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Abu Hamza Thumali (r.

a) was a close companion of Imam Sajjad (asws) He has related that during the month of Ramadan Imam Sajjad (asws) used to spend a greater part of the night in prayers and when it used to be the time of beginning of the fast he recited the following dua'a. This dua'a has been recorded in the book Misabh In Misbah al-Mutahajjid, it has been narrated on the authority of Abu-hamzah al-Thamali that Imam `Ali (asws) ibn al-Hussain (asws) Zain al-Abideen (asws) used to offer prayers the whole nights of Ramadan. At the last hour of Ramadan nights, he used to say the following supplication:
O Allah: Do not discipline me by means of Your punishment And do not subject me to Your planned strategy How can I attain welfare, O Lord, while it is not found anywhere save with You And how can I find redemption while it cannot be attained save through You, Neither he who has done righteous deeds can dispense with Your aid and mercy Nor can he who did evildoings, dare to challenge you and did not arrive at Your pleasure find an exit out of Your power ilahe la tu-addibne biuqubatik(a) wala tamkur be fe helatik(a) min ayna liyal-khayru ya rabbi wala yujadu illa min indik(a) wamin ayna liyan-najatu wala tustatau illa bik(a) lalladhe ahsanas-taghna an awnika warahmatik(a) walalladhe asa-a wajtara-a alayka walam yurdhika kharaja an qudratik(a)

Repeat this phrase as many times as possible in one breath: O Lord

ya rabbi...

Through You have I known You You showed me the way to You and invited me to come towards You Had it been not You, I would have never known who You are All praise be to Allah alone Who gives answer to me whenever I pray Him

bika arabftuk(a) wa-anta dalaltane alayka wada'awtane ilaky(a) walawla anta lam adri ma ant(a) alhamdu lillahil- ladhe ad-uhu fayujebune

1|w w w . w i l a y a t mi s s i on . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

Although I am slow whenever He invites me All praise be to Allah alone Who gives me whenever I ask Him Although I become close- fisted when He asks me All praise be to Allah alone Whom I call whenever I need something And Whom I secretly converse whenever I want without need for an intercessor He thus settles my need All praise be to Allah alone other than Whom I never pray And even if I pray anyone else, he shall never be able to respond to my prayer All praise be to Allah alone for other than Whom I do not hope And even if I hope for anyone else, he shall certainly disappoint me All praise be to Allah alone Who has accepted me to depend upon Him and, thus, bestowed favors upon me He has not left me to the people who will thus definitely humiliate me All praise be to Allah alone Who has sought my friendship while He can dispense with me (All) praise be to Allah (alone) Who showed Himself gentle and considerate towards me as if I have not sinned Accordingly, my Lord is the only One Whom I should thank and He is the worthiest of being thanked by me O Allah, I find the courses to asking from You wide open And I find the springs to hoping for You overflowing And I find seeking the help of Your favor reachable for them who have hopefully looked forward to You And I find the doors of praying You vulnerable for them who cry to You

wa-in kuntu bate-an hena yadune walhamdu lillahil- ladhe asaluhu fayutene wa-in kuntu bakhelan hena yastaqridhune walhamdu lillahil- ladhe unadehi kullama shi- `tu lihajate wa-akhlu bihe haythu shi-`tu lisirre bighayri shafe(in) fayaqdhe le hajate alhamdu lillahil- ladhe la ad-u ghayrah(u) walaw daawtu ghayrahu lam yastajib le dua-e walhamdu lillahil- ladhe la arju ghayrah(u) walaw rajawtu ghayrahu laakhlafa raja-e walhamdu lillahil- ladhe wakalane ilayhi fa-akramane walam yakilne ilan-nasi fayuhenune walhamdu lillahil- ladhe tahabbaba ilayya wahuwa ghaniyyun anne walhamdu lillahil- ladhe yahlumu anne hatta ka-anne la dhanba le farabbe ahmadu shay- in inde wa-ahaqqu bihamde allahumma inne ajidu subulalmatalibi ilayka mushraa(tan) wamanahilar-raja- i ladayka mutraa(tan) walistianata bifadhlika liman ammalaka mubaha(tan) wa-abwabad-dua-i ilayka lissarikhena maftuha(tan)

2|w w w . w i l a y a t mi s s i on . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

And I know for sure that You give favorable reply to the petitioners And that You relentlessly succor the aggrieved And that to long for Your beneficence and to accept Your will and judgement are well compensation for that which the close- fisted misers deny And an alternative to that which is possessed by the stingy And that he who travels towards You will easily reach his destination And that You do not conceal Yourself against Your creatures unless their evildoings stand between them and You I am thus turning to You carrying my appeals And I am directing towards You carrying my needs And I have sought the help of You alone And I am begging You through my prayer although I do not deserve to be observed by You or to be pardoned by You Rather I have full confidence in Your generosity And I have relied upon the truthfulness of Your promise And I have sought shelter with my faith in Your Oneness and my certitude in the fact -which you know- that I have no Lord other than You And there is no god save You Alone without having any partner O Allah: It is You Who have said, and Your sayings are always true And Your promise is always valid: Ask Allah of His bounty. Verily Allah is ever Merciful to you.

wa-alamu annaka lir-rajiena bimawdhii ijaba(tin) walilmalhufena bimarsadi ighatha(tin) wa-anna fil- lahfi ila judika warridha biqadha-ika iwadhan min manil-bakhilen(a) wanduhatan amma fe aydilmusta-thiren(a) wa-annar-rahila ilayka qarebulmasafa(ti) wa-annaka la tahtajibu an khalqika illa an tahjibahumulamalu dunak(a) waqad qasadtu ilayka bitalibate watawajjahtu ilayka bihajate wajaaltu bikas-tighathate wabidua-ika tawassule min ghayris-tihqaqin listimaika minne walastejabin liafwika anne ballithiqate bikaramik(a) wasukune ila sidqi wadik(a) walaja-e ilal-emani bitawhedika wayaqene bimarifatika minne an la rabba le ghayruk(a) wala ilaha illa ant(a) wahdaka la shareka lak(a) allahumma antal-qa-ilu waqawluka haqq(un) wawaduka sidq(un) was-alul- llaha min fadhlihe innal- llaha kana bikum rahema(n)

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3|w w w . w i l a y a t mi s s i on . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

It is not Your habit, O my Chief, that You instruct (us) to implore You and then You stop giving (us) And You are the All-benefactor Who confers upon the people of Your Kingdom with (innumerable) donations And You are the All- generous Who meets them with the kindness of Your compassion O my God: You brought me up amid Your bounties and favors when I was little And You have mentioned me when I have grown up So, O He Who brought me up in this world with His bounties, favors, and graces And, in the Hereafter, will have referred to me with His amnesty and generosity My acquaintance with You, O my Lord, is the path taking me to You And my love for You is the intermediary between You and me And I am sure of the path to which You have lead me And I rely upon my intermediarys success before You I pray You, O my Chief, with a tongue muted by its sins

walaysa min sifatika ya sayyide an ta-`mura bissu-ali watamnaal-atiyya(ta) wa-antal- mannanu bil- atiyyati ala ahli mamlakatik(a) wal-a- idu alayhim bitahannuni ra-`fatik(a) ilahe rabbaytane fe niamika wa-ihsanika saghera(n) wanawwahta bisme kabera(n) faya man rabbane fiddunya biihsanihe watafadhdhulihe waniamih(e) wa-ashara le fil-akhirati ila afwihe wakaramih(e) marifate ya mawlaya dalele alayk(a) wahubbe laka shafee ilayk(a) wa-ana wathiqun min dalele bidalalatik(a) wasakinun min shafee ila shafaatik(a) ad-uka ya sayyidie bilisanin qad akhrasahu dhanbuh(u)

