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Rocket Propellants and Their Characteristics

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Rocket Propellants and their characteristics Introduction Rocket propellants are the fuels and the oxidizers carried

by the rocket for propulsion. It is the mass that is stored in some form of propellant tank, prior to being used as the propulsive mass that is ejected from a rocket engine in the form of a fluid jet to produce thrust. A fuel propellant is often burned with an oxidizer propellant to produce large volumes of very hot gas. There are a variety of different fuels and oxidizers because they all have some tradeoffs. For example, the cryogenic propellants have a better specific impulse but they are harder to handle and tend to have low densities. A higher specific impulse helps by increasing the efficiency of the thrust per amount fuel spent. However there is a tradeoff in terms of difficulty in handling and the low densities which require a larger tank Chemical rocket propellants are most commonly used, which undergo exothermic chemical reactions to produce hot gas used by a rocket for propulsive purposes. There are three main types of propellants: solid, liquid, and hybrid. Main Properties of Rocket propellants Rocket propellants possess unique properties, such as a capability to self-sustain the burning process, generate thermal energy, and simultaneously produce propulsive mass. Some types of propellants are even able to self-ignite (initiate burning without outside power input). Unlike most other combustible chemicals, rocket propellants can burn in vacuum. This is because a propellant consists of two integral components: a fuel that burns and produces propulsive mass and an oxidizer that facilitates and sustains oxidation. In this respect, rocket propellants are more like explosives rather than like automobile and aviation fuels which require atmospheric air for oxidation. The major difference between explosives and rocket propellants is the gas expansion rate which is much slower in propellants and makes it possible to contain and control the process of burning inside the rocket engine. The gases produced when a fuel propellant is burned, expand and push on a nozzle, which accelerates them until they rush out of the back of the rocket at extremely high speed, making thrust. Sometimes the propellant is not burned, but can be externally heated for more performance. For smaller attitude control thrusters, a compressed gas escapes the spacecraft through a propelling nozzle. In ion propulsion, the propellant is made of electrically charged atoms (ions), which are electromagnetically pushed out of the back of the spacecraft. Magnetically accelerated ion drives are not usually considered to be rockets however, but a similar class of thrusters use electrical heating and magnetic nozzles. Burning is the chemical process of decomposition and oxidation of the propellant. The resulting highly heated and compressed gas (propulsive mass) is ejected from a combustion chamber and facilitates

propulsionmovement of the aggregate attached to the rocket engine. In physical terms, combustion converts chemical energy into kinetic energy. How do rocket propellants help in rocket propulsion? Rockets create thrust by expelling mass backwards in a high speed jet, making use of Newton's Third Law of motion. Chemical rockets create thrust by reacting propellants within a combustion chamber into a very hot gas at high pressure, which is then expanded and accelerated by passage through a nozzle at the rear of the rocket. The amount of the resulting forward force, known as thrust, that is produced is the mass flow rate of the propellants multiplied by their exhaust velocity (relative to the rocket), as specified by Newton's third law of motion. Thrust is therefore the equal and opposite reaction that moves the rocket, and not by interaction of the exhaust stream with air around the rocket. Equivalently, one can think of a rocket being accelerated upwards by the pressure of the combusting gases against the combustion chamber and nozzle. This operational principle stands in contrast to the commonly-held assumption that a rocket "pushes" against the air behind or below it. Rockets in fact perform better in outer space (where there is nothing behind or beneath them to push against), because there is a reduction in air pressure on the outside of the engine, and because it is possible to fit a longer nozzle without suffering from flow separation. The maximum velocity that a rocket can attain in the absence of any external forces is primarily a function of its mass ratio and its exhaust velocity. The relationship is described by the rocket equation: Vf = Veln(M0 / Mf). The mass ratio is just a way to express what proportion of the rocket is propellant (fuel/oxidizer combination) prior to engine ignition. Typically, a single-stage rocket might have a mass fraction of 90% propellant, 10% structure, and hence a mass ratio of 10:1. The impulse delivered by the motor to the rocket vehicle per weight of fuel consumed is often reported as the rocket propellant's specific impulse. A propellant with a higher specific impulse is said to be more efficient because more thrust is produced while consuming a given amount of propellant. Lower stages will usually use high-density (low volume) propellants because of their lighter tankage to propellant weight ratios and because higher performance propellants require higher expansion ratios for maximum performance than can be attained in atmosphere. Thus, the Apollo-Saturn V first stage used kerosene-liquid oxygen rather than the liquid hydrogen-liquid oxygen used on its upper stages Similarly, the Space Shuttle uses high-thrust, high-density solid rocket boosters for its lift-off with the liquid hydrogen-liquid oxygen SSMEs used partly for lift-off but primarily for orbital insertion. Rockets work because every action has an equal and opposite reaction (according to Sir Issac Newton's third principle). In order for the rocket to rush forward, something has to

