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“Heaven’s Light is Our Guide”

Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology

PROPOSED (Approved by Academic Committee)


SL. Course No. Course Title Theory Sessional Credit.

No. Hrs./Week Hrs./Week
1. CSE 100 Computer Fundamentals 0 3/2 0.75
2. CSE 107 Computer programming 4 0 4.00
3. CSE 108 Sessional based on CSE 107 0 3 1.50
4. EE 107 Basic Electrical Engineering 3 0 3.00
5. EE 108 Sessional based on EE107 0 3 1.50
6. Ch 107 Chemistry 3 0 3.00
7. Ch 108 Sessional based on Ch 107 0 3/2 0.75
8. Math 107 Mathematics-I 3 0 3.00
9. Hum 107 English 3 0 3.00
Total= 16 9.00 20.50
1st Semester Load :16L+9.00 P=25.0 Hrs/Week
:20.50 Credit


SL. Course No. Course Title Theory Sessional Credit.

No. Hrs./ Week Hrs./ Week
1. CSE 200 Drawing and CAD Project 0 3/2 0.75
2. CSE 201 Data structure 3 0 3.00
3. CSE 202 Sessional based on CSE 201 0 3 1.50
4. CSE 207 Object Oriented Programming 3 0 3.00
5. CSE 208 Sessional based on CSE 207 0 3 1.50
6. Ph 207 Physics 3 0 3.00
7. Ph 208 Sessional based on Ph 207 0 3 1.50
8. Math 207 Mathematics-II 3 0 3.00
9. Hum 207 Economics, Government & 4 0 4.00
Total= 16 10.50 21.25
2nd Semester Load :16L+10.5P=26.5 Hrs/Week
:21.25 Credit


SL. Course No. Course Title Theory Sessional Credit.

No. Hrs./Week Hrs./Week
1. CSE 300 Software Development Project-I 0 3/2 0.75
2. CSE 305 Discrete Mathematics 3 0 3.00
3. CSE 306 Sessional based on CSE 305 0 3 1.50
4. EE 303 Analog Electronic Circuits 3 0 3.00
5. EE 304 Sessional based on EE 303 0 3 1.50
6. Math 307 Mathematics-III 3 0 3.00
7. CSE 307 Digital Techniques 3 0 3.00
8. CSE 308 Sessional based on CSE 307 0 3 1.50
9. Hum 307 Industrial Management & 4 0 4.00
Total= 16 10.50 21.25
3rd Semester Load :16L+10.5 P=26.5 Hrs/Week
:21.25 Credit


SL. Course No. Course Title Theory Sessional Credit.

No. Hrs./ Week Hrs./ Week
1. CSE 401 Algorithms Design & Analysis 3 0 3.00
2. CSE 402 Sessional based on CSE 401 0 3 1.50
3. EE 403 Electrical Machines & 3 0 3.00
4. EE 404 Sessional based on EE-403 0 3 1.50
5. Math 407 Mathematics-IV 3 0 3.00
6. CSE 405 Numerical Method 3 0 3.00
7. CSE 406 Sessional based on CSE 405 0 3 1.50
8. CSE 407 Finite Automata Theory & 3 0 3.00
Pulse Technique
9. CSE 408 Sessional based on CSE 407 0 3/2 0.75
Total= 15 10.50 20.25
4th Semester Load :15L+10.5P=25.5 Hrs/Week
:20.25 Credit


SL. Course No. Course Title Theory Tutorial Sessional Credit.

No. Hrs./Week Hrs./Week Hrs./Week
1. CSE 500 Internet Programming 0 0 3/2 .75
2. CSE 501 Data Base Systems 4 0 0 4.0
3. CSE 502 Sessional based on CSE 501 0 0 3 1.5
4. EE 503 Instrumentation 2 0 0 2
5. EE 504 Sessional based on EE 503 0 0 3/2 0.75
6. CSE 503 Software Engineering 3 0 0 3
7. CSE 505 Applied Statistics & Queuing 3 0 0 3
8. CSE 507 Microprocessors & Assembly 3 0 0 3.0

9. CSE 508 Sessional based on CSE 507 0 0 3 1.5

Total= 15 0 9 19.5
5th Semester Load :15L+0T+9 P=24 Hrs/Week
:19.5 Credit


SL. Course No. Course Title Theory Tutorial Sessional Credit.

No. Hrs./ Week Hrs./Week Hrs./ Week
1. CSE 600 Software Development Project 0 0 3 1.5
– II
2. CSE 601 Operating System 3 0 0 3.00
3. CSE 602 Sessional based on CSE 601 0 0 3/2 0.75
4. CSE 603 Computer Architecture 3 0 0 3
5. CSE 605 Data Communication 3 0 0 3.00
6. CSE 606 Sessional based on CSE 605 0 0 3/2 0.75
7. CSE 607 Peripherals & Interfacings 3 0 0 3.00
8. CSE 608 Sessional based on CSE 607 0 0 3/2 0.75
9. CSE 609 Artificial Intelligence & Expert 3 0 0 3.00
10. CSE 610 Sessional based on CSE 609 0 0 3/2 0.75
Total= 15 0 9 19.5
6th Semester Load :15L+0T+9P=24 Hrs/Week
:19.5 Credit

SL. Course No. Course Title Theory Sessional Credit.
No. Hrs./ Week Hrs./ Week
1. CSE 700 Project and Theses-I 0 3 1.5
2. CSE 701 Complier Design 3 0 3.00
3. CSE 702 Sessional based on CSE 701 0 3/2 0.75
4. CSE 705 Information System analysis & 3 0 3.00
5. CSE 706 Sessional based on CSE 705 0 3/2 0.75
6. CSE 707 Computer Network 3 0 3.00
7. CSE 708 Sessional based on CSE 707 0 3/2 0.75
8. Optional -I 3 0 3.00
9. Sessional based on Optional -I 0 3/2 0.75
10. Optional-II 3 0 3
Total= 15 9 19.5
6th Semester Load :15L+9P=24 Hrs/Week
:19.5 Credit