O Lord! I confidentially speak to You rabbi unajeka biqalbin qad with a heart degraded by its offenses awbaqahu jurmuh(u) I pray You, O Lord, with terror, desire, hope, and fear Whenever I think of my sins, O my Master, I panic But when I think of Your generosity, I feel desirous (for Your pardon) Therefore, if You forgive me, You are already the best of those who show mercy And If punish me, You are then not wronging me ad-uka ya rabbi rahiban raghiban rajiyan kha-ifa(n) idha ra-aytu mawlaya dhunube fazit(u) wa-idha ra-aytu karamaka tamit(u) fa- in afawta fakhayru rahim(in) wa-in adhdhabta faghayru alim(in)

4|w w w . w i l a y a t mi s s i on . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

Yet, it is Your munificence and Your generosity, O Allah, that gave me the courage to pray You despite that I have committed things that You dislike And it is Your kindness and mercy that I use as my means during misfortunes inflicting me despite my shamelessness I thus hope that my expectation will not be disappointed amid these two matters So, make my hopes become real And please do answer my prayers O the Greatest Besought One that has been ever besought And the Most Favorable Hoped One My expectation, O my Chief, has been great but my deed has been bad So grant me Your pardon as much as my expectation And do not punish me for the worst of my deed Verily, Your generosity is too great to be compared to the penalty of the guilty And Your tolerance is too immense to be compared to the punishment of the negligent And I, O my Chief, am seeking refuge with Your benevolence And I am fleeing from You towards You Hoping for the amnesty that You have promised to confer upon him who keeps good idea about You What am I? O Lord! And what importance do I have? Do me a favor out of Your benevolence And be charitable to me by means of pardoning me O my Lord! Cover me with Your protective covering And overlook reproaching me out of the generosity of Your Face

hujjate ya allahu fe jur-ate ala mas-alatika maa ityane ma takrahu juduka wakaramuk(a) wauddate fe shiddate maa qillati haya-e ra-fatuka warahmatuk(a) waqad rajawtu an la takheba bayna dhayni wadhayni munyate fahaqqiq raja-e wasma dua-e ya khayra man daahu da(in) wa-afdhala man rajahu raj(in) auma ya sayyide amale wasaa amale fa-atine min afwika bimiqdari amale wala tu-akhidhne bi-aswa- i amale fa- inna karamaka yajillu an mujazatil- mudhniben(a) wahilmaka yakburu an mukafa-atil- muqassiren(a) wa-ana ya sayyide a-idhun bifadhlik(a) haribun minka ilayk(a) mutanajjizun ma waadta minas-safhi amman ahsana bika anna(n) wama ana ya rabbi wama khatare habne bifadhlik(a) watasaddaq alayya biafwik(a) ay rabbi jallilne bisatrik(a) wafu an tawbekhe bikarami wajhik(a)

5|w w w . w i l a y a t mi s s i on . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

In fact, if anyone other than You have watched me while committing these sins, I may not commit them And had I anticipated immediateness of punishment, I might have avoided doing them Yet, this does not mean that You are the least important of those who watch over me Or You are the least weighty of those who observe me Rather, this is because You, O my Lord, are the best of those who cover up (ones defects) And the wisest of those who judge And the most generous of those who act generously The concealer of defects the Forgiver of sins the Knower of the unseen You conceal the defects out of Your liberality And puts off punishment because of Your forbearance Hence, all praise be to You, for You act tolerably although You have full knowledge And for Your pardon even Though You have the absolute authority It is Your forbearance to me that gives me latitude and makes me dare to break Your laws And it is Your concealing my faults that makes me act shamelessly before You And it is my acquaintance with the broadness of Your mercy and the magnitude of Your pardon that make me hurry to violate that which You have deemed forbidden O Indulgent, O Compassionate, O Ever- living, O Eternal, O Forgiver of sins, O Accepter of repentance O Owner of matchless bounties,

falawit-tala'al- yawma ala dhanbe ghayruka ma faaltuh(u) walaw khiftu tajelal-uqubati lajtanabtuh(u) la li-annaka ahwanun-nairena ilayy(a) wa-akhaffal- mut-tali'ena alayy(a) bal li-annaka ya rabbi khayrussatiren(a) wa-ahkamul- hakimen(a) wa-akramul-akramen(a) sattarul-uyub(i) ghaffarudh-dhunub(i) allamul- ghuyub(i) tasturudh-dhanba bikaramik(a) watu-akhkhirul-uqubata bihilmik(a) falakal- hamdu ala hilmika bada ilmik(a) waala afwika bada qudratik(a) wayahmilune wayujarri- une ala masiyatika hilmuka anne wayad-une ila qillatil- haya- i sitruka alayy(a) wayusarriune ilat-tawaththubi ala maharimika marifate bisaati rahmatika waaemi afwik(a) ya halemu ya karem(u) ya hayyu ya qayyum(u) ya ghafiradh-dhanb(i) ya qabilat-tawb(i) ya aemal- mann(i)

6|w w w . w i l a y a t mi s s i on . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

O He who has been doing favors since eternity. Where is Your magnificent concealment (of ones faults)? Where is Your irreversible pardon? Where is Your abrupt relief? Where is Your immediate aid? Where is Your boundless mercy? Where is Your Overflowing gifts? Where are Your pleasant endowments? Where are Your beautiful benefits? Where is Your outstanding grace? Where are Your giant bounties? Where are Your eternal favors? Where is Your generous liberality? O Generous Giver! In Your name and in the name of Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad, save me And by Your mercy, deliver me O All-benevolent O All-beneficent O All-gracious, O All-compassionate In my salvation from Your punishment, I do not rely upon my deeds rather I depend on Your liberal generosity to us Because You are verily the Lord of righteousness and the Lord of forgiveness You take the initiative in doing good out of Your graciousness And You overlook the sins out of Your generosity We thus do not know which of Your graces we should thank Should it be the handsome elegance that you spread over us, or our offensive deeds that you conceal?

ya qademal- ihsan(i) ayna sitrukal-jamel(u) ayna afwukal-jalel(u) ayna farajukal-qareb(u) ayna ghiyathukas-sare(u) ayna rahmatukal-wasia(tu) ayna atayakal- fadhila(tu) ayna mawahibukal- hane-a(tu) ayna sana-iukas-saniyya(tu) ayna fadhlukal-aem(u) ayna mannukal-jasem(u) ayna ihsanukal-qadem(u) ayna karamuka ya karem(u) bihe wabimuhammadin wa-ali muhammadin fastanqidhne wabirahmatika fakhallisne ya muhsin(u) ya mujmil(u) ya munimu ya mufdhil(u) lastu attakilu fin- najati min iqabika ala amalina bal bifadhlika alayna li-annaka ahlut-taqwa wa-ahlulmaghfira(ti) tubdi- u bil- ihsani niama(n) watafu anidh-dhanbi karama(n) fama nadre ma nashkur(u) ajamela ma tanshuru am qabeha ma tastur(u)

7|w w w . w i l a y a t mi s s i on . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

Or should it be the fabulous favor that You grant and present, or the numerous misfortunes from which You have saved and relieved? O the Beloved of those who endear themselves to Him O the delight of the eyes of those who resort to Him and communicate Him incessantly You are the All-benevolent and we are the malevolent So, overlook, O Lord, the offensive that we hold by means of the good that You hold There is not definitely any foolishness that can be uncovered by Your liberality And there is no period that may be longer than Your tolerance What value remains for our deeds if compared to Your favors! And how can we ever deem much any deeds if compared to Your generosity! Moreover, how may Your broad mercy be narrow for the guilty? O the Extensive Forgiver, O He Who extends both hands with mercy By Your Majesty I swear, O my Lord, even if you chide me, I shall never leave Your Door and I shall never stop flattering You This is because I have full acquaintance with Your (indescribable) generosity and bounty And verily You do whatever You will You punish whomsoever You want however You want by whatever means You want And You have mercy upon whomsoever You want however You want by whatever means You want None is supposed to interrogate You for whatever You do and non can ever contend with You about Your authority

am aema ma ablayta waawlayta am kathera ma minhu najjayta wa-afayt(a) ya habeba man tahabbaba ilayk(a) waya qurrata ayni man ladha bika wanqataa ilayk(a) antal- muhsinu wanahnul- museun(a) fatajawaz ya rabbi an qabehi ma indana bijameli ma indak(a) wa-ayyu jahlin ya rabbi la yasauhu juduk(a) aw ayyu zamanin atwalu min anatik(a) wama qadaru amalina fe janbi niamik(a) wakayfa nastakthiru amalan nuqabilu biha karamak(a) bal kayfa yadhequ alalmudhnibena ma wasiahum min rahmatik(a) ya wasial- maghfira(ti) ya basital- yadayni birrahma(ti) fawaizzatika ya sayyide law nahartane ma barihtu min babika wala kafaftu an tamalluqik(a) limantaha ilayya minalmarifati bijudika wakaramik(a) wa-antal- failu lima tasha-(u) tuadhdhibu man tasha-u bima tasha-u kayfa tasha-(u) watarhamu man tasha-u bima tasha-u kayfa tasha-(u) la tus-alu an fi'lik(a) wala tunazau fe mulkik(a)

