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Foreign Policy

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The key takeaways are that Pakistan's foreign policy is determined by factors like security, ideology, national interests, diplomacy and public opinion. The main influences are goals of security, welfare and values promotion.

The main determinants of Pakistan's foreign policy are security, ideology, national interests, diplomacy, public opinion and decision making.

The principles of Pakistan's foreign policy are security, ideology, national interests, détente and peaceful relations, non-alignment, close relations with Muslim countries and support for independence movements.

The basic determinants of a foreign policy are 2) Size/Geography 3) Economic Development 4) Security 5) Advancement in Technology 4) National Capacity 5) Political

Parties/Leadership 6) Ideology 7) National Interest 8) Role of Press/Bureacracy 9) Social Structure 10) Public Opinion 11) Diplomacy. Also external factors like International Power Structure, International Organizations, World Public Opinion and reaction of other states also feature in determining the foreign policy
PAKISTANS FOREIGN POLICY The foreign policy of a country is in a sense a projection of its internal policies ,social, political and economic. (F. M. Muhammad Ayub Khan) Pakistan was born under inauspicious circumstances. As with all other countries, Pakistans Foreign Policy is determined by the inescapable facts of history and of geography and by special influences which may be of transitory nature. In the words of P.A Reynolds, the Foreign Policy is defined as under:The range of actions taken by varying sections of the government of a state in its relations with other bodies similarly acting on the international stage, in order to advance the national interests. Foreign Policy consists of the external actions taken by decision makers with the intention of achieving long-range goals and short-term objectives. Action is constrained by the perceived circumstances of the state, which includes its geography, its economy, its demography its political structure, culture and tradition, its military-strategy situation. But action is taken with reference to other bodies (states) similarly acting on the international stage, and is likewise constrained by their action. This may be called the international environment of decision-makers. DETERMINANTS OF PAKISTANS FOREIGN POLICY . 1. Security, 2. Ideology 3. National Interests 4. Diplomacy 5. Public Opinion 6. Decision making

PRINCIPLES OF PAKSITANS FOREIGN POLICY 1. Security 2. Ideology 3.National interests 4. Dtente and peaceful relations . 5. Non alignment 6. Close relations with Muslim countries 7. Support f independence movements As a matter of fact, a la any other country, the logically primary influence on foreign policy of Pakistan lies in the goals that policy seeks to achieve. These are normally security, welfare, and preservation or promotion of values. The search for security is perennial. All foreign policies of all states are basically influenced by it. For three centuries, for example, French decision makers sought to establish Frances eastern and north-eastern frontier on the Rhine. In the case of Pakistan If the main concern of the Christian West is containment of Chinese Communism, the main concern of Muslim Pakistan, is the containment of militarist and militant Hinduism. The fact remains that Pakistan jointed the CENTO, SEATO, etc in the mid of 1950s largely to protect her interests against the future aggression of India. No state is autarkic, or self- sufficient, at least in the only sense that is politically relevant. Every state can be economically self-sufficient in the sense that the territory in question could support some number of people at some standard of living. Deficiencies whether of materials, or food, or markets, or capital, or technical skills, do exist and the foreign policy of a state must endeavor to arrange their supply. Pakistans earnest involvement in the international political arena has been mainly due to the fact that it wanted to make up its deficiencies in certain fields. Third among basic goals is the desire to preserve or promote values. Since Pakistan had come into existence in the name of Islam hence promotion of cordial and close relationships with the Muslim states has formed the cardinal principle of Pakistans foreign policy. Pakistans membership of OIC and unswerving support for the just cause of Palestinians speak volumes about our efforts in this connection. A Critical View of Pakistans Foreign Policy and our Future Strategy:

Our Foreign Policy is one of the friendliness and goodwill towards all the nations of the world We do not cherish aggressive designs against any country or nation. We believe in the principle of honesty and fairplay in national and international dealings. Pakistan will never be found lacking in upholding priciples of the United Nations Charter. (Quaid-e-Azam, Feb: 1948) The perusal of the above passage entails that the Quaid wanted Pakistan to play a honourable role based on the principles and norms of International Law in the arena of

international politics. However the study of External Policy of Pakistan over the last 50 years of independence manifests that Pakistans geo-political location on the world map and her strategic vulnerability viz-a-viz India could not permit her to pursue that independent policy. Resultantly the foreign Policy of Pakistan has passed through the following several phases of development, responding to the changing pattern of relationship with the big powers. 1. 2. 3. 4. Era Era Era Era of of of of Neutrality Allainces Bilateralism Non-alignment