List of Optional Courses

Course No. Course Title
Optional-I CSE 713 Digital Signal Processing
CSE 721 Unix programming
CSE 725 Human Computer Interaction
CSE 727 Digital System Design
CSE 731 Simulation & Modeling
CSE 714 Sessional based on CSE 713
CSE 722 Sessional based on CSE 721
CSE 726 Sessional based on CSE 725
CSE 728 Sessional based on CSE 727
CSE 732 Sessional based on CSE 731
Optional-II EE 701 Control System Engineering
CSE 703 VLSI Design
EE 717 Telecommunication Switching

SL. Course No. Course Title Theory Sessional Credit.
No. Hrs./ Week Hrs./ Week
1. CSE 800 Project and Theses-II 0 3 1.50
2. CSE 801 Computer Graphics 3 0 3.00
3. CSE 802 Sessional based on CSE 801 0 3/2 0.75
4. CSE 809 Neural Networks & Fuzzy 3 0 3.00
5. CSE 810 Sessional based on CSE 809 0 3/2 0.75

6. CSE 820 Seminar 0 3/2 0.75

7. Optional-I 3 0 3.00
8. Optional-II 3 0 3.00
9. Optional-III 3 0 3.00
Total= 15 7.5 18.75
6th Semester Load :15L+7.5P=22.5 Hrs/Week
:18.75 Credit

List of Optional Courses

Optional-I, Optional-II and Optional-III should be selected from the following courses:
Course No. Course Title
CSE 821 Network Planning
CSE 823 Advanced Computer Architecture
CSE 825 Robotics and Computer Vision
CSE 827 Network Security
CSE 829 Decision Support System
CSE 831 Knowledge Engineering
CSE 833 Digital Image Processing
CSE 835 Parallel and Distributed Processing



CSE 100 Computer Fundamentals

Introduction to Computer fundamentals: types and generation of computers, basic organization

and functional units. Number systems, codes and logic functions. Hardware: Processors, input,
output and memory devices, keyboard, mouse, OMR, OCR, MICR, CD-ROM, Printers, CRT,
microfilm, floppy

Machine language , assembly language, High level language, assembler, translator, interpreter
and compiler. Types of software, system software, familiarization with various operating
systems (Windows, DOS, UNIX etc.). Application software: text processing (MS-WORD, etc),
Spread sheet (MS-EXCEL etc), Database management (FoxPro, MS Access, Oracle etc),
mathematical and simulation(Math Cad, Matlab etc.) . Data communications and Internet.

CSE 107 Computer Programming

History of Programming Language, Programming Algorithms and Flow Chart Construction.

Principles of Programming. Structured Programming Concepts. Writing, Debugging and
Running Programs in DOS, Windows and UNIX Environment Using C/C++. Variables,
Arithmetic Expression, Types of Operators and Expressions, Control Flow, Functions, Arrays,
String, Software Interrupts, DOS & BIOS Service Routines.
Structure, Union, Pointer, Dynamic Memory Allocation, I/O and File Management, VROOMS,
Multiple File Programming, Command Line Compilation and Command Line Argument, Basic
Sorting Algorithms. Introduction to C/C++ Graphics Library. Introduction to Object oriented
programming and its various features.

CSE 108 Sessional based on CSE 107

EE 107 Basic Electrical Engineering

Electrical units and Standards. Electrical circuit elements and models. Signal and waveforms.
Fourier representation of non-sinusoidal waveforms. RMS and average value of sinusoidal
waveforms. Introduction to phasor algebra. DC& Steady state AC circuit solutions: Series,
Parallel, Series-Parallel networks, Loop and Nodal methods, Delta-Wye transformations.
Circuit theorems and their application to circuit solution. Circuit analysis using PSpice

EE 108 Sessional based on EE 107

Ch 107 Chemistry

Aqueous Solution: Types of solution, Factors influencing the solubility of substance. The
Lechatclier's principle, Mechanism of dissolution, Evolution and absorption of heat, Different
units of concentration, Problems involving acid base titration, Solution of gases in liquids,
Distribution of solute between two immiscible solvent, Application of distribution law,
properties of dilute solution, Vapor pressure, Raoult's Law - its application, Elevation of boiling
point, Depression of freezing point and osmotic pressure. Colloids and properties of colloidal
system, Chemical Bond: Different type of chemical bond. Granular properties of ionic and
covalent compounds, Modern approach of covalent bond.
Physical Chemistry : Kinetics and Chemical equilibrium: rate of a reaction, Factors
determining the rate, Law of mass action, Evaluation and characteristics of equilibrium constant
of reaction, Thermo-chemistry : Types of energy, Enthalpy, heat of reaction, heat of
combustion, Heat of formation and heat of neutralization, Experimental determination of
thermal changes during chemical reaction, Electrolytes, Mechanism of electrolytic conduction,
Transport number and electrolytic conductance.

Ch 108 Sessional based on Ch 107

Math 107 Mathematics – I

Differential Calculus : Limit, Continuity and differentiability. Differentiation of explicit and

implicit function and parametric equations. Significance of derivatives, Differentials, Successive
differentiation of various types of functions. Leibnitz's theorem. Rolle's theorem, Mean value
theorems. Taylor's theorem in finite and infinite forms. Maclaurin's theorem in finite and infinite
forms.Langrange's form of remainders. Cauehy's form of remainder. Expansion of functions by
differentiation and integration. Partial differentiation. Euler's theorem. Tangent, maximum and
minimum values of functions and points of inflection. Applications. Evaluation of indeterminate
forms by L'Hospitals rule, Curvature, center of curvature and chord of curvature. Evaluate and
inviolate. Asymptotes. Envelopes, Curve tracing.