8|w w w . w i l a y a t mi s s i on . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

And none can ever have a share in that which You hold And none can ever object to Your decisions And none can ever protest against that which You administer To You alone is creation and determination Blessed be Allah, the Lord of the worlds O my Lord, this is the manner of him who seeks Your shelter, And resorts to Your liberality And has been accustomed to be included with Your benevolence and graciousness And You are certainly the Allmunificent Whose amnesty never shrinks And Whose favor never reduces And Whose mercy never diminishes We have full confidence in You on account of Your eternal habit of pardons And boundless kindness and limitless mercy Is it ever expectable, O Lord, that You may disappoint us or may act on the contrary of our expectations? No, never. O Compassionate! This is neither our idea about You nor our desire from You! O my Lord: verily we have hope, big and large, in You Verily we have great expectation in You Albeit that we have disobeyed You, we still hope that You will cover our faults And we have prayed You hoping that You will respond to us So, give success to our hopes, O our Lord!

wala tusharaku fe amrik(a) wala tudha(a)ddu fe hukmik(a) wala yataridhu alayka ahadun fe tadberik(a) lakal-khalqu wal-`amr(u) tabarakal- llahu rabbulalamen(a) yarabbi hadha maqamu man ladha bik(a) wastajara bikaramik(a) wa-alifa ihsanaka waniamak(a) wa-antal-jawadul- ladhe la yadhequ afwuk(a) wayanqusu fadhluk(a) wala taqillu rahmatuk waqad tawaththaqna minka bissafhil-qadem(i) walfadhlil- aemi war-rahmatilwasia(ti) afaturaka ya rabbi tukhlifu ununana aw tukhayyibu amalana kalla ya karemu falaysa hadha annuna bika wala hadha feka tamauna ya rabbi inna lana feka amalan tawelan kathera(n) inna lana feka raja-an aema(n) asaynaka wanahnu narju an tastira alayna wada'awnaka wanahnu narju an tastajeba lana fahaqqiq raja-ana mawlana

9|w w w . w i l a y a t mi s s i on . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

We now know for sure that which we deserve in exchange of our deeds Yet, Your knowledge about us and our knowledge that You shall never let us down have urged us to desire for You Even if we do not deserve Your mercy However, You are the worthiest of conferring upon us and upon the guilty with the grace of Your broad benevolence So, confer upon us with that of which You are worYour And act generously with us for we are in need from Your conferral O Oft-Forgiving, in Your light have we found the right path And due to Your favor have we dispensed with the others And Your grace have we experienced in morns and eves Our sins are before You We beseech You, O Allah, to forgive them and we repent before You Whilst You show affection to us through Your graces, we take ourselves away from You through our sins You good descend upon us While our evildoing ascends to You Albeit a noble angel always carries to You our offensive deeds, this has never made you stop encompassing us with Your graces And conferring upon us your elegances Glory be to You! How Forbearing, Magnificent, and Generous You are at all times! Sacred be Your Names Grand be Your praise

faqad alimna ma tastawjibu biamalina walakin ilmuka fena wailmuna bi-annaka la tasrifna anka haththana alar-raghbati ilayk(a) wa-in kunna ghayra mustawhishena lirahmatik(a) fa-anta ahlun an tajuda alayna waalal- mudhnibena bifadhli saatik(a) famnun alayna bima anta ahluh(u) wajud alayna fa-inna muhtajuna ila naylik(a) ya ghaffaru binurikah-tadayna wabifadhlikas-taghnayna wabinimatika asbahna waamsayna dhunubuna bayna yadayk(a) nastaghfirukal- llahumma minha wanatubu ilayk(a) tatahabbabu ilayna binniami wanuaridhuka bidh-dhunub(i) khayruka nazilun ilayna washarruna ilayka said(un) walam yazal wala yazalu malakun karemun ya-teka anna biamalin qabehin fala yamnaunka dhalika min an tahutana biniamik(a) watatafadhdhalu alyna bi-alaik(a) fasubhanaka ma ahlamaka waaamaka wa-akramaka mubdian wamueda(n) taqaddasat asma- uk(a) wajalla thana-uk(a)

10 | w w w . w i l a y a t m i s s i o n . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

Munificent be Your deeds and acts You, O my God, are too expansive in graciousness and too great in forbearance to punish me for my evildoings and sins (Here I am asking for) Amnesty, (Here I am asking for) Amnesty, (Here I am asking for) Amnesty O my Lord! O my Lord! O my Lord! O Allah: make us be engaged with mentioning You And save us from Your wrath And deliver us from Your torture And grant us Your donations And confer upon us with Your grace And provide us the opportunity to go on pilgrimage to Your House And to visit the tomb of Your Prophet May Your blessings, mercy, forgiveness, and pleasure be upon him and his Household Verily You are nigh and ready to answer And bless us with acting upon the obedience to You And receive us following the rule of You and Your Prophet Blessings of Allah be on him and on his Family O Allah: forgive me and my parents, and have mercy on them as they did care for me when I was little Reward them generously for their good deeds and forgive their sins O Allah: forgive the faithful men and women, be they alive or dead And join us together in bliss and happiness O Allah: forgive our living and dead persons And our present and absent ones

wakaruma sana- iuka wafi'aluk(a) anta ilahe awsau fadhlan waaamu hilman min an tuqayisane bifile wakhate-ate falafwal-afwal-afw(a) sayyide sayyide sayyide allahumma ashghilna bidhikrik(a) wa-aidhna min sakhatik(a) wa-ajirna min adhabik(a) warzuqna min mawahibik(a) wa-an-in alayna min fadhlik(a) warzuqna hijja baytik(a) waziyarata qabri nabiyyik(a) salawatuka warahmatuka wamaghfiratuka waridhwanuka alayhi waala ahli baytih(e) innaka qarebun mujeb(un) warzuqna amalan bitaatik(a) wataffana ala millatika wasunnati nabiyyik(a) sallal- llahu alayhi waalaalih(e) allahummaghfir le waliwalidayya warhamhuma kama rabbayane saghera(n) ijzihima bil- ihsani ihsanan wabis-sayyi-ati ghufrana(n) allahummaghfir lilmu- `minena wal- mu-`minatil-ahya- i minhum wal-amwat(i) watabi baynana wabaynahum bilkhayrat(i) allahummaghfir lihayyina wamayyitina washahidina wagha- ibina

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11 | w w w . w i l a y a t m i s s i o n . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