A critical analysis of the foreign policy pursued in the last half of a century transpires that Pakistans Foreign Policy has largely revolved around a triangle of India , China and the U.S with the objectives to counter India, befriend China (an enemy of India), and serving the U.S interests 4. Era of Non-alignment A critical analysis of the foreign policy pursued in the last half of a century transpires that Pakistans Foreign Policy has largely revolved around a triangle of India , China and the U.S with the objectives to counter India, befriend China (an enemy of India), and serving the U.S interests as in the 1960, 1971, 1980s and in the aftermath of Sept: 11, or seeking its involvement through scare scenarios like the Bomb, Drugs and fundamentalism. The future strategy of Pakistan in its foreing policy must be a shift from traditional diplamcy to economic diplomacy as well as cultural diplomacy Relations with distant Godfathers are no substitute for bonds in the region of a countrys location. Pakistan can have the best relations with the US, but if it loses out in its neighborhood , with hostility form Iran and Afghanistan , distancing from Central Asia and a cooling off with China , then it would end up undermining its core interests. It is all the more essential for the success of the foreign policy of Pakistan that it has to be rooted in domestic base which includes political stability, national consensus, sound economy, effective deterrence and above all, quality of leadership. Pakistans priority should be a Foreign Policy that has no disconnect either with domestic politics or with regional realities. An effective policy requires domestic stability and a national consensus on issues. The upshot of the above account is that, the Government and people of Pakistan should remain on their guards, for in International relations there are neither eternal friends nor eternal enemies, the only thing eternal is the National Interest. Thus it requires that through deft diplomacy , using innovative and novel means we must strive to promote our interests and at the same time keep a triangular balance among the world giants i.e The U.S, The China ,and the E.U.


Foreign Relations Of Pakistan Pakistan is the second largest Muslim country in terms of population, and its status as a declared nuclear power, being the only Islamic nation to have that status, plays a part in its international role. Pakistan is an active member of the United Nations. Historically, its foreign policy has encompassed difficult relations with India, a desire for a stable Afghanistan, long-standing close relations with the People's Republic of China, extensive security and economic interests in the Persian Gulf and wide-ranging bilateral relations with the United States and other Western countries. Wary of Soviet expansion, Pakistan had stong relations with both the United States of America and the People's Republic of China during much of the Cold War. It was a member of the CENTO and SEATO military alliances. Its alliance with the United States was especially close after the Soviets invaded the neighboring country of Afghanistan). Pakistan's relations with India have improved recently and this has opened up Pakistan's foreign policy to issues beyond security. This development might completely change the complexion of Pakistan's foreign relations. In 1964, Pakistan signed the Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD) Pact with Turkey and Iran, when all three countries were closely allied with the U.S., and as neighbors of the Soviet Union, wary of perceived Soviet expansionism. To this day, Pakistan has a close relationship with Turkey. RCD became defunct after the Iranian Revolution, and a PakistaniTurkish initiative led to the founding of the Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO) in 1985. Pakistan is also an important member of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC). Pakistan has used the OIC as a forum for Enlightened Moderation[1], its plan to promote a renaissance and enlightenment in the Islamic world. Bilateral and regional relations India Main article: Relations between India and Pakistan Since partition, relations between Pakistan and India have been characterized by rivalry and suspicion. Although many issues divide the two countries, the most sensitive one since independence has been the status of Kashmir. At the time of partition, the princely state of Kashmir, though ruled by a Hindu Maharajah, had an overwhelmingly Muslim population. When the Maharajah hesitated in acceding to either Pakistan or India in 1947, some of his Muslim subjects, aided by tribesmen from Pakistan, revolted in favor of joining Pakistan. India has long alleged that regular troops from Pakistan had participated in the partial occupation of Kashmir from the Western front. In exchange for military assistance in containing the revolt, the Kashmiri ruler offered his allegiance to India. Indian troops occupied the central & eastern portion of Kashmir, including its capital, Srinagar, while the west-north western part came under Pakistani control. (See First Kashmir War)

