Part I - BA 160 Partnership
Part I - BA 160 Partnership
Part I - BA 160 Partnership
I. NATURE A. Definition and Elements Art. 1767. Partnership is the association and binding of persons with the presence of the three elements: (a) Two or more persons decided to bind themselves, (b) Contribution- money, property or industry to the common fund of the partnership, and (c) Intention- to divide the profits among themselves and/or exercise of profession. In practice, the two intentions are not mutually exclusive, meaning one partnership can be for the exercise of profession while dividing the profit among its members. B. Juridical Personality Art. 1768. Partnership has a juridical personality which is separate and distinct from its partners, even if it fails to comply with the requirements enumerated in article 1772. Art. 1772. Partnership with capital of more than Three thousand pesos (P3000), whether its money or property, should: (a) Appear in Public Instrument- Notary public or official authorized to administer oath, and (b) Recorded in the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) For the tax liability purposes, and for the public to determine their membership and the capital before entering into a contract with the partnership. Non-compliance does NOT result to any juridical personality because the law recognizes the impracticality and inconvenience for small businesses to comply with the requirements. Furthermore, it is to protect third persons who transact with the partnership, wherein having no juridical personality cannot be ground for evading liability. Consequence (a) Art. 1774. Any immovable property or an interest may be acquired or conveyed by a partnership through its own name. Partnership has a separate and distinct personality from its partners. Each partner who acts in behalf of the partnership is merely AGENT of the partnership. (b) Art. 1775. Associations and societies that possesses the following have NO JURIDICAL PERSONALITY and shall be governed by COOWNERSHIP provisions: (i) Articles are kept secret to its members, and (ii) Partner may contract to third persons with in its own name Principle of mutual trust and confidence, therefore it is necessary for a partner to be fully informed of things that affect the partnership. C. Rules on the Determination of the Existence of a Partnership Art. 1769. When there is ambiguity, the following are ways to determine whether there is really a partnership: (1) Not partners to each other are not partners to third persons, EXCEPT the situation provided by article 1825 (partnership by estoppel) Partnership is a matter of intention. (2) Co-ownership or co-possession does NOT establish partnership, whether or not co-owners or co-possessors share profits made by the use of property Profits must be derived from the operation of the business and the undertakings of the members, and not just incidental to the property (intention to realize and divide profits). Sharing of profits triggers confusion (legally external) since the property is difficult to separate (3) Sharing of gross income does NOT establish partnership, whether or not the co-owners have a joint or common interest in the property There is no sharing of profits contemplated since its the sharing of gross returns that was agreed upon. Furthermore, partnership liability is not yet satisfied. Gross return is based on profits while profit is the value after expenses.
B. Registration and Recording Art. 1772. The capital is more than P3000.
SCENARIO 1. Specific + determinate + not fungible + use only (usufruct) 2. Specific + determinate + ownership transfer 3. Fungible + use + deterioration
Contributing partner
Exception: Stipulation to the contrary Consequence when violated: Violation to this provision will result to: (a) Bringing to the common funds the accrued profits from the transactions, and (b) Personally bearing all the losses. The reason where there is RELATIVE prohibition for capitalist partners to engage in business is because of the partnership being fiduciary relation (trust and confidence)possible conflict of interests. Industrialist Partner Art. 1789. General Rule: The industrial partner cannot engage in any business for himself. Exception: Expressly permitted by the other partners Consequence: Any industrial partner who violates this provision, capitalist partners shall: (a) Exclude him from the firm + right to damages, or (b) Avail of themselves the benefits obtained in violation of this provision + right to damages The reasons for the prohibition are to prevent conflict of interest between the industrial partner and the partnership, and to insure faithful compliance with his obligation.
INDUSTRIALIST CAPITALIST Cant engage Relative (no to similar business). Conflict of interests.
4. To be sold Partnership
Cant engage Absolute (any business is not allowed). Conflict of interest, and physical commitment issue Expressly stated (oral or written) Exclude + damages, OR Avail benefits + damages
5. Brought + appraised
* Specific object/ determinate- particular type, not generic Fungible object- interchange or can be exchanged B. To Refrain from Engaging in Business 1. Capitalist Partner Art. 1808. General Rule: Any capitalist partner shall be prohibited from engaging in business on his own account which has similar operations like the partnership.
