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HR Scope Document V1.0

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Creation Date: Last Updated: Control Ref: Version:


xxx Representative

PASS Vision Representatives

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Document Control

Change Record
Date Author Version Change Reference

Name Position

Copy No. 1 2 3 4 Name Location

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Table of Contents

Document Control.................................................2 Table of Contents..................................................3 Introduction.........................................................5 Requirements and scope of work..........................6

1. Work Structures..................................................7 2. Recruitment .....................................................10 3. Redeployments.................................................10 4. Disciplinary Process...........................................11 5. Law Cases Required Information..........................12 6. Traveling Information.........................................13 7. Resignations and Termination.............................14 8. Personnel Information Records............................15 9. Leave Management System................................16 10. Career Management.........................................17 11. Health Insurance.............................................17

Limits and exclusions..........................................18 Data Responsibilities...........................................20 Deliverables........................................................21 Dependency Tree................................................22

12. Dependency Tree:...........................................23

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Open/Closed Issues............................................24
13. Open Issues....................................................24 14. Closed Issues..................................................24

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The Oracle Human Resource Management System (HRMS) provides comprehensive facilities for organizations to achieve just aspects of wellmanaged human resources, by supporting all the functions that the HR department performs. It enables a more efficient management of procedures that saves time and decreases costs. The purpose of this document is to fine-point and defines the scope of work for (xxx), the Human Resources Management functions, and the functional business requirements, in reference to (XXX) current Human Resources Management System. Oracle delivers a system rich in functionality yet adaptable, allowing (XXX) to implement unique HR policies and procedures. Moreover, it treats HR management as an integrated and inter-linked set of processes, as line managers and employees engage in HR administration through direct access to policies, processes, and information. HR professionals can devote their energy and creativity to deliver the maximum value for the organizations investment in people.

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Requirements and scope of work

With reference to the current Jordan National Banks (XXX) Human resource management system, data collected during site visits, and the current business requirement definitions. PASS Vision Jordans scope of work will cover the following topics: The below table defines Jordan National Banks (XXX) requirements and the scope of work:

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Business Requirements

Actions & Comments

1.Work Structures
1. Organizations XXX has a relatively flat organization structure modeled around independent strategic business units. Currently, XXX has 17 unique organization units ranging from the Group Chairman to the lowest level units. All XXXs organizations in Jordan and their respective type Groups, Cost centers, profit centers, division and unites. a) Group marketing & sales support. b) Personal & premium banking c) SME banking services d) Corporate banking services e) XXX capital markets f) International banking g) Group Operation 2. Locations XXX has its unique structure to define its physical locations. XXX and PASS Vision agreed to maintain the following information for each location: Address Line 1. Province. City. Area. Street. P.O. Box & Postal code. Building. Name of Contact Person & Job Title. Direct Phone no. of the Manager Phone Numbers. Fax Number. Telex. Swift Address. Web address.

Organizations will be entered and maintained using the Organization Form in the system. XXX has to provide PASS VISION with a final and active Organization structure

All Locations and Locations Information will be entered and maintained by Location forms and Keys Flexfields

XXX has to provide PASS VISION with a list of all locations and Locations information according to the agreed structure.

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Business Requirements Email Address. 3. Jobs XXX has developed job descriptions for the managerial and key positions in the organization to support the process of performance management and career planning. job descriptions are based on the agreed following structure: 1. Job Code: A unique code for each Job 2. Group: used to store jobs of a similar type together in one group. 3. Job Family: used for grouping different Job groups together. 4. Job: The name for each job Level.

Actions & Comments

Job Code: such as 01

Group: Such as PASS VISION Job Family: Such as Functional Job : Such as Consultant

XXX has to provide PASS VISION with all jobs according to the specified structure. All job data will be entered and maintained using a job form and keys Flexfields.

XXX does not have Job evaluations in their current process; this will be out of scope. 4. Positions XXX is presently in the process of altering its existing structure for defining positions in line with best business practices. There are also plans of assigning managerial levels to each position title, and the agreed position title description will be as follow: Position Code: A unique code used for each Positions Job Name: Job description, Used XXXs Jobs. Position : Used to specify a job within one Organization A position is a specific occurrence of one job, fixed within one organization. For example, the position Finance Manager would be an instance of the job of Manager in the Finance organization. The position belongs to the organization. There may be one, many, or no holders of a position at any time.

