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Questionnaire On Training and Development

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CuLS1lCnnAl8L Cn 18AlnlnC Anu uLvLLCMLn1


1)?our work experlence ln Lhe company
4 3 years
4 31years
4 113 years
4 Above 13 years

2)Are you saLlsfled wlLh Lhe recognlLlon you geL from Lhe managemenL you work?
4 lghly saLlsfled
4 SaLlsfled
4 ulssaLlsfled
4 lghly dlssaLlsfled

3)Lmployees are glven appralsal ln order Lo moLlvaLe Lhem Lo aLLend Lhe Lralnlnguo youagree wlLh
Lhls sLaLemenL?
4 SLrongly agree
4 Agree
4 SomewhaL agree
4 ulsagree
4 SLrongly dlsagree

4)WhaL are Lhe meLhods followed for Lralnlng ln your organlzaLlon?
4 oachlng
4 LecLures
4 Semlnars
4 Workshops

3)1o whom Lhe Lralnlng ls glven more ln your organlzaLlon?
4 Senlor sLaff
4 unlor sLaff
4 new sLaff
4 ased on requlremenL

6)WhaL Lype of Lralnlng ls belng lmparLed for new recrulLers ln your organlzaLlon?
4 1echnlcal Lralnlng
4 ManagemenL Lralnlng
4 resenLaLlon skllls
4 CLhers

7)WheLher Lhe Lralnlng meLhods ln your organlzaLlon are lncorporaLlng recenL Lrends?
4 upLo daLe
4 8egularly
4 SomeLlmes
4 1radlLlonal meLhod

8)referred meLhods of Lralnlng are
4 LecLure meLhod
4 ase sLudy meLhod
4 8ole plays
4 Llearnlng meLhod

9)Cn whaL basls Lralnlng calendar ls prepared ln your organlzaLlon?
4 Cn monLhly basls
4 CuarLerly basls
4 alf yearly basls
4 Annual basls

1)1ralnlng needs of n1 are regularly assessed by
4 8u
4 ueparLmenL heads
4 LxLernal consulLanL
4 Lmployees Lhemselves

11)ow many Lralnlng programmes wlll you aLLend ln a year?
4 Less Lhan 1
4 12
4 24
4 More Lhan 4

12)1ypes of Lralnlng programmes conducLed ln your organlzaLlon?
4 Leadershlp developmenL programmes
4 LxecuLlve developmenL programmes
4 1echnlcal developmenL programmes
4 SafeLy relaLed programmes

13)ow ofLen Lralnlng ls conducLed ln your organlzaLlon?
4 CuarLerly
4 alf yearly
4 MonLhly
4 uepends on requlremenL

14)1ralnlng evaluaLlon ls done by
4 ersonnel execuLlve
4 lmmedlaLe reporLlng offlcer
4 ead of Lhe dlvlslon
4 LxLernal consulLanL

13)uoes your superlors/subordlnaLes are communlcaLlng well abouL your performanceafLer Lralnlng
4 SLrongly agree
4 Agree
4 SomewhaL agree
4 ulsagree
4 SLrongly dlsagree

16)Are you saLlsfled wlLh Lhe Lralnlng meLhods followed ln your organlzaLlon?
4 lghly SaLlsfled
4 SaLlsfled
4 ulssaLlsfled
4 lghly SaLlsfled

17)AfLer Lhe Lralnlng sesslons employees are able Lo manage dlfflculL Lasks easlly Lhanearller
4 SLrongly agree
4 Agree
4 ulsagree
4 SLrongly dlsagree

18)WhaL are all lmporLanL barrlers Lo Lralnlng and developmenL ln your organlzaLlon?
4 1lme
4 Money
4 Lack of skllled labour
4 non avallablllLy of skllled Lralner

19)ave you ever come across any problem durlng Lhe Lralnlng perlod ln your organlzaLlon?
4 ?es
4 no
lf yes

2) uo u suggesL anyLhlng regardlng Lralnlng programme?

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