India addressed this dispute in the United Nations on January 1, 1948. One year later, the UN arranged a cease-fire along a line dividing Kashmir, but leaving the northern end of the line undemarcated and the vale of Kashmir (with the majority of the population) under Indian control. India and Pakistan agreed with Indian resolutions which called for a UNsupervised plebiscite to determine the state's future. Full-scale hostilities erupted in September 1965, when insurgents believed to have been trained and supplied by Pakistan were operating in India-controlled Kashmir. Hostilities ceased three weeks later, following mediation efforts by the UN and interested countries. In January 1966, Indian and Pakistani representatives met in Tashkent, U.S.S.R., and agreed to attempt a peaceful settlement of Kashmir and their other differences. Following the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, Pakistan President Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi met in the mountain town of Shimla, India, in July 1972 for the Shimla Accord. They agreed to a line of control in Kashmir resulting from the December 17, 1971 cease-fire, and endorsed the principle of settlement of bilateral disputes through peaceful means. In 1974, Pakistan and India agreed to resume postal and telecommunications linkages, and to enact measures to facilitate travel. Trade and diplomatic relations were restored in 1976 after a hiatus of five years. India's nuclear test in 1974 generated great uncertainty in Pakistan and is generally acknowledged to have been the impetus for Pakistan's nuclear weapons development program. In 1983, the Pakistani and Indian governments accused each other of aiding separatists in their respective countries, i.e., Sikhs in India's Punjab state and Sindhis in Pakistan's Sindh province. In April 1984, tensions erupted after troops were deployed to the Siachen Glacier, a high-altitude desolate area close to the China border left undemarcated by the cease-fire agreement (Karachi Agreement) signed by Pakistan and India in 1949. Tensions diminished after Rajiv Gandhi became Prime Minister in November 1984 and after a group of Sikh hijackers was brought to trial by Pakistan in March 1985. In December 1985, President Zia and Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi pledged not to attack each other's nuclear facilities. (A formal "no attack" agreement was signed in January 1991.) In early 1986, the Indian and Pakistani governments began high-level talks to resolve the Siachen Glacier border dispute and to improve trade. Bilateral tensions increased in early 1990, when Kashmiri militants began a campaign of violence against Indian Government authority in Jammu and Kashmir. Subsequent high-level bilateral meetings relieved the tensions between India and Pakistan, but relations worsened again after the destruction of the Babri Mosque by Hindu extremists in December 1992 and terrorist bombings in Bombay in March 1993. Talks between the Foreign Secretaries of both countries in January 1994 resulted in deadlock. In the last several years, the Indo-Pakistani relationship has veered sharply between rapprochement and conflict. After taking office in February 1997, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif moved to resume official dialog with India. A number of meetings at the foreign secretary and prime ministerial level took place, with positive atmospherics but little concrete progress. The relationship improved markedly when Indian Prime Minister Vajpayee traveled to Lahore for a summit with Sharif in February 1999. There was considerable hope that the meeting could lead to a breakthrough. Unfortunately, in spring 1999 infiltrators from Pakistan occupied positions on the Indian side of the Line of Control in the remote, mountainous area of Kashmir near Kargil, threatening the ability of India to supply its forces on Siachen Glacier. By early summer, serious fighting flared in the Kargil

