Process Automation Festo Didactic
Process Automation Festo Didactic
Process Automation Festo Didactic
The new learning system for
process automation
Filtering, mixing, tempering and
filling as in industry
Networked system
With 3 or 4 stations
Measurement and control of level,
flow rate, pressure and temperature
Compact Workstation
Measurement and control of level,
flow rate, pressure and temperature
Few industries have as many fac- Even though the end products may
ets or are as interesting as the proc- differ, automation is making huge
ess industry, which produces a wide leaps forward in each of these ar-
range of products for the most di- eas. International competition and
verse areas of daily life. the resultant pressure to continu-
ally increase productivity as well as
On the one hand, the chemical indus- a continuously expanding range of
try produces preliminary products variants and strict requirements for
for other industries. This group in- process and quality assurance de-
cludes base chemicals, petrochemi- mand automation solutions.
cals, polymers as well as refined and
special chemicals. Key consumers in-
clude the automotive, packaging and
building industries. 3
Process automation
Process automation
Train efficiently
However our focus and meth- Target group Looking for something more?
odology also set us apart. Our The seminar is recommended for an- Workshop offering more complex ex-
trainers and consultants are yone seeking training in the funda- ercises on practical operational sup-
practicians. They are familiar mentals of control technology. port and maintenance, for example:
with the requirements of the – Replacement and reuse of sensors
participants attending their Training aims and their incorporation into a con-
courses, including those re- – Project planning, standards, flow trol process
quirements that go beyond the charts – Error localisation through diagno-
purely technical. – Analysis of the sensors, actuators, sis of the controller characteristics
components and control systems in – Control process with inactive time
We set ourselves a high stand- a system on request
ard. You will immediately no- – Measurement transformation of
tice the difference between our physical measurement variables On request
seminars and those offered by – Analogue value processing with
other providers. We provide new Siemens S7
answers to old questions – an- – Analysis, recording and evaluation
swers that will help you to take of various control processes such
that critical step in your opera- as level, flow rate, pressure and
tional projects. temperature
– Commissioning of a test system
– Basic principles of control technol-
ogy, P, I, PI and PID controllers in
theory and practice
– Definition: Y – W – Z – X – etc., am-
plification, rate time, reset time,
dwell time, balance time, inactive
– Setting of the control parameters
for different control processes
– Practical utilisation of applications
in the process industry:
· use of an industrial controller as
control equipment
· use of a Siemens SPS (S7-300) as
control equipment
On request
Process automation
Fluid Lab®-PA
DE/EN/ES/FR 544304
The exclusive use of industrial components underlines the necessary practi- Typical process engineering sensors assume control of temperature, level, flow
cality and ensures a speedy transfer of knowledge from a training scenario to rate and pressure in the MPS® PA.
practical application.
A well thought-out modular design with clear-cut interfaces facilitates adapta- It is only logical that the MPS® PA stations can be combined with stations from
tion to future developments in components as well as open-loop and closed- the greater MPS® family. After all, it is this possibility of combination with
loop control systems. This means that the system can be adapted to new re- MPS® stations that makes the MPS® PA an interesting proposition for basic and
quirements. further training in many industries which are dominated by process automa-
tion but still require elements from production automation. 9
MPS® PA – The new learning system for process automation
MPS® PA – The new learning system for process automation
Combining stations
The new interface concept offers MPS® PA stations can be Stations Possible direct downstream station
many possibilities for direct combina- combined as follows:
tion of individual MPS® PA stations. Filtration Mixing Reactor Bottling
Various aspects determine the deci-
sion as to which combination is re- Filtration
– Training aims Mixing
– Supplementation of existing
stations Reactor
– Budget
Control technology is clearly and Using a constant flow rate, the three Pressure control ensures constant- The filling level of the dosing tank is
practically explained using the P, PI raw materials are mixed to a recipe ly high filter quality during flushing. detected in the bottling station using
or PID control algorithm. The temper- in the mixing station. The flow rate is The pressure sensor with LCD dis- an analogue filling level sensor. The
ature sensor – the reactor station us- recorded by means of an electronic play, analogue output and switching controller regulates the filling level
es a PT100 resistance thermometer – flow sensor with impeller and addi- output always supplies the correct to the required setpoint value via
supplies a unit signal of 0 – 10 V via tionally displayed using a variable- measurement variable. The control- the continuously controllable pump.
the measuring transducer. The con- area flowmeter. The controller ad- ler ensures constantly high filter The filling level in the dosing tank is
troller approaches the setpoint tem- justs the necessary flow rate via the quality during rinsing via the propor- kept constant during filling, which
perature via the continuously control- pump with analogue control. tional pressure regulator. optimises the quality of the filling
lable heater and keeps it constant. process.
