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All About Scorpio

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Article 0 - The Five Scorpio Archetypes.

- Moved to beginning for relevance - Courtesy of: The Realm of Scorpios -

The Libra-Scorpio Cusp - (Oct. 19 - 25)

Scorpio I - (Oct. 26 - Nov. 2)
Scorpio II - (Nov. 3 - Nov 11)
Scorpio III - (Nov. 12 - 18)
The Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp - (Nov.19 - 24)

The Libra - Scorpio Cusp - (Oct. 19 - 25)

The Libra-Scorpio (L-S) cusp is an overlapping and admixture of the seventh sign of
the zodiac (Libra) and the eighth sign of the zodiac (Scorpio). The L-S cusp is a period
that can be characterized by themes of drama and criticism. A heightened sense of the
drama of life, both in philosophical and personal sense, leads to an increased awareness of
the dynamics of one's own existence, both past and present; a highly critical attitude
emerges which cuts away careless generalizations and sloppy thinking, and aims for the
essence of truth. Such an attitude can lead to profound changes in personal relationships,
how leisure time is spent in general to a re-evaluation of one's place in the world.

Days, which comprise the L-S cusp exemplify various aspects of Drama and Criticism,
where the airy, social, theatrical Libra nature confronts the more serious, deeply feeling,
and critical nature of Scorpio.
The dramatic "Scorplibran" is one of the most critical individuals of the whole year.
Those bored in this period can perfectly embody the spirit of their age but also comment
on it. No matter what walk of life they inhabit, their facile minds and often sharp tongues
will mark them as individuals to be reckoned with. Most often, if asked their opinion they
give it straight out, holding nothing back. Therefore those born on this cusp may be
sought out for honest evaluations, but equally well feared and even avoided for their
piercing frankness.

Every cusp personality comprises conflicting elements, being influenced by two very
different adjacent signs. In the case of this particular cusp, the highly developed social
awareness of Libra can be well integrated with the powerfully controlling detachment of
Scorpio. However, conflicts may also arise between intellectual and emotional energies,
which may be extremely difficult to bring into balance. Primarily thought-feeling types
can mistrust intuitive impulses.

On the other hand, those born on the L-S cusp also have a wild side, and can at a
moment's notice drop their objective stance in favour of risk and adventure.
Furthermore, once they are committed to a situation they will usually refuse to stop until
the denouement is complete (no matter how painful it may be). Because of their total
involvement, and also their charm and attractiveness, those born in this period may
indeed be difficult to unseat from a position of authority or for that matter from a place in
a lover's heart.


Scorpio I - (Oct. 26 - Nov. 2)

The Scorpio I period takes intensity as its central image. The days that comprise
Scorpio I illustrate the underlying theme of intensity, and the accompanying capacity to
guide, formulate and finally transform unpolished materials into highly viable and
valuable entities.
Scorpio I people are very intense. Once they get their teeth into something they do not
easily let go. Nor do they specialize in compromise. Although they may be referred to as
"sunny" Scorpios (not as emotionally drunk as others of this sign), Those born in this
period are nonetheless attracted to tragedy and know what it is to suffer.

Scorpio I's usually have an immediate feeling for whether someone is likely to be a
friend or a foe, a general sense of discrimination that stands them in good stead. They can
be quite combative toward their opponents, giving no quarter in an argument or dispute.
Yet most of their aggression is unleashed from a defensive posture, and they are smart
enough to walk away from confrontations that are senseless or place them at serious
disadvantage. By the same token these warriors (men and women) rarely waste their
energies on lesser opponents.

Using their charm with great effect is characteristic of Scorpio I's. They have an
excellent sense of humour, but can sometimes employ it devastatingly at another person's
expense. Indeed, those born in Scorpio I make terrible teasers and if they decide they
want to get under a victim's skin, can be at once unmerciful and unrelenting.

Scorpio I's usually have a strict code, (hopefully moral rather than immoral), to which
they adhere. They are interested in motives, often deeming it more important to know
why something was done rather than judging an endeavor or action by its outcome alone.
Thus a false move will be forgiven by a Scorpio I more readily than an impure motive.
Scorpio I's scorn petty or underhanded actions and despise success achieved through
deceit. Furthermore they show little interest in apologies and excuses, unless truly sincere
and not overly frequent. Where work is concerned, those born in this period tend to be
unimpressed by quantity alone, focusing on the quality of services and products. In like
manner, they themselves are capable of working very slowly for long periods of time on
order to achieve their ends. From a position of authority or for that matter from a place in
a lover's heart.


Scorpio II - (Nov. 3 - Nov. 11)

The Scorpio II personality takes depth as its central image. The days which comprise
Scorpio II, symbolically reveal the more serious side of human life, and the ability to go
beyond ordinary experience of the internal and external world. As when oil is struck and
a geyser explodes, tremendous energies can be released from the layers of the
unconscious. Such energies must of course be well directed or destruction could easily
result. Ideally, powerful new insights may result at this time.

Scorpio II people are powerful individuals who are in touch with the dark side of life.
Generally Scorpio II's are not in a big hurry. They generally feel that time is on their side
and thus are able to wait. Metamorphic change can be affected in themselves and their
lives over many years - slowly and unseen. However, those born in Scorpio II must be
careful that waiting for the right moment does not itself become the principle activity, a
kind of procrastination. The danger here is that such static behavior will lead to brooding,
and brooding to depression. During such periods Scorpio II's must beware that their dark
side does not come to dominate their outlook.

It could be said that Scorpio II's have a big advantage in that they are in touch with
deep areas of their personalities that others may only sense occasionally, if at all. Whether
a Scorpio II makes something out of this understanding remains to be seen. Part of the
problem is that although in touch with their deeper thoughts, imaginings and emotions,
some Scorpio II's never come to terms with their own profundity. That is, they are
confused as to how their deeper understanding of life fits in with ordinary life, making a
living, and so on. Furthermore, dredging up such material from the unconscious can be
dangerous business and threaten to push more unstable personalities over the edge. For
Scorpio II's to find a healthy balance, a give and take with their Plutonic self is a
tremendous challenge, but one that can yield valuable results.

Scorpio II's respond instinctively to the heavier aspects of the human condition. Not
only do they tend to sleep more deeply than most people, but also feel more deeply as well.
Indeed, some born in Scorpio II can become slaves to the pleasures of the table and the
bed, and must be careful that such activities do not come to dominate their lives. For
Scorpio II's, words often just get in the way. Many born in this period can effectively
express admiration and affection, or on the other hand disapproval and discontent
without needing to speak at all.


Scorpio III - (Nov. 12 - 18)

The Scorpio III period takes charm as its central image. The days which comprise
Scorpio III symbolize reveal the attractive powers of the middle aged adult, and the
ability to forward aims (but also gain satisfaction) through investigation, observation,
seductive charm, and a judicious use of leadership skills. Expressive emotions may be
directed constructively as a powerful tool for inspiring others but should not be exercised
as a controlling mechanism. Instead, by gaining the trust of co-workers, employees or
clients, an emotional bond can be formed which promotes success for all concerned.
Scorpio III people tend to be highly magnetic, sensual and charming. Thus the
responsibility of those born in this period toward their fellow human beings is very great,
thought they do not always realize this fact. Should their ethical orientation be less than
admirable, they are likely to selfishly use others to further their own ends and perhaps do
great damage. Thus, clarifying a healthy working philosophy or moral stance which
asserts human values and respects the wishes of others is an essential task for Scorpio III's
from the outset.

Many born in this period seek to be the boss or leader whether at work or at home. In
most respects, they are well qualified for such positions of responsibility. Usually Scorpio
III bosses are in touch with the emotional needs of those they command, and although
they may be highly demanding, they can usually impose rules and delegate responsibilities
in an objective fashion which can be easily accepted.

Scorpio III's have a highly developed sensuality which not only tends to attract others
but also leads them to seek out a variety of physically satisfying experiences. Spoiling
themselves can become a way of life for those born in the Scorpio III period - particularly
satisfying for them are the pleasures of vocations and travel, where the experiencing of
newfound joys can figure prominently.

The inner stability of Scorpio III's is usually so great that it seems it would take an
earthquake to knock them off balance. Part of the reason for this is self-control, another
part a realistic assessment of their capabilities which keeps them from venturing beyond
their limitations. On the other hand, Scorpio III's may have to remind themselves from
time to time to take more chances, to truly dare to fail and thus able to reach new heights.

Perhaps the people who have the strongest influence on Scorpio III's are those who
are less under their sway, less bowled over by their charm or magnetic qualities. Indeed,
Scorpio III's need at least one good friend who can furnish honest, objective advice and


The Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp (Nov.19 - 24)

The Scorpio-Sagittarius (S-S) cusp is an overlapping and admixture of the eighth sign
of the zodiac, Scorpio, and the ninth sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius. The days which
comprise the S-S cusp reveal the active social reorganization and attendant conflict that
may emerge. The combined energies of the emotionally deep, serious and secretive
Scorpio and the intuitive, outwardly-directed, freedom-loving Sagittarius reflect the need
to first understand oneself and then to act to institute changes.

The S-S personality is characterized by rebelliousness against authority. Strangely

enough, those born on this cusp who eventually find themselves in positions of authority
are often able to wield power skillfully. However, generally speaking, "Scorsagians" do
best in self-employed pursuits. Even those who work in larger companies or
organizations, or take part in group endeavors, function most effectively when they are
allowed a high degree of autonomy.

Every cusp personality comprises conflicting elements, being influenced by 2 very

different signs. Scorpio (water) and Sagittarius (fire) energies can clash, producing
internal disturbances. Feeling-Intuitive types, "Scorsagians" may lack the stability of
earth and the mental orientation of air, qualities needed to keep them on an even keel.

Many born on the S-S cusp are prone to wildness, particularly in their youth when
they are perhaps painfully aware of being unlike other people. Therefore, they may not
even bother to prepare themselves for a more conventional life. On the other hand, those
who are forced by difficult experiences to take stock of themselves in their youth may
actually gain a rare sense of directness and purpose.


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Article 1 - Intro by Carol Richter.

'The stars guide your path but should not rule your life." - The person who said this
was quite an authority on the subject. It was Caroll Righter, the most famous astrologer of
or time. In this quotation, Carroll wanted to stop people's blind belief in horoscopes and
star signs. She believes that it always depends on how you interpret your horoscope and
that it is quite easy for someone to completely misunderstand their star sign and believe
that it is made up of a pack of lies. It is quite possible to meet Gemini's who are punctual
and reliable, who meet every deadline and don't change their mind from one day to the

And there are Scorpio's who are anything but punctual and reliable, as you would
expect them to be. Some Scorpio's are careless and unreliable and never in any way live
up to their supposed reputation as wild, passionate lovers. In such cases, you should find
out about the ascendants. A person's ascendant is just important as their actual star sign.
A Scorpio, with an ascendant in Virgo, can be quite unbearable when his innate Scorpio
pedantry is combined with the Virgo obsession with order and cleanliness. If you are not
particularly keen on these personal qualities, (or faults if you prefer), you should steer
well clear of a Virgo-Scorpio.

Therefore, it is always advisable, before hopping into bed or living with someone, to
ask not only their date of birth, but also their time of birth, which will then give you their
ascendant. However, you should never take it too seriously. Instead, remember Carrol
Righter's advice: 'The stars guide your path but should not rule your life."
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Article 2 - General.

Scorpio (astrology), the eighth sign of the zodiac, symbolized by a scorpion. According
to astrologers, people whose birthdays fall between October 23 and November 21 are born
under the sun sign of Scorpio. The planet Pluto rules Scorpio, which is a water sign.

According to astrologers, Scorpio's characteristically maintain a high level of physical

and emotional strength, but also exhibit traits of jealousy and secrecy. Astrologers point to
the deep, penetrating nature of a Scorpio's personality and correlate it with water, the
elemental force associated with Scorpio.

Astrologers consider Scorpio's to be energetic, passionate, deep, intuitive, and

secretive, with a great deal of self-control. They also believe that Scorpio's can be willful,
stubborn, and easily made jealous. Scorpio's are thought to be keen observers of people,
and potentially calculating and manipulative. Seeing more of people's deepest motivations
than others do, they have a tendency to be cynical. They are sensitive and never forget a
hurt or a slight. For the typical Scorpio, forgiveness can be difficult.

Astrologers consider Scorpio perhaps the most extreme of all signs. The intensity and
focus of Scorpio's gives them great ability to see a project through despite all obstacles.
Their strong leadership qualities, incisive analytic abilities, energy, and desire for
financial security can make them motivated career people. Many Scorpions also like to
flirt with danger and push themselves and those close to them to their limits. Professions
traditionally associated with Scorpio include forensics, law enforcement or detective
work, the military, medicine, psychology, big business, inspectors, governors and

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Article 3 - General.

Scorpios have evolutionary minds. They are the mothers of invention. Coupled with
truly remarkable force of will, they dominate the fields of science, technology and

They tend to focus on the task and so are often mistakenly perceived as rude and
unsympathetic. Scorpio's have an infamous temper; there is no fury like that of a Scorpio.
Their greatest asset is their willpower, which enables them to accomplish beyond their

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Article 4 - The Scorpio Personality.

Scorpio personality: The Scorpio is an eternally intriguing creature who, like the
sphinx, seems to know and guard the riddle of life and death. They either fascinate or
frighten all of the opposite sex they meet. They are magnetic, lusty and endowed with
mysterious powers. They can move heaven or hell with a single look. Nobody could ask for
more than they offer.

To understand the Scorpio, you must be aware of their need for both privacy and
power. They want to make an impact on the world, but also demand secrecy. Their major
conflict comes when they realize that leadership comes at the price of their privacy.

A key word for the Scorpio is use. They certainly use their talents and resources to the
best possible effect. However, they also use other people for their own ends and if anyone
crosses them, they can be very vengeful. They can be stubborn, as well. Often they dig in
their heels to prove they are right, although deep down, they know when they are wrong.
They choose their commitments carefully, especially to people. They select a small circle of
friends who stay theirs for life.

Scorpio's are fascinating, but not always easy or likeable. They can be insensitive to
people they consider less capable than themselves. They go straight for the jugular and
heaven help those who cross their path at a bad time. With no great need for approval, the
Scorpio feels completely free to do their own thing. An important clue to understanding
them is to realize they trust no one, not even themselves. And because they mistrust, they
become fanatically self-protective and secretive about their feelings.

It would be a mistake to think they are indifferent deep down. For their embers, rarely
cool. It is much safer to assume they are biding their time until the right moment comes to
enter the game and rig the dice in their favor.

Scorpio has two sexual faces. Sometimes they are a fantastic, demanding lover. In
addition, at other times they appear asexual. They can drive their mate wild with desire
for they intuitively know the art of lovemaking. When they go through times of complete
sexual withdrawal, it may be because they feel guilty about some earlier promiscuity.

They can be a lonely and misunderstood. For in some ways, they are ahead of their
time. They are usually out of step with their neighbors, family and friends. It may be their
pride that stops them reaching out and asking for sympathy, or perhaps they simply feel
mean and nasty and prefer to keep their secrets to themselves.

When they are in love, the Scorpio can be a very sexy lover indeed, organizing life to
suit their mate. But they should be aware that this might be just a phase. For you can
never discount the Scorpio's motives. They may want to be nice of their own free will, but
their mate will have to pay for it later.
Just about their strongest emotion is jealousy. They feel free to have as many affairs as
they like, all at the same time. But will not tolerate that behavior in their mate. Anyone
who wants to keep the Scorpio must be prepared to put up with their odd ways and
practice dodging those flying ashtrays.

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Article 5 - General.

The kingdom of the Scorpio is the kingdom of power! People born under this sign are
masterful and they like to dominate others.

Scorpio's have a good business sense. They love making money; they are ambitious
and usually highly successful. They prefer to work for themselves, so that they are in a
position to use their own good ideas and creative talents to the full. They always work too
hard and often become nervy and irritable. But they have boundless energy and let
nothing and no one stand in their way once they have decided a course of action. They are
never bored, they don't have the time.

They are nearly always psychic. They make excellent doctors because they can
diagnose quickly and accurately. They are interested in religion and the afterlife.
Scorpio's are moody, however, and can be very difficult to live with. Their own
competence makes them suspicious of others and they do not trust people readily.

Their worst fault is jealousy. If they feel attacked in any way, they strike. But their
temper seldom lasts long. Scorpio's never mince their words. If they do not like something
about you, something you do, or if they object to one of your friends, they can be brutally
blunt! Not everyone can cope with this. Scorpios need a partner determined resolute and
self confident enough not to be dominated by their strong personality.

Scorpios will protect their own. Romance plays a big part in their relationships, they
are expressive and demonstrative of their affections and expect their partner to be
reassuring, loving and as good at entertaining as they are.

Scorpio parents are very kind, generous and loving, but inclined to be possessive and
bossy. They always want to know where their children are going and whom they are with.
They generally teach their children to be excellent hosts or hostesses. Scorpios generally
like to make a lot of money to spend on the family and on keeping the home nice.

Scorpios are very hot-blooded, passionate and willing to do anything to satisfy a loved
one. They are fiercely determined to possess those they desire. They can overplay their
hands, however and be over possessive and even cruel and violent, both physically and
verbally, when annoyed.
Scorpios are hard working and ambitious both for themselves and their employers and
cannot bear having nothing to do. They are very good at making money, but not always
good at keeping it. Sometimes they are too generous and long suffering with others who

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Article 6 - The Scorpio Male Sexuality. (Penthouse magazine!)

Scorpio Sexuality: (Male - Penthouse magazine!); you are the sexiest sign in the
zodiac! You learnt about sex very early, and very eagerly, in your life. You have a virtually
insatiable sexual appetite, and you seldom have much difficulty finding women, for your
effortless sexual magnetism and compelling bodily attraction draws them naturally to
you. A complete contrast to the refined and classically good-looking Libran (The sign next
to yours), your rugged rough diamond features, dressed in an attractively careless and
informal way, have an irresistible allure.

Sex in its many variations is a way of life for the Scorpio Man. You are not naturally
attracted to any one particular perversion or deviant sexual practice, you are attracted to
them all! Your never-ending quest for the ultimate in sexual sensation will lead you to
experiment with the most way-out and bizarre deviations ever conceived. But if there is
one aberration that will hold its attraction for you, it is bondage. The Scorpio has a power
complex and relishes wielding power in all areas of his life. Since sex is the most important
area of his life, The lust for power is especially highly developed here.

You are also the most jealous guy in the Zodiac, and can harbor grudges for a lifetime.
It often happens that, being particularly vulnerable emotionally, the Scorpio Man is badly
hurt by a girl early on in his life.

You have an intuitive sense of how to please each and every bedmate you come across.
There is no detail of a woman's body you will not know intimately after a night with her.
You use every part of both your bodies to evoke the most erotic sensations of unashamed
sensuality. In a sexual encounter with you, she can discover erogenous zones she never
knew existed. You can become quite addictive in many a woman's life. You are certainly
not a lover that women find very easy to forget.

The Scorpio Man may be the sexiest sign of the zodiac, and a night spent with him
would certainly be an unforgettable experience. But he is not to be taken lightly; if you
really want to savor the mind-blowing sensation of a night with him, you should first
understand a bit about him.

The Scorpio Man is a law unto himself. He learns early on to trust nobody, and he
makes his way in life without relying on the help of anyone. He is ambitious, strong-willed,
full of drive, and initiative. But one reason why he is so independent and self-reliant is
that, like the Cancerian, he has a very vulnerable inner being under his hard outer shell.
And because he is the least forgiving man in the zodiac, he prefers never to run the risk of
being hurt. So, keep way clear of any emotional involvement unless you seriously plan to
spend your whole life with him.

If you're a woman and all you want is a good time in bed, well you can certainly have
that here. You can even get to wonder whether too much sex can be harmful to the health!
However it affects you, sex, far from exhausting the Scorpio Man, seems actually to
rejuvenate and invigorate him. It is as though he is feeding off your sexual energy. He may
sleep afterwards, if it's a night session, but his batteries will already have been recharged
and he will be a dynamo of energy the next day. If you are a virgin, stay well clear! The
Scorpio Man would almost certainly be ideal as a first time for you, with his innate sense
of what pleases a woman coupled with his sensitivity. However, you would almost
certainly fall head over heels for him and he might well have seen it all as yet another

The Women most sexually compatible with a Scorpio Man: You are more passionate
than any other sign in the Zodiac. This makes compatibility in sexual relationships much
easier for you than for most, as your sexual passion can be aroused by a wide variety of
women. However, it makes compatibility in emotional relationships more difficult for you
than as the other outlet for your deep reservoir of passion is through jealousy for most.
You may be the most potent sign in sexual relationships, but you are the most jealous,
suspicious and possessive in emotional relationships. Therefore, the woman who gives you
the best time in bed may be totally incompatible emotionally. This naturally applies in
varying degrees to all signs, but Scorpio men in particular should beware of letting
themselves become emotionally involved with a woman just because she is good in bed. A
prime example of this is compatibility with your own sign, for you will probably find sex
with Scorpio woman perfection. Nevertheless, the Scorpio woman is emotionally
unsuitable as a partner. If it is emotional involvement that you want, then the Piscean
woman is probably best, followed by Taurus and Cancer, for all three have sufficient
emotional depth and sense of fidelity to respond fully to your love without arousing your
suspicions. On a purely sexual level, however, the Zodiac is virtually yours to choose

You less than any other sign need compatibility of temperament in a bedmate. Your
inborn awareness of what each different type of woman needs in order to get the most out
of sex, coupled with your personal thirst for variation, leads you to look forward to
bedding the cool, mental Virgo, (a challenge), just as much as the passionate Arian, (A
push-over). Generally speaking, you will probably get least out of sex with the Air Signs of
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, and most out of Pisces, Scorpio, Taurus and Virgo. There is
no fundamental incompatibility with the women of Capricorn and Cancer. But you will
probably enjoy them more for a change than as regular bedmates. You can certainly work
up a lot of heat with the Fire Signs of Leo, Aries and Sagittarius, but again they need to be
enjoyed as part of your "variety assortment," not a staple diet.

The Scorpio has tendency to become reckless, perhaps even arrogant, when their self-
confidence is boosted. Remember, you can have sex with complete emotional detachment,
but a session with you can have a very illuminating and addictive effect on a woman. Do
not let your uniquely powerful sexual instincts submerge totally all sense of responsibility.
Stay away from the young and naive.

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Article 7 - General.

Astrologers consider Scorpios to be energetic, passionate, deep, intuitive, and secretive,

with a great deal of self-control. They also believe that Scorpios can be willful, stubborn,
and easily made jealous. Scorpios are thought to be keen observers of people, and
potentially calculating and manipulative. Seeing more of people's deepest motivations
than others do, they have a tendency to be cynical. They are sensitive and never forget a
hurt or a slight. For the typical Scorpio, forgiveness can be difficult.

Astrologers consider Scorpio perhaps the most extreme of all signs. The intensity and
focus of Scorpios gives them great ability to see a project through despite all obstacles.
Their strong leadership qualities, incisive analytic abilities, energy, and desire for
financial security can make them motivated career people. Many Scorpios also like to flirt
with danger and push themselves and those close to them to their limits. Professions
traditionally associated with Scorpio include forensics, law enforcement or detective
work, the military, medicine, psychology, big business, and recycling.

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Article 8 - General - Sign Aspects. By Kelli Fox, Astrology.Net

Scorpio is the eighth Sign of the Zodiac. After Libra's intellectual exploration of other
people, Scorpio's interest is in discovering other People's emotions and how they respond
to the world around them. Scorpio is the Sign of Sex and Death, the beginning and ending
of things, and they explore these ideas from an emotional standpoint. People born under
this Sign are investigative and probing, often strongly intuitive and penetrating. As the
eighth Sign, Scorpio also rules the eighth House: the House of Sex.

The Astrological Symbol of Scorpio is the Scorpion. Like the mythical Scorpion,
people born under this Sign tend to be strong-willed and wary of being controlled by
others. At times they can be self-destructive, like the Scorpion who kills itself rather than
letting someone else kill it. They are very determined, and once they have made up their
minds, they are unlikely to change them. They tend to be stubborn, refusing to give up
when others have long since got bored and abandoned a project, and getting things done
when no one else thought it possible. In this way, Scorpio exemplifies the Fixed Quality
assigned to it.
They are one of the Power Signs (the others being Taurus, Leo and Aquarius).

Scorpios tend to have their own agenda, and work intensely to achieve their desires.
People who wish to change a Scorpio's mind often have trouble because they can never be
sure what their motivation is; Scorpios are too complex and sometimes secretive to be
understood easily. Within the Zodiac, Scorpio is opposite Taurus, the Sign of Possessions.
While both Signs can be possessive, Taurus is concerned with personal property and
Scorpio tends to be about community resources and group investments. They are very
resourceful and self-confident.

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Article 9 - General - Mars, Pluto, Water, and Phoenix.