Integral Calculus : Definitions of integration, Integration by method of substitution, Integration

by the method of successive reduction. Definite integrals. Beta function and Gamma function.
Area under a plane curve in Cartesian and Polar co-ordinates. Area of the region enclosed by
two curves in Cartesian and Polar co-ordinates, parametric and pedal equations. Intrinsic
equation. Volumes of solids of revolution. Volume of hollow solids of revolution. Volume of
hollow solids of revolution by shell method. Area of surface of revolution

Hum 107 English

Grammar: Construction and Transformation of Sentences, Analysis of Sentence, Structure, Use
of Preposition, Question Words, WH & Yes/No Question, Phrases & Idioms, Correction,
Conditional Sentences, Punctuation, Pronunciation, Phonetic Transcription, Spoken English.
Composition: Definition of Scientific Terms, Comprehension, Précis Writing, Commercial
Correspondence, Paragraph Writing, Amplification, Tenders & Schedules, Memos & Press-
Release, Report Writing.
Short Stories:
“The Diamond Necklace” – Guy De Mapausant
“Meeting in the Mosque” – E. M. Forster
“Tickets, Please” – D. H. Lawrence
“The Dead” – James Joyce


CSE 200 Drawing and CAD Project

Introduction. Scale drawing, Sectional view, Isometric views, Missing line, Auxiliary view.
Detail and assembly drawing, Project on Engineering Drawing and CAD using AUTOCAD or
contemporary packages instructed by the teachers.

CSE 201 Data Structure

Concepts and Examples of Elementary Data Objects, Necessity of Structured Data, Types of
Data Structure, Ideas on Linear and Nonlinear Data Structure, Array: Linear and Binary Search,
Multidimensional Array, Pointer Array, Parallel Array, Sparse Matrices, Pointer: Memory
Optimization by Dynamic Memory Allocation, Multi-Dimensional Pointers, Function Pointer.
Stack: Stack Representation, Polish Notation. Queues: Queue Representation, Deques, Priority
Queues. Recursion, Implementation of Recursion Using Stack and Queues. Various Sorting
Algorithms and Complexities, Merging, Analysis of Quick Sort.
Nonlinear Data Structure Concepts. Linked List: Memory Representation of a List, Basic
Operations, Two-Way, Circular List and Header List. Binary Search Tree: Memory
Representation of Tree, Basic Operations, Recursive and Non-Recursive Tree Operations,
Threading, Heap. Graph: Sequential and Linked Representation of Graph, Shortest Path
Algorithm, Breadth and Depth First Search, Concept of Graph Coloring. Hash Technique:
Purpose of Hashing, Collision Resolution, Chaining.

CSE 202 Sessional based on CSE 201


CSE 207 Object Oriented Programming

Introduction to C++, Basic structure of C++ Programs, Dissimilarities between C and C++,
Advanced Data Types, Access Modifiers, Storage Class Specifies, Type Conversion in
Assignments, Function Type Modifiers, Dynamic Memory Allocation Using C++. User Defined
Data Types, Advanced Operators, Enumerated Data Types. Object Oriented Programming:
Concepts of Object Oriented Programming, Class and Object, Inheritance, Polymorphism, OPP
with C++, Parameterized Constructors, Destructor, Friend Functions, Multiple Inheritance,
Passing Object to Functions, Arrays of Objects, Pointer to Objects.
Function and Operator Overloading, Overloading Constructor Functions, References, Multilevel
Inheritance, Virtual Functions and Polymorphism, Abstract Class, C++ I/O Libraries, C++
Streams, Creating Inserters and Extractors, Formatting I/O, File I/O, Static Class Members, C++
Complex and BCD Classes, The Message Based Philosophy. Standard Template Libraries.
Java: Introduction to Java, Java Development Environment, JVM, Advances of Java Over
Computer Programming, Byte Codes, Variable, Operator and Data Types, Classes, Threads,
Introduction to Applets, Swing and Servelets, Basic Error Handling, Concept of Threading,
Execution of Java Programs in UNIX Operating System.

CSE 208 Sessional based on CSE 207

Ph -207 Physics

Waves and Oscillations: Oscillations: Simple harmonic motion, Composition of simple

harmonic motions and Lissajous’ figures, Damped and Forced oscillations. Resonance. Waves:
Travelling and Standing waves, Energy calculation of Travaling and Standing waves, Intensity
of waves. Beats, Doppler effect.

Atomic Physics: Atom models: Thomson atom model, Rutherford atom model, Rutherford
scattering formula, Electron orbits, Bohr atom model, Energy levels and spectra, Particle
properties of waves: Photoelectric effect, Einstein’s photoelectric equation, Laws of
photoelectric emission, Compton effect, De Broglie waves.

Nuclear Physics: The nucleus, Nuclear constituents, Binding energy, Nuclear reactions, Q-
value of a nuclear reaction, Nuclear fission and fusion, Radioactivity: Radioactive decay law,
Half-life and Mean life, Law of successive disintegration, Radioactive equilibrium, Alpha decay,
Mass energy relation in Alpha decay, Beta decay, Inverse beta decay, Neutrino hypothesis of
beta decay, mass condition of beta decay, Gamma decay.

Relativity: Michelson-Morley experiment, Special theory of relativity, Lorentz transformations,

Length contraction, Velocity addition and Time dilation, Relativity of mass, Mass-energy
equivalence. Massless particle.

Quantum Effect: de Broglie waves, Group velocity, Phase velocity, ,


Ph 208 Sessional based on ph 207

Math 207 Mathematics - II

Co-ordinate Geometry: Co-ordinate Geometry of two dimensions: Change of axes,

Transformation of co-ordinates, simplification of equations of curves, Co-ordinate Geometry of
three dimensions: System of co- ordinates, distance of two points, Section formula, projection,
direction cosines, Equations of planes and lines.