The complete system is made up of the filtration, mixing, reactor and bottling stations with
trolleys, colour touch panels, mounting frames and power supply units and includes:
– 4x PLC board
(either with SIMATIC S7-313C, Festo CPX, Allen Bradley ML 1500 or
Mitsubishi MELSEC FX1N)
– 4x Fluid Lab®-PA software with digital/analogue EasyPort PC interface
– 4x digital/analogue simulation box
– 4x industrial controller
Supplied complete with all the necessary connecting cables. 13
MPS® PA Stations
Filtration station
Measurement and control Sensors detect the filling level of the output always supplies the correct
container in the filtering station. This measured variable. The controller
permits lessons on simple control with P, PI or PID control algorithm
exercises for monitoring the pumps ensures constantly high filter qual-
right up to complete control projects ity during rinsing via the proportional
involving complex processes. pressure regulator. Control technolo-
gy is clearly and practically explained
Pressure control ensures constant- in this way.
ly high filter quality during flushing.
The pressure sensor with LCD dis-
play, analogue output and switching
Knife gate with COPAC linear actua- Butterfly valve with sturdy rack and Three-way ball valve with SYPAR
tor. pinion COPAR rotary actuator and scotch yoke rotary actuator and large
large visual display. visual display.
Also order
Open-loop and closed-loop control with PLC:
PLC board with SIMATIC S7-313C 533526
SIMATIC S7 connecting cable set 544296
PLC board with Festo CPX 541187
Festo CPX connecting cable set 544297
PLC board with Allen Bradley ML 1500 544300
Allen Bradley ML 1500 connecting cable set 544298 Training aims for project work Recommended training media
PLC board with Mitsubishi MELSEC 544301 – Construction, wiring and commis- – Fluid Lab®-PA
Mitsubishi MELSEC connecting cable set 544299 sioning of a system for process – Web-based training program,
Or alternative: technology Fundamentals of open and closed-
SIMATIC S7 EduTrainer Compact 313C 533018 – Selection, application and actua- loop control
SIMATIC S7 connecting cable set 544296 tion of process valves – Design and simulation program
For working with Fluid Lab®-PA: – Measurement of electrical and FluidSIM® Pneumatics
Fluid Lab-PA 544304 process-related variables such as
Digital/analogue EasyPort PC interface 193930 level and pressure
RS232 PC data cable 162305 – Design and commissioning of
RS232 USB adapter 540699 control circuits
SysLink cable 034031 – Analysis of control processes and
Analogue cable 529141 control circuits
For simple commissioning, simulation and display using the simulation box: – Parameterisation and optimisation
Digital/analogue simulation box 526863 of P, PI or PID controllers
SysLink cable 034031 – Drafting of open-loop and closed-
Analogue cable 529141 loop control programs
For professional control using industrial controllers: – Process operation and monitoring
Industrial controller 544293 – Inspection, maintenance and serv-
Recommended accessories
Replacement filter cartridge 544303
Mains cable for tabletop power supply unit On request
Mixing station
Measurement and control Using a constant flow rate, the three adjusts the necessary flow rate via
raw materials are mixed to a recipe the pump with analogue control –
in the mixing station. The flow rate is using a simple two-point controller
recorded by means of an electronic or various dynamic controllers such
flow sensor with impeller and addi- as P, PI or PID. This permits a clear
tionally displayed using a variable- explanation of control technology on
area flowmeter. The output signal various levels.
from the flow sensor is converted to
a standard signal from 0 – 10 V. The
mixing station can also be actuated
through binary means using the in-
tegrated comparator. The controller
Sensors for detecting the filling lev- Signal converters convert all ana- Two-way ball valve with SYPAR
el of containers. With overflow pro- logue signals from the station to scotch yoke rotary actuator, large
tection thanks to additional sensors standard signals from 0 – 10 V. Prac- optical display and directly connect-
on each container, thereby virtually tical for the purpose of experimen- ed NAMUR valve.
eliminating the possibility of over- tation: integrated comparators also
flow. supply purely binary signals.