XXX has to provide PASS VISION with all positions information according to the agreed

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Business Requirements

Actions & Comments structure.

5. Position Hierarchy XXX maintains a clear position hierarchy with lines of reporting and authority level. In general, XXX follows a linear reporting hierarchy where each employee reports to only one supervisor. 6. Employment Types XXX personnel are constituted of different employment types. All of the employment types are treated in a similar manner in terms of polices and rates, these employment types available at the XXX are as follows: Permanent employees. Contract employees. Trainee employees. (after the first 3 months the employee will automatically be a permanent employee) Employees under special social security terms. (Kindly refer to Payroll Scoping document) 7. Groups & Groups' Rates (Grades

XXXs Positions hierarchy will entered and maintained using Positions hierarchy diagram. XXX has to provide PASS VISION with all position information according to the agreed structure. All Employment type will be entered and maintained using People group Keys Flexfields.

PASS VISION will enter

and maintain the mentioned Employment types.

& Grades' Rates)

XXX is planning to implement a job grading structure based on the HAY Model in the near future. This grade structure has Grades between 1 and 15. Initially, each grade will be linked to a salary rate with a minimum and maximum range of the basic salary, and increase amount, and minimum required certificate and minimum years of experience for each grade based on acceptable market rates and best practices. Grade Structure : Grade Code a unique code used for each grade. Grade Name: Grade description.

All XXXs Grades and Grades rate will be entered and maintained using Grade and grade rate form as agreed structure. XXX does not have a standard competence processes. XXX has to provide PASS VISION with all Grade and Grade rate.

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Business Requirements

Actions & Comments


The recruitment cycle is divided into multiple steps each step has its own policies. The recruitment process at XXX is divided into two types: External recruitment Internal recruitment

All XXXs Vacancies will be entered and maintained using Defined Vacancies. XXX can define vacancies for a specific organization, or job, or position. Emails and Paper work circulation processes will remain manual.


In some cases, XXX transfers employees between Branches and departments based on their needs and taking into consideration employee skills and qualifications.

Employee transfer or redeployment will be covered by updating Employees assignment with new Organization, or JOB, or position.

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Business Requirements

Actions & Comments Disciplinary procedure is a manual process. The agreed information about the process can be entered at any time during the process using the Personal Analysis Key Flexfield. All the Disciplinary action for each employee will be entered and maintained using. Special Information Types SITs Keys Flexfield. All Penalty type will be entered and maintained, using System Lockup codes.

4.Disciplinary Process

1. Penalty Types XXX has seven types of penalty as follow: o Oral Notification () o Written Notification ( ) o Warning () o Salary Deduction () o Delay or block annual increase ( ) o Delay Promotion or decrease degree () o Dismissal from the Bank (Termination) () /

XXX has a comprehensive disciplinary policy, which is applied when any employee commits an offence, depending on its gravity. XXX maintains the following agreed information regarding disciplinary process: Employee Name. Penalty Type. Disciplinary Board ( :) Board Boss Name ( .) Assistant 1 Name. Assistant 2 Name. Meeting Date.( ) Penalty received depends on the gravity of that offence and on the decision of the investigation committee.

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Business Requirements

Actions & Comments

5.Law Cases Required Information

Tracking Law Cases Information will be in a manual process. All information will be maintained using the Special Information Type SITs Key Flexfield.

XXX will track the following information regarding law cases: Lawsuit Number ( ) Lawsuit date of registration () Court Name ( ) Judge Name ( ) Litigation Name ( ) Defendant Name ( ) XXX lawyer Name ( ) Opponent Lawyer.( ) Lawsuit summary ( ) Date of Employee Suspension ( ) Date of Employee Jailing () Date of Employee Releasing () Employee Address.( ) Number & Date of Report from the last court session.( ) Court Decision.() Number & Date of Court sessions.( ) Lawsuit Archive.( )

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Business Requirements

Actions & Comments All traveling Information will be captured and maintained using SITs Keys Flexfield.