sector. The infiltrators withdrew following a meeting between Prime Minister Sharif and President Bill Clinton in July. Relations between India and Pakistan have since been particularly strained, especially since the October 12, 1999 coup in Islamabad. India has time and again, alleged that Pakistan provides monetary and material support to Kashmiri militants, a charge which Pakistan has always denied. The last few years have been particularly cantankerous in this regard, with India accusing Pakistan of abetting crossborder terrorism from its territory. Pakistan claims to provide only moral support to the fighters and maintains that the conflict is indigenous in nature. Hopes of peaceful resolution of issues through dialogue have met a stalemate a number of times over the issue. On June 20, 2004, both countries agreed to extend a nuclear testing ban and to set up a hotline between their foreign secretaries aimed at preventing misunderstandings that might lead to a nuclear war. [1] Afghanistan Pakistan shares a long and porous border with Afghanistan (also called the Durand Line). The border is poorly marked. The problem is exacerbated by close relations between the fiercely-inependent Pashtun peoples who live on both sides of the border. Following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the Pakistani Government played a vital role in supporting the Afghan resistance movement and assisting Afghan refugees. After the Soviet withdrawal in February 1989, Pakistan, with cooperation from the world community, continued to provide extensive support for displaced Afghans. In 1999, the United States provided approximately $70 million in humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan and Afghan refugees in Pakistan, mainly through multilateral organizations and NGOs. The overthrow of the Taliban Regime in November 2001 has seen somewhat strained relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The present administration in Kabul feels that the remnants of the former Taliban government are being supported by certain factions within Pakistan. It has been rumoured that Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is, or has been, hiding in Pakistan's border region with Afghanistan. A large share of Afghanistan's foreign trade is either with, or passes through, Pakistan. Russian Federation Under military leader Ayub Khan, Pakistan sought to improve relations with the Soviet Union; trade and cultural exchanges between the two countries increased between 1966 and 1971. However, Soviet criticism of Pakistan's position in the 1971 war with India weakened bilateral relations, and many Pakistanis believed that the August 1971 IndoSoviet Treaty of Friendship, Peace and Cooperation encouraged Indian belligerency. Subsequent Soviet arms sales to India, amounting to billions of dollars on concessional terms, reinforced this argument. During the 1980s, tensions increased between the Soviet Union and Pakistan because of the latter's key role in helping to organize political and material support for the Afghan rebel forces. The withdrawal of Soviet forces from Afghanistan and the collapse of the former Soviet Union resulted in significantly improved bilateral relations, but Pakistan's support for and recognition of the Taliban regime in neighboring Afghanistan remained an ongoing source of tension. Later on, government of Pakistan changed its policy towards Taliban when

it was realized that it was protecting Osama Bin Laden and joined US forces in helping overthrow them. d People's Republic of China In 1950, Pakistan was among the first countries to break relations with the Taiwan and recognize the People's Republic of China (P.R.C.). Following the Sino-Indian hostilities of 1962, Pakistan's relations with the PRC became stronger; since then, the two countries have regularly exchanged high-level visits resulting in a variety of agreements. The PRC has provided economic, military, and technical assistance to Pakistan. Favorable relations with the PRC have been a pillar of Pakistan's foreign policy. The PRC strongly supported Pakistan's opposition to Soviet involvement in Afghanistan and is perceived by Pakistan as a regional counterweight to India and the USSR. Iran Historically, Pakistan has had close geopolitical and cultural-religious linkages with Iran. However, strains in the relationship appeared in the 1990s, when Pakistan and Iran supported opposing factions in the Afghan conflict. Also, some Pakistanis suspect Iranian support for the sectarian violence which has plagued Pakistan. Nevertheless, Pakistan pursues an active diplomatic relationship with Iran, including recent overtures to seek a negotiated settlement between Afghanistan's warring factions. United Kingdom and the Commonwealth Pakistan has been a member of the Commonwealth of Nations since independence in 1947. It was not a member of the British Commonwealth from 1972 until 1989, because of the Commonwealth's recognition of Bangladesh. It was readmitted to full membership of the Commonwealth in October 1989. It was suspended with the overthrow of the democratically elected government in 1999. Its full membership has been reinstated with the backing of the United Kingdom and Australia for Pakistan's support in the War on Terrorism. Pakistan maintains diplomatic relations with all Commonwealth countries even though it does not have its own High Commission in each capital. Persian Gulf and Arab states Despite popular support by many people in Pakistan for Iraq in 1991, the Pakistani government supported the coalition against Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and sent 11,600 troops. Pakistan enjoys close ties with the governments of the Persian Gulf particularly Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. United States of America History Origins, CENTO, SEATO and the Cold War The United States and Pakistan established diplomatic relations in 1947. The U.S. agreement to provide economic and military assistance to Pakistan and the latter's partnership in the Baghdad Pact, CENTO and SEATO strengthened relations between the two nations. At the time, its relationship with the U.S. was so close and friendly that it was called the United States's "most-allied ally" in Asia [2]. Pakistanis felt betrayed and ill-