Ordinary Differential Equation: Degree and order of ordinary differential equations.

Formation of differential equations. Solutions of first order differential equations by various
methods, Solutions of general linear equations of second and higher orders with constant
coefficients, Solution of homogeneous linear equations. Solution of differential equations of the
higher order when the dependent of independent variables are absent.

Hum 207 Economics, Government & Sociology

Economics: Nature of the economics theory applicability of economic theory to the problems of
developing countries, Some basic concepts - supply, demand and their elasticity, relationship
among average, margin and total and their derivation. Consumer's equilibrium-indifference
curve, producer's equilibrium-isoquant. Production - factors of production, production
possibility curve-equilibrium of a firm, fixed cost and variable cost, the short run and the long
run. Laws of returns and external economics and diseconomics. Economics of development and
planning basic concept-saving, investment, GNP, NNP, per-capita income, growth rate, Fiscal
policy, monetary policy and trade policy and their relative applicability in Bangladesh, Five year
plans of Bangladesh, development problems related to agriculture, industry and population of

Government: Basic concepts of government and politics. Functions, Organs and forms of
modern state and Government, Socialism. Capitalism, UNO, government and politics of
Bangladesh, Some major administrative systems of developed counties. Local self - government.
Sociology: Scope, Social evolution and techniques of production, Culture and civilization,
Social structure of Bangladesh, Population and world resources. Industrial revolution. Family -
Urbanization and industrialization, Urban Ecology, Co-operative and socialist movements,
Social crime and delinquency.


CSE 300 Software Development Project – I

Students will develop three programs / projects with proper documentation as assigned by
teacher and will run on micro / mainframe computers.

CSE 305 Discrete Mathematics

Sets and its operations, Relations: relations and their properties, n-ary relations, Partial Ordering,
lattice. Logic: logic, propositional equivalence, predicate and Quantifiers. Function: function,
growth of a function, sequences and summations. Properties of integers: introduction, algorithm
of division and multiplication, primes, GCD, LCM, Euclidean algorithm, congruence relation.
Mathematical reasoning: proof techniques, induction, recursive definitions and algorithms.

Graph theory: Graph, Paths, Trees .Counting and Advanced counting Techniques: permutations
and combinations, pigeonhole principle, generating functions. Algebraic Systems: Introduction,
operations, Semi-groups, Groups, Rings and Fields. Introduction to language and grammars.

CSE 306 Sessional based on CSE 305

EE 303 Analog Electronic Circuits

Introduction to Semiconductor, Junction diode, Bipolar Junction transistor Small signal low
frequency transistor model, Amplifiers, Darlington pairs, Introduction to Oscillators, differential
amplifiers, Op-Amp, and their gain, input and output impedances, offset null adjustment,
frequency response and noise.

Introduction to JFET, MOSFET, NMOS and CMOS; Biasing and application in switching
circuits, SCR, TRIAC, DIAC, UJT : characteristics and applications, Introduction to rectifiers,
active filters, regulated power supply, Stabilizer and UPS, SMPS and IC fabrication techniques.

EE 304 Analog Electronic Circuits

Sessional based on EE 303

Math 307 Mathematics – III

Vector Analysis: Vectors: Definition Equality, Addition and multiplication linear dependence
and independence, Differentiation and integration, Line, surface and volume integrals, function,
Divergence and curl and their application Physical significance of gradient, divergence and
curl, Vector, identities Integral forms of gradient, divergence and curl, Divergence theorem,
,Stock's theorem, Green's theorem and Gauss's theorem.

Matrix: Definition of matrices, equality of matrices, Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication of

Matrices, Equivalence of Matrices, Adjoint of square matrices, Transpose and inverse of
matrices, Rank of matrices, Systems of Linear Equations, Solution of Homogeneous and non-
homogeneous system by Matrix method and Cramers’s rule, Determination of Eigen value and
Eigen vectors, Linear transformations, Quadratic forms.

CSE 307 Digital Techniques

Digital logic, Boolean algebra, Boolean function, Canonical forms, Minimization of Boolean
functions, Logic gates and their truth tables, Combinational logic circuit design, Arithmetic and
data handling logic circuits. Decoders, encoders, multiplexed, demultiplexer.

Diode logic gates, transistor switches, transistor gates, MOS gates, Logic Families : TTL, ECL,
IIL and CMOS logic with operation details. Propagation delay, product and noise immunity.
Open collector and High impedance gates. Electronic circuits for flip-flop, counters, registers
and memory devices.

Timing Circuits : Applications of logic gates in timing circuits OP-Amp applications in timing
circuits using 555 IC.

CSE 308 Sessional based on CSE 307

Hum 307 Industrial Management & Accountancy

Industrial Management: Management: Principle of Management, Management functions,

Management skills, Authority& Responsibility, Span of control, Management by objective,
Consultative management, Participative management, Decision Making, Manpower motivation,

Leadership process, Management environment. Human Resources Management: Manpower

planning, Recruitment & Selection, Employee training & Development, Performance appraisal,
Wages & Salary administration. Production Management: Plant layout: Definition, Objectives,
Basic layout types, Production control: Routing, Scheduling dispatching& follow-up, Inventory
control: Function, Purpose, EOQ, Lead time, Sefty stock, re-order point. Material handling &
Accountancy : Basic accounting principles, Journals Cash book, trial Balance, Balance Sheet,
Bank Reconciliation statement. Cost Accounts and objectives ; Costs ; Classification,
Preparation of cost sheet, Computation of break even point, Standard costing, Process costing
and Overhead Allocation.