6.Traveling Information

XXX sends their employee for training courses, or special missions out side the country (out side JORDAN), XXX will enter and maintain the following traveling information or the following agreed information:


From (City & Country) To (City & Country)


Transportation Types


Plane: Incase the transportation was in ear plan then the following information needs to be captured: a) Airlines Name. b) Flight Number. c) Ticket Number. d) Ticket Fees. Travel Agent Co. a) Bus: Incase the transportation was in Bus then the following information needs to be captured: a) Bus Agency. b) Trip Number. c) Ticket Fees. e) Hotel Reservation: the following information need be entered and maintained Name of Hotel (Address, Tel, Fax no, Contact Person, Mobile no, Contact Person Name & Job Title) Type of room Rate/ Night (Include or exclude meals) Taxes Check in date / check out date Total Cost Hotel Confirmation Flight Pick up

Transportation Types

The following information need be entered and maintained

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Business Requirements

Actions & Comments All these resignations type will be entered and maintained using System Lookup Code. All compensation will be covered in the Payroll. Kindly refer to Payroll scoping document.

7.Resignations and Termination

This section describes the types of employment resignations terminations and how each type will be applied on XXX employees. XXX has the following types of employment termination: 1. Resignation: XXX will terminate its employee if he/she resigned. 2. Loosing job: XXX employees can lose their job in case: If XXX decided to transfer an employee, and he/she did not agree with the decision, the employee will terminated. If the employee remains absent for Continuous 7 days, or absent for discontinuous 15 days in same year. 3. Dismissal because of Unfit Health reason: XXX has all right to terminates employee for healthy reason, the employee rewarded with all compensations 4. Dismissal because of surplus: This termination type depends on the number of employees at XXX, if XXX see that there is surplus then XXX inform employees about dismissal before 3 months. 5. Retirement: when XXX employees reach the age of 60, XXXwill automatically terminate the employee, but in some cases, XXX postpones the termination until he/she reaches the age of 65. 6. Termination. 7. Death: In case of death, Employees are compensated as

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Business Requirements

Actions & Comments All agreed Personnel information will be entered and maintained using People Form, and Additional information for Employee People. XXX has to provide PASS Vision with all agreed information for personnel record.

8.Personnel Information Records

This section addresses the information that XXX requires maintaining for each employee in addition to the information maintained by the system. XXX maintains the following agreed employee information: 1. Full name 2. National Identification Number 3. Hire Date at XXX 4. Current (Position ,level ,degree) 5. Academic Qualification. 6. Mother full name (before she got married). 7. Social Security Number and date, place of issue & expire date. 8. Passport number and date, place of issue & expire date. 9. Family Booklet number and date, place of issue & expire date 10. Driving license Number and date, place of issue & expire date 11. Marital status 12. Gender 13. Date & Place of Birth 14. Nationality 1 & Nationality 2 <if employee had more than one> 15. Spouse full Name before she got married. 16. Dependent full name & relationship. 17. Children 18. Name 19. Number of children 20. Date of birth 21. Gender XXX stores and maintains records of all its employees addresses and

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Business Requirements The Administration & Legal Department in XXX maintains the following academic qualifications information: 1. High School education 2. University education 3. Vocational certificates 4. Training Courses 5. Other Skills 6. Previous Work Experience 7. Contact Person 8. Employee Dependents

Actions & Comments

XXX has to provide all address information to PASS Vision with respect to the agreed information. All Additional information like other skill, Training courses will be maintained using SITs. Information about employee dependents, such as spouse and children is maintained. XXX maintains the following dependents. XXX has several types of classifications of leaves to justify the absence of employees during work hours. The types are described below along with the regulations and controls of each type. All leave types (paid, unpaid leave) will be entered and maintain using the Leave form. All leave types are calculated and performed based on the employee degree. Saturdays and Fridays, and Holidays are considered as part of the annual vacation. Annual vacation calculation begins at the beginning of every January. Annual vacation balance is carried over 2 years.

9.Leave Management System

The following leave type are used in XXX(XXX): 1.Annual Vacation 2.Maternity Vacation 3.Breast-Feeding Hour Leave 4.Child Care Vacation 5.Pilgrim Vacation (Al Haj) 6.Emergency Vacation 7. Academic Vacation 8.Sick Vacation 9.Accompany Vacation 10.SHAMEL Examination Vacation ( )

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Business Requirements

Actions & Comments

10.Career Management

This section embraces the processes related to the career management of XXXs employees at all levels including the performance appraisal, and promotions.

XXX does not have any performance appraisal in the current period. XXX is working to develop, and implement HAY method in performance and competences, and this will be a risk in the implementation. XXX does not deduct from their employees salaries to cover medical insurance. Medical insurance is divided into 3 Classes as follow: 1. Special 2. First 3. Second

11.Health Insurance
This covers all information about the health insurance system carried out by XXX and the basic policies which will be provided by XXX. Health insurance participation is mandatory for all XXX employees unless they provide a proof that they are already insured.