compensated for the risks incurred in supporting the U.S. - after the U-2 Crisis of 1960, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev had threatened the nuclear annihilation of Pakistani cities. The U.S. suspension of military assistance during the 1965 Indo-Pakistan war generated a widespread feeling in Pakistan that the United States was not a reliable ally. Even though the United States suspended military assistance to both countries involved in the conflict, the suspension of aid affected Pakistan much more severely. Gradually, relations improved and arms sales were renewed in 1975. Then, in April 1979, the United States cut off economic assistance to Pakistan, except food assistance, as required under the Symington Amendment to the U.S. Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, due to concerns about Pakistan's nuclear program. Anti-Soviet Alliance in the Afghan War The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979 highlighted the common interest of Pakistan and the United States in peace and stability in South Asia. In 1981, the United States and Pakistan agreed on a $3.2-billion military and economic assistance program aimed at helping Pakistan deal with the heightened threat to security in the region and its economic development needs. With U.S. assistance - in the largest covert operation in history - Pakistan armed and supplied anti-Soviet fighters in Afghanistan, eventually defeating the Soviets, who withdrew in 1988. Nuclear Sanctions Recognizing national security concerns and accepting Pakistan's assurances that it did not intend to construct a nuclear weapon, Congress waived restrictions (Symington Amendment) on military assistance to Pakistan. In March 1986, the two countries agreed on a second multi-year (FY 1988-93) $4-billion economic development and security assistance program. On October 1, 1990, however, the United States suspended all military assistance and new economic aid to Pakistan under the Pressler Amendment, which required that the President certify annually that Pakistan "does not possess a nuclear explosive device." Nuclear Weapon Tests India's decision to conduct nuclear tests in May 1998 and Pakistan's matching response set back U.S. relations in the region, which had seen renewed U.S. Government interest during the second Clinton Administration. A presidential visit scheduled for the first quarter of 1998 was postponed and, under the Glenn Amendment, sanctions restricted the provision of credits, military sales, economic assistance, and loans to the government. An intensive dialogue on nuclear nonproliferation and security issues between Deputy Secretary Talbott and Foreign Secretary Shamshad Ahmad was initiated, with discussions focusing on CTBT signature and ratification, FMCT negotiations, export controls, and a nuclear restraint regime. The October 1999 overthrow of the democratically elected Sharif government triggered an additional layer of sanctions under Section 508 of the Foreign Appropriations Act which include restrictions on foreign military financing and economic assistance. U.S. Government assistance to Pakistan was limited mainly to refugee and counter-narcotics assistance. Post-9/11 alliance Pakistan moved decisively to ally itself with the United States in its war against Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda. It provided the U.S. a number of military airports and bases, for its

attack on Afghanistan. It has arrested over five hundred Al-Qaeda members and handed them over to the U.S. President George W. Bush and senior U.S. officers have been lavish in their praise of Pakistani efforts. Since this strategic re-alignment towards U.S. policy, economic and military assistance has been flowing from the U.S. to Pakistan. In June 2004, President Bush designated Pakistan as a major non-NATO ally, making it eligible, among other things, to purchase advanced American military technology. International disputes Status of Kashmir with India Water-sharing problems with India over the Indus River (Wular Barrage) Illicit drugs Pakistan is also a producer of illicit opium and hashish for the international drug trade (poppy cultivation in 1999 - 15.7 km&sup2, a 48% drop from 1998 because of eradication and alternative development); key transit area for Southwest Asian heroin moving to Western markets; narcotics still move from Afghanistan into Balochistan, Pakistan.

FOREIGN POLICY Pakistan's foreign policy has been marked by a complex balancing process-the result of its history, religious heritage, and geographic position. The primary objective of that policy has been to preserve Pakistan's territorial integrity and security, which have been in jeopardy since the state's inception. Pa k i s t a n a l s o s a w i t s e l f a s a vanguard of independent Muslim states.