The Planets Mars and Pluto rule Scorpio. In ancient Roman mythology, Mars (and his
Greek equivalent, Aries) was the God of War, and ancient astrologers assigned both Aries
and Scorpio to this Planet. Pluto (and his Greek equivalent, Hades) was the God of the
Underworld, and when the Planet Pluto was discovered early in the 20th Century
astrologers assigned Scorpio to this Planet.

Under Mar's influence, Scorpio is the behind-the-scenes tactician while Aries is on the
front lines. Scorpio's modern ruler, Pluto, represents Death and Endings; it is the Sign of
rebirth and regeneration. When the Scorpion loses its tail, it regenerates a new stinger,
and Scorpios can be reborn the same way after they suffer losses. In addition, Pluto is a
strong Planet. It teaches a valuable lesson: while Scorpio has a tendency to be possessive,
Pluto pulls things away.

The Element associated with Scorpio is Water. Water Signs are emotional: they tend to
respond to the world through emotion, rather than physical action, practicality, or
intellect. Scorpio's motto could be "still water runs deep." They may repress their
emotions, but underneath they are lusty and perceptive. At times, though, Scorpio's water
can be stagnant, depending on whether they use their energy in a positive or negative way.
They may be vengeful or vindictive and unable to get past personal slights. Scorpios are
motivated and loyal, but they are often misunderstood and people may see them as
dictatorial or sarcastic. If they have an ulterior motive, they can be overbearing, but in a
subtle, sly, or manipulative way. Scorpios are both mystical and scientific, a combination
that makes them very aware of what is happening around them; they are a Sign of great
depth. If they aren't careful, though, their passionate nature may lead them into self-
indulgence or compulsion.

The myth of the Phoenix is strongly associated with the Sign of Scorpio. The Phoenix is
regenerated from the ashes of its death, and it rises into the sky, reborn. The most highly
evolved Scorpios aspire to be the Phoenix or Eagle, rising above the ordinary world and
into something extraordinary. Suspicion and jealousy can pull them down, but passion
and awareness can help them rise above this.

In their leisure time, Scorpios enjoy competition and challenge. They aren't satisfied
with moving along at half speed or lowering their abilities to allow people with lesser skills
to beat them. They enjoy difficult pursuits that challenge them to excel, and they refuse to
settle for being anything less than the best. In love relationships, Scorpio is caring,
devoted, and possessive.

Scorpio rules the reproductive organs. People born under Scorpio may be more
susceptible to infections and fevers than people of other Signs. Scorpio's colors are
powerful and strident, like Scorpions: black and red.

The great strength of the Scorpio-born is in their determination to see things through
to the end. They refuse to allow boredom to turn them away from projects, and they are
committed to accomplishing what they set out to do. Their passion and strength makes
them one of the most powerful characters of the Zodiac.

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Article 10 - Traditional Scorpio Traits.

Traditional Scorpio Traits.. Determined and forceful, Emotional and intuitive,

Powerful and passionate, Exciting and magnetic.

On the dark side.... Jealous and resentful, Compulsive and obsessive,

Secretive and obstinate.

Scorpions are the most intense, profound, powerful characters in the zodiac. Even
when they appear self-controlled and calm, there is a seething intensity of emotional
energy under the placid exterior. They are like the volcano not far under the surface of a
calm sea it may burst into eruption at any moment. However, those of us who are
particularly perceptive will be aware of the harnessed aggression, the immense
forcefulness, magnetic intensity and often strangely hypnotic personality under the
tranquil but watchful composure of the Scorpion.

In conventional social gatherings, they are pleasant to be with, thoughtful in

conversation, dignified and reserved, yet affable and courteous, and they sometimes
possess penetrating eyes that make their shyer companions feel naked and defenseless
before them. In their everyday behavior they give the appearance of being withdrawn
from the center of activity, yet those who know them will recognize the watchfulness that
is part of their character.

They need great self-discipline, because they are able to recognize the qualities in
themselves that make them different from other humans, and to know that their utterly
conventional natures can be used for great good or great evil.

Their tenacity and willpower are immense, their depth of character and passionate
conviction overwhelming, yet they are deeply sensitive and easily moved by their
emotions. Their sensitivities, together with a propensity for extreme likes and dislikes,
make them easily hurt, quick to detect insult or injury to themselves (often when none is
intended) and easily aroused to ferocious anger. This may express itself in such destructive
speech or action that they make lifelong enemies by their outspokenness, for they find it
difficult not to be excessively critical of anything or anyone to whom they take a dislike.

They can harness their abundant energy constructively, tempering their self-
confidence with shrewdness and their ambition with magnanimity toward others provided
they like them. If they do not, or if their feelings are neutral unusual with them they relate
to fellow workers only as leaders and can be blunt to those they dislike to the point of
cruelty. In fact, they are not above expressing vindictiveness in deliberate cruelty. They
are too demanding, too unforgiving of faults in others, perhaps because they are not
aware of the shortcomings within themselves, and extravagantly express their self-disgust
in unreasonable resentment against their fellows.

They do, however, make excellent friends, provided that their companions do nothing
to impugn the honor of which Scorpions are very jealous. Part of the negative side of the
Scorpion nature is a tendency to discard friends once they cease to be useful, but the
decent native is aware of and fights this tendency. They are fortunate in that their strong
reasoning powers are tempered with imagination and intuition, and these gifts, together
with critical perception and analytical capacity, can enable Scorpions to penetrate to
profundities beyond the average.

They have a better chance of becoming geniuses than the natives of any other sign.
Nevertheless, charismatic "twice-born" characters such as they can sink into the extremes
of depravity if they take the wrong path, and the intensity of their natures exaggerates
their harmful tendencies into vices far greater than the normal.

Rebelliousness against all conventions, political extremism to the point where hatred of
the Establishment makes them utterly unscrupulous terrorists, brooding resentment,
aggressive and sadistic brutality, total arrogance, morbid jealousy, extreme volatility of
temperament these are some of their vices. At the other extreme is the procrastinator, the
man or woman who is capable of so much that they do nothing and become indolent and
self-indulgent, requiring extravagant praise and flattery from those whom they make
their cronies.

Being so gifted can find fulfillment in many employments. Their inner intensity can
result in the ice-cold self-control and detachment of the surgeon, the concentration of the
research scientist and the heroism of the soldier. Any profession in which analysis,
investigation, research, dealing with practicalities and the solving of mysteries are
relevant can appeal to them. Therefore, police and detective work, espionage and
counterespionage, the law, physics or psychology may attract them, and they can become
masters of the written and spoken word. They may be most persuasive orators and find
fulfillment as diplomats or preachers and, if they make the Church their profession, their
inner intensity can express itself in the spiritual fervor of the mystic or the thaumaturgy.

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Article 11 - General - Sexuality.

Scorpio is the symbol of sex and Scorpions are passionate lovers, the most sensually
energetic of all the signs. For them union with the beloved is a sacrament, an "outward
and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace." Their overriding urge in loving is to
use their power to penetrate beyond themselves and to lose themselves sexually in their
partners in an almost mystical ecstasy, thus discovering the meaning of that union which
is greater than individuality and is a marriage of the spirit as well as of flesh. They are
thus capable of the greatest heights of passionate transport, but debauchery and
perversion are always dangers, and Scorpions can become sadistic monsters of sensuality
and eroticism.

Their feelings are so intense that even when their love is of the highest and most
idealistic kind, they are nevertheless frequently protagonists in tragic, even violent
romances, "star-crossed lovers" indeed. Physically they tend to be of average height with
strong, capable, thick set, hirsute bodies, bow legs and a short neck. Their skulls are dome
shaped and their hair is coarse, thick and curly. Their faces are broad, square, with
swarthy complexions, dark eyes, and aquiline noses. They have strong constitutions,
resistant to disease.

Scorpio governs the pelvis and reproductive and urinary systems and its subjects are
said to be prone to ailments of the liver and kidneys, stones and gravel in the bladder or
genitals, and other genital ills such as priapism. Abscesses, boils, carbuncles, fistulas, piles,
ruptures and ulcers may also affect the Scorpion.

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Article 12 - An Analysis By Rob Hand -

(A none stereo typical view - excellent!)

Scorpio - (excerpt taken from Rob Hand's Horoscope Symbols.)

Scorpio is one of the most misunderstood signs in the zodiac, and one of those with the
worst reputation. While it does deal with serious issues, it does not deserve most of the
negative things that have been said about it. In fact, it can be very positive.

As for polarity with the opposite sign, Scorpio seems to have little to do with Taurus.
In a way, Scorpio is more a prefiguration of Pisces. Scorpio is the first encounter with ego
death. It completes the process begun in Libra, where the individual entered into a
dialogue with another person while both individuals remained separate entities. In
Scorpio, the two individuals merge into "the one" on an emotional level, and this is the
first kind of ego death. While the above places Scorpio into the scheme of the signs it is,
however, not the essence of the sign.

The essence is transformation, and it is inherently mystical. This is not the mysticism
of Christianity, which is primarily otherworldly, ascetic, and self-denying. It is a
mysticism that sees the power of transformation at work in ordinary reality. Rather than
deny the physical universe in order to transcend it, Scorpio will immerse itself in
physicality and even drown in it in order to go beyond it.

Scorpio is the first sign to be aware of the heights and depths of the universe. Feeling
the relative nature of all things, it will freely declare there is no difference between good
and evil, and be misunderstood as a result. Scorpio sees living as a series of deaths and
resurrections, and instead of trying to avoid these experiences it will plunge into them
headlong in order to experience the revivification that results.

On an ordinary level, this manifests as Scorpio's fondness for living intensely. Nothing
is to be done superficially. Obviously, Scorpio is a dramatic sign, one that loves emotion
even while it appears pained by its own experiences. It is better for Scorpio to feel bad
than to feel nothing.

Concomitantly, Scorpio loves mysteries. It enjoys digging into the depths of any issue
or person to find out what is going on inside. As a consequence, Scorpio is associated with
investigation, research, and psychotherapy - the last, for two reasons, the probing of the
psyche and the opportunity to assist in an individual's self-transformation.

Whether in criticism or in envy, Scorpio is often called an extremely sexy sign. But if
one is referring to the simple enjoyment of sex, Scorpio is not necessarily sexy. In fact, the
sign is capable of denying itself sex altogether. Yet there is a relationship between Scorpio
and sexuality. It is not the search for pleasure that brings a Scorpio to sex, it is the search
for transcendence. The orgasm offers one of the few experiences of ego death and self-
transcendence that is accessible to the ordinary human being. And it is characteristic of
Scorpio that this is also one of the few experiences where ego death and supreme ego
gratification are experienced at the same time. Scorpio does not feel the need to separate
the two as much as other signs do. To a Scorpio, no matter how attractive and sexy the
partner is in other respects, love that does not contain drama and emotional intensity will
not endure.

Although the above portrait is fundamentally true to the nature of the sign, it is not an
especially accurate portrait of the typical Scorpio. The typical Scorpio often does not
appear especially prepossessing or dramatic. More than most signs, Scorpios have a
tendency to look ordinary, and they can be easily overlooked - that is until a
confrontation. Then it is discovered that running close after Taurus, Scorpio is the second
most fixed sign in the zodiac, and it is the only water sign that will fight. In fact, it will
even enjoy fighting, for fighting is another way for the individual to enjoy a peak
experience. War continues partly because it allows people to live at the height of their
abilities. The Scorpio, especially, enjoys this. Like the other water signs, Scorpio is
sensitive and easily hurt by others, but unlike Cancer and Pisces, Scorpio will fight, often
fiercely, when hurt.

Scorpio's outstanding difficulty with others is the height and depth of its
understanding. Much of the emotion Scorpio feels is extremely primitive and does not
lend itself to verbal communication and intellectual analysis. Also, much of its knowledge
is not easily communicated because it is beyond most people's understanding. When
Scorpios try to communicate what they see, understand, or feel, they are often badly
misunderstood. They then tend to keep silent because the misunderstanding that results
from silence is better than the misunderstanding that comes from failed communication.
Less secure Scorpios may react to the misunderstanding by blaming themselves and
concluding that they are rotten inside. Burdened by a sense of inward decay and
corruption, they do not realize that the "evil" thoughts they harbor are quite often felt, if
a bit less intensely, by others as well. From all this comes Scorpio's reputation for secrecy.

All the above may result in Scorpio seeming self-involved and brooding. Because of the
fixed nature of the sign, neither negative nor positive feelings die away rapidly. This is
why many writers have described Scorpio as a sign that seeks revenge, one that will
harbor long-term grudges. But Scorpio is also slow to anger. If others do not repeat hurts
or add insult upon insult, Scorpio is no more vengeful or grudging than any other sign.

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Article 13 - Famous Scorpions - Scorpio Colors, Gems, etc.

(See also The Famous Scorpio's page for the entire collection!!)

Some Famous Scorpions:

Marie Antoinette (November 2, 1755)

Marie Curie (November 7, 1867)

Martin Luther (November 10, c1483)

Theodore Roosevelt (October 27, 1858)

Charles, Prince of Wales (November 14, 1948)

Some other famous people born under the sign of Scorpio:

Bill Gates, Spiro Agnew, Sarah Bernhardt, Charles Bronson, Richard Burton, Johnny
Carson, Walter Cronkite, Michael Dukakis, Sally Field, Indira Gandhi, Billy Graham,
Goldie Hawn, Katharine Hepburn, Rock Hudson, James Jones, Grace Kelly, Robert
Kennedy, Vivien Leigh, Claude Monet, George Patton, Pablo Picasso, Emily Post, Dan
Rather, Will Rogers, Carl Sagan, Jonas Salk, Lee Strasberg, Billy Sunday, Joan
Sutherland, and Dylan Thomas.

Ruling planet Pluto.

Color - Blood red, Dark red.

Body area Sex organs.

Stones - Ruby, Garnet, Topaz, Turquoise, and Malachite.

Day - Tuesday.

Animals - Wolf, Panther, Eagle, Vulture, (Mythical - Phoenix).

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Article 14 - What Makes a Scorpio Tick? - Male/Female.

Of all signs of the zodiac, Scorpio gets the worst publicity. In truth, Scorpios are
neither sex-mad, vicious nor vengeful. They are deeply sensitive souls who are too
perceptive for their own good. Most folk are prepared to live in a world that's fuzzy round
the edges.

Scorpios need things to be clear-cut. They must know where they stand and who they
stand there with. The sting in the Scorpions tail is only used in self-defense. Their real
weapon is a frank, piercing sense of humor. In our mixed up world, it's often the only way
they can communicate. The Scorpio heart is a live volcano. When it erupts, few can
withstand its force. Their ruling planet is Pluto, although before 1931 (when Pluto was
discovered) Scorpio was considered to be ruled by Mars.

The Scorpio Man:

The Scorpion is determined, shrewd, protective, jealous, and powerful. It is a sign

prone to obsession, and the Scorpio man is not nonchalant about anything, from his
career to his love life. Symbolized by the phoenix rising from the ashes, this bird aptly
Scorpio's incredible ability to regenerate from seemingly disastrous situations. Much
has been written about how sexy and mysterious Scorpio is. To him sex is very important,
and it would be impossible for him to have a happy relationship without great sex. The
Scorpio male is macho, a modern day 007: thrilling, strong, silent and handsome.

Your Challenge:

One of the challenges of being in love with a Scorpio male is to get him to voice his
innermost thoughts and feelings. Sometimes it is impossible know exactly what a Scorpio
is thinking! He can be a temperamental, jealous lover, so watch your step. You will have to
play by his rules or leave him. With this man, there are no shades of Grey.

How To Handle Him:

Still waters run deep, and you will find him fiercely loyal and deeply passionate. This
Pluto ruled-lover would never dream of divulging details of your private life together to
others, and expects the same from you. Woe to the woman who strays from his bed to
another lover, for he will never forgive her. The Scorpion's sting is never used casually,
only when he feels threatened to the core, for its sting kills not only the victim but also the
Scorpion itself. Scorpio will never suffer betrayal.

Things to do, gifts to buy:

If you want to get your Scorpio lover a bit more relaxed and focused on you, try taking
him to a small, cozy restaurant that serves solid manly food like a juicy steak and fries.
Red wine will probably be his choice over champagne. The Scorpio male is no delicate
gourmand. He would love a dark, rich chocolate mouse for dessert, if he likes sweets
(some Scorpios do, some don't). Wear your little black dress or something in burgundy,
his favorite color.

Your Scorpio will want you to be uninhibited. Don't become offended if he suggests
viewing a sex video together. He does not see pornography as degrading to women, but as
research and stimulus for new things to do. Since this sign rules law enforcement, crime
and punishment suggest he play policeman with you. Give him a gift box containing a
blindfold and some handcuffs and you'll be all set. This man likes trying out a little light
S&M playacting too so if you trust him, be co-operative if wants to put his naughty girl
over his knee for a little spanking. This intense sign will insist on being the one in control,
but surrendering to a Scorpio can be divine rapture.

The Scorpio Woman:

The Scorpio woman has great charm, allure, and inner strength, and is able to
overcome most any obstacle in life. She comes across as self-confident and self-possessed
and men are drawn to her for that reason. There is a mysterious quality about the Scorpio
woman, because she is intensely private, discrete and secretive. Soon she will learn
everything about you, but later you will realize that she hasn't given you many details
about herself - that's Scorpio's natural reticence.

Finally, the operative word to best understand your Scorpio lover is "passion." One
Scorpio once said to me that passion was the single most important ingredient in life, that
is, to be passionate about one's loved ones, one's career, one's lifestyle, for without passion,
what kind of life would we have in the end? Well said!

Your Challenge:

Your Scorpio beauty is attracted to power, so if you have it, you are ahead of the game.
Your other challenge will be that this lady has a mind of her own, so if you think you can
tame her, forget it.

How To Handle Her:

Her highly intuitive nature makes her a mind reader extraordinaire, so don't try to
hide anything from her. If you are trying to impress her with power you don't have, her
Pluto-ruled nature will sense it like a homing device. (Certainly you don't want to activate
her seek and destroy mechanism.) In love and friendship, she is true-blue loyal and will
expect the same from you. If you show her the slightest reason to distrust you, however,
she will never forgive you. On the other hand, treat her well and she will reward you for
the rest of your life. Home and family are regarded as sacred, and Scorpio will defend and
support her man to the ends of the earth. Like Leo women, Scorpio women are into
control, and with her magnetic, femme fatale powers, she will soon have the upper hand.
After all, who could resist her famous Scorpion gaze, those memorable bedroom eyes?

Things To Do, Gifts To Buy:

If you take your Scorpio beloved out for dinner, make it a private little dark
rendezvous, overlooking water if possible or better yet, as a guest on a private yacht
(preferably yours). The Scorpion woman will always be understated with her powerful
sexuality, she doesn't need to flaunt it, it exudes naturally. In her dress, she is very careful
about her accessories, buying only the finest shoes and handbags, and if she needs one, an
elegant leather brief case. She knows these accessories punctuate her entire look and
impart a feeling of true elegance. Get her quality things made out of leather (down, boy,
not those things). If treating her to perfume, get her a modern oriental or something of
musk and subtly sexual.

While the Scorpio woman is always a lady in public, she loves being her man's fantasy
woman in the bedroom. Buy her some new lingerie in of her most flattering tones:
maroon, eggplant or a black. Elegant French and Italian imported lingerie will impress
her so buy her a demi-cup push up bra, tiny, sheer G-string bikini and elegant garter belt,
complete with a pair of black seamed stockings. She may also be amused and aroused by a
lavishly illustrated photography book by Helmut Newton or Doris Kloster (see the Time
Warner Electronic Publishing section of Pathfinder and look for ArtsLink to see Doris'
work). If you get lucky, she may want to experiment a little by lap dancing for you and
you alone.

This sign rules detective work, so plan a mystery for her. She has a rich imagination
and this should work whether you've known her a month or a decade. Tell her to meet you
in the most elegant hotel bar in town. When you spot her, stand at the other end of the bar
and have the waiter send over a glass of champagne and a note from you. By now the
suggestive nature of your behavior will have the staff murmuring and staring and it will
begin to turn her on tremendously. After the second or third drink, send her the key to
your room in a small envelope. (Book their best suite ahead of time and stock it with roses
and.) When she's pocketed the key, have her meet you by the elevator. Ride up alone,
pushing her against the back wall of the elevator and tell her in great detail what you have
planned. Show her the silk ribbons you've tucked into your breast pocket. Scorpio is
intrigued by bondage. Although she will try her hardest not to show it, she will be aching
for you to begin. She won't forget this mystery, and neither will you!

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Article 15 - The Scorpio Female. (Seems True For Males Too).

(More) Scorpio female (Although it's equally true for most males) - (Added 13/6/97)

Scorpio is often the most misunderstood sign of the zodiac. Since their sign is the sex
sign people often mistake Scorpio's passion for sexual passion. Since it is said Scorpio is
intense and honest, people often shy away from them because they are afraid they will be
burned. Even if the Scorpio you happen to meet is a master of hiding her personality, look
into her eyes and if you feel like she's reading your soul you can be pretty sure she's a

Another clue is that she is a self-assured person. Scorpions know who they are and
what they are and they can't be persuaded that the way they are isn't the right way.
Because they are so self-assured Scorpions will give you unfailingly honest answers. If you
want the naked truth ask your Scorpio friend. The answer may hurt but you know that
you've been told the way it is.

Don't think because of this that Scorpios are full of bad news and criticism. If they
think you're good at something they'll be just as quick to tell you that. When you've made
a friend with a Scorpio you've made one for life, unless you cross her down the road that
is. She'll pay back every kindness you give her and if you watch carefully you'll catch her
doing the same for other people she thinks deserving.

But be careful, a Scorpio never forgets a wrongdoing. If they live up to the potential of
their sign, they just write the person out of their life, but many Scorpios hold a grudge
that can last a lifetime and will reciprocate any wrongdoing with double action. Though
some Scorpio women don't look quite like this, you can bet that they will have some
intriguing qualities. If she doesn't catch you with her eyes or her passionate manner, you
are probably attracted to her will or charisma. Whatever a man could want, the Scorpion
woman has got it, unless of course you want the average. The "average" Scorpio woman
is far from average.

If you can't handle this don't even bother to get involved with a Scorpio woman. She
will burn you and you'll be hurting for a long time afterwards. She has to win, and doubly
so when she feels she has been wronged.

She won't choose her friends or lovers lightly; they have to measure up to her high
standards. Once you are assured of her love don't worry that it will stray. As long as you
are faithful and keep her happy a Scorpio will almost never betray you for physical
promiscuity, so don't bother to get jealous; she will most likely shrug your protestations
off as silly. On the other hand, don't even give her the suspicion that you are unfaithful to

Scorpio women are hard to live with for most. They expect you to see them exactly as
they see the world and most of us just don't do that. But don't despair, if you and a
Scorpio hook up for life, you will have a wonderful adventure and the kind of love and
devotion that many can only dream about.

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Article 16 - Advice On The Scorpio.

How to Identify a Scorpio: Don't even bother trying to identify a Scorpio. If a

Scorpion is attracted to you, they will search you out. Your first hint will be the pair of
hypnotic eyes that scrutinize you from head to toe. The Scorpio will then decide whether
you will be accepted or rejected. Flirting is useless with a Scorpio. Scorpion's want and
demand loyalty, devotion and true passion.

How to Talk to a Scorpio: Be totally up front and honest when you meet a Scorpio, as
they loathe deception. Treat them with the respect that is deserved and expected by a
Scorpio and you will have a devoted friend and lover for life. In later years, when you tell
the story of your relationship, you may think that you were instrumental in finding such a
catch but truth be known, it was you who was caught by the Scorpio.

Famous Scorpio Personalities: Grace Kelly, Boris Becker, Tatum O'Neal, Winona
Ryder, Roseanne and Demi Moore.

In health matters, Scorpio's are known for tremendous endurance and great powers of
recovery. They take great pride in the amount of time they can go without sleep. When
they do become ill, no patient is more trying or more bothersome than a Scorpio. They
continually question and argue doctor's orders for they put no faith in anyone over
themselves. Scorpio rules the genital area and infections in this area are usually above
average. They are also prone to bladder trouble.

What Makes You Happy: Give Scorpio a mystery to be solved, gossip to share, or
praise for sexual prowess to make them smile. They enjoy the respect of loved ones and
appreciate people who will listen to their opinions and applaud their successes. Scorpio's
love planning surprise parties, sitting around a fire at Christmas with the family and
trying exotic foods.

Affirmation: Each day I am more patient and trusting with others.

Meditation: The greatest battles are fought within ones self.

Advice: Change is not always good or desired by others. Do not act hastily, find the
right time. Listen carefully to the wishes of others. Learn to give up in order to get.

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Article 17 - Brief Qualities And Aspects.

Quality - Fixed - Fixed signs are stubborn, determined, tenacious, strong-willed,

intense, reliable and unmoving. Your tendency is to hold on to what you have and resist

Element - Water - Can be sensitive, kind, protective, artistic, caring, sacrificial,

supportive, intuitive or grasping, over emotional, controlling, addictive, lacking in
standards or morals, untidy, dreamy, destructive.

Ruler - Pluto - Ruler of the underworld. Pluto reveals that which has been hidden as
well as atomic power, birth and death, and group processes.