CSE 401 Algorithm Design and Analysis

Technique for analysis algorithms, methods for the design of efficient algorithms: divide and
conquer, greedy method, dynamic programming, backtracking, branch and bound.

Basic search and traversal techniques, graph theory, algebraic simplification and transformation,
Lower bound theory, NP-hard and NP-complete problems.

CSE 402 Sessional based on CSE 401

EE 403 Electrical Machines and Applications

D. C. Machines : Operation and performance characteristics of generators and motors .

Starting, speed control and braking of motors. Different application of DC motors.

AC. Machines : Transformer : Principle of operation of transformer. Three phase Induction

motor : Principles of operation, equivalent circuit and circle diagram. Torque-speed
characteristics. Methods of speed control, starting and braking of induction motors. Single phase
induction motors and its methods of starting.

Synchronous machines and motors : Principles of operation and equivalent circuit. Method of
synchronization. Typical application of A.C. motors in industries, special motors: Stepper
motor,. Servomotor. Brush less motors.

EE 404 Electrical Machines and Applications

Sessional based on EE 403

Math 407 Mathematics – IV

Complex Variable : Complex number systems, General functions of a complex variable, Limits
and continuity of a function of complex variable and related theorems, Complex differentiation
and the Cauchy-Riemenn equations, Infinite series, Convergence and uniform convergence, Line
integral of a complex function, Cauchy integral formula, Liouville's theorem, Taylor's and
Laurent's theorem, Singular points, Residue, Cauchy's residue theorem.

Differential Equations : Solution of differential equation by the method based on the

factorization of the operators, Frobenius method, Bessel's and Legendxe’s differential equations,
Portal Differential Equations : Partial differential equations, Particular solutions with boundary
and initial conditions.Laplace transform and its application

CSE 405 Numerical Method

Solution of algebraic and Transcendental equation: Iterative method, Gauss elimination method,
Gauss-seidal method and their application in Engineering fields. Interpolation: Interpolation
with one and two independent variables. Formation of different difference table. Newton’s
forward and backward difference, Langrange’s interpolation, Aitkens interpolation, Successive

Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal rule Gauss Quadratic formula, multiple integration,

Rombergs method, Truncation and error estimation. Numerical solution of differential equations
,Numerical solution of partial differential equations, curve fitting, Methods of least square,
Estimation of linear and nonlinear parameters, formulation, different engineering experimental

CSE 406 Sessional based on CSE 405

CSE 407 Finite Automata Theory and Pulse Techniques

Reliable design and Fault Diagnosis, Hazards, Fault detection in Combinational circuits, Fault
location experiments, Threshold Logic.

Synchronous sequential circuits and Iterative networks, Sequential machine state equivalence
and machine minimization, Asynchronous Sequential circuits, Finite state recognizer-regular
expressions, transition graphs.

Linear wave shaping : diode wave shaping techniques, clipping and clamping circuits,
comparator circuits, switching circuits. Pulse transformers, pulse transmission, pulse generator :
monostable, bitable and astable multivibrators ; Schmitt trigger ; Blocking oscillators and time -
base circuit Timing circuits . Simple voltage sweeps, linear current sweeps.

CSE 408 Sessional based on CSE 407


CSE 500 Internet Programming Lab / Project

Internet and World Wide Web applications, HTML, SGML, XML, CGI Programming, Electronic
Commerce, Internet Database, Java Script, VB Script.

CSE 501 Data Base Systems

Database Concepts : Files and Databases, Database Management Systems, Data models,
Relational data model : Relations, Domains, Attributes and Tuple, Anomalies, Functional
Dependency, First, Second and third normal forms, Boyce-Code Normal form, Relational
calculus based languages-SQL and QBE, Relational algebra and Set operations. Relational
database design : Relational design criteria, Loss less decomposition, decomposition algorithms,
synthesis algorithms, Different RAID levels.

Advance Database Concepts : Fourth and fifth normal forms, Object-oriented databases. Entity-
Relationship (ER) approach : The ER model and its constructions, ER modeling in logical
database, design. Transformation of the ER model to SQL, Distributed database design. The
MAM technique : Fact types, Uniqueness constraints, Parity Checking General constraints,
Conceptual schema transformations, Relational implementation.

CSE 502 Sessional based on CSE 501


EE 503 Instrumentation

Measuring Instruments: Electromechanical and electronic meters, their uses. Panel metering.
Extension of Instrument range.

Transducers: Different types of transducers and their principle of operations: Position and
displacement Transducers, Potentiometer, Linear variable differential transformers (LVDT),
Pressure transducer, Temperature transducer, Optical transducer, Flow transducer, Strain gauge
transducer, Ultrasonic transducer; Humidity transducer, Hall Effect transducer, and Speed

EE 504 Instrumentation
Sessional based on 503

CSE 503 Software Engineering

Software engineering principles; life cycle models; sizing, estimation, planning and control
requirements specification; functional specification and design using Z; Risk Analysis and
Management, Software quality assurance; configuration management; software maintenance.

Management of programming teams, programming methodologies, Integration and Testing

Strategies, The art of debugging, evaluation and measurement of software, verification and
testing techniques, and the problems of maintenance, modification and Portability. Web
engineering, Re engineering.

CSE 505 Applied Statistics & Queuing Theory

Statistics : Frequency distribution, Mean median Mode and other measure of central tendency
standard deviation and other measure of dispersion, Moments, Skewness and kurtosis,
Elementary probability theory, Characteristics of distributions, elementary sampling theory,
Estimation, Hypothesis testing and regression analysis. Probability distribution and expectations,
discontinuous probability distribution, e.g. binomial, position and negative binomial. Continuous
probability distributions, e.g. normal and exponential.

Stochastic processes, Discrete time Markov chain and continuous time Markov Chain. birth-
death process in queuing.