C. To Prefer the Credit of the Partnership Art. 1792. Two creditors: (a) Partnership creditor
VI. Obligations of the Partnership to a Partner Art. 1796. Every partner shall be responsible to the other partners to: (a) Refund the amount disbursed for the partnership expense (principal) (b) Refund the interest expense from the time the expense was made (c) Answer for the contract obligation entered (good faith + interest of the partnership)
(d) Answer for the risk (good faith + interest of the partnership). Partnership is not responsible if: (a) Partner acted in bad faith, AND (b) Not within the scope of his authority. VII. Obligations of Partners to Third Persons A. To Operate under a Firm Name Art. 1815. Partnership shall operate under a firm name, may or may not include name/s of the partner/s. Partnership is a juridical personality, and to protect third persons. Inclusion of a third person name not an actual partner shall be subject to the liability of a partner. Naming of the partnership can be: (a) Surnames of all the partners (b) Surnames of some of the partners (c) One of the partners Special Cases: (a) Misleading name-deceptive, identical to the name used by others, or contrary to law (b) Deceased persons: General Rule: Partnership cant use the name. Exception: Communication efforts that state that partnership is deceased. Consequence: Liability of the partner B. To Be Liable for Contracts Referred to in Article 1816 Art. 1816. General Rule: All partners shall be liable pro-rata after all the partnership assets are exhausted and their respective properties, for contract: (1) Entered into in the name of the partnership, (2) Account of the partnership, and (3) Acted by the person authorized. Exception: Any partner may enter into separate obligation to perform a partnership contract. Article 1816 is a contractual obligation. Art. 1817. General Rule: Stipulation against the liability laid down in the preceding article (1816) shall be void. Insofar as it affects third persons Exception: Not void among themselves
LIABILITY OF INDUSTRIAL PARTNER LEGAL BASIS Applicable provisions Parties involved General Rules Losses- Financial Articles 1797-1799 Capitalist and industrial with money and property involved 1. With stipulation (based on agreement) 2. No stipulation (contribution) 3. Third party designation None. Not provided by law Pure industrial partner Exclusion from loss (valid or void) 1. Capitalist partner- void 2. Industrial partner- it depends Liability- Contract Liability Article 1816-1817 Both parties 1. Exhaust partnership property 2. Pro-rata liability (partners)
Partners assets No exception Against liability (valid or void) 1. As among the partnersvalid 2. In relation to third persons- voidagainst public policy
Any partner
C. To Bind the Partnership 1. In General Art. 1818. General Rule: Every partner is an agent of the partnership for the purpose of business operations. (a) Partners acts are binding to the partnership for apparently carrying on the usual course of business. Exception: Partner has no authority to act the particular action, and third person dealt with has knowledge of such lack of power (b) Partners acts are NOT binding to the partnership if it is NOT apparent for the usual course of business. Exception: Authorized by the other partners. (c) One or more but less than all of the partners have no authority to: (1) Assigning the partnerships property to creditors trust or the assignees promise to pay the debt (2) Disposing the goodwill of the business
2 3
Partnership > Some of the partners > No right indication for the partnership > Some or all of the partners > Trustee (third person) All the partners
GR: Yes. Property conveyed E: > Valid conveyance under 1818 > Holder for value (good faith + payment) None GR: Yes. Valid act under 1818 E: Holder for value- good faith None
Any partner
All partners
Equitable interest [within authority under 1818] Title and equitable interest
G. Person Admitted into an Existing Partnership: To Be Liable for Existing Obligations of the Partnership Art. 1826. General Rule: Liability of an admitted partner shall include all the liabilities arising before admission. Exception: Liabilities to be satisfied with the personal assets of the partners.
Partnership property Separate property of the old partner Separate property of the new partner
Admitted partner partakes the benefit of the partnership and he has all the means to obtain full knowledge of the partnership. H. To Prefer the Creditors of the Partnership as regards the Partnership Property Art. 1827. With regards to partnership property, the priority is as follows: (1) Partnership creditors, then (2) Separate creditors of the partners. But they have the remedy to ask for the attachment and public sale of the share of the respective partner. Partnership has a juridical personality, therefore it is but radical to treat its creditors first. Rights of a Partner Art. 1810. Property rights of the partners: (1) Specific partnership property, (2) Interest in the partnership, and (3) Participate in the management. A. Rights in the Specific Partnership Property Art. 1811. Partners are co-owners of the partnership property. The incidents of co-ownership are: Co-ownership because of its characteristics, but in fact, partners are really co-managers of the partnership property. (a) Partner has the equal right to possess specific partnership property provided that the same is for the business purposes