvenile 30 ft (4 squares), fly 90 ft. (good) (18 squares) Monster Summoning II 3rd 6
Young Adult 30 ft (4 squares), fly 90 ft. (good) (18 squares) DR 5/magic +1 5th 7
Adult 30 ft (4 squares), fly 90 ft. (good) (18 squares) Polymorph, Monster Summoning III 7th 9
Mature Adult 40 ft (4 squares), fly 90 ft. (good) (18 squares) 9th 10
Old 40 ft (4 squares), fly 90 ft. (good) (18 squares) DR 10/magic +2, Monster Summoning IV 12th 13
Very Old 40 ft (4 squares), fly 90 ft. (good) (18 squares) Monster Summoning V 15th 16
Ancient 40 ft (4 squares), fly 90 ft. (good) (18 squares) Monster Summoning VI 17th 19
Wyrm 40 ft (4 squares), fly 90 ft. (good) (18 squares) DR 15/magic +3, Monster Summoning VII 19th 21
Great Wyrm 40 ft (4 squares), fly 90 ft. (good) (18 squares) Control Weather, Monster Summoning VIII 21st 23

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Randese Dragon combat, giving time for the poison to take effect before
Dragon (Earth) returning to fight.
Climate/Terrain: Any If faced with a challenging foe however, the dragon
Organization: Wyrmling, very young, young, juvenile, and will strike with awesome and deadly force, attempting to
young adult: solitary or clutch (2-5); adult, mature adult, old, eliminate the threat as quickly as possible. Once in control of
very old, ancient, wyrm, or great wyrm: solitary, pair, family the combat, they are much likely to slow the pace of the attack
(1-2 adult+ and 2-5 offspring) or tribe (1 ancient+, 2-15 adult+ to make the survivors lingers before their death.
and 0-30 offspring)
Challenge Ratings: Breath Weapon (Su): Randese dragons spit a black caustic
Treasure: Double Standard bile in a line 90 feet long and 5 feet wide. Not only does the
Alignment: Neutral Evil bile deal acid damage, it also is a contact poison.
Advancement: Very young 4 HD; Juvenile 7 HD; Adult 10 Poison Claws (Su): A Randese dragon’s claws drip with a
HD; Old 13 HD; Ancient 16 HD; Great Wyrm 19+ HD deadly supernatural contact poison. Those struck by the claws
Randese dragon wyrmlings tend towards a dark are also subject to being poisoned. Type: contact; Fort DC ½
earthy color with black claws and muzzle. As the dragon HD + Con modifier; Init: 1d6 Con, Sec: 1d6 Con
ages, they take on a red sheen, until by the time they reach Spell-Like abilities (Sp): Young – Poison 1x/day, Adult –
Wyrm stage they look as if they have been dipped in blood. True Seeing 1x/day, Very Old – Nightmare 1x/day, Great
Randese dragons have long, slim bodies, with many bony Wyrm – Blasphemy 1x/day.
protrusions at the joints and a ring of horn-like barbs about the Skills: Climb, Hide and Intimidate are considered class skills
frill of the neck. for Randese Dragons

Combat Randese Dragons on Amberos

Randese dragons are cruel in combat and prefer to Randese dragons are thought to be the direct spawn
make the agony of their opponent last as long as possible. of Guaradrell, the greatest of dragons on Amberos. Like their
They are fond of poisoning opponents and backing off from supposed forbearer, they are cruel and greedy, laying waste to
the surrounding lands in their quest for treasure and wealth.

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Age Size Hit Dice (hp) AC Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
Wyrmling S 2d12 (13 hp) 12 (+1 size, +1 natural) touch 11, flat 12 8 10 10 11 13 10
Very Young M 3d12 (19 hp) 12 (+2 natural) touch 10, flat 12 9 10 11 12 15 11
Young M 5d12+5 (37 hp) 13 (+3 natural) touch 10, flat 13 10 10 12 13 17 12
Juvenile M 6d12+12 (51 hp) 15 (+5 natural) touch 10, flat 15 12 10 14 14 19 14
Young Adult L 8d12+24 (76 hp) 16 (-1 size, +7 natural) touch 9, flat 16 14 10 16 15 21 16
Adult L 9d12+36 (94 hp) 18 (-1 size, +9 natural) touch 9, flat 18 16 10 18 16 23 18
Mature Adult L 11d12+55 (126 hp) 20 (-1 size, +11 natural) touch 9, flat 20 18 10 20 17 25 20
Old H 12d12+72 (150 hp) 21 (-2 size, +13 natural) touch 8, flat 21 20 10 22 18 27 22
Very Old H 14d12+91 (182 hp) 23 (-2 size, +15 natural) touch 8, flat 23 22 10 24 19 29 24
Ancient G 15d12+120 (217 hp) 23 (-4 size, +17 natural) touch 6, flat 23 24 10 26 20 31 26
Wyrm G 17d12+153 (263 hp) 25 (-4 size, +19 natural) touch 6, flat 25 26 10 28 21 33 28
Great Wyrm C 18d12+180 (297 hp) 23 (-8 size, +21 natural) touch 2, flat 23 28 10 30 22 35 30

Breath CR
Attack Fort Ref Will Weapon Fear Caster
Age Bonus Save Save Save (DC) DC SR Level
Wyrmling +2 +3 +3 +4 2d4 (11) -- -- -- 2
Very Young +2 +3 +3 +5 3d4 (11) -- -- -- 2
Young +5 +5 +4 +7 4d4 (13) -- -- -- 3
Juvenile +7 +7 +5 +9 6d4 (15) -- -- -- 3
Young Adult +9 +9 +6 +11 8d4 (17) 17 17 -- 5
Adult +11 +10 +6 +12 10d4 (18) 18 18 1st 6
Mature Adult +14 +12 +7 +14 12d4 (20) 20 20 3rd 7
Old +15 +14 +8 +16 14d4 (22) 22 22 5th 8
Very Old +18 +16 +9 +18 16d4 (24) 24 24 7th 10
Ancient +18 +17 +9 +19 18d4 (25) 25 25 9th 11
Wyrm +21 +19 +10 +21 20d4 (27) 27 27 11th 12
Great Wyrm +19 +21 +11 +23 22d4 (29) 29 29 13th 14

Age Speed Special Abilities

Wyrmling 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 80 ft. (good) Poison claws
Very Young 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 80 ft. (good)
Young 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 80 ft. (good) Poison
Juvenile 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 80 ft. (good) DR 5/magic +1
Young Adult 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 100 ft. (average)
Adult 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 100 ft. (average) True seeing
Mature Adult 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 100 ft. (average) DR 10/magic +2
Old 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 100 ft. (average)
Very Old 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 150 ft. (average) Nightmare
Ancient 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 150 ft. (average) DR 15/magic +3
Wyrm 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 150 ft. (average)
Great Wyrm 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 200 ft. (average) Blasphemy

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Skierian Dragon
Dragon (Water) Combat
Climate/Terrain: Any Skierian dragons prefer to strike from ambush and
Organization: Wyrmling, very young, young, juvenile, and with overwhelming force. They care little about attempting to
young adult: solitary or clutch (2-5); adult, mature adult, old, minimize damage to potential treasure, and have been known
very old, ancient, wyrm, or great wyrm: solitary, pair, family to abscond with interesting individuals to interrogate them
(1-2 adult+ and 2-5 offspring) or tribe (1 ancient+, 2-15 adult+ before becoming bored with such individuals and devouring
and 0-30 offspring) them. They rarely, if ever, ransom any being they take
Challenge Ratings: prisoner.
Treasure: Double Standard Breath Weapon (Su): The Skierian Dragon breathes a cloud
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral of green vapors that not only deals damage, but infects the
Advancement: Wyrmling 5-6 HD; Very Young 8-9 HD, victim with a rotting disease.
Young 11-12 HD; Juvenile 14-15 HD; Young Adult 17-18 Spell-Like abilities (Sp): Adult – Charm Person 3x/day, Old
HD; Adult 20 HD; Mature Adult 22-23 HD; Old 25-26 HD; – Hallucinatory Terrain 1x/day; Ancient – Dominate Monster
Very old 28-29 HD; Ancient 31-32 HD; Wyrm 34 HD; Great 1x/day; Great Wyrm – Control Weather 1x/day.
Wyrm 36+ HD Skills: Appraise, Hide and Sense Motive are considered class
Skierian dragons can be cunning, but tend towards an evil skills for Skierian dragons.
alignment. Their coloration allows them to blend into the
junglescapes of the Skienlands, and they often take residence Skierian Dragons on Amberos
in ancient ruins that dot the land. Skierian dragons are offshoots of Nippon and
Skierian dragons tend towards greens, being a grassy Randese dragons, a breed that developed before the Nippon
green at younger stages and taking on a gem-like sheen as they moved north to start the celestial bureaucracy.
age, until in the old stages their very skins seems to be made
of emeralds.

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Age Size Hit Dice (hp) AC Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
Wyrmling S 4d12+4 (30 hp) 14 (+1 size, +3 natural), touch 11, flat 14 10 19 13 10 11 10
Very Young M 7d12+14 (59 hp) 16 (+6 natural), touch 10, flat 16 12 18 15 11 13 10
Young M 10d12+20 (85 hp) 19 (+9 natural), touch 10, flat 19 14 17 15 12 15 12
Juvenile M 13d12+39 (123 hp) 22 (+12 natural), touch 10, flat 22 16 16 17 13 17 12
Young Adult L 16d12+64 (168 hp) 24 (-1 size, +15 natural), touch 9, flat 24 18 15 19 14 19 14
Adult L 19d12+95 (218 hp) 27 (-1 size, +18 natural), touch 9, flat 27 21 14 21 15 21 14
Mature Adult L 21d12+105 (241 hp) 30 (-1 size, +21 natural), touch 9, flat 30 24 13 21 16 23 16
Old H 24d12+144 (300 hp) 32 (-2 size, +24 natural), touch 8, flat 32 27 12 23 17 25 16
Very Old H 27d12+162 (337 hp) 35 (-2 size, +27 natural), touch 8, flat 35 30 11 23 18 27 18
Ancient H 30d12+210 (405 hp) 38 (-2 size, +30 natural), touch 8, flat 38 33 10 25 19 29 20
Wyrm G 33d12+264 (478 hp) 39 (-4 size, +33 natural), touch 6, flat 39 36 9 27 20 31 22
Great Wyrm G 35d12+280 (507 hp) 42 (-4 size, +36 natural), touch 6, flat 42 39 8 27 22 33 24

Breath CR
Attack Fort Ref Will Weapon Fear Caster
Age Bonus Save Save Save (DC) DC SR Level
Wyrmling +4 +5 +8 +4 2d6 (13) -- -- -- 2
Very Young +8 +7 +9 +6 4d6 (15) -- -- -- 4
Young +12 +9 +10 +9 6d6 (17) -- -- -- 5
Juvenile +16 +11 +11 +11 8d6 (19) -- -- 1st 7
Young Adult +20 +14 +12 +14 10d6 (22) 20 3rd 8
Adult +24 +16 +13 +16 12d6 (24) 21 5th 9
Mature Adult +28 +18 +14 +19 14d6 (25) 23 7th 10
Old +32 +20 +15 +21 16d6 (28) 25 9th 12
Very Old +37 +22 +16 +24 18d6 (29) 27 11th 14
Ancient +41 +24 +17 +26 20d6 (33) 30 13th 16
Wyrm +46 +27 +18 +29 22d6 (34) 32 15th 18
Great Wyrm +49 +28 +19 +31 24d6 (35) 34 17th 21

Age Speed Special Abilities

Wyrmling 50 ft., fly 100 ft. (average) Immune to disease
Very Young 50 ft., fly 150 ft. (average)
Young 50 ft., fly 150 ft. (average)
Juvenile 50 ft., fly 150 ft. (average) Immunity to acid
Young Adult 50 ft., fly 150 ft. (average) DR 5/magic +1
Adult 50 ft., fly 150 ft. (average) Charm Person
Mature Adult 50 ft., fly 150 ft. (average) DR 10/magic +2
Old 50 ft., fly 150 ft. (average) Hallucinatory Terrain
Very Old 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor) DR 15/magic +3
Ancient 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor) Dominate Monster
Wyrm 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor) DR 20/magic +5
Great Wyrm 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy) Control Weather

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Vegan Dragon
Dragon (Earth) Combat
Climate/Terrain: Any Vegan dragons generally breathe first and then rush
Organization: Wyrmling, very young, young, juvenile, and directly into melee. They prefer to fight on the ground, and
young adult: solitary or clutch (2-5); adult, mature adult, old, have been known to squeeze into tight areas to pursue prey or
very old, ancient, wyrm, or great wyrm: solitary, pair, family lose larger attackers.
(1-2 adult+ and 2-5 offspring) or tribe (1 ancient+, 2-15 adult+ If badly injured, they will often move out of melee
and 0-30 offspring) range and attack with breath and fly-by attacks. Vegan
Challenge Ratings: dragons rarely use combat spells, including bluff spells, and
Treasure: Double Standard tend to use any spells they have learned for utility purposes,
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral such as managing their lair or detecting/keeping out intruders.
Advancement: Wyrmling 3 HD; Very Young 5 HD; Young 7
HD; Juvenile 9 HD; Young Adult 11 HD; Adult 13 HD; Breath Weapon (Su): The Vegan dragon breathes a cloud of
Mature Adult 15 HD; Old 17 HD; Very Old 19 HD; Ancient acidic vapors that deals acid damage.
21 HD; Wyrm 23 HD; Great Wyrm 25+ HD Spell-Like abilities (Sp): Young Adult – Suggestion 3x/day;
Ancient – Locate Object 2x/day
Vegan dragons are generally poisonous to the Skills: Climb, Escape Artist and Jump are considered class
surrounding land, and usually seek little more than to increase skills for Vegan dragons.
their hoards of treasure by raiding the local countryside. Some
dragons have been known to terrorize villages for generations, Vegan Dragons on Amberos
forcing the nearby settlement to give it food, gold or even Sometimes referred to as brown dragons, these beasts
captives as the whim strikes it. are thought to be offspring of the great dragon Guaradrell that
As their nickname implies, Vegan dragons tend to be moved into areas of the western continent. They seem to be
a muddy or earthy brown in color, darkening as the dragon more common within the Crystalmires, but have been spotted
ages. in Misake and along the western coast.

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Age Size Hit Dice (hp) AC Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
Wyrmling S 2d12+2 (15 hp) 12 (+1 size, +1 natural) touch 11, flat 12 10 10 12 6 11 10
Very Young M 4d12+8 (44 hp) 13 (+3 natural) touch 10, flat 13 12 10 14 6 13 10
Young M 6d12+18 (57 hp) 15 (+5 natural) touch 10, flat 15 14 10 16 7 15 12
Juvenile L 8d12+32 (84 hp) 16 (-1 size, +7 natural) touch 9, flat 16 16 10 18 7 17 12
Young Adult L 10d12+50 (115 hp) 18 (-1 size, +9 natural) touch 9, flat 18 18 10 20 8 19 14
Adult L 12d12+72 (150 hp) 20 (-1 size, +11 natural) touch 9, flat 20 20 10 22 8 20 16
Mature Adult H 14d12+98 (189 hp) 21 (-2 size, +13 natural) touch 8, flat 21 22 10 24 9 21 18
Old H 16d12+128 (232 hp) 23 (-2 size, +15 natural) touch 8, flat 23 24 10 26 9 22 20
Very Old H 18d12+162 (279 hp) 25 (-2 size, +17 natural) touch 8, flat 25 26 10 28 10 23 22
Ancient H 20d12+200 (330 hp) 27 (-2 size, +19 natural) touch 8, flat 27 28 10 30 11 24 24
Wyrm G 22d12+242 (385 hp) 27 (-4 size, +21 natural) touch 6, flat 27 30 10 32 12 25 26
Great Wyrm G 24d12+288 (444 hp) 29 (-4 size, +23 natural) touch 6, flat 29 32 10 34 13 26 28

BAB / Breath CR
Grapple Attack Fort Ref Will Weapon Fear Caster
Age Bonus Save Save Save (DC) DC SR Level
Wyrmling +2/-1 +3 +4 +3 +3 1d8 (12) -- -- -- 2
Very Young +4/+5 +5 +6 +4 +5 2d8 (14) -- -- -- 3
Young +6/+8 +8 +8 +5 +7 3d8 (16) -- -- -- 3
Juvenile +8/+15 +10 +10 +6 +9 4d8 (18) -- -- -- 4
Young Adult +10/+18 +13 +12 +7 +11 5d8 (20) 17 -- -- 5
Adult +12/+21 +16 +14 +8 +13 6d8 (22) 19 19 -- 6
Mature Adult +14/+28 +18 +16 +9 +14 8d8 (24) 21 21 -- 7
Old +16/+31 +21 +18 +10 +16 10d8 (26) 23 23 -- 8
Very Old +18/+34 +24 +20 +11 +17 12d8 (28) 25 25 -- 10
Ancient +20/+36 +27 +22 +12 +19 14d8 (30) 27 27 1st 11
Wyrm +22/+44 +28 +24 +13 +20 16d8 (32) 29 29 3rd 12
Great Wyrm +24/+47 +31 +26 +14 +22 18d8 (34) 31 31 5th 15

e Speed Special Abilities
Wyrmling 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 100 ft. (good) Immune to Acid
Very Young 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 150 ft. (average)
Young 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 150 ft. (average)
Juvenile 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 150 ft. (average)
Young Adult 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 150 ft. (average) Suggestion
Adult 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 150 ft. (average) Immune to Fire, DR 5/magic +1
Mature Adult 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 200 ft. (poor)
Old 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 200 ft. (poor) DR 10/magic +2
Very Old 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 200 ft. (poor) Immune to Cold
Ancient 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 200 ft. (poor) Locate Object
Wyrm 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 200 ft. (poor) DR 15/magic +3
Great Wyrm 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 200 ft. (poor) Immune to Lightning

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Bestiary Nefarious
Western Dragon Western dragons can have wildly varying colorations,
Dragon (Fire) but tend towards greens, browns and gray colors.
Climate/Terrain: Any Combat
Organization: Wyrmling, very young, young, juvenile, and Western dragons will usually swoop down from the
young adult: solitary or clutch (2-5); adult, mature adult, old, sky to attack with a razing breath, landing to strike with claws
very old, ancient, wyrm, or great wyrm: solitary, pair, family and bite, burning everything as quickly as it can.
(1-2 adult+ and 2-5 offspring) or tribe (1 ancient+, 2-15 adult+ Breath Weapon (Su): The Western dragon breathes a cone
and 0-30 offspring) of fire.
Challenge Ratings: Skills: Climb, Bluff, Jump are considered class skills for
Treasure: Double Standard western dragons.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Advancement: Young Adult 6 HD; Adult 8 HD; Mature Western Dragons on Amberos
Adult 10 HD; Mature Adult 11 HD; Old 12 HD; Very Old 14 The centuries of dragons living in isolation and
HD; Ancient 16 HD; Wyrm 18 HD; Great Wyrm 20+ HD mixed breeding eventually spawned these beasts, who inhabit
Western dragons are feral offshoots of the chromatic the areas around the Crystalmire mountains, reaching as far
dragons. They are barely intelligent as compared to true south as the Southern Kingdom and extending north through
dragons. Western dragons normally reside in mountainous the Silkna Kingdom and east into the Golens. Western
areas, and will often fly down to lower elevations to attack and dragons are either ignored or scorned by true dragons, and no
raze the countryside in search of food. Western Dragon has ever been allowed beyond the walls of
Kill Kathon into the Dark Lands.

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Age Size Hit Dice (hp) AC Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
Wyrmling S 1d12 (6 hp) 12 (+1 size, +1 natural) touch 11, flat 12 8 10 10 3 10 8
Very Young S 2d12 (13 hp) 14 (+1 size, +3 natural) touch 11, flat 14 10 10 11 3 11 9
Young M 3d12+3 (22 hp) 15 (+5 natural) touch 10, flat 15 11 10 12 4 12 10
Juvenile M 4d12+4 (30 hp) 17 (+7 natural) touch 10, flat 17 12 10 13 4 14 11
Young Adult M 5d12+10 (42 hp) 19 (+9 natural) touch 10, flat 19 13 10 14 5 16 12
Adult L 7d12+21 (66 hp) 20 (-1 size, +11 natural) touch 9, flat 20 14 10 16 5 18 14
Mature Adult L 9d12+36 (94 hp) 22 (-1 size, +13 natural) touch 9, flat 22 16 10 18 6 20 16
Old L 11d12+55 (126 hp) 24 (-1 size, +15 natural) touch 9, flat 24 18 10 20 6 22 18
Very Old H 13d12+78 (162 hp) 25 (-2 size, +17 natural) touch 8, flat 25 20 10 22 7 24 20
Ancient H 15d12+105 (202 hp) 27 (-2 size, +19 natural) touch 8, flat 27 22 10 24 7 26 22
Wyrm H 17d12+136 (246 hp) 29 (-2 size, +21 natural) touch 8, flat 29 24 10 26 8 28 24
Great Wyrm G 19d12+171 (294 hp) 29 (-4 size, +23 natural) touch 6, flat 29 26 10 28 9 30 26

BAB / Breath CR
Grapple Attack Fort Ref Will Weapon Fear Caster
Age Bonus Save Save Save (DC) DC SR Level
Wyrmling +1/-3 +1 +2 +2 +2 2d4 (10) -- -- -- 1
Very Young +2/-1 +3 +3 +3 +3 3d4 (11) -- -- -- 2
Young +3/+3 +3 +4 +3 +4 4d4 (12) -- -- -- 2
Juvenile +4/+5 +5 +5 +4 +6 5d4 (13) -- -- -- 3
Young Adult +6/+6 +6 +6 +4 +7 6d4 (14) -- -- -- 3
Adult +7/+13 +8 +8 +5 +9 7d4 (16) 15 -- -- 4
Mature Adult +9/+16 +11 +10 +6 +11 8d4 (18) 17 -- -- 5
Old +11/+19 +14 +12 +7 +13 9d4 (20) 19 19 -- 6
Very Old +13/+22 +16 +14 +8 +15 10d4 (22) 21 21 -- 7
Ancient +15/+29 +19 +16 +9 +17 11d4 (24) 23 23 -- 8
Wyrm +17/+32 +22 +18 +10 +19 12d4 (26) 25 25 -- 10
Great Wyrm +19/+39 +23 +20 +11 +21 13d4 (28) 27 27 -- 12

Age Speed Special Abilities

Wyrmling 45 ft. (9 squares), fly 70 ft. (good)
Very Young 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 90 ft. (good)
Young 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 90 ft. (good)
Juvenile 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 90 ft. (good)
Young Adult 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 90 ft. (good) DR 5/magic +1
Adult 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 120 ft. (good)
Mature Adult 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 120 ft. (good) DR 10/magic +2
Old 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 120 ft. (good)
Very Old 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 150 ft. (average) DR 15/magic +3
Ancient 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 150 ft. (average)
Wyrm 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 150 ft. (average) DR 20/magic +5
Great Wyrm 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 200 ft. (poor) DR 25/epic +6

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Bestiary Nefarious
Drakkenwyrm Most drakkenwyrms have no treasure, as these
creatures do not lair in one area, roaming and causing
Huge Undead destruction wherever they go. Additionally, since
Hit Dice: 22d12 (143 hp) drakkenwyrms are made from the corpses of slain dragons,
Initiative: +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) few drakkenwyrms have access to their original treasure
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares) hoard, which was often looted at their death.
Armor Class: 35 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +26 natural), touch 9, Drakkenwyrms can understand and speak a limited
flat 34 form of draconic – usually to issue threats and curses to
BAB/Grapple: +11/+32 their enemy.
Attack: Bite +23 melee (2d6+13)
Full Attack: Bite +23 melee (2d6+13) and 2 claw +17 Combat
melee (1d8+6) and tail +17 melee (2d6+6) A drakkenwyrm normally enters combat by
Space/Reach: 15-ft./10 ft. rushing forth and breathing on its foes before engaging with
Length: 15 ft. + 1d6 ft. (18 ft.) tooth and claw. It uses it necromantic abilities to the best
Weight: 1,000 lbs. + 1d10 x 75 lbs. (1,375 lbs) effect, attempting to devour poor souls to fuel its foul
Special Att: Ability drain, breath weapon, swallow abilities. Luckily, drakkenwyrm rarely use tactics and are
whole unknown to set traps or otherwise prepare against attacks.
Special Qual: Blindsense, DR 10/magic +3, darkvision They will generally fight to the death, unafraid of their own
60 ft., resistance to energy, 20 spells-like destruction.
abilities, turn resistance +4, undead traits Ability Drain (Su): The claws, tail and bite of a
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +13 drakkenwyrm steal away 1d4 Con per hit (Fort DC 19). If
Abilities: S37 D13 C-- I6 W10 Ch17 an attack that causes ability drain scores a critical hit, it
Skills: Hide +8, Listen +12, Move Silently +11, drains twice the indicated amount (if the damage is
Spot +13 expressed as a die range, roll two dice). In return, the
Feats: Cleave, Improved Critical, Improved drakkenwyrm gains 5 temporary hit points (10 on a critical
Initiative, Improved Sunder, Improved hit) whenever it drains an ability score no matter how many
Trip, Power Attack, Track, Weapon Focus points it drains. Temporary hit points gained in this fashion
(Bite) last for a maximum of 1 hour.
Environment: Any land Breath Weapon (Su): A drakkenwyrm can spew a
Organization: Solitary necromantic line of blue-black energy that deals 12d10
CR: 21 negative energy to those caught in it. A Reflex DC 22
Treasure: None halves the damage taken.
Alignment: Always chaotic evil Swallow Whole (Ex): If a drakkenwyrm begins its turn
Advancement: 23-44 HD (Huge); 45-66 HD with a medium-sized or smaller opponent held in its mouth,
(Gargantuan) it can attempt a new grapple check (as though attempting to
Level Adj: - pin the opponent). If it succeeds, it swallows its prey, and
A slinking pile of dried, bone-white dragon the opponent takes bite damage and 2d6 negative energy
bones silently glides towards you, its eyes damage from the necromantic energy in its gullet. A
glowing with a hellish red glow. Black vapor swallowed creature is considered to be grappled, while the
seeps from the dragon's jaws and nostrils, creature that did the swallowing is not. A swallowed
disappearing into the aether around it. creature can try to cut its way free with any light slashing
It is unknown exactly what force brings the weapon by dealing 10 points of damage, or it can just try to
drakkenwyrm to life, but the result is a terrifying dragon escape the grapple. The body gullet of a drakkenwyrm is
revenant. Some adventurer tales speak of a freshly slain AC 37. If the swallowed creature escapes the grapple,
dragon's bones sliding from the corpse to form a success puts it back in the attacker’s mouth, where it may be
drakkenwyrm before astonished adventurer's very eyes, bitten or swallowed again. A drakkenwyrm’s gullet can hold
whereas other tales speak of a drakkenwyrm forming years one medium-sized, two small, four tiny, eight diminutive or
after the dragon's death. sixteen fine creatures.
Regardless of when or how they are formed, it is Resistance to Energy (Ex): Based on the original species
clear that a drakkenwyrm only results following the death of of dragon the drakkenwyrm comes from, it gains a 20 point
an adult-sized dragon or larger. Despite the original dragon's resistance to whatever energy type it was originally immune
alignment or color, the drakkenwyrm is hateful of all life to. The drakkenwyrm loses its former immunity in the
and possess abilities not normally seen in most dragons, passage to undeath.
including an unusual breath weapon. Spells-like Abilities (Sp): While the drakkenwyrm loses
Drakkenwyrms lose the draconic ability to fly and any spell-casting abilities in its passage into undeath, it
most of their spell-using abilities, but retain a remote shred retains any spell-like abilities that it possessed as a dragon.
of their former intelligence and personality - enough it Furthermore, it gains the following abilities: Cause fear – at
seems, to recognize those who slew it so long ago, but not will, Contagion – 1x/day, Bestow Curse – 1x/day, Blight –
enough to seek such individuals out. 1x/day, Ray of Enfeeblement – 3x/day. These abilities

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function at 11th level ability and have a save DC 13 + spell
level, where applicable.

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Dreamslayer dreamslayer almost always announces itself to its target;
only against a truly superior foe will a dreamslayer strike
Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar) entirely by surprise. If bested, dreamslayers will often slink
Hit Dice: 4d8+16 (34 hp) back and hide, coming forth later to destroy their hated foe.
Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex) The body of a slain dreamslayer vanishes, but any gear or
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares) items belonging to it are left behind; sometimes these items
Armor Class: 17 (+4 Dex, +3 natural), touch 14, flat 13 may actually belong to its “creator”.
BAB/Grapple: +4/+8 Fear Aura (Su): The use of this ability is a free action. The
Attack: Scimitar +8 melee (1d6+4;18-20/x2) aura affects those in a 30-foot radius who fail a DC 16 Will
Full Attack: Scimitar +8/+3 melee (1d6+4;18-20/x2) save, and causes the victim to become paralyzed with fear
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. for 1d4+1 rounds. A victim who makes the saving throw
Height: 5 ft. 6 in. + 2d4 in. (5 ft. 11 in.) cannot be affected for another day.
Weight: 25 + 1d4 x 10 lbs. (45 lbs.) Fast Healing (Ex): A dreamslayer regains 3 hit points per
Special Att: Fear aura round. Except where noted here, fast healing is just like
Special Qual: Darkvision 60ft., fast healing 3, outsider natural healing. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost
traits, resistance to energy, spells-like from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and it does not allow
abilities a creature to regrow lost body parts. Unless otherwise
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +8 stated, it does not allow lost body parts to be reattached.
Abilities: S19 D19 C19 I19 W19 Ch19 Resistance to Energy (Ex): A dreamslayer has acid, cold,
Skills: Balance +13, Bluff +11, Climb +11, fire, and electricity resistance 5.
Disguise +11, Escape Artist +13, Hide Spells-like Abilities (Sp): A dreamslayer can use the
+11, Intimidate +11, Jump +13, Listen following spell-like abilities: Disguise Self – 3x/day, Silent
+11, Sense Motive +11, Spot +11, Image – 3x/day, Blur 1x/day, Invisibility 1x/day, Locate
Tumble +13 Creature 1x/day. All abilities are at 4th level ability and
Feats: Acrobatic, Agile have a DC 16 + spell level.
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary Summon Dreamslayer
CR: 5
Conjuration (Calling) [Evil]
Treasure: Standard
Level: Asn 2, Brd 3, Blk 2, Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Alignment: Always neutral
Components: V, S, F, XP
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Medium); 9-12 HD (Large)
Casting Time: 8 hours
Level Adj: -
Range: Special
A stringy, black-skinned creature stands
Target: Special
before you, wisps of smoke seeming to
Duration: 1 day/level
vaporize off its very skin. Its yellow eyes gleam
Saving Throw: None
with a mirror-like quality and its overly large
Spell Resistance: No
hands hold a bloodstained scimitar at the
When this spell is cast, the caster falls into a deep
sleep for eight hours and dreams of an enemy. Upon
Dreamslayers are unusual creatures from the
completion of the spell, a dreamslayer is brought into being
nightmare realms of the dreamlands. They are the
which travels from the nightmare realm to the location of
unconscious desire of one person to kill another made flesh,
the victim. The victim may be an individual, a group or an
and travel deep from the dreaming lands to the prime to seek
organization. The dreamslayer immediately begins to stalk
out their target and kill them.
the victim, and will seek to destroy the victim before the
Dreamslayers always have a specific target in
spell duration expires. Once on the mortal plane, the
mind, and will relentlessly travel to the location of its target
dreamslayer is bound by its normal mode of movement to
and a strike to kill its hated foe. Some dreamslayers will
find and destroy its targets.
target specific individuals while others may target a group
If slain, the spell instantly ends and the victim loses
or even a large organization.
50 XP from the death of the dreamslayer.
Dreamslayers speak the language of its "creator",
Focus: A small effigy of the victim the spell is directed
and will often announce themselves before launching into
an attack. Though few dreamslayers will announce the name
of their "creator", many will often speak at length of the
"crimes" their victim has committed - offenses, in reality,
committed or believed to have been committed to its

Dreamslayers prefer to approach their targets in
such a way to lower the victim's defenses. However, a

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Dwelf Dwelf abilities (Ex): A dwelf has the following abilities:
• Immunity to sleep spells and similar magical
Medium Humanoid (Dwarf, Elf) effects, and a +2 racial bonus on saving throws
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp) against enchantment spells or effects.
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) • +1 racial bonus on saving throws against
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) poison.
Armor Class: 17 (+2 Dex, +4 chain shirt, +1 light • +1 racial bonus on saving throws against spells
wooden shield), touch 12, flat 15 and spell-like effects (but not on enchantment
BAB/Grapple: 0/+2 spells).
Attack: Longsword +2 melee (1d8+2;19-20/x2) • +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against orcs
Full Attack: Longsword +2 melee (1d8+2;19-20/x2) or and goblinoids.
shortbow +2 ranged (1d6;x3) • +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class against
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. monsters of the giant type. Any time a creature
Height: 5 ft. + 2d4 in. (5 ft. 5 in.) loses its Dexterity bonus (if any) to Armor Class,
Weight: 100 lbs. + 2d4 x 5 lbs. (125 lbs.) such as when it’s caught flat, it loses its dodge
Special Att: - bonus, too.
Special Qual: Dwelf abilities, low-light vision • +1 racial bonus on Appraise checks that are
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will -1 related to stone or metal items.
Abilities: S14 D15 C13 I10 W8 Ch12* • +1 racial bonus on Craft checks that are
Skills: Appraise +2, Balance -1, Climb -1, related to stone or metal.
Escape Artist -1, Hide -1, Jump -1, Listen • +1 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot
+1, Move Silently -1, Search +2, Sleight checks.
of Hand -1, Spot +1, Swim -8, Tumble -1 • Low-Light Vision: A dwelf can see twice as far
Feats: Dodge as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, of
Environment: Any land poor illumination. She retains the ability to
Organization: Solitary, Family (2-5), Colony (5-20), distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Band (20-40), Clan (40-60), or Tribe • Stability: A dwelf gains a +4 bonus on ability
(60+) checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped
CR: 1 when standing on the ground (but not when
Treasure: None climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing
Alignment: Usually neutral good firmly on the ground).
Advancement: By Character class • Dwarf/Elvin Blood: For all effects related to
Level Adj: +0 race, a dwelf is considered an elf and a dwarf.
This short humanoid sports long ears and a
flaxen white beard. Its thin body seems to be Dwelf Society
made of corded muscle and there is a grim Dwelves form themselves into their own
countenance on its face. In its hand it bears a communities, often in the wilderness near forests. They
longsword of modest quality and a shortbow is generally despise underground dwellings or dwellings high
strapped to its back. In its off-hand it bears a in the trees, preferring to live at ground level where
shield marked with what appears to be some possible. Dwelf communities often consist of small, walled
sort of clan symbol and it is dressed in a chain towns that are led by a small group of peers - elders who
shirt over which a colored tabard has been have been elected for life by other dwelves. Though the
placed. number of peers and their gender may vary from community
Dwelves are the ancient offspring of elves and to community, generally it is thought that five peers - three
dwarves. In the centuries since their birth, dwelves have male and two female - is the most auspicious. Young
become their own race, somewhat at odds with both their dwelves grow up performing community chores and
elvin and dwarven heritage. Dwelves have a strong good learning a craft. Usually a day each week is set aside in the
streak, though they sometimes can find themselves at odds community for the young to come together and play, with
with laws and traditions. They are neither as highly the elders watching on or gambling on the outcome. Dwelf
organized as dwarves or as carefree as elves. Dwelves often communities strive to be self-sufficient, but will often be
involve themselves in the matters of the folk around them, good, though unobtrusive, neighbors to surrounding
and will always seek to champion the cause of good in such settlements. It can almost be assured if a neighboring
matters. Dwelves speak elvin and dwarven, as well as community comes under attack that a dwelf community will
Common. They dislike learning the languages of goblinoids quickly mobilize to help in whatever fashion it is capable of.
other than a few curse words in such languages. Despite their ancestry, dwelves have cool relations with
elves and dwarves. Dwelves are often referred to as
Combat “children” by these other two races, and while dwelves will
Dwelves fight in groups, often splitting their forces rarely admit it, they often seek out ways to either rebel
between groups of melee combatants and archery support.

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against, or gain the adulation of elvin or dwarven • Dwarven/Elvin Blood: For all effects related to
communities. race, a dwelf is considered an elf and a dwarf.
• Favored Class: Bard
Dwelves on Amberos • Level Adj: +0
Considered to be the ill-fated result of attempts by Dwelves worship Deor, The Miner. A cleric of Deor
the Dur-Wundar Empire to solidify relations with the elves can choose two of the three domains of Law, Good or
of the Evanthium Coridium during the Elvin Golden Age, Earth.
Dwelves have come to be shunned by both pure elves and
dwarves in the centuries that have followed the “fall” of
both empires.
Cast out of both societies, Dwelves made their
communities in the plains and wilderness far from the Ymin
forest and the Crystalmire Mountains of the Dur-Wundar.
Most dwelf societies now can be found in the areas of the
Misake Barbarians, Misake, and Vilalance. There is also a
large community in Llinn, and individual dwelves can be
found across portions of Amberos.
Surprisingly, despite their somewhat Common
ancestry, dwelves and gnomes tend to dislike one another on
a primal level. Dwelves feel that they are superior to the
“manufactured” gnomes, while gnomes tend to view
dwelves as misbegotten half-breeds.

Dwelves as Characters
Many dwelves cannot passively sit by and watch
the evils of the world unfold. Such dwelves often become
actively involved in seeking out evil and destroying it.
Dwelf characters gain the following abilities:
• Base Movement 30 feet.
• Low-Light Vision: A dwelf can see twice as far as
a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, of poor
illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish
color and detail under these conditions.
• Immunity to sleep spells and similar magical
effects, and a +2 racial bonus on saving throws
against enchantment spells or effects.
• +1 racial bonus on saving throws against poison.
• +1 racial bonus on saving throws against spells
and spell-like effects (but not enchantment
• +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against orcs and
• +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class against
monsters of the giant type. Any time a creature
loses its Dexterity bonus (if any) to Armor Class,
such as when it’s caught flat, it loses its dodge
bonus, too.
• +1 racial bonus on Appraise checks that are
related to stone or metal items.
• +1 racial bonus on Craft checks that are related
to stone or metal.
• +1 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot
• Stability: A dwelf gains a +4 bonus on ability
checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped
when standing on the ground (but not when
climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing
firmly on the ground).

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Dwelf Minstrel Dwelf Stone Chanter
Dwelf Brd 5;hp: 17 Dwelf Brd 10;hp: 35
S12 D13 C10 I14 W8 Ch16; Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +3 S12 D13 C10 I14 W8 Ch19; Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +6
Init: +1 Move: 30 ft. Init: +1 Move: 30 ft.
AC: 16 (+1 Dex, +5 chain shirt +1), touch 11, flat 15 AC: 18 (+1 Dex, +7 chain shirt +3), touch 11, flat 17
BAB/Grapple: +3/+4 BAB/Grapple: +7/+8
Full Attack: +1 longsword +6 melee (1d8+2;19-20/x2) Full Attack: +1 longsword +10/+5 melee (1d8+2;19-
Special Att: – 20/x2)
Special Qual: Bardic knowledge, bardic music, dwelf Special Att: –
traits, low-light vision, spells Special Qual: Bardic knowledge, bardic music, dwelf
Skills: Appraise +2*, Craft (Any) +2*, Concentration +8, traits, low-light vision, spells
Diplomacy +11, Perform (Percussion Instruments) Skills: Appraise +2*, Craft (Any) +2*, Concentration +13,
+15, Knowledge (Arcana) +10, Knowledge (Local) Diplomacy +17, Perform (Percussion Instruments)
+10, Listen +0, Search +3, Sense Motive +7, +20, Knowledge (Arcana) +15, Knowledge (Local)
Spellcraft +10, Spot +0, Use Magical Device +11 +15, Listen +0, Search +3, Sense Motive +12,
Feats: Skill Focus (Perform), Weapon Focus (Longsword) Spellcraft +15, Spot +0, Use Magical Device +17
CR: 5 Feats: Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment), Spell Focus
Gear: +1 longsword (2,315 gp), chain shirt +1 (1,250 (Enchantment), Skill Focus (Perform), Weapon
gp), potion of cure moderate wounds (300 gp), mw Focus (Longsword)
drums (100 gp) CR: 10
Total: 3,965 gp (4,300 gp) Gear: +1 longsword (2,315 gp), chain shirt +3 (9,250
Bardic Knowledge (Ex): +12 gp), cloak of charisma +2 (4,000 gp), potion of
Bardic Music (Su): 5x/day; Perform Check +15; Can use cure moderate wounds (300 gp), mw drums (100
Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Competence and Inspire gp)
Courage +1 Total: 15,965 gp (16,000 gp)
Bardic Knowledge (Ex): +7
Typical Bard Spell List Bardic Music (Su): 10x/day; Perform Check +20; Can use
(3/4/2;CL 5;Spell DC 13 + Spell Level) Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Competence, Inspire
0: Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Lullaby, Courage +2, Inspire Greatness and Suggestion.
Prestidigitation, Summon Instrument
1st: Charm Person, Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Confusion, Typical Bard Spell List
Summon Monster I (3/4/4/3/1;CL 10;Spell DC 14 + Spell Level)
2nd: Detect Thoughts, Hold Person, Suggestion 0: Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Lullaby,
Prestidigitation, Summon Instrument
1st: Expeditious Retreat, Hypnotism*, Lesser Confusion*,
Summon Monster I
2nd: Detect Thoughts, Heroism*, Hold Person*,
3rd: Charm Monster*, Dispel Magic, Good Hope*, Haste
4th: Dominate Person*, Greater Invisibility
*: Enchantment spell +2 DC

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Dwelf Ringer of Steel Musical Instrument of the Master Musician
Dwelf Brd 15;hp: 52 A musical instrument of the master musician
S12 D13 C10 I14 W8 Ch22; Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +9 appears as a masterwork version of a musical item, often
Init: +1 Move: 30 ft. beset with jewels or other precious metals that make it
AC: 18 (+1 Dex, +7 chain shirt +3), touch 11, flat 17 appear to be worth more than even a mundane masterwork
BAB/Grapple: +11/+12 version. When played, the magical tones that emanate from
Full Attack: +1 longsword +14/+9/+4 melee the item grant a +5, +10 or +15 bonus to Perform checks.
(1d8+2;19-20/x2) Likewise, once per day per +5 bonus, the item can produce
Special Att: – an effect that duplicates the spell Hypnotism (DC 11 for +5,
Special Qual: Bardic knowledge, bardic music, dwelf DC 13 for +10, DC 18 for +15).
traits, low-light vision, spells CL 5th/10th/15th; Craft Wondrous Item, Summon Instrument,
Skills: Appraise +2*, Craft (Any) +2*, Concentration +18, Ghost Sound, Hypnotic Pattern, Heighten Spell (for +10 or
Diplomacy +23, Perform (Percussion Instruments) +15) Caster’s level must equal or exceed Perform bonus;
+35, Knowledge (Arcana) +19, Knowledge (Local) Price 2,510 gp (+5), 10,600 gp (+10), 25,600 gp (+15).
+19, Listen +0, Search +3, Sense Motive +17, Creation: 1,255 gp and 100 xp (+5), 5,300 gp and 424 xp
Spellcraft +20, Spot +0, Use Magical Device +23 (+10), 12,800 gp and 1,024 xp (+15).
Feats: Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment), Spell Focus
(Enchantment), Skill Focus (Perform), Weapon
Focus (Longsword)
CR: 15
Gear: +2 longsword (8,315 gp), chain shirt +4 (16,250
gp), cloak of charisma +4 (16,000 gp), potion of
cure serious wounds (750 gp), drums of the master
musician +10 (10,600 gp)
Total: 51,905 gp (59,000 gp)
Bardic Knowledge (Ex): +19
Bardic Music (Su): 15x/day; Perform Check +35; Can use
Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Competence, Inspire
Courage +3, Inspire Greatness, Inspire Heroics, Song of
Freedom and Suggestion.

Typical Bard Spell List

(3/5/4/4/4/3;CL 15;Spell DC 15 + Spell Level)
0: Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Lullaby,
Prestidigitation, Summon Instrument
1st: Expeditious Retreat, Hypnotism*, Lesser Confusion*,
Summon Monster I
2nd: Detect Thoughts, Heroism*, Hold Person*,
3rd: Charm Monster*, Dispel Magic, Good Hope*, Haste
4th: Break Enchantment, Dominate Person*, Greater
Invisibility, Shout
5th: Mind Fog*, Summon Monster V
*: Enchantment spell +2 DC

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Earth Lumberer
Large Aberration (Earth)
Hit Dice: 8d8+32 (68 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), burrow 20 ft. (4
Armor Class: 19 (-1 size, +10 natural), touch 9, flat 19
BAB/Grapple: +6/+16
Attack: Claw +12 melee (1d10 +6)
Full Attack: Claw +12 melee (1d10 +6) and bite +9
melee (2d8 +3)
Space/Reach: 10-ft./10 ft.
Height: 7 ft. 6 in. + 2d8 in. (8 ft. 3 in)
Weight: 850 lbs. + 2d10x25 lbs. (1,025 lbs.)
Special Attacks: Caustic spittle, constrict, fear aura,
improved grab
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.,
vulnerability to sonic
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +7
Abilities: S22 D11 C19 I8 W13 Ch13
Skills: Climb +12, Hide +1, Jump +6, Listen exceptionally bright, earth lumberers are experts at using
+1, Spot +1 their burrowing skill to devise traps that bury, pin or catch
Feats: Great Fortitude, Multiattack, Weapon prey. They have been known to weaken ceilings or floors
Focus (Claw) ahead of prey to catch, injure or kill, as well as purposely
Environment: Any underground collapsing caverns to escape or destroy attackers.
Organization: Solitary, Pair, Brood (2-5), or Pestilence Caustic Spittle (Su): As a standard action, the earth
(5-20) lumberer can spit a globule of acid at a target as a +6 ranged
CR: 7 touch attack. If the acid hits, it deals 3d6 acid damage to the
Treasure: No coins, half items and double gems target.
Alignment: Usually neutral Constrict (Ex): An earth lumberer with this special attack
Advancement: 9-16 HD (Large); 17-24 HD (Huge) can crush an opponent, dealing 1d10+ 9 bludgeoning
Level Adj: - damage, after making a successful grapple check in addition
This creature has stone-gray skin covered with to damage dealt by the weapon used to grab.
a pattern of bumps that looks like gravel Fear Aura (Su): Those viewing an attacking earth lumberer
pebbles. Its massive, muscled arms are must make a Will save DC 15 or be panicked. Those who
covered in stony plates and it lumbers along make the save are still considered shaken. A creature with
on two stubby legs, the earth trembling slightly 12 or more HD is unaffected if it makes the save, and only
with each step. It opens its mouth to hiss, as a shaken if it fails the saving throw.
green, caustic fluid drips from the huge Improved Grab (Ex): If an earth lumberer hits a medium
needle-like teeth that fill its maw. sized or smaller creature with a claw attack, it deals normal
The earth lumberer is a frightening creature found damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action
only in deep subterranean areas. The creature hunts for prey without provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial touch
in small packs, burrowing through the earth in search of a attack is required.
meal to appease its unending appetite. Earth lumberers crave Tremorsense (Ex): A creature with tremorsense is sensitive
flesh, but also are capable of digesting stone and other to vibrations in the ground and can automatically pinpoint
minerals as part of their diet. They often collect gems or the location of anything that is in contact with the ground.
other minerals both to attract mates and to use as lures to Aquatic creatures with tremorsense can also sense the
attract prey underground. Earth lumberers are especially location of creatures moving through water.
fond of dwarven flesh, and have been known to descend en Vulnerability to Sonic (Ex): Earth lumberers are
masse on dwarven strongholds, carrying away the populace vulnerable to sonic attacks. An earth lumberer takes half
in batches. Earth lumberers speak a guttural form of Terran. again as much (+50%) damage as normal from the effect,
regardless of whether a saving throw is allowed, or if the
Combat save is a success or failure.
Earth lumberers, due to their relative slow speed,
prefer to strike from ambush. They will often disguise Earth Lumberers on Amberos
themselves as part of the surrounding rock and wait for prey The origin of earth lumberers is unknown, but they
to come upon them, or will burrow near prey and burst out have plagued dwarven settlements since the first dwarves
through a wall as close to an enemy as they can. While not settled on Amberos. They can be found practically

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anywhere, though they tend to be more numerous in
mountainous or hilly areas.

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Eeylene aids, and rare is the Eeylene that is without a potion or scroll
to augment its fearsome magical abilities.
Huge Giant Spells (Sp): An Eeylene can cast spells as a 6th level
Hit Dice: 11d8+66 (115 hp) sorcerer and a 5th level cleric with domains of Death and
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) Evil.
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural), touch 9, Typical Sorcerer Spell List
flat 14 (6/7/6/4; CL 6; Spell DC 14 + spell level)
BAB/Grapple: +8/+25 0th: Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Detect
Attack: Claw +15 melee (1d8+9) Poison, Ray of Frost, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue
Full Attack: 2 Claw +15 melee (1d8+9) and bite +10 1st: Alarm, Obscuring Mist, True Strike, Shocking Grasp
melee (2d6+4) 2nd: Invisibility, Resist Energy
Space/Reach: 15-ft./15 ft. 3rd: Arcane Sight
Height: 18 ft. + 2d8 in. (18 ft. 9 in.)
Weight: 2,500 lbs. + 2d10 x 75 lbs. (3,325 lbs.) Typical Cleric Spell List
Special Att: Spells
(5/5/4/2; CL 5; Spell DC 12 + spell level; Domain: Death,
Special Qual: Low-light vision, spell resistance 21
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +4, Will +5
0th: Cure Minor Wounds, Guidance, Light, Inflict Minor
Abilities: S28 D13 C23 I15 W15 Ch19
Wounds, Virtue
Skills: Concentration +13, Craft (Woodworking)
1st: Bane, Cause FearD, Command, Entropic Shield
+9, Hide -7, Knowledge (Arcana) +16,
2nd: Aid, Darkness, Death KnellD, Bull’s Strength
Listen +9, Spellcraft +16, Spot +9
3rd: Animate Dead, Magic Circle Against GoodD
Feats: Eschew MaterialsB, Improved
D = domain spell
Counterspell, Spell Focus (Divination),
Spell Penetration
Eeylene Society
Environment: Cold mountains, marshes
Organization: Solitary, Family (2-5), or Tribe (5-20) or Eeylene are highly superstitious, especially among other
Soothsayer (1 + 5-20 True giants) giants. They are generally aloof and cool when not around
CR: 10 their own kind, and prefer to present a mysterious,
Treasure: standard coins, double magic items somewhat menacing air when around other giants. They
Alignment: Usually neutral evil always request their own quarters, and will never eat
Advancement: 12-22 HD (Huge); 23-33 HD publicly with other giant types.
(Gargantuan) Among their own kind, Eeylene tend to live in
Level Adj: - natural caves filled with quasi-mystical carvings. The
Massive and hairy, this black-furred giant Eeylene are always led by the eldest and most powerful
stares down at you with a single, glowing spellcaster, whether male or female. This Eeylene has
green eye. Its wide maw is filled with yellowed, absolute control of life or death over the other members of
tusk-like teeth and its long arms end in fat the tribe, and can expel members, force, grant or deny
fingers with knife-like claws. A pair of marriages within its tribe and so forth.
vestigial wings dangles from the creature's Specific gender roles among the Eeylene are
back, and its feet end in black, cloven hooves. typical, but duties often vary widely from tribe to tribe; in
Eeylene are monstrous giants who act as soothsayers some the males may hunt and cook for the tribe while
and prophets for giant clans in return for humanoid flesh. females perform most other household chores and raise
Most eeylene are loners among giants of other races, children, while in others females may do the hunting while
but they do occasionally gather in small families or tribes. males tend to household and the tribal leader is responsible
An eeylene is a natural sorcerer and bit of a cleric. They use for raising the children.
their abilities not only for divination, but often for battle as However, the Eeylene rarely tolerate members of a
well. tribe who do not conform - beatings and eventual expulsion
Eeylene speak Giant exclusively, and dislike learning is the norm for non-conformists.
other languages, including Draconic. Most eeylene refuse to
learn the language of their "food" - i.e., Common, dwarven, Eeylene on Amberos
elvin, goblin and bugbear. Dwelling mostly in the mountains of the
Skienlands and in the mountain range between Simera and
Combat Llannhanex, these creatures are greatly feared by travelers
Eeylene prefer to attack with magical spells, and if using mountain passes in areas near to these creatures’
forced into melee combat, they will prefer to buff clans.
themselves with magic in preference to using weapons. There are legends of a great Eeylene city in the
Eeylene are quite proficient with wands and other magical Golens, and several sages believe that it may in truth be the
remains of Gwieze’s vast tower – perhaps revealing the

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Eeylene were created or were servants to the Lord of
Shadows in the past.

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Ekimma melee combat with an Ekimma must make a Fort save (DC
14) or suffer 1d4 temporary Dexterity damage. As a
Large Undead (Incorporeal) standard action, the Ekimma can exhale, causing this icy
Hit Dice: 5d12 (32 hp) breath to fill a 10-foot cube. The Ekimma gains 5
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) temporary hit points for every victim that fails its save
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) against the attack, regardless of the amount of Dex drained.
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +3 deflection), touch The gained hit points last for 1 hour. The Ekimma can use
12, flat 12 this exhalation once every minute.
BAB/Grapple: +2/+6
Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d8) Ekimma on Amberos
Full Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d8) and slam -1 melee As titans, giants have the choice to be reincarnated
(1d6) on death or to pass on to an afterlife in Asgard, where Ko
Space/Reach: 10-ft./10 ft. Kassa has set aside a realm for them.
Height: 10 ft. + 2d10 in. (10 ft. 11 in.) Some giants, however, are neither willing to move
Weight: - on or forget their murder. By sheer will, they remain on as
Special Att: Ability drain Ekimma, striking against their slayers and any other living
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., undead traits thing.
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +7 Ekimma seem to be most prominent on the Glacier
Abilities: S-- D17 C-- I10 W13 Ch15 of Seasons, but can be found virtually anywhere in
Skills: Bluff +6, Hide +3, Listen +5, Sense Amberos.
Motive +9, Spot +5, Survival +9
Feats: Iron Will, Track
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary, or Cluster (2-5)
CR: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Large); 11-15 HD (Huge)
Level Adj: -
A ghostly white shape hovers before you,
draped in tattered cloth robes. What features
protrude seem to be wrapped in sheets of
script-covered cloth, and a bull's head top's
the things neck. A pale, blue-white fire gleams
in the creature's eyes, and a cold steam seems
to erupt from its nostrils.
Ekimma are bizarre undead creatures formed from
giants who are not properly laid to rest. In its twisted form,
the creature haunts the living, seeking to devour the life
from its victims with its icy “breath”. Oddly enough,
Ekimma avoid contact with giants, and most giants who
learn of an ekimma’s existence seek out the unburied body
to put the Ekimma to rest.
An Ekimma rarely speaks, but can talk in Giant if it
so chooses.

Ekimma prefer to move about at night, and often
haunt non-giant communities near where they lived. They
prefer to enter a residence to attack sleeping individuals, but
if faced with awakened foes, they slap and bite at their foes,
using their cold breath to steal as much life from their
victims as they can. If turned, but not destroyed by a cleric
Ekimma will usually depart from a community to seek
easier prey in a nearby settlement.
Ability Drain (Su): The bite of an Ekimma permanently
drains 1 point of Strength from a victim.
Grave Breath (Su): The icy breath that issues from an
Ekimma’s nostrils has the cold of the grave. Anyone in

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Elephant, White Combat
White elephants usually strike from a distance with
Huge Magical Beast their arsenal of spells, rushing to melee only once they have
Hit Dice: 12d10+48 (114 hp) exhausted their spells or if they opponents they face seem
Initiative: +0 resistant to their magics. They often using buffing spells
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) before entering a melee, and generally start a physical
Armor Class: 13 (-2 size, +5 natural), touch 8, flat 13 engagement by bull rushing their opponent. Once in melee,
BAB/Grapple: +12/+31 it will gore most opponents armed opponents, and will
Attack: Gore +21 melee (2d6+11;x3) attempt to grapple and constrict spellcasters. White
Full Attack: Gore +21 melee (2d6+11/x3) elephants fight with all the skill and intelligence available to
Space/Reach: 15-ft./15 ft. them, and often have access to a wide variety of allies -
Length: 20 ft. + 2d4 ft. (25 ft.) including other elephant’s herds who will rush to the white
Weight: 7,000 lbs. + 2d4 x 1,000 lbs (12,000 lbs/ elephant's defense.
6 tons) Constrict (Ex): A white elephant can crush an opponent in
Special Att: Constrict, improved grab, spells its mighty trunk, dealing 2d6+16 bludgeoning damage, after
Special Qual: Darkvision 60ft., low-light vision, making a successful grapple check. The white elephant
protective aura, master of elephants, spell deals constriction damage in addition to damage dealt by the
resistance 22 goring tusks.
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +7 Improved Grab (Ex): If a white elephant hits a larger or
Abilities: S33 D10 C19 I15 W17 Ch15 smaller opponent with its gore attack, it deals normal
Skills: Bluff +4, Diplomacy +19, Hide -8, damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action
Intimidate +4, Knowledge (history) +10, without provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial touch
Listen +13, Sense Motive +20, Spot +12 attack is required. While grappling an opponent, a white
Feats: AlertnessB, Improved Bull Rush, elephant cannot cast spells requiring somatic materials.
Negotiator, Persuasive, Power Attack, Master of Elephants (Su): No elephant, summoned,
Track charmed or even a druid's companion will dare to attack a
Environment: Any land White Elephant. Any charmed or dominated elephant
Organization: Solitary commanded to attack or act against a white elephant
CR: 11 automatically resists the control attempt and may
Treasure: No coins, double art objects, standard automatically take a save to break the mind control.
magic items Spells (Sp): White elephants cast spells as a 12th level
Alignment: Usually neutral good cleric, with access to the Good and Strength domain. Most
Advancement: 13-24 HD (Huge); 25-36 HD white elephants prefer abjuration, divination and
(Gargantuan) enchantment spells with a few attack spells to deal with
Level Adj: - intruders.
This white elephant towers in size, larger than Protective Aura (Su): White elephants are suffused by a
any regular elephant you've ever seen. It has holy protective aura that acts as a constant Prayer spell that
eyes that shine like the blue sky, and its ivory benefits itself and its allies, as per the spell. The effect is at
tusks are absolutely huge. Oddly, its long 12th level ability and does not require the concentration of
trunk ends in what appears to be a human the white elephant.
hand. The elephant seems to be draped in
finery, with an intricately woven blanket-like White Elephants on Amberos
cloth draped across its back and what appears
According to legend, the largest elephant burial
to a similarly designed cap for its forehead.
ground is located somewhere in the northern half of Randu.
White elephants are the powerful and magical leaders
There are also tales of the City of Ivory and Bone, made
of the elephant race. They are sages, magicians and healers
from the remains of ancient elephants hidden somewhere in
that elephant herds often travel many miles to visit as a
the foothills of the mountains of the Skienlands.
regular pilgrimage. Highly intelligent, white elephants are
loners, and often found near elephant graveyards; this is not
chance as many elephants come to seek out the white
elephant just before dying, and the white elephants tend to
guard the remains of those who have passed on with
righteous zeal.
A white elephant can speak Common and the
language of elephants. Most white elephants can speak at
least two other languages, and seem to prefer Draconic,
Elvin or Celestial.

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Elogre as javilineers to support melee troops, but bowmen (and
crossbowmen) among elogres are extremely rare.
Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid, Elf)
Hit Dice: 2d8+3 (12 hp) Elogre Society
Initiative: +0 Elogres generally live in tribes consisting of
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) several extended family clans. The clans usually adopt an
Armor Class: 12 (+2 natural), touch 10, flat 12 animal totem, and rivalries between clans are often quite
BAB/Grapple: +1/+4 strong, though tribal law generally prevents open warfare
Attack: Greatsword +4 melee (2d6+4;19-20/x2) or from breaking out between the clans.
Javelin +1 ranged (1d6+3) Elogre females tend to be somewhat more comely
Full Attack: Greatsword +4 melee (2d6+4;19-20/x2) or than the males, and it is not unusual for an Elogre female to
Javelin +1 ranged (1d6+3) rival an elf in beauty in her younger years. As the female
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. ages however, they often gain more ogre-like features, and
Height: 5 ft. + 2d6 in. (5 ft. 7 in.) the term “Elogre Hag” is a Common term to refer to the
Weight: 75 lbs + 2d6 x 5 lbs. (110 lbs.) haggard changes in their later life. Younger Elogre females
Special Att: - often engage themselves in crafts and arts, designed to help
Special Qual: Low-light vision attract a male husband. Once married, Elogre females
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +0 generally take care of domestic chores and children until
Abilities: S16 D10 C11 I9 W10 Ch8 said children are grown. Oddly, as female Elogre reach
Skills: Climb +3, Listen +3, Spot +2 menopause age, they tend to become more in-tune with
Feats: Toughness magical aptitude, and elder elogre females are often some
Environment: Any land sort of spellcaster – shamanistic, sorceress or bard being
Organization: Solitary, Cluster (2-5), Pack (5-20), Troop most common.
(20-40), Horde (40-60), or Tribe (60+) Male Elogres are often warriors or craftsmen, and
CR: 2 until an Elogre male establishes a family and has children,
Treasure: None they generally remain clean-shaven. Only once the elogre
Alignment: Always neutral has fathered children does he grow a beard to indicate his
Advancement: 3-4 HD (Medium); 5-6 HD (Large) or By new status as "elder". Only Elders - male elogres who have
Character Class fathered children - are allowed to assume tribal leadership
Level Adj: +2 roles. Females generally assume shamanistic roles, and
This tall humanoid has a bestial face and long, while the generally do not directly hold power are often able
slender ears decked with gaudy jewelry. It is to influence the elders with the magical power they can
powerfully built, though slim, and wears well unleash or withhold from the tribe. It is worth mentioning
cared for armor and bears a well-made that female elogre warriors lead some elogre tribes,
greatsword, despite its rather barbaric however.
Elogres are the ancient offspring of the elvin and Elogre on Amberos
ogre unions. It was a time before the ogres were corrupted
Fostered during the Elvin Golden Age before the
to evil, though even in those times ogres were never quite
fall of the goblinoids, Elogres are rare sights on Amberos
handsome. Most of the ancient marriages were
these days. Small clans of Elogres can be found outside the
arrangements for power, and ogre bestiality increased over
Ymin forest of the Evan Cordum, or secreted away in
the centuries, the practice of elves marrying with ogres fell
secluded places in north and west Amberos. The largest
out of practice, but not before the elogres became a race
concentrations can be found in southern Randu, dwelling in
unto their own.
oasises in the most forbidding and desolate places.
Elogres did not fall to the evil ways of their ogre
Curiously, there are no known elogre clans in the Dark
parentage, but do not embrace the casual frolicsome and
carefree nature of the elves either. Elogres are generally
simple, hardworking beings who exist on the fringe of
Elogre as Characters
civilized society, fending off humanoid invasions while not
quite fitting into civilized societies of the human and Elogres are outcast from civilized society, but it is
demihuman realms. not rare for individual Elogres to strike out and depart their
Elogres speak Elvin, Goblinoid and Common. community to find their own way in the world – at least for
They often develop their own slang and dialect due to their a while before they return to their clan and home.
isolation. Elogre characters gain the following abilities:
• Base movement rate 30 feet.
Combat • Low-light Vision. An elogre can see twice as far
Elogres tend to fight in small groups, and prefer to as a human in low light or twilight conditions.
engage in melee combat where possible. Some elogres train • Medium size.
• +2 natural armor bonus.

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• 2d8 Racial Hit Dice: An elogre begins with
two levels of humanoid, which provide 2d8 Hit
Dice, a base attack bonus of +1, and base saving
throw bonuses of Fort +3, Ref +0, and Will +0.
• +6 Strength, –2 Intelligence, –2 Charisma.
Elogres have much of their ogre parent’s strength,
but likewise suffer their parentage’s limited
intellect and hideous features.
• Racial Skills: An elogre’s giant levels give it (2 +
Int modifier) x5 skill points, (minimum 5 skill
points). Its class skills are Climb, Listen, and Spot.
• Racial Feats: An elogre’s humanoid levels give it
one feat.
• Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An elogre is
automatically proficient with simple weapons,
martial weapons, light and medium armor, and
• +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot
checks. An elogre who merely passes within 5 feet
of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search
check to notice it as if he were actively looking for
• Immunity to magical sleep effects.
• Automatic Languages: Common, Elvin, and
• Bonus Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Orc,
Goblin, Sylvan, and Terran.
• Favored Class: Male - Ranger. Female –
• Level adjustment: +2
Elogres do not generally worship gods, but some are
priests of Hamma, Lord of the Elves. Clerics of Hamma can
choose two of the three domains of Chaos, Good or

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Elogre Forester Share Spells (Ex): At the elogre forester’s option, she may have
2HD male Elogre Rng 6;hp: 46 any spell (but not any spell-like ability) she casts upon herself also
affect her animal companion. The animal companion must be
S21 D14 C13 I8 W12 Ch6; Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2
within 5 feet of her at the time of casting to receive the benefit. If
Init: +2 Move: 30 ft. the spell or effect has a duration other than instantaneous, it stops
AC: 18 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +4 chain shirt), touch 12, affecting the animal companion if the companion moves farther
flat 16 than 5 feet away and will not affect the animal again, even if it
BAB/Grapple: +7/+12 returns to the elogre forester before the duration expires.
Full Attack: Greatsword +12/+7 melee (2d6+7;19- Additionally, the elogre forester may cast a spell with a target of
20/x2) or “You” on her animal companion (as a touch range spell) instead of
+1 Composite longbow (+5 Str) +11/+6 on herself. An elogre forester and her animal companion can share
ranged (1d8+6;x3) spells even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the
companion’s type (animal).
(Rapid shot) Composite longbow (+5 Str)
Evasion (Ex): If an animal companion is subjected to an attack
+9/+9/+4 ranged (1d8+6;x3) that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it
Special Att: – takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw.
Special Qual: Combat style (archery), elogre traits,
favored enemy, spells, wild empathy
Skills: Craft (Trapmaking) +5, Heal +7, Hide +8, Spot
+12, Survival +7
Feats: EnduranceR, Far Shot, MultishotR, Point Blank
Shot, Rapid ShotR, TrackR, Weapon Focus
CR: 7
Gear: +1 Composite longbow (+5 Str) (2,900 gp), mw
chain shirt (250 gp), gloves of dexterity +2 (4,000
gp), potion of cure light wounds (50 gp)
Total: 7,200 gp (7,200 gp)
Favored Enemy (Ex): An elogre forester gains a +4 bonus
on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot and Survival checks
against magical beasts and a +4 bonus on weapon damage
rolls against such creatures.
A elogre forester gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen,
Sense Motive, Spot and Survival checks against humanoid
(gnoll) and a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such
Wild Empathy (Ex): Check 1d20+4; Influence animals

Typical Ranger Spell List

(2; CL 3; Spell DC 11)
1st: Magic Fang, Pass Without Trace

Wolf Companion: CR –; LA —; Medium animal; HD 4d8+8; hp

13; Init +2; Spd 50 ft.; AC 17 (+3 Dex, +4 natural), touch 13, flat
14; Base Atk +3; Grp +5; Atk Bite +5 melee (1d6+2); Full
Atk (same); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA trip; SQ evasion, link,
low–light vision, scent, share spells; AL (Always) N; SV Fort +6,
Ref +7, Will +2; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6.
Skills and Feats: Hide +3, Listen +3, Move Silently +5, Spot +4,
Survival +1; TrackB, Weapon Focus (bite).
B=Bonus Feat. (Wolves have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks
when tracking by scent.)
Scent (Ex): Can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes,
and track by sense of smell.
Trip (Ex): A wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip the
opponent (+1 check modifier) as a free action without making a
touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt
fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the wolf.
Link (Ex): An elogre forester can handle her animal companion as
a free action, or push it as a move action, even if she doesn’t have
any ranks in the Handle Animal skill. The elogre forester gains a
+4 circumstance bonus on all wild empathy checks and Handle
Animal checks made regarding an animal companion.

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Elogre Enchantress share spells even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of
2HD female elogre Sor 6;hp: 38 the familiar’s type (magical beast).
Empathic Link (Su): The master has an empathic link with his
S14 D10 C12 I12 W13 Ch17; Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +5
familiar out to a distance of up to 1 mile. The master cannot see
Init: +4 Move: 30 ft. through the familiar’s eyes, but they can communicate
AC: 17 (+3 natural, +4 mage armor), touch 10, flat 17 empathically. Because of the limited nature of the link, only
BAB/Grapple: +3/+5 general emotional content can be communicated.
Full Attack: dagger +5 melee (1d4+2;19-20/x2) Because of this empathic link, the master has the same connection
Special Att: – to an item or place that his familiar does.
Special Qual: Elogre traits, spells Deliver Touch Spells (Su): The cat familiar can deliver touch
Skills: Climb +7, Concentration +7, Knowledge (Arcana) spells for its masters. If the master and the familiar are in contact at
+7, Listen +8, Move Silently +3, Spellcraft +7, the time the master casts a touch spell, he can designate his
familiar as the “toucher.” The familiar can then deliver the touch
Spot +8
spell just as the master could. As usual, if the master casts another
Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Greater Spell Focus spell before the touch is delivered, the touch spell dissipates.
(Enchantment), Spell Focus (Enchantment) Speak with Master (Ex): The cat familiar and the master can
CR: 7 communicate verbally as if they were using a Common language.
Gear: cloak of charisma +2 (4,000 gp), amulet of natural Other creatures do not understand the communication without
armor +1 (2,000 gp), wand of mage armor* (10 magical help.
charges) (150 gp), wand of lightning bolt (CL 6) (2
charges) (540 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds
(300 gp), familiar (100 gp)
Total: 7,090 gp (7,200 gp)
* normally 1 charge used if expecting combat

Typical Sorcerer Spell List

(6/7/6/4;Caster Level 6;Spell DC 13 + Spell level)
0: Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze*, Ghost Sound,
Mending, Message, Prestidigitation
1st: Charm Person*, Hypnotism*, Shocking Grasp, Sleep*
2nd: Hideous Laughter*, Touch of Idiocy*, Shatter
3rd: Hold Person*
*: Enchantment spell +2 DC

Cat Familiar: CR –; LA —; Tiny animal; HD 1/2d8 (3 HD); hp

19; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch
14, flat 15; Base Atk +0; Grp –12; Atk Claw +4 melee (1d2–4),
Full Attack 2 claws +4 melee (1d2–4) and bite –1 melee (1d3–4);
Space/Reach 2–1/2 ft./0 ft.; SA —; SQ low–light vision, scent; AL
(Always) N; SV Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5; Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10,
Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 7.
Skills and Feats: Balance +10, Climb +11, Hide +14, Jump +10,
Listen +6, Move Silently +6, Spot +6; Weapon Finesse. (Cats have
a +4 racial bonus on Climb, Hide, and Move Silently checks and a
+8 racial bonus on Jump checks. Cats have a +8 racial bonus on
Balance checks. They use their Dexterity modifier instead of their
Strength modifier for Climb and Jump checks. In areas of tall grass
or heavy undergrowth, the Hide bonus rises to +8.)
Scent (Ex): Can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes,
and track by sense of smell.
Improved Evasion (Ex): When subjected to an attack that
normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, a familiar
takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw and half
damage even if the saving throw fails.
Share Spells: At the master’s option, he may have any spell (but
not any spell-like ability) he casts on himself also affect his
familiar. The familiar must be within 5 feet at the time of casting to
receive the benefit. If the spell or effect has a duration other than
instantaneous, it stops affecting the familiar if it moves farther than
5 feet away and will not affect the familiar again even if it returns
to the master before the duration expires. Additionally, the master
may cast a spell with a target of “You” on his familiar (as a touch
range spell) instead of on himself. A master and his familiar can

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Elogre Witch Share Spells: At the master’s option, he may have any spell (but
2HD female elogre Sor 12;hp: 65 not any spell-like ability) he casts on himself also affect his
familiar. The familiar must be within 5 feet at the time of casting to
S14 D10 C12 I12 W13 Ch20; Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +8
receive the benefit. If the spell or effect has a duration other than
Init: +4 Move: 30 ft. instantaneous, it stops affecting the familiar if it moves farther than
AC: 17 (+3 natural, +4 bracers of armor +4), touch 10, 5 feet away and will not affect the familiar again even if it returns
flat 17 to the master before the duration expires. Additionally, the master
BAB/Grapple: +6/+8 may cast a spell with a target of “You” on his familiar (as a touch
Full Attack: dagger +8/+3 melee (1d4+2;19-20/x2) range spell) instead of on himself. A master and his familiar can
Special Att: – share spells even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of
Special Qual: Elogre traits, spells the familiar’s type (magical beast).
Skills: Climb +7, Concentration +13, Knowledge Empathic Link (Su): The master has an empathic link with his
familiar out to a distance of up to 1 mile. The master cannot see
(Arcana) +13, Listen +8, Move Silently +3,
through the familiar’s eyes, but they can communicate
Spellcraft +16, Spot +8 empathically. Because of the limited nature of the link, only
Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Greater Spell Focus general emotional content can be communicated.
(Enchantment), Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Because of this empathic link, the master has the same connection
Focus (Enchantment), Spell Focus (Illusion) to an item or place that his familiar does.
CR: 13 Deliver Touch Spells (Su): The cat familiar can deliver touch
Gear: cloak of charisma +4 (16,000 gp), bracers of spells for its masters. If the master and the familiar are in contact at
armor +4 (16,000 gp), amulet of natural armor +1 the time the master casts a touch spell, he can designate his
(2,000 gp), potion of cure serious wounds (750 gp), familiar as the “toucher.” The familiar can then deliver the touch
spell just as the master could. As usual, if the master casts another
familiar (100 gp)
spell before the touch is delivered, the touch spell dissipates.
Total: 34,850 gp (35,000 gp) Speak with Master (Ex): The cat familiar and the master can
* normally 1 charge used if expecting combat communicate verbally as if they were using a Common language.
Other creatures do not understand the communication without
Typical Sorcerer Spell List magical help.
(6/8/7/7/7/6/3;Caster Level 6;Spell DC 15 + Spell level) Speak with Animals of Its Kind (Ex): The cat familiar can
0: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Detect communicate with animals of approximately the same kind as
Magic, DazeE, Ghost SoundI, Mending, Message, itself (including dire varieties). Such communication is limited by
Prestidigitation the intelligence of the conversing creatures.
1st: Animate Rope, Burning Hands, Disguise SelfI,
HypnotismE, Shocking Grasp,
2 : Hideous LaughterI, Resist Energy, Summon Swarm,

Touch of IdiocyI, Shatter

3 : Deep SlumberE, DisplacementI, Lightning Bolt,

4 : Charm MonsterE, ConfusionE, Phantasmal KillerI

5th: Hold MonsterE, Shadow EvocationI

6th: MisleadI
E: Enchantment spell +2 DC
I: Illusion spell +1 DC

Cat Familiar: CR –; LA —; Tiny animal; HD 1/2d8 (6 HD); hp

32; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 20 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural), touch
14, flat 18; Base Atk +0; Grp –12; Atk Claw +4 melee (1d2–4),
Full Attack 2 claws +4 melee (1d2–4) and bite –1 melee (1d3–4);
Space/Reach 2–1/2 ft./0 ft.; SA —; SQ low–light vision, scent, SR
17; AL (Always) N; SV Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +9; Str 3, Dex 15,
Con 10, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 7.
Skills and Feats: Balance +10, Climb +11, Hide +14, Jump +10,
Listen +6, Move Silently +6, Spot +6; Weapon Finesse. (Cats have
a +4 racial bonus on Climb, Hide, and Move Silently checks and a
+8 racial bonus on Jump checks. Cats have a +8 racial bonus on
Balance checks. They use their Dexterity modifier instead of their
Strength modifier for Climb and Jump checks. In areas of tall grass
or heavy undergrowth, the Hide bonus rises to +8.)
Scent (Ex): Can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes,
and track by sense of smell.
Improved Evasion (Ex): When subjected to an attack that
normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, a familiar
takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw and half
damage even if the saving throw fails.

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Elogre Hag cannot be affected by spell turning, then it is merely
2HD female elogre Sor 15/Arch 3;hp: 92 counterspelled. This ability costs one 7th-level spell slot.
S14 D10 C12 I12 W13 Ch24; Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +9 Spell Power: This ability increases the archmage’s effective
Init: +4 Move: 30 ft. caster level by +1 (for purposes of determining level-
AC: 22 (+3 natural, +8 bracers of armor +8, +1 amulet dependent spell variables such as damage dice or range, and
of natural armor +1), touch 10, flat 22 caster level checks only). This ability costs one 5th-level
BAB/Grapple: +10/+12 spell slot.
Full Attack: dagger +12/+7 melee (1d4+2;19-20/x2)
Special Att: – Cat Familiar: CR –; LA —; Tiny animal; HD 1/2d8 (9 HD); hp
Special Qual: Elogre traits, high arcana, spells 46; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 23 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +9 natural), touch
14, flat 21; Base Atk +0; Grp –12; Atk Claw +4 melee (1d2–4),
Skills: Climb +7, Concentration +19, Knowledge
Full Attack 2 claws +4 melee (1d2–4) and bite –1 melee (1d3–4);
(Arcana) +19, Listen +8, Move Silently +3, Space/Reach 2–1/2 ft./0 ft.; SA —; SQ low–light vision, scent, SR
Spellcraft +22, Spot +8 17; AL (Always) N; SV Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +12; Str 3, Dex 15,
Feats: Alertness, Improved Counterspell, Improved Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 7.
Initiative, Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment), Skill Skills and Feats: Balance +10, Climb +11, Hide +14, Jump +10,
Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus (Enchantment), Listen +6, Move Silently +6, Spot +6; Weapon Finesse. (Cats have
Spell Focus (Illusion), Spell Focus (Transmutation) a +4 racial bonus on Climb, Hide, and Move Silently checks and a
CR: 19 +8 racial bonus on Jump checks. Cats have a +8 racial bonus on
Gear: cloak of charisma +6 (36,000 gp), bracers of Balance checks. They use their Dexterity modifier instead of their
Strength modifier for Climb and Jump checks. In areas of tall grass
armor +8 (64,000 gp), amulet of natural armor +1
or heavy undergrowth, the Hide bonus rises to +8.)
(2,000 gp), staff of necromancy (50 charges) Scent (Ex): Can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes,
(65,000 gp), potion of cure serious wounds (750 and track by sense of smell.
gp), familiar (100 gp) Improved Evasion (Ex): When subjected to an attack that
Total: 167,850 gp (170,000 gp) normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, a familiar
* normally 1 charge used if expecting combat takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw and half
damage even if the saving throw fails.
Typical Sorcerer Spell List Share Spells: At the master’s option, he may have any spell (but
(6/8/8/7/7/6/7/5/6/5/3;Caster Level 19;Spell DC 17 + Spell not any spell-like ability) she casts on himself also affect her
familiar. The familiar must be within 5 feet at the time of casting to
receive the benefit. If the spell or effect has a duration other than
0: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Detect instantaneous, it stops affecting the familiar if it moves farther than
Magic, DazeE, Ghost SoundI, Mending, Message, 5 feet away and will not affect the familiar again even if it returns
Prestidigitation to the master before the duration expires. Additionally, the master
1st: Animate Rope, Burning Hands, Disguise SelfI, may cast a spell with a target of “You” on her familiar (as a touch
HypnotismE, Shocking Grasp range spell) instead of on himself. A master and her familiar can
2 : Hideous LaughterI, Resist Energy, Summon Swarm,
nd share spells even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of
Touch of IdiocyI, Shatter the familiar’s type (magical beast).
3 : BlinkT, Deep SlumberE, DisplacementI, Lightning Bolt
rd Empathic Link (Su): The master has an empathic link with his
familiar out to a distance of up to 1 mile. The master cannot see
4th: Mass Reduce PersonT, Polymorph, Phantasmal KillerI,
through the familiar’s eyes, but they can communicate
Rainbow PatternI empathically. Because of the limited nature of the link, only
5 : Baleful PolymorphT, Hold MonsterE, Shadow
general emotional content can be communicated.
EvocationI, TelekinesisT Because of this empathic link, the master has the same connection
6 : MisleadI, DisintegrateT, Eyebite
to an item or place that his familiar does.
7th: Greater Shadow ConjurationI, InsanityE, Spell Turning Deliver Touch Spells (Su): The cat familiar can deliver touch
8th: Mass Charm MonsterE, Summon Monster VIII spells for its master. If the master and the familiar are in contact at
9th: Mass Hold MonsterE the time the master casts a touch spell, she can designate his
E: Enchantment spell +2 DC familiar as the “toucher.” The familiar can then deliver the touch
I: Illusion spell +1 DC spell just as the master could. As usual, if the master casts another
T: Transmutation spell +1 DC spell before the touch is delivered, the touch spell dissipates.
Speak with Master (Ex): The cat familiar and the master can
communicate verbally as if they were using a Common language.
High Arcana: An elogre hag has the following special
Other creatures do not understand the communication without
abilities. Modifications to the stat block for these abilities magical help.
have already been added. Speak with Animals of Its Kind (Ex): The cat familiar can
Arcane Reach (Su): The elogre hag can use spells with a communicate with animals of approximately the same kind as
range of touch on a target up to 30 feet away. The archmage itself (including dire varieties). Such communication is limited by
must make a ranged touch attack. the intelligence of the conversing creatures.
Mastery of Counterspelling: When the elogre hag Scry on Familiar (Sp): An elogre hag may scry on her familiar (as
counterspells a spell, it is turned back upon the caster as if it if casting the scrying spell) once per day.
were fully affected by a spell turning spell. If the spell

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Engine of Hunger normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free
action without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Huge Construct Flight (Su): A pair of metallic orbs extend from the
Hit Dice: 12d10+40 (106 hp) engine’s sides that, when charged, allow it to fly. When the
Initiative: +0 orbs are charged, they generate a harmless static charge.
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (clumsy) (can't This charge causes no damage but causes hair to stand on
run) end and can deliver a minor shock (no damage, but visible
Armor Class: 23 (-2 size, +15 natural), touch 8, flat 23 bolts of lightning arc from the orbs to the affected
BAB/Grapple: +9/+28 character/item) to those within 5 ft. of the engine.
Attack: Claw +18 melee (1d8+11) Pounce (Ex): An engine of hunger can make a full attack
Full Attack: 5 Claw +18 melee (1d8+11) and bite +16 on a charge.
melee (4d6+5) Swallow Whole (Ex): If an engine of hunger begins its turn
Space/Reach: 15-ft./10 ft. with an opponent held in its mouth (see Improved Grab), it
Length: can attempt a new grapple check (as though attempting to
Weight: pin the opponent). If it succeeds, it swallows its prey, and
Special Att: Improved grab, pounce, swallow whole the opponent takes bite damage. A swallowed creature
Special Qual: Construct traits, DR 5/-, darkvision 60 ft., takes 10d6 slashing damage (Reflex save DC 16 for half)
flight, low-light vision, resistance to cold, from the grinding mechanisms of the engine’s gullet. A
electricity and fire 30, spell immunity swallowed creature is considered to be grappled, while the
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4 creature that did the swallowing is not. A swallowed
Abilities: S33 D10 C- I - W10 Ch1 creature can try to cut its way free with any light slashing or
Skills: – piercing weapon by dealing 25 points of cutting damage to
Feats: Cleave, Improved Overrun, Improved the AC 25 interior, or it can just try to escape the grapple. If
Sunder, Multiattack, Power Attack the swallowed creature escapes the grapple, success puts it
Environment: Any land back in the attacker’s mouth, where it may be bitten or
Organization: Solitary, or Pack (2-5) swallowed again.
CR: 13 Resistance to Energy (Ex): An engine of hunger has cold,
Treasure: None electrical, fire and sonic resistance 30.
Alignment: Always neutral Spell Immunity (Ex): A creature with spell immunity
Advancement: 13-24 HD (Huge); 25-36 HD avoids the effects of spells and spell-like abilities that
(Gargantuan) directly affect it. This works exactly like spell resistance,
Level Adj: - except that it cannot be overcome. Spells that directly affect
This massive machine of metal resembles an metal items, and energy spells (those with the fire, ice, acid,
enormous boar, with the head of some sort of or sonic descriptor) affect the engine of hunger normally,
leech-like creature. Its hind legs consist of a though it may apply it energy resistance to such attacks.
pair of great iron wheels, and it pulls itself
along with powerful scything limbs. A pair of Creating an Engine of Hunger
strange orbs extends from either side of the An engine of hunger’s body is constructed from
creature’s back, which occasionally crackle 10,000 pounds of pure iron, smelted with rare tinctures and
with electrical energy. constructed with arcane formulae costing at least 20,000 gp.
An engine of hunger is a magical construct designed Assembling the body requires a DC 20 Craft (Armorsmith)
to consume enemies and matter. It can destroy opponents in check or a DC 20 Craft (Weaponsmith) check.
its path and tear through structures with ease. CL 13; Craft Construct, Protection from Energy, Chain
Luckily, the creatures are not intelligent, and can lightning, geas/quest, caster must be at least 13th level; Price
easily be avoided by simply getting out of its path. 90,000 gp; Cost 55,000 gp + 4,250 XP.
Unfortunately, the creature is capable of flight to reach areas
normally inaccessible to it. Engines of Hunger on Amberos
Engines of hunger do not speak, but understand the
The original engines of hunger are thought to have
language of its creator.
been created during the Time of Technology, though what
prompted their creation is unknown. It appears that Black
Marentail found the remains of such an engine and
Engines of hunger are straightforward in combat. developed his own arcane plans for the creation of these
They quickly move towards their directed target it, grab it, gruesome machines to collect body parts for his
and put it into its mouth. It repeats this tactic as needed. An necromantic studies. Since his death, the plans for these
engine will never retreat from its task, even if it is ordered creations have spread through several secretive magic
into an area that will destroy it. circles.
Improved Grab (Ex): If an engine of hunger hits a large-
sized opponent or smaller with a claw or bite attack, it deals

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Bestiary Nefarious
Envy Childe Combat
Envy childe rarely fight directly; they may claw
Small Elemental (Air) and scratch someone who intends to “touch them” or rough
Hit Dice: 3d8+3 (16 hp) them up, but against a determined assault, they usually turn
Initiative: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) invisible and flee.
Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares), fly 50 ft. (perfect) However, while they may not directly attack a foe,
Armor Class: 16 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, they certainly are not above using their magical abilities to
flat 14 cause grief for their enemy or to pull pranks on those they
BAB/Grapple: +2/0 don't particularly like.
Attack: Claw +5 melee (1d3 +2) Air Mastery (Ex): Creatures with the air subtype have a –1
Full Attack: 2 Claw +5 melee (1d3+2) and bite +0 penalty to hit and deal –1 damage to an envy childe.
melee (1d4+1) Plane Shift (Su): As a standard action, an envy childe can
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. plane shift as per the spell at 3rd level ability.
Height: 4 ft. 6 in. + 2d4 in. (4 ft. 11 in.) Resistance to Acid (Ex): An envy childe can ignore 20
Weight: 90 lbs. + 2d4 x 3 lbs. (105 lbs.) points of acid damage from an attack.
Special Att: Air mastery Spells-like Abilities (Sp): At will—invisibility (self only);
Special Qual: Darkvision 60ft., elemental traits, plane 1/day— create food and water, create wine (as create
shift, resistance to acid 20, spells-like water, but wine instead), major creation (created vegetable
abilities, telepathy 100 ft. matter is permanent), persistent image (DC 16), wind walk.
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2 Once per day, an envy childe can assume gaseous form (as
Abilities: S14 D15 C12 I12 W13 Ch13 the spell) for up to 1 hour. Also, once per day, an envy
Skills: Appraise +1, Craft +1, Diplomacy +1, childe can cast Wish, for itself or another being (unlike
Escape Artist +2, Hide +6, Listen +7, noble djinni, who can only cast it for others). An envy
Move Silently +2, Sense Motive +7, childe does not need to pay the XP cost for Wish, but after
Spellcraft +1, Spot +7, Use Rope +2 using the Wish ability for themselves can use no other
Feats: Combat Casting, Dodge, Improved supernatural or spell-like abilities for a full hour. The envy
InitiativeB childe must be able to speak the Wish to use the ability.
Environment: Warm deserts, mountains Caster level 10th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.
Organization: Solitary, or Brood (2-5)
CR: 3 Envy Childe on Amberos
Treasure: Double standard
Envy children were more common on Amberos
Alignment: Often chaotic neutral
during the Elvin Golden Age, when the sultan of the djinni
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium)
would make yearly visits to the elvin homeland and bring
Level Adj: +9 (Cohort only)
back tales and trinkets to his children. However, during the
Standing before you is what appears to be
Dark Age, the djinni came to see Amberos as a dangerous
an elvin child, with blue, glowing eyes and
place, and the number of djinni noble children coming to
wearing Arabic clothing.
Amberos almost completely stopped.
An envy childe is essentially a spoiled, immature
Nowadays, envy childe are very rare occurrences,
child of a noble djinni. With its magical ability to plane
but usually can be found in the eastern portion of Amberos,
shift, envy children can skip far from home to the Mortal
whose culture seems to draw the attention of the envy
Realm, where they cause no end of mischief.
Envy childe are often wanderers who, on a whim,
will join a group when they find an interesting adult to
“hang out with”.
Some envy children will present themselves to a
mortal family and force them to deal with their wants and
Unfortunately, envy childe are both powerful and
capricious. They are, in the end, spoiled brats who want
everything their way and want to be entertained in some
fashion - often resulting in harm, pain and/or suffering to
others. Because they are noble-born, envy childe can use
the djinni wish ability, however, unlike djinni they can use
the wish to fulfill their own desires, and rarely will use the
ability to benefit another – even if captured or enslaved.
Envy childe speak Auran, Celestial, Common, Ignan
and often know either Infernal or Abyssal (primarily for the
use of swear words in such language).

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Fauna Tree polymorph, turning the victim into a plant of the same
approximate size of the victim. The transformation is non-
Medium Animal magical and cannot be dispelled or otherwise countered. A
Hit Dice: 4d8+16 (34 hp) Cure Serious Wounds or stronger healing spell or Neutralize
Initiative: -1 (-5 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) poison will counteract the poison. Either method must be
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares) applied before the transformation occurs. Once the
Armor Class: 8 (-5 Dex, +3 natural), touch 5, flat 8 transformation occurs, only a Limited Wish, Wish or Miracle
BAB/Grapple: +3/+7 spell can undo the transformation.
Attack: Slam +7 melee (1d4+4 + poison)
Full Attack: 2 Slams +7 melee (1d4+4 + poison) and Fauna Trees on Amberos
slam +2 melee (1d6+4) Fauna trees are part of the dread curse placed on
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft., 15 ft. with slam attacks the Living Forest, and it is in this dangerous wood in which
Special Att: Poison, Blood drain they are encountered.
Special Qual: Low-light vision
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +1, Will +2
Abilities: S19 D1 C19 I2 W13 Ch7
Skills: Listen +1, Spot +8
Feats: Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes
Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary, or Family (2-5)
CR: 4
Treasure: Standard Gems
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Medium); 9-12 HD (Large)
Level Adj: +3 (Animal Companion only)
*A fauna plant can attack up to 8 different targets at once, but may
only engage a single foe with no more than 2 slam attacks.
This bizarre tree seems to be covered in soft,
gray fur. Long, whip-like vines sprout out of
the top, each covered in ivory-like barbs. What
appears to a large wolf's head sprouts form
the center of the mass of vines, and the whole
trunk twists and moves to watch you and your
The fauna tree is a bizarre creature of unknown
origin. Though it primarily has many features similar to a
plant, it is, in fact, an animal. It is a predatory creature, but
unlike many such creatures, it uses its odd shape to lure prey
to it, where it uses its barbs to transform prey into plant life
that it uses to either attract more prey or to devour.

A fauna tree lashes at victims with its ropy vines
and/or attempts to bite opponents who come too close. The
fauna tree can attack up to eight separate opponents, but can
only use at most two slam attacks against a single opponent.
Each slam attack can inject the fauna tree’s bizarre poison,
which can quickly turn a victim into a plant.
When a victim becomes overcome by the fauna’s
poison, it moves to cover the victim with its trunk-like body,
where its "root" system can drain the victim's blood at its
The biggest weakness a fauna tree has is against
ranged weaponry or spells, and against such attacks the
fauna tree will often attempt to move into deep woods
where it is much more difficult to hit.
Poison (Ex): The slam attack of a fauna tree is covered with
a greenish sludge similar to green slime that transforms
victims into plant matter (injury, DC 16; init: 1 Dex; sec:
transformation). The transformation acts as baleful

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Fettered Fettered speak their own language that is high-
pitched and shrill. They can understand Common and Elvin,
Tiny Fey though they cannot speak it.
Hit Dice: 1d6 (2 hp)
Initiative: +6 (+6 Dex) Combat
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares) Fettered are very poor combatants and most will
Armor Class: 19 (+2 size, +6 Dex, +1 natural), touch 18, quickly surrender if threatened, and will hide from
flat 13 unfriendly beings if given warning. However, if their
BAB/Grapple: 0/-12 domicile is threatened, a fettered will strike with all of its
Attack: Claw -2 melee (1d2 -4) magical talent to prevent any harm from befalling the
Full Attack: 2 Claw -2 melee (1d2 -4) building and attempt to chase off intruders. Note that
Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./0 ft. fettered care more for the domicile they dwell in that it's
Height: 1 ft. + 1d8 in. (1 ft. 4 in.) occupants; threatening the occupants of a house isn't likely
Weight: 5 lbs. + 1d3 lbs. (6 lbs.) to force a fettered to fight, but threatening to destroy or
Special Att: - damage the domicile will bring a fettered forward.
Special Qual: Low-light vision, spells-like abilities Spells-like Abilities (Sp): Fettered can use the following
Saves: Fort -1, Ref +8, Will +2 spell-like abilities as a 6th level caster. The DC for any
Abilities: S3 D23 C8 I11 W10 Ch7* given spell is DC 8 + spell level. Saves are charisma based.
Skills: Craft (any one) +7, Heal +4, Hide +14, Fabricate 1x/day, Floating Disc 2x/day, Glitterdust – at
Knowledge (nature) +4, Listen +2, Move will, Mending – at will, Minor Creation 1x/day (wood and
Silently +6, Perform (any one) +2, Spot stone items are permanent), Shrink Item 1x/day, Sleep –
+2, Use Rope +10 2x/day, Summon Swarm 1x/day.
Feats: Skill Focus (Craft)
Environment: Any land Fettered Society
Organization: Solitary, Journey (2-5), or Quest (5-20)
Most fettered are individuals, with little dealings
CR: 1
with their own kind. The only exception to this is when a
Treasure: Standard
fettered chooses to mate; it is usually in the spring and the
Alignment: Always neutral
fettered will decorate its domicile with flowers, wreaths and
Advancement: 2 HD (Tiny); 3 HD (Small)
otherwise beautify its home. If the fettered gains the
Level Adj: +2 (Cohort or Familiar only)
attraction of a mate through this display, both the fettered
* A rogue fettered has a Charisma of 13.
and its mate will retire to a nearby forest or ancient tree for
This small humanoid seems to be covered in
about a week. After this time, both parties go their separate
brown bark and sports a pair of leafy antlers
way and a new fettered will emerge from the forest a year
from its head. Its eyes are large and childish,
and its hands and feet are much larger in
On the other hand, roving bands of large fettered
proportion to the rest of its body. Yet, despite
are raucous, boisterous groups that, while hard workers, are
its odd appearance it cavorts and prances
just as hard players, singers and drinkers. It is often thought
about with surprising speed and grace.
that these groups are the “bad apples” of the race, who
Fettered is a slang term for a nameless race of fey
thumb their nose at the Common fettered slave-like life
creatures that, over the ages, apparently allowed themselves
to become household slaves.
Though it is known that they are born in the forest,
Fettered as Servants
fettered quickly and easily allow themselves to become
bonded to the family of a domicile, where they perform A fettered can be acquired as a “manservant” or
mundane tasks as commanded. Though fettered do not ask bound as a familiar. As a familiar, fettered do not provide
for payment for their services, they often have a surprisingly any special bonus to their master. A fettered slave can be
lucrative stash hidden somewhere near their master's acquired for 75 gp, and will serve for life. Ownership of a
domicile. fettered can be passed to another being at a cost of at least
In times of great need, the fettered have been known 50 gp, but must be done so while the original owner lives.
to lead their masters to this hidden cache to help with If the owner of a fettered is slain – even if later resurrected –
overwhelming financial burdens. However, when it does the fettered is freed from its servitude, though it may
give up its cache, the fettered quickly moves on to a new willingly re-enter service with its former master if they are
residence, never to be seen by its old owner ever again. brought back to life.
In extremely rare cases, fettered have been
encountered in large groups not bound to a residence. These Fettered on Amberos
“renegade” fettered can be very dangerous and will often Fettered can be found practically everywhere on
attack lone individuals. In some cases, these bands have Amberos where there are nearby woods. It is thought they
been known to take up residences in abandoned buildings or were created by elvin magic during the Elvin Golden Age,
to drive individuals out of residence so the band may keep it and have spread to serve any race, not only elves.
for themselves.

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Bestiary Nefarious
Firebird Fire Aura (Su): The body of the firebird is wreathed in heat
and flames. Anyone contacting the body of a firebird takes
Small Magical Beast (Fire) 1d6 fire damage (Fort DC 14 for half).
Hit Dice: 5d10+10 (37 hp) Detect Evil (Sp): This special ability duplicates the effects
Initiative: +9 (+5 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) of a detect evil spell. It can be cast at will.
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 70 ft. (good) Detect Good (Sp): This special ability duplicates the effects
Armor Class: 21 (+1 size, +5 Dex, +5 natural), touch 16, of a detect good spell. It can usually be cast at will.
flat 16 Healing Tears (Su): Firebirds despair when they witness
BAB/Grapple: +5/-1 the injury of a good being, and often weep tears when they
Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d4-2 + 1d6 fire) see such. These tears, if touched or splashed on the wound,
Full Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d4-2 + 1d6 fire), 2 claws act as a Cure Serious Wounds spells, and can cure
-1 melee (1d3-2 + 1d6 fire) and slam -1 blindness, neutralize poison or cure disease. This effect is at
melee (1d3-3 + fire) 10th level ability.
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. Spells (Sp): A firebird can cast spells as a 10th level cleric
Length: 2 ft. + 1d6 in. (2 ft. 3 in.) with the domains Good and Healing. The DC for spells is
Weight: 12 lbs. + 2d4 lbs. (17 lbs.) 15 + spell level.
Special Att: Fire aura Fire Subtype: A creature with the fire subtype has
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., detect evil, detect good, immunity to fire. It has vulnerability to cold, which means it
healing tears, low-light vision, spells takes half again as much (+50%) damage as normal from
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +3 cold, regardless of whether a saving throw is allowed, or if
Abilities: S7 D21 C15 I17 W15 Ch21 the save is a success or failure.
Skills: Diplomacy +13, Hide +9, Listen +10,
Sense Motive +10, Spot +10, Use Magic Typical Cleric Spell List
Device +13 (6/6/6/4/4/3; CL 10; Spell DC 15 + Spell Level; Domains:
Feats: Flyby attack, Hover, Improved Initiative, Good, Healing)
Lightning Reflexes 0: Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic,
Environment: Temperate or Warm deserts and hills Guidance, Purify Food and Drink, Virtue
Organization: Solitary, or Crew (2-5) 1st: Bless, Bless Water, Command, Cure Light WoundsD,
CR: 4 Protection from EvilG, Sanctuary
Treasure: Double Standard 2 : AidG, Align Weapon, Cure Moderate WoundsDH,
Alignment: Always neutral good Consecrate, Enthrall, Owl’s Wisdom
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Small); 11-15 HD (Medium) 3rd: Cure Serous WoundsDH, Dispel Magic, Invisibility
Level Adj: - Purge, Protection From Energy
This small bird looks much like a fire-red 4th: Cure Critical WoundsDH, Death Ward, Divination,
peacock, whose feathers seem to blaze as if on Freedom of Movement
fire. It has long, fiery tendrils for tail feathers 5th: Dispel EvilDG, Flame Strike, Raise Dead, Righteous
and its claws seem to be made of polished Might
gold. Its pearly eyes are luminescent and D: Domain spell
large, with sapphire blue irises. The creature G: Good spell, +1 caster level
has a regal manner to it, and darts about very H: Healing spell, +1 caster level
quickly, trailing fire wherever it moves.
The firebird is a lesser cousin to the phoenix. They Firebirds on Amberos
are friends to good creatures and foes of evil. They will Firebirds are native to the lands of Riddlekill,
often associate or help beings of good deeds, and have been though wealthy pet owners have brought the bird to areas
known to hunt down and kill evil creatures and beings. such as the Ksiki Colonies, Ksiki Con Corridon, Kirranays
However, despite its championship of the forces of and even Simera.
good, it is not unusual for rich individuals or those of
questionable morals to hunt down these birds and capture
them. Unfortunately for their captors firebirds do not
survive well in captivity, and often will wither away and die
if held for extended periods of time.
Firebirds speak Celestial, Common, Elvin and

Firebirds usually swoop down on their foe, raking
with talons and burning foes with their fiery wings. They are
also apt to rain down spells on their foes, and are not above
employing the aid of other beings in their attacks.

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Bestiary Nefarious
Fire Dragon process. However, fire dragons, while not particularly swift
thinkers, have long memories, and never forget a foe - and
Huge Elemental (Fire) will seek to hunt down and destroy such foes at a later date.
Hit Dice: 25d8+125 (237 hp) Breath Weapon (Su): A fire dragon can breath a 120 ft.
Initiative: +0 cone of fire once every minute. The fire deals 12d6 fire
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 80 ft. (Poor) damage, even to creatures immune to fire damage (Reflex
Armor Class: 19 (-2 size, +11 natural), touch 8, flat 19 DC 17 for half).
BAB/Grapple: +18/+37 Fire Aura (Su): A fire dragon is wreathed in constant
Attack: Bite +28 melee (2d6+11 + 4d6 fire;19- flames. Anyone approaching within 10 feet of a Fire dragon
20/x2) takes 2d6 fire damage. A successful Fort save DC 27
Full Attack: Bite +28 melee (2d6+11 + 4d6 fire;19- reduces the damage to half. Anything physically contacting
20/x2) and 2 slam +22 melee (1d8+5+4d6 a fire dragon takes 4d6 fire damage (including weapons or
fire) victims of the fire dragon’s attacks). The fire will ignite
Space/Reach: 15-ft./10 ft. combustible items and can melt metals if given enough
Length: 20 ft. + 2d4 ft. (25 ft.) time.
Weight: 4,000 lbs. + 2d6 x 100 lbs. (4,700 lbs.) Spells-like Abilities (Sp): A fire dragon can use the
Special Att: Breath weapon, fire aura following spell-like abilities as noted below as if a 25th level
Special Qual: DR 20/magic +5, darkvision 60 ft., arcane caster. Spell DCs are 14 + spell level, where
elemental traits, SR 26, spells-like applicable. All abilities are charisma-based.
abilities Detect magic – at will, See Invisibility – 3x/day, Bull’s
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +14, Will +9 Strength – 3x/day, Dispel Magic – 3x/day, Magic Circle
Abilities: S33 D11 C21 I8 W13 Ch19 Against Good – 1x/day, Suggestion – 1x/day, Polymorph –
Skills: Hide -8, Listen +11, Spot +11, Survival 3x/day, Wall of Fire 3x/day, Incendiary Cloud 3x/day, Gate
+9 1x/week, Meteor Swarm 1x/day, Fire Shield – 3x/day, Solid
Feats: Blind Fighting, Cleave, Die Hard, Fog 1x/day.
Improved Critical (Bite), Improved
Sunder, Power Attack, Spell Penetration, Fire Dragons on Amberos
Track, Weapon Focus (Bite) Fire dragons are usually found naturally hot or
Environment: Warm land volcanic regions. For this reason, they are often spotted in
Organization: Solitary Smanvalla, though they have been seen in areas across
CR: 24 Randu in the deep desert or where semi-active or dormant
Treasure: Standard volcanoes can be found.
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 26-50 HD (Huge); 51-75 HD
Level Adj: -
A column of fire swirls before you, taking
shape as a huge, reptilian creature whose
body smokes and smolders. Fiery wings of
blue flame stretch from its side, and its
snake-like neck ends in a fire-belching maw
filled with white-hot spires of flame that
resemble teeth.
The fire dragon is a curious elemental creature
from the elemental plane of fire that can often be found on
the Prime Material plane. It does not seem to actually be
draconic in nature, though it shares many dragon traits,
albeit a very limited intelligence. Fire dragons are
aggressive, greedy creatures with uncontrollable passions
and an appetite for destruction.
A fire dragon can speak Draconic, Ignan and

Fire dragons generally attack by breathing first,
then rushing into melee. They greatly depend on their fire
ability to damage opponents, and should they encounter a
foe resistant to their attacks will quickly withdraw and seek
other prey, sometimes even abandoning their hoard in the

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Bestiary Nefarious
Flesh Engine, General
Flesh engines are alchemical creations of the
mentens, made through a combination of surgery and
psionic manipulation. The mentens build flesh engines to
tend to their cities and to perform various sundry functions,
such as long distance transportation. Only a small number
of the various flesh engines are listed here; while such
engines usually only occur in areas of large concentrations
of mentens are thus rarities, the variety found in menten
communities is both chilling and awe-inspiring.
The mentens, ever fearful and hateful of magic
have designed their flesh engines to be resistant to magical
attack and manipulation. However, mentens prefer to allow
the engines to be susceptible to psionic manipulation to
allow their own race easy access to repair, command and
control the engines.

Flesh Engines on Amberos

The number of menten communities is truly tiny on
Amberos, but there is known to be at least one menten city
hidden in the deepearth which is attended to by flesh
engines. This city, known as F’tangh’Keth’Anor is believed
by many sages to be the capital of the menten “empire” and
is thought to exist somewhere under the Crystalmire
mountains near Misake’s border.

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Flesh Engine, Builder Spell Immunity (Ex): A Builder flesh engine avoids the
Huge Aberration effects of spells and spell-like abilities that directly affect it.
Hit Dice: 15d8+120 (187 hp) This works exactly like spell resistance, except that it cannot
Initiative: -1 (-1 Dex) be overcome. While unable to be affected by spells, flesh
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares, can’t run) engines are fully vulnerable to psionic abilities, as if they
AC: 13 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +6 natural), touch 7, did not have this ability.
flat 13
BAB/Grapple: +11/+30 Flesh Engine Builders on Amberos
Attack: Bite +20 melee (2d6+11) Flesh engine builders are rare sights even in
Full Attack: Bite +20 melee (2d6+11) and 4 claw +15 menten societies. It often takes 2-3 menten thrallherders to
melee (2d8+9) control a single builder flesh engine, and they are generally
Space/Reach: 15-ft./10 ft. reserved for use in building large structures or, in cases of
Height: 16 ft. war, to use as mobile siege engines.
Weight: 6,000 lbs. (3 tons)
Special Att: -
Special Qual: DR 15/psionic +3, darkvision 60 ft., spell
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +4, Will +9
Abilities: S33 D9 C27 I6 W10 Ch1
Skills: Craft +16, Listen 0, Spot 0
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Endurance, Improved
Sunder, Power Attack, Skill Focus
Environment: Any underground
Organization: Solitary, Pair, or Cluster (2-5)
CR: 14
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 16-30 HD (Huge); 31-45 HD
Level Adj: -
This behemoth of flesh and muscle stands as
tall as a house on six short legs the thickness
of a tree. Four long, clawed arms project
radially out of the body, each being powerfully
built. Perhaps strangest of all is the creature's
face - as if the head of a tortured human had
been inset into a recess near the top of the
mound of flesh. Near the base of the creature
is a huge maw nearly the size of a man filled
with powerful slashing teeth.
The builder flesh engine is a tool of the Mentens
designed to build houses and other large structures. They
can often be found plodding through Menten cities repairing
or building new structures or tearing down old buildings and
digesting the remnants to fuel their enormous bulk. The
creatures are nearly mindless, containing the tortured and
dominated brain of a former slave controlling the beast.
While builder flesh engines are not designed for combat or
war, sometimes the Mentens will use them in desperate
times as siege engines against other underdark races.

Flesh engines, when unleashed to fight, wail
horribly as they slash at foes with their terrible claws or
attempt to bite with the massive felling jaws on their
underbody. Once engaged, flesh engines will not flee from
combat, and even Mentens find it difficult to gain back
control over these beasts.

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Flesh Engine, Carpetbagger not stop to deal with opponents, but will instead do its best
Gargantuan Aberration to push through the encounter and continue moving.
Hit Dice: 21d8+210 (304 hp) Disgorge (Ex): A carpetbagger may choose to expel up to 6
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) creatures it has swallowed in a single round as a standard
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), burrow 20 ft. (4 action. This is generally either only done to gain aid against
squares) attacks from its “cargo” or to deposit “cargo” at its
Armor Class: 18 (-4 size, +1 Dex, +11 natural), touch 7, destination point.
flat 17 Improved Grab (Ex): If a Carpetbagger hits a large or
BAB/Grapple: +15/+36 smaller opponent with a bite attack, it deals normal damage
Attack: Bite +20 melee (2d8 +9) and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without
Full Attack: 3 Bite +20 melee (2d8 +9) provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial touch attack is
Space/Reach: 20-ft./15 ft. required. Each successful grapple check it makes during
Length: 28 ft. successive rounds automatically deals the damage indicated
Weight: 28,000 lbs. (14 tons) for the attack that established the hold.
Special Att: Improved grab, swallow whole Swallow Whole (Ex): If a Carpetbagger begins its turn with
Special Qual: DR 20/psionic +5, darkvision 60ft., spell an opponent held in its mouth (see Improved Grab), it can
immunity attempt a new grapple check (as though attempting to pin
Saves: Fort +19, Ref +10, Will +14 the opponent). If it succeeds, it swallows its prey, and the
Abilities: S28 D13 C31 I6 W10 Ch1 opponent takes bite damage if the Carpetbagger chooses to
Skills: Climb +21, Listen +6, Spot +6 inflict damage (it does not do so “cargo”). A swallowed
Feats: Dodge, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Iron creature is considered to be grappled, while the creature that
Will, did the swallowing is not. A swallowed creature can try to
Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Run, Spring cut its way free with any light slashing or piercing weapon
Attack by dealing 15 points of damage to the creature’s AC 22
Environment: Any underground interior. If the swallowed creature escapes the grapple,
Organization: Solitary (1 + 1-16 Menten, or Brood (2-5 success puts it back in the attacker’s mouth, where it may be
+ 1-16 Menten each) bitten or swallowed again.
CR: 20 A carpetbagger can hold 8 large, 16 medium, 32
Treasure: None small or 64 tiny creatures. Creatures swallowed by the
Alignment: Always neutral Carpetbagger are held in fluid-filled pustules along its sides.
Advancement: 22-42 HD (Gargantuan); 43-63 HD The fluid does no harm to those held (actually providing
(Colossal) nourishment for long journeys) and those held in the
Level Adj: - pustules are relatively safe from harm, while still being able
This serpent-like tapering mass of flesh is to view the world outside.
supported by a series of crab-like legs. Spell Immunity (Ex): A Carpetbagger avoids the effects of
Between sets of legs are what appear to be spells and spell-like abilities that directly affect it. This
large pus-like sores filled with some sort of works exactly like spell resistance, except that it cannot be
murky fluid. As it moves along, its massive overcome. The carpetbagger’s spell resistance does not
three jaws scrape the ground ahead, while extend to immunity from psionic attack or abilities.
what looks like a human-sized head gazes
forlornly from above the massive jaws. Carpetbagger Flesh Engines on Amberos
A flesh engine carpetbagger is a transport made of Carpetbaggers are most commonly found being
living flesh. It is designed to carry slaves or menten from used as a rapid transport device between two distant menten
one point to another quickly and easily. The creature can communities. In extremely rare cases, they are used as a
cross vast distances for long periods of time at rapid rates, sort of personal carrier to deliver menten forces into a
as well as bore through solid rock to reach its goal. combat area in large battles.
Carpetbaggers are under the complete control of the menten
who sculpted it, and if left alone, would starve without
Flesh engines cannot speak, but they understand the
language of the menten.

A carpetbagger's only method of attack is to
attempt to scoop up victims and hold them in its body
cavities until the foe can be dealt with. If under severe
attack, it can attempt to disgorge its cargo of mentens, who
can then deal with attacks against the creature. If a
carpetbagger is en route when it is attacked, the creature will

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Bestiary Nefarious
Flesh Engine, Memorizer Attach (Su): If a Memorizer successfully strikes a foe with
Medium Aberration (Psionic) its slam attack, it may start a grapple for free without
Hit Dice: 4d8+8 (26 hp) provoking an attack of opportunity. If it successfully
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) grapples an opponent, the memorizer automatically
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (average) continues the grapple without needing to make checks in
AC: 17 (+2 Dex, +5 natural), touch 12, flat 15 subsequent rounds, and can freely use its Steal Memory,
BAB/Grapple: +3/+4 Memory Storehouse and Psychic Battery abilities against
Attack: Slam +4 melee (1d4+1) the foe (who still gains a save against the abilities).
Full Attack: Slam +4 melee (1d4+1) Steal Memory (Su): As a full attack action, a memorizer
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. that has successfully grappled an opponent can copy
Height: 6 ft. memories from its foe if the victim fails a Will DC 17 save.
Weight: 150 lbs. Each successful attack allows it to steal 5 minutes of
Special Att: Attach, Mindream, Steal memory detailed memories or a day’s worth of general memories.
Special Qual: DR 5/psionic +1, darkvision 60ft., Memory Storehouse (Su): A memorizer has a vast storage
memory storehouse, psychic battery, spell of knowledge, and as a full-attack action while it is
immunity grappling an opponent, it can transfer these memories to the
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 target if they fail a Will DC 17 save. The memorizer can
Abilities: S12 D15 C15 I21 W8 Ch1 transfer 5 minutes of detailed memories or a day’s worth of
Skills: Gather Information -5, Knowledge general memories per round.
(Dungeoneering) +12, Knowledge Mind Ream (Su): As a standard action, a memorizer can
(history) +12, Knowledge (local) +12, attempt to attack the mind of a single individual within 30
Knowledge (the planes) +12, Listen +6, feet of itself, filling the victim with a staggering array of
Search +12, Spot +6 images meant to confuse and overwhelm the target. The
Feats: Dodge, Iron Will target must make a Will DC 17 save or be stunned for
Environment: Any underground 1d4+1 rounds and take 1d4 damage. Memorizers
Organization: Solitary, or Cluster (2-5) sometimes use this attack to prepare to Attach (see above).
CR: 3 Creatures immune to mind-influencing attacks are immune
Treasure: None to this ability.
Alignment: Always neutral evil Psychic Battery (Su): The memorizer is essentially a
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Medium); 9-12 HD (Large) gigantic, powerful mind, and it may choose to allow beings
Level Adj: - it is currently grappling to use its own mental energies to
This slime-coated creature appears to be a power psionic abilities. When grappling and willing, the
brain the size of a man, and throbs with its memorizer can donate 5 PSP’s to a target, once per day. It
own inner light. A single strand, like that of a may donate an additional 1 PSP per round at the cost of 4
massive spinal column minus the bone, hangs hit points of damage to itself. Generally, memorizers only
down from the odd creature. allow other Menten to access this ability.
The flesh engine memorizer is a collection of nerve Spell Immunity (Ex): A memorizer avoids the effects of
and brain cells whose only purpose is to collect and save spells and spell-like abilities that directly affect it. This
information - then impart it to mentens when they request works exactly like spell resistance, except that it cannot be
the information, freeing the menten minds to pursue other overcome. Flesh engine memorizers gain no such immunity
knowledge. to psionic abilities or powers.
Memorizers are sometimes used to augment menten
psychic abilities, and other times they are used as crude Flesh Engine Memorizers on Amberos
torture devices against other beings. Some menten have Surprisingly, memorizers are one of the few flesh
taken to using memorizers to extract information from engines that can be found even in small menten
unwilling prisoners or foes. communities. They are sometimes used as communication
Memorizers communicate by signing with their nerve devices to contact larger menten communities or as distress
ganglia or connecting with a victim and displaying mental markers for menten communities that fall to invaders.
images of what it “says”.

Memorizers are rather feeble in melee combat, and
if attacked, generally attempt to flee. However, if it can get
close enough to a foe it needs to interrogate or torture, it can
use its mind-reaming abilities to cause agonizing pain to its
victim, rendering them unconscious. Against such
opponents, the ganglia nerve of the memorizer can be used
to strangle incapacitated foes.

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Bestiary Nefarious
Flesh Engine, Sweeper successfully bull rushes and opponent, it does not push the
Huge Aberration victim back, but instead immediately may attempt to
Hit Dice: 12d8+60 (114 hp) swallow the victim whole immediately, instead of waiting
Initiative: +0 until next round to swallow the victim (if successful).
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) Improved Grab (Ex): If a Flesh engine Sweeper hits a
Armor Class: 18 (-2 size, +10 natural), touch 8, flat 18 Large-sized or smaller opponent with a bite, it deals normal
BAB/Grapple: +9/+22 damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action
Attack: Bite +12 melee (2d6+5) without provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial touch
Full Attack: Bite +12 melee (2d6+5), 2 claws +7 melee attack is required. When a Sweeper gets a hold after an
(1d8+2) improved grab attack, it pulls the opponent into its space.
Space/Reach: 15-ft./15 ft. This act does not provoke attacks of opportunity. It can even
Length: 12 ft. + 2d4 ft. (17 ft.) move (possibly carrying away the opponent), provided it
Weight: 4,000 lbs. + 2d8 x 1,000 lbs. (13,000 can drag the opponent’s weight.
lbs./6 tons) Swallow Whole (Ex): If a Flesh engine Sweeper begins its
Special Att: Consume, Improved Grab, Swallow turn with an Large-sized or smaller opponent held in its
Whole mouth (see Improved Grab), it can attempt a new grapple
Special Qual: DR 15/psionic +3, darkvision 60 ft, spell check (as though attempting to pin the opponent). If it
immunity succeeds, it swallows its prey, and the opponent takes bite
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +8 damage. Swallowed creatures take 1d8 bludgeoning and 4d6
Abilities: S21 D10 C21 I6 W10 Ch1 acid damage per round while swallowed. A swallowed
Skills: Listen +2, Spot +2, Survival +8 creature is considered to be grappled, while the creature that
Feats: Alertness, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull did the swallowing is not. A swallowed creature can try to
Rush, Power Attack, Track cut its way free with any light slashing or piercing weapon
Environment: Any underground by dealing 12 hit points of damage to the AC 15 interior, or
Organization: Solitary, or Cluster (2-5) it can just try to escape the grapple. If the swallowed
CR: 3 creature escapes the grapple, success puts it back in the
Treasure: None attacker’s mouth, where it may be bitten or swallowed
Alignment: Always neutral again. A Sweeper’s gullet can hold one huge, two large,
Advancement: 13-24 HD (Huge); 25-36 HD four medium, eight small, or sixteen tiny creatures.
(Gargantuan) Spell Immunity (Ex): A flesh engine Sweeper with spell
Level Adj: - immunity avoids the effects of spells and spell-like abilities
This mammoth pile of flesh drags itself along that directly affect it. This works exactly like spell
on two powerful clawed limbs, leaving a thin resistance, except that it cannot be overcome. A Sweeper
trail of slime behind it. It sports a titanic maw does not gain any such resistance against psionic attacks.
nearly as large as its entire body, above which
is inset a vaguely humanoid face whose eyes Flesh Engine Sweepers on Amberos
slowly survey the area about it. Sweepers are generally only found in the larger
The flesh engine sweeper is used in Menten cities menten communities where offal and accumulated trash
as a mobile trash collector. It is omnivorous and will eat would be a problem. Generally one sweeper working 24
anything put into its path - sometimes even other Mentens. hours a day is sufficient to keep most menten cities clean
Flesh engines are capable of understanding Menten but “industrial” flesh-shaper cities may require a cluster of
commands, and are capable of rudimentary thought, but flesh engine sweepers to keep the city from reeking and
because of their constant hunger rarely venture to speak. drawing unwanted scavengers or plagues.
Those who have heard it speak instantly realize the creature
is in constant pain and fueled by nothing more than its
insatiable hunger.

A sweeper does not attack per se as much as it
attempts to consume - anything and everything. If a creature
is foolish enough to remain in a sweepers path, the sweeper
will have no compunction about devouring it. It is possible
to anger and draw the attention of these beasts, but rarely is
it wise to do so, for sweepers have excellent tracking ability
and will go out of their way to track down those that harm
Consume (Ex): As a full-attack action, a Flesh engine
Sweeper can bull rush an opponent with intent to swallow
the victim in one fell swoop. If the Flesh engine

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Bestiary Nefarious
Flesh Engine, Warrior Combat
Large Aberration A flesh engine warrior generally rushes its
Hit Dice: 8d8+32 (68 hp) opponent with its powerful charge ability, and then
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) concentrates its attacks on a single foe, attempting to
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 70 ft. (average), decimate the most dangerous opponent as quickly as
climb 30 ft. (6 squares) possible. Their flying and climbing ability usually allows
Armor Class: 25 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +13 natural), touch them to hunt down and overcome foes whom attempt to stay
12, flat 22 at range, and their spell resistance protects them against
BAB/Grapple: +6/+18 most enemy spell attacks. Flesh engine warriors will rarely,
Attack: Claw +13 melee (1d6+8) if ever retreat, and are not known for taking prisoners -
Full Attack: 4 Claw +13 melee (1d6+8) and bite +8 except in cases where they intend to devour said prey at a
melee (1d8+4 + ability damage) and gore later time.
+8 melee (1d8+4) and sting +8 melee Ability Damage (Su): The bite of a flesh engine warrior
(1d6+4) deals 1d4 temporary Constitution damage if the victim fails
Space/Reach: 10-ft./10 ft. a Fort DC 18 save. If the bite scores a critical hit, it deals
Height: 12 ft. twice the indicated amount of damage. Ability damage
Weight: 5,000 lbs. returns at the rate of 1 point per day for each affected
Special Att: Ability damage, powerful charge ability.
Special Qual: DR 10/-, darkvision 60 ft., regeneration 8, Magic Resistant (Su): A flesh engine warrior gains a +10
magic resistant, scent, SR 22 bonus to Spell Resistance.
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +7 Powerful Charge (Ex): When a flesh engine warrior makes
Abilities: S27 D17 C19 I6 W13 Ch 6 a charge, it deals 2d6+12 damage.
Skills: Hide -1, Listen +6, Spot +7, Survival +1 Regeneration (Ex): Fire and acid deal lethal damage to
Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, TrackB flesh engine warriors. Regenerating warriors can regrow lost
Environment: Any land portions of their bodies in 1d4+1 minutes and can reattach
Organization: Solitary, or Cluster (2-5) severed limbs or body parts by holding it to the stump for
CR: 7 one round. Severed parts that are not reattached wither and
Treasure: None die normally.
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 9-16 HD (Large); 17-24 HD (Huge) Flesh Engine Warriors on Amberos
Level Adj: - It is rare for the menten to create flesh engine
This humanoid beast ripples with muscles that warriors; rare is the occasion that they involve themselves in
covered in a slimy sheen. Four long arms that outright war against their enemies, preferring subterfuge and
end in razor-sharp claws protrude from its subtly to defeat their foes.
side, and distorted head is poised atop the Usually only the largest menten communities
shoulders that sprout a wicked frond of horns. create flesh engines, often creating multiple such machines
It stands on four powerful, hooved feet, and a in one fell stroke. Mentens rarely keep a flesh engine
pair of bat-like wings sprouts from its back. beyond the battle they are constructed for, and often assume
The flesh engine warrior is a fearsome creature only that the flesh engine will be destroyed or so badly mauled in
fashioned by the mentens in times of dire need - either action that it will not be serviceable afterward.
should their cities fall under siege or should the mentens
seek to strike out and wage massive war against the other
races of the underdark. Unlike most other flesh engines that
can be made of any number of creatures, Warrior flesh
engines are made of three specific creatures bound into one
body: A troll, a minotaur and a dragon wyrmling. It is that
reason alone that these creatures are rarely seen in the first
Flesh engine warriors are difficult for menten to
directly control, and as such these creatures are often left
untended and generally destroyed as soon as their need is no
longer required.
Flesh engine warriors can speak on a basic level, and
know the menten language and bits of Undercommon.
However, they rarely bother to talk as they are often to
ready to engage in combat.

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Bestiary Nefarious
Flesh Engine Dreadnought flame, the flesh engine dreadnought lumbers forward,
Huge Aberration smashing anything in its path. It does not waver from
Hit Dice: 24d8+144 (252 hp) cleaving a path of destruction in its wake, and leaves no
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) enemy intact – often ripping down foes in twain before
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 70 ft. (average), moving on to its next target.
climb 30 ft. (6 squares) Ability Damage (Su): The bite of a flesh engine
AC: 39 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +16 natural, +13 dreadnought deals 1d4 temporary Constitution damage if the
mithral full plate +5), touch 10, flat 37 victim fails a Fort DC 28 save. If the bite scores a critical
BAB/Grapple: +18/+34 hit, it deals twice the indicated amount of damage. Ability
Attack: Claw +29 melee (1d8+12;19-20/x2) damage returns at the rate of 1 point per day for each
Full Attack: 4 claws +29 melee (1d8+12;19-20/x2), affected ability.
bite +26 melee (1d8+6 + ability damage), Breath Weapon (Su): Once per minute, the flesh engine
gore +26 melee (1d8+6), sting +26 melee dreadnought can breath a 80 ft. line of fire that deals 10d6
(1d8+4) fire damage (Reflex DC 28 half).
Space/Reach: 15-ft./15 ft. Fire Immunity (Su): Because of its red dragon heritage, a
Height: 22 ft. flesh engine dreadnought is immune to fire damage. It does
Weight: 16,000 lbs. (8 tons) not, however, suffer double damage from cold attacks.
Special Att: Ability damage, breath weapon, magic Magic Resistant (Su): A flesh engine dreadnought gains a
strike, powerful charge, thunderous plod +10 bonus to Spell Resistance.
Special Qual: DR 15/-, darkvision 60 ft., fire immunity, Powerful Charge (Ex): When a flesh engine dreadnought
magic resistant, regeneration 12, scent, makes a charge, it deals 2d8+18 damage. It may combine a
spell-like abilities, SR 30 powerful charge with an improved overrun attack and
Saves: Fort +14, Reflex +10, Will +15 thunderous plod.
Abilities: S35 D15 C23 I6 W13 Ch 16 Regeneration (Ex): Acid deals lethal damage to flesh
Skills: Hide -6, Listen +14, Spot +15, Survival engine dreadnoughts. Regenerating warriors can regrow lost
+1 portions of their bodies in 1d4+1 minutes and can reattach
Feats: Awesome Blow, Cleave, Improved severed limbs or body parts by holding it to the stump for
Critical (Claw), Improved Overrun, one round. Severed parts that are not reattached wither and
Multiattack, Penetrate Damage Reduction die normally.
(Adamantine)E, Overwhelming Critical Spell-like Abilities (Sp): The flesh engine dreadnought can
(Claw)E, Power Attack, TrackB, Weapon use the following spell-like abilities with a caster level of
Focus (Claw) 24. Saves are Charisma based.
Environment: Any land Locate Object – 11x/day, Suggestion (DC 16) – 3x/day,
Organization: Solitary, War Party (1 + 2-20 thrallkin + Find the Path – 1x/day.
4-40 grimlocks +0-1 menten), Thunderous Plod (Ex): The footfalls of a charging flesh
Armageddon (1 + 2-12 flesh engine engine dreadnought cause the very ground to shake. Those
warriors + 1 menten) within 15 feet of the path of a charging flesh engine
CR: 19 dreadnought must make a Balance DC 15 check or fall over.
Treasure: mithral full plate +5 (35,650 gp)
Alignment: Always Neutral Flesh Engine Dreadnoughts on Amberos
Advancement: None There are only legends of this creature among the
Level Adj: – mentens and their enemies; it is so difficult to create that it
This armored humanoid beast is covered in is more of a threatened armageddon weapon than a fact.
shimmering plate engraved with strange, red-
glowing sigils. Four long arms that end in
razor-sharp claws protrude from its side, and
helmeted, distorted head is poised atop the
shoulders that sprout a wicked frond of horns.
It stands on four powerful, hooved feet, and a
pair of bat-like wings sprouts from its back.
The flesh engine dreadnought is the culmination of
the menten flesh-shaping skill brought to full bear for war.
The epitome of a flesh engine warrior, a flesh engine
dreadnought is crafted from the bodies of multiple trolls,
minotaurs and the flesh of a wyrm red dragon.

A flesh engine dreadnought is pure brutality on the
battlefield. After first scouring the field ahead of it with

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Bestiary Nefarious
Fluttercat DC 12 Handle Animal check and 3 weeks of training.
Fluttercat kittens can be purchased for 500 gp.
Tiny Magical Beast
Hit Dice: ½d10 (2 hp) Fluttercat Familiars
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) Wizards (especially female half-elves) seem to
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (good) have an affinity for taking fluttercats as familiars. A
Armor Class: 15 (+2 size, +3 Dex), touch 15, flat 12 fluttercat may be taken as a familiar at 1st level. A fluttercat
BAB/Grapple: 0/-12 familiar provides its master with a +3 bonus to Move
Attack: Claw +5 melee (1d2-4) Silently.
Full Attack: 2 claws +5 melee (1d2-4) and bite +0
melee (1d3-4) Fluttercats on Amberos
Space/Reach: 2½-ft./0 ft.
The fluttercat is an ancient gift to the Aegyptians,
Length: 7 in. + 1d4 in. (9 in.)
and can be found in large numbers in those societies who
Weight: 2 lb. +1d3 lbs. (3 lbs.)
revere cats.
Special Att: -
Fluttercats are primarily found in Llannhanex, with
Special Qual: Low-light vision, scent
some breeds imported to Iiannhanex. They are not native to
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1
any other region, though they are sometimes bought as pets
Abilities: S2 D16 C10 I2 W12 Ch 7
in places such as the Skienlands, Randu, Simera, Ulanst and
Skills: Balance +11, Climb +13, Hide +15*,
even the Silkna Kingdom. Nyrr Ryann traders occasionally
Listen +4, Move Silently +7, Spot +3
sell specimens as far west as Millos, but such transactions
Feats: Weapon Finesse
are rare and costly.
Environment: Temperate or Warm desert, plains, forests,
and hills
Organization: Solitary, Gang (2-5), or Nest (5-20)
CR: ¼
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 1 HD (Tiny); 2-3 HD (Small)
Level Adj: +2
This Siamese-looking cat sports a pair of
butterfly-like wings from its back.
A fluttercat can look like any number of normal
varieties of housecat, but sports a pair of wings that sprout
from its back. Of the various fluttercats, 75% have bird
wings, 20% have butterfly-like wings, and 5% have bat
There are tales of magic-using fluttercats that are the
minions of the Egyptian gods, but none have ever been seen
to verify the tale.

Fluttercats prefer to sneak onto prey from above,
dropping onto their foe to catch them unawares. Their
ability to climb, jump and fly means that most vermin they
chase have little chance to escape. Fluttercats have been
known to raid bird's nests, but will rarely, if ever, chase prey
Skills: Fluttercats have a +4 racial bonus on Hide and Move
Silently checks. Fluttercats have a +8 racial bonus on
Balance checks. A fluttercat has a +10 racial bonus to
Climb and Jump checks. They use their Dexterity modifier
instead of their Strength modifier for Climb and Jump
checks. In areas of tall grass or heavy undergrowth, the Hide
bonus rises to +8.

Training A Fluttercat
Since fluttercats were created from housecat stock,
they are very easy to train. Training a fluttercat requires a

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Bestiary Nefarious
Flying snake
Tiny Magical Beast (Reptilian)
Hit Dice: ¼d10+2 (3 hp)
Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex)
Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares), fly 50 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 17 (+2 size, +4 Dex, +1 natural), touch 16,
flat 13
BAB/Grapple: +0/-12
Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d3-4 + poison)
Full Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d3-4 + poison)
Space/Reach: 2-½ ft./0 ft.
Length: 2 ft. + 2d8 in. (2 ft. 9 in.)
Weight: 2 lbs. + 1d6 lbs. (5 lbs.)
Special Att: Poison
Special Qual: Darkvision 60ft., low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1
Abilities: S3 D19 C15 I1 W12 Ch2
Skills: Balance +14, Climb +14, Hide +12,
Listen +4, Spot +3
Feats: Weapon Finesse
Environment: Warm deserts
Organization: Solitary, or Brood (2-5)
CR: 1
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 1-2 HD (Tiny); 2-4 HD (Small)
Level Adj: -
This cobra-like snake sports a pair of bat-like
wings and flutters effortlessly through the air,
twisting and twining on the wind.
The flying snake is a menace to desert areas, usually
around oasises. They are highly territorial, and will often
capriciously seek out prey and bite them to death.

Flying snakes are almost constantly on the wing,
and will swoop in to strike at victims and continue attacking
until the foes ceases to move. They seem to have a disgust
of sweet-smelling perfumes and generally will avoid areas
of strong-smelling odors unless attacked or otherwise
Poison (Ex): A flying snake’s bite injects a deadly nerve
toxin into the victim (injected, DC 12; init: 1d8 Con; sec:
2d6 Con).
Skills: A flying snake gains a +10 racial bonus to climb and
balance checks. A flying snake may use its dexterity instead
of its strength when climbing.

Flying Snakes on Amberos

Flying snakes are often reported in the lands of
Erakatuo, Iiannhanex and Ulanst. They seem to be less
common in Llannhanex and eastward through Randu.

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Bestiary Nefarious
Fowler with arrows from above. When fully engaged, they
generally hover in front of their opponent and attack with
Medium Humanoid (Avian) both claws or with two weapons. They use their superior
Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp) maneuverability to keep out of harm's way. Unfortunately,
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) fowlers tend to worry more about their own well-being, and
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 80 ft. (average) if injured will flee a foe rather than continue an attack.
Armor Class: 13 (+2 Dex, +1 padded armor), touch 12, The fowler warrior presented here had the
flat 11 following ability scores before racial adjustments. Str 11,
BAB/Grapple: +1/+0 Dex 13, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 8.
Attack: Claw +0 melee or longsword +0 melee or Impaired Dexterity. A fowler’s feet function as its hands,
shortbow +3 ranged (1d6-1;x3) and thus it cannot hold items or perform tasks that require
Full Attack: 2 Claw +0 melee (1d4-1) or longsword -2 the manipulation of an object while on the ground.
melee (1d8-1;19-20/x2) and short sword - Safe Fall. A conscious, unbound fowler can spread its
2 melee (1d6-1;19-20/x2), or shortbow +3 wings to gently float down any distance and negate falling
ranged (1d6-1;x3) damage. If the fowler chooses, at any point during the fall
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. after 20 feet, it may begin flying.
Height: 5 ft. 3 in. + 1d6 in. (5 ft. 6 in.) Skills: A fowler gains a +10 racial bonus to Jump checks
Weight: 75 lbs. + 1d6 x 5 lbs. (90 lbs.) and a +4 racial bonus to Spot checks.
Special Att: -
Special Qual: Impaired dexterity, safe fall Fowler Society
Saves: Fort -2, Ref +3, Will +1 Fowlers tend to live in communal nests built into
Abilities: S9 D15 C10 I9 W10 Ch8 cliffs or other structures that are inaccessible or difficult to
Skills: Balance +2, Climb -1, Escape Artist +2, reach by those who cannot fly.
Hide +2, Jump +9, Listen +5, Move While it is common for a fowler community to
Silently +2, Spot +9, Swim -3 have a tribal leader, the position is mostly ceremonial;
Feats: Dodge, HoverB, Two-weapon FightingB fowlers dislike being told what they can or cannot do and
Environment: Temperate or Warm hills and mountains are as likely to ignore an edict given by a fowler tribal
Organization: Solitary, Family (2-5), Patrol (5-20 +0-3 leader as they are to follow it.
quill), Mob (20-40 + 0-5 quill + 0-3 On the flip side, fowler family relations are very
featherlight), or Horde (40-60 + 1-10 quill strong and parents lovingly care for children and are often
+ 0-5 featherlight + 0-1 roost lord + 1-3 on good relations even through adulthood. Fowler parents
giant eagles) are rarely disciplinarian; they often prefer that children
CR: 1 make their own decisions, though they certainly are not
Treasure: Standard, double gems above sharing their own wisdom with their children.
Alignment: Often chaotic neutral Fowlers have an unusual view towards private
Advancement: By character class property; fowlers rarely have strong feelings for a piece of
Level Adj: +2 property or for an item, and it is not uncommon for them to
This humanoid has a pair of feathered wings simply take things they need or want, only to later discard
instead of hands and its feet end in sharp once the usefulness of the item is gone. Because of this,
talons. It has a bird-like beak, but an there seems to be an alarming number of “thieves” who
otherwise humanoid face, albeit covered in develop in fowler society, though such thefts are rarely
downy, hair-like feathers. The creature seems capricious in nature.
as adept using its feet as it would a pair of
hands. Fowlers on Amberos
The fowler is a race of intelligent bird-men who
The origin of fowlers is largely unknown on
live in the wild upper reaches of the world. They are more
Amberos; many sages believe a capricious Ancient One
comfortable in the air than on the ground, and often feel pity
created them during the Elvin Golden Age for reasons
for those creatures unable to fly.
Fowlers are rather tolerant of a great many people
Large fowler communities can be found in
and beings, and they are often prized by kingdoms as
Roonhawk and Hawk lands, and the two countries
messengers and heralds - if they can be bothered to care
establishing myths are wrapped in the prophetic ability of an
about such affairs as delivering messages or information
ancient Fowler, named Runespear, whose insight allowed
from one place to another.
Roonhawk to be established.
Fowlers speak Auran, Elvin and Common. They
Other fowler communities exist in the Crystalmire
are often also fluent in Giant, Ignan, Celestial, or Goblinoid.
Mountains and the various chains that spin off from the
mountains, though these communities tend to be small and
primitive compared to those in Roonhawk and the Hawk
Fowlers usually attack from on wing, swooping Lands.
past opponents to attack with swords or to pepper opponents

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Fowler as Characters Fowler Quill
Fowlers are adventurous and curious. It is not Fowler Rog 6;hp: 21
unusual for them to strike out on their own to discover what S10 D18 C11 I14 W10 Ch8; Fort +3, Ref +10, Will +3
the world has to offer. Init: +4 Move: 30 ft, fly 80 ft. (average)
Fowler characters have the following abilities. AC: 18 (+4 Dex, +4 studded leather +1) touch 18, flat
• Base Movement Rate 30 feet. A Fowler has a fly 14
rate of 80 feet (Average). BAB/Grapple: +4/+4
• Medium Size Full Attack: 2 talons +8 melee (1d3) or
• -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution. Primary +1 shortsword +7 melee
Fowlers are nimble and lithe, but tend to be (1d6+1;19-20/x2), off-hand mw
physically weak and frail. shortsword +7 melee (1d6;19-20/x2) or
• Natural Attacks. An unarmed, flying fowler can Mw composite shortbow +9 ranged
rake with its two talons for 1d3 + Strength damage. (1d6;x3)
This attack can only be used while flying. Special Att: Sneak attack +3d6
• Impaired Dexterity. A fowler’s feet function as Special Qual: Evasion, impaired dexterity, safe fall, trap
its hands, and thus it cannot hold items or perform sense +2, trapfinding, uncanny dodge
tasks that require the manipulation of an object Skills: Bluff +8, Decipher Script +11, Disable Device
while on the ground. +11, Escape Artist +13, Forgery +11, Jump +10,
• Racial feat. A fowler gains the Two-weapon Knowledge (Local) +11, Listen +0, Move Silently
fighting feat and Hover feat as a racial feat. +13, Search +11, Sleight of Hand +13, Spot +13
• +4 racial bonus to Spot. Fowlers have sharp eyes Feats: Combat Reflexes, HoverB, Two-weapon FightingB,
and can easily spot what others miss. Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Shortsword)
CR: 6
• +10 racial bonus to Jump. A fowler’s wings give
Gear: +1 shortsword (2,310 gp), mw shortsword (310
it a +10 bonus to any jump checks it makes.
gp), mw composite shortbow (375 gp), +1 studded
• Safe Fall. A conscious, unbound fowler can
leather (1,175 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (1,000
spread its wings to gently float down any distance
gp), potion of cure moderate wounds (300 gp)
and negate falling damage. If the fowler chooses,
Total: 5,480 gp (5,600 gp)
at any point during the fall after 20 feet, it may
Evasion (Ex): If a fowler quill makes a successful Reflex
begin flying.
saving throw against an attack that normally deals half
• Favored Class: Rogue damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage.
• Level Adjustment: +2 A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Fowlers worship Vermnia, the Goddess of Storms. A Trap Sense (Ex): A fowler quill gains an intuitive sense
priest of Vermnia may choose two of the three domains of that alerts her to danger from traps, giving her a +2 bonus
Air, Animals (birds/flying animals only), or Chaos. on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +2 dodge bonus
to AC against attacks made by traps.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A fowler quill retains her Dexterity
bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat or struck by
an invisible attacker. However, she still loses her Dexterity
bonus to AC if immobilized.