Queuing models : M/M/1,M/M/C,M/G/1,M/D/1,G/M/1 solution of network of queue-closed

queuing models and approximate models. Application of queuing models in Computer Science.

CSE 507 Microprocessors & Assembly languages

Machine and assembly language programming, Introduction to different types of

microprocessors and its applications, Intel 8086 microprocessor: Architecture, Instruction
Format, Instruction Sets, Opcode, Processor status and Flag registers, Addressing modes,
Branching and Looping, Interrupt Structures, I/O interfacing, DMA.

Assembly language :program writing debugging and execution, Programming in

Microcomputers, Subroutine and reentrant programs, and Disk file handling Assembly language
programming, Co-processors. An overview of Intel 8088, 80186,80286,80386,80486 and
Pentium Processors, RISC processors, Power PC processor, CISC processor, Direct video RAM
accessing, Memory module.

CSE 508 Sessional based on CSE 507


CSE 600 Software Development Project – III

Students will work in groups or individually to develop three high quality Software / Projects including
new I/O drivers or similar projects involving operating systems modules in different types of Data Base
Systems or object oriented and visual languages, Students will write structured program and use proper

CSE 601 Operating Systems

Introduction to operating system, Process management: process synchronization and mutual

exclusion, two process solution and Dekker’s algorithm, semaphores, examples (producer-
consumer, readers-writer, dining philosophers, etc.). CPU scheduling: multiprogramming and
time sharing, scheduling approaches (SJF, FIFO, round robin, etc.). Input/Output: device
controllers and device drivers, disks, other devices.

Memory Management: with and without swapping, virtual memory – paging and segmentation,
page replacement algorithms, implementation. File systems: FS services, disk space
management, directory and data structures. Deadlocks: modeling, detection and recovery,
prevention and avoidance. Case study: Unix, MS DOS.

CSE 602 Sessional based on CSE 601

CSE 603 Computer Architecture

Introduction to computer Hardware and Software. Addressing methods and machine level
instructions. Instruction Sets. Components of a computer system : Processors, memory
secondary storage devices and media, and other input output devices. Processor organization :
register, buses, multiplexers, decoders, CPU, ALUs. clocks, main memory and caches.
Arithmetic and Logical processing unit, Micro-programmed control unit.

Information representation and transfer ; instruction and data access methods ; the control unit :
hardware and micro-programmed ; Interrupts, DMA, Memory organization, Computer
peripherals, Von Neumen SISD organization, RISC and CISC machines.

CSE 605 Data Communications

Representation of Signals in Time and Frequency Domain, Properties of Fourier Transform,

Delta Function, Auto-Correlation and Cross-Correlation, Introduction to Modulation
Techniques, ASK, FSK, PSK, Correlators, Pulse Modulation: Pulse Amplitude Modulation,
Pulse Width Modulation and Pulse Position Modulation, Pulse Code Modulation, Quantization,
Delta Modulation. TDM, FDM, OOK, FSK, PSK, QPSK. Various Encoding Techniques,
Representation of Noise: Threshold effects in PCM and FM.
Probability of Error for Pulse Systems, Channel Coding and Capacity, Asynchronous and
Synchronous Communications, Hardware Interfaces: Multiplexers, Connectors and Buffers,
Communication Medium, Fiber optics, Infrared and Bluetooth Technology, Microwave

CSE 606 Sessional based on CSE 605

CSE 607 Peripheral & Interfacings

Hardware and Software interfacing in Microcomputer System Design, I/O Design and Total
System Design, Microprocessor based system design : Hardware design, Building, Debugging,
Testing and Linking program modules, Programming EPROM. Multi-processor configurations :
co-processor configurations, Numeric data processor, I/O Processors, Advanced Micro-
programming : Bit-Slice Microprocessor, Parallelism in Microprocessor.

Traps and Interrupts, address space partitioning, AD and DA converters and some related chips.
Interfacing ICs of I/O devices. I/O ports, Programmable peripheral interface, DMA controller,
interrupt controller, communication interface, interval timer, etc, ; IEEE - 488 and other buses,
interfacing with microcomputer. Interfacing I/O devices - floppy disk, hard disk, tape, CDROM

and other optical memory, keyboard, mouse, monitor, plotter, scanner, etc. Microprocessor in
Scientific Instruments and other Applications Display: Protective relays, Measurements of
Electrical quantities, Temperature monitoring system, water level indicator, motor speed
controller, Traffic light controller, etc.

CSE 608 Sessional based on CSE 607

CSE 609 Artificial Intelligence & Expert System

Introduction: Definition of Al, Historical Development of Al, Application of Al. Al Techniques,

Logic: Propositional Logic, First-order logic, Resolution principle, Problem representation:
State-space Representation, Problem-reduction representation, Production systems: PS structure,
Recognition-Action Cycle, Inference Directions, Blackboard systems, PS implementation.
Frame Representation: Basic structure, Inheritance of properties, Slot Extension implementation.
Relational Data model: Relational database model, Entity and relationship Generalization and
Aggregation. Search: Blind and non-blind searches, Depth-first search, Breadth-first search,
Heuristic search, Best-first search, Optimal search, A search implementation complexity.

Fuzzy knowledge: Probability theory, Dempster-shafer theory, Fuzzy set theory, Export
systems, Natural language processing: Syntactic Semantics and pragmatic, Top-down passing,
Bottom-up pursing, Lexicon, Programming Languages for Al Research: Historical overview,
Features of Al programming languages, Major Al programming languages LISP, PROLOG.

CSE 610 Sessional based on CSE 609


CSE 700 Project Thesis-I

Study of problems in the field of Computer Science and Engineering.
N.B : The project and thesis topic selected in this course is to be continued in the CSE 800

CSE 701 Compiler Design

Introduction to compiler : Compiling techniques including parsing, semantic processing, and
optimization; Complier-compliers and translator writing systems. Lexical analyzer, regular

expression, non-deterministic finite automata (NFA) and deterministic finite automata (DFA),
contexts free grammar, ambiguous grammar basic parsing techniques.