And our male and female ones And our infants and adults And our masters and slaves Liars are those who ascribe rivals to Allah And they have wandered far astray And they will have suffered a manifest loss O Allah: send blessings on Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad And seal my life with decency And help me overcome all that which aggrieves me in this world as well as the Hereafter And do not let him who does not have mercy upon me prevail on me And always keep on me an everlasting, protective covering And do not divest me of the wellmannered graces that You have conferred upon me And provide me, out of Your grace, with lawfully gotten, delightful sustenance O Allah: keep me under Your alert surveillance And protect me with Your support And take care of me with Your comprehensive care And grant me to go on pilgrimage to Your Holy House in this year as well as all coming years And also grant me to go on pilgrimage to the tomb of Your Prophet and the Imamspeace be upon them And do not deprive me, O Lord, of such honorable scenes and noble situations O Allah: Accept my repentance so that I will not disobey you ever again And inspire me with goodness and good-doing

dhakarina wa-unthana sagherina wakaberina hurrina wamamlukina kadhabal-adiluna billah(i) wadhallu dhalalan baeda(n) wakhasiru khusranan mubena(n) allahumma salli ala muhammadin wa-ali muhammad(in) wakhtim le bikhayr(in) wakfine ma ahammane min amri dunyaya wa-akhirate wala tusallit alayya man la yarhamune wajal alayya minka waqiyan baqiya(tan) wala taslubne saliha ma anamta bihe alayy(a) warzuqne min fadhlika rizqan wasian halalan tayyiba(n) allahummah-rusne biharasatik(a) wahfane bihifik(a) wakla- ne bikala-atik(a) warzuqne hijja baytikal- harami fe amina hadha wafe kulli am(in) waziyarati qabri nabiyyika wala-immati alayhimus-salam(u) wala tukhline ya rabbi min tilkal- mashahidish-sharefati wal- mawaqifil-karema(ti) allahumma tub alayya hatta la asiyak(a) wa-alhimnil-khayra wal-amala bih(e)

12 | w w w . w i l a y a t m i s s i o n . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

And with fearing You all over day and night so long as You keep me alive O the Lord of the worlds. O Allah: each time I decide to prepare myself for offering prayers before You and converse confidentially with You, You throw on me slumber whenever I stand for prayer And thus You deprive me of conversing with You confidentially whenever I try so What is the wrong with me? Whenever I feel that my inner self has become decent And that my session has become similar to that of those who turn much to You, A misfortune would inflict me causing my feet to be shaken and standing against my showing servitude to You O my Master, perhaps You have pushed me away from Your door! And You have dismissed me from Your service! Or, perhaps, You have noticed that I belittled the duties that You have made incumbent upon me, and You thus set me aside! Or, perhaps, You have seen me turning away from You and thus You have turned away from me Or, perhaps, You have found me in the manner of the liars and thus You have rejected me Or, perhaps, You have observed me showing no gratitude for Your graces and thus You have deprived me of them Or, perhaps, You have not found me in the sessions of the scholars and thus You have let me down Or, perhaps, You have seen me among the inattentive ones and thus You have made me despair of Your mercy

wakhashyataka billayli wannahari ma abqaytane ya rabbal-alamen(a) allahumma inne kullama qultu qad tahayya-`tu wataabba-`tu waqumtu lis-salati bayna yadayka wanajaytuk(a) alqayta alayya nuasan idha ana sallayt(u) wasalabtane munajataka idha ana najayt(u) male kullama qultu qad saluhat sarerate waqaruba min majalisittawwabena majlise aradhat le baliyyatun azalat qadame wahalat bayne wabayna khidmatik(a) sayyide laallaka an babika taradtane waan khidmatika nahhaytane aw laallaka ra-aytane mustakhiffan bihaqqika faaqsaytane aw laallaka ra-aytane muridhan anka faqalaytane aw laallaka wajadtane fe maqamil-kadhibena farafadhtane aw laallaka ra-aytane ghayra shakirin linama- ika faharamtane aw laallaka faqadtane min majalisil- ulama- i fakhadhaltane aw laallaka ra-aytane filghafilena famin rahmatika ayastane

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Or, perhaps, You have found me fond of the sessions of the wrongdoers and thus You have referred me to them Or, perhaps, You have not willed to hear my prayers and thus You have kept me away from You Or, perhaps, You have punished me for my offenses and sins Or, perhaps, You have penalized me for my shamelessness If You forgive me, O Lord, then You have occasionally forgiven the sinners like me Because Your compassion, O my Lord, is too great to be compared to the punishment of the negligent And I am now seeking refuge with Your generosity and fleeing for You to You Hoping for the promise that You have taken as regard pardoning those who have good idea about You O my God: You are too expansive in favor And too great in forbearance to punish me for my deed Or to chastise me for my sin What am I? O Master! And what is my weight? Excuse me out of Your favor, O my Master And act to me charitably our of Your pardon And cover me with Your covering And let off chiding me out of the liberality of Your Face O my Master! I am the little that You have brought up And I am the ignorant that You have taught And I am the straying that You have guided And I am the humble that You have given rise And I am the afraid that You have given security

aw laallaka ra-aytane alafu majalisal-battalena fabayne wabaynahum khallaytane aw laallaka lam tuhibba an tasmaa dua-e fabaadtane aw laallaka bijurme wajarerate kafaytane aw laallaka biqillati haya-e minka jazaytane fa- in afawta ya rabbi fatalama afawta anil- mudhnibena qable li-anna karamaka ay rabbi yajillu an mukafatilmuqassiren(a) wa ana a- idhun bifadhlika haribun minka ilayk(a) mutanajjizun ma waadta minas-safhi amman ahsana bika anna(n) ilahe anta awsau fadhla(n) wa-aamu hilman min an tuqayisane biamale aw an tastazillane bikhate-ate wama ana ya sayyide wama khatare habne bifadhlika sayyide watasaddaq alayya biafwik(a) wajallilne bisitrik(a) wafu an tawbekhe bikarami wajhik(a) sayyide anas-sagherul- ladhe rabbaytah(u) wa-anal-jahilul- ladhe allamtah(u) wa-anadh-dha(a)llul- ladhe hadaytah(u) wa-anal- wadheul- ladhe rafatah(u) wa-anal-kha- iful- ladhe amantah(u)

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And I am the hungry that You have satiated And I am the thirsty that You have watered And I am the naked that You have dressed And I am the poor that You have given affluence And I am the weak that You have strengthened And I am the lowly that You have given mighty And I am the ill that You have cured And I am the beggar that You have donated And I am the sinner that You have covered And I am the guilty that You have excused And I am the valueless that You have evaluated And I am the helpless that You have backed And I am the expelled that You have boarded I am, O my Lord, the one who has not felt ashamed of You in secrets And the one who has not considered Your watching over him in the public I am the committer of the grave transgressions I am the one who challenged his Master I am the one who disobeyed the Allgreat of the heavens I am the one who have given bribes violating the laws of the All- lofty One I am the one who has been delighted for committing such sins I am the one who, although You have respited, has not cared I am the one whom, Although You have covered him, has not felt ashamed

wal-ja- iul- ladhe ashbatah(u) wal-atshanul- ladhe arwaytah(u) wal-aril- ladhe kasawtah(u) walfaqerul- ladhe aghnaytah(u) wadh-dhaeful- ladhe qawwaytah(u) wadh-dhalelul- ledhe azaztah(u) was-saqemul- ladhe shafaytah(u) was-sa-ilul- ladhe ataytah(u) walmudhnibul- ladhe satartah(u) wal-khati- ul- ladhe aqaltah(u) wa-anal-qalelul- ladhe kaththartah(u) wal- mustadh-aful- ladhe nasartah(u) wa-anat-taredul- ladhe awaytah(u) ana ya rabbil- ladhe lam astahyika fil-khala-(i) walam uraqibka fil- mala-(i) ana sahibud-dawahil- uma anal- ladhe ala sayyidihijtara(`a) anal- ladhe asaytu jabbarassama(`a) anal- ladhe ataytu ala maasiljalelir-risha anal- ladhe hena bushshirtu biha kharajtu ilayha asa anal- ladhe amhaltane famarawayt(u) wasatarta alayya famastahyayt(u)