rush backwards. That thing is the propellant. The propellant is a material that spews out of the back of the spacecraft giving it thrust, or a push forward. Often the propellant is a kind of fuel which is burned with an oxidizer to produce large volumes of very hot gas. These gasses expand until they rush out of the back of the rocket, making thrust. Sometimes the propellant is not burned, but pushed directly out of the spacecraft, making thrust. In ion propulsion, the propellant is made of electrically charged atoms, which are magnetically pushed out of the back of the spacecraft. For smaller attitude control thrusters, a compressed gas is pushed out of the spacecraft. The nozzle of the rocket converts the thermal energy of the propellants into directed kinetic energy. This conversion happens in a short time, on the order of one millisecond. During the conversion, energy must transfer very quickly from the rotational and vibrational states of the exhaust molecules into translation. Molecules with fewer atoms (like CO and H2) store less energy in vibration and rotation than molecules with more atoms (like CO2 and H2O). These smaller molecules transfer more of their rotational and vibrational energy to translation energy than larger molecules, and the resulting improvement in nozzle efficiency is large enough that real rocket engines improve their actual exhaust velocity by running rich mixtures with somewhat lower theoretical exhaust velocities. Various types of rocket propellants There are mainly three types of propellants, solid, liquid and hybrid. But gel, inert and gas propellants are also used. Solid propellants Solid propellants consist of an oxidizer and a fuel. In the case of gunpowder, the fuel is charcoal, the oxidizer is potassium nitrate, and sulfur serves as a catalyst. (Note: sulfur is not a true catalyst in gunpowder as it is consumed to a great extent into a variety of reaction products such as K2S (dipotassium sulphide). The sulfur acts mainly as a sensitizer lowering threshold of ignition.) The very first rockets, built by the Chinese at some unknown period in the first millennium, used solid propellants, a variant of black powder used in early guns. The pace of technological progress in solid propellantsand explosives in generalwas extremely slow.. It was not until the middle of the 20th century that solid propellants for rockets made a sudden and dramatic leap forward. During the 1950s and 60s researchers in the United States developed what is now the standard high-energy solid rocket fuel, Ammonium Perchlorate Composite Propellant (APCP). Solid-fueled rockets are much easier to store and handle than liquid-fueled rockets, which makes them ideal for military applications. In the 1970s and 1980s the U.S. switched entirely to solid-fueled ICBMs: the LGM-30 Minuteman and LG-118A Peacekeeper

(MX). In the 1980s and 1990s, the USSR/Russia also deployed solid-fueled ICBMs (RT23, RT-2PM, and RT-2UTTH), but retains two liquid-fueled ICBMs (R-36 and UR100N). All solid-fueled ICBMs on both sides have three initial solid stages and a precision maneuverable liquid-fueled bus used to fine tune the trajectory of the reentry vehicle. Their simplicity also makes solid rockets a good choice whenever large amounts of thrust are needed and cost is an issue. The Space Shuttle and many other orbital launch vehicles use solid-fueled rockets in their first stages (solid rocket boosters) for this reason. Relative to liquid fuel rockets, solid rockets have a number of disadvantages. Solid rockets have a lower specific impulse than liquid-fuelled rockets. It is also difficult to build a large mass ratio solid rocket because almost the entire rocket is the combustion chamber, and must be built to withstand the high combustion pressures. If a solid rocket is used to go all the way to orbit, the payload fraction is very small. A drawback to solid rockets is that they cannot be throttled in real time, although a predesigned thrust schedule can be created by altering the interior propellant geometry. // 10 pages... Liquid propellants The highest specific impulse chemical rockets use liquid propellants. This type of propellant has a long history going back to the first rockets and is still in use, for example in the Space Shuttle and Ariane 5. On March 16, 1926, Robert H. Goddard used liquid oxygen (LOX) and gasoline as propellants for his first successful liquid rocket launch. Both are readily available, cheap, highly energetic, and dense. Oxygen is a moderate cryogen air will not liquefy against a liquid oxygen tank, so it is possible to store LOX briefly in a rocket without excessive insulation. Gasoline has since been replaced by different hydrocarbon fuels, for example RP-1 - a highly refined grade of kerosene. This combination is quite practical for rockets that need not be stored, and to this day, it is used in the first stages of most orbital launchers, as well as the long-range offensive missiles of China and North Korea. The most common liquid propellants in use today:

