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Ec2304 Microprocessors and Micro Controllers L T P C

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LTPC 3104
UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO 8 BIT AND 16 BIT MICROPROCESSORS H/W ARCHITECTURE 9 Introduction to microprocessor, computer and its organization, Programming system, Address bus, data bus and control bus, Tristate bus, clock generation, Connecting Microprocessor to I/O devices , Data transfer schemes, Architectural advancements of microprocessors. Introductory System design using microprocessors, 8086 Hardware Architecture, External memory addressing, Bus cycles, some important Companion Chips, Maximum mode bus cycle, 8086 system configuration, Memory Interfacing, Minimum mode system configuration, Maximum mode system configuration, Interrupt processing, Direct memory access. UNIT II 16 BIT MICROPROCESSOR INSTRUCTION SET AND ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING 9 Programmers model of 8086, operand types, operand addressing, assembler directives, instruction set - Data transfer group, Arithmetic group, logical group, control transfer group, miscellaneous instruction groups, programming. UNIT III MICROPROCESSOR PERIPHERAL INTERFACING 9 Introduction, Generation of I/O Ports, Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI)-Intel 8255, Sample-and-Hold Circuit and Multiplexer, Keyboard and Display Interface, Keyboard and Display Controller (8279), Programmable Interval timers (Intel 8253, 8254), D-to-A converter, A-to-D converter, CRT Terminal Interface, Printer Interface. UNIT IV 8 BIT MICROCONTROLLER- H/W ARCHITECTURE, INSTRUCTION SET AND PROGRAMMING 9 Introduction to 8051 Micro-controller, Architecture, Memory organization, Special function registers, Port Operation, Memory Interfacing, I/O Interfacing, Programming 8051 resources, interrupts, Programmers model of 8051, Operand types, Operand addressing, Data transfer instructions, Arithmetic instructions, Logic instructions, Control transfer instructions, Programming UNIT V SYSTEM DESIGN USING MICRO PROCESSOR & MICROCONTROLLER 9 Case studies Traffic light control, washing machine control, RTC Interfacing using I2C Standard- Motor Control- Relay, PWM, DC & Stepper Motor. L: 45, T: 15, TOTAL= 60 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS: 1. Krishna Kant, MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROCONTROLLERS Architecture, programming and system design using 8085, 8086, 8051 and 8096. PHI 2007. 2. Douglas V Hall, MICROPROCESSORS AND INTERFACING, PROGRAMMING AND HARDWARE TMH, 2006. REFERENCES: 1. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, Rolin D.MCKinlay The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems, Second Edition, Pearson Education 2008. 2. Kenneth J. Ayala, The 8086 Microprocessor: Programming & Interfacing The PC, Delmar Publishers, 2007. 3. A K Ray, K M Bhurchandi, Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals, TMH, 2007.


0032 1. Programs for 16 bit Arithmetic operations (Using 8086). 2. Programs for Sorting and Searching (Using 8086). 3. Programs for String manipulation operations (Using 8086). 4. Programs for Digital clock and Stop watch (Using 8086). 5. Interfacing ADC and DAC. 6. Parallel Communication between two MP Kits using Mode 1 and Mode 2 of 8255. 7. Interfacing and Programming 8279, 8259, and 8253. 8. Serial Communication between two MP Kits using 8251. 9. Interfacing and Programming of Stepper Motor and DC Motor Speed control. 10. Programming using Arithmetic, Logical and Bit Manipulation instructions of 8051 microcontroller. 11. Programming and verifying Timer, Interrupts and UART operations in 8051 microcontroller. 12. Communication between 8051 Microcontroller kit and PC. TOTAL= 45 PERIODS Requirement for a batch of 30 students S.No. Description of Equipment Quantity required 1. 8086 Trainer 15 Nos. 2. 8051 Trainer 15 Nos. 3. 8255 Interfacing Card 3 Nos. 4. 8279 Interfacing Card 3 Nos. 5. 8259 Interfacing card 3 Nos. 6. 8251 Interfacing Card 3 Nos. 7. ADC Interfacing card 3 Nos. 8. DAC Interfacing Card 3 Nos. 9. Stepper motor Interfacing card 3 Nos. 10. DC motor Interfacing card 3 Nos.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Mention the general purpose registers in 8085 microprocessor. What is the function of accumulator? What are the flag registers available in 8085? What is buffer? Mention the groups of 8085 pin signals. Explain the function of program counter. What is the function of SP? What is memory? What are the types of memory? What is memory word? What are the programming registers in 8085? Mention the types of 8085 instruction set. Write any two data transfer instructions of 8085. What is memory address? What is Opcode? What is Operand? What is stack? How many memory locations can be addressed by a microprocessor with 14 address lines? 19. How many address lines are necessary to address two megabytes (2048K) of memory? 20. How many address lines are necessary to address two megabytes(2048K) of memory? 21. What is the purpose of branch instructions in 8085 microprocessor? What is the use of programming technique 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. How many memory locations are available in 8086 microprocessor? What are the flags available in 8086 microprocessor? What are the general purpose registers in 8086? What are the functional units in 8086? What is the purpose of BIU? What is the purpose of EU? What is the purpose of segment register? What are the segment registers in 8086? What is the function of IP? What is the function of control unit? What is the use of base pointer register? Mention the index registers of 8086. What is effective address? What are the assembly language program development steps? What are the instructions types of 8086 mp? Write any two data transfer instructions? Write any two arithmetic instructions. Write any two bit manipulation instructions. Write any two string manipulation instructions. Define CALL and RET. Write any two processor control instructions. Mention any four initialization list in the 8086 program. What are the assembly language program development tools?

24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74.

What is an assembler directive? Define SEGEMNT and ENDS. Define EQU and DB directive. What is editor? Define assembler. Define Linker. What is locator? What is debugger? What is emulator? What are the advantages of segment registers? Define the trap flag. What is effective address? What is physical address? What is operand? What are the types of addressing modes? Define register addressing mode. What is the purpose of register addressing mode? What is immediate addressing mode? Define direct addressing mode. Define register indirect addressing mode. What is index addressing mode? What is base index addressing mode? What is the use of CMP instruction? Mention the two operation modes of 8086 processor. What is minimum mode? What is maximum mode? What is machine cycle? What is instructions cycle? What are the minimum mode signals? What are the maximum mode signals? What is the purpose of INTR pin? What is the function of BHE/S7 pin? How minimum mode or maximum mode is is selected? What are the two modes of 8086 and how do you configure 8086 to work in these modes? How do you classify the programmed I/O data transfer scheme? Give the function of the following pins-Ready, ALE. What is a machine cycle initiated? How many T states does each machine cycle contain in 8086? What do you understand by handshaking? Explain real mode and protected mode of operations? Which signals are used by 8086 microprocessor to specify the current segment portion of the address referred? Can the 8086 microprocessor operate on more than one instruction at a time? If so, explain how it is done. Why word type of data has to be stored starting from an even address in 8086? Mention the function of RQ/GT. What are the display modes supported by the 8279 chip? Name any two coprocessors and their use. Give the format of program clock word of 8279 and mention its purpose. Mention any two coprocessors and their use. What is 2 key lockout and n key roolover? Name the two types of CRT display systems. What do you mean by leading edge and trailing edge problems in hexadecimal keyboards? State any two main functions of a CRT controller.

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