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Sugar Plant High Pressure On

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Avant-Garde - 22 Years of Sugar Experience

Early 1990: Avant-Garde established by a group of Technocrats

An ISO 9001:2008 Organisation

Areas of Specialization: Consultancy for Captive and Cogeneration Power plants with Renewable and Fossil fuels Energy Conservation and Energy Audits Consultancy for Sugar Plants and Ethanol Distilleries Solar PV and Solar Thermal Power plants

Core Competence
Captive power plant Cogeneration plant Steam Generator design and Engineering Waste Heat Recovery systems Mini Hydro Electric power plants Combined cycle power plants Solar Thermal & Solar PV power plants Energy Audit Engineering software development Sugar plants Distillery Plants Water and Waste Water treatment plants Industrial Effluent Treatment plants Process piping Equipment design Procurement & Site supervision Third Party Inspection services Residual Life Assessment

Our Association with Sugar Mills

Designing Bagasse and Multi-fuel Fired Boilers - Around 80 Boilers are in Operation, Revamping Designing Co-generation Plants for wide capacity range of Sugar Mills Providing Sugar Plant Consultancy Services including Sugar Plant Automation Providing Ethanol Plant Consultancy Services Energy Audit for Sugar Mills

Cogeneration Experience
Pioneered Bagasse Cogeneration in India and Commissioned the first project (18.68 MW) in November 1994 - Market Share in India about 75% Commissioned 74 Projects, including a 34.2 MW Project in Kenya, with the aggregate generation capacity of 1550 MW Implementing 38 Projects, including a 80 MW Project in Pakistan, with the aggregate generation capacity of 957 MW Completed Feasibility Reports for 62 Projects aggregating to 1150 MW
Market Share 75% Commissioned 74 Projects Implementing 38+ Projects

Avant-Garde Sugar Cogeneration Experience with Cycle parameter

S.No 1 2 3 4 5 Cycle Parameters bar(a) / C 45 / 440 67 / 485 87 / 515 110 / 535 125 / 545 Total Commissioned 14 16 27 16 1 74 Under Implementation 5 3 6 22 2 38

Avant-Gardes Bagasse & Coal Fired Installations

Out of the 74 Projects commissioned so far, 57 are designed with Bagasse and Coal firing capability and 27 are operating with coal. All the Sixteen (16), 110 bar installations are operating with Bagasse and Coal The maximum size of the unit under operation is a 36 MW plant in Maharashtra. The maximum capacity of the plant is 44 MW to be commissioned in Maharashtra. Both units will be in full fledged operation by the 3rd quarter of this year. Both units are for bagasse and coal

Under execution is 2 x 40MW units designed for bagasse and coal for JDW Sugars Limited in Pakistan

What is Co-Generation ?
It is the Co-incident generation of Thermal and Electrical energy, from the same fuel source, where both forms of energy are put to productive use.
Inhouse Consumption Electrical Power Fuel Cogeneration Plant Useful Heat Energy* Export to Grid

*This is generally in the form of Low Pressure Steam

Industries Where Cogeneration is Possible

Any Industry needing low pressure process steam could be a candidate for Cogeneration Typical Industries

Sugar Textile Paper Chemical and Petro Chemical Metals

Most of the Cogeneration applications are in Topping Cycle mode

Sugar Plants by-products Utilization

Under the present Economic scenario, the Economic viability of the Sugar mills are quite uncertain The situation could some extent be redeemed by value addition through by products utilization

Molasses and Bagasse are two by products of Sugar manufacturing which could be utilized profitably

Value Addition through Byproducts

Sugar Plants Energy Requirements

Sugar plant needs both Thermal and Electrical energy

Thermal energy is needed to concentrate the sugar juice for crystallization, It is supplied by low pressure steam, typically at 2.5 bar(a) and the steam is used efficiently in multiple effect evaporators. (typically 36% steam on cane)
Electrical energy is needed for driving the mills, pumps and other machinery. (typically for all electrical drive mill 24 KW/MT of cane crushed)

Cogeneration in Sugar Mills

Cogeneration is not new to the Sugar industry, every Sugar mill is designed with cogeneration of Thermal and Electrical energy However, conventionally the power restricted to in house consumption generation was

The boiler steam parameters were adjusted to generate just adequate power while giving the required process steam Cogeneration under present day context is additional power generation for export to grid by adopting higher boiler steam parameters

Boiler Parameters for Sugar Mill Co-Generation

Gradual increase in the Operating Pressure of bagasse fired boilers with the advent of energy conservation and cogeneration
11 21 42 80 125

14 32 67 110 135

With low pressure boilers and steam turbine drives there was always mismatch resulting in inefficiency and use of supplementary fuels like wood or oil

How Higher Pressure Power Cycles Help?