Maximum Covering fees by XXX for insured employees are as follow:

1. Special Class
JOD 2. First Class JOD 3. Second Class JOD

50000 35000 25000

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Limits and exclusions

This paragraph will explain what PASS Vision team will cover and implement during the implementation period, and what XXX team will provide within the project period.

1- ORACLE Human Resource Management System application (HRMS)

version11.5.10 (11i Release 10) will be implemented.

2- The implementation of HRMS will be in Amman, JORDAN. 3- The Implementation will only cover XXX(Jordan branches). None of the
other locations are within the scope of this implementation.

4- PASS VISION will build the setup according to the collected requirements
from XXX Jordan, and will define the below, covering what was mentioned in section 2 of this document.

5- XXX should provide PASS VISION with all legacy data to be loaded into
HRMS Application according to the Data Templates that will be provided by PASS VISION and in accordance with the finalized project plan. Collected data will cover the following areas:

o Organizational Structure (Jordan Only), XXX should provide

PASS Vision with current and approved Organization Structure.

o Locations with respect to the agreed structure. o Jobs with respect to the agreed structure. o Positions with respect to the agreed structure. o Position Hierarchy. o Grades & Grades Rates with respect to the agreed
structure. o Personnel Information Records.

o Disciplinary Process.
o o Training Courses. Traveling Information

o Leave types.

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o Employees Leave Balances.

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Data Responsibilities
This paragraph will explain, and clarify PASS Vision responsibility, XXX responsibility for data. 1.XXX keeps the employees information on excel sheets. 2.LEGACY data will be provided by XXX.

PASS VISION will provide Data Templates according to the HR

setup. XXX will provide the clean data in accordance with the Data Templates. PASS VISION will be responsible for loading the HR master data, through the Application Programmatic Interfaces (APIs) in accordance with the project plan. However, any additional loads or changes to the data should be maintained and covered by XXX staff. If there are any errors in the data provided by XXX, XXX will be responsible for updating the data and maintaining in accordance with the provided layout and templates by PASS Vision. This should to be completed within the periods specified in the project plan.

PASS VISION will load the current employee master data. A providing historical data will be XXX responsibility in loading
into Oracle HRMS.

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The deliverables of this project are in accordance with the Oracle Applications Implementation Methodology standards and are listed in the below table: Deliverables Name Current Business Processes ( RD.020) Business Requirements Mapping( BP.080) Explanation Defines the business needs that must be met by the implementation project Compares the business requirements to standard application software functionality and identifies gaps that must be addressed to fully meet business needs Defines the scope of the conversion project, conversion objectives and approach, and prepare a strategy for converting information from the legacy systems to the new application environment. Develops the script to test the integration of application extensions with Oracle Applications modules Captures the setup decisions and implement them in the appropriate environment. Gathers role and function information and relate them to application security and responsibilities

Define Data Conversion Requirements and Strategy( CV.010)

Develop System Test Script( TE.040) Define Application Setups( BR.100) Design Security Profiles( BR.110)

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Dependency Tree

Oracle Human Resources applications and E-Business Suite are seamlessly integrated, and depends products, Oracle Human resource application depends on the following Module: Oracle General Ledger (GL).

The following modules are dependant on Oracle Human Resource: Oracle Payroll Oracle Customer Relation Management System. Oracle Account Payable.

The Following diagram will explain the dependencies between Oracle Human Resource and other Oracle E-Business Suit that has been provided to XXX

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12.Dependency Tree:

Oracle Human Resource needs get all information from GL (Set Of Book) for GRE/Legal Entity, which will be used in the Organization

GL Module needs to get information a bout Organizations, and business group

HR Module needs GRE/Legal Entity classification for the organization. Enter The Set of Books

GL Module Needs Business group to assign set of book to Organization

GL Module Set of Books

Oracle Payroll needs to get all employees information Like (Assignments, organization, grade, positions and all )employees benefits

Payroll Module Assignment Information (Organization, Position, Grade...)

HR Module

Other Modules

GL Module needs to get information a bout Organizations, and business group

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Open/Closed Issues
13.Open Issues
Career Management:
PASS VISION needs a detailed explanation of Processes related to the career management of XXXs employees at all levels including the o Performance appraisal o Promotions o Annual Increase

14.Closed Issues

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