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And who committed so many acts of disobedience that he has violated (all terms) And who, although You have disregarded, has not minded So, out of Your forbearance have You given me respite And You have concealed (my faults) with Your untouchable concealment as if You have been unaware with my acts And You have not applied to me the punishments of committing acts of disobedience (to You) as if You are ashamed to face me O my God: As I disobeyed You, I have never denied Your Lordship And I have never belittled Your ordains And I have never wished for exposing myself to Your chastisement And I have never disparaged Your threat Nevertheless, sins showed themselves desirable before me and my self commended to me And my whim overwhelmed me And my impudence helped me accordingly And I have been deceived my Your covering that You have laid on me So, I have exerted efforts in violating Your orders and disobeying You Now, who can ever save me from Your chastisement? And, tomorrow, who can save me from the hands of my rivals? And whose rope will I catch if You cut off the rope between You and me? Shame on me for my evildoings that Your Book has recorded

waamiltu bil- maase fataaddaytu wa-asqattane min aynika fama balayt(u) fabihilmika amhaltane wabisitrika satartane hatta kaannaka aghfaltane wamin uqubatil- maase jannabtane hatta ka-annakastahyaytane ilahe lam asika hena asaytuka wa-ana birububiyyatika jahid(un) wala bi-amrika mustakhiff(un) wala li- uqubatika mutaarridh(un) wala liwaedika mutahawin(un) lakin khate-atun aradhat wasawwalat le nafse waghalabane haway(a) wa-aanane alayha shiqwate wagharrane sitrukal- murkha alayy(a) faqad asaytuka wakhalaftuka bijuhde fal-ana min adhabika man yastanqidhune wamin aydil-khusama- i ghadan man yukhallisune wabihabli man attasilu in anta qatata hablaka anne fawa saw-ata ala ma ahsa kitabuka min amaliyal- ladhe

16 | w w w . w i l a y a t m i s s i o n . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

Had it not been for Your generosity, the breadth of Your mercy, and Your warning me against being desperatethe matters that I hopefully depend on, I would have despaired whenever I remember my sins O the Greatest Besought One that has been ever besought And the Most Favorable Hoped One O Allah: I beseech You by the liability of Islam And I rely upon You by the sanctity of the Quran And I hope for proximity to You by my love for the Prophetthe Ummi (inhabitant of Mecca), the Qurayshite, the Hashimite, the Arab, the Tuhamite, the Meccan, and the Madanite So, do not disturb my familiarity with faith And do not make my reward the same as that given to those who serve one other than You Certainly, some people outwardly declared the faith so that they could prevent their blood from being shed However, they attained their goals Verily, we have believed in You in heart and tongue so that You may excuse us Hence, make us attain our goals And make firm our hoping for You in our hearts And make not our hearts to deviate after You have guided us aright And grant us from You mercy; Surely, You are the most liberal Giver. By Your Majesty I swear, O my Lord, even if you chide me, I shall never leave Your Door and I shall never stop flattering You This is because I have full acquaintance with Your (indescribable) generosity and bounty

lawla ma arju min karamika wasaati rahmatika wanahyika iyyaya anil-qunuti laqanattu indama atadhakkaruha ya khayra man daahu da(in) wa-afdhala man rajahu raj(in) allahumma bidhimmatil- islami atawassalu ilayk(a) wabihurmatil-qur-ani atamidu alayk(a) wabihubbin- nabiyyilummiyyil-qurashiyyilhashimiyyil-arabiyyittuhamiyyil- makkiyyilmadaniyyi arjuz- zulfata ladayk(a) fala tuhishis-ti`nasa emane wala taj'al thawabe thawaba man abada siwak(a) fa- inna qawman amanu bialsinatihim liyahqinu bihe dima-ahum fa-adraku ma ammalu wa-inna amanna bika bialsinatina waqulubina litafuwa anna fa-adrikna ma ammalna wathabbit raja-aka fe sudurina wala tuzigh qulubana bada idh hadaytana wahab lana min ladunka rahma(tan) innaka antal- wahhab(u) fawaizzatika lawintahartane ma barihtu min babika wala kafaftu an tamalluqik(a) lima ulhima qalbe minalmarifati bikaramika wasaati rahmatik(a)

17 | w w w . w i l a y a t m i s s i o n . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

To whom may a servant go save to his Lord? And to whom may a mortal resort save to his Creator? O my God: even if You tie me with chains And deprive me of the stream of Your bounties in the presence of people And divulge all my scandalous acts before the eyes of all Your servants And order me to be entered Hell And prevent me from communicating the Pious ones (in spite of all that) I will never stop hoping for You And I will never stop expecting Your pardon And Your love will never exit my heart I never forget Your graces that I enjoy And Your having concealed my defects in the worldly abode O my Master: (please) expel the love for the world out of my heart And join me with the Chosen One and his Family The choicest of Your creatures and the seal of the Prophets Muhammad, blessings of Allah be on him and on his Family And move me to the rank of repentance with You And help me weep for myself after I have come upon the last of my age Being in the manner of those who despair of any self-decency Who is then worse than I am When I will be taken to a grave that I have not paved for my long stay

ila man yadhhabul-abdul illa ila mawlah(u) wa-ila man yaltaji- ul- makhluqu illa ila khaliqih(e) ilahe law qarantane bil-asfad(i) wamanatane saybaka min baynil-ash-had(i) wadalalta ala fadha- ihe uyunal- ibad(i) wa-amarta be ilan-nar(i) wahulta bayne wabaynalabrar(i) maqatatu raja-e mink(a) wama saraftu ta-`mele lil-afwi ank(a) wala kharaja hubbuka min qalbe ana la ansa ayadeka inde wasitraka alayya fe dariddunya sayyide akhrij hubbad-dunya min qalbe weajma bayne wabaynalmustafa wa-alih(e) khiyaratika min khalqika wakhatamin- nabiyyena muhammadin sallal- lahu alyhi wa-alih(e) wanqulne ila darajatit-tawbati ilayk(a) wa-ainne bil-buka- i ala nafse faqad afnaytu umure waqad nazaltu manzilatalayisena min khayre faman yakunu aswa-a halan minne in ana nuqiltu ala mithli hale ila qabrin lam umahhid-hu liraqdate

18 | w w w . w i l a y a t m i s s i o n . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

And I have not furnished with righteous deed for my extended abode

walam afrish-hu bil-amalissalihi lidhajate

Why should I not weep while I do not wamale la abke wala adre ila know what my destiny will be? ma yakunu masere And while I notice that my self is cheating me And my days are deceiving me And the wings of death are fluttering over my head So, why should I not weep? I weep for my souls departing my body I weep for the darkness of my grave I weep for the narrowness of my vault I weep for Munkar and Nakeer (the two angels interrogating in graves) being interrogating me I weep for my coming out of my grave (on the Resurrection Day) naked, humiliated, carrying my burdens on my back Distributing my sights to my right and my left Behold! The creatures will each be engaged with matters other than mine wa-ara nafse tukhadiune wa-ayyame tukhatilune waqad khafaqat inda ra-se ajnihatul- mawt(i) famale la abke abke likhuruji nafse abke liulmati qabre abke lidheqi lahde abke lisu-ali munkarin wanakerin iyyaya abke likhuruji min qabre uryanan dhalelan hamilan thiqle ala ahre anuru marratan an yamene wa-ukhra an shimale idhil-khala- iqu fe sha`nin ghayri sha`ne

?D$# e@39 7?tBqt? Nk]iB m?Z? b'x 7?tBqt? nq_r ouaB ps3m$| ou?6tFaB

Every man that day will have concern likullim-ri- in minhum yawmaenough to make him heedless of `idhin sha`nun yughneh(i) others

Many faces on that day shall be bright, laughing, joyous

wujuhun yawma`idhin musfiratun dhahikatun mustabshira(tun)

19 | w w w . w i l a y a t m i s s i o n . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

And many faces on that day, on them shall be dust. Darkness, and humiliation, shall cover them

wawujuhun yawma`idhin alayha ghabaratun tarhaquha qataratun wadhilla(tun) sayyide alayka muawwile wamutamade waraja-e watawakkule wabirahmatika taalluqe tusebu birahmatika man tasha(u) watahde bikaramatika man tuhibb(u) falakal- hamdu ala ma naqqayta minash-shirki qalbe walakal- hamdu ala basti lisane afabilisane hadhal-ka(a)lli ashkuruk(a) am bighayati juhde fe amale urdhek(a) wama qadru lisane ya rabbi fe janbi shukrik(a) wama qadru amale fe janbi niamika wa-ihsanik(a) ilahe inna judaka basata amale washukraka qabila amale wayyide ilayka raghbate wa-ilayka rahbate wa-ilayka ta-`mele waqad saqane ilayka amale waalayka ya wahide akaftu himmate wafema indakan-basatat raghbate walaka khalisu raja`e wakhawfe

