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Uneb Timetable For Uce

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Morning840/1 Computer Monday Studies(Theory)2h 24th October 30 minsMorning612/1 Studio Technology (Theory)2hrsAfter noon621/2 Music 735/2 Technical Drawing

(Mechanical) 735/3 Technical Drawing (Building) 736/3 Mechanical Practice3hrsAfter noon218/1 Fasihi ya Kiswahili2hrs 30 minsMorning735/1 Technical Drawing 736/2 IPS Technical Drawing 745/2 IPS Technical Drawing 753/2 IPS Technical Drawing3hrsMorni ng652/1 Clothing and Textiles 654/1 IPS Clothing and Textiles 662/1 Foods & Nutrition 665/1 IPS Foods & Nutrition 672/1 Home Management2hrs Morning610/7 History of Art 612/7 IPS History of Art2hrs 15 minsAfternoon845

6 1 0 / 3 A r t : L i v i n g P e r s o n 6 1 2 / 3 I P S : L i v i n g P e r s o n 2 h r s 3 0 m i

/2 Entrepreneurship Education2hrs 30 minsMorning845/1 Entrepreneurship Education2hrs 30 minsAfternoon314 /3 French: Written Expression1hr 30 minsAfternoon309 /2 German: Dict, Reading & Listening Comprehension2h rsMorning743/2 Building Construction6hrs 2hrs 30 minsMorning336/1 Lugha ya KiswahiliMorning3 14/2 French: Grammer & Reading, Comprehension1h 30minsMorning30 9/1 German: Composition & Grammer2hrsAfte rnoon337/2 Arabic: Composition & Summary1h 30 minsAfternoon732 /2 Woodwork 742/2 Metalwork 835/1 Office Practice2hrsMorni ng736/1 Mechanical Practice 745/1 Building Practice2h 30 minsMorning337/1 Arabic: Grammar, Reading, Comprehension & Translation 732/1 Woodwork 742/1

n s M o r n i n g 5 5 3 / 3 B i o l o g y 3 h r s A f t e r n o o n 5 2 7 / 2 A g r i c P r i n c i p l e s a n

Metalwork2hrsMo rning840/2 Computer Studies2h 15 minsMorning301/3 Latin1hrAfternoon 475/2 Additional Mathematics 631/2 Health Education2hrs 30 minsAfternoon301 /2 Latin1hrMorning8 40/2 Computer Studies2hrs 15 minsMorning475/1 Additional Mathematics 631/1 Health Education2hrs 30 minsMorning301/1 Latin2hrsAfternoo n610/5 Art: Craft (Test) 612/5 IPS: Craft (Test)3hrsMorning 610/5 Art: Craft (Planning) 612/5 IPS: Craft (Planning)2h 15 minsAfternoon305 /2 Acoli 315/2 Lango 325/2 Lugbarati 335/2 Luganda 345/2 Runyankole/Rukig a2h 30 minsMorning305/1 Acoli 315/1 Lango 325/1 Lugbarati 335/1 Luganda 345/1 Runyankole/Rukig a2hrsAfternoon28 5/2 Political Education2hrsMor ning553/4 Biology2hrsAftern

d P r a c t i c e s 6 1 0 / 4 A r t : I m a g i n a t i v e C o m p o s i t i o n ( S k e t c h i n g S e s

oon285/1 Political Education2hrs2hr s 15 mins545/5 Chemistry3hrsAft ernoon831/1 Typewriting 2hrs Morning610/4 Art: Imaginative Composition 612/4 IPS: Imaginative Composition2hrs Morning208/1 Literature in English3hrsMorni ng612/6 Studio Technology 2h 30 minsAfternoon535 /4 Physics 612/6 Studio Technology (Planning)1h 30minsAfternoon5 00/2 General Science (Chemistry) 545/1 Chemistry2hrs 15 minsAfternoon500 /1 General Science (Physics)2h 30 minsMorning751/1 Electricity and Electronics 752/1 Power and Energy 753/1 Electrical Practice 810/1 Principles of Accounts2hrsMor ning527/1 Agric Principles and Practices2h 30 minsMorning500/3 General Science (Biology)1h 30 minsAfternoon224 /1 CRE: (St Luke's Gospel)2h 30

s i o n ) 6 1 2 / 4 I P S I m a g i n a t i v e C o m p o s i t i o n ( S k e t c h i n g S e s s i o n ) 2 h

minsAfternoon545 /2 Chemistry2hrsAft ernoon535/2 physics3hrsAftern oon751/2 Electricity and Electronics553/2 Biology2hrs40min sAfternoonMornin gAfternoon241/1 History: East Africa2hrsMornin g112/2 English Language Candidates will be allowed 15 mins break between the two papers2hrsMornin g112/1 English Language1h 30 minsAfternoon456 /2 Mathematics2hrs 30minMorning456/ 1 Mathematics2 hrs 30 minsAfternoon752 /2 Power and Energy2hrsAftern oon621/1 Music Aural 45 minsMorning545/3 Chemistry2 hrsAfternoon273/ 2 Geography2h 30 minsMorning273/1 Geography2h 20minsAfternoon Briefing of candidates on Directions and Caution2hPeriodS ubjectDurationTh

3 0 m i n s A f t e r n o o n 6 5 2 / 2 C l o t h i n g a n d T e x t il e s 6 5 4 / 2 I P S C l o t h

e purpose of the examinations is

to assess the candidates' level of achievement. It is not an end in itself but will help to place candidates in their career paths. Candidates should therefore approach the examination without panic.
Tuesday 22nd November Tuesday 22nd November Monday 21st November Monday 21st November Monday 21st November Monday 21st November Monday 21st November Friday 18th November Friday 18th November Thursday 17th November Thursday 17th November Thursday 17th November 745/3 Building Practice Thursday 17th November Thursday

i n g & T e x t il e s 7 3 2 / 3 W o o d w o r k 7 4 2 / 3 M e t a l w o r k 3 h r s A f t e r n o o n 6 1

17th November Thursday 17th November Wednesday 16th November Wednesday 16th November Wednesday 16th November Wednesday 16th November Wednesday 16th November Wednesday 16th November Tuesday 15th November Tuesday 15th November Tuesday 15th November Tuesday 15th November Tuesday 15th November Monday 14th November Monday 14th November Friday 11th November Friday 11th November Thursday 10th November Thursday 10th November Wednesday 9th November Tuesday 8th November Monday 7th November Friday 4th November Thursday 3rd November Wednesday 2nd November Wednesday

0 / 2 A r t : N a t u r e 2 h 1 5 m i n s M o r n i n g 2 2 4 / 2 C R E : O l d T e s t a m e n t 2 2 4 / 3

2nd November Tuesday 1st November Monday 31st October Friday 28th October Thursday 27th October Thursday 27th October Wednesday 26th October Wednesday 26th October Tuesday 25th October 753/3 Electrical Practice Monday 24th October Friday 21st October Friday 21st October Thursday 20th October Thursday 20th October Thursday 20th October Wednesday 19th October Wednesday 19th October Tuesday 18th October Tuesday 18th October Tuesday 18th October Monday 17th October Monday 17th October Friday 14th October Date TIME ALLOWED

C R E : T h e E a r l y C h u r c h 2 2 4 / 4 C R E : T h e C h u r c h i n E . A . 2 2 4 / 5 C R E : T

FOR QUESTION PAPER: The time allowed for each paper is shown against the name of the paper

h e A f r i c a n R e li g i o u s H e r i t a g e 2 2 5 / 2 I s l a m i c R e li g i o u s E d u c a t i o

n 1 h 3 0 m i n s M o r n i n g 5 3 5 / 1 P h y s i c s 1 h 3 0 m i n s A f t e r n o o n 8 0 0 / 1 C o m m e r

c e 2 h 3 0 m i n s A f t e r n o o n 5 4 5 / 4 C h e m i s t r y 2 h 3 0 m i n s A f t e r n o o n 5 5 3 /

1 B i o l o g y 1 h r 3 0 m i n s M o r n i n g 2 2 5 / 1 I s l a m i c R e li g i o u s E d u c a t i o n 2 h r

s A f t e r n o o n 2 2 3 / 1 C h r i s t i a n L i v i n g T o d a y 2 h r s M o r n i n g 2 4 1 / 2 H i s t o

r y : W e s t A f r i c a 2 4 1 / 3 H i s t o r y : C e n t r a l A f r i c a 2 4 1 / 4 H i s t o r y : S o u t h

A f r i c a 2 h r s 1 5 m i n s M o r n i n g

2 h r s 1 5 m i n s
M o n d a y 7 t h N o v e

m b e r M o n d a y 7 t h N o v e m b e r F r i d a y 4 t h N o v e m b e r T h u r s d a y

3 r d N o v e m b e r W e d n e s d a y 2 n d N o v e m b e r T u e s d a y 1 s t N o v

e m b e r M o n d a y 3 1 s t O c t o b e r M o n d a y 3 1 s t O c t o b e r F r i d a y

2 8 t h O c t o b e r T h u r s d a y 2 7 t h O c t o b e r W e d n e s d a y 2 6 t h O c

t o b e r W e d n e s d a y 2 6 t h O c t o b e r T u e s d a y 2 5 t h O c t o b e r Morning535/5 PhysicsAfternoon74 3/1 Building

Construction 610/1 Art: Still Life2h 30 mins2hrsMorningMo rning820/1 Shorthand (60 w.p.m)Afternoon612 /2 IPS Still Life/Nature2 hrs 30 mins535/3

Wednesday 9th November Tuesday 8th November Friday 21st October

UCE : Exam Time Tables FINAL

Lutaya Shafiq Holmes 2011 +256702772721 KIBULI SECONDARY SCHOOL

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