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Fowler Featherlight Fowler Roost Lord
Fowler Rog 12;hp: 42 Fowler Rog 18;hp: 63
S10 D22 C11 I14 W10 Ch8; Fort +6, Ref +16, Will +6 S10 D27 C11 I14 W10 Ch8; Fort +11, Ref +24, Will +11
Init: +6 Move: 30 ft, fly 80 ft. (average) Init: +12 Move: 30 ft, fly 80 ft. (average)
AC: 22 (+6 Dex, +6 studded leather +3) touch 16, flat AC: 28 (+8 Dex, +8 studded leather +5, +2 ring of
16 protection +2) touch 20, flat 20
BAB/Grapple: +9/+9 BAB/Grapple: +12/+12
Full Attack: 2 talons +15 melee (1d3) or Full Attack: 2 talons +20 melee (1d3) or
Primary +1 shortsword +15/+10 melee Primary +2 shortsword +20/+15/+10
(1d6+1;19-20/x2), off-hand +1 melee (1d6+2;19-20/x2), off-hand +2
shortsword +15/+10 melee (1d6+1;19- shortsword +20/+15/+10 melee
20/x2) or (1d6+2;19-20/x2) or
+1 composite shortbow +15/+10 ranged +3 composite shortbow +23/+18/+13
(1d6;x3) ranged (1d6+3;x3)
Special Att: Sneak attack +6d6 Special Att: Sneak attack +9d6
Special Qual: Evasion, impaired dexterity, improved Special Qual: Evasion, impaired dexterity, improved
uncanny dodge, safe fall, trap sense +4, uncanny dodge, opportunist, safe fall,
trapfinding, uncanny dodge slippery mind, trap sense +6, trapfinding,
Skills: Bluff +14, Decipher Script +17, Disable Device uncanny dodge
+17, Escape Artist +20, Forgery +17, Jump +10, Skills: Bluff +20, Decipher Script +23, Disable Device
Knowledge (Local) +17, Listen +0, Move Silently +23, Escape Artist +26, Forgery +23, Jump +10,
+22, Search +17, Sleight of Hand +20, Spot +19 Knowledge (Local) +23, Listen +6, Move Silently
Feats: Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, HoverB, +28, Search +23, Sleight of Hand +26, Spot +19
Improved Feint, Improved Two-Weapon Feats: Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Greater Two-
FightingRo, Two-weapon FightingB, Weapon Weapon Fighting, HoverB, Improved Feint,
Finesse, Weapon Focus (Shortsword) Improved Initiative, Improved Two-Weapon
CR: 12 FightingRo, Two-weapon FightingB, Weapon
Gear: two +1 shortsword (4,620 gp), +1 composite Finesse, Weapon Focus (Shortsword)
shortbow (2,375 gp), +3 studded leather (9,175 CR: 18
gp), cloak of resistance +2 (4,000 gp), gloves of Gear: two +2 shortsword (16,620 gp), +3 composite
dexterity +2 (4,000 gp), potion of cure moderate shortbow (18,375 gp), +5 studded leather (25,175
wounds (300 gp) gp), ring of protection +2 (8,000 gp), cloak of
Total: 24,480 gp (27,000 gp) resistance +5 (25,000 gp), gloves of dexterity +6
Evasion (Ex): If a fowler featherlight makes a successful (36,000 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds (300
Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals gp)
half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no Total: 129,470 gp (130,000 gp)
damage. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of Evasion (Ex): If a fowler featherlight makes a successful
evasion. Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A fowler featherlight can half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no
no longer be flanked. This defense denies another rogue the damage. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of
ability to sneak attack the character by flanking her, unless evasion.
the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A fowler featherlight can
target does. no longer be flanked. This defense denies another rogue the
Trap Sense (Ex): A fowler featherlight gains an intuitive ability to sneak attack the character by flanking her, unless
sense that alerts her to danger from traps, giving her a +4 the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the
bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +4 dodge target does.
bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. Opportunist (Ex): Once per round, the fowler roost lord can
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A fowler featherlight retains her make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who has
Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat or just been struck for damage in melee by another character.
struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still loses her This attack counts as the rogue’s attack of opportunity for
Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. that round. Even a rogue with the Combat Reflexes feat
can’t use the opportunist ability more than once per round.
Slippery Mind (Ex): If a fowler roost lord is affected by an
enchantment spell or effect and fails her saving throw, she
can attempt it again 1 round later at the same DC. She gets
only this one extra chance to succeed on her saving throw.
Trap Sense (Ex): A fowler featherlight gains an intuitive
sense that alerts her to danger from traps, giving her a +4

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bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +4
dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A fowler featherlight retains her
Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat or
struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still loses her
Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

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Forest Runner but most forest runners prefer to hunt their prey for some
time before striking.
Large Magical Beast (Goblinoid) In combat, forest runners are terrifying opponents.
Hit Dice: 3d10+18 (34 hp) They rush to grapple a foe and rend it from limb to limb as
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) quickly as possible.
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), climb 40 ft. (8 squares) Forest runners have been known to beat opponents
Armor Class: 19 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural, +4 chain to death with their own limbs or employ clubs or stones, but
shirt), touch 12, flat 16 usually just bite and rend victims until nothing but a grisly
BAB/Grapple: +3/+15 mess remains. They are intelligent enough to take the
Attack: Claw +10 melee (1d6+8) valuables from their victims and are capable of using armor
Full Attack: 6 Claw +10 melee (1d6+8) and 2 bite +5 or weapons from their fallen foes. When scavenging armor,
melee (1d8+4) the forest runner usually rips openings in it for its additional
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft., 15 ft. with claws limbs.
Height: 9 ft. + 1d4 ft. (11 ft.) Forest runners are implacable trackers, and seem to
Weight: 450 lbs. + 1d10 x 25 lbs. (575 lbs.) enjoy pursuing fleeing prey. They are so drawn to chase
Special Att: Improved grab, rend they will often leave battered and beaten prey to run down
Special Qual: DR 3/-, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 2, someone or something that attempts to flee the scene.
low-light vision, scent, SR 11 Fast Healing (Ex): A forest runner heals 2 hit points per
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +3 round. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from
Abilities: S27 D17 C23 I6 W15 Ch8 starvation, thirst or suffocation and does not allow a creature
Skills: Balance +1, Climb +16*, Escape Artist to regrow lost body parts.
+1, Hide -3, Jump +6, Listen +5, Move Improved Grab (Ex): If a forest runner hits with a claw
Silently +1, Sleight of Hand +1, Spot +4, attack against a large size or smaller opponent, it deals
Survival +2, Swim +6, Tumble +1 normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free
Feats: Deflect ArrowsB, Light Armor action without provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial
Proficiency , Martial Weapon touch attack is required.
ProficiencyB, Run, Simple Weapon Rend (Ex): A forest runner that hits a single opponent with
ProficiencyB, Track two or more claw attacks in the round also rends its victim
Environment: Temperate forests for an additional 2d6+12 damage. A forest runner can rend
Organization: Solitary, Brace, or Covey (2-5) up to 3 times a round.
CR: 5 Skills: A Forest runner gains a +10 bonus to climb checks.
Treasure: Standard It may also take 10 when climbing even if rushed or
Alignment: Always neutral evil threatened.
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Large); 7-9 HD (Huge)
Level Adj: - Forest Runners on Amberos
This hairless, green-skinned beast sports six Forest runners, of course, were created by the
powerful arms spaced evenly around its radial goblinoids of the Golgoloth Empire. However, the creatures
body. Two leering heads watch you with quickly ran amok, and those that were not destroyed
bloodshot pupils. Its maw sports a pair of escaped into the wilderness beyond the reach of their
great upward thrusting tusks and is filled with creators.
saw-like rows of sharp teeth. Forest runners can be encountered practically
The forest runner is a horrid creature created by the anywhere except in the great forest of the Evan Cordum.
goblinoids for the sole purpose of hunting down elves and Ancient elvin magics erected even before the Elvin Golden
killing them. Unfortunately, over the centuries the creature Age strike any forest runner entering the woods dead in
performed its task too well - not only did it kill elves in mere moments, such is the elves hatred of this beast.
droves, the creatures developed an appetite for goblinoid Unfortunately, the growth of the elves ancient forest means
flesh - and discovered there were far more of the latter than that some portions of the woods lie outside of this protective
the former! boundary by an unknown amount, but forest runners are
A forest runner is always hungry, and willing to loathe to find out exactly where the protection starts.
attack for a bite to eat. Though it prefers elf flesh above all
else, it will settle for whatever meat it can get a hold of.
A forest runner can speak goblinoid and little bit of

Forest runners track their prey and generally wait
for an opportune moment to strike. A particularly hungry
forest runner may act impulsively and strike straight away,

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Dark Runner tree to maul a foe and then return to hiding, hoping to strike
Large Magical Beast (Evil, Goblinoid) fear and panic in the survivors before picking them off one
Hit Dice: 6d10 + 6d6 by one.
Initiative: +8 Some dark runners that run with forest runners will
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), climb 40 ft. (8 set themselves up in ambush and have the forest runners
squares), fly 50 ft (10 squares) (average) drive or draw prey to the ambush spot. Once at the ambush
AC: 27 (-1 size, +8 Dex, +4 natural, +6 spot, the dark runner springs down from the trees or from a
bracers of armor +6) touch 17, flat 19 hidden spot prepared in the ground as the forest runners
BAB/Grapple: +14/+30 likewise spring to the attack.
Attack: Claw +26 melee (1d6+12) Evasion (Ex): If a dark runner makes a successful Reflex
Full Attack: 6 claws +26 melee (1d6+12) and 2 bites saving throw against an attack that normally deals half
+23 melee (1d8+6) damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage.
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft., 15 ft. with claws A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Height: 11 ft. + 1d6 ft. (14 ft.) Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A dark runner can no
Weight: 500 lbs. + 1d12 x 25 lbs. (650 lbs.) longer be flanked. This defense denies another rogue the
Special Att: Improved grab, magic strike, rend, smite ability to sneak attack the character by flanking her, unless
good, sneak attack +3d6 the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the
Special Qual: Evasion, DR 3/-, DR 5/magic, darkvision target does.
60 ft., fast healing 3, immunity to poison, Magic Strike (Su): A dark runner’s attacks are treated as
low-light vision, resistance to acid 10, magic weapons for the purposes of overcoming damage
cold 10, electricity 10 and fire 10, scent, reduction.
SR 18, trap sense +2, uncanny dodge Fast Healing (Ex): A dark runner heals 3 hit points per
Saves: Fort +15, Reflex +18, Will +7 round. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from
Abilities: S34 D26 C27 I10 W16 Ch8 starvation, thirst or suffocation and does not allow a creature
Skills: Climb +24, Hide +8, Listen +12, Move to regrow lost body parts.
Silently +8, Spot +12, Swim +12 Improved Grab (Ex): If a dark runner hits with a claw
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Deflect ArrowsB, Light attack against a large size or smaller opponent, it deals
Armor ProficiencyB, Martial Weapon normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free
ProficiencyB, Multiattack, Run, Simple action without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Weapon ProficiencyB, Track, Weapon Rend (Ex): A forest runner that hits a single opponent with
Focus (Claw) two or more claw attacks in the round also rends its victim
Environment: Any forest for an additional 2d6+24 damage. A dark runner can rend
Organization: Solitary, Covey (1 + 2-5 forest runners) up to 3 times a round.
CR: 15 Smite Good (Su): Once per day, a dark runner can make a
Treasure: Standard normal melee attack to deal +6 damage against a good foe.
Alignment: Always chaotic evil Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): A dark runner can use the
Advancement: 7-12 HD (Huge) or by Character Class following spell-like abilities with a Caster Level of 6 and
Level Adj: - the save DC is Charisma-based.
The dark runner is a demonically infused forest Darkness – 3x/day, Desecrate – 1x/day, Unholy Blight (DC
runner, usually a creature of great age and power. They are 13) – 1x/day.
malicious and ever-hungry dwellers of dark forests. They Trap Sense (Ex): A dark runner gains an intuitive sense
are greatly feared by all inhabitants of the woods in which that alerts it to danger from traps, giving it a +2 bonus on
they dwell, and are often given a wide berth by those who Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +2 dodge bonus to
share the forest with them. AC against attacks made by traps.
It is not uncommon for a dark runner to “mark” its Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A dark runner retains its Dexterity
territory with the bones and skulls of past victims, and they bonus to AC (if any) even if it is caught flat or struck by an
often make a lair for themselves in a forbidding glade or invisible attacker. However, it still loses its Dexterity bonus
cave within the bounds of their territory. to AC if immobilized.
A dark runner speaks Goblinoid and may know a Skills: A Forest runner gains a +10 bonus to climb checks.
few words in Common. However, they almost never parley It may also take 10 when climbing even if rushed or
with victims, and never from a visible position. threatened.

Combat Dark Runners on Amberos

Dark runners enjoy shadowing opponents and Dark runners are the product of the Skyland Hold’s
picking off their foes one by one. They have been known to experiments during the Dark Age to create an “ultimate
drop from trees, grapple a foe, and disappear with their scout”. After the fall of the Skyland Hold, the creatures
victim. They also enjoy running opponents to ground, instinctively migrated to the east, where now they primarily
tracking quarry until it tires or gives up before springing to inhabit the Yaz Forest and the Demon Jungle.
attack. In rare cases, dark runners might descend from a

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Geshara the item is not worn or carried, the destruction is automatic.
If the Geshara touches an item in a person's possession, the
Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid) owner makes a Fort DC 14 saving throw or the item is
Hit Dice: 2d8+6 (15 hp) destroyed. Against constructs or creatures made of metal or
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) iron, the geshara's rusting touch deals 2d8 damage
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) in hide armor; base
speed 30 ft. Geshara Society
Armor Class: 15 (+1 Dex, +1 natural, +3 hide armor), Geshara are a domineering race of bullies, led by
touch 11, flat 14 the strongest-willed and most cruel individual of a group.
BAB/Grapple: +1/+5 Control lasts only as long as the Geshara can exert his will
Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d6 +4) on the group - usually by cracking skulls or making a
Full Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d6 +4) and 2 claw +0 bloody example of any rebellious members of the group.
melee (1d4 +2) Geshara sometimes lair near other humanoids, but
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. never integrate with a tribe of non-Geshara (often much to
Height: 5 ft. 9 in. + 2d8 in. (6 ft. 6 in.) the relief of the other humanoids). Geshara will only work
Weight: 200 lbs. + 2d6 x 7 lbs. (242 lbs.) with other humanoids while it benefits them, and only if
Special Att: Rust touch they can bully and command the other humanoids. Geshara
Special Qual: Darkvision 120 ft. are poor craftsmen, though they can make some of their own
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +1 goods. Unable to work or employ metal, most of their items
Abilities: S19 D13 C16 I10 W12 Ch6 are crude in nature, though they will happily steal non-metal
Skills: Balance -2, Climb +1, Escape Artist -2, items from other creatures and prize fine workmanship
Hide -2, Intimidate +3, Jump +1, Listen when they can get their hands on it.
+3, Move Silently -2, Sleight of Hand -2,
Spot +4, Swim -2, Tumble -2 Geshara on Amberos
Feats: Improved Sunder, Power Attack
It is thought that the Geshara may have been some
Environment: Any land
sort of attempt by the Golgoloth Empire to battle the
Organization: Solitary, Hunt (2-5), Accord (5-20), or
creations of the ancient Age of Technology, rusting the
Drove (20-40)
components of technological items to make them worthless.
CR: 3
Geshara can be encountered across Amberos, though many
Treasure: Standard (no metal items)
human kingdoms go to great length to destroy any Geshara
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
they encounter as quickly as possible.
Advancement: By Character Class
Oddly, there are not large numbers of Geshara in
Level Adj: +2
the Dark Valley; apparently even the other goblinoid races
The above Geshara uses the elite ability array. A Geshara
dislike the rusting ability of the Geshara and dislike
normally has a +4 Str, +2 Con and –2 Cha.
associating with them.
A gray-green humanoid stands before you,
dressed in the bloody pelt of some misshapen
Geshara as Characters
animal. The creature has an overly large head
and hands that end in rusty-colored nails. Geshara have a knack for being ostracized by their
The Geshara is a bizarre goblinoid creature whose fellows for daring to be different, and the smart ones leave
very touch causes metal to rust and crumble. They are the clan before they are either forced to conform or are
hateful and spiteful creatures, and will bully other goblinoid slain.
creatures every chance they get. Geshara have an insatiable Gesharas on their own still tend to be bullies, but as
love of items that their touch cannot destroy, and often raid long as they feel they are in control, they can work with a
and pillage in search of items their touch cannot destroy. team.
Geshara speak goblinoid, gnoll and bugbear. They Gesharas have the following abilities
sometimes learn to speak elvin, dwarven or Common so • Base land speed 30 feet.
they can better intimidate foes they regularly raid. • Medium size.
• Darkvision 120 feet. A Geshara can see in pitch
Combat darkness out to a range of 120 feet.
Geshara generally rush into melee, clawing, • +4 Str, +2 Con and –2 Cha. Geshara are strong
scratching and biting. They attempt to quickly destroy an and robust, but lacking personal charm.
opponent's metal weapons and armor using their sunder • 2d8 racial hit dice. The Geshara adds twice its
attack. Even should they fail to sunder the weapon with their constitution modifier to the total, to a minimum of
claws, the rusting touch does the work for them. Geshara are one hit point per hit die.
skilled at using their sunder attack to destroy worn armor. • (2 + Int mod) x5 skill points. A Geshara’s racial
Rust Touch (Su): The touch of a Geshara causes metal skills are Intimidate, Spot and Listen.
items to quickly rust and crumble into a red dust. The • Base Attack Bonus +1
Geshara need only make a touch attack against the item. If • Fort +3, Reflex +0, Will +0 base saves.

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• Natural Attacks. A Geshara can attack with Geshara Bully
its bite for 1d6 + Str damage, and its two claws for 2HD Geshara Bar 5;hp: 62
1d4 + ½ Str modifier + Rust Touch ability. The S19 D13 C16 I10 W12 Ch6; Fort +8, Ref, +3, Will +3
claw attacks are secondary attacks. Init: +1 Move: 40 ft.
• Rust Touch (Su): The touch of a Geshara causes AC: 16 (+1 Dex, +5 hide armor +1), touch 11, flat 15
metal items to quickly rust and crumble into a red BAB/Grapple: +6/+10
dust. The Geshara need only make a touch attack Full Attack: +1 stone hand axe +9/+4 melee
against the item. If the item is not worn or carried, (1d6+5;x2), rust touch +8 touch (Fort DC
the destruction is automatic. If the Geshara touches 14; rust touch) or
an item in a person's possession, the owner makes a Bite +10 melee (1d6+4), 2 claws +5 melee
Fort DC 11 + Con modifier save or the item is (1d4+2 + Fort DC 14;rust touch)
destroyed. Against constructs or creatures made of Special Att: Rust touch
metal or iron, the Geshara's rusting touch deals 2d8 Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., fast movement,
damage. improved uncanny dodge, iron curse, rage
• Iron Curse (Su): Due to its rust touch ability, a 2x/day, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge
Geshara cannot use items that are made of or Skills: Intimidate +8, Jump +9, Listen +11, Spot +1,
contain metal or steel parts. Survival +6
• Racial Languages. Geshara can automatically Feats: Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Two-weapon
speak goblinoid, gnoll and bugbear. They may fighting
choose additional languages from elvin, dwarven CR: 6
or Common. Gear: +1 stone hand axe (2,301 gp), hide armor +1
• Favored Class: Barbarian (1,165 gp), potion of cure serious wounds (750 gp),
• Level Adjustment: +2. cloak of resistance +1 (1,000 gp)
Geshara worship Ziga, the queen of corruption. A Total: 5,216 gp (5,600 gp)
priest of Ziga can choose two of the three domains of Rage (Ex): Twice per day, the geshara bully can gain a +4
Chaos, Destruction or Evil. bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to Constitution, and a +2
morale bonus on Will saves, but he takes a –2 penalty to
Armor Class. The increase in Constitution increases the
geshara bully’s hit points by 2 points per level, but these hit
points go away at the end of the rage when his Constitution
score drops back to normal.
A fit of rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3
+ the character’s (newly improved) Constitution modifier. A
geshara bully may prematurely end his rage. At the end of
the rage, the geshara bully loses the rage modifiers and
restrictions and becomes fatigued (–2 penalty to Strength, –
2 penalty to Dexterity, can’t charge or run) for the duration
of the current encounter
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): a geshara bully retains his Dexterity
bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or
struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his
Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. If a geshara bully
already has uncanny dodge from a different class, he
automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below)
Trap Sense (Ex): a geshara bully gains a +1 bonus on
Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to
AC against attacks made by traps.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): a geshara bully can no
longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to
sneak attack the geshara bully by flanking him, unless the
attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target
has geshara bully levels.

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Geshara Thug Geshara Warlord
2HD Geshara Bar 10;hp: 62 2HD Geshara Bar 15;hp: 174
S22 D13 C16 I10 W12 Ch6; Fort +11, Ref, +5, Will +7 S23 D13 C18 I10 W12 Ch6; Fort +16, Ref, +7, Will +9
Init: +1 Move: 40 ft. Init: +1 Move: 40 ft.
AC: 18 (+1 Dex, +6 hide armor +2, +1 amulet of AC: 22 (+1 Dex, +10 dragonhide (adult red)
natural armor +1), touch 11, flat 17 breastplate +5, +1 ring of protection +1), touch
BAB/Grapple: +11/+17 11, flat 21
Full Attack: +2 stone hand axe +17/+12/+7 melee BAB/Grapple: +16/+22
(1d6+6;x2), rust touch +15 touch (Fort Full Attack: +2 stone hand axe +22/+17/+12/+7 melee
DC 14; rust touch) or (1d6+6;x2), rust touch +20 touch (Fort
Bite +17 melee (1d6+5), 2 claws +13 DC 14; rust touch) or
melee (1d4+2 + Fort DC 16;rust touch) Bite +22 melee (1d6+5), 2 claws +20
Special Att: Rust touch melee (1d4+2 + Fort DC 16;rust touch)
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., DR 2/-, fast movement, Special Att: Rust touch
improved uncanny dodge, iron curse, rage Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., DR 3/-, fast movement,
3x/day, trap sense +3, uncanny dodge greater rage, improved uncanny dodge,
Skills: Intimidate +13, Jump +20, Listen +16, Spot +1, indomitable will, iron curse, rage 4x/day,
Survival +11 resistant to fire 18, trap sense +5, uncanny
Feats: Ability Focus (Rust Touch), Improved Sunder, Iron dodge
Will, Power Attack, Two-weapon fighting Skills: Intimidate +18, Jump +25, Listen +21, Spot +1,
CR: 11 Survival +16
Gear: +2 stone hand axe (8,301 gp), hide armor +2 Feats: Ability Focus (Rust Touch), Improved Sunder, Iron
(4,165 gp), amulet of natural armor +1 (2,000 gp), Will, Power Attack, Multiattack, Two-weapon
gauntlets of ogre power (4,000 gp), potion of cure fighting
serious wounds (750 gp), cloak of resistance +1 CR: 16
(1,000 gp) Gear: +3 stone hand axe (18,301 gp), dragonhide (adult
Total: 20,216 gp (21,000 gp) red) breastplate +5 (25,350 gp), ring of protection
Rage (Ex): Thrice per day, the geshara thug can gain a +4 +1 (2,000 gp), belt of giant strength +4 (16,000
bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to Constitution, and a +2 gp), amulet of health +2 (4,000 gp), potion of cure
morale bonus on Will saves, but he takes a –2 penalty to serious wounds (750 gp), cloak of resistance +3
Armor Class. The increase in Constitution increases the (9,000 gp)
geshara thug’s hit points by 2 points per level, but these hit Total: 75,216 gp (77,000 gp)
points go away at the end of the rage when his Constitution Greater Rage (Ex): Four times per day, the geshara
score drops back to normal. warlord can gain a +6 bonus to Strength, a +6 bonus to
A fit of rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 Constitution, and a +3 morale bonus on Will saves, but he
+ the character’s (newly improved) Constitution modifier. A takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase in
geshara thug may prematurely end his rage. At the end of Constitution increases the geshara warlord’s hit points by 2
the rage, the geshara thug loses the rage modifiers and points per level, but these hit points go away at the end of
restrictions and becomes fatigued (–2 penalty to Strength, – the rage when his Constitution score drops back to normal.
2 penalty to Dexterity, can’t charge or run) for the duration A fit of rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3
of the current encounter + the character’s (newly improved) Constitution modifier. A
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): a geshara thug retains his Dexterity geshara warlord may prematurely end his rage. At the end of
bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or the rage, the geshara warlord loses the rage modifiers and
struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his restrictions and becomes fatigued (–2 penalty to Strength, –
Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. If a geshara thug 2 penalty to Dexterity, can’t charge or run) for the duration
already has uncanny dodge from a different class, he of the current encounter
automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) Uncanny Dodge (Ex): a geshara warlord retains his
instead. Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-
Trap Sense (Ex): a geshara thug gains a +3 bonus on footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still
Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +3 dodge bonus to loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. If a geshara
AC against attacks made by traps. warlord already has uncanny dodge from a different class,
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): a geshara thug can no he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below)
longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to instead.
sneak attack the geshara thug by flanking him, unless the Trap Sense (Ex): a geshara warlord gains a +3 bonus on
attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +3 dodge bonus to
has geshara thug levels. AC against attacks made by traps.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): a geshara warlord can no
longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to
sneak attack the geshara warlord by flanking him, unless the

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attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the
target has geshara warlord levels.
Indomitable Will (Ex): A geshara warlord gains a +4 on
Will saves to resist enchantment spells.

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Geth flying, most Geth will immediately land and continue the
fight on the ground.
Large Dragon (Earth, Fire) Breath Weapon (Su): A Geth can breathe a line of fire 60
Hit Dice: 10d12+40 (105 hp) feet long once every 1d4+1 rounds. The fire deals 5d6
Initiative: +4 (0 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) damage, half if a Reflex DC 19 save is successful.
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (average), Fear Aura (Su): The use of this ability is a free action. The
burrow 10 ft. (2 squares) Geth can cause panic in those of 10 HD or less who fail the
Armor Class: 19 (-1 size, +10 natural), touch 9, flat 19 Will DC 19 save against its fear. Creatures with 10 or more
BAB/Grapple: +10/+21 hit dice who fail the save are merely shaken.
Attack: Bite +16 melee (1d8 +7) Improved Grab (Ex): If a geth hits a medium-sized or
Full Attack: Bite +16 melee (1d8 +7) and 2 claw +11 smaller opponent with its bite, it deals normal damage and
melee (1d6 +3) and tail +11 melee (1d8 attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking
+3) an attack of opportunity. No initial touch attack is required.
Space/Reach: 10-ft./5 ft. Swallow Whole (Ex): If a Geth begins its turn with an
Length: 8 ft. + 3d6 in. (8 ft. 10 in.) opponent held in its mouth (see Improved Grab), it can
Weight: 700 lbs. + 2d6 x 25 lbs. (875 lbs.) attempt a new grapple check (as though attempting to pin
Special Att: Breath weapon, fear aura, improved grab, the opponent). If it succeeds, it swallows its prey, and the
swallow whole opponent takes bite damage. A swallowed creature is
Special Qual: Blindsense 30 feet, DR 10/-, darkvision considered to be grappled, while the creature that did the
60 ft., dragon traits, low-light vision, swallowing is not. A swallowed creature can try to cut its
scent, spell resistance 20 way free with any light slashing or piercing weapon by
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +9 dealing 15 hit points of damage to the AC 15 interior. If the
Abilities: S25 D10 C19 I10 W15 Ch19 swallowed creature escapes the grapple, success puts it back
Skills: Climb +20, Hide -4, Knowledge in the attacker’s mouth, where it may be bitten or swallowed
(geography) +13, Listen +17, Sense again. A geth can hold one medium-sized, two small, four
Motive +15, Spot +17, Survival +15 tiny, eight diminutive or sixteen fine creatures in its gullet.
Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Lightning A dragon possesses the following traits.
Reflexes, Power Attack, TrackB • Immunity to magic sleep effects and paralysis
Environment: Any land effects.
Organization: Solitary, or Pair Fire Subtype: A creature with the fire subtype has
CR: 9 immunity to fire. It has vulnerability to cold, which means it
Treasure: None takes half again as much (+50%) damage as normal from
Alignment: Always chaotic neutral cold, regardless of whether a saving throw is allowed, or if
Advancement: 11-20 HD (Large); 21-30 HD (Huge) the save is a success or failure.
Level Adj: -
This long, snake-like reptilian beast is covered Geth on Amberos
in arrowhead-shaped brown scales. A forked
Geth are thought to be the direct offspring of the
tongue flickers from between its toothy lips,
ancient dragon Guaradrell. Though they are as intelligent as
and licks of flame swell from its nostrils. The
humans, they are feral by dragon standards, and hated as
creature bears an enormous pair of bat-like
deformed creatures by true dragons.
wings, which it unfurls as it rises up to hiss at
Geth are usually found in areas near the Wyvern
Sea of the Forna Sea on the east end of Amberos. There are
tales, however, of the beasts being encountered in the
Geth are treasure hoarders, dwelling deep in caves
valleys of the Crystalmire Mountains, and one legendary
and rising to the surface only to plunder and feed. Their
account of an encounter with a Geth in the Shovnov Coast.
appetite for both precious objects and fresh flesh is
enormous, and they can lay entire towns low in one orgy of
eating and stealing.
Geth speak Draconic, Ignan and Terran.

Geth often slink towards opponents on the ground,
rushing forth in a charge as they close. Geth prefer to attack
with claw and tooth, saving their breath weapon against
buildings or large groups of foes (usually twenty or more).
Geth dislike fighting in or from on wing, and will
generally only use their flight to flee a combat gone bad, or
to reach a town or other edifice far away. If attacked while

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Small Humanoid (Gnome, Halfling)
Hit Dice: 1d8+2 (6 hp)
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +2 leather armor),
touch 12, flat 13
BAB/Grapple: +1/-4
Attack: Short sword +3 melee (1d4-1;19-20/x2)
Full Attack: Short sword +3 melee (1d4-1;19-20/x2) or
dart +3 ranged (1d2-1)
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft.
Height: 2 ft. + 3d4 in. (2 ft. 7 in.)
Weight: 25 lbs. + 2d4 x 3 lbs. (40 lbs.)
Special Att: -
Special Qual: Gnomling traits, low-light vision
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will -1
Abilities: S9 D13 C12 I9 W10 Ch8
Skills: Balance +1, Climb +0, Craft (Alchemy)
+4, Escape Artist +1, Hide +5, Jump -6,
Listen +2, Move Silently +2, Spot +0,
Swim -1
Feats: Weapon Finesse
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary, Gang (2-5), Squad (5-20), or
Band (20-40)
CR: 1
Treasure: None
Alignment: Often chaotic good
Advancement: By character class
Level Adj: +0
This small, bearded fellow is quick and agile,
dressed in clothes that seem to blend in with
his surroundings. He is armed with a short
sword and a bandolier of darts.
Gnomlings are a racial mix of gnomes and
halflings. For many generations the two races got along
well, and intermarriage between the two races was not
unheard of. After several such generations of intermixing, The gnomling warrior presented above had the
the gnomlings emerged as a true race. Gnomlings tend to be following stats before racial modifiers. Str 11, Dex 13, Con
jolly, forward folk who have no love of evil or tyrants. They 12, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 8
are quick to state their opinion, and quite willing to make
the life of the wicked a miserable existence. Gnomling traits (Ex): Gnomlings have the following traits.
Gnomlings speak Common, gnome and halfling. • Base Speed 20 feet.
They often also learn the language of dwarves, elves, • Small Size. A Small character gets a +1 size bonus
goblins, kobolds and burrowing mammals. to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and
a +4 size bonus on Hide checks.
Combat • Str –2. As small creatures, gnomlings are
Gnomlings tend to fight in groups, and often strike generally physically weaker than most other
from ambush. Despite their small size and generally jovial species.
demeanor, they can be cruel combatants, are many are • Low-Light Vision: A gnomling can see twice as
willing to use every advantage to take down foes that are far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight,
often much bigger than they are. Gnomlings, like their and similar conditions of poor illumination. He
gnomish cousins, often find themselves in conflict with retains the ability to distinguish color and detail
kobolds and goblins, and have developed a myriad number under these conditions.
of tactics to deal with these creatures. • +1 racial bonus on saving throws against

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• +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against • Low-Light Vision: A gnomling can see twice as
monsters of the giant type. Any time a creature far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight,
loses its Dexterity bonus (if any) to Armor Class, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He
such as when it’s caught flat, it loses its dodge retains the ability to distinguish color and detail
bonus, too. under these conditions.
• +2 racial bonus on Listen checks. • +1 racial bonus on saving throws against
• +1 racial bonus on Craft (alchemy) checks. illusions.
• +1 racial bonus on Climb, Jump, and Move • +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against
Silently checks. monsters of the giant type. Any time a creature
• +1 morale bonus on saving throws against fear. loses its Dexterity bonus (if any) to Armor Class,
such as when it’s caught flat, it loses its dodge
Gnomling Society bonus, too.
Gnomlings usually live in communities between • +2 racial bonus on Listen checks.
halfling and gnomish communities. It is rare for gnomling • +1 racial bonus on Craft (alchemy) checks.
communities to not have a true gnome or halfling leader, as • +1 racial bonus on Climb, Jump, and Move
they tend to defer to their "father" races in most matters. Silently checks.
Gnomlings usually practice agricultural or • +1 morale bonus on saving throws against fear.
craftsman skills, and are rarely miners. They prefer homes • Automatic Languages: Common and Gnome.
and dwellings either in woodland glades and or just under Bonus Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Elvin,
the surface of the earth. It is often difficult for non- Giant, Goblin, and Orc. In addition, a gnomling
gnomlings to find gnomling communities, as they are often can speak with a burrowing mammal (a badger,
so well blended in with their surroundings that in time of fox, rabbit, or the like, see below). This ability is
danger, they can seem to almost disappear without a trace. innate to gnomlings. See the speak with animals
Gnomling males often indulge themselves with spell description.
manual labor, and it is Common for young males to be • Favored Class: Druid
apprenticed to a master craftsman or study under their own • Level Adj: +0
fathers (in the case of agriculture) to learn a trade. Gnomlings normally worship Discoff, the Rogue.
While females are often found doing household Clerics of Discoff can choose two of the three domains of
chores, many females are skilled seamstresses, potters or Chaos, Good or Trickery. However, gnomlings are rarely
otherwise well trained in an art or craft of some sort. clerics of Discoff and instead tend have a bend toward
Both male and female gnomlings have been known nature, become druids instead of clerics.
to take up the art of war, but generally do not do so lightly.
Gnomlings are much more likely to take to fighting to
protect their home or community rather than seek treasure
and glory, for example.

Gnomlings on Amberos
The goddess Discoff blessed the unions of several
gnome and Halfling marriages during the Elvin Golden Age,
creating the race of Gnomlings.
Most gnomling communities on Amberos can
actually be found in the Hawk Lands and Hawklord, with a
smattering in the land of Llinn.

Gnomling as Characters
Generally even more outgoing than their cousins,
gnomlings often enter a stage of wanderlust in their earlier
years before retiring to their original community, or an
adopted community they encounter in later life.
Gnomlings have the following abilities.
• Base Speed 20 feet.
• Small Size. A Small character gets a +1 size bonus
to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and
a +4 size bonus on Hide checks.
• Str –2. As small creatures, gnomlings are
generally physically weaker than most other

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Gnomling Anklebiter Skills and Feats: Escape Artist +10, Listen +5, Spot +5; Alertness,
Gnomling Rog 3/Drd 3;hp: 36 TrackB, Weapon FinesseB. B = Bonus Feat. (A badger has a +4
racial bonus on Escape Artist checks.)
S11 D15 C14 I10 W13 Ch8; Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +5
Rage (Ex): A badger that takes damage in combat flies into a
Init: +6 Move: 20 ft. berserk rage on its next turn, clawing and biting madly until either
AC: 17 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +3 leather armor +1, +1 it or its opponent is dead. It gains +4 to Strength, +4 to
amulet of natural armor +1), touch 13, Constitution, and –2 to Armor Class. The creature cannot end its
flat 15 rage voluntarily.
BAB/Grapple: +4/+0 Scent (Ex): Can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes,
Full Attack: +1 sickle +7 melee (1d4+1) or sling +7 and track by sense of smell.
ranged (1d3)
Special Att: sneak attack +2d6
Special Qual: evasion, gnomling traits, nature sense,
trackless step, trapfinding, trap sense +1,
wild empathy, woodland stride
Skills: Climb +6, Concentration +5, Craft (Trapmaking)
+6, Diplomacy +2, Disguise +5, Escape Artist +8,
Hide +14, Jump +0, Knowledge (Nature) +5,
Listen +1, Move Silently +10, Spot +7, Survival +6
Feats: Improved Initiative, Stealthy, Weapon Finesse
CR: 6
Gear: +1 sickle (2,306 gp), sling, leather armor +1
(1,160 gp), amulet of natural armor +1 (2,000 gp)
Total: 5,466 gp (5,600 gp)
Evasion (Ex): If a gnomling anklebiter makes a successful
Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals
half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no
damage. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of
Nature Sense (Ex): A gnomling anklebiter gains a +2
bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.
Trackless Step (Ex): A gnomling anklebiter leaves no trail
in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. She may
choose to leave a trail if so desired.
Trap Sense (Ex): A gnomling anklebiter gains an intuitive
sense that alerts her to danger from traps, giving her a +1
bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge
bonus to AC against attacks made by traps.
Wild Empathy (Ex): Check 1d20+3; Influence animals
Woodland Stride (Ex): A gnomling anklebiter may move
through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns,
briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal
speed and without taking damage or suffering any other
impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas
that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still
affect her.

Typical Druid Spell List

(4/3/1; CL 3; Spell DC 12 + Spell Level)
0: Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Flare, Resistance
1st: Entangle, Longstrider, Produce Flame
2nd: Flaming Sphere

Badger Animal Companion: CR -; LA —; Small animal; HD

3d8+6; hp 19; Init +4; Spd 30 ft., burrow 10 ft.; AC 15 (+1 size, +3
Dex, +3 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +2; Grp –3;
Atk Claw +7 melee (1d2–1); Full Atk 2 claws +7 melee (1d2–1)
and bite +2 melee (1d3–1); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA rage; SQ
evasion, link, low–light vision, scent, share spells; AL (Always) N;
SV Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +2; Str 9, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12,
Cha 6.

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Gnomling Thorn 3rd: Call Lightning, Greater Magic Fang, Protection from
Gnomling Rog 6/Drd 6;hp: 72 Energy
S11 D15 C14 I10 W17 Ch8; Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +10
Init: +6 Move: 20 ft. Badger Animal Companion: CR -; LA —; Small animal; HD
AC: 17 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +3 leather armor +1, +1 5d8+10; hp 32; Init +4; Spd 30 ft., burrow 10 ft.; AC 17 (+1 size,
+3 Dex, +5 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +3; Grp –3;
amulet of natural armor +1), touch 13,
Atk Claw +9 melee (1d2); Full Atk 2 claws +9 melee (1d2) and
flat 15 bite +3 melee (1d3); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA rage; SQ devotion,
BAB/Grapple: +8/+4 evasion, link, low–light vision, scent, share spells; AL (Always) N;
Full Attack: +1 sickle +12/+7 melee (1d4+1) or SV Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +2*; Str 10, Dex 19, Con 15, Int 2, Wis
Mw shortbow +12/+7 ranged (1d4) 12, Cha 6.
Special Att: sneak attack +3d6 Skills and Feats: Escape Artist +12, Listen +5, Spot +5; Alertness,
Special Qual: evasion, gnomling traits, nature sense, TrackB, Weapon FinesseB, Weapon Focus (Claws). B = Bonus
resist nature’s lure, trackless step, Feat. (A badger has a +4 racial bonus on Escape Artist checks.)
trapfinding, trap sense +2, uncanny dodge, Evasion (Ex): If an animal companion is subjected to an attack
that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it
wild empathy, wild shape 2x/day,
takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw.
woodland stride Devotion (Ex): An animal companion gains a +4 morale bonus on
Skills: Climb +9, Concentration +8, Craft (Trapmaking) Will saves against enchantment spells and effects.
+12, Diplomacy +5, Disguise +5, Escape Artist Rage (Ex): A badger that takes damage in combat flies into a
+11, Hide +20, Jump +3, Knowledge (Nature) +8, berserk rage on its next turn, clawing and biting madly until either
Listen +5, Move Silently +13, Spot +11, Survival it or its opponent is dead. It gains +4 to Strength, +4 to
+11 Constitution, and –2 to Armor Class. The creature cannot end its
Feats: Improved Initiative, Natural Spell, Skill Focus rage voluntarily.
(Hide), Stealthy, Weapon Finesse Scent (Ex): Can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes,
and track by sense of smell.
CR: 12
Gear: +2 sickle (8,306 gp), mw shortbow (330 gp),
leather armor +3 (9,160 gp), amulet of natural
armor +1 (2,000 gp), periapt of wisdom +2 (4,000
gp), wand of cure serious wounds (10 charges)
(2,250 gp)
Total: 26,046 gp (27,000 gp)
Evasion (Ex): If a gnomling thorn makes a successful
Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals
half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no
damage. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of
Nature Sense (Ex): A gnomling thorn gains a +2 bonus on
Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.
Trackless Step (Ex): A gnomling thorn leaves no trail in
natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. She may choose
to leave a trail if so desired.
Trap Sense (Ex): A gnomling thorn gains an intuitive sense
that alerts her to danger from traps, giving her a +2 bonus
on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +2 dodge bonus
to AC against attacks made by traps.
Wild Empathy (Ex): Check 1d20+5; Influence animals
Woodland Stride (Ex): A gnomling thorn may move
through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns,
briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal
speed and without taking damage or suffering any other
impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas
that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still
affect her.

Typical Druid Spell List

(5/4/4/3; CL 6; Spell DC 13 + Spell Level)
0: Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Flare, Resistance,
1st: Entangle, Longstrider, Obscuring Mist, Produce Flame
2nd: Barkskin, Flaming Sphere, Spider Climb

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Gnomling Thicket Warrior Typical Druid Spell List
Gnomling Rog 6/Drd 12;hp: 72 (6/7/6/5/4/4/3; CL 6; Spell DC 13 + Spell Level)
S11 D15 C14 I10 W22 Ch8; Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +14 0: Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Flare, Guidance,
Init: +6 Move: 20 ft. Resistance, Virtue
AC: 20 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +6 wild leather armor +4, +1 1st: Calm Animals, Charm Animal, Entangle, Goodberry,
amulet of natural armor +1), touch 13, Longstrider, Produce Flame
flat 18 2nd: Barkskin, Bull’s Strength, Fog Cloud, Flaming Sphere,
BAB/Grapple: +13/+9 Spider Climb
Full Attack: +4 sickle +20/+15/+10 melee (1d4+4) or 3rd: Greater Magic Fang, Protection from Energy, Meld
+1 composite shortbow +17/+12/+7 into Stone, Snare, Wind Wall
ranged (1d4+1) 4th: Dispel Magic, Rusting Grasp, Scrying, Silent Call
Special Att: sneak attack +3d6 Lightning
Special Qual: evasion, gnomling traits, nature sense, 5th: Call Lightning Storm, Tree Stride, Silent Flame Strike.
resist nature’s lure, trackless step, Silent Still Call Lightning
trapfinding, trap sense +2, uncanny dodge, 6th: Antilife Shell, Fire Seeds, Silent Baleful Polymorph
venom immunity, wild empathy, wild
shape 4x/day (Large, Tiny, Plant), Badger Animal Companion: CR -; LA —; Small animal; HD
woodland stride 9d8+18; hp 58; Init +4; Spd 30 ft., burrow 10 ft.; AC 25 (+1 size,
Skills: Climb +9, Concentration +14, Craft (Trapmaking) +5 Dex, +9 natural), touch 16, flat-footed 20; Base Atk +6; Grp
+3; Atk Claw +13 melee (1d2+1); Full Atk 2 claws +13 melee
+12, Diplomacy +13, Disguise +5, Escape Artist
(1d2+1) and bite +10 melee (1d3); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA
+11, Hide +20, Jump +3, Knowledge (Nature) +14, rage; SQ devotion, evasion, link, low–light vision, scent, share
Listen +8, Move Silently +13, Spot +15, Survival spells; AL (Always) N; SV Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +2*; Str 12, Dex
+20 21, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Natural Spell, Skill Focus Skills and Feats: Escape Artist +12, Listen +7, Spot +7; Alertness,
(Hide), Silent Spell, Stealthy, Still Spell, Weapon Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Multiattack, TrackB, Weapon FinesseB,
Finesse Weapon Focus (Claws). B = Bonus Feat. (A badger has a +4 racial
CR: 18 bonus on Escape Artist checks.)
Gear: +4 sickle (32,306 gp), +2 composite shortbow Evasion (Ex): If an animal companion is subjected to an attack
that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it
(8,375 gp), wild leather armor +4 (49,160 gp),
takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw.
amulet of natural armor +1 (2,000 gp), periapt of Devotion (Ex): An animal companion gains a +4 morale bonus on
wisdom +6 (36,000 gp), wand of cure serious Will saves against enchantment spells and effects.
wounds (9 charges) (2,025 gp), Spellstaff w/ Rage (Ex): A badger that takes damage in combat flies into a
Summon Nature’s Ally VI, Liveoak cast at domicile berserk rage on its next turn, clawing and biting madly until either
(6 days remaining), 5 snares around domicile it or its opponent is dead. It gains +4 to Strength, +4 to
Total: 129,866 gp (130,000 gp) Constitution, and –2 to Armor Class. The creature cannot end its
Evasion (Ex): If a gnomling thicket warrior makes a rage voluntarily.
successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that Scent (Ex): Can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes,
and track by sense of smell.
normally deals half damage on a successful save, she
instead takes no damage. A helpless rogue does not gain the
benefit of evasion.
Nature Sense (Ex): A gnomling thicket warrior gains a +2
bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.
Trackless Step (Ex): A gnomling thicket warrior leaves no
trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. She may
choose to leave a trail if so desired.
Trap Sense (Ex): A gnomling thicket warrior gains an
intuitive sense that alerts her to danger from traps, giving
her a +2 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a
+2 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps.
Wild Empathy (Ex): Check 1d20+11; Influence animals
Woodland Stride (Ex): A gnomling thicket warrior may
move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural
thicket warriors, briars, overgrown areas, and similar
terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or
suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars,
and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated
to impede motion still affect her.

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Golem, General Construction
The cost to create given for each golem includes
Golems are magically created automatons of great the cost of the physical body and all the materials and spell
power. Constructing one involves the employment of components that are consumed or become a permanent part
mighty magic and elemental forces. of the golem. Creating a golem is essentially similar to
The animating force for a golem is a spirit from the creating any sort of magic item. However, a golem’s body
Elemental Plane of Earth. The process of creating the golem includes costly material components that may require some
binds the unwilling spirit to the artificial body and subjects extra preparation. The golem’s creator can assemble the
it to the will of the golem’s creator. body or hire someone else to do the job. The builder must
have the appropriate skill, which varies with the golem
Combat variety.
Golems are tenacious in combat and prodigiously Completing the golem’s creation drains the
strong as well. Being mindless, they do nothing without appropriate XP from the creator and requires casting any
orders from their creators. They follow instructions spells on the final day.
explicitly and are incapable of any strategy or tactics. They The creator must cast the spells personally, but
are emotionless in combat and cannot be provoked. they can come from outside sources, such as scrolls.
A golem’s creator can command it if the golem is The characteristics of a golem that come from its
within 60 feet and can see and hear its creator. If nature as a magic item (caster level, prerequisite feats and
uncommanded, a golem usually follows its last instruction spells, market price, cost to create) are given in summary
to the best of its ability, though if attacked it returns the form at the end of each golem’s description.
attack. The creator can give the golem a simple command to Note: The market price of an advanced golem (a golem with
govern its actions in his or her absence. The golem’s creator more Hit Dice than the typical golem described in each
can order the golem to obey the commands of another entry) is increased by 5,000 gp for each additional Hit Die,
person (who might in turn place the golem under someone and increased by an additional 50,000 gp if the golem’s size
else’s control, and so on), but the golem’s creator can increases. The XP cost for creating an advanced golem is
always resume control over his creation by commanding the equal to 1/25 the advanced golem’s market price minus the
golem to obey him alone. cost of the special materials required.
Immunity to Magic (Ex): Golems have immunity to most
magical and supernatural effects, except when otherwise
A construct possesses the following traits.
• No Constitution score.
• Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms,
compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale
• Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis,
stunning, disease, death effects, and necromancy
• Cannot heal damage on their own, but often can
be repaired by exposing them to a certain kind of
effect (see the creature's description for details) or
through the use of the Craft Construct feat. A
construct with the fast healing special quality still
benefits from that quality.
• Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage,
ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion,
or energy drain.
• Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude
save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is
• Not at risk of death from massive damage.
Immediately destroyed when reduced to 0 hit
points or less.
• Since it was never alive, a construct cannot be
raised or resurrected.
• Constructs do not eat, sleep, or breathe.

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Briar Golem conduct the grapple normally, or simply use the part of its
Large Construct body it used in the improved grab to hold the opponent. If it
Hit Dice: 6d10+30 (63 hp) chooses to do the latter, it takes a –20 penalty on grapple
Initiative: +0 checks, but is not considered grappled itself; the creature
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) (can't run) does not lose its Dexterity bonus to AC, still threatens an
AC: 12 (-1 size, +3 natural), touch 9, flat 12 area, and can use its remaining attacks against other
BAB/Grapple: +4/+13 opponents. When a creature gets a hold after an improved
Attack: Thorny slam +8 melee (1d8+5) grab attack, it pulls the opponent into its space. This act
Full Attack: 2 Thorny slam +8 melee (1d8+5) and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. It can even move
maw +3 melee (2d6+2) (possibly carrying away the opponent), provided it can drag
Space/Reach: 10-ft./10 ft. the opponent’s weight.
Height: 9 ft. Swallow Whole (Ex): If a briar golem begins its turn with
Weight: 350 lbs. an opponent held in its mouth (see Improved Grab), it can
Special Att: Constrict, improved grab, swallow attempt a new grapple check (as though attempting to pin
Special Qual: Blindsight, construct traits, DR the opponent). If it succeeds, it swallows its prey, and the
10/slashing, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing opponent takes bite damage. A swallowed creature is
4, low-light vision considered to be grappled, while the creature that did the
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2 swallowing is not. A swallowed creature can try to cut its
Abilities: S21 D11 C - I - W10 C1 way free with any light slashing weapon by dealing 15
Skills: - points to the AC 11 interior, or it can just try to escape the
Feats: - grapple. If the swallowed creature escapes the grapple,
Environment: Temperate forests success puts it back in the attacker’s mouth, where it may be
Organization: Solitary, or Brood (2-5) bitten or swallowed again.
CR: 5 Fast Healing (Ex): A briar golem regains hit points at an
Treasure: None exceptionally fast rate. Except where noted here, fast
Alignment: Always neutral healing is just like natural healing. Fast healing does not
Advancement: 7-12 HD (Large); 13-18 HD restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation,
Level Adj: - and it does not allow a creature to regrow lost body parts.
This massive, walking form appears to be Unless otherwise stated, it does not allow lost body parts to
nothing more than a bramble bush with a be reattached.
slightly humanoid shape and maw-like
depression in its massive chest. Creating a Briar Golem
Briar golems are created by druids as long-term A briar golem is created from a briar bush that is at
defenders of the wilderness or sacred areas. They rarely least 9 years old. Cultivating the bush properly requires a
accompany druids on missions or tasks and are generally DC 20 Profession (Gardener) or a DC 20 Craft
assigned to protect or patrol a specified area. Briar golems, (Woodworking) skill check.
like most golems, perform their tasks unfailingly, with a CL 9; Craft Construct, Command Plants, Spike Growth,
simplistic approach to getting the job done. Meaning, caster must be at least 9th level; Price 14,000 gp; Cost 7,000
usually to attack and destroy intruders or drive them off. gp + 430 XP.

Combat Briar Golems on Amberos

A Briar golem usually rushes towards a foe, The secret to the creation of briar golems was
swinging its barbed fists at opponents. Once in melee, it will known even to the ancient elves of the Evanthium Coridium
usually attempt to catch and crush or devour its opponents. before even the rise of the Elvin Golden Age. Briar golems
Those devoured by a Briar golem can often count are Commonly employed by druidic circles to protect sacred
themselves lucky if they are not truly foes of the wilderness groves, tombs and treasure cache, and they can be found in
they have wandered into as Briar golems will often take practically any area of Amberos, even in desert areas of the
engulfed opponents back to the druid who made it. east.
Constrict (Ex): A briar golem can crush an opponent,
dealing bludgeoning damage, after making a successful
grapple check. It deals constriction damage in addition to
damage dealt by the weapon used to grab.
Improved Grab (Ex): If a briar golem hits a medium-sized
or smaller creature with its thorny slam or maw, it deals
normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free
action without provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial
touch attack is required. Unless otherwise noted, improved
grab works only against opponents at least one size category
smaller than the creature. The creature has the option to

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Fellroot Golem does not lose its Dexterity bonus to AC, still threatens an
Large Construct area, and can use its remaining attacks against other
Hit Dice: 7d10+30 (68 hp) opponents. A successful hold does not deal any extra
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) damage unless the creature also has the constrict special
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) (can't run) attack. If the creature does not constrict, each successful
AC: 17 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +7 natural), touch 10, grapple check it makes during successive rounds
flat 16 automatically deals the damage indicated for the attack that
BAB/Grapple: +5/+14 established the hold. Otherwise, it deals constriction damage
Attack: Slam +9 melee (1d6+5) as well (the amount is given in the creature’s descriptive
Full Attack: 4 Slam +9 melee text). When a creature gets a hold after an improved grab
Space/Reach: 10-ft./15 ft attack, it pulls the opponent into its space. This act does not
Height: 10 ft. provoke attacks of opportunity. It can even move (possibly
Weight: 400 lbs. carrying away the opponent), provided it can drag the
Special Att: Constrict, improved grab opponent’s weight.
Special Qual: Construct traits, DR 10/magic +2,
darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, spell Creating a Fellroot Golem
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2 A fellroot golem is created from a compost pile in
Abilities: S20 D12 C- I- W10 Ch1 peat bog that is at least 11 years old. Cultivating the
Skills: - compost pile properly requires a DC 20 Profession
Feats: - (Gardener) or a DC 20 Craft (Woodworking) skill check.
Environment: Temperate forests CL 11; Craft Construct, Command Plants, Commune with
Organization: Solitary Nature caster must be at least 11th level; Price 20,700 gp;
CR: 6 Cost 10,350 gp + 420 XP.
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral Fellroot Golems on Amberos
Advancement: 8-14 HD (Large); 15-21 HD (Huge) Fellroot golems are war engines of the druids, and
Level Adj: - as such, very few tend to be in existence on Amberos. They
This collection of branches, tree roots and were used extensively in the past in the battles between the
leaves towers at least seven feet tall. Despite Evanthium Coridium and the Kennestone druids, though
its enormous form, the creature seems to react many were destroyed in the battles that were fought between
quickly to your presence, shuffling into a the two factions. However, both sides still retain at least
battle-ready pose as four massive tree limbs one fellroot golem of the largest size as a sort of “weapon of
prepare to strike. last resort” should they ever come under massive attack.
A fellroot golem is a druidic creation designed for
combat. Made of broken branches, fallen leaves and the
roots of dead trees, they are generally employed by druids
against incursions or other large-scale attacks.

A fellroot golem is generally under the command
of a druid and will perform as ordered, if simply. If left to
fend for themselves, they generally await an enemy to
approach, then enwrap a limb about the victim and crush it
to death. If a fellroot golem senses it has the advantage, it
will sometimes rumble forward to engage the enemy,
attempting to catch and squeeze as many victims as it can.
Constrict (Ex): A fellroot golem can crush an opponent for
1d6+7 bludgeoning damage, after making a successful
grapple check in addition to damage dealt by the slam
Improved Grab (Ex): If a fellroot golem hits a medium-
sized opponent or smaller with a slam attack, it deals normal
damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action
without provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial touch
attack is required. The fellroot golem has the option to
conduct the grapple normally, or simply use the part of its
body it used in the improved grab to hold the opponent. If it
chooses to do the latter, it takes a –20 penalty on grapple
checks, but is not considered grappled itself; the creature

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Bestiary Nefarious
Gold Golem Creating a Gold Golem
Medium Construct A gold golem is created from 1,000 pounds of
Hit Dice: 9d10+20 (69 hp) refined gold, smelted with rare tinctures and admixtures
Initiative: -1 (-1 Dex) costing at least 100,000 gp. Assembling the body requires a
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) (can't run) DC 20 Craft (Jeweler) check or a DC 20 Craft
Armor Class: 23 (-1 Dex, +14 natural), touch 9, flat 23 (.Armorsmith) check.
BAB/Grapple: +6/+12 CL 12; Craft Construct, Baleful Polymorph, Fabricate,
Attack: Slam +12 melee (1d8 +6 + Midas touch) Geas/Quest, caster must be at least 12th level; Price 130,000
Full Attack: Slam +12 melee (1d8 +6 + Midas touch) gp; Cost 15,000 gp + 780 XP.
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft.
Height: 6 ft. 6 in. Gold Golems on Amberos
Weight: 1,000 lbs. During the years before the Dark Age and before
Special Att: Midas touch their destruction by the Skyland Hold, gold golems were
Special Qual: Construct traits, DR 10/-, darkvision 60 symbols of status and employed by the White Council of
ft., low-light vision, resistance to energy, Misake. No known new gold golem has been created since
spell immunity before the Dark Age began, though there are legends that
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3 the secret processes to create these golems lay in moldering
Abilities: S23 D9 C- I- W10 Ch1 crypts somewhere under a forgotten city-state in Misake, or
Skills: - perhaps forgotten in a library somewhere in the
Feats: - Principalities of Xatmas.
Environment: Any Land The only surviving, known functioning gold golem
Organization: Solitary in existence currently resides in the Kingdom of Vall Vega,
CR: 8 and is owned by none other than Emperor Romulus Bicard
Treasure: body worth 7,000 gp III, who keeps it to transform objects to gold when he needs
Alignment: Always neutral funds. By unknown means, the items this golem transforms
Advancement: 10-18 HD (Medium); 19-27 HD (Large) into gold do not crumble or decay.
Level Adj: -
The being before you appears to be a
humanoid made of solid gold, dressed with
only a white loincloth.
Gold golems are extremely rare for the mere fact they
are made of (hollow) gold. The soft but heavy metal, while
easily bent, makes the golem extremely hard-hitting.
Gold golems are usually only made by vain
wizards or clerics of gods of greed or wealth.

A gold golem will generally attempt to grapple a
living opponent, turning them to gold in the process.
Against non-living targets or targets that resist the gold-
changing attack, the gold golem attempts to rend the victim
Midas touch (Su): As part of its slam attack, a gold golem
can transform living beings into solid gold. The gold golem
can ignore natural armor, but not manufactured armor
bonuses when attempting to strike the target. Those struck
by the gold golem must make a DC 14 Fort save or be
transformed into solid gold.
After one hour, any creature turned to gold
crumbles to worthless yellow powder. The only way to
restore an individual thus destroyed is with True
Ressurection, Wish or Miracle.
Spell Immunity (Su): Gold golems automatically pass
their spell resistance check against any spell, with the
following exceptions. A Chill Metal spell will slow a golem
for 1d4 rounds.

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Holly Golem DC 20 Profession (Gardener) or a DC 20 Craft
Small Construct (Woodworking) skill check.
Hit Dice: 4d10+10 (32 hp) CL 8; Craft Construct, Command Plant, Plant Growth,
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) Poison, caster must be at least 8th level; Price 6,000 gp; Cost
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) (can't run) 3,000 gp + 540 XP.
AC: 19 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +5 natural), touch 14,
flat 16 Holly Golems on Amberos
BAB/Grapple: +3/0 A specialty of the Kennestone druids, the secret to
Attack: Slam +5 melee (1d3+1) the creation of holly golems was undertaken by Druidus
Full Attack: Slam +5 melee (1d3+1) himself, who is said to have three massive holly golems at
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. his disposal. Since the time of Druidus, the secret of the
Height: 3 ft. creation of holly golems has been passed down from
Weight: 15 lbs. archdruid hierophant to hierophant, and occasionally the
Special Att: Poison secret has been passed to a druid beloved of the current
Special Qual: Construct traits, DR5/-, darkvision 60ft., hierophant. Recently, the high druid of Alusti has been
druidic enhancement, low-light vision, gifted with the knowledge of how to create holly golems,
spell immunity and has dispensing the information to the greater druids of
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +1 its order.
Abilities: S13 D17 C- I- W10 Ch1 Elves have divined their own method for creating
Skills: - holly golems, and the rare Halfling druid enclave in Llinn
Feats: - has somehow managed to obtain the formula for the creation
Environment: Any land of holly golems as well. Neither dwarves nor gnomes
Organization: Solitary however, seem interested in the secret of the creation of
CR: 3 holly golems.
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Small); 9-12 HD (Medium)
Level Adj: -
Standing before you is what appears to be a
holly bush, though it moves about on three
small legs.
The holly golem is a druidic creation designed as a
walking altar. It accompanies druids when they are away
from their normal stalking grounds, both defending the
druid and augmenting his magical prowess.

Holly golems rarely engage in direct combat,
usually only striking out physically when the druid they
accompany is attack. In all other cases the holly golem will
hover near its druidic owner to augment his magic and
remain out of the line of fire of enemy attacks.
Poison (Ex): The slam attack of a holly golem smears a
contact poison onto victims. Type: Contact; DC 11; Init:
1d2 Con; Sec: 1d2 Dex.
Druidic Enhancement (Su): When within 30 feet of a
druid, the druid gains a +1 bonus to caster level and all
plant-affecting or plant-based spells are treated as if under
the effects of a Maximize spell.
Spell Immunity (Ex): A holly golem avoids the effects of
spells and spell-like abilities that directly affect it. This
works exactly like spell resistance, except that it cannot be
overcome. However, the holly golem is fully affected by
any spells that affect plants, and can be used as the target of
a spell that requires vegetation to work (such as entangle).

Creating a Holly Golem

A holly golem is created from a holly tree that is at
least 5 years old. Cultivating the tree properly requires a

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Rope Golem Many Strands (Ex): If a rope golem has successfully
Medium Construct grappled an opponent, it may continue to grapple that foe
Hit Dice: 5d10+20 (47 hp) with no penalty to its grapple roll, and still choose to attack
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) another foe (instead of suffering the normal –20 penalty to
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) (can’t run) grapple). Once it has grappled a foe, the rope golem
AC: 14 (+1 Dex, +3 natural), touch 11, flat 13 reorganizes its structure to form a new appendage to attack
BAB/Grapple: +3/+7 with, while still retaining any previous appendages that are
Attack: Slam +7 melee (1d4+4) still grappling foes. If a foe escapes a grapple, the rope
Full Attack: Slam +7 melee (1d4+4) golem may absorb the rope strands that held the victim as a
Space/Reach: 5-ft./20 ft. free action. A rope golem cannot grapple more than 8
Height: 6 ft. medium-sized opponents at one time.
Weight: 800 lbs. Spell Immunity (Su): A rope golem is unaffected by spells
Special Att: Choke, entangle, improved grab, many as if it had unbeatable spell resistance. However, it is
strands affected by the following spells. Animate rope deals 1d4
Special Qual: Construct traits, DR5/magic, darkvision damage per caster level (max 10d4) to a rope golem. Mend
60 ft., low- light vision, spell immunity heals 1d6 damage + caster level when cast on a rope golem.
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +1
Abilities: S19 D12 C- I- W10 Ch1 Creating A Rope Golem
Skills: - A rope golem is created from 5,000 feet of hemp
Feats: - rope, woven with rare threads and anointed with exotic oils
Environment: Any land worth 100 gp. Constructing the body of the rope golem
Organization: Solitary requires a DC 20 Craft (Weaving) or DC 20 Use Rope skill
CR: 4 check.
Treasure: None CL 7; Craft Construct, Animate Rope, Geas/Quest,
Alignment: Always neutral caster must be at least 7th level; Price 9,000 gp; Cost 4,600
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Medium); 11-15 HD (Large) gp + 360 XP.
Level Adj: -
A humanoid being stands before you, wrapped Rope Golems on Amberos
from head to toe in coils of rope. The Brotherhood of Glory developed rope golems
Rope golems are usually designed with the defense after the Kingdom of Vall Vega banned wax golems from
of a wizard or priest in mind. They are sometimes created as use. The Brotherhood jealously guards the secret to their
"avengers", sent to hunt down a foe or group of foes for creation, though occasionally the secrets have fallen into the
extermination. hands of others across the continent. However such
individuals who create rope golems soon receive a visit
Combat from a Brotherhood monk, with a message of “join the
Rope golems will generally attempt to entwine Brotherhood or die”.
opponents close to it, then seek to rope and reel in other
Choke (Ex): A rope golem that has successfully grappled
an opponent can throttle its prey, dealing an additional 1d6
non-lethal damage in addition to its slam attack damage.
Choking an opponent only works on creatures that require
breathing. Attempting to hold one’s breath does not negate
choking damage.
Entangle (Su): As a standard action, a rope golem can
cause a myriad of its lose strands to coil outward, entangling
and otherwise interfering with an opponent’s ability to move
or attack. Those within the rope golem’s threaten area must
make a DC 13 Reflex save or be affected as if caught in an
entangle spell. A rope golem must give up its move action
to maintain the entangle effect.
Improved Grab (Ex): If a rope golem hits a medium-sized
or smaller foe, it deals normal damage and attempts to start
a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of
opportunity. No initial touch attack is required. The rope
golem may choose to hold the victim in the spot it grappled
them, or draw the victim towards itself (at up to 15 feet per

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Tar Golem part of its body it used in the improved grab to hold the
Large Construct opponent. If it chooses to do the latter, it takes a –20 penalty
Hit Dice: 7d10+30 (68 hp) on grapple checks, but is not considered grappled itself; the
Initiative: -1 (-1 Dex) creature does not lose its Dexterity bonus to AC, still
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) (can’t run) threatens an area, and can use its remaining attacks against
Armor Class: 11 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +3 natural), touch 8, other opponents. A successful hold does not deal any extra
flat 11 damage unless the creature also has the constrict special
BAB/Grapple: +5/+14 attack. If the creature does not constrict, each successful
Attack: Slam +9 melee (1d3+5) grapple check it makes during successive rounds
Full Attack: 3 Slams +9 melee (1d6+5) automatically deals the damage indicated for the attack that
Space/Reach: 10-ft./10 ft. established the hold. Otherwise, it deals constriction damage
Height: 12 ft. as well (the amount is given in the creature’s descriptive
Weight: 800 lbs. text). When a creature gets a hold after an improved grab
Special Att: Improved grab attack, it pulls the opponent into its space. This act does not
Special Qual: Construct traits, DR10/+1 magic, provoke attacks of opportunity. It can even move (possibly
darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, spell carrying away the opponent), provided it can drag the
immunity, tar body opponent’s weight.
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +2 Spell Immunity (Ex): A creature with spell immunity
Abilities: S21 D9 C- I- W10 Ch1 avoids the effects of spells and spell-like abilities that
Skills: - directly affect it. This works exactly like spell resistance,
Feats: - except that it cannot be overcome. However, a tar golem is
Environment: Temperate, warm land susceptible to the following spells. An Ice Storm acts as a
Organization: Solitary Slow spell, and Fire-based magic cause the tar golem to
CR: 6 catch flame if it fails its saving throw. A flame-wreathed tar
Treasure: None golem takes 1d4 fire damage/round as does anyone in
Alignment: Always neutral contact with it. A tar golem will continue to burn until
Advancement: 8-14 HD (Large); 15-21 HD (Huge) doused or it extinguishes the flame as a full round action
Level Adj: - that provokes an attack of opportunity.
A massive, oozing black shape stands before Tar body (Ex): The body of a tar golem is made of sticky
you. You can make out three arm-like tar. Any time it is struck or grappled, the attacker must
appendages in the amorphous creature's make a Reflex save (DC 13) or the weapon or character
shape, and two glassy black holes appear to be becomes stuck in the golem’s body. Creatures using
the creature's eyes, which are set on a pear- unarmed attacks or natural attacks are considered to be
shaped head. grappled, in all other cases the victim can release simply
The tar golem is primarily a defensive creature, release the weapon. Extracting a stuck item or character
designed to trap victims and bind them. Their horrible requires a subsequently successful grapple check, in which
appearance and sticky nature rarely makes them worth the tar golem receives a +8 bonus to its grapple check.
keeping inside of a structure, and they are often encountered
in the wilderness or just outside a structure, though rarely Creating A Tar Golem
guarding an entranceway. They are a popular golem among A tar golem is created from 800 lbs of tar, mixed
those who worship or are associated with the Realm of with alchemical substances worth 250 gp. Shaping the tar
Madness. golem’s body requires a DC 20 Craft (Sculpture) skill
Combat CL 7; Craft Construct, Black Tentacles, Lesser Geas, Minor
Tar golems prefer to remain idle, waiting for Creation, caster must be at least 7th level; Price 12,800 gp;
opponents to draw near before animating to strike. Because Cost 6,600 gp + 66 XP.
they are somewhat amorphous, they will often take on
interesting, though incomplete shapes to draw attention to Tar Golems on Amberos
themselves. Once victims are within reach, the creature Oddly, Barbed March and Randu make the greatest
generally strikes, attempting to capture and draw the victim use of these golems, usually created by war-wizards as
into its own mass. ambushes to capture enemy scouts or hold important
Improved Grab (Ex): If a creature with this special attack prisoners. The Red Death of Barbed March also employs
hits with a melee weapon (usually a claw or bite attack), it them to catch criminals or other individuals that they use for
deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a their blood-magic experiments.
free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. No
initial touch attack is required. Unless otherwise noted,
improved grab works only against opponents at least one
size category smaller than the creature. The creature has the
option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use the

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Turtleshell Golem Spell Immunity (Ex): A turtleshell golem avoids the effects
Large Construct of spells and spell-like abilities that directly affect it as if it
Hit Dice: 6d10+30 (63 hp) had unbeatable spell resistance, except against the following
Initiative: +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) spells. A mend spell prevents the turtleshell golem from
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) (can't run) using its shield wall ability for one round per caster level.
AC: 26 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +14 natural), touch Animate Object deals 1d6 damage/caster level to a
12, flat 23 turtleshell golem.
BAB/Grapple: +4/+12
Attack: Slam +7 melee (1d6 +4) Creating a Turtleshell Golem
Full Attack: 2 Slam +7 melee (1d6 +4) A turtleshell golem is created from the shells of
Space/Reach: 10-ft./10 ft. large tortoises, which are inscribed with magic symbols.
Height: 8 ft. The oils and inks used to treat and inscribe the shells cost
Weight: 450 lbs. 200 gp. Fashioning the body of the turtleshell golem
Special Att: Parry requires a DC 20 Craft (Armorsmith) or a DC 20
Special Qual: Construct traits, DR 20/magic +3, (Weaponsmith) skill check.
darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, spell CL 7; Craft Construct, Glyph of Warding, Spike Stones,
immunity, shield wall Summon Nature’s Ally III, caster must be at least 7th level;
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2 Price 10,000 gp; Cost 5,600 gp + 1,120 XP.
Abilities: S19 D17 C- I- W10 Ch1
Skills: - Turtleshell Golems on Amberos
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Turtleshell Golems are the specialties of the
Initiative Shugenja of the Nippon, and as such can be found in
Environment: Any land Chiamung, Dishnu and Spi Dak Su on Amberos.
Organization: Solitary, or Covey (2-5)
CR: 5
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 7-12 HD (Large); 13-18 HD (Huge)
Level Adj: -
This massive humanoid body seems to be made
of large, hexagonal plates of bone or chitin.
The very pieces of its body shift and rearrange
as it moves, in an almost hypnotic pattern of
clattering armored plates.
The turtleshell golem is a creature designed to protect
either an individual or a small group from harm. They are
purely defensive creatures, but their defensive capabilities
are tremendous.

Turtleshell golems never initiate an attack, but
work to the best of their abilities to defend their charge from
harm. They have no compunction about putting themselves
in harm's way to defend their charge, and will never stray
out of arm's reach of any being they are assigned to protect
Parry (Ex): As a free action, a Turtleshell Golem can give
up one of its attack of opportunities (it has 3) to attempt to
negate any hit made on either itself or an ally within its
threaten area. To successfully negate the attack, the
turtleshell golem makes an attack roll as if to hit, with the
target number being the opponent’s attack roll.
Shield Wall (Ex): A turtleshell golem can rearrange itself
to form a protective wall 5 feet wide, 10 feet tall and up to
20 feet long. The “Wall” has hit points equal to the golem’s
current hit points, and provides cover as if it were a solid
structure. The turtleshell golem can move at a rate of 5 feet
(1 square) in wall form, and cannot make any attacks or

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Wax Golem Change Shape (Su): A wax golem can assume the shape of
Medium Construct any medium-sized humanoid or creature, but retains most of
Hit Dice: 4d10+20 (42 hp) its own physical qualities. Changing shape results in the
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) following changes:
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) (can’t run) • The wax golem retains the type and subtype of its original
Armor Class: 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat 13 form. It gains the size of its new form.
BAB/Grapple: +3/+6 • The wax golem loses the natural weapons, movement
Attack: Slam +6 melee (1d4 +3) modes, and extraordinary special attacks of its original
Full Attack: 2 Slam +6 melee (1d4 +3) form.
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. • The wax golem gains the natural weapons, movement
Height: 5 ft. 11 in. modes, and extraordinary special attacks of its new form.
Weight: 200 lbs. • The wax golem retains all other special attacks and
Special Att: Smother qualities of its original form.
Special Qual: Change shape, construct traits, DR 5/-, • The wax golem retains the ability scores of its original
darkvision 60ft., fast healing 3, low-light form.
vision, spell immunity • The wax golem retains its hit points and saves.
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +1 • The wax golem is effectively camouflaged as a creature of
Abilities: S17 D15 C- I - W10 Ch1 its new form, and gains a +10 bonus on Disguise checks if it
Skills: Disguise -5 uses this ability to create a disguise.
Feats: Lightning Reflexes, Martial Weapon Fast Healing (Ex): A wax golem regains 1 hit point per
Proficiency round except from fire attacks. Fast healing does not restore
Environment: Any land hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and it
Organization: Solitary, Company (2-5), or Pack (5-20) does not allow a creature to regrow lost body parts. Wax
CR: 3 golems can rearrange their structure to regrow lost limbs as
Treasure: None a full-round action.
Alignment: Always neutral Spell Immunity (Ex): A wax golem avoids the effects of
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Medium); 9-12 HD (Large) spells and spell-like abilities that directly affect it as if it had
Level Adj: - unbeatable spell resistance.
Standing before you is a somewhat featureless,
smooth-skinned humanoid. As you watch, its Creating a Wax Golem
features shift and bubble, until the form A wax golem is created from 200 lbs. of wax,
solidifies into an exact copy of yourself. treated with rare oils and fats worth 100 gp. Creating the
Wax golems are creations designed to act as simple body requires a DC 15 Craft (Sculpting) check or a DC 15
spies or assassins. Their shapechanging ability allows them Profession (Candlemaker) check.
to easily infiltrate areas to get at targets, and they are cheap CL 6; Craft Construct, Alter Self, False Life, Obscure
enough that its creator rarely worries whether the construct Object, caster must be at least 6th level; Price 5,800 gp; Cost
can escape after completing its mission. 3,000 gp + 230 XP.

Combat Wax Golems On Amberos

Wax golems, though not intelligent, primarily A potent assassination tool during the Dark Age,
attempt to attack by surprise and/or while opponents are these creatures were used by the Skyland Hold to hunt down
alone. They prefer to assume the shape of their opponent or enemies and destroy them. However, the secret to their
a person liked and well known to the victim in an attempt to creation was leaked to the Free Barons by a turncoat priest,
confuse their prey and retard the victim's ability to defend and the Free Barons used them as decoys against
itself against attack properly. They can use their unarmed assassination attempts and the fledgling Brotherhood of
attacks to strike or use virtually any weapon with relative Glory learned to use them to effect against the Skyland’s
ease. While able to assume the appearance of wearing Hold own officers.
armor, they will never actually don clothes or wear armor as By the time of the Kingdom of Swordfall, the use
such items do not change as they shift shapes. of wax golems had been banned, and many of the tomes that
Smother (Ex): If a wax golem strikes a foe with its slam held the secret to their creation were destroyed. However, it
attack, it can attempt to cover the victim’s face with a seems that some of the texts survived, primarily in the
coating of wax that blinds and smothers the victim. If the Skienlands, and occasional wax golems can be found in the
victim fails a Fort save (DC 12), the victim is blinded and employ of eastern agents.
cannot breathe until the wax is cleared away and suffers 1d6
non-lethal damage per round. However, if the victim is
reduced to 0 hit points or less, additional damage is lethal.
To clear away the wax requires a full-round action and a
Strength check, DC 21. Up to two additional persons can
assist in removing the wax.

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Gore Wrench Deteriorate (Ex): The gore wretch barely clings to unlife,
and each day it must make a Will save (DC 10) or it
Medium Undead permanently loses 1d4 hit points.
Hit Dice: 2d12 (13 hp) Frightful Presence (Ex): The gore wretch’s very presence
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) is unsettling to foes. Those attacked by it must make a Will
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 70 ft. (average) save (DC 12) or be shaken for 5d6 rounds. An opponent that
Armor Class: 18 (+2 Dex, +6 natural), touch 12, flat 16 succeeds on the saving throw is immune to that same
BAB/Grapple: +1/+1 creature’s frightful presence for 24 hours. Frightful presence
Attack: Claw +1 melee (1d4) is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Full Attack: Claw +1 melee (1d4) Retch (Su): A gore wretch can spit a bile-like fluid out in a
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. 5-foot wide line 10 feet long. Those caught in the area of
Height: 3 ft. 8 in. + 2d4 in. (4 ft. 1 in.) effect must make a Reflex save (DC 12) or suffer 2d4
Weight: 15 lbs. + 1d4 lbs. (17 lbs.) negative energy. If the gore wretch spits this bile on the
Special Att: Frightful presence, retch carcass of a dead being or creature, the corpse will animate
Special Qual: DR 5/blunt, darkvision 60 ft., deteriorate, as a skeleton 50% of the time. A gore wretch has no control
undead traits over the created undead, which attacks the closest living
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +3 thing until slain (possibly even attacking the gore wretch).
Abilities: S11 D15 C- I6 W11 Ch13
Skills: Listen 0, Search +3, Spot +5 Gore Wrenches on Amberos
Feats: Dodge, Fly-by Attackb While gore wrenches can be found anywhere on
Environment: Any land Amberos, they are more common on ancient battlefields or
Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), or Swarm (5-20) desert areas such as in the wastes of Randu, Iiannhanex and
CR: 2 Llannhanex. No gore wrenches are found in the Blue
Treasure: None Desert, however.
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 3-4 HD (Medium); 5-6 HD (Large)
Level Adj: -
What appears to be a man-sized buzzard
stands nearby. It's tattered feathers buzz with
flies and its emaciated frame is nearly a
skeleton. A foul stench emits from the creature,
and its sunken eyes glow with green fire.
The gore wretch is a pathetic undead creature
formed when the spiritual remains of a humanoid possess a
carrion bird that has devoured part of its flesh. Having
throttled the life from the bird, the soul uses the bird's
carcass, swelling the bird's size until it is as tall as a man.
The gore wretch is a malevolent and evil creature,
who takes its spite out on any living being that it encounters.
They are often encountered on fresh battlefields, or in areas
where the newly dead have recently been fed on.
A gore wretch sometimes will hunt down those
who originally killed its humanoid form, but usually
remains near the area it died in, wrecking its vengeance on
whomever happens by. The spirit that infects the gore
wretch is apparently unable to maintain the state of the
body, and over time, gore wretches simply rot away, until
nothing is left. Depending on the strength of the controlling
spirit, this process may take anywhere from a few months to
several hundreds of years.
Gore wretches can barely speak the languages it
knew in life, usually Common and little else.

A gore wretch usually will swoop down on its foe
from above, clawing and landing nearby. Once on the
ground it uses its retching ability to attack foes, continuing
to attack until slain or its foe is killed, and the gore wretch
consumes their remains.

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Bestiary Nefarious
Hapi of the sacrifice must be within 30 feet of the Hapi. Using the
ability immediately drops the Hapi to -10 hit points, whilst
Large Magical Beast (Extraplanar) the recipient gains the effects of a Heal spell.
Hit Dice: 6d10+24 (57 hp) Symbol (Su): As a standard action, a Hapi can use Symbol
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) of Death, Symbol of Fear, Symbol of Insanity, Symbol of
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) Pain, Symbol of Sleep, Symbol of Stunning or Symbol of
Armor Class: 13 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural), touch 10, Weakness, each once per day at 6th level casting ability. The
flat 12 symbol appears between the horns of the Hapi, moving with
BAB/Grapple: +6/+15 the creature until triggered.
Attack: Gore +10 melee (1d8+5)
Full Attack: Gore +10 melee (1d8+5 Hapi on Amberos
Space/Reach: 10-ft./10 ft. Hapi can be found in Llannhanex and Iiannhanex
Height: 8 ft. 6 in. + 2d8 in. (9 ft. 3 in.) as well has having been imported into Simera and Randu.
Weight: 400 lbs. + 1d8 x 50 lbs. (500 lbs.) Nobles of the Skienlands have, over the ages, kept Hapi to
Special Att: Breath of life, sacrifice, symbol ward off assassins and/or kept them as statuses of good
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, SR 16 health.
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +3
Abilities: S21 D12 C19 I15 W13 Ch17
Skills: Heal +15, Hide -3, Knowledge (religion)
+11, Listen +6, Spot +5, Survival +12
Feats: Great Fortitude, Self-Sufficient, Skill
Focus (Heal)
Environment: Warm deserts, plains
Organization: Solitary, Stand (2-5), or Herd (5-20)
CR: 5
Treasure: Coins 50%, Items and Magic 25%
Alignment: Always chaotic good
Advancement: 7-12 HD (Large); 13-18 HD (Huge)
Level Adj: -
This creature looks like a large Brahma bull,
with upward pointed horns and arcane
symbols seemingly carved into its hide.
A Hapi is a mystical Aegyptian creature associated
with the Egyptian god Hathor and normally resides in.
Despite their animal-like appearance, they are healers in
service to mankind. Hapis sometimes join herds of cattle,
while other times they can be found in their own groups or
alone. They generally depend upon the kindness of those
they live near for protection and food, and are more than
willing to act as doctors or healers for those who care for
their needs.
A Hapi can speak Common, but often prefers to act
like a normal cow or bull unless its services are needed or it
is attacked.

Hapi usually retreat from attacks, but they may
become belligerent if their caretakers are threatened or they
are mistreated. A Hapi normally attacks by charging and
goring its foe. Against more powerful or supernatural foes,
it generally prefers to use its symbol ability to ward off
danger. In extreme circumstances, if one of its defenders
falls, it may use its sacrifice ability to bring the ally back to
full health.
Breath of Life (Su): As a full round action, a Hapi may
breath on a living creature to heal its wounds. This acts like
a Cure Moderate Wounds spell cast at 6th level ability.
Sacrifice (Su): As a full-attack action, a Hapi may choose
to sacrifice its own life to save that of another. The recipient

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Hapi Midwife Hapi, and have been known to engage in deep
Large Magical Beast (Extraplanar, Good) conversations with those they have come to assist.
Hit Dice: 6d10 + 11d8 + 102 (184 hp)
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) Combat
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 60 ft. (12 squares) Hapi midwives are ill suited for combat, and prefer
(good) to disable or drive away opponent than face them in combat.
Armor Class: 20 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural, +5 mithral If a Hapi midwife is unable to best a foe, they are not above
breastplate), touch 11, flat 18 using their lesser planar ally spell or summon monster IX
BAB/Grapple: +14/+25 ability to summon assistance. When using lesser planar
Attack: Gore +20 melee (1d8+7) ally, the Hapi midwives have such good relations with
Full Attack: Gore +20 melee (1d8+7) creatures of the celestial planes that it does not need to pay
Space/Reach: 10-ft./10 ft. for the services it receives.
Height: 8 ft. 6 in. + 2d8 in. (9 ft. 3 in.) Breath of Life (Su): As a full round action, a Hapi may
Weight: 400 lbs. + 1d8 x 25 lbs. (500 lbs.) breath on a living creature to heal its wounds. This acts like
Special Att: Breath of life, magic strike, sacrifice, a Cure Critical Wounds spell cast at 17th level ability.
symbol Magic Strike (Su): A Hapi midwife’s attacks are treated as
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., DR 10/magic +3, magical attacks for the purpose of overcoming damage
immune to disease, low-light vision, reduction.
resistance to acid 10, cold 10, electricity Sacrifice (Su): As a full-attack action, a Hapi midwife may
10, spells, SR 29, spell-like abilities, turn choose to sacrifice its own life to save that of another. The
undead, +4 save vs. poison recipient of the sacrifice must be within 30 feet of the Hapi
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +3 midwife. Using the ability immediately drops the Hapi
Abilities: S25 D14 C23 I17 W19 Ch21 midwife to 0 hit points, whilst the recipient gain the effects
Skills: Diplomacy +25, Heal +29, Hide -3, of a Heal spell.
Knowledge (religion) +23, Listen +6, Spot Spells: A Hapi midwife can cast spells as a 11th level cleric
+5, Survival +12 with the domains of healing and protection. They favor
Feats: Augment Summoning, Endurance, protective spells and spells that disable or dissuade attack
Diehard, Great Fortitude, Natural SpellB, against themselves or their charges.
Self-Sufficient, Skill Focus (Heal), Spell Spell-like Abilities (Sp): A Hapi midwife can use the
Focus (Conjuration) following spell-like abilities, at 17th level ability.
Environment: Warm deserts, plains Protection from evil – 3x/day, Bless – 1x/day, Aid – 1x/day,
Organization: Solitary, Stand (2-5), or Herd (5-20) Detect Evil – 1x/day, Cure Serious Wounds – 1x/day,
CR: 18 Neutralize Poison – 1x/day, Holy Smite - 1x/day, Remove
Treasure: mithral breastplate (4,200 gp), Coins 50%, Disease – 1x/day, Dispel Evil – 1x/day, Holy Word –
Items and Magic 25% 1x/day, Holy Aura – 3x/day, Hallow – 1x/day, Mass Charm
Alignment: Always chaotic good Monster – 1x/day, Summon Monster IX (celestials only) –
Advancement: 7-12 HD (Large); 13-18 HD (Huge) 1x/day
Level Adj: - Symbol (Su): As a standard action, a Hapi midwife can use
This creature looks like a large golden Symbol of Death, Symbol of Fear, Symbol of Insanity,
Brahma bull with its torso wreathed in a Symbol of Pain, Symbol of Sleep, Symbol of Stunning or
shimmering silver breastplate. It has upward Symbol of Weakness, each once per day at 17th level casting
pointed horns and arcane symbols seemingly ability. The symbol appears between the horns of the Hapi,
carved into its hide. From its back project a moving with the creature until triggered.
pair of white-feathered wings with golden tips. Turn Undead (Su): 8x/day; Turn Check 1d20+5; Turn
The Hapi midwife is a rare form of the Hapi. Damage 2d6+16
They coordinate the efforts of individual Hapi, and
take on those cases in which women are threatened Typical Cleric Spell List
with implacable evil. (6/7/6/6/5/4/3; CL 11; Spell DC 14 + Spell Level;
While the Hapi midwife makes a terrible Domain: Healing, Protection)
combatant, the Hapi has skills and powers that are 0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Mending, Purify
much more subtle in warding off evil than direct Food and Drink, Virtue
combat. In cases where the Hapi’s skills are 1st: Bless, Command, Comprehend Languages, Detect Evil,
insufficient to drive away an evil creature, they will Doom, Remove Fear, SanctuaryD
instead spirit away those they intend to protect, 2nd: Augury, Consecrate, Bull’s Strength, Gentle Repose,
taking them to a safer location to live out the Hold Person, Shield OtherD
remainder of their days. 3rd: Bestow Curse, Blindness/Deafness, Daylight, Helping
Hapi midwives can speak Common and Hand, Protection from EnergyD, Remove Curse
Celestial. They are much more talkative that regular 4th: Death Ward, Discern Lies, Lesser Planar Ally,
Neutralize Poison, Spell ImmunityD

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5th: Commune, Greater Command, Hallow, Spell
6th: Raise Dead, HealD, Heroes’ Feast

Hapi Midwifes on Amberos

There is believed to be only three Hapi midwifes in
existence – one bound to Hathor, another to Isis and the
third bound to Shame. They are very rarely seen, and only
one account exists of them appearing on Amberos – in the
recorded account, a Hapi midwife appeared to a soon-to-be
wife of the Pharaoh of Iiannhanex, training the young lady
to become a queen and eventually thwarting a Skienland
rakshasa maharaja’s attempt to possess the queen’s first

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Bestiary Nefarious
Haraka Spells-like Abilities (Sp): A Haraka can cast the following
spells at will. Dancing Lights, Disguise Self, Detect Good.
Medium Humanoid (Avian, Evil) Caster level 3rd.
Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (19 hp)
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) Society
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 60 ft. (average) Haraka generally tend to gather in communities
Armor Class: 18 (+3 Dex, +5 natural), touch 13, flat 15 made of their own kind. They openly welcome strangers to
BAB/Grapple: +2/+3 their dwelling, whilst making preparations to devour
Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d6+1) visitors.
Full Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d6+1) and 2 claw -2 Few Haraka have the skills to make their own tools
melee (1d4) or the drive to maintain businesses or work at other
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. professions; their life revolves around getting their next
Height: 5 ft. 3 in. + 2d6 in. (5 ft. 10 in.) meal, and they will not make what they feel they can steal or
Weight: 60 lbs. + 1d8 x 10 lbs. (100 lbs.) cheat others out of. Haraka prefer to make targets of
Special Att: Smite good humanoids who themselves are not Haraka, but they are not
Special Qual: Low-light vision, spell resistance 13, above stealing from or murdering their own kind for their
spell-like abilities own benefit.
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2 Haraka can breed among themselves or with
Abilities: S13 D17 C15 I13 W12 Ch14 humanoid captives, and females generally generate 2-5 eggs
Skills: Bluff +8, Disguise +4, Forgery +3, after copulation. Harakas rarely stay together after mating,
Knowledge (the planes) +7, Listen +4, and abusive relationships are not unknown among the
Spot +4 Haraka.
Feats: Deceitful, Flyby Attack Occasionally, Haraka will be sent forth from a
Environment: Any land community to seek out prey to draw to the village for
Organization: Solitary, Covey (2-5), or Nest (5-20) community consumption or enslavement. Slaves rarely last
CR: 3 long however, and usually end up in the dinner pot after
Treasure: None other meals become scarce.
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: By Character Class Haraka
Level Adj: +5
Haraka are infrequently encountered in the
The facade of a beautiful humanoid falls away
Skienlands, and there are tales of the evil beings in Ran Da
to reveal a demonic body covered in orange
Khan and Randu.
and red feathers with a bird-like head and
arms that appear to double as wings. Its large
Haraka as Characters
eyes are slitted like that of a serpent, and cruel
barbs and horns jut from the creature's joints. As stated above, sometimes Haraka are sent out
Haraka are the foul offspring of vrocks and evil from their communities to find prey. In some cases, these
humans. They are selfishly evil and hateful of good things. Haraka may be gone for quite some time or fail to return to
They often wrap themselves in illusions to lull the their community, having found a better or more meaningful
suspicions of victims, dropping the disguise mere moments existence.
before attacking. Haraka characters have the following abilities.
Unfortunately, haraka crave the flesh of • Base land speed 30 feet. Fly speed 60 feet
humanoids, and will seek out prey to devour at their leisure. (average)
Haraka can speak Common and Infernal. • Medium size.
• Low-light vision. A Haraka can see twice as far as
Combat a human in dim or twilight conditions.
Most Haraka prefer to use their illusions to • Evil subtype. A Haraka character cannot choose a
disguise their true nature until moments before they attack. good alignment, though it may be neutral.
They also prefer to attack lone or unsuspecting opponents. • Low-light Vision. A Haraka can see twice as far
They are often unarmed so that they may appear harmless in as a human in low light or twilight conditions.
their disguised form. However, Haraka are adept with all • 3d8 racial hit dice.
simple and martial weapons, though they disdain using • Base Fort +1, Reflex +1, Will +1.
armor. If facing superior opponents, Haraka often will fly • (2 + Int mod) x 2 skill points. A Haraka’s racial
out of harm's reach and assault their victims with missile skills are Bluff, Disguise, Forgery, Knowledge (the
weapons or flee entirely to seek easier prey. Planes), Listen and Spot.
Smite Good (Su): Once per day, a Haraka can deal extra • +5 natural armor.
damage to a creature of good alignment or with the good • +2 Str, +6 Dex, +4 Con, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +4 Chr.
descriptor. The Haraka can deal +3 points of damage. A Haraka’s fiendish origins make it stronger,
quicker and hardier than most races. They are also

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generally smarter, more cunning and more Haraka Rebuker
charismatic than their prey. 3HD Haraka Rog 5 (Avian, Evil);hp: 55
• Natural Attack. A haraka has a bite attack that S12 D25 C17 I16 W14 Ch12;Fort +5, Ref +12, Will +4
deals 1d6 + Str modifier damage and two claw Init: +7 Move: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
attacks that deal 1d4 + ½ Str modifier damage. AC: 24 (+7 Dex, +5 natural armor, +1 amulet of natural
The bite attack is primary. armor +1, +1 ring of protection +1), touch 17, flat
• Smite Good. A non-good Haraka character can 17
smite good, dealing +3 points of damage once per BAB/Grapple: +5/+6
day. The Haraka deals an additional +1 damage Full Attack: Bite +12 melee (1d6+1), 2 claws +7 melee
per class level it obtains. (1d4)
• Spell-like Abilities. A Haraka can cast the Special Att: Smite good, sneak attack +3d6
following spells at will if it has a Charisma of 11 or Special Qual: Evasion, low-light vision, spell-like
better. Dancing Lights, Disguise Self, Detect Good. abilities, strictly carnivorous, trap sense
Caster level is 3 + spellcasting level. +1, trapfinding, uncanny dodge
• Strictly Carnivorous. Haraka will only eat meat, Skills: Bluff +12, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +14, Forgery
and prefer the flesh of intelligent creatures. If the +11, Gather Information +6, Hide +12, Knowledge
character wishes to eat anything other than meat, (The Planes) +9, Listen +7, Move Silently +12,
they must succeed a DC 15 Will save to do so. The Sleight of Hand +12, Spot +13, Tumble +12, Use
DC for this save increases by +1 for each day the Magic Device +6
Haraka has not eaten fresh flesh. Feats: Deceitful, Flyby Attack, Weapon Finesse
• Favored Class: Rogue CR: 8
• Level Adjustment: +5 Gear: Amulet of natural armor +1 (2,000 gp), ring of
Generally speaking, the Haraka refute worshipping protection +1 (2,000 gp), gloves of dexterity +2
any deity. However, some Haraka have taken to (4,000 gp), potion of magic fang (50 gp), potion of
worshipping Gwieze, the Lord of Shadows. Priests of cure moderate wounds (300 gp)
Gwieze may choose two of the three domains from Chaos, Total: 8,350 gp (9,400 gp)
Evil or Trickery. Evasion (Ex): If a haraka rebuker makes a successful
Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals
half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no
damage. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of
Trap Sense (Ex): A haraka rebuker gains an intuitive sense
that alerts her to danger from traps, giving her a +1 bonus
on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus
to AC against attacks made by traps.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A haraka rebuker retains her
Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat-
footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still
loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

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Haraka Scion Haraka Deathwing
3HD Haraka Rog 8/Asn 2 (Avian, Evil);hp: 55 3HD half-fiend Haraka Rog 8/Asn 7 (Avian, Evil,
S12 D27 C17 I16 W14 Ch12;Fort +6, Ref +18, Will +6 Native);hp: 138
Init: +8 Move: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (average) S16 D36 C19 I23 W14 Ch14;Fort +12, Ref +28, Will +12
AC: 25 (+8 Dex, +5 natural armor, +1 monks belt, +1 Init: +13 Move: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
ring of protection +1), touch 18, flat 17 AC: 36 (+13 Dex, +6 natural armor, +7 bracers of
BAB/Grapple: +9/+10 armor +7), touch 23, flat 23
Full Attack: Bite +17 melee (1d6+1), unarmed strike BAB/Grapple: +13/+14
+12/+7 melee (1d8), claw +12 melee Full Attack: Bite +26 melee (1d6+1), 2 claws +21
(1d4) melee (1d4) or
Special Att: Death attack, smite good, sneak attack Wand of inflict serious wounds +26 touch
+5d6 (3d8+13;DC 20 Will half/Use Magic
Special Qual: Evasion, low-light vision, poison use, Device DC 20 to activate)
spell-like abilities, strictly carnivorous, Special Att: Death attack, magic strike, smite good
trap sense +1, trapfinding, uncanny dodge, 2x/day, sneak attack +7d6
+1 save vs. poison Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., DR 5/magic +1,
Skills: Bluff +15, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +17, Forgery evasion, immunity to poison, improved
+11, Gather Information +9, Hide +16, Knowledge uncanny dodge, low-light vision, poison
(The Planes) +9, Listen +10, Move Silently +16, use, resistance to acid 10, cold 10,
Sleight of Hand +14, Spot +18, Tumble +14, Use electricity 10, and fire 10, spell-like
Magic Device +11 abilities, SR 13, strictly carnivorous, trap
Feats: Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Deceitful, sense +1, trapfinding, uncanny dodge, +3
Flyby Attack, Weapon Finesse save vs. poison
CR: 13 Skills: Bluff +21, Craft (Trapmaking) +16, Diplomacy
Gear: Amulet of mighty fists +1 (6,000 gp), monk’s belt +10, Disable Device +16, Disguise +18, Forgery
(13,000 gp), ring of protection +1 (2,000 gp), +13, Gather Information +14, Hide +26,
gloves of dexterity +2 (4,000 gp), potion of cure Knowledge (The Planes) +14, Listen +16, Move
moderate wounds (300 gp) Silently +29, Open Lock +20, Search +15, Sleight
Total: 25,300 gp (35,000 gp) of Hand +20, Spot +23, Tumble +27, Use Magic
Evasion (Ex): If a haraka rebuker makes a successful Device +20
Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals Feats: Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Deceitful,
half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no Flyby Attack, Improved Feint, Iron Will, Weapon
damage. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of Finesse
evasion. CR: 19
Trap Sense (Ex): A haraka rebuker gains an intuitive sense Gear: bracers of armor +7 (49,000 gp), gloves of
that alerts her to danger from traps, giving her a +1 bonus dexterity +6 (36,000 gp), headband of intellect +6
on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus (36,000 gp), amulet of proof against detection and
to AC against attacks made by traps. location (35,000 gp), cloak of resistance +3 (9,000
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A haraka rebuker retains her gp), wand of inflict critical wounds (10 charges)
Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat- (4,200 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds (300
footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still gp)
loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. Total: 169,500 gp (170,000 gp)
Death Attack: Study victim for 3 rounds and make a melee Evasion (Ex): If a haraka deathwing makes a successful
attack to paralyze or kill opponent. If the victim of such an Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals
attack fails a Fortitude save DC 15 against the kill effect, half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no
she dies. If the saving throw fails against the paralysis damage. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of
effect, the victim is rendered helpless and unable to act for evasion.
1d6 rounds plus 1 round per level of the assassin. If the Magic Strike (Su): A haraka deathwing's natural attacks
victim’s saving throw succeeds, the attack is just a normal are treated as magic for the purposes of bypassing damage
sneak attack. reduction.
Poison Use: Assassins are trained in the use of poison and Spell-like Abilities (Sp): A haraka deathwing can use the
never risk accidentally poisoning themselves when applying following spell-like abilities.
poison to a blade. Darkness – 3x/day, Desecrate – 1x/day, Dancing Lights –
1x/day, Disguise Self – 1x/day, Detect Good – 1x/day.
Typical Assassin Spell List Trap Sense (Ex): A haraka deathwing gains an intuitive
(2; CL 2; Spell DC 13 + Spell Level) sense that alerts her to danger from traps, giving her a +1
1st: Ghost Sound, Obscuring Mist, True Strike bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge
bonus to AC against attacks made by traps.

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Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A haraka deathwing retains her
Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat-
footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still
loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.
Death Attack: Study victim for 3 rounds and make a melee
attack to paralyze or kill opponent. If the victim of such an
attack fails a Fortitude save DC 23 against the kill effect,
she dies. If the saving throw fails against the paralysis
effect, the victim is rendered helpless and unable to act for
1d6 rounds plus 1 round per level of the assassin. If the
victim’s saving throw succeeds, the attack is just a normal
sneak attack.
Poison Use: Haraka deathwings are trained in the use of
poison and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves
when applying poison to a blade.

Note: A haraka deathwing generally uses Improved Feint +

the wand of inflict serious wounds + smite good + sneak
attack to deliver its Death Attack (3d8+7d6+31 damage).

Typical Assassin Spell List

(5/5/3/1;Caster Level 7;Spell DC 16 + Spell Level)
1st: Ghost Sound x2, Obscuring Mist, Sleep, True Strike
2nd: Alter Self, Darkness, Invisibility x2, Spider Climb
3rd: Deep Slumber, Deeper Darkness, Magic Circle
Against Good
4th: Dimension Door, Freedom of Movement, Locate

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Hath Combat
Hath need only touch their opponent to inflict their
Large Outsider (Extraplanar) wrath, and usually a single touch is enough to leave most
Hit Dice: 10d8+40 (85 hp) mortals in writhing pain. Against other outsiders, Hath
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) defend themselves with their spells and awesome touch
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 80 ft. (average) (16 attacks, but will rarely instigate a fight, and will often seek
squares) to escape unless defending pregnant female or child.
Armor Class: 19 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +8 natural), touch 11, Lesser Magic Resistant (Su): A Hath gains a +5 bonus to
flat 17 its Spell Resistance.
BAB/Grapple: +10/+19 Mother’s Touch (Ex): As a standard action, a Hath may
Attack: Slam +14 melee (1d6+5) use a touch attack to impart or remove fertility from any
Full Attack: Slam +14 melee (1d6+5) living creature. If imparting fertility, the subject will
Space/Reach: 10-ft./10 ft. become automatically impregnate/become pregnant if
Height: 11 ft. + 2d6 in. (11 ft. 7 in.) engaged in sexual activity in the next 24 hours. If removing
Weight: 450 lbs. + 2d8 x 25 lbs. (675 lbs.) fertility, the victim suffers wracking pains as their ability to
Special Att: Mother’s Touch reproduce is stripped away. The victim suffers 10d6 non-
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., outsider traits, lesser lethal damage, is stunned for 5d4 rounds and is unable to
magic resistant, resistance to energy, SR reproduce until the effect is negated with a successful
24, spell-like abilities Remove Curse cast by a 11th+ level caster, Wish or Miracle
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +10 spell. The victim of this attack gains a Fortitude save DC
Abilities: S21 D15 C19 I15 W17 Ch19 19 to avoid its effects. A Hath can only affect an individual
Skills: Diplomacy +17, Handle Animal +17, Heal once a day, regardless whether the touch is effective or not.
+19, Hide -2, Knowledge (Nature) +15, Resistance to Energy (Ex): A Hath can ignore 10 points of
Knowledge (Religion) +15, Listen +11, fire, cold or electrical damage per attack.
Profession (Herbalist) +16, Sense Motive Spells-like Abilities (Sp): A Hath can use the following
+16, Spot +11, Survival +16 abilities as indicated at 10th level divine casting ability. The
Feats: Alertness, Brew potion, Combat Reflexes, DC to resist any of it’s spells is 14 + spell level.
Skill Focus (Heal) Cure Light Wounds – at will, Cure Moderate Wounds –
Environment: Warm deserts, hills 5x/day, Cure Serious Wounds – 3x/day, Cure Critical
Organization: Solitary, or Cluster (2-5) Wounds – 2x/day, Heal – 1x/day, Flame Blade – 3x/day,
CR: 11 Holy Sword – 1x/day, Imprisonment (DC 23) – 1x/week,
Treasure: Standard Coins and item, Double gems Plane Shift – 1x/week, Symbol of Insanity (DC 22) – 1x/day,
Alignment: Always neutral Symbol of Pain (DC 19) – 1x/day, Symbol of Weakness (DC
Advancement: By Class Level 21) – 1x/day.
Level Adj: +8
This two-legged bovine-headed humanoid is Hath on Amberos
dressed in white garments. Its hands end in
Hath are sacred in Llannhanex, and can be
elegant, thin fingers and a golden ankh is
encountered in Iiannhanex as well, though in the latter areas
emblazoned on its forehead.
they are not considered sacred beings. Hath also exist in the
Hath are the handmaidens of gods of fertility and
Skienlands, and there are tales of Hath being encountered in
midwifes. The Hath travel the lands healing the sick and
the lands of Randu.
assisting the birth of children, whether those of men or
Hath as Characters
With a touch, Hath have the ability to impart
fertility or to steal it away, and thus in many ways have the Hath are bound in service to the upper planes.
power of life and death for those who wish to bear an heir to While they can often be encountered on a quest in the
their lineage. service of good, they are not free to pursue their own
Hath generally prefer to remain somewhat distant agendas. They have been known however, to join a host of
from civilization, though they can often be found on the other heroes to assist them in the completion of a quest that
outskirts of heavily populated areas, or in remote hermitages benefits the upper planes.
in the deep desert. They tend to be nomadic, traveling to Hath characters have the following abilities.
wherever they are needed. • Large Size. A hath suffers a –1 penalty to AC and
Hath speak Common, Aegyptian, Celestial and to hit rolls. It has a –4 penalty to Hide checks but
Infernal. They have been known to visit babies singing gains a +4 bonus to grapple checks. A hath’s
praises in Celestial or to castigate evil kings or other abusers carrying capacity is double that of a medium
of women in Infernal. creature.
• Outsider Type, extraplanar subtype
• Base move 30 ft., fly 80 ft. (average)

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• Darkvision 60 ft. A hath can see in total darkness • Favored Class: Cleric. A hath who takes levels
out to a range of 60 ft. Darkvision is black and of cleric memorizes and casts spells as if 10 levels
white only. higher than normal.
• +8 natural armor • Level Adjustment: +7
• Str +10, Dex +4, Con +8, Int +4, Wis +6, Cha +8. While the original hath are the creations of Hathor,
Hath have sturdy frames and are naturally they serve all the gods of good. Each hath is in the
contemplative, inoffensive creatures whom are not particular service of a single god of good, and is usually
easily swayed from their duties or opinions. a cleric of said deity. A hath cleric choose two of the
• 10 ft. space / 10 ft. reach. three domains of Good, Healing and Protection despite
• 10d8 racial hit dice. The hath adds 10x its the domains of the deity it worships.
Constitution modifier to this total (min 1 hp/HD).
The hath also gains a +10 BAB and Fort +7, Reflex
+7 and Will +7 base saves.
• (8 + Int mod) x 13 skill points. A hath’s racial
skills are Craft (Any), Diplomacy, Handle Animal,
Heal, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Profession (Any),
Sense Motive, Spot and Survival.
• 4 racial feats.
• Natural Attacks. A hath can make a slam attack
dealing 1d6 + Str modifier damage.
• Lesser Magic Resistant (Su): A Hath gains a +5
bonus to its Spell Resistance.
• Mother’s Touch (Ex): As a standard action, a
Hath may use a touch attack to impart or remove
fertility from any living creature. If imparting
fertility, the subject will become automatically
impregnate/become pregnant if engaged in sexual
activity in the next 24 hours. If removing fertility,
the victim suffers wracking pains as their ability to
reproduce is stripped away. The victim suffers
10d6 non-lethal damage, is stunned for 5d4 rounds
and is unable to reproduce until the effect is
negated with a successful Remove Curse cast by a
11th+ level caster, Wish or Miracle spell. The
victim of this attack gains a Fortitude save (DC 15
+ Cha modifier) to avoid its effects. A Hath can
only affect an individual once a day, regardless
whether the touch is effective or not.
• Resistance to Energy (Ex): A Hath can ignore 10
points of fire, cold or electrical damage per attack.
• Spells-like Abilities (Sp): A Hath can use the
following abilities as indicated at 10th level divine
casting ability. The DC to resist any of it’s spells
is 10 + Cha modifier + spell level.
Cure Light Wounds – at will, Cure Moderate
Wounds – 5x/day, Cure Serious Wounds 3x/day,
Cure Critical Wounds 2x/day, Heal 1x/day, Flame
Blade 3x/day, Holy Sword 1x/day, Imprisonment
1x/week, Plane Shift 1x/week, Symbol of Insanity
1x/day, Symbol of Pain 1x/day, Symbol of
Weakness 1x/day.
• Spell Resistance. A hath has Spell Resistance of
15 + Cha modifier + 5 + Class levels.
• Automatic Languages: Common, Aegyptian,
Celestial and Infernal. Bonus Languages: Elvin,
Dwarven, Giant, Gnomish, Goblinoid and

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Hath Crusader 5th: Commune, Dispel Evil, Disrupting Weapon, Greater
10HD hath Clr 8;hp: 171 Command, Mark of Justice, Slay Living, Spell
S22 D14 C21 I12 W29 Ch22;Fort +18, Ref +11, Will +22 ResistanceD
Init: +0 Move: 30 ft., fly 80 ft. 6 : Animate Objects, Banishment, Blade Barrier, Mass
AC: 35 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +8 natural, +13 mithral full plate Bull’s Strength, Heal x2D
+5, +3 absorbing shield) touch 11, flat 33 7 : Ethereal Jaunt, Holy Word, Regenerate, RepulsionD,

BAB/Grapple: +16/+26 Summon Monster VII

Full Attack: +4 morningstar +25/+20/+15/+10 melee 8th: Fire Storm, Greater Spell Immunity, Holy Aura, Mind
(2d6+10) BlankD, Summon Monster VIII
Special Att: Mother’s Touch 9 : Mass HealD, Summon Monster IX, True Resurrection

Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., outsider traits, lesser

magic resistant, resistance to energy, SR
34, spells, spell-like abilities, turn undead
Skills: Concentration +13, Diplomacy +27, Handle
Animal +19, Heal +25, Hide -2, Knowledge
(Religion) +22, Listen +24, Profession (Herbalist)
+14, Sense Motive +22, Spot +24, Survival +22
Feats: Alertness, Augment Summoning, Brew potion,
Power Attack, Improved Sunder, Skill Focus
(Heal), Spell Focus (Conjuration)
CR: 19
Gear: +4 morningstar (32,308 gp), mithral full plate +5
(35,650 gp), absorbing shield (50,170 gp), periapt
of Wisdom +6 (36,000 gp), staff of healing (25
charges) (13,875 gp), reliquary (500 gp) [Holy
Total: 168,943 gp (170,000 gp)
Mother’s Touch (Su): DC 21
Spells-like Abilities (Sp): A hath crusader can use the
following abilities as indicated at 10th level divine casting
ability. The DC to resist any of it’s spells is 19 + spell level.
Cure Light Wounds – at will, Cure Moderate Wounds –
5x/day, Cure Serious Wounds – 3x/day, Cure Critical
Wounds – 2x/day, Heal – 1x/day, Flame Blade – 3x/day,
Holy Sword – 1x/day, Imprisonment (DC 28) – 1x/week,
Plane Shift – 1x/week, Symbol of Insanity (DC 27) – 1x/day,
Symbol of Pain (DC 24) – 1x/day, Symbol of Weakness (DC
26) – 1x/day.
Turn Undead (Su): 9x/day; Turn Check 1d20+6; Turn
Damage 2d6+14

Typical Cleric Spell List

(6/9/8/8/8/7/6/5/5/4; CL 18; Spell DC 19 + Spell level;
Domains: Healing, Protection)
0: Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic,
Detect Poison, Light, Purify Food and Drink
1st: Bless, Comprehend Languages, Deathwatch, Detect
Evil, Divine Favor, Hide from Undead, Protection
From Evil, Remove Fear, SanctuaryD, Shield of Faith
2 : Aid, Align Weapon, Enthrall, Hold Person, Make
Whole, Resist Energy, Shield OtherD, Status
3 : Daylight, Dispel Magic, Invisibility Purge, Locate
Object, Meld into Stone, Protection from EnergyD,
Searing Light, Speak with Dead
4th: Dimensional Anchor, Discern Lies, Divine Power,
Imbue with Spell Ability, Neutralize Poison,
Restoration, Sending, Spell ImmunityD

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Hell Reaper to succeed. It is not uncommon for them to wait to strike
when the opponent is otherwise engaged, unarmed, asleep
Medium Outsider (Devil, Evil, Lawful) or otherwise unable to properly defend himself or herself.
Hit Dice: 10d8+70 (115 hp) Unless a hell reaper is slain in hell proper, the
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) scythe it wields disappears upon the creature’s destruction.
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (perfect) If a hell reaper’s weapon should be stolen or otherwise
Armor Class: 24 (+2 Dex, +12 natural), touch 12, flat 22 taken, the hell reaper will turn its attentions to retrieving the
BAB/Grapple: +10/+14 weapon before resuming its mission.
Attack: +3 flaming burst scythe +14 melee Breath Weapon (Su): A hell reaper can breath a cone of
(1d6+9;19-20/x4) flame 30 feet long. Those in the area of effect take 6d6 fire
Full Attack: +3 flaming burst scythe +14/+9/+4 melee damage (Reflex save DC 22 for half). The hell reaper can
or tail +14 melee (1d6+9; 19-20/x4) breath once per minute.
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. Fearsome Ray (Su): As a standard action, the hell reaper
Height: 6 ft. + 1d12 in. (6 ft. 6 in.) may make a ranged touch attack with a range of 60 feet.
Weight: 100 lbs. + 2d4 x 25 lbs. (225 lbs.) Anyone struck by the ray ages 2d10 years and is panicked if
Special Att: Breath weapon, fearsome ray, hell’s debt, they fail a Will saving throw (DC 18). The hell reaper may
poison only use its fearsome ray ability on a foe once a day.
Special Qual: DR 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., outsider Hell’s Debt (Su): As a standard action, a hell reaper can
traits, resistance to energy, spell immunity deliver a coupe de grace to a helpless or unconscious
Saves: Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +8 opponent with its scythe. If the attack succeeds, the
Abilities: S19 D15 C25 I15 W13 Ch16 victim’s instantly dies and their soul is sent directly to hell.
Skills: Craft +15, Disguise +16, Gather Furthermore, attempts to raise or resurrect the dead
Information +16, Hide +15, Intimidate individual automatically fail unless preceded by a Wish or
+16, Listen +7, Move Silently +15, Ride Miracle spell to undo the Hell’s Debt effect.
+15, Search +9, Spot +14, Use Magic Poison (Ex): The tail of a hell reaper injects a deadly poison
Device +16 that paralyzes victims (Inject; Fort DC 22; Init: paralyzed
Feats: Dodge, Improved Critical, Mobility, 1d4 rounds, Sec: none)
Spring Attack Resistance to Energy (Ex): A hell reaper is immune to fire
Environment: Hell or Any land damage and has acid and electrical resistance 15.
Organization: Solitary Spell Immunity (Ex): A hell reaper avoids the effects of
CR: 11 spells and spell-like abilities that directly affect it. This
Treasure: +3 flaming burst scythe, normal coins and works exactly like spell resistance, except that it cannot be
gems overcome. Hell reapers do not gain immunity to spells with
Alignment: Always lawful evil the good descriptor.
Advancement: 11-20 HD (Medium); 21-30 HD (Large)
Level Adj: - Hell Reapers on Amberos
The protruding skin of this red-cloaked fiend is The Dark One is known for making contracts with
covered in bony protrusions. A pair of bat-like mortals in return for power. These contracts usually have a
wings erupts from its back and its face is 5 to 10 year limit on them, where after the contractor’s soul
cloaked in shadow. Within the dark hood can is to be collected and taken to Hell. The Dark One uses Hell
be seen the glowing red eyes of the creature. Reapers to collect the souls of those whom contract is
In its hands it hold a blackened scythe. expired.
Hell reapers are devils sent from hell to collect on the
soul debts of the living. They are sent to locate and murder a
specific target. They can ruthlessly track their target, and
will not give up until slain - once they are set on an being
not even other devils can call them off.
Hell reapers speak Common and infernal. They are known
to announce their presence in infernal when they reach their
target and prepare to attack.

Hell reapers will use whatever means to get as
close to their target undetected before striking. Once
engaged, they will not willingly flee or change targets until
the one they have been dispensed to slay has been dealt
with. Hell reapers do not care - and actually enjoy - to strike
down bystanders, but will be careful when engaging
opponents by seeking to strike when they will be most likely

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Hellchilde though they do tends towards questionable behavior and
Medium Humanoid (devil, human) Hellchilde speak Trade or Common, depending on
Sorcerer 1 their place of origin. Most Hellchilde can speak an
Hit Dice: 1d4 (2 hp) additional two languages, and often prefer Abyssmal,
Initiative: +1 Aquan, Auran, Celestial (rarely – either for Bluffing
Speed: 30 ft. purposes or among those seeking “atonement”), Draconic,
AC: 11 (+1 Dex), touch 11, flat 10 Ignan, Infernal or Terran, depending on their percieved
BAB/Grapple: +0/-1 source of magical power.
Attack: Dagger –1 melee (1d4-1;19-20/x2)
Full Attack: Dagger –1 melee (1d4-1;19-20/x2)
Face/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Height: 5 ft. + 3 in. + 2d6 in. (5 ft. 10 in.)
Weight: 120 lbs. +2d6 x 7 lbs. (169 lbs.)
Special Att: Spells
Special Qual: Light sensativity, low-light vision, spell-
like abilities, transformation
Saves: Fort +0, Reflex +1, Will +2
Abilities: S8 D13 C10 I14 W10 Ch17
Skills: Bluff +9, Concentration +4, Hide +3,
Knowledge (Arcana) +6, Spellcraft +6
Feats: Spell Focus (Enchantment)
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary, Troupe (2-5), Gathering (5-12),
Bidding (5-20 + 1 Arcanum)
CR: 1
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually Nuetral (Evil tendancies)
Advancement: By Character Class
Level Adj: +0
Hellchilde are humans descended from powerful
Hellchilde often enter combat only as a last resort,
individuals whose ancestors made pacts with powerful – and
when bargaining or beguiling opponents has failed. They
often evil outsiders. Part of the pact of power that the
prefer to strike from positions of power and will often leave
Hellchilde have made leaves them outwardly albino, but
a battlefield they do not feel they control, and will often flee
hides within them a terrible transformation when they
or surrender to a superior foe. Given the chance, most
unleash their powerful abilities.
Hellchilde will seek turn the tables on anyone who bests
Hellchilde tend to be reclusive loners, only truly
them, and are not above pursuing a percieved enemy for
comfortable around their own kind. They tend to be drawn
years before striking.
to power and the benefits of wealth and they often are
The Hellchilde presented above had Str 8, Dex 13,
morally neutered or corrupt.
Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10 and Cha 15 before racial
Hellchilde, like mageborn (see Bestiary
Malfearous), have a natural knack for spellcasting, though it
Light Sensativity: When a Hellchilde is exposed suddenly
is more broad than mageborn skill. However, when a
to light, or is in areas of bright light (such as a Sunlight
Hellchilde casts a spell, their body undergoes a terrifying
spell), they must make a DC 15 Fort save or be dazzled for a
transformation – their skin turns a flaming red, their eyes
round. Thereafter, they suffer a –1 penalty to hit rolls and
become yellow with black snake-like slits, horns protrude
sight-based skill checks in bright light (no save).
from their forehead, a reptilian tail sprouts from their back
Spell-like abilities: A Hellchilde can use the following
and their feet become cloven hooved. While the
spell-like abilities once per day. Arcane Mark, Shadows,
transformation usually only lasts a brief time, it can be quite
and Dancing Lights.
startling to those who have never encountered a Hellchilde
Transformation: When a Hellchilde casts a spell, their
appearance changes to a terrifying demonic shape (as
Though this demonic appearance is universal to the
described above). This transformation lasts for 1 round per
Hellchilde and only manifests itself when the Hellchilde
level of the spell cast (For example, a phantasmal killer
cast spells, they ancient pacts that Hellchilde draw on them
spell, a 4th level spell, would transform the Hellchilde for 4
is not limited to demonic bonds; Hellchilde have also
rounds). While transformed, the Hellchilde gains several
bonded themselves to fey, genie and even draconic pacts
benefits. They gain a +2 bonus to Will saves, +1 Caster
that they draw their unusual abilities from.
Level and two natural claw attacks that deal 1d4+Str
Despite their outward appearance and the dealings
of their ancestors, the majority of the Hellchilde are not evil,

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• Medium: As Medium creatures, Hellchilde have
Typical Sorcerer Spell List no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
(5/4; CL 1; DC 13 + Spell Level) • Hellchilde base speed is 30 feet.
0: Detect Magic, Flare, Message, Prestidigitation • Low-Light Vision: A Hellchilde can see twice as
1st: Charm Person*, Magic Missile far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight,
* Enchantment Spell; +1 DC and similar conditions of poor illumination. He
retains the ability to distinguish color and detail
Hellchilde Society under these conditions.
Hellchilde are often found dwelling in human • Spell-like abilities: A Hellchilde can use the
society, using their innate knack for magic to better their following spell-like abilities once per day if they
social position. They tend to naturally veer towards have a Charisma of 10 or better. Arcane Mark,
leadership or dominating positions, often treading on those Shadows, and Dancing Lights.
who get in their way. • Human Blood. For all effects related to race, a
When in the company of their own, Hellchilde tend Hellchilde is considered a human.
to form into conclaves and secret societies consisting of • +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Hide checks.
only their kind. A good many of these organizations are • Transformation: When a Hellchilde casts a spell,
neither scheming nor laden with hidden intrigue – they tend their appearance changes to a terrifying demonic
to be merely a conduit for developing relationships with shape (as described above). This transformation
other Hellchilde who share similar interests and abilities – a lasts for 1 round per level of the spell cast (For
place where one may relax and “be themselves.” Outsiders, example, a phantasmal killer spell, a 4th level spell,
however, often tend to attribute sinister motives to would transform the Hellchilde for 4 rounds).
Hellchilde societies, not all without merit. While transformed, the Hellchilde gains several
Most Hellchilde are flippant towards religion, and benefits. They gain a +2 bonus to Will saves, +1
may go out of their way to interfere, tear down or otherwise Caster Level and two natural claw attacks that deal
oppose religious institutions. This often stems from their 1d4+Str modifier. At 5th level, when transformed,
pacts of power, and a feeling of being outside the natural the Hellchilde gains a +1 natural armor bonus.
order – that in many cases, religion is a lie of slavery, where This natural armor bonus increases by +1 for every
the pacts of power Hellchilde are bound to are freedom from 4 levels thereafter. Thus a Hellchilde has a natural
such slavery. The afterlife for most Hellchilde is seen as a armor bonus of +1 at 5th-8th level, +2 at 9th-12th
“road trip” where they may travel the planes of existance as level, +3 at 13th-16th level, +4 at 17th+ level.
they will, rather than be bound as slaves to some god’s The use of supernatural or spell-like abilities does not
whim after death. cause the Hellchilde to transform.
• Light Sensativity: When a Hellchilde is exposed
Hellchilde On Amberos suddenly to light, or is in areas of bright light (such
Since the Dark Age, noble families of the realm as a Sunlight spell), they must make a DC 15 Fort
once known as Al-Baqua have had dealings with genies, save or be dazzled for a round. Thereafter, they
demons and devils to cement their power. Their ancient suffer a –1 penalty to hit rolls and sight-based skill
dealings have forever marked their descendants as the checks in bright light (no save).
Hellchilde. The descentants of these families have the • Automatic Languages: Trade (or Common) and
innate ability to tap into the magical pacts that their Infernal. Bonus Languages: Abyssmal, Aquan,
forefathers forged with these outsiders. Auren, Draconic, Dwarven, Elvin, Ignan, Terran,
Likewise, family members of the Mytears family Giant, Gnomish, or Goblinoid.
and its associates of the lands of Riddlekill have manifested • Favored Class: Sorcerer. A multiclass
several Hellchilde bloodlines, apparently due to their Hellchilde’s sorcerer class does not count when
ancient connection to the otherworldly forces behind the determining whether she makes an experience
Skyland Hold. Unlike the Hellchilde of the Skienlands, point penalty for multiclassing.
those with association to the Mytears family have fiendish Hellchilde usually scorn worship of any sort, though
connections only, and tend towards both Lawful and Evil there are a few Hellchilde who have devoted themselves to a
outlooks. diety. They have no favored diety.
Hellchilde As Characters
While reluctant to willingly leave the lap of luxury,
there are many Hellchilde who seek the adventuring life to
buy into a life of luxury or whom are forced out of their
lifestyle to seek a new life. Rarely, a Hellchilde may come
to enjoy the wanderings of adventure life and become a sort
of wandering thrillseeker.
All Hellchilde have the following racial abilities.
• -2 Constitution, +2 Charisma.

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Hellchilde Silver Tongue
Hellchilde Soc 6;hp: 15
S8 D13 C10 I14 W10 Ch18;Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +5
Init: +1 Move: 30 ft.
AC: (+1 Dex, ), touch 11, flat
BAB/Grapple: +3/+2
Full Attack: Dagger +4 melee (1d4-1;19-20/x2 or 2
claws +4 melee (1d4-1)
Special Att: Spells
Special Qual: Light sensativity, Low-light vision, spell-
like abilities, transformation
Skills: Bluff +15, Concentration +9, Hide +3, Knowledge
(Arcana) +11, Spellcraft +11
Feats: Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (Enchantment),
Weapon Finesse
CR: 6
Gear: Bracers of armor +2 (4,000 gp), wand of charm
person (heightened 3rd) (CL 6, 5 charges) (1,350
gp), potion of cure light wounds x2 (100 gp)
Total: 5,450 gp (5,600 gp)

Typical Sorcerer Spell List

(6/7/6/4; CL 6 [7 when transformed];DC 14 + Spell level)
0: Daze*, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Message,
Prestidigitation, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue
1st: Cause Fear, Charm Person*, Magic Missile, Ray of
2nd: Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy*
3rd: Suggestion*
* Enchantment spell, +1 DC

Evocation [Darkness]
Level: Brd 1, Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area of Effect: 20-foot radius
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell causes the light in the selected area to
dim, granting anyone within its confines a +5 bonus to Hide
skill checks.
This spell does not work in an area of total
Shadows counters or dispels any light spell of
equal or lower spell level.
Arcane Material Component: A bit of sackcloth.

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Hopping Gnasher each such successful attack, the hopping gnasher gains 5
temporary hit points.
Medium Undead Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a hopping
Hit Dice: 4d12 (26 hp) gnasher’s claw attack gain a negative level. For each
Initiative: +3 (-1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) negative level bestowed, the hopping gnasher gains 5
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) temporary hit points. A hopping gnasher can use its energy
Armor Class: 13 (-1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 9, flat 13 drain ability once per round (thus, only one of its claw
BAB/Grapple: +2/+6 attacks will drain a level in a given round).
Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d6+4) Vampire Vulnerabilities (Ex): Hopping Gnashers have a
Full Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d6+4) and 2 claws +1 number of weaknesses.
melee (1d4+2) Hopping gnashers cannot tolerate the strong odor
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. of garlic and will not enter an area laced with it.
Height: 5 ft. 9 in. Similarly, they recoil from a mirror or a strongly
Weight: 100 lbs. presented holy symbol. These things don’t harm the
Special Att: Blood drain, energy drain hopping gnasher — they merely keep it at bay. A recoiling
Special Qual: DR 5/-, darkvision 60 ft., SR 14, undead hopping gnasher must stay at least 5 feet away from a
traits, vampire vulnerabilities creature holding the mirror or holy symbol and cannot touch
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +8 or make melee attacks against the creature holding the item
Abilities: S19 D9 C0 I6 W14 Ch14 for the rest of the encounter. Holding a hopping gnasher at
Skills: Listen +2, Spot +9 bay takes a standard action.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Iron Will Hopping gnashers are also unable to cross running
Environment: Any land water, although they can be carried over it while resting in
Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), or Nest (5-20) their coffins or aboard a ship.
CR: 3 They are utterly unable to enter a home or other building
Treasure: None unless invited in by someone with the authority to do so.
Alignment: Always neutral They may freely enter public places, since these are by
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Medium); 9-12 HD (Large) definition open to all.
Level Adj: -
The humanoid before you is dressed in rotting Hopping Gnashers on Amberos
funeral finery. Its skin has a greenish tinge, Oddly, hopping gnashers only seem to spring up in
and its hands end in black, iron hard nails. Spi Dak Su, the Skienlands and Chiamung. Why these
Most of its body seems rigid, except its lower “vampires” only appear in these oriental lands is unknown,
arms and head, and it moves towards you with but thought that it may have something to do with Skierian
a hopping motion, baring its fangs as it and Nippon physiology.
Hopping gnashers are a lesser form of vampire. In
many ways, they are considered “failed” vampires. Their
body is semi-rigid from rigor mortis, though they retain the
ability to attack with their claws and bite, and can move
about by hopping to and fro. They barely have the
semblance of intelligence, and their only thoughts are to
catch victims and feed from them.
Hopping gnashers do not speak anything but
garbled words from that they knew in life. At best, it is
gibberish, and they seem incapable or unwilling to listening
to others speech.

Hopping gnashers can be cunning, attacking
victims from above, from secret or sometimes even "playing
dead" to get an opponent in range. Once they have engaged,
they will not flee, and have been know to pursue foes great
distances, though they are unable to accurately track victims
once they are out of sight.
Blood Drain (Ex): A hopping gnasher can suck blood from
a living victim with its fangs by making a successful grapple
check. If it pins the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points
of Constitution drain each round the pin is maintained. On

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Horesse Combat
Horesse are skilled fighters with two weapons.
Medium Humanoid (Equine, Shapechanger) They prefer hit and run tactics and generally like to annoy
Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (19 hp) an enemy so that they act foolish. Horesse prefer to strike en
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) masse, and scoff at the idea of honorable combat or fighting
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)in hide armor; base speed one-on-one. They prefer a motto of "whatever is required to
40 ft. win."
Armor Class: 14 (+1 Dex, +3 hide armor), touch 11, flat Horesse will also generally flee or avoid combats
13 that will go against them; one of the best tactics to avoid a
BAB/Grapple: +2/+4 horesse attack is to show them you outnumber the horesse
Attack: Longspear +4 melee (1d8+3;x3) or by at least two to one odds or better.
longbow +3 ranged (1d8) Alternate Form (Su): A horesse in possession of its hide
Full Attack: Longspear +4 melee (1d8+3;x3) or armor is capable of assuming the shape of a horse as a full-
longbow +3 ranged (1d8) round action. This acts as a polymorph spell into a Heavy
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with longspear) War Horse and lasts for 1 hour at a time.
Height: (human) 5 ft. 6 in. + 2d4 in. (5 ft. 11 in.) Other creatures can actually use the hide of a
(horse) 8 ft. + 2d8 in (8 ft. 9 in.) horesse to perform the same transformation into a horse. To
Weight: (human) 150 lbs. + 2d4 x 5 lbs. (175 lbs.) use the hide, the user must either be a horesse, a druid or
(horse) 600 lbs. + 2d10 x 50 lbs. (1,150 ranger of 5th level or higher or a spellcaster with access to
lbs.) alter self, polymorph or shape change. The actual
Special Att: - transformation to warhorse does not use a spell slot or wild
Special Qual: Alternate form, low-light vision, magic shape use.
hide, scent Magic Hide (Su): A horesse’s hide armor is a supernatural
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +1 part of its body. Regardless of class, it is automatically
Abilities: S15 D13 C14 I10 W11 Ch10 proficient with the armor and the armor does not prevent it
Skills: Balance -2, Climb -1, Escape Artist -2, from using any class abilities or feats that it would normally
Handle Animal +6, Hide -2, Jump -1, be denied to it because it is wearing medium armor. If the
Listen +3, Move Silently -2, Sleight of hide is lost, stolen or destroyed, a horesse must spend a
Hand -2, Spot +3, Swim -4, Tumble -2 month regrowing a replacement. A horesse’s hide armor
Feats: AlertnessB, Run, Two-Weapon Fighting can be enchanted at normal cost and must be “upgraded” to
Environment: Any land masterwork (by paying 300 gp) before it may be enchanted.
Organization: Solitary, Team (2-5), Pack (5-12 horesse
+ 1-6 horses + 0-1 horesse trickster), or Society
Herd (20-40 horesse + 5-20 horses + 1-5
Horesse are egalitarian, and a tribe of the horesse
horesse trickster + 0-1 horesse
will be either male or female. The tribal leader remains
windwalker + 0-1 horesse skyprancer + 0-
unmarried; once the tribal leader mates and produces
6 werehorses)
children, they must step down to allow a new leader to take
CR: 2
their place.
Treasure: Standard
Horesse often travel with herds of wild horses
Alignment: Usually neutral
across the plains, and sometimes use these herds to covertly
Advancement: By character class
hunt other herd animals - despite the horesse's appearance,
Level Adj: +2
they are omnivores, and often enjoy the meat of wild game
This horse-headed humanoid is dressed in a
as much as a meal of berries, fruits or other vegetables. In
colorful hide armor and wields a longsword
very rare cases, evil herds of horesse have been known to
and short sword. Across its back is a
eat other humanoid races.
Horesse are full of tricks even among their own
Horesse are an ancient race of humanoids who
kind, and a successful horesse is generally very cunning and
have the ability to transform themselves into wild horses.
highly respected by others, often referred to as a "trickster".
They are nomadic in nature, and tend to scorn civilized
Outsiders dealing with Horesse must be careful;
areas. Despite their neutral alignment, they are often thieves
anything the horesse can gain through trickery or
or marauders, stealing anything they feel are of value that
advantageous dealings is considered fair play for them.
they need. However, their theft and banditry is not wanton;
Though they generally take being outsmarted in stride, a
they only seek out those items they need that they cannot
particularly vicious outcome that harms or otherwise
easily make for themselves - weapons, sometimes food in
disgraces a horesse is likely to be redressed with a knife in
lean times and very rarely, items of great value the tribe
the back - possibly inflicted by the entire tribe.
feels it can wrest from the “civilized” folks, usually for
ransom back to its owners or to a higher bidder.
Horesse on Amberos
Horesse speak Common, Sylvan and speak to
horses as per the spell speak with animal. Horesse clans dot the scrub plains of Randu, Ran
Da Khan and Simera. Individual horesse can sometimes be

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found in across eastern Amberos, ranging from Simera, somewhere within range. The creature can take a
Nyrr Ryann and Dark Valley eastward. move action to note the direction of the scent.
Of late, some of the commanders of the Knights of Whenever the creature comes within 5 feet of the
the South have been attempting to influence certain Horesse source, the creature pinpoints the source’s location.
tribes to join the ranks of the Knights. The knights have set A creature with the Track feat and the scent ability
aside space for a Horesse battle group, but so far the can follow tracks by smell, making a Wisdom (or
Horesse seem uninterested in the rigid codes of honor of the Survival) check to find or follow a track. The
knights. typical DC for a fresh trail is 10 (no matter what
kind of surface holds the scent). This DC increases
Horesse as Characters or decreases depending on how strong the quarry’s
Horesse feel most comfortable in a herd, but there odor is, the number of creatures, and the age of the
are a few whom are either exiled from their tribe or choose trail. For each hour that the trail is cold, the DC
to strike out on their own. Horesse characters have the increases by 2. The ability otherwise follows the
following traits. rules for the Track feat. Creatures tracking by scent
• Base speed 40 feet. ignore the effects of surface conditions and poor
• Medium size visibility.
• Low-light vision. Horesse can see in dim or • Racial Languages: Common, Sylvan and Equine
twilight conditions twice as far as a human. (as per speak with animals). Bonus Languages:
• 3d8 racial Hit Dice. The Horesse adds 3x its Auran, Goblinoid, and Gnoll.
constitution modifier to these racial hit dice, with a • Favored Class: Ranger
minimum of one hit point per hit die. This also • Level Adjustment: +2.
grants the Horesse two feats, a BAB of +2 and base Horesse worship Lorius, the Lord of the wind. A
saves of Fort +1, Reflex +1 and Will +1. horesse priest can choose two of the domains from Air,
• +4 Str, +2 Dex, +4 Con. Horesse are strong and Healing or Travel.
healthy, and generally quicker than other races.
• (2 + Int modifier) x 6 skill points. A Horesse’s
racial skills are Handle Animal, Listen, Spot and
• Alertness racial feat.
• Alternate Form (Su): A horesse in possession of
its hide armor is capable of assuming the shape of a
horse as a full-round action. This acts as a
polymorph spell into a Heavy War Horse and lasts
for 1 hour at a time.
• Magic Hide (Su): A horesse’s hide armor is a
supernatural part of its body. Regardless of class,
it is automatically proficient with the armor and the
armor does not prevent it from using any class
abilities or feats that it would normally be denied to
it because it is wearing medium armor. If the hide
is lost, stolen or destroyed, a horesse must spend a
month regrowing a replacement. A horesse’s hide
armor can be enchanted at normal cost and must be
“upgraded” to masterwork (by paying 300 gp)
before it may be enchanted.
• Scent (Ex). This special quality allows a creature
to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden
foes, and track by sense of smell. Creatures with
the scent ability can identify familiar odors just as
humans do familiar sights. The creature can detect
opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. If the
opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet;
if downwind, it drops to 15 feet. Strong scents,
such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected
at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering
scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench,
can be detected at triple normal range. When a
creature detects a scent, the exact location of the
source is not revealed—only its presence

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Horesse Trickster Horesse Windwalker
3HD horesse Rgr 5 (shapechanger) ;hp: 60 3HD horesse Rgr 10 (shapechanger) ;hp: 97
S21 D16 C16 I10 W13 Ch8;Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +3 S24 D16 C16 I10 W13 Ch8;Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +5
Init: +3 Move: 40 ft. Init: +3 Move: 40 ft.
AC: 17 (+3 Dex, +4 hide armor +1), touch 13, flat 14 AC: 19 (+3 Dex, +6 hide armor +3), touch 13, flat 16
BAB/Grapple: +7/+12 BAB/Grapple: +12/+19
Full Attack: primary +1 shortspear +12/+7 melee Full Attack: primary +2 shortspear +20/+15/+10
(1d6+6), offhand mw dagger +11 melee melee (1d6+9), offhand +1 dagger
(1d4+2) or +19/+14 melee (1d4+4) or
Composite longbow (+5 Str) +10/+5 Composite longbow (+7 Str) +15/+10/+5
ranged (1d8+5) ranged (1d8+7)
Special Att: - Special Att: -
Special Qual: Alternate form, favored enemy, low-light Special Qual: Alternate form, evasion, favored enemy,
vision, magic hide, scent, wild empathy low-light vision, magic hide, scent, swift
Skills: Climb +8, Diplomacy –1, Handle Animal +10, tracker, wild empathy, woodland stride
Heal +6, Jump +12, Listen +3, Spot +8, Survival Skills: Climb +15, Diplomacy –1, Handle Animal +15,
+12 Heal +6, Jump +14, Knowledge (Nature) +5,
Feats: AlertnessB, Dodge, EnduranceR, Mobility, TrackR, Listen +8, Spot +13, Survival +17
Two-weapon FightingR, Weapon Focus Feats: AlertnessB, Dodge, EnduranceR, Improved Two-
(shortspear) Weapon FightingR, Mobility, TrackR, Two-weapon
CR: 7 FightingR, Weapon Focus (shortspear)
Gear: shortspear +1 (2,301 gp), mw dagger (302 gp), CR: 12
composite longbow (Str +5) (600 gp), hide armor Gear: +2 shortspear (8,301 gp), +1 dagger (2,302 gp),
+1 (1,150 gp), gray bag of tricks (900 gp), efficient composite longbow (Str +6) (800 gp), hide armor
quiver (1,800 gp), x2 potion of cure light wounds +3 (9,150 gp), gauntlets of ogre power (4,000 gp),
(100 gp) efficient quiver (1,800 gp), potion of cure moderate
Total: 7,153 gp (7,200 gp) wounds (300 gp)
Favored Enemy (Ex): The horesse trickster gains a +4 Total: 26,653 gp (27,000 gp)
bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival Favored Enemy (Ex): The horesse windwalker gains a +6
checks as well as a +4 bonus on damage rolls when using bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival
these skills against Monstrous humanoids. The horesse checks as well as a +6 bonus on damage rolls when using
trickster gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, these skills against Monstrous humanoids. The horesse
Spot, and Survival checks as well as a +2 bonus on damage windwalker gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense
rolls when using these skills against Humanoids (goblinoid). Motive, Spot, and Survival checks as well as a +2 bonus on
Wild Empathy (Ex): Check 1d20+4; Influence animals damage rolls when using these skills against Humanoids
(goblinoid) or Undead.
Typical Ranger Spell List Wild Empathy (Ex): Check 1d20+9; Influence animals
(1; CL 2; Spell DC 12) Woodland Stride (Ex): A horesse windwalker may move
1st: Longstrider through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns,
briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at his normal
Light Horse Animal Companion: CR -; LA —; Large animal; speed and without taking damage or suffering any other
HD 3d8+6; hp 19; Init +1; Spd 60 ft.; AC 13 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +3 impairment.
natural), touch 10, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +2; Grp +8; Atk Hoof However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that
(as secondary attack) –2 melee (1d4+1); Full Atk 2 hooves (as are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion
secondary attack) –2 melee (1d4+1); Space/Reach 10 ft./5 ft.; SA
still affect him.
—; SQ link, low–light vision, scent, share spells; AL (Always) N;
SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 2, Wis
Swift Tracker (Ex): A horesse windwalker can move at his
12, Cha 6. normal speed while following tracks without taking the
Skills and Feats: Listen +4, Spot +4; Endurance, Run. normal –5 penalty. He takes only a –10 penalty (instead of
Carrying Capacity: A light load for a light horse is up to 150 the normal –20) when moving at up to twice normal speed
pounds; a medium load, 151–300 pounds; and a heavy load, 301– while tracking.
450 pounds. A light horse can drag 2,250 pounds. Evasion (Ex): If a horesse windwalker makes a successful
Scent (Ex): Can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals
and track by sense of smell. half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no
damage. A helpless horesse windwalker does not gain the
benefit of evasion.