Also order
Open-loop and closed-loop control with PLC:
PLC board with SIMATIC S7-313C 533526
SIMATIC S7 connecting cable set 544296
PLC board with Festo CPX 541187
Festo CPX connecting cable set 544297
PLC board with Allen Bradley ML 1500 544300
Allen Bradley ML 1500 connecting cable set 544298 Training aims for project work Recommended training media
PLC board with Mitsubishi MELSEC 544301 – Construction, wiring and commis- – Fluid Lab®-PA
Mitsubishi MELSEC connecting cable set 544299 sioning of a system for process – Web-based training program,
Or alternative: technology Fundamentals of open and closed-
SIMATIC S7 EduTrainer Compact 313C 533018 – Selection, application and connec- loop control
SIMATIC S7 connecting cable set 544296 tion of various flow sensors – Design and simulation program
For working with Fluid Lab®-PA: – Measurement of electrical and FluidSIM® Pneumatics
Fluid Lab-PA 544304 process-related variables such as
Digital/analogue EasyPort PC interface 193930 level and flow rate
RS232 PC data cable 162305 – Design and commissioning of con-
RS232 USB adapter 540699 trol circuits
SysLink cable 034031 – Analysis of control processes and
Analogue cable 529141 control circuits
For simple commissioning, simulation and display using the simulation box: – Parameterisation and optimisation
Digital/analogue simulation box 526863 of P, PI or PID controllers
SysLink cable 034031 – Drafting of open-loop and closed-
Analogue cable 529141 loop control programs
For professional control using industrial controllers: – Process operation and monitoring
Industrial controller 544293 – Inspection, maintenance and serv-
Recommended accessories
Mains cable for tabletop power supply unit On request 17
MPS® PA Stations
Reactor station
Measurement and control Sensors detect the filling level of the 0 – 10 V via the measuring transduc-
reservoir in the reactor station. This er. The controller with P, PI or PID
facilitates lessons on simple control control algorithm can approach the
exercises for monitoring the pumps setpoint temperature values via the
right up to complete control projects dynamically controlled heating unit
involving complex processes. and keep the values constant. Sim-
ple control exercises, for example
Exact adherence to the various tem- control using the two-point control-
perature profiles when activating ler, can be realised using the reactor
the recipes is achieved by means of station. Control technology is clearly
temperature control. The tempera- and practically explained in this way.
ture sensor (PT100 resistance ther-
mometer) supplies a unit signal of
Infinitely adjustable heating with Stirrer with DC motor. Signal converters convert all ana-
control signal from 0 – 10 V. A safe logue signals from the station to
experimental environment permits standard signals from 0 – 10 V. Prac-
integrated linking of the heater with tical for the purpose of experimen-
the integrated temperature switch tation: integrated comparators also
– thus ruling out the possibility of supply purely binary signals.
„running dry“ in a practical way.
Also order
Open-loop and closed-loop control with PLC:
PLC board with SIMATIC S7-313C 533526
SIMATIC S7 connecting cable set 544296
PLC board with Festo CPX 541187
Festo CPX connecting cable set 544297
PLC board with Allen Bradley ML 1500 544300
Allen Bradley ML 1500 connecting cable set 544298 Training aims for project work Recommended training media
PLC board with Mitsubishi MELSEC 544301 – Construction, wiring and commis- – Fluid Lab®-PA
Mitsubishi MELSEC connecting cable set 544299 sioning of a system for process – Web-based training program,
Or alternative: technology Fundamentals of open and closed-
SIMATIC S7 EduTrainer Compact 313C 533018 – Selection, application and connec- loop control
SIMATIC S7 connecting cable set 544296 tion of temperature sensors
For working with Fluid Lab®-PA: – Measurement of electrical and
Fluid Lab-PA 544304 process-related variables such as
Digital/analogue EasyPort PC interface 193930 level and temperature
RS232 PC data cable 162305 – Use and connection of measuring
RS232 USB adapter 540699 transducers
SysLink cable 034031 – Design and commissioning of con-
Analogue cable 529141 trol circuits
For simple commissioning, simulation and display using the simulation box: – Analysis of control processes and
Digital/analogue simulation box 526863 control circuits
SysLink cable 034031 – Parameterisation and optimisation
Analogue cable 529141 of P, PI or PID controllers
For professional control using industrial controllers: – Drafting of open-loop and closed-
Industrial controller 544293 loop control programs
– Process operation and monitoring
Recommended accessories – Inspection, maintenance and serv-
Mains cable for tabletop power supply unit On request icing
Bottling station
Measurement and control The filling level of the dosing tank The characteristics of the control
is detected in the filling station us- process can be modified using hand
ing an analogue filling level sensor. valves already integrated. Control
The controller regulates the filling technology is clearly and practically
level to the required setpoint value explained in this way.
via the dynamically controlled pump
(0 – 10 V).