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Article 18 - Sees Beneath The Scorpio Stereotype image.

Scorpio is involved in a dynamic, which calls upon the most elemental forces in nature.
A sign of great intensity, Scorpio sees into the depths of life's processes, for better or
worse. In this stage of the zodiacal cycle, life must recreate itself. Out of the powerful
interpenetration of darkness and light, new life will triumphantly emerge.

The realm of procreation involves humans with fathomless instinctual forces which
can be chaotic, uncivilized. And yet thus the species ensures its continuance, and
individuals gain wisdom and insight. After the social niceties of Libra, we come to the
naked psychological encounters of Scorpio, abandoning our polite personas and becoming
inextricably intertwined with others. We allow their power to penetrate us. Scorpio's ruler
is Pluto, and under his influence we come to understand Persephone, drawn into the
underworld where elemental forces preside, and all the rules are different.

Scorpio is a deeply self-contained sign, with a calm exterior, a penetrating gaze, and a
cool yet compassionate manner. The inner workings of Scorpio are liable to remain secret
until they are ready to reveal them to you. Eventually, however, Scorpio needs to probe
the depths of their own and others' psychological processes with those they trust. They
may draw you into a discussion of your deepest, darkest secrets before you know it, for
Scorpio is not shocked by human nature, and they are forever studying its manifestations.
Scorpio has a false reputation for being sexually excessive. While they need to experience
surrender and transcendence, unless they are power-hungry they are no philanderers. For
like the other water signs, Scorpio is vulnerable, within their tough psychological armor.

Scorpio is involved with power in a fashion similar to Taurus. Yet where Taurus works
through the material plane, Scorpio sees beyond appearances and encounters their fears
and power issues directly. Very elemental energies are at work in Scorpio, and they are
almost driven to discover the full extent of them at certain times in their life. They may
find self-destructive, manipulative, or egotistical tendencies in themselves (or others,
whom they examine with their X-ray vision). Scorpio seems to face a choice: They either
become a Faustian character, exchanging their soul for an amoral power trip, or they gain
true wisdom, and soars calmly in the heights, having mastered themselves.

Death and rebirth, degeneration and regeneration - these are the themes that Scorpio
will encounter. Scorpio ideally learns how to regenerate and purify themselves, and may
have to recreate their life or selves several times over in the process. Scorpios are adept
healers and counselors once they have confronted their own depths, and possess a great
capacity to help and advise others. Though they may occasionally be gloomy, it is
inspiring to see Scorpio perform their inner alchemy, and bring themselves, time and
again from the darkness into the light.

Sometimes-paradoxical questions, which will be important to Scorpio's long-term

development, are:

"How can I acknowledge the extent of my powers without being controlled by them
or controlling others?"

"How can I overcome my emotional or psychological darkness in order to bring light

to the world?"

"How can I align myself with the forces of "coming to be and passing away?"

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Article 19 - Sandra Fidler - General, Love, Work, and Health.

More about Scorpio: General

Symbols: The Scorpion, Eagle, Serpent, Phoenix, Dove.

Birthstones: Topaz, Opal.
Lucky Numbers: 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53.
Colors: Red, Crimson, Maroon.
Compatible signs: Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo.

Dates: Oct. 24 - Nov. 21.

According to the ancients, there are many variations of Homo Scorpius. This is
testimonial to your well-recognized complexity. The scorpion symbolizes a hotheaded
warrior who is violently passionate, bluntly sarcastic, egotistical, controlling and
manipulative. The soaring eagle symbolizes the calm but intense, focused, determined,
intuitive and perceptive Scorpio who often develops healing, clairvoyant, and counseling
abilities. The sacred serpent, an Egyptian emblem of cosmic wisdom, was grounded in
earthly reality, but penetrated the higher levels of consciousness. The serpent periodically
sheds outworn habits, beliefs, and illusions to facilitate growth through rebirth. The
phoenix is the confident, courageous, positive transformer that transcends the personal
ego. The sympathetic, generous dove, a natural healer, is infused with love, which it
transmits to others.Your keyword is TRANSFORMATION.

You will likely experience all the traits of your sign's varied symbols to some extent
through the psychological death and regeneration process. Contrasts and extremes of
virtue and vice are imbedded in every Scorpio, waiting for employment or transcendence.
It can be a difficult journey or a blissful one depending on your choices. There's no
middle-of-the-road playing around with you. Your feelings are very strong and unyielding,
and you can be extremely sensitive and willful. It would be good for you to work at being

More about Scorpio: Love.

You are secretive and don't establish bonds until you're sure of others'
trustworthiness. Then, you loosen up and reveal your keen insight and fine sense of
humor. You approach love emotionally and dream of fairy tale romance. You want to be
with someone who's artistic, spiritual, inspiring, helpful, peaceful, idealistic, refined and
perceptive. You might meet your type in the theater, museums, nightclubs, hospitals,
prisons, chemical labs, spiritualistic churches, at sea, the beach, the pool, dance events,
aquariums, gas stations, film or photography studios, retreats, or even in shoe stores.

More about Scorpio: Work.

You can be a good organizer and leader, because you enjoy pioneering new projects,
have the foresight to make long-range plans and can direct them to the finish. Patience,
tolerance and compassion are the keys to your success. You could find satisfying work in
the martial arts, police force, armed forces, surgery, dentistry, alternative healing, psychic
counseling, psychiatry and mechanics. Working in the entertainment industry could
provide an excellent outlet for your creative or artistic abilities.

More about Scorpio: Health.

Inner conflict can get you down psychologically and physically. If you suppress
upsetting personal issues, they can build up and become toxic to your psyche and body.
That could affect your reproductive organs, digestive system and head area, including the
eyes and sinuses. Find outlets to release tension and renew your spirit. Music, dance,
exercise, yoga, meditation, acupuncture and nature visits, especially to the ocean, can help
alleviate internal chaos and restore your physical equilibrium. When you feel like
withdrawing, some emotional turmoil deep within probably needs to be addressed and
worked out of your system. It may be time to shed your skin.

By Sandra Fidler, astrologer

Article 20 - The love Connection Chart - Work out your vibrations with other signs (Courtesy

The Love Connection.

Ever felt sparks fly when you meet someone new? What makes us "click" with others?
Or how about those people you just can't relate to? Find your compatibility vibration on
the grid with love, friendship, family and business relationships. Understand more about
the sun sign vibrations from 1 through 7 through the explanations below. Also, check out
StarMatcher to understand more about your relationships!
The Love Connection




Article 21 - General - The Myth / Personality.

THE MYTH OF SCORPIO: This constellation is intimately connected with the

constellation Orion. According to the myths, this giant creature was sent by the gods to
chase and kill the great hero, which is why you'll never see them in the sky together.

PERSONALITY: The passionate scorpion is just full of secrets, but those tempers can
smolder. Your water-oriented sign rules secrets, sex, and observation.

Back To Article Index.

Article 22 - An in-depth piece which also looks at the Eagle link

The ruler of Scorpio is Pluto. Prior to the discovery of the ninth planet, Scorpio was
ruled by Mars, which is still considered co-ruler. The sign of cosmic purpose, Scorpio is
considered the success sign. Self contained and self centered, concentrated Scorpios
usually succeed in what they set out to accomplish.

Scorpions are known for their intense and powerful natures. They are willful, proud
and calm with an electrifying undercurrent of seething intensity. Purposeful and animated
with force, they project a magnetic personality.

Their demeanor is dignified and reserved, affable and courteous, and many have a
gaze that is both direct and penetrating. Their secretive natures make them natural
detectives. Many Scorpios possess a suspicious outlook, and need to know the reasons
behind everything. Scorpio does nothing in half measures. An all or nothing attitude
permeates their entire life. When fixed on something or someone, the scorpion perseveres.
Scorpio never settles. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest or not at all.

Scorpio will rarely be found in the center of activity, but will always know just what is
going on of concern to him. Their tenacity and willpower are enviable; their depth of
character and passionate conviction admirable, but it is their deep sensitivity that makes
them the best and most loyal friend. This same quality makes them the most treacherous
of enemies.

Their sensitivity, and pride allow them to be easily hurt, quick to feel insult or injury,
even when none is intended, and easily roused to heights of anger. An angry Scorpio is a
sight to see. Unlike Leo, who can have a temper tantrum and five minutes later be quite
himself again, Scorpio seethes, and doesn't give it up.

When they harness their abundant energy constructively, their self-confidence

tempered with shrewdness, and their ambition coupled with generosity toward others,
they excel at whatever they undertake. Scorpios are demanding of others, but never ask
someone to do what they would not do themselves. They can be fanatically focused and
work till they drop, and ask the same of those around them. No middle ground for a
Scorpio, all or nothing.

Scorpio imagination and intuition are excellent. They possess refined critical
perception and strong analytical ability. In addition, they seem to demonstrate a natural
healing power. These abundant gifts allow Scorpions to penetrate the most profound
subjects. They are serious folk, but quite charming to people they like, and when social
events call for it. Their tragic flaw is their immense pride. Once wronged, once Scorpio's
pride has been diminished, the game of courtesy is over.

Their inner intensity can result in the ice-cold restraint and detachment of the
surgeon, the concentration of the research scientist and the heroism of the soldier. Any
profession in which analysis, investigation, research or dealing with the solving of
mysteries are present appeals to Scorpio. Police and detective work, espionage, the law,
physics or psychology are attractive professions to the Scorpio. As writers and orators
they excel. The Scorpio character is the one you see up on the podium delivering "fire and
brimstone" speeches. They succeed because they communicate the power of their

Mythic Origins. Within a mythological context there is much that can be understood
about the Scorpio personality. Look towards the constellation Scorpius, and you shall see
one of the greatest stars visible to the human eye. There, at the very heart of the great
scorpion is brilliant Antares! This red giant, some four hundred times larger than our own
sun, rivals even close Mars for the eye's attention. Such intense energy burning at the
center of this distinct constellation corresponds well to the driving passions, which rule
over those born in this period.

The Eagle and the Scorpion:

An important, though little known chapter in Scorpio lore is the placement of the
Eagle in polarity to the Scorpion. Most Scorpios, if they dare be so revealing, would
confess of an ongoing internal conflict between two distinct aspects of their nature. For
individuals with a strong Scorpio influence, this may feel sometimes as a civil war of the
self. This is not an abnormal psychological state. Here can be found the echoes of the
earliest understandings of the Scorpio character.

Scorpions are creatures, which crawl along the ground, seeking out the hidden spaces.
They are a mystery to humanity, shrouded in fear and misunderstanding. Left to there
own devices, they are comfortable in the low-lying realms of the world. If provoked,
however, they will strike with a deadly vengeance. The Eagle soars. On great wings this
ruler of the wind rises above earthbound limitations. From this lofty perspective, the
Eagle sees a world others may never dream. The bird of prey also strikes a swift and
deadly blow. Yet, unlike the Scorpion, the Eagle has the ability to soar beyond. Within the
spirit of every Scorpio resides this dual nature.

Some people see things as they are, and ask why?

- I dream things that never were, and ask why not?" - Robert F. Kennedy

A Scorpio rhyme: Who keeps an arrow in his bow, and if you prod him, lets it go? A
fervent friend, a subtle foe. Who else but the Scorpio.

Back To Article Index.

Article 23 - Profile, What Your Really Like, The Game of Love.

Scorpio, The Scorpion (~October21st-November 20th): Fixed, Water, Feminine, ruled

by Pluto (co-ruled by Mars). Identifying Phrase: "I Create."

Keywords for Scorpio:

Intensity, Reproduction, Transcendence, Power, Manipulation, and Healing.

Where Libra makes the first efforts toward co-operation, Scorpio seeks to take
advantage of its relationships with others. Scorpio, I know, has a reputation for
manipulation, but if it is a sin, it is one of which we are all guilty. The key to
understanding Scorpio is the phrase, other's resource. Other's resources include
institutions like banks and insurance companies. Pooled resources, combined forces make
the many stronger than the lone eagle.

Scorpio is connected to the genitals and the reproductive systems. One of the purposes
of sex is the pooling of resources for the continuation of the species. We all do it, but
Scorpio is just more familiar with its workings. Scorpio arrives at the peak of the autumn
season. Thoughts of winter survival demand immediate attention. Most leaves have fallen,
to nourish the soil for springs to come. Harvest is in and we must decide what we need,
what we possess and how to get what we require with what we have. Scorpio represents
death, but also life; it is the sign of degeneration and regeneration. Part of life is
elimination. Scorpio eliminates the unnecessary so that life may flourish.

What you're really like...

Scorpion, the intense, emotional and possessive. You tend to overwork; you seek
perfection, have tremendous staying power and will see any matter through to the bitter
end, regardless of sacrifice.

You despise weakness in yourself or others. You are, on the other hand, generous and
compassionate and will fight for the underdog and believe in expressing yourself with
unfiltered truthfulness. You are highly secretive and extremely intuitive. Your eyes are
penetrating and magnetic.

You are a loyal friend or a vehement enemy. You are powerful and intense where
feelings are concerned. You have the ability to poison yourself through your own
emotional vindictiveness. You have a strong constitution. You also push yourself to the
limit, only to recuperate rapidly and begin the whole process again.

You do not try to attract attention by your appearance, however you do like good
clothes and are careful about the way you look. You choose garments of lasting quality
and a sophisticated nature.

The Game of Love..

The Scorpio Male...

When it comes to lovemaking you are capable of attaining the highest level of passion.
You are persuasive and will not admit defeat once you have your mind fixed on a
particular female. You prefer to control your mates' emotions.

Like everything else, you always give one hundred percent and of course you expect
the same in return. To you sex is a competitive game, and revenge and jealousy are two of
your characteristics that will surface if you aren't winning.

The Scorpio Female..

You have no trouble attracting men. You dress for your mate and will use your
seductive, hypnotic eyes to dazzle and captivate your chosen partner. You are the type of
woman that has a tremendous animalistic energy that can lure and tantalize but you also
have a temper that can be explosive.

You are extremely demanding when it comes to the art of making love and you lack
patience if your mate doesn't satisfy you. You will be loyal and true blue as long as you
don't detect weakness in your lover. Who's the Lucky Love Slave? ...

SCORPIO & ARIES: You make a hot combination in bed.

SCORPIO & TAURUS: You both value long-term unions and will to work at it.
SCORPIO & GEMINI: The Illusive, fickle Gemini will drive you to distraction.
SCORPIO & CANCER: Cancers are attracted to your strong, demanding ways.
SCORPIO & LEO: This connection can lead to crimes of passion.
SCORPIO & VIRGO: The Virgoan has difficulties with your sexual leanings.
SCORPIO & LIBRA: You would likely end up spying on this social butterfly.
SCORPIO & SCORPIO: Sexually compatible but suspicion will be a problem.
SCORPIO & SAGITTARIUS: This alliance is a waste of time for both parties.
SCORPIO & CAPRICORN: Mentally and physically you match up well.
SCORPIO & AQUARIUS: Why bother. Your values and lifestyle are too different.
SCORPIO & PISCES: This is not bad. Truly an erotic sexual combination.

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Article 24 - Stress and Health.

Scorpio: Hide and Seek Inspiration - Dealing with stress.

Your sign is among the most intense of all the signs. Change is hard for Scorpio, the
only fixed sign of the water signs. You are very determined and driven by goals, but while
persistence is your forte, flexibility is not. Don't try to control too many elements in your
life recognize that some events will have a life of their own. Your water element makes you
feel the impact of events deeply. Don't take setbacks personally.

Among your talents is a sharp and shrewd intuition, which will help you navigate
through turbulent waters. At times "facts" may not jibe with certain hunches you have
and it will be hard for you to trust the hunches. Do it. You could even be psychic or
prophetic, "feeling" events around you that are soon to happen. My late father was a
Scorpio. He knew he was highly intuitive and relied on it frequently in making decisions.
He strongly urged us, his children, to listen to our inner voices too. This was surprising
because he lived in a time when men rarely saw themselves is intuitive or psychic or least
didn't admit to it. Men of his era preferred to profess their reliance on observable data.
My father's instincts were always accurate, both in business and in his personal life. So, of
course he was Scorpio!

Your sign, more than any other, has to occasionally take time for themselves and be
alone. Your Pluto ruler can sometimes make you compulsive about your work, and if this
describes you, you need to let up a little. Your Astrologer sees you on a very private estate,
with high hedges for privacy, a lovely garden, and, most importantly, a view of the sea.
(It's good to dream!) Remember, water is truly vital to water signs, and it will be harder to
recover your sense of purpose without being near water. So go to the seashore, a lake, or a
spot with a river view to center yourself. Turn on the answering machine; leave your
cellular at home.

Mediation and prayer are good for Scorpio. One Scorpio I know is Jewish but loved to
accompany his woman friend to Mass, for he found the rhythm of the prayers and music
profoundly peaceful. For this man, Mass was an ideal place to think privately. There was
never any question he would remain devoutly Jewish. This makes perfect sense because
Scorpio is a deeply spiritual sign, and often has an understanding and interest in other
religions. Because their sign rules the 8th house of birth-death cycles, Scorpios are closer
to life's beginnings and endings.

Slow, deliberate exercise such as yoga or tai chi would be helpful to you, as well as any
solitary activity, like running (along the water would be perfect), bike riding, speed
walking, or lifting weights. Yours is a sign, which likes to compete with themselves rather
than others, always reaching for your personal best.

Quiet games of contemplation and skill would be ideal for you too. Play chess or poker
(good games of strategy for discrete Scorpio) with a friend who can throw you a challenge.
You like mystery novels too. Spy stories where the fate of the world hinges on the actions
of one individual will relax you, and provide you with a hero you can identify with!

One good way to slow down is by using personal rituals, something your fixed, water
nature responds to. By ritual I don't mean an activity connected to religion but one which
you create spontaneously to punctuate an event, whether it be happy or sad. Whether you
lost a pet, got fired, won a contest of skill, or want to ask your sweetheart to marry you,
make a little special event out of it. Rituals help us understand the benchmarks of our
lives and help us over the transom from one plane to another. As a Scorpio, your still
waters go deep. The ritual could be a little one (writing down your feelings about a broken
relationship and then burning what you wrote with all the love letters you had saved) or a
bigger one (planning a funeral for your pet). To profess your love to your sweetheart, you
might plan an evening of serious lovemaking, complete with new bed linens, fresh flowers,
candlelight and so forth. Set the date in advance as well as the time, place and schedule
(for example, dinner out first, then dancing, then home . . . ). Rituals are pause buttons
which help separate out the mundane from what truly matters. They can help you relax
and become more in sync with your life.

A departing word for you, Scorpio. Try not to shut out loved ones. A Scorpio who is
feeling troubled is nearly impossible to read. When stress hits, you will seem a million
miles away to your family and friends. While initially you will feel depleted by everyday
life, including the mere conversation, those around will want to help you by giving you
their perspective on your plight. Sometimes Scorpios will remain isolated within
themselves too long, as tension makes them throw up barriers in self-protection. Because
you won't be getting any input from others, your perspective can become distorted.
Recognize that this can happen to you. Your need for physical affection is important, and
will reaffirm your self-worth, but your lover will hesitate to reach out to you if you shut
him or her out. Open up a little, see how things go. Accept and give physical love.

Your Health Profile:

Your Metabolism: High.

Intense, driven and often secretive, Scorpio needs an outlet for your powerful emotions
more than any other sign. You can be obsessive, and have an "all or nothing"
determination about whatever you do. When Scorpios decide to diet, they can go
overboard. This can be harmful if it leads to yo-yo dieting or an eating disorder. Still,
whatever a Scorpio puts their mind to, they usually accomplish.

You'll need be smart about channeling any pent-up frustrations into healthy, stress-
relieving activities. Boxing, long-distance running or a fast game of squash (any strenuous
sport is good) could help you use up all that energy and stress before it starts to hurt you.
Although your sign is highly competitive, you prefer to be alone when trying to unwind.
The term "personal best" had to be coined by a loner Scorpio. Scorpio usually does not
like to work out in teams or groups. Try the Stairmaster, weight lifting (Mars governs
iron), or gymnastics. Slow jogging, or yoga combined with meditation are good ways to
get the kinks out. Of course, the fact that exercise is good for your sex life should be a big
motivating factor for any hot-blooded Scorpio!

Realize that Scorpio rules the reproduction organs and a Scorpio without physical
affection will soon feel sad or lonely. If your sex life is less than ideal, talk things out with
your sweetheart, or get some counseling. Everyone, not just sexy Scorpios should follow
safe sex procedures not only to avoid AIDS but for unintended pregnancy and any
number of sexually transmitted diseases.

You have a rich and varied emotional life to say the least! Be sure to share your
problems with those close to you as soon as they occur (not months later, which is
Scorpio's tendency.) Realize that the demands you place on yourself are higher than those
anyone else would impose on you. You continually try to pack as much as possible into
every day. Take time to look around you once and awhile. Remember too that you can get
to be obsessed with things; try for more balance.

Your Biggest Asset:

Your unwavering determination and commitment to success in all things.

What Drives You Crazy:

People who waste time socializing at the gym. You have no time for that you're going
for the burn!
Health Risks:

Don't be so inflexible, dear Scorpio. Life often calls upon us to dump what we're doing
and go to Plan B.

Your Health This Year:

In 1999, the demanding, "karmic" planet Saturn will be touring your health sector, so
if you've neglected your body, you may see the writing on the wall. Head to the doctor and
dentist for a check-up. If you have a chronic health problem, Saturn will help you locate
the right doctor for your condition.

Back To Article Index.

Article 25 - My Personal Astrology Profiles - Get Yours Free

These three examples are of course personalized to my own Scorpio details. They will give
you an example of what to expect. You will need your time and date of birth and place
where you were born. More details on each of the Free profiles in each section.

The three profiles take up quite a bit of space so I've put them on a separate page.

Click here and the page will open in a new window so you don't lose your place here.

Just close the new window when you have finished - So thoughtful aren't I.. :-)

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Article 26 - A Small Piece On The Origins Of The Scorpio.

Thanks to Bill Van Houten who e-mailed me with this article - Your E-mail is no longer
valid Bill, E-mail me if you want the kudos. - Jay.

The Original name of Scorpio was Typhon the serpent. Same name as the snake in the
garden of Eden. It was represented by a snake swalling its tail. Creating a circle
representing eternity, creation and death.

The second sign of the Zodiak was created by cutting Typhon in half, creating the
Nemian Lion (Leo). Between the two was placed the Babylonian Whore (Virgo before she
was a virgin). The claws of Scorpio were the "eye for an eye" claws of justice before the
last sign Libra was constructed.

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Article 27 - Scorpio Births By Field Of Eminence. (Or what we are good at!)

(Courtesy of Expac)

This is the numerical rank of Scorpio births by field of eminence as listed in the
Encyclopedia Britannica, Micropaedia, 1974 edition. If you wish to see other rankings,
click on the picture to go to Expac.

--- Scorpio Numerical Ranking ---

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Article 28 - General Scorpio Description

October 23 - November 21.

The Sign of the Inspector.

Passionate, Determined, Energetic.

Color: Dark Red.

Scorpions like to study what makes people tick. Their goal is to unravel the deepest
mysteries of the unconscious, to challenge any possible fears, and finally to make their
actions correspond perfectly with their feelings. As the sign of death and regeneration,
Scorpios can destroy and create with the same intensity of passion. In this vibration all
reality- even death- is felt and accepted unblinkingly. It is almost as if Scorpio natives
have decided to live with an intensity based on the knowledge that any moment might be
their last.

Scorpios have a firm sense of determination that often turns into a form of devotion to
whatever it is they need to do to get what they desire. Scorpios know what they want and
they have the courage, willpower, and drive to get it, or the pride, self-control, and
stubbornness to live without it. In fact, Scorpio is the sign in which self-control is most
intense. No other vibration is as relentlessly committed to facing reality, no matter how
gloomy that reality might be.

Secretive, extremely intense are seldom soft-hearted or overly sentimental, they feel
that life is a difficult game in which they have to hang tough in order to win. But that
doesn't mean its natives are devoid of compassion, Scorpios are intuitive and
inspirational, and very protective of people to whom they are attached. Few parents are
more devoted to their children than Scorpio parents. Scorpios are very dependable and
are very prone to live up to any commitments that are honestly made. Scorpios have a
great deal of animal magnetism. People are drawn to them. They are the most sexually
secure of all the signs.

Courtesy of:

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Article 29 - An Excellent Article

This is the sign of extremes. Scorpio people are variously described as powerful, weak,
independent, clinging, passionate, and cold. Clearly, you are a bundle of contradictions
encompassing the best and worst in human nature.

The key to your personality is intensity. Magnetic, emotional, capable of exerting

tremendous force, your strength is hidden in the depths. In the sign of Scorpio the
element of water is fixed, and image that suggests an iceberg or a bottomless well. You
may appear impassive, sometimes unapproachable, but turbulent passions are always
rolling underneath, invisible on the surface.