Scope rules, Intermediate code, block structure, data structure for symbol table, and symbol
tables; Run-time stack management and run time support; Parameter passing mechanisms; Stack
storage organization and templates; Heap storage management.

Code generation Macros; code optimization, Error management; Error detection and recovery. A
small project.

CSE 702 Sessional based on CSE 701

CSE 705 Information System Analysis & Design

Application development policy and strategies: Planning of information system, Policy in

information system development, Strategies for achieving information system Goals.

Application system development life cycle: Phases in application system development,

Interrelationship among each phase. Feasibility assessment: Problems and Needs in information
system development, Preliminary application requirements determination, Feasibility
assessment: Economic, technical, operational and schedule feasibility.

Information requirements determination: Strategies for obtaining information requirements,

Technique for information requirements determination, Methods for providing assurance that
requirements are correct and complete. Structured systems analysis: Steps in structured systems
analysis, Activity diagrams and related documentation, Data dictionary, Problem analysis,
Structured walk through. Systems design methodology: Check list methodology, Process-
oriented methodology, Application Generator, Structured design, Program development and
testing: structured programming, Method for testing.

CSE 706 Sessional based on CSE 705

CSE 707 Computer Networks

Network Architecture: layered architecture and ISO-OSI reference model: TCP/IP error control
Frame relay, SMDS, ATM, ADSL, control, HDLC, X25, flow and congestion control, virtual
terminal protocol, data security.

Local area networks, satellite networks, wireless LAN packet radio networks, Introduction to
ARPANET, SNA and DECNT. Topological design and queuing models for network and
distributing computing system.

CSE 708 Sessional based on CSE 707

CSE 713 Digital Signal Processing

Discrete time description of signals and systems, Sampling of DCT signals, Fourier transform of
discrete time signals, Discrete Fourier transform.

Z- transform, Digital filter structure, Infinite Impulse Response filter design techniques, Finite
impulse response filler design techniques, finite precision effects, Inverse filtering.

CSE 714 Sessional based on CSE 713

CSE 721 Unix Programming

Introduction to UNIX, History, Layering, OSI Model, UNIX Model.
C Programming tools in UNIX, The C Language, single and multi module programme, UNIX
file dependency system, UNIX Archive System, UNIX source code control system, UNIX
profiler, UNIX debugging, System Programming.

Inter process communication, communication protocols, TCP/IP, XNS, SNA, NetBIOS and OSI
protocols, UUCP, Berkley Sockets, UNIX domain protocols, Socket Addresses, elementary and
advanced socket UNIX shells, Shell functionality, systems calls, System verses Transport Layer
Interface, Transport Endpoint addresses, elementary a and advanced TLI functions, I/O
Multiplexing, Library Routines, time and Date Routines, Ping Routines.

CSE 722 Sessional based on CSE 721

CSE 725 Human Computer Interaction

Introduction to Human-computer interaction (HCI), human information processing systems,

Models of interaction, Approaches to HCI, User interface.

User system interaction : analysis and design, User interface design, Interface technique and
technology, case studies.

CSE 726 Sessional based on CSE 725


CSE 727 Digital System Design

Combinational logic with MSI and LSI circuits, Sequential circuits, registers, counters and
memory unit, register transfer logic, micro operations, processor logic design

Control logic design, Micro-programmed control, Pipeline and vector processing, Computer
arithmetic, microcomputer system design : Case study

CSE 728 Sessional based on CSE 727

CSE 731 Simulation & Modeling

Simulation methods, Model building, random number generator, Statistical analysis of results,
validation and verification techniques, Digital simulation of continuous systems.

Simulation and analytical methods for analysis of computer systems and practical problems in
business and practice. Introduction to the development of simulation packages.

CSE 732 Sessional based on CSE 731

EE 701 Control System Engineering

Introduction : Response of 2nd higher order systems to impulse, step, ramp and sinusoidal
inputs, Root locus technique, Routh-Hurwitz and Nyquist stability criterion.

State variable and transition matrix. Pl and PID controllers, Specifications in time and frequency
domain, Series compensation-lead, lag and lag-lead compensation design using Bode plots,
Nichol's chart Carrier control system, Introduction to sampled data control system.

CSE 703 VLSI Design

Introduction to Microelectronics and MOS Technology, Basic Electrical Properties and Circuit
Design Processes of MOS and Bi CMOS Circuits, Inverter Circuits, Sub-System Design
Processes and Layout, Scaling of MOS Circuits: Scaling Models and Scaling Factors, Limitation
of Scaling.

Computational Elements: Design of an ALU Sub-System, Adder, Multipliers, Memory

Registers, Dynamic & Static Flip-Flops, Bus Arbitration and Aspects of System Timing. CMOS
Fabrication, Practical Aspects of Design Tools and Test-Ability CMOS Design, Behavioral
Description, Structural Description, Physical Description and Design Verification. Introduction
to Ga-As Technology: Ultra-Fast Circuits and Systems.

EE 717 Telecommunication Switching

Introduction to telegraphy, single and double current telegraphy, teleprompters, VFT and carrier
telegraphy, introduction to telegraphy, manual switching system, electromechanical switching
stronger and EMD system, electronic switching, Read relays, basic imposing circuits,
uniselectors group selectors and final selectors; trucking diagram-stronger system and EMD
system: Distribution frames-testing and protection of telephone lines. traffic calculation
introduction to network planning.
Transmission principles, power levels, attenuation and delay distortions, wireless telephony.
carrier telephony, repeater, SBB transmitters and receivers, high accuracy crystal lattice filters.
Introduction to VHF and UHF systems.