Typical Ranger Spell List

(2/1; CL 5; Spell DC 11 + Spell Level)
1st: Longstrider, Resist Energy

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2nd: Barkskin Horesse Skyprancer
3HD horesse Rgr 15 (shapechanger) ;hp: 135
Light Horse Animal Companion: CR -; LA —; Large animal; S28 D16 C16 I10 W14 Ch8;Fort +15, Ref +15, Will +10
HD 5d8+10; hp 19; Init +2; Spd 60 ft.; AC 16 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +5 Init: +3 Move: 40 ft.
natural), touch 11, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +3; Grp +9; Atk Hoof
AC: 19 (+3 Dex, +6 hide armor +3), touch 13, flat 16
(as secondary attack) +0 melee (1d4+1); Full Atk 2 hooves (as
secondary attack) +0 melee (1d4+1); Space/Reach 10 ft./5 ft.; SA BAB/Grapple: +17/+25
—; SQ evasion, link, low–light vision, scent, share spells; AL Full Attack: primary +3 shortspear +28/+23/+18/+13
(Always) N; SV Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +2; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 15, melee (1d6+12), offhand +2 dagger
Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6. +27/+22/+17 melee (1d4+6) or
Skills and Feats: Listen +5, Spot +5; Endurance, Run. Composite longbow (+9 Str)
Carrying Capacity: A light load for a light horse is up to 198 +20/+15/+20/+15 ranged (1d8+9)
pounds; a medium load, 199–399 pounds; and a heavy load, 400– Special Att: -
600 pounds. A light horse can drag 3,000 pounds. Special Qual: Alternate form, camouflage, evasion,
Scent (Ex): Can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes,
favored enemy, low-light vision, magic
and track by sense of smell.
hide, scent, swift tracker, wild empathy,
woodland stride
Skills: Climb +17, Diplomacy –1, Handle Animal +20,
Heal +11, Hide +8, Jump +16, Knowledge
(Geography) +5, Knowledge (Nature) +5, Listen
+14, Spot +14, Survival +23
Feats: AlertnessB, Dodge, EnduranceR, Greater Two-
Weapon FightingR, Improved Two-Weapon
FightingR, Mobility, Power Attack, TrackR, Two-
weapon FightingR, Weapon Focus (shortspear)
CR: 17
Gear: +3 shortspear (18,301 gp), +2 dagger (8,302 gp),
composite longbow (Str +6) (800 gp), shadow hide
armor +5 (28,900 gp), belt of giant strength +6
(36,000 gp), efficient quiver (1,800 gp), cloak of
resistance +2 (4,000 gp), potion of cure serious
wounds (750 gp)
Total: 98,853 gp (100,000 gp)
Favored Enemy (Ex): The horesse skyprancer gains a +8
bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival
checks as well as a +8 bonus on damage rolls when using
these skills against Monstrous humanoids. The horesse
skyprancer gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive,
Spot, and Survival checks as well as a +2 bonus on damage
rolls when using these skills against Humanoids (goblinoid),
Humanoids (Gnoll) or Undead.
Wild Empathy (Ex): Check 1d20+14; Influence animals
Woodland Stride (Ex): A horesse skyprancer may move
through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns,
briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at his normal
speed and without taking damage or suffering any other
However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that
are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion
still affect him.
Swift Tracker (Ex): A horesse skyprancer can move at his
normal speed while following tracks without taking the
normal –5 penalty. He takes only a –10 penalty (instead of
the normal –20) when moving at up to twice normal speed
while tracking.
Evasion (Ex): If a horesse skyprancer makes a successful
Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals
half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no
damage. A helpless horesse skyprancer does not gain the
benefit of evasion.

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Bestiary Nefarious
Typical Ranger Spell List
(3/2/1/1; CL 7; Spell DC 12 + Spell Level)
1st: Animal Messenger, Longstrider, Pass Without Trace
2nd: Barkskin, Protection from Energy
3rd: Tree Shape
4th: Summon Nature’s Ally IV

Light Horse Animal Companion: CR -; LA —; Large animal;

HD 7d8+14; hp 45; Init +2; Spd 60 ft.; AC 18 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +7
natural), touch 11, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +5; Grp +12; Atk Hoof
(as secondary attack) +5 melee (1d4+1); Full Atk 2 hooves (as
secondary attack) +5 melee (1d4+1); Space/Reach 10 ft./5 ft.; SA
—; SQ devotion, evasion, link, low–light vision, scent, share
spells; AL (Always) N; SV Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +3; Str 16, Dex
15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6.
Skills and Feats: Listen +6, Spot +6; Endurance, Run, Weapon
Focus (Hoof).
Carrying Capacity: A light load for a light horse is up to 228
pounds; a medium load, 229–459 pounds; and a heavy load, 460–
690 pounds. A light horse can drag 3,450 pounds.
Scent (Ex): Can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes,
and track by sense of smell.
Devotion (Ex): An animal companion gains a +4 morale
bonus on Will saves against enchantment spells and effects.

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Hurrene A hurrene will never bestow Foresight on an individual
more often than once per week.
Medium Magical Beast Prophesy (Su): Hurrene have the uncanny ability to see a
Hit Dice: 2d10+2 (13 hp) limited distance into the future. As a full-round action, a
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) hurrene can send its mind tumbling into the future,
Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares), fly 70 ft. (average) attempting to discern what the future brings. The ability
Armor Class: 16 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +2 insight*), allows the hurrene to make broad comments about the
touch 14, flat 12 future, usually the likely turn of events for up to the next six
BAB/Grapple: +2/+2 months. For each additional round the hurrene looks
Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d4) forward in time, it can see an additional six months, but it
Full Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d4) risks the chance of going insane and must make a DC 10
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. Will save (+1 to DC for each 6 months past the first six
Height: 5 ft. + 2d6 in. (5 ft. 7 in.) months) or it’s Intelligence is reduced to 2 permanently and
Weight: 30 lbs. + 1d8 lbs. (34 lbs.) it looses all of its supernatural abilities, becoming a mere
Special Att: - animal.
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., foresight, low-light Note that the hurrene is unable to predict the future
vision, magic resistant, prophesy, SR 22, with 100% accuracy – it is only able to see the most likely
telepathy outcome for the next six months.
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +7*, Will +1 Magic Resistant (Su): A hurrene has a +10 bonus to Spell
Abilities: S10 D14 C13 I17 W13 Ch11 Resistance.
Skills: Knowledge (History) +11, Knowledge Telepathy (Su): All hurrene communicate telepathically
(Nobility and Royalty) +8, Listen +8, with any other creature within a 100 feet that has a
Spellcraft +11, Spot +8 language. It is possible to address multiple creatures at once
Feats: Alertness, Weapon FinesseB telepathically, although maintaining a telepathic
Environment: Any land conversation with more than one creature at a time is just as
Organization: Solitary, Cluster (2-5), or Nest (5-20) difficult as simultaneously speaking and listening to
CR: 2 multiple people at the same time.
Treasure: Standard Skills: A hurrene gains a +8 racial bonus to Knowledge
Alignment: Always neutral (History) and Spellcraft
Advancement: 3-4 HD (Medium); 5-6 HD (Large)
Level Adj: - Hurrene on Amberos
* +2 Insight bonus for Foresight ability already calculated in. Hurrene are often kept at temples in Llannhanex
This man-sized bird is long-legged with a attended by a myriad of priests. In Llannhanex, it is
nearly equally long neck and slim, orange punishable by death to kill a Hurrene – even in self-defense.
beak. It has bright green eyes, and instead of Iiannhanex is also home to several nests of Hurrene, but
squawking like a bird, speaks in a well-learned they are usually allowed to live separate from human
voice. influence. The Iiannhanex likewise frown on the killing of a
Hurrene are both prophets and philosophers, dishing Hurrene, but are not as extreme in handing down
out information on ancient events and providing insightful punishment for killing a Hurrene. Hurrene can also be
prophesies for the near future. found in smaller numbers in the Skienlands, Lanster and
Hurrenes can often be found at various temples, cared Erakatuo. There is at least one nest of Hurrene that has been
for by the clergy residing there, trading information about exported to Simera, which is kept under lock and key in a
the future or the past in return for food and shelter by the temple in the northeast section of the land. However, the
residents. exact location of these Hurrene is kept a state secret.
Hurrene speak Common, Auran, Infernal, Celestial
and Terran. They enjoy learning new languages, and with
their long life spans, often learn at least two to three
additional languages besides the ones listed above.

Hurrene avoid combat at all costs, and will almost
universally fly away from a combat, uttering curses to
opponents as they do.
Foresight (Su): A hurrene always acts as if under the
influence of a foresight spell at 18th level ability. A hurrene
may touch a single individual to bestow Foresight to
another individual (as if the creature touched had cast it on
themselves), but the Hurrene loses the Foresight bonuses
for itself while the effect remains active on another creature.

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Ichneumon If the attacker chooses to bite the Ichneumon as its
Attack of Opportunity, the Ichneumon’s attack
Tiny Animal automatically succeeds, though it may suffer bite damage
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp) from the opponent’s attack, if the bite attack is successful.
Initiative: +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Poison Immunity (Ex): Ichneumon are immune to all
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) natural poisons. Supernatural poisons or the Poison spell
Armor Class: 17 (+2 size, +4 Dex, +1 natural), touch 16, can still harm them.
flat 13
BAB/Grapple: 0/-11 Training an Ichneumon
Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d3-3) Ichneumon can be trained as pets or hunters, a
Full Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d3-3) trained Ichneumon can be purchased for 75 gp, and can be
Space/Reach: 2½-ft./0 ft. trained with two weeks of training (DC 17 Handle Animal
Length: 9 in. + 1d4 in. (11 in.) check).
Weight: 1d4 lbs. (2 lbs.)
Special Att: Foe of reptiles, Harmless consume Ichneumon on Amberos
Special Qual: Low-light vision, poison immunity
Ichneumon are sacred in both Llannhanex and
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +1
Iiannhanex, and are sometimes captured and kept as exotic
Abilities: S5 D19 C13 I2 W13 Ch10
pets by nobles or the priesthood in those two lands.
Skills: Hide +12, Listen +1, Spot +5
Ichneumon are also found in Simera, Erakatuo and the
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon FinesseB
Skienlands, though in some cases they are seen as pests
Environment: Any land
(especially in the Skienlands) and may be hunted for their
Organization: Solitary, or Gang (2-5)
CR: 1
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 2-4 HD (Tiny); 5-6 HD (Small)
Level Adj: +0 (animal companion)
This small, shrew-like creature is covered in
gray fur, with black tufts of hair decorating its
Ichneumon are mongoose-like creatures often
found in desert areas, though they are capable of living in
any clime. They have an undying hatred of reptiles, and will
hunt down and kill snakes, crocodiles and any other
reptilian creature they encounter, even when such creatures
are much larger than they are.

Ichneumon rely on their speed to strike at enemies
quickly. They have been known to leap down the throats of
large reptiles and kill them from the inside. They are
tenacious, and will not flee battle once engaged; they always
fight to the death.
Foe of Reptiles (Ex): An Ichneumon gains a +2 bonus to
Listen, Spot and Survival checks when using these skills
against creatures with the Reptilian subtype. Likewise, the
Ichneumon gains a +2 bonus on damage rolls against
Reptilian creatures.
Harmless consume (Ex): When facing a medium-sized
Reptilian creature or larger opponent, as a full attack that
provokes an Attack of Opportunity, the Ichneumon can
attempt to leap down the victim’s throat to kill it from the
inside. If the attack is successful, the Ichneumon takes no
damage from being swallowed or being inside the victim
and can instead use its bite attack to tear the opponent apart
from the inside. Unless otherwise stated, the interior AC of
foes is equal to 10 + ½ the natural armor value. Dexterity
and size modifiers are not calculated in the AC.

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Igana Igana on Amberos
Large Magical Beast (Fire, Reptilian) Igana tend to be found in badlands between Simera
Hit Dice: 2d10+12 (23 hp) and Erakatuo, as well as at the foothill of the Lapis
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) Mountains. The Assassins of Khoplis sometimes trap and
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) train these creatures to use against enemy property.
Armor Class: 18 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +7 natural), touch 11,
flat 16
BAB/Grapple: +2/+10
Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d8+4)
Full Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d8+4)
Space/Reach: 10-ft./10 ft.
Length: 10 ft. + 1d4 ft. (12 ft.)
Weight: 150 lbs + 2d4 x10 lbs (200 lbs)
Special Att: Breath weapon, fire trail
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +0
Abilities: S19 D15 C23 I8 W11 Ch6
Skills: Jump +4, Listen +2, Spot +3
Feats: Run
Environment: Any warm or hot land
Organization: Solitary, or Brood (2-5)
CR: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 3-4 HD (Large); 5-6 HD (Huge)
Level Adj: -
This huge, emerald-colored lizard has blazing
orange spines down its back. Smoke belches
from its large mouth, and as it darts about, a
trail of fire seems to follow its wake.
Igana are thought to be magical crossbreeds of fire
salamanders and iguanas. Though they are only found on
the Mortal Realm, they can cause considerable damage to
livestock and property, and are often chased away from
civilized areas.
Igana can be sultry, and in some cases downright
cunning. They have been known to attack settlements after
dark or to dig pits or other traps across commonly used
trails to capture or trap travelers.
Igana cannot speak, but they do seem to understand
Common and Ignan.

Igana will usually attempt to run circles around
their opponents, trapping them in a circlet of flame. They
then rush into the "trap" they have created and breath on
opponents. They can be skittish and easily frightened off by
superior forces or displays of cold magic.
Breath Weapon (Su): An Igana can breath a line of fire 30
feet long that deals 3d8 damage to any creature caught in the
area. A successful DC 17 Reflex save reduces the damage
to half. An Igana can breathe fire once every minute.
Fire Trail (Su): When an Igana moves, it leaves behind it a
trail of fire 10 feet wide and 5 feet tall. The burning flames
remain for 3 rounds, and those attempting to pass through
them or caught in the flames suffer 1d6 damage (Reflex DC
15 for half damage). The flames will ignite combustible

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Bestiary Nefarious
Insectoid, General Insect Animal Companions
Druid and Ranger insectoids can take vermin as
Insectoids are a collection of humanoids whom animal companions instead of animals from the normal list
have strong similarities to various vermin creatures. of creatures available. A list of vermin companions is listed
Whether these creatures evolved, were created by the gods below.
or are the result of magical experimentation is unknown.
They can generally be found in temperate and warm 1st Level or Higher
climates, though they seem to be more numerous in warm Bloodseeker Beetle
climates. They are almost unheard of in arctic climes. Giant Worker Ant
All insectoids have the Vermin subtype, which Giant Fire Beetle
grants them the following abilities. Goldspinner Beetle
• Immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, Medium Monstrous Centipede
compulsions, phantasms, patterns and morale Medium Monstrous Spider
effects) Small Monstrous Scorpion
• Affected by spells or magic items that affect Small Monstrous Tick
vermin. Rangers who have taken vermin as Spider Swarm
favored enemies gain their bonuses against
creatures with the vermin subtype as well. 4th Level or Higher (Level –3)
Giant Soldier Ant
Insectoids on Amberos Giant Bee
While extremely rare, most insectoids can be found Giant Bombardier Beetle
in the lands of Simera, Iiannhanex and Llannhanex. There Large Monstrous Centipede
are legions of antfolk living in the Yaz jungle in the Large Monstrous Scorpion
Skienlands, and at least one clan of mantisfolk has migrated Large Monstrous Spider
to Chiamung where they have integrated themselves into the Medium Monstrous Tick
human society there. There are many tales of insectoids in
the Wild Wastes, but many scholars think these may instead 7th Level or Higher (Level –6)
be sightings of an unusual form of fey animalfolk. Adamantine Beetle
Flyfolk are the rarest of all insectoids, as it is often Centipede Swarm
assumed they are in league with Lepornunse, the god of Giant Stag Beetle
disease, or confused with sipchloras, humanoids Giant Praying Mantis
transformed into mosquito-like creatures under the control Giant Wasp
of Lepornunse, and as such are feared and hunted when Headhunter Beetle
encountered. Huge Monstrous Spider
Beetlefolk can be found roaming in small groups Huge Monstrous Tick
east of the Crystalmire Mountains, and have on many Locust Swarm
occasions run afoul of Nyrr Ryann trade houses. In almost Wolf Beetle
all cases, the beetlefolk have suffered most from these
heated encounters. 10th Level or Higher (Level –9)
Gargantuan Monstrous Centipede
Huge Monstrous Scorpion

13th Level or Higher (Level –12)

Colossal Monstrous Centipede
Gargantuan Monstrous Scorpion
Gargantuan Monstrous Spider
Gargantuan Monstrous Tick

16th Level or Higher (Level –15)

Colossal Monstrous Scorpion
Colossal Monstrous Spider
Colossal Monstrous Tick

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Antfolk (Forthemia) goal of the group and its eventual victory is more important
Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Vermin) than its own life. There are many tales of ant warriors
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp) engaging and grappling opponents for antfolk fire sorcerers
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) to set ablaze, which while destroying the foe, also sacrifices
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) in breastplate;. base the life of the antfolk as well.
speed 30 ft The antfolk warrior described above had the
AC: 21 (+2 Dex, +3 natural, +5 breastplate, +1 following ability scores before racial modifiers. Str 13, Dex
light wooden shield), touch 11, flat 19 12, Con 11, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 8.
BAB/Grapple: +1/+3 Formic Acid (Ex): An antfolk’s bite is laced with acid that
Attack: Shortsword +4 melee (1d6 +3) deals 1d4 points of acid damage.
Full Attack: Primary shortsword +2 melee (1d6+3), 2
offhand shortswords +2 melee (1d6+1) Antfolk Society
and bite -1 melee (1d4+1 +1d4 acid) Antfolk have little sense of self, and tend to act in
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. the interests of the larger group. While this can make antfolk
Height: 5 ft. 6 in. + 2d8 in. (6 ft. 3 in.) society seem hard-hearted at time, it is designed to ensure
Weight: 140 lbs. + 2d8 x 5 lbs (185 lbs.) that the community lives on beyond the life of any one
Special Att: Formic acid individual - that it will be around for the long term.
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., scent Antfolk males and females are treated as general
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2 equals - fighting and working side by side at nearly every
Abilities: S17 D14 C13 I9 W10 Ch6 stage of life. At different periods during the year, groups of
Skills: Listen +0, Spot +2, Swim -7 females lay eggs, which are quickly fertilized by able males.
Feats: Multiweapon Fighting The resulting hatchlings are cared for and fed by communal
Environment: Temperate or Warm plains and forests “nurses”, who are surprisingly always female. An antfolk
Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5 + 0-1 soldier), Nest has no association or knowledge of who its parents are, and
(5-60 +1-20 soldiers + 0-1 general + 0-1 is put to work as soon as it is able - usually within two
queen) or Colony (60+ antfolk + 12+ months of birth.
soldiers + 1-3 generals + 2-20 nobles + 1 From that point on, the young antfolk is treated as
queen) any other member of the society, and will remain part of the
CR: 1 work force until it dies or becomes too old and is more of a
Treasure: ½ coins, Normal items and magic burden to the workforce than an aid. At this age, the more
Alignment: Usually Lawful neutral knowledgeable (and some antfolk say selfish) leave the
Advancement: By Character Class warren and travel into the wilds to die. Other individuals
Level Adj: +3 (+4 with wings) commit themselves to being disassembled and their parts
This erect humanoid has an insectile head used for various work projects (or as food) around the
complete with mandibles and long feeler warren.
antennae. In three of its four arms it wields a Despite the generally equalitarian setting in which
short sword, with the fourth arm holding a antfolk live, there is a special “noble” tier elevated from the
wooden shield. It is covered in a black populace. The noble tier can always be found near the
exoskeleton, though it wears a chitinous queen of the colony, and attend to her protection and needs,
breastplate to further protect itself. even as the lesser antfolk tend to the nobles needs. Unlike
Antfolk, or the Forthemia as they call themselves, are the common antfolk, noble antfolk breed only among their
among the quickest learning of the insectoid races. They are own kind and offspring are kept with their parents until they
communal creatures who live and fight in swarms, and they mature, though they are still tended to by common antfolk
have a militaristic bend that often drives their race to nurses.
conquer and build. There are some colonies in which the antfolk
While it is quite possible to trade and negotiate with nobles are debutantes, with no real purpose in the nest.
antfolk, these creatures have a disposition to seek to They usually only occur in those nests that are relatively
subjugate their surroundings, which usually end up in ware safe from outside threats and they tend to put a burden on
between the antfolk and their neighbors. the nests that often causes the collapse of the entire colony.
Antfolk speak Common and have their own language
that consists of clicks and pheromone releases that other Antfolk as Characters
races cannot produce without magical or psionic aid. Because of their communal drive, most antfolk
characters have either been separated from their colony or
Combat have become too old to considered part of the viable
Antfolk prefer to attack en masse, though they workforce, and left before they could be destroyed.
generally have excellent skill as working as a coordinated Antfolk characters have the following abilities
team and have been known to set traps and ambushes • Base movement rate 30 feet. Queen and noble
against an enemy foe. Individually, an antfolk fights to the antfolk can also fly at a rate of 60 feet (average).
best of its ability with little or no regard for its own life - the • Darkvision 60 ft.

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• Monstrous humanoid type.
• Vermin subtype. This ability grants immunity to
mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions,
phantasms, patterns and morale effects). However,
the antfolk is affected by spells or magic items that
affect vermin.
• +4 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Chr. Antfolk
characters are exceedingly strong and generally
quicker and more dexterous than other races.
However, their lack of individualism often makes
them introverted.
• +3 Natural Armor.
• Natural bite attack. An antfolk has a natural bite
attack that 1d4 + ½ Strength bonus damage. It is
considered a secondary attack and suffers a –5
penalty to hit.
• Formic Acid. An antfolk’s bite is laced with acid
that deals 1d4 points of acid damage.
• Four armed. An antfolk has two pairs of arms,
and may use them with equal skill, to wield
weapons, shields even wield two sets of missile
weapons. It is possible for an antfolk to use a pair
of arms to attack with and cast spells
simultaneously, but it must make a Concentration
check while doing so and cannot cast defensively.
Antfolk qualify for the multiweapon feat.
• Scent.
• Favored Class: Fighter, Ranger (Noble) or Druid
• Level Adjustment: +3 (+4 with wings)
Antfolk worship the queen of their colony as a
living goddess. Antfolk do not normally produce clerics,
and usually only the queen or nobles are allowed to invoke
druidic powers. Among antfolk, rangers are often
considered to fill the priestly role.

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Antfolk Soldier damage. A helpless ranger does not gain the benefit of
Antfolk Ftr 6;hp: 51 evasion.
S22 D15 C16 I10 W12 Ch6;Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +3 Swift Tracker (Ex): An antfolk general can move at his
Init: +1 Move: 20 ft. normal speed while following tracks without taking the
AC: 21 (+2 Dex, +3 natural, +6 chain mail +1), touch normal –5 penalty. He takes only a –10 penalty (instead of
12, flat 19 the normal –20) when moving at up to twice normal speed
BAB/Grapple: +6/+12 while tracking.
Full Attack: Primary +1 longsword +12/+7 melee Wild Empathy (Ex): Check 1d20+10; Influence animals
(1d8+6;19-20/x2), 3 offhand shortswords and vermin
+10 melee (1d6+1;19-20/x2)
Or two shortbows +6/+1 ranged (1d6;x3) Typical Ranger Spell List
Special Att: Formic acid (2/1/1;Caster Level 6;Spell DC 11 + Spell Level)
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., scent 1st: Entangle, Magic Fang
Skills: Climb +11, Jump +11, Listen +3, Spot +3 2nd: Protection from Energy*
Feats: Alertness, Blind-fight, Combat ReflexesF, 3rd: Summon Nature’s Ally III*
Multiweapon Fighting, Two-weapon DefenseF, * An antfolk general usually summons a Thoqqua to ride into
Weapon Focus (Longsword)F, Weapon battle, casting protection from energy (fire) to prevent being
Specialization (Longsword)F harmed
CR: 7
Ant, giant, soldier: CR -; LA —; Medium vermin; HD 4d8+4; hp
Gear: +1 longsword (2,315 gp), dagger (x3) (6 gp),
22; Init +0; Spd 50 ft., climb 20 ft.; AC 17 (+7 natural), touch
shortbows (x2) (70 gp), chain mail +1 (350 gp),
10, flat-footed 17; Base Atk +3; Grp +5; Atk Bite +5 melee
gauntlets of ogre power (4,000 gp), potion of cure
(2d4+3); Full Atk (same); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA acid
moderate wounds (300 gp) sting, improved grab; SQ evasion, link, scent, share spells, vermin
Total: 7,041 gp (7,200 gp) traits (darkvision 60’, mindless); AL (Always) N; SV Fort +5, Ref
Antfolk General +1, Will +2; Str 15, Dex 11, Con 13, Int —, Wis 13, Cha 11.
Skills and Feats: Climb +10; TrackB B = Bonus Feat. (Giant ants
Antfolk Ranger 12;hp: 78
have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent
S18 D20 C14 I10 W13 Ch6;Fort +10, Ref +13, Will +5 and a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks. A giant ant can always
Init: +5 Move: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (average) choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened.)
AC: 21 (+5 Dex, +3 natural, +3 bracers of armor +3), Acid Sting (Ex): A giant soldier ant has a stinger and an acid–
touch 15, flat 16 producing gland in its abdomen. If it successfully grabs an
BAB/Grapple: +12/+16 opponent, it can attempt to sting each round (+3 attack bonus). A
Full Attack: +2 composite longbow (Str +4) hit with the sting attack deals 1d4+1 points of piercing damage and
+18/+13+8 ranged (1d8+6;x3) and +2 1d4 points of acid damage.
composite longbow (Str +4) +18 ranged Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a giant ant must hit with
its bite attack. A giant soldier ant that wins the ensuing grapple
(rapid shot) +2 composite longbow (Str
check establishes a hold and can sting.
+4) (x2) +18/+18/+13/+8 ranged Mindless: No Intelligence, immunity to mind–affecting (charms,
(1d8+6;x3) compulsions, phantasms, patterns, morale) effects.
or +2 composite longbow (Str +4) Scent (Ex): Can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes,
+18/+13+8 ranged (1d8+6;x3) and and track by sense of smell.
offhand longsword +16 melee (1d8+4;19-
Special Att: formic acid
Special Qual: evasion, favored enemy, swift tracker,
wild empathy, woodland stride
Skills: Diplomacy –2, Handle Animal +15, Jump +15,
Knowledge (Geography) +15, Listen +15, Ride
+15, Survival +15
Feats: Dodge, EnduranceR, Improved Precise ShotR,
Mobility, Mounted Combat, MultishotR, Point
Blank Shot, Rapid ShotR, Shot on the Run, TrackR
CR: 13
Gear: +2 composite longbow (Str +4) (x2) (17,200 gp),
mw longsword (315 gp), bracers of armor +3
(9,000 gp), gloves of dexterity +2 (4,000 gp),
elemental gem (Earth) (2,250 gp)
Total: 32,765 gp (35,000 gp)
Evasion (Ex): If an antfolk general makes a successful
Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals
half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no

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Antfolk Matriarch however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the
Antfolk Drd 18 (Vermin);hp: 117 druid still dies of old age when her time is up.
S12 D12 C14 I14 W25 Ch17;Fort +13, Ref +7, Will +18
Init: +2 Move: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. Typical Druid Spell List
AC: 23 (+1 Dex, +3 natural, +9 dragonhide (green (6/7/7/7/6/5/5/4/2/1; CL 18; Spell DC 14+Spell level)
adult) wild breastplate +3), touch 11, flat 22 0: Cure Minor Wounds, Flare, Guidance, Know Direction,
BAB/Grapple: +13/+14 Light, Mending
Full Attack: primary club +12/+7/+2 melee (1d6+1), 1st: Charm Animal, Cure Light Wounds, Entangle, Faerie
3x offhand club +12/+7/+2 melee (1d6) Fire, Goodberry, Jump, Longstrider
or 2x sling +12 ranged (1d4+1) 2nd: Barkskin, Chill Metal, Flaming Sphere, Hold Animal,
Special Att: - Lesser Restoration, Spider Climb, Tree Shape
Special Qual: A thousand faces, nature sense, resist 3rd: Call Lightning, Contagion, Dominate Animal, Greater
nature’s lure, resist acid 12, scent, spells, Magic Fang, Poison, Protection from Energy, Stone
timeless body, trackless step, venom Shape
immunity, vermin traits, wild empathy, 4th: Air Walk, Dispel Magic, Flame Strike, Giant Vermin,
wild shape 6/day (Large, Tiny, Plant, Rusting Grasp
Huge), elemental 2/day woodland stride 5th: Awaken, Baleful Polymorph, Commune With Nature,
Skills: Concentration +21, Diplomacy +27, Knowledge Insect Plague, Stoneskin, Wall of Fire
(Nature) +21, Listen +13, Spellcraft +21, Spot +14, 6th: Antilife Shell, Fire Seeds, Greater Dispel Magic, Mass
Survival +24 Bull’s Strength, Move Earth
Feats: Augment Summoning, Leadership, Multi-weapon 7th: Control Weather, Creeping Doom, Heal, True Seeing
Fighting, Natural Spell, Skill Focus (Diplomacy), 8th: Earthquake, Word of Recall
Spell Focus (Conjuration), Spell Penetration 9th: Eternal Swarm
CR: 19
Gear: +2 club (8,300 gp), mw club (x3) (300 gp), Giant Soldier Ant Companion: CR -; LA —; Medium vermin;
dragonhide (green adult) wild breastplate +3 HD 12d8+12; hp 66; Init +2; Spd 50 ft., climb 20 ft.; AC 29 (+2
(40,600 gp), periapt of Wisdom +6 (36,000 gp), Dex, +17 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 27; Base Atk +9; Grp +13;
Atk Bite +13 melee (2d4+6); Full Atk (same); Space/Reach 5 ft./5
cloak of Charisma +6 (36,000 gp), staff of
ft.; SA acid sting, improved grab; SQ devotion, improved evasion,
swarming insects (50 charges) (24,750 gp), wand link, share spells, scent, vermin traits (darkvision 60’, mindless);
of cure critical wounds (10 charges) (4, 200 gp), AL (Always) N; SV Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +5; Str 19, Dex 15, Con
rod of extend metamagic (11,000 gp), 2x pearl of 13, Int —, Wis 13, Cha 11.
power (2nd) (8,000 gp) Skills and Feats: Climb +12, Survival +5; TrackB. B = Bonus
Total: 169,750 gp (170,000 gp) Feat. (Giant ants have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when
Nature Sense (Ex): A druid gains a +2 bonus on tracking by scent and a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks. A
Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks. giant ant can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks,
Wild Empathy (Ex): Check 1d20+21; Influence animals even if rushed or threatened.)
and vermin Acid Sting (Ex): A giant soldier ant has a stinger and an acid–
Woodland Stride (Ex): An antfolk Matriarch may move producing gland in its abdomen. If it successfully grabs an
through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, opponent, it can attempt to sting each round (+13 attack bonus). A
briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal hit with the sting attack deals 1d4+2 points of piercing damage and
1d4 points of acid damage.
speed and without taking damage or suffering any other
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a giant ant must hit with
impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas its bite attack. A giant soldier ant that wins the ensuing grapple
that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still check establishes a hold and can sting.
affect her. Mindless: No Intelligence, immunity to mind–affecting (charms,
Trackless Step (Ex): An antfolk Matriarch leaves no trail in compulsions, phantasms, patterns, morale) effects.
natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. She may choose Scent (Ex): Can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes,
to leave a trail if so desired. and track by sense of smell.
Resist Nature’s Lure (Ex): An antfolk Matriarch gains a Devotion (Ex): An animal companion gains a +4 morale bonus on
+4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like abilities of Will saves against enchantment spells and effects.
fey three times per day. Improved Evasion (Ex): When subjected to an attack that
Venom Immunity (Ex): An antfolk Matriarch gains normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, an
immunity to all poisons. animal companion takes no damage if it makes a successful
A Thousand Faces (Su): An antfolk Matriarch gains the saving throw and only half damage if the saving throw fails.
ability to change her appearance at will, as if using the alter
Leadership Score: 22; one 15th level cohort (Antfolk Consort), 75
self spell, but only while in her normal form. 1st level followers (Antfolk Offspring), 7 2nd level followers
Timeless Body (Ex): An antfolk Matriarch no longer takes (Antfolk Princess Heir), 4 3rd level followers (Antfolk Footman), 2
ability score penalties for aging and cannot be magically 4th level followers (Antfolk Bodyguard), 2 5th level followers
aged. Any penalties she may have already incurred, (Antfolk Sergeant), 1 6th level follower (Antfolk Noble).

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Antfolk Consort (Ranger 11) CR 12; LA +4; Medium monstrous 0: Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds, Purify Food and
humanoid (Vermin); HD 11d10+; hp; Init +3; Spd 30 ft, fly 60 ft Drink
(ave); AC 20 (+3 Dex, +3 natural +4 chain shirt ), touch 13, flat 1st: Obscuring Mist
17; Base Atk +11; Grp +18; Atk Longsword +18 melee (1d8+7;17-
20/x2); Full Atk Primary +2 longsword +19/+14/+9 melee
Antfolk Footman: CR 1; LA +3; Medium monstrous humanoid
(1d8+9;17-20/x2), 3 offhand +1 shortswords +15 melee
(Vermin); HD 1d8+1; hp 5; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 18 (+2 Dex, +3
(1d6+4;19-20/x2); Space/Reach 5 ft/5 ft.; SA -; SQ evasion,
natural +2 leather armor, +1 light wood shield), touch 12, flat 16;
favored enemy, swift tracker, wild empathy, woodland stride ; AL
Base Atk +0; Grp +3; Atk Claw +3 melee (1d4+3); Full Atk 4
N; SV Fort +9, Reflex +10, Will +6 ; Str 24 Dex 17 Con 15 Int 10
claws +3 melee (1d4+3), bite +1 melee (1d4+1 + 1d4 acid);
Wis 12 Cha 6
Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA formic acid; SQ darkvision 60 ft.,
Skills and Feats: Heal +15, Knowledge (Nature) +14, Ride +14,
scent; AL LN; SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2; Str 17 Dex 14 Con 13
Search +14, Spot +14, Survival +14; Combat ReflexesR, DiehardR,
Int 9 Wis 10 Cha 6;
EnduranceR, Greater Multiweapon FightingR, Improved Critical
Skills and Feats: Listen +0, Spot +2, Swim +3; Multiattack
(Longsword), Improved Multiweapon FightingR, Iron Will,
Gear: leather armor (10 gp), light wooden shield (3 gp)
Multiweapon FightingR, Power Attack, Weapon Focus
(Longsword) (R) = The Antfolk Consort took a feat at 4th and 6th
level instead of an animal companion Antfolk Bodyguard (Fighter 1): CR 2; LA +3; Medium
Gear: +2 longsword (8,315 gp), +1 shortsword (x3) (6,930 gp), monstrous humanoid (Vermin); HD 1d10+3; hp 8; Init +2; Spd 20
chain shirt +5 (25,250 gp), belt of giant strength +4 (16,000 gp), ft.; AC 22 (+2 Dex, +3 natural, +5 breastplate, +2 heavy wooden
potion of cure serious wounds (750 gp), diamond dust (250 gp) shield) touch 12, flat 20; Base Atk +1; Grp +5; Atk longsword +6
[stoneskin] melee (1d8+5;19-20/x2); Full Atk primary longsword +4 melee
Total: 57,495 gp (59,000 gp) (1d8+5;19-20/x2), 2 offhand shortswords +3 melee (1d6+2;19-
Evasion (Ex): 20/x2); Space/Reach; SA formic acid; SQ darkvision 60 ft., scent;
Favored Enemy (Ex): The ranger gains a +4 bonus on Bluff, AL; SV ; Str 19 Dex 15 Con 16 Int 10 Wis 12 Cha 6;
Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks and a +4 bonus to Skills and Feats: Climb –2, Listen +1, Spot +3; Multiweapon
weapon damage rolls against elementals. The ranger gains a +2 fighting, Weapon Focus (Longsword)
bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks Gear: longsword (15 gp), 2 shortswords (20 gp), breastplate (200
and a +2 bonus to weapon damage rolls against outsiders. gp), heavy wooden shield (7 gp)
Swift Tracker (Ex): Move at normal speed while following
tracks at no penalty. May move at twice normal speed and track at Antfolk Sergeant (Fighter 2): CR 3; LA +3; Medium monstrous
–10 penalty. humanoid (Vermin); HD 2d10+6; hp 17; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 22
Wild Empathy (Ex): Check 1d20+9; Influence animals and (+2 Dex, +3 natural, +5 breastplate, +2 heavy wooden shield)
vermin. touch 12, flat 20; Base Atk +1; Grp +5; Atk longsword +6 melee
Woodland Stride (Su): Move through undergrowth at normal (1d8+5;19-20/x2); Full Atk primary longsword +4 melee
speed without taking damage or suffering any impairment. (1d8+5;19-20/x2), 2 offhand shortswords +3 melee (1d6+2;19-
20/x2); Space/Reach; SA formic acid; SQ darkvision 60 ft., scent;
Typical Ranger Spell List AL; SV ; Str 19 Dex 15 Con 16 Int 10 Wis 12 Cha 6;
Skills and Feats: Climb –1, Listen +1, Spot +3; Combat Reflexes,
(2/1/0;Caster Level 11; Spell DC 11 + Spell Level)
Multiweapon fighting, Weapon Focus (Longsword)
1st: Entangle, Longstrider
Gear: longsword (15 gp), 2 shortswords (20 gp), mw breastplate
2nd: Barkskin
(350 gp), potion of cure light wounds (50 gp)
Antfolk offspring (75): CR 1/2; LA +0; Small monstrous
Antfolk Noble (Ranger 2): CR 3; LA +4; Medium monstrous
humanoid (Vermin); HD 1d4; hp 2; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 11 (+1
humanoid (Vermin); HD 2d8+6; hp 15; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 19
Dex); Base Atk +0; Grp +1; Atk Claw +1 melee (1d3+1); Full Atk
(+2 Dex, +3 natural, +4 studded leather +1) touch 12, flat 17; Base
4 claw +1 melee (1d3+1), bite –1 melee (1d3+1); Space/Reach 2½
Atk +2; Grp +6; Atk longsword +7 melee (1d8+5;19-20/x2); Full
ft./5 ft. ; SA -; SQ darkvision 60 ft., scent, vermin traits; AL LN;
Atk primary longsword +7 melee (1d8+5;19-20/x2), 3 offhand
SV Fort +0, Reflex +1, Will -1 ; Str 13 Dex 12 Con 11 Int 10 Wis
shortswords +4 melee (1d6+2;19-20/x2); Space/Reach; SA formic
9 Cha 8;
acid; SQ darkvision 60 ft., favored enemy, scent, wild empathy;
Skills and Feats: Spot +3; Multiattack
AL LN; SV Fort +6, Reflex +5, Will +1 ; Str 19 Dex 15 Con 16 Int
10 Wis 12 Cha 6;
Antfolk Princess Heir (Druid 1): CR 1; LA +1; Small monstrous Skills and Feats: Climb +6, Heal +6, Listen +6, Spot +6, Survival
humanoid (Vermin); HD 1d8+ 1; hp 5; Init +1; Spd 20 ft., fly 40 ft. +6; Multiweapon fightingR, TrackR, Weapon Focus (Longsword)
(average); AC 13 (+1 size, +2 leather armor) touch 11, flat 13; Gear: mw longsword (315 gp), 3 shortswords (10 gp each),
Base Atk +0; Grp -5; Atk Claw +0 melee (1d3-1); Full Atk 4 claws studded leather +1 (1,160 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds
+0 melee (1d3-1), bite –2 melee (1d3-1); Space/Reach 2½ ft. / 5 (300 gp)
ft.; SA spells; SQ nature sense, wild empathy; AL LN; SV Fort
+3, Reflex +0, Will +4; Str 8 Dex 10 Con 12 Int 14 Wis 15 Cha
Skills and Feats: Concentration +5, Diplomacy +5, Knowledge
(Nature) +8, Listen +4, Spellcraft +6, Spot +6, Survival +8;
Gear: leather armor (10 gp)

Typical Druid Spell List

(3/2; CL 1; DC 12 + Spell level)

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Beefolk (Apoidaii) Beefolk Society
Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Vermin) Beefolk live in hive communities often based
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp) among the lofty branches of trees or in the sides of cliffs or
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) caves. Beefolk society is highly structured, and entire
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 60 ft. (good) lineages of beefolk are proudly bred for particular
AC: 17 (+2 Dex, +3 natural, +1 padded armor) professions. Some hives even contract out their skilled
touch 12, flat 14 laborers to colonies so they can begin the process of
BAB/Grapple: +1/+1 breeding their own professionals.
Attack: Spear +1 melee (1d6;x3) or sting +1 Surprisingly, warrior beefolk tend to looked down
melee (1d4 + poison) on, though they are generally respected for the work they
Full Attack: Spear +1 melee (1d6;x3), sting –4 melee are required to do. Though they are bred to fight, most
(1d4+ poison) beefolk consider them “unskilled” or so poorly skilled that
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. all they could offer was their life in defense of the hive. In
Height: 5 ft. 1 in. + 2d6 in. (5 ft. 8 in.) fact, it is not uncommon for unhappy or incompetent
Weight: 150 lbs + 2d6 x 5 lbs. (185 lbs.) beefolk to quit their profession and join the warrior ranks.
Special Att: Poison Some seek to end their existence in death, on the battlefield
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., scent while others simply use joining the warrior ranks as a way
Saves: Fort +1, Reflex +5, Will +2 to “start over”, proving they are indeed skilled by surviving
Abilities: S10 D14 C12 I11 W13 Ch8 to breed the next generation of warriors.
Skills: Listen +5, Spot +5 While professionally skilled beefolk make up the
Feats: Alertness majority of beefolk society, there is a noble caste consisting
Environment: Any Warm or Hot of successive generations who have been bred to lead and
Organization: Solitary, Troupe (2-5), Warband (5-20 + organize the different activities that are undertaken in the
0-1 hive defender), Colony (20-50 + 0-3 hive. Over this noble caste exists the royal class, consisting
hive defenders + 1 ruler), Hive (50+) of the ruling queen and king (with the queen having
CR: 1 superiority) who directs and oversees the overall welfare of
Treasure: Standard the hive. Besides the king and queen, there is a small
Alignment: Usually Lawful Neutral contingent of royalty that holds no ruling post (nor ever
Advancement: By Character Class will), but exist for the purposes of breeding stock to prevent
Level Adj: +1 inbreeding among royalty. Surprisingly, most of these
This insectile humanoid has a yellow-and- royal members are dilatants, with no real skills or ambitions.
black striped body. It stands on four thick Each social circle breeds only within its own
black legs. A pair of transparent wings members. Carpenter beefolk mate only with other carpenter
protrudes from its back, occasionally flitting beefolk for example, while the nobles only mate with other
for a second, creating a buzzing sound. noble families. Likewise, the royal members only breed
Beefolk, who call themselves the Apoidaii, are a among themselves.
race of noble insectoid humans who live in large On occasion, when the population of a hive grows
communities. While not overtly aggressive, they are highly to unsustainable numbers, the currently royalty will choose
protective of their kind and species, often moving to war at a royal member, assign them a small contingent of nobles
even the threat of injury to their kind or their homeland. and common beefolk and charge them with establishing a
Beefolk are known to work and trade with other nearby colony. The colony will generally remain under the
beings, often insectoids, who treat them fairly. guidance of the main hive, though rarely does the main hive
A Beefolk can speak common and their own engage in anything more than trade and acceptance of
language, which generally varies from hive to hive. tribute from the colony. Eventually, when the colony grows
self-sufficient, they become autonomous. There are cases
Combat however, where colonies have remained under the rule of a
Beefolk attack from the air, and prefer to use greater hive and splintered off colonies of their own while
superior numbers to bring down folks. While they are smart still under another’s rule. This is, however, a very rare and
enough to use tactics, they usually base their tactics around unusual circumstance.
bringing large numbers to bear on their opponents. They are One of the quirks of beefolk society is their
unafraid to suffer casualties in combat, so long a they fulfill familiar connection to bees. Beefolk keep regular bees as
their goal. pets, messengers and personal protection systems. Giant
Individual beefolk tend to fight nobly and bees are kept in the hive to produce honey for the hive
forthright. They use diving attacks from on wing to strike at (beefolk are capable of producing honey, but generally feel
foes, landing to melee only as the fight nears its end. They that doing so is beneath them).
will often take prisoners of those who willingly surrender; Poison (Ex): A beefolk’s stinger attack injects a paralytic
beefolk prefer to enslave foes and put them to work than to venom into opponents (Injury; Fort DC 11; Init: 1d4 Dex;
kill unnecessarily. Sec: 1d6 Dex).

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Beefolk as Characters Beefolk worship Vermnia, the Witch of the Winds.
Most beefolk characters will be acting under the Clerics of Vermnia may choose two of the three domains of
orders of their home hive; perhaps acting as scouts or on a Air, Chaos, or Travel.
quest for the main hive. Those who have broken away from
the hive of their own free will – or who have been
excommunicated – are very rare indeed.
Beefolk have the following abilities
• Base movement rate 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
• Medium size
• Darkvision 60 ft. A beefolk can see in unlit areas
out to a range of 60 feet. Darkvision is black-and-
white only.
• Monstrous Humanoid type. Vermin subtype.
• +3 natural armor
• +4 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha. Beefolk are
nimble and fairly hardy, with a good sense of their
surroundings. However, their dependence on a
group for support tends to weaken their own self-
• Natural Attack. A beefolk has a natural attack
with its tail stinger. The stinger deals 1d4 + ½ Str
modifier damage.
• Poison (Ex): A beefolk’s stinger attack injects a
paralytic poison into its enemy. (Injury; Fort DC
10 + ½ class level + Con mod; Init: 1d4 Dex; Sec:
1d6 Dex)
• Scent (Ex): This special quality allows a creature
to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden
foes, and track by sense of smell. Creatures with
the scent ability can identify familiar odors just as
humans do familiar sights. The creature can detect
opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. If the
opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet;
if downwind, it drops to 15 feet. Strong scents,
such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected
at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering
scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench,
can be detected at triple normal range. When a
creature detects a scent, the exact location of the
source is not revealed—only its presence
somewhere within range. The creature can take a
move action to note the direction of the scent.
Whenever the creature comes within 5 feet of the
source, the creature pinpoints the source’s location.
A creature with the Track feat and the scent ability
can follow tracks by smell, making a Wisdom (or
Survival) check to find or follow a track. The
typical DC for a fresh trail is 10 (no matter what
kind of surface holds the scent). This DC increases
or decreases depending on how strong the quarry’s
odor is, the number of creatures, and the age of the
trail. For each hour that the trail is cold, the DC
increases by 2. The ability otherwise follows the
rules for the Track feat. Creatures tracking by
scent ignore the effects of surface conditions and
poor visibility.
• Favored Class: Expert or Rogue
• Level Adjustment: +2

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Beefolk Slum Lord Beefolk Hive Defender
Beefolk Rog 5; hp: 22 Beefolk Ftr 10; hp: 65
S13 D18 C12 I16 W14 Ch8;Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 S15 D18 C13 I10 W12 Ch8;Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +4
Init: +4 Move: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good) Init: +8 Move: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
AC: 18 (+4 Dex, +3 natural, +1 mw padded armor), AC: 23 (+4 Dex, +3 natural, +6 mithral chain mail +1),
touch 14, flat 14 touch 14, flat 19
BAB/Grapple: +3/+4 BAB/Grapple: +10/+12
Full Attack: dagger +4 melee (1d4+1;19-20/x2), Full Attack: +1 returning spear +14/+9 melee
stinger –1 melee (1d4 + poison) (1d8+6;x3), sting +5 melee (1d4+1 +
Special Att: Sneak attack +3d6, sting poison)
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., evasion, scent, trap or +1 returning spear +20 ranged
sense +1, trapfinding, uncanny dodge (1d8+6;x3)
Skills: Bluff +12, Diplomacy –1, Escape Artist +12, Special Att: Poison
Gather Information +7, Knowledge (Local) +11, Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., scent
Intimidate +1, Listen +10, Profession (Landlord) Skills: Listen +7, Ride +6, Spot +7
+10, Open Locks +12, Search +11, Sense Motive Feats: CleaveF, Combat ReflexesF, Dodge, Improved
+10, Sleight of Hand +6, Spot +10 Initiative, Mobility, Point Blank ShotF, Power
Feats: Persuasive, Skill Focus (Bluff) AttackF, Shot on the Run, Weapon Focus (Spear)F,
CR: 6 Weapon Specialization (Spear)F
Gear: Dagger (2 gp), mw padded armor (155 gp), Cloak CR: 11
of Charisma +2 (4,000 gp), potion of cure light Gear: mithral chain mail +1 (6,150 gp), returning spear
wounds (50 gp) +1 (8,302 gp), gloves of dexterity +2 (4,000 gp), cloak of
Total: (4,300 gp) protection +1 (1,000 gp), potion of cure serious wounds
Evasion (Ex): If a beefolk slumlord makes a successful (750 gp)
Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals Total: 20,202 gp (21,000 gp)
half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no Poison (Ex): A beefolk’s stinger injects a paralytic poison.
damage. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of (Injury; Fort DC 16; Init: 1d4 Dex; Sec: 1d6 Dex)
Poison (Ex): A beefolk’s stinger injects a paralytic poison.
(Injury; Fort DC 13; Init: 1d4 Dex; Sec: 1d6 Dex)
Trap Sense (Ex): A beefolk slumlord gains an intuitive
sense that alerts her to danger from traps, giving her a +1
bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge
bonus to AC against attacks made by traps.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A beefolk slumlord retains his
Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-
footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still
loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

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Bestiary Nefarious
Beefolk Ruler Typical Wizard Spell List
Beefolk Wiz 3/Cle 3/Theurge 9; hp: 73 (4/6/5/5/4/4/2;CL 12; Spell DC 15 + Spell Level)
S8 D14 C14 I21 W21 Ch11;Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 0: Arcane Mark, Ghost Sound, Resistance, Touch of
Init: +2 Move: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good) Fatigue
AC: 20 (+2 Dex, +3 natural, +5 bracers of armor +5), 1st: Color Spray, Disguise Self, Grease, Hold Portal, Magic
touch 12, flat 18 Missile, Silent Image
BAB/Grapple: +7/+6 2nd: Blur, Daze Monster*, Detect Thoughts, Glitterdust,
Full Attack: Sting +6 melee (1d4-1 + poison) Locate Object
Special Att: Freedom of movement, poison, turn earth 3rd: Arcane Sight, Deep Slumber*, Fireball, Nondetection,
creatures/rebuke air creatures, turn undead Stinking Cloud
Special Qual: Spells 4th: Black Tentacles, Charm Monster*, Globe of
Skills: Concentration +17, Diplomacy +8, Heal +3, Invulnerability, Stoneskin
Knowledge (Arcana) +20, Knowledge (History) 5th: Feeblemind*, Hold Monster*, Mage’s Private
+8, Knowledge (Nobility) +11, Knowledge Sanctum, Mind Fog
(Religion) +20, Sense Motive +16, Spellcraft +23 6th: True Seeing Mass Suggestion*
Feats: Eschew Materials, Greater Spell Focus * Enchantment spell; DC +2
(Enchantment), Negotiator, Skill Focus
(Diplomacy), Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Scribe
ScrollW, Spell Focus (Enchantment)
CR: 16
Gear: bracers of armor +5 (25,000 gp), headband of
intellect +4 (16,000 gp), periapt of wisdom +4
(16,000 gp), extend metamagic rod (11,000 gp),
pearl of power (2nd level) (4,000 gp), elemental
gem (Air) (2,250 gp), silver holy symbol (50 gp),
diamond dust (250 gp) [stoneskin]
Total: 74,550 gp (77,000 gp)
Freedom of Movement (Su): 1x/day, as per spell; duration
3 rounds
Poison (Ex): A beefolk’s stinger injects a paralytic poison
(Injury; Fort DC 19; Init: 1d4 Dex; Sec: 1d6 Dex)
Turn Undead (Su): 3x/day; Turn check 1d20; Turn
damage 2d6+3
Turn Earth Creature/Rebuke Air Creature (Su):
3x/day; Turn check 1d20; Turn damage 2d6+3

Typical Cleric Spell List

(6/8/6/6/5/5/3;CL 12;Spell DC 15 + Spell Level; Domain:
Air, Travel)
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Mending,
1st: Bane*, Bless*, Command*, Comprehend Languages,
Detect Chaos, Obscuring MistD, Sanctuary, Shield of
2nd: Aid*, Augury, Bear’s Endurance, Eagle’s Splendor,
Hold Person*, Wind WallD
3 : Bestow Curse, Dispel Magic, Gaseous FormD,
Invisibility Purge, Protection from Energy, Searing
4th: Dimension DoorD, Dismissal, Divination, Giant
Vermin, Spell Immunity
5th: Break Enchantment, Greater Command*, Flame Strike,
Slay Living, TeleportD
6 : Chain Lightning, Greater Dispel Magic, Word of
* Enchantment Spell; DC +2

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Beetlefolk (Skurabia) If they do seek to attack, they will often use their burrowing
Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Vermin) ability to hide themselves in place the enemy is likely to
Hit Dice: 1d8+2 (6 hp) pass over or by, and rise from the ground in ambush.
Initiative: +0 Beetlefolk will rarely continue a combat that goes
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 30 ft. (clumsy), against them, and may well fly out of range of their foes if
burrow 10 ft. (2 squares) the combat goes poorly.
Armor Class: 17 (+7 natural), touch 10, flat 17 Defensive Cloud (Ex): As a standard action, a beetlefolk
BAB/Grapple: +1/+2 can produce a 10 foot diameter cloud of a green, musty
Attack: Longspear +2 melee (1d8+1;x3) substance that obscures sight and chokes opponents. Non-
Full Attack: Longspear +2 melee (1d8+1;x3)or bite +2 beetlefolk caught in the cloud must make a Fort save (DC
melee (1d6) 12) or be nauseated 1d4+1 rounds by the choking gas. The
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. gas also provides a 20% miss chance to attacks made in or
Height: 5 ft. 1 in. + 2d8 in. (5 ft. 10 in.) through the gas. A beetlefolk can produce the cloud once
Weight: 200 lbs. + 2d10 x 5 lbs. (255 lbs.) per day.
Special Att: Defensive cloud
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft. Society
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2 Beetlefolk usually gather in large tribes that slowly
Abilities: S13 D11 C15 I10 W11 Ch10 travel a defined route between various civilizations. They
Skills: Listen +4, Spot +4 tend to set up semi-permanent camps at the fringes of a
Feats: Great Fortitude civilization’s borders, trade with the locals for a few
Environment: Temperate or Warm land months, and then move on to the next location after a few
Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), or Nest (5-20) months. Some beetlefolk routes can circumnavigated in
CR: 1 under a year, while other beetlefolk routes can take up to
Treasure: Standard fifty years to complete a single circuit.
Alignment: Usually neutral Clans can be either matriarchal or patriarchal, and
Advancement: By Character Class the eldest and wisest beetle generally makes decisions for
Level Adj: +3 the tribe. The tribes themselves tend to consists of one or
While this insectile humanoid is only as tall as more extended families, and it is not uncommon for passing
a human, it's colored carapace is makes it as beetlefolk tribes to swap members, either through marriage
easily wide as three men. It stands on a pair of or by choice, upon meeting.
stocky legs, and in a pair of powerfully built The members of most clans have skill at one or
arms, wields a longspear. A smaller set of more craft, which they tend to ply and create items for trade
arms hangs between the two larger sets. The to the nearby civilization.
creature's head seems to be that of a large Despite their constant association with other races,
beetle. beetlefolk are careful to keep themselves segregated and
Beetlefolk, or Skurabia as they call themselves, seem aloof. They rarely join in alliances, and do their best to
to be reminiscent of scarabs, and though tribes tend to be of keep their society closed to outside influence or
the same color, there is an almost infinite variety to the manipulation.
color schemes and mottling that can be found on a
beetlefolk's carapace. Beetlefolk as Characters
Beetlefolk are generally thoughtful and peaceful, Because of their constant contact with other races,
though they are staunch defenders of their homelands. They it is not unheard of for Beetlefolk to leave the clan to seek
often make peaceful contact with surrounding civilizations out adventure and explore different cultures away from their
and often trade with them, creating items of natural beauty clan. However, once thus “tainted”, few beetlefolk
in return for needed goods. adventurers find themselves welcome back in their home
Most beetlefolk live in mobile nests that travel well- clan.
known routes between civilized areas, much in a manner • Base movement rate 30 feet. Fly speed 30 feet
akin to gypsies. There are, however some established (clumsy). A beetlefolk in armor cannot fly unless
beetlefolk communities of ancient design, leading many to the armor is specially modified at twice normal
believe that the beetlefolk may have been more numerous cost (any magical enhancements are normal cost).
and technologically advanced than they are now. • Medium size
Beetlefolk speak Common and their own language • Monstrous humanoid type
that consists of clicks and buzzing noises. They often train • Vermin subtype
to learn the language of any civilization they have constant • Darkvision 60 ft. Beetlefolk can see in complete
contact with - often elves or dwarves or human subgroups. darkness out to 60 feet. Darkvision is black-and-
white only.
Combat • +7 natural armor
Beetlefolk tend to take defensive positions, forcing • +2 Str, +4 Con. Beetlefolk are slightly stronger
opponents to come after them, and rarely initiate a combat. and much hardier that most other races.

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• Defensive Cloud (Ex): As a standard action, a Beetlefolk Nomad
beetlefolk can produce a 10 foot diameter cloud of Beetlefolk Ftr 5/Rng 6 ;hp: 109
a green, musty substance that obscures sight and S20 D13 C20 I10 W12 Ch8;Fort +14, Ref +8, Will +7
chokes opponents. Non-beetlefolk caught in the Init: +1 Move: 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (clumsy)
cloud must make a Fort save (DC 10 + ½ level + AC: 20 (+1 Dex, +7 natural, +2 bracers of armor +2),
Con mod) or be nauseated 1d4+1 rounds by the touch 11, flat 20
choking gas. The gas also provides a 20% miss BAB/Grapple: +11/+16
chance to attacks made in or through the gas. A Full Attack: primary +1 longsword +16/+11/+6 melee
beetlefolk can produce the cloud once per day. (1d8+6;19-20/x2), off-hand +1
• Racial Weapon. A beetlefolk treats a beetlespike shortsword +15/+10 (1d6+2;19-20/x2)
as a martial weapon, instead of an exotic weapon or composite longbow (+5 Str) +12/+7/+2
(see below for stats). ranged (1d8+5;x3)
• Racial Languages: Common, Beetlefolk. Bonus Special Att: Defensive cloud
Languages: Elvin, Dwarven, gnomish, draconic. Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., favored enemy, wild
• Favored Class: Fighter empathy
• Level Adjustment: +3 Skills: Climb +14, Handle Animal +5, Ride +14, Survival
Beetlefolk tend to worship Jhalah, the Lord of +7
Death. A cleric of Jhalah can choose two of the domains Feats: Cleave, Combat ReflexesF, Diehard, EnduranceR,
from Death, Destruction or Evil. Improved Two-Weapon FightingR, Iron Will,
Power Attack, Two-Weapon FightingR, Weapon
Beetlefolk Brawler Focus (Longsword)F, Weapon Specialization
Beetlefolk Ftr 5 ;hp: 47 (Longsword)F
S17 D13 C18 I10 W12 Ch8;Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +4 CR: 6
Init: +1 Move: 20 ft. Gear: bracers of armor +2 (4,000 gp), +1 longsword
AC: 26 (+1 Dex, +7 natural, +8 full plate), touch 11, flat (2,315 gp), +1 shortsword (2,310 gp), composite
25 longbow (+5 Str) (600 gp), gauntlets of ogre power
BAB/Grapple: +5/+8 (4,000 gp), amulet of natural health +2 (4,000 gp),
Full Attack: +1 greatsword +10 melee (2d6+7;19- cloak of resistance +1 (1,000 gp), wand of
20/x2) barkskin (10 charges) (900 gp), gray bag of tricks
or heavy crossbow +6 ranged (1d10;19- (900 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds (300 gp)
20/x2) Total: 20,325 gp (21,000 gp)
Special Att: Defensive cloud Defensive Cloud (Ex): Fort DC19
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft. Favored Enemy (Ex): The ranger gains a +4 bonus on
Skills: Climb +8, Ride +8 Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks and
Feats: Combat ReflexesF, Iron Will, Power Attack, a +4 bonus to weapon damage rolls against humanoids
Weapon Focus (Greatsword)F, Weapon (goblinoids). The ranger gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen,
Specialization (Greatsword)F Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks and a +2 bonus to
CR: 6 weapon damage rolls against humanoid (elves).
Gear: mw full plate (1,650 gp), +1 greatsword (2,350 Wild Empathy (Ex): Check: 1d20+5; Influence animals
gp), heavy crossbow (50 gp), 20 bolts (2 gp), potion of cure and vermin
serious wounds (750 gp), potion of bull’s strength (300 gp)
Total: 5,102 gp (5,200 gp) Typical Ranger Spells
Defensive Cloud (Ex): Fort DC16 (2; CL 3;Spell DC 12)
1st: Delay Poison, Resist Energy

Giant Fire Beetle companion: CR 1/3; LA —; Small vermin; HD

1d8; hp 4; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16 (+1 size, +5 natural), touch
11, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +0; Grp –4; Atk Bite +1 melee (2d4);
Full Atk (same); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA —; SQ vermin traits
(darkvision 60’, mindless); AL (Always) N; SV Fort +2, Ref +0,
Will +0; Str 10, Dex 11, Con 11, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 7.
Skills and Feats: N/A.
Mindless: No Intelligence, immunity to mind–affecting (charms,
compulsions, phantasms, patterns, morale) effects.

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Beetlefolk Wanderer Woodland Stride (Ex): A beetlefolk wanderer can move
Beetlefolk Ftr 5/Rng 12 ;hp: 166 through any sort of undergrowth at his normal speed and
S24 D13 C20 I10 W13 Ch8;Fort +17, Ref +11, Will +9 without taking damage or suffering any other impairment.
Init: +1 Move: 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (clumsy)
AC: 20 (+1 Dex, +7 natural, +2 bracers of armor +2), Typical Ranger Spells
touch 11, flat 20 (2/1/1; CL 6;Spell DC 11 + Spell Level)
BAB/Grapple: +17/+24 1st: Longstrider, Speak with Animals
Full Attack: primary +3 longsword +26/+21/+16/+10 2nd: Protection From Energy
melee (1d8+12;17-20/x2), off-hand +3 3rd: Neutralize Poison
shortsword +26/+21/+16 (1d6+6;19-
20/x2) Beetlespike: Made from the scything limbs of giant insects,
or composite longbow (+7 Str) a beetlespike has a quarterstaff-like pole which ends in
+18/+13/+8/+3 ranged (1d8+7;x3) perpendicularly pointing scything blades, giving the whole
Special Att: Defensive cloud an “S”-like appearance. While it can be used to slash, it is
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., favored enemy, evasion, primarily used to pierce opponents with the spike-like ends.
swift tracker, wild empathy, woodland A beetlespike is considered a martial double weapon for
stride beetlefolk, and an exotic double weapon for all other races.
Skills: Climb +20, Handle Animal +11, Ride +20, Combat Stats: Cost: 30 gp; Dmg: 1d6/1d6; Crit: x3;
Survival +16 Range: -; Weight: 4 lbs.; Type: P & S
Feats: Cleave, Combat ReflexesF, Diehard, EnduranceR,
Greater Two-Weapon FightingR, Improved Critical
(Longsword)R, Improved Two-Weapon FightingR,
Iron Will, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Ride- Figurines of Wondrous Power (Basalt Beetles): These
by Attack, Spirited ChargeR, Two-Weapon figurines come in threes. Each beetle of this trio looks
FightingR, Weapon Focus (Longsword)F, Weapon slightly different from the others, and each has a different
Focus (Shortsword)R, Weapon Specialization function:
(Longsword)F • The Scuttling Beetle: This statuette provides a speedy and
CR: 18 enduring mount equal to that of a heavy horse in every way
Gear: bracers of armor +6 (36,000 gp), +3 longsword except appearance. The beetle can travel for a maximum of
(18,315 gp), +3 shortsword (18,310 gp), composite one day each week— continuously or in any combination of
longbow (+7 Str) (800 gp), belt of giant strength periods totaling 24 hours. At this point, or when the
+4 (16,000 gp), amulet of natural health +2 (4,000 command word is uttered, it returns to its statuette form for
gp), cloak of resistance +3 (9,000 gp), wand of not less than one day before it can again be used.
barkskin (10 charges) (900 gp), figurines of • The Stalking Beetle: This statuette becomes an enormous
wondrous power (basalt beetles) (21,000 gp), rust baetle (see Bestiary Malfearous p51) it can be called to life
bag of tricks (3,000 gp), potion of cure serious just once per month for up to 12 hours at a time.
wounds (750 gp) • The Ankheg of Terror: When called upon with the proper
Total: 128,075 gp (130,000 gp) command word, this statuette becomes an ankheg. However,
The beetlefolk wanderer took a feat at 4th , 6th and 12th level instead
its rider can employ a portion of the back armor or it’s
of an animal companion.
antennae (the backplate as a +5 heavy wooden shield, the
Defensive Cloud (Ex): Fort DC19
antennae as a +3 whip). When ridden in an attack against an
Evasion (Ex): If a beetlefolk wanderer makes a successful
opponent, the ankheg of terror radiates fear as the spell in a
Reflex save against any attack that normally deals half
30-foot radius (Will DC 16 partial). It can be used once
damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage.
every two weeks for up to 3 hours per use.
Favored Enemy (Ex): The ranger gains a +4 bonus on
Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item,
Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks and
animate objects; Price 21,000 gp.
a +6 bonus to weapon damage rolls against humanoids
(goblinoids). The ranger gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen,
Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks and a +2 bonus to Baetle; CR 7; LA +2; Huge Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar);
weapon damage rolls against humanoid (elves) and HD 8d8+40; hp 76; Init +0; Spd 45 ft.; AC 21 (-2 size, +13
humanoid (dwarves). natural), touch 8, flat 21; BAB +8; Gpr +25; Atk Claw +15
Swift Tracker (Ex): A beetlefolk wanderer can move at melee (2d8+9); Full Atk 2 claws +15 melee (2d8+9),
his normal speed while following tracks without taking the pincher +10 melee (1d12+4); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft., SA
normal –5 penalty. He takes only a –10 penalty when Acid spittle, constrict, improved grab, poison gas, rend; SQ
moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking. Blindsight 120 ft., darkvision 120 ft., immune to poison,
Wild Empathy (Ex): Check: 1d20+11; Influence animals acid, fire and cold, outsider traits; SV Fort +11, Ref +6, Will
and vermin +7; AL always LE; Str 28, Dex 10, Con 20, Int 6, Wis 13,
Cha 6

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Skills & Feats: Gather Information +9, Intimidate +9, Spot
+12, Listen +12, Search +9, Sense Motive +12; Cleave,
Power Attack, Track
Acid Spittle (Ex): The baetle can spit up to 10 feet as a
ranged touch attack with a +8 to hit. If the acid hits, it
causes 4d4 damage. Each round, for the next 10 rounds, the
struck victim must make a Fort DC 19 save or take an
additional 1d4 acid damage. The additional acid damage can
be stopped with a successful Heal DC 19 check or
immersion in water. The baetle can spit acid once a minute.
Constrict (Ex): 2d8+9
Improved Grab (Ex): If a baetle hits an opponent with its
pincher, it can automatically start a grapple.
Poison Gas (Ex): 15 ft. radius; Inhaled; Fort DC 19; Init:
3d6 Con, Sec: 1d6 Con)
Rend (Ex): If both claws hit, rend for 4d8+13 damage.

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Flyfolk (Dipteraiin) as rule won't produce what they can steal. Larger bands are
Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Vermin) held together by sheer force of will of a charismatic leader,
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp) and tend to quickly break apart once the leader has been
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) killed, humiliated or otherwise incapacitated.
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (average) Every spring, the various bands of Flyfolk tend to
AC: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural), touch 12, flat 12 congregate around well-known breeding grounds to
BAB/Grapple: +1/+1 reproduce. Eggs resulting from these short-lived unions are
Attack: Bite +1 melee (1d6) or short sword +1 usually deposited in wet areas, and after about twenty days,
melee (1d6;19-20/x2) the various bands leave, sometimes vastly reorganized due
Full Attack: Bite +1 melee (1d6) or short sword +1 to death, new friendships or rivalry that stem from the
melee (1d6;19-20/x2) mating period.
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. Young usually start hatching after about ten days,
Height: 5 ft. + 1d12 in. (5 ft. 6 in) and it is not uncommon for the young larva to eat their
Weight: 100 lbs. + 1d10 x 5 lbs. (125 lbs.) brethren before they molt into youngling Flyfolk, after about
Special Att: - fifteen days. The new young usually form their own bands
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft. for protection and friendship, and will depart to create their
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +2 own tribes once they feel they have enough numbers.
Abilities: S11 D15 C13 I10 W11 Ch8
Skills: Listen +4, Spot +4 Flyfolk as Characters
Feats: Flyby AttackB It is not unusual for a Flyfolk to strike out on its
Environment: Temperate, Warm land own, though it usually ends up using or feeding off the skills
Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), Swarm (5-20), or of others.
Band (20-40) Flyfolk have the following abilities.
CR: 1 • Base movement rate 30 feet. Fly rate 50 feet
Treasure: Standard (average).
Alignment: Usually Chaotic neutral • Monstrous humanoid type
Advancement: By character class • Vermin subtype
Level Adj: +2 • +2 natural armor
This humanoid insect sports the head of a fly • +4 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Chr. Flyfolk are quick
and is covered in prickly black hairs that and able to withstand many rigors. However,
seem to rise straight up from its ebon their horrid appearance generally alienates
exoskeleton. A pair of large, buzzing wings them towards others.
adorns its back, and it has second pair of • Lesser Four-armed: A Flyfolk has four
smaller hands just beneath a pair of much arms, though two of its arms are of lesser
muscular-looking arms. strength. These lesser arms may only be used
Flyfolk, who call themselves the Dipteraiins, are in combat to wield light weapons, and never
crude scavengers who generally prowl rocky wastes looking adds Strength bonus to damage with its lesser
for trash and edible food. They tend to categorize other arms. A Flyfolk cannot use the lesser arms to
beings as either something to avoid or as food. cast a spell while fighting, but may use its
Flyfolk are despised by other insectoids, and the stronger arms to cast spells while fighting with
flyfolk seem to know this, instinctually avoiding other the lesser arms. A Flyfolk cannot use the
insectoids. lesser arms to hold or support ranged weapons.
A Flyfolk can speak Common and their own However, when the lesser arms are used for
language which consists of head movements, various arm detailing or work requiring manual dexterity,
positioning and wing buzzing. they may use 1 ½ their dexterity bonus if they
employ the lesser limbs in the task.
Combat • Racial Bonus Feat: Flyby attack
Flyfolk generally rely on their flying ability to • Racial Languages: Common, Flyfolk. Bonus
swoop down against foes and strike with a weapon or Languages: Elvin, Dwarven, gnomish, orc,
attempt to snap at their foes with a bite. They quickly flee gnoll, bugbear, goblin.
superior opponents, but have been known to swarm foes and • Favored Class: Rogue
use sheer numbers to bring down opponents. Flyfolk are • Level Adjustment: +2
usually quite cunning, and they often use terrain and/or
natural hazards to their advantage when fighting.

Flyfolk usually congregate in small, semi-nomadic
bands, raiding for food and items as they feel they need
them. Flyfolk generally treat males and females equally, and

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Flyfolk Flitter Flyfolk Carrion Eater
Flyfolk Rog 5;hp: 27 Flyfolk Rog 11;hp: 60
S13 D20 C14 I14 W10 Ch6;Fort +4, Ref +10, Will +2 S13 D23 C14 I14 W10 Ch6;Fort +7, Ref +14, Will +5
Init: +5 Move: 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (ave) Init: +10 Move: 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (ave)
AC: 18 (+2 natural, +5 Dex, +1 bracers of armor +1), AC: 21 (+2 natural, +6 Dex, +3 bracers of armor +3),
touch 15, flat 18 touch 16, flat 21
BAB/Grapple: +3/+4 BAB/Grapple: +8/+9
Full Attack: primary shortsword +6 melee (1d6+1;19- Full Attack: primary shortsword +12/+7 melee
20/x2), 3 offhand shortswords +6 melee (1d6+1;19-20/x2), 3 offhand
(1d6;19-20/x2) shortswords +12 melee (1d6;19-20/x2)
Or mw composite shortbow (+1 Str) +9 Or mw composite shortbow (+1 Str)
ranged (1d6+1;x3) +14/+9 ranged (1d6+1;x3)
Special Att: Sneak attack +3d6 Special Att: Sneak attack +6d6
Special Qual: Evasion, trap sense +1, trapfinding, Special Qual: Defensive roll, evasion, improved
uncanny dodge uncanny dodge, trap sense +3, trapfinding,
Skills: Bluff +6, Disguise +6, Escape Artist +13, Hide uncanny dodge
+13, Listen +8, Move Silently +13, Search +10, Skills: Bluff +12, Disguise +12, Escape Artist +20, Hide
Sense Motive +8, Spot +8, Tumble +13 +20, Listen +14, Move Silently +20, Search +16,
Feats: Flyby AttackB, Multiweapon fighting, Weapon Sense Motive +14, Spot +14, Tumble +20
Finesse Feats: Combat Reflexes, Flyby AttackB, Improved
CR: 6 Initiative, Multiweapon fighting, Weapon Finesse
Gear: 4 mw shortswords (1,240 gp), mw composite CR: 12
shortbow (Str +1) (450 gp), bracers of armor +1 Gear: four +1 shortswords (9,240 gp), mw composite
(1,000 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (1,000 gp), elixir shortbow (Str +1) (450 gp), bracers of armor +3
of sneaking (250 gp), potion of cure moderate (9,000 gp), cloak of resistance +2 (4,000 gp),
wounds (300 gp) gloves of dexterity +2 (4,000 gp), potion of cure
Total: 4,240 gp (5,200 gp) moderate wounds (300 gp)
Evasion (Ex): If a flyfolk flitter makes a successful Reflex Total: 26,990 gp (27,000 gp)
saving throw against an attack that normally deals half Evasion (Ex): If a flyfolk carrion eater makes a successful
damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals
Trap Sense (Ex): At 3rd level, a rogue gains an intuitive half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no
sense that alerts her to danger from traps, giving her a +1 damage.
bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge Defensive Roll (Ex): The flyfolk carrion eater can roll with
bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. a potentially lethal blow to take less damage from it than she
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A flyfolk flitter retains its Dexterity otherwise would. Once per day, when she would be reduced
bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat-footed or to 0 or fewer hit points by damage in combat (from a
struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still loses her weapon or other blow, not a spell or special ability), the
Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. rogue can attempt to roll with the damage. To use this
ability, the flyfolk carrion eater must attempt a Reflex
saving throw (DC = damage dealt). If the save succeeds, she
takes only half damage from the blow; if it fails, she takes
full damage. She must be aware of the attack and able to
react to it in order to execute her defensive roll—if she is
denied her Dexterity bonus to AC, she can’t use this ability.
Since this effect would not normally allow a
character to make a Reflex save for half damage, the rogue’s
evasion ability does not apply to the defensive roll.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A flyfolk carrion eater
can no longer be flanked, unless the attacker has at least
four more rogue levels than the target does.
Trap Sense (Ex): A flyfolk carrion eater gains an intuitive
sense that alerts her to danger from traps, giving her a +3
bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +3 dodge
bonus to AC against attacks made by traps.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A flyfolk carrion eater retains its
Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat-
footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still
loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

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Flyfolk Deathmaker rogue can attempt to roll with the damage. To use this
Flyfolk Rog 11/asn 6;hp: 60 ability, the flyfolk deathmaker must attempt a Reflex saving
S13 D29 C14 I14 W10 Ch6;Fort +9, Ref +22, Will +7 throw (DC = damage dealt). If the save succeeds, she takes
Init: +13 Move: 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (ave) only half damage from the blow; if it fails, she takes full
AC: 27 (+2 natural, +9 Dex, +6 bracers of armor +6), damage. She must be aware of the attack and able to react to
touch 19, flat 18 it in order to execute her defensive roll—if she is denied her
BAB/Grapple: +12/+13 Dexterity bonus to AC, she can’t use this ability.
Full Attack: primary +3 shortsword +19/+14/+9 melee Since this effect would not normally allow a
(1d6+1;19-20/x2), 3 offhand +1 character to make a Reflex save for half damage, the rogue’s
shortswords +17/+12/+7 melee evasion ability does not apply to the defensive roll.
(1d6;19-20/x2) Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A flyfolk deathmaker can
Or mw composite shortbow (+1 Str) no longer be flanked, unless the attacker has at least four
+22/+17/+12 ranged (1d6+1;x3) more rogue levels than the target does.
Special Att: Death attack, sneak attack +9d6 Trap Sense (Ex): A flyfolk deathmaker gains an intuitive
Special Qual: Defensive roll, evasion, improved sense that alerts her to danger from traps, giving her a +3
uncanny dodge, poison use, trap sense +3, bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +3 dodge
trapfinding, uncanny dodge, +3 vs. poison bonus to AC against attacks made by traps.
Skills: Bluff +12, Disguise +12, Escape Artist +27, Hide Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A flyfolk deathmaker retains its
+27, Listen +14, Move Silently +27, Search +22, Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat-
Sense Motive +20, Spot +20, Tumble +27 footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Flyby AttackB, Greater Two- loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.
Weapon Fighting, Improved Initiative, Improved
Two-Weapon Fighting, Multiweapon fighting, Typical Assassin Spells
Weapon Finesse (4/4/1;Caster Level 6;Spell DC 12 + Spell Level)
CR: 18 1st: Disguise Self, Ghost Sound, Obscuring Mist, True
Gear: +4 shortsword (32,310 gp), three +1 shortswords Strike
(6,930 gp), mw composite shortbow (Str +1) (450 2nd: Darkness, Fox’s Cunning, Invisibility, Undetectable
gp), bracers of armor +6 (36,000 gp), cloak of Alignment
resistance +3 (9,000 gp), gloves of dexterity +6 3rd: Deep Slumber, False Life, Misdirection
(36,000 gp), potion of cure serious wounds (750
gp), 4 vials Dragon bile poison (6,000 gp)
Total: 127,440 gp (130,000 gp)
Death Attack: If a flyfolk deathmaker studies his victim for
3 rounds and then makes a sneak attack with a melee
weapon that successfully deals damage, the sneak attack has
the additional effect of possibly either paralyzing or killing
the target (flyfolk deathmaker’s choice). While studying the
victim, the flyfolk deathmaker can undertake other actions
so long as his attention stays focused on the target and the
target does not detect the flyfolk deathmaker or recognize
the flyfolk deathmaker as an enemy. If the victim of such an
attack fails a Fortitude save (DC 18) against the kill effect,
she dies. If the saving throw fails against the paralysis
effect, the victim is rendered helpless and unable to act for
1d6 rounds plus 1 round per level of the flyfolk deathmaker.
If the victim’s saving throw succeeds, the attack is just a
normal sneak attack.
Once the flyfolk deathmaker has completed the 3
rounds of study, he must make the death attack within the
next 3 rounds
Evasion (Ex): If a flyfolk deathmaker makes a successful
Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals
half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no
Defensive Roll (Ex): The flyfolk deathmaker can roll with a
potentially lethal blow to take less damage from it than she
otherwise would. Once per day, when she would be reduced
to 0 or fewer hit points by damage in combat (from a
weapon or other blow, not a spell or special ability), the

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Mantisfolk (Prophetii) Combat
Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Vermin) Mantis insectoids have a love of combat, and
Hit Dice: 1d8+2 (6 hp) usually will strike by leaping at their opponent, then rending
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) the foe with their claws and bite. Mantis insectoids rarely
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 40 ft. (clumsy) (8 disengage from combat once locked, even if they are facing
squares) superior opponents. However, smart opponents can often
Armor Class: 17 (+2 Dex, +5 natural), touch 12, flat 15 avoid combat with using smoke, loud noises or large
BAB/Grapple: +1/+4 numbers to frighten off Mantis warriors before they decide
Attack: Scything claw +4 melee (1d6+3;19-20/x2) to attack.
Full Attack: 2 scything claws +4 melee (1d6+3;19- Mantisfolk have a taste for elf flesh, and have been
20/x2), bite –1 melee (1d4+1) known to raid elvin communities for food.
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. Pounce (Ex): When a Mantisfolk makes a charge, it can
Height: 6 ft. + 1d8 in. (6 ft. 4 in.) follow with a full attack.
Weight: 175 + 2d8 x 7 lbs. (238 lbs.) Spittle (Ex): A mantisfolk can spit a glob of paralytic
Special Att: Pounce, spittle venom with a range increment of 5 ft. as a ranged touch
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., Scent attack (+3 to hit), affecting one target. (Contact; DC 12; Init:
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2 1 Dex; Sec: Paralyze). The paralyzation lasts for 1d4+1
Abilities: S17 D15 C15 I9 W11 Ch9 rounds.
Skills: Climb +3, Jump +15, Listen +0, Spot +4, Skills: Mantisfolk have a +10 racial bonus to Jump. They
Tumble +4 have a +2 bonus to Spot checks.
Feats: Acrobatic
Environment: Temperate or Warm land Mantisfolk Society
Organization: Solitary, Pair (2), Brood (2-5), Nest (5- Mantisfolk often congregate in family-based clans,
20), Tribe (20-40 + 1-20 mantisfolk and are generally nomadic. Sometimes they will construct
nymphs + 1-4 mantisfolk mother) or Spire tower-like hives, but only if the mantises numbers are too
(40+ mantisfolk + 2-20 mantisfolk vast for nomadic wandering to support the tribe.
nymphs + 1-3 mantisfolk scything blade + A council of females generally rules clans of
2-12 mantisfolk mothers) Mantisfolk. These females have complete control of the
CR: 1 daily lives of its members, especially in the area of who can
Treasure: Standard and cannot breed. Generally speaking, the ruling females
Alignment: Often neutral restrict breeding to themselves and a select few males; all
Advancement: By character class others are doomed to eventually die without having
Level Adj: +2 spawned. The ruling females are also often the ones who
* Mantisfolk have a +10 racial bonus to Jump checks spawned all of the current generation of mantisfolk in the
This long creature has an insectile look to it, clans, and are often referred to as “mother”. They are
with four of its massive legs skittering on the generally pampered by the lesser members and are expected
floor and the last pair held upward like human to help spawn the next generation of mantis warriors. When
arms, with forearms like a bladed sword and a female matriarch is no longer able to produce young, the
ending in sharp claws. Its head is wide and other young females often will rise to combat the matriarch
flat, with large mandibles and multi-faceted in a fight to the death. Eventually, the former matriarch is
eyes. It voice consists of numerous clicks and dragged down and devoured by one of her many contenders,
chatters, some made with the mandibles, other who then take the matriarch's place of power upon the
seeming to emanate from the rattling of its former’s death.
carapace. Mantisfolk are egg-layers, and generally produce a
Mantisfolk, commonly called the Prophetii, have clutch of 2-12 eggs per female. All mantisfolk start life as
an appearance similar to that of a huge praying mantis. hermaphrodites, then go through a phase as being male
While their forearms are bladelike, they end in human-like when reaching adulthood. After a variable amount of time,
hands with six fingers, though each finger ends with a sharp mantisfolk males eventually molt into females, and remain
nail. females for the rest of their life. However, life among the
Mantisfolk prefer wilderness areas with plenty of mantisfolk can be difficult, and young are not protected
prey to hunt, and are generally nomadic in nature. They are from cannibalism by the elders until after their second year
capable of making their own tools and weapons, but prefer of life - at which time they enter the clan as members and
to travel light and bring down prey with their own bare receive a life-name.
hands. Males are expected to hunt for food and patrol the
Mantisfolk speak their own language, and some “borders” of their land, and non-ruling females are expected
have learned the Common tongue or the language of another to build, collect materials and tend to the egg nests of the
nearby race (often elves, if not the Common tongue). tribe. Individuals who fail or rebel against the mantis way of
life are usually slashed and/or tortured, and repeat offenders
may be either be devoured by the clan or exiled (if they are

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lucky). Exiled members often commit suicide shortly Mantisfolk Nymph
after being cast out, but those that survive often wander into Mantisfolk Bar 3/Clr 3;hp: 51
the territory of other humanoids and become desperate to fit S22 D16 C17 I8 W16 Ch6;Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +7
in. Init: +3 Move: 50 ft., fly 40 ft. (clumsy)
It is very rare that an individual from one clan is AC: 18 (+3 Dex, +5 natural), touch 13, flat 18
ever accepted into another; each clan has its own general BAB/Grapple: +5/+11
mottling to its carapace and gives off different pheromones Full Attack: 2 claws +11 melee (1d8+6;19-20/x2), bite
that is easily detected by other mantisfolk, and differing +9 melee (1d4+3)
clans can rarely tolerate the “stench” of an outsider. Special Att: Pounce, spittle, turn undead
However, if an outsider mantisfolk can manage to survive Special Qual: Rage 1/day, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge
approximately a month in a new clan, its pheromone scent Skills: Climb +6, Concentration +3, Jump +10, Listen +6,
usually alters to match its new brethren, making it easier to Spot +2
blend in with its new clan. Feats: Improved Natural Attack, Multiattack, Weapon
Focus (Scything claws)
Mantisfolk as Characters CR: 7
Adventuring Mantisfolk are very rare; those that do Gear: Gauntlets of Ogre Power (4,000 gp), Pearl of
exist often try extremely hard to fit into the group they Power (1st level) (1,000 gp), Cloak of Protection
attached themselves to. +1 (1,000 gp)
A Mantisfolk has the following abilities. Total: 6,000 gp (7,200 gp)
• Base Movement Rate 40 feet, fly 40 feet (clumsy) Rage (Ex): 1x/day gain +4 Str and Con, +2 to Will saves, -
• Monstrous Humanoid type 2 AC. Lasts for 7 rounds.
• Vermin subtype Spittle (Ex): A mantisfolk nymph can spit a glob of
• Medium Size paralytic venom out to a distance of 5 ft. as a +8 range touch
• +5 natural armor bonus. A Mantis Insectoid is attack, affecting one target. (Contact; Fort DC 16; Init: 1
covered with a hard, but flexible, chitinous shell Dex; Sec: Paralyze). The paralyzation lasts for 1d4+1
that protects it from damage. rounds.
• +6 Str, +4 Dex, +4 Con, -2 Int, -2 Chr. Trap Sense (Ex): +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid
Mantisfolk are strong, agile and hardier than most traps a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps.
races. However, they tend to have simpler minds Turn Undead (Su): 1x/day; Turn Check 1d20-2; Turn
and have been bred to be servile in nature. Damage 2d6+1.
• +10 racial bonus to Jump checks. Mantisfolk Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A mantisfolk nymph retains its
have powerful legs capable of covering amazing Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if it is caught flat-
distances with a single leap. footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, it still
loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.
• +2 racial bonus to Spot checks.
• Natural attacks. An unarmed Mantis Insectoid
Typical Cleric Spells
can attack with 2 scything claws for 1d6 + Str mod
damage. The claws have a critical range of 19- (4/4/3; CL 3; Spell DC 13 + Spell Level; Domain:
20/x2. They may also bite for 1d4 + ½ Str mod Strength, Travel)
damage. The bite attack is secondary and suffers a 0: Cure Minor Wounds, Guidance, Resistance, Virtue
–5 penalty to hit with. 1st: Cause Fear, Doom, LongstriderD, Shield of Faith
2nd: Aid, Death Knell, Bull’s StrengthD
• Pounce (Ex): When a Mantis Insectoid makes a
charge, it can follow with a full attack.
• Spittle (Ex): A mantisfolk can spit a glob of
paralytic venom out to a distance of 5 feet as a
ranged touch attack, affecting one target. (Contact;
DC 10 + ½ level + Con mod; Init: 1 Dex; Sec:
Paralyze). The paralyzation lasts for 1d4+1 rounds.
• Racial Languages: Common, Mantese. Bonus
Languages: Elvin, Dwarven, Goblin, Orc.
• Favored Class: Male: Barbarian, Female: Cleric
• Level Adjustment: +2
Mantisfolk worship an idealized version of their kind,
that they simply refer to as the Goddess. A mantisfolk
cleric can choose two of the three domains of
Knowledge, Strength, or Travel.

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Mantisfolk Scything Blade Mantisfolk Mother
Mantisfolk Bar 9/Ran 3;hp: 120 Mantisfolk Clr 18;hp: 117
S24 D18 C21 I10 W10 Ch6;Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +6 S14 D16 C14 I11 W25 Ch12;Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +14
Init: +8 Move: 50 ft., fly 40 ft. (clumsy) Init: +3 Move: 40 ft., fly 40 ft. (clumsy)
AC: 22 (+4 Dex, +5 natural, +3 bracers of armor +3), AC: 26 (+3 Dex, +5 natural, +8 bracers of armor +8),
touch 14, flat 22 touch 13, flat 23
BAB/Grapple: +12/+19 BAB/Grapple: +13/+15
Full Attack: 2 claws +19 melee (1d8+7;17-20/x2), bite Full Attack: 2 claws +15 melee (1d6+2;19-20/x2), bite
+17 melee (1d4+3) +10 melee (1d4+1)
Special Att: Pounce, spittle Special Att: Pounce, spittle, turn undead
Special Qual: DR 1/-, favored enemy, improved Special Qual: Spells
uncanny dodge, rage 3/day, trap sense +3, Skills: Jump +12, Concentration +23, Knowledge
uncanny dodge (Religion) +23, Listen +4, Spot +6
Skills: Climb +19, Jump +29, Hide +10, Listen +12, Move Feats: Augment Summoning, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell,
Silently +10, Spot +3, Survival +15 Improved Initiative, Quicken Spell, Spell Focus
Feats: Diehard, EnduranceR, Improved Critical, Improved (Conjuration), Spell Penetration
Initiative, Improved Natural Attack, Multiattack, CR: 19
TrackR, Two-Weapon FightingR Gear: Bracers of Armor +8 (64,000 gp), Cloak of
CR: 13 Protection +3 (9,000 gp), Periapt of Wisdom +6 (36,000
Gear: Bracers of Armor +3 (9,000 gp), Belt of Giant gp), Rod of Rulership (500 minutes) (60,000 gp)
Strength +4 (16,000 gp), Gloves of Dexterity +2 Total: 169,000 gp (170,000 gp)
(4,000 gp), Cloak of Protection +2 (4,000 gp) Turn Undead (Su): 4x/day; Turn Check 1d20+1; Turn
Total: 33,000 gp (35,000 gp) Damage 2d6+19
Favored Enemy (Ex): +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense
Motive, Spot and Survival checks and +2 bonus on weapon Typical Spell List
damage rolls against Humanoids (Elf). (6/8/8/8/7/6/6/5/4/3;CL 18;Spell DC 17 + Spell Level;
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A mantisfolk scything Domains: Knowledge, Travel)
blade can no longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue 0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance,
the ability to sneak attack the mantisfolk by flanking him, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance, Virtue
unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than 1st: Cause Fear, Command, LongstriderD, Doom, Remove
the target has barbarian levels. Fear, Sanctuary, Shield of Faith, Summon Monster I
Rage (Ex): 3x/day gain +4 Str and Con, +2 to Will saves, - 2nd: Aid, Detect ThoughtsD, Enthrall, Lesser Resistance,
2 AC. Lasts for 9 rounds. Make Whole, Remove Paralysis, Owl’s Wisdom, Status
Spittle (Ex): A mantisfolk scything blade can spit a glob of 3rd: Bestow Curse, Clairaudience/ClairvoyanceD, Extended
paralytic venom out to a distance of 5 ft. as a +16 range Hold Person, Invisibility Purge, Locate Object,
touch attack, affecting one target. (Contact; Fort DC 20; Protection from Energy, Stone Shape, Wind Wall
Init: 1 Dex; Sec: Paralyze). The paralyzation lasts for 4th: Dimension DoorD, Dimensional Anchor, Discern Lies,
1d4+1 rounds. Divination, Freedom of Movement, Giant Vermin,
Trap Sense (Ex): +3 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid Poison
traps a +3 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. 5th: Insect Plague, Righteous Might, Spell Resistance,
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A mantisfolk scything retains his Summon Monster V, TeleportD, True Seeing
Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat- 6 : Find the PathD, Greater Dispel Magic, Harm, Heal,

footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still Planar Ally, Summon Monster VI
loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. 7th: Enlarged Blade Barrier, Destruction, Dictum, Legend
Wild Empathy (Ex): Modify attitude of animal or vermin LoreD, Regenerate
as Diplomacy check 1d20+1 8 : Extended Summon Monster VII, Discern LocationD,

Holy Aura, Quickened Divine Power

9th: ForesightD, Implosion, Summon Monster IX

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Mothfolk (Lepidaii) meet others of their kind for the first time. After learning
Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Vermin) the rudiments in many subjects, the young mothfolk often
Hit Dice: 1d8 select a mate and begin to travel with their new spouse,
Initiative: +1 learning about the world around them. As they travel, they
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (clumsy) leave behind a trail of eggs to mark their passage. The
AC: 14 (+1 Dex, +2 natural, +1 padded armor), female lays a single egg, and is capable of doing so once
touch 11, flat 13 every seven to ten days. Unfortunately, the melon-sized egg
BAB/Grapple: +1/+1 has a good chance of falling to predators and as little as 10%
Attack: Spear +1 melee (1d8;x3) of the laid eggs ever reach maturity.
Full Attack: Spear +1 melee (1d8;x3) After a period of 3-7 years of this type of activity,
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. the couple usually returns to the communal gathering place
Height: 5 ft. + 1d8 in. (5 ft. 4 in.) to await the arrival of their offspring. As the previously
Weight: 100 lbs. + 1d10 x 5 lbs. (125 lbs.) hatched offspring matures and arrives at the communal
Special Att: - meeting place, the parents seek out their children and
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft. educate them in all that they have learned in on their travels.
Saves: Fort +2, Reflex +3, Will +2 After all of the young have been taught and accounted for
Abilities: S10 D12 C14 I9 W11 Ch8 (a process that takes 3-5 years per young adult), the couple
Skills: Listen +2, Spot +6 strikes out again, and repeats the process.
Feats: Alertness
Environment: Any warm or hot Mothfolk as Characters
Organization: Single, pair (2), flight (3-5), gang (6-20), Most mothfolk characters will be individuals who
brood (21-30), colony (30+) have lost their mate on their travels, or who were
CR: 1/3 unfortunate enough to have never acquired a mate. Some
Treasure: Standard returned to their ancestral meeting place to find their elders
Alignment: Usually Chaotic Neutral wiped from existence.
Advancement: By Character Class Mothfolk have the following abilities.
Level Adj: +1 • Medium Size
• Monstrous Humanoid Type, Vermin
Mothfolk, or the Lepidaii, are often described as subtype
the most dreamy – or vacant – race of insectoids. Little • Base speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (clumsy)
captures their attention for long, and they have soft, • Darkvision 60 ft. A mothfolk can see in the
singsong voices that often sound as if their minds have been absence of light out to a distance of 60 feet.
dulled by some sort of mind-altering drug. Darkvision is black-and-white only.
Despite their near-constant daydreaming, mothfolk • +2 Dex, +4 Con, -2 Int and –2 Cha.
are actually quite astute. Unlike many of the other insectoid Mothfolk are fairly nimble and exceptionally
races, they retain their multifaceted eyes, allowing them to hardy. Their long state as a mindless creature
see things much clearer, but in a kaleidoscopic manner. inhibits their ability to learn, and despite being
Bright, colorful lights can easily entrance or befuddle them. self-sufficient, most mothfolks are introverts
Mothfolk speak common and their own language – who do not deal with others well.
a high-pitched sound that sounds almost like a buzzing • +2 Natural armor
insect. • Automatic Languages: Common, mothfolk
Bonus Languages: Elvin, gnomish,
Combat goblinoid.
Mothfolk avoid combat, as they do not usually • Favored Class: Bard
have the strength or numbers to bring down foes. They will • Level Adjustment: +1
often use their flight to keep opponents at a distance with Mothfolk worship nature and not any particular
ranged attacks, and prefer using reach weapons when they god. Mothfolk tend to produce druids, not clerics.
must melee. Mothfolk will often flee an engagement
against powerful adversaries, especially those utilizing
flashy, magical effects.

Mothfolk are generally nomadic and live a large
part of their early life in a mindless caterpillar-like stage
alone. When a mothfolk reaches maturity, they actually
molt, bursting out of the caterpillar form and arising as true
winged mothfolk.
With their new sentience, many mothfolk are
drawn to ancestral mothfolk gathering places, where they

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Lepidilla Poisonous Body (Ex): A creature biting or swallowing a
Large Vermin lepidilla must make a Fort DC 13 save or become sickened
Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (19 hp) for 2d4 rounds. If the save is failed and the lepidilla had
Initiative: -1 (-1 Dex) been swallowed, it is immediately regurgitated. Besides the
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) sickening effect, the flesh is also poisonous (Ingested; Fort
AC: 14 (-1 size, +5 natural), touch 9, flat 14 DC 13; Init: 1d4 Con; Sec: 1d6 Con).
BAB/Grapple: +2/+8 Skills: Lepidillas have a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks.
Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d4+2 + 1d6 acid) They can use either their Strength or Dexterity modifier for
Full Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d4+2 + 1d6 acid) Climb checks, whichever is higher. Lepidillas can take 10
Space/Reach: 10-ft./5 ft. on Climb checks, even if threatened or distracted.
Height: * A carnivorous lepidilla has the Improved Natural Attack
Weight: Feat, increasing its bite damage to 1d6+2 + 1d8 acid).
Special Att: -
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., poison body, vermin Lepidillas on Amberos
traits Lepidillas can be found almost anywhere on
Saves: Fort +5, Reflex +0, Will +1 Amberos, except for the area of the Glacier of Seasons and
Abilities: S14 D8 C14 I- W11 Ch6 in the oft-snowy areas of the Crystalmire mountains.
Skills: Climb +10, Listen +2, Spot +2
Feats: Alertness*
Environment: Any warm or hot
Organization: Solitary
CR: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: None
Advancement: 4-8 HD (Large), 9-12 HD (Huge)
Level Adj: -
This large, writhing shape is reminiscent of a
caterpillar. It has a squishy green body with
black, dagger-like feet. Tufts of black hair wave
from its back and it has an enormous bulbous
head with large eyes and powerful-looking
mandibles. Its front half is raised in the air and
twitches left and right, as if it is searching for
Lepidillas are the larval form of mothfolk. They
consist of a enormous bulk of green and yellow tubular
body with black, claw-like legs. The upper portion of their
body is covered with silky black hairs, and at one end they
have a bulbous head with large eyes and powerful jaws.
A lepidilla is completely mindless and constantly
ravenous. While they generally eat only vegetation in large
quantities, some lepidillas become carnivorous, desiring the
taste of flesh.
Lepidillas remain in their larval state for
approximately 3 years. Normally, after this time, the
maturing mothfolk erupts from the head, leaving the husk
of the caterpillar’s tubular body behind in a gooey mess.
In some cases, however – especially when the
caterpillar becomes carnivorous, the mothfolk body is
subsumed and the caterpillar does not molt – instead
becoming larger and more aggressive and remaining

Lepidillas generally shy away from combat, relying
on their acid bite and poisonous taste as a last-ditch defense.
However, some caterpillars – those that have tasted
flesh – can be quite aggressive, seeking out easy prey and
risking life and limb for a tasty treat.

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Mothfolk Neophyte Mothfolk Traveler
Mothfolk bard 6;hp: 33 Mothfolk bard 12;hp: 66
S8 D14 C14 I12 W13 Ch16;Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +6 S8 D14 C14 I12 W13 Ch20;Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +9
Init: +2 Move: 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (clumsy) Init: +2 Move: 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (clumsy)
AC: 16 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +2 padded armor +1), AC: 18 (+1 Dex, +2 natural, +5 glamered studded
touch 12, flat 14 leather +2), touch 12, flat 17
BAB/Grapple: +4/+3 BAB/Grapple: +9/+8
Full Attack: rapier +6 melee (1d6-1;19-20/x2) Full Attack: +1 rapier +13/+8 melee (1d6;19-20/x2)
Special Att: - Special Att: -
Special Qual: Bardic knowledge, bardic music, Special Qual: Bardic knowledge, bardic music,
Darkvision 60 ft. Darkvision 60 ft.
Skills: Concentration +11, Diplomacy +11, Gather Skills: Concentration +17, Diplomacy +18, Gather
Information +11, Knowledge (Local) +10, Listen Information +18, Knowledge (Local) +16, Listen
+3, Perform (Any one) +15, Sense Motive +10, +3, Perform (Any one) +22, Sense Motive +16,
Spellcraft +10, Spot +3 Spellcraft +16, Spot +3
Feats: Alertness, Skill Focus (Perform), Weapon Finesse Feats: Alertness, Skill Focus (Perform), Spell Focus
CR: 6 (Enchantment), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus
Gear: Padded armor +1 (1,155 gp), cloak of charisma (Rapier)
+2 (4,000 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds CR: 12
(300 gp), musical instrument (5 gp) Gear: glamered padded armor +2 (6,875 gp), +1 rapier
Total: 5,460 gp (5,600 gp) (2,320 gp), cloak of charisma +4 (16,000 gp),
Bardic Music: 6x/day; Perform check +15; Countersong, potion of cure moderate wounds (300 gp), mw
Fascinate, Inspire Courage +1, Inspire Competence, musical instrument (300 gp)
Suggestion Total: 25,795 gp (27,000 gp)
Bardic Knowledge (Ex): Check +7 Bardic Music: 12x/day; Perform check +22; Countersong,
Fascinate, Inspire Courage +2, Inspire Competence,
Typical Bard Spell List Inspire Greatness, Suggestion, Song of Freedom
(3/4/3;CL 6;Spell DC 13 + Spell Level) Bardic Knowledge (Ex): Check +13
0: Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Daze, Lullaby, Message,
Resistance Typical Bard Spell List
1st: Comprehend Languages, Lesser Confusion, Cure Light (3/5/4/4/3;CL 12;Spell DC 15 + Spell Level)
Wounds, Magic Aura 0: Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Daze*, Lullaby*,
2nd: Alter Self, Eagle’s Splendor, Hypnotic Pattern Message, Resistance
1st: Comprehend Languages, Lesser Confusion*, Cure
Light Wounds, Magic Aura
2nd: Alter Self, Eagle’s Splendor, Enthrall*, Sound burst
3rd: Charm Monster*, Deep Slumber*, Lesser Geas*, Slow
4th: Hold Monster*, Modify Memory*, Rainbow Pattern,
* Enchantment Spell; +1 DC

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Mothfolk Curio Maestro’s Musical Instrument: This item appears to be a
Mothfolk bard 18;hp: 99 masterwork musical instrument of its kind. However, when
S8 D14 C14 I12 W13 Ch23;Fort +8, Ref +13, Will +12 played the item grants a +5, +10 or +15 competence bonus
Init: +2 Move: 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (clumsy) to the user’s appropriate Perform check.
AC: 18 (+1 Dex, +2 natural, +5 glamered studded Faint transmutation; CL 3rd/7th/12th; Craft Wondrous Item,
leather +2), touch 12, flat 17 Summon Instrument, Ghost Sound; Caster’s level must equal
BAB/Grapple: +13/+12 or exceed Perform bonus; Price 2,800 gp (+5), 10,300 gp
Full Attack: +1 rapier +17/+12/+7 melee (1d6;19- (+10), 22,800 gp (+15); Creation: 1,550 gp and 60 xp (+5),
20/x2) 5,300 gp & 400 xp (+10), 11,550 gp and 900 xp (+15);
Special Att: - Weight 3 lbs.
Special Qual: Bardic knowledge, bardic music,
Darkvision 60 ft.
Skills: Concentration +23, Diplomacy +25, Gather
Information +25, Knowledge (Local) +22, Listen
+3, Perform (Any one) +33, Sense Motive +22,
Spellcraft +22, Spot +3
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Greater Spell Focus
(Enchantment), Skill Focus (Perform), Spell Focus
(Enchantment), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus
CR: 18
Gear: mithral glamered chain mail +5 (31,715 gp), +4
rapier (25,320 gp), cloak of charisma +6 (36,000
gp), rod of wonder (50 charges) (12,000 gp), rope
of entanglement (21,000 gp), potion of cure
moderate wounds (300 gp), maestro’s musical
instrument +5 (2,800 gp)
Total: 129,135 gp (130,000 gp)
Bardic Music: 12x/day; Perform check +33; Countersong,
Fascinate, Inspire Courage +3, Inspire Competence,
Inspire Greatness, Inspire Heroics, Suggestion, Song of
Freedom, Mass Suggestion
Bardic Knowledge (Ex): Check +19

Typical Bard Spell List

(4/6/6/5/5/4/3;CL 18;Spell DC 15 + Spell Level)
0: Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Daze*, Lullaby*,
Message, Resistance
1st: Comprehend Languages, Lesser Confusion*, Cure Light
Wounds, Magic Aura, Silent Image
2nd: Alter Self, Calm Emotions*, Eagle’s Splendor,
Enthrall*, Sound burst
3rd: Blink, Charm Monster*, Deep Slumber*, Lesser Geas*,
4th: Break Enchantment, Freedom of Movement, Hold
Monster*, Modify Memory*, Rainbow Pattern
5th: Greater Dispel Magic, Mass Suggestion*, Mind Fog*,
Shadow Evocation
6th: Mass Charm Monster*, Irresistible Dance*, Greater
* Enchantment spell; +2 DC

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Roachfolk (Curachia) Society
Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Vermin) Roachfolk tend to live in hereditary tribes, with
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp) succeeding generations spawned by the prior generations.
Initiative: +0 Generally males are in positions in of power, but several
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares) tribes are matriarchal. In either case, the ruling gender tends
Armor Class: 13 (+3 natural), touch 10, flat 13 to dominate those of other genders, making them slaves to
BAB/Grapple: 0/+1 their rule and preventing them from having any sort of
Attack: Claw +1 melee (1d4+1) political power.
Full Attack: 2 Claw +1 melee (1d4+1), 2 lesser claws – And it is generally power that roachfolk seek.
4 melee (1d3) Leaders tend to be powerful sorcerers who have earned their
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. position by killing opposition and keeping its lessers in their
Height: 5 ft. 3 in. + 2d6 in. (5 ft. 10 in.) place. It is not uncommon for roachfolk to plot against one
Weight: 125 lbs. + 2d6 x 10 lbs. (195 lbs.) another to gain political power in their tribe.
Special Att: - Tribes usually seek out areas with plentiful food
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., limited flight and a place to hide. They often seek civilized areas, though
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +1 they may sometimes be found in out of the way places,
Abilities: S13 D11 C12 I9 W8 Ch11 practicing their black magic and preying on passer-bys.
Skills: Climb +3, Listen -1, Spot +1
Feats: Dodge Roachfolk as Characters
Environment: Temperate, Warm land Roachfolk adventurers usually have been exiled
Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), Nest (5-20), or from their clan and forced to fend for themselves.
Drove (20-40) A roachfolk has the following abilities.
CR: 1/2 • Base Movement Rate 40 feet
Treasure: None • Monstrous Humanoid type
Alignment: Usually neutral evil • Vermin subtype
Advancement: By character class • Medium size
Level Adj: +2 • +3 natural armor bonus
Roachfolk have a +8 bonus to climb
• +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Wis. A roachfolk is
This creature resembles and erect-standing
slightly stronger and hardier than other races.
cockroach. It is a brownish-red in color, with
However, they tend to be less inclined to think
long antennae feelers extending from its
independently and seem slightly out of touch with
beetle-like face, and its long arms end in
their surroundings.
manipulative claws. It has a pair of large
• +8 racial bonus to Climb checks. A roachfolk
powerful arms and a lesser pair of smaller
has an amazing ability to climb sheer surfaces and
arms beneath it. It clicks and chirps as it
even crawl along ceilings with relative ease.
moves, and occasionally a pair of wings can
be seen beneath its armored carapace. • Natural attacks: A roachfolk can attack unarmed
Roachfolk, commonly referred to as the Curachia, are with its primary and secondary claws. The primary
among the foulest of the insectoid races. They have claws deal 1d4 + Str damage each. The secondary
dedicated their lives to foul and despicable acts, and tend to claws deal 1d3 damage each – no strength bonus is
feed on the underbelly of society. Many roachfolk seek out applied, and is at –5 to hit with.
magical prowess and power - often as sorcerers or evil • Lesser Four-armed: A Roachfolk has four arms,
clerics. though two of its arms are of lesser strength. These
Roachfolk can speak Common and infernal. lesser arms may only be used in combat to wield
light weapons, and never adds Strength bonus to
Combat damage with its lesser arms (but does apply any
Strength penalties). A Roachfolk cannot use the
Roachfolk prefer striking from positions of
lesser arms to cast a spell while fighting, but may
strength or by surprise. They will often use traps and natural
use its stronger arms to cast spells while fighting
hazards to injure or hinder their opponents. However, when
with the lesser arms. A Roachfolk cannot use the
need be, they will attack in droves, trying to drown out
lesser arms to hold or support ranged weapons.
opponents in a sheer wave of force. At the same time,
However, when the lesser arms are used for
roachfolk care for their own well-being, and will avoid or
detailing or work requiring manual dexterity, they
flee combat when outnumbered or facing a superior foe.
may use 1 ½ their dexterity bonus if they employ
Limited Flight (Ex): A Roachfolk can fly in hops of up to
the lesser limbs in the task.
30 feet as a move action or fly up to 60 feet as a full-attack
action. The roachfolk must land at the end of its movement, • Racial Languages: Common, infernal. Bonus
though it may use its movement rate to land on vertical Languages: Abyssal, Elvin, Dwarven, Gnomish,
surfaces or even cling to ceilings. Orc.
• Favored Class: Sorcerer

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• Level Adj: +2 Boil
Roachfolk actively scoff the gods, openly defying them Necromancy
and patting themselves on the back when they harm the Level: Sor/Wiz 1, Disease 1
worshippers or priests of another deity. Some Casting Time: 1 standard action
roachfolk though, have become worshippers of Components: V, S, DF
Lepornunse, the God of Disease. A worshipper of Range: Short (25 + 5 ft/2 levels)
Lepornunse can choose two of the three domains of Duration: 1 minute/level
Chaos, Disease and Suffering. Target: one creature
Saving Throw: Fort negates
Disease Domain Spell Resistance: Yes
Granted Power: You gain the ability to inflict disease in This spell causes painful red sores to appear on the
others by touch. You may choose to inflict in a victim. The sores cause the victim to suffer a –2 penalty to
victim you touch a disease with a save DC of up to all skill checks that require physical activity as well as a –1
10 + spellcaster level. This ability is usable once penalty to hit rolls and to AC. Those wearing medium or
per day. heavy armor and or having a medium or heavier load
Disease Domain Spells instead suffer a –2 penalty to hit rolls and to AC.
1 Boil: Creates a painful boil that hampers victim’s As a standard action, you can, at any time after the
ability first round, cause the sores to burst. Causing the sores to
2 Summon Swarm : Summon swarms of bats, rats, burst inflicts 1d4 points of nonlethal damage per 2 caster
or spiders levels (max 5d4) to the victim, and immediately ends the
3 Contagion: Infects subject with chosen disease spell.
4 Diminish Plant:
5 Insect Plague: Locust swarms attack creature Contagion, Mass
6 Mass Contagion: Infect multiple subjects with Necromancy [Evil]
chosen disease Level: Disease 6
7 Creeping Doom: Swarms of centipedes attack at Range: 0
your command Area of Effect: 20 ft. burst
8 Waves of Exhaustion: Several targets become This spell acts like contagion, except it affects multiple
exhausted targets.
9 Finger of Death: Kills one subject
Harm, Mass
Suffering Domain Necromancy
Granted Power: You cast inflict spells at +1 caster level Level: Clr 9, Suffering 9
Suffering Domain Spells Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft/2 levels)
1 Inflict Light Wounds: Causes 1d8 damage + Targets: Up to 1 creature per 5 levels, no two of which can
1/level (max +5) be more than 15 ft. apart
2 Inflict Moderate Wounds: Causes 2d8 This spell functions like Harm, except as noted
damage +1/level (max +10) above. The maximum number of hit points inflicted to each
3 Inflict Serious Wounds: Causes 3d8 damage creature is 250.
+ 1/level (max +15)
4 Inflict Critical Wounds: Causes 4d8 damage Wither
+ 1/level (max +20) Necromancy
5 Inflict Light Wounds, Mass: Causes 1d8 Level: Clr 7, Drd 9, Sor/Wiz 7, Suffering 7
damage + 1/level (max +25) for many creatures Components: V, S, M/DF
6 Harm: Inflicts 10 points/level of damage Casting Time: 1 standard action
7 Wither: desiccate opponent, causing fatigue Range: Touch
and 1d8 damage/level (max 20d8) Target: Living Creature Touched
8 Inflict Critical Wounds, Mass: Causes 4d8 Duration: Instantaneous
damage +1/level (max +40) for many creatures Saving Throw: Fortitude half
9 Harm, Mass: As harm, but with several Spell Resistance: Yes
subjects The subject’s body becomes desiccated at a touch.
The victim takes 1d8 damage/level, up to a maximum of
20d8 damage and is considered exhausted. A victim who
makes the save is considered fatigued, and takes half
Material Component: A bit of zombie flesh rubbed against
the victim.

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Bestiary Nefarious
Roachfolk Scavenger Roachfolk Pestilence Bearer
Roachfolk Soc 6;hp: 27 Roachfolk Soc 10/Rog 2;hp: 66
S10 D13 C14 I12 W8 Ch18;Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4 S10 D15 C14 I12 W8 Ch20;Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +6
Init: +1 Move: 40 ft. Init: +6 Move: 40 ft.
AC: 15 (+1 Dex, +3 natural, +1 bracers of armor +1), AC: 19 (+2 Dex, +3 natural, +3 bracers of armor, +1
touch 11, flat 14 ring of protection), touch 12, flat 17
BAB/Grapple: +3/+3 BAB/Grapple: +6/+6
Full Attack: dagger +3 melee (1d4;19-20/x2) Full Attack: dagger +6/+1 melee (1d4;19-20/x2)
Special Att: Spells Special Att: Sneak attack +1d6, spells
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., limited flight, spells Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., evasion, limited flight,
Skills: Bluff +13, Concentration +11, Listen –1, Spellcraft spells
+10, Spot -1 Skills: Bluff +18, Concentration +15, Diplomacy +9, Hide
Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot +6, Listen –1, Move Silently +6, Spellcraft +15,
CR: 6 Spot +3, Tumble +4
Gear: bracers of armor +1 (1,000 gp), cloak of charisma Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Point Blank
+2 (4,000 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds Shot, Shot on the Run
(300 gp) CR: 12
Total: 5,300 gp (5,600 gp) Gear: bracers of armor +3 (9,000 gp), ring of protection
+1 (2,000 gp), cloak of charisma +2 (4,000 gp),
Typical Sorcerer Spells gloves of dexterity +2 (4,000 gp), staff of fire (20
(6/7/6/4;CL 6;Spell DC 14 + Spell Level) Charges) (7,100 gp), potion of cure moderate
0: acid splash, disrupt undead, flare, message, open/close, wounds (300 gp)
prestidigitation, touch of fatigue Total: 26,400 gp (27,000 gp)
1st: cause fear, expeditious retreat, ray of enfeeblement, Evasion (Ex): If a roachfolk pestilence bearer makes a
shield successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that
2nd: acid arrow, glitterdust normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead
3rd: displacement takes no damage. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit
of evasion.

Typical Sorcerer Spells

(6/8/7/7/6/4;CL 10;Spell DC 15 + Spell Level)
0: acid splash, dancing lights, disrupt undead, flare, ghost
sound, message, open/close, prestidigitation, touch of
1st: cause fear, expeditious retreat, obscuring mist, ray of
enfeeblement, shield
2nd: acid arrow, glitterdust, scorching ray, spider climb
3rd: displacement, hold person, ray of exhaustion
4th: enervation, ice storm
5th: baleful polymorph

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Bestiary Nefarious
Roachfolk Foul Prince
Roachfolk Soc 10/Rog 8;hp: 99
S10 D18 C14 I12 W8 Ch22;Fort +9, Ref +15, Will +10
Init: +8 Move: 40 ft.
AC: 28 (+4 Dex, +3 natural, +6 bracers of armor, +3
ring of protection, +2 staff of power), touch 19, flat
BAB/Grapple: +11/+11
Full Attack: staff of power +13/+8/+3 melee (1d46;19-
Special Att: Sneak attack +4d6, spells
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., evasion, limited flight,
improved uncanny dodge, spells, trap
sense +2, uncanny dodge
Skills: Bluff +18, Concentration +15, Diplomacy +15,
Hide +21, Listen +5, Move Silently +18, Spellcraft
+15, Spot +9, Tumble +17
Feats: Dodge, Improved Feint, Improved Initiative,
Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Shot on the Run, Skill
Focus (Hide)
CR: 18
Gear: bracers of armor +6 (36,000 gp), ring of
protection +3 (18,000 gp), cloak of charisma +4
(16,000 gp), gloves of dexterity +4 (16,000 gp),
staff of power (5 Charges) (39,370 gp), potion of
cure moderate wounds (300 gp)
Total: 125,670 gp (130,000 gp)
Evasion (Ex): If a roachfolk pestilence bearer makes a
successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that
normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead
takes no damage. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit
of evasion.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A roachfolk foul prince
can no longer be flanked. This defense denies another rogue
the ability to sneak attack the character by flanking her,
unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than
the target does.
Trap Sense (Ex): A roachfolk foul prince gains an intuitive
sense that alerts her to danger from traps, giving her a +2
bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +2 dodge
bonus to AC against attacks made by traps.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A roachfolk foul prince retains his
Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-
footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still
loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

Typical Sorcerer Spells

(6/8/8/7/6/4;CL 10;Spell DC 16 + Spell Level)
0: acid splash, dancing lights, disrupt undead, flare, ghost
sound, message, open/close, prestidigitation, touch of
1st: cause fear, expeditious retreat, obscuring mist, ray of
enfeeblement, shield
2nd: acid arrow, glitterdust, scorching ray, spider climb
3rd: displacement, hold person, ray of exhaustion
4th: enervation, ice storm
5th: baleful polymorph

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Bestiary Nefarious
Waspfolk (Hymenopti) Waspfolk Society
Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Vermin) Waspfolk congregate in large hives build from
Hit Dice: 1d8 natural materials – mud and processed wood tend to be
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) favorites. Hives are usually built as domed structures with
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 40 ft. (Good) (4 complex, winding passages that extend as far down into the
squares) in scale mail & shield; base 30 ft. ground as well as high into the rounded top of the mound.
(6 squares), fly 60 ft (12 squares) (Good) All waspfolk are trained in the art of war and can
AC: 20 (+1 Dex, +3 natural, +6 scale mail & be called to fight at any time. However, the needs of the
heavy wooden shield), touch 11, flat 19 community often require waspfolk to know secondary skills
BAB/Grapple: +1/+2 ranging from carpentry, butchering “cattle” to bureaucratic
Attack: Spear +3 melee (1d8+1;x3) administration. Waspfolk see these skills as necessary evils,
Full Attack: Spear +3 melee (1d8+1;x3) and generally learn only enough to get by, placing greater
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. emphasis on their ability to fight.
Height: 5 ft. 1 in. + 2d8 in. (5 ft. 10 in.) There is a well-defined pecking order in waspfolk
Weight: 100 lbs. + 2d4 x 7 lbs. (135 lbs.) society, based directly on the number of kills a waspfolk has
Special Att: Poison earned as well as the number of slaves they have acquired
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft. through conquests. However, it is not unknown for
Saves: Fort +1, Reflex +3, Will +2 waspfolk to challenge higher-ranking waspfolk in an effort
Abilities: S13 D13 C12 I10 W11 Ch9 to kill the waspfolk and acquire their prestige, wealth and
Skills: Spot +2, Listen +2 slaves. Such challenges have strict rules for when a
Feats: Weapon Focus (Spear) challenge may be given to prevent dissent among the ranks.
Environment: Any warm or hot Waspfolk do not have royal families who rule over
Organization: Solitary, Pair (2), Scouting Party (3-5), successive generations. Instead, waspfolk royalty emerges
Warband (6-20), Battalion (21-40), from families who have managed to accrue large number of
Colony (41+) combat kills and ability to bully other waspfolk into doing
CR: 1 as they bid. When a waspfolk king or queen dies, there is
Treasure: Standard much internal strife as those of the lower echelons issue
Alignment: Usually Lawful Evil challenges and battle one another to replace the fallen
Advancement: By Character Class royalty. For the most part, a living monarch is immune to
Level Adj: +2 direct challenges, though treachery, poisoning and
backstabbing has been the downfall of more than one
Waspfolk, also known as the Hymenopti, are a monarch.
structured, war-like race of insectoid. The waspfolk live to
conquer and fight. They often battle against antfolk and Waspfolk On Amberos
absolutely despise beefolk as passive weaklings. In some Waspfolk are primarily found deep in the Yaz
cases, waspfolk have dominated beefolk hives and enslaved forest and among the Shafra hills. The largest hive of
the populace to serve the waspfolk. waspfolk Urenth’kraa is even recognized by the Skienlands
Waspfolk speak Common and Infernal. as a city-state separate from the rule of the Skienlands.

Combat Waspfolk as Characters

Waspfolk are cunning warriors. They prefer Individual waspfolk tend to be outcasts from their
striking opponents with skirmishing groups, employing own hive, as waspfolk tend to believe other races are
traps and hit-and-run tactics when possible. In large inferior to their own and do not regularly associate with
numbers they use superior maneuverability and small other races.
squads to wear enemies down. A waspfolk has the following abilities.
In single combat, waspfolk fight for personal • Medium size
prestige. They care nothing for honorable combat; winning • Monstrous Humanoid type, Vermin subtype
is the only concern. At the same time, waspfolk highly • Base speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (Good)
prize slaves, and will quickly enslave those who do not • Darkvision 60 ft. A waspfolk can see in the
oppose them in direct combat. However, almost always to absence of light out to 60 feet. Darkvision is
oppose a waspfolk in combat means death – mercy is rarely black-and-white only.
given to those who attempt to injure them, and certainly • Str +2, Dex +2, Con +2, Cha –2. Waspfolk are
never given to those who shed their blood. strong, quick and hardy, but their social structure
Poison (Ex): Waspfolk secrete a poison from their tends to downplay the individual
mandibles that they use to coat their weapons as a move • +3 natural armor
action. (Injury; Fort DC 11; Init: 1d4 Dex; Sec: Paralysis). • Poison (Ex): Waspfolk secrete a poison from their
Paralysis lasts 1d4 minutes. mandibles that they use to coat their weapons as a
move action. (Injury; Fort DC 10 + ½ character

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level + Con mod; Init: 1d4 Dex; Sec: Paralysis). Waspfolk General
Paralysis lasts 1d4 minutes. Waspfolk Ftr 11;hp: 71
• Automatic Languages Common, infernal Bonus S21 D16 C12 I13 W12 Ch6;Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +6
Languages Dwarf, Elf, Giant, Goblinoid. Init: +3 Move: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (Good)
• Favored Class: Fighter AC: 27 (+3 Dex, +4 natural, +10 scale mail +3 & heavy
• Level Adjustment: +2 wood shield +1), touch 13, flat 24
Waspfolk worship Titanicus, the Lord of Battle. A BAB/Grapple: +11/+16
cleric of Titanicus can choose two of the three domains of Full Attack: +2 longsword +19/+14/+9 melee (1d8+9
Evil, Strength or War (Favored Weapon: Battleaxe). + poison;17-20/x2) or sling +14 ranged
Waspfolk Captain Special Att: Poison
Waspfolk Ftr 5;hp: 32 Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft.
S18 D16 C12 I13 W12 Ch6;Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +4 Skills: Craft (Trapmaking) +8, Knowledge (Tactics) +7,
Init: +3 Move: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (Good) Spot +6, Listen +6
AC: 24 (+3 Dex, +4 natural, +7 scale mail +1 & mw Feats: Ability Focus (Poison), Combat ReflexesF, DodgeF,
heavy wood shield), touch 13, flat 21 Fly-by Attack, Improved CriticalF, Improved
BAB/Grapple: +5/+9 Natural Armor, Improved SunderF, Iron Will,
Full Attack: +1 longsword +11 melee (1d8+7 + Weapon Focus (Longsword)F, Weapon
poison;19-20/x2) or sling +8 ranged Specialization (Longsword)F
(1d4+4) CR: 12
Special Att: Poison Gear: scale mail +3 (9,200 gp), heavy wooden shield +1
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft. (1,157 gp), +2 longsword (8,310 gp), cloak of
Skills: Craft (Trapmaking) +8, Spot +3, Listen +3 protection +2 (4,000 gp), gauntlets of ogre power
Feats: Ability Focus (Poison), Combat ReflexesF, (4,000 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds (300
Improved Natural Armor, Iron Will, Weapon gp)
Focus (Longsword)F, Weapon Specialization Total: 26,967 gp (27,000 gp)
(Longsword)F Poison (Ex): Waspfolk secrete a poison from their
CR: 6 mandibles that they use to coat their weapons as a move
Gear: scale mail +1 (1,200 gp), mw heavy wooden shield action. (Injury; Fort DC 18; Init: 1d4 Dex; Sec: Paralysis).
(157 gp), +1 longsword (2,310 gp), cloak of Paralysis lasts 1d4 minutes.
protection +1 (1,000 gp), potion of Bull’s Strength
(300 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds (300 gp)
Total: 5,267 gp (5,600 gp)
Poison (Ex): Waspfolk secrete a poison from their
mandibles that they use to coat their weapons as a move
action. (Injury; Fort DC 15; Init: 1d4 Dex; Sec: Paralysis).
Paralysis lasts 1d4 minutes.

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Waspfolk Monarch Poison DC 12
Waspfolk Ftr 17;hp: 71 Waspfolk Sergeant (Ftr 1); CR 2; LA +2; HD 1d10+3; hp
S25 D16 C12 I13 W8 Ch14;Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +6 8; Init +3; Spd 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (Good); AC 22 (+3 Dex, +3
Init: +3 Move: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (Good) natural, +6 scale mail & heavy wooden shield), touch 13,
AC: 27 (+3 Dex, +4 natural, +10 scale mail +3 & heavy flat 19; BAB +1; Grp +2; Atk Spear +5 melee (1d8+3 +
wood shield +1), touch 13, flat 24 poison;x3); Full Atk (Same); Face/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA:
BAB/Grapple: +17/+24 Poison; SQ Darkvision 60 ft.; SV Fort +1, Reflex +3, Will
Full Attack: sword of life stealing +28/+23/+18/+13 +2; Str 17, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 6
melee (1d8+11 + poison;17-20/x2) or Skills and Feats: Spot +2, Listen +2; Power AttackF,
sling +20/+15/+10/+5 ranged (1d4+7) Weapon Focus (Spear)
Special Att: Poison Poison DC 13
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft. Gear: scale mail (50 gp), heavy wooden shield (7 gp),
Skills: Craft (Trapmaking) +8, Knowledge (Nobility) +4, spear (2 gp)
Knowledge (Tactics) +7, Spot +11, Listen +11 Total: 59 gp (100 gp)
Feats: Ability Focus (Poison), Alertness, Combat Waspfolk Spy (Rog 2); CR 3; LA +2; HD 2d6+4; hp 11;
ExpertiseF, Combat ReflexesF, DodgeF, Fly-by Init +3; Spd 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (Good); AC 18 (+3 Dex, +3
Attack, Leadership, Improved CriticalF, Improved natural, +2 mw leather), touch 13, flat 15; BAB +1; Grp +3;
Natural Armor, Improved SunderF, Iron Will, Atk mw Rapier +4 melee (1d6+2 + poison;18-20/x2); Full
MobilityF, Spring AttackF, Weapon Focus Atk (Same); Face/Reach 5 ft/5 ft.; SA Poison, sneak attack
(Longsword)F, Weapon Specialization +1d6; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., evasion, trapfinding; SV Fort
(Longsword)F +2, Reflex +6, Will +0; Str 14, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 14, Wis
CR: 18 10, Cha 6
Gear: mithral full plate of speed (26,500 gp), heavy Skills and Feats: Bluff +3, Craft (Trapmaking) +7, Disable
wooden shield +4 (16,157 gp), sword of life stealing Device +7, Escape Artist +8, Gather Information +5, Listen
(25,715 gp), cloak of charisma +4 (16,000 gp), belt of giant +5, Move Silently +8, Search +7, Sense Motive +5, Spot
strength (16,000 gp), potion of cure serious wounds (750 +5; Skill Focus (Gather Information)
gp) Gear: leather +1 (1,160 gp), mw rapier (320 gp), elixir of
Total: 26,967 gp (130,000 gp) vision (300 gp), elixir of hiding (300 gp), potion of cure
Poison (Ex): Waspfolk secrete a poison from their moderate wounds (300 gp)
mandibles that they use to coat their weapons as a move Total: 2,380 gp (2,700 gp)
action. (Injury; Fort DC 18; Init: 1d4 Dex; Sec: Paralysis). Poison DC 13
Paralysis lasts 1d4 minutes. Evasion (Ex): If a waspfolk spy makes a successful Reflex
saving throw against an attack that normally deals half
Leadership Score: 19; one 13th level cohort (Waspfolk Co- damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage.
Regent), Followers: 40 1st level (Waspfolk Servant), 4 2nd Waspfolk Overseer (Clr 4); CR 4; LA +2; HD 4d8+8; hp
level (Waspfolk Private), 2 3rd level (Waspfolk Sergeant), 1 26 ;Init +2; Spd 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (Good);AC 24 (+2 Dex, +3
4th level (Waspfolk Spy); 1 5th level (Waspfolk Overseer) natural, +9 breastplate +1 & heavy wooden shield +1),
touch 12, flat 22 ;BAB +3;Gpl +6;Atk +1 battleaxe +8
Waspfolk Servant; CR ½; LA +2; HD 1d4; hp 2; Init +1; melee (1d8+3;x3) ; Full Atk (Same);Face/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.;
Spd 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (Good); AC 11 (+1 Dex), touch 11, flat SA Poison, turn undead; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., spells; SV
10; BAB +0; Grp +1; Atk Dagger +1 melee (1d4+1); Full Fort +6, Reflex +3, Will +7; Str 16, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10,
Atk (Same); Face/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA: Poison; SQ Wis 16, Cha 6
Darkvision 60 ft.; SV Fort +1, Reflex +1, Will +0; Str 13, Skills and Feats: Concentration +9, Knowledge (Religion)
Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 9 +7; Cleave, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Heavy Mace)D
Skills and Feats: Spot +0, Listen +4, Profession (Servant) Feat of Strength (Su): +4 Strength bonus 1x/day as a free
+7; Skill Focus (Profession) action. Lasts 1 round.
Gear: Dagger (2 gp) Poison DC 14
Poison DC 12 Turn Undead (Su): 1x/day; Turn Check 1d20-2; Turn
Waspfolk Private (War 1); CR 1; LA +2; HD 1d8; hp 4; Damage: 2d6+2
Init +1; Spd 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (Good); AC 20 (+1 Dex, +3
natural, +6 scale mail & heavy wooden shield), touch 11, Typical Cleric Spells
flat 19; BAB +1; Grp +2; Atk Spear +3 melee (1d8+1 + (5/5/4;CL 4;DC 13 + Spell Level; Domain: Strength,
poison;x3); Full Atk (Same); Face/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA: War)
Poison; SQ Darkvision 60 ft.; SV Fort +1, Reflex +3, Will 0: Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Guidance,
+2; Str 13, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 9 Resistance, Virtue
Skills and Feats: Spot +2, Listen +2; Weapon Focus 1st: Bane, Bless, Command, Magic WeaponD, Shield of
(Spear) Faith
Gear: scale mail (50 gp), heavy wooden shield (7 gp), 2nd: Aid, Bull’s StrengthD, Cure Moderate Wounds, Death
spear (2 gp) Knell

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Waspfolk Co-Regent (Ftr 11); CR 12; LA +2; HD
11d10+11; hp 71; Init +3; Move 20 ft, fly 40 ft. (Good); AC
28 (+3 Dex, +3 natural, +12 breastplate +3 & heavy
wooden shield +2), touch 13, flat 25; BAB +11; Grp +16;
Atk +1 adamantine longsword +18 melee (1d8+8; 17-
20/x2); Full Atk +1 adamantine longsword +18/+13/+8
melee (1d8+8; 17-20/x2); Face/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA Poison
; SQ Darkvision 60 ft.; SV Fort +9, Reflex +7, Will +5; Str
21, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 11
Skills and Feats: Craft (Trapmaking) +9, Spot +8, Listen
+5, Knowledge (Nobility) +4, Knowledge (Tactics) +4;
Alertness, CleaveF, Combat Reflexes, Improved Critical
(Longsword)F, Improved SunderF, Iron Will, Power AttackF,
Weapon Focus (Longsword)F, Weapon Specialization
Gear: breastplate +3 (9,350 gp), heavy wooden shield +2
(4,153 gp), +1 Adamantine Longsword (5,015 gp), gauntlets
of ogre power (4,000 gp), cloak of protection +1 (1,000 gp),
potion of cure serious wounds (750 gp)
Total: 24,268 gp (27,000 gp)
Poison: DC 16

Knowledge – Tactics (INT; Trained Only)

This skill is a class skill for Fighters, Paladins and
This subskill of the Knowledge skill pertains to
combat tactics and effective means to entrap, capture or
outmaneuver foes, as well as determines the weak points of
a creature’s fighting style or attack methods.
Check: In many cases, you can use this skill to identify the
full attack routine of an opponent you are facing (most
useful BEFORE an attack begins). The DC of such a check
equals 10 + the monster’s HD/level.
You can also attempt to determine any combat-
related feats a creature may possess with a check equal to 12
+ the monster’s HD/level. With a successful check you
learn the monster’s favored or most deadly combat-related
feat. For every 2 points you beat the DC by, you learn of an
additional combat-related feat the creature has (if any).
Finally, you can attempt to determine any Special
Attacks a creature may possess with a check equal to 15 +
monster’s HD/level. With a successful check you learn the
monster’s favored or most deadly Special Attack. For every
5 points you beat the DC by, you learn of an additional
Special Attack the creature has (if any).
Action: Usually none. In most cases, making a Knowledge
check doesn’t take an action – you simply know the answer
or you don’t.
Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge for the
appropriate creature type you are analyzing, you gain a +2
synergy bonus to your Knowledge (Tactics) roll.

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Ister-suul General
The Ister-suul are a race of scaly amphibians who
have dedicated themselves to the Old ones. Their once-
powerful race was corrupted by their devotions to the
madness of the Old ones, and their island-cities disappeared
beneath the waves of the oceans many eons ago.
However, the Ister-suul never gave up the desire to
conquer, and even now they still strive to rebuild their fallen
empires to conquer the watery lands they inhabit and the dry
lands above.
The Old ones have gifted their race with bizarre
and powerful abilities to fulfill their twisted missions and
bring the other races closer into their diabolical web.

Ister-Suul on Amberos
On Amberos, the Old Ones were cast into the
Realm of Madness before any of the mortal races awakened
in the world. The Ister-Suul were the spawn of the
subsequent sea-titans of the Ancient Ones who won the
battle against the Old Ones, and the Ister-Suul built a
thriving kingdom under the seas that traded with the early
titan races.
When the great cataclysm that broke open Tsre
Vestu occurred, several ancient portals to the Old One’s
realms were revealed as they arose from the depths of the
ocean. The undersea kingdom of the Ister-Suul was nearly
destroyed by the rise of these portals in the form of the
continent of Hadjpt-Tuu. The survivors of the Ister-Suul
investigated these portals, and the awakened Old Ones
captured their race and began to subvert it.
The Ister-Suul can be found on Amberos off the
east coast. They often come into conflict with Nydonna’s
Sea Kingdom, and many Randu legends speak of their raids
of the eastern coast. The race has even at one point made an
attempt to destroy the Answan Suwat, which would allow
them to flood into the Forna Sea.

Insane Subtype: Creatures with the insane subtype are

mentally unbalanced. They are immune to mind-affecting
spells and effects. However, their insanity makes them less
in touch with reality, making illusions and phantasms more
effective against them. An insane creature suffers a –4
penalty to saves against glamers, patterns and phantasms.