You need a positive avenue of expression - in career or love or creative achievement -

or your feelings turn inward, become imprisoned, at times even destructive. More than
natives of any other sign, Scorpios live at a high pitch of emotion. Its negative aspects are
brooding, jealousy, resentment, even vengefulness. The positive aspect is your unswerving
dedication once your emotions are engaged. The Scorpio energy, drive and endurance are
legendary. Above all you seek you give your life a meaningful pattern, to find a deeper

You have a philosophical turn of mind and may become interested in religion and the
occult. Your sixth sense enables you to intuit things before they happen. You are blessed
with a native understanding of the human heart and a great awareness of life's secrets.
All the water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) tend to be psychic, but Scorpios delve into the
powers of the mind that others are afraid of. This is the Zodiacal sign of birth, sex, death
and regeneration - areas of human existence in which a person confronts the mysteries of
the universe. Many Scorpio natives are brilliant doctors, surgeons, scientists, and
spiritual leaders.

The complexity of your mind make's it difficult for you to skim the surface; you must
uncover what lies beneath. Whenever you are studying a new subject, learning a
language, hunting down a fact, or just reading for amusement, there is a quality of
penetration in the way your mind works.

Your relationships are usually complicated. This is not surprising when you consider
that you can be simultaneously generous and affectionate, violent and unpredictable. In
your sunniest moods there is always a hint of an imminent change in the weather. You are
also deeply loyal to friends but are also intensely jealous and possessive. You cannot
tolerate the thought that anyone you love might have a yearning or even a simple yen for
anyone else. With you, it is usually all or nothing. Moderation and emotional restraint
are not in your emotional vocabulary.

You never forget a kindness and try to repay it handsomely. Conversely, you never
forgive an injury and will wait for years to get even. In fact, most of the time getting even
isn't enough - you want vengeance. It is strictly not advisable to do harm to any Scorpio.
You may make a dangerous enemy, for you are as subtle and as deadly as the symbol of
your sign.

You are a fierce competitor, though often you manage to conceal this from others. You
file away pieces of information, facts, names and don't hesitate to use what you know if
the occasion arises. When you spot a weakness in a rival you move in quickly for the kill.

You are adaptable, able quickly to change your formidable energies into new paths
and to embark on an entirely different career. Confronted with disaster, you will try to
turn it into success. Practical and shrewd, you believe in tangible immediate goals, and
your single-minded concentration on getting what you want is formidable.

Clever with money, conservative about spending, you have an excellent chance to
amass wealth. In business, you tend to accomplish things first and announce then second.
By the time an opponent is aware of your progress, it is a fait accompli.

Your nature makes you subject to obsessive drive, which can be resistant to reason.
You will dominate and control anyone who lets you. Suspicious and wary, you are
reluctant to trust your heart to anyone, but once you do, you love deeply.

Too many astrologers, in describing the sign of Scorpio, forget to emphasize how
loving, generous, kind, loyal even gentle a Scorpio can be. Many idealists who adhere to
high principles and have a great positive force for helping others are born under this sign.

What all Scorpios have in common is intensity of feeling. Emotion not only rules, it
characterizes you. You are passionate in love, and passionate about everything in which
you become involved. You are an individual painted in vivid colors; There is not such
thing as a pastel Scorpio.

Courtesy of:

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Article 30 - Scorpio - The Eighth House

The Eighth House is the place of things held in common. It is all about joint resources,
the sharing of these resources and fair play in sharing. It is also about what happens when
these things become the focus of a dispute or when we fail to respect others with whom we
share this world. This house governs mercantilism and banking all economic resources. It
is the house of "big money" and it is here that we find billionaires, plutocrats and all Old
Money held collectively by families and dynasties. Look to this house to find inheritances,
legacies and lotteries. Here we find the collective sharing of wealth through taxes and the
collective protection of wealth through insurance. Here too are those resources of the
Earth which are the source of wealth gold, silver, minerals, oil, forests and all those things
offered so freely by Mother Nature on which we humans set a price. And, when that price
is too high, War is never far off.

This is the Scorpio House. Possession is nine-tenths of the law and it is in this house
that questions of ownership and rights to property collide with the darker sides of human
nature and we find possessiveness, jealousy, covetousness, envy, revenge and murder. War
writ small. It is the house of Death and Resurrection. But it is not material resources alone
that might be either shared or withheld from sharing. We can share our bodies in the act
of sexual union pleasure for pleasure. Or we can trade pleasure for money in prostitution.
Or we can refuse to share and commit rape instead. Bloodlust how apt! Or we can open
up our souls to the divine and share ourselves with God. Here the ego is transcended and
the soul learns something of the mysteries of God. It is the house of prophecies, occult
magic and divination. It is the place of the numinous....

Here we discover our desire to know the future both our own and that of our larger
society and we have answered it with a collection of mechanisms of divination. But always
remember, when experimenting with these techniques, that they open only one very small
window into the great beyond. Cherish whatever insight is gained from these; then think
how much greater was the insight of the people who devised these systems and seek that in
oneself. That is the imperative of this house: to seek out and merge with the Deity and be
transformed by the experience. It is a personal journey that should be made by every one
of us.

Courtesy of:

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Article 31 - Scorpio Traits.

An enigmatic and powerful presence. Has self-assurance, a keen, analytical gaze and
succinct, forthright opinions. Often disconcerting but never dull.

Undaunted, indomitable, trenchant, trustworthy, vigilant, instinctual, resilient,
wholehearted, resourceful, invigorating, accomplished, heroic.

Implacable, vindictive, intolerant, fanatical, resentful, suspicious, acrimonious,
unreasonable, intractable, jealous, taciturn, tempestuous.

Art, poetry, music. Home, company, the good life. Respect, power and redress for injury.
Facing challenges, finding solutions, keeping active, and winning.

Personal questions, curbs and confines. Betrayal, indolence, half measures and trivia.
Mediocrity and lack of control. Shallow, dishonest or weak characters.

Torrid, responsive and very committed, loving with heart and soul, strength and
compassion. But moods and unspoken feelings can cause misunderstandings.


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Article 32 - General Profile

Determined, aggressive and shrewd, you are rarely passive or neutral about anything.
Deep, often quite secretive and reserved, you are at times jealous, resentful and even
vengeful. Your recuperative powers are remarkable. You are a truth-seeker; you have
keen judgment and penetrating insight, and these qualities enable you to exercise a great
deal of authority over others. Science, medicine or any field of intrigue are right up your
alley. Willpower and persistence are your strong points, and although you are somewhat
reticent, when prodded you can become outspoken and direct.

You are aggressive, outspoken, enthusiastic and combative. You love to take chances
and can be somewhat accident-prone. You may have a chip on you shoulder and come on
too forcefully, making others angry. You are strongly physical and need a partner who can
match you stride for stride. "Think before you speak" should be your motto.

You see life as a means of self-discovery through trial and error. You seek shared
experiences at every opportunity, and you have an easy, charming, gracious and
impersonal feeling for humanity. You have a deep need for everyone to like you and have
a natural courtesy, charm and diplomatic manner; your emotional well-being depends
upon approval of others, and so you are eager to please. You tend to live for the moment
and you run the scale of highs and lows with every shift of events. You are friendly, easy-
going and popular, but if you use this position negatively you can be capricious, fickle and
critical. Because you easily succumb to flattery, you must consciously develop self-reliance
and learn how to say no. You must curb your tendencies to indolence and flirtation.

Your sense impressions are strong aesthetically; you feel a need to serve beauty. You
experience the senses through the mind, and you evaluate the facts, but you do not
criticize or analyze them. The Libra mind is more contemplative; you build great ideas,
but you are not always ready to act on them. For you judgment is more important than
execution. Decisiveness is not usually a strong quality with this placement, but your
illusive sweetness hides a great strength. You have a fondness for music, poetry and the
arts. Although you have some ability in these fields, you usually prefer to appreciate
rather than perform. Affectionate and good-natured, you are often in demand in social
circles. The people around you affect you, and your love life depends on how much you
are appreciated. Partners are important to you since you work best in conjunction with
others, and because you are dependent on their reactions.

You are critical, skeptical and at times even secretive or suspicious. You are set in your
opinions and it is difficult to convince you to change your mind. You are shrewd, forceful
and apt to be too incisive with tongue or pen. Either you can needlessly wound others, or
you can turn that sarcasm into an exquisite wit. This investigative and probing position is
good for any of the healing professions; it is also good for chemistry, photography,
detective work, occultism, research and big business. Your mind is deep but rarely
charitable; your determination is boundless and your mentality is so fixed that you can
overcome all obstacles to get what you want.

Emotionally idealistic, you are also light, humorous, sociable and even flirty.
Demonstrative, friendly, sociable, outgoing, you love freedom. You have many friends and
are objective in your personal relationship. You are honest, and your tastes and morals
are traditional. You prefer the classical approach to the ultra-modern. You enjoy the
outdoors as well as sports, travel, pleasures, fun and gambling. You like people who are
philosophical or concerned with education. You may marry a foreigner. With difficult
aspects, you can be too breezy, fickle or pleasure seeking. You may be too frank in
expressing your feelings, or you might try to impose your beliefs on others.

Your nature is affectionate, warmhearted, congenial and fun loving, and you don't like
to think of the seamy side of life. You enjoy family life but need and expect independence.
You may lack ambition to do much with your abilities and talents because everything
comes to easily to you.

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Article 33 - An Excellent Piece - Quite In Depth

Sun in SCORPIO - 8th House.

Introverted or Receptive.
Feminine Sign.
A Water Sign.

Your keywords in life are "I create." Scorpio represents the hidden, stagnant marsh
waters that must be cleansed by the free-flowing waters of life. Scorpio rules the
generative system; the creative fountain of all physical life. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, and
its symbol is the Scorpion. Scorpio is a Water sign, passionate and intense.

Scorpio is the mystery sign of the zodiac. It is the death sign and the sign in which the
battle must be fought between the soul and the personality. The personality has to die.
Devil or angel, there is no in between. Either black or white.

The high soul seeks the high way, And the low soul seeks the low, And in between on
the misty flats The rest drift to and fro. THAT's SCORPIO.

There are no Scorpios found on the misty flats. It is the only sign that has three
symbols indicating the tests that embrace the three-fold personality. Mental, emotional
and physical levels are all involved. The Scorpion is the lowest symbol of the sign who,
rather than forego the pleasure of stinging, will sting himself to death; the eagle, symbol of
the bird that can fly closer to the Sun than any other; and the phoenix bird resurrected
from the ashes of the dead self. Transfiguration and resurrection must take place
throughout your life.

Scorpios have a very strong reserve and are not easily understood. There is so much
that lies hidden beneath the surface. You command respect from acquaintances due to
your strong, quiet exterior, but you have to earn the respect of those close to you. There is
tremendous creativeness and great resourcefulness within you. You can be sarcastic and it
can be deadly if you use it vindictively. You have a supercritical nature about you and a
tendency to pass judgment upon others. Your stubbornness causes problems in
relationships. Relationships call for equality and a responsibility you prefer to avoid. Pets
are good for you because you can be their masters and won't have to relate to them on an
equal basis.

Scorpio is the sex sign of the zodiac and Scorpios have strong passions that need
regenerating. There is a tremendous pride in this sign that will not allow any emotion to
ruffle the surface of your true nature. Your emotions don't show up on the surface very
easily. You have tremendous strength and power when you rise above personality

Scorpios are truly powerful when they do not seek power for self, but seek to be used
by the power to heal and bless others. Your goals are reached through service, purity,
compassion and humility. When you serve others and forget yourself you are truly
dynamic. Your regeneration lies in learning to be cooperative and outgoing toward others.

You are adept at sensing what is going on beneath the surface, especially in business
dealing and intimate relationships. You seem to have "inside knowledge" to influence or
to manipulate, to corrupt or to purge, to harm or to heal.

You have a penetrating insight that no other Sign has. You're able to bring to the
surface what's causing the trouble in any situation. You have an awareness of what sex is
for and what it is about. You can really get to people's feelings and desires. You thrive in a
crisis and you achieve more when the going gets rough.

Your power can appear as a magnetic charm that can be totally disarming, or as
downright cruel, trampling others and striking unexpectedly. You can raise others from
the depths—or hurl them down there! Behind this power is a kind of nuclear energy that
allows you to drive on through the night, literally or metaphorically. You also like to test
your grit by indulging in the lowest levels of life experience, and then coming up not only
intact but positively regenerated. When you let go and allow someone or something in, a
magical effect, an alchemical release occurs as your ‘sting' is transformed from a
defensive or self-destructive weapon into a healing lance.

You are a transformer that lives through desiring. Many astrologers consider the sign
of Scorpio as the most powerful of all the signs of the zodiac. Pluto, the ancient god of the
nether-world, death, and regeneration, exerts its influence very strongly on those born
under this sign.

Scorpios are know for their intensity and passion. Their drive in life is improve the
status quo through their actions and to change the world for the better, provided that they
can temper their own desires. Scorpios are staunch defenders of justice and will fight to
the end for causes they believe to be just. They are idealistic and are guided by the highest
principles. Scorpios never get into anything "half-way".

Scorpios live their life in extremes. They can be at the same time powerful and weak,
independent and clingy, passionate and cold. They hide turbulent and temperamental
urges beneath a confident exterior. They are prone to being possessive and jealous, and
their relationships are often stormy. Their unpredictable nature and their intense feelings
often lead others to keep their distance, but if Scorpios are given a chance, they can prove
to be loving, generous, and fiercely loyal.

Scorpios can prove that strong emotions can be channeled positively. Scorpios are
passionate about everything that they become involved in, including romance.

8th House This is the house of generation or regeneration. It represents regeneration

by the enlargement of your viewpoint, both spiritual and mental. It also represents death,
both in the physical sense, as well as in the death of anything irrelevant in our lives and
could include relationships and values. This house rules the psychic. Every eighth house
operation is a celestial messenger in disguise. In the wake of an eighth house storm there is
always a rainbow if we lift our eyes to see it.

Courtesy of: Destiny Connections

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Article 34 - Meditation for a Scorpio - Read till end!

Not really an article but I had to include it - It embodies all the bad things about us - Oh
yeah, - and its funny :)

Picture yourself near a running stream. Birds are softly chirping in the crisp, cool,
mountain air. No one knows your secret place.

You are in total seclusion from that hectic place called "the world". The soothing
sound of a gentle waterfall fills the air with a cascade of serenity.

The water is crystal clear.... You can easily make out the face of the person you're
holding under the water.

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Article 36 - Beyond Reason: The Scorpio in Your Chart

by Jeff Jawer

Scorpio, the sign with the stinger, is adored and feared, desired and reviled. Why does
this sign evoke such intense responses in many people, even those who know little about
astrology? It is the season, I think. You know, Halloween, the Day of the Dead, falling
leaves, shrinking days. Scorpio is a reminder that things must die so that others may be
born. It is a remembrance of our mortality and the impossibility of cheating death. It is
sex and death, clinging lovers in the dance of life, the passion of connection that leads to
conception, the urge to merge that brings babies, the natural rhythms blotted out by
electric lights and medical technology.

Scorpio is seen darkly because it touches so much that we reject. We want sex, but
have been told that it is impure. Death beckons us all, but is denied in cellophane-
wrapped America, a culture of the young in permanent denial of the wisdom,
degeneration, and transformation of old age. Scorpio is also about power - oh yes, that
too. It's about the exchange of emotions, feelings, and dollars, of time for money that we
call work. Yet we turn our eyes away from the exchange, wanting but not watching,
desiring without understanding.

We're in denial, too independent, wanting open relationships, modern relationships,

negotiable partnerships with reasonable limits. But what are the limits of love, of passion,
of the Soul? Why must we draw such clear lines of separation when that very separation
is an illusion itself, the Cardinal Illusion that we are separate individuals, when we are
truly bound together by our common humanness? Scorpio threatens us because we have
forgotten that we are not apart, that we are connected to one another and everything else.
Call it God, Goddess, Spirit, Nature, the All, whatever. It is Scorpio whose waters descend
into our cracks and crevices, separating us from the separations and reminding us that we
are One.

Describing the ways in which Scorpio works in one's chart and life is not easy. The
reason is that there seem to be two distinct ways in which Scorpio expresses itself. There is
the introverted Scorpio energy, closed, repressed feelings, and fear of self-expression and
power. The extroverted Scorpio energy, however, is a powerful force for change, showing
itself as passion and intensity. There are some astrological clues, of course, as to which is
more likely in a given natal chart, although we can certainly change patterns during the
course of a life. First, the overall tone of the chart is a useful guide. If there is a strong
emphasis on outgoing signs (primarily Fire and Air) or planets (Mars, Sun, Jupiter), the
extroverted side will probably dominate. If, however, the chart is characterized by Water
and Earth or heavy Saturn and Pluto placements, Scorpio is probably going to withhold
its secrets and feelings.

Other keys are the conditions of Scorpio's ruling planets, Mars and Pluto. Ruling
planets, those most closely associated with a particular sign, provide rich detail about the
most likely forms of its expression. For example, a Scorpio with Mars in Leo may take
more chances than one with Mars in Cancer. If you have Scorpio on the cusp of the 2nd
house of money and resources, Mars in exacting Virgo may indicate a more careful and
self-critical approach to these matters. But, if Mars is in adventurous Sagittarius, an
individual may take more risks with money and resources.

The influence of Pluto is also quite important here, but its slow movement through the
zodiac (over 243 years) means that it can stay in a single sign for over 20 years! Pluto's
sign, then, is a less personal (and reliable) guide to Scorpio's expression. Instead, note the
aspects that Pluto forms, as well as its natal house placement. If someone has Pluto in a
harmonious sextile to the natal Moon, he or she may be confident about dealing with
crises and change. Pluto square the Moon, however, may require years of deep personal
work (or just the grace of God) to overcome its fundamental distrust in the nurturance of

Astrology's rulership scheme helps us weave together seemingly disparate pieces of the
chart. A person might have Scorpio on the cusp of the 4th house. Intense, perhaps hidden,
issues may have dominated family life. If the ruler, Mars, is in Capricorn in the 6th house,
then work, health, and adjustments to daily tasks may be key issues. If that Mars is
harmoniously connected with Venus or the Moon, positive social skills, female influence,
or emotional awareness are tools that facilitate a more comfortable relationship with one's
family. If Mars (or Pluto) is in primarily stressful relationships (hard aspects such as
square or opposition) with key planets, the early life challenges may be more difficult (but
not impossible) to overcome.

When we jump around a chart with rulers, we're going to come across contradictions.
Ease and stress are not separate experiences, but two ends of the same spectrum. Most of
us are strong sometimes and weak others, confident in some situations, shy in others. The
astrologer's job is not to determine the absolute truth, but is, rather, to describe the
ingredients of the personality in such a way as to show meaning, inspire hope, and help in
the release of the client's full potentials.

Releasing potential is an essential quality of Scorpio. However, most of us do not

express the full force of our powers. The likely source is a distrust of power itself. This is
another basic Scorpio theme. Many of us have been taught that power corrupts. We often
have models of this kind of abuse of power. But it is powerlessness that corrupts. It is the
fearful and the weak who are cruel to others. When we truly feel powerful inside, there's
no reason to belittle others. Scorpio, measuring the exchange of energy between people,
has a great deal to do with power. If we do not trust ourselves with power, the Scorpio
expression in our charts is likely to be indirect, covert, and more damaging than helpful.
But, if we have confidence in our judgment and are, therefore, allowed to influence others,
power flows freely and safely.

One of the rules of nature is that energy is alive. The repression of it, as in hiding one's
power, is costly. The first cost is loss of access. We cannot use our influence for the good if
our fear of its improper use is too strong. For example, with Scorpio on the cusp of the 3rd
house of communications and perceptions, a fearful parent may have repressed your
communication. She or he may have taught you how to use sarcasm to avoid direct
expression of your feelings. You may have experienced fear that you would be punished
for saying the wrong things. Scorpio's accountability may have been excessively harsh
coming from a wounded parent or older sibling. So, you may not trust your own words.
You do not communicate at your highest level of potential. You see so much that you are
afraid to talk about.

Confident Scorpio on the 3rd consciously uses its power of speech to emotionally
connect with others. Perceptions are profound, but not negative. It's the investigator who
is interested in understanding, rather than the one who is looking in the dark corners for
evidence of your crimes. If Scorpio is there to punish, power will be abused through
dominance or turned inward. It's expensive to repress power. Not only do you and the
world miss its positive potential to touch, help, and heal, but, when forced inward and
muzzled in the unconscious, power turns toxic. Pockets of desire, encapsulated in fear and
swallowed in the darkness of the unconscious, can be breeding grounds of disease.

Scorpio needs something to chew on. It's quite paradoxical because it is a fixed sign of
transformation. Scorpio is about death and rebirth, not one constant state. Maybe we're
frozen like deer in the headlights when faced with desires beyond the level of reason.
Beyond Reason, that's a good name for Scorpio. Libra, the previous sign, is about reason.
It is the balanced mind, the Cardinal Air sharpened by the perfect equilibrium of
detachment and connection. Libra is the first sign of partnership, the first to see others as
equal. The journey of individualization that began in the spring with Aries is turning back
toward its origins, the universal. We seek ourselves through others.

Libra lights the way. It is reasonable, clear in the mind. But Scorpio takes us beyond
the mind. We descend into the body, into our emotions and primal feelings, the lower
chakras. If Libra is the sign of relationship, Scorpio is its consummation. The idea of
union in one's mind is much different than the consequences of the act itself. Libra opens
a door to connection by way of the mind. Scorpio takes that connection deeper and,
somehow, below the level of reason. Libra is about being fair. Scorpio is about survival. It
is the force that allows the lion to eat the zebra. Survival operates below the level of
fairness in an intellectual sense. It is not an idea. Scorpio is not an idea. It is a state of
being, the space between Libra's open door to sharing and Sagittarius's search for
intimacy beyond the personal level.

Scorpio is the sign opposite Taurus. Sweet, simple Taurus child of mid spring, fat and
round, contented in your garden of senses, this is your Earth. I, Scorpio, have to share it
with others. You just eat. I count how much food is left to take us through the winter.
Scorpio, traditionally, was the time when the flock was culled. After the last harvest the
animals would be measured against the food stocks. If there wasn't enough food for the
animals, some would be chosen for slaughter. Scorpio is the time for measuring collective
resources and eliminating what is unessential.

Scorpio is square Leo. The Lion has only to think of itself. The rest of us are audience.
Fire creates of itself. Water, however, remembers. It has the feeling of history. After Libra,
relationship-sensitive Scorpio cannot put on its show without carefully measuring the
audience. Consequences are big for Scorpio. It cannot ignore its effects on others. It
doesn't have the luxury to be naive like Taurus and Leo. It is in the second half of the
zodiac, where others exist. We are accountable to one another. Scorpio is the wet spot
where Libra ideas descend into physical contact, the ground zero of relationships.

Scorpio is square Aquarius. Values have shifted from survival to possibility. We have
survived Scorpio's cauldron, flown high with Sagittarian ideas, agreed on rules in
Capricorn, and now create together in Aquarius. Fiery Leo's individuality is defracted
through the lens of millions. The network of minds meet at common frequencies and paint
images of the future. Aquarius's brilliant city in the sky, though, is fueled with Scorpio's
desires. The electronic web in which we live seems so far from the primal savanna, but
survival is always there for all of us. If the lights go out we'll be looking for food and
shelter, not the mouse and keyboard.

In the fixed quartet of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, it's Scorpio who has to
keep score. The others are not accountable in the same way. They are not about the
meeting at the crossroads of life and death, sex and money, healing and hurting, that is
Scorpio. This place of emotions where ideas and matter meet, cooking in the stew of
personality - the power of this place is compelling . . . and frightening. Emotions aren't
necessarily reasonable or comfortable. Desire makes us vulnerable.

Remembering one's innocence is helpful. We are all simple somewhere. We are all
naive some place. This means that we are not manipulating there. We do not and cannot
harm others or ourselves with rampant desires and power trips.
Scorpio needs to remember its innocence. If you have Scorpio on the 11th-house cusp,
it is possible for you to be in a group without trying to manipulate it. In a state of self-
trust you can have an open but powerful connection with others. Your desires and fears
are not yours alone, but are one part of the human symphony. If you are innocent the
channel can open with less distortion. Your personal story doesn't muck up the potential
good that can come out of this dynamic within groups. The emotion is there, but it is not
distorted through fear of one's desires and power. The door is open.

A key to using Scorpio energy, then, is trust . . . trust of oneself, trust of the world,
trust of the process of change. It is about trusting that life grows from death, that there is
movement in the universe. Without this we get the withholding model. Scorpio becomes a
place of shameful secrets, not magical ones. It is about emotions that are compacted,
turned inward, and frozen with fear. Trusting Scorpio is passionate, engaging, healing,
and erotic.

Scorpio by House

The seasonal matrix of the signs is laid upon the turning top of the days on Earth.
Signs occupy houses. These describe how doors open, how cosmic energy is lived on planet
Earth. But the structure of the chart is not that simple. Signs appear to stretch, enlarging
and contracting when laid upon the houses. In the most common house systems, two signs
are generally found in a given house. Sometimes an entire sign is contained within a
house. These intercepted signs are considered to be less powerful because they don't
occupy the cusp or border of a house. For example, someone might have 28° Aries rising
in his chart. The cusp of the 2nd house is 1° Gemini. Therefore, the sign Taurus does not
occupy a cusp. Now, the intercepted sign is still present, it just doesn't occupy the
apparently important house cusp. Nonetheless, it is still a very important factor.