CSE 800 Project and Thesis-II

Continuation of project and thesis topic undertaken in CSE 700

CSE 801 Computer Graphics

Introduction to computer graphics: History, Application of computer graphics (Computer Aided

Design Animation). A survey of graphics I/O devices and types, Graphics software design :
survey of desired function, toward a universal graphic language. Display files, Data bases for
pictorial application : Graphics techniques : Point-plotting techniques, Line drawing, Geometric
Transformations, windowing and clipping, Raster graphics, Hardware for computer graphics :
Typical small and large system, Graphic terminals, plotters, graphic display processors. Device
independent graphics systems. Graphics software: A simple graphic package, Segmented display
files, Geometric models, Picture structure, Interactive graphics: input techniques, Event
handling, three-dimensional graphics, Curves and surfaces, 3-D transformation. Hidden surface
problem: Back face removal, Hidden-Line removal Curved surfaces.
Describing points, lines and polygons, some hints for building polygonal models, Color
perception, Computer color, RGBA versus Color index mode, RGBA display mode, color-index

display mode, Dithering, Blending, 3-D blending with the depth buffer, Antialiasing,
Antialiasing points or lines, Antialiasing polygons, Fog, Fog equations, the OpenGL ARB, How
does OpenGL works, API specifies: data types, function naming conventions, platform
independence, Drawing shapes with OpenGL, animation with OpenGL and GLUT, Drawing in
space: Lines, Points and Polygons, Coordinate transformations: understanding transformations,
matrix munching projections, matrix manipulation color lighting and materials, Texture

CSE 802 Sessional based on CSE 801

CSE 809 Neural Networks & Fuzzy Systems

Introduction Human Brain Mechanism, Neural Machine Intelligence. Neural Dynamics:

Activation and Signals, Activation Models, Synaptic Dynamics: Learning Strategies, Single and
Multilayer Perception, Kohonen’s SOM, Hopfield Network, Associative Memory, Vector
Quantization, Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART), Boltzman Machine. Equilibrium of Learning
System. Concept of Neuro-Fuzzy and Neuro-GA Network.
Fuzziness Vs. Probability, Fuzzy Associative Memory, Comparison of Fuzzy and Neural
Backerupper Control Systems, Fuzzy Image Transform Coding, Comparison of Fuzzy and
Filter, Target Tracking Control Systems. Genetic Algorithm: Basic Concepts, Offspring,
Encoding, Reproduction, Crossover, Mutation Operator, Application of GA.

CSE 810 Sessional based on CSE 809

CSE 820 Seminar

Student will work in groups or individually to prepare review papers on topics assigned by the
teachers and will present before audience.

CSE 821 Network Planning

Introduction to Networks, Network components, theoretical network, real world networks,

designing the LAN, configuring the network server and client.

Network administration, remote access, expanding the network, wide area network
troubleshooting, major protocol suites, internet and intranets, Internet programming.

CSE 823 Advanced Computer Architecture

Pipe lined processor design, Cache memory, Memory system design, concurrent processor.
Vector processors and multi-processors, Array processors.

Parallelism in multi-processors and Multi-computers, computer-intensive processors and Multi-

computers, Automatic vectorization, Hypercube systems and key application, Data flow

CSE 825 Robotics and Computer Vision

Robotics manipulation direct kinematics : The arm equation, inverse Kinematics : Solving the
arm equation, work space analysis and trajectory planning differential motion and static
manipulator dynamics, robot control, task planning.

Relationship between image and world structure, image representation segmentation pattern
perspective transformation camera calibration, shape analysis, object recognition and picture

CSE 827 Network Security

The OSI security architecture, A model for network security, classical encryption techniques.
Block ciphers and the Data Encryption Standard (DES). Triple DES, placement of encryption
standard. Traffic confidentiality. Key distribution. Introduction to number theory. Principles of
public key crypto system. The RSA Algorithm. Key management, Diffle-Hellman key
Message Authentication and hash functions, Message Digest Algorithm, Secure Hash
Algorithm, HMAC, Authentication protocols, Digital signature standard. E-mail security, IP
security, web security, Fire-wall design principles. Trusted systems.

CSE 829 Decision Support System

Introduction to Decision support system (DSS), Decision making models, Under-layer

framework for DSS, Hardware and Software for DSS, Use of decision tools.

Developments of DSS, issues of model management and interface design, DSS applications:
Executive information system (EIS), Computer mediated communication within an organization
and special aspects.

CSE 831 Knowledge Engineering

Knowledge engineering basic knowledge representations and utilization : Production systems

(PS), semantic networks. frames, logic, object-oriented paradigm, logic programming,
probability theory, dempster-shafer theory, Fuzzy set theory.
Application : Diagnosis, Knowledge acquisition and machine learning: Problems of and
Application to knowledge acquisition, knowledge acquisition support systems, Machine learning
meta-reasoning and meta-knowledge, knowledge system development environment al
languages, shells.

CSE 833 Digital Image Processing

Introduction, Digital image fundamentals, image transforms, image enhancement image

restoration, image compression.
Image segmentation, Representation and Description, Recognition and interpretation

CSE 835 Parallel and Distributed Processing

Parallel Processing: Parallel processing and its Importance, Architectures for parallel
processing-Classifications, comparative study of different architectures, PRAM models, parallel
memory organizations, Multiprocessor Operating Systems, Hardware issues in parallel
processing, Multiprocessing controls and Algorithms, Parallel programming models, Parallel
languages and compilers.

Distributed Processing: Introduction: Communication Architecture and Protocols, Inter process

communication, Remote Procedure Calls, Group Communication, Time and Coordination,
Distributed Shared Memory, Distributed Operation Systems, Distributed File Services,
Distributed Transactions, Design of Distributed Data, Distributed Database and Network
Management, Distributed Objects.

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