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Ister-suul Chosen One generally better to soften up foes by using their minions
Medium Aberration (Amphibian, Insane) before allowing themselves to become involved in a fight. A
Hit Dice: 7d8+49 (80 hp) chosen one will use every advantage it has available, and
Initiative: +5 (+5 Dex) tends to concentrate its attacks on one opponent at a time to
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 70 ft. (average), bring foes low. Chosen ones usually strike at priests first,
swim 60 ft. (12 squares) then wizard-types, followed by warrior-types and rogues.
AC: 22 (+5 Dex, +7 natural), touch 15, flat 17 They will flee (usually via flight) a combat that is going
BAB/Grapple: +5/+9 against them, though they will often later return to harass or
Attack: Bite +9 melee (1d6+4) slay their opponents after they have healed and gained
Full Attack: Bite +9 melee (1d6+4)and 2 claw +4 sufficient minions to complete the task.
melee (1d4+2) Frightful Presence (Ex): Those opponents with 6
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. HD/levels or less viewing the true form of a chosen one
Height: 5 ft. 9 in. + 1d10 in. (6 ft. 2 in.) must make a Will save (DC 17) or become panicked for 2d4
Weight: 150 lbs. + 2d8 x 10 lbs. (240 lbs.) rounds. An opponent that succeeds on the saving throw is
Special Att: Frightful presence immune to that same creature’s frightful presence for 24
Special Qual: DR 10/cold iron, darkvision 60 ft., hours. Frightful presence is a mind-affecting fear effect.
regeneration 7, SR 17, spells Regeneration (Ex): A Chosen one regains 7 hit points per
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +7 round except from fire or acid attacks. An Ister-suul chosen
Abilities: S19 D21 C25 I17 W15 Ch18 one can regenerate a lost limb after a period of 1d3 hours.
Skills: Bluff +6, Concentration +12, Diplomacy Spells (Sp): A chosen one can cast spells as if it were a 7th
+14, Disguise +6, Forgery +5, Intimidate level cleric with the domains of Death and Destruction.
+6, Knowledge (religion) +8, Spell DCs are 12 + spell level. If the chosen one gains
Knowledge(the planes) +8, Listen +9, cleric levels, it casts spells as if it had +7 levels.
Spot +9, Use Magic Device +9
Feats: Alertness, Deceitful, Persuasive Typical Cleric Spell List
Environment: Temperate, Warm aquatic (6/6/5/3/2; CL 7;DC 12 + spell level; Domain Death,
Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), Colony (5-20), or Destruction)
Blight (20-40) 0th: Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Poison, Guidance, Light,
CR: 8 Resistance, Virtue
Treasure: Standard 1st: Bane, Cause FearD, Command, Detect Good, Doom,
Alignment: Always Neutral Evil Shield of Faith
Advancement: By character class 2nd: Darkness, Death KnellD, Enthrall, Hold Person
Level Adj: +7 3rd: ContagionD, Dispel Magic, Invisibility Purge
The creature throws back its hood to reveal a 4th: Greater Magic Weapon, Inflict Critical WoundsD
sleek, reptilian body and head that rises on a D = domain spell
thin neck. It sports three slitted eyes on its
wide, flat head, and seems to be covered in Chosen One as Characters
jagged scales that are pitted and oozing a foul- Each chosen one is a powerful individual touched
smelling liquid. A cloud of ephemeral, by the Realm of Madness, and it is thus not uncommon to
writhing snakes sprouts from the creature's find those with individual special abilities above and beyond
back, and a long, spiked reptilian tail unfurls the “standard” entry.
from under its robes. All chosen ones have the following abilities
Ister-suul chosen ones have taken a pilgrimage to the
Realm of Madness and returned as leaders for the Ister-suul • Medium size
community. • Base Movement Rate 30 feet, fly 70 feet
Chosen ones are clearly insane in the minds of all but (average), swim 60 feet
the Ister-suul. They feast on the flesh of their own kind, or • Aberration type
that of any other race they encounter. • Amphibian subtype
The chosen ones are exceptionally crafty, vicious and • 7d8 Racial hit dice. A chosen one adds 7x its
power-hungry. They will use their resources (usually other constitution modifier to this total (minimum 1 hit
Ister-suul) to the best of their ability to bring them more point per die).
power, glory and food. • +7 natural armor
Chosen ones speak Common and Isterain. They • Base Attack Bonus +5
generally know at least three other languages of creatures • Str +8, Dex +10, Con +14, Int +6, Wis +4, Chr
nearby. +8. A chosen one’s visit to the Realm of Madness
has made it inhumanly strong, quick and healthy.
Combat A chosen one must be intelligent, willful and have
Chosen ones relish engaging foes in one-on-one a strong personality to have survived the rigors of
combat, but are intelligent enough to realize that it is the Realm of Madness.

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• Base Fort +2, Reflex +2, Will +2 the old body, but has almost none of the memories of the
• (2 + Int modifier) x11 skill points. A chosen old Ister-Suul, and is slovenly devoted to Nazgaduum, even
one’s racial skills are Bluff, Concentration, more so than in his previous incarnation.
Diplomacy, Disguise, Forgery, Intimidate, The new chosen one normally does not return to its
Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (The Planes), homeland, but instead strikes out to start a new community
Listen, Spot, and Use Magic Device. of Ister-Suul, as supposedly directed by Nazgaduum.
• Natural Attacks. A chosen one gains a bite attack
that deals 1d6 + Str modifier and two claw attacks Become Chosen One
that deal 1d4 + ½ Str modifier. The claw attacks Conjuration (Calling)
are secondary. Level: Clr 3
• DR 10/Cold Iron (Su) Components: V, S, DF,M ,XP
• Spell Resistance (Su). A chosen one gains spell Casting Time: 1 hour
resistance of 13 + Chr modifier + level. Range: 0
• Regeneration (Su). A chosen one regenerates 7 Target: You
hit points per round except from fire or acid Duration: Special
attacks. It can regrow lost limbs after a period of Saving Throw: Will Negates
1d3 hours. Spell Resistance: Yes
• Spells. A chosen one can cast spells as if it were a Upon completion of this spell, you open a 10-foot
7th level cleric with the domains of Death and diameter freestanding rift to the Realm of Madness, which
Destruction. Spell DCs are 12 + spell level. If the proceeds to consume your sacrifices and yourself. If you
chosen one gains cleric levels, it casts spells as if it are deemed worthy by your sacrifice (1% chance per
had +7 levels. sacrificed victim + caster’s Charisma score), your remains
• Automatic Languages: Common, Isterain Bonus are spat back as a hunk of chewed flesh and bone onto the
Languages: Infernal, Abyssal, Aquan, Elvin. Mortal Plane, where in 3 days you emerge as an Ister-Suul
• Favored Class: Cleric Chosen One. If you are not deemed worthy, your sacrifice
• Level Adjustment: +7 and essence are consumed entirely. You cannot be brought
All chosen one Ister-Suul are the offspring of back by any means, including a Wish or Miracle.
Nazgaduum, The Old One, of the Realm of Nightmares. A Regardless whether you are accepted as worthy or
chosen one who takes cleric levels automatically must take not, the rift to the Realm of Madness closes the round after
the domains Death and Destruction. this spell is cast.
Material Component: 25 or more sentient (Int 3+)
Becoming A Chosen One creatures that are freshly slain and 1,000 gp in assorted
Chosen One are elevated from the ranks of
XP Cost: 47,000 XP
common and high Ister-Suul; generally speaking, there are
This spell is only known to Ister-Suul. Other races cannot
far more common Ister-Suul who become Chosen Ones than
normally cast this spell without discovering it somehow.
high Ister-Suul who desire to become chosen ones.
To become a Chosen One, an Ister-Suul must first
become a priest of Nazgaduum. After serving as a priest for
at least five years and reaching at least 5th levels, a
deserving priest may receive a vision quest from
Nazgaduum himself.
The vision quest usually involves a trek of the
priest and a handful of retainers to an area far from the Ister-
Suul homeland to an area somewhere on dry land. There,
the recipient of the vision quest is usually tasked with the
destruction of some settlement, and the enslavement or
sacrifice of its members. When performed properly, with a
sacrifice of no less than 25 individuals, the rite opens a rift
to the Realm of Madness, which devours the sacrifice and
the priest as well. The priest is instantly consumed and spat
back to the Mortal Realm as a hunk of dying flesh. The
retainers scatter, seemingly lost without their leader, but
lurking near the spot their leader dies.
However, three days after the priest is spat back to
the mortal realm, a worm-like creature emerges from the
husk of flesh, devouring it. Within hours, the creature molts
and becomes a Chosen One, and the dispersed retainers
return to follow the new Chosen One. The new Chosen One
retains the name and some of the physical characteristics of

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Ister-Suul Lord of Nightmares lines the creature’s midsection, extending from
Medium Outsider (Amphibian, Evil, Insane) the chest down and around the hips. A ropy
Hit Dice: 14d8+98 (161 hp) set of lizard-like tails writhe behind it, and the
Initiative: +8 very air around the creature seems to shift and
Speed: 30 ft., fly 70 ft. (average), swim 60 ft. shatter as you look at the creature. The
AC: 32 (+8 Dex, +8 natural, +6 bracers of ground around the foul creature likewise
armor +6), touch 18, flat 24 undulates and moves, and you think you catch
BAB/Grapple: +14/+20 a glimpse of your own face flicker across the
Attack: Bite +20 melee (1d6+6 + poison) or +2 rippling ground, the façade screaming for you
heavy mace of madness +23 melee (1d8+6 to run for your life.
+ confusion) The Ister-Suul Lord of Nightmares is the smallest
Full Attack: +2 heavy mace of madness +23/+18/+13 sliver of the foul sentience of the Realm of Madness made
melee (1d8+6 + confusion), bite +20 flesh. A Lord of Nightmares only occurs in areas where the
melee (1d6+6+ poison), 2 claws +15 Ister-Suul congregate and are able to open a fissure to the
melee (1d6+3) Realm of Madness. As part of the creation of a Lord of
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. Nightmares, an Ister-Suul Chosen One sacrifices its soul to
Height: 5 ft. 9 in. + 1d10 in. (6 ft. 2 in.) become the vessel for the Lord of Madness.
Weight: 150 lbs. + 2d8 x 10 lbs. (240 lbs.) The Lord of Madness has but one goal; to bend
Special Att: Create spawn, frightful presence, poison, reality to suit the spawning of creatures of the Realm of
rend 2d6+9, smite law, transfiguration Madness. Their very presence warps reality and those
Special Qual: Aura of Unreality, DR 15/cold iron and around them, making it deadly and hostile to mortal
good, darkvision 60 ft., regeneration 10, creatures not aligned with their home realm.
resist fire, electricity and cold 10, SR 23, A Lord of Madness speaks Isterain, Abyssal and
spells Infernal and can learn any language it hears within a minute.
Saves: Fort +16, Reflex +17, Will +13
Abilities: S22 D26 C24 I24 W19 Ch23 Combat
Skills: Bluff +25, Concentration +24, Diplomacy The Lord of Nightmares does not so much fight as convert
+23, Disguise +25, Forgery +26, Gather those it opposes to pliable matter suitable for use to expand
Information +23, Hide +25, Intimidate the Realm of Madness into the mortal world. Those who
+25, Knowledge (History) +24, oppose the Lord of Nightmares are literally torn to shreds
Knowledge (Local) +24, Knowledge either by its magical might and/or its physical fury.
(Religion) +24, Knowledge (The Planes) The Lord of Nightmares is surprisingly cunning
+24, Listen +23, Spot +23, Use Magic and crafty. While physically capable of rendering its foes
Device +23 into pliable matter with its overly strong claws, its mad
Feats: Ability Focus (Poison), Alertness, mind dreams up schemes to draw unsuspecting victims to
Deceitful, Improved Natural Attack their dooms in terrifying and gruesome manners. It is not
(Claw)B, Persuasive, Weapon Focus uncommon for a Lord of Nightmare to kill a single
(Heavy Mace) individual and replace them, only to later strike against the
Environment: Any Underwater original victim’s allies as they rest or sleep.
Organization: Solitary, Cult (1 + 2-5 Ister-Suul Chosen Aura of Unreality (Su): The physical universe breaks
Ones + 20-40 Common Ister-Suul + 1-4 down around a Lord of Nightmares. Unattended objects
High Ister-Suul) within 30 feet of the Lord of Nightmares take a diabolical
CR: 18 twist, taking a sinister and frightening appearance. The
Treasure: bracers of armor +6 (36,000 gp), +2 ground around a Lord of Nightmares is always treated as
heavy mace of madness (32,312 gp) rough terrain as it twists and gnarls into impossible and
Alignment: Always Neutral Evil frightening shapes. This effect moves with Lord of
Advancement: By Character Class Nightmares and objects and ground return to normal after
Level Adj: - the Lord of Nightmares leaves the area. However, an area
This misshapen creature is reminiscent of an subjected to the Lord of Nightmare’s aura for a constant
armored gorilla, covered in shimmering, period of 1 day or more are permanently altered.
snake-like scales. A feeble, ropy neck extends A Lord of Nightmares may choose to suppress this
from the body, which ends in an eye-covered ability when hiding or in disguise.
maw filled with dagger-like fangs. A smoking, Create Spawn (Su): Any living creature reduced to 0 or
moaning sky-blue ichors drips from the fangs, less hit points when within 30 feet of a Lord of Nightmares
evaporating before it strikes the ground. A must make a DC 24 Fort save or be transfigured into a
third, human-like but scale-covered arm common Ister-suul (with full hit points). Likewise, the Lord
protrudes over the creature’s back, holding a of Nightmares can cause any dead creature within 30 feet to
silver-green mace that is shaped like a vicious suddenly rise and animate as a zombie or skeleton. The
alligator’s sneering maw. A ruff of black hair Lord of Nightmares can control up to 56 HD of undead at

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any one time. Additional undead created become Typical Cleric Spell List
uncontrolled. (6/7/7/6/6/4/4/3; CL 14;DC 14 + spell level; Domain
Frightful Presence (Su): The very universe wavers and Death, Destruction)
changes around a Lord of Nightmares. Any creature within 0th: Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Poison, Guidance, Light,
viewing a Lord of Nightmares with its Aura of Unreality Resistance, Virtue
active must make a Will DC 23 save or become panicked. 1st: Bane, Cause FearD, Command, Detect Good, Doom,
An opponent that succeeds on the saving throw is immune Sanctuary, Shield of Faith
to same creature’s frightful presence for 24 hours. Frightful 2nd: Bull’s Strength, Darkness, Death KnellD, Enthrall,
presence is a mind-affecting fear effect. Hold Person, Owl’s Wisdom, Resist Energy
Poison (Su): The fangs of a Lord of Nightmares ooze 3rd: ContagionD, Deeper Darkness, Dispel Magic,
liquid ichors of the Realm of Madness that drives mortal Invisibility Purge, Meld into Stone
creatures insane as it infects them with distilled madness. 4th: Dimensional Anchor, Greater Magic Weapon, Inflict
(Injury; Fort DC 24; Init: 1d4 Wis; Sec: Insanity). The Critical WoundsD, Poison, Restoration, Spell
secondary effects mirror the spell, Insanity. Immunity
Regeneration (Su): A Lord of Nightmares regains 10 hit 5th: Greater Command, Plane Shift, Slay LivingD, True
points per round except from fire, acid or law-based attacks. Seeing
An Lord of Nightmares can regenerate a lost limb after a 6th: Animate Objects, Create UndeadD, Greater Dispel
period of 1 minute. Magic, Word of Recall
Rend (Ex): If a Lord of Nightmares hits a foe with both 7th: DestructionD, Summon Monster VII, Word of Chaos
claw attacks, it can rend the foe for an additional 2d6+9 D = domain spell
points of damage.
Smite Law (Su): Thrice per day, a Lord of Nightmares can Ister-Suul Lord of Nightmares on Amberos
add +4 to hit with one attack and deal an extra 14 points of There is no known permanent Lord of Nightmares
damage against lawful targets. It may not affect more than on Amberos or in the deep Ister-Suul empire to the north.
one attack a round this way. Nydonna’s Sea Kingdom has recorded three great wars
Spells: A Lord of Nightmares, cast spells as if it were a 14th against Lord of Nightmares in the past, but only with great
level cleric with the domains of Death and Destruction. sacrifice has the Nydonnans stopped and destroyed each
Spell DCs are 14 + spell level. If a Lord of Nightmares incarnation to date.
gains spellcaster or psionic levels in any class, it loses the However, the rising and sinking of the continent of
ability to cast spells as above and instead casts Hadjpt-Tuu is rumored to be controlled by the sole
spells/psionics as if it had +14 levels. imprisoned Lord of Nightmares who commands that foul
Transfiguration (Su): Any living creature that comes realm from watery caverns far below the continent’s
within 30 feet of a Lord of Nightmares must make a Fort surface.
DC 24 save or find their physical features warping to
become vile, frightening and disfiguring. If the save is
failed, the victim is Sickened by the changes that wrack
their body. If the victim fails five successive saving throws
against the transfiguration, they are transformed into a
common Ister-Suul. This latter transformation incapacitates
the victim for a round as they undergo the transformation.
Once transformed, only a Wish or Miracle can return the
victim to his former self.

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Common Ister-suul They will generally use their spells in closing, then charge
Medium Aberration (Amphibian, Insane) into melee to hack down their foes. Generally speaking, they
Hit Dice: 2d8+5 (14 hp) are fearless in combat, but can be forced to flee a superior
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) foe or made to retreat by their commanders.
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), swim 60 ft. (12 squares) Spell-like Abilities (Sp): A Common Ister-suul can use the
Armor Class: 21 (+1 Dex, +5 natural, +4 chain shirt, +1 following spell-like abilities. Caster level 2. Spell DCs are
light wooden shield), touch 11, flat 20 Charisma based.
BAB/Grapple: +1/+3 Cause Fear (DC 11) – 3x/day, Detect Magic – at will,
Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d6+2) or scimitar +3 Ghost Sound (DC 10) – at will, Dancing Lights – at will.
melee (1d6+1;18-20/x2)
Full Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d6+2) and 2 claw -2 Society
melee (1d4+1) or scimitar +3 melee From the time they hatch in their undersea caves,
(1d6+1;18-20/x2) Common Ister-suul are bathed in the bloody and subservient
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. society of their kind. Hatchlings are forced to fight for the
Height: 5 ft. 3 in. + 2d4 in. (5 ft. 8 in.) right to survive, and those that excel are quickly inducted
Weight: 100 lbs. + 2d4 x 5 lbs. (125 lbs.) into the local warrior house and trained in Ister-suul fighting
Special Att: - arts and their demented theology.
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., SR 12, spell-like Many Common Ister-suul bear scars or mutations
abilities from their association with the beings of the Realm of
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4 Madness, and nearly all are insanely "enlightened" about
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 13, their dark purpose through contact with the Realm of
Cha 11 Madness itself.
Skills: Balance -2, Climb +4, Escape Artist -2, Males and females are generally treated equally,
Hide -2, Jump +4, Listen +1, Move and Ister-suul seem only to care that an individual is tough
Silently -2, Sleight of Hand -2, Spot +6, enough to survive and aid in bringing dominion to the lands
Swim -8, Tumble -2 around them. A sense of family does not exist among the
Feats: Weapon Focus (Bite) Ister-suul, each Ister-suul is a cog in bringing the rule of the
Environment: Temperate or Warm aquatic Old ones to the lands, and they are only valuable when they
Organization: Solitary, Pair, Brood (2-5), Quest ( 1 Ister- can contribute to this end.
Suul Acolyte + 2-12 common Ister-Suul), Ister-suul tend to have horribly short lives, almost
Cult (1 Ister-Suul Apprentice + 5-20 always either dying at the hands of an enemy or by coming
common Ister-Suul) Colony (1-3 High into contact with the Realm of Madness itself - the latter
Ister-Suul + 5-20 Common Ister-Suul + being a highly prized death among the Ister-suul, reserved
10+ Low Ister-Suul), Mob (20-40), or for the greatest of heroes. However, there are some among
nation (1 Chosen One Ister-Suul + 2-5 the Ister-suul who survive the contact with the Realm of
High Ister-Suul + 40+ Common Ister-Suul Madness and become something even greater - a Chosen
+ 20+ Low Ister-Suul) one - which is considered a heartbeat's step away from the
CR: 2 Old Ones themselves.
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral evil Common Ister-Suul as Characters
Advancement: By character class Sometimes ister-suul become separated from their
Level Adj: +3 brethren and seek to strike out a life of their own. In
This reptilian humanoid is covered in extremely rare cases, some ister-suul seek to flee the
glistening red scales with black tips. Its yellow madness of their society before it consumes them.
eyes seem to burn with madness and its open Common ister-suul have the following abilities.
maw is filled with long, needle-like teeth. A
stubby tail projects from its back. • Medium size
Common Ister-suul are the rank and file of the Ister- • Base Movement Rate 30 ft, swim 60 ft.
suul war machine. Part sorcerer and part warrior, they are • Aberration type
bred to fight for their otherworldly masters and bring this • Amphibian subtype
world under their rule. • Darkvision 60 ft.
Common Ister-suul speak Common and Isterain. • +5 natural armor
They generally consider any being that does not know • 2d8 Racial hit dice. To this total the Common
Isterain to be unworthy to speaking to, and will only speak ister-suul adds 2x his Constitution modifier
in Common if pressed. (minimum 1 hit point per HD).
• Base Attack Bonus +1
Combat • Str +4, Dex +2, Con +2, Int +2, Wis +2. An ister-
Common Ister-suul tend to bring down their suul is raised for war but is intelligent enough to
opponents with sheer numbers and intense fighting drive. understand the ways of the Realm of Madness.

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• (2 + Int modifier) x 5 skill points. A Ister-Suul Acolyte
Common ister-suul’s racial skills are Jump, Spot, 2HD Common Ister-Suul Clr 5;hp: 45
and Swim. S14 D14 C15 I10 W18 Ch14;Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +11
• Natural Attack. A Common ister-suul has a bite Init: +6 Move: 20 ft., swim 40 ft.
attack that deals 1d6 + Str modifier damage and AC: 22 (+2 Dex, +5 natural, +5 scale mail +1), touch
two claw attacks that deal 1d4 + ½ Str modifier 12, flat 20
damage. The claws are considered secondary BAB/Grapple: +4/+6
attacks. Full Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d6+2), 2 claws +1 melee
• Spell Resistance (Su): A Common ister-suul (1d4+1)
gains spell resistance 11 + Chr modifier + class Special Att: Death touch, smite, turn undead
levels. Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., SR 17, spell-like
• Spell-like Abilities: A Common Ister-suul can use abilities
the following spell-like abilities. Caster level Skills: Concentration +7, Knowledge (The Planes) +5,
equals character level. Spell DCs are Charisma Spot +9, Swim +6
based. Cause Fear – 3x/day, Detect Magic – at Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (Bite)
will, Ghost Sound – at will, Dancing Lights – at CR: 7
will. Gear: scale mail +1 (1,200 gp), pearl of power (2nd level)
• Automatic Languages: Common, Isterain Bonus (4,000 gp), wand of cure moderate wounds (10 charges)
Languages: Abyssal, Infernal, Elvin. (900 gp)
• Favored Class: Fighter Total: 7,100 gp (7,200 gp)
• Level Adjustment: +3 Death Touch (Su): 1x/day melee touch attack. Roll 5d6; if
Ister-suul worship Nazgaduum, The Old One from total exceeds creature’s hit points, it dies. This is a death
the Realm of Madness. Priests of Nazgaduum may choose effect.
two of the three domains of Death, Destruction or Madness. Smite (Su): 1x/day may add +4 to hit, +5 to damage.
Turn Undead (Su): 5x/day; Turn Check 1d20+2; Turn
Damage 2d6+7
Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): Caster level 7; Cause Fear (DC
13) – 3x/day, Detect Magic – at will, Ghost Sound (DC 12)
– at will, Dancing Lights – at will.

Typical Cleric Spell List

(5/5/4/3;CL 5; DC 14 + Spell Level; Domain: Death,
0: Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Read Magic, Resistance
1st: Bane, Cause FearD, Doom, Entropic Shield, Shield of
2nd: Bull’s Strength, Death KnellD, Hold Person, Owl’s
3rd: Blindness/Deafness, ContagionD, Protection from
D = Domain Spell
The Ister-Suul Acolyte is prepared to begin his vision quest
to become a Chosen One.

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Ister-Suul Apprentice Gear: padded armor (5 gp)
2HD Common Ister-Suul Clr 3/Rog 4/Ftr 5;hp: 78
S16 D15 C13 I10 W14 Ch13;Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +10 Ister-Suul Initiate; CR 1; LA +0; Medium Aberration; HD
Init: +2 Move: 30 ft., swim 60 ft. 2d8; hp 4; Init +0; Move 30 ft.; AC 13 (+1 natural, +2
AC: 25 (+2 Dex, +5 natural, +8 mithral breastplate +3), leather), touch 11, flat 12; BAB +1; Grp +1; Atk Claw +1
touch 12, flat 23 melee (1d3); Full Atk 2 claws +1 melee (1d3), bite –4 melee
BAB/Grapple: +11/+14 (1d4); Face/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA -; SQ Darkvision 60 ft.; SV
Full Attack: +2 Greatsword +17/+12/+7 melee Fort +2, Reflex +0, Will +3; Str 12, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 8,
(2d6+8;17-20/x2) Wis 10, Cha 8
Special Att: Death touch, sneak attack +2d6, smite, Skills & Feats: Spot +5, Swim +5; Great Fortitude
turn undead Gear: leather armor(10 gp)
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., evasion, SR 24, spell-
like abilities, trap sense +1, uncanny
Skills: Bluff +5, Concentration +4, Diplomacy +7,
Disguise +5, Escape Artist +6, Gather Information
+5, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (Local) +4,
Knowledge (The Planes) +3, Listen +4, Sense
Motive +9, Spot +13, Swim +13
Feats: Alertness, Improved Critical (Greatsword)F,
Leadership, Negotiator, Persuasive, Skill Focus
(Intimidate), Weapon Focus (Greatsword)F,
Weapon Specialization (Greatsword)F
CR: 14
Gear: mithral breastplate +3 (13,200 gp), +2 greatsword
(8,350 gp), belt of giant strength +4 (16,000 gp),
cloak of charisma +2 (4,000 gp), wand of cure
light wounds (50 charges) (750 gp), wand of cure
serious wounds (10 charges) (2,250 gp)
Total: 40,550 gp (45,000 gp)
Death Touch (Su): 1x/day melee touch attack. Roll 5d6; if
total exceeds creature’s hit points, it dies. This is a death
Smite (Su): 1x/day may add +4 to hit, +3 to damage.
Turn Undead (Su): 3x/day; Turn Check 1d20; Turn
Damage 2d6+3
Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): Caster level 12; Cause Fear (DC
11) – 3x/day, Detect Magic – at will, Ghost Sound (DC 10)
– at will, Dancing Lights – at will.

Typical Cleric Spell List

(4/4/3;CL 3; DC 12 + Spell Level; Domain: Death,
0: Detect Magic, Guidance, Read Magic, Resistance
1st: Bane, Cause FearD, Entropic Shield, Shield of Faith
2nd: Death KnellD, Hold Person, Owl’s Wisdom
D = Domain Spell
Leadership Score: 12; Cohort: 9th level (Ister-Suul
Acolyte) ; Followers: 10 1st level (Proto-Ister-Suul), 1 2nd
level (Ister-Suul Initiate)

Proto-Ister-Suul; CR 1/3; LA +0; Medium Aberration; HD

1d8; hp 4; Init +0; Move 30 ft.; AC 12 (+1 natural, +1
padded), touch 11, flat 11; BAB +0; Grp +0; Atk Claw +0
melee (1d3); Full Atk 2 claws +0 melee (1d3), bite –5 melee
(1d4); Face/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA -; SQ Darkvision 60 ft.; SV
Fort +2, Reflex +0, Will +2; Str 12, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 8,
Wis 10, Cha 8
Skills & Feats: Spot +4, Swim +4; Great Fortitude

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Ister-Suul Devout Warrior Black Drake Mount; CR -; LA +3; Huge Dragon; HD
2 HD Common Ister-Suul (amphibian, extraplanar) Rog 6d12+6; hp 45; Init +0; Move 40 ft., fly 150 ft (poor); AC
1/Ftr 4/Bgd 10;hp: 106 17 (-2 size, +9 natural), touch 8, flat 17; BAB +6; Grp +16;
S27 D14 C12 I10 W15 Ch14;Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +4 Atk bite +7 melee (1d10+2); Full Atk Bite +7 melee
Init: +2 Move: 20 ft., swim 40 ft. (1d10+2), 2 claws +1 melee (1d8+1), tail slap +1 melee
AC: 29 (+2 Dex, +5 natural, +9 mithral half-plate +1, (2d4+1); SA Acid breath, magic strike; SQ blindsight 30 ft.,
+3 heavy wooden shield +1), touch 12, flat 27 acid immunity, darkvision 60 ft., frightful presence ; SV
BAB/Grapple: +15/+23 Fort +5, Reflex +5, Will +5; Str 15, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 10,
Full Attack: +1 vicious keen lance +25/+20/+15 melee Wis 15, Cha 12
(1d8+8 + 2d6 [1d6 to self] ;19-20/x3) or Skills & Feats: Hide +1*, Listen +11, Move Silently +9,
(charge) +1 vicious keen lance +27 melee Search +11, Sense Motive +11, Spot +11; Flyby Attack,
(3d8+24 + 2d6 [1d6 to self];19-20/x3) Snatch, Weapon Focus (Bite); *A black drake gains a +8
+1 unholy scimitar +22/+17/+12 melee hide bonus in natural surroundings.
(1d6+11 + 2d6 unholy;15-20/x2) or Acid Breath (Ex): A black drake can breathe a line of acid
+1 composite longbow of shock (+8 Str) 5 feet wide and 60 feet long once every three rounds. The
+18/+13/+8 melee (1d8+8 +1d6 acid deals 6d4 damage to targets. A successful Reflex save
electricity; x3) DC 14 halves the damage from the attack. A black drake
(rapid shot) +1 composite longbow of can breathe its breath weapon once every four rounds.
shock (+8 Str) +16/+16/+11/+6 (1d8+8 + Frightful Presence (Ex): Creatures with 6 HD/levels or
1d6 electricity;x3) less within 30 feet must make a Will save DC 14 or be
Special Att: Smite good 4x/day, sneak attack +4d6 shaken.
Special Qual: Aura of despair, aura of evil, command Magic Strike (Su): A black drake’s natural attacks are
undead, dark blessing, darkvision 60 ft., treated as magic for the purposes of bypassing DR.
detect good, poison use, resist cold and
fire 5, spell-like abilities, SR 22,
Skills: Bluff +6, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +6, Gather
Information +6, Hide +2, Knowledge (Religion)
+2, Move Silently +2, Ride +16, Sense Motive +6,
Swim +9
Feats: Cleave, Improved Sunder, Mounted Archery,
Mounted Combat, Power AttackF, Rapid Shot,
Weapon Focus (Scimitar)F, Weapon Specialization
CR: 16
Gear: mithral full plate +1 (11,500 gp), heavy wooden
shield +1 (1,157 gp), +1 unholy scimitar (18,315
gp), +1 vicious keen lance (18,310 gp), +1
composite longbow of shock (9,200 gp), belt of
giant strength +4 (16,000 gp)
Total: 74,482 gp (77,000 gp)
Aura of Despair (Su): The Ister-Suul devout warrior
radiates a malign aura that causes enemies within 10 ft. of
him to take a –2 penalty on all saving throws.
Command Undead (Su): 5x/day; Rebuke Check: 1d20 +2;
Command: 2d6+10
Smite Good (Su): Four times a day, an Ister-Suul devout
warrior adds +2 to his attack roll and deals +10 damage to
good creatures.

Typical Blackguard Spell List

(3/3/2/1; CL 10; DC 12 + Spell level)
1st: Corrupt Weapon, Doom, Summon Monster I
2nd: Cure Moderate Wounds, Death Knell, Eagle’s
3rd: Contagion, Protection From Energy
4th: Poison

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High Ister-suul Combat
Medium Aberration (Amphibian, Insane) High Ister-suul generally depend on Common
Hit Dice: 5d8+10 (32 hp) Ister-suul to fight to protect them, while they hang back and
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) either observe the combat or toss spells into the fray. They
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), swim 60 ft. (12 squares) have no compunction about tossing area effect spells into
AC: 18 (+2 Dex, +6 natural), touch 12, flat 16 the middle of their own kind, nor do they hold forces back
BAB/Grapple: +3/+5 in an attack or are likely to grant mercy to a foe. High Ister-
Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d6+2) suul will defer to the will of a Chosen one, and have been
Full Attack: Bite +5 melee and 2 claw +0 melee known to be forced into combat by their kind. If a combat
(1d4+1) goes against a high one, they will often retreat, to later
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. regroup or otherwise seek revenge against their assailants.
Height: 5 ft. 6 in. + 1d8 in. (5 ft. 10 in.) Fast Healing (Ex): A high one regains hit points at an
Weight: 125 lbs + 2d8 x 5 lbs. (170 lbs.) exceptionally fast rate. Except where noted here, fast
Special Att: - healing is just like natural healing. Fast healing does not
Special Qual: Darkvision 60ft., fast healing 3, spell restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation,
resistance 15, spells-like abilities and it does not allow a creature to regrow lost body parts.
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 Spells: High Ister-suul can cast spells as if they were a 5th
Abilities: S15 D15 C15 I15 W13 Ch17 level sorcerer. They prefer necromantic, divination and
Skills: Bluff +9, Disguise +7, Gather Information summoning magics. Their spell DCs are 12 + spell level. If
+7, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (nobility) they take levels in sorcerer, they act as if they were 5 levels
+6, Listen +1, Sense Motive +5, Spot +9 higher.
Feats: Persuasive, Spell Penetration Spell-like Abilities (Sp): Due to their misbegotten
Environment: Temperate, Warm aquatic heritage, high Ister-Suul can draw on a wide variety of
Organization: Solitary, Pair, Covey (2-5), House (1 innate magics. However, the actual innate magical abilities
Patriarch/Matriarch + 2-12 High Ister- they possess are often random. A high Ister-Suul has the
Suul + 1-5 common Ister-Suul + 1-10 low ability to use two 0-level spells as an innate spell-like
Ister-Suul), Tribe (1 Progenitor + 1- ability, useable at will, and one 1st-level spell as an innate
Patriarch + 1 Matriarch + 2-12 High Ister- spell-like ability once a day.
Suul + 5-20 common Ister-Suul + 6-30
low Ister-Suul + 0-1 Typical Sorcerer Spell List
CR: 6 (6/7/5;CL5;DC 12 + spell level)
Treasure: Double coins, standard items, Double 0th: Dancing Lights, Detect Poison, Flare, Ray of Frost,
magic Resistance, Touch of Fatigue
Alignment: Always neutral evil 1st: Cause Fear, Mage Armor, Ray of Enfeeblement, True
Advancement: By character class Strike
Level Adj: +4 2nd: Detect Thought, Summon Monster II
This lizard-like humanoid is covered in black
scales that glisten in the light. Its head is flat Society
and wide, with glowing yellow eyes. It is It is the high Ister-suul who conducts the day-to-
dressed in robes that seem to be made of hair, day ruling of an Ister-suul community. Many high ones are
which has been decorated with all sorts of drunk with power, and they generally engage themselves in
grisly trophies from creatures slain by the watching common Ister-suul fight for their benefit or
wearer. conduct petty raids against nearby settlements for pleasure.
The high Ister-suul are the nobility of their bizarre The high Ister-Suul actually fear their mad gods, and
race. Each is born insane, with knowledge of many secretly curse their existence. Most Ister-Suul are proud and
generations before it, and a perverse understanding of the insane enough to believe themselves better than the deities
Realm of Madness and the desires of the races masters. who watch over their race, and will even take opportunities
The high Ister-suul cruelly drive their race to conquer to interfere with or discredit their deities or the Chosen Ones
others, while at the same time feeding on their own race. who have allied themselves with the deities.
They engage in the most horrific practices - cannibalism, Most high ones are in direct competition with each
blood sacrifices and the wearing of robes made of the hair of other as well, and there tends to be an unspoken hierarchy
their humanoid victims - along with skulls, ribs and other among them, based on how much individual power each
bones of those they have conquered. wields. It is not uncommon for the various high ones to test
High Ister-suul speak Common, Isterain and infernal. each other's power and resolve, and the weak are quickly
They generally regard those who cannot speak Isterain as removed and their bones turned into trophies for the
unworthy of their notice. winners.
Unlike the common Ister-suul, high ones generally
congregate in family-like groups along blood relations. Each
family is horribly inbred due to their fear of other family

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groups, and mutations abound among their kind. After and it does not allow a creature to regrow lost body
their death, a high Ister-suul is reincarnated in the next parts.
family birth back into the same family group, creating an • Spell Resistance (Su): A high ister-suul gains
odd familiarity and deference among the groups. Generally, spell resistance of 12 + Chr modifier + class levels.
any family member disposed by others within its group are • Spells: A high ister-suul can cast spells as if they
not reborn into the same family, and may, in fact, be reborn were 5th level sorcerers. Their spell DC’s are 10 +
into a family inimical to the former family. Family groups Chr modifier + spell level. If they take levels in
tend to stick together and support each other to a point; sorcerer, they act as if they were 5 levels higher.
however, any high Ister-suul that is perceived as weak or as • Spell-like Abilities (Sp): Due to their misbegotten
a liability is quickly removed from the group, and a special heritage, high Ister-Suul can draw on a wide
rite is conducted that removes the offender from the variety of innate magics. However, the actual
reincarnation pool. innate magical abilities they possess are often
The rarest of all high Ister-Suul is the legendary random. A high Ister-Suul has the ability to use
progenitors – said to be the first Ister-Suul of the race who two 0-level spells as an innate spell-like ability,
contacted the Realm of Madness and spawned the first useable at will, and one 1st-level spell as an innate
highborn families. According to Ister-Suul legend, there are spell-like ability once a day. The player may pick
13 such progenitors, one for each of the great families found the abilities or randomly determine them, as the
among all Ister-Suul clans. In rare instances, these GM desires.
progenitors manifest on the Mortal plane and direct their • Natural Attacks. A high Ister-suul has a bite
children to some mad scheme of their mad gods. While attack that deals 1d6 + Str modifier damage and
they can be slain on the Mortal plane, such death only two claws attacks that deal 1d4+ ½ Str modifier
returns the progenitor howling back to the Realm of damage. The claws are secondary attacks.
Madness until they can gather enough strength to return • Automatic Languages: Common, Isterain Bonus
again – usually a process that takes no less than one hundred Languages: Abyssal, Aquan, Infernal and Elvin.
years. • Favored Class: Sorcerer
• Level Adjustment: +4
High Ister-suul as Characters High Ister-Suul worship/fear Nazgaduum, The Old
Some high ister-suul delve into dark studies to One, of the Realm of Madness. High Ister-Suul fear
become stronger than their brethren. In other cases, a high Nazgaduum greatly and never willingly become clerics for
ister-suul may seek release from the insane community it fear of being consumed by the mad god.
has been bound to and strike out on its own.
High ister-suul have the following abilities.
• Medium size
• Aberration type
• Amphibian and Insane subtype
• Base move 30 ft., swim 60 ft.
• Darkvision 60 ft.
• 5d8 racial Hit Dice. To this total, the high ister-
suul adds 5x his Constitution modifier (minimum 1
hit point per HD)
• Base Attack Bonus +3
• +6 Natural armor
• Str +4, Dex +4, Con +4, Int +4, Wis +2, Chr +6.
High ister-suul are physically superior specimens,
though their wisdom is slightly hampered by their
inbreeding. They are superior leaders of their
brethren, however.
• Base Fort +1, Reflex +1, Will +4
• (2 + Int modifier) x 8 skill points. A high ister-
suul’s racial skills are Bluff, Disguise, Gather
Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (Nobility),
Sense Motive, Spot and Swim.
• Fast Healing (Su): A high one regains hit points at
an exceptionally fast rate of 3 hit points per round.
Except where noted here, fast healing is just like
natural healing. Fast healing does not restore hit
points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation,

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High Ister-Suul Noble High Ister-Suul Patriarch
5HD high Ister-Suul (amphibian, insane) Sor 5;hp: 55 5HD high Ister-Suul (amphibian, insane) Sor 11;hp: 82
S12 D16 C14 I18 W15 Ch25;Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +10 S12 D16 C14 I18 W15 Ch31;Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +13
Init: +3 Move: 30 ft., swim 60 ft. Init: +3 Move: 30 ft., swim 60 ft.
AC: 24 (+3 Dex, +7 natural, +3 bracers of armor +3, AC: 24 (+3 Dex, +7 natural, +3 bracers of armor +3,
+1 dusty rose ioun stone), touch 14, flat 21 +1 dusty rose ioun stone), touch 14, flat 21
BAB/Grapple: +5/+6 BAB/Grapple: +8/+9
Full Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d6+1), 2 claws +1 melee Full Attack: Bite +9 melee (1d6+1), 2 claws +4 melee
(1d4) (1d4)
Special Att: - Special Att: -
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 3, spell Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 3, spell
resistance 23, spells-like abilities resistance 31, spells-like abilities
Skills: Bluff +17, Concentration +7, Disguise +15, Gather Skills: Bluff +19, Concentration +13, Disguise +17,
Information +15, Intimidate +17, Knowledge Gather Information +17, Listen +2, Intimidate +19,
(Nobility) +12, Listen +2, Sense Motive +10, Knowledge (Nobility) +12, Sense Motive +10,
Spellcraft +9, Swim +1 Spellcraft +15, Swim +1
Feats: Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment), Persuasive, Feats: Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment), Improved
Spell Focus (Enchantment), Spell Penetration Natural Armor, Leadership, Persuasive, Spell
CR: 11 Focus (Enchantment), Spell Penetration
Gear: bracers of armor +3 (9,000 gp), cloak of charisma CR: 17
+2 (4,000 gp), hat of disguise (1,800 gp), dusty Gear: bracers of armor +6 (36,000 gp), cloak of
rose ioun stone (5,000 gp), potion of cure moderate charisma +6 (36,000 gp), hat of disguise (1,800
wounds (300 gp) gp), dusty rose ioun stone (5,000 gp), potion of
Total: 20,100 gp (21,000 gp) cure moderate wounds (300 gp)
Spell-like Abilities (Sp): Detect Magic – at will, Ghost Total: 20,100 gp (100,000 gp)
Sound – at will, Sleep (DC 18) – 1x/day Spell-like Abilities (Sp): Detect Magic – at will, Ghost
Typical Sorcerer Spell List Sound – at will, Sleep (DC 21) – 1x/day
(6/8/8/7/6/4; CL 10; DC 16 + Spell level) Typical Sorcerer Spell List
0: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Daze*, Dancing Lights, (6/8/8/7/6/4; CL 10; DC 20 + Spell level)
Disrupt Undead, Light, Message, Open/Close, 0: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Daze*, Dancing Lights,
Prestidigitation Disrupt Undead, Light, Message, Open/Close,
1st: Hypnotism*, Obscuring Mist, Reduce Person, Silent Prestidigitation
Image, Ventriloquism 1st: Hypnotism*, Obscuring Mist, Reduce Person, Silent
2nd: Acid Arrow, Detect Thoughts, Hideous Laughter*, Image, Ventriloquism
Resist Energy 2nd: Acid Arrow, Detect Thoughts, Hideous Laughter*,
3rd: Displacement, Lightning Bolt, Ray of Exhaustion, Resist Energy
Suggestion* 3rd: Displacement, Lightning Bolt, Ray of Exhaustion,
4th: Confusion*, Shadow Conjuration Suggestion*
5th: Feeblemind* 4th: Confusion*, Shadow Conjuration
* Enchantment spell; +2 DC 5th: Feeblemind*
* Enchantment spell; +2 DC

Leadership Score: 26; Cohort: 17th level (Ister-Suul

Highlord); Followers: 135 1st level (Proto Ister-Suul), 13 2nd
level (Ister-Suul Initiate), 7 3rd level (High Ister-Suul
Youngling), 4 4th level (Low Ister-Suul), 2 5th level
(Common Ister-Suul), 2 6th level (Common Ister-Suul

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Ister-Suul Highborn; CR 6; LA +3; Medium Common Ister-Suul Warrior (Ftr 1); CR 3; LA +3;
Aberration (Amphibious, Insane);HD 4d8+8; hp 26; Init +3; Medium Aberration (Amphibian, Insane); HD 2d8 + 1d10 +
Mv 30 ft, swim 60 ft; AC 22 (+3 Dex, +6 natural, +2 6; hp: 20; Init +3; Spd 20 ft., swim 40 ft; AC 25 (+3 Dex,
bracers of armor +2, +1 ring of protection +1), touch 14, +5 natural, +7 scale mail +1 + mw heavy wooden shield),
flat 19; BAB +3; Grp +4; Atk Bite +4 melee (1d6+1); Full touch 13, flat 22; BAB +2; Gpl +6; Atk mw Scimitar +9
Atk Bite +4 melee (1d6+1), 2 claws –1 melee (1d4); melee (1d6+4;18-20/x2); Full Atk (same); Face/Reach 5
Face/Reach 5 ft./5 ft. ; SA -; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., SR 17; ft./5 ft.; SA -; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., SR 10, spell-like
SV ; Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 15, Cha 21 abilities; SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +6; Str 19, Dex 16, Con
Skills & Feats: Bluff +12, Disguise +15, Gather 15, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 8
Information +12, Knowledge (Nobility) +11, Sense Motive Skills & Feats: Balance –2, Climb +1, Listen +2, Ride +4,
+9, Spot +9; Extend Spell, Skill Focus (Disguise) Spot +7, Swim -4; Dodge, Power AttackF, Weapon Focus
Gear: bracers of armor+2 (4,000 gp), wand of magic (Bite)
missiles (CL 5; 10 charges) (750 gp), cloak of resistance +1 Gear: scale mail +1 (1,200 gp), mw heavy wooden shield
(1,000 gp), ring of protection +1 (2,000 gp), potion of cure (157 gp), mw scimitar (320 gp), potion of cure moderate
moderate wounds (300 gp), potion of eagle’s splendor (300 wounds (300 gp), potion of bull’s strength (300 gp)
gp), potion of protection from arrows 10/magic (300 gp) Total: 2,277 gp (2,500 gp)
Total: 8,650 gp (9,400 gp)

Typical Spell List

(6/6/3; CL 4; DC 15 + Spell Level)
0: Dancing Lights, Flare, Open/Close, Prestidigitation,
Ray of Frost, Touch of Fatigue
1st Animate Rope, Disguise Self, Summon Monster I
2nd: Minor Image
Proto-Ister-Suul; CR 1/3; LA +0; Medium Aberration; HD
1d8; hp 4; Init +0; Move 30 ft.; AC 12 (+1 natural, +1
padded), touch 11, flat 11; BAB +0; Grp +0; Atk Claw +0
melee (1d3); Full Atk 2 claws +0 melee (1d3), bite –5 melee
(1d4); Face/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA -; SQ Darkvision 60 ft.; SV
Fort +2, Reflex +0, Will +2; Str 12, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 8,
Wis 10, Cha 8
Skills & Feats: Spot +4, Swim +4; Great Fortitude
Gear: padded armor (5 gp)
Ister-Suul Initiate; CR 1; LA +0; Medium Aberration; HD
2d8; hp 4; Init +0; Move 30 ft.; AC 13 (+1 natural, +2
leather), touch 11, flat 12; BAB +1; Grp +1; Atk Claw +1
melee (1d3); Full Atk 2 claws +1 melee (1d3), bite –4 melee
(1d4); Face/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA -; SQ Darkvision 60 ft.; SV
Fort +2, Reflex +0, Will +3; Str 12, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 8,
Wis 10, Cha 8
Skills & Feats: Spot +5, Swim +5; Great Fortitude
Gear: leather armor(10 gp)
High Ister-Suul Youngling; CR 1; LA +1; Small
Aberration (Amphibious, Insane); HD 2d8; hp 4; Init +0;
Move 30 ft.; AC 13 (+1 natural, +2 leather), touch 11, flat
12; BAB +1; Gpl +2; Atk Bite +2 melee (1d4+1); Full Atk
Bite +2 melee (1d4+1), 2 claws –3 melee (1d3); Face/Reach
5 ft./5 ft.; SA -; SQ Darkvision 60 ft.; SV Fort +2, Reflex
+0, Will +3; Str 12, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 11
Skills & Feats: Spot +5, Swim +5; Great Fortitude
Gear: leather armor(10 gp)

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High Ister-Suul Progenitor
10HD Large high Ister-Suul (amphibian, extraplanar,
insane) Sor 11;hp: 174
S24 D18 C20 I22 W15 Ch34;Fort +13, Ref +10, Will +16
Init: +3 Move: 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (average), swim
60 ft.
AC: 36 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +10 natural, +5 amulet of
natural armor +5, +8 bracers of armor +8, +1
dusty rose ioun stone), touch 13, flat 33
BAB/Grapple: +13/+24
Full Attack: Bite +19 melee (1d8+1), 2 claws +14
melee (1d6)
Special Att: -
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 7, spell
resistance 38, spells-like abilities
Skills: Bluff +38, Concentration +16, Diplomacy +23,
Disguise +25, Gather Information +25, Intimidate
+25, Knowledge (Arcana) +17, Knowledge
(Nobility) +19, Listen +13, Profession (Bureaucrat)
+13, Sense Motive +17, Spellcraft +15, Spot +25,
Swim +20
Feats: Awesome Blow, Great Fortitude, Greater Spell
Focus (Enchantment), Improved Natural Armor,
Persuasive, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Sleep),
Spell Focus (Enchantment), Spell Penetration
CR: 22
Gear: bracers of armor +8 (64,000 gp), amulet of natural
armor +5 (50,000 gp), cloak of charisma +6
(36,000 gp), hat of disguise (1,800 gp), dusty rose
ioun stone (5,000 gp), staff of illusion (50 charges)
(65,000 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds (300
Total: 222,100 gp (265,000 gp)
Spell-like Abilities (Sp): Detect Magic – at will, Ghost
Sound – at will, Quickened Sleep (DC 23) – 1x/day,
Darkness – 3x/day, Desecrate – 1x/day, Unholy Blight –
1x/day, Poison – 3x/day, Contagion – 1x/day

Typical Sorcerer Spell List

(6/9/9/9/9/8/8/8/8/7; CL 21; DC 22 + Spell level)
0: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Daze*, Dancing Lights,
Disrupt Undead, Light, Message, Open/Close,
1st: Hypnotism*, Obscuring Mist, Reduce Person, Silent
Image, Ventriloquism
2nd: Acid Arrow, Detect Thoughts, Hideous Laughter*,
Resist Energy
3rd: Displacement, Lightning Bolt, Ray of Exhaustion,
4th: Black Tentacles, Confusion*, Phantasmal Killer,
Shadow Conjuration
5th: Cone of Cold, Feeblemind*, Lesser Planar Binding,
Mind Fog*
6th: Greater Dispel Magic, Mass Suggestion, Permanent
7th: Greater Teleport, Insanity*, Vision
8th: Clenched Fist, Demand*, Polymorph Any Object
9th: Mass Hold Monster*, Time Stop, Weird
* Enchantment spell; +2 DC

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Low Ister-suul Spells-like Abilities (Sp): Low Ister-suul are able to
Medium Aberration (Amphibian) perform a handful of cantrips per day, as follows.
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp) Daze 1x/day, Touch of Fatigue 1x/day, Ghost
Initiative: +0 Sound 1x/day. Each of these abilities is at 1st level ability.
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), swim 60 ft. (12 squares) Spell DCs are 10.
Armor Class: 15 (+5 natural), touch 10, flat 15
BAB/Grapple: 0/+3 Society
Attack: Claw +3 melee (1d4+3) Low Ister-suul are on the bottommost rung of Ister-
Full Attack: 2 Claw +3 melee (1d4+3) suul society. Without their work, the Ister empire would
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. surely collapse, but because of the social stigma attached to
Height: 5 ft. + 1d4 in. (5 ft. 2 in.) their caste, the Ister would never admit this.
Weight: 75 lbs. + 1d8 x 5 lbs. (95 lbs.) Perhaps one of the most curious aspects about the Low
Special Att: - Ister-suul is the fact that their kind does not reincarnate back
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., spell-like abilities into their race upon death. Thus, when a low Ister-suul dies,
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +2 it is dead to the race, and will not return. This is part of the
Abilities: S17 D10 C13 I11 W10 Ch10 reason for the social stigma attached to them, and why they
Skills: Craft (any one) +4, Listen 0, Profession do not reincarnate like the others is not known.
(any one) +2, +2 It is possible, though rare, for a low Ister-suul to be
Feats: Great Fortitude elevated to a higher caste. This only occurs when a high one
Environment: Temperate, Warm aquatic eats the heart of one of the low ones in a special ceremony
Organization: Solitary, Pair, Crew (2-5), Squad (5-20), that occurs once a year. Though a dreadful death, many low
or Mob (20-40) Ister-suul compete for the honor to rise in the ranks thusly.
CR: 1 The low Ister-suul replenish their number through
Treasure: ½ coins, no items or magic normal means, and low females are encouraged to produce
Alignment: Usually neutral evil clusters of eggs to keep the Ister-suul machine working -
Advancement: 2-6 HD (medium), 7-14 HD (large) without new clutches, the Ister-suul would simply eat their
Level Adj: +3 society from the inside out. In lean times, sometimes the
This green-scaled humanoid has a lizard-like low ones will be allowed to raid local settlements, and
face with bright yellow eyes. It skin glistens breeding with the women of those settlements. The resulting
with moisture, and its body seems to bulge child is always a low Ister-suul, which will be driven by
with muscles. instinct to launch itself into the sea and seek out the
Low Ister-Suul are the workforce of the Ister community it was bred from. In most cases, the Ister-suul
empires. They rarely exhibit the mutations of the other keep close eyes on these communities until the young return
classes, and tend to be less insane than their brethren. to the community.
However, they fear the ruler of the other Ister, and cower
before their masters, and are often the prey of the
cannibalistic desires of the high ones.
Ister-Suul are not trained to fight like the other
groups of Ister, though they may be pressed into combat if
the need for warm bodies is great enough. Outside of war,
low ones are often skilled workers who are forced to keep
the Ister society working.
Low Ister-Suul can speak Isterain. Many can also
speak haltingly in Common, but will never do so around
their betters.

Low Ister-suul are have few combat skills or
training, and only fight because they are pressed to do so. If
badly outmatched, they tend to quickly flee unless their
leader can somehow press them on to fight. Also, while they
possess human-level intelligence, they rarely apply this
knowledge to combat and thus it is unlikely they will
attempt to lure opponents into traps, plan ambushes or show
great creativity in combat. They are intelligent enough
however, to recognize the greatest threat to their person, and
will attempt to neutralize such threats as quickly as possible,
usually by engaging in melee.

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Jakken conducting raids, often masquerading as demonic creatures
when they do so.
Large Outsider (Air, Extraplanar, Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 10d8+60 (105 hp) Combat
Initiative: +3 Jakken are fierce fighters who bravely leap into a
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), fly 50 ft. (perfect) (10 combat. However, when losing, they have been know to
squares) flee, regardless of how their employers might object.
AC: 19 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +5 natural, +2 Normally, a Jakken will wade into the thick of a
insight), touch 14, flat 16 group of opponents and unleash with their whirlwind strike.
BAB/Grapple: +10/+18 Against a singular opponent, jakken will use their
Attack: Tiger claw +14 melee (1d6+4) shapechanging ability to take the form of a frightening and
Full Attack: primary tiger claws +12/+7 melee powerful creature and overwhelm their foe.
(1d6+4), off-hand tiger claw +12 melee Jakken are fond of taking slaves, and will usually
(1d6+2), bite +9 melee (1d8+2) spare any individual who begs for mercy or attempts to flee
Space/Reach: 10-ft./10 ft. a combat. Jakken normally keep an enslaved individual for
Height: 9 ft. + 2d4 in. (9 ft. 5 in.) one year of service, then release them with the promise they
Weight: 250 lbs. + 2d8 x 10 lbs. (340 lbs.) will not turn upon their master for a like amount of time (1
Special Att: Cold iron strike, whirlwind strike year).
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., DR 5/cold iron, flight, Cold Iron Strike (Su): A jakken’s natural attacks are
magic resistant, spell-like abilities, SR 28 treated as cold iron for the purposes of bypassing damage
Saves: Fort +13, Reflex +10, Will +10 reduction.
Abilities: S19 D17 C22 I14 W17 Ch16 Flight (Su): A jakken can move on the air as if it were
Skills: Appraise +15, Bluff +16, Craft solid ground. When using any ability that increases it
(Armorsmith) +15, Craft (Weaponsmith) ground speed, it can likewise use that ability to increase its
+15, Diplomacy +16, Hide +12, Listen air speed.
+3, Move Silently +16, Profession Spell-like Abilities (Sp): As a true genie, a jakken has
(Mercenary) +16, Spot +16, Tumble +16 access to several spell-like abilities. Caster level 10. All
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Skill Focus abilities are Charisma-based.
(Weaponsmith), Two-weapon fighting Baleful Polymorph (DC 17) – 1x/day, Call Lightning (DC
Environment: Any 16) - 2x/day, Longstrider – at will, Meld Into Stone –
Organization: Solitary or Pair (2) 1x/day, Polymorph – 3x/day, Pass without Trace – at will,
CR: 8 Protection from Energy – 3x/day
Treasure: Double Standard Whirlwind Strike (Su): As a full-attack action, a jakken
Alignment: Always Chaotic Neutral can make a full attack against all opponents within reach.
Advancement: 11-20 HD (Large), 21-30 HD (Huge) or
By Character Level Jakken on Amberos
Level Adj: -
Jakken are very rarely encountered on Amberos,
This humanoid stands nearly twice the height of a
though the Wa-Atari have in the past used Jakken
man and is covered in the soft fur of a leopard. Its
mercenaries to protect during the Randu Wars. Some Wa-
clawed hands are covered over by iron bands from
Atari still keep the unreliable genies as bodyguards, often
which protrude long, metal blades. It wears a
strengthening the jakken’s loyalty through magic coercion
sheer cloth robe made of a myriad of colors, and
or threat.
its leopard-like face is partial obscured by a cloth
turban. A soft breeze seems to flicker through its
clothing, and its feet barely seem to touch the
ground as it seems to glide on the air as it moves.
Jakken are a race of fierce genies that have the
appearance of a humanoid leopard. There are fierce
warriors and craftsmen, as well as skilled mercenaries and
arms traders. They normally engage themselves in the wars
between the genie races, both working for and against the
other genies for their own profit.
Jakken are untrustworthy, and will always attempt
to manipulate events to their profits. They are not beneath
setting up raids to steal from an individual while
masquerading as another being or race, only to show up to
sell replacements back to the former owner and negotiate to
act as bodyguards against future attacks or thefts.
Jakken speak Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Terran,
Infernal and Common. They often only use Infernal when

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Javelin Snake make a Fort save DC 11 + damage caused or be dropped to
–1 hit points instantly. The javelin snake deals 1d8 damage
Small Animal (Reptilian) when it strikes in this manner. Note that effects of the
Hit Dice: 2d8+6 (15 hp) Javelin snake’s poison takes effect before the save is made.
Initiative: +5 (+5 Dex) This is a death effect.
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) Poison (Ex): The bite of a javelin snake contains a deadly,
Armor Class: 18 (+1 size, +5 Dex, +2 natural), touch 16, fast-acting venom. Type: Injected; Fort save DC 14; Init:
flat 13 1d8 Con; Sec: 2d8 Con.
BAB/Grapple: +1/-3
Attack: Bite +2 melee (1d4+ poison) Javelin Snakes on Amberos
Full Attack: Bite +2 melee (1d4+ poison These deadly snakes seem to thrive in the
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. wilderness around Nyrr Ryann and in larger forests such as
Length: 2 ft. + 1d6 in. (2 ft. 3 in.) Kennestone woods and the Yaz forest. They seem to be
Weight: 1d4 lbs. (2 lbs.) rarer in the west than the east.
Special Att: Death strike, poison Some of the more evil druids have learned how to
Special Qual: Low-light vision, scent use Animal Trance to make the javelin snake become rigid
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +2 and use them as thrown javelins or as arrows for a longbow
Abilities: S11 D21 C17 I2 W15 Ch13 (the latter requires the use of feat, Shoot snake arrow,
Skills: Hide +14, Listen +2, Move Silently +10, below, or is treated as a non-proficient attack).
Spot +4
Feats: Stealthy
Shoot Snake Arrow
Environment: Temperate, Warm forests
Organization: Solitary, or Brood (2-5) You have trained how to fire javelin snakes from a longbow
CR: 2 as if they were an arrow.
Treasure: None Prerequisites: Proficiency with bow, BAB 4+
Alignment: Always neutral Benefit: You suffer no minus to hit when employing a
Advancement: 3-4 HD (Small); 5-6 HD (Medium) javelin snake as an arrow. A javelin snake arrow deals 1d8
Level Adj: - damage (plus any applicable Strength bonus if the bow is a
Amid the trees you spot a snake as green as mighty bow), plus its poison attack with a critical range of
the leafy canopy that surrounds it. It has 20/x2 (instead of a bow’s normal critical range). The
gleaming yellow eyes, and its fangs drip with a javelin snake is not harmed when used in this manner.
foul venom. It makes practically no sound as it Special: Only a javelin snake that has been charmed or
glides among the tree limbs. otherwise rendered friendly will allow itself to used in this
Javelin snakes are deadly predators that prefer to manner. After being used as an arrow, a charmed javelin
strike from the canopy of trees. Their head is long and sharp snake receives a new save at a +4 bonus to break the charm.
like a spearhead, and their body has the amazing ability to
become rigid like a shaft of a spear. Coupled with their
ability to leap great distances they have a deadly attack that
grants them their name.
Oddly, javelin snakes have a love of wine, and will
often attack those bearing wine in preference to all others.
Once they have dispatched with their foes, the snakes often
indulge themselves in a drink of the victim's wine.

Javelin snakes strike by first hiding among tree
limbs above an opponent and waiting for the opponent to
close. As the opponent nears, the snake coils up then springs
out of the branches, becoming as strait and rigid as a spear
shaft. They aim for the heart or other vital organs of their
foe, and the force with which they hit usually pierces deep
into the victim, where the snake injects its venom into the
wound before pulling out. The effect is usually an almost
instantaneous kill.
Death Strike (Ex): As a special charge action that only
works against flat-footed opponents, a Javelin snake can
attempt to take an opponent out with a single spear-like
strike to the victim’s heart or other vital organs. If the
javelin snake hits with the death strike, the victim must

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Jaqai drained a foe dry of spells or other forms of magical attacks,
it will slink away and hide.
Tiny Magical Beast Spells: A Jaqai can cast spells as if it were a 12th level
Hit Dice: 6d10+12 (45 hp) wizard. The spell DC is 14 + spell level. A Jaqai’s
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) “spellbook” is it’s own skin. When it learns a new spell, the
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 20 ft. (4 squares) spell appears on the Jaqai’s skin.
Armor Class: 17 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural), touch 15,
flat 14 Typical Wizard Spell List
BAB/Grapple: +6/-6 (4/5/5/5/4/3/2; CL 12;DC 14 + spell level)
Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d3-4) 0th: Acid Splash, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Resistance
Full Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d3-4) 1st: Color Spray, Identify, Obscuring Mist, Magic Missile,
Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./0 ft. Unseen Servant
Height: 8 in. + 1d4 in. (10 in.) 2nd: Blur, Invisibility, Resist Energy, Rope Trick, Web
Weight: 1 lb. 3rd: Dispel Magic (x2), Deep Slumber, Fireball, Suggestion
Special Att: Steal Magic 4th: Black Tentacles, Dimension Door, Mnemonic Enhancer,
Special Qual: DR 20/magic +5, darkvision 60 ft., low- Reduce Person
light vision, spell resistance 22, spells, XP 5th: Cone of Cold, False Vision, Hold Monster
reserve 6th: Greater Dispel Magic, Repulsion
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +3
Abilities: S3 D17 C15 I19 W13 Ch16 Steal Magic (Su): As a touch attack, or if the Jaqai has a
Skills: Climb +13, Concentration +15, Hide +21, readied action, it can attempt to absorb spells from
Jump +5, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Listen spellcasters. If touching a spellcaster, the victim must make
+5, Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +8, Spot a DC 16 Will save or lose their highest level spell slot
+6, Use Magic Device +12 permanently. A lost spell slot can only be regained by use
Feats: Brew Potion, Combat CastingB, Craft of a Greater Restoration, Limited Wish, Wish or Miracle
Wand, Craft Wondrous Item, Eschew spell.
MaterialsB, Improved CounterspellB If the Jaqai had readied an action to absorb a spell, it makes
Environment: Warm land a level check as if attempting to dispel the spell (+9 to its
Organization: Solitary, or Cluster (2-5) roll). If the Jaqai succeeds, the spell is harmlessly dispelled.
CR: 12 Note that this check is made after any spell resistance has
Treasure: Standard coins and art, double magic been checked first.
Alignment: Always neutral XP Reserve (Ex): For the purposes of magic item creation,
Advancement: 7-12 HD (Tiny); 13-18 HD (Small) a Jaqai is assumed to have an extra 3,000 XP. This XP may
Level Adj: - only be used to spend on magic item creation.
This small green lizard resembles an oversized Skills: A Jaqai gains a +10 racial bonus to its climb and hide
gecko. However, its green body is covered by skill, and uses its dexterity instead of its strength to climb.
strange glowing blue sigils and its body seems
to crackle with magical energy. Jaqai on Amberos
Jaqai are magical lizards who are master spellcasters.
These creatures often make themselves home in the
They are often found in deep deserts or in the canopy of
Yaz Jungle or can be found in the wilderness areas of
wild jungles, watching for spellcasters. When they discover
Llannhanex or Iiannhanex. However, at least one colony of
the presence of a spellcaster, they will watch and observe
Jaqai is known to also inhabit Arocnek.
the individual for some time.
If the individual proves to be one who appears civil
and that talking to the spellcaster would not prove fatal, the
Jaqai will generally approach and offer an exchange of
magic items or spells.
If the individual proves himself or herself to be
destructive (regardless of being good or evil), the Jaqai will
wait until an opportunity to ambush the individual presents
itself, and then it will attempt to use its Steal Magic ability
to render the individual harmless.
Jaqai speak Common, druidic and draconic.

If Jaqai are forced to fight, they attempt to stay out
of the range of melee combat and use their magical ability to
goad and suck up magic from an opponent. Once it has

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Kafurii It may attack with claws, or use an obsidian scimitar
covered in its own body flames. If an opponent stays at
Large Elemental (Extraplanar, Fire) range, it will fight with its mighty longbow (made of steel),
Hit Dice: 7d8+21 (52 hp) utilizing arrows whose tips are covered in its own fiery
Initiative: +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) saliva. As it fights, it often jeers and taunts its opponent,
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 30 ft. (average)* attempting to lull them into overextending himself or herself
Armor Class: 21 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +11 natural), touch in a fit of rage.
10, flat 20 However, kafurii fear ice, and will flee if subjected
BAB/Grapple: +5/+14 to cold attacks or effects. Once they flee an opponent, they
Attack: Slam +9 melee (1d6+5 + 1d6 fire) or rarely return to settle the score, instead seeking easier prey
Scimitar +9 melee (1d6+5 + 1d6 fire; 18- elsewhere.
20/x2) or composite longbow (+5 Str) +6 Alternate Form (Su): A kafurii’s natural form is that of a
ranged (1d10+5 + 1d6 fire; x3) humanoid-shaped pillar of flame. As a move action, a
Full Attack: 2 Slams +9 melee (1d6+5 + 1d6 fire) or kafurii can douse its flames, becoming a humanoid
Scimitar +9 melee (1d6+5 + 1d6 fire; 18- seemingly shaped from ash. When in ashen form a kafurii
20/x2) or composite longbow +6 ranged cannot fly, nor can it use its breath weapon or fire burst
(1d10+5 + 1d6 fire;x3) abilities.
Space/Reach: 10-ft./10 ft. Breath Weapon (Su): Once a minute, a kafurii can breathe
Height: 9 ft. + 1d4 ft. (11 ft.) a searing cone of flame out to 20 feet. Those in the area of
Weight: 30 lbs. + 1d10 x 100 lbs. (530 lbs.) effect take 6d6 fire damage (DC 16 Reflex save for half).
Special Att: Breath weapon, fire burst Fire Burst (Su): Once per day, as a standard action, a
Special Qual: Alternate form, DR 10/magic +2, kafurii can unleash a wave of flame in a 20 foot burst.
darkvision 60 ft., elemental traits Those in the area of effect suffer 14d6 damage (DC 16
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +2 Reflex save for half). Kafurii normally use this ability at the
Abilities: S21 D12 C17 I11 W11 Ch13 start of a combat.
Skills: Hide +9*, Intimidate +6, Listen +5, Move Skills: A kafurii gains a +10 Hide bonus when in ashen
Silently +3, Spot +5 form, but it cannot fly in ashen form. A kafurii in fiery form
Feats: Blind Fighting, Improved Initiative, cannot attempt to hide.
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary, Cluster (2-5), or Swarm (5-20) Kafurii on Amberos
CR: 6 For many years just prior to the Dark Age, the
Treasure: None kafurii were a plague on the east of Amberos, ruling the
Alignment: Always chaotic evil lands from what is now Jsarath east and north to the border
Advancement: 8-14 HD (Large); 15-21 HD (Huge) of Simera. Ghan and his warriors battled with the kafurii
Level Adj: - for many years, and Ghan eventually bested their ruler and
A sudden bonfire seems to roar to life as a toppled their empire, taking the lands as his own. Most
humanoid form boils to life. It is vaguely ogre- kafurii now encountered are loners traveling from the
like, with fiery, butterfly-like wings and long elemental plane of fire to the lands of their old empire.
arms that end in fiery claws. They tend to attack Ghan on sight.
Vengeful fire spirits that are the enemies of all
things combustible, kafurii roam the world looking for items
to set ablaze and for living things to torture and kill.
Kafurii, in their natural form, appear to be ogre-
like creatures of flames with butterfly-like wings. However,
they are able to slow this combustion to the point they look
like an ashen, smoking husk with the barest frame for
wings. They often use this latter form to hide from
opponents and take them by surprise.
While kafurii are extraplanar beings, they are
almost never found on their home plane, instead preferring
to cause havoc on the Mortal Realm. If encountered in their
birth plane, they can be found in the City of Brass on the
Elemental Plane of Fire.
Kafurii speak Common, Ignan and Infernal.

When a kafurii makes itself known, it will
generally attack with a flame burst first, then close to melee.

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Kali-born summoned or find their own way to the prime material
plane, spreading war as they wade across various
Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar) battlefields. Kali-born can speak Celestial, Infernal,
Hit Dice: 6d8+24 (51 hp) Common and Terran.
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex)
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)in scale mail armor; base Combat
speed 30 ft. Kali-born enjoy wading into melee combat, but
Armor Class: 23 (+3 Dex, +6 natural, +4 scale mail usually will soften up masses of foes by peppering them
armor), touch 13, flat 20 with poison arrows first. Kali-born have been known to ride
BAB/Grapple: +6/+10 nightmares or other dire beasts into battle, though this
Attack: claw +10 melee (1d4+4 + 1 Str) prevents their fast healing ability from working properly.
or scimitar +10 melee (1d6+4;18-20/x2) Energy Drain (Su): The bite of a Kali-born drains 2 levels
or composite longbow (+4 Str) +10 from a victim. If the bite scores a critical hit, it drains 4
ranged (1d8+4 + poison;x3) levels. In return, the Kali-born gains 5 temporary hit points
Full Attack: 6 claws +10 melee (1d4+4 + 1 Str) and (10 on a critical hit) for each negative level it bestows on an
bite +8 melee (1d6+2 + level drain) opponent. These temporary hit points last for a maximum of
or 3 scimitars +10/+5 melee (1d6+4;18- 1 hour.
20/x2), 3 off-hand scimitars +8 melee Fast Healing (Ex): A Kali-born regains 4 hit points per
(1d6+2;18-20/x2) and bite +8 melee round while in contact with solid earth. Except where noted
(1d6+2 + level drain) here, fast healing is just like natural healing. Fast healing
or composite longbow +10/+5 ranged does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or
(1d8+4 + poison;x3) suffocation, and it does not allow a creature to regrow lost
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. body parts.
Height: 5 ft. 3 in. + 2d4 in. (5 ft. 8 in.) Multitask (Ex): A Kali-born is skilled enough that each of
Weight: 100 lbs. + 1d8 x 10 lbs. (140 lbs.) its three sets of hands may perform different tasks. For
Special Att: Energy drain, poison arrows, Strength example, it may use one pair of hands to fire a bow, the
drain second set to attack with a pair of scimitars and the third set
Special Qual: DR 15/good, darkvision 60 ft., fast of hands to strike with claws. If the Kali-born is able to cast
healing 4, multitask, outsider traits, SR 18 spells, it may use two free hands to cast a spell while its
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +7 other hands perform different tasks, but in so doing, it
Abilities: S19 D19 C19 I11 W14 Ch15 cannot make a bite attack. A Kali-born attacking with a
Skills: Balance +8, Climb +9, Escape Artist -1, ranged attack or spell while it is fighting with at least one
Hide +8, Jump +9, Listen +11, Move scimitar in another hand does not provoke an attack of
Silently +8, Ride +12, Sleight of Hand -1, opportunity.
Spot +11, Swim -4, Tumble -1 Poison Arrows (Ex): A Kali-born generally carries arrows
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Great Fortitude, treated with bloodroot poison for its longbow (Injury 12:
MultiattackB, Multiweapon Fighting DC 12; Init: 0; Sec: 1d4 Con + 1d3 Wis). A Kali-born
Environment: Agennomar usually carries 20 such arrows. Kali-born have no chance of
Organization: Solitary, or Company (2-5) accidentally poisoning themselves when using the arrows.
CR: 9 Strength Drain (Su): The claw attack of a Kali-born drains
Treasure: Standard 1 point of Strength per hit (DC 17 Fort to negate). For
Alignment: Always neutral evil every 2 points of Strength the Kali-born drains, it gains a
Advancement: 7-12 HD (Medium); 13-18 HD (Large) temporary +1 to hit and damage that lasts for 1 minute.
Level Adj: -
This black-skinned humanoid sports six arms, Kali-Born on Amberos
each holding a wicked scimitar. It has long,
On Amberos, Titanicus has apparently discovered
white hair, and tusk-like teeth protrude from
the way to create these creatures, and often uses them to
its mouth. The creature's eyes are milk white.
head those armies of Randu that he personally favors. They
It wears little more than a worn hide loincloth,
also have appeared in several places across the Skienlands,
though it sports many arcane tattoos across its
acting as assassins for the various Rajahs and Rhuks of the
lands who are foul enough to deal with them.
Kali-born are horrible outsiders that are the children
of a god of death and the earth. They are very mercenary in
nature, and often employed as assassins or shock troops in
an army. Kali-born can be male or female, though females
tend to be more predominant. The tattoos a Kali-born are
often marks of rank and skill, with more successful Kali-
born having bodies that are almost literally covered from
head to toe in gruesome tattoos. Kali-born can usually be
found battling on Grammar, though they are sometimes

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Koskie always do so fighting defensively to make it much harder
for them to be hit, while slowly whittling away at their foe.
Medium Outsider (Chaos, Evil, Extraplanar, Fire) Fast Healing (Ex): A koskie regains 4 hit points per round,
Hit Dice: 6d8+6 (33 hp) starting the round after it is damaged. Except where noted
Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex) here, fast healing is just like natural healing. Fast healing
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 60 ft. (average) does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or
Armor Class: 19 (+4 Dex, +5 natural), touch 14, flat 15 suffocation, and it does not allow a creature to regrow lost
BAB/Grapple: +6/+7 body parts.
Attack: Claw +7 melee (1d4+1) Witchcraft Dance (Su): A koskie can attempt to compel a
Full Attack: 2 Claw +7 melee (1d4+1) spellcaster to dance with it (Will DC 15 negates). Keeping
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. up with the koskie’s dance requires a DC 15 Perform
Height: 6 ft. + 2d8 in. (6 ft. 9 in.) (Dance) check per minute. At the end of the dance (which
Weight: 100 lbs + 1d10 x 10 lbs. (150 lbs.) usually lasts 2d4+1 minutes), if the spellcaster made all of
Special Att: - the dance rolls successfully, the spellcaster makes a
Special Qual: Blindsense, DR 10/magic +2, darkvision Spellcraft roll (DC 10 + the length of the dance, in minutes).
60 ft., fast healing 4, outsider traits, SR 18 If the spellcraft roll is successful, the spellcaster learns a
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +6 spell of the koskie’s choice equal to length of the dance in
Abilities: S13 D19 C13 I17 W13 Ch15 minutes. This new spell may be added to a wizard’s
Skills: Concentration +5, Craft +12, Disguise spellbook immediately, or a sorcerer may choose to replace
+11, Hide +13, Knowledge (arcana) +12, one spell he already knows with the new spell. Koskies
Knowledge (the planes) +12, Listen +1, prefer to teach spells of the Evocation, Enchantment or
Perform (Dance) +11, Sense Motive +10, Necromancy school, and prefer spells with the Evil or
Spellcraft +12, Spot +10, Tumble +13, Darkness descriptor. They will NEVER teach a spell with
Use Magic Device +11 the Good or Light descriptor. They may teach other spells
Feats: Combat Casting, Enlarge Spell, Extend even if they themselves cannot cast them.
Spell Spells (Su): A koskie can cast spells as a 6th level sorcerer.
Environment: Abyss Spell DCs are 13 + spell level. They may not choose spells
Organization: Solitary, Duo (2), Canter (3-5), Troupe (6- with the Good or Light descriptor. Given 15 minutes, a
10) koskie can switch out any known spell on its spell list with
CR: 7 another spell.
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always chaotic evil Typical Sorcerer Spell List
Advancement: 7-12 HD (Medium); 13-18 HD (Large) (6/7/6/3; CL 6; DC 13 + Spell Level)
Level Adj: - 0: Arcane Mark, Daze, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound,
This capering red humanoid has scaled skin Prestidigitation, Touch of Fatigue
and a pair of tiny ivory horns protruding from 1st: Cause Fear, Disguise Self, Ray of Enfeeblement, Silent
its head. Its eyes glow with an unholy light, Image
and its orange hair seems made of flames. Its 2nd: Ghoul Touch, Invisibility
legs have backward-bending knees, and its feet 3rd: Major Image
end in black coven hooves. It even has a long,
barbed tail. Koskie on Amberos
Koskies are demon sorcerers who often cavort with
Koskies are primarily found in Nauwflouwd,
powerful spellcasters from the Mortal Realm. They seem to
usually dwelling in so called “witches circles” in the high
be attracted to those with great magical power, and seem
mountains during the summer months and moving down
somehow able to make their presence known in the dreams
into the forested areas during winter.
of those they wish to summon them. Over a period of 1-3
weeks, these beings will reveal a spell to their target,
allowing them to be summoned to the Mortal Realm. Once
summoned, koskies attempt to engage their target in magical
dance, encouraging the spellcaster to use his magic as part
of the dance. If the individual performs well, the koskies
will, as part of the dance, reveal new spells to the caster.
koskies generally reveal one spell per day of dancing.
Koskies speak Abyssal and Common.

Koskies caper and dance about their opponent,
weaving spells into their odd dance. They rarely strike in
melee combat, and if they do engage in melee, they almost

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Kren’an’thor Combat
Kren’an’thor delight in ambush and striking from
Large Outsider (Extraplanar, Shapechanger, Shadow) unprotected quarters. They prefer to overwhelm the sense of
Hit Dice: 7d8+35 (66 hp) their opponent, preventing them from properly
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) counterattacking or defending themselves. If faced with
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), fly 50 ft. (average) determined or prepared foes, most Kren’an’thor quickly slip
Armor Class: 17 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural), touch 11, away to plot another avenue to attack their prey from.
flat 15 Fighting fair simply does not enter into the mind of a
BAB/Grapple: +7/+16 Kren’an’thor, and any cause is rarely worth their own
Attack: Bite +11 melee (1d8+5) deaths.
Full Attack: Bite +11 melee (1d8+5) and 2 claws +9 Kren’an’thor slain on the Mortal Realm are not
melee (1d6+2 + poison) and gore +9 truly dead. Their essence slips back to the plane of shadow,
melee (1d8+2) where over the next 30 days they reform. Most
Space/Reach: 10-ft./10 ft. Kren’an’thor, once reformed, seek elaborate revenge against
Height: 8 ft. + 2d8 in. (8 ft. 9 in.) those who thwarted them in the first place.
Weight: 250 lbs + 1d10 x 10 lbs (300 lbs) Frightful Presence (Ex): The mere presence of a
Special Att: Frightful presence, gaze, poison, summon Kren’an’thor is disturbing, as its shadowy body seems to
Special Qual: DR 10/cold iron, darkvision 60 ft., invade move, twitch and reshape from moment to moment. Anyone
dream, lesser magic resistance, outsider within 60 feet of a Kren’an’thor with 7 HD or levels or less
traits, plane shift, shapeshifting, SR 20 is automatically Shaken (-2 to attacks, saves, skill checks
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +6 and ability checks). Creatures within 30 feet with 7 HD or
Abilities: S21 D14 C21 I14 W13 Ch15 levels or less must make a DC 15 Will check or become
Skills: Bluff +12, Control Shape +11, Diplomacy Panicked. Creatures of 7HD or levels or more within 30 feet
+7, Disguise +12, Escape Artist +12, Hide must make the same check or become Shaken.
+10, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (arcana) Gaze (Su): The red, glowing eyes of a Kren’an’thor drain
+7, Listen +6, Move Silently +14, Search the will of a victim. Those viewing the creature must make a
+12, Sense Motive +6, Spot +6 DC 15 Will save or suffer 1d4 temporary Wisdom damage.
Feats: Combat Expertise, Multiattack, Stealthy Each opponent within range of a gaze attack must attempt a
Environment: Plane of Shadows or Any saving throw each round at the beginning of his or her turn
Organization: Solitary, Pair, or Crew (2-5) in the initiative order. Only looking directly at a creature
CR: 8 with a gaze attack leaves an opponent vulnerable.
Treasure: Standard Invade Dream (Su): When on the plane of shadow, a
Alignment: Always neutral evil Kren’an’thor can use the equivalent of a Nightmare spell on
Advancement: 8-14 HD (Large); 15-21 HD (Huge) a single victim at 7th level casting ability once per day.
Level Adj: - Plane Shift (Su): Once per month during the new moon, a
Dancing in the darkness before you are a pair Kren’an’thor can use plane shift to travel to the Mortal
of red, malignant eyes framed by the outline of Realm or back to the plane of shadow. If traveling to the
a beastly humanoid covered in curling hair Mortal Realm, the Kren’an’thor must have successfully
and from which a pair of ram-like horns used its invade dream ability on an individual on the Mortal
extending upward from its shoulders. White Realm, and must plane shift while the victim sleeps. When
canines shine in its black maw, and inhumanly the shift occurs, the Kren’an’thor steps from the victim of
long fingers drip with a wispy black vapor. the Invade Dream ability as a fog breathed from the victim's
Kren’an’thor, or the “Devil in the Dark” are sleeping mouth & nose. This ability is at 7th level caster
creatures from the plane of shadow. It is whispered that they level.
were masters of shadow magic and taught its secret to Poison (Su): The claws of a Kren’an’thor drip with Shadow
mortals in dark dreams and portents. It has been claimed by essence poison (Injury DC 17; Init: 1 Str*; Sec: 2d6 Str) *
certain Kren’an’thor, for example, that they are ones Drain is permanent.
summoned to the minds of victims when the spell Summon (Sp): A Kren’an’thor can summon a shadow as a
Phantasmal Killer is used. full-round action at will. The summoned shadow remains
Kren’an’thor mostly keep to themselves and for 1 hour or until destroyed. This is treated as a 7th level
normally remain on the Plane of Shadow. However, during ability. A Kren’an’thor cannot have more than one shadow
certain nights of the new moon, these creatures can step summoned at a time.
from dark corners into the Mortal Realm. Following their Shapeshifting (Su): A Kren’an’thor can assume the shape
own desire to torment others, these fiends stalk the dark of any creature up to Large size. It will often assume the
stretches of the world seeking victims until slain or forced shape of something it believes to be terrifying to the
back to their dark home. individual. A Kren’an’thor always reverts to its natural form
Kren’an’thor speak Common, Shadow, Auran and before attacking. Changing shape is a move-equivalent
Ignan. Many learn either Abyssal or Infernal phrases with action.
which to frighten prey.

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Bestiary Nefarious
Kren’an’thor on Amberos
Kren’an’thor cannot survive for long on the Mortal
Realm. They are most commonly found deep in the plane
of shadow, or sometimes leak into the dream realm of
Aurora during its dark night period.

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Kraken-Li On land, a Kraken-Li moves about by using six of
its twelve tentacles to maintain its balance. In water, it is
Large Magical Beast (Aquatic) capable of fighting with all twelve of its appendages.
Hit Dice: 10d10+60 (115 hp) Blood Drain (Su): A Kraken-Li who has successfully
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) grappled an opponent with its tentacles can drain the blood
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), swim 20 ft. (4 squares) of its victims in following rounds. Each tentacle attached to
Armor Class: 19 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +7 natural), touch 12, a foe drains 1 point of Constitution per round. In return, the
flat 16 Kraken-Li gains 5 temporary hit points (10 on a critical hit)
BAB/Grapple: +10/+22 whenever it drains an ability score no matter how many
Attack: Slam +17 melee points it drains. Temporary hit points gained in this fashion
Full Attack: On Land: 6 Slams +17 melee (1d6+8;19- last for a maximum of 1 hour.
20/x2) and bite +12 melee (1d8+4) Constrict (Ex): A Kraken-Li can crush an opponent,
In Water: 12 slams +17 melee (1d6+8;19- dealing 1d6+12 bludgeoning damage with each tentacle it
20/x2) and bite +12 melee in water grips an opponent with, after making a successful grapple
(1d8+4) check.
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. with bite, 20 ft. with slam Improved Grab (Ex): If a Kraken-Li strikes a medium-size
Length: 12 ft. + 1d4 ft. (14 ft.) or smaller foe with a tentacle, it deals normal damage and
Weight: 600 lbs + 1d10 x 25 lbs (725 lbs.) attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking
Special Att: Ability drain, constrict, improved grab an attack of opportunity. No initial touch attack is required.
Special Qual: DR 10/silver, darkvision 60 ft., low-light The creature has the option to conduct the grapple normally,
vision, SR 20 or simply use the part of its body it used in the improved
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +10, Will +7 grab to hold the opponent. If it chooses to do the latter, it
Abilities: S27 D17 C23 I13 W15 Ch21 takes a –20 penalty on grapple checks, but is not considered
Skills: Climb +21, Hide -1, Listen +4, Spot +4, grappled itself; the creature does not lose its Dexterity bonus
Survival +9, Swim +8, Use Magic Device to AC, still threatens an area, and can use its remaining
+11 attacks against other opponents.
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Improved
Critical (slam), Iron Will Kraken-Li on Amberos
Environment: Any aquatic Most Kraken-Li started their lives out as
Organization: Solitary, or Brood (2-5) wereoctopus priests to M’kree Malka. When the priest
CR: 9 proves himself to be ruthless and powerful within the
Treasure: None hierarchy of M’kree’s priesthood, the god blesses the priest
Alignment: Always lawful evil with a transformation into a Kraken-Li. If the priest does
Advancement: 11-20 HD (Large); 21-30 HD (Huge) well in his new form (i.e., survives), he will eventually be
Level Adj: - transformed into a full-blown Kraken. The latter process
This blood-red squid-like creature stands on a usually takes a hundred years or more.
mass of flowing tentacles and towers nearly While extremely rare, Kraken-Li have been
eight feet high. Its tentacles are covered in reported appearing in the western sea, including making
wicked barbs and it watches its surrounding landfall on Arocnek and the Shovnov Coast.
with malevolent, intelligent eyes. From
somewhere within the mass of tentacles, a
clicking beak can be heard.
Kraken-Li are dangerous, intelligent and malevolent
cousins to Kraken. Though much smaller than their larger
brethren, they can be, in many ways, much more dangerous.
These creatures live in the ocean, but often foray onto
land seeking prey to devour and demanding tribute from
coastal villages lest they destroy said villages. Worst of all,
Kraken-Li often travel in pods of 2-5 members apiece.
Kraken-Li speak infernal and Common. They
prefer to use infernal when speaking to one another, and
Common when speaking to other races.

Kraken-Li tend to sweep down on foes, snatching
them up in their barbed tentacles and crushing them,
draining the victim's blood as they do so.

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Lamentor drained of 1d4 points of Wisdom (Fort DC 15 negates). In
return, the Lamentor gains 5 temporary hit points whenever
Medium Undead (Incorporeal) it drains an ability score no matter how many points it
Hit Dice: 5d12 (32 hp) drains. Temporary hit points gained in this fashion last for a
Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex) maximum of 1 hour. Lost Wisdom can be regained at a rate
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares) of 1 point per day.
Armor Class: 17 (+4 Dex, +3 deflection), touch 17, flat Manifest (Su): As a move-equivalent action, a Lamentor
13 may become semi-corporeal or become incorporeal. While
BAB/Grapple: +2/-- semi-corporeal, a Lamentor gains a Str 19 and may attack
Attack: Claw +6 touch (1 Str) with its claws for 1d4+4 + 1 Str damage with a 20% miss
Full Attack: 2 Claw +6 touch (1 Str) chance, whilst having a 50% miss chance against attacks
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. directed at it. In semi-corporeal form, a Lamentor cannot
Height: 5 ft. 6 in. + 2d4 in. (5 ft. 11 in.) pass through objects and does not ignore opponent’s armor
Weight: - with its attacks. However, while semi-corporeal, it can
Special Att: Strength damage, Wisdom drain interact with objects as if it had a 19 strength.
Special Qual: Darkvision 60ft., manifest, turn resistance
3, undead traits Lamentors on Amberos
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +7 Lamentors can be found almost anywhere on
Abilities: S- D19 C-- I11 W13 Ch17 Amberos, but tend to congregate near areas razed during
Skills: Bluff +7, Disguise +7, Gather Information wars, such as the haunted hills of Shovnov Coast or the
+7, Hide +6, Listen +5, Move Silently +6, wastes near the Black Hill in Misake, where many villages
Search +8, Spot +9 and towns were destroyed by Black Marentail’s undead
Feats: Iron Will, Stealthy legions.
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary
CR: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Medium); 11-15 HD (Large)
Level Adj: -
This ghostly humanoid seems half-starved,
with strands of wispy hair that stand on end.
Its eyes seem to bulge from its sockets, and a
low moan seems to fill the air around the
Lamentors are individuals who died alone with
feelings of self-loathing and worthlessness. They return to
the land of the living to spread woe and drain the life of
others, hoping to make them join the lamentor in death as
some sort of companion.
While lamentors are spirits, they often attempt to
disguise their true nature to lure victims close enough to
begin draining the vitality from them. There are tales of
lamentors talking with individuals for hours before
revealing their true nature.
Lamentors speak Common.

Lamentors generally use their mere presence to
drain the vitality from those they are nearby. However, if a
victim manages to fend them off, they will rush forward to
claw their victim as they attempt to forcibly drain the life
from the victim.
Strength Damage (Su): A lamentor’s touch causes 1 point
of Strength damage. Lost Strength returns at a rate of 1
point per day.
Wisdom Drain (Su): A lamentor’s primary form of attack
is to drain the will of a victim. As a standard action, the
lamentor can cause all individuals within 15 feet to be

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Leperskin disease. If unable to close, they will use their disease breath
to strike opponents.
Medium Outsider (Extraplanar) Leperskins rarely retreat from combat, except to
Hit Dice: 7d8+17 (48 hp) gather reinforcements for a more powerful counterattack.
Initiative: +0 However, when faced with paladins, leperskins tend to fly
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 60 ft. (average) (12 into a berserk frenzy, attempting to down the individual as
squares) quickly and as mercilessly as possible.
Armor Class: 12 (+2 natural), touch 10, flat 12 Breath of Disease (Su): Once per round, as a standard
BAB/Grapple: +7/+11 action that provokes an attack of opportunity, a leperskin
Attack: Slam +11 melee (1d4+4 + disease) can breathe a cloud of noxious fumes that causes disease in
Full Attack: 2 slams +11 melee (1d4+4 + disease) all who breath it. The cloud is 15 feet in diameter and can
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. be spewed up to 30 feet distant. The leperskin can imbue
Height: 5 ft. 1 in. + 2d6 in. (5 ft. 8 in.) the cloud with any disease of his choice, with a DC of up to
Weight: 100 lbs + 1d10 x 10 lbs. (150 lbs) 15.
Special Att: Breath of disease, constrict, disease, Carrier (Ex): While immune to the effects of a disease, a
frightful presence, improved grab leperskin can still choose to be a carrier for a disease and
Special Qual: Blindsense 30 ft., carrier, darkvision 60 can, under the right circumstances, infect others.
ft., flight, immune to disease, outsider Constrict (Ex): A leperskin can crush an opponent, dealing
traits bludgeoning damage, after making a successful grapple
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +9 check, dealing an additional 2d4 + 6 damage. The victim
Abilities: S19 D10 C14 I13 W15 Ch19 must also save against the leperskin’s disease attack, at a –4
Skills: Craft (Alchemy) +11, Craft penalty to their save.
(Poisonmaking) +11, Craft (Trapmaking) Disease (Ex): The touch of a leperskin inflicts any disease
+11, Escape Artist +10, Heal +12, the leperskin chooses with a DC of 15 or less. A leperskin’s
Intimidate +14, Listen +12, Spot +12 favored disease is wasting sickness (Infection DC 15; Incub:
Feats: Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Toughness 1d3 days; Damage: 1d4 Con*, 1d2 Dex, causes fatigue)
Environment: Hades or Any land *When damaged, the victim must succeed on another saving
Organization: Solitary, Cluster (2-5), or Plague (5-20) throw or 1 point of damage is permanent drain instead.
CR: 8 Flight (Ex): A creature with this ability can cease or resume
Treasure: Standard flight as a free action.
Alignment: Always neutral evil Frightful Presence (Ex): The mere appearance of a
Advancement: 8-14 HD (Medium); 15-21 HD (Large) leperskin is enough to cause panic in an opponent.
Level Adj: - Creatures of 7 HD/levels or less must make a Will DC 17
The humanoid throws back its hood to save or become panicked. Creatures with more than 7
reveal a face scarred beyond recognition by HD/levels make the same save, but are merely shaken on a
ulcers, boils and peeling flesh. The rest of its failed save. An opponent that succeeds on the saving throw
exposed skin show similar features, to the is immune to that same creature’s frightful presence for 24
point it seems to be missing a finger or two hours. Frightful presence is a mind-affecting fear effect.
on its hands. Improved Grab (Ex): If a leperskin successfully hits with a
Leperskins are the minions of the god of disease on slam, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple
the mortal plane. It is their duty to spread the "word" of their as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.
god through fear and the spread of disease. No initial touch attack is required. When a leperskin gets a
While leperskins generally prefer to fight hold after an improved grab attack, it pulls the opponent into
opponents, they can sometimes be bribed with substantial its space. This act does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
wealth to stay their awesome touch. It can even move (possibly carrying away the opponent),
Sometimes, leperskins are doled out to pious provided it can drag the opponent’s weight.
priests of the god of disease as aides to the priest's Immune to Disease (Ex): Leperskins do not suffer ill
endeavors. While they will defer to the will of the priest effects from any disease.
they have been assigned to, they always seek to inspire
terror and spread disease among those they meet. In rare Leperskins on Amberos
cases, leperskins have been known to rebel against priests Leperskins generally are former priests of
they consider "soft". Lepornunse, the god of disease, who passed on into Hades
Leperskins speak celestial, infernal, abyssal and after dying of a terminal illness. Often referred to as his
Common. “children” and gifted with but a fragment of his own
essence, Lepornunse tends to send these creatures back to
Combat the mortal realm, to continue the spread of disease in the
A leperskin normally attempts to close and make living world.
contact with a foe, attempting to infect its victims with

Page 289 of 478 – Stephen C. Klauk

Bestiary Nefarious
Medium Magical Beast (Air)
Hit Dice: 5d10+10 (37 hp)
Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 70 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 19 (+4 Dex, +5 natural), touch 14, flat 15
BAB/Grapple: +5/+5
Attack: Claw +5 melee (1d4)
Full Attack: 2 Claws +5 melee (1d4) and bite +0 melee
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft.
Height: 4 ft. + 2d6 in. (4 ft. 7 in.)
Weight: 20 lbs. + 2d6 x 2 lbs. (34 lbs.)
Special Att: -
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision,
suppress magic
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +2
Abilities: S11 D19 C15 I6 W12 Ch11
Skills: Listen +5, Spot +5
Feats: Flyby Attack, HoverB, Lightning Reflexes
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary, or Brood (2-5)
CR: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Medium); 11-15 HD (Large)
Level Adj: -
This large heron-like bird has a pitch-black
beak and stone grey claws. Its eyes seem to
shine with intelligence.
Lulls are strange avians that have the natural ability
to suppress magic around them. They seem to have an
instinctive dislike of spellcasters, and sometimes congregate
in areas where magic is strong, nesting in the area and
suppressing the magical presence around them.
Lulls speak a halting version of Common.

Lulls are not aggressive creatures and generally
only attack prey they intend to eat - which is usually vermin.
If threatened, most lull will flee, except if they are nesting or
if they face a spellcaster. In such cases, the lull will usually
use its fly-by attack to peck and claw at an opponent while
minimizing the danger to itself from weapon attacks.
Suppress Magic (Ex): A lull generates a field that acts like
dispel magic against all magic items and spell effects in a
30-foot diameter around the lull. Instead of rolling for the
dispel effect, treat the lull as automatically dispelling magic
whose caster level is 15th or lower.

Lull on Amberos
Thankfully, lulls are extremely rare on Amberos.
They seem to congregate in the Hold of Severn, but are
hunted down and killed in all other areas they encountered.

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Bestiary Nefarious
Lycanthrope, General visions to Urdeus’s cursed brethren. Eventually three
werebears, led by Urdeus’s vision, acquired an artifact that
Lycanthropes are humanoids or giants who can could purge those who touched it of the evil demeanor that
transform themselves into animals. In its natural form, a afflicted them. By merely touching it, all werebears were
lycanthrope looks like any other members of its kind, instantly purged of evil and returned to the side of Urdeus.
though natural lycanthropes and those who have been They brought the artifact to Opheus, who, with the aid of
afflicted for a long time tend to have or acquire features their trickster sister Discoff, were able to capture and bring
reminiscent of their animal forms. In animal form, a Urdeus back to the heavens to be cured. Following a special
lycanthrope resembles a powerful version of the normal ceremony, Urdeus was purged of his evil blight as well, but
animal, but on close inspection, its eyes (which often glow the Curse of Lycanthropy remained in his blood due to the
red in the dark) show a faint spark of unnatural intelligence. acts he had committed while under the evil influence of
Lycanthropy can be spread like a disease. Ziga’s curse.
Sometimes a lycanthrope begins life as a normal humanoid Once cured of evil, Urdeus and Opheus managed to
or giant who subsequently contracts lycanthropy after being use the power of the artifact to release the other
wounded by a lycanthrope. Such a creature is called an lycanthropes from mindless evil – though they could still
afflicted lycanthrope. choose evil, if that were their wont. They were also unable
Other lycanthropes are born as lycanthropes, and to remove the Curse of Lycanthropy that would pass on
are known as natural lycanthropes. through the races progeny and all they injured.
Because the Curse of Lycanthropy remained, many
Lycanthropy on Amberos folk were unwilling to forgive the evil the lycanthropes had
On Amberos, lycanthropy is the result of a curse spread, even though many shunned the ways of evil. Spells,
laid on the god Urdeus, Twin of Night and the eternally magic and superstitions about the lycanthropes remain
good vigilant guardian of the nighttime hours, and his potent to this day and was not even until after the fall of the
followers. Empire of Swordfall that lycanthropes were allowed to be
Lycanthropes had existed since before the Age of treated as more than evil beasts to be captured, caged and/or
Technology, and had been a gift by the nature god Belli to killed.
Urdeus, the Twin of Night, as a wedding gift for Urdeus’s The greatest of lycanthropes on Amberos is Sarve
marriage to the goddess Luna, the Moon Maiden. of the Wilderlands, a powerful werewolf and sorcerer who
Originally, the lycanthropes, who at this time were always overcame the prejudices against his race and carved out a
human, could draw on the power of nature, as a means to kingdom where his kind could live in peace away from the
balance the elves ability to draw on the power of the Aunn petty hatreds and fears of the other races. While many
(see Sslaunn in Bestiary Malfearous and Yyaunn in this claim Sarve to be wicked and evil, among the lycanthropes
book for more information on the Aunn). he is considered to be a great hero and saint for the acts he
In the time between the fall of the Elvin Golden has performed and trials he has endured all because he is a
Age and the Dark Age, the evil goddess Ziga and her lycanthrope.
minions became hunted across Amberos. The most vigilant
against her were Opheus and Urdeus, twin sons of the head Natural Spell [GENERAL]
god Dhorian and her adopted brothers. During the height of Prerequisites: Wis 13, wild shape ability.
her alliance with the evil gods Lepornunse, Tuma and Teeth, Benefit: You can complete the verbal and somatic
she hoped to turn the races of Amberos against Urdeus’s components of spells while in a wild shape. You substitute
zealotry and worked with the god of disease, Lepornunse, to various noises and gestures for the normal verbal and
create a dread curse that did its work to corrupt Urdeus’s somatic components of a spell.
minions. To ensure the curse affected Urdeus as well, the You can also use any material components or
two bound the curse into a golden apple and tricked focuses you possess, even if such items are melded within
Urdeus’s wife, Luna, the Moon Maiden, to bake it into a pie your current form. This feat does not permit the use of
and feed it to him. magic items while you are in a form that could not
When Urdeus unwittingly ate the pie, it drove him ordinarily use them, and you do not gain the ability to speak
to the brink of insanity, and made him like a wild animal, while in a wild shape.
and he fled to the Mortal Realm and became like a ravening Special: A creature with the alternate form ability may
beast, hunting down and infecting his own minions with his qualify for this feat, using its Alternate form ability in the
curse. With few exceptions, the lycanthropes turned to evil place of the Wild Shape ability.
and wicked ways, and the races of Amberos quickly began
to hunt down the different lycanthropes races and destroy
them. However, Opheus, the twin of light and the brother of
Urdeus learned of the true nature of the curse and sent

Amberos Lycanthropy: Unlike other campaign worlds, Amberos lycanthropes are not rigidly bound to alignments. Rather than
rewrite all the lycanthropes, this note serves to indicate that the alignment line of all the lycanthropes should read “Alignment: Often
alignment listed”. The lycanthrope alignments listed in this book follow the trend set down by the SRD for those who want to use the
lycanthropes found here in other worlds, but should be ignored for Dark Summit campaigns.
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Bestiary Nefarious

Werebee (Human Form) Werebee (Hybrid Form) Werebee (Bee Form)
Medium Humanoid Medium Humanoid Medium Humanoid
(Human, Shapechanger) (Human, Shapechanger) (Human, Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 1d10+2 + 3d8+6 (27 hp) 1d10+2 + 3d8+6 (27 hp) 1d10+2 + 3d8+6 (27 hp)
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) +3 (+3 Dex) +3 (+3 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft. base; 20 ft. in chain shirt 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 80 ft. (good) 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 80 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 chain shirt, +2 17 (+3 Dex, +4 natural), 17 (+3 Dex, +4 natural),
Wooden shield), touch 11, flat 16 touch 13, flat 14 touch 13, flat 14
BAB/Grapple: +2/+4 +2/+4 +2/+4
Attack: Rapier +4 melee (1d6+2;18-20/x2) Rapier +4 melee (1d6+2;18-20/x2) or Sting +4 melee (1d4+2 + poison)
Sting +4 melee (1d4+2 + poison)
Full Attack: Rapier +2 melee (1d6+2;18-20/x2), Rapier +2 melee, off-hand Sting +4 melee (1d4+2 + poison)
off-hand Rapier +2 melee (1d6+1;18-20/x2) rapier +2 melee (1d6+1;18-20/x2),
sting –1 melee (1d4+2 + poison)
Or Sting +4 melee (1d4+2 + poison)
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. 5-ft./5 ft. 5-ft./5 ft.
Height: 5 ft. 3 in. + 2d6 in. (5 ft. 10 in.) same same
Weight: 120 lbs + 2d6 x 7 lbs (169 lbs) ¾ humanoid weight ½ humanoid weight
Special Att: -- poison poison
Special Qual: Alternate Form, bee empathy, Alternate form, bee empathy, Alternate form, bee empathy,
Darkvision 60 ft., scent Curse of Lycanthropy, Curse of Lycanthropy
Darkvision 60 ft., Damage Darkvision 60 ft., Damage
Reduction 10/silver, Scent, Reduction 10/silver, Scent,
Vermin Traits Vermin Traits
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +1 Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +1 Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities: S15 D13 C14 I10 W10 Ch10 S15 D17 C14 I10 W10 Ch10 S15 D17 C14 I10 W10 Ch10
Skills: Craft (Brew) +4, Craft (Carpentry) Craft (Brew) +4, Craft (Carpentry) Craft (Brew) +4, Craft (Carpentry)
+3, Handle Animal +4, Intimidate +3, Handle Animal +4, Intimidate +3, Handle Animal +4, Intimidate
+3, Listen +0, Spot +4*, +3, Listen +0, Spot +4*, +3, Listen +0, Spot +4*,
Survival +0* Survival +0* Survival +0*
Feats: Dodge, Two-weapon fighting , Dodge, Two-weapon fighting , Dodge, Two-weapon fightingF,
Weapon Focus (Rapier)B Weapon Focus (Rapier)B Weapon Focus (Rapier)B
Environment: Any temperate or warm land Any temperate or warm land Any temperate or warm land
Organization: Solitary, Buzz (2-5), Hive (11-20) Solitary, Buzz (2-5), Hive (11-20) Solitary, Buzz (2-5), Hive (11-20)
CR: 4 4 4
Treasure: Standard Standard Standard
Alignment: Always neutral good Always neutral good Always neutral good
Advancement: By character class By character class By character class
Level Adj: +3 +3 +3
* A werebee gains a +4 racial bonus to spot and a +4 bonus to Survival checks to orient themselves
Werebees are in actuality, guardians created by rapiers, acting as fire support for the meleeing werebees.
celestial beings whom perform their good works on the Werebee archers have been known to coat their arrows in
prime material plane. poison from their stingers, and will have from 2-5 such
Werebees are staunch foes of evil, and constantly arrows available (damage 1d6+poison).
patrol for miles around their hives for creatures or Curse of Lycanthropy (Su): The poison sting of a
individuals of evil alignment. When such beings are found, werebee forces small, medium or large humanoids or giants
the werebees either quickly dispatch the foe (if so able) or to make a DC 15 Fort save or contract lycanthropy.
return to the hive to gather a larger foe to decimate the evil Poison (Ex): The sting of werebee injects a deadly
being. neurotoxin (Inject; Fort DC 14; Init: 1d4 Dex; Sec: 1d6
Werebees often trade with creatures of good or Dex)
neutral alignment, trading goods, honey or other items for
whatever the hive may need to wage its war against evil. Werebees on Amberos
Werebees speak Common. Werebees are the servants of Shurdeua, the sun
goddess, and under her directive search out evil and destroy
Combat it in those areas that they nest in. Most werebees can be
Werebees usually patrol in hybrid form, and will found in enormous hives build upon the ground in the Lands
swoop down and melee with foes. While in hybrid form, a of Sarve. Since most of that land is swampland, the bees
werebee has six limbs, but can only use two to fight with, often use their engineering skills to drain the surrounding
though they may also employ their poisonous stinger against swampland and turn a mile-wide swath around the hive into
foes. fertile grassland.
Some werebees are equipped with shortbows (+3 to
hit in human form, +5 to hit in hybrid form) instead of twin

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Bestiary Nefarious
Werebee Warrior Bee Form
Human Form 3HD Werebee Ftr 5;hp: 57
3HD Werebee Ftr 5;hp: 57 S16 D17 C14 I10 W10 Ch10;Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +2
S18 D13 C14 I10 W10 Ch10;Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +2 Init: +3 Move: 30 ft.
Init: +1 Move: 30 ft. AC: 17 (+3 Dex, +4 natural), touch 13, flat 14
AC: 17 (+1 Dex, +5 chain shirt +1, +1 Two-weapon BAB/Grapple: +6/+9
defense), touch 11, flat 16 Full Attack: stinger +9 melee (1d4+4 + poison)
BAB/Grapple: +6/+10 Special Att: --
Full Attack: +1 rapier +10/+5 melee (1d6+7;18-20/x2) Special Qual: Alternate form, bee empathy, darkvision
Offhand mw rapier +10/+5 melee 60 ft., scent
(1d6+4;18-20/x2) Skills: Craft (Brew) +4, Craft (Carpentry) +3, Handle
Special Att: -- Animal +4, Intimidate +6, Listen +0, Spot +7
Special Qual: Alternate form, bee empathy, darkvision Feats: Ability Focus (Poison), Dodge, Improved
60 ft., scent Initiative, Two-weapon DefenseF, Two-weapon
Skills: Craft (Brew) +4, Craft (Carpentry) +3, Handle FightingF, Weapon Focus (Rapier)B, Weapon
Animal +4, Intimidate +6, Listen +0, Spot +7 SpecializationF
Feats: Ability Focus (Poison), Dodge, Improved CR: 8
Initiative, Two-weapon DefenseF, Two-weapon Gear: not used
FightingF, Weapon Focus (Rapier)B, Weapon Total: 8,640 gp (9,400 gp)
SpecializationF Poison (Ex): The sting of werebee warrior injects a deadly
CR: 8 neurotoxin (Inject; Fort DC 18; Init: 1d4 Dex; Sec: 1d6
Gear: chain shirt +1 (1,250 gp), +1 rapier (2,320 gp), Dex)
mw rapier (320 gp), gauntlets of ogre power (4,000
gp), potion of cure serious wounds (750 gp)
Total: 8,640 gp (9,400 gp)
Hybrid Form
3HD Werebee Ftr 5;hp: 57
S18 D17 C14 I10 W10 Ch10;Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +2
Init: +3 Move: 30 ft.
AC: 18 (+3 Dex, +4 natural, +1 Two-weapon Defense),
touch 13, flat 15
BAB/Grapple: +6/+9
Full Attack: +1 rapier +10/+5 melee (1d6+7;18-20/x2)
Offhand mw rapier +10/+5 melee
Special Att: --
Special Qual: Alternate form, bee empathy, darkvision
60 ft., DR 10/silver, scent
Skills: Craft (Brew) +4, Craft (Carpentry) +3, Handle
Animal +4, Intimidate +6, Listen +0, Spot +7
Feats: Ability Focus (Poison), Dodge, Improved
Initiative, Two-weapon DefenseF, Two-weapon
FightingF, Weapon Focus (Rapier)B, Weapon
CR: 8
Gear: +1 rapier (2,320 gp), mw rapier (320 gp),
gauntlets of ogre power (4,000 gp), potion of cure
serious wounds (750 gp)
Total: 8,640 gp (9,400 gp)
Poison (Ex): The sting of werebee warrior injects a deadly
neurotoxin (Inject; Fort DC 18; Init: 1d4 Dex; Sec: 1d6
Equipment and Werecreatures
Each entry only lists the owned gear of they lycanthrope that will work in the appropriate forms. Generally, this means
that armor is removed/falls off upon assuming hybrid form, and rarely can be carried or manipulated to be of use in animal

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Bestiary Nefarious
Werebee Monarch Hybrid Form
Human Form 3HD Werebee Clr 10;hp: 71
3HD Werebee Clr 10;hp: 71 S8 D14 C12 I13 W19 Ch14;Fort +13, Ref +10, Will +13
S8 D10 C12 I13 W19 Ch14;Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +13 Init: +0 Move: 20 ft., fly 80 ft. (good)
Init: +0 Move: 20 ft. AC: 20 (+2 Dex, +5 natural, +3 heavy steel shield +1),
AC: 21 (+11 chain mail +3 & heavy steel shield +1), touch 12, flat 18
touch 10, flat 21 BAB/Grapple: +9/+8
BAB/Grapple: +9/+8 Full Attack: +2 heavy mace +11/+6 melee (1d8+1) or
Full Attack: +2 heavy mace +11/+6 melee (1d8+1) sting +8 melee (1d4-1 + poison)
Special Att: Poison, turn undead Special Att: Poison, turn undead
Special Qual: Alternate form, bee empathy, darkvision Special Qual: Alternate form, bee empathy, darkvision
60 ft., scent, spells 60 ft., DR 10/silver, scent, spells
Skills: Concentration +11, Craft (Brew) +4, Handle Skills: Concentration +11, Craft (Brew) +4, Handle
Animal +4, Heal +14, Knowledge (Religion) +11, Animal +4, Heal +14, Knowledge (Religion) +11,
Listen +7, Spellcraft +11, Spot +7 Listen +7, Spellcraft +11, Spot +7
Feats: Ability Focus (Poison), Brew Potion, Improved Feats: Ability Focus (Poison), Brew Potion, Improved
Natural Armor, Silent Spell, Spell Focus Natural Armor, Silent Spell, Spell Focus
(Enchantment)B, Weapon Focus (Heavy Mace) (Enchantment)B, Weapon Focus (Heavy Mace)
CR: 13 CR: 13
Gear: chain mail +3 (9,300 gp), heavy steel shield +1 Gear: heavy steel shield +1 (1,159 gp), +2 heavy mace
(1,159 gp), +2 heavy mace (8,312 gp), periapt of (8,312 gp), periapt of wisdom +2 (4,000 gp), cloak
wisdom +2 (4,000 gp), cloak of resistance +2 of resistance +2 (4,000 gp), pearl of power (2nd
(4,000 gp), pearl of power (2nd level) (4,000 gp), level) (4,000 gp), wand of cure serious wounds (15
wand of cure serious wounds (15 charges) (3,375 charges) (3,375 gp)
gp) Total: 34,146 gp (35,000 gp)
Total: 34,146 gp (35,000 gp) Poison (Ex): The sting of werebee monarch injects a
Turn Undead (Su): 5x/day; Turn Check 1d20+2; Turn deadly neurotoxin (Inject; Fort DC 19; Init: 1d4 Dex; Sec:
Damage 2d6+12 1d6 Dex)
Turn Undead (Su): 5x/day; Turn Check 1d20+2; Turn
Typical Cleric Spell List Damage 2d6+12
(6/6/6/5/5/3; CL 10; DC 14 + Spell level; Domains: See human form for spells
Protection, Good) Animal Form
0: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Light, Read 3HD Werebee Clr 10;hp: 71
Magic, Resistance S8 D14 C12 I13 W17 Ch14;Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +10
1st: Bless, Command*, Divine Favor, Obscuring Mist, Init: +0 Move: 20 ft., fly 80 ft. (good)
SanctuaryD AC: 17 (+2 Dex, +5 natural), touch 12, flat 15
nd BAB/Grapple: +9/+8
2 : Aid, Augury, Darkness, Lesser Restoration, Silence,
Shield OtherD Full Attack: sting +8 melee (1d4-1 + poison)
3 : Dispel Magic, Protection From EnergyD, Searing
rd Special Att: Poison, turn undead
Light, Wind Wall Special Qual: Alternate form, bee empathy, darkvision
4th: Death Ward, Dismissal, Divine Power, Poison, Spell 60 ft., DR 10/silver, scent, spells
ImmunityD Skills: Concentration +11, Craft (Brew) +4, Handle
th Animal +4, Heal +13, Knowledge (Religion) +11,
5 : Flame Strike, Greater Command*, Insect Plague, Slay
Living, Spell ResistanceD Listen +6, Spellcraft +11, Spot +6
* = Enchantment spell; +1 DC Feats: Ability Focus (Poison), Brew Potion, Improved
D= Domain Spell Natural Armor, Silent Spell, Spell Focus
(Enchantment)B, Weapon Focus (Heavy Mace)
CR: 13
Gear: not used
Total: 34,146 gp (35,000 gp)
Poison (Ex): The sting of werebee monarch injects a
deadly neurotoxin (Inject; Fort DC 19; Init: 1d4 Dex; Sec:
1d6 Dex)

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Bestiary Nefarious

Werelion (Human Form) Werelion (Hybrid Form) Werelion (Lion Form)
Medium Humanoid Large Humanoid Large Humanoid
(Human, Shapechanger) (Human, Shapechanger) (Human, Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 1d10+2 + 5d8+20 (49 hp) 1d10+2 + 5d8+20 (49 hp) 1d10+2 + 5d8+20 (49 hp)
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) +3 (+3 Dex) +4 (+4 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) 40 ft. (8 squares) 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 17 (+1 Dex, +4 chain shirt, +2 16 (-1 size,+4 Dex, +3 natural), 16 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +3 natural),
Large wooden shield), touch 11, touch 13, flat 12 touch 12, flat 12
flat 16
BAB/Grapple: +4/+6 +4/+16 +4/+16
Attack: Bastard sword +7 melee Bastard sword +7 melee Claw +12 melee (1d4+8)
(1d10+3;19-20/x2) (1d10+3;19-20/x2)
Full Attack: Bastard sword +8 melee Bastard sword +13 melee 2 claws +12 melee (1d4+8) and bite
(1d10+3;19-20/x2) (1d10+8;19-20/x2) and +7 melee (1d8+4)
Bite +7 melee (1d8+4)
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. 10-ft./10 ft. 10-ft./5 ft.
Height/Length: 5 ft. 3 in + 2d6 in. (5 ft. 10 in.) (H) as lion (L) 7 ft. + 4d8 in. (8 ft. 6 in.)
Weight: 150 lbs + 2d6 x 5 lbs. (185 lbs) as lion 425 lbs. + 2d6 x 5 lbs. (460 lbs.)
Special Att: -- Pounce, improved grab, rake 1d4 Pounce, improved grab, rake 1d4
Special Qual: Alternate Form, lion empathy, Alternate form, lion empathy, Alternate form, lion empathy,
Darkvision 60 ft., scent Curse of lycanthropy, Curse of lycanthropy
Darkvision 60 ft., DR 10/silver Darkvision 60 ft., DR 10/silver
scent scent
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +1 Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +1 Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +1
Abilities: S16 D13 C14 I10 W10 Ch10 S26 D19 C18 I10 W10 Ch10 S26 D19 C18 I10 W10 Ch10
Skills: Balance –2, Craft Balance +8, Craft Balance +8, Craft (Weaponsmith) +4,
(Weaponsmith) +4, Jump +2, (Weaponsmith) +4, Hide +4*, Hide +4*, Jump +12, Listen +2,
Listen +2, Hide –3, Move Jump +12, Listen +2, Move Move Silently +8, Spot +7
Silently +2, Spot +7
Feats: Alertness, Exotic Weapon Alertness, Exotic Weapon Alertness, Exotic Weapon
Proficiency (Bastard Sword), Iron Proficiency (Bastard Sword), Iron Proficiency (Bastard Sword), Iron
Will, Run, Weapon Focus Will, Run, Weapon Focus Will, Run, Weapon Focus
(Bastard Sword)B (Bastard Sword)B (Bastard Sword)B
Environment: Any temperate or warm land Any temperate or warm land Any temperate or warm land
Organization: Solitary, Buzz (2-5), Hive (11-20) Solitary, Buzz (2-5), Hive (11-20) Solitary, Buzz (2-5), Hive (11-20)
CR: 4 4 4
Treasure: Standard Standard Standard
Alignment: Always neutral good Always neutral good Always neutral good
Advancement: By character class By character class By character class
Level Adj: +3 +3 +3
Werelions are noble creatures who constantly seek Curse of Lycanthropy (Su): The bite of a werelion forces
out evils to right and hunt down creatures of avarice and evil small, medium or large humanoids or giants to make a DC
to bring to justice. 15 Fort save or contract lycanthropy.
A werelion in humanoid form tends to have a noble Skills: Werelions in hybrid and animal form have a +4
quality to them and often has a warrior’s training and racial bonus on Balance, Hide, and Move Silently checks.
instincts. They are often unafraid of even the staunchest *In areas of tall grass or heavy undergrowth, the Hide bonus
opponent, and do not take insults lightly or kindly. improves to +12.
A werelion speaks common.
Werelions on Amberos
Combat Like most lycanthropes, the werelions are
Werelions are skilled and powerful predators, descendants of those who were loyal to Urdeus, the Night
striking with every advantage available to them. They strike Watchman. Werelions are most commonly found in
with determination and fury. They prefer to quickly close Chiamung, where they live in tribes separate, but protective
and chop an opponent down in melee, usually transforming of, the natives of that land.
into hybrid form to rip an opponent apart while striking fear
into any ally the opponent may have.
Despite their righteous fury against evil, werelions
are careful to avoid harming innocents, and will often accept
the surrender of a foe in the hopes of redeeming the
individual. Against foes they consider irredeemable,
however, a werelion is utterly merciless.

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Bestiary Nefarious
Werelion Tracker Gear: +1 longsword (2,315 gp), +1 shortsword (2,310
Human Form gp), cloak of resistance +1 (1,000 gp), gloves of
5HD werelion Rgr 6;hp: 70 dexterity +2 (4,000 gp), potion of cure serious
S14 D18 C13 I10 W14 Ch8;Fort +11, Ref +14, Will +8 wounds (750 gp)
Init: +4 Move: 30 ft. Total: 11,625 gp (12,000 gp)
AC: 20 (+4 Dex, + 5 chain shirt +1, +1 Two-weapon Favored Enemy (Ex): The werelion tracker gains a +4
defense), touch 14, flat 16 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival
BAB/Grapple: +9/+11 checks when using these skills against Undead. Likewise, he
Full Attack: primary +1 longsword +10/+5 melee gets a +4 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such
(1d8+3;19-20/x2), off-hand +1 shortsword +10 melee creatures. The werelion tracker gains a +2 bonus on Bluff,
(1d6+2;19-20/x2) Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using
Special Att: -- these skills against Magical Beasts. Likewise, he gets a +2
Special Qual: alternate form, darkvision 60 ft., favored bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures.
enemy, lion empathy, scent Animal Form
Skills: Handle Animal +8, Hide +17, Knowledge (Nature) 5HD Large werelion Rgr 6;hp: 70
+9, Listen +4, Move Silently +17, Search +9, Spot S24 D22 C17 I10 W14 Ch8;Fort +12, Ref +15, Will +7
+20, Survival +11 Init: +6 Move: 30 ft.
Feats: Alertness, DodgeB, EnduranceR, Iron Will, Run, AC: 18 (-1 size, +6 Dex, +3 natural), touch 15, flat 12
TrackR, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon BAB/Grapple: +9/+20
FightingR Full Attack: bite +10 melee (1d8+3)
CR: 9 Special Att: --
Gear: +1 chain shirt (1,250 gp), +1 longsword (2,315 Special Qual: alternate form, darkvision 60 ft., DR
gp), +1 shortsword (2,310 gp), cloak of resistance 10/silver, favored enemy, lion empathy,
+1 (1,000 gp), gloves of dexterity +2 (4,000 gp), scent
potion of cure serious wounds (750 gp) Skills: Handle Animal +8, Hide +24*, Knowledge
Total: 11,625 gp (12,000 gp) (Nature) +9, Listen +4, Move Silently +24, Search
Favored Enemy (Ex): The werelion tracker gains a +4 +9, Spot +17, Survival +10
bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival Feats: Alertness, DodgeB, EnduranceR, Iron Will, Run,
checks when using these skills against Undead. Likewise, he TrackR, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon
gets a +4 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such FightingR
creatures. The werelion tracker gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, CR: 9
Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using Gear: not used
these skills against Magical Beasts. Likewise, he gets a +2 Total: 11,625 gp (12,000 gp)
bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures.
Hybrid Form
5HD Large werelion Rgr 6;hp: 70
S24 D24 C17 I10 W14 Ch8;Fort +13, Ref +17, Will +8
Init: +4 Move: 30 ft.
AC: 20 (-1 size, +7 Dex, +3 natural, +1 Two-weapon
defense), touch 16, flat 13
BAB/Grapple: +9/+20
Full Attack: primary +1 longsword +14/+9 melee
(1d8+3;19-20/x2), off-hand +1 shortsword +14 melee
(1d6+2;19-20/x2), bite +10 melee (1d8+3)
Special Att: --
Special Qual: alternate form, darkvision 60 ft., DR
10/silver, favored enemy, lion empathy,
Skills: Handle Animal +8, Hide +24*, Knowledge
(Nature) +9, Listen +4, Move Silently +24, Search
+9, Spot +17, Survival +10
Feats: Alertness, DodgeB, EnduranceR, Iron Will, Run,
TrackR, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon
CR: 9

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Werelion Plainslord Hybrid Form
Human Form 5HD werelion Bar 12;hp: 144
5HD werelion Bar 12;hp: 144 S32 D19 C18 I10 W14 Ch8;Fort +16, Ref +13, Will +8
S22 D13 C14 I10 W14 Ch8;Fort +14, Ref +10, Will +8 Init: +4 Move: 50 ft.
Init: +1 Move: 40 ft. AC: 17 (+4 Dex, +3 natural), touch 14, flat 13
AC: 19 (+1 Dex, +8 hide +4), touch 11, flat 18 BAB/Grapple: +15/+26
BAB/Grapple: +15/+21 Full Attack: +3 greataxe +29/+24/+19 melee
Full Attack: +3 greataxe +24/+19/+14 melee (1d12+19;x3), bite +21 melee (1d8+11)
(1d12+12;x3) Special Att: Curse of lycanthropy
Special Att: -- Special Qual: Alternate form, darkvision 60 ft., DR 2/-,
Special Qual: Alternate form, darkvision 60 ft., DR 2/-, DR 10/silver, fast movement, greater rage
fast movement, greater rage 4x/day, 4x/day, improved uncanny dodge, lion
improved uncanny dodge, lion empathy, empathy, scent, trap sense +4, uncanny
scent, trap sense +4, uncanny dodge dodge
Skills: Climb +17, Handle Animal +14, Hide +4, Skills: Balance +8, Climb +24, Handle Animal +14, Hide
Intimidate +14, Listen +19, Move Silently +4, Spot +13*, Intimidate +14, Listen +19, Move Silently
+9, Survival +17 +13, Spot +9, Survival +17
Feats: Alertness, DodgeB, Mobility, Power Attack, Run, Feats: Alertness, DodgeB, Mobility, Power Attack, Run,
Spring Attack Spring Attack
CR: 15 CR: 15
Gear: hide +4 (16,165 gp), greataxe +3 (18,320 gp), belt Gear: greataxe +3 (18,320 gp), belt of giant strength +4
of giant strength +4 (16,000 gp), cloak of (16,000 gp), cloak of resistance +2 (4,000 gp),
resistance +2 (4,000 gp), potion of cure serious potion of cure serious wounds (750 gp)
wounds (750 gp) Total: 55,235 gp (59,000 gp)
Total: 55,235 gp (59,000 gp) Animal Form
Greater Rage (Ex): 8 rounds;+6 to Strength and 5HD werelion Bar 12;hp: 144
Constitution, +3 to Will, -2 to AC. Gains +51 hp. Can’t use S28 D19 C18 I10 W14 Ch8;Fort +14, Ref +11, Will +6
skills that require patience or concentration. Fatigued at end Init: +4 Move: 50 ft.
of rage. AC: 17 (+4 Dex, +3 natural), touch 14, flat 13
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): The werelion plainslord BAB/Grapple: +15/+24
can no longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the Full Attack: 2 claws +24 melee (1d4+9), bite +19
ability to sneak attack the werelion plainslord by flanking melee (1d8+11)
him, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels Special Att: Curse of lycanthropy
than the target has barbarian levels. Special Qual: Alternate form, darkvision 60 ft., DR 2/-,
Trap Sense: +4 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps DR 10/silver, fast movement, greater rage
and +4 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. 4x/day, improved uncanny dodge, lion
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A werelion plainslord retains his empathy, scent, trap sense +4, uncanny
Dexterity bonus to AC, even if he is caught flat-footed or dodge
struck by an invisible attacker. Skills: Balance +8, Climb +22, Handle Animal +14, Hide
+13*, Intimidate +14, Listen +19, Move Silently
+13, Spot +9, Survival +17
Feats: Alertness, DodgeB, Mobility, Power Attack, Run,
Spring Attack
CR: 15
Gear: not used
Total: 55,235 gp (59,000 gp)

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Medium Human Cleric 4 Large Human Cleric 4 Large Human Cleric 4
WereOctopus (Human Form) WereOctopus (Octopus Form) WereOctopus (Hybrid Form)
(Human, Shapechanger) (Aquatic, Human, Shapechanger) (Aquatic, Human, Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 4d8+4 + 8d8+19 (77 hp) 4d8+4 + 8d8+19 (77 hp) 4d8+4 + 8d8+19 (77 hp)
Initiative: -1 (-1 Dex) +1 (+1 Dex) +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) in chain mail, 20 ft. (4 squares), swim 30 ft. 20 ft. (4 squares), swim 30 ft.
30 ft. (6 squares) base
Armor Class: 16 (-1 Dex, +7 chain mail & heavy 19 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +9 natural), 19 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +9 natural),
Wooden shield), touch 9, flat 16 touch 10, flat 18 touch 10, flat 18
BAB/Grapple: +9/+10 +9/+16 +9/+16
Attack: +1 heavy mace +11 melee (1d6+2) Tentacle +15 melee (1d4+6) Tentacle +15 melee (1d4+6) or
+1 heavy mace +16 melee (1d8+7)
Full Attack: +1 heavy mace +11/+6 melee (1d6+2) 8 tentacles +15 melee (1d4+6) and 6 tentacles +15 melee (1d4+6) and
bite +10 melee (1d8+3) bite +10 melee (1d8+3),
+1 heavy mace +16/+11 melee (1d8+7)
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. 10-ft./10 ft. (20 ft. with tentacle) 10-ft./10 ft. (20 ft. with tentacle)
Height/Diameter 5 ft. 3 in. + 2d6 in. (5 ft. 10 in.) (D) 6 ft. + 1d4 ft. (8 ft.) as octopus form
Weight: 150 + 2d6 x 5 lbs. (185 lbs.) 500 + 1d4 x 100 lbs. (700 lbs.) as octopus form
Special Att: Spells, Turn Undead Constrict, Curse of Lycanthropy, Constrict, Curse of Lycanthropy,
Improved grab improved grab, spells, turn undead
Special Qual: Alternate form, octopus empathy, Alternate form, DR 10/silver Alternate form, DR 10/silver,
low-light vision, scent ink cloud, jet, low-light vision ink cloud, jet, low-light vision
octopus empathy, scent octopus empathy, scent
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +9 Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +9 Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +9
Abilities: S13 D8 C12 I10 W16 Ch 14 S23 D12 C14 I10 W18 Ch14 S23 D12 C14 I10 W18 Ch14
Skills: Balance -4, Concentration +5, Balance +3, Concentration +5, Balance +3, Concentration +5,
Escape Artist +4, Hide +4, Escape Artist +21, Hide +11, Escape Artist +21, Hide +11,
Listen +5, Spot +5, Swim +6 Listen +5, Spot +5, Swim +14 Listen +5, Spot +5, Swim +14
Feats: Agile, Alertness, Lightning Reflexes, Agile, Alertness, Lightning Reflexes, Agile, Alertness, Lightning Reflexes,
Natural SpellB, Skill Focus Natural SpellB, Skill Focus Natural SpellB, Skill Focus
(Hide), Toughness (Hide), Toughness (Hide), Toughness
Environment: Any Any Any
Organization: Solitary Solitary Solitary
CR: 8 8 8
Treasure: Standard Standard Standard
Alignment: Always neutral evil Always neutral evil Always neutral evil
Advancement: By character class By character class By character class
Level Adj: +3 +3 +3
In its humanoid form, wereoctopuses seem to gain Wereoctopuses prefer to fight in hybrid form,
a rubbery skin and tend to be incredibly flexible, to the point where they can fight on land or in water without penalty.
of being double-jointed. Many also develop dark splotches They tend to enjoy grappling and crushing multiple prey at
on their skin, somewhat akin of an octopus’s natural one time. They will often attempt to lure victims to watery
coloration. areas where they can be easily drowned or are isolated from
In hybrid form, a wereoctopus’s limbs stretch to summoning help.
become tentacles, and the creature moves about in an Alternate Form (Su): A wereoctopus can assume a
upright fashion, it’s thrashing tentacles doubling as legs to humanoid form, a bipedal hybrid form or the form of giant
move it about. octopus.
Wereoctopuses in their natural form often take a Curse of Lycanthropy (Su): Any humanoid or giant hit by
liking to living near coastal areas tend to be canny creatures. a wereoctopus’s bite attack in animal or hybrid form must
They are prone to worshipping sea deities, and many attract succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or contract lycanthropy.
“flocks” of followers who sooner or later become prey for Constrict (Ex): A wereoctopus deals 2d8+6 points of
the wereoctopus. damage with a successful grapple check.
The most common races who become Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a wereoctopus
wereoctopuses are humans, locathah, sea elves and mermen. must hit an opponent of any size with a tentacle attack. It
Sahuagin occasionally produce wereoctopuses, but they are can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without
generally seen as aberrations among the sahuagin who are provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple
hunted down and/or drive out as an abominination. check, it establishes a hold and can constrict.
Ink Cloud (Ex): A wereoctopus can emit a cloud of jet-
black ink 20 feet high by 20 feet wide by 20 feet long once
per minute as a free action. The cloud provides total

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concealment, which the wereoctopus normally uses to
escape a losing fight. All vision within the cloud is
Jet (Ex): A wereoctopus can jet backward once per round
as a full-round action, at a speed of 200 feet. It must move
in a straight line, but does not provoke attacks of
opportunity while jetting.
Octopus Empathy (Ex): Communicate with octopuses and
giant octopuses, and +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based
checks against octopuses and giant octopuses.
Spells (Sp): The example wereoctopus is able to cast spells
as a 4th level cleric, with access to the Animal (Aquatic
only) and Water domains.
Skills: A wereoctopus in animal or hybrid form can change
colors, giving it a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks. A
wereoctopus in animal or hybrid form also can squeeze and
contort its body, giving it a +10 racial bonus on Escape
Artist checks. A wereoctopus has a +8 racial bonus on any
Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a
hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check,
even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action
while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

Wereoctopuses on Amberos
Wereoctopuses are a “divine gift” to many priests
who have devoted themselves to M’kree Malka, who stole
the secret of lycanthrope transformation from Urdeus.
Where becoming a wereshark is something M’kree often
afflicts non-worshippers with to “spread the faith”,
becoming a wereoctopus is generally only bestowed upon
those who willingly become priests of Malka. It is well-
known that the high priest of Malka is granted natural
wereoctopus lycanthropy when he obtains his station, and
Malka is fickle to sometimes gift families with “natural”
wereoctopus offspring when he desires the young one to
grow up as a priest. As for infected wereoctopuses, Malka
sees them as pawns to “spread his gospel”, and has been
known to make the infected wereoctopus into a natural
lycanthrope if they please him.
Also of note is the fact that while most
lycanthropes have their changes bound to the phases of the
moon Luna, a wereoctopus’s changes are tied to the moon
of Triton, due to its association with the sea.

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Wereoctopus High Priest Hybrid Form
Human Form 8HD Large wereoctopus Cleric 10;hp: 107
8HD wereoctopus Cleric 10;hp: 107 S24 D17 C14 I10 W19 Ch8;Fort +15, Ref +11, Will +13
S14 D13 C12 I10 W19 Ch8;Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +13 Init: +1 Move: 20 ft., swim 30 ft.
Init: +1 Move: 20 ft. AC: 23 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +7 natural, +4 heavy wooden
AC: 23 (+1 Dex, +12 chain mail +3 & heavy wooden shield +2), touch 12, flat 20
shield +2), touch 11, flat 22 BAB/Grapple: +13/+24
BAB/Grapple: +13/+15 Full Attack: +3 heavy mace +22/+17/+12 melee
Full Attack: +3 heavy mace +18/+13/+8 melee (1d8+10), 6 tentacles +19 melee (1d4+7),
(1d8+5) bite +15 melee (1d8+3)
Special Att: Rebuke undead, spells Special Att: Curse of lycanthropy, rebuke undead,
Special Qual: Alternate form, low-light vision, octopus spells
empathy, scent Special Qual: Alternate form, DR 10/silver, ink cloud,
Skills: Balance +3, Concentration +14, Escape Artist +11, low-light vision, jet, octopus empathy,
Hide +5, Knowledge (Religion) +13, Listen +6, scent
Spellcraft +13, Spot +10, Swim +10 Skills: Balance +5, Concentration +14, Escape Artist +23,
Feats: Agile, Alertness, Augment Summoning, Lightning Hide +11, Knowledge (Religion) +13, Listen +6,
Reflexes, Natural SpellB, Skill Focus (Hide), Spell Spellcraft +13, Spot +10, Swim +25
Focus (Conjuration), Toughness Feats: Agile, Alertness, Augment Summoning, Lightning
CR: 14 Reflexes, Natural SpellB, Skill Focus (Hide), Spell
Gear: chain mail +3 (9,300 gp), heavy wooden shield +2 Focus (Conjuration), Toughness
(4,157 gp), +3 heavy mace (18,312 gp), periapt of CR: 14
Wisdom +2 (4,000 gp), cloak of resistance +3 Gear: heavy wooden shield +2 (4,157 gp), +3 heavy
(9,000 gp) mace (18,312 gp), periapt of Wisdom +2 (4,000
Total: 44,769 gp (45,000 gp) gp), cloak of resistance +3 (9,000 gp)
Rebuke Undead (Su): 2x/day; Turn Check 1d20-1; Turn Total: 44,769 gp (45,000 gp)
Damage 2d6+9 See human form for spells and abilities
Animal Domain: speak with animals 1x/day. Animal Form
Water Domain: 2x/day. Turn or destroy fire creatures as 8HD Large wereoctopus Cleric 10;hp: 107
turn undead. Rebuke, command or bolster water creatures S24 D17 C14 I10 W19 Ch8;Fort +15, Ref +11, Will +13
as rebuke undead. Init: +1 Move: 20 ft., swim 30 ft.
Typical Cleric Spell List AC: 20 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +7 natural), touch 13, flat 17
(6/6/6/5/5/3; CL 10; DC 14 + Spell Level; Domains: BAB/Grapple: +13/+24
Animal, Water) Full Attack: 8 tentacles +19 melee (1d4+7), bite +14
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Read melee (1d8+3)
Magic, Resistance Special Att: Curse of lycanthropy, rebuke undead,
1st: Bane, Command, Obscuring MistD, Protection from spells
Good, Shield of Faith Special Qual: Alternate form, DR 10/silver, ink cloud,
2nd: Aid, Desecrate, Hold AnimalD, Hold Person, Sound low-light vision, jet, octopus empathy,
Burst, Undetectable Alignment scent
3rd: Animate Dead, Bestow Curse, Dispel Magic, Dominate Skills: Balance +5, Concentration +14, Escape Artist +23,
AnimalD, Protection from Energy Hide +11, Knowledge (Religion) +13, Listen +6,
4th: Control WaterD, Divination, Freedom of Movement, Spellcraft +13, Spot +10, Swim +25
Spell Immunity, Summon Monster IV* Feats: Agile, Alertness, Augment Summoning, Lightning
5th: Commune With NatureD, Righteous Might, Summon Reflexes, Natural SpellB, Skill Focus (Hide), Spell
Monster V* Focus (Conjuration), Toughness
*= Summon spell; creature gains +4 Str and Con CR: 14
Gear: not used
Total: 44,769 gp (45,000 gp)

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Wereoctopus Krakentau Typical Cleric Spell List
Human Form (6/8/8/8/7/6/6/5/4/2; CL 10; DC 17 + Spell Level;
8HD fiendish wereoctopus Clr 18;hp: 154 Domains: Animal, Water)
S14 D13 C12 I10 W25 Ch8;Fort +23, Ref +18, Will +26 0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Read
Init: +1 Move: 20 ft. Magic, Resistance
AC: 28 (+1 Dex, +17 chain mail +5 & heavy wooden 1st: Bane, Bless Water, Command, Doom, Obscuring MistD,
shield +5 ), touch 11, flat 27 Magic Stone, Protection from Good, Shield of Faith
BAB/Grapple: +19/+21 2nd: Aid, Darkness, Desecrate, Hold AnimalD, Hold Person,
Full Attack: +4 unholy aquatic humanoid bane heavy Shatter, Sound Burst, Undetectable Alignment
mace +25/+20/+15/+10 melee (1d8+6 + 3rd: Animate Dead, Bestow Curse, Blindness/Deafness,
2d6 vs. good + 2d6 vs. humanoids Dispel Magic, Dominate AnimalD, Invisibility Purge, Meld
(aquatic)) Into Stone, Protection from Energy
Special Att: Magic strike, rebuke undead, smite good 4th: Control WaterD, Dismissal, Divination, Freedom of
1x/day, Movement, Poison, Spell Immunity, Summon Monster IV*
Special Qual: Alternate form, DR 10/magic, octopus 5th: Commune With NatureD, Flame Strike, Greater
empathy, low-light vision, resist cold 20, Command, Righteous Might, Slay Living, Summon Monster
resist fire 10 scent, SR 31 V*
Skills: Concentration +22, Escape Artist +4, Hide +0, 6th: Blade Barrier, Greater Dispel Magic, Harm, Heal,
Knowledge (Religion) +21, Spellcraft +21, Spot Word of Recall
+8, Swim +0 7th: Blasphemy, Destruction, Repulsion, Summon Monster
Feats: Agile, Alertness, Augment Summoning, Energy VII*
Resistance (Cold)E, Great SmitingE. Lightning 8th: Dimensional Lock, Earthquake, Summon Monster VIII*
Reflexes, Natural SpellB, Skill Focus (Hide), Spell 9th: Implosion
Focus (Conjuration), Toughness *= Summon spell; creature gains +4 Str and Con
CR: 24
Gear: shapeshifter’s chain mail +5 (100,300 gp), heavy
wooden shield +5 (25,157 gp), +4 unholy aquatic
humanoid bane heavy mace (128,312 gp), periapt
of Wisdom +6 (36,000 gp), cloak of resistance +5
(25,000 gp)
Total: 314,769 gp (320,000 gp)
Smite Good (Su): Once per day, the wereoctopus
krakentau can make a normal melee attack to add +40
Rebuke Undead (Su): 2x/day; Turn Check 1d20-1; Turn
Damage 2d6+17
Animal Domain: speak with animals 1x/day.
Water Domain: 2x/day. Turn or destroy fire creatures as
turn undead. Rebuke, command or bolster water creatures
as rebuke undead.