MPS® PA Stations
Also order
Open-loop and closed-loop control with PLC:
PLC board with SIMATIC S7-313C 533526
SIMATIC S7 connecting cable set 544296
PLC board with Festo CPX 541187
Festo CPX connecting cable set 544297
PLC board with Allen Bradley ML 1500 544300
Allen Bradley ML 1500 connecting cable set 544298 Training aims for project work Recommended training media
PLC board with Mitsubishi MELSEC 544301 – Construction, wiring and commis- – Fluid Lab®-PA
Mitsubishi MELSEC connecting cable set 544299 sioning of a system for process – Web-based training program,
Or alternative: technology Fundamentals of open and closed-
SIMATIC S7 EduTrainer Compact 313C 533018 – Selection and application of filling loop control
SIMATIC S7 connecting cable set 544296 level sensors – Design and simulation program
For working with Fluid Lab®-PA: – Measurement of electrical and FluidSIM® Pneumatics
Fluid Lab-PA 544304 process-related variables such as
Digital/analogue EasyPort PC interface 193930 level
RS232 PC data cable 162305 – Design and commissioning of con-
RS232 USB adapter 540699 trol circuits
SysLink cable 034031 – Analysis of control processes and
Analogue cable 529141 control circuits
For simple commissioning, simulation and display using the simulation box: – Parameterisation and optimisation
Digital/analogue simulation box 526863 of P, PI or PID controllers
SysLink cable 034031 – Drafting of open-loop and closed-
Analogue cable 529141 loop control programs
For professional control using industrial controllers: – Process operation and monitoring
Industrial controller 544293 – Inspection, maintenance and serv-
Recommended accessories
Set of 20 x 100 ml bottles 544302
Mains cable for tabletop power supply unit On request
Adjustable centrifugal pump to en- Sipart DR19 controller from A standard connecting station with An alternative connecting station
sure the right flow for every station. Siemens – now fitted in all stations. 2/2-way solenoid valve and S7-300 with pneumatic process actuators
controller controls the interaction of from Festo, Namur valves and CPX
the individual stations. valve terminal actuation is also
System with 3 stations On request System with 4 stations On request Also order
Comprising: Comprising: For simple commissioning, simulation and display using the simulation box:
level, flow rate and temperature control level, flow rate, pressure and temperature Simulation box, digital/analogue 526863
as well as a standard connecting control as well as a standard connecting SysLink cable 034031
station station Analogue cable 529141
– 3x industrial controller DR19 in the – 4x industrial controller DR19 in the Control variants
ER mounting frame ER mounting frame See Compact Workstation
– 1x EduTrainer® with S7-313C-2DP – 1x EduTrainer® with S7-313C-2DP
– 4x mobile trolley – 5x mobile trolley Recommended training media
– 4x power supply unit in the mounting – 5x power supply unit in the mounting – Fluid Lab®-PA, including EasyPort, digital/analogue
frame frame – Web-based training program, Fundamentals of open and closed-loop control
– 1x individual licence STEP 7 – 1x individual licence STEP 7
– 1x licence for WinCC or InTouch – 1x licence for WinCC or InTouch
– 1x licence for SIMATIC PDM – 1x licence for SIMATIC PDM
– 1x Profibus card CP 5611 – 1x Profibus card CP 5611
– 1x set of Profibus cables – 1x set of Profibus cables
– Technical documentation – Technical documentation
– Initial start-up at Festo Didactic – Initial start-up at Festo Didactic
Optimisation relative
to your space requirement
Scope of delivery of the Mechanical components, Actuation components Compact Workstation On request
Compact Workstation fully assembled – Pump Commissioning and training on-site upon
(Basic version including manual – 2 containers – Proportional directional control request.
