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Respiration Chapter 7 Biology Form 4

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The key takeaways are that respiration is a process that cells use to produce energy through the breakdown of glucose or other molecules in the presence or absence of oxygen. There are two main types of respiration: aerobic and anaerobic.

The two main types of respiration are aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration.

The key differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration are: Aerobic respiration requires oxygen and produces more ATP. It occurs in the mitochondria. Anaerobic respiration does not require oxygen and produces less ATP. It occurs in the cytoplasm.




State that all living processes require energy Identify the main substrate for producing energy State 2 types of respiration Explain what cellular respiration is Explain energy production from glucose during the process of aerobic respiration State the conditions leading to anaerobic respiration in cells Explain the process of anaerobic respiration in yeast and human muscles



Write the chemical equations for aerobic and anaerobic respiration Compare and contrast aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration


Respiration is important living process that occurs in 2 main stages:


External respiration / breathing


Internal respiration / cellular respiration


External respiration ?? Is a mechanical process of taking air into the lungs and vise versa Internal respiration ?? Is a biochemical process that occurs in living cells to release energy in the form of ATP


4. Respiration is a process to obtain energy by organisms / living things


All living processs that take place in the body Required energy for ??? muscular contraction active transport of biochemical substances transmission of nerve impulse synthesis proteins cell division

8. 9.

Main substrate produce ATP is GLUCOSE Green plants capture & store energy of sunlight in GLUCOSE through photosynthesis For human and animals, GLUCOSE obtained from digestion of Carbohydrate


2. 3.

Is the process of oxidising glucose molecules to CO2, water and energy in form of ATP Energy is released during cellular respiration. 2 types of cellular respiration:


Require O2
Chemical equation: C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 +6H2O + E

Occurs in mitochondria (muscle)

ADP + phosphate + energy ATP

Most of energy released,used to synthesise ATP

from ADP and phosphate.

ATP, consists of phosphate bond can easily broken down to release energy when required by the body

ATP ADP + phosphate + energy

Not require O2
During vigorous activities such as running, swimming and cycling we need more O2 to be

delivered to the muscle cells to produce more


When the muscle cells used all the available O2

supply, muscle cells carry out anaerobic


Anaerobic respiration is a process used to produce energy stored in glucose without using O2. Occurs in cytoplasm

Prolonged physical activities such as running, rate of

respiration and rate of heartbeat increase

Muscles are in a state of oxygen deficiency or oxygen debt So glucose molecules breakdown partially to lactic acid Due to incomplete breakdown of glucose, energy released is much less compared aerobic respiration. WHY?? Most of energy is still trapped within the molecules of lactic acid

Chemical equation for anaerobic respiration:

C6H12O6 2C3O6O3 + ENERGY (150 KJ / 2 ATP )

For every glucose molecules, only 2 ATP or 150 KJ of energy produced compared to 38 ATP or 2889 KJ energy produced in aerobic respiration

High conc of lactic acid may cause muscular cramps and fatique So body need rest and recover by doing fast and deep breathing. Excess O2 is used to oxidized lactic acid to CO2 and water. Oxidation takes place in liver. Thus, oxygen demand is the amount of oxygen needed to recover the lactic acid. Oxygen debt is paid off when all the lactic acid eliminated

Yeast is able to undergo both aerobic and anaerobic respiration It carries out aerobic respiration in the presence of O2 Yeast carried out anaerobic respiration when there is a lack of O2 in the environment Anaerobic respiration in yeast is known as fermentation Yeast ferments in warm condition to produce CO2

CO2 bubbles are trapped in the dough and when baked, the CO2 bubbles give the bread a spongy texture This anaerobic reaction catalysed by enzyme zymase.

C6H12O6 2C2O5OH + 2 CO2 + ENERGY (210 KJ)

Ethanol can be used in wine and beer production


cellular respiration oxidation of glucose



in breakdown of glucose
energy by enzymes


Catalysed Occurs

in animals amd plants





Almost every living things

Required Complete oxidation

Work by

Certain plant cell , yeast , bacteria and muscle

Not required Incomplete oxidation

Oxygen requirement Oxidation of glucose

CO2 , water and energy


Lactic acid & energy (muscle) Ethanol , CO2 & energy (yeast)
Small amount

Large amount

Energy released


AEROBIC RESPIRATION Mitochondria C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + 2898 KJ

ITEMS Site Chemical equation

ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION Cytoplasm In muscle cell C6H12O6 2C3H6O3 + 150 KJ In yeast C6H12O6 2C2H5OH +2CO2 + 210 KJ

38 molecules

No of ATP

2 molecules



State the respiratory structures in humans and some animals Describe the characteristics of respiratory surfaces in humans and other organisms Describe breathing mechanisms in human and other organisms Compare and contrast the human respiratory system with other organisms


Respiratory structures involve in gaseous exchange:


Across plasma membrane

c) d) e)

Tracheal system - insects

Gills - fish Skin Lungs

2. To ensure adequate gaseous exchange, respiratory structures of most organisms have common characteristics:
a) b) c)

The respiratory surface is moist Cells lining the respiratory surface are thin Respiratory structures has a large surface area


aquatic organisms such as amoeba and

paramecium does not require specialized respiratory system


respiration of amoeba and paramecium

occurs across the plasma membrane.


membrane is moist and thin enough

to allow diffusion of gases


of gases take place easily because

amoeba and paramecium have a large surface area compared to the volume of their bodies


Respiratory system of insects is tracheal system.


