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Quiz Of CHAPTER 1 Introduction To Research

Question 1 Scientific research can be described as a systematic and organized effort to investigate a specific problem encountered in the work setting, that needs a solution. A) True B) False (correct) Question 2 Research done with the intention of applying the results of the findings to solve specific problems currently being experienced in an organization is called applied research. A)True (Correct) B) False Question 3 Research done chiefly to make a contribution to existing knowledge is called applied research. A)True B)False Question 4 Applied research has little scientific relevance. (Correct)

A)True (Correct) B)False Question 5 Being Knowledgeable about research and rsearch methods helps professional

managers to discriminate good from bad research. A) True (correct) B) False

Question 6 The manager should make sure while hiring researcher or consultants that the roles and expectations of both parties are made explicit. A) True (correct) B) False Question 7 An advantage of engaging in an external team to do the research project is that the external team would stand a better chance of being readily accepted by the employees in the subunit of the organization where research needs to be done. A) True B) False (correct) Question 8 An advantage of engaging in an internal team to do the research project is that the team would require much less time to understand the structure,the philosophy and climate,and the functioning and work systems of the organization

A) True B) False Question 9


A disadvantage of engaging in an external team to do the research projest is that certain organizational biases of the research team might in some instance make the findings less objective and consequently less scientific. A) True B) False (correct) Question 10 Ethical conduct applies to the researchers who undertake the research, but also to the respondents who provide them with the necessary data. A) True (correct) B) False Question 11 The main distinction between applied and basic business research is that the later does not have to be carried out in a scientific manner. A) True B) False (correct) Question 12 Identifying the critical issues, gathering relevant information,analyzing the data in ways that would help decision making , and implementing the right course of action, are all facilitated by understanding business research. A) True (correct)

B) False Question no 13 Knowledge gained by the findings of basic research can be applied by organizations to solve their own problems. A) True (correct) B) False

Quiz Of CHAPTER 2 Scientific Investigation

Question 1 Precision related to science investigating refers amongst other to : 1.The probability that our estimation are correct 2.the idea that a simple model that explain a certain phenomenon has preference over a complex model 3.the closeness of the finding to teality based on a sample ( correct) d.the fact that study has a good theoretical base QUESTION 2 Parsimony as a character of scientific investigation refers to? a.the probability that our estimation are correct

b. the idea that a simple model that explain a certain phenomena has preference over a complex model (correct) c. the fact that finding are generalizable d.the fact that an investigation has a clear theoretical foundation QUESTION 3 Which of the following characteristics are both related to rigor of investigation : a.A good theoretical base and a sound methodological design ( correct) B. precision and confidence C. objectivity and parsimony D.induction and deduction QUESTION 4 A deductive investigation starts with an observation of empirical data. A. True B. False ( correct) QUESTION 5 An inductive investigation is based on theoretically reasoning. A true B false ( correct)

QUESTION 6 Case studies involve in depth ,contextual analyses of similar situations in other organization where the nature and definition of the problem happen to be same as experienced in the current situation A TRUE ( correct) B FALSE QUESTION 7 Case studies play an important role in the hypothetico-deductive method A TRUE B FALSE (correct) QUESTION 8 Induction is the process of drawing conclusion based on (an interpretation of ) the result of data analysis A TRUE B FALSE ( correct) QUESTION 9 Objectivity refers to the closeness of the finding to reality based on a sample A TRUE B FALSE ( correct)

QUESTION 10 It is imperative to meet hallmarks of science in full even though comparability consistency, and wide generalizability are often difficult to obtain in research A TRUE B FALSE ( correct) QUESTION 12 Theory testing (deduction) is an essential part of the research process where as theory generation (induction) is not. A TRUE B FALSE ( correct) QUESTION 13 The action research methodology is most appropriate while effecting planned changes A true ( correct) B false QUESTION 14 Action research is constantly evolving project with interplay among problem,solution, effects or consequences, and new solution. A TRUE (correct) B FALSE QUESTION 15

Hypothesis testing is deductive in nature because we test if a general theory is capable of explaining a particular problem A TRUE ( correct) B FALSE

Quiz Of Chapter 3 The research process: the broad problem area and defining the problem statement

QUESTION 1 A literature survey ensures that the reliability and validity of the findings of the current research are enhanced. A) True B) False (correct) QUESTION 2 One of the objectives of preliminary research is that one does not run the risk of reinventing the wheel. A) True (correct) B) False QUESTION 3 A frequent problem in terms of feasibility is that the problem statement is too narrow in scope.