>?tBqt? nq_rur ou?y9x $pk?n=t $yg)yds? ou?yIs%

O my Master: on You I depend and rely And in You I put my hope and faith And to Your mercy I hang You direct Your mercy towards whomsoever You like And You guide, out of Your honoring, whomsoever You will So, all praise be to You for You have purified my heart from polytheism And all praise be to You for You have made my tongue express utterly How can I praise You properly while my tongue is too short to do so? And how can I please You while the extent of my efforts is too short to do so? What extent can my tongue reach if compared to the limitless extent of thanking You? And what amount can my efforts reach if compared to the limitless amount of Your graces and favors? O my God! It is certainly Your benevolence that has given me hope And it is my thanks to You that have granted approval for my deeds O my Master: For You do I desire And You do I fear And to You do I look forward It is my hope that has driven me towards You And to You, O Unique, do I direct my determination And towards that which You have are my desires directed And for You is the ultimate of my hope and fear

20 | w w w . w i l a y a t m i s s i o n . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

And with You have I become familiar And to You have I submitted my hand And to the rope of the obedience to You have I extended my fears O my Master: only through mentioning You have my heart lived And only through my confidential conversations with You have I cooled the pains of my fear So, O my Master; O my Trusty Patron; O the Ultimate Hope; separate me from my transgressions which prevent me from adhering to the obedience to You I only pray You on account of my eternal faith in You And my desire for Your mercy and kindness that You have made incumbent upon Yourself So, the whole affair is Yours alone, there is no partner with You at all All the creatures are dependent upon You and are in Your grip And all things are submissive to You Blessed be You, Lord of the worlds O my God: have mercy on me when my argument is proven nil And when my tongue can no longer find any answer And when my mind scatters as soon as You begin to interrogate me So, O my great hope, do not forsake me when my need terribly increases And do not reject me on account of my ignorance And do not stop conferring upon me on account of my lack of patience Grant me for I am poor And have mercy upon me for I am weak O my Master: on You do I rely and lean And You are my hope and in You do I have faith

wabika anisat mahabbate wa-ilayka alqaytu biyade wabihabli taatika madadtu rahbate ya mawlaya bidhikrika asha qalbe wabimunajatika barradtu alamal-khawfi anne faya mawlaya waya mu`ammile waya muntaha su`le farriq bayne wabayna dhanbiyal- mani'i le min luzumi taatik(a) fa- innama as-aluka liqademirraja`i fek(a) waaemit-tamai minkal- ladhe awjabtahu ala nafsika minarra`fati warrahma(ti) fal-amru laka wahdaka la shareka lak(a) wal-khalqu kulluhum iyaluka wafe qabdhatik(a) wakullu shay`in khadhiun lak(a) tabarakta ya rabbal-alamen(a) ilahirhamne idhan-qataat hujjate wakalla an jawabika lisane watasha inda su`alika iyyaya lubbe faya aema raja`e la tukhayyibne idhashtaddat faqate wala taruddane lijahle wala tamnane liqillati sabre atine lifaqre warhamne lidhafe sayyide alayka mutamade wamuawwile waraja`e watawakkule

21 | w w w . w i l a y a t m i s s i o n . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

And to Your mercy do I attach myself And in Your courtyard do I dwell And out of Your benevolence do I declare my request And with Your generosity, O my Lord, do I begin my prayers And with You do I desire for meeting my needs And through Your wealth do I settle my poverty And under the shade of Your pardon do I stand And towards Your benevolence and generosity do I raise my sight I persistently look for Your favors So, do not let the flames of the Fire consume me while You are my ultimate hope And do not embed me in the deep black abyss while You are the delight of my eyes O my Master: do not thwart my idea about Your grace and favors, for in You I trust And do not deprive me of Your rewards, for You best know my poverty O my God: if my death is drawing near while my deeds have not yet drawn me near You, then let my confession of having committed sins be my means of justification O my God: if You forgive, then who is worthier than You in forgiveness? And if You punish, then who is fairer than You in judgment? Have mercy on my misery in this world And on my grief at the time of death And on my loneliness in the grave And on my lonesomeness in the underground hole

wabirahmatika taalluqe wabifina`ika ahuttu rahle wabijudika aqsidu talibate wabikaramika ay rabbi astaftihu dua`e waladayka arju faqate wabighinaka ajburu aylate watahta illi afwika qiyame wa-ila judika wakaramika arfau basare wa-ila marufika udemu naare fala tuhriqne binnari wa-anta mawdhiu amale wala tuskinnil- hawiyata fainnaka qurratu ayne ya sayyide la tukadhdhib anne bi- ihsanika wamarufika fainnaka thiqate wala tahrimne thawabaka fainnakal-arifu bifaqre ilahe in kana qad dana ajale walam yuqarribne minka amale faqad jaaltuli-tirafa ilayka bidhanbe wasa`ila ilale ilahe in afawta faman awla minka bil- afw(i) wa-in adhdhabta faman adalu minka fil- hukm(i) irham fe hadhihid-dunya ghurbate wa-indal- mawti kurbate wafil-qabri wahdate wafil- lahdi wahshate

. .

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And on my humiliating situation when I shall be resurrected for account before You And forgive my deeds that have been concealed from the other human beings And make permanent for me that on account of which You have covered my faults And have mercy on me when I am thrown on the death bed turned over at the hands of my dear ones And do a favor to me when I am laid on the table of the dead bathroom turned over at the hands of my righteous neighbors And act kindly to me when I am carried while my relatives hold the edges of my coffin And be generous with me when I am carried, alone, to my hole And have mercy on my loneliness in that (new) dwelling so that I will not feel at ease with anyone other than You O my Master; if you leave me for myself, I will certainly perish O my Master; to whom will I resort if you do not overlook my slips? And to whom will I run for help if I miss Your care for me in my stay (in grave)? And to whom will I refer if You do not relieve my grief? O my Master! Who will be with me? And who will have mercy on me if You do not? And whose favor will I expect if I miss Your favors on the day of my neediness?

wa-idha nushirtu lil- hisabi bayna yadayka dhulla mawqife waghfir le ma khafiya alaladamiyyena min amale wa-adim le ma bihe satartane warhamne sarean alal- firashi tuqallibune ayde ahibbate watafadhdhal alayya mamdudan alal- mughtasali yuqallibune salihu jerate watahannan alayya mahmulan qad tanawalal-aqriba`u atrafa janazate wajud alayya manqulan qad nazaltu bika wahedan fe hufrate warham fe dhalikal-baytiljadedi ghurbate hatta la asta`nisa bighayrik(a) ya sayyide in wakaltane ila nafse halakt(u) sayyide fabiman astaghethu in lam tuqilne athrate fa- ila man afzau in faqadtu inayataka fe dhajate wa-ila man altaji`u in lam tunaffis kurbate sayyide man le waman yarhamune in lam tarhamne wafadhla man u`ammilu in adimtu fadhlaka yawma faqate

And to whom will I flee from my sins wa-ila manil- fararu minadhwhen my deadline comes? dhunubi idhan-qadha ajale O my Master; do not punish me while I please You hopefully sayyide la tuadhdhibne wa-ana arjuk(a)

23 | w w w . w i l a y a t m i s s i o n . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