Tracheal system of insect consists of

spiracle, trachea, air sac and tracheoles

3. Tracheal system consists of air tubes called

4. 5.

Air enters the tracheae through spiracles Spiracles have valves which allow air, go in and out of the body Tracheae reinforced with rings of chitin which


prevent them from collapsing


Trachea split into numerous finer tubes called tracheoles


Large number of tracheoles provides large

surface area for diffusion of gases


Tracheoles :

So tiny, can channel O2 directly to the cells in the different parts of body

Are numerous , increase total surface area

Have thin and moist wall at the end of tip , make it easy for respiratory gases to be dissolved

10. Larger insects like grasshoppers have air sacs

in their tracheal system to speed up movement

of gases to and from the insects tissue


Amphibians such as frog live on land and in

2. 3.

Gaseous exchange occur through skin and lungs Adaptation of the skin for gaseous exchange:

o skin is thin and highly permeable allow the

absorption of respiratory gases into the blood capillaries

o beneath the skin is a network of blood

capillaries to receive O2 and transport it to
body cells

o skin is moist by secretion of mucus

facilitate rapid and efficient exchange of gases between the skin and the environment

4. Adaptation of the lung for gaseous exchange:

Surface area for gases exchange is increased by

numerous inner partition facilitate the efficient diffusion of respiratory gases in and out rapidly

Covered with a rich network of blood

capillaries to receive O2 and transport it to

body cells

Membrane of the lungs are thin and moist Increase the surface area for gases exchange

1. 2.

Respiratory structures of fish gills

Bony fish hv 4 pairs of gills which are protected by operculum


Gill consist of filaments which supported by gill arch


Filament s hv a thin
wall called lamellae


Structural adaptation of the gills: Thin membranes allow the absorption of respiratory gases into the blood capillaries Rich of blood capillaries efficient and

transport of respiratory gases

Surrounded by water enable respiratory gases to be dissolve Large surface area of filaments and lamellae for efficient gases exchange

2. Efficiency of gaseous exchange is further enhanced

by countercurrent exchange mechanism

Water flows over the gills in one direction

Blood flows in the opposite direction through blood
capillaries in the lamellae

As deoxygenated blood enters the blood capillaries,

it encounters water with higher O2 content

Along the blood capillaries, conc gradient allows

the transfer of O2 into the blood

However, conc of CO2 in blood is hingher than in

water. So CO2 diffused from blood into water

1. Gaseous exchange in humans take place in the lungs 2. Air enters lungs through : trachea bronchi bronchioles alveoli 3. Trachea is supported by cartilage to prevent it from collapse during inhalation

A large number of alveoli in the lungs increase

the surface area for exchange of gases

Walls are made up of a single layer of cells

gases can diffuse easily across the thin walls

Walls secrete a thin lining of moisture gases can

dissolve in moisture and diffuse easily across

Surrounded by a network of blood capillaries

can transport O2 to and CO2 away from the cells

INHALATION External intercostal muscles contract Internal intercostal muscles relax Rib cage move upwards and outwards Diaphragm contracts and flattens Volume of thoracic cavity increase resulting in reduced air pressure in alveoli

EXHALATION External intercostal muscles relax Internal intercostal muscles contract Rib cage move downwards and inwards Diaphragm relaxes and returns to dome-shaped Volume of thoracic cavity decrease resulting in higher air pressure in alveoli

Higher atmospheric pressure outside Air is force out of lungs causes air to rush in


1. Have large surface area to volume ratio 2. Cells lining the respiratory structures are thin 3. The surfaces for gaseous exchange are constantly moist


Respiratory organ

Network of blood capillaries

Respiratory openings

Air passages



Describe process of gaseous exchange across the surface of alveolus and blood capillaries in lungs Explain the transport of respiratory gaseous Explain process of gaseous exchange between the blood and body cells Distinguish the composition of inhaled and exhaled air

a) Transport of O2 from lungs to body cell

a) Transport of CO2 from body cells to lungs



Describe the change in the rate of respiration after completing vigorous exercises Correlate the rate of respiration with the O2 and CO2 contents in the body Explain regulatory mechanism of O2 and CO2 contents in the body Explain human respiratory response and the rate of respiration in different situations Correlate the rate of respiration with the rate of heartbeat


During vigorous exercise, muscles require more O2 and glucose to release E during cellular respiration. So, rate of respiration increase.


Thus, to supply more O2, rate and depth of breathing increase.


At the same time, the heartbeat increase to pump more blood into circulation.

o this enable more O2 and glucose to be supplied for cellular

respiration and more CO2 removed from the cells.

o rate of ventilation increase.rate of ventilation is the rate

of gaseous exchange between alveoli and blood capillaries

Ph value in the cerebrospinal fluid and blood drops


## respiratory centre is located in medula oblongata ## central chemoreceptor is a specific cell which is found in the respiratory centre


require energy from cellular respiration cellular respiration, plant cells take in


O2 and produce CO2.


only occur in the presence of


darkness, plants carry out respiration.

Plants need energy continuously to sustain their living process

1. Types of respiration in plants : a) aerobic respiration

b) anaerobic respiration

1. The similarities of photosynthesis and respiration are:

1. The differences of photosynthesis and respiration are:

Graph shows CO2 uptake in plants related to light intensity

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