A) True B) False (correct) QUESTION 4 The quality of a literature review depends on cautious selection and reading of books, academic and professional journals , reports , theses , conference proceedings , unpublished manuscripts , and the like. A) True (correct) B) False QUESTION 5 Conference proceedings are very up to date, and for this reason this information source is quite valuable if you are working in a relatively new area or domain. A) True (correct) B) False QUESTION 6 PhD theses often contain an exhaustive review of the literature in a specific area. A) True (correct) B) False QUESTION 7 The quality of the journal that published an article is an indicator of the quality of a research article. A) True (correct) B) False

QUESTION 8 Data gathered through existing sources are called secondary data . A) True B) False (correct) QUESTION 9 A problem statement is a clear, precise and succinct statement of the specific issue that a reasearcher wishes to investigate. A) True (correct) B) False QUESTION 10 There are three key criteria to access the quality of the problem statement : it should be parsimonious, feasible, and testable. A) True B) False (correct) QUESTION 11 A problem can be defined as any solution where a gap exists between the actual and the desired ideal states. A) True (correct) B) False QUESTION 12 Online databases display only the bibliographic citations that is the name of the author , the title of the article, source of publication , year, volume and page numbers.

A) True B) False (correct) QUESTION 13 Articles and books that were written thirty or even forty years ago should always be included in the literature review. A) True B) False (correct) QUESTION 14 Which of the following does not represent a criterion for assessing the value of articles or books? A) The relevance of the issues that are addressed in the article or book. B) The stature of the author of the article or book (correct) C) The importance of a book or article in terms of citations D) The year of publication of the article or book. Question 15 From an academic perspective research is relevant if nothing is known about a topic. A) True B) False (correct)

Quiz Of Chapter 4 The Research Process: Theoratical Framework and Hypothesis development
Question 1

Examples of variables are age, need for cognition, and power distance. A) True (correct) B) False Question 2 Need for cognition can differ at various times for the same object or person,or at the same time for different objects or person. A) True (correct) B) False Question 3 A theoretical framework represents your beliefs on how certain phenomena(or variables or concepts)are related to each other (a model) and an explanation on why you believe that these variables are associated to each other (a theory). A) True (correct) B) False Question 4 The process of building a theoretical framework includes an operationalizaton of the concepts or variables in the model. A) True B) False (correct) Question 5 A __________ has a strong contingent effect on the independent variable-dependent variable relationship.

A) Moderating variable (correct) B) Mediating variable C) Intervening variable D) Confounding variable Question 6 A hotel manager believes that customer satisfaction a positive effect on customer

loyalty.In turn ,He thinks that customer satisfaction increase when the employees of the hotel are responsive to customer needs and the hotels physical facilities are visually appealing.What would be the intervaning variable here? A) Responsiveness B) Service Quality C) Customer satisfaction (correct) D) Customer Loyalty

Question 7 A research study indicates that the willingness of the employees to learn new ways of doing things is not influenced by the quality of the training progams offered by the organization to all people without any distinction.Only those with high growth needs seem to have the yearning to learn to do new things through specialization training.In this study growth needs is the: A) Independent variable B) Depedent variable C) Moderating variable (correct) D) Mediating variable Question 8

One of the conditions that should be met to establish that a change the independent variable causes a change in the dependent variable is that bthe independent and the dependent variable should covary:in other words,a change in the dependent variable should be associated with a change in the independent variable. A) True ( correct) B) False Question 9 Another term for dependent variable is predictor variable. A) True B) False (correct) Question 10 The theoretical framework is a logically developed,described,and elaborated network of association among the variables deemed relevant to the problem situation. A) True (correct) B) False Question 11 The theoretical framework is identified through such processess as

interviews,observations,and literature survey.Experience and intuition alsi guide in developing the theroetical framework. A) True (correct) B) False

Question 12

A theory attempts to explain relationships between the variables in your model:an explanation should be provided only for the most important relationships that are theorized to exist among the variables. A) True (correct) B) False

Question 13 Theory is needed in basic research and in applied research. A) True (correct) B) False Question 14 Another term for moderating variable is mediating variable. A) True B) False (correct) Question 15 Women are smaller than menis an example of a directional hypothesis. A) True (correct) B) False

Quiz Of Chapter 5 The Research Process: Elements Of Research Design

Question 1 Which of the following is most suitable when the objective of a study is explain the nature of certain relatonships,or establish the differences among groups or the independencen of two or more factors in a situation? A) Exploratory research B) Descriptive research C) Hypothesis testing (correct) D) Experimental research Question 2 What cannot be seen as purpose of a descriptive studty? A) Understaning the dependent variable (correct) B) To understand the characteristics of a group in a given situation C) To offer ideas for further probe and research D) TO help make certain simple decisions (such as how many and what kinds of individuals transferred from one departmemt to another). Question 3 A bank manager wants to have a profile of the individuals who have loan payments outstanding for 6 months and more.It would include details of their average age,earnings,nature of occuption,full-time/part time employment status,and the like,This might help him to elicit further information or decide right away on the types of individuals who should be made ineligible for loans in the future. In this case the most suitable method of investigation is: A) Exploratory research B) Descriptive research (correct) C) Hypothesis testing