O my God: (please do) give success to my expectations And dispel my fear As for my numerous sins, I hope for nothing other than Your pardon O my Master: I am asking You for things that I do not deserve And You are verily the Lord of righteousness and the Lord of forgiveness So, forgive me and dress me, out of Your relief, a garment covering all my defects And forgive them for me so that I will not responsible for them Verily, You are the Lord of eternal favoring And the Lord of great pardon And the Lord of liberal exoneration O my God: You make Your flowing graces reach those who never pray You and those who deny Your Lordship So, O my Master, what should You do to those whom pray You and believe undoubtedly that You manage all creation and all affairs! Blessed by You and Exalted be You, O the Lord of the worlds O my Master, I, Your servant standing at Your door owing to neediness, am knocking at it suppliantly So, do not turn Your generous Face away from me And (do) accept that which I utter, for I have prayed using this supplication Hoping that You will not reject me since I have full awareness with Your kindness and mercifulness O my God: It is You Whom is never disturbed by any suppliant And Whose kingdom is never decreased owing to donations

ilahe haqqiq raja-e wa-amin khawfe fa- inna kathrata dhunube la arju feha illa afwak(a) sayyide ana as-aluka ma la astahiqq(u) wa-anta ahlut-taqwa wa-ahlulmaghfira(ti) faghfir le wa-albisne min naarika thawban yughatte alayyat-tabiat(i) wataghfiruha le wala utalabu biha innaka dhu mannin qadem(in) wasafhin aem(in) watajawuzin karem(in) ilahe antal- ladhe tufedhu saybaka ala man la yas-`aluka waalal-jahidena birububiyyatik(a) fakayfa sayyide biman sa`alaka wa-ayqana annal-khalqa laka wal-amra ilayk(a) tabarakta wataalayta ya rabbalalamen(a) sayyide abduka bibabika aqamat- hul-khasasatu bayna yadayka yaqrau baba ihsanika bidua- ih(e) fala turidh biwajhikal-karemi anne waqbal minne ma aqulu faqad daawta bihadhad-dua(i) wa-ana arju an la taruddane marifatan minne bira`fatika warahmatik(a) ilahe antal- ladhe la yuhfeka sa`il(un) wala yanqusuka na`il(un)

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24 | w w w . w i l a y a t m i s s i o n . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

You are as exactly as You describe Yourself and is above all that which we say O Allah: I beseech You for comely patience And for immediate relief And for truthful wording And for splendid reward I pray You, O Lord, for all goodness, be it known by me or unknown I pray You, O Allah, for the goodness that Your righteous servants have besought from You O the All-excellent One that is asked And the All-benevolent of those who may give (Please do) respond to my request as regards myself and my family And my parents and my children And my comrades and my brothersin- faith, And (do) bless my living And (do) manifest my integrity And (d) set aright all my affairs And include me with those whom You decide to live long And those whose deeds are righteous And those for whom You have perfected Your favors and those with whom You are pleased And those whom You have granted comfortable life with permanent pleasure And with reputable honor and perfect contentment Verily, You do whatever You will While none else can ever do what one wills O Allah: give me exclusively the grace of private mention of You And do not let any of the things by which I seek Your nearness in the hours of the night and the ends of the days

anta kama taqulu wafawqa ma naqul(u) allahumma inne as-`aluka sabran jamela(n) wafarajan qareba(n) waqawlan sadiqa(n) wa-ajran aema(n) as-`aluka ya rabbi minal-khayri kullihe ma alimtu minhu wama lam alam as-`alukal- llahumma min khayri ma sa-alaka minhu ibadukas-salihun(a) ya khayra man su`il(a) wa-ajwada man ata atine su`le fe nafse wa-ahle wawalidayya wawulde wa-ahli huzanate wa-ikhwane fek(a) wa-arghid ayshe wa-a-hir muruwwate wa-aslih jamea ahwale wajalne mimman atalta umurah(u) wahassanta amalah(u) wa-atmamta alayhi nimataka waradheta anh(u) wa-ahyaytahu hayatan tayyibatan fe adwamis-surur(i) wa-asbaghil-karamati waatammil-aysh(i) innaka tafalu ma tasha(u) wala yafalu ma yasha-u ghayruk(a) allahumma khussane minka bikhassati dhikrik(a) wala taj'al shay-an mimma ataqarrabu bihe fe ana- il- layli wa-atrafin- nahar(i)

25 | w w w . w i l a y a t m i s s i o n . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

Take the form of ostentation or showing off Or pretension or insolence And include me with the humble ones O Allah: grant me affluent means of livelihood And security in my homeland And delight in my family, property, and children And permanence of Your graces And healthy trunk And strong body And sound creed And dedicate my affairs to the obedience to You and to Your Messenger, MuhammadAllahs blessings be upon him and his Familyas long as You give me life And make me one of the most rewarded servants of You In each and every item of goodness that You have descended and You will descend during the month of Ramadan and in the Grand Night As well as all that which You decide to descend throughout the year, including mercy that You spread And good health with which You adorn And misfortune that You repel And good deeds that You admit Help me against them. And bestow upon me with the pilgrimage to Your Holy House in this year plus all years And grant me prosperous sustenance out of Your limitless bounty And dismiss, O my Master, all evils from me

riya-an wala suma(tan) wala asharan wala batara(n) wajalne laka minalkhashien(a) allahumma atinis-saata firrizq(i) wal-amni fil- watan(i) waqurratal-ayni fil-ahli walmali wal-walad(i) wal- muqama fe niamika inde wassihhata fil-jism(i) walquwwata fil-badan(i) was-salamata fid-den(i) wastamilne bitaatika wataati rasulika muhammadin sallalllahu alayhi waala-alihe abadan mastamartane wajalne min awfari ibadika indaka naseba(n) fe kulli khayrin anzaltahu watunziluhu fe shahri ramadhana fe laylatil-qadr(i) wama anta munziluhu fe kulli sanatin min rahmatin tunshiruha waafiyatin tulbisuha wabaliyyatin tadfauha wahasanatin tataqabbaluha wasayyi-atin tatajawazu anha warzuqne hajja baytikal- harami fe amina hadha wafe kulli am(in) warzuqne rizqan wasian min fadhlikal- wasi(i) wasrif anne ya sayyidilaswa`(a)

26 | w w w . w i l a y a t m i s s i o n . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

And help me settle my debts as well as my evildoings so that I will be saved from their liabilities And save me from the hearings and sights of my enemies, those who envy me, and those who intend to oppress me And (please do) back me against them And give delight to my eye and joy to my heart And grant me relief and exit against my grief and misery And make all those who intend evil to me, among all Your creatures, be under my feet And protect me against the evil of Satan And the evil of the ruling authority And the consequences of my evildoings And purify me from all my sins And save me from Hellfire on account of Your pardon And allow me to enter Paradise on account of Your mercy And marry me off the women of Paradise on account of Your grace And join me to Your righteous intimate servantsMuhammad and his Family, the purified, the immaculate, and the pious

waqdhi anniyad-dayna waulamati hatta la ata-adhadha bishay`in minh(u) wakhudh anne bi-asmai waabsari ada-e wahussade walbaghena alayya wansurne alayhim wa-aqirra ayne wafarrih qalbe wajal le min hamme wakarbe farajan wamakhraja(n) wajal man aradane bisu- in min jamei khalqika tahta qadamayy(a) wakfine sharrash-shaytan(i) washarras-sultan(i) wasayyi-ati amale watahhirne minadh-dhunubi kulliha wa-ajirne minan- nari biafwik(a) wa-adkhilniyal- jannata birahmatik(a) wazawwijne minal- huril- eni bifadhlik(a)

wa-alhiqne bi-awliya-akassalihena muhammadin waalihil-abrarit-tayyibenattahirena-akhyar(i) salawatuka alayhim waala May Your peace, mercy, and ajsadihim wa-arwahihim blessings be upon their bodies and warahmatul- lahi souls wabarakatuh(u) O my God and my Master; I swear by ilahe wasayyide waizzatika Your Mighty and Your Glory, if You wajalalika la- in talabtane will interrogate me for my sins, I will bidhunube la-utalibannaka demand with Your pardon biafwik(a) And if You interrogate me for my wala- in talabtane bilu- me lameanness, I will demand with Your utalibannaka bikaramik(a) kindness

27 | w w w . w i l a y a t m i s s i o n . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