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Hybrid Form Animal Form
8HD Large fiendish wereoctopus Clr 18;hp: 154 8HD Large fiendish wereoctopus Clr 18;hp: 154
S24 D17 C14 I10 W25 Ch8;Fort +24, Ref +20, Will +26 S24 D17 C14 I10 W25 Ch8;Fort +19, Ref +15, Will +21
Init: +3 Move: 20 ft. Init: +3 Move: 20 ft.
AC: 38 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +9 natural, +17 shapeshifter’s AC: 31 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +9 natural, +10 shapeshifter’s
chain mail +5 & heavy wooden shield +5 ), touch chain mail +5 ), touch 12, flat 28
12, flat 35 BAB/Grapple: +19/+30
BAB/Grapple: +19/+30 Full Attack: 8 tentacles +25 melee (1d4+7), bite +20
Full Attack: +4 unholy aquatic humanoid bane heavy melee (1d8+3)
mace +31/+26/+21/+16 melee (1d8+13 + Special Att: Constrict, curse of lycanthropy, magic
2d6 vs. good + 2d6 vs. humanoids strike, improved grab, rebuke undead,
(aquatic)), 6 tentacles +25 melee (1d4+7), smite good 1x/day,
bite +20 melee (1d8+3) Special Qual: Alternate form, DR 10/magic, DR
Special Att: Constrict, curse of lycanthropy, magic 10/silver, ink cloud, jet, low-light vision,
strike, improved grab, rebuke undead, octopus empathy, resist cold 20, resist fire
smite good 1x/day, 10, SR 31
Special Qual: Alternate form, DR 10/magic, DR Skills: Concentration +22, Escape Artist +18, Hide +8,
10/silver, ink cloud, jet, low-light vision, Knowledge (Religion) +21, Spellcraft +21, Spot
octopus empathy, resist cold 20, resist fire +8, Swim +17
10, SR 31 Feats: Agile, Alertness, Augment Summoning, Energy
Skills: Concentration +22, Escape Artist +16, Hide +6, Resistance (Cold)E, Great SmitingE. Lightning
Knowledge (Religion) +21, Spellcraft +21, Spot Reflexes, Natural SpellB, Skill Focus (Hide), Spell
+8, Swim +13 Focus (Conjuration), Toughness
Feats: Agile, Alertness, Augment Summoning, Energy CR: 24
Resistance (Cold)E, Great SmitingE. Lightning Gear: shapeshifter’s chain mail +5 (100,300 gp)
Reflexes, Natural SpellB, Skill Focus (Hide), Spell Total: 314,769 gp (320,000 gp)
Focus (Conjuration), Toughness See human form for abilities and spells
CR: 24
Gear: shapeshifter’s chain mail +5 (100,300 gp), heavy Shapeshifter Armor: This armor enhancement grants its
wooden shield +5 (25,157 gp), +4 unholy aquatic full Armor Class bonus regardless of any form the wearer
humanoid bane heavy mace (128,312 gp), periapt takes (with polymorph, shapeshift, wild shape, or similar
of Wisdom +6 (36,000 gp), cloak of resistance +5 abilities).
(25,000 gp) CL: 10th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
Total: 314,769 gp (320,000 gp) alter form or wild shape ability; Market Price: +5 bonus
See human form for abilities and spells

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Weresnake, Giant Constrictor

Medium Human Sorcerer 3 Large Human Sorcerer 3 Large Human Sorcerer 3
Weresnake (Human Form) Weresnake (Snake Form) Weresnake (Hybrid Form)
(Human, Shapechanger) (Human, Shapechanger) (Human, Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 3d4+3 + 7d8+14 (55 hp) 3d4+3 + 7d8+14 (55 hp) 3d4+3 + 7d8+14 (55 hp)
Initiative: +5 +8 +8
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) 20 ft. (4 squares), climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 20 ft. (4 squares), climb 20 ft.,
swim 20 ft.
AC: 11 (+1 Dex), touch 11, flat 10 16 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, 16 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +3 natural)
Flat 12 Flat 12
BAB/Grapple: +6/+6 +6/+15 +6/+15
Attack: Dagger +6 melee (1d4;19-20/x2) Bite +10 melee (1d6+5) Bite +10 melee (1d6+5)
Full Attack: Dagger +6/+1 melee (1d4;19-20/x2) Bite +10 melee (1d6+5) Bite +10 melee (1d6+5), 2 claws +5
melee (1d4+2)
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. 10-ft./5 ft. 10-ft/10 ft.
Height/Length: 5 ft. 3 in. + 2d6 in. (5 ft. 10 in.) (L) 10 ft. + 1d6 ft. (13 ft.) 8 ft. + 2d8 in. (8 ft. 9 in.)
Weight: 150 lbs + 2d6 x 5 lbs. (185 lbs.) 250 lbs. + 1d4 x 50 lbs. (350 lbs.) as snake form
Special Att: Spells Constrict 1d6+7, improved grab Constrict 1d6+7, improved grab, spells
Special Qual: Alternate form, snake empathy, Alternate form, DR 10/silver, Alternate form, DR 10/silver,
Low-light vision, scent low-light vision, scent, snake low-light vision, scent, snake
Empathy empathy
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +5 Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +5 Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +5
Abilities: S10 D12 C13 I14 W10 Ch18 S20 D18 C15 I14 W10 Ch18 S20 D18 C15 I14 W10 Ch18
Skills: Balance +5, Climb +6, Concentration, Balance +5, Climb +6, Concentration +6, Balance +5, Climb +6,
+6, Hide +14, Knowledge (Arcana) +6, +6, Hide +14, Knowledge (Arcana) +6, Concentration +6,Hide +14,
Listen +5, Spellcraft +6, Spot +6, Listen +5, Spellcraft +6, Spot +6, Knowledge (Arcana) +6, Listen +5,
Swim +11 Swim +11 Spellcraft +6, Spot +6, Swim +11
Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Improved Initiative, Toughness
Environment: Warm forests Warm forests Warm forests
Organization: Solitary, Brace (2), Nest (3-5) Solitary, Brace (2), Nest (3-5) Solitary, Brace (2), Nest (3-5)
CR: 7 7 7
Treasure: Standard Standard Standard
Alignment: Always Neutral Evil Always Neutral Evil Always Neutral Evil
Advancement: By Character Class By Character Class By Character Class
Level Adj: +3 +3 +3
Giant constrictor weresnakes are cautious and racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special
calculating predators. They have a taste for the flesh of action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on
sentient beings, and tend to be greedy and ever hungry. a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use
In humanoid form, weresnakes tend to be the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a
muscular, but with an oily slickness to their skin. They straight line.
often have dark colored splotches on their skin, especially
on the back. Giant Constrictor Weresnakes on Amberos
In hybrid form, a weresnake has the lower half of a While lycanthropy is normally associated with
great boa constrictor and appears humanoid from the torso Urdeus, the Night watchman, giant constrictor and viper
up, except for the head, which is serpentine. They have weresnakes are the creation of Aspus as a boon to his human
yellow, slitted eyes. worshippers and those he wishes to make thralls. Afflicted
weresnakes who have offspring always generate natural
Combat weresnake offspring. Generally speaking when natural
Giant constrictor weresnakes prefer to attack from weresnakes mate, there are no second or successive
ambush, using their strength to quickly overcome and crush generations of weresnakes – instead, such offspring are
an opponent. They often hide above or beneath an aspii.
opponent’s line of sight, whether dropping down from Giant constrictor weresnakes seem to be more
above or striking from a hidden position underfoot. common in mountainous southern lands as well as forests,
If badly injured, most weresnakes will retreat and such as the Yaz.
seek easier prey; only if starving will a weresnake usually
continue fighting when the odds are against it.
Skills: Weresnakes have a +4 racial bonus on Hide, Listen,
and Spot checks and a +8 racial bonus on Balance and
Climb checks. A weresnake can always choose to take 10 on
a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened. Weresnakes
use either their Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier for
Climb checks, whichever is higher. A weresnake has a +8

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Bestiary Nefarious
Constrictor Weresnake Ambusher Hybrid Form
Human Form 7HD Large weresnake Sor 8;hp: 76
7HD weresnake Sor 8;hp: 76 S20 D19 C14 I14 W10 Ch19;Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +8
S10 D13 C12 I14 W10 Ch19;Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +8 Init: +8 Move: 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
Init: +5 Move: 30 ft. AC: 21 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +3 natural, +3 bracers of
AC: 16 (+1 Dex, +3 bracers of armor +3, +2 ring of armor +3, +2 ring of protection +2), touch 15, flat
protection +2), touch 13, flat 15 18
BAB/Grapple: +9/+9 BAB/Grapple: +9/+18
Full Attack: Dagger +9/+4 melee (1d4;19-20/x2) Full Attack: Bite +13 melee (1d6+5), 2 claws +8 melee
Special Att: Spells (1d4+2)
Special Qual: Alternate form, low-light vision, snake Special Att: Constrict 1d6+7, curse of lycanthropy,
empathy, scent spells
Skills: Balance +16, Bluff +15, Climb +15, Concentration Special Qual: Alternate form, DR 10/silver, low-light
+12, Craft (Alchemy) +13, Hide +12, Knowledge vision, snake empathy, scent
(Arcana) +13, Listen +9, Spellcraft +13, Spot +10 Skills: Balance +19, Bluff +15, Climb +20, Concentration
Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Eschew Materials, Greater +12, Craft (Alchemy) +13, Hide +11, Knowledge
Spell Focus (Enchantment), Improved InitiativeB, (Arcana) +13, Listen +9, Spellcraft +13, Spot +10
Spell Focus (Enchantment), Toughness Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Eschew Materials, Greater
CR: 12 Spell Focus (Enchantment), Improved InitiativeB,
Gear: bracers of armor +3 (9,000 gp), ring of protection Spell Focus (Enchantment), Toughness
+2 (8.000 gp), cloak of Charisma +2 (4,000 gp), CR: 12
necklace of fireballs type I (1,650 gp), wand of Gear: bracers of armor +3 (9,000 gp), ring of protection
charm monster (5 charges) (2,100 gp), scroll of +2 (8.000 gp), cloak of Charisma +2 (4,000 gp),
modify memory (1,000 gp), potion of cure serious necklace of fireballs type I (1,650 gp), wand of
wounds (750 gp) charm monster (5 charges) (2,100 gp), scroll of
Total: 26,500 gp (27,000 gp) modify memory (1,000 gp), potion of cure serious
wounds (750 gp)
Typical Sorcerer Spells Total: 26,500 gp (27,000 gp)
(6/7/7/6/4;CL 8;DC 14 + Spell Level) See human form for spells and abilities
0: Arcane Mark, Daze*, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Read Animal Form
Magic, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Touch of Fatigue 7HD Large weresnake Sor 8;hp: 76
1st: Color Spray, Comprehend Languages, Disguise Self, S20 D19 C14 I14 W10 Ch19;Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +8
Hypnotism*, Silent Image Init: +8 Move: 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
2nd: Detect Thoughts, Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy* AC: 16 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat 12
3rd: Deep Slumber*, Suggestion* BAB/Grapple: +9/+18
4th: Charm Monster* Full Attack: Bite +13 melee (1d6+5)
* = Enchantment Spell; DC +2 Special Att: Constrict 1d6+7, curse of lycanthropy,
Special Qual: Alternate form, DR 10/silver, low-light
vision, snake empathy, scent
Skills: Balance +19, Bluff +15, Climb +20, Concentration
+12, Craft (Alchemy) +13, Hide +11, Knowledge
(Arcana) +13, Listen +9, Spellcraft +13, Spot +10
Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Eschew Materials, Greater
Spell Focus (Enchantment), Improved InitiativeB,
Spell Focus (Enchantment), Toughness
CR: 12
Gear: not used
Total: 26,500 gp (27,000 gp)
See human form for spells and abilities

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Bestiary Nefarious
Constrictor Weresnake Deathgrip Trap Sense (Ex): A weresnake deathgripper gains a +1
Human Form bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge
7HD weresnake Sor 8/Rog 5;hp: 98 bonus to AC against attacks made by traps.
S10 D17 C12 I14 W10 Ch22;Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +9 Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A weresnake deathgripper retains
Init: +7 Move: 30 ft. her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat-
AC: 22 (+3 Dex, +5 bracers of armor +5, +2 ring of footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still
protection +2, +2 ring of force shield), touch 15, loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.
flat 19
BAB/Grapple: +12/+12
Full Attack: Dagger +9/+4 melee (1d4;19-20/x2)
Special Att: Sneak attack +3d6, spells
Special Qual: Alternate form, evasion, low-light vision,
snake empathy, scent, spell absorption, trapfinding,
trap sense +1, uncanny dodge
Skills: Balance +16, Bluff +21, Climb +20, Concentration
+12, Craft (Alchemy) +13, Hide +17, Knowledge
(Arcana) +13, Listen +14, Move Silently +11,
Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +13, Spot +15,
Tumble +11
Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Eschew Materials, Greater
Spell Focus (Enchantment), Improved InitiativeB,
Silent Spell, Spell Focus (Enchantment),
CR: 17
Gear: bracers of armor +5 (25,000 gp), ring of
protection +2 (8.000 gp), ring of force shield
(8,500 gp), cloak of Charisma +4 (16,000 gp),
gloves of Dexterity +4 (16,000 gp), necklace of
fireballs type I (1,650 gp), wand of crushing
despair (5 charges) (2,100 gp), scroll of modify
memory (1,000 gp), pale lavender ellipsoid ioun
stone (20,000 gp), potion of cure serious wounds
(750 gp)
Total: 99,000 gp (100,000 gp)

Typical Sorcerer Spells

(6/7/7/6/4;CL 8;DC 15 + Spell Level)
0: Arcane Mark, Daze*, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Read
Magic, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Touch of
1st: Color Spray, Comprehend Languages, Disguise Self,
Hypnotism*, Silent Image
2nd: Detect Thoughts, Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy*
3rd: Deep Slumber*, Suggestion*
4th: Charm Monster*
* = Enchantment Spell; DC +2

Evasion (Ex): If a weresnake deathgripper makes a

successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that
normally deals half damage on a successful save, she
instead takes no damage. A helpless rogue does not gain the
benefit of evasion.
Spell Absorption (It): As a readied action, can absorb 20
spell levels of 4th level or lower spells due to ioun stone.

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Bestiary Nefarious
Hybrid Form stone (20,000 gp), potion of cure serious wounds
7HD Large weresnake Sor 8/Rog 5;hp: 98 (750 gp)
S20 D23 C14 I14 W10 Ch22;Fort +10, Ref +15, Will +9 Total: 99,000 gp (100,000 gp)
Init: +10 Move: 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft. See human form for spells and special abilities
AC: 27 (-1 size, +6 Dex, +3 natural, +5 bracers of Animal Form
armor +5, +2 ring of protection +2, +2 ring of 7HD Large weresnake Sor 8/Rog 5;hp: 98
force shield), touch 17, flat 21 S20 D19 C14 I14 W10 Ch18;Fort +10, Ref +13, Will +9
BAB/Grapple: +12/+21 Init: +8 Move: 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
Full Attack: Bite +16 melee (1d6+5), 2 claws +11 AC: 16 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat 12
melee (1d4+2) BAB/Grapple: +12/+21
Special Att: Sneak attack +3d6, spells Full Attack: Bite +16 melee (1d6+5), 2 claws +11
Special Qual: Alternate form, DR 10/silver evasion, melee (1d4+2)
low-light vision, snake empathy, scent, spell Special Att: Sneak attack +3d6, spells
absorption, trapfinding, trap sense +1, uncanny Special Qual: Alternate form, DR 10/silver evasion,
dodge low-light vision, snake empathy, scent, spell
Skills: Balance +19, Bluff +21, Climb +25, Concentration absorption, trapfinding, trap sense +1, uncanny
+12, Craft (Alchemy) +13, Hide +16, Knowledge dodge
(Arcana) +13, Listen +14, Move Silently +14, Skills: Balance +17, Bluff +19, Climb +25, Concentration
Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +13, Spot +15, +12, Craft (Alchemy) +13, Hide +14, Knowledge
Tumble +14 (Arcana) +13, Listen +14, Move Silently +12,
Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Eschew Materials, Greater Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +13, Spot +15,
Spell Focus (Enchantment), Improved InitiativeB, Tumble +12
Silent Spell, Spell Focus (Enchantment), Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Eschew Materials, Greater
Toughness Spell Focus (Enchantment), Improved InitiativeB,
CR: 17 Silent Spell, Spell Focus (Enchantment),
Gear: bracers of armor +5 (25,000 gp), ring of Toughness
protection +2 (8.000 gp), ring of force shield CR: 17
(8,500 gp), cloak of Charisma +4 (16,000 gp), Gear: pale lavender ellipsoid ioun stone (20,000 gp)
gloves of Dexterity +4 (16,000 gp), necklace of Total: 99,000 gp (100,000 gp)
fireballs type I (1,650 gp), wand of crushing
despair (5 charges) (2,100 gp), scroll of modify
memory (1,000 gp), pale lavender ellipsoid ioun

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Bestiary Nefarious

Weresnake, Viper
Medium Human Rogue 1 Medium Human Rogue 1 Medium Human Rogue 1
Weresnake (Human Form) Weresnake (Snake Form) Weresnake (Hybrid Form)
(Human, Shapechanger) (Human, Shapechanger) (Human, Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 1d6+1 + 2d8+2 (15 hp) 1d6+1 + 2d8+2 (15 hp) 1d6+1 + 2d8+2 (15 hp)
Initiative: +2 +5 +5
Speed: 30 ft. 20 ft. (4 squares), climb 20 ft., 20 ft. (4 squares), climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
Swim 20 ft.
AC: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 leather), touch 12, flat 12 18 (+5 Dex, +3 natural), touch 15, 18 (+5 Dex, +3 natural), touch 15, flat 13
BAB/Grapple: +1/+2 +1/+0 +1/+0
Attack: rapier +3 melee (1d6+1;18-20/x2) bite +6 melee (1d4 + poison) bite +6 melee (1d4+poison)
Full Attack: rapier +3 melee (1d6+1;18-20/x2) bite +6 melee (1d4 + poison) bite +6 melee (1d4 + poison)
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. 5-ft./5 ft. 5-ft./5 ft.
Height: 5 ft. 3 in. + 2d6 in. (5 ft. 10 in.) as human form as human form
Weight: 150 lbs. + 2d6 x 5 lbs. (185 lbs.) 1/3 human form (50 lbs.) as human form
Special Att: Sneak attack +1d6 poison, sneak attack +1d6 poison, sneak attack +1d6
Special Qual: Alternate form, low-light vision, Alternate form, DR 10/silver, Alternate form, DR 10/silver, low-light vision,
Scent, snake empathy low-light vision, scent, snake scent, snake empathy
Saves: Fort +4 , Reflex +7, Will +1 Fort +4 , Reflex +10, Will +1 Fort +4 , Reflex +10, Will +1
Abilities: S12 D15 C13 I14 W12 Ch8 S10 D21 C13 I14 W12 Ch8 S10 D21 C13 I14 W12 Ch8
Skills: Appraise +6, Balance +8, Bluff +3, Appraise +6, Balance +11, Bluff +3, Appraise +6, Balance +11, Bluff +3,
Climb +7, Disable Device +6, Hide +8, Climb +11, Disable Device +6, Hide +15, Climb +11, Disable Device +6, Hide +15,
Listen +7, Search +6, Sense Motive +5, Listen +11, Search +6, Sense Motive +5, Listen +11, Search +6, Sense Motive +5,
Spot +7, Swim +5 Spot +11, Swim +12 Spot +11, Swim +12
Feats: Improved InitiativeB, Combat Expertise, Improved InitiativeB, Combat Expertise, Improved InitiativeB, Combat Expertise,
Weapon Finesse Weapon Finesse Weapon Finesse
Environment: Any temperate or hot Any temperate or hot Any temperate or hot
Organization: Solitary, Pair (2), Nest (3-5) Solitary, Pair (2), Nest (3-5) Solitary, Pair (2), Nest (3-5)
CR: 3 3 3
Treasure: Standard Standard Standard
Alignment: Always Lawful Evil Always Lawful Evil Always Lawful Evil
Advancement: By character class By character class By character class
Level Adj: +3 +3 +3

Deadly and conniving, viper weresnakes hide their However, on nights of the full moon a viper weresnake is
true intentions until they have cornered or otherwise placed often overcome with the desire to kill, and they will seek out
their victim in a position with no escape. They often are con gullible prey to isolate and kill, using their snake form to
artists or other slick-tongued individuals willing to part a strike.
fool and his money. A weresnake tends to abhor outright Viper weresnakes often milk and store their own
thuggery, and uses implied threats and cunning social poison for use on their weapons, either using cunningly
maneuvering to take down prey, only striking with a hidden, crafted sheathes to keep weapons envenomed or keeping the
envenomed dagger when all else fails. poison in vials that they then use upon their weapons.
In humanoid form, a viper weresnake often sports a Poison (Ex): A weresnake’s bite injects a neurotoxin into
widow’s peak and is very lithe – almost double-jointed. In its victim (Type: Injected; Fort DC 12;Init: 1d6 Con; Sec:
hybrid form, a viper weresnake has the lower half a sinuous 1d6 Con).
serpent, and the upper torso of a humanoid, though covered Skills: Weresnakes have a +4 racial bonus on Hide, Listen,
in glistening scales. The head is always serpentine and and Spot checks and a +8 racial bonus on Balance and
often sports a cobra-like hood. In some cases, instead of a Climb checks. A weresnake can always choose to take 10 on
hood, the viper weresnake may sport a loud rattle at the tip a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened. Weresnakes
of its tail. A small number of viper weresnakes sport neither use either their Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier for
a cobra’s hood nor a rattle, tending to have bright-colored Climb checks, whichever is higher. A weresnake has a +8
scales that are almost hypnotic in nature. racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special
action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on
Combat a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use
Unless forced into direct confrontation, weresnakes the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a
prefer to overpower others through social manipulation. straight line.

Viper Weresnake Poison

Strictly going by the rules, the viper weresnake’s poison should remain at a DC of 11 + Con modifier. However, for
the CR adjustment that is applied to the base creature, this doesn’t fit well. So we’ve modified the DC slightly so it is ½
HD/levels and the poison gets stronger as the weresnake advances, keeping it a deadly foe.

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Bestiary Nefarious
Viper Weresnake Venomtooth Hybrid Form
Human Form 2HD weresnake Rog 6;hp: 38
2HD weresnake Rog 6;hp: 38 S10 D22 C13 I14 W12 Ch8;Fort +8, Ref +13, Will +5
S12 D16 C13 I14 W12 Ch8;Fort +8, Ref +13, Will +5 Init: +10 Move: 30 ft.
Init: +7 Move: 30 ft. AC: 19 (+6 Dex, +3 natural), touch 16, flat 13
AC: 17 (+3 Dex, +4 leather +2), touch 13, flat 14 BAB/Grapple: +5/+5
BAB/Grapple: +5/+6 Full Attack: Bite +11 melee (1d4 + poison), rapier +1
Full Attack: +1 rapier +9 melee (1d6+2 + poison;18- +12 melee (1d6 + poison)
20/x2) Special Att: Sneak attack +3d6
Special Att: Sneak attack +3d6 Special Qual: Alternate form, evasion, low-light vision,
Special Qual: Alternate form, evasion, low-light vision, scent, snake empathy, trapfinding, trap
scent, snake empathy, trapfinding, trap sense +2, uncanny dodge
sense +2, uncanny dodge Skills: Appraise +11, Balance +17, Bluff +8, Climb +11,
Skills: Appraise +11, Balance +14, Bluff +8, Climb +12, Disable Device +11, Hide +17, Listen +12, Search
Disable Device +11, Hide +14, Listen +12, Search +11, Sense Motive +10, Spot +12, Swim +9
+11, Sense Motive +10, Spot +12, Swim +10 Feats: Improved InitiativeB,, Combat Expertise, Dodge,
Feats: Improved InitiativeB,, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Weapon Finesse
Weapon Finesse CR: 8
CR: 8 Gear: +1 rapier (2,320 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (1,000
Gear: leather +2 (4,155 gp), +1 rapier (2,320 gp), cloak gp), potion of Cat’s Grace (300 gp), potion of cure
of resistance +1 (1,000 gp), potion of Cat’s Grace serious wounds (750 gp)
(300 gp), potion of cure serious wounds (750 gp) Total: 8,525 gp (9,400 gp)
Total: 8,525 gp (9,400 gp) Animal Form
Evasion (Ex): If a weresnake venomtooth makes a 2HD weresnake Rog 6;hp: 38
successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that S10 D22 C13 I14 W12 Ch8;Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +3
normally deals half damage on a successful save, she Init: +10 Move: 30 ft.
instead takes no damage. A helpless rogue does not gain the AC: 19 (+6 Dex, +3 natural), touch 16, flat 13
benefit of evasion. BAB/Grapple: +5/+5
Poison (Ex): A weresnake venomtooth’s bite injects a Full Attack: Bite +11 melee (1d4 + poison)
neurotoxin into its victim (Type: Injected; Fort DC 15;Init: Special Att: Sneak attack +3d6
1d6 Con; Sec: 1d6 Con). The weresnake venomtooth also Special Qual: Alternate form, evasion, low-light vision,
uses the poison to coat his blade. scent, snake empathy, trapfinding, trap
Trap Sense (Ex): A weresnake venomtooth gains a +1 sense +2, uncanny dodge
bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge Skills: Appraise +11, Balance +17, Bluff +8, Climb +11,
bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. Disable Device +11, Hide +17, Listen +12, Search
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A weresnake venomtooth retains her +11, Sense Motive +10, Spot +12, Swim +9
Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat- Feats: Improved InitiativeB,, Combat Expertise, Dodge,
footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still Weapon Finesse
loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. CR: 8
Gear: not used
Total: 8,525 gp (9,400 gp)

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Bestiary Nefarious
Viper Weresnake Slinker Typical Assassin Spell List
Human Form (4/2;CL 4;DC 13 + spell level)
2HD weresnake Rog 8/Asn 4;hp: 65 1st: Disguise Self, Jump, Obscuring Mist, True Strike
S12 D18 C13 I16 W12 Ch8;Fort +9, Ref +20, Will +7 2nd: Invisibility, Pass without Trace, Spider Climb
Init: +8 Move: 30 ft. Hybrid Form
AC: 17 (+4 Dex, +4 bracers of armor +4), touch 13, 2HD weresnake Rog 8/Asn 4;hp: 65
flat 14 S10 D24 C13 I16 W12 Ch8;Fort +9, Ref +23, Will +7
BAB/Grapple: +9/+10 Init: +11 Move: 30 ft.
Full Attack: +2 rapier +14/+9 melee (1d6+3 + AC: 24 (+7 Dex, +3 natural, +4 bracers of armor +4),
poison;18-20/x2) touch 17, flat 17
Special Att: Death attack, sneak attack +6d6 BAB/Grapple: +9/+9
Special Qual: Alternate form, evasion, improved Full Attack: +2 rapier +17/+12 melee (1d6+2 +
uncanny dodge, low-light vision, poison poison;18-20/x2), bite +16 melee (1d4 +
use, scent, snake empathy, spells, poison)
trapfinding, trap sense +2, uncanny dodge, Special Att: Death attack, sneak attack +6d6
+2 save against poison Special Qual: Alternate form, evasion, improved
Skills: Balance +16, Bluff +12, Climb +14, Disable uncanny dodge, low-light vision, poison
Device +13, Disguise +11, Hide +20, Listen +14, use, scent, snake empathy, spells,
Move Silently +18, Search +17, Sense Motive +16, trapfinding, trap sense +2, uncanny dodge,
Spot +18, Swim +1 +2 save against poison
Feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Improved Skills: Balance +19, Bluff +12, Climb +13, Disable
InitiativeB,, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Weapon Device +13, Disguise +14, Hide +20, Listen +14,
Finesse Move Silently +21, Search +17, Sense Motive +16,
CR: 14 Spot +18, Swim +8
Gear: bracers of armor +4 (16,000 gp), rapier +2 (8,320 Feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Improved
gp), cloak of resistance +3 (9,000 gp), gloves of InitiativeB,, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Weapon
Dexterity +2 (4,000 gp), potion of cure serious Finesse
wounds (750 gp), 4 vials of viper weresnake poison CR: 14
(0 gp) Gear: bracers of armor +4 (16,000 gp), rapier +2 (8,320
Total: 38,070 gp (45,000 gp) gp), cloak of resistance +3 (9,000 gp), gloves of
Evasion (Ex): If a weresnake slinker makes a successful Dexterity +2 (4,000 gp), potion of cure serious
Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals wounds (750 gp), 4 vials of viper weresnake poison
half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no (0 gp)
damage. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of Total: 38,070 gp (45,000 gp)
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A weresnake slinker can
no longer be flanked, since he can react to opponents on
opposite sides of him as easily as he can react to a single
attacker. This defense denies rogues the ability to use flank
attacks to sneak attack the assassin. The exception to this
defense is that a rogue at least four levels higher than the
assassin can flank him (and thus sneak attack him).
Poison (Ex): A weresnake slinker’s bite injects a
neurotoxin into its victim (Type: Injected; Fort DC 18;Init:
1d6 Con; Sec: 1d6 Con). The weresnake slinker also uses
this poison to coat his blade.
Trap Sense (Ex): A weresnake slinker gains a +2 bonus on
Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +2 dodge bonus to
AC against attacks made by traps.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A weresnake slinker retains her
Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat-
footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still
loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

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Bestiary Nefarious
Animal Form
2HD weresnake Rog 8/Asn 4;hp: 65
S10 D24 C13 I16 W12 Ch8;Fort +9, Ref +23, Will +7
Init: +11 Move: 30 ft.
AC: 24 (+7 Dex, +3 natural, +4 bracers of armor +4),
touch 17, flat 17
BAB/Grapple: +9/+9
Full Attack: +2 rapier +17/+12 melee (1d6+2 +
poison;18-20/x2), bite +16 melee (1d4 +
Special Att: Death attack, sneak attack +6d6
Special Qual: Alternate form, evasion, improved
uncanny dodge, low-light vision, poison
use, scent, snake empathy, spells,
trapfinding, trap sense +2, uncanny dodge,
+2 save against poison
Skills: Balance +19, Bluff +12, Climb +13, Disable
Device +13, Disguise +14, Hide +20, Listen +14,
Move Silently +21, Search +17, Sense Motive +16,
Spot +18, Swim +8
Feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Improved
InitiativeB,, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Weapon
CR: 14
Gear: not used
Total: 38,070 gp (45,000 gp)

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Bestiary Nefarious
Viper Weresnake Black Mamba 1d6 Con; Sec: 1d6 Con). The weresnake black mamba also
Human Form uses this poison to coat his blade.
4 HD corrupted soul weresnake (Evil, Shapechanger) Rog Shield Against the Eye: The creature can use invisibility at
8/Asn 10;hp: 103 will.
S12 D25 C13 I16 W10 Ch8;Fort +14, Ref +22, Will +11 Trap Sense (Ex): A weresnake black mamba gains a +2
Init: +11 Move: 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (average) bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +2 dodge
AC: 28 (+7 Dex, +3 natural, +8 armor), touch 17, flat bonus to AC against attacks made by traps.
21 Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A weresnake black mamba retains
BAB/Grapple: +16/+17 her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat-
Full Attack: +5 acid rapier +28/+23/+18/+13 melee footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still
(1d6+6 + 1d6 acid + poison; 15-20/x2) loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.
Special Att: Death attack, sneak attack +9d6, touch of Touch of Rot: The claw or slam attacks of the creature
rot infect the victim with mummy rot.
Special Qual: Alternate form, evasion, hide in plain Twisted Soul: The creature limbs become like rubber; it
sight, improved uncanny dodge, poison gains a +8 bonus to Escape Artist skill checks and can use
use, snake empathy, shield against the the equivalent of the Freedom of Movement spell as if cast
eye, spells, trap sense + 2, uncanny dodge, at a level equal to its Hit dice/level.
+5 save vs. poison, twisted soul
Skills: Balance +21, Bluff +18, Climb +15, Disable Typical Assassin Spell List
Device +19, Disguise +22, Escape Artist +6, (4/4/4/3;CL 10;DC 13 + spell level)
Forgery +5, Hide +26, Listen +16, Move Silently 1st: Disguise Self, Jump, Obscuring Mist, True Strike
+27, Search +23, Sense Motive +16, Spot +20, 2nd: Alter Self, Invisibility, Pass without Trace, Spider
Swim +8 Climb
Feats: Combat Expertise, Deceitful, Dodge, Extend Spell, 3rd: Deep slumber, False Life, Misdirection, Nondetection
Improved Critical (Rapier), Improved Feint, 4th: Dimension Door, Glibness, Greater Invisibility, Locate
Improved InitiativeB,, Mobility, Spring Attack, Creature
Weapon Finesse
CR: 21
Gear: bracers of armor +8 (64,000 gp), amulet of natural
armor +3 (18,000 gp), +5 acid rapier (72,320 gp),
gloves of dexterity +6 (36,000 gp), cloak of
resistance +5 (25,000 gp), potion of cure serious
wounds (750 gp), carpet of flying (5 ft.) (20,000
gp), 4 vials of viper weresnake poison (0 gp)
Total: 236,070 gp (240,000 gp)
Evasion (Ex): If a weresnake black mamba makes a
successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that
normally deals half damage on a successful save, she
instead takes no damage. A helpless rogue does not gain the
benefit of evasion.
Hide in Plain Sight (Su): A weresnake black mamba can
use the Hide skill even while being observed. As long as he
is within 10 feet of some sort of shadow, a weresnake black
mamba can hide himself from view in the open without
having anything to actually hide behind.
He cannot, however, hide in his own shadow.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A weresnake black
mamba can no longer be flanked, since he can react to
opponents on opposite sides of him as easily as he can react
to a single attacker. This defense denies rogues the ability to
use flank attacks to sneak attack the assassin. The exception
to this defense is that a rogue at least four levels higher than
the assassin can flank him (and thus sneak attack him).
Poison (Ex): A weresnake black mamba’s bite injects a
neurotoxin into its victim (Type: Injected; Fort DC 22;Init:

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Hybrid Form Animal Form
4 HD corrupted soul weresnake (Evil, Shapechanger) Rog 4 HD corrupted soul weresnake (Evil, Shapechanger) Rog
8/Asn 10;hp: 103 8/Asn 10;hp: 103
S10 D30 C13 I16 W10 Ch8;Fort +14, Ref +25, Will +11 S10 D24 C13 I16 W10 Ch8;Fort +9, Ref +17, Will +6
Init: +14 Move: 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (average) Init: +14 Move: 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
AC: 34 (+10 Dex, +6 natural, +8 armor), touch 20, flat AC: 34 (+10 Dex, +6 natural, +8 armor), touch 20, flat
24 24
BAB/Grapple: +16/+17 BAB/Grapple: +16/+17
Full Attack: +5 acid rapier +28/+23/+18/+13 melee Full Attack: bite +23 melee (1d4 + poison)
(1d6+6 + 1d6 acid + poison; 15-20/x2), Special Att: Death attack, sneak attack +9d6, touch of
bite +18 melee (1d4 + poison) rot
Special Att: Death attack, sneak attack +9d6, touch of Special Qual: Alternate form, evasion, hide in plain
rot sight, improved uncanny dodge, poison
Special Qual: Alternate form, evasion, hide in plain use, snake empathy, shield against the
sight, improved uncanny dodge, poison eye, spells, trap sense + 2, uncanny dodge,
use, snake empathy, shield against the +5 save vs. poison, twisted soul
eye, spells, trap sense + 2, uncanny dodge, Skills: Balance +29, Bluff +18, Climb +32, Disable
+5 save vs. poison, twisted soul Device +19, Disguise +22, Escape Artist +6,
Skills: Balance +32, Bluff +18, Climb +32, Disable Forgery +5, Hide +30, Listen +20, Move Silently
Device +19, Disguise +22, Escape Artist +6, +27, Search +23, Sense Motive +16, Spot +20,
Forgery +5, Hide +33, Listen +20, Move Silently Swim +16
+30, Search +23, Sense Motive +16, Spot +20, Feats: Combat Expertise, Deceitful, Dodge, Extend Spell,
Swim +16 Improved Critical (Rapier), Improved Feint,
Feats: Combat Expertise, Deceitful, Dodge, Extend Spell, Improved InitiativeB,, Mobility, Spring Attack,
Improved Critical (Rapier), Improved Feint, Weapon Finesse
Improved InitiativeB,, Mobility, Spring Attack, CR: 21
Weapon Finesse Gear: not used
CR: 21 Total: 236,070 gp (240,000 gp)
Gear: bracers of armor +8 (64,000 gp), amulet of natural
armor +3 (18,000 gp), +5 acid rapier (72,320 gp),
gloves of dexterity +6 (36,000 gp), cloak of
resistance +5 (25,000 gp), potion of cure serious
wounds (750 gp), carpet of flying (5 ft.) (20,000
gp), 4 vials of viper weresnake poison (0 gp)
Total: 236,070 gp (240,000 gp)

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Wereshark, Large
Medium Human Fighter 1 Large Human Fighter 1 Large Human Fighter 1
Wereshark (Human Form) Wereshark (Shark Form) Wereshark (Hybrid Form)
(Human, Shapechanger) (Aquatic, Human, Shapechanger) (Aquatic, Human, Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 1d10+2 + 7d8+21 (59 hp) 1d10+2 + 7d8+21 (59 hp) 1d10+2 + 7d8+21 (59 hp)
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) +3 (+3 Dex) +3 (+3 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft (6 squares) Swim 60 ft. (12 squares) 30 ft. (6 squares), swim 60 ft. (12 squares)
Armor Class: 17 (+1 Dex, +6chain shirt & 18 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +6 natural), 20 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +6 natural, +2 light wooden
light wooden shield), touch 12, flat 15 shield), touch 12, flat 15
touch 11, flat 16
BAB/Grapple: +5/+7 +5/+14 +5/+14
Attack: Bastard Sword +7 melee Bite +10 melee (1d8+7) Bite +10 melee (1d8+7), Bastard Sword +10
(1d10+2;19-20/x2) Melee (1d10+7;19-20/x2)
Full Attack: Bastard Sword +7 melee Bite +10 melee (1d8+7) Bite +10 melee (1d8+7), bastard sword +10
(1d10+2;19-20/x2) Melee (1d10+7;19-20/x2)
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. 10-ft./5 ft. 10-ft./10 ft.
Height/Length: 5 ft. 3 in. + 2d6 in. (5 ft. 9 in.) 8 ft. + 1d8 ft. (12 ft.) 8 ft. + 1d4 ft. (10 ft.)
Weight: 150 lbs. + 2d6 x 5 lbs. (185 lbs.) 1,250 lbs. + 1d10 x 100 lbs. (1,850 lbs.) 500 lbs. + 1d8 x 50 lbs. (700 lbs.)
Special Att: -- Curse of lycanthropy Curse of lycanthropy
Special Qual: Alternate Form, Blindsense, Keen Alternate Form, blindsense, DR 10/silver, Alternate Form, DR 10/silver,
scent, shark empathy keen scent, shark empathy keen scent, shark empathy
Saves: Fort +11, Reflex +6, Will +4 Fort +12, Reflex +8, Will +4 Fort +12, Reflex +8, Will +4
Abilities: S15 D13 C14 I10 W14 Ch8 S21 D17 C16 I10 W14 Ch8 S21 D17 C16 I10 W14 Ch8
Skills: Intimidate +3, Listen +7, Spot +10, Intimidate +3, Listen +7, Spot +10, Intimidate +3, Listen +7, Spot +10,
Swim +3 Swim +20 Swim +18
Feats: Alertness, Great Fortitude, Alertness, Great Fortitude, Alertness, Great Fortitude,
Improved Initiative, ToughnessB, Improved Initiative, ToughnessB, Improved Initiative, ToughnessB,
Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword)F Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword)F Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword)F
Environment: Any Any Any
Organization: Solitary Solitary Solitary
CR: 5 5 5
Treasure: Standard Standard Standard
Alignment: Always Chaotic Evil Always Chaotic Evil Always Chaotic Evil
Advancement: By character class By character class By character class
Level Adj: +3 +3 +3

Weresharks tend to be vicious predators preying on Curse of Lycanthropy (Su): The bite of a wereshark in
anything they can get their mouth wrapped around. Luckily, bipedal or shark form requires medium, large or huge
both their bipedal form and shark form require them to be in humanoids or giants to make a DC 15 Fort save or contract
the water, so those far from a large body of water tend to be lycanthropy.
relatively safe. Blindsense (Ex): A wereshark can locate creatures
In humanoid form, weresharks tend have a sharp, underwater within a 30-foot radius. This ability works only
long nose and watery-looking eyes. They often have a when the shark is underwater.
streak of white hair along their sideburns and have thuggish Keen Scent (Ex): A wereshark can notice creatures by scent
dispositions. A wereshark in bipedal form has the body of a in a 180-foot radius and detect blood in the water at ranges
humanoid covered in sharkskin, with the head of a shark, of up to a mile.
gill-like slits in the neck, a prominent dorsal fin and webbed Skills: A shark has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to
hands and feet that allow it to move swiftly in water. It can perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always
remain out of the water for one minute + Con modifier in choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or
minutes. Beyond this time they suffer the effects of endangered. It can use the run action while swimming,
drowning and must either return to water or shift to provided it swims in a straight line.
humanoid form.
Weresharks on Amberos
Combat Weresharks are the divine minions of M’kree,
Weresharks rush to bite their opponent, tearing chosen by his “touch” to do his bidding on Amberos.
huge chunks out of their foe as they swim. Only when on Whether willing or unwilling, weresharks exist to do the
land will a wereshark resort to using weaponry, but so will of M’kree. Generally speaking, even unwilling
vicious is their bite they often forego the use of anything weresharks eventually turn to worships M’kree as their
that does not cause as much damage as their bite. chaotic and evil side slowly takes over.
Alternate Form (Su): A wereshark can assume a M’kree prefers strong, combat-capable individuals
humanoid, bipedal shark form or shark form as a standard for the transformation, and has been known to cause those
action. he deems weak that contract wereshark lycanthropy to be

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feasted upon by other weresharks directed by M’kree to kill
the weakling.
Like wereoctopuses, the change a wereshark
undergoes is tied to the lunar cycle of the moon Triton,
instead of Luna.

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Bestiary Nefarious
Wereshark Devourer Animal Form
Human Form 7HD Large wereshark fighter 6;hp: 97
7HD wereshark fighter 6;hp: 97 S24 D17 C16 I10 W14 Ch8;Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +6
S20 D13 C14 I10 W14 Ch8;Fort +15, Ref +9, Will +7 Init: +7 Move: 30 ft., swim 60 ft.
Init: +5 Move: 30 ft. AC: 19 (+3 Dex, +6 natural), touch 13, flat 16
AC: 21 (+1 Dex, +1 amulet of natural armor, +9 chain BAB/Grapple: +10/+17
shirt +2 & light wooden shield +1), touch 11, flat Full Attack: bite +17 melee (2d6+10)
20 Special Att: Curse of lycanthropy
BAB/Grapple: +10/+15 Special Qual: Alternate form, blindsense, DR 10/silver,
Full Attack: +1 bastard sword +17/+12 melee shark empathy
(1d10+8;19-20/x2) Skills: Intimidate +8, Listen +7, Spot +12, Swim +19
Special Att: - Feats: Alertness, CleaveF, Great Fortitude, Improved
Special Qual: Alternate form, blindsense, shark empathy Initiative, Improved Natural Attack, Improved
Skills: Intimidate +8, Listen +7, Spot +12, Swim +8 Sunder, Power AttackF, ToughnessB, Weapon
Feats: Alertness, CleaveF, Great Fortitude, Improved Focus (Bastard Sword)F, Weapon Specialization
Initiative, Improved Natural Attack, Improved (Bastard Sword)F
Sunder, Power AttackF, ToughnessB, Weapon CR: 10
Focus (Bastard Sword)F, Weapon Specialization Gear: not used
(Bastard Sword)F Total: 15,588 gp (16,000 gp)
CR: 10
Gear: chain shirt +2 (4,350 gp), light wooden shield +1
(1,153 gp), +1 bastard sword (2,335 gp), gauntlets
of ogre power (4,000 gp), amulet of natural armor
+1 (2,000 gp), potion of cure serious wounds (750
gp), cloak of resistance +1 (1,000 gp)
Total: 15,588 gp (16,000 gp)
Hybrid Form
7HD Large wereshark fighter 6;hp: 97
S26 D17 C16 I10 W14 Ch8;Fort +16, Ref +11, Will +7
Init: +7 Move: 30 ft., swim 60 ft.
AC: 23 (+3 Dex, +6 natural, +1 amulet of natural
armor, +3 light wooden shield +1), touch 13, flat
BAB/Grapple: +10/+18
Full Attack: +1 bastard sword +20/+15 melee
(1d10+11;19-20/x2), bite +13 melee
Special Att: Curse of lycanthropy
Special Qual: Alternate form, blindsense, DR 10/silver,
shark empathy
Skills: Intimidate +8, Listen +7, Spot +12, Swim +21
Feats: Alertness, CleaveF, Great Fortitude, Improved
Initiative, Improved Natural Attack, Improved
Sunder, Power AttackF, ToughnessB, Weapon
Focus (Bastard Sword)F, Weapon Specialization
(Bastard Sword)F
CR: 10
Gear: light wooden shield +1 (1,153 gp), +1 bastard
sword (2,335 gp), gauntlets of ogre power (4,000
gp), amulet of natural armor +1 (2,000 gp), potion
of cure serious wounds (750 gp), cloak of
resistance +1 (1,000 gp)
Total: 15,588 gp (16,000 gp)

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Wereshark Terror of the Deep Total: 76,488 gp (77,000 gp)
Human Form Animal Form
7HD wereshark fighter 12;hp: 145 7HD Large wereshark fighter 12;hp: 145
S23 D13 C14 I10 W14 Ch8;Fort +19, Ref +12, Will +12 S23 D17 C16 I10 W14 Ch8;Fort +17, Ref +10, Will +10
Init: +5 Move: 30 ft. Init: +7 Move: 30 ft., swim 60 ft.
AC: 26 (+1 Dex, +2 amulet of natural armor, +13 chain AC: 18 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +6 natural), touch 12, flat 15
shirt +4 & light wooden shield +3), touch 11, flat BAB/Grapple: +17/+29
25 Full Attack: bite +25 melee (2d6+14)
BAB/Grapple: +17/+23 Special Att: Curse of lycanthrope
Full Attack: +3 bastard sword +27/+22/+17/+12 Special Qual: Alternate form, blindsense, DR 10/silver,
melee (1d10+11;17-20/x2) shark empathy
Special Att: - Skills: Intimidate +14, Listen +7, Spot +15, Swim +18
Special Qual: Alternate form, blindsense, shark empathy Feats: Alertness, CleaveF, Great Fortitude, Improved
Skills: Intimidate +14, Listen +7, Spot +15, Swim +9 Critical (Bite), Improved Critical (Bastard Sword)F,
Feats: Alertness, CleaveF, Great Fortitude, Improved Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack,
Critical (Bite), Improved Critical (Bastard Sword)F, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Power AttackF,
Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack, ToughnessB, Weapon Focus (Bite)F, Weapon Focus
Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Power AttackF, (Bastard Sword)F, Weapon Specialization (Bastard
ToughnessB, Weapon Focus (Bite)F, Weapon Focus Sword)F, Weapon Specialization (Bite)F
(Bastard Sword)F, Weapon Specialization (Bastard CR: 16
Sword)F, Weapon Specialization (Bite)F Gear: not used
CR: 16 Total: 76,488 gp (77,000 gp)
Gear: chain shirt +4 (16,250 gp), light wooden shield +3
(9, 153 gp), +3 bastard sword (18,335 gp), belt of
giant strength +4 (16,000 gp), amulet of natural
armor +2 (8,000 gp), cloak of resistance +2 (8,000
gp), potion of cure serious wounds (750 gp)
Total: 76,488 gp (77,000 gp)
Hybrid Form
7HD Large wereshark fighter 12;hp: 145
S27 D17 C16 I10 W14 Ch8;Fort +19, Ref +12, Will +12
Init: +7 Move: 30 ft., swim 60 ft.
AC: 27 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +6 natural, +2 amulet of
natural armor, +7 light wooden shield +3), touch
12, flat 24
BAB/Grapple: +17/+29
Full Attack: +3 bastard sword +28/+23/+18/+13
melee (1d10+13;17-20/x2), bite +20
melee (2d6+14)
Special Att: Curse of lycanthrope
Special Qual: Alternate form, blindsense, DR 10/silver,
shark empathy
Skills: Intimidate +14, Listen +7, Spot +15, Swim +20
Feats: Alertness, CleaveF, Great Fortitude, Improved
Critical (Bite), Improved Critical (Bastard Sword)F,
Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack,
Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Power AttackF,
ToughnessB, Weapon Focus (Bite)F, Weapon Focus
(Bastard Sword)F, Weapon Specialization (Bastard
Sword)F, Weapon Specialization (Bite)F
CR: 16
Gear: light wooden shield +3 (9, 153 gp), +3 bastard
sword (18,335 gp), belt of giant strength +4
(16,000 gp), amulet of natural armor +2 (8,000
gp), cloak of resistance +2 (8,000 gp), potion of
cure serious wounds (750 gp)

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Maiden of Nature Special Qualities: The maiden retains the special qualities
of the base creature or base animal, depending on current
A maiden of nature is a female humanoid being form.
infused with a powerful connection to the Beastlands. Their Animal Empathy (Ex): In humanoid or animal form, the
connection to the plane grants them the ability to maiden can communicate with normal and dire
communicate with wild animals, to transform into an animal versions of the animal she can transform into, as if
with which they have a strong bond, and they even have the she using the speak with animals spell. The
ability to transform other humanoids into the animal to maiden also gains a +10 bonus when attempting to
which they have their unusual connection. determine or alter the animal’s attitude.
It is not known exactly what causes a maiden of Summon Animal (Su):In humanoid or animal form, the
nature to be “created”, but there are several qualities maiden can summon twice her hit dice in animals
associated with all maidens of nature. First and foremost, that she has empathy with. In the case of tiny or
maidens have a strong bond of friendship to a particular smaller creatures, the maiden can summon swarms
animal type, and often grow up treating or keeping many of the creatures she has empathy with. If the
wild animals as friends or companions. Most maidens are maiden abuses this ability or needlessly endangers
charismatic individuals, and while they may not make many the summoned creatures, she may lose her abilities
friends among others of their own type, they seem to be well (see ex-maidens of nature).
liked by animals. At some point, usually just as the female Unearthly Grace (Su): A maiden of nature adds her
reaches puberty, the plane reaches out and invests the Charisma modifier as a bonus on all her saving
maiden with magical powers. throws, and as a deflection bonus to her Armor
Three sample maidens of nature are described Class (The stat block already reflects these
below. There are many, many more types, though most bonuses).
maidens are linked to animals that are naturally inoffensive Base Save Bonuses: Add the base save bonuses for the
or harmless. That is not to say that there cannot be maidens base creature and animal form, modified by the maiden’s
of wolves, lions or other aggressive creatures, only that they current shape.
are much more rare, as the maiden must have been able to Abilities: The creature retains its base ability scores in
spend many hours with such creatures unharmed before they humanoid form. In animal form, the maiden uses the
gain their special abilities. physical scores (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution) of the
A maiden of nature is a template that can be animal form, but retains her mental ability scores
applied to a female humanoid or female fey creature. (Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma).
Size and Type: The maiden of nature’s size does not Skills: The maiden gains skills points equal to (2 + Int
change. However, the maiden of nature’s type changes to modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Die of its animal form. If the
Fey and gains the shapechanger subtype. maiden’s base HD were changed, she gains (6 + Int
Hit Dice and Hit Points: If the base creature’s hit dice is modifier, minimum 1) per hit die gained.
less than five, increase to five HD. The maiden also Feats: Add the animal’s feats to the base creatures. If this
receives hit points for the animal form she has affinity to. results in the maiden having the same feat twice, the maiden
To calculate total hit points, apply constitution modifiers gains no additional benefit unless the feat normally can be
according to the score the maiden has in each form. taken more than once, in which case the duplicated feat
Speed: Same as the base creature or animal form, works as noted in the feat description. If this process grants
according to the maiden’s current shape. the maiden more feats that a character of its total Hit Dice
Armor Class: Same as the base creature or animal form, would normally have, the extra feats are noted as bonus
according to the maiden’s current shape. feats. If the maiden’s base Hit Dice was increased and she
Base Attack/Grapple: Add the base attack bonus from the would normally be entitled to more feats after adding in the
humanoid form and animal form. The grapple bonus animal feats, the maiden may take extra feats to fill up the
applies the strength modifier according to the maiden’s open slots as normal.
current shape. Environment: Maidens tend to avoid civilized areas, but it
Attacks: Same as the base creature or base animal, is otherwise equal to the base creature’s.
depending on current form. Organization: Solitary or troupe (maiden plus related
Special Attacks: The maiden retains the special attacks of animals)
the base creature or base animal, depending on current form. Challenge Rating: By class level + 2/3 HD, modified
Transforming Touch (Su): By touch, a maiden of nature can according to the HD of the base animal: less than 1 HD +1;
transform another being into an animal form she 1 HD or 2 HD, +2, 3 HD to 5 HD, +3; 6 HD to 10 HD, +4;
has empathy with. This otherwise acts like a 11 HD to 20 HD, +5; 21 or more HD +6
Baleful Polymorph spell cast by a 5th level sorcerer. Treasure: Standard
The DC is 13 + Chr modifier. The attack is Alignment: Usually Neutral (good or evil tendencies)
Charisma based. Advancement: By character class

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Level Adjustment: +2. In addition, the maiden’s level is nature seems to fall most easily on elvin, halfling and
increased by the racial Hit Dice of the animal the maiden human females of virtue, grace and gentleness, though the
can transform into. latter is not an absolute requirement, for there are some
portions of the Aunn drawn to the darker tendencies of the
Popular Maiden Types maidens, such as the bat maidens.
Besides the three types of maidens listed in this
book, the following types of maidens are most commonly Ex-Maidens of Nature
found. Other maiden types are possible, but tend to be rarer. It is possible for a Maiden of Nature to lose her
granted abilities by at least two know methods.
Mouse Maiden First, if a maiden ever marries, she loses all of her
Horse Maiden special abilities and those transformed to animal by her
Cat Maiden touch are released from the transformation to return to their
Snake Maiden* natural form. Any animals she has attracted revert to their
Frog Maiden* natural instincts, though they generally leave the maiden in
Rat Maiden peace.
Dog Maiden If a maiden ever purposely causes harm or abuses
Wolf Maiden an animal to which she can transform into, she immediately
Camel Maiden loses all of her abilities and those transformed to animal
Elephant Maiden form by her touch are release from their transformation.
Hawk Maiden Furthermore, any future encounter with animals of the type
Leopard Maiden** she could transform into is automatically hostile, including
Porpoise Maiden any such animals present at the time of her being stripped of
Owl Maiden abilities.
Once a Maiden of Nature has lost her abilities, she
* Popular among native/barbaric communities can never again regain them. If she has gained the enmity
** Usually of well-to-do or noble birth of an animal type, the enmity can only be negated by
performing an atonement.
Maidens of Nature on Amberos
Maidens of nature are lesser wielders of the Aunn
power of Amberos. While a rarity, the mantle of maiden of

Using Maidens of Nature

Maidens of nature are not designed to be used as primarily combat encounters. Maidens of Nature work best ast
helpful NPCs or a taunting/seductive assistant to a mastermind behind a bigger problem. They can also make an
interesting plot: For example, a maiden may have transformed an important NPC or PC into an animal, and the fastest (or
only) way to get the person back to normal is to marry the maiden off…

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Bat Maiden
Medium Fey (Shapechanger, Dwarf) Diminutive Fey (Shapechanger, Dwarf)
Humanoid Form Bat Form
Hit Dice: 5d8+5 + ¼d8+1 (29 hp) 5d8+5 + ¼d8+1 (29 hp)
Initiative: +0 +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) 5 ft (1 square), fly 40 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 10, touch 10, flat 10 16 (+4 size, +2 Dex), touch 16, flat 14
BAB/Grapple: +3/+3 +3/-14
Attack: dagger +3 melee (1d4;19-20/x2) nil
Full Attack: dagger +3 melee (1d4;19-20/x2 nil
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. 1 ft./0 ft.
Height: 4 ft. + 1d4 in. (4 ft. 2 in.) 4 in.
Weight: 80 lbs. + 2d4 x 5 lbs. (105 lbs.) 1 lb.
Special Att: Dwarf traits, transforming touch -
Special Qual: Alternate form, bat empathy, dwarf traits, Alternate for, bat empathy, blindsense 20 ft., dwarf traits,
Darkvision 60 ft., summon bats, unearthly grace darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, summon bats,
unearthly grace
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +1 Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +1
Abilities: S10 D11 C12 I10 W11 Ch9 S1 D15 C12 I10 W11 Ch9
Skills: Diplomacy –1*, Handle Animal +6, Diplomacy –1*, Handle Animal +6, Hide +14,
Knowledge (Nature) +7, Listen +11, Move Silently Listen +15*, Move Silently +11, Spot +15*, Survival +7
+11, Spot +11, Survival +7
Feats: Ability Focus (Transforming Touch), Alertness Ability Focus (Transforming Touch), Alertness
Environment: Any Any
Organization: Solitary or Troupe (1 Bat maiden and 1-4 Solitary or Troupe (1 Bat maiden and 1-4
bats swarms) bats swarms)
CR: 4 4
Treasure: Standard Standard
Alignment: Usually Neutral (Evil tendencies) Usually Neutral (Evil tendencies)
Advancement: By character class By character class
Level Adj: +2 +2
Bat maidens are usually attracted to the darker side Transforming Touch (Su): By touch, a bat maiden can
of nature, and it is not unknown for them to use their powers transform another being into a bat. This otherwise acts like
for evil means. It is not unknown for them to associate with a Baleful Polymorph spell cast by a 5th level sorcerer. The
necromancers, vampires and other evil beings. At the same DC is 14. The attack is Charisma based.
time dwarven, gnomish and dark halfling bat maidens tend Animal Empathy (Ex): In humanoid or animal form, the
to more often be of good or neutral bend, as their maiden can communicate with normal and dire versions of
communities do not have the negative connotations often the animal she can transform into, as if she using the speak
associated with bats. with animals spell. The maiden also gains a +10 bonus
Bat maidens speak Common in humanoid form and when attempting to determine or alter the animal’s attitude.
can communicate with any bat. Dwarf Traits (Ex): Dwarves possess the following racial
Combat +2 Constitution, –2 Charisma.
Bat maidens are not powerful fighters and Medium size.
generally instead attempt to seduce or trick enemies into A dwarf ’s base land speed is 20 feet. However,
lowering their guard, and then striking them with their dwarves can move at this speed even when wearing
transforming touch ability. medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or
If forced to defend themselves, they often call their heavy load.
bat allies to form a bat swarm around opponents, allowing Darkvision out to 60 feet.
the bat maiden the opportunity to escape combat. Stonecunning: This ability grants a dwarf a +2 racial
Due to the companions a bat maiden keeps, many bonus on Search checks to notice unusual stonework,
bat maidens also have class levels as either sorcerers or such as sliding walls, stonework traps, new construction
rogues, which allows them to put their abilities to much (even when built to match the old), unsafe stone
more potent use. surfaces, shaky stone ceilings, and the like.
Something that isn’t stone but that is disguised as stone
also counts as unusual stonework. A dwarf who merely

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Bestiary Nefarious
comes within 10 feet of unusual stonework can
make a Search check as if he were actively searching,
and a dwarf can use the Search skill to find stonework
traps as a rogue can. A dwarf can also intuit depth,
sensing his approximate depth underground as naturally
as a human can sense which way is up. Dwarves have a
sixth sense about stonework, an innate ability that they
get plenty of opportunity to practice and hone in their
underground homes.
Weapon Familiarity: Dwarves treat dwarven waraxes
and dwarven urgroshes as martial weapons, rather than
exotic weapons.
Stability: Dwarves are exceptionally stable on their
feet. A dwarf has a +4 bonus on ability checks made to
resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the
ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or
otherwise not standing firmly on the ground).
+2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison. *Not
reflected in the saving throw numbers given here.
+2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and
spell-like effects. *Not reflected in the saving throw
numbers given here.
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls against orcs (including
half-orcs) and goblinoids (including goblins,
hobgoblins, and bugbears).
+4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against creatures of the
giant type (such as ogres, trolls, and hill giants).
+2 racial bonus on Appraise checks that are related to
stone or metal items.
+2 racial bonus on Craft checks that are related to stone
or metal.
Summon Animal (Su): In humanoid or animal form, the
maiden can summon twice her hit dice (10 HD) in bat
swarms. If the maiden abuses this ability or needlessly
endangers the summoned creatures, she may lose her
abilities (see ex-maidens of nature).
Unearthly Grace (Su): A maiden of nature adds her
Charisma modifier as a bonus on all her saving throws, and
as a deflection bonus to her Armor Class (The stat block
already reflects these bonuses).
Skills: *A bat maiden in bat form has a +4 racial bonus on
Spot and Listen checks. These bonuses are lost if its
blindsense is negated.

Bat Maidens on Amberos

Bat maidens are exceptionally rare, and usually
only found in caverns within mountainous areas such as in
the Crystalmire mountains. There is, however, a fairly well
known half-elvin bat maiden who is known to dwell in a
enormous cavern of bats in the valley of Vall Vega.
According to tales, this cavern guards the entrance to
Centerworld, and she is some sort of guardian of the

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Bat Maiden Nightchilde Bat Form
Humanoid Form 5¼HD diminutive dwarf Rog 6 ;hp:
5¼HD dwarf Rog 6 ;hp: S1 D15 C12 I10 W12 Ch14;Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +3
S8 D15 C15 I10 W12 Ch16;Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +3 Init: +2 Move: 20 ft.
Init: +2 Move: 20 ft. AC: 14 (+4 size, +2 Dex, +2 grace), touch 14, flat 18
AC: 20 (+2 Dex, +3 grace, +1 amulet of natural armor, BAB/Grapple: +7/-6
+4 leather armor +2), touch 15, flat 18 Full Attack: -
BAB/Grapple: +7/+6 Special Att: Dwarf traits, sneak attack +3d6,
Full Attack: +1 dagger +10/+5 melee (1d4;19-20/x2) transforming touch
Special Att: Dwarf traits, sneak attack +3d6, Special Qual: Alternate form, bat empathy, evasion,
transforming touch darkvision 60 ft., dwarf traits, summon
Special Qual: Alternate form, bat empathy, evasion, bats, trap sense +2, trapfinding, uncanny
darkvision 60 ft., dwarf traits, summon dodge, unearthly grace
bats, trap sense +2, trapfinding, uncanny Skills: Diplomacy +8*, Escape Artist +8, Handle Animal
dodge, unearthly grace +14, Hide +14, Knowledge (Nature) +11, Listen
Skills: Diplomacy +9*, Escape Artist +8, Handle Animal +21*, Move Silently +19, Spot +21*, Survival +12
+14, Hide +2, Knowledge (Nature) +11, Listen Feats: Ability Focus (Transforming Touch), Alertness,
+17, Move Silently +19, Spot +17, Survival +12 Skill Focus (Move Silently), Weapon Finesse
Feats: Ability Focus (Transforming Touch), Alertness, CR: 10
Skill Focus (Move Silently), Weapon Finesse Gear: not used
CR: 10 Total: 15,212 gp (16,000 gp)
Gear: leather +2 (4,160 gp), amulet of natural armor +1
(2,000 gp), dagger +1 (2,302 gp), cloak of
charisma +2 (4,000 gp), potion of cure serious
wounds (750 gp)
Total: 13,212 gp (16,000 gp)
Evasion (Ex): If a bat maiden nightchilde makes a
successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that
normally deals half damage on a successful save, she
instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the
rogue is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless rogue
does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Transforming Touch (Su): By touch, a bat maiden
nightchilde can transform another being into a bat. This
otherwise acts like a Baleful Polymorph spell cast by a 5th
level sorcerer. The DC is 18. The attack is Charisma based.
Trap Sense (Ex): A bat maiden nightchilde gains a +2
bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +2 dodge
bonus to AC against attacks made by traps.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A bat maiden nightchilde retains her
Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat-
footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still
loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

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Bird Maiden
Medium Fey (Shapechanger, Human) Diminutive Fey (Shapechanger, Human)
Humanoid Form Bird (Robin) Form
Hit Dice: 5d8 + ¼d8 (23 hp) 5d8 + ¼d8 (23 hp)
Initiative: +0 +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) 5 ft (1 square), fly 40 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 10 16 (+4 size, +2 Dex), touch 16, flat 14
BAB/Grapple: +3/+3 +3/-14
Attack: dagger +3 melee (1d4;19-20/x2) nil
Full Attack: dagger +3 melee (1d4;19-20/x2) nil
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. 1 ft./0 ft.
Height: 5 ft. 1 in. + 2d4 in. (5 ft. 6 in.) 3 in.
Weight: 100 lbs. + 2d4 x 5 lbs. (125 lbs.) 1 lb.
Special Att: Transforming touch nil
Special Qual: Alternate form, bird empathy, summon bird, Alternate form, bird empathy, low-light vision, summon
Unearthly grace birds, unearthly grace
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2 Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2
Abilities: S10 D11 C10 I10 W11 Ch11 S1 D15 C10 I10 W11 Ch11
Skills: Diplomacy +8,Handle Animal +8, Diplomacy +8, Handle Animal +8, Hide +14, Listen +11,
Knowledge (Nature) +8, Listen +11, Perform (Sing) Knowledge (Nature) +8, Listen +11, Perform (Sing) +11,
+11, Spot +11, Survival +8 Spot +11, Survival +8
Feats: Ability Focus (Transforming Touch), Alertness, Alertness, Skill Focus (Perform - Sing)
Skill Focus (Perform - Sing)
Environment: Any Any
Organization: Solitary or Troupe (1 bird maiden and 1-2 bird swarms)
CR: 4 4
Treasure: Standard Standard
Alignment: Usually Neutral (Good tendencies) Usually Neutral (Good tendencies)
Advancement: By character class By character class
Level Adj: +2 +2
creatures, she may lose her abilities (see ex-maidens of
Bird Maidens tend to be charming females of nature).
superior voice. They are often surrounded by a throng of
songbirds, and usually singing some tune or song. Bird Maidens on Amberos
A Bird maiden speaks Common an Auran. Bird maidens are usually found in places such as
the small communities near Kennestone Forest and in both
Combat Alusti and Alusti Sath Tusko. In a manner of speaking,
Most bird maidens are kind hearted and would not fight, being a bird maiden in Alusti is akin to a death sentence, for
even if pressed. However, the throng of birds that usually the druids of Alusti sacrifice a single unmarried maiden over
surrounds such females will often defend her from attack, the age of 18 on Maiden Day, and maidens of nature are
swarming an enemy to drive them away from their always at the top of the list, for they are assumed to be
companion. blessed for the sacred sacrifice.
Transforming Touch (Su): By touch, a bird maiden can
transform another being into a small robin. This otherwise
acts like a Baleful Polymorph spell cast by a 5th level
sorcerer. The DC is 13. The attack is Charisma based.
Animal Empathy (Ex): In humanoid or animal form, the
maiden can communicate with normal and dire versions of
any bird she can transform into, as if she using the speak
with animals spell. The maiden also gains a +10 bonus
when attempting to determine or alter the animal’s attitude.
Summon Animal (Su):In humanoid or animal form, the
maiden can summon twice her hit dice in small songbirds.
Treat the summoned songbirds as bat swarms. If the maiden
abuses this ability or needlessly endangers the summoned

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Bird Maiden Songbird Animal Form
Humanoid Form 5¼HD human Soc 6;hp: 45
5¼HD human Soc 6;hp: 45 S8 D14 C13 I10 W12 Ch19;Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +6
S8 D14 C13 I10 W12 Ch19;Fort +14, Ref +15, Will +11 Init: +2 Move: 30 ft.
Init: +2 Move: 30 ft. AC: 19 (+4 deflection +2 Dex, +1 amulet of natural
AC: 19 (+4 deflection +2 Dex, +1 amulet of natural armor, +2 bracers of armor), touch 15, flat 17
armor, +2 bracers of armor), touch 15, flat 17 BAB/Grapple: +6/+5
BAB/Grapple: +6/+5 Full Attack: mw dagger +6/+1 melee (1d4-1;19-20/x2)
Full Attack: mw dagger +6/+1 melee (1d4-1;19-20/x2) Special Att: Spells, transforming touch
Special Att: Spells, transforming touch Special Qual: Alternate form, bird empathy, spells,
Special Qual: Alternate form, bird empathy, spells, summon birds, unearthly grace
summon birds, unearthly grace Skills: Diplomacy +3, Handle Animal +11, Hide +14,
Skills: Diplomacy +11, Handle Animal +11, Knowledge Knowledge (Nature) +8, Listen +11, Perform
(Nature) +8, Listen +11, Perform (Sing) +14, Spot (Sing) +14, Spot +11, Survival +9
+11, Survival +9 Feats: Ability Focus (Transforming Touch), Alertness,
Feats: Ability Focus (Transforming Touch), Alertness, Natural Spell, Skill Focus (Perform – Sing)B, Spell
Natural Spell, Skill Focus (Perform – Sing)B, Spell Focus (Enchantment)
Focus (Enchantment) CR: 10
CR: 10 Gear: not used
Gear: bracers of armor +2 (4,000 gp), amulet of natural Total: 12,402 gp (16,000 gp)
armor +1 (2,000 gp), mw dagger (302 gp), cloak of
charisma +2 (4,000 gp), figurine of wondrous
power (silver raven) (3,800 gp), potion of cure
moderate wounds (300 gp)
Total: 12,402 gp (16,000 gp)
Summon Animal (Su): Summon 4 bird swarms (treat as
bat swarm).
Transforming Touch (Su): By touch, a bird maiden can
transform another being into a small robin. This otherwise
acts like a Baleful Polymorph spell cast by a 5th level
sorcerer. The DC is 17. The attack is Charisma based. Natural Spell [GENERAL]
Prerequisites: Wis 13, wild shape ability.
Typical Sorcerer Spells Benefit: You can complete the verbal and somatic
(6/7/6/4; CL 6; DC 13 + Spell Level) components of spells while in a wild shape. You substitute
0: Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, various noises and gestures for the normal verbal and
Ghost Sound, Message, Prestidigitation somatic components of a spell.
1st: Charm Person, Disguise Self, Hypnotism, Ventriloquism You can also use any material components or
2nd: Minor Image, Touch of Idiocy focuses you possess, even if such items are melded within
3rd: Suggestion your current form. This feat does not permit the use of
magic items while you are in a form that could not
ordinarily use them, and you do not gain the ability to speak
while in a wild shape.
Special: A creature with the alternate form ability may
qualify for this feat, using its Alternate form ability in the
place of the Wild Shape ability.

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Fish Maiden
Medium Fey (Shapechanger, Human) Tiny Fey (Aquatic, Shapechanger, Human)
Humanoid Form Fish (Carp) Form
Hit Dice: 5d8 + ¼d8 (23 hp) 5d8 + ½d8 (24 hp)
Initiative: +0 +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) 5 ft (1 square), swim 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 10 13 (+2 size, +1 Dex), touch 13, flat 12
BAB/Grapple: +3/+3 +3/-10
Attack: dagger +3 melee (1d4;19-20/x2) nil
Full Attack: dagger +3 melee (1d4;19-20/x2) nil
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. 1 ft./0 ft.
Height: 5 ft. 1 in. + 2d4 in. (5 ft. 6 in.) 1 ft. + 2d6 in. (1 ft. 7 in.)
Weight: 100 lbs. + 2d4 x 5 lbs. (125 lbs.) 1 lb. + 1d6 lbs. (4 lbs.)
Special Att: Transforming touch nil
Special Qual: Alternate form, fish empathy, summon fish, Alternate form, fish empathy, low-light vision, summon
Unearthly grace fish, unearthly grace
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2 Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2
Abilities: S10 D11 C10 I10 W11 Ch11 S1 D13 C10 I10 W11 Ch11
Skills: Diplomacy +8, Handle Animal +8, Diplomacy +8, Handle Animal +7, Hide +14, Knowledge
Knowledge (Nature) +8, Listen +10, Spot +10, (Nature) +8, Listen +10, Spot +10, Swim +11*,
Swim +11, Survival +8 Survival +8
Feats: Ability Focus (Transforming Touch), Alertness, Ability Focus (Transforming Touch), Alertness,
Skill Focus (Swim)B Skill Focus (Swim)B
Environment: Any Any
Organization: Solitary or Troupe (1 fish maiden and 1-2 fish schools)
CR: 4 4
Treasure: Standard Standard
Alignment: Usually Neutral (Good tendencies) Usually Neutral (Good tendencies)
Advancement: By character class By character class
Level Adj: +2 +2
Fish Maidens are always found near rivers or seas. empathy with. If the maiden abuses this ability or
While they will never eat of those animals they have an needlessly endangers the summoned creatures, she may lose
empathy to, many delight in seafood such as clams, lobsters, her abilities (see ex-maidens of nature).
seaweed or other such fare.
A fish maiden speaks Common and Aquan. Fish Maidens on Amberos
Fish maidens seem most populous among the
Combat baquada in areas of the Skienlands and Randu. There, they
Most bird maidens are kind hearted and would not fight, are greatly respected, and may become speakers or wise
even if pressed. However, the throng of birds that usually women for their community.
surrounds such females will often defend her from attack,
swarming an enemy to drive them away from their
Transforming Touch (Su): By touch, a fish maiden can
transform another being into a small carp. This otherwise
acts like a Baleful Polymorph spell cast by a 5th level
sorcerer. The DC is 13. The attack is Charisma based.
Animal Empathy (Ex): In humanoid or animal form, the
maiden can communicate with normal and dire versions of
any fish, as if she using the speak with animals spell. The
maiden also gains a +10 bonus when attempting to
determine or alter the animal’s attitude.
Summon Animal (Su): In humanoid or animal form, the
maiden can summon twice her hit dice in animals that she
has empathy with. In the case of tiny or smaller creatures,
the maiden can summon swarms of the creatures she has

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Bestiary Nefarious
Fish Maiden Princess of the Sea Animal Form
Humanoid Form 5¼HD human Clr 6;hp: 50
5¼HD human Clr 6;hp: 50 S1 D13 C10 I13 W17 Ch16;Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +12
S8 D12 C10 I13 W17 Ch16;Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +12 Init: +1 Move: 5 ft., swim 20 ft.
Init: +1 Move: 30 ft. AC: 17 (+1 Dex, +3 grace, +1 amulet of natural armor,
AC: 17 (+1 Dex, +3 grace, +1 amulet of natural armor, +2 bracers of armor), touch 14, flat 16
+2 bracers of armor), touch 14, flat 16 BAB/Grapple: +7/+6
BAB/Grapple: +7/+6 Full Attack: mw dagger +7/+2 melee (1d4-1;19-20/x2)
Full Attack: mw dagger +7/+2 melee (1d4-1;19-20/x2) Special Att: Transforming touch, turn undead,
Special Att: Transforming touch, turn undead, turn/destroy fire creatures
turn/destroy fire creatures Special Qual: Alternate form, fish empathy, speak with
Special Qual: Alternate form, fish empathy, speak with animals 1x/day, summon fish, unearthly
animals 1x/day, summon fish, unearthly grace
grace Skills: Diplomacy +17, Handle Animal +11, Heal +11,
Skills: Diplomacy +17, Handle Animal +11, Heal +11, Knowledge (Nature) +15, Listen +13, Spot +13,
Knowledge (Nature) +15, Listen +13, Spot +13, Swim +21, Survival +13
Swim +21, Survival +13 Feats: Ability Focus (Transforming Touch), Alertness,
Feats: Ability Focus (Transforming Touch), Alertness, Self-Sufficient, Skill Focus (Swim)B
Self-Sufficient, Skill Focus (Swim)B CR: 10
CR: 10 Gear: bracers of armor +2 (4,000 gp), amulet of natural
Gear: bracers of armor +2 (4,000 gp), amulet of natural armor +1 (2,000 gp), mw dagger (302 gp), cloak of
armor +1 (2,000 gp), mw dagger (302 gp), cloak of charisma +2 (4,000 gp), wand of cure moderate
charisma +2 (4,000 gp), wand of cure moderate wounds (10 charges) (900 gp)
wounds (10 charges) (900 gp) Total: 11,202 gp (16,000 gp)
Total: 11,202 gp (16,000 gp)
Transforming Touch (Su): By touch, a fish maiden can
transform another being into a small carp. This otherwise
acts like a Baleful Polymorph spell cast by a 5th level
sorcerer. The DC is 16. The attack is Charisma based.
Turn Fire Creature (Su): 6x/day; Turn Check 1d20+3;
Turn Damage 2d6+9
Turn Undead (Su): 6x/day; Turn Check 1d20+3; Turn
Damage: 2d6+9

Typical Cleric Spells

(5/5/5/4; CL 6; DC 13 + Spell Level; Domains: Animal,
0: Create Water, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink,
Resistance, Virtue
1st: Bless, Calm AnimalsD, Command, Sanctuary, Shield of
2nd: Augury, Fog CloudD, Hold Person, Owl’s Wisdom,
Resist Energy
3rd: Dispel Magic, Dominate Animal, Prayer, Water

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Mamaluke passed, the Mamalukes formed their own communities,

though usually at the outskirts of human cities or towns.
Medium Humanoid (Canine) The structure of Mamaluke society often mimics that of the
Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (11 hp) human community to which they are attached. Rarely do
Initiative: +0 they have any leaders with true political power; most at
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) general have a spokesperson for their kind or some sort of
Armor Class: 17 (+4 natural, +2 leather armor, +1 light "wise one" who is deferred to in times of need.
wooden shield), touch 10, flat 17
BAB/Grapple: +1/+3 Mamalukes on Amberos
Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d6+2) or khopesh +3 Mamalukes can be found in Llannhanex and
melee (2d4+2;18-20/x2) portions of Iiannhanex. There are rumors of tribes that
Full Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d6+2) and 2 claws -2 dwell in Ulanst, Simera and Lanster and dread tales among
melee (1d4+1) the mamalukes of the Randese taking their kind as prisoner
or khopesh +3 melee (2d4+2;18-20/x2) to train to become vicious, human-killing berserkers. Most
and bite –2 melee (1d6+2) of these rumors unknowingly speak of annikan, not
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. mamalukes.
Height: 5 ft. + 2d8 in. (5 ft. 7 in.)
Weight: 100 lbs. + 2d4 x 5 lbs. (125 lbs.) Mamaluke as Characters
Special Att: -
Mamalukes often venture out from their
Special Qual: Low-light vision, scent
communities in the aid of humans and other humanoids.
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +1
However, they tend to be followers, not leaders in non-
Abilities: S14 D11 C12 I10 W13 Ch8
Mamaluke groups.
Skills: Balance -1, Climb +1, Escape Artist -1,
A Mamaluke gains the following abilities
Hide -1, Intimidate +4, Jump +6, Listen
+1, Move Silently -1, Sleight of Hand -1, • Medium Size
Spot +1, Survival +1, Swim 0, Tumble -1 • Base Speed 30 feet
Feats: AlertnessB, Run, TrackB • Low-light vision. A mamaluke can see in twilight
Environment: Temperate, Warm land or dim conditions twice as far as a human.
Organization: Solitary, Pair, Hunt (2-5), or Pack (5-20) • 2d8 Racial Hit Dice. The mamaluke adds twice
CR: 2 his constitution modifier (minimum 1 per hit die)
Treasure: Standard to this total. This grants the mamaluke a +1 BAB,
Alignment: Usually neutral good and base saves of Fort +2, Reflex +2 and Will +0.
Advancement: By Character Class • (2 + Int modifier) x 5 skill points. A Mamaluke’s
Level Adj: +2 class skills are considered to be Climb, Listen,
This powerfully built human is covered in Jump, Spot, and Survival.
short, shiny black fur. It has the head of a dog, • +4 Str, +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Chr. Mamalukes are
much like a Doberman, with its ears standing strong and healthy, and in tune with their
erect surroundings. However, they tend to be natural
Mamalukes are a dog-like people created to defend followers instead of leaders, and their odd and
their human masters. The mamalukes generally contend that fierce appearance often makes other uneasy.
they were at one time, mere dogs and guardians for • Natural attack routine. A Mamaluke has a
humanity. However, after many centuries of their natural attack routine of a Bite for 1d6 damage and
outstanding work defending humanity, they were given 2 claw attacks for 1d4 damage each. The bite
human shape and intelligence as gift for fulfilling their attack is the primary attack. If a Mamaluke is
duties so well. employing a weapon, it may use its bite attack as
Mamalukes speak Common. well at a –5 penalty to hit.
• Scent (Ex): This special quality allows a
Combat Mamaluke to detect approaching enemies, sniff out
Most mamalukes fight with khopesh and shield, hidden foes, and track by sense of smell.
and do so with the skill of a trained warrior. A mamaluke is Mamalukes can identify familiar odors just as
trained to fight as a pack, and will often coordinate its attack humans do familiar sights.
with other members to take down a single opponent. Mamalukes can detect opponents within
30 feet by sense of smell. If the opponent is
Society upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if
Initially, Mamalukes dwelt in human society, downwind, it drops to 15 feet. Strong scents, such
though they were often considered outsiders. As centuries as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at

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twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering Mamaluke Hunter
scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, 2HD mamaluke Ftr 6;hp: 66
can be detected at triple normal range. S21 D13 C16 I10 W14 Ch6;Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +4
When a Mamaluke detects a scent, the exact Init: +1 Move: 30 ft.
location of the source is not revealed—only its AC: 20 (+1 Dex, +9 chain shirt +2 & light wooden
presence somewhere within range. The creature shield +1), touch 11, flat 19
can take a move action to note the direction of the BAB/Grapple: +7/+12
scent. Full Attack: +1 khopesh +14/+9 melee (2d4+8;18-
Whenever the Mamaluke comes within 5 20/x2), bite +7 melee (1d6+5) or
feet of the source, the creature pinpoints the Bite +12 melee (1d6+5), 2 claws +7 melee
source’s location. A Mamaluke with the Track feat (1d4+2) or
and the scent ability can follow tracks by smell, Composite longbow (+5 Str) +8/+3
making a Wisdom (or Survival) check to find or ranged (1d8+5;x3)
follow a track. The typical DC for a fresh trail is 10 (Rapid shot) Composite longbow (+5 Str)
(no matter what kind of surface holds the scent). +6/+6/+1 ranged (1d8+5;x3)
This DC increases or decreases depending on how Special Att: -
strong the quarry’s odor is, the number of Special Qual: Low-light vision, scent
creatures, and the age of the trail. For each hour Skills: Balance +0, Climb +10, Escape Artist +0, Jump
that the trail is cold, the DC increases by 2. The +9, Listen +4, Spot +7, Survival +7, Swim +3
ability otherwise follows the rules for the Track Feats: AlertnessB, Improved Sunder, Point Blank ShotF,
feat. Mamalukes tracking by scent ignore the Power Attack, Rapid ShotF, Run, TrackB, Weapon
effects of surface conditions and poor visibility. Focus (Khopesh)F, Weapon Specialization
• Bonus feats: Alertness and Track. (Khopesh)F
• Starting Languages: Common. Bonus CR: 8
Languages: Celestial, Dwarf, Elf, Giant, Goblin, Gear: chain shirt +2 (4,250 gp), light wooden shield +1
and Orc. (1,153 gp), +1 khopesh (2,317 gp), composite
• Favored Class: Fighter longbow (+5 Str) (600 gp), 20 arrows (1 gp),
• Level Adj: +2 potion of bull’s strength (300 gp), potion of cure
Mamalukes worship Shame, the goddess of the Aegyptian moderate wounds (300 gp)
people. Priests of Shame may choose two of the three Total: 8,921 gp (9,400 gp)
domains of Law, Good or Protection.

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Mamaluke Howler Mamaluke Scion
2HD mamaluke Ftr 12;hp: 117 2HD mamaluke Ftr 18;hp: 168
S26 D13 C16 I10 W14 Ch6;Fort +13, Ref +7, Will +8 S30 D19 C16 I10 W14 Ch6;Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +10
Init: +5 Move: 30 ft. Init: +9 Move: 30 ft.
AC: 22 (+1 Dex, +11 chain shirt +3 & light wooden AC: 30 (+4 Dex, +16 chain shirt of light fortification
shield +2), touch 11, flat 21 +5 & light wooden shield +5), touch 11, flat 21
BAB/Grapple: +13/+21 BAB/Grapple: +19/+29
Full Attack: +2 khopesh +25/+20/+15 melee Full Attack: +5 khopesh +36/+31/+26/+21 melee
(2d4+11;15-20/x2), bite +16 melee (2d4+17;15-20/x2), bite +24 melee
(1d6+8) or (1d6+10) or
Bite +21 melee (1d6+8), 2 claws +16 Bite +29 melee (1d6+10), 2 claws +24
melee (1d4+4) or melee (1d4+10) or
+1 Composite longbow (+8 Str) +4 Composite longbow (+10 Str)
+14/+9/+4 ranged (1d8+9;x3) +28/+23/+18/+13 ranged (1d8+14;x3)
(Rapid shot) +1 Composite longbow (+8 (Rapid shot) +1 Composite longbow (+10
Str) +12/+12/+7/+2 ranged (1d8+9;x3) Str) +26/+26/+21/+16/+11 ranged
Special Att: - (1d8+14;x3)
Special Qual: Low-light vision, scent Special Att: -
Skills: Balance +0, Climb +12, Escape Artist +0, Jump Special Qual: Low-light vision, scent
+9, Listen +4, Spot +10, Survival +10, Swim +5 Skills: Balance +3, Climb +12, Escape Artist +3, Jump
Feats: AlertnessB, Combat ReflexesF, Greater Weapon +9, Listen +4, Spot +13, Survival +13, Swim +5
Focus (Khopesh)F, Improved Critical (Khopesh), Feats: AlertnessB, Combat ReflexesF, Dodge, Greater
Improved InitiativeF, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (Khopesh)F, Improved Critical
Point Blank ShotF, Power Attack, Rapid ShotF, (Khopesh), Improved InitiativeF, Improved Sunder,
Run, TrackB, Weapon Focus (Khopesh)F, Weapon Iron Will, Mobility, Point Blank ShotF, Power
Specialization (Khopesh)F Attack, Rapid ShotF, Run, Shot on the RunF,
CR: 14 TrackB, Weapon Focus (Composite Longbow)F,
Gear: chain shirt +3 (9,250 gp), light wooden shield +2 Weapon Focus (Khopesh)F, Weapon Specialization
(4,153 gp), +2 khopesh (9,317 gp), +1 composite (Composite Longbow)F, Weapon Specialization
longbow (+8 Str) (3,200 gp), 20 arrows (1 gp), belt (Khopesh)F
of giant strength +4 (16,000 gp), potion of cure CR: 20
moderate wounds (300 gp) Gear: chain shirt of light fortification +5 (36,250 gp),
Total: 42,221 gp (45,000 gp) light wooden shield +5 (25,153 gp), +5 khopesh
(50,317 gp), +4 composite longbow (+10 Str)
(33,400 gp), 20 arrows (1 gp), belt of giant strength
+6 (36,000 gp), gloves of dexterity +6 (36,000 gp)
potion of cure serious wounds (750 gp)
Total: 217,871 gp (220,000 gp)

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Manti Training A Manti

Large Magical Beast (Aquatic) Manti can be easily trained if taken in while young.
Hit Dice: 5d10+15 (42 hp) Most trainers of good alignment remove the poison stinger
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) from the Manti, as the creature has been known to lash out
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 70 ft. (average), with the attack against riders, trainers or others if agitated or
swim 60 ft. (12 squares) bothered. Training a Manti for combat riding requires a DC
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, 25 Handle Animal check and 6 weeks of training if the
flat 14 creature retains it poison attack. A Manti that has had its
BAB/Grapple: +5/+11 poison stinger remove can be trained in 5 weeks (DC 22
Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d8+2) Handle Animal). A trained Manti with poison attack can
Full Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d8+2) and tail +1 melee usually be purchased for 2,500 gp. Without the poison
(1d8+1 + poison) attack, a trained Manti usually sells for 2,000 gp.
Space/Reach: 10-ft./10 ft. A manti can carry up to 99 lbs. as a light load, 100-
Length: 8 ft. + 1d6 ft. (11 ft.) 399 lbs. as a medium load, and 400-600 lbs as a heavy load.
Weight: 100 lbs. + 2d6 x 10 lbs. (170 lbs.) A manti can drag up to 3,000 lbs.
Special Att: Poison, sonic scream
Special Qual: Amphibious, darkvision 60 ft., low-light Manti On Amberos
Manti are actually creations of the sorcerers of
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +2
Nydonna’s Sea Kingdom, used by the merfolk of that realm
Abilities: S15 D13 C16 I4 W13 Ch10
as battle mounts for the army. The manti’s ability to also
Skills: Hide -3, Listen +5, Spot +5
travel on land and in air has not been used in a large scale as
Feats: Flyby Attack, Hover
of yet, but the ability was inbred in case of danger from
Environment: Temperate or Warm land and aquatic
either the sky realms above or from the war-like folk of the
Organization: Solitary, or String (2-5)
land should they decide to attack the Sea Kingdom.
CR: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Large); 11-15 HD (Huge)
Level Adj: -
This creature has the body of a great blue
manta ray, with a long, barbed tail. However,
six insectile legs protrude from its underside
and a pair of powerful mandibles and bug-like
eyes flanks its wide maw.
Manti are magical crossbreeds created as an all-
purpose sort of steed. They are hardy and quick, capable of
moving equally well underwater, on land or in the sky.
Manti cannot speak, but can learn to understand one
language; usually the language of its owner or rider.

Manti attack by stinging and biting opponents.
They prefer to use their poison to weaken foes before
moving in to bite. They can be trained to coordinate their
attack with their rider or owner, but they have little
understanding of tactics beyond gaining higher ground or
flanking opponents. They certainly cannot grasp following
complex plans or orders.

Poison (Ex): The tail attack of manti injects a paralytic

poison into the victim. Type: Injected; Fort DC 15; Init:
1d4 Dex; Sec: 2d4 Dex.
Sonic Scream (Su): As a full-round action, a manti can
emit a 15 foot cone sonic scream that deals 3d8 sonic
damage (Fort save half).

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Manticora have an unusual appetite for knowledge as well as glittering

treasure. They have been known to torture prey by
Large Magical Beast attempting to force them to answer laborious riddles or
Hit Dice: 7d10+21 (59 hp) attempt to glean unusual information from prey before
Initiative: +0 killing them.
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (clumsy) Manticora speak Common and one other language of
Armor Class: 16 (-1 size, +7 natural), touch 9, flat 16 their choice; usually one popular to the area they live in.
BAB/Grapple: +7/+17
Attack: Bite +12 melee (1d8+6) Combat
Full Attack: Bite +12 melee (1d8+6), 2 claws +7 melee Manticora usually swoop down on foes, attempting
(1d6+3), gore +7 melee (1d8+3;x3), and to bowl them over before landing to melee their wide array
sting +7 melee (1d6+3 + poison) of deadly natural weapons and poison. Since they lack the
Space/Reach: 10-ft./10 ft. ability to fling tail spikes, they will often pounce on prey
Length: 8 ft. + 1d4 ft. (10 ft. that attempts to keep their distance or use ranged magic
Weight: 300 lbs. + 2d4 x 50 lbs. (550 lbs.) against them. Manticora will quickly break off attacks
Special Att: Poison, pounce against opponents that have escaped beyond their reach, but
Special Qual: DR 10/cold iron, darkvision 60 ft., fast while meleeing, tend to go into a blood rage from which
healing 4, low-light vision they rarely attempt to break off until one side or the other is
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +4 dead.
Abilities: S23 D10 C17 I13 W15 Ch12 Poison (Ex): The tail attack of a Manticora injects a
Skills: Bluff +6, Hide -4, Listen +12, Spot +12, strength-draining poison. Type: Injected; Fort DC 16; Init:
Survival +7 1d6 Str; Sec: 1d6 Str.
Feats: Flyby Attack, Hover, Wingover Fast Healing (Ex): A manticora heals 4 hit points per round
Environment: Temperate or Warm mountains except from fire or acid attacks. Except where noted here,
Organization: Solitary, Pair, or Pride (2-5) fast healing is just like natural healing. Fast healing does not
CR: 6 restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation,
Treasure: Standard and it does not allow a creature to regrow lost body parts.
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 8-14 HD (Large); 15-21 HD (Huge) Manticora on Amberos
Level Adj: -
Natives of the mountains of the Skienlands,
This large creature has the body of a lion
manticora often demand tribute and sacrifices from
covered in blood-red fur and a scorpion-like
settlements near to their lair. manticora who find food
tail that drips with green venom. A pair of bat-
scarce or depleted of wealth often will move to more
like wings extends from its side, and it has the
plentiful areas of their own accord. This has sometimes
head of a bearded man with a wide maw filled
sparked war among different prides, which in turn has
with a triple row of shark-like teeth.
sometimes allowed intrepid Skierians to finish the creatures
Manticora are cousins to manticores, but far more
evil and ruthless. They prey on the weak and loners, and

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Humanoid Form Dragon Form
Medium Humanoid Large Dragon
(Aquatic, Shapechanger) (Aquatic, Shapechanger)

Hit Dice: 1d8+2 + 5d12+20 (56 hp) 1d8+2 + 5d12+20 (56 hp)
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), swim 30 ft. (6 squares) 20 ft. (4 squares), swim 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 13 (+2 Dex, +1 natural), touch 12, 20 (+1 Dex, -1 Size, +10 natural), touch 10, flat 19
flat 11
BAB/Grapple: +5/+6 +5/+14
Attack: Trident +1 melee (1d6 +1) Bite +10 melee (1d10+7)
Full Attack: Trident +1 melee (1d6 +1) Bite +10 melee (1d10+7), 4 claws +5 melee (1d8+2),
tail +5 melee (1d8+5)
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. 10-ft./10 ft., 15 ft. with bite
Height: 5 ft. 3 in. + 2d6 in. (5 ft. 10 in.) 9 ft. + 1d6 ft. (12 ft.)
Weight: 150 lbs. + 2d6 x 5 lbs. (185 lbs.) 700 lbs. + 2d6 x 100 lbs. (1,400 lbs.)
Special Attacks: nil Breath weapon
Special Qualities: Alternate form, blindsight, scent, SR 15 Alternate form, blindsight, dragon traits, scent, SR 15
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +6 Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +6
Abilities: S12 D15 C14 I13 W15 Ch14 S21 D12 C19 I13 W15 Ch14
Skills: Disguise +9, Forgery +9, Listen +11, Disguise +9, Forgery +9, Listen +11,
Spot +11, Survival +6, Swim +6 Spot +11, Survival +6, Swim +10
Feats: Deceitful, Power Attack, Cleave Deceitful, Power Attack, Cleave
Environment: Temperate or Warm aquatic Temperate or Warm aquatic
Organization: Solitary, Family (2-5), or Pod (5-20) Solitary, Family (2-5), or Pod (5-20)
Challenge Rating: 4 4
Treasure: Double coins, normal gems and goods Double coins, normal gems and goods
Alignment: Usually neutral evil
Advancement: By Character Class
Level Adjustment: -

This creature has the upper body of a human and A Melusinae can use this attack any number of times a day it
the lower half of a fish. As it undulates in the wishes.
water before you, its form shifts and shimmers, Alternate Form (Su): A Melusinae’s natural form is that of a
becoming that of a sleek reptilian beast with a half-human, half-fish humanoid. As a standard action, it can
great maw full of steam, clawed fins and a transform into a monstrous draconic form. If slain, a
powerful, barbed tail. Melusinae transform back to humanoid form.
Melusinae are predators of the seas that take the
shape of merfolk to lure prey to them. They devour all sorts of Society
intelligent sea races ranging from merfolk, sea elves, triton While melusinae were once humanoids, they have
and even locathah and sahuagin. long ago distanced themselves from their humanoid form and
Melusinae speak Common and Aquan. embraced their draconic shape as their "preferred" form.
At birth, a melusinae is trapped in its humanoid form
Combat until it learns to control its shape, which usually occurs within
Melusinae usually approach in their humanoid form, the first year following birth. Following that, the melusinae
acting in a manner to attract prey and lower their guard. If generally remains in dragon form, except when attempting to
attempting to attract sahuagin, for example, they may feign bait prey toward itself.
weakness, fright or injury to draw the sahuagin close. Young melusinae are kept hidden by their parents
One the enemy is within charge range, the Melusinae until they reach an age that they begin to take draconic form.
transforms to its powerful draconic form and attacks. It is not uncommon for young melusinae to be abused, ignored
Breath Weapon (Su): A Melusinae in draconic form can or mistreated by their parents until they start developing the
breath a cloud of steam 20 feet in diameter that deals 3d8 fire ability to transform, at which time, they gain acceptance in
damage to those in the area of effect (Reflex DC 17 for half). melusinae society. This is usually done to drive any

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compassion for true humanoids from the developing
Melusinae live in small hunting packs roaming the
sea lanes for food. They have been known to establish their
own communities, but often take up dwelling in sunken ruins
rather than build or craft their own residences.

Melusinae on Amberos
It is not known how melusinae came to be; many
sages believe they may be some sort of result of Ziga’s
attempted corruption of a clan of mermen.
Most melusinae plague the area around Nydonna’s
Sea Kingdom, though there have been reports of the creatures
around the Ksiki Colonies in the south.

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Mir’jalla Combat
Medium Fey mir'jalla rarely enter into physical combat, preferring
Hit Dice: 4d6+4 (18 hp) to use their illusions to lure foes into traps or other dangers. If
Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex) caught unprepared and enraged however, they often fly in a
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), burrow 30 ft. (6 squares) rage at their opponents, clawing and biting until beaten off or
Armor Class: 17 (+4 Dex, +3 natural), touch 14, flat 13 slain. Most mir'jalla are cowards, and if faced with the real
BAB/Grapple: +2/+3 possibility of being seriously harmed or killed will surrender,
Attack: Claw +3 melee (1d4+1) if such is feasible, or run away.
Full Attack: 2 claws +3 melee (1d4+1), bite –2 melee Create Oasis (Su): Once every three days, a mir’jalla can
(1d6 + poison) create an area up to 100 ft. X 100 ft. of drinkable water and a
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. 15 ft. wide ring of vegetation, which may contain edible plants
Height: 5 ft. + 1d10 in. (5 ft. 5 in.) and fruit-bearing trees. The created oasis is permanent unless
Weight: 80 lbs. + 2d6 x 2 lbs. (94 lbs.) the Mir’jalla who created it chooses to dispel it. Creating an
Special Att: Poison oasis or destroying it requires 10 minutes.
Special Qual: DR 5/cold iron, low-light vision, SR 14 Poison (Ex): The bite of a mir’jalla is poisonous. Type:
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +6 Injected. Fort DC 13; Init: 1d4 Str; Sec: 1d8 Str.
Abilities: S12 D19 C13 I14 W15 Ch16 Mirages (Sp): A mir’jalla can create illusions at will as
Skills: Disable Device +9, Handle Animal +10, follows: At will - Disguise Self, Silent Image (DC 14),
Knowledge (geography) +9, Listen +11, Hypnotic Pattern (DC 15). 3x/day – Misdirection (DC 15),
Search +9, Sleight of Hand +11, Spot +11, Mirror Image (DC 15), Invisibility. 1x/day – Hallucinatory
Swim +8 Terrain (DC 17). All effects are at 4th level ability and DCs
Feats: Alertness, Run are Charisma-based.
Environment: Warm deserts
Organization: Solitary, Crew (2-5 mir’jalla + 0-3 giant Mir’jalla Society
scorpions or large vipers)
Mir’jalla are often found in small family groups,
CR: 3
leading a nomadic life in the desert. It is common for the
Treasure: Standard
mir’jalla to create an oasis and stay at the location for 3 days
Alignment: Always chaotic neutral
before unmaking the oasis and moving on again to a new
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Medium); 9-12 HD (Large)
location. About once a month, mir’jalla will leave an oasis
Level Adj: -
they create and not destroy it; this oasis tends to last for about
This thin humanoid has skin the color of burnt
a year before drying out and being reabsorbed by the desert
parchment and a mop of sandy hair. It has thick
eyebrows and long, slim eyes with green pupils.
Among their own kind, mir’jalla tend to stay with
It has long, elf-like ears pierced with all sorts of
their family until they reach adolescence, at which time they
jewelry, which is oddly out of placed with the
are encouraged to strike out on their own. Most mir’jalla
ragged clothes it wears. The odd smile on its
teens remain alone for only a couple of years before finding a
face reveals long, viper-like canines among its
mate of their own and starting their own family. In some
cases, the mir’jalla might return to live with its original
The mir'jalla is a mischievous desert fey that enjoys
family, and in other cases, some mir’jalla prefer to remain
playing pranks on travelers. It both has the ability to create
alone in the desert.
oasises out of thin air and to create mirages and other desert
When traveling long distances, mir’jalla usually do
images to play its pranks on travelers.
so by burrowing under the sand. They leave no trace when
The attitude of a mir'jalla is difficult to predict; it might
doing this, and have been known to use their hallucinatory
openly welcome travelers to a mirage it has created and drink
terrain ability and burrowing ability to fool onlookers into
and dine with them; or it might lure them into the same setting
thinking they are “swimming” in some vast body of water.
to rob them; or it engage the travelers to drink too much and
Mir’jalla have the seemingly innate ability to attract
while the travelers sleep off the drink, disappear into the night
and train both large versions of desert vermin and unusually
with all of their supplies and making the oasis disappear,
large specimens of venomous snakes, which they keep as pets
stranding the travelers in the middle of the desert. Also, a
and companions. However, these creatures are still wild and
mir'jalla may attack travelers to its oasis for seemingly no
untamed, and though they are unlikely to hurt mir’jalla, they
good reason, or at least play cruel pranks. Finally, a mir'jalla
might attack travelers or visitors of the mir’jalla – sometimes
might attempt to lure travelers deeper into the desert with
without provocation.
illusions meant to confuse and confound travelers.
The mir’jalla, though mischievous, are a social race
Mir'jalla can speak Common, fey, elf and the
for the most part, and enjoy company – even if it is to make
language of vermin.
fun of them or pull lavish pranks on them. mir’jalla often will

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be quite respectful of those who can turn the tables on the
mir’jalla and catch them in some sort of non-harmful prank,
and have been known to reward such insightful individuals
with some small trinket of magic or of monetary value.
Travelers who can get on the good side of a mir’jalla
can enjoy the benefits of good food, fresh water and
information about the desert around them and the dangers
within. Those who injure a mir’jalla or otherwise upset these
finicky fey creatures can expect a rough – if not deadly – trip
through the desert.

Mir’jalla on Amberos
The mir’jalla were one of the few fey races that
refused to join the Evanthium Coridium of the Elvin Golden
Age. They remained in the desert lands near Llannhanex and
Iiannhanex. They have been blamed for the creation of the
Blue Desert by the Llannians, but the mir’jalla are silent on
whether or not they had a hand in the creation of the deadly
desert, but do not seem to be immune to its transforming

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Mockery beat. Mockeries often attack in packs, but rarely use group
tactics, fighting as individuals. They will occasionally gang on
Medium Aberration (Chaos) up on an opponent or lay primitive traps to capture foes for
Hit Dice: 5d8+13 (35 hp) later torture.
Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex) Disease (Ex): The bite of a mockery inflicts its victims with
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 75 ft. (average) Throes of Madness. (Type: injected; Fort DC 14; Incubation: 1
Armor Class: 19 (+4 Dex, +5 natural), touch 14, flat 15 day; Dam: 1d4 Wis). For each point of Wisdom lost, the
BAB/Grapple: +3/+8 victim acts as if under the effects of a Confusion spell for 4
Attack: Claw +8 melee (1d4+5) hours.
Full Attack: 2 Claws +8 melee (1d4+5), bite +6 melee Fast Healing (Ex): A mockery regains hit points at an
(1d6+2) and tail +6 melee (1d4+2) exceptionally fast rate, regaining 1 hit point per turn. Except
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. where noted here, fast healing is just like natural healing. Fast
Height: 5 ft. + 2d12 in. (6 ft. 1 in.) healing does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst,
Weight: 50 lbs. + 2d100 lbs. (150 lbs.) or suffocation, and it does not allow a creature to regrow lost
Special Att: Disease body parts. Unless otherwise stated, it does not allow lost
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 1, resist cold body parts to be reattached.
5, scent
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +5 Mockeries on Amberos
Abilities: S21 D19 C15 I9 W13 Ch15 In many of the dark corners of Amberos, handfuls of
Skills: Climb +5, Hide +4, Listen +5, Move mockeries exist, hiding from society and unleashing
Silently +4, Spot +5 unspeakable horrors on lone or foolish humanoids wherever
Feats: Multiattack, Toughness they might. Surprisingly, there are few to be found in the
Environment: Any land Glacier of Seasons, and there seems to be more in the eastern
Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), or Pack (5-20) half of Amberos than in the western half.
CR: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Medium); 11-15 HD (Large)
Level Adj: -
This hooded figure casts back the cloth covering
its face to reveal a twisted face of melted flesh
and exposed bone. Hallow sockets glimmer with
faint red flame and a pig-like nose sniffs at the
air. Hair covers the remaining twisted shape of
the creature and terrible yellow claws spring
from the malformed hands of the beast.
Mockeries are the demented spawn of humanoids who
have spent too much time in the presence of creatures of the
Realm of Madness. While the presence of a Realm of Madness
creature might not twist the shape of the parent, the weird laws
of the Realm of Madness’s intrusion into the mortal plane can
twist the shape and mind of the unborn, bringing hideous
progeny to life even years later.
Mockeries are savage creatures, with little thought for
more than causing misery. They are destructive, evil and
delight in causing fear and torturing those they meet. They
have an unnatural sense of the presence of creatures from the
Realm of Madness, and will often seek them out to serve or be
Mockeries speak Common and the language of the
Realm of Madness.

Mockeries are deadly opponents, but prefer to play
and torture opponents. They are generally fearless, but will
avoid large or powerful groups they do not believe they can

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Murderwort Dominate Avian (Su): A murderwort is able to attract and

mentally dominate small birds that near the tree or land on its
Huge Plant branches. Avians coming within 30 feet of the murderwort
Hit Dice: 16d8+131 (203 hp) must make a DC 15 Will save or become a thrall to the
Initiative: +0 murderwort. This is a mind-affecting ability and lasts for 1
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares) (can’t run) week before it must renewed. A murderwort can only attempt
Armor Class: 15 (-2 size, +7 natural), touch 8, flat 15 to dominate a given avian once per day, but may attempt on
BAB/Grapple: +12/+29 any number of avians per day. A randomly encountered
Attack: Bite +19 melee (2d6 +9) Murderwort usually has a flock of 40-80 birds (1d4+4 x 10) at
Full Attack: Bite +19 melee (2d6 +9) and 6 slam +14 its call.
melee (1d8 +4) Summon Swarm (Ex): A murderwort can cause the avians it
Space/Reach: 15-ft./15 ft. has dominated to take to the sky as a swarm (see below for
Height: 18 ft. + 1d6 ft. (21 ft.) swarm details). A murderwort can control the swarm as a
Weight: 800 lbs. + 2d6 x 50 lbs. (1,150 lbs.) move-equivalent action.
Special Att: Summon swarm
Special Qual: Low-light vision, plant traits A plant creature possesses the following traits (unless
Saves: Fort +20, Ref +5, Will +6 otherwise noted in a creature's entry).
Abilities: S28 D10 C27 I3 W8 Ch5 • Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms,
Skills: Hide -8, Listen +9, Spot +8 compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale
Feats: Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Toughness effects).
Environment: Temperate plains, forests • Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis,
Organization: Solitary polymorph, and stunning.
CR: 15
• Not subject to critical hits.
Treasure: None
• Plants breathe and eat, but do not sleep.
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 17-32 HD (Huge); 33-48 HD (Gargantuan)
Level Adj: - Murderwort on Amberos
This huge, oaken tree is decked in rust-colored Yet another manifestation of the curse of the Living
leaves and sports many branches covered in Forest in the Kingdom of Vall Vega, these trees are primarily
cruel barbs. With a groan of twisting bark, a encountered in the Living Forest, but seem to have actually
human-like face appears in the tree's trunk as the managed to migrate out into the lands of Misake. There are
massive branches begin to twist and sway. From also versions of the tree that dwell in Kennestone forest and
the branches of the tree erupt the chirps of many the Yaz forest, though these species dwelled in these lands
birds, moments before a flight of the screeching long before the Living Forest came to be.
things swoops out of the many branches.
Murderworts are magical trees that mentally enslave
birds to their will - which is to kill other beings and bring them
the carcass to devour. For the most part, until it is threatened, a
murderwort masquerades as a tree the best it can. However,
those who know what to look for (rust-colored leaves, even
appearing in winter and barbed tree limbs) can usually identify
it quickly.
Murderworts cannot speak and do not understand the
language of other creatures.

Murderworts attack by releasing their mentally
enslaved bird flock onto opponents, who attack until they have
slain enough food for the murderwort. If physically attacked, a
Murderwort responds by using its barbed limbs to strike foes,
or biting them.
Murderworts are intelligent enough that if foes escape them,
they will generally move to a new location a mile or two
distant from their current location to avoid being hunted down
and destroyed.

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Murderwort Bird Swarm

Diminutive Animal (Swarm)
Hit Dice: 3d8 (13 hp)
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 5 ft (1 square), fly 40 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 16 (+4 size, +2 Dex), touch 16, flat 14
BAB/Grapple: +2/-15
Attack: Swarm (1d6)
Full Attack: Swarm (1d6)
Space/Reach: 10-ft./0 ft.
Special Att: Distraction, Wounding
Special Qual: Half damage from slashing & piercing, low-
light vision, swarm traits
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +2
Abilities: S1 D15 C10 I2 W13 Ch4
Skills: Hide +14, Listen +6, Spot +6
Feats: Alertness, Lightning Reflexes
Environment: Temperate plains or forests
Organization: Solitary
CR: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: None
Level Adj: -
The sky darkens as the chirping sound of
hundreds of small birds races towards you, and
you realize the air is full of songbirds on the
Mentally controlled by a murderwort, the bird swarm's
only goal is to descend on larger creatures and peck the
opponent to death. Once it has done so, it carries the carcass
back to the murderwort to devour.

A bird swarm attacks by pecking foes until they stop moving.
Distraction (Ex): Any living creature that begins its turn with
a swarm in its space must succeed on a DC 11 Fortitude save
or be nauseated for 1 round. The save DC is Constitution-
Wounding (Ex): Any living creature damaged by a bird
swarm continues to bleed, losing 1 hit point per round
thereafter. Multiple wounds do not result in cumulative
bleeding loss.

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Naga, general
Sometimes referred to as the Children of Aspus, the
naga of Amberos hold a position similar to that of the archons
and angels of the upper planes. Most reptilian creatures –
including the Aspii, various snakes and even creatures such as
crocdads, tend to defer to these creatures as divine or sacred
The naga of Amberos of are immortal beings and will
not die of natural causes, much like dragons and elves. If
slain, however, they return to the cave of Aspus, where he
creates a new naga from the remains and sends them out into
the world again.
Naga of Amberos tend to be reclusive creatures,
preferring their own company and disdaining that of others.
The exception to this seem to be the Haneru Naga and the
Sumii Naga, who often find themselves sought out by the
humanoid races. The Haneru are generally venerated as
masters of the art of the katana, and the Sumii are often sought
out by those desiring to seek the self-enlightenment so many
Sumii are reputed to reached. While the Haneru tend to
openly welcome those who come to train with them, the Sumii
seem merely to tolerate those who seek their advice.

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Balii Naga Charm Gaze (Su): A Balii naga can charm an opponent who
Large Aberration (Earth) gazes into the Balii’s eyes. The gaze has a range of 30 feet
Hit Dice: 12d8+24 (78 hp) and a DC 20 Will save. It otherwise works as a charm
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) monster spell with a caster level of 12. The save is Charisma
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), swim 20 ft. (4 squares) based.
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, Necromantic Immunity (Su): A Balii naga is immune to
flat 12 spells of the necromantic school, as well as any spell with a
BAB/Grapple: +9/+15 death effect as if it had unbeatable spell resistance. This
Attack: Bite +10 melee (1d8+2 + poison) immunity remains even after death, so it is not possible to
Full Attack: Bite +10 melee (1d8+2 + poison) animate or speak with dead on a Balii naga.
Space/Reach: 10-ft./10 ft. Poison (Ex): The bite of a Balii naga is exceptionally deadly.
Length: 10 ft. + 1d6 ft. (13 ft.) Type: Injected; Fort Save DC 18; Init: Unconsciousness for
Weight: 700 lbs. + 2d4 x 25 lbs. (825 lbs.) 2d4 rounds as the victim thrashes and foams at the mouth +
Special Att: Charm gaze 1d4 Con; Sec: 1d12 Con.
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., necromantic immunity, Spells-like Abilities (Sp): A Balii naga can cast spells as if it
scent, spell resistance 22, spell-like abilities were a 12th level sorcerer, and can also cast spells from the
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +10 cleric spell lists and the Death and Evil domains as if they
Abilities: S14 D17 C15 I17 W15 Ch19 were arcane spells. It’s spell DCs are 14 + spell level. The
Skills: Concentration +21, Hide -1, Listen +19, Balii naga does not need a divine focus to cast clerical spells.
Spellcraft +18, Spot +19, Swim +17 The saves are Charisma based.
Feats: Alertness, Combat Casting, Eschew
Materials, Greater Spell Focus Typical Sorcerer Spells known
(Necromancy), Spell Focus (Necromancy) (6/7/7/7/7/5/3; CL 12;DC 14 + Spell Level)
Environment: Temperate, Warm land
Organization: Solitary, or Cabal (2-5) 0th: Arcane Mark, Cure Minor Wounds, Dancing Lights, Daze,
CR: 11 Detect Magic, Inflict Minor Wounds, Mage Hand,
Treasure: Standard Read Magic, Resistance
Alignment: Always neutral evil 1st: Bane, Cause Fear*, Deathwatch*, Doom*, Ray of
Advancement: 13-24 HD (Large); 25-36 HD (Huge) Enfeeblement*
Level Adj: - 2nd: Command Undead*, Death Knell*, Desecrate, False
This elongated, black snake has a golden Life*, Scare*
underbody and a human-like face with whitened 3rd: Animate Dead*, Deeper Darkness, Speak With Dead*,
hair. Its eyes are piercing and blood red, with Vampiric Touch*
slitted pupil like that of a snake. It has a bit of a 4th: Cure Critical Wounds, Enervation*, Unholy Blight
hood like a cobra, on the back of which is a 5th: Slay Living*, Waves of Fatigue*
skull-like pattern in white scales. 6th: Circle of Death*, Create Undead*
* DC +2
The Balii naga is a dangerous, necromantic spell-
casting naga. They are usually found near graves or other ruins
where ample bodies can be raised or summoned. Balii Naga on Amberos
Balii nagas mostly keep to themselves and while The Balii Naga are feared creatures of the Skienlands
away the hours speaking with the dead, determined to learn and Ulanst. They are sometimes found in Simera and Lanster,
secrets for which they can gain more power over others. They and there are rumors of the Balii Naga haunting ancient
rarely venture into civilized areas, and prefer to be left alone. battlefields in Randu.
They take interruptions of their communions poorly, and are
more than willing to add others to the dead around them.
Balii nagas speak Common, infernal and abyssal.
They can communicate with other serpents and snakes as if
utilizing speak with animals.

Balii nagas disdain physical combat and prefer to
summon undead to fight for them. If caught unprepared, they
will strike with their venomed fangs hoping to kill prey and
then animate it to fight any other opponents it is facing.

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Haneru Naga opponents, and will use their wits to gain as much as an
Medium Aberration (Earth) advantage against opponents as they can.
Hit Dice: 5d8+10 (32 hp) Charm immunity (Su): Haneru Naga are immune to spells
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) with the Charm descriptor and other mind-affecting magic.
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), swim 15 ft. (3 squares) Constrict (Ex): If a Haneru naga successfully grapples an
Armor Class: 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat 13 opponent with its tail, it may constrict that opponent for 1d6+2
BAB/Grapple: +3/+7 (+11 with tail) points of damage per round.
Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d6+4 + poison) or katana Constrictor Tail (Ex): The tail of a Haneru is exceptionally
+7 melee (1d10+2;18-20/x2) or composite long, though it normally keeps it coiled up. When attempting
longbow (+4 Str) +5 ranged (1d8+4;x3) to grapple with it’s tail, the Haneru gains a +4 bonus to its
Full Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d6+4), 4 claw +2 melee grapple check and has a 10-foot reach.
(1d4+2) and tail +2 melee (1d6+2) or Poison (Ex): The bite of a Haneru naga injects a numbing
4 katanas +5 melee (1d10+2;18-20/x2) or poison into a victim. Type: Injected; Fort save DC 14; Init:
composite longbow (+4 Str) +5 ranged 1d4 Dex; Sec: 1d4 Dex.
(1d8+4;x3) Spell-like Abilities (Sp): A Haneru naga can cast spells as a
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with tail when grappling) 5th level sorcerer.
Length: 5 ft. + 1d4 ft. (7 ft.)
Weight: 100 lbs. + 2d4 x 25 lbs. (225 lbs.) Typical Spells Known
Special Att: Constrict, poison (6/7/5; CL 5; Spell DC 12 + Spell Level)
Special Qual: Charm Immunity, constrictor tail, darkvision 0th: Daze, Detect Magic, Message, Open/Close, Resistance,
60 ft., SR 15, spells-like abilities Touch of Fatigue
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 1st: Mage Armor, Obscuring Mist, Shield, True Strike
Abilities: S19 D15 C14 I15 W13 Ch15 2nd: Blur, Web
Skills: Climb +8, Concentration +10, Listen +11,
Spellcraft +6, Spot +11, Swim +8 Haneru Naga on Amberos
Feats: Alertness, Combat Casting, Exotic Weapon The Haneru nagas seem only to be found in
Proficiency (Katana)b, Multiweapon Chiamung, where several have been sought out to train
B samurai in the martial arts. However, samurai are careful
Environment: Any land never to pledge their allegiance to these naga masters, who
Organization: Solitary or Guard (1 naga + 1d4 Haneru themselves are pawns to the other nagas and not the samurai’s
Naga) daimyo.
CR: 4
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Medium); 11-15 HD (Large)
Level Adj: -
This ivory creature has the body of a snake, with
a humanoid head. A pattern of red diamonds
spots its back, and its tail ends in what appears
to be a spiked club. Around its head are
arranged four three-fingered arms, each hand
ending in long, black nails.
Haneru naga are powerful warriors of the naga race,
often found defending other nagas from harm. Sometimes they
are pressed into service by magical means to protect treasures
or other places of value either for the naga or by arcane casters
powerful enough to summon and bind them to service.
Haneru naga speak trade, celestial and infernal.

Haneru naga are physical combatants, and prefer to
melee their opponents. Any spells they possess are generally
to augment their ability to melee opponents. Haneru are
fearless in combat and generally once they are engaged, they
will fight to the death. They are, however, intelligent

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Suuma Naga Constrict (Ex): A Suuma naga that has successfully grappled
Medium Aberration (Earth) a foe with its tail can constrict that opponent for 1d6
Hit Dice: 6d8+24 (51 hp) bludgeoning damage, plus the 1d6+1 tail attack damage.
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) Charm immunity (Su): A Suuma naga is unaffected by
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), climb 20 ft. (4 squares), charm spells or other mind-affecting magic.
swim 20 ft. (4 squares) Constrictor Tail (Ex): The tail of a Haneru is exceptionally
Armor Class: 17 (+2 Dex, +5 natural), touch 12, flat 15 long, though it normally keeps it coiled up. When attempting
BAB/Grapple: +4/+6 to grapple with it’s tail, the Haneru gains a +4 bonus to its
Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d6+2 + poison) grapple check and has a 10-foot reach.
Full Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d6+2 + poison) and 2 tails Fast Healing (Ex): A Suuma naga regains 4 hit points per
+1 melee (1d6+1) round except from fire, cold or acid attacks. Except where
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with tail when grappling) noted here, fast healing is just like natural healing. Fast
Length: 4 ft. + 1d4 ft. (6 ft.) healing does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst,
Weight: 100 lbs. + 2d4 x 10 lbs. (150 lbs.) or suffocation, and it does not allow a creature to regrow lost
Special Att: Constrict, improved grab, ki strike, poison body parts.
Special Qual: Charm immunity, constrictor tail, darkvision Freedom of Movement (Su): A Suuma naga acts as if under
60 ft., fast healing 4, spell resistance 16 the constant influence of a Freedom of Movement spell with a
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7 caster level of 6.
Abilities: S15 D15 C19 I15 W14 Ch16 Improved Grab (Ex): If a Suuma naga successfully hits a
Skills: Balance +4, Escape Artist +4, Knowledge medium-sized or smaller opponent with its tail, it may start a
(arcana) +11, Listen +13, Spot +13, Use free grapple. The creature has the option to conduct the
Magic Device +12 grapple normally, or simply use the part of its body it used in
Feats: Agile, Alertness, Lightning Reflexes the improved grab to hold the opponent. If it chooses to do the
Environment: Temperate or Warm land latter, it takes a –20 penalty on grapple checks, but is not
Organization: Solitary, or Cloister (2-5) considered grappled itself; the creature does not lose its
CR: 5 Dexterity bonus to AC, still threatens an area, and can use its
Treasure: None remaining attacks against other opponents.
Alignment: Always lawful neutral Ki strike (Su): A Suuma naga’s attacks are considered to be
Advancement: 7-12 HD (Medium); 13-18 HD (Large) lawful for the purposes of defeating DR.
Level Adj: - Poison (Ex): The bite of a Suuma naga injects a paralytic
This dun colored creature has the long, slim poison. Type: Injected; Fort Save DC 17; Init: paralysis for
body of a snake and a bald human head. It 2d4 rounds; Sec: 1d4 Dex
slightly sways and darts as it moves, with an
odd grace you have not seen before. Suuma Nagas on Amberos
Suuma nagas have devoted themselves to the Suuma nagas are primarily found in ancient
perfection of their forms at the cost of the ability to cast spells. Chiamung, Dishnu, the Skienlands and Spi Dak Su. There are
They possess amazing abilities and are powerful fighters. ancient tales of encounters with Suuma nagas among the
Luckily, they are contemplative creatures who generally Randese, but these are very rare occurrences.
disdain fighting and rarely interfere in the matters of another
Suuma nagas speak trade, Common and celestial.

A Suuma naga generally refrains from combat, and
will generally seek to turn an opponents advantages against
itself. If forced to fight, they are agile melee opponents and
their bevy of abilities can allow them to avoid most harm
directed towards them. Suuma naga often use their venom
when they do not wish to kill a foe, but merely impair them.
Once engaged in combat, a Suuma naga will
generally fight as long and as hard as its opponent; many
Suuma nagas will break off hostilities as quickly as an
opponent tires of the fight. However, if forced to fight to the
death, the Suuma naga will oblige to deliver death to its

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Nemmick Some Nemmick have been known to lead foes into the hands
of other undead, and then later turn on the undead to feed once
Large Dragon (Earth) healed.
Hit Dice: 10d12+40 (105 hp) Breath Weapon (Su): A Nemmick breathes a cloud of acidic
Initiative: +0 soot that deals acid and fire damage. The cloud can be
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), burrow 30 ft. (6 squares) expelled out to 60 feet distant and covers a 20-foot diameter,
Armor Class: 16 (-1 size, +7 natural), touch 9, flat 16 and remains for 1d4+1 rounds. Those caught in the area of
BAB/Grapple: +10/+20 effect suffer 5d6 fire and acid damage (Fort DC 19 for half
Attack: Bite +15 melee (1d8+9) damage). A Nemmick can breath once every 5 rounds.
Full Attack: Bite +15 melee (1d8+9) and 4 claw +10 Improved Grab (Ex): If a Nemmick bites a small creature or
melee (1d6+3) and tail +10 melee (1d8+3) smaller it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple
Space/Reach: 10-ft./5 ft. as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Length: 10 ft. + 2d4 ft. (15 ft.) No initial touch attack is required.
Weight: 700 lbs. + 2d4 x 50 lbs. (950 lbs.) Lesser Magic Resistant (Su): A Nemmick gains a +5 bonus
Special Att: Breath weapon, improved grab, rake, to spell resistance (already calculated into its SR).
swallow whole Rake (Ex): If a Nemmick manages to successfully grapple a
Special Qual: Blindsense, darkvision 60 ft., dragon traits, foe, it can rake with its claws as well. Rake attacks are not
lesser magic resistant, low-light vision, subject to the usual –4 penalty for attacking with a natural
regeneration, resistance to energy 20, SR 23 weapon in a grapple. The Nemmick must begin its turn
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +9 grappling to use its rake
Abilities: S22 D11 C18 I11 W15 Ch17 Swallow Whole (Ex): If a Nemmick starts with a small-sized
Skills: Climb +19, Escape Artist +13, Hide +9, or smaller opponent in its mouth, it can attempt a new grapple
Listen +17, Spot +17, Survival +15 check (as though attempting to pin the opponent). If it
Feats: Alertness, Power Attack, Run, Track succeeds, it swallows its prey, and the opponent takes bite
Environment: Any land damage. Swallowed victims suffer 1d6 bludgeoning damage
Organization: Solitary and 1d6 acid damage from the creature’s gizzard each round.
CR: 9 Swallowed opponents can attempt to cut themselves free by
Treasure: None attacking the AC 13 interior and dealing 15 points of damage
Alignment: Always neutral to escape. If the swallowed creature escapes the grapple,
Advancement: 11-20 HD (Large); 21-30 HD (Huge) success puts it back in the attacker’s mouth, where it may be
Level Adj: - bitten or swallowed again.
This six-legged, reptilian beast is covered in Regeneration (Ex): A Nemmick takes normal damage from
black, mud-stained scales. Each scale is the size cold or sonic attacks. Nemmick can regenerate lost limbs in
of a man's open hand, and has a wickedly sharp one minute, though they cannot reattach lost limbs. If a
edge. A line of bladed scales runs along the Nemmick is beheaded, it will die after one minute passes.
creature's back and its long neck is topped with a Resistance to Energy (Ex): A Nemmick has Fire and Acid
sharp-snouted head that breath puffs of acrid resistance 20.
black smoke from its nostrils. Its eyes glow a A dragon possesses the following traits.
hellish red, and a ripple of contempt shudders • Immunity to magic sleep effects and paralysis effects.
down its scales, causing them to clatter like dry
bones. Nemmick on Amberos
The Nemmick is a feral dragon that subsists on
These fearsome beasts can be found practically
necromantic energy and dead flesh. It cannot fly, but generally
anywhere in Amberos. They often take up residences beneath
lives by burrowing underground in graveyards or other areas
ancient cemeteries or forgotten battlefields, feasting on the old
thick with dead bodies or necromantic or negative energy.
corpses buried there.
Nemmick can speak Common and infernal.

A Nemmick often attempts to strike from ambush,
hiding in the ground under opponents and attempting to drag
foes under the earth where it can devour them at leisure.
Against weak or isolated foes, it will usually burst from the
ground, breath on the foe, and then melee with opponents until
they are slain.
If faced with a superior foe, a Nemmick usually
breathes its putrid breath weapon, then flees underground.

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Nippon-Urdu and take great joy in leading infuriated opponents into traps
and other pitfalls.
Small Outsider (Chaos, Evil) Paralysis (Su): The claw attacks of a nippon-urdu cause
Hit Dice: 3d8 (13 hp) temporary paralysis for 1 round unless the victim succeeds a
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) DC 11 Fort save.
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 40 ft. (average) Poison (Ex): The bite of a nippon-urdu injects a strength-
Armor Class: 17 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 13, robbing poison (Type: injected; Fort DC 11; Init: 1d4 Str, Sec:
flat 15 1d4 Str)
BAB/Grapple: +3/0 Sneak attack (Ex): A nippon-urdu can make a sneak attack
Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d4+1 + poison) for 2d6 damage. This works like the rogue ability of the same
Full Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d4+1 + poison) and 3 claw name, and stacks with any sneak attack gained from levels or
+0 melee (1d3 + paralysis) other abilities.
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. Haste (Su): As per the arcane spell, lasting for 5 rounds, self
Height: 3 ft. 1 in. + 2d4 in. (3 ft. 5 in.) only. Caster level 3.
Weight: 25 lbs. + 2d6 x 2 lbs. (39 lbs.)
Special Att: Paralysis, poison, sneak attack +2d6 Nippon-Urdu on Amberos
Special Qual: DR 5/good, darkvision 60 ft., haste, outsider Primarily nippon-urdu comprise the souls of Nippon
traits, SR 12 humans. While Nippon-urdu composed of those of another
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4 race have been encountered, they are far more rare. It is
Abilities: S13 D15 C10 I11 W13 Ch13 believed part of the reason that most nippon-urdu are Nippon
Skills: Bluff +7, Disable Device +6, Disguise +7, is attributed to the first nippon-urdu, who wrote a rather
Hide +14, Listen +9, Move Silently +10, infamous treatise on how he managed to escape Hades in the
Search +6, Spot +9 first place. Many Nippon are familiar with the crimes
Feats: Alertness, Stealthy contained within the book, and those fearing they may face
Environment: Hades similar punishments for their crimes have been known to study
Organization: Solitary, or Brood (2-5) the book in an effort to prepare to return as nippon-urdu
CR: 4 should they die or be slain.
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium)
Level Adj: -
This small humanoid has ebony skin and is bone-
thin. The creature moves in an ape-like fashion,
with powerful knuckles scraping the ground as it
darts about. Wisps of scraggly black hair stand
on end about the crown of its horn-covered head,
and red, malevolent eyes stare at you as it breaks
into a hideous grin.
Nippon-urdu are the souls of the dead who betrayed
their family in one fashion or another. Having escaped the
afterlife to return to the mortal world, they seek to wreak
havoc on the lives of their former family members, or failing
to find them, wreak havoc on whomever they can find. These
creatures are not undead; they are instead planar petitioners
that have fled the realm of Hades. They will often sabotage
items to cause them to fail at a critical moment, and seem to
take great delight in setting up gruesome strings of
malfunctions that cause no end of trouble or danger for others.
Nippon-urdu speak the trade language, and often cannot
seem to be quieted once engaged in speaking.

Nippon-urdu never fight fair, and prefer to strike
from ambush or when opponents are least capable of
defending themselves. They are masters of hit and run attacks,

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Nissus from reforming short of a wish or miracle spell or the

depletion of its hit points.
Large Ooze (Extraplanar, Fire) Improved Grab (Ex): If a Nissus strikes a medium-sized or
Hit Dice: 6d10+36 (69 hp) smaller opponent with its slam, it deals normal damage and
Initiative: -5 (-5 Dex) attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 30 ft. (clumsy) an attack of opportunity. No initial touch attack is required.
Armor Class: 4 (-1 size, -5 Dex), touch 4, flat 4 Swallow Whole (Ex): If a Nissus starts the round while
BAB/Grapple: +4/+16 grappling an opponent, it can attempt a new grapple check (as
Attack: Slam +11 melee (1d6 +8 + 2d6 fire) though attempting to pin the opponent). If it succeeds, it
Full Attack: Slam +11 melee (1d6 +8 + 2d6 fire) swallows its prey. Swallowed opponents suffer 3d6 acid
Space/Reach: 10-ft./10 ft. damage per round and cannot breathe. A swallowed creature
Diameter: 10 ft + 1d4 ft. cannot cut its way free, but can just try to escape the grapple
Weight: 350 lbs. + 1d4 x 50 lbs. (450 lbs.) with an escape artist check. If the swallowed creature escapes
Special Att: Hurl self, improved grab, swallow whole the grapple, success allows the victim to squirm free of the
Special Qual: Blindsight 60 ft., DR 10/good and silver, Nissus’s grip.
ooze traits, spell resistance 16 A nissus that has swallowed prey cannot use its Hurl
Saves: Fort +10, Ref -1, Will -3 Self ability without releasing its victim.
Abilities: S27 D1 C23 I- W1 Ch1
Skills: Hide -9, Listen -5, Spot -5 Nissus on Amberos
Feats: Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes, Power Nissus are creatures of hell, where they are
Attack sometimes used by devils to torture prisoners of the plane.
Environment: Hell Devils enjoy dipping prisoners into pits filled with a nissus.
Organization: Solitary, or Brood (2-5) Even if fire resistant, the nissus squeezes and otherwise
CR: 5 attempts to drown such victims.
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 7-12 HD (Large); 13-18 HD (Huge)
Level Adj: -
This blood red, opaque mass of sulphuric
smelling ooze quickly pulls itself along in your
direction. What seem to be two fiendish points of
light glow from within the oddly pulsating mass.
Nissus are dreadful oozes found in the hells. They
delight in devouring the flesh of devils and petitioners, and are
often used to torture petitioners, though they can get unruly
and have been known to attack the devilish torturers with
equal glee. They are a constant plague on the 7th circle of hell,
where the oozes constantly threaten to overwhelm the
inhabitants there.
Nissus do not speak or understand languages.

Nissus are simple combatants - they quickly flow
towards an opponent and simply overwhelm them, attempting
to swallow their foes as quickly as possible. Many a devil has
been surprised when the ooze leaps into the air after its prey,
and the ooze will continue attacking until its opponent is
engulfed or the ooze is destroyed.
Hurl Self (Ex): A nissus can elicit a jet of its own body,
spraying foes up to 60 feet away. Those in the area of effect
suffer 3d6 acid damage (DC 19 Reflex save for half). The
attack disperses the nissus over the target area, and it takes the
ooze a full-round action to coalesce before it can move and
attack again. While dispersed, a nissus can be attacked and
damaged only by area effect attacks, but cannot be prevented

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Orev spring ambushes and lead foes into traps, but generally prefer
a face-to-face fight.
Medium Humanoid (Elf, Goblinoid) The orev warrior presented here had the following
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp) ability scores before racial adjustments: Str 13, Dex 11, Con
Initiative: +0 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (+4 chain shirt), touch 10, flat 14 Society
BAB/Grapple: 0/+2 Orevs live in small clans in wilderness areas away
Attack: Falchion +2 melee (2d4+3;18-20/x2) from civilized lands. They often raid humanoid settlements -
Full Attack: Falchion +2 melee (2d6+3;18-20/x2) or including other orc clans for goods and their own glory. Some
longbow +0 ranged (1d8+2;x3) clans prefer isolation and shun contact - either peaceful or by
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. war - other races.
Height: 5 ft. 3 in. + 2d8 in. (6 ft.) Orevs are independent spirits, and often require a
Weight: 120 lbs. + 2d8 x 5 lbs. (165 lbs.) wide range of skills to successfully survive on their own. Orev
Special Att: - bands usually congregate for company, goods or mutual
Special Qual: Darkvision protection, though most bands are led either by the wisest,
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +0, Will -2 strongest and/or the most devout among their kind. Orevs
Abilities: S15 D11 C12 I10 W7 Ch6 rarely follow one leader for long, and as the Orevs mood
Skills: Balance -2, Climb 0, Escape Artist -2, change, so often does their allegiance.
Handle Animal +2, Hide -2, Intimidate +2, Mated orevs rarely stay together longer than required
Jump 0, Listen -2, Move Silently -2, Sleight to have children and raise them to an age that they can begin
of Hand -2, Spot -2, Swim -2, Tumble -2 to care for themselves - a situation rarely lasting longer than
Feats: Power Attack 15 years at a stretch. There are orev tales of mated orevs
Environment: Any plains or mountains staying together until their deaths in old age, but these legends
Organization: Solitary, Gang (2-5 + 0-1 scouts + 0-2 rarely ever match the reality of changing orev social groups.
warriors), Colony (5-20 + 1-2 scouts + 1-4
warriors + 0-1 champion), or Band (20-40 + Orevs on Amberos
1-4 scouts + 2-8 warriors + 0-1 champion)
Before and during the elvin golden age, it was not
or Tribe (40+ plus 2-4 scouts plus 3-12
uncommon for goblinoids and elves to mingle together, and
warriors plus 1-3 champions)
many marriages were arranged between the races to solidify
CR: ½
power between the Evanthium Coridium and the Golgoloth
Treasure: Standard
Empire. After the transformation of the goblinoids by Ziga,
Alignment: Always chaotic neutral
Greensbeech Earthlayer – the Great Ymin of the elves – used
Advancement: 2 HD (Medium); 3 HD (Large) or By
powerful magic to ensure that elves and goblins could never
Character Class
again consort with one another to produce offspring.
Level Adj: +0
Ziga cursed the orev offspring to become their own
This thin, gangly humanoid has grayish, wart-
race, hoping she could convince the orev it was the work of
covered skin and matted black hair. A pair of
the elves, and trick them into joining her against the elves.
tusks protrudes from its lower jaw, and it has
The orev however, retreated out of elvin lands into the
an overall feral look, despite the sword held in
wilderness to seek their own path. As the ages passed, the
its massive hands and the ill-kept armor it
orev have continued to follow their own path, rather than fall
in with Ziga and her accursed goblinoids.
Orevs are the offspring of orc and elves. They have
bred as a true race for centuries, as elves and orcs no longer
Orev as Characters
associate with each other and it has become impossible for
modern orcs and elves to mate to produce young. Orevs are independent and adventurous spirits, and it
Orevs are individualists, scorned by both elf and orc is not uncommon for them to strike out for a bit of travel and
society. They prefer to be left alone and are willing to fight to adventure before settling back down.
be left undisturbed. Orev characters have the following abilities:
Orevs speak Common and orc.
• Base Speed 30 feet
Combat • Darkvision 60 feet. An orev can see as well in the
Orevs fight as individuals for their own glory. dark as it can in lighted conditions. Darkvision is
Though they may travel in bands, orevs rarely employ group black-and-white only, however.
tactics and fight as individuals, often competing with one • +2 Strength, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma. Orevs are
another for the most kills. They are intelligent enough to fairly strong, but lack concentration to follow through

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on many tasks. There general disdain for societies Orev Scout
conventions often adversely affects them in social Orev Bar 6;hp: 51 (62 raged)
settings. S16 D13 C14 I10 W12 Ch8;Fort +7 (+9 raged), Ref +3, Will
• Immunity to sleep spells and similar magical +3 (+5 raged)
effects, and a +2 racial bonus on saving throws Init: +1 Move: 40 ft.
against enchantment spells. AC: 19 (17 raged) (+1 Dex, +8 chain shirt +1 & small
• +1 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot wooden shield +1), touch 11, flat 18
checks. An Orev does not have the elf’s ability to BAB/Grapple: +6/+9
notice secret doors simply by passing near them. Full Attack: +1 falchion +10/+5 melee (2d4+4;18-20/x2)
• Elvin Blood: For all effects related to race, an Orev (raged) +1 falchion +12/+7 melee
is considered an elf. Orevs, for example, are just as (2d4+6;18-20/x2)
vulnerable to special effects that affect elves as their Special Att: Rage 2x/day
elf ancestors are, and they can use magic items that Special Qual: Trap sense +2, improved uncanny dodge,
are only usable by elves. uncanny dodge
• Orc Blood: As above, a Orev is considered to be an Skills: Climb +11, Hide +0, Listen +10, Move Silently +0,
elf for effects that they are vulnerable to, and can use Ride +10, Spot +5, Survival +1
magic items only useable by orcs. Feats: Cleave, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Falchion),
• Automatic Languages: Common, goblinoid. Bonus Power Attack
Languages: Any (other than secret languages, such CR: 6
as Druidic). Gear: chain shirt +1 (1,250 gp), small wooden shield +1
• Favored Class: Barbarian. (1,153 gp), +1 falchion (2,345 gp), potion of bull’s strength
• Level Adjustment: +0 (300 gp), potion of cat’s grace (300 gp), potion of cure
moderate wounds (300 gp)
Orevs have taken to worshipping Belli, the Lord of Total: 5,648 gp (5,600 gp)
the Earth. Clerics of Belli may choose two of the three Rage (Ex): 7 rounds; +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 morale bonus to
domains from Plant, Animal or Earth. Will, -2 AC. Cannot use skills or abilities that require
patience or concentration.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): An orev scout can no
longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to
sneak attack the barbarian by flanking him, unless the attacker
has at least four more rogue levels than the target has
barbarian levels.
Trap Sense (Ex): An orev scout gains a +2 bonus on Reflex
saves made to avoid traps and a +2 dodge bonus to AC against
attacks made by traps.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): An orev scout retains his Dexterity
bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck
by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity
bonus to AC if immobilized.