I strongly recommend that you consider all of the signs present in a house to fully
understand its meaning. If Leo is on the cusp of the 4th house, the door to family is
through this sign, but, if the entire body of Virgo is present, an understanding of its
meaning will considerably broaden the description of home and family. There are many
house systems; there are astrologers who interpret house cusps with orbs and those who
don't. Relatively small errors in birth times will change cusps (one degree every four
minutes, on average). This gives you additional ruling planets to consider. If you have
Sagittarius on the 6th cusp, its ruler, Jupiter, will be examined, but Capricorn is also
present, so a look at its ruler, Saturn, will add more meaning. It is worthwhile to explore
different house systems and approaches to reading houses to get the most information
possible from a chart.

1st house: With Scorpio here you may look upon the world with suspicion. Measurement
means being guarded until you are ready to plunge. You watch and gather emotional
information below the level of consciousness. Your job is not to be sweet (although you can
be), but to swim through the nether waters that connect us all. You may have been taught
to tame your emotions, but tiny bubbles gather and turn to lava, followed by an eruption.
You may be tough on yourself, acutely aware of the shadow forces lying just below the
surface. It can be helpful to welcome your dark side, the discontentment, jealousy, and
doubt that can propel you forward if you accept its purpose. Psychology is a natural here.
Exploring yourself and your motivations is more helpful than judging and rejecting them.

2nd: Your greatest talent is the ability to get to the source. You needn't hold the obvious
reins of power. Your gift is knowing how to combine disparate forces, to turn lead into
gold. Where others see loss, you can see opportunity. Value your complexity. It's not just a
barrier against unwanted intrusion, but the key to your magical powers. You can be
objective about what others have to offer. This enables you to help them make the best of
what they are. Measure your talents without cruel judgment. What you need is a good
obsession to find the path to self-worth. You can extract all there is to get from your field
of interest.

3rd: Where others see the obvious you see the hidden undercurrents. Your skills of
observation may have been honed in a childhood when you were not encouraged to talk.
So you watched and learned more than other children your age. Your words are not mere
decorations, space filling, or ear candy. You want to be heard as attentively as you listen.
Communication is about change, about moving others to feel or see what has been hidden.
Finding potency in the sounds, the silence, and the nuance empowers your message. The
depth of the connection is more important than facts, but it is useful to remember that
sometimes the simple truth is truly simple.

4th: The mysteries of adult issues like sex, power, and death were close to you during
childhood. Innate awareness of the shadow side may have put an early end to feelings of
innocence. Ideally, your family was rooted in psychological inquiry and bonding based on
healthy feelings. However, sometimes this position is about unhealthy matters of control
and secrecy at home. The 4th is the foundation of the chart. Scorpio here reminds us that
you do, indeed, take yourself seriously. Beyond appearances lies a person with a pipeline
to the center of the earth. The passions are beyond measurement, but perhaps rarely seen
by others. A public calm belies the wariness you have, but this can also be your protection
- the ability to deal with crises without making a scene.

5th: Play is serious business for you. No distractions are allowed when you're in the
game. Your intensity may make it difficult to compete without trying to crush the
opposition. Ideally, though, you give it your all. Passion for action can take you beyond
the bounds of reason, but that's what Scorpio is all about anyway. Affairs of the heart are
not taken lightly either. Your heart is not feeble, nor are your desires. This can be about
the erotically-charged child, but personal expression may be seen as shameful, so hiding
one's desire is not uncommon here. The power can feel so strong that you resist showing
it. Carefully directing your force enables you to make a creative impact. You are able to
turn discarded materials and ideas into new creations.

6th: Tasks are taken on with passion. The work that works best is that which you find
compelling, as if you can't live without doing it. Sometimes this position indicates someone
who feels forced to do her work. It can be about external pressure and repression. But, in
the best situation, it is about work that has to do with digging in deeply to facilitate
change or deal with crisis. Management issues may arise here, as the appropriate use of
power on the job can become an issue. Concentration can be a strength, as there is often
an ability to deal with considerable discomfort to get the job done. Health and hobbies are
also 6th-house matters. A regular routine of cleansing and regeneration is ideal.
Resentment can be a cause of illness if not addressed openly.

7th: The desire, conscious or not, is to have a powerful partner, one who helps you
overcome your natural resistance to change. You may attract strong individuals who try
to remold you. The paradox is that the other can be a person of strong desire, but who is
also withholding. The issue for you is to take back the power and recognize that you're
here to help change others. Relationships touch fundamental issues of trust and control. A
willingness to share your fears with someone able to do the same can be helpful, as long as
that's a stepping stone on the path of change. Relationship is not about making you safe.
It's about taking you further into yourself with the help of someone whose force is equal
to your own.

8th: This is Scorpio's natural house, so the core issues of sex, death, and transformation
may be more familiar to you. You are a guide to body, mind, and spirit. You are here to
take others beyond their boundaries to reveal all of their resources. It's possible that this
house will be projected and you'll seek others to fill you with their desire and lead you to
change, but it is for you to penetrate the fears and go beyond the known world of comfort
and familiarity. Intimacy is about rediscovering your Soul through intense union.
Dispassionate partners need not apply. You may be at your best when others are in crisis.
This can be very useful for healers and helpers of all kinds. Getting and giving the most
without any negative exploitation is one of the challenges here.

9th: While interested in the meaning of all things, a little skepticism may be natural to
you. If the teacher is charismatic enough, or passes your tests, you can become a totally
committed devotee. Your beliefs are not casual, nor are they disconnected from the real
choices that you make in your life. You may have encountered religious extremism or
punishing judgment when younger. This position is often of someone who rejects religion
only to rediscover faith in a new and more powerful form later. You're not likely to be
playful about your beliefs. These are not mere ideas or acts of faith, but concepts held in
the very cells of your body. When you teach, it is with the fullness of your being. When
you travel, it is not as a tourist, but as someone who enters into the very marrow of the
place visited.

10th: There are really two possible positions for you professionally - either you are in
control of your career or under the thumb of the oppressor. Scorpionic passion works for
you when channeled into socially acceptable forms. You have the intensity that allows you
to be a force for change in your chosen field. Without focus, however, feelings are
repressed and resentment is a possible outcome. Professions that deal with healing, crisis
(physical, emotional, or financial), and reform are appropriate. It is vital that you feel you
have the right to your place in the world. Without this permission it is unlikely that your
energies will be channeled effectively. Although cool on the outside, you are going to
measure the public's responses to your actions. You can be a great leader when the
pressure is strong. Create your kind of pressure by choosing the challenges that will move
you. Without this focus lesser issues can bog you down.

11th: This can be the position of the social or political zealot. You may be the loyal friend,
the passionate comrade, the revolutionary. You don't need a large circle of friends as trust
is more important than sheer numbers. Popularity, when it comes your way, is often due
to the intensity you bring to group settings. You're not usually out to impress people, it's
the cause that counts. You could find yourself attracted to groups that aren't in the
mainstream. It's not your job to support the status quo, but to question it. You may have
the ability to see your cause take a terrible defeat, then rise again from the ashes. It's
typically Scorpionic to be strongest with one's back against the wall. In any case, your
respect is likely to go to those willing to invest all they've got. Teammates who hold back
are likely to earn your criticism.

12th: Identification with society's outcasts is a quality of the 12th house. When Scorpio is
here this may be even more evident. You have the ability to find strength in terrible
circumstances and, thus, are a powerful ally of the weak. But you may find it less easy to
show your strengths openly, saving your force for the most desperate moments. This can
sometimes make it uncomfortable for you to see yourself as the one with power. You can
feel like the underdog even when you hold all the cards. Another element here can be a
deep mysticism and attraction to the occult, healing, and metaphysics. You're not going to
hold conventional views about reality, but are rather a person who can be a guide between
the worlds.

© 1999 Jeff Jawer - all rights reserved

Jeff Jawer has a B.A. in "The History and Science of Astrology" from the University of
Massachusetts. He is a well-known counselor, speaker, writer, and co-founder of AFAN
and UAC. Jeff is Vice-President of Astro Communications Services (,
as well as a counseling astrologer . You can contact Jeff via e-mail or see his StarIQ
website .

Article Courtesy of: The Mountain astrologer

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Article 37 - The Challenge of Scorpio: Anger, Power and Transformation

by Ray Grasse and Linda Puffer.

"Still Waters Run Deep"

Within the twelve signs of the zodiac, some signs have been considered more desirable
than others and too often Scorpio has borne the brunt of some of the most negative
associations. One reason for this might be that many of the realities within Scorpio's
domain are associated with deep-seated, powerful psychic energies - so powerful, in fact,
that the potential for destructive expression is equal to that of its more constructive
expressions. Said another way, the same intensity that redeems Scorpio can just as often
be its undoing.

Twentieth-century astrology has helped to re-vision our attitudes toward the signs and
their representative energies. It is particularly helpful to view these energies in terms of
polarities that exist not only within our psyches but as universal principles operating at all
times and in all manners of manifestation. Every sign has its positive and negative aspects,
all dependent on whether one expresses those energies with conscious awareness.
Unconscious expression leaves room for more negative consequences. If we accept that the
psyche of every individual contains all the signs and their corresponding polarities, we
quickly realize that, regardless of whether we have a planet overtly "marking the spot"
for us, everyone has Scorpionic energy. That is, we all must come to terms with the
challenges inherent in Scorpio, particularly as expressed through anger and its shadow,

Scorpio within the Chakra System. - (Click Here To See Table - Opens in a New Window)

One way to better understand the varied expressions of Scorpio is through a

consideration of the esoteric nature of Scorpio suggested by the yogic philosophy of the
chakras. The chakras have sometimes been described as an archetypal hierarchy of
psycho-spiritual potentials, ranging from the more earthy concerns of the root chakra at
the base of the spine to the more spiritualized concerns of the energy centers within the
head (see diagram below). A vital clue to understanding the chakras is the insight that
each chakra has three distinct modes of expression: to the one side, masculine
(externalized); to the other side, feminine (internalized); and within the center of each
chakra, neutral (balanced). In the diagram, the neutral mode is indicated by the planet in
the center, while the masculine and feminine states are indicated by the zodiacal signs on
either side of each central channel.

The third chakra within this symbolic ladder is called, in the Sanskrit, Manipura, and
is associated with the element of fire and the planet Mars. The struggles of will,
forcefulness, and power are experienced most intensely at this level. This chakra
represents the level of the "inner warrior," who must achieve balance of the fiery energies
to truly experience spiritual mastery of the psyche's powers. This level also relates to the
development of ego awareness, and thus it is here that we clarify personal boundaries and
forge our own unique definition of self versus other. (Note that within the houses of the
horoscope, it is the Aries house, the Ascendant, that we most closely associate with the
defined ego-self.) This chakra has its defensive side as well, for with the awakening sense
of me comes the fear of other - and the consequent realization that me can be destroyed.
With Eros comes Thanatos: with life comes the awareness of death. Martian energy is
therefore crucial, both for the awakening of awareness and the activation of self-
protection through assertiveness, i.e., establishing walls or boundaries. This would also
include the excessive aggressiveness associated with unhealthy territoriality.

Feminine Fire/Masculine Fire.

The deeper significance of both Scorpio and Aries is thus closely linked to the
psychological meaning of the third chakra and the fiery energies of awakened ego-
consciousness that accompany this level. Off to one side of this chakra is Aries, its
externalization of Martian energy represented by assertiveness, aggression, and drive, as
well as more explosive, direct anger. It is a visible kind of energy that is projected outward
in a manner that might be symbolized by a spear or sword.

On the other side of this chakra is Scorpio, representing a more internalized

expression of the Mars energy. Whereas the Aries side concerns the directing of force
outward into the world, the Scorpio side reflects a more compressed, concentric
channeling of energies that can be envisioned as the spiraling power of a whirlpool or
vortex pulling energy inward. For some esotericists, the subtle contrast between the Arian
and Scorpionic expression of Martian energy is aptly symbolized by the male and female
genitalia: the male genitalia thrusting outward and the female energy drawing inward.
For this reason, Scorpio may be thought of as the "feminine Mars," in contrast to the
more "masculine Mars" symbolized by Aries.

Of these two, Scorpio's power is at least equal to what is expressed outwardly by Aries,
but with compression it may become even more forceful. One need only think of the way
that pressing down on a metallic spring increases its power to understand how dynamic
the forces of compression truly are. Indeed, the coiled symbol astrologers use to depict
Scorpio itself calls to mind something of this compressive, spring-like process. It is this
very aspect of Scorpio, as the internally compressed and directed Mars force, that makes
it so powerful and, for many, so potentially problematic.

At its most constructive, Scorpio possesses the discipline and investigative single-
mindedness to explore the inner planes and manipulate the inner forces that it
understands so well. Esoterically, Scorpio is the zodiacal principle associated with the
magical will (especially when Leo accompanies Scorpio in the horoscope). It is the energy
of mystics, occultism, and magic. Those with strong Scorpios have an incredible will and
can move mountains when they put their mind - or, more precisely, emotions - to the task.
In some older astrology texts one finds the seemingly odd notion that among the various
symbols associated with Scorpio in ancient times was the camel. This was because of its
ability to travel across the deserts (the desert of life) for long stretches of time sustained
solely by the water contained within it - a pithy illustration of the principle of "fixed
water" and the great tenacity and drive that accompany Scorpio's ability to contain
emotional energy.

Scorpio's capacity for penetrating beneath surface appearances is what gives it the
detective-like ability to investigate any mystery, unlock any truth. Leaving no stone
unturned, Scorpionic probing can pierce to the heart of any matter and unveil that which
has been concealed - whether this be a metaphysical enigma, a buried archeological
treasure, or a politician's dirty laundry!

At its most destructive, however, this same compressed Martian energy can turn back
on itself in a destructive way. Thus we have the symbol of the scorpion stinging itself with
its own tail, making it the only zodiacal animal that can actually kill itself. Here, the
Martian force festers, becomes infected, and picks at its own wounds so compulsively that
they never heal.(1) Nor is it simply anger that becomes problematic with the Scorpionic
process; any emotion or thought, when compressed or repressed, assumes added power at
a subterranean level that can sooner or later erupt into consciousness. Those of us who
have played the game of trying not to think of something - be it a white elephant, a
monkey, or any other nonsensical item - know only too well the power of repression and
compression. The mere fact of holding in too much - whether it be childhood-based
traumas, sexual energy, or any carefully concealed fact about one's life- can take a serious
toll on one's mental or physical well-being. As one popular saying expresses it: "You are
only as healthy as the secrets you keep."

This is the great tightrope of Scorpio: if one works with these powerful energies in a
healthy way, they can be utilized to bring about personal transformation and rebirth, or
confer remarkable powers of healing. Conversely, if one is unable to use them in a healthy
and positive way, they can be most destructive, not only to themselves but to everyone
around them. Scorpios and Scorpionic energy can be either distorted, manifesting as the
scorpion, or spiritualized to become the eagle, where those potentially lethal energies are
utilized in a devotional manner toward self-actualization and the appropriate expression
of great power.

Resentment - The Scorpion's Poisonous Sting.

At their most turbulent, both Aries and Scorpio relate to the experience of anger, but
in precisely opposite ways. Take sex, for example. Whereas Aries charges outward like the
ram to conquer the object of its desire, Scorpio's approach is a more feminine and
inwardly directed one, seductively alluring the other toward it as if using (as one Scorpio
friend of ours imaginatively put it) a "tractor beam." This recalls the old romantic saw:
"He chased her and chased her - until she finally caught him!" The "he" here is the
proverbial Aries, thrusting forward, while the "she" is akin to the seductive Scorpio,
drawing the other toward it in its wake.

Yet, of all the emotions they deal with, it is the struggle with anger that most often
characterizes Scorpios' own accounts of their recurring life challenges. One way of better
understanding this problem is to consider the idea that every sign has its own addictions
or "drug of choice," and that spiritual growth has much to do with controlling,
transmuting, or entirely breaking with those particular patterns of behavior (addictions
or compulsions) and learning to master the energies of that sign. For example, the
"addiction" of heavily Geminian charts will tend to be ideas, or compulsive
communication; for Taurus, material security; for Capricorn, status or over-achievement;
and so on as we go through each sign and come up with an example to fit this model.

For Scorpio it can be argued that the drug of choice is resentment, the more
destructive side of anger that has been repressed. Resentment feeds on itself in much the
same way that heroin addicts must feed their addiction. We've all known those individuals
who repeatedly put themselves in situations they can feel angry about, e.g., work or
romance, because of the perverse (irrational and likely unconscious) "pleasure" they then
derive from bathing in the toxic juices of resentment that they've created for their "fix."
While one can argue that anger has its constructive side, resentment is much more
insidious and therefore more damaging; one would be hard-pressed to describe any
rationale for resentment being "good" - ever. The English poet William Blake expressed
something of this problem in his poem, "A Poison Tree":(2)

A Poison Tree

I was angry with my friend:

I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.

And I water'd it in fears,

Night & morning with my tears;
And I sunned it with smiles,
And with soft deceitful wiles.

And it grew both day and night,

Till it bore an apple bright;
And my foe beheld it shine,
And he knew that it was mine.

And into my garden stole,

When the night had veil'd the pole:
In the morning glad I see
My foe outstretch'd beneath the tree.
To be sure, not all Scorpios indulge in this behavior, any more than all Gemini's gossip
or all Aries engage in fistfights! Yet such extreme examples can sometimes serve as useful
reminders of the subtler challenges facing those who encounter these energies. In fact,
because we each contain all the signs and planets within us, we are all subject to the
challenges - and strengths - of Scorpio. Depending on where Scorpionic energy is tucked
into our charts/psyches, we all will deal with this issue in varying degrees of intensity or
extremity, depending upon how well-aspected or afflicted Mars and Pluto are, and how
obscure or obvious the house and sign placements are. (See Jeff Jawer's Article on this
page for a more thorough discussion of Mars, Pluto, and Scorpio in the personal

A case in point concerns one of this article's authors, who has Scorpio on the cusp of
the 12th house, with no planets in that sign. During the writing of this article the author
realized that a concurrent Pluto square to a stellium of personal planets was forcing an
unexpected confrontation with long-buried anger and resentment hitherto considered
resolved or even non-existent. The synchronicity of this could not have been more timely
nor less profound, and the author has definitely begun to work with Scorpio from a new
(and humbled) perspective.

Transforming Anger and Resentment.

How, then, does one begin to lift the energies to their highest potentials, to transform
the scorpion into the eagle? Perhaps the most fundamental psychological step involves a
deeper understanding of what truly lies behind the more defensive manifestations of this
energy. At their most irrational, both Aries and Scorpio center around the psychological
factors of insecurity and fear. One fears or resents those who awaken one's own
insecurities. As pointed out, with the awakening of self-awareness at the third chakra also
comes vulnerability and defensiveness. Anger is a normal reaction when one's boundaries
have been transgressed. What happens with that anger - how it is expressed and
ultimately processed - leads to our consideration of three possible ways to work with the
more troublesome energies of Scorpio.

The first of these methods is that of forgiveness. If resentment represents Scorpio's

primary Achilles' Heel, then the key lesson of this sign may be about letting go, of
loosening the grip of long-nurtured hurts on one's soul. Forgiveness can mean many
different things, and for most of us it may very well be an unexamined concept first
instilled through religious tenets or strictly defined by our families and cultures of origin.
On an occult level, however, forgiveness is often described as the powerful neutralizing of
negative force fields within the chakric system, a literal clearing away of parasitical
thought forms that weigh on the subtle body like barnacles on the hull of a ship. With this
in mind, it is useful to consider several different ways of working with forgiveness,
although these are not the only ways.

First, forgiveness can be a way to deal with anger through visualizations and guided
imagery that help us to let go of the heaviness that comes with anger held onto far past the
point of its "shelf life." In The Egyptian Book of the Dead, there is the moment when the
soul reaches the underworld and must face the judgment of Thoth who determines what
its final disposition will be in the afterlife. This determination is made by weighing the
heart against a feather on a balancing scale. If the heart is "too heavy" the soul cannot
proceed; whatever is being held onto within that heart is an impediment to any further
evolution of that soul. If the heart is lighter than the feather, it is a heart without sin and
worthy of redemption. In terms of one's own experience, one might reflect on all those
individuals who have ever been a source of resentment, or even hatred, throughout one's
life. Then one might spend time in meditation pouring forgiveness and compassion toward
each of these personalities until one feels the emotional "charge" associated with each of
these figures gradually lessen in intensity. (An especially helpful forgiveness exercise can
be found in Stephen Levine's excellent book, Guided Meditations and Visualizations.) (3)

Yet some would argue that forgiveness, in and of itself, may not necessarily uproot the
source of deep-seated angers or resentments. This brings us to the second of our methods
for transforming the shadow energies of Scorpio. This approach centers around the view
that transformation truly comes about only as a result of a deeper experiential
understanding, or "unlocking," of those turbulent emotions at their energetic roots. The
intent is to investigate the emotional problem in an honest and open manner, probing into
the true source of the feelings underlying the psychological states. In so doing, we defuse
their obsessive or addictive qualities. This is not about analyzing an emotion. Rather, one
allows oneself to truly experience the "felt" sense of one's anger and resentment at their
core while remaining the conscious witness. Though this process can be undertaken with
the guidance of an experienced therapist, it is also possible to engage in this investigation
by oneself. Perhaps the most powerful method along this line is the widely-acclaimed
"focusing" technique pioneered by Eugene Gendlin, which distills many of the most
effective elements of classic therapeutic methods into a simple, step-by-step approach.
(For those interested in learning more about this uncanny therapeutic approach, the best
book is still Gendlin's own work on the subject, which is entitled, appropriately enough,
Focusing.) (4)

A third approach for dealing with the anger and resentment of Scorpio is that of
"transmutation." Here, the emphasis shifts to taking the essential energies of the Scorpio
experience and channeling them into alternative and more constructive modes of
expression. On a more mundane level, for instance, some astrologers find it helpful to
suggest to clients with an abundance of Scorpio energies (natally or by transit) the
usefulness of finding outlets for such energies through some form of vigorous exercise, lest
those energies bottle up and pose greater problems. On a more mystical level, some have
used rituals or visualizations for transmuting these same energies into higher, more
spiritualized states of awareness.
A case in point: One young Scorpio of our acquaintance described a mini-
enlightenment he once had during a nearly overwhelming bout of resentment. Having lain
in bed for hours one night, seething over a spiteful comment directed at him by his
girlfriend, he finally decided to try using a powerful meditative visualization learned
while studying Tibetan Buddhism the previous year. In essence, this involved channeling
his intense feelings into a focused meditation on a particular "wrathful" deity, which
served to redirect those feelings without suppressing them. After several minutes he
suddenly found himself awakening to a profound realization of the inherent sacredness
and luminosity of all phenomena - even those very angry emotions he was beset by. In
other words, the intensity of his troubling emotions provided the very fuel necessary to
reach "escape velocity" into a more transcendental perspective on his condition. Needless
to say, techniques of this sort are best undertaken under the supervision of an experienced
meditation instructor, rather than strictly on one's own.

Ultimately, the core of any effort to harmonize the powerful energies of Scorpio lies in
the compassionate acceptance of one's own emotional nature. From a healing perspective,
forgiveness is about integration. We cannot integrate what remains unconscious.
Furthermore, when there is polarization, we need to find a way to hold both positives and
negatives consciously until we recognize what it is we need to integrate in order to heal, to
become whole. When we can bring conscious awareness to what is being obscured or
distorted by anger, we contact the essential authentic self's feelings of fear, hurt, and
vulnerability that have previously not been acknowledged. With this acknowledgment -
witnessing - arises the possibility of releasing those feelings, of transforming anger and

The enlightenment and self-growth that are revealed when one seeks to generate self-
acceptance rather than self-rejection are some of the most profoundly soul-making gifts of
Scorpio. When we reject another, we are rejecting our own self. The fruits of Scorpio grow
from the deepest sources rooted in the psyche. What we nurture those fruits upon, be it
unexpressed bitterness and secret resentment, or sincere openness and compassion for
ourselves and others, determines the way in which we meet the challenge of Scorpio to not
succumb to the fruit of the poison tree.

References and Notes.

1. Occasionally one sees instances where this process of Scorpionic "tailspinning"

plummets the individual so deeply that it gives rise to its exact opposite, with what might
be called the "Phoenix effect." Here, the individual hits rock bottom only to rebound from
the ashes totally transformed, in a way that other signs may not experience as a result of
being more even-keeled in temperament. Despite its admitted efficacy, most of us would
no doubt opt for more judicious and incremental methods of personal growth.

2. William Blake, Blake: Complete Writings, edited by Geoffrey Keynes, London,

England: Oxford University Press, 1966, 1969, p. 218.
3. Stephen Levine, Guided Meditations, Explorations and Healings, Anchor Pub., 1991
(ISBN 0385417373).