And if You order me to be taken to Hellfire, I will tell all the inhabitants therein that I love You O my God and Master; if you forgive only Your intimate servants and those who obey You, to whom then will the guilty resort? And if You honor none but those who act loyally to You, then whose shelter will the evildoers seek? O my God: if You decide to put me in Hellfire, this will definitely please Your enemies! But if You decide Paradise for me, then this will certainly please Your Prophet! And I, by Allah I swear, know for sure that the pleasure of Your Prophet is more favorable for You than the pleasure of Your enemies O Allah: I pray You for filling up my heart with love for You And with fear of You And with belief in Your Book And with faith in You And with terror from You And with eagerness to You O the Lord of Glory and Honor: (please do) make me love meeting You And (please do) love my meeting And make my meeting You entail comfort, relief, and honoring O Allah: join me with the righteous ones among the past generations And include me with the righteous ones of this generation, and guide me to the path of the righteous ones And help me against myself in the same way as You help the righteous ones control themselves And seal my deed with the best of it

wala- in adkhaltaniyan-nara laukhbiranna ahlan-nari bihubbe lak(a) ilahe wasayyide in kunta la taghfiru illa li-awliya- ika waahli taatika fa- ila man yafzaul- mudhnibun(a) wa-in kunta la tukrimu illa ahlal-wafa-i bika fabiman yastaghethul- muse-un(a) ilahe in adkhaltanin- nara fafe dhalika sururu aduwwik(a) wa-in adkhaltanil-jannata fafe dhalika sururu nabiyyik(a) wa-ana wallahi alamu anna surura nabiyyika ahabbu ilayka min sururi aduwwik(a) allahumma inne as-aluka an tamla-a qalbe hubban lak(a) wakhashyatan mink(a) watasdeqan bikitabik(a) wa-emanan bik(a) wafaraqan mink(a) washawqan ilayk(a) ya dhal-jalali wal- ikrami habbib ilayya liqa-ak(a) wa-ahbib liqa-e wajal le fe liqa- ikar-rahata wal- faraja wal-karama(ta) allahumma alhiqne bisalihi man madha wajalne min salihi man baqiya wakhudh be sabelas-salihen(a) wa-ainne ala nafse bima tuenu bihis-salihena ala anfusihim wakhtim amale bi-ahsanih(e)

28 | w w w . w i l a y a t m i s s i o n . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

And decide Paradise as the reward of my deeds on account of Your mercy And help me manage the good things that You have endowed upon me And make me firm, O Lord, and do not make be return to evildoing after You have saved me from it, O the Lord of the worlds O Allah: I beseech You for faith that does not stop until I meet You As long as You grant me life, (please do) connect me to that faith And when You decide to grasp my soul, make me carry that faith with me And when You resurrect me, make me carry it with me And release my heart from showing off, suspicion, and pretension in the affairs of Your religion So that my deed will be purely intended for Your sake O Allah: grant me discerning awareness in Your religion And understanding of Your laws And insight in Your knowledge And two folds of Your mercy And piety that impedes me from disobeying You And make my face glitter on account of Your light And make me desire for nothing but that which You hold And when I die, make me die following Your Path and carrying the principles of Your ProphetAllahs blessings be upon him and his Family O Allah: I seek Your protection against laziness and failure And against grief, cowardice, and stinginess And against inattentiveness, brutality, and poverty And against neediness and destitution

wajal thawabe minhul-jannata birahmatik(a) wa-ainne ala salihi ma ataytane wathabbitne ya rabbi wala taruddane fe su- inistanqadhtane minhu ya rabbalalamen(a) allahumma inne as-aluka emanan la ajala lahu duna liqaik(a) ahyine ma ahyaytane alayh(i) watawaffane idha tawaffaytane alayh(i) wab-athne idha baathnate alayh(i) wa-abri` qalbe minar-riya- i wash-shakki was-sumati fe denik(a) hatta takuna amale khalisan lak(a) allahumma atine baseratan fe denik(a) wafahman fe hukmik(a) wafiq- han fe ilmik(a) wakiflayni min rahmatik(a) wawaraan yahjuzune an maasek(a) wabayyidh wajhe binurik(a) wajal raghbate fema indak(a) wataffane fe sabelika waala millati rasulika sallal- llahu alayhi waala-alih(e) allahumma inne audhu bika minal-kasali wal- fashal(i) walhammi wal-jubni walbukhl(i) wal-ghaflati wal-qaswati walmaskana(ti) walfaqri wal- faqa(ti)

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29 | w w w . w i l a y a t m i s s i o n . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

And against all misfortunes and all shameful deeds, whether open or secret And I seek Your protection against having unsatisfied self And against having insatiate stomach And against having fearless heart And against unanswered prayers And against futile deed And I ask You, O Lord, to guard myself, my religion, my properties, and all that which You have granted me against Satan, the accursed Verily You are the All- hearing, the All-knowing. O Allah: definitely, none can ever save me against You And I can never find any shelter against You So, (please) do not make anything that brings about Your punishment control over me And do not let me lead myself to perdition And do not make me deserve the painful chastisement O Allah: accept from me And grant me reputation And elevate my rank And exonerate my offenses

wakulli baliyyatin walfawahishi ma ahara minha wama batan(a) wa-audhu bika min nafsin la taqna(u) wabatnin la yashba(u) waqalbin la yakhsha(u) wadua- in la yusma(u) waamalin la yanfa(u) wa-audhu bika ya rabbi ala nafse wadene wamale waala jamei ma razaqtane minashshaytanir-rajem(i) innaka antas-sameul-alem(u) allahumma innahu la yujerune minka ahad(un) wala ajidu min dunika multahada(n) fala taj'al nafse fe shay- in min adhabik(a) wala taruddane bihalaka(tin) wala taruddane biadhabin alem(in) allahumma taqabbal minne wa-ali dhikre warfa darajate wahuttta wizre wajal thawaba majlise wathawaba mantiqe wathawaba dua-e ridhaka waljanna(ta) wa-atine ya rabbi jamea ma sa-altuka wazidne min fadhlika inne ilayka raghibun ya rabbalalamen(a) allahumma innaka anzalta fe kitabika an nafuwa amman alamana

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And do not refer to me with my faults wala tadhkurne bikhate-ate And let the reward of my session And the reward of my utterance And the reward of my prayer be Your pleasure and Paradise And give my, O Lord, all that which I have asked for from You and grant me more favor, for I seek none but You, O the Lord of the worlds O Allah: You have ordered us in Your book that we should overlook those who wrong us

30 | w w w . w i l a y a t m i s s i o n . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

We have wronged ourselves; so, forgive us, for You are worthier of forgiveness than we are And You have ordered us not to reject any beggar being on our doors Here I am begging You; so, do not reject me; rather respond to my need And You have ordered us to act nicely to those under our authorities And we are surely under Your authority; so, release us from Hellfire O my Shelter whenever I am aggrieved O my Aid whenever hardships hit me To You have I resorted And with You have I sought refuge and haven To none save You shall I ever resort And from none save You shall I ever seek for relief So, (please do) aid me and relieve my hardship, O He Who accepts the little (deed) and overlooks the much (wrong) Accept my little (deed) and overlook my much (wrong) You are certainly the All- merciful, the All- forgiving O Allah: I pray You for faith that covers my heart And for honest conviction so that I will believe that none will inflict me save that which You have already known And make me be satisfied with my livelihood that You have decided for me O the most Merciful of all those who show mercy

waqad alamna anfusana fafu anna fa- innaka awla bidhalika minna wa-amartana an la narudda sailan an abwabina waqad ji`tuka sa`ilan fala taruddane illa biqadha- i hajate wa-amartana bil- ihsani ila ma malakat aymanuna wanahnu ariqqa-uka fa-atiq riqabana minan-nar(i) ya mafzae inda kurbate waya ghawthe inda shiddate ilayka fazit(u) wabikas-taghathtu waludht(u) la aludhu bisiwak(a) wala atlubul- faraja illa mink(a) fa-aghithne wafarrij anne ya man yaqbalul- yasera wayafu anil-kather(a) iqbal minnil- yasera wafu annil-kather(a) innaka antal- ghafurur-rahem allahumma inne as-aluka emanan tubashiru bihe qalbe wayaqenan sadiqan hatta alama annahu lan yusebane illa ma katabta le waradhdhine minal-ayshi bima qasamta le ya rahamar-rahimen(a)

31 | w w w . w i l a y a t m i s s i o n . c o m Spreadi ng the true rel i gion of Allah, W ilayat e Ali (asws )

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