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Orev Warrior Orev Champion
Orev Bar 12;hp: 102 (138 raged) Orev Bar 18;hp: 189 (243 raged)
S20 D13 C14 I10 W12 Ch8;Fort +10 (+13 raged), Ref +5, S25 D13 C18 I10 W12 Ch8;Fort +15 (+18 raged), Ref +7,
Will +5 (+8 raged) Will +7* (+10* raged)
Init: +5 Move: 30 ft. Init: +5 Move: 30 ft. (60 ft. hasted)
AC: 23 (21 raged) (+1 Dex, +12 breastplate +3 & small AC: 28 (26 raged) (+1 Dex, +17 breastplate +5 & small
wooden shield +2), touch 11, flat 22 wooden shield +5), touch 11, flat 27
BAB/Grapple: +12/+17 BAB/Grapple: +18/+25
Full Attack: +2 falchion +19/+14 melee (2d4+7;15- Full Attack: +4 falchion +30/+25/+20/+15 melee
20/x2) (2d4+11;15-20/x2)
(raged) +2 falchion +22/+17 melee (hasted) +4 falchion +31/+31/+25/+20/+15
(2d4+10;15-20/x2) melee (2d4+11;15-20/x2)
Special Att: Greater rage 4x/day (raged) +4 falchion +33/+28/+23/+18 melee
Special Qual: DR 2/-, trap sense +4, improved uncanny (2d4+14;15-20/x2)
dodge, uncanny dodge (hasted & raged) +4 falchion
Skills: Climb +17, Hide –2, Listen +16, Move Silently –2, +34/+34/+28/+23/+18 melee (2d4+14;15-
Ride +16, Spot +8, Survival +1 20/x2)
Feats: Cleave, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Falchion), Special Att: Greater rage 5x/day, tireless rage
Improved Critical (Falchion), Improved Initiative, Special Qual: DR 4/-, indomitable will, trap sense +6,
Power Attack improved uncanny dodge, uncanny dodge
CR: 12 Skills: Climb +25, Hide –2, Listen +22, Move Silently –2,
Gear: breastplate +3 (9,350 gp), small wooden shield +2 Ride +22, Spot +11, Survival +2
(4,153 gp), +2 falchion (8,345 gp), gauntlets of ogre Feats: Cleave, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Falchion),
power (4,000 gp), potion of cure serious wounds (750 Improved Critical (Falchion), Improved Initiative,
gp) Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Falchion)
Total: 26,598 gp (27,000 gp) CR: 18
Greater Rage (Ex): 8 rounds; +6 Str, +6 Con, +3 morale Gear: breastplate +5 (25,350 gp), small wooden shield +5
bonus to Will, -2 AC. Cannot use skills or abilities that (25,153 gp), +4 falchion (32,345 gp), belt of giant
require patience or concentration. strength +6 (16,000 gp), amulet of health +4 (16,000
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): An orev warrior can no gp), boots of speed (12,000 gp), potion of cure
longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to serious wounds (750 gp)
sneak attack the barbarian by flanking him, unless the attacker Total: 127,598 gp (130,000 gp)
has at least four more rogue levels than the target has Greater Rage (Ex): 8 rounds; +6 Str, +6 Con, +3 morale
barbarian levels. bonus to Will, -2 AC. Cannot use skills or abilities that
Trap Sense (Ex): An orev warrior gains a +4 bonus on Reflex require patience or concentration.
saves made to avoid traps and a +4 dodge bonus to AC against Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): An orev scout can no
attacks made by traps. longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): An orev warrior retains his Dexterity sneak attack the barbarian by flanking him, unless the attacker
bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck has at least four more rogue levels than the target has
by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity barbarian levels.
bonus to AC if immobilized. Indomitable Will (Ex): While in a rage, an orev champion
gains a +4 bonus on Will saves to resist enchantment spells.
This bonus stacks with all other modifiers, including the
morale bonus on Will saves he also receives during his rage.
Tireless Rage (Ex): An orev champion no longer becomes
fatigued at the end of his rage.
Trap Sense (Ex): An orev champion gains a +4 bonus on
Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +4 dodge bonus to AC
against attacks made by traps.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): An orev champion retains his
Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed
or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his
Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

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Large Aberration
Hit Dice: 5d8+10 (32 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 60 ft. (12 squares), burrow 60 ft. (12
Armor Class: 16 (-1 size, +7 natural), touch 9, flat 16
BAB/Grapple: +3/+12
Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d8+5)
Full Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d8+5)
Space/Reach: 10-ft./10 ft.
Length: 6 ft. + 1d6 ft. (9 ft.)
Weight: 400 lbs. + 2d6 x 25 lbs. (575 lbs.)
Special Att: -
Special Qual: DR 5/cold iron, darkvision 60 ft., fire
immunity, tremorsense 30 ft.
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +5
Abilities: S21 D11 C15 I13 W13 Ch 9
Skills: Climb +8, Hide -4, Jump +10, Listen +9,
Spot +9
Feats: Endurance, Run
Environment: Warm deserts
Organization: Solitary, or Family (2-5)
CR: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Large); 11-15 HD (Huge)
Level Adj: -
This horse-sized turtle has blade-like fins which
it uses to propel itself across the ground at an
amazing rate.
Paddlers are intelligent dwellers of the desert, who
travel to and fro across the sands at lightning speed. They are
peaceful creatures who will often take travelers across the
desert for little or no payment at all. Paddlers have an amazing
knowledge of practically any area in a given desert, and
though they do not speak about their travels, will willingly
take anyone to any place they know of - if asked to go there.
Paddlers speak their own language, and can understand
Common, though they refuse to speak it.

Paddlers are generally too quick to be caught up in
combat, but if forced into a corner will use their beak-like
maws to snap at opponents.

Paddlers on Amberos
Most paddlers are found in the desert areas of
Llannhanex and the surrounding area. There are herds of
roaming paddlers reputed to have been seen in the deep
deserts of Randu, but these paddlers avoid outsiders, often
diving into the deep sands if approached.

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Perii themselves out as mercenaries to evil humanoid bands in

return for treasure or the thrill of killing.
Medium Giant (Demon) Perii speak Giant, Common and goblinoid.
Hit Dice: 3d8+9 (22 hp)
Initiative: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Combat
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 40 ft. (average) in hide Perii will attack individuals in melee, often throwing
armor; base speed 30 ft. fly 50 ft. a javelin first and charging singular foes and hoping for a fast
Armor Class: 20 (+2 Dex, +3 natural, +3 hide armor, +2 kill. Against multiple enemies, most Perii will take to the sky
heavy wooden shield), touch 12, flat 18 and rain down javelins or rocks on their foes before engaging
BAB/Grapple: +2/+4 in melee. Once engaged, Perii usually become so driven by
Attack: Claw +4 melee (1d6+2) or longsword +4 bloodlust that they will not cease fighting until they have
melee (2d6+2;19-20/x2) or javelin +4 killed everything within reach - even if doing so might cause
ranged (1d8+2) their own death.
Full Attack: 2 Claw +4 melee (1d6+2) and gore -1 melee Frightful Presence (Ex): If a Perii charges an opponent of 2
(1d8+1) and tail –1 melee (1d8+1) or HD or less in combat, the victim of the charge must make a
longsword +4 melee (2d6+2;19-20/x2) and Will save (DC 11) or be shaken for the combat. An opponent
claw –1 melee (1d6+2), gore –1 melee that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to that same
(1d8+1) and tail –1 melee (1d8+1) or creature’s frightful presence for 24 hours. Frightful presence is
javelin +4 ranged (1d8+2) a mind-affecting fear effect.
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. Sonic Scream (Su): As a standard action, a Perii can let out
Height: 5 ft. 4 in. + 2d8 in. (6 ft. 1 in.) an unearthly scream that covers a 30 ft. cone. Those caught in
Weight: 165 lbs. + 2d8 x 5 lbs. (210 lbs.) the cone suffer 3d6 damage (Fort save for half). The Perii can
Special Att: Frightful presence, sonic attacks use the sonic scream once per minute.
Special Qual: DR 5/magic +1, fast healing 2, improved Fast Healing (Ex): A Perii regains 2 hit points per round, as
size, SR 12 given in the creature’s entry. Except where noted here, fast
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +1 healing is just like natural healing. Fast healing does not
Abilities: S15 D14 C15 I13 W11 Ch 10 restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation,
Skills: Balance -3, Climb -3, Escape Artist -3, Hide and it does not allow a creature to regrow lost body parts.
-3, Jump -3, Knowledge (the planes) +7, Improved Size (Ex): Although medium-sized, a Perii can use
Listen +6, Move Silently -3, Sleight of Hand large-sized weapons and gear at no penalty, as if they were
-3, Spot +6, Swim -14, Tumble -3 large-sized creatures. They do not gain the benefits or suffer
Feats: Improved Initiative, Toughness the penalties of large size, however.
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary, or Gang (2-5) Perii on Amberos
CR: 3
Perii are found mostly in the wilderness of Randu and
Treasure: None
the Skienlands. They often have relations with the Shafra, but
Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
tend to fight with all other races.
Advancement: By Character Class
Level Adj: +5
Perii as Characters
This humanoid is at least a head taller than a
human and bears a pair of fiery red eagle's Perii are powerful individuals, often looking for a
wings on its back. It hair is curly and brazen red, means to challenge themselves. They sometimes fall in with
and its skin seems well tanned. Goat's horns others that they can thug and use as fodder to accomplish
sprout from the creature's forehead, and it bears whatever goal they may have in mind.
a serpent's tail. Its feet end in what look like Perii characters have the following abilities.
goat's hooves and it wields a longsword and
carries a heavy shield. Strung over its shoulder • Str +4, Dex +4, Con +4, Int +2. Perii are
is a quiver filled with black javelins, and it is exceptionally strong, hardy and quick. They have a
wearing what appears to be armor made from devilish intelligence from their infernal parentage.
humanoid skin and bones knitted together. • Giant racial type and Demon subtype.
Perii are the foul offspring of demons from the abyss • Medium Size.
and hill giants. Though they are only slightly taller than a • Base Movement Rate 30 feet. Fly 40 feet
human, they possess many demonic abilities that make them (Average).
difficult to defeat. • Darkvision 60 feet. A Perii can see in darkness as if
Perii take great delight in fighting and spreading it were daylight out to 60 feet. Darkvision is black
mischief or woe wherever they pass. Some Perii hire and white only.

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• 3d8 racial hit dice. To this total, the Perii adds triple Perii Screecher
his Constitution modifier (minimum 1 hit point per 3HD Perii Bar 6;hp: 91
hit die). The perii also gains a Base Attack Bonus of S23 D17 C18 I12 W12 Ch8;Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +4
+2 and base saving throws of Fort +3, Reflex +1 and Init: +7 Move: 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (Average)
Will +1. AC: 22 (+3 Dex, +3 natural, +6 breastplate +1), touch 13,
• (2 + Int modifier) x 5 Skill Points. A perii’s class flat 19
skills are Climb, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge BAB/Grapple: +8/+14
(The Planes), Listen, Spot, Survival Full Attack: +1 falchion +16/+11 melee (2d6+9;18-
• +3 natural armor. 20/x2) or
• Natural attack routine. A Perii has an natural 2 claws +14 melee (1d6+6), gore +9 melee
attack routine of 2 claws for 1d6 + Str mod, a gore (1d8+3), and tail +9 melee (1d8+3) or
attack for 1d8 + ½ Str mod and a tail attack for 1d8 + Composite shortbow (+6 Str) +11/+6 ranged
½ Str mod. The gore and tail attacks are considered (1d8+6;x3)
secondary attacks. Special Att: Frightful presence, rage 2x/day, sonic
• DR 5/magic +1. attacks
• Frightful Presence: If a Perii charges an opponent of Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., DR 5/magic +1, fast
it’s level or lower or less in combat, the victim of the healing 2, fast movement, improved size,
charge must make a Will save. The Will DC is 11 + improved uncanny dodge, SR 14, trap sense
½ level + Chr modifier. Failure indicates the foe is +2, uncanny dodge
shaken for the combat. An opponent that succeeds on Skills: Craft (Weaponsmith) +7, Handle Animal +5,
the saving throw is immune to that same creature’s Intimidate +5, Knowledge (The Planes) +6, Listen
frightful presence for 24 hours. Frightful presence is +12, Spot +6, Survival +7
a mind-affecting fear effect. Feats: Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Toughness,
• Sonic Scream (Su): As a standard action, a Perii can Weapon Focus (Falchion)
let out an unearthly scream that covers a 30 ft. cone. CR: 9
Those caught in the cone suffer 3d6 damage. A Gear: +1 falchion (2,450 gp), composite shortbow (+6 Str)
successful Fort save halves the damage. The Fort (1,050 gp), 20 arrows (2 gp), breastplate +1 (2,550
save is 11 + ½ level + Con modifier. The Perii can gp), gauntlets of ogre power (4,000 gp), potion of
use the sonic scream once per minute. cure serious wounds (750 gp)
• Fast Healing (Ex): A Perii regains 2 hit points per Total: 10,802 gp (12,000 gp)
round, as given in the creature’s entry. Except where Frightful Presence: Will DC 13
noted here, fast healing is just like natural healing. Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A perii screecher can no
Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to
starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and it does not allow sneak attack the barbarian by flanking him, unless the attacker
a creature to regrow lost body parts. has at least four more rogue levels than the target has
• Improved Size (Ex): Although medium-sized, a barbarian levels.
Perii can use large-sized weapons and gear at no Rage (Ex): 2x/day for 7 rounds, a perii screecher gains a +4
penalty, as if they were large-sized creatures. They Str and Con and +2 to Will saves, but suffers a –2 AC penalty.
do not gain the benefits or suffer the penalties of A perii screecher is fatigued at the end of the rage.
large size, however. Sonic Scream: 30 ft. cone 3d6 damage; Fort DC 16 for half
Trap Sense (Ex): A perii screecher gains a +2 bonus on
• Spell Resistance 12 + ½ Character levels + Cha
Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +2 dodge bonus to AC
modifier. A perii does not count its racial hit dice or
against attacks made by traps.
level adjustment into the character level totals.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): a perii screecher retains his Dexterity
• Languages: Giant, Common. Bonus Languages:
bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck
Abyssal, Elvin, Dwarven, Gnomish, Goblinoid, and
by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity
bonus to AC if immobilized.
• Favored Class: Barbarian
• Level Adjustment: +5
As demonspawn, most Perii worship Ziga, the
Mistress of Corruption. Clerics of Ziga can choose two of the
three following domains from Chaos, Evil and Destruction.

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Perii Screaming Devilkin
3HD Perii Bar 12;hp: 91
S26 D17 C18 I12 W12 Ch8;Fort +13, Ref +10, Will +8
Init: +7 Move: 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (Average)
AC: 26 (+3 Dex, +3 natural, +9 breastplate +4, +1 amulet
of natural armor +1), touch 13, flat 23
BAB/Grapple: +14/+22
Full Attack: +2 flaming falchion +25/+20/+15 melee
(2d6+14 + 2d6 fire;18-20/x2) or
2 claws +22 melee (1d6+8), gore +17 melee
(1d8+4), and tail +17 melee (1d8+4) or
Composite shortbow (+8 Str) +11/+6 ranged
Special Att: Frightful presence, greater rage 4x/day,
sonic attacks
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., DR 2/-, DR 5/magic +1,
fast healing 2, fast movement, improved
size, improved uncanny dodge, SR 17, trap
sense +4, uncanny dodge
Skills: Craft (Weaponsmith) +7, Handle Animal +5,
Intimidate +5, Knowledge (The Planes) +6, Listen
+12, Spot +6, Survival +7
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Toughness,
Weapon Focus (Falchion)
CR: 15
Gear: breastplate +4 (16,550 gp), amulet of natural armor
+1 (2,000 gp), +2 flaming falchion (18,450 gp),
composite shortbow (+8 Str) (1,350 gp), 20 arrows
(2 gp), belt of giant strength +4 (16,000 gp), +2
cloak of resistance (4,000 gp), potion of cure
moderate wounds (300 gp)
Total: 58,802 gp (59,000 gp)
Frightful Presence: Will DC 16
Greater Rage (Ex): 4x/day for 10 rounds, a perii screaming
devilkin gains a +6 Str and Con and +3 to Will saves, but
suffers a –2 AC penalty. A perii screaming devilkin is
fatigued at the end of the rage.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A perii screaming devilkin
can no longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the
ability to sneak attack the barbarian by flanking him, unless
the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target
has barbarian levels.
Sonic Scream: 30 ft. cone 3d6 damage; Fort DC 19 for half
Trap Sense (Ex): A perii screaming devilkin gains a +4 bonus
on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +4 dodge bonus to
AC against attacks made by traps.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A perii screaming devilkin retains his
Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed
or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his
Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

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Peridoom dropped from considerable heights to take the fight out of

Gargantuan Magical Beast Most peridooms reduced to half hit points or less by a
Hit Dice: 20d10+160 (270 hp) foe will generally flee to find easier pickings elsewhere,
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) especially if the foe is much smaller than themselves.
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 100 ft. (poor) However, peridooms defending their nests will generally fight
Armor Class: 17 (-4 size, +1 Dex, +10 natural), touch 7, to the death rather than flee.
flat 16 Energy Drain (Su): If a peridoom hits an opponent with its
BAB/Grapple: +20/+42 claw or bite attack, or if the victim makes physical, unarmed
Attack: Claw +26 melee (2d6+10 + energy drain;19- contact with a Peridoom, they suffer a negative level, and the
20/x2) Peridoom gains 5 temporary hit points per negative level it
Full Attack: 2 Claw +26 melee (2d6+10 + energy bestows. If an attack that includes an energy drain scores a
drain;19-20/x2) and bite +24 melee (2d8+5 critical hit, it drains twice the given amount. These temporary
+ energy drain) hit points last for a maximum of 1 hour. If a negative level is
Space/Reach: 20-ft./10 ft. not removed before 24 hours have passed, the affected
Length: 19 ft. + 1d8 ft. (23 ft.) creature must attempt a Fortitude save (DC 21). On a success,
Weight: 400 lbs. + 1d8 x 100 lbs. (800 lbs.) the negative level goes away with no harm to the creature. On
Special Att: Energy drain, improved grab a failure, the negative level goes away, but the creature’s level
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, immune is also reduced by one. A separate saving throw is required for
to negative energy, SR 22 each negative level.
Saves: Fort +20, Ref +13, Will +8 Improved Grab (Ex): If a peridoom hits a Large-sized or
Abilities: S30 D12 C27 I8 W15 Ch13 smaller opponent with a claw attack, it deals normal damage
Skills: Hide -11, Listen +12, Spot +15 and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without
Feats: Flyby Attack, Hover, Improved Bull Rush, provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial touch attack is
Improved Critical (claw), Improved Sunder, required.
Multiattack, Power Attack Immune to Negative Energy (Ex): A peridoom ignores
Environment: Any mountains negative energy attacks (including level drain) to itself.
Organization: Solitary or Pair
CR: 19 Peridoom on Amberos
Treasure: ½ Coins, Standard Art, No magic Peridooms can be found in nearly any mountain
Alignment: Always neutral evil range on Amberos, though they seem to have the largest
Advancement: 21-40 HD (Gargantuan); 41-60 HD (Colossal) concentrations in the Skataski mountains in the Skienlands.
Level Adj: - There are tales of sorcerous versions of these birds dwelling in
This enormous black crow blots out the sky the Twilight Mountains, though these reports remained
above you. It seems to be covered in a crackling unconfirmed.
black energy that sheathes its body in a strange
Peridooms are thankfully rare carrion creatures that live
in mountainous reaches. They have sharp vision and will often
swoop down from their perches to attack foes below.
While they only eat dead animals, their negative energy
sheath allows them to speed the process by grasping live
opponents and holding them until they expire.
Unmated peridooms can sometimes be dealt with
peacefully if the negotiators offer garish and shiny trinkets to
the bird, and the bird is in the mood to trade.
Peridooms speak their own language and most
understand Common to one form or another, though they
cannot speak the language.

A Peridoom usually swoops down on opponents with
a shrill screech, attempting to grasp up victims and hold them
until they expire from its energy-draining attack. Held
opponents who fight back are often bashed against rocks or

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Persi Bull deals 3d6 bludgeoning damage (Reflex DC 16 for half).

Creatures with Air Mastery or immune to air-based effects are
Large Magical Beast (Air) unharmed by the attack.
Hit Dice: 5d10+20 (47 hp) Powerful Charge (Ex): When a Persi Bull makes a charge, its
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) attack deals an extra 2d8 +7 in addition to the normal benefits
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (average) and hazards of a charge.
Armor Class: 14 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 11, Trample (Ex): As a full-round action, a Persi Bull can move
flat 12 up to twice its speed and literally run over any opponents at
BAB/Grapple: +5/+14 least one size category smaller than itself. It may do this as
Attack: Gore +9 melee (1d8+5) part of a Powerful charge. The trample attack deals 1d6 + 7
Full Attack: Gore +9 melee (1d8+5) bludgeoning damage A trampling creature can only deal
Space/Reach: 10-ft./5 ft. trampling damage to each target once per round, no matter
Length: 8 ft. + 1d4 ft. (10 ft.) how many times its movement takes it over a target creature.
Weight: 1000 lbs. + 1d4 x 250 lbs. (1,500 lbs.)
Special Att: Breath weapon, powerful charge, trample Persi Bull on Amberos
Special Qual: DR 5/magic +1, darkvision 60 ft., low-light Once, the Hapi and Persi Bull were of the same race,
vision but an argument between the Egyptian and Babylonian
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +2 pantheon over the race ended in the race being split in two.
Abilities: S20 D15 C18 I10 W13 Ch12 While the Ancients gods now sleep, the Persi Bull
Skills: Hide -2, Listen +11, Spot +11 follow dream visions they attribute to the will of the sleeping
Feats: Alertness, Run Babylonian gods. The greatest of the Persi Bull – the Bull of
Environment: Temperate land Heaven – arbitrates any matters of discontent for the Persi
Organization: Solitary, or Gang (2-5) Bull.
CR: 4 Most Persi Bull on Amberos can be found in hidden
Treasure: None enclaves near the mountainous border between Simera and
Alignment: Always neutral Llannhanex. The Persi Bull tend to despise Iiannians, and the
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Large); 11-15 HD (Huge) Bull of Heaven often plots against that nation.
Level Adj: -
This large bull has upward curving horns and is
pure blue in color. Across its back are two stark
white-feathered wings.
Persi Bulls are powerful champions send by the divine
for various missions. They are creatures of destruction, but
care for neither law no chaos, good nor evil. Persi Bull are as
intelligent as humans - a fact that often surprises their
attackers. They are canny as well, and have been know to
outmaneuver or outwit opponents when attempting to fulfill
their goal.
Persi Bulls can speak Common, celestial and infernal.

Persi bull usually engage an opponent by charging an
opponent, goring them, and then trodden them underfoot. With
its ability to fly, there are few opponents that are out of their
Persi bull are usually on a mission to attack a specific
person, and they will reserve their breath weapon to use
against such foes.
While Persi bull cannot employ tools or weapons,
they have been known to use their ability to fly and the natural
hazards around them to their advantage. They have been
known to "spring" traps on opponents, collapse walls or other
structural features to bury or get at opponents and similar
Breath Weapon (Su): As a standard action, Persi Bull can
breathe a cone of violent wind out to a distance of 30 ft. that

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Bull of Heaven In even more rare occasions, those who have been
Huge Magical Beast (Lawful) faithful to the gods of good and are facing imminent attack
Hit Dice: 15d10 + 12d8 + 243 (379 hp) may draw the attention of the Bull of Heaven to their side.
Initiative: +4 The Bull of Heaven only remains for the length of a given
Speed: 80 ft., fly 100 ft. (Good) battle against evil, though it will use its abilities to the fullest
AC: (-1 size, +6 natural, +8 bracers of armor +8, extent to defeat whatever evil it faces while not harming the
+5 nosering of protection +5) faithful.
BAB/Grapple: +24/+42 The Bull of Heaven understands all languages, and
Attack: Gore +33 melee (2d6+10 + 2d6 fire + 2d6 can speak Common and Celestial. However, when rampaging
vs. Chaotic) against the unlawful acts of a community, it never speaks to
Full Attack: gore (2d6+ those it has come to slay.
Space/Reach: 15-ft./10 ft.
Length: 17 ft. Combat
Weight: 22,750 lbs. (11 tons) A Bull of Heaven usually starts combat from within
Special Att: Adamantine strike, breath weapon, lawful the concealment of obscuring mist, making its initial charge
strike, powerful charge, spells, trample especially shocking.
Special Qual: DR 15/epic +6, darkvision 60 ft., low-light Usually before engaging combat, the Bull of Heaven
vision, spells will cast Righteous Might, Shield of Faith, Freedom of
Saves: Fort +26, Ref +13 , Will +16 Movement and Bless on itself beforehand.
Abilities: S30 D11 C28 I13 W17 Ch20 If assisting the faithful, the Bull of Heaven will often
Skills: Concentration +30, Jump +30, Knowledge cast spells on those whom it is assisting before engaging in
(Religion) +30, Spellcraft +30, Survival +6 combat.
Feats: Alertness, Awesome Blow, Improved Adamantine strike (Ex): A Bull of Heaven’s gore attack is
Initiative, Improved Overrun, Improved treated as an adamantine weapon for the purposes of
Sunder, Power Attack, Run, Skill Focus bypassing damage reduction and hardness.
(Survival), Track Breath Weapon (Su): As a standard action, the Bull of
Environment: Olympus Heaven can snort fire in a 30 ft. cone that deals 7d6 fire
Organization: Solitary, Council (1 bull of heaven + 2-5 damage. Half of this damage is divine power and is not
advanced [15 HD] persi bull) therefore subject to being reduced by resistance to fire-based
CR: 22 attacks. A successful Fort DC 26 save halves the damage.
Treasure: bracers of armor +8 (64,000 gp), collar of Feat of Strength (Su): Once per day, the Bull of Heaven
heavy fortification (25,000 gp), nosering of gains a +12 enhancement bonus to Strength. Activating the
protection +5 (50,000 gp), tailwrap of giant power is a free action, the power lasts 1 round, and it is usable
strength +6 (36,000 gp), amulet of health once per day.
+6 (36,000 gp), shoddings of speed (3,000 Lawful Strike (Su): A Bull of Heaven’s attacks are treated as
gp) Lawful weapons for the purposes of bypassing damage
Alignment: Always Lawful Neutral reduction. They likewise deal an extra 2d6 damage to Chaotic
Advancement: - opponents.
Level Adj: - Powerful Charge (Ex): When the Bull of Heaven makes a
charge, its attack deals an extra 4d6 + 15 + 2d6 fire + 2d6 vs.
The Bull of Heaven is a creature that is the manifest Chaotic opponents in addition to the normal benefits and
wrath of the upper planes. It is usually sent out from the hazards of a charge.
celestial realms to pronounce judgment on a society that has Trample (Ex): As a full-round action, the Bull of Heaven can
grievously broken the commandments of the gods it serves. In move up to twice its speed and literally run over any
this role, the Bull of Heaven tramples all in its path, knocking opponents at least one size category smaller than itself. It may
down buildings and seeking out citizens of the offending do this as part of a Powerful charge. The trample attack deals
community and trampling them underfoot. It saves its gore 1d8 + 10 + 2d6 fire + 2d6 vs. Chaotic opponents in
attack against the leaders of the community and has been bludgeoning damage A trampling creature can only deal
known to strike such leaders first, carrying the bloody, gored trampling damage to each target once per round, no matter
bodies of the community leaders upon its horns to let all the how many times its movement takes it over a target creature.
citizenry know that the failure of their leaders to follow the
tenets of the celestial realms has brought their doom upon
On extremely rare occasions, the Bull of Heaven is
sent to temples of the faithful to bless those who have
followed the will of the gods.

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Typical Cleric Spells
(6/7/6/6/4/4/3;CL 12; DC 13 + Spell Level; Domain: Collar of Heavy Fortification: This thick golden collar
Strength, Law) produces a magical force that protects vital areas of the wearer
0: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Light, Read more effectively. When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored
Magic, Resistance, Virtue on the wearer, the critical hit or sneak attack is automatically
1st: Bless, Cause Fear, Divine Favor, Doom, Obscuring Mist, negated.
Protection from ChaosDL, Shield of Faith Strong abjuration; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, limited wish
2nd: Calm EmotionsDL, Consecrate, Hold Person, Owl’s or miracle; Price 25,000 gp.
Wisdom, Shatter, Zone of Truth
3rd: Contagion, Dispel Magic, Locate Object, Magic Circle Nosering of Protection: This nose ring offers continual
Against ChaosDL, Protection from Energy, Wind Wall magical protection in the form of a deflection bonus of +1 to
4th: Dismissal, Freedom of Movement, Poison, Restoration, +5 to AC.
Spell ImmunityD Faint abjuration; CL 5th; Forge Ring, shield of faith, caster
5th: Greater Command, Mark of Justice, Plane Shift, must be of a level at least three times greater than the bonus of
Righteous MightD the ring; Price 2,000 gp (ring +1); 8,000 gp (ring +2); 18,000
6th: Harm, Heal, StoneskinD gp (ring +3); 32,000 gp (ring +4); 50,000 gp (ring +5).
D: Domain spell
L: Law spell, +1 caster level Shoddings of Speed: These brass shoddings come in sets of
four. When affixed to an animal’s hooves, they increase the
Bull of Heaven on Amberos animal’s base land speed by 30 feet; this counts as an
The Bull of Heaven is a titan of the Babylonian enhancement bonus.
pantheon, and works in the sleeping god’s steed. The Bull of As with other effects that increase speed, jumping
Heaven has not been seen on Amberos since the Dark Age, distances increase proportionally. All four shoes must be worn
when it aided the Circle of Good against the Skyland Hold in by the same animal for the magic to be effective.
the final battle against the Dark One. Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, haste;
There are tales that the Bull of Heaven has appeared Price 3,000 gp; Weight 12 lb. (for four).
briefly in courts of Ran Da Khan and Lacosis to try tricky
cases. The Randu have a legend that the Bull of Heaven Tailwrap of Giant Strength: This braid of cloth is made of a
preceded the hero Rand in his final battle to unite the Ghan golden fabric with brass studs. When wrapped about the tail, it
clans under his banner, but most scholars think the story no adds to the wearer’s Strength score in the form of an
more than a fable. enhancement bonus of +4 or +6.
Beyond these sightings, there are many legends of the Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item,
Bull of Heaven appearing on Amberos, either to destroy an bull’s strength; Price 16,000 gp (+4), 36,000 gp (+6);Weight 1
aberrant community that had scorned the gods or to assist a lb.
singular, devoted servant of good escape those who sought to
do harm to the individual merely because of his faith. The
credibility of these tales varies widely, as does the location of
the incident – though they seem more common in the East
than West.

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Pisci Pisci on Amberos

Small Magical Beast (Aquatic) These fish plague the Alusti Ocean of northern
Hit Dice: ½d10 (2 hp) Amberos. They are rarely found less than 25 miles from the
Initiative: +2 coast, and some unknown force of the depths has apparently
Speed: Swim 40 ft. (8 squares) kept the population of this fish in check – by devouring them
Armor Class: 14 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural), touch 13, in the droves. Rumors are that the culprit is a leviathan, who
flat 12 has taken it upon itself to avenge the death of its mate by these
BAB/Grapple: +0/-8 creatures.
Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d4-2)
Full Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d4-4) and slam -2 melee
Space/Reach: 5-ft./0 ft.
Length: 3 ft. + 2d8 in. (3 ft. 9 in.)
Weight: 2 lbs. + 2d4 lbs. (7 lbs.)
Special Att: -
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 2, low-light
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +0
Abilities: S6 D15 C10 I3 W10 Ch5
Skills: Listen 0, Spot +4, Swim +18
Feats: Dodge, MobilityB, Spring AttackB, Weapon
Environment: Warm Ocean
Organization: Solitary, Cluster (2-5), School (5-20),
Colony (21-50), Swarm (51+)
CR: 1/6
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 1-2 HD (Small); 3-5 HD (Medium)
Level Adj: -
This silver fish is the size of a halfling and has a
wide maw filled with razor-sharp teeth and eyes
as black as an abyss.
Pisci are salt-water creatures that are mix of barracuda,
piranha and a bit of magic. They are normally encountered in
large groups, and their ability to strip flesh off victims in a
matter of seconds is legendary. They have been known to hunt
large sea animals, and there are even tales of swarms of the
beasts taking on leviathans.

Pisci swim at their opponent, tear off a hunk of flesh
or brush foes with their abrasive scales and move away.
Individually, they can be easily frightened, but in droves, they
are utterly fearless and ruthless.
Fast healing (Su): Pisci can heal 2 hit points of damage a
round from all sources except acid. Fast healing does not
restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation,
and it does not allow a creature to regrow lost body parts. A
Pisci can regenerate from –9 hit points or fewer. If a pisci
reaches –10 hit points, it dies.
Skills: A Pisci has a +10 bonus to swim checks. It may
choose to take 10 when swimming, even if rushed or in
combat. It may take the run action while swimming, as long
as it moves in a straight line.

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Pisci Swarm
Hit Dice: 5d10 (27 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: Swim 40 ft. (8 squares)
AC: 14 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural), touch 13,
flat 12
BAB/Grapple: +0/-8
Attack: Swarm (3d6)
Full Attack: Swarm (3d6)
Space/Reach: 10-ft/0 ft.
Special Att: Distraction, wounding
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 2, half
damage from slashing and piercing, low-
light vision, swarm traits
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1
Abilities: S3 D15 C10 I3 W10 Ch5
Skills: Listen +0, Spot +4, Swim +18
Feats: Dodge, MobilityB, Spring AttackB
Environment: Warm Ocean
Organization: Solitary, harvest (2-5 swarms)
CR: 5
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: -
Level Adj: -
A pisci swarm consists of a school of approximately
60 pisci. They will attack any swimming target they
encounter, attempting to tear it to shreds.

Unlike most swarms, a pisci’s ability to perform a
Spring Attack allows it to injure enemies simply by entering
their square (it cannot injure an opponent more than once per
round, regardless of the number of times it passes through a
Distraction (Ex): Any living creature that begins it turn with
a swarm in its space must succeed on a DC 11 Fortitude save
or be nauseated for 1 round. The save DC is Constitution-
Wounding (Ex): Any living creature damaged by a pisci
swarm continues to bleed, losing 1 hit point per round
thereafter. Multiple wounds do not result in cumulative
bleeding loss. The bleeding can be stopped by a DC 10 Heal
check or the application of a cure spell or some other healing
Skills: A Pisci has a +10 bonus to swim checks. It may
choose to take 10 when swimming, even if rushed or in

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Phaergrinn in truth care nothing for any being they associate with; they
are merely tools by which the Phaergrinn can allow itself to
Tiny Outsider (Chaos, Evil, Native) gain full access to the mortal realm to wreck its evil.
Hit Dice: 6d8+12 (39 hp) Though they are not themselves chaotic of alignment,
Initiative: +6 (+6 Dex) the mere nature of their existence requires the creatures of the
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), fly 100 ft. (good) Realm of Madness to draw on the power of chaos to create
Armor Class: 21 (+2 size, +6 Dex, +3 natural), touch 18, these tiny, yet powerful entities. Thus, charms against chaos,
flat 15 and spells that affect chaotic matter can manipulate the tiny
BAB/Grapple: +6/-1 forms that these beings have taken.
Attack: Slam +9 melee (1d6+1) It should be noted that the Phaergrinn only represents
Full Attack: Slam +9 melee (1d6+1) the smallest sliver of the power of the Realm of Madness
Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./0 ft. creature it represents. It is, in many ways, nothing more than a
Height: 1 ft. + 1d4 in. (1 ft. 2 in.) mere puppet manipulated by the invisible strings of the Realm
Weight: 20 lbs. + 1d10 lbs. (25 lbs.) of Madness master that controls it. If the Realm of Madness
Special Att: Ability drain, improved grab creature that controls a Phaergrinn ever manifests itself on the
Special Qual: DR 15/magic +1 or lawful, darkvision 60 ft., mortal plane, it will discard the Phaergrinn “puppet”, killing it.
outsider traits, regeneration 3, spell A slain Phaergrinn dissolves into a puddle of greenish goo.
resistance 18 Phaergrinn speak the language of the Realm of
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +9 Madness, Common and up to six other languages of their
Abilities: S12 D23 C15 I19 W15 Ch25 choice.
Skills: Bluff +16, Diplomacy +16, Disable Device
+13, Disguise +9, Escape Artist +15, Combat
Forgery +6, Gather Information +16, Hide Phaergrinn prefer to keep a low presence and avoid
+16, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (arcana) fighting whenever possible. If they can take out a lone foe,
+13, Knowledge (religion) +13, Knowledge they may strike, but will avoid large groups unless their final
(the planes) +13, Listen +11, Move Silently manifestation on the mortal plane is in jeopardy. A phaergrinn
+8, Spot +11, Use Magic Device +16 can fight with surprising ferocity, and will do whatever it takes
Feats: Deceitful, Iron Will, Stealthy to protect and ensure the arrival of its true form on the mortal
Environment: Any land realm.
Organization: Solitary Ability Drain (Su): A phaergrinn that has successfully
CR: 7 grappled an opponent can permanently drain 1 point of
Treasure: Double Standard Wisdom per round from its foe. A victim drained to 0
Alignment: Always neutral evil Wisdom or less is slain and rises in 1d3 days as an allip.
Advancement: 7-12 HD (Tiny); 13-18 HD (Small) Improved Grab (Ex): If a phaergrinn hits with its slam
Level Adj: - attack, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple
This tiny, frog-like creature has a pot belly and as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.
spindly arms and legs that end in suckered- No initial touch attack is required. A phaergrinn can grapple
tipped fingers. The lower half of its round head with an opponent of any size, though it cannot restrict the
is nearly split in half with a fearsome grin, and movement of an opponent of medium size or larger, and will
its eyes are black, inky bulbous circles with a be dragged along wherever such a larger creature moves.
skull-like nose wedged between them. Worm-like Regeneration (Ex): A phaergrinn takes normal damage from
tendrils of green hair sprout stiffly from its head, magical or good sources. A phaergrinn can regrow lost limbs
and it has no visible ears. From its back in 1 round and reattach lost limbs by holding them to the
protrude a pair of slime-covered greenish-black stump as a move action.
bat's wings, whose gossamer membranes are thin
enough to be opaque. Phaergrinn on Amberos
Phaergrinn are the evil manifestations of the powerful
Extremely rare, only one or two accounts of
entities of the Realm of Madness. They seek out mortals to
phaergrinn have ever been recorded in Amberos’s history.
bend to their will in the hopes of tricking these beings into
The first occurred just after the fall of the Elvin Golden Age,
opening the doorway between their own bizarre realms and the
and the death of the king of the elves seemed to have stirred
mortal realms.
some wakefulness in the Realm of Madness. Another record
These creatures do their best to appear unassuming to
of a phaergrinn occurred at the tail end of the Dark Age, after
potential allies, sharing their bizarre and vast knowledge in
the defeat of the Dark One by the Circle of Good. Again, the
arcane rituals that will allow mortals to open the gulfs between
stirrings on the continent seemed to have drawn the eyes of the
their own realm and the Realm of Madness. They promise,
Realm of Madness to the mortal lands. Since then, there has
cajole, lie, cheat and will even steal to gain a victim's trust, but

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been no tales of phaergrinn on Amberos, but considering their
secretive nature, this is not surprising.

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Po-pei subject to the usual –4 penalty for attacking with a natural

weapon in a grapple. A Po-pei must begin its turn grappling to
Medium Humanoid (Simian) use its rake.
Hit Dice: 2d8 (9 hp) Rend (Ex): If a Po-pei hits the same opponent with two or
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) more claw attacks, it rends the victim for automatically for an
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 25 ft. (5 squares) additional 2d4+3 damage.
Armor Class: 13 (+1 Dex, +2 leather armor), touch 11, flat Skills: A po-pei has a +8 racial bonus to climb skills and may
12 use his Dexterity modifier or Strength modifier when
BAB/Grapple: +1/+4 climbing. A po-pei may take 10 on a climb check, even if
Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d6+3) rushed or under duress. A po-pei also has a +4 racial bonus to
Full Attack: 2 Bite +4 melee (1d6+3) and 4 claw +2 Jump and Swim checks.
melee (1d4+1)
Space/Reach: 5-ft./5 ft. Society
Height: 4 ft. 6 in. + 2d4 in. (4 ft. 11 in.) Po-Pei have a stone age culture, often living in huts
Weight: 75 lbs. + 2d4 x 5 lbs. (100 lbs.) or other crude shelters in small tribes. They disdain using
Special Att: Rake, rend weapons in combat, though they have mastered how to create
Special Qual: Low-light vision, scent fire as well as simple structures. The Po-pei have also
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +0 mastered the art of preserving meat, as well as the concept of
Abilities: S17 D12 C11 I9 W11 Ch7 keeping prisoners for lean times to feed on.
Skills: Climb +11, Hide +1, Jump +7, Listen +2, The strongest individual, who generally leads the Po-
Move Silently +1, Spot +3, Survival +0, pei in raids for food, rules a tribe of Po-Pei. A leader who us
Swim +7 unable to fend off attacks from other Po-pei usually finds itself
Feats: MultiattackB, Track dethroned quite quickly - as well as part of their rival's lunch
Environment: Temperate mountains, marshes as well.
Organization: Solitary, Pair, Brood (2-5), or Nest (5-20)
CR: 1 Po-pei on Amberos
Treasure: None
Native to the marshy Golens, Po-pei have also been
Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
encountered in the Skienlands at the feet of the Skataski
Advancement: By Character Class
Level Adj: +2
This hairy humanoid sports two ape-like heads
Po-pei as Characters
and has six arms, two of which it is using as legs
to move about. The thing smells of rotten meat, It is rare for Po-pei to successfully travel in groups
and bits of blood and other gore mats in fur in not consisting of their own kind; many such individuals
several places. The creature wears no clothes foolish enough to take in a Po-pei later find themselves food
other than a few trinkets of bone and a vest made for the foul creatures. However, some Po-pei adventurers
of some tanned creature's hide. have learned to curb their carnivorous habits for the benefit of
Po-pei are foul flesh-eating creatures who feast on the companionship.
flesh of others. They seem to be driven by a never-ending Po-pei characters have the following abilities.
hunger and while intelligent, rarely see others as more than a
source of food. • Medium size.
Po-pei speak their own language of grunts, hoots and • 2d8 racial hit dice. To this total, a po-pei adds twice
animal-like calls. its Constitution modifier (minimum 1 hit point per hit
die). This also grants the po-pei a +1 Base Attack
Combat Bonus and base saves of Fort +3, Reflex +3 and Will
Po-pei savagely attack foes, concentrating on rending +0.
one foe apart before even considering moving on to another. • Low-light vision. A Po-pei can see twice as far as a
Usually, Po-pei strike take down a lone individual, and then human in low light or twilight conditions.
drag them off to a quiet spot to devour. They often employ hit • Base movement rate 30 feet. Climb speed 25 feet.
and run tactics when doing so, and greatly enjoy inspiring fear A Po-pei can take 10 when climbing, even when
in their victims before striking. rushed or in combat.
Rake (Ex): A Po-pei gains extra natural attacks when it • +6 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Int, -4 Chr. Po-pei are
grapples its foe. Normally, a monster can attack with only one terrifyingly strong and quick, but are slow to learn.
of its natural weapons while grappling, but a monster with the Their predatory habits negatively affects their
rake ability usually gains two additional claw attacks that it interactions with others.
can use only against a grappled foe. Rake attacks are not • Base Attack Bonus +1

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• Natural Attack routine. An unarmed Po-pei can Po-pei Marauder
attack with four claw attacks and two bites. The bite 2HD Po-pei Rng 6;hp: 44
deals 1d6 + Str modifier damage. The claws deal 1d4 S22 D16 C13 I10 W11 Ch4;Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +2
+ ½ Str modifier damage each. The claw attacks are Init: +3 Move: 30 ft., climb 25 ft.
considered secondary attacks AC: 18 (+3 Dex, +4 studded leather +1, +1 Two-Weapon
• Rake (Ex): A Po-pei gains extra natural attacks when Defense), touch 13, flat 15
it grapples its foe. Normally, a monster can attack BAB/Grapple: +7/+13
with only one of its natural weapons while grappling, Full Attack: bite +13 melee (1d8+6), primary +1 club
but a monster with the rake ability usually gains two +12/+7 melee (1d6+7), offhand mw club
additional claw attacks that it can use only against a +12/+7 melee (1d6+3), 2 claws +11 melee
grappled foe. Rake attacks are not subject to the usual (1d4+3)
–4 penalty for attacking with a natural weapon in a Special Att: Favored enemy, rake, rend
grapple. A Po-pei must begin its turn grappling to use Special Qual: Low-light vision, scent, wild empathy
its rake. Skills: Climb +20, Hide +9, Jump +17, Listen +2, Move
• Rend (Ex): If a Po-pei hits the same opponent with Silently +6, Spot +2, Survival +6, Swim +11
two or more claw attacks, it rends the victim for Feats: Alertness, DiehardR, Dodge, EnduranceR, Improved
automatically for an additional 2d4 + Str modifier Natural Attack (Bite), Improved Two-Weapon
damage. FightingR, MultiattackB, TrackR, Two-Weapon
• Scent. DefenseR, Two-Weapon FightingR
• Weapon and Armor Aversion. Regardless of class, CR: 7
a Po-pei does not automatically gain proficiencies Gear: studded leather +1 (1,175 gp), amulet of natural
with any weapons or armor heavier than neither light armor +1 (2,000 gp), +1 club (2,300 gp), mw club
armor nor shields. A Po-pei must spend feats to (300 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (1,000 gp), potion of
acquire any weapon, armor or shield proficiencies it cure light wounds (50 gp), potion of bull’s strength
wishes to acquire. (300 gp)
• (2 + Int modifier) x 5 skill points. The Po-pei’s Total: 7,125 gp (7,200 gp)
racial skills are Climb, Spot, Listen, Hide, Move The Po-pei Marauder took two extra feats instead of an animal
Silently and Swim. companion
• Skills: A po-pei has a +8 racial bonus to climb skills Favored Enemy (Ex): +4 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense
and may use his Dexterity modifier or Strength Motive, Spot and Survival checks and +4 bonus on weapon
modifier when climbing. A po-pei may take 10 on a damage rolls against Humanoid (Human). +2 bonus on Bluff,
climb check, even if rushed or under duress. A po- Listen, Sense Motive, Spot and Survival checks and +2 bonus
pei also has a +4 racial bonus to Jump and Swim on weapon damage rolls against Humanoid (Elf).
• Automatic Languages: Po-Pei. Bonus Languages: Typical Ranger Spells
Common, Elvin, Dwarven, Gnomish, Goblinoid. (1;CL 3;DC 10 + Spell Level)
• Favored Class: Ranger 1: Pass Without Trace
• Level Adj: +2

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Po-pei Guerilla
2HD Po-pei Rng 12;hp: 44 Typical Ranger Spells
S24 D16 C13 I10 W13 Ch4;Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +5 (2/1/1;CL 6;DC 11 + Spell Level)
Init: +3 Move: 30 ft., climb 25 ft. 1st: Magic Fang, Resist Energy
AC: 18 (+3 Dex, +4 studded leather +1, +1 Two-Weapon 2nd: Barkskin
Defense), touch 13, flat 15 3rd: Tree Shape
BAB/Grapple: +13/+20
Full Attack: bite +20 melee (1d8+7), primary +1 club
+18/+13/+8 melee (1d6+8), offhand mw
club +18/+13/+8 melee (1d6+4), 2 claws
+18 melee (1d4+3) or
Composite Shortbow (+7 Str) +16/+11/+6
ranged (1d6+7;x3)
Special Att: Favored enemy, rake, rend
Special Qual: Evasion, low-light vision, scent, swift
tracker, wild empathy, woodland stride
Skills: Climb +20, Hide +15, Jump +17, Listen +8, Move
Silently +17, Spot +14, Survival +12, Swim +11
Feats: Alertness, DiehardR, DodgeR, EnduranceR, Greater
Two-Weapon FightingR, Improved Critical (Bite),
Improved Natural Attack (Bite), Improved Two-
Weapon FightingR, Martial Weapon Proficiency
(Composite Shortbow), MultiattackB, Simple
Weapon Proficiency, TrackR, Two-Weapon
DefenseR, Two-Weapon FightingR
CR: 13
Gear: studded leather +3 (9,175 gp), amulet of natural
armor +1 (2,000 gp), +2 club (8,300 gp), +1 club
(2,300 gp), composite shortbow (+7 Str) (600 gp), 20
arrows (1 gp), gloves of dexterity +2 (4,000 gp),
boots of elvinkind (2,500 gp), cloak of resistance +2
(4,000 gp), potion of cure light wounds (50 gp),
potion of bull’s strength (300 gp)
Total: 33,226 gp (35,000 gp)
The Po-pei Guerilla took three extra feats instead of an animal
Favored Enemy (Ex): +4 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense
Motive, Spot and Survival checks and +4 bonus on weapon
damage rolls against Humanoid (Human). +2 bonus on Bluff,
Listen, Sense Motive, Spot and Survival checks and +2 bonus
on weapon damage rolls against Humanoid (Elf).
Woodland Stride (Ex): A po-pei guerilla may move through
any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars,
overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at his normal speed and
without taking damage or suffering any other impairment.
However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that are
enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion still
affect him.
Swift Tracker (Ex): A po-pei guerilla can move at his normal
speed while following tracks without taking the normal –5
penalty. He takes only a –10 penalty (instead of the normal –
20) when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.
Evasion (Ex): If a po-pei guerilla makes a successful Reflex
saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage
on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. A helpless
po-pei guerilla does not gain the benefit of evasion.

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Ptasha life. They often use their roar ability to stun then grapple
opponents. If forced into extended combat, they will use their
Medium-size Outsider (Evil) spells to enhance their physical form and attack. Because they
Hit Dice: 7d8+7 (38 hp) fear death so, they will often flee an opponent when combat
Initiative: +8 does not go their way.
Speed: 90 ft. (18 squares) Alternate Form (Su): At night, a ptasha may assume the
Armor Class: 21 (+4 Dex, +5 natural, +3 deflection), form of a black panther as a move-equivalent action. A
touch 17, flat 18 ptasha’s ability scores and attack routines do not change, but it
BAB/Grapple: +7/+8 cannot cast spells in panther form. In panther form, the ptasha
Attack: claw +11 melee (1d4+1) gains a +8 racial bonus to hide, jump, listen, move silently,
Full Attack: 2 claw +11 melee (1d4+1), bite +6 melee spot and climb checks.
(1d6) Life Drain (Su): If a ptasha successfully grapples and
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. opponent, they may drain 1d4 points of Dexterity,
Height: 5 ft. 6 in. + 2d4 inches (5 ft. 11 in.) Constitution or Strength per round (Fort DC 16 for half). A
Weight: 150 lbs. + 1d10 x 10 lbs. (205 lbs.) victim drained to 0 Strength or Dexterity cannot move. A
Special Att: Life drain, roar, spells victim drained to 0 or less Constitution is slain.
Special Qual: Alternate form, DR 5/silver, unholy Roar (Su): As a standard action, a ptasha may unleash a
presence deafening and terrifying roar that stuns opponents within 10 ft
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +7 .(Fort DC 16 to negate). Stunned opponents are considered
Abilities: S13 D19 C13 I13 W15 Ch17 flat-footed and unable to take any action for 1d4+1 rounds.
Skills: Balance +12, Climb +9, Escape Artist +12, Spells: A ptasha brings back with it several secrets of the
Hide +12, Jump +9, Knowledge (Religion) dead. They may cast spells as a 7th level sorcerer. They prefer
+11, Move Silently +12, Spot +10 necromantic and enchantment spells.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Unholy Presence (Su): A ptasha adds its Charisma modifier
Weapon Finesse as a deflection bonus to AC.
Environment: Warm desert or mountain
Organization: Solitary Typical Sorcerer Spell List
CR: 8 (6/7/7/5;Caster Level 7;Spell DC 13 + Spell Level)
Treasure: Standard 0: Daze, Detect Magic, Message, Open/Close,
Alignment: Always neutral evil Prestidigitation, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue
Advancement: 8-14 HD (Medium-size); 15-21 HD (Large) 1st: Cause Fear, Chill Touch, Disguise Self, Hold Portal,
Standing before you is a slim, well-built Sleep
humanoid with dark, almost black skin. Its 2nd: Command Undead, Invisibility, Minor Image
equally black hair hangs just below its 3rd: Rage, Vampiric Touch
shoulders, and you can see patches of body hair
down its arms, legs and on its chest. Its cat-like Ptasha on Amberos
eyes gleam in the surrounding darkness and its
Ptasha seem to be more numerous in Llannhanex and
wicked smile reveals a set of animal-like fangs.
Iiannhanex, with some spillover into surrounding countries.
The ptasha (TAA-shaw) are particularly evil spirits
They are exceptionally rare, and usually only encountered at
who have returned to torment the living. They are not undead,
night. Many sages believe that Ptasha spawn from a secret
but instead inhabit a living, breathing body that can be killed.
shrine hidden in the Pandemonium that the dead manage to
They are, in fact, on the run from the punishments of the
reach, and perform the necessary rituals to return to life.
afterlife, seeking to fulfill their base desires while they still
Of note, the most powerful Ptasha known on
live. Killing them sends them back to the afterlife to endure
Amberos is the former first pharaoh of
the punishments they escaped, so they are very careful and
Llannhanex/Iiannhanex, known as Atosha. Sages believe it
fearful of any situation that puts their bodies at risk.
was Atosha who may have erected the shrine in the
A ptasha appears as a thin humanoid with dark, skin
Pandemonium and created the process by which ptasha are
that appears to be well-tanned. They usually have long, black
spawned – with the aid of Set of the Egyptian pantheon.
hair and have quite a bit of body hair. Their teeth are slightly
elongated and they move with an unnatural swiftness. They
are capable of assuming a panther form at nighttime.
A ptasha can speak Common and abysmal.

A ptasha often attempts to catch a victim by surprise,
making it much easier to grapple an opponent and drain their

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Qadi interpret to the letter of the law. They seem to have intimate
knowledge of the case and its details, even without the need
Large Outsider (Lawful) for witnesses, though they will allow such individuals testify -
Hit Dice: 12d8+48 (102 hp) even if to just to debunk their tales. Luckily for many, a Qadi
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) never accuses an individual of a crime; they only arrive to
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 120 ft. (good) resolve the guilt or innocence of those already accused of a
Armor Class: 27 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +5 natural, +5 insight, crime.
+5 divine), touch 22, flat 24 Qadi can speak any language it chooses, and does so
BAB/Grapple: +12/+20 with the fluidity of a learned, native speaker.
Attack: Claw +15 melee (1d6+4 + Wis drain) or +2
Flaming Longsword +17 melee (2d6+4 + Combat
1d6 fire;19-20/x2) Qadi are not executioners; they only fight to restrain
Full Attack: 2 Claw +15 melee (1d6+4 + Wis drain) or loosed prisoners or to defend themselves. However, they have
+2 Flaming Longsword +17/+12/+7 melee a mighty arsenal at their disposal to tend to disruptive
(2d6+4 + 1d6 fire) prisoners or mobs if the need arises.
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. In most cases, Qadi use their symbol ability to restrain
Height: 9 ft. prisoners out of control or mobs intent on descending on them.
Weight: 350 lbs. If attacked personally despite this initial defense, they tend to
Special Att: Fear aura, summon, wisdom drain draw their long sword and attack in their own defense. A Qadi
Special Qual: DR 10/chaos & cold iron, darkvision 60 ft., however, will never quit a case even if it should cost it its life;
outsider traits, resistance to energy 30, spell however, if the case has been resolved and the penalty of the
immunity, symbol, zone of truth law applied to the prisoner, it may choose to simply plane shift
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +15 and avoid further confrontations.
Abilities: S19 D17 C18 I19 W25 Ch19 Fear Aura (Su): The use of this ability is a free action. The
Skills: Appraise +19, Bluff +6, Diplomacy +21, aura causes all within 30 feet of the Qadi to be struck as if by a
Forgery +19, Gather Information +21, Hide fear spell. Caster level 12.
-1, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (history) +19, Resistance to Energy (Ex): A Qadi has fire, cold, acid,
Knowledge (nobility) +19, Listen +24, electricity and sonic resistance 30.
Search +21, Sense Motive +24, Spellcraft Spell Immunity (Ex): A Qadi avoids the effects of spells and
+19, Spot +24 spell-like abilities that directly affect it of 6th level or less,
Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Investigator, except spells with Chaos descriptor. Spells that do not allow
Negotiator, Persuasive spell resistance are not affected by spell immunity.
Environment: Nirvana Summon (Sp): Once per day, as a full round action, a Qadi
Organization: Solitary, Quorum (2-5), or Jury (5-20) can summon an inevitable (Kolyarut, Marut or Zelehut). The
CR: 13 inevitable remains until whatever mission it is given by the
Treasure: +2 Flaming Longsword (18,325 gp) Qadi is completed. A Qadi cannot summon another inevitable
Alignment: Always lawful neutral until the first completes its task or is destroyed. Qadi use this
Advancement: 13-24 HD (Large); 25-36 HD (Huge) ability very rarely; usually only to recapture an escaped
Level Adj: - prisoner or when a prisoner has been condemned to death.
This tall, slim humanoid is a full foot taller Some Qadi have been known to use the ability to have the
than a human and has platinum-colored skin inevitable on-hand as a sort of bailiff for legal proceedings.
and a headdress made of fire. It is dressed in Symbol (Sp): As a standard action, a Qadi can activate a
white judge's robes, bedecked with the Symbol of Fear, Symbol of Pain, Symbol of Sleep or Symbol of
adornments of office. At its side is a longsword Stunning as a 12th level caster. Spell DC 14 + spell level.
kept in a sheath engraved with what seem to Wisdom Drain (Su): The claw attack of a Qadi permanently
be the laws of the land. In one outstretched drains 1d4 Wisdom.
hand, it holds a golden balance, and in the Zone of Truth (Sp): As a free action, a Qadi can activate a
other it holds a stack of books. Zone of Truth, as if cast at 22nd level ability with a save DC of
Qadi (KAA-dee) are extraplanar judges whom are 20.
sometimes summoned to arbitrate cases lesser individuals
cannot seem to resolve. Qadi appear of their own free will and Summoning a Qadi
leave of their own free will; however, they always seem to
A Qadi can be summoned with Summon Monster IX
appear where most needed to resolve cases of great import
spell. If summoned by a Planar Ally spell, a Qadi always
when justice is required.
demands payment for its services as a judge.
Qadi are incorruptible and inscrutable. They know
even the minutest laws of the land they arrive in, and always

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Qadi on Amberos
The judges of Ran Da Khan have all been secretly
instructed in a incantation that allows them to summon a Qadi
at will, though they tend to reserve its use for matters of
treason or tricky cases where the penalty is death. Randu is
reputed to invoke Qadi from time to time, but do not seem to
have a reliable incantation from which to summon Qadi to
serve like the judges of Ran Da Khan. Qadi can appear in any
other nation when they so choose, though they are not usually
purposely invoked outside of the lands of Randu, Ran Da
Khan, Simera and the Skienlands.
Qadi are the servants of Zzadasa, the Lawyer, and
there are legends of a cabal of Qadi who defected with Tuma
following the elvin golden age. These rogue Qadi supposedly
set themselves up as accuser, judge and jury over Amberos.
According to legend, those brought into the court of these
rogue Qadi are never seen again, for the Qadi can find even
the most innocent being guilty of some violation of a law.

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Quintarran Quintarran Society

Huge Giant (Earth) Living in small families in the wilderness, the
Hit Dice: 8d8+32 (68 hp) Quintarran make homes in caves and have a rudimentary
Initiative: +0 culture. They engage in herding animals, but gather wild
Speed: 50 feet (10 squares), Burrow 30 feet (6 plants for food instead of growing their own gardens.
Armor Class: 14 (-2 size, +6 natural), touch 8, flat 14 Quintarran on Amberos
BAB/Grapple: +6/+13
Found in Erakatuo, Simera and Ulanst, most
Attack: Slam +11 melee (1d6+7)
quintarran have been driven to the hills or mountains by
Full Attack: 5 slam +11 melee (1d6+7)
humans who fear them. Most quintarran have retreated
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
willingly, not wishing to reduce their own numbers through
Height: 21 ft + 2d4 ft. (26 ft.)
needless war.
Weight: 8,000 lbs + 2d6x250 lbs. (9,750 lbs.)
Special Att: Constrict
Special Qual: DR 10/magic +2, darkvision 90 ft.
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7
Abilities: S25 D11 C19 I13 W3 Ch13
Skills: Bluff +14, Climb +18, Spot +7
Feats: Multidexterity, Power Attack
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary, Pair, or Family (2-5)
CR: 5
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 9-16 HD (Huge); 17-24 HD (Gargantuan)
A battle-ready humanoid that towers to the
height of a small mountain stands before you, a
hairless brute with two arms on each side and a
single arm extending from the center of its chest.
Each of the overly long arms end in a wicked set
of claws. The creature is a drab brown in color,
as it were carved from a piece of stone. A pair
of great tusks protrude from the bottom of its
mouth ,and its body bedecked with rings, hoops
and other pieces of jewelry.
The quintarran is a hairless five-armed humanoid that
appears to be made of a brownish slab of solid rock. It has
two pairs of arms on each side, with a single arm protruding
from the center of the chest. Two huge tusks that rise up to
just below the eyes, and are often adorned with rings, hoops or
other jewelry punctuate its mouth. The quintarran’s hands end
in overly long sharp claws, as does its toes.
Quintarran speak their own language and a guttural
version of Common.

A quintarran attacks by slamming opponents with its
fists. It rarely attacks with its claws, but is capable of tearing
huge gouges out of the earth with the sharp nails. Quintarrans
will often use victims to shield themselves from opponent’s
Constrict (Ex): If a quintarran hits a single opponent with
two or more claws, it may perform a grapple. If the grapple is
successful, the quintarran can automatically inflict 2d6+11
crushing damage to the victim per round.

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Quizzit Confusing Gaze (Su): Those who meet the eyes of a quizzit
must make a DC 14 Will save or become Confused as if struck
Medium-size Aberration by the spell cast by a 4th level caster.
Hit Dice: 4d8+4 (22 hp) Fear (Su): At will as a free action, the quizzit can exude a
Initiative: +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) magical aura that cause those of 4 HD or less within 10 feet
Speed: 30 feet (6 squares),fly 70 feet (14 who fail a Will DC 14 save to become panicked for 1d4+1
squares),(good) rounds. If a creature makes the Will save, it cannot be
Armor Class: 19 (+3 Dex, +6 natural), touch 13, flat 16 affected again for 24 hours.
BAB/Grapple: +3/+4 Fast Healing (Ex): A quizzit heals 1 hit point per round
Attack: Claw +4 melee (1d4) except from fire and acid attacks.
Full Attack: 3 claws +4 melee (1d4), bite +1 melee Skills: Quizzit are storehouses of information. The gain a +5
(2d4+1), tail +1 melee (1d6) bonus and are considered trained in all Knowledge skills.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Height: 5 ft. + 1d4 in. (5 ft. 2 in.) Quizzit on Amberos
Weight: 250 lbs + 1d10x10 lbs. (305 lbs.) Quizzits can be found primarily in Riddlekill,
Special Att: Confusing gaze, fear Vilalance and the Kirranays. There are tales of them in Ran
Special Qual: Fast healing 1 Da Khan, but no known quizzit has been encountered there for
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +6 at least a hundred years.
Abilities: S13 D17 C13 I21 W15 Ch15
Skills: Balance +7, Climb +5, Escape Artist +7,
Intimidate +6, Knowledge (All) +10, Jump
+5, Listen +5, Search +5, Spot +5
Feats: Improved Initiative, Multiattack
Environment: Temperate plains, forest, hills, underground
Organization: Solitary, Pair, Bunch (2-5), or Pack (5-20)
CR: 3
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Medium-size); 9-12 HD (Large)
This bizarre-looking creature has a barrel-like
body with three legs, three arms and three faces
spaced radially around the body. Its skin is
smooth, but has a rigid look to it. A smooth,
tentacle-like tail extrudes from beneath the
A quizzit is an odd creature with three legs, three
faces and three arms spaced radially about the body. A long,
tentacle-like tail extends from the creature’s underside, which
it can use like a fourth arm.
A quizzit has darkvision with a range of 60 feet. It
speaks all known languages and can learn new languages
within just a few minutes.

Despite their knowledge and sage-like skills, the
quizzit enjoys combat or other tests of arms. Those who
sometimes seek a quizzit out for its knowledge find
themselves challenged to a duel for the information. If the
quizzit wins, it generally demands some form of significant
information from the loser (this can be RP’ed or if the
character makes a Knowledge skill check that beats an
opposed Knowledge skill check by the quizzit by 5 or more).
Losers who are unable to supply new knowledge to the quizzit
generally are slain as “worthless” beings.

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Quuran multiple species, the quuran must decide which vision to

emulate. The quuran can alter its shape to take on this
Medium-size Monstrous Humanoid (Shapechanger) “desirable” appearance, so it is not considered a disguise or
Hit Dice: 16d8 (72 hp) illusion. Even a True Seeing spell is incapable of breaking the
Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex) altered appearance; for all intents and purposes, the quuran is
Speed: 60 ft. the desired shape.
Armor Class: 14 (+4 Dex), touch 14, flat 10 Silver Tongue (Su): A quuran gains a +10 bonus to bluff
BAB/Grapple: +16/+20 rolls and is unaffected by a Zone of Truth spell.
Attack: Scimitar +21 melee (1d6+6;15-20/x2) Weightless (Su): A quuran has no weight.
Full Attack: Scimitar +21/+16/+11/+6 melee (1d6+6;15-
20/x2) Quuran on Amberos
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Found almost exclusively in Randu and the
Height: 6 ft + 1d8 in. (6 ft. 4 in.) Skienlands, quuran are such a danger to these people that both
Weight: – countries have a special requirement of their priests and judges
Special Att: Charm Gaze – in the Skienlands, any preaching priest or judge on a pulpit
Special Qual: Friendly Face, Weightless, Silver Tongue must remain seated in a specially made scale to prove they are
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +16, Will +13 not weightless – and thus quuran. In Randu, priests
Abilities: S19 D19 C11 I19 W17 Ch21 performing sermons normally place their finger in a
Skills: Bluff +35, Decipher Script +4, Diplomacy merchant’s scale during their sermon, proving they are not
+23, Escape Artist +14, Gather Information weightless. Randese judges wear an ornamental warhammer
+24, Knowledge (Religion) +23, Intimidate around their necks, proving that they have “weight”. In both
+25, Sense Motive +12 countries, a common insult is to state that one’s argument
Feats: Dodge, Combat Expertise, Improved Critical “carries no weight” – thus insinuating that the person is lying
(Scimitar), Improved Disarm, Lightning like a quuran.
ReflexesB, PersuasiveB, Weapon Focus
(Scimitar), Weapon Specialization
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary
CR: 7
Treasure: Double Standard
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 17-32 HD (Medium-size); 33-48 HD
A quuran (KOO-ran) is a curious Randese creature
known also as a false prophet. They are capable of
masquerading as nearly any humanoid race with their magical
powers. Likewise, they use their magical powers to fool
others into believing they are the messengers of gods, goading
people into vile and evil acts. A quuran is not defenseless
though; it is also a cunning swordsman with a blade as quick
as its wit.
Quuran have darkvision to 60 feet. They can speak
Common, elf, dwarf, gnome and at least three other tongues.

It is not common for a quuran to enter combat, as
they generally allow their minions to fight for them. If forced
to fight however, they are surprisingly capable foes.
However, if at all possible they prefer to disable an opponent
and subject them to their charm abilities.
Charm Gaze (Su): Those meeting the eyes of the quuran
must make a Will DC 23 save or be charmed. A quuran may
only attempt to charm a victim once a day.
Friendly Face (Ex): A quuran always appears to its victims
to be a perfect specimen of the victim’s type. If there are

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Humanoid Form Bird Form
Large Humanoid Large Humanoid
(Psionic, Shapechanger) (Psionic, Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 12d8+27 (81 hp) 12d8+27 (81 hp)
Initiative: +0 +0
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) 15 ft. (3 squares), fly 100 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 19 (-1 size, +6 natural, +4 chain shirt), touch 9, flat 19 15(-1 size, +6 natural), touch 9, flat 15
BAB/Grapple: +9/+18 +9/+18
Attack: Gore +13 melee (1d8+5) or glaive +13 melee (1d8+2) Claw +13 melee (1d8+5)
Full Attack: Gore +13 melee (1d8+5), 2 claws +8 melee (1d8+2) or 2 claws +13 melee (1d8+5), bite +8 melee (1d6+2)
glaive +13 melee (2d6+7)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. 10 ft./10 ft.
Height: 7 ft. 6 in. +2d8 in. (8 ft. 3 in.) same as humanoid
Weight: 150 + 2d8 x 5 lbs (195 lbs.) same as humanoid
Special Att: - -
Special Qual: Alternate form, DR 10/psionic, Alternate form, DR 10/psionic, psionics,
psionics, scent, PR 22 scent, PR 22
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +7 Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +7
Abilities: S21 D10 C15 I12 W13 Ch13 S21 D10 C15 I12 W13 Ch13
Skills: Balance -2, Climb +3, Concentration +9, Concentration +9, Hide –6, Listen +9, Psicraft +16,
Escape Artist -2, Hide -6, Jump +3, Listen +9, Spot +16
Move Silently -2, Psicraft +16, Sleight of Hand -2,
Spot +16, Swim +1, Tumble -2
Feats: Aligned attack (Lawful), Deep impact, Iron Will, Aligned attack (Lawful), Deep impact, Iron Will,
Psionic weapon, Toughness Psionic weapon, Toughness
Environment: Warm plains or forests Warm plains or forests
Organization: Solitary, Gang (2-5), or Pod (5-20) Solitary, Gang (2-5), or Pod (5-20)
CR: 11 11
Treasure: Standard Standard
Alignment: Usually Lawful neutral Usually Lawful neutral
Advancement: 13-24 HD (Large); 25-36 HD (Huge) 13-24 HD (Large); 25-36 HD (Huge)
Level Adj: - -
This humanoid towers nearly eight feet tall and losing, Raatori will often shift to bird form and attempt to
has the head of a powerful elephant. Its body is escape. If the Raatori willingly initiated a ritualistic combat,
covered in muscles and its arms end in stubby they will abide by the rules set down for the fight.
hands with the claws of an eagle. Alternate Form (Su): A raatori’s natural form is that of an
Raatori are a psionic race of shapechangers, capable of elephant-headed humanoid. As a move-equivalent action, a
assuming the form of a giant bird. They are a warrior race, raatori can shift into the shape of a large, eagle-like bird.
though they have a philosophical bend; they seek the means to Psionics (Ps): A raatori can use the following abilities, at 12th
become the ultimate fighting machines, and to be the very best level ability: Biofeedback – 1x/day, Body Adjustment –
at what they do. 3x/day, Call Weaponry 3x/day, Conceal Thoughts – At will,
Raatori are not mindless fighters, however. They Empathic Feedback 1x/day, Immovability 1x/day, Strength of
choose their opponents wisely, and only pick fight against My Enemy – 1x/day, Vampiric Weapon – 1x/day.
those they feel would challenge their abilities. Even then, they
are prone not to start a fight unless their opponent is itching Raatori on Amberos
for a confrontation as well. Raatori are natives of Ulanst, Lanster and Erakatuo.
Raatori speak their own language, as well as Common. They can be found sometimes in Simera, but are unknown in
other nearby areas such as Kennestone.
A Raatori prefers ritualized combat, which generally
allows them a round or two to set up their psionic focus and
prepare their attack. If forced into fighting without time to
prepare ahead of time, they will usually attempt to beat the
opponent back to give them a moment or two to psionically
focus for an attack. Failing that, they fight to the best of their
skill and ability. If the fight was spontaneous and they are

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Radiant Hawk Radiant Hawks on Amberos

Medium Elemental (Air, Extraplanar, Fire) Created by Urdeus, the Twin of Light, these creatures
Hit Dice: 2d8+4 (13 hp) constantly travel back and forth between the Prime Material
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) plane and the Seven Heavens (there is no plane of radiance in
Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares), fly 50 ft. (average) the Amberos cosmology). It is common to see flocks of these
Armor Class: 15 (+3 Dex, +2 natural), touch 13, flat 12 birds nesting on the rooftops of temples and shrines to Urdeus.
BAB/Grapple: +1/0 The birds seem to have an uncanny knack for recognizing
Attack: Claw +0 melee (1d4-1 + 1d6 fire) worshippers of Urdeus, and most likely accompany any
Full Attack: Claw +0 melee (1d4-1 + 1d6 fire) and bite - individual making an offering to the god to heal them or to
5 melee (1d6-1 + 1d6 fire) help them fight the next group of undead they encounter.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Length: 5 ft. + 2d6 in. (5 ft. 7 in.)
Weight: 15 lbs + 2d4 lbs. (20 lbs.)
Special Att: Turn undead
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., elemental traits, healing
aura, plane shift
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +2
Abilities: S9 D16 C15 I2 W15 Ch12
Skills: Listen +4, Spot +5
Feats: Extra Turning
Environment: Quasi-elemental Plane of Radiance
Organization: Solitary, or Brood (2-5)
CR: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 3-4 HD (Medium); 5-6 HD (Large)
Level Adj: -
This large red hawk is bedazzling to look upon.
Motes of blinding light swirl about the creature,
making it difficult to look at directly.
Radiant hawks are creatures from the quasi-elemental
plane of radiance. They are caring creatures that often visit the
prime material plane, seeking to heal the injured and to disrupt
Radiant hawks often are drawn to healing temples or to
battle in areas where negative energy accumulates - often
crypts housing powerful undead.

A radiant hawk generally only attacks evil creatures
or beings using negative energy. If their opponent is not
undead, they will often swoop at a foe and attack with claws
and beak. Against undead opponents, a radiant hawk will
pause in the air to use its turning ability to scatter the evil
creatures, forcing them to flee before it.
Healing Aura (Su): By giving up one of its turn attempts for
the day, the radiant hawk can produce an effect equivalent to a
mass cure light wounds spell, at 4th level ability.
Plane Shift (Su): Once per day, as a move-equivalent action,
a radiant hawk can travel to or from the Quasi-elemental plane
of radiance. Radiant hawks normally use this ability to travel
to the plane of radiance once they have exhausted their turning
attempts, and then return to the Mortal Realm the next day.
Turn Undead (Sp): As per the cleric ability at 2nd level
ability. 8x/day; Turn Check 1d20+1; Turn Damage 2d6+3

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Ramudi A Ramudi reduced to 1/4 of its total hit points (15 hp

average) will usually break off from any combat and attempt
Medium Magical Beast (Air) to flee as fast as it can away from its attackers.
Hit Dice: 6d10+27 (60 hp) Blink (Su): As a free action, a Ramudi can blink as per the
Initiative: +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) spell. Caster Level 6.
Speed: 60 ft. (12 squares), dimension hop 240 ft. Dimension Hop (Su): As a move action, a ramudi can
(48 squares) dimension door as the spell for a distance of 240 feet. Caster
Armor Class: 16 (+4 Dex, +2 natural), touch 14, flat 12 Level 6.
BAB/Grapple: +6/+10 Skills: A Ramudi has a +10 bonus to climb, escape artist,
Attack: Gore +10 melee (1d6+4) hide and jump checks.
Full Attack: Gore +10 melee (1d6+4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Ramudi on Amberos
Length: 6 ft. + 2d8 in. (6 ft. 9 in.) Ramudi haunt the forests of Kennestone and areas
Weight: 200 lbs. + 2d8 x 10 lbs. (290 lbs.) east, even into the Demon Jungle in Lanster. Randese nobles
Special Att: - often organize large hunting groups to attempt to bag a single
Special Qual: Blink, darkvision 60 ft., dimension hop, ramudi; only a handful through the centuries has managed to
low-light vision succeed without resorting to magical means to capture the
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +6 elusive beast.
Abilities: S19 D19 C19 I6 W19 Ch19
Skills: Climb +14, Escape Artist +14, Jump +14,
Listen +8, Spot +9
Feats: DodgeB, Improved Initiative, MobilityB,
Run, Toughness
Environment: Any forest
Organization: Solitary, or Pair
CR: 5
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 7-12 HD (Medium); 13-18 HD (Large)
Level Adj: -
Darting between the trees, you catch the glimpse
of what appears to be a red caribou with an
enormous set of antlers. Entwined within the
antlers is an assortment of twigs, leaves and
other bits of natural material. As it passes
between two trees, it disappears for a moment,
before bound out from behind another tree
several yards in the opposite direction.
Sometimes referred to as the Hunter's Bane, ramudi
are strange beasts that seem to haunt the thickest of forests.
Swift and nearly impossible to catch, they are prized by
hunters as one of the most elusive and exotic animals that tests
a hunter's ability to bag.
However, as elusive as ramudi are, they can be very
dangerous - more than one hunter who has gone out to seek
this elusive prey has instead ended up gored on the creature's
Ramudi can speak fey, but rarely remain in one place
long enough to start a conversation.

Ramudi use their ability to move effortlessly from
one place to another to evade or close with an opponent. They
generally prefer to avoid combat, but in the rutting season
(usually the summertime), Ramudi can become quite
aggressive and have been known to turn on hunters.

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Razorthorn Assassin Constrict (Ex): A razorthorn assassin that has successfully

Medium Plant grappled a foe with its vines can deal an automatic 2d4+3 +
Hit Dice: 5d8+5 (27 hp) 1d6 piercing damage per round.
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) Improved Grab (Ex): If a razorthorn assassin hits a large or
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 25 ft. (5 squares) small opponent with its barbed vines, it deals normal damage
Armor Class: 20 (+3 Dex, +7 natural), touch 13, flat 17 and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without
BAB/Grapple: +3/+5 provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial touch attack is
Attack: Barbed vines +6 melee (2d4+3 + 1d6 required.
piercing;19-20/x2) Way of the Woods (Su): A razorthorn assassin leaves no trail
Full Attack: Barbed vines +6/+1 melee (2d4+3 + 1d6 to follow while in forested areas and cannot be tracked. It also
piercing;19-20/x2) cannot be entangled or impeded by other plants or plant-based
Space/Reach: 5 ft./15 ft. spells (such as entangle). Finally, a razorthorn assassin can
Height: 5 ft. + 1d4 ft. (7 ft.) reproduce the effects of a plant door spell once per hour at 5th
Weight: 100 lbs. + 1d10 x 10 lbs. (150 lbs.) level caster ability.
Special Att: Constrict, improved grab Vulnerability to Fire and Cold (Ex): A razorthorn assassin
Special Qual: Blindsense, DR 5/slashing, low-light vision, takes 50% more damage from fire or cold attacks if it fails its
plant traits, way of the woods, vulnerability saving throw against the attack
to fire and cold Skills: A razorthorn assassin gains a +10 bonus to Hide and
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2 Move Silently rolls in natural surroundings.
Abilities: S15 D17 C13 I12 W13 Ch13
Skills: Craft (Trapmaking) +11, Hide +11*, Listen Razorthorn Assassins on Amberos
+1, Move Silently +11*, Spot +1 These deadly creatures are found primarily in the
Feats: Improved Critical (Barbed vines), Weapon Living Forest of the Kingdom of Vall Vega. Occasionally,
Focus (Barbed vines) they have been encountered in the Kennestone Forest, but
Environment: Any land their origin in those woods is unknown.
Organization: Solitary, or Brood (2-5)
CR: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Medium); 11-15 HD (Large)
Level Adj: -
Suddenly, the vines to your side lash out,
revealing the plant-like humanoid they are
attached to. Coils of the same thorn-covered
vines it swings in your direction hide the
creature’s face and features.
Razorthorn assassins are foul plants with one purpose in
mind: the death of sentient creatures that intrude into its
domain. They have an utter disdain for any form of bipedal
creature, and attack it without mercy or provocation. This
includes even fey creatures such as dryads, nixies and other
denizens of the forest.
Razorthorn assassins have their own subtle non-verbal
language of hand signals, body movements and scents.

Razorthorn assassins prefer to strike from ambush,
using their ability to blend into their surroundings to attack
foes. If they meet strong resistance, they usually slink back
into the woods and attempt to find another spot to ambush
Razorthorn assassins are cunning enough to create
and use traps made from natural materials, and seem to prefer
ones that sever limbs, perforate foes or crush their prey.

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Bestiary Nefarious

Remnant Defender
Remnant Defenders are undead creatures that are the
remains of those who were entrusted to protect or defend a
specific area, and failed. Haunted by their need to defend an
area beyond death, they rise from the grave to continue
protecting the area they guarded in life.
While many remnant defenders were good beings in
life, in unlife they are hateful towards others – especially those
of a similar race and/or profession as their own. They often
blame others for their own failures, and will attack such
individuals as traitors of the worst sort.
Remnant defender is not a template; defenders tend
to have unique racial qualities (and sometimes abilities tied to
the area they defend). Sample remnant defenders are given
here, but they can be encountered for any race that would the
courage and willpower to defend something beyond the
bounds of life.

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Elvin Remnant Defender However, remnant defenders do not need to retain spellbooks
Medium Undead (Elf) or rest to rememorize spells. They regain their spells
Hit Dice: 3d12 (19 hp) automatically after 24 hours. The DC for spells is 12 + spell
Initiative: +2 level. A remnant defender elf has a 15% spell failure chance
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) in chain mail armor; base due to armor.
speed 30 ft. Skills: Remnant defender elves have a +2 racial bonus to Spot
Armor Class: 18 (+1 Dex, +2 natural, +5 chain mail and Listen checks
armor), touch 11, flat 17
BAB/Grapple: +1/+3 Typical Spell List
Attack: Longsword +4 melee (1d8+2;19-20/x2) or (4/3/2;CL 3;DC 12 + Spell Level; 15% chance of failure)
longbow +3 ranged (1d8;x3) 0th: Daze, Flare, Touch of Fatigue, Ray of Frost
Full Attack: Longsword +4 melee (1d8+2;19-20/x2) or 1st: Magic Missile x2*, True Strike
longbow +3 ranged (1d8;x3) 2nd: Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. *Replace with Magic Bolt in Amberos Campaigns
Height: 5 ft. + 1d8 in. (5 ft. 4 in.)
Weight: 30 lbs. + 1d8 x 5 lbs. (50 lbs.) Remnant Defenders on Amberos
Special Att: Spells When Ziga turned to evil, she embarked on a
Special Qual: DR 5/bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft., campaign of terror against the elves of Amberos, and her
immune to cold, SR 11, undead traits various races and demons slew many elves before the tide was
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 turned against her. There are many numerous lost and hidden
Abilities: S14 D15 C- I15 W10 Ch10 enclaves across Amberos that once belonged to the elves that
Skills: Balance -3, Climb -3, Concentration +6, were plundered during or shortly after Ziga’s betrayal.
Escape Artist -3, Hide -3, Jump -3, Listen Several of these lost enclaves hold remnant defenders, still
+8*, Move Silently -3, Search +8, Sleight of waiting after centuries for the elves to come and relieve them
Hand -3, Spot +8, Swim -8 of their duties.
Feats: Armored Casting, Weapon Focus
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary, Team (2-5), or Squad (5-20)
CR: 3
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: By Character Level
Level Adj: -
This collection of bones is dressed in what
appears to once have been elvin finery. It wields
a long sword in one hand, and a bow is strapped
across its back.
Remnant Defenders are the remains of warriors slain in
battle while defending some location or item. So strong is their
determination to defend the lost location that after death, their
remains arise in a futile effort to defend what they could not in
Remnant elf defenders can speak Common and elvin.

Remnant defenders use their weapons and skills to
the best of their ability. Enhanced by their own undeath,
remnant defenders will never willingly flee and always fight to
the death. Often remnant defenders will scorn members of
their own race or former organization, feeling that they were
betrayed or let down in their time of need by these beings -
who now have the audacity to show up.
Spells (Sp): An elvin remnant defender can cast spells as a 3rd
level wizard. They often have only attack spells memorized.

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Elvin Remnant Defender Warlord
3HD Elvin Remnant Defender Wiz 2/EldK 4 ;hp: 46
S14 D15 C- I16 W12 Ch10;Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +7
Init: +2 Move: 30 ft.
AC: 20 (+2 Dex, +3 natural, +6 mithral chain mail +1),
touch 12, flat 18
BAB/Grapple: +6/+8
Full Attack: +1 longsword +10/+5 melee (1d8+3;19-
20/x2) or
Composite longbow (+2 Str) +8/+3 ranged
Special Att: Spells
Special Qual: DR 5/bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft.,
immune to cold, SR 14, undead traits
Skills: Concentration +12, Decipher Script +6, Knowledge
(Arcana) +14, Knowledge (Religion) +5, Listen +9,
Search +10, Sense Motive , Spellcraft +12, Spot +10
Feats: Armored Casting, Combat ExpertiseB, Improved
Disarm, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe ScrollW, Weapon
Focus (Longsword)
CR: 9
Gear: mithral chain mail +1 (5,150 gp), +1 longsword
(2,325 gp), composite longbow (+2 Str) (300 gp),
cloak of resistance +2 (4,000 gp)
Total: 11,775 gp (12,000 gp)

Typical Spell List

(4/5/4/4/2;CL 8;DC 13 + Spell Level
0th: Daze, Flare, Touch of Fatigue, Ray of Frost
1st: Burning Hands, Magic Missile x2*, True Strike
2nd: Acid Arrow x2, Bull’s Strength, Scorching Ray
3rd: Fireball, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Vampiric Touch
4th: Ice Storm, Phantasmal Killer
*Replace with Magic Bolt in Amberos Campaigns

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Dwarven Remnant Defender Devilhands of Gehenna during the Dark Age. The dwarves
Medium Undead (Dwarf) were driven from their underground strongholds by the
Hit Dice: 4d12 (26 hp) Devilhands, and now many of the ancient and abandoned
Initiative: +1 underground structures have become the sole residents of
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) contingents of dwarven defenders, returned to unholy life to
AC: 22 (+1 Dex, +4 natural, +5 breastplate, +2 defend the ancient halls of their despoiled ancestors.
heavy steel shield), touch 11, flat 21
BAB/Grapple: +4/+6
Attack: dwarven war axe +7 melee (1d10+2;x3)
Full Attack: dwarven war axe +7 melee (1d10+2;x3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Height: 4 ft. + 1d6 in. (4 ft. 3 in.)
Weight: 80 lbs. + 2d6 x 5 lbs. (115 lbs.)
Special Att: -
Special Qual: Darkvision 90 ft., DR 3/-, immune to cold,
fighter’s heart, SR 10, undead traits
Saves: Fort +1, Reflex +2, Will +5
Abilities: S15 D13 C- I10 W12 Ch6
Skills: Listen +1, Sense Motive +8, Spot +8
Feats: Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency
(Dwarven War Axe)B, Weapon Focus
(Dwarven War Axe)
Environment: Any subterranean
Organization: Solitary, Pair, Patrol (2-5), Post (5-20)
CR: 2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always Lawful Evil
Advancement: By Character Class
Level Adj: -
A taut, almost parchment-like skin covers this
collection of bones. It appears to be a
desiccated dwarven warrior dressed in heavy
armor and wielding an axe and shield. Its eyes
burn with a hellish, hateful light.
Dwarven remnant defenders are often the remains of
defensive positions that were overrun and slaughtered. In
death, they have become highly aggressive, moving forward
from their defensive positions to meet the enemy on the field
of battle. Once engaged against a foe, usually only their own
destruction will cause them cease pursuing a foe.
Dwarven remnant defenders speak Dwarven and

Dwarven remnant defenders attempt to close with
their enemy quickly and hack them down. They fight without
giving or expecting quarter from their enemies.
Fighter’s Heart (Ex): A dwarven remnant fighter uses a Full
Base Attack Bonus and can take fighter-only feats.
Immune to Cold (Ex): A dwarven remnant fighter takes no
damage from cold attacks.

Dwarven Remnant Defenders on Amberos

Most dwarven remnant defenders are from the titanic
battles between the Dwarven Dur-Wundar Empire and the

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Dwarven Remnant Defender Captain
4HD Dwarven Remnant Defender Ftr 3/DwDef 6;hp: 78
S19 D13 C- I10 W12 Ch6;Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +11
Init: +1 Move: 15 ft.
AC: 30 (+1 Dex, +4 natural, +13 full plate +2 & heavy
steel shield +1, +2 dodge), touch 13, flat 29
BAB/Grapple: +13/+17
Full Attack: +2 dwarven war axe +20/+15/+10 melee
Special Att: -
Special Qual: Darkvision 90 ft., Defensive stance 3x/day,
DR 6/-, fighter’s heart, immune to cold,
improved uncanny dodge, SR 14, trap sense
+1, uncanny dodge, undead traits
Skills: Craft (Weaponsmith) +6, Listen +7, Sense Motive
+8, Spot +14
Feats: CleaveF, Dodge, Endurance, Exotic Weapon
Proficiency (Dwarven War Axe)B, Lightning
Reflexes, Power AttackF, Toughness, Weapon Focus
(Dwarven War Axe)
CR: 11
Gear: full plate +2 (5,650 gp), heavy steel shield +1 (1,170
gp), +2 dwarven war axe (8,330 gp), gauntlets of
ogre power (4,000 gp), cloak of resistance +1 (1,000
Total: 20,150 gp (21,000 gp)
Defensive Stance: When a dwarven remnant defender captain
adopts a defensive stance, he gains phenomenal strength and
durability, but he cannot move from the spot he is defending.
He gains +2 to Strength, a +2 resistance bonus on all saves,
and a +4 dodge bonus to AC. While in a defensive stance, a
defender cannot use skills or abilities that would require him
to shift his position. A defensive stance lasts for 3 rounds. A
defender may end his defensive stance voluntarily prior to this
limit. At the end of the defensive stance, the defender is
winded and takes a –2 penalty to Strength for the duration of
that encounter. Using the defensive stance takes no time itself,
but a defender can only do so during his action.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A dwarven remnant
defender captain can no longer be flanked. This defense denies
rogues the ability to use flank attacks to sneak attack the
dwarven defender.
The exception to this defense is that a rogue at least
four levels higher than the dwarven defender can flank him
(and thus sneak attack him).
Trap Sense (Ex): A dwarven remnant defender captain gains
a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1
dodge bonus to AC against attacks by traps.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A dwarven remnant defender captain
retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) regardless of being
caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. (He still
loses any Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.)

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Rhudee Once engaged, rhudees rarely break off the attack

until victorious or dead.
Small Vermin Improved Grab (Ex): A rhudee that strikes a medium-sized
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp) or smaller opponent with its whip frond may start a grapple as
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 60 ft. (good) (12 Poison (Ex): The bite of a rhudee injects a poison that slowly
squares), burrow 20 ft. (4 squares) dissolves the victims innards. Type: Injected; Fort DC: 11;
Armor Class: 16 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 12, Init: 1d2 Con; Sec: 1d4 Con.
flat 15
BAB/Grapple: 0/-5 Rhudee on Amberos
Attack: Whip frond +0 melee (1d3-1) or Bite +0 Rhudees can usually be found in the wastes of
melee (1d4-1 + poison Randu, though they are sometimes encountered in Llannhanex
Full Attack: Whip frond +0 melee (1d3-1) and Iiannhanex. In Llannhanex, it is Common to mark an area
or Bite +0 melee (1d4-1 + poison), 4 claws - known to be infested with Rhudee with red banners set atop
5 melee (1d4-1) man-sized poles.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft., 10 ft. with Whip frond
Length: 2 ft. 6 in. + 3d8 in. (3 ft. 7 in.)
Weight: 40 lbs + 3d8 x 2 lbs. (66 lbs.)
Special Att: Improved grab, poison
Special Qual: Blindsense 20 ft., darkvision 60 ft.
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +0
Abilities: S9 D13 C12 I0 W11 Ch7
Skills: Listen +4, Spot +4
Feats: Great Fortitude
Environment: Warm deserts
Organization: Solitary, Crew (2-5), or Swarm (5-20)
CR: 1
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 2 HD (Small); 3 HD (Medium)
Level Adj: -
This emerald green insect is about the size of a
large dog. It has a segmented body with a long
whip-like stinger and six long legs ending in
blade-like cleavers. A pair of opaque wings
buzz on the creature's back, and it watches you
with large red compound eyes. Venom drips
from the creature's large fangs protruding
from its insectile mouth.
Rhudee are large vermin that dwell in desert areas in
towering mounds made from hardened mud. The mounds
extend down into the earth, through mud-hardened tunnels
with the rhudee queen at the very bottom of the nest. Though
mindless, they are social creatures, using numbers to defend,
cultivate and otherwise manage areas their domain.
Rhudee swarms have been known to attack each
other on occasion - especially if small group of Rhudees with
their own new queen splinters off from the main swarm.

Rhudees attack by lashing their victim and drawing
them in closer, where they use their blade-like feet and poison
mandibles to disassemble prey. Worse, rhudees tend to work
in packs; one rhudee snares an opponent, while the others
pounce on the victim to slash and bite at the prey.

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Ridulya Ridulyas speak Common, abyssal and draconic.

Small Outsider (Chaos, Demon, Evil, Extraplanar) Combat
Hit Dice: 7d8+21 (52 hp) A ridulya feigns weakness in an attempt to trick its
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) opponent to pick it up and carry it - preferably on its
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), climb 20 ft. (4 squares) shoulders. Once astride an opponent's shoulders, the ridulya
Armor Class: 17 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 12, seizes the victim with its powerful grip and administers a
flat 16 couple of ability-draining attacks in an effort to terrorize its
BAB/Grapple: +7/+7 victim and attempt to force them to comply. It then uses the
Attack: Claw +12 melee (1d3+4) threat of more ability damage to attempt to persuade its victim
Full Attack: 2 Claw +12 melee (1d3+4) and bite +7 to perform all manner of foul and evil acts for the creature's
melee (1d4+2) and tail +7 melee (1d4+2) own amusement.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. If an opponent resists picking up the ridulya, the
Height: 3 ft. 6 in. + 2d4 in. (3 ft. 11 in.) creature flies into a maddened rage and attempts to grapple
Weight: 60 lbs. + 2d4 x 3 lbs. (75 lbs.) with the opponent and crawl up to the shoulders, or leap onto
Special Att: Ability damage, constrict, improved grab the opponent's shoulder and gain a firm grasp. Once it has a
Special Qual: DR 10/good, darkvision 60ft., invisibility, hold of an opponent it attempts to act as above, forcing the
outsider traits, regeneration 3, ride foe, victim to perform all manner of vile acts until it tires of the
shoulder leap, spell resistance 19 victim (and drains the last of the victim's abilities) or is
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +7 somehow removed.
Abilities: S19 D12 C17 I13 W15 Ch16 Ability Damage (Su): A ridulya who is riding an opponent
Skills: Balance +11, Bluff +15, Disguise +13, Hide (see Ride Foe below) can choose to cause 1d4 points of
+5, Intimidate +15, Jump +14, Knowledge ability damage to any one ability score they choose to a foe as
(the planes) +11, Listen +14, Ride +11, Spot a move-equivalent action. Ridulya often use this to coerce
+14 victims to do as the Ridulya commands.
Feats: Alertness, Lightning Reflexes, Persuasive Constrict (Ex): A ridulya who is riding an opponent (see Ride
Environment: Any land Foe below) can crush an opponent for 2d3+8 damage, dealing
Organization: Solitary, or Brood (2-5) bludgeoning damage, after making a successful grapple check.
CR: 8 Improved Grab (Ex): If a ridulya hits a foe of medium size
Treasure: Standard or larger with this special attack, it deals normal damage and
Alignment: Always chaotic evil attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking
Advancement: 8-14 HD (Small); 15-21 HD (Medium) an attack of opportunity. No initial touch attack is required. If
Level Adj: - a Ridulya succeeds in the grapple check, it may immediately
This wizened and decrepit old man can hardly begin to ride the victim (see Ride Foe below).
stand. His thin legs are bowed and too feeble to Invisibility (Ex): As a free action, a ridulya may turn
stand on. He holds out his bone-thin and invisible, as per the spell with a caster level of 7. A ridulya
trembling hand, asking you to pick him up and usually waits to use this ability once it is riding a foe or to help
carry him. He has a beard stained with filth, and its escape.
his teeth are yellow and rotting. His eyes seem to Regeneration (Ex): A ridulya takes normal damage from acid
bulge from his sockets, and his white hair is and sonic attacks. Regenerating ridulyas can regrow lost
tucked under a dirty turban. portions of their bodies and can reattach severed limbs or body
Ridulyas are foul demons that use their pitiful parts; however, beheading a Ridulya instantly kills it. Severed
appearance to lure humanoids into carrying them on their parts that are not reattached wither and die normally.
shoulders. Once astride the shoulders of a victim a Ridulya Ride Foe (Ex): Ridulya excel at riding an opponent much as
latches on with terrible strength and uses its wicked abilities to if they were a mount, without the victim’s choice. If a ridulya
force the victim to perform all sorts of twisted deeds or suffer manages to successfully grapple a foe or otherwise get on a
the wrath of its ability-draining touch. foe’s shoulders, it may add its Ride skill to the grapple check
Those whom are not fooled by the ridulyas pleas often to remain on the opponent. Also, should the victim take
find themselves under attack by the deceptively power demon, damage while the Ridulya is riding a foe, the ridulya must
again with it attempting to leap atop the shoulders of its make a ride check to remain on the back of the foe (as per the
victims where it can attempt to "ride" the victim and force Ride rules for staying on a mount in combat). The ridulya is
them to commit foul acts. considered to be grappling the victim, but the victim may act
Ridulya rarely carry treasure on them; doing so would unhindered – except the victim cannot directly attack the
often spoil their disguise. However, a ridulya is rarely ridulya.
encountered far from its hoard, and enjoys adding new trinkets Shoulder Leap (Ex): This is special form of a charge attack.
to its trove once it has dispatched a victim. As part of the charge, the ridulya must make a high jump

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check followed with a claw attack. If the jump check is
successful in reaching the opponent’s height, and the claw
attack hits, the ridulya is considered to have landed astride the
victim’s shoulders and may ride the foe (see Ride Foe above).

Ridulya on Amberos
While not common, ridulya are primarily
encountered in the Skienlands and the surrounding vicinity.
They are virtually unknown on western Amberos.
These creatures can also be found in the Abyss,
where they use their deceptive appearance to trick charitable
visitors into “helping” them.

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Serpenti successful grapple check with its tail. The constrict deals
1d6+1 damage.
Medium Aberration (Reptilian) Poison (Ex): The bite of a serpenti injects a mildly venomous
Hit Dice: 2d8 (7 hp) poison. Type: Injected; Fort DC 10; Init: 1d2 Con; Sec: 1d4
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) Con.
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat 13 Society
BAB/Grapple: +1/+2 Serpenti live in clans, usually with members who
Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d6+1 + poison) or have similar features. A serpenti's skin colors and scale
longsword +2 melee (1d8+1;19-20/x2) or patterns differ according to their surroundings; serpenti found
longbow +3 ranged (1d8;x3) in jungles usually have green scales and yellow stripes, for
Full Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d6+1 + poison), 2 claw -3 example, while desert-dwelling serpenti tend to have tan
melee (1d4), tail –3 melee (1d6) or scales and diamond-shaped patterns on their back. Also, the
Longsword +2 melee (1d8+1;19-20/x2) or head and build of many serpenti vary from clan to clan - some
Longbow +3 ranged (1d8/x3) have cobra-like heads while other may have flat, wide heads
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. similar to rattlesnakes, and others have slim, elongated or
Length: 6 ft. + 3d8 in. (7 ft. 1 in.) pointed characteristics to their head.
Weight: 200 lbs. + 2d8 x 5 lbs. (245 lbs.) Serpenti clans tend to be made up of extended
Special Att: Constrict, poison families, and usually headed by the most capable warrior in
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft. the group. However, this does not tend to be a position earned
Saves: Fort -1, Ref +2, Will +3 by battling other serpenti for it; instead serpenti value their
Abilities: S13 D14 C9 I10 W11 Ch6 warriors by the number of external enemies defeated and the
Skills: Listen 0, Spot +5, Survival +5 lack of wounds received in said battles. In many serpenti eyes,
Feats: Weapon Focus (Bite) surviving a battle with grievous wounds shows incompetence,
Environment: Warm land not strength or skill. As such, most serpenti clan leaders tend
Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), or Colony (5-20) to lack any sort of permanent, visible or crippling wound.
CR: 2
Treasure: Standard Serpenti On Amberos
Alignment: Usually chaotic neutral
Serpenti are usually encountered in eastern Amberos,
Advancement: 3-4 HD (Medium); 5-6 HD (Large)
in lands such as Simera, Iiannhanex, Llannhanex and across
Level Adj: +3
Randu. Individual Serpenti have been seen as far west as
This snake-headed creature has a humanoid,
Barbed March, though there tends to be an unnatural fear of
scale-covered torso and human-like arms. It's
them in the west due to their similar appearance to the Aspii.
lower body trails into that of a sinuous snake. It
Most ancient serpenti clans worship the ancient
holds a sword and shield in hand, and a bow is
Egyptian gods. However, several clans have switched their
strapped across its back
worship to Titanicus, the Lord of Battle.
Serpenti are a race of snake-like creatures that dwell in
a variety of warm climates. They are fierce warriors who fight
for personal honor and glory. Though not evil, they often
become engaged in petty battles to test their skills or prove
their superiority to others.
Serpenti move by undulating their lower bodies,
allowing them to move forward at a somewhat slow pace but
remain upright and able to fight.
Serpenti speak their own language and Common.
Many learned serpenti enjoy learning to speak draconic or

Serpenti usually rush an opponent and fight with
weapons and bite. Often they attempt to grapple and constrict
a foe if they are able; some serpenti have been known to keep
one foe out of the fight via constriction while they battle
against other opponents.
Constrict (Ex): A serpenti can crush a small-sized opponent
or smaller, dealing bludgeoning damage, after making a

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Sesenti electrical damage to those within 5 feet of the Sesenti (Reflex

save DC 11 for half). A sesenti can only use this ability
Medium Aberration (Aquatic) underwater, and only once every hour.
Hit Dice: 2d8+3 (12 hp) Skills: A sesenti gains a +4 bonus to hide when in its natural
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) surroundings at the ocean floor. A sesenti has a +10 bonus to
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), swim 40 ft. (8 squares) swim checks, and can take 10 even if rushed or in combat.
Armor Class: 12 (+1 Dex, +1 natural), touch 11, flat 11
BAB/Grapple: +1/+3 Sesenti Society
Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d6 +2) While sesenti sometimes hunt in packs, they do not
Full Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d6 +2), 2 claw -2 melee form social bonds nor build lasting social structures or
(1d4 +1) edifices. They tend to rest in areas that naturally protect them,
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. but do not call any particular place home.
Length: 5 ft. + 1d12 in. (5 ft. 6 in.)
Weight: 70 lbs. + 1d12 x 3 lbs. (88 lbs.) Sesenti on Amberos
Special Att: Shock
Sesenti can be found in any of the four great oceans
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft.
surrounding Amberos. They tend to have larger numbers in
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +3
the east, thanks to the presence of prey available from
Abilities: S15 D13 C11 I10 W11 Ch10
Nydonna’s Sea Kingdom.
Skills: Hide +1*, Listen 0, Search +5, Spot +5,
Swim +12
Feats: Toughness
Environment: Temperate and Warm Aquatic
Organization: Solitary, Cluster (2-5), or Nest (5-20)
CR: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 3-4 HD (Medium); 5-6 HD (Large)
Level Adj: +2 (Aquatic only)
This undulating creature has the head of a eel,
the torso and arms of a human, long legs that
end in webbed claws and a sinuous, fleshy tail -
like that on a an eel.
Sesenti are strange creatures of the deep who prey on
creatures that stray too close their hunting grounds. They
avoid contact with other races, though they often live in fringe
areas outside of undersea communities, preying on those
unlucky enough to wander into their clutches.
Sesenti have a disdain for weapons and tools, preferring
their own natural skills and talents for taking down prey and
otherwise surviving in the deep. They have almost no contact
with surface races, and despise air-breathing creatures with a
Sesenti speak their own language, though they
sometimes pick up the language of intelligent creatures in their

Sesenti prefer to hide from prey until they are close
enough to strike. A sesenti will then usually rush from cover,
attempting to bowl over the opponent before pouncing on
them and grappling. Once grappling a foe, a sesenti then
attempts to tear said foe apart, using its vicious teeth. In
groups, sesenti tend target their own prey, and rarely help
another sesenti with its prey until it has finished its own meal.
Shock (Ex): As a standard action, a sesenti can release an
electrical jolt from their own bodies that will deal 1d6

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Sesenti Devourer uncommon for the sesenti devourer to strike first,
Large Aberration (Aquatic, Evil) devouring apprentices it feels may betray it.
Hit Dice: 6d8 + 6d4 +60 (102) Sesenti devourers speak the language of the
Initiative: +3 sesenti and Abyssal.
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), swim 40 ft. (8 squares)
AC: 18 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural, +3 Combat
deflection), touch 15, flat 15 Sesenti devourers usually attempt to baffle opponents
BAB/Grapple: +7/+20 with their illusions before moving in for the kill. They also
Attack: Bite +16 melee (1d8+9) often use their illusions to draw prey to their chasm, where
Full Attack: Bite +16 melee (1d8+9), 2 claws +14 melee they can be easily devoured. If facing a superior foe, sesenti
(1d6+4) will often flee the engagement – their long years of survival
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. have taught them that it is better to run and live than to make a
Length: 7 ft. + 2d12 in. (8 ft. 1 in.) foolish last stand against a superior foe.
Weight: 170 lbs. + 2d12 x 10 lbs. (240 lbs.) Electric Aura (Su): A sesenti devourer is shrouded in a
Special Att: Shock, spells, water mastery, vortex wreath of electrical power. Any creature meleeing with a
Special Qual: DR 5/-, darkvision 60 ft., electric aura, sesenti devourer must make a Reflex DC 21 save or take 1d6
spells electrical damage.
Saves: Fort +9, Reflex +7, Will +10 Shock (Su): As a standard action, a sesenti devourer can
Abilities: S28 D16 C21 I10 W8 Ch16 focus the static electricity in its body to release a bolt of
Skills: Hide -1*, Listen +0, Search +5, Spot +5, lightning in a 60 foot line that deals 6d6 electrical damage. A
Swim +19 Reflex DC 21 save halves the damage. Non-aquatic creatures
Feats: Ability Focus (Shock), Silent Spell, Spell receive no saving throw against this attack.
Focus (Illusion), Toughness, Weapon Spells: A sesenti devourer can cast spells as a 6th level
Finesse, sorcerer. Spell DCs are 13 + spell level. Sesenti favor illusion
Environment: Warm Aquatic and enchantment spells that impair an enemies ability to
Organization: Solitary, Cluster (1 + 2-5 Sesenti), Nest (1 + defend itself.
5-20 Sesenti) Water Mastery (Ex): A sesenti devourer gains a +1 bonus on
CR: 10 attack and damage rolls if both it and its opponent are
Treasure: None touching water. If the opponent or the sesenti devourer is
Alignment: Always Neutral Evil touching the ground, the sesenti devourer takes a –4 penalty
Advancement: By Character Class on attack and damage rolls. (These modifiers are not included
Level Adj: - in the statistics block.)
This large, undulating creature has the head of a Vortex (Su): The sesenti devourer can transform itself into a
eel, the torso and arms of a powerful human, whirlpool once every 10 minutes, provided it is underwater,
long legs that end in webbed claws and a and remain in that form for up to 1 round for every 2 HD it
sinuous, fleshy tail - like that on a an eel. Its has. In vortex form, the sesenti devourer can move through the
steel-gray body is sheathed in electricity and its water or along the bottom at its swim speed. The vortex is 5
solid black eyes seem to have bottomless depths. feet wide at the base, up to 30 feet wide at the top, and 10 feet
Sesenti devourers are ancient creatures that or taller, depending on the sesenti devourer’s size.
have lived for centuries in the dark depths of abysses The sesenti devourer controls the exact height, but it
and trenches deep in the ocean. Their many years in the must be at least 10 feet. The sesenti devourer’s movement
dark depths twists their minds towards evil in a realm while in vortex form does not provoke attacks of opportunity,
where only the strongest and smartest survive. even if the sesenti devourer enters the space another creature
The sesenti devourer’s long life and isolated occupies. Another creature might be caught in the vortex if it
existence has led it to learn to master the skill of magic, touches or enters the vortex, or if the sesenti devourer moves
which it uses to hunt for prey. into or through the creature’s space.
Like normal sesenti, sesenti devourers have a Creatures one or more size categories smaller than
disdain for weapons and tools, preferring their natural the sesenti devourer might take damage when caught in the
skills and abilities over the use of artificial devices for vortex and may be swept up by it. An affected creature must
survival. succeed on a Reflex save when it comes into contact with the
Sesenti devourers sometimes attract vortex or take the indicated damage. It must also succeed on a
“apprentices” – other sesenti who seek to learn their second Reflex save or be picked up bodily and held suspended
master’s secrets for survival as well as tap into his in the powerful currents, automatically taking damage each
magical skill. However, sesenti devourers must always round. An affected creature is allowed a Reflex save each
prepare for the possibility that their apprentices may round to escape the vortex. The creature still takes damage,
turn on the them in seeking magical power, and it is not but can leave if the save is successful. The DC for saves

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against the vortex’s effects varies with the sesenti devourer’s
size. The save DC is Strength-based.
Creatures trapped in the vortex cannot move except
to go where the sesenti devourer carries them or to escape the
whirlwind. Creatures caught in the whirlwind can otherwise
act normally, but must make a Concentration check (DC 10 +
spell level) to cast a spell.
Creatures caught in the whirlwind take a –4 penalty
to Dexterity and a –2 penalty on attack rolls. The sesenti
devourer can have only as many creatures trapped inside the
vortex at one time as will fit inside the vortex’s volume.
The sesenti devourer can eject any carried creatures
whenever it wishes, depositing them wherever the vortex
happens to be. A summoned sesenti devourer always ejects
trapped creatures before returning to its home plane.
If the vortex’s base touches the bottom, it creates a
swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on the sesenti
devourer and has a diameter equal to half the vortex’s height.
The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5
feet. Creatures 5 feet away have concealment, while those
farther away have total concealment.
Those caught in the cloud must make a Concentration
check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast a spell.
An sesenti devourer in vortex form cannot make slam
attacks and does not threaten the area around it.

Typical Sorcerer Spells

(6/6/5/3;CL 6;DC 13 + Spell Level)
0: Arcane Mark, Daze, Detect Magic, Flare, Ghost Sound*,
Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
1st: Color Spray*, Disguise Self, Ray of Enfeeblement, Sleep
2nd: Daze Monster, Hypnotic Pattern*
3rd: Major Image*
* = Illusion spell, +1 DC

Sesenti Devourers on Amberos

Sesenti devourers are known to inhabit the Gate-
caves of the Wyvern Sea and are also a menace found in deep
trenches only a short distance from Nydonna’s Sea Kingdom.
Luckily for the sea kingdom, sesenti devourers are as likely to
attack sahuagin and Ister-suul as they are to attempt to entrap
the merfolk and aquatic elves of the Sea Kingdom.

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Shaakasti Shaakasti, when fighting in groups, often lead the

attack with runners holding wide nets to trap prey in. Once the
Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Aquatic) prey is entangled, the other warriors rush to stab the entrapped
Hit Dice: 1d8+2 (6 hp) victims. Shaakasti are quiet adept at working in tandem, often
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) using the aid another action to bring down powerful foes.
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares), Swim 60 ft. (6 squares) The Shaakasti above has the base stats of 13, 12, 11,
Armor Class: 13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural), touch 11, flat 12 9, 10, 8.
BAB/Grapple: +1/+4 Spell-like Abilities (Sp): Shaakasti have innate casting
Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d8+2) or longspear +3 ability and can use the following abilities one per day if they
melee (1d8;x3) have a Charisma of 10 or better. Detect Magic, Flare,
Full Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d8+2), 2 claw -2 melee Resistance. Spell save DC 10, caster level 1. The save is
(1d6) or Charisma-based.
Longspear –2 melee (1d8/x3) Skills: A Shaakasti has a +8 racial bonus to swim, and can
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with longspear) take 10 on a swim check even if rushed or in combat.
Length: 6 ft. 6 in. + 2d8 in. (7 ft. 3 in.)
Weight: 200 lbs. + 2d10 x 10 lbs. (310 lbs.) Society
Special Att: - Shaakasti live in warrior clans, and when not fighting an
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., scent, spell-like abilities enemy, these warrior clans are often ritualistically testing
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +3 themselves against one another. Shaakasti clans can be simple
Abilities: S15 D12 C15 I9 W12 Ch10 affairs, but established Shaakasti communities and even cities
Skills: Listen +1, Spot +5, Swim +12 are not unheard of.
Feats: Improved Natural Attack (Bite) Because Shaakasti are so constantly involved in
Environment: Any aquatic keeping fit for battle, they have need for slaves to handle most
Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), Nest (5-20 plus 1 3rd of their other matters - from building homes to tending food
level lieutenant and 2-4 sharks), Drove (20- and even making the Shaakasti's weapons. Yet while the
40 plus 1 shaakasti hunter plus 1 4th level number of slaves in a Shaakasti community often outnumbers
sorcerer and 1 5th level clan leader per 20 the Shaakasti themselves, the Shaakasti use terror tactics to
adults plus 2-4 sharks), or Plague (40-60 keep the slaves in line - one such method is to threaten death
plus 1 shaakasti hunter per 20 adults plus 1 not to just any slaves who misbehaves, but death to their
shaakasti lieutenant plus 1 shaakasti warlord companions as well - which are often family members or
per 20 adults plus 1 priest of 4th – 6th level friends.
plus 1 baron of 7th-9th level plus 5-8 sharks) Shaakasti make no distinction between male or
CR: ½ female; both sexes are expected to fight when the time arises,
Treasure: Standard and both sexes fight with the same ferocity and skill.
Alignment: Usually lawful evil Shaakasti young are generally looked after by the slave
Advancement: By character class populations Shaakasti keep. The young are taught and
Level Adj: +1 (Aquatic only) encouraged to look down upon and terrorized the slaves who
This humanoid is covered in rough, gray skin raise them; in fact slaying one's caretaker when the Shaakasti
and sports the head of shark. Its humanoid arms comes of age is seen as a rite of passage into adulthood.
end in sharp claws. A shark-like tail sprouts While Shaakasti do not have the natural ability to
from the creature instead of legs, aiding it as it communicate with sharks as their sea devil enemies, they have
speeds along in the water. a propensity to train and keep sharks near their communities.
Shaakasti are a race of shark men that tend to live in the In any given community, there is generally at least one
deep seas. Evil and carnivorous, they tend to hunt and enslave individual charged with this duty; the revered position is
other races to keep for work and food stock. They are greatly usually given to the eldest still-living warrior in the clan;
feared by the many sea races, including the sea devils with usually the alternative to accepting the position is to “retire” –
which whom they often battle. They have been known to raid as food to younger and more capable Shaakasti.
the surface worlds, sometimes just to spite their sea devil
enemies. Shaakasti on Amberos
Shaakasti speak their own language and Common.
Shaakasti are a huge threat to Nydonna’s Sea
Kingdom, matched only by the danger of the sea devil’s
empire. Luckily for the Sea Kingdom, the Shaakasti empire
Shaakasti are intelligent and often use weapons and and the sahuagin empire seem more intent on wiping each
ambush tactics against foes. They prefer to strike with other out first before turning on the Sea Kingdom.
overwhelming force, and try to instill terror in their opponents
to reduce their effectiveness in resisting.

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Shaakasti as Characters Shaakasti worship M’kree Malka, the shark god. Shaakasti
Shaakasti often employ scouts to test the defense of priests can choose two of the three domains from Animal
enemies and to hunt for slaves to bring back to the (aquatic only), Evil and Water.
community. Sometimes Shaakasti who are away from their
community come to resent returning, and instead embark on a
life far away from their original community.
According to legend, Shaakasti were once the
humans of Zarame Kull. When the former capital of Randu
sank into the sea, the humans made a bargain with M’kree
Malka to survive the cataclysm, and he transformed a portion
of the population into Shaakasti, and fed the remainder to his
Shaakasti characters have the following abilities.

• Monstrous Humanoid type

• Aquatic subtype. Shaakasti always have swim
speeds and thus can move in water without making
Swim checks. A Shaakasti gains a +10 bonus to any
swim check it must make, and can take 10 even if
rushed or fighting. An Shaakasti can breathe
underwater. It cannot also breathe air and must hold
its breath to operate on land.
• Base Movement Rate 10 feet, swim speed 60 ft.
• +2 Con, +2 Wis, and +2 Chr. Shaakasti are quite
robust. They have a good sense of their surroundings
and are taught to have a formidable presence.
• +2 natural armor
• Natural attack routine. A Shaakasti has a bite
attack that deals 1d6 + Str modifier damage, and 2
claw attacks for 1d4 + ½ Str modifier damage. The
claw attacks are considered secondary attacks. A
Shaakasti can make a bite attack while also wielding
a weapon, albeit the weapon attacks a –5 attack
penalty as if it were a secondary attack. A Shaakasti
attacking with two weapons cannot use its bite in
• Spell-like Abilities (Sp): Shaakasti have innate
casting ability and can use the following abilities one
per day if they have a Charisma of 10 or better.
Detect Magic, Flare, Resistance. Spell save DC 10 +
Chr modifier with a caster level equal to their
character level. The save is Charisma-based.
• +1 caster level. A Shaakasti who gains levels in a
spellcasting class treats his caster level as one higher
than normal. This does not affect spells known or
spells per day.
• Scent.
• Automatic Languages: Common, Shaakasti Bonus
Languages: Aquan, Ister-suul, Merman, Sahuagin,
Sesenti, and Triton.
• Favored Class: Sorcerer
• Level Adjustment: +1

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Shaakasti Hunter Shaakasti Lieutenant
Shaakasti Ftr 4/Soc 2;hp: 39 Shaakasti Sor 12;hp: 54
S15 D13 C14 I10 W10 Ch16;Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4 S8 D14 C14 I13 W12 Ch20;Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +9
Init: +1 Move: 10 ft., swim 60 ft. Init: +2 Move: 10 ft., swim 60 ft.
AC: 18 (+1 Dex, +2 natural, +5 chain shirt +1), touch 11, AC: 18 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +4 bracers of armor ), touch
flat 17 12, flat 16
BAB/Grapple: +5/+7 BAB/Grapple: +6/+5
Full Attack: +1 trident +6 melee (1d8+4), bite +6 melee Full Attack: bite +5 melee (1d6-1), 2 claws +0 melee
(1d8+4) (1d4-1)
Special Att: Spells Special Att: Spells
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., scent, spells, spell-like Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., scent, spells, spell-like
abilities abilities
Skills: Concentration +2, Listen +0, Ride +7, Spellcraft +2, Skills: Bluff +20, Concentration +17, Listen +1, Spellcraft
Spot +0, Swim +7 +16, Spot +1, Swim +7
Feats: Dodge, Improved Natural Attack (Bite), Swim-by Feats: Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Spell Enhancement
Attack, Two-weapon FightingF, Weapon Focus (Evocation), Spell Focus (Evocation)
(Bite)F, Weapon Specialization (Bite)F CR: 12
CR: 6 Gear: bracers of armor +4 (16,000 gp), pearl of power (3rd
Gear: chain shirt +1 (1,400 gp), +1 trident (2,315 gp), level) (9,000 gp)
potion of cure serious wounds (750 gp) Total: 25,000 gp (27,000 gp)
Total: 4,465 gp (5,600 gp)
Spell-like Abilities (Sp): 1x/day. Detect Magic, Flare, Typical Sorcerer Spells
Resistance. Spell save DC 13, caster level 3. The save is (6/8/7/7/7/6/3;CL 13;DC 15 + Spell Level)
Charisma-based. 0: Acid Splash, Daze, Detect Magic, Flare*, Light, Message,
Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Touch of Fatigue
Typical Sorcerer Spells 1st: Cause Fear, Enlarge Person, Magic Missile*!, Ray of
(6/5;CL 3;DC 13 + Spell Level) Enfeeblement, Shield
0: Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Light, Ray of Frost, Touch 2nd: Blindness/Deafness, Glitterdust, Locate Object, Shatter*,
of Fatigue Touch of Idiocy
1st: Bull’s Strength, False Life 3rd: Deep Slumber, Dispel Magic, Invisibility Sphere,
Lightning Bolt*
4th: Black Tentacles, Fire Shield*, Globe of Invulnerability
5th: Cone of Cone*, Hold Monster
6th: Chain Lightning*
*= Evocation spell; +1 DC, +1 CL
1 In an Amberos campaign, replace Magic Missile with Magic

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Shaakasti Warlord
Shaakasti Sor 14/Ftr 4;hp: 93
S18 D14 C14 I13 W8 Ch27;Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +9
Init: +2 Move: 10 ft., swim 60 ft.
AC: 21 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +7 bracers of armor ), touch
12, flat 19
BAB/Grapple: +11/+12
Full Attack: bite +13 melee (1d8+6), 2 claws +11 melee
Special Att: Spells
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., scent, spells, spell-like
Skills: Bluff +22, Concentration +19, Listen +1, Spellcraft
+18, Spot +1, Swim +16
Feats: Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Improved Natural
Attack (Bite), Multiattack, Spell Enhancement
(Evocation), Spell Focus (Evocation), Weapon
FinesseF, Weapon Focus (Bite)F, Weapon
Specialization (Bite)F
CR: 18
Gear: bracers of armor +7 (49,000 gp), pearl of power (3rd
level) (9,000 gp), belt of giant strength +6 (36,000
gp), cloak of charisma +6 (36,000 gp)
Total: 130,000 gp (130,000 gp)

Typical Sorcerer Spells

(6/8/8/8/8/7/7/7/6/4;CL 19;DC 18 + Spell Level)
0: Acid Splash, Daze, Detect Magic, Flare*, Light, Message,
Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Touch of Fatigue
1st: Cause Fear, Enlarge Person, Magic Missile*!, Ray of
Enfeeblement, Shield
2nd: Blindness/Deafness, Glitterdust, Locate Object, Obscure
Object, Shatter*, Touch of Idiocy
3rd: Deep Slumber, Dispel Magic, Hold Person, Invisibility
Sphere, Lightning Bolt*, Nondetection
4th: Bestow Curse, Black Tentacles, Fire Shield*, Globe of
Invulnerability, Ice Storm, Stoneskin
5th: Animal Growth, Baleful Polymorph, Cone of Cone*,
Feeblemind, Hold Monster, Teleport
6th: Chain Lightning*, Freezing Sphere*, Greater Dispel
Magic, Greater Heroism, True Seeing
7th: (5)Finger of Death, Forcecage*, Mage’s Sword*,
Prismatic Spray*, Waves of Exhaustion
8th: (3)Polar Ray*, Polymorph Any Object, Greater Shout*
*= Evocation spell; +1 DC, +1 CL
1 In an Amberos campaign, replace Magic Missile with Magic

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Shafra-li Combat
While shafra-li are generally not aggressive, they
Large Outsider (Good, Native) often have had enough of a lifespan to have trained and
Hit Dice: 11d8+47 (96 hp) mastered all sorts of weapons and forms of unarmed combat.
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) They fight with all the intelligence and knowledge their long
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 60 ft. (good) years have granted them, and they prefer not to strike with
Armor Class: 19 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +7 natural), touch 12, deadly force against other good beings, if they can help it.
flat 16 When battling evil or undead, shafra-li can call on the
BAB/Grapple: +11/+20 divine energy of their deific parentage, allowing them blast
Attack: Slam +15 melee (1d6+5) or +1 anarchic said creatures with a holy ray of pure power.
scimitar +15 melee (1d8+5;18-20/x2) If beset by opponents they cannot defeat, it is not
Full Attack: 2 Slams +15 melee (1d6+5) or +1 anarchic uncommon for shafra-li to call on aid from their deific
scimitar +15/+10/+5 melee (1d8+5;18- parentage, which usually arrives in the form of one or more
20/x2( celestials to defend the shafra-li.
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. Change Shape (Su): A shafra-li has the ability to assume the
Height: 11 ft. + 1d4 in. (11 ft. 2 in.) appearance of a specific creature or type of creature (usually a
Weight: 1,200 lbs + 1d4 x 25 lbs. (1,250 lbs.) humanoid), but retains most of its own physical qualities. A
Special Att: Divine ray, summon creature cannot change shape to a form more than one size
Special Qual: Change shape, DR 10/evil, darkvision 60 ft., category smaller or larger than its original form. This acts as
detect evil, lesser magic resistant, gifts of the Shapechange spell, lasting for 1 hour before the shafra-li
Nirvana, outsider traits, SR 25 must return to its original shape for an equal amount of time.
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +10, Will +10 This ability has a caster level of 11. shafra-li prefer the shapes
Abilities: S21 D17 C19 I17 W17 Ch19 of humanoids and predatory birds.
Skills: Bluff +6, Craft +17, Diplomacy +18, Hide - Detect Evil (Sp): This special ability duplicates the effects of
1, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (arcana) +17, a detect good spell. It can be cast at will.
Knowledge (history) +17, Knowledge Divine Ray (Su): As a standard action, a shafra-li can
(local) +17, Knowledge (religion) +17, unleash a ray of blinding divine energy. This is a ranged
Listen +17, Sense Motive +17, Spellcraft touch attack with a range of 60 feet. It deals 4d6 fire and 4d6
+17, Spot +17, Use Magic Device +18 holy damage to anything it contacts. A shafra-li can unleash
Feats: Endurance, Great Fortitude, Persuasive, this strike once per minute (10 rounds).
Toughness Gifts of Nirvana (Varies): Shafra-li choose one of the
Environment: Warm mountains abilities listed below.
Organization: Solitary, or Covey (2-5)
CR: 12 Master of the Body (Ex): The shafra-li gains
Treasure: Double standard open hand attacks that deal damage like a monk
Alignment: Often chaotic good equal to its hit dice. Thus, it slam attack is
Advancement: 12-22 HD (Large); 23-33 HD (Huge) replaced with an unarmed attack that deals 2d6
Level Adj: - damage per hit, and its full attack with the
This tall being looks like a perfect specimen of a unarmed attack is +15/+10/+5. The shafra-li can
human, though a good foot taller than an flurry of blows for +15/+15/+15/+10/+5.
average human. It is dressed in fine clothing and Master of the Mind (Ex): The shafra-li gains a
bedecked in dazzling jewelry. At its side is a +10 bonus to all knowledge skills and is
gold-hilted scimitar, covered in arcane-looking considered trained in all knowledge skills.
symbols. Master of the Unknown (Sp): The shafra-li can
Shafra-li are the result of the gods consorting with cast spells as an 11th level sorcerer.
mortals. Born with the spark of divinity in them, they are more Master of the Divine Aspect (Sp): The shafra-li
than human, but not quite divine beings. Many are forced to can cast spells and turn undead as a 11th level
live among mortals, yet apart from them. cleric.
Shafra-li are generally amiable and caring, though their Master of the Third Eye (Ps): The shafra-li can
personalities differ as much as humanity's from which it came. use psionics as if it were an 11th level psion.
Most Shafra-li find themselves isolated from human society Master of the Psychic Sword (Ps): The shafra-li
even as many strive to become part of it. gains the abilities of a 11th level soulknife.
Shafra-li speak Common, celestial, draconic and elvin. Master of the Undying (Su): The shafra-li gains
They generally know at least two additional languages as well, regeneration 6.
usually an ancient language Common to the area. Master of the Enlightened Grace (Su): The
shafra-li, as a move action, can become

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incandescent like a bright flame. This effect
dispels all forms of darkness in a 60 ft. radius.
Evil creatures or undead viewing the shafra-li
must make a Reflex save (DC 19) or be blinded
for 2d4 rounds. Creatures of good alignment in
the area of effect receive the benefit of a Cure
Light Wounds.
Lesser Magic Resistant (Su): A shafra-li gains a +5 bonus to
Spell Resistance (already calculated).
Summon (Sp): Once per day, as a full-round action, a shafra-
li can summon a Branlani (eladrin) with a 50% chance of
success or two Hound Archons with a 75% chance of success.

Shafra-li on Amberos
Shafra-li, and their cousins, the shafra-loa, can be
found in the Shafra mountains of Skienland. There, in the
mountains, secreted away from humanity, the ancient Vedic
gods built a city for the Shafra to dwell in. To this day, both
the shafra-li and shafra-loa coexist in the city.

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Shafra-loa Shafra-loa speak Common, infernal, draconic and

dwarven. They generally know at least two additional
Large Outsider (Evil, Native) languages as well, usually an ancient language Common to the
Hit Dice: 11d8+47 (96 hp) area.
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 60 ft. (good) Combat
Armor Class: 19 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +7 natural), touch 12, Shafra-loa are aggressive and prone to cruelty. At
flat 16 the same time, they dislike risking their own lives for petty
BAB/Grapple: +11/+20 reasons, and will often ignore enemies they can simply
Attack: Slam +15 melee (1d6+5) or +1 axiomatic outlive. They fight with all the intelligence and knowledge
scimitar +16 melee (1d8+5;18-20/x2) or their long years have granted them, and they seem to gain a
composite longbow (+5 Str) +14 ranged perverse pleasure inflicting torment on creatures of good
(2d6+5;x3) alignment.
Full Attack: 2 Slams +15 melee (1d6+5) or +1 axiomatic When battling powerful beings of good, shafra-loa
scimitar +16/+11/+6 melee (1d8+5) or tend to blast first with their infernal ray before closing to
composite longbow (+5 Str) +14/+9 ranged attack.
(2d6+5;x3) If beset by opponents they cannot defeat, it is not
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. uncommon for shafra-li to call on aid from their infernal
Height: 11 ft. + 1d4 in. (11 ft. 2 in.) parentage, which usually arrives in the form of one or more
Weight: 1,200 lbs + 1d4 x 25 lbs. (1,250 lbs.) devils to defend the shafra-li.
Special Att: Divine ray, summon Change Shape (Su): A shafra-loa has the ability to assume
Special Qual: Change shape, DR 10/evil, darkvision 60 ft., the appearance of a specific creature or type of creature
detect evil, gifts of Nirvana, lesser magic (usually a humanoid), but retains most of its own physical
resistance, outsider traits, SR 25 qualities. A creature cannot change shape to a form more than
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +10, Will +10 one size category smaller or larger than its original form. This
Abilities: S21 D17 C19 I17 W17 Ch19 acts as the Shapechange spell, lasting for 1 hour before the
Skills: Bluff +18, Disguise +19, Hide +13, shafra-loa must return to its original shape for an equal
Intimidate +18, Knowledge (arcana) +17, amount of time. This ability has a caster level of 11. shafra-
Knowledge (religion) +17, Listen +17, loa prefer the shapes of reptilian creatures, bats and carrion
Move Silently +17, Spellcraft +17, Spot birds.
+17, Use Magic Device +18 Detect Good (Sp): This special ability duplicates the effects
Feats: Endurance, Great Fortitude, Toughness, of a detect good spell. It can be cast at will.
Weapon Focus (Scimitar) Infernal Ray (Su): As a standard action, a shafra-loa can
Environment: Warm mountains unleash a ray of black infernal energy. This is a ranged touch
Organization: Solitary, or Covey (2-5) attack with a range of 60 feet. It deals 6d6 acid and 6d6
CR: 12 unholy damage to anything it contacts. A shafra-li can
Treasure: Double standard unleash this strike once per minute (10 rounds).
Alignment: Often Lawful Evil Lesser Magic Resistance (Su): A shafra-loa has a +5 bonus
Advancement: 12-22 HD (Large); 23-33 HD (Huge) to Spell Resistance (already calculated into stats).
Level Adj: - Gifts of Nirvana (Varies): shafra-loa choose one of the
This tall being appears to be human, though it is abilities listed below.
somewhat difficult to tell due to the number of
warts, boils and general deformity to its shape. Master of the Body (Ex): The shafra-loa has six
Its eyes glow a hellish red and its body seems to arms that end in wicked claws. The claws deal
be covered in a reptilian skin and a pair of bat- 1d8+5 damage each. The shafra-li also gains the
like wings sprout from its back. At its side is a Multi-attack and may replicate its scimitar to all
gold-hilted scimitar, covered in arcane-looking 6 hands as a free action.
symbols. Master of the Mind (Ex): The shafra-loa gains
Shafra-loa are the result of archfiends consorting with the frightful presence ability. Whenever the
mortals. Born with the spark of infernal in them, they are more shafra-loa attacks or makes a terrifying display,
than human, but not quite divine beings. Many are forced to those in 30 feet must make a Will save (DC 19).
live among mortals, yet apart from them. Those with hit dice equal to or greater than the
Shafra-loa are generally conniving and twisted, though shafra-loa who fail the save are shaken. Those
their personalities differ as much as humanity's from which it with 6-10 HD who fail the save are frightened,
came. Most shafra-loa find themselves isolated from human and those with up to 5 HD or levels are panicked
society and become spiteful of humanity as a whole. if they fail the saving throw.

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Master of the Pit (Sp): The shafra-loa can cast
spells as an 11th level sorcerer.
Master of the Infernal Aspect (Sp): The shafra-
loa can cast spells and rebuke undead as an 11th
level cleric.
Master of the Mind’s Edge (Ps): The shafra-loa
can use psionics as if it were an 11th level
psychic warrior. It also gains the feat Deep
Master of the Venomed Blade (Ps): The shafra-
loa gains the abilities of a 8th level soulknife and
3rd level assassin.
Master of Death Spurned (Su): The shafra-loa
gains the ability to Animate Dead as per the
arcane spell. Caster level 11, no material
component is required.
Master of the Infernal Shade (Su): The shafra-
loa, as a move action, can become cloaked in
impenetrable darkness. This effect dispels all
forms of light in a 60 ft. radius. Good creatures
or undead in the area must make a Fort save
(DC 19) or be blinded for 2d4 rounds. Creatures
of evil alignment or undead in the area of effect
receive the benefit of a Desecrate spell.
Summon (Sp): Once per day, as a full-round action, a Shafra-
loa can summon a chain devil with a 50% chance of success or
two bearded devils with a 75% chance of success.