4. Eugene T. Gendlin, Focusing, New York: Bantam Books Inc., 1981. See also this
author's more recent book on the same subject (it may be a revised edition): Focusing-
Oriented Psychotherapy: A Manual of the Experiential, New York: Guilford Publications,

© 1999 Ray Grasse and Linda Puffer - All rights reserved

Ray Grasse is Associate Editor of The Mountain astrologer and author of The Waking
Dream: Unlocking the Symbolic Language of Our Lives. He is currently completing a
book on the symbolism and dynamics of the Aquarian Age. He has been a practicing
astrologer for 25 years and can be contacted at (630) 933-8519.

Linda Puffer is a poet and a professional massage therapist particularly interested in

the mind-body connections between emotions and the transformative healing powers of
conscious awareness. She also may be contacted via The Mountain astrologer.

Article Courtesy of: The Mountain astrologer

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Article 38 - Pluto Pathology (Part 1) - Sex, Death, and Power:
A Scorpio Triumvirate.

Due to the length of this article - 12,000 words. I've placed it on a new page. This will
open in a new window leaving you here. Just close the new window when you've finished.


Article Courtesy of: The Mountain astrologer

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Article 39 - Light Out of Darkness: The Stars of Scorpio

by Diana K. Rosenberg

Each spring as the Sun approaches the Celestial Equator at the vernal equinox, it
emerges from its journey through the great curve of water flowing from Aquarius's Urn
and the West Fish of Pisces, then starts its slow climb north of the Celestial Equator.
Crossing the cords that bind the Fishes, it moves through the legs and belly of the Ram,
cuts through the shoulder and horns of the Bull, and reaches its highest northerly point at
the summer solstice where Orion's upraised club and the toe of Castor, the northern
Gemini Twin, meet in the Milky Way. Then it gradually ambles southward, through the
Twins' waists and the Beehive Nebula in the shell of the Crab, piercing the Lion's heart
and the Virgin's southern wing until, at the autumn equinox, it comes to the Celestial
Equator once more, then dips below it into the mysterious southern netherworld of the
sky. After it has skimmed Spica, the "spike" of wheat in the Virgin's left hand, it travels
just north of the somber realm of Centaurus and his speared victim Lupus, the ancient
"Beast of Death,"(1) journeys through the Scales (once the claws of the ancient greater
Scorpion), passes under the feet of struggling Ophiuchus, the Serpent-Bearer (whose waist
is circled by the great snake Serpens), at the same time cutting through the shoulder of the
powerful, poisonous Scorpion, which Ophiuchus eternally attempts to crush with his left
foot. The Sun reaches its nadir in the sky, the winter solstice, where the sting of the
Scorpion and the Sagittarius Archer's arrow tip, just 6° apart, take aim at each other.
Precisely between them lies mysterious black hole Sagittarius A, at the cloud-obscured
Galactic Center. (Astronomers might sneer at this account, reminding us that it is the
Earth, not the Sun, that makes this journey, but on an instinctual, psychological level, the
Lord of Light is the bringer of enlightenment to humanity, and his "apparent" journey
through the zodiac is, to the collective unconscious, his travail on our behalf.)

The Tropical SIGN of Scorpio

New students of tropical astrology who call themselves "Scorpios" are often surprised
to learn that at the moment of their birth the Sun was not traveling through the
constellation of the Scorpion; it was, in fact, journeying through the stars of the Scales of
Libra! And "Sagittarians" discover that their solar path was actually through the
elemental energies of the sky-Scorpion and his bane, Ophiuchus, the huge Serpent-Holder.
Before the Sun reaches the original figure of the Scorpion, it travels through the 210th-to-
239th degrees of the ecliptic, starting at the stars of the hem and feet of the Virgin, and
passing through the Scales of Justice. This span is where the tropical sign of Scorpio now
lies. Besides the Virgin and Scales, it also takes in the influences of the "Sphaera
Barbarica" - that is, the powerful ancient figures that lie above and below the ecliptical
zodiac: Centaurus, the great spear-carrying Centaur of the southern skies, Lupus, the
Hostage or Victim (speared by Centaurus), and Crux, the Southern Cross, a figure
created in the 1500s from stars that had been the hind-hooves of Centaurus; these lie
below the Sun's path. Above the ecliptic coils the head and upper body of Serpens, the
great snake held by Ophiuchus, and Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown, sometimes
called "The Crown of the Serpent"(2) because it lies just above its head.

The Tropical SIGN of Sagittarius

Our tropical sign of Sagittarius (240th-to-269th degrees of the ecliptic) now cuts
through the original dark Scorpion and includes Ophiuchus/Serpens in its dominion, for
the feet of the massive Serpent-Bearer stand upon the ecliptic, making him, quite
properly, part of the zodiac; thus all who call themselves "Sagittarians" are not only
sidereal Scorpions, but "Ophiuchans" as well! Above, upside down and head-to-head with
Ophiuchus, hovers Hercules, the Strong Man, but there is an enigma here, for in very
ancient times this was not the popular Greek hero, but rather a mysterious figure called
Eidolon, "phantom,"(3) Gnyx, "kneeler,"(4) and earlier still, on the most ancient
cuneiform tablets, Lugal, "king."(5) Some think these stars may represent Gilgamesh,
hero of the earliest known Near Eastern legends. Other Sphaera Barbarica figures of
tropical Sagittarius are Draco, the Dragon, coiled high in the north around the pole, and
Ara, the Altar, below the Scorpion's tail.

These strange combinations - the sign of Scorpio combined with the ancient Libra
Scales/Scorpion's Claws, and the sign of Sagittarius combined with the original sky-
Scorpion/Ophiuchus, all of them allied with their "barbaric" associates-in-longitude -
may seem confusing at first, but knowing their energies and mythologies actually enriches
and enlightens interpretations of horoscopes.

Scale-stars of Sidereal Libra, Now Overlaid by Tropical Scorpio

The zodiacal Scales between the Virgin and the Scorpion were, in ancient times, the
claws of the huge, powerful Scorpion that lay in wait for the Sun at the autumn equinox,
from 4380 to 700 B.C.E. Yet the earliest Sumerian texts also mention Zib-Ba-An-Na,
"Balance of Heaven"(6) here, so even in the most archaic records the Scales and Claws
combined. Nonetheless, these stars were Chelae (Claws) to the Greeks and Romans until
the time of Julius Caesar's calendar reform in 46 B.C.E., when they were identified as
Jugum, yoke (of a scale-beam) or Librae, Scales; after that, the three terms (Claws,
Scales, Yoke) were used interchangeably.(7) Ancient Mesopotamian boundary-stones with
carved constellation figures show a Scorpion holding a circular figure (Sun? lamp? altar?)
in his claws. The seventh month was called, in Akkadian, Tul-ku, "Holy Mound,""Holy
Altar," or "Illustrious Altar,"(8,9) associated with the building of the Tower of Babel, a
ziggurat surmounted by an altar. In the "Tablet of the 30 Stars" ("of very high antiquity .
. . at least to the third millennium B.C.E."), this was the 22nd lunar mansion Etena-mas-
luv, "The Lord of the Foundation of Brickwork."(10) (Approximate tropical span of
Libra Scales [epoch 2000]: 7° Scorpio - 1° Sagittarius.)

It is interesting that the Claws/Scales were associated with the Tower of Babel, because
some with natal positions here are still trying to create a "stairway to heaven." Antoni
Gaudi, architect of the famous Sagrada Familia church of Barcelona, had Jupiter here,
and Sir Christopher Wren, who designed 51 churches (among them the Cathedral of St.
Paul) to replace those lost in the devastating Great Fire of London of 1666, was born with
the Sun, Venus, and Neptune in the ancient "Illustrious Altar." When the cornerstone of
New York's Cathedral of St. John the Divine was laid in 1892,(11) Uranus and the South
Node were here. For others, the task lies closer to sidereal Libra's Scales of Justice -
bringing sacred law down to Earth. Jeremy Bentham, 18th-century jurist and reformer,
had Saturn here; it was the South Node of Ibn al-Faradi, 10th-century judge, and
Mercury and Jupiter of Ibn Khallikan, 13th-century judge. Closer to home, three of the
current Supreme Court Justices - Rehnquist, Ginsberg, and Souter - have the Moon here;
it is Clarence Thomas's South Node and MC, and John Stevens's and Stephen Breyer's
North Node; and in 530 C.E., one of the once-every-77-year apparitions of Halley's
Comet, the written Talmud was completed and Emperor Justinian issued the Codex
Vetus,(12) a code of civil law - the comet's perihelion occurred just north of star Gamma
Libra in the North Scale.(13)

SPHAERA BARBARICA: Outlying Constellations of Tropical Scorpio

The great figure of Centaurus, the Centaur lies below the ecliptic. Though not visible
in most of the northern hemisphere, he is a familiar sight to those farther south.
Originally Centaurus was a combination of man, bull, and horse, the Akkadian Gud-elim,
"The Horned-Bull," Semitic Kusarikku, "Strong-Horned-One."(14) It is probably this
figure (rather than Sagittarius) that was associated by the Greeks with Cheiron, King of
the Centaurs.(15) Two ancient engraved gems each showed a winged, horned (bull-
headed?) human with a horse's body, clutching an animal in both hands.(16) These
beasts-who-are-clutched have become, in the modern charts, Lupus, the Wolf, no longer
grasped by the Centaur but dangling impaled on his spear, "officially" a separate
constellation. This unhappy figure was not originally a wolf; in the earliest texts he was
the Akkadian Ligbat, "Beast of Death," to the Greeks Therion, Wild Animal or Beast,(17)
whom the Romans called "Victima" and "Hostia,"(18) who was always combined with
Centaurus. (Approximate tropical span of Centaurus [epoch 2000]: 13° Libra - 29° 30'
Scorpio. Span of Lupus: 17° Scorpio - 7° Sagittarius.)

There is an early reference from the 8th century B.C.E. that Cheiron "first led the race
of mortals to righteousness, by teaching them the solemnity of the oath, propitiatory
sacrifices, and the figures of Olympos."(19) This wise centaur was an instructor of heroes;
kings sent their sons to his cave on Mt. Pelion to be taught hunting, horseback riding,
survival skills, courage, and honor.(20) Among his pupils was Apollo's son Asclepios
(Aesculapius), the "father of medicine," represented in the sky by Ophiuchus.(21)

Symbolically, the centaur is the antithesis of the knight: half-man, half-horse,

representing irrational instincts uncontrolled by spirit.(22 )The man-beast combination
limns the contest between man's lower, animal instincts and his higher nature of human
virtue and judgment, the conflict between the savage and benign,(23) and the eternal
human struggle with evil.(24) Yet there is innate wisdom inherent in the instincts of
animals, and Cheiron was an exception to the wild, crude character of most centaurs.
Turning alternatively to the possibility here of an ancient man-bull combination, a
minotaur, as a man with the head of a bull, has a similar symbolism, representing the
dangerous dominance of animal instincts, savage passions,(25) dark destructive forces
that work invisibly.(26)

Pablo Picasso, who was obsessed with the image of the minotaur and made it a
frequent subject of his paintings, was born as the Sun aligned with Lambda Centauri.

The wolf, symbol of fierceness, evil, and devouring (thus gluttony), once stood for
stiffnecked people, because it was thought that a wolf could not turn its neck. A despoiler
of flocks, rapacious, cruel, crafty, bloodthirsty; yet to Scandinavians and Teutons, the wolf
was a steed ridden by Odin/Wotan, a bringer of victory. To Romans and Egyptians it
symbolized valor and guardianship (a wolf nourished Romulus and Remus, the founders
of Rome).(27) In the constellations Lupus hangs, speared, carried on the lance of
Centaurus as a sacrifice to be placed on Ara, the fiery Altar. Animals impaled on lances
allude to vices that must be overcome.(28) A lance exemplifies valor, virtue, war, power,
strength, victory over evil, divine wisdom piercing ignorance.(29) It seems to be the cruel
task of those born under Centaurus to carry out, or experience, the karmic penalties of
the Scales of Justice, for the people and events here are "punishers," implementing
apparent "fated" destinies. Military leaders who oversee vast, cruel battles have positions
here, as well as others who hold the fate of thousands, even millions, in their power.

Conquerors Pompey the Great, Maharaja Ranjit Singh, Generals Patton and Rommel
had the Sun here; it was Alexander the Great's Jupiter, Garibaldi's and Zhukov's Saturn,
Duke of Wellington's and Marshall Joffre's Midheaven, Kublai Khan's and Stalin's
Venus, Mao Ze-dong's and Lawrence of Arabia's Mars. The sinister Lavrenti Beria, head
of the NKVD, supervisor of Soviet purges, had Jupiter here, and it was J. Edgar Hoover's
Saturn. Centaurus's presence is felt in many of history's most terrible massacres: Jupiter
and Pluto at the Rwanda genocide and Hebron massacre; Sun, Uranus, and Venus at the
Guyana massacre, and Venus at the Babi Yar slaughter of Jews; Mars and Saturn at the
massacre of the Huguenots in 1672. At the Lunar Eclipse of March 12, 1933, the month
Dachau Concentration Camp was established, Centaurus culminated at the site. It was
Saturn (conjunct Midheaven at Washington, D.C.) at the Solar Eclipse of September 18,
1838, whose path of totality ran through the U.S.: this was the year of the "Trail of Tears"
when Indians were sent on a forced march on foot in mid winter and thousands died. It
was Uranus at the massacre of Sioux at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, in 1890.

All is not grim darkness in this part of the sky! Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown
was said to be Ariadne's bridal crown of flowers, a gift from her bridegroom, Dionysus.
The name Ariadne may come from the Sumerian Ar-ri-an-de, "High Fruitful Mother of
Barley," or Ariagne, "most pure."(30) Ariadne's bridal crown is an ambivalent symbol -
the bridal wreath represents the flower of virginity, but also takes on the symbolism of the
funeral or sacrificial wreath as dying to an old life and beginning anew. In many cultures
it is customary for a bride to wear a crown; it usually is considered a sign of her virginity
and elevation into an esteemed new condition.(31) Flowers are symbolic of transitoriness,
of spring, beauty, the brevity of life, and the ephemeral nature of pleasure.(32) Manilius, a
poet and astrologer in the time of Augustus, went happily overboard: ". . . the child of the
Crown will cultivate a garden budding with bright flowers . . . he will plant pale violets,
purple hyacinths, lilies, poppies which vie with bright Tyrian dyes . . . he will entwine
different flowers and arrange them in garlands . . . stems he will crush and distil mixtures
therefrom, and will flavor scents and unguents which give off a mingled fragrance . . . his
heart is set upon elegance, fashion and the art of adornment, gracious living and the
pleasure of the hour . . . such is the endowment prescribed by the flowers of the
Crown."(33) To my surprise (the sign of Scorpio not generally being associated with
flowers), when I began asking clients with Scorpio planets whether they liked gardening
and flowers, there was always an enthusiastic response! (Approximate tropical span of
Corona Borealis [epoch 2000]: 7 - 25° Scorpio.)

A client, whose idea of heaven was to be up to her elbows in rich soil and earthworms,
was born as Coronae Borealis culminated; Dr. Edward Bach, the bacteriologist and
pathologist who created the Bach Flower remedies, had Mars aligned with Nu Coronae
Borealis; Audrey Hepburn, known for her fashion sense and love of gardens (she narrated
a documentary series on Great Gardens of the World), had the South Node aligned with
Sigma Coronae Borealis, in Ariadne's wedding wreath.

Far below the Scales, Crux the Southern Cross gleams, smallest of the 88 "official"
constellations. The first European explorers who dared to venture into the far southern
seas discovered new and alien star-patterns; frightened by their strangeness, they were
reassured to see a bright cross of stars and took it as a sign of divine protection. Soon
astronomers were treating it as a separate constellation, apart from Centaurus. Centuries
earlier Al-Biruni had written that this asterism could be seen from Multan, India, 30N12,
where it was Sula or Shula, a Beam of Crucifixion,(34) a rather remarkable presage of the
later Crux. A cross stands for a union of opposites, the spiritual (vertical) inter-
penetrating the world of phenomena (horizontal), hence its significance as a metaphor for
agony, struggle, and martyrdom.(35) (Approximate tropical span of Crux [epoch 2000]: 1-
13° Scorpio.)

In 312 C.E., a struggle for dominance of the Roman Empire led to a final military
confrontation between Constantine and his rival Maxentius; before the battle, by his own
account, Constantine experienced a vision of a great cross of light in the sky and the
words in hoc signo vinces: "by this sign thou shalt conquer." With the letters Chi, Rho -
the Greek monogram of Christ - on his soldiers' shields, Constantine won the battle of
Saxa Rubra (Milvian Bridge)(36) on October 28, 312 C.E., and became the first Emperor
to accept Christianity. Neptune, planet of visions, was aligned with Epsilon Crucis in the
Southern Cross.

Stars of Scorpius and Ophiuchus, Now Overlaid by Tropical Sagittarius

On ancient Euphratean cuneiform tablets, the sky-figure of Scorpius was Gir-Anna,

"Scorpion of heaven," and Gir-Tab, "seizer-and-stinger." A fragment of the archaic
Euphratean planisphere reads Kakkab Zalbat-anu ana kakkab Girtab dikhu, "The star
Star-of-Death (Mars) the constellation of the Scorpion faces"(37) Although it is one of the
most beautiful constellations, the sky-Scorpion was considered "ill-omened,"(38) marking
approaching winter cold, darkness, and death. Capable of surviving in temperatures ten
degrees below zero, or conditions of extreme heat - some have even survived a nuclear
explosion - scorpions are arachnids, inhabiting cracks, holes, and hidden, secluded places.
Active at night, they have become associated with secrecy, envy, treachery, evil, darkness,
malevolence, torment, and death.(39) Like snakes, which shed their skins, scorpions can
shed their carapaces, an ability associated with rebirth and renewal. Some South
American tribes consider the scorpion a maternal figure, because, when danger threatens,
the female takes not only her own young but those of other scorpions on her back to carry
them to safety.

Above the Scorpion, sharing the ecliptic, stands the huge shamanic figure Ophiuchus
struggling with Serpens, a great snake, while attempting to crush the Scorpion-of-Death
underfoot. An ancient Babylonian tablet lists a constellation Nutsirda, "Prince-of-the-
Serpent," called in Semitic Namassu, "The Reptile,"(40) the Sumero-Akkadian An-u-gie
"Lord-of-the-Underworld"(41) which presided over dead bodies and disease.(42) The
Greeks called this constellation Asklepios (Aesculapius, son of Apollo), and claimed him as
their God of Medicine.(43)

As a symbol, the serpent is at once malignant and sacred, dreaded and beneficial.
Moving without legs or wings, it symbolizes all-pervading spirit; penetrating crevices, it is
man's inner nature and conscience. Underground, in touch with the omniscience and
magic possessed by the dead and powers of the dark underworld, it is "master of the
bowels of the earth," symbolizing the dark forces of mankind, antithesis of the Sun and
the powers of light. Its ability to shed its skin gives it the aura of immortality and the
power of eternal renewal. It not only stands for guile, deceit, cunning, malevolence, evil,
and corruption, but also primordial instinctual knowledge, power, fertility, potential
energy, upsurging life-force, a penetrating spirit that both animates and maintains, the
source of all wisdom and healing.(44) The familiar staff of Aesculapius, entwined by a
single serpent, was in prehistoric times a pictograph representing the Great Goddess; in
Crete the Goddess was portrayed with snakes held in her hands, and a serpent on a pole
was worshipped as a god of healing in Canaan and Philistia.(45) The serpent-coiled "Staff
of Aesculapius" is still the primary universal symbol of the medical profession.

Together, the Scorpion-of-Death and Serpent-bearing shaman Ophiuchus underscore

the theme of this area of the sky: issues of life or death, dread illness and healing. On the
dark side, these stars have more than their share of villains, murderers, and historic
monsters with the power of life or death over millions, such as Hitler's SS Chief Heinrich
Himmler (North Node, Uranus, Midheaven); Captain Alfredo Astiz, "Angel of Death,"
torturer and murderer of Argentina's "Dirty War" of the 1970s and 1980s (Mercury); and
Chile's notorious dictator Augusto Pinochet (Sun). But the Scorpion does not hold all the
cards: the great figure of Ophiuchus/Aesculapius comes to the fore (and to the rescue!)
with some of the great figures and events in the history of medicine. (Approximate
tropical span of Scorpius [epoch 2000]: 1 - 29° Sagittarius; Ophiuchus: 1° Sagittarius - 6°
Capricorn; Serpens: 14° Scorpio - 16° Capricorn.)

Dr. John Snow, the epidemiologist who found the cause of the 1854 London cholera
epidemic, had Uranus and Neptune here, as did Dr. James Paget, one of the founders of
the science of pathology, and Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis, discoverer (or rediscoverer, for the
ancient Greeks knew of it) of the principle of antisepsis in 1847. It was the North Node
and Moon of Sir Alexander Fleming, discoverer of penicillin, and the Pluto of physician-
astrologers Nostradamus and Jerome Cardan, as well as inoculation pioneer Dr. Edward
Jenner. Dr. Jonas Salk, developer of a polio vaccine, had Venus here, and it was the Moon
and North Node at the announcement that the vaccine was safe. Holocaust survivor Dr.
Etienne-Emile Baulieu, developer of RU486 and an anti-aging pill, was born with Sun,
Venus, and Saturn in the Scorpion/Great Physician. The Scorpion and Serpent-Bearer
culminated at the Mars-Jupiter (with Saturn) conjunction of March 2, 1345 C.E., cited as
the cause of the Black Death by the astrologically-adept Faculty of Medicine of the
University of Paris.(46) At the start of a terrible Yellow Fever epidemic in Philadelphia,
the New Moon (square Saturn) of August 6, 1793 had Scorpius/Ophiuchus rising there.
On July 29, 1878 the dark totality of a solar eclipse's path ran directly through Memphis,
Tennessee:(47) two weeks later a devastating epidemic of Yellow Fever ravaged the
city.(48) The eclipse chart at Memphis had Ophiuchus/Serpens/Scorpius rising. Dr. Carlos
Finlay, who made the discovery in 1881(49) that mosquitoes were the carriers of Yellow
Fever, had the Sun, Mercury, and Mars here, and Dr. Benjamin Rush, famous for his
work in the Yellow Fever epidemic of 1793 ("Moschetoes," he wrote in his journal, "were
uncommonly numerous")(50) was born with Venus and Jupiter in these longitudes.

SPHAERA BARBARICA: Outlying Constellations of Tropical Sagittarius

A small surviving fragment of an Euphratean planisphere lists Sumero-Akkadian

Kisal-Bat-Ala, Babylonian-Assyrian Kisallu-Iabiru, "The-Ancient-Altar-Below."(51) This
is Ara, the Altar beneath the Scorpion's tail, toward which Centaurus carries Lupus.
Manilius held that Ara rising would "shape those who served in temple worship."(52)
(Approximate tropical span of Ara [epoch 2000]: 18° Sagittarius - 1° Capricorn.)

Martin Luther was born with Mercury, Uranus, and Neptune aligned with the Altar; it
is the Moon and Mars of Billy Graham, and the North Node of St. Bernadette, St. Thomas
Becket, and Bahai founder Abdul-Baha. It is the Dalai Lama's Ascendant and St. Jean de
Brebeuf's South Node; Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, had Jupiter here. When St.
Vladimir of Kiev chose Christianity for his pagan Rus in 988 C.E., Neptune aligned with

Hercules, the Strong Man - a tablet of the Assyrian creation legend gives: Akkadian:
Mul Lugal, Babylonian-Assyrian: Kakkab Sarru, "The Constellation of the King," and
Gilgames sarru gitmalu dainu Annunnaki, "Gilgamesh, giant king, Judge of the Masters-
of-the-Underworld."(53) To the early Greeks this was Engonasin, The Kneeler, or
Eidolon, Phantom.(54) Though Aratus (315-245 B.C.E.) calls him "The Kneeler," there is
a record associating this figure with Herakles (Hercules) as early as the 5th century
B.C.E. (The name Herakles derives from the Phoenician Harekhal, "Traveler."(55)
Manilius claimed that this constellation produced daredevils,(56) and in combination with
the natural adventurousness of tropical Sagittarius, a number of intrepid travelers and
explorers are born with planets here.