LOX and kerosene (RP-1). Used for the lower stages of most Russian and Chinese boosters, the first stages of the Saturn V and Atlas V, and all stages of the developmental Falcon 1 and Falcon 9. Very similar to Robert Goddard's first rocket. This combination is widely regarded as the most practical for boosters that lift off at ground level and therefore must operate at full atmospheric pressure. LOX and liquid hydrogen, used in the Space Shuttle orbiter, the Centaur upper stage of the Atlas V, Saturn V upper stages, the newer Delta IV rocket, the H-IIA rocket, and most stages of the European Ariane rockets.

Nitrogen tetroxide (N2O4) and hydrazine (N2H4), MMH, or UDMH. Used in military, orbital, and deep space rockets because both liquids are storable for long periods at reasonable temperatures and pressures. N2O4/UDMH is the main fuel for the Proton rocket. This combination is hypergolic, making for attractively simple ignition sequences. The major inconvenience is that these propellants are highly toxic, hence they require careful handling. Monopropellants such as hydrogen peroxide, hydrazine, and nitrous oxide are primarily used for attitude control and spacecraft station-keeping where their long-term storability, simplicity of use, and ability to provide the tiny impulses needed, outweighs their lower specific impulse as compared to bipropellants. Hydrogen peroxide is also used to drive the turbopumps on the first stage of the Soyuz launch vehicle.

Liquid fueled rockets have higher specific impulse than solid rockets and are capable of being throttled, shut down, and restarted. Only the combustion chamber of a liquid fueled rocket needs to withstand combustion pressures and temperatures and they can be regeneratively cooled by the liquid propellant. On vehicles employing turbopumps, the propellant tanks are at very much less pressure than the combustion chamber, and thus can be built far more lightly than a solid propellant rocket case, permitting a higher mass ratio. For these reasons, most orbital launch vehicles use liquid propellants. The primary performance advantage of liquid propellants is due to the oxidizer. Several practical liquid oxidizers (liquid oxygen, nitrogen tetroxide, and hydrogen peroxide) are available which have much better specific impulse than the ammonium perchlorate used in most solid rockets, when paired with comparable fuels. These facts have led to the use of hybrid propellants: a storable oxidizer used with a solid fuel, which retain most virtues of both liquids (high ISP) and solids (simplicity). //today While liquid propellants are cheaper than solid propellants, for orbital launchers, the cost savings do not, and historically have not mattered; the cost of propellant is a very small portion of the overall cost of the rocket. Some propellants, notably Oxygen and Nitrogen, may be able to be collected from the upper atmosphere, and transferred up to low-Earth orbit for use in propellant depots at substantially reduced cost. The main difficulties with liquid propellants are also with the oxidizers. These are generally at least moderately difficult to store and handle due to their high reactivity with common materials, may have extreme toxicity (nitric acids), moderately cryogenic (liquid oxygen), or both (liquid fluorine, FLOX- a fluorine/LOX mix). Several exotic oxidizers have been proposed: liquid ozone (O3), ClF3, and ClF5, all of which are unstable, energetic, and toxic. Liquid fueled rockets also require potentially troublesome valves and seals and thermally stressed combustion chambers, which increase the cost of the rocket. Many employ specially designed turbopumps which raise the cost enormously due to difficult fluid flow patterns that exist within the casings.