Shafra-loa on Amberos
While the shafra-loa live with their cousins, the
shafra-li in the mountains of the Skienlands, the truce between
the two is uneasy at best. While the shafra-li tend to hold the
positions of power in the city, the shafra-loa make it clear that
they can dispense with anyone whom consistently displeases

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Huge Dragon (Air) Medium Dragon (Air)
Hit Dice: 19d12+114 (237 hp) 19d12+114 (237 hp)
Initiative: +6 +6
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 130 ft. (average) 20 ft. (6 squares), fly 100 ft. (average)
(26 squares) in scale mail armor; (20 squares) in scale mail;
base speed 50 ft. (10 squares) fly 200 ft. (good) base 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 150 ft. (average)
(40 squares) (30 squares)
Armor Class: 26 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +10 natural, +4 scale 28 (+2 Dex, +10 natural, +4 scale mail,
mail armor, +2 heavy steel shield), touch 10, +2 heavy steel shield), touch 12, flat 26
flat 24
BAB/Grapple: +19/+38 +19/+30
Attack: Bite +29 melee (2d6 +11) Bite +31 melee (1d6+11)
Full Attack: Bite +29 melee (2d6 +11), longsword Bite +31 melee (1d6+11), longsword
+28/+23/+18/+13 melee (2d6 +11;19-20/x2), +30/+25/+20/+15 melee (1d8+11;19-20/x2),
sting +23 melee (1d8 +5 + poison) sting +25 melee (1d4+5 + poison)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft. 5 ft./5 ft.
Length: 17 ft. + 1d4 ft. (19 ft.) 6 ft. + 2d8 in. (6 ft. 9 in.)
Weight: 2,000 lbs + 2d4 x 100 lbs. (2,200 lbs.) 300 lbs. + 2d8x10 lbs. (390 lbs.)
Special Att: Breath weapon, fear aura, spells Breath weapon, fear aura, spells
Special Qual: Blindsight, DR 10/-, darkvision 60 ft., Blindsight, DR 10/-, darkvision 60 ft.,
dragon traits, low-light vision, size change, dragon traits, low-light vision, size change,
SR 23, spells SR 23, spells
Saves: Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +13 Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +13
Abilities: S33 D15 C23 I15 W15 Ch16 S33 D15 C23 I15 W15 Ch16
Skills: Balance -4, Bluff +25, Climb +16, Balance –4, Bluff +25, Climb +16,
Diplomacy +14, Escape Artist -4, Hide -12, Diplomacy +14,Escape Artist –4, Hide 4,
Intimidate +14, Jump +16, Knowledge (arcana) Intimidate +14, Jump –1, Knowledge (Arcana)
+24, Listen +24, Move Silently -4, +24, Listen +24, Move Silently –4,
Sense Motive +24, Spellcraft +24, Spot +24, Sense Motive +24, Spellcraft +24, Spot +24,
Swim +3 Swim +3
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light)B, Armor Armor Proficiency (Light)B, Armor
Proficiency (Medium) , Cleave, Improved Proficiency (Medium)B, Cleave, Improved
Critical (Bite), Improved Initiative, Lightning Critical (Bite), Improved Initiative, Lightning
Reflexes, Power Attack, Shield ProficiencyB, Reflexes, Power Attack, Shield ProficiencyB,
Weapon Focus (Bite), Weapon Specialization Weapon Focus (Bite), Weapon Specialization
(Bite) (Bite)
Environment: Any land Any land
Organization: Solitary, or Family (2-5) Solitary, or Family (2-5)
CR: 18 18
Treasure: Standard Standard
Alignment: Always neutral evil Always neutral evil
Advancement: 20-38 HD (Huge); 39-57 HD (Gargantuan) or By Character class
Level Adj: - -
own. Once they have done this, they then start a search for the
This massive reptile, despite being covered in next dragon they can find.
scales, is likewise dressed in chain mail armor. It Shrieken have no regard for the alignment or
stands on its hind feet, wielding a massive long disposition of the dragon they are stalking; they are as happy
sword in one hand and a shield in the other. As it to strike down a red dragon as hunt a silver dragon. They have
watches you with its snake-like head, it opens its been known to seek the aid of humanoids in their quests to kill
mouth and utters a terrifying roar before dragons, and are often willing to share the spoils in return for
advancing forward. capable companions.
Shrieken are draconic aberrations that behave like Shrieken speak Common, Draconic, Dwarven and
humanoids. They forge their own weapons and wear armor, Elvin. It is not uncommon for them to speak different
For reasons unknown, shrieken wage a constant war against languages, usually swapping out one of the humanoid racial
dragons. They follow rumors and tales that lead them to languages for a language of the species they are “fond” of
dragon's lair, where they confront and fight these massive recruiting for aid.
beasts, then take off with the dragon's hoard to add it to their

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Combat traveled from Aurora, and has not been seen since it left with
Shrieken are powerful and intelligent opponents. several knights for the Crystalmire mountains.
They prefer to know their enemies capabilities and tactics Other tales have surfaced since this case, but many
before launching into a determined assault. They will often come from unreliable sources, including tales that the noted
test an opponents resolve with feints and hit and run tactics. Assassin Savage Avenger has acquired one into his clan of
Once they feel confident they can predict an opponent's skill assassins in the Golens to tackle the black dragons there.
level and abilities, they will launch their real attack, Several sages believe that Shrieken may be the
employing tactics and equipment intended to minimize the creations of the mysterious Lord of Shadows, Gwieze.
opponent's strength and capitalizing on their weakness. However, there has been little more than circumstantial
Breath Weapon (Su): A Shrieken has a natural sonic breath evidence to link the dragon hunters to the Lord of Shadows.
weapon attack. However, after a Shrieken bites a dragon, it
can breathe a breath weapon (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or
sonic) that the dragon is not immune to and will cause the
most damage to the dragon. The shrieken’s breath weapon is
always a 5 wide line 60 feet long of the appropriate energy
type that deals 9d10 energy damage (Reflex DC 25 for half).
A Shrieken can breath the breath weapon once every 5 rounds,
and retains the ability to breath its altered breath weapon for
10 minutes.
Fear Aura (Su): The use of this ability is a free action.
Anyone entering within 30 feet of the Shrieken must make a
Will save (DC 22). Those with HD less than the Shrieken
who fail the save are frightened. Those with HD equal to or
greater than the Shrieken are shaken. This fear aura works
even against dragons.
Poison (Ex): The tail of a shrieken is tipped with a venomous
barb that contains a virulent poison. Type: Injected; Fort DC
25; Init: 1d10 Con ; Sec: 2d8 Con. This poison affects
dragons, including those normally immune to poison. Its own
poison can even kill a Shrieken.
Size Change (Su): As a move action, a shrieken can
compress itself and its gear down to medium size. It
generally uses this ability when dealing with humanoids.
Spells: A shrieken can cast spells as an 8th level sorcerer.
They generally prefer attack and divination spells.

Typical Sorcerer Spell List

(6/7/7/6/3;CL 8;DC 13 + Spell Level)
0: Arcane Mark, Daze, Detect Magic, Flare, Ghost Sound,
Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
1st: Disguise Self, Expeditious Retreat, Magic Missile*,
Magic Weapon, True Strike
2nd: Blur, Detect Thoughts, Glitterdust,
3rd: )Dispel Magic, Wind Wall
4th: Locate Creature

Shrieken on Amberos
There are legends of Shrieken from the Elvin Golden
Age, but no documented Shrieken appearances have occurred
since the fall of Gwieze’s Shadow Empire until just after the
economic upheaval on Amberos. Following the great
upheaval, the first recorded appearance of a Shrieken occurred
when one came to Castle Vega of the Kingdom of Vall Vega
seeking heroes to aid it in slaying a nearby dragon in the
Crystalmire mountains. The Shrieken claimed to have

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Singing Maiden any race it chooses. This is a mind-affecting effect, caster

level 5. The Will DC to disbelieve is 16.
Huge Magical Beast (Aquatic) Skills: A singing maiden has a +8 racial bonus to Swim
Hit Dice: 5d10+20 (47 hp) checks and can take 10 on a swim check even if rushed or in
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) combat.
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), swim 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 12 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural), touch 9, flat Singing Maidens on Amberos
11 Found primarily in the seas of the south and east of
BAB/Grapple: +5/+20 the continent, singing maidens are fairly static hazards that are
Attack: Slam +10 melee (1d8 +7) marked on most nautical maps as areas to avoid. Of course, as
Full Attack: 10 Slam +10 melee (1d8 +7) and bite +5 the population of singing maiden grows and changes, so too
melee (2d6 +3) do the areas of danger, and there are always new abodes of
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft. , 20 ft. with tentacles these creatures springing up as old ones are overtaken or
Height: 14 ft. + 1d6 ft. (17 ft.) abandoned in favor of more prey.
Weight: 4,000 lbs. + 2d10 x 100 lbs. (5,100 lbs. / 2 ½
Special Att: Charm song
Special Qual: DR 5/magic +1, darkvision 60 ft., low-light
vision, mask of innocence
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +3
Abilities: S25 D13 C19 I13 W15 Ch19
Skills: Disguise +6, Forgery +3, Hide -7, Listen +4,
Perform +12, Spot +4, Swim +15*
Feats: Alertness, Deceitful
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary, or Covey (2-5)
CR: 4
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Huge); 11-15 HD (Gargantuan)
Level Adj: -
The visage of singing maidens dissolves to
reveal a mass of writhing tentacles that has a
pulpy, central mass. A single, great eye looks
out from the pulpy mass, and a huge mouth
filled with rows of razor-sharp teeth is set just
below it.
Singing maidens are the plagues of the seas, using
their melodic, charming voice to lure sailors to them, where
they then kill and devour the crew.

Singing maidens use their charming song to draw
prey to them, then drop the illusion when prey approaches so
it can readily devour them and savor the fear it causes. Though
animals, the creatures are intelligent enough to keep prey alive
for lean times, and cunning enough to learn tactics and set
traps and ambushes for prey.
Charm Song (Su): As a standard action, a singing maiden
can produce a haunting melody capable of acting as a Charm
Person spell on individuals within a 120 feet radius. The Will
save DC is 16. It is otherwise identical to the spell Charm
Mask of Innocence (Su): As a free action, a singing maiden
can create the illusion that it is a beautiful female humanoid of

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Sinister, General
Sinisters are a unique race of lower plane outsiders
that act as spies and agents for the other lower planes. They
are front men sent to worlds to probe and recruit for invasions
from demons, devils or daemons. They are mercenaries, and
officially they are not aligned with any of the three major
factions of the lower planes. However, more often than not,
particular sinisters develop profitable business relationships
with certain underworld figures, and tend to act in a light more
favoring their patron.
Sinisters have varying missions depending on their
type; some are agents sent to foment evil acts, while others act
as spies, observing organizations or structures for weaknesses
their masters may exploit when the time for invasion comes.
Others are secret assassins or warriors, tasking with taking out
key figures before the invasion begins.
Generally speaking, once the invasion begins, most
sinisters disappear from sight, moving on to new worlds to
start the process all over again. Sometimes, certain sinisters
are left behind on worlds following a demonic invasions as
enforcers of their master’s will.
Sinister Traits: Unless otherwise noted, sinisters have the
following traits.
• Immunity to fire and poison
• Resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and electricity 10.
• Summon (Sp): A sinister has the ability to summon
demons, devils or daemons (the success chance and
number of creatures summoned is noted in each
monster description). However, summoned demons,
devils and daemons are not bound to do as the
sinister directs, and often require a boon or service to
be paid before they will aid the sinister.

Sinisters on Amberos
Originally, the Sinisters were agents to the Dark One,
and helped the Lord of Evil to bring his minions to Amberos
to spawn the Skyland Hold.
When the Dark One was defeated and retreated back
to Hell, many sinisters remained behind in secret, hoping to
one day help their master regain a foothold on Amberos.
Those sinisters that fled with the Dark One became the
daemons who took up residence in Gehenna.
However, both the Dark One’s sealing off of Hell and
the enticements that Ziga offered the sinisters remaining on
Amberos caused them to become mercenary forces selling
their services to the highest bidder.
By the time the portal to Hell finally reopened, the
forces of Hell, the Abyss and Gehenna found themselves
unable to freely travel to Amberos. Short of mortal
summoning, the only way these evil outsiders could reach
Amberos was through the callings of the Sinisters – who
quickly learned to take advantage of their unique abilities.

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Sinister, Akasta business partners in the lower planes and sending orders to
Large Outsider (Evil, Native, Sinister) various sinister in preparation for invasions.
Hit Dice: 15d8+60 (127 hp) Akasta speak abyssal, Common, infernal, celestial and
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) Undercommon. Each akasta knows at least three other
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 70 ft. (average) languages, which they usually have learned because they like
Armor Class: 20 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +8 natural), touch 12, the sound of said language.
flat 17
BAB/Grapple: +15/+26 Combat
Attack: Bite +21 melee (1d8+7) or +2 unholy dire Akasta loathe being forced into combat, and strike to
flail (1d8+9 + 2d6 vs. good) destroy enemies as quickly and painfully as possible. They
Full Attack: Bite +21 melee (1d8+7) and 2 claws +16 tend to use their shape soul ability to end most fights before
melee (1d8+3) and tail +16 melee (1d8+3) they start, and failing that, rely on blasting an enemy with their
or +2 unholy dire flail +19/+19/+14 melee spell-like abilities. If a foe is foolish enough to melee them,
(1d8+9 + 2d6 vs. good/1d8+5 2d6 vs. good) they will do their best to clobber the offender in the most
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. callous manner they can afford.
Height: 8 ft. 3 in. + 2d8 in. (9 ft.) Gaze (Su): Those within 60 feet who gaze into the eyes of an
Weight: 310 lbs. + 2d8 x 10 lbs. (400 lbs.) Akasta must make a Fort save DC 20 or be instantly slain.
Special Att: Gaze, summon, twist shape Though akasta have the ability to suppress the effect if they
Special Qual: DR 15/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to choose, they generally prefer to leave the ability active so that
fire and poison, outsider traits, regeneration others are forced to avoid eye-to-eye contact with them.
6, resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and Summon (Sp): An akasta can summon a Pit Fiend or Balor
electricity 10, sinister traits, spell resistance with a 25% chance of success; a horned devil or maralith with
27, spells-like abilities a 50% chance of success; a ice devil or vrock with a 75%
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +12, Will +14 chance of success, or summon 1d4 chain devils or 1d4 babau
Abilities: S25 D17 C19 I19 W17 Ch17 with 100% success. This ability can be used once per day.
Skills: Appraise +13, Bluff +23, Diplomacy +21, This ability is the equivalent of a 7th level spell with a caster
Disguise +12, Escape Artist +12, Gather level of 15. The sinister can choose to allow the summoned
Information +12, Hide -1, Intimidate +23, creature to remain on the prime material plane permanently by
Knowledge (nobility) +22, Knowledge (the taking 1d6 temporary Constitution damage.
planes) +22, Listen +12, Search +22, Sense Twist Shape (Su): As a full-round action, an akasta can
Motive +21, Spellcraft +22, Spot +12, Use change the shape of another being as if using Polymorph Any
Magic Device +21 Object. The spell save is DC 20. The change is permanent.
Feats: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Iron Will, Akasta generally reserve this ability as a punishment for those
Persuasive, Skill Focus, Two-Weapon who fail them or to use on opponents immune to their death
Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting gaze. Akasta have been known to use this ability to transform
Environment: Any land demons into devils or daemons or vice versa as it suits their
Organization: Solitary purpose.
CR: 16 Regeneration (Ex): An akasta takes normal damage from
Treasure: +2 unholy dire flail (37,380 gp) and good sources. Regenerating akasta can regrow lost portions of
Standard their bodies and can reattach severed limbs or body parts by
Alignment: Always neutral merely holding the limb to the stump for one round.
Advancement: 16-30 HD (Large); 31-45 HD (Huge) Spells-like Abilities (Sp): An akasta can use the following
Level Adj: - abilities at 15th level ability. Chain Lightning – 2x/day,
This massive, red-scaled humanoid has the head Contact Other Plane 1x/day, Dream – 1x/day, Detect good –
of a handsome female elf, tipped with bone-white at will, Greater Teleport – at will, Vision – 1x/week.
horns. Its six-fingered hands grasp a black pitted
iron dire flail. It is dressed in beautiful robes
and bedecked with an assortment of jewelry.
Akasta are the rulers of the Sinisters. They demand
absolute loyalty from their subordinates, threatening them
with the twisting or destruction of their own forms if they fail
to bend to the Akasta's will.
Akasta rarely deal directly with mortals. They prefer to
work through their agents and deal primarily with the forces of
the underworld in collaborating sending information to their

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Sinister, Barrash own AC. If they sense a weak opponent, they will generally
Medium Outsider (Evil, Native, Sinister) use a full power attack to bring that foe crashing down.
Hit Dice: 7d8+28 (59 hp) Barrash never retreat from a fight unless ordered to
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) by a superior or their charge.
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 50 ft. (average) Improved Grab (Ex): If a barrash with this special attack hits
Armor Class: 12 (+2 Dex), touch 12, flat 10 a large size opponent or smaller with a bite, it deals normal
BAB/Grapple: +7/+11 damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without
Attack: Bite +11 melee (1d6+4) or mwk two-bladed provoking an attack of opportunity.
longsword +11 melee (1d8+4;19-20/x2) Rake (Ex): A barrash gains extra natural attacks when it
Full Attack: Bite +11 melee (1d6+4) and 2 claws +9 grapples its foe. Normally, a monster can attack with only one
melee (1d4+2) or Bite +11 melee (1d6+4) of its natural weapons while grappling, but a monster with the
and mwk two-bladed long sword +7/+7/+2 rake ability usually gains two additional claw attacks that it
melee (1d8+4/1d8+2;19-20/x2) can use only against a grappled foe. Rake attacks are not
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. subject to the usual –4 penalty for attacking with a natural
Height: 5 ft. 7 in. + 2d4 in. (6 ft.) weapon in a grapple. A monster with the rake ability must
Weight: 150 lbs. + 2d10 x 5 lbs. (205 lbs.) begin its turn grappling to use its rake.
Special Att: Improved grab, rake Summon (Su): As a full-round action, a barrash has a 50%
Special Qual: DR 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immune to chance to summon a bearded devil or babau; or a 75% chance
fire and poison, outsider traits, resistance to to summon 1d4 lemures or 1d4 dretch. A barrash cannot
acid 10, cold 10, and electricity 10, sinister make the summons permanent.
traits, SR 14
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +6
Abilities: S19 D15 C19 I13 W13 Ch12
Skills: Bluff +11, Climb +14, Diplomacy +11,
Escape Artist +12, Hide +12, Jump +14,
Listen +11, Sense Motive +11, Spot +11
Feats: Cleave, Combat ExpertiseB, MultiattackB,
Power Attack, Two-weapon fighting
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary, Unit (2-5), or Squad (5-20)
CR: 8
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 8-14 HD (Medium); 15-21 HD (Large)
Level Adjust: -
This man-sized humanoid ripples with muscles.
It is covered in a tough, leathery hide and has
the head of bulldog, although sporting a pair of
horns protruding from its forehead. Its pupils
dance with a green flame, and it wears the
trappings of a warrior. In its hands it holds a
two-bladed sword.
Barrash are bodyguards and warriors for the sinister.
They are often tasked with the defense of important sinisters,
headquarters for the sinisters or other places of interest to the
They are sometimes “hired” as muscle by demons or
devils, but their loyalty to anything other to the sinisters goes
only as far as the gold flowing through their hands.
Barrash speak abysmal, Common, infernal and sinister.

Barrash are usually defensive creatures, not initiating
a fight but hastily rushing to the defense of their charge. They
generally fight using their combat mastery to maximize their

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Magdaga can speak all known languages, and can learn
Sinister, Magdaga new ones they encounter by simply listening to it for a few
Medium Outsider (Evil, Native, Sinister) minutes.
Hit Dice: 10d8+20 (65 hp)
Initiative: +5 (+5 Dex) Combat
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 70 ft. (average) Magdaga usually attempt to use their Song of
Armor Class: 20 (+5 Dex, +5 natural), touch 15, flat 15 Insanity to bereft a victim of their mind before engaging in
BAB/Grapple: +10/+13 other forms of combat. If beguiling their opponent fails to
Attack: Claw +13 melee (1d4 +3) or longsword +13 work, Magdaga generally revert to fighting with sword, and
melee (1d8+3;19-20/x2) will use all the dirty tricks available to them to ensure their
Full Attack: 2 Claw +13 melee (1d4 +3) or longsword victory. If badly injured, Magdaga will surrender (if they
+13/+8 melee (1d8 +3;19-20/x2) know the opponent will not kill them) or flee (if they suspect
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. their opponent intends to kill them if they surrender).
Height: 6 ft. 1 in. + 2d4 in. (6 ft. 6 in.) Song of Insanity (Su): As a standard action, the magdaga can
Weight: 170 lbs + 2d10 x 5 lbs. (225 lbs.) use its musical skill to produce a song that permanently drains
Special Att: Song of insanity the wisdom of those whom hear it. Those within 120 feet of
Special Qual: DR 10/good and silver, darkvision 60 ft., the Magdaga must make a Will save (DC 30) or be drained of
fast healing 5, immunity to fire and poison, 1d4 points of Wisdom. Those being drained of Wisdom are
outsider traits, resistance to acid 10, cold 10, considered stunned for the round. This is a mind-affecting
and electricity 10, sinister traits, SR 21, effect. The save is based on the Magdaga’s Perform Skill.
spell-like abilities, summon Fast Healing (Ex): A magdaga heals 5 hit points per round.
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +10 Except where noted here, fast healing is just like natural
Abilities: S17 D21 C15 I17 W17 Ch21 healing. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from
Skills: Bluff +21, Concentration +15, Diplomacy starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and it does not allow a
+18, Escape Artist +18, Jump +16, creature to regrow lost body parts.
Knowledge (arcana) +16, Listen +16, Spell-like Abilities (Sp): The magdaga can use the following
Perform (sing or musical instrument) +18, abilities. Alter Self – at will, Ghost Sound (DC 15) – at will,
Sense Motive +16, Spellcraft +16, Spot +16 Silent Image (DC 16) – at will, Detect Thoughts (DC 17) –
Feats: Ability Focus (Song of Insanity), Combat 3x/day, Suggestion (DC 19) – 3x/day, Mind Fog (DC 20) –
Expertise, Skill Focus (Bluff), Skill Focus 1x/day. Caster level 10. Spell DCs are Charisma based
(Perform) Summon (Su): A magdaga has a 50% chance to summon a
Environment: Any land glabrezu or 1d4 erinyes or a 75% chance to summon 2d4
Organization: Solitary, Band (2-5), or Cacophony (5-20) dretch or 2d4 lemure. By taking 1d6 Constitution damage, it
CR: 11 can choose to make the summoning permanent.
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 11-20 HD (Medium); 21-30 HD (Large)
Level Adj: -
This cat-headed humanoid is covered in red and
white striped fur, with a pair of short horns
protruding from its forehead. A pair of feathered
wings sprout from its back and its knees are bent
backward, like a cat's. It is dressed in fine robes,
and carries a lute in its hands, and has a sword
at its side.
Magdaga are spies for the Sinisters. They have a gift for
song and often travel as wandering minstrels, seeking to
gather information as they travel. They sometimes teach other
mortals the finer arts of dance, song and other art, mixing it
with their own brand of twisted evil in the process.
However, if revealed for what they truly are, Magdaga
can be implacable foes. They will not hesitate to slaughter
individuals to keep their identity secret or to return to their
masters with any information they have uncovered.

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Sinister, Shadaar Combat

Medium Outsider (Evil, Native, Sinister) Shadaar prefer to strike from the shadows, and rarely
Hit Dice: 5d8+20 (42 hp) remain in a stand-up fighting, preferring hit-and-run or
Initiative: +6 (+6 Dex) guerrilla tactics. They will sometimes purposely disable or
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 70 ft. (average) kidnap the companions of their target, using them to draw the
Armor Class: 21 (+6 Dex, +5 natural), touch 16, flat 15 target into situations it might not otherwise allow itself to be
BAB/Grapple: +5/+7 vulnerable to.
Attack: Claw +11 melee (1d4+2) or tail +11 melee Death attack (Ex): Once per day, if a Shadaar catches an
(2d4+1 + poison) opponent flat or while it is helpless, it may attempt a death
Full Attack: 2 Claw +9 melee (1d4+2) and bite +7 melee attack against the opponent. The attack deals normal damage,
(1d6+1) and 2 dagger +9 melee (1d4+2;19- but the victim must make a Fort Save (DC 12 + damage
20/x2) and tail +7 melee (2d4+1 + poison) inflicted) or be instantly dropped to –1 hit points. This is a
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. , 10 ft. with tail death effect.
Height: 5 ft. 3 in. + 2d4 in. (5 ft. 8 in.) Poison (Ex): The tail of a Shadaar is covered in a poison that
Weight: 200 lbs. + 1d10 x 25 lbs. (325 lbs.) induces hallucinations. Type: injected; Fort save DC 16; Init:
Special Att: Death attack, poison, pounce, sneak attack 1d2 Wis; Sec: confusion. The confusion effects acts like the
+2d6, tail whip Minor Confusion spell, but its effects cannot be dispelled by
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., detect good, outsider magic. The confusion lasts for 2d4 rounds.
traits, scent, spell immunity, spells-like Pounce (Ex): When a shadaar makes a charge, it can follow
abilities with a full attack.
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +6 Sneak attack (Ex): A shadaar can sneak attack as a rogue,
Abilities: S15 D23 C19 I14 W15 Ch16 inflicting an extra 2d6 damage with each successful attack.
Skills: Bluff +11, Disguise +11, Hide +14, Listen Detect Good (Sp): This special ability duplicates the effects
+10, Move Silently +14, Search +10, Sense of a detect good spell. It can be cast at will.
Motive +10, Spot +10, Survival +2 Spell Immunity (Ex): A shadaar is immune to spells of 3rd
Feats: Alertness, Combat ReflexesB, Dodge, level or less as if it had unbeatable spell resistance. The spell
MultiattackB, Multiweapon FightingB, immunity does not apply to any spell with the good descriptor.
Weapon Finesse B Spells-like Abilities (Sp): As a standard action, a shadaar can
Environment: Any land create the following effects as noted. Alter self – at will, Flare
Organization: Solitary (DC 13)– at will, Invisibility – 2x/day, Silent Image (DC 14)–
CR: 6 at will. Caster level 5. The spell DCs are Charisma-related.
Treasure: None Summon (Su): Once per day, a Shadaar has a 25% chance to
Alignment: Always neutral summon a Bebilith or a chain devil or can summon 1d4
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Medium); 11-15 HD (Large) quasits or 1d4 imps. A shadaar cannot make the summons
Level Adj: – permanent.
This hunched, red-skinned humanoid seems to be Tail Whip (Ex): A shadaar can employ its tail as if it were a
covered in gravely scales. It eyes glow a natural spiked chain. It gains a +2 bonus to trip attempts with
menacing yellow, and it pull back the cloak it the tail and has a 10 foot reach, and is considered to have the
wears made of freshly flayed skin to reveal its Improved Trip feat for free. A shadaar cannot “drop” its tail
four arms, each ending in deadly claws, two of to prevent a counter trip attempt.
which hold snaking black daggers. Likewise, a
long, barbed, whip-like tail snakes out from
behind it.
Shadaar are the assassins of the Sinister. They used to
rid the sinisters of troublesome opponents or obstacles -
including celestial creatures and paladins.
Shadaar are cold and ruthless; they have no sense of
honor and will gleefully turn on any promise or agreement that
furthers their cause or mission. They revel in the hunt and
destruction of their prey; once put on the hunt they absolutely
refuse to give up their prey, even if ordered otherwise.
Shadaar speak abysmal, Common, draconic and

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Sinister, Thoqandra A Thoqandra speaks abysmal, celestial, Common,

Large Outsider (Evil, Native, Sinister) elvin, draconic, dwarven, giant and goblinoid.
Hit Dice: 12d8+48 (102 hp)
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) Combat
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (average) Thoqandra find hand-to-hand combat disgusting, and
Armor Class: 19 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +7 natural), touch 12, prefer to allow minions to fight for them while they cast spells
flat 16 into the fray. If using mortal pawns to fight for it, they tend to
BAB/Grapple: +12/+19 augment the fighting abilities of their pawns, often trading
Attack: Longspear +15 melee (2d6+4;19-20/x3) intelligence for power. They have no qualms in sacrificing a
Full Attack: Longspear +15/+10/+5 melee (2d6+4;19- pawn in combat; often they enjoy watching a pawn go down
20/x3) as they take their opponent with them.
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft., 15 ft. with longspear If forced to fight alone, a thoqandra is much more
Height: 10 ft. + 1d4 ft. (12 ft.) likely to surrender rather than attack. If it seems likely its
Weight: 200 lbs. + 2d4 x 25 lbs. (325 lbs.) opponents will not take prisoners, the Thoqandra will likely
Special Att: Summon attempt to escape.
Special Qual: DR 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing If pressed to fight, a thoqandra generally goes fully
5, outsider traits, spell resistance 24 defensive until it can find a way to escape. However, if faced
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +11 with an easily perceived inferior foe, it may attempt to skewer
Abilities: S16 D17 C18 I22 W17 Ch25 such foes on its longspear rather than flee.
Skills: Appraise +21, Bluff +22, Concentration Summon (Sp): A thoqandra, once per day, has a 50% chance
+19, Craft +21, Diplomacy +22, Forgery to summon a glabrezu or 1d4 erinyes. It has a 75% chance to
+21, Gather Information +22, Hide -1, summon a babau or a barbed devil. The thoqandra can take
Knowledge (Arcana) +21, Knowledge (the 1d6 Constitution damage to make the summoning permanent.
planes) +21, Listen +18, Sense Motive +18, Fast Healing (Ex): A thoqandra with the fast healing special
Spellcraft +21, Spot +18, Use Magic Device quality regains 5 hit points per round. Except where noted
+22 here, fast healing is just like natural healing. Fast healing does
Feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Critical not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or
(Longspear), Improved Disarm, Weapon suffocation, and it does not allow a creature to regrow lost
Focus (Longspear), Weapon Specialization body parts.
(Longspear) Spell-like abilities (Sp): A Thoqandra can use the following
Environment: Any land abilities. Hold Person (DC 20) – At will, Nondetection –
Organization: Solitary, or Covey (2-5) 1x/day, Black Tentacles (Gpl +20) – 1x/day, Wall of Fire –
CR: 13 1x/day, Magic Jar (DC 22) – 1x/week, Circle of Death (DC
Treasure: Standard 23) – 1x/day, Eyebite (DC 23) – 1x/day. Caster level 12.
Alignment: Always neutral evil Spells are Charisma-based.
Advancement: 13-24 HD (Large); 25-36 HD (Huge)
Level Adj: -
This tall humanoid is dressed in rich robes
covered in arcane symbols. It has the head of
bird with a long, tapering beak and its long, thin
hands are covered in soft feathers. Rainbow-
hued wings rise from the creature's back, and it
has an intelligent, malicious glint of intelligence
in its eye.
Thoqandra are the planners and poisoners of the
Sinisters. They tend to work the rings of political intrigue,
gathering information, blackmailing and poisoning those they
come across. They revel in the secret machinations of power,
and are only beholden to themselves and their sinister masters.
Of all the sinisters, the Akasta trust the Thoqandra the least,
but grant them the most leeway.
Thoqandra often use their non-threatening appearance
and celestial likeness to gather the trust of mortals, yet slowly
and surely poison both the minds and bodies of those they deal
with, eventually ensuring they kill their acquaintances even as
they help to deal with said acquaintances foes.

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Sinister, Velundria wrenching the proverbial rug out from under those they help
Large Outsider (Evil, Native, Sinister) obtain their greatest lusts.
Hit Dice: 13d8+78 (136 hp) While Velundria tend to work openly with those they
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) are corrupting, they prefer to stay out of sight of others, or to
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), fly 100 ft. (average) appear harmless and/or weak when forced to venture out
Armor Class: 17 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +5 natural), touch 12, among others.
flat 14 Velundria usually reserve the use of their possession
BAB/Grapple: +13/+25 ability for when the victim they have been goading finally
Attack: Claw +21 melee (1d6 +8) achieves a position of prominence from which the velundria
Full Attack: 2 Claw +21 melee (1d6 +8) and gore +18 can take the victim’s place and work to further the goals of the
melee (1d8 +4) and 2 hoof +18 melee (1d6 sinister. This is usually precluded by the giving of a gemstone
+4) and tail +18 melee (1d8 +4) to the victim (worth at least 100 gp, of course).
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. Velundria speak abysmal, celestial, Common,
Height: 9 ft. + 2d4 ft. (14 ft.) draconic and infernal.
Weight: 700 lbs + 2d6 x 100 lbs. (1,400 lbs.)
Special Att: Trample Combat
Special Qual: DR 20/good and silver, darkvision 60 ft., Velundria prefer to remain mobile when fighting,
fast healing 5, immunity to fire and poison, often attempting to draw enemies to their own doom in traps
outsider traits, possess, resistance to acid 10, or other obstacles. Because they prefer to appear defenseless
cold 10, and electricity 10, sinister traits, SR when encountered, most Velundria do not carry weapons or
21 wear armor, though they will certainly defer to such items if
Saves: Fort +14, Ref +11, Will +11 expecting combat. A Velundria who fights with weapons can
Abilities: S27 D17 C23 I19 W17 Ch18 use their head butt as a secondary attack. They tend to prefer
Skills: Bluff +20, Diplomacy +20, Gather light armor (especially mithral armor) and weapons with a
Information +20, Hide +15, Intimidate +20, large critical range.
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +20, Trample (Ex): As a full-round action, a creature with this
Knowledge (history) +20, Knowledge (the special attack can move up to twice its speed and literally run
planes) +20, Listen +19, Spot +19, Tumble over any opponents at least one size category smaller than
+19 itself. A velundria’s trample attack deals 1d8 + 12
Feats: Cleave, Dodge, Mobility, MultiattackB, bludgeoning damage. Trampled opponents can attempt attacks
Power Attack, Spring Attack, Weapon of opportunity, but these take a –4 penalty. If they do not
Focus (Claw)B make attacks of opportunity, trampled opponents can attempt a
Environment: Any land Reflex save DC 24 to take half damage.
Organization: Solitary, or Covey (2-5) Fast Healing (Ex): A velundria regains 5 hit points per round,
CR: 14 except from acid and good-aligned attacks. Except where
Treasure: Double standard noted here, fast healing is just like natural healing. Fast
Alignment: Always neutral evil healing does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst,
Advancement: 14-26 HD (Large); 27-39 HD (Huge) or suffocation, and it does not allow a creature to regrow lost
Level Adj: - body parts.
This creature has the lower body of a monitor Possess (Su): As a full-round action, a velundria can possess
lizard, with crimson scales and back spines. Its the body of an opponent. This is treated as a magic jar spell
upper body is that of a likewise scale-covered (Will save DC 20), except the velundria physically becomes
humanoid, nearly covered in coarse, red fur. one with the victim (no body is left behind). The victim must
It's massive arms end in long-fingered hands have on their possession a gem worth at least 100 gp, which
with black talons. Its face is human-like, with the victim’s soul is displaced into. This effect is at caster level
thick sideburns and a eloquent goatee. From 13. A velundria can choose to extent the possession after 13
its forehead sprout a pair of ram-like horns, hours, but the victim gains a new saving throw to attempt to
and a pair of bat-like wings sprout from its shake off the effects.
back. Its smile reveals long canines, and its Summon (Sp): As a full-round action, a velundria has a 25%
yellow eyes glimmer with foul intelligence. chance to summon a nalfeshnee or an ice devil or a 50%
Velundria are the connivers and con artists of the chance to summon a vrock or a bone devil or a 75% chance to
Sinisters. They seek out mortals who desire power, wealth or summon a succubus or a hellcat. They can make the
knowledge, and tempt them with gifts of whatever they desire, summoning permanent by taking 1d6 Constitution damage or
in return for increasingly wicked deeds. They are the masters by destroying a gem which controls a magic jarred soul. In
of fabricating a self-fulfilling prophecy, and greatly enjoy this latter case, the destruction of the gem kills the imprisoned

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soul (and the velundria gains permanent control of the
remaining body).

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Sinister, Walundria nothing more than to crush their enemies underfoot and gnaw
Huge Outsider (Evil, Native, Sinister) on their still-bleeding corpses.
Hit Dice: 17d8+136 (212 hp) Walundria speak abysmal, Common and infernal.
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 30 ft. (perfect) (6 Combat
squares), burrow 30 ft. (6 squares), swim 30 A walundria simply moves towards a target and
ft. (6 squares) begins disassembling it with claws and fangs. They show no
Armor Class: 20 (-2 size, +12 natural), touch 8, flat 20 mercy and do not slow for any reason, though they move with
BAB/Grapple: +17/+40 a stony purpose in their attacks.
Attack: Bite +30 melee (2d6+22;15-20/x2) Behold the Madness (Su): Those who look at the walundria
Full Attack: Bite +30 melee (2d6+22;15-20/x2) and 2 must make a will save (DC 21) or suffer 1d6 wisdom drain.
claws +28 melee (3d6+15) This drain is permanent, and is a mind-affecting effect.
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft. Constrict (Ex): A walundria can crush an opponent, dealing
Height: 18 ft. + 2d4 ft. (23 ft.) 2d6 + 22 bludgeoning damage, after making a successful
Weight: 2,000 lbs + 2d8 x 250 lbs. (4,250 lbs.) grapple check.
Special Att: Behold the madness, constrict, improved Improved Grab (Ex): If a walundria hits a large-sized or
grab smaller opponent with a claw, it deals normal damage and
Special Qual: DR 15/good and silver, darkvision 60 ft., attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking
immune to fire, poison and death effects, an attack of opportunity. No initial touch attack is required.
outsider traits, regeneration 10, resistance to Regeneration (Ex): A walundria takes normal damage from
acid 10, cold 10, and electricity 10, sinister acid attacks. Regenerating walundria can regrow lost portions
traits, SR 21, unphased of their bodies in a single round.
Saves: Fort +18, Ref +10, Will +15 Unphased (Su): A walundria can pass through any obstacle
Abilities: S40 D10 C27 I13 W21 Ch16 that would hinder its movement (walls, spheres, obstructions,
Skills: Bluff +15, Climb +27, Diplomacy +15, Hide even other creatures) as if it were clear terrain. It is unaffected
-8, Intimidate +15, Jump +27, Knowledge by any magical effects (such as a prismatic wall) when
(arcana) +13, Listen +17, Search +13, Sense moving through such obstacles.
Motive +17, Spellcraft +13, Spot +17, Swim
Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical
(Bite), Improved Natural Attack (Claw),
Improved Sunder, MultiattackB, Power
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary, or Gang (2-5)
CR: 18
Treasure: ½ coins, no art, ½ magic
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 18-34 HD (Huge); 35-51 HD (Gargantuan)
Level Adj: –
This massive, blubbery humanoid is a mass of
red, festering flesh that crawls with flies and
oozing boils. It has the head of a demonic
walrus, with cruel, curved tusk projecting like
great fangs from its mouth, and curved horns
rising from its forehead. Its massive, three-
fingered pudgy hands in black talons smeared
with a viscous fluid similar to blood. Its eyes
seem to be glazed over with cataracts, and in
them you catch glimpses of yourself - being
flayed to the bone as you scream in pain.
Walundria are creatures of utter madness. They exist in
dark and secluded areas, awaiting the call of the Sinisters to
come forth and wreck havoc across the land. Though they are
intelligent, they are pure engines of destruction who desire

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Sinister, Yakuria This humanoid's shoulder alone are the height of

Large Outsider (Evil, Native) a man. Its arms are long and have large palms
Hit Dice: 20d8+120 (210 hp) ending with black-taloned fingers and lamprey-
Initiative: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) like mouths on the palms of its hands. The
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 60 ft. (average) in creature has no head - instead a lone eye stares
chain mail armor; base speed 30 ft. fly 70 ft. out from each shoulder blade and long, cruel
Armor Class: 23 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +7 natural, +5 chain arm extends where there should be neck. The
mail armor), touch 11, flat 21 hand's open palm bears a maw filled with razor-
BAB/Grapple: +20/+32 like teeth. The entire creature is covered in a red,
Attack: Bite +27 melee (1d8 + 1d6 acid) or +3 reptilian skin and it wears a suit of glistening
wounding vorpal bastard sword +30 melee chain mail armor. Strapped to the creature's side
(2d8+12;19-20/x2) or composite longbow is an enormous sword, and from its back sprout
(+8 Str) +23 ranged (2d6+8;x3) a pair of bat-like wings and a barbed tail
Full Attack: Bite +27 melee (1d8 + 1d6 acid) and +3 covered in black, greasy slime.
wounding vorpal bastard sword Yakuria are the generals of the great armies of the
+30/+25/+20/+15 melee (2d8+12;19- sinisters. They are prideful creatures who constantly plot wars
20/x2) or and battles. They coordinate the activities of various sinisters,
Bite +27 melee (1d8 +1d6 acid) and 2 claws preparing for the inevitable invasion of demons and devils.
+22 melee (1d6+4 + Con drain) and They often secretly employ humanoids through their sinister
gore +22 melee (1d8+4) and tail +22 aides in raids designed to test defenses in preparation for
melee (1d8+4 + poison) assaults from the underworld. However, they are not above
or composite longbow (+8 Str) coordinating a raid or skirmish for the mere sake of
+23/+18/+13/+8 ranged (2d6+8;x3) bloodletting.
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. Yakuria rarely involve themselves with mortals. They
Height: 15 ft. 6 in. + 1d6 in. (15 ft. 9 in.) lack the ability to disguise their odd shape, and thus prefer to
Weight: 1,400 lbs. + 1d6 x 150 lbs. (1,850 lbs.) act through intermediaries.
Special Att: Ability drain, improved grab, poison Though Yakuria are often stronger singularly and militarily
Special Qual: DR 20/good and silver, darkvision 60 ft., than the akasta, these beings defer to the akasta’s leadership
fast healing 5, immune to fire and poison, both out of respect and fear of their soul-twisting ability.
outsider traits, master of armies, resistance Yakuria speak abysmal, celestial, Common, and
to acid 10, cold 10, and electricity 10, scent, infernal. They also know at least five additional languages,
spell-like abilities, SR 28 often chosen from races known for their tactical and fighting
Saves: Fort +18, Ref +14, Will +21 skills.
Abilities: S27 D17 C23 I25 W25 Ch25
Skills: Appraise +19, Balance -3, Bluff +30, Climb Combat
+3, Concentration +29, Craft +18, Yakuria can usually depend on a score of lieutenants
Diplomacy +30, Escape Artist -3, Forgery and other lesser beings to rush to their defense, and often do
+30, Hide +4, Intimidate +30, Jump +3, not need to enter combat themselves. However, they do enjoy
Knowledge (arcana) +30, Knowledge being challenged in combat and getting the chance to prove
(history) +30, Knowledge (nobility) +18, their superior fighting skills. When so challenged Yakuria tend
Knowledge (the planes) +30, Listen +19, to fight honorably - at least until it looks like they will lose - at
Move Silently +9, Sense Motive +30, which time the rules of engagement go out the window and the
Sleight of Hand -3, Spellcraft +30, Spot Yakuria fights with every dirty trick in the book - even
+30, Swim -2, Tumble -3, Use Magic bringing any allies it has into the combat to destroy the
Device +30 opponent.
Feats: Awesome Blow, Cleave, Improved Bull Outside of the personal battlefield, Yakuria are
Rush, Improved Initiative, Improved deadliest due to the fact their cunning minds can devise all
Sunder, Iron Will, Power Attack sorts of deadly battle plans and tactics to bring down a foe. On
Environment: Any land a battlefield of armies, Yakuria are skilled and cunning
Organization: Solitary enough they are rarely defeated by anyone other than another
CR: 21 Yakuria.
Treasure: Standard and +3 wounding vorpal bastard Ability Drain (Su): The claw attacks of a yakuria drain 1
sword point of Constitution per hit. This drain is permanent.
Alignment: Always neutral evil Improved Grab (Ex): If a yakuria hits with a gore attack, it
Advancement: 21-40 HD (Large); 41-60 HD (Huge) deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free
Level Adjustment: -

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action without provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial
touch attack is required.
Poison (Ex): The barbed tail of a yakuria injects a numbing
poison into its victim. Type: Injected; Fort save DC 26; Init:
1d6 Dex; Sec: 1d6 Dex.
Fast Healing (Ex): A yakuria heals 5 hit points per round
except from good-aligned attacks. Except where noted here,
fast healing is just like natural healing. Fast healing does not
restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation,
and it does not allow a creature to regrow lost body parts.
Master of Armies (Ex): When commanding a force of 10 or
more creatures whom are within 200 feet of the yakuria, all
such creatures gain the following benefits: +15 temporary hit
points, +4 morale bonus to hit, AC and saves, +4 morale
bonus against Fear effects and a +2 bonus to damage.
Spell-like Abilities (Sp): A yakuria can use the following
spell-like abilities at 20th caster level. Spell DCs are 13 + spell
level. Animate Dead – 2x/day, Cause Fear – at will,
Dimensional Anchor – 1x/day, Gate – 1x/month, Greater
Teleport – 1x/week, Hallucinatory Terrain – 1x/day, Heroism
– 3x/day, Invisibility Sphere – 1x/day, Magic Circle against
Good – 3x/day, Rage – 3x/day, Stoneskin – 1x/day, True
Seeing 1x/day, True Strike – at will.
Summon (Sp): Once per day, a yakuria can summon 3d12
dretches or 3d12 lemures or a 50% chance to summon any
other one demon or devil. It can make the summoning
permanent by taking 2d4 Constitution damage.

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Skurrier Combat
A skurrier usually darts towards its prey and attempts
Small Vermin to bite it, injecting it with venom. It then backs off and lets the
Hit Dice: 3d8+3 (16 hp) poison run its course before returning to devour its prey or to
Initiative: +5 (+5 Dex) bite again to finish it off.
Speed: 60 ft. (12 squares) Poison (Ex): The bite of a skurrier injects a mild venom into
Armor Class: 19 (+1 size, +5 Dex, +3 natural), touch 16, the victim. Type: Injected; Fort save DC 12; Init: 1d6 Con;
flat 14 Sec: 1d6 Con.
BAB/Grapple: +2/-2 Skills: A skurrier gains a +8 racial bonus to climb checks and
Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d4 + poison) a +4 racial bonus to jump checks. When climbing, a skurrier
Full Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d4 + poison) may use its dexterity score instead of its strength score for
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. skill checks. When buried, a skurrier gains a +20 bonus to
Diameter: 3 ft. + 2d6 in. (3 ft. 7 in.) hide checks.
Weight: 35 lbs. + 2d6 x 5 lbs. (70 lbs.)
Special Att: Poison Skurriers on Amberos
Special Qual: Blindsight 30 feet, darkvision 60 ft.
Skurriers are often found in the lands of Iiannhanex
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2
and Llannhanex, far from civilized areas. They are considered
Abilities: S11 D21 C13 I0 W13 Ch9
pests, but rarely invade humanoid inhabited regions.
Skills: Climb +13, Hide +9*, Jump +4, Listen +7,
Spot +7
Feats: Dodge, Mobility
Environment: Warm deserts
Organization: Solitary, Gang (2-5), or Swarm (5-20)
CR: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium)
Level Adj: –
This circular creature is covered in an orange
chitinous shell. Spread radially about its body
are six spider-like legs. A single eyestalk
protrudes upward from the center of the body,
and the tip is covered with a globular multi-
faceted eye. A tube-like organ extends from
underneath the creature, ending with a small
fanged mouth. The creature darts to and fro as it
quickly spins on its multiple legs.
Skurriers are bizarre, desert-dwelling creatures that
seem to aimlessly race across the desert sands. They tend to
eat smaller creatures they encounter such as desert hares,
snakes and the occasional bird. They will rarely bother prey
larger than tiny size, but starving skurriers have been known to
attack larger prey when desperate for food.
When resting, skurriers tend to completely bury
themselves under the sand, retracting their eyestalk into their
armored body. Creatures passing over them often end up with
a nasty bite as the creature rises from its hiding spot to defend
itself. Skurriers do not bury themselves as a hunting tactic;
they only bury themselves to rest.
While it is not possible to train these creatures for
combat or riding, certain desert dwellers have learned that it is
possible to raise the creatures to be aggressive. However, an
aggressive skurrier does not distinguish between prey or

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Slashleaf samples that they have bred as defenders of sacred sites in the
Kennestone Forest and surrounding areas. The druids of
Large Plant Kennestone have somehow modified the plants so that they
Hit Dice: 5d8+5 (27 hp) will not spread out of control, but how they managed to do this
Initiative: +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) is unknown. Vall Vega has been attempting to learn the secret
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) in the hope they might be able to use the knowledge to stem
Armor Class: 14 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 10, the tide of evil plants growing in the Living Forest, or to
flat 13 destroy them outright.
BAB/Grapple: +3/+9
Attack: Bladed slam +6 melee (1d12+2;x3)
Full Attack: Bladed slam +6 melee (1d12+2;x3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./15 ft.
Height: 7 ft. + 1d4 ft. (9 ft.)
Weight: 200 lbs. + 1d4 x 25 lbs. (250 lbs.)
Special Att: Slashing defense
Special Qual: Low-light vision, plant traits, tremorsense
60 feet, vulnerability to energy
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +2
Abilities: S15 D13 C12 I1 W13 Ch6
Skills: Disguise -2, Hide -3, Listen +5, Spot +5
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (Bladed
Environment: Temperate plains or forests
Organization: Solitary, or Pair
CR: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Large); 11-15 HD (Huge)
Level Adj: –
Suddenly the large-leafed plant comes to life,
swinging its tendrils like a barrage of chopping
Slashleafs are carnivorous plants that use their
unusually sharp, wide leaves to attack prey. They have no
discernable visual organs, and hunt by sensing nearby prey by
their tremorsense.
Slashleafs fear fire, and will avoid confronting
opponents who brandish open flame.

Slashleafs attempt to hide their presence and strike as
victims move with reach of the plant. They swing wildly at
opponents, hoping the barrage of scything leaves will take
down opponents. A slashleaf is straightforward in while
fighting, and will not flee from combat unless it is set aflame.
Slashing Defense (Ex): Anyone attempting to grapple a
slashleaf automatically takes 2d6 points of slashing damage
from the wildly flailing tendrils of the slashleaf.
Vulnerability to Fire (Ex): Slashleaves are vulnerable to fire.
They take half again as much (+50%) damage as normal from
the effect, regardless of whether a saving throw is allowed, or
if the save is a success or failure.

Slashleaves on Amberos
Slashleaves are found primarily in the Living Forest
of Vall Vega, though the druids of Kennestone have procured

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Snake, Tialang Viper Skills: A Tialang viper has a +4 bonus to Climb and Escape
Artist checks. It may use its Dexterity modifier instead of its
Tiny Animal (Reptilian) strength modifier for Climb checks.
Hit Dice: ½d8+1 (3 hp)
Initiative: +7 Tialang Vipers on Amberos
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) These deadly snakes are only found in the Tuan hills
Armor Class: 16 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +1 natural), touch 15, that hide Chiamung from the outside world. Legend is that the
flat 13 vipers were placed there as a deterrent for travelers to enter or
BAB/Grapple: 0/-13 leave Chiamung.
Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d3-5 + poison)
Full Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d3-5 + poison)
Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
Length: 1 ft. + 1d12 in. (1 ft. 6 in.)
Weight: 1 lb. + 1d3 lbs. (2 lbs.)
Special Att: Poison
Special Qual: Blindsight 30 ft., deadly venom, low-light
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +1
Abilities: S1 D16 C15 I2 W13 Ch7
Skills: Climb +7, Escape Artist +7, Hide +11,
Listen +3, Spot +4
Feats: Ability Focus (Poison)B, Improved
Initiative, Weapon FinesseB
Environment: Temperate forests or mountains
Organization: Solitary, or Brood (2-5)
CR: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 1-2 HD (Tiny); 3 HD (Small)
Level Adj: +3 (cohort)
This foot-long snake is bone white with two long
red stripes down its back. Its yellow eyes are
accented by a black mark that sweeps back
towards it neck.
The Tialang Viper is one of the deadliest snakes whose
fast-acting venom can kill even giants in mere seconds. Even
assassins are wary of attempting to milk these snakes, for they
are aggressive, cunning and slippery. Not only that, but their
venom works not only from a bite, but from mere contact as

Tialang vipers are aggressive, and will attack any
creature they encounter, regardless of size. They give no
warning before striking, and are quick enough that all but the
quickest of reflexes can avoid them.
Deadly Venom (Ex): Tialang poison is so difficult to handle
properly that creatures do not gain the benefit of the poison
use ability when handling Tialang viper poison.
Poison (Ex): Tialang poison is one of the deadliest venoms in
existence. Type: Injected or contact ; Fort Save DC 14; Init
Dam: 10+1d10 Con; Sec: 1d4 permanent Con and 2d6 Dex.
Victims who fail the initial saving throw become paralyzed by
the poison 1d4+1 rounds after it takes effect. The paralysis
lasts for 2d6 hours.

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Somat damage. Riders and equipment that are on the somat are
immune to this aura.
Large Elemental (Air, Earth, Fire, Water) Transform Rider (Su): A somat can alter the physical state
Hit Dice: 6d8+12 (39 hp) of a willing rider so as to protect them from elemental
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) damage. As a standard action, the somat can grant itself and its
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 100 ft. (perfect), rider one of the following abilities. Immunity to fire, Gaseous
burrow 20 ft. (4 squares) Form (as spell), Earth glide (see below), Water breathing (as
Armor Class: 12 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +2 natural), touch 10, spell). A somat can only have one ability active at a time.
flat 11 Each ability functions at caster level 6.
BAB/Grapple: +4/+11 Earth Glide (Su): A somat can glide through stone, dirt, or
Attack: Hoof +6 melee (1d4 +3) almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish
Full Attack: Hoof +6 melee (1d4 +3) and bite +1 melee swims through water. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or
(1d8 +1) hole, nor does it create any ripple or other signs of its
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. presence. A move earth spell cast on an area containing a
Length: 8 ft. + 1d4 ft. (10 ft.) burrowing somat flings the somat back 30 feet, stunning the
Weight: 600 lbs. + 1d4 x 150 lbs. (900 lbs.) creature for 1 round unless it succeeds on a DC 15 Fortitude
Special Att: Elemental aura save.
Special Qual: Darkvision 60ft., elemental traits, plane Plane Shift (Su): At will, up to once per hour, as a move-
shift, transform rider equivalent action, a somat can shift from the elemental plane
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +3 of Air, Earth, Fire or Water, or back to the prime material
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha plane. When shifting, it can transport a rider and all gear or up
11 to its maximum load to the plane as well. The somat can
Skills: Hide -3, Jump +3, Listen +7, Spot +7 choose to arrive at any destination of its choice upon shifting.
Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Run
Environment: Any land Training a Somat
Organization: Solitary, Crew (2-5), or Herd (5-20) Somat are intelligent beasts, and can only be forcibly
CR: 5 trained if captured as a youngling. Adult somats can only be
Treasure: None trained for riding or combat riding with their consent, which
Alignment: Always neutral they rarely give. Training a young somat for riding requires a
Advancement: 7-12 HD (Large); 13-18 HD (Huge) DC 22 Handle Animal check and 3 weeks. Training a young
Level Adj: +5 (Cohort only) somat for combat riding requires a DC 27 Handle Animal
This unusual horse has a body made of stone, a check and 6 weeks. Training an adult somat for riding is a DC
mane made of flowing mist, hooves of fire and 27 Handle Animal check and takes 5 weeks, whereas training
floats a few inches from the ground. an adult somat for combat riding is a DC 33 Handle Animal
Somat are horses composed of elemental matter. They check and takes 8 weeks. A somat trained for riding costs
are powerful steeds, swift, resilient and intelligent. They can 12,000 gp , while one trained for combat riding costs 13,000
easily travel from one elemental plane to another, and can take gp.
riders and their gear with them unharmed. A somat can carry up to 254 lbs as a light load, 255 –
While it is difficult to capture and train a somat, they 519 lbs as a medium load and 520 – 780 lbs as a heavy load.
are highly prized as steeds; there are even paladins who prefer A somat can drag 3,900 lbs.
somat as mounts.
Somat speak Auran, Aquan, Common, Ignan, and Somat on Amberos
For reasons unknown, the Somat seem to favor
appearing in the lands of Randu. The Saracens of Randu
occasionally procure somat for their leaders and lieutenants,
A somat usually flees from combat, but battle-trained but their capture is so difficult that they are extremely rare –
somat will engage foes by kicking foes with their hooves or and considered a badge of honor for a leader to captured and
biting them with their fire-shrouded iron teeth. Somat are train one themselves.
surprisingly intelligent, and if given the chance, can prepare Lately, the Red Cabal has been attempting to aid the
ambushes or traps to catch unwary opponents. March Riders in procuring some somat as breeding stock for
the March Riders stables. It is said that Red Dengal himself is
Elemental Aura (Su): A somat can choose to shroud itself in interested in gaining a somat stallion for his own use.
an energy of one of the four elements - acid, fire, ice or sonic
energy. Those attempting to melee or grapple the somat must
make a Reflex save (DC X) or suffer 1d6 points of energy

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Spider Serpent victim. The spider serpent must first succeed a grapple check
with the opponent, and then makes a bite attack on following
Small Animal rounds. Each successful bite deals 1 point of temporary
Hit Dice: 2d8+6 (15 hp) Constitution damage. Spider serpents tend to only use this
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) attack against immobilized foes, and rarely drain more than 4
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 20 ft. (4 squares) Constitution from a victim in a given day.
Armor Class: 17 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 13, Poison (Ex): The bite of a spider serpent delivers a neurotoxin
flat 15 to the victim. Type: Injected; Fort save DC 14; Init: 1d6 Dex ;
BAB/Grapple: +1/-4 Sec: 1d4 Str.
Attack: Bite +1 melee (1d4-1 + poison) Web (Ex): A single strand of serpent spider webbing is strong
Full Attack: Bite +1 melee (1d4-1 + poison) enough to support the spider and one creature of the same size.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Serpent spiders can throw a web eight times per day. This is
Length: 1 ft. 3 in. + 1d8 in. (1 ft. 7 in.) similar to an attack with a net but has a maximum range of 50
Weight: 3 lbs. + 1d4 lbs. (5 lbs.) feet, with a range increment of 10 feet, and is effective against
Special Att: Blood drain, poison, web targets up to one size category larger than the spider (up to
Special Qual: Low-light vision, tremorsense 30 ft. Medium). An entangled creature can escape with a successful
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +1 Escape Artist check (DC 10) or burst it with a Strength check
Abilities: S9 D15 C17 I1 W12 Ch8 (DC 18). The check DCs are Constitution-based, and the
Skills: Climb +7, Hide +6, Listen +3, Spot +4 Strength check DC includes a +4 racial bonus. Serpent spiders
Feats: Lightning Reflexes often create sheets of sticky webbing from 5 to 60 feet square.
Environment: Temperate or Warm underground They usually position these sheets to snare flying creatures but
Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), or Nest (5-20) can also try to trap prey on the ground. Approaching creatures
CR: 2 must succeed on a DC 20 Spot check to notice a web;
Treasure: None otherwise they stumble into it and become trapped as though
Alignment: Always neutral by a successful web attack. Attempts to escape or burst the
Advancement: 3-4 HD (Small); 5-6 HD (Medium) webbing gain a +5 bonus if the trapped creature has something
Level Adj: - to walk on or grab while pulling free. Each 5-foot section has
This creature has a snake-like body about two 2 hit points, and sheet webs have DR 5/—.
feet long. However, just behind the head of the A spider serpent can move across its own web at its
creature are eight spindly legs, like that of a climb speed and can pinpoint the location of any creature
spider. It glides along a spider-like web, its touching its web.
compound eyes staring at you and glinting in the Skills: A spider serpent has a +8 racial bonus to climb checks,
light. and can take 10 even when running or otherwise distracted.
The spider serpent has aspects of both a snake and a
tarantella. It has a long body covered in tiny scales like a Spider Serpent on Amberos
serpent, but its hairy, spider-like legs allow it to sense foes by Spider serpents can be found throughout Amberos in
vibration. They have a poisonous bite and can spin webs like a the dark underworld of the deepearth. Most intelligent
spider. creatures consider them pests, including the drow, who
Spider serpents tend to feed on small animals of the consider them to be abominations.
underdark, and rarely attempt to engage anything as large or
larger than themselves. However, they are nearly mindless and
won't think twice about attacking prey that makes itself an
easy target.

Spider serpents weave webs with which to catch
prey. Once prey has been caught firmly in a web, the spider
serpent rushes to deliver a venomous bite before retreating
back to wait for the venom to take effect. Once the victim has
been totally incapacitated, the spider serpent will then wrap
the victim to preserve them, and slowly drain the victim of
vital fluids over a period of a few days. It is not uncommon for
spider serpents to keep a stock of prey on hand in case of lean
times; usually no more than two or three victims at a time.
Blood Drain (Ex): As a special attack, a spider serpent can
grapple an opponent and use its bite to drain the blood of a

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Spiderwolf DC 25 Escape Artist check to free themselves. Fire causes the

webs to quickly burn away, but those in contact with the web
Huge Aberration as it burns will take 1d4 fire damage.
Hit Dice: 3d8+15 (28 hp) Skills: A spiderwolf gains a +8 bonus to climb and jump
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) checks.
Speed: 50 feet (10 squares), web 50 feet (10
squares) Spiderwolves on Amberos
Armor Class: 17 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +8 natural) Most spiderwolves can be found around the Demon
BAB/Grapple: +2/+16 jungle, where they tend to live in nests that trap and prey on
Attack: Bite +8 melee (2d8+8 + poison) those who wander too close to their homes.
Full Attack: Bite +8 melee (2d8+8 + poison)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./10 ft.
Length: 10 ft. + 1d6 ft. (13 ft.)
Weight: 400 lbs. + 1d6 x 50 lbs. (550 lbs.)
Special Att: Web
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., Tremorsense 30 ft.
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4
Abilities: S27 D13 C21 I6 W12 Ch8
Skills: Climb +16, Balance +6, Jump +16, Listen
+1, Spot +2
Environment: Temperate or Warm desert, plains, forest,
hills, mountains
Organization: Solitary, Pair, Brood (2-5), or Nest (5-20)
CR: 2
Treasure: No coins, standard art & magic
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Huge); 7-9 HD (Gargantuan)
This monstrous creature appears to be a huge,
fur-covered spider with the head of a snarling
wolf. On each side of the wolf’s jaw is a great
black mandible, dripping with a greenish venom.
The creature makes wolf-like growls and clicks
like an infernal insect as it moves with a spider’s
A spiderwolf is a huge creature with the body of a
spider and the head of a wolf, with eight spider-like eyes. Its
wolfish mouth is supplemented with the fanged maw of a
spider. It has an evil and temperamental disposition, and it is
not unknown for pack members to fight among themselves to
the death over prey.
A spiderwolf speaks its own language and a
smattering of Common, usually using the latter to draw
victims into its webs.

A spiderwolf generally lures prey into its web and
then attacks them once they are near helpless. If it is unable to
draw victims into its web, it will sometimes chase them down
on foot.
Poison (Ex): A spiderwolf’s bite is poisonous. Type:
Injected. Fort DC 17; init: 1d4 Con; sec: 2d8 Con.
Web (Ex): The web of a spiderwolf is very sticky and
difficult to escape. A spiderwolf often builds webbed tunnels
in which to catch prey. They can also shoot a stream of
webbing up to 30 feet as a +3 ranged touch attack. Those
caught in webbing must make a DC 20 Strength check or a

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Stoneroot Absorb (Su): A stone root that has managed to successfully

pin an opponent may drive invasive capillaries into the victim
Large Plant and start draining vital fluids even as it transforms the victim
Hit Dice: 5d8+20 (42 hp) to lifeless stone. Each round, the victim suffers 2 points of
Initiative: +0 Constitution damage. A victim reduced to 0 Con or less is
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares) transformed into stone.
Armor Class: 11 (-1 size, +2 natural), touch 9, flat 11 Area Attack (Ex): As a full attack action, a stoneroot can
BAB/Grapple: +3/+12 attack each and every opponent once within its reach.
Attack: Slam +7 melee (1d6+5) Constrict (Ex): A stoneroot with this special attack can crush
Full Attack: Slam +7 melee (1d6+5) an opponent, dealing 1d6+7 bludgeoning damage, after
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. making a successful grapple check.
Diameter: 7 ft. + 1d3 ft. (8 ft.) Improved Grab (Ex): If a stoneroot hits a large-sized or
Weight: 50 lbs. + 1d6 x 10 lbs. (80 lbs.) smaller opponent with a slam attack, it deals normal damage
Special Att: Absorb, area attack, constrict, improved and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without
grab provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial touch attack is
Special Qual: DR 5/-, fast healing 1, low-light vision, plant required.
traits, resistance to fire 15, tremorsense Fast Healing (Ex): A stoneroot heals 1 hit point per round
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +1, Will +2 except from acid attacks. Except where noted here, fast
Abilities: S21 D10 C19 I1 W13 Ch5 healing is just like natural healing. Fast healing does not
Skills: Hide +4*, Listen +1, Move Silently +4, Spot restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation,
+1 and it does not allow a creature to regrow lost body parts.
Feats: Die Hard, Great Fortitude Skills: A stoneroot gains a +8 racial bonus to hide checks in
Environment: Temperate, Warm land natural surroundings, and a +4 racial bonus to move silently
Organization: Solitary checks.
CR: 4
Treasure: None Stoneroot on Amberos
Alignment: Always neutral Stoneroot can be found across most of Amberos,
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Large); 11-15 HD (Huge) though it seems to be adverse to the cold clime near the
Level Adj: – Glacier of Seasons in the far west. The largest concentrations
The gray root-like tendrils that dangle around of stoneroot can be found in the Yaz forest, and there is a
you suddenly rustle and come to life, grasping legend of a Skienland city from the Dark Ages that was
at you like hundreds of strong hands dragged into the earth by a colossal-sized colony of stoneroot,
Stoneroot is an unusual vine that grows low to the and its inhabitants devoured by the plant.
ground and penetrates the earth. It seeks to burrow into the
roof of caverns and other underground areas, dangling its
sensory tendrils into the cavern beneath it, and waiting for
prey to step under it. It then lashes out to capture and devour
While normally the main body of the plant is exposed
to the surface to gain supplemental nourishment from the sun,
some species can be found in the deepearth living on cavern
walls. Unless these versions of the plant feed off
bioluminescent plants found in these caverns, their diet is
singularly carnivorous.

Stoneroot lower their sensory tendrils in caverns.
These sensory tendrils are similar in appearance to plant roots,
and may extend only a few inches below the roof or drag all
the way to the floor. Once a stoneroot senses prey, it lashes
out at it with its stronger vines, attempting to grab, constrict,
then absorb prey into itself. They will attack just about any
living or moving creature who comes into reach, though they
instinctively avoid undead. Though they can't absorb
constructs, they will attempt to disable and dismantle them -
apparently believe the "real meal" must be somewhere inside.

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Tanglethorn Bush Improved Grab (Ex): A tanglethorn bush that hits with a
successful melee attack may start a grapple without provoking
Medium Plant an attack of opportunity.
Hit Dice: 2d8 (9 hp) Poison (Ex): The berries of a tanglethorn bush are poisonous.
Initiative: -5 (-5 Dex) As a standard action, a tanglethorn bush can crush its own
Speed: 0 ft. (0 squares) berries to smear its slam attacks with the poison. Tanglethorn
Armor Class: 6 (-5 Dex, +1 natural), touch 5, flat 6 bushes have no berries during winter. Tanglethorn poison:
BAB/Grapple: +1/+7 Type: contact or injected; Fort save DC 11; Init: 1d4 Con; Sec:
Attack: Slam +3 melee (1d4+2) Nausea. The berries secondary effect causes a victim to
Full Attack: Slam +3 melee (1d4+2) become nauseous for 3d12 minutes.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Diameter: 4 ft. + 1d4 ft. (6 ft.) Tanglethorn Bushes on Amberos
Weight: 25 lbs. + 1d8 x 5 lbs. (45 lbs.) Wild tanglethorn bushes can be found in the Living
Special Att: Improved grab, poison Forest of the Kingdom of Vall Vega, terrorizing those that run
Special Qual: Empathy, low-light vision, plant traits across it. Druids and Rangers attempting to influence the
Saves: Fort +5, Ref -5, Will +1 cursed tanglethorn bushes of this area raise the DC by 5. At
Abilities: S15 D1 C10 I1 W13 Ch5 the same time, the druids of Kennestone have used tanglethorn
Skills: Listen +1, Spot +6 bushes to protect their holiest of sites for centuries, and they
Feats: Great Fortitude, Improved GrappleB can likewise be found used among the druids of Alura.
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary, or Cluster (2-5)
CR: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 3-4 HD (Medium); 5-6 HD (Large)
Level Adj: –
This bush is made of long tendrils of thorn-
covered branches, decked with green leaves and
small red berries. Suddenly, it begins to lash out
with its branches.
A tanglethorn bush is a predatory plant that primarily
feeds on small animals that mistake it for a safe place to hide.
However, they are not above attacking anything that comes
into reach.
Druids or rangers wishing to protect sacred places
from other beings sometimes raise Tanglethorn bushes and
place them around such edifices. While the tanglethorns do
not normally distinguish friend from foe, both spells and use
of animal empathy seem to work on them.
During winter, tanglethorn bushes normally go into a
torpor state and await for the coming of spring to become
active again. However, if threatened while in torpor, they will
come to life to defend themselves.

A tanglethorn bush normally waits dormant until a
victim is practically in contact with it. It then lashes out with
its many thorn-covered branches, trying to kill or maim the
opponent. If it kills a victim, the plant normally draws it to its
central mass, where it flays the body into fertilizer for itself,
and then hides any remaining bones by burying them.
Empathy (Ex): Tanglethorn bushes can be coerced with a
successful handle animal check as if they were domesticated

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Tigerwaule Badly injured tigerwaules (those down to ¼ normal

hit points or less) will often use their gift of Strength to impart
Large Magical Beast to a willing ally all of their remaining Strength. Tigerwaules
Hit Dice: 7d8+42 (73 hp) have been even known to impart their strength to their
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) children or mates to defend their lairs against evil intruders.
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 50 ft. (average) Pounce (Ex): When a tigerwaule makes a charge, it can
Armor Class: 17 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +5 natural), touch 12, follow with a full attack including rake attacks if the creature
flat 14 also has the rake ability.
BAB/Grapple: +5/+17 Detect Evil (Sp): This special ability duplicates the effects of
Attack: Bite +12 melee (1d8+8) a detect good spell. It can usually be cast at will.
Full Attack: Bite +12 melee (1d8+8) and 2 claw +10 Gift of Strength (Sp): Once per day, the Tigerwaule can gift
melee (1d6+4) its strength score to a friend or companion by touch. The
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. affected being gains a +17 bonus to Strength. The effect lasts
Length: 8 ft + 2d12 in. (9 ft. 1 in.) 7 minutes and leaves the Tigerwaule at 0 Strength until the
Weight: 400 lbs + 2d4x25 lbs. (525 lbs.) effect ends. If the loaning Tigerwaule suffers from any attack
Special Att: Pounce, gift of strength that would lower it’s Strength score below zero, it is slain and
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., smite evil, detect evil, the gift of Strength ability instantly ends. The effect also ends
scent if the Tigerwaule is slain by other methods.
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +6 Smite Evil (Su): 3x/day, as the paladin ability, at 7th level
Abilities: S27 D17 C23 I3 W13 Ch7 ability.
Skills: Climb +8, Hide -1, Jump +8, Listen +8, Spot
+8 Tigerwaule Society
Feats: Alertness, Multiattack, Snatch Tigerwaules are normally loners, though they
Environment: Any land sometimes seek out mates in the winter months. If the union
Organization: Solitary, or Family (2-5) produces cubs, the mated Tigerwaules will remain together
CR: 6 until the young have reached maturity, and then will generally
Treasure: None drift apart. There are a few ranger organizations that have,
Alignment: Always neutral however, managed to raise and employ several generations of
Advancement: 8-14 HD (Large); 15-21 HD (Huge) Tigerwaule families as companions and allies.
Level Adj: +2
The creature before you looks like golden tiger Tigerwaule on Amberos
with eagle's wings. It has blazing blue eyes and a
Tigerwaules are thought to be the Beastlands
deep, rumbling growl.
equivalent to celestials. They can be found in jungle-like
Tigerwaules are predatory animals thought to
areas on the eastern half of Amberos, including the Skienlands
originally hail from the Beastlands. They stalk the
wildernesses of the world seeking creatures of evil
to prey upon. They have a bizarre intelligence
slightly greater than that of most animals, and have
sometimes been known to become companions to
druids or rangers.
Tigerwaules speak their own bestial
language, and are capable of learning simple, one
word command phrases in other languages.

Tigerwaules use their Detect Evil ability
to locate and target prey. They normally will not
attack any creature that does not detect as evil,
unless attacked first.
Once a tigerwaule has detected an evil
entity, it will rush forward, attempting to pounce
on and take down the foe as quickly as possible.
Often, a tigerwaule will attack an evil entity despite
any commands given to it by companions, heedless
of any danger to itself.

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and Lanster.

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Thunder Tortoise victim with its own weight. This attack deals 2d6 nonlethal
damage to the victim. The victim must succeed an opposed
Large Magical Beast (Earth) Strength check to get the thunder tortoise off them before
Hit Dice: 5d10+10 (37 hp) escaping the grapple or the crush attack.
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) Improved Trip (Ex): If a thunder tortoise hits a medium-
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) sized or smaller opponent with a bite attack, it may start a free
Armor Class: 20 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +10 natural), touch 10, trip without provoking an attack of opportunity
flat 19 Trample (Ex): As a full-round action, a thunder tortoise can
BAB/Grapple: +5/+14 move up to three times its speed and literally run over any
Attack: Bite +9 melee (2d6+5;18-20/x2) opponents of medium size or smaller. A trample attack deals
Full Attack: Bite +9 melee (2d6+5;18-20/x2) and 2 claw 2d6+7 bludgeoning and slashing damage. Trampled opponents
+4 melee (1d8+2) can attempt attacks of opportunity, but these take a –4 penalty.
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. If they do not make attacks of opportunity, trampled
Length: 10 ft. + 2d4 ft. (15 ft.) opponents can attempt Reflex save DC 17 to take half damage
Weight: 800 lbs. + 2d4 x 75 lbs. (1,175 lbs.) with a successful save. A trampling creature can only deal
Special Att: Armor spikes, crush, Improved Trip, trampling damage to each target once per round, no matter
Trample how many times its movement takes it over a target creature.
Special Qual: DR 3/-, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +2 Training a Thunder Tortoise
Abilities: S21 D12 C15 I2 W12 Ch9 Thunder tortoises are large enough to be used for
Skills: Hide -3, Listen +3, Spot +5, Survival +3 mounts, if the trainer takes care to remove certain armor
Feats: Improved Natural Attack, Run spikes on the creature’s back to allow it to be properly rode.
Environment: Temperate or Warm land As mentioned above, the turtis train the beast as an attack
Organization: Solitary, Gang (2-5), or herd (5-20) beast as well.
CR: 4 Training a thunder tortoise as a combat mount or an
Treasure: None attack animal requires a DC 25 Handle Animal check and
Alignment: Always neutral takes 6 weeks. A trained thunder tortoise costs 2,500 gp.
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Large); 11-15 HD (Huge) A thunder tortoise can carry up to 459 lbs. as a light
Level Adj: – load, 460-918 lbs. as a medium load, and 919-780 lbs. as a
This massive tortoise is nearly as large as a heavy load. A thunder tortoise can drag up to 3,900 lbs.
horse and has a tough shell covered in spikes
and a razor-sharp edge. Its powerful beak looks Thunder Tortoises on Amberos
big and powerful enough to snip a man leg off
Native to the Elemental plane of Earth, thunder
with a single bite, and its front feet end in long,
tortoises are one of the few creatures native to an elemental
black talons.
plane that is not in actuality an elemental. It is believed this is
Thunder tortoises are creatures often employed by the
due the fact the creature originally existed on the Mortal
turtis as pets or attack beasts. These creatures are known for
Realm and was somehow transported to the Elemental Earth
their aggressive nature and carnivorous habits. They are often
eager to start a fight, and rarely allow the size of an opponent
On Amberos, thunder tortoises are usually found in
to deter them from attacking.
the Skienlands and surrounding nations. They are almost
always found as part of a turtis community or hunting party.
Thunder tortoises usually begin an assault by
charging a foe and attempting to trample them. Once engaged,
they will bite at an opponent, and have been known to attempt
to trip opponents by rearing up to knock foes down or simply
drag a foe down by biting and yanking the opponent off their
feet. It is not unknown for thunder tortoises to attempt to pin a
foe they have knocked down by standing on top of it, though
they have no special skill in doing so.
Armor Spikes (Ex): A thunder tortoise is considered to be
wearing armor spikes and proficient in their use. It cannot use
the armor spikes against opponents it is using its crush attack
on, but can use them in conjunction with its trample attack.
Crush (Ex): If a thunder tortoise manages to grapple a prone
opponent, it can choose to stand astride the foe and crush the

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Tick Bush minutes. This is treated as a 4th level spell with a caster level
of 2.
Large Plant
Hit Dice: 2d8+5 (14 hp) Tick Bushes on Amberos
Initiative: -5 (-5 Dex) Somewhat rare, tick bushes can be encountered in
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares) Kennestone and the central region around Nyrr Ryann. They
Armor Class: 7 (-1 size, -5 Dex, +3 natural), touch 4, flat 7 are practically unknown as one nears the western or eastern
BAB/Grapple: +1/+5 coast of the continent.
Attack: Slam +0 melee (1d6)
Full Attack: Slam +0 melee (1d6)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Diameter: 8 ft. + 2d4 ft. (13 ft.)
Weight: 80 lbs. + 2d6 x 5 lbs. (115 lbs.)
Special Att: Enlarge vermin
Special Qual: Low-light vision, plant traits
Saves: Fort +4, Ref -5, Will +0
Abilities: S11 D1 C12 I1 W11 Ch1
Skills: Listen 0, Spot 0, Survival +5
Feats: Toughness
Environment: Temperate, Warm land, plains, forests
Organization: Solitary, or Pair
CR: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 3-4 HD (Large); 5-6 HD (Huge)
Level Adj: –
This bush is about is a little taller than a man,
and its leaves are covered with a sticky
substance that resembles bloody saliva. From
the base of the creature you hear scuttling
sounds as suddenly enormous ticks begin to
move from the base of the bush.
The tick bush is an unusual plant that has a symbiotic
relation with vermin. In return for making vermin larger and
more dangerous, the tick bush feeds off the byproduct of their
attacks and provides a protected place for the vermin to
produce their offspring.
While a tick bush can enlarge any vermin nesting
within its confines, it seems that ticks prefer to nest in the
branches of these bushes, and hence their presence has lent the
tick bush its name.

Tick bushes will not attack unless they are directly
threatened. When it senses the presence of nearby prey, it uses
its enlarge vermin ability to affect a couple of vermin living
within its branches and relies on the vermin's natural instinct
to attack and slay the prey. The tick bush then uproots and
moves over to down prey, where it devours the remains.
Enlarge Vermin (Su): As a standard action, a tick bush can
enlarge up to two vermin at a time. Each use doubles the
height of the vermin and increases it weight by 8. This
increase changes the creature’s size category to the next larger
one. The target advances as a monstrous vermin of its
appropriate size and type. A tick bush can apply this growth
to a vermin more than once, the effects stack and last for 2

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Tick, Monstrous Tiny Monstrous Tick

Tiny Vermin
Hit Dice: ¼d8 (1 hp)
Diminutive Monstrous Tick Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex)
Diminutive Vermin Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Hit Dice: 1/8d8 (0 hp) Armor Class: 15 (+2 size, +3 Dex), touch 15, flat 12
Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex) BAB/Grapple: 0/-12
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares) Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d3-4 + Blood drain)
Armor Class: 18 (+4 size, +4 Dex), touch 18, flat 14 Full Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d3-4 + Blood drain)
BAB/Grapple: 0/-17 Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
Attack: Bite +8 melee (1d2-5 + Blood drain) Length: 9 in. + 1d8 in. (1 ft. 1 in.)
Full Attack: Bite +8 melee (1d2-5 + Blood drain) Weight: 1 lb. + 1d4 lbs. (3 lbs.)
Space/Reach: 1 ft./0 ft. Special Att: Attach, blood drain
Length: 4 in. + 1d3 in. (5 in.) Special Qual: Blindsense, darkvision 60ft.
Weight: ½ lb. Saves: Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +0
Special Att: Blood drain Abilities: S3 D17 C10 I0 W10 Ch2
Special Qual: Blindsense 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft. Skills: Climb +1, Hide +11, Jump -4, Listen 0, Spot
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +0 +5
Abilities: S1 D19 C10 I0 W10 Ch2 Feats: Weapon Finesse
Skills: Climb 0, Hide +16, Jump -5, Listen 0, Spot Environment: Temperate, Warm land
+5 Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), or Swarm (5-20)
Feats: Weapon Finesse CR: 1/8
Environment: Any land Treasure: None
Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), or Swarm (5-20) Alignment: Always neutral
CR: 1/10 Advancement: –
Treasure: None Level Adj: –
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: none Monstrous ticks are blood-sucking vermin that prey
Level Adj: - on creatures, draining them of their blood. They are rarely
dangerous on their own, but tend to travel in swarms that can
Monstrous ticks are blood-sucking vermin that prey suck victims dry rather quickly.
on creatures, draining them of their blood. They are rarely
dangerous on their own, but tend to travel in swarms that can Combat
suck victims dry rather quickly. A tick attempts to leap onto an opponent and latch
onto the victim. Once attached, it begins drawing blood out of
Combat the victim.
A tick attempts to leap onto an opponent and latch Attach (Ex): A tick that has hit with its bite automatically
onto the victim. Once attached, it begins drawing blood out of grapples with its opponent. No attack roll is required, and the
the victim. victim can act normally, as if it were not grappled. Since a
Attach (Ex): A tick that has hit with its bite automatically tick is burrowed into the flesh when it attaches, removing it
grapples with its opponent. No attack roll is required, and the deals 1 point of damage to the victim.
victim can act normally, as if it were not grappled. Since a Blood drain (Ex): A monstrous tick that has attached itself to
tick is burrowed into the flesh when it attaches, removing it a victim can drain 1d2 points of Constriction from the victim
deals 1 point of nonlethal damage to the victim. per round.
Blood drain (Ex): A monstrous tick that has attached itself to
a victim can drain 1 point of Constriction from the victim per

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Small Monstrous Tick Medium Monstrous Tick

Small Vermin Medium Vermin
Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp) Hit Dice: 2d8 (9 hp)
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 13 (+1 size, +2 Dex), touch 13, flat 11 Armor Class: 11 (+1 Dex), touch 11, flat 10
BAB/Grapple: 0/-7 BAB/Grapple: +1/-1
Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d4-3 + Blood drain) Attack: Bite +2 melee (1d6-2 + Blood drain)
Full Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d4-3 + Blood drain) Full Attack: Bite +2 melee (1d6-2 + Blood drain)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Length: 1 ft. 3 in. + 1d8 in. (1 ft. 7 in.) Length: 4 ft. + 1d4 ft. (6 ft.)
Weight: 5 lbs. + 2d4 x 2 lbs. Weight: 100 lbs. + 1d6 x 20 lbs. (160 lbs.)
Special Att: Attach, blood drain Special Att: Attach, blood drain
Special Qual: Blindsense, darkvision 60ft. Special Qual: Blindsense, darkvision 60ft.
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0 Saves: Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +0
Abilities: S5 D15 C10 I0 W10 Ch2 Abilities: S9 D13 C10 I0 W10 Ch2
Skills: Climb +1, Hide +6, Jump -3, Listen 0, Spot Skills: Climb +4, Hide +1, Jump -1, Listen 0, Spot
+4 +5
Feats: Weapon Finesse Feats: Weapon Finesse
Environment: Temperate or Warm land Environment: Temperate or Warm land
Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), or Swarm (5-20) Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), or Swarm (5-20)
CR: ½ CR: 1
Treasure: None Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: – Advancement: 3-4 HD (Medium)
Level Adj: – Level Adj: -

Monstrous ticks are blood-sucking vermin that prey Monstrous ticks are blood-sucking vermin that prey
on creatures, draining them of their blood. They are rarely on creatures, draining them of their blood. They are rarely
dangerous on their own, but tend to travel in swarms that can dangerous on their own, but tend to travel in swarms that can
suck victims dry rather quickly. suck victims dry rather quickly.

Combat Combat
A tick attempts to leap onto an opponent and latch A tick attempts to leap onto an opponent and latch
onto the victim. Once attached, it begins drawing blood out of onto the victim. Once attached, it begins drawing blood out of
the victim. the victim.

Attach (Ex): A tick that has hit with its bite automatically Attach (Ex): A tick that has hit with its bite automatically
grapples with its opponent. No attack roll is required, and the grapples with its opponent. No attack roll is required, and the
victim can act normally, as if it were not grappled. Since a victim can act normally, as if it were not grappled. Since a
tick is burrowed into the flesh when it attaches, removing it tick is burrowed into the flesh when it attaches, removing it
deals 1 point of damage to the victim. deals 1d4 point of damage to the victim.
Blood drain (Ex): A monstrous tick that has attached itself to Blood drain (Ex): A monstrous tick that has attached itself to
a victim can drain 1d4 points of Constitution from the victim a victim can drain 1d6 points of Constitution from the victim
per round. per round.

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Large Monstrous Tick Huge Monstrous Tick

Large Vermin Huge Vermin

Hit Dice: 4d8 + 4 hp (22 hp) Hit Dice: 9d8 + 36 hp (76 hp)
Initiative: +0 Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 10 (-1 size, +1 natural), touch 9, flat 10 Armor Class: 12 (-2 size, +4 natural), touch 8, flat 12
BAB/Grapple: +3/+7 BAB/Grapple: +6/+16
Attack: Bite +2 melee (1d8 + Blood drain) Attack: Bite +6 melee (2d6+2 + Blood drain)
Full Attack: Bite +2 melee (1d8 + Blood drain) Full Attack: Bite +6 melee (2d6+2 + Blood drain)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. Space/Reach: 15 ft./10 ft.
Length: 8 ft. + 1d8 ft. (12 ft.) Length: 15 ft. + 2d8 ft. (24 ft.)
Weight: 400 lbs. + 1d8 x 50 lbs. (600 lbs.) Weight: 800 lbs. + 2d8 x 50 lbs. (1,250 lbs.)
Special Att: Attach, blood drain Special Att: Attach, blood drain
Special Qual: Blindsense, darkvision 60ft. Special Qual: Blindsense, darkvision 60ft.
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1 Saves: Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +3
Abilities: S11 D11 C12 I0 W10 Ch2 Abilities: S15 D11 C14 I0 W10 Ch2
Skills: Climb +5, Hide -4, Jump +4, Listen 0, Spot Skills: Climb +10, Jump +10, Listen 0, Spot +8
+5 Feats: –
Feats: – Environment: Temperate or Warm land
Environment: Temperate or Warm Land Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), or Swarm (5-20)
Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), or Swarm (5-20) CR: 5
CR: 2 Treasure: None
Treasure: None Alignment: Always neutral
Alignment: Always neutral Advancement: 10-18 HD (Huge)
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Large) Level Adj: –
Level Adj: –
Monstrous ticks are blood-sucking vermin that prey
Monstrous ticks are blood-sucking vermin that prey on creatures, draining them of their blood. They are rarely
on creatures, draining them of their blood. They are rarely dangerous on their own, but tend to travel in swarms that can
dangerous on their own, but tend to travel in swarms that can suck victims dry rather quickly.
suck victims dry rather quickly.
Combat A tick attempts to leap onto an opponent and latch
A tick attempts to leap onto an opponent and latch onto the victim. Once attached, it begins drawing blood out of
onto the victim. Once attached, it begins drawing blood out of the victim.
the victim.
Attach (Ex): A tick that has hit with its bite automatically
Attach (Ex): A tick that has hit with its bite automatically grapples with its opponent. No attack roll is required, and the
grapples with its opponent. No attack roll is required, and the victim can act normally, as if it were not grappled. Since a
victim can act normally, as if it were not grappled. Since a tick is burrowed into the flesh when it attaches, removing it
tick is burrowed into the flesh when it attaches, removing it deals 1d8 point of damage to the victim.
deals 1d6 point of damage to the victim. Blood drain (Ex): A monstrous tick that has attached itself to
Blood drain (Ex): A monstrous tick that has attached itself to a victim can drain 1d8 points of Constitution from the victim
a victim can drain 1d6 points of Constitution from the victim per round.
per round.

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Gargantuan Monstrous Tick Colossal Monstrous Tick

Gargantuan Vermin Colossal Vermin
Hit Dice: 19d8+57 (142 hp) Hit Dice: 39d8+195 (370 hp)
Initiative: +0 Initiative: +0
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares) Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (-4 size, +8 natural), touch 6, flat 14 Armor Class: 15 (-8 size, +13 natural), touch 2, flat 15
BAB/Grapple: +14/+33 BAB/Grapple: +29/+56
Attack: Bite +17 melee (3d6+7 + Blood drain) Attack: Bite +32 melee (4d6+11 + Blood drain)
Full Attack: Bite +17 melee (3d6+7 + Blood drain) Full Attack: Bite +32 melee (4d6+11 + Blood drain)
Space/Reach: 20 ft./15 ft. Space/Reach: 40 ft./20 ft.
Length: 40 ft. + 2d8 ft. (52 ft.) Length: 60 ft. + 1d8 x 4 ft. (72 ft.)
Weight: 8,000 lbs. + 2d8 x 250 lbs. (10,250 lbs. / 5 Weight: 16,000 lbs. + 1d8 x 1,500 lbs. (22,000 lbs. /
tons) 11 tons)
Special Att: Attach, blood drain Special Att: Attach, blood drain
Special Qual: Blindsense, darkvision 60ft. Special Qual: Blindsense, darkvision 60 ft.
Saves: Fort +14, Ref +6, Will +6 Saves: Fort +26, Ref +13, Will +13
Abilities: S25 D11 C17 I0 W10 Ch2 Abilities: S32 D11 C21 I0 W10 Ch2
Skills: Climb +22, Jump +22, Listen 0, Spot +14 Skills: Climb +29, Jump +29, Listen 0, Spot +18
Feats: – Feats: –
Environment: Temperate, Warm land Environment: Temperate, Warm land
Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), or Swarm (5-20) Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), or Swarm (5-20)
CR: 9 CR: 14
Treasure: None Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 20-38 HD (Gargantuan) Advancement: 40-117 HD (Colossal)
Level Adj: – Level Adj: -
Monstrous ticks are blood-sucking vermin that prey Monstrous ticks are blood-sucking vermin that prey
on creatures, draining them of their blood. They are rarely on creatures, draining them of their blood. They are rarely
dangerous on their own, but tend to travel in swarms that can dangerous on their own, but tend to travel in swarms that can
suck victims dry rather quickly. suck victims dry rather quickly.

Combat Combat
A tick attempts to leap onto an opponent and latch A tick attempts to leap onto an opponent and latch
onto the victim. Once attached, it begins drawing blood out of onto the victim. Once attached, it begins drawing blood out of
the victim. the victim.

Attach (Ex): A tick that has hit with its bite automatically Attach (Ex): A tick that has hit with its bite automatically
grapples with its opponent. No attack roll is required, and the grapples with its opponent. No attack roll is required, and the
victim can act normally, as if it were not grappled. Since a victim can act normally, as if it were not grappled. Since a
tick is burrowed into the flesh when it attaches, removing it tick is burrowed into the flesh when it attaches, removing it
deals 2d6 points of damage to the victim. deals 3d6 points of damage to the victim.
Blood drain (Ex): A monstrous tick that has attached itself to Blood drain (Ex): A monstrous tick that has attached itself to
a victim can drain 2d6 points of Constitution from the victim a victim can drain 3d6 points of Constitution from the victim
per round. per round.

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Titankite Baleful Transformation (Su): The bite of a titankite

transforms the victim into a snail if a Fort save DC 15 fails.
Medium Magical Beast (Air) This otherwise works as a Baleful Transformation spell.
Hit Dice: 7d10+28 (66 hp) Caster level 7.
Initiative: +6 (+6 Dex) Fast Healing (Ex): A titankite heals 4 hit points per round.
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 100 ft. (good) Except where noted here, fast healing is just like natural
Armor Class: 23 (+6 Dex, +7 natural), touch 16, flat 17 healing. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from
BAB/Grapple: +7/+9 starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and it does not allow a
Attack: Bite +13 melee (1d6+2 + transformation) creature to regrow lost body parts..
Full Attack: Bite +13 melee (1d6+2 + transformation) Spells-like Abilities (Sp): Titankites can use the following
and 2 claw +4 melee (1d6+1) ability as a standard action. The titankite has caster level of 7.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Protection from Law – 3x/day, Comprehend Languages –
Length: 5 ft. + 2d8 in. (5 ft. 9 in.) 3x/day, Floating Disk – 3x/day, Glitterdust – 2x/day,
Weight: 70 lbs. + 2d8 x 2 lbs. (98 lbs.) Misdirection – 2x/day, Dispel Magic – 1x/day, Hold person
Special Att: Baleful transformation 1x/day.
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 4, low-light Skills: A titankite gains a +6 bonus to spot checks
vision, spell resistance 17, spell-like abilities
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +4 Titankites on Amberos
Abilities: S15 D23 C19 I7 W15 Ch14 Most titankites on Amberos were left behind from the
Skills: Disable Device +3, Escape Artist +6, Listen Elvin Golden age when the Ancient Gods were awakened.
+4, Spot +10 Since the majority of titans had been cast to Tarterus, the
Feats: Alertness, Improved Natural Attack, titankites that are active have either renounced their titan
SnatchB, Weapon Finesse masters or are seeking a way to extract the titan from Tarterus.
Environment: Olympus
Organization: Solitary
CR: 6
Treasure: ½ coins, normal art, normal magic
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 8-14 HD (Medium)
Level Adj: -
This bird has a wingspan twice as wide as a man
is tall. It is white breasted with arrow-shaped
markings pointing upward. The rest of the bird is
a dazzling blue, with a long, sharp black beak
and black talons.
The Titankite is a hunting bird created and used by
titans and other creatures of Olympus as a pet or hunting
animal. They have the unusual ability to transform their
victims into snails so they can be more easily eaten or
otherwise dealt with. It is because of this ability that their
owners tend to use them to hunt or punish mortals that offend
Titankites are intelligent and can speak Celestial.

A titankite swoops down on prey from above,
attempting to grasp it in its talons and sweep it into the sky. As
it ascends, the titankite pecks at the victim, attempting to
transform the victim into a snail. If it is successful, the
creature then lands and feasts on the transformed creature.
Titankites are intelligent, and wary of foes bearing
weapons. They prefer to attack lone individuals, or to carry
opponents out of the range of other's ability to help them.
They can operate tools and traps, though they do not have the
knowledge of how to create tools of their own.

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Tormentor one – such as a giant spider or even their natural form, before
starting an attack.
Large Outsider (Extraplanar, Reptilian) Tormentors speak Abyssal, Common, Infernal and
Hit Dice: 9d8+45 (85 hp) Ignan.
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) Combat
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (poor) When tormentors encounter opponents who have not
Armor Class: 24 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +13 natural), touch 11, succumbed to their will-withering tortures, they immediately
flat 22 attack. They usually attempt to capture victims in the coils of
BAB/Grapple: +9/+21 their powerful tails and begin to slowly drain the victim's will.
Attack: Spear +16 melee (1d8+8 + 1d6 acid;x3) If unable to capture prey, they will attack until they have slain
Full Attack: Spear +16/+11/+6 melee (1d8+8 + 1d6 acid) or immobilize their prey.
and bite +11 melee (1d8+4 + Wisdom drain) Wisdom Drain (Su): The bite of a tormentor permanently
and tail +11 melee (1d8+4 + 1d6 cold) drains 1d4 Wisdom from a victim if they fail a Fort save DC
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. (15 ft. with tail) 19.
Height: 5 ft. 3 in. + 2d6 in. (5 ft. 10 in.) Constrict (Ex): A tormentor can crush a medium-sized or
Weight: 130 lbs. + 2d6 x 5 lbs. (165 lbs.) smaller opponent, dealing 1d8 + 8 bludgeoning damage and
Special Att: constrict, improved grab, wisdom drain 1d6 piercing damage, after making a successful grapple check.
Special Qual: Change shape, darkvision 60ft., outsider Improved Grab (Ex): If a hits a medium-sized opponent or
traits, regeneration 4, resistance to fire and smaller with its tail attack, it deals normal damage and
acid 10, spell resistance 21 attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +12 an attack of opportunity. No initial touch attack is required.
Abilities: S27 D15 C21 I17 W19 Ch17 Change Shape (Su): A tormentor’s natural shape is that of a
Skills: Appraise +17, Bluff +17, Climb +22, snake-like humanoid. As a move-equivalent action, it can
Diplomacy +10, Disguise +17, Escape Artist alter its shape into any other humanoid, animal or vermin of
+16, Hide -2, Intimidate +17, Listen +11, small to large size of its choice. It can assume the shape of a
Sense Motive +18, Spot +18 specific person known to it with a successful disguise check.
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Great Fortitude, Iron Will A tormentor prefers shapes that are familiar to its opponent;
Environment: Hades either those the victim explicitly trusts or is fearful of.
Organization: Solitary, Cluster (2-5), or Squad (5-20) Regeneration (Ex): A tormentor takes normal damage from
CR: 10 fire attacks. Regenerating tormentors can regrow lost portions
Treasure: Standard coins, ½ art, no magic of their bodies and can reattach severed limbs or body parts if
Alignment: Always neutral evil held to the stump for 3 rounds; Severed parts that are not
Advancement: 10-18 HD (Large); 19-27 HD (Huge) reattached wither and die normally.
Level Adj: -
This creature has the lower body of a serpent Tormentors on Amberos
covered in bloody hooked barbs. Its upper body
Tormentors are never found on Amberos, unless
is humanoid, likewise covered in scales. Its arms
somehow summoned by magical means. However, they are
end in six-fingered hands with cruel claws
well-known in legends as tormentors of the dead, applying
stained with blood. Their faces are reptilian,
their tortures to those waiting to be judged in the courts of
with yellow slitted eyes and a black, forked
Jhalah. In some of these tales, tormentors have been known to
delay or distract the dead from reaching the courts of Jhalah
Tormentors are the snake-like creatures of the lower
and moving on to their final rest.
planes whose only job is to torment the souls trapped in that
plane. The constantly assail victims with physical and mental
tortures, wearing down their victim's will until they are
absolutely destitute, and then continue to torture them even
more beyond all hope or despair.
Tormentors are well-known for stealing the treasures
and wealth of those they torture. They do this primarily to
prevent their victims from passing into any sort of reward or
final rest in the afterlife.
When tormenting others or facing opponents, they
usually first assume the form of a being the opponent knows
and trust. They are well-known for disassembling themselves
in front of the victim, for the sheer horror it causes. They also
tend to enjoy shifting from the friendly shape to a terrifying

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Tree Strider Tree striders cannot speak, but can communicate

empathically with its controllers and friendly druids within
Huge Plant 400 feet.
Hit Dice: 12d8+96 (150 hp)
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) Combat
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares) Since tree striders cannot act on their own, they
Armor Class: 27 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +15 natural, +2 heavy depend on their controller to guide their attacks. Thus the
wooden shield), touch 10, flat 25 battle strategy and skill with which they fight depends on who
BAB/Grapple: +9*/+28* is controlling them. However, the design of the tree strider
Attack: Longsword +18* melee (3d6+11;19-20/x2) does grant the controller some additional options.
Full Attack: Longsword +18/+13* melee (3d6+11;19- Powerful Charge (Ex): When a creature with this special
20/x2) or attack makes a charge, its attack deals extra damage in
2 slams +18* melee (1d8+5) addition to the normal benefits and hazards of a charge. The
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft. amount of damage from the attack is given in the creature’s
Height: 24 ft. + 1d8 ft. (28 ft.) description.
Weight: 400 lbs. + 1d8 x 100 lbs. (800 lbs.) Symbiosis (Ex): A Tree strider requires a medium or small
Special Att: Powerful charge, symbiosis sized humanoid to be able to act. Bonding with the tree strider
Special Qual: DR 10/cold iron, low-light vision, plant takes one minute, but the humanoid can choose at any time
traits, spell resistance 22, symbiosis, during their action to break the bond. Breaking the bond takes
vulnerability to energy only a single full action. When interfaced with a humanoid,
Saves: Fort +16*, Ref +6*, Will –1* its controller modifies the Tree strider’s abilities as follows:
Abilities: S33* D15* C27* I1 W1 Ch1
Skills: none*
• HD: The tree strider adds the racial hit dice and class
Feats: Martial Weapon Proficiency (Longsword),
levels to it hit dice and hit point totals.
Shield Proficiency*
• BAB/Grapple: The tree strider adds the humanoid’s
Environment: Temperate forests
BAB to its own. For grappling, the tree strider adds
Organization: Solitary
the BAB and Strength modifier to its grapple bonus.
CR: 11
Treasure: None • Attack: The tree strider adds the humanoid’s BAB
Alignment: Always neutral and Strength modifier to the attack. Note that this
Advancement: 13-24 HD (Huge); 25-36 HD (Gargantuan) may grant the tree strider an additional long sword
Level Adj: - attack when full attacking if the humanoid’s BAB is
This huge tree has a humanoid shape, and in one greater than +3, and two additional attacks if the
hand bears a rune-covered longsword, and in the humanoid’s BAB is equal to or greater than +9.
other holds a sturdy wooden shield engraved • Damage: The tree strider adds the humanoid’s
with similar runes. Strength modifier to the damage it deals with its
Tree Striders are the creation of druids, and are very weapon attacks.
rare indeed. They are often the last defense available to its • Special Attacks/Qualities: The tree strider can use
forest protectors. its own special attacks and qualities to full effect. In
Normally, a tree strider appears as a huge, somewhat addition, it can channel spells cast by the humanoid
bent, hollow tree. Only when a humanoid enters the hallow controlling it, as if it were an extension of the
and speaks the command word or phrase does the tree strider humanoid controller. The tree strider also gains the
awaken. Upon awakening, it engulfs the humanoid, ability to use any exceptional or supernatural ability
unsheathes its hidden long sword and take up its shield. The of the humanoid host. Magic items in possession of
humanoid and the tree strider merge into one being until its the humanoid host do not transfer their abilities to the
task is complete or the tree strider (and the humanoid within) tree strider, and cannot be activated by the humanoid
are destroyed. controller while inside the tree strider.
Humanoids who merge with a tree strider are • Saves: The tree strider adds the humanoid’s saving
considered to become part of the tree strider. Any effects throw modifiers to its own saves.
directed at the humanoid inside instead affect the tree strider. • Abilities: The tree strider adds twice the humanoid’s
Any lost hit points are taken first from the tree strider, then Strength, Dexterity and Constitution modifier to the
from the humanoid’s total. appropriate physical scores. The tree strider’s
At any point of his choosing, the humanoid can choose Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma becomes equal to
to break the bond with the tree strider. Bonding to a tree the humanoids.
strider takes one minute, but breaking the bond takes only a • Skills: The tree strider gains the skills and bonuses
single full action. of the humanoid. Any skill using a physical stat

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(Strength, Dexterity or Constitution) is modified by
the new ability score.
• Feats: The tree strider gains the humanoid’s feats.

Vulnerability to Energy (Ex): Tree striders are vulnerable to

fire. They take half again as much (+50%) damage as normal
from the effect, regardless of whether a saving throw is
allowed, or if the save is a success or failure.

Tree Striders on Amberos

Druidus, the progenitor of druids on Amberos,
vehemently opposed the creation of Tree striders by his
followers, and had the original creators of the magics that
produced the first tree strider put to death by burning.
However, following the great druids death, certain druidic
circles began to experiment with creating tree striders.
Though to this day they are still rare, the stigma of their
creation is much lessened than in elder days.

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Tree Warrior, General than one seed at a time, nor give the seed to others; the seed
only grows if the tree warrior personally tends to the seed until
While treants are the caretakers and overseers of it reaches maturity. If the tree warrior’s special weapon is
forests, tree warriors are the defenders of the woods. Unlike taken from a tree warrior, the item can possibly be kept and
treants, tree warriors are proactive, seeking out threats to the used by others, if they are of the appropriate size to use them –
forest and destroying them before they can cause the forest however, tree warriors never give these items to others
harm. willingly and will go to great lengths to destroy or recover
Few forests are privileged enough to contain tree them. If a tree warrior loses an item to theft or other means, it
warriors; they were created long ago by treants to protect can generate a seed to create a new weapon to replace the lost
forests when they themselves were incapable of defending a one. In such cases, the original, stolen item loses all its
forest from destruction. Thus, only forests who in the past magical properties and becomes a worthless, twisted piece of
faced utter destruction at some point are likely to have access dead wood when the new seed matures.
to tree warriors, and even the oldest forest is likely to have less Note that these specific items also appear in the
than one hundred of these formidable beings to defend itself at treasure line – their value should be deducted from any other
any one time. When not needed, tree warriors take root and treasure the tree warrior may have when generating a tree
slumber, waiting for the call to arms to defend their woods warrior’s treasure hoard.
from danger.
Some tree warriors may be dormant for ages before Tree Warriors on Amberos
they are awakened from their slumber to sally forth and attack During the Time of Technology, Belli worried that
the forces that threaten their home woods. Yet even as they the rampant growth of cities and pollution caused by
sleep, tree warriors grow and become hardier, much in a technological devices would devastate Amberos. To protect
manner akin to dragonkind. forests from lumbering for fuel and other products on a
There are five different age groups that tree warriors massive scale, Belli used his abilities to create the Tree
pass through. Unlike immortal dragons, tree warriors Warriors to stave off harmful destruction of the natural
eventually reach an age at which they drop seedlings and pass environment. Following the end of the Technological Wars,
away (at the tail end of Forest Lord age). These seedlings then many Tree Warriors went into hibernation, though some were
slowly grow into tree warriors themselves, becoming saplings active during the Dark Age and the First Dragon Wars. In the
in 1d4 years. east, many Tree Warriors awoke and participated on one side
As tree warriors age, they tend to gain special or the other in the Randu Wars, especially in the Ranzana
abilities from their years of communion with the woods in Jungle, where Tree Warriors fought against heavy lumbering
which they have rested. While an active tree warrior may by Randu forces.
have gained several character levels from the first-hand
combat it has seen, age grants the tree warriors insight, size
and abilities no amount of fighting could ever grant it. If a
tree warrior has gained levels and advances in an age category,
it retains any class levels it may have gained from previous
age categories.
The following table lists the different tree warrior

Age Category Title

1 – 25 years 1 Sapling
26 – 75 years 2 Orchard Prince
76 – 150 years 3 Grove Master
151 – 300 years 4 Forest King
301 – 900 years 5 Forest Lord

The entries for tree warriors mention specific

weapons that the tree warrior employ (for example, Cedar tree
warriors employ magic greataxes). All tree warriors have
these listed items; they are in fact grown with the warrior. If
lost, a tree warrior can generate a special seed that recreates
the item in 1d4+1 days per age category (Thus for a Forest
Lord to recover its special weapon it takes 5d4+5 days). A
tree warrior will never generate a seed if it is currently in
possession of its special weapon, and cannot generate more

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Birch Tree Warrior Combat

Medium Plant Birch tree warriors rely on their speed and skill to
Hit Dice: 3d8+3 (16 hp) attack opponents. They are swift and deadly, fighting with
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) finesse and skill. They tend to move rapidly about the
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) battlefield, picking their opponents carefully and bringing
Armor Class: 16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat 13 them down before moving on to another. When in groups,
BAB/Grapple: +2/+4 birch tree warriors work together with deadly efficiency, and
Attack: +1 Rapier +6 melee (1d6+3;18-20/x2) or often one of the warriors will attempt to draw the attention of
composite shortbow (+2 Str) +5 ranged an opponent, use combat expertise to make itself harder to hit,
(1d6+2;x3) as the others focus on bringing the foe down.
Full Attack: +1 Rapier +6 melee (1d6+3;18-20/x2) or Fast Healing (Ex): A birch tree sapling warrior heals 2 hit
composite shortbow ( +2 Str)+5 ranged points per round. Except where noted here, fast healing is just
(1d6+2;x3) like natural healing. Fast healing does not restore hit points
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and it does not
Height: 6 ft. + 1d3 in. (6 ft. 1 in.) allow a creature to regrow lost body parts.
Weight: 125 lbs. + 1d4 x 25 lbs. (175 lbs.) Spell-like Abilities (Sp): A birch grove master can use the
Special Att: - following spell-like abilities at 3rd caster level.
Special Qual: Fast healing 2, low-light vision, plant traits, True Strike – 3x/day, Protection from Arrows – 1x/day.
spell-like abilities, vulnerability to fire Vulnerability to Fire (Ex): Tree warriors have vulnerability
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1 to a fire. Such a creature takes half again as much (+50%)
Abilities: S15 D17 C13 I13 W10 Ch15 damage as normal from the effect, regardless of whether a
Skills: Climb +8, Disguise +2, Listen 0, Sense saving throw is allowed, or if the save is a success or failure.
Motive +6, Spot 0, Survival +6
Feats: Combat Expertise, DodgeB, MobilityB, Birch Tree Warriors on Amberos
Weapon Focus (Rapier) Birch tree warriors are usually found in Southwest
Environment: Temperate forests Amberos, in the Southern Kingdom and Nauwflouwd. There
Organization: Solitary, Team (2-5), Squad (5-20) or Team are some to be found in Ksiki Con Corridon, but they are
(40-60 birch sapling warriors, plus 1 birch extremely rare. The most active birch tree warriors can
orchard prince per 5 sapling warriors, plus 1 actually be found in the Broken Woods, fighting against the
birch grove master per 20 sapling warriors, corrupted rulership of the Duchy of Molvak.
plus 1 birch forest king)
CR: 4
Treasure: +1 Rapier (2,320 gp), composite shortbow
(+2 Str) (225 gp) and Standard
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: By Character class
Level Adj: –
Birch tree warriors are the “commando” units of tree
warriors. Quick and dexterous, they rely on their speed and
defensive combat feats to prevent themselves from being
harmed, while dealing damage to their enemy.
Birch warriors are all business, but constantly watch
the battlefield for superior foes to face off against. They will
often engage foes in “honorable” one-on-one combat, and are
known for commenting on their opponent’s style as they fight.
They primarily make such comments to enrage or confuse
their opponents and reduce their combat effectiveness – rather
than point out flaws to improve it.
Outside of combat, birch tree warriors often retire to
areas of serene beauty – lakes, quiet groves and the like, and
remain in a sort of sleep awaiting when they are next needed
to defend their forest.
Birch warriors speak Common, giant and sylvan.

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Birch Orchard Prince Birch Forest King
6HD Birch Tree Warrior; hp: 39 12HD Huge Birch Tree Warrior; hp: 138
S17 D20 C14 I14 W12 Ch17;Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +3 S37 D18 C24 I17 W16 Ch18;Fort +15, Ref +12, Will +7
Init: +5 Move: 30 ft. Init: +4 Move: 30 ft.
AC: 22 (+5 Dex, +7 natural), touch 15, flat 17 AC: 23 (-2 size, +4 Dex, +11 natural), touch 12, flat 19
BAB/Grapple: +4/+7 BAB/Grapple: +9/+30
Full Attack: +1 rapier +10/+5 melee (1d6+6;18-20/x2) Full Attack: +3 human bane rapier +25/+20 melee
or (2d6+18 + 2d6 vs. humans;15-20/x2) or
Composite longbow (+3 Str) +9/+4 ranged Composite longbow (+13 Str) +11/+6
(1d8+3;x3) ranged (3d6+13;x3)
Special Att: - Special Att: -
Special Qual: Fast healing 4, low-light vision, plant traits, Special Qual: Fast healing 5, low-light vision, plant traits,
spell-like abilities, vulnerability to fire SR 21, spells-like abilities
Skills: Climb +12, Disguise +3, Escape Artist +14, Hide +5, Skills: Craft (Weaponsmith) +18, Disguise +4, Escape Artist
Listen +1, Sense Motive +10, Spot +1, Tumble +14 +19, Hide -4, Listen +3, Sense Motive +18, Spot +3,
Feats: Combat expertiseB, Dodge, MobilityB, Spring attackB, Tumble +19
Weapon Focus (Rapier), Weapon Specialization Feats: Combat ExpertiseB, Dodge, Improved Critical,
(Rapier)B Lightning ReflexesB, MobilityB, Quicken Spell-like
CR: 7 Ability (True Strike), Spring AttackB, Weapon Focus
Gear: +1 Rapier (2,320 gp), composite longbow (+3 Str) (Rapier), Weapon Specialization (Rapier), Whirlwind
(400 gp) and Standard AttackB
Spell-like Abilities (Sp): A birch grove master can use the CR: 13
following spell-like abilities at 6th caster level. Gear: +3 humanoid bane rapier (32,380 gp), composite
True Strike – 6x/day, Protection from Arrows – 3x/day, Cat’s longbow (+13 Str) (5,600 gp) and standard
Grace – 2x/day, Displacement - 1x/day. Spell-like Abilities (Sp): A birch forest king can use the
following spell-like abilities at 12th caster level.
Birch Grove Master
Quickened True Strike – at will, Protection from Arrows –
9HD Large Birch Tree Warrior; hp: 76
3x/day, Cat’s Grace – 3x/day, Displacement - 2x/day,
S27 D18 C19 I15 W14 Ch17;Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +5
Heroism – 2x/day, Freedom of Movement – 1x/day, Tree
Init: +4 Move: 30 ft.
Stride 1x/day.
AC: 22 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +9 natural), touch 13, flat 18
BAB/Grapple: +6/+18
Full Attack: +1 Human bane rapier +15/+10 melee
(1d8+11 + 2d6 vs. humans;15-20/x2) or
Composite longbow (+8 Str) +10/+5 ranged
Special Att: -
Special Qual: Fast healing 4, low-light vision, plant traits,
spells-like abilities, vulnerability to fire
Skills: Climb +20, Disguise +3, Escape Artist +15, Hide -1,
Listen +2, Sense Motive +14, Spot +2, Tumble +15
Feats: Combat expertiseB, Dodge, Improved Critical
(Rapier), MobilityB, Spring AttackB, Weapon
Focus(Rapier), Weapon Specialization (Rapier),
Whirlwind AttackB
CR: 10
Gear: +1 human bane rapier (8,340 gp), composite
longbow (+8 Str) (3,600 gp) and Standard
Spell-like Abilities (Sp): A birch grove master can use the
following spell-like abilities at 9th caster level.
True Strike – at will, Protection from Arrows – 3x/day, Cat’s
Grace – 3x/day, Displacement - 1x/day, Heroism – 1x/day,
Freedom of Movement – 1x/day, Tree Stride 1x/day.

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Birch Forest Lord
18HD Huge Birch Tree Warrior; hp: 225
S39 D21 C26 I18 W18 Ch19;Fort +19, Ref +15, Will +10
Init: +5 Move:
AC: 26 (-2 size, +5 Dex, +13 natural), touch 13, flat 21
BAB/Grapple: +13/+35
Full Attack: +5 speed human bane rapier +28/+23/+18
melee (2d6+19 + 2d6 vs. humans;15-20/x2)
Composite longbow (+14 Str) +18/+13/+8
ranged (3d6+14;x3)
Special Att: -
Special Qual: DR 5/magic, fast healing 5, low-light vision,
plant traits, SR 23, spells-like abilities,
vulnerability to fire
Skills: Climb +35, Disguise +4, Escape Artist +28, Hide
+18, Listen +4, Move Silently +26, Sense Motive
+25, Spot +4, Tumble +26
Feats: Combat ExpertiseB, Combat Reflexes, Dodge,
Improved Critical (Rapier), Improved InitiativeB,
Lightning ReflexesB, MobilityB, Quicken Spell-like
Ability (True Strike), Spring AttackB, Weapon Focus
(Rapier), Weapon Specialization (Rapier), Whirlwind
CR: 19
Gear: +5 speed human bane rapier (162,380 gp),
composite longbow (+14 Str) (6,000 gp) and
Spell-like Abilities (Sp): A birch forest king can use the
following spell-like abilities at 18th caster level.
Quickened True Strike – at will, Protection from Arrows –
5x/day, Cat’s Grace – 5x/day, Displacement - 3x/day,
Heroism – 3x/day, Freedom of Movement – 2x/day, Tree
Stride 2x/day.

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Cedar Tree Warrior against the same foe, seeking a way to turn the odds in its
Medium Plant favor. Often, this may merely meaning backing off to allow its
Hit Dice: 3d8+9 (22 hp) fast healing to take care of any wounds, then striking the
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) enemy before they have time to recuperate themselves.
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) Fast Healing (Ex): A cedar sapling warrior heals 2 hit points
Armor Class: 16 (+1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 11, flat 15 per round. Except where noted here, fast healing is just like
BAB/Grapple: +2/+6 natural healing. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost
Attack: +1 Greataxe +8 melee (1d12+7;x3) from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and it does not allow a
Full Attack: +1 Greataxe +8 melee (1d12+7;x3) creature to regrow lost body parts.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Spells-like Abilities (Sp): Cedar sapling can use the following
Height: 5 ft. 9 in. + 1d6 in. (6 ft.) abilities as indicated below. Caster level is 3.
Weight: 125 lbs. + 2d6 x 10 lbs. (195 lbs.) True Strike – 3x/day, Bull’s Strength – 1x/day.
Special Att: - Take Root (Su): As a move action, a cedar warrior can root
Special Qual: Fast healing 2, low-light vision, plant traits, himself to the ground upon which he stands. The cedar
spells-like abilities, take root, vulnerability warrior gains a +20 bonus against trip and bull rush attacks,
to energy but cannot perform any action that involves physically
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1 movement. The cedar warrior also loses his Dex bonus to AC
Abilities: S19 D12 C15 I13 W10 Ch15 and to Reflex saving throws. A cedar warrior can uproot
Skills: Climb +10, Listen +3, Spot +3, Survival +6 himself as a move action.
Feats: CleaveB, Power AttackB, Toughness, Vulnerability to Fire (Ex): Tree warriors have vulnerability
Weapon Focus(Greataxe) to a fire. Such a creature takes half again as much (+50%)
Environment: Temperate forests damage as normal from the effect, regardless of whether a
Organization: Solitary, Team (2-5 + 0-1 orchard prince), or saving throw is allowed, or if the save is a success or failure.
Squad (5-20 + 0-1 orchard prince + 0-1
forest king + 0-1 forest lord) Cedar Tree Warriors on Amberos
CR: 4 Cedar tree warriors are found primarily in the
Treasure: +1 Greataxe (2,320 gp) and Standard Northlands of Amberos, with a large concentration in the
Alignment: Always neutral Kennestone forest. Cedar tree warriors fought first against the
Advancement: By Character Class druids of Kennestone, then later assisted them during the First
Level Adj: - Dragon Wars to drive green dragons from the area.

Cedar warriors are the basic troop of the various tree

warriors. Armed with a powerful greataxe, they wade into
combat to chop down lesser foes.
Cedar warriors are all business; when not fighting
they tend to take root and sleep. They do not engage in idle
chit-chat, and tend to frown on any being who seems to prefer
talking to acting. They are not known for their patience when
dealing with other races, and when they feel the time to act has
come, they have been known to leave companions behind in
their haste to act. Older warriors tend to be more patient, but
not overly so.
Cedar warriors speak Common, druidic and sylvan.

Cedar warriors generally will quickly rush into melee
range of opponents and begin swinging, attempting to down
foes as quickly as possible. While capable of a wide variety of
tactics and excellent planning, most cedar warriors are only
too happy to wade into the thick of things and start swinging
at a foe with little regard for a plan. Even if overwhelmed, a
cedar warrior rarely backs down, though they are not at all
averse to calling in allies to help turn the tide of battle. If a
cedar warrior is forced to back out of a combat, it will
generally take the time to plan a counterattack at a later point

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Cedar Orchard Prince Cedar Forest King
6HD Large Cedar Tree Warrior; hp: 60 12HD Huge Cedar Tree Warrior; hp: 168
S29 D9 C21 I14 W12 Ch15;Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +3 S41 D8 C29 I16 W16 Ch16;Fort +17, Ref +6, Will +7
Init: -1 Move: Init: -1 Move: 30 ft.
AC: 18 (-1 size,-1 Dex, +10 natural), touch 8, flat 18 AC: 22 (-2 size, +21 natural), touch 8, flat 22
BAB/Grapple: +4/+17 BAB/Grapple: +9/+32
Full Attack: +1 greataxe +13 melee (3d6+16;x3) Full Attack: +5 Thundering Greataxe +28/+23 melee
Special Att: - (4d6+29;19-20/x3)
Special Qual: DR 3/-, fast healing 4, low-light vision, plant Special Att:
traits, take root, vulnerability to fire Special Qual: DR 5/-, fast healing 5, low-light vision, plant
Skills: Climb +18, Hide -5, Listen +5, Spot +6, Survival +10 traits, take root, vulnerability to fire
Feats: CleaveB, Improved SunderB, Lightning Reflexes, Skills: Climb +30, Hide -9, Knowledge (nature) +18, Listen
Power AttackB, Toughness, Weapon Focus +10, Sense Motive +18, Spot +11, Survival +18
(Battleaxe), Weapon SpecializationB Feats: CleaveB, Greater Weapon Focus (Battleaxe)B, Greater
CR: 7 Weapon Specialization (Battleaxe)B, Improved
Gear: +1 Greataxe (2,340 gp) and Standard Critical (Greataxe), Improved SunderB, Lightning
Spells-like Abilities (Sp): Cedar orchard prince can use the Reflexes, Power AttackB, Toughness, x2, Weapon
following abilities as indicated below. Caster level is 6. Focus (Greataxe), Weapon SpecializationB
True Strike – 6x/day, Bull’s Strength – 2x/day, Rage – 1x/day. CR: 16
Gear: +5 Thundering Greataxe (72,380 gp) and Standard
Cedar Grove Master
Spells-like Abilities (Sp): Cedar forest kings can use the
9HD Huge Cedar Tree Warrior; hp: 118
following abilities as indicated below. Caster level is 12.
S39 D8 C27 I15 W14 Ch15;Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +5
True Strike – 9x/day, Bull’s Strength – 3x/day, Protection
Init: -1 Move: 30 ft.
From Energy 2x/day, Rage – 1x/day, Dispel Magic 2x/day,
AC: 25 (-2 Size, -1 Dex, +18 natural), touch 7, flat 25
Stoneskin 1x/day, Transport via Plants – 1x/day.
BAB/Grapple: +6/+28
Full Attack: +3 Thundering Greataxe +22/+17 melee Cedar Forest lord
(4d6+14;x3) 16HD Gargantuan Cedar Tree Warrior; hp: 238
Special Att: S45 D8 C31 I17 W18 Ch17;Fort +20, Ref +6, Will +9
Special Qual: DR 4/-, fast healing 4, spells-like abilities, Init: -1 Move: 30 ft.
low-light vision, plant traits, take root, AC: 23 (-4 size, +17 natural), touch 6, flat 23
vulnerability to fire BAB/Grapple: +12/+41
Skills: Climb +26, Hide -9, Listen +8, Sense Motive +14, Full Attack: +5 brilliant energy thundering greataxe
Spot +8, Survival +14 +36/+31/+26 melee (6d6+34;19-20/x3)
Feats: CleaveB, Greater Weapon Focus (Battleaxe)B, Special Att: -
Improved SunderB, Lightning Reflexes, Power Special Qual: DR 7/-, fast healing 5, low-light vision, plant
AttackB, Toughness x2, Weapon Focus (Battleaxe), traits, spells-like abilities, take root
Weapon SpecializationB Skills: Craft +22, Hide -12, Knowledge (nature) +22, Listen
CR: 13 +13, Sense Motive +23, Spot +14, Survival +23
Gear: +3 Thundering Greataxe (32,380 gp) and Standard Feats: CleaveB, Greater Weapon Focus (Greataxe)B, Greater
Spells-like Abilities (Sp): Cedar grove masters can use the Weapon Specialization (Greataxe)B, Improved
following abilities as indicated below. Caster level is 9. Critical (Greataxe), Improved Sunder, Lightning
True Strike – 9x/day, Bull’s Strength – 3x/day, Protection ReflexesB, Quicken Spell-like Ability (True Strike),
From Energy 2x/day, Rage – 1x/day, Dispel Magic 2x/day, Toughness x2, Weapon Focus (Greataxe), Weapon
Stoneskin 1x/day. Specialization (Greataxe)
CR: 21
Gear: +5 Brilliant energy Thundering Greataxe (200,460
gp) and Standard
Spells-like Abilities (Sp): Cedar forest kings can use the
following abilities as indicated below. Caster level is 16 and
spell DC is 13 + spell level. All saves are charisma based.
Quickened True Strike – at will, Bull’s Strength – 3x/day,
Protection From Energy 3x/day, Rage – 2x/day, Dispel
Magic 3x/day, Stoneskin 2x/day, Transport via Plants 2x/day,
Fire Seeds 1x/day.

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Cherry Tree Warrior unaware and to even feign surrendering to bring down the
Medium Plant guard of their opponent. Though this has dismayed some
Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (19 hp) students who have been taken in by cherry warriors, the tree
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) warriors explain that the end result – victory – justifies the use
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) of any tactic.
Armor Class: 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat 13 Fast Healing (Ex): A cherry sapling warrior heals 2 hit points
BAB/Grapple: +2/+4 per round. Except where noted here, fast healing is just like
Attack: +1 katana +7 melee (1d10+3;18-20/x2) or natural healing. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost
composite longbow (+2 Str) +4 ranged from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and it does not allow a
(1d8+2;x3) creature to regrow lost body parts.
Full Attack: primary +1 katana +3 melee (1d10+2;18- Ki Strike (Su): Once per day, a cherry sapling warrior can
20/x2), off-hand katana +2 melee utter a furious shout while attacking that grants a +4 bonus to
(1d10+1;19-20/x2) or attacks rolls and deals an extra 3 damage on a successful hit.
Composite longbow (+2 Str) +4 ranged The Ki strike affects only one attack, even if attacking with
(1d8+2;x3) multiple weapons or making multiple attacks in the round.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Spells-like Abilities (Sp): Cherry sapling warriors can use the
Height: 5 ft. + 1d6 in. (5 ft. 3 in.) following abilities as shown below. Caster level is 3 and spell
Weight: 150 lbs. + 1d6 x 5 lbs. (165 lbs.) DC is 12 + spell level. All saves are charisma-based.
Special Att: Ki strike True Strike – 3x/day, Bear’s Endurance – 1x/day.
Special Qual: Fast healing 2, low-light vision, plant traits, Vulnerability to Fire (Ex): Tree warriors have vulnerability
spells-like abilities, vulnerability to energy to a fire. Such a creature takes half again as much (+50%)
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +2 damage as normal from the effect, regardless of whether a
Abilities: S15 D15 C15 I13 W12 Ch15 saving throw is allowed, or if the save is a success or failure.
Skills: Diplomacy +2, Listen +7, Sense Motive +7,
Spot +7 Cherry Tree Warriors on Amberos
Feats: Combat ExpertiseB, DodgeB, Exotic Weapon Cherry tree warriors are mostly found in Chiamung,
Proficiency (Katana)B, Two-Weapon with legends of cherry tree warriors skirmishing in the wilds
Fighting, Weapon Focus (Katana) of Dishnu. There is rumor that the Emperor of Spi Dak Su has
Environment: Temperate Forest a cherry tree forest lord that sleeps in the courtyard of the
Organization: Solitary, Team (2-5), or Squad (5-20) Emperor’s palace, ready to act should the cherry wood
CR: 3 buildings of the Emperor’s palace ever be harmed. Many
Treasure: +1 Katana (2,550 gp), composite longbow doubt the legend, but none have yet been willing to put it to
(+2 Str) (300 gp) and Standard the test.
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Medium); 7-9 HD (Large)
Level Adj: -
Cherry tree warriors are similar to cedar warriors, but
who have adapted to the oriental fighting styles of the land
they are found within. They tend to be faster and more mobile
than cedar warriors, and are both capable offensive and
defensive warriors.
Unlike many of the other tree warrior types, cherry
warriors have been known to be active during time periods
when they are not defending the woods. In oriental lands,
aspiring students who wish to learn from these mighty forest
spirits techniques and skills known only by the cherry tree
warriors occasionally seek them out.
Cherry tree warriors speak Trade and Goblin.

Once engaged in combat, cherry tree warriors give no
quarter and accept no quarter. They are not bound by human
morals however, and will use any tactic or skill at their
disposal to ensure their victory. Cherry warriors have been
known to lure opponents into ambushes, to strike foes

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Bestiary Nefarious
Cherry Orchard Prince Cherry Grove Master
6HD Large Cherry Tree Warrior; hp: 57 9HD Huge Cherry Tree Warrior; hp: 103
S25 D14 C20 I14 W14 Ch15;Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +4 S35 D15 C25 I15 W16 Ch15;Fort +13, Ref +5, Will +6
Init: +2 Move: 30 ft. Init: +2 Move: 30 ft.
AC: 18 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat 16 AC: 22 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +12 natural), touch 10, flat 20
BAB/Grapple: +4/+15 BAB/Grapple: +6/+26
Full Attack: single +1 katana +13 melee (2d8+13;18- Full Attack: single +1 katana +20/+15 melee
20/x2) or (3d8+21;18-20/x2) or
Primary +1 katana +9 melee (2d8+10;18- Primary +1 katana +16/+11 melee
20/x2), offhand mwk katana +9 melee (3d8+15;18-20/x2), offhand +1 katana +16
(2d8+5;18-20/x2) or melee (3d8+9;18-20/x2) or
Composite longbow (+7 Str) (2d6+7;x3) Composite longbow (+12 Str) +8/+3 ranged
Special Att: - (3d6+12;x3)
Special Qual: fast healing 4, low-light vision, plant traits, Special Att: Ki strike
spells-like abilities, vulnerability to fire Special Qual: Fast healing 4, low-light vision, plant traits,
Skills: Diplomacy +2, Hide -1, Knowledge (nature) +11, spells-like abilities, vulnerability to energy
Listen +11, Ride +3, Sense Motive +11, Spot +11 Skills: Bluff +2, Diplomacy +2, Hide -6, Knowledge
Feats: Combat ExpertiseB, DodgeB, MobilityB, Two- (nature) +14, Listen +3, Ride +3, Search +14, Sense
Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Katana), Weapon Motive +15, Spot +15
Specialization (Katana) Feats: Combat ExpertiseB, DodgeB, MobilityB, Improved
CR: 5 Two-Weapon Fighting, Spring AttackB, Two-
Gear: +1 Katana (2,800 gp), composite longbow (+7 Str) Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Katana), Weapon
(1,600 gp) and Standard Specialization (Katana)
Ki Strike (Su): Twice per day, a cherry orchard prince can CR: 8
utter a furious shout while attacking that grants a +4 bonus to Gear: two +1 katana (3,300 gp each), composite longbow
attacks rolls and deals an extra 6 damage on a successful hit. (+12 Str) (2,600 gp)
The Ki strike affects only one attack, even if attacking with Ki Strike (Su): Thrice per day, a cherry grove master can
multiple weapons or making multiple attacks in the round. utter a furious shout while attacking that grants a +4 bonus to
Spells-like Abilities (Sp): Cherry sapling warriors can use the attacks rolls and deals an extra 9 damage on a successful hit.
following abilities as shown below. Caster level is 6 and spell The Ki strike affects only one attack, even if attacking with
DCs are 12 + spell level. All saves are charisma-based. multiple weapons or making multiple attacks in the round.
True Strike – 6x/day, Bear’s Endurance – 2x/day, Spells-like Abilities (Sp): Cherry sapling warriors can use the
Bull’s Strength – 2x/day, Cat’s Grace – 2x/day, Phantom following abilities as shown below. Caster level is 9, spell
Steed – 1x/day, Heroism – 1x/day, Rage – 1x/day. DCs are 12 + spell level. All saves are charisma-based.
True Strike – at will, Bear’s Endurance – 3x/day,
Bull’s Strength – 3x/day, Cat’s Grace – 3x/day, Phantom
Steed – 2x/day, Heroism – 2x/day, Rage – 2x/day, Fire Shield
– 1x/day, Shout – 1x/day, Feeblemind – 1x/day.

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Bestiary Nefarious
Cherry Forest King Cherry Forest Lord
12HD Huge Cherry Tree Warior; hp: 150 16HD Gargantuan Cherry Tree Warrior ; hp: 216
S37 D16 C26 I16 W18 Ch16;Fort +16, Ref +7, Will +8 S39 D17 C28 I17 W20 Ch18;Fort+19, Ref +8, Will +10
Init: +3 Move: 30 ft. Init: +3 Move: 30 ft.
AC: 25 (-2 size, +3 Dex, +14 natural), touch 11, flat 22 AC: 30 (-4 size, +3 Dex, +16 natural, +1 Two-weapon
BAB/Grapple: +9/+30 defense), touch 9, flat 27
Full Attack: single +1 keen katana +22/+17 melee BAB/Grapple: +12/+30
(3d8+22;15-20/x2) or Full Attack: single +2 keen katana +25/+20/+15 melee
Primary +1 keen katana +18/+13 melee (4d8+25;15-20/x2) or
(3d8+16;15-20/x2), offhand +1 keen katana Primary +2 keen katana +21/+16/+11 melee
+18 melee (3d8+9;15-20/x2) (4d8+18;15-20/x2), off-hand +2 keen
Special Att: Ki strike katana +21 melee (4d8+11;15-20/x2) or
Special Qual: Fast healing 5, low-light vision, plant traits, Composite longbow (+14 Str) +13/+8/+3
SR 20, spells-like abilities, vulnerability to melee (4d6+14;x3)
energy Special Att: Ki strike
Skills: Bluff +3, Diplomacy +18, Hide -5, Knowledge Special Qual: Fast healing 5, low-light vision, plant traits,
(nature) +18, Listen +19, Ride +4, Sense Motive +19, spell resistance 26, spells-like abilities,
Spot +19 vulnerability to energy
Feats: Combat ExpertiseB, DodgeB, Exotic Weapon Skills: Bluff +4, Diplomacy +23, Hide -8, Knowledge
Proficiency (Katana)B, Improved Two-Weapon (nature) +22, Listen +24, Ride +4, Sense Motive +24,
Fighting, MobilityB, Spring AttackB, Two-Weapon Spot +24
Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting,Weapon Focus Feats: Combat ExpertiseB, DodgeB, Improved Two-Weapon
(Katana), Weapon Specialization (Katana) Fighting, MobilityB, Quicken Spell-like Ability (True
CR: 11 Strike), Power AttackB, Spring AttackB, Two-
Gear: Two +1 Keen Katanas (9,300 gp each), composite Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon
longbow (+13 Str) and Standard Focus (Katana), Weapon Specialization (Katana)
Ki Strike (Su): Four times per day, a cherry forest king can CR: 15
utter a furious shout while attacking that grants a +4 bonus to Gear: Two +2 keen katana (20,300 gp each), composite
attacks rolls and deals an extra 12 damage on a successful hit. longbow (+14 Str) (12,000 gp) and Standard
The Ki strike affects only one attack, even if attacking with Ki Strike (Su): Five times per day, a cherry forest lord can
multiple weapons or making multiple attacks in the round. utter a furious shout while attacking that grants a +4 bonus to
Spells-like Abilities (Sp): Cherry sapling warriors can use the attacks rolls and deals an extra 16 damage on a successful hit.
following abilities as shown below. Caster level is 12, spell The Ki strike affects only one attack, even if attacking with
DCs are 13 + spell level. All saves are charisma-based. multiple weapons or making multiple attacks in the round.
True Strike – at will, Bear’s Endurance – 3x/day, Spells-like Abilities (Sp): Cherry forest lords can use the
Bull’s Strength – 3x/day, Cat’s Grace – 3x/day, Phantom following abilities as shown below. Caster level is 16, spell
Steed – 3x/day, Heroism – 3x/day, Rage – 3x/day, Fire Shield DCs are 14 + spell level. All saves are charisma-based.
– 2x/day, Shout – 2x/day, Feeblemind – 2x/day, Transmute Quickened True Strike – at will, Bear’s Endurance –
Rock to Mud – 2x/day, True Seeing – 1x/day. 3x/day, Bull’s Strength – 3x/day, Cat’s Grace – 3x/day,
Phantom Steed – 3x/day, Heroism – 3x/day, Rage – 3x/day,
Fire Shield – 3x/day, Shout – 3x/day, Feeblemind – 3x/day,
Transmute Rock to Mud – 3x/day, True Seeing – 2x/day,
Mage’s Sword – 2x/day, Moment of Prescience – 1x/day .

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Elm Tree Warrior Except where noted here, fast healing is just like natural
Medium Plant healing. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from
Hit Dice: 3d8+3 (16 hp) starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and it does not allow a
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) creature to regrow lost body parts. Unless otherwise stated, it
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) does not allow lost body parts to be reattached.
Armor Class: 15 (+2 Dex, +1 natural, +2 deflection), Magic Defense (Su): An elm tree warrior gains a deflection
touch 14, flat 13 bonus to its AC equal to its Charisma modifier.
BAB/Grapple: +2/+3 Resistance to Energy (Ex): An elm sapling warrior has
Attack: Quarterstaff +3 melee (1d6+1) or Wand of energy resistance 5 to any two of the following energy types:
Magic Missile (CL 1) (1d4+1) acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic. Most elm warriors choose
Full Attack: Quarterstaff +3 melee (1d6+1) or Wand of lightning resistance.
Magic Missile (CL 1) (1d4+1) Spells: An elm sapling can cast spells as if it were a 3rd level
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. sorcerer. They tend to focus on evocation and buffing spells.
Height: 5 ft. 9 in. + 1d6 in. (6 ft.) Spell DC is 12 + spell level. All spells are charisma-based.
Weight: 150 lbs. + 2d6 x 5 lbs. (185 lbs.) Vulnerability to Fire (Ex): Tree warriors have vulnerability
Special Att: Spells to a fire. Such a creature takes half again as much (+50%)
Special Qual: Fast healing 2, low-light vision, magic damage as normal from the effect, regardless of whether a
defense, plant traits, resistance to energy 5, saving throw is allowed, or if the save is a success or failure.
SR 15, vulnerability to fire
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2 Typical Sorcerer Spell List
Abilities: S12 D15 C13 I15 W12 Ch15 (6/6;CL 3;DC 12 + spell level)
Skills: Concentration +11, Knowledge (arcana) +8, 0th: Detect Magic, Flare*, Ray of Frost*, Mage Hand,
Listen +4, Spellcraft +8, Spot +4 Message
Feats: Combat Casting, Eschew Materials, Scribe 1st: Magic Missile*, Mage Armor, Sleep
ScrollB, Spell Focus (Evocation)B *Replace this spell with Magic Bolt in an Amberos campaign
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary, or Team (2-5) Elm Tree Warriors on Amberos
CR: 4 Belli did not create the elm tree warriors until the
Treasure: Wand of Magic Missile (CL 1) 50 charges Elvin Golden Age to counter growing goblinoid destruction of
(750 gp) and Standard forests. Both decent warriors and powerful spellcasters, the
Alignment: Always neutral only known remaining elm tree warriors sleep in the Groon
Advancement: By Character Level forest. There are rumors of a psionic variant of elm tree
Level Adj: - warriors that have been created by the Twilight Forest, but no
verifiable encounters with such beings have ever been
Elm Tree Warriors are the magical artillery of the documented.
tree warrior race. They are rarely the only force available to a
forest for protection, and instead tend to be a smaller part of a
larger force - usually Cedar tree warriors. Sometimes, they
may be the leader of such a force.
Elm Tree Warriors are thoughtful creatures, and
rarely rush into combat. They plot, plan and prepare, striking
only once they feel that they have appropriately sized up an
enemy and taken the proper precautions to prevent their foe
from obtaining a victory.

Elm Tree Warriors fight primarily with spell attacks
or employ their Wand of Magic Missiles, which has 50
charges. If forced into a melee situation, they strike with their
quarterstaff to defend themselves. Most rely on bodyguards to
protect them from becoming engaged in melee in the first
Fast Healing (Ex): A creature with the fast healing special
quality regains hit points at an exceptionally fast rate, usually
1 or more hit points per round, as given in the creature’s entry.