Dr. David Livingston, who, as physician, explorer, and missionary, combined the
energies of Ophiuchus (medicine), Hercules (travel, daring), and religion (Ara), had
Uranus and Neptune aligned with all three (when he disappeared in Africa, he also fit the
"phantom" tradition!); it was explorer Henry M. Stanley's Jupiter, Saturn, and
Ascendant. Sir Edmund Hillary, first to conquer Everest, had the North Node here, and it
was Charles Lindbergh's Ascendant. Arctic explorers Roald Amundsen (South Node),
Richard Byrd (Venus, Jupiter), and Robert F. Scott (Saturn) fit the pattern. Captain
James Cook was born with Mercury, Venus, and Mars under Hercules; it was
soldier/explorer William Clark's Jupiter and Neptune. Missionary Father Junipero Serra,
combining religion (Ara) and travel (Hercules), had the Sun, Mercury, and North Node

The Two Scorpios

In this mysterious portion of the sky, home of "the two Scorpios," we have two
apparently very different tropical energies (tropical Scorpio, Sagittarius), yet it can be
seen that they have much in common, for the Scales, which tropical Scorpio overlays,
were originally the Scorpion's Claws holding an altar, and the sky-Scorpion (above fiery
Ara), which tropical Sagittarius overlays, still seethes beneath the 9th sign's cheerful
surface of mutable fire. It is important to realize that the tropical and sidereal zodiacs
combine their effects.(57) This 60° segment of the sky offers passion, urgency, intense
commitment, a longing for justice, lust for adventure, and a strong esthetic sense; but
perhaps most important of all, with its Cross, Altar, Bridal Wreath of flowers, and skin-
and-carapace-shedding Scorpion and Serpent, it is a place of beauty, transformation,
renewal, hope, and redemption.

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References and Notes:

1. Richard H. Allen, Star Names, Their Lore and Meaning, New York: Dover Publications,
Inc., 1963, p. 278.
2. William Lilly, Christian Astrology, London: 1647 facsimile edition, Regulus Publishing
Co., Ltd., 1985, p. 703.
3. Allen, Star Names, p. 239.
4. Aratus, Phaenomena, trans. G. R. Mair, Loeb Classical Library, Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1969, p. 212.
5. Robert Brown, Jr., Researches into the Origin of the Primitive Constellations of the
Greeks, Phoenicians, and Babylonians, 2 Vols., London: Williams & Norgate, 1899, Vol.
II, p. 11.
6. Gwyneth Heuter, Star Names - Origins and Misconceptions, Vistas in Astronomy Vol.
29, Pergamon Journals Ltd., 1986, p. 245.
7. Allen, Star Names, p. 270.
8. Ibid., p. 273.
9. Robert Brown, Jr., Remarks on the Euphratean Astronomical Names of the Signs of the
Zodiac, Proceedings, Society of Biblical Archaeology, March 3, 1891, pp. 260-261.
10. Brown, Researches into the Origin of the Primitive Constellations, Vol. II, p. 86.
11. Cathedral booklet.
12. Bernard Grun, Timetables of History, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1982, p. 38.
13. Donald K. Yeomans and Tao Kiang, Two Body Ephemeris for Comet Halley 240
B.C.E.-1911, Pasadena, CA: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA, 1981.
14. Brown, Researches into the Origin of the Primitive Constellations, Vol. II, p. 213.
15. Allen, Star Names, p. 149.
16. Robert Brown, Jr., Euphratean Stellar Researches, Proceedings, Society of Biblical
Archaeology, Jan. 8, 1895, pp. 19-20.
17. Brown, Researches into the Origin of the Primitive Constellations, Vol. I, p. 112.
18. Allen, Star Names, p. 278.
19. Brown, Researches into the Origin of the Primitive Constellations, Vol. I, p. 124.
20. Erminie Lantero, The Continuing Discovery of Chiron, York Beach, ME: Samuel
Weiser Inc., 1983, Chapter 2, passim.
21. Julius D. W. Staal, The New Patterns in the Sky, Blacksburg, VA: The McDonald and
Woodward Publishing Co., 1988, p. 195.
22. J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, New York: Philosophical Library, 1962, p. 39.
23. J. C. Cooper, An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols, London: Thames
& Hudson, 1978, p. 32.
24. Boris Matthews, trans., The Herder Symbol Dictionary, Wilmette, IL: Chiron
Publications, 1986, p. 34.
25. Cooper, An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols, p. 106.
26. Matthews, trans., The Herder Symbol Dictionary, p. 131.
27. Cooper, An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols, p. 194.
28. Matthews, trans., The Herder Symbol Dictionary, p. 115.
29. Cooper, An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols, p. 95.
30. Robert Graves, Greek Myths, Middlesex, England: Penguin Books, 1972, Vol I, p. 347.
31. Cooper, An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols, p. 195.
32. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, p. 104.
33. Manilius, Astronomica, trans. G. P. Goold, Loeb Classical Library, Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1977, pp. 320-323.
34. Allen, Star Names, p. 185.
35. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, pp. 65-66.
36. David Eggenberger, An Encyclopaedia of Battles, New York: Dover Publications, Inc.,
1985, p. 388.
37. Brown, Researches into the Origin of the Primitive Constellations, Vol. I, pp. 72-73.
38. Ibid., p. 73.
39. Jack Tresidder, Dictionary of Symbols, San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1998, p. 178.
40. Brown, Researches into the Origin of the Primitive Constellations, Vol. II, p. 21.
41. Ibid., p. 175.
42. Ibid., p. 89.
43. Allen, Star Names, p. 298.
44. Cooper, An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols, pp. 146-149.
45. Ibid., p. 151.
46. Barbara W. Tuchman, A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century, New York:
Alfred A. Knopf, 1978, pp. 102-103 (cause of Black Death).
47. T. Von Oppolzer, Canon of Eclipses, trans. O. Gingerich, New York: Dover
Publications, Inc., 1962, pp. 292, 296; eclipse path charts 146, 148.
48. James Cornell, The Great International Disaster Book, New York: Charles ScribnerÕs
Sons, 1976, pp. 195-196.
49. Encyclopaedia Britannica Micropaedia, 17th Edition, University of Chicago, 1981, Vol.
IV, p. 144.
50. Dr. Laurence Farmer, "Moschetoes were Uncommonly Numerous," American
Heritage, Vol. VII, No. 3, April 1956, p. 54.
51. Brown, Researches into the Origin of the Primitive Constellations, Vol. II, pp. 5-9.
52. Manilius, Astronomica, pp. 327-329.
53. Brown, Researches into the Origin of the Primitive Constellations, Vol. II, p. 10.
54. Allen, Star Names, p. 239.
55. Brown, Researches into the Origin of the Primitive Constellations, Vol. II, p. 10.
56. Manilius, Astronomica, p. 353.
57. Diana K. Rosenberg, Encyclopaedia of Fixed Stars and Constellations, New York: self-
published, 1998.

Chart Data and Sources

Babi Yar (started Sep. 24, 1941, 4:00 p.m., Kiev): A. Anatoli (Kuznetsov), Babi Yar, trans.
David Floyd, New York: Washington Square Press, 1971, p. 57.

Kublai Khan: Morris Rossabi, Kublai Khan, His Life and Times, University of California
Press, 1988.

Cathedral of St. John the Divine cornerstone: Cathedral booklet.

Byrd, Stanley, Amundsen, Abdul-Baha, Dalai Lama, Salk: SS, MMD (Sabian Symbols,
Marion Meyer Drew); Garibaldi: Barbault; Joffre: Gauquelin; Audrey Hepburn, Hillary:
"personal"; Joseph Smith: EA, NN (Evangeline Adams, Notable Nativities); Serra: The Spirit
of Serra by Thomas Cullen: all from Marc Penfield, 2001, The Penfield Collection, Vulcan
Books, 1979.

Dr. John Snow (March 15, 1815, York, England): World Who's Who from Antiquity to the
Present (Brooklyn Public Library phone ref.).

Justice Souter: "McEvoy quotes mother's friend," Astro-Analytics Newsletter.

Ibn al Faradi, Ibn Hazm, Ibn Khallikan, Wren: Encyclopaedia Britannica, University of
Chicago, 1965.

Gaudi, Pompey, Ranjit Singh, Zhukov, Pinochet, Brebeuf, Rush, Jenner, Semmelweis,
Paget, Finlay, Beria, Fleming, William Clark, Livingstone; Massacre of Huguenots (Aug.
23, 1672, 9:00 p.m. LMT, Paris): Encyclopaedia Britannica Micropaedia, 17th Edition,
University of Chicago, 1981.

Saxa Rubra: David Eggenberger, An Encyclopaedia of Battles, New York: Dover Publications,
Inc., 1967.

Trail of Tears, Wounded Knee (Dec. 29, 1890, 9:50 a.m. MST, 43N08, 102W22): Dee Brown,
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston Inc., 1971: pp. 7, 416-

Baulieu: Dec. 12, 1926, 4:30 a.m., Strasbourg, France: AA data: Cardan quotes BC in March
1995: from Marion March.

Rwanda massacres (started April 6, 1994): New York Times, April 8, 9, 1994.

Codex Vetus, St. Vladimir, 988 C.E.: Bernard Grun, Timetables of History, New York: Simon
& Schuster, 1982, pp. 38, 122.


Hebron Massacre, Feb. 25, 1994, 4:00 a.m.:


Dr. Edward Bach (Sep. 24, 1886, Mossley, Eng):

Astiz: (Nov. 8, 1951, Mar del Plata, Argentina)

Justices Ginsberg, Breyer: www2.cybernex. net/~vanalst/supreme.html

Rodden, Astro-Data I:

St. Bernadette: Luc de MarrŽ, from "birth record given by Choisnard in 'Language Astral,'
1922, p. 18."

Rodden, Astro-Data II:

Cook: p. 284: J. M. McCan in Dell Horoscope, Nov. 1979 (among others); Lindbergh: p. 330:
SS and others - later confirmed; Graham: p. 330, later corrected to 3:30 p.m. EST; Luther:
time corrected to 10:45:29 p.m. LMT; Lawrence of Arabia: p. 326: DD; Mao: p. 335: DD;
Stalin: p. 372: correction cites Great Russian Encyclopaedia, 1974 for Dec. 21, 1879 NS;
Wellington: Lockhart quotes Raphael's Manual of Astrology; Patton: Dewey, "from family
bible"; Rommel: Gauquelin, corrected to 11:14 a.m. GMT; Himmler: Gauquelin; Alexander
the Great: pp. 260-261 (July 17, 354 B.C.E., Pella, Macedonia): Die Astrologie, June 1927:
DD; J. Edgar Hoover: "data from him in a letter"; Nostradamus, p. 346: Kraum "data from
his friend": DD.
Rodden, Astro-Data III:

Cardan: Giralmo Cardano: Book of My Life, trans. Jean Stoner, 1930, p. 4.

Anita Hill: Rodden, Data News #32, 12/91.

All astrological positions were calculated on Mark Pottenger's CCRS Horoscope Program: AGS
Software, Orleans, MA 01988.

© 1999 Diana K Rosenberg - all rights reserved.

Article Courtesy of: The Mountain astrologer

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Article 40 - The Scorpio Phase

The Scorpio Phase involves a process of purification by fire, or death. It can be

experienced in one's life as a time when significant demands are being made upon you
emotionally that require or demand you to move DOWN into a depth of feeling that opens
you up. The level of emotions are primitive and intense, and as one writer puts it, in
Scorpio "to go up, you have to go down". It involves the necessity to give up the sense of
you in any way being in control of 'your life'. You are in a sense controlled by forces
greater than you and, in some archetypal sense, out to destroy you if you are incapable of
'submitting' to the process of ego death that is required. These experiences may happen in
any kind of actual life circumstance.

Two examples are the completion of graduate school in which the student was
completely overwhelmed with the final requirements for completing his degree. It felt to
him like a mythic struggle to submit to the final necessities, involving a level of self
transcendence unknown to him at the time. Another example is a person who, during the
Libra Phase, discovered he had a disease that he felt to be potentially life threatening, and
at a minimum, reducing his expectations of long, healthy life. This moved him into an
intense emotional process that brought him down into primitive and base level fears that
involved a tremendous submission and self transcendence to move beyond.

A further description of this phase is that you struggle to come to terms with some of
your most basic fears, with circumstances and conditions that threaten you very
fundamentally and emotionally, that bring up your most intense vulnerability and sense of
overwhelm. It is your struggle to reorient away from being controlled by your reaction to
these demands and perceived threats. The sense of threat and struggle or potential
disaster can be quite overwhelming during this phase. The archetype of Scorpio is
associated with great forces in nature that tend to overwhelm the sense of individual
existence, such as sex and death. You will find yourself in situations where the demand
upon you (often prior to the mid-point) is very intense and often seems to be quite

The larger environment of your life, i.e. your relationships or just life in general,
appears to be threatening to you, appears to be demanding more than you are willing to
give. What is being demanded seems to devalue you greatly. At the midpoint you make a
"break" from this demand and/or threat toward a more self determined incarnation that
is not as susceptible to the intense fears and sense of overwhelm you may be experiencing.
At this time life demands great sacrifices in order to incarnate this new direction, just as it
did after the midpoints of the Taurus and Leo phases. It is very difficult, yet you have no
choice, there is no going back after this break with the past and toward that something
new, as yet unexplored. Those things in your environment that appear to be making such
intense and unyielding demands upon your very self-hood can range from work/career
situations and persons in those situations to health issues which may fundamentally
threaten bodily existence, or appear to. The experience is of your present sense of selfhood
being overwhelmed, even "killed" or threatened to the point of extinction. At a minimum
it may be the experience of your sense of selfhood being fundamentally disacknowledged.

This phase is the opposite of the Taurus phase and can be seen as it's complement in
many ways. These two phases are often experienced as the most difficult personally
during the seven year cycle because they have to do with such intense struggle with being
acknowledged by your environment and/or with discovering and struggling to incarnate
your 'truer' values. They both demand a self transcendence, an incarnation of 'spiritual'
strength at a very basic level. You must choose to grow and to not allow these forces of
despair or threat to overwhelm your greater intelligence and understanding.

Article Courtesy of:

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Scorpio and Aries

When Aries and Scorpio come together, it can be the kind of

relationship where the two partners wonder how they ever
managed apart. Both partners in this relationship love power, and if
they learn to work together instead of against each other they can
achieve anything they want. Scorpio is more focused and more
determined than Aries, while Aries gets things started the way both
partners want. Even though Aries can be fiercely loyal, Scorpio has
a deeper and more complex devotion to the partnership.

This can be a very goal-oriented relationship. It tends to be

highly passionate and often argumentative, because both partners
have jealous tendencies. Scorpio tends to be more patient, but is
also more possessive than Aries. But despite their differences, both
partners love risk and taking chances; this is not a boring
relationship! Aries and Scorpio can have lots of adventures
together. At times they can have difficulty understanding each
other, because Aries is an extrovert, up front and open, while
Scorpio is more introverted with their feelings. Both partners need
to meet on neutral ground once in a while and work out a truce!

Aries and Scorpio are both ruled by the Planet Mars, and Scorpio
is also ruled by Pluto. When two people with Mars' energy come
together, it's like two players meeting on a battlefield: they're
either allies or deadly enemies. Mars also represents passion, so
Aries and Scorpio tend to have an exciting time together. Both meet
challenge head-on, so it's normal for them to argue all the time --
making up is something to look forward to! Pluto adds an extra
intensity to this dynamic.

Aries is a Fire Sign and Scorpio is a Water Sign. These two

elements can be a great combination if they work together, using
emotion and physical action to get things done. Scorpio is a
strategist, and can help Aries slow down and learn how to plan
battles before jumping into them. Aries teaches Scorpio to let go
and move on when their efforts are thwarted. But Scorpio can be
emotionally manipulative, too much Water dampening Aries'
enthusiasm. Conversely, too much Fire can burn the Water away
and drive Scorpio to seek revenge. Aries and Scorpio must plan and
work together instead of separately to maintain their balance.

Aries is a Cardinal Sign and Scorpio is a Fixed Sign. Aries gives

Scorpio the initiative to do things just for the experience, rather
than always having an agenda in mind. Scorpio can help Aries
stabilize and finish things rather than jumping into new projects
without completing the old ones. But they are both loyal and
devoted to each other, and when they can understand that they can
both be the boss -- Aries as the initiator and Scorpio as the
emotional leader -- they can accomplish a great deal together.

The best aspect of the Aries-Scorpio relationship is the power of

their combined forces. They can accomplish a lot, particularly when
they believe in the same cause. They are both winners and they
won't give up, making theirs a relationship that never settles for
second best.

Aries. The meeting of these two people with their enormous

sexual drive is an explosive combination. However, their
personalities are very different. Both love lots of sex with
imaginative positions. Unfortunately, each one has the same great
need for superiority over the other. If they are both prepared to
make the effort, they may experience the greatest love affair of
their lives. The flip side of this coin could be a bitter marriage.

See Articles 36 & 37 under the Scorpio Profile for more info on
your sign.

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Scorpio and Taurus

When Taurus and Scorpio come together, the result is two signs
opposite one another in the Zodiac so a blending of two halves.
Signs in polarity such as these often combine to make a whole,
each partner's strengths balancing the other's weaknesses. Signs in
polarity often have a strong sexual attraction, and when they are
together the barometer may rise! Taurus and Scorpio have a great
deal in common, but because they have such powerful personalities
this relationship is often one that goes back and forth from
passionate love to passionate disagreement!

Taurus and Scorpio enjoy working together toward owning

things: Taurus wants possessions and Scorpio wants power. Both of
these Signs are about wealth and resources, including inheritances
and taxes. They are both passionate about all aspects of life. They
complement each other because Taurus is more about the self while
Scorpio is about the immediate group, including family.
Additionally, Taurus is more direct while Scorpio is mysterious.
Because of their differences, both Signs can grow and learn from
each other if they can agree to compromise.

Venus rules Taurus and Scorpio are ruled by Mars and Pluto. This
combination is very intense, thanks to Pluto's influence, but it's a
good balance of masculine and feminine energy. The two Signs
coming together form the basic foundation of human relationships
-- Venus' love and Mars' passion. Venus and Mars go well together;
Venus is about the beauty of romance, and Mars is about the
passion of romance. Scorpio is smoldering and intense, and Taurus
is attracted to this intensity; in turn, Scorpio enjoys the devotion
inherent in Venus-ruled Taurus.

Taurus is an Earth Sign and Scorpio is a Water Sign. Scorpio is a

very deep Sign; it's an ocean, and too much upset will cause a tidal
wave! Scorpio emotionally recedes and recedes, then suddenly
roars back with a vengeance. Taurus and Scorpio are strongly loyal
to each other, a product of their mutual need for emotional
security. But while Taurus is open, with everything laid bare on the
surface, Scorpio is more focused on the undercurrents of life.
Scorpio can show Taurus beyond the literal surface, while Taurus
can teach Scorpio that a spade is sometimes just a spade.
Additionally, Scorpio appreciates the Taurean practicality and
Taurus enjoys Scorpio's jealousy -- it proves they are adored and

Taurus and Scorpio are both Fixed Signs. Once they have a
common goal, nothing will get in the way. If the opinions of these
partners are different, though, explosions may ensue! It often
appears that Taurus will get prevail as the dominant partner, but
that isn't always the case. Sometimes Scorpio won't even agree to
disagree, although they might pretend to give in and later gain
revenge through emotional manipulation. It's important for these
partners to discuss what is truly important to them so they can
reach an equitable compromise. Once Scorpio learns to trust Taurus
and understand the implications of a "partnership", the pair can
achieve almost anything through sheer determination. The
relationship will only fail if the two partners truly cannot overcome
their opinionated, fixed sides.

The best aspect of the Taurus-Scorpio relationship is their

powerful teamwork when they agree on their goals. When Scorpio
realizes that Taurus is there for the long term, and will not create
the misery that some Scorpios attract to their lives, this
relationship can blossom. Their mutual determination makes theirs
a relationship of formidable strength.

Taurus. Both star-signs have large sexual appetites and may

have fun together for a short time. Eventually, the Taurean apathy
becomes apparent and bores the active Scorpio. Added to this, they
are both quick-tempered and find it difficult to be forgiving. They
will end up having an exciting affair but an unhappy marriage.

See Article 36 under the Scorpio Profile for more info on your sign.

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Scorpio and Gemini

When Gemini and Scorpio learn to glory in each other's

differences, they can create a force to be reckoned with. Scorpio is
more focused and more determined than Gemini, while Gemini is
easily adaptable and more outgoing than Scorpio. Scorpions have
an intense loyalty to their partner while Gemini is more relaxed
about life in general. Each partner has different ultimate goals, but
if they work together they can achieve anything.

This can be a very goal-oriented relationship. It tends to be

highly passionate and often argumentative, because Scorpio has a
jealous nature and Gemini can come across as uncaring who also
likes to debate just for the fun of it. Scorpio tends to be more
patient, but is also more possessive than Gemini. But despite their
differences, both partners love risk and taking chances; this is not a
boring relationship! Gemini and Scorpio can have lots of adventures
together. At times they can have difficulty understanding each
other, because Gemini is an extrovert, up front and open, while
Scorpio is more mysterious. Both partners need to sit down at the
bargaining table every once in a while and work out a peace treaty!

Gemini is ruled by the Planet Mercury and Scorpio is dually ruled

by the Planets Mars and Pluto. Gemini's excellent communicative
abilities balance the strife that can arise from the smoldering,
sometimes emotionally inaccessible Scorpio. Mars also represents
passion, so Scorpio's energy fuels an active and exciting time
together. Both enjoy challenge, so heated debate will not scare off
either one -- making up is twice as hot! Pluto adds an extra
intensity to this dynamic.

Gemini is an Air Sign and Scorpio is a Water Sign. These two

elements can be a great combination if they work together, using
emotion and intellect to get things done. Scorpio is a strategist, and
can help Gemini slow down and learn how to plan battles before
jumping into them. Gemini teaches Scorpio to let go and move on
when their efforts are thwarted. But Scorpio can be emotionally
manipulative, too much Water dampening Gemini's enthusiasm.
Conversely, too much Air can stir up the Water and create rough
sailing for the relationship. Gemini and Scorpio must plan and work
together instead of separately to maintain their balance.

Gemini is a Mutable Sign and Scorpio is a Fixed Sign. Gemini

allows Scorpio the space to do things just for the experience, rather
than always having an agenda in mind. Scorpio can lead Gemini
toward stabilizing and finishing things rather than jumping into
new projects without completing the old ones. Both are attached
and devoted to each other, and when they can understand that they
can enjoy a satisfying relationship Gemini providing the reasoning
and brainpower and Scorpio as the passionate, emotional leader
they can accomplish a great deal together.

The best aspect of the Gemini-Scorpio relationship is the strength

they have when they function as a unit. They can champion any
cause they choose, and obtain any goal. They are both winners, and
they won't give up, making theirs a relationship that never settles
for second best.

Gemini. The Gemini is a good sexual match for the Scorpio. They
are spontaneously attracted to each other, like bees to honey. Soon
however, the intensity of the Scorpio's emotions will get on the
Gemini's nerves and the Gemini's flippancy and unreliability will
irritate the Scorpio. They will have a shaky romance and a very
problematical marriage. Only a very mature couple will be able to
overcome the obstacles.
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Scorpio and Cancer

When Cancer and Scorpio come together, the resulting

relationship brings together two Signs of great emotional depth.
Signs such as these often combine well, each partner's strengths
balancing the other's weaknesses. These Signs have a strong
sexual attraction, and when they are together the temperature in
the room tends to rise! Cancer and Scorpio have a great deal in
common which will keep their relationship strong.

Cancer and Scorpio enjoy working together toward acquisition

and create a comfortable living space: Cancer wants security and
Scorpio wants power. Both of these Signs are about domestic goods
and resources, including stocks, bonds and inheritances. They are
both passionate and deeply emotionally touched by all aspects of
life. They complement each other because Cancer and Scorpio are
both concerned with the home and both have fierce loyalty to the
family group.

The Moon rules Cancer and Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto.
This combination is very intense, thanks to Pluto's influence, but
it's a good balance of masculine and feminine energy. The two
Signs coming together form the basic foundation of human
relationships -- The Moon's nurturing love and Mars' passion. The
Moon and Mars go well together; The Moon is about growth and
rebirth, and Mars is about the passion of romance. Scorpio is
smoldering and intense, and Cancer is attracted to this intensity; in
turn, Scorpio enjoys the adoration inherent in Moon-ruled Cancer.

Cancer and Scorpio are both Water Signs. Both are very deep
Signs and like the ocean, you can never really see the bottom.
Scorpio and Cancer emotionally draw further and further into
themselves, then suddenly roar back with intimidating force.
Cancer and Scorpio are strongly loyal to each other, a product of
their mutual desire for emotional security. But while Cancer is
fixated on the family and home Scorpio is more focused on the
undercurrents of life. Scorpio can show Cancer beyond the literal
surface, while Cancer can teach Scorpio not to fear their emotions.
Additionally, Scorpio appreciates the Cancerian practicality and
Cancer enjoys Scorpio's jealousy it proves that Scorpio really loves
and cherishes them.

Cancer is a Cardinal Sign and Scorpio is a Fixed Sign. Once they

have a common wish, it will be realized due to their efforts.
However, if their opinions clash, look out! Cancer will be the first to
instigate an argument and Scorpio the last to finish it. It often
appears that Cancer will get its own way and be the dominant
partner, but that isn't always the actual conclusion. Sometimes
Scorpio won't even agree to disagree, although they might pretend
to give in. Both partners are not beyond using emotional
manipulation to get revenge. It's important for these partners to
discuss what is truly important to them so they can reach an
equitable compromise. Once Scorpio and Cancer learn to trust one
another and believe in each other, they are a pair that can achieve
almost anything through sheer determination. The relationship will
only fail if the two partners truly cannot overcome their
opinionated, stubborn sides.

