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Physics Formulas and Symbols: Physics I Symbol Formula

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Physics Formulas


Physics I

Quantity Symbol Formula

% Error % Error = ( |A-M| ) x 100 /A
% Uncertainty = (Uncertainty x
% Uncertainty
100) / Measurement
Distance (Linear
∆x ∆x = xf - xo
Elapsed Time ∆t ∆t = t2 - t1
V = ∆d / ∆t
Instantaneous Speed V
(with t approaching zero seconds)
Vavg = (total distance traveled)/(total
Average Speed Vavg elapsed time)
Acceleration a a = ∆V/∆t = (V2 - V1) / (t2 - t1)
Final Speed V2 V2 = V1 + a∆t
Original Speed V1 V1 = V2 - a∆t
Elapsed Time ∆t ∆t = (V2 - V1) / a
====> (Uniform Acceleration)
Final Velocity V2 V2 = V1 + a∆t
Displacement ∆x ∆x = V1∆t + 0.5(a∆t2)
Final Velocity V2 V22 = V12 + 2a∆x
Displacement ∆x ∆x = 0.5(V2 + V1)∆t
Elapsed Time ∆t ∆t = (V2 -V1) / a
Free Fall from V1 = 0.0 m/s g = -9.8 m/s2
Final Velocity V2 V2 = g∆t
Displacement ∆x ∆x = 0.5(g∆t2)
Final Velocity V2 V22 = 2g∆x
Displacement ∆x ∆x = 0.5(V2 )∆t
Elapsed Time ∆t ∆t = (V2) / g
Elapsed Time ∆t ∆t = Sq. root of (2∆x/g)

Dynamics Equations
Force (Newton's
F = Force F = ma
2nd Law)
Friction Ff Ff = µFn
Newton's Third
. FAB = -FBA
Weight Fg = Fw Fg = Fw = mg
Normal Force Fn Fn = FwCos θ
Coefficient of
µ µ= Ff / Fn

Net Force Fnet Fnet = (M1- M2)g = ∆Mg
Acceleration a a = (Fnet ) / (M1+ M2)
Net Force Fnet Fnet = (M1+ M2)a
Mass 1 M1 .

Mass 2 M2 .

Total Mass Mtot Mtot = M1+ M2

Mass Difference ∆M ∆M = M1- M2

Force and Acceleration

on an incline
Angle of Incline θ θ = Sin-1(Opp/adj)
a a = gsin θ
Fa Fa = Fw (Sin θ)
Normal Force FN FN = Fw (Cos θ)
ay ay = gsinθsinθ
ax ax = gsinθcosθ

x = horizontal, (Acceleration is in the vertical
(No Air Resistance!)
y = vertical direction only!)
ax = 0.0 m/s2, ay = 9.8 Down vectors are Subscript "o" means time is 0.0
m/s2 negative in Value! seconds
Formulas require ay to be positive
Up vectors are positive 9.8 m/s2. (The negative value has
in value! already been entered into the
formulas for acceleration!)
Horizontal Motion
x2 = x1 + Vx1t Vx2 = Vx1 ax = 0.0 m/s2
Vertical Motion
y2 = y1 + Vy1t - 0.5gt2 Vy2 = Vy1 - gt V2y2 = V2y1 - 2g∆y

Projectile Terms and

Final Horizontal Position
x2 (meters)
∆x = x2 - x1 = Vx1t
Initial Horizontal Position
x1 (meters)
x1 = x2 - Vx1t
Initial Horizontal Velocity
Vx1 (m/s)
Vx1 = (x2 - x1) / t = Vx2

Final Horizontal Velocity

Vx2 (m/s)
Vx2 = Vx1 = (x2- x1) / t
Horizontal Acceleration
ax (m/s2)
ax = 0.0 m/s2
Final Vertical Position
y2 (m)
∆y = y2 - y1= Vy1t - 0.5ayt2
Initial Vertical Position
y1 (m)
y1 = y2 - Vy1t + 0.5ayt2
Initial Vertical Velocity
Vy1 (m/s)
Vy1 = Vy2 + ayt

Final Vertical Velocity

Vy2 Vy2 = Vy1 - ayt
Change in Vertical
∆y Position (m)
∆y = (y2 - y1)

Earth's Gravitational
ay Acceleration (m/s2)
ay = g = -9.8 m/s2
t Time of "flight" (s) t = (Vy2 - Vy1) / ay
at angle θ from the horizontal
Angle of Launch from
θ θ = tan -1 (Vy1 / Vx1)
the horizontal (degrees)
Resultant Launch
V1 V21 = V2y1 + V2x1
Horizontal Launch
Vx2 Vx2 = V1 . Cos θ
Velocity (Component)
Vertical Launch
Vy1 Vy1 = V1 . Sin θ
Velocity (Component)
Maximum Horizontal
R (if, y2 = y1) Distance traveled R = (V21 Sin 2θ) / g
(or Range) in meters
Momentum (Linear) Units: P = kg.m/s J = N.s
P Momentum P = mV
J Impulse J = F.t
∆P Change in Momentum ∆(mV) = m(Vf - Vo)
Impulse = Change in
J = ∆P F.t = ∆(mV)
Ptot = ΣmnVn Total Initial Momentum m1V1 + m2V2 + m3V3 + .....
P'tot =ΣmnV'n Total Final Momentum m1V'1 + m2V'2 + m3V'3 + .....
Conservation of m1V1 + m2V2 + m3V3 + ..... = m1V'1 + m2V'2
Ptot =P'tot
Momentum + m3V'3 + .....
Explosions and
Type: Momentum Formulas
Elastic Collision m1V1 + m2V2 = m1V'1 + m2V'2
Inelastic Collision m1V1 + m2V2 = (m1 + m2)V'f
Explosion 0 = m1V'1 + m2V'2 + m3V'3 + .....
Work and (Linear Mechanical
Energy System)

Work W W = F.d Cos θ

Gravitational Potential
Ep Ep = Fw(h) = mgh
Kinetic Energy Ek Ek = (0.5)mv2
Work W W = ∆Ek + ∆Ep
W = ∆Ek + ∆Ep = (0.5mv2 + mgh)f -
Work W
(0.5mv2 + mgh)i
Total Energy (system) ΣE ΣE = Ek + Ep + heat
Initial Total Energy = (Σ
Conservation of Energy (ΣE)i = (ΣE)f
or (Ek + Ep + heat)i = (Ek + Ep +
Conservation of Energy Final Total Energy = (ΣE)f

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