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Elm Orchard Prince Elm Grove Master
6HD Elm Tree Warrior; hp: 33 9HD Large Elm Tree Warrior; hp: 76
S12 D16 C13 I16 W14 Ch17;Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +4 S20 D15 C18 I17 W16 Ch19;Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +6
Init: +3 Move: 30 ft. Init: +2 Move: 30 ft.
AC: 15 (+3 Dex, +2 natural), touch 13, flat 12 AC: 20 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +5 natural, +4 deflection), touch
BAB/Grapple: +4/+5 15, flat 18
Full Attack: quarterstaff +5 melee (1d6+1) or BAB/Grapple: +6/+15
Wand of Magic Missiles (CL 5) 3d4+3 Full Attack: quarterstaff +14/+9 melee (1d8+7) or
Special Att: Spells Wand of Lightning Bolts (CL 9) ranged
Special Qual: Fast healing 4, low-light vision, magical (9d6;DC 14 Reflex)
defense, plant traits, resistance to energy 10, Special Att: Spells
SR 16, vulnerability to fire Special Qual: Fast healing 4, low-light vision, magical
Skills: Concentration +14, Knowledge (arcana) +12, Listen defense, plant traits, resistance to energy 15,
+11, Spellcraft +12, Spot +11 SR 19, vulnerability to fire
Feats: Combat Casting, Eschew Materials, Improved Skills: Concentration +22, Hide -2, Knowledge (arcana)
Counterspell, Scribe ScrollB, Spell Focus +15, Listen +15, Spellcraft +15, Spot +15
(Evocation) , Spell PenetrationB
Feats: Combat Casting, Eschew Materials, Greater Spell
CR: 7 Focus (Evocation), Greater Spell PenetrationB,
Gear: Wand of Magic Missiles (CL 5; 50 Charges) (3,750 Improved Counterspell, Scribe ScrollB, Spell Focus
gp) and Standard (Evocation)B, Spell PenetrationB
CR: 10
Typical Sorcerer Spell List Gear: Wand of Lightning Bolts (CL 9; 50 charges) (6,750
(6/7/6/4; CL 6;DC 13 + spell level) gp) and Standard
0th: Detect Magic, Flare*, Ray of Frost*, Mage Hand,
Mending, Message, Open/Close Typical Spell List
1st: Burning Hands*, Magic Missile*, Mage Armor, Sleep (6/7/7/7/5; CL 9;DC 14 + spell level)
2nd: Acid Arrow, Gust of Wind* 0th: Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Flare*, Ray of Frost*, Mage
3rd: Lightning Bolt* Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close
* Evocation spell; +1 DC 1st: Burning Hands*, Magic Missile*, Mage Armor,
Obscuring Mist, Sleep
2nd: Acid Arrow, Bull’s Strength, Gust of Wind*, Web
3rd: Dispel Magic, Lightning Bolt*, Suggestion
4th: Charm Monster, Shout*
* Evocation spell; +1 DC

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Elm Forest King Elm Forest Lord
12HD Huge Elm Tree Warrior; hp: 126 16HD Gargantuan Elm Tree Warrior; hp: 216
S30 D16 C23 I19 W18 Ch21;Fort +14, Ref +8, Will +8 S44 D15 C28 I21 W20 Ch23;Fort +19, Ref +9, Will +10
Init: +3 Move: 30 ft. Init: +2 Move: 30 ft.
AC: 25 (-2 size, +3 Dex, +9 natural, +5 deflection), touch AC: 28 (-4 size, +2 Dex, +14 natural, +6 deflection),
16, flat 22 touch 14, flat 26
BAB/Grapple: +9/+27 BAB/Grapple: +12/+41
Full Attack: quarterstaff +17/+12 melee (2d6+15) or Full Attack: quarterstaff +28/+23/+18 melee (3d6+25) or
Wand of Magic Missiles (CL 9) ranged Staff of Thunder and Lightning (50 charges)
(5d4+5) Special Att: Spells
Special Att: Spells Special Qual: Fast healing 5, low-light vision, plant traits,
Special Qual: Fast healing 5, low-light vision, plant traits, resistance to energy, spell resistance 26,
resistance to energy 20, SR 22, vulnerability vulnerability to energy
to energy Skills: Concentration +32, Hide -8, Knowledge (arcana)
Skills: Concentration +25, Hide -5, Knowledge (arcana) +24, Listen +24, Sense Motive +24, Spellcraft +24,
+19, Listen +19, Sense Motive +19, Spellcraft +19, Spot +24, Survival +24
Spot +19 Feats: Combat Casting, Eschew Materials, Extend Spell,
Feats: Combat Casting, Eschew Materials, Greater Spell Greater Spell Focus (Evocation), Improved
Focus (Evocation), Greater Spell PenetrationB, Counterspell, Spell Focus (Evocation)
Improved Counterspell, Scribe ScrollB, Spell Focus CR: 17
(Evocation), Spell PenetrationB Gear: Staff of Thunder and Lightning (50 charges) (
CR: 13
Gear: Wand of Magic Missiles (CL 9) 50 charges (3,750 Typical Spell List
gp) and Standard (6/8/8/7/7/7/7/6/3;CL 16;DC 16 + spell level)
0th : Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Flare*, Ray of
Typical Sorcerer Spell List Frost*, Mage Hand, Mending, Message,
(6/8/7/7/7/6/3;CL 12;DC 15 + spell level) Open/Close
0th: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Flare*, Ray of 1st: Burning Hands*, Magic Missile*, Mage Armor,
Frost*, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Obscuring Mist, Sleep
Open/Close 2nd: Acid Arrow, Bull’s Strength, Gust of Wind*, Protection
1st: Burning Hands*, Magic Missile*, Mage Armor, From Arrows, Web
Obscuring Mist, Sleep 3rd: Dispel Magic, Lightning Bolt*, Protection from Energy,
2nd: Acid Arrow, Bull’s Strength, Gust of Wind*, Protection Suggestion
From Arrows, Web 4th: Charm Monster, Resilient Sphere*, Shout*, Stoneskin
3rd: Dispel Magic, Lightning Bolt*, Protection from Energy, 5th: Cloudkill, Interposing Hand*, Sending
Suggestion 6th: Chain Lightning*, Contingency*
4th: Charm Monster, Shout*, Stoneskin 7th: Prismatic Spray
5th: Cloudkill, Interposing Hand* * Evocation spell; DC +1
6th: Contingency*
* Evocation spell; DC +1 Staff of Thunder and Lightning: Crafted from elm with
silver bindings, this staff allows use of the following spells:
• Shocking grasp (1 charge)
• Lightning Bolt (1 charge)
• Chain Lightning (2 charges)
Moderate evocation; CL 8th; Craft Staff, shocking grasp,
lightning bolt, chain lightning; Price 17,750 gp.

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Tumor voices, but only in screams or cries. They can however,

understand any spoken language. They have no concept of
Large Aberration (Extraplanar) written languages, and never trigger or are affected by magical
Hit Dice: 7d8+42 (73 hp) glyphs, symbols or other forms of "written" magic.
Initiative: +3
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 40 ft. (poor) (8 Combat
squares), climb 10 ft. (2 squares) When a Tumor spots a potential foe, it usually rushes
Armor Class: 19 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +7 natural), touch 12, forth to engage in combat, and will not cease fighting until all
flat 16 opponents are slain. They are surprisingly capable of using
BAB/Grapple: +5/+17 tactics and planning ambushes, but prefer to stage events
Attack: Claw +12 melee (1d6+8;19-20/x2) allowing them to melee and maul opponents - they enjoy the
Full Attack: 2 Claw +12 melee (1d6+8;19-20/x2) and 3 sheer terror they inspire as they mangle a foe and wallow in
bite +10 melee (1d8+4;19-20/x2) and gore the gore they create.
+10 melee (1d8+4) and cold iron lance +12 Tumors have been known to sometimes take
melee (2d6+12;x3) and 2 slam +10 melee prisoners for later use as sacrifices. They especially love to do
(1d6+4) and sting +10 melee (1d6+4 + so to wizards, and to elves in particular.
poison) Frightful Presence (Ex): When a Tumor makes a powerful
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. (20 ft. with tentacles and lance) charge, it inspires panic in the charged foe(s) who fail a DC 15
Height: 9 ft. + 1d4 ft. (11 ft.) Will save and have 7 or less hit dice or levels. The range is 30
Weight: 600 lbs. + 3d4 x 25 lbs. (1,475 lbs.) feet, and the duration is usually 5d6 rounds. An opponent that
Special Att: Frightful presence, improved grab, poison, succeeds on the saving throw is immune to that same
pounce, powerful charge, rake creature’s frightful presence for 24 hours. Frightful presence is
Special Qual: DR 10/cold iron and good, darkvision 60 ft., a mind-affecting fear effect.
regeneration 6, scent, spell immunity Improved Grab (Ex): If tumor hits with a tentacle attack, it
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +7 deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free
Abilities: S27 D17 C23 I13 W15 Ch12 action without provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial
Skills: Hide -1, Listen +12, Sense Motive +7, Spot touch attack is required. Tumors can only use this ability
+12, Survival +7 against medium-sized or smaller creatures. The creature has
Feats: Die Hard, EnduranceB, Flyby Attack, the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use the
Improved Critical (Bite)B, Improved Critical part of its body it used in the improved grab to hold the
(Claw)B, Multiattack opponent. If it chooses to do the latter, it takes a –20 penalty
Environment: Realm of Madness on grapple checks, but is not considered grappled itself; the
Organization: Solitary creature does not lose its Dexterity bonus to AC, still threatens
CR: 7 an area, and can use its remaining attacks against other
Treasure: None opponents.
Alignment: Always chaotic evil Poison (Su): The tail frond of a tumor is covered in a toxin
Advancement: 8-14 HD (Large); 15-21 HD (Huge) that causes victims to experience frightening hallucinations
Level Adj: - and necrotic rot. Tumor poison (contact; DC 19 Fort; Init:
This massive beast trots about like a gaunt horse confusion; Sec: 1d2 permanent dexterity). The confusion
on four human-like, clawed limbs. Two whirling, effects works like a lesser confusion spell with a caster level
barbed tentacles lash at its side, just underneath of 7.
a pair of titanic gossamer wings. In a third set of Pounce (Ex): When a Tumor makes a charge, it can follow
upper pair of hands it holds an iron lance. Its with a full attack, including rake attacks if the creature also
repugnant, horned head bears three tooth-filled has the rake ability.
maws, surrounded by a halo of eight glowing red Powerful Charge (Ex): When a Tumor makes a charge, its
eyes. Its thrashing tail is a frond of long, lashing gore attack deals 2d8+6 damage in addition to the normal
ichor-drenched feathers that resemble bloody benefits and hazards of a charge.
peacock feathers. Rake (Ex): A Tumor gains extra natural attacks when it
Tumors are frightening creatures drawn from the Realm grapples its foe with its tentacles. Normally, a monster can
of Madness for one purpose - to destroy. They are engines of attack with only one of its natural weapons while grappling,
destruction who hunt and chase living prey to destroy it. They but a Tumor gains two additional claw attacks that it can use
do not negotiate, they show no mercy and make no bargains only against a grappled foe. Rake attacks are not subject to the
with their prey. Others can only nominally influence them usual –4 penalty for attacking with a natural weapon in a
with a promise of greater carnage. grapple. A monster with the rake ability must begin its turn
Tumors speak their own language that consists of shrill grappling to use its rake
screams and squeaks. They can mimic the tone of other

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Regeneration (Ex): A Tumor takes normal damage from acid,
good-aligned or law-aligned attacks. Regenerating Tumors can
regrow lost portions of their bodies and can reattach severed
limbs or body parts in a single round. Severed parts that are
not reattached wither and die normally.
Spell Immunity (Ex): A Tumor has complete immunity to
any spell that inflicts energy damage (acid, cold, energy drain,
fire, force, ice, or sonic). It is also immune to mind-affecting
spells, death effects and all symbol and glyph spells. This
works exactly like spell resistance, except that it cannot be
overcome. Spells that do not allow spell resistance are not
affected by spell immunity.

Tumors on Amberos
Tuma, the Destroyer, pulled tumors from the Realm
of Madness before that god himself was destroyed. Since after
the fall of the Elvin Golden Age, no new known tumors have
been brought to Amberos; the only ones that exist on Amberos
have survived from that ancient age. A handful of the
surviving tumors lie in dark places on Amberos, often held in
status awaiting to be awakened by a powerful member of
Tuma’s Waybreath or unsuspecting interlopers into their

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Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Hit Dice: 8d8+32 (68 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares) in full Plate armor; base
speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 31 (+13 natural, +8 full Plate armor,), touch
10, flat 31
BAB/Grapple: +8/+14
Attack: No-dachi +12 melee (2d6+9;19-20/x3)
Full Attack: No-dachi +12/+7 melee (2d6+9;19-20/x3) or
Composite longbow (+5 Str) +14/+9/+4
melee (1d8+5;x3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Height: 4 ft. 6 in. + 2d8 in. (5 ft. 1 in.)
Weight: 250 lbs + 2d10 x 5 lbs. (305 lbs.)
Special Att: –
Special Qual: DR 10/cold iron, low-light vision, resistance
to energy 10, SR 14
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +5
Abilities: S22 D10 C19 I9 W8 Ch8
Skills: Balance -8, Climb -2, Escape Artist -8, Hide
-8, Intimidate +3, Jump -2, Listen +1, Move
Silently -8, Sleight of Hand -8, Spot +4,
Swim -22, Tumble -8
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (No-dachi), retaliate against the turkon's aggression. Turkons do not take
Improved Critical (No-dachi), Power prisoners or ask for mercy. Fleeing from combat shames them,
AttackB, Weapon Focus (No-dachi) and most turkon will willingly die before fleeing to save their
Environment: Any land own lives.
Organization: Solitary, Pair, or Gang (2-5) Resistance to Energy (Ex): Turkons can ignore 10 points of
CR: 9 damage from fire, cold, or acid attacks.
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral evil Turkon Society
Advancement: By character class Turkons generally live in small communities at the
Level Adj: +2 edges of swampland. The communities are generally
Before is what you could best describe as a controlled by the strongest warrior among the local turkons
walking turtle in full plate armor. It holds a and is generally male, though males and females are treated
mammoth sword in its oversized hands, and a with nearly equal respect.
powerful-looking bow has been strapped to the While adult turkon are powerful individuals, younger
side of its armored shell. turkon are easy prey to disease, malnutrition or the abuse of
Turkons are a race of humanoids born with a turtle- their elders. Unlike most other races, the turkon do not
shell like carapace that protects their back and limbs. The actively defend their young until it grows its own protective
turkon are not overly bright, and prize martial prowess over shell – which occurs at puberty. It is not unknown for elder
all. Their race has many accomplished metalsmiths, and they turkon to cook and eat their own unshelled young.
routinely send forth warriors bedecked in suits of plate armor Young turkon males grow up constantly competing
to fight opponents to do battle with for the glory of their race. against each other for food, mates and materials. Young
Turkons only speak their own language and refuse to learn the turkon females grow competing learning household duties and
language of other races. seeking desirable mates – although some females spurn the
domestic life and seek to fight as equals among males. Such
Combat females are usually targeted by the communal leader to be
When a turkon encounters an individual that looks expelled if they do not “calm down”.
formidable, they generally issue a challenge to that individual This competition among the turkon is generally friendly and
to fight in honorable, one-on-one, to-the-death combat. Since non-combatic, as the turkon are generally unwilling to kill one
turkon issue their challenges in their own language, many another over communal matters. The communal leader is
races misinterpret the challenge as a mere assault, and simply always on watch for troublesome or powerful turkons who

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have the ability to disrupt tribal life or seem to have the might
to possibly dethrone the current leader. Such turkon are Turkon Champion
usually outfitted with gear for war and dispatched to the larger 8 HD Turkon Fighter 7; hp 164
world to make their own way. Some return, their urge to fight S27 D12 C22 I8 W11 Ch6; Fort +13, Ref +7, Will +7
sated, while others never return, seeking to found their own Init: +5 Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares)
communities. It is rare that a warrior turkon returns to AC: 37 (+1 Dex, +13 natural, +13 full plate +5), touch 11,
overthrow the provincial leader and take his place. flat 36
BAB/Grapple: +15/+23
Turkon on Amberos Full Attack: +5 No-dachi +26/+21/+16 melee
Turkons are inhabitants of the outlying regions of (2d8+10/x3) or
Chiamung. Sometimes, individual turkon can be found having Composite longbow (+5 Str) +16/+11/+6
wandered out beyond the Tuan hills. ranged (1d8+5;x3)
Special Att: –
Turkon as Characters Special Qual: DR 10/cold iron, low-light vision, resistance
Since turkons are often sent out of their communities to energy 10, spell resistance 19
to battle, the race is quite prone to become warrior Skills: Balance -4, Climb +1, Escape Artist -4, Hide -4,
adventurers. Intimidate +10, Jump +3, Listen +1, Move Silently -
Turkon characters start with the following abilities 4, Sleight of Hand -4, Spot +7, Swim -4
• Base movement rate 20 feet Feats: CleaveF, Combat ReflexesF, Endurance, Exotic
• Low-light vision. A turkon can see in twilight Weapon Proficiency (No-dachi), Great CleaveF,
conditions as far and as clearly as a human can in Improved Critical (No-dachi), Improved Initiative,
broad daylight. Improved Sunder, Power AttackB, Weapon Focus
• Monstrous Humanoid type (No-dachi), Weapon Specialization (No-dachi)F
• 8d8 racial hit dice. The character may add 8x his CR: 16
constitution modifier to this total (minimum 1 hit Gear: +5 full plate (26,800 gp), +5 no-dachi (50,500 gp),
point per die). This also gives the Turkon a +8 Base composite longbow (+5 Str) (600 gp), 20 arrows (1
attack bonus and base saves of Fort +2, Reflex +6, gp)
Will +6. Total: 77,901 gp (77,000 gp)
• (2 + Int mod) x 11 skill points. A turkon’s racial
abilities are Intimidate, Listen, and Spot.
• +12 Str, +8 Con -2 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Chr. A turkon is
extremely muscular creature, but lacking in
intelligence and wisdom. Their combative
personalities win them few friends.
• +13 natural armor. The turkon has a turtle-like
shell and his limbs are protected by bony exoskeletal
• DR 10/cold iron.
• Resistance to Energy 10. A turkon has natural
resistance to fire, acid and cold, being able to ignore
10 points of damage from a single attack.
• Spell Resistance. A turkon has a spell resistance of
15 + Chr modifier + class levels.
• Racial feat. A turkon gains Power Attack feat for
free, and gains an additional 3 feats because of racial
hit dice.
• Limited Language. Despite the character’s
intelligence score, the character only starts knowing
how to speak the turkon language. Additional
languages must be purchased using skill points.
• Favored Class: Fighter
• Level Adj: +2

Turkon worship Ko Kassa. Turkon priests may choose

two of the three domains from War, Strength or Fire.

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Turtis Lone turtis often have difficulty fighting effectively,

as their somewhat slow reflexes (for a tauric creature) hampers
Large Monstrous Humanoid them in effectively combating multiple foes.
Hit Dice: 4d8+8 (26 hp)
Initiative: +0 Society
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) Turtis tend to live in small communities of thatched
Armor Class: 17 (-1 size, +6 natural, +2 heavy wooden mud houses in untamed areas. They live off wild plants,
shield), touch 9, flat 17 berries and other agricultural products. Most have a disdain of
BAB/Grapple: +4/+13 eating meat, and tend to treat those species that do eat meat as
Attack: Shortspear +9 melee (1d8+5) or composite inferior or barbaric.
shortbow +4 ranged (1d8;x3) When not forced to fight, most turtis engage
Full Attack: Shortspear +9 melee (1d8+5) or themselves in physical labor near their community - tending
Composite shortbow +4 melee (1d8+5;x3) crops or ornamental gardens, fixing or building small
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. structures or sculptures out of natural materials or tending to
Height: 7 ft. 3 in. + 2d8 in. (8 ft.) household or community duties.
Weight: 250 lbs. + 2d8 x 5 lbs. (295 lbs.) Turtis have a strong bond to the community they
Special Att: - dwell in, and often aid with duties that benefit the entire
Special Qual: Darkvision 60ft., scent community, or help with chores in other households if they
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6 have free time. Turtis tend to have a disdain for idleness, and
Abilities: S21 D10 C15 I13 W15 Ch13 are often restless if they have no work to occupy their hands.
Skills: Balance -2, Climb +3, Craft +4, Diplomacy Individual households of Turtis are normally
+5, Escape Artist -2, Hide -6, Jump +3, composed of extended families. The eldest members dwell in
Listen +6, Move Silently -2, Sense Motive a central housing, with each successive generation's dwelling
+6, Sleight of Hand -2, Spot +5, Survival attached to their elder's household, ringing the central
+5, Swim +1, Tumble -2 dwelling. Most households hold three generations worth of
Feats: Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus turtis, though among nobles these rings may extend out to five
(Shortspear) or seven rings.
Environment: Warm deserts, plains, hills Turtis often keep thunder tortoises as pets and
Organization: Solitary, Team (2-5) and 0-1 thunder companions. They often ascribe supernatural powers and
tortoises, Colony (5-20) led by one 5th level abilities to thunder tortoises, and in some tribes believe that
chieftain and 1-4 thunder tortoises , or Band thunder tortoises are the reincarnated form of their ancestors.
(20-40) led by one 5th level chieftain and 0-1
3rd level shaman and 3-12 thunder tortoises Turtis on Amberos
CR: 3
Tribes of turtis are well-known in the Southern
Treasure: None
Kingdom and the wild areas of Nauwflouwd. Many of the
Alignment: Usually neutral
human Aharati tribes have trade relations with turtis tribes,
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Large); 9-12 HD (Huge)
and often even the more “civilized” areas respect turtis tribes
Level Adj: -
and have relations with them to some degree or another.
This horse-sized creature has the lower body of
Turtis and turkons have an unusual hatred of each other, and
an armored reptile, and the upper body of a
turtis will attack turkon on sight.
scaly humanoid. It's entire back is covered in an
armored shell, and in its pudgy, clawed hands it
holds a spear and shield.
Turtis are a centauric race of reptilian creatures that
strongly resemble turtles. They are defensive in nature, often
seen as plodding at times by other races. They are however,
extremely patient creatures, and have been known to hold
grudges for many years.
Turtis speak Common and lizardfolk. Noble turtis often
can speak fey, elvin or draconic.

Turtis tend to fight in groups with closed ranks. Using a wall
of shields to defend themselves, they prefer to use their spears
to push opponents into corners or other restrictive areas and
force them to surrender.

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Unassuming help and when it should refrain. Unassuming can never be

commanded to fight, even at the whim of the master; they only
Small Outsider (Lawful) interfere when the master needs aid, and never beyond
Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (11 hp) assistance to get the master to safety.
Initiative: +5 (+5 Dex) Mold Appearance (Su): An unassuming can assume any
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares) humanoid shape it’s master desires, but always remains at
Armor Class: 20 (+1 size, +5 Dex, +4 natural), touch 16, small size. An unassuming must make a Control Shape skill
flat 15 check when changing shape or retaining its “disguise” when
BAB/Grapple: +2/+2 damaged. The base DC is 15.
Attack: Slam +7 melee (1d3+4) Resistance to Energy (Ex): An unassuming has resistance 10
Full Attack: Slam +7 melee (1d3+4) to acid, cold and fire.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Telekinesis (Su): As per the spell at 6th level ability,
Height: 3 ft. + 1d6 in. (3 ft. 3 in.) sustained force only. The unassuming can move up to 150 lbs
Weight: 25 lbs. + 1d6 x 2 lbs. (31 lbs.) at 20 ft. per round for up to 6 rounds at a time. This ability can
Special Att: - be used at will as a standard action.
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., mold appearance, outsider Worldly Knowledge (Ex): Unassuming have great skill in a
traits, resistance to energy, telekinesis, variety of “household chores”. The gain 10 ranks in three of
worldly knowledge the following skills from the list below. The Unassuming’s
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +3 total skill bonus is listed beside the skill name. Other
Abilities: S18 D21 C12 I10 W11 Ch1 professions and crafts can be added to the list as the DM
Skills: Concentration +6, Control Shape +5, deems allowable.
Disguise 0, Hide +14, Listen +5, Move
Silently +10, Search +5, Spot +5 Skill Total Bonus
Feats: Endurance
Craft (Blacksmith) +10
Environment: Nirvana
Craft (Brewing) +10
Organization: Solitary
Craft (Carpentry) +10
CR: 3
Craft (Leatherworking) +10
Treasure: None
Craft (Pottery) +10
Alignment: Always lawful neutral
Craft (Woodworking) +10
Advancement: 3-4 HD (Small); 5-6 HD (Medium)
Decipher Script +10
Level Adj: -
Disable Device +10
This small humanoid seems to be made of a
Handle Animal +6
glittering metal. It has no distinct features,
Open Locks +15
seeming to be smooth over its entire body. Its
Profession (Butcher) +11
face is a blank slate, and it has no hair or
Profession (Cook) +11
clothing whatsoever.
Profession (Farmer) +11
Unassuming are small servant creatures from
Profession (Grocer) +11
Nirvana, sent to the Mortal Realm to assist mortals and relieve
Profession (Herbalist) +11
them of mundane tasks.
Profession (Manservant) +11
These creatures gain their name from their rather
Profession (Miner) +11
plain natural plain looks, which can be molded by their master
Profession (Scribe) +11
to suit whatever he or she desires - to a point. Their features
Profession (Tailor) +11
can be remolded by a mere thought of the master - they often
Ride +15
take on the shape of a beloved friend or past companion
known to the master, or sometimes appear as children that
could pass as offspring of their master. Unassuming on Amberos
Unassuming understand the base language of their Most unassuming are encountered in the Skienlands,
master and no other. Unless otherwise commanded, they will where the Brahman caste has long kept the secret of
only respond their master's voice. summoning these assistants a secret through the ages. In fact,
some Brahman have kept their unassuming servant through
Combat several generations.
Unassuming are not designed for combat, and are The Randese, who once ruled the Skienlands, have a
very poor at such. If their master is in immediate danger of few nobles who know the secret to summoning an
harm, unassuming will attempt to intervene if the master does unassuming, and have passed that knowledge down through
not seem capable of defending or protecting himself; the their family lineage.
unassuming has an innate sense of when it should interfere to

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Urqi Urqi make full use of their intelligence and cunning.

Often, their first act is take revenge on whoever slew them.
Medium Undead Many times, knowing that their opponent was more powerful
Hit Dice: 4d12 (26 hp) than themselves, they will seek out friends or loved ones
Initiative: +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) important to their opponent and use those emotional bonds to
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) arrange the defeat of their opponent or vent their revenge upon
Armor Class: 20 (+1 Dex, +4 natural, +4 chain shirt, +1 such individuals.
buckler), touch 11, flat 19 Energy Drain (Su): The claw attack of an urqi drains the vital
BAB/Grapple: +2/+5 energy of victims that it touches. Each successful energy drain
Attack: Scimitar +5 melee (1d6 +3) bestows one negative level. If an attack that includes an
Full Attack: Scimitar +5 melee (1d6 +3) or claw +5 energy drain scores a critical hit, it drains twice the given
melee (1d4 +1) or shortbow +5 melee (1d6 amount. The urqi gains 5 temporary hit points (10 on a critical
+3) hit) for each negative level it bestows on an opponent. These
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. temporary hit points last for a maximum of 1 hour. After 24
Height: 5 ft. 1in. + 2d4 in. (5 ft. 6 in.) hours, the victim must make a DC 14 Fort save per level
Weight: 80 lbs. + 2d6 x 3 lbs. (105 lbs.) drained or the drain becomes permanent. A victim who gains
Special Att: Energy drain, fear aura a number of negative levels that exceeds it hit dice or
Special Qual: DR 5/bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft., undead character level is instantly slain and rises in 1d4 rounds as a
traits zombie under the urqi’s control. An urqi can control up to 8
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 HD of zombies; any additional become uncontrolled.
Abilities: S17 D13 C0 I10 W13 Ch13 Fear Aura (Su): As a free action, a urqi can cause the air to
Skills: Balance -2, Climb 0, Escape Artist -2, Hide suddenly chill, creating the effects of a fear spell cast at 4th
+5, Intimidate +8, Jump 0, Listen +4, Move level on those within 30 feet. The Will DC is 14.
Silently -2, Ride +8, Sleight of Hand -2,
Spot +5, Swim -7, Tumble -2 Urqi on Amberos
Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative Many Randese soldiers during the Randu war were
Environment: Any Land secretly worshippers of Titanicus who drove or tricked their
Organization: Solitary companions into many battles. Some of these devout
CR: 3 Titanicus followers even lead their comrades into suicide
Treasure: Standard attacks to further foment the war on both sides. Some of these
Alignment: Always chaotic evil betrayers committed crimes so foul that they have arisen as
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Medium); 9-12 HD (Large) Urqi and haunt the desolate borders between Randu and other
Level Adj: - countries, looking to stir trouble wherever they can.
This humanoid has gray, pale skin and
bulging, yellowed eyes. It wears a chain shirt
and wields both a rusty scimitar and buckler.
Perhaps most disturbing, it bears wounds that
you know no living being should have
survived, and a sudden, cold chill seems to
surround it.
Urqi are undead soldiers who betrayed their
comrades and were slain in the combat that followed. They are
hateful and spiteful creatures who seek to slay any living
opponent they meet.
Urqi are intelligent, retaining most of the
mischievous memories of their old life. They have been
known to use this knowledge to hunt down prey and to prepare
against opponents they may face.
Urqi speak Common and abyssal.

Urqi were former warriors, and fight with all the craft
and skill they possessed in life. Though they have often been
stripped of some of their more formidable abilities they had in
life, they tend to make up for such losses with sheer
ruthlessness in combat.

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Vampire Rat Attach (Ex): If a vampire rat hits with a bite attack, it
automatically attaches to the victim and can begin to drain
Diminutive Animal blood. A vampire rat can be removed with a successful
Hit Dice: 1/8d8 (1 hp) grapple check made by the opponent it has attached to, or if
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) the rat is slain.
Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares), burrow 5 ft. (1 square) Blood Drain (Ex): When attached to a victim, a vampire rat
Armor Class: 17 (+4 size, +3 Dex), touch 17, flat 14 can drain 1d4 points of Constitution per round. If an attack
BAB/Grapple: 0/-17 that causes ability damage scores a critical hit, it deals twice
Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d2-5) the indicated amount of damage (if the damage is expressed as
Full Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d2-5) a die range, roll two dice). Ability damage returns at the rate
Space/Reach: 1 ft./0 ft. of 1 point per day for each affected ability.
Length: 6 in. + 1d3 in. (7 in.) Disease (Ex): Vampire rats are carriers for black blood fever
Weight: 1 lb. (Type: Injury; Fort DC 10; Dam: 1d3 Con). Black blood fever
Special Att: Attach, blood drain, disease causes the victim to suffer fever and chills, even as the
Special Qual: Low-light vision, scent victim’s blood vessels and blood takes on a dark, almost black
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +0 color and becomes increasingly thicker.
Abilities: S1 D17 C10 I2 W11 Ch6
Skills: Climb -5, Hide +17, Listen +3, Move
Vampire Rats on Amberos
Silently +5, Spot +2
These beasties tend to be found mostly in the
Feats: Stealthy, Weapon FinesseB
Crystalmire mountains and the surrounding lands. It is known
Environment: Any underground
that the Ghan filled the tomb of the tyrannical Huren with
Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), Nest (5-20), or Drove
these creatures to destroy his coffin and effects for the
afterlife, and as a result, they are sometimes encountered in
CR: 1/4
areas of Randu and the east.
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: ¼ – ½ HD (Diminutive); ½ -1 HD (Tiny)
Level Adj: -
This small black rodent has needle-like teeth and
a long, hairless tail. It has triangular ears and a
thin, long snout that seems to be caked with
dried blood.
Vampire rats are cousins of vampire bats. They live
in underground areas, burrowing maze-like warrens and
feeding off the blood of sleeping animals and humanoids they
come across.
These pests are feared and reviled for the diseases
they carry and their habits of drinking the blood of their
victims. They are sometimes employed as a means of
execution by certain underground races (such as Derro) or
taken as familiars by bloodthirsty or vicious underdark
wizards. Vampire rat familiars grant the same bonus to its
master as a regular rat.

Vampire rats prefer to attack inert or sleeping targets
when alone, but have been known to swarm prey when in
large numbers. Their saliva contains a mild anesthetic and
anticoagulant, allowing them to wound their prey and then lap
up the resulting blood without worrying about the blood flow
ceasing. However, once the creature stops feeding on blood,
the blood flow will begin to staunch and quickly prevent
additional blood loss.
Vampire rats are easily scared by bright lights or fire,
and will often flee in panic (sometimes creating stampedes
when in large numbers).

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Vegerot Skills: A vegerot gains a +10 racial bonus to hide when in

natural surroundings.
Small Ooze
Hit Dice: 3d10+6 (22 hp) Vegerot On Amberos
Initiative: -5 Found mostly in areas of the cursed Living Forest,
Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares) there have also been reports of the substance being
Armor Class: 6 (+1 size, -5 Dex), touch 6, flat 6 encountered in the Demon Jungle and remote portions of the
BAB/Grapple: +2/-3 Yaz Jungle, as well as in areas of the Golens and Kennestone
Attack: Slam -2 melee (1d3-1 + disease) Forest. The Twilight Forest seems to loathe vegerot, and uses
Full Attack: Slam -2 melee (1d3-1 + disease) its psionic ability to destroy any trace of this substance before
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. it can enter the mysterious woods.
Diameter: 3 ft. + 2d8 in. (3 ft. 9 in.)
Weight: 20 lbs. + 2d8 lbs. (29 lbs.)
Special Att: Disease
Special Qual: Ooze traits, scent, tremorsense
Saves: Fort +2, Ref -4, Will -4
Abilities: S9 D1 C12 I- W1 Ch1
Skills: Hide +9, Listen -5, Spot -5
Feats: Toughness
Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary, Pool (2-5), or Colony (5-20)
CR: 1
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium)
Level Adj: -
Suddenly, the greenish mass of decaying
vegetation stirs, gliding towards you as if to
Vegerot is a dangerous living fungus-like slime that
survives by consuming living matter. It primarily feeds off of
plant leaves and grass, but will attack living creatures without
provocation if it senses them nearby.
Unlike most other slimes/oozes, vegerot does not use
acid to digest its prey. Instead it infects living matter with a
disease that breaks down the prey’s body for it.

Vegerot fears nothing, and is drawn to the "smell" of
living matter. It also can detect the presence of living creatures
through the victim's motion. Vegerot is extremely
straightforward - it will make a beeline for its prey, ignoring
hazards, barriers and possible pitfalls in its desire to reach its
prey. It always moves towards the closest, largest living thing
and is never seemingly sated.
Disease (Ex): Contact with vegerot can infect a victim with a
rotting disease. Stinking Rot Disease (Incubation: 1d3 days;
DC 12 Fort; Dam: 1d6 Con). A victim who takes any Con
damage from stinking rot exudes a foul smell that nauseates
those within 5 ft. of the victim if they fail a Fort save DC 10.
Those with the scent ability can easily track those suffering
from stinking rot.
Tremorsense (Ex): Vegerot is sensitive to vibrations in the
ground and can automatically pinpoint the location of
anything that is in contact with the ground within 60 feet of
the vegerot’s location.

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Vengal When a vengal strikes, it is usually a swift and brutal attack,

designed to bring their foe down quickly with minimal fuss.
Large Monstrous Humanoid Vengal rarely use weapons, and it is even rarer for them to
Hit Dice: 4d8+12 (30 hp) ranged weapons or magic when chasing or facing prey.
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) However, some vengals have taken up the use of weapons or
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)in scale mail armor; base spells in their hunt and feel no shame in doing so - the only
speed 30 ft. thing that matters is the final result.
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +4 scale mail armor), Pounce (Ex): When a vengal makes a charge, it can follow
touch 11, flat 13 with a full attack
BAB/Grapple: +4/+12
Attack: Claw +7 melee (1d6+4) Vengal Society
Full Attack: 2 Claw +7 melee (1d6+4) and bite +5 melee Vengal normally live in a tribal existence in small
(1d8+2) communities in the wild. These communities often hunt in
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. one or more packs, both tracking prey required to keep their
Height: 8 ft. + 2d8 in. (8 ft. 9 in.) village alive and seeking out prey for the pleasure of hunting.
Weight: 250 lbs. + 2d10 x 7 lbs. (327 lbs.) Many communities are made up of one or more clans, with
Special Att: Pounce each clan containing blood relatives of a well-known lineage
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., scent in the community. It is not uncommon for the various clans to
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 have healthy rivalries against each other, and some clans have
Abilities: S19 D15 C17 I11 W15 Ch12 been known to exist in more than one community. In all
Skills: Balance -2, Climb +3, Escape Artist -2, cases, clan loyalties are considered to be stronger than
Hide -6, Jump 0, Listen +5, Move Silently - community loyalties, though few vengal will act in a manner
2, Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand -2, to harm their community for the sake of the clan.
Spot +6, Swim -4, Tumble -2 Both sexes tend to be hunters, though hunter groups
Feats: Improved Grapple, Improved unarmed tend to be all one gender or the other. A singular individual
strikeB, Multiattack who acts as the coordinator and leader leads all hunting
Environment: Warm land groups. Often, this pack leader is the strongest and most
Organization: Solitary, Cluster (2-5), or Pride (5-20) skilled member in the group, though there are rare exceptions.
CR: 3 Vengal cubs are often attached to hunting groups -
Treasure: Standard, no coins the cubs are expected to watch and learn until the pack leader
Alignment: Usually neutral feels the time has come for the cubs to fully join the group as a
Advancement: By character class hunter.
Level Adj: +4 Surprisingly, vengals do not have prejudice against
This humanoid stands at least nine feet tall and magic. While most vengal simply do not have the skill for
is covered in soft fur reminiscent of a tiger's magic, they see it as no more or less than a tool to aid in the
orange fur, complete with black stripes. Its hunt. Those few vengal who can wield magic are sometimes
hands end in sharp, yellow claws, and it wears a sought out because of their greater skills and the many
suit of scale mail armor. trophies their kind can help acquire for the clan.
Vengal are powerful creatures that live in tropical lands
and enjoy combat and hunting. They prefer to hunt other Vengal on Amberos
intelligent creatures, pitting their own wit against their prey.
Vengals tribes are scattered through the Skienlands
The more dangerous their opponent, the better thrill they gain
and Lanster. They are greatly feared by many Skierian
from the hunt.
citizens to the point that the government has created a special
Vengal occasionally travel to civilized areas, looking
division of the army to hunt down troublesome vengal and kill
for adventure or worthy prey. Few dare to oppose them when
them. However, the government takes care to keep its
they happen into other races cities, and those who do usually
activities low-key, lest the individuals become the focus of
end up skewered on the vengal's claws for their insolence.
hunts by other vengals or the vengal tribes unite against the
Vengal speak their own language, but have been known
to learn the language of prey they Commonly stalk - all the
better to understand and frighten their prey.
Vengal as Characters
Combat Individual vengal “hunters” tend to be quite Common
for the species. These individuals usually have left their clan
Vengal are cunning and skillful fighters, preferring
to prove their mettle or to simply gather as much honor and
unarmed melee attacks with which to engage foes. Vengal
trophies as they can collect.
prefer to observe their opponent for some time before striking,
Vengal characters have the following abilities.
so as to best gauge their opponent's strength and weaknesses.

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• Large size. A vengal, due to its size, has a –1 size
penalty to hit and AC. They gain a +4 bonus to
grapple checks but suffer a –4 penalty to Hide skill
checks. A vengal has a natural 10 ft. reach.
• Base speed 30 feet.
• Darkvision 60 feet. A vengal can see in complete
darkness up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black-and-
white only.
• 4d8 Hit Dice. A vengal adds four times his
constitution bonus (min 1 hp) to this total. This gives
the vengal a Base attack bonus of +4 and base saves
of Fort +1, Reflex +4 and Will +4.
• +8 Str, +4 Dex, +6 Con, +4 Wis, +2 Chr. Vengal
are strong, quick and hardy. They have sharp senses
and a strong sense of self.
• (2 + Int mod) x 4 skill points. A vengal’s racial
skills are Climb, Spot, Listen, Jump and Sense
• Bonus racial feat Improved Unarmed Strike.
• Pounce (Ex): When a vengal makes a charge, it can
follow with a full attack
• Natural Attack. A vengal gains a natural attack
routine of 2 claws and a bite. The claws deal 1d6
damage + Str bonus, the bite deals1d8 damage + ½
Str bonus. The bite is considered a secondary attack.
• Favored Class: Ranger
• Level Adj: +4

Vengal worship nature and not any specific god. Vengal

clerics can choose two of the three following domains:
Animal, Earth or Plant.

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Vaporshroud Combat
Vaporshrouds slowly wind their way to their targets
Gargantuan Undead (Incorporeal) and enshroud them in mist. They cannot strike opponents
Hit Dice: 16d12 (104 hp) outside of their misty form, and must envelope an opponent to
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) strike them. They strike by means of a phantom blow that can
Speed: fly 20 ft. (perfect) (4 squares) take one of many forms - claws, fists, biting or even the
Armor Class: 7 (-4 size, +1 Dex, +3 deflection), touch 10, appearance of weapons aimed at opponents. The very touch of
flat 10 the vaporshroud drains life, and it will attempt to suck the very
BAB/Grapple: +8/+20 life from an individual.
Attack: Slam +4 touch (1d6 + energy drain) Energy Drain (Su): The phantom blows of a vaporshroud
Full Attack: Slam +4 touch (1d6 + energy drain) drain a negative level with each successive hit. If an attack
Space/Reach: 20 ft. (16 squares)/0 ft.* that includes an energy drain scores a critical hit, it drains
Diameter: 18 ft. + 2d8 ft. (27 ft.) twice the given amount. The vaporshroud gains 5 temporary
Weight: - hit points (10 on a critical hit) for each negative level it
Special Att: Energy drain bestows on an opponent. These temporary hit points last for a
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., DR 10/magic +1, mutable maximum of 1 hour. Negative levels remain until 24 hours
shape, obscure vision, share space, SR 22, have passed or until they are removed with a spell, such as
turn resistance 4, undead traits restoration. If a negative level is not removed before 24 hours
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +13 have passed, the affected creature must attempt a Fortitude
Abilities: S-, D13 C- I10 W12 Ch17 save (DC 21). On a success, the negative level goes away with
Skills: Hide -9, Listen +1, Move Silently +3, no harm to the creature. On a failure, the negative level goes
Search +19, Sense Motive +20, Spot +20 away, but the creature’s level is also reduced by one. A
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Flyby Attack, Great separate saving throw is required for each negative level.
Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Mutable Shape (Ex): The vaporshroud can change its
Stealthy general shape as it chooses. It always fills a volume of sixteen
Environment: Any land 5 –foot squares, but may arrange its form in any pattern it
Organization: Solitary wants, so long as at least one of the 5-foot squares touches at
CR: 15 least one other 5-foot square.
Treasure: None Obscure Vision (Ex): As a free action, a vaporshroud can
Alignment: Always neutral make itself appear like a thick mist. When it does so, it
Advancement: 17-32 HD (Gargantuan); 33-48 HD (Colossal) reduces all sight to 20 foot maximum and incurs a 20% miss
Level Adj: - chance (it’s own attacks are unaffected) to all attacks made
Drifting slowly towards you is a volumous cloud into or through the vaporshroud.
of white vapor. Cold air surrounds the white Share Space (Ex): A vaporshroud can enter, occupy or leave
wisps and you swear you can hear whispered the space of another being (and in fact needs to be in the same
murmuring and tinkling bells emanating from the space as an opponent to properly attack an opponent) and act
mist. You also swear you could see shapes in the normally without drawing an attack of opportunity.
mist - and many eyes watching you.
A vaporshroud is an undead created when many Vaporshrouds on Amberos
individuals die an otherwise avoidable death in a single area.
Vaporshrouds are generally found around the Black
For example, those who die in a fire because the entrance was
Hills of Misake, where Black Marentail killed entire towns in
blocked, or sailors who die upon the reefs in a fog bank are
his quest to master necromantic magic. Vaporshrouds can
prime candidates for creating a vaporshroud.
also be found in ancient battlefields where the soul-energy of
Vaporshroud are very shrewd, and often have a purpose
the dead are not strong enough to form ghosts.
in mind - often seeking to punish someone they feel to blame
for their deaths. Some vaporshrouds have been known to the
descendants of individuals that vaporshroud believed
responsible for their deaths, sometimes even centuries after
their own deaths.
Vaporshrouds cannot speak directly, but those caught in
their mists can sometimes hear the mutterings of the slain
within its folds; it is not uncommon for the vaporshroud to
deliver a message or repeat the last words on their dying lips
to those they are about to consume.

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Whispling Poison (Ex): The needle attack of a whispling delivers a

paralyzing toxin (Type: Injected; Fort DC 10; Init: Paralysis;
Medium Plant Sec: 1d2 Dex) The paralysis caused by the poison lasts for
Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp) 1d4 minutes.
Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex) Skills: A whispling has a +8 racial bonus to Hide, Move
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares) Silently and Swim checks.
Armor Class: 15 (+4 Dex, +1 natural), touch 14, flat 11
BAB/Grapple: 0/-2 Whispling on Amberos
Attack: Needle +5 ranged (1d3-2 + poison) or bite – Most whisplings are found along the marshy
2 melee (1d4-2) riverbeds in Llannhanex and Iiannhanex. A few of these
Full Attack: Needle +5 ranged (1d3-2 + poison) or bite – creatures have been encountered in Simera, and there are tales
2 melee (1d4-2) of the plants cropping up in the Golens.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Height: 5 ft. + 2d8 in. (5 ft. 9 in.)
Weight: 40 lbs. + 2d8 x 3 lbs. (67 lbs.)
Special Att: Blood drain, Poison
Special Qual: Low-light vision, plant traits
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities: S6 D19 C10 I2 W13 Ch5
Skills: Hide +16, Listen +1, Move Silently +12,
Spot +1, Swim +6
Feats: Point Blank Shot
Environment: Warm marshes
Organization: Solitary, or Cluster (2-5)
CR: 1
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 2 HD (Medium); 3 HD (Large)
Level Adj: -
You suddenly realize there is no wind bending
the nearby reeds when you hear a whistling
sound ring from the plants.
Whisplings are carnivorous, semi-sentient plants that
live on riverbanks in marshy areas. Using their natural
concealment, they lie in wait for victims to pass near then
bend their reed-like structures toward the victim and fire
poisoned darts at their prey. Once the poison has incapacitated
the prey, the plants move to feed off the victim's blood.

Whisplings remain fairly motionless, attempting to
disguise themselves as or among normal marshy reeds. When
prey comes within 30 feet of their position, they bend their
reed-like structures at the victim (in a manner akin to aiming a
blowgun) and fire poisoned darts. Once the poison has
incapacitated the victim, the plant moves to its prey and
usually attempts to drown it before consuming its body mass,
starting with draining the victim's blood.
Blood Drain (Ex): A grappling whispling can choose to drain
1d4 Con from its victim per round with a successful grapple
check. Lost constitution points can be regained with regular
rest or magic.
Improved Grab (Ex): If a whispling hits with its bite attack,
it may choose to start a grapple without provoking an attack of
opportunity. A whispling can grapple a large-sized opponent
or smaller.

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Wodosen destroying items via their improved sunder ability, and revel
in the mayhem such actions cause.
Medium Fey
Hit Dice: 4d6+16 (30 hp) Wild Swing (Ex): As part of a charge or as part of its normal
Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex) attack routine, a Wodosen can take a –2 penalty to all its
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) attacks for the round to make an extra attack.
Armor Class: 21 (+4 Dex, +7 natural), touch 14, flat 17 Resistance to Cold (Ex): A wodosen ignores up to 15 points
BAB/Grapple: +2/+10 of cold damage each time it takes damage from such an attack.
Attack: Slam +11 melee (1d4+8) Spell-like abilities (Sp): At will – Faerie fire, Magic Fang,
Full Attack: 2 Slam +11 melee (1d4+8) Goodberry. 1x/day – Bull’s Strength, Chill Metal,
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Longstrider. All spells are cast at 4th level ability and have a
Height: 5 ft. 3 in. + 1d8 in. (5 ft. 7 in.) DC of 12 + spell level.
Weight: 100 lbs. + 2d4 x 5 lbs. (125 lbs.) Vulnerability to Energy (Ex): Wodosen have a vulnerability
Special Att: Wild swing to fire, and takes half again as much (+50%) damage as
Special Qual: Low-light vision, resistance to cold 15, normal from the effect, regardless of whether a saving throw is
spell-like abilities, spell resistance 14, allowed, or if the save is a success or failure.
vulnerability to fire
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +5 Wodosen on Amberos
Abilities: S27 D19 C19 I8 W13 Ch15 Thought to originally have been laborers crafted from
Skills: Climb +15, Escape Artist +11, Hide +4, the woods themselves by elves, these creatures are very rare in
Jump +15, Listen +1, Move Silently +11, elvin forests. It is thought by many that at some point –
Spot +8 perhaps after the fall of the Elvin Golden Age, that wodosen
Feats: Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Weapon freed themselves from elvin slavery and retreated into those
Focus (Slam)b places in the world comfortable to them, but far away from
Environment: Cold, Temperate forests elvinkind and other fey.
Organization: Solitary, or Team (2-5)
CR: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually neutral (evil tendencies)
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Medium); 9-12 HD (Large)
Level Adj: -
From the underbrush rushes a tall, slim
humanoid that seems to be carved from the trunk
of a tree. Its massive arms end in huge wooden
mallets instead of hands, and it comes at you
Wodosen are malicious fey creatures that enjoy beating
on things. They are extremely strong creatures, but not too
bright, and have little care beyond causing mischief and
It is very rare for a wodosen to be lucid enough to listen
to reason, but they have been known to on rare occasions to
communicate with others. However, the quickest way to
offend them is to attempt to offer them something that they
must hold (such as money, food or even a document). They
are very sensitive to their lack of hands, and such slights, even
if unintentional, can send them into a berserk fury.
Wodosen speak fey and no other language. They rarely
mince words and have no time for idle chat. They tend to
respond to intimidation better than diplomacy; attempts at
diplomacy usually backfire as the Wodosen tends to see the
speaker as an easy target to a good walloping.

Wodosen charge opponents with reckless abandon,
swinging their mighty hammer-fists. They have a knack for

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Xanthus Detect Good (Sp): This special ability duplicates the effects
of a detect good spell. It can usually be cast at will. Xanthus
Large Magical Beast prefer prey of good alignment, and will use this ability to find
Hit Dice: 3d10+12 (28 hp) such victims.
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) Improved Trip (Ex): If a xanthus hits an opponent with a
Speed: 60 ft. (12 squares) bite, it can immediately attempt to trip the opponent, without
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, provoking an attack of opportunity .
flat 13
BAB/Grapple: +3/+11 Training A Xanthus
Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d8+4) It is practically impossible to train an adult xanthus to
Full Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d8+4) and hoof +1 melee become a willing mount, though incredibly strong-willed and
(1d6+2) mean-spirited individuals have managed to do so (DC 35
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. minimum). Most xanthus mounts are captured and raised as
Length: 7 ft. + 1d3 ft. (8 ft.) colts away from the presence of others of their kind. Only
Weight: 450 lbs. + 1d6 x 50 lbs. (600 lbs.) once they reach adulthood are xanthus mounts allowed near
Special Att: Improved Trip other xanthus. Training a xanthus takes 6 weeks and a DC 25
Special Qual: Darkvision 60ft., detect good, low-light Handle Animal check. Trained xanthus can be purchased for
vision, scent 250 gp.
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +3 A xanthus can carry up to 300 lbs as a light load,
Abilities: S18 D14 C19 I8 W15 Ch12 301-600 lbs. as a medium load, and 601-900 lbs. as a heavy
Skills: Hide -2, Listen +5, Spot +5 load. A xanthus can drag 4,500 lbs.
Feats: Endurance, Run
Environment: Temperate plains, hills Xanthus on Amberos
Organization: Solitary, or Family (2-5)
Xanthus are only found in the wild steppes of the
CR: 3
east, which is dominated by Randu. They can, on rare
Treasure: None
occasions, be found in the west (and are always imports from
Alignment: Always neutral evil
the east), but few would dare admit that they procured such an
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Large); 7-9 HD (Huge)
evil creature for their own use. Legend has it that evil Ghan
Level Adj: -
in the employ of the Skyland Hold bred the first Xanthus, and
This large, black horse has red, reptilian eyes
they have become a symbol of ruthlessness among the
and a mouth filled with sharp teeth. Its hooves
Saracens of Randu. Most high-ranking officers in Randu’s
look much sharper than a Common horse, and
army use a xanthus as their mount; many of the crueler lords
its mane is wild and long - as well as matted with
allow the xanthus to eat prisoners or hunt down and kill
deserters from the ranks.
Xanthus are flesh-eating horses thought to be fiendish
descendants of normal horses. They roam the wilderness and
hills in small packs, hunting other creatures in a manner
similar to that of a wolf pack. They seem to prefer humanoid
flesh - elvin flesh in particular.
While most Xanthus are wild creatures, they can
sometimes be captured and train as vicious riding and fighting
beasts - though a humanoid rider should beware for they will
often turn on a master at the first sign of weakness.
Xanthus can speak a guttural version of Common. Most
xanthus packs however, use nonverbal communication to hunt,
track and coordinate bringing down prey.

Xanthus often attempt to bull rush and trip an
opponent, where it can crush and bite its foe to death. They
dislike running prey to ground, and prefer to ambush
opponents and maim or hobble prey so that its victim cannot
easily escape. Xanthus prefer their meals alive while they
feast, and have been known to torture prey before delivering a
killing blow.

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Xercean advance behind cover from ranged attacks. Xerceans have

been known to sacrifice themselves to wear down foes or
Medium Undead bridge obstacles to allow other members to advance upon the
Hit Dice: 4d12 (26 hp) enemy.
Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex) Once a Xercean engages an enemy, it is to the death -
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares) either its own or the opponents, or both.
Armor Class: 17 (+4 Dex, +3 natural), touch 14, flat 13 Consume Flesh (Su): An injured xercean can devour the
BAB/Grapple: +2/+6 flesh of a living or recently deceased (less than 1 hour dead)
Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d6+4) corpse to heal its own wounds. For every 2 hit points of
Full Attack: 2 Bites +6 melee (1d6+4) damage it deals with its bite attack, the xercean heals 1 hit
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. point. A xercean cannot exceed its unwounded hit point total.
Height: 5 ft. 1 in. + 2d4 in. (5 ft. 6 in.) Curse of Slavery (Su): A victim slain by a xercean’s bite
Weight: 60 lbs. + 2d4 x 3 lbs. (75 lbs.) attack will rise as a xercean at the falling of the next dusk.
Special Att: Consume flesh, curse of slavery, improved Once a victim rises as a xercean, the effect can only be
grab reversed by a wish or miracle spell, which renders the body an
Special Qual: DR 3/-, darkvision 60 ft., detect living, spell inert corpse. If the victim is buried in consecrated ground, or
resistance 14, undead traits the body is subjected to a dispel evil or break enchantment
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +5 spell before the next sundown, the victim will not rise as a
Abilities: S19 D19 C- I6 W13 Ch7 xercean.
Skills: Listen +4, Search +2, Spot +8 Improved Grab (Ex): If a xercean hits with a bite, it deals
Feats: Die Hard, Endurance normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action
Environment: Any land without provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial touch
Organization: Solitary, Band (2-5), Pack (5-20), or Mob attack is required. A xercean can grapple up to a large-sized
(20-40) opponent. When a xercean gets a hold after an improved grab
CR: 3 attack, it pulls the opponent into its space. This act does not
Treasure: None provoke attacks of opportunity. It can even move (possibly
Alignment: Always chaotic evil carrying away the opponent), provided it can drag the
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Medium); 9-12 HD (Large) opponent’s weight.
Level Adj: - Detect Living (Sp): As per the detect good spell, but instead
This gray-skinned humanoid lurches from the revealing the presence of living beings.
dark with unexpected speed and ferocity. Its eyes
has glazed over with a milky white film and Xerceans on Amberos
numerous sores and open wounds cover its body. Xerces was a powerful liche and head of the
It stretches forth it hands to reveal leech-like Animator cult in the years following the Dark Age. He was
mouths instead of palms. slain by the forces of the Kingdom of Swordfall and his
Xerceans are undead warriors for a long-fallen liche undead routed to the Black Hills nears the ruins of Black
known as Xerces. They scour the land in search of prey to Marentail’s skullish keep. Since that time, the members of the
convert to their legion, in an unending tide of undeath. Red Cabal have used powerful magics to keep the xercean
Xerceans are often mistaken for zombies, until one sees the population in check – often having to root out forces of the
leech-like mouths on the creature's hands. They are also Black Cabal and other Animator cult leaders in the process.
frightenly quick and strong, and dogged in their pursuit of the Rumor has it that a liche in Randu has learned the
living. Few who have fled from a xercean has kept out of their secret to the creation of these creatures and they have begun to
clutch for long. appear in the blasted wastes of that realm. So far, it appears
Xerceans sometimes murmur phrases in a language all who have opposed these xerceans have failed.
they knew in life. In most cases, the phrases merely are a
repeat of the last living thought or words spoken by the
Xercean before its transformation. They do not respond to
attempts to communicate.

Xerceans rush opponents and attempt to overwhelm
them as quickly as possible. They have little grasp of tactics,
though given time they can figure out ways to circumvent
obstacles or bypass obstructions. While they travel in packs,
they do not form long-term plans or employ advanced tactics,
though they seem to grasp enough to flank opponents or

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Xlexi with psionic abilities or gear above all others. They rely on the
annulus blade to help them thwart psionic attacks and bring
Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid) down such foes.
Hit Dice: 7d8+14 (45 hp) Detect Psionics (Sp): As per the detect magic spell, except it
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) detects creatures with power points or items imbued with
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) psionic abilities.
Armor Class: 22 (+2 Dex, +4 natural, +4 chain shirt, +2 Immune to Energy (Ex): A Xlexi takes no damage from acid,
heavy wooden shield), touch 12, flat 20 cold, fire or sonic attacks.
BAB/Grapple: +5/+8
Attack: Annulis blade +8 melee (1d8+3 + 1d4+1 Society
PSPs;x3) Xlexi live in small clans in out-of-the-way places
Full Attack: Annulis blade +8/+3 melee (1d8+3 + 1d4+1 where they are least likely to be hunted by others. When clan
PSPs;x2) members learn of the location of psychics or psionic items,
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. they often send one or more of their members to hunt down
Height: 4 ft. + 2d4 in. (4 ft. 5 in.) and destroy the individual or item. The xlexi thus sent is not
Weight: 75 lbs. + 2d4 x 5 lbs. (100 lbs.) allowed to return to the clan until they fulfill their mission.
Special Att: - Among the xlexi, males tend to be dominant in
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., Detect psionics, immune matters of rulership and say in family matters, but it is not
to energy, PR 19, scent impossible for females to rise to positions of power or
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 influence in a clan. In some cases, females have been known
Abilities: S17 D15 C15 I19 W15 Ch21 to rule clans, though such affairs rarely last long - usually once
Skills: Balance -2, Climb -1, Escape Artist -2, Hide a male heir of the former clan leader reaches adulthood, the
+8, Jump -1, Listen +12, Move Silently +8, clan matters are turned over. Some females, however, have
Search +14, Sense Motive +12, Sleight of been known to fight such losses of power, though most turn
Hand -2, Spot +12, Swim -9, Tumble -2 out badly for the clan matriarch.
Feats: Closed MindB, Exotic Weapon Proficiency Xlexi clans sometimes arrange large gatherings
(Annulis blade), Hostile Mind, Mental where they swap stories, feast and otherwise carouse and
ResistanceB, Psionic HoleB, Weapon Focus enjoy themselves. This usually occurs at least once a year, and
(Annulis Blade) some clans meet biannually on a regular basis. Xlexi have
Environment: Any land been known to organize psionic witch hunts at these clans
Organization: Solitary meetings, descending on psionic organizations or strongholds
CR: 5 in a mass battle to the death. However, such hunts tend to be
Treasure: Standard rare as they tend to greatly reduce the strength and numbers of
Alignment: Usually Lawful evil the xlexi clans.
Advancement: By character level
Level Adj: +8
This hunched, green-skinned humanoid has Xlexi on Amberos
long black hair and a body covered with
Ziga managed to persuade several goblins during the
strange tattoos. It wears a chain shirt and
Elvin Golden Age to be altered to become psionic hunters.
bears a wooden shield. It also wields a strange
She played on the goblinoids fears of a rebirth of the Time of
blue-green blade that ends in a large disk
Technology in the form of a psionic revolution. The
covered with strange runes.
goblinoids fell for the ploy, and Ziga worked her
Xlexi are psychic holes who hunt down psionicists
transformation on them. When the entire goblinoid race was
and slay them. They have an unnatural hatred and loathing of
transformed into their hideous shapes near the end of the Elvin
all things psionic.
Golden Age, the Xlexi were not left unscathed. However,
It is thought the Xlexi are an offshoot of the goblin
their superior intellect allowed them to shrug off the yoke of
race who evolved to counter the races lack of psionic ability. It
becoming slaves to Ziga, though they are still slaves to their
is not unknown for Xlexi to work with goblinoids, though with
dark hunger to destroy psions.
their obviously superior intellect they often find themselves at
odds with goblinoid bestiality.
Xlexi speak goblinoid and their own tongue. They
often use the latter when hunting in groups against psionicists,
and refuse to teach the language to other races.
A Xlexi fights with great cunning and skill. They
prefer to melee opponents, and will always seek to battle those

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Annulis Blade Xlexi Psychic Hunter

An annulis blade is an exotic martial weapon 7HD xlexi Ftr 7;hp: 126
somewhat resembling a longsword with a large disk attached S23 D17 C18 I18 W20 Ch18;Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +16
to the end of the blade. True annulis blades are made of a Init: +7 Move: 20 ft.
special material called Nilium that drains psionic power points AC: 25 (+3 Dex, +4 natural, +8 breastplate +3), touch 13,
from its victim. Annulis blades can be magically enchanted, flat 22
but cannot be psionically enchanted, due to the psi-draining BAB/Grapple: +11/+17
material it is made of. Annulis blades are always considered Full Attack: +1 annulis blade +19/+14 melee (1d8+9;x3)
to be of masterwork quality. Cost: 2,000 gp; Size: M; Special Att: -
Damage: 1d8; Critical: 20/x3; Special: on a successful hit, Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., Detect psionics, immune
victim must make a Will save (DC 15 + damage dealt) or lose to energy, PR 21, scent
their psionic focus and 1d4+1 power points. Skills: Climb +9, Hide +13, Knowledge (Psionics) +14,
Listen +18, Move Silently +12, Search +14, Spot +21
Xlexi as Characters Feats: Closed MindB, Combat ReflexesF, Exotic Weapon
Many Xlexi encountered are individuals on quests Proficiency (Annulis blade), Hostile Mind, Improved
away from the clan hunting down psions or psionic items to SunderF, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Mental
destroy. Only the most unusual xlexi can put aside their racial ResistanceB, Power AttackF, Psionic HoleB, Weapon
hatred of psionics to adventure with such individuals, and no Focus (Annulis Blade), Weapon Specialization
being has ever heard of xlexi doing so. (Annulis Blade)F
Xlexi characters have the following abilities. CR: 12
• Medium size. Gear: breastplate +3 (9,650 gp), +1 annulis blade (4,000
• Base movement rate 30 ft. gp), periapt of Wisdom +2 (4,000 gp), gauntlets of
• Str +6, Dex +4, Con +4, Int +8, Wis +4, Chr +10. ogre power (4,000 gp) , cloak of resistance +2 (4,000
Xlexi are incredibly strong, hardy and agile. They gp), potion of cure serious wounds (750 gp)
are also quite intelligent, cunning and exceptionally Total: 26,400 gp (27,000 gp)
strong of character. Xlexi Psychic Doom
• 7d8 hit dice. A Xlexi adds seven times it 7HD CE xlexi Ftr 13;hp: 183
Constitution modifier to this total. A xlexi has a Base S25 D18 C18 I18 W22 Ch18;Fort +18, Ref +14, Will +21
attack bonus of +4 and base saves of Fort +2, Reflex Init: +8 Move: 20 ft.
+2 and Will +5. AC: 29 (+4 Dex, +4 natural, +10 breastplate +5, +1 ring
• Darkvision 60 feet. A Xlexi can see in utter of protection), touch 15, flat 25
darkness out to a range of 60 feet. Dark vision is BAB/Grapple: +17/+24
black-and-white only. Full Attack: +5 annulis blade +31/+26/+21/+16 melee
• +4 Natural AC. (1d8+19;x3)
• Detect Psionics (Sp): As per the detect magic spell, Special Att: -
except it detects creatures with power points or items Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., Detect psionics, immune
imbued with psionic abilities. to energy, PR 21, scent
• Immune to Energy (Ex): A Xlexi takes no damage Skills: Climb +9, Hide +13, Knowledge (Psionics) +14,
from acid, cold, fire or sonic attacks. Listen +18, Move Silently +12, Search +14, Spot +21
• Power Resistance (Ps): A Xlexi has a power Feats: Chaotic Mind, Closed MindB, Combat ReflexesF,
resistance of 14 + ½ Class levels + Cha mod. Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Annulis blade), Greater
• Closed Mind, Mental Resistance and Psychic Hole Weapon Focus (Annulis Blade)F, Greater Weapon
as racial feats. Specialization (Annulis Blade)F, Hostile Mind,
• (2 + Int mod) x 10 skill points. Racial skills are Improved Critical (Annulis Blade)F, Improved
Craft (Any), Hide, Knowledge (Psionics), Listen, Initiative, Improved SunderF, Iron Will, Mental
Move Silently, Search, and Spot. ResistanceB, Power AttackF, Psionic HoleB, Reckless
Offense, Weapon Focus (Annulis Blade), Weapon
• Favored Class: Fighter
Specialization (Annulis Blade)F
• Level Adjustment: +8
CR: 18
Xlexi generally do not worship gods, generally abhorring
Gear: breastplate +5 (26,650 gp), ring of protection +1, +5
bowing down to any other being. They also do not have the
annulis blade (52,000 gp), periapt of Wisdom +4
close association with nature to normally take up the mantle of
(16,000 gp), belt of giant strength +4 (16,000 gp) ,
druid. However, some have been known to ally themselves
cloak of resistance +4 (16,000 gp), potion of cure
with Titanicus, the bloody god of war. Priests of Titanicus can
serious wounds (750 gp)
chose two of the three domains from Chaos, Evil or War.
Total: 127,400 gp (130,000 gp)

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Xuchard Combat
Xuchard dislike combat, but if forced to defend
Large Aberration themselves, they attack with tentacle strikes and a vicious bite.
Hit Dice: 7d8+42 (73 hp) If possible, they will attempt to ensnare prey and charm them
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) rather than kill them. They have even been known to
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (perfect), swim incapacitate and tie up opponents instead of killing them, such
60 ft. (12 squares) is their aversion to the negative emotions combat causes.
Armor Class: 19 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +8 natural), touch 11, Sometimes even a nearby combat is enough to drive the
flat 17 creatures away, at least temporarily.
BAB/Grapple: +5/+14 Charming Caress (Su): A victim caught in a xuchard's
Attack: Slam +9 melee (1d6+5) grapple must make a DC 19 Will save or be charmed as per
Full Attack: 4 Slams +9 melee (1d6+5) and bite +4 the Charm Monster spell. This is treated as if cast at 7th level
melee (1d8+2) ability. The save is Constitution based.
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. Improved Grab (Ex): If a xuchard strikes with its slam
Diameter: 7 ft. + 2d8 in. (7 ft. 9 in.) attack, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple
Weight: 225 lbs. + 2d8 x 5 lbs. (270 lbs.) as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Special Att: Charming caress, improved grab, suggestive No initial touch attack is required. A xuchard has the option
gaze to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use the part of its
Special Qual: DR 10/-, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 4, SR body it used in the improved grab to hold the opponent. If it
19 chooses to do the latter, it takes a –20 penalty on grapple
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +10 checks, but is not considered grappled itself; the creature does
Abilities: S21 D15 C23 I23 W17 Ch21 not lose its Dexterity bonus to AC, still threatens an area, and
Skills: Bluff +21, Diplomacy +21, Disguise +15, can use its remaining attacks against other opponents.
Escape Artist +12, Hide +8, Intimidate +17, Fast Healing (Ex): A xuchard regains 4 hit points per round
Listen +3, Sense Motive +19, Spot +13 except from fire or acid attacks. Except where noted here, fast
Feats: Iron Will, Negotiator, Persuasive healing is just like natural healing. Fast healing does not
Environment: Any land restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation,
Organization: Solitary, or Covey (2-5) and it does not allow a creature to regrow lost body parts.
CR: 6 Suggestive Gaze (Su): A xuchard can plant a suggestion, as
Treasure: None per the spell, in the mind of any victim who gazes into its
Alignment: Always chaotic neutral eyes. The range is 30 feet and the victim gains a Will save
Advancement: 8-14 HD (Large); 15-21 HD (Huge) (DC 18) to resist the suggestion. The xuchard uses this ability
Level Adj: - as a 7th level caster. The save is charisma based.
This baggy, purple creature has a ball-like body Skills: A xuchard has a +4 racial bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy
and slick, rubbery skin. The bag-like body sports and Sense Motive skill checks.
a huge, yellow gummed maw filled with needle-
like teeth. It has large, glowing eyes and four Xuchard on Amberos
ropy, slime-covered tentacles extend from the
It is believed that Xuchard may be from the same
side of its body. A large shark-like fin extends
Realm of Madness as the mentens. One deranged sage, whom
upward from its back.
first had been enslaved by Xuchard and then later spent his
Xuchard are hedonistic creatures that delight in morally
career studying them, has postulated that Xuchard are gnomes
depraved actions. They tend to dwell in civilized regions,
who somehow became entrapped on the Realm of Madness
feeding off the emotions of those nearby. The more extreme
during the Elvin Golden Age. However, most reputable sages
the emotions, the more “flavorful” the xuchard finds them.
– and gnomes – scoff at this theory. The creatures infest areas
Unlike many creatures that feed off emotion, xuchard prefer to
under large cities and have been blamed for the corruption and
feed off positive emotions and find negative emotions - hate,
degeneracy of several royal lineages over the ages.
fear and such - as unappetizing.
While xuchard are not in of themselves dangerous, their
desire to get others around them to experience positive
emotions can cause many dangers - for example, they are not
above addicting others to drugs to feed off the euphoria that
such drugs produce.
Xuchard speak Common, Infernal, Celestial, Elvin and

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Xunlard Xunlard are rarely seen as they tend to travel by

burrowing through solid earth. To burrow through earth, a
Huge Giant (Chaos, Earth) xunlard spins its body, much like a living tornado, as it
Hit Dice: 19d8+76 (161 hp) quickly tears through the earth. Xunlard enjoy using this
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) ability to undermine buildings and other structures, or to come
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), burrow 20 ft. (4 squares)in up from beneath their enemies to attack.
breastplate; base speed 30 ft. burrow 30 ft. Luckily, many xunlard are arrogant, and it is not too
Armor Class: 27 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +12 natural, +5 difficult to trick them by challenging their strength and
breastplate), touch 10, flat 25 superiority in a contest. Witty heroes of smaller stature can
BAB/Grapple: +14/+33 often cow these brutes by managing to make it look like they
Attack: Katana +24 melee (3d8+17;18-20x2) or are superior in strength, despite their size.
slam +23 melee (2d6+11) or composite Xunlard speak trade and infernal.
longbow (+11 Str) +14 ranged (3d6+11;x3)
Full Attack: Katana +24/+19/+14 melee (3d8+17;18- Combat
20/x2) or Xunlard often battle each other with their katanas, but
2 slams +23 melee (2d6+11) or against smaller foe, they prefer to hurl rocks or use their
Composite longbow (+11 Str) +14/+9/+4 massive slam attacks against such foes. Though they travel in
ranged (3d6+11/x3) groups, xunlard prefer to fight for individual glory, and will
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft. demand some sort of payment for assistance when battling on
Height: 18 ft. + 1d8 ft. (23 ft.) behalf of their brothers or other beings. However, their loyalty
Weight: 6,000 lbs. + 1d8 x 1,000 lbs. (10,000 lbs. / 5 only extends as far as what they gain out a conflict.
tons) Most xunlard are cowards at heart, and many will
Special Att: Poison, rock throwing knuckle under to a foe (or plain run away) if the battle goes
Special Qual: Change shape, DR 15/cold iron and lawful, against them and things begin to look grim.
immune to cold and fire, low-light vision, Change Shape (Su): As a move action, a xunlard can assume
rock catching any humanoid shape it desires ranging from medium size to
Saves: Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +8 huge size. Xunlard often use this ability to hide among lesser
Abilities: S33 D15 C19 I13 W15 Ch13 humanoids and goad individuals to fight. The xunlard then
Skills: Balance -2, Bluff +12, Climb +18, Escape transforms back to its normal shape before attacking. This
Artist -2, Hide -10, Intimidate +12, Jump transformation acts like the polymorph spell with a caster level
+18, Listen +8, Move Silently -2, Perform of 19.
+6, Sleight of Hand -2, Spot +13, Swim +3, Poison (Ex): The blood of a xunlard is a deadly contact
Tumble -2 poison. Those who wound a xunlard in melee combat must
Feats: Awesome Blow, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, make a reflex save (DC 15) or be exposed to the poison.
Dodge, Improved Critical (Katana), Power (Type: contact; Fort DC 23; Pri: 1d3 Con; Sec: 2d6 Con).
Attack, Weapon Focus (Katana) Xunlard have been known to wound themselves before
Environment: Any land combat (dealing 1d4 points) and smear their katana with
Organization: Solitary, Family (2-5), or Clan (5-20) poison. The poison is good for 1 minute or one hit, whichever
CR: 18 comes first.
Treasure: Standard Rock Throwing (Ex): A xunlard has a range increment of
Alignment: Always chaotic evil 120 feet with a thrown rock. A rock hurled by a xunlard has a
Advancement: 20-38 HD (Huge); 39-57 HD (Gargantuan) +6 ranged attack bonus and deals 3d6 + 11 damage per hit.
Level Adj: -
This brutish giant is covered in blue skin and has Xunlard on Amberos
long, jet-black hair. It has long fangs that drip
Xunlard are the servants of the oni who rule Dishnu.
with venom and a pair of ram-like horns
A few Xunlard have made their way to Chiamung, where they
protrude from its forehead. The giant's hands are
dwell in the isolated wilderness, causing trouble and havoc
exceptionally large and six-fingered. It holds in
when encountered. The Xunlard of Chiamung avoid civilized
its hands a rune-covered katana.
areas and have an unnatural dislike of oni, having remained in
The xunlard are an antagonistic race of oriental giants
Chiamung to escape the rule of oni.
who delight in mischief. The are more powerful cousins to
ogre magi, and can often be found in many of the same areas
as their magical brethren. They are fond of raiding human
settlements for food or tribute, and sometimes simple raid
settlements for the sheer pleasure of tearing things up.

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Yale Yale on Amberos

Large Animal Found mostly in the steppe lands on Randu, Lanster
Hit Dice: 6d8+18 (45 hp) and Lacosis, these creatures are a familiar sight to the natives.
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) Nobles often arrange hunts to try and capture these creatures
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares) (primarily for the horns, though the meat is considered a
Armor Class: 14 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 11, delicacy), and the common populace sometimes hunts them as
flat 12 well, though not as often as deer or other game.
BAB/Grapple: +4/+11
Attack: Gore +6 melee (1d8+3)
Full Attack: Gore +6 melee (1d8+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Att: Powerful charge
Special Qual: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +3
Abilities: S16 D15 C17 I2 W13 Ch8
Skills: Climb +3, Hide -2, Jump +7, Listen +3, Spot
+4, Swim +3
Feats: Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes, Run
Environment: Temperate plains
Organization: Solitary, Family (2-5), or Ride (5-20)
CR: 5
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 7-12 HD (Large); 13-18 HD (Huge)
Level Adj: -
This yellow-brown creature is slightly larger
than a horse with the maw of a great boar. Atop
its head is a pair of nearly two-foot long horns,
which move about as a dog might control its
The yale is a powerful creature related to deer that
grazes in wild plains. They are sometimes hunted for food or
for their peculiar horns.
Yale are not aggressive creatures, but will attack those
that they see as threats to their territory, herd members or to

Yale attack by charging an opponent, maneuvering
the long, sharp horns to gore its foe. Once engaged, it can
maneuver its horn almost like a sword so that it can continue
to gore its opponent.
Powerful Charge (Ex): When a creature with this special
attack makes a charge, its attack deals 2d8+4 damage in
addition to the normal benefits and hazards of a charge.

Training a Yale as a mount

If captured while young, yale make excellent war
mounts. They are more popular among horse archers and
nobles than commoners.
Training a yale requires 6 weeks and a successful
Handle Animal check (DC 25). A yale trained for combat
sells for about 250 gp.

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Yyaunn Yyaunn on Amberos

Oddly, Belli has no control over the granting or
Aunn is a fey word that describes the most secret removal of the Aunn’s power. It seems that the Aunn is a
power of Nature itself. Only a few elves and other faerie presence separate from Belli himself, though it seems to have
creatures of the most ancient and wild forests, which keep it a an intelligence and will of its own.
secret from any who would attempt to steal or corrupt it, know Yyaunn are extremely rare; the sheer will to control
the secret of the Aunn. Sometimes, the Aunn shows its nature and bend it to one’s will requires superhuman talent,
mighty and terrible secrets to creatures that have lived in concentration and an audacity not seen in many creatures.
harmony with nature, granting the being with a powerful gift As stated above, lizardfolk, drakes and creatures such
of nature itself. Any creature able to manipulate the power as garagators seem to be more inclined to produce yyaunn.
granted by the Aunn is known as a Sslaunn.
However, there are those who have the will and learn
the secrets to seize the destructive power of the Aunn. These
powerful beings, which oddly tend to be reptilian, are known
as the Yyaunn.
Yyaunn is a template that may be applied to any
humanoid, animal, magical beast, dragon or fey being of
Chaotic alignment. It gains the Augmented and Shapechanger

Hit Dice: the creature’s racial hit dice doubles. The creature
gains any additional hit points due to it from its increased
Speed: the Yyaunn’s base speed increases by 10 feet.
Special Qualities: the Sslaunn gains the following abilities:
• Fury of the Aunn (Su): The Yyaunn can draw on
the primal forces of nature to produce a myriad of
supernatural events as follows. Earthquake –
1x/week, Storm of Vengeance 1x/week, Creeping
Doom 1x/day, Animal Growth 1x/day, Call
Lightning 1x/day. The spells are cast at a level equal
to the Yyaunn’s hit dice. The save DCs are 10 +
spell level + Charisma modifier. A yyaunn’s ability
to use the above abilities is not limited by its
Charisma score.
• Shapechange (Su): as per the 9th level sorcerer spell
at will at a casting level equal to the Yyaunn’s hit
dice or levels. The shapechange is limited to animal
or magical beast forms.
• Resistance to Fire, Cold, Acid, Electricity and
Sonic (Su): The Yyaunn gains 1 point of resistance
per Hit Dice it has to all attacks involving the Fire,
Cold, Acid, Electricity or Sonic damage.
• Secrets of the Aunn (Sp): A Yyaunn can cast spells
as if it were a druid of a level equal to one-half its hit
dice or levels. Spell DC’s are 10 + spell level +
Wisdom modifier.
Abilities: A Yyaunn gains +4 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +4
Skills: Knowledge (Nature) and Survival become class skills.
The Yyaunn gains a +8 racial bonus to Knowledge (Nature).
CR: 1-4 HD +2; 5-8 HD +3; 9+ HD +4
Level Adjustment: +4

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Black Drake Yyaunn at targets as it flies by. They only fight in melee if forced to
Huge Dragon (Augmented, Shapechanger) do so, and will flee any engagement they are losing.
Hit Dice: 12d12 + 36 (114 hp) Acid Breath (Ex): A black drake can breathe a line of acid 5
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) feet wide and 60 feet long once every three rounds. The acid
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), Fly 150 ft (poor) deals 12d4 damage to targets. A successful Reflex save (DC
AC: 19 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +9 natural) touch 10, 19) halves the damage from the attack.
flat 17 Frightful Presence (Ex): The mere presence of a black drake
BAB/Grapple: +12/+22 yyaunn is unsettling to foes. Whenever the drake attacks,
Attack: Bite +14 melee (3d6+4) opponents with 12 levels or hit dice or less must make a Will
Full Attack: Bite +14 melee (3d6+4), 2 claws +12 melee save (DC 17) or be panicked. A being that makes the saving
(1d4+2), tail slap +12 melee (2d4+2) throw is immune to the Drake’s frightful presence for 24
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. hours.
Length: 28 ft + 1d4 ft. (30 ft. 6 in.) Blindsight (Ex): All drakes have extremely keen senses and
Weight: 4,000 lbs + 1d10x100 lbs. (4, 500 lbs) can render invisibility and darkness irrelevant to their ability
Special Att: Acid Breath, frightful presence to detect or fight a foe. A black drake yyaunn blindsight
Special Qual: Blindsight, fury of the Aunn, resistance to extends for 120 feet.
fire, cold, acid, electricity and sonic 12, Fury of the Aunn (Su): The black drake yyaunn can draw on
shapechange, secrets of the Aunn the primal forces of nature to produce a myriad of supernatural
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +10 events as follows. Earthquake – 1x/week, Storm of
Abilities: S19 D14 C16 I10 W15 Ch12 Vengeance 1x/week, Creeping Doom 1x/day, Animal Growth
Skills: Hide +7*, Knowledge (Nature) +8, Move 1x/day, Call Lightning 1x/day. The spells are cast at a level
silently +17, Search +15, Sense Motive +17 equal to the Yyaunn’s hit dice. The save DCs are 10 + spell
Feats: Flyby Attack, Multiattack, Power Attack, level + Charisma modifier. A yyaunn’s ability to use the
Snatch, Wingover above abilities is not limited by its Charisma score.
Environment: Warm and Temperate Swamps Shapechange (Su): as per the 9th level sorcerer spell at will at
Organization: Solitary or Troup (1 + 1-3 Black Drakes) a casting level of 12. The shapechange is limited to animal or
CR: 9 magical beast forms.
Treasure: Double Standard Secrets of the Aunn (Sp): A Yyaunn can cast spells as if it
Alignment: Always Chaotic Evil were a druid of 6th level Spell DC’s are 12 + spell level.
Advancement: Huge (13-16 HD), Gargantuan (17-24 HD) Below is a typical black dragon yyaunn’s spell list .
A powerful, reptilian creature rises from the Skills: a black dragon yyaunn gains a +8 racial bonus to Hide
morass, its black hide dripping with the watery skill checks in natural surroundings.
sludge. It has a reptilian head and body, with a
pair of leathery wings that double as its front Typical Druid Spell List
legs. Black horns sweep forward from its (3/4/4/2;CL 6;DC 12 + Spell Level)
forehead, and an algae-laden spine runs down 0th: Detect Magic, Guidance, Resistance
the length of its back to end in a wide blade at 1st: Entangle, Faerie Fire, Obscuring Mist, Pass Without
the tail. There is a stench of decay around the Trace
fetid black monstrosity as it gazes at you from a 2nd: Animal Trance, Bull’s Strength, Tree Shape, Warp Wood
skull-like face. There is a disturbing aura of 3rd: Poison, Quench
power lingering about the creature.
Black drake yyaunn are power hungry individuals far Black Drake Yyaunn on Amberos
more powerful and deadly that their black drake peers. They Deep in the heart of the Golens and the Deadgate
feed on rot and corruption and will often ally themselves with Swamp, there are vast repositories of life energies that form
beings they perceive as being powerful but corrupted. Unlike the heart of the Aunn power. Some black drakes have learned
black dragons, Drakes tend to make their lairs in the tree to tap into this power source, corrupting it for their own use.
canopies of the swamp, often near areas of assassin vine or Strangely, true dragons seem either unable or
other such dangers to help protect the lair. unwilling to tap the Aunn for power like black drakes have
Black drake yyaunn prefer to use the swamp against
their targets to mire, slow or even drown foes. Once the
enemy is entangled, it will swoop in on a target, snatch them
up and drop them from great heights or to breath a line of acid

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Zadoc Combat
A zadoc attempts to position itself between its creator
Large Construct and any assailants. It will often rush ranged attackers or hang
Hit Dice: 9d10+30 (79 hp) back and bash opponents who attempt to melee with the
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) creator.
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) (can't run) Zadoc use any spells contained within themselves
Armor Class: 22 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +10 natural, +2 heavy intelligent - unless told otherwise by their creator, they will
steel shield), touch 10, flat 21 employ any carried spells in a manner to best defend its
BAB/Grapple: +6/+15 creator.
Attack: Slam +10 melee (1d6+5) or Shield bash +10 Body spikes (Ex): A zadoc is covered in long, sharp spikes. If
melee (1d6+2) engaged in a grapple, it can choose to attack with the spikes
Full Attack: Slam +10 melee (1d6+5) or Shield bash +10 without a penalty to hit to deal 1d6 + 5 damage.
melee (1d6+2) or Spell container (Su): A Zadoc can store up to 18 spell levels
Slam +6 melee (1d6+5) and shield bash +6 in its body from its creator. Storing a spell requires the creator
melee (1d6+2) to “cast” the spell into the zadoc while touching the handplate
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. on its chest. The creator must pay the cost of XP or gold costs
Height: 7 ft. for the spell. The zadoc can later use the spells as if the creator
Weight: 1,750 lbs. had cast the spell. Once a spell is used, it is expended from the
Special Att: Body spikes zadoc's repertoire of stored spells.
Special Qual: Construct traits, DR 10/-, darkvision 60ft., Spell Immunity (Ex): A zadoc avoids the effects of spells and
low-light vision, spell container, spell spell-like abilities that directly affect it. This works exactly
immunity like spell resistance, except that it cannot be overcome.
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4 However, a chill metal acts as a slow spell against a zadoc,
Abilities: S21 D12 C- I10 W12 Ch10 though a heat metal spell will heal it for 1d4 hit points per
Skills: Balance -1, Climb +9, Escape Artist -1, caster level. All other cold spells deal ½ damage (or no
Hide -5, Jump +9, Listen +7, Move Silently damage on a successful save) to a zadoc. All other fire-based
-1, Sleight of Hand -1, Spot +7, Swim +1, spells are subject to the zadoc’s spell immunity.
Tumble -1
Feats: Improved Bull Rush, Improved Shield Bash, Creating A Zadoc
Improved Sunder, Power AttackB, Shield
Creating a zadoc requires 1,000 lbs. of black steel
ProficiencyB, Two-Weapon Fighting
and 200 lbs. of dark wood. Crafting the body costs 7,500 gp
Environment: Any land
and a successful Craft (Blacksmithing) DC 15 check and a
Organization: Solitary
Craft (Carpentry) DC 15 check.
CR: 8
CL 11; Craft Construct, Spell Turning; Price 37,000
Treasure: None
gp; Cost 18,500 gp + 860 XP
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 10-18 HD (Large); 19-27 HD (Huge)
Level Adj: -
This seven foot construct has a body made of
ebony wood and black steel. Its body is covered
with red magical glyphs, and the center of its
chest has a large indentation in it in the shape of
a hand. It it’s left hand it carries a shield with
odd emblem engraved on it.
Zadoc are constructs created to defend wizards.
Similar to shield guardians, Zadoc are primarily defensive
creatures, though they are also storehouses for a wizard's
supplies and certain spells.
A zadoc is under the complete control of its creator,
but is capable of reasoning to better find methods to defend its
A zadoc can speak and understands one language
chosen by its creator at its time of construction.

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Humanoid Form Shark Form
Medium Humanoid (Human, Aquatic) Medium Animal (Human, Aquatic)
Hit Dice: 1d10 + 3d8 + 5 (24 hp) 1d10 + 3d8 + 5 (24 hp)
Initiative: +2 +2
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), swim 50 ft. (10 squares) swim 60 ft. (12 squares)
Armor Class: 20 (+2 Dex, +3 natural, +4 chain shirt, +1 light wooden 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat 13
shield), touch 12, flat 18
BAB/Grapple: +1/+5 +3/+4
Attack: Trident +6 melee (1d6+4) Bite +5 melee (1d6+1)
Full Attack: Trident +6 melee (1d6+4) Bite +5 melee (1d6+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Att: - -
Special Qual: Alternate form, scent Alternate form, blindsense, keen scent
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +2 Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: S19 D15 C14 I10 W12 Ch8* S13 D15 C 13 I10 W12 Ch8
Skills: Listen +9, Spot +8, Swim +9 Listen +9, Spot +8, Swim +9
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Alertness, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Trident)F
Focus (Trident)F
Environment: Any aquatic Any aquatic
Organization: Solitary, Team (2-5 plus 0-1 3rd level sergeants), Swarm (5-20 plus one 3rd level sergeant per 5 Zaramian and one 7th level
captain), School (20-40 plus one 5th level sergeant per 10 Zaramians and one 7th level captain per 20 Zaramian), Shoal (40-
60 plus one 5th level sergeant per 10 Zaramians and one 7th level captain per 20 Zaramians and 0-1 5th level shaman), or
Nation (60+)
CR: 2 2
Treasure: Standard Standard
Alignment: Often lawful evil Often Lawful Evil
Advancement: By character class By character class
Level Adj: +2 +2
Alternate Form (Su): A Zaramian’s natural form is its
This human-like being is covered in natural humanoid form, but it has the ability to assume the form of a
sharkskin as has black, oily eyes. Vestigial fins medium-sized shark. This ability works much like the
protrude from its arms and legs and a likewise polymorph spell, except that the creature is limited to the
underdeveloped dorsal fin protrudes from its forms specified, and does not regain any hit points for
back. Its teeth seem to have been filed to a changing its form. The transformation to shark form is not
point, and its hands end in thick white nails. automatic, only occurring after a Zaramian witnesses the death
The being is protected by a chain shirt and of an enemy within 15 feet of its person. It must then fail a
wields a trident and small shield. DC 15 Control Shape skill check to transform. The
Zaramians are the descendants of humans who have transformation takes a standard action and lasts for one hour.
been magically transformed by their close association with Once transformed, a Zaramian cannot change back to
sharks. They are a murderous, yet intelligent lot who humanoid form willingly until an hour has passed. If slain, a
constantly hunger for battle. Zaramian reverts to humanoid form.
Zaramians speak Common. Skills: A Zaramian has a +10 bonus to swim. They can take
10 on a Swim check even when rushed or otherwise distracted.
Zaramians normally fight with their trident in Society
humanoid form, and tend to work well in groups attacking Zaramians tend to dwell in the ruins of ancient
prey. They prefer to overwhelm an enemy, and once they have civilizations that have sunk beneath the waves. They hunt for
slain their first foe in a combat, tend to become overcome with their food, and often war against other undersea races for
a blood frenzy and transform into shark form to continue the places to live and for sources of food. Zaramians have been
attack. known to take sea elves and merfolk as slaves, but have a
The Zaramian above uses the elite ability array of great hatred for sea devils and will drive them off or kill them.
15,13,14,10,12, 8 and has 1 level of fighter. Zaramians divide their roles up equally, and the
females are just as likely to be engaged in war as to take on

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household duties. Zaramians rarely marry for love, but instead • Favored Class: Fighter
plot and manipulate events to attract the mate they desire - • Level Adjustment: +2
even if the other is an unwilling. There is great shame to a Zaramians worship M’kree Malka exclusively.
Zaramian that is not wed by their twenty-first birthday, and Priests of M’kree Malka can choose two of the three
they have been known to abduct sea elves or merfolk to avoid domains of Animal (Aquatic only), Evil, or Water.
the utter shame of not having a method to continue their own

Zaramians on Amberos
Zaramians hail from the ruins of Zarame Kull, the
ancient capital of Randu, which was swept beneath the waves
at the end of the Randu Wars. M’kree Malka, the shark god,
saved the drowning inhabitants from their doom in return for
their worship of him.

Zaramians as Characters
While the transformation wrought by M’kree Malka
makes it difficult for Zaramians to escape their tyrannical
society, there are individuals whom are able to divest
themselves from the oppressive rule under M’kree and strike
out on their own. Zaramians have the following abilities.
• Medium size
• Base speed 30 feet. Swim speed 50 ft. A Zaramian
gains a +8 racial bonus to Swim and can choose to
take 10 even when rushed or otherwise distracted.
• Aquatic subtype. A Zaramian can breath
underwater normally. However, it must hold its
breath when out of water or it will drown from lack
of oxygen flowing through its gills.
• 3d8 Racial Hit Dice. The Zaramian adds three times
his Constitution modifier to this total (min 1 hp/HD).
This gives the Zaramian a Base attack bonus of +2
and base saves of Fort +3, Reflex +3 and Will +3. A
Zaramian gains 2 racial feats.
• (2 + Int Modifier) x 6 Skill Points. A Zaramian’s
racial skills are Intimidate, Listen, Ride, Sense
Motive, Spot, and Swim.
• Alternate Form (Su): A Zaramian’s natural form is
its humanoid form, but it has the ability to assume the
form of a medium-sized shark. This ability works
much like the alter self spell, except that the creature
is limited to the forms specified, and does not regain
any hit points for changing its form. The
transformation to shark form is not automatic, only
occurring after a Zaramian witnesses the death of an
enemy within 15 feet of its person. It must then fail a
DC 15 Control Shape skill check to transform. The
transformation takes a standard action and lasts for
one hour. Once transformed, a Zaramian cannot
change back to humanoid form willingly until an
hour has passed. If slain, a Zaramian reverts to
humanoid form.
• Scent ability.
• +4 Str, +2 Dex. Zaramians are incredibly strong and
quite agile.

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Zaramian Sharkeater Zaramian Bloodsniffer
Humanoid Form 3HD Zaramian Ftr 4/Clr 8;hp: 86
3HD Zaramian Ftr 4/Clr 2;hp: 53 S20 D15 C12 I10 W18 Ch8;Fort +15, Ref +9, Will +11
S20 D15 C12 I10 W14 Ch8;Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +7 Init: +2 Move: 30 ft., swim 50 ft.
Init: +2 Move: 30 ft., swim 50 ft. AC: 23 (+2 Dex, +3 natural, +7 chain shirt +3, +1 ring of
AC: 20 (+2 Dex, +3 natural, +5 chain shirt +1), touch 12, protection), touch 13, flat 21
flat 18 BAB/Grapple: +12/+17
BAB/Grapple: +7/+12 Full Attack: +2 trident +19/+14 melee (1d8+10)
Full Attack: +1 trident +14 melee (1d8+10) Special Att: Spells, rebuke water creatures/turn fire
Special Att: Spells, rebuke water creatures/turn fire creatures, turn undead
creatures, turn undead Special Qual: Alternate form, scent, spells
Special Qual: Alternate form, scent, spells Skills: Climb +4, Concentration +11, Knowledge (Religion)
Skills: Climb +4, Concentration +3, Knowledge (Religion) +10, Listen +7, Ride +9, Spot +7, Survival +7, Swim
+2, Listen +7, Ride +9, Spot +7, Survival +5, Swim +20
+20 Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Natural Spell, Natural Spellcaster,
Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Power AttackF, Skill Focus Power AttackF, Skill Focus (Survival), Track,
(Survival), Track, Weapon Focus (Trident)F, Weapon Weapon Focus (Trident)F, Weapon SpecializationF
SpecializationF CR: 13
CR: 7 Gear: chain shirt +3 (9,250 gp), ring of protection +1
Gear: chain shirt +1 (1,250 gp), +1 trident (2,315 gp), (2,000 gp), +2 trident (8,315 gp), cloak of protection
cloak of protection +1 (1,000 gp), potion of cure +2 (4,000 gp), periapt of wisdom (4,000 gp), pearl of
moderate wounds (300 gp), potion of bull’s strength power (2nd level) (4,000 gp), potion of cure serious
(300 gp) wounds (750 gp)
Total: 5,165 gp (7,200 gp) Total: 32,615 gp (35,000 gp)
Rebuke Water Creatures/Turn fire Creatures (Su): 2x/day; Rebuke Water Creatures/Turn fire Creatures (Su): 2x/day;
Turn Check 1d20-1; Turn Damage 2d6+1 Turn Check 1d20-1; Turn Damage 2d6+1
Turn Undead (Su): 2x/day; Turn Check 1d20-1;Turn Turn Undead (Su): 2x/day; Turn Check 1d20-1;Turn
Damage 2d6+1 Damage 2d6+1

Typical Cleric Spells Typical Cleric Spells

(4/4;CL 2;DC 12 + Spell Level; Domain: Evil, Water) (6/6/5/5/4;CL 12;DC 14 + Spell Level; Domain: Evil,
0: Detect Magic, Guidance, Resistance, Virtue Water)
1st: Bane, Doom, Cause Fear, Obscuring MistD 0: Detect Magic, Guidance, Resistance, Virtue
D=Domain spell 1st: Bane, Command, Doom, Cause Fear, Obscuring MistD,
Shark Form Shield of Faith
3HD Zaramian Ft4/Clr 2;hp: 53 2nd: Death Knell, DescrateDE, Bull’s Strength, Hold Person,
S13 D15 C13 I10 W14 Ch8;Fort +11, Ref +5, Will +6 Spiritual Weapon
Init: +2 Move: swim 60 ft. 3rd: Bestow Curse, Contagion, Dispel Magic, Magic Circle
AC: 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat 13 against GoodDE, Protection from Energy
BAB/Grapple: +7/+8 4 : Control WaterD, Divine Power, Spell immunity, Summon

Full Attack: Bite +9 melee (1d6+1) Monster IV

Special Att: - D=Domain spell
Special Qual: Alternate form, keen scent E=Evil Spell;+1 Caster level
Skills: Concentration +2, Knowledge (Religion) +2, Listen Shark Form
+7, Ride +9, Spot +7, Survival +5, Swim +16 3HD Zaramian Ft4/Clr 8;hp: 86
Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Power AttackF, Skill Focus S13 D15 C13 I10 W14 Ch8;Fort +14, Ref +7, Will +9
(Survival), Track, Weapon Focus (Trident)F, Weapon Init: +2 Move: swim 60 ft.
SpecializationF AC: 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat 13
CR: 7 BAB/Grapple: +12/+13
Gear: not used Full Attack: Bite +14 melee (1d6+1)
Total: 5165 gp (5,600 gp) Special Att: -
Special Qual: Alternate form, keen scent
Skills: Concentration +11, Knowledge (Religion) +10,
Listen +7, Ride +9, Spot +7, Survival +5, Swim +16

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Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Natural Spell, Natural Spellcaster,
Power AttackF, Skill Focus (Survival), Track,
Weapon Focus (Trident)F, Weapon SpecializationF
CR: 13
Gear: not used
Total: 32,615 gp (35,000 gp)
See humanoid form for spells

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Zerendiz blow difficult. The zerendiz generates its own concealment,

imparting a 20% miss chance against attacks directed against
Huge Ooze (Shadow) it.
Hit Dice: 16d10+128 (216 hp) Improved Grab (Ex): If a zerendiz hits with a claw, it deals
Initiative: +0 normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action
Speed: fly 50 ft. (perfect) without provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial touch
Armor Class: 3 (-2 size, -5 Dex), touch 3, flat 3 attack is required. Despite the number of claws that strike a
BAB/Grapple: +12/+31 target, a Zerendiz can only make one attempt per round to
Attack: Claw +21 melee (1d8+11) grapple a single target. When a zerendiz gets a hold after an
Full Attack: 6 Claw +21 melee (1d8+11 improved grab attack, it pulls the opponent into its space. This
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft. act does not provoke attacks of opportunity. It can even move
Height: (possibly carrying away the opponent), provided it can drag
Weight: the opponent’s weight.
Special Att: Breath weapon, improved grab, swallow Swallow Whole (Ex): If a zerendiz begins the round
whole grappling a medium-sized or smaller opponent, it can attempt
Special Qual: Blindsight, concealing mass, ooze traits, a new grapple check (as though attempting to pin the
spell resistance 26 opponent). If it succeeds, it swallows its prey, and the
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +5, Will +0 opponent takes 2d8 + 16 damage. Unless otherwise noted, the
Abilities: S33 D10 C27 I- W1 Ch1 opponent can be up to one size category smaller than the
Skills: Hide -3, Listen -5, Spot -5 swallowing creature. A swallowed creature suffers 1 negative
Feats: Cleave, Die Hard, Endurance, Improved level per round. A swallowed creature is considered to be
Bull Rush, Power Attack, Stealthy grappled, while the creature that did the swallowing is not. A
Environment: Any land swallowed creature can try to escape the grapple, but attempts
Organization: Solitary to cut one’s self out is not effective. If the swallowed creature
CR: 15 escapes the grapple, it is free, but the zerendiz can attempt to
Treasure: None grapple the creature once again.
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 17-32 HD (Huge); 33-48 HD (Gargantuan) Zerendiz on Amberos
Level Adj: - Created by Gwieze, Lord of Shadows, Zerendiz are
A mass of black, roiling liquid stains the air in front of essence pulled from the Realm of Madness and infused with a
you, as if a bottle of ink had been spilt into the very sky. bit of shadow substance. Gwieze uses these creatures as
Amid the mass of roiling black inkiness, you can make assassins, sending them to hunt down and consume hated foes.
out what seems to be a pair of red, glittering eyes and
dozens of black arms ending in cruel razor-sharp
Zerendiz are bizarre, mindless creatures that on first
glance appear to be black puddings that can fly. However,
zerendiz are partly composed of shadow and seem to have
more in kin with shadows and wraiths than they do with a
black pudding, though zerendiz are not undead.

Zerendiz are simple predators. They quickly move
toward any target they sense and attack. They usually open
their assault with their shadow breath, hoping to weaken or
slow prey, then assault their opponent with their taloned
pseudopods, hoping to envelope and devour their prey.
Zerendiz are relentless creatures, and can squeeze through
cracks and other areas less than 1/2 inch wide.
Breath Weapon (Su): A Zerendiz can breathe a cone of
shadow energy that deals 8d6 damage and slows the victim for
1d4 rounds. A successful Reflex DC 26 Reflex save halves
the damage and reduces the slow effect to 1 round. A
Zerendiz can make a breath attack once per minute.
Concealing Mass (Ex): The roiling, protoplasmic mass of a
zerendiz is partly made of shadow, making landing a solid

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Bestiary Nefarious

Zithius Capsize (Ex): If a zithius Bull Rushes a water vessel of Huge

size or smaller, its captain must make a Profession (Sailor) DC
Gargantuan Magical Beast (Aquatic) 31 skill check or the ship will be capsized.
Hit Dice: 18d10+165 (264 hp) Improved Grab (Ex): If a zithius hits with a bite attack, it
Initiative: +0 may start a grapple immediately, without provoking an attack
Speed: swim 20 ft. (4 squares) of opportunity.
Armor Class: 14 (-4 size, +8 natural), touch 6, flat 14 Swallow Whole (Ex): If a creature with this special attack
BAB/Grapple: +18/+42 begins its turn with an opponent held in its mouth (see
Attack: Bite +26 melee (2d8+12) Improved Grab), it can attempt a new grapple check (as
Full Attack: Bite +26 melee (2d8+12) and tail slam +21 though attempting to pin the opponent). If it succeeds, it
melee (2d6+6) swallows its prey, and the opponent takes bite damage. Unless
Space/Reach: 20 ft./20 ft. otherwise noted, the opponent can be up to one size category
Height: smaller than the swallowing creature. Being swallowed has
Weight: various consequences, depending on the creature doing the
Special Att: Capsize, improved grab, swallow whole swallowing. A swallowed creature is considered to be
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent grappled, while the creature that did the swallowing is not. A
Saves: Fort +20, Ref +13, Will +7 swallowed creature can try to cut its way free with any light
Abilities: S35 D10 C28 I2 W13 Ch8 slashing or piercing weapon by dealing 30 hit points to the
Skills: Hide -12, Listen +11, Spot +12, Survival +1, zithius’s AC 14 interior. If the swallowed creature escapes the
Swim +12 grapple, success puts it back in the attacker’s mouth, where it
Feats: Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved may be bitten or swallowed again.
Critical, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack,
Toughness, Track Zithius on Amberos
Environment: Temperate or Warm aquatic Zithius inhabit the Forna sea and the Storm ocean off
Organization: Solitary, or Crew (2-5) the east coast of Amberos, sometimes traveling in large herds
CR: 17 in the Storm ocean. Tales have also placed zithius in the
Treasure: None Serpentia, Tsre and Alusti oceans that surround Amberos, but
Alignment: Always neutral these tales have not been confirmed.
Advancement: 19-36 HD (Gargantuan); 37-54 HD (Colossal)
Level Adj: -
This huge brown creature looks like a massive
whale with the head of a featherless owl. Its
forward flippers are almost like webbed hands
ending in cruel claws made for grasping. Its
large eyes seem as keen as the razor-sharp beak.
Zithius are predatory sea creatures who prey on
smaller creatures and have been known to attack sailing and
fishing boats for their content.
Sometimes, zithius have been known to even hunt
sharks or other whales. Packs of zithius have reputed to even
have attempted to take on kraken. In some cases, they have
been known to devour the corpses of their own dead, and even
attacked elderly and/or ailing members of their own kind.
Zithius are incapable of speaking or understanding

A zithius attacks by lunging at the target, hoping to
swallow a foe as it rushes in. They have been known to charge
ships, attempting to smash them in half or using their great
bulk to capsize vessels to get at the fresh food within. They
can be driven off if met with forceful, damaging resistance.
When attacking as a pack, the zithius use their swim-by attack
to make a pass at a foe and move quickly out of range. By
means of such swooping attacks, they can take down prey
even much larger than themselves.

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Zuan de or guile to isolate opponents and dispense with them. They are
very unpredictable creatures, and are just as likely to play with
Medium Monstrous Humanoid an opponent as they are to outright kill them. They seem to
Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (19 hp) prefer to toy with those they perceive less powerful than them,
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex) and have even known to break off combat against those who
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 70 ft. (average) surprise them with a flashy or well-placed blow. However,
Armor Class: 14 (+1 Dex, +3 natural), touch 11, flat 13 such showmanship is not only successful nor does it save the
BAB/Grapple: +3/+5 victim from later deprivations by the zuan de, who may
Attack: Claw +5 melee (1d4+2) or bastard sword +5 attempt to repeat the victim's former display themselves as
melee (1d10+3;19-20/x2) or longbow +4 part of the defeat of their former opponent.
ranged (1d8;x3) Spells-like Abilities (Sp): A zuan de can use the following
Full Attack: 2 claws +5 melee (1d4+2), bite +3 melee spell-like abilities at caster level 3.
(1d6+1) and tail +3 melee (1d6+1) or Charm Person - 3x/day; Dancing Lights – At will;
bastard sword +5 melee (1d10+3;19-20/x2) Disguise Self – At will; Flare – At will; Prestidigitation – At
or longbow +4 ranged (1d8;x3) will; Reduce Person - 3x/day.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Height: Society
Weight: Zuan de prefer to be alone, but occasionally
Special Att: - congregate into small groups for mutual entertainment and
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., spell resistance 15, spells- defense. These groups are usually little more than friendships
like abilities culled around similar interests and rarely last past the lifespan
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +4 of a single zuan de.
Abilities: S15 D13 C14 I13 W12 Ch16 A zuan de community usually consists of the zuan de,
Skills: Bluff +9, Disguise +9, Listen +4, Spot +4 perhaps a few infernal beings and a handful of the zuan de’s
Feats: Great Fortitude, Multiattack slaves. Zuan de rarely perform work if they can get away with
Environment: Warm land having their slaves do it, and spend of their time fulfilling their
Organization: Solitary, Brood (2-5), or Swarm (5-20) own dark interests.
CR: 3 Zuan de can mate with just about any species,
Treasure: Standard including humanoids and demons or devils, and the result is
Alignment: Usually chaotic neutral (evil tendencies) always a zuan de child. Parents are woefully unattendant to
Advancement: By Character Class their child’s needs, but luckily even zuan de infants are born
Level Adj: +4 with the ability to charm others, and will quickly put the
ability to use to obtain a caretaker for their own needs.
This dark-skinned humanoid bears a pair of
bat wings and small horns that protrude from Zuan De on Amberos
its forehead. Its eyes glow with an unearthly
Zuan de can be found in the Skienlands and areas of
yellow light and its tawny hands end in long,
the Shovnov coast. They have also been encountered in the
vicious claws.
Demon Jungle of Lanster, and according to tales, there are the
The offspring of the guaz de and infernal beings, the
ruins of a mighty city in the heart of the Demon Jungle that
zuan de are dangerous, malicious and bloodthirsty. They use
has been taken over by zuan de and turned into a sort of
their magical abilities to deceive prey and lure them to their
homeland for their kind.
doom or into an embarrassing situation.
Zuan de often ally themselves with fiendish creatures
Zuan De as Characters
summoned to the mortal plane. Either dominating weaker evils
or serving under the stronger, they seek nothing more than an Wanderers and carefree spirits, it is not uncommon
excuse to cause misery and suffering. Their allegiance is for zuan de to take up the mantle of an adventurer. However
passing, as is their desire to cause woe - against one opponent their independent spirit often dissuades them from joining an
they may simply plague the individual with harmless but organized group or settling into a class that requires devotion
embarrassing pranks, or they may lash out with cruel intent to or obedience (such as that of cleric, druid, knight, monk, or
maim, destroy or murder. paladin).
Zuan de speak fey primarily, and also know Abyssal, Zuan de have the following abilities.
Common and Infernal.
• Base Speed is 30 feet. A zuan de also has wings
Combat that allow flight 70 feet (average)
Zuan de, while strong, prefer to be flamboyant in • Monstrous humanoid
combat. They prefer to face enemies one-on-one, using magic • Darkvision 60 ft.

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• 3d8 racial Hit Dice. To this total, the zuan de adds Zuan de Bonebreaker
triple his Constitution modifier (minimum 1 hp per 3HD zuan de Sor 6;hp: 55
HD). This also grants the zuan de a Base Attack S12 D16 C17 I12 W14 Ch23;Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +10
Bonus of +3, base saves of Fort +3, Reflex +3, Will Init: +3 Move: 30 ft., fly 70 ft. (average)
+3 and two racial feats. AC: 16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat 13
• Str +4, Dex +2, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +6. BAB/Grapple: +6/+7
Zuan de are very strong and healthy, as well as agile. Full Attack: 2 claws +7 melee (1d4+1), bite +2 melee
Their quick mind and senses allow them to survive (1d6), tail +2 melee (1d6)
on their own, and they have a subtle understanding of Special Att: Spells
manipulating and controlling others. Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., SR 21, spells-like abilities
• +3 Natural armor. Skills: Bluff +18, Disguise +12, Knowledge (Arcana) +7,
• (2 + Int) x 6 skill points. A zuan de’s racial skills Spellcraft +7, Spot +8
are Bluff, Disguise, Listen and Spot. Feats: Augment Summoning, Natural Spellcaster, Spell
• Natural Attack. A zuan de has a natural attack Focus (Conjuration), Spell Focus (Illusion)
routine of 2 claws, a bite and a tail attack. The claws CR: 8
deal 1d4 + Str modifier damage. The bite deals 1d6 Gear: bracers of armor +2 (4,000 gp), wand of invisibility
+ ½ Str modifier damage. The tail attack deals 1d6 + (5 charges) (450 gp), wand of fireballs (CL 10;10
½ Str modifier damage. charges) (4,500 gp), potion of cure moderate wounds
• Spell Resistance 12 + ½ Class level + Cha (300 gp)
modifier. Total: (9,400 gp)
• Spell-like Abilities. A zuan de can use the following
spell-like abilities at caster level 3 + character level. Typical Sorcerer Spell List
The saves are charisma-based. (6/8/7/4;CL 9;DC 16 + Spell Level)
Charm Person - 3x/day; Dancing Lights – At 0: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound*, Prestidigitation,
will; Disguise Self – At will; Flare – At will; Ray of Frost, Touch of Fatigue
Prestidigitation – At will; Reduce Person - 1st: Charm Person, Color Spray*, Ray of Enfeeblement, Sleep
3x/day. 2nd: Minor Image*, Scorching Ray
• Favored Class: Rogue 3rd: Summon Monster III
• Level Adjustment: +4 *=Illusion spell; DC +1
Zuan de rarely worship gods. They have been known to
become clerics of the Dark One, and may choose two of the
three domains of Evil, Law or Destruction.

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Zuan De Sorcerer
3HD zuan de Sor 12;hp: 88
S12 D16 C17 I12 W14 Ch28;Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +13
Init: +7 Move: 30 ft., fly 70 ft. (average)
AC: 16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat 13
BAB/Grapple: +9/+10
Full Attack: 2 claws +10 melee (1d4+1), bite +5 melee
(1d6), tail +5 melee (1d6)
Special Att: Spells
Special Qual: Darkvision 60 ft., SR 27, spells-like abilities
Skills: Bluff +27, Disguise +15, Knowledge (Arcana) +13,
Spellcraft +13, Spot +8
Feats: Augment Summoning, Eschew Materials, Improved
Initiative, Natural Spellcaster, Spell Focus
(Conjuration), Spell Focus (Illusion)
CR: 14
Gear: bracers of armor +5 (25,000 gp), cloak of charisma
+4 (16,000 gp) wand of invisibility (5 charges) (450
gp), wand of fireballs (CL 10; 5 charges) (2,250 gp),
potion of cure moderate wounds (300 gp)
Total: 44,000 gp (45,000 gp)

Typical Sorcerer Spell List

(6/8/8/8/7/6/4;CL 15;DC 17 + Spell Level)
0: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound*,
Mage Hand, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost,
Touch of Fatigue
1st: Charm Person, Color Spray*, Protection from Law, Ray
of Enfeeblement, Shield
2nd: Glitterdust, Minor Image*, Resist Energy, Scorching
Ray, Touch of Idiocy
3rd: Displacement*, Dispel Magic, Hold Person, Slow
4th: Bestow Curse, Phantasmal Killer*, Shadow Conjuration*
5th: Nightmare*, Summon Monster V
6th: Disintegrate
*=Illusion spell; DC +1

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Monsters By CR Spharon Mummy (Beetle, Spharon)

Death Blossom
Monster CR Death Dancer 2
Araby ½ Giant Hamster (Dire Hamster) 2
Baquada ¼ Dire Turtle 2
Bastuu-I ½ Elogre 2
Goldspinner Beetle (Beetle) ¼ Gore Wrench 2
Phomicus Beetle (Beetle) ½ Horesse 2
Bloodrose ½ Hurrene 2
Bloodmole ½ Igana 2
Cactus Folk ½ Antfolk Bodyguard (Insectoid, Antfolk Matriarch) 2
Camille ¼ Lepidilla (Insectoid, mothfolk) 2
Cobra Newt ½ Waspfolk Sergeant (Insectoid, Waspfolk Monarch) 2
Demon Flower ¼ Common Ister-Suul (Ister-Suul, Common) 2
Fluttercat ¼ Javelin Snake 2
Roachfolk (Insectoid) ½ Mamaluke 2
Orev ½ Radiant Hawk 2
Shaakasti ½ Dwarven Remnant Defender (Remnant Defender, 2
Small Monstrous Tick (Tick) ½ Dwarven)
Vampire Rat ¼ Serpenti 2
Diminutive Monstrous Tick (Tick) 1/10 Sesenti 2
Tiny Monstrous Tick (Tick) 1/8 Spider Serpent 2
Pisci 1/6 Spiderwolf 2
Auraling 1/3 Tanglethorn Bush 2
Mothfolk (Insectoid) 1/3 Tick Bush 2
Proto Ister-Suul (Ister-Suul, High – Patriarch) 1/3 Large Monstrous Tick (Tick) 2
Annikan 1 Zaramian 2
Aspii Blooded 1 Acephos 3
Bloodseeker Beetle (Beetle) 1 Apolii 3
Dwelf 1 Baku-Shaksta 3
Fettered 1 Headhunter Beetle (Beetle) 3
Flying Snake 1 Wolf Beetle (Beetle) 3
Fowler 1 Spharon (Beetle) 3
Gnomling 1 Bloodhound 3
Ichneumon 1 Capricornus 3
Antfolk (Insectoid) 1 Cavern Crawler 3
Antfolk Offspring (Insectoid, Antfolk Matriarch) 1 Chuut-I 3
Antfolk Princess Heir (Insectoid, Antfolk Matriarch) 1 Dire Hamster 3
Antfolk Footman (Insectoid, Antfolk Matriarch) 1 Envy Childe 3
Beefolk (Insectoid) 1 Memorizer Flesh Engine (Flesh Engine) 3
Beetlefolk (Insectoid) 1 Sweeper Flesh Engine (Flesh Engine) 3
Flyfolk (Insectoid) 1 Geshara 3
Mantisfolk (Insectoid) 1 Holly Golem (Golem) 3
Waspfolk (Insectoid) 1 Wax Golem 3
Waspfolk Servant (Insectoid, Waspfolk Monarch) 1 Haraka 3
Waspfolk Private (Insectoid, Waspfolk Monarch) 1 Hopping Gnasher 3
Ister-Suul Initiate (Ister-Suul, High – Patriarch) 1 Antfolk Sergeant (Insectoid, Antfolk Matriarch) 3
High Ister-Suul Youngling (Ister-Suul, High – 1 Antfolk Noble (Insectoid, Antfolk Matriarch) 3
Patriarch) Waspfolk Spy (Insectoid, Waspfolk Monarch) 3
Low Ister-Suul (Ister-Suul, Low) 1 Common Ister-Suul Warrior (Ister-Suul, High – 3
Po-Pei 1 Patriarch)
Rhudee 1 Viper Weresnake (Lycanthrope, Weresnake Viper) 3
Medium Monstrous Tick (Tick) 1 Mir’jalla 3
Vegerot 1 Murderwort Bird Swarm 3
Whispling 1 Perii 3
Aspii Degenerate 2 Quizzit 3

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Elvin Remnant Defender (Remnant Defender, Elvin) 3 Turtleshell Golem (Golem) 5

Skurrier 3 Hapi 5
Tialang Viper (Snake) 3 Wereshark, Large (Lycanthrope) 5
Cherry Tree Warrior (Tree Warrior) 3 Suuma Naga (Naga) 5
Turtis 3 Nissus 5
Unassuming 3 Pisci Swarm 5
Urqi 3 Quintarran 5
Vengal 3 Ramudi 5
Wodosen 3 Somat 5
Xanthus 3 Huge Monstrous Tick (Tick) 5
Xercean 3 Cherry Orchard Prince (Tree Warrior) 5
Zuan De 3 Xlexi 5
Adamantine Beetle (Beetle) 4 Yale 5
Ekimma 4 Annikan Alpha 6
Fauna Tree 4 Aspii Blooded Servant 6
Firebird 4 Avangi 6
Rope Golem (Golem) 4 Lion Avenclaar (Avenclaar) 6
Waspfolk Overseer (Insectoid, Waspfolk Monarch) 4 Beastland Dog (Beastland Animal) 6
Lamentor 4 Fowler Quill 6
Lull 4 Geshara Bully 6
Werebee (Lycanthrope) 4 Gnomling Anklebiter 6
Werelion (Lycanthrope) 4 Fellroot Golem (Golem) 6
Bat Maiden (Maiden of Nature) 4 Tar Golem (Golem) 6
Bird Maiden (Maiden of Nature) 4 Beefolk Slum Lord (Insectoid) 6
Fish Maiden (Maiden of Nature) 4 Beetlefolk Brawler (Insectoid) 6
Manti 4 Flyfolk Flitter (Insectoid) 6
Melusinae 4 Mothfolk Neophyte (Insectoid) 6
Mockery 4 Roachfolk Scavenger (Insectoid) 6
Haneru Naga (Naga) 4 Waspfolk Captain (Insectoid) 6
Nippon-Urdu 4 High Ister-Suul (Ister-Suul, High) 6
Paddler 4 Ister-Suul Highborn (Ister-Suul, High - Patriarch) 6
Persi Bull 4 Kafurii 6
Razorthorn Assassin 4 Manticora 6
Singing Maiden 4 Orev Scout 6
Slashleaf 4 Shaakasti Hunter 6
Stoneroot 4 Shadaar Sinister (Sinister) 6
Thunder Tortoise 4 Tigerwaule 6
Birch Tree Warrior (Tree Warrior) 4 Titankite 6
Cedar Tree Warrior (Tree Warrior) 4 Xuchard 6
Elm Tree Warrior (Tree Warrior) 4 Argosi 7
Accursed Human Rogue 5 True Aspii (Aspii, True) 7
Araby Dervish 5 Auraling Hero 7
Cobra Avenclaar (Avenclaar) 5 Corrupted Soul Half-Orc Monk 7
Eagle Avenclaar (Avenclaar) 5 Pazuzi Demon (Demon) 7
Mouse Avenclaar (Avenclaar) 5 Rose Demon (Demon) 7
Wolf Avenclaar (Avenclaar) 5 Demon Steed 7
Baquada Mariner 5 Earth Lumberer 7
Bastuu-I Feline Matron 5 Elogre Forester 7
Godsteel Beetle (Beetle, Adamantine) 5 Elogre Enchantress 7
Cactus Folk Explorer 5 Warrior Flesh Engine (Flesh Engine) 7
Cobracon 5 Horesse Trickster 7
Dire Rabbit 5 Antfolk Soldier (Insectoid) 7
Dreamslayer 5 Mantisfolk Nymph (Insectoid) 7
Dwelf Minstrel 5 Ister-Suul Acolyte (Ister-Suul, Common) 7
Forest Runner 5 Koskie 7
Briar Golem (Golem) 5 Giant Constrictor Weresnake (Lycanthrope, 7

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Weresnake Giant Constrictor) Sesenti Devourer 10

Phaergrinn 7 Tormentor 10
Po-Pei Marauder 7 Birch Grove Master (Tree Warrior) 10
Quuran 7 Elm Grove Master (Tree Warrior) 10
Birch Orchard Prince (Tree Warrior) 7 Annikan Jackal King 11
Cedar Orchard Prince (Tree Warrior) 7 Aspii Blooded Snakeskin 11
Elm Orchard Prince (Tree Warrior) 7 Aspii Slave Minotaur (Aspii Slave) 11
Tumor 7 Azura Demon (Demon) 11
Zaramian Sharkeater 7 White Elephant (Elephant, White) 11
Accursed Human Murderer 8 Geshara Thug 11
Burrow Worm 8 Hath 11
Gold Golem (Golem) 8 Hell Reaper 11
Haraka Rebuker 8 Beefolk Hive Defender (Insectoid) 11
Ister-Suul Chosen One 8 High Ister-Suul Noble (Ister-Suul, High) 11
Jakken 8 Balii Naga (Naga) 11
Kren’an’thor 8 Raatori 11
Leperskin 8 Dwarven Remnant Defender (Remnant Defender, 11
Werebee Warrior (Lycanthrope) 8 Dwarven)
Wereoctopus (Lycanthrope) 8 Magdaga Sinister (Sinister) 11
Viper Weresnake Venomtooth (Lycanthrope, 8 Tree Strider 11
Weresnake Viper) Cherry Forest King (Tree Warrior) 11
Mamaluke Hunter 8 Accursed Human Slayer 12
Ptasha 8 Fowler Featherlight 12
Ridulya 8 Gnomling Thorn 12
Barrash Sinister (Sinister) 8 Horesse Windwalker 12
Cherry Grove Master (Tree Warrior) 8 Antfolk Consort (Insectoid, Antfolk Matriarch) 12
Zadoc 8 Beetlefolk Nomad (Insectoid) 12
Zuan De Bonebreaker 8 Flyfolk Carrion Eater (Insectoid) 12
Dire Ape Animus (Animus) 9 Mothfolk Traveler (Insectoid) 12
Bear Avenclaar (Avenclaar) 9 Roachfolk Pestilence Bearer (Insectoid) 12
Hellwolf Beetle (Beetle, Wolf) 9 Waspfolk General (Insectoid) 12
Immature Spharon Swarm (Beetle, Spharon) 9 Waspfolk Co-Regent (Insectoid, Waspfolk Monarch) 12
Bedlam 9 Jaqai 12
Corpseslayer 9 Giant Constrictor Weresnake Ambusher 12
Doppelganger Ooze 9 (Lycanthrope, Weresnake Giant Constrictor))
Geth 9 Orev Warrior 12
Kali-born 9 Shaakasti Lieutenant 12
Kraken-Li 9 Shafra-Li 12
Werelion Tracker (Lycanthrope) 9 Shafra-Loa 12
Nemmick 9 Xlexi Psychic Hunter 12
Perii Screecher 9 Auraling Champion 13
Elvin Remnant Defender Warlord (Remnant 9 Corrupted Soul Hand of Doom 13
Defender, Elvin) Elogre Witch 13
Gargantuan Monstrous Tick (Tick) 9 Engine of Hunger 13
Turkon 9 Haraka Scion 13
Black Drake Yyaunn (Yyaunn) 9 Antfolk General (Insectoid) 13
Araby Sahid 10 Mantisfolk Scything Blade (Insectoid) 13
Baquada Corsair 10 Werebee Monarch (Lycanthrope) 13
Bastuu-I Priestess 10 Po-Pei Guerilla 13
Cactus Folk Protector 10 Qadi 13
Dwelf Stone Chanter 10 Thoqandra Sinister (Sinister) 13
Eeylene 10 Birch Forest King (Tree Warrior) 13
Wereshark Devourer (Lycanthrope) 10 Cedar Grove Master (Tree Warrior) 13
Bat Maiden Nightchilde (Maiden of Nature) 10 Elm Forest King (Tree Warrior) 13
Bird Maiden Songbird (Maiden of Nature) 10 Zaramian Bloodsniffer 13
Fish Maiden Princess of the Sea (Maiden of Nature) 10 Builder Flesh Engine (Flesh Engine) 14

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Ister-Suul Apprentice (Ister-Suul, Common) 14 Roachfolk Foul Prince (Insectoid) 18

Wereoctopus High Priest (Lycanthrope) 14 Waspfolk Monarch (Insectoid) 18
Weresnake, Viper Slinker Lycanthrope) 14 Ister-Suul Lord of Nightmares (Ister-Suul Chosen 18
Mamaluke Howler 14 One)
Velundria Sinister (Sinister) 14 Orev Champion 18
Colossal Monstrous Tick (Tick) 14 Shaakasti Warlord 18
Zuan De Sorcerer 14 Shrieken 18
Araby Saluke 15 Walundria Sinister (Sinister) 18
Aspii Wyrm 15 Xlexi Psychic Doom 18
Baquada Pirate Lord 15 Xunlard 18
Bastuu-I Princess 15 Corrupted Soul Master Harvester 19
Cactus Folk Lord 15 Elogre Hag 19
Ankhbearer (Chuut-I) 15 Flesh Engine Dreadnought (Flesh Engine, Warrior) 19
Vanadar Demon (Demon) 15 Haraka Deathwing 19
Dwelf Ringer of Steel 15 Hath Crusader 19
Dark Runner (Forest Runner) 15 Antfolk Matriarch (Insectoid) 19
Werelion Plainslord (Lycanthrope) 15 Mantisfolk Mother (Insectoid) 19
Murderwort 15 Peridoom 19
Perii Screaming Devilkin 15 Birch Forest Lord (Tree Warrior) 19
Cherry Forest Lord (Tree Warrior) 15 True Aspii Demagogue (Aspii, True) 20
Vaporshroud 15 Carpetbagger Flesh Engine (Flesh Engine) 20
Zerendiz 15 Mamaluke Scion 20
Accursed Human Serial Killer 16 Auraling Cavalier 21
Annikan Jackal Lord 16 Drakkenwyrm 21
Aspii Blooded Viper 16 Weresnake, Viper Black Mamba (Lycanthrope, 21
Geshara Warlord 16 Weresnake Viper)
Ister-Suul Devout Warrior (Ister-Suul, Common) 16 Yakuria Sinister (Sinister) 21
Wereshark Terror of the Deep (Lycanthrope) 16 Cedar Forest Lord (Tree Warrior) 21
Akasta Sinister (Sinister) 16 High Ister-Suul Progenitor (Ister-Suul, High) 22
Cedar Forest King (Tree Warrior) 16 Bull of Heaven (Persi Bull) 22
Turkon Champion 16 Fire Dragon 24
Demon Knight 17 Wereoctopus Krakentau (Lycanthrope) 24
Horesse Skydancer 17 Colossus 26
High Ister-Suul Patriarch (Ister-Suul, High) 17 Atosha 28
Weresnake, Giant Constrictor Deathgrip 17
(Lycanthrope, Weresnake Giant Constrictor)
Elm Forest Lord (Tree Warrior) 17
Zithius 17
Aspidoceleon 18
Crypt Wyrm 18
Fowler Roost Lord 18
Gnomling Thicket Warrior 18
Hapi Midwife 18
Beetlefolk Wanderer (Insectoid) 18
Flyfolk Deathmaker (Insectoid) 18
Mothfolk Curio (Insectoid) 18
Dragon Age Imperial Nippon Randese Skierian Vegan Western
Wyrmling 3 2 2 2 2 1
Very Young 5 4 2 4 3 2
Young 8 5 3 5 3 2
Juvenile 11 6 3 7 4 3
Young Adult 14 7 5 8 5 3
Adult 15 9 6 9 6 4
Mature Adult 19 10 7 10 7 5
Old 22 13 8 12 8 6

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Very Old 23 16 10 14 10 7
Ancient 25 19 11 16 11 8
Wyrm 27 21 12 18 12 10
Great Wyrm 29 23 14 21 15 12

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Appendix Focus: A small effigy of the victim the spell is directed

There’s a lot of new items, spells and feats
included in this book, scattered through multiple entries. To
make things easier to locate, this appendix consolidates the
New Magic Items
spells, and items from entries in the book for easy reference.
New weapons and general feats are located at the front of Musical Instrument of the Master
this book, under the “Attack” entry and “Feat” section, Musician
respectively. A musical instrument of the master musician
appears as a masterwork version of a musical item, often
New Spells beset with jewels or other precious metals that make it
appear to be worth more than even a mundane masterwork
version. When played, the magical tones that emanate from
Summon Camille the item grant a +5, +10 or +15 bonus to Perform checks.
Level: Sor/Wiz 1 Likewise, once per day per +5 bonus, the item can produce
Components: V, S an effect that duplicates the spell Hypnotism (DC 11 for +5,
Casting Time: 1 minute DC 13 for +10, DC 18 for +15).
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft/2 levels) CL 5th/10th/15th; Craft Wondrous Item, Summon Instrument,
Area of Effect: One or more Camille Ghost Sound, Hypnotic Pattern, Heighten Spell (for +10 or
Duration: 1 minute/level +15) Caster’s level must equal or exceed Perform bonus;
Saving Throw: None Price 2,510 gp (+5), 10,600 gp (+10), 25,600 gp (+15).
Spell Resistance: No Creation: 1,255 gp and 100 xp (+5), 5,300 gp and 424 xp
Upon casting this spell, one camille per caster level (+10), 12,800 gp and 1,024 xp (+15).
(max 10) appears at the desired location and acts as the
caster directs. Summoned camille will not fight, though
they can be used to distract opponents. If a camille dies due
Shapeshifter Armor
to actions or the task asked of the caster, the camille This armor enhancement grants its full Armor
immediately stop their activities, gather to collect the dead Class bonus regardless of any form the wearer takes (with
camille body and disappear. The spell can then never be polymorph, shapeshift, wild shape, or similar abilities).
used again until the caster atones for the camille’s death. CL: 10th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
This spell cannot be taught to others and can only alter form or wild shape ability; Market Price: +5 bonus
be gained directly from a Camille. It cannot be chosen as a
bonus spell when gaining a level. Staff of Thunder and Lightning
Crafted from elm with silver bindings, this staff allows use
Summon Dreamslayer of the following spells:
Conjuration (Calling) [Evil] • Shocking grasp (1 charge)
Level: Asn 2, Brd 3, Blk 2, Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 3 • Lightning Bolt (1 charge)
Components: V, S, F, XP • Chain Lightning (2 charges)
Casting Time: 8 hours Moderate evocation; CL 8th; Craft Staff, shocking grasp,
Range: Special lightning bolt, chain lightning; Price 17,750 gp.
Target: Special
Duration: 1 day/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
When this spell is cast , the caster falls into a deep
sleep for eight hours and dreams of an enemy. Upon
completion of the spell, a dreamslayer is brought into being
which travels from the nightmare realm to the location of
the victim. The victim may be an individual, a group or an
organization. The dreamslayer immediately begins to stalk
the victim, and will seek to destroy the victim before the
spell duration expires. Once on the mortal plane, the
dreamslayer is bound by its normal mode of movement to
find and destroy its targets.
If slain, the spell instantly ends and the victim loses
50 XP from the death of the dreamslayer.

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Bestiary Nefarious

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errors somewhere! If you spot a misprint, missing text, ambiguity or other error, e-mail the author at We will send out updated and corrected copies on a monthly basis (or sooner, depending on the
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Bestiary Nefarious

Atosha Turn Undead (Su): 8x/day; Turn Check 1d20+5; Turn

Damage 2d6+21
14 HD Ptasha Ftr 4/Clr 16;hp: 242
S14 D43 C12 I15 W22 Ch20;Fort +24, Ref +36, Will +26 Combat
Init: +25 Move: 90 ft. Atosha is sly and manipulative, and will never
AC: 48 (+20 Dex, +5 natural, +8 bracers of armor, +5 willingly risk his life to attack an opponent. When facing a
amulet of armor, +5 deflection), touch 35, flat 28 group, his favorite tactic is to lure or wait until one of the
BAB/Grapple: +30/+32 group members is alone, and ambush them, either
Full Attack: primary +2 lightened speed khopesh incapacitating or killing the individual. He then uses his
+52/+52/+47/+42/+37 melee (1d6+6;18- ability to assume their form and infiltrate himself into the
20/x2), claw +54 melee (1d4+2 + ability group and destroy the members when they are most
drain), bite +49 melee (1d6+1 + ability vulnerable (asleep, alone, etc.).
drain) When stalking an individual victim, Atosha uses
Special Att: Life drain, roar, spells, spells, rebuke his magic to “play” with his opponent, visiting them with a
undead Nightmare or using hit and fade attacks to make the victim
Special Qual: Alternate form, DR 15/silver and good, paranoid and careless. When he sees an opportunity to
resist fire 10, spells, unholy presence crush a weakened or distraught foe, he pounces on it, though
Skills: Balance +34, Climb +23, Concentration +17, he has been known to suddenly back out of an engagement,
Diplomacy +21, Escape Artist +35, Hide +35, leaving his victim helpless or mauled – only to start up after
Intimidate +12, Jump +42, Knowledge (Arcana) the victim has regained some of their strength.
+16, Knowledge (History) +18, Knowledge
(Religion) +32, Knowledge (The Planes) +16, Typical Cleric Spells
Move Silently +35, Ride +28, Spellcraft +18, Spot
(6/6/6/6/5/5/4/4/3;CL 20;DC 16 + Spell Level; Domains:
+20, Swim +9
Chaos, Evil)
Feats: Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dire ChargeE,
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance,
Energy Resistance (Fire)E, Improved InitiativeB,
Resistance, Virtue
Improved Multiattack, Lightning Reflexes,
1st: Bane, Cause Fear, Divine Favor, Doom, Protection
Multiattack, Natural Spellcaster (Cleric), Natural
from GoodD, Shield of Faith
Spellcaster (Sorcerer), Two-weapon FightingF, nd
2 : Death Knell, Darkness, Desecrate, Hold Person,
Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Khopesh)F,
ShatterD, Silence
Weapon Specialization (Khopesh)F rd
3 : Bestow Curse, Dispel Magic, Magic Circle Against
CR: 28
LawD, Obscure Object, Protection from Energy,
Gear: bracers of armor +8 (64,000 gp), amulet of natural
Stone Shape
armor +5 (50,000 gp), +2 lightened speed khopesh
4th: Death Ward, Divination, Greater Magic Weapon,
(72,317 gp), ring of mind shielding (8, 000 gp),
Poison, Unholy BlightD
gloves of dexterity +6 (36,000 gp), cloak of
5 : Dispel GoodD, Greater Command, Righteous Might,
charisma +6 (36,000 gp), material components
Slay Living, Spell Resistance
(30,000 gp)
6th: Animate ObjectsD, Blade Barrier, Harm, Word of
Total: 296,317 gp* (320,000 gp)
Atosha’s stats reflect he was human before “acquiring” Ptasha as a Recall
template 7th: BlasphemyD, Destruction, Ethereal Jaunt, Repulsion
* 137,500 gp is not included, having been spent on raising his Dexterity 8th: Create Greater Undead, Fire Storm, Greater Spell
score by +5 through the use of a Manual of Quickness of Action. Immunity
Life Drain (Su): If Atosha successfully strikes an opponent
with an unarmed attack, he may drain 1d8 points of Sorcerer Spells
Dexterity, Constitution or Strength per round (Fort DC 18 (6/6/6/6/6/6/5/3;CL 18;DC 15 + Spell Level)
for half). A victim drained to 0 Strength or Dexterity cannot 0: Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand,
move. A victim drained to 0 or less Constitution is slain. Prestidigitation, Touch of Fatigue
Roar (Su): As a standard action, Atosha may unleash a 1st: Animate Rope, Color Spray, Erase, Grease, Hypnotism,
deafening and terrifying roar that stuns opponents within 20 Reduce Person
ft. (Fort DC 18 to negate). Stunned opponents are 2nd: Alter Self, Detect Thoughts, False Life, Glitterdust,
considered flat-footed and unable to take any action for Invisibility, Web
1d4+1 rounds. 3rd: Displacement, Haste, Keen Edge, Lightning Bolt, Slow,
Spells: Atosha can cast spells as a 14th level Sorcerer. He Suggestion
prefers spells of mobility, destruction, obfuscation and

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4th: Black Tentacles, Charm Monster, Dimension Door, suspicion that they were secretly loyal to Shame, and he
Fire Shield, Resilient Sphere, Stoneskin, likewise razed several villages he believed to harbor
5th: Baleful Polymorph, Dismissal, False Vision, Magic Shamess believers.
Jar, Nightmare, Overland Flight These acts only fueled the secret rebellion,
6th: Disintegrate, Eyebite, Flesh to Stone, Greater Dispel eventually leading to the split of the Llannhanex and the
Magic, True Seeing Iiannhanex along the lines of worship of Shame.
7th: Greater Teleport, Mass Hold Person, Spell Turning When Atosha passed away, several priests of his
temple cursed his corpse, using magic to bind his soul to the
History Mortal Realm and replacing his left hand with that of a
Atosha was once a powerful Aegyptian warrior panther’s hand (a symbol of alliance with Set, enemy of the
who was born during the Elvin Golden Age. He came from Egyptian gods) should he manage to find a way to undo the
a rich family, who for generations before, had already ruled curse holding him to the mortal realm – hoping to physically
several tribes of Aegyptians. These tribes had managed to mar him and mark him as one of “Set’s own” to deny him
evade elvin enslavement following the War of Technology. entry into the afterlife.
Atosha proved to be a wise and stalwart leader even in his Since his resurrection as a Ptasha, Atosha has
youth, and inherited rule of the tribe before his father passed secretly prowled the lands of Iiannhanex (and Llannhanex),
on at the mere age of 16. hunting down worshippers of Shame and “corrupt” priests,
Atosha led several campaigns against his punishing them with a mauling of body of soul.
neighbors, eventually carving out an empire for himself by According to legend, Atosha’s home lair is in the
the time he was 30. sunken ruins of a temple of Ra somewhere in the blue desert
While Atosha was strongly religious, he did not put of Llannhanex, and because of his unnatural status is
his faith in Shame, the traditional leader of the Aegyptian somehow immune to the blue sands of that desert. It is said
people. He instead took up the banner of the Egyptian that the passages beneath the temple lead directly into the
pantheon, blaming Shame for much of the initial screaming halls of Pandemonium.
Aegyptian’s people enslavement to the elves following the
Technological Wars. Lightened: This property may only be applied to one-
Atosha persecuted anyone who still worshipped handed or two-handed weapons (without reach). A
Shame or any of the Amberos gods over the Egyptian lightened weapon takes less strength to hold, turning a one-
pantheon, and his cruel persecution of such a core belief of handed weapon into a light weapon and turning a two-
his people eventually led to rebellion amongst his own handed weapon into a one-handed weapon.
people – and an eventually assassination attempt against his Moderate Transmutation; CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and
personage by one of his own priests. Armor, shrink item; Price +1 bonus
Angered and fearful of another attempt on his life,
Atosha engaged in a cruel purge among his own people. He
had entire temples scoured and torn down for the mere

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Questions and Answers

Q) Since the baquada has the Shapechanger subtype, can they transform back into human form while in water?
A) No, it is true that while on land, if they are struck by any spell or effect that would change their shape they can change
back to their human form in a single round (see Shapechanger subtype in the SRD), the divine curse that transforms them
into fish only activates when they contact sea water, and the baquada cannot control the transformation.

Q) Can the baquada take ranks in Control Shape to control the change to fish?
A) No. Unlike lycanthropy, this curse cannot be controlled.

Q) Can the baquada use Remove Curse to get rid of the shapechanging curse?
A) Not normally. The DM may allow a level check against a 31st level casting or allow Wish or Miracle to negate the curse.
Removing the curse from all baquada would be an Epic level spell at the least.

Q) Waitaminute. There are no stats for a Large Constrictor Snake in the SRD (or anywhere else).
A) The medium constrictor snake was too feeble to use for a constrictor weresnake, and the huge constrictor was just too
big. The large constrictor snake was simply developed from using the monster advancement rules and a bit of
eyeballing. If you want the stats for a basic Large Constrictor Snake, here they are:

Large Constrictor Snake: CR 3; LA -; Large Animal; HD 7d8+7; hp 41; Init +1; Spd 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.;
AC 15 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 12, flat 12; BAB +5; Grp +14 ; Atk bite +9 melee (1d4+5); Space/Reach 10
ft./5 ft.; SA constrict (1d6+7), improved grab; SQ scent; AL (always N); SV Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +3; Str 21, Dex 17,
Con 13, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2
Skills and Feats: Balance +11, Climb +13, Hide +10, Listen +7, Spot +7, Swim +11; Alertness, Endurance, Toughness
(Snakes have a +4 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, and Spot checks and a +8 racial bonus on Balance and Climb checks. A
snake can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened. Snakes use either their Strength
modifier or Dexterity modifier for Climb checks, whichever is higher. A snake has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check
to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or
endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.)
Constrict (Ex): On a successful grapple, a constrictor snake deals 1d6+7 points of damage
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a constrictor snake must hit with its bite attack. It can then attempt to start a
grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and
can constrict.
Scent (Ex): Can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell.

Q) The stats for the Wereoctopus Krakentau seems off – shouldn’t it have DR 5/magic, SR 13 and its Smite Good
deal only +8 damage from the Fiendish template?
A) To make the +2 CR modification fit this epic creature, the application of the fiendish template was fudged slightly to use
the HD + character level of the wereoctopus. If you want to rigidly follow the rules for applying the fiendish template,
change its Damage Reduction to DR 5/magic, drop its SR to 13 and reduce the Smite Good to deal +8 damage. But don’t
blame us if your PC’s then walk all over this terror.

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