without actuation components) – Reservoir valve
– Plug-in piping system – Ball valve with pneumatic drive
– Aluminium profile benches – Heater
– Mounting frame
– Profile plate 700 x 700 x 32 mm Electrical components
– I/O connection board with
Sensors measuring transducer
– 2 capacitive sensors – Motor controller with relay
– 2 float switches – I/O terminal, SysLink, 8 I/8 O
– 1 process drive signal box – Analogue terminal, SysLink, 15-pin
– Ultrasound sensor
– Flow sensor
– Pressure sensor
– PT100 temperature sensor
Process automation – Compact Workstation
Piping and instrument flow chart Mounting frame Pneumatic drive Intelligent in the field –
An important part of project work Can be equipped with accessories With ball valve and signal box. Train- closedloop control with the CPX/
in process engineering is develop- for controllers, control unit and/or ing aims: Design and application ar- FEC valve terminal and the FED 120
ing a piping and instrument flow touchpanel. It can also be converted eas of various metering and shut-off touchpanel
chart. A piping and instrument flow from the ER format to DIN A4 format devices when controlling the flow of The Festo Front End Controller with
chart explains the electrical, meas- at any time by the user. The activa- liquids. integrated web server and Ethernet
uring and control technology func- tion and/or control devices can be interface is ideally suited to current
tions using measuring points and replaced in just seconds. communication tasks.
final control elements. The measure-
ment variable or another input vari-
able, its processing, its direction of
action and directional specifications
and positions should follow from
the chart.
Control variants
Control kit S1: Control kit F2: Control kit PC2: Visualisation with WinCC or InTouch
Siemens SIMATIC EduTrainer® Festo CPX/FEC® valve terminal Fluid Lab®-PA software licence with on request.
Compact with S7-313C – 1 x Festo CPX/FEC® EasyPort
– 1 x EduTrainer Compact S7-313C – 1 x control unit – 1 x Fluid Lab®-PA, individual licence Accessories for the
– 1 x control unit – 1 x Ethernet cable, crossover – 1 x EasyPort D/A Compact Workstation
– 2 x I/O data cable – 2 x I/O data cable – 1 x RS232 data cable – Trolley
– 1 x analogue cable – 1 x analogue cable – 1 x mains cable – Tabletop power supply or power
Note: STEP 7 software and MPI Note: FST software and programming – 1 x I/O data cable supply unit for the mounting frame
cable must be ordered separately cable must be ordered separately – 1 x analogue cable – Control kit
if required. if required.
Control kit S1-DP On request Recommended training media
Control kit S1 On request Control kit F2 On request Control kit PC2 On request – Fluid Lab®-PA, including EasyPort,
– Web-based training program,
Control kit S2: Control kit F3: I/O simulation box, Fundamentals of open and closed-
Siemens SIPART DR19 controller Festo CPX/FEC® with FED digital/analogue loop control
– 1 x SIPART DR19 with serial inter- – 1 x Festo CPX/FEC® – 1 x simulation box incl. mains cable
face integrated in ER frame – 1 x Ethernet cable, crossover – 1 x I/O data cable, crossover
– 1 x PDM software for parameterisa- – 1 x FED-120 touchpanel – 1 x analogue cable, crossover
tion and configuration of the DR19 – 1 x I/O data cable
controller – 1 x analogue cable
– 1 x serial data cable Note: FST software and programming
– 1 x I/O data cable cable must be ordered separately
– 1 x analogue cable if required.
Control kit S2 On request Control kit F3 On request I/O simulation box On request
Hybrid processes
Boundless variety
Hybrid processes
AFB – The learning system for all processes Customer-specific solutions You have specific requirements?
The modular concept factory for all associated with production automa- Numerous installations across the
hybrid production tasks tion and process automation. globe have given rise to a range of
solutions with a particular focus on
– Production hybrid automation.
– Handling of seals
– Packaging An example of this is provided by
– Filling Siemens AG Professional Education
– Transportation and routing Berlin, whose mixing and filling sta-
– Storage tion demonstrates how a continu-
– Input/output ous flow process is brought into line
with a gradual container filling proc-
The ideal solution for hybrid pro- ess. The students experience an op-
duction process requirements in erational process showing the entire
the food sector. The platform con- sequence of an automated customer
nects stations and elements from order processing system.
the MPS® Modular Production Sys-
tem with stations from the MPS® PA Detailed information on this and
learning system and the Compact other projects can be found on the
Workstation. website:
The system is therefore complete- under Services ➔ References.
ly modular and new processes and
training content can be added grad-
ually. Project work with hands-on
training can take place at individual
stations, on partially integrated pro-
duction lines and in a fully integrated
learning factory.
Rechbergstraße 3
73770 Denkendorf/Germany
Tel. ++49 (0)711/3467-0
56943 en