The best aspect of the Cancer-Scorpio relationship is their

powerful teamwork when they agree on their goals. When Cancer
realizes that Scorpio is there for the long haul and that the
partnership is emotionally productive, this relationship can
blossom. Their mutual determination makes theirs a relationship of
formidable strength.

Cancer. The somewhat inhibited Cancer will be happy to submit

to the passionate desires of the Scorpio. The Cancer would love to
be dominated by a strong and deep character and, for this reason,
need look no further than the demanding Scorpio. The Scorpio will
inspire the emotional Cancer with their passionate nature and offer
security too. Their emotions will last thanks to their personalities.
The best prospects for love and marriage.

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Scorpio and Leo

When Leo and Scorpio come together, they often create a
vigorous and powerful team. They understand each other's needs
well; Scorpio needs to be respected and desired while Leo wants to
be adored and complimented. They are both strongly loyal, often
possessive of each other. Both partners are able to provide what
the other needs and enjoy each other's strengths.

Leo likes comfort and luxury, often doing things on a grand scale.
Leo tends to be flamboyant, and Scorpio will like that and will be
happy to give Leo the audience they require as long as there is
equality in the relationship. Leo is shines brighter and more
insistently, becoming magnificence and luxury personified. Scorpio
will appreciate being relieved of any pressure to be in the limelight
but will be content to control the fundamentals. Because both Signs
are so determined, these partners really need to work to
understand and accept each other.

Leo is ruled by the Sun while Scorpio is ruled by the Planets Mars
and Pluto. The Sun is about ego and self, and it radiates warmth
and light. Leo indeed radiates this kind of energy and enthusiasm.
Mars is about war, brashness and battle, and Pluto is the influence
on Scorpio's hidden thoughts. Ruled by the House of Sex, Pluto
influences the idea of regeneration and rebirthing that is a current
theme in Scorpio's life. Together, this bounty of masculine energy is
why Leo and Scorpio soften their conflicts and sustain each other.
The Sun represents life, and Mars and Pluto represent ambition and
the unconscious; as long as they are careful to understand each
other, their combination is a positive and ambitious one.

Leo is a Fire Sign and Scorpio is a Water Sign. Leo wants social
freedom, while Scorpio has a shifting, viscous personality. Both
Signs want to be the leader in different ways, and this common
desire may be a source of discontent. Like the Elements that
influence them, these two are capable of destroying one another. At
times, their relationship may not be a harmonious one. However,
both partners will realize that these petty disputes are of no real
consequence, and as long as they can keep their egos aside and
allow the relationship priority, their conflicts can usually be

Scorpio and Leo are both Fixed Signs. Both can be rigid,
opinionated and resistant to change. Both partners tend to persist
when working toward their goals. If they have a plan, they'll stick
to it until they get what they want. They usually share a distrust of
change, preferring life to be stable and steady. If they have
differing ideas on the same subject, they may find themselves in a
never-ending power struggle. Scorpio won't change their mind
because they see it as a sign of weakness, and Leo may see Scorpio
as being too intolerant. If they understand they're on the same side
in the grander scheme of things, it's much easier for them to
remain productive.

The best aspect of the Leo-Scorpio relationship is their mutual

dedication to each other and the projects they partake in. Both
Signs have very powerful, yet strategically different, personalities.
Others see them as a strong pair, and their mutual commitment to
fulfilling their goals makes theirs a powerful relationship.

Two shining personalities join together. They have a lot in

common, especially when Leo is the female and Scorpio is the male.
The Scorpio female is too demanding for the Leo male. Jealousy
plays a major role in family quarrels. Basically, this should make for
one of the most compatible combinations, but long and happy
partnership will be far better when a Leo female marries a Scorpio
male. Two very strong willed individuals generally create some
rather stormy moments. Without some mutual give and take there
is rocky road ahead.

Leo. Both love explosive sex. Unfortunately, they are both highly
argumentative and the Scorpio will soon tire of constantly admiring
the Leo, whilst the Leo will be waiting for their supremacy to be
recognized. Therefore tempers will soon flare. An exciting, torrid
affair is possible. A marriage will be dramatic and inadvisable.

See Article 36 under the Scorpio Profile for more info on your sign.

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Scorpio and Virgo

When Virgo and Scorpio come together, the resulting relationship

brings together two Signs that are two apart in the Zodiac. This will
tend to endow the relationship with an intense karmic bond. The
Virgo-Scorpio relationship is based on loyalty and deep, strong ties.
Usually, this couple will keep to themselves; they aren't much
inclined to go to parties or dances, but together they form a very
fulfilling union.

Virgo and Scorpio enjoy working together toward acquisition:

Virgo wants order and Scorpio wants power. Both of these Signs
are about assets and resources, including inheritances and
property. Virgo is more about ministering to others and Scorpio is
about the group, thus this couple is very service oriented and
known to be dependable and lend a hand to a friend or to the
community. Additionally, Virgo can be shy and reserved while
Scorpio is more opaque. Because of their differences, both Signs
can grow and learn from each other if they can agree to meet each
other halfway.

Mercury rules Virgo and Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto. This
combination is very intense, thanks to Pluto's influence. The two
Signs coming together form the basic foundation of human
relationships Mercury's communication and Mars' passion. Mercury
and Mars go well together; Mercury is about the conscious mind,
and Mars is about the passion of romance. Scorpio is smoldering
and intense, and Virgo is attracted to this intensity. In turn, Scorpio
enjoys the devotion and practicality inherent in Virgo.

Virgo is an Earth Sign and Scorpio is a Water Sign. Scorpio is a

very deep Sign; it's an ocean, and too much upset will cause a
violent storm! Scorpio emotionally sucks in, then, when the
pressure becomes too intense, suddenly explodes out. Virgo and
Scorpio's mutual need for emotional security fosters extreme
loyalty to each other. But while Virgo is simplistic, with everything
laid bare on the surface, Scorpio is more focused on the
undercurrents of life. Scorpio can show Virgo beyond the literal
surface, and Virgo is attentive enough to pick up on this hidden
conversation. Virgo can teach Scorpio that facts and numbers are
sometimes quite literal and can be dismissed at face value. Scorpio
appreciates Virgo's practicality and Virgo enjoys Scorpio's devotion
- it proves they are loved and appreciated.

Virgo is a Mutable Sign and Scorpio is a Fixed Sign. Once they

have a common goal, nothing can get in the way. When the
opinions of these partners are different, Virgo is adaptable enough
to take a step backward and not allow an argument to happen.
Scorpio often gets its own way due to a stubborn streak. It's
important for these partners to discuss what is truly important to
them so they can have equal roles. This is not a relationship riddled
with conflict. Both partners would rather work together than fight.

The best aspect of the Virgo-Scorpio relationship is their

powerful teamwork when they agree on their goals. When Scorpio
realizes that Virgo is an asset and a leveling force in their life, this
relationship can blossom. Mutual determination and organization
makes theirs a relationship of formidable strength.

Virgo. The Virgo is emotionally and sexually too cold for the
Scorpio. After a while, they will be able to understand one another
on an emotional level, yet the criticism will soon drive the Scorpio
into a warmer bed. The other scenario for these two signs is usually
characterized by the enthusiastic Scorpio being inspired by the
challenge of firing up the passion of the cool Virgo. Perhaps the
Virgo will be swept away by it all to such an extent that they give
up in astonishment. In these circumstances it is possible for them
to have an exceptional relationship and marriage. Otherwise, The
prospects for love and marriage are negative.

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Scorpio and Libra

When Libra and Scorpio come together, it can be a fulfilling and

stimulating relationship both mentally and emotionally. Libra's
balancing energy can counteract Scorpio's brooding disposition. If
the pair can fuse Libra's exceptional interpersonal skills with
Scorpio's determination and drive, they can reach amazing new
heights together. Scorpio has more focus than Libra, and Libra can
get the ball rolling in the direction both partners want. Libra and
Scorpio are steadfast in their loyalty to one another.
This can be a very goal-oriented relationship. It tends to be both
highly emotional and intellectual, thus making the bond
multifaceted and deep. Scorpio tends to be more patient, but is also
more controlling than Libra. But despite their differences, both
partners love risk and taking chances; this is not a boring
relationship! Libra and Scorpio can have lots of fun together, and
both can be quite charming. At times they have difficulty
understanding each other, because Libra is up front and open, while
Scorpio is more mysterious. Both partners need to get together
occasionally and decide on some common rules and boundaries.

The Planet Venus rules Libra and Scorpio is dually ruled by the
Planets Mars and Pluto. Libra's ability to articulate and love for
beauty and romance balance the strife that can arise from the
secretive and emotionally obtuse Scorpio. Mars represents passion,
so Scorpio's energy fuels an active and exciting time together.
Neither will want to argue; Libra doesn't enjoy conflict and Scorpio
will seek secret revenge. It will usually be Libra who calls a truce
and comes up with the solutions. Pluto adds an intense edge to this

Libra is an Air Sign and Scorpio is a Water Sign. These two

elements can be a great combination if they work together, using
willpower and intellect to get things done. Scorpio is a strategist,
and can help Libra slow down and learn how to test the water
before diving into it. Libra teaches Scorpio to relax and cut their
losses when their efforts are thwarted. However, Scorpio can be
emotionally manipulative, too much Water watering down Libra's
enthusiasm. Conversely, too much Air can hurl a riptide into the
Water and drive Scorpio mad. Libra and Scorpio must plan and work
together, rather than coming up with their own agendas to
maintain the great sense of balance between them.

Libra is a Cardinal Sign and Scorpio is a Fixed Sign. Libra brings a

new idea to the relationship and Scorpio maintains it. Both require
extreme focus and devotion in a relationship. Scorpio can lead Libra
toward stabilizing and finishing things rather than jumping into
new projects without completing the old ones. Both are loyal and
devoted to each other, and when they can understand, they can
enjoy a satisfying relationship Libra providing the reasoning and
brain power, and Scorpio as the passionate, emotional force.

The best aspect of the Libra-Scorpio relationship is the power

they find in unity. They can accomplish a lot, whether they come
together for a cause in the business or romantic sphere. They are
both winners and they won't give up, making theirs a relationship
that takes care of business.

Libra. The Libran is too superficial for the Scorpio but they will be
attracted to their uncomplicated physical love. The good-natured
Libran is astonished by the obsessiveness of the Scorpio, but does
not allow themselves to be drawn into it for a while. Soon, the
Scorpio finds the Libran too composed and superficial. If the Libran
is able to give up their flirtatiousness, they could experience a very
passionate love affair and marriage otherwise a short-lived,
pleasant love affair but an unhappy marriage will be the result.

Back To Article Index.

Scorpio and Scorpio

When two Scorpions come together, it is a fierce tempest of

intense passion. Both are obsessed with one another and the
relationship may progress more quickly than most. Personal
relations are positively steamy but, to the equal and opposite
extreme, disputes will also be frenetically powerful. This
relationship can either be the greatest experience in the world or a
destruction of the partners involved.

The merging of two Scorpions can bring out the best in both of
you, each using their emotional and intuitive natures to love their
partner very deeply. Determination and strong will keep these two
together. As long as both partners are committed to the
relationship, no external forces can intrude. These two Power Signs
can work well together as long as they learn to channel their
energy constructively no easy task for Scorpio.

Scorpio is ruled by the Planets Mars and Pluto. Mars is the

ancient God of War, always charging forward, passionate,
aggressive and courageous. Pluto is the higher octave of Mars and
controls the power, destruction and rebirthing elements of the
Scorpio-Scorpio relationship. These two planets together allow the
Scorpion to bounce back after a tragic loss. Fortunate for the
Scorpion, as you're intense passions inflate the importance and loss
of everything.

Scorpio is a Water Sign, thus their first reaction to any situation

is a deep emotional response. The greatest asset for a Scorpio is to
tame the vengeful or vindictive side of their intuitive personalities,
and to celebrate the extreme ups and quickly forget the downs.
Come out and say what you really want! If you keep your feelings
well hidden, they could eat away at the stable structure that holds
you and your partner so securely. Because you are both devoted,
jealousy may become an issue. Be strong, brave Scorpio, and
overcome this hurdle together!

Scorpio is a Fixed Sign. Two Fixed Signs together can take turns
filling each other's cup of new ideas. As a team, you get things
done! This is a good combination for business partners as well as
personal relationships. Together, you have a wonderful mind for
investments and shared resources. Scorpio is certain to investigate
thoroughly before moving on toward the next brilliant idea. You will
have no trouble finishing a project once the both of you are
dedicated to its completion.

The best aspect of the Scorpio-Scorpio relationship is the

intensity of love that this couple can feel. You are very goal-
oriented, and your shared power makes you an unconquerable duo!
Utter devotion insures that this relationship will continue for a long

Scorpio. A blazing emotional fire binds these two together and

not even a torrential flood will be able to put it out. But, their lives
will be hell thanks to their domineering and argumentative natures.
An exciting romance, but a marriage will not last for long.

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Scorpio and Sagittarius

When Scorpio and Sagittarius come together, they need to ease

into the relationship, being careful not to jump ahead of the game.
Their patience will be rewarded by each other! Sagittarius thrives
on variety, novelty and optimism. Scorpio values the experiences,
which strengthen the couple's emotional ties. Early in the
relationship, Sagittarius may feel somewhat tied down by Scorpio's
expectations, but if Scorpio can keep their emotions in check, this
pair can have a powerful and exciting relationship.

Scorpio and Sagittarius share a probing, explorative outlook on

life. They delight in having an adventure together. Sagittarius may
find Scorpio stubborn and inflexible. Scorpio may think Sagittarius
is at times too hotheaded. Together they can share learning about
new things or seeing new places. Their relationship is always on the

Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and Mars and Sagittarius is ruled by

Jupiter. Mars is the God of War, breaking the way for Scorpio's
determined, courageous character. Mars, when combined with
Pluto, represents rebirthing and renewal. Jupiter focuses on
philosophy, higher learning, expansion, optimism, luck and travel.
Together this combination of growth and expansion, masculine
energy, is why they admire and can sustain each other.

Scorpio is a Water Sign and Sagittarius is a Fire Sign. Sagittarius

initiates projects from pure whim and spontaneous action, while
Scorpio's motives are more subdued. These partners may
sometimes find it difficult to understand where the other gets their
inspiration. However, if both partners agree that the relationship is
important, then their devotion and love will provide the most
valuable support.

Scorpio is a Fixed Sign and Sagittarius is a Mutable Sign. Both

Signs tend to be focused on multiple projects, but only under the
guidance of Scorpio will these tasks be completed. However,
Sagittarius likes to move from project to project at will.
Fortunately, it's easy for Sagittarius to notice and appreciate
Scorpio's efforts, as the Scorpion is more stubborn and has
stringent standards. In turn, Scorpio needs to give Sagittarius the
freedom to explore their own space and interests. Scorpio can make
Sagittarius' ideas come to fruition, even if Sagittarius has lost
interest and moved on. Sagittarius can teach Scorpio that flexibility
is sometimes better than a resolute determination.

The best aspect of the Scorpio-Sagittarius relationship is the

security and flexibility they can give each other. They make a
compatible couple once they learn to look at the world through
each other's philosophies and open up to each other. As long as
they communicate and celebrate their differences, theirs will be a
passionate relationship.

Sagittarius. The Scorpio with their deep sexual feelings is unable

to come to terms with the unreliable Sagittarius. Scorpios cannot
understand that Sagittarius is unable to make sacrifices. On the
other side of the coin, they may experience a limited sexual
attraction before the Sagittarius's desire for freedom defeats the
jealous Scorpio. The depth of the Scorpio's feelings terrifies the
Sagittarius. A short-term relationship will only work if they are both
tolerant. A marriage is virtually impossible.

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Scorpio and Capricorn

When Scorpio and Capricorn come together, they can help each
other to mature as individuals and to learn the value of a loving
relationship. Shyness, reservations, and distrust of others may
dampen the initial impact of this relationship. It takes a long time
for this duo to open up to one another and feel comfortable with a
significant other. However, once they have learned to trust, share,
and care for another person, this relationship will be secure and

Scorpio and Capricorn have a lot to learn from one another, as

well as a lot to work out. Scorpio can learn to cool their heated
emotions from Capricorn's proficient and stable behavior. However,
this sentiment may also backfire for Scorpio who may become
irritated at Capricorn's apparent lack of emotional depth. Capricorn
can learn to probe more deeply within themselves and all aspects of
life from their partner. Both Signs share a love of committing to a

Scorpio is ruled by the Planets Mars and Pluto and Capricorn is

ruled by the Planet Saturn. Mars and Pluto represent aggression,
courage, sexual energy, rebirth and renewal. Saturn teaches the
great lessons in life hard work, diligence, ambition and
responsibility. Both Signs combine to form an industrious union
bound by Scorpio's fierce emotion and Capricorn's ambitious action.
This is a dynamic team for business as well as a personal

Scorpio is a Water Sign and Capricorn is an Earth Sign. The Earth

is in touch with practical matters and material possessions. This is
a good balance for the Water element, which tends to take on the
shape of a given situation in the form of an emotional reaction. If
stability and flexibility are practiced by Capricorn and Scorpio,
respectively, then each is able to share their knowledge and
qualities with their loved one effectively.

Scorpio is a Fixed Sign and Capricorn is a Cardinal Sign.

Capricorn usually initiates new and useful projects for themselves
and the world around them. Scorpio is happy to follow suite and
work on their partner's ideas, but will want to interject their own
opinions. It would be wise for Capricorn to stop a moment and
listen and open their channels of communication as much as
possible for their partner. Both Signs are stubborn, and this could
lead to some potential conflict. Also, Scorpio is much more
emotionally involved in the relationship than the Sea Goat, and
perhaps more than the Sea Goat is capable. Both partners must
recognize this and accept it if the relationship is to be successful.

The best aspect of the Scorpio-Capricorn relationship is their

determination to shared ideas and their strong devotion to one
another. Theirs is an excellent business relationship and they can
strive to teach one another about different ways of perception.

Capricorn. They are passionately drawn to one another. The

usually faint-hearted Capricorn is able to experience every strong
emotion ever dreamed of with the Scorpio, which is perfect for the
solitary Capricorn who needs the security, which the Scorpio has to
offer. This makes the Capricorn so happy that they even learn to
accept the Scorpio's need to dominate them. An explosive love
affair. A very good marriage.

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Scorpio and Aquarius

When Scorpio and Aquarius come together, it mingles different

needs and different philosophies. Scorpio has an emotional
intensity with which they face life. Aquarius has an unusual,
idealistic worldview. When Scorpio may be more introverted and
prefer to be alone with their lover, Aquarius enjoys a night out with
friends. They may appear to have few common interests, but these
two are both possessed of strong willpower. When they set this
force to a common goal, they are assured of success.

Both Scorpio and Aquarius can be incompliant and opinionated.

They like things to go as they dictate, with no questions asked.
Scorpio is probing, delves deeply into the hidden meaning of things.
Aquarius is modern and does not enjoy detail. Scorpio will find
Aquarius exciting, yet may feel frustrated trying to penetrate this
revolutionary's mind. Aquarius will not appreciate the
possessiveness of a stinging Scorpion or the amount of attention
they require, but will find the devotion Scorpio provides to be a
great support.

Scorpio is ruled by the Planets Mars and Pluto, and Aquarius is

ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Mars is a radical, belligerent,
aggressive and courageous masculine energy and Pluto enlightens
these impulses and adds a rebirthing, cyclical quality. Saturn is a
cool, contained energy, and Uranus is about all things different and
unusual. Mars is emotional, reacting without thinking things
through; such is the nature of Scorpio. For Aquarius, Saturn is
about hard work and discipline to achieve goals while Uranus
determines thinking ahead. Scorpio will teach Aquarius about life
based on emotional impulses and what it means to peak behind the
surface. Aquarius can teach Scorpio to be more aloof, to detach
themselves from uncontrollable situations and to re-evaluate their
goals if they are off course.

Scorpio is a Water Sign and Aquarius is an Air Sign. Aquarius

moves through life with pure inventive exploration, while Scorpio is
more analytical. Scorpio looks for purpose and Aquarius seeks the
stimulating. These partners may find it difficult to understand the
other's origin of thought. This pair may have confrontations if
Scorpio is too possessive or if Aquarius seems too cool and flippant
and denies Scorpio emotional reassurance. Both partners need to
learn that they view the world in different ways and they should
celebrate and laugh at their differences.

Scorpio and Aquarius are both Fixed Signs. Both can be rigid,
opinionated and unyielding. Both partners tend to persist when
laboring toward a goal. If they have a plan, they'll stick to it until
their efforts are rewarded. Once they have made up their minds
that they are good mates for each other, they will never be
discouraged from maintaining the relationship. But if they have
differing ideas, they may find that the Scorpion is the more
tenacious, more dogmatic partner who is not beyond emotional
manipulation of a loved one. If they each believe in the value of the
relationship, they will be able to overcome differences.

The best aspect of the Scorpio-Aquarius relationship is the

capacity for success in their synergy. Both Signs have very powerful
personalities, so neither will openly dominate the other. Once they
can work out their differences, come together and agree on their
individual roles within the team, the fruits of this relationship can
be fulfilling.

Aquarius. The intense Scorpio, with his drive for the passionate
sexuality, is too violent for the Aquarius. The Scorpio, obsessed
with sex, finds the Aquarius boring. The Aquarius is too interested
in the company of others for the Scorpio. Bad outlook for
relationships and marriage.

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Scorpio and Pisces

When Scorpio and Pisces come together they enjoy a splendid

union. The two Signs share the same Element, Water, and thus have
a good understanding of each other. Scorpio is very deep and
covert, often caught up in their own secret plans, while Pisces is
idealistic and looks for the nuances of a situation. However, Pisces
also has a tendency to withdraw into their own mind, and can
forgive Scorpio for being mysterious or withdrawn at times.

Both Signs are intuitive and in touch with the subtleties of human
interaction. Pisces fulfill dreams and ambitions to turn ideas into
reality. The Scorpion will provide a steadfast foundation for the
relationship to revolve around, and the more ephemeral and
intuitive Fish will become entangled in Scorpio's web. In return,
Pisces offers gentleness, kindness, and sympathy, which Scorpio
admires and appreciates. Scorpio is interested in certain material
comforts and intense emotional dramas, and at times cannot
understand the simplistic, charitable attitude of Pisces. Their long-
term aspirations can be completely unalike. Once they can
understand and overcome this difference, theirs will be a very
rewarding relationship.

Scorpio follows the Planets Mars and Pluto, and Pisces is ruled by
Jupiter and Neptune. Mars is the ancient God of War, and Scorpio is
testimony to its aggressive, courageous, daring, and sometime
belligerent influences. When combined with Pluto, this hot Planet
becomes cyclical and symbolizes rebirth and new beginnings.
Scorpio is able to withstand a great deal of abuse and bounce back,
but the Scorpion is also able to dish out this energy in spades!
Pisces is also ruled by Jupiter. This represents philosophy,
expansion and excesses. The Neptunian influence gives Pisces a
dreamy aura and a love for popular culture and media. This dreamy
energy softens Scorpio's hard edges. The nature of this planetary
combination offers a complementary relationship, drenched in
emotional intrigue and endowed with a real celestial bond.
However, Scorpio must be careful not to cramp the floating Fish, as
Pisces will suffocate under too many demands.

Scorpio and Pisces are both Water Signs. Generally they're very
compatible, as Water is a tangible, physical entity and both
appreciate this property. Pisces is born to connect mankind, and
when they come together with Scorpio's intrigue and tenacity there
is no stronger bond. In addition, Scorpio has an absolutist view of
life; everything is either golden or tarnished. Pisces can help to
open up multiple possibilities, rather than a single focus. Scorpio
may tire of Pisces' instability, and Pisces may in turn feel that
Scorpio is self-absorbed and insensitive to their needs. It will be
comparatively easy for them to find a compromise.

Scorpio is a Fixed Sign and Pisces is a Mutable Sign. Scorpio

tends to be focused on one project at a time, but Pisces likes to
move from project to project as the feeling takes them. Pisces can
easily become a part of Scorpio's pastimes and projects. In turn,
Scorpio needs to give Pisces the freedom to enjoy personal
interests. Pisces can show Scorpio that flexibility is sometimes
better than a stringent determination, and that compromise without
struggle can pay off. Scorpio and Pisces feed off of each other's
energy well, and should be compatible in romance or business.

The best aspect of the Scorpio-Pisces relationship is their similar

emotional natures. They complement and harmonize with one
another very well. The overall empathy and commitment these two
signs value in a relationship is what will keep the ties strong and
long lasting between the Scorpion and Fish.

Pisces. These two complement each other extremely well. The

Scorpio benefits from the uncontrollable imagination and effusive
nature of the Pisces, who surrenders lovingly to the Scorpio's
passionate and sensitive nature. A great romance; Their passion
can last a lifetime. (Scorpio's most compatible astrological mate).

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