Sitakanta Mishra Pakistan's Foreign Policy 1947-2005: A Concise History Abdul Sattar New York: Oxford University Press, 2007 Pages: viii+329 Price: Rs 595.00

Alliances, counter-alliances, diplomatic maneuvers, and so on are common in international relations practice. The nuances of power
politics - global and regional - always impinge on national leaders; civilizaitonal legacy is no doubt an asset for the conduct of diplomacy. But, for a nascent state, constructing the national identity is a Herculean task. Such is the case of Pakistan. However, Pakistan is a success as it "successfully reversed direction and reverted to its founding fathers' vision of a moderate liberal and progressive Islamic polity" (p.303) in the post-1990s proclaims Abdul Sattar the former Pakistani Foreign Minister in his book Pakistan's Foreign Policy. The author has tried to recapitulate his forty years of diplomatic experience to pass on his knowledge to future generations. However, an objective analysis of his arguments reveals that the author is not able to think outside the box. The India-fixation is visible throughout and there is hardly any page in the entire 23 chapters of this book where the word "India" does not occur. In that sense it would have been better if the title of the book was changed to "Pakistan-India Relations," instead of Pakistan's Foreign Policy. The author has rightly noted that the foreign policy discourse is not uni-dimensional, concerned with only its political aspects. (p. xii) But his assertion that Pakistani foreign policy is dominated mainly by security and developmental concerns and the need of foreign assistance is only partially true, and the author has completely ignored the role of domestic politics and the military in the foreign policy decision-making of Pakistan, which are its major determinants. Starting with a modest beginning, Pakistan's foreign policy was, apparently, guided by the idealistic visions of its founding fathers friendship and goodwill towards all nations; without narrow and special commitments and prejudices. However, the shadow of pre- and post-Partition Indo-Pak discourse has never allowed Islamabad to go beyond the "parity game" in its foreign policy. Be it, its relation with the major powers or its affinity with the Islamic world, the India syndrome has always haunted it., which has propelled Pakistan to

seek an external balancer to neutralize New Delhi, its Muslim world policy framework and its efforts to convince Washington that its economic-security concerns are not simply a manifestation of its search for parity with India. The author's account of Pakistan-US relations convincingly erodes the conventional wisdom that Pakistan can be a trusted ally of Washington. During the first three decades the US and other major powers could never overcome their concerns with India while dealing with Pakistan. It is clearly from the author's account that the Pakistan-US courtship is circumstantial and driven by US strategic requirements, but has costs for Pakistan. Sino-Pakistan relations in comparison are founded on mutual interests and remain an all-weather partnership. In search of parity and identity during the first three decades of its independence, Pakistan landed itself in a vicious circle of regional and international power games. Its bitter relations with India on water sharing and boundary disputes led to four wars and finally led to the Cold War coming to its doorsteps landing Pakistan in a trap. Though the Cold War ended with Pakistan in the victorious bloc, the flip-side of jihad and the country's nuclear tests in 1998 led it into a phase of international isolation and ostracism hyped by India's propaganda that Pakistan was a terrorist state (Chapter 18) However, the 9/11 incident brought Pakistan's importance again to the forefront. Islamabad's "Yes-but" policy after 9/11 gave Pakistan the leverage to rebuild its shattered economy and reputation. In the author's view the "new directions and dynamism in foreign policy in recent years have helped pull Pakistan out of isolation into international mainstream" (p. 302) which simply reflects the "adjustments to the imperatives of the changing global and regional environment (p. 294)." The author has incorporated two chapters - "Terrorism" and "The UN and International Cooperation" (Chapters 20 and 22) where he asserts that Islam has been demonized and "supplanted in place of communism as the new threat to the West" (p. 258). But his comparison of Bhagat Singh with the terrorists who attacked the Indian Parliament in 2001 is too exaggerated. If the latter were freedom fighters, what about the militants in Sindh and Balochistan? The author's views on Kashmir and East Pakistan also are selfcontradictory. If it is Pakistan's moral duty to support the Kashmir separatist movement, is it not India's moral duty to extend sympathy and support to self determination causes in its neighbourhood? In conclusion, the author has highlighted Pakistan's resolve to participate in "efforts to propel the world towards a better future than the past," and to aspire to "a productive, fulfilling and respectable place in the world community." This volume is definitely an important addition to the existing literature.

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