D) Experimental research Question 4 A marketing manager wants to know if the sales of the company will increase if he doubles yhe advertising dollars.In this case the most suitable method of investigation is: A) Exploratory research B) Descriptive research C) Hypothesis testing (correct) D) Experimental research Question 5 Methodological rigor increases as we move progessively from an exploratory study to a hypothesis-testing study,and with this,the costs of research also increases. A) True (correct) B) False Question 6 The extent of interference by the research with the normal flow of work at the workplace has a direct bearing on whether the study undertaken is causal or correlational. A) True (correct) B) False Question 7 A causal study is conducted in the natural environment of the organization with minimum interference by the researcher with the normal flow of work. A) True B) False (correct)

Question 8 Correlational studies done in organizations are called field experiments. A) True B) False (correct) Question 9 Studies conducted to establish cause-and-effect relationship using the same natural environment in which employees normally function are called field studies. A) True B) False (correct) Question 10 The unit of analysis refers to the levels of aggregation of the data collected during the subsequent data analysis stage. A) True (correct) B) False

Question 11 ___________ studies are also necessary when some facts are known,but more information is needed for developing a viable theoretical framework. A) Exploratory (correct) B) Descriptive C) Causal D) Experimental Question 12

Whether a study is a causal or a correlation one depends on the way the questionnaire is structured. A) True B) False (correct) Question 13 The number of respondents that fill in a questionnaire determines the unit of analysis. A) True B) False (correct) Question 14 A study can be done in which data are gathered just once,perhaps over a period of days or weeks or months,in order to answer a research question.such studies are called longitudinal studies. A) True B) False (correct)

Question 15 Data were collected from stock brockers between April and June of last year to study their concerns in a turbulent stock market.Data with respect to this particular research had not been collected before,nor will they be collected again from them for this research. This is an example of a: A) Cross-sectional study ( correct) B) Longitudinal study C) Exploratory study

D) Case study Question 16 Knowledge of research design details also helps managers to study and intelligently comment on research proposals. A) True (correct) B) False

Chapter no 6 Measurement of Variables

Question no 1 Measurement is the assignment of numbers or other symbols to objects. A) True B) False (correct) Question no 2 Objectives include: A) Restaurants, persons, and shopping enjoyment B) Shops, tooth paste, and service quality C) Persons, industries, and countries (correct) D) Strategic Business Units, cars, and job satisfaction Question no 3

Examples of characteristics of objects are: A) Motivation to work, need for cognition, and loyalty proneness (correct) B) Restaurants, cars, and service quality C) Job satisfaction, need for cognition, and Chief Financial Officers D) Arousal seeking tendency, strategic business unit, and job satisfaction Question no 4 Reduction of abstract concepts to render them measurable in a tangible way is called coding. A) True B) False (correct) Question no 5 Operationalizing is done by defining the behavioral dimensions, facets, or properties denoted by the concept. A) True B) False (correct) Question no 6 Operationalizing a concept involves a series of steps. 1. Assess the validity and reliability of the measurement scale. 2. Develop an instrument ( one or more items or questions) that actually measures the concept that one wants to measure. 3. Come up with a definition of the construct. 4. Develop a response format. What is the correct order?

A) 1-4-2-3 B) 4-2-1-3 C) 3-2-4-1 (correct) D) 3-1-4-2 Question no 7 Operationalizing a concept consists of delineating the correlates of the concept. A) True B) False (correct) Question no 8 You cannot measure objects; you measure_________ of objects. A) Dimensions and elements B) Attributes (correct) C) Dimensions D) Elements Question no 9 A hospital administrator wants to examine the stress experienced by the nursing staff. Which of the following statements is correct? A) The hospital is the object; stress is the attribute B) The nursing staff the object; stress is the attribute (correct) C) Stress is the object; the hospital is the attribute D) Stress is the object; the nursing staff is the attribute Question 10 Which of the following variables has to be operationalized?