Hybrid propellants A hybrid rocket usually has a solid fuel and a liquid or gas oxidizer. The fluid oxidizer can make it possible to throttle and restart the motor just like a liquid fueled rocket. Hybrid rockets are also cleaner than solid rockets because practical high-performance solid-phase oxidizers all contain chlorine, versus the more benign liquid oxygen or nitrous oxide used in hybrids. Because just one propellant is a fluid, hybrids are simpler than liquid rockets. Hybrid motors suffer two major drawbacks. The first, shared with solid rocket motors, is that the casing around the fuel grain must be built to withstand full combustion pressure and often extreme temperatures as well. However, modern composite structures handle this problem well, and when used with nitrous oxide and a solid rubber propellent (HTPB), relatively small percentage of fuel is needed anyway, so the combustion chamber is not especially large. The primary remaining difficulty with hybrids is with mixing the propellants during the combustion process. In solid propellants, the oxidizer and fuel are mixed in a factory in carefully controlled conditions. Liquid propellants are generally mixed by the injector at the top of the combustion chamber, which directs many small swift-moving streams of fuel and oxidizer into one another. Liquid fueled rocket injector design has been studied at great length and still resists reliable performance prediction. In a hybrid motor, the mixing happens at the melting or evaporating surface of the fuel. The mixing is not a well-controlled process and generally quite a lot of propellant is left unburned, [4] which limits the efficiency and thus the exhaust velocity of the motor. Additionally, as the burn continues, the hole down the center of the grain (the 'port') widens and the mixture ratio tends to become more oxidiser rich. There has been much less development of hybrid motors than solid and liquid motors. For military use, ease of handling and maintenance have driven the use of solid rockets. For orbital work, liquid fuels are more efficient than hybrids and most development has concentrated there. There has recently been an increase in hybrid motor development for nonmilitary suborbital work:

Several universities have recently experimented with hybrid rockets. Brigham Young University, the University of Utah and Utah State University launched a student-designed rocket called Unity IV in 1995 which burned the solid fuel hydroxy-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) with an oxidizer of gaseous oxygen, and in 2003 launched a larger version which burned HTPB with nitrous oxide Stanford University researches nitrous-oxide/paraffin hybrid motors. The Rochester Institute of Technology was building a HTPB hybrid rocket to launch small payloads into space and to several near Earth objects. Its first launch was scheduled for Summer 2007.

The Delchev Motor utilises a binary fuel system consisting of Sucrose (or other fuel) dissolved in a 30% aqueous solution of Hydrogen Peroxide. The fuel is atomized by injection into an expansion chamber above a catalyst bed of Manganese Dioxide, and on contacting the catalyst, rapid decomposition of the Hydrogen Peroxide occurs, supporting the combustion of the Sucrose.

Gas propellants A gas propellant is usually involves some sort of compressed gas. However, due to the low density and high weight of the pressure vessel, gases see little current use, but are sometimes used for vernier engines, particularly with inert propellants. GOX (gaseous oxygen) was used as one of the propellants for the Buran program for the orbital maneuvering system. Inert propellants Some rocket designs have their propellants obtain their energy from non chemical or even external sources. For example water rockets use the compressed gas, typically air, to force the water out of the rocket. Solar thermal rockets and Nuclear thermal rockets typically propose to use liquid hydrogen for an Isp (Specific Impulse) of around 600900 seconds, or in some cases water that is exhausted as steam for an Isp of about 190 seconds. Additionally for low performance requirements such as attitude jets, inert gases such as nitrogen have been employed.

Gel propellant
Some work has been done on gelling liquid propellants to give a propellant that will not significantly leak, and to have a much lower vapor pressure. Conclusion In todays world, man has sent out various space missions to various parts of this massive universe. As the days progress, the number of these space missions increase rapidly in number. So proper rocket propellants are a must. Rocket propellants are very much different from other automobile fuels. These fuels need to be efficient, cost-effective, easy to store and transport, as well as easily available. The history of rockets go back a long way. During the latter part of the 17th century,
the scientific foundations for modern space travel were laid out by the great English scientist Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727). Newton organized his understanding of physical motion into three scientific laws. The laws explain how rockets work and why they are able to work in the vacuum of outer space. Newton's laws soon began to have a practical impact on the design of rockets.

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