Every 100 kg of bagasse will produce the following steam and power for various power cycles in a pass out turbine with 2.5 bar as the exhaust pressure. Feed water inlet to the boiler at 105C.
Steam Cycle Parameters ata / C 21 / 340 32 / 380 42 / 400 45 / 440 67 / 485 87 / 515 110 / 540 125/545 Steam Production (KGS) 250 243 240 233 227 224 220 220 Power Generation with BP of 2.5 bar(KW) 22.73 28.60 31.30 32.80 37.80 40.10 44.10 45.54

How Higher Pressure Power Cycles Help?

Every 100 kg of bagasse will produce the following steam and power for various power cycles in a condensing turbine with 0.1 bar exhaust pressure. feed water inlet to the boiler at 105C.
Steam Cycle Parameters ata / C 21 / 340 32 / 380 42 / 400 45 / 440 67 / 485 87 / 515 110 / 540 125/545 Steam Production (KGS) 250 243 240 233 227 224 220 220 Power Generation with BP of 0.1 bar(KW) 42.5 51.4 53.8 55.5 60.1 64.6 66.5 68.6

How Higher Pressure Power Cycles Help?

With higher pressure energy extraction from steam is high with out the exhaust steam moisture levels getting into unacceptable levels Higher boiler pressure means higher saturation temperatures With higher saturation temperatures and with an economical economizer approach, the design permits heating the feed water to a higher temperature before it enters the boiler Adopting regenerative heaters to increase the feed water temperature improves the cycle efficiency With the increase in the turbine inlet pressure and depending on the turbine size more heaters could be introduced to increase the feed water temperature to higher values

Comparison of various cycle Parameters

The comparison was made as part of the feasibility study for a 3500 TCD Sugar Mill

Comparison of various cycle Parameters

Efficiency Where are we vis--vis utilities?

A typical coal fired power plant of 40 MW capacity Boiler steam parameters of 110 bar(a) and 540C

No reheat
Deaerator and two stages of hp feed water heating Final feed water temperature of 210C

Water cooled condenser with the vacuum of 0.09 bar(a)

Coal HHV of 6500 kcals/kg and boiler efficiency of 84% on HHV
HHV 31.76% LHV 30.32%

Efficiency Where are we vis--vis Utilities?

Contemporary Thermal Power plant Efficiencies

Efficiencies typically for 500 / 660 MW plant

Source: NTPC, India

Efficiency Where are we vis--vis utilities?

A 40 MW plant efficiency as seen above at 31.76% (Gross on HHV) is 5.84% less compared to the base efficiency of 37.6% of the coal fired utility thermal power plant

The difference goes up to 8.14% considering the modern super critical plants
The possible reasons Boiler outlet steam pressure of 170 bar against 110 bar

Boiler efficiency difference between a PF and Travelling grate type

The reheat will increase the efficiency by about 1.5% The utility plant employs almost 7 stages of feed water heating as against three in the 40 mw plant Bigger turbine with less losses. turbine cycle heat rate of 1900 Kcals/kWhr as against 2260 Kcals/kWhr

Cogeneration Efficiency - Where are we vis--vis Utilities?

While the Electrical energy was the only output from the 40 MW plant, a cogeneration plant gives both thermal and electrical energy as output Electric eff. (EFFe) = Y/X if Z is zero EFFe approaches the efficiency of the 40 MW power plant As Z increases, EFFe comes down and that is what happens to the electric efficiency under cogeneration mode. Typically for a sugar mill cogeneration EFFe comes to around 21% (net based on LHV) (Z+Y)/X is called the combined heat and power (CHP) efficiency Cogeneration Efficiency is the maximum if the total output from the plant is considered

Operation with Sugar Mill

The Cogeneration plant should operate in synchronize with the Sugar mill Basically the sugar mill operations are fluctuating both in terms of energy demand and bagasse generation. The Cogeneration plant should be designed to take care of these As the process steam supplies are generally large, the high temperature condensate should be taken back to the Cogeneration plant Possibility of contamination of the condensate and consequent large make up to be taken care of in plant design

Feed Water Management Crucial while operating in sync with Sugar Mill
Maintaining the quality of return exhaust condensate from sugar mill is important. No vapor condensate will be used as boiler feed water

Permissible levels of Silica, Iron, Copper and other minerals are lower at higher pressures
Vaporous carry over of Silica increases with pressure and poses serious scaling problem in turbines Make up will be only DM water. Membrane based treatment plant preferred but could be decided based on raw water analysis

Operation with Sugar Mill

Bagasse - The Primary Fuel

The major advantage of sugar mill cogeneration is that the fuel is generated in house Bagasse is the residue of cane after juice extraction and because of the process of extraction, it is loaded with 50% moisture Bagasse is an excellent fuel with 40% volatiles, 8.5% fixed carbon and 1.5% ash with the GCV of 9205 KJ/KG Bagasse availability depends on cane variety, climate and irrigation and is generally around 30% of the cane (with 50% moisture)

Alternate/Supplementary Fuel
The Sugar mills crush only for a limited number of days in a year and hence the bagasse availability is limited By proper sizing and optimization some bagasse could be saved in the season for the off-season operation of the power plant However year round operation of power plant will call for alternate fuels. these alternate fuels could be used as supplementary fuel in case of exigency in season Coal and Bio-mass are the major alternate fuels

Technology Options for Cogeneration

Gasification Route: Promising future technology. A lot of work is going on to fine tune the technology and make it a commercially viable option Not an advisable option as of now

Combustion Route:
Well established route, wherein the fuel is combusted in a boiler to generate steam to drive the turbine

The boiler to be designed considering the primary and alternate/supplementary fuel characteristics

Major Equipment
Boiler system generally of the travelling grate stoker fired Turbogenerator system extraction pass out type or extraction condensing type Water Treatment plant additionally makes up the losses on the return condensate

Fuel (bagasse and supplementary fuel like coal) and Ash handling systems
Distributed Control System (DCS)

HV and EHV Electrical system

Technology Options for the Boiler

Pulverized Fuel Firing Not a viable option as pulverization of as milled bagasse is not possible. co-firing of bagasse with coal is possible, but has limitations Ciculating Fluidized Bed Combustion (CFBC) Low ash content in bagasse is a limitation. Can be fired along with coal with the coal percentage being higher at 60 to 70% Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Combustion (AFBC) Because of the lightness of bagasse not possible to burn in AFBC boilers Spreader Stoker Travelling Grate

Better suited technology to fire bagasse and coal or any other biomass. unfortunately comes as the lowest ranking in terms of boiler efficiency

Technology Options for Turbogenerator

Pass Out (Backpressure)
All the Steam supplied will be exhausted to process. There will be no condenser. Power generation is incidental to process steam flow. Turbine can not operate if there is no process steam requirement.

Extraction Condensing
Part of the input steam is extracted at the desired pressure through ports in turbine. the balance steam goes to the condenser. the turbine could be designed for condensing the entire input steam.

Sugar Mill Cogeneration Plant Design Basis

Adopt energy conservation measures in the sugar mill to reduce the process steam consumption and the power consumption Select an extraction condensing turbogenerator designed for both season and off-season operation The cogen plant size should be based on the process steam requirements and the minimum steam requirements for condenser and feed water heaters Downsizing the plant will enable saving of bagasse for a few days of operation in off-season. use of cane trash or other biomass as supplementary fuel to bagasse or coal should be envisaged in the design The coal usage should be minimized considering the low efficiency of operation compared to utilities Use extensive feed water heating to improve the efficiency Use extensive Electrical protection and controls to safeguard the machine and to prevent plant tripping during grid failure

Current State of the Technology

Combustion route with travelling grate boiler and extraction condensing turbine The plants are being designed for multi fuel firing (mostly bagasse and coal) to run the plants year round The steam parameters has steadily increased and the prevalent is 125 bar(a) and 545C As the plant sizes are in the range of 15 to 40 MW, considering the cost, these parameters will stay for quite sometime

Will probably await gasification to further improve the efficiency

Avant-Garde Design
135 bar(a) 545C cycle is under engineering Studies are in progress for introducing steam drying of bagasse with extraction steam from Cogeneration turbine Configuration of Cogeneration plant with reheat cycle under

engineering with development of suitable turbines with


Sugar mill Co-Generation Indian Scenario

The first project with a capacity of 18.68 MW was commissioned in 1994 Could probably have a total installed capacity of around 2000 MW, with another 1500 MW could be under implementation A large number of the projects implemented are with steam parameters of 110 bar(a) and 540C few units of 125 bar (a) 540C have been implemented Majority of the plant sizes are in the range of 20 to 40 MW and most of them are designed with bagasse and coal firing Large number of projects are being designed with air cooled condensers Because of the shortage in grid capacity, these projects are getting good encouragement

A few of Our Recently Completed Cogeneration Projects

Mumias Sugar Company Limited, Kenya Rajshree Sugars Limited, Tamil Nadu, India Hemarus Technologies Limited, Maharashtra, India

Sunil HiTech Limited, Maharashtra, India

Bannari Amman Sugars Limited, Tamil Nadu, India

Mumias Sugar Company Limited, Kenya

Boiler TG capacity

Mumias, Kenya
170 TPH, 87 bar(g), 515C, Bagasse 34.2 MW

Gross Power Generation Crushing Season Off-Crop

Power Export Crushing Season Off-Crop Project Cost Commissioning Date 27.1 MW 24.8 MW US$ 55 Million May 2009

34.2 MW 28 MW

Rajshree Sugars Limited, Tamil Nadu, India


Tamil Nadu, India

110 TPH, 110 bar(g),540C, Bagasse & Coal 20 MW

Boiler TG capacity

Gross Power Generation Crushing Season Off-Crop Power Export Crushing Season Off-Crop Project Cost Commissioning Date 14.15 MW 17.81 MW US$ 23 Million October 2008 20 MW 20 MW

Hemarus Technologies Limited, Maharastra, India

Boiler TG capacity

Kolhapur, India
110 TPH, 110 bar(g),540C, Bagasse & Coal 20 MW

Gross Power Generation Crushing Season Off-Crop 20 MW 20 MW

Power Export Crushing Season Off-Crop

Project Cost Commissioning Date

14.5 MW 17.5 MW
US$ 24 Million December 2010

Sunil Hitech Limited, Maharashtra, India

Location Gangakhed, India

Boiler TG capacity

150 TPH, 110 bar(g), 540C, Bagasse & Coal

30 MW

Gross Power Generation Crushing Season Off-Crop 28 MW 30 MW

Power Export
Crushing Season Off-Crop Project Cost Commissioning Date 20.9 MW 26.8 MW US$ 33 Million December 2009

Bannari Amman Sugars Limited, Tamil Nadu, India

Location Thirukkoilur, India

Boiler TG capacity

130 TPH, 125 bar(g), 545C, Bagasse & Coal

25 MW

Gross Power Generation Crushing Season Off-Crop 25 MW 25 MW

Power Export
Crushing Season Off-Crop Project Cost Commissioning Date 19 MW 22 MW US$ 30 Million May 2011

Sugar Plant Gallery


34.2 MW Cogeneration Plant at Mumias Sugar Company, Kenya Commissioned in April 2009


34.2 MW TG at Mumias Sugar Company, Kenya


Plant Control Room at Mumias Sugar Company, Kenya


17 MW Cogeneration Plant Commissioned in 2001


16 MW, 67 bar 485C Cogeneration Plant Commissioned in 1999


Cooling Tower and Water Treatment Plant


23 MW Cogeneration Plant with ACC Commissioned in 2006



28.8 MW Plant with ACC Commissioned in 2009


30 MW Direct Coupled TG Commissioned in 1997


20 MW Cogeneration Plant Commissioned in 2003

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