A) Age B) Work unit C) Hunger (correct) D) None of the above Question no 11 Driven by work is _______________ 0f achievement motivation. A) A correlate B) An attribute C) A dimension (correct) D) None of the above Question no 12 Which of the following is a concept? A) Thirst B) Achievement motivation C) Happiness D) All of the above (correct) Question no 13 The construct achievement motivation is a typical example of a construct that must be operationalized because it is an abstract and subjective concept. A) True ( correct) B) False

Quiz Of Chapter 7 Measurement: Scaling, Reliability, Validity

Question 1 What is the measurement level of the following question? What is Gender?____________ A) Nominal (correct) B) Ordinal C) Interval D) Ratio Question 2 What is the measurement level of income, measured in the following way: What is your annual gross income? Greater 15 15-13 30-45 Less than 45 A) Nominal B) Ordinal (correct) C) Interval D) Ratio Question 3

As the calibration or fine-tuning of a scale increases in sophistication, so does the power of scale. What is therefore the least powerful scale? A) A nominal scale (correct) B) An ordinal scale C) An interval scale D) A ratio Question 4 Temperature is usually measured on an interval scale. A) Ture (correct) B) False Question 5 With which allows us to calculate a mode , but not a median and a mean? A) A nominal scale (correct) B) An ordinal scale C) An interval scale D) A ratio Question 6 Which of the following scales is a ranking scale ? A) Paired comparison (correct) B) Semantic differential scale C) Numerical scale D) Staple scale Question 7

How pleased are you with your new cellphone? Extremely pleased 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Extremely displeased A) A likert-scale B) A semantic differential scale C) A numerical scale (correct) D) An itemized rating scale Question 8 About scale (set of questions) it can be that it is if it measures what it purports to measure. A) Valid (correct) B) Reliable C) Accurate D) Consistent Question 9 A characteristic of an interval scale is that it has an absolute zero point. A) True B) False (correct)

Question 10 About a scale ( set of questions) it can be said that the indicates how well the results obtained from the use of the measure fit the theories around which the test is designed. A) Content validity B) Criterion-related validity

C) Construct validity (correct) D) Stability Question 11 Predictive validity is established when the scores obtained with two different instruments measuring the same concept are highly correlated. A) True B) False (correct) Question 12 Convergent validity indicates the ability of the measuring instrument to differentiate among individuals with reference to a future criterion. A) True B) False (correct) Question 13 The internal consistency of measures is indicative of the homogeneity of the items in the measure that tap the construct. A) True (correct) B) False Question 14 Cronbachs alpha cannot be calculated when we have used nominal or ordinal scales. A) True (correct) B) False Question 15

Cronbachs alpha can only be used when a variable is measured through more than one statement or items. A) True (correct) B) False Question 16 In a reflective scale , the items ( all of them) are expected to correlate. A) True (correct) B) False Question 17 A reflective scale is used when a construct is viewed as an explatory combination of its indicators. A) True B) False (correct) Question 18 The internal consistency of measurement is indicative of the homogeneity of the items in the measure that tap the construct. A) True (correct) B) False

Quiz Of Chapter 10 Sampling

Question 1

The -------------------- refers to the entire group of people, events, or things of interest that the researcher wishes to investigate. A) Universe B) Population (correct) C) Sample D) Sampling unit Question 2 -------------------------- is a single member of the population. A) Sampling unit B) An element (correct) C) A subject D) A participant Question 3 Non probability sampling designs are used when the representatives of the sample is of importance in the interests of wider generalizability. A) True B) False (correct) Question 4 The characteristics of the ------------------------------- such as m ( the mean), s ( the standard deviation), and s2 ( the variance) are referred to as its parameters. A) Respondants B) Sample C) Population (correct) D) Subjects

Question 5 The sample statistics X ( the sample mean), S ( the standard deviation), and S2(the variation in the sample)- are used as estimates of the population parameters m, s and s2. A) True (correct) B) False Question 6 The sampling frame is a (physical) representation of all the elements in the population from which the sample is drawn. A) True (correct) B) False Question 7 Cluster sampling is the least reliable and efficient among all sampling designs. A) True B) False (correct0 Question 8 Which of the following sampling designs is a form of non-probability sampling ? A) A systematic sampling B) Area sampling C) Cluster sampling D) Stratified sampling (correct) Question 9 Non response error exists to the extent that those who did respond to your survey are different from those who did not on (one of the ) characteristics of interest in your body.

A) True (correct) B) False Question 10 In probability sampling all elements of a population have a known chance of being chosen. A) True (correct) B) False Question 11 Stratification is an efficient research sampling design ; that is , it provides more information with a given sample size. A) True (correct) B) False Question 12 From a practical, probability sampling is prefer over non-probability sampling. A) True B) False (correct) Question 13 Cluster sampling can be considered a form of proportionate stratified sampling, in which a predetermined proportion of people are sampled from different groups, but on a convenience basis. A) True B) False (correct) Question 14

The most important disadvantage of a convenience sample is that systematic biases are possible. A) True B) False (correct) Question 15 The payroll of an organization would serve as the sampling frame if its members are to be studied. A) True (correct) B) False Question 16 A sample size of 384 is the perfect sample size. A) True B) False (correct) Question 17 The required sample size ,n , is a function of precision or accuracy needed , confidence level desired the variability in the population, and type of sampling plan used